• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 1,344 Views, 176 Comments

Strider - Olakaan Peliik

My name is Flame Strider, I am a Pegasus, and City Guard. This is my record of my time in the City Guard, and travels across Equestria.

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Baltimare VII

Hearth’s Warming Eve. A time of merriment, joy, remembrance, and also just happens to be the founding of Equestria. This was the time of year for families to get together and enjoy each other's company. Especially for my family.

But this year we have a little surprise addition to the family. Jett was all pins and needles, buzzing with excitement in her train seat.

Snow and I sat on the other side of the row watching her look at the scenery going by. It was early morning, and the light from the rising sun was reflecting off the fresh snowfall. We had taken the overnight train, to get to my parents’ house on Hearth’s Warming Day. That and Snow wasn’t able to get free time any sooner.

“Calm down, I'm afraid you're gonna burst,” I instructed Jett with a bit of a laugh.

She squealed quietly. “I'm just so excited. I never had a big family before.”

“Oh believe me. This is just the start, wait till the Summer Sun Celebration. EVERYPONY shows up for that. Every. Single. Year.” I said making sure it sunk in.

“I can't wait!” she bounced. She set her hooves on the window to lean and look.

“She sure seems happy,” Snow commented, smiling from ear to ear.

“Probably wouldn't be this way if you hadn't talked sense into me,” I admitted.

“Yeah, well, you know you love me.” She said jokingly and rested her head on my shoulder.

But I was serious. I love Snow. “Yeah. I do love you.” I figured it was time.

Snow tensed up and then looked up at me. “I think I love you more though,” she smiled.

“Is that so, eh?” I said as I began to lean closer.

She started to talk. “I know so—”

I interrupted with a kiss, which she promptly returned. Not overdone but enough to prove my point. She hugged me back as she kissed me.

“Ew!” I heard Jett whine from her seat.

Snow broke the kiss off. “You're embarrassing your daughter,” she laughed.

“Yeah, it's gonna happen.” I grinned getting comfortable again in my seat. Hearth's Warming was definitely a time of joy.

We were walking up to the house, but as soon as I pointed the house out to Jett she suddenly had bricks for hooves. I had told Snow to go on ahead while I tried to get Jett to move.

“After all that excitement, now you're nervous?” I asked as we stood on the frostbitten sidewalk.

“What if they don't like me?” she asked quietly, in a fearful whisper.

I scooped her up and placed her on my back. “They'll like you.”

“What if they think I'm weird?” she protested.

“Then you'll fit right in,” I told her truthfully.

As we got closer to the door where Snow was waiting I could hear my family inside hooting and hollering and having a grand time. Jett tried to make herself smaller on my back, burying her face into my mane.

As I reached for the doorknob I remembered something from previous Hearth's Warmings.

“Actually, Jett it would probably be best if you follow me in,” I said letting her get off my back.

“Why?” she asked, tilting her head in confusion.

“Because the chances of me being tackled is close to one hundred percent right now,” I said, taking a breath and knowing what was coming.

Opening the door I entered quickly. “PONY!” I yelled.

My family went silent. “PILE!” I heard Atlas yell.

Thundering hoofsteps resonated through the floor. Atlas rounded the corner followed by Orion, Thasus, and finally Buttercup. All of them immediately dived onto me with shouts of welcome, pinning me to the floor and knocking the breath out of me. Thankfully, they didn’t crack any ribs this year.

“It’s good to see you too guys, but I have ponies everypony needs to meet,” I wheezed.

One by one they got off of me and returned to the living room. Except for Thasus.

“How are you holding up?” I asked as I waved for Jett and Snow to come in.

“Well enough,” Thasus shrugged, his face serious. “It helps to be here for the holidays. But if it's all the same to you, I'd rather not talk about it right now.”

“Of course. If you could make sure everyone is in the living room. I have some news.”

Thasus glanced at Jett and Snow. “Sure,”

Once he turned and left I turned to Snow and Jett. “Let me introduce Snow first. Okay?” I asked Jett.

