• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 1,342 Views, 176 Comments

Strider - Olakaan Peliik

My name is Flame Strider, I am a Pegasus, and City Guard. This is my record of my time in the City Guard, and travels across Equestria.

  • ...

Baltimare - XI

“Make this easier on yourself, and tell me who it was who ordered you to move on that store,” I snapped, glaring across the table that sat in the blank white interrogation room.

Silence. This guy was practically a kid. Skinny, likely a junkie looking for a fix, desperate for any kind of relief. So desperate that he was willing to do dirty work for quick bits.

“I can wait all day buddy.” I leaned back and glared at the pony. And I could wait, his public defender wasn't getting here anytime soon.

I was tightening my grip on Amaryllis Lurce. She was starting to get desperate, hiring any lowlife willing to kill for a paycheck, which worked for me because they were more likely to squawk.

I could see the sweat forming beneath the thug’s coat. “She's running out of hired help, right?” I pressed. “So she hired you to rough up that store clerk. Too bad you didn't know that we were waiting for you. If you get out of here she'll probably use you as an example.” I was just talking really. Just depositing possible scenarios.

Then I saw it in his eyes. He broke. “I-I wanna cut a deal,” he said.

“Okay. I'll have someone from the DA in here momentarily.” I stood, exited the interrogation room, and walked into the observation room, where Seera, Ace, and Stone were waiting.

“How do you do that?” Stone asked, looking astonished.

“It's easy with junkies. Silence is their enemy; the more you let their mind wander into the worst, the better,” I said, signing a paper for Seera, officially giving her the prisoner.

“You all are getting so good at this I might as well move my office down here, being all efficient-like. Keep this up and I'll be getting a promotion,” she said and trotted out.

“We got some good momentum going, Sergeant. Do we want to slow down a bit? Let them make it a challenge again?” Ace asked with bravado.

“Heck no. If it were up to me, I'd lock them up in Tartarus,” I said, turning on the microphone to the interrogation room.

The prisoner was reading over the agreement. Once he looked satisfied he signed it.

How would you like to do this? Verbal Confession or Written Confession?” Seera asked him.

V-Verbal,” he stuttered.

Start at the beginning, honey,” Seera waited patiently.

W-well I-I was...minding my own business out by the abandoned warehouses. W-when I was jumped. Somepony put my head in a bag and dragged me off. It wasn't far though. Soon I was looking at the Queen herself,” he spoke shakily. His body was still trembling and I saw his eyes twitching in his sockets; he was obviously going through withdrawal.

The Queen?” Seera asked.

That's what she calls herself. Her ponies call her ‘her majesty.’” He was blinking rapidly. “She said she was almost out of options. She pointed at me and told me to collect money from a bunch of places. And that I was gonna be watched to make sure I was gonna do as I was told.” he looked around quickly. “That's when you caught me.

The Queen. You think you could describe her well enough for a sketch artist?” Seera asked.

I-I think so,” he nodded.

Seera stood and came back into the Observation room. “Well, that's that. You all go home and get some rest. We need you bright eyed and bushy tailed.” Seera left without another word.

Ace and Stone waited for me. “Orders, Sergeant?”

“She's right. Go home. I'm gonna stay a little bit longer,” I told them. They saluted and left the observation room.

For a moment I contemplated going back into that interrogation room and “refreshing” his memory for more details. But I ultimately decided against it; it could get the whole case thrown. Instead, I went back to my office, which was still as overflowing with papers and files as I had left it. I had a lot of coordinating to do. But my mind drifted.

Jett would likely be getting ready for Flight Camp right now. I missed her greatly. I had a little picture of her on my desk tucked next to a picture of my brothers and sister. Snow had been staying in her own quarters more and more often lately; she was mad a lot lately for some reason and wasn’t speaking to me as much. I was winning at my Tuesday and Thursday card games too, and making quite a pretty bit. Saving up those winnings for something good and worth it.

Dino slithered up onto my desk and flicked his forked tongue at the picture of Jett. “I miss her too, buddy,” I told him, idly petting him as I stared at the picture.

