• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 1,344 Views, 176 Comments

Strider - Olakaan Peliik

My name is Flame Strider, I am a Pegasus, and City Guard. This is my record of my time in the City Guard, and travels across Equestria.

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Las Pegasus - VII

The sketch artist was dead on, Halberd's son was the spitting image of him. Just younger and angrier and uglier. Nassor had informed me that they both got away, but not before we crippled their operation. They were now on the run.

“When I become an RBI agent--” I’d started to say.

“You won’t be assigned to this case,” Nassor interrupted firmly. “Too much personal history; it’s against regulations.”

I sighed, but couldn’t argue. He was right; it was against regulations. The worry was if I made a case personal, I might make stupid decisions. Like going off on my own for revenge. Which I wouldn’t do!

I understood. Didn’t have to like it.

I was in the hospital now, getting rechecked for all the injuries I had sustained. The doctor informed me that I will need to do some physical therapy to be sure there are no underlying issues.

Snow had stayed with me the entire time, making sure to go over every detail of how she mended my wounds with the doctors. It helped them take X-rays in the right places. Snow was speaking with my doctors in private right now.

With her out of the room, it was the perfect time for scheming and plotting. Atlas walked into the room with a small bag. “Did you find it? Did you bring them?” I asked quickly.

“Yes. It was a pain the rear to find exactly what you were asking for though.” He passed me a bag with two little jewelry boxes. One had the engagement ring I bought all that time ago, the other was new.

“Looks like you managed. Did you get a message to the families?” I asked.

“I'd wager they are on a train and on their way right now,” Atlas smiled. “Isn't it a little premature to be preparing for a wedding when you haven't even proposed?”

“Just you let me worry about that. You, Jett, and Vanity handle everything else. Deal?”

“Deal.” We bumped gloves before he left to oversee the plan.

It was later that evening. I was finally being discharged from the hospital.

“You think they gave me enough potions and medications?” I asked Snow, looking at the bag of bottled items she was carrying in her magic.

“Honestly? I think they might be giving you too much. But nothing here will hurt you if mixed, and most of it is just to hasten the regrowth of your feathers,” Snow explained.

I smiled at her. “I’m really glad you’re gonna be helping me.”

“Well as your marefriend it is in my best interest to get you healthy,” she said proudly before kissing my cheek.

She turned away to look for a taxi. Now, Strider! This is the moment!

“Yeah, about that…” I started.

“About what?” she asked, turning around.

“You being my marefriend.”

She tilted her head to the side, confused. “You said we needed a new relationship, and just being my marefriend again isn't new enough for me,” I continued.

I dug out the little box I had expertly hidden under my wing until now, and she held a hoof over her mouth as she gasped. “Strider,” she whispered.

“I said it before, and I'll say it again. I would count my lucky stars if you would agree to marry me?” I asked holding the little box open for her to see the ring.

She was so quiet I started to get nervous. She was just breathing, tears leaking from her eyes. For a moment, I thought she was convincing herself not to.

“Snow, you gonna leave me holding this thing or you gonna answer?” I asked.

She flung her forelegs around me, happy tears leaking from her eyes. “Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!” She bowed her head and allowed me to put it on her horn.

“You like it?”

She studied her reflection in a window behind us. “It looks magnificent,” she smiled, wiping her eyes. “You said you bought it with your gambling money?”

“I did. Then after I got into GA, I put the rest of it into a savings account for Jett. Just in case, it will also gather interest, and slowly grow.”

“Oh! Smart.” She frowned in thought. “When are we gonna get married? I mean we have a whole bunch of planning to do…” She caught me smiling. “What are you up to?”

“What would you say if we could get married tomorrow evening?”

She stared at me for a moment, then shook her head with a smile. “I'd ask what kind of magic hat trick have you performed?”

“I've had Atlas, Jett, and Vanity getting things ready, and Nassor has actually helped get the word out to your family and mine. They are already on their way.”

