• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 7,058 Views, 193 Comments

The Devil Inside - Chelis

The permanent opening of the portal between Equestia and the alternate human world allows Sunset Shimmer to use her magic again

  • ...

The Game

As far as sporting events went, Thunder Breeze tried to make an appearance as much as he could. He was a man of the people, and he loved the people of Baltimare enough to spend time away from his family to show his appreciation. When the sporting event also invited him to throw the ceremonial first pitch, it was like icing on the cake.

With him that evening was his wife and child. They were among the heavy traffic to get to the stadium, which was expected to be a sellout; Game Seven of the Playoffs, and the winner goes to the Equestrian League Championship Series. It was also against their rivals that hailed from Manehattan,.

As Thunder and Hazel listened to their country music and talked to pass the time, Sunset was listening to her own music on her tablet in the backseat of the pickup truck.

Or so they thought.

“"The Family" is Baltimare PD's code name for them. They are a real family, hailing from the island of Sisfilly. Kidnapping for ransom, money laundering, murder, gun trade… And, they are here in Baltimare for more fertile grounds." Gladis reported.

"What caused them to do that? They must have been enticed by something," Sunset whispered to her headphone's microphone.

"… The capture of Risky Line was the reason from intercepted communications. It created a power vacuum that was too enticing for them to resist."

I have no space to myself, and I must scream.

"Well, shit," Sunset replied. "Do we know who they are?"

GLADIS did not answer, just a rotating circle in the middle of the table that let Sunset know that the program was at work. GLADIS produced four images and zoomed in on each one.

"Papa-The Boss of the organization. Ruthless and cunning is what they have described him as. He has three Capos, all of them his children."

"Montana-Eldest son, as cruel and as cunning as his father. His nickname comes from his style in dress, action, and speak to imitate a fictional criminal named '”Scarface."”

"Masquerade-Second son, is known for his “Roaring Twenties” style. He is usually out and about with a white suit and a white masquerade mask."

"Holy shit, these guys are real characters," Sunset quietly smirked.

"Lizzie-Youngest child and only daughter to Pappa. She is known for her methods, which usually include hacking victims up with an ax."

Wait, what the hell.

"That's her! That's the one we fought!" GLADIS mentioned.

"Yea, she was a hell of a fighter. If they really are trying to take this city under their rule, I hope they are ready for us," Sunset proclaimed.

"They will go after you for being the daughter of the police chief. they have kidnapped and murdered family of those who stood in their way," GLADIS warned.

"Let them come, I cannot wait for them to try me."


When the announcer introduced Thunder Breeze to throw the ceremonial first pitch, the crowd roared in applause and cheered. Considering he and Baltimare's finest had dealt with so much- namely, the takedown of Risky Line and the riots that crippled the city years earlier-the boys and girls in blue won a special place in the city's hearts.

All except one suite apparently.

"Fuck you!"

"Go suck a dick!"

"You're lucky I don't shoot you dead right now!"

Sunset was in a suite that the baseball club provided for the family, giving them a luxurious view of the game. Sunset sighed, all of her friends unable to make it. She knew her friends would probably cuss out the suite next to her for saying that to her father. If she would have done it, she would have ended up with both her feet up their asses.

She turned to see the two bastards saying those things, and her heart stopped.

Celestia dammit!

She recognized both of them instantly: Montana and Masquerade.

They were drinking beers and continued to hurl insults at her father, hurling insults to her nation during the national anthem, and hurling playful insults at each other. They were loud and obnoxious.

Can I just fight them now?


"Hey, Boss!" One of the bosses advisors yelled out from across the indoor suite. Lizzie was in the room and was close to walking out on the balcony and sewing her brother’s mouths shut. Instead, she had a plate and piled it with the buffet; crab legs, corn, and rice. She also grabbed a beer and was preparing for the trip to the balcony, which would end with her shutting them up.

"Yeah?" Her father responded.

"Just a warning, but the Chief of Police has the suite next to us." He warned.

Papa began to laugh. "Should I invite him over for some beers and to “invest” in his well being?

"I got the checkbook with me if you think he can be bribable."

Lizzie never liked the bribery part of the business, preferring less pleasurable persuasion techniques like kidnapping, kneecapping, hanging off the side of a building, etc etc. Still, she recognized why it would be a good idea to just pay the police off than to risk a war with, oh say... The Feds.

Lizzie walked to the balcony with a beer and her plate in hand just as the home team ran out from the dugout and onto the field while the crowd roared and fireworks over the scoreboard in the center field lit up the night.

She turned to see the poor saps who would eventually die because they made the mistake of associating with a dead man of a police chief.

Lizzie froze when she saw her. Sunset did the same when they locked eyes.

No… They both thought in unison.

"Sunset Shimmer!" Lizzie called out

"Liz! OMG! I didn't know you were here!"

"Yeah, kinda got dragged here by my family," Lizzie answered sheepishly.

"Right?" Sunset responded back.

Be friendly, but an arm’s length. I'll have to kill her eventually. They thought.

It was then that Masquerade saw what was going on and walked over.

"Hey Doll, just to let you know, your father is a real bastard."

Sunset had a clenched fist and was ready to jump to the other suite and start swinging, but Lizzie did it for her, elbowing Masquerade in his crotch, causing him to gasp as the air was sucked out of his lungs.

"You dumb Dora!" He hollered, holding his crotch as he collapsed on the floor. Montana watched what happened and began to laugh.

"I have to apologize for both my brothers, they're idiots." She explained


"Yeah... Beer?" Lizzie offered.

"Not an alcoholic kind of person, sorry."

"We all have our vices, I understand."

They continued their small talk as the first inning wore on. Their conversations were interrupted occasionally by either action on the field or one or both leaving to get more food.

The conversation turned to the boys in school, and one flash sentry.

"I want to date him," Lizzie admitted.

"There's a waiting for list for him."

"How about you Sunset, are you in that line?" Lizzie asked smugly.

"No… We used to date. Didn't end so well. Don't think we could get back together now." Sunset said.

"I see."

As if on cue, Thunder appeared on the balcony on Sunset’s side. Papa did the same with Lizzie to light up his cigar.

Lizzie and Sunset froze when the two older men looked at each other and locked eyes. They knew they were enemies. Those two knew who the other were. Sunset, Lizzie, Masquerade, and Montana were ready to fight their way out of the stadium.

The two men gave each other a fake smile and head nod before returning to what they were doing. Everyone else sighed in relief.

Sunset gave Thunder a hug and, with Hazel at the same table on the balcony, watched the game.


"Well, that was oddly disappointing," Thunder said as he got out of his seat at the end of the game.

"Well, there's always next year," Hazel said as she got up too.

"Honey, we said that the year before that, and the year before that, and the year before that. In fact, we have been saying it since 1984," Thunder lamented.

As Sunset got up from her seat to head home, she got one last goodbye from Lizzie.

"See you in class!"

"You too!" Sunset smiled back.

As they went back to their families, their minds were now racing about the new situation of being friends with their enemies. Eventually they would have to settle it, but for now, they could just pretend to be friendly and wait for the other's guard to be down.

Author's Note:

I have a skype group for fans, writers, and editors. If you want to join the madness here is the link https://join.skype.com/MkJbzfI1D8o2