“Okay,” she nodded.

“Okay, come with me,” I said, leading them into the living room.

“Happy Hearth's Warming everypony,” I said as I entered with Snow. Jett hid behind us.

Looking around the room, I identified all of my family. Mom, Buttercup, Aunt Breezy, and Grandma Galaxy all sat on the couch together with room for one extra. Grandpa sat in dad’s old chair. Thasus, Orion, and Atlas sat on the bench seat under the living room window, while Uncle Akane and cousin Spartan “Sparta” Apple, stood to the side.

Aunt Breezy is mom's sister, and also a pegasus. Her light blue mane and pale blue coat, her cutie mark of wind wisps.

Akane is her husband. His dark green mane, red coat with yellow spots on his snout and yellow apple cutie mark made his origins obvious, but he was family so we welcomed him.

Spartan Apple is their daughter and a fellow pegasus. Her deep dark red coat and dark green mane were reminders of her father. Her cutie mark was of an apple wearing a guard helmet. She was a small town guard. All three of them were from the Equestrian province of Coltfornia just to the north of Los Pegasus.

“Everypony I'd like you to meet my marefriend Snow,” I said to them. Snow waved nervously.

“Why don't you come sit over here with us dear?” Grandma Galaxy said, waving over Snow.

Snow complied, leaving me with the little surprise I had hiding behind me. “And! I would like to introduce Jett, my adopted daughter.”

There was silence. Everyone just sat there a little shocked, looking at one another. When the silence got unbearable for me I spoke up again.

“Come on everypony. Jett needs a home and I'm gonna be the one to give her that. But she also needs family, that's where you come in.”

“Well, I say welcome to the family little Jett!” Grandpa Skyquake said loudly.

Everypony followed with a wholehearted welcoming. I was about to lead Jett around the room telling her everypony’s names but Atlas started to before me.

“Hey, Jett. I'm Atlas. I guess you could say that I'm your uncle now.” Atlas shrugged. “Over there we have Orion and Thasus, your other uncles, great-uncle Akane Apple, and your cousin Sparta. Your Aunt Buttercup, Great-grandma Sparrow, great-aunt Breezy, you know Snow, Great-grandma Galaxy, and finally Great-grandpa Skyquake.” He introduced everypony as how Jett would address them in title.

“Have you all eaten yet? Breakfast was close to being done,” mom asked me.

“I can eat. What about you?” I asked Jett.

“I'm always hungry,” Jett said, looking up at me, her nervousness rapidly vanishing.

“Oh ain't that the truth, come on little one you're sitting next to me,” Buttercup said leading Jett toward the dining room.

Mom stood and approached me once Jett was out of the room, smiling proudly. “I'm proud of you son. I know your father would be too.”

Dammit, if she was trying to make me cry she was off to an excellent start. I took a shaky breath. “Thank you, mom.”

“Just try and let us know if you plan on adopting anymore, this was a crazy surprise.”

“Grandma Galaxy knew,” I said.

“You said to not say anything,” Grandma said standing and going to the dining room.

“Yup. Still your fault. Nice try though,” Mom called after her. “Now where is my new granddaughter?” Mom beamed as she went to tend to breakfast. Everypony followed.

“Hey, Strider,” Orion called, getting my attention.

“What’s up?”

“We have one more guest coming,” He admitted. “She has to do a show but then she'll be here right afterward.”

“Fleetfoot?” I asked.


“I thought you said it wasn't gonna work out?” I asked.

Orion smiled sheepishly. “We talked. Yelled really. But we worked things out, and I think she's the one.”

“Well, congratulations on that. But why are you telling me?”

Orion glanced around, then leaned in closer and whispered. “You and I have always been close, and you're still the only one who knows I'm dating a Wonderbolt.”

“Oh. I see. Perhaps then we should join breakfast before everypony gets suspicious.”

“Good idea,” Orion nodded.

