
by Rescue Sunstreak

First published

Shane doesn't belong here; Heck he doesn't belong to where he came from really. Now stuck here how will he cope? how will he find a way to keep going?

Shane was born 100 years too late. He knew he belonged in the old west, not modern day America. After many years of the rat race, he lost the last of what held him in society.

Now he had his cabin in the northwest of Montana, he went down into the city once a month to get provisions and deal with the mail.

Just like every morning he woke up, but unlike any morning before something was very wrong with the view outside his cabin. A view that would change his life forever, for the better or worse.

*sex tag added 4/9/2017 Chapter 6, due to talk of biology and reproduction*

WOW! featured 6/27/2017 I am beyond humbled and absolutely blown away!
Featured again 8/25/17 I really have no words.

I just want to add, the story would never be what it is, without the hard work of my editors, Thunderblast and Mocha Star Thank you from the bottom of my heart dudes.

(Your typical HiE story, but with a bit of a twist I hope. No supersoldier, no turning into a pony, no super tech)

Guest Editors
Mocha Star - Chapter 37
Bahamuttone - Chapter 37
Once more Mocha Star - Chapter 38
PeerImagination - Chapter 39

A huge thank you goes out to my guest editors who step in when Thunderblast is tied up with other things.

1 - What the heck is going on?

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Lowering the rifle back down to point at the dirt, I lifted a hand and rubbed my eyes before bringing it back up, snugging my cheek into the stock, eye focused through the scope. No, I had not been mistaken, I was not seeing things. Right down there strode a tall bright red pony, on its flank sitting what appeared to be a green apple, and he was pulling a plow through a muddy field.

Once more lowering the rifle, taking a quick glance to ensure I am still well back in the brush, sitting back and stretching my legs some. How is this possible? How is it that I am staring right at a pony? Hell, not just any pony, but one from a magical cartoon of talking technicolor horses. That down there, is Big Macintosh!

This just can’t be. It can’t be real! I had to be dreaming or something. A quick glance at the watch on my left wrist said it was close to one in the afternoon. I glanced back up at the sun, then back at my surroundings to make sure nothing and nopony had sneaked up on me when I was looking away.

Once more lifting the rifle up to watch through the scope, my mouth went dry as the Sahara when a little off yellow filly with a bow in her mane trotted into view. A tri-color shield on her flank told me a bit more about her.

“Apple Bloom,” I muttered very quietly, more to myself than anything else. “She has her cutie mark, assuming I still have not gone insane. That tells me about what time period this is...”

Again, I backed off, creeping low back into the forest tell I was sure I was out of view before standing up to my full height, all five foot ten of it. Slinging the rifle over my shoulder, I worked a bit deeper into the woods, backtracking along the same path I followed here. I had to get back to the cabin, I needed to think, to figure out just what the hell was going on.


I had made sure nothing was following me, or tracking me. If this really was what I thought, if I really was in Equestria and not sky high on drugs, then the woods I strode through had to be the Everfree Forest.

This meant predators of all kinds, plants that can kill, and who knows what else. Looking around at the cabin and the large almost-thirty-yard area around it devoid of anything. No trees, no plants, no grass, just bare rock and dirt.

The oddest of all, as I had found out when I first started to look around, the clear area took the shape of a perfect circle almost like some god had taken a massive biscuit cutter to carve out the area.

I walked in through the door, closing it behind me before laying the rifle on the bed. It wasn’t much, thirty-by-twenty, an indoor bathroom through one door, fed by a pressure tank that drew from a nearby well. A few lights, a bed, a old sofa, the kitchen. That was quite literally it.

Oh, sure, it had a few solar panels on the roof, and I installed a couple of LED lights as well as a few batteries to store power. However, that was about as far into modern as it got. For the most part, this old cabin was just what someone might have lived in back in old, old times.

As I slid my pack off, I begun to talk to myself again. “Well, Shane, what the fuck have you got yourself into?”

Sitting on the edge of the bed and looking down at my hands now, I needed to talk this out, even if it was just with myself.

“I went to sleep last night, nothing strange in that. Woke up this morning to find the well gone, all the fences gone. Now, if I am not insane, I have found I might just be in a fictional world of a damn television show I last watched almost ten years ago.”

I glanced over at the desk, getting up and walking over to it. There lay the only two real so-called modern tech I owned anymore: a cellphone and a tablet. Picking the tablet up, I opened up the little SD card slot on the side and slid out the one in it.

Opening the desk drawer up, I pulled out a small pelican case. Opening that up to view the twenty two cards in it, I pulled the one out that was empty and put the tiny black card in. Clicking it back in place, I plucked out one marked ‘TV Shows’ and closed it all back up. Sliding card into the slot and walking back over to sit on the edge of the bed. A few taps, a few slides of the finger, and an old show, one from my younger days started.

“Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria…”


I guess I must have zoned out for a bit. Five episodes played while I kind of let my brain catch up to the show, and still pondered what the hell was going on. Turning the tablet off once more and walking back over to the desk. The sun and my watch told me it was near five, getting close to dark. I clicked the charger back in, pausing only to wonder if the sun on this world could even run the solar panels. If not then I had four, perhaps five days worth of batteries, and then it would be all gone.

Time to fix dinner, but it wouldn’t do to have a fire going. The smoke would give away my position, and the smells might attract predators. I was pretty sure I could deal with the more mundane things, but, if this really was Equestria, I am not quite sure a .45 Long Colt would halt a timberwolf, or anything bigger.

Hell, I don’t even know if the gun will fire here. For all I knew, physics could be totally different here. Evidently not if my feet remained on the ground.

Tonight's 'gourmet meal' came in the form of a good ol' U.S. made MRE. Plucking one of the tan pouches out of the box in the closet, I glanced at it flatly. “Oh joy, beef stew.”

I shook my head, but headed to the counter and started to prep it. Thinking as I worked, I figured I had at least three months worth of food, four if I dug into the emergency stuff, much like the MRE I am having tonight. The first thing will be to find out if food here is poisonous to me or not. Water, I was okay for now, a good hundred-gallons in the tank, plus another fifty in a barrel for cooking and drinking. That would at least take me a month if I was careful with it. Finding more will be high priority.

Next on the list, do I even attempt to make contact? What if someone finds the cabin? I thought on that as I waited for the meal to heat up in the pouch, pausing for a moment before it hit me like a sledgehammer.

“Shit, there is a zebra that lives around here. Crap, what was her name? Zee something.”

Pulling out the pouch from the heating bag, I dumped the water out to let it dry out so I may use it again. Opening up the bag of stew and grabbing the spork, I started to mix it around. I settled on the question, would they be able to understand me? Would the languages be the same or, what the hell am I even thinking?

It just crashed down on me right there, as I sat with a heavy thud into the chair at the desk. I was lost. I was not in the United States, and I sure as hell was not on Earth anymore. What the hell would I do, how would I get home?

For the first time in a long time, I felt the sting of tears welling up. Frustrated, angry, confused, all of it like hitting head first into a brick wall. The pouch of stew now lay forgotten, resting on a bowl to keep it from spilling. I had myself a good old fashioned breakdown.


It was dark when I finally did wake up, and with a glance down at my watch, reading three in the morning, assuming time is the same here. I felt like absolute garbage. The stress, the crying, hell, might as well face it, I had a full-on breakdown. Lucky for me, the moon was up, and bright as could be.

Moving up from the bed, I had to chuckle a bit. I never even bothered to kick my old boots off. I got myself a glass of water and looked out at the almost desolate clearing around the cabin from the window. Nothing moved out there. Was that because of the cabin, my smell in the area, or something else?

Sitting down at the desk still in the dark, it was time to make a plan. I knew the names of all the big players—well, most of them anyways. I had a fair idea of where I was, going by what I observed yesterday.

The big question now was, do I risk contact, or do I stay hunkered down here? Tugging out an old notebook and a pen, and by the light of the moon I started to jot down a list of names and reactions I conceived they might have, both good and bad. I figured if the good list was longer than the bad list, it might be worth it to try.

