• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 7,058 Views, 193 Comments

The Devil Inside - Chelis

The permanent opening of the portal between Equestia and the alternate human world allows Sunset Shimmer to use her magic again

  • ...

Pedo Pete Part IV


Sunset Shimmer awoke to an unfamiliar surrounding: a jail cell. the walls were bare, the white paint chips all over the ground like splotches of dirty white. Her window was open, but sealed off with a iron security cage.

In front of her were three adults: a stoic-looking woman in a business suit carrying a tablet. She looked on without any sympathy, even if she probably knew what was Sunset's fate. The one on the far left was younger, larger, and his clothes were a bit more tattered. The look on his face, the dirty, discolored fingernails, and the small marks on his arms said it all: a tweaker.

The man between them was familiar: he had the same description, height, and had the same face of the man she was looking for since yesterday. Between the woman and the man was Risky Line himself.

"So, I heard your dad was talking shit." He said.

"He tends to do that to monsters." Sunset repled.

Risky had a twitch in his eye the second she called him that.

"Now listen here you bratty twat. If it wasn't for me, those girls would be in poverty! I got them out of the hell of the third world! I feed them! I clothe them! I teach them how to read!" He screamed in fury.

"You sell them for sex!"

"You want to pay for them without a return on a investment, Miss Rich Daddy? Anyway, right now I could use some really young pussy. You are alone. No daddy, no officer Fuckface that got shot, just you and me…. And my assistant’s camera. But I'm starting to like your friend you brought along…. She seems like she would like it."

"So much for being a humanitarian."

"Yeah, yeah. Just sit tight. I’ll get you all tied up to go see me have fun with your friend in person. While you wait ,enjoy some TV."

The junkie turned on the TV on the wall opposite of the jail cell to see the live shot from a news chopper of a police car patrolling the inner city, just mere blocks away. It also dawned on her that it was dark outside

How long was I out?

Conveniently, the anchor was back and gave the rundown: Her father called a tactical alert in the city; all police officers were out looking for her and Fluttershy. As soon as it was announced that they were kidnapped, Hazel Cinnamon collapsed in grief and was at that moment in a hospital, her father looked like he was holding back tears as he read a canned press release about the situation and the announcement that Pedo Pete was the main suspect in the attack. Solar Sword went into surgery hours ago to remove the bullet in his shoulder and was still under the knife.

It was a shitty situation for Sunset, but she only had herself to blame. If she had just used her magic... If GLADIS was around….

My contact HUD!

She rubbed her eye, hoping the link between her and the GLADIS program was not far away. With luck, the HUD came alive again with the connection at four out of five bars.

Well, look who came crawling back.

"Can we do this later? I'm in a jam!" Sunset whispered frantically.

My RSS feed is telling me you are in some deep water. How is Risky Line like?

"An asshole."

And I expected nothing less. I found Fluttershy. She is on the second floor of this place, in a room that has a balcony overlooking the yard. It's a U-shaped building.

"Has she been..."

Pheromone levels show she has not had any sexual contact recently.

"How the hell you know all this?"

Considering that cameras do more than just look nowadays.

"Creepy. But, I need to get Fluttershy out of here."

Ok Miss Heroine, so want me to call the cops so they come in guns ablazing?

"Thats too easy, I want Risky to suffer."

"Balls out She-Demon" option? I love it. One moment.

A ringtone came from the junkie’s back pocket. With shaky hands, he took a quick read.

He began to laugh. "Oh Look! A text from Pete! 'don't want her, you can have her!' Well, don't mind if I do!"

Sunset was sitting next to the back wall, her hand on her face, looking as if she was about to sob. The guard wasted no time in getting in the cell. As he began to unbuckle his belt, Sunset bolted from her sitting position and had her fist clenched, which was enveloped in a orb of opal. The punch landed on his chest, but sent him flying across the small cell, slamming him into the iron bars. He was out cold.

A bit overkill, don't you think?

"When it's the well being of a friend… Not really. How do I get there?"

There’s a chute to your right, it'll take you right to the yard. You can cross it and climb the fire escape to the balcony.

Sunset didn’t ask any questions and went into the square chute and dropped inside.

* * *

Fluttershy stopped crying hours ago, she simply ran out of energy for tears. She was also watching the coverage on the television. The defeated feeling of the world looking for her, but never finding her, was a plausible fear now.

