My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic Season X

by DakariKingMykan

First published

Titan is back, and Protesters are being silly again.

Don't be fooled by the huge dislike ratio (It's just idiots and haters being lowly again) Give the fic a chance.

-Lord Titan is returning, with the help of his apprentice, Starlight Glimmer and a vast alliance of evil gathered form all over the galaxy, ready to conquer all.

-A band of protesters have organized a secret society dedicated to ridding United Equestria of Starfleet, and all their supporters... blinded by their ignorance of course.

-Lightning, Grand Ruler Celesto, and Queen Celestia are turned into children, complicating the matters of the war, and a little of their personal lives.

-Swift Star is enjoying his new position as a cop on the beat, but still feels rather unsure of himself when he starts feeling the downsides of the job.

Intro: The United Alliance of Evil

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One night, Commander Lightning Dawn was tucking his infant son, Shining Light into his crib, and pecked him softly on his little head. “There you go, Champ. You go night-night now.”

“Nigh… Nigh…” chirped Shining Lightning. The boy was a year and half old and he was already learning how to talk, and both his parents were so happy and proud of him…

…Only, General Starla Shine was rather busy at the time. She was up on the observatory, atop the house, where she could stargaze through her telescope for her findings and to assist with her star charting for galactic maps.

She sighed happily as she gazed at all the stunning beauty of the mighty universe through her lens.

She could see many constellations known, and a few she had discovered herself, like The Big Scoop, Giant Flipper, and Lion’s Sash.

“Hiya fellas, I see you…” she playfully called to them.

Suddenly, “…Hey, what’s that?” She spotted a most unusual object near a cluster of stars she knew well, but had never seen anything like it before. She zoomed in to get a better look at it, and swore it looked like a planet.

However, having observed the star clusters very closely countless times in her life and career, she knew there had never been a planet there before. Even when she zoomed in, she couldn’t make out the planet very well, only that it seemed rather dark and ominous.

“Strange…” she felt, and she stopped looking and then wrote down her calculations and location of the planet, but when she went back to look again, “…What the-- Where did it go?” the planet, or whatever it was she found was nowhere to be seen.

She knew she hadn’t moved the telescope; especially considering the stars she saw when discovering the object where still in their exact place… but where was the object itself.

Perhaps she only thought she had seen something-- a bug on the lens, or just a speck of dirt-- not likely. She knew what she had seen, and began to move the scope about trying to find it, but to no avail.

She was still looking for it when it got pretty late and her husband came up to the observatory.

“Starla…?” he called softly, causing his wife to scream and jump, and he stepped back in fright.

“Galloping Galaxies!” cried Lightning

Starla caught hold of herself, “Oh, sorry, honey… I was light-years away.”

“I’ll say you were. Are you onto something?”

“Yes… or, at least, I think I am.”

She told him about the planet-- if it was-- and showed him her calculations. Lightning looked through the telescopes at the exact location in his wife’s writing, but he was unable to find said object either.

Starla then let out a huge yawn, suggesting even more that maybe she was just seeing things in her sleepiness.

Lightning suggested, “Maybe you should come down to bed, and we’ll work this out in the morning.”

His wife agreed, but not before copying her findings and sending them off, by magic mail, to the royal observatories in New Canterlot to help confirm things, with a complete description of the object’s appearance.

Elsewhere, there was much more happening than they realized…!

Way, way out in dimensional space, that very planet Starla had seen was in fact an artificial world and was cloaked in shadows to prevent it from being seen.

This planet was inhabited and run by what had to be one of the largest armies of monsters and aliens anyone would ever dream of. Creatures of all shapes and sizes, from every corner of the galaxy, all gathered to this one place.

Some of the monsters were operators, and it was their job to make sure the planet was secured and well protected.

One monster scolded another one, “You know better than to drop the shadow-cover.”

“I’m sorry, I blew a fuse. I had to replace it.”

“Well you just be thankful the big boss doesn’t find out about this.”

All the operators shuddered at such a thought.

Meanwhile, another great gathering of monsters were all enjoying the feasts prepared, some were newcomers and wondering, “Why are we here again?”

“I got pulled off my planet to come to this fake world, and what for?”

This annoyed many of the senior members. “You’re here to be part of the United Alliance of Evil!”

“You’ll get it better when the master appears.”

The skies suddenly flashed with lightning and loud thunder crashes as all the monsters turned their attention upwards.

“He’s coming!!”

“The master is here!”

“This is the big moment!”

Up in the skies, loads of energy and lightning waves seem to gather and swirl together, forming a very large image of the master, whom was none other than Starfleet’s greatest and most recurring nemesis, Lord Titan!

“I am… Titan: Great Lord of Evil and Darkness!” he thundered “I welcome you all to The Shadow Planet, which I had created especially for my newest plans of conquest and domination.

…This is the United Alliance of Evil!”

The monsters and aliens all cheered and hollered, and Titan continued to explain, “Slowly I am regaining my life force thanks to the vast amounts of evil energy, but there is more to this than a simple revival…

I have spent my time creating the ultimate plan than will rid the universe of love, kindness, and so only evil and darkness will rule.

…I call it “Project Darkness!”

The monsters all looked up as Titan used his power to demonstrate the project and how it would work.

“You see…” he called “In order for my revival to succeed and for this project to work; we shall require much more than what we have obtained. You are my forces, the galaxy is our domain.

You will venture forth and carry out my will, and in the end, all the power and all the forces of the universe will pale in comparison to us! WE… SHALL… RULE…!!!”

The army hollered and cheered louder than ever, until someone spoke up, “But wait… what about, you know… the whatchamacallits.”

“Starfleet…!” Titan hissed. His red eyes flared up behind his monstrous hood. “I have already anticipated their interference, and have sent my personal protégé to deal with them.

At this very moment, she is on her way to United Equestria aboard her spider-base craft, and soon the games shall begin.”

Titan didn’t think it a problem to call on his apprentice and check on her stats.

Far out in space, a monstrous spacecraft bearing a cross-resemblance to a spider and a falcon was soaring through the cosmos, and onboard, Titan’s apprentice addressed him, via magical hologram.

“I understand perfectly, Lord Titan. I shall not disappoint you.”

“You had better not,” growled Titan “After everything I have trained you for, you cannot lose, and just to make certain of it I have provided you with your own crew to aid you.

Good luck Starlight Glimmer.” The image vanished.

Starlight Glimmer: She was a tall humanoid unicorn pony with a very long, pale heliotrope colored coat, and a rather long two-toned mane and tail-- the colors of dark purple with aquamarine streaks. She wore a dark suit with silver and red armored plating on her shoulders, arms, knees, and torso.

She turned to face her three minions-- three humanoid like creatures, two males, and one female-- who were hidden within the darkness of her ship.

“You all heard him…?” she asked.

“We heard, and we understand.” replied one of the men. He spoke in a very deep shadowy voice.

The second male spoke in a rather tough guy voice. “We’ve been waiting to back at Starfleet ourselves!”

Their female complaining flicked her long hair and scoffed, “When we’re through with them, they will be sorry for… well… I mean… they’ll just be sorry.”

Starlight agreed, and turned her attention look out into space, “Indeed they shall, including certain others whom I have a score to settle with!”

She flicked a switch and an image of Celestia appeared which seemed to anger her deeply. “Just you wait!”

Her evil eyes gave a nasty flash as she clenched her fists tightly, seething with revenge and hate on her mind.


(Season X)

Episode 1: Starlight, Starfight

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The next day, Lightning and Starla received word from New Canterlot about Starla’s findings the other night. It turned out she was not the only observer. The Starfleet observatories had been spotting the strange object the same way she had for the past several nights. One minute it was in plain sight, and then it was gone without a trace.

Starla felt rather disturbed. “Why wasn’t I told of this before? You’d think they’d let a master observer-- slash-- star general in on it.”

Lightning calmed his wife down. “Maybe they thought they were just seeing things too, but now we know for sure there’s something strange out there.”

Starla agreed, and she had that sickening feeling in her gut that it could not be something good. A whole planet-- assuming it was even a planet-- just popping in and out like that, not to mention its shadowy surface.

Lightning felt the same way. “I think we should head to the Royal Palace and talk it over with their majesties.”

“No need for that, Lightning.” said a familiar voice, and Grand Ruler Celesto appeared, in the form of a hologram.

Starla and Lightning bowed to him just the same.

“No offense, sire… but you mind warning us when you’re going to just pop in like that?” asked Starla.

His majesty chuckled, “My apologies, but the matter is urgent.” He explained to them what he had just told to every other member of the unit. “We, at the royal council, have been having the same suspicions of that object, and while we are unable to confirm things entirely without evidence, we are taking no chances and have ordered the force to standby for any signs of strange activity, and not just here, but every planet in the sector and beyond.”

The soldiers saluted to him, and he saluted back.

“Your majesty…” said Starla “Would it be possible for me to--” she was cut off when a large stack of papers magically appeared before her on the breakfast table. These were copies of the astronomical findings of the planet’s sightings from the observatories.

“…I had a feeling you’d want to study them for yourself.” said his majesty.

Starla chuckled as she began to run through the pages.

“Thank you, Sire.” said Lightning “Switching to standby.”

Grand Ruler bowed and faded out.

Back at the palace, he suddenly began to hear the sound of cheerful play-fighting. He waltzed into the next room and saw Castor and Leilani playing with toy foam swords, and Queen Celestia had beat him to their children, breaking them up.

“Settle down you two.” said Celestia.

“We’re practicing to fight the bad guys.” said Castor.

“Practicing?” asked Grand Ruler.

“Yes, we want to help if the planet gets attacked again.” said Leilani.

“Whoa, whoa… hold up there.” Celestia cut in “I think you’re both a little too young to be doing that.”

“Your mother is right…” agreed Grand Ruler. “Fighting evil or saving the world is not some game, it’s very serious.”

The children looked a little upset and hung their heads low, but they didn’t dare say anything in protest, for they were raised well and knew better than to argue with their parents.

Celestia then got a cheeky idea, and she conjured up a magical-ball of light which she cast to flay around the children. “I bet you can’t catch it.”

The children loved it when their mother gave them a magic ball to chase down, and they ran after it laughing.

“I’m going to get it first.” called Castor.

“Not before me.” teased Leilani.

Their parents watched as their children ran off happily, and they softly wrapped their arms around one another. It pained them that they were so busy these days working with the new dilemma, but they always made certain to spend time with their children, nurture them, and reason with them if it looked as if they were getting ahead of themselves.

Princess Luna came by, having just seen the children rush past her. “I fail to understand where they get all this energy from.”

Her sister and her brother-in-law chuckled.

“Well… I suppose that’s why we are the parents.” said Grand Ruler. “…And you are their wonderful aunt.” added Celestia.

Luna rolled her eyes.

Suddenly, all three of them could feel something-- a very dark force as the sky above the palace began to grow dark.

“What is that?” asked Luna.

Grand Ruler and Celestia both had sickening feelings as the dark grew stronger.

…Starlight’s Spider-Base was slowly approaching the planet, and Starlight could only glare at it while snickering softly yet wickedly. She was ready!

Meanwhile, Artie and Sunset Shimmer were at the Cakes café, celebrating their fifth month of marriage, and were now sitting at a table, holding hands, intertwining their fingers and looking into each other’s eyes.

“What are you going to have?” Artie flirtatiously asked her.

His wife teased him, “I don’t know. What are you going to have?”

Back and forth they would tease each other with the same thing, until Pinkie Pie came out to greet her friends, but she didn’t seem herself.

Pinkie was also five months married, and five months pregnant, it was already showing what with her belly growing, and she was already on maternity leave from the force, yet she didn’t seem her usual hyperactive, cheery self. If anything, she looked so neutral and blank, with her eyes half open. She seemed to be acting like her sister, Maud Pie, and even spoke in a soft tone.

“Hi guys. Can I take your order now?”

Artie and Sunset blinked once at her and then at each other.

“Uh… we’ll just take our usual.” said Artie.

Pinkie simply nodded and walked off to the kitchen.

“What’s with her?” wondered Sunset “She didn’t even wish us a Happy Five Months.”

Pinkie’s husband of five months, Apple Spice, came in carrying a sack of flour. Artie stopped him and asked about his wife…

“The doctor put her on a strict diet, and she on meds to help reduce her cravings. She hasn’t eaten as much sweets or as goodies as she usually does, but that’s not the worst of it… she has mood-swings.”

The couple shuddered at such thoughts, but still, Spice looked over at his pregnant wife taking another order with love and joy in his eyes before he snapped back into reality. “Excuse me…” and he picked up his bag and went back to work, passing by his wife on the way, and pecking her on the cheek.

Pinkie gave a rather weak but visible smile.

“Well, at least they’re still happy.” said Artie.

Sunset agreed.

Suddenly, the alarms sounded, and Artie’s energizer began to glow. “There’s trouble in New Canterlot.”

Pinkie turned her head sharply, having overheard him. A small flicker of flames seemed to blaze in her eyes.

“Go ahead, Pinkie,” said Carrot Cake, “I can cover your shift until you’re finished.”

Pinkie nodded and made her way to the back where the stairs led up and into the house, straight to her and Spice’s room.

Like all Starfleet fighters on maternity leave, Pinkie had been presented with her very own look-alike droid which she could control from her room.

The droid came to life and rushed down the stairs. “Let’s go!” she called to Artie.

Artie nodded, and he kissed Sunset goodbye.

“Come back to me…?” Sunset said to him. Even though there were never guarantees in Starfleet, her husband gave her a loving gaze and nod which told her “…I’ll try.”

Then he was off with Pinkie’s droid.

They both flew off into the air, and met up with Rarity and Spike along the way. Rarity had baby Twilight in a harness on her front.

“You’re taking the baby with you?” asked Artie in surprise.

“We had no choice.” said Spike “You never know when the alarms will sound.”

“I really think we ought to hire a nanny for this sort of stuff!” Rarity complained.

Starla and Lightning came flying up to everyone, and like Rarity, Starla brought Shining Light along too. “The split second we get there, we’ll drop the kids off in the palace nursery.” said Starla.

Rarity agreed.

The rest of the team soon followed, and of course, Fluttershy and Rhymey had to bring Button Fly with them, but they already knew the routine, and soon.

Finally, Krysta joined in with an army of her fairy soldiers.

“Good, we’re all together.” said Lightning “Now let’s find out what this is about.” and with that, everyone zoomed off towards New Canterlot…

…Which now had a large, and menacing dark cloud looming over it.

The guards and fighters all stood ready as ordered by their majesties, and the darkness was growing overhead in the skies.

Their majesties all stood on a terrace, still trying to sense and feel the force of the darkness, and Celestia finally felt something familiar…

“…Starlight Glimmer!”

Grand Ruler suddenly felt something else about the evil energies he was sensing. “No… it can’t be!”

His wife and sister-in-law could also sense the evil, and there was no mistaking it…!

But for now, a large beam of light shot down from the darkness, and Starlight appeared in the large field behind the palace, along with a large swarm of drone soldiers behind her.

They were tall, dark, humanoid pony-like creatures, and even wearing Starfleet-like armor as well, but their faces were all covered in metal plating, and they had claws on their fingers.

Starlight flicked her long mane in back as Celestia and her family approached her. Their eyes met, and Starlight glared at her very crossly, rather than surprised. She had been told of the changes over the years, and was even impressed a little.

Celestia could only glare at her, but spoke softly. “You have changed quite a lot. The darkness within you is indeed strong.”

Starlight agreed, “I’ve been training for quite a while now. Training takes time, and so do assembling armies… but there comes a time for everything…” she paused and her eyes flashed eerily at Celesita “…Even revenge!”

Celestia growled softly.

“We caution you not to do this.” warned Luna.

Starlight only hissed “…Why shouldn’t I? I have my reasons…” She raised her hand and singled to her soldiers. “Darquines… attack!!”

The Darquines growled and rushed forth, but Captain Shaina whistled for her own army, “…Stop them!” The knights and fighters rushed forth.

While the three majesties powered up and prepared to combine their powers and detain Starlight themselves. The magic was fired, but Starlight narrowed her eyes, and both they and her horn glowed with a dark aura, producing a dark curtain of magic, completely shielding her, much to their majesties shock.

Starlight snickered, “My master has trained me well.”

Their majesties were not willing to give up without a fight, especially not Celestia as she magically changed out of her royal garbs into her casual battle suit. Luna did the same. Grand Ruler stood ready as well, and all three powered up-- their auras flaring up.

“Oh, this is going to feel great!” hissed Starlight.

Lightning and the others, already transformed, were nearing the site of the danger, by the Royal Palace, and they could see all the commotion down below.

“What in the hayfields is all this about?” wondered Applejack.

Lightning didn’t like it one bit, and he asked Krysta “…Can you teleport the babies to the nursery in the palace?”

“Right.” Said Krysta, but rather than do it herself, she asked for a couple of her troops to do the job.

The mothers pecked their respective sweethearts before the fairies took them to safety.

Fluttershy felt near tears, but Rhymey assured her

“They’ll be alright,
Now it’s time to fight.”

His wife quickly snapped herself to her senses…

…But as everyone headed down to join the fight, they were bombarded by powerful laser blasts from way up high-- from the Spider-Base’s blast cannons.

Everyone was forced to land, but the blasts continued to fire all around them.

“What’s going on up there? What’s firing at us?” Rainbow exclaimed.

“It’s got to be some sort of spacecraft,” suggested Buddy Rose “I’ll also bet it’s the cause of all this.”

“Then we’ll just have to shoot it down from here.” suggested Dyno.

“Si, and fast before it shoots up the village.” added Myte.

Lightning agreed, “Everyone stand together, get ready to fire.”

The team stood ready, but suddenly they were shot from all around, on the ground, which caught them by surprise and they all fell over.

“Now what’s up?!” growled Starla.

That’s when a monster appeared. He had cannons for arms, a bigger cannon was on his chest, and even a large turn-up shot-tube for its head, and his face on the side of it.

“Not what’s up,” it laughed at the fighters “But what’s going up… YOU that is… in flames!”

The fighters all stood and glared the monster down, when suddenly Starlight’s three henchmen appeared behind him, and snickered at the sight of the fighters.

“We’re baaaa-aaack.” teased the female.

“It can’t be…!” cried Lightning. All the others were equally as shocked as he was. Though all creatures seemed humanoid, there was no mistaking it; these were the three former henchmen of Lord Titan.

“Mysterious…? Rep-Stallion…? Dementia…?” exclaimed Starla.

Who seemed to be Mysterious, shook his head, “That was who we were before. Now we are all-new—better and stronger than ever.

…I am “Specter!”

He was tall, and still had his night-shaded skin, but now he wore a simple dark shirt, with a matching long waistcoat with a small train in the back, like a cape.

What seemed like Rep-Stallion hollered, “Yo’… I’m “Razor!”

He still had his dark gray skin, but he wore a leather jacket, dark pants, and over his arms and legs he wore pads with serrated sharp blades. He was a regular walking slasher.

Finally, the female whom was once referred to as “Dementia” flicked her long hair. “The name is “Waverline.”

She wore a Sparkling black skirt and top, with armored paddings, and her long purple hair almost looked as if it were made of shadowy fog, the way it waved and the shades shifted around.

The monster then stepped in, “Don’t forget about me, Big Blast!”

The minions glared at him in annoyance.

“Will you just get in there and destroy these pests?!” thundered Waverline.

“Uh… yeah.” grumbled the monster. “…CANNONBALL’S AWAY!!” and he unleashed multiple blasts out of his arms, and even through the top of his head, all straight for the team, forcing them all to dodge and scatter about.

“Let’s get ‘em!” shouted Specter, and he and his comrades rushed forth as well.

“…Split into groups!” hollered Lightning.

The team agreed and spread out to battle the evildoers themselves, but just as promised, the minions were now stronger and fighting better than ever.

Not only were their strengths, speeds, and endurances heavily improved, but they showed off astounding new abilities they had been given.

Specter was able to use his newest abilities of the shadow to dodge oncoming attacks and escape harm.

“Time to see the light!” thundered Lightning.

“Right!” agreed Starla.

“Ready when you are!” called Krysta, and her fairies behind her readied their powers and wands.



“FIRE!!” shouted Krysta, and she and her fairies combined their powers into a great big beam of light.

All three attacks bound straight for Specter. “Not this time!” he snickered, and he held out his hands, “DARK WALL OF WIND!” all at once, he was shrouded in a veil of twisting winds which blocked the attacks, much to the fighters’ shocks. The brightness of the light didn’t even make him flinch like in the old days.

Worse than that, Specter, still encased in the winds, rushed forth with the force of a wrecking ball, forcing Lightning and Starla to leap into the air, but Specter quickly sprung off the ground and bashed them both hard before the wind ceased around him.

“Impressive isn’t it?” he boasted “…A defensive-offensive power, thought I’d just show it to you.”

The two fighters growled, and Krysta and her fairies weren’t willing to give up either, nor were the other teams, but they didn’t seem to fair too well at the start either.

Artie, Rhymey and Spike all had their weapons drawn and were attacking Razor from different angels, but Razor’s new agility sure gave him an edge as he skillful parried their every move and proceeded to strike them all hard, making sparks fly.

“Now try this!” he shouted, “FLY CUTTERS” his blades on his every pad launched and twirled like sharp boomerangs, in a huge swarm around the men, making it down near impossible to dodge or parry them all.

“Let’s do a team-up strike!” called Artie to his friends. The others agreed, and the two ponies unleashed their attacks…



A lot of the blades were repelled, giving Spike enough space to rush through.


Curled up and shielded in his flames, he bowled right through other oncoming blades and headed straight at Razor, and he swerved out of the way, only for Spike to bounce back for him again, and again, and again every time he dodged.

Spike and the two ponies then charged at him all at different angles, and would have struck him hard had the spider-base not shoot more blasts from way up high. The force of each blast caused the three fighters to fall off balance.

“Aww… too bad.” teased Razor. “It sure feels great to pay you punks back after all this time!!”

The men got up and onto their feet, still undeterred and ready for more.

“We beat you punks once, and we’ll do it again!” Rainbow snarled as she charged at Waverline, but she jumped up high and out of the way and fired magical blasts from her hands, which Rainbow dodged, and regrouped with Rarity and Applejack.

Waverline scoffed, “You only beat us because we underestimated you, and a few lucky breaks!”

“If you ask us, it was no lucky break!” protested Rarity.

“Ha!” huffed Waverline “Well I didn’t ask you… you ugly little cross-breed!”

Rainbow and Applejack gasped in horror while Rarity’s head throbbed, her skin seemed to turn boiled red, and being half dragon, she let out a huge roar and flames in the air before she rushed furiously at her enemy. “YOU DARE CALL ME UGLY?!!”

Waverline unleashed her own specialty at the oncoming, angered hybrid.

“DISTORTION FORCE” She unleashed a spinning, wave of energy, like a spinning wheel straight at the ladies, which exploded and caused the very air and ground around them to start wavering in distortion, actually attacking them without any visual means.

Sparks and small explosions emitted from the ladies causing them to fall to the ground.

“That’s it! Now I’m mad!” growled Applejack.

Rarity was even madder than she and Rainbow put together, still determined to make Waverline suffer for calling her “Ugly!”

The ladies all charged for her, and Waverline swerved and dodged their every move.

The Spider-Base continued to bombard the area all around, giving the enemies an unfair advantage.

“We have to stop that ship!” cried Dyno.

“Si, before it blows up everything!” agreed Myte.

Buddy, Pinkie and Fluttershy agreed, but they were all confronted by Big Blast. “The only thing that’ll be stopped is you! Take this!” and he fired more cannon shots at them.

“Hey, I’ve got an idea!” said Buddy, and he got out his Vine Whip.

“What are you thinking?” asked Fluttershy.

“Just trust me. Come on!”

Heeding, the others all rushed off with him.

“Take some of this!” yelled the monster as he opened fire at the fighters, forcing them to scatter.

The twins then nodded at one another and shouted, “NOW YOU TAKE THIS…!” and they both joined hands…


Their misses bound straight at the monster, and he easily shot them down with his own blasts, making lots of smoke from the resulting explosions. “Nice try, bozos!” he taunted, but he suddenly ate those words as all five ponies came rushing in, kicking, and punching him hard, and knocking him over.

“Okay, that does it! I’m gonna make the biggest blast I can give! It’ll reduce you all to ash!”

Fluttershy gulped hard.

Buddy and the others narrowed their eyes at him as he charged up the huge cannon on his chest for an enormous blast.

Buddy looked up at the sky, using his visor’s telescoping tracking to lock onto his target-- the Spider-Base.

“HERE IT COMES!!” the monster shouted “FIRE!!”

But the split second his blast fired… “NOW!!” buddy quickly threw his whip, lassoing the monster’s huge head, and with a huge yank, he pulled him over, causing his cannon to aim upward!

POW!! The blast fired straight up through the dark clouds; clean up towards the monstrous ship, striking it hard in its mouth and underside, damaging the blast cannons.

“THE SHIP!!” cried Razor!

The other two reacted in the same shock, but Starlight didn’t seem to care in the least. She came with a job, and a personal agenda, to clear and nothing would stop her! Nothing at all!!

She and the three royal alicorns continued to brawl hard, and had been for the entire battle, what with the knights, fighters, and fairies all fending off the Darkquines and protecting the palace like good soldiers would and per their orders!

During all the calamity Starlight had proven herself to indeed be a very worthy and well-trained fighter.

The three ponies shot at her with magical blasts, which she evaded by sprinting along the ground. Then she leapt up high, whirled round back in mid-air, firing multiple mini-blasts from her horn and hands, shooting at all three of the alicorns, but seemingly trying to keep Grand Ruler, and Luna back, letting Celestia go through.

…She was the one Starlight seemed to be after most.

Starlight landed, and engaged in a rough brawl with her! She punched and kicked and flipped about, while Celestia managed to block and dodge each blow, and shifted to the offense, but Starlight managed to block and dodge her as well.

“Am I good enough NOW?!” Starlight roared at her before kicking her hard in the chest-plate, leaping up off of her and fifing more shots from her hands, which were intercepted by Grand Ruler and Luna, coming to Celestia’s aid.

“Are you alright, Sister?” asked Luna.

Her sister nodded, but all three glared Starlight down.

“Starlight, it doesn’t have to be this way!” Celestia said, as if she were begging her, to which Starlight scoffed “Why should now be any different? You had your chance, and now it is too late.”

“Listen to us!” said Grand Ruler.


Luna then spoke up, “I realize how you must feel, but you are fighting for the wrong reasons.”

“Please, let us help you!” added Celestia.

“Too late!” sneered Starlight and her eyes glowed an angry red, “…By about twenty years!”

Lightning and Specter lunged at each other, punching and kicking like crazy, and finally meeting in a fist struggle. The both of them powered up strongly, and their auras glowed brightly, and their arms flipped, their fists striking the ground resulting in a huge explosion that threw them both across the field.

“Lightning!” cried Starla as she and the others re-grouped and helped him up.

The villains all regrouped as well, including their monster.

“So you’ve just been toying with us?” hissed Specter.

Lightning nodded softly, “So have you, we felt it.”

“No, duh!” sneered Razor “Where’s the sense in destroying you if we don’t thrash about first?”

“You’re going to pay dearly for busting up our ship!” said Waverline.

Suddenly, the darkness was beginning to fade in the sky.

“The ship!” cried Razor “It’s starting to fall off course! We’ve got to stop it!”

“We have our orders!” snarled Specter. “We’re staying here and finishing them off right here and now!”

Waverline was with Razor too, “But we can’t let the ship fall out of orbit!”

She and Razor teleported back up to assist with repairs and stabilizing it.

“GET BACK HERE!!” bellowed Specter.

Big Blast couldn’t seem to get his canons going, still all bashed up and weak from so much blasting. “Um… maybe I should go up too. Recharge a little and…”

Specter lost patience and gave him a good blast, destroying him, much to the horror of the others.

“You destroyed your own monster?!” shouted Artie.

“He was weak and worthless! Such a creature has no place in our rising army.”

Rarity looked like she was going to explode again. “Why you sick creature!”

“You’ve hardly changed a bit in attitude!” Spike added.

Lightning angrily powered up into his Enticorn forum. “You’ll pay for this!”

Specter’s eyes widened at the very sight. “So this is the Enticorn powers I’ve been told of.” He muttered under his breath “I’ll admit it’s impressive.”

The other fighters began to power up. Their auras were blazing brightly.

Specter, much as he wished to fight, wasn’t sure if he could take them all on at once like this-- exactly what destroyed him and his comrades the last time.

He did however summon another swarm of Darkquines to back him up in long rows.

“Let’s get ‘em!” shouted Lightning, and he and his team rushed in, making quick work of the creatures, giving Lightning a good chance to speed in towards Specter, blasting a ray of uniforce at him, which he barely dodge.

Specter could feel the heat of ray burn him softly. “It’s stronger than I thought.” he murmured.

“I’m going to blow you to the ends of the galaxy!” shouted Lightning. He swung his fist straight at him, but Specter dodged, giving himself the chance to retaliate…

“DARK WALL OF WIND” He had encased himself in his wind-sphere again and rammed straight for Lightning, whom dodged and swerved, and finally found his opening…

“ULTRA-UNIFORCE” he blasted the sphere hard actually forcing it back, and the darkness proved to be pretty strong as Specter had to struggle to pour on more power, but he ultimately found himself losing as the power began to break his shielding down!

He was being pushed far up into the sky, and he roared loud and painfully, but he made a quick retreat, and vanished, just as the sphere exploded… KABOOM!

Lightning feared and somewhat knew he had escaped, but he let it go for now and proceeded to help the others battle Darkquines.

While the Darkquine army was finally diminishing, the three royal alicorns were in a big mess.

All three of them combined their powers together, and captured Starlight within a sphere, but Starlight proved to be worse than they thought, as actually managed to break out of it and restore herself to normal.

“My stars!” cried Grand Ruler.

“We can’t contain her by ordinary means.” cried Celestia.

Luna growled angrily.

Starlight snickered at them, and her horn glowed bright, shrouding them in aura. She brought Celestia closer towards her, leaving the others hanging in midair.

“Celestia!!” shouted Grand Ruler.

Starlight chuckled softly. “I’m going to enjoy this… a lot!” and she grabbed a large glowing orb, which their majesties recognized all too well and knew what it did…!

Lightning punched off another Darkquine, and looked over towards the commotion. “…What?!” he exclaimed, and he watched as Starlight slowly began to use the orb’s power to absorb Celestia’s very life-energy.

“NO…!!!” Lightning shouted as he rushed over, and fired a large beam at Starlight, forcing her to turn her head and fire blasts from her horn at him, but Lightning just kept right on coming and forced his way right into the path of the magical waves hoping to sever it and save Celestia.

“LIGHTNING…!!” Grand Ruler shouted, which alerted the other fighters, especially Starla to turn their heads, just in time to see Starlight, carelessly, fire another magical blast, which struck Lightning’s glowing body and the draining magic from the orb, resulting in Lightning getting struck hard, glowing white, and he soared back, colliding right into Celestia, and they both crashed into Grand Ruler.

All three of them soared out into the open field, crashed on the ground, followed by a big explosion!

Everyone gasped in extreme shock and horror, and Starla could only scream “NOOOOOOOOOOOO…!!!!”

Even Starlight was slightly surprised by how things turned out, yet the orb in her hand was still glowing, pulsing with loads of energy and power. “It appears that I got more than what I came for. I’ve got the power, and now I’ve gotten my revenge as well.”

Starla roared and charged for Starlight, ready to break her limb-from-limb, but Starlight had vanished and was gone causing her to miss and land flat on the ground.

She furiously punched he ground, making a small hole. She began to quiver with pain and sadness at the thought of what she had just seen.


Everyone else felt ready to grieve just the way she had, when suddenly, there was a stirring from over where the explosion happened.

“Hey!” cried Krysta.

Luna turned and she was the first to rush over to the pile of rocks left from the blast. “Can it be…?” she wondered. That’s she heard a faint little groan, like one of a child.

She used her magic to move the rocks away, and what she saw then she could not believe, nor could the rest as they all huddled around.

“What in the world?!” cried Krysta.

“It can’t be!” muttered Starla.

Lightning and their majesties were very much alive, only… they were all smaller in size for they had been transformed into children-- pre-teen versions of themselves.

“Galloping Galaxies!!” cried Lightning.

“My stars!!” added Grand Ruler.

Celestia trembled in shock, “This can’t be!”

The three kids looked back and forth at one another, and then up at everyone else gawking at them with extreme concerned expressions.

As for Starla, the sight of her very young husband, she couldn’t help it, and she fainted in shock. “Starla…” Buddy cried as he caught her.

“Get them to sick-bay at once!” ordered Luna.

Back aboard Spider-Base, the minions were bickering with one another over the supposed insubordination.

“You cowards left the field!” growled Specter.

“You’re the one who destroyed our monster!” bellowed Waverline.

“At least we saved the ship from falling away.” boasted Razor.

“QUIET, ALL OF YOU!!” thundered Starlight “…Or I’ll toss you all into space!”

The trio quieted down. Specter narrowed his eyes angrily.

Starlight placed the orb with the captured energy and magic on the table. “We got what we came for, and even more. Master Titan will be most pleased.”

She paused and then thought, “I know I’m especially pleased, now that I’ve done away with that wretch, Celestia!”

She obviously didn’t know what had happened. Her only concern now was to take the power she had captured and get it to Titan at once. “Now Project Darkness will be able to proceed, and the galaxy… the universe… all will belong to evil!”

She turned to face the Darkquines at the controls and helm. “Set course, on the double!”

The monstrous ship zoomed out into space, but Razor couldn’t help but ask, “What about Starfleet? They’re still going to come after us.”

Specter scoffed, “There is not much they can do to stop us, now that we have the power and have disposed of their best fighter.”

Waverline agreed, “Besides, even if they try to stop us, they’ll find eventually it won’t help a bit. Not with what we have planned…”

Dr. Penny, being Lightning’s regular doctor, was notified of the transformation on Lightning and their majesties, and Krysta teleported her straight to the royal palace to assist in the examinations and testing on the three victims.

The rest of the team could only watch and wait from far in the corner. Not one of them could take their eyes off of the three teens that were their friends, especially Starla.

“What was all that about back there anyway?” asked Buddy. “Who was that pony that did this to them?”

“It was Starlight Glimmer.” answered Spike “I don’t know her too well, I was only a baby, but I remember what Twilight and Celestia told me…

Starlight Glimmer was a former student in Celestia’s School of Gifted Unicorns. When Twilight was chosen to be Celestia’s personal student instead of her, Starlight vowed she would never forgive either of them, and she was expelled from the school for her misconduct and bad behaviour which followed.

Her family found out, and they were outraged, but their bad behaviour and misconduct only earned them exile from Equestria by Celestia, and that was the last anyone had ever heard from her.”

“Shesh… talk about holding a grudge.” said Rainbow.

Nobody needed to even guess what happened after.

“She turned to the dark side, and, somehow, found her way into space.” assumed Artie, “And she was taken in by Titan and his forces.”

Hearing that name made everyone’s bloods turn.

“Titans’ back.” said Pinkie through her droid “That’s the only way his henchmen could return uglier than ever.”

Luna was inclined to agree, “If Lord Titan has indeed returned, I fear for the safety of the entire galaxy, especially considering what just happened.”

She explained to the others what Starlight had done with that life-extracting orb. “It is so rare and so dangerous; it was believed to have gone extinct. It has the power to drain the life-energy of the victim, and also absorb magical energies.

Had Lightning not risked himself and interfered, I fear my sister would no longer be with us.”

The others all stiffed, and while they were relieved Celestia and the men were still alive, “But… what’s happened to them now?” asked Buddy “How did they become… well…”

Luna turned to look over at the patients, “That I have not a clue.”

She had her suspicions. They all did…

When Lightning blasted into the ray while still an Enticorn, the energy from his power caused something to go haywire, causing the patients to revert into children.

“Oh, I dare say,
I hope they’re okay.” said Rhymey.

“Oh, my...
So do I.” added Fluttershy

Starla said nothing, far too concerned and worried about what this would mean for herself and for everyone.

The doctors finished all the examinations, and while the patients seemed physically healthy and fine, their worries and concerns as they looked back and forth at one another was well-noted.

Celestia couldn’t help but hold Grand Ruler’s hand. Her husband could feel her nerves and child or not, he held his wife’s hand in comfort.

Lightning felt a little lonesome, and strange, just sitting by himself at the end of the large exam table.

Doctor Penny and the court physician spoke with the team.

“They seem perfectly normal,” said Penny “We’ve run every test from blood to DNA, and they don’t seem to be in any danger.”

The team gave her an expected look telling her it looked otherwise.

“The point is…” Penny said “The only thing that’s changed about them is their bodies. Other than that, they still retain their knowledge, their experiences. They’re really not all that different than whom they were before.”

“Just smaller, and younger.” said Applejack “But how do we fix it? How do we get them back to their true ages?”

The two doctors hesitated, and the court physician admitted “We haven’t the slightest idea. Whatever that magical force was that turned them into children is strange to us. We’ve never seen it before.”

“So you’re just giving up?” Rarity asked.

“Not at all.” replied the physician “We’re going to continue to study this, and as for finding a cure, that’s going to be up to the lab experts and magical wizards.”

“Well what are we supposed to do in the meantime?” asked Krysta.

The patients approached everyone, and Grand Ruler said “I think it’s obvious… we will carry on.”

A moment of silence followed, but Celestia and Lightning both agreed with him. Starfleet still had to carry on, especially now that it was clear that Titan out there and it probably wouldn’t be the last they saw of Starlight Glimmer.

Celestia looked down at the ground, still finding it hard to believe that Starlight would return so evil and vengeful, and working with Titan no doubt. It was no wonder she was so powerful now.

“What could she want by stealing my energy and my magic?” she wondered.

“Whatever it is… it can’t be good.” said Grand Ruler. He looked ready to jump straight into action and get the armies ready.

“Your majesty…” the physician cautioned him. “I realize the seriousness of things and I recognize your eagerness to ready to planet for combat, but given your current situation, perhaps it would be wise for you not to get so deeply into work… at least until further tests are concluded.”

“I agree,” said Penny “Remember, even with your experiences and willingness, you still have the physique of a child. Just try not to overdo it.”

His majesty nodded at her, “I will keep that in mind.” Then he and Celestia walked off hand-in-hand, and Princess Luna went off with them to keep an eye on them.

Lightning approached his wife, and he could already sense she was feeling awkward about this, not that he felt any different himself.


She looked at him, but she tried to be brave.

“Come on, honey… we’ve got work to do.”

His wife agreed, as did the others, and they all went off together.


In our next episode: While contemplating about what to do of the age situation, there happens to be an underground organization dedicating themselves to bringing Starfleet down for their own reasons which could lead to even greater danger to the entire society.

How will Lightning and the others adjust to their situation, and what lengths with this group go through to get their way?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Rise of the Falling”)

Episode 2: Rise of the Falling

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You can bet it was quite unusual for everyone to accept The Grand Ruler and his Queen were now young pre-teens, but despite the shocking sights, it was not ignored they still retained their experiences and knowledge.

They were even still able to raise the sun and lower it like normal.

Those who trusted and worked with them were still prepared to take them seriously as ever, but it was rather hard to resist the urge to stare at their younger, smaller physiques.

As a result, a royal proclamation was made all over the planet.

Grand Ruler called to everyone, “We realize how unusual this seems. Our appearances, as well as Commander Lightning’s, is the result of a magical accident which occurred during confrontation with the enemy, but we and our magical experts are researching to discover a way to reverse it.”

Celestia then added to the speech, “We assure you, we are still Grand Ruler and Queen, and nothing will change that. As such, we shall continue to press on, especially in these dangerous times with the pending returning of Lord Titan.”

The rest of the speeches carried on, re-instating martial law under times of war, and many of the citizens all over agreed and heeded to the laws for their own protection and safety, and they still showed respect to their rulers with cheer and applause.

“You both handled that very well.” said Princess Luna.

Celestia sighed in relief. “In honest truth, I never felt so nervous. I’m so thankful that everyone still respects us.”

Her husband agreed “But it’s not over yet, there’s still the matter of who else would take us seriously like this-- the children for example.”

“I have already spoken to the children.” said Luna “I have tried to make them understand, but they having difficulty accepting. Perhaps it would help if we all spoke with them about this.”

The parents agreed, but they felt this would be a long and hard thing to live with.

Lightning wasn’t having it any easier himself.

At home, he and Starla were putting Shining Light down for his nap, and Lightning had to flutter up over the edge of the crib due to his reduced height.

It was taking him time to get used to how much bigger everything seemed than it used to.

“You sleep good now, sport.” He cooed, but his little son just gave him a rather strange looking stare as if he didn’t recognize his father, which was to be expected, and Lightning felt a little downhearted because of it.

Starla felt for him too.

Soon, the baby was sleeping, and the couple went downstairs to do their reports, write up commands, and all that stuff.

Still, Lightning couldn’t help but notice his wife constantly staring at him every so-and-so, with strange expressions.

“All right… come out and say it.”

She looked at and tried to cover up, “Say what?”

“Don’t play me for a fool. I know what you’re thinking.”

Starla couldn’t keep it inside her anymore. “Yes. I can’t help it. This is too weird, it’s practically wrong.”

Much as he understood where she was coming from, Lightning wasn’t willing to let it go that simple, and he spoke straight in her face. “General Starla Shine, I am still your husband, and your superior officer!”

“Yes, technically…”

“What do you mean “technically?!”

Starla placed her hand over his mouth, urging him not to raise his voice and wake the baby. “That’s not what I meant.” She chose her next words carefully. “Yes… you are my husband, and my superior, but you’re also ten years old!”

“Eleven and a-half according to the data scans.”

“That’s not the point.” said Starla. “I know I don’t have to say this, but…” she paused and finally let it out “Until we can figure out how to restore you back to normal, you can’t possibly expect me to overlook that you’re a little boy.”

Lightning looked and felt a little crushed, until his wife got down on her knees and held his hands. “I’m not saying our marriage is over, and that I don’t want to be with you, but… what will this do for us-- our image, our reputations, even our family?”

Lightning understood as much as she did. Even though everyone on the planet was made aware of things, and many were seemingly willing to adjust, he knew it would still be strange and most unusual.

“I admit,” he said “It would look and feel strange to be affectionate with each other.”

He walked over to their wedding picture on a tall table, and looked deeply at his faded reflection in the frame glass.

“But what if we can’t find a way to fix this? What if I’m stuck like this, and I’ll have to grow up again naturally? I haven’t even tested my fighting strengths yet. How can I really continue to serve Starfleet like this?”

It broke Starla’s heart to see him beating himself up, and it made her own guilt worsen for starting it all in the first place.

“You are still Lightning Dawn.” she said to him “And remember what your magical force is? “The Power of Believing.”

Hearing that sparked something deep inside the young pony and he reflect back to when he spent his childhood training with Grand Ruler Celesto, and how he taught him to believe in himself and have faith that he could keep going.

A smile crept across his face. “I’ll try.”

His wife bent down and wrapped her arms around him softly. “We both will.”

Elsewhere, there were other things going on.

A good percentage of all of United Equestria was in favor of Starfleet. They had seen them action, they knew Starfleet meant well, and were properly grateful for saving them so many times from all the evil and bad guys that ever showed up.

Yet, there were still those who felt indifferent towards Starfleet and anyone who showed them even the slightest of friendliness, and at that very moment, there was a secret organization about to have their first meeting, in a secret location far under the oceans of the planet.

A male unicorn walked down a long tunnel from the surface which led to the secret lair in an underwater cave.

He had a red-coat with a golden yellow mane, and his cutie-mark, shown on the front of his clothes was that of a beaker and a formula.

He arrived in the main chamber, with all its gadgets and gizmos, and his four teammates, whom he had recruited through strong convincing when he found out how much alike they thought about Starfleet.

Paige: A local newspaper publisher. She was an aqua-green earth unicorn and a grayish white-streaked mane. She wore glasses, and her cutiemark was that of a typewriter.

Grimer: A sewer worker. A big and buff, dark brown earth pony with a black mane. His cutiemark was that of a manhole cover.

Sun Dew: A weather pegasi from New Cloudsdale. Her coat was yellow like the sun, and her mane was orange like the color of sunset, and her cutiemark was a sun behind a cloud.

Dodger: A simple easy going punk-type Earth Pony. He had a burgundy coat, with an afro styled brown mane. He wore shades, a leader jacket and pants, and he also had a cutiemark of a disco-ball.

“Yo…!” he would frequently say.

“Good, you’re all here.” The leader said “I was expecting more, but all things start out small I suppose.”

His teammates didn’t look very amused.

“Can we get on with this already?” asked Paige.

The leader cleared his throat. “My name is Beaker. Former science honor-student, graduate of Canterlot University, and am now your proud leader.

We are all gathered here for the same reason: We loathe Starfleet, and all they stand for!”

The team agreed.

“Their murderous monsters!” growled Paige.

“I’ve seen slime piles that were better than those scum-balls.” grumbled Grimer

Sun Dew’s feather’s ruffled as she sneered angrily, “They came to our world, destroyed, rebuilt it in their image, and look at us… and these bodies!! We used to be so much better, on all fours and everything.”

“No joking it…” agreed Dodger “Many came before us. Ace Ray, Brass Bolt, Windy Bag, and they all got slammed into the big house for daring to speak out for justice and rights. Way uncool. Ow!”

“Yes…” agreed Beaker “But where those morons failed, together we shall succeed. We shall rid this world of the Starfleet filth and return to the good old days when life was simple, and all these rules and regulations never were.”

He leap up high and grabbed a large rope, announcing “Welcome to the Industry Dedicated In Overthrowing and Terminating Starfleet!”

He pulled on the rope which pulled a curtain open revealing a large banner with the acronym of their team name. “I- D- I- O- T- S-”

The others all gawked in disgust and insult.

“Um… you realize that spells “Idiots?” complained Grimer.

Beaker gasped, and smacked his head. “It’s too late to change it! I already had the merchandise made-- T-shirts, baseball caps, coffee--


The others gave no further complaints.

Beaker huffed softly and smoothed out his mane. “Anyway... I already have a special plan to help us, hence all this equipment, but I can’t even begin to put it into action until we have a vast majority of the public on our side.

We must convince the people-- make them realize that they’re on the wrong side in cheering for Starfleet.

So, how do we do it? Any ideas…?”

Nobody had a clue and they all kept looking back and forth at one another.

Sun finally stood up. “I could make it rain over people’s heads, and they’ll never see sunshine again unless they join up with us.”

The others were all unimpressed. “Yo’ too simple.” said Dodger “Most cats don’t even read the papers anyway.

Hows about this… We have a big disco meetup, for people to live great lives. Cool, easy meaning, and all they gotta do is bust’a moves and get with the grooves, hey?”

Beaker’s head throbbed. “Perhaps “Idiots” is an appropriate name for the group after all. We’re supposed to be winning people over.”

Paige cleared her throat, “There’s only one real way to change how people think, and that’s to know how they think.”

She began to write down notes in her note book, and the others huddled around and liked what she was making.

“An excellent start.” said Beaker.

The next day, morning, when the daily newspaper had come… Lightning went out to collect it as usual.

The paper-colt called to him, “I still respect you, Commander.”

“Thank you.” Lightning called back. It still felt rather comforting to know he was still getting support.

He brought the paper to the table where Starla was feeding Shining Light his breakfast… and having a little trouble as her stubborn son kept pushing her away.

“Come on, Shining, eat your breakfast.”

The baby just continued to turn away, until Starla finally got the spoon in his mouth.

Lightning couldn’t help but chuckle, much to his wife’s annoyance.

Lightning then spotted a notice for a questionnaire poll at the bottom of the paper, in the fun and puzzle section.

He turned to the page and found a questionnaire of multiple choice questions, entitled “What You See in Starfleet.”

All the questions and their answers seemed rather debatable-- from the greatest of praise to the greatest of arrogance.

Examples included…

“How would you say those on Starfleet do their job?”

A: With pure excellence.

B: Not bad in my opinion.

C: Horrid and Pushy.

“If someone you knew was in favor of Starfleet and you were not, you would…”

A: Respect their decisions.

B: Sit down and talk it over, then decide.

C: Chuck them out “like the garbage they support.”

“Would you want Starfleet to leave United Equestria and restore the old rules?”

A: Yes! Get rid of those warmongers.

B: Not sure-- too many pros and cons.

C: No! I like the way things are.

At the end were instructions telling the reader-- if they did the quiz out of genuine poll—to cut the quiz out, and send it back to the publishing office for the poll to be counted.

Lightning could only sigh. “I wish these gossipers would knock it off. This could cause another outburst of overbearing protesters.”

“That’s all we need.” groaned Starla “Still, it is just public opinion, and that’s not too serious.”

Lightning agreed. “At least we know a vast majority of the people are in favor of us anyway.”

Lightning was right too. Lots of ponies and other creatures from all over every major village and city did the quiz, and cut out the quiz, signing their names, and mailing them instantly back to the paper, where Paige was given the results.

A special sorting machine she had gave her results on the computer, and more than 90% of the planet’s populace was all for Starfleet, much to her disgust.

“Morons!” she grumbled in thought, and then she looked at the meager amount of those who were on her side in loathing Starfleet. “At least some have a brain, and they know how to think.”

She was pleased her plan was working, and she knew Beaker would be pleased too.

She, like her other teammates did their absolute best to conceal the existence of the Idiots and their plans… some of which even she didn’t know, as Beaker hadn’t explained anything yet.

Beaker, as the leader, he was the only one who was to organize and arrange meetings at the secret lab, and notify each member of said meetings.

He did this by sending everyone a letter through magical mail. He used old junk mail to keep the cover well, trying to outwit Starfleet’s persnickety detections.

However, each piece of junk mail was marked with a small capital letter “I” in red ink, in the lower right-hand corners. The “I” was the Idiots’ special signal that a meeting was to take place, and the time was written below.

First chance any group member got, the members would sneak off someplace where they could not be seen or heard.

Each member was given a special teleportation device which Beaker had made for them, in the form of a small square remote with a red button. One little push and each member would be instantly transported to the lab under the ocean.

Dodger was late in coming, and everyone gave him a stern look.

“Chill…” he said as he removed his headphones, “When I play my tunes I lose track of time.”

“Maybe you should get a real job,” huffed Grimer “Then you’ll understand the meaning of “punctuality.”

Everyone noted how stinky he smelled, which was expected since he worked in a sewer all day.

“Just don’t breath on me. That’s all I ask.” groaned Sun Dew.

Grimer growled at her.

“All right, enough.” said Beaker “We’ve made the first move, thanks to Paige’s little poll.”

He punched up on the computer the data he was given by Paige.

“Oh, that’s comforting.” said Dodger “Hardly support at all for us. We’re like a lone little square on a disco-ball that’s outshined by the others. Ow!”

Beaker was aware of this too. “It’s all part of the plan.” he said, and he finally revealed to everyone his part of plan which he called “Project Overthrow.”

Sun couldn’t help but mutter to the others, “He can come up with a name like that, yet he calls us “Idiots.”

The others nodded in agreement.

Beaker showed computer images of a machine, in the form of a large ray, he had been working on ever since Starfleet had arrived and United Equestria was started.

“This device is unlike any other. It runs on emotional energies, preferably hate.

Through great research and years of trial and error, I discovered a way of harnessing these emotional patterns of the mind and subconscious, and converted them into energy.”

He demonstrated with a computer simulation, and revealed that the lab had been fitted with miniature antennas that recording and captured the emotional waves of everyone in the room, and transferred those feelings into energy which would power the machine.

Unfortunately, the five of them and the emotions they felt barely gave the machine any more than five percent-- hardly enough to even run a vacuum cleaner or turn on a light.

“Can’t you just keep absorbing our own energies?” asked Grimer “Eventually we'll have all that we need.”

Beaker shook his head “I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way. To make it work effectively, we must absorb the loathing emotions of Starfleet from many ponies and creatures. Not just the same ones over and over.”

Paige held up the envelopes of all those who mailed in against Starfleet. “Then you’ll need these. So we’ll be able to absorb their energies too.”

Beaker nodded and snickered, “This will help us… a little. Even if we do absorb their energy, we’ll still be nowhere near our ultimate goal.”

He punched in his calculations, “Once the ray has enough power, we’ll be able to get of every last Starfleet thing there is on this planet-- the people, the government, including royalty. They’ll be imprisoned, and we’ll never have to put up with them again!”

Everyone’s eyes lit up in extreme interest.

“Those of us who will be left will be able to rebuild and retake what everything once was.” said Beaker.

“Mmm… sounds mighty wicked.” said Dodger.

“If it means no more Starfleet, I’m in.” added Sun.

Grimer wasn’t so sure. “You sure that’ll work? I mean, Starfleet is pretty slick and strong. They may find a way to stop us.”

Beaker scoffed, “All the more reason for us to keep it low, and gather energy while we can.”

Everyone around agreed, with evil expressions.

Then it was off, back to their respective homes, each given a special miniature antenna they could carry with them in their pockets, and use secretly to tap the emotions of those, they sought with the hateful feelings.

They took down all the address, and as they passed by the pony or creature they knew who sent in their polls, while keeping a low profile of course.

Sun had it easier than her teammates, as she could just fly overhead, or hide within the clouds where no one would see her, and she could get all over the planet better than the others to absorb more of the energy faster from the other countries, especially New Ponyville.

“Oh, yuck,” she groaned at what she saw. “It’s Commander Lightning and General Starla, taking their brat for a stroll.”

It sickened even more-- Lightning was kid now, and in spite of that, he still maintained his order, his respect, and command.

“Just when I thought Starfleet couldn’t be any crazier.”

Lightning and Starla were walking along, and while the other citizens were tempted to stop and stare at Lightning’s unusual appearance, out of respect they just went on with their normal daily routines.

Then again, some did stop to pay their respects to the family, and give their respect to Lightning.

“Hope you’re feeling alright, Commander.”

“I still respect you, sir.”

“Glad you’re still with us, Lightning.”

Lightning felt very flattered, but the endless amounts of comments, while flattering, only further hammered the fact he was child, making him feel that bit of discomfort.

Starla reminded him, “Well, at least the people still believe in you.”

Her husband agreed, but he was starting to long for some action and excitement to really prove to himself, and he was about to get it when he saw familiar face coming up the road, that of his apprentice Swift Star, the new cop on the beat doing his patrol rounds.

“Let’s go up and say “Hi.” he suggested.

His wife agreed, but as they walked over there was trouble at a nearby corner shop.

The storekeeper was thundering at a pony who was trying to put up a poster on the store window, where many posters were hung, about ads for other businesses, groups to join, even babysitter contact info…

…But this pony was being denied by the keeper for posting up an “Anti-Starfleet League” he was trying to put together.

“You may not post that on my store-window!” the storekeeper bellowed.

“You said you allow ponies to post things all the time!” protested the other pony.

“You didn’t ask for permission inside, and even if you had, there is no way I’ll let you post filth like this!”

The other pony’s head throbbed. “Oh, so you’re a Starfleet supporter, eh? Well that makes you just as scum and as bile as they are!” and in protest, he slashed his hand at the window, knocking some of the ads off, and cracking the window as well, which prompted the keeper to fight with her broom at the hooligan, but Swift intervened.

“All right, break it up!” he shouted as he stood between the two.

“Get out of the way Star Punk!” growled the rude pony, and he foolishly attempted to rush past him and attack the shopkeeper, promoting swift to slap magical handcuffs on him. “Okay, that’ll be enough out of you! You’re under arrest for attempted assault and violation of public property!”

Naturally, the rude pony didn’t have any hope of struggling free while cuffed, or against Swift’s superior strength, but he did rudely spit in the officer’s face, which wasn’t smart, and he ranted right at him. “You Starfleet… you’re all the same! You have no respect for other people’s opinions and you arrest them at the drop of a hat just to prove how much better you are.”

Swift looked him dead in the eyes and gave him a deep and harsh lecture, “You listen here, tunnel mouth… We respect that folks like you have bad opinions of us, but it’s already more than we can bear, especially when you try to turn the public against us, but when you decide to break the laws by physically attacking those who don’t share your views, then yes, we will arrest you at the drop of a hat!

Maybe the next time you think about pulling such a stunt, you’ll think twice.”

“Swift!” called Lightning as he and Starla came up to him, and they offered to help him bring the punk to the nearest police station, unaware that Sun had seen the whole thing occur, and she did manage to capture the punks hate energy for Beaker’s machine.

Still, it made her sick-- as she complete misinterpreted Starfleet’s actions-- watching them drag, whom she regarded as a well-meaning citizen, off to answer for his doings. “You’ll get yours soon, Starfleet. That’s a promise.”

Then she flew away to look for more energy to gather.

The punk was brought to the nearest station, and he had a choice to pay a one-thousand bit fine or go to jail for six months. The fine was paid, and he was also given an immediate probation. If he committed a crime again within the next month, it would be jail.

“Someday…” the punk threatened “Someday, you crooked cops will get what’s coming to you.” and he left in a huff.

Swift could only scoff, “Punk. I don’t know why we bother putting up with people like them.”

“Take it easy, Swift.” said Lightning. “I’m proud of you. You’re really doing well at this job. I’m especially proud you were able to handle this arrest without having fight. You keep it up, and you’ll finish your probationary period with flying colors.”

Swift had been a cop on the beat for the past seven months, and while he did enjoy getting a good word from his superiors, all he could do was nod with a dismayed expression.

“Is something wrong?” asked Starla.

Swift sighed, “I’ve made so many arrests all this time. You’ve received my reports….?”

“Yes, and they’re all fair and top-notched.” replied Lightning “You’ve done everything straight to the manual, and not once have I seen your name on bad report.”

Swift didn’t seem proud, “That’s all about the thanks I get. Usually it’s always the same story-- the punks yell at me, they insult me, and even then the people that I help are hardly too grateful these days.

They do say “thank you.” once in a while, but I can’t help but feel a bit underappreciated.”

Lightning and Starla felt sympathy for him.

“You knew it was all going to be part of the job when you signed up, right?” asked Starla “We’re not in this business for thanks and praise; it’s about helping people and maintaining order and peace.”

“I know,” said Swift “It’s just a little harder to take all this in than I thought.”

Lightning patted his apprentice on the back, for he couldn’t reach his shoulders, “Just remember, son… I trained you well for this, and someday you’re going to have to choose where and how to take it to the next level…

Will you be on the frontlines, like we are and fight the monsters?

Will you be a sentry and make sure people are secure and protected during times of danger?

Or maybe you’ll be a lookout, to help us keep watch for things out of place?

Either way Swift, people are entitled to their opinions. Sometimes they lack their manners and courtesy, and the best you can hope for is a simple thank you, but the whole point is to keep everyone safe, even the rude people, and you get paid for it just like the rest of us.

The point is, you know that Starfleet, like any job or anything in life, has its perks and its drawbacks. Its ups and its downs, and you have to roll with it.

He paused and motioned to himself, “Just look at me, I’m still getting used to being shorter and cuter, but I still have to do my job because no one else can, and I’m proud to do with regardless of what people think of me.”

Swift smiled proudly, “Well, I still don’t want it to get to me that much and I will continue with what I do best.”

Starla grinned proudly. “Good for you. I wouldn’t be surprised if you made Captain, in a year or two like we did.”

Hearing that made Swift feel even more thankful, and he set off to get back on duty.

Lightning was very proud of how far Swift had come since they had first met, and it only inspired him further to face his own problems head on and not let Starfleet, the planet, the entire universe down.

He just hoped he wasn’t biting off more than he could chew.


In our next episode: While training to keep up with his new body, Lightning discovers his lack of full strength, and it couldn’t come at a worse time when Starlight returns to United Equestria to finish what she began and exact her vengeance Celestia.

Can Lightning prove his worth to the force? What plans does Starlight have?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “It’s about the size of it.”)

Episode 3: It's About the Size of it."

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The Shadow Planet, the home location of The United Alliance of Evil, was soaring through space thanks to its massive and magical engines, deep within its interior, and kept well out of sight by its incredible cloaking sources, which had to be constantly maintained.

All the monsters, Darquines, and allies loyal to Titan were all gathered as the evil sorcerer’s image appeared before them in the skies once more, and Starlight Glimmer marched along the path, and up to a small plateau, and her henchmen all stood behind her tall and proud as she presented the orb containing all the energy she had stolen from Celestia, and some of Lightning’s Enticorn power.

“Oh, Master Titan…” she said while holding up the orb “As per your orders, I present you with the cosmic energy you required, and I even got a little more.”

“Superb…” Titans snickered. He raised his monstrous hand absorbing the all the energy from the orb, leaving it drained.

Lightning and thunder shook the skies around Titan as his eyes glowed brightly behind his hood, and all the monsters in the massive crowd gazed in awe. Some were even shivering in slight fear.

“Excellent!” laughed Titan “I can feel the power coursing through me.”

The army cheered and hollered, until Titan shouted for them “SILENCE!!” and they all piped down instantly. “There is still much to be done. You are my army, go out there, and get more power! Only then will our ultimate goal be in sight, and the universe will grovel before us.

“It shall be all the easier,” said Starlight “With Celestia, Grand Ruler, and even Lightning Dawn no more than mere memories, what can possibly stop us? Starfleet should be quite powerless without their best leaders.”

Just then one of the flying monsters soared up in the sky towards Titan’s huge image and whispered something to him.

“WHAT?!” Titan roared, and the monster confirmed what he had been informed.

“Starlight Glimmer…!” Titan bellowed.

Starlight quickly got on her knees, “My lord…?”

“I have a new assignment for you…”

Before Starlight and her henchmen knew it, they were onboard the Spider-Base, bound for United Equestria.

Starlight was most furious. “How is this possible?!” she shouted at the henchmen. “How can Celestia still be alive when I saw her perish before my eyes?”

Razor stepped forth, “Guess they’re a lot stronger than we thought?”

Starlight looked ready to send him into the next galaxy, but she still had use for him and the others. Her assignment was now to keep Starfleet at bay and try to bring them down to prevent their interference with the evil plans.

She had even brought the monster that informed Titan of the situation.

Soarick: A cross-mix of a falcon, and a bat. His wings were batwings with sharp red feathers on the edges, which gave him strong wing power, and being part bat, he was

“A thousand apologies Ms. Starlight, but it had to be done.” he said “I hear and see many things during my flights through the cosmos, and working for Lord Titan, I thought I’d scout this area after your battle.”

He was starting to sound like he was teasing her, which irked Specter, and he threatened him, “You will show the chosen apprentice of Titan with better respect!”

The two then growled at each other.

“You’ll go with him, Specter.” said Starlight “Make sure he stays in line.”

Specter bowed to her, “Of course.”

“Hey, why can’t we go?” whined Razor.

Waverline nodded in agreement, but starlight gave them both a stern glare, “You two are still on probation for fleeing the last battle too soon.”

Razor tried to protest, but Waverline cautioned him not to.

Meanwhile, ever since the transformation, Grand Ruler Celesto and Queen Celestia had ordered the wizards and Professor Brain to come up with a way to restore them back to their rightful ages.

They, themselves helped out with their extensive, retained, knowledge of spells and potions.

Goldwin fetched some book-discs from the royal library to feed into the computers whole books and tomes to help.

“This is all I could find.” he said “I really I could do more to help you.”

“Oh, Goldwin,” said Celestia “You are a big help, just like everyone else who does their part.”

Suddenly, they all could hear rustling coming from outside.

They headed for the window and could see down in training fields, behind the palace…

Lightning training hard to test his abilities, what with his reduced body and all, and training with him were Starla, Rainbow Dash, Spike and Rarity, and The Twins.

Small, yet determined, Lightning stood ready to spar and train. “Let’s see if I can still do this.”

A song played over the montage, with Lightning’s inner voice singing.

In this brand new body of mine,
Have I still what it takes to shine.
Can I still hold my own strength overall

Both my heart and brain are in place,
Pump my legs to run in the race
Show them all I still can stand straight, strong and tall

Can’t quit now,
Push it on… with all I’ve got.
Come on, bod,
We can do it… you and me… every shot!

Dodging blows and taking it tough
But is it just enough
Am I still as a great as I once was?

I’m small, but I won’t be weak
Still standing, not scared and meek
Or don’t I have what it takes to aid the cause!

I will rise up… Like once before
May be littler… but I’ll show them more!

The song began to fade out…

All during the music, Lightning proved he still had great potential. Back when he was naturally eleven years old, he had already been training with Grand Ruler for nearly four years, and by then he already showed enormously improved abilities.

Now, even as an eleven year-old, he already understood many of the routines and strategies, and he had already proved he could put up a good fight with the others, though he swore Starla was holding back in her battles.

“Come on!” he yelled at her “Quit going soft on me! Give it your all!”

His wife complied and began to attack more ruthlessly, while Lightning managed to dodge, and block her attacks, and strike her several times.

Rainbow helped with Lightning’s speed with a simple game of “Capture the Flag” and Rainbow found it quite hard to keep away from Lightning as they soared, dived, and zipped along through the clouds.

Unlike Starla, Rainbow didn’t go too easy on Lightning and poured on her best speeds, even using the clouds to conceal herself better. Still… it wasn’t enough to outwit Lightning’s keen senses and trickiness.

“Ha!” Lightning snapped as he dove for the flag, and Rainbow tried to dodge, but got outwitted and Lightning snatched the flag from her.

“Hey, no fair!” teased Rainbow. It almost felt insulting to her to be beaten by a kid, to which Lightning teased her by sticking his tongue out at her, which prompted Rainbow to chase him, but she couldn’t keep up.

Then, Dyno and Myte tested Lightning’s dodging abilities by firing barrage after barrage of attacks one him, and he was able to dodge them all with ease, especially with cool dance moves.

By the time the song had completely faded out, it was down to the last session of the afternoon…

Spike and Rarity to test his endurance and pain tolerance by constantly breathing fire one him and attacking him.

Rarity eventually fainted from blowing too much for too long, and Spike had to stop and catch his wife.

Lightning was beginning to look a wiped himself, due to his small body and only able to take so much pummeling.

“Lightning!” cried Starla as she dashed over to him.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine… just a little beat.”

“This is exactly what I’ve been afraid of.” said Starla “You may still have some of your abilities, but you have to know your limits.”

Lightning looked a little cross, “Are you saying that I don’t have what it takes?”

“Hey, hey, chill out.” said Rainbow. “Starla’s kind of right. You know. You probably shouldn’t push yourself too far.”

“Rainbow is quite right.” panted Rarity, and she paused to catch her breath. “We’re not saying we don’t believe you, we’d just hate to see you get hurt from overly pushing yourself.”

Spike nodded and added, “Rarity’s been training for months with her new dragon strength. She’s almost got it down, but she still tries to take it easy…” he paused and looked at his wife, remarking “…Sometimes.”

Rarity felt silly, knowing she shouldn’t had pushed too hard with her fire.

Lightning understood. “I guess I am still just a bit of a kid.” he looked up at his wife tenderly. “I’m sorry I snapped.”

Starla hugged him softly, and everyone agreed it was enough training for one day, but Lightning was still concerned about a few things.

“I dare not go Super Mode. Even with my promising potential, I’d never be able to handle its weight.

Then again, there’s still the Uniforce… I haven’t tried to unleash it yet.”

Everyone turned and gawked at him.

“Why ever not?” asked Rarity.

“I’m worried. I mean, I can still feel it in me, but will I be able to handle it?”

He referred to the facts that the first time he used the uniforce, he was much older and stronger, but it always left him drained of his strength to the point of exhaustion.

This worried Starla as well. Part of her would have tried to discourage him from attempting it until they were certain he was strong enough, but she also felt the sooner it was tested, the sooner they would know for sure.

“The uniforce is my ultimate power,” said Lightning “It’s the only actual magic I possess, and if I can’t use it in battle, it could mean trouble for us.”

The others all agreed, but they also to help Lightning take steps to train and see what could be done.

Suddenly, the alarms went off.

“What now?” wondered Rainbow.

The royal guards were already rushing to their battle-stations and the sentries were heading out into the village.

One of the sentries flew down to the team! “Commander Lightning! General Starla! A monster has been spotted overflying the marketplace!”

Lightning looked ready for action, despite having just gone through an exhausting training session, while the others all turned to face him and suggest he sit it out, but Lightning immediately insisted, “I’m coming. I’m not that beat, and if things get rough, I’ll try and port out, okay?”

The others had no choice but to trust him.

“Let’s go!” shouted Lightning, and everyone transformed.



“Dragon Power”

Lightning’s battle-wear was adjusted to fit him, and still worked all its wonders on him, but Rainbow held in a soft giggle at how cute he looked, like a kid going out trick-or-treating on Nightmare Night.

Lightning gave her a sharp look, and she snapped to her senses, and the team was off.

Grand Ruler and Celestia saw the team fly off from the palace window.

“Please be careful, Lightning Dawn.” Grand Ruler said under his breath.

Celestia was equally as concerned, especially given that the planet was being attacked which told her, “Starlight Glimmer has returned.”

She looked way up in the sky…

…Starlight kept the Spider-Base a good-distance away from the planet to avoid more attacks, and yet she watched and could see everything happening from the magical monitors.

“Now we’ll see just how strong Starfleet really is.” she snickered.

Though the protective barriers were already raised around the houses and other buildings, there were still loads of civilians that didn’t make it inside in time-- the alarm just sounded so suddenly.

The knights had taken their places to seal off the perimeter, and the sentries were already working to help outsiders get to safety, away from the danger area.

Soarick was flying about scaring people.

“SONIC WIND” He flapped his, glowing, wings hard producing strong winds with sonic-waves within, which were not only a deafening noise to bear, but the winds caused damages to the streets and the objects around-- trees, carts, mailboxes.

The shields protected the buildings from damage, but the people inside groaned at the unbearable sound of the waves. Some even resorted to sticking cotton in their ears, and the sentries couldn’t bear the noise either, and got out their emergency earplugs.

Soarick relished at their tortures. “Who wants more torture?” he bellowed.

“You do!” called Lightning as he as his team landed in the market square, all of them looking ready to brawl. Yet Soarick looked at Lightning and couldn’t but laugh, “I had heard the rumors that you were a small child, Commander, and now to actually see it…” he went on laughed, which really irked Lightning and the others.

“I wouldn’t go judging me so easily.” said Lightning “Size isn’t everything.”

“I second that.” agreed Starla.

The others nodded sternly, but the monster continued to scoff. “We’ll just see…

…SKY STRIKE!” and swift as sound, he dove straight past them, striking everyone hard.

“Lightning!” cried Starla.

“I’m fine, let’s get him!”

Soarick halted in midair, and Rainbow zoomed straight at him, but missed him when he dodged and got kicked in the stomach and sent way up high.

The Twins stood ready and held hands…


“STAR SHOWER” Starla unleashed her stars to the barrage.

“I don’t think so…” scoffed Soarick, and he flapped and flapped his wings like crazy, actually blowing back the barrage, dousing the flames and the stars, much to the fighters’ shock!

“Now it’s my turn!

SONIC WIND” and he unleashed his sonic waves, causing the fighters groan and moan while they clutched their heads.

“What is this?!” shouted Spike.

“I can’t stand it…!!” screamed Rarity.

Sparks began to fly as the fighters all took damage.

“Ay’¡Que ruido! *What a noise!*” groaned Dyno.

“That’s all we needed!” added Myte.

“Quick, earplugs!” called Lightning.

Tapping their energizers, magical earplugs appeared in all the fighters’ ears. These were specially and magically fitted to filter out the high frequency waves, but the fighters could still hear all other things.

Soarick was hardly impressed. “Those toys still won’t save you from certain destruction!” he thundered.

The fighters all huddled together.

“We’ve got to try and capture him.” whispered Lightning. “If he is part of Titan’s forces, he’ll have information we can probe from his mind.”

The others agreed, and all stood together. Each of them twisted rubbing their feet on the ground, as signal for a special attack rush.


As the winds blasted straight for the team, the fighters all scattered about in different directions.

“Fight wind with wind!” hollered Rainbow “SONIC RAINBOOM” she zoomed straight for Soarick, and he dodged, up into the air.

“STARLIGHT ARROW” Starla a load of arrows which the monster dodged and swerved around and even used his wings as a shield to deflect the shots.

The twins then soared straight at him, together, and let go of their hands at the last second, splitting alongside him, and then they turned back for a quick strike-back.

“Amateurs!” growled Soarick, and he easily dodged them, only to run smack into a wall of flames made by Spike and Rarity, blowing him out of the sky and sent him crashing to the ground, and right before Lightning who had his new miniature capture blaster-- specially fitted for his size, but just as powerful.

“Your flight’s been canceled!” Lightning sneered as he stood ready to fire…

…When suddenly, from right below his feet, something suddenly attacked him, knocking him off balance and causing him to misfire, just barely missing Starla and Rainbow.

The blast headed up into the sky and exploded!

Starla turned back and saw, “Specter…!” he was emerging from the ground up as a shadow.

“We meet again…” he hissed, and behind him appeared a swarm of Darquines.

“Ah, give us a break!” groaned Rainbow.

“Let’s go!” shouted Starla, and she and the others rushed in to help Lightning, but Specter motioned to the Darquines, “Stop them!”

The Darquines complied and began to rush for the others, but Starla, enraged and determined as ever managed to speed right past them to her husband’s side.

“Lightning! Starla!” cried Rainbow.

“You guys go on ahead,” said Spike “Me and Rarity will handle the chumps.”

Rarity agreed, and she and her husband leapt right into action.

With his sword in hand, spike slashed and cut at the creatures, while Rarity punched and kicked them down.

One of them grabbed her from behind, but she elbowed it in the gut and took a swing with her claws, striking it down.

“Sneaking up on a lady? How uncouth…!”

“Look out!” called Spike, as three more Draquines came lunging at her, and fired blasts from their horns, shooting her down.

“Rarity!” thundered Spike “That’s it! No one hurts my wife and gets away with it!


Encased by his flames, he bowled his way right past the wicked creatures, then stopped right by his wife and helped her up.

“Thank you, but I could have handled it myself, you know?” she said teasingly.

Their moment was broken by more Darquines, which they continued to take down.

“Come on!” cried Dyno.

“Hurry up!” added Myte.

…but as they and Rainbow got nearer to Lightning and Starla…!

“SKY STRIKE” Soarick zoomed straight at them, knocked them all far down the streets away from their friends.

The three groaned as they got back up and the monster teased them, “Sorry, guess you were too slow.”

The trio growled, and as much as they knew Lightning would need more backup, they couldn’t let the monster loose, and still had to follow orders to try and capture him.

The three of them looked ready to brawl, much to his amusement.

As for Specter, he glared at Lightning. “You seem rather different from our last encounter.”

Lightning and Starla glared furiously at him, and Specter cast his view at Starla.

“This is between myself and him!” He raised his hands to fire a shot at her, but Lightning tackled her to the ground and out of the way, just in time as the shot missed.

“Are you okay?” Lightning asked.

His wife nodded, and stayed by his side as they stood.

“You would pick on someone half your size!” Starla scoffed at Specter “You’re disgusting!”

Specter only snickered “What do you expect when it comes to evil?

But enough of this-- I suppose I’ll have to take you both on. Two ponies at once-- or rather one and a-half.” He hinted at Lightning for his size, which really aggravated the couple.

The two stood ready to fight, as did Specter, like cowboys ready to draw.

Quickly, Specter fired a shot, and Starla fired a blast from her horn.

The two blasts collided and exploded, and the fighters rushed forth to attack, but Specter vanished out of sight.

“Where is he?” cried Starla.

Lightning had a feeling, and he was right-- Specter had used his old shadow magic to meld into the ground to attack by surprise.

“Look out!” he shouted, and he and Starla leapt up into the air just as Specter emerged from right below them.

He thrust out his arms…

“DARK PALMS OF FURY” and he summoned forth two large hands, made of a dark force, which sprung out, bashing the two fighters hard to the ground.

Lightning groaned and looked as if he were really hurt, infuriating his wife, causing her to leap up onto her feet and go into a fit of rage, with her aura flaring brightly.

“Starla…!” cried Lightning, but she was too enraged to hear, and with a mighty roar she lunged at Specter, punching and kicking, and he blocked and dodged her every move.

“How noble-- running to the defense of a helpless child,” Specter mocked “Your husband must be weaker than he looks.”

Lightning felt deeply offended and clenched his fists.

“You shut up!!” shouted Starla. Her rage flared harder than ever, and she managed to land a blow straight in her enemy’s face, sending him skidding up the streets.


Her beam headed straight for him…

“DARK WALL OF WIND” Specter managed to counter the attack just in time, and, encased in his wind sphere, he sped straight at Starla forcing her to swerve and dodge.

Starla tried to attack him-- throwing punches, kicks, firing shots from her horn-- but she missed every time.

Finally specter sped straight for her, and she held her bow out in front, blocking him and engaging in a struggle.

Lightning bolted upright and charged straight for them, “I’m coming, Starla!”

Specter quickly ceased this wind, kicked Starla away, and proceeded fired many shots at Lightning, and he swerved and dodged through them all.

“DARK FISTS OF FURY” he sent his two dark hands after him. They chased him like homing missiles, yet he managed to keep ahead of them, and with a slick tricks he made them attack each other, causing them to explode in dark puffs of smoke.

Finally, Lightning reached Specter, and the two began to brawl fiercely. “You should never underestimate someone!” Lightning yelled at him “Isn’t that what you said last time?”

Specter growled, but as he continued to block Lightning’s blows he had to admit in thought, “His strength and his skills are amazing. I thought for certain he’d be weaker with his reduced age.”

Still, he kept on brawling and managed to punch Lightning hard in the gut, and at the same time, Lightning kicked him in his side, and the two soared away from each other.

Starla looked up and saw the two were ready for more, but she really didn’t think Lightning should go on anymore.

“Maybe I’m not as weak as you thought.” Lightning called.

“No,” insisted Specter “…You are worse-- you are overconfident.”

Lightning growled.

“If you really think you’re still the all-mighty bigshot fighter you’ve always been, then prove it, and attack me with your very best.”

Lightning knew he was egging him into using the Uniforce, and he looked willing to actually do it. He actually began to charge up, and his golden horn began to glow.

“No…!” shouted Starla, and she rushed in and scooped her husband up in her arms, and carried him away from the battlefield, back towards the palace.

Lightning began to fuss and struggle. “Starla, put me down! Put me down right now! This is an order!”

“Forget it!” she snapped at him, tightening her grip on him! “This is one risk I’m not letting you take; especially after all you’ve been through!”

Lightning was infuriated, and he would have protested again and threatened to put her on report, but he remembered his own doubts from earlier, and realizing this made him see she was right, and let her carry him away.

Spike and Rarity had finished off the last of the Darquines, and they could hardly believe their eyes.

“I can’t believe Starla did that.” remarked Spike.

Rarity felt a tear come to her eye. “She’s too concerned for his safety.”

Specter was most outraged that he didn’t get to see Lightning use the uniforce, but at least he had discovered some of Lightning’s current capabilities.

As for Soarick…

Despite his gloating and all his super speed and all his pounding and pummeling, even he had his limits and was starting to grow exhausted from pushing it too far, and it slowed him up.

“Now’s our chance!” said Rainbow. “You guys, ready?”

The twins nodded and joined their hands together, having readied their finisher on “Capture.”

“I’m not finished yet!” thundered Soarick.


The leapt up into the air, dodging the blast.


Rainbow dove straight at Soarick, barely missing him, but crashing into the ground with such force, making her trademark colored-explosion which knocked him back hard, which gave the twins their opening chance.


Their massive flames fired, engulfing the monster.

“They got him!” cried Spike, but Specter only snickered softly.

As Soarick felt his body beginning to shrink, before he could be encased in a capture-sphere, he shouted “FOR LORD TITAN…!!”

“What’s he doing?!” cried Rarity, and right then, the monster exploded and was destroyed instead of captured, much to everyone’s shock!

The twins were most perplexed. They checked to make sure they had set their finisher to “Capture” which it was.

Specter laughed at them. “You didn’t think it would be that easy, did you? Lord Titan’s project is so great that we won’t run the risks of it being compromised.”

“So you destroy your own soldiers?!” exclaimed Rarity.

“No, no… they take their own lives.” corrected Specter. “All our fighters are willing to meet their ends if they must… just like you are.”

While he was correct-- Starfleet fighters were always prepared to give their lives if they absolutely had to-- the way they went about it still sickened them.

Specter then waved teasingly at them, “Until next time… give my regards to your child commander.” and then he vanished and was gone.

The fighters were outraged, but at least the danger was over, and despite the minor damages, they would easily be fixed in no time.

“Let’s get back to the palace.” suggested Spike.

Back on Spider-Base, Starlight had observed everything from the screens.

“Even as a child, Lightning Dawn is still no less of a threat.” she grumbled, and then she thought to herself “Which means Celestia will be equally as tough herself, and she’s a little older than Lightning is.”

“Your grace… if I may…” said Specter “In spite of the commander’s performance in the battlefield, it can still be noted that his strengths are limited.”

“Obviously…” Starlight replied in a gruff voice.

“Which means,” said Razor “First chance we get, we’ll cut him to ribbons.” He looked really ready to get his game on.

“Like you could hit an elephant in the snow…” teased Waverline.

Razor growled at her.

“Can’t you two do anything besides bicker?” sneered Specter, but Starlight took no notice of them as she was more focused on her prime goal.

“I’ll get you, Celestia… mark my words!”

Meanwhile, Lightning was being treated in the palace sickbay, and he was fully revitalized.

Starla apologized once again for taking him away from battle. “Don’t think of it as not having faith in you.”

“I understand, Dear.” said Lightning. “I should’ve known better than to push myself too far as I promised not to.”

By this time he was dreading to think what would have happened if he had tried to unleash the uniforce, while he was already wiped from the battle and the excessive training.

Their majesties were finding it harder than ever to willingly allow Lightning to go into battles the way he was.

Lightning noticed everyone staring at him with the same concerned expressions, and he could tell what they were thinking. “Well… out with it.” he said “You all think I should step down from big battles for a while.”

“Lightning, remember what I taught you?” said Grand Ruler “There’s a difference between “confidence” and “cockiness.”

We’re not denying your capabilities-- you did fine in the battle. Nonetheless, the full-extent and limitations of your power is still unknown, and we don’t think it would be wise for you to take unnecessary risks.”

Lightning felt his insides cringing with grief. “You are asking me to step down.”

“Not from everything,” said Celestia “Believe us, we don’t like having to ask you of this, but even Celesto and I are refraining from unnecessary risks, and until we discover more about what’s happened to us all, it would probably be for the better.”

One-by-one, the others offered their condolences, saying he would still be their commander and still have his rights and his respects.

“There are plenty of other things you can still do for us all.” said Rarity.

Spike agreed, “Like organize routines, give us battle strategies and lectures on experiences… the whole ball of wax.”

“You still rock, Lightning, and you always will.” said Rainbow.

The twins nodded.

“We’ll find some way to get you back to normal, bro.” said Dyno, and Myte added “But, for the sake of us, as a friend, and the sake of your family, just think it over.”

Lightning did think it over, and while he wasn’t being ordered to do it, he looked up in Starla’s eyes, and reflected on her acts of concern in taking him out of the battle.

He shut his eyes tightly, feeling deep regret. “General Starla Shine, please take over command of the unit until further notice.”

Starla gave him a weak smile. “Yes sir.”

Their majesties were proud of Lightning, but still felt sorry for him, so did the others.

The doctor then dismissed Lightning, deeming him fit to move around, but Lightning just walked off by himself, wanting to be alone.

Starla felt crushed for him, but she had to be brave to no take charge for the battles ahead.


