• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 1,344 Views, 176 Comments

Strider - Olakaan Peliik

My name is Flame Strider, I am a Pegasus, and City Guard. This is my record of my time in the City Guard, and travels across Equestria.

  • ...

Baltimare VI

Apparently, random murder investigations were just something to occupy my spare time. When I got back with Stone there were boxes upon boxes of evidence and crime scene photos from years of gang activity stacked high in my office. I had to send Ace, Mist, and Stone to the Aquarium to ask if anypony recognized the sketch Otulissa made while I dealt with this.

Even after a day, I was still in my office sorting through the boxes. And I had the four other ponies who accepted my invitation to the task force in my office. All but one were already SI, the last one was from Special Patrols.

Sharp Shot. Unicorn Guard stallion originally from Las Pegasus. Silver coat short cut brown mane, his cutie mark was of red crosshairs.

Kickback. Earth Pony Guard stallion originally from the central Equestrian town Ponyville. Navy blue mane brown coat, cutie mark of silver double horseshoes. He was in Special Patrols before this.

Ruff Luck and Tuff Luck. Pegasus Guards, a sister-brother team from Mareland. They were almost identical to each other, even having the same three-leaf clover cutie mark, but the difference was in their colorings: Ruff had a dark green coat and light green mane and cutie mark, while Tuff had the opposite.

All together I have, Ace, Mist, Stone, Oda, Sharp Shot, Kickback, and the Lucks on my “Task Force.” The newest four in front of me in the sharply-pressed uniforms, ready for orders.

“Sharp Shot and Tuff, I want you two to go find these three suspects.” I slid a list of three names and addresses over to them. “See if you can get the first two to cooperate with us. They are both members of the Mareish Mob so start with bars and taverns. Then find the third. She's Canter Nostra, tail her and see what you can learn about her habits. Go.”

“Yes Sergeant.” They saluted and left my office with purpose.

“Ruff, and Kickback. Speak with Sergeant Flare next door and ask her about this missing ponies profile, he's an undercover guard from Manehattan in the Sinalope Cartel that has failed to report in. He was spotted here.” I slid the file over to them. “See if you can dig up any leads.”

“Yes Sergeant.”

I sat down for a moment. Just to take a breath. Okay Strider, list of the tasks for today only. Get boxes of evidence pinned to the walls of your office. Meet Grandma Galaxy for lunch. And lastly, check in on the Aquarium Investigation.

There was knocking on my door. How long was I sitting there thinking? “Come in.”

Oda stepped inside in her new investigator armor. “Reporting for duty, Sergeant.”

I was about to give her some meaningless task until a thought struck me.“How good are your organization skills?”

“Decent. Why, Sergeant?”

“I was hoping you could use that magic you got to assist me with putting the evidence in these boxes onto the walls. Each criminal organization on a different wall.”

Oda seemed to look around for a moment. “How long do I have?”

Oh, thank Celestia. “Till I get back from my meeting. Shouldn’t be more than an hour or so.”

“Just wait and see sergeant. I'll have these walls singing with evidence by the time you get back.”

“Alright. Leave the door open. Not like I have any sensitive material in here anyway. If you do leave, lock the door until you get back. Sergeant Flare next door has a spare key if you need to get in.”

“Yes Sergeant,” Oda said and got to work. I stood and took the only file I deemed as sensitive information. Jett’s file.

After I explained the situation to Sergeant Flare, I left for lunch with Grandma. She had picked a nice little patio diner between Campus and where she volunteers at the local Veterans Hospital.

“So you gonna be here at Hearth's Warming next week?” Grandma Galaxy asked taking a sip from her tea.

“Hmm,” I answered.

“Sweetie,” Grandma said in a slightly stern tone. “You're thinking of something else aren't you?”

I looked up at her and said nothing. She always had a way of figuring out what was on my mind, or getting me to talk about it. I pulled Jett’s file out of my armor’s side bag and set it on the table in front of her.

“What’s this?” she asked, picking it up.

“Uh—” I hesitated. Since she would find out once she read it anyway, I went with straight honesty. “Adoption papers for a little filly whose parents died. I was in charge of the investigation on their deaths.”

“Was this your idea?” she asked, her eyes brightening.

“No, the Foster System Case worker's idea. But I think I might be considering it.” I said honestly.

“What does Snow think of this? Thasus said you two were finally dating?”

“We are…” I rubbed the back of my neck and chuckled nervously, blushing. “We’re a little more than that grandma, and no I haven't spoken to her about it yet,” I admitted.

She closed the folder and slid it back to me. “Well, I think you'd make an excellent stepdad. But if you don't believe me, ask Snow what she thinks. I guarantee that she will support you no matter your decision.”

