• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 7,058 Views, 193 Comments

The Devil Inside - Chelis

The permanent opening of the portal between Equestia and the alternate human world allows Sunset Shimmer to use her magic again

  • ...

First Day

Thunder Breeze walked the empty halls of Canterlot High School, admiring the campus’ beauty. His police-issued shoes made a clicking sound that echoed throughout the halls. For Thunder Breeze, he would usually be walking those halls for police-related assemblies, picking up his daughter, or even the occasional request from a college friend, Celestia, to come over and talk to a student who was heading in the wrong direction.

He still remembered the last time she asked him to do so.

He was watching television with Hazel Cinnamon at home while waiting for Sunset Shimmer to call to pick her up from the Fall Formal. When Celestia called and informed him that a student went berserk, he became worried for his daughter's safety. Especially when she told him that the student somehow destroyed the front wall of the school, and she wanted him to talk to the student. When he arrived, Celestia's little sister was waiting for him in the parking lot and escorted him to Celestia's office. He looked in awe as he walked past the hole in the front of the school. The whole brick masonry was gone, along with the front door that was in theory designed to withstand a car crashing into it. He was also surprised that the dance continued in the gymnasium as if nothing had happened.

"Bullying, framing, and manipulating students and faculty since day one. It all lead up to this recent outburst that cannot go unnoticed. I have to admit I dropped the ball on this one and not dealt with this student when she first arrived at my school. Heads up: This one will be your toughest one yet."

"Sounds like one hell of a pickle. Who is it?"

She did not say a word. She let him into her office and closed the door behind him.

The girl had sunk in the cheap, yellow, plastic chair deep enough to not be seen and was sobbing. He had to walk to the girl's side to see who he was dealing with and felt numb when he saw the girl he took in those many years ago. Seeing him in the office only made Sunset sob harder, apologizing to him over and over about what she did. He didn't have any anger or disappointment for what she did. All he did was go on his knees and bring his daughter's head to his chest in a loving, parental, manner.

"Shh. Shh. Don't Cry. It's okay sweetie, we will get through this together," He continued in a soft voice.


"Celly! How do you do!" Thunder said, running into the principal.

The small talk went on. Other than complaining about their higher ups, the conversation was about their personal lives. It even ended with an invitation from Thunder Breeze to Celestia and her little sister for them to come over for dinner. Hazel wouldn't mind, cooking was her passion, even if her audience was just her husband and daughter now.

"Where is Sunset? I came to pick her up," Thunder Breeze asked.

"Music Wing. Several of our musicians are testing out the new recording studio the state donated," Celestia answered with an accomplished grin.

Thunder Breeze frowned. "Does the state have all the money in the world to donate something like that?! I can't even get them to pay for my men's overtime when the governor comes to town to raise money for his election campaign!"

"Thunder, you learn pretty quick in this field of work never to question donated things and just take it before they change their mind," Celestia said as she give Thunder one last hug before continuing on to her duties elsewhere.

When he arrived, an ugly solid metal door greeted him. It stood out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the campus.

This is the school equivalent of the windowless van.

Three raps to the door later, a familiar blue haired boy answered the door. Even though he never talked to him when he dated Sunset, Thunder trusted the boy.

"Oh. Hello Sir," Flash Sentry answered timidly.

Still afraid of me, beautiful.


He stepped back and let the Chief in. The cramped control room smelled of must and 'old'. The old and dilapidated couches lined the wall. Above the couches were different motivation posters pinned in the wall in a bad attempt to mask the cracked wood paneling. The recording room itself was more spacious and had room for over fifty or so people. Sunset was sitting on a stool in the middle of the room, her headphones and stand ready to go.

To Sunset's left was a chorus of her friends: the annoying but fun pink one, the girl from the country who was most likely marrying her cousin at some point in her life, the yellow one that was kidnapped with Sunset, and the rainbow haired girl that Thunder Breeze swore up and down to his wife that she was at least bi. He assumed as such the way she sometimes fidgeted around his daughter.

Behind Sunset was Rarity on the grand piano.

Oh Rarity.

He had always told himself if he became literal scum and cheated on Hazel Cinnamon, it would be that friend of Sunset would be the girl to do it with. Her elegance, her maturity, her body and her lack of shame to flaunt it.

She is going to make a great trophy or athlete wife someday.

"Everyone shut up alright! Take six! Go!" The tan, orange haired kid in front of the controls screamed.

"She has a great voice, doesn't she?" Thunder Breeze whispered to Flash and the song continued.

"Yea, I know for a fact she knows how to use her throat well," Flash Sentry answered.

Thunder turned to give a death glare to the teenager.

"Is there something you want to tell me about my daughter?" He asked in anger.

"T-that's not what I meant, Sir!" Flash said while pale in fear

The look of murder turned into a smirk and a pat on the back to the boy. "You're all right, considering you broke my daughter's heart."

"I know Sir, but it had to happen," Flash explained.

"I know, at least I don't have to deal with an unexpected grandson anytime soon," Thunder said with glee.


"And that's a wrap!" The director said through the intercom at the conclusion of the song.

Everyone in the other room let out a collective sigh and began to get up from their seats and pack up their things.

"Oh and Sunset, your dad is here to get you. Please leave immediately because he scared me with how big and strong and handsome he is… Okay, I said it sir. Can you please let go of me?"