In our next episode: The Cutie Mark Crusaders have a little struggle in high-school, dealing with spiteful schoolmates denouncing Starfleet, which gives the “Idiots” a chance to collect more power for their project and lead to an even greater rebellion.

Can the Crusaders convince their schoolmates of the error of their ways? What new sinister plot do the “Idiots” have?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “High-School Muse-ical”)

Episode 4: High School Muse-ical

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Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo: The three original cutie mark crusaders, now teenagers-- thirteen to fourteen years old between them.

All three of them climbed out of bed, ate breakfast, and washed up while preparing for high-school.

Applebloom was first out of her house on New Sweet Apple Acres.

“Hold up there, Applebloom.” her mother called, and Pear Butter came racing to the door. “You forgot your lunch.”

“Ah, shucks, sorry, Ma.”

Pear only smiled at her youngest daughter, still hard to believe she was already in high school.

Then she looked out and noticed Bright Mac, Big Mac, and Applejack were simply lazing about instead of doing the morning chores.

“What’s going on here?” asked Applebloom.

Her father pointed out into the fields, which he and the others were supposed to be plowing, and he said, “Looks like someone else has it covered for us.”

That someone was DD. Ever since the fall, instead of officially attending the Starfleet Academy, was being homeschooled under the guidance of her older cousin, Buddy Rose.

She had been up since the crack of daylight, which had been doing for months since the school term started, and it was off for her morning training.

Buddy had subjected her to the same kind of training exercises that he had when he was her age and training at the academy…

Up at dawn…

Warming up with a good jog…

Then it was chores, chores, and more chores-- plowing the acres using only her bare hands. Piling up hay-wagons, and even dashing through the orchards with heavy loads strapped to her back.

She wasn’t permitted to fly, or use magic-- that training came later.

She was just finishing the plowing and looking pretty beat, and panting. Her hands fingers ached, but she tried not to let it show or get to her.

“Lookin’ good, DD.” called Applebloom.

DD smiled proudly yet tiredly, but then her cousin and trainer called to her. “Cadet, Daphne Dill! No time for pleasantries, you still have another course before breakfast, and then it’s time to hit the books NOW SNAP TO IT!!”

“Sir, yes sir!” shouted DD, and off she ran.

Bright Mac thought Buddy was being a little harsh with the kid, but Applejack assured him, “It’s all part of the training-- the body, the mind, the heart, the courage.”

Buddy nodded and said, “DD’s showing great promise, I think she’ll make a great fighter.”

Applebloom then scuttled off for school.

Along the way she met up with her Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, and they all headed off together.

Elsewhere, there was another meeting going on, that of the “Idiots.”

After all the hate energy they had gathered from ponies and creatures who loathed Starfleet, Beaker’s machine still barely up to Ten Percent.

“This is so whack!” groaned Dodger “Why can’t we just do something about it, ya know, like, cast a spell on them folks and make them hate Starfleet, then we’d get all the energy we need.”

Paige turned and faced him gruffly, “Because then Starfleet would easily realize something was wrong and they’d be on to us in a heartbeat. That’s why.”

“She’s right,” agreed Beaker “But then again, I suppose we could do with some way to increase the rate of energy flow, which is exactly why I’ve brought you all here this morning.”

He switched the monitor to show charts of energy rates. “It has come to my attention that so far, we have only been targeting adults and seniors who share our beliefs in being rid of Starfleet, while completely ignoring the minors.”

“You mean kids and teenagers?” asked Grimer.

“Of course…” said Sun Dew “There are plenty of kids in New Cloudsdale schools that hate Starfleet. Mind you: they aren’t quite aware of all things Starfleet does, so they never have a clear picture.”

Beaker agreed, “Precisely, and despite their small size and the limited amounts of energy, it can’t be ignored there is a whole lot of them, which could prove to be more substantial than we realize.

…All of you, get out there and find ways to get that energy from those minors.”

Dodger made sounds like breaks screeching, “Slow down there, pops, just how are we supposed to get close to them kiddies.”

Beaker’s head throbbed, “It’s quite simple. You find a way… and you do it without getting caught!

Seriously! I may the brains behind this project, but I can’t do every single solitary thing myself you know. I’ve got these machines to maintain.”

The others gave dodger the same look of disdain as they all headed off.

“Mm-mmm!” Dodger said to himself. “I was just asking.” He put his headphones off and began to dance his way out, as it always made him think more clearly.

Ponyville High was much larger than the ordinary school-houses they used to attend, and they all didn’t have the exact same classes together, and there were other things, like harder subjects, loads of schoolmates, no recess either, but they got used to it after their first few months.

“Can you believe, we’ve already made it to our second semester?” asked Sweetie.

“Yeah, all those tests, pop quizzes,” complained Scootaloo “And those midterms...! I couldn’t stand those midterms!”

The warning bell rang for students to start getting ready for first period, and it was convenient that the girls had all their lockers next to each other’s, but as soon as they got their books together, they each had to go their separate ways to their own specific classes.

A song began to play as each girl’s inner voice sang.


It only seems like yesterday,
Things were simple and plain.


Me and my friends were happy and free
Playing in the sunshine and rain


Now we’re forced to face the world,
Not knowing what comes our way.


And though we seem so far apart
We know what we are today

We are friends…
In this these great big school halls
We are friends…
We’re together after all…
We are friends…
Though were not together, my friends,
We’re the Cutiemark Crusdaers to the end.

When first period ended, the girls were able to pass by and wave to each other in the hallways, but no time to stop and chat as they headed to their next classes.

And far away, DD’s inner voice was singing the song too while she trained, as she missed being able to see her friends a lot of the time now.

Here I am. I’m on my way
Making my dream a reality

But it’s just not the same, doing all by myself
Wishing my friends were here with me.

It’s the cost of growing up,
It’s one we all must pay.


And though we seem so far apart
We know what we are today

We are friends…
In this these great big school halls
We are friends…
We’re together after all…
We are friends…
Though were not together, my friends,
We’re the Cutiemark Crusdaers to the end.

…We’re the Cutiemark Crusdaers to the end.

During the next class change, the other crusaders all met out in the hallway, and what they saw a whole gaggle of other students huddling around the big bulletin board by the main office, where a whole bunch of notices, schedules, and signup sheets for clubs and groups were posted. The girls even had their own special poster for trouble with cutiemarks, as part of their business.

“What’s all the hollering for today?” wondered Sweetie.

“Let’s see…” suggested Scootaloo.

The girls moved in closer, and what they saw turned their bloods cold! There was a big signup sheet for a “Starfleet Protesting Club.” Where ponies could hang with others and share how much they loathed and hated Starfleet, and come up with “better ways” and other solutions of how to run the planet…

“..Without them?!” exclaimed Applebloom. “Who in tarnation thought up this?”

“…I did.” hissed a rather snobbish voice, which the girls recognized too well.

As if their elementary days weren’t bad enough dealing with creeps like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, now they had new foes to content with.

These were their cousins…

Ruby Ring: A female faded red unicorn, had a pink mane with soft white streaks, and her cutiemark was that of, obviously, a golden ring with a ruby on it.

Sapphire: A male unicorn with a sapphire blue coat, and a sky blue mane, and his cutiemark was that of blue ore-- sapphire.

Though he was a couple of years older and a big bigger than Ruby, and he was supposed to be a senior by now, he had been held back for a year for sloppy grades.

Just like their cousins, Ruby and Sapphire were typically spoiled, rich, obnoxious, and often thinking they were better than all the rest, and would go to incredible lengths to get what they wanted… even outright bullying.

“I started the club,” said Ruby, “And whaa-oa…! Hold the phones! I got, like ten signatures already.”

The crusaders looked unimpressed.

“How many bribes did you have to make for that?” muttered Sweetie. The others chuckled.

Sapphire looked steamed. “You think that’s funny? You would, since you three losers have Starfleet friends and relatives.”

The girls’ anger was starting to show.

“You got a problem with that?” sneered Scootaloo.

“…You bet we do.” said Ruby, and with a snap of her fingers, ten schoolmates, who signed up for her club stood behind her and Sapphire, all wearing sashes that Ruby had sent out for on her credit card.

All of them were cheering, “Down with Starfleet! Down with Starfleet! Down with Starfleet!”

Some of the students, unimpressed, began to walk away, and the crusaders shook their heads pitifully at the way the protestors were behaving.

Ruby then announced over a megaphone. “Sign up for SPC, and my daddy will donate an Olympic-sized swimming pool to this school.”

Naturally, the thought of a pool lured several students in and they signed up.

“HOLD IT…!!” shouted Applebloom, and all the students stopped and gazed at her. “Don’t y’all realize you’re just being bribed into something that’s both silly, and dangerous?”

Ruby only laughed, “I don’t know about “dangerous” but silly, that’s you explaining yourself.”

Sapphire nodded, “No joke. Starfleet was stupid the day it came, and I say we never needed them.”

The girls and other students felt extremely livid, and it almost looked as if a fight would start, had Head Master, Professor Miles Stone not poked his head out from his office.

He was a grey Earth Pony with a black mane, and he wore half-moon glasses. His cutiemark was that of a diploma for his skills as an educator, and he didn’t tolerate disruptions in his school.

“What’s going on out here?” he bellowed “Shouldn’t you all be getting to class?”

A lot of the students walked off, not wanting there to be trouble, and ruby called out to them, “Sign up for SPC, and you’ll not regret it! Be one of the cool teams.”

The crusaders looked infuriated, but Miles cleared his throat telling all of them to get it going. “If you have issues you may solve them later. I trust you all to respect school policy and not cause trouble.”

“Yes sir.” The crusaders replied. The meanies and their posse merely scoffed and headed off.

Little did they or any other realize that the water pipes and vents, within the walls, the sounds of everyone’s voices seemed to vibrate along the pipes, right down into the bowels of the street, where Grimer was in fact listening in, knowing the school was just above him.

He snickered wickedly. “This could prove to be quite interesting.”

As the girls walked down the same hall to their next classes…

“Can you believe those morons?” grumbled Scootaloo. “It’s bad enough some ponies are still in uproar over Starfleet, but others who barely even know them can be easily suckered in with a few bribes.”

Applebloom felt her stomach churning. “I’m getting sick just thinking of it.”

“I’m kind of worried.” said Sweetie “Something like this could lead to have humungous disasters, and I don’t mean just huge disagreements.”

The others concurred, fearing it would lead to a massive bully outbreak, and maybe even a division of the school-- students against students.

Scootaloo had an idea, and went over it with her friends in the cafeteria at lunch.

“I drew this up in Art Class.” She held up a small poster she made which read, “Cutiemark Crusaders Starfleet Talk.”

“We can stick it on the bulletin board, and during our own CMC meetings, we can hold a small section for those who’d like to learn the basic histories of Starfleet and how they work, so maybe they won’t be as brainwashed as to think badly of them.”

The others practically leapt at the idea, and together they all put their hands in the middle and cheered softly. “CUTIEMARK CRUSADERS… GO!!”

Once they finished eating, they found time to talk to Miles, and he approved of the idea. “I think some of our students could benefit from this. Good thinking, Girls.”

“It’s what we do…” said Applebloom.

With their principal’s permission, the girls proceeded to hang the sheet up on the bulletin board, right next to their CMC classes for problems with cutiemarks.

“Well, all we do now is wait.” said Scootaloo.

The girls wandered off, unaware that Ruby, Sapphire and their meanies were looking around the corner.

“What are those losers up to now?” wondered Ruby, and she checked the board and saw the poster.

“Those rotten little half-pints!” growled Sapphire. “They would defend their precious Starfleet. I’m not surprised either. They practically spoil them rotten!”

Ruby felt the same, and so she decided to do a little sabotaging, while no one was watching or paying attention.

She turned the poster to the backside, and took out a black maker from her book-bag, and began to rewrite on the poster before putting it back on the board.

The others couldn’t help but chuckle at how ugly things would get for the girls.

At the next period, the crusaders walked down the halls, some students passed by them with mixed expressions.

Sone of them looked upset…

“I thought I knew you girls better.”

“So you finally turned the other cheek.”

Others looked thrilled…

“I’m looking forward to the meeting.”

“Welcome to the winning team.”

The girls were slightly confused.

“I guess they read the poster.” said Sweetie.

“Eeyup.” said Applebloom “Well, I guess that’s a good thing. We’ll be able to get some of these ponies fixed in the head about Starfleet, but I sure don’t like the bad feedback.”

Scootaloo brushed it off as, “Well, there’s still a lot protesters for Starfleet-- All the more reason for us to try and help them understand, so things don’t get crazy.”

The first meeting would be held after school, but it was more just an introduction meeting, to see how many members they had, and what questions they would ask about Starfleet, all to be dealt with the next meeting.

The girls were really looking forward to it, but when after school came, and they met out in their designated area-- right in front of the school where they had a table set up for their welcoming meeting…

“Wow!” exclaimed Scootaloo “I didn’t expect we’d get this many signups in one day.”

There were at least twenty different ponies, and some the girls recognized…

“These are protestors, bought in by Ruby’s bribes.” said Sweetie.

“Why would they sign up for our group?” wondered Applebloom.

Scootaloo then saw a whole bunch of protesting ponies coming at them with angry expressions, and she knew they were all for Starfleet rather than against them.

They shouted and yelled…

“How could you?!”

“Why are you against Starfleet?”

“What do you hate about them so much?”

Now the girls were confused, and Applebloom whistled loudly for everyone to hush. “What in the hayfields is this all about here?”

“I think it’s obvious what’s going on here.” said Ruby said as she and Sapphire came up to join the group. “You finally see the light, and you’re going to tell us all how much you hate Starfleet.”

“WHAT?!!” the girls exclaimed.

As all the hooting and hollering progressed…

Grimer peeked out through a manhole cover in the street near the school, having listened through the pipes at all the noise. He could see all the hate and protesting of Starfleet breaking out amongst the students.

“Perfect…” he laughed, and he reached down and pulled up his energy-absorber, aiming it straight at the students.

He laughed softly yet wickedly. “Beaker is going to love this.”

He was so wrapped up in his evil glee, he didn’t hear or notice a big and heavy moving wagon coming up the street, and it ran right over the cover, hitting Grimer in the head and sent him crashing down into the sewers.


While back in the schoolyard, the girls tried to get the full story.

“What’s all this about?” asked Sweetie “We don’t hate Starfleet.”

“Liar!” snapped one pony.

“Sure you don’t.” teased another.

Sapphire couldn’t help but egg things on. “Come on, girls. We know deep down you’ve always hated Starfleet, and now you’re going to tells us all why, and while you’re at it, tell us why we’d be so much better without them.”

“But we don’t hate Starfleet!” yelled Scootaloo. “This meeting is called to help people UNDERSTAND Starfleet.”

It was no use, the crowds were getting louder and angrier, and the commotion caught the attention of the Principal, forcing him to blow his whistle. “Silence…!”

The students all quieted down in an instant.

Miles marched straight over to the table, and looked angrily at the crusaders.

“I put my trust in you girls not to cause a disturbance, and what do I find, half of my students are yelling and arguing like a riot!”

It was in vain that the girls tried to explain they knew nothing of what was happening.

“…All three of you, Detention!”

The girls were shocked and horribly upset, but it was no use arguing with the principal.

“March!!” he thundered while pointing into the school.

Ruby and Sapphire sniggered, and once the girls were inside, ruby took her place behind the table.

“Well, even though our hosts are in trouble, I’d like to take this time to tell you…” and out from her bag she held up a poster of the school, with snack stands, the promised swimming pool, and even a water slide.

“Sign up for me, and both dreams can become a reality. Less and less of Starfleet, and more and more good stuff for our school and us.”

Naturally, her briberies bought in more suckers and more potential members who decided to; foolishly renounce their beliefs in Starfleet, just for a few perks.

The poor crusaders were force to sit in the Detention Room, where all students were to stay seated at desks, and while they could talk to one another, they were still not permitted to leave, nor were they to actually do pretty much anything else.

Still, they were able to see everything from the window without getting up.

“Can you believe that snob?” grumbled Sweetie.

“Actually, I can’t believe the students.” said Applebloom “Their really getting suckered in with all these bribes and nonsense.”

Easily, Scootaloo was the most disturbed. She couldn’t understand this in the least. “How could people think we suddenly turn against Starfleet?”

Sweetie immediately got the idea, “I smell sabotage here.”

The others agreed and felt Ruby was behind all this.

“We’ve got to find out what this is all about.” said Scootaloo.

“But how-- we can’t leave the room.” replied Applebloom.

As the girls tried to come up with a way to prove their innocence…

…Outside, things were about to get even worse as Swift Star came while out on patrol.

“Look, there’s a Starfleeter.” hollered one of the students.

“Let’s show him.” added Sapphire.

The students began to rally together and boo him, and insulting him.

Swift was already having hard times with negative feedback from the civilians, but he knew people were entitled to their opinions, as long as they didn’t do anything serious.

“Take it in stride.” he kept telling himself while trying to maintain his cool, but then one of the students went too far and threw a rock at him, which just missed, but that already accounted as Attempted Assault on an Officer, and he was forced to set things straight as he marched onto the campus grounds.

His stern expression caused some of the students to pipe down. All their courage and laughing was gone just like that.

“All right… who threw this rock at me?” he asked sternly.

The guilty party would not speak up, but Sapphire approached him. “Chill out, Dude, it didn’t even hit you.”

“That’s not an excuse!” snapped Swift. “Throwing rocks is bad enough, but you’re old enough to know better than to throw one at an officer, whether it missed or not!”

Many of the students sneered at him and scoffed.

“You Starfleet scum are all the same.”

“Why do you have to be so pushy all the time?”

More boos and hisses followed, but Swift did not leave. “I ask again… who threw the rock? I’m leaving here, and neither are any of you until you until we solve this!”

“You can’t keep us all here!”

“I’ve got a manicure to get to!”

“I have to study for a test!”

Swift was starting to feel maybe he was being a bit harsh, but he was only trying to follow standard procedure, and he did know of another way to find the guilty party, and he walked inside the school to talk with Miles.

On the way over, he saw the bulletin board. He saw Ruby’s protest to Starfleet, and sighed. “Only idiots would be bought in by bribery such as that.”

Then he noticed the Crusaders poster of their meeting, and was he ever shocked!

“The girls would never turn against Starfleet! Why, they even worked for us, and saved the planet a few times.”

He couldn’t help but pull the poster off the board to read it more closely; he noticed ink-marks leaking through the paper from the other side.

He turned it over, and as soon as he saw, he marched straight into the principal’s office.

Soon, the door to the Detention Room opened up, and the girls saw Miles. They thought they were going to be yelled at again.

“Girls, please come with me.” he said, and while the girls were confused, yet worried, they followed him.

Outside, Ruby had collected more signatures for her Anti-Starfleet Club. Most of which were foolish ponies being taken in by her bribes-- like bowling alleys, spa-treatments, and more outlandish ideas.

“What do we want?” Ruby called, to which the crowd responded, “NO MORE STARFLEET!!”

“Why do we want it?”


“But you don’t really…!” Scootaloo called.

Everyone turned and saw the angry crusaders, the principal, and Swift all coming their way.

Swift held up the poster, and then flipped it over to reveal what the girls had really written, which shocked many of the turncoats.

“It appears there has been a case of overreactions happening here.” said Principal Miles, and he cast a look over at Ruby, “Overreactions that were caused by lies and deceit!”

Ruby began looked nervous, but quickly tries to seem innocent. “Well, um… somebody here sure pulled a mean trick.”

“You can the innocent routine.” said Swift “We know it was you, and we can prove it.”

He held up the poster for Ruby’s Anti-Starfleet meeting, and compared it to the writing on the Crusader’s poster-- the writing styles were nearly identical, and also there was a single red pink hair found on the paper as well, and Swift, using his visor scanning, matched it.

Ruby groaned nervously, and much of her, would-be club members, glared at her angrily for deceiving them.

“I can’t believe you would do such a thing, Ruby.” sneered Applebloom. “That’s a low as a worm in the ground.”

“And worse, you got us in big trouble!” yelled Sweetie.

“Indeed…” agreed Miles. He had already apologized to the girls earlier, and he explained how he didn’t hear them out because he was under a little pressure with a problem, and he approached Ruby, with a pile of envelopes in his hand.

“Ms. Ring… these are the proposals and ideals for all these rather ridiculous promises you have made to your schoolmates.”

Ruby tried to sweet-talk to him, “Oh, don’t worry. It’s all taken care of. My daddy will be more than willing to pay for them.”

“I sincerely doubt that, because I refuse to accept any of this.”

Many of the students, who had looked forward to all the goodies and stuff, began to protest in anger.

Sapphire angrily called out to Swift. “It’s your fault as usual! You don’t want people to have fun and enjoy themselves, so you use your Starfleet pushing to back it off!”

The protesters agreed, but Swift assured them. “Don’t go pointing fingers at me. I had nothing to do with your principal’s decision. He made the decision all by himself.”

Miles nodded, confirming his refusal to put up.

Swift then stepped forth.

“You like to protest an awful lot about Starfleet, and you like to blame us for everything wrong in your life, but did you ever stop to think about what your actions would amount to?

The crusaders stepped forth and began to add to his inspirational speech.

Scootaloo went first, “This is a school, not an activity center. There’s no room or budget for things like lavish pools, spas, and snack carts.”

Applebloom nodded and added, “We’re here to learn, not goof off, and be distracted from our studies. There’s plenty of time after school or even on the weekends, or the summer time to do all this stuff.”

Sweetie looked disgusted at some of the ponies who were bought in by Ruby’s bribes. “You should be ashamed of yourselves-- selling out the very force that protects us, your pride, and dignity just for a few perks? That’s not showing good-sense, that’s showing greed and foolishness.

And while we’re at it, you can hate Starfleet all you like, but what right does it give you to bully use and others who don’t share your views?”

Sapphire shook his head grimly at the girls. “Maybe if you’d understand better, we wouldn’t have to bully you so much.”

“Now that’s quite enough of that.” snapped Miles “The question was, “What right do you have to bully others?” and I’ll give you a straight and simple answer: You have none whatsoever. I don’t tolerate bullying, badgering, or such acts in this school, and you all know that.”

“Yeah? Well what about Starfleet?” protested Ruby. “They’re always bullying us, and telling us what we can or cannot do! So we protest, and we hold up pep-rallies.”

The protesters, still loyal to her, cheered with joy, but Swift was well-prepared for this.

“As a Starfleet officer, I’m simply doing my job, but as civilians, you all must play your part as well. Being a part of this school is exactly the same as being part of any community.

When you live in a society, you either live by the rules, or by forms of democracy, you have them changed. You don’t break them!

Just like now when one of you threw a rock against me; that’s attempted assault. It’s bad enough when a civilian like you tries to attack another civilian, but when you try that on an officer that’s twice as bad.”

Sapphire seemed unmoved, as expected, as did Ruby and their protestors, but others who were initially taken in by the bribes were starting to realize how foolish they had been.

They also realized they hadn’t thought things through, just like Ruby hadn’t, or she wouldn’t have been busted so easily.

“Ms. Ring, Sapphire… Detention.” said Miles.

Ruby was completely outraged. “You’ll hear from my lawyers for this.”

“Why am I being punished? I didn’t do anything!” wailed Sapphire.

“For aided and abetting in this scandal.” replied Miles

The two mean ponies were forced to take their punishment.

With that settled, Swift couldn’t pick out who tried to throw the rock, and decided to let it slide, since he felt he had made his point with his warnings.

He did give the crusaders a proud look and said, “I believe you girls have a class to head up.”

The girls smiled and took their rightful places to hopefully set some of the ponies straight about Starfleet.

…While Grimer saw the whole thing and was completely disgusted.

“Even if those girls manage to sweet-talk some of those morons, I already have what I came for.” He looked down at his absorber. “Beaker will be pleased.”

He was so busy chuckling, that he didn’t notice, that same moving cart came back up the street from its job that day, and rolled over the manhole cover, knocking him back down into the sewer again.

“This is getting annoying!” he groaned.

When the girls got home, to Sweet Apple Acres to do their homework, they told the adults and DD everything.

“I’m proud of you girls.” said Buddy.

“We can’t take all the credit.” said Applebloom.

“Yeah, Swift Star helped too.” added Sweetie.

“We’re still proud.” said Applejack. “You managed to stand up for what you believe in, and you did it without causing too much of a fuss or getting into a fight.”

DD chuckled, “I wish I could’ve been there. I would’ve loved to have seen the look on Ruby and Sapphire’s faces when they got detention.”

Scootaloo gave a nasty grin, “Oh, they were pretty mad alright.

Just the same, I hope we’ve reached out to enough of our schoolmates.”

“Well, you’re still doing a wonderful thing, girls.” said Buddy. “The more people learn about Starfleet instead of assuming they know everything about us, we just may be on the verse to making others understand us better, and have fewer problems to contend with.”

While the girls continued to do their homework, they and DD all put their hands together in the middle, and the line from their song played again…

…We’re the Cutiemark Crusdaers to the end.


In our next episode: Red Alerts are pouring in from many Starfleet outposts as The United Alliance of Evil begins putting their project into motion, but Starlight Glimmer still poses a threat to United Equestria and launches another attack on New Canterlot, while Lightning is constantly frustrated and contemplating over his own situation.

Can the team overcome the obstacles that lay before them?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Space is Calling”)

Episode 5: Space is Calling

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Far out in Dimensional Space, Titan’s spirit was gazing all around him through the cosmos.

“It is time…” he snickered. “All these worlds shall play a vital role in my conquest of the galaxy.”

He had already sent some of his best monsters from the Shadow Planet to go out and do his bidding, and things were only about to get way worse for the good denizens.

Meanwhile, onboard Spider-Base, Starlight had called the minions to appear before her.

“I have received word from Lord Titan-- The Project is now officially underway.”

“Ah, yeah…!” Razor cheered and leapt for joy. “Now we’re getting somewhere! The galaxy is as good as ours.”

He was suddenly hushed when Waverline whacked him upside the head.

Starlight huffed, and continued, “As such, we must continue to play our own roles in this conquest, which is why I have summoned another monster.”

She motioned for the creature to come forth.

She was Poette: A humanoid monster who spoke in rhyme. She had faded white skin, long white hair done up in a long braided ponytail. She wore a fluffy collar round her neck, and rather than wearing a dress, she wore tights, stockings with sharp tips, and she carried a magical quill with a pad, capable of unleashing more than just ordinary verses.

“How interesting.” said Specter.

Waverline wasn’t so impressed. “Doesn’t look like much to me.”

Poette’s eyes gave a sickening glare, and she pointed her quill straight at her…

“STREAM BEAM” Out from the quill’s tip shot a bright burning laser blast, just barely missing Waverline’s feet by a few inches, and making sparks fly in her face.

The monster then sneered at her and said…

“Insult me again, and I’ll cause you much pain
Perhaps maybe next time, you’ll use your brain!”

Waverline looked cross while Razor held in a chuckle.

Starlight seemed hardly amused, as she was deep in thinking of Celestia and how pleasing it would be to finally exact her revenge, but she knew this was not the time to go for it, knowing Celestia’s resources and long line of defenses were still a matter to deal with another time, and she recalled a conversation she had with her master, Titan.

“But, My Lord, I’m positive I can do it.”

“Silence…” Titan bellowed “I understand your lust to destroy Celestia, but you shall gain the opportunity in good time, and not before! Our project is more important than mere vengeance on an individual, and you must never underestimate your enemies.

Let us have no more talk of this! Just continue to do your job like a good apprentice!”

The flashback faded away…

“Ms. Starlight, are you alright?” asked Specter.

Starlight snapped out of her trance, and then sneered. “What are you all still doing here? GET DOWN THERE NOW!!”

The minions and the monster all winced, and many of the Darquines fell over with

Even though Lightning had stepped down from entering battle, and leaving Starla in charge of the unit, he was still the commander, and kept to his other duties as best he could-- reviewing reports, organizing strategies, and he still headed up and attended conferences with all the people still holding him in high respect, despite his appearance.

Still, he felt rather upset about holding back from battling for a while and this frustration he’d vent with training with the others.

Today, he was training with Fluttershy and Rhymey outside their cottage.

Pinkie Pie was visiting with Apple Spice, and she was helping the training with her droid.

Starla had just finished her session with Lightning, and now he was battling Rhymey and Fluttershy with Pinkie’s droid which wouldn’t get tired while Pinkie controlled it.

“Are you sure, Pinkie should be doing all this?” asked Starla. She was worrying out of concern for Pinkie’s pregnancy.

“…Doctor says its fine,” said Apple Spice. “She needs some fresh air anyway, just as long as she doesn’t get into physical danger.”

He then looked over at his wife, and while she seemed as neutral and blank, she was concentrating on controlling her droid very deeply, and seeing she was okay, he went inside to check on the lunch he was cooking for everyone, while Starla could look after Shining Light and Button Fly.

Rhymey swung his sword high and low, and Lightning dodged every blow, and then aimed a punch for him, but Rhymey leapt up high, leaving the way open for his wife to make her move…

…Fluttershy rushed in and gave Lightning a huge fist to the face.

Starla winced in upset.

“Boo.” Shining Light cooed.

Little Button Fly only yawned and rolled over in his buggy.

As for Lightning, as he flew backward in midair, he straightened himself out and zoomed straight back, forcing Fluttershy to zip out of the way-- reappearing high in the air near Rhymey, but Lightning anticipated this and had already zipped up to where they were and kicked them both hard before they could react.

Then Pinkie’s droid came at him, and because it couldn’t get physically tired, it had a serious advantage over Lightning, whom had been training all morning.

Pinkie, though sitting comfortably and quietly on the porch, Pinkie did start to show a little aggression, hammering on the controls, which concerned Starla.

The droid swung its fists and kicked at Lightning furiously, which he countered and blocked with his arms and legs, which caused Pinkie to pour on more force, making her act more and more vicious and aggressive to the point where Starla decided…

“Stop… STOP…!!” and confiscated Pinkie’s headgear, causing the droid to freeze-up instantly.

“Hey!” snapped Pinkie.

“That’s enough, Pinkie. I don’t want you getting overly stressed out. It’s not good for the baby.”

“I think she’s right.” Lightning agreed. “Maybe I’ve done enough training anyway… for now.”

He was right to cease anyone, for everyone could suddenly smell an intoxicating aroma of incredibly cooking coming from the kitchen window, followed by Spice hollering, “Come and get it!”

Pinkie slowly stood up, with a low tone, and a soft smile she said, “Mmm… lunchtime. I could use lunch.”

The others couldn’t believe how much they missed the old super hyped-up Pinkie they knew and loved.

Nonetheless, everyone headed inside, and enjoyed the most wonderful meal from Pinkie’s husband.

Everyone drowsed happily, and not a morsel was left. Even Angel sighed happily as he laid back on the carpet with his paws behind his head.

Spice’s superb cooking skills had done it again.

“Not a single crumb was wasted.
It’s the best food I’ve ever tasted.” said Fluttershy.

Spice blushed, “Thanks, Colonel Fluttershy. I try my best.”

Starla then noticed, “Fluttershy… did you just speak in rhyme?”

Fluttershy rubbed the back of her head, and Rhymey explained,

“She’s been hanging around me for so long,
Her speech is being infected pretty strong.”

His wife giggled,

“It’s just so hard to stop making rhymes.
I’m must’ve tried a-zillion times.”

Pinkie sniffled, and looked at the couple with teary eyes.

“You okay, Pinkie?” asked Lightning.

Pinkie nodded, “Yep. I just think it’s really cute-- she’s adapting to her husband’s style…” she burst out sobbing, much to the awkwardness of the others.

Spice assured everyone, “It’s just a mood swing, it happens.”

He helped his sobbing wife to her feet and guided her over to the bedroom so she could have a rest.

“Poor Pinkie…” said Starla “Even I didn’t get that emotional.”

Fluttershy shook her head…

“I don’t remember having such a cry,
Not while I was pregnant with Button Fly.
…Did I?”

The two husbands exchanged rather innocent, yet narrowed looks at one another, remembering well when their wives were pregnant.

As they all helped to clear the table, Lightning seemed awfully quiet.

“You okay?” asked Starla, to which her husband simply nodded without saying a thing, which only concerned her and the others more.

Rhymey said…

“I bet you I know what’s wrong.
Although your training goes well along,
You feel that it’s just not enough,
You still don’t feel big and tough.”

Lightning sighed and admitted, “I know I’m doing the right thing keeping out of battles, but just the same, it’s breaking me up inside. I’m feeling a little useless.”

“That’s not true.” said Starla. “You are not useless, whether you come into battle or not, and you’re still loved by all of us.”

The others all nodded, and Fluttershy said…

“This may not perk you up with glee,
But you could consider yourself sort of lucky.”

“Lucky?” asked Lightning with a chuckle. “How am I lucky? If we can’t find some way to restore me to my true age, I’ll have to just sit and wait until I’m old enough, and then what?”

Fluttershy could only say…

“You could have a second childhood,
and grow up all over again,
and not have to experience,
the woes of growing pain.”

Starla and Rhymey nodded.

Lightning chuckled at the idea, and he had often thought of the idea having some merits; since his childhood was ruined by the destruction of his planet, and he spent most of his remaining childhood training and preparing with Grand Ruler.

And yet, “…I don’t think I could really do that. I just don’t know how to be a child, the way I was raised and how things happened to me. I just can’t go back and start all over again. How can I, especially with the planet still under attack, and Titan is still out there. We don’t know what he’s up to.”

Starla agreed. Time and again she had tried to research into and locate the Shadow Planet, but it was no use while it remained undetectable, un-viewable, and even if some miracle it was spotted, it would be sure to disappear and then go someplace else.

As for Lightning, his mind was made up. “I still intend to train, and hopefully I’ll be able to fight with you guys again.”

Later on, after Pinkie’s nap, everyone could all hear a faint voice calling from outside.



Lightning’s head perked up. “Krysta…?”

He went outside, followed by the others, and saw her fluttering up to the cottage, and she looked out of breath.

“Oh, finally!” she panted. “I didn’t find you at your home.”

“Is something wrong?” asked Lightning.

“You can sure say that again, but you better come to New Canterlot, all of you.”

She then realized and remembered, Pinkie was in no condition to be teleported at her stage of pregnancy.

“It’s okay, take my droid with you.” said Pinkie.

“I’ll stay and watch her, and the animals.” offered Spice.

Fluttershy nodded thankfully, but Angel tapped his foot and folded his limbs in a sulk.

Fluttershy reached down and patted his little head.

“You behave now while I’m away,
Listen to Spice, do as he’ll say.”

Angel sighed, but gave her a promising smile.

Everyone was able to head out, when Starla suggested that Lightning stay behind, but her husband wouldn’t hear of it.

“I’m coming with you!” he insisted. “If there’s anything going on, I should know about it.”

Starla agreed, and she scooped up Shining Light while Fluttershy took Button Fly.

Lightning then cautioned Spice, “If the alarms go off, you know what to do?”

“Yes, sir.” replied Spice.

Pinkie nodded and activated her droid. “Ready to go...”

With that settled, Lightning signal for Krysta, and with a wave of her wand they all vanished and were bound for New Canterlot.

Pinkie peeked through her droid visor, and softly rubbed her large belly. She sometimes felt bad that she couldn’t go help people when there was trouble, or just plain have fun the way she used to.

Her husband comforted her, “Don’t worry, Honey. It’ll be alright.”

She smiled lovingly at him, and they shared a kiss, which Angel and some birds on the window will sighed to.

The team had arrived at the royal palace, right before their young majesties, and the rest of the team had been waiting for them.

“Ah, good… you’ve all arrived.” said Grand Ruler.

Everyone bowed to him and the others.

“So what’s the big emergency?” asked Artie.

“I shall explain…” said Grand Ruler, but before anyone could say a word, the alarms sounded!

“My goodness, what beastly luck!” grumbled Rarity. “Not to mention dreadful rudeness!”

Lightning looked ready to rush into action, “Let’s go!” he called to the team, and he began to dash off.

“Um… Lightning!” Starla called, and her husband stopped right where he was. He felt very silly. “Sorry, force of habit.”

Starla nodded, and hollered to the team, “Let’s go!” and she led them all out the big doors, leaving Lightning to hang his head low.

Celestia came over to him and put her hand on his shoulder. “Don’t feel despair,” said Celestia.

Grand Ruler agreed, “There might still be a way for you to help in the battle, without actually being there.”

Lightning’s eyes lit up, and many ideas crossed his mind all at once. “Yes… there are ways!”

“What are you thinking?” asked Krysta, and Lightning quickly huddled the others all together to explain his idea for a new kind of attack.

Starla and the team, already transformed, appeared outside the palace, right near the entrance of Town Square, which had been deserted as all the civilians were gone-- contained indoors and protected by the barriers, or already been evacuated by the sentries.

“Where’s the danger?” asked Rainbow.

Suddenly, everyone could hear a monster’s voice echoing…

“I’m glad that you’ve come,
The battle will begin,
And when it is over,
Evil shall win!”

Rhymey and Fluttershy noted the rhyming sounds, and Fluttershy felt a shiver go up her spine.

“Show yourself!” demanded Starla.

The monster appeared, tapping her quill against her pad.

“Who are you supposed to be?” asked Applejack.

The monster snickered.

“Poette is my name,
And fighting is my game
And I’m here to put you pests to shame!”

She was suddenly joined by a flock of Darquines, and the henchmen.

Much to Specter’s disappointment he noticed Lightning was absent, but he felt it wasn’t such a bad thing.

“So you commander has decided to run and hide?” he taunted “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

“Shut up!!” shouted Starla “Don’t you dare speak of my husband that way! He is in no way a coward!”

All the others felt and looked equally as furious as she did.

The henchmen only snickered, and Razor rubbed his blades together, “Let’s get busy!”

Waverline agreed and motioned to the Darkquines, “Get them!”

The foot soldiers rushed forth.

“Let’s go!” shouted Starla, and the team rushed forth.

“Let’s rope this bunch!” Applejack hollered with her rope ready, and lassoed a bunch of Darquines, and with a flick of her rope, she raised them up high and slammed them down hard, destroying them.

Dyno and Myte, stood back-to-back and did one of their special dance attacks-- pressing hard against each other’s back and stepping around on the spot, punching and kicking off any oncoming baddies.

Rarity and Spike attacked Waverline. Rarity was especially eager to bring her down. “Time to make you pay for calling me “Ugly!” she thundered.

“I second that!” Spike said with his sword ready “No one insults my wife or my friends and gets away with it!”

Waverline scoffed, “Bring it, Lizard Lugheads!”

Insulted again, Rarity let out a furious dragon roar, shooting fire from her mouth into the air, and she charged forth, with Spike right behind her.

“DRAGON FLARE” Spike unleashed a wave of fire, which Waverline leapt high to avoid, and Rarity came at her, and the two began to punch and kick at each other like crazy.

Rarity managed to scratch Waverline hard in the face with her claws, infuriating her, and she got her back by kicking her hard in the stomach, sending her crashing into Spike.

“DISTORTION FORCE” her energy waves struck the two hard and knocked them back, but they were far from beaten.

Rhymey and Fluttershy were attacking the monster.


Rhymey held his sword up, and his wife stood next to him posing for a rush attack.

“You two against me..?
I’ll defeat you easily.” hissed Poette.

The two fighters looked at each other.

“She rhymes very well,
That I can tell.” said Fluttershy.

Her husband nodded, and he and she rushed forth to attack!

Poette scribbled quickly on her pad…

“WRITE SMITE” The pad and the quill began to glow, and from the pad launched a barrage of pages, which were solid like stones, and sharp as knives!

Fluttershy and Rhymey swerved and dodged as best they could, Rhymey even parried some of the solid pages off with his sword, and fired a big blast from his horn at the monster.

“STREAM BEAM” Poette countered with her own magical blast, and then shot at Rhymey and Fluttershy, making big sparks and explosions, but the two managed to stay on their feet.

“She’s tougher than she looks.” said Rhymey.

“Sure packs some right hooks.” rhymed Fluttershy.

The monsters snickered and rhymed with their sayings, “And I fully intend to make bits of you Shnooks!”

The two rhyming ponies glared at the rhyming monster, and they all continued to brawl.

Artie and Buddy knocked down another batch of Darquines, and then faced down Razor.

“You chums think you can take me on? You’re crazy!”

Artie held up his staff. “Maybe we are, but then again maybe we aren’t.”

Buddy cracked his whip, “Let’s do this!”

Razor scrapped his arm blades, making sparks fly, and charged forth.

“LEAF SWARM” Buddy launched his razor leafs, which Razor merely slashed through with ease.

“PAINT BOMB” Artie unleashed his explosives, but Razor shielded himself with his arm paddings and made it through.

He laughed. “My turn…!

FLY CUTTERS!” He unleashed his flying blades.

“Not this time!” hollered Artie, and he leapt up high whirling his staff, repelling off the blades, and Buddy rushed forth lassoing the villain’s leg with his whip.

Razor attempted to slash and cut it, but Buddy shot a blast from his horn, making a big explosion which blew Razor way up high and he crashed on the ground. “You’ll pay for that!”

“That’s what they all say.” teased Buddy.

Rainbow was faced off by a load of Darquines heading straight for her.

“Six against one?!” she groaned “I am so outnumbered. Then again, I can so outdo them.”

She soared way up high and came slamming down hard, “SONIC RAINBOOM!”

KAPOW!! She blew all those drones to bits.


This left Starla and Pinkie’s droid to deal with Specter, and Specter put up one heck of a fight, while Starla threw punch-after-punch in furious rage. “My husband is no coward!” she growled.

“Really?” thundered Specter. “Then why does he not show himself? It’s because he is worried that his condition leaves him vulnerable-- If that isn’t cowering then what is?!”

Starla became so mad that her aura flared up as her attack power and speed increased immensely.

Pinkie’s droid could show no emotion, but the real Pinkie was amazed, shocked even, in real life behind her controls.

Starla punched Specter hard across the field, and she took off after him.

“Wait up!” called Pinkie as she made her droid follow.

Rainbow, Applejack, and the twins didn’t know whether to follow them or stay and held the others…

…Until Rhymey shouted at them,

“We’ll be alright,
We can handle this fight.”

The others agreed and flew off.

Then Rhymey turned back to face the monster…

“STREAM BEAM” Poette fired another magical blast from her quill, but Rhymey was ready-- his horn glowed and so did his sword-- and he sliced right through the magic as if it were made of paper, slowly making his way toward her, only for Poette to leap back, and back, and back, dodging his every strike.

Fluttershy leapt in for a high-jump kick…

“WRITE SMITE” she was bombarded by more of those hard pages and Rhymey got hit too.

The other fighters saw them, and wanted to try and help, but they were still too busy fighting off the henchmen, and they all got pounded hard.

Razor and Wavlerine laughed wickedly.

“This is too easy!” hissed Waverline.

“Well then, let’s get tougher!” suggested Razor.

“Tougher, eh?” said Buddy “I say we give it to him!”

Artie agreed, as did the others, and altogether they shouted…


They donned their sparkling, stronger outfits.

“What’s going on?” asked Razor.

“Relax,” growled Waverline. “…We’ve got this.”

Rarity and Spike growled and rushed for her, and she leapt up high.


She unleashed her power at them both, but they both rushed through the blast as if it was nothing and bounded straight at her, but she zipped out of the way just in time.

“…No, you don’t!” snapped Rarity, and she leapt up after her and aimed a strong punch at her face, but Waverline zipped out of the way again, and kicked her hard from behind.

“Hang on, Rarity!” Spike called as he rushed up to help his wife.


As his scorching fires bound straight at her, her eyes began to glow, and her long hair extended and was glowing with her eyes…

“CRASH GALE” She unleashed a wave of billowing forces that hit the fire like a gust of strong winds, sending the flames in the opposite direction.

“Look Out!” shouted Rarity, and she and Spike zoomed out of the way just missing the attack.

Razor then unleashed his newest attack, putting his arms at his side, he was shrouded in dark aura, making him as sharp as a sword on all sides…


He zipped and slashed about like a wild boomerang weapon, striking Buddy and Artie like crazy.

Their Super Mode armor kept them standing, but after many hits they began to feel weary.

“How are they doing this?!” groaned Artie. “The Super Mode isn’t helping!”

Razor touched down and laughed, “You don’t get it, do you? We’re stronger than we look, thanks to Titan.”

Waverline agreed, “You can power up all you like, but we know all your secrets and strengths. Remember, we’ve battled you before, and so has Titan. How could we not know of your skills?”

Poette snickered,

“You may try and strengthen all your might,
But it will avail you naught, you’ll never win the fight.

Make it easier and give up right now,
It’ll save you much pain and fight now.”

Rhymey gripped his sword tensely, but he sneered

“We will never give in,
We’ll find a way to win.”

…And he already had a clue of at least how to at least bring down the monster-- by destroying her quill and pad, thereby disarming her, but he’d need a clear opening, and he couldn’t say a thing to the others, not wanting to give the idea away.

As for Starla, she constantly attacked Specter, not having donned her Super Mode Armor, feeling her rising aura was strong enough, but really she was only blinded by her rage and honor.

“STARLIGHT ARROW” she armed her bow and fired.

Specter scoffed!

“DARK WALL OF WIND” and he shielded himself from the attack, and then bashed into her really hard sending her soaring along the ground.

“Starla!” cried Rainbow as she and the others helped her up. “…You okay?”

“I’m fine, but I can’t believe how much stronger he is.”

Specter couldn’t help taunt her more. “Am I stronger, or are you just weaker without your useless hubby to back you up.”

Starla growled, but the twins urged her to calm.

“If anyone’s a coward, it’s your leader, Starlight Glimmer!” growled Rainbow. “She sends you to do her dirty work for her, and she can’t even bother to come and fight us herself.”

Starlight heard everything from the Spider-Base’s monitors, and she looked ready to chew through walls-- seething with anger.

She had to do everything she could to not go down there, remembering her orders from Titan.

Specter didn’t seem the least bit insulted. “We all have our orders, our own tasks to perform, as even does Ms. Starlight.

...Just as our task right now is to deal with you pests!


He unleashed his dark hands and sent them straight at the fighters.

“Scatter!” shouted Starla, and everyone leapt out of way as the hands crashed together.

The twins then held their hands together…

“BOOM-BOOM FIREBALLS” they unleashed their barrage of flame-balls at the hands, but they only burned themselves out on contact.

“Nothing!” cried Dyno.

“Not a flicker!” added Myte.

“Look out!” shouted Applejack, and everyone dodged as the hands rushed forth.

“That does it!” growled Starla “PULSAR LASER” she fired a blast from her horn, which pierced through the two hands, but instead of destroying them, the hands were only divided into two each, making there now four hands instead of two.

“Nice try!” snickered Specter, and he sent all four hands to attack all the fighters. Starla, Rainbow, and the twins were down, leaving Pinkie’s droid standing, but even Pinkie didn’t know much of what to do.

Her droid couldn’t activate Super Mode or even go Valkyrie, and even still it was uncertain if they would even prove effective!

Even Rhymey was still having a hard time getting the opening he needed with the monster.

Every attack he made, Poette dodged it and then proceeded to attack him and his wife.

“DRILL QUILL” Rhymey unleashed his own quills at her, and she dodged and battered them all away with her pad, which he felt would give him another opening… but it didn’t and he ended up getting kicked hard in the chest, and sent skidding.

“I say…
Are you okay?!” cried Fluttershy as she helped him up.

I guess.”

All the fighters were starting to grow exhausted, while it seemed the villains had hardly broken too many sweats, and yet the heroes still refused to give in.

Suddenly, powerful beams began to blast at the villains from different angles.

Sparks and explosions erupted from all over, and Poette’s pad and quill went flying, and landing on the ground.

“Where did those blasts come from?” asked Spike.

Everyone looked around but could see no other fighters, nor scan for any with their visors.

More blasts followed, and the villains were outraged and flabbergasted, unable to tell when and where more blasts would come from.

Starla suddenly recognized the force of the beams and that these were from the magical cannons at the royal palace. Yet, she looked at the palace behind, and noticed that no shots were visibly coming from the battlements or windows.

“Lightning…?” she wondered.

“What’s going on?!” wailed Razor. “Who’s shooting at us?”

Waverline looked around growling. “This is another one of their cheap tricks!”

Poette seemed more concerned in finding her pad and quill.

“Ah-Ha!” she cried as she spotted them lying on the ground a few feet away, but as she tried to reach for them, Fluttershy quickly tackled her out of the way, which finally gave Rhymeyt he chance he needed.

He leapt up high with his sword glowing…

“THRASH SLASH” and with one swing, he destroyed the objects, much to the monster’s horror!

“My quill…! My Pad…!
That’s it… NOW I’M MAD!!”

Fluttershy only punched her hard in the face, and then gave her a good kick sending her rolling along the ground, and Rhymey was ready to strike again, hoping once again to capture her before she could destroy herself.


He slashed the monster hard and she began to scream and wail, but just like before she wasn’t willing to let herself be captured, which would let the heroes probe her mind and compromise Titan’s project! So, using the special spell given to her, she destroyed herself in a big explosion and was gone!

Rhymey was outraged, but at least the monster was gone!

The henchmen were all outraged as well.

Razor growled, “Why you rotten, miserable, creeps! I’ll--”

“Enough!” called Specter “Let’s get out of here before there’s another shelling.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” agreed Waverline, and with that, all three villains vanished and went back to the Spider-Base.

“We’ll be ready for you monsters next time!!” Starla shouted up in the sky. Then she panted furiously, having blown out a great deal of her rage and strength in the fight.

Applejack calmed her, “Easy, easy now. It’s all over. Let’s just go inside and cool off.”

As a sensible and responsible leader, Starla agreed. “I’m sorry. I just can’t stand those creeps.”

“I wonder how Starlight’s feeling about this by now?” wondered Rainbow.

Onboard Spider-Base, the henchmen stood before Starlight, whom had her back turned to them.

“Our most sincere apologies, Ms. Starlight…” said Specter “Things happened beyond our understanding.”

“Why am I not surprised?” Starlight scoffed “Then again, we play our jobs properly, and it may not matter if you bungle a-hundred times.”

The henchmen all exchanged looks between one another.

“Really… a hundred-failures?” asked Razor.

Starlight turned and shouted “That doesn’t mean you get to keep screwing up!!”

The henchmen all winced back.

“Get out of my way! I’ve got work to do.” Starlight growled, and she shoved her way past them all, and thinking, “Somehow, I’ll find a way… I’ll get you yet Celestia, and nothing, not even Starfleet will be able to stop me from destroying you and putting you out of my life forever!”

Meanwhile, the team was once again brought before their majesties, and Starla’s wonders were proved correct.

“You did fire those cannon blasts.”

Lightning nodded and explained how he requested the cannons be aimed away from their original positions, so that instead of visibly shooting from the palace, he had Krysta form multiple two-way portals, cause the blasts to fire at precise points out in the battle field.

“The only reason I waited so long to fire was because I couldn’t risk shooting at you guys. I wanted you to get clear first.”

Their majesties were overly impressed with the way his plan had worked.

“I believe you’ve just devised a new method of attack.” said Grand Ruler “This will go a long way into surprising enemy invasions.”

Lightning and Krysta bowed.

“You see, Lightning?” said Celestia “You can still be useful in battle after all, even if you don’t actually fight.”

The others all smiled proudly at Lightning, and Starla pecked him sweetly on the cheek.

As flattered as Lightning was, he cleared his throat. “Begging your pardon, your majesties, but wasn’t there a reason you summoned us here?”

Their majesties remembered, and asked everyone to the briefing room where Krysta explained everything.

“Oh, my…!” cried Rarity.

“No way!” said Artie in utter disbelief.

“You’re sure about this?” asked Lightning.

Krysta nodded and re-explained everything.

She was tending to her royal duties on her home planet, Luminous, and spending time with her family and training her son Twink how to be better warping fairy…

…When many of her fairy soldiers came flocking to her.

“As you know, many of my soldiers patrol the known planets, assisting Starfleet and the outposts in maintaining vigil through the cosmos…

…They informed me that several planets have been attacked by Titan’s forces, and others are possibly being invaded as we speak.”

Grand Ruler figured Titan was finally starting to make his move. “Can you tell us more?” he asked.

“Not so much…” replied Krysta “The attacks appear to be minor. I sent my soldiers back to investigate further.”

Everyone thought it strange that Titans would just softly attack other planets.

“That doesn’t seem like his style.” said Starla “Titan would usually up and annihilate a planet just like that.”

Lightning pondered and felt, “He must be after something more, and I’ve got a feeling that whatever it is, has to do with his really big project; maybe even help to revive himself.”

Everyone felt sickening shivers run down their backs at such a thought.

“It all makes sense now.” said Celestia. “Starlight Glimmer is sent here to keep us busy and distracted while Titan puts his ultimate plan into reality.”

“Whatever this plan is, we’ve got to find out.” said Grand Ruler. “We could very well be in for the greatest space venture of our lives.”

Everyone agreed… the real adventure and the real struggle was about to commence.


In our next episode: Dodger and Sun Dew become insufferable to the cohorts and are forced to work together, or be kicked out of The Idiots gang. So they both come up with a combination to gather more support for their project by holding a special dance-off, which also attracts some of Starfleet to join the party.

Will The Idiots’ maintain their secrecy, or is their entire project falling into jeopardy?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Dance Dance Solution.”)

Episode 6: Dance-Dance Solution

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The Idiots, so far, had kept a very low profile while continuing to absorb resent from Starfleet protestors to power up Beaker’s machine.

Whenever they would come across someone just like them-- whom loathed Starfleet-- they were sure to use their devices to absorb the emotional energy.

Over the past weeks, they had gathered substantial amounts of power, much to Beaker’s pleasure, but still the machine was nowhere near powerful enough to work as he wanted to.

Once again, he called all his members to a meeting in his underwater lab.

Dodger complained as usual. “Man, I don’t get this. We’ve been bustin’ ourselves up for weeks, and we’re still barely half way to getting halfway there.”

“You mean a quarter of the way there.” corrected Paige.


Sun Dew didn’t like the way he was acting so snooty. “At least some of us actually get stuff done around here. I haven’t seen YOU do too much other than lounge around.”

Dodger didn’t like her tone. “Yo’ girl, chill! I’m just finding my steps, ya dig.”

“Would you two grow up!” growled Digger “We’re supposed to be pushing back Starfleet, not each other.”

“He’s right!” agreed Beaker “The last thing we need is for this group to have dysfunctions.” He then turned to speak to dodger “And Sun has a bit of a point; I’ve noticed you’ve been slacking a bit in your share of energy gathering.

It’s no wonder we haven’t collected lots by this point.”

Sun couldn’t help but giggle, which greatly annoyed Dodger. “So you think that’s funny, huh?”

“And what if I do? At least when up in my cloud I can spy on people without causing suspicion. I’d like to see you come up with something like that.”

Dodger looked steamed behind his shades. “Why I oughtta’--”

It was Beaker who had finally reached his breaking point! He turned round and fired a magical spell from his horn at the two bickering teammates.

“Hey!” snapped Sun.

“What gives?” asked Dodged.

“Just a little trick I learned in my early school days.” said Beaker. He didn’t tell them what it was, wanting them to find out for themselves.

Sun and Dodger couldn’t stand each other’s company, and Dodger decided to leave, but as he got up and stepped only a few feet away from Sun, he suddenly stopped and found he couldn’t proceed any further.

“What’s happening?”

Sun felt funny too, as if she could barely move from where she was either. She was able to get up and move in closer towards Dodger, but she wasn’t able to get more than ten feet away from him.

“What is this?!” she whined.

Then the both of them wailed, “BEAKER?!” but he only snickered at them. “Until you two learn to work together, you’re going to be FORCED to work together, and that spell won’t break until you do!”

Sun and Dodger gasped in disgust and outrage, while Grimer and Paige held in a laugh.

“Of course, I could uncast the spell now, and then expel you both!”

The duo gasped in horror.

“…Unless, you both get out there, and get us some much needed power for my machine.”

“And then you’ll let us go?” asked Sun Dew.

Beaker gave her a harsh stare, “…I’ll consider it. Now go!”

The duo tried to walk off, but the spell forced them to walk closely together, staying within ten feet of one another, but they managed to leave the lab together.

“You really think this is good idea?” asked Paige. “What if they blow our cover?”

Beaker hesitated, “Possibly, but very unlikely. Those two really need to get their acts together.

We’re desperate to get rid of Starfleet, and sometimes we have to do desperate things to get what we want.”

The others agreed, and just hoped those two didn’t bungle things.

Once safely back in New Ponyville, Dodger and Sun were still grumpy. Sun was forced to walk instead of fly as she couldn’t get very far away.

“This is just great!” she groaned. “Here I am stuck with you, when I could be making rain, or bringing sunshine, or just lounging in a cloud.”

Dodger groaned and grumbled at her, “Will you keep quiet?! It’s bad enough I’m stuck having to chill with an un-chilled mix like you; we don’t want to arouse suspicion.”

Sun actually agreed with him, and they both decided to quickly find someplace and some way to gather power so they could break the spell.

“Well, I don’t suppose you have a bright idea?” sneered Sun.

Dodger was looking at something up ahead, and tipped his shades to it. “..Actually, I think I just got one.”

He pointed up ahead at a couple of ponies were engaged in an argument over the status of Starfleet.

“I say they are cool, and so does a good portion of the planet!” yelled one.

“You and everyone else are brainwashed by those bullying overlords!” protested the other.

They kept quarrelling and quarrelling, and then a couple more ponies joined the quarrel from either side…

…Which made Dodger smile. “Mm-mmm… I couldn’t have planned it better.”

Sun was unimpressed. “What, barely a handful of ponies arguing? Like that’s going to get us what we need.”

Dodger was not so convinced, and dragged her along with him.

It looked as if things were going to take a turn for the worst, had Swift Star not sounded his whistle at everyone. “What is going on here?!” he bellowed. “I was just about to come off duty, and now another problem.”

Before any of the ponies could say a thing, Dodger whistled and said, “Peace, my brethren. There’s no need for all this volcanic, titanic, yell-a-manic.”

The other ponies, even Sun, were gawking at him with confused expressions.

“The name’s “Dodger”, and I come before you folks with a method of steam blowin’ that is so cool… ice looks warm. Hoo…!”

He busted a few dance moves, being careful not to hit Sun, or move too far from her, and while his moves were fairly impressive, he still hadn’t seemed to impress much of the others.

“What are you getting at?” asked Swift.

Dodge then guided everyone deep into town, where he had his Disco Club, and said, “Behold… the path to inner peace.

Once you get your groove on here, you all feel. “Hey, what’s the fight for? Is it worth it?”

The two ponies who initially started the quarrel chuckled. “Dancing is a way to vent?” said one.

“Get real.” scoffed another.

“Actually, he’s got a point.” said Swift. “In Starfleet we train ourselves in the art of dancing, it makes for good exercise, helps with our evasiveness, and it actually does let off steam when we’re angry.

I’ve done it before.”

The protesting ponies scoffed again, but said nothing-- not in front of an officer.

Still, Swift Star urged everyone to try it. “It’ll be a whole lot better for all of us if you try it.”

Though the dance hall was usually closed until late at night, Dodger unlocked the doors and let everyone in, urging everyone to come to the main dance floor.

Sun poked him softly and whispered very softly, “What’s this got to do with our plan?”

“Just wait and see!” Dodger growled softly.

“Is there a problem?” asked Swift.

“Nah, nah, it’s all cool…” Dodger quickly answered. “Now let’s get up and get down.”

With a flick of a large switch, his entire Disco Floor came to life with lights, from the ceiling, glowing floor panels, and funky beats.

“Come on, we’ll show you.” said Dodger as he led Sun onto the dance floor.

“I don’t know how to dance!” Sun growled softly to him “I never even went to my high school prom.”

“Just go with the flow. You’ll get it.” said Dodger, and keeping well within range of her, he began to cut loose-- spinning, stepping, and even splitting like the wild Disco Dude he was, which astounded the audience.

Sun suddenly felt her wings moving to the beat, and her toes started tapping.

“That’s it…! Feel it…” said Dodger.

Sun felt her head start to bop, and before she knew it, she was getting into the jive, and didn’t seem as annoyed as she did before.

The protesting ponies still didn’t seemed enthusiastic, until Swift decided to jump up on the stage and cut a few moves himself.

He leapt way up high, and he began to move and groove almost if he was standing on solid ground while he came back down again.

One of the protestors scoffed; “I could easily out-dance this guy…” he leapt up onto the dance floor and began to dance, almost in a threatening way in front of Swift, prompting Swift to dance along with him.

The other protesters decided to join as well, and as the dancing continued, everyone began to feel much better—no longer feeling angry or wanting to yell or protest.

“I still hate Starfleet though.” said one of the protesters.

“Well, that’s your privilege.” said Swift. “You can hate us all you like; as long as you don’t try to pull any stunts like yelling in the streets, or causing physical problems.”

“Say no more…” said Dodger “I gots me and you just the solution-- a Dance Solution.”

Before anyone knew it, he had stuck up a huge poster inviting everyone to his dance hall that night to dance their anger and rage away.

“Dance, Dance Solution” he called it. “Tell all your peeps, your neighbors, and tell ‘em to come on over.

Nothing like a good dance party to lose your rage-- Ooh!”

Sun actually agreed, “Not just for those who hate Starfleet, but anyone with any anger issues at all.”

The protestors and the supporters thought it over, and by nightfall, the place was crowded with ponies from around the block and the village.

Among the crowds were some of the members of Starfleet themselves, including Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Spike, and even Artie and Sunset.

Everyone one of them was all dressed up for a big dance night. Rarity had even made her and Spike matching disco outfits.

Spike’s outfit was a faded white with gold edgings, and sparkling rhinestones around the vest and pants, while Rarity wore a lovely top, which was a faded lilac, with a short skit, made of a sparkling dark blue and black.

“Careful!” she cautioned the others “I’d rather not damage my new ensemble.”

Rainbow sighed, “Seriously?! You make a dance outfit and you don’t even intend to do any dancing?”

“Oh, I perfectly intend to dance tonight.” replied Rarity. “Only no leaping, no twisting, no dipping-- no footwork whatsoever.”

The others all thought that very typical or Rarity.

“Rarity, I brought you out here to kick back and have fun.” said Spike “Besides, we haven’t gone dancing in quite a while, and by that I mean other than ball-room dancing.”

His wife sighed, but complied.

“Well, come on, what are we waiting for?” Rainbow asked rather excitedly. She was most anxious to head, and what a sight it was to behold; all the lights, the booming music, and all the dancers whom had arrived.

Swift Star was there too, but he was acting as a watchman to maintain security and deal with rule breakers, if any.

“Hey, Swift.” said Artie.

Swift saluted to him, “Good evening sir.”

Artie insisted they dispense with the formalities. “We’re off duty, and so are you.”

“Well, technically, I’m not…” said Swift. “Besides, haven’t you noticed a lot of these ponies?”

Artie noticed there were a ton of ponies whom he realized were haters and protesters of Starfleet, while others were supporters, but they seemed to be behaving themselves, actually keeping on opposite sides of the entire room, as if were divided by a wall in the middle.

As long as nobody was trying to pick a fight, it all seemed fair-play.

At first, everyone just sat down at tables, on the side of the supporters, sharing some drinks, and ordering food and watching others get their groove on at the dancing floor.

Rarity was dancing as she promised-- simply by thumping her hand up and down to the beat of the music and swaying her head softly, much to the dismay of the others.

“Come on, Rarity,” said Spike. “Let’s get out there and cut loose.”

Rarity took one look at the dancers, and then patted her skirt, still unsure if she actually wanted to risk it. “…Maybe later.” she simply put it, much to Spike annoyance.

Rainbow was really getting her groove on as she stepped, spun, and twirled in the air. “Ah, yeah… whose the Party Pony now?!”

The protesters hardly paid her any interest. Some even felt their anger rising, but then again some didn’t even like her before Starfleet came.

“She’s too much of a show-off.”

“Who does she think she is?”

“Starfleet or not, I bet I can out-dance her.”

Rainbow accepted the challenge, and danced her way to out-best any and all protesters who dared challenge her.

Dodger and Sun were at the sound station playing the tunes, and still keeping well within range of each other.

They also took the time to secretly raise their devices and absorbed the hate from the protestors.

“Well…?” Dodger said to Sun, and she was forced to admit, “Okay, okay… it wasn’t as bad a plan as I thought, and you aren’t useless.”

Dodger adjusted his shades in a boastful manner, and looked out at the dancing ponies, preferably at the supporters rather than the protesters.

“Look at them. They think they’ve got it cool and smooth.”

Sun agreed and added, “…Well, they can enjoy it all now, because soon this world won’t be theirs anymore.”

Artie and Sunset sat with Spike and Rarity, enjoying the refreshments.

“I wish Commander Lightning was here.” said Sunset.

Artie felt the same, “Unfortunately, they don’t allow minors in this place, and that’s where Lightning’s maturity can’t help him. Besides, Rarity and Spike dropped Twilight off so he and Starla could babysit.”

He stopped and looked at his wife, and placed his hand over hers. “Just the same, I thought I’d bring you out here and spend some time with you. A lot of us are bound to be sent on deep space missions soon.”

Rarity and Spike fell silent, knowing this was part of the reason they stepped out tonight as well-- to have some fun and kick back while they could.

Sunset admitted she didn’t mind being brought to the Disco. It reminded her of all the underground clubs and bars she used to crash during her former life of crime in the human world.

“…Back then the dancers would all call me “Flash Sunset.” and believe me, I earned that title.”

“Oh, really…” Artie said with a coy expression as he stood, “Well, care to show me your moves?”

His wife gave him a cheeky grin. “…Love to.”

She led him onto the dance floor, and she walked up to Dodger and Sun behind the podium requesting a special song she had burned onto a CD she had brought with her.

Dodger was curious to hear the tunes, and he called into the microphone, “Yo’ dance folks, we got us a special request, brought to us here by Sunset Shimmer: A Human World ambassador. Hoo!”

The lights shone on Sunset as the tunes started and some of the dancers cleared from the center of the floor to give her and Artie some space.

Sunset began to make a few easy steps around the floor, and then she cut real loose like a professional dancer, and vocals began to sing out from the recording.

She busts through the doors and then steps on the ground,
Then she starts showin’ her moves.
You would think, the floor would break
By the way she gets on her grooves

She’s a wild thing, can’t be beat.
She puts the rest to shame
See her bringing forth the heat,
Dancin’ to the sound of her name!

They call her “Flash” “Flash” “Flash” “Flash”
“Flash B-Girl…!”
When she steps on up, she fires up like a laser
You know she’s “Flash” “Flash” “Flash” “Flash”
“Flash B-Girl…!”
When she spins around, she burns like a wild blazer!

Artie could see and was widely impressed with his wife’s dancing, and when she motioned for him to come boogie with her, he couldn’t refuse, and they both became the center of all the dancers.

Magic wavers when she shows up,
She’s makes everybody faint at the sight,
Of the thundering footsteps that she stomps about
You’d think she was challenged up to a fight.

She’s a wild thing, can’t be beat.
She puts the rest to shame
See her bringing forth the heat,
Dancin’ to the sound of her name!

They call her “Flash” “Flash” “Flash” “Flash”
“Flash B-Girl…!”
When she steps on up, she fires up like a laser
You know she’s “Flash” “Flash” “Flash” “Flash”
“Flash B-Girl…!”
When she spins around, she burns like a wild blazer!

During the instrumental segment, everyone began to cheer for Sunset and Artie, and others began to dance around them.

Spike couldn’t take this any longer. He pounded the table softly as he stood up, startling Rarity, and before she could speak he had grabbed her by the wrist, leading her towards the dance floor.

“Spike, what are-- Release me!” but her husband would not, and managed to get her all the way onto the platform, and then he glared at her, almost angrily, but it was all part of his plan to finally get her to cut loose.

“Spike, my outfit!” wailed Rarity, but Rainbow flew up behind her. “Ah, come on, Rare… take it for a spin!” and she flew in circles around her forcing Rarity into a dance-spin, and when she stopped, she felt a little dizzy, and did moves and grooves to keep her balance.

Then, even after regaining her stance, she found she just couldn’t stop moving to the beat.

“Oh...! Oh, my!” she cried with joy.

Spike and Rainbow slapped a high five, and joined her, dancing to the next verse of the song, while sunset still remained the main center of attention.

With the wave of her hair, and to the tip of her toes
She’s got power running all through her bod.
And splits and she kicks, with her magic tricks
She’s attractive as a lightning rod

She’s a wild thing, can’t be beat.
She puts the rest to shame
See her bringing forth the heat,
Dancin’ to the sound of her name!

They call her “Flash” “Flash” “Flash” “Flash”
“Flash B-Girl…!”
When she steps on up, she fires up like a laser
You know she’s “Flash” “Flash” “Flash” “Flash”
“Flash B-Girl…!”
When she spins around, she burns like a wild blazer!

The song had one final instrumental course towards its fading out, but the hall was still bursting with loud noise of cheering and table pounding for one of the most incredible dances ever seen.

Artie tenderly kissed his wife’s hand, making her blush.

Rarity on the other hand was out of breath and panting, but she felt incredible after dancing like that for so long, and her outfit was just fine.

“Well…?” Spike asked sounding smug.

Through her panting, his wife replied, “Okay… I admit… that was something at least.”

A lot of the goers felt a little beat from the last dance, and many went to sit down. Even Rainbow was all pooped out.

“That was so awesome!” she exclaimed “You got some sweet moves, Sunset.”

Sunset gave her a playful nod.

“By the way,” asked Artie “What does the B in “B-Girl” mean?”

Before Sunset could answer, there was trouble… which started by the shattering of a soda bottle!

It turned out there was a couple of protestors who didn’t quite feel better after the whole dance-a-thon, and decided to pick a fight with some of the supporters.

“I say Starfleet sucks, and so do you for supporting these punks!” shouted a protester.

“I second that!” yelled another, and he kicked over a table and the chairs.

One of the soda bottles-- still full-- hurdled through the air, and of all places to, it splattered all over Rarity’s new skirt.

Everyone around her gasped as Rarity began to quiver, and her eyes bulged with inner rage and shock building up. “I think… I’m going to… scream!” cried Rarity, but she settled for a near faint instead.

Spike caught her and helped her regain her composure.

Swift and the team were forced to take action.

“That’s enough!” snapped Artie, and he used his magic to levitate the troublemakers off the ground. “…Outside now!”

Artie asked the others to stay behind and make sure no other problems broke out, but Swift requested to go with him and say a word or two to the troublemakers, to which Artie agreed.

Other protestors in the hall glared furiously at the other Starfleet members and their supporters.

“Don’t try anything.” Rainbow cautioned everyone. Spike and Rarity stood tall and stern between the two sides, keeping everyone separated from one another.

Dodger didn’t seem to mind too much about the damages. If anything, he blamed more of this on the Starfleet supports getting the protestors so riled up.

Sun felt the same way. “I don’t think we need to worry too much.” she said. “With all the energy we’ve collected tonight, we’re getting closer to our goal.”

Dodger nodded, “Thanks to my plan you mean, but you helped out, so… eh.”

Sun rolled her eyes.

As for Sunset, since she wasn’t in any real trouble, she couldn’t help but move towards the doors to the hall, and see what her husband was up to.

Outside, Arite set the bad ponies down and really read them out. “Okay, what’s this all about? Where do you two get the idea of starting a ruckus?”

One of the two protestors lost all his courage instantly and hesitated to answer, while the other shot his mouth off. “I don’t like you guys. In fact: I hate you. I hate who’s even the slightest for the crooked force that runs us, and now look what’s going on, everyone’s being brainwashed into this petty dance show than voicing their opinions and calling people out for the morons they are.”

Artie and Swift looked cross. “That’s the whole reason behind this whole “petty dance show.” sneered Artie “It was made to help people vent off their rage, and resist urged to “call people out” as you so quaintly put.”

The loudmouthed protester only scoffed, “And now you’re saying we have no freedom of speech. Only further proof what a bunch of control freaks you really are.”

“Stop it…!” grumbled the cowardly pony.

“Forget it! Like I said, I have freedom of speech.”

Swift stepped forth, ready to give another one of his special speeches…

“You may have freedom of speech, pal, but that doesn’t mean you have freedom of consequence, especially when you commit a crime like you just did.

People like you get mad over the pettiest of things, and then you work up such a complex that you’re right and everyone else is wrong, and your way is the only way-- Well guess what, mister… your way isn’t the only way, and you’re not right all the time.

Your way causes problems-- you wail on other people, break their property, and you have the gall to call it freedom of speech and a right to complain. Well, there’s a difference between complaining and causing issues, and when you cause problems, like what you did in there, it quickly becomes our problems, and even then, you blame us for the whole thing.”

The protestor was livid, yet so struck by all those blows he had been given he didn’t know much else of what to say.

Swift then continued, “Well suppose it was you in there that got attacked or balked at. You who had your property broken and smashed just because someone was angry and they felt like blowing off steam?

Well, there are other ways to blow off steam, you know; some ways that are far better than what you just pulled. If the dancing wasn’t your thing, fine. Maybe you should’ve gone and do something else, like take a walk, or hangout with other friends.”

Artie agreed and added, “Or maybe you can do what I do; when I get angry I paint a picture, or carve a statue, sometimes it works, sometimes it barely helps, but it’s much better than hurting someone else or breaking their property, and best of all no crimes are committed and everything is fine.”

Swift nodded, “So the next time you decide to lose your temper or make a fuss, try to keep it quiet and calm, or you may end up in even more trouble than the trouble you caused.”

Both protestors now looked timid and ashamed of their actions, but the officers could only let them off with a warning, since no one got hurt.

Suddenly, everyone was filing out of the dance hall.

“What’s going on?” asked Artie.

“The owner decided to close up for the night to clear up the damages.” answered Rainbow. “Talk about ruining a perfect party.”

“Ah, well.” said Spike. “I’m a little tuckered out anyway. Might as well go get Twilight and head home.”

“Agreed!” grumbled Rarity. She was still concerned a little about her ruined outfit. “It might take me days to wash these horrible stains out!”

Everyone rolled their eyes at typical Rarity, but they all bid each other good night, and went off their own ways.

“You were amazing out there.” Sunset said to Artie.

Her husband smirked, “It’s what I do.” Then he asked, “Say, you were about to tell what the B is “Flash B-Girl meant?”

Sunset chuckled softly, and she looked around to see that no one was near to hear her, and she whispered into Artie’s ear just what it was.

Artie’s eyes bulged! “Oh…! Um… yeah… uh…” he stammered and stuttered, “Why don’t we just keep it to ourselves.”

His wife giggled and pecked him on the cheek.

Rarity and Spike picked up their baby from Lightning and Starla, and they also gave the report of what happened at the dance hall.

“I see…” said Lightning. “Well I’m pleased to know you all handled it well.”

Rarity huffed, and motioned at her dress. “I would hardly call that “too well.”

Starla chuckled. “Goodnight guy… and keep alert.”

“Will do.” replied Spike. Then they were off, leaving all quiet and calm in the house. Shining Light was fast asleep in his crib upstairs.

Lightning sighed. “I wish I could’ve gone with them. I could’ve used a good dance myself.”

Suddenly, he heard very soft slow music playing.

Starla had started up a good disc, and then she dimmed the lights and extended her hand to him. “May I…?”

While it wasn’t quite the dancing he hoped for, Lightning couldn’t refuse and took his wife’s hand.

Together they slow danced in the silence and glimmering of their living room. It still felt as romantic and as soft as it always was.

Meanwhile, Dodger and Sun still had one little matter left to fix.

Sun flew out to the seaside where Beaker had his home above from the secret lab.

Dodger had to ride on Sun’s back since he was unable to fly.

Both of them practically pounded on Beaker’s door, and he answered almost instantly.

“What are you two doing here?” Beaker asked in an annoying tone.

“Can you undo this crazy spell now?!” growled Sun.

Dodger agreed, “We’ve worked together! We got you power, and I don’t like it when people try to trash my joint! So let us split up already!”

Beaker chuckled softly.

“What’s so funny?” asked Sun.

Beaker gawked at them, “The spell wore off hours ago. It was only temporary.”

The others stood with their jaws hanging open and their eyes bulging.

“Say what?!” groaned Dodger.

“You got to be kidding?!” whined Sun, but it turned out they were able to get away from each other after all.

Beaker snickered, “I hope you learned your lesson today. Next time I won’t be so easy. Now scoot before somebody sees us.”

He shut the door right in their faces, leaving the outraged ponies to head back home.

“I could use a life, you know.” said Dodger.

Sun sighed. “Hop on.” and she took off with him back towards New Ponyville.

As for Beaker, he calculated the amounts of energy absorbed, and he was very thrilled. “Don’t worry, my brethren,” he said to no one in particular “…Our world and our time will come, just like it once was....”


In our next episode: Distress occurs from every corner of the known galaxy, meaning members of the team are forced to head on out to unravel the mysteries, yet leaving United Equestria as a vulnerable target for Starlight, whose patience is wearing thin to do battle.

Can our heroes maintain their stance, answer the calls, and keep their own world safe under all this impending chaos?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Speeding to the Stars”)

Episode 7: Speeding to the Stars

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Ever since Lightning and their majesties were turned into children, Professor Brain and his team of scientists had been working hard for weeks upon weeks trying to discover what happened to the trio and how to reverse it.

The pressure was even more immense what with the planet under Starlight Glimmer’s threats, and all that.

Goldwin entered the lab bringing Brain and the other scientists the lunches they had sent for.

“How’s it coming, Professor? Have you found anything yet?”

“Oh, er…I’m afraid not,” replied Brain. “We have studied drops of blood from the… subjects… as it were.” he stopped and cleared his throat. “As well as records of their tissues and their vital signs, and compared them to previous reading before… er… said incident.”

Goldwin didn’t like the sound of his voice. It was starting to sound hopeless, as if it didn’t seem that way already. “Well, isn’t there anything that can be done for them?” Goldwin asked “A magic spell, a potion…?”

Brain typed into his computer, “Most obvious answers, and yet… No, I’m afraid.

We have run simulations on every formula, every potion, every spell and incantation we know. Sadly, it simply wouldn’t work, not even temporarily, and I believe I have discovered a possible solution…”

He typed up images recorded from memories of the incident, and it showed how Lightning intervened with Starlight’s life force drain while he was in his Enticorn form.

Goldwin was most astounded. “Are you saying that the energy from Lightning’s power is the reason why?”

“Theoretically…” replied Brain “Those powers, despite our limited knowledge, are still vastly mysterious and difficult to understand or study, but they just may… just may, mind you… be the main problem as to why ordinary magic and potions would fail to yield to our cause.”

Goldwin figured it; Brain was suggesting the energy of the Enticorn was blocking out other magical waves like a barrier surrounding the tissue. “And we don’t know how we can possibly dispel such a thing. The Enticorn draws its very power from the Uniforce.”

“Precisely…” replied Brain “At the moment, it would seem that our friends are perfectly unharmed, and can still grow up and age normally, but at the moment we don’t dare try any sort of trickery with them until we know for certain.

One false mistake, they could very well become even younger, or… far worse… they could be harmed.”

Goldwin gulped hard. “Imagine how the others must feel.”

Their majesties were in their master bedroom, sitting on their large bed.

They were reviewing the images of the transformation themselves through magical images.

Celestia was still more than amazed, every time she re-watched the footage. “Here we have the source of what caused this, and yet no way to reverse it.”

Grand Ruler agreed, but he, like she, wasn’t willing to give up. “There must be a way, and we’ll find it.”

Celestia hoped so especially, as she turned to look out the window, up into the sky… as if she were looking for the Spider-Base. She knew Starlight was out there, and she still had daggers for her.

Her husband cautioned her. “I know what you’re thinking but…”

“I know…” she said cutting him off “In my current condition, I dare not confront Starlight. With my power not at full, who knows what she could do.”

She began to think back to when Starlight was just a little filly, and how she and Twilight were in her School of Gifted Unicorns…

Starlight always worked as hard as Twilight did, and sometimes she would study during free period, or even stay up late, past her bedtime, which made it hard to focus the next day, which lead to cranky moods and grumpy outbursts, which marked her down for conduct in class.

True, Twilight was anti-social as well, but not as deeply as Starlight was, and at least Twilight knew when to take a break… once in a while.

Though the two ponies showed amazing potential, Celestia felt she could only choose one to be her apprentice, and her choice was made.

“How could you?!” thundered young Starlight.

“Making decisions is never easy, Ms. Glimmer.” replied Celestia.

“Your majesty… I push myself night and day, studying, cramming, and learning, I’ve even mastered a few tricks that even Twilight can’t do.”

“I understand this, but you see you push yourself too hard, and you make things difficult, and furthermore, you have mastered many spells already, but it is Twilight who needs further guidance, and that is why I have chosen her.”

Crushed, and extremely enraged, Starlight began on her path to her expulsion.

She would be rude to her schoolmates, show disrespect to Celestia, her teacher, and even resort to pulling pranks and mean tricks on others.

Celestia had no choice.

When Starlight’s parents found out, they threatened Celestia with numerous lawsuits, and even acts considered threatening and vengeful, forcing her to put her, then, hoof down and have the family deported from the main Equestria lands.

“I’ll never forgive you for this!” Starlight bellowed “Mark my words, Celestia… you will pay for this someday!!”

That was the last she ever saw of Starlight… until her recent return as the creature she was now.

Back in the present, Celestia was starting to feel maybe she acted too hard on Starlight. “Maybe I should have tried to help her better, instead of just brushing her off.”

Her husband couldn’t deny that, but assured her, “Even if you had tried, would she have listened to you?”

She thought it over, and realized it was doubtful.

“You did what you had to do.” said Grand Ruler. “Rules were being broken, and people were getting hurt. What else was there?”

Celestia didn’t look any better. “Knowing and understanding all this doesn’t stop my fears and slight regret.”

Her husband only embraced her.

Meanwhile, Starlight was haunted by those horrid memories, and just as enraged by them.

She spent time by herself in the lower chambers of her ship, training with magical simulations, all of which were clones of Celestia, in her normal, adult state.

She had set the difficulty levels to maximum, and she fought furiously!

She punched, she kicked, she karate-chopped, and she fired her magical blasts like crazy. Some of the Celestia’s were hit, but others still managed to attack her, making sparks fly, and knocking her to the floor.

Still, she would not give in, and bolted back up again, bashing and thrashing them all to bits, and yet she didn’t feel any better, for nothing she was doing would satisfy her until she could destroy the real Celestia!

She stopped the simulations, and sat on the mist-covered floor in an exhausted but visible sulk, and still Celestia’s voice of scolding her, expelling her from the school, and banishing her and her parents off the lands…!

Her henchmen had been watching her for a while now.

“Gee, she’s really going at it hard.” said Razor.

Waverline didn’t seem too moved. “She hasn’t given us any orders for a while, and I’m starting to get edgy. I’m anxious to kick some Starfleet!”

Specter actually agreed, “It has been a while, but nonetheless, we shall remain on standby as ordered.”

Suddenly, bright lights seem to flash like a storm all through the ship.

“It’s Lord Titan!” cried Razor.

Starlight bolted upright and got herself together for her master’s calling. She even shoved her way past Specter, which he didn’t take too kindly too.

Once up on the bridge, Titan’s spirit had appeared visibly on screen.

Starlight bowed to him. “Master Titan… why have you come?”

Titan’s red eyes seemed infuriated. “You dare question my reasons for coming?!”

Starlight quickly apologized. “Forgive me. I have been training very hard.”

Titan growled softly, but then went on with his report, showing her images of what was happening.

The Shadow Planet was absorbing flowing streams of energy coming from every corner of space.