Celestia was almost a known reaction. She would likely want to learn all she could, however, she would do what was best for her subjects, far over my needs and desires. Luna, much the same, but she had a temper, it would be best to watch it around her. Cadence was all heart, as long as I didn’t try to hurt anyone she would be most likely to offer a hand so to speak. Twilight Sparkle…

I had to pause at that one, thinking of the bookish Princess of Friendship. Yes, she would want to learn about me, almost be eager to, the problem was, she might want to lock me up to study me.

Next on the list, the remainder of her friends. Of them, really the only one I had any concern about was Rainbow Dash. She was quick to conclusions that were not always fact. I knew the others—at least from what I knew about the show—kept her temper in check.

Pinkie Pie was one I simply added a frown next to. I didn’t have any sort of distaste for her, yet I never seem to do so well around the more-energetic, hyper people. I suspected the same held with ponies, too.


Again, I paused looking at the name on the paper. In truth, he was unknown. I couldn’t be sure what his reaction would be. Hell, for all I knew, he might responsible for all of this!

As I worked it out, the sun steadily rose. I glanced out the windows, making note of nothing new occurring. It was time to wash up and get moving. I had made up my mind. I would try to drop a note at the zebra’s place, assuming I can even find it. If luck took my side, they would be able to read it, and we could go from there.

A quick wipe-down ‘bath’ with baby wipes, throwing them into the composting can after I got dressed again. An old pair of forest camo hunting BDU’s, matching shirt, boonie hat, and a small pack. Next, I kicked carpet aside and pried up the floor hatch. Opening up the safe hidden there, I slid the old scoped .270 into the safe, leaving it loaded.

Tugging out a well-loved and used Ruger Mark II, I grabbed up two magazines for it. The little .22 didn’t have much power but it would be plenty. Screwing a suppressor onto the end, I racked the slide and tucked it into a holster on my right thigh.

Next out was Old Faithful, a Mossberg 500 Mariner. I grabbed up six rounds and loaded it, then tucked six more into the shell holder on the side. Worthless for bird hunting, although today, birds were the least of my concern.

I glanced down in the safe, four other guns lay in it. My trusty well used 10/22, the .270 Model 700, an 1873 Winchester chambered in .45LC, and last but not least, a very well-loved, old and used coach gun. All holdovers from my younger days, all had helped me stay fed and safe. I did worry just slightly about being in this land, would they even work?

Locking things back up and hiding the trap door once more. I paused long enough to tug a bit of fabric from the closet. Old, well, hell, what did I own that wasn’t old? BDU-pattern cloth tape, that's what. I wrapped it around the shotgun to hide the luster of the stainless steel.

Once done, I spent some time writing a note as neatly as possible, hoping somehow magic could be used to decode the language if they couldn’t already read it.
Stepping out the door, locking it behind me. It was time to see if I could track down someone's house and leave a note without being caught.

2 - Taking risks

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It took me a good four hours of moving around the forest to find it. However, there it sat, a little house built into the trunk of a tree, around it strange African-like masks and bobbles that hung from poles and branches. This must it, Zee—crap, what was her name?

I remained silent, motionless as I squatted behind the brush, shotgun across my thighs. I glanced around me, checking to make sure nothing was creeping up on me from behind. Again, taking note that I had not spotted anything all day, not so much as movement in the distance. Sure, a few distant noises caught my attention, though what ever they were, they retreated in the opposite direction. Something to ponder on later when I was not scared out of my gourd.

I sat for another few minutes, keeping an eye peeled for signs of anything. Movement, a light, just anything that might hint the zebra… Zecora! That was her name. What I did remember about her was that she rhymed everything she said. Anyways, it was time to move.

Standing up slow, I moved around the brush, glancing down to my boots, watching every little object that could make the slightest of noise and avoiding it. I did not need to step on a branch or anything else and give away that I was here.

It took almost a minute to cover the distance of thirty feet from the clearing's edge to the door. Tugging the paper out of my shirt pocket, I quietly tucked it through the door frame so it would fall into view when someone opened it. I exhaled out very slowly, leaving the note in place even if part of me wanted to take it back. Turning, I headed out as quietly and quickly as I dared move.


Twilight Sparkle was having a great day. Nothing untold occurred around her little town in months, but of course, that jerk Murphypony just had to step in again. She looked down at the sheet of lined paper laying on the map table.

The girls were here now, and the diarchy sisters were on their way. She could not afford to panic or to slide off into a science fit right now. Feeling someone touch her side, she glanced over to note the worry in Rarity’s eyes.

“Do you think, darling, it is some kind of monster threatening to capture us all?”

Twilight shook her head, looking around at her friends. “I do not think so, Rarity, but I don’t know what to think. I guess we shall find out what our next step is, as soon as Celestia and Luna get here.”

“Whoever left that note on my door went to great lengths to not to appear to be sore. I do not think anger is the reason for this gesture, but perhaps they seek peace, I may conjecture.”

Rainbow Dash simply looked over at the Zebrican shamen and blinked with bewilderment. “What?”

“She means, perhaps whoever wrote this wants to meet in a place neutral to everypony, so no one feels threatened,” the butter-yellow pegasus smiled some.

“Why didn’t you say so then, Zecora?” the rainbow-maned mare said, as everypony else just shook their heads.

Everypony glanced up as one of Twilight's guards opened the door into the map room, stepping aside as Celestia and Luna walked in. Twilight trotted over and gently hugged her mentor around the neck, then wing hugged the darker-shaded alicorn.

“Twilight, we came as soon as we could,” the tall alabaster alicorn smiled softly. “Let us take a look at this note.”

Twilight gestured towards it. “It is there on the table, but you can’t—”

A golden glow lit up around the sun princess’s horn, but she started to frown. There on the table the paper lay, no glow around it, motionless. She focused harder, and yet nothing came of it. Her eyes narrowed and her frown grew before she stopped trying.

“It is... null stone?” she said, looking to her former student.

Twilight shook her head. “No, but no magic can affect it. I don’t know why. No one can even pick it up with our hooves. I had to move it by lifting it with my wing, and Zecora was able to carry it in her mouth."

Celestia's eyes opened a bit, as if she knew something, but she again returned to her warm half-smile. “I see. Well, allow us to read it.”

Walking over with Luna, the rest in the room stayed silent as the two alicorns looked down at the note.

If you can read this. Please take this to Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Princess Twilight Sparkle,

I wish to meet with you and your fellow leaders. However, due to a rather unique problem, I am unable to formally meet with you. I understand that asking trust of someone somepony you have not met before, is asking quite a bit but I implore you to give me a little trust.

Please, in three days time from when you see this note, assuming you see it the same day I left it at the zebra’s door, at ten in the morning, I ask that you, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia come and meet me. I will be at the same camp area that Applejack has used before, the one where she took her sister camping at.

I know that it seems impossible that I know what I know, that I know of all your names, and details of where Miss Apple has camped before. I can only give you my word that I mean no harm, and am far more afraid of all of you, than you need to be of me.

~A new friend.

P.S. Bring Tea

Looking up at her sister's eyes then back at the paper on the table once more, she again attempted to lift it in her magic only to fail.

“It is the same, is it not my sister?”

Celestia exhaled. “We will discuss that later,” turning to look at the rest of the mares in the room and earning a few inquisitive looks.

“What are your thoughts on this, Applejack?” having been mentioned very directly in the letter.

Reaching up and removing her brown stetson, the orange apple mare frowned some and shook her head. “Ah dun rightly know, Princess. It has me more confused than a bee at a hornet convention.”

Luna tilted her head, then gave a nod. “We shall go, but we will prepare a... surprise for our guest.”

Pinkie jumped up with eagerness. “Oh, oh, oh! Can I do it?! I love to surprise ponies!”

Celestia shook her head gently. “Miss Pie, what my sister means is we will have our guards nearby, stationed to oversee should something happen”

Pinkie sat down again, her ears drooped. “Well, that doesn’t sound very much like a good surprise...”

Many of them shook their heads.


Well, this was it, too late to take off now. I knew damn well they were already watching me as I sat there, poking the small campfire with a stick to settle the coals some, reaching out and placing the old cast iron kettle on the flat rock so it could heat.

I sat on a log, staring out at the logical place for them to approach from, my back to the cave I set up in last night. I suspect they knew that, however, I caught a glimpse of movement last night in the treeline. Likely Royal or Lunar guards, if I had my guess, it is what I would have done.