“You know sometimes a pet will pick up on its owner’s feelings,” Captain Astra said from the doorway. I hadn’t heard her come in, but I snapped to attention as fast as I could.

“At ease, Sergeant,” she waved me down before I could complete the motion. She looked down to see Dino comically mimicking a salute with his tail. She smiled at him. “At ease, little guy.”

“Something you need Captain?” I asked.

“I'll get to that in a minute.” She closed the door to my office. “Let’s drop most of the formalities for a few minutes. Sit,” she ordered.

She sat in one of the chairs I had across from me. “Captain?” I asked sitting down.

“I’ve been hearing some things that concern me. Not critical, but concerning,” she started. “First of all. You and GFC Snow. You two are dating aren't you?”

Best to not lie about it. “It’s true, Captain. It was one of the reasons she transferred into patrols.”

“What was the other reason?” Astra asked.

“Our first case hit her hard. She didn't want the emotional pain that comes if we fail in this department,” I said honestly.

“I see. And what's about this I hear about you spending too much time in that little card game in the basement of barracks two?”

“Just a little fun, Captain. It's not a problem,” I said with confidence.

“Of course. I just wanted to hear you say it,” she nodded. “Now about what happened with your daughter. You took her to Cloudsdale immediately after you were attacked?”

I frowned; she should know all this already. “Yes, ma’am. My brother is a Wonderbolt and is engaged to Lieutenant Commander Fleetfoot. The Wonderbolts HQ was the safest location I could think of,” I told her the truth.

“Okay,” Astra nodded thoughtfully. “Well alright then, that was all I wanted to know. Now onto what I needed you to do. Princess Luna is hosting a dance of sorts in Canterlot. Sergeants, lieutenants, and captains from across Equestria will be attending, all representing their cities. I want to send you as our representative.”

I blinked. I was closing in on Amaryllis, and she wants me to go to a dance? “Captain, I really must ask about the timing of this. I'm very close to apprehending the head of this criminal organization. I—”

“Sergeant, I'm sure your guards can do well enough on their own,” Astra waved me down. “You'll only be gone two days.”

TWO DAYS?! “Two days, ma'am?” I repeated, not sure I’d heard correctly.

She set down an invitation. “You leave early tomorrow morning for Canterlot. I want you to bring GFC Snow with you. She's good eye candy, maybe she'll distract the others and make you look good.” Captain Astra left my office without another word.

I looked down at Dino. “Well, the cat is out of the bag now ain't it?” I held out a hoof for him to slither up.

“Let’s go find Snow. Maybe she'll be excited about this,” I said.

I hoped she was. Because I certainly wasn't.

She was indeed excited, but not in the way I hoped she was. I think she was more excited about the ball and going to Canterlot than spending time with me. I was trying to get some extra sleep on this train ride since we were up so early.

“You were home late last night,” Snow said out of the blue.

I opened my eyes. She was beside me, reading a fashion magazine featuring a white unicorn mare with a purple mane in a black dress.

“What?” I asked.

“You were home late. What were you doing?” she asked without looking up.

I didn't want to lie to her. “At a game with the other Sergeants.”

She sighed. “I really wish you would stop. It's not healthy.”

“I don't get why you're so bent out of shape about it. It's just a way to pass the time,” I protested.

“Passing the time would require extra time to be had,” Snow started glaring at me, giving me the icey look she had a talent for. She was yelling in her public voice, quiet enough for only us to hear. “You have a daughter to return home as soon as possible. Not to mention I'm waiting on you most of the night. Plus, your dinner gets cold, and I work hard on those meals.”

I was fighting back against losing my temper. “Perhaps you shouldn't wait up then.”

She looked shocked, then her face turned to stone. “I see,” she said going back to her magazine.

We didn't say another word to each other the rest of the train ride. I didn't want to say anything that would make her angrier. Like that, I brought my betting money in case some of the Guards from the other cities offer a harmless game. That might set her off.

We arrived in Canterlot on schedule. The Guard was paying for the motel room close to the castle for easy access. Snow had been quiet and still seemed angry. Perhaps I should try and meet her halfway on her point on this matter.