“Thanks, Grandma. If you could not mention this to anypony. I would be appreciative.”

“My lips are sealed on the matter. So, tell me how are things with Snow?” Grandma batted her eyes. I know she wanted details without it getting weird.

I smiled. “Well…”

My task force was gathered in my office. Oda had completed pinning up the evidence, pictures, and notes from over the years. Now it was all visible wherever you looked in here.

“Ace. Progress on the Aquarium murder.” I requested.

“The victim was an employee named Coral. Last seen five days ago. Hadvar confirmed time of death at ninety-six hours ago. She and her fellow employee Reed were on night shift on the night of her death.”

“We know where Reed is?” I asked.

“We are looking for an address. Once we have one you want him brought in for interrogation?”

“Yes.” I turned to the others. “Anything to report from your assignments?”

Kickback spoke up. “The missing pony case we have a lead, a Griffon from the Griffon Mob was the last to be seen with him so we are figuring out how to approach this.”

“Good, good. Pursue the lead with caution. Sharp Shot. What do you have?”

Sharp Shot stood up straight and spoke clearly. “We couldn’t get through the door on the first two bars. The Mareish Mob is, as you know, very suspicious of outsiders. Without a warrant, they won't let us in. However, the mare you had us tail was reporting to somepony.”

“Who did you see?”

“I don't know but she was definitely not Griffon Mafia, Mareish Mob, Canter Nostra, or Sinalope Cartel. I think she is somepony else entirely.” Sharp Shot added.

“Do you think you and Tuff could identify her if you saw her again?” I asked.

“Aye Sergeant,” Tuff confirmed in a very thick Mareish accent.

“Alright. You two go find Otulissa. Ask to go through her mug shot collection. Ace, Stone, alert me once you bring Reed in, I want to do the interrogation. Kickback, Ruff, once you have a plan come to me just to make sure it's within our ability, if not, I'll see about getting a warrant. Mist, Oda, go with Sharp Shot and Tuff. Once they identify the mare all these organizations seem to be reporting to, find out everything you can about her. Sharp Shot, Tuff report back when you are done, I have another task for you.”

“Will that be all, Sergeant?” Oda asked.

“Good work, all of you. Dismissed.”

Once they were gone I sat down in my chair. I looked around the room. Griffon Mafia, Mareish Mob, Canter Nostra, and Sinalope Cartel. If they were reporting to one snake, then this might be more difficult than I thought.

“Sergeant?” Hadvar stepped in.

“Come in. What can I do for you?” I asked.

“Actually I found something in the tank filter that might interest you.” He set a piece of paper down in front of me.

The results on the paper might as well have been written in ancient Equestrian. I couldn’t understand a single word. “What does this mean?”

“It’s blue dye with traces of vodka in it. Made from a flower that is native to Griffonstone. Why there would be blue dye in a fish filter, I don't know.”

“Wait, Griffonstone.” I looked over to the wall that was dedicated to the Griffon Mafia. “The Griffins smuggle various alcohols into the city, under the guise of them being cleaning chemicals or supplies.”

Hadvar raised an eyebrow. “You think they were using the filter to separate out the dye?”

“Yup,” I grinned. “We just found a criminal connection.”

“But wait, why wouldn't the Griffons just take one of the filters instead of doing it there?”

“Do you think Griffons would know how to do maintenance on the filters? Or know how to remove them from the tank properly?” I asked. “The Mafia doesn’t hire these guys for their brains.”

“Yeah, I see your point. These are some expensive filters though.”

“They are built specifically for each tank's needs,” I said, recalling a conversation I’d had with Guppy earlier when I’d met her and Thasus. “The Royal Aquarium makes them in their maintenance shop.”

“So you're right, the Griffons wouldn't be able to get filters this good anywhere else.”

“Exactly,” I grinned, thumping the table. “Ow,” I added a moment later. Probably shouldn’t thump that hard.

I was on my couch, playing with Dino and waiting for Snow to come home. She had been put in charge of a four by four square section of the city and was on an eight guard team to watch that section during the day. I had made dinner but she was taking a bit longer to get home so it was just sitting in the oven on warm.

The lock on my door opened and Snow walked in. “How was patrol today?” I asked.

“Three drunk and disorderlies, and two street fights. I handled it though.” She began removing her new armor, starting with her helmet.

When she got closer I noticed a minor bruise above her left eye. “It looks like you took a hit.”

“What?” she asked as she looked at a mirror I had put on the wall near the hall. “Oh. I didn't realize she hit me that hard. Probably would have been worse without the helmet.”

“Uh yeah, luckily.”

Snow climbed up onto the couch unceremoniously. “I'm exhausted,” she groaned.