The streams were coming from different locations which had been invaded by their forces, and each setting up evil stations to absorb power, convert it into darkness, and magically send it on its way to the receiving sources on the Shadow Planet.

“Slowly, but surely we’ll gather loads of power, which I shall be able to use to revitalize myself, and all the planets we infect will be under our command.”

The henchmen were all in awe about the whole thing coming together.

“I congratulate your impending return, my lord.” said Starlight. “But, begging your pardon, surely Starfleet will sense the chaos and dangers. They will try to stop you.”

The henchmen all shuddered, and Titan snickered, “They already have, and our forces are standing by. Of course in the end, it doesn’t matter.

In the meantime, I am sending a new monster to assist you in your mission.

Meet “Mach!”

In a mighty flash, the monster appeared on the bridge.

True to his name, he was a humanoid alien, wearing a racing outfit and driving a rather monstrous motorcycle, armed with powerful laser cannons, hover jets, and one of his specialties was super speed, making it nearly impossible to see him.

He spoke with a Scottish accent. “Aye! I’ll be a blazin’ to speed me way through them r-r-r-rats for you. Me and my bike, Nessie, here don’t ever lose to anyone!”

“There’s always a first time.” Waverline said to herself.

Starlight had faith in Titan’s decision in sending this monster, and the henchmen didn’t dare question.

Still, Starlight was thinking of Celestia again, and getting that urge to go down there herself, but she knew she had to remain on the ship, but it was growing rather annoying.

Meanwhile, reports were coming in through the magical intergalactic post. Their majesties read all through them, using Fast Forward spells, and all the reports read near the same details.

“So, Titan has finally made his move.” said Grand Ruler. “We better summon the entire team, and that includes Lightning.”

Celestia agreed and made the summoning.

Lightning’s energizer began to pulsate, and Starla’s too.

“We’re wanted at New Canterlot, at the palace.” said Lightning.

Starla sighed as she was changing Shining Light’s diaper. “They always pick the finest times.”

There was a knock at the door; it was Applejack and Buddy, along with Spike, Rarity, Rhymey, Fluttershy, Artie, and Pinkie’s droid.

Rarity and Fluttershy had dropped their respective babies off at Buddy’s place so Tree Hugger and DD would look after them.

“Let’s hurry…” said Lightning “The sooner we drop off Shining Light, the sooner we head to New Canterlot.”

The dropped the baby off in almost no time, with the help of their super speeds, and then they were all up in the skies.

“Speed Boosts!” hollered Lightning, and with a single flap of their wings, everyone zoomed through the air, and reached New Canterlot within a few seconds.

“There’s the palace!” cried Spike.

“Let’s get down there.” said Starla, but before they could all touchdown safely, they all felt something strange zoom right past them, and the airwaves blew them all about causing everyone to crash onto the ground.

“What in horse feathers what that?!” snapped Applejack. That’s when the monster came into view on his hovering bike. “That’d be me! The name’s “Mach” and I’ll be the one who’ll be destroyin’ y’all now.”

Pinkie was rather impressed by his bike, only her droid still couldn’t show much emotion, and then again, far back at home in her room, all she could do was smile weakling and say, “Neat.” in a monotone voice.

Lightning stood tall and ready, remembering his promise to avoid major battles. He turned to face his wife and said “I’ll try and slip out of here and help the sentries. You guys take care of this creep.”

His wife agreed and called to everyone, “Let’s go!” and everyone transformed…



“Dragon Power”

Starla stood at the head of the team and Lightning slowly stepped behind her, ready to run off.

“Go!” shouted Starla, and she and the team rushed forth to attack, while Lightning sped off for the village, but Mach suddenly zipped out of the way and out of sight.

“BIKER RAPID-FIRE” a rain of tiny, burning pellets shot from the bike’s lasers, striking everyone hard, including Lightning.

“Too fast for ya?” laughed Mach.

“Man! Talk about a fast-shot!” said Buddy.

Rarity groaned and complained, “And I just had my mane done up and my scales polished too!”

Mach laughed zoomed at incredible speeds, zipping past everyone and knocking them all over again.

Lightning hated seeing everyone getting beaten up, and he felt the urge to stay and try and help, but Starla looked up after being knocked over again and ordered him, “Get out of here, Lightning! …Hurry!”

Lightning’s nerves were burning painfully, but he left her in charge of the unit and didn’t want to break his own faith in his wife’s abilities, and he turned back to run towards the village…

…Only for Mach to zip up in front of him. “Going somewhere, Lad?” and then POW! He kicked Lightning hard sending him skidding along the ground.

“Lightning…!” cried Starla, and just as she was about to rush over and help him, Mach had summoned a swarm of Darquines to intercept.

“Come on, let’s help her!” said Buddy. The others agreed and rushed over to make short worth of the evil swarm.

Lightning stood and glared the monster down, and just as Mach was ready to attack again, he was blocked off by a large dark hand.

“Specter…?” said Lightning.

Mach was outraged, “What you think you be doin’?!”

Specter marched straight up to him and then motioned at Lightning, “This one is mine. I have authority from Ms. Starlight.”

Mach growled, “Fine. Just stay out of my way.” And he sped on over towards the other fighters just as they had finished off the last of the Darquines.


As he sped his way past the fighters, the exhaust flames from his bike blasted at everyone, knocking them all down yet again!

“Starla, go and help out Lightning,
We’ll stay here and beat that thing!” said Rhymey.

Starla agreed, and was about to rush over to where her husband was, but Mach had already sped past her and knocked hard, like a golf-ball, clear across the fields.

“Starla!” cried Spike.

“Oh, my goodness!” exclaimed Rarity.

The team knew Starla needed help, but they didn’t dare leave Lightning on his own.

“Go! Help her!” shouted Lightning “I’ll be fine!”

Rhymey and Fluttershy didn’t wish to take chances, feeling Starla would never forgive them if they left Lightning to fend alone. So they stayed behind while the rest headed out into the field.

“I said I can handle this!” bellowed Lightning, and he tried ordering them away, but the others refused to budge.

“Starla is in charge, you made her so.
And we defy you, we will not go.” said Fluttershy.

Rhymey agreed,

“We’ll take no chance. We’ll help you out,
You never know what evil tricks can lurk about.”

Specter snickered, “How noble; the elderly springing to the aid of a minor.”

Lightning felt most insulted, but Rhymey and Fluttershy looked at each other, already deciding on their plan-- Rhymey would battle Specter out, while Fluttershy could try and get Lightning to a safer place.

“WARD SWORD” Rhymey held out his weapon, and leapt forth to attack, while Specter stepped back, out of the way, and Rhymey continued to go at him.

Lightning and Fluttershy saw their chance to break for it, and they both headed deep towards the village…

“Oh, no you don’t!” shouted Specter, and he managed to stop Rhymey’s oncoming assault, clashed his arms with one of his own, and with his other free hand…

“DARK FIST OF FURY” he cast one of his monstrous dark fists to pursue after the fleeing duo, and after which he kicked Rhymey hard in the gut, knocking him down and allowing himself to make a break for it.

Rhymey growled and gave chase, but Specter sent yet another dark hand to stall him.

Lightning could see the other dark hand heading straight for him and Fluttershy.

“Hey, look out!!”

Fluttershy turned round just in time to see the big hand take a huge swing at them both. They both dodged, only for Specter to suddenly bash into them hard, surrounded by his wind-sphere.

The two crashed hard on the ground, and Specter commanded his large hand to swat them both from above, forcing the two to roll out of the way as the hand slammed the ground. The force and shockwaves of the impact sent them both tumbling in opposite directions away from one another.

Specter leapt over towards Lightning aiming a punch at him, only for the boy to block his attack with his arm and kick him back in the chest.

Specter attempted to attack…


…But Rhymey unleashed his barrage of quill feathers, forcing him to swerve and dodge.

Fluttershy and Rhymey then both rushed him!

“Guys…!” cried Lightning.

“Never you fear…
Get out of here!” shouted Rhymey.

Lightning agreed and flew off towards the village, but he really felt sick to his stomach running from a battle like this!

“You can’t escape from me!” thundered Specter, and he melded into the ground, as a shadow, causing the two fighters to crash into each other.

The two raced to try and stop him.

Rhymey fired magical light blasts from his horn at the shadow, but it moved so swiftly, and would quickly catch up to Lightning.

The two fighters zipped on ahead to catch up.

Lightning had just made it into the village and could see the sentries had done their jobs well-- all the citizens were safely indoors or escorted to safety.

As relieved as he was to see things all quiet and safe here, he felt a little upset again for not being able to help out sooner, but at least now he could head for the palace and be safer himself.

He turned to take off, only to run into Specter yet again.

The villain snickered at him, “We really have to stop meeting like this.”

Lightning was far from amused. “I don’t have time for this, Spector! Now get out of my way!”

“Is that cowering I hear in your voice?”

Lightning growled but then gave a cheeky smirk. “If anyone’s a coward, it’s you! Look at you, challenging me because I’m a minor and my strengths aren’t what they ought to be. You feel that gives you the edge, and while you be right, the facts don’t lie about you.”

Specter grew angry.

“The truth hurts, doesn’t it?” remarked Lightning. “And to think, you keep coming after me specifically to settle a score and earn honor for yourself, but what good does it do the way your perusing it? It’s like fighting under the condition of a handicap, a reputation which nobody wants.”

“Silence!” growled Specter “You know nothing of why I do what I do! It makes no difference to me, just so long as you are out of the picture! You: the most powerful of Starfleet, and the one great threat to the United Alliance of Evil!”

The two looked ready to fight each other hard, when suddenly Rainbow Dash came soaring in…


Specter looked up just in time, and so did Lightning, and they both leapt far out of the way just in time as she slammed the ground, making her trademark colorful-explosion.

As Lightning touched down on the ground, the ground gave way and swallowed him up… courtesy of Dyno and Myte burrowing down below.

“Come on, Lightning. Let’s get you out of here.” said Dyno, and he and his brother escorted Lightning along their temporary tunnel to the palace.

Rhymey and Fluttershy arrived on the scene and assisted Rainbow in battle Specter.

While all that happened, Starla had crashed deep in the open fields, and Mach had caught up with her in no time.

“Face it missy…” he taunted “…Your just a wee bit slow to be keeping up with me!”

Starla growled furiously, and the others all leapt in next to her.

“Are you okay?” asked Buddy.

“I’m fine, but we’ve got to stop this hot-rodder.”

“But how?” asked Pinkie “He moves too fast for us to get a glimpse of him too easily.”

Starla already had the solution, “…But not necessarily all of us at once.”

The others all just realized this as well, and figured out what to do. “If we can’t outmaneuver him, we’ll outwit him.” murmured Spike.

Rarity’s eyes narrowed as she gave a smug grin. “Yesssss… of course.” she hissed

Mach revved his bike’s engine ad rushed forth, but the others all scattered about in different directions, but Mach still managed to speed up and down and all around, ramming into each fighter hard.


Many explosions…!


The heroes were all shot at… which was all part of their plan…!

They all shakily got up and onto their feet, looking pretty beaten up, and Mach felt most amused. “Ah, what be the matter with ya? Losing your steam?”

He laughed and revved up to run them all through once and for all! “Here I come…!” and just as he revved forth…

“NOW!!” shouted Starla, and all the fighters quickly scattered about in different directions.

Mach sped on ahead. “Huh? What the--”

One-by-one, each fighter launched an attack at him…




Mach still managed to outmaneuver and dodge each and every barrage thrown at him, but then…

“DRAGON FLARE” Spike unleashed a burst of fire, and Rarity added her own flames to the wall, forcing Mache to veer off, which allowed Pinkie to successfully land her droid on the bike.

“ACK!!” cried Mach.

Pinkie set the droid for quick self-destruct, and it counted down verbally. “Three… Two… One…!”

Mach screamed and quickly bailed as droid exploded and blasted his precious bike into a mountain of debris.

Back at home, Pinkie’s controls all had gone dead and her viewing gear went black.

Apple Spice came into the bedroom with a tray of food for lunch he had made for her. “Everything okay, Dear?” he asked.

His wife slowly raised the visor up remarking softly, “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do that.”

Nevertheless, Mach was about to burst into shameful tears at the sight of the burning remains of his beloved bike.

“My baby…! My poor, poor baby…!”

Then he found himself completely surrounded by the rest of the team. Not that it really mattered, with the destruction of his bike, he felt he had no reason to go on, and he knew he couldn’t let himself be captured anyway… and so, using Titan’s power, he destroyed himself in a big explosion.

“So much for him!” said Starla.

The others all agreed, and they were glad he was gone.

As for Specter, Rainbow, Rhymey and Fluttershy all dove for him at once, but Specter leapt up and out of the way, causing them all to crash into one another, and he called down to them, “You haven’t seen the last of me!” and then he vanished and was gone.

Rainbow growled and shouted up at the sky, “Yeah, you run away like a big coward!!”

Fluttershy and Rhymey calmed her.

The danger was over, and what mattered most was getting back to the palace as they were ordered in the first place.

Once in the briefing room, and revitalized from the battle, it was then straight to the briefing room, where Lightning was waiting for the others, so were their majesties, and the twins.

“So you guys made it here before we did?” asked Lightning.

Dyno nodded, “Si. We came as soon as we got the message, but we didn’t run into the monster.”

“As soon as we saw the battle, we knew had to act.” added Myte. “We thought our best course would be to get you off the scene, but then Specter showed up, and well…”

He didn’t have to go on, seeing as everything was now fine, but Lightning still felt a little ashamed with himself.

“I ran away from battle like that? I know I did it for good reasons, and I was told to do so, but… it still feels wrong.”

Starla placed a comforting arm on his shoulder, but Lightning knew this was no time to beat himself up.

As soon as Krysta finally appeared, the meeting was ready to commence. Their majesties kept in touch with Pinkie via magical holograms so she could see and hear everything.

Grand Ruler explained everything, leaving everyone in shock.

“Are you sure about this?” asked Lightning.

Krysta vouched for the explanation, “My fairy spies know what they’ve seen.”

Starla felt her stomach turn. “It’s like Titan is sapping power from the very universe itself.”

“But when, how… why is it happening?” asked Spike.

Celestia had only one inkling, “It’s our powers-- the very energies of our life force Starlight Shimmer had stolen. Somehow it must be granting Titan the ability to carry out his plan, and even as we speak, he is getting closer to ultimately reviving himself.”

“My thoughts exactly.” agreed Grand Ruler. “It must be stopped as soon as possible.”

Everyone agreed, only everyone also felt the same way…

“If Titan is absorbing power from planets all over…” said Buddy “…Can you imagine what a distance that would be, or what kind of job it entails?”

“Wow!” Pinkie exclaimed, rather softly and monotone. “Sounds like a ball.”

She wasn’t pretending not to care, she really did, but it was hard for her to focus due to her diet and her meds.

“Have the Starfleet Outposts been notified?” asked Lightning.

Krysta nodded and explained, “Ever since the sightings of the Shadow Planet, and Titan’s impending return, all my fairies informed the outposts to standby. They’re probably already investigating and battle the evil forces as we speak…”

Her tone sounded rather considered, and everyone could guess why.

“…But they could be having trouble?” said Artie.

Krysta nodded, “And that’s not all, there could even trouble happening in areas we haven’t even explored yet; even planets that have only just been discovered!”

Rarity began to feel faint, and everyone else looked back and forth at one another.

“Does this mean we’ll have to go,
On a great big space journey and fight just so?” asked Rhymey.

Grand Ruler nodded, “Yes, but as you all may realize that could be difficult at this time. Our planet is still under attack, meaning some of you will have to go, and others will have to stay, and even those of you who go, it still raises issues of the long job ahead.

…You could all very well be gone for days, maybe weeks.”

“WEEKS?!” everyone cried. Then again it was no real surprise.

“It is a big galaxy after all,
And we knew we’d get the call.” said Fluttershy

“Yeah, but what about our planet?” asked Rainbow “What do we do; just leave it and let Starlight Glimmer attack it to smithereens.”

“No, we won’t be letting that happen.” said Celestia, “Which is why, as you all may have guess, not all of you should actually go.

Some of you will go as is required, while the rest will have to stay as need-be as well.”

Everyone looked back and forth at one another again.

“Well, I guess that’s me out.” said Pinkie, and she softly stroked her pregnant belly; “I’m in no condition to fight like this. Even if I get a new droid, the signals don’t reach far enough.”

Starla then looked down at Lightning, giving him a rather concerned look, and he looked back at her with mixed expressions. “I know what you’re going to say… and we’ll have to talk about this too.”

“What do you mean?” asked Starla. “You promised you wouldn’t enter battles.”

“Agreed, but I still have knowledge and expertise, and I know some of the planets out there.”

Their majesties agreed, the matter would involve further discussion, but in the meantime it was decided…

“General Starla…” said Grand Ruler “Because you are in charge of the main orders for frontlines, you will have to stay for certain…

…and Lightning, you will stay too pending further decisions.”

The duo bowed without questioning orders.

“As for the rest of you, except you, Pinkie…” said Celestia, and she paused. “You have twenty-four hours to get your affairs here in order before receiving your assignments and shoving off.”

Everyone felt huge blows striking them in their hearts, but there was no questioning the orders. Duty always came first in Starfleet, regardless of personal feelings.

Artie and Buddy clenched their fists tightly, not looking forward to telling their families about this.

Tree Hugger was chill and didn’t burst into tears or anything like that, but she looked pretty downbeat about it.

“I’m sorry, honey.” said Buddy. “This hurts for me too.”

“Chill out…” his wife said “It’s your job, and my charisma isn’t the type to put the blocks between the vibes of the cool and the needy.”

In other words she had said that she understood and couldn’t keep him from saving worlds and helping others.

“Bud…?” asked DD “What about me? Who’s going to be my trainer and educator?”

“Don’t worry about that.” her cousin replied. “We’ve already made arrangements. Your training will continue and so will your education, if you’re willing to handle it.”

DD stood tall and proud and saluted to him, showing she was willing to adjust, like a true Starfleet cadet.

As for Seedling, Buddy hated leaving her most of all.

He picked up and rocked her gently while looking down at her sweet little face.

“I know you’re too young to understand, honey, but just know this… I love you very much, and that’s why I’m doing this. If I don’t, everyone could be destroyed, including you, Mommy, DD, and everyone else I know and love.

The baby only smiled at him and cooed, almost as if she understood him.

Buddy leaned down and pecked her little head, before passing her back to her mother, and then he and the ladies all came together in a huge group hug, but all three of them remained silent as ever, and after giving Tree Hugger a long passionate kiss, he decided to head back to New Canterlot before his sadness would weigh him down.

There were sad and quiet goodbyes with practically everyone.

Rarity bawled her eyes out as she hugged Sweetie Belle, and her squeeze on her became tighter and tighter to the point of cutting off her breathing.

Spike found it slightly amusing, but it was comforting to know that Baby Twilight would be in the care of Rarity’s folks.

Applejack and her family had one huge group hug, which lasted several minutes.

“You be careful out there, honey” said Bright Mac “I lost my brother, and we all lost Granny Smith. I just can’t bear it if you don’t come back either.”

“Try not to worry, Pa.” said Applejack “Besides, you know I’m not easy to hit. I’ll make them baddies sorry they ever messed with Colonel Applejack.”

Her mother smiled and shed a tear for her. “That’s my girl.”

“Good luck, sis.” said Applebloom “You’re my hero, you know.”

“Eeyup, mine too.” added Big Mac.

Applejack couldn’t help but shed a tear herself, and then with a tip of her hat, she headed off.

Artie was walking with Sunset down his Art Gallery after giving her the keys and putting her in charge of tours and admissions, as well as taking care of the place like he showed her.

“Frames need to be dusted, carpets need to cleaned, and don’t forget to welcome the VIPs when they come, okay? Okay. Okay good.”

Sunset giggled at how nervous he was acting.

“I know all this, I can handle everything.”

Artie felt silly, and just as he was about to voice his concern with her being alone for so long, she informed him…

“…I’m a survivor. I’ve been on my own before, and I know my ways around town and all the twists and turns. Trust me.”

Her husband chuckled, “I guess this is what married men call “Separation Anxiety” where they can’t stand away from their love for too long.”

Hearing him say that made her blush, and she grabbed him and dipped him back, kissing him very deeply, almost as if she was trying to eat him.

“You come back to me now, understand?”

“Yes dear.”

She smirked at him and kissed him deeply again, and they both fell on the floor and… well… they went at it… in the empty halls of the gallery. No one could see or hear them.

Back in New Canterlot Nursery, Fluttershy was rocking Button Fly in her arms, trying her hardest not to cry.

The thought of leaving her child for so long just broke her inside. Rhymey felt no different, and never took his eyes off his baby, or his wife, and he leaned down and hugged them both, and Fluttershy couldn’t help but shed a tear.

Then, the very next morning, the astronauts had gathered on the main palace terrace. All had received their orders, their destinations, and everything.

Their majesties, Lightning, Starla, and Pinkie, watching through her replacement droid were gathered to see them all off.

Everyone saluted, and saluted back.

“Good luck My Brave Ponies.” said Grand Ruler “May the stars always watch over you.”

Nobody said a thing, and just stood tall and ready, and Lightning gazed all around at his friends, but he had nothing to say that wasn’t already understood.

The others still felt bad for leaving him behind, but it was all for the best.

“Here we go!” said Krysta, and with a wave of her wand, she produced a portal.

Not wanting to strain their feelings much longer, the team jumped inside, and then they rocketed off along different dimensional pathways, heading deep into different corners of space.

All over the planet ponies and other creatures looked up as the fighters rocketed out of sight like speeding comets. Many of them wished the fighters “god speed.”

This was the beginning of Starfleet’s most desperate venture!


In our next episode: A conference is held with the intention to help protesting folks understand the full situation and seriousness of dealing with Starfleet and laws, which gives the Idiots an idea and chance to forward their project harder and garner new allies.

Will the conference be a success, or will more uproar be caused among the people?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “ Con-ref-erence)

Episode 8: Con-Ref-Erence

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It had been two days since most of the main team took off into Space, and no reports had come in so far on the progress of the mission, but United Equestria still went on, and to give Starla an extra set of hands in helping her in battle, their majesties had sent for Princess Cadance and Shining Armor to come and stay at New Canterlot for a while.

At the moment, Lightning and Starla stood with their majesties awaiting the family’s arrival.

As usual, a royal fanfare was sounded, and Captain Shaina announced them. “Their Royal Highnesses, from the New Crystal Empire: Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, and Young Princess Flurry Heart.”

The family arrived through the warp portal Krysta had made, arriving with a few suitcases and things.

Everyone bowed to each other, but the Royal Family couldn’t help but gawk at Lightning and their majesties. They had heard of what happened to them, but the first time they actually saw them.

Cadance cleared her throat. “It’s, um… good to see you all again.”

“Likewise.” said Lightning.

Two year-old Flurry, got all jumpy and excited at the sight of Shining Light in Starla’s arms.

“Shining!” she squealed, and she fluttered out of her father’s arms right over to him and hugged him warmly.

“Flurr-Eee.” chirped Shining. He was just as happy to see her too.

Shining Armor chuckled, “He’s she can talk about. She’s been looking forward to this stay ever since.”

Starla gigged, “Let’s pen these two up so they can play.”

She took both infants with her, and no sooner had she left did Castor and Leilani show up.

“Cousin Cadance!!” they exclaimed with delight.

“Kids…!” Cadance called to them, and she rushed over and gave them both a big hug, and then together they did the special happy dance.

“Sunshine, Sunshine, Ladybugs awake.

Clap your hands and do a little shake.”

After things had cooled down a bit, the kids were playing with Flurry and Shining, keeping outside the playpen of course, while the grownups, and Lightning talked.

“We’re so glad you could come over.” said Celestia “Times have been so hard and dangerous lately.”

“It’s the least we can do.” said Shining Armor, and he looked over at Starla and then back to his wife, and snickered, “I have two ladies who tell me what to do now.”

Starla and Cadance shook their heads pitifully at that remark, and Shining Armor felt awkward, but not as awkward as their majesties and Lightning did by the way they kept staring at them.

“Sorry, we can’t help it.” admitted Cadance. “Besides, you do look rather cute.”

Celestia blushed and held in a laugh, and her husband rubbed his hand behind his head. “Truth is…” he said “I can hardly stop looking us over. Even after all this time, it feels so strange to be this age again.”

Cadance didn’t want to say out loud that she also felt awkward having an aunt and uncle whom were both younger and shorter than she, but she did plan to treat them and Lightning with the same respect she always had.

“It’s a good thing you all haven’t really changed.” said Krysta “What with the conference coming up and everything.”

“Conference…?” Lightning asked, and he remembered. “Oh, right, The Starfleet Situation Debates.”

It was a conference held every month or so by representatives of the force to help United Equestrians understand Starfleet better, and how to deal with things in everyday life to make things easier for both parties-- one being Starfleet, and the other being The People.

This month, Lightning was to preside, and despite his age he wouldn’t let it hold him back.

“I suppose it will help the people understand when and where respect can be due.

Starla then asked, “Isn’t Swift Star going to be present.”

“Yes, I asked him to help out. He’s done pretty well for his first months on the beat, and his inspirational speeches can go a long way to helping others understand the importance of law and order.”

Meanwhile, The Idiots had gathered in Beaker’s secret lab, having read about the conference in the newspaper.

Beaker angrily crumpled up the paper, but then he suddenly looked thrilled. “It’s just too hilarious-- Starfleet trying to defend themselves with lame and laughable excuses, and the people getting brainwashed by it all.”

“Speak for yourself.” said Paige. “My paper is being forced to cover the conference, so I have to be there and take notes of all the garbage about to be spewed.”

“Which is a good thing.” said Grimer. “Think of all the protestors that are liable to be there, and all the energy we can gather.”

Beaker grinned and nodded, “My thoughts exactly…” and he proceeded to check the energy flow for his machine. “With a conference that size, and knowing the mix of feelings, we could very well push ourselves ahead of schedule, or at least past the halfway mark.”

He then handed his comrades their passes which he had gotten for them.

“Us… at the conference?” asked Sun Dew.

“Yo, this ain’t cool. I was gonna chill tonight with my tunes.” complained Dodger.

Beaker gave him a stern expression, “Well, now, you’re all going to that conference to get us energy! Do you want to be rid of Starfleet, or don’t you?”

Sun sighed. “Yes, I do want to get rid of them. I just can’t stand hearing all the “stuff” they talk about and all the lies they spew.”

Grimer looked at her, “All the more reason for us to go. So we can hear what Starfleet has to say and learn more about them. That way it’ll be twice as easy to get rid of them.” he looked up at Beaker, “Right.”

Beaker agreed, but then he cautioned everyone, “Whatever you do, keep it quiet. Don’t use your energy absorbers inside and during the conference. Wait until after, and as the crowds begin to leave… then go for it.”

“We know the drill.” said Paige “Trouble with you is you worry too much.”

The others all gasped.

“Oh, no, she didn’t?!” mumbled Dodger.

Beaker fell silent, and with his back facing Paige, he calmly yet deeply said, “Why shouldn’t I worry? I mean after all… I only spent years working on the project…” His voice began to louden. “It is very precise, and complicated, and to lose control of things now would mean years and resources wasted, and our world will be subjected to those we can’t stand forever!!

…And you have the nerve to tell me not to worry?”

The others all gave Paige the same look of disdain.

Defeated and humiliated, Paige declared, “I promise to be careful.”

Beaker nodded, and dismissed everyone.

That night, at the New Canterlot Congress building…

Loads of ponies and other creatures were gathering in the building, including The Idiots themselves, but they all kept far away from one another so as not to arouse suspicion.

Paige, being a reporter, was given a special place in an upper seating area, along with other reports from all over the planet.

Her colleagues all sat in back rows at opposite ends of the hall, and as Beaker had cautioned them, they kept their absorbers out of sight.

Out in the back of the building, the Royal Family had arrived, along with Cadance and Shining Armor, and they were ready to take their places in the royal box.

Princess Luna had stayed behind at the palace to look after the infants, but Castor and Leilani were brought to the conference, something they really didn’t enjoy, having sat through long speeches and meetings before,

“Mother, why do we have to come?” asked Castor.

Celestia sighed, “Do we have to go through this again?”

“These conferences are so boring.” grumbled Leilani.

A typical child reaction…

“Children, you both getting to be pretty big,” explained Grand Ruler “And it’s about time you started to develop a sense of royal responsibility. Your mother and your Aunt Luna were already training and studying at your age.”

The children still felt it was boring, and Cadance patted their heads, “You’ll grow accustomed to it. I know I had to.”

Shining Armor gave his wife a playful smirk.

Lightning and Starla were already inside, and preparing to take their places at the panel. Pinkie was with them, via her droid, and so was Swift.

This was his first official conference, and he was feeling nervous, especially when he peeked through the doors.

“Wow! What a crowd. I don’t think I can go through with this.”

“Oh, sure you can.” said Lightning. “It’s just a conference, not a talent show. The people try to make it sound like a popularity contest, but it really isn’t.”

Starla agreed, “You should be honored to be here. Not many first year cops get to show up at these things anyway, but you’ve learned and done a lot in the past months.”

Swift felt less nervous.

Soon, the councillors of the panel hushed the chattering crowds. They welcomed everyone and introduced the speaker.

“We have with us…” called the chairman “Commander Lightning Dawn, General Starla Shine, Colonel Pinkie Pie, or rather her droid, and as a special guest appearance, we have Cadet Swift Star, whom in spite of his being on the force for only six months, has been given approval by Commander Lightning to be at this meeting.”

The large crowd applauded as the officers took their seats.

The royal family applauded too.

Each member of the Idiots gave slow and visibly boring applause, and the reporters were already taking notes. Paige was more than unimpressed.

“These people are a waste of space!” she grumbled in thought, the way they were applauding for Lightning. “He’s a kid! He shouldn’t even be still on the force, yet their all praising him like he’s some hotshot.”

Lightning raised his hands to hush the crowds. “I’m glad to see that you all still hold me in high respect despite my appearance, which I wholeheartedly appreciate.”

He then came straight to the point. “During the past weeks, we have been seeing uproar of protests towards Starfleet and those who are either affiliated with them or in favor of the force, which has led to outbreaks of violent behaviour.

Hence why we like to call this monthly conference to help you, the people, understand the circumstances which surround Starfleet, and how they can affect your ways of life for the better.”

As was tradition, the meeting opened with a retelling of the history of how Starfleet came into the lives of the Equestrians, which involved The Great War, and how things got way out of hand, and both Equestria and Unicornicopia were destroyed.

A story which many people had heard many times, and it was always the same as Starla explained, “Had it not been for Starfleet’s assistance, all inhabitants of Equestria would have perished when the planet exploded due to the irreversible damages caused by villains, not by us.”

Images of memories of the past were shown to further explain and show the facts.

Many of the people applauded in favor of the story, while few others remained skeptical, and even fewer others, especially The Idiots.

“Those Starfleet Simps were responsible for the destruction of our world.” thought Grimer. “Nothing will convince me otherwise.”

His colleagues all thought the same as if they had completely ignored what had just been said, as well as proven.

“They probably just show us these images they made up and claim their from people’s memories.”

…Their stubbornness was simply unfathomable, as well as their tolerance for the large amounts of ovation from the audience of supporters.

Castor and Leilani yawned in boredom, but tried their best to stay awake, while their parents and the grownups were pleased to see and hear everything running smoothly.

The Chairman then stood and addressed the crowd. “At this time, we shall now open the floor to questioning for the people and by the people. You may speak your mind and ask questions regarding the ethics, functions, or rulings Starfleet represents or passes out.

The officers will do their best to answer, and hopefully dispel some of you skepticism.”

Sun Dew twiddled her fingers rather eerily as she thought, “Finally, we get to the real stuff. Now we’ll see who here actually has a brain, and who isn’t taken in by all this.”

In front of every person, kept in a slot in the back of the chair ahead of them were signaling devices, which everyone could grab, and would buzz in. Whoever rang in first would have their say.

The chairman called, “You may buzz in… now!”

When all was done, one lucky Unicorn mare got to stand up.

“I’m sure that a lot of you will agree with me when ask this question: Why does Starfleet always seem to go out of their way to bully people who so much as speak their minds like we’re doing now? We have our protests and our disagreements. Why can’t we voice them without being pushed off?”

She received applause for that from some of the audience, but the majority could only shake their heads in disdain against her.

Lightning allowed Swift Star to take up the answering.

Swift kept calm and answered, “Starfleet may seem pushy or bullying, but at the end of the day we are officers of the law, and it is our job to maintain law and order and to keep the peace going, especially when the actions of you, the people, start to get out of hand.

Now you, the people, have rights-- the rights to opinions, and the right to feel the way you do. We are not forcefully telling you to praise us like gods, or trying to whip you like slave drivers.

But when you violate or break the laws, we must take decisive action, just as you must answer for the acts you commit.

These rules are enforced to keep life plain and simple. So we, Starfleet and Civilian, may live together in peace, and these rules also in exist in many other societies you may have heard of.

If you break the law, and are caught, you must answer, and again, we are not trying to bully and push you all around, but stop you, the people, from making that mistake and causing disruptions and disturbances.”

As a result, he received thunderous applause for his answer.

The mare seemingly understood and sat down, thus opening the floor to another buzz-in.

The next pony to stand was a male Earth Pony. He asked. “I get this whole follow the laws stuff, but what if there are laws we just don’t like? You said we had rights. Well, what if I decide to say “No,” and rally people to join me in the march?”

He received some applause, but again not very much, and others gave him the same look disdain. Some even muttered…

“How can he ask a thing like that?”

“This guy obviously doesn’t pay attention.”

Lightning, again, let Swift take the chair. “You’re doing great.” he told him.

Swift clear his throat and answered.

“As was implied, we are law enforcement; we don’t make the laws, and we did say you have rights do be outraged, and you also have the rights to protest.

Our obligation is to uphold every law, not just ones that we choose. Sometimes even we are skeptical about actions we have to take. Even the supreme courts have that same obligation, and, like us, they share some of our skepticism.

Now if you don’t like a law, as was said, you can be outraged with it. You can rally minority groups to voice your opinions and show that perhaps needs to be changed.

Basic words for this, it’s called “Democracy.”

The audience began to look back and forth at every else, and some exchanged mutterings of agreement or disagreement, and the chairman called for order.

Swift continued. “In Democracy, the minority has the right to try and convince the majority that laws should be changed, but that does not give the minority the right to ignore the laws that exist.

You don’t get to choose which laws you will or will not obey.

You also do not have the right or the authority to tell other people that you are right and they are wrong.

Denying someone their opinion, or refusing to allow them to have their say of things--Democracy does not and cannot function that way. There can never be a majority of just one vote, or one party's opinion.

If you wish to protest against laws or rules you think are unfair, you may do so, but only within the laws and not violate them. You don’t get to do crazy things like lay in the streets or standing in doorways, refusing to let people in. You also don’t get to refuse to pay your dues, or impede the daily lives of others, or even attack them physically or break their property out of sheer annoyance, or thinking they deserve it… not unless they try to attack you first or you see them attacking someone else.

These laws existed in Equestria of Old, before The Great War and before Starfleet came. I know this, because I studied them.

So don’t think Starfleet is to blame for such things like these. It’s just the way society is and always has been.”

He received more applause, much to the disdain of the, still, unconvinced protestors, or The Idiots.

“Man, this really turning my stomach.” thought Dodger. He looked around at all the others who applauded in favor of the speech and saw very few who were on his side. “Well I just hope we can gather all the energy we need. The sooner Beaker puts his project in gear the better.”

After a few more questions, the Chairman declared, “We seem to be running short of time. Even a conference of this importance cannot go on forever and ever.”

Soft chuckles were heard from the crowd…

“But we all hope this has been most helpful to you. Always remember, laws, order, and those here to maintain them are here to help us and keep the peace. Without these laws, and without Starfleet, or the guards, or officials to enforce them then our planet would become chaotic, with anarchy, and the laws of survival-- with the strong preying on the weak.

It also makes us vulnerable to our enemies and the evil forces that come out for us.

That is why I am proud to say how much I appreciate the efforts of Starfleet, and I only wish we, the people you have guarded and protected these many years, could do so much more for you.

Thank you, and good night.”

The crowds applauded thunderously, and the officers all stood up and bowed, but everyone seemed to be cheering for Swift, which flattered him deeply.

“They loved me that much?” he wondered aloud.

Lightning smiled at him, “You showed real heart and devotion, not just to the law, but to the people and their desires for a better world, and while you might not have convinced everyone who is still opposed to us to change their views, you have set great examples and showing how things are, and how they must be in order to maintain the order.”

Starla smiled at him proudly, and Pinkie made her droid give a thumb-up remarking “Nice one kid. Come to the café, we’ll make you a special cake.”

Swift didn’t think he could feel this proud of himself. He came in a bit nervous, and he was going out a top-class speaker.

Up in the royal box, Castor and Leilani had fallen fast asleep-- the poor dears.

Cadance and Shining Armor scooped them up in their arms, since the parents weren’t big enough to do so. They were too busy looking down at the officers, and feeling just as proud of Swift as Lightning did.

“He’s come a long way since he and Lightning met.” said Celestia.

Grand Ruler agreed, “Just as Lightning came a long way since I met him. His pride his former student is strong, for only someone with experience as his would understand how far has come, and used it to motivate Swift to go the distance.”

As he looked down at the two officers, the both of them seemed illuminated by a soft golden glow, showing their strengths and pride.

Little did any of them realize that as the people began to file out, The Idiots had already slipped out of the hall earlier and were standing outside and were absorbing the energy of those whom were still, stubbornly, unmoved by the speeches and facts.

Nobody would see what they were doing amongst the huge crowds.

Then they all regrouped, and moved into a deserted corner where no one would see them, and they teleported back to the lab to find Beaker waiting for them all… and looking at his watch.

“…Five minutes late.”

“You were actually timing us?” asked Grimer.

“Wow! Someone’s more organized than I thought.” muttered Sun.

Beaker ignored the slander, and looked at Paige’s notes taken from the conference. All he could was laugh and cackle. “You’re kidding me, right?

Oh, boy, do I feel sorry for anyone who had to sit through all this nonsense and buy it.”

He then carelessly threw all the pages on the floor.

“Hey, I need those!” cried Paige, and she scampered to gather them all.

Beaker then activated the computers and observed the energy meter, which was half-way to the top by now.

Then he began to think deeply. “With the people of this planet are becoming more and more hopeless, getting involved with all this Starfleet farce, maybe I should consider putting the plan into action sooner than ever.”

He snickered softly while tapping his finger on the console.

The others wondered what he was thinking.

“Is he alright?” Dodger asked softly. “I’m getting some serious chilly vibes here, and that’s not cool.”

The others all had the same bad feeling about this. It happened before with Ace Ray and Windy Bag-- Over time their hatred and loathing of Starfleet caused them to snap and go morbidly insane, and it was Starting to seem as though Beaker wasn’t about to be the exception.

Still, it was too early to say, and so they all decided to head out. There would be loads of more energy to gather another day.


In our next episode: Attacks on United Equestria continue, and Starlight is no longer able to hold back and enters battle herself, against orders. Meanwhile, Buddy Rose and Applejack clash with the evil attacking the planet Herboss, and Buddy ends up running into his old flame which begins to cause him awkwardness.

Will Starlight finally confront Celestia, and what can Buddy expect to see from his ex?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Turning Over an Old Leaf”)

Episode 9: Turning Over an Old Leaf

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Buddy Rose and Applejack’s first assignment was on Herboss, the jungle planet, which they had visited before, many times.

This place was extra special to Buddy; it was where he was reunited with his old flame, Lily Bud, but they had long since gone their separate ways ever since she was reassigned and moved deeper into the galaxy.

Somehow, being brought back to Herboss brought on those old times, and while they weren’t as strong, they were still there, and Buddy remembered them all, but now was not to time to be fantasizing of old romances.

Buddy and Applejack had rendezvoused with the Starlfeet Outpost, and were welcomed by the Captain, A Light Green Space Alicorn with a bright yellow mane. Her name was Pine Needle, and her Starfleet Code was OC3N.

The officers saluted to one another.

“Colonel Buddy Rose… Colonel Applejack…”

“At ease, Captain.” said Buddy.

Skipping the pleasantries, Pine explained to them all the details and invited them to one of her lookout towers to observe over the distance--

The large beam of flowing dark energy was heading up into the sky and out into space.

“When did it first appear?” asked Applejack.

“We’ve been tracking it for about three days.” answered Pine “At the same time a hoard of creatures appeared and began to attack the villages.”

Buddy stiffed with anger. He remembered the planet’s natives-- The Hebolites: a race of anthropomorphic plant aliens-- clever as they were, they were physically far too vulnerable to put up big fights and defend from such menacing evil themselves, hence why Starfleet was around.

Pine explained, “We managed to save many of the Herbolites, but several others were captured and imprisoned by the enemy and now forced to work as slaves near the energy, by mining the planet’s soil, and infusing it with the power of Lord Titan.

This power is then mined through a makeshift generator, about the size of a small cabin, which then sends it out to be absorbed by the United Alliance of Evil.”

Buddy clenched his fists. “That’s even funny. Mining all that cosmic energy could result in serious damage to the planet’s environment, maybe even its internal structure.”

Applejack realized the danger as well. “And there’s no chance of us busting into that area now?”

“No, ma’am…” replied Pine “We have already made attempts, but right now our forces are outnumbered, and a few of my men were injured.

We’ve sent for extra reinforcements. They should be here momentarily, and then we can discuss battle plans.”

One of the soldiers then called up to her. “Captain, the reinforcements have arrived.”

Pine nodded, and she and the others leapt to the ground to greet the arriving soldiers, at least fifty of them, and one familiar face, the leader, which Buddy recognized instantly.

“It can’t be!”

Their eyes met, and she was almost overjoyed. “Buddy…?”

“Lily Bud…”

Applejack looked between them, and many of the soldiers were amazed to see they knew each other.

“Uh, oh… this could get awkward.” muttered Applejack.”

Far, far away, onboard Spider-Base…

The henchmen hadn’t seen or heard from Starlight all morning.

“Where is she?” bellowed Specter. “She’s supposed to be leading us in our mission.”

“She’s not in her room.” said Razor.

“She’s not anywhere below either.” added Waverline.

All three of them suddenly happened on the same dreadful thought.

“She wouldn’t dare?!” said Waverline.

“We’ve got to tell Titan!” cried Razor, but Specter grabbed him by the collar, “You fool! Lord Titan gave direct orders not to be disturbed while he gathers power!”

He let go of him and realized. “We must find Ms. Starlight and bring her back to the ship at once.”

All three of them had a good idea where she would have gone to and prepared to depart the ship themselves.

Despite their reduced ages and appearances, Grand Ruler Celesto and Queen Celestia still carried out their royal duties, including their parental duties of teaching their children about royal responsibility.

The royal family was out on a tour of New Canterlot, just for a casual stroll, and to show the children how the common folk lived, but several extra guards were with them as escorts and extra protection.

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor were left to watch the palace while Princess Luna was off duty and in bed from working all night.

Celestia showed the children the royal way to greet subjects, how to talk politely, and Grand Ruler showed them all the fundamentals of how the people lived, and while it was different that royalty, it wasn’t all that different altogether.

“And this will all be ours someday?” asked Castor.

“Yes, someday,” replied his father “Running an empire can be strenuous work, but all through it, you just have to remember, that your subjects are not that all different from you.”

“You mean we all feel the same, and we all do many of the same things?” asked Leilani.

“Yes, dear,” replied her mother “And with thoughts like that, peace and happiness can gain much strength over darkness and resentment, and that means you run a great kingdom.”

The children smiled…

But suddenly, their parents began to sense something wrong. That’s when the ground began to rumble, and the villagers began to panic and run!

“Starlight…! She’s near!” cried Celestia.

Grand Ruler look furious and the children held each other and began to fret.

“You majesties, we should return to the palace at once.” suggested a guard.

“Nobody is going anywhere!” Starlight called to them.

Everyone could see her stand on a store roof.

The children screamed.

Starlight then fired a powerful blast at group, which theory majesties blocked with a barrier, which barely held due to their limited strengths.

“Let’s get out of here!” shouted Grand Ruler.

The family agreed and huddled together, ready to teleport home.

“Oh, no you don’t…!” sneered Starlight, and she quickly used her magic to raise the ground up knocking Celestia away from the group and way far out into the open meadows.

“Celestia…!!” cried Grand Ruler.

“Mother!!” screamed the children.

Their father wouldn’t let this happen, and he quickly turned the children over the guards telling them, “As you get back to the palace, send for Princess Cadance and her husband.”

“But sire…” one of the guards tried to protest, but Grand Ruler couldn’t wait and quickly teleported the guards and the children back to the palace, and then sprinting off into the fields.

Meanwhile, on Herboss…

Though Lily was a General, and Buddy and Applejack both Colonels, it was Captain Pine who went over the plans and gave instructions.

“The area surrounding the generator is heavily guarded with hordes of monsters and Darquines, but the good news is that there are no indications of any force-fields, still, we must keep in mind of the slaves in the area, which could make it difficult to fight.”

“I get it,” said Applejack. “The monsters could try and hold the slaves hostage, that is if our attacks don’t accidently injury them either.”

The plan was becoming obvious to everyone: Some of the fighters would distract the villains while others would free the captive Herbolites. Only then could everyone work on shutting down the generation and ceasing the flow of energy.

Buddy seemed a little distracted, and couldn’t help looking over at Lily, and she looked back at him, and as professional as she would have been, she gave him a small smile making him blush softly.

“All right, let’s prepare to move out.” said Pine.

As the troops all geared, gathering their weapons and donning their armor and stuff, Buddy and Applejack sat together checking their own gear.

“Okay, come clean.” said Applejack.

“Huh? What?” asked Buddy “What did you say?”

She gave him a smirk, “Come on now, I know what’s going on with you.”

Buddy knew it was that obvious, even he was willing to call himself out. “I never thought I’d ever see her again, and now that I have it just feels so… weird.”

He paused and looked down. He didn’t regret his life or his actions. He loved Tree Hugger and Seedling dearly, and he was happy to have them both, and he wasn’t starting to have feelings for his old flame again.

But still, the feelings were mixing inside of him.

“Lily was my first love. That’s one part of my life that can never be changed or forgotten.”

Applejack looked up and over his shoulder and could see. “Don’t look now, but there’s one part of your life heading your way.”

Buddy turned round just in time to see Lily standing before. “Hi, Bud…”

He blushed at the sight of her, “Um… hi…” he said nervously.

Applejack decided, “I better let the two of you talk… and be honest with one another.” she hinted especially at Buddy before walking off leaving the two alone together.

They both looked at each other, and then turned away blushing.

“It’s… been a long time hasn’t it?” asked Lily.

Buddy nodded without even looking at her. “Yep, a really long time.” he then paused “I… see you made General.”

“Sure did. I’ve been to a lot of places, and I’ve done a lot.” she paused and looked a little down. “I’ve been thinking a lot about you.”

Buddy’s head perked up.

“Ever since I got transferred and moved deeper into space, I knew I had to write to you. I must’ve started at least fifty letters trying to find the right words, but in the end… the best way was to be blunt.”

Buddy felt that little sting get to him again-- the day he received that letter telling him it could never be between them, which was understandable, but still hurtful.

“I can’t imagine how hurt you must’ve been.” said Lily, “And I thought about you ever since.”

Buddy managed to keep strong and cleared his throat. “Look, Lil… there’s something I need to tell you.”

Before he could say anything else, Captain Pine blew her whistle. “All right, let’s get going.”

The troops saluted and began to file towards the outpost entrance.

“Tell me later.” said Lily “Let’s go kick some evil’s butt!” and she dashed off to assemble her own troops.

Buddy could only sigh that he didn’t get to tell her about his family back home.

“Nice one.” Applejack sarcastically remarked.

Much as Buddy could have scolded her for speaking to a superior that way, he hung his head low, and then perked back up again to join the ranks.

Celestia picked herself up and brushed off the dirt from her royal dress, only then to see Starlight glaring her down.

“Starlight, please…!” she begged, hoping to try and reason with her, but Starlight wouldn’t hear it, or waste time with monologues.

“Now you die!!” she shouted as she aimed to blast her, but she defended herself with a barrier, barely held, and she was knocked back hard again!

Just as Starlight was about to fire yet another blow and finish her off.


Electrical force waves shot at her from behind, blowing her back hard.

Starlight looked up as Saber-- Shining Armor-- landed in the field, and he was joined by the Silent Ninja-- Cadance—and Grand Ruler landed right next to them.

“Good timing, both of you.”

The duo nodded at him.

“You go help Celestia.” suggested Saber, and The Ninja nodded in agreement.

Grand Ruler dashed over to his wife. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine… I guess.” she groaned.

Starlight got up and growled angrily, “You won’t be fine in a moment…!”

The duo looked ready to fight.

“Hey…!” called Starla as she and Pinkie’s droid landed beside the duo to help them. “We got the message from the royal guards and rushed right over.”

Pinkie’s droid nodded, and the duo was pleased to see them.

Grand Ruler prepared to teleport himself and his wife away to safety, but when he actually tried, nothing happened.

“What’s this?!” snapped Grand Ruler.

“We can’t teleport out!” cried Celestia.

Starlight snickered…

Starla scanned the entire area with her visor. “It’s an invisible dark barrier. No one can get in or out of here.”

“Just a little reassurance that I don’t miss this chance.” said Starlight, and she glared at Celestia. “You and I have a score to settle, and I aim to do it now!”

Celestia growled softly.

Pinkie tried running her droid against the barrier, only for it to get shocked and bounce off.

“Yep… can’t get out.”

With that settled… Cadance patted her husband on the shoulder and gestured over at her aunt and uncle, offering to defend them while he and the others would battle Starlight and try to bring the barrier down.”

“Good idea…” said Saber.

His wife sprinted off towards her relatives.

Saber got out his sword and his chain-and-sickle. Starla armed her bow, and Pinkie made her droid put up its dukes.

“Go!!” shouted Starla.

The trio charged forth ready to attack, but Starlight leapt about dodging their every attempt, and then proceeded to punch, kick, and bash everyone away from her.

Then she swiftly turned round to fire a shot at Celestia, but Cadance threw a handful of shurikens at it, blowing it up midway.

Starlight had leapt up high to fire at the royal couple again. This time Grand Ruler and Celestia fired magical blasts to help repel the evil rays.

Starlight’s leg was suddenly lassoed by Saber’s chain.

“Gotcha!| he called up to her.

Starlight quickly yanked on the chain pulling him across the field.

“STARLIGHT ARROW” Starla fired her arrow forcing Starlight to dodge, giving Pinkie’s Droid to leap up and punch her hard, and Saber leapt up with his sword ready. “Going down…!” he called.

He swung his sword like crazy, as Starlight dodged every blow, only then to be punch by Saber’s extra limbs.

“You’re not getting near Celestia!” he growled at her.

Starla then soared in, and gave Starlight a huge kick to the chest sending her crashing down hard.

Deep down, a small part of Celestia could hardly stand to watch Starlight getting beaten up like this, even if it had to be done to keep herself safe.

From in the palace, Lightning saw everything from a window, and the scanners showed the barrier in place, and it was extremely powerful, and couldn’t be brought down by ordinary magic, even combined together.

“We’ve got to break down that barrier.” he said to Captain Shaina. “Is there anything at all that could do it?”

Shaina but explained, “The scans show the uniforce could break it down.” she then stopped and looked at him with extreme concern.

Yet he checked the analysis himself, and to make matters worse, it would require two shots of the Uniforce-- one inside, and one outside which would have to hit at the exact same places.

Lightning’s mind was flooded with anxiety. He had been training well to boost his strength, but was still uncertain of using the uniforce.

“What about Grand Ruler?” he wondered “Sure, he’s a little older stronger than I am, but what affects will it have on him?”

Captain Shaina looked at him with deep concern as well. “Commander… what are you going to do?”

Despite the incredible amounts of pressure, Lightning knew the choice was obvious, and right.

Back on Herboss...

The poor Herbolites were working hard around the generator-- mining the soils to help the flow of power, all while under the watchful eyes of the monster forces.

There were all kinds of monsters Titan had sent. Monster with spikes and spines, monsters with big muscles or wearing armor, some even carried swords, whips, and even maces, and they were extremely cruel and vile…!

Any time an Herbolite even so much as yawned, or coughed from the strain of working, the monsters really let them have it.


“Get back to work!”

“Keep that energy flowing, or else!” followed by whip-lashings or small blasts making sparks and explosions fly.

The poor little creatures could only wail and groan while they kept on working and the monsters just laughed.

The Starfleet troops could see everything as they gathered around the sites near the camp area.

Some hid behind large rocks, others hid in the trees and behind the large plants.

Buddy and Applejack were infuriated by the way the aliens treated the poor creatures.

“Oh, let me at these guys!” Buddy whispered.

Applejack nodded, feeling the same, but neither she, nor he, nor any of the troops were to move out until they got the signal-- when the first row of soldiers would drive out some of the monsters, which would then make it easier to rush in and attack!

Captain Pine stood with her team, and Lily had her forces all hiding among the trees and other places, ready for the signal.

Unfortunately, one of the monsters couldn’t help but look up. “I think I see movement over there.”

“Oh, no!” whimpered Pine.

Another monster sent a few Darkquines to investigate the brush nearby, and the foot-soldiers moved in closer, and closer, worrying the fighters.

“Get ready!” Pine whispered to her troops. They all stood ready, and waited until the Darkquines were just a few feet away from the plants.

“NOW!!” shouted Pine.

The soldiers leapt out of hiding, tackling the Darquines to the ground and beating them out.

“Ambush!!” a monster shouted as more soldiers leapt out of the trees and out from the brush and began to charge forth.

“Stop them!” bellowed another monster.

More Darkquines began to rush forth, followed by some of the monsters to engage the oncoming soldiers.

Captain Pine joined them, attacking a monster herself.

“Okay get ready,” Lily called to her troops “Once Pine and her troops lead those guys away we move in.”

She looked down at Buddy and Applejack who stood ready with the rest of the forces.

The monster leader, whom with a big anthropomorphic gargoyle, carrying a big mace, called out to the soldiers, “You’ve tried before, and you’re failing again, and now these Herbolites are going to suffer even more for your foolishness!”

The poor Herbolites shuddered in fear…

…But that was when Lily called to the monsters “…Think again!” which signaled the forces to come forth.

“It’s a setup!!” cried the monster leader. “Stop those fighters!”

All the other monsters and the rest of the Darquines found themselves battling with soldiers coming in from all directions, leaving few guards around the Herbolites.

“Buddy, Applejack… Go help them!” shouted Lily.

The duo agreed and they both leapt up high, and over towards the few remaining monsters near the captives.

The monsters began to attack-- throwing rocks, slashing their weapons, or firing energy blasts from their weapons or claws, which the duo valiantly dodged every attack.

“LEAF SWARM” Buddy unleashed his razor leafs at the creatures forcing them to shield themselves.

Buddy then fired strong magical blasts from his horn, breaking the chains around the prisoners, setting them all free.

“I don’t think so!” growled the leader, and he raised his mace to wipe out the defenseless aliens, but Applejack lassoed the mace with her trusty rope, yanking it away. “Attacking defenseless aliens? Big brutes like you make me sick!” she yelled.

The monster growled, and despite being unarmed, he lunged for her, punching and kicking, while Applejack blocked every attack with her arms and legs.

Buddy rounded up all the Herbolites and urged to follow him where the few remaining reserved soldiers would escort them to safety.

“Come on! You’re almost free!”

Suddenly, another row of monsters jumped out in front of him.

“Going somewhere?” one of them hissed.

The Herbolites hid behind him whimpering and shuddering.


Buddy got out his weapon and cracked it on the ground. “Get out of my way, or else!”

The monsters were far from deterred and began to open fire at him and his followers.

Buddy cracked his whip, skillfully batting off oncoming attacks, and used his magic to produce small transparent walls to intercept other attacks.

Finally, other soldiers came to aid him in warding off the monsters giving him a perfect opening for the Herbolites. “Come on…!”

The Herbolites followed him like the herd following the shepherd.

Suddenly, he looked behind him at the battlefield, and he saw both Applejack and Lily were starting to have trouble.

Lily was ambushed by a horde of monsters, and Applejack was starting to be overcome by the leader’s huge strength.

Luckily for him, he had reached the backup soldiers.

“Make sure they get back to their villages.”

“YES SIR.” the soldiers hollered.

The thankful Herbolites could only gaze back at Buddy, but now was no time for pleasantries, especially since Buddy had already dashed back towards the field.

He would have had a hard time trying to decide who to help more-- Applejack or Lily.

But Applejack made it easier for him when she decided, “Time to step this up a game!

Valkyria!” She glowed brightly, blinding the leader and forcing him away as she became the Valkyrie of Honesty!

“Atta’ girl, Applejack!” called Buddy.

Though the power would only last a few moments, Applejack felt a little stronger and could manage herself, giving Buddy the chance to rush over and help Lily.

He dashed over and lassoed one of the monster’s legs with his whip and flipped him over onto his back, which gave Lily a free hand to punch another monster away from her, and then flip the third one over as she leapt back up onto her feet.

The two soldiers gazed at one another, and their eyes met, and they couldn’t help but smile at one another, as the world around them seemed to get blurry and sparkly.

“Ugh! What am I thinking?!” Buddy growled in thought, which snapped him to his senses just in time as he and Lily returned to the battle.

“It’s working!” cried Captain Pine “Now we’ve got to take out the generator!”

Applejack decided to take that one, and she had the perfect plan before her Valkyrie power would run out.

She powered up her sword; its blade glowing brightly.

The monster leader quickly found his mace lying on the ground near him and grabbed it.

“Take your best shot!” he yelled.

“You got it!” called Applejack “HARMONY BEAM”

POW!! The bright magical beam was fired, but the leader managed to actually block the weak attack with his mace and sent it right back towards Applejack… which was exactly what she planned for…!

She stuck out her shield, and positioned it just right so the blast bounced off of it, sending it right up into the sky.

“Ha! You missed!” shouted the leader.

Rather than answer him, Applejack quickly zipped up with her shield ready again and deflected the blast straight at the generator, striking it hard and causing it spark and short out.

“IT’S GONNA BLOW!!” shouted the leader.

“All troops fallback!!” screamed Pine.

The soldiers and the monsters all ran hard and managed to get a good distance away as the dreaded machine exploded.

The long beam of flowing power faded away and was gone.

Applejack’s Valkyrie Powers and her battle powers were all blown out, and her suit powered down. She felt a little beat, but was able to stand.

The monsters were positively devastated, and then found themselves surrounded by the armed fighters.

“It’s all over for you guys.” sneered Buddy.

“We know you guys are harnessing the power for Lord Titan.” added Applejack, but the monster’s only laughed and snickered.

“You know nothing!” hissed the leader, but knowing he and his comrades were defeated, and not wanting to risk being captured and mind-probed, he called to the monster forces, “For Lord Titan!”

“…FOR LORD TITAN!!” and they all destroyed themselves in simultaneous explosions.

“Watch those fires!!” cried Pine “Don’t let the plants catch a blaze!”

The fighters all leapt up into the air gathering loads of clouds together to bring forth some rain, and others used instant magic to douse the fires before any damage was done.

Buddy and Lily looked at one another.

“Good work, General.” said Buddy.

Lily winked at him, “Not bad yourself, Colonel.”

Buddy couldn’t help but blush, and Applejack could only roll her eyes.

While all that happened…

Back in New Canterlot, the battle with Starlight had really raged on.

She leapt up high, giving saber a huge kick to the chest sending him sailing backward and crashing into Starla and Pinkie, and all three of them crashed up against the far side of the barrier.

“Ugh! What’s with this lady?!” groaned Saber “She looks like she’s barely broken a sweat.”

Indeed she had, which led the others feel something usual was happening.

Starla tried to scan Starlight with her visor, but nothing happened as if the sensors were being blocked.

Starlight then eyed over at Celestia again, but Cadance stood in front of her, and Grand Ruler held his wife close.

“If only we could get out of this barrier!” cried Celestia.

Her husband agreed, and just like Lightning he realized and felt the Uniforce would be the only way to break it, but it was still fairly risky, and he while he, himself, was inside the barrier, who could blast it outside?

“Sire…!” Lightning suddenly called.

Everyone could see him standing outside the barrier, right near where their majesties stood.

“Lightning?” cried Starla.

“What’s he doing here?” wondered Pinkie.

Starlight didn’t care much, as she rumbled with Cadance, whom managed to keep one step ahead of her from getting to Celestia.

Grand Ruler and Celestia gazed at Lightning, and Lightning pointed to his golden horn, and then at the barrier, showing he had the same idea and was willing to take the risks.

His majesty would have argued, but he couldn’t, knowing there was no other way.

“No! Don’t do it!” cried Celestia. “We don’t know how lethal it could be!”

“We must,” said her husband. “Cadance and the others can’t hold out much longer.”

Cadance suddenly missed a punch and Starlight kick-tripped her up.



Starla and Saber fired their attacks straight at her, forcing Starlight to defend herself with a barrier of her.

“I’LL GET YOU YET!!” she shouted.

Starla and Saber continued to fire at her, and Cadance added by throwing shuriken-after-shuriken, while Pinkie’s droid could only punch and kick at the shield from behind.

With Starlight still distracted, Lightning and Grand Ruler saw their chance; both of them feeling rather nervous, but brave at the same time.

They both stood tall and strong and chose their target, and having a good sense of synchronization, they stood ready to fire.

Their golden horns began to glow brightly.

“Here goes something!” Lightning muttered to himself.

“UN… NI… FOOOOOOOOORCE!!” The two ponies shouted and unleashed their powerful waves at one single spot on the barrier, striking it from both sides at the same time.

The combined forces of each blast burned their ways right into each other, resulting in a small explosion, which threw their majesties and Lightning back, and the barrier began to shatter and was gone.

“No!!” cried Starlight.

Also, her own barrier was beginning to fail, and it vanished too, leaving her exposed and vulnerable to attack.

“Let’s get her!” shouted Starla, but before she and the fighters could act, they were attacked all around from behind by the henchmen, who stood near Starlight.

“What are you three doing here?!” she bellowed at them.

“Saving you, that’s what.” sneered Waverline.

Starlight attempted to shoot them all back, but the henchmen had teleported she and themselves away, back to the ship.

“Ugh! They got away!” growled Saber.

Starla didn’t seem to care much, as she looked up ahead-- Lightning and Grand Ruler had both collapsed to the ground, obviously weakened from using their powers.

“Lightning!” she cried as she dashed over to her fallen husband.

Celestia held her own husband in her arms, cradling him softly. “Celesto…? Celesto, speak to me!”

Starla scooped Lightning up into her arms. “Lightning!” she shouted “LIGHTNING!!”

He snapped wide awake groaning, “Watch it! I can still hear a little you know!”

His wife sighed in extreme relief.

At the same time Grand Ruler awoke as well and saw his own wife smiling lovingly at him.

“You’re alright! Thank goodness.” she said with tears in her eyes.

He smiled at her. “Just a little weak, but I’ll be fine.”

He looked over at Lightning and saw Starla embracing him.

Onboard Spider-Base, it was a different story as Starlight suddenly went dead, and stopped moving, or speaking, or anything.

“What’s wrong with her?” panicked Razor.

“Over exhaustion maybe?” suggested Waverline.

That’s when a second Starlight Glimmer-- the real one-- showed herself, and she looked furious as she shouted, “What’s wrong is that you nitwits bungled my entire plan!!”

Razor looked back and forth between the two Starlights until his head ached.

“…I see now.” said Specter, realizing the second Starlight was a puppet-clone, but none of the usual run-of-the-mill types.

Starlight explained how she had worked on perfect what she called “A Super-Puppet-Clone.”

Unlike ordinary clones, she had the power to infused part of her actual conscience into the body of the puppet itself, allowing her to control it with perfect will.

Thanks to her magic, the puppet was protected from being scanned, so Starfleet wouldn’t psyche her out so easily, and the puppet was incredibly strong and really able to take a pound and use her powers… not to the fullest, but fairly enough.

If the puppet were to be damaged or destroyed, Starlight’s conscience would simply return to her true body, which was laying safely in a secret place onboard her ship.

“A-thousand pardons, Miss…” said Specter “We had no idea that you--”

“No one was told,” said Starlight “But thanks to your intrusions, I won’t know for certain how long my puppets can really hold out, or that Starfleet be better prepared!”

What really infuriated her was how close she felt she was to finally destroying Celestia.

The henchmen didn’t like how angry she looked, but all Starlight could do was grumble, “I’m not through with you yet. I will have my revenge!”

Back on Herboss, The Herbolites were all safely home within their villages and jungles, and scanning had shown no other evil or monsters were lurking about.

Applejack and Buddy were convinced they had done a great job, but it was only the beginning as they had other planets head off to.

“There’s more generators on all them other worlds,” said Applejack “They got to be stopped before Titan gets too strong.”

“That’ll be easier said than done,” said Pine “So many planets in a big galaxy…”

It was about time for Lily and her team head off for their next assignment as well, and Buddy was saying goodbye to her.

They were sitting together on a rock, feeling a bit awkward.

“Lil… look…” said Buddy “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”

Lily could only smirk at him, “Just make sure you tell it to your wife and kid when you get home.”

Buddy was surprised. “Wait… you know?”

Lily giggled “Duh. Word travels around Starfleet pretty good, and besides, you didn’t think I didn’t notice that…?” she pointed at his wedding ring.

Buddy gazed at his hand feeling silly, and then he actually noticed on Lily’s finger, she had a wedding ring too.

“You mean you’re married too?” he asked.

Lily nodded “And I have two baby boys at home. One a year and a half, the other, three months…”

Now Buddy felt shocked and silly. All that time he was so wrapped up in his old feelings of his old flame, he didn’t bother to notice or ask.

Applejack shook her head while chuckling at him.

Still, Buddy felt glad to have a full and easy conscience again, now that he could finally let those old feelings lie and be buried.

The missions would continue.


In our next episode: The Idiots are on the verge of being discovered when Starfleet Allies, in the sea discover their secret base, and Beaker is finally about ready to put his project into motion, which could spell out “Doomsday” for all of United Equestria.

Just how dangerous is Beaker’s project and how will Starfleet be able to deal with it?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “The Giant Bang Theory: Part 1” )

Episode 10: The Giant Bang Theory: Part 1

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Equestria used to be simple and wonderful. Ponies walked on all fours, friendship and harmony ruled, and Twilight Sparkle was still with them, and there wasn’t a bad guy they couldn’t topple, and not and not a problem they couldn’t solve…!

Then THEY came… Starfleet! They brought with them a load of enemies that were too much for the Equestrian forces to handle, resulting in the slavery and eventual doom of the planet.

Then, United Equestria was formed, and all ponies changed into humanoids, and fitted with new technologies and gadgets which really changed lives, but, always, there were more and more bad guys, always putting the planet in danger.

…But worse than that, even when the planet wasn’t in danger, all the people were forced under the foot of the Starfleet dictators.

“You Equestrians are so weak. No wonder you can’t fight off bad guys.”

“We’ll always be better than you are.”

“You are worthless, Twilight Sparkle. We run the show now.”

They would laugh in people’s faces, and make rules telling them how to live their lives now-- the military overlords laughing in their faces.

That’s how Beaker remembered it, and every now and then he would think back to those-- skewed and false-- moments, which made him all the more determined to put his project into action and rid the world of Starfleet and those supporting them once and for all.

…Still, his machine only had half the power gathered from the hate and resentment of other Starfleet scoffers and detractors.

He had sent out his teammates to gather whatever power they could.

“Soon…” he muttered under his breath “Soon everything will be okay. We’ll wash off all the bad, and have only a better, perfect world like we used to.”

He began to break out into a song. It started out soft and simple…

I don’t know how it came to this,
Life used to be so clean
Then everything had to change,
…into this ugly scene

His song then turned into loud heavy metal music as he sang loud and danced crazily around his lab.

Crazy biped ponies came from outer space
Then they turned our good world into such a disgrace
Changed the way we act and all the things that we do
I’m not going to stand for it, and neither will you.

This life, such as it is
This life such as it is…

Who invited these freaks? I don’t want them here!
They think that they can push us all and keep us in fear
I say, “Enough already, let’s kick ‘em all out”
Soon the machine will be ready, until then I shout.

This life, such as it is
This life such as it is…

No more rules and stupid laws that we can’t afford,
We’ll have our own world back where “Friendship’s” the word
Others came before me, they failed miserably.
But I’m the one who’ll send us back to what we should be!

This life, such as it is
This life such as it is…

Starfleet you…
Starfleet you’re GOING DOWN!!

He laughed the mad scientist he was, alone in his lab surrounded by the ocean view, and his machinery.

Suddenly, a detector went off, warning him that beings were approaching the base, and according to the radar, those beings were swimming in the ocean.

“I can’t let them see this place.” Beaker said softly, and fiddling with the controls, the ocean view-ports were sealed by special covers, that, outside, resembled ordinary rocks in a step underwater rock formation.

It turned out the two beings heading his way were Princess Skystar, in her Seapony forum, and Dr. Sea Green, a unicorn pony who was kept alive and well under the sea thanks to the magical properties cast upon him.

“Sky, wait up!” Sea called as he chased after her.

Skystar giggled cheekily as she swam, like the master she was, speeding away from him, until she finally stopped and let him catch her.

“Still can’t swim as well, huh?” she teased.

“What do you expect? I don’t have a tail, and fins like you do.”

She smiled lovingly at him, which made him take her in his arms. “But I still have loads of love and affection for you.”

They came together in a deep kiss, and the light of sun from far above the waves illuminated a gold ring with a tiny shell on Sea’s finger, and wrapped around Skystar’s tail was similar, yet larger band.

They had been married a little over a year, and it took some convincing from Queen Novo to allow such a marriage, but with convincing from Sea’s father, Fisher Bait, whom also lived with them, it was a lovely parring…

…But that was all besides what was about to occur!

Sky’s head suddenly perked up.

“What’s wrong?” asked Sea.

His wife looked all around, “I’m feeling something.”

Since Sea was not a sea-creature like she was, he couldn’t hear or detect things she could, at least not naturally, but he knew, from his painstaking studies of sea-life, such a creature as his wife was sensitive to certain kinds of waves and vibrations, even in water.

“What do you think it is?” he asked.

“I don’t know.”

Sky then felt the waves coming from the direction of large rock formations, like underwater mountains stretching up to the surface.

Beaker could see her coming through the secret peek-scope in the lab.

Being a scientist himself, he knew a Seapony, like other fish and creatures would be sensitive to the electronic waves emitting from his machines and equipment, which was why he chose such a location where he felt most creatures wouldn’t swim.

Luckily, he was ready for such thing, and he switched the equipment in the lab to silent running, which softened their power flows and thus, they didn’t emit as much waves.

“That’s funny,” said Sky “They’re gone now. But I was so sure I felt something.”

Sea never doubted his wife’s senses, and being an oceanographer, he was determined to study every little aspect.

“Let’s get back to Seaquestria. I have to tell my dad and your mom about this.”

His wife agreed, and they swam off.

Beaker watched until the couple was out of sight, and he knew that they, too, had affiliations with and support for Starfleet, which made them, in his view, just as awful and worthy of his scorn and upcoming wrath.

Meanwhile, Lightning had rested up after using the Uniforce in the last battle, and he had been examined by the doctors whom determined that he was physically fine.

This meant it was okay for him to use the Uniforce, but it was still not recommended he push himself too hard and enter battles unless it was totally necessary.

Today, Lightning was at New Sweet Apple Acres, and helping train DD.

Starla sat with Tree Hugger on the sides while Seedling and Shining Light played in the playpen near them.

“Be careful, Lightning.” Starla said to him “Remember what the doctors said, don’t push yourself too hard.”

“Quit worrying, honey. I feel fine.” said Lightning. “Besides, I promised Buddy I’d help with DD while he’s away.

She could use someone her height and near her age to spar with, and it might even help me build up more strength so I can battle again.”

He marched over into the field, and with a tap of his energizer he magically changed his uniform into his training gear.

“Okay, DD, are you ready?”

The eager young filly nodded, “Sure, Lightning-- er… I mean… Yes sir.”

“Good, let’s get started.”

They began to with the fists, DD was to thrust her arms forth and contact her fists with Lightning’s.

“Keep your focus steady. Learn to anticipate the attack and where it will come from.”

DD showed immense skill from what she had learned over the months and studied in books over the years, but she still had a long way to go, especially when Lightning began to speed up, managed to punch her in the face and knocking her down.

Starla and Tree Hugger stiffened, but they knew DD was just fine… and she was. Thanks to all the training she had done over the months, he body had toughened up, and Lightning held back as much as he could.

“I messed up, again.” DD groaned.

“Yes, you did.” Lightning answered he helped her up. “But you’re getting better and better. You lasted two seconds longer that time. So stick to your training.”

DD nodded proudly.

“Okay, let’s work on kicking.”

As the two continued their training, the ladies continued to watch from the sidelines.

“DD’s sure come a long way.” said Tree Hugger “Bud sure trained her well before he had to leave.”

She then looked a little down, missing her husband dearly.

Starla placed a comforting hand on her back. “We received reports today from our space teams. He’s fine.”

Tree Hugger smiled, “I know he is. I can feel it. It’s these things only a wife would notice.”

Starla knew the feeling too well, which was why she was concerned about her own husband more than ever.

Ever since Lightning had been turned into a child, she was worried enough, but when he used the Uniforce and then nearly passed out, it was getting harder and harder to maintain her beliefs in his capabilities.

The babies just snoozed in the playpen without much a care in the world.

Tree Hugger then got up, “I better start getting refreshments ready.”

“Refreshments?” asked Starla.

“Yeah, the other girls are coming here after school for a four-way homework group. I thought I’d make some snacks for them.”

Meanwhile, the school-bell rang for quitting time. Many of the students rushed out, glad to be out of school, while the Cutiemark Crusaders all met by Sweetie Belle’s locker.

“I can’t believe how much homework we have.” she groaned “A geography report. A journal entry, studying for a math test…”

“We’ll be up all night.” whined Scootaloo.

“It’s worse for me than the rest of you.” said Applebloom “Ever since Applejack took off, the family’s been forced to do her share of the chores, and I had to help Tree Hugger with Buddy’s garden.”

The other two shuddered and felt sorry for her.

As they headed out, they began to talk about waking up earlier to help Applebloom with some of her chores…

…When there was trouble!

Ruby and Sapphire were, once again, tormenting those who showed support and gratefulness to Starfleet.

“Starfleet is stupid, and you’re stupid for believing in them!” shouted Ruby.

“They’re not stupid!” protested one of the students.

“If anyone’s stupid, it’s you for dissing them!” added another.

Sapphire went from blue to red with anger, “You better take that back or--” he looked ready to really lay the students out, when Scootaloo called out to him. “Sapphire, knock it off!”

Sapprhire growled at the sound of that voice, and Ruby rolled her eyes as the trio approached them. “Oh, great, it’s The Loser Brigade.”

The Crusaders paid her no notice, but as they gave the bullies a good scolding…

…Paige was nearby, walking down the streets looking for stories for her paper, as well as to gather more hate for the Idiots’ project, which she had not been having much luck of.

“This is ridiculous!” she grumbled to herself. “We must’ve absorbed energy from very single pony and creature anywhere.”

Then she saw the argument happening at the school across the street. She recognized Ruby and Sapphire almost instantly. “Those are the two brats Grimer got power from.”

She couldn’t resist the thought, and she got out her absorber and tried to gather more energy from the same subjects.

“You heard what Principal Stone said…” sneered Sweetie “You may be entitled to an opinion, but not to bully.”

The other crusaders nodded in agreement.

“So you’re going to be a bunch of tattletales, is that it?” mocked Saphire. “Why don’t you just run to your mommies while you’re at it too?”

Ruby laughed at the idea and began to mock the girls, “Oh, Mommy… these kids are being mean to me!! …Wah-Wah-Wah!”

The two bullies were the only ones laughing, while the girls and the students they bullied were not amused.

Applebloom angrily put down her backpack, with the flap open.

“Maybe we will.” said Applebloom. “After all, when something or someone bothers you, or you see someone being a bully to someone, you should always tell a grownup. That ain’t being a tattletale, that’s being sensible.”

A lot of their fellow schoolmates showed their support by cheering and applauding, which made the bullies stomp off, humiliated and outraged.

The Crusaders smirked at one another, for a non-violent point well-made.

As for Paige, she was disappointed. Her absorber just couldn’t take any more power from subjects already done before.

“That Beaker!” she grumbled as she walked while looking at the gauge. “He should’ve built these things better.”

Because she wasn’t watching where she was going, she bumped into another pony. As she fell, her bag and papers of notes scattered everywhere, and the absorber-- unseen by anyone-- went flying out of her hand, and bounced once on the ground, and landed in Applebloom’s open knapsack.

Applebloom then closed up her bag, not noticing the device, and she and her friends headed home, to New Sweet Apple Acres.

“Hey! Watch where you’re going!” growled the other pony, but Paige only growled like a savage beast, grinding her teeth at him, making him slink away like a scared little dog.

As she scrambled to pick up her news notes, she then realized, “…My absorber! Where did it go?”

She began to scramble around, unaware it was already far beyond her reach. “If I don’t get that thing back, Beaker will destroy me!”

“What did you say?” asked a voice, startling her.

She looked down and saw a manhole cover in the street opening wide and there was Grimer.

“Don’t you sneak up on me like that!” growled Paige “I lost my absorber!”

Grimer’s hardhat gave a small leap on his head, but he did all he could not to shout out in open public. Luckily, no one was really watching them or listening to them talk privately, figuring it was none of their business.

“Are you crazy?!” Grimer growled softly “Do you realize how serious this is?”

“Yes, I realize.” grumbled Paige.

It was bad enough that without her absorber she couldn’t gather more power or teleport to the lab, but if someone else found it, it would lead to the “Idiots” project being discovered and possibly shut down by Starfleet.

“You better come with me.” suggested Grimer “I can teleport us both to the lab.”

The thought of going down into the smelly sewer grossed her out. “I’m not crawling down there. I just had my skirt dry-cleaned.”

Grimer sighed irritably, and climbed out of the manhole. “Luckily for you I was just getting off work, and hopefully I won’t have to do this job much longer.”

He walked her down the street to a lonely spot around a store where no one would see them, and used his own absorber to teleport them both away.

Meanwhile, DD was panting hard after a long day of training, and she had a few bruises on her face, but they nothing to worry about, and they didn’t hurt much.

She splashed a bucket of water on her face and shook herself dry. “I think I did pretty well today.”

“Yes, you did.” agreed Lightning. “But don’t you let this go to your head. You’re far from becoming a professional fighter, and you’ll need to step it up or you’ll never make it. Understand?”

Keeping her cool, and knowing this was merely a test of patience and courage-- as Buddy treated her the exact same way when training her-- DD kept herself calm and obedient and replied, “Yes sir.”

“Good.” said Lightning, “Now inside for your book studies, the other girls will be here soon.”

DD saluted, and marched wearily toward the house.

Lightning smiled proudly at her, and he turned to look back at Starla, and she was smiling too.

Soon, Starla was with Tree Hugger, sitting in the living room while feeding their respective babies their bottles of formula, while Lightning was cooking dinner in the kitchen.

Meanwhile, the four girls were at the table in the dining room doing their homework, with a big tray of food trimmings in front of them as an appetizer.

Suddenly, Sweetie realized, “Oh, no! I left my math textbook at school! I need to study it for my math test tomorrow.”

“Ah, no sweat.” said Applebloom, “I brought mine, you can use it.”

She reached into her backpack to get her book, when she felt something unusual. “Huh?” and she pulled out a very unusual device.

“What is that?” asked DD.

Applebloom examined the strange device closer. She knew she had never seen it before and never put it in her backpack.

“Maybe Ruby and Sapphire put it in there, like some kind of prank?” suggested Scootaloo, but she immediately dismissed the idea, remembering they hadn’t gone anywhere near the backpack.

Applebloom then noticed the small meter on the device, which was barely full at all.

“Um… I think maybe you should that down.” said DD.

Applebloom agreed, and prepared to set the device down, but her finger slipped and pressed a tiny switch, which caused the little antenna of the remote to start glowing. In an act of panic, Applebloom dropped the device just as a beam of light shot at her, and she vanished while the device fell to the floor and smashed to pieces.

“APPLEBLOOM!!” the girls cried.

Lightning heard all the commotion from the kitchen, so did the mothers, and they all rushed into the dining room.

“Girls, what is it?” asked Lightning.

“Where’s Applebloom?” added Starla.

The girls began to panic and go off all at once about what happened, but Tree Hugger whistled, “Okay, let’s chill… big breath in…”

The girls did just that.

“Thank you.” said Lightning. Then he asked the girls, “Now, one at a time… what happened?”

Applebloom reappeared in a big dark room, where it was cold like a cave, and it felt moist like being underwater.

She looked around nervously and whimpering. “H-H-Hello? W-W-Where am I?”

Her only response was a load of flashlights shining on her by each of the four members surrounding her, and they were all snickering at her like creepy would-be-cannibals ready for the strike.

Before Applebloom knew it, she was bound the wall by strong manacles around her wrists, ankles, even one large on across her waist.

“Let me go!” she shouted “My sister’s a Starfleet Cop, and she’ll be real mad when she finds out what you’re doing to her little sis.”

“Quiet, you little brat!” snapped Paige. “You don’t know how much trouble you’re in.”

“Yeah, trouble that you caused.” sneered Sun “If you hadn’t been so careless with your device we wouldn’t have this little pest here.”

Paige looked ready to pull every hair out of Sun’s mane.

Grimer and Dodger loved a good cat fight, but no such thing happened as Beaker called for everyone, “Pipe it down!” and then he glared at Applebloom, “We should show better mercy for our guest.

After all, we ought to make her last moments as pleasant as can be.”

Applebloom’s stomach gave a turn. “My last moments?” she asked nervously. “Who are you? Where am I? What’s going on here?”

“Like we’re really going to answer you, squirt.” said Dodger “Especially since you just admitted you’re the sis of a Silly Starfleet Sucker.”

Now Applebloom felt enraged, “If my sis heard you say that she’d.”

“Enough.” snapped Beaker.

“But she’s discovered our hideout.” Grimer pointed out “She knows who we are and all that, and what’ll happen when her family finds out? Why Starfleet will come looking for her, and before you know, we… will… be… busted!”

The other three concurred, and even Beaker was inclined to agree, and despite his calculations of the tank not being at maximum power, he decided, “Well then, I suppose we’ll just have to put Project Overthrow into action… immediately.”

A strong silence befell everyone, until Applebloom asked, “…Project Overthrow?” It was clear to her that she had stumbled into something immensely huge and obvious hostile and dangerous.

“Help…?” she could only squeak softly.

Back on the Farm, Lightning and Starla were using their visors to scan the strange and damaged device.

Though Lightning was still urged not to enter battle much, that didn’t stop him from doing detective work.

Meanwhile Tree Hugger was comforting the other three crusaders after they had explained what happened.

“Do you think Applebloom’s okay?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“You don’t think she was destroyed, do you?” cried Scootaloo.

“No, not likely.” replied DD “Whatever those lights were, there weren’t destructive, or there would have been heat coming from them, and there would have been more damage to the dining room.”

She wasn’t trying to make guesses, having studied a lot about magic like a good Starfleet cadet should, and she was growing stronger and smarter all the time.

Still, this didn’t answer what had happened to their friend.

“Just cool it down, girls.” said Tree Hugger.

“How can we?” barked Scootaloo “Applebloom could out there somewhere, lost and alone, and who knows what may happen to her, and you tell us to cool it?!”