“Hey Snow. Sweetie,” I tried.

“Hmm?” she almost growled at me.

“I-I see that you disapprove of the Tuesday and Thursday games, and the whole thing in general. I'll start putting you and Jett first on those days. No going to a game if it conflicts with spending time with you or Jett. That's the rule I'm setting for myself.” I was going to follow it too.

She sighed but didn't look at me. “I wish you would stop altogether.” She looked over her shoulder at me. “But I guess it's a start.”

I walked up beside her and kissed her nice and long. She didn’t respond for a moment, then began to kiss me back. “I love you, you know,” I said, nuzzling her cheek. “I hate it when we fight.”

“I hate it too,” she agreed, nuzzling me back. “You know what might make me feel better?”

I know what might make me feel better. “What?” I nuzzled her neck.

“Going shopping before the ball. I need new accessories. Maybe even a new dress.” She laughed at the face I had on. “Not what you were thinking?”

“Not even close.” I love this mare. I love this mare. I really do love this mare, despite whatever I might be feeling at this moment. “Yeah, okay. I deserve it after the jerk I've been lately.”

“Yes, you do,” she confirmed with a smirk.

I went to retrieve my bit bag. I took a glance at the false book in my bags containing a little over two thousand in large bits. I grabbed it just in case I needed to help Snow pay for something expensive.

We had been walking around for the better part of the midday. I had a small bag of Snow's new accessories hanging from my right wing as I followed her around. We were in a dress shop right now I was waiting outside the dressing rooms waiting for her to come out and show me.

“What about this?” Snow's voice called.

I looked up to see her doing a cute model-like pose, wearing a slimming pale ice-blue evening dress that hugged her flanks in just the right way to be an extreme distraction.

“I think the Royal Guard are going to have a hard time protecting the Princess when they are staring at you all night.” I was having trouble looking her in the eye as I spoke.

She rolled her eyes. “Stallions,” she murmured, going back into the changing room.

I asked myself: why do I care what the regulations are that the guard set up? There are plenty of married couples in the Guard ranks. Snow can find something that doesn't conflict with my job, or I could. Doesn't matter which, as long as I'm with her. Right?

“You ready?” Snow asked coming out of the dressing room with a bag. She paused and looked at me. “You’ve got that 'I have an intense thought going on’ look. You okay?”

I shrugged. “It's nothing, really. Let's go.”

She made her purchase and dropped it on my wing, and we continued along the street. I started to lose focus on where we were going; all I knew was that I was following Snow's pretty tail and amazing flanks.

“Krein?” I heard Snow say. I snapped out of my trance to see who she was talking to.

The Ambassador to the Dragonlands Krein. “Snow! It’s good to see you. You moved to Baltimare correct?” he asked.

She nodded with a smile. “I did. I don’t remember if you two met, but this is my stallionfreind Flame Strider,” she introduced me to the dragon.

She actually did introduce us, I remembered perfectly. “We met back when I was stationed in Tall Tale. I visited Canterlot after delivering some documents for my First Sergeant. He, his sister, you and I all had dinner together, and that was when you lied about dating a traveling banker.”

Snow turned red. “Oh, yeah.”

“So what brings you to Canterlot?” Krein asked.

“The Sergeant here was ordered to attend a ball catering to the guard, to his dismay,” Snow giggled.

I rolled my eyes remembering when the captain gave me the order. “I have a lot of work to do in Baltimare and this sets things back.”

“Your Guards are more than capable, it’s not like you're taking a gamble,” Snow almost snapped, subtly emphasizing the last word. I was a little shocked but it wasn't undeserved.

“Anyway,” Krein pressed, seemingly uncomfortable.

“Anyway, I wanted to do some shopping before the dance tonight and came here because I heard they have some wonderful accessories,” Snow smiled up at the dragon.

He shrugged. “I wouldn’t really know. I haven't paid that much attention when I’m in there.”

“Why are you here?” Snow asked.

This conversation was starting to drag on. My mind started to drift and I caught sight of a jewelry store a few doors down from where we stood. A unicorn pony sat in front with a set of four cups doing the 'you wanna place bets on which cup the marble is under’ routine. He was obviously a hustler. Best ignore him there.