It was a little after midday now. Jett was starting to feel comfortable with everypony. I just watched and observed. If things got out of hoof I'd intervene. Buttercup was playing with Jett in the backyard snow at the moment while I sat next to mom on the back porch. Most of the others were in the living room.

“Your father had the same look on his face when he'd watch you all play,” Mom said with a giggle.

I blinked and looked around at her. “What look?”

“Overprotective Dad Look.”

“I've barely had her a whole week, and I'm already catching Overprotective Dad syndrome?” I groaned. “If I'm getting it this early on, I'm doomed.”

“It not really a bad thing. That is why you have Snow, she keeps you reasonable.”

“So that's how that works,” I joked, feigning ignorance.

There was a moment of happy silence. “So I've been meaning to ask you.”

“Yeah, mom?”

“Your Grandmother mentioned that you and Snow are pretty far in your relationship, despite the short amount of time you've been together,” Mom said.

“You said you had a question. Not somepony else's observation.”

“Are you planning on asking her to marry you?” Mom pressed.

I'd be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about it. “Yes. But we have to be careful. I'm a sergeant, she is a GFC. I just want to be sure that if we do get married, it doesn't ruin our carriers.”

Mom put a hoof on my shoulder. “I understand the need to be cautious of that, but don't let that get in the way of your life together.”

“I won't,” I nodded.

The doorbell rang. “I got it!” Orion jumped over the sofa to get the door.

I knew who was at the door. Jett was in for a surprise. Which reminded me. “Hey, Jett. Come here please,” I called.

Jett stood from her spot beside Buttercup in the snow and tried using her leathery wings to assist in getting over to me. She only succeeded in getting herself a few inches off the ground, but she still got to me as fast as she could. “Yes?”

“I forgot to ask. Is there anything you would have liked for Hearth's Warming?” I asked her.

Jett twisted her snout in thought, then looked around. “Maybe a jacket. But I can't really think of anything else.” She looked back up at me.

“Well, we can get you a jacket when we get back home. Are you enjoying yourself?”

Jett nodded. “Auntie Buttercup was just telling me about how you both used to play together.”

“Oh yes. The building bricks.” I recalled.

“I used to step on those in the middle of the night. I'm glad they are gone. They hurt.” Mom commented with a hint of bitterness in her voice.

I smiled. “They were fun though, I built some sturdy forts.”

Orion was coming back into the house again.“Everypony!” he called.

“Sit with me, Jett,” I instructed. I lifted a wing and she curled in close against me for warmth. Her leather wings are not meant for this weather.

“I told you all that I was seeing somepony, but I didn't divulge whom it was,” Orion started. “Everypony I'd like you to meet my marefriend Fleetfoot.”

Fleetfoot stepped into view, wearing a simple blue jacket. Her mane wasn’t up like it had been air blasted. Instead, it was brushed down to her right side. It looked nice. “Hello everypony, it's a pleasure to meet you all finally.” The slight lisp she spoke with was still unmistakable.

I looked down at Jett, whose jaw was almost hanging down to the floor. She jerked her head up to me, while the awning became very interesting to me. “You knew!” she cried, pointing a hoof accusingly up at me.

“Guilty. But I didn't want to spoil the surprise,” I laughed.

Jett stood and ran as fast as her legs could carry her up to Fleetfoot. “I'm such a big fan of yours. You're my favorite Wonderbolt!” she beamed.

Fleetfoot seemed a little pleased. “Orion, you never mentioned you had a fan of mine here other than yourself.”

“Fleet, this is Jett. Strider's newly adopted daughter.” Orion introduced her.

“Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. You wanna hang with your uncle and me?” Fleetfoot asked. Jett nodded.

Calling it “dinner” would be an understatement. “Feast” was a better description for the mounds of food on the table. Zucchini, eggplant, garlic bread, spaghetti, carrots, salads, pies, cakes, the list goes on.

I had a plate of spaghetti, zucchini, carrots and a slice of apple pie that Spartan Apple made. I sat between Snow and my cousin, while everyone had their spots around the table. Jett sat across from me beside my sister and mom.

