• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 1,343 Views, 176 Comments

Strider - Olakaan Peliik

My name is Flame Strider, I am a Pegasus, and City Guard. This is my record of my time in the City Guard, and travels across Equestria.

  • ...

Baltimare V

The trip back to Baltimare was dull. That is if you discount all the time Snow and I spent in a cramped cabin by ourselves. One thought was lingering in my mind: Hearth's Warming was just around the corner. Just two more weeks and I'd be spending the holiday with my brothers, sister, mom, and grandparents. And this year, if I was lucky, Snow would come along.

“That wasn't what I had in mind for you meeting the ponies that raised me,” Snow commented.

We were in our cubicle in SI. Snow had been silent all day. Stone was nowhere to be found since breakfast. I had retrieved Dino from our neighbors. I was glad they were happy to watch him while we were gone, he was now comfortably hiding under the collar of my uniform again.

“I didn't think it was all bad,” I told her. “I just feel as if it was ill-timed.”

“‘Ill-timed’?” she asked.

“Just not the right time. Maybe we can try again another time,” I suggested.

She sighed. “Perhaps.” She looked up at a nearby clock. “When are we gonna know who is the new sergeant?”

“Once Captain Astra makes a decision.”

“Well she's taking her dear sweet time,” Snow huffed.

“What's that about sweet time?” Thasus’ voice came from the outside of the cubicle.

I looked to see my brother standing there. “Hey bro, what are you doing here?

“Are you free?” he asked.

It was a slow day, and the two of us had already finished filing our paperwork. “Kinda, why?”

“Remember how I said that I was seeing a mare who works at the Royal Aquarium?” I nodded. “Well, I figure that it's time for you to meet her.”

If I was standing I would have had to sit down. “You want me to meet her? What about Orion or Atlas?”

“I don't think she's ready to meet alternate versions of me,” he answered.

I silently agreed. “Okay, but Snow has to come too.”

Thasus looked over at Snow who smiled awkwardly at him. “Okay why?” he asked with a raised brow and a grin.

I stood and walked over to whisper it in his ear. “We’re dating now. Like, REALLY together. If you catch my meaning.”

He pulled back, his grin widening. “Well it's about time,” he said aloud, winking at Snow, who turned bright red in reply. “Alright, you come too.”

Snow and I made a quick stop at our room to remove our uniform and leave Dino behind.

The Royal Aquarium. I've never actually been here before. I had heard about it doing a great service for the marine wildlife, but I knew nothing beyond that. Never really wanted to come here either, but hey, Thasus wants me to meet his marefriend, who happens to work here.

Once inside the Royal Aquarium and out of view of other guards, I immediately I had put a wing over Snow’s back. She responded by leaning into me as we walked behind my brother. Good thing too because there were a lot of foals running around, high chance of walking into one.

“So how much further?” Snow asked.

“Not much,” Thasus called over his shoulder.

“What’s with all the kids?” I asked.

Thasus halted briefly to let three running fillies go past. “Dunno, I'd guess a school group or something. There she is.”

Thasus’ gait increased and he trotted up to an aqua blue and cerulean maned unicorn mare. Her cutie mark was of a fish with a medical sign on it. He hugged her and kissed her cheek.

“Guppy, I'd like you to meet my kid brother Flame Strider, and his marefriend Snow,” Thasus introduced us.

“Strider, Snow, I'd like you to meet my marefriend Guppy.” Thasus stood next to her with a wide smile on his face. Guppy, however, seemed antsy, like she wanted to leave ASAP. We shook hooves with her and said hi. She grinned nervously at us both.

“So how about we go get lunch?” I suggested.

“Yes, please. I'm famished.” Guppy agreed, nodding a little too fast.

We started our way out of the Aquarium. That is until I heard a filly scream as we passed a large tank that held a lot of fish. Looking in I saw something that made my stomach turn and banished all thoughts of food from my head: the shredded remains of a pony’s leg that had just been coughed up by a large fish.

Quickly I removed my wing from over Snow’s back. “Work time,” I said with a heavy sigh.

Within fifteen minutes the Guard was here, and the entire building was secured. They had sent divers into the tank and retrieved not only the hoof, but the water soaked decaying remains of a pony that had been hidden in some reeds. The thing that had been a pony once was now barely more than a skeleton with some pale green flesh sticking to it.

