• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 7,058 Views, 193 Comments

The Devil Inside - Chelis

The permanent opening of the portal between Equestia and the alternate human world allows Sunset Shimmer to use her magic again

  • ...

The Wolf

The physical education class at Canterlot High was a boring one. The teachers mostly sat around and did nothing, and their students followed suit. It was an hour of time which friends would sit on or around the different machines, weights, and the classic dumbbells.

This class was different. They always had a great show.

They waited patiently for it, doing their best to hide their excitement. Sometimes it would slip, especially when she came out.

Sunset was never one to expose her figure, but she took her workout seriously. What would happen to her if she was unprepared to fight.

She walked out to the weight room with a dark maroon sports bra and tight bloomers hugging her hips. Her shape and curvatures were telegraphed to those within view, her flat stomach with a slight appearance of a six pack exposed to all.

Boys. She said with an internal giggle.

Seeing how she was the only one working out and no one wanting to interrupt the spectacle, she had easy access to the room’s speakers. She hooked up her phone to the speakers using an audio jack and pressed play.

What transpired next was considered the greatest show on earth.

Her first thing to do was to run a mile on the treadmill. It would usually take a student eight or ten minutes to do a mile. For Sunset Shimmer, it was four and change. She still couldn't beat Rainbow Dash and her four minutes and seconds, who was still chasing the three minute and something club. For her classmates, seeing her chest and bottom bounce with each step was the most important part.

She was already a walking pile of sweat when she exited the machine, only giving herself time to wipe the sweat off her body and take a drink of water from her bottle.

The machines were the next activity. She gave herself three reps of ten to finish on each machine. Her peers continued to stare, her body parts flexing to the various machines that were to tone the body. They stared as each part of her body stretched and compressed, a few even began to drool.

Talk shit and now you guys want me? Who has the last laugh now!

Her third 'station' was the dead weights. She would first pump her arms with the dumbbells, her muscles not as impressive or even showing, but they hid a nasty punch. Then came the bench press, where they watched in wonder as she would stack weights totalling a hundred and ten pounds to the metal bar. What amazed them even more was how she did it effortlessly. Still, seeing her legs spread as she was lifting was a view to behold. If they didn't have enough of that, there were the deadlifts. With about a hundred and fifty pounds on the bar, she bent over and placed both hands squarely on it. This gave her squawkers a great view of her bottom. She prepared herself by rolling the bar a few times, and then came the explosion in her muscles. She popped the bar up to her chest in one swift motion and then pressed up to complete a rep. She chuckled in celebration as she dropped it back down onto the rack and pulled off the weights.

Officially, it was the end of her workout. But, considering there was a six-foot body punching bag in the room, Sunset grabbed a pair of fingerless kickboxing gloves and went to work on the target. It was great to see her stretch her legs and move her rear around landing strikes, including roundhouse kicks that gave them a great view. Their hearts began to beat faster,their brows breaking into a cold sweat when they heard how hard her feet and hands were landing on the target with a loud "thud" each time.

"Alright, kids! Back to the locker rooms!" The teacher said after blowing his whistle. Sunset collapsed, sitting on the pad below her and wiping the sweat off of her face.

She got up, picked up her bottle and towel and walked out

"See you next week, boys!" She said, passing the crowd that watched her for nearly an hour, making sure to sway her hips a bit more seductively.

Yeah, I dare you all to talk shit now.

* * *

Sunset took off her bra and bloomers as soon as she arrived at her locker in the changing room. She stuffed her wet workout clothes in a plastic grocery bag and stuffed it into her bag to take home to wash. Sunset was comfortable being naked around girls, mostly because they would not fuck her with their eyes. Instead they would give a glance at her body and continue on with what they are doing, which was to talk to their friends some more.

As Sunset opened her book bag to stuff her clothes, she saw the glow of her book that connected her world to Twilight’s. Sunset pulled the book out and placed it on her bare lap, her heart thumped loudly in anticipation over what twilight had to say over the situation.


Those gems are actually sources of power for otherwise harmless creatures, as seen with the sirens. I assume discord had something to do with it, even if he claims innocence. The thing about the gems is they are not inherently good or evil, its how it is used, like magic. It's something to think about if you run into another one, that they might be able to reasoned with.

Anyway, please keep an eye on the Girls… And Flash, if you don't mind.

Your Friend,

Twilight Sparkle.

Is Discord free? But the Princess said what would happen if he broke free! Has Equestria gotten that bad since I was gone? I should ask. But, shower, then lunch first.

