• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 7,058 Views, 193 Comments

The Devil Inside - Chelis

The permanent opening of the portal between Equestia and the alternate human world allows Sunset Shimmer to use her magic again

  • ...

The Ride

"Well, shit."

Sunset Shimmer loved the rain. She would take long walks in it back in Equestria. But when it came to her backpack, her guitar case and the possibility of getting sick, walking in it was a no-go. Her parents were off doing something important: they were going to talk to a fertility specialist to see if trying again for a child was plausible. Sunset smiled and thought of the brother or sister she might have. Having to find another way home was a small sacrifice for that small bundle of potential joy/nightmare.

At the beginning of the day, she doubled down on the weather app on her phone. She believed the weather would clear up by the time band practice was over and would enjoy a nice sunny walk home. Even when her friends offered a ride home, she still trusted in her app, believing that even with the continuing downpour, her own coding and prediction model would prevail. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Her friends left. The teachers, the principal and vice principal, everyone left… Except one person.

The sun was starting to set, and for the most part, there was only one parking spot that was occupied. She knew that car well. It took her on many dates, joy rides, and food runs. That blue sports car was staring at her. Its owner was on the base of the steps in front of her.

"Need a ride?" Flash Sentry asked.

She looked down the front stairs of the school to see her former boyfriend, a bit wet from the rain, his umbrella trying its best to shield him from the downpour. He had a smile, and a hand extended. Either she was to walk home or take the awkward ride.


* * *

"How was school?" Flash asked as he started up the car.

"Well, it's gotten better now that I'm not being asked every day if I wanted to have sex," Sunset smirked.

"And yet…"

"Sorry Flash, I ain't that easy," Sunset answered with a wink. "But, it was fun dating you, even if it was for the popularity," Sunset said.

"Yeah, I got to admit, it was fun," Flash replied.

"Remember our first dinner date?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah, all dressed up as we went to McDonalds and had our fill of one dollar cheeseburgers. I saved a month's allowance for that!"

The former lovers laughed. Even with the messy breakup, they still were friends and enjoyed each other’s company. Outside, the rain was still pouring, and Sunset was still unsure when her parents would get home. Which gave Sunset Shimmer an idea.

"Hey, Flash?"


"What are you doing tonight?" She asked.

"Homework and fucking around. You?"

"Well, my parents are not home, and I really want to make it up to you… Whatever means necessary," She said with a wink


"Any," Sunset said with a confident grin.

* * *

"I was hoping for sex." Flash lamented

"I know, but let's be honest. Who were you trying to fool, me or yourself? Besides, free pizza," Sunset laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. It's still nice," Flash replied.

From the parking lot they stopped by a pizza place and then went straight to Sunset's house. Hours had gone by since they arrived, and it was already near midnight. Sunset's head was rested on Flash's shoulders, watching a B-listed black and white horror movie. Watching really bad horror movies was their favorite past time when they dated.

"So Flash, what are you doing after high school?" Sunset asked.

"Well, I'm thinking of… Everton." Flash nervously answered. Sunset lifted her head and looked at him.

"Don't tell me you're doing it for Twilight," Sunset said.


Sunset glared at him, the kind of glare that made Flash cringe. It only lasted a few seconds before Flash finally fessed up.

"Yes, I am going just for Twilight."

Sunset began to laugh. She knew he liked her, but not enough to change his plans for his future to go to the same school as her, especially since Everton was one of the most elite schools in the country.

"Hold up, you made fun of my dream to become a rock star, now when I actually want to do something you still laugh?!" Flash objected.

"I never said it was stupid, just difficult. Being on tour, missing your family."

"You mean OUR family?" Flash joked. "I'll be honest, even if it was for the personality, I did like the thought of spending the rest of our lives together."

Sunset blushed, "You old charmer, you."

"Well, did "us" ever cross your mind?"

It was a tough question, a really tough question. Not that having that thought of getting married and having a family with him ever came to her, which it did. But it was one where she knew that she was falling into the trap of having feelings for Flash again. She wasn't ready to get back together. Hell, she wasn't ready to get in a relationship with anyone, at least not yet. But, to tell him that she didn't have any feelings for him back then, even now to some extent would be an outright lie. She also didn't want to be seen as stealing Flash from Twilight, or even Lizzie

Fuck Lizzie, tbh. Anyways, here goes nothing.

"Yeah, I thought we could have been more... a family, you know?" She confessed.

Sunset watched as Flash beamed, and began to slowly reach in for a kiss. She began to blush. Unsure of what to do.

Well, the borrowed time you have been living with is up. Make your choice.

It was a tough choice. Kissing him would mean the interest to go back out with him, saying no would confirm any chance of them getting back together was dead and he would most likely move on to Twilight. If there was only a way for something to make him stop and buy her even more time to choose -

The low, grinding sound of the key entering the lock was heard. Flash opened his eyes and sat back up straight. He was courageous enough, but not suicidal to try to be seen kissing Thunder Breeze's daughter.

Thunder Breeze and Hazel Cinnamon walked in and began to flip out.

"Sunset! Flash! What the hell do you think you're doing… leaving perfectly good pizza out to get cold! What are your major malfunctions!?" Thunder Breeze shouted.

"Sunset! what the hell do you think YOU'RE doing… I had a perfectly good dinner plate in the fridge for you, instead, you waste it on pizza and chill?!" Hazel bellowed

"I forgot that your parents were like this," Flash cracked a smile

"Oh please, as if your's are better."

Author's Note:

I have a skype group for fans, writers, and editors. If you want to join the madness here is the link https://join.skype.com/MkJbzfI1D8o2