I stood to the side, in the maintenance section behind the tank, and let the coroner do his thing, trying to concentrate on not throwing up. I wasn’t in uniform so I couldn't do much. Snow was with the Aquarium staff in the lobby making sure all the guests and staff were accounted for.

“Strider,” I heard Captain Astra from behind me.

I snapped to attention. Warrant Officer Quibbly was behind her with a large box.

“I’m going to assume that from your lack of a uniform you were off duty?” she asked.

“Yes ma’am,” I replied.

“Well, you're going to need what Quibbly has for you, Sergeant. I'm putting you in charge of this one.”

Sergeant? That means she picked me. She pulled a sergeant rank pin out of the box and hoofed it to me. “Just because you're in charge of Organized Crime now doesn't mean you can't lend a hoof on other investigations. Consider this your first case as a sergeant, Sergeant.”

Without another word, she began to leave the Aquarium. Quibbly stepped up in her place and gave me the box.

“Here is your sergeant armor. I suggest finding a latrine or something to put it on. The Captain wants you on this ASAP. The Royal Aquarium falls under our jurisdiction and is Sergeant level for investigators. And come see me when you get back to Campus. I'll have setup options for your new living conditions. Can't have you living with the lower rankings now can we?” he said with a small smile, then turned and left the Aquarium as well.

I was kinda speechless. I honestly thought Snow would get the promotion, she aced all her classes. I got a B- in Criminal Psychology.

I could wonder about this later. I searched for a restroom, and soon found the Stallions’ Room.

I quickly entered and put my armor on. It was just like the armor I had worn in Tall Tale. This was more like what I was used to wearing. I hadn’t realized that I missed the weight so much. It felt right.

After pinning my new rank to my collar and putting the helmet on, I rejoined my fellow guards outside in the Aquarium. Everypony stiffened to attention as I approached them.

“As you were,” I stated: just one of the cool new phrases I got to use now. I continued over to the coroner. He was a gray-haired pale blue unicorn stallion with wide blue eyes, thick glasses, and a white lab coat. His cutie mark was a pony’s skull.

“Congrats on the promotion, Sergeant,” he said not looking up from the still soaking corpse.

“Thanks, but I'm yet to earn it. You learn anything?”

“I can give you basic information on her,” he said.

I quickly looked around and spotted a unicorn Guard over to the side not really doing much. A second class pin was on her uniform. “Hey come here please, I need your help.” I waved her over.

She hustled over, and stood at attention, trying to keep her eyes on me and not on the body. “Yes, Sergeant?”

“I need you to take notes for me. Could you do that for me?” She nodded. “Good, write down everything he says.”

“Yes Sergeant.” She levitated a pen and notepad out of the pockets in her armor.

“Okay, go,” I told the coroner.

“Well, the victim is female, early twenties, earth pony. Fairly short judging by what remains.” He paused. “Looks like the color of her fur was a kind of green. Mane was also green. I'd estimate time of death in the last seventy-two hours, but I'd need Hadvar to check.”

“Is that everything?” I asked.

“For now. I'll have a more detailed examination for you after I get the body back to the morgue.”

“Alright, do it.” I turned to the second class guard. “You get all that?”

“Yes Sergeant.” She tore the piece of paper out of her notepad and gave it to me.

I tucked it into one of my pockets. “Alright, I need you to get me a list of ponies who have visited or worked here in the past seventy-two hours. Okay?”

“Yes Sergeant!” she said confidently.

“Alright, hop to it,” I said as she turned to leave.

I went back down to the lobby where Snow was. There were about forty guests, mostly foals. As I approached, Snow stiffened to attention. I frowned to myself; that I certainly could do without.

“As you were,” I ordered. “Did you get all their names down?”

“I did, Sergeant.” Snow said. Her voice had a strange, sad tone to it, but I couldn't pin it.

The foals had been separated from the parents and were off to the side waiting patiently. The parents were standing in a small group whom I turned to address. “If anypony had any plans that involved leaving the city, cancel them. You're now all witnesses, in a murder investigation. Everypony who is a guest here can go home. If you're from out of town contact the local guard liaison, they'll help you set up accommodations. We'll be in touch.”

I waited for the guests to clear out before turning to Snow.

“So I guess you'll have to move out of the room?” Snow whispered.

“A few things are going to be changing. Let's please talk about it later. Tonight, when I move into my new quarters.”

“Yes Sergeant,” she said cooly.

