• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 1,344 Views, 176 Comments

Strider - Olakaan Peliik

My name is Flame Strider, I am a Pegasus, and City Guard. This is my record of my time in the City Guard, and travels across Equestria.

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I’m gonna give you the short version of what happened since my graduation. Graduation party, then hangover the next day. A few days after, my birthday, then hangover the morning after. Tomorrow will be the Summer Sun Celebration, my family and I both agreed that there would only be food at this next event. No booze this time.

Right now I was on my way to meet with Snow. She wanted to see me before I left. She’d successfully landed a position in the Canterlot City Guard. She had the morning off so we were going for coffee. Which I needed after my birthday party last night.

I reached my destination: the Jade Dragon Tavern, a popular spot for Guards and soldiers. They served everything: breakfast, dinner, drinks, coffee. I walked through the door and I immediately spotted the ice colored mare. Her coat stood out against the browns, greens, and reds of the tavern.

She stood up and came over to greet me with a smile. “Flame Strider, there you are. I was beginning to think you forgot.”

“I’ve been busy,” we sat down at a table. “How is your unit?”

“Right now, it is as to be expected. I’m getting all the unwanted assignments and my partner is as dense as a ton of bricks. I’m not sure how long I'm gonna be able to put up with her.”

“So get promoted,” I suggested. “That way you don't have to deal with her.”

“That is literally my number one goal right now,” she sighed and looked down at the table for a moment “So how’s the family? I know you once said that they could be a hoof full.”

“Let’s just say that I’m recovering from family-poisoning.”

A waitress came over. “Can I get you something?”

I spoke up first. “Coffee and some apple cinnamon pancakes please?”

“Just coffee for me please,” Snow smiled.

“Be right out,” the waitress walked away to complete the order.

An awkward silence fell on us. Snow was alternately rubbing her hooves, first her left hoof on her right, then her right hoof on her left; this, I’d learned in boot camp, was a sure sign that she was very nervous. Maybe I should’ve said something, but for now, I was content on just hanging out in silence while I waited for my coffee.

Snow cleared her throat, “So, Strider?”

I looked her in the eye. “Yes, Snow?”

“Any chance you’ve changed your mind about staying?” she asked quickly.

I rolled my eyes. “Not this again. You know once the paperwork for assignment is sent in, it’s as good as official.”

“I know, I know, but I’m afraid of what might happen when I don’t have you to help me,” she admitted.

“What did you do before joining the Guard?” I asked, in a mixture of curiosity and concern.

“Second guessed myself the whole time,” she said rather pathetically.

The waitress came back and put our order down with a smile before continuing on her way.

“Wow, okay. Look, obviously I’m not gonna be here to help you with your thought process. So you need to find a way to help yourself. I would recommend finding another friend that will be closer, and whose advice won’t be delayed.” I smiled on the inside. “What about your new partner? Surely you can talk to her.”

Snow set her head down on the table and groaned. “Oh sweet Celestia, I have only spent the past few days with the mare and I hate her soul already.”

“What has she done to earn your ire?” I asked, trying not to laugh as I tucked into my pancakes.

Snow took a deep breath before continuing. “All she cares about is her appearance. Not to mention her daddy is a high ranking officer with a lot of pull. Every time I turn around she is looking at her reflection. She’s infuriating!”

“Well at least your making friends,” I joked.

She glared, and I felt a chill running up my spine. “I will hurt you. Preferably that vanity absorbed b—”

I cut her off. “Nope! You can’t. You’d have to answer to the brass about the incident.” I smiled and kept eating.

We continued to talk for a long while like we usually did about various topics. Snow had a lot to talk about working the job, and she has only been working it for a few days. Right now I’m just hoping I don’t end up with a partner as bad as Snow's.

I had a few hours to kill before my grandfather and I were to go out. Until then I was with my grandmother Galaxy. The elder unicorn pony was always fun and full of life. Her midnight coat and her graying blue mane were always well kept. In spite of her special talent being astronomy—defined by the cluster of stars on her flanks—she had another talent in singing. And she can make a song out of anything: looking at stars, gardening, sweeping, doing the dishes.

“Granma, where do you want me to put this?” I called out, holding up a bag of dried apricots.

“Hm? Oh, put that in the cupboard for your mother.” She pointed to the food cupboard and then went back to putting away her bag of groceries. The Manehattan accent was heavy in her voice. ”Strider, dear, have you seen the bottle of pineapple juice I purchased?”

Pineapple juice, that was a bit different. “Not yet. Why?”

