• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 7,056 Views, 193 Comments

The Devil Inside - Chelis

The permanent opening of the portal between Equestia and the alternate human world allows Sunset Shimmer to use her magic again

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For obvious reasons, Thunder Breeze fancied going to public events and showing that his department was involved with the community outside of pulling them over and issuing them traffic tickets. Among those events were football games. Then again, Canterlot High was a powerhouse in that sport and all of the student body, faculty, and locals were cheering for the playoff-bound team. Sunset got her usual assortment of soda, a slice of pizza, bag of chips, and joined her circle of girls cheering on their school and introducing Twilight sparkle to her new classmates. The pizza was ordered from a local place and was to raise funds for school athletics. So, it was understandable she was shelling out ten dollars of her (well, her parent's) money for the food. It didn't help that they planned to go to the same place after the game and enjoy a large pizza for the same price.

Nevertheless, at least it was a dinner and a show. The game was a de facto league championship and the other guys were determined to upset the Wondercolts in the crisp, autumn air. The game was nearing its conclusion when Sunset had to use the restroom. Because of the intensity, the women's stalls were empty, save another person next to her in the stall. When she got out, the woman next to her washing her hands in the sink.

It was Hazel Cinnamon.

"Shouldn't you be in the stands, sweetie?" Hazel asked.

"When you gotta go, you gotta go," Sunset replied while washing her own hands next to her adoptive mother.

They became silent for only a split second.

"So, did you and Solar.."


"I won't tell your father, you know you can trust me."

Sunset sighed. " We cuddled, that was it."

Hazel stifled a giggle and walked out, whispering 'you lucky bitch' to her daughter before slipping outside.

"We are getting dinner afterward, right?!" Sunset hollered as the door was closing

"Of course!" Hazel yelled back before the door closed Sunset inside. She continued to wash her hands, thinking of Solar and when they cuddled. They had pizza immediately after he broke out of the trance, which was a side effect of being caught in a trance. The hunger set in after nearly twelve hours of no food.

As she washed, a thought came to her mind about her and Solar. The girls said they look like a cute couple, they get along, had some of the same interests… But there was the age, there were the lifestyles that Solar had, and then there was Daddy. Even if she was legal he wouldn't approve. Sunset did understand that.

I'm his daughter and he thinks of him as the son he was supposed to have. It would be weird if I was in his shoes!

She finished with the washing and came to the drying: a simple machine next to her that blew hot air, was supposed to blow the water away, but usually left the larger droplets. Her thoughts raced about the prospect of them being together, but there was the name at the back of her head, one that was throwing her off in the entire equation.


She was right. She only dated him for the popularity. But, there was a reason for his popularity.

He really was a nice guy, and I was such a bitch to him. Maybe…. Maybe I should try to make things right with him…. Wait, what?!

It felt like a wave slashed onto her from the back. It came and went like a pulse. Sunset did not know what it meant, but one thing was certain.

Whatever it was, it either stopped time or it did something to everyone outside because the atmosphere of the game had suddenly stopped when the pulse came.

She rubbed her right eye, activating GLADIS.

So why can't I watch the primitive show of dominance again?

"Not now, something has happened!"

Can you have one day without something happening?

"It's called life. Just keep an eye out, it might be nothing- Oh no."

The stadium and the field were covered in spider's web. Everyone was motionless as if it stopped time itself. Even the football for the last second field goal from the opposing kicker was suspended in the air. It was eeriely silent, and it was starting to creep her out.

"Who would of done something like this?" Sunset wondered out loud.

"It had to be a spider of course!" A mysterious voice replied. Sunset looked to the top of the press box and the voices owner looked on, admiring her work. She had long, black, hair. Pale skin, she was topless with rounded breasts. The bottom half of her body was the abdomen, legs, and thorax of a spider. The red hourglass on her abdomen reminded Sunset of the Black Widow.

"Hello, delicious! My name is Arachne. How do you do?"

"What did you do to my friends and family?!" Sunset demanded answers.

"I merely needed them to silence for a minute or two. You would’nt…. Actually, you reek of delicious magic residue, so you would know. You see, I was banished by Starswirl the Bearded to this world years ago, just a harmless black widow on an old pine tree for a thousand years. Now that magic has arrived, I am back and all I need is some more magic to go back to Equestria and return the Everfree Forest to my rightful domain! Now, you're not the only one with magic in here" She looked below to Twilight.

"Hello, my pretty."

"Don't you DARE touch her, you monster!"

"Monster? Pfft. I am just trying to eat here! I’ll get to you next, don't worry."

The back of her abdomen excreted silk, and with her back legs she used it to slide next to Twilight, her face was emotionless, even as Arachne was staring her in the face and opened her mouth. Her fangs were the size of a man's index finger and was about to use Twilight as her next meal.

Before Arachne can inject Twilight with venom, a bolt of opal energy hit her square in her human abdomen, swinging her around like a ragdoll.

"What was that for?"

"Stopping you, that's why."