Sitting there, the Mossberg leaning on the log next to me, I was dressed in a pair of blue jeans, an old shirt, with a warm red-patterned flannel shirt open over it. On my hip hung a beat up old leather quickdraw holster, hanging from a wide well-weathered old gun belt. I had decided to wear my old leather boots, a bit of a risk, as I had a lot of leather on. I worried the implications of that, but would address that if I got that far. Last up on my head perched my old black Stetson, figured what the hell if I am going to die today, I am going to die being who I am.

In the holster sat perhaps my greatest treasure: a third generation Colt Single Action chambered in .45 long colt, a gun that had been carried by my great great grandfather, an old Texas Ranger, and someone I was proud to have in the family tree. It was perhaps one of the few things I treasured more than anything else. It was living history, and had never once let me down.

Looking up, I heard a small noise, glancing at the edge of the clearing as ponies emerged out into the open. One, however, I kept my eyes on: a white alicorn with the billowing mane of pastel colors. She looked right back at me, both of us sizing each other up. I gave a respectful dip of my head to her but never let my eyes leave hers.

“What is it? It’s some kind of ape, or something that someone shaved! Perhaps it’s sick?” that would be Rainbow Dash. I guess I should have known she would be first to speak... wait. She spoke, and I understood her!

Letting out a soft exhale with a small chuckle mixed in, I shook my head lightly. Reaching up with my right hand I gently tipped my hat to the mares “No, Miss Dash, not an ape.”

They all froze, eyes growing wide. I took note of a few horns lighting up, but nothing else. I needed to speak, to hope I could get through their mistrust before a fight started.

“Before anyone—” I stopped. “—sorry, anypony does anything, please, let me talk. I know you have no reason to trust me, and some of you have about a million and one questions for me.”

I glanced specifically at the bookish purple princess who blushed bright purple along her cheeks. She really was as adorable as she appeared in the show. She set her jaw and shook off the moment, still looking at me, horn remaining lit, ready for anything.

“I guess names should be a place to start. My name is Shane McDonald, and truth be told, I don’t belong here.”

Granting that time to sink in, I set my eyes on Luna and Celestia more than the others. Luna’s eyes narrowed in thought, but I could tell she was listening as she watched me. Celestia, on the other hand, was unreadable for the most part. I will need to remind myself not to play poker with her.

“W-what do you mean you don’t belong here?”

Ah, Twilight, never change.

“That is going to be a long story, Princess Twilight. So, perhaps for now, we should all stand down and relax a bit. I don’t think my heart can take beating as hard as it is for long,” I tried to smile a bit, very careful not to expose my teeth.

Finally, Celestia gave a nod and spoke glancing out at the forest. “Captain, you may stand down for now.”

I was not surprised by this. I knew she had to have troops around. In fact, it is exactly why I picked this place, to put myself at a major disadvantage, to show them I was willing to be the one at risk, reaching over I spoke as I did.

“I am going to unload my weapon, as a show of trust.”

Pressing the slide release without picking the shotgun up, I gently moved the slide down, watching the ponies other than the two diarchs, flinch at the metallic clack of the slide, catching the round as it came out the port.

I tucked the green shell into my pocket and leaned back away from the gun once more. Every move I made was slow as I could be. The last thing I wanted was for the littlest of misunderstandings to end up with me being burned alive, or used as a pincushion by the guards.

It was Applejack that spoke up first. “Now, what is that fancy doohickey there y’all just touched?”

I shook my head. “Think of it as a cannon, only smaller.”

Luna tilted her head. “We have seen such things, carried by the minotaur and griffons. However, that one is clearly quite a bit more advanced. A... musket, I believe they call it.”
Gently, I nodded my head. “Close enough, yes. However, I have rendered it safe... for now.”

I took note that everypony looked at Applejack, who nodded as well. “He ain’t lying or trying ta hide the truth none so far.”

Celestia took the first cautious step forward. I had to admit, awe struck me right then and there. She moved as regal as ever she had in the show, but here she was just as real as can be. I could almost feel the warmth coming off her.

Then, Luna next to her, ever the yang to her sisters ying. Eyes staying on me, not quite trusting me but trusting her sisters intuitions for now. Both approached the fire and slowly sat down on the log I tugged over long before any of them had arrived. Celestia looked back over her shoulder, gesturing for the others to come and sit.

“Forgive us for being a little cautious, Mr. McDonald. However, it is quite clear that you understand the gravity of this moment. For that, and for thinking of my little ponies safety over your own, I thank you.”

I gave a bit of a nod, but Pinkie Pie spoke up, asking the question that rested in the other mare's minds. “What do you mean, Princess Celestiaroony?”

I closed my eyes a moment. Yeah, she was going to get under my skin, I could tell already.

A soft smile on the alabaster princess’ face appeared as she glanced to her younger sister, who nodded her head.

“You see,” Luna spoke, looking back directly towards me. “Mr. McDonald here has given us all the advantage. His back is to the woods and cave, the area is wide open, the fire gives away where he is, and his weapon is far enough away from his hand that he would not reach it before our archers could end him.”

Shrewd, smart, and up front. I liked her. The others all looked around with various stages of understanding. Twilight spoke up, smart cookie that she is.

“So,” she looked me in the eye. “You set this up, so that if anything happened, your life would be forfeit?”

I gave a nod of my head. “I am a creature neither of you have seen, or have even remotely heard of." Then I paused and looked back to Twilight.

"Other than you of course. I was not even sure you could understand me, or that I understand you, and I had to be sure to give myself every chance of reaching you in a peaceful method.”

Rarity spoke up. “Then why, darling, do you carry such vile weapons?”

Luna gave a bit of a snort, but it was Celestia who spoke, looking to the white marshmallow of a unicorn. “Dear Rarity, because he is no fool. Because like all living creatures he wishes to survive, and only a fool would attend a meeting such as this without some means of defense. It is the same reason why we have our guards in the woods.”

Rarity and Rainbow both gave a nod of understanding now, the latter speaking up. “So, that is why you have squad one on standby,” as she pointed up.

I looked up, and from a cloud high up above us, five blue fabric-framed, goggled faces looked down at us. I shook my head a bit at that.

“You even brought some of the Wonderbolts. I guess I should not be surprised by that.”

Celestia gave a nod, but the once-again adorkable the purple princess spoke up. “Mr. McDonald, you seem to know quite a bit about us, but we know nothing about you why is that?”

I glanced around, now having their undivided attention. I exhaled softly and gestured to the kettle of water beginning to steam.

“Perhaps we should have tea or coffee and talk. It is going to be a long explanation to that question, Princess.”

To my surprise it was Fluttershy who said in a very soft voice. "Pardon me, but I feel I must ask one question, if that would be alright?"

I looked around at the ponies then back to the rather pretty yellow one. "of course"

She perked her ears some "Twilight has not once asked what you are, why is that Twilight?"

Ah, to know your friends that well. I had to smile a bit as I turned to look at the purple Alicorn. Taking note of the more serious smile that she offered as she looked around at her friends.

"Because I have met creatures like him before Fluttershy, in the mirror world where Sunset Shimmer is." Turning to look at me "He, is a human"

3 - Where do we go from here

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I sat there, holding my old tin coffee cup in hand while I looked over the eight mares. All of them had various looks on their faces as they processed what I just spent the last half hour explaining to them.

Celestia and Luna were the two I sat unsettled most with, as the implications were such that it could change the way they viewed me. However, as said at the very beginning, the last thing I had in mind would be to sugarcoat things, and I was not going to hold back information just to save my own skin.

Applejack was the first to speak out, looking up at me as she tipped her stetson back on her head with a hoof. I liked that she looked me in the eyes sternly and showed respect.
“So, this here... 'tee-vee show' you called it, portrayed all of us and what we did in our lives?”

I gave her a nod of my head. “Yes, ma'am, and I know it’s quite the tall tale to believe. Heck, think about how is it to me! I am sitting here in a world that, just a few days ago, was a picture-show-fantasy made to sell toys to kids.”

Rainbow Dash twitched a bit, one ear lifting and going down a few times as I glanced over at her.

“And you said millions of... people, you call yourselves, watch me? That is so awesome!“

I couldn’t help but crack a small smile. Never change, Dash, never change.

I turned my head to look at Celestia, who continued to observe me suspiciously, I tried to read her face. However, her soft, almost-motherly smile just never seemed to crack.