“So, Orion, you happen to make it into one of those new Wonderbolt squads?” Grandpa Skyquake asked.

“I-” Orion started to say, but Fleetfoot stopped him.

“He is scheduled for Sierra squad tryouts in spring. Soarin and Captain Spitfire will be judging his performance on their own.

“Not you?” Sparta asked.

“I disclosed that we are in a relationship, and as such, another Wonderbolt will be judging his performance. I recommended Misty Fly to take my spot as a judge, so there’s no bias,” Fleetfoot explained.

“You still get to be there though right?” mom asked.

“Damn straight! Nopony will be yelling louder than me for my stallion.” Fleetfoot said confidently.

“So I'm taking a transfer with promotion into the Los Pegasus City Guard,” Atlas said abruptly.

“Really?” Grandpa asked.

“The current Captain is retiring, and he asked me personally to take over,” Atlas said proudly. “I'll be going to Officer Academy, and then Captain's school starting next month. When I’m done I’ll be taking the position.”

“Good for you, brother,” Buttercup smiled.

“I think I'll apply for an instructor's license and take a job at the Baltimare Army Academy,” Thasus joined in. “I'm not doing anything in the army right now. I want to do something that doesn't involve just standing there.”

“Your father did a season of that. He said it was a reward in itself to train the next generations,” Mom commented.

“I just don't like all the standing around I'm doing as of late,” Thasus admitted.

“Strider, what does your command have you doing? You were promoted, yes?” Grandpa asked.

“I was,” I said. “They have me heading up the new Organized Crime Unit. We report directly to the Captain. We are supposed to be getting a prosecutor who isn't in anypony’s back pocket. So I suspect whoever they are, they will be a little green.”

“That just means you can show them the ropes, love,” Snow commented.

“Yes, I suppose that's true,” I agreed.

We were now all just sitting the living room enjoying each other's company. Jett was half asleep beside me under my left wing, while Snow was beneath my right wing sipping some hot cocoa.

Thasus and Atlas were playing against Grandpa Skyquake and Buttercup in a game of chess. Mom, Aunt Breezy, Uncle Akane, and Sparta were all chatting quietly. Fleetfoot and Orion were both cuddling next to the fire.

I saw Orion look up at me and I met his gaze. I saw him fiddle with his left wing just a little bit, allowing a little yellow and blue box to show. Orion winked.

“I think she is the one,” I remembered him saying.

“Jett, wake up. You'll want to see this.” I said nudging her awake.

“Hmm?” she stirred.

Orion stepped off the cushion he and Fleetfoot were laying on, and he stepped in front of her. No need to call for everyone's attention; everyone was looking towards him as if we all knew what was going to happen. We all held our breath. Orion stared straight at Fleetfoot as he spoke.

“Fleetfoot. You're sarcastic, a nightmare, and stubborn,” Orion started. I was having trouble following with what he was trying to do. “But underneath all that, you're loving, kind, sweet and caring. You try to better everypony in your own way.”

Fleetfoot smiled in a show of mixed affection and confusion.

“But you have made my life better by just being there, and the occasional yelling.” Orion joked. Fleetfoot giggled a bit.

“I guess what I'm trying to say is…” Orion knelt down as best he could and presented a wing ring that sat inside the little box he held in his wings. “Will you marry me?”

The whole room was quiet. You could have heard a feather drop. Nopony was breathing, least of all Fleetfoot and Orion. The silence was only interrupted by the crackling of the fire.

After what seemed like hours, but what was really only a few moments. “Yes. Of course yes. What other answer would you think, you blockhead?” Fleetfoot hugged him tightly.

Once the room released the breath we were holding. Mom started commenting. “Don't you think it's a little early in your relationship?” mom asked.

I turned to mom. “Mom. You and dad were engaged ten days after your first date.”

Mom was going to argue but didn't. “Point taken,” she admitted.

“So when is the wedding?” Grandma Galaxy asked.