“I’m nursing a sore throat right now and pineapple juice helps it heal faster.” She looked at me. “I hope I didn’t leave it at the store.”

Right, I almost forgot. She is a pony who likes natural remedies. “I’ll look for it.”

“So. Atlas tells me there was a mare you fancied while in training. We ever gonna meet her?”

I curse Atlas and his big mouth. “It’s not likely Grandma. She and I are just friends.”

“That’s what I said about your grandfather and look where we are now,” She came over to me. “Hurry up and find a mare would you? I want some great-grandfoals before I’m too old to play with them.”

I looked at her with a bit of confusion on my face. “What about my brothers? How come you aren’t hounding them?”

“Your mother is bothering them just fine without my help. By the way, Buttercup is just starting to think about stallions, so you might wanna have a talk with her about that,” she added in a too casual tone when I put my head back in the pantry to put food away.

“What!” I jumped and slammed my head on a shelf. Ouch. “What do you mean?”

Grandma Galaxy just kept on talking like it was common knowledge. “I picked her up from school when we visited last month, and she was talking to a young buck that appeared to be on their hoofball team. She wouldn't stop giggling at what he was saying.”

Buttercup and stallions. That’s not good, and I was leaving the day after tomorrow. I had to inform Orion if he didn’t already know. I found the pineapple juice in a bag we hadn’t checked by the pantry. I took it out and brought it to my grandmother. “Found it.”

“Oh thank you, sweetie,” She took the juice in her magic and took a swig. “Ahh. That helped.” She went into the living room and levitated up a magazine as she sat down. “So what is your job gonna be in Tall Tale?”

I finished putting away the food and joined her in the living room. “I’m gonna be doing whatever my NCO tells me to. I will be helping with city-wide law enforcement. Tall Tale isn’t as big city like Manehattan, and there isn't a very strong Guard presence there.”

She looked up from her magazine. “Is there any crime there? Or is it really as peaceful as it sounds?”

“Oh, there is crime. Just what the low populace allows within the city. Petty thievery, domestic disturbances, nothing major like bank robbery or…” I lowered my voice “...murder.”

She slowly put the magazine down, giving me a concerned look. “You said ‘within the city’.”

“Outside the city of Tall Tale there is a more serious problem,” I admitted. “The forests are vast, the creatures within them can be dangerous at the best of times. There is a poacher problem in the forest, but the forest Rangers have a handle on that. Oh, sure there are smugglers all over Equestria, but poachers are another matter entirely.”

She was interested now. “How are they more of a problem?”

“The way to get animal fur the legal way is to have an animal expert shave the animal. These poachers do it the cruel and illegal way.”

Grandma winced. “I’m not gonna like this am I?”

“They kill the animal so it’s safer for them to take its fur,” I told her straight.

She gasped at the thought. “That is horrible! How did you find all this out when you haven't even been there yet?”

“Thasus was able to get me a file that told me all I needed to know.”

“Are these poachers all ponies?”

“No. Some are griffons coming from Griffonstone looking for an easy work.”

“Oh, griffons are dangerous. You be careful if you run into them.”

I sat up proudly. “Don’t worry about me, Grandma. They’re the ones who will need to be careful.”

Grandma smiled at that, almost laughed. “Don’t be looking for a fight now.”

I laughed a bit. “I won't be.”

She picked up her magazine again. “Why don’t you go have a nap before you take your grandfather out?”

I stretched my legs out a little. “I’ll do that. Wake me up if I’m asleep for too long.”

“Sure, sure. Thank you for your help.”

I went up to the room my brothers and I had as colts. Our mother kept it up in case we visit. The toys and posters that had once populated the room were long gone, but the bright blue wallpaper with the cloud decorations remained, as did the old but still strong hammocks and creaky oak dressers. I flew up to my canvas hammock that I had up in the corner and got settled. It didn’t take me long to nod off.

It was getting late, the sun dipping down to the horizon and the sky turning dark red. My grandfather Skyquake and I were just sitting on a cloud looking over Canterlot. The elder pegasus may be aged but he was still looked fit and strong; he’s just not as fast as he used to be. His gray coat hadn't changed. His red and yellow streaked mane has gray in it but was still in regulation for the Army. The cutie mark that decorated his flanks is a shield cracked by a lightning bolt.

We hadn’t looked at each other for a long while now, but I wanted to talk. “Thank you.”

“For what?” Curiosity was obvious in his voice.

“You taught me all I needed to know about the Guard. It helped.” I told him.

“I didn’t tell you everything. I told you what you needed to know about basic training. Everything that happens from now on is beyond me.”

I stole a glance at him. “What do you mean?”