All that was left were the employees. I looked at Snow. “This is our suspect list. I need addresses so I know where to find them.”

“Yes Sergeant,” she replied and turned and walked away as if she didn’t even know me.

“This is your office,” Lieutenant Strong Hoof said, showing me into a small room with white walls, a shelf, a wooden desk, and three chairs. “I'll have a warrant officer come by tomorrow so you can go over who you want on this task force. For now, you’re in charge of the Aquarium Case. Have fun.” The Lieutenant turned and closed the door—my door behind him.

I honestly wasn't excited about this. Honestly, I was dreading this. I had a bag of knickknacks from the cubicle I shared with Snow; paper weight, a pen, the file on our first cases, and a picture of me and all my brothers. I put everything where I assumed they went in an office like this.

My door opened. “Knock Knock,” one of the other Sergeants in SI said as they walked in.

“Come in. Please.”

“I'm Flare, Missing Ponies.” She was a pegasus like me. Her coat was fire fed, and her mane was yellow and orange, swooped backwards like she had been flying a lot. Her cutie mark was of a fire swirl.

“You know, you look a lot like—” I started to say

“Spitfire, I know, she's a cousin of mine.” She rolled her eyes. “Anyway. Just wanted to come by and say congrats on the promotion, and to stop by my office if you have any questions.”

“I'll do that, thanks.”

“Also, all the Sergeants in SI get together after hours in the lounge for a card game every Thursday. You game?”

“You play blackjack?” I asked, my ears perking up.

“Most nights. But we try and change it up every so often. We play low stakes so you don't lose too many bits,” she explained.

I thought about it for a moment. “Yeah, I'm game.”

“Cool. See you Thursday, or sooner should you have a question.” She left my office.

I stood and left my office. Closing the door behind me I went back to the morgue. As soon as I opened the doors, I was assaulted by the odors of decay, blood and a wide variety of other chemicals.

The coroner was standing over the corpse, peering intently at their face. “Anything new?” I asked, holding my nose and walking over.

“Time of death is still being determined. Still determining the weapon used.” He levitated what was left of the lungs out of the corpse. “I'll let you know when I figure that out.”

I just barely fought down a gag. “Alright.” I turned back to leave.

“It wasn't drowning,” he called just as I opened the door. “Lungs are empty. Just in case you were curious.”

“Thanks,” I said, leaving as fast as I could without running.

As soon as I stepped out of the morgue, I almost immediately wanted to go back inside. There were three ponies standing outside my office. Snow, Stone, and the guard I had asked get the seventy-two-hour guest and employee list.

I opened my door and waved them inside. As I sat down on my little chair, they lined up. I pointed to Stone to talk first.

“Sergeant, I'd like to work with you on your task force,” he said.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because I'm familiar with you Sergeant. And you need ponies you can trust.”

I nodded thoughtfully. “Both excellent points. I'll see what I can do. Dismissed.” Stone saluted exited my office.

I pointed to Snow. “I got you the addresses of the employees that were there,” she said.

“Excellent, thank you. Is that all?” I asked.

Snow hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath and spoke. “If you could talk to the lieutenant about me transferring departments, I would be appreciative, Sergeant.”

Oh, yeah. We’d talked about that. “I'll talk to him, but it would be best to have another department in mind willing to take you. Dismissed Snow.” Snow did an about face on her hind hooves and exited the office. I looked at the last pony.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“GSC Oda, Sergeant,” she said proudly. She was brown coated, silver mane and silver eyes. Cutie mark her obstructed by her armor. She was small, not weird small just kinda humorous if you put her next to anypony like Stone or Atlas.

“Well, Oda, what do you have for me?”

She levitated a packet of paper out of her hidden saddlebags and set it on my desk.

“Everypony who entered the Aquarium in the past seventy-two hours.”

“Yikes. This might take me a while.”

“Will that be all Sergeant?”

“Yes. Dismissed.”

She exited my office leaving me with the lists I had on my desk. I had my work cut out for me.

“Since Sergeants, like officers, are allowed apartments off base. We keep a few available for Sergeants should they choose them. I have two choices for you.”

I was in Quibbly’s office. I had already cleaned out my bunk from Snow and Stone’s room. My bag of stuff sat on the floor next to me. For some reason, I couldn't find my strip of pictures from my first date with Snow. I left a note asking her to meet me at the gate of the campus once she got off.

“And my choices are?” I asked, looking at the two sets of pictures on the desk.

