• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 7,046 Views, 193 Comments

The Devil Inside - Chelis

The permanent opening of the portal between Equestia and the alternate human world allows Sunset Shimmer to use her magic again

  • ...

Neon Pt. 1

"I mean, get a bunch of girls who are dancing, throw in raw fish and you might have Vomit at the Disco, which sums up the band "Panic! at the Disco" really well," Sunset muttered, already in her pajamas even though the sun was going to set in a few hours. For Sunset, she would wear nothing at all if she was home alone. But since it was her parents and not her perfect prince charming, who she was wed with and had mind blowing sex with at every opportunity because the fact he hadn't materialized yet, pajamas was the next best thing.

"I can imagine nothing going wrong!" Hazel said. When she entertained guests, she would always wear her chef coat with her many medals from her time as a chef on her right chest. It was to both show off how well of a cook she was and to also let them know that whatever was being cooked from her skillet, pot, or even cutting board was without a doubt world-class and worth the two-hundred bucks a plate. At least for Sunset Shimmer and Thunder Breeze the food was free, minus the whole having to buy the food part, which was always organic.

"Well the problem, Mom, is that we were planning for dinner afterward." Sunset explained.

"Oh yeah, because I’m totally going to allow you guys to have cheeseburgers and fries after your first time going to the club. Please, back in my day-"

"Back in your day, your stuff wasn't synced in a cloud drive."

I hoped that burned.

In fact, Hazel stopped speaking, opting to put on a headband that had the Rising Sun in the middle with Japanese text next to it, which Sunset found out later that the characters meant "Top MILF"

"aaaand I'm not alone!" HaZel said noddng to her friend from back in college. They were inseparable back in their day and were treated like rockstars. Then their husbands happened and they settled down. Although her and her friend was not as close as they were, they still made time to help each other, even for events like feeding seven teen girls on their first time out clubbing.

"Don't worry, with the two of us and me actually coming from Japan, I think we have this in the bag," Garden Treasure said with confidence.

"Hey Gard, remember when we turned that job down that promised us all that money?"

"Only five Michelin Stars? I was trained to be a chef, not a burger flipper!"

The two women laughed, using each other as a post to lean on. The laughter was interrupted by the sound of the door opening behind Sunset. She turned to see her friends all entering at once, headed straight for her.

"I… Is that what I think it is, Hazel?" Rarity asked.

"Of course, sweetie! You all are getting a sushi dinner!"

Rarity jumped for joy, but the rest of the girls….

"So we’s supposed to eat just one of them little things and call it dinner?" Applejack asked.

"It's all you can eat, dear," Garden replied.

"Sounds good to me!"


"Ah don't think I can eat until next year," A0pplejack said as she patted her enlarged stomach.

"Me either, maybe that eating contest was a bad idea… Totally worth it," Rainbow Dash said as she patted hers.

"So, don't we have some sort of limo pickup or something?" Twilight asked.

"It's not for another two hours, darling. We should be able to get ready" Rarity said as she left the dinner table with no issue. Mostly because she only had enough food to fill her and not tried to eat the entire selection, unlike her friends. "Chop chop, ladies! Tonight, we dance!" Rarity said as she marched her way to Sunset’s room, followed by six sluggish girls behind her.

"So Hazel, did we win?" Garden asked.

"Considering we still have enough to have our husbands over for dinner, I’d say we are getting laid tonight!"

"Hell yeah! We win again!" The friends exchanged a hip bump.

"If we can beat sumo wrestlers, we can beat them all!" Hazel said, her knife waving in the air with triumph.


The limo arrived right on time, and with only a few minutes, after the girls were ready. All of their dresses were all, of course, designed by Rarity and each was unique to the girl's character. Sunset loved her dress, which was a long red and yellow gala dress. Going to the club was not exactly was a formal event, but elegance no matter where they went, was key according to Rarity. Hazel took the photo and gave one last piece of advice.

"Don't get roofied!"

Wow, thanks Mom.

They crammed themselves through the back limo door and into the spacious stretch. They were met by the many features it had, like a radio and a fully stocked bar full of different kinds of soda.

"Dibs on the Dr. Fizz!" Rainbow announced as she was the first one to get a can from the mini fridge. As soon as everyone got in, the limo rolled out to the final goodbyes from Hazel

"Wear a condom!"

"Is your mom…?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah, she likes to mess around like that. You’ll get used to it," Sunset replied.

As usual, the Saturday night drive from the suburbs to the city had some traffic to it, mostly for people to check out the nightlife it had to offer. There also was the professional baseball team playing a game in their playoff chase that night so people heading to the stadium deep in the downtown also caused more traffic.

The lights of the city always fascinated Sunset, ignoring the chatter amongst her friends and enjoyed the bright lights and the neon skyline of the downtown area. It was lights, lights, and lights. Sunset had been to the city many times before, mostly on business with her father or as the She-Demon, but the limo ride was the first time she actually sat there and watched the city roll by. The location was off of downtown in a well-known club and bar area called Mares Point, close to the inner harbor of the city. When they arrived every bar and every club was packed with dressed-up people either waiting to get in or relaxing at the tables some places offered outside of their doors.