“So, I guess, Princess, it comes down to... what do you think? I meant what I said. If you three feel that I am a threat, then I shall go willingly into your custody and not resist. I sure would rather not, but, I am the one that doesn’t belong here, a unwelcome guest in your house, so to speak.”

A tiny hint of thought showed on her face. A twitch of her lips pulling back some into a more-amused smile, before it rested back in that same motherly look.

“I have a few questions to ask you, Shane. I am sure my sister does, as well,” she paused, glancing down at the smaller purple alicorn to her left. “And, I am for certain Princess Twilight has thousands of them for you.”

This broke the silence as everypony there began to laugh at that. The mentioned purple mare blushed a deep red on her cheeks and gave a sheepish nod of her head. “Yeah.”

Once the tension was broken and the laughter died down, I looked back to the alabaster princess of the sun. “What is your main concern, Princess?”

She lifted her head some. Even sitting in her current position, she stood significantly taller than me. It hit me as strange, though at the same time not.

“My only real concerns are two in number, Shane. First, I have observed your teeth as we talked. You are omnivore, yes? You eat meat, much like the griffons and minotaurs? Should this be a problem for my little ponies? As I am sure you are well aware, we do not partake of such.”

I knew that question was coming, I knew this was a moment I had to choose my words very carefully. I sat thinking for a bit, looking down into the tea in the cup I held now in both hands.

“It shouldn’t be a problem, for the most part. While we humans require protein to survive, I can get such from eggs and nuts, if I have to. I am willing to give my word that I will not bring harm to any creature, save for defending myself.”

She seemed to think for a bit, before looking over at the butter-yellow pegasus who was looking at me, amazed she did not cower, but rather, she was looking at me with what I took to be a curious look.

“I am sure Fluttershy can provide you with fish. She cares for many animals and some, as I am sure you are aware, require the same as you.”

Glancing around at the collection of mares, I took note of no look of disgust or revulsion on their faces. I returned my gaze to Fluttershy, who gave a soft nod of her head. “The otters, seals, and bears all require fish. I can make sure you have some, if that is okay with you, that is.”

I gave her a soft smile. How could I not? Even here, facing a creature she had never seen before, her kindness stood strong, something I wish my own species had learned to be more of.

“Thank you, Fluttershy,” I nodded once, turning my head back to Celestia.

“And your other concern?”

At that, a more serious look appeared. Without meaning to, I gulped. I suspect if I had expressive ears like the ponies before me, they would be flat to my head now.

“We need to determine just how much you know. If you have a understanding of events that have not yet occurred in our world, your very presence could disturb them and end with catastrophic consequences.”

I let out the breath I had been holding. Taking a moment to take a sip of tea, and making note of the flavors. So far, it had not killed me, so it was pretty safe to assume the food here might be all right for me after all.

“Well, now I have been thinking about that, I figure the best idea is if I ask a few leading questions, and adjust to what your answers are,” looking back to her eyes. “Would that work for you?”

She glanced at Luna, then down at Twilight, before peering over the rest of the girls. She glanced back up at me once more.

“That will do, yes.”

I nodded again, pondering before I started.

“All right, I know I saw Apple Bloom had her cutie mark. So, it is safe for me to assume events up to that are known. Does the name... Starlight Glimmer mean anything to any of you?”

Twilight’s face lit up with a smile. “My student? What does she have to do with this?”

Okay, that saves me quite a bit of time. “Your student,” I said as I looked at the bookish mare. “Okay, how about you tell me of the last big event she was part of? That will help me understand where we are, compared to the timeline I remember best.”

With pride, she lifted her head. “She, just two weeks ago, helped save all of Equestria, and brought love and great change to the changelings.”

Once more, the breath I had not been aware I was holding escaped in a long exhale. That was a massive load off me, and my smile must have said something as Luna spoke up.

“We note you relax at that news, would it be safe for us to assume that is the end of... what was it you called it? The seasons?”

I shook my head with a light smile. “Just season, and yes, that would mark the last time I saw the show.”

Then the memories hit, and I must have gone very quiet. I didn’t even realize I was looking down at the ground, or that any of them had moved. However, I looked up to find a night-blue wing resting against my arm lightly, and a mildly concerned-looking Princess Luna standing right next to me suddenly, with a frown.

“Shane, what is it? You grew suddenly so quiet. We've said your name several times.”

I shook my head. Damn it, how long did I sit there being quiet?

“Nothing, just a memory that is all.”

“Ya gonna pull the other leg there, partner? Ya ain’t lied once but for just now. Don’t have ta be the Element of Honesty to see that.”

I found I could not look up to face any of them. So, I simply shook my head and took a sip of tea, keeping my head down, glad for once I wore my old stetson, as it helped keep my eyes hidden some.

“Ain’t nothing I want to talk about, okay? As to the show, and all of you, what I know is current as of this moment.”

I knew they were all looking at me, scrutinizing me, and more than one of them wore a look that displayed concern for me. So far, they were just about exactly like they were in the show. Even if it had been over ten years, I still sort of knew what to expect with them.

“Very well, for now, Shane.” Luna spoke, then retreated back. Things grew quiet for a solid few minutes, then Twilight spoke up.

“Celestia, Luna, what about the populous at large? We will have to find a way to tell them of Shane, at least, until we can find a way to help him get home, if that is possible.”

Lifting my head back up to watch the ponies across the little campfire from me, my eyes roamed to Celestia once more. She really was the one calling the shots here.

“I think it best if we announce this to the press. Shane, are you okay with your presence becoming public? Of course, your understanding of our world will be…”

She paused, glancing at Luna next to her, then speaking in a lower tone. “A crown secret.”

I gave a nod of my head. “I understand, and yes, I think that is for the best,” I looked out at the woods. “That brings up another little issue, my cabin, and the odd state of the ground around it. For that matter, trying to figure out why and how I got here, and where here really is compared to where I was.”

Watching her stand, I slowly stood, too, looking across the small space between us all, making note of the others starting to stand.

“I think, Shane, that first we should see this, cabin of yours, to determine what—if any—security measures we must take to keep it safe and hidden for now. Then, we will need to have you travel to Canterlot. All of you shall accompany him, there is something Luna and I must show you. “

I didn’t like that, not one bit. Ominous terms like that set me on edge.


As we walked through the forest, much of the worry disappeared. I was with eight of the most powerful creatures on the planet, and surrounded by what I had counted to be twenty guards in a blend of gold and dark blue armor.

“You seem to be taking all this quite well, Shane. I know if I were in your shoes, I do not think I would be quite as calm.”

I glanced down at Rarity who was walking at my right side. It came to me as rather amusing the sizes of the ponies around me. Rarity, among the taller of her friends and the same height as Applejack, came up to my belly, about what a Great Dane would be back home. On the flip side, Luna stood up to my neck with ease, and her sister, I looked eye to eye with.

“Well, ma’am, panic and stress ain’t going to help me much, now will it? I had a good idea of how y'all would react to me, and how I would be treated. I guess I just figure I need to go with things and hope for the best at this point. I am, as they say back home, up the creek without a paddle.”

The fashionista took a look where she was walking, then back up at me. “Darling, I mean this with absolutely no disrespect or concern on my part, but... your boots, the belt holding your weapon, is that... leather?”

I let out a exhale, I knew this was going to come up. I also knew a lot of ears were turned my way now.

“The long and short of it, ma’am, yes. I will explain a lot more later, I am sure. However, back home, cows and other creatures are not sapient, nor can they talk.”

I paused and looked around seeing many eyes set on me now. I tucked my hat down some, not ever did I like being put out under the spotlight like this. I noted the white unicorn didn’t quite turn green, but clearly she was not one-hundred percent okay with this.

“I... see.”

Well, now I felt lower than dirt. I muttered, “Sorry, ma’am, just the facts of life back home. What my world is and this world are, they really do not mesh well.”

I gave an exhale and grew silent, until Luna spoke up, dropping back to walk at my left side.

“We believe we understand, Shane. Thou must understand the differences will be shocking to us, as I am sure many here are to you.”

I shook my head. “No need to explain, Princess—”

She cut me off by pressing her wing to my arm. “Please, call me Luna.”