“Living on campus in a room like the one you just had, which would be cheaper. Or, living in an apartment close to campus,” Quibbly offered.

“Apartment,” I said rather quickly. It would be hard to hide my relationship when other Sergeants were in earshot.

Quibbly jotted something down on the documents. “Okay then, now I have two more choices for you. All the beds and sheets have been replaced since the last tenant just in case you were wondering.” He handed me two small files.

“The first, it’s a bit larger than the second, and thus a bit more expensive. It’s two bedrooms one bath apartment, living room, and small but comfortable kitchen.”

That sounded appealing. “The second?”

“The second, is a single bedroom and bath, living room with a kitchen fit for a single pony like yourself.”

With how often my family was gonna visit, space was key, and something told me Snow would appreciate me thinking of her when making this decision. “I'll take the first. I'll need that spare bedroom when my brothers, sister, or other family members come to visit.”

Quibbly started writing more. “It's one block over, building fourteen-fourteen apartment five.” He levitated a pen over to me and some documents. “Sign here, here, and initials here.”

I signed on the lines. Once I was done, he levitated a key ring with three keys on it. “Here are the keys. Enjoy.”

I stood and retrieved my bag before exiting without another word. I made my way out to the gates of campus. There was a sentry stationed there. He stood to attention as I passed.

“As you were,” I said in slight irritation.

I remember an instructor from the Academy saying he didn't like the stand at attention response when a sergeant gets close or enters a room. Now I know why.

I looked around and saw Snow standing off to the side. Casually I walked up to her. I nodded for her to follow. Even when we were out of sight of all guard eyes she remained quiet. Not so much as a sigh from her.

We made it all the way up and into the apartment without a word between us. Upon opening the door I took note of the apartments’ features.

A plain couch and coffee table sat in the living room, with a bookshelf standing along the right wall. To the left was the kitchen and a small, rather pathetic kitchen table. A hall in the middle of the back wall led to the bathroom. On either side of the hallway were the bedrooms. Even as a bare minimum apartment it felt kinda homely. It just needs a few details added.

“Nice for one of the guards off-site homes,” Snow finally commented as I closed the door.

“Oh hey, you can still talk. I was worried you had gone mute. It would have made for some interesting one-sided conversations,” I joked.

She cracked a smile. “Yeah, yeah.”

I put my bag down, and put my helmet on the coffee table. “Hey. You've been off since the Aquarium. What's wrong?”

“It’s nothing really,” she said looking to the floor.

I stepped closer and pressed my forehead to her’s, as best I could; she is a unicorn after all. This forced her to look at me. “It can't be nothing if you'll barely look at me,” I said.

“It... I guess I... I am a little bit jealous that you got the promotion.”

“I thought you didn't want it?” I asked.

“I don't. But I guess that I was still hoping that I'd get it anyway.”

“I'm sorry. If it means anything it caught me completely by surprise. I thought you'd get it.”

Snow sighed. “It doesn't really help. But I'll get over it.”

I kissed her just for good measure. “How about we go out for dinner? I doubt that icebox has anything in it, and I'm famished.”

Snow smiled. “Then perhaps when we get back we could break in the new bed? Complete privacy, nopony to walk in on us.”

“You didn’t happen to bring some of that lingerie, did you?” I asked, a large grin crossing my face as I brought my wing down onto her flank.

She yelped softly. “In your dreams,” she declared, sticking her tongue out at me.

“It was worth asking.”

The next morning I realized Knight Gaze was right about being a Sergeant: lots of paperwork and less time spent out in the field. I spent the whole morning picking ponies who I felt could be trusted in this task force I'm supposedly leading. A lot was going on today.

I had also spoken to the Lieutenant about Snow, ensuring that she would be transferred to patrols by the end of the day. She was supposed to be cleaning out her SI desk, getting a new partner and room as well. That means Stone would be going through a shift as well.

When Quibbly had come by with his stack of files, I chose Ace, Mist, Stone, Oda, and seven other ponies for the task force, but only eight of them accepted. I was scheduled to meet with the new ponies this afternoon but I wanted to stretch my legs.

Stone and I were on our way to talk with our first set of witnesses for the Aquarium case. They all lived in the same location, which made it easy. All we really were doing was collecting a statement. After sergeant procedures class in Trottingham, I knew I was just supposed to send a regular investigator.