Seedling began to cry at her shouting, and Shining Light began to cry too because he didn’t like loud noises.”

Tree Hugger only sighed in dismay and tended to her daughter, and Starla came into the room when she heard her son cry.

“Really, Scootaloo?” she scolded.

Even Sweetie and DD weren’t pleased, and Scootaloo looked really down. “I’m so sorry. I’m just worried about Applebloom.”

It wasn’t often that she showed this much worry, which proved she had strong care for her friends.

Then things got worse, as there was a knock at the door, as Pear Butter had come over to check in on Applebloom, but she already could tell something was wrong when her daughter was nowhere to be seen.

“What happened?” she asked “Where’s my Applebloom?”

Sweetie bravely approached her and explained what happened, which made Pear feel faint, but she managed to keep balance, but her eyes began to flood with tears.

“I felt something was up, it’s a motherly thing.” She sobbed softly “So I came over here and-- Oh…!”

She began to quiver like crazy, but tried all she could not to break out sobbing, knowing it wouldn’t help.

“Come, sit down over here.” Starla said motioning to the couch.

Pear sat down and tried to keep her cool, but her insides were aching with worry. Ever since Applejack had left for Space, though she had great faith in her daughter’s skills and strengths, she couldn’t but miss her and worry if she was alright, and the same applied to Applebloom as well.

Tree Hugger finally managed to calm Seedling down and put her down in the playpen, but she looked a little woozy.

“Are you okay?” asked DD.

Tree Hugger just caressed her weary head, “Just feeling a bit green.”

Everyone blinked once in confusion. “But you’re always green.” said Scootaloo.

Tree Hugger shook her head, “Whenever there’s so much negative energy around me, I just can’t take it, and I get kind of twisted and flowing in a spiral of cold flames.”

Basically she was saying she couldn’t stand all the sadness, which already added to her own worrying for Applebloom.

Lightning then came into the room with the broken device.

“What have you found out?” asked Starla.

Rather than answer, her husband said “We should probably talk alone. This is official Starfleet business now.”

Pear Butter wouldn’t hear of it. “If you know something about Applebloom, I want to know.”

“That goes for us too.” said Sweetie, motioning to herself and Scootaloo.

Even Starla didn’t think it would hurt to tell a little, as it would probably help ease everyone a bit.

“Tell us what you know.” she said to her husband.

Lightning sighed, but explained what he found out about the device.

“After scanning the wiring and circuitry I found out, this is some sort of energy absorber.”

Everyone looked on in awe, and Lightning continued to explain, “It seems to harness the emotional energies of whatever it points to, and then, through ingenious invention, converts it into power, which is then transferred by magical waves to wherever its source is based.”

The others were positively astounded.

“Who would want to absorb people’s emotions?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Where is the source located?” added Scootaloo.

“How did this device get into Applebloom’s backpack?” wondered DD.

“More importantly,” said Pear “How does all this fit with Applebloom, and how do we get her back?”

Lightning felt rattled by the bombardment of questions, but, sadly, he could answer none of them as he held up a few busted chips and wires from the already damaged device. “This thing got smashed pretty badly on the floor, the teleportation devices are beyond repair.”

Faces turned grim, and Pear felt tears coming to her eyes again.

“But it’s not hopeless, not yet.” said Lightning, “I have one lead and it may our only hope, but that’s all I’m going to say.

Starla and I have to report this to their royal majesties, this could be serious.”

Starla agreed and stood up.

“You mean it could be some kind of sinister plan?” asked Tree Hugger.

“It’s possible…” said Starla. “People don’t just harness energy with devices like this in open public without a reason, especially if it has a teleporter for secret travels.”

This meant that they would both be leaving, but Tree Hugger gladly agreed to look after Shining Light for the parents.

Starla and Lightning pecked their little boy.

“…You be good for Tree Hugger now, ‘Kay?” cooed Starla.

Her little son gave a very sad expression, “…‘Kay.” he peeped softly, but he really didn’t want his folks to leave, and so were the parents themselves.

DD then approached the officers proudly appointing herself official bodyguard. “I promise to help watch over anyone if anything dangerous happens.”

Lightning smiled at her proudly, and saluted to her. “Stand your post, Cadet.”

DD saluted to him proudly.

“Please, just help find Applebloom. That’s all I ask.” said Pear.

The officers didn’t want to worry her, but they nodded at her as if to say they would do all they could, and then they were off for New Canterlot, leaving the others all to wait, and worry if Applebloom was okay.

Pear Butter could hardly hold in her emotions, and let out a few tiny sobs, and Shining Light began to cry with his folks gone, which woke up Seedling once more, and she was crying too.

The girls all covered their ears at the sound of the baby cries, but Tree Hugger knew just what to do, and she placed her hands on each of the babies’ heads, and softly began to hum… soothing the babies right down to sleep in the playpen.

The others were all amazed, and Tree Hugger winked and said, “…It’s a cool gift.”

Seeing Tree Hugger’s motherly skills made Pear feel worse. “How am I ever going to tell the rest of the family?”

“You can’t…!” cried Applebloom when she finally was told what the Idiots were planning. “You’re going to wipe out me and everyone else who believes in Starfleet?!”

“Precisely.” replied Beaker “Of course I could be willing to spare you… if you choose to cooperate with us.”


“Don’t you miss the old days-- when everything was pure and simple? There was no Starfleet, not as many dangers or evil beings around, and when friendship and simple life ruled, with none of Starlfleet’s overbearing egos and pushy demeanors.”

He expected Applebloom to at least hesitate in thinking about it, but she gave him a straight up answer. “I most certainly don’t miss the old days. At least not the way you’re thinking.”

Beaker and the others were astounded that she would say that.

“You got Starfleet all wrong, they held us more than they do those things you said.”

“Why you pathetic little--” Grimer looked ready to smack her across the face for that, but Dodger held him off “Whoa, whoa… chill out. She’s just a little sprite.”

“She’ll get what’s coming to her anyway.” said Sun. “They all will.”

Beaker agreed, but suddenly the detector went off again. “Someone’s coming this way from within the water!”

He quickly shut down most of the systems, darkening the room, and once again putting the camouflaged covers over the viewports.

“Everyone quiet.” said Beaker.

Outside, Skystar, Sea Green, and Sea’s father, Fisher, were returning to the area with some of Sea’s underwater scanners, which worked just fine in the water.

“I’m sure this is the place.” said Sea. Then he looked at his wife, “Can you pick up anything?”

Sky looked around, and then shook her head. “No… but I was sure I felt strange waves coming from around here today.”

Fisher deduced, “Maybe you were just picking up the sonar from another sea creature.”

“Not likely,” replied Sky “Most sea creatures wouldn’t hang around here, it’s too close to the surface and the water isn’t as deep.”

Sea activated his scanner. “If there is something around here I’ll find it. Who knows? Maybe it’ll be some kind of new discovery.”

Sky’s fins and scales gave a few quivers. “I just love the ideas of seeing new things.”

The scanner was engaged, and the sonar activated.

While inside the base, the Idiots were growing worried.

Ever so softly, Sun whispered “They’ll find us for sure with equipment like that.”

Beaker wouldn’t hear of it, and he was prepared for this type of emergency as well…!

He pressed a switch on the console…

…From way up high, on the surface, where his stood, a cannon extended itself from a secret compartment in the bricks, and fired a small object into the water. This object was a small box, which sank to the seabed.

The box then extended two small antennas and began emitting soundwaves…

“…I’ve got something.” cried Sea.

“I can hear it too.” added Sky.

The family swam off in the direction, away from the base area.

They discovered the little box, and Fisher gave a sour glare. “This is it?”

Sea and Sky looked at one another with confused looks.

“This doesn’t feel like what I felt before.” said Sky.

Sea couldn’t help but suspect something fishy going on, or why wouldn’t he have seen or detected this device before.

The Idiots continued to observe the trio.

“They still haven’t fully left yet.” whispered Grimer.

“It’s okay,” whispered Paige. “As long as they don’t hear us, they’ll never find us.”

Hearing this, and remembering what she learned from various trips to aquariums, Applebloom knew what she had to do, though she knew it would land her in greater trouble, she couldn’t let these creeps carry out their plan.

She began to shout with all her might. “HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP…!!!”

Sun nearly jumped up to the ceiling, and Dodger nearly flipped his shades.


Sky gasped and held her head by the suddenly sound she picked up.

Sea’s scanner began to go crazy.

Fisher had no extra sensory, but he could tell the way the duo looked, something was seriously.

“THIS WAAAAAAAAAAAAY…!!” Applebloom shouted, but then Grimer leapt over and covered her mouth his hand.

The others were all sweating nervously, and Beaker was extremely angry, and then nervous as he looked out the small peep-holes at the trio returning towards the base.

“Don’t anybody make a sound.” he cautioned the others, and everyone kept as still as statures.

Applebloom fussed about as she tried to get her mouth free, and finally she managed to slip her lips out, and she sank her teeth hard into Grimer’s finger.


All the members began to panic, but there was no covering up this time.

Outside, Sky heard it all. “Those are voices!” she cried “They came from… within these rocks!”

Sea scanned the rock-formations and the soundings indicated tunnels and hollowness. “There must be some kind of cave inside here.”

“I heard someone yell for help too.” cried Sky, and then she gasped. “Maybe someone’s in trouble!”

Then, right at that split second, a small flap opened in the rocks, and POW, a sphere was fired at the trio, and it burst open like a smoke bomb, entrapping the trio in a strong net. They had all fallen unconscious as the gunk that burst from the sphere was in fact a kind of knockout liquid.

Inside the base, Beaker snickered. “Yes, someone is in trouble, and soon the entire planet will be.”

He laughed wickedly, making Applebloom sweat.

To Be Continued…


In our next episode: After observing facts, Lightning and Co set out to find the Idiots headquarters, while Applebloom and the Sea Trio are still held hostage as Beaker plans to put his greatest plan into action and rid the world of Starfleet and those supportive to them for good, and even the other Cutie Crusaders are growing restless and wish to do something about the impending danger.

Can Starfleet successfully stop Beaker, or are they doomed to vanish with his evil plans?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “The Giant Bang Theory: Part 2”)

Episode 11: The Great Bang Theory: Part 2

View Online

Previously on Starfleet Magic…

Paige accidently dropped her energy absorber into Applebloom’s backpack, which was later discovered by the school girl, and she accidently teleported herself to the lair of The Idiots and learned of their sinister plot to destroy Starfleet. Sea Green, Skystar, and Fisher also succumbed to danger upon discovering the location of the lair as well, and Beaker has been prompted to put his evil plans into action immediately.


Pear Butter had returned home, next door, and told her family everything, and rather than sit down to dinner, Bright Mac was chopping firewood in the yard, which was how he vented his steam when enraged or stressed.

He would just slam a log onto the block and then let out a loud and anguished roar as he brought the axe down, slicing the wood right down the middle, and then he’d do it again, and again, and again… making the wood pile up high at the side of the barn.

Finally, he ran of energy and was panting and sweating like crazy, but his insides were still seething with rage and worry.

Pear and Big Mac came out to try and comfort him.

“Um… Pa?” called Big Mac “Don’t you want to come in and eat?”

His father didn’t answer, still trying to catch his breath.

His wife approached him. “You should come in and eat. Supper’s going to get cold.”

Her husband spoke softly, “How can I eat when my little girl could be in real danger?”

His anger began to rise again. “Oh, just let me get my hands on whoever did this, and I’ll--” he raised the axe above his head to strike, but Big Mace quickly dashed over and held his father’s arms back. “Stop it, Pa!”

Pear was trembling tearfully.

Big Mac continued to speak to him. “I know exactly how you feel! When you and Ma disappeared, I had to be more than Big Brother to Applejack and Applebloom, I had to be almost a father to them, and I always worried about them when something could even go slightly wrong.”

He shut his eyes tight, remembering all those times, and a little tear fell from his big eye. “I’m worried about Applebloom, but you know what else… I have faith in her.

She’s been through way worse than this.”

Pear agreed, and even Bright Mac knew this, given all the danger and adventures the Cutiemark Crusaders had been through over the years.

He knew his daughter was tougher than she looked.

Still, he couldn’t help but cry softly. “I just want her to come home. If anything happens to her, I’ll never forgive myself!”

Pear and Big Mac embraced him, letting him let out his emotions.

Pear felt like crying herself. “Easy, honey… just let it all out.”

Across from their place, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and DD were sitting outside on the stoop, to give Tree Hugger a chance to get the babies to sleep. They saw everything going on, and felt bad for Applebloom’s family.

Scootaloo was starting to lose her cool again as she tugged on her mane. “Ugh!! I can’t take much more of this waiting!”

“It’s only been twenty minutes.” said DD.

Scootaloo only felt more frustrated, but what else could she say that wasn’t already said or still on everyone else’s minds.

It was Sweetie who stood up and said it first. “I wish we could do something about it, like we did all those other times.”

DD felt the same way, but not so much. “All those times we knew what we were getting into, but here, we haven’t the slightest idea of where to even start looking, and we still don’t even know what’s really going on, nor do we have any clues.”

For the first time ever, The Cutiemark Crusaders felt pretty stumped, and it hurt them deeply, but not as deeply as still being worried about Applebloom.

Speaking of…

She was all gagged up to prevent anymore screaming and giving away the location of the lair, and Sea Green, Fisher, and Skystar, were all beginning to awaken from being knocked out.

Sea Green and Fisher were bound to the wall as Applebloom was, while Skystar was put in a sealed tank, with strong glass, and bolted plates, even over the cover, so she couldn’t escape.

All of three of them were gagged too, and Skystar had small patches attached to her dorsal fin.

The lights flicked on, and all the prisoners awoke so suddenly, and Beaker snickered at them. “My, my, a full audience to witness the start of our new world.” he said “And here I was hoping to save it for a surprise.”

Some of the other Idiots weren’t amused.

“I still say we ought to destroy them and fast.” suggested Dodger.

“No!” snapped Grimer. “They’re hostages. Perfect assurance in case anyone does get the idea to try and stop us.”

“Precisely.” agreed Beaker.

Applebloom moaned softly behind her scarf-gag.

Skystar tried to use her telepathy to communicate with her husband, but to no avail.

“It’s no use…” taunted Beaker. “Those patches attached to your fin are specially designed-- by myself, of course-- so you can’t try that little stunt.” He then held up a single, tiny key to the patched, “And only I am able to remove them.”

Sea Green and his father struggled, but couldn’t break free, just like Applebloom.

“This is just too entertaining.” said Paige.

Sun agreed, but then suddenly, there was a low buzzing alarm. “What’s that?”

Beaker’s eyes lit up and he answered, “That’s the signal: the reactor is starting to charge.”

He motioned for his teammates to follow him, leaving the hostages bound and trapped, and virtually helpless.


At the Royal Palace in New Canterlot, Lightning and Starla had brought the broken absorber to the lab where they fed it into the master computer to analyze fingerprints on it.

The computer was narrowing down all possible suspects within the entire planet.

“Right, begin report.” said Professor Brain.

“Processing Request” bleeped the computer, and the screen began to go wild narrowing down the endless list of names the prints matched too.

“Now we know Applebloom’s prints are on that device when she grabbed it…” said Lightning

“…But whoever else had that device before may be our key culprits to this whole mystery.” added Starla.

Grand Ruler Celesto and Queen Celestia were present, having been informed of the events that happened, and they, too, were as disturbed as anyone.

Grand Ruler sighed, “Even after we’ve identified the culprits, there is still the big question: What is this all about, and why?”

Suddenly, the computer bleeped. “Analysis: Complete. Suspects Identified.”

“On screen…” ordered Brain, and the computer then showed three pictures of three different ponies-- one of them being Applebloom, naturally, and she was immediately deleted and excluded.

Another one of the ponies, Lightning recognized, “That’s Paige. She publishes the “New Ponyville Times” paper.

“But who’s that other pony?” asked Starla.

Professor Brain took one look, and his jaw hung open. “I wouldn’t have believed it possible.

…It’s Beaker.”

“You know him?” asked Celestia.

“Unfortunately, we had a rather… eh… er… disagreement.”

He recalled several years ago, when United Equestria was merely a month old, after The Great War.

Professor Brain was already appointed as Chief Scientist in the royal palace, but he kept up with his ventures, and visited other locations to give his lectures on the new technologies introduced to Equestrians who were still adjusting to their new surroundings.

It was at a conference near the seaside, where he was introducing new equipment for undersea exploration, and while the entire audience of scientists and students seemed thrilled and enthusiastic, Beaker was among few who weren’t, but he was the only one to speak up…

…It was after the conference did Beaker confront the Professor outside.

“I beg your pardon?” Brain asked in shock.

“Stop all this!” said Beaker “Equestria doesn’t want nor need all this newfangled stuff. All you and your cohorts are going to do is cause us more trouble and more danger. Please, hear me as a fellow-scientist…

Round up all your space pals, find a new planet to live on, and leave us.”

It was already at this point Brain could tell this pony was not very right in the head-- he wasn’t thinking straight, nor speaking proper sense.

He tried to make him see reason…

“Eh… I don’t believe you realize the full-extent of the situation.”

…But Beaker, stubborn as ever, didn’t budge.

“I know enough that it’s Starfleet’s fault our planet was destroyed.” he bellowed, and in the midst of his ramblings or untrue situations, he also had exposed his apparent jealousy.

“I was on the verge of creating all this new equipment and I would’ve been the pinnacle of the scientific community, and then you and your Space Gang come with all this stuff and you rub in our face at how superior it is to anything we could have made!”

“Jealously is it?” said Brain “Well, my advice to you, young one…

1: Perhaps you have misjudged things due to your frustrations and outraged, especially since you have taken time to adjust to your new livings.

2: Your theories may not be as hopeless as you think. You should continue your work, and who knows, maybe by working with newer technologies you could even help us perfect new ones.”

For all his logic and reasoning, it availed him naught. Beaker left in a huff, still clinging to his own beliefs, no matter how many people would point out how wrong he was.

Starla shook her head pitifully, “Just what we need; another loud-mouthed and overbearing Starfleet protester. There’s been plenty of them around enough these days.”

Lightning agreed, recalling all the reports of disturbances in the streets, most of which came from Swift Star.

“Wait a second…” he said as he remembered, “I know for a fact that Paige isn’t all that fond of Starfleet herself. She prints columns in her papers about rallying Starfleet Protests, but it’s never been considered lawbreaking. It is just harmless opinion.”

The pieces were all beginning to fit together, and Lightning turned to their majesties, “Permission to investigate?”

“…Granted.” their majesties both agreed, and Grand Ruler added, “This is definitely something you can help with, despite your appearance, Lightning.”

Even Starla agreed.

Meanwhile, Beaker and his team were in another chamber of the lair, where Beaker’s massive machine stood, powering up and practically glowing with all the power it had been given.

It was about half the size of a small house, with a large laser gun pointing atop it.

“All these years of planning, and finally, my vision is becoming a reality.”

He began to explain how his project would work…

“The energy from the hateful emotions you have all been gathering for me, were beamed here to the lab…” He paused and motioned to all the other machinery and consoles surrounding the chamber, “It is here, through my ingenious methods of energy conversions, and infused with magical properties… it is all made into the power for my Blast Ray.

This gun shall focus the power, and blast a strong beam of light into the sky, which will then spread a magical wave across the entire planet, which will entrap Starfleet, and all those loyal to them in magical spheres, and then hurl them through a vortex in the sky, flinging them all out into space where they will be teleported away… never to return!”

He was starting to rant and snicker more and more like a deranged man-pony, which creeped out his teammates.

“Uh… what about us?” asked Sun “What’s the ray’s not going to affect us, is it? And what about all those like us who can’t stand Starfleet?”

“Oh, don’t worry about them,” Beaker replied casually, “This ray will have no effect on those like us, hence why the energy is converted from hateful emotions.

It’s fairly simple if you know how.”

The others all looked back and forth at one another with extremely lost expressions, and Dodger even scratched his head a bit, but they all brushed it off, overjoyed at the thought of finally being rid of Starfleet for good and returning back to the old ways.

“It’s only a matter of time now…” Beaker said, unaware that his voice was echoing through the vents, and he was being overheard in the next chamber by the prisoners...

“…Once it’s at full power, Starfleet is going bye-bye.”

The prisoners didn’t like the sounds of that at all, especially when Grimer added, “And as for the prisoners, I say we bop them off.”

“Let me have first dibs.” joked Paige.

Applebloom and Sky whimpered while the men growled behind their gags, but there was still no way for them to break out of bondage.

Applebloom wished there was some way for her to warn her friends, and then alert Starfleet of the impending genocide.

There was a bit of luck for her, as she could see on a coffee table, one of the members had left behind one of their absorbers.

“If I could just get to that, I could teleport out of here and get help.” she thought. That was still easier thought than done. The manacles were just too strong to break, but she wasn’t licked yet.

“Maybe I can slip through them.” she thought. “I just have to remember my Yoga lessons with Tree Hugger.”

Though her mouth was still gagged, she was still able to breathe through her nostrils.

Deep breath in…

And she let it out slowly…

Then another deep breath in and out again slowly, again, and again, and then as she exhaled, she let it out super slowly, and by doing it correctly, her slender wrists and ankles seemed to become more slender, like wet noodles, allowing her to slip through the bindings, to the other prisoners’ delight.

With her arms now free, Applebloom removed the gag from her face. “Whew! That’s better.”

Then she opened the cheap gate-like latch to undo the waist-lock, but the second she did, an alarm sounded which made her panic.

The Idiots burst into the room almost immediately.

“Hey, she got loose!” cried Grimer.

“Get her!” shouted Sun.

With no time to free the other prisoners, Applebloom leapt over to the table and snatched the device.

“My absorber!” cried Sun, and she leapt straight at Applebloom to grab her, but Applebloom quickly hit the button and vanished in a flash causing Sun to crash over the table, smashing it to bits.

Applebloom reappeared in New Ponyville, where the teleporter was set for. She landed in a dumpster behind an alley and was covered in trash and a banana peel on her head.

“Blech!” she groaned. “At least I made it out! I’ve got to get help!”

Rather than trying to use the teleporter-- still not knowing too well how it worked, and not having much time anyway-- She knew where she was anyway, not too far from home, and so she headed off for the farm immediately.

Back at the lab, the prisoners were delighted that Applebloom got away, but the captors were enraged.

“She got away! Nice going, Sun!” scoffed Paige.

“Hey! I tried to catch her.” protested Sun.

“Yeah, and you left your teleporter out in the open.” Dodger pointed out.

“Okay, okay, enough!” snapped Beaker.

The others all looked confused and worried.

“But she got away!” cried Grimer “She’s sure to come back with the authorities.”

Beaker still didn’t seem the least bit concerned. “We still have the other three,” he said pointing at the prisoners. “And by the time anyone gets here, the reactor will be fully charged.”

His teammates felt a little better, while the male prisoners scowled at him through their gags, and Skystar trembled with fear.

All Beaker could do was snicker, “In the end, Idiots win.”

Meanwhile, Lightning and Starla had already arrived at Beaker’s house on the surface-- having already gone through the records.

Pinkie’s droid was with them too.

“This feels a bit wrong.” Pinkie said. “We shouldn’t just break in and intrude on someone’s home.”

Has she been acting like her normal self, she would had leapt at the idea, but Lightning and Starla assured her this wasn’t against procedure.

“We’re searching for clues that could lead to Applebloom’s disappearance.” said Lightning. “If Beaker is even the least bit responsible, that entitles us to question him, as well to confirm our other suspicions.”

Pinkie had been informed of the potential genocidal thoughts, and it was a good thing she was still acting neutral and calm under her pregnancy and diet, or she would be leaping about with accusations.

“At least we have the forces standing by just in case.” said Starla.

An army of soldiers were standing at the palace, awaiting any signal from Lightning, via Krysta’s fairies, and then they would teleport to the scene, ready for anything.

Starla knocked at the door.

Of course there was no answer.

She knocked again, and Lightning called at the door, “This is Starfleet. Is there anyone home?”

Still no answer…

“I guess he’s out.” said Pinkie.

Fortunately, because they had their warrant to enter and search, Pinkie made her droid activate its key beam, which fired a beam out of the droid’s eyes, unlocking the door, allowing everyone to enter.

Beaker’s house, like most homes, was only one room, and as Beaker was known to be scientists, he had loads of bookshelves, chemistry sets, black and white boards with formulas and equations written on them…

…Equations which the trio could hardly understand. Still, none of which seemed to be the proof they were looking for to incriminate Beaker.

“Maybe we should wait until he comes home?” suggested Pinkie.

Lightning and Starla disagreed. Lightning said “That Beaker’s hiding something. Only he could build that absorbing device, and if we find out why we can find Applebloom, and maybe why he’s been taking energy.”

Starla activated her visor and began to scan around for anything suspicious.

She spotted a secret panel in the floor. “Look at this…” she called to the others, and pulled the panel out of the way revealing a long stairway leading deep down a long tunnel, which reeked with moisture, possibly coming from the ocean.

Starla tried her scanning again, but the signals didn’t pull through, as if it were a labyrinth down there, or just too far to tell, but it didn’t show signs to be rigged or anything dangerous.

“It looks like Beaker’s been even busier than a bee.” said Starla.

“Maybe Applebloom’s somewhere down there.” said Lightning, and the others agreed, it would make sense-- if Applebloom had discovered something big, Beaker would hold her prisoner.

“I can’t go down there, my remote signal would be lost.” said Pinkie.

“I’ll go.” said Starla. “Lightning, you stay here.”

“Now, wait a minute!” her husband protested. “This isn’t a battle, and I’m in charge of this. I’m going with you.”

Starla would have protested, but he gave a sharp, strict look, telling her there was no arguing, and as he was Commander, she had to obey, for she could only give orders in battles.

“Pinkie, you stay here, in case Beaker should come back,” she said to Pinkie. “If our suspicions are proven, hold him.”

Pinkie nodded, acknowledging her orders, and Lightning and Starla, hand-in-hand, slowly began to proceed down the steps.

As they got and further away, the moisture in the air became greater, and there were also lights along the tunnel roof.

Meanwhile, the sun had officially set, and the stars were showing as the moon slowly rose into the sky.

Tree Hugger was getting ready to walk Sweetie and Scootaloo home, and leave DD to watch Seedling and Shining Light-- she was old enough and responsible to babysit.

“I don’t want to go home, not just yet.” protested Sweetie.

Scootaloo agreed, “Couldn’t we just stay here until we at least know something?”

Tree Hugger shook her head, “Come on, girls. I know it seems cold and cruel, but you have to take it in stride, be brave for the journeys ahead, and let the bliss of life go on.”

The two girls blinked in confusion, and DD then translated, “She’s saying you’ve got school tomorrow, and other things to do, and I hate to say it, but she’s right.

What I learned for Starfleet is, we can’t go about worrying about one, single thing, no matter how important it is to us, or nothing will ever get done.”

Sweetie and Scootaloo were still too upset, but they could tell there was no arguing it and loaded up their stuff to leave.

Across the way, Pear Butter was standing outside her home looking out into the fields. Her husband and her son approached her.

“Ma… you alright?” asked Bic Mac.

Pear sighed, “I heard a sound out here, and I thought it might be--” she couldn’t finish and didn’t have to. The others understood, all wishing and hoping it was Applebloom too.

Then, suddenly… they could hear a faint shout in the distance calling, “…Heeeeeeeelp!!”

The trio felt they were all just hearing things out of worry, until the shout came again, more clearly than ever.


The crusaders poked their head out the door when they heard the shout.

“Applebloom?” cried Sweetie.

“I know that voice, it IS her!” added Scootaloo.

Then, from over the hills and down the lane, Applebloom came running, still shouting for help!

“APPEBLOOM!!” cried Pear Butter.

“She’s back!!” cried Bright Mac.

Everyone rushed out of each the houses, and dashed straight at Applebloom.

“Ma… Pa…!!” cried Applebloom.

Her mother reached her first and embraced her daughter hard. “Oh, Applebloom!” she sobbed.

Her father and brother soon joined, and the other Crusaders and Tree Hugger came over too, but as much as Applebloom was so glad to be home, she broke away from her mother’s embrace. “Y’all got to listen to me… we’re in terrible danger!”

The group all looked concerned, and Applebloom urged everyone to listen to her story.

While back in the tunnel, Lightning and Starla had gone so far down, they felt they had to be under the waves by now, and then, right before them, was a sealed door with an imprint lock to the side.

Their suspicions of Beaker were peaking.

Starla tried her visor’s X-Ray to see through the door, but it was no good, the metal of the door was too thick, but she was able to detect life readings from beyond the door itself.

“Think we can break this sucker down?” asked Lightning.

His wife nodded with a coy expression.

The two stepped back to take a double running-kick, when suddenly, they heard a voice call to them over a speaker. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you!” causing them to stop dead in their tracks.

“That’s Beaker…” said Starla.

Lightning agreed as he gawked at the door. “Beaker, we’re not playing games here. Just come out willingly.”

Beaker only laughed, and behind the door he spoke into a microphone. “You’re in no position to demand that this time, because I’ve got hostages in here.”

He motioned over to his teammates to remove the gags from the prisoners’ mouths, and Grimer threatened to send electrical currents into Sky’s water tank, which would really hurt her, if the prisoners didn’t cooperate.

“Commander Lightning, General Starla…!” called Sea Green, “They’ve got me, my dad, and my wife in here!”

Lightning and Starla knew that voice anywhere, and Starla scanned the soundwaves, confirming it was the real deal.

“You’ve got to stop him! He’s mad! He’s going to--” Fisher shouted before he was conked out by Dodger to prevent the plan being slipped.

Starla then called to him, “Whatever you’re up to, Beaker, we’ll stop you.”

“It’s too late!” hollered Beaker “Make one move, and these prisoners will get it! There’s no hope for you this time!

You and your Starfleet will reign over us no longer!”

Starla and Lightning didn’t like the sounds of that one bit.

To Be Continued…


In our next episode: It’s the final bout with the Idiots and Starfleet, as both sides fight for control of the fate and future of the plane, and Beaker loses all his remaining sanity, resorting to dirty moves to ensure his project succeeds and Starfleet is destroyed.

Will Starfleet finally put an end to the mad-pony’s plot?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “The Big Boom Theory: Final Part”)

Episode 12: The Great Bang Theory: Final Part

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“Previously on Starfleet Magic…”

With his cover broken and the authorities onto him, Beaker planned to put his project into immediate action, revealing that he intended to use a power Ray Machine to obliterate Starfleet and all supporters. Unfortunately, Applebloom managed to escape custody and ran off to warn her friends and family of the impending danger, while Lightning and Starla infiltrated the secret lab, but are stuck between risking hostages over the safety of their world.


Applebloom had explained as much as she could...

“So let me get this straight,” said Scootaloo, trying to grasp it all, “A bunch of idiots are trying to get rid of Starfleet?”

“Not a bunch of idiots…” replied Applebloom “The Idiots: The Industry Dedicated In Overthrowing and Terminating Starfleet.”

Everyone blinked in astounding confusion.

“Wow. They sure aren’t good with names.” said Tree Hugger.

Bright Mac didn’t waste a second, “I’ll send a red alert to Starfleet at once, and he dashed for his house to send an emergency signal.

“There’s no time!” cried Applebloom, and she held up the teleporter, “We’ve got to go back there and stop them now before they fire that ray.”

“Applebloom’s right!” agreed Sweetie.

“No!” snapped Pear Butter “It’s out of the question!” and she quickly snatched the device from her daughter’s hands.

“But Ma, listen…”

“No, you listen! I almost lost you tonight, and if them there ponies are as psycho as you say, running back to them means you’ll be in danger again.”

“Ma, if we don’t do this, we’ll all be in danger, maybe even worse!”

Pear began to tremble with worry, knowing Applebloom had a point, and in her stammering worry, she didn’t watch her fingers, and accidently pressed the teleport switch.

The device began to glow.

“Ma!!” cried Applebloom.

“No, not again!” added Sweetie, and she and Scootaloo quickly jumped in.

“Wait…!” cried DD, and she dashed straight at the group just in time as they all vanished with her, while Big Mac and Tree Hugger could only cover their eyes from the brightness.

“Oh, no!” cried Big Mac.

“Whoa… so no cool!” whimpered Tree Hugger. She wasn’t pretending to be chill; she was worried for the others, especially for DD, as she promised Buddy she wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

While all that was happening, Lightning and Starla were still stuck at the door to the secret lair, still uncertain if whether or not to barge in with the hostages still in danger.

Lightning motioned by nodding at Starla.

His wife complied, and she turned round and fired a tiny light orb from her horn, sending it floating back along the tunnel and up the stairs.

While inside the lab, the console began bleeping, telling Beaker than the Ray Machine was nearly completely charged.

“Excellent!” he chirped “This is what I’ve been waiting and planning for all these years.”

He began to fiddle with the controls, and from in the other room, the big machine began to rise up on a huge lift. Then the pole, with the ray atop it, began to extend upward. It went up, and up, and up through a long silo…

The silo extended itself to rise up out of the water, and the ray spouted out, and aimed straight up at the sky.

Beaker’s laugh sounded far more psychotic than maniacal, even his teammates could feel it, especially when he prepared the machine to unleash its power, and carry out his plan.

The prisoners felt sick with worry, and they weren’t willing to let them get away with this!


“Do it!!” agreed Skystar. “We’re only a few against many lives on the line!”

Were Fisher conscious after being conked out, he would have voiced his willing to riskhis own life as well.

Lightning and Starla knew they had no choice. The needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few.

“You all be quiet!” shouted Paige, and she and her teammates looked ready to belt and shock the prisoners silly…

…When suddenly… in a bright flash of light, Applebloom and her friends popped into the chamber.

“STOP THEM!!” shouted Applebloom.

Before the Idiots knew it, a great big brawl had broken loose.

Dodger lunged at Sweetie, and she levitated a chair, throwing it straight at him.

Grimber punched, kicked and even swung his wrench at DD, but the well-trained filly effortlessly dodged his every attack, taunting, “You missed me!

You missed me again!”

Then she finally found her opening and lunged at him, giving him a stiff upper-punch to the chin, sending him soaring and slamming hard into the wall.

Beaker hid behind a console watching the chaos. Still not wishing to lose his goal, he still knew one way to get out, and he clicked on a switch, and his three other prisoners flipped through the walls, and he slipped off through a secret exit with them.

Starla and Lightning heard everything from outside, and they kicked the doors open with ease, bursting into the chamber to see the fighting.

They were ever so surprised to see all the crusaders and Pear Butter beating the heck out of the four ponies.

Sun grabbed Applebloom from behind, until Scootaloo rushed forth and gave her a head-butt to the side, crashing her into a sofa, tipping it over.

“You little brats!” shouted Paige, but before she could do anything at all, Pear Butter grabbed her from behind and turned her to face her snarling face.

“This is for kidnapping and threatening my little girl!” and she gave a huge fist in the face knocking her into Dodger, and they both fell onto the coffee-table, which fell under their weight.

“Okay, enough!” shouted Lightning, and everyone froze on the spot immediately.

Before long, the four teammates were officially arrested, and Starla bound them up tight in magical bindings after reading them their rights.

Lightning then questioned the Crusaders and Pear Butter. “What are you all doing here? How did you even get here?”

Before anyone could even try to answer, “Wait!” cried Applebloom “Where’s the crazy scientist guy?”

Everyone realized this too, and they also saw that the other three prisoners were gone too.

That’s when Beaker’s evil laugh was heard, and he appeared on the console screen. “…An astounding performance, Starfleet…

…Too bad it’s all for nothing!”

The screen revealed he was outside, and using a remote-device to control the machine where he stood, and the ray was ready to fire into the sky.

“We’ve got to stop him!” cried Applebloom.

The others agreed, but Beaker cautioned them, “I wouldn’t…” and he showed that he still had the hostages with him, all bound and tied to the silo.

“Skystar!” cried Lightning “She can’t survive out of the water too long!”

“And she still can’t change into her Hippogriff forum.” added Starla.

Suddenly, all the doors and the viewports sealed tight, along with extra, thick steel walls.

“What’s going on?” cried Sweetie.

“Oh, come now…” taunted Beaker. “Surely even the great Starfleet can escape form a situation like this.”

He pressed on his remote, which opened a valve, letting the water gush in.

“He’s flooding the place!” cried Sun.

“But what about us?!” called Grimer.

“He’s betraying us!” growled Paige.

“Yo’, uncool, baby!” sneered Dodger.

The water was already up to everyone’s ankles.

Starla and Lightning helped the prisoners get to their feet to keep them above.

“Good luck trying to get out of this one!” Beaker taunted “Even if you do, it’s too late now!”

With one press of his remote, the ray fired a huge beam into the night sky, creating a giant flash of light.

“YES!!” cried Beaker.

Suddenly, more lights shone on him. He turned round, and saw and entire fleet of soldiers standing on the land many feet away from him.

“Freeze!” called Pinkie’s droid “This is Starfleet. You’re under arrest!”

Pinkie had gotten the signal-- the orb of light which Starla had sent up the tunnel earlier-- and brought the cavalry as promised and ordered.

Suddenly, there was another bright flash from above as strong lights began to rain down from the skies like a huge storm. The rain then fell on top of the hostages and the Starfleet soldiers, magically encasing them all within magical spheres-- exactly as Beaker promised, while he himself remained completely unaffected.


“What’s going on?”

“What is this stuff?!”

The soldiers stretched and punched to try and break the magical spheres.

“It’s no use, Losers!” hollered Beaker. “This force is conjured up by the spiteful energies of myself and those who loathe you, and combined with my genius formula and magic, you cannot break it, and now the best part happens!!

…You’re all going to be blasted into Space, where you’ll be lost forever, and that goes for anyone whom my magical rain falls down upon who is loyal to you!!


“Think again!” shouted Pinkie.


Beaker could hardly believe his eyes-- she was still unaffected.

“Your magic obviously doesn’t work on machines!”

The rain was continuing to spread across the planet so long as the ray was firing.

Then suddenly...


A huge burst of magic fired from the roc-formation by the shore. Lightning, Starla, their friends, and prisoners leapt out through a hole they had blasted to escape the flooded lab.

“Look out!!” shouted Pinkie, but the second her friends rushed out into the open, the magical rain struck them, imprisoning them in magical spheres that began to float off the ground.

The prisoners, of course, were spared due to their hate of Starfleet.

“What’s going on?” wailed Sweetie.

“It’s an energy prison!” cried DD.

“It’s his machine!” shouted Applebloom “We’ve got to stop it!”

Then, as if by magic, the machine powered down, and the ray stopped firing, which causing the magical rain to cease.

“What?!” snapped Beaker. “No, no, don’t give out now!!” he began to pound and hammer at the machine, but he found the reason it stopped. “It’s out of energy!!”

“Looks like only half a tank of gas wasn’t good enough… TRAITOR!!” shouted Sun.

Breaker pulled on his mane, yelling in complete and total insanity! “THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING!!”

It only got worse for him, for as his ray had used up all its energy, those who were encased in spheres suddenly broke free.

And as for Beaker, Pinkie rushed her droid clear over to catch him.

Desperate to get away, he leapt off the platform and into the water, only to be apprehended by his three former prisoners.

“That’s enough of your trouble making!” yelled Fisher.

Skystar angrily swam up to Beaker and slapped him hard across the face with her tail. “Monster!” she roared.

“Okay, okay, easy, easy!” said Sea Green as he calmed his wife down. “He’ll get what’s coming to him.”


With all of the Idiots arrested and plenty of proof, that when it came time for their trial, they didn’t have a chance.

Beaker was charged with…

-Attempted Murder

…Not to mention attempted Genocide in his plan to overthrow the entire planet and kill practically everyone on it, all because of his complete stubbornness and his detesting of Starfleet, as well as being carless, thoughtless, underestimating his adversaries and trying to rush things through.

The other members of the Idiots were all equally charged for their aiding and abetting in the plot.

Applebloom’s entire family attended the trial, and so did Skystar’s mother, Queen Novo from Sequestria-- in her Hippogriff forum.

When she heard how the Idiots treated her daughter and her son-in-law, she was infuriated, but she kept her cool for the sake of justice.

Swift Star was asked to come to the trial by Lightning, as a way of training him for future courts of law-- not to mention he felt that Beaker and the others could use one of his inspirational speeches.

Beaker gave a long rant of why he hated Starfleet so much and why he did what he did, which was pretty much the usual stuff.

“You Starfleeters ruined our world. You led bad guys to our planet. You boss and push us Equestrians around like slaves! You even took my dreams of scientific achievement away from me!”

He then shouted at practically every single creature in the entire court, “AND I CANNOT BELIEVE ALL OF YOU SUPPORT THESE MONSTERS!!

What’s wrong with all of you?! Can’t you see we’d be better off without them?! But now, you’re all just as pathetic and as stupid as any other!”

For all of Beaker’s rantings and ravings, all they did was confirm just how insane he was.

The panel of judges demanded he silence himself and refrain from any further raving.

As for Swift, he angrily pounded the table, not willing to listen to another one of this mad-pony’s falsehoods.

“Now, you listen to me, you twisted punk! We’ve all dealt with your kind before, and it always took us months to wash the filth out of our mouths!”

The judge banged his gavel, “Cadet Swift Star, please refrain from--” was all he said before Lightning interrupted him.

“No… let him continue. It needs to be said. Even you’re thinking the same way.”

The judge tried to make an excuse, but he looked up at the majesties, sitting in their balcony box behind the court.

They nodded at him to allow Swift to proceed.

Swift was welcomed forward, but he still stood a few feet from Beaker as he really laid into him.

“Starfleet has explained all the things that led to all this many times, and a lot of us were willing to accept it, but you and like the many others refuse to, and instead of taking the time to at least learn and understand how it is, you continue to ignore it and follow your own assumptions, which are always wrong… and you know they are.”

Beaker was twitching angrily with his head dropped forth.

“GET YOUR HEAD WHEN I’M TALKING TO YOU!!” yelled Swift, causing Beaker to wince.

“Starfleet didn’t do this to you; you brought it on yourself. I sat here and listened to rant and whine about how you could’ve been some great scientist, well you still could have been all those things. You could’ve continued your work, and maybe you could even have accepted Starfleet’s ways, maybe even discover new ideas…

…But No, that wasn’t good for you, was it? You chose to be miserable. You chose to be ignorant and resentful and you let it eat away at your conscience. That’s why you came up with this ridiculous scheme to get rid of practically everyone on the planet.

Now let me ask you this…

Even if your little project had succeeded and you got rid of everyone, what then? There’s no way you, and whoever would be left would be able to carry on.

What would you do without the Starfleet Tech we use to make this easier in life…?

What would you do even with things that don’t require it?

Where are you going to get food and resources? You’re no farmer, you’re no ecologist, and even still, with Starfleet gone, what would you do if the planet was attacked?

Lord Titan and his goons are still out there, you know, and so are a whole ton of other bad guys and sickos who see no boundaries into coming here and stirring up trouble, and won’t be able to drive them off, not with the pitiful and limited resources you’d have.

See, that’s the problem with you, you don’t think too far ahead. You were so obsessed with getting rid of Starfleet, you devoted all your time and power to it, and even then it flopped miserably, especially because you were in such a reckless hurry that you were willing to sacrifice your own minions who served with you.

…And you have the gall to preach about loyalty, decency, understanding, and friendship?

Look around you Beaker… things just happened that led to all this, and while our lives may not be the shining example of what you call “perfect,” I’m grateful towards Starfleet and so is everyone else. They saved my life, they saved those I love and more, and now I’m one of them, trying to help make the difference that they do…

…And that’s something you and those like you just don’t understand and refuse to.

Well, I hope it takes the rest of your life now, because that’s all you’re looking at.”

Beaker, feeling totally cornered and squashed, could only angrily spit in Swift’s face, which made the court gasp in shock.

Swift angrily wiped it away and returned to his seat.

With all said and done, deliberation of a verdict was plenty easy.

“All rise…!” called the head judge, and everyone stood up.

Grand Ruler and Celestia both had flutter up off the floor to be seen.

“Has the panel reached a verdict?” asked Grand Ruler.

“We have.” declared the judge.

“You may proceed.” said Celestia.

The panel of judge rose, and the head judge declared. “It is the ruling of this court that they defendants are found guilty of all charges.

The four members of the Industry Dedicated In Overthrowing and Terminating Starfleet are hereby sentenced to no less that five and no more than twenty years in prison.

While Beaker, being the brains behind it all, is hereby sentenced to prison and hard labor on the Prison Planet Conva…

…For Life!”

The court began to applaud and cheer, while the Idiots could only hang their heads in anger and defeat as they were hauled off to be taken away.

Paige’s newspaper would carry on, once they found a new publisher.

Grimer, being a mere sewer worker, was easily replaced, and the same went for Sun Dew. There were plenty of Pegasi to help with the weather.

As for Dodger, he had no family, no successor, nothing. So his dance hall would be closed up until the right course of action to be done for it.

Once the trial was concluded, and everyone filed out, the sea ponies bid farewell to their friends.

“Words cannot describe my gratitude for your saving Princess Skystar.” said Queen Novo.

“You should really thank the Cutiemark Crusaders.” said Lightning, and then he looked at them rather sternly, “Even though they disobeyed orders, and DD broke enough Starfleet rules that could cost her all future training and admissions…”

The girls all began to look tearfully worried.

…But then Lightning’s scowl turned into a proud smile, “But given the circumstances, we only see it fit that they each receive special awards for services rendered, in the helping of saving their entire world once again.”

The girls looked back and forth at each other with huge and excited smiles. Pear Butter and Bright Mac were especially proud for Applebloom, so was Big Mac.

“That’s the girls for you…” said Big Mac “They just can’t help themselves.”

The girls each did their cheer-- putting their hands together and then leaping up high, “CUTIEMARK CRUSADERS!!”

Starla chuckled at how far the girls had come, and how brave they were.

“Well, we better get going.” said Sea Green. “I’m going to set up Beaker’s old lab as my new research facility. It helps now that it’s flooded, and there’s still some good equipment I can tinker with.”

He paused, and assured everyone, “…For good stuff only.”

Fisher snickered, “That’s my boy; always thinking right.”

Skystar pecked her husband sweetly on the cheek.

Novo could only shake her head and say, “I could have chosen so much better.” she murmured. Then she smiled at her daughter and said, “…But you couldn’t have.”

Skystar and her husband smiled at her, and hugged her warmly.

After the Seaquestrians headed off back for the sea, and the Crusaders headed for their respective homes to get back to normal life…

Swift addressed Lightning and Starla. “I’m sorry if I came on a little too strongly in there.”

“Don’t be,” said Starla. “You have every right to read him out. Any one of us in that room would have done it.”

Lightning agreed.

Swift felt a little better, but it still drove him crazy the way some folks have it in for Starfleet and their supporters.

“If only we could make them see.”

“I’m afraid that is quite impossible.” said Celestia as she, her husband, and sister came out from the courthouse. “While some things do happen in life that we have no control over, whether we choose to accept them is our own decisions, but we cannot force people to change their minds, We can only set an example.”

Swift realized this, “Still…” he said “I don’t get why some people don’t get over themselves and try to see a difference.”

“As the queen just said,” replied Grand Ruler “…We can only hope to set examples which can people can learn from, but there are some who just aren’t looking to learn. They cannot be reasoned with, bought, or negotiated with.

…Some creatures simply wish to bear the grudge, and where they end up after is entirely up to them and the actions they take.”

Basically, there was nothing neither they, nor anyone could do but just roll with it, but they were thankful the majority of the planet was all for Starfleet rather than against them.


In our next episode: Rhymey and Fluttershy face big problems on a planet that confuses them of being hostile after they save it from Titan’s forces and forbid them from leaving. Meanwhile, Starlight Glimmer attempts another attack on Celestia, this time with both herself and her puppet clone, and a creature that multiplies it, creating an entire army of Starlights.

Can Rhymey and Fluttershy prove their innocence, and will the Starlight army overwhelm Starfleet’s forces?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Multiple Deceptions”)

Episode 13: Multiple Deceptions

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Three weeks had passed since most of the team and others dashed off into Space to thwart Titan’s plans of gathering energy from other planets for his sinister plan.

Many of the generators had been destroyed, and the reports were sent back to United Equestria by each team, only then for reach team to head off to yet another destination to stop yet another evil plot.

It didn’t seem like Starfleet was getting anywhere, and this did not go unnoticed by the enemy.

Titan was slowly feeling his power being restored, but he still had quite a long way to go to get what he truly wanted.

As the energy absorbed from every corner of the galaxy, seeping into the Shadow Planet, all the aliens and monsters one the planet worked hard, like in a giant factory, converting the energy into power and giving it to Titan to absorb.

As Titan absorbed the forces, he sinisterly thought.

“Try as you will, Starfleet, there’s no way you cans top me this time. Soon my power will be fully restored, and then… the real nightmare begins.”

Down on the Shadow Planet, several monsters were slacking off from their duties.

One of the Foreman monsters noticed this and blew his top. “Hey! What do you creeps think you’re doing? You’re supposed to be converting the energy into power for Lord Titan.”

“Keep your scales on!” growled a worker “We’ve got it all covered, thanks to Multi-Plus.”

“Yeah,” agreed another worker “Thanks to him and his ability to multiply certain things, we don’t have to work up a sweat. He can cover all our stations.”

The Foreman did not look very pleased, “Well, too bad for you, because Multi-Plus is gone!”

The workers perked up in shock.

“What do you mean gone?”

“He received a message from Starlight Glimmer for a mission and left.

…So get back to work, all of you!”

The workers panicked and rushed back to their stations.


In the Royal Daycare, little Button fly was crying his little head off, which caused a bit of disturbance with the other babies too.

Cadance and Shining Armor were just dropping Flurry Heart off with the other toddlers before tending to their daily duties.

“Babies crying.” said Flurry.

Shining Armor pulled his ears down hard, “They certainly are.”

The daycare manager was positively frazzled as she tried to soothe Button Fly at least. “It’s no good. He misses his parents, and there’s nothing worse than being separated for a long period of time.”

Cadance hated the sound of babies crying, but she hated it more when anyone, even babies were suffering from heartbreak.

Luckily, her mothering skills came in handy, when all she did was softly stroke the little colt on his head which soothed his cries, and as Button settled down, the other babies did too.

“Bless you, Princess.” said the manager.

Cadance giggled, but really she wished her friends would come home soon. “Things have been getting really hard around here lately, what with Starlight Glimmer still out there, and I do miss home.”

Her husband agreed.

They weren’t the only ones wondering of the others.

Starla was up on the top terrace and using and was looking up at the sky through one of the big telescopes.

Lightning came up to her. “What are you looking for?”

“Just trying to see if I can spot any of the away teams, but of course it’s no good.”

Lightning moved the scope away from her eye. “Yeah, because it’s broad daylight…”

His wife sighed though a small chuckle.

Then Krysta appeared, “Yabbo… thought I’d give the head honchos a copy of the latest report. I already gave one to their majesties.”

With a wave of her wand, she made a letter appear in Lightning’s hands.

“Thanks, Krysta.” he said as he opened the paper. “It’s from Rhymey and Fluttershy… and it’s all in rhyme I see.”

Starla snickered, “Fluttershy’s really gotten into the spirit.

What have they got to say?”

Skipping through the poetry, the report stated the duo had already been to three known planets and destroyed the generators on each one, but their next destination was taken them straight into Unexplored Space, and would report back the first chance they got.

“Unexplored Space?” gasped Krysta.

Lightning and Starla gazed in awe, and desperately wished they were with their friends too, and wondering what new sights they were seeing.

Rhymey and Fluttershy made it to an unexplored planet, somewhere in the Central Western part of the galaxy, where they were dark power flowing from the surface as tracked.

It seemed like quite the well-developed planet… with a breathable atmosphere, lush green forests and meadows, and blue skies, but the greatest features were that of the metropolitan areas…

…Large cities, with huge buildings and high-rise skyscrapers, and the city seemed as developed as modern Earth Technology-- Cars, Subways, Cellphones, and even the people seemed to be like ordinary humanoid aliens whom seemed civilized and ordinary as they went about their lives, walking or driving to work, hanging out with friends-- the usual stuff.

Rhymey and Fluttershy kept out of sight, away from the city, as they were strangers who just came to the planet rather suddenly, and the Starfleet Code clearly stated that officers couldn’t just barge in on unsuspecting beings without good reason. Only after much observation and discovery would it be possible to start establishing contact with the people and, hopefully, reach a mutual welcoming and right to continue exploration.

“This world seems too good to be true.
Fields of green and skies of blue.” said Fluttershy.

Rhymey agreed and said,

“I see what you mean, my dear,
But we have a mission to accomplish here.

Find Titan’s goons and give them a bout,
And then we’ll knock the generator out.”

His wife agreed, and the two headed off towards the open fields where the darkness was emitting from.

Hiding behind some shrubs, they found the generator in almost no time, and mysteriously, the entire area seemed to run only by monsters and the Darquines, but absolutely no slaves-- no denizens of the planet, and the people of the metropolis seemed not to take any notice of the energy flowing of the evil aliens that had invaded their world, and the trouble they were up to.

Regardless of that, Rhymey and Fluttershy had their orders.

Rhymey whispered to his wife…

“I will go first and drive them away.
Then you destroy the generator. Okay?”

His wife complies, and pecked him sweetly for good luck.


Rhymey softly called for his weapon, and then leapt through the shrubbery, which got the monster’s attention.

“A Starfleet Pony!”

“Let’s get him!”

The Darquines immediately rushed forth, but Rhymey made short work of them all-- swinging his sword and slashing them to punching and kicking them all down.

Then he teased all the creatures.

“Monsters to the left
Monsters to the right,
Come on over and

The monsters roared angrily and began to rush for him, and Rhymey lead them away from the generator.

One of the creatures at the end of the crowd fired a large flare up high in the air.

Some of the people in the massive city saw the flare light up in the skies.

“What’s that?”

“Something must be wrong.”

“Alert the mayor!”

“…Call Sector Security!”

In almost no time, squad-after-squad of police-uniform wearing men and women rushed out on motorcycles and cruisers, and zoomed for the city limits.

All the monsters rushed at Rhymey ready for the attack.

He leapt up in the air…

“DRILL QUILL” unleashing his barrage of feather-spikes like a rain of needles at the beasts to stun them, giving him the perfect chance to soar in and slash them all with his sword, making sparks fly about all over.

One of them monsters then noticed Fluttershy, in her Valkyrie forum, looming straight over the generator with her sword at the ready.

“The machine…!”

“Stop her!!”

…But it was too late.

With a mighty roar, Fluttershy came crashing down and drove her glowing blade right into the machine, causing it to spark, blow out, and then she backed away just in time as the whole theing exploded ceasing the energy flow.

The monsters were horrifying, but Fluttershy only glared at them next, and her husband stood at the other end.

The monsters knew they were beat.

“FOR LORD TITAN!!” they shouted, and they all destroyed themselves in big explosions just like that.

The ponies sighed at how foolish the monsters were while doing that, but at least their mission was completed, and with that they powered down their suits.

“That’s another mission done.
Good job, Hon…” said Rhymey

His wife blushed.

Suddenly, they heard what sounded like a load of police-sirens heading their way, and they were suddenly surrounded by loads of policemen and women.

“Freeze!” one of them shouted. “Put your weapons down and surrender!”

The couple were most confused.

“There’s no cause for alarm.
We mean you no harm.” said Fluttershy.

One of the cops then noticed, “The generator…!” it was all smashed up and charred after being blown up. “You destroyed the generator!”

“Look!” cried another cop, pointing at the insignia on the ponies’ armor, “That’s the Starfleet insignia!”

The ponies were astounded. How did these beings no about Starfleet?

Before either one of them could try to explain, the officers moved in. “You crooks are coming with us.”

Rhymey and Fluttershy gawked at each other.

“They think we’re crooks?” Fluttershy asked.

“All of you look…” said Rhymey trying to reason with the officers.

“Save it!” shouted a cop, and then he called to his army “Let’s book them!”

The ponies saw no choice but to leap up high into the air.

It was obvious that these beings had the wrong idea about them, and in situations like this, retreating would only add to the, already, bad situation.

They had to try and reason with the cops.

“You have it all wrong about us.
We’re not here to cause a fuss.” called a Rhymey.

“We came here not to invade,
But to stop the plans that evil has made.” added Fluttershy

“I’ll be the judge of that…” called a voice.

Everyone turned and saw a rather beautiful woman with long black hair and wearing a red blazer with a matching skit step out of a limousine, and with two strong bodyguards by her side.

The word “Mayor” was stitched in gold thread below her left shoulder.

The cops all quieted down for her as she stepped forth, and called up to the ponies. “I am Paulesqa, Mayor of Mark City of Planet Metros.

We have been told of you and your Starfleet, and we know of all the dangers and mindless destruction you inflict on others, and now you’ve come to invade our world!”

Fluttershy felt every sickening lie blast her right through the stomach.

“You’re mistaken, we can see.
You must believe my husband and me.” she protested.

Rhymey agreed and added,

“We came to do you good,
To save your world, like Starfleet should.”

Some of the cops began to snicker and chuckle in total disbelief.

“And I suppose destroying the generator is an act of goodness?” argued Paulesqa.

She explained how the monsters came to their planet on a peaceful mission, planting the generator there to extract energy from the planet that they claimed was “polluting” their world, and promising them to use their resources to provide energy and power for the whole city, which they had.

“Now thanks to you two meddlers, the generator is gone, and on top of that, you destroyed the great beings that helped make our lives better!”

It was clear to the ponies now that Titan’s goons had deceived these beings, but before either one of them could speak up, Paulesqa held up her hands and actually zapped the ponies with strong energy bindings.

“She can do magic?!” gasped Rhymey.

“This is getting tragic!” cried Fluttershy.

Try as they would, they couldn’t seem to break free, and then they were telekinetically loaded into the back of a magic-proof wagon and hauled off for the city.

Paulesqa gave a satisfying, yet evil gaze as she watched the wagon go while muttering under her breath, “…Just as Lord Titan planned it.”

“Ms. Mayor…” called one of the bodyguards, “Are you alright?”

She snapped out of her trance and acted proud and innocent.

“Come along.” she said to her men “We have to meddlers to teach a lesson to.” Then she got into her limo and headed back for the city.

Meanwhile, back in New Canterlot…

Grand Ruler Celesto and Queen Celestia were surrounded by piles of books, papers, research notes, and even lists of failed experiments to try and figure way to restore their ages to normal, and they still had not a clue, nor would any of their experiments succeed, given the list of failed attempts.

Suddenly, the red-alarm sounded, and the guards began to scramble.

Some of them even shouted,

“It’s Starlight Glimmer!”

“Starlight Glimmer has been spotted!”

Celestia’s head bolted upright. “Starlight?!”

Her husband leapt up out of his chair, and they both dashed over to their bedroom window, and much to their surprise, there was a whole swarm of Starlight’s outside, nearing the palace boundaries, and more were popping up.

“She’s made copies of herself!” said Grand Ruler.

Celestia growled softly, and wondered if the Real Starlight was out there somewhere, doing this, but there was no way to determine, right away, since Starlight had ways of rendering herself and her clones undetectable.

Indeed, the real Starlight was hiding somewhere in the thick brush in the fields, while admiring the army of puppet clones she had created, with the help of her new sidekick.

“Well done, Multi-Plus.” she said to the creature beside her.

He was a humanoid shaped alien with four arms instead of two, and wore several armored pads all over his arms and legs-- each with a Plus and X mark on them. He also had three eyes in the front of his head, making it easier to see things from three different points.

“Tis a great many times a pleasure to serve, Miss Starlight.” he said with a bow, and all the crosses and Xs on his armor were glowing brightly. “With my magical-multiplying-armor, I can continue to multiply your clones…

…As long as my power holds up, mind you.”

Starlight was aware of this, which meant she couldn’t cast a barrier around him, or it would block off the magical-waves to keep the clones in action.

“You and I will stay here, and once the army weakens out the palace forces, I’ll sneak in, find Celestia…” she paused, and flexed and cracked her knuckles, “…and give her the death sentence she has coming!”

Her eyes blazed with a fiery flare.

Starla, already transformed, stood at the head of the army, with Cadance, in her Ninja Forum, and Shining Armor as Saber.

“CELESTIA WILL PERISH!!” the clones all yelled constantly.

The force-field was up around the palace, and Lightning had the artillery knights ready with their cannons, and Krysta and some of her fairies to help with the special surprise-blast strategy.

“Wait until you get your orders!” Lightning called.

“SIR, YES SIR!!” everyone called back.

Celestia clenched her fists angrily, but nervously, and even a little frustrated. “Starlight… if only I could make her see reason.”

“ATTACK!!” shouted Starla, and she and the army rushed forth, as did the Starlight clones.

Starla jumped in, punching and kicking madly at every clone that came her way, but unlike ordinary Darquines, these Starlight puppets were stronger, faster, and fought dirtier.

Starla took a whap to the face, and a kick to the gut, but she still stood tough and managed to kick and punch them back.


She threw her star clusters, forcing them clones to leap back, and accidently crash into one another.

The clones got up on almost no time and rushed to attack some more.

Cadance and Saber attacked and knocked more clones away, only to get punched, kicked, and blasted at.

Then it got worse as more clones began to materialize.

“They’re multiplying!” shouted Saber. “They’re heading straight for the palace!”

Lightning saw this from the battlements, and he signaled to the artillery troops to take aim with the cannons and their magical weapons.

Krysta ordered her fairies her to conjure portals.

“Full-Pattern… Fire!” called Lightning.

The cannons were fired, and magical beams too-- all of which flew through the portals…

...More portals appeared outside, and the blasts shot at the oncoming clones keeping them at bay…

…While the real Starlight snickered, “Is that their best?”

Multi-Plus got the idea and continued to multiply the clones, causing the army to expand even more.

“Galloping Galaxies… There are even more of them!” cried Lightning.

“They’re coming in faster now!” added Krysta.

The artillery continued to blast at the oncoming clones, but there were just so many of them, and hard to blast them all.

The clones began firing magical blasts at the barrier from so many sides.

The Real Starlight was flowing with evil glee. “Yes… blast it down! Blast it all down! Then I can make my move, and I’ll be fresh as a daisy while they’ll all be worn out like old blankets.”

While all this was going on…

Rhymey and Fluttershy found themselves thrown into an underground dungeon below the city streets. They were stripped of their energizers and armor, in exchange for green plumber-like outfits. Rhymey had an anti-magic manacle locked around his horn, while Fluttershy had an anti-power patch attached to her back.

They couldn’t transform or call upon their super-powers. The also had anti-lift patches fitted on their wings to make flying useless too.

“It’s the perfect place for monsters like you.” sneered Paulesqa, and she snapped her fingers, and her guards slammed the manhole coverlid shut.

Fluttershy was outraged, and while she still had her super strength and would have loved to rush up through the ground like a missile, Rhymey urged her not to, knowing it would make things worse.

The guards suddenly force marched two ponies, pointing powerful ray riffles at them.

They came to two large steel doors, which opened wide and revealed an underground trash refinery, with tons of other prisoners working the joints.

Others were even operating the power plants to supply power to the city above, through forced labor, and guards on their tails every few moments, even if they weren’t slacking-- whipping them, or firing near-miss shots from their guns.

“Well, here you are.” One the men taunted the ponies “You’re new home for the rest of your lives, and who knows how long that will take.”

The other guards chuckled, and soon put the two ponies to pushing carts full of trash along to dump them off to the crushers.

All of a sudden, Fluttershy’s insides became shaky and cold. She hated being locked up, or treated like a prisoner more than any other being she knew, and worse than that, both she and her husband were both convicted, suspected by beings who believe them to be hostile aliens who came to attack their world.

To make it all worse, because they were on an unexplored planet in an unfamiliar sector of the galaxy, all their Starfleet ranks, laws, and rights, meant nothing here.

And what really hurt them both was the thought of being trapped here forever, and never being able to return home, to United Equestria, and their baby boy.

“What are we going to do, dear?
We can’t just stay locked up here.” whimpered Fluttershy.

Her husband agreed,

“They think we are all criminals, but we’re not
There’s got to be a way to convince the misguided lot.”

The guards didn’t take kind to their chattering and fired a few shots by their feet.

“Shut up, and keep working! Wait until break time before you yak.”

Rhymey growled and Fluttershy quivered nervously, still refraining from taking the guards on as it wouldn’t do their cases, or the reputation of Starfleet any good.

They just had to go with the flow while trying to come up with a plan.

At meal time, the prisoners were served leftovers from the portions of unfinished meals from the city above them. Everyone got something different, and rather gross looking. Yet the prisoners all ate it up as it were a feast for kings.

Aside from not feeling too hungry, the ponies noticed how all the prisoners didn’t look the least bit like dangerous beings from above, but rather average and ordinary citizens.

Some looked as if they had been imprisoned for months.

Then, someone politely approached Rhymey and Fluttershy’s table and asked, “May I please sit with you?”

The ponies looked up, and nearly gawked in shock. This prisoner looked and sounded exactly like Mayor Paulesqa.

“You are not from around here are you?” she asked.

Rhymey and Fluttershy shook their heads, but didn’t know what to say, not wanting to cause more confusion, but the lady only smiled at them. “If you were imprisoned here wrongly by those above, then you are surely friends.”

Rhymey then asked…

“Please, can you tell me,
are you who I think you must be?”

The woman nodded, “You are correct. I am the True Mayor Paulesqa of Metros… or at least I was.”

She began to explain the situation…

She and her people--“The Metrosians”-- were a peaceful and well-civilized race. They had no super powers at all, and preferred to evolve and develop in their own ways.

“My people and I knew nothing but happiness…

…But then, one day, a month ago, while I was out on a nature hike outside of the city limits, my men and I were ambushed by vicious creatures from Outer Space.

One of them impersonated me, and used her vile magic to brainwash my men into thinking SHE was the real mayor.

And so I was thrown down here, and my people know nothing about it.” she paused and motioned to other prisoners, “…At least not everyone does.”

Fluttershy held her hand to her mouth…

“You mean all these people around we see,
They were also imprisoned most wrongfully?”

Paulesqa nodded. “That wretched imposter assumed my position as mayor, and deceived my people into thinking those evil monsters and their generator were here to help improve our world, and used their vile sources to develop new weapons and power sources.

Still, some of my people were not convinced, and that’s when it got worse…!

That imposter used her vile powers to hypnotize Sector Security, and imprisoned any and all people who were even slightly wising up, here.”

She didn’t need to say anymore; Fluttershy and Rhymey knew this was Titan’s doing, a plan to turn other races against Starfleet, which would, likely, cause disagreement and possibly riots all over the galaxy.

“Something will have to be done soon,
We’ve got to take down that imposter goon.” said Rhymey.

“We’ll take and her goons down,
And then restore order to this town.” added Fluttershy.

Paulesqa shook her head, “I admire your bravery and willingness, but with all Sector Security and these guards all under the spell, there’s just no hope. I should know; I’ve tried to reason with them.”

The ponies snickered.

“It may look like they can’t be beat...” said Fluttershy.

“But they haven’t truly dealt with Starfleet.” rhymed Rhymey.

Paulesqa looked intrigued.

The starlight clones continued to proceed towards the palace, firing their energy beams at the barrier, and no matter how much the forces tried to take them all down, the clones just multiplied again, and again, and again.

“We… can’t… keep this up… much longer!” panted Starla “My suit energy is running low!”

“That’s not all!” cried Saber, and he pointed up at the barrier, which was starting to fade as it had taken such beatings.

Cadance held her hands to the sides of her face, worried for her friends and relatives inside.

Grand Ruler and Celestia tried to pour on more magic to help keep the barrier up, but after a long time, and their reduced ages, they were both starting to feel low.

Princess Luna rushed into their bedroom and scooped them up in her arms. “Sister…! Brother-in-law…!”

Outside, the Real Starlight leapt out from hiding. “Their defenses are weak. Now’s my chance…!”

Multi-Plus snickered, but remained in hiding as order as Starlight leapt up, up, to the window of the Royal Bedroom-- levitating herself with her magic.

The royal trio looked up, and saw her.

“Starlight!” cried Celestia.

“…The Real one!” added Grand Ruler.

Luna growled while glared at the evil pony through the fading barrier.

“Mind if I come in?” she hissed, and she powered up to blast her way through the remains of the barrier.

“No!!” Starla shouted from below.

Suddenly, Starlight got blasted from below, which nearly knocked her out of the air.

“What?!” she saw from below that her own clones were zapping her.

“I will destroy Celestia!” one of them declared.

“No, that honor is mine!” bellowed another.

“You try, and I shall destroy you.” threatened a third.

Poor Starlight, she had made her puppet clone just like her much too well, that it also seemed to carry her grudge and lust to take Celestia’s life, and because of all this, the clones stopped attacking the palace and began wailing on each other… much to the delight of the Starfleet forces, and to the shock and horror of Multi-Plus. “This has never happened before!” he cried.

Suddenly, one of the clones fired a stray blast that flew straight towards him, forcing him to leap out of hiding.

“Look there!” Krysta called.

“It’s a monster.” said Lightning, and he could judge by the glowing crosses and Xs on his armor, “…HE’S the one making the clones!”

Saber saw it too, and he was able to break through the army of bickering and fighting clones to confront Multi-Plus.

“Okay you, time for a little subtraction.”

Multi-Plus bolted upright and snickering while flexing his four arms… “Come and get it, Bug Brain.”

The two began to clash and brawl.

Saber threw his chain-and-sickle, but Multi-Plus saw it coming with his three eyes, and caught it in one of his hands, then with two others he grabbed the chain and gave it a big yank pulling Saber in, and with his one remaining hand he aimed to punch him hard in the face…

…But Saber used his own extra hands to grab his opponent’s hand, and flipped him over.

“If you have to rely so heavily on clones to do your work-- your fighting skills and strength are obviously soggy!”

The clones were continuing to brawl with each other, and still trying to shoot the Real Starlight down from the window, wanting to get at Celestia themselves.

It got worse as gaurds came rushing into the Royal Bedroom looking ready to try and apprehend Starlight.

“That does it!! I’M OUTTA HERE!!” she Starlight. “THIS ISN’T OVER, CELESTIA!!”

Then she vanished and was gone, leaving the guards frustrated, and Celestia felt most upset, but she was too tired from helping to power the barrier to show it.

“Miss Starlight!” cried Multi-Plus.

“STRIDENT SHOCKWAVE” Saber gave him a huge electrical blast, making a big explosion that sent Multi-Plus sailing up and crashed down, damaging his armor.

“Oh, no…!!”

With his armor all busted up, the brawling clones began to disappear, one-by-one, leaving the monster all on his own and surrounded by the Starfleet army.

He knew his only option…

“FOR LORD TITAN…!!” and he destroyed himself.

Lightning saw everything from the window, and angrily pounded the sill. “I’ve never seen such devotion to maintaining secrecy!”

“Well, at least the monsters are all gone,” said Krysta “But they’ll be back.”

The rest of the army agreed.

Once back onboard Spider-Base, Starlight was positively infuriated with her puppet clone’s latest failure, that she up and destroyed it in a blazing blast, much to the minions’ surprise.

“Worthless… Idiotic… Disgusting Failure…!!” Starlight fumed as she continued to blast the puppet so that not an ash of it remained.

“Whoa! I’ve never see her so mad.” whimpered Razor.

Specter scoffed, “That’s what she gets for disobeying Lord Titan’s commands again.”

Waverline only flicked her hair and walked off going, “This has got to stop, one way or another.”

“And it will…” agreed Specter “No one disrespects Lord Titan…

…No one.”

Back on Metros, in the town square… the imposter mayor was delivering a public speech to the entire city, with video screens on all the buildings to amplify things.

She showed supposed images of Starfleet carrying out their duty, to destroy, conquer, and make people feel weak and worthless…

…And the people of the city actually bought into it, and who could blame them-- the imposter had, in fact, magically edited the images to make her story look true.

“Excellent.” she thought to herself “Starfleet’s reputation is well on its way down. Lord Titan will be most pleased, and be able to conquer the universe faster.” She paused and looked down at the people who were booing and hissing at the images. “…And these poor fools don’t suspect a thing.”

She then addressed the crowds. “People of the City of Lights, I, your beloved mayor, beseech you all. This Starfleet is a menace to the entire universe we live in. We must make the word be heard, and bring them down!”

The crowds began to holler and cheer for their so-called mayor…

…When suddenly… POW!! The ground burst wide open, and Rhymey and Fluttershy, in their super armor, leapt out onto the street.

“What is the meaning of this?!” shouted the imposter. “How did you criminals escape prison?”

Rhymey and Fluttershy snickered, and Rhymey answered…

“You did block our magic,
but not our strength and skill,
You’re men didn’t have a chance,
not against our will.”

He implied that he and Fluttershy were easily able to overpower each and every guard and all security in the prison with their powerful strengths.

The imposter growled angrily, but tried to keep herself calm so as not to break her cover.

“It’s all over for you now.” shouted a familiar voice, and Paulesqa stepped forward, making the imposter and the crowds gasp.

“There are two of them?”

“What’s going on?”

“There can’t be two mayors.”

Rhymey leapt up high and called to everyone, and he pointed to the imposter…

“She is a liar, she is a phony.
She is telling you stuff that is full of baloney!”

Fluttershy then added as she stood near Paulesqa…

“This is your mayor, not the one up there.
We’re here to set things right, and make things fair.”

The people weren’t sure what to believe and began to chatter back and forth.

“People, you must believe us!” called Paulesqua, “Whatever this imposter has been telling you is not true. Starfleet are friends, not invaders.” Then she pointed angrily at the imposter. “…She and her forces came to take our planet’s energy for an evil plot.”

“BE QUIET!!” shouted the imposter “I will hear no more of your criminal lies!” and she summoned all of Sector Security-- whom were still under her hypnotic spell.

The cops all rushed out like a stampede, all armed to the teeth. Some even stormed into town square on their bikes and in their cruisers, nearly running into the people on the way.

The civilians all jumped out of the way and couldn’t believe what their police force was doing.

Then they all turned to face the imposter.

“She’s a fake!”

“Our mayor would never make security charge like this!”

The imposter, knowing she was cornered, magically revealed her true form-- a dark skinned female alien wearing strong tights, and she worn an amulet around her neck, which was glowing to the same color as the cops’ eyes.

The civilians all gasped in horror, even more so as all the cops turned to face them, pointing their guns at them with snickering expression.

The alien laughed and introduced herself. “I am Hypnoesa… loyal servant of Lord Titan. You may have spoiled my work here, but Lord Titan will soon be restored. A pity none of you shall live to see it!”

That was what she thought, for Rhymey, Fluttershy, and Paulesqa had planned this too.

“NOW!!” shouted Paulesqua, and out from manhole covers burst many of the prisoners which the ponies had freed, and they are all armed with rifles taken from the guards, surprising the cops and the civilians.

“What’s this?!” shouted Hypnoesa, and before she knew it… one of the prisoners caught her off guard, firing a blast from his gun, hitting her hard and causing the amulet break free, and it hit the ground shattering into pieces!

“No!!” cried Hypnoesa

With the amulet shattered, her spell on the cops was broken.

“Hey, where am I?”

“What am I doing out here?”

Paulesqa was very relieved that her troops were back to normal, thanks to the bravery of the ponies and her people.

Rhymey and Fluttershy then leapt over to confront the monster.

“THRASH SLASH” with one swing of Rhymey’s glowing sword, the monster screamed and roared she fell over and exploded, and then reappeared within a sphere.

Despite the astounding, and rather horrifying theatrics, the people of the city cheered and applauded with joy.

Rhymey and Fluttershy stood tall and proudly, and felt incredible that they finally captured one of Titan’s monsters, and hoped they would be able to probe her mind of information regarding Titan’s plan…

…But it wasn’t to be, for just as Fluttershy reached down to pick up the sphere, the tiny monster trapped inside began to glow, and she disintegrated.

The ponies were shocked and horrified.

“That Titan, he was prepared for this too.” said Rhymey.

“They can still be destroyed, so capturing won’t do.” rhymed his wife.

A few minutes later, after receiving much praise from the mayor and her entire public for saving their world…

“Must you leave us so soon?” asked Paulesqa. “There is so much we wish to know about you, and your Starfleet, and share our lives with you too.”

The ponies were flattered, but they were bound by their duties to return home and report their discoveries at once.

“The world as we know is in danger of falling,
And whenever it is, we must answer the calling.” said Rhymey.

“But we wish to extend to you our hand,
And forge friendship that shall be grand.” added Fluttershy.

With that, they also promised to send a team of settlers to Metros to full establish contact, friendship, and more; maybe even establish yet another outpost to spread the Starfleet Empire out, and keep Metros safer from future attacks.

With a friendly handshake from the mayor, the ponies headed off into space

Paulesqa could only look up at the sky, watching her new friends and allies fly off and murmur, “Until the next time we meet, Starfleet...

…Together, we will learn, and evolve together.”


In our next episode: Spike and Rarity visit a planet that is run by alien dragons who consider them a disgrace for their ways, their marriage, and Rarity’s cross-breed, and force them into a tournament fight to the death to prove their power and worth. Meanwhile, Celestia decides to dig deeper into Starlight’s hatred of her and plans a secret trip, against her family’s wishes.

Will Spike and Rarity prove themselves to the dragons, and will Celestia’s plan pull off?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Dragon’s Honoring”)

Episode 14: Dragon's Honoring

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Onboard Spider Base, Titan had given Starlight a good talk down…

“You have been stepping out of line, Starlight, and this disturbs me greatly.”

Starlight bowed to him. “Forgive me, my lord, but I am carrying out my mission to keep Starfleet at bay.”

Titan hissed behind the darkness, “Maybe so… which is why from this point forth, you may do as you please.”

Starlight looked up in surprise.

The minions were peeping in on the conversation.

“What did he just say?” wailed Razor.

“Quiet!” snapped Waverline. “He just allowed Starlight to do as she wants. She can come and go as she pleases.”

Specter narrowed his eyes. “Interesting...”

Starlight bowed to Titan. “Thank you, my lord. I swear, you shall not regret this.”

“See that I don’t,” hissed Titan “And you best see that you know what you are doing. You are still my prized-apprentice after all.”

He said no more and vanished away.

Hearing him say those words soothed Starlight as she stood with new found confidence, leaving the minions astounded.

They had never known Titan to be this compassionate towards his followers.

Suddenly, Starlight aimed her hand over her shoulder a fired a blast at the wall, nearly missing the minions and making them leap out in fright.

She knew they were there all the time. “Eavesdrop on me like that again, and I won’t miss next time!”

She whipped round and gave them all a sharp, annoyed glare, making the trio shudder.

Then she walked right past them.

“Where are you going?” asked Specter.

“That’s none of your business, you three just standby for further orders… if you can.”

Waverline snuffed, “I’m really starting to dislike her even more.”

Razor then got the idea, “Maybe we ought to look in and see what she’s up to.”

Despite what Starlight had warned them about, Specter agreed. “I shall go.”

“What?!” snapped Razor “But it was my idea. Let me go.”

Specter gave him a sharp glared, “You’d stick out like a sore thumb. She’d never suspect me.”

Meanwhile, far, far away, in the Eastern Sector of the galaxy, Spike and Rarity were exploring a rather desolate, barren, and unexplored planet.

The lands were all barren, rocky, and full of mountains, and canyons, and it was plenty hot due to all the lava pits, and volcanos all around.

“Oh, my mane is all sweaty.” groaned Rarity.

“This would be an ideal place for the dragons back home.” said Spike.

As they continued to head in the direction the dark power was emitting from, they looked down from above, and what they saw they could hardly believe…

…There were dragons down below, much like those that lived in the New Badlands back home.

They were of all shapes and sizes-- tall, short, plump, some were even fierce looking. Some had wings, some didn’t.

They were wadding in lava pools, laughing and cracking jokes, and even munching on precious stones and ore, much to Spike’s temptation as he licked his lips.

Rarity’s nostrils gave a twitch. “Ugh! The ashes in the air! They’re so smelly-- I… think I’m going to--!”

She let out a huge sneeze, shooting her white flames in the air, which alerted the dragons down below of their presence.

“Who’s that up there?”

“No one knows of our secret lava pool and stash!”

“Let’s get ‘em!”

The flying dragons launched themselves upward.

Rarity shrieked!

“Let’s move!” shouted Spike, and they took off like speeding comets before the dragons could even blink their eyes…

…They were ever so shocked and astounded.

“…Were they dragons?”

“How did they move so fast?”

Spike and Rarity screeched to a halt in midair, and Rarity could barely catch her breath in the heat, since she was only half dragon.

“I don’t believe I like it here.” she panted. “The sooner we leave the better.”

Spike agreed, and as luck would have it, just a little ways ahead of them, they could see the dark power and the generator in sight, and no monsters guarding it guarding it either.

“Let’s put that thing out of action.” said Spike.

“Now, now, I am Colonel here,” said Rarity “And I say… Let’s put that thing out of action.”

Spike rolled his eyes, but followed her down to the generator, but just as they were ready to blow it to bits…

…Rarity’s visor gave off a warning of vibrations in the grounds below.

“Spike, watch out!” she called, but it was too late!

The ground opened wide open, like a fissure, and out thrust two humongous dragon tails, which grabbed them both, and yanked them down into the ground, which sealed up tight, leaving the generator to continue to convert more power for Titan.

Back on United Equestria…

Starlight was visiting a region on the far side of the planet, away from the main continent.

…A place called Saudi Marerabia, or rather “New” Saudi Mareabia.

On Equestria of old, before it was destroyed in The Great War, it was a place that resembled that of something out of an Arabian Night.

The land was surrounded by sandy deserts, and the town itself was comprised mainly of stone buildings and tents, with a market place, vendors, and wooden towers all over, and all the ponies and other creatures would wear turbans, veils, vests, sarees, and the usual things.

Now, in the modern days of United Equestria, it was still all pretty much the same-- the people chose to keep to their traditional ways, but were always welcome by the main government of the planet to have the power technologies they needed whenever.

This was the place where Starlight lived when she and her parents were exiled from Canterlot ages ago, and being here now brought on really bad memories, especially in the place where she stood…

…In place where a large hotel stood, she remembered there used to be a house where she lived with her parents after their exile.

Then, she headed off into the desert, where the graveyard consisted of hundreds of stones sat half buried into the ground, with names carved into them.

She stopped and looked over one stone, in particular, which had her parents names carved on it.

As she continued to look down at the stone, her eyes twitched angrily, and her fists quivered.

“She’ll pay for this!” she whispered under her breath, thinking of Celestia, obviously blaming her for the death of her parents, as well as the exile.

Specter had been hiding in the shade of another large rock, and he saw everything. “So this is the root of her lust for vengeance.” he said to himself.

Spike and Rarity found themselves brought deep into the bowls of the planet, where it was much hotter due to the lava flowing all around.

They had been brought to a large underground area, wide enough to store a large city, and they were surrounded by many dragons-- some that were even many times their sizes, and even fiercer looking than ever.

Many of the dragons were snarling, and glaring at the duo as they were dragged along. Some of the dragons even had angry smoke shooting through their nostrils, which sent shivers up the fighters’ backs.

“Now I’m certain I don’t like it here.” whimpered Rarity. “You’d think they’d at least have the decency to decorate their place, and make it more habitable.”

“Shh… don’t make them angrier.” cautioned Spike.

They were dropped off in the center of a large circular platform, and that was when the dragons began to chant in song like voices…



The ground began to rumble as an extremely large lava pit at the head of the lair began to bubble and rise.

Spike and Rarity held each other, quivering, as, what had to be, the largest of all the dragons stick its huge head out from the bubbling lava.