“That confident I was gonna say yes?” she looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

“I had high hopes.” I kissed her; she hugged me back, kissing me happily. A taxi finally arrived. “We best go get some sleep. A big day tomorrow.”

“Indeed,” Snow agreed.

We climbed into the taxi, told him where to go, and just like that it was the beginning of our new relationship. Tomorrow we make it official.

We were staying in the temporary housing on Guard property; Atlas was kind enough to set it up for us. I awoke to the shuffling of hooves on the ground. Before I could open my eyes a pillow was thrown atop my face.

“No peeking! You are not allowed to see me until the ceremony!” Snow said, holding the pillow with her magic.

“I thought we were just gonna do this quickly?” I protested from under the pillow.

“We are, but since you kinda sprung this on me, you can give me this one tradition.” Snow lifted the pillow just enough that she could give me a quick kiss on the nose. “I'm gonna go meet up with my cousin, grandmother, your sister, and Vanity to pick a dress to wear. Jett and your brothers are gonna be back any minute now.”

“What about my medications?” I asked.

“Already laid out for you.” I heard her hoofsteps moving away. “Once I leave you can get up.”

“Okay.” I laid like that for several minutes as I listened to Snow get ready to leave. Once I heard the apartment door close I stood and went to take my medicine which Snow had kindly set up on the table.

“Feather haptic... hap... I can't pronounce this. If Snow says I need to take I I'll take it.” I started taking each of them one by one.

As I finished with those, I heard knocking on the door. “It's unlocked!”

Jett burst through the door and rushed over to me. “Dad! Dad! Dad!”

“Jett!” I responded as she hugged me. Dino was around her neck and did his best to join in the hug, slithering around my neck.

“When Uncle said you were in the hospital, I got worried,” Jett babbled, clinging to me so tightly it was starting to hurt. “Why did you let them get you? You can't do that kind of stuff! You can't do that and leave me here!” She was borderline shouting.

I petted her mane. “I'm never going that far undercover again, sweetie. I can promise you that much. We are gonna be moving to Canterlot, permanently, and I'm gonna start working for the RBI.”

She sniffled. “That sounds nice.”

“Yeah.” I looked up to see my brothers in the doorway doing their best to mind their own business. “So Jett, did you do what I asked?”

She took a deep breath and nodded. “Uncle Orion helped me.”

“Venue is set up, reception reserved?” I asked.

“Yup. Where is Snow? I wanted to hug her,” she said, looking around as if she thought Snow was hiding somewhere.

“She is already out with the rest of the girls to get ready.”

“Aww! I wanted to go,” she pouted.

“Sitting in a waiting room, while she gets fitted for a dress. You wanted to do that?” I raised a brow.

“When you put it like that, maybe not,” Jett grumbled.

“Are you two done? We have a lot of stuff to do. And the rest of the guests are waiting downstairs,” Atlas informed me.

“He also needs to pick the best stallion,” Thasus informed me.

“Oh yeah! You don't have one!” Orion exclaimed. “So who's it gonna be?”

They were all staring at me expectantly. Waiting for me to pick one of them. They were all excellent picks for the best stallion. Trouble was there was three of them. So I'm gonna opt for door number two.

“I choose Jett as my best mare,” I said, hugging her tighter.

“Pay up, I told you he'd pick her,” Orion laughed. Atlas and Thasus both passed fifty bit pieces over to Orion with groans of defeat.

I rolled my eyes. “Very mature, guys. Anyway, we best get moving, we have a lot to do today.”

“Yeah. Oh, by the way, they ran out of ministers able to perform the wedding, but Nassor said he could do it.” Atlas informed me.

“Nassor can marry ponies?” I asked grabbing my light coat to hide my still featherless wings. I didn’t like ponies staring.

“Yeah, he said it's a long story, but I think we are just lucky we know a pony who can,” Atlas added.

I nodded. “Very true.”

