• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 7,058 Views, 193 Comments

The Devil Inside - Chelis

The permanent opening of the portal between Equestia and the alternate human world allows Sunset Shimmer to use her magic again

  • ...

Ballroom Blitz

"Alright! Listen up!" Thunder Breeze barked.

He was in full tactical gear in a room deep within the main police building, away from the prying eyes of the public. Only a few of Baltimare's finest were ever allowed in there, reserved as a planning and gear load up for SWAT operations and emergencies. He was shouting the attack plan to the members of the operation, who were still dressing up, getting their gear and guns ready for the action that was to come.

"The DA now has enough evidence to bring Lizzie Bowden of "The Family" in for murder. We know she is at this nightclub here, at Mares Point. We will need all ways in and out of Mares Point covered, I want that ferry that goes from there to the inner harbor closed as the operation is going on. I want all available helicopters circling overhead, and I want all boats blockading the harbor. I need our best men in the club sweeping every inch of that place for her. Check each person and escort them out!"

The SWAT members were still loading up. They had clothing and armor to put on, There was still gear to grab and weapons to check. There was also one last person to account for.

"Where the hell is Solar?!" Thunder wondered out loud.

Solar Sword ran into the room breathing heavily but was already locked and loaded for the mission.

"Sorry Chief: Had some bad Thai food last night, didn't sit so well, " Solar answered.

"So you're good to go, or what?" Thunder asked.

"I'm good now," Solar answered.

"Alright, time to look like heroes, SADDLE UP!"


The club was musky, dark, and loud. It was packed with the partiers all over town, seeing how it was THE nightclub to go to. At the VIP section, that was where the rich and the famous came to play, one section was more exclusive than the rest. Only the most attractive were allowed in by the occupant’s horde of tailor suited bodyguards. If one was lucky, they would be treated to their own open bar, a mass of underwear-clad partiers, and a whole slew of makeout sessions going on in the couches. In the middle of it all, sitting on a chair that was elevated above the rest like a throne, a young Lizzie Bowden sat alone, watching her "kingdom" from below.

She had a martini in her hand, although too young to be in that club, much less to drink, it didn't matter. No one had the gall to stop her either way. To do that, you had to get through her guards, and she wasn't a pushover herself, her trusty ax always within arms reach. The first sign of trouble was when one of their suited guards came rushing up the stairs and to them, causing a commotion within her VIP suite.

"Cops…*Gasp* on their way *gasp* raid!"

The ones where were not involved with her panicked and they rushed down the VIP suite and ran as far from Lizzie as possible.

Damn, so much for that orgy tonight, Lizzie thought.

"Alright, let's get out of here boys!" She barked.


As Lizzie got up and started her guarded march out of the club, she was being watched from up on top of the skylight windows overhead. Sunset Shimmer knew that when her dad was staying to work at nights, something was up. One check of emails later, and she knew he was finally taking down Lizzie. She also knew that he would need all the help he could get, especially since it looked like he had a mole in his department.

“How do you want to do this, Sunset?" GLADIS asked.

"Well, she can match me blow for blow. All I need to do is buy time for daddy to take her down." She responded.

"How will we get in? We won't have much time before she leaves."

"Just hold on to your butt," Sunset breathed.

"Sunset, I'm a program, I don't have a -"

Sunset disappeared in a light of opal and reappeared in the middle of the dance floor. Everyone who was near Sunset was kicked back, sliding on the dance floor and bringing the club to a halt. When Sunset looked up. Lizzie was in front of her, and like the time in the abandoned building, they were face to face.

"Well well, if it isn't the masked girl," Lizzie said.

"I'm stopping you from leaving, you will face justice. I'm giving you a choice, you are going down the easy way or the hard way.

"Axman!" Lizzie hollered.

One of her men ran up to her and handed Lizzie her ax. She held it down, ready for Sunset to make the move

"I guess we are doing this the hard way then," Sunset grinned.