The head was burning red, and seething with hot veins that glowed. The head was as wide as the platform itself, and the fighters couldn’t even see the rest of this dragon’s body as it was still submerged.

The dragons all hollered and began to bow to their chieftain, and he looked rather enraged as he glared at the two strangers on the platform, with smoke flowing form his nostrils right past them.

Rarity and Spike coughed softly.

“You…” growled the chieftain. “You have the scent of dragons, and yet you are unfamiliar to us.”

Spike and Rarity both powered down their suits to show their true selves to everyone, which only made all the dragons gawk in astonishment.

One of the dragons flew in from the crowd and began to look Rarity all over. “This one looks rather strange.” he said as he ran his claws through her mane, much to Rarity’s disgust.

Another dragon came in and felt along her arms, which felt both scaly, yet smooth.

“Hey!” snapped Spike “Get your claws off my wife.”

Rarity wrenched herself from the nasty dragons and ran to her husband.

“For your information…” Rarity sneered “I happen to be only HALF… dragon. I am also half a humanoid pony.”

Hearing that made all the dragons go wide-eyed, and then they burst out laughing hysterically.

“Half a pony…?”

“And they’re married…?”

“What a pair of jokes!”

Rarity and Spike felt their angers rising.

“Listen to us!” shouted Spike, and he explained to them about who they were, why they had come, and about the generator absorbing energy from their planet.

“We don’t care…” growled one of the dragons.

“What?!” snapped Rarity.

“We’re dragons; we only look out for ourselves-- doing what we like, however we like, whenever we like… yadda-yadda-yaddie.

That’s how life goes here on Dragonia; a planet by the dragons for the dragons.”

The other dragons all began to roar and cheer



Spike and Rarity felt disgusted. These dragons were starting to sound and act far worse than the dragons back home.

The Chieftain then let out a small growl, yet loud enough to make the place rumble, quieting everyone down, and then glared at Spike and Rarity, with blazing, angry eyes.


You disgrace the very name of “Dragon” with this nobility to fight for justice and freedom.”

He then glared squarely at Spike, “And you…! You would take a pony for a mate-- all the greater dishonor!”

The other dragons all began to boo and hiss at the couple, some even blew small flame jets towards, which they dodged easily.

“I say we roast them alive!”

“Nah… let’s stone them!”

Spike and Rarity didn’t like this one bit, but with so many huge dragons surrounding them, escape looked next to impossible.

But it was Rarity who spoke up first. “How dare you insist we carry no honor! Why in my opinion, my spike and I have more honor in ourselves than the lot of you on this entire planet.”

All the dragons fell silent.

Spike, as astounded as he was by his wife’s balking, he supported her entirely. “If you want honor, we can prove it to you.”

The Chieftain could see some assertiveness in their attitudes, but still finding them somewhat disgraceful, he decided…

“I… Varos… Chieftain of the dragons of the planet Dragonia… Varos… of the eighty-seventh brotherhood, and displayer of discipline, hereby decree, these two strangers shall put to The Test!”

The dragons all began to gasp.

“Not The Test.”

“They’ll never survive.”

Spike and Rarity were confused and worried, wondering what this “Test” was.

Varos explained, “The two of you shall be pitted against our champion, Scarlight!”

The very mention of the name, made some of the dragons shudder while others went “Oooohhh…!!”

“And…!!” continued Varos “…You will do so without your fancy armor, or magical powers.”

The couple gawked at one another with concern.

Suddenly, the ground began to quake with huge, oncoming footsteps.

The other dragons began to cower and hide as HE approached.

Scarlight: Champion of Planet Dragonia.

He was a very large dragon, more than ten times the size of Spike and Rarity-- making them about the size of tennis balls to him.

He had dark red scales with an orange tummy and a sword emblem burned into it-- the marking of a true champion. His face was rather flat, but his teeth, his horns, his claws…

..Worst of all was his mighty roar, the massive flames that shot from his mouth.

Rarity felt faint with fear, Spike shuddered softly, but tried to be brave.

The dragons call cheered and chanted.


“They expect us to beat… THAT?!” wailed Spike. “…Without our armor and magic?!!” added Rarity.

Scarlight glared at the two, and sneered in his booming voice, “First you have no honor, and now you lack courage.

Perhaps I should roast you on the spot!”

With that alternative-- being death-- and given they hadn’t time for hanging around on the planet like this when the galaxy was still in danger.

…Spike and Rarity had no choice but to accept the test.

In New Canterlot, Celestia was rummaging through an old memory chest of hers, hoping to find some old spells she had written over the centuries and see if any of them would help restore her true age.

Then she came across an old photo taken over twenty years ago for her class with young Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer.

Seeing it brought back some good memories, but it also hurt her inside; what with Twilight being dead and she missed her dearly…

…But also, Starlight wasn’t so jealous then, and she actually looked a little happier-- she was smiling.

Grand Ruler came into their bedroom. “Celestia… do you need some help, dear?”

His wife just sat on their bed and turned to face him with a sad expression, and she passed him the picture.

“Ohh…” he said as he gazed down at it, and he could tell what she was thinking and feeling.

Celestia sighed, “Starlight has changed horribly.”

“You can’t keep blaming yourself like this,” her husband said. “You were right to expel her from school, and exile her family for their crimes.”

No matter how much she knew of that, the sickening feelings wouldn’t stop chewing at her conscience.

“Having it out for me is one thing, but swearing allegiance to Titan? Causing havoc and destruction through the cosmos…?

There has to be more to it than simply for the expulsion and banishment, and that’s what I intend to find out.”

Grand Ruler blinked once, “What do you mean?”

“I’m going to go out there, beyond the main lands and find the answer.”

“Wait a minute…!” her husband said sharply as he put his hand on her shoulder. “You can’t go out there.

In the first place: You know Starlight is out there, waiting for the chance to attack.

In the second: you’re still a child, like I am. Other races may still take advantage of you because of your reduced height and power.”

Celestia was aware of all this, but still insisted “…I must find the roots of Starlight’s evil.”

“Which is another thing entirely…” protested her husband. “Where would you even start looking? There’s no known record of where Starlight Glimmer or her parents once lived.”

Now Celestia felt her hopes starting to fade, but then… something appeared in a flash on the window sill.

“What’s that?” wondered Celestia.

As the light faded, there, sitting on the sill, was a small parchment with writing on it, but no signature.

The writing simply read: “Go to the New Saudi Mareabian graveyard. The answer you seek is there.”

The two ponies looked at one another, and both wondered; who sent this letter? How did they even know what they sought?

They didn’t recognize the handwriting, nor were there any fingerprints on the paper to identify.

“New Saudi Mareabia…?” Celestia muttered.

While Grand Ruler was intrigued himself, he still protested, “No… you mustn’t go.”

Celestia finally agreed not to go, at least not herself.

In almost no time, she had created a puppet clone, and much like Pinkie’s droid, she could control and see through it, via her magic rather than controls, and without actually leave the palace.

“You really think you’ll find something out there?” asked Lightning.

“I’m not sure, but I have to take this chance.”

“Lightning and I will go with you…” said Starla “Or… rather your puppet.”

“I’ll take you there.” said Krysta “All aboard for New Saudi Mareabia.”

She teleported them all clear across to the other side of the planet, and they materialized in the hot, sandy desert away from the village.

“Whew! Feel that blaze said Starla, and she and Lightning clicked on their armors’ cooling systems.

“Still, feels good to be traveling again.” said Lightning. “…Better than being cooped up in the palace or at home all day.”

The graveyard was just a little ways ahead of them, up the sandy hills, and all four of them had wide-eyes.

“That’s the graveyard?” asked Krysta.

The sight of it made Celestia shudder, “We lost many good ponies over the years, with or without monster attacks. Living in the desert can be harsh.”

Lightning felt that especially, he had traversed many deserts and wastelands while wandering on his own after his planet, Harmonious, was destroyed.

Celestia remembered the message from the letter. “We have to search the graveyard, and I think I know who we’re searching for…

…Follow me.”

Heeding their queen’s hunch, the trio followed her puppet into the sandy cemetery.

Back on Dragonia…

Rarity and Spike had removed their armored suits, but kept their pants, and Rarity was permitted to keep her boots, and especially her undershirt; refusing to show her bare chest!

She and Spike stood at the end of a large dueling platform, glaring up at Scarlight, and he glared down at them, snickering at the thought of crushing them both like pebbles beneath his huge feet.


The dragons continued to chant for their champion.

“Remember…!” sneered Scarlight “If either of you use so much as a speck of magic, you automatically lose, and then… I get to roast you.”

Rarity gulped, but quickly shook off her fear and looked ready to go, so did her husband.

Varos then declared, “...This contest only ends when one side has been downed!


He booming voice shook the underground.

Scarlight let out a huge fiery ball from his mouth at the two fighters.

They both zipped away, causing the blast to hit the ground making a big explosion.

“What?!” bellowed Scarlight.

The dragon crowds and Varos couldn’t believe their eyes either, and especially at what happened then…

Spike and Rarity appeared straight in before the dragon’s huge face-- they were still allowed to fly.

Scarlight tried to snap his huge jaws at them, but they zipped up, making him miss.

“Here I come…!” shouted Spike, and he soared down, aiming a powerful punch…

…WHAMM!! Right in Scarlight’s huge face, making the dragon roar and actually fall over on his side.

The dragons all gasped in horrors!

“Take this!” hollered Rarity as she kicked the mighty dragon in the side, rolling him over.

Scarlight couldn’t believe; these little twerps were many times smaller than he was, yet they just did him harm with strength that matched his own.

Still, he was far from beaten.

With a swing of his tail, he batted Rarity hard knocking her hard to the ground.

“Rarity!” cried Spike.

WHAMM!! That’s when he got hit himself by Scarlight’s huge fist, and he slammed on the platform too.

The dragons cheered for their champion again, especially when the dust settled and the two fighters lay face down in the two craters made by their crash.

They didn’t move an inch, but they did wink their eyes and one another.

The dragons hollered and called to Scarlight…

“Finish them!”

“Squash them!”

“Burn them to cinders!”

Scarlight, stomped his way over, and raised his huge foot to crush the fighters like flies.

“DIE…!!” he shouted as he brought his foot down, only for Spike and Rarity to suddenly snap upright, and actually push back on his foot in a huge struggled.

“This can’t be!!” groaned Scarlight as he tried to gain control, but the two fighters gave him a huge shove, sending him back a few paces.

Spike and Rarity glared him down, growling like the dragons they were, and smoke seeping through their nostrils.

“This is remarkable!” thought Scarlight “I’ve never seen such strengths, and in tiny beings. I must sample more.”

While it was traditional to fight within the area, he knew they would need more space.

He spread out his huge wings and began to fly upward declaring, “We shall finish this duel on the surface!”

While many of the dragons, and Varos were confused by his attitude, Spike and Rarity agreed to follow him-- mainly to get out of the underground, and take their chance to destroy he generator.

“Chieftain!” cried a dragon “This cannot be allowed.”

Varos knew his position as Chieftain, to uphold the law and rules, but he, himself, couldn’t begin to think of missing a fight like this.

Scarlight burst through the open ground and zoomed up into the sky with Spike and Rarity on his tail.

Scarlight then came to a stop while still flapping his wings and breathed his fireballs in a massive barrage.

“Look out!!” shouted Spike, and he and Rarity began to swerve and dodge the flames, until Rarity barely got nicked by a fireball, which burned off a small portion of her mane!

Spike gasped in horror, while Scarlight snickered…

…And Rarity, her face turned red and steamed a pot on the stove. “YOU… RUINED… MY… MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE!!!”

She let out a massive dragon roar, which actually shook the skies and the lands below. Even Spike was surprised, but he called over to Scarlight, “Now you’re in for it!”

Rarity rocketed straight at Scarlight.

He breathed more flame-balls at her, which she dodged effortlessly while continuing forth, and slammed head first into his massive dragon gut.

Scarlight groaned ever so painfully as he flew backwards, but managed to tail-swat Rarity hard back into Spike.

Scarlight managed to straighten himself up, and he was infuriated.

“You both are quite strong, but there is a reason why I am Champion of Dragonia, and now, you are about to see why; for I am going to unleash my most devastating flame of all.”

He wasn’t kidding, the way his eyes began to glow with a blazing light, and he drew in a long and very deep breath.

Rather than get ready to dodge, Spike and Rarity fluttered in midair, and held hands.

Scarlight then unleashed his biggest and baddest fire blast straight at them.

As the blazing blast headed straight for them; Spike and Rarity took in huge breaths, and unleashed their own fiery flames-- green for Spike, and white for Rarity.

The flames combined together into a spiraling wave that flew straight at the massive oncoming flame, and despite its small size, the flames collided together, resulting in a big explosion, which threw all the fighters back hard.

Rarity and Spike went sailing through the air, and Scarlight-- he crashed down, down to the ground, right on top of the generator, smashing it to bits and ceasing the evil energy flow.

Spike and Rarity felt out of breath as they softly landed on the ground.

“We did it…” Spike said “We crushed the generator. We can go now.”

Rarity then whimpered, “Um… I’m not so sure of that, dear.”

The dragons had surrounded them all, and they didn’t look pleased at all.

“How could they beat Scarlight?”

“I say we crush them!”

“Yeah, let’s get them now!”

They could have, Scarlight not bolted upright and growled, “…You will do no such thing!”

The dragons all began to quiver at his mightiness.

Then Scarlight glared at the two fighters as if he wanted to brawl some more, but really, he bowed to them. “…I concede. You win.”

Now the dragons were all shocked and appalled even more, forcing Scarlight to roar at them all to shut up!

“In all my ages as Champion, I have never seen such strengths, such willingness.

…Such honor.”

The dragons gasped.

“I agree…” bellowed the voice of Varos, and he stuck his enormous head through the ground. “It is also quite obvious, even to me, that Scarlight would have been defeated by these two.

Therefore, I can accept that they do seem to possess levels of honor in their own way, but this does not mean our ways of lift have changed either.

We are still dragons, and bound by our ways of tradition.”

The dragons cheered and hollered, while Spike and Rarity could only sulk in dismay, but at least they were finally given their freedom to leave the planet.

As the two headed off into space for their next assignment, Rarity was still feeling grumpy.

“Well, I’ve had my share of meeting rather strange beings, but that certainly takes another piece of the cake.”

She was still peeved that her mane was still charred, and she began to throw one of her hysterical fits, “Look at me. I’m positively hideou-ha-ha-ha-ous!”

All Spike could do was sigh and roll with it. “I just hope we can go home soon.”

Back at home, the gang had combed over a lot of gravestones in the sands, but finally Celestia found what she had been looking for…

…A single gravestone with the names “Firelight” and “Starpoint” carved into it.

“Oh, my…” she said deeply “These were the names of Starlight’s parents.”

The others all expressed deep looks at one another.

“So they’re dead.” said Lightning.

Starla scanned the rock with her visor, “And for a long time, too. This rock is over twenty years old.”

Krysta clenched her wand tightly. “They died when Starlight was very little. That could explain a lot.”

Celestia agreed, and while she wasn’t certain if this was what the secret letter told her to look for, she was convinced that this was a large reason towards Starlight’s insanity.

“Quite sad, isn’t it!” called a familiar voice.

The group turned and saw Starlight standing at the end of the path.

“My ears are burning. You’ve been talking about me, haven’t you?” and she fired a strong blast from her horn forcing everyone to dodge.

“So now you know, Celestia… my parents are dead, and it’s all because of you!!”

She recalled her past.

After being exiled from the main continent, she and her folks were hoping to settle down in Saudi Mareabia for a spell while searching for a better home.

Her parents then stepped out one day to do business with some merchants, and found a sitter to watch for Starlight.

…But her parents never returned.

Starlight knew something had to be wrong, and soon she got the word that her parents had been killed. They’re bodies were brought back to the village, where they were buried in the sandy graveyard.

Celestia felt just horrible. “Starlight… I--” was all she could say before she was cut off.

“Don’t look so innocent!” Starlight bellowed.

“After my parents were buried, I was about to be put in the Mareabian Orphans Home, but the past many nights I would come here to visit my folks at their grave, and I vowed to find whoever was responsible for their deaths and make them pay…

…Not that I couldn’t already guess…” she said while glaring at Celestia.

She recalled how on one night, it was freezing cold in the desert at night when she came to see her parents’ grave, still enraged and saddened by their death.

That’s when he came to her… Lord Titan.

It wasn’t actually him. At the time, he was still trapped on The Dark Planet by Grand ruler Celesto’s barrier, he still able to project an image of himself to contact her.

“Do you truly wish to avenge the death of your parents?” he asked her. “I can help you achieve that.”

“You can? How?” the little filly asked.

“Trust me. Allow me to lead and guide, and I will help you develop powers and skills that will make you invincible.”

Anyone in Starlight’s position then couldn’t possibly resist such a temptation.

After all she had been through, it would not only feel great to avenge her parents, but also to get revenge on her ruined life.

“Show me!” she insisted.

The images faded into the present.

“Lord Titan took me under his wing. He trained me well, and now look at me. I’m stronger, and more powerful than even you could hope to be, Celestia!”

Celestia’s features hardened. “I am sorry that your parents died, but I cannot be held responsible for it.”

Starlight barked back at her, “If you hadn’t exiled me and my family, this never would have happened! The full blame rests with you, and thanks to Lord Titan and all that he’s done for me, I WILL have my revenge!”

“You won’t!” snapped Lightning, stepping in front of the puppet, “Not if we have anything to say of it!”

Starla and Krysta stood with him, and Starla scolded, “You were a fool to trust in Titan, Starlight, and if you continue on this path, we promise it will only end worse for you than ever.”

Starlight wished to hear no more of their chattering, and as she already knew the Celestia with them was unreal…

“Lord Titan is growing stronger as the time passes. Soon he will be fully revived, and when he is… it is YOU ALL who shall face your worst end.


And she laughed as she vanished and was gone.

“That’s it… run away from the truth!” yelled Krysta. “WE’LL STOP YOU YET!!”

Lightning and Starla agreed, but they, like Celestia still couldn’t help but feel a little hurt for Starlight, now that they knew the truth.

“We better get back…” Celestia suggested “We have much to consider.”

With that, Krysta teleported everyone back to main continent.

Once the coast was clear, Specter popped out from hiding in the shadows, having overheard everything that transpired, and all he could do was snicker wickedly.


In our next episode: Lightning is in for the shock of his life on his birthday, when Dyno and Myte return to inform them of a planet one the verge of exploding; a planet that is highly identical to Lightning’s Birth Planet, and he must convince the stubborn, yet highly devout aliens to evacuate without causing great problems.

Can Lightning convince the aliens to heed his advice, and how will all of this affect Lightning himself emotionally?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Faith of the Blind”)

Episode 15: Faith of the Blind

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Onboard Spider-Base…

Specter told Razor and Waverline what he had learned about Starlight’s past.

Razor couldn’t help but chuckle. “She’s all wigged out because her parents bit the dust?”

“Aw… poor dear.” remarked Waverline, in a very sarcastic tone.

Specter felt the same, “Nevertheless, we mustn’t let her know that we know. This knowledge could prove to be most advantageous… for us.”

“Yeah.” agreed Razor as he ran his finger across the side of his blades. “Starlight acts pretty tough and she still has no idea of what it means to be truly evil.”

Waverline flicked her hair, “Positively disgraceful.”

The big doors opened wide, and there stood Starlight, with her hands on her hips, and a cross expression on her face which made the minions cringe.

“And just what are you three up too?” she scolded them.

She obviously hadn’t heard their conversation, but the minions had to think of something fast, and Razor said, “We, uh… we were just… getting ready. To… take the Darquines down to the surface… and, er… attack Celestia again.”

“Then get going already!” bellowed Starlight “And don’t blow it!”

“Yes, Miss…” said Specter.

The minions headed off, and Waverline complained softly to Razor, “Nice going.”

“What? It was all I could think of.” he whispered back.

Starlight could only narrow her eyes as the minions walked off, and then she turned on her heal and went back out the door.

Meanwhile, it had been a rainy morning, and Pinkie Pie was entering her seventh month of pregnancy, but she was now on official leave. Doctor Penny had ordered her not to go into battle, even though her droid, and get plenty of rest.

She just stood by her bedroom window, looking out at the rain while stroked her bloated belly, and wishing the baby was born.

She felt really bored with her diet, and not feeling like her usually hyper-self in a long time. She missed her friends while they were still out in Space, and spending her days in bed now was getting to be a drag.

…But today, something else was on her mind, which made her sad.

There was a knock at the door…

“Come in…” she called in a low tone.

Her Dear Apple Spice came in with a beautiful breakfast tray of foods he had prepared for her.

“What are you doing out bed, honey?” he asked her tenderly.

His wife sighed, “Just wanted to get up for a bit. The doctor says it’s okay.”

Spice placed the tray down and moved over to his wife, holding her softly and pecking her cheek, and she held his hands in a way she did when she was sad or worried about something.

“What’s on your mind?” Spice asked.

She hesitated to tell, but she revealed, it was Lightning Dawn’s birthday.

“Oh… I see…” said Spice. He knew fully well Lightning didn’t like celebrating his birthday because of what happened to him many, many years ago, on his fifth birthday…!

Far off in New Canterlot, the rain was pouring gently, and Lightning was standing in a cemetery, and placing a wreath of flowers on a fancy monument dedicated to the Planet Harmonious, and all those who perished with it, including his parents.

“Hi Mom… Dad…” he said softly at the monument. “I think about you all the time, and everyone else, and I always wish you were here with me. I think you’d really love Starla, and Shining Light.”

He closed his eyes tightly, and he visualized that horrible day-- his planet was attacked, he was hurled into space by his dying mother, and the planet just blew up before his eyes.

The past was gone, but the memories would always remain, and they would never stop hurting.

He wasn’t the only one grieving…

Starla was at a special stone that honored her own parents, whom she missed as dearly as Lightning missed his own.

Then there was Cadance and Shining Armor, paying tribute to the relatives they had lost…

Fratello, Twilight, and their stillborn son, Amando…

It was hard to tell which of them-- Cadance, or Shining Armor-- were more heartbroken than the other, but it was no contest; not for anyone.

The rain slowly stopped pouring, and the sunlight began to peek through, but the ponies continued to silently grieve.

Suddenly, Krysta appeared. “Lightning…” she hollered. “Sorry to bother you, but their majesties want you to report to the palace, all of you. It’s urgent.”

The group all huddled together, and Krysta teleported everyone to the throne room where their majesties were waiting, and surprisingly…

“Dyno and Myte?” exclaimed Lightning “What are you two doing here?”

Not wasting any time, the twins came right to the point.

“We need your help, Lightning.” said Dyno. “Si, and right now…!” added Myte.

“What do you need him for?” asked Starla.

“We’d like to know too.” said Grand Ruler.

“How important is it that you had to come rushing back?” added Celestia.

The twins calmly explained…

While on their mission, they discovered a planet in Unexplored Space from where dark power was being emitted from.

This planet was called Blisstonia, and as the name implied, the people of the planet were peaceful, kind-hearted, and very devout in hopes, beliefs, and miracles.

Lightning’s ears twitched, and his insides suddenly began turning in a strange way. “That planet sounds and awful lot like Harmonious once was.”

Dyno nodded at him, “Believe us it was, the Blisstonians were a peaceful race of aliens, much like you’re people used to be-- No magic, no weapons, not even any high levels of technology. It was all just simple, plain, and quiet.”

Myte agreed, “…That is, until Titan and his hombres came and did their dirty work.”

The twins continued to explain, that the defenseless Blistonians were helpless and unable to fight back. As a result: They were enslaved, forced to mine the soils of their planet to conjure more dark power for Titan’s forces, and work the generator.

The Twins had arrived and made short work of those bad guys.

The Darquines were all roasted to ash, and the monsters were soon forced to destroy themselves when the Twins crushed the generator.

The Blisstonians were eternally grateful for their heroics, and honored them as true miracles and heroes, but the celebration was only short-lived when the planet was shaken by earthquakes. The grounds broke open with fissures, mountains began to collapse…!

The Twins used their equipment to observe the activity within the planet’s core, and as expert geologists, they determined that the evil energy caused by Titan’s goons caused a great disturbance within the planet’s core-- the materials within the core combined with the dark energy were highly combustible and caused the instability and deterioration.

The Twins didn’t have to go on.

“You mean the planet is going to explode?!” cried Cadance.

The Twins nodded regretfully.

“That’s not even funny.” wailed Shining Armor.

Their majesties bolted up onto their thrones with the deepest concern, now realizing what the Twins were getting at.

“We’ll notify the refuge planets immediately.” said Grand Ruler.

“Alert the rescue teams too; emergency planetary evacuation.” added Celestia.

“I’ll get my fairies together. We’ll help with the transporting.” said Krysta.

“…Wait a minute!!” Lightning yelled, and everyone came to a dead standstill. “What does all this have to do with me?”

“We need your help really bad.” replied Dyno. “The people of the planet know they are in danger, but they feel they don’t have to leave.”

“What? Why?” asked Krysta.

Myte explained, “We told you, they are believers in miracles, and devout in the power of faith and hope. They believe that their faith will heal their planet and stop the danger.”

Everyone, especially Lightning, were aghast by this.

“We need you to come back with us.” said Dyno. “We need you to help convince the Blistonians that they need to evacuate.”

“You’ve been through a situation like this before,” added Myte “Maybe they’ll understand better.”

Lightning didn’t know whether to feel proud or sick. He wasn’t angry with his friends of course, but all this talk about a blissful planet, and stubborn beings refusing help reminded him too much of his past and brought him much pain.

Still, his decision was easy. “I’ll do it!”

He gave sharp looks at everyone else, knowing they would probably object to him going out into space, what with his reduced age.

“I’m going, and that’s final. I have to try and help those people!”

He began to have flashbacks of the time Harmonious was breaking up.

“We were all helpless, and no amount of faith or believing to could save us. I was saved by a stroke of fate, not a miracle.

No one should have to go through the pain trauma that I did.”

He shut his eyes and clenched his fists supressing his inner pain and anguish.

To his delight, nobody had any objections to his willing to go at all. Not even Starla, “…But I’m going too.

In case Lightning can’t convince the people to leave…” she paused and almost regretted what she was going to suggest. “We may have to initiate Code 42-B.”

Code 42-B was a Starfleet authorization stating that if and when people stubbornly refused evacuation, the soldiers were authorized to use force, but only if totally necessary-- when all other methods were tried and failed.

“We must not allow an innocent race of peaceful beings to perish.” declared Grand Ruler. “How long do we have?”

The twins estimated from their calculations that Blisstonia would explode by sundown, by United Equestria’s standard time.

Celestia looked outside the window at the sun peeking through the parting rainclouds. “It’s gone Midday already.”

The Twins stiffened.

“That doesn’t leave much time.” said Dyno.

Myte agreed, “Six hours at the most, and the planet is so far from here-- on the other side of the galaxy. It’ll take us an hour to get there by pathway.”

“Let’s go, Now!” snapped Lightning. He was kidding. He was already super anxious, and almost panicking.

Suddenly, the red alarm sounded.

“Oh, not now…!” groaned Lightning.

Captain Shaina rushed into the throne room. “The henchmen are attacking!” she hollered “They’ve brought an army of Darquines with them.”

Shining Armor stepped forth. “We’ll go take care of the chumps.”

Cadance agreed with her husband. “You guys get going and save that planet.”

The team agreed, and Krysta then prepared to teleport Lightning and the others off into Deep Space, promising to join them once she got her fairies all together.

“The rescue teams will join you momentarily as well.” said Grand Ruler. “Good luck to you all.” He said that to everyone, but seemed to aim it more at Lightning, still feeling concern for him.

“Let’s go!” said Lightning.

Krysta teleported everyone off, and they rocketed off into space, on a magical pathway.

“I’m not going to let those people die!” Lightning thought along the way.

While Grand Ruler and Celestia organized and gathered the rescue teams and prepared to send them off with Krysta and her fairies…

Cadance and Shining Armor transformed…

“Go-Go Ninja…!”

“Mask of Saber…!”

Then, they along with the armed soldiers headed outside to confront the Darquines and the henchmen.

“About time you showed up.” Specter hissed “We were hoping to have destroyed you all by now.”

Cadance clenched her fists, and Saber clenched all six of his fists. “Let’s get’ em!” he bellowed.

The fight was on.

The knights and the soldiers made fast work of all those Darquines.

“Oh, yeah…take this, all of you!” shouted Razor. “FLY CUTTERS” he unleashed his blades into the air.

“DISTORTION FORCE” Waverline cast her power on the blades, empowering them with the energy.

“STRIDENT SHOCKWAVE” Saber fired his electricity, and Cadance added by throwing a wave of shurikens, straight at the oncoming projectiles…

…But surprisingly, the blasts cut straight through the barrage, and made their way over to the army, making big explosions and showers of sparks fly.

“How do you like our new combo, attack?” teased Waverline.

“I like it very much.” snickered Razor. He then called over to the fighters, “You chumps are in for the fight of your life now.”

“We’re not scared.” bellowed Saber.

Cadance stood beside him, and with the soldiers in back.

Specter snickered and said, “Well… you ought to be.” with his eyes glowing with dark power as he shrouded himself in aura, ready to attack.

When Lightning and co finally arrived on the Planet Blisstonia, the first impression left Lightning feeling faint…

…The lush green meadows, the pure clear waters, and the brightness of the skies with beautiful mountains in the distance.

…It was almost exactly like his home planet… come back from the dead.

The Twins and Starla felt awful for him, suspecting he’d react like this.

Suddenly, a large tremor hit, shaking the lands. Trees fell over, cliff faces shattered, and small fissures opened where the gang stood, snapping him out of his trance.

“Jump!” shouted Starla, and everyone leapt up into the air.

“Ay-Ay-Ay! I don’t want to think how close that was.” panted Dyno.

“We’ve got to start evacuation before things get worse.” said Myte. “Soon there will be gas pockets blowing fire jets everyone, and the ground will collapse like crackers.”

The Twins led their friends to the main village, which was composed of simple houses, with thatched rooves, and all the Blisstonians were just going about their lives normally.

The Blisstonians were a race of humanoid aliens, and each one had a different colored skin, almost like the ponies did.

They wore different colored robes with sashes and oriental-like designs-- almost like that of a religious cult.

Adults were gardening, fishing, mining, some even worked as carpenters, or teachers and instructors, while children would assist their parents or those who asked them, or spend their time playing with their friends.

Some of them looked up.

“Our saviours have returned!”

“Our prayers were answered again.”

They all dropped what they were doing and began to bow, in prayer-like trances at the group.

The Twins sighed in dismay. “They’ve been doing this ever since we saved them.” said Dyno.

Myte nodded, “They treat us like we’re some sort of miracles sent from above. I suppose in a way, we are.”

Just then, a soft fanfare was heard-- by flutes rather than horns-- and the villagers began to clear away.

“What’s happening?” asked Lightning.

“It’s her…” replied Dyno.

“It’s the Grand High Priestess. She rules here.” added Myte “She’s the one you need to speak with.”

The Grand High Priestess was brought onto the scene, in a chariot, pulled by two strong Blisstonian males.

She stepped out, and what a beautiful creature she was.

Her name was Mandia: She had pale white skin, with long, flowing blonde hair that shimmered in the sunlight. She wore a white robe with large, floppy sleeves, and golden strips around the cuffs, and over the shoulders, and done up with a matching golden sash.

She had silver bracelets around her wrists, and around her neck she was wearing a beautiful necklace, with a pendant in the shape of a golden sun with a halo over it.

She was followed by two girls, roughly about the same age as the adult ponies.

These were her daughters, Primm and Prei. Primm was the eldest, and Prei was a year younger. Unlike their mother, one had long black hair, and the other had long brown hair, but still long and shimmering in the light.

Primm wore a red robe with blue edgings, and Prei wore a lilac robe, with purple edgings.

Each of the girls wore a medallion just like their mother.

Their eyes lit up when they saw the twins, but they remained by their mother’s side as they joined her in bowing to the group.

“O’ saviours from the heavens…” said Mandia “You have returned as we had prayed you would. Does this mean you have reconsidered-- that you will live with us, and wed my daughters?”

Starla and Lightning winced in shock, and the two daughters looked up at the twins with soft, yet serious expressions, and trying not to blush.

The Twins only held their hands to their heads in aggravation.

“No, actually…” said Dyno.

The two girls looked disappointed.

Myte then said, “We wanted you to meet some friends of ours…” and he motioned over to Lightning and Starla.

The crowds of Blisstonians were astounded.

“They have friends?”

“The heavens are bursting with miracles.”

Starla and Lightning stepped forth and saluted.

“Commander Lightning Dawn: Starfleet.”

“General Starla Shine: Starfleet.”

The Blisstonians didn’t even question Lightning’s age for a commander, for the believed miracles worked in mysterious ways, and were not beings to quickly judge.

Lightning stepped towards Mandia.

“As you know and as I have been told, your planet is in severe danger.”

“Yes, so we have been told, and we realize this.” replied Mandia.

Starla came forth. “We’ll come straight to the point. We are here to urge you all to prepare to evacuate your planet, at once.”

Mandia shook her head, “We will not leave, and there is no need to.

We are devout race-- firm believers in miracles, and the power of faith. We shall heal our planet through prayer.”

Just then, there was another tremor that shook the lands, and it felt stronger than the previous.

The Blisstonians were a little shaken by the tremor, but brushed it all off and acted completely unfazed as if nothing had happened. They just folded their hands, got on their knees, and prayed silently…

…Which Lightning and Starla found totally ridiculous.

“You mean this is it?” asked Starla. “You’re not going to do anything about it, but just pray and hope your planet will heal itself.”

Primm looked up and explained, “We Blisstonians have always been guided by faith, and are upholders to the heavens light.”

Prei nodded and added, “So many times we have prayed to the heavens for the miracles to lead and protect us in dire times, and they have always worked.

When our mother fell ill with disease, we had prayed for cures, and we discovered the herbs needed to do so.”

Primm then explained, “When our crops began to fail, we prayed to the weather, and our prayers were answered once more as the rains returned.”

Mandia herself then spoke, “And just recently, during our enslavement, there was not a single Blisstonian that would not pray and hope for a miracle to save us from our troubles….” she then cast a look at the twins. “Again, our prayers were answered. You both saved us from our troubles, and you drove the evil away.

It is also a noble tradition, that such strong and noble beings should stay with us, and be wedded to my daughters as a symbolic preservation and honouring thanks to the answering of our prayers.”

From the looks of bashfulness on the girls’ faces, they were already madly in love with the twins despite the traditions.

As flattered as the twins would be, they could only groan at the ignorance of this display.

“I ask you again…” Mandia asked to the twins “Will you heavenly saviours stay, and will you marry my daughters? We will honour you both with the most graciousness we have to offer, and you will be treated as gods.”

The girls, again, looked up at the twins with hopeful and loving expressions.

Despite the great temptations, and the glories lives they could lead; the twins, once again, refused, which disappointed the girls, and their mother greatly.

Lightning then addressed Mandia, “I’m sorry to have to do this to you… believe me, I understand your devotion to your beliefs… but you are wrong; your planet will not and cannot be healed by blind faith!”

Mandia, her daughters, and all the Blisstonians gasped in horror and slight outrage.

“Please, hear me out…” Lightning said…

He cringed softly as his memories came to back to him; nevertheless, he explained to everyone about Planet Harmonious, and how it doomed, and all the praying and all the faith and hope did not save it.

The Blisstonians were very horrified to hear such a story, and Lightning did all he could to supress his pain, which burned in his stomach like fire.

“I was saved by an act of my mother’s strength, and then later by meeting my future mentor, Grand Ruler Celesto.” Lightning continued. “It was a stroke of fate, not a miracle.”

“I am very sorry of the loss of your people…” said Mandia, “I understand how it must feel to lose those whom you love.

My mate who fathered my daughters, he succumbed to the same illness I had long ago. We had not the proper cure yet, and despite all our prayers, he died.”

A small tear fell from her eye, and her daughters looked sad too.

The ponies felt sorry for them, but began to hope that maybe she was starting to understand the sense they were talking about.

Sadly, their hopes were dashed…

“Our prayers were not strong then, so no miracle had occurred… but I still believe our planet will be healed; if we all pitch in together. Together, with our faiths so strong, we will be spared.”

“Ay! Ay! Ay!” groaned Dyno.

“Esto es ridículos! *This is ridiculous!*” mumbled Myte.

Starla was livid and came up to say, “You’ve got to believe us! There will be no miracle. No answered prayer! You’re planet will be destroyed in a matter of hours, and we’ve come to get you off it before it does.”

By this time, Blisstonians were beginning to question the ponies, wondering how visitors and saviours from the heavens that they prayed for be acting like such heathens.

“You obviously aren’t as firm as we are in the art of believing.” said Mandia.

“Oh, yes we are…” protested Lightning “We believe in a lot of things, like trusting in ourselves to keep going even when all seems hopeless, but that’s not the same with what you’re doing.

You’re just wishing for your planet to stop destroying itself, and we assure you, that won’t happen.

Please… just let us help you. Spare your lives from certain extinction.”

The stubborn aliens refused once more, insisting their faith was all they needed.

Lightning lowered his head in shame. His eyes were shut tight, and his fists were quivering, and more horrible images of his home planet he could see…

The ponies screaming and perishing in the explosions, the rockslides, and being swallowed up by the ground…

Suddenly, another tremor snapped him awake. This tremor was so great that it caused trees to topple down, ponds and rivers began to drain due to small, but deep crevasses splitting open, and even the village houses were starting to look like they would fall apart under the stress if it continued.

Lightning looked back at his friends, and they all nodded in agreement, though reluctantly.

“We tried to reason with you…” he said softly. “…But you leave us all no choice.”

At that split second, more portals opened and backup arrived-- the rescue teams and Krysta with her fairies-- had arrived.

The Blisstonians were astounded, and once again confused the army for more miracles.

Lightning was not about to sit by and let these good-natured people perish.

With a heavy heart, he called to the soldiers, “Initiate Code 42-B.”

The soldiers saluted, and the first thing that happened was Krysta orders her fairies to conjure up many portals to appear.

“What are you doing?!” cried Mindia.

Her only answer was the soldiers going about, and capturing every single Blisstonian, and imprisoning them within spheres.

The Blisstonians had no way to resist, nowhere to run and hide, Starfleet even broke into their homes and rounded up everyone.

Krysta and her team of fairies then scoured the planet, rounding up every single bird, animal, or living thing they could sense and find, wanting them to be protected too.

Bit-by-bit, those who were captured where put into special containment cases that could hold many sphere, which were taken by other solders, through the portals, clear across Space to the Starfleet refuge planets.

The evacuations sure took some time, especially with the Blisstonians running away, trying to hide and resist going, the animals of the planet as well.

It also wasn’t made easy by the many earthquakes, rockslides, and fissures occurring as the planet continued to fall apart from deep within, and time was running out!

Lightning, Starla and the Twins helped as best they could.

By the planet’s nightfall, just as the twins had calculated, gas pockets began to erupt from the ground causing massive flames to shoot up into the sky as the planet’s crust began to crumple.

Starla, Lightning, and the twins all regrouped.

“All the teams have left.” said Starla “The planet should be totally evacuated.”

“Not totally…” Lightning said while pointing at Mindira and her daughters; the only Blisstonians left on the entire planet.

The three ladies were gawking rather tearfully at their dying planet all around them. They could not believe this was happening, but they couldn’t believe even more that their prayers had failed.

The Twins stood behind them, and much as they felt sorry for them, and hated themselves for what they were about to do…

…They joined their hands and performed their finisher, “BOOM-BOOM FLARE!!”

The ladies looked behind them at the oncoming flames, that magically, but harmlessly consumed them, and imprisoned the three of them in spheres, and then quickly rounded them up.

“Let’s beat it out of here!” hollered Dyno.

The grounds began to erupt like geysers, shooting gas and flames coming straight at the group.

“…NOW!!” shouted Myte.

“Krysta, quick!” called Lightning.

Krysta nodded and raised her wand, “Alright, hang on…! HERE WE GO!!” and she transported everyone into Space just in time…

…the entire area, where they stood, collapsed and erupted into massive flame blasts, consuming the entire village and all the homes.

As the friends all zoomed off along the magic pathway, Lightning turned and looked back at the planet, getting smaller and smaller in the distance, and then…

…It happened!!

The planet exploded in a massive blast, leaving nothing behind by clouds of dust, and bits of debris that fell into the system’s sun.

The sight of the explosion really brought pain to his heart and tears to his eyes; it was like watching Harmonies blow up all over again!

The pain was so overbearing that he felt woozy and nearly strayed from the path and fell into Space, but Starla kept close and held him; embracing him softly.

Soon, everyone arrived on Refugee Planet 5, where all the Blisstonians had been released from the spheres, and were all being fed and tended to, and even comforted by the soldiers.

The poor aliens were heartbroken at the loss of their planet, but even more so by the fact that their prayers just weren’t enough and they had nearly perished along with their planet.

Mandia and her daughters were the most downtrodden. They didn’t think they bring themselves even to eat, when Starla and the twins brought them food on trays.

“You should eat, you know.” said Starla “You’ve been through a bad ordeal.”

The ladies looked up sadly and softly took the trays, but they still made no attempt to eat.

“We have been so foolish.” said Primm.

“We trusted in faith to save us, and it didn’t.” added Prei.

Mindia clasped her pendant, and almost looked as if she was willing to throw it away, renouncing her faith and any forum of it too.

“Don’t do it.” said Dyno.

She looked up at him and his friends and said, “…Our faith has failed us, and our planet is gone. You were correct all the time; it’s foolish to trust in mere faith alone.”

“Don’t say that!” snapped Myte. “Faith didn’t really fail you, you know.”

“How do you figure?” asked Mindia.

Starla pointed out, “It was your hopes and your beliefs that something would happen. Like the medicine that came when you were ill.

You’re people kept trying, and they discovered the necessities to make it happen.”

Mindia never thought of it that way. She had always assumed that all blessings came from the heavens.

“Maybe in ways… they did.” said Dyno “You prayed and wished for someone to help you while you were in danger, and me and my brother came.”

Myte nodded, “Si… and you did pray and hope for your survival. Even though the planet was lost, your prayers were still answered; we all helped you escape.”

“And we’ll continue to help you.” added Starla “We’ll find you all a new planet where you can live and start your lives over.

See…? Faith hasn’t really failed you.”

The ladies looked right up and felt small faith returning to them. They still had to get over the tragedy of losing their whole world, as did their people, but it was a little comforting to know all was not totally lost.

“Thank you…” said Mindia “We will learn from this, and perhaps when we settle in on our new planet, we will try harder not to leave all things up to faith, and try and discover things for ourselves.”

The ponies smiled proudly, but Primm and Prei looked up at the twins sadly.

“Won’t you both come with us?” Primm asked kindly.

“We’d love it if you would.” added Prei.

The twins hated to do it, but they refused.

“Lo siento mucho. *I’m so sorry*. We just can’t.” said Dyno.

“We were glad to help you,” added Myte “But there are others we need to help too. We need to keep fighting and save the galaxy from more problems like this.”

As saddened as the girls were, they understood, but then quickly grabbed the twins and pulled them into deep kisses-- not even minding they were pony lips, they still felt humanoid like their own.

The boys were shocked, and flailed their arms around in near desperation to break free, which Starla couldn’t help but chuckle at.

…But her smile faded as she looked over at Lightning was sitting by himself and looking extremely sore from what happened, and she couldn’t blame him.

She walked over and sat next to him.

“Are you going to be alright?” she asked.

He honestly didn’t know how to answer her, which was why he said nothing.

“Look… I know I don’t have to say it, but that wasn’t your planet.”

“I know…” he answered softly “But it felt like it. It looked like it… and seeing it blow up like that, it really hurts me, and the worst of it is it happened to today of all days.”

Starla felt a bit struck by what he had said.

“Why, Starla…?” her husband asked “Why do extremely bad things keep happening to me on my birthday? It feels like I’m cursed or something.”

Starla didn’t know to feel hurt for him, or outraged for saying such a thing, until he said, “…I know I’m not really cursed-- bad things happen all the time, especially in Starfleet.

…Still, it’s just so hard to live with sometimes, and no amount of praying and hoping will make it better.”

His wife sighed, and wrapped her arm around him. “I know how you feel. I miss my folks every day, and I think them all the time.”

She paused, and held him close to her, “At least we can feel the same together, and continue to pray to their spirits watching over us.”

Lightning didn’t smile, but relaxed calmly in his wife’s arms; almost like a child being comforted by a mother.

Soon, the group had to leave.

Dyno and Myte had to go off on another mission to destroy another generator, and Lightning, Starla, and Krysta had to go back to United Equestria, leaving the Blisstonians to the refuge workers-- to care for them, and help them find and build a new world.

But upon arriving back at New Canterlot Palace-- it was already night, and Princess Luna was there to greet the friends upon arrival…

…She looked pretty upset about something.

“What’s happened?” asked Lightning.

Luna looked up and told the team, “Follow me.” and she led them all to the sickbay, where they found Shining Armor lying in bed and bandaged up after being badly hurt from the battle.

Cadance was in tears, and Grand Ruler and Celestia behind her, both deeply concerned.

“What happened?” asked Lightning.

Cadance looked up and wiped her eyes dry, “It was awful, I nearly lost him!”

She recounted how during the battle, the henchmen fought ruthlessly, while the army, led by herself and Shining Armor-- as Saber-- fought valiantly, but the henchmen had discovered ways to combine their abilities to make extra-special attacks, and once which combined all three of their attacks into one incredible strike!

“DARK WALL OF WIND” Specter shrouded himself within his dark wind sphere, ready to ram forth, and then his comrades added their power to his.



The magic-empowered cutters flowed around Specter sphere at great speeds, like a powerful circular saw.

He charged straight at Cadance, after she had all but exhausted herself from such a fierce battle, prompting her husband to heroically shove her out of the way and get rammed instead, resulting in a big explosion.

Cadance was horrified, and as the smoke cleared, her beloved husband, no in his regular forum, lay injured on the ground, wounded from head to toe, but still alive.

The henchmen, figuring enough was enough, left to fight another day, while Shining Armor was taken to sickbay at once.

“He was very lucky,” said Grand Ruler “His injuries were bad, but they have been treated and he will heal, but it will take a few days with hospital treatment.”

Celestia agreed, and stated, “Until then, it would be best if he stayed off the battlefield.”

Lightning and Starla’s blood turned cold.

“That’s terrible.” said Krysta “He’s one of our best defenses.”

The couple agreed, but they were ever so glad that at least he would live and get well to fight again.

“I’m sorry…” Shining Armor said softly “I feel I let you all down.”

“Don’t say that.” sobbed his wife “You saved me, and you’re going to be just fine. I will pray for you.”

“Pray…?” muttered Lightning, and remembering the Blisstonians, and that it didn’t hurt to pray a little.

“…We’ll all pray for you.” he said to his friend. All the others nodded and agreed with him, which earned them a weak but pleased smile from Shining Armor, and he believed it would hep him heal better.


In our next episode: Rainbow Dash and Artie’s mission leads them to Artie’s home planet, where he is once again forced to face his parents and their disapproval of him. Meanwhile, Starlight mounts yet another attack on the royal palace as they reinforce their army, with Swift Star joining them, resulting in his first ever confrontation with Starlight, which sparks something when he helps her after she is injured.

How will Artie deal with his cynical parents, and how will Starlight react to Swift Star’s sudden kindness?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Art of Honour”)

Episode 16: Art of Honouring

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Shining Amor was still healing from his injuries, but he was still required to remaining in the hospital until he was properly dismissed.

Cadance had brought Flurry Heart to visit him.

“Daddy hurt?” cooed the infant.

He stroked his daughter’s little head, “Daddy’s going to be just fine, sweetheart, you’ll see.”

“I hope so.” said Cadance. “Lightning and Starla are trying to reinforce the army now that you’re down.”

Her husband felt bad about that, and it only made him more determined than ever to get well soon and get back in the action…

…But for now, he didn’t mind being near his wife, and playing patt-a-cake with his daughter.

Onboard Spider-Base, Starlight was viewing the images of the henchmen injuring Shining Armor in the previous battle.

“Got him good.” gloated Razor, and he held up his hands for expected high-fives, but he received nothing but cold stares, and a growl from Starlight.

“I could commend you three for your new skills, but I won’t, because now Starfleet will be certain to enhance their defenses even further, which means it will be all the harder for me to get at Celestia.”

The henchmen shuddered at her shouting.

“Well… luckily for you morons, I have a plan of my own.”

“Interesting… Do tell.” said Specter.

Starlight gave an evil smirk, “I’ve have ordered several groups of monsters from the Shadow Planet to join us. Once they arrive here, we’ll simply Divide and Conquer…”

“I see…” said Waverline “By sending multiple monsters all across to attack different areas, the soldiers will be forced to leave the palace more vulnerable than ever.”

“Exactly.” hissed Starlight “And with their defenses downed even more, they’ll never see what’s coming their way… until it’s too late.”

Specter gave a sinister looking glare at her. “…A Brilliant idea, Miss. Very brilliant…”

Then he silently thought, “You’re so wrapped up in your lust vengeance, that you’re underestimating the enemy again.

Perhaps this could be used in our little plot.”

He looked over and winked at his comrades, and they winked at him too.

The henchmen were planning one heck of a mutiny, but they were just waiting for the right moment.

Meanwhile, far out in Space…

Rainbow Dash and Artie had destroyed their share of the generators and trashed a load of Titans followers, but now they had arrived on Artie’s home planet… Monotane.

As expected, coming here brought on bad memories for Artie-- namely, his wealthy, yet pompous, arrogant parents who cared for money and social status than important things, and always disapproved of Artie’s joining Starfleet.

Rainbow hated being who acted like that. “I say we just beat the baddies and head on out of here right away.”

“We can’t,” Artie reminded her. “Standard procedure: We check in with the outposts to see if the society is still functioning properly, and that it’s not falling into chaos.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Fine, if we have to.”

On the planet’s surface, within a meadow clearing, it was already a chaotic battlefield.

Some members of the Starfleet Outpost were already at the scene of the generator, and battling with the monsters.

The Lt. Colonel was Albert Tross, an Equestrian Pegasus. He had a faded white coat, and a light blue mane. His cutiemark resembled that of soaring bird-- an Albatross.

He and his troops had already made short work of the Darquines and were brawling hard with the gang of monsters who were protecting the generator.

“This is your last warning!” thundered Albert.

“No! It’s YOURS!!” the monster leader growled, and he fired a great, fiery blast from his mouth forcing the fighters to dodge.

“Attack!” shouted Albert.

The fighters charged forth, and so did the monsters.

The battle was fierce and strong, and the soldiers fought their hardest, but the real goal of all was to try and get past them and destroy the generator, but every time it seemed they had an opening, there was another monster to block the way and strike back hard.

“We need backup!” one of the soldiers hollered.

…His wish was instantly granted when Artie came zooming in from the skies…

“COLOR KICK” he came down hard, kicking a monster in the back, and bouncing off the head of another.

“Colonel Artie!” cried Albert.

Artie quickly saluted to him, and he saluted back.


Wielding his staff, Artie called out to all the troops, “…All right, let’s drive these monsters back!”

The troops agreed, while the monster leader laughed, “You call this backup? Please…!” and he called to his monsters “…Get ‘em!”

Little did the monster realize that they were falling into a plot setup by Artie…!

Thanks to his help, the troops managed to drive all the monsters away from the generator, and once they were all far enough away…

…Artie shouted up to the sky, “NOW, RAINBOW!!”

Rainbow came zooming in from above, straight for the generator.


Hollering loud, she slammed hard into the generator, destroying it in a huge, colorful explosion; making the ground tremble wildly, and all the monsters fell off their feet while the fighters managed to keep their stance.

“No!!” cried the monster leader.

His comrades were horrified.

Rainbow then marched out from the fading colored smoke, and gave them all a sickening, fierce glare!

The monsters looked behind them to see Artie, Albert, and all the soldiers give them a similar glare and powering up for a finishing attack!

The monsters had no alternative. “FOR LORD TITAN…!!” and they destroyed themselves, taking any and all secrets with them.

Artie and Rainbow were outraged, as were the other soldiers.

Still, Artie shook hands with Albert.

“Thanks for coming when you did.” said Albert.

“We were already coming.” replied Artie. “Let’s salvage what we can here and then begin the survey of the villages.”

“Works for me.” said Rainbow.

As the troops began to salvage the remains of the generator, not a single one of them noticed a pair of shadowy eyes glaring at them through the clouds from above.

…There was one monster that hadn’t destroyed itself yet.

“I’ll make them pay for this!” he hissed softly to himself “My comrades may have been cowards, but I will fight them to the end, and show them true honour”


With Shining Armor injured, and Pinkie Pie out of action-- not to mention a good chunk of the force still on the space mission…

…Lightning and Starla had been going around all the countries and cities and asking for whatever assistance and alliance that could be devoted to protecting the palace.

Some noble dragons offered their assistance, as did the Minotaur, yaks, griffons and other armed forces.

“You can count on us…”

“We won’t let those evil creeps hurt the queen, or any place.”

“We yaks… you Starfleet… we help!”

Swift Star was helping too; passing out all the sentries in New Ponyville new schedules Lightning had arranged for them, in order to help with the defenses if need be.

The loyal sentries promised to do what they could with pride and without question.

“Well, I guess that’s all of them.” Swift said as he checked off his clipboard.

Lightning had come along with his own completed checklist. “You do a swell job, Cadet. Things like this make me prouder of you every day.”

Swift nodded once. “I just wish I could help you all defend the palace, but I know… Cadets of my ranks should keep out of battles unless necessary.”

Regulations just couldn’t be broken, not at the drop of a hate anyway.

“How about you, sir?” asked Swift. “Are you going to have to enter battles again?”

Lightning looked up and hesitated a moment, “I’m afraid so. I already talked it over with Starla.”

He recalled a flashback…

“I know you’ve been training a lot, and you’ve done well,” said Starla, and before she could say anymore, her husband protested, “Save your breath. There will be no argument about this. I already talked with their majesties about this, and they agreed.

Besides, you know as well as I do we need all the power we can get, especially mine. If I have to enter battles, I will.”

His wife was really in a twist of emotions, but knowing their majesties approved of this, she professionally could not argue, but her wifely virtues weren’t letting her live it down.

All she could do was embrace him, “Just promise me you’ll be careful.”

Of course, they both knew he couldn’t promise her. There were no guarantees in Starfleet, or any action-packed business.

“I promise… I’ll do what needs to be done.” was all he could give.

Back to the present, in spite of his reinstating to battle, if need be, Lightning couldn’t help but look at his reflection in a shop window and still feel ashamed of his child-like appearance, and sigh, “It’s things like this that make me wonder if I’ll ever get back to normal.”

Swift could only say, “I know you will. Don’t ask me why, I just have this feeling you will. It’s like that song you taught me when you trained me, while I was having trouble.”

Lightning looked up, “Oh, I remember that…” and rap-pop music played, as the two pictured themselves in their current forums, doing their best at things.

You-- You’ve got the skill
To show your will
To pay the bill
Just feel the thrill

Don’t let your size and your appearance say all
You still got what it takes to make the big call
You may seem weak but you may be strong,
So why not use it to right-right the wrong-wrong


Stay focussed now, and show them how it’s done


Don’t hold back now, the battle can be won


The Darkest day… may come your way


But you know what you need, so, Say, Say, Say, Say…!

So bust a move
Get in the grove
Let’s show ‘em all.
Just make the call.

You’re doing mighty and your power will show
You didn’t quit and so you let it grow; don’t ya know
Your skills are peaking through, and the time has come
You’ll see how far you came From, From, From, From


Stay focussed now, and show them how it’s done


Don’t hold back now, the battle can be won


The Darkest day… may come your way


But you know what you need, so, Say, Say, Say, Say…!


The two ponies snapped out of their fantasy to the alarm going off, and the trouble appeared right before them...

…Waverline, with an army of Darquines, and a few monsters.

Waverline glared the two ponies down and ordered her followers, “…Attack them!”

And she leapt up high, “DISTORTION FORCE!” firing two powerful beams at the ponies, which they leapt away from.

“Swift, sound the alarm! Alert the sentries!” said Lightning.

“Yes, sir!” complied Swift, and he dashed off for the nearest alarm-box with the Darquines rushing after him.

Since Swift was only supposed to fight if he had to, and this was that time, he attacked every Darquine-- punching, kicking, and flipping them over, thanks to all the training he had done with Lightning.

As for Lightning, glared Waverline and her monsters down, and he transformed.

“Starfleet Magic!”

Once his battle suit was armed he stood ready to brawl. “It’s been a while.” he muttered to himself “I hope I know what I’m doing.”

Waverline and the monsters laughed at him.

“Come on, little boy…!” she mocked “…Or do yourself a favor and go running home to mommy!”

Lightning became enraged and leapt in to fight!

Starla was just finishing her recruiting in New Cloudsdale.

“Thanks for your help, Spitfire.”

Spitfire saluted to her, “You count on us Wonderbolts, General. We’ll help you out.”

Suddenly, the warning alarms went off, and the two ladies could see the problem-- a whole hoard of winged and flying beasts were invading New Cloudsdale.

“How about now…?” Starla asked.

Spitfire blew her whistle, signaling her troops. “Wonderbolts launch!”

Her troops came soaring out from the hangar bays like jet planes, and Spitfire and Starla soared in to join them.

Starla transformed, and was the first to attack.


The monsters plowed right through the star clusters and kept coming forth.

The Wonderbolts flew in formation, ready to intercept, but it looked as if it would be a tough battle.

Razor and his forces set their sights on the New Everfree Forest.

But Zecora stood at the forest edge with a look of bravery and readiness.

“Well, look what we got here.” teased Razor “One worthless zebra, about to be sliced and diced along with her forest.”

The monsters all growled and hissed angrily, but Zecora didn’t budge.

“The spirits warned me that trouble would come.
I advise you to go back where you came from.
For am I not alone, you see…”

That’s when a groups of fairies, led by Krysta emerged, looking ready to go.

“…I have friends to aid me.”

Krysta smirked, but Razor didn’t the least bit deterred.


Razor unleashed his blades at the trees of the forest, but they bounced harmlessly off and landed flat on the ground.

“A barrier!” shouted Razor.

Zecora had loaned some of her power to Krysta and her fairies to help keep the forest safe from harm.

“You’ll have to do better than that.” Krysta taunted “Now it’s our turn.” And she called to her fairies “…Full pattern Fire!”

The fairies complied with their queen and readied their wands.

They began to fire powerful magical beams at the villains, which they dodged and began to return fire-- shooting magical blasts, fireballs

“Warp Portals!” shouted Krysta, and she and her fairies conjured double portals to send the attacks back to the villains, but the evil creatures refused to back down, especially Razor as he thought, “…Got to keep this up. I’ve got to keep our plan going.”

Back on Monotane…

The inspection carried out, and the village seems structurally sound. Not too many casualties or damages that couldn’t be fixed from the invasion, especially seeing as many of the ponies and other creatures were wealthy enough to pay for it.

Still, some of the ponies were rather rude and grouchy towards Starfleet, and they had nothing to do but complain.

“For all the danger you put us in, we’d be richer hiring our own armies.

“I was saving for a space vacation, and now to have to waste MY money on trivial repairs?”

Other ponies, who were appreciative and thankful for Starfleet protested…

“You can’t talk to them that way!”

“They saved us.”

“You’ve got money to burn, so stop complaining!”

Rainbow couldn’t believe the dysfunction. “I’ve heard kids argue over toys act more civil than this.”

“You should see them on a bad day.” teased Albert.

Then he noticed “Where’s Colonel Artie?”

Rainbow hesitated to answer, feeling she knew where he had gone.

Indeed, Artie had come to the house of his wealthy parents. He just stood outside, looking way up at how tall the mansion still was, and all he could think of was his parents and how bossy and demanding they were, not to mention discouraging, tough.

Still, they were his parents, and as a Starfleet Officer, he was obligated to confirm they, and all the villagers were okay.

He began to move his way towards the steps leading to the big doors, when two ponies walked up behind him.

“Arthur…” said a familiar voice “You’ve come back.”

Arthur turned and saw his parents.

His father: Dune Bank Bristles.

His mother: Marigold Bell Bristles.

He powered down his suit to look at them properly, through his own eyes, but a rather neutral expression.

“Mom… Dad…”

His parents still look non-too-thrilled, but they did notice the wedding ring on his finger.

“So it’s true,” said Marigold “You are married. We heard.”

Artie nodded. “If you want, I can bring her here sometime and you can meet her.”

“That won’t be necessary.” his father replied immediately, showing obvious disapproval and disappointment in his son.

His wife agreed with him and turned her head away with her face pointing upward.

Artie was quivering with outrage at their behaviour, but he did expect it, and he decided his folks were fine, and that he should leave to check on others.

He turned and started to walk down the way… when suddenly…!

…His parents both screamed!

Artie turned round and saw them both ensnared by long, magical ropes that lead all the way up to the sky.

Then he saw who was doing it: a humanoid samurai creature, wearing pads and a kimono came floating down on a glider, and he jumped to the ground landing squarely on his feet, and he glared furiously at Artie.

“You let my parents go, right now!” shouted Artie.

The samurai snickered, “You dare to command the mighty samurai, Atoshi?! I admire your boldness.”

“Please… let us go!” cried Marigold. All her boldness and assertiveness was gone; replaced with fear.

“We’ll pay whatever price you say.” wailed Dune Bank.

“Silence!” shouted Atoshi “Your money means nothing to me!”

The couple gasped in horror. They were the type that couldn’t believe someone would scoff at money in such a manner.

“What I want is something money cannot buy, and that is Honour!”

“Honour?” asked Artie. “You mean you came here with the other monsters?”

Atoshi looked furious, and then he used his samurai symbol power to bind the parents magically to the wall of their mansion. After that, he turned to face Artie, and whipped out a long lance with a spearhead on both ends.

“Unlike my comrades, I will fight to the end! You face me, or your parents will suffer!”

Artie knew he had no choice, and he transformed again.

“Starfleet Magic!”

He held his staff in his hands and stood ready to go, but he looked over at his parents. “My folks and I may not have had the best of histories, and we don’t see eye-to-eye, but no one dishonours my family and gets away with it!

Let’s go!”

Atoshi snickered and slammed the end of his lance on the ground before charging forth at incredible speed, and Artie rushed forth too.

Their weapons clashed together, and Atoshi quickly kicked Artie hard in the gut, sending him back a few paces; showing he was indeed strong.

Artie then fired a few magical blasts from his horn, which the samurai swiftly swerved around and dodged with ease.

“Whoa! He’s fast!”

Atoshi leapt up high for a strike, but Artie zipped out of the way making him miss, and came back for a counter-strike.

He struck his opponent hard in the face, but Atoshi kicked him hard in the side, and the two fighters crashed to the ground.

“You are indeed a strong fighter.” said Atoshi. “I can see why my comrades were cowards to run from you, but do not think I shall run so easily.”

“Can we get on with this?” growled Artie.

Atoshi narrowed his eyes to him.

At New Canterlot Palace, Their majesties had received word of the multiple attacks in the various locations. Princess Luna had even hopped out of bed to assist in any way that she could.

She and Goldwin were on the highest terrace looking out through their telescopes at the surrounding lands.

“There’s another slew of monsters, and another!” cried Goldwin.

“Why would they all be attacking in different areas?” wondered Luna “I thought that Starlight’s main target was--” she stopped when she had a sickening thought.

“What? What is it?” asked Goldwin, but Luna quickly teleported off to find Celestia.

She found her and Grand Ruler in the main battle-ops with other ponies at the consoles and computers, tracking all the occurrences and other things.

“Our forces are holding off the attacks at least.” said Grand Ruler.

“Sister!” Luna called as she rushed in.

“Princess Luna? What is it?” asked Celestia.

While Luna was explaining her horrible thought…

…Outside the palace, yet another swarm of Darquines appeared, led by Starlight herself, and Specter was with her as backup.

“Good, the barrier is down!” said Starlight.

Still, the guards blew their whistles and sounded the alarms at the sight of the villains.

Starlight growled, but she noticed the lack of sentries and soldiers coming to battle as they had all been divided out all over to assist in the other battles.

Still, the barriers were engaged surrounding the palace.

“Get them!” Starlight shouted at the Darquines.

“I shall assist them.” hollered Specter, and he rushed in with the swarm, and he melded into the ground as a shadow… while secretly thinking “She still underestimates the enemy. Things are going better than we planned.

All I need now is the correct moment.”

As the sentries made short work of the Darquines, Starlight intervened.

“Stop her!” shouted Captain Shaina.

The knights all began to fire magical blasts form their horns and weapons, but Starlight was able to dodge and avoid them.

“It’ll take more than that to stop me!” she hollered, and she powered herself up to launch a huge blast from her horn.

“TAKE THIS…!!” and she fired.

“Look out!!” Shaina called up to the palace, but just as the blast was about to strike the barrier, another magical blast intercepted it, causing an explosion.

Starlight looked up and saw Grand Ruler, Celestia, and Luna, having combined their powers together to block the attack.

“Good shot!” said Grand Ruler.

Celestia and Luna nodded proudly, and Celestia then called down to Starlight. “You won’t get past our defenses as easy as you think.”

Starlight growled up at her.

Then, Cadance jumped out of the window in her Ninja-Forum, and stood glaring the evil pony down, and the sentries all stood behind her, having finished with the Darquines.

“You better surrender while you can!” Grand Ruler called to Starlight, but she only laughed, “Why would I do that?” and she snapped her fingers, conjuring up one of her powerful barriers to conceal the army in.

“Oh, no!” cried Luna.

Celestia and Grand Ruler gawked in horrors. This barrier seemed much stronger and more devious than the last time.

The army and Cadance, trapped inside, discovered this for themselves.

Cadance punch and kicked at the magical walls only to be magically shocked each time.

The sentries threw their lances and weapons at the wall, but that didn’t work either.

Specter then popped up from the ground, inside the barrier. “It’s no use; I’ve enforced the barrier with my shadow magic. You be able to break it down so easily this time.”

Cadance clenched her fists angrily, and then charged at him and began to attack.

“Guards, assist!” Shaina called to her troops, and they obeyed and charged in to help Cadance, but even though he was vastly outnumbered, Specter only laughed “You’ll have to do better than this. DARK WALL OF WIND…!”

Shrouding himself in his dark aura, the attacks didn’t reach him, and he repelled all the fighters off of him, but Cadance bolted back upright and rushed him.

They punched and kicked each other like crazy, and Cadance managed to strike him hard knocking him clear into the barrier, shocking him with his own magic, only it hardly seemed to damage him that much.

“Fool! You don’t think my own magic can harm me that easily?”

With much of the army still trapped inside the barrier, the palace was now more vulnerable.

“We need more soldiers!” cried Luna.

Grand Ruler was aware of this too, but he knew they couldn’t just call Lightning and the others away from their battles.

Waverline and her team of monsters all rushed Lightning hard and Lightning leapt up and gave Waverline a huge kick to her gut and sent her crashing into a trio of beasts and they all fell down.

“You’ll pay for that!” shouted Waverline.

As the monsters tried to get up, all the sentries whom Swift had fetched opened fire and blasted all around the villains, making sparks and explosions erupt all around.

Lightning was panting heavily and sweating bullets.

Swift called to him from around the corner. “Sir, maybe you should stop now.”

“No!” Lightning insisted “I can keep going. I’ve got to.”

Event he sentries were growing concerned about the commander’s dwindling strength, but there was no time to argue.

“DISTORTION FORCE” Waverline unleashed another powerful blast.

The sentries stood tall with their lances out like shields, and they actually blocked the force, but the resulting explosion created a huge dust cloud.

“Direct hit!” laughed Waverline.

The monsters all began to cheer, but then… Lightning leapt through the cloud, with his horn and his body glowing brightly.

“You wouldn’t!” shouted Waverline. “In your condition you’ll--”

…Lightning ignored her and unleashed his power. “UNIFORCE”

Waverline quickly dodged, and the blast struck all her monsters hard, destroying them in big explosions.

After that blast, combined from the lengthy battle, Lightning was starting to feel his vision getting blurred with his weariness. He looked as if he would pass out any moment.

…But still, he remained on his feet.

“…Got to… keep… going!” he panted.

The sentries were not convinced. Though his training helped him last longer, they couldn’t subject him to further exhaustion.

Even Swift could see this, and he knew he had to act, so he rushed over and scooped him up in his arms.

“Swift, put me down, now!” ordered Lightning. He was still too tired to fight back.

Swift then called out to the sentries, “I’m taking him to the hospital. You troops look after things here.”

The sentries agreed, and Swift began to rush off.

“Stop!!” shouted Waverline, but before she could shoot at him, the sentries shot at her to hold her back, giving Swift a clear way to make it and drop Lightning off at the hospital.

“He’s overlay exhausted himself.” he told the doctors “Give him an energy boost, and don’t let him leave and rush into battle.”

Lightning was too weak to speak, but he looked up at Swift with a queer expression, whether he was upset or not with him was hard to tell.

With that settled, and Lightning in good hands, Swift decided to make another check around town to see if anyone else was hurt or needed help.

Back on Monotane…

Artie and Atoshi had battled it out well, and were still going at it.

Their weapons clashed furiously, and they both met in a fierce struggle.

“You… are indeed strong…!” sneered Atoshi.

“Not just strong, but resourceful too.” said Artie. “My hands may be busy, but my horn is still free.”

With that his horn began to glow, “PAINT BOMBS”

The second he shouted that, Atoshi pulled a fast one-- and gave him a huge nudge, making Artie shoot his blobs high up, up, up, into the sky.

Atoshi then proceeded to knock Artie’s staff out of his hand and pin him to the ground, with the end of his lance pointing at his neck.

Atoshi laughed with glee. “My honour has been proving. My comrades refused to fight to the end, but I have triumphed where they failed.

You will now be finished!”

“Yeah…? Well think again!” snapped Artie, and he reached up swiftly, grabbing the lance and flipping Atoshi over, before bolting away…

…His paint bombs came right down upon the samurai, exploding all over him, and breaking his treasured lance in half.

After Artie had jumped, and used his magic to draw his staff back into his grip.

“SUPER STAFF SPIN” here powered up his finisher, and struck the samurai before he could react.

Atoshi roared and wailed as his body flared up, and he exploded, and was imprisoned in a sphere, and with the monster defeated, his parents were released from bondage, and all they did was merely brush themselves off and check for wrinkles in their fine clothes.

Rainbow Dash came soaring over and landed near Artie.

“I saw the explosion. What did I miss?”

“It’s okay,” Artie said “Just a little extra nuisance, I’ve already dealt with it.”

Rainbow picked up the sphere, but it was empty-- no monster was inside. “Ugh! He must’ve destroyed himself already.” she groaned. “They’re going to incredible length to keep something from us.”

Artie didn’t seem to mind. He just walked up to where his parents stood.

“Are you two okay?” he asked softly.

His folks didn’t answer, and just looked at him with rather stern expressions.

“Hey!” Rainbow yelled as she came up. “He asked you a question. You could answer.”

“Why should we?” asked Dune Bank. “You can both see that we’re fine. So why ask?”

Rainbow couldn’t believe this at all. “Your son risks his neck to help you and saves your lives, and you don’t even show the least bit of gratefulness?”

Artie held his hand up, hushing her, “…It’s okay, Rainbow.”


“…Let’s go.” and he turned his back to his folks and walked away.

“After all this time,” his mother called to him “You still choose this path. Why do you even bother with us still?”

Artie stopped dead in his tracks, and felt his anger rising, but rather than turn and start balking at his folks, they only word he could find were. “Because it’s my job, it’s what I do, and besides that… you’re still my parents.”

The couple actually felt struck to hear him say that; so did Rainbow.

“You may act cold and distant towards me, but I wish no harm on either you, and I’ll always be there to defend and save you no matter what.

You can’t appreciate that? Fine… but at least I have my honour.”

For the first time ever, his folks were speechless.

“Oh, and one last thing…” Artie said “…I received a letter from the intergalactic post a while back.” he paused and then said bluntly “…I’m going to be father.”

The couple stiffened.

“Say what?!” cried Rainbow.

Artie began to walk off, and Rainbow zoomed right up to him. “Whoa, whoa…! Sunset’s pregnant?”

Artie grinned proudly. “She is. It seems I gave her quite a going-away gift the night before we left.”

Rainbow couldn’t hold her emotions in and did rainbow-trail trails of joy. “This… is… AWE-SOME!!”

As excited and as Artie was, he cleared his throat and kept serious. “Colonel Rainbow!” he called firmly to her. “We’re on a mission here. Let’s snap to it.”

Rainbow immediately stopped celebrating, and touched down, regaining her professional composure. “The sooner we wrap up here, the sooner we get to our next mission. Which means, the sooner we get to go home.”

Artie could hardly wait for that, and finally be reunited with his pregnant wife again.

Back in New Canterlot…

Starlight constantly had been firing at the barrier attempting to bring it down.

She also launched two strong beams of light clear across the planet, signaling Razor and Waverline for assistance.

“Come out, Celestia!” shouted Starlight. “You won’t be shielded forever! I will have my revenge!”

Her rage and determination gave her more and more will to keep attacking the barrier, which forced Celestia and Grand Ruler to pour more and more magic into the barrier to keep it intact, and while Luna tried her best with what few sentries she had to drive Starlight away, Starlight dodged their every blast, every attack and continued to fire away at the barrier… which made her laugh maniacally.

“She’s completely insane!” cried Luna.

Celestia felt her stomach giving turns the way she saw Starlight act so wicked and enraged.

“Look!” cried Grand Ruler…

Waterline and Razor appeared, having seen Starlight’s beacons.

“About time you two showed up!” she yelled at them. “Now give me a hand here!”

The two henchmen nodded, and began to offer their powers to her attack on the barrier…

…But really, they were here to help Specter carry out his plan to rid themselves of Starlight.

While Starlight was distracted in blasting the barrier, they both looked down at Specter’s barrier where he was brutally brawling with Cadance and the guards.

Specter turned round, and gave his comrades a sinister wink telling them to wait for the signal, then their plan was to purposely make it look as if a combined attack missed and hit Starlight by accident.

The barrier around the palace was beginning to weaken again, and their majesties were starting to run low on power, and were getting tired.

Luna was growing quite concerned and urged her relatives to cease, before they passed out.

“Luna, you can’t power the entire barrier by yourself.” protested Celestia.

“Perhaps,” agreed Luna “But the least I can do is keep the two of you safe.”

The barrier was just about ready to cease.

Starlight grinned wickedly. “One more blast should do it.” and she called to the henchmen “Let’s do it, now!”

Specter got the signal and jumped out of the other barrier, leaving Cadance and the guards still trapped and unable to stop the villains.

…Really, the henchmen’s chance had come, as the combined their powers together.




Specter was shrouded in the super-combo, ready for the attack. His plan was to seemingly ricochet off the weak barrier and bounce right into Starlight. Hopefully she was weak enough from all the zapping she did.

…But before he had the chance to even move…

…Warp portals began to open wide, and a whole bunch of creatures came pouring out, dragons, Minotaur, griffons, and Krysta and her fairies along with Starla.

“No!!” shouted Starla, and she armed her bow at Specter. “GALACTIC PROJECTILE”

The Dragons aided her with their fiery breath, strengthening the power of her attack, which stuck Specter’s sphere hard, and while the defensive magic softened the blow, the force still knocked him hard to the ground, making a big explosion, that shook the lands and sent a strong gale of shockwaves, a large portion of which hit Starlight hard, and sent her soaring into the sky, and far, far off into the distance.

When the smoke had cleared, Specter was fine, but he looked pretty beaten up from being hit so hard.

His barrier had also ceased, releasing Cadance and the guards.

“Specter!” cried Razor as he and Waverline rushed up to their comrade, but seeing as they were horribly outnumbered…

“Let’s split!” shouted Waverline, and the trio vanished at once.

Starla was outraged, but at least all the villains were gone, but it certainly was a close shave.

Later on, when Starla heard Lightning was in the hospital, she rushed quickly over, only to see he was fully recovered and was just being dismissed.

“I know this would have happened if you entered battle.” Starla said, scolding herself.

Lightning shook his head, “I had no other choice “Those creeps sure played us out well-- attacking different locations to split us all up leaving the palace vulnerable.”

He clenched his fists angrily, feeling silly for having fallen for the trick, but he was glad Starla and the other fighters managed to reach the palace just in time.

“We just barely managed to beat the monsters and round out the volunteers.” said Starla. “Do you think the villains will try something like this again?”

“They just might.” replied Lightning, “Which means we’re going to have re-plan everything; have the sentries rotate posts, and have the volunteers be ready for anything.

By the way… what happened to Starlight Glimmer?”

Starla reported that Starlight wasn’t seen since she flew away. “She probably went back to her ship to recharge just like the henchmen did.

Even still, there’s no way to search for her. Her evil powers make her impervious to our detections, but I did send whatever search teams were available to look, just in case.”

Lightning felt a little satisfied, but he also wondered where Swift Star was. “I’d like to talk to him… thank him for helping me.”

Swift had carried wide sweep all over New Ponyville, and once her heard the battle was won, he decided to make one last check to see that everyone was still safe and sound, but he was growing rather exhausted, and he decided to sit on a rock out in the meadows.

“Whoo…!” he sighed, and he pulled off his boots and began to rub his sore feet. “Sure wish I could fly. That would make things easier.”

As he sat there, he began to wonder if Lightning had recovered from his weariness… when suddenly he heard a very faint groan come from behind the rock he sat on.

“Who’s there?!” he called.

When he received no answer, he took a peek around the rock, and he couldn’t believe eyes…!!

Starlight Glimmer! She had been blown clear across the planet to the meadows and crashed hard on the ground, and she looked in pretty bad shape, she was dirty and bruised, and had a few bloody wounds.

Swift almost fell into panic, being in the presence of the enemy. Still, this was his big chance, to haul her in, and maybe really be a big hero and give Starfleet a huge lead in the war…!!

Yet, looking down at her and seeing the bad shape she was in, he knew he couldn’t just do that. It was against Starfleet procedure to use excessive force on someone who was already down like Starlight was, even if she was the enemy.

The code also stated that, enemy or not, he couldn’t just leave her here, but there was no one around for miles, not even an aerial patrol that he could signal too.

He would have to try and care for her himself, but his insides were quaking with fear; a fear that she would suddenly wake up and strike him.

He had no choice, and he scooped her up into his arms, and carried her off.

The nearest place he could take her was an abandoned cabin near a river, where it was peaceful and quiet.

The cabin had a “Condemned” sign out in front. The cabin was going to be cleared out and demolished soon, but Swift felt it was an okay place to rest Starlight and tend to her.

Soon she was resting upon an old beat-up sofa, still unconscious. Swift had attached an anti-magic manacle to her horn to block off her powers.

He cleaned her wounds, using an old rag, and water he had fetched from the river with a pail, and he built a fire in the fireplace with dead branches and logs from an old wood pile still outside by the cabin.

“I cannot believe I’m doing this” he thought to himself, unaware that Starlight was starting to awaken, and she herself could not believe it herself.

The last thing she remembered was being blown away by a huge explosion, and she still felt a lot of pain, yet here she was being cared for… by a Starfleet pony?!

With her horn locked, she couldn’t use her power, but she still felt her physical strength returning…!

Swift began to get up, prompting her to quickly lie back down and feign unconsciousness.

Swift looked at the villainess, still finding it hard to believe he was caring for her.

“The least I should do is report this.” he thought.

Within the entire cabin he could only find one piece of dirty parchment lying on the floor, and the best he could make do with was a small twig with charcoal, and he would then send off the report with magic from his energizer.

Starlight peeked once again, and felt this was her chance while he was writing.

She silently crept off the sofa, and very softly and slyly began to tiptoe towards him with a look of murder in her eye.

Then she stepped on a squeaky floorboard, which made Swift turn in shock, accidentally tossing his half-finished report into the fireplace where it burned away.

Starlight hissed at him nastily, looking ready for the kill.

Swift stood and poised ready to defend himself.

Then, Starlight suddenly felt weak again and nearly collapsed.

“Whoa, whoa!!” snapped Swift as he rushed up and caught her in his arms. “Take it easy. You’re still hurt.”

Starlight’s eyes widened in total shock and confusion, and before she knew it, Swift helped her back to the sofa and lay her down.

She looked right up at him; straight in the eyes, and Swift looked into hers, and something seemed to spark inside him.

“Her eyes…” he thought “They’re… they’re pretty.”

Starlight suddenly passed out again, and Swift remained with her.


In our next episode: As Starlight and Swift seem to be warming up to each other, Titan is suffering from a mysterious ailment, followed by a large glowing force to emerge from him and head on out into space and is suddenly discovered by Buddy and Applejack while on a mission.

What is this strange power that emerged from Titan, and what will happen between Starlight and Swift Star?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “It came on a mission“)

Episode 17: It Came on a Mission

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It was beginning to seem virtually hopeless. The great mission to destroy the generators and cease the energy had been on for well-over a month, and no matter how many generators Starfleet managed to destroy, there just seemed to be more and more still scattered all over the cosmos.

…There was just too many, but Starfleet was still not willing to back down and let Titan get any stronger than he already.

Today, however, something seemed to go wrong with Titan; his spirit was groaning and growling as if something was wrong.

The army of monsters on the Shadow Planet saw this.

“What’s with Lord Titan?”

“He looks sick or something.”

“That’s ridiculous-- spirits don’t get sick.”

Nevertheless, Titan continued to groan and clutch himself. “What… is happening… to me?!!” he bellowed.

The louder her groaned and clutched himself, the more the monsters felt…

“…He’s going to blow!!”

Many monsters hit the dirt, and then… IT HAPPENED!!

Something burst from Titan’s spirit in the forum of a glowing light, and sped on out into Space like a speeding comet, and it was gone.

Titan was panting heavily, but while his suffering had stopped, he felt rather weak-- as if whatever that light was had been attacking his spirit from within.

“Energy!” he thundered “I must have more energy!! GET ME MORE!!!”

His voiced echoed all across the manmade planet, and frightened the monsters to get to work and feed him more power absorbed from the planets.

They just hoped Starfleet would never learn of this-- that Titan was weaker now.

Pinkie was up, and out of bed, having breakfast with Apple Spice at the cake’s café. The doctor said it was okay for Pinkie to get up and walk around a little in her condition.

Sunset Shimmer decided to join her for breakfast, figuring she could use more company, and she didn’t want to be alone herself.

“I heard you’re going to have a baby too.” said Spice.

Sunset blushed and softly touched her stomach. “Yeah, it’s real, though I can’t believe it.”

Pinkie gave her a neutral smile and remarked, “Congratulations.”

“That goes double for us.” said Carrot Cake as he and Cupcake served breakfast to everyone.

Sunset got an extra big helping of pancakes. “What? I didn’t order all this.”

Cupcake giggled, “Just a little congratulatory gift we do to all would-be mothers. You’ll have to go on a diet soon anyway. Better to go out with a bang.

It’s how I felt when I had Pound and Pumpkin.”

Sunset couldn’t refuse.

“How’s the art gallery doing?” Pinkie asked softly.

“Oh, everything’s just the same.” replied Sunset. “Lightning and Starla dropped by this morning, asking if I had seen Swift Star anywhere.”

“Swift?” asked Spice “He came here last night before sundown. He was making one of his inspections of the village after the big battle.” He paused and realized. “Matter of fact, he usually comes in here every morning to buy a breakfast bagel from the racks before going on patrol, but he hasn’t shown up.”

Pinkie thought that odd. She knew it was an offense to neglect duty unless it was a good enough reason.

“I wonder where he is.”