The door opened, and Fluttershy recognized the face. She was scared speechless.

"Hello, dear. I think you might know who I am."

She nodded slowly. There was no time in her life that she was that consumed by fear.

"Assistant, can you please leave us? We would like to… Get well acquainted."

The assistant walked out of the room, not before turning on the camera in front of the bed.

"Now, I know you think I'm a monster. No! I'm a man, a man with needs. You see child, there are people in this world that are hated for liking things not considered the social 'norm'. Even today, men are taking wives as young as twelve in parts of the world. Are they 'icky'? 'Perverts'? 'Scum'? No! Which is surprisingly racist to believe that because they have a different culture than us, which they don't know any 'better' which leads to my question? Why are you afraid of your body? Isn't something as magical as sex part of the human psychology? Now, I would be with sunset shimmer… But you are easily the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. It would be a privilege to deflower you at the prime of your beauty."

* * *

The landing was soft, squishy and smelled of rotting food.

"You said this is a vent not a trashcan!"

I told you it was a way out.

"I hate you sometimes," Sunset said as her skirt, shirt, and leather jacket molted into her black cargo pants and turtleneck, her ski mask still in her pocket.

No point now.

She picked up a metal pipe next to the green dumpster and scouted around.

Ten in the yard, they seem to be just decoys… This whole apartment unit seems to be just abounded front for Pete and his crew. PLEASE BE ADVISED, RISKY LINE IS IN THE SAME ROOM AS FLUTTERSHY.

Sunset peeked past the bin and saw it. He surely was talking to her. She was on the foot of the bed. He was talking to her, leaning on the TV counter.


* * *

"So, my dear… As to quote a great character, 'Shag now, or shag now?"

He jumped on her, and she landed on the soft bed, but was pressed down by Risky's body. His hands were all over her as he began to kiss her neck. Fluttershy tried to push him off of her, but to no avail.

"Please get off, I don't want to do this!" She screamed. She began squirming in all directions, trying to wiggle free. His body was too heavy for her so it was all in vain.

She began to cry as he felt up her chest. Her tears only drove Risky Line even farther, to the point he got up. As soon as he did he grabbed the front of Fluttershy's tank top with both hands and violently tore them down the front, exposing her bra.Her hands covered them as she continued to cry, but he then ripped her skirt from her body, the sounds of tearing cotton and cries echoed through the room.

"White underwear? How unimaginative. Now, I can't have just you without any clothes on."

He unbuttoned each of his black and white Guayabera Shirt one by one, each one trying to seduce the crying Fluttershy, whose palms were covering her face.

There was a new sound in the room. It was not one of love or of sexual excitement… It was of pain.

Risky took a look outside in the lighted yard to see Sunset Shimmer take on all ten of his grunts in the yard, and winning by a landslide. Each swing missed the girl, and the swings of her iron pipe seemed to always hit one of them. They’d had enough and a few began to run inside the door, blocking the path for the others trying to escape, banging on the double doors

"I’m coming for you, Risky Line!” Sunset called out merrily, pointing her pipe at him.

" I thought you were supposed to be in a jail cell watching this?! Assistant!”

The stoic woman appeared with the shirtless Risky Line on the balcony, her gaze still fixed on Sunset.

"Deal with her." He commanded.

"Understood. Hold this."

She handed him her tablet and coat. He went on the balcony to drop it off as she made her way down the escape ladder, her stilettos and the metal announcing each step along the way.

Fluttershy was grabbed and she appeared on the balcony with her. Sunset saw red the second she saw her, underwear exposed and what was left of her torn clothes hanging off of her

"What did you do to her?!"

"You interrupted us as we were about the have fun. But no, you, Ms. Goody Two-shoes, had to ruin the fun. But there is some good news. You can have a first row seat once my assistant kicks your ass.

The assistant was around ten feet away from Sunset before she stopped and pulled out a black steel pipe that was only a foot long. One flick of the wrist, and it extended to a five foot pole.

Collapsible quarterstaff. Interesting.

Even with the impending fight, there was no emotion from Risky Line's assistant. "En guarde."

Author's Note:

I have a Skype group for fans of my work, pre-readers, proofreaders, and editors. If you want to join this group (and Skype is free to get and register btw) add me (louisros1990 is mine skype) and tell me you want to join the group.