“I’m here with my sisters,” Krein continued. “Speaking of, I should be getting back to them. It was good to see you, Snow. Good to meet you again Sergeant Strider.” He bowed.

We returned the gesture as he turned to go back into the shop. “Come on, let's check this place out.” Snow started to go inside.

“You go on ahead. I wanna have a look at something.” I started down the street.

“Hurry back.” Snow called.

I headed toward the jewelry store. I stopped at the hustler to look back at Snow. She was nowhere to be seen.

The hustler tried getting my attention. “Hey, buddy do you—”

“Cram it!” I snapped at him before going into the jewelry store.

Walking in, I could see that the place was decorated with white stone countertops with gold looking metal trim and glass displays. I walked up the counter to just kinda have a look.

“Hello sir, can I help you?” a dolled up mare asked smiling way too much.

I glanced several times between her and the horn rings. “Um maybe, can I have a look at those engagement rings there?” I asked.

“How do I look?” Snow asked me.

We were about to leave for the Guard ball. Snow had just spent an hour in the washroom, getting ready. It wasn't for nothing. She had on a simple slimming navy blue dress and her hair was pulled into a tail with a few curly strands hanging on either side of her face. She looked absolutely stunning; my jaw had stopped working at the sight of her and was just hanging slack.

“I'll take your silence as an answer,” she sighed and started toward me.

“Hang on,” I stopped her. I just wanted to look at her for a minute longer before a bunch of Sergeants and officers start staring.

“Is something the matter?” she asked, tilting her head to the side.

“I just wanted to look for a minute longer.” I placed a light kiss on her lips so I didn't mess up any of her make-up. “Let's go before we’re late, yeah?”

She was blushing and giggled like she does when a little embarrassed. “Yeah, we should be going.”

We were making good time walking to the Palace when Snow stopped to chat with some guard friends of her’s that still worked in the Canterlot City Guard. She introduced me, and then they'd instantly forget my name.

While she was chatting, I subtly looked at the little snow white box I had tucked in my formal uniform. It contained a little silver ring adorned with a cloudy blue sapphire, with two white crystals on either side of it.

The jewelry seller tried to get me to buy a ring that was bigger, had more jewels, and more expensive. But this one just called to me, and I could instantly see Snow wearing it.

I noticed Snow turning towards me and put the box away just in time. “You ready?” Snow asked me.

“Yeah. Time to make the Baltimare Guard look good,” I said taking a deep breath.

Finishing our walk to the palace, we walked into the grand ballroom entrance where Princess Luna herself was greeting those coming to her event, shaking their hooves and exchanging quick pleasant conversation before moving on to the next. There was a small line, so Snow and I fell in hoof.

“I'm actually going to meet a Princess. How do I look? Is my dress wrinkled?” she started fretting.

I rested a wing on her shoulder. “You look beautiful. Just relax.” I whispered in her ear. She blushed and took a deep breath.

Eventually, we got up to the front. “Welcome to the first annual Guard Ball, Sergeant,” Luna greeted me.

“An honor to be here, Princess Luna,” I bowed politely.

“And whom have thee brought by thee side? For they remind us of beauty we have not seen since before our time away,” Princess Luna said, looking at Snow. Snow’s entire face was red and she looked like she might faint.

“This is my marefriend Private First Class Snow,” I introduced her. Snow curtsied.

Princess Luna smiled. “Another Guard? Thou has definitely fooled us. We thought thee a model.” Luna looked up past us. “It has been a pleasure to meet thee, and we would like to converse more, but we have a great many more to greet.”

“Of course Princess Luna,” Snow said and bowed. I did the same and we went inside the ballroom. Snow had to cover her mouth with a hoof to stifle her squeeing.

The dance floor was empty and most of the officers were keeping to themselves. The Sergeants were talking among themselves. There wasn't any real exchange of experience.

“Kinda dead in here,” I whispered to Snow.

“Perhaps we can do something about that,” Snow whispered, looking around. “Besides, I think I have their attention.”