“I'm made dinner.” I got up to go get her some, allowing Dino to slide up my wing onto my back.

“You did? You're sweet.” She smiled. I liked it when she smiled.

“Rigatoni and pepper sauce,” I informed her once she took her bowl that balanced on my wing.

I went back to get myself some. “Strider, what's this?” Snow asked.

I looked over to see Snow reading Jett’s adoption papers. I had filled them all out except for the signature at the bottom. For some reason, every time I started to sign, my hoof refused to put the pen to the paper.

“You're gonna adopt her?” Snow asked with surprise, confusion, and excitement on her face.

“I-I don't know. I filled them out. But-” I stammered.

“But you haven't signed the bottom. I can see,” she pointed out. “What’s stopping you?”

“Wait, you want me to? I thought you wanted me to just help Jett,” I said.

“Well yeah, I had meant find her a good home,” Snow said. “But I also can't think of anypony who would care for her as much as you would.”

I felt my face flushing. “You...really?”

“Absolutely,” Snow smiled, glowing at me. “I saw how you treated her. Did you see her?”

“While I was at the orphanage?” I asked. Snow nodded. “Yeah. I saw her. She hugged me after Dino and I made her smile.”

Snow set the papers back down on the coffee table. “Okay, what do you want me to say to convince you that this would be a good thing?” I shrugged. “Sure, you're a little young to be a dad with a nine-year-old but I think you could make it work.”

I nodded. “I'll think about it some more. I'll make my decision once the Aquarium investigation is over.”

“Okay. But I'm gonna be reminding you about it. So don't just forget.”

“Believe me I won't,” I said going back to getting myself some food.

Ace and Stone brought Reed in the next morning. He came willingly, which made his case look a lot better.

When I entered the interrogation room, Reed was sitting in the chair, his forelegs on the table. He seemed calm. “Thank you for coming in, Reed,” I said, closing the door behind me.

“It's no issue,” Reed said, nodding. “Everypony at work is saying it was Coral who was in the tank?”

“That’s right,” I said, sliding into a seat. “Did you know her?”

Reed blinked sadly a few times, looking down at the floor. “Yeah,” he whispered.

“I’m truly sorry,” I said. “I just have a few questions to ask that might help lead us to her killer.”

“Sure, ask away.”

I flipped my notebook open. “Where were you five days ago?”

“Las Pegasus,” Reed answered. “I was visiting a family member going through some personal stuff. My co-worker Guppy had covered my night shift that night.”

I had seen the time-in sheet. “The employee log says that you were there that night.”

“Yeah, she used my code instead of her’s. I was gonna pay her back that portion of my bits.”

“Can you provide receipts or maybe a ticket stub for the train?” I asked.

“Yeah, they're at home.”

“Very well. My associate Ace will accompany you to prove your alibi.” I stood and exited the room.

Ace and Stone were waiting outside. “You think he's telling the truth?” Ace asked.

“I do. But just in case, go with him to confirm. As soon as you do, come find me. I'll be bringing in Guppy for questioning.”

“Yes, Sergeant.”

“Stone, you're with me.” I started back toward my office.

“Sergeant Strider!” Scalpel called as he almost ran up. I finally learned the coroner's name. He was a white unicorn with a silver mane. He worked part-time at a medical clinic down the road.

“Scalpel, you seem excited,” I observed.

Scalpel was panting heavily, wiping sweat from his brow as he caught his breath. “I found cause of death: strangulation. And I found a hair in the victim's lung.”

“Belonging to?”

“Not our victim. Victim's mane was coral green. This one is cerulean blue,” Scalpel pointed out.

I sighed. I knew exactly where Guppy was gonna be tonight. On a date with Thasus. He was not gonna like this.

My squad and I marched into a fancy gourmet food restaurant in the “classy” part of town. I wasn’t really paying attention to what was around me with what was going through my mind.

Reed’s alibi had been true. I even double checked with the Aquarium staff who clocked out when Coral and Guppy were supposed to be clocking in. Guppy was definitely there, one of only two ponies in the whole Aquarium. Not a whole lot for her to hide behind. Especially since I was betting her mane would match the one Scalpel found in Coral’s lung. It was enough to convince a prosecutor to ask a judge for an arrest warrant.

I walked past the reservation desk with Stone, Oda, and Ruff behind me. Once inside, I scanned the tables. In the corner, Thasus and Guppy sat with smiles on their faces. I took a deep breath and approached the table.

“Good evening, brother,” I said as I stepped up.

“Strider.” Thasus’ smile disappeared when he saw my company. “What’s this about?”

“I'm sorry about this but the evidence points here.” I turned to Guppy. “Guppy, you are under arrest. Oda, Stone, take her in.”