“The world has changed much since I served. Nothing I know is relevant anymore.” He shifted his weight on the cloud. “But I’m proud of you, all of you. But promise me something son.”

“Yes, sir?”

He looked at me. I looked back as if he was my CO, and in many ways he was. “Do better than I did. Promise me that.”

I’m not entirely sure what he meant by that. “Yes, First Sergeant.”

He chuckled. “Don’t go using my old rank. I’m not in the Army anymore, you don’t take orders from me.”

I shot him a look. “You and I both know that’s not entirely true.”

“Maybe. Now let’s go get some food. I’m starving. And your grandmother will send out a search party if I'm gone too long.” He spread his wings and dropped off the cloud. I followed.

My brothers and I always did our best to make Grandpa Skyquake proud. But now we had a promise to keep. I was gonna keep it.

The Summer Sun Celebration. The longest day of the year. I no longer remember what the original reason for the celebration is. Something about defeating a great evil, history wasn't my best class. My family only used it as an excuse to get together and celebrate with all of us together. My brothers and I were in charge of the Barbecue. No better way to cook vegetables than an open flame.

Atlas flicked me with his tail. “Hey, Strider pass me the garlic powder will ya?” he said through the spatula he was holding in his mouth.

I slid the container off the counter, onto my wing, and brought it to him. “Here. You using the pepper?”

“No, it’s all yours.” He slid it over with a hoof. I took the pepper back over to the grill I was sharing with Thasus.

“Hey, Orion what has your unit been doing up in Cloudsdale?” Thasus spoke up and asked.

Orion gave an exaggerated groan. “Navy command has started sending out security details to protect our weather ponies. I’ve been on a few. I’m not sure what Command is worried about but the most I’ve dealt with is an angry phoenix nest.” He poked at the food in front of him.

“What are you up to in Las Pegasus, Atlas?” I turned to him. “You always have good stories.”

Atlas chuckled as he thought of something he could share. “The local guard have been having an issue with fighting rings. Ponies, griffins, donkeys, and animals are forced to fight until they can’t anymore.”

Orion looked to Thasus. “What about you Thasus? You just got your own squad right?”

Thasus nodded. “I did. They’re a bunch of misfits, but I hope to use that to my advantage. As for what’s happening in Baltimare, it’s mostly cargo problems at the dock at the moment. I’m not even on that side of the city though.”

Buttercup came out to join us. “What are you four talking about?”

“Work.” we all answered.

“Okay. Is the food ready yet? Everypony is getting hungry. Especially cousin Spartan Apple, that pegasus won't shut up about her pies.”

“Yeah, yeah, tell them, it will be ready in just a minute,” I said, tossing the peppers that I was grilling. Grandpa might have taught me all about being in the Guard, but it was Grandma who taught me how to work a grill.

“Good.” Buttercup said disappearing back into the house.

I looked over to Thasus. “Wanna work your magic?” I’ll be the first to admit that we abuse the fact he has telekinesis.

“Yeah yeah. Don't get your tail in a twist.” He levitated the food off the grills and onto some platters. “Shall we join everypony inside?”

“Lead the way.” Orion gestured with his wing.

Dinner was largely uneventful. Ponies from all over Equestria, mostly guards, but some from other professions, catching up with each other and waiting for the sun to go down. When the house is filled with approximately thirty ponies things get loud.

Once dinner was over and we had dessert, it was time for Grandma Galaxy's star stories. The younger ponies all gathered close around her as she weaved tales of Equestria when she was as small as they, but everypony listened. Telescopes and star charts were brought out from closets once all the stars came out.

After hours of pointing out stars, eating various desserts, catching up with everypony, and even welcoming the new family members that weren’t here last year. It was time for sunrise. Everyone was just sitting on the lawn waiting for the sun to rise again to greet the new day.

I turned to Orion. “So what’s your goal to complete for the next celebration?”

“Become a Wonderbolt. Duh,” He looked over to Atlas. “You?”

“Not sure I’ll get back to you on that. Strider?”

“Be good at my job. Thasus?”

“Get married.”

“What?” we all blurted.

“You don’t even have a marefriend,” I protested.

“Yes I do. She’s a unicorn who works at the Aquarium,” Thasus said defensively.

“Oh, we’ve got to meet her,” Atlas said with a laugh.

Thasus glared at him. “Not happening anytime soon. She’s shy. And like I’d let you around her,” he added beneath his breath.

Atlas tried again. “Well, what’s her name? Can we know that at least?”

Thasus stood firm. “Nope.”

Orion pouted poorly. “You're no fun.”