Glancing over at her from beneath my hat, I gave a nod. “Thank you, Luna. As I was saying, I understand. I am going to do my best to do things your way, to adapt as long as I am here, to the Equestrian way.”

Luna gave a nod. “We very much appreciate that, and in turn, we will do all in our power to help you adjust to life here. We have already said we will try our best to return you to your home, but if we cannot, we give our word to help you adapt to this world.”

I think perhaps the first real smile I felt like letting show proudly crossed my face, to hear how willing the ponies around me were to lend a hand—er, hoof—to someone so different. I sure as hell wasn’t back in the states.

Twilight had swapped spots with Rarity at my right side, glancing up at me time to time as we hiked among the trees and brush.

“Shane, I would like to sit down with you at some point soon, and begin to document everything you are willing to share with me about your own life and world. You must understand that you are the first alien species we have ever met... well, on this world, anyways.”

I glanced down at her and gave a nod. “Perhaps we can set up a regular thing, an hour or two every week, or perhaps as often as every few days. Once I get settled in some place, that is. Anyone—sorry, anypony—can join, like a question-and-answer session.”

Her smile lit up bright her face. “That would be perfect! Oh, and I can write it all down and record it! I might even be able to publish a book about it! I can see it all now, hardback versions in every library across the world!”

I chuckled and shook my head as she rambled on and on about it. I heard Applejack say from behind me. “That's our Twilight.”

4 - The Cabin

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“This... this don’t feel right,” Applejack stood there, looking out at the thirty or so yards of empty nothing surrounding the log cabin that had been my home for the last ten years.

“What could do this?” one of the guards, a bat-winged pony of Luna's Guard spoke, I hadn't caught his name just yet.

Luna’s tone was reserved, quiet, and not a little edged with a nervous tremor. “We do not know, Captain. As the Element of Honesty has pointed out, this does not feel right.”

I glanced down at the ponies around me, before looking back to my left at the princess of the day. Giving a shrug, I stepped over the boundary line and started for the cabin.

“It wasn’t like this back home, I used to have a garden over there, and my well was around the back,” I began to explain.

Rainbow Dash snorted. “Just some dirt,” and took off. She made it all of five feet in before letting out a loud and very terror-filled cry. I had only started to turn as she crashed into the ground, flopping around as she came to a stop.

“My wings won't work!”

Twin reactions happened almost instantly. A golden-glowing wall of energy was thrown up in front of the ponies. I had to guess that Celestia reacted to keep others from charging over the line. A part of me somewhere deep inside gave a little shudder of respect for the speed and power she had.

Second reaction was my own, as I turned and sprinted ten feet or more back to the flopping around pegasus mare. We humans still had instincts on our side. We are survivors, fight or flight is written into our very DNA. I didn’t really think, I just reacted.

Arms around Dash, I took a hoof to the face. Blood erupted out of my nose, but it didn’t matter. My adrenaline-fueled muscles knew what to do. With a bellow, I lifted her up, clutching her to my chest and sprinting her back over the line, crashing to the ground on my knees and setting her down. I took note that she wasn’t moving or making noise.

Kneeling there, neglecting to notice the blood running down my mustache and dribbling onto my shirt, I took a hand and turned her head, scanning for signs of life. I exhaled deeply and audibly when she let out a cough and blinked awake.

Others gathered around, one unicorn stallion in golden armor nudged me aside. “Let me check on her.”

I backed off, rising to my feet while what I guessed to be their corpsman—corpspony—went to work doing what he does best, then hearing Dash start to complain.

“I-I feel fine now,” but letting the white-coated stallion check her over.

“What just happened, Shane?”

I glanced down at Twilight, who was closely examining the line with a troubled narrowing of her eyes.

Sniffling, it gradually dawned on me, just as a butter-yellow pegasus floated in my face, flapping her wings gently as her hoof stretched out, a white handkerchief held in it.

“You are bleeding, let me help,” the kind pegasus spoke, not a hint of timidness or fear in her tone. No, she had the tone of a seasoned nurse. It was almost like a switch had been thrown somewhere, and she was a different pony entirely.

I blinked and nodded, slowly lowering myself down onto the ground so she wouldn’t have to hover there. I let her hold the cloth to my nose, I tipped my head forward some to allow the blood to drain and let her put pressure on it.

“Very much like when a dog has a bloody nose, just let me put pressure. It doesn’t feel broken. Does it hurt?”

I coughed, but didn’t shake my head. “No, stings a bit, but I don’t think it is broken. I have had a broken nose before, doesn’t feel anythin' like that. Is Rainbow okay?”

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught the soft smile of the sun princess at my concern for her pony, rather than my own present condition.

The solar guard working with her spoke up. “As far as I can tell, yes. Miss Dash?”

She rose to her hooves, gave a few flaps of her wings to shake them out, then lifted off a few feet off the ground back to her usual legs-down hovering. “Ye-yeah, I feel fine now. What the heck happened?! One moment I was fine, next moment, it was like someone slugged me in the gut really hard.”

After short pause, she said, “Twi, remember when I got feather flu? It felt like that, only like, twenty percent worse...”

Many of the ponies now stood a good distance from the line, maybe seven or so feet. One, however, remained just at the edge of it, I suppose I should not have been surprised by that. The purple alicorn stood there, head tilted in thought before she spoke.

“It... is like the paper. I have been trying to move that little rock right there, and I can’t even touch it with my magic. Applejack, come over here. I want you to place your hoof over the line. Don’t worry if something happens, I will yank you back.”

The farmer mare walked over, a frown pursing her lips. “Ah don’t like this, but ah trust you, Twilight.”

I observed as Applejack lifted her front-right hoof and reached it out. The moment she crossed it over the line, I saw her eyes go wide and she let out a very genuine nicker of fear. Starting to fall forward, a purple glow grabbed her around the barrel and tugged her back.

Falling down on her haunches, she exhaled and shook her leg like it had no bones in it.

“It felt like mah leg went to sleep! Y’all know that feeling when ya lay down too long on one leg, like y'all got pins and needles all up and down yer leg?”

Quite a few gave a nod at her words. Luna stood beside her sister, both in thought, before Celestia spoke.

“It is almost like the whole area was a nullstone plate,” she paused, glancing down at me as the Element of Kindness tended to my nose.

“Nullstone is a stone, an oddity in nature. It has properties that nullify all magic, a dead zone to all of this world. Even the less and non-magical creatures fall victim to it, just by touching or hovering a few feet above such an object.”

I pondered that for a bit. “How much of that stuff is there?”

She shook her head and looked out at the dead area around the cabin. “It only exists where meteors have struck the ground,” her gaze returned to me. “I think it wise we bring you to Canterlot soon, Shane. What my sister and I must show you will answer many questions, I believe."

I didn’t bother to nod, rather letting Fluttershy continue to tend to my bloodied nose. Rainbow came over, dropping to the grass next to the butter-yellow pegasus.

“I don’t remember much, but, I kind of remember flailing around. I caused that, didn’t I?” as she gestured to my nose.

I had to smile some. “I ain’t mad, Rainbow Dash, you were in a panic. I was in fear for you, and it ain’t broken.”

She shook her head. “Just call me Rainbow, and no way I am going to let it go. You helped me and I am not going to forget that. Ever.”

Loyalty, it really was her. Not just a word, not just a platitude. The cartoon may have shown us her nature, but it paled compared to how she presented herself in person—er, in pony?

I lifted my right hand and formed a fist, holding it out to her. She lifted her hoof and gently bumped it to my offered knuckles.

“Soon as the bleeding stops, I will get my bigger pack and some food. Celestia, will it be safe to leave this area unguarded?

She shook her head. “No, it will not be. My sister and I have been speaking. We will leave the guard here and start rotating them in the area. I think they should be quite safe in numbers. Until we can find a way to block this area off, or somehow remove the effect, it will need to be guarded at all costs.”

I sniffled and was rewarded with a big clot down my throat. Coughing, I turned my head and spit out the glob of snot and blood. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Pinkie Pie using a stick to poke the dirt on the other side of the dead zone line. This was going to be a long day.


I sure as hell didn’t like what I found when I got back out of the cabin. I had my trusty three-day pack on my back. My shotgun was now tucked in its bag along the side of said backpack. I still had on my holster, that wouldn’t change. Not at least until I truly felt safe, not that I mistrusted the ponies, but I remained to be an alien among them.