The lot of us were at the local logistics depot speaking to the Quartermaster-slash-tailor in charge of the dress uniforms. I had grown since the first fitting of my dress uniform. I also needed a way to dress my bare wings up so they didn’t look so weird.

“Geez, you've bulked up since your graduation,” the tailor grumbled. She was comparing my current measurements to the ones in my file. “Mostly muscle it seems.”

“You always like this when stallions are getting fitted for their wedding?” Thasus asked her.

“Only the cute ones,” She winked at him. I rolled my eyes. “So tell me about the mare your marrying, she pretty?”

Jett decided to give the description. “Very pretty, and kind and smart and-”

“Point is…” I interrupted, “...she's the one for me, and I almost lost her for good before I'm not about to make that mistake again.”

“Did you even write any vows?” Orion asked as he opened up a fashion magazine out of boredom.

Everypony looked at me expectantly, tailor included. I rolled my eyes. “No. I will know what to say when the time comes.”

“Ha! Famous last words,” Thasus laughed.

“Oh ha ha, I know what I'm doing guys,” I said, slightly irritated.

“Oh we know, we are just giving you a hard time,” Atlas commented looking over Orion's shoulder at the magazine. “It’s part of our duty as brothers.”

“Leave Dad alone, I think he's doing the right thing,” Jett said.

“Thank you, Jett,” I praised her.

A knock resonated from the door of the room we were in. Nassor stepped in, “There you are, I’ve been looking for you.”

“If it’s about what kind of wedding we want, it’s a military wedding we requested, right?” I asked.

“Oh, I know and I have it all set to go. There is something else,” Nassor added, looking a little nervous. “Not related to the wedding.”

“What is it?” I was curious now.

“My boss, Director of the Royal Bureau of Investigation, Iron Bolt, wants to speak with you,” he explained. “It seems he wanted to meet with you personally; he’s waiting outside.”

My brothers all gasped. “He came all this way?” I asked, my eyes widening in surprise.

“Apparently he had other things to do in the city, you are just another stop on his list of things to do,” Nassor explained.

“Well let him in,” I said, stepping down from the fitting stand. “How do I look?” I asked, dusting myself off and straightening my uniform.

“As nervous as you probably are,” Atlas stated.

“Thanks, brother, that’s very reassuring,” I muttered.

Nassor opened the door and a bronze coated, steel-maned earth pony with a beard in a suit stepped in. Cutie Mark was of a crossbow bolt shattering a metal shield. My brothers and I started a salute.

“At ease gents,” the stallion grunted. “Sergeant Flame Strider. A pleasure to finally meet you. Your name has come across my desk a few times, filed as a promising recruit.” Director Bolt commented offering a hoof to shake.

I shook. “Director. I knew we’d meet, however, I assumed that’d be after I applied for the RBI.”

“Special Circumstances,” he paused looking around. “Can we have the room please?” I nodded to the others. My brothers, Jett, Nassor, and the tailor all filed out of the room in a fair amount of time. Jett was none too excited about it since I just got back from assignment, but she followed obediently.

“So since not even Nassor stayed, I assume this is a delicate conversation?” I asked.

He started walking around the room as he spoke. “Not particularly. Consider this a job interview.”

“Job interview? Like I said earlier, I haven’t even applied yet,” I repeated.

“No you haven’t, and you were going to, but like I said: special circumstances. The RBI agent who died starting that mission you finished, Special Agent Mustang, he was one of my best agents,” Bolt explained.

“Sorry for the RBI’s loss,” I stated.

He seemed to take a moment to compose himself, then nodded. “Thank you, but that isn’t why I’m here. You picking up the pieces and taking the lead like you did with Nassor. It tells me you are a leader, more than that it tells me you can finish something even if you didn’t start it.” He continued.

I stayed silent. I was curious on where he was going with this.

“Special Agent Mustang left several cases unfinished, and left three fresh probationary agents partly trained.” He turned to me. “I’m willing to bypass standard protocol to get you instated as a full fledged RBI Special Agent, seeing as I need that position filled ASAP.”

