• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 1,343 Views, 176 Comments

Strider - Olakaan Peliik

My name is Flame Strider, I am a Pegasus, and City Guard. This is my record of my time in the City Guard, and travels across Equestria.

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New Horseleans - IV

He said that he would be back. Finder seemed like a pony of his word, somepony who didn't leave things unfinished. Not that things have really been happening as far as the investigation went. I mostly had to oversee the processing of Wind Walker, so he could have a proper burial ASAP. I also put a surveillance detail onto the bartender Blu, just to make sure; so far, he hadn’t drowned in his own cider.

In the meantime, my birthday had come and gone, and New HorseIeans threw an absolutely spectacular Summer Sun Celebration with a parade and all. Jett had the most fun out of everyone there. She got to ride on the Equestrian Military float with a bunch of her classmates as she pretended to be a Wonderbolt, an awesome one at that.

I was out looking for a suitable present for Jett right now. Her birthday was only in another day so.

A thought crossed my mind as a whole pony family walked by; it is getting close to when Jett's real parents died. I have no plan for how I'm gonna handle that.

That wasn't for another few weeks now though, so I have time to figure it out. In the meantime, pony number one in my life needs a present. But what to get her?

My stomach growled at me, and my head itched. Perhaps the search would go faster if I had lunch. I started looking for a place to eat. I found a place that not only offered food but had a blackjack table to boot. Maybe this time my luck would come around and I’d get some more money to buy her a special present.

My alarm went off, and I silenced it as quickly as I could. I already informed Jett's teacher yesterday she was gonna be absent today, so no school. Now to start things off with breakfast.

Since she didn't have a preference between pancakes, waffles, or Prench toast, I made her all three, topped with boysenberry syrup and strawberries. Eggs, hashbrowns, and a glass of Mango-orange juice. Yes, she can eat all of that, and probably more. How? I have no idea.

The next thing I knew, the entire counter was covered in pancakes, waffles, Prench toast, and batter. Actually, I may have made too much; I'm not hungry really, I've been a little nauseous every now and again lately. Oh well. We'll have leftovers.

Once everything was good and ready, I checked the time. A little after nine in the morning? She should be awake by now. I went to her room to see if she was awake. "Jett! Sweetie! I made you breakfast,” I called through the door.

"I'll be right out,” she called. I heard a sniff through the door.

I opened the door slowly. "Hey, you okay?”

Jett was laying on the bed, trying to dry her eyes quickly. "Mhmm…” she nodded.

"You were crying?" I asked. She nodded. I looked over at a picture of her and her birth parents. "You miss them.”

"Yeah. Mom would bring me breakfast in bed every year today. I miss her most.” Jett looked at the picture.

“They sounded like truly good ponies.” I smiled and squeezed her into a hug. “Would you like to go visit them soon? Not today, but soon?” Jett nodded.

Knocking on the door broke the moment. “You know who that is?” Jett asked. I shook my head.

“Go eat. I'll get the door.” Jett hurried past me and over to the table. I went over to the door to see who was knocking.

I opened the door and received a yell of “Surprise!” right to the face.

Standing there was Atlas, Buttercup, and Grandma Galaxy. “Jett, it's for you,” I called, letting them in with a big grin on my face.

Jett had stopped eating and rushed over to hug our surprise visitors. “Hey, kiddo!” Atlas smiled and hugged her.

Buttercup and Grandma moved past them quickly to put their stuff down. As Jett turned to hug them, Atlas put his bags down. All of their bags contained wrapped presents.

“What did you bring?” I asked, looking at the packages. There were a lot of them. And a lot of big ones.

“Apparently the rest of our family is determined to spoil Jett,” Atlas explained. “Orion and Thasus couldn't be here so they sent gifts, as well as our various aunts, uncles, and cousins.”

I raised an eyebrow. “The majority of them haven't even met Jett yet.”

“I wrote them, and they were very enthusiastic about her,” Grandma said proudly, she looked at the table and the kitchen. “Did we interrupt breakfast?”

“Um, a little bit. I made a lot, you all hungry?” I extended my wing towards the food.

“‘Are we hungry?’ What kind of question is that?” Buttercup asked sarcastically, getting a plate.

“Dad made it all himself for me!” Jett said happily as she went back to her seat.

“I believe it,” Atlas smiled back at the grinning filly. “So what was the plan today?”

“Dad and I were gonna go walk around the city. See what looks interesting,” Jett said through a mouthful of food.

“Don't talk with your mouth full,” I reminded her. “But she is correct.”

“That sounds like fun, do you mind if we tag along?” Grandma asked.

“It's up to Jett this time. She's the birthday filly,” I pointed with a hoof.

I could tell from the smirk on her face that Jett was gonna try and use this to her advantage. After she swallowed another mouthful of food she grinned. “I won't mind if we can open presents after breakfast.” She threw on her cutest smile, the one that was impossible to resist.

I rolled my eyes, but Grandma appeared to fall for it hook, line, and sinker. “I don't see why we can't. We would like a moment to relax after being on that train anyway.”

“Once you’re done eating, and your plate is in the sink, you can go ahead and get started,” I said to her.

“Super Pony Arcade?” I read the sign. It said Now Open on the door.

“The kids in school keep talking about it,” Jett beamed as we all walked in.

Walking in, I realized that this place was Magi-tech central. Games powered by magical energies, and enchanted to show images on a kind of screen without a projector. The games had titles like Gallopga, Centisteed, Neightona Racing, Luna Lander, Neighzy Taxi. Call me old-fashioned, but I think I prefer the old carnival games. A lot less noisy.