Hard to be a witness when we still don't know whose death we're investigating. Otulissa was currently working with the coroner to produce a sketch of the victim; she was supposed to be ready by the time I got back so I can go to the Aquarium and ask around.

Thirty-seven thirty-seven Harmony Road was the address we were looking for. It was a particularly long street in the business part of Red Town. For some reason, that address sounded familiar to me, but I couldn’t put my hoof on it.

I felt a ticklish sensation crawl across my chest. “Dino, hold still,” I hissed into my collar. The snake was coiled around my chest beneath my armor. I hadn’t taken him out a long time and thought this might be a good opportunity for him to get some air instead of laying underneath my bed all day.

“Sergeant, may I ask a question?” Stone asked.

I groaned. “Stone, it's just me here. Please just use my name, and yes ask away.”

“Your first case here. That little filly. Do you know why Snow was so broken up about it?”

I knew what she told me of the story. Snow had told me after a particularly challenging day at the academy. Her parents were killed in an accident when she was young, though she was not forthcoming in the specifics. If her grandparents hadn’t taken her in, she would have ended up in the foster system as well. Snow cried herself to sleep the night she told me.

“It’s not my place to tell you that,” I said. “But I often wonder what I could have done for Jett. I still do.”

“Well-oh. We're here,” Stone said, looking up at the building.

I looked too and saw the label above the door “Equestrian Foster Care House.”

Oh yeah. Thirty-seven thirty-seven Harmony Road. It's the foster care house Jett went to. Perhaps Stone could handle getting the statement himself. I now had another task to attend to.

“You can handle the statement?” I asked.

“Yeah, it's basic questions only. Why?” he asked as we got to the doors.

“Because I need to see somepony while I'm here.”

“Um, alright,” he said. He was obviously curious of my intentions, but he didn't push further and we went inside.

This building was old, made of dark brown pine wood and red bricks. The floor was well taken care of despite its age and the fact that foals ran around on the wood floor.

Flanking either side of the door within were stairs heading up to the second and third floors. Just ahead was a desk with three mares behind it: a pink and yellow-maned unicorn, a purple and white-maned unicorn, and a yellow orange-maned pegasus.

I let Stone approach first. “Excuse me ladies, but do you know where I can find miss…” He paused to consult the list of names. “Ducky? It's about her trip to the Aquarium.”

“Sweet Tart can take you to her.” The blonde and orange maned unicorn mare pushed the pink and yellow maned mare up out of her seat.

Sweet Tart glared at her co-worker, but lead Stone away regardless. “Is there something we can help you with Sergeant?” the pegasus mare asked.

“Perhaps. There should be a thestral filly who showed up here about two and a half weeks ago named Jett.”

The purple unicorn mare and the blonde pegasus mare exchanged glances. “My name is Lightfeather, I'm her caseworker,” the pegasus mare started. “Follow me please.”

I nodded and followed her further into the building toward the back. She led me out back to a very large open yard where the children were playing in various groups. We stopped at the top of the stairs.

“Over there,” Lightfeather pointed to a bench off to the corner.

Jett sat alone staring at the ground. I looked around and saw no other thestral fillies or colts. She had nothing in common with anypony. And the other children kept a scared distance from her.

Lightfeather sighed. “She has sat there whenever we allow the children to play. Never smiles. The other children call her names and make fun of her for being different. I worry for her. At this rate, she will have to be moved to a different city early just because no couples are willing to even give her a glance.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“A zebra filly is more likely to be adopted before Jett right now,” Lightfeather said rather bluntly.

“Would it be okay if I went to talk to her?” I asked as a trio of fillies approached Jett.

Lightfeather seemed a little bit intrigued by my request. “I don't see why not.”

I stepped down the steps and made my way across the yard. As I approached I could hear what the ringleader of the trio was saying to Jett.

“What's the matter fang? You too much of a rodent to even say anything? You just gonna squeak and cry like a little bat? What'd you expect from a little blank flank freak.”

“Excuse me,” I said sternly coming up behind them. They turned around and cowered as I gave them my best glare. “Don't you have something better to do?”

“Yes sir,” they said before running off in a hurry. Once they were gone I looked back at Jett. She was hiding as best she could on the bench.

I sat in the space next to her. “Hey, Jett.”

She jerked her head up to look at me, tears still running down her cheeks. “Oh. Hi.”

“How are you fairing?” I asked.

“Good, I guess.” She sat up straight on the bench, trying to compose herself.