“Why not just reassign one of your other agents, sir? Like Nassor, he seems capable,” I asked.

“Nassor and my other agents have their own teams of agents to lead and cases to solve. And before you ask, I tried reassigning the probationary agents, it caused… problems.” He paused momentarily. “Believe me when I say I looked at other avenues to solve this issue. Besides you are a capable investigator, you’ve lead before, and you know how to work the red tape to your benefit. What do you say? Want to guard Equestria as a whole instead of one city at a time?”

Wow, he knew how to make a point. “Let me think a moment, please. Big decision.”

“I can wait, but I need an answer before I leave here.” He sat in one of the seats to the side of the room.

I paced around a bit. This was a great opportunity, my own team, near limitless resources, countrywide jurisdiction, as well as jurisdiction over any military, guard, or civilian related cases. Then the great pay and benefits. Unfortunately, that also meant drop-of-a-hat traveling, late hours, and more high-risk missions. I was expecting to ease into it while I got used to the married life, not thrown into the deep end with rocks tied to my hooves.

This also felt like this was being hooved to me on a silver platter. I haven't earned it. Not in the right way at least. But he doesn't seem to be the kind of pony who would do that kind of thing.

I turned to him. “These probationary agents. What's the issue with them?”

“Little more than kids with dreams of grandeur. Why?”

“Am I to assume that this will be a difficult assignment?” I asked avoiding his question.


“What kind of cases were Agent Mustang and his team involved in?” I asked.

“Murders on Royal property, military and guard cases, anything that needed doing really.”

“So everything?”

“Pretty much.”

“How many cases will I be finishing? To start?”

“One high profile case, and two military in-house cases that got bumped up to the RBI. To start, they have top priority at the moment you can get to the others later.”

I sighed weighing all the information. It didn’t take long. “I accept. Let me move to Canterlot after I get married, and get settled in. I owe my daughter and soon-to-be wife that much. I also need to give my wings time to heal anyway.”

Director Bolt stood and nodded. “We can do that. It will take some time to get the paperwork sorted anyway. Anyway, I'll take my leave. Congratulations on the wedding. See you at work.”

“Goodbye sir, and thank you.” I nodded to him as he exited.

Once he was gone my party reentered, and the tailor started making up for lost time. “What was that all about?” Nassor asked.

“He offered me a job. Special Agent Mustang’s job,” I said sitting down while the tailor took the dress uniform into the back to get resized.

“Really? I heard he’s done that in the past but I never thought I’d see it.” Nassor leaned against the wall. “Rumor is that Iron Bolt started out that way as well. He had to prove he could do the job better than anypony else.” We all looked at him expecting more. “That’s the rumor anyway.”

“Point is, Strider can get back to leading instead of following. You were terrible as a desk Sergeant, brother,” Atlas smirked.

“I helped improve things there and you know it,” I shot back.

“I am perfectly capable of leading my Guards without your help.” Atlas smiled with pride.

“You should try it sometime.” I fired.

Everypony but Atlas and I gave an audible “Oh!”

“That’s it, come here you!” Atlas started after me trying to tackle me. It wasn’t long before Thasus, Orion and Jett joined in the chase.

We ended up in a heap on the floor of laughter and each trying to get a grapple on one another. The tailor came back then, “Hey! No roughhousing in my department!” She threw my uniform at me wrapped in a package. “It should fit fine, now get out of here and marry that mare!” she shouted.

“Sorry, thank you,” I paid her for her trouble and we made our way out.

“What’s next?” Atlas asked.

“The cake,” Thasus said.

“The food,” Orion added.

“Keeping the guests busy until tonight,” I added. We all exchanged glances. “Divide and Conquer?” We all nodded to each other and we took off in separate directions, Jett stayed with me. We had a lot to do before tonight.

Author's Note:

I apologize for the wait. I wanted to release this chapter with number eight at the same time.