I glanced around to see almost all of the stallions in the room, even some of the ones who had dates, were looking at Snow either out of the corner of their eye or not even trying to hide it.

“Geez, I knew you were hot. But some of these guys are about two degrees off from drooling,” I mumbled to Snow. She laughed.

We made our way over to the buffet table. Some Sergeants had gathered nearby.

“What do you say to mingling? You go in one direction, I go in another, we see who we meet, then meet back here in fifteen minutes,” I suggested.

“Sounds like fun.” Snow took a glass of punch and walked off. I did the same.

Snow and I ventured out for the third time. Luna had joined the party and had to encourage the officers to have some fun. Fortunately, once everypony realized that rank meant nothing inside this ballroom tonight everypony loosened up. Ponies were dancing and having a grand time, and there was laughter and music. It was actually kinda nice.

“We have very few unsolved cases in New Horseleans. We could use a Sergeant with your determination for the truth to solve them,” a Commander Swampfire was telling me, he was an ash grey earth pony with a fire-red and green mane.

“I appreciate that Commander. Perhaps I'll look into a transfer, but I not only have a daughter to think about, but I have a major case to finish in Baltimare first,” I said, politely declining the offer without actually rejecting it.

“I can respect that. If you change your mind, just reach out,” he said before moving on to the next group of fellow Guards.

I glanced around and spotted Snow talking to a pair of Captains. I figured I would go over and see how she was doing.

As I got closer I overheard the last bit of their conversation. “...we always need more Patrol Leads,” a captain was saying.

“The way things are going at home for me, I just might take you up on that,” Snow said.

A wave of confusion hit me. What did she mean by that? Was it me? No, no, no, no, no, she is just making polite conversation.

“Excuse me, Captains, may I borrow her for a dance?” I asked.

“Certainly, Sergeant,” they both nodded.

I took my blushing marefriend out onto the dancefloor for a slow song. As the music started took each other in our hooves and started to waltz. “I keep forgetting you can dance,” Snow commented.

“Mother was in show business. We all learned,” I shrugged a little.

We didn't say anything for the rest of the song and merely enjoyed the moment. When the song was over we went out to the gardens to sit where it wasn't so warm. Nopony else was there, so we found a swinging bench to sit on and watch the stars.

“Oh, Strider tonight was really fun. And different from our usual routine,” Snow sighed.

I became aware of the little white box I was carrying again. Perhaps now was a good time? Nopony here, we just finished dancing. The night was at a high moment. I started to get the ring out quietly. That is until she said something a little unnerving.

“I want to remember this night. Just like this. Before…” she stopped talking and finished in her mind.

What was she talking about? “Before what, love?” I asked her.

“Nothing. Let's just enjoy the remainder of the night.” She smiled at me.

Something was up. But she didn't want to talk about it. So I guided her back inside and we finished out the night with some more mingling and dancing.

I was back in Baltimare and I was working double time, trying to get something to stick to Amaryllis Lurce. I had Ace out picking up a package at a drop site with more information that we could use.

Once he got back and with the package and I saw what was inside, then I could go home and see if I can work up the nerve to propose this time. It had only been a few days since the ball, but Snow and I had had barely had a moment to each other. Every time I tried to work up the nerve, something threw me off.

But anyway I shouldn't be thinking about that right now. I was at work, and work things needed to get done. I finally had the sketch of the description the junkie from the other day had given us. It was a dead-on match to Amaryllis Lurce.

I had a subdue and detain order from Seera, which meant that Amaryllis would be behind bars soon enough. Hopefully enchanted bars, the kind that requires nine unicorn guards to open. I doubt those exist, but I can dream. Anyway, all I was doing was waiting. Dino was under his heat-lamp, waiting for his most recent meal to digest.

I was out of work in reality. So I got out the little white box and opened it to look at the ring inside. “What do you think Dino? Should I just stallion-up and propose already?” I asked him.

He lifted his head and it appeared as if he nodded as he flicked his forked tongue at me.

“I know, you're right,” I sighed. “But this is kinda a big deal, and I’m not entirely sure she wants to right now.”

Dino hissed.