It was at this time I noticed she didn’t have the little gecko she used to have. “What happened to your pet?”

“When I came here, they wouldn't let me keep him. I had to let them take him to another pet shop,” she said sadly.

“So you like reptiles?” I asked getting an idea.

“Well yeah, I just think they are cool.”

“Hmm. Well in that case.” I attempted to look at my collar. “Dino, you wanna come out and say hi?”

“Dino? Who's—” Jett started to ask when Dino slithered out of my armor and started down my foreleg. A huge honest smile spread across her muzzle. “He's so cool! What is he?”

“He's a Night Snake.” Dino slithered across the bench to Jett and began to climb up her body. She giggled and squirmed as he spun himself all around before settling on her head. “He seems to like you.”

Jett giggled at Dino’s attempts at staying in her mane. “He's cool. Where'd you get him?”

Delicate question. Especially when I just now got her to smile. “I...found him on a recent case.” Not really a lie, not the whole truth either though.

“So are you a Wonderbolt fan?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

She nodded as best she could with Dino on her head. “Fleetfoot is my favorite Wonderbolt! There is this rumor going around that she is seeing somepony but nopony knows who it is.”

I do. My brother. “Very interesting. What would you say if I could get you to meet Fleetfoot face to face?”

“That would be awesome!”

“Well, tell you what. I'll see what Ms. Lightfeather thinks of the idea. Then after I'm done with the case I'm working on, I'll set up a meeting. That sound okay?”

“Mmhm,” she nodded.

I extended my wing up to Dino. “Alright Dino, time to go.” Dino slid off her head and onto my wing, and from there down to my neck and into my armor.

I stood to leave and Jett jumped up to hug me. “Thank you for visiting me,” she said.

I hesitated. This was a new feeling I wasn’t used to and was unsure of what it was.

I reached down and stroked her mane. “I'll be back,” I told her. I meant it too.

She released me and returned to her spot on the bench, now looking much happier. I walked back to where Ms. Lightfeather was standing. She had a file under her wing that hadn't been there before.

“You know I've been trying to get that filly to smile for almost two weeks and then you come along and accomplish that in mere minutes,” Lightfeather pointed out, sounding almost envious.

“Yeah, I guess. I wanted to know if it was okay of I took her to a Wonderbolt race after Hearth's Warming?” I asked.

“I don't see why not. But I might have another option.” She held out the file under her wing.

I took it and opened it. “What's this?”

“Jett’s adoption papers.”

My eyes widened. “I-um… I don't understand.”

“I'm her case worker. It’s my job to find her a home. She knows you, she already has a level of trust with you.” She paused to let the information sink in. “A blind pony would agree that this would be a good thing.”

Taking on a filly’s care was a massive responsibly. I know Snow wanted me to do something for Jett, but I don’t think she had this in mind. Besides, there’s no telling how this would change my relationship with Snow. It already changed when I became Sergeant, but this is a whole other kind of change.

“I'll need to think about it.” I tried to give the papers back, but she refused.

“Keep them. They’re official copies, but I have a set too. All they need are your information, then to be returned to me, and it's as good as done.” Lightfeather turned and walked back inside toward the front desk.

I tucked the paperwork under my wing and tried to get back into the Sergeant mindset. When I returned to the lobby I found Stone and Sweet Tart flirting with each other. I stood with Lightfeather and the other mare.

“How did this happen?” I asked.

“Not sure. She's usually mean with everypony.” Lightfeather murmured in obvious confusion.

“They came back and he had her laughing. I don't know what happened,” the other mare shrugged.

“Well it's a shame to interrupt this,” I said stepping forward. “Stone.”

He snapped to attention. “Yes Sergeant.”

I grew a grin. “Ask the mare out already. Or should we get moving?”

Stone’s face reddened. “I-”

“When are you off?” Sweet Tart asked.

“Um, Tuesday.” Stone said glancing over at Sweet Tart.

“Meet me here Tuesday night then. Let's say seven?” she said.

“Okay,” he smiled.

I started leading him away. “Alright, alright. You got the statement, Stone?”

“Yes Sergeant,” he confirmed, still grinning broadly.

I nodded. “Alright, let’s get back to SI.”

Author's Note:

Hey everyone I'm publishing this chapter today on the 15th of June. My birthday. I turn 22. I hope you all enjoy my little gift to you.

I just updated Flames too so you might want to jump on over if you aren't reading that one yet.