Swift had stayed with Starlight Glimmer right through the night while she rested and recovered, in the cabin by the river.

Starlight began to awaken to the aroma of tea boiling.

It was Swift…

He had gathered some more clear water from the river, and gathered good brewing herbs from the meadow, and boiled them over the fireplace. He had even carved two cups out of wooden blocks of wood using a jagged rock he found-- all thanks to what he learned from survival skills in Starfleet training.

Starlight, still unable to use magic with the manacle locked around her horn, sat up over the sofa, which made Swift turn to face her.

“Good morning.” he said softly with a rather deep expression “I see you made it through the night.”

He got up and handed her a cup of tea, Starlight looked up at him rather sternly, and wasn’t sure if she should take it.

Swift merely placed the cup on the table next to the sofa. “It’s yours if you want it. You should take something.”

Their eyes met again, and Swift found himself mesmerized yet again by the beauty, but keeping well in mind, she was the enemy.

“Why are you doing this?” Starlight asked.

“I have to.” answered Swift “It’s the law of Starfleet: to help those who are injured, even if they are the enemy.

Truth is: I could’ve just taken you in any time I wanted, but you were in bad shape. So I did what I had to.”

Starlight only felt slightly flattered, but remained as sour as ever as she sipped the tea.

Swift took it as a good sign.

“You do realize what a fool you’re being.” said Starlight. “Because you healed me, I can destroy you any time I want.” She pointed up at the manacle on her horn “Without my magic, I am still physically stronger and swifter than you are.”

Swift could only slyly remark, “So why haven’t you tried to destroy me yet?”

Starlight began to steam like a kettle got up from the sofa ready to fight, and Swift looked ready to defend himself…

…But Starlight just stood there.

“What’s wrong with me?!” she grumbled in thought “Why am I just standing here like this?! He’s in plain sight, and I can knock his head off easily…!”

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, followed by Lightning’s voice. “Swift, we know you’re in there.”

“Come on, open up.” called Starla.

Swift had no choice but to answer to his superiors, and as he went over to the door… Starlight began to slip quietly away.

Swift opened the door, and found Lightning and Starla standing there with rather stern looking expressions.

They had discovered his dereliction of duty and tracing his life signals to this place.

Swift knew he was in trouble, but quickly said, “I’ve actually been tending to my duties right here.”

“How’s that?” asked Starla.

Swift opened the door wide and looked behind him, but he noticed. “Where did she go?”

“Who?” asked Lightning.

“…Starlight. She was right here?”

Lightning and Starla nearly jumped out of their skins.

“Starlight Glimmer was here?!!” yelled Lightning.

Swift felt like kicking himself for taking his eyes off of Starlight, even for a split second.

Starlight had snuck out through an open window and began to dash across the meadow. With her magic still locked she couldn’t levitate, or teleport, or even contact the Spider-Base.

She growled as she fiddled with the manacle on her horn, but was unable to remove it. “I’ve got to get out of here. I can’t let them take me!”

She ran off looking for a place to hide.


Applejack and Buddy were visiting the planet R-L-X: the vacationing planet-- built and furbished on the remains of, what was once, The Dark Planet, and Titan’s former base of operations.

They were not here to rest…! They had come to once again, stop Titan’s forces from absorbing the planet’s energy, and enslaving the vacationers.

They had arrived just in time to find the place already under attack and a generator absorbing power from the planet.

The Starfleet guards were doing their best to stave off the monsters and free the vacationers.

“Of all the places for Titan to attack, he chooses here!” growled Applejack “…A place where people come to relax, and have fun. It really drives me through the hayfields.”

Buddy was more concerned with the generator. “Look at it! The energy is flowing twice as hard as ever.”

The dark power was blazing faster and crazier than ever.

“Come on, keep that power flowing!” the monsters leader shouted. “Lord Titan needs this power! You know what happened.”

Applejack and Buddy gawked at one another in confusion, but there was no time to ponder over it. They had to help the Starfleet forces stop all this.

Already transformed, they leapt down from the skies to assist in the battle and free the slaves…

…When suddenly, from the skies something big and bright came crashing to the ground, causing a small quake.

All the Starfleet ponies, the slaves, and even the monsters looked up.

“What was that?!” cried Applejack.

“Hey! Who’s trying to crash our party now?!” bellowed the monster leader.

As the dust from crash settled, a faint glow of brightness shone, and the creature stepped forth.

Everyone, even the monsters gasped in horror.

“No way!” cried Buddy.

“It can’t be!” added Applejack.

It was an Enticorn; an actual Enticorn-- gold, glowing body with a black, sparkling stomach, although.

Applejack and Buddy almost recognized its facial features imedeatly. “It’s Lightning’s Enticorn.” exclaimed Buddy.

“But how’s that possible?” asked Applejack. “Lightning’s clear across the galaxy.”

The Enticorn glared at everyone with a look of fury, but all it could say was, “Unite! …Must unite!”

The monsters were far from impressed. This creature had no right to butt in on their business.

“Come on, let’s take him!” shouted the leader. “That thing can’t take us all on at once.”

The monsters, foolishly agreeing with their boss, abandoned their slaves, and the other Starfleet fighters, and began to rush straight at the Enticorn to strike it with all their weapons and power.

“No, wait!!” shouted Buddy, but it was too late…!

The Enticorn glared at the oncoming monsters, and thrust out his arms, “ULTRA-UNIFORCE!”

POW!! The burning wave of power surged forth, consuming the monster army like jellybeans.

“I WAS WRONG…!!” the leader shouted as his body began to disintegrate “…IT CAN BEAT US ALL AT ONCE!!”

Then they were all gone-- disintegrated into ashes, and the blast kept going, hitting the generator, blowing it to bits.

Everyone hit the dirt or covered their eyes from the brightness of the explosion.

The dark power ceased, and with the monsters gone, the slaves were freed, but that Enticorn still looked mad and ready for more.

“Unite!” he kept shouting “Must unite!”

He looked ready to rush the vacationers and start going on a rampage, prompting Starfleet to take a stance.

“Wait!” cried Applejack “That’s Lightning’s Enticorn. We can’t fight him. He’s got more power than a hundred herds of steer.”

“Yeah, but we can’t let him destroy the resort or hurt the people.” said Buddy.

One of the soldiers spoke up, “There’s a small island off the shore. Take him there!”

Applejack and Buddy looked out over the ocean and could see the island, and some of the soldiers offered to come with them and assist while others tended to the freed slaves and the damages near the resort.

“All right… here we go!” said Buddy, and he was really regretting what he was about to do.


He unleashed his razor leaves at the Enticorn, which were ineffective in damaging him at all, but did make him angry and turn to growl and glare at him.

“Follow me…!” hollered Buddy, and he took off over the water with the Enticorn following him.

“Hey, wait up!” called Applejack as she and the soldiers flew after the two.

Buddy could see the island up ahead. It was mostly flat, without much vegetation, and rocky mounds.

He was ready to set down, but the Enticorn, sprinted right up to him, grabbing him, and tackling him down to the ground hard… really hard…!

He was slammed down with such a crash that he made a small crater.

He wasn’t really hurt, but the Enticorn was glaring at him furiously and looked ready for the kill.

“Buddy!!” Applejack called as she and troops rushed in.

The Enticorn looked up in a raging sneer.

One of the soldiers poised her magic lance to fire at him, but Applejack stopped her. “Don’t! You might hit Buddy!”

The Enticorn stepped off of body. The aura around him was flaring brightly.

Buddy got up onto his feet, and gave Applejack a thumb up, showing he was okay.

She nodded at him, but the Enticorn just shouted again, “Unite! Unite!!”

“He keeps saying that.” Buddy said to himself.

“What does he mean?” wondered Applejack, but now was not the time to ponder.

“Applejack!” called Buddy “Let’s do it.”

Applejack nodded, and together they shouted, “SUPER-MODE, ACTIVATE!!”

One touch of their energizers, their suits were charged up, sparkly, and glowing with strength and power.

The other soldiers were astounded, and did the same thing-- activating their own Super-Modes.

Even with this mode activated, the ponies still weren’t sure they could stand up to the Enticorn, but they couldn’t let it rage on the planet.

The Enticorn gave a huge roar, and fired powerful pulse blasts from his hands, forcing the fighters to scatter.


Buddy grabbed his whip and rushed in to attack.

He cracked and lashed his whip all around, but the Enticorn effortlessly swerved and dodged his every blow.

He grabbed the whip, and yanked it hard sending Buddy up, over, and slamming hard to the ground.

“Attack!!” shouted Applejack to the soldiers.

The soldiers charged, surrounding the creature, but even with their Super Modes and working together, the Enticorn punched, kicked, bashed and thrashed at all of the fighters; knocking them down with such ease.

The Unicorns and Alicorns tried to combine their telekentic magic and hold the creature, but the Enticorn’s burning aura rendered it ineffective.

The Enticorn thrust his arms out, repelling the magic back towards the fighters, forcing them to scatter again.

The soldiers began to holler…

“He’s too strong!”

“We need more power!”

Applejack agreed and bolted upright onto her feet.

“Valkyria!” and with her shout, she transformed into the Valkyrie of Honesty, and glowing brighter than ever thanks to her Super Mode.

She leapt up high, roaring, with her sword at the ready, and came down for a strong strike, but the Enticorn zipped out of the way, making her miss and strike the ground, making the entire island shake.

The Enticorn then appeared behind her, and attempted to karate chop her in the back, but Applejack zipped out of the way, making him miss.

And Buddy came rushing in, and gave the creature a huge kick to its head, but the creature seemed hardly fazed by it, much to Buddy’s horror.

The Enticorn slowly turned his head, with Buddy’s foot still clinging to it from the kick, showing an extremely furious, expression.

Applejack could see for herself what was coming next!

The Enticorn began charge up, and Applejack quickly used her powers to wrap Buddy’s leg in a magical stream, and pull him away, and then huddled the group of soldiers together.

“Magical barriers, now!” she shouted “Layer those walls!”

The soldiers complied and combined their magic together to seal everyone in a few layers of dome barriers.

That’s when the Enticorn let out a mighty powerful roar, unleashing an incredible wave of power that engulfed the whole island.

The people on the mainland saw the big explosion, and covered their eyes. The guards began to worry of the fighters and hoped they were okay.

The barriers and the super mode armor barely managed to help. When the light had faded and the dust settled from the explosion, all the fighters lay on the ground. Their super armor had powered down, and they all lay about looking dirty and looking as if they had all been trampled by a stampede.

Buddy and Applejack, wearily struggled to get up, and saw the Enticorn still standing, and not seemingly the least bit exhausted.

“Must unite!” he growled. “Must unite…!”

Then he leapt up, taking off high into the sky like a rocket, and actually made it into space.

“No!” groaned Buddy.

“He’s gone.” said Applejack.

As grateful as the soldiers were, the planet was now safe; the fact they had nearly been trounced by the Enticorn was bad enough. Now he was loose and roaming through Space. Who knew what he was capable of doing?!

“We’ve got to warn United Equestria.” suggested Buddy. “Lightning’s going to flip his lid when he hears this.”

Applejack agreed.

While all that had happened…

Starlight continued to run and duck from the soldiers perusing her.

Lightning had sent for a small squadron of flyers and foot-soldiers to aid in the search.

They tried all their scouting devices, but it was no use.

One of the soldiers reported to Lightning and Starla. “Ma’am, Sir. I’m afraid we just can’t lock onto any signals.”

“Rats.” said Starla “I guess even with the manacle disabling her powers, her energies are still unrecognizable.”

“Well we’ve got to find her.” said Lightning “If we can capture her, she may have the information we require about what Titan is up to.

Everyone spread out.”

“Aye-Aye, Sir.”

Lightning and Starla went off together, while the rest of the soldiers spread out, and Swift Star helped too.

Part of him was really hoping to find Starlight before any of the others did.

He had combed an entire area of the meadows, moving clear up the river.

Suddenly, he heard a rustling in the shrubs by a nearby small patch of trees huddled together. It turned out to be just a silly squirrel dashing out and into the fields looking for nuts.

“Humph!” grunted Swift, nevertheless, he kept on searching.

Starlight peeked her head from around a tree, sweating nervously.

Then she accidently stepped on a twig making it snap loudly.

Swift looked up ahead, and saw her.

Starlight began to run for it.

“HEY!!” Swift shouted out to the soldiers, “SHE’S OVER HERE!!”

Lightning looked up and saw Swift running into the small forest, and he whistled for the troops to rush in.

As Swift chased after Starlight…

…Onboard Spider-Base, the henchmen saw everything on the monitors.

“So, she survived.” hissed Specter. He didn’t look a bit pleased, nor did his comrades.

“Let me at her!” growled Razor as he rubbed his blades together. “I’ll slice her into a French Fries.”

Waverline’s hands glowed with power. “Save some of her for me, will you?”

Much as Specter shared their rage, “We have to bring her back.”

“WHAT---?!” the others spat.

“We have no choice.” hissed Specter. “She’ll begin to grow suspicious if we didn’t even try to rescue our “Leader.”

“Then why don’t we just finish her now and be done with her while she’s powerless?” asked Waverline.

Specter gave her a strict glare. “We can’t take the chance.” he huffed “Besides… it’ll give us ample time to come up with another plot to be rid of her.”

Waverline and Razor rolled their eyes.

“I still say we should just slit her throat.” murmured Razor.

Starlight leapt through the trees as fast as she could and then raced along the ground with Swift closing in behind her.

“You won’t get away!” he called to her.

Starlight suddenly stopped at what was before her-- a small but steep slope down a hillside.

Swift suddenly lunged at her-- colliding into her and they both rolled down the slope together, and when they landed at the bottom, Swift found himself lying on top of Starlight…

…and their lips were barely brushing together.

Both of them were shocked beyond words, and Swift quickly sprung off of her, scooting away a few feet.

Both of them were too shocked to make much of any moves, but their eyes met again.

“What’s happening to me?” thought Starlight. “Why am I feeling like this?”

Swift was all in a deter himself. “I’ve got to get a hold of myself! I’ve got to take her in while I have the chance.”

Before he could act, a swarm of Darquines appeared and ambushed him-- grabbing him by his legs and arms so he couldn’t flail, and they carried him off.

Then the henchmen appeared.

“Miss Starlight!” called Specter.

“We’ve been looking everywhere for you.” cried Waverline.

Starlight was actually relieved to see them. “I never thought I’d be so relieved to see you all before.”

Razor resisted any and all urges to slash her for that.

“Let’s get back to the ship.” he suggested.

Since the ship’s transport beam was technological and not magical, even with the manacle still on her horn, Starlight disappeared with her minions.

The Darquines threw Swift down hard, and then they disappeared, leaving Swift outraged and upset and he angrily pounded the ground with his fist.

“Swift…!” called Lightning.

Swift looked up and saw Lightning, Starla and the soldiers atop the slope, but they could already see they were too late.

“They’re gone.” Swift called to them. “I failed.”

The soldiers were disappointed, and Lightning hated what had to come next.

“You’ll have to come with us, Swift. There’s going to have to be an inquiry regarding your actions.”

Swift complied, and yet he looked up at the sky still thinking of Starlight and what just happened between them.

Onboard Spider-Base…

It took some hard work to remove the manacle from Starlight’s horn—it was made of that much of a thick and magical-resistant material.

…Finally, it was off.

Razor groaned at how dull and beat up his blades were. “Blades like these don’t grow on trees you know.”

As grateful as Starlight felt to be home, onboard her ship, and have her magic unlocked…

…She couldn’t stop thinking about Swift and how they almost…!

“Miss Starlight, are you well?” asked Specter.

Starlight didn’t answer and walked off. “…Need to be alone.”

The henchmen were most confused.

“What’s with her?” asked Waverline.

“Whatever it is, it doesn’t concern us.” hissed Specter. “Her time will come…”

Razor snickered wickedly; looking forward to the big one!


In our next episode: Lightning is most distressed when he receives news of the Enticorn on the loose, and while it is decided what actions to take, Starlight and Swift still can’t stop thinking about one another, and Swift Star decides he wants to try and help Starlight, but when she suggests a rendezvous it puts him in quite the spot.

Will Swift be tempted by Starlight’s invitation, and how will Starfleet deal with the Enticorn problem?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Two-Timing Temptation”)

Episode 18: Two-Timing Temptation

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The very next morning, the inquiry was held. Swift was standing before all three of their majesties, along with Lightning, Starla, Cadance… and even Shining Armor who was out of bed and fully recovered.

The entire case was reviewed on paper, and then questions were asked.

Swift was also sitting in a special chair magically linked to a memory machine which would reveal all images from his memory to show that he wasn’t lying about anything.

“And you couldn’t send a report or signal due to lack of materials?” asked Grand Ruler.

“Yes, sir.” replied Swift. “And I couldn’t just leave her due to the code of Starfleet to help out, and she could have escaped while I wasn’t looking. I had to keep her under close watch.”

The memory machine screen revealed everything exactly as it happened.

Celestia cleared her throat. “Regardless, Cadet Swift Star, you were responsible for letting Starlight Glimmer escape-- You took your eyes off of her for a split second. Did you not?”

Swift nodded, almost shamefully. “I was answering to Commander Lightning’s call.”

Lightning vouched, “It’s true. I had ordered him to open the door. I had no way of knowing what was happening.”

Their majesties considered everything, and they all agreed.

“Cadet Swift Star…” said Grand Ruler. “You nearly had captured the sworn enemy of this planet, but you allowed her to escape and thus, costing us valuable information we require.”

“Yes, sir…”

“However,” Grand Ruler continued “Given the circumstances, and your lack of equipment, and to the fact that you were indeed following strict procedure to the best of your abilities…

…This inquiry can find now course of action to charge you, or hold you.

You may return to your duties, Cadet.”

He and the others all stood up, saluting to him, and Swift saluted back with pride, but deep down he was truly ashamed of himself for letting Starlight get away, and more so that he was still thinking about her and wondering what she was up to now.

Onboard Spider-Base,

Starlight had been training hard to prepare for future battles in the ship’s dojo.

She was punching and kicking the air to work on her movement, and firing magical blasts at columns set up as targets.

Suddenly, right before her eyes, she could see an image of Swift’s face on one of the targets.

Outraged, she fired a blast at it, and while the column was destroyed, the image remained where it was, and then it faded off.

Starlight growled angrily, trying all she could to concentrate on her moves, but she couldn’t get Swift off her mind for the way he cared for her, treated her, and healed her.

“No one’s ever been that kind to me before.” she thought.

She remembered while training with Titan-- how he would push her night and day to toughen her up and develop her powers.

She would tirelessly train and take abuse from her master, and any slacking or failure resulted in beatings and scolding, and harder, longer training hours with hardly any breaks or food-- which he assured would help her grow in strength…

Still-- Swift…

…While he was intending to bring her in, and he only healed her as part of his duty, she hadn’t forgotten those eyes, and how they looked into hers, and that moment when they fell down the hill and they almost…!

It seemed no matter how hard she tried to put Swift out of her mind, the more and more she thought about him.

“I won’t let him do this to me!” she grumbled to herself.

That’s when she got the idea, “I’ll ask him to meet up with me later, and then I’ll destroy him, and he’ll be out of my thoughts for good.”

She walked down the hall, passing by Specter who was on his way to talk with her.

“Miss Starlight, sorry to interrupt but--” was all he said when he saw she didn’t even notice him and just went out of sight.

“Now what is she up to?” he wondered.

Meanwhile, Lightning had already received a report from Buddy Rose and Applejack, and he, Starla, and their majesties were incredibly astounded.

“So my Enticorn is on the loose.” said Lightning “How is this possible?”

Grand Ruler read the report as well. “It’s absolutely incredible, but I think it all boils down to one thing…”

He explained his theory of how when Starlight first appeared and turned himself, Lightning, and Celestia into children, Lightning got in the way while in his Enticorn forum.

“Ah, I see…” said Starla “And when Starlight gave your powers to Titan, the Enticorn must’ve slowly rejuvenated himself.”

Celestia pondered over the idea. “It’s a very wild thought, but nothing could possibly explain.”

Luna observed the report herself. “If this is true, then it confirms this part; where Titan has lost power, and now his forces are scrambling to gain more energy from planets for him, but it still is unclear why other than to restore his power and life force.”

Much as every felt it a small relief to know this, as it gave Starfleet an outside chance to beat the enemy; knowing the Enticorn was out there, and on a huge rampage was nothing short of distressing.

“I don’t get it.” said Krysta “Why is it so angry? Why is it attacking everything it sees?”

“He isn’t…” said Lightning “At least he doesn’t mean.”

“What do you mean?” asked Starla.

“I mean…” Lightning explained “Because the Enticorn and I are separated, he doesn’t have my gentle soul and spirit to contain him, and control his rage. He only attacks anything and everything that might pose as a threat…

…In other words: he’ll only react defensively to those who try to attack him, and he can neither be contained no captured. He’s just too strong.”

Grand Ruler agreed with this and sent word to the message to send out the word to every outpost, every soldier, every unit in every system.

“The question remains now: What do we do?”

Lightning already had an immediate answer. “We find my Enticorn. We find him, and confront him.”

Before anyone could question, Lightning brought up the report from Buddy and Applejack—the part where the Enticorn kept snarling and shouting “Must unite.”

“…He’s looking for me, so we can combine into one again.”

Everyone happened upon the same bright idea Lightning had. This was probably what they had been searching for.

“If you and your Enticorn merge,” said Starla “You could be restored to your true age?”

“I don’t know,” replied Lightning “But there’s only one way to find out, and that’s to catch him.”

“I fear that is far easier said than done.” Luna pointed out. “We haven’t the slightest idea where in the galaxy he could be.”

That made everyone’s confidence drop.

“He probably can’t find his way back here, to United Equestria.” Celestia suggested. “Even if any of the other forces spot sight of him, it will be too late to leave and go after him-- He’ll already have gone someplace else.”

Starla and Lightning both felt they couldn’t just leave the planet anyway; not with Starlight Glimmer still out there.

Speaking of whom, Swift headed to the royal nursery, still thinking of Starlight, and somewhat ashamed of it.

He came to the nursery where he knew Princess Cadance and Shining Armor were helping care for the babies, and visiting Flurry Heart at daycare.

He cleared his throat, revealing his presence.

“Hello Swift.” said Cadance.

“Can we do something for you?” added Shining Armor.

Swift nervously approached Princess Cadance, “Your highness, I was hoping to have a word with you… about something very important that only you would understand.”

Cadance blinked once in confusion, but could tell he seemed a little distressed.

“Okay…” she said, and excused herself from her husband.

“Hmmm… I bet I know what this is about.” Shining Armor said to himself.

Swift and Cadance went a quiet area by a window where they could talk in private.

“What’s on your mind?” asked Cadance.

Swift let out a huge sigh. “I can’t talk about this with Commander Lighting; he’s busy now with their majesties. Plus, I know he’ll flip his lid if he finds out. I’m surprised he hasn’t already.”

Cadance gawked at him with concern.

“I’ve got these… really bad, unwanted feelings brewing up inside of me.”

Now she understood. “You’re growing feelings for Starlight Glimmer.”

Swift cringed deeply, and nodded regretfully. “I can’t deny it, and I’m very ashamed. I know it’s wrong, and I shouldn’t have all this, but… I… oh…!”

Cadance didn’t even need to use her magic to sense his feelings were growing bad, and how badly they were twisting his emotions.

She had her suspicions since the inquiry, while watching the scenes from his memories, including the part where he and Starlight rolled down the hill, and--

“Starlight Glimmer is the enemy of this planet, but it’s true that people can’t help who they love sometimes.”

Swift looked up at her, “So you’re saying there’s no way I can let go of this?”

Cadance closed her eyes, trying to choose her words wisely. “Whether the feelings are real to you or not, it depends on what you want from them.

You know where your loyalties lie-- with Starfleet, so whatever you decide will be entirely up to you.

But I should warn you, how do you know if Starlight feels the same about you?”

Swift really didn’t know, and it only twisted him up even further.

He decided to leave the palace and take a walk out into the open country to try and search through his emotions.

“She’s beautiful, but she’s evil.

She’s beautiful, but she’s evil.”

He kept saying that in thought over and over again, and he knew it was already seemingly hopeless. “She’s tried to destroy Queen Celestia, and that can never be forgiven legally.”

He even heard from Lightning, a while back, Starlight’s reasons for being who she was and swearing vengeance on Celestia-- for supposedly being responsible for the death of her parents.

“She’s filled with too much anger and hate, and she fights for the wrong reasons. Maybe I can try to help her; make her see reason.

Then again, maybe I can’t. Princess Cadance is right; how do I know she even feels the same?”

Suddenly, without much warning, something struck the ground just a few inches away from his feet-- sharp kunai, with a black parchment attached to it.

“What the---?” Swift gasped as he looked all around, but he couldn’t see anyone in the area.

He hastily took the note, which read:

“I really need to see you again.

Come to the clearing in New Canterlot Forest.

…Come alone!

XXX: Starlight Glimmer.”

As if he was already in a mix of twisted emotions; Swift was completely frozen on the spot with shock, unaware that he was being watched by the very sender of the note!

Starlight was hiding behind a lone tree, and keeping well out of sight so as not to be seen by a patrol.

“I know he won’t be able to resist.” she said to herself, “His destruction is assured.”

She then left, vanished, to prepare for her rendezvous.

As for Swift, he finally managed to regain himself, but he was still having a hard time believing Starlight would actually send him a note like this.

The three X’s sure would have had any other stallion leaping for joy, but as a trained Starfleet official, he already had suspicions, especially the part which read “Come alone.”

There was still no concrete proof if this was legitimate or not, but Swift knew what he had to do.

“I just hope I’m doing the right thing.”

Later on, he arrived in the clearing New Canterlot Forest, with a bouquet of beautiful flowers in his hands.

Surrounded by trees and the sky overhead by the opening above, Swift felt nervous, but he kept a sharp eye open.

“Starlight Glimmer…” he called. His voice echoed along the woods. “I’m here. Come out… please.”

She stepped in hard.

Swift turned to face her, and she looked rather stern.

Then she saw the flowers in he was holding. “Oh, how sweet…” she mocked “The two strangers meet in the woods, and the birds begin to sing.”

She quickly blasted the flowers out of Swift’s hands, burning them to ashes, which confirmed Swift’s suspicions.

“Why are you doing this?” he asked.

Starlight simply smirked and said, “…Because I can.” and she fired a shot at him, forcing him to dodge-- roll out of the way.

Swift tried to reason with her. “Look, I just want to talk to you.”

“Talk to the hand!” yelled Starlight, and she unleashed another blast, which Swift dodged, causing the force to slam into a tree and knocking it down, injuring birds and squirrels who lived in it.

Swift could see now she meant business, but he had to flee and at least get them out into the open before any more damage was done to the forest, and began to run for it.

“Oh, no you don’t!” snickered Starlight, and she teleported… right to the edge of the forest, before the open fields; appearing right before Swift, making him halt right before her.

“Starlight, listen to me.” he said, still trying to reason with her.

“I’m done listening, and I’m done thinking about you all the time.”

Swift’s eyes widened. “You’ve been thinking about me.”

Starlight felt silent, and tried to hide her blushing, which sparked a tiny speck of hope for Swift.

She quickly brushed it off. “My loyalty is to Lord Titan, and always will be.

You may have saved my life, but, sadly, I can’t return the favor. The sooner I’m rid of you, the sooner I can stop thinking of you and get back to what truly matters…”

“…Yes; your downfall!” called a voice.

Starlight turned and saw Lightning and co-- Starla, Cadance, and Shining Armor as Saber—along with a small swarm of sentries.

Lightning looked over at Swift and nodded at him.

Starlight was infuriated. “I knew you couldn’t to bear to come alone. You would have sold me out anyway.”

“You’re not one to talk!” protested Swift “I was right to report in when I got the letter, because I’m loyal to Starfleet, and to my friends and superiors.”

Starlight could see she was vastly outnumbered, but was too enraged to make a retreat.

“Starlight, please…” said Swift “Give yourself up and we’ll try and help you.”

Starlight was unmoved and laughed while scoffing, “You’re the ones who’ll need the help. I can take you all on.”

Suddenly, her henchmen appeared, with a swarm of Darquines.

“Miss Starlight, we’ve come to assist you.” called Specter.

Starlight was far from grateful, and balked, “I can handle this myself. You all go back!”

The henchmen scowled at her disrespect, but refused to back down, and Specter ordered the Darkquines to attack.

Lightning snapped his fingers at the sentries, telling them to charge, and the sentries did as they were told to make short work of the foot soldiers.

The henchmen jumped forth to do battle with Cadance, Saber, and Starla, Leaving Lightning to leap over to Swift and face Starlight.

“You just don’t when to quit, do you little colt!” taunted Starlight, which serious enraged Lightning, that he powered up with his aura glowing.

Starlight powered up too.

“Get behind the trees, Swift.” said Lightning “And don’t try and get involved.”

Swift agreed and did as he was told.

Lightning lunged at Starlight, and she zipped out of the way, and then proceeded to kick him form the side, but Lightning zipped off again and attempted to punch her, but she kept swerving and dodging his every attack, and when she tried to attack him it was the same thing.

“I see… you’ve been… training well.” she called to him while still attacking.

“Better… than you… realize.” retorted Lightning; and he zipped off again, and didn’t reappear.

Starlight look around, trying to anticipate his attack, but then she thought of making it look like she would attack the forest and setting it ablaze, and to hit Swift while she was at it.

She powered up, and looked ready to strike, forcing Swift to come out of hiding and run for it.

“Got’cha!” she hollered, knowing he would leap out from hiding, and prepared to blast him.

Swift braced himself, but that’s when Lightning appeared before Starlight and socked her hard in the face sending her skidding along the ground.

Lightning then looked back at Swift and winked at him.

Swift smirked and nodded back at him. “The old switch and bait.” he murmured.

Before his meeting with Starlight, he had spoken to Lightning and the others to devise witty plots to catch the villains off guard.

Starlight quickly bolted up right and seemed more outraged that hurt. “You call that a punch?!” she growled, and she looked ready for more.

“Go, Swift, get out of here.” shouted Lightning.

“Right!” agreed Swift.

At that very moment, Krysta appeared. “Come with me, I’ll get you to safety.”

Swift nodded, and then teleported away with her, back to the palace.

Starlight attempted to blast him, but Lightning zipped around and swung his arm to deflect her every shot.

“Ugh!! If only I had my Enticorn power!” he groaned, but he could only continue to do his best.

The others all faced the henchmen down, and were faring pretty well against them. They managed to punch, kick, blast, and slash at them, but having had received several hits themselves.

“Let’s do it, now!” cried Razor.

“You actually have a good idea… for once.” teased Waverline.

Specter agreed, and he and his fellow henchmen powered up for their combo attack.

“Not this time…!” teased Starla. “Super Mode, Activate!” and she donned her sparkling, stronger armor, and charged up her aura.

Cadance and Saber stood ready as well.

“You injured before, but not this time!” Saber growled, and he leapt forth.

“FLY CUTTERS” Razor unleashed his cutters.

“DISTORTION FORCE” Waverline prepared to power them up.

“DARK WALL OF WIND” Specter began to encase himself in his defensive sphere.

Cadance leapt in and threw her ninja shurikens at the blades, knocking them all down, and then she proceeded to swiftly kick Razor down.

Saber threw his chain at Waverline, lassoing her and causing her to miss her shot before she was slammed hard on the ground.

“STARLIGHT ARROW” Starla shot at Specter before he was completely covered up, and her Super Mode made the attack even stronger; blowing Specter back hard.

The henchmen were furious, but far from beaten.

“You think you can stop us that easy?!” snarled Waverline.

The henchmen all powered up, shrouding themselves in dark aura.

“No more holding back now!” growled Razor.

Specter snickered as he looked pumped up and ready.

“So they were holding back all along.” cried Starla.

“We can’t let them scare us.” said Saber.

Cadance nodded in agreement.

The battle continued, and both sides seemed perfectly matched.

Saber slashed his sword as Razor parried him with his blades.

Cadance dodged Waverline’s every blast and attack, and Waverline blocked and defended herself from.

Starlight and Specter exchanged the same blows.

Starlight struck Specter with a huge blow to his face, and he gave her huge kick to the gut, but her Super Mode still weakened the pain, but it wouldn’t be long before her power ran out.

As for Lightning, he was starting to grow weak himself. No matter how well he trained and how powerful he seemed to get; he was still a boy, and it would always hold him back.

“This cursed body!” he panted.

Starlight then fired many blasts from her hands and horn, forcing Lightning to dodge. He tried his very best, but got grazed by a few of the shots, and finally he was struck hard by a big blast to the chest, blowing him back hard.

“Lightning…!” Starla cried when she saw him, which gave Specter an opening; he crashed into her hard with his protective sphere and knocked her right to where Lightning was, causing her suit to run out of power.

“Starla…!” Lightning groaned as he struggled over to his wife.

“Oh, isn’t this sweet.” Starlight mocked as she approached them. “Though you are both mates, you look like a mother and child.”

She then looked enraged as it brought on the pain she felt when she had lost her parents years and years ago.

She furiously glared at the couple and aimed to blow them to pieces.

“No!” shouted Saber, and he lassoed her leg with his chain, yanking her away, slamming her into all three of her henchmen.

The villains all bounced back onto their feet, only to find they were surrounded by the sentries--having already defeated the Darquines.

There were more sentries on the way, charging in formations, and led by Swift.

“Swift…!” called Lightning.

“We better get out of here while we can.” cried Razor.

Starlight barely heard him, as she found herself gazing at Swift from afar, and the way he looked so proud running with the sentries.

Specter noticed this too, confirming his suspicions.

He grabbed Starlight and teleported away with her and his comrades just as the sentries finally reached the group.

“Ugh! Too late!” growled Swift. The sentries were outraged as well, but relieved that the group was safe.

Swift helped Lightning and Starla up.

“I thought I told you to stay of the battle?” scolded Lightning.

Swift explained, “Pardon me, sir, but I didn’t intend to fight, I just rallied more sentries to help you. I was only leading them here.”

Lightning actually realized this from the start, and apologized for snapping at him. He was just overly tired from the battle, and because of his child body.

“I understand sir.” said Swift. Then he looked up at the sky wondering about Starlight.

…She was furious with her minions, and was fuming as she blasted at them hard.

“I did not order a retreat!”

She fired another blast.

“But we were out-numbered, and our strengths were starting to give.” whined Waverline.

“Please, see reason, Miss…” said Specter “I was only trying to look out for you. We were better off retreating than facing a fresh set of soldiers.”

Starlight roared furiously and looked ready to blow up the whole ship.

“AAH, REMEMBER LORD TITAN…!!” wailed Razor.

Starlight immediately powered down, knowing Titan would not tolerate such insolence, and the fact she actually still needed their help.

…And with that, she just stormed off.

Razor was incredibly ticked! “I don’t know about you two, but I’m about this close to slicing her in half.”

“And we will, soon enough.” hissed Specter “Especially now that she seems to be showing a weakness to that pitiful Starfleet cadet.” he referred to Swift.

Waverline snickered smugly, “As evil as she is, she’s still not like us; suffering from acts of love and kindness which we are impervious to.”

The henchmen decided to wait it out for another proper chance to dispose of Starlight for good, without a single fear or concern of what Titan would think.

…It was as if they knew something that Starlight didn’t!

As for Swift, he stood on a palace terrace still looking up at the sky.

In his hand, he clutched Starlight’s letter.

Lightning and Starla, having recovered from the battle, were watching him with Krysta from inside.

“He’s been like that ever since you all got back here.” said Krysta. “As soon as he got back, he and I began to rally up the sentries to assist you.

Sorry we didn’t make it sooner.”

“It’s nothing to be sorry about, Krysta.” said Lightning. “Swift did the right things this time, which proves his loyalties are with us.”

Starla was still concerned. “Still, it can’t be denied, he’s actually falling for Starlight, and he still seems determined to try and help her.”

Krysta didn’t know whether to scoff or sigh. “I just hope he keeps his head on tight. He nearly got blown to bits today.”

“Maybe,” said Lightning “But I can’t hold him in contempt for at least trying to help, even if it may be hopeless. I just hope he can accept that.”

Swift looked up at the clouds, and swore he could see Starlight’s pretty face; feeling somewhat ashamed for still thinking of her like this.

He still wasn’t deterred and still wanted to try and help her.


In our next episode: Swift sees Zecora to seek an answer for Starlight Glimmer’s anger, which leads him on a long journey to a sacred place. Meanwhile, the search for Lightning’s Enticorn continues, as a plan is devised to lure it in.

Can Swift ultimately find a cure for Starlight’s anger, and will Starfleet’s plan work to capture the Enticorn?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Race for the Truth”)

Episode 19: Race for the Truth

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Swift was out early the next morning on his patrol rounds; keeping the peace, making sure the citizens still up working from the nightshift or just going to work very early were all in line and all that… but he really couldn’t seem to concentrate.

Starlight Glimmer was still on his mind, and no matter how much he tried he could never shake the images from his head, nor could he shake off with the desire to help her understand that she was taking the wrong course.

Even when he stopped off at the Cake’s café for his morning muffin and cocoa, he was thinking so much he hadn’t had a sip or a nibble.

“Not feeling to up today, Swift?” asked Carrot Cake.

Swift couldn’t deny it. “No, I’m not. I think I’m really losing it here.”

He decided to change to subject to try and get his mind on other things. “How’s Colonel Pinkie doing?”

“Oh, she’s coming nicely.” Cup Cake answered from the counter “The doctor says just a few more weeks.” She paused and giggled “Just think: a new baby to be like family to us.”

Swift showed a small smile, feeling happy for Pinkie and Apple Spice, but it didn’t last.

“I just wish I knew who to ask to help my problem.”

After his breakfast, he left to complete his patrol rounds, and as he passed by New Ponyville town Square, he noticed the large board of bills, flyers, and notices. One of which was an ad for Zecora and how her witchcraft was used to help those distraught with life or seeking advice which normal doctors and shrinks couldn’t give… as long as clients would pay of course.

Swift’s eyes began to light up. “Of course…! Why didn’t I think of her before?”

Then he suddenly remembered something about Zecora that Lightning once told him; that she would need at least a thread of hair, or a skin-flake, and scale, or anything from the individual or something like that.

Swift made plans for after his patrol rounds. He knew what he could do and hoped it would help.

Onboard Spider-Base…

Titan had called Starlight, telling her he was on his way to regaining his power again.

“The time draws near for the ultimate game to commence.” he announced. “Once my power reaches full, all will be in perfect order.”

Starlight could hardly pay attention, as she still had Swift Star on her mind.

She could see him standing in a bright, blurry, but sparkling background, and he winked at her with his teeth giving a small shimmer.

“…Starlight!” Titan bellowed snapping her out of her trance. “Are you even listening?”

“Yes, sire!” she quickly responded.

Titan was hardly convinced, but carried on.

“I am growing concerned-- my forces are dwindling faster by an unknown force, and I suspect it holds a tie to what it was that weakened me, and I also suspect that Starfleet knows something of this that we don’t.

I want you to find out what this is, what our enemies know and try to stop it from your position.”

Starlight bowed, “Consider it done, My Lord.”

Titan vanished and was gone leaving Starlight to ponder.

“SPECTER!!” she called. Her voice echoed through the ship, and all three of her henchmen appeared in almost no time.

Specter stepped forth, “You called, Miss?

Starlight turned round to face him. “You’re coming with me on a little assignment.”

“Hey, what are we… invisible?!” complained Razor.

“Why does he get to go and not us?” asked Waverline.

Starlight gave them both a deathful stare, “Because I called for him, not the two of you! Is that a problem?!”

The two henchmen winced at her yelling, and Specter shook his head at them, but sad to Starlight, “I am ready to go.”

Starlight walked past the other two henchmen warning them, “Stay out of trouble!”

Then she and Specter were gone.

“Humph!” grunted Waverline. “Just give me one good opening with her, and I’ll wave her inside out!”

“I’ll slice her into strips!” grumbled Razor. “Still, I wonder what she’s so hyped up about.”

Waverline got a cheeky look. “Let’s find out.”

Razor agreed with her and they tuned in to the monitors.

At New Canterlot Palace, Lightning, Starla, and Krysta were with their majesties in the briefing room trying to discuss ways to find and capture the Enticorn so Lightning could find him and merge with him again.

Swift was not invited as he was only a mere Cadet, and this sort of stuff was up to supreme Starfleet Staff.

Lightning came up with just the idea.

“Are you certain this is wise?” asked Grand Ruler.

“There’s no other way.” admitted Lightning. “We have no way to detect the Enticorn or determine where he’ll be, and even if we did, there’s no way we could launch and get to him in time before he fled the scene.

So the only option we have: We’ll have to draw his attention and make him come to us.”

The three royal alicorns pondered over it and reluctantly agreed.

“How do you intend to do this?” asked Celestia.

“Well, we don’t plan to bring him here to United Equestria.” said Starla. “If he goes off on a rampage he could cause damage and injury, and he’s not easy to fight, even for our strongest forces.”

Luna looked at a map of their own sector of the galaxy, “Which suggests we set a trap somewhere in a secluded area.”

Grand Ruler and Celestia agreed and they all talked it over to choose either a barren planet, or a moon to set the trap on.

“Now we have to figure out how to get his attention.” said Krysta.

Meanwhile, Swift had gotten off his patrol, and the split second he had, he dashed out to the river, to the abandoned cabin where he healed Starlight before.

The cabin was already boarded up with “Condemned” signs posted all around. Demolition was to be started soon, but was put on delay in view of the war so buildings could assist in any and all damages.

Being here brought back those moments of Starlight, and he could see her standing in the flower fields with her mane blowing in the breeze.

This only made him more determined to succeed in his mission, and since the cabin had not yet been tampered with, and with no one around, he crept inside and looked around on the old beat-up sofa.

…He found what he was looking for-- a few threads of Starlight’s mane, exactly what he needed for Zecora to help him.

“I hope this works.” he said to himself, and he left the cabin and dashed off for New Everfree.

With his super speed, he made it to the forest in less than a minute, and he paid her a sack of gold bits from his last payment, and every coin was worth it to him.

Zecora set her cauldron to a boil, mixing the right herbs and liquids, and then requested the hair threads Swift had found.

She threw them into the mixture, and… POOF… a large puff of smoke burst from the cauldron, and they made odd shapes, like a small building with a halo over it, a few trees resembling a forest, a couple of arrows pointing to it, and a set of foot prints.

“What does it mean?” asked Swift.

Zecora spoke in her usual rhymes…

“The spirits have shown images in the air
You must travel to a shrine, somewhere out there
A place where spirits of those died are forever remembered and honored too,
There the answer is lying and waiting all just for you.”

With looked at the smoke images, which soon faded away.

“A shrine where spirits are remembered…?” Swift pondered. “Wait a minute, I remember during study at the Academy…”

In a Flashback, during his first year at the Starfleet Academy, in Geography, the instructor showed images of a small shrine…

“The Shrine of Remembrance” It is a shrine built by Starfleet, initially to honor the spirits of those who died in battle

When United Equestria was formed, its use was revised to allow anyone to come and pray for the souls whose lives were cut short.”

There is also a legend that if you come and pray to the spirits, you just may be answered by them if you feel lost or don’t know which way to go.”

A young Swift Star raised his hand to question. “Would it simply not be easier to visit the graves of those who died instead of a shrine?”

To which the instructor would reply, “Some beings just aren’t graveyard brave-- they can’t bear to bring themselves to such a somber and frightening place, and some who were tragically killed have no graves at all, as they were never buried, or their loved ones were never able to erect a monument.

Still, I for one feel that it is all the same either way… a prayer to the spirits, and as was discussed, this, if you pray just right at this shrine, you may get answered.”

The flashback faded, and Swift thought deeply about the shrine.

He knew it was located in New Canterlot, deep within a forest northwest of the royal palace and the village.

“I’d heard of the legend before, but I never thought it was actually true- that spirits could actually speak to you if the reason was all that right and pure.”

Zecora told him…

“If the spirits suggest this,
Then this chance you must not miss.

If you want the answer, you should go,
It’s the only way to what you wish to know.”

Swift was sold and prepared to leave.

“Thank you very much for everything.” he said to Zecora.

Then he left leaving Zecora to pray for the spirits to guide him, and to give thanks for the good amount of gold she was given for her services.

Swift dashed back to New Ponyville. “I’ve got to get to New Canterlot and fast!”

He couldn’t use a warping fairy; that was for Starfleet Business or extreme emergency, and even then, as he was a mere Cadet, he couldn’t use the access without written authority form his superiors, and he was in a desperate hurry to get that answer for Starlight.

Hopping a train wouldn’t help either-- it would take too long-- leaving him with only one option and that was running with all his Starfleet might.

He knew he could do it. He was willing to do it, and it would help him get some exercise and training too.

“Well… Look out, New Canterlot… HERE I COME!!” and he dashed off through the town, and out into the wide open spaces.

(Skip to 0:40)

The fields were long and wide, with trees, big rocks, and even fences which Swift dodged, and leapt over and kept right on running. Thanks to his Starfleet training, he didn’t feel that tired, and his determination fuelled him to keep going.

The railways were nearby and a passenger train carrying passengers to New Canterlot was coming in sight, Swift was able to out-maneuver it and dash ahead of it in almost no time.

Some of the passengers saw something zoom past through their windows. It was too fast to really get a good look at, but the passengers all figured…

“…Must be a Starfleet guy in a hurry.”

“I wish I could run fast like that.”

Swift dashed through the field and came to a small chasm, which he easily leapt over, and kept on dashing, clear off into the distance.

Meanwhile, the plans were coming along nicely.

“Do you think it’ll work?” asked Celestia.

“It’s our only chance.” said Grand Ruler “I’m going to send alert to other outposts of our plot. The entire fleet must be made aware of this, and report any sightings of the Enticorn.”

Lightning then looked a little disturbed.

“What’s the matter?” asked Starla.

Her husband looked up, “…It’s just that, even if we do find my Enticorn, how can I even get to him in the first place? It won’t be smart to leave United Equestria even more defenseless.”

“I wouldn’t worry about that,” replied Grand Ruler. “I’m making the perfect arrangements as we speak. All will be just fine.”

Lightning felt a bit better, and Starla pecked him on the cheek. She was really hoping the operation would work, if it meant having her husband back to his normal state.

…Suddenly, the alarms off!

Captain Shaina ran into the briefing room.

“Report, Captain.” said Celestia.

“Your majesties, our sensors have detected attempted intrusion… by Specter.”

Everyone practically leapt out of their seats.

“Captain!” called a guard “We’ve got more detections from all corners of the palace! Specter is still trying to infiltrate us.”

“Engage the barriers. All soldiers to-arms.” ordered Grand Ruler.

Lightning and Starla nodded at one another ran off to assist, and their majesties split up as well to investigate.

“Why would Specter want to try and break into the palace?” wondered Krysta “He knows our sensors would detect anything that comes our way.”

Lightning and Starla suspected a plot at hand.

They ran into Cadance and Shining Armor in the hall.

“Hey, we’ve spotted Specter.” hollered Shining Armor, and Cadance added “He’s down in the field. He’s sending several small shadows towards the palace from different angles.”

“Let’s get down there!” said Lightning.

The others all agreed, and they all headed for the nearest window and leapt out, transforming on the way down.


“Go-Go Ninja”

“Mask of Saber”

They landed in the fields below.

“All right, scout around. He’s got to be here somewhere.” said Lightning.

“No need!” shouted Specter, and he stepped in the open, and rather than fight them directly, he stomped his foot on the ground hard, unleashed several other small, flowing shadows towards the palace.

“How do you like my latest sneak-attack? Starlight Glimmer has granted me the power to send these mini-shadows. Destroy them if you will; you can’t stop me from sending more.”

“We’ll just see about that!” sneered Lightning, and he called to the others, “Let’s get him, but don’t let those shadows get to the palace.

Cadance and Saber agreed and went off to help the guards protect the palace, and they scattered about just as the barriers engaged to protect the palace.

The guards began to fire their magical beams or blasts from their weapons at the shadows, actually blasting them to bits.

The guards smirked, but their smirks soon faded as more shadows came towards them.


Saber zapped at a swarm of shadows, which scattered swiftly, dodging the blasts.

“Whoa! They’re fast!” remarked Saber.

Cadance was fast too thanks to her ninja speed, but just the same, every shadow that was destroyed, another one appeared almost instantly thanks to Specter’s power from Starlight.

The guards still refused to let those shadows anywhere near the palace, even with the barriers up.

Lightning and Starla charged at Specter hard, with their auras glowing.

Specter stood ready, and he dodged their oncoming punches and kicks swiftly, and finally he zigged when he should have zagged and got double-punched hard in the chest sending him tumbling up and over backwards…

…Exactly what he wanted. “Take this!” he shouted as he flung two more shadows, which clasped onto the fighters faces, covering their visors.

“Hey!” shouted Lightning.

“I can’t see a thing!!” wailed Starla.

The tried to pull the sinister beings off their faces, but they were latched on real good.

Specter laughed wickedly, but he didn’t act cocky. He knew Starfleet was trained to fight without sight by sensing and hearing movement.

“DARK WALL OF WIND” he encased himself in his wind sphere.

“See if you can outmaneuver me now.” he called to the fighters, and he blasted upward.

“Try to sense where he is.” called Lightning, and both he and Starla kept their senses wide open.

Starla’s gave a twitch when she heard the rushing sounds of the wind, letting her dodge easily as he passed.

“Missed me!” she shouted at him.

Suddenly, Lightning could feel the presence of someone else—Starlight, and he could hear the sound of her powering up and energy attack.

“Look out!” he shouted.

Starla could hear the power-up sounds too, and both she and Lightning leapt up high into the air, just as Starlight fired her shot, and missed, hitting the ground with a huge explosion.

Specter came zooming in, but Lightning and Starla were still able to evade him.

“You can’t avoid us forever!” Starlight called to them, and she fired another blast, but Krysta came in and used her wand to warp Lightning and Starla way up higher to safety.

“You guys okay?” she called to them.

“Yeah!” replied Lightning “But we’ve got to get these things off our faces!”

“Let’s power up our aura.” suggested Starla “The bright lights may dispel them.”

“Good idea.” agreed Lightning, but they still hadn’t a chance to do so, for Specter burst up through the clouds and charged at them, forcing them to get evasive again.

“We need space to power up.” hollered Lightning.

Krysta prepared to transport them again.

“Not this time you little pixie!” Specter shouted, and from within his wind sphere, he launched several shadows at her, forcing her to go on the evasive as well.

“Krysta!” cried Lightning.

Krysta would dodge the shadows, and zap them with her wand, but those shadows just kept right on coming, and Lightning and Starla still found it hard to dodge and fight Specter, especially while he was still behind his defenses.

While down below…

Cadance and Saber were still helping the guards fend off the shadows, when Cadance saw Starlight and motioned to her husband.

The guards assured the two fighters…

“We’ll defend the palace…”

“…You two get over there and try and get her.”

The couple agreed and dashed over.

“Hold it, kid!” shouted Saber.

Starlight narrowed her eyes at him, and fired powerful blasts, forcing them both to dodge.

Cadance threw her shurikens at her, but Starlight back-flipped several paces backward dodging them all, and on a fourth flip she shot a beam from her horn at the fighters, making big explosions and knocking them over, but they got right back up again and charged at her.

By this time Swift had finally reached New Canterlot from running the hundreds of miles, and he was still going!

Blissfully unaware of the battle as he didn’t run near the palace, he ran clear around the entire village, and made his way northwest, out into the fields, heading for the forest... and it was there that he final stopped-- grinding himself to a huge halt.

He was hot, sweaty, and panting loud and heavily. His legs felt like aching, wobbly molds of jelly. “Talk about… Free Travel…!” he groaned to himself.

At least he was here, at the forest edge, and he walked slowly down the trail-- he still had strength and he felt a little better now that he was taking it slowly.

Before too long, there he was at The Shrine of Remembrance.

It was a simple, small stone building, about the size of a small cabin, and inside, carved out of the solid rock was a small room about thirty feet wide-- actually big enough to make a campsite.

And on the back wall, carved into the rock was a design of a five-pointed star, and glazed with golden coating, and right below it was a small stone altar with writing engraved on it.

“This Shrine is dedicated to all those lost in battle or to tragedy.

May the spirits speak to you as you honor them in prayer.”

This was Swift’s first time ever visiting this place, but it all seemed too familiar to him from all the pictures and images shown in his studies.

Keeping in mind what Zecora’s reading had told him, he got down on his knees and began to pray at the altar and the star.

“O’ mighty spirits of the past, I am on a quest of aid and knowledge for someone… very special to me. Please… tell me-- whatever happened to make her end up this way for true?”

At first nothing seemed to happen, and Swift concentrated so hard to the point that he gave himself a headache and felt dizzy.

He looked up at the star and was ready to admit defeat, and stomp off in rage that it was all a big flop, when the winds suddenly started billowing inside the shrine, and a bright, shimmering light suddenly emitted from the altar.

Then, there before him, appeared none other than the image of…

“…Twilight Sparkle?” Swift could barely believe his eyes.

She looked down at him with a well-meaning expression and said to him, “Your heart and spirit are true. You seek the aid of the spirits for pureness and for the good of all.”

Shaking off from his initial shock and awe, Swift asked “Can you help me?”

Rather than answering him directly, Twilight folded her hands together, and in a magical glow, a large green crystal about the size of a ring-box materialized, and levitated into Swift’s hands.

“What is this?”

Twilight explained to him “This a Spiritual Stone; an item known to be passed down only by the gods and spirits to those worthy and needed of carrying.

This stone contain the essence of the spirits of Starlight Glimmer’s fallen parents. It will show you nothing less than the message and the answer you wish to give Starlight.

See for yourself.”

She instructed him how to activate the stone and call on the spirits, all he had to do was wave his hand over it once.

“…May the spirits guide you in your quest.”

Then her spirit vanished, and all was quiet in the shrine.

Swift could only look down at the stone in his hands, and just as Twilight told him, he waved his hand over it a single time, causing the stone to glow, and two tiny spirits of two ponies appeared.

Like Twilight, they were white robes, had golden angel wings, and halos hanging over their heads.

“Are you the parents of Starlight Glimmer?” he asked.

“We are.” answered the male. “I am Firelight.

The other spirit added, “I am Starpoint.

Please, you must tell our daughter what we are about to tell you. It may be her only chance for salvation of the evil that has poisoned her.”

They began to explain to Swift the truth behind their deaths…

…While back in the fields by the palace.

The guards were growing exhausted, but the shadows still wouldn’t back down; not as long as Starlight and Specter still stood.

Saber leapt up, swinging his sword, his chain, and his extra arms at Starlight.

Starlight swerved, dodged, and blocked the attacks as best she could, until Cadance threw more shurikens at her, finally striking her in the arm, and Saber then gave a huge swing with his sword slashing at her, making a big explosion that blew her back hard and sent her rolling along the ground.

“Let’s get her!” said Saber.

Cadance nodded, and rushed with him to attack again, but Starlight zipped away causing them to both to slam the ground, missing her completely, and allowing her to crash down hard onto their backs with her feet.

Then she leapt off of them with such skillful style, and zapped them both with a blast from her horn.

She landed on the ground glaring at them, “This is what happens when dealing with idiots.”

The fighters felt insulted, but still wouldn’t back down.

While up in the clouds, Lightning and Starla were still blinded by the shadows on their faces, and they still hadn’t any room to power up and shed them; not while they and Krysta were being swarmed by Specter.

And worse, Lightning was starting to grow tired from his child body battling for so long.

Starla could hear him panting, and feel his exhaustion. “Lightning?!” she called out.

Her husband panted and groaned, “I… can’t… keep this up… much… longer!”

Hearing the sound of his voice, Starla rushed over in attempt to help her husband, only for Specter to rush up in his sphere, blocking her, and he bashed her hard, knocking her through several clouds.

“Starla!” cried Lightning.

“Look out, Lightning!!” shouted Krysta.

Heeding her call, Lightning managed to dodge again, but Specter stopped and zipped back, bashing him hard into Krysta herself, and the two began to plummet to the ground, with Krysta sticking to Lightning’s backside.

Starla could hear Krysta shouting, which helped her find the two, and she soared in and scooped them up, taking them safely to the ground, feeling how close it was by the noises of the battlefield below.

“You two okay?” she asked fretfully.

“Define… “Okay”…” groaned Krysta.

Lightning held what he knew what his wife’s arm, thanking her for catching him, but he was really wiped.

Specter’s laugh was heard as he came down, landing on the ground softly and finally shedding his barrier and he mocked, “Even those who are naturally blind can put up a better fight.”

Suddenly, the palace began to glow bright like the sun!

“Huh?” Specter yelped.

Starlight saw it. “What’s this?!”

The light became brighter and stronger.

“What’s happening?” cried Starla, but all of a sudden, the brightness made the shadow on her face dissipate, and it vanished, thus exposing her eyes to the brightness, forcing her to cover her eyes.

“Lightning, keep your eyes shut!”

He did as she was told; everyone did as the brightness vanquished all the shadows, and Specter himself could hardly stand the light.

“Let’s get out of here!” Starlight called to him.

“Yes, Miss…”

They both vanished before any officer could do anything, and they were gone.

That was when the light faded, and all was quiet.

“Is everyone alright?” called Grand Ruler as he and Celestia appeared in the field.

Saber and Cadance de-transformed.

“It was you two who did that light, wasn’t it?” asked Cadance.

Celestia nodded and explained, “We saw the shadows, and we knew they meant trouble. We felt, that the only way to dispel them would be to cast them in a great glow of light.”

Grand Ruler then added, “So we both combined our powers by meditating silently to charge up energy, but it took much longer than we thought because of our small bodies and limited strengths.”

“Thank goodness you did.” said Krysta, but then she noted “Those two sure left in a hurry, and they didn’t seem to put up too much of a fight.”

“Come to think of it, they didn’t.” agreed Shining Armor. “It’s like they weren’t actually trying to fight us, but rather find out something.”

A hush fell over everyone considering the thought.

“You think maybe they were after something else?” asked Starla.

“It’s possible…” said Grand Ruler.

“Hey!!” a voice called, and Swift came running up to the group, having left the shrine and the forest and seeing everyone.

“Swift?” asked Lightning, and though he was still a bit weary he was able to stand. “What are you doing here?”

Swift held up the Spiritual Stone, which surprised Celestia a great deal.

“Is that what I think it is?” she asked in astonishment.

Swift nodded, “I think I finally have what we need.”

Everyone gazed in awe and interest with what he had found.

While back on Spider-Base…

Upon returning, Starlight immediately headed for the consoles.

“So what’s this all about again?” asked Razor.

Specter gave him an angry sneer. “Those shadows which I cast were part of our plot.”

The images shown Lightning and Starla with the shadows stuck on their heads, and the spell that Starlight had cast on the shadows was to absorb information from the fighters’ minds and tell them what they wanted to know.

“If it was all that good, why not get all information about Starfleet?” asked Waverline “Then we’d know all their secrets and security, and be able to bring them down with ease.”

“Because their resistance is stronger and more resistant than they seem...” Starlight said while she downloaded all the info. “That’s why it took so long for us to even get the slightest and most recent view of their plots.”

Razor then scoffed at Waverline. “You know as well as I do that Starfleet knows how to fight and resist mind probing, and even if we did get all the info, they’d just come up with new plans.”

Waverline folded her arms sulking.

“Even still…” said Specter “The only information we truly want is what concerns Lord Titan, and I think we’re about to get it.”

At that very moment, on the screen, the villains could see thought images Lightning and Starla had…

His Enticorn…

A plot to catch it…

… And Lightning reuniting with it.

“So that’s the whole story.” hissed Starlight. Her lips curled into a wicked smirk as she snickered, “…We must inform Lord Titan at once. The game is about to heat us.”

The henchmen all felt intrigued, but this still did not change their inner thoughts and secret plots, as Specter thought silently “…And soon your game will be over.”

His comrades thought the same.


In our next episode: Titan calls Starlight back to the Shadow Planet to begin preparations for a new plot, while at the same time the Enticorn has been spotted on a familiar planet and a two-way plot is made by both Titan and Starfleet, each with the same goal in mind.

Who will catch the Enticorn first?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic.”

(Next Episode: “Homecoming Heist”)

Episode 20: Homecoming Heist

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Starlight had presented Titan with the information she had acquired.

“Interesting…” Titan hissed “So it was that creature that damaged me and caused my power loss. I had no idea in the entire universe that could happen.”

Starlight agreed, and then she asked “What do you suggest, My Lord? We certainly cannot allow Lightning to merge and gain his power back.”

“Of course not.” agreed Titan “That is why I am ordering you back to the Shadow Planet.”

Starlight blinked in shock and her eyes widened.

The henchmen, standing behind her, all heard the same thing.

“He’s ordering us back?” asked Razor.

“But we can’t leave here; what about keeping Starfleet under wraps?” added Waverline.

“Keep quiet, both of you!” snapped Specter. “Lord Titan must have a plan for calling us back.”

“Indeed I do…” replied Titan “Return to the Shadow Planet at once, and I shall explain to you there.”

“Yes, at once, my lord.” Complied Starlight, but really she was furious deep down. Now she wouldn’t have her chance to finish off Celestia herself.

As she looked through the viewports at the planet below, she also began to see Swift’s face again.

She rubbed her eyes softly.

“Are you alright, Miss?” asked Specter.

Starlight hesitated, still trying to shrug off these ever-growing, ever-annoying feelings that still plagued her about him.

“Miss Starlight?” Specter called.

“I’m fine!” she snapped. “Set course! We’re pulling out.”

The Darquines complied and began to fire up the engines.

“The sooner I get away from here, the easier it’ll be to put that sick kid out of my mind.” she thought, and then she looked down at the planet again. “As for you, Celestia… this is not the end of it. I’ll be back, and I’ll finish what I started with you.

My parents will be avenged!”

The Spider-Base broke out of orbit, heading off into Deep Space.

Meanwhile, back in New Canterlot, it was getting close to dinner time, and Swift had shown everyone the spiritual stone he had gotten from The Shine of Remembrance, and he played the message from Starlight’s parents.

“You must give our daughter our message.” said Firefly.

Starpoint agreed, “Because of all the evil that poisons her, we are unable to communicate with her, which makes your quest all the more vital.”

The spirits vanished and the stone stopped glowing.

“Galloping Galaxies!” cried Lightning, and he and the others all looked up at Celestia, who was the most astounded of all.

“This is incredible!” she remarked “All these years, my spirit has been plagued and haunted, but now a ray of hope shines for everyone.”

Swift on the other hand felt a little down. “I can’t believe Starlight was actually here, and I just missed her. We could have given her the message right away!”

“Don’t go beating yourself up over it.” said Shining Armor. “At least you got us this message.”

“Yes, Swift,” agreed Cadance “Thanks to you, we’re now one step closer to bringing the enemy down.”

Starla and Lightning were both proud of him; even more so when they heard how he literally ran all the way from New Ponyville just to get the stone.

“What I don’t get is why you didn’t ask for other things?” asked Krysta. “Like maybe the power to help us destroy Titan, or how to find and catch the Shadow Planet.”

Lightning shook his head at her, “I’m surprised at you, Krysta. You know it’s not a good thing to push on spirits like that.”

“He’s right…” said Swift “The way I see it, I was praying for answers, not trying to make a bargain. You have to pray for the right things at the right time.”

Grand Ruler was deeply moved by his profound wisdom. “Perhaps we needn’t worry after all. Starlight is sure to appear again soon.”

Everyone agreed, but suddenly Goldwin came rushing into the throne room with Princess Luna.

“Your majesties…!” he called “You’re not going to believe this! We can’t believe it ourselves! We… We--”

“Slow down, Goldwin.” said Luna “I shall explain this.”

When she delivered the report, everyone was incredibly shocked.

“She’s gone?!” exclaimed Starla.

“Starlight Glimmer… gone?” added Lightning.

“Are you certain of this?” asked Celestia.

Her sister nodded. “Goldwin and I were in the observatory ops, helping to align the telescopes for the stargazers, but the day-watch scanners report there is no sign of the Spider-Base.

It has gone.”

“I saw it myself.” Goldwin cut in “It just turned about and headed on out into space.”

A long silence fell after that as everyone tried to make sense of it.

“Why would she just up and leave?” asked Krysta.

Lightning and Starla gawked at one another-- a terrible thought sent chills up their spines.

During the battle when the shadows covered their faces, not only was it impossible to see, by they felt that the shadows were doing more, the way their heads felt a slight tingling.

“I think they were trying to mind-probe us.” said Starla. “…Get information of something.”

Lightning agreed, “It would explain why they wouldn’t give us the space to try and get them off.

Maybe that’s why Starlight left; she has the information she needs.”

“That is definitely possible.” agreed Grand Ruler “We’ll have to double security to the best we can and be prepared for anything.

In the meantime, we must carry on with our main objective: to find the Enticorn.”

Everyone agreed.

By what would be nighttime on United Equestria, did Starlight and crew reach the Shadow Planet.

The vast army of monsters all gathered as if they were welcoming back royalty.

The Spider-Base was parked in orbit for a good maintenance, and Starlight and the henchmen were walking past the crowds, on a black carpet rather than a red one.

Many of the monsters chattered.

“Starlight Glimmer…”

“She’s back!”

“Isn’t she supposed to be attacking Starfleet?”

Starlight ignored the gossip and continued on forward to the end. That was when the skies flashed brightly and suddenly, and Titan’s spirit appeared, causing the army to bow to him.

“I see you have returned.”

Starlight bowed, “…As per your orders.”

Titan then addressed the army. “The time draws near; my power is nearing completion and my master plan will be put into action.”

The army began to holler and cheer.

“SILENCE!!” bellowed Titan, causing the entire planet to fall silent. “We have other pressing matters to resolves. We must find and capture the Enticorn before Starfleet does.

Already, my resources are attempting to locate it. Once this is done, it will take all the forces we have to secure the power and keep it from our enemy’s grasp.”

“A very cunning plan…” many of the monsters thought.

Titan knew the Enticorn was a dangerous threat to him and his forces, but if he and his forces got to it first, then Starfleet couldn’t use it against him, giving him a free hand to dominate the universe.

All Starlight could think about was United Equestria, still lusting for her own personal revenge as she thought, “If Lord Titan destroys Celestia, I may win my revenge for my parents, but I will never the get the satisfaction I crave!”

The next morning, at New Canterlot, it was a very special day for many, which was why Buddy’s family, Applejack’s family, and Rarity’s family were all present in the royal throne room. Sunset and Scootaloo were there too, eagerly waiting…

…All the other fighters were due to arrive any second, after being gone for nearly two months.

Suddenly, the big doors opened wide and in walked the entire group having just arrived from their long space adventures.

They all marched in with serious expressions on their faces, as they were soldiers, but the families were ready to leap for joy. Some of the ladies had tears in their eyes at the sight of their own relatives.

The soldiers all stood in line and saluted to all their superiors.

Grand Ruler saluted back, as did Lightning and Starla while Celestia and Luna bowed…

That’s when the smiles grew wide and everyone rushed in for big hugs and happy chatters beyond words.

“Bring out the babies.” ordered Luna, and two maids from the daycare came out with Twilight and Button Fly.

Fluttershy, Rarity and their respective husbands dashed over and scooped up their children, smothering them close.

“Oh, my precious…! My darling…!” Rarity squealed as she planted kisses all over Twilight’s little head.

Spike hugged both his wife and his daughter closely.

Fluttershy was weeping softly as she held Button Fly.

“We’re here, dear!
Mommy and Daddy are here!”

“Home at last,
The journey is past.
I’m so glad we got home so fast.” said Rhymey, and the family came together in a group hug, as did Buddy and his family, The Apples, and Rainbow couldn’t stop giving Scootaloo noggies on her head. “You little squirt; I never thought I’d tease you again!”

“I’m so happy you’re home!” cried Scootaloo.

Artie playfully rubbed Sunset’s belly, which was hardly showing as it was only two months, talking to the baby. “Hey, baby… I’m your Daddy. I’m home now.”

Sunset giggled softly, before dipping her husband down and kissing him deeply.

Lightning and Starla, Their majesties, and all the rest thought it so sweet to see all the joy and happiness.

“I’m so glad you called them back.” Celestia said to her husband.

Grand Ruler agreed, “I figured they’d been away too long, and we are going to need all the help and support we can get from our best fighters.”

Swift enjoyed seeing everyone so happy, it almost brought a tear to his eye.

After a big Buffet Brunch their majesties had prepared to celebrate everyone’s return, Grand Ruler personally welcomed them all back.

“Welcome My Brave Ponies… and Spike.”

Spike gave him a small, playful snuff laugh.

“You’ve all been gone a long time; chasing Titan’s forces all over the galaxy. You have done yourselves, your planet and the worlds beyond a great deal of service, and although your homecoming has giving us reason to celebrate, time is of the essence.”

The soldiers all looked serious and agreed.

Grand Ruler had sent in their orders to come home the explanation and mission of the Enticorn and everything else.

“There were quite a few sightings of the critter.” said Applejack “But then he fled before anyone could even act on it.”

Buddy agreed, “Even if he was spotted, it was impossible to battle with him; he’s THAT strong!”

Everyone kept this in mind.

“There is hope…” said Celestia “We have recently received reports of the Enticorn being spotted on the Planet Brogan.”

Lightning’s head perked up and his ears twitched, “…Brogan: The hazard planet.”

Both Krysta and Grand Ruler felt their insides give a small chill.

Everyone could feel it for all three-- the place where it all began for Lightning-- how he met his fairy friend and his future mentor after braving the dangers, but that was all history, and now was best to focus on the present.

“So we know he’s on Brogan?” asked Starla “And he hasn’t fled yet?”

Luna shook her head, “From the reports gathered, the creature continues to battle anything that it views evil or hostile towards it.”

“And Brogan is as hostile and hazardous as we know.” said Artie. “It means he could be there for some time.”

Lightning bolted up out of his seat, “…And I’m going after him then.”

A hush fell over the crowd. It was figured he would jump at the first moment.

Their majesties were actually planning on letting him go anyway.

“We figure since he wants to merge with you,” said Celestia “Then he may show less hostility.”

Lightning agreed.

“I’m going too.” said Starla “You’ll need backup.”

Lightning smiled at his wife, and then he looked at everyone else. “I know you all just came back, but I could use a little extra help, but not from all of you. We still need forces to defend our own world in case Starlight comes by… or any other threats for that matter.”

The Twins stood up…

“You can count us in, Hombre.” said Dyno.

“Si, I mean I know we just came home…” added Myte, and he looked at the families, “But I’m sure the rest of you want to get your kids home and kick back for a bit.”

Rainbow then got up, “Well… if you put it that way, I guess one more mission couldn’t hurt me.”

She wasn’t pretending to be reasonable. Like the twins; she didn’t have a family of her own with a spouse or child, and she also felt her speed would be most helpful.

“Count me in too.” said Krysta “You’ll need someone to warp you back, and I can help set traps if need be.”

Lightning smiled thankfully at everyone, satisfied with his team now.

“When do we head out?”

“Immediately.” replied Grand Ruler. “You’ll rendezvous with Starfleet ally, Khan, and his tribe. From there the mission will be straight and narrow.”

Lightning called to his team. “Let’s go. Every second we delay means the Enticorn may escape.”

The others agreed, and they all headed for one of the many terraces where Krysta then opened a space portal.

“You sure you’re up for this?” Rainbow asked Lightning.

“Of course I am...” answered Lightning “I’ve kept up my training, and I’ve been edging for a little space travel. Besides… this may the only way to get my real body back so we can stop Titan for good.”

“Well, Vamanos, Let’s go!” said Dyno.

“Right with you.” called Myte.

Lightning took Starla’s hand. His wife smiled proudly at him, and they and their friends all leapt into the portal and zipped on out into space on a magic pathway.

The friends hoped really hoped Lightning would succeed.

“I wish I could’ve gone with them.” said Swift, but he knew that wasn’t for a long time until he was trainer properly and earned his astronaut wings.

“You’ll get your chance. Just give it time.” said Luna

“Hey…” Spike suddenly said “What about Pinkie Pie? We forgot all about her.”

“Oh, my…” said Rarity “How is she? Is she all right?”

Celestia gave a joyful smile, “We wrote to her this morning of your return, and the Cake’s answered… She’s gone to the hospital. Her baby is coming.”

Face and expressions turned giddy with excitement.

“What are we just standing here for
While our friend is in labor?” asked Fluttershy.

“Let’s go,
Don’t be slow.” chirped Rhymey.

Grand Ruler called for one of Krysta’s fairy soldiers to come and warp everyone to New Ponyville.

“Remember…” Grand Ruler called to them “You’re still to remain on constant vigil for any sort of attack.”

The fighters agreed, and left with their families, and Swift went with them to head home himself, leaving Grand Ruler to sigh, “It’s so wonderful to have them back.”

His wife held his hand, and Luna smiled happily.

Meanwhile, on the Shadow Planet…

“I found it!” a monster shouted “The Enticorn… I’ve found it; it’s on Planet Brogan.”

Titan snickered, “I have already dispatched my forces from the other planets, and if I am not mistaken, things may already be playing out as I hope.”

Starlight couldn’t understand why Titan wouldn’t send her and her team out, but the henchmen didn’t seem to mind a bit.

“It feels great to kick back and relax for a moment.” Razor sighed.

Waverline and Specter couldn’t believe him, as they were more focussed on preparing to get rid of Starlight.

“Just give me the right opening…” whispered Waverline.

Specter held his arm out at her, “Not yet…! In due time Starlight will get what’s coming to her, but we must be patient.”

Waverline clenched her fists, but she remained calm and silent.

Meanwhile, Lightning and co had reached Brogan, landing in a seemingly harmless field of beautiful flowers, but really things hadn’t changed a bit…!

The plat life still shot out sharp barbs and toxic fumes.

The grounds continued to shift and rumble suddenly as crevasse opened out of nowhere, and the monsters… just as giant, and hostile as ever.

Lightning and co steered clear of them, not wanting to cause more trouble to the life of the planet.

“This planet still gives me the creeps more than ever.” grumbled Rainbow.

Lightning and Krysta never forgot all the dangers they had braved upon their first coming to Brogan… many, many years ago.

…But it was all history.

“I don’t see the Enticorn anywhere.” said Dyno.

“I don’t feel the energy either.” added Myte “He could be anywhere on the planet. He might even be here anymore.”

“No, he’s still here.” said Lightning.

“How can you tell?” asked Starla.

Lightning pointed at a large patch of charred plant. “That charring was caused by the Uniforce. I’d recognize it anywhere, and the burns are still fresh.”

Everyone gawked at the damage, figuring the Enticorn attacked things at will that were hostile towards him.

“We’ve got to stop him and fast.” said Krysta “If he continues to spread destruction like this, he could lay waste to the entire planet, and Starfleet could be blamed.”

The team knew the first thing to do would be to locate Khan’s village.

They knew where it was, and set out on their way.

“I still don’t get why Khan doesn’t get with the times.” wondered Rainbow. “I mean he could have a whole bunch of Starfleet Tech to research the planet and understand it better.”

“That’s not his style.” Lightning reminded her “Khan was never an officer, but rather an explorer and researcher who left Unicornicopia to explore the universe. He prefers to live in peace and harmony with the land around him.”

“I remember that…!” said Rainbow “I do have SOME memory of our last visit here.”

“Look…!” cried Starla “The village is coming into view.”

Khan’s village was just as it was before-- all the mud huts, wooden houses, and outdoor work areas for the blacksmiths and cooks…

…But not a soul to be seen. The entire place was deserted.

The only signs were of all the tools, spears, and even toys that the children of the village played with all scattered about.

“Look, on the ground.” said Dyno pointing at unusual footprints.

“The Darkquines!” exclaimed Myte. “Titan’s forces were here!”

Lightning’s blood turned red with rage at the thought of innocent and peaceful researchers being taken by the enemy.

Suddenly, there was a loud booming sound in the distance.

“What was that?!” cried Krysta.

“It can only be trouble!” said Starla.

Lightning agreed. “Let’s go!” and everyone flew off at full speed and transformed on the way.


“Harmony Hour, Friendship Power!”

Over the hills they flew, arriving in a clearing in just a few seconds, where they saw Khan, his family, and all the villagers and researchers enslaved by an army of Titan’s monsters and the Darquines.

There was no generator in sight, just the monsters holding all the ponies captive within a barrier dome, and scaring them to death by blasting all around them making explosions and quakes, which really made the children scream and cry, and their mother embraced them tightly.

“Stop this!” demanded Khan. “Why are you doing this to us?”

“Silence!” thundered the monster leader and his blasted the shield right where Khan stood. The bright flash and rumbling of the impact forced Khan back hard.

“Khan…!” cried his wife, Rani Drop as she ran over to him. “Are you alright, dear?”

“Yes… but none of us will be okay soon if this doesn’t stop.”

“Who else wants a piece of this?!” The Leader yelled.

“You do!” shouted Lightning as he and the other fighters landed on the scene.

The Leader growled angrily, “You got no business being here, so scram!”

“Yeah-- Not going to happen.” sneered Rainbow “How about you let those ponies go!”

The monsters could tell there was trouble, and The Leader decided it would help them better in their plot.

“Get them!”

The monsters and the Darquines roared and rushed forth.

“Go!!” shouted Lightning, and he and the fighters rushed forth, but Starla stayed near Lightning in case he got ganged up on.

A gaggle of Darquines lunged and Rainbow, but she flew up really high and came down hard, “SONIC RAINBOOM”

She crashed down, sending a shockwave of colorful waves at the creatures, knocking them all back hard.

The shaking also made the hostages stumble about within the dome.

“Take it easy, Rainbow…!” hollered Krysta.

“Sorry, I was in the moment.”

Krysta sighed, but then she looked at the barrier wondering how she could get through it.

“Hey, Krysta…!” called Dyno “We’ll tunnel under the ground.”

“Si, that’ll let you get in.”

“Oh, no you don’t!” thundered a monster, and he and his troops began to charge at the diggers.

“Oh, yes they do!” hollered Starla, and she got out her bow.


She fired several shots at the monsters, striking them hard, and Lightning jumped in, punching, kicking, and bashing the brutes away.

“That kid sure packs a punch.” One of them groaned.

“We’ve got to stop them!” yelled another.

Lightning and Starla fought together to give the twins and opening.

“Let’s go, bro!” hollered Dyno.

“Analde!” shouted Myte.

The two didn’t have to join hands for this one, but they still stood close to one another as they made their horns glow brightly, and their hands began to glow red as they heat up.

The men then dove at the ground, digging through the ground like strong drilling machines.

“Stop them!” shouted the leader, and he and his monsters charged forth.

“Think again!” shouted Rainbow, and she rushed forth fly-kicking the leader hard in the stomach, and sent him crashing into his men, knocking them over like dominos.

The monsters began to scramble to their feet.

“Open fire!” shouted The Leader, and some of the monsters began to fire blasts from their weapons or powers that they had.

“No you don’t” hollered Krysta, and she conjured her double-portals to absorb and repel the blasts back at the swarm.

“Good job, Krysta!” called Lightning.

She gave him a wink and a smirk.

The Twins suddenly burst up through the ground inside the dome.

“We’re through!” called Dyno.

“Krysta, we you can get in now.” hollered Myte, and then he addressed the villagers, “Don’t worry, amigos, you’ll soon be free.”

The villagers began to cheer, and Khan and Rani were delighted to see their own acquaintances again.

…But suddenly, there was a very bright glow of light emitting from behind.

Everyone—the ponies, the monsters, and Krysta slowly looked up and behind, and there it was…!

The Enticorn levitated in the skies, with his fists clenched tight, his aura glowing brightly, and he took one look at all the evil and the battling going on-- he couldn’t stand the sight of it-- and let out a huge roar that nearly shook the lands.

Lightning could hardly believe his eyes, and then the Enticorn saw him, and he seemed calmer.

“Unite!” he growled “Must unite!”

Lightning reached out his hand, having lost nearly all his senses and only focussing on his lost power. “Unite as one! Unite as one!”

He took a few steps forth, but the monsters suddenly opened fire on The Enticorn.

All their blasts hardly fazed him, but did enrage him horribly.

The villagers all didn’t like the looks of the flaring creature, and the twins recommended they all stay within the barrier, where it was safe, while they headed back outside.

“Attack again!” called The Monster Leader.

The army did as they were told and opened fired some more, but still did hardly any damage.

“Our attacks aren’t doing anything!”

“Let’s get out of here!”

The Leader wouldn’t back down “We came here to bag that Enticorn for Lord Titan, and that’s what we’re going to do!”

The ponies heard this, and immediately realized…

“If Titan captures the Enticorn, he could gain more power from it than ever!” cried Starla.

“I won’t let him!” shouted Lightning, and he leapt up to try and merge with the power, but Starla held him down, “…No don’t!” she was right to do so… that creature was raving, raging mad by this point because of its hate for evil and its defensive instincts.

He leapt down from the sky forcing both forces to scatter about.

“Okay, listen up…!” called The Monster Leader “We’ve got to battle it out so it uses up its strength and power, then it’ll be easier to capture!”

Again, his big mouth alerted the ponies to the plan, but then again, the Enticorn was so enraged the fighters could see no alternative either but to try and help wear the Enticorn down, and then try to capture him before the enemies did.

“I can’t believe we’re doing this!” Rainbow grumbled “We’re actually helping the enemy?!”

Nevertheless, she bound straight for the Enticorn to coax him into chasing her.

The creature was much faster than she was at her fastest speed, but she still managed to elude it by zipping away enabling the monsters to start blasting at him again.

The Enticorn was growing furious and powered up for an attack, forcing the monsters to take cover as the energy began to glow brighter and brighter.

“No!” shouted Lightning “Don’t let him shoot the ground; it could level the entire area!!”

Krysta couldn’t absorb such power into her portals-- it was too much for her to handle.


All the fighters except Lightning donned their super suits, and…

“Valkyria!” Rainbow added more power to herself by transforming into the Valkyrie of Loyalty.
“Let’s get busy!!” she growled.

Dyno and Myte grabbed hands and powered up their finisher as best as they could.


Starla powered-up her own finisher and armed her bow...


POW!! Her shot flew across, right into the flare. The combined powers flew straight at the Enticorn, hitting him hard and caused him to flinch and shoot his attack high up into the sky, where it exploded hard and brightly.

Everyone was forced to cover their eyes until the brightness faded.

Once the coast was clear, the monsters all foolishly believed…

“He’s got to be weak after a big blast like that!”

“Let’s go get him!”

Even the leader agreed and he ordered his entire army to charge forth.

“No, don’t…!” shouted Lightning. “He’s still too strong!!” but it was too late…!

The army rushed forth ready to take the Enticorn on, but he looked up furiously at them, and his eyes gave a sickening glow.

The monsters all screeched to a halt. “Fall back! Fall back!!” shouted the leader, but again… they were too late.

“He’s going to fire!!” shouted Kryta.

“Defense-formation!” yelled Lightning.

The group huddled together with Rainbow holding her shield up, and all the other ponies cast all the power they could to form layer-after-layer of barriers for what was coming next.

“ULTRA-UNIFORCE” The Enticorn shouted as he unleashed a huge burning wave of his power, vaporizing all the villains and shaking the land.

Backlashes of the attack flew at the barriers, which barely stood, and Rainbow could feel the force against her shield. “…I CAN’T HOLD IT!!” she wailed.

“RAINBOW… HANG ON!!” shouted Starla as she pushed up against her to give her more strength, followed by all the others leading their strength as well.

Finally, the blast ceased, and much of the field had been cindered. The monsters were all destroyed-- vaporized in the blast-- and with their destruction, their barriers had ceased around the villagers whom were just fine, but badly shaken.