Oda started shackling her hooves and putting the inhibitor ring on her horn while Stone recited her rights. “You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult with a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire.”

They marched her out of the restaurant with everypony staring. I looked back to Thasus. “I”

Thasus held up a hoof to stop me. His expression was stony, like he’d suddenly been turned into a statue. “I understand that you are doing your job. Just give me a little bit. It's a large pill to swallow.”

“I understand. See you at Hearth's Warming?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Thasus said sitting back down.

I said nothing else and headed back to Campus with Ace.

“She buckled under the pressure in the interrogation room. Full confession, didn't even lawyer up.” I said sitting on my couch while Snow made dinner.

“So what was the motive?” Snow asked. The aromas of her cooking were already helping me relax.

“Money. The Griffon Mafia paid her to let them use the filter for their alcohol trafficking. Coral apparently walked in on it and Guppy panicked.”

“How is your brother taking it?” Snow asked.

The honest answer was not well, but then again, learning that you’ve been dating a murderer would be a shock to anyone. “Better than expected. He's throwing himself into his work at the moment. It’s how he deals with stress.”

“I see,” she said. Her tone told me that something else was on her mind.

“Something tells me that this isn't the topic that you were thinking of tonight,” I observed.

Her magic flared. And from the coffee table, she levitated Jett’s file over to me with a pen. “I said I would remind you.”

“Oh, believe me. I haven't forgotten,” I said taking the file in my hooves.

Snow stopped preparing dinner for a moment and came over to sit next to me. “Have you made up your mind yet?”

I sighed. “What if she doesn't want to live here? What if I’m a terrible parent?”

Snow giggled. “I think you're asking all the questions a new father asks himself before he has a kid.”

I gave a half-hearted laugh. “I guess.”

“Perhaps you should talk to her?” Snow suggested.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Before you sign those papers and turn them in, talk to Jett, ask if she'd like to be a part of your family.”

That was a good plan. I could always throw the papers out if Jett truly didn't want to. Slowly I opened the file and signed the last line.

I was back at the orphanage, out of armor this time. Ms. Lightfeather was supposedly in a meeting. I was standing in the lobby, just waiting for her to finish up.

It wasn't long before she came down the steps and saw me. “Sergeant, I wasn't sure I'd see you again,” she greeted me. “Have you made a decision?”

“I have.” I paused. “But this decision is not mine alone to make. May I speak with Jett?”

“I understand. Yes, she is in the same spot, like usual. I will be here.”

“Thank you.” I made my way to the back. It was cold outside, with a fresh snowfall dancing down from the heavens. I saw Jett sitting in the same spot as before; she didn’t seem to mind the cold. Nor did I, not once I saw her.

I approached in a similar manner as last time and sat on the bench. “You could catch a cold sitting out in temperatures like this, you know.”

“Oh, hi,” she said glumly.

“Why the long face?”

“A rich married couple came by today. They were looking to adopt. They looked right at me like I was garbage…” She started to tear up. “...and picked the filly next to me.”

“Hey now. You aren't garbage,” I said, draping a wing around her and holding her close, both for warmth and for comfort. “Even I can see that. Then again I don't have my head stuck up my behind like they probably did.”

“I don't get it,” she sniffed.

“I'm gonna guess that these ponies were snobby and from Canterlot?” I asked. She nodded. “Then it doesn't matter what they think. If they were too snobbery to see the gem they passed up then they are the dunderheads.”

I missed using childhood swear words. You can get very creative with your vocabulary and not even say a real swear word.

Jett finally smiled. Then I remembered my actual purpose for being here. “Speaking of adoption. I wanted your opinion on something.”

I showed her the folder containing her papers. “What are these?” Jett asked.

“Your papers. Lightfeather gave them to me the last time I was here. I've been unsure about it. Then somepony close to me helped me realize it was your choice as well,” I explained.

Jett sat there looked back and forth between me and the folder. I was getting nervous because she just sat there looking shocked.

“You've been very quiet.” I reminded her.

She nodded vigorously and hugged me. I felt a little relieved. “Should I take that as a yes?”

“Yeah.” she confirmed.

“Alright well, perhaps we should inform Lightfeather of this so we can go home?”

Jett let go of me and jumped off the bench. “Come on! I still need to get my stuff!” She tugged on my tail.

“Okay, okay, I'm coming.”

She practically flew back inside while I followed her. A bundle of emotions was tumbling through my chest: joy, relief and terror all mixed with one another. I was officially going to be a parent.

I just hoped that I could be the one that Jett deserved.

Author's Note:

BOOM! I hope you all liked this chapter. The next one might be a little sweet, so it will sate your sweet tooth for a while. Also the next chapter is where things begin to get interesting.