Standing on the deck, I took note of four large chariots pulled by golden-armored pegasi. Crossing over the ‘dead zone’, as we were now referring to it, glancing over to the two sisters talking. Lost in thought, I didn’t hear Applejack walk up to my side, and she grabbed my attention by bumping my leg. “Shane, ya were out wool-gatherin' again.”

Looking down at her, I gave a nod. “Just kind of my way, Miss Apple. I think things out before I do, at least when I can.”

A nod of her head followed as she glanced to what I was looking at, the chariots. “First off, sugarcube, don’t be callin' me Miss-anything. Ya just call me Applejack, or AJ if ya want. Second off, y’all helped Dash out. Ah wanted to say thank ya for that.”

A smile found its way onto my face. Talking to her was like conversing with people from back home. Her accent reminded me of many of the ranchers and farmers I grew up around, too.

“Well, ma’am, I will call you Applejack, if that is okay, momma would have taken the wooden spoon to my backside for arguing with or disrespecting a lady... or her wishes.”

She gave a nod. “Sounds like yer momma raised a right good-hearted stallion then.”

I blinked. “Man. We call ourselves men and women... but, I guess it doesn’t really matter. Means the same thing.”

Again, she tilted her head, lifting her ears up and listened to me. “Man,” rolling the word around in her mouth some. “Well then, partner, your momma raised a good, respectful man,” she gave a nod of her head.

“I don’t like the idea of flying on one of them things. Hell, I don’t like the idea of flying at all,” I glanced down to see her looking at the chariots as a few guards got off the last one, and Pinkie Pie along with a few of the guards from our group hopped on.

“Don’t you worry none, Shane, it is plenty safe, and it won’t take but fifteen minutes to get to Canterlot. However, truth between you and me, ah don’t like flyin' none either. Ain’t right having these hooves off the ground like that.”

I simply nodded in return. “Yes, ma’am.”

Celestia gestured to the chariot that had just landed. I glanced over and gave a nod, walking closer. “This may be a bit strange for you, Shane,” Celestia began. “However, my sister and I will shadow behind you. No harm will come to you.”

I exhaled softly. “I... would like it if someone rode with me, perhaps Applejack?” peering over at the orange mare.

The orange mare nodded and trotted over. “Ah would be happy to, Shane, and thank ya for being respectful and asking.”

Once in, the guards galloped in short run along the edge of the forest, and suddenly my gut fell out from under me. Up we lifted, and my hands clutched the edge of the chariot in a death grip. I felt my hat about to fly off, but I grabbed it quick and tucked it down between my knees before grabbing the edge again.

“Sugarcube, you can ease up some. We are safe and airborne.”

Opening my eyes, I looked out to see the forest stretch out for miles below us, and there in the distance, the grand white city perched on the side of an unnaturally-shaped mountain. I had to breathe out slowly as I struggled to keep my cool in, glancing at the two guards hauling us along through the sky.

My voice trembled a bit. “I... I hope I ain’t too heavy for you two.”

One glanced back. “You are fine, sir. Wind Cutter and I have been pulling carriages and chariots for the Guard and princesses for, well, heck, how long now?”

The other glanced back, a female voice came from the other pegasus. “Over ten years now as a team, Wingover.”

I caught a hint of something more in the tone, and the smile they gave each other. It set me at ease a bit to know, really. “Thank you, for the information that is. Truth of it this is all so... new to me.”

It was Wingover that answered back. “Not a problem, sir. You and Miss Apple just relax, we will have you at the castle grounds in a few minutes here.”

I glanced down at Applejack, who too removed her stetson, and then back at the view. I sure as hell wasn’t willing to let go of the edge of the chariot, nope. I was going to be just happy letting my hands cramp as my muscles refused to ease up.

5 - The Vault

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The landing was by far the worst part of the flight. Not saying it was rough, not at all. In fact, the stallion-and-mare team had eased the chariot down as smoothly as possible. That wasn't about to change my thoughts on flying, it still sucked!

Stepping off the back and planting my feet back on the ground, I found myself exhaling in relief and silently mumbling a prayer to the gods for arriving safely.

Hearing the others land, I moved my gaze up to watch ponies stepping off of the other chariots, and observe as the alicorns came in for a landing. Twilight, by far, being the roughest of three, stumbled a bit, but to her credit, didn’t faceplant.

“See, thou are okay. Flying tis not so bad.”

I shook my head and turned to the lunar alicorn. “Just not for me, ma’am. I have to echo the earth pony there—” gesturing to Applejack. “—and say, it ain’t natural having my feet off the ground.”

Quite a few chuckled at me, but I didn’t care. One pony had caught my attention, he—or she—had been eyeballing me for some time now. It was hard to tell genders apart when their armor hid not only cutie marks, but their natural coats as well. The day guard set his jaw, then turned and looked at Celestia.

“My princess, I cannot hold my thoughts anymore. While I understand the creature has not shown aggression yet, I do not think it is wise to allow it to keep its weapons or walk around unrestrained. We are in the heart of the capital now, in the castle no less.”

Well, shit. I figured it would take a bit to get to this point. On the other hand, it was not my call, so I looked over to where Celestia stood with a few others looking down at the one who just spoke.

“Captain Cross Swords, I understand you are doing your job. In fact, I commend you keeping my—as well as everypony else's safety—in mind. However, you will show respect to our guest. He is not a creature, he is a human being, and his name is Shane.”

Her face passive, that smile still there, but it was pretty clear—at least to me—that she was dressing the guard down.

“To address your core concern, while I agree we do not know the extent or power of the humans weapons, I will remind you that he is no more or less armed than any of the ambassadors from other nations that have come to our court. As such, I will extend him the same trust I do them, until a time he proves untrustworthy.”

I did note quite a few eyes on me, including Celestia who looked up after speaking. Pondering for a moment, I gave a nod.

“Captain,” I said, looking at the stallion. At least, I hoped so by the tone of voice I had that right. “I can appreciate your concerns, too. How about I alleviate them some? I will offer to unload the one on my back, as to my pistol.”

Using my head to gesture in a nod to my side. “I will put the peace tie on it, makes it all but impossible to pull rapidly. Will this at least give some peace of mind?”

I watched him glare for a few unsettling moments. The unicorn stallion seemed to be sizing me up before he eventually nodded. “If you are willing to do that, I withdraw my complaint.”

I lifted my eyes back to Celestia, and then to Luna, who both in turn nodded once. With slow actions, so as not to spook anyone, I drew my shotgun out of the scabbard, using a finger to press up into the port and release each shell. After a few moments, I held five shells, tucking them into my shirt pocket with the round I had ejected back at the clearing, returning the weapon to the sheathe across my back.

Next, I reached down, again slow, but steady. There had been no need to make ponies jumpy, and no need to give the guards who were already on edge a hard time. I may have the trust of the sun and moon figuratively, but I am still a predator species and still an unknown one, too. I could respect the way they were on guard, but not aggressive in their thoughts.

Using a few fingers, I slid a little loop of leather up and over the hammer of the old single-action, making sure to snug it down. I then showed the captain by tugging on the grip some, it was held fast in place.

He continued to watch for a moment then I saw him nod his head. “Thank you. Do please understand that I hold no ill-will towards you, but my job is to keep my princesses safe.”

I found myself admiring him a bit, faced with a creature he has never seen, nor anyone else for that matter, with three of his charges standing here along with quite a few others. He could have said nothing but instead he decided to thank me. Respect, it is something that goes a long way in my book. I took a few steps over in his direction. He was slightly taller than Applejack was, so he came up to the bottom edge of my rib cage.

Offering out my right hand to him, I said, “Captain, thank you for being up front. I promise you, I will do all in my power to not make your job any harder. Like I said, back at the clearing, I am a stranger in your world, the least I can do is go the extra steps to not be a jerk.”

A few moments hesitation followed, then he set his hoof in my hand, and we shook firmly. I noted out of the corner of my eye, smug looks on many of the Elements, and a knowingly-warm smile on both Luna and Celestia’s muzzles.

Once he drew his hoof back, he gave a dip of his head and backed off some. I looked up once more at Celestia.

“Again, my sister and I thank you, Shane. You are handling all this quite well.”