“Such power!” cried Rani.

“Phenomenal!” added Khan “I’ve researched my whole life and never seen such strength within an individual!”

The fighters were a little shaken too; all of them felt pretty weak and their suits were almost out of power.

As for the Enticorn, he was actually panting softly-- given how all the fighting he had done prior to coming to Brogan and blasting out so much of his power.

“Now’s my chance…!” Lightning believed, and he leapt up and over towards the creature.

“Lightning!” cried Starla.

She and the others all readied to rush after him.

“Stay back!” Lightning called, and they stopped where they were allowing Lightning to approach the creature cautiously.

The Enticorn glared furiously at Lightning as he slowly moved closer. His fists began to clench up and he growled softly…

“No…” Lightning called softly to him. “…You don’t want to hurt me.

You can’t hurt me; I’m part of you. I helped create you.

You want to unite with me.”

The Enticorn glared squarely at him. “U…Nite…”

The rest of the group and the villagers all watched with extreme anxiety. Starla was sweating in fear that any second something deadly would happen, but The Enticorn seemed to have fully calmed down.

“Unite… as one.”

Lightning slowly began to reach his hand up, and the creature did as well.

Closer and closer they moved togetherm with everyone watching with extreme wonder and hope.

“Come on…!” Krysta muttered.

Their fingers were only inches away…

…When suddenly… a strange ray of light shot down from the skies at The Enticorn, which pushed Lightning.

“What the--”

“What is that?!” cried Starla.

The Enticorn was completely surrounded, and in his weakened state he couldn’t break free.

Then, in the blink of an eye, he was gone, and the light was gone too.

“What happened?” asked Dyno.

“Did Titan get him after all?” added Myte.

The others were not convinced.

“I don’t think that was Titan’s doing.” said Starla.

Lightning was already more than convinced it wasn’t. He knew Titan wouldn’t dare waste a lot power to pull a stunt like that, and he did recognize the light that yanked the creature away…

“…That was a tractor-beam, and there’s only one race we know who uses one like that.”

The others all agreed… it had to be The Kallanians!!


In our next episode: It’s a trip to the Planet Kallan and reunited with an old nemesis not only intent on keeping the Enticorn, but has her eyes set on someone else entirely too. Starfleet must rely on one of their special allies in order to stall for time so they can reclaim the power, but avoid sullying their reputation.

Can Starfleet succeed in their plans?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “The Princess and He”)

Episode 21: The Princess and He

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Far, far away, in an upper corner of the galaxy, was the Planet Kallan.

The Planet was similar to United Equestria, only overrun with more women than men. All males on the planet were subjected to cooking, cleaning, or tending to a woman’s every need. Very few exceptions were made, and such could only come from higher command.

The planet had always been like this, even long before the Princess, Avyanna, had committed crimes against parts of the galaxy, and her entanglement with Starfleet. Despite this, she had been strictly barred from ever entering Starfleet Territories again…

However, with the power of her ever-advancing technologies, she had used her powerful tractor beams to seize the Enticorn.

Her ever faithful major-domo, Mayne, entered the royal throne room of the palace and bowed to the princess.

“What have you to report, Mayne?”

“I report success, your highness.”

Avyanna’s eyes lit up, “It was captured?”

“See for yourself.” replied Mayne as he pressed a remote which activated a monitor, which revealed the Enticorn contained in a special chamber aboard one of their star cruisers.

The chambers held the creature in special grips to stop it from regaining its strength and to keep it weak so it couldn’t get strong and break out again.

Avyanna seemed most pleased. “Excellent. Then we now have all that we require to put our plans into action.”

Mayne nodded in agreement.

Avyanna then sent Mayne away as she had thinking to do, and the first thing she thought was of something else entirely as she clutched a small locket worn around her neck on a thin chain.

She opened it revealing a picture of none other than Mykan Stevens, showing it was obvious that her obsession with him still held strongly after all this time.

“Things would be so perfect if I had you here with me.”

Nevertheless, she snapped the locket shut and prepared to get to work for her other plans.

“By harnessing the power of the Enticorn, my forces will be rendered virtually invincible, and I know just who will be the first to feel my wrath.”

…She wasn’t even thinking of Starfleet; having a much better target in mind…!

Meanwhile, after bidding farewell to Khan and his people, and leaving them to tend to Brogan as promised, Lightning and friends headed back to United Equestria to report their failure to their majesties.

It was there that their suspicions of Avyanna were confirmed.

“There can be no mistake…” said Grand Ruler “She is definitely responsible.”

Luna confirmed this, “Sometime after you left for Brogan, our outer observatories confirmed the sightings of a Kallanian star-cruiser near the space borders.”

Nothing more needed to be said, and everyone was very angry.

“I was so close!” Lightning growled “I almost had my power back!”

He was so enraged he looked as if he wanted to blow a hole through the floor, but Starla calmed him. “It’s not going to help.”

“She’s right…” agreed Celestia “We have greater problems than ever to sort with.”

She wasn’t kidding.

Even though Avyanna’s forces were outside the Starfleet boundaries, they still wrongfully took Starfleet property and were likely holding it on their home-world, which was also outside the boundaries where Starfleet law and authority held no bounds.

This meant that actually going to Kallan to try and get the Enticorn back would risk Starfleet’s reputation-- making them seem like invaders or warmongers, which would not go good in a long ways.

“It just doesn’t make sense.” Said Lightning “Why would Avyanna want my Enticorn?”

“Probably to cause nothing but trouble.” suggested Krysta.

“Yeah, that’s all she’s full of.” agreed Rainbow.

Grand Ruler couldn’t ignore this possibility himself. “We’ll have to hold a meeting with the supreme intergalactic council. We just may be able to come up with a mission plan by tomorrow afternoon.”

“Tomorrow afternoon?!” snapped Lightning “By then it might be too late.”

“I realize that.” protested his majesty “But this time we absolutely must follow procedure, you know that.”

Lightning apologized. “I’m just so worried.”

“We all are…” said Dyno. “But look at it this way: We already blew out much of our strengths on Brogan.”

“Si, it wouldn’t be wise to go rushing into action right now.”

Even Rainbow, Starla, and Krysta agreed.

Lightning reluctantly nodded, and he hoped and prayed they could come up with something and soon.

Meanwhile, Rainbow and the twins wanted to head back to New Ponyville and kick back for a while, still having just come home, but they all promised to remain on standby for anything.

They also wanted to visit Pinkie Pie and see if her baby was born yet or just on the way.

Lightning and Starla had to stay behind to be part of the meeting as Starfleet’s highest ranking officers.

The next afternoon…

*Mykan’s POV*

After a good long morning of teaching the children on New Ponyville, the lunch bell finally rang, and all the kids grabbed their lunch boxes and headed out to the playground on a beautiful day.

Cheerliee and I sat on the schoolhouse stoop to eat together while watching the kids.

“Time to break it out…” I said as I dropped a fishing-tackle box down beside me.

Cheerilee was most confused. “You can’t possibly be planning to go fishing at a time like this.”

Now I was confused. “Go Fishing? Cheerilee, this is my lunchbox.”

“But it looks like…” Cheeilee said before I held up my hand to cut her off, and I showed her by opening the box, instead of fishing tackle and junk, it was practically overflowing with foods, seasonings, utensils, and even mini-sodas on the bottom.

“Oh, wow!”

I chuckled as I got my napkin ready. “I got the idea last night: turn an ordinary tackle-box into a feast for a king.”

Cheerilee gazed down at her ordinary paper-sack with just a sandwich and soup in it.

As I snacked on one of my sandwiches, I offered to let her share some of my lunch with me-- I had more than enough to spare.

“Aww… thank you.”

“It’s just my way of saying “Thanks for being a wonderful boss.”

She couldn’t help but blush and giggle.

Still, we were not a couple, and wouldn’t ever be-- too different of species, despite her human-like body, and she was at least ten years older than me. Plus, neither of us felt like the relationship type, preferring to focus more on our jobs.

Speaking of which, one of my jobs was about to take precedence when Lightning and Starla dropped in.

“Mykan…” called Lightning.

“Uh-oh… sounds like trouble.” I said “Whenever they drop in suddenly like this, I know they need me for something.”

Cheerliee agreed, and just as I called it out, Starla told me “…We need to come with us… on a little space mission.”

I gave them both a near-intrigued look. “What kind of mission?”

Before long, I was flying on dimensional pathway through the stars with Lightning, Starla, and Krysta.

I didn’t exactly look all that thrilled once I was told where we were going and why, but I couldn’t help but ask. “One more time… why are we going to the Planet Kallan to see the princess?”

The trio sighed, and Lightning explained again, “We’ve got to try and convince her to give back my Enticorn, but it could mean walking into danger.”

“We figure if you come with us, the princess will be less hostile.” added Starla.

Just the thought of Avyanna and my history with her made feel like losing the lunch I had just eaten, but as an axillary Starfleet member, I couldn’t refuse my orders.

“Well, it’s nice to be out in space again.” I put it. “But isn’t this violating the Starfleet Prime Directive?”

“It’s all taken care of.” Krysta assured me, and she told me how their majesties alerted and met with the Supreme Council-- via magical holograms from distant start systems, “…It was agreed that we’re doing this for the good of all involved, and the new is being passed around the galaxy.”

Lightning nodded, “We won’t start any fights, but we will fight if we have no choice. We must get that power back, before something even worse happens.”

Now I was really getting concerned about this; knowing Avyanna she was sure to start putting the moves on me.

*POV Pause*

On Kallan…

The star-cruiser had long-since arrived, and the Enticorn was transferred to a chamber in the palace to try and harness and study its power, which proved to be a bit much for even Avyanna’s systems.

The creature rived and thrashed about as it tried to restore its energy and escape, and the power flow was unlike anything the systems could handle as several computers began to short out.

“These readings are highly unstable.” said a worker girl “Harnessing it may be beyond our power.”

Avyanna was not pleased. “Then I suggest you double your efforts. I want that power, not excuses.”

Mayne entered the chamber with two royal guards.

“Begging your pardon, your highness, but I have distressing news.”

“Out with it Mayne, and make it quick.”

“Princess… our scout ships in the outer perimeters inform us that a Starfleet team is approaching our planet.”

Her features hardened, and she suspected why they were coming.

“Prepare to deploy our defense fleet. They have no business coming here!”

“Your highness, there is more…” Mayne quickly said “According to our scouts…” he paused and controlled his irritation “…Mykan Stevens is with them.”

She gasped and her insides began to go crazy. “Mykan is coming here?”

Her heart began to race and her blood was feeling warm. Still, she kept hold of herself and acted professional. “In that case, have the guards stand by to greet our… guests.”

Mayne reluctantly complied, but he sensed disaster about to occur because the princess couldn’t control her obsession.

*POV Resume*

We had been flying for a little over an hour to the vast distance, but we finally were approaching Planet Kallan.

Though no Starfleet forces had ever actually landed there before, our telescopic observations of it and limited knowledge made it feel familiar. It was no different than United Equestria-- or even Earth to me…

…Forests, meadows, mountains, plains, small towns and villages, composed of houses, and even a few high-rises thanks to the advancements they had.

One would say they were on the verge of catching up to Starfleet’s level of tech.

“Hey, look…” cried Krysta, pointing a bunch of Kallanian scout fighter ships heading out way.

“…Looks like the welcoming party is here.” I grumbled.

It was looking as if we would have to defend ourselves, when the ships suddenly parted and formed what seemed like a welcoming way for us to pass in-between them.

“Are they actually welcoming us in?” asked Starla.

She got her answer when at the end of the way, two scout ships flashed lights at us in code telling us to follow them in, and showing us where to set our exit portal.

“We better follow them.” said Lightning “Every stay alert, and under no circumstances shoot first.”

Heeding the scouts’ instructions the location of our exit portal took us straight to the entrance of the royal palace.

A ton of armed guards stood to the sides of the walkway, and others were standing on the battlements.

Mayne was also there, and neither he nor anyone of us seemed too thrilled to see each other again.

He gawked at Lightning for his small size, but he didn’t question anything and acted courteously. “On behalf of her royal highness, Princess Avyanna, I bid you all welcome. Her highness is expecting you. Please follow me.”

He turned his back to us and began to lead us through the front gate.

“Gee, glad to see he’s in a good mood.” Krysta mocked softly.

As we all continued to head into the palace, I couldn’t help but take notes in my head for my research.

“Look at this place. It looks and feels Earthly, but with all these differences…”

What worried me and the others especially was the palace was more than half the size of New Canterlot Palace, which meant finding the Enticorn would be quite a problem since we knew where nothing was at all without any blueprints or maps.

We just hoped we could get Avyanna to show us.

… I especially hoped I wouldn’t have to use extra persuasions.

We were guided down the main foyer to the main throne-room where Avyanna were sitting on her throne, and wearing a white and silver, sparkling dress, and her long, long hair was flowing loosely of course.

Our eyes met, and she looked at me very deeply. I could already feel parts of my insides starting to turn on, but they were small when compared to my will power and true desires.

“Show respect to the princess.” Mayne said softly to us all, and we all reluctantly vowed.

“Well hello…” Avyanna said slyly. “It sure has been a while.”

Lightning looked up at her with a rather cross expression.

“Commander Lightning Dawn?” she asked “You seem different from when I last saw you.”

Lightning paid her no comment.

Then she looked over at me. “Why Mykan… this is a pleasant surprise. I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”

I gave a simple clear of my throat.

“What brings you all here to my planet?”

Lightning stepped forth. “Begging your pardon your highness, but I believe you already know why… and which brings me straight to the point: We’ve come to claim our property, and ask that you hand over the Enticorn you captured.”

Avyanna figured it would come to that, and she refused. “Why should I hand over something that I happened to find? What legal rights do you have to demand it?”

“We’re not playing games.” insisted Starla “You violated our space when one of your distant ships at the space-borders fired a tractor-beam at Planet Brogan, and you captured the Entircorn, which is rightfully our property.”

Mayne stepped up to defend Avyanna.

“Your argument has no bounds. In-spite of your pointers, the ultimate fact remains we captured something that was loose and not in the boundary of anyone, and as we are hereby outside of the Starfleet Territories, your authority also holds no weight.”

“Mayne!” snapped Avyanna “There’s no need to be so brash.”

Mayne maintained his stance and his place.

Lightning was losing patience. “Princess, I warn you… We are prepared to use force if need be.”

Avyanna flicked her hair back and snapped her fingers alerting her guards to point their ray-guns at us all.

“Well so am I.” she said. “I have my own reasons for wanting that Enticorn and harnessing its powers, and that business is strictly my own.

Perhaps if I should grow tiresome of it, I just might be willing to give it back.”

“You’re meddling with a power you can’t possibly fathom.” Krysta cautioned.

Avyanna was unfazed and refused to let anything stop her. “I believe that is all we have to say to each other…”

Then addressed me, “Mykan… would you care to join me for a quick drink before you leave?”

My answer was quick and easy. “I’d rather not.”

That’s when two guards stepped behind me pointing their guns at my back; showing Avyanna wouldn’t let me off that easy.

“On second thought: maybe I will.”

I looked at the others as the guards slowly led me away, and other guards escorted the other towards the door.

Lightning noticed me twiddle my fingers on my left hand as I left, telling him that I was ready.

Earlier, before taking off for the planet, we had formulated a plan knowing Avyanna would refuse our demands, and take me aside privately.


Before leaving United Equestria, I was brought to New Canterlot Palace, where their majesties gave me a special lip-gloss they had enhanced with a magic spell.

“Me… wear lip-gloss?” I asked in shock.

“Trust us, Mykan.” said Grand Ruler “From our extensive knowledge of the Kallanians, they may be able to detect weapons or technologies, they don’t have the equivalence of our magic detection.”

Celestia brushed the stuff onto my lips. It felt cool and a bit slick, but it was invisible, tasteless, odorless, and in a moment I could hardly feel it.

“This is enchanted with a special spell. Lightning and Starla will explain to you on route to Kallan. It may be our only hope.”

*End of Flashback*

All I had to do was kiss Avyanna on the lips…

…And I had a feeling that was going to occur shortly.

*POV Pause*

Lightning and co were escorted out of the palace and told by Mayne to leave Kallan.

“We’re not leaving without my Enticorn, or Mykan.” protested Lightning.

Mayne simply chuckled and then sneered, “They are no longer your concern. The power and the man belong to us. The princess has seen to that.


Starla couldn’t help but egg Mayne on. “It was must pain you, doesn’t it…? That Avyanna continues to fawn over a simple Earth-Man when you know it could mean trouble, especially for the princess’ affections…?”

Mayne clenched his fists, “I am but a mere servant of Princess Avyanna; nothing more, and while I find her attitude at times questionable, I must obey.

Now be off with you, before I call the fleet in.”

He said no more and turned to head back to the palace, leaving the guards to point their weapons at everyone to enforce their leaving.

“Let’s go…” said Lightning.

“But what about Mykan?” wailed Krysta.

“I guess we’ve lost him.” replied Starla.

Really, they were all just putting on an act, as part of the plan.

So Krysta opened a portal and warped everyone out into space and seemingly took them far from the planet, but really she had taken them to the planet’s moon where they wouldn’t be seen or detected as easily.

There, Starla used her visor’s telescopic mode to watch the palace from where she stood.

“Now we have to wait for Mykan to do his part.”

Lightning and Krysta hoped he was okay.

*POV Resume*

I was taken to Avyanna’s royal bed chamber, but before actually entering I was stripped of all my weapons, my teleporter, and my magic cape.

Then I was scanned by the guards in case I had any hidden items on me.

Luckily, and as promised, their scanners couldn’t detect the magic spell rubbed into my lips.

Once I was given the okay, Avyanna casually invited me in, and told the guards to remain outside. “…I could not be in safer hands.” she put it in a flirtatious way towards me.

The guards complied and closed the big doors behind her.

The bedroom was twice the size of the school-house back home, and naturally was loaded with all the usual comforts-- King-sized bed, large sofas, makeup table with mirror.

Avyanna immediately poured us both some Kallanian Apple-Cider.

“I must admit, I was very surprised when I heard you were coming.” she said to me.

I had to keep myself together for the plan to work, but I couldn’t help myself with a part of my attitude.

“I admit I’m surprised you’re being this merciful to me. I thought for sure you’d want nothing more than to shoot me on sight.”

She handed me a goblet and looked at me rather strange “…And waste a perfect opportunity? I think not.”

She clinked her goblet against mine, and not to be rude I sipped the cider, which tasted pretty good-- a bit tangy but good for an alien beverage.

“You’ll pardon my asking… What opportunity?” not that I really needed to ask that, especially when she sauntered up to me, and moved around my backside stroking my shoulders.

“Mykan… I’ve never once stopped thinking about you. You are unlike any man I have known in the entire galaxy, and usually the men of my culture are not held in that much respect.”

That was a sickening reminder-- how men were treated on her world.

Her hands felt so warm against my shoulders, and yet I felt slight chills coming on.

She then moved in closer, speaking softly near my ear, and parts of her long hair draped over my side.

“Mykan… I know we have had our history. I know you must think of me as a criminal, but can’t you see that I still have feelings? Yet you rejected me several times.”

I was starting to feel sweaty.

“Look at me…” she said “Am I not beautiful enough for you?”

This was it, time to put the plan into action, and I couldn’t help but be just a little honest with her. “You are one of the most beautiful creatures I’ve ever seen.”

I had much more to say than just that, but I couldn’t bring myself too; not just yet.

Feeling flattered by what I had just said, Avyanna softly took my face in her hands, and brought her lips to mine.

It was only for the sake of what was about to happen next that I gave it all I had and kissed her back deeply.

Suddenly, her eyes snapped wide open, and so did mine as we both began to feel strange. She couldn’t seem to pull her lips away from mine, and before she knew it, everything flashed white before our eyes…

Then she finally separated from me…

…Or rather I separated from what was my own body.

The spell in the gloss on my lips was a switch-spell, and the moment my lips made contact with hers, we switched bodies.

…I was now in control of Avyanna, and I still had her voice, while she inhabited my body, and she could not believe her eyes as she looked herself over.

“What? It can’t be!” she wailed in my voice.

I myself could hardly believe-- I was a woman, and alien at that!! IT felt even stranger looking at my own body before me.

Still, despite all these strange feelings of my new body, I had to put the plan into action.

“Sorry sweetheart.” I said to Avyanna, and then I called for the guards.

They came in almost at once. “He rejects my feelings once more. Lock him in the dungeon.”

The guards obeyed me, and Avyanna tried to protest. “This is a trick! I am your princess!”

The guards couldn’t believe her for an instant and hauled her in my body away.

“And gag her-- I mean “him” as well.” I felt ready to kick myself for having almost spilled the beans.

The guards tranquillized my body, and Avyanna fell out cold as they dragged her off.

Mayne then walked in and he didn’t suspect a thing. “Are you alright, your highness?”

Knowing how Avyanna usually behaved, it was easy for me to put on her snaking. “Surely you can see I am well, Mayne.

Now, to the chambers… I wish to check on the Enticorn.”

Mayne bowed to me. “…As you wish.”

I took a step forward and nearly tripped on my long dress-- I had never worn clothes like these before.

I managed to keep it together and walked gracefully like a “Princess” would.

Even though I had my own spirit and conscience, I had Avyanna’s body, which meant I could access her brain too. I already knew every inch of this palace, the technology, passwords, and codes that would prove useful.

I was also able to tap into her conscience…

I could feel her inner thoughts about me-- she envisioned me becoming her prince consort.

We would be wed, and I would live with her forever, and she would pamper and spoil me like crazy and I would do very little work around the palace or for the kingdom. She would cook for me, provide my every desire and need, and together we would rule the galaxy after harnessing the Enticorn’s power and advancing the technologies.

But above all things, she really wanted to love me-- take me to bed every night and…!

…I tuned those thoughts out right then and there.

*POV Pause*

Avyanna had been tossed into the prison dungeon, with an electronic barrier to prevent any escapes.

At Mykan’s command she was bound and gagged on the wall so she couldn’t try anything.

She was ever so outraged, and she fussed about trying to get the guards attention, but they only chuckled to one another…

“Whatever the princess sees in this guy I’ll never know.”

“Me neither.”

Avyanna knew she was stuck, and could hardly believe she had fallen for such a trap-- when Mayne did warn her not to be so hasty.

It was pointless for her to try and reason with her guards, however… she did think…

“I have access to Mykan’s brain. I can uncover the secrets of Starfleet and make it easier for maybe a future attack… and maybe more.”

Unfortunately for her, because Mykan was only an axillary Starfleet member, he didn’t have that much information stored in his mind to give like full-fledged officers did-- some things that were even only the highest ranking officers were given.

She did, however, start to see Mykan’s memories...

…His days as a school teacher and all the children whom looked up to him as he lectured them about his own world, and Cheerliee being a very kind and caring boss towards him, almost even like a motherly figure.

She saw the part where Mykan let her share some of his lunch with her on the stoop before the mission began.

“He does seem to have a lot of friends.”

Then there was the time when Mykan and the Cutiemark Crusaders were the Super Cyber Data Squad, battling the evil viral forces of Megadox and saving computer systems.

Seeing that and his past assistance with Starfleet made her desire for Mykan grow larger, and her frustration at his rejection of her all the worse.

“I offer him a comforting life of luxury, love, and power… and still he pushes me away?!”

Then, there were his other memories…

-Being pulled out of his universe by Titan, which she was in on at the time.

-Going back to save his world and his family, only for his beloved Michelle to be brutally murdered and die in his arms, which overly devastated him.

-As well as the very sad thing of saying goodbye to his family to come and live in this world permanently due to it being inadvisable and dangerous to remain in his own world in a pony forum.

Such painful memories, and they were still fresh after all this time, like a swarm of flies that would never disperse no matter how much you ignored them or tried to treat them.

“So these are all the things he remembers.”

Avyanna never felt like this before-- being overly spoiled, pampered and power-hungry all her life, she never had feelings like this before.

She could also feel Mykan’s reasoning for his rejecting her.

“You and I have irreconcilable differences. You’re after power, wealth, and dominance. What I do is for a whole lot more…

I’m studying this world so maybe, one day, people from my world can come to live here, and beings from this world can visit my world without worry.

You claim to be in love with me, but it’s more an obsession. You can’t buy my love with all this power and lust. Love doesn’t work that way between people.

They either have something very special or they don’t; and we don’t.”

For a moment, it felt as if Avyanna was finally starting to see the light, but it didn’t last. She still felt she could try and persuade Mykan to be hers, and she would help him forget such things.

*POV Resumes*

In the labs, I could see Lightning’s Enticorn fussing in the chamber, and while it was being kept weak by all the machinery, the creature still looked horribly enraged.

…Somehow I had to get it out of there, but I had to alert Lightning and the others too, and such a plan was already in the makings as I had ordered Mayne.

“You heard me: Send a few remote-controlled scout ships to the moon. I wish for some rock samples to be collected.”

Mayne was really confused. “We have a fine amount of rock samples already, your highness.”

“Then get me more! We can never have enough when it comes to things like this.”

Mayne contained his rage. “Yes, highness…” and he went off to organize the launching of the scout ships.

With Mayne gone, I could put the rest of our plan into action.

I was in for extra luck too, because also in the lab were my weapons and my gear. They were contained under a glass dome on a pillar where the computer was trying to analyze their powers and effects, which, again, were hard seeing as all the magical properties of my gear, were far too strange.

The first thing I did was send the guards outside to check the perimeter. They did as they were told which made me feel kind of giddy to be a ruler.

All I had to do now was stop the workers and I doubted they would leave their stations if I ordered them too, so I would have to use more persuasive matters.

I could feel under my “dress” a ray-gun kept in a holster. Avyanna obviously kept it to defend herself if need-be.

While the workers weren’t even looking, I got out the gun and set it on “Stun.” and I shot them all with soft rays, and their all dropped to the floor or flopped down in their chairs at the consoles.

“Just like in the movies…” I teased to myself.

*POV Pause*

Krysta was starting to grow annoyed with all this waiting. “Do you think Mykan’s gotten into trouble?”

“I don’t know,” said Lightning “But he’s proven himself before and again. We just have to believe in him.”

Starla agreed, and then she noticed. “Something coming this way…”

It was a pair of remote-controlled scout-ships coming towards the moon.

“That’s it!” cried Lightning “That’s what we’ve been waiting for. He’s done it!”

The ladies grinned, and the trio then ducked down behind a large rock.

“Activate jamming beams.” said Lightning, and he and Starla both activated their visors, shooting magical beams at the ships to cut off their control from the Kallanians below.

“I think it’s working…!” Starla hollered as the ships began to wobble in midflight.

“Now’s our chance…!” said Lightning “Let’s get in those ships.”

“Hope you guys know how to fly them.” said Krysta.

“Oh, please…” replied Starla “… With our study of Kallanian technology-- the design on these things are so simple, even a child could fly them.”

“…And I’m the very child.” joked Lightning.

While all this was happening.

The men who were controlling the ships were baffled as they reported to Mayne…

“Something is wrong…”

“We have lost all control with our scout ships.”

“…What?!” snapped Mayne “How is this possible?”

“They’re coming back!”

Mayne turned sharply. “Try to regain control!”

“I can’t! The controls don’t respond!”

Mayne knew he had to run off and alert the princess!

*POV Resume*

Using Avyanna’s knowledge of the consoles, I had already released and reclaimed my gear. I couldn’t use them while in Avyanna’s body, but I did erase any and all the data the machines had gotten, but I didn’t dare release the Enticorn-- what if he flew into a rage and wreaked havoc?!

I had to keep him where he was until Lightning and the others arrived.

For now, I had locked all the electronic doors from the inside so no one could barge in.

Suddenly, there was someone trying to get in from the other side, but my change of the access made it impossible.

“Princess…!” called Mayne “Princess Avyanna… Are you alright?”

I didn’t dare answer him or let him in, and it didn’t matter because I was in the middle of something else.

I observed any data absorbed from the Enticorn, and it turned out that, in his weakened state, the machines managed to record some of his brain patterns, and what I discovered nearly turned my blood cold.

I downloaded it onto a special memory chip which I planned to bring back to United Equestria.

“…Princess!” Mayne called again, but still I ignored him, but I was starting to grow nervous.
“Hurry up, Lightning…”

*POV Pause*

Outside the door, Mayne was really getting worried, and he was about to call the guards to help him shoot the door down when the alarms sounds.

“Now what?!” he groaned.

A guard came rushing up to him and reported, “Mr. Mayne, sir… those two scout ships from the moon, they are attacking our forces.

Mayne could only suspect one thing behind all this…!

Krysta rode with Lightning in one ship while Starla commanded the other.

The fleet of defense ships and gun-patrol already had them in their sights.

“Right on schedule.” said Lightning. “Remember, we just want to disable the ships, not destroy them.”

“Copy that.” Starla answered over the radio.

Many ships were heading for them and shooting their lasers.

“Think again, fellas!” Starla called, and used her magic to produce barrier around her and Lightning’s ships, blocking the attacks.

“Now it’s our turn.” said Lightning. “…Fire weapons!”

Firing their lasers, they managed to cripple the enemy fighters forcing them to stray off, giving a clear opening towards the palace.

Then cannon-soldiers had the ships in their sights and opened fire.

“Oh, no you don’t!” snapped Krysta.

Even from within the cockpit, she was able to conjure her reflecting portals outside to absorb the blasts and send them right back down again.

The gunners retreated as the blasts came in destroying their own weapons.

“Okay, the palace is coming up.” said Lightning “Get ready to disembark.”

“Ready!” Starla complied.

They both set their ships on auto-pilot.

Krysta couldn’t help but tease, “For a race with high tech, they sure aren’t too fool-proof.”

Lightning and Starla snickered.

Krysta then transported herself and Lightning to Starla’s ship, and then transported all three of them out, leaving their ships to fly off into the distance-- tricking the fleet into perusing them while the fighters had a clear drop down to the palace.

…Smashing through the walls.

The guards all charged forth with their weapons ready, but Lightning and Starla skillfully dodged their every attack and blast, and punched the guards out cold-- they never had a chance-- allowing the fighters to rush clear through the hallways.

Not one of them knew their way around the palace, but this was all part of the plan.

*POV Resume*

In the labs there was an intercom that would let my voice be heard all through the palace, and I even put on a little evil act.

“Come find me, Commander. Try looking on the second floor, down two corridors, or maybe I am down below down the hall and to the left.”

*POV Pause*

Lightning and Starla nodded at one another and split up, Krysta stayed with Lightning figuring he’d need more help as they headed for the labs, and Starla made her way to the dungeon.

Starla plowed her way through the guards with ease, and was soon in the dungeon where Avyanna, still in Mykan’s body, was kept in a cell.

She smashed the console which deactivated the barrier and dropped her from the wall, but before she could remove the gag to even try to call for help, Starla quickly powered up her finisher with her bow set on “capture”

“Sorry about this, Mykan.” she said softly. “GALACTIC PROJECTILE” and she shot Avyanna, making the body shrank down and was imprisoned in sphere.

With the body, safely imprisoned, and unharmed, Starla grabbed the sphere and bounded back upstairs, using her visor to detect Lightning’s life-energy.

Mayne had dashed back to the labs to war the “princess” of the trouble, only to run straight into Lightning and Krysta.

“…You!” he bellowed.

*POV Resume*

That’s when I finally opened the door to the labs, and pointed my gun straight at Mayne.

He never felt so shocked and confused in his life, but as I instructed, he came into the lab quietly, and then Starla joined us all.

“What in the galaxy is this?!” Mayne demanded to know.

“You’ll understand soon enough.” said Lightning “Right now, you’re going to make restitution; you’re going to give back the Enticorn!”

“You better do it…!” I threatened.

Knowing he was licked, Mayne prepared to release the creature from captivity…

When suddenly, the inside of the chamber began glowing…

“What’s happening?!” cried Krysta.

Even Mayne was astounded. “I do not know. I am not responsible for this!”

Suddenly, there was a bright flash, and the Enticorn vanished and was gone from the chamber.

Before any of us could question, we could hear the sound of someone’s voice laughing at us.

“Titan!” cried Lightning.

Titan’s voice snickered at us all. “…Thank you for making a hard job all the more easier. You Kallanians are just as weak and foolish as I remembered you would be.”

Avyanna heard everything from inside the sphere. Both she and Mayne could hardly believe their ears that Titan was behind this.

“You fiend, Titan!” thundered Lightning “Give me back my power!!”

Titan only laughed, “If you want it so bad, why not pay me a visit… if you can. It won’t matter even if you do; Project Darkness is about to begin, which spells out the end of all of you!”

His evil laugh echoed as his voice faded away.

“…Project Darkness?” wondered Lightning.

The rest of us, even Avyanna didn’t like the sound of that one bit!

“We both better get back to United Equestria… Now.” suggested Lightning.

The rest of us agreed, and also… we intended to bring Avyanna and Mayne back with us as prisoners for still, technically, violating our Starfleet Space. We had the authority from our superiors and the galactic council, so not even the outer boundaries could save them.

“Uh, just one thing before we go.” I said “…Can I please have my body back?”

My friends snickered, and Mayne then watched as Avyanna in my body was released from the sphere, and all I had to do to reverse the spell was kiss her… or rather myself, again.

This time it felt really strange-- having to kiss my own self as I was still consciously a man in a woman’s body, but I managed, and it worked-- I got my own body back.

Avyanna was completely outraged and looked ready to raise horrors, but she was already in custody and was forced to come along with the rest of us.

The last thing we all did was report to the entire Kallanian Empire that we were taking the princess with us, which of course shocked and appalled every being and the attack forces, but they couldn’t open fire on us, not while we had the hostages.

“In the meantime…” Lightning announced “This planet will be under the temporary watch of a Starfleet unit that is now on its way. There is to be no acts of war, no counter assaults, and no commissions of any action.

…All will be made clear in time.”

As soon as the outpost arrived and setup within the palace to keep things clean and quiet, our group headed home, with our prisoners.

Our mission was done, but it was obvious now that the real bout was about to begin!

On the way, Avyanna looked at me sourly, and I couldn’t help but tease “Don’t look so grim, it doesn’t feel all that bad to be in your position.”

My friend chuckled, but Avyanna and Mayne were far from amused.


In our next episode: Not only is it discovered what Titan’s evil project is, but it may already be too late to stop it as Titan finally materializes in solid forum to put his plan into action. Starfleet has no choice but to make a deal with Avyanna and her forces to assist in the battle that is going to commence.

What is Project Darkness, and will The Kallanains comply with the terms?

Don’t miss the next exiting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Part 1: Project Darkness”)

Episode 22: Part 1: Project Darkness

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*Mykan’s POV*

When their majesties had received word that we were on our way back, they ordered the entire unit to report to the palace immediately to await our return with our prisoners.

You can bet, Avyanna and Mayne were infuriated beyond words.

“It’s bad enough that you deceived me!” growled Avyanna “You had no right to take us from my planet. You will all suffer for this when word gets round the galaxy!”

“Save your breath.” sneered Lightning. “As you’ve already been informed, the Galactic Council has already spread word of your crimes and our reasons. You have no legal leg to stand on.”

Every single one of us in that room nodded squarely at her, cementing her hopelessness.

Avyanna then glared angrily at me, and I gave her a slick wink as if to say “…No hard feelings.”

I suspected that while we were switched, she had accessed my memories as I did some of her own, but I was beginning to suspect she hadn’t learned much or she wouldn’t be so broody.

Grand Ruler Celesto and Queen Celestia then approached Avyanna, and she and Mayne were very surprised to see they were mere teenagers, but were instructed not to make any corny remarks.

“Princess Avyanna…” said Grand Ruler “You have already been informed why you were brought here, which brings me straight to the point…”

Princess Luna came forth holding a rolled up scroll on a pillow, which she gave to Celestia. She opened it before the Kallanian princess and stated, “This is a complete pardon for all the crimes you have committed against our forces both recently and in the past.”

“A pardon?!” grumbled Rainbow Dash “…For those two? You’ve got to be kidding?”

“Quiet!” snapped Buddy “They’re trying to make a deal here.”

Really, he and all the rest were a little appalled by it too, but none were as appalled as Avyanna and Mayne.

“You wish to excuse me for all that I’ve done?” she asked. “I have already been tricked far enough. I refuse to be deceived again.”

“This is no deception.” replied Luna “You will be granted full amnesty for your actions.”

The two aliens could already tell there was going to be a catch. No one just handed out pardons without a hitch.

“What do you expect from us?” asked Mayne.

Grand Ruler explained the situation about Titan and the trouble he was causing, which the aliens could hardly believe and were astounded.

“Why would they act so shocked?” muttered Artie “They once were in cahoots with Titan.”

Then came the shocker that almost nobody was prepared for…

“…We wish to make use of your forces.” said Grand Ruler “You agree to help us in the battle against Titan, and the pardon is yours, as well as your banishment changed to probation.”

Avyanna read over the pardon, and while it seemed legit, both she and Mayne still felt skeptical and upset by this whole ordeal.

“Don’t you get it?” called Applejack “It’s a chance for y’all to turn yourselves around and earn another chance.”

Avyanna hesitated and then said “I still don’t believe in this. One should never trust the enemy.”

Mayne was already willing to go through with it. “Your highness, with all due respect, I believe we should accept.”

She gave him a horrid stare for that.

“Rejection would not be wise.” Lightning said, and Starla agreed with him. “We’ve got enough evidence on you to send you away for five-hundred years, and even if you return to your planet… Titan is still out there, and there’s no telling what he’ll do.”

Finally, as Avyanna looked up at me, she couldn’t help but get lost in my eyes, and she assumed I was concerned about her.

…Really… I was more concerned for the fate of the galaxy if she didn’t agree to help.

“Very well...” said Avyanna “…I agree to your terms.”

A lot of us still didn’t feel too keen on this.

Rarity clutched her stomach which was turning. “I can’t help shake off these dreadful feelings.”

Spike felt the same as she, but her knew, “We don’t really have a choice, honey. I’ve got a feeling this worse than we think.”

Avyanna would have to be watched over constantly to keep her out of trouble and ensure she complied with the rules, but one false move and she’d be charged harshly.

With all that settled it was on to the next step; viewing the downloaded information I got from the Enticorn’s mind.

The chip I had was placed into the computer and showed us everything on the screen…

It was all elementary reasoning: Since Starlight absorbed Lightning energy and changed himself and their majesties into children, she gave the power to Titan which would allow him to absorb energy from the planets… hence: the generators and the monster squads.

The Enticorn slowly regained power and eventually escaped from Titan after weakening him for a spell, and while trapped inside, he learned about Titan’s plan… “Project: Darkness.”

What we all saw then was extremely frightful and turned all our bloods cold…

Titan was gathering the dark aura from the energy of planets not just to bring himself back to life and restore his power… but also… to create a star; a star made of complete and total negative energy. A star he could control and shift throughout the cosmos.

…His purpose: Traverse the universe, using this Dark Star to absorb all the energy from the light, and crush every planet, every star-system in his path, and rule the universe with every bit of evil and darkness he possessed!

Fluttershy trembled…

The twins gulped hard…

…I was just astounded. “Inconceivable! A star you can control and move like a ship?!”

“Nevertheless, that’s what Titan is up to.” said Grand Ruler. “He must be stopped at the earliest possible time before he starts to form that star.”

Everyone agreed, but Applejack pointed out.

“Um… still one problem: We still haven’t got a clue of where these creeps are.”

Rhymey sighed…

“We traveled and traveled all over space,
But there’s still no sign of the enemy’s base.”

“Not so…” I said “I managed to download just a little more from the Enticorn’s mind.”

And I motioned at their majesties to play more of the footage, which everyone watched in astonishment…

It turned out that the Shadow Planet, while on the move, would be positioned in a location in an isolated area near the very center of the galaxy where there was plenty of empty space to form the Dark Star.

“…Well, that was easy.” said Rainbow “But how are we going to get there? Our dimensional pathways can’t connect to it-- it’s not a natural planet.”

“All the more reason the Kallanian fleet will be aiding us.” replied Celestia.

Avyanna and Mayne remained silent, not wanting to get into any more trouble.

“So where do we start?” asked Lightning.

The plan was laid out to alert the entire… the absolute entire Starfleet all across the galaxy of the impending battle ahead, but it would take quite a few days.

“A few days?!” wailed Krysta “Isn’t that cutting it a bit short? Titan could be ready to launch any minute.”

“Not likely…” said Starla “I know stars, even artificial ones; they take time to be formed. Even if Titan somehow speeds up the process, it could still take him a few days-- a week at the most form where he is now.”

“All the more reason for us to get hopping then.” said Lightning.

Their majesties, the team, I, and even the Kallanians agreed.

*POV Ends*

Over the next few days, word was sent out about the plan. Every Starfleet outpost on every single planet in every system all over the galaxy were notified and told of the plan.

Other races across United Equestria-- the Griffons, the Minataur, even the Dragons were rallying their allies and forces to give whatever assistance they could.

Avyanna and Mayne were returned to Kallan, escorted by a Starfleet unit, to begin organizing things with their arsenal of ships and attackers.

…all this while the big version of the Starfleet Theme played.

(1:15 to 5:48)

All the time the song was playing, a montage of flicks roamed by showing the images of it all unfolding…

-The soldiers all getting into gear and marching…

-Civilians were being warned by announcements that things were about to get super dangerous, and preparing for await further orders, as it would probably require more than just a simple lockdown.

-Avyanna and her fleet were preparing all their weapons and spacecraft they could.

…The song ended.

And over the course of the days, something magical did happen… something lovely and wonderful…

…Pinkie finally had her baby! It was a boy!

He was a tiny humanoid Earth Pony with a bisque colored-coat, and a light blue mane and tail, and he had his mother’s beautiful blue eyes.

His name was Biscuit Pie-- Named after a little bit of Pinkie’s family, Spice’s family, and a little bit of the Cake family.

Pinkie was holding her little bundle, wrapped in a blue blanket in her hospital bed. Her loving husband stood beside her, and all the friends came by to see the little one, with Lightning, Starla, and Krysta being last.

“Oh, Pinkie… he’s gorgeous!” cooed Starla.

“He sure is.” Pinkie said softly. She was still pretty weak after giving birth, and the fact she still wasn’t her usual bubbly self, but that would all change shortly.

Lightning shook Apple Spice’s hand. “Congratulations kid.”

Spice shook his hand, but he was so mesmerized by his little colt that he could barely look away.

“…I’m a father.” he muttered softly with such glee “I just can’t believe this.”

Pinkie looked up at him, “You can’t believe this…?” and she gave him a deep and loving smile, and then she let him hold the baby.

One look at his son’s smiling little face brought happy tears to his eyes.

Lightning and Starla stood together holding hands tights, and Krysta wiped a tear from her eye. “It’s so precious.” she sobbed.

They continued to watch the new family for a few more minutes before Dr. Penny came in to take the baby to maternity ward so Pinkie could rest.

“You’ll all have to leave now.”

Everyone agreed, and Pinkie then felt awful. She had received word of all that was going on…

“I wish I could be there to help you guys.”

Lightning shook his head, “You’re in no condition to be battling or even using your droid.”

“I second that…” replied Penny “I’ve got almost my entire med-team on standby to assist in any casualties.”

Lightning nodded thankfully at her, and then and the other bid the parents one final congratulations before departing, and Penny took the baby from Spice.

“Don’t worry, he’ll be just fine.” she hoped.

Even Pinkie felt worried about all this. In her experience on the force she knew… “…Anything can happen at the climax.”

Spice already felt his insides quaking in fear, but at the same time he vowed bravely to watch over his wife and their baby. “…I lost my folks… I’m not going to lose either of you.”

His wife felt touched for that. Usually it was she who did all the fighting and defending.

“Let’s go…” said Lightning, and Starla and Krysta followed him to the hospital lobby…

…And should they run into but Swift Star.

“Commander, General… I was told you’d be here. I must speak with you.”

“We’re sort of busy right now, Swift.” said Starla.

“Please, I must speak with you.”

“You have one minute.” said Lightning.

Swift got straight to the point, “…If there is to be a mission to mount an attack on Lord Titan, I would like to know that you’ll deliver Starlight Glimmer the message we received. She still needs to know.”

Lightning and Starla looked at one another.

“That’s it?” asked Krysta “That’s all you wanted?”

Lightning and Starla could tell Swift had been dealing with his hard emotions again.

“We’ll do what we can.” said Lightning “In the meantime, I have an assignment for you too.”

Before swift knew it, he was to stay at the hospital and help guard after all the people whom would eventually be coming to stay during lockdown, particular Pinkie and Spice and Little Biscuit.

…A task which he took a great honor at.


Far across, near the center of the galaxy…

The Shadow Planet had materialized as promised and dark energy waves were swirling above it.

The monster army all watched with anxiety and excitement!

“He’s coming! He’s really coming!”

“Lord Titan’s gathered enough power!”

“Keep those consoles steady! Help him get his body back.”

The monsters all did their best at the controls to keep the energy steady, and the more time passed, the more the energy over the planet grew larger, and swirled more swiftly as it all began to come together.

Specter, Razor, and Waverline, as well as Starlight all looked up at the forming forces, and could hear Titan’s evil laugh growing louder and clearer by the second.

Finally, the energy all collided together and crashed on the planet like a lightning bolt, making a big explosion and sending gales billowing past all the monsters. Many of them hit the dirt while others groaned and covered their faces…

…Then, as the smoke cleared, Starlight was the first one to look on in awe, followed by the henchmen, and the rest of the army…!

Titan stepped forth, no longer a giant spiritual being, but physical and solid, and he looked just as wicked, just as dark, and as powerful as he used to be; only he seemed three times the size of Starlight.

“Yes!!” he hissed as he flexed his shadowy hands, and with a great roar, he thrust his hands up high firing magical shadowy lighting into the skies, making the monsters wince in fear, which faded to cheers and hollering joy.



Starlight gazed at her master in such astounding awe. “Incredible.”

“It feels wonderful to be solid again.” said Titan, and he addressed his forces “All of you will be handsomely compensated for your efforts in restoring me… but enough with the sweet talk…

…There is much to be done. Project: Darkness now begins.”

He raised his arms up, forming a tiny ball of dark power, which he then sent up high into space, and then, with a snap of his fingers, all the generators and all the machines on the planet began to slowly add power collected from the planets into the speck.

“The Dark Star is beginning to form. Soon it will be larger and more powerful than a regular star, and nothing; not even the likes of Starfleet will be able to stand up to it.”

Starlight looked up at the forming star. “It is a very wondrous project, My Lord. You are aware, however that Starfleet will be making attempts to come here and stop you.”

Titan snickered, “Not only am I aware, I’m counting on it.”

Starlight nearly leapt in shock, but her master explained. “They will come to us…” and he conjured up an image of Lightning’s Enticorn held in the bowels of the Shadow Planet…

He was hooked into a machine that kept him weak by sapping his energy every time it rose to feed the machinery, so that everything was running faster and smoother with the power of the Uniforce.

Sadly, Titan could not use the force himself because the light was too pure for him. “It matters not.” he simply brushed it, and he looked up at the forming star. “I have what they want, and if they try to even get near us… well… let’s just say they’re in for the traditional welcoming.”

Starlight looked up at the star’s core forming, and while she was gleeful that her master’s plan was finally coming into reality… her eyes then played tricks on her as she saw images of Swift, and Celestia within the forming darkness.

She felt her anger and her confusion twist within her harder than ever before.

Titan could feel her tension.

“Something disturbs you...?”

Knowing she couldn’t hide it from him, she came clean. “I wish to go back to United Equestria and clean up some loose ends.”

The henchmen nearly flipped out of their artificial skins.

“She what?!” snapped Waverline.

“Is she insane?!” cried Razor.

Specter growled softly, but then… much to his and his comrades surprise…

“…Very well.” said Titan “…You may go.”

The henchmen’s mouths dropped wide open while Starlight grinned. “Thank you, My Lord. You shall not regret this.”

“I would expect nothing less from my Number-One apprentice.”

Feeling flattered, Starlight turned and headed down the way. “Come on, you three…” she called at the henchmen.

They could hardly believe this was happening, until Titan turned and looked at them, and gave them a sinister looking glare through his hood, and a soft nod as if he was telling them to “…You know what to do.”

The henchmen got the idea, and now they felt much better.

Starlight had no idea…

…Nevertheless, she and her comrades returned to the Spider-Base, which was all prepped up. IT even had its laser cannons repairs to really cause some damage.

“I’m coming for you, Celestia!” Starlight grumbled to herself “And while I’m at it, I’ll take out that Swift Star loser once and for all.

The sooner he’s out of my life, the sooner I can stop thinking about him.”

Specter glared at the distracted Starlight and thought, “You’re time is up, Starlight. You’re coming with us, but you’re going down for the last time.”

Soon, the Spider-Base headed on out into Space, yet the evil ones were all unaware of the plot that was unfolding by their enemies.

“What?!” exclaimed Starla to their majesties “You’re coming with us? Don’t you think that’s a little risky?”

“We realize that…” said Grand Ruler “But there will be no argument. We are going with you all to the Shadow Planet.”

Lightning agreed, “They should come anyway, just as I should go, and this time we’re not leaving until our bodies are restored.”

Starla couldn’t stop her inner worrying.

“Your feelings are note and understandable.” said Celestia “But you’ll have to trust in us all, and those who will be backing us up.”

That couldn’t be denied at all. Over the past few days, all the forces were standing by, forming one of the biggest fleet you’d ever see, and ready and raring to mount an all-out attack on Titan’s forces.

Suddenly, Princess Luna came into the briefing room with a concerned expression on her face. “…I believe it has begun.”

Everyone turned to face her, and she explained it all; how she and her troops received word from outer-planets, their deep space observatories detected a point of growing, evil energy from deep within the galaxy.

Grand Ruler’s fists clenched. “…The Dark Star is forming, and the Shadow Planet is exactly there too. The Time has come…”

Everyone agreed and soon the entire unit arrived at the palace, along with other volunteers whom met in the palace courtyard, and their majesties addressed them all.

This speech was shown and heard all over the planet.

Grand Ruler announced, “Today marks the beginning. Moments from now, our forces will head forth into, what shall truly be, the greatest, most dangerous, and desperate battle Starfleet or any one of you have ever known.

All of you listening in to my voice must know… that everything that can be done to repel the enemy forces has been considered and will be done.”

Celestia then began to speak. “In the meantime, Princess Luna shall be in charge of all things on the planet, with Princess Cadance and Shining Armor as her right-hands.”

Luna, Cadance, and Shining were all shown, and they nodded most proudly.

“All civilians are to heed the Martial Laws that are to go into effect and remain so until further notice.

-Remain off the streets and stay confined to the safety of your homes and/or shelters.

-All forces will tend to your necessities as to the instruction.

-And above all things, be prepared to escape the planet at any moment. Arrangements and destinations have already been made.”

Many civilians and non-soldiers across the planet took the danger very seriously, and most were preparing to obey willingly, while others were reluctant and sulking.

Pinkie and Spice could heard the announcement from the hospital as Pinkie held Baby Biscuit in her arms, still feeling frustrated that she couldn’t join her friends in battle at all.

“Easy, honey…” said Spice “Think of the baby.”

His wife looked down at her little son, who looked up at her and smiled and cooed without a care in the world, which made her smile loving at him.

Swift was at the window looking out at the sky. “I’d give almost anything if I could go with them… even for a short time.” he said to himself.

He was still thinking about Starlight and hoping Lightning would give her the spiritual stone.

“…There’s hope in her; there’s got to be.”

Meanwhile, once the last of the speeches and orders were given it was then coming to the hardest and saddest part of all…

…Saying goodbye to the children!

Lightning and Starla were in most sadness having to fully leave Shining Light behind.

“No, go… No!” cried the infant “…Stay!”

It only hurt his parents more, and tears came to Starla’s eyes. “Don’t worry, honey…” she said to him “Daddy and I will be home soon.”

She honestly didn’t know if that would be happening, given the magnitude of the dangers involved.

Lightning held his son and rocked him. “Daddy needs you to be brave now. The braver you are, the sooner we’ll be home, okay?”

Shining actually looked like he was trying to hold back his sobs, but his tears didn’t stop falling.

Luckily, he felt tired from feeling sad for so long that he just drifted off to sleep, which made it easy for the parents to place him in the Royal Nursery.

The other parents had already said their goodbyes to their respective children too, and you can be there were tears, especially from Fluttershy and Rarity.

Their husbands comforted them, while feeling just as worried as they were.

Buddy hung his head like a wilted flower, “That goodbye I gave to Tree Hugger and DD was more painful than the last one. Thank goodness, Seedling was asleep. I couldn’t bear to break her heart.”

“Speak for yourself.” said Artie “Sunset told me, and I quote…”

A flashback occurred to them embracing each other at the gallery.

“You came home once before, and you do it again, understand? I don’t want to have a baby and then raise it alone.”

She knew Artie couldn’t promise her, but he said just to flatter her, “You got it. I’ll make Titan sorry he came back to life.”

The flashback ended…

Shining Armor and Cadance were standing at the other end of the nursery, with Flurry Heart, and they could barely stand the sight of the goodbyes and all that.

Shining Armor sniffled. “Oh... I’m glad at least we get to stay, but just the same…” he couldn’t finish.

His wife placed her hand on his shoulder, “I don’t like it any more than you do.”

She then looked down at her sleeping daughter in one of the cribs. “Thank goodness she’s too young to understand.”

Then, it was into the children’s royal bedroom, where their majesties were saying goodbye to their own children.

“You be good for Aunt Luna now.” Celestia said as she hugged them both deeply.

The kids looked across at their aunt who was standing at the other end of the room. Luna looked at them deeply, showing sincere concern for them both, and wanting to keep them safe.

“Do you have to go?” asked Castor.

“What if you get hurt?” cried Lelani “What if you never come back?!”

Their father hugged them both and made them look him in the eyes. “Your mother and I love you both very much. We don’t like to do this, and we don’t want to, but…” he paused “If we don’t do this, we could put a lot of others in danger, including you two.

So, think of it like that… we’re fighting for you, because we love you very much.”

The children tried to understand, but they still didn’t like this.

Celestia hugged and pecked her sweethearts again, and her husband joined in the hug.

Then he whispered into his wife’s ear, “…We should go.”

Celestia agreed, and she let her sister comfort the children, but she herself seemed deeply concerned.

“Good luck… both of you…” she whispered across at them.

Her relatives stared back at her one last time before leaving the bedroom.

Celestia did her best to suppress her tears and sadness, trying to summon her courage and determination for what lay ahead.

Soon, she and her husband were all gathered out in the field with Lightning, Starla, their unit, and all the soldiers going with them.

Luna, the children, and other knights and soldiers watched from the palace windows and battlements.

The knights and soldiers were saluting in farewell to the army.

Krysta and a large swarm of her fairies had gathered

“Are we ready…?” asked Grand Ruler.

The army all saluted bravely at their majesties, and Grand Ruler nodded at Krysta to do it.

Krysta called to her fairies “Let’s go…!”

Combining their magic, the fairies created vast amounts of portals, for the army began to split up to head off to different sectors to join other teams across the galaxy, while Lightning and his unit would be going with their majesties to Kallan to join Princess Avyanna and her forces.

Before long, everyone had leapt through the portals, and traveled on their own magical pathways, moving further and further from each other as they headed out into space.

…The battle was about to begin!

To Be Continued…


In our next episode: It’s touch-and-go as the Starfleet forces make attempts to reach the Shadow Planet, while Titan’s forces put up a good fight themselves, at the same time, Starlight and her forces arrive back at United Equestria to engage in more chaos.

Can our heroes successfully reach the planet in one peace?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Galaxy Wars”)

Episode 23: Part 2: Galaxy Wars

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“Previously on Starfleet Magic…”

After determining the details of Project: Darkness, the heroes rallied all their forces across the galaxy into a massive army and ready to make an attack on Titan’s forces. Meanwhile Titan finally was able to revive himself and began to form the Dark Star, and also he sent Starlight Glimmer on a mission back to United Equestria… and sent his henchmen on a possible mission of betrayal.


On Planet Kallan, Princess Avyanna had already explained to her entire empire of the situation and that everyone was to cooperate as ordered.

While her fleet of pilots and warriors were most confused, and some were even outraged, if it mean keeping their princess out of trouble and saving the galaxy… they had no choice.

The fleet of scout ships, cruisers, and weapons were all prepped up as well as the warriors.

“Assemble yourselves!” Avyanna ordered to her guards and people “Starfleet will be arriving here nay second.”

Mayne made his inspections of the order.

“Straighten your stance!

Tuck in that chest!

You there… look serious!”

Soon, the space warp opened at the end of the long carpet at the palace gate, and Grand Ruler Celesto and Queen Celestia arrived, along with Lightning, Starla and the entire unit.

The royal fanfare sounded to announce the arrival of their guests, and all the soldiers marched straight up to Avyanna and bowed to her.

She bowed back to them. “I am pleased that you made it here safely.”

Grand Ruler thanked her and said “…I suggest we forgo the formalities and get straight into business at once.”

“Of course…” agreed Avyanna.

As everyone was escorted into the palace, the rest of the unit were astounded by their surroundings.

“So this is what Kallan looks like.” said Spike.

Rarity looked up and down the palace and considered, “Well, the size it perfect, but it could use a better coloring than steel gray, and charcoal black.”

The others all sighed.

“What? It doesn’t hurt to think about it.”

“I still can’t believe we have to trust them.” Applejack said to herself to avoid being heard. “But I guess we just got to bite the apple whole to win this war.”

All the others silently thought this way too, but so far Avyanna had made any attempts to violate her end of the bargain, especially when she was willing to treat everyone to a small banquet of refreshments after their long space voyage.

“I assure you, there is no trick involved.” she said to everyone.

Celestia and Grand Ruler used their powers to rightfully determine the food and drinks were safe… which they were.

The unit was properly thankful, but it was time to get down to matters.

“My army is prepared as agreed.” said Avyanna “They are your disposure and awaiting your orders.”

“Good…” said Grand Ruler. “Let us go over the details.”

Even as a child he still had the power to extend his magical mane to show mapped out regions of space.

He focused on an area near the center of the galaxy, provided to him from the observatories.

“Right here… The Dark Star is forming in this region, and the Shadow Planet is right near it so that Titan may maintain control of his creation.”

As the briefing went off, it was established that while not much was known about the Shadow Planet, not anyone had a clue what it was capable of doing other than traversing through space.

“Knowing Titan, he’ll probably have that place loaded with defenses.” said Lightning “He assembled his army from all across the galaxy just as well did.”

“Is it possible they may have advanced fighting machines as well?” asked Mayne.

“Highly doubtful.” replied Celestia. “Titan will want to save power and spare very little to full create the Dark Star, but we can’t take any chances.”

The first phase of the plan was simple enough.

The Kallanains would send a squad of remote-controlled scout ships to draw out Titan’s forces and their defenses on the planet… following which, the Starfleet forces would team up with the Kallanians and send manned ships, cruisers, and fighters to break through and infiltrate the place.

“Since the Shadow Planet cannot be connected magical pathways,” said Ayvanna “All fighters will take refuge within Kallanian star cruisers and prepare to drop down.”

“…And after that?” asked Krysta.

A long silence followed as everyone looked back and forth with concern at one another, until Rhymey spoke up…

“Once we infiltrate the enemy line,
It’s anything goes, form your view or mine.”

Fluttershy agreed with him and added…

“Monsters and bad guys galore,
Many surprises, terrors and more…
Sorry if I wail and groan,
But the fact is: once there… we’re on our own.”

A lot of fighters sighed.

“We’ll have to divide our resources up.” suggested Buddy. “Some of us can hold the monsters back while others investigate and try to locate Titan.”

Lightning then cut in with, “…And my Enticorn; he’s trapped somewhere on that planet too.”

“Let’s not forget the main thing.” said Applejack “We’ve got to try and destroy the Dark Star before it gets any stronger.”

Rainbow was already sweating bullets just thinking about how dangerous the star would be by the time they actually set out.

The planning continued long into the Kallanian night.

Elsewhere, there was more planning going on…

The Spider-Base was nearing its destination, and Starlight could see United Equestria coming into view, and her anger was already boiling.

“I’ve returned…” she said to herself “And I’m not leaving this time until I get what I want; my revenge.”

She was so fixated on Celestia and her potential destroying her, she had no idea that Celestia was far, far away on the other side of the galaxy.

…Her henchmen didn’t realize this either, nor did it concern them.

They were all hanging together in a quiet area of the ship.

“There will be no mistakes this time…” said Specter. “That little brat is going down.”

Razor and Waverline already knew of the plan, and suddenly, Starlight burst into the room.

“Making yourselves useless as usual I see.” she sneered at them.

Razor contained the urge to go at her at once.

“Let’s go…” said Starlight “We’re going down there and we’re not coming back until Celestia’s blood is on my shoulders.”

“Yes, Miss…” said Specter “Wherever you go, we follow.”

“Totally.” agreed Waverline.

“Uh… yeah-yeah… we’re with you.” said Razor.

Starlight didn’t feel convinced, but the villains all prepared to head down. Half the army of Darquines would be joining them, and the remaining few would stay on the ship to carry out Starlight’s orders…

Little did she know, Specter was in cahoots with the Darquines, and he told them to follow his orders and wait for his signal to turn the tables on Starlight once and for all.

In New Canterlot Palace, the ponies in the observatory were panicking.

“The Spider-Base is back!”

“Starlight Glimmer has returned!”

Princess Luna could see through a telescope herself. “Sound battle-stations-- worldwide alert!”

The warning alarms sounded all across the planet alerting the civilians, the lockdown was now in effect, prompting everyone to head into their homes or the nearest readied shelters.

Many of the sentries were also taking their places out in the fields and all over the towns and villages to intercept anything, and Krysta’s fairies remained on standby just in case…

Soon, every street everywhere was bare except for the soldiers and allies, and the barriers appeared around the buildings.

From in the New Ponyville hospital, Swift saw everything, and maintained his post in guarding Pinkie and Apple Spice.

“Starlight is back…?” he muttered softly. “What is she doing back here? Celestia is gone.”

Pinkie and Spice gawked at one another, but there was hardly anything they could do about it.

Back at the palace, Goldwin came up to Luna and reported, “All the streets are clear, and everybody’s ready.”

Luna nodded, and then there was a bright flash coming from outside, followed by a loud voice calling out “CELESTIA…!!”

“Starlight Glimmer!” grumbled Luna.

Cadance and Shining Armor were already rushing down the halls with a swarm of guards behind them, heading for the front gates.

The barriers still only stopped things from coming in at the palace, not going out.

They both transformed…

“Go-Go Ninja!”

“Mask of Saber!”

They and their team arrived in the field to see Starlight and her team standing ready.

Saber spoke severely to Starlight telling her, “If you’ve come looking for Celestia, you’re too late; she isn’t here.”

Starlight snuffed “Ha! A likely story, you’re just trying to defend her because she can’t bear to show her “childish” face before me.”

Saber and Cadance, and all the fighters were infuriated by such insolence.

“It is true Starlight!” Luna called to her from the window. “Even as we speak, my sister and our forces are on their way to bring down your evil master, Lord Titan, for good.

We know about the Dark Star, and it will be stopped.”

Starlight shook her head still refusing to believe it. “Even if that were true-- which it can’t be-- there is nothing you can do. The Dark Star and Lord Titan cannot be stopped!”

Deep down she was starting to wonder if maybe Celestia really wasn’t here, which only made her angrier at making this long trip for nothing.

“If I cannot destroy Celestia now, then the least I can do is destroy all of you!” she paused. “Yes…! Destroy all of you the same way she took my parents away from me!”

“Starlight, listen to us!” Saber tried to tell her, but Starlight had already called to her forces “…Attack!!”

The Darquines rushed forth, and the henchmen followed.

The fighters had no choice but to rush into action to defend the palace.

“Guards, take aim!” called Captain Shaina, and the guards on the battlements powered up their weapons.


The cannons and magical blasts fired. Some of the Darquines got hit and were blown to bits, but others still dashed forth prompted the guards to rush to the attack.

“…Like that’s going to stop us.” hissed Waverline.


The guards all scattered about avoiding the blasts.

“Here I come…!” called Razor “FLY CUTTERS”

Luna used her magic to conjure a wall of dark aura to intercept the blades, and once she lowered it, the guards, Cadance and Saber rushed forth.

“Not this time…!” Starlight sneered, and she launched a burst of light from her horn up into the sky, signaling the Spider-Base…

The Darquines complied, and began to shoot the laser cannons.

“Hey!! Look out!!” shouted Saber as giant burning pulses came shooting down from the sky, striking the ground and making big explosions which knocked many of the fighters off.

“They’ve repaired their lasers!” cried Luna.

More beams shot down making more explosions, and small tremors, shaking the people in their homes.

Luna was forced to signal more soldiers standing by in the nearby areas to come and assist.

Swarms of troops came rushing over in a heartbeat, ready to combine weapons and powers to fire up at the alien ship.

“Oh, no you don’t!” shouted Starlight, and she cast her magic, trapping the soldiers within barrier domes.

“Now it’s our turn.” said Specter, and his comrades agreed.




Combining their powers, Specter began to rush about attacking more of the soldiers.

“Let’s get him!” said Saber to Cadance.

His wife agreed and rushed off with him.

Cadance leapt out into the open and kept dodging Specter as he came forth.

“I’ll see if I can get him.” Saber called as he twirled his chain to lasso him, but the chain just bounced harmlessly off the spinning blades.

“Nice try!” Saber called and he rushed in to bash him, but Saber got out his sword and used it to intercept and push back in a struggle.

“STRIDENT BLAST!” he fired his energy, and at such close range it made a huge explosion that threw both himself and Specter across the field and crashing down hard.

Cadance dashed over to him and helped him up. Could she speak, she would have scolded him for putting himself in danger like that.

“…At least it worked.” Saber said to her.

Then the two looked up and saw Starlight leaping in for them, forcing them to dodge her high-kick.

A swarm of knights came to assist the couple, but though she was outnumbered, Starlight’s skilled fighting made her topple them all with such ease, until it came to Saber and Cadance.

Cadance swiftly punched and kicked, while Starlight blocked her every incoming strike, but Cadance’s ninja speed got the best of her and she got punched hard in the face, sending her towards Saber, lassoed her with his chain, holding her down.

“Listen to us! You’ve got to hear us out!” he bellowed at her, trying once again to tell her what she needed to know.

“There’s nothing you can say that I want to hear!!” thundered Starlight, and she signaled the Spider-Base to open fire again, targeting Saber.

He was forced to let her go, and he barely evaded the blast in time.

The blast was so massive that Starlight was nearly caught in it herself.

“WATCH WHERE YOU’RE AIMING!!” she screamed up at the sky.

The henchmen saw this too.

“Now?” asked Razor.

“Now!” hissed Specter.

The trapped soldiers beat at and blasted at the barriers that held them in and were soon breaking free. Soon, Starlight and her team would outnumbered far greater than anything they could handle.

Starlight called to the henchmen “Don’t just stand there, stop them!”

The henchmen hesitated, and snickered at one another.

“What are you doing?!” thundered Starlight “Destroy them!”

“I’ve got a better idea…” hissed Specter “…We’ll destroy YOU!!” and he fired a powerful blast at her, striking her hard, much to the surprise of all the fighters as they watched Starlight skid across the field.

The henchmen then leapt off after her.

“What are they doing?” wondered Luna.

Far, far away in New Ponyville Hospital, Swift felt a sickening turn go through him.

“What’s wrong?” asked Spice “Are you feeling okay?”

Even in her non-usual self, Pinkie could tell, “Looks like he can tell something’s wrong out there; like I did with my Pinkie Senses.”

The pain inside of Swift only grew larger, and while he couldn’t prove it, his mind was telling him it had to do with Starlight!

Starlight looked up and saw her henchmen looming over her and looking ready to attack again.

“What are you doing?!” she yelled “You dare to attack your leader?!” to which the henchmen snickered…

“We are the servants of Lord Titan!” hissed Waverline.

“You were just along for the ride.” added Razor “…But guess what… Ride’s over.”

Starlight’s eyes widened “You were planning on betraying me all along?!”

Specter glared at you, “You’re one to talk. You’re a disgrace to the forces of evil, as such by your poor leadership and lack of initiative and discipline!

If you don’t believe us, ask Lord Titan yourself.”

Hearing this, Starlight couldn’t believe her ears. Titan called her his “Number-One Apprentice.”

Finally, it clicked inside her head-- why Titan had let her come back to the planet. He never intended for her to return, and practically chucked her out.

“No…!” she cried “No! That’s ridiculous! After all I’ve done for him! After all that he taught me!”

She paused long and hard, and finally, something inside her gave a sickening snap which hammered the truth into her. “…Argh!!”

The henchmen could only loom over her looking ready for the kill.

While all this was going on…

After much planning and preparing, the Kallanian starships were on their way, traveling on magical pathways to speed up the journey.

Onboard the main mother ship, Avyanna was most impressed by how fast they were going, as this was the first time she had traveled on a pathway.

“So this is why you don’t use starships.” she said.

Grand Ruler nodded at her, “It’s faster and more convenient.”

Then he called to the helm, “…Prepare to disembark from the path.”

The pilots nodded and worked the controls.

All the ships steered off the path, but because they were protective alloys the teleportation energies of space didn’t affect them.

Now that the fleet was nearing their destination, they kept a fair distance from the Shadow Planet, yet from where they were, they could practically see the Dark Star forming in the vast distance.

Grand Ruler’s blood began to boil. “…Titan.”

The Kallanians had their own score to settle with Titan as well.

“Prepare to launch the remote ships.” said Grand Ruler.

“You heard him!” Avyanna called to her “His majesty is in command, so do as you’re told.”

The workers obeyed and prepared to launch the fleet.

“This is it…” said Celestia “No turning back now.”

Grand Ruler held her hand. Deep down he felt as nervous as she did, but he kept strong and ready.

Down below, the Starfleet unit had been prepping themselves up for their own attack, once the ship could get in closer when the warning alarms sounded and a voice over the intercom called “Prepare to launch remote ships. Prepare to launch remote ships.

Fighting forces… standby for battle-stations.”

“That’s our que.” said Applejack.

“Ah yeah…” Rainbow said as she cracked her knuckles “…Been waiting to get into the good stuff.”

Her enthusiasm was noticed by all the other fighters, when really she, like the rest, was nervous deep down for the battle that lay ahead.

“We may have done all this planning, but there’s still so much we may not be ready for.” said Dyno.

Myte nodded, “Well, at least we’ll have some idea when those ships go out there.”

“They’re about to launch.” hollered Krysta.

Everyone huddled over the view portholes to watch, and the little scout ships zoomed out from the launch bay, as well as from other star cruisers near the mother ship.

Soon, a massive fleet of unmanned, remote-ships were bound for the evil planet up ahead…

While on the Shadow Planet, Titan had spent all his time admiring and watching over the formation of the Dark Star.

By now, the energy had formed the object large enough to be considered a small meteorite. Soon it would be big enough to be a moon, and then it would grow larger than the planet itself… but all in time.

Suddenly, he could feel something as he looked over his shoulder, and his eyes narrowed.

A monster came up to him and asked, “…What is it, your lordship? You seem disturbed.”

Titan couldn’t doubt it as he thought to himself, “They’re coming… just as I expected they would.”

He hesitated for a moment or two, with the monster calling to him… “Sire…? Sire…?”

Titan turned swiftly to face him and instructed the monster, “Prepare the army…” he then looked off into space “…We’re about to have guests.”

The monster trusted his master, and bowed to him before dashing off to assemble every monster force on the entire planet.

As the fleet of scout ships moved in closer, everything they saw was beamed back to the cruisers via their cameras.

Avyanna and her gusts and crew viewed everything from the mother ship bridge.

The Shadow was coming closer and closer into view, but all anyone could really look at was the Dark Star forming.

“In all my travels and discoveries, I have never seen anything like it before.” said Grand Ruler.

Everyone else felt the same way.

The computers were able to scan the star from that distance, but the readings were positively incredible and almost baffling beyond words.

Celestia checked the readings. “Incredible.” she exclaimed under her breath. “It has near-identical mass and power sources of a star, yet all these differences…

It gives no heat…

No light…

It has some gravity as it forms and getting stronger, but it’s still unfathomable.”

“It is composed of negative energy.” said Mayne “Naturally; it would be different than a regular star. Who knows what else it is capable of when it reaches full power?”

The alarms sounded.

“What is it?” asked Avyanna.

One of the pilots looked up and pointed at the viewports, “It’s an invasion. We’re being attacked!”

Everyone could see a swarm of large flying monsters of all shapes and sizes were heading straight for the scout ships.

Lightning and the others could see it all down below too.

“Looks like the welcome wagon’s here.” said Artie.

Rainbow also noticed, “Hey, they’re flying in space. Shouldn’t they be teleporting to some random place?”

Lightning shook his head, “We have no ways of knowing what goes on down on that planet. They must’ve discovered some way to erect special spells to protect themselves, like invisible spacesuits.”

Then there was an announcement over the ship intercom for the pilots to prepare to launch manned ships for in case some of the monsters broke though and tried to attack the cruisers.

“Shouldn’t we go with them too?” asked Starla.

“You heard the orders.” said Lightning “We’ve got to get ready to drop down on the planet, so we have to save our strengths.”

Fluttershy watched as the brave Kallanian pilots boarded their crafts and prepared to head out, but knowing they were rushing into certain death turned her stomach.

“I say,
Are you okay?” asked Rhymey.

His wife shook her head and said…

“It just doesn’t seem fair, dear.
We let them run off, and we stay here.”

Lightning sighed, and it pained him to tell Fluttershy but, “Fluttershy, you know as well as we all do that it’s what they’re trained for, and just like us they’re willing to give their lives if they have to… we all are.”

“I’m afraid I agree with Lightning.” said Rarity “I loathe this as much as you, Fluttershy, but we’re only doing what we can to ensure the plan works.”

Spike nodded, “We all hate to just sit here idly while they do some of the work, but the job we’re going to go through is even harder and more dangerous.

But they’re doing what they’re best at, just as we are.”

Fluttershy had to convince herself, but she still didn’t like seeing the Kallanians just fly out like that. It still felt like they were just sending out pawns to do their dirty work and be sacrificed.

“It’s okay…” Lightning whispered, though the expression on his face proved he didn’t like it much either, but the plan was laid and orders were orders.

Starla wrapped her arms around him softly, sharing her painful feelings with his.

The pilots launched out, and the main ship itself prepped up its weapons to intercept and attack.

The ship-mates who were remote controlling the scout ships were ready and waiting the order.

“…Attack!” ordered Grand Ruler.

The controllers fired their ships laser blasts straight at the oncoming monsters, forcing them to break formation and they began to return fire using either their own magic, fire balls, or whatever weapons they had.

This forced the controllers to take evasive actions.

“They’ve broken formation!” shouted a controller.

“Return fire!” ordered Mayne.

The controllers complied and fired their lasers again.

Some of the monsters got hit, but hardly were damaged-- they weren’t ships after all, but shooting at them did slow them up, and while multiple hits on the same target would destroy them…

…Those brutes just kept on coming and started to return fire, shooting the scout ships down one-by-one.

One of the monster leaders signaled to the forces in back, “…Get in there, and head for the main ships!”

The swarms complied and rushed past the scout ships.

“Hey look!” one of them called “They’ve got another fleet coming for us.”

The manned ships all flew in formation, and began to fire upon the enemy.

Many of the monsters were hit, but many more still remained.

Those creatures continued to come forth, and a few actually sliced through the ships, making them spark, and explode, killing the pilots within.

“Their coming straight for us!” cried Celestia.

Grand Ruler turned to Avyanna and nodded at her.

She agreed and called to weapon ops, “…Full Pattern Fire!”

Lasers and missiles began to fly from different points of the ship, striking the oncoming monsters hard, harming them to the point of cripple, and still they wouldn’t back down!

“What is with these brutes?!” sneered Avyanna “They won’t back down no matter what we throw at them.”

Grand Ruler had his suspicions. “It’s Titan… They’re all willing to fight for him no matter how much they have to suffer, or how many of them be destroyed.”

“…You are quite correct, Celesto.” echoed a sinister voice that made everyone look up and around at.

Lightning’s features hardened, “…Titan!”

He was using just a teensy bit of magic to communicate with the fleet.

Avyanna and Mayne hated to hear the sound of that voice again, but it was only his majesty that Titan seemed to address.

“In many ways, you and I have always been alike; we send out our best soldiers in certain danger do our work for us so we can achieve what we desire, even willing to risk their lives and safety.”

“You’re wrong!!” bellowed Grand Ruler “You and I are nothing alike, you fiend! We fight for different reasons.”

“I second that!” snarled Celestia, but Titan only snickered, “Really? That still does not change the facts that you are risking lives. Just look at your fighters, they’re not even of your own race.”

A few more scout ships were struck and destroyed, and two more manned ships, killing the pilots.

Grand Ruler could hear their screams over the radio, and they all struck him hard in his conscience-- his old leader’s pain for being responsible.

This brought on Celestia’s pain as well-- remembering all the soldiers she had lost in her days.

Lightning and the others were beginning to feel the same as well.

“Like I said to you, Celesto…” hissed Titan. “We are much alike… always sending others to their doom for our own sakes.”

Grand Ruler looked as if he was sinking deeper into a well of despair and regret.

“Darling, don’t listen to him!” said Celestia “He’s trying to throw us off by guilt-tripping us.”

Her husband held his head up high and he held his wife’s hand with bravery and care.

“You’re not going to break us down, Titan! You say we’re the same, and in ways we are…

Our soldiers are willing to risk themselves to fight, but the reason they fight is what makes us different, and that very difference is what we’ll use to strike you down and end your Project.”

The other fighters all ignored Titan’s bullying as well and their determination was now stronger than before.

Suddenly, the ship rocked about as the monsters shot at it from outside, making some of the people slip and fall about…

…And Titan could only mock them some more. “You think you can stop me?” he paused and laughed “…Don’t you think you should try and reach me first?”

He said no more, not wanting to waste his power.

The ship was shot at and rocked about again.

“Shields are depleting!” hollered Mayne “They will not sustain much longer.”

“Divert all non-essential power.” ordered Grand Ruler.

“Would it not be easier if you infused the shields with magic?” asked a shipmate.

“Still your tongue.” snapped Avyanna. “It was already explained, our ships may not be able to handle such powers without modifications. We will carry on as we are.”

So they kept on shooting at the monsters, injuring them, and blowing maybe one or two to bits, but the army and their forces were still coming and continued to shoot down the remote scout ships.

“We’ll never break through like this!” Artie as he saw more ships blow up.

Fluttershy and Rarity couldn’t bear to see any more of the manned ships go down.

Rainbow was starting to lose her patience and really wanted to get out there and teach those monsters a lesson.

“I can’t take it anymore!” she groaned.

The ship rocked again as it got shot at from outside.

“I can’t take much more of that either!”

Many of the others were starting to share her anxiety, especially Lightning.

Were they just going to stay there and watch idly while more of their allies got shot down, and then the cruisers would be shot down themselves?

As for Titan, he was beside himself with evil glee. With every passing second, the Dark Star grew larger and more powerful than ever.

He began to chuckle softly, which slowly became loud and wicked maniacal laughing.

His victory seemed most assured.

To Be Continued…

In our next episode: Starlight is fully betrayed by her former henchmen and blown clear across United Equestria again, and who should care for her again but Swift Star whom tries to persuade her to take Titan down, while the fleet is finally breaking through and begins the assault on the Shadow Planet, which may end up being harder than they planned.

Will Starlight finally come to her senses? Will our heroes gain the upper-hand?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Part 3: The Empire Strikes Forth”)

Episode 24: Part 3: The Empire Strikes Forth

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“Previously on Starfleet Magic…”

Starfleet teamed with the Kallanians and set out to mount an attack on Titan’s forces, which proved to be harder than believed as the monster forces were relentless in their objective. Meanwhile, after invading New Canterlot and mounting an attack on the palace, Starlight was fully betrayed by Titan’s henchmen who plan to finish her off once and for all.


“Attack…!!” shouted a monster leader and the massive swarm rushed into to attack Starfleet’s forces.

Other monsters were still attacking the mother ship, but were shot down the defense lasers and missiles

The battle was still only just beginning, and the Dark Star was still visibly growing.

The ship was shot at and rocked about again, and the other cruiser captains were calling in to the mother ship.

“Half our scouts ships are wiped out and our weapons are overheating.”

“We can’t keep this up much longer.”

Grand Ruler spoke to the captains, “Just a little longer…” he paused “…I think it’s nearly time.”

He looked over at Celestia, Avyanna and Mayne, and they all nodded at him.

Down below in the launch bay, Lightning and the others were growing really restless, but Lightning began to look off and around into space.

“Any second now…!” he said.

Suddenly, warp portals began to open and more alien starships of all shapes and sizes appeared.

“They’re here!” cried Starla “They sure took their sweet time.”

“Actually, they’re right on schedule.” muttered Krysta.

The monsters were most surprised by the appearance of the ships.

“What’s going on?”

“Where did these jokers come from?”

Naturally, the Kallanians weren’t the only race in the universe to manufacture starships, and Starfleet knew plenty of races, who had gladly volunteered their services in this battle to save the universe.

The plan was simply to make Titan’s think they had the upper-hand-- despite the sacrifices made-- and now the ships and allies had come through to turn the tables.

Since the ships could not communicate over the Kallanians radios, since all worked on different principles, the Kallanian mother-ship signaled all the ships by flashing bright lights in Morse code, and/or sending up flare signals for the attack to commence.

All the ships began to launch whatever fighters they had.

The monster army remained undeterred.

“Let’s get them!!” shouted one of the leaders.

The other monsters all hollered and roared, but now they were vastly outnumbered, and all those lasers and missiles shooting at them, they were damaged harder than ever, and more of them were being destroyed a lot easier, and carving an opening for the main mother-ship to get in.

Starlight was really trapped. She even tried to teleport back to the Spider-Base, but the Darkquines, under Specter’s instructions, had erected magical barriers to deny her access.

Since she couldn’t escape, she saw no other choice… and got up on to her feet glaring her former henchmen down. “How could you do this to me, after everything we’ve been through?!”

The henchmen laughed at her.

“The real question is:” hissed Specter “…Why didn’t we get rid of you sooner?!”

Starlight’s eyes widened with anger, and she fired a huge blast from her horn forcing the henchmen to dodge.

“I don’t believe what I’m seeing!” wailed Saber.

Cadance couldn’t either, nor could Luna or any of the fighters.

The villains all brawled like crazy, heading deeper outward to the open fields.

“DISTORTION FORCE” Waverline fired a huge blast, which Starlight blocked with a blast of her own, and then leapt forth to punch her, only for Razor to rush up and defend with his spiked arm guard, making her sink her knuckles into the sharp blades.

“ARGH…!!” she groaned as she held her right fist. The pain was only minimal due to her high strength, but her blood began to drip forth, and her anger was an all-time high.

Luna couldn’t let this continue and ordered the troops, “Go… assist!”

The knights and soldiers were initially stunned that she wanted them to help save the enemy, but then it all made sense; to stop the destruction from spreading.

“Let’s move!” shouted Saber, and with his sword in hand he began to rush forth with Cadance and the troops behind him.

“This does not concern you!” thundered Starlight, and she used her magic to grow giant walls of light to conceal herself and the henchmen within a large arena, but the soldiers couldn’t break through.

“…I was betrayed, therefore it is only fitting that I and I alone have revenge!”

The fighters were astounded, and the henchmen could only laugh.

“How pathetic can you be?” hissed Specter “Even with the soldiers on your side, it would make no difference to us.”