"It’s a shame we can't go to those ones! would like to try a virgin martini," Rarity lamented.

"Well, we all know the difference between you and a virgin martini is that the martini is actually a virgin," Applejack joked.

Rarity gave her a glare as the rest of the girls laughed. Rarity would have had AJ's head, but the limo stopped.

It felt like a winter formal. There was supposed to be a dress code, but few followed it. Teens their age were getting dropped off by either their parents or the older one in the group who's drivers license was most likely still hot off the printing press. In classic fashion, they all looked on to see the limo pull up, which had to go through the gated parking lot and the security guard in front of the chain link fence to make sure no one got in or snuck out.

The limo pulled up in front, with the line looking on in anticipation. Some in the crowd even had their phones out as well. Could it be the child of a movie star or an athlete? Is it a surprise live performance from someone who had their music on the radio?

The chauffeur opened the side door and the girls went out one by one, they were dazzling, elegant, and all had smiles.

As for the crowd...

They put away their phones, paid attention to their line and waiting in it, and grumbled to themselves.

"Probably some bitch's sweet sixteen," one of the females mentioned to her friend.

Nice, Sunset thought.

"That's fine, girls! At least we have," Rarity said, playing up the suspense while reaching into her purse, "VIP passes!"

Rarity handed the passes out to the girls, which were laminated batches. Each girl put it around their neck and felt the disgust and envy of everyone waiting in the line, Rarity blew them a kiss before she went in to twist the knife even further.


It was dark, it was loud, and it was cramped.

Explains the line.

They were escorted to their table in the VIP section, and Sunset found herself rubbing elbows with those children of movie stars that everyone in line wanted to see. It only took a few minutes for everyone else to actually come up to the new girls. They looked, checked them out, and talked to themselves as if we were not supposed to be there or were unfamiliar with the VIP section.

Wait, a literal circlejerk?

Within an hour, the girls seemed to mingle pretty well. Well, just Rarity. She was in an empty table talking, surrounded by the many boys that were there. They seemed captivated by the suburban girl.

"Anyone else think this was stupid?" Applejack asked.

"I think this was nice," Fluttershy replied.

"Of course you do," Rainbow said with a crooked eyebrow.

"I don't know about you, but I'm going to hit the dance floor!" Pinkie said as she got up.

"Same here," Sunset replied. "Twilight, want to join?"

"Well, I don't want to make Flash mad…"

You too? Seriously?

"Oh come on, you two aren’t even dating!" Rainbow hollered.

"I-I know. But I don't want to ruin any chance I have."

Sunset rolled her eyes and tried to walk out of the VIP section, but was stopped by one of the girls in the section.

"You don't wanna be down there."

"Oh, why not?"

"Those kids down there… They don't even have trust funds!" she said in sheer terror.



"Oh no! They don't have that a set amount of money! Whatever should we do!?" Sunset said sarcastically

The girl gave her a glare.

"You're VIP now, you are better than them."

Sunset walked back down to her seat with the other girls looking at Sunset.

"What just happened?" Rainbow asked.

"We are trapped here?" Sunset said

"Well, so much for dancing tonight."

Sunset looked around and spotted what she was looking for.

Dad Tip #65: Cast iron pipes make great sliding poles to get from level to level.

Mom Tip #36: Cast iron pipes make great impromptu stripper poles.

Sunset pulled up her dress and brought it up to her lower thighs. She scrunched it together and tied it into a knot

"Uh, sunset, what are you doing?" Applejack asked.

"I'm blowing this popsicle stand."

With her friends and even Rarity watching on. Sunset stood on the ledge of the guardrail and jumped. Her hands and feet clamped on the pole and she slid down, keeping her dress away from it to prevent any wardrobe malfunctions. She unknotted her dress and walked to the dance floor. She found the cutest boy she could find, grabbed him by the hand and took him to the nearly empty stage to start dancing, her swaying hips and body language almost immediately enchanted him.

Upstairs, the rest of the girls took that as their signal and made their way to the dance floor, save Fluttershy and Twilight, who were striking up a conversation.

As for Rarity.

"That little…" She mumbled

"So, at least you can stay up here with us," one of the guys asked.

"Yea but..." She mumbled again while watching Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash take Sunset's cue and grab boys to dance with them. As for their choice of boys, Rarity only smirked.


"Oh what the hell! come on boys! let's dance," She said as she got up. The five boys were hesitant to follow her down there, but a sway of the hips and a split second where her dress flew up to see the trim of her panties made them follow.

Down in the dance floor, Sunset’s partner finally broke from his dance.

"Wow, you are beautiful. What's your name?"

"Sunset Shimmer," she said with a flattered giggle.

Author's Note:

I have a Skype group for fans of my work, pre-readers, proofreaders, and editors. If you want to join this group (and Skype is free to get and register btw) add me (louisros1990 is mine skype) and tell me you want to join the group.