I touched the tip of my fingers to the edge of my hat. “Just tryin' to make the best of a really bad situation, ma’am.”

Truth was, fear hadn't released its unrelenting grip on my mind, and I was still confused and rather jumpy. However, it was also clear to me being such openly would not do any of us any good at all. So, I kept a tight lid on it and decided to just go with the flow for now.

“My daddy always said to me, be like a duck,” I watched most of them get a confused look, but two seemed to smirk some. Applejack, and Celestia both had a knowing smile form. It was Applejack that spoke up.

“Be calm and in control above the surface, but paddle like a timberwolf was after you under the surface.”

I had to laugh at that, just the way she said it. The moment, the stress, it all kind of hit me at once, and I started to chuckle. Soon, I found myself laughing a deep, good ol’ belly laugh. A few of the guards looked at me weird, but many of the Elements joined in. I suppose I needed an outlet to vent off some of the pressure I stood beneath.

I tipped my hat back after a few moments, trying to get myself back under control I looked over at the orange mare once more. “Not quite how my father would have said it, but, close enough to be truth.”

Twilight threw a rather odd look in my direction, then looked over at her former mentor. “I... don’t get it?”

Again, I found myself holding down a bit of a chuckle, the remains of a laughing fit.

It was kind and quiet Fluttershy that answered her. “Think about a little duckling, Twilight. When they are swimming on a pond, they look so calm, so peaceful as they glide. Yet, under them, their little feet are paddling away just as fast as they can.”

We all watched as the bookish princess pondered that, then dawned on her. “Oooh! Heheh, that is funny. I get it now! Shane meant that inside he may be worried but on the outside he remains calm,” her smile bright and warm, her reaction enough to make a few of us laugh a second time, including myself.

I had to nod my head to her. “That is right, Princess Twilight.”

She frowned up at me. “Shane! We talked about this already. Please just call me Twilight, okay?”

I blinked, and then, once more tapped the brim of my old stetson with a finger or two. “Yes, ma’am.”


Once we had all gathered up, the alabaster-white alicorn led us across the garden where we had landed, heading for the hallway into the palace. I took note of a few crossbows held ready, but not aimed directly at me. I guess I could not blame them for that.

“Shane, we would ask later, once things have settled down, that you give a demonstration of your weapons to us and our guard captains.”

I gave the dark blue alicorn a nod. “Will be my pleasure, Luna. I will say, I don’t have a ton of ammunition, but I can spare a few shots,” I did pause after that. “But, with all due respect, I won’t be letting you folks study them.”

Glancing over, I witnessed the huge frown purse the purple alicorn's lips. “Sorry, Twilight, but introducing technology like this... Well, it could push the peace between nations in a bad way.”

It was Celestia that spoke up. “I would be inclined to agree, Shane. However, I would appreciate if you allow myself and some of my staff make that determination. While weapons of war are a destabilizing factor, the facts of the matter are, things could be learned that could be used for peaceful endeavors. After all, a fireball spell can turn entire buildings to ashes, but used with more care, and less magic can ignite a campfire or a stove.”

I pondered that a bit then gave a nod of my head. “Fair enough. I respect that, and will agree, on the proviso only ponies study this and none of the info is placed where someone—er, somepony else may take it to other governments.”

She looked over at me for a moment, then nodded again. “I can agree to that, but later, when we sit and discuss your home, you will explain why you made that decision. I will not press you right now for it.”

I had to once more chuckle a bit. She most certainly was not the 'Trollestia' as many had made her out to be. “Fair enough.”

We turned as a group and started down a ramp. I could smell the dampness in the air, so I had a pretty good idea that we were moving now into the mountain itself.

“Princess, tell me something. Why not just take it from me, strip me of my items in the name of progress?”

I watched as Pinkie Pie hopped around me in a circle as we walked. “Because, silly, that wouldn’t be very nice, would it?”

It was Rainbow Dash that added afterwards. “Or very loyal to a friend.”

Then, Applejack spoke up next. “Or very honest.”

I should have not been surprised when I heard from behind me two more voices speak up.

“Or kind."

“Or very generous of us.”

I had to think for a bit. I grew silent, but again, out of the corner of my eye, I noted the white alicorn nod her head in agreement.

“Shane, while my duty is to my little ponies, it is also to the tenets of friendship and harmony, ideals that founded and shaped this country into what it is today. For me to act on you in such manner would violate the very core of what we stand for. Do not get me wrong, my little human, if you were to behave in a manner that was a threat to my ponies, I would without hesitation act to stop you, however...”

She grew quiet for a bit as we turned, the stone around us becoming rougher, a bit wetter, and the strong scent of moisture in the air grew.

“I do not think you are someone who would willingly harm others, unless you had no other option. I sense a control in you, a level of truth and honor that reminds me very much of our guard and our law enforcement.”

She was watching me, and I am sure she saw me wince and look away. When I did, I missed the look given from Luna to her and over to Twilight. If I had caught it, I might have realized far sooner that my attempts to keep some of my past hidden was a fool's errand.


After what must have been another ten minutes of walking, we found ourselves before a great set of doors. Solid metal, from what I could make out, and no break in them: just massive hinges and a hint of locking systems. Vault doors, much like a bank back home would have. However, they were nearly twenty feet tall and that wide, not quite round, but more of an oval in length rather than height.

I had spotted the murder holes and guard spots all along the walk down here. What ever was here, was something they wanted no one—no pony—to see, unless invited. Two ponies sat at desks, and both looked up when we arrived and leaped up, bowing down to the diarchy princesses, dipping nose to ground before them.

“Gate Keeper, Key Master, rise, if you would please, open the vault.”

Key Master, Gate… I—what the? I started to snicker. I couldn’t help myself. It just bubbled out and I started to snort and giggles under my breath like a school kid at a dirty joke!
I knew everypony was looking at me now, yet I just could not help myself. The irony of the names and the exact nature of their job was not lost on me at that moment. I snorted harder and choked down the laughter trying to bubble its way out.

“You don’t have Gozer behind there, do you?”

Luna blinked in confusion. “Who?”

I had to wave my hand in the air as I sucked in breath after breath, trying my best to keep the mirth from overflowing. “N-nothing, I will... I will explain later.”

Ignoring me now, the two ponies trotted over to small boxes on the wall while Celestia moved to the center of the door. Together, we watched as they touched horns to their prospective spots. From deep in the stone, metallic sounds clanked and started to grind. I observed as the door stood still for a moment, as Celestia backed up, then started to swing out to the left.

Once it opened, all that could be seen was total darkness, another hallway of some sort, but short in length—perhaps twenty feet that ended in a second vault door. Unlike the tunnels, however, this hall was all steel. Something bright, shiny, and clearly, not just iron.

“You don’t kid around with security, do you?” I said out loud.

“Shane, I have never seen the inside of this vault. Heck, up until just a few minutes ago, I didn’t know it existed at all.”

I looked over at Twilight and lifted an eyebrow. “Really?” then glancing back to Celestia and Luna who both gave a curt nod of their heads. I exhaled softly and waited for them to lead us in.

Once inside, the first door began to gradually close behind us. I did hear Fluttershy give a little whimper. After all, there were fourteen of us packed in here, plus myself. The clang of the door closing behind us echoed throughout the room, brought with it, the sounds of the locks engaging. Light in here was not a problem, as it was provided by some kind of crystal stones along the ceiling area.

Once the locks had finished moving, a new set of metal-on-metal sounds kicked in, this time from the door ahead of us. Gesturing with her wing to have us stand back, Celestia stood where she was clear of the new vault door as it also swung out slowly. “Shane, just, please, remain calm when you see this. If it is as we suspect, it may be quite a shock to you.”

I glanced up at her, then back to the room as it was slowly exposed. Lights started to flick on inside the vault. I took note of twenty or so pedestals each holding small black stones or gems of some kind. My eyes wandered each tell they came to a item at the back of the room.

I didn’t hear the princesses call my name. I couldn’t even hear the mares calling out for me. I just walked past it all to that large... thing. It was burned and blackened, twisted and bent. However, as I walked past the various shaped stones, my heart started to hammer even harder.

