• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 7,046 Views, 193 Comments

The Devil Inside - Chelis

The permanent opening of the portal between Equestia and the alternate human world allows Sunset Shimmer to use her magic again

  • ...

Enter Lizzie

When it comes to crimes and their effectiveness, Lizzie Bowden never liked to kidnap for ransom. She preferred to just chop the person’s head and balls off and mail it to whoever needed to see the message. With the kidnap for ransom you have to catch the person, feed them, hold them in a place where they can't go away, and then if the people don't pay you have to shot them and send them their head anyway, just with wasted food and time.

In the back of her personal town car, Lizzie was hard at work. She had already stuffed her long hair in a wig that gave her short bangs that went down to her jaw line and working on applying fake freckles, her blue contacts in their small, white case waiting for her to use.

The town car drove through the downtown area late at night with no traffic, heading towards the docks. The area was hit hard during the recession, which gave those in the criminal business, like herself, a place to hold more… "discreet" practices. She finished putting in her contacts as the car stopped in front of an abandoned apartment building.

With her ax in her hand, she left the comfort of the warm car and walked into the crisp fall night once her large, muscular chauffeur opened the door for her. She grabbed his bottom as a "thank you" and disappeared into the apartment building. It was dark and musty. The ceiling and drywall was all over the floor, along with the insulation. Patches of black mold peppered the remaining walls. Lizzie went in the first room to her right, where her victim was. The sound of a gas generator filled the air, and the only thing it was powering, a flood lamp, was shining on an old man that was bound to the chair in the middle of the room.

"Sorry it took me a while, I had to freshen up," Lizzie said as she placed the ax next to him. The old man was wire-eyed and sweating, not for the ax or Lizzie's growing murderous reputation, but Lizzie's catsuit showing him everything. It was zipped down enough to give him a full view of her cleavage, especially when she sat on his lap, her chest inches from his face.

"So, do you know I took you from your home to here?" She said as she took off the rag that was covering his mouth

"Well, I hope it’s something sexy." the old man blabbered.

Lizzie smiled as she grinded her bottom on the old man's hip just once. "No, you're gonna tell me everything you know about Thunder Breeze, and I promise you that I will kill you after we fuck, and not before."

The old man was breathing heavily. For a man of his age, he was waiting for his sweet release of a heart attack while he was asleep or the agony of catching dementia. So the prospect of one more rush to the head before both of them was chopped off was enticing.


The sound of a shopping cart's plastic wheels moving through the asphalt rattled in the night, as the figure pushing it moved through the many barrel fires of the city's homeless. The chauffeur was leaning against the building, on his phone, waiting for Lizzie to be done with her business. The hooded figure pushing the cart along came too close, so the driver decided to rough that person up, keeping them away from possibly seeing what was going on inside.

"Hey! Go back the other way, you bum!" The gruff sounding chauffeur said, reaching into his pocket to pull out his brass knuckles as he walked towards the homeless person. When he got close, he saw the limping person spring into life. Their small fist had an opal aura, which crashed into the chest of the taller chauffeur. The power of the hit threw the bigger, stronger, and meaner guy flying into the tinted window that blocked anyone on the outside from seeing in.

"Son of a bitch." Lizzie barked as she got off the man.

Once the man was inside, Sunset peeked in the hole in the window to see the former police chief and family friend.


* * *

Sunset kicked down the door of the building and slowly made her way in, her machete in her hand and ready to swing at anything that moved. She turned the corner to see the old man tied up, panting, and staring at the backside of the woman who was tying him up.

"Who the fuck are you?" Lillie asked.

"Who the fuck are you?" Sunset replied.

"I asked you first," Lizzie barked.

"I asked you first," sunset replied smugly.

"Stop copying me!" Lizzie demanded.

"Stop copying-" Sunset tried to say but was interrupted by a ax flying at her face. She ducked out of the way and caught a fist of Lizzie that made her stumble back. It gave Lizzie enough time to grab her ax and take another swing at Sunset, missing her and throwing her off balance. Sunset took the time to take a hack at Lizzie's back, only for the machete to meet the wood of the ax.

"You think I'm a fucking newbie at this, cunt?" Lizzie asked.

They broke off the fight and stared each other down from across the room, waiting for their chance to attack. Sunset charged Lizzie and came out swinging. Her form was erratic, and her swings were random. Lizzie would either duck out of the way or have her handle meet the sharp machete.

Lizzie saw an opening and jabbed Sunset in the rib, and took a few swings of her own. Each time Lizzie's longer sings missed a quick Sunset who ducked out of her way. This time, her ax got stuck in the wall. She charged Sunset and tackled her to the ground. They rolled around, smashing each other's head against the concrete for a few seconds until one rolled the other over and did the same. A catfight.

"You fucking slut, cunt!" Lizzie would scream.

"Fuck you, you fake titties, cum dumpster bitch!" Sunset hollered back. They continued to roll on the floor, grabbing hair and trying to get an advantage on the other.

As Sunset and Lizzie traded punches on the concrete floor, Sunset’s mind was also on her friend. He was the reason she found herself in her family. He had always mentored her, even after her fall of grace. If there was someone that was worth dying for, it was him.

Don't worry old man, I got your back!

She worried about his aging heart and the excitement of nearly getting killed. But, little did Sunset know that the old police chief's mind was filled with one thought.


In the middle of the fight, Sunset saw her opportunity when Lizzie was on top of her. She didn't give herself any preparation and headbutted her opponent, both of them dazed from the blow. Sunset got up, and with a few boxing punches to Lizzie's stomach and chest, the woman in short black hair was on one knee, clutching her ribs and breathing heavily.

"Fuck you!" She screamed as she pulled a gun from her exposed bra and fired a few shots from her snub-nose revolver at Sunset, who blocked them with her magic. Lizzie disappeared out of the room and to her car. Sunset gave chase, only to see that during the fight the chauffeur had gotten back out to the car through the window Sunset threw him through. They speed off into the night, dodging, weaving and narrowly avoiding hitting the homeless who used the street as their camp.

Sunset heard the sirens of the police in the distance, so she scrambled back and picked up Lizzie's ax and her own machete.

"You hurt?" Sunset asked.

The old man stared at her, then at her body, and back at her.

"You that She-Demon?" He asked.

"Yeah..." Sunset said, trying to mask her voice.

"You think I can see you in your She-Demon form? I'd love to see what's under that dress!" The old man asked.


Author's Note:

I have a skype group (was discord, but moving it back to skype) for fans, writers, and editors. If you want to join the madness here is the link https://join.skype.com/I1frSncTbUfN