What Sunset loved about showering in the locker room was the fact it was built, advertently or inadvertently, to allow steam to build to the point it consumed the room. As the hot water pelted each inch of skin, the steam casted her in the feeling of no one being around. She was lost in her own world of the pleasure of hot water and the feeling of being away from the world.

With a bar of soap, she went to work washing each inch of herself, thinking of what Twilight told her. And what she wanted for lunch that day. As if some invisible force was pushing her, she felt a presence in the shower with her.

"Hello? Who’s there?" Sunset asked into the void, seeing nothing but mist.

Must of been my imagi-

She felt hands grab her by the arm and shove her to the wall in a soft, but firm thud. Sunset had a cold sweat, her fight response kicked in and her hand began to glow an opal, ready to punch a hole in whoever had her pinned.

The face of the perpetrator appeared from the mist, her baby blue eyes and smile as soft and warm as her naked skin.

"hHeya!" Pinkie yelled.

"Holy shit, Pinkie! You scared the bejeesus out of me and… Why are you naked!?"

"I take showers before my PE class, duh!"

"Yeah, but we both are…"

"What are you, a guy?! Only guys care about being naked in front of other guys!"

"Nice generalisation." Sunset smirked.

"Anyway, you didn't hear?! Rarity won some contest and we all get to go to some under-eighteen club! Want to come with us?"

"I'll have to ask-"

"Well, I have to get ready for class. Bye!" She squealed before disappearing into the mist.

"Pinkie? Pinkie?! How the hell does she do that?"

* * *

With her mini burger sliders on her plate, Sunset watched as the girls talked about Rarity's luck and the most important part of the entire question

"What do you do at a club?'

"It's like a dance," Rarity explained "But laxer and a lot more cute boys!"

"Uh rarity, we kinda don't care about the boys," Rainbow dash interjected.

"It's about friends together!" Pinkie chimed in.

"Shoot, give me a country boy who knows how to hunt and fish and I'm set!" Applejack added.

As they continued, Sunset decided to write back to her friend in Equestria


You said Discord is out? How is that going? From what Celestia told me back when I was her student, he was bad news all around. Stories of the chaos he created and what she and her sister had to do to defeat him and bring harmony to Equestria. It was those kind of stories that brought me to admire her as not just a princess but as a mare as well. The fact she stood tall after everything she has been through, well, it was the kind of pony I wanted to be, before all that happened.

As for the gems, I will do that next time, but I will have to defend myself if necessary. Oh! And any plans on coming back? You from this world wants to meet you again, she wants to know all that you know… This is you we are talking about.

Your friend,

Sunset shimmer.

"How about you, Sunset? Can you come?"

"Me? oh I’ll have to ask my dad,"

"Oh please, Sunset! I can just ask him nicely," Rarity said with a wink.

"Sure, if you want to be strangled by my mother, " Sunset smirked.

"Hazel Cinnamon is a dear! She would never!"

"This is her man we are talking about. I'll ask him tonight."

A burst of laughter broke out a few tables away, the sound of two preteen snobs laughing, probably at someone else.

It turned out they were laughing at Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. It didn't matter what they were saying, but it was upsetting the girls, and their sisters/mentor.

"That tears it, I'm teaching em ah lesson," Applejack snarled as she stood up. Rarity and Rainbow dash joined in the plan but was stopped by Sunset.

"Not a good idea, you should let it go for now."

"Why is that Sunset?"

"I've been where they have been and I know it won't end well?"

"Still, they should stop-"

"They will."

"And how do you know that?"

"Karma," Sunset started. "karma got me, it will get them. Now, let's say karma is the wolf and revenge are the cats. The cat seems to like more fun; play with your meal, toy with it, make it feel like there is a way out when in reality, it is a dead one. Now the wolf, the wolf is merciful. It is quick… And somewhat painless,"

At that moment, Sunset flicked two fingers on her right hand quietly, which no one in her table caught on. but a few table over, the trays that diamond tiara and silver spoon were holding suddenly became alive, and launched from their hands to their chest, spilling chocolate milk and spaghetti all over their clothes. The rest of the students in the room laughed at the two girls as they ran out crying.

Sunset’s friends looked in awe as she turned her back to them. "Like karma, it never troubles the wolf how many the sheep may be."

Author's Note:

I have a Skype group for fans of my work, pre-readers, proofreaders, and editors. If you want to join this group (and Skype is free to get and register btw) add me (louisros1990 is mine skype) and tell me you want to join the group.