Arachne growled in anger as she slid to the ground and used her legs. She ran to sunset, her eight legs going as fast as they could. Sunset fired a few beams at Arachne, but they were neutralized by the webs that she casted before them. Sunset fired a few more beams when she had a a clear shot ,but missed when she used her legs to jump on Sunset, pinning her down.

Sunset struggled, but Arachne's front legs were too powerful.

"Since you asked so nicely, you go first."

Sunset, you must transform.

"Yeah!" Sunset hollered, as she lit up and disappeared in a ball of opal, which threw Arachne off and sent her flying.

"What are you? Some semen demon?" Arachne joked.

"Oh funny! Let's see how funny you become when I kick your ass!'"

They charged and met in front of the concession stands. Arachne used her front legs and punched Sunset in the stomach and chest, sending her back. Sunset retaliated with her claw cutting deep in Arachne's thorax.

Arachne turned around from the pain and had her back to Sunset. Sunset charged but was hit with a spray of the web from Arachne. It sent Sunset over the roof of Canterlot High and next to the portal. She was laying against the portal when the creature arrived on the roof of the school, looking down at Sunset.

Sunset stood and flew right at her, her hand surrounded by an opal aura.

Her attack ended with another blast of the web, which pinned her to the ground.

"Well, that was fun!" Arachne said while cackling a laugh. "I love to play with my dinner.” Her front legs pinned Sunset once more.

Sunset, she has an unusually high body heat, but the chest area between her breasts is cold.


"And who are you talking to?" Arachne observed her meal’s speech patterns.

"Don't know, but it gave me an idea!" Sunset answered, her hand bursting into flames. They seared Arachne's front legs like a thousand suns. She let out an ear-piercing scream and lifted her leg off Sunset's right arm.

"I got you now!" Sunset screamed as she used her claws to dig deep into Arachne's chest. The spider let out an even louder howl of painl when Sunset had her hand around the object.

It was as hard and as cold as a gem. Sunset yanked with all her might, but it wouldn't budge. Each tug became unbearable for Arachne, who screamed in pure agony.

"Quiet down!" Sunset hollered as she placed a foot on Arachne's breast, using her foot as leverage. A few more yanks and the gem finally became loose. Sunset fell back on the ground when the object was dislodged from Arachne, and Arachne collapsed in the ground as well, screaming in pain as she began to dissolve, her dusty remains began to flow back into the portal, as well as the dissolved remains of Arachne's web that was all over the stadium.

While that was happening, Sunset returned back to her form. She found a piece of empty paper on the ground next to the portal, as well as a pen.

Gotta love that convenience.

Dear Princess Twilight,

I found this in the chest of a creature named Arachne, a spider-human creature that sucks people of their magical energy. She is defeated and I'm sending this stone I dislodged from her chest back for safe keeping. This gem looks like the ones the Dazzlings used. Can you look into it for me? I doubt I could find a book on these items.

Your Friend,
Sunset Shimmer.

* * *

Sunset walked around the school. The lights of the stadium shone like a beacon to the young woman. The crowd was erupting in cheer as the ball that was sailing through the air dropped in mid air as if it hit a brick wall.

The game announcer also couldn't believe what just happened. " Final Score: Cloudsdale, twenty-seven. YOUR CANTERLOT HIGH WONDERCOLTS, TWENTY-EIGHT! WE ARE NOW LEAUGE CHAMPIONS!"

"I just missed an important moment in our school’s history." Sunset whimpered.

Irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. At least you weren't spider food.

"Yea, I suppose you’re right."

By the time Sunset had returned to the stadium, the crowd was winding down, the league championship trophy was handed out, and everyone was going to some guy’s house for a party. Wasn't going to happen for Sunset because of Daddy, but she wasn't a party girl anyway. Still, having the girls over for a sleepover that night did not sound like a bad idea. Thunder knew better than to even try for Rarity.

"Sunset, what the hell happened to you?!" Hazel cried when Sunset arrived. Her clothes were worn and lightly tattered, and her hair was a mess

"I… Fell in a rush trying to see the ending."

"You missed a hell of a finish! There was the blocked field goal, the cheering, everyone saying this was a one in a lifetime that only idiots would have missed…. Oh sorry, Sunset" a battered, sweaty, but proud Rainbow Dash said, only ending after Sunset’s death glare. Rainbow Dash had the game ball in her hand, as a reward for being the player of the game. She slipped the ball behind her back.

"So, who’s up for pizza?" Thunder Breeze asked.

"Hey Dad, can the girls sleep over?" Sunset interrupted.

"Sure, if their parents don't mind.”

The girls cheered and began texting back home. Twilight did not text but was tearing up.

"Is something the matter, sugar cube?" Applejack asked. Twilight did not answer, only hugging Sunset suddenly.

"Thank you," Twilight whispered. "I was so scared."

Author's Note:

I have a Skype group for fans of my work, pre-readers, proofreaders, and editors. If you want to join this group (and Skype is free to get and register btw) add me (louisros1990 is mine skype) and tell me you want to join the group.