Orion shrugged while he let Fleetfoot examine the wing ring. “No clue.”

Fleetfoot stopped admiring her engagement ring and nodded. “Yeah, I'm not worried about when it is, so much as who will be going. Spitfire will have my head if she isn't a part of it.”

“What about Commander Soarin?” Snow asked.

“He would just want to be invited because there will likely be pie,” Fleetfoot said with an emotionless expression.

“You're still gonna invite him, though, right?” Jett asked.

“Well, yeah, but that's beside the point,” Fleetfoot shrugged. “The point being, he'd look up from a pie every once in awhile, maybe he'd find a good mare to occupy his spare time.”

“That must be frustrating,” I commented.

Fleetfoot nodded. “He's a loud neighbor. It’s hard to get sleep with him next door some nights.”

“We were supposed to be sleeping?” Orion feigned surprise. “I'm sorry.” He grinned as Fleetfoot shoved him and everypony laughed.

“I don't get it,” Jett said, looking up at me.

I had to fight down laughter. “When you're older, you'll get it.”

Most everypony was turning in for the night. I was putting Jett to bed up in my old hammock. Luckily the hammock has a set of pulleys attached. I lowered it so it wasn’t so high off the floor; I didn’t want Jett to fall off and hurt herself.

“Did you have fun tonight?” I asked her as I rolled her off my wing and into the hammock.

She was having trouble keeping her eyes open. “I love my new family,” she smiled through a yawn. “And I know my first family is watching over me from wherever they are.” She smiled. “I love all of my family,” she murmured.

“Goodnight, Jett,” I whispered, stepping toward the door.

“Goodnight dad,” she said from her spot.

As glad I was to hear her call me that, I'm sure she didn’t realize she said it to me. I paused for a moment at the threshold while my heart did a little tap dance, then turned the light off and went back out into the living room.

Thasus, Orion, and Atlas were off to the side talking excitedly about something. Mom, Fleetfoot, Snow, and Aunt Breezy were on the couch, shaking their heads in exasperation.

“Strider! We should go out for a little bit,” Thasus suggested.

“Why?” I asked.

“They want to celebrate Orion’s engagement between brothers,” Aunt Breezy said.

“That could potentially get out of hoof,” I started. “Let's do it.” I grabbed a scarf out of the closet.

“Please have him back at a reasonable hour. Orion and I have to get back to Cloudsdale,” Fleetfoot instructed.

“Not to mention we have a train to catch in the morning,” Snow added.

“We promise!” Atlas and Thasus grinned as we exited the house.

Once out the door, we made our way down to lower Canterlot. There was a nice little tavern down here called “The Frisky Golem,” a stone’s throw away from the airship docks. It was mostly host to airship crew ponies and cargo workers.

On the way though we had to find the stairs down to the docks. The under part of Canterlot is the closest you'll get to a normal city here, away from the fancy bright colors of the city’s main body. But it very much resembled an upside-down city.Bridges, railings, stairs, elevators, and a complicated crane system dominated the view here. Whether or not the elite of Canterlot wants to admit it, this is the heart of the city. This is where the majority of the trade comes in and out for the town.

But I'm getting distracted. The Frisky Golem was carved out of the stone like a lot of the buildings here. The inside was hardwood floors, stone walls, wood pillars, and wood ceilings. An open fireplace sat in the middle of the establishment, providing warmth and most of the light.

Two pool tables sat in one corner, and I immediately knew what I wanted to do. “Hey, guys, how about we win ourselves a few extra bits in pool?”

There was a moment of consideration before Orion and the others agreed and we started our way towards the tables. Three earth pony stallions were already there playing. They were obviously members of an airship crew; their muscular builds and scars from being lashed by the ropes suggested as much. The biggest one was green with a purple mane. The middle sized was white with a black mane, and the smallest was tan with a gray mane.

We stood to the side and observed. They were good, but I wasn’t concerned. “You lot want t’ play?” the medium sized one asked in a heavy accent.

