• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 7,058 Views, 193 Comments

The Devil Inside - Chelis

The permanent opening of the portal between Equestia and the alternate human world allows Sunset Shimmer to use her magic again

  • ...

Kings and Queens Part II

The city was average for a Saturday Afternoon: full of crime and not enough of the city’s finest lawmen to stop every single one. As Sunset flew over the buildings, she faintly heard the sound of an alarm going off.

Armed store robbery, three miles to your west on 55th and Topeka.

Sunset flew in that direction while skimming the skyline. She only dipped between the brick townhomes when she saw the two masked men with handguns. They had backed out of a corner liquor store, frantically waving their weapons. Everyone on the street near the scene was running and trying to hide themselves in case bullets started flying.

"In the car, dumbasses!" Their getaway driver commanded, manning the driver’s seat of their small car.

They men got in their small sedan, with the getaway driver preparing to peel away. As soon as he began to drive off, a large red mass fell on the hood of the car in a fiery explosion. Everyone in the car looked forward to see a fire-demon-looking girl in a cocktail dress that matched her flame-like hair. She stood up, the molten remains of their hood and engine pooled around the woman's ankles. She raised both her hands and fired an opal beam from each palm, grazing the car's doors and welding the car where the beam grazed it. It sealed the men inside. With a smug glare to the scared men, she flew off. She took a quick peek down and smiled as the bystanders looked on at her with wonder.

As she continued to skim the buildings, she sensed the emotion of anticipation and guilt, someone was about to shoplift. She changed direction and went to another convenience store a few blocks down the road. Something felt off about the feeling, but she continued to race to the store, flying between the buildings when it was in her sights. She glided her way into the store, startling both the shopkeeper and the other person in the store. Sunset knew that the other body she sense was the thief, so she turned down the aisle to face…

It's just a kid. ITS JUST A KID!

He looked like he was in the fourth grade. His clothes were in decent shape, so stealing a candy bar because he was hungry was not it.

"Why are you going to steal that bar, kid?"

" I dunno, I just wanted it," He trembled before he put the bar back on the shelf.

Sunset's heart began to tear, the little boy just wanted candy. Her grim face melted into a softer, kinder one… Considering how her she-demon state appeared to everyone like a monster. With a single snap of the finger, the boys left hand was clutching a dollar bill.

"Alright, kid. If I catch you stealing anything else I'm going to drop the hammer on you, hard." She said as she flew off.

As she flew off, she noticed more and more people began to stop and look up, with one or two drivers following her with a camera in the passenger's hand.

If they take an upskirt pic I hope they like some magic to the face!

Her next target was in the same projects she fought her way out of a few weeks before. There was a tip from her dad's computer that a drug deal was to go down. She flew above the clouds to shake off her pursuers and to give her a perfect cover. Down on the ground there was five men and a woman, three of them stood in front of the rear doors of the van while the other three looked on.

“Ooh, I caught a drug deal, this should be fun”

They are armed, Sunset.

"And? you know what they say… Actually I don't know what they say, I'm just gonna fuck their shit up!"

She dropped straight down, looking for the perfect angle to strike. As for a personal preference…

"Fuck it, I'm dropping straight down!"

Too dangerous, you will be surrounded.

"But it looks so badass!"

Down below, they were oblivious to the arrival to the she-demon, they were more interested in what was inside the van.

"Alright, a van full of molly. What you got?" The female said.

One of the men on the other side dropped his duffle bag and opened it up, showing the one hundred dollar bills that were stuffed into the bag.

"Yes, that will do," The dealer said with a smile.

Sunset landed between them as the woman was fishing her pocket for the key. Everyone jerked back from her landing and began to reach for their guns. Sunset's hands lit up in a brilliant opal and she simply clapped her hands. The guns flew out of their owner's hands and piled neatly net to Sunset's feet. She stepped on the stack, melting all the guns.

I am an overpowered Marysue. I am fucking loving this!

She raised her left hand and fired a beam to the duffle bag, disintegrating the bag and the money.

She turned to the van and aimed

"You have five seconds to get out of the way."

They ran down the alley, screaming for their lives. They were cut off by a squad car arriving at the scene and surrendered. The other group did the same, only to surrender at the other squad car on the other side of the alley. Sunset opened the door and went through the many boxes, all of them with the same pill.

"Ecstasy." Sunset commented.

They are being made somewhere in the city. We have to find their base of operations.

"Not a problem!" Sunset said as she walked to the passenger door and ripped it out of hits hinges. Inside was what she was looking for.

"GLADIS, there's a cell phone in here!"

This is going to be fun… Warehouse 5T is where it last stopped according to its GPS record.

"Got it!" Sunset replied as she began her flight, with both police and arrested looming on in wonder.

Do you have any idea what was in the boxes?

"Ecstasy. It's a party drug that fucks you up big time. Nearly lost someone at school because of it." Sunset growled, remembering the news of it happening and how her father had to give an assembly at school how drugs were bad. He also gave her the four-hour drug talk, but it ended with him drinking alcohol and sharing his drug stories in college. At the end of it, he banned drugs at his house. It wasn't because they were "bad", it was due to the amount of trouble they created, which lead to him on a rant against the "war on drugs" and how arresting people instead of curing them of their addiction was making matters worse.