“So let’s get you some tokens so you can play,” I said, following my family in.

“I don’t know about you all, but I think it would be best if I find a place to sit down,” Grandma said, turning toward a meal booth.

“I wanna play Wonderbolt Simulator first!” Jett shouted and ran off.

“I’ll keep up with her,” Buttercup said, hurrying after her.

I had started to follow when Atlas stopped me. “Strider, hang on. I was actually hoping to speak to you.”

“Yeah sure, what about?” I asked.

“Let’s go over here.” Atlas led me over to some games that were out of order so we wouldn’t be distracted. He sucked in a breath, then fixed me with an even stare. “I wanted to talk to you about your recent behavior.”

“What recent behavior?” I looked at him in confusion.

“Moving here when you didn't need to, the gambling, not to mention your health,” Atlas said poking me in the shoulder.

“I’m not following,” I grumbled and rubbed where he poked me.

Atlas sighed. “Come on, little brother, I’ve been keeping an eye on you. We all have. Orion and Fleetfoot noticed you’ve been losing weight. Thasus noticed the gambling. Everypony noticed that you moved here when you didn’t need to.”

I scowled. “I don't have a problem, brother. It is just a bit of fun when I have the time, I don't go out of my way to place bets.” I fiddled with a game’s controls so I didn’t have to look at him.

Atlas stood firm. “Then explain your health?” He pointed at my gut, which was admittedly a lot smaller than it had been a few weeks ago. “You didn't look like this a few weeks ago. You’ve been losing weight.”

“I’m fine brother, really. I don't feel any different than normal.” I shrugged. I really don't know what he was talking about, I felt fine. Okay, maybe I got nauseous from time to time and had headaches maybe once or twice a week, but I was fine.

“What about mental health?” Atlas pressed. “Your prime suspect in Baltimare died when she didn't surrender. Snow left you. We lost Mom. Now you watched this cult kill a pony in front of you.”

I gritted my teeth: I hated it when somepony mentioned Snow. “How did you know it was a cult?” I tried to avoid the subject.

“Newspaper,” Atlas shrugged. Great, just what I needed. “But that is not the point,” he continued. “Whether you admit it or not, you are not well, brother. I can have a transfer set up in a matter of days, you and Jett can come stay with me.”

Okay, now he was just getting on my nerves. “No brother,” I snapped at him. “I need to finish this investigation before we go anywhere, and after that, we might just move to a place that is better on crime. Ponyville has an all-time low right now, we might go there.”

Atlas frowned at me in obvious concern. I sighed and let some of my previous anger out. “Brother, I promise you, I’m fine, really,” I said in a calmer tone.

Atlas sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. “I don't believe you, but I will drop it for now. Let’s go celebrate with that filly of yours.” Atlas turned towards where Jett and Buttercup were playing a game where they pretended to be flying through the air.

I stared at my reflection in the blank screen of the arcade game: there were some bags under my eyes, and my coat did look like it was duller, not to mention that I had lost quite a bit of weight really fast…

He was wrong. I don't have a problem.


On the way back home we had gotten a decently sized cake, and Jett had requested pineapple and olive pizza for dinner, so we’d gotten three large ones.

I was still on my first piece. I kept catching myself looking at the bookshelf where I kept the false book that held my gambling money. I don't have a problem, I thought hard.

“Brother? Aren't you hungry?” Atlas asked, pointing at my pizza slice.

I shook my head and pushed my plate away. “Not particularly. I'll eat later.” Atlas shot me a quick judgmental look before returning to his pizza.

“Dad and I are gonna go visit my parents soon,” Jett said with some sadness.

“I think that is a good idea dear,” Grandma said putting a hoof on Jett’s.

“Have you seen them since the funeral?” Buttercup asked.

“When I was still in the orphanage,” Jett said. “My caretaker took me just before Dad took me in.”

“So it's been a while?” Atlas asked the obvious.

Jett nodded. “Dad said soon, though.”

“I did say soon,” I confirmed.

“The sooner the better. It's not something you want to put off,” Grandma said.

“I promised.”

Promised Snow too,” I heard Atlas mumble, thinking nopony heard him.

“What's that supposed to mean?” I narrowed my eyes and glared.

He spoke up this time. “You also promised Snow that you'd stop gambling. But you broke that one.”

That was a private conversation between Snow and me. The only way he could know about it as if she told him. “You've been talking to Snow?” I growled.

“Now sweetie. I—” Grandma started but I cut her off.

I stood from my seat. “No! I want to know why he is taking sides with the mare who walked out on me and a filly who loved her! Why he refuses to believe his own brother!”

Atlas stood as well. “Because I looked into what she was saying. Your health is suffering, your finances have dropped significantly several times—”

“Who gave you permission to look into my account?!” I shouted. “You know what, I don't want to know. Thank you all for coming. You may stay the night if need be. I have work in the morning, I'm gonna get some rest. Goodnight.” I stormed off to my room.

“But Dad, we didn't even get to the cake!” I heard Jett call from behind.

“I SAID ‘GOODNIGHT’!” just before slamming the door.

I flopped down onto my bed, breathing hard. But after a few seconds, my anger started to evaporate, replaced with something much worse: crushing guilt. I felt like a huge weight was pressing me down onto the bed. I wanted to cry, but the tears wouldn’t come. I knew I should go back out and apologize, but I couldn’t get out of bed: my family must all hate me now.

I closed my eyes, even though I knew that I wouldn’t be getting any sleep.

Author's Note:

Somepony is a little tense.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I look forward to your comments. Give a thumbs up if you like it, and haven't yet.