Sunset pulled out her machete and charged. Her attack was stopped by Lizzie's ax. She took a few more swings, each one ending the same way, but Sunset did not relent. Eventually, Sunset made a mistake and left her side open. Lizzie took that and kicked her in her rib, causing Sunset to back off her attack. Lizzie charged Sunset, took a few swings with her ax, but was too slow and letting Sunset get out of the way. The crowd was still making their way out, trying to also avoid the blade battle occurring on the dance floor.

Sunset grabbed a beer bottle from a table and got close to Lizzie, smashing the bottle over her head. Both girls dropped their weapons and began to trade blows. There was hair pulling, punching, biting, kicking, and clawing. A true cat fight. Sunset took a swing to the face but caught Lizzie's fist. She took that opportunity to grab another bottle and smash it against Lizzie's head once more. Somehow, Lizzie got the upper hand and punched Sunset in the stomach, folding her over. Lizzie picked up her opponent and slammed her back on the bar, the many cups and bottled breaking on impact and cutting up Sunset’s back. Lizzie grabbed Sunsets black turtleneck and dragged her across the bar and against the wall when the bar space ran out.

Sunset couldn't get up, covered in broken glass and alcohol, and her body had shut down for the moment.

Lizzie smiled and went to walk over to her ax.

"Alright, time to finish this," Lizzie smiled.

As she picked it up, the sounds of many sirens were heard in the distance, and Lizzie knew she ran out of time.

"Liz! what do we do!" one of her bodyguards cried out.

Although Liz wanted to kill off the She-Demon and take the glory of it, she also didn't want to go to jail.

"Alright bitch. I'll spare your life, just this once," Liz spat as she walked away.

"Listen! Everyone out in the front. I'll take the back way. I will hide until the coast is clear, and then we will meet up at the baseball stadium. Alright?! Now go!"

Lizzie's men did what their commands dictated and blended with the masses trying to escape through the front. By the time Lizzie looked around and found the way to the back, Sunset was already up and running after her

"You just don't give up, do you?!" Lizzie hollered. As she busted out of the back door

"Not when I can easily see your fat ass bouncing!" Sunset replied.

"I'm so killing you!" Lizzie hollered as she turned around in the dimly lit Baltimare alleyway. Lizzie quickly pulled out her small revolver from her ankle holster and aimed it.

"Fuck you!"

Before she can fire her pistol, she was tackled from behind and violently thrown on the asphalt floor by dark, bulky figure. The shock of the hit jarred the gun loose from Lizzie's hand, and it slid far from her reach. Sunset teleported to the roof of the club just to see the helicopter lights beaming down on the takedown. When that happened, Sunset realized the figure that took down Lizzie was none other than her father, Thunder Breeze.

As soon as his men slapped some handcuffs on Lizzie, he got off of her.

"See you in court, cunt," Thunder spat.

Thunder looked up to Sunset and admired her. Thunder was caught in the question of: "Who is the she-demon? what did she want from the community?" that the public was talking about.

"She-demon!" Thunder hollered.

Sunset remained still, overlooking her father.

"Thank you again! As you can see with ‘the family’, I have my hands full. It's good to know at least someone is on my side."

Sunset nodded and ran off, using the roof of the club as a runway. She turned into her She-demon form and flew off into the night.

So, will that be the last we heard of Lizzie?", GLADIS asked.

"I doubt it, People like her will always find their way back in the business. Besides, there's the rest of her family." Sunset replied.

Speaking of: how will we deal with the rest of their organization?"

"We will deal with them one by one. Every time they pop up we put them down until they get tired of it or Daddy arrests them. we can't give them any chance for success." Sunset said, determined in her cause.

She was slightly peeved that her retirement was short-lived, but her father needed all the help he can get. Even though she or he would not like to admit it, but the department needed the she-demon, and the she-demon needed the department... mostly to help her father, because she was willing to go through hell for him.

"What about now?" GLADIS asked

"Well, dad still has to book her and put her in the system. So.... Im stopping by a diner for a milkshake and a juicy burger!"

Author's Note:

I have a skype group for fans, writers, and editors. If you want to join the madness here is the link https://join.skype.com/MkJbzfI1D8o2