Razor and Waverline snickered nastily and looked raring for more.

“I won’t let this treasonous trio make a mockery of me!” Starlight growled in her mind, and then she began to power-up, shrouding herself in dark aura, and her henchmen did the same.

“Let’s waste her!” roared Razor.

Outside, Saber attacked the barrier-- swinging and slashing at it with his sword.

Cadance punched and kicked at it, but all her attacks did nothing.

Luna could see this and she realized, “That’s’ the same type of barrier from before!”

She remembered the first time a barrier like this was cast when the villains an attempt on Celestia’s life by trapping her inside.

The only way to bring the barrier down was to shoot at two exact points, from inside and outside, at the same time with the Uniforce which was the only thing powerful enough…

…But with both Lightning and Grand Ruler absent, and no other pony with such power, it didn’t look hopeful.

She still had her own problems to worry about-- the Spider-Base was continuing to fire all around at everyone, blasting up the lands, burning up the forests, and pelting the barriers around the houses.

The barriers, strong as they were, would not last forever without Celestia and Grand Ruler.

“We must stop that ship!” Luna called to the army.

The fighters knew the situation too severe precedence over the villains in the barrier.

The villains all began to brawl like crazy, rushing at each other, punching, kicking, blasting, and dodging like crazy.

Thought Starlight was outnumbered, because of her training with Titan, she was still fairly strong and swift.

BAM!! She punched Specter in the stomach.

POW!! She kicked Waverline in the side.

“FLY CUTTERS” Razor unleashed a barrage of his blades, and Starlight, making her hands glow with magic, batted each and every one of them off to the point where Razor unleashed more and more…

“You little punk…! I’ll cut you to pieces!!”

Starlight knocked off the blades, and dodged more by back-flipping and leaping up through the air and swerving.

Specter suddenly pulled a fast one, by using his shadow slink maneuver, and he reached up and grabbed Starlight’s tail, and yanked hard slamming her on the ground.

“Get her!” shouted Specter.



Combining their attacks, the glowing blades bombarded Starlight hard. Sparks and explosions flew everyone as she got hit.

Specter followed up by giving her a huge bash while in his wind sphere.

WHAMM!! He sent her crashing up against her own barrier, weakening it severely as well as the fact her power was starting to run low, but her rage and determination to finish the traitors gave her a small boost to keep her going.

“My, my… Lord Titan has trained you well.” mocked Specter “Too bad he didn’t teach you well enough. Now it ends here for you!”

“We’re through putting up with you, and you’re nonsense.” added Razor.

“But for the record,” taunted Waverline “…It was fun while it lasted.”

They all began to combine their evil powers together for one final blast.

“No!” snarled Starlight as she powered herself up as hard as she could “I won’t let this happen!”

She and the henchmen fired their respective beams at each other, which met in the middle, and the powers were completely equal. Both sides were forcing with all the might that they could muster…

…Completely distracted from and unaware of what was occurring outside of the weakening barrier!

That Spider-Base constantly fired its lasers on the planet.

Giant light pulses bombarded like meteors making big explosions where they hit. The barriers, still withstanding, wouldn’t last much longer.

Luna had ordered every single knight and fighter in the entire area and around the village to huddle together and focus all their power together into one massive blast, just like before.

“Your highness, do you really believe this will work?” asked Captain Shaina.

“I admit I am uncertain,” said Luna. “But we’ve no alternative. It may be our only chance to stop the shelling.”

She looked up at the sky from the exact location where the shots were raining down from.

“There is our target!” she called to the army, and then she leapt up high into the air above the palace.

She held her hands out, and her eyes and horn began to glow. “Now… fighters of United Equestria, lend all the power you can give!”

Cadance and Saber held hands and were the first to lone whatever magical aura-- sent it straight up to where Luna was, and soon hundreds of small lights were flocking up towards her as more and more fighters offered their power to her, forming a massive sphere of light which Luna kept steady.

While inside the barrier, nobody noticed that Starlight was starting to lose in the struggle. With all the fighting she had done and having to keep her barrier up, her strength was starting to fail, and the henchmen’s beam was slowly inching towards her.

“Say farewell so-called leader!” shouted Specter, and he and his comrades gave it all they had pushing their blast further along.

“I WILL NOT BE DESTROYED!!” wailed Starlight, but at that exact moment her barrier vanished, and the blast was nearly at her.

Starlight only found enough strength to push the two forces at the ground near her feet, resulting in massive explosion on the ground, which forced her up, up and blew her clear across the sky.

The minions were also blown hard up into the sky, and for all the places for them to soar—right in the path of Luna’s ready power!

Luna had fired her powerful magical blast clear up at the sky, and right in the path of the henchmen.

“UH-OH…!!!” they all shouted, and while in their weakened state, they were incinerated to the very dust they were made of!

The blast kept going up, and up, and up…and KAPOW… struck the Spider-Base hard!!

Inside, sparks and explosions erupted all over the place as the Darkquines fell about all over.

While the ship was still super strong, it was being pushed out of orbit by the powerful force… straight towards the sun. It fell straight in and exploded into loads of solar flares.

The explosion could been seen in the sky from all over the planet as all the civilians and other soldiers looked up in shock and awe.

“What’s going on out there?” asked Pinkie.

“It’s some kind of explosion.” replied Spice.

Swift looked out the window unsure of what to believe.

Suddenly, as the lights of the explosion wore down, he saw something coming right towards the window, and it bounced off against the barrier and landed flat on the ground two stories below.

“Hey!” he cried.

The couple turned his way wondering what the object was too, but Swift was able to look right down through the barrier, and he could see, “…Starlight?!”

Pinkie almost leapt out of bed and off her life-support hookups. “Starlight Glimmer is out there?!” she sounded and looked rather cross, but then she saw Swift open the window and leap out, passing through the barrier.


Spice rushed over to the window and looked down.

Swift could hardly believe Starlight was here-- the second time he had found her looking badly beaten and weakened, only far worse than the first time.

“What happened to you?” he asked, but he couldn’t get an answer since Starlight was more than out-cold.

“You there!” called a sentry, and he and two of his buddies came over, and were they ever surprised to see Starlight.

They nearly flipped their lids and wanted to haul her in right away.

“STOP!!” shouted Swift “Can’t you see she’s injured?! We have to help her!”

The sentries knew it was Starfleet Code to do so-- enemy or not.

Using emergency disarming codes within their energizers, they unlocked the barrier to the hospital.

The lead sentry ordered his other comrades to inform Princess Luna at once!

Soon, Starlight was rushed to emergency by Doctor Penny and her team.

An anti-magic manacle was placed on Starlight’s horn once again to block her powers, and she was sedated to keep her tired and quiet while her wounds were treated.

Soon, Princess Luna had arrived, teleported from New Canterlot, leaving Cadance and Shining Armor in command.

Luna and Swift were told to remain outside the ER, and Luna ordered the sentries back to their posts outside in case of further attacks.

“What’s going to happen to her?” Swift asked.

Luna answered straight away “She will have to be held under close arrest. We cannot let her escape this time.”

Swift agreed, but he still couldn’t deny how worried and upset he was for Starlight’s condition.

Soon, Penny came out and reported. “She was very lucky. She was only knocked unconscious when she crashed, and was able to treat all her wounds. I can awaken her for you if you wish.”

Luna insisted she did, but first she and Swift were allowed into the room where Starlight, completely healed, lay on a bed.

She had been stripped of all her armor and her suit, and was wearing hospital garbs. She still had the manacle on her horn, and Luna went to extra precautions, after Penny gave her an instant shot to revive her, she shrouded Starlight within a barrier of aura to keep her down.

“She’ll wake any second.” said Penny.

Starlight began to stir and her eyes opened. “Oh…!” she groaned as her vision came back to her.

She tried to get up, but she couldn’t because of the magic, and she saw the manacle on her horn again.

“Where am I?” she asked “And what in the world am I wearing?!”

“You are at New Ponyville hospital.” answered Luna. “You were found outside after what happened.”

Starlight’s eyes widened as she remembered it all, but she still couldn’t move or do anything.

“Consider yourself under arrest...” said Luna “Finally, your reign of terror has ended.”

Much as Starlight was pleased to be told the henchmen had been destroyed, she was non-too-thrilled of finally being caught.

She looked up at Swift, and he looked away from her in shame.

Penny left the room to let the officials talk with their prisoner.

Starlight was in disgrace. “My henchmen betray me. My master abandons me. My ship is gone, and I’ll never get my revenge on Celestia now.

I might as well be put out of my misery.”

She seemed so depressed, so crushed, and alone, but Luna decided to tell her right there, “My sister is not responsible for what happened to your parents.”

Starlight looked up at her in complete disbelief.

“It’s true…” snapped Swift, and he told her about the spiritual stone he gotten from the Shrine of Remembrance and how the spirits of Starlight’s parents told him clearly enough.

“Celestia is not responsible for our deaths. She did exile us, but she did not destroy us.” said Starpoint.

“The called “Titan” caused our demise.” explained Firelight. “You must give this message to our daughter.”

Starlight was frozen in complete at this revelation.

“You’re… You’re lying!!” she cried.

“It is no lie.” Luna assured her “A spiritual stone’s magic can neither be tainted nor altered.”

Still in disbelief, Starlight demanded to see this stone for herself as proof of the story.

“We can’t.” said Swift. “Commander Lightning has the stone.” and he further explained where the army was now.

“They are attacking this Shadow Planet?!” Starlight asked.

Swift nodded, “It was hope that the stone’s would convince you that you’ve been following the wrong path, and yet here you are... which really complicated things.”

Still helplessly bound to her bed, Starlight demanded, “Then I insist we go there! I want to see this proof for myself.”

“Now just a moment!” snapped Luna. “You have been placed under arrest, and as acting ruler of this planet I won’t release you under any circumstances.”

“I can help you!” Starlight said “I know more information of the Shadow Planet and Lord Titan’s weaknesses.”

Luna and Swift both fell silent at the idea.

“If what you say is true, I can help you bring him down once and for all.”

Luna shook her head. “It is nothing we cannot probe out of you. And without your magic to defend you--”

“…I can still destroy you all.” Starlight said cutting her off.

Luna and Swift gawked at her silently.

“That’s right… you may have blocked off my horn, but I can still take my own life thanks to the magic Titan casts upon all his followers, and you can’t dispel or stop me there.

All I have to do is make it happen, and KAPOW… even this barrier around me won’t shield you.”

“You’re lying!” said Swift, but Luna could sense the force within her, “…She is not bluffing.” She also thought Starlight horribly insane.

“You want to take that risk?” Starlight taunted “Don’t think I won’t do it. I’ll be destroyed, and take out a good chunk of this cursed building with it.”

Swift immediately thought of the hospital staff, the civilians taking shelter during the lockdown, and the other patients in the hospital too, preferably Pinkie, Spice, and Baby Biscuit, and how he swore especially to defend them.

Weighing the options, even Luna realized there was too much to risk. If Starlight had information on how to stop Titan for good, she had to take the chance.

“What do you want?” she asked.

The fleet of ships fought valiantly, and the captains were careful not to shoot down their own allies.

After a seemingly lengthy battle, the monster army was diminishing, opening a perfect path for the Kallanian mother ship to move on in.

“Shield report?” Grand Ruler called.

“Shields holding steady, sir.” answered Mayne “We’re approaching out estimated drop zone.”

“This is it.” said Celestia “It’s time to head down.”

Her husband nodded and called out “Alert all fighters. Sound alert.”

Avyanna complied and sounded the alert and announced over the intercom, “All fighters prepare to disembark. Repeat: All fighters prepare to disembark.”

“That’s it…” said Lightning “…Time for the real battle to begin.”

Starla agreed, and all the rest of the unit looked hyped up and ready.

It was time to transform!



“Dragon Power!”

As soon as they all finished, their majesties joined them in the launch bay.

“Good, you’re all powered up now.” said Grand Ruler. “Now you all understand; we’re about to run into an army far more vast than that which we fought already, but if we stick to our plans and main objectives, we should have the advantage.”

Lighting, Starla and Krysta and their majesties had their mission to search for Lightning’s missing Enticorn and try to get Lightning to merge with it and bring himself and their majesties to their proper ages.

The rest of the team would try to find and locate Titan, and bring both him and the Dark Star down.

“I can’t remember the last time a battle like this had timing so tight.” said Buddy.

“That makes two of us.” agreed Applejack. “I just hope we can bring that Dark Star down before it gets any bigger, or it’ll take us down!”

Rarity shuttered fretfully at such a thought. “Please, Applejack… my nerves are already spinning in circles.”

The alarm sounded, warning that the big bomb doors were getting ready to open.

Many female Kallanian soldiers were all prepped up and armed to the teeth with armored suits of their own, ray guns, swords, and even explosives.

Out of concern, Krysta just had to ask, “You ladies really think you’ll be safe with all that gear? It’s Titans’ forces after all.”

The Captain of the squad flicked her long hair and snuffed, “You guys need all the help you can get, and we’re going to give it to you. Now let’s get down there and kick some evil can!”

The ladies all began to holler and hoot with excitement and eagerness.

“Well… have to admire their courage.” said Starla.

Lightning agreed, and he was very grateful for the Kallanian’s offering their services.

Celestia then cleared her throat. “Prepare to disembark!”

Everyone stood ready as the bomb doors were open completely and their lay a long, long drop to the Shadow Planet below.

The planet sure seemed pretty dull looking. No forests, no lakes, no trees, no mountains, no cities; nothing but rocky mounds, like shelters and large areas with consoles and heavy duty machinery.

“For an artificial planet, you think this place would be far more active-looking.” said Artie.

All the flying monsters were far too busy battling the ships in orbit to notice what was about to happen.

“GO!!” shouted Grand Ruler, and all the Kallanian soldiers jumped out first, plummeting to the ground.

“Here they come!” a monster shouted.

“Attack! Attack!!” called another.

A massive army, far larger than the space fleet began to rush up from over the hills and around every corner.

“Open fire!!” shouted the Kallanian captain.

The massive army of Kallanians began to shoot their ray-guns, sending a torrential rain of beams down below.

The monster army was bombarded from so many angles, and while the beams were not that strong and couldn’t hurt them, it did make it hard to see with all the brightness, as well as being constantly pelted.

The Kallanians began to throw their explosives down to the ground to stir up dust and stun the monsters even more.

Other monsters actually broke through and began to fire bazookas, fireballs, or whatever power they had.

“Now!!” shouted Grand Ruler, and he and Celestia conjured up a very wide barrier shielding the entire army from all that enemy fire.

“Get ready, Krysta!” called Lightning.

“Ready.” she hollered.


With a wave of her wand, and a little help from their majesties, Krysta transported everyone away in a flash of light, scattering them in groups all around the planet.

“Where did they go?” cried a monster.

“They’ve got to be around here.” said another.

All was silent for a few moments… and then…!!

“CHARGE…!!” The army of fighters just dropped in or popped out in many areas, catching the monsters by surprise.

The Starfleet fighters punched, kicked, and bashed their way through many of the monsters, knocking them down.

The Kallanian soldiers, since they weren’t physically as strong as Starfleet, acted as backup using their guns and explosions to stun and surprise more monsters to keep them at bay.






The space ponies let out a barrage of their attacks, batting many monsters back.

“Return fire!” shouted a monster leader, and the monsters all began to retaliate with their own projectiles and attacks.

The fighters all swerved and dodged out of the way causing the blasts to miss them and to strike the other monsters.

“Sorry, Hombres, but we have the advantage here.” taunted Dyno.

Myte nodded and added, “There are far, far more of you than of us, leaving you guys with less room to dodge and accidently hit one-another.”

The monsters were outraged, but they still refused to turn on themselves and kept on battling… as if they actually didn’t mind attacking their own comrades by accident.

The fighters couldn’t think about that now.


Rainbow crashed towards the ground, slamming it hard, making her signature, colorful-explosion, knocking many of the monsters back hard, and also shaking the ground.

“Whoa! Careful, Rainbow!” called Applejack.

Loads of monsters came at her, but she looked at them and imagined they were all big apple trees, with legs, coming at her.

“Ha!” she shoulder, down on her hands she went, pushing herself up and giving each and every monster a good buck-kick. “…Just like old times.”

Buddy lassoed a monster with his whip and whirled him round and around, knocking other monsters in his way out.

“Like cutting out the weeds.” he joked.

Artie, with his staff clobbered several monsters, and he defended himself from oncoming attacks with such skill… until he was surrounded by a load of creatures forming a perfect ring around him.

“Too easy.” he felt, and he waited for the monsters to all jump at him at once, and he sprung up high causing the swarm to smash and crash into each other.

“Pretty as a picture...”

Spike and Rhymey, with their swords attacked many monsters that had handheld weapons.

Showing off their mad fencing skills, they knocked all the weapons away, but there just so many more monsters coming in swarms from all over.

“There must be loads of these guys all over the planet!” said Spike.

Rhymey agreed and said,

“What do you expect from an army this size?
Titan must’ve recruited millions of these guys.”

He parried another monster’s sword with his own, and slashed at him hard only to have two more to creep up on him and strike him hard in the back.

The monsters tried to strike again, but he zipped out of the way causing the monsters to miss, and then they looked up where Rarity and Fluttershy were glaring furiously at them with angry eyes and their arms folded.

With two loud POWS… the monsters were sent sailing high up and far off into the distance.

The two ladies smirked at one another, only for more monsters to rush at them.

Rarity flexed her dragon claws and gave a mighty dragon roar! Slashing her claws, and breathing her flames, she made quick work of those beasts.

Fluttershy cleared her throat a few times, and then just let out a simple little, “Roar…” in a cute and quiet voice, but she still rushed forth punching, and kicking the monsters away.

Some of the monsters shot at her, but she dodged and caused them to hit one another instead.

Suddenly, she was ambushed, and Rarity was far too tied up to help her, but the Kallanian soldiers provided excellent assistance—firing their ray-guns and charging past the monsters to distract them.

“Mercy me,
You saved me!” she said thankfully.

The captain gave a soft shrug, “I know… I can’t believe it either.” and she dashed off.

Dyno and Myte faired pretty well themselves, smashing down all the monsters and creeps that came their way, but then they saw yet another massive force of monsters coming rushing in over the hills.

“Ay! There’s so many!” groaned Dyno.

“We’ll need more fighters and extra support!” added Myte.

Such backup was already flying way up high over them…

…The fleet of ships.

The space army of monsters was nearly diminished-- unable to hold up too long against the massive fleet.

“The army has nearly diminished, Princess.” Mayne called to Avyanna.

She agreed, and then ordered the crew, “Prepare the tractor beams. The orders now were to hold the monster army below at bay as best we can.

The other ships will be signaled to try and attack the Dark Star. It must be brought down.”

The crew complied and worked their consoles.

Large rays of light fired from the ship, bounding straight down at the planet below.

The tractor beams grabbed many of the monsters and held them in place so they couldn’t move.

Avyanna had no wish to bring the monsters aboard and imprison them out of fear they would destroy themselves, and thus: destroy her ship from the inside.

“They got our allies!” shouted a monster warrior.

“Let’s bust them out!” suggested another.

Before the army could get a chance to, they were shot at by some of the scout ships that had broken through.

The twins were relieved.

“That should hold them off.” said Dyno.

“Si…” agreed Myte “But I hope Lightning and the others are doing well on their part.”

Ever since the teleportation, while the army fought the massive monster force, Lightning and his group scouted around hoping to find a reading on the Enticorn’s signals, since Starfleet equipment could detect traces of the Uniforce which was the main source of his power.

“I’ve got a lock…” said Lightning as he scanned an abandoned control console.

“This console, it’s got a faint but distinct source. It’s Uniforce.”

“You’re right,” agreed Grand Ruler “…I can feel the power, and there can only be one explanation…”

The ladies all agreed that the Enticorn was being used to power some of the systems; either that or the consoles were being using to keep the creature weak and imprisoned.

Either way, it proved their theories right-- Titan couldn’t use the Uniforce himself, so he had the creature power up things for his project.

“Where is it being held?” asked Celestia.

Lightning scanned the console and determined its power was being fed from deep within the bowels of the planet.

“How are we supposed to get there?” wondered Starla.

“Well, we better figure it out fast.” cried Krysta “…Look!” she pointed ahead at a large force of beasts and monsters coming straight for them.

The fighters all stood ready to intercept and ward them off, when suddenly a large trap door opened wide beneath their feet, and they all fell through.

“What happened?”

“They’re heading for the core!”

“Someone, tell Lord Titan!”

The monsters all ran off…

…While the group of fighters were falling down what seemed to be a long series of jump-tubes, sucking them down like a vacuum.

The current was far too strong to fight off, and even still… as they continued to fall, the fighters could suddenly see all kinds of odd, and eerie-looking machinery, gears, cogs, and all kinds of wires and pipelines.

“Incredible.” remarked Grand Ruler. “The entire hollow of this planet… is one big massive engine.”

The others all felt the same way… so astounded that they didn’t brace themselves for what was coming next.

…They all crashed at the bottom of the slide pretty hard.

“Note to self: Keep eyes open.” grumbled Krysta.

The others all got up on to their feet, brushing themselves off from the impact, but seeing where they were now nearly left them all breathless.

This had to be the very core of the Shadow Planet. Naturally, the planet was nothing like a regular planet.

Instead of molten rock, high temperatures, and things like that, they were standing on a very large land mass, equal to that of a small town.

And off in the distances the entire area seemed to be enclosed in a large dark sphere with glowing red lights that kept fading on and off.

All around the land were large generators and other unmanned consoles that seemed to be absorbing and sending power up and into the sphere, empowering the planet.

“My scanning-systems are all going crazy.” said Starla. “I’ve never seen such power before.”

Celestia was incredibly flabbergasted. “With power like this, it’s no wonder this planet is able to traverse through the cosmos.”

Grand Ruler shook his head in near total disbelief. “How is something like this even feasible?”

Suddenly, there was a sound of someone snickering. “…It wasn’t easy, I do assure you.”

Everyone recognized that voice, turned round, and there he stood…!

“Titan!” snapped Lightning.

The others all stiffened with anger, while Titan could only glare at them with his eyes glowing behind his hood.

To Be Continued…


In our next episode: It’s a mighty showdown as the group tries with all their might to bring Titan down in the engine core, while at the same time, the Dark Star has grown strong enough to begin its assault on the universe at Titan’s command, which could spell out doomsday if Starfleet and their allies fail to bring it down.

Can our heroes bring both Titan and the Dark Star down in time?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: Part 4: “Star Battle”)

Episode 25: Part 4: Star Battle

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“Previously on Starfleet Magic…”

Starlight Glimmer fought against her former henchmen, resulting in the destruction of both the henchmen and the Spider-Base and injuring Starlight, whom was taken to the hospital and blackmailed to destroy it unless her demands were met. Meanwhile, the fighting forces managed to descended upon the Shadow Planet and laid siege to many of Titan’s forces, which ultimately led to Lightning and his team falling deep into the planet’s core where it was there they came face-to-face with Titan himself.


Titan snickered as he glared down the group of fighters. “Just look around you, isn’t this all marvelous?” he motioned at the incomprehensible craftsman ship of the planet.

Titan then explained how it was all possible.

“Timing… planning… power… numbers...

…All this and many more are the key factors to creating a daring project such as this, yet no one ever dared to conceive.

I destroyed a great many of worlds in my time.”

He paused and glared at Grand Ruler, “Long before my first encounter with you!”

“I also had made many allies whom were advanced in the arts of magic, technology, and much more, and I instructed and trained them to carry out my bidding.

It always helped to have backup strategies… So I set them to work in secret locations of the galaxy, constructing this massive vessel that would surpass even the most advanced of starships.

Even while imprisoned, my army continued to work, but even different races can only live and work for so long. Many of my forces had grown old and feeble, and would need assistance to restock the army.

As I was still bound to my imprisonment, I sought the one thing I knew would lead me and my dreams to greatness…

…An apprentice-- A protégé of my very own… and my scouts had found the very being.”

Celestia’s blood ran cold. “…You mean Starlight Glimmer.”

Titan chuckled wickedly and went on…

“In their travels through the cosmos, my scouts fell upon Planet Equestria, and it was there that they found her; Starlight Glimmer…

…Poor, miserable little pony. Exiled, enraged, and seething with power and lust for vengeance… like weak tree swaying in the breeze, ready to snap… and I gave her that push.”

He didn’t really have to go on at that point, as everyone was able to guess.

“So the spiritual stone was right!” sneered Lightning “…You killed Starlight’s parents!”

Titan nodded, “What else could make the young filly snap?

In her already, emotionally unstable state, my agents destroyed her parents, which tipped her over the edge, and the fact that she blamed you, Celestia, for the murder made things all the easier.

That’s when I came to her.”

He recalled in a flashback…

“Do you truly wish to avenge the death of your parents?” he asked her. “I can help you achieve that.”

“You can? How?” the little filly asked.

“Trust me. Allow me to lead and guide, and I will help you develop powers and skills that will make you invincible.”

Anyone in Starlight’s position then couldn’t possibly resist such a temptation.

After all she had been through, it would not only feel great to avenge her parents, but also to get revenge on her ruined life.

“Show me!” she insisted.

The next series of flashbacks were of Starlight, having been whisked off of her home planet to an isolated planetoid deep in space, where Titan had kept her, raised her, and trained her-- extremely harshly.

He would push her to beyond her breaking points, and then he would push her harder.

“Focus, Starlight… Focus on your hatred. Let your anger erupt, and use it to find strength to nourish your powers.”

With all this, Starlight became the enraged, super-powerful psychopath, capable of eliminating many that stood in her path.

Starlight’s training continued for many, many years, until Titan sent her out to recruit more monsters for his army.

The rest was pretty much history.

The group of fighters were totally disgusted, especially Celestia. “You fiend!!” she spat “How could you do all this for your own power-hungry war games.”

“It matter naught anymore.” hissed Titan “By this time, she had long since outgrown her usefulness and been disposed of.”

Starla felt sick to her stomach and nearly puked. She swallowed it hard but her anger was peaking. “It’s bad enough you sacrifice your foot-soldiers, but to sacrifice your apprentice… who did all your dirty work for you, and you just toss her away?!”

Everyone else felt the same as she did-- seething with rage, much to Titan’s delight.

“As much as I would enjoy all this seeing you all despising me, I have a universe to conquer and my first objective…” he paused and pointed straight at the group “…To be rid of you and your pesky Starfleet once and for all.”

Everyone in the group looked ready to brawl, and Grand Ruler stepped forth. “That is not going to happen, Titan. I may not be as big and as powerful, but I’m not afraid.”

Titan begged to differ, “You’ll find that this battle will not be like any other we’ve had… but see for yourselves.”

He leapt up high into the air ready to fight.

Lightning tried to scan him with his visor, but the readings were still scrambled due to all the energy and forces from the core.

“I know I don’t have to say this…” he said to the others.

“We understand.” replied Grand Ruler “I myself was thinking the same. Nevertheless… let’s fight our best.”

“Yeah… totally no pressure.” said Krysta “…Except for the fate of the entire universe maybe!”

The fighters stood ready, glaring the evil sorcerer up high, like cowboys ready for the draw.

“Go!!” shouted Grand Ruler, and the fighters all rushed forth, and then scattered off in a zip.

Titan simply remained where he was with his arms folded, but his eyes began to glow behind his hood.

Then, the second the fighters appeared and began to charge at him from different directions, they all were blasted hard by powerful pulses that came out from the red lights along the massive walls of the core.

“Hey!!” cried Starla.

“Whoa!” yelled Krysta as she barely dodged.

Lightning and their majesties were all struck hard, with sparks and explosions flying, but they stayed strong.

More blasts came shooting from the massive wall of lights, like a bombarding meteor shower in so many directions.

The fighters began to dodge, and swerve, and slink through the lasers, but all Titan did was just float where his was, snickering softly.

Some of the lasers did hit him, but he just took the hits as if they were nothing and didn’t even flinch.

“Poor fools.” he thought “They’re getting bombarded like ants in a rainfall, and they have no idea the truth behind all this.”

As the fighters continued to dodge, Lightning had observed the lasers, and after being hit a couple more times, and feeling their power, he finally realized, “These beams…! They’re bits of Uniforce!”

Grand Ruler got hit again, still standing, but he agreed, “…You’re right, Lightning. It is…”

The blasts kept bombarding, forcing everyone to keep dodging, while Titan, every time he was hit, still did not flinch, and he wouldn’t of course. Even though the uniforce was strong to use against him… it could do nothing in the mere small chunks that were firing at him.

“It’s my Enticorn!” cried Lightning.

“You are correct…!” hissed Lightning “You power is being housed in a holding shell beneath the rock below us. My magical devices are keeping the creature weak so it cannot escape, but enraging it just right enough so that its energy flows through the holes that line the walls of the core.”

The fighters all gasped!

Lightning looked straight down and didn’t have to use his scanning. He could already feel the enragement of the Enticorn down below.

…Titan’s machines continued to torture it, causing the creature to roar and thrash about, igniting its power and sending it out through the systems to fire upon the fighters, and yet still the creature was kept in a weak enough state to remain detained.

“Lightning…!!” Starla shouted, alerting him to a large swarm of beams coming straight for him.

Krysta quickly swooped in and warped Lightning and herself away just in time.

The fighters continued to dodge, and they couldn’t even try to launch an attack on Titan himself.

“This isn’t getting us anywhere!” cried Celestia.

“We’ve got to break through somehow!” added Starla.

Grand Ruler agreed, and he was also wondering about how the rest of the army was fairing on the surface.

The monster army was starting to diminish slightly, but still not really enough to even consider being defeated.

“Kallaians, Fire!” the captain shouted, and her squad of female warriors fired their ray-guns at the monsters.

“You little punks!” a monster army shouted and he ordered his forces to attack.

Starfleet jumped in, and began to counter the attacks with their own, and they received backup from the starships above, especially Avyanna’s ships, holding hordes of creatures in their tractor beams.

“Princess…!” Mayne hollered “We can’t keep this up much longer, the tractor beam energies are dropping.”

Avyanna was not willing to give up. She really wanted that pardon from Starfleet and she also wanted Titan go down as well.

“Contact the other ships. Tell them to pass their lot of monsters back and forth; it will give others time to recover.”

Mayne complied, and once the other ship captains got the message, they passed fair amounts of monsters from one set of tractor beams to another, allowing the ships to recharge power.

“That’s all we can do for now.” Avyanna said to herself, and she looked down at the ever-expanding battles on the planet. “…The rest is up to them.”

With the monster army being subdued, the Starfleet fighters decided to excuse themselves to try and tackle the Dark Star itself.

By now, it had really gained a lot of power, and was about the size of a moon, and still growing, and even though it was composed of darkness, it was starting to get just a little bright, but frightening nonetheless.

The ponies scanned the monstrous entity with their visors, and its readings were unlike anything they had ever seen.

“Do you think we can blast this baby to bits?” asked Buddy.

“I hope so.” said Artie “If it gains anymore power we may not be able to stop it at all!”

“Well, what are we waiting for?” asked Rainbow “Let’s get blasting.”

The other Equestrians agreed, and together they all shouted, “VALKYRIA!!”

Transforming into the Valkyries of Harmony.

Rarity: “Generosity…!!”

Rainbow: “Loyalty…!!”

Applejack: “Honesty…!!”


“Don’t Digress,
I am “Kindness!!”

…Even then she had to rhyme it, and she didn’t mind it bit.

Spike then decided, “Now’s as just a good a time…” and being in the darkness, shrouded under the Dark Star’s shadow, he saved enough of his own strength and power and began to transforming in a bright ray of light…

He had transformed into the Majestic Dragon. Spreading out his bright wings, he gave a mighty roar, which actually began to frightening many of the monsters, and distracted them from the other warriors.

Spike suffered, “Chumps.”

The fighters then all stood together, with Spike hovering up high above them.

“Let’s give it all we’ve got.” said Buddy “If we can hit this thing in the core hard enough, it just may dispel the star.”

“Great… “Just might.” That’s reassuring.” muttered Applejack. She was really hoping the plan would work, so was everyone else.

Everyone then powered up their attacks and fired…

The space ponies all combined the strongest, most-powerful blasts they could unleash from their horns.

The Valkyries all combined their swords together, “HARMONY BEAM!” Even with just four of them, their magic was still strong and bright.

Spike then conjured up all the power he could into one massive breath, “FLAMES OF LIGHT!”

The massive attacks shot straight towards the star. It looked as if they were going to hit… when suddenly…! A great massive shot of dark power fired from the star itself, stopping the beams.

“What the--?!” cried Dyno.

“It’s defending itself!” wailed Myte.

It did far more than just defend... The Star quite literally sprouted a pair of bright and sinister-looking eyes.

“It’s alive!” cried Applejack.

The star, both alive and sentient, began to corrupt the power of light that was thrown at it-converting it all into dark aura, which it then absorbed into its core, and increasing its mass, making it grow even larger.

“Oh, this is just fantastic!” groaned Rainbow. “Attacking it only makes it stronger! Now how are we supposed to attack it?”

As everyone began to wonder, they noticed several scout ships breaking off from the space fleet, intending to open fire on the star.

“WAIT…!! DON’T… !!!” Spike called at them, but only some of the pilots heard him and stopped, but others had already opened fire upon the star, and the same thing happened; the star absorbed the laser blasts, converting it into energy for itself, making it grow even bigger and stronger…

…And then it began to shoot back at the ships, destroying them and killing the pilots.

“Retreat, now!” the wing-leader called and the ships began to back off, but the star began to fire rapid shots at the ships, but Spike flew up and shielded the squad with one of his massive wings.

He yelled and wailed as he was hit mercilessly, and big explosions flashed everywhere.

“SPIKE…!!” Rarity screamed.

Spike stayed strong, with the ships safely behind him.

“Get out of here!!” he called to the pilots. “Tell the fleet about this!”

The pilots complied and headed back for the main mother-ship.

The star continued to pelt Spike with more blasts, and finally there was a big explosion up in the sky.

“OH, NO!!” cried Rarity, and watched as her husband-- in his normal forum-- began to plummet from the skies to the ground below.

She rushed upward and caught him in her arms, and brought him back down. He looked really beaten up, and was covered in dust and smoke.

“Spike…! Darling, speak to me!” wailed Rarity.

He was still alive, and was able to get up, but he still felt woozy and weak. “Rarity…!” he groaned “The blasts… they’re strong than… they look. They completely overwhelmed me.”

Everyone felt horrified.

Rhymey said…

“If those blasts can blow Spike out of the sky,
Imagine if they hit us, we could all fry!”

Fluttershy agreed and added…

“But attacking only makes it stronger,
If we don’t stop it, we won’t last much longer.”

She was right, the star had begun to move away from the planet as it was growing larger in size than ever, now twice the size of a moon, and still getting bigger all the time.

The scout ships had reported back to the Kallanian ship and informed the princess of the situation.

“Order all ships to back down from the star!” Avyanna ordered. “Mayne, send word to all other ships; they must not attack the star with energy sources.”

“At once, your highness” complied Mayne.

Avyanna then glared out at the ever-grown star, and she was starting to grow nervous. “How can we possibly destroy that thing now?”

Even though it was a star and had to have some sort of weakness, the fact it was no ordinary star, and alive and sentient and able to defend itself too, it was all starting to go against every rule of logic there was!

Down in the core, Lightning and co were still dodging the blasts, and still getting struck every now and then, while Titan continued to just casually float where he was and didn’t even raise a finger to fight them himself, which really made them wonder why he wouldn’t make a move, or why he just stood there taking all the hits.

But finally, after taking one final hit in the back, Lightning snapped “That does it!” and he looked far off at the red lights where the blasts were coming from. “We’ve got to put them out of action!”

“Agreed.” said Grand Ruler “It may give us a fighting chance.”

The others agreed and called “BREAK!!”

Each of the fighters flew off in many directions, and despite the red glows being in eye sight, they were actually far, far away, and the blasting made it all the harder to reach them, but those brave fighters continued their swerving and ducking the blasts that came at them.

Once she was close enough, Starla whipped out her bow.

“STARLIGHT ARROW” she fired multiple shots right at the red glows, blowing them out with simplicity.

“STAR SHOWER” she fired her star clusters and shorted out more of the lights.

“That’s some down!” she said.

“Yeah, and only a million-quadrillion to go!” groaned Krysta.

Many blasts fired at her, but shielded herself with a strong barrier to deflect the blasts she couldn’t dodge, and used her magic to conjure reflect portals to send the shots back where they came from… into the red glows, blowing them out.

Lightning blasted at many of the glows he could, but was careful not to overly exhaust himself.

Celesita and Grand Ruler flew hand in hand, and began to fire rapid pulses from their free hands and their horns blasting a good many of the glows.

Even still, there were millions upon millions of them left and all still firing.

“Well, at least we’ve slowed them down.” said Celestia “It’ll make it easier for us.”

Her husband agreed and ordered everyone to rush back. “…Time to take this battle to the source!” he said while glaring squarely at Titan.

“Hey I just thought of something.” said Lightning, and he huddled the group together to explain the strategy.

“It’s risky…” said Grand Ruler “But it seems to be our best shot. Let’s do it.”

The group dashed forth, and with less glows along the walls, it was much easier to dodge attacks, and they reached Titan in nearly no time and were glaring him down.

Still, he just remained where his was, with his arms folded and he was snickering at them all.

“You can drop the cool act.” sneered Lightning “You’re not going to intimidate us any longer.”

“Is that so?” hissed Titan. “You poor, misguided creatures… You’re still not much without your precious army, are you?

Uninteresting in his monologuing, the fighters rushed forth to attack, and this time, Titan held his arms up projecting a barrier to shield himself.

Grand ruler punched at him, but bounced right off.

Celestia thrust her fist; same effect.

Lightning, Starla, and Krysta rushed forth firing many blasts at him, but his shield deflected their shots back at them, and he finally lowered his shield and fired dark bolts at everyone, which they dodged and swerved away from.

“It’s no use, Starfleet. This time you have finally met your end. The Dark Star will continue to grow as we speak, and then the universe as you know it will perish to its almighty evil.”

“That is not going to happen, Titan!” shouted Grand Ruler “We’ve never failed so far, and we’re not about to start.”

The other fighters agreed, but Titan only fired more blasts at them, and at the same time more powerful blasts from the red glows shot at the fighters from afar.

“Now!” said Lightning, and he and the other fighters joined together, holding hands, and Krysta rode atop Lightning’s head.

Everyone combined whatever powers they had to form a large scoop-like net to actually absorb the Uniforce pulses being fired at them, all those millions of blasts were combining together into a massive sphere of bright light and power.

“What’s this?!” snapped Titan.

The blast was getting so big and so bright; the fighters had to look downward, but they were still able to see their target and Lightning called to him, “…This is your downfall, Titan. We know how the Uniforce works a great deal more than you ever will!”

Titan growled.

Nonetheless, the fighters pulled all the strength they could!

“AND GO!!” shouted Grand Ruler, and they threw the large bomb hard towards Titan, whom didn't seem to put up his defenses or even dodge… much to the confusion, or delight of the fighters as they watched the massive force they had created slam right into him.

Titan roared and growled as the blast began to consume and break up his body, making a massive explosion so huge that it sent waves of burning light all through the core.

“LOOK OUT!!” screamed Celestia as the blasts seemed to head straight for them.

“DEFENSE, QUICK!!” shouted Grand Ruler.

Conjuring up as much power as they could, the fighters all shrouded themselves in layers of barriers.

They were very lucky, the blast began to die down a little before reaching them fully, but still packed quite a massive blow which the barriers, even in layers, could barely hold.

The explosion was so hard that it shook the entire planet with a massive quake.

All the monsters, all the fighters were all thrown about.

“What’s happening?!” cried Dyno.

“It feels like we’re blowing up from below!” yelled Myte.

The quaking was so hard, and the force below was so great that the machines and consoles began to short out and explode.

“Watch out!” shouted the Kallanian captain, and she and her troops leapt away from the exploding machines.

Some of the monsters weren’t so lucky and were caught in the electrical explosions, which were reinforced by the Uniforce, and they were blown down hard, or even destroyed.

The explosions didn’t go unnoticed by the space fleet above.

“What’s happening down there?” hollered Avyanna.

Mayne checked the scanners and replied “There appears to be a great disturbance coming from within the planet’s core.”

Avyanna felt worried for her own fighters and well as Starfleet.

Back in the core, the brightness from the explosions had ceased and the rumbling stopped.

The entire place was a total wreck, with smoke from the shorted out consoles and the red glows, now dead, loads of fallen debris and rubble, and other bits of destruction lay about.

The fighters made it back to the remains of the central rock land. They were positively bushed from withstanding such a blast and from all the dodging, blasting, and strength they used to force the power down on Titan.

“Is… is everyone… okay?” panted Grand Ruler.

Celestia nodded wearily, so did Lightning.

Starla and Krysta were a little woozy too.

“Hey… what’s that?” asked Krysta while pointing straight ahead.

Everyone could see a lone creature lying flat down on the ground.

“It’s… It’s my Enticorn!” cried Lightning. He almost had forgotten how weak and tired he was and nearly collapsed, but Starla managed to catch him in her arms.

The Enticorn looked in really bad shape. He just lay on his backside, breathing ever so softly, and his body, instead of glowing bright gold and white, was now dim and dark.

“He must’ve been pushed to his limits. His energy is all tapped out.” suggested Lightning.

After gazing down at the poor creature for a few moments, Starla asked, “Do you think you can… you know… merge with him.”

Lightning shook his head, “I’m not sure how, and even if I were, I don’t think we can do it like this. He needs to power up again.”

Suddenly, Titan’s sinister laugh was heard and he taunted everyone “That… is least of your worries.”

“Titan?!” cried Grand Ruler.

“But how...? We just destroyed him.” wailed Celestia.

Titan snickered again, “Did you really…?”

The group all sudden realized at once that Titan was never truly there, and all they had destroyed was a mere shell of Titan.

“If that wasn’t you, then where are you?” asked Lightning.

“Why don’t you take a good guess?” hissed Titan.

He said no more and that’s when the core began to rumble like crazy from all the damages done to it from the battle. Large bits of debris fell from way up high.

“Look out!” shouted Starla as a large chunk came crashing down. The fighters managed to dodge it, but they didn’t need to think twice.

“We’ve got to get out of here!” cried Celestia, but teleporting was out of the question. The planet’s surface was still too thick to break through, and even still, everyone was still a bit tuckered out.

“The jump-tubes!” cried Lightning, they were all smashed and busted up from the destruction.

“We’re trapped down here!” cried Starla.

More and more chunks began to crash down from above…

…But that was still only the least of their problems!

Far above on the surface, the Dark Star was starting to go crazy in the sky. It was throbbing and bulging as if something were inside of it and trying to escape.

“What’s going on now?” wondered Rainbow.

“That thing looks like a stubborn egg trying to hatch.” said Applejack.

“Look… it’s moving away!” cried Artie.

The star had backed far, far away from the planet as it was growing bigger and stronger than ever, until it was about half the size of it.

Then, from the top part of the star, a monstrous figure emerged with massive arms, a huge body, and a familiar laugh.

“It’s Titan!” cried Buddy.

Everyone gawked in extreme awe and horror; even the monsters were astounded to see this.

Titan didn’t just control the Dark Star; he had infused his life force into it all along!

“The Dark Star and I are now one!” Titan bellowed “I’ve never felt such power before…” he paused and chuckled wickedly.

“And now to destroy and conquer the entire Dimensional Universe!!”

To Be Continued…


In our final episode: The fate of the universe is at stake as Titan decides to finally unleash his ultimate fury. Starfleet and the allied forces doing their best to bring Titan down, and Starlight Glimmer appear to add her assistance in the efforts after finally accepting the truth.

How can our heroes bring the Dark Star and Titan down once and for all?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Final Part: A Star is Reborn”)

Final Episode: Final Part: A Star is Reborn

View Online

“Previously on Starfleet Magic…”

Lightning and Co did battle with Titan down in the core of the Shadow Planet, while at the same time, the army stayed on the surface to force their way past the enemy forces and engage battle with the Dark Star itself, only to discover that the star, itself, was alive and sentient, as Titan was revealed to be not just controlling the star, but actually was the star altogether, which spelled out doomsday for the entire universe.


Titan began firing upon the shadow planet, and just his smallest blasts caused massive explosions, blowing through the artificially made crusts.

“Look out!!” shouted Buddy.

The fighters all dodged, yet some of the monsters were hit and instantly incinerated…, and they actually welcomed it, actually feeling proud to be destroyed. Reason: The energies were being transferred into Titan, further empowering the star.

The captains of the space fleet all could tell things were getting far too dangerous to hang around like this, and many decided to fall back away from the star, also releasing the monsters held by the tractor beams.

“Oh, no you don’t!” called Titan, and he shot powerful blasts at the mother ships, blowing up more scout ships in their paths.

“Incoming!!” shouted Mayne.

“Evasive actions!” ordered Avyanna.

The thrusts were fired, but the ships were all so big that some of them couldn’t pull up in time.

Some were hit badly; their shields were totally depleted after those single shots, leaving the ships vulnerable to attack.

Even the Kallaian lead mothership was in danger now, but unlike Titan, Avyanna wasn’t willing to leave her fighters and allies down on the planet to perish.

“Prepare to beam them aboard.”

“We haven’t time!” protested Mayne, “One more blast will finish us off!”


Taken back a bit by her shouting at him, Mayne then had an idea and instructed the pilots to his orders to come to full speed and swerve around the planet, “…Then use the beam to round up all our fighters.

…Fire signal flares.”

The workers did as ordered and shot colorful flares from the ships which burst like fireworks.

“The mothership is firing a flare.
They are signaling us to beam up there.” said Rhymey.

Titan continued to fire like crazy, many of his shots struck the planet, causing more explosions and even large earthquakes.

Dyno and Myte could tell the planet wouldn’t last much longer, especially because it was artificial.

“We’ve got to get out of here now!” said Dyno.

“But wait…!” cried Myte “Lightning and the others… they’re not here!”

Sickening strikes of guilt seemed to rush through everyone at the thought of running off and leaving Lightning and the others to perish.

“We can’t leave them to die,
I won’t leave them! I won’t fly!” bellowed Fluttershy, but at that moment, the planet rumbled again, and Titan fired another shot straight for everyone forcing them to dodge.

The shaking reached the core, which continued to cave in under the stress, and Lightning and co were still hopelessly trapped, with no way to escape.

“I guess this it.” said Lightning.

The others were about to agree with him and embrace their fate…

…When suddenly, some dark force slinked into the core through the many cracks, and enveloped them all as well as the still dormant Enticorn, and took them all away back through the cracks.

“We don’t have to a choice!” shouted Buddy “If we stay here, we’ll all go down!”

Heeding the better option, the group scattered off and waited as the mothership came passing overhead with its tractor beam deployed.

Rarity couldn’t help but look back a second with tears coming to her eyes for the missing friends she was leaving behind.

“Come on, Rarity!” Spike groaned as he yanked her by the arm.

The group and all the Kallanian fighters were beamed back aboard the mothership, which was still in Titan’s view.

“Take this… all of you!!” he shouted as he fired more blasts at them.

“Veer off!” ordered Mayne.

The pilots steered the ship into a fast curve, to avoid many of the blasts, and scooping up the rest of their fighters on the way beaming them onboard.

Other blasts headed straight at the ship, enough to blow it out of space, but the lasts of the remote ships were steered in front, forming a small wall to take the blasts and let the mothership get clear.

“Run while you can.” chuckled Titan “There is naught that can escape the power that I am now.”

Leaving the decrepit Shadow Planet as it was-- deserted, crippled, and seemingly useless-- he began to make his way past the fleet to begin his plot to destroy the entire universe.

On the bridge of the Kallaian mothership, the friends only watched hopelessly as Titan steered the Dark Star further and further off towards the nearest star system.

“No!!” cried Rainbow as she pounding angrily on the glass of the view-hole. “This can’t be happening! There’s got to be a way to bring him down!”

Everyone else felt not only scared for them, but crushed for the fact they had just left their friends down on the surface, and most likely dead by now.

“Gee… and I thought you were all brave, unstoppable fighters.” said a familiar voice.

Everyone turned and saw none other than “…STARLIGHT GLIMMER???”

Avyanna and Mayne couldn’t believe their eyes.

“How did you get aboard my ship without tripping the alarms?” Avyanna asked.

“How is it you are even here at all?” added Mayne.

The Starfleet fighters looked ready to tackle her.

“Stop!” snapped another familiar voice.

Everyone couldn’t believe their eyes, it was Lightning, Starla, Krysta, and their majesties!

“You’re alive?!” cried Applejack. “How in the hayfields did you get out?”

“It was Starlight. She saved us.” answered Celestia.

The others were shocked and most confused.

“You’re welcome…” Starlight sneered.

Spike had to ask, “So… you’re on our side now?”

“Mmhmm…” said Starlight, “And to make a long story short, I know the truth now.”

She held up the spiritual stone which Lightning had presented her with upon coming onboard the ship.

She listened to the message that her parents had left, and Lightning and co had also confirmed by telling her what Titan had said.

“He killed my parents just to use me, and then toss me away like nothing!” she grumbled “And he’s going to pay for it!”

Hearing this, and the fact that she saved their friends, plus she knew more about the Dark Star than anyone else in the entire fleet…

“…Okay, I believe her.” said Artie.

“But how do we stop Titan?” asked Rainbow.

“As you know, attacking him from outside has no effect.” explained Starlight “Well… while the Dark Star is unlike ordinary stars it does have a few similarities.”

Everyone was beginning to catch on.

“…The core.” said Starla “Of course... all stars have cores, and if we sap all the power out of it.”

Lightning then cut in, “…Then the core will be destroyed and take the Dark Star and Titan with it.”

Starlight nodded grumpily, “Way to take the drama out of my explanation.”

She then continued to explain it all herself that only possible hope was to get close enough to actually enter the Dark Star, which would require immeasurable amounts of power and protection to withstand the incredible energy forces from within.

“The only thing that can do that is Lightning’s Enticorn.” said Rarity.

“Oh, no!” replied Starlight “It’ll take far more than that…” and she looked at their majesties.

“What do you have planned?” asked Grand Ruler.

The Enticorn was being contained in a cell similar to how it had been imprisoned on Kallan, only this time, it was hooked to a bunch of wires, and energy feeds to help revive and restore its physical strength, which would then help it regain its power.

The creature’s body soon began to glow brighter as the energy flowed through him, and he would have flown into a raging fit again had the first thing he not seen was Lightning standing outside of the containment cell.

“Merge as one.” Lightning said to it.

The creature gazed at him and repeated, “Merge as one.”

The creature seemed calm and just kept gazing at him, and Avyanna gave the signal for the guards to lower to the force-field on the chamber to allow Lightning to walk in ever so slowly to confront the creature.

“Merge as one.” he said while holding out his hand.

“Merge as one.” said the creature, also raising his hand.

Their hands moved in closer, and closer… and just as they were about to make contact, their majesties slowly approached Lightning from behind, and placed their hands on his shoulders just as the hands made contact.

All at once, Lightning and the creature began to glow, and their majesties were enveloped in the same light as they were.

The others all watched with anxiety as the lights grew brighter and brighter, forcing them to look away.

Starla, above everyone, hoped and prayed this was all going to work.

Titan was coming upon a large field of asteroids, which served as a kind of wall between him and the nearest star-system.

To him, even the largest asteroids were merely the size of tennis-balls, and nothing he couldn’t blast into dust to clear a path way through.

The planets in the distance were soon to follow… when suddenly…

“Hold it, Titan!” called a mixed and rather unusual voice.

He turned round and saw what had to be a most unusual creature he had never seen before.

“What’s this?!”

The creature was about half the size of the Dark Star, but still big enough to equal the size of a moon.

It seemed to resemble a totally humanoid creature, wearing all white armor, shimmering brightly, red paddings on its knees, arms, shoulders, and around its head. It has long hair fading into many colors similar to Celestia’s mane, and it was shrouded in glowing, unmistakable aura of the uniforce.

One would say it was a fusion of The Grand Celestial Ruler, and Lightning’s Enticorn. It also spoke in a mix of three voices-- Lightning, Celestia, and Grand Ruler, which further proved it.

“How do you like us now, Titan?” they said together. “We are one now; we have become “SUPER CELESTIAL ENTITY!”

Titan as outraged, not just that they were still alive, but now having become this?! “How is this possible?” he wondered, and then suddenly he heard a familiar voice call to him through the magical waves…

“…Looks like you taught me better than you thought.”

Titan could hardly believe this, “Starlight?! Impossible!”

From behind the entity was none other than the Shadow Planet itself. It still looked a little beaten up, but it was now glowing with power and now had new power to help it move and shield itself.

Starlight had ordered all the mother ships to orbit around the planet and combine their tractor beams together to help shift it around, and using her power to amplify the strength of the beams, the planet could be shifted once more.

As for how it and the ships were all maintaining this power…

All the crewmates, all the fighters and anyone who was available were cast in special spell by their majesties, Starlight, and combined with the Kallanian technology to give their inner energies and convert it into power.

Many of the heroes would offer as much power as they could before growing exhausted, and then would swap out for fresher allies and then get rested up to swap again, and again.

…Almost a perfect, endless force of power, to give the planet, the ships, and to transfer power to the Entity.

“Titan!!” bellowed Starlight “All these years I was filled with anger and hatred. I blamed Celestia for all my problems…” she paused, actually showing deep regret for the very first time. “…But now I know that you did it, and you not only used me in your plot to gain power for yourself, you were willing to toss me away and after I worked and slaved for you!!”

Titan laughed at her and remarked, “So what if I did? You actually think you and your new little posse can stop me? Remember, I taught you everything you know and made you as strong as you are today!”

He then looked up at the Entity. “Yes, I see clearly… you plan to enter my core, shielded with your new aura, and try to destroy from within.”

The Entity glared at him with their two eyes burning brightly with power.

Titan chuckled, “A bold idea, but I wouldn’t advise it.”

The Entity scoffed, “Too bad you’re the only one who believes that.”

Titan roared and fired powerful dark blasts, which the Entity dodged by zipping away, and then quickly reappeared right near Titan’s huge face.

“CELESTIAL PUNCH” With their massive fist glowing… WHAMM!! They punched him really hard, as if they were attacking a solid being, and actually caused him pain.

The rest of the Starfleet gang were watching from the Kallanian mothership, while waiting to go on shift in the power feeders.

“Did you see that?” asked Dyno.

“Si…¡Eso es increíble! *That’s incredible!*” cried Myte “They actually hit and damaged a star?!”

“Absolutely astounding!” said Starla “I’ve been stargazing all my life and I’ve never seen a thing like this before.”

Starlight didn’t act or seem too amused herself.

“As soon as they get in, it’ll be all up to them, but we’ll have to keep Titan busy from out here too.”

Avyanna and Mayne nodded in agreement, and waited to standby.

Just then, there was a buzzing alarm aboard the ship.

“Prepare for shift change.” said Avyanna.

“That’s us.” said Buddy.

The rest of the team agreed, and soon, they along with many other Kallanian soldiers were wired into pods that would transfer and convert their life energy into power, and all they had to do was sit, and hold on for as long as they could.

The process was painless, but it did bring forth extreme weariness, as evidenced by the previous shift of soldiers that were all tired and beat out.

“Good luck, Lightning.” Starla said to herself. “We’re giving you more than just our power; we’re giving you our beliefs, because that’s what you stand for.”

…The Power of Believing, which all the friends poured into their concentrations.

The Entity leapt off, and Titan looked furious, and before he could react, The Entity was glowing brighter than ever thanks to the energy being transferred to it from the planet.

The Entity held their arms up over their head, forming a massive glow of light.

“UNIVERSAL BEAM” POW!! The massive beam was fired and bound straight at the Dark Star.

Titan wasted no time in firing a massive blaze of his own from the Dark Star to combat the light beam and hold it back.

Even though Titan and the Dark Star were much larger, the two forces seemed perfectly even.

“Now it’s our turn.” Starlight called, “Open fire!”

“Open fire!” ordered Avayanna.

All the ships concentrated their weapons and fired strong pulses towards the Dark Star, but all those blasts combined together into one massive pulse that bound straight at him.

Titan could see it coming. “Oh, really…?” he bellowed, and he prepared to absorb the pitiful blast coming at him to increase his power.

A large hole appeared in the spot where the force was to be absorbed from…

“Got’cha!” snapped The Entity, and they quickly sprinted off, abandoning their stance to maintain their blast, and they soared straight at the hole and were absorbed into the star.

“Ah!!” cried Titan, but it was already too late.

“They’ve made it!” cried Mayne.

Avyanna sighed in relief “We’re in.”

Starlight was pleased too, but it was only the beginning. “The rest is up to them now. We can only do our part as it is.”

She seemed a bit down about something… which she hadn’t told the others yet.

“Are you feeling all right?” asked Avyanna.

“I’m fine.” she answered “Prepare to open fire. We must keep Titan distracted.”

Titan roared and growled as he looked ready to really let loose…

While inside the Dark Star… it was nearly indescribable.

Oh, it looked like the typical inside of a star’s core, with loads of energy, clouds, but darker with light pulses everywhere, and loads of tentacle-like streams with energy positively flowing through them, and just like regular stars, the deeper inside, the more power the energy and the more raging the temperatures.

We’re the Entity not fused together with so much power to protect them, they would never have survived.

Deep within the conscience of the creature, the two individuals that made up its body-- Enticorn Lightning and Grand Celestial Ruler-- were all in awe at their surroundings.

“It’s incredible!” remarked Lightning “All the energy all of all the planets in the galaxy stored in one singular mass.”

The Ruler agreed and said “…Keep a look out for the core. We must find it.”

That’s when Titan’s evil voice actually called to them from within, “…Or better yet, let IT find you!”

Large tentacles seized The Entity by the wrists and the ankles, and pulled them far deeper and deeper to the very center of the star.

What the saw next left them more astounded than ever.

Instead of a usual core that a star would have, the core was a perfect, yet small version of what Titan and the star looked like from outside, but still twice The Entity’s size.

This was the very core of the star, and its big source of energy feed. Yet it seemed separate from the personality outside and was able to battle, think, and talk on its own accord-- as if Titan were in two places at once.

The Entity stood ready to fight. “Let’s go!” they shouted.

Titan only chuckled. “Fool, this will be battle like no other, especially considering where you are.” He motioned to all the darkness and energy surrounding them.

“You honestly think you have any chance here? Your power, impressive as it is, is severely limited. Whereas the power I have has been gathered form everywhere, and still growing all the time.”

The Entity didn’t seem the least bit deterred and said. “You’ve battle against us many times in the past, Titan, and you should know that no power is truly unstoppable no matter how large or how strong it is.”

Titan chuckled, “Perhaps, but you must know this old proverb… “There’s a first time for everything.”

He paused and glared at his opponent, “…And your defeat shall be no exception to that proverb.”

The two figures stood staring each other down, until finally, many blasts from all around the core began to blast at the Entity from all directions, forcing them to swiftly swerve and dodge like before.

The Entity managed to keep clear, and made it back towards Titan.

“CELESTIAL PUNCH” They aimed a strong punch, but Titan blocked them with one arm and took a swing with his other, which the Entity dodged and returned to swerving around to avoid the blasts.

“My turn now.” hissed Titan, and he charged up a strong force of dark aura and thrust it straight at his target… he missed and the blast zoomed straight out…

…Bursting through the star and heading for the planet.

“Incoming!” shouted Mayne.

“Raise shields!” ordered Avyanna.

Thanks to the energy being converted from the fighters, Starlight was able to use this to create small walls of energy-- pinpoint force-fields-- to intercept the blasts, rather than shrouding the entire planet with one large barrier to save power for offense.

“Return fire!” ordered Starlight.

With the energy obtained, the ships were able to combine their laser cannons to shoot every large energy pulses straight at the Dark Star.

“Impudence!” growled Titan. To him, those blasts were the size of ping pong balls; and very easy for him to absorb… which made Starlight grin.

It was intended for him to absorb those blasts, because… as the blasts were absorbed into the star, the absorption slowed Titan down inside, giving the Entity the perfect chance to rush right up there and sock him hard in the face…


“A’RGH!!” Titan groaned, and despite the big blow, he did manage to punch the Entity hard in the gut knocking them back hard.

Rather than be annoyed and outraged, Titan only chuckled. “…You think just because you landed one blow that you have the advantage? Think again!”

“This battle is far from over, Titan.” sneered The Entity “And we’re not going to back down no matter what happens!”

Music began to play as a song started up, while outside… Titan opened fire on the planet to try and hold them down to stop from firing at him.

(Skip to 0:36)

“Raise shields!” shouted Starlight.

The shields managed to hold up so long as the fighters still had their energy to spare, and they weren’t willing to go down either and felt they could keep going, which gave the Kallaians time to quickly change shifts to supply even fresher energy.

“Your resistance is strong!” bellowed Titan “But I doubt it will last you.”

Then he began to sing in his mind, as did Starlight, and The Entity, as the two battles-- inside and outside-- continued…!


Let your hopes and faith be crushed
The Dark Star will blaze, and destruction shall be rushed

Inside you know it’s true, your ending has now finally come
This power outweighs you by a massive, mighty sum

Now, the shadow shows its might
In the great climax…
I will win the fight!

You shall fail…
And the worlds will fall
All the light out there…
Won’t save you at all!

And in the final hour of wrong and right
Your efforts shall be in vain
Blown out along with the light!

And in the final hour, in space so tight
All out there will suffer pain
In this final fight!

Inside the souls of all the darkness shall come beckoning
You stand before a force that’s far beyond your reckoning!


You think you have it won, but I am not through with you by far
We’ll win this fight just yet, and crush you like the bug you are!

Dark and light… they’re quite a bad mix,
But when split apart, you’ll be in a fix

You think manipulation is the one and only key,

Well I see the light and now it’s gonna bring us victory!

Thought my goals were crystal clear
Now it’s clear as can be, I will kick your rear

My poor folks, deserved not their fate

I will avenge them I will, and it will be great!

And in the final hour of wrong and right
I have you right in my sight
Ready to give you blight

And in the final hour, in space so tight
We’ll beat you with all our might
In this final fight!

The time of vengeance for my parents’ death is all I have the fuels me
You’ll never stop me on this ever-growing fighting spree

[The Entity]

This fight is tough and long, we will not back down now

The universe call out to us to beat this evil… and how!

Never once did we digress
to clean up a mess
caused by evil stress

You know, you’re right Titan, it’s possible you could get your way
We may even lose a battle here and then, but not today!

Our beliefs and hopes are strong
combined without strengths
we will right the wrong

These are things you’ll not understand!
You may beat us right down, until once more we stand

And in the final hour of wrong and right
The dawn pierces the night
with a pure white light

And in the final hour, in space so tight
We’ll beat you with all our might
In this final fight!


Inside the souls of all the darkness shall come beckoning


The darkness shall soon fall in the massive light we’ll bring


We’ll fight to the end to save the lives of everything


As the battle winds down we sing!!


Never once did we digress
to clean up a mess
caused by evil stress


Inside the souls of all the darkness shall come beckoning
You stand before a force that’s far beyond your reckoning!

[Titan & Starlight]

Dark and light will always clash,

And will as such be brash


… Now here’s a flash!


You shall fail…

And the worlds will fall


We will win the fight, and we’ll save all!

[Entity &Starlight]

And in the final hour of wrong and right
The dawn pierces the night
with a pure white light

And in the final hour, in space so tight
We’ll beat you with all our might
In this final fight!!!

After such an incredible and lengthy battle-- many blasts were fired from each opposing side. Titan got hit many times, as did the Entity, but Titan managed to stay strong due to the immense amount of power he had, and more so from the planet shooting at him all the time while still defending itself from their endless amounts of power from the energy of all the fighters and crew mates-- the Entity was starting to look and feel tired as evidenced by its panting, and looking bruised and beaten.

Titan could only laugh both at the Entity inside of him, and at the others outside. “I must admit, this has been most amusing. I’ve never had a battle quite like this before.” he paused “…But you all failed to realize the foolhardiness in your weak efforts!

The Dark Star continues to grow strong as I gain power; power which I will use to conquer the universe once and for all!”

The Entity slowly looked up, “You’re wrong, as usual, Titan!”

Titan growled, “Insolent curs. You still believe you have a fighting chance?!”

The Entity’s lips curled into a cheeky grin, “Yes… in fact, you’ve played into our hands as we knew you would.”


“They’re right, you know.” called Starlight “You’ve failed to realize that your own methods can be used by many, not just yourself.”

The entire Shadow Planet, itself, began to glow brightly.

Titan could not believe his eyes. “That… that power…! It couldn’t be?!”

“It is…” hissed The Entity. “Just as you harnessed power from the planets to convert into dark aura for the Dark Star, we did something a little similar, and by now it’s all ready.”

They were referring to their massive army onboard the fleet of ships, which were races from many systems around the galaxy.

The creatures had been giving their energies, not just to power the weapons and defenses, but small bits of the energy were being stored deep within the hollowed core of the planet, which over time and with loads of loads of bits that piled up, forming a massive mass of light energy, inside; large enough to equal the size of a moon.

The many trillions upon trillions of sparkles began to filter out through the cracks in the planet’s surface, and the ball then formed like a small glowing sun high about the fleet of ships.

This forced the crew to close the viewing hatches on all windows.

They were still able to see on the monitors, which were dimmed down to reduce the glare.

Titan roared in outraged, and then he said, “You really think your little glow-ball can perish me? I can absorb it just as easily and convert it into power I need to destroy you all!”

Starlight didn’t answer, but she did think deeply, “Mother, Dad… this is for you, your spirits will finally be at rest.”

Then she nodded over at Avyanna…

She nodded back at her and called out, “Fire!”

“Fire!” repeated Mayne.

All the crews on all the ships combined their forces together to launch the massive ball of energy straight at the Dark Star.

Titan laughed, “Fools!” and he prepared to absorb the massive light ball coming at him.

He grabbed it and the energy began to flow into him, but that’s when The Entity grabbed hold of two of the large tentacles.

“It is YOU who are the fool, Titan!” they spat.


“…This happens to be a power we can all use.”

Titan gasped, realizing his mistake too late, especially with the absorption slowing him down and making it hard to blast at or ensnare his opponent gathering energy.

“This… Ends… NOW!!” the entity shouted, and with a huge heave, they threw the massive ball straight at the core.

Titan had no choice but to stop absorbing and put him all the defenses he could. “I WON’T LET YOU STOP ME!!” he bellowed as the blast connected with him, and he actually managed to hold it off, but the Entity was still free, and began to charge up for one final attack.

“So long, Titan!” they called.


…But it was.

“UNIVERSAL BEAM” POW!! The massive blast was fired straight into the energy ball, pushing it forth, right through Titan’s defenses.

Titan wailed as the burning energy began to dissolve the core that made him up, “NOOOOOOOO…!!!”

As the core began to break up and explode, the entire inside began to glow and collapse on itself, just like a real dying star, which prompted the Entity to beat it out of there like light-speed.

Outside, Titan groaned as he felt something inside him was very wrong!

The other Sarfleet fighters came up onto the bridge just in time to see it. “What’s happening?” asked Krysta.

“It looks like Titan’s going haywire.” said Starla.

“Did it work?” wondered Buddy.

He got his answer when the Dark Star began to glow with explosions from inside, just as the Entity burst through to the surface.

“It’s going to blow!!” shouted Artie.

Everyone knew what happened when a star would detonate, and the Dark Star was no exception.

“Take us out!!” shouted Avyanna.

The ship crews rammed hard on their engines and began to move the Shadow Planet away from the collapsing star, but it was already too late.

The star was not the same size as even what a regular small star would be, and it collapsed much faster, exploding into a black hole, twice the size of the planet, and being a magical black hole strong, it was still strong enough to begin pulling things towards it, like the planet itself.

The Entity suddenly found they were being slowed down by the strong gravitational pull… like the Shadow Planet and the entire fleet surrounding it.

Everyone could feel the pull, and the alarms sounded on every ship.

The crew gave it everything they had, but the ships didn’t seem to have enough power, not even from what they had converted to break the pull.

“It’s pulling us in like being caught in a wind-tunnel!” cried Spike.

“We must pull out of it! WE MUST!” cried Rarity.

Starlight had a feeling they wouldn’t be able to… for she had known this would happen from the beginning-- a little precaution Titan had taken in the case he would be destroyed again.

This was proven when the powerful vortex began to mold into a large version of Titan’s demonic face, and laughed at everyone.

“Am I seeing what I think I’m seeing!” whimpered Applejack.

“You’ve got to be kidding!” cried Rainbow Dash.

The remains of Titan called out to them, “I told you it would be inadvisable to try and stop me, now you’re going to pay the price as well as I am.

…If I go, I take you all and everything nearby with me!!”

The magical vortex began to expand, and slowly making its way towards the near star-system. Soon it would pull all the planets out of orbit and suck them into its center, effectively obliterating them and any and all life they housed as well.

The Entity was finding it harder to fight against the pull, and their power was starting to run low, which meant they would de-fuse soon, and then be doomed!

The Shadow Planet and the fleet were in more danger than ever as the engines of the ships couldn’t pull away.

“We’re getting closer still!
We need more power, and more will!” shouted Rhymey.

“We’re trying!” cried Avyanna.

“The pull is just too strong!” called Mayne “Even if we convert power, it won’t be enough.”

“You mean this is the end of it all?
We’re really going to fall?!” cried Fluttershy.

Starlight wouldn’t let it happen, and already knew the one possible way to make everything all right… the very thing that was bothering her, but had to be done.

She closed her eyes and began to work a small bit of magic.

“What are you doing?” asked Starlight.

Her only response was Starlight throwing at her the very orb she used to steal the energy from Lightning and their majesties which turned them young.

Then, without another word, she teleported, and was gone.

“She’s gone!” cried Dyno.

“What’s she up to now?” asked Myte. “You don’t think she’s going to betray us?!”

Starla didn’t think so because of the orb she was given.

The Entity barely managed to make it within range of the planet, which was coming towards them as the vortex seemed to grow stronger.

“We’ve got to… make it… out of this!” they bellowed.

“You’re not going anywhere!” shouted Titan “I’m taking you all into the darkness with me!!”

“Not if I can help it!” Starlight called.

Starlight had transported herself deep into the core of the Shadow Planet, where she then used what power she could to control it manually by manipulating the energy flows, which severed the tractor beams around the planet.

“The beams are disabled!” cried a crewman.

The mates tried everything but couldn’t get them working again.

“Listen to me!” Starlight called to the Entity. “Can you get behind the planet?”

“Yes… we believe so.” replied the Entity.

“Good.” called starlight, and explained the plan. “Once you are behind it, channel all the last of your power, and blast the planet straight into the center of the vortex.”

Everyone fell into deep shock.

“Is she crazy?!” cried Buddy.

“Whatever is she thinking?!” wondered Rarity.

Starlight continued to explain, once I’m close enough, I’ll self-destruct the energy, and the force will consume the vortex and collapse it, which will also blow you all to a safe distance.”

“Starlight!” snapped The Entity “If you do that you’ll be destroyed!”

She knew this, and she was willing to go down. There was no other way, because the power could only be destructed from within, and even the Entity didn’t have enough power in reserve to do that, or they and the others wouldn’t be able to escape.

“Celestia…” she called to her “All these years I had you figured wrong, and I’ve been such an idiot. I let my rage control me, and I sought to destroy you and those you love for something you didn’t even do.

…Please, if ever I am to make it up to you, let this be it.”

Everyone was deeply moved by what she had just said, especially Celestia, from deep within the conscience of The Entity.

The planet had just moved past the creature.

“Do it!” called Starlight “…DO IT NOW!!”

With no time to argue, or come up with something different to do, The Entity complied and cautioned all the ships, “Standby…”

Everyone in all the ships braced for the big push that was about to occur.

The Entity summoned all the power they could give into one finally blast.


POW!! The massive blast was fired, striking the planet hard and pushing it straight for the center of the evil vortex.

Once it was close enough, Starlight took in a soft but deep breath as her eyes shut, “…For Lord Titan.” and with that, her body began to glow brightly, and she exploded herself, causing the energy all around to overload and go crazy!!

The planet shook and quivered as it flashed brightly, and it exploded into the vortex, making Titan wail… “WHAT…?!! NOOOOOOO…!!!”


The vortex exploded in a massive wave that pushed off against the Entity, and the ships, pushing them far out into space in a massive gale.

The light suddenly stopped stretching outward, still keeping out of range of the near star-system, and magically began to collapse inward, getting small, and small, until it went out in a small puff.

Everyone aboard the ships yelled and wailed as they tumbled and fell about all over the place as the ships continued to zoom outward, and the shields were all depleted from deflecting such a massive force.

The brave crewmen finally managed to restore help control, and steady all the ships out leveling them off.

“Is it safe to look now?” whimpered Rarity.

Spike held his gurgling stomach and groaned, “Maybe you should hold that thought.”

The crewmates only suffer a few minor injured, nothing serious, and though the shields were total exhausted, the systems weren’t damaged badly, and power was slowly coming back online.

“I cannot believe that just happened!” cried Mayne.

Avyanna was totally speechless. She had never seen such power, such incredibility before, and she once worked for Titan. She was just glad he was gone.

“He is gone, isn’t he?” she asked.

The Starfleet fighters believed he was gone after that, but given their history and knowledge with him in the past, they knew there were still ways he would return, until they could find a way to vanquish him once and for all.

“Hey, look out there.” called Buddy.

Everyone looked out the now open view-ports, and could see the Entity tumbling slowly and aimlessly in space; having blown out nearly all their power.

The body began to shrink in size indicating the creature was about to de-fuse, and without the cosmic energy to shield them, the individuals would then be exposed to space!

“Quick, get them aboard before they get warped away!” cried Starla.

“I’m on it.” said Krysta. She couldn’t go outside the ship herself, and she didn’t have to…

As the fading Entity flew directly towards the view-power, with a wave of her wan, Krysta conjured her double-way portal, so the Entity passed through one and came out the other, landing right there on the bridge where they finally separated into Lightning, Queen Celestia, and Grand Ruler Celesto.

Starla gasped softly as she and all the others gazed deeply down at the trio on the floor.

Each one of them slowly opened their eyes and struggled up, and then realized how high they were standing.

Lightning looked down at his hands, and then looked up at their majesties, and they looked at him and each other in the same way.

Finally, they had been restored to their true ages, their rightful heights, and power. They could even feel the energies and strength deep within their bodies, even though they were tired from the ordeals they had been through.

Starla dropped the orb on the floor and dashed over to Lightning, throwing her arms around him, tackling him to the floor.

“You’re finally back!” she cried with joy.

Even in his weariness, Lightning hugged his wife back and remarked, “…I was never really gone.”

Celestia and Grand Ruler embraced, feeling so glad to be normal again, and all the friends huddled around in a group hug to rejoice.

Avyanna and Mayne did feel happy for everyone, but they didn’t let it show.

The moment was suddenly interrupted when the orb on the floor began glowing, and it shot out a small ray of light next to it, effectively destroying the orb, and in its place lay a little baby filly, and not just any baby filly.

“Is that…?” asked Grand Ruler.

“I don’t believe it…” remarked Lighting.

Celestia walked over and scooped up the little bundle in her arms, “Starlight?”

There was no mistaking it!

Starlight had used the last of the orbs power to transfer a tiny portion of her own life energy into it, just as how she made Lightning and the others younger.

Now she was here, only as a fresh infant.

“We better get her back to Untied Equestria, now.” said Grand Ruler.

Epilogue: Thankful Ending

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A few days later, once everyone returned to their own specific planets, things began to go back to normal.

The last of Titan’s evil generators had all been destroyed, and were no longer threats, since they didn’t work anymore now that Titan was gone.

All the other races were thanked and honored for their heroic efforts in the great battle, and while it was sad that many fighters had lost their lives in service, they, too, were honored and remembered.

Avyanna and Mayne returned to Kallan, with the complete pardon for their crimes against Starfleet in the past. Still, they were only on probation, and were not full-fledged allies with Starfleet. That would have to decide in future… depending upon behaviors of course.

Avyanna wanted to maintain the peace at least, and even still… her biggest obsession-- having Mykan Stevens be hers—still remained, but she would have to put it off for another time.

Back on United Equestria, as much as the people were joyful that their heroes had returned and that their majesties and Lightning were back to normal, and The United Alliance of Evil being destroyed for good, ending the war…

…The returning heroes had their own pressing matters to deal with.

Swift Star was especially anxious to hear the results, when he found out what happened to Starlight.

He even remembered just before she had been set free to join the fleet to battle Titan…

She had explained everything-- the plan, Titan’s weaknesses, and all she could do to try and help, except for the part about destroying herself.

Princess Luna had used her magic to determine she was indeed being sincere, and given the risk of putting the hospital and the patients and civilians in danger, she had no choice but to send her away alone.

Swift even escorted her out of the hospital and to a clearing where some of Krysta’s fairies would send her off into space as needed.

“Wait…” he said to her “Why are you doing this?”

“Maybe the same reason you did things for me?” she answered.

Swift didn’t know to feel confused or touched.

“But don’t you realize what a danger you’ll be putting yourself in? I mean what if something happens to you on the way, or what if you get destroyed, or--” he stopped when he realized he was practically blurting his heart out-- confessing that he actually had feelings for her.

Starlight gave him a deep yet soft stare, the kind that would freeze you on the spot.

Then she approached him softly and gently pressed her lips up against his, which made his eyes widen and his cheeks go red. He couldn’t speak.

“Thanks for everything, kid.” was the last thing she said to him before she was warped out into space, leaving poor Swift in a mix of concern and yet deeply moved emotions.

He was snapped out of his flash back when Lightning came out to him.

“Well…?” Swift asked, trying to keep a hold his emotions.

Lightning just came out and said it plain, “It’s Starlight, all right. We’ve given her every test, but well… I think it all speaks for itself.”

Swift was somewhat relieved, but at the same time just as baffled as Lightning or anyone else was. Was Starlight really dead, or was she just reborn, or reincarnated? There was really nothing that could ever answer that, especially with the orb gone meaning its properties could not be fully studied and understood.

Almost the same as the Super Celestial Entity, many tests and experiments would have to be made and carried out to learn more about it, but for the moment, it was far too big and dangerous to use in common battles ever, and was strictly to be used only in fights such as the previous battles.

“So… um…” Swift said, even though he really knew he didn’t have to ask “What about Starlight? What’s going to happen to her?”

Lightning answered the obvious question. “What else? She’s been put up for adoption, and we’ll make sure she gets a good family. She’ll just relive her life-- grow up all over again, make new memories with absolutely no recollection of her former life and the things she did or experienced.”

Knowing this, Swift had to let go of Starlight, and while it did hurt him deep down, he was actually happy for her. Now she could start over and live a better life.

All he could do was hope and pray life she’d lead would be better than what she had before.

Lightning then cleared his throat. “Cadet… There’s something else I’d like to discuss with you.”

Swift looked up at him. “Yes Sir?”

Lightning looked at his apprentice and put a lot of thought into his words. “Princess Luna informed us all of what happened here, and what led to you releasing Starlight from custody.”

Swift would have felt a bit deep remorseful had Lightning not then informed him, “Given the circumstance, it appears that, once again, you acted according to procedure.

You were instructed to protect the people in the hospital, and you did, even if it meant letting her go, and in so doing you also provided the fleet with the chance we needed to save the universe.

…That is, without question, a most honorable feat, and it isn’t the first you’ve done so either.”

Swift had a strange feeling this was starting to lead to something great as Lightning continued.

“You see, Swift… Starfleet has rules and regulations. You have followed the courses well to the book, but at the time you have also gone far beyond your limitations and your boundaries of your position.

In spite of all this, you still have a long way to go; what with all the evaluations, oral exams, field tests and all that stuff.” he paused “…But your undeniable potential, and the services and actions you have shown still remain, and it doesn’t seem fair to us to make you wait for it.”

Swift looked confused, and before he could ask, Lightning declared, “You see in our view, you are merely a Cadet-- a simple patrol officer, which gives you your limitations and boundaries.”

He paused for another moment, and then looked him straight in the eyes, “…I hereby grant you field-promotion to Full Lieutenant, with all commensurate responsibilities and privileges with that rank, and do hereby assign you to my unit as axillary extra.”

Swift’s expression immediately turned into a glorious beaming, and Lightning then shook his hand “Congratulations.”

“Thank you, sir.” Swift replied with such pride and honor.

Lightning nodded at him, “Dismissed, Lieutenant.”

Swift headed off, keeping his excitement in check, while Lightning could only smile proudly.

Starla, whom had been eavesdropping around the corner, approached him, and pecked him sweetly on the cheek, and he smiled lovingly at her.

A couple of more days later, long after a promotional ceremony…

“PARTY…!!!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she hosted a gala for her friends at New Sugar Cube Corners.

After she had gotten home from the hospital, and no longer had to be on a strict diet or controlled medication; all she did was take one little lick of cupcake frosting, and… she was all back her normal self-- her mane was all puffed up again, and she was hyper and energetic as ever, and she needed it now that she was a mother, which was the main reason for her celebrating.

Another reason was all her friends had been promoted for their incredible services, far beyond any call of duty.

The Space Ponies in Lightning’s unit were all promoted to Lieutenant Generals, and so were nearly all the Equestrians, and they all had the stars and shoulder pads on their uniforms to show it.

Even Spike had been forthwith promoted, so now both he and Rarity were of the same rank.

“You get that…?” he teased “You can’t boss me around anymore.”

His wife gave him a hard stare. “Spike, you behave yourself!”

Spike acted timid, “Yes dear.”

The two shared a laugh.

Rainbow couldn’t stop boasting with pride. “How cool is it-- Me, Rainbow Dash… a General?”

To which the others just let her have her fun.

Of course, Lightning and Starla still outranked everyone, being supreme Commander and Supreme Five-Star General, but they would continue to honor and respect their comrades and friends as they always had.

Pinkie was the only one who didn’t receive any promotion, since she spent the entire war incapacitated while pregnant, but she didn’t mind one little bit.

“Who needs a promotion…?” she asked while she rocked her baby boy in her arms. “Who needs one when you got a cuddle-wuddly, wittle, cutesy baby to care for?”

Biscuit Pie cooed and giggled in his mother’s arms.

“Aww, Pinkie, he’s so darn cute!” cooed Applejack.

Pinkie rubbed her muzzle against her son’s little head. “Sure he is… cuz he has such a good mommy, doesn’t he?”

Spice came up to her, “Hey, what about me? I’m his Daddy, aren’t I special too?”

His wife giggled and gave him a huge smooch on the cheek. “Of course you are.”

Spice blushed.

Just as the part got officially underway, there was a knock at the door.

Lightning and Starla answered it, and there stood Lieutenant Swift Star, wearing a full casual uniform-- and white suit, and dark gray armored vest with matching boots, complete with a full-functioning energizer allowing him to transform in times of danger, and being an Equestrian, he had images of his cutiemark pained twice the front of his vest.

“Permission to join the festivities?” he asked.

Lightning and Starla both nodded at him and replied, “Granted.” and welcomed him inside.

After all that they and all the many planets had gone through the past months, it felt really great to settle down and enjoy life.

While far, far away in New Canterlot Palace, Celestia stood on a terrace looking up at the night sky, and all the stars were shining brightly.

The rest of her family-- her husband, her sister, the children, Shining Armor and Cadance, with a sleeping Flurry Heart-- all came out to join her on the quiet and beautiful evening…

…And they all said a prayer for Starlight, even though part of her was still alive, it only felt honorable that they gave their thanks.

Celestia looked deep inside of her now cleaner conscience and could only soft say, “Thank you, Starlight Glimmer. Thank you.”


(Season X)