“Hey guys,” Buttercup looked worried. “Shouldn't the sun be up by now?”

We all looked over to a timer we had that counted until the sunrise. It was done counting down and the sun was still down. “Yeah, maybe the Princess is just held up with a speech?” Orion offered.

Thasus nodded. “Yeah, maybe.”

We heard Grandma Galaxy call us. “Hey, boys!”

We four stood up and went over to where she and Grandpa were seated. “What’s the matter?”

She didn’t take her eyes off the city. “Is the Guard doing something special this year that we are unaware of?”

I looked where she was looking and pegasus guards were overlooking the city from above in crowd control formation. “We should go see what is going on,” I declared. “Orion, you have rank so I’ll follow you. Thasus, Atlas, probably best you find a ground-bound unit.”

Orion nodded and spread his wings. “Good Idea.” He looked at grandmother and Buttercup. “Get everypony inside. Let’s move!” Orion took to the skies.

I followed after him. Atlas and Thasus galloped into the city, while Orion and I flew to find an Officer. Just like that, we were back to work. After flying only a few blocks we were stopped. The other abled bodied family members of mine who were guards went in various directions.

A pegasus sergeant. “Please return to your homes,” he barked at us, thinking we were civilians.

Orion spoke with authority and without hesitation. “Lieutenant Orion of the Equestrian Navy, authorization twenty-seven hydra. Report.” Authorization is needed when you aren't in uniform.

The Sergeant immediately recognized the code and gave a salute with his hoof. “Sir! The princess has been abducted by another dark alicorn. Current orders here are to get all civilians indoors until the search party finds her.”

“Can you direct me to who is in charge at the moment?”

“Captain Shining Armor of the House Guard. He’s in the Castle.”

“Thank you, Sergeant. This is Guard Second Class Strider, Tall Tale.” Orion gestured to me. “Give him something to do.” He then flew off toward the castle.

“Alright Strider. There is a park over that way.” He pointed to the western edge of the city. “Make sure the civilians there are on their way to their homes.”

“Yes Sergeant!” I bellowed, then hurried to do as asked.

The park was still full of ponies when I got there and not another guard in sight. Ponies were looking around in confusion. I flew to a good position above them and started shouting.

“By order of the Guard, we urge everypony to return to their homes!” I shouted at the top of my lungs. Some started moving. “By order of the Guard, we urge everypony to return to their homes!” I yelled again. That got them moving in a hurry. One more time. “By order of the Guard, we urge everypony to return to their homes!” Everypony was hustling now. Except for a pair of bat ponies, they were looking for something in the playground. I flew down to help.

“Ma'am, can I assist you?” I asked.

“We're looking for our foal. Hay-for-brains took his eyes off her for a second and she ran off.” She glared at her husband.

“In my defense, she’s faster than she looks,” he protested, shrinking away from his wife.

“No excuse,” his wife snapped. “Anyway, we could use some help finding her.”

“No issue ma’am,” I said. “How old is she and what is her name?”

“Her name is Jett, and she’s Nine.”

“Got it.” I gave a flap of my wings to get myself aloft. “I’ll circle the park.” I flew low and slow, only landing to check underneath something. This was taking up my time. Don't get me wrong, helping a random couple find their filly is okay. But I needed to go help elsewhere.

I heard the clang of a chain on a trashcan. I looked for the source of the sound and it was coming from the restrooms. As I approached I could see a little bat pony coming out of the restroom.

“Are you Jett?” I asked once I got close enough. All she did was nod. “Come along, your parents are worried sick.”

As she started to follow I took note of her appearance; She was a Thestral, that was unmistakable, the fangs, the almost gloss black color of her coat and mane. What I found interesting is that her wings were Thestral but half covered in feathers starting from the front.

She flapped her little wings as she tried to keep up with my gait. It was rather adorable to watch. I made my way back over to the bat pony couple and gave them their daughter back.

“Thank you for finding her.” The mother said putting the filly onto her back.

“Just doing my job ma’am. Speaking of, I need you to return to your home.”

The stallion spoke up. “Yes of course. Thank you.”

I watched as they hurried off with the dissipating crowd, then I looked over the buildings in the distance, pondering my next move.

I doubt that Sergeant remembers me. I flapped my wings and started back to my family. They will be wondering what is going on. And right now, I think they needed me to be with them.

Author's Note:

A special thanks to PonyJosiah13 for editing this chapter for me.

Hope you enjoyed the two part prologue chapters. Yes that's right. We haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet. I'm gonna try and get a chapter done around the same time every week. No guarantees though.