Sunset said one last hug filled goodbye to her friends and ran to her waiting father.

"Ready to go, Dad?" Sunset asked as she came through the door from the recording room.

"You bet! Your ex was just telling me all the embarrassing stuff you did when you two were dating!" Thunder explained with a devious smile

"Flash!" Sunset snapped.

"I wasn't, Sunny. I swear!" Flash said in fear.

"I'm teasing the poor kid," Thunder said with a hearty laugh.

* * *

"By the way, kiddo: You have an amazing voice" Thunder Breeze complimented. Because of the music session, they were running late to the psychologist. He was going fifteen miles over the speed limit on the already crowded freeway. They were even passing squad cards, who could only just wave at their boss.

"Thanks, Dad. You know, I don't think I told you this, but I want to go to college to study music. I want to be a musician."

"Really? You're still a sophomore, but if you love music go for it, kiddo," He encouraged.

"I can't help it, I got the music in me," Sunset said with a smirk.

"That was corny, sweetie," Thunder said after a few seconds of processing that statement.

"I know."

"Oh, this song! Sunset turn it up!"

Sunset Shimmer recognized the song. Every time it played, her parents would hold hands, get a little closer to each other and kiss.

"This song brings me back. It was your mother's and I's song. We actually did that one summer ya know? Hitchhiked across the country with nothing but the clothes on our backs and our parents trust fund account, good times. One of these days Sunset we need to share the stories of it. So many fun adventures. But seriously, Sunset. One summer in college you should hitchhike across this beautiful land as well. I'll get you a gun just in case."

"Will I have a trust fund as well?"

"Aha hahaha, no! You kids and your want for money."

* * *

"So Sunset, I heard you had a 'meltdown' at a school event," Ember Velvet asked. Sunset's sessions were in two stages: the first half with her parents and the second half she was alone with the teenager. She still forced Sunset to sit on the floor when her parents left the room.

"It wasn't that bad," Sunset commented.

"People described that you became a 'literal she-demon'. You also ended up destroying the front wall of the school, causing a few thousand dollars in damages." Velvet replied.

"How did you know all that?" Sunset asked.

"Police reports and the witness statements they took.I have to ask how you did not get a felony over that?"

"Well… Dad," she timidly answered.

"Not surprised. Sunset Shimmer, the thing is we need to get to the root of your problem."

"What is my problem?" She asked in suspicion.

"As long as your insurance is paying, you have a problem. Now, let's go way back. Before you-"

"No, not answering about before I showed up. I told you this already," Sunset snapped.

"And If I keep pressing the issue?" Velvet said, calling her bluff.

"I'll tell Daddy to get us a new psychologist."

Threat with the spoiled girl tone? Good job kicking it old school, Sunset.

"Fine. Let us skip that part until you feel like its time. How about after they found you?"

"Well, they fed me and the day after took me shopping. Clothes, room remodel, shampoos, tampons, you get the idea. They then told me that they were going to send me to school in a few days once I got my paperwork down. Dad spent a lot of money for the red tape.Iit was because of the other girl named Sunset Shimmer. I mean, do you have to deal with someone with the same name?"

"She is an “evil” black and red princess of some country. I don't want to talk about that. Anyway, how about the first day. How was that like?"

"Ponyville Intermediate? Well, it was around the fall, and it was one of the scariest moments of my life..."

* * *

"Meet me here after the last bell, and don't go out and get yourself pregnant!" Hazel Cinnamon said as she slowly drove off, saying that line for the first time. She would end up continuing to use that every time she dropped off Sunset anywhere.

Sunset turned around and could only stare at the large brick building because she was too scared to do anything else. The place was intimidating, which didn't help the young girl who was already wide-eyed and afraid.

You've done first days at school back at Canterlot, Sunset. Just one trot -em- step at a time.


Sunset gasped in surprise at the pink girl that was uncomfortable close to her, their faces mere inches. She had a random style of dress as well.



"S-Sun-Sunset Shim-"


Considering that was her first interaction with a girl her age, she had no other options in her mind but to run from the girl. Sunset would end up taking up the same remedial class as the girl, but both girls ended up getting out of the class within a month. The administration was too lazy to consider one was just a hyper child and not mentally disabled. Or they didn't consider the new girl just needed access to a library to catch up on thirteen years of living in this world.

Celestia Dammit! Is everyone in this world as crazy as her?!

She continued to run in the crowded hall, almost crashing into a few people who looked on at the new girl in confusion. Her luck ran out, and she slammed face first to someone's locker door.

"Shit! You okay?" The boy asked. His wild blue hair and beautiful eyes of the same color of his hair mesmerized the young girl.

"Oh uh, yeah, I guess," Sunset timidly answered.

"Whats your name?” He asked, offering a hand to her.

"S-Sunset Shimmer," she said with a blush. She accepted his hand and he helped her up. She continued to look down as she dusted off her skirt.

"The name’s Flash Sentry. Hey, wanna be friends?"

"S-Sure," she said shyly.

There're guys as cute as him around? Okay, maybe this place isn't so bad after all.

Author's Note:

I'm starting a skype group for fans, pre-readers, proofreaders, editors and people who can help me and everyone else in the chat become better in writing. If you want to join this group (and skype is free to get and register btw) add me (louisros1990 is my skype) and tell me you want to join the group.