“I am not chicken. I’m just nervous,” I protested.

He hissed again.

“Being nervous doesn't make me chicken.” That’s when reality hit me. “Why am I talking to you like you can talk back?”

Dino hissed one last time and curled back up.

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever.” Three knocks resonated from my door. “Finally…” I mumbled. “Come in.”

Ace came in with the Luck twins. “Sergeant, we have the package,” he announced and set it down on my desk.

“Thank you,” I nodded.

“Sergeant, are you ever going to tell us who our informant is?” Ruff asked.

“Believe me, I would if I could. If anyone else knows we run the risk of losing them as our informant. So just a little while longer and then all will be revealed,” I explained as I opened the package.

It was a packet of papers and documents, copies of blueprints, crew rosters. It was a detailed account of what Amaryllis Lurce was planning next. Jewelry heist at a small local jeweler, a bank heist at a small private bank, several store robberies, all planned out and detailed. But the most noticeable was an arms shipment coming on the train tomorrow. It was the shipment for the Guard resupply. Amaryllis was supposedly going to be overseeing the operation. Finally, she’d be exposed; however, if they make off with those weapons it will make life dangerous for the guard here.

“Sergeant, you look pleased,” Tuff observed.

“Ace, make sure everypony gets their rest tonight. We now know where Amaryllis and her crew will be and when. We are gonna need to get tactical. Make sure the reserves are ready by tomorrow.” I handed him the packet. “You have a knack for battle strategy. Come up with something for that train heist tomorrow using those. Dismissed.”

“Yes, Sergeant!” Ace, Ruff, and Tuff said in unison before heading out of my office.

I started to pack up my office for the night. I grabbed Dino, locked up and headed out. I decided to see if Snow was bunking in her dorm tonight or not. So I made my way into standard housing and knocked on the dorm room door. I could hear laughter as hooves started toward the door.

Sparta opened the door but only enough to where her head was visible. “Oh hey, cousin. Can I help you?”

I really didn’t want to know what she was doing in there. “I was just coming by to see if Snow was staying here tonight.”

“I actually haven't seen her all day. She was supposed to be on patrol with me but, our NCO said I’d be operating solo for a few days,” she informed me.

That was odd. Snow never missed duty. “Oh, alright. She’s probably just at my place.”

“Well hold on, I wasn't finished. I thought it was odd when I got back here with my… um… my company for the night...” Too much info! “... I saw that all her stuff was cleaned out. Did she move into your place fully?”

“Not that I know of. Unless she is planning on surprising me,” I shrugged.

“Well, she’s definitely not here,” Sparta shrugged.

“Okay, then I’ll head home now. Good luck with your entertainment for the night.”

“Luck has nothing to do with it,” she said with a smile and then closed the door.

As I started to head off campus I realized I needed a good memory cleaning of that moment. Heading off campus and over to my apartment I tried not let my mind wander too far as to why Snow missed duty and was not living in her dorm anymore. I finally got up to the apartment and unlocked the door to go in.

Snow’s decorations and knick-knacks were gone. I went into the bedroom and checked the closet. Her clothes were gone, her beauty products gone from the bathroom too. I came back out to the living room and noticed a letter and package on the coffee table. I sat on the couch and opened the letter that was addressed to me.

“Strider, I’m sorry you had to find out this way. But it’s for both our sakes. You have a gambling problem and you refuse to see it. I knew about the false book where you kept your bits, I’ve been keeping track of how much was in there. You had two thousand in bits there, upon our return from Canterlot you only had half that. I saw you approach that hustler in the street when I was in that shop; you broke your rule to put Jett and me first. As you've guessed, I’m leaving. I’m not going to tell you where. Don’t try and find me. I still love you and that makes this is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Goodbye.


My chest felt heavy and I couldn't decide if I was angry or sad. So I settled on feeling nothing for the moment. I put down the letter she wrote me and I opened up the little box. It was the strip of pictures I lost when moving into the apartment. But some had been enlarged and put as a collage with the picture of our first kiss being the largest and in the center.

Anger could come later. I laid down on the couch and began to sob.

Author's Note:

One more to go!