Sunset sailed in on the warehouse that had a good view of 5T warehouse. It was unguarded and it had nobody in the warehouse.

"My heartbeat sensor magic is not picking up anything, where the hell is everyone?"

Who would steal or make drugs in the middle of the day with the port authority swarming all over?

"I guess. Okay, at least this will be easier."

Sunset did not even have to move, she raised her palms up and fired two opal beams to the gas tank next to the warehouse. The explosion rocked the area and quickly consumed the warehouse in flames.

"Burn, bitches!" Sunset cheered.

By the time she took off, she was being chased by television cameras, people in the streets were snapping pictures. There were cheers to her as she dipped between buildings, looking for her next target.

There's a scanner call- Cat stuck in a tree down the street.

"Well, why not?" Sunset said as she went faster, locking her target. In front of her was a little girl in tears and the family looked on in concern. The tuxedo kitten was on the highest branch, with her claws deep into the bark. Sunset stopped at the branch, and carefully picked up the cat from the branch, using her other hand to gingerly remove the claws from the branches without hurting the kitten. A crowd had arrived and took pictures as Sunset slowly dropped to the ground and gave the kitten to the scared little girl. The crowd cheered when the little girl hugged her kitten tightly.

"T-thank you, lady," the girl said.

"You're very welcome," Sunset replied as she squatted down to the girl's eye level. "What is her name?"


"You have a pretty cat," Sunset replied.

The girl clutched her kitten tightly, Sunset knew that her she-demon state was a bit scary for the kids. But, nothing she could have done at that point.

"I know I look scary, sorry."

"You're not scary. I think you're cool " The little girl said.

"Thanks," Sunset said as she stood up. Without any other words. Sunset flew off again, at time soaring above the clouds to shake off the cameras.

You seem a bit more passionate towards children, usually they would annoy you.

"Okay, having Solar Sword over and Rarity trying to get me to hook up with him is making me a bit baby crazy, so sue me."

We are running late. You have thirty minutes before the spell goes away.

"It’s sundown already?! I guess time flies when you are having fun!" Sunset replied as she increased her speed.

What's the plan now?

"Pick up some pizza and wings on the way, I am starving!"

* * *

Sunset Shimmer arrived back at her house after dark, with a few boxes of pizza and a carton of buffalo wings. Her heart was racing, her mind on the lack of time she had left to get into position. She set the pizza on the coffee table and ran upstairs. She began to undress, kicking her padded gear in the closet as they came off of her sweaty, bruised, and tired body. It took her seconds to become nude, and the same amount to get into the shower. Her body felt like it was melting when the near scalding water began to pellet her body. Sunset began to wash her hair with her mango-cherry shampoo, lathering her body with the suds to remove any smell of sweat that might have been emanating off. She did not even bother putting on underwear underneath her pajamas, hoping that Solar would get the hint…

No, shut up! I and him!? I'm going to kick your ass, Rarity! I'm wearing this for comfort… And boob sweat.

Sunset scurried downstairs and unzipped Solar's luggage bag. With her opal magic illuminating her hand, the luggage began to rustle, eventually releasing a pair of shorts, boxers, tank top… And a pack of condoms. Sunset's mind raced with wonder if the condoms were meant for her and how getting intimate with Solar Sword would be.ith it she became flushed in the face, only to shake it off seconds later.

No! Not happening! Fuck you Rarity I'm not giving in!

With her back turned to Solar she used her magic again. His body lifted in the air, and his clothes came off.

Do not turn around, do not turn around, do not turn around do not turn around!

Her magic began to flow around him as if the entranced man was receiving a scrubbing.

I forgot how bad men's BO are if they sit on their ass all day. Eww..

With only a minute left in his trance, Sunset had him dressed and lying on the couch, with a fresh, thick blanket covering him as he lay on his side. She ran and jumped on the couch, went underneath the sheets with him, and buried as much as she could into him. Their curvatures nearly matching as she was pressed against his body.

It's going to get pretty awkward if he gets a bon- Nope, it's up and ready to go… Awkwarrrrrrrrrrd.

With only a few seconds left, she grabbed his arms and wrapped them around her. On the television, a late night west coast football game was about to start, ensuring that Solar's day of football would reach well into Sunday, where another day of football would begin, this time for the professional players.

He began to make small groggy groans as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"How long was I out?" He asked.

"You were out? You don't remember the intense love making?" Sunset replied.

Solar became pale, his heart was racing, his more intimate parts of him made a full retreat. He had the look of a man that was heading to the gallows.

"I'm messing with you! We watched football and just ordered pizza."

"Oh, that. "

"Yeah, want me to move?" Sunset asked.

Solar thought about it, but in the end he tightened his hold on Sunset even further, pressing her body closer to his. She could have heard his nose smell the invigorating aroma of the cherry and mango.

"Later. Too tired to get up."

Author's Note:

Ill be at bronycon! Come find me and make me feel #horsefamous