“Indeed we do,” Atlas nodded.

“Looky here at them marks,” the small one started. “We got soldiers. Didn’t think you lot came down here,” he said with a grin.

“We aren’t soldiers tonight. Just four brothers wanting a nice game,” Thasus commented.

The airship ponies all snorted with laughter. “‘A nice game,’ he says. How ‘bout we make it a bit more interesting, eh?” The large stallion asked.

“What's the wager?” I inquired.

The medium sized sailor was quiet for a moment. “Four hundred bits. That’s one hundred from each of ya.”

Orion spoke up now. “You colts carrying around that kind of coin?” he asked challengingly.

“Aye, we might be. The question is are you military types game or not?” the medium sailor challenged.

My brothers and I glanced at each other for a moment. “Rack’em!” Atlas boomed.

We were on our way home now, with a very fortunate haul, my brothers hooting with laughter at the memories of the airship ponies’ shocked faces. “They lost four hundred each game, which means we collectively earned one thousand six hundred bits from them. Meaning divided up we each get four hundred bits even,” Thasus bragged as he divided the winnings and levitated each of us our share of the bits in little bags.

“This is a good start for our honeymoon fund,” Orion commented.

I had other plans for my winnings, something special for Snow. “Where is that gonna be?” I asked Orion.

“Yet to be decided. Fleetfoot isn't into the whole fancy frou-frou stuff. I'm thinking something either relaxing or adventurous,” Orion pondered as we walked.

“Perhaps both?” Atlas suggested.

“Hmm, yes, perhaps.” Orion agreed.

We made it home, but this was in no way a reasonable hour. It was past midnight certainly. We opened the door quietly. This was bringing back some interesting memories of sneaking out late to search for trouble. Somehow, mom always was awake and waiting for us to come back.

Once we were inside, we started toward our beds. Snow and I were sleeping on the foldout bed in the office. But as we were making our way past the living room we heard Mom’s signature disapproving clearing of the throat.

Knowing we'd been caught, we faced the music. “You boys go to bed,” Mom commanded. “Orion, you'll be getting enough from Fleetfoot. Strider, please come and sit I need to talk with you.”

Atlas, Thasus, and Orion left with their tails between their legs. I went and sat on the space of couch mom was patting with her hoof.

“Yes, mom?” I asked.

“I'm so proud of you. You know that right?” she started, her tone quiet, losing some of its disapproval.

I nodded. She was already starting to worry me.

“Your father would've been proud too. And I wanted to thank you for wonderful surprise Jett turned out to be.”

I felt my heart racing. “Mom, you're scaring me. Why are you saying these things? Why now?”

“You're the only one who doesn't know now,” Mom said, blinking.

“Know what, mom?”

She almost didn't say anything. “Combined immunodeficiency, allowed a brain and spinal cord infection to take root,” she said quickly. “There is no cure.”

I felt heavy, like my wings, hooves, and head were made of stone. “Mom?” was all I could get out.

“I'm dying. Doctors say I have less than a year left. This is likely my last Hearth's Warming,” she said finally, wiping at her eyes with a wing.

I wanted to cry, but I didn't want to at the same time. “Do you want me to move back here? I can if that is needed.”

“No! Sweetie, no. I just wanted you to know. If things get worse or better at any point, somepony will let you know. But I felt you deserved to know.” She stood. “For now though, I don't want anypony treating me differently. Now off to bed, I'd wager Snow has stayed up waiting for you.”

I nodded and stood to make my way to the office slash guest room. Sure enough, Snow was there waiting on the bed. Her glare turned into a look of concern when she saw my expression.

“Love? Are you okay?” she asked affectionately.

I said nothing as I got onto the bed and settled in next to her. I was crying now though, holding back the flood that was coming if I tried to say something.

She nuzzled me and pulled me close. “She told me too. I'm here if you want to talk,” she added. My defenses against the tears were destroyed in that instant.

Author's Note:

Hearth's Warming in July!