Trembling, my mind tried to wrap around what I was looking at, for there sat a wreck that should not be here, should not exist here. On that wreck was a golden plaque that bore a drawn shape of a naked male human, and a naked female human, standing before a crude drawing of what this wreck once looked like.

My heart would not slow down, my breath came faster and faster. Somewhere, deep in my head I knew I was going into shock, I could feel myself starting to shiver a bit. However all I could do was stare at the remains before me, something sent into the vast depths of space fourteen years before I was born, the remains of Pioneer Ten.

6 - In a daze

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Every man, no matter how tough, how strong he is, has their moments where all of that comes crashing down. From the beaches of Normandy, where brave men cried out for their mothers as they perished in the sand, to the tears that run down a man’s face when his eyes first set on his newborn child. Everything breaks under pressure, this is a simple universal truth.

I knew this well and accepted it, because there really was no point in trying to resist. That does not mean crying at the drop of a hat, but it does mean, sometimes, you just have to let go and fall into the abyss of emotions.

Finding myself in a rather odd way, not to say I didn’t remember how I got here, either. No, I remember every moment. However, it was from a very detached place, observing outside the body so to speak.

I remember hearing cries of worry, my name being shouted as I stood there in the middle of that vault, looking at a message from mankind that simply should not be here. It should not exist in this world, just as much as I should not exist here. I, however, was locked in place, frozen in the moment that seemed to go on for ages.

Funny how one looks at that moment and think to yourself, why? Of all the things I have gone through in life, and this moment locked me up like a kid in the pitch black of night, had me stuck in place like glue beneath my boots.

I remember tugs on my hand, then a rope, a lasso of all things falling around my body, being yanked back onto my ass and dragged out of the vault. I remember watching the door swing closed and lock with the dull metallic echo, almost the sound of doom itself in some ways.

Now, I found myself beneath several blankets, resting with my back to a desk. We were once more outside the main vault door, and a lot of very worried faces were in view. Shock is a hell of a thing, it takes reason and thought and throws all of it right out the window.

“Princess, what is wrong with him?”

Celestia looked down at Dash with a soft worried look to her face. “He is in shock, Rainbow. He will be okay soon.”

Still trembling, head down as I sat there, my knees pulled up, arms wrapped around them. There must have been three or four blankets over me. Thick things, too, as it was getting rather warm under them. I remained like that, listening to what was being said outside for now, not quite ready to talk yet.

“Ah still don’t understand why y’all couldn’t just pull him out with yer magic.”

Now that is a interesting thought, why couldn’t they? Leave it to the bookish princess to already have a theory.

“I am not sure, Applejack, but I have a theory already. When I tried to grab his hand, my magic kind of... slid off like it was a slippery surface. I could get grip, but just not enough to pull him, if that makes any sense at all. Then, trying to pull on his clothing was futile. It felt just like the paper note he sent.

“Well, lucky for y’all, ah had ma rope with me.”

Another voice, this one coming from the armored white unicorn stallion who had his head lowered down, looking at my face.

“He is all right, other than being in shock,” he said, glancing back to the three princesses over his shoulder. “As best as I can tell, I can’t get a good scan on him. It's like... well, it’s like Princess Twilight said, like trying to grab a oiled-up pig in mud.”

Celestia’s voice once more came with the soft tone she almost always had. “Thank you, Sergeant Cortland.”

Applejack was just in my sight line, and I noticed her ears perk. “Cortland? Now that there is a kind of apple, I know a Cortland Apple, Little unicorn colt, fourth cousin on Granny Smith’s side.”

The armored stallion turned and gave a dip of his head. I had to guess he was smiling some.

“Sorry I could not make the last reunion, cousin.”

“Well, ain’t that a how do ya do? We got ourselves a guard in the family. You dun all grown up on us.” I could very well hear the pride in Applejack’s voice.

I took note of the smiles on everyone—everypony’s face. I suppose it was time to join the living, so to speak. My eyes lifted, and I looked up from my seated place, right up to the solar diarch's face, licking my lips to wet them a bit, I croaked out, “H-how long?”

A small crack caught my attention in her armor. Her eyelid twitched, and the fact her ears started to pin back before she caught herself. A look of profound sadness crossed her face as she said in a very soft tone.

“Over five hundred years ago, it fell to Equis in the Badlands, near where San Palomino is now, just this side of the Equestrian border with Mexicolt.”

“Celestia, did Luna know of this?” Twilight questioned, a tone of worry and sadness in her tone.

Luna glanced to her sister as I turned my head to watch, then back to the youngest princess. “I knew, yes, Twilight. However, I only learned of this a few months ago as I have been catching up on history and what I have missed.”

“Twilight, I am sorry I had to hide this from you. However, I knew you would want to study it, that you would never let it go.”

She looked a little hurt, but I did spot her nodding. “You are right, but, I don’t agree with hiding it. I also understand some secrets must remain compartmentalized... even from your fellow princesses.”

Celestia’s wing came to rest on top of Twilight's back. “I am sorry for that.”

In the meantime, I chewed on the information. Five hundred years, how did it get here? How long since it left the system, did it find its way here? I had so many questions right now and no answers just yet.

Still in thought, I unwrapped my arms from my legs and pushed the blankets off, it was getting a bit too warm. Sergeant Cortland moved a hoof up to stop me.

“Keep still for a bit longer, you were in shock pretty deeply.”

I had to give the unicorn a slight smile. “Thank you, but, I really need to stretch out some, get the blood pumping in the legs again. Plus, the stone floor ain’t what I would call comfortable. We humans have bony backsides.”

Perhaps it was my sincerity, or the joke I managed to make. He gave a nod and his consent in the form of helping peel the blankets off. I went to stand and he moved closer.

“Use your hoof on my back to help yourself up.”

I lifted an eyebrow at this, then gave him a soft nod. “Hand, and thank you,” as I did just that. Standing slowly, my knees both popped rather loudly. I saw almost every pony in the cave like room wince. Pinkie Pie looked up with a... well, a signature Pinkie Pie smirk.

“Wow, that was louder than my dad when he gets up after laying down too long!”

I exhaled and nodded, looking around. I took note of a lunar pegasus holding my hat out to me. I took it from him, “Thank you,” and I put it back on, turning back to look at the three princesses.

“Any other surprises?” I wasn’t the happiest of campers right now. In fact, I still felt like hell, and the stress had its hooks on me good. I noticed all three half-lay their ears back, and it dawned on me perhaps I spoke a bit too harsh. I held up my hand. “Sorry, that came out a bit harder than I meant it to.”

Luna dipped her head. “We understand, Shane. You are under a great deal of stress, confused, feel lost, and recovering from an incident.”

Letting out a long, deep exhale, I nodded my head. “Still, you have all treated me fair, some of you even treating me as a friend already. I just, well... I guess I could do with some food, and to relax some.”

Celestia nodded her head to me. “We can go and rest, I will gather the press up for an announcement tonight to be put in tomorrow’s paper. Will you be alright to do an interview later, and perhaps a press conference in the morning?”

I had to think on that, then I found myself looking over at the one stallion among them all who had earned my respect so far.

“I was thinking, Princess, back home, it was always good to have the backing of the working folks. The people who were just like the rest, not a politician or royalty, someone who could answer some questions asked that would not be my place to.”

She glanced to the unicorn who seemed to be in thought. “Captain, would you be agreeable to stand with our guest?”

Again, the solar guard captain looked at me, then back to the alabaster alicorn.

“The hu—sorry, Shane... has proven himself honorable so far. If it is your wish my princess, I would be proud to support him. He has earned my respect.”

A slight smile crossed my face, and I dipped my head to him. “Thank you, Captain. It will mean quite a bit to a lot of very scared folks, ponies, to see someone—sorry, somepony of your standing support me.”

Celestia again smirked a bit as she looked at me. “Shane, are you sure you were not a politician yourself?”

I frowned some at that. “No, ma’am.”


The rest of the day flew past in a blur. I didn’t really have time to think or ponder on my situation. First it was a light lunch, where we talked about what I could and could not eat. It seemed to surprise them I could not eat things like hay, unprocessed oats, and so on. Twilight had come to the conclusion the human diet most closely resembled that of griffons.

After lunch, it had been a whirlwind of meeting other ponies, from the castle staff, to the ten ponies that were part of the castle press corps. No real questions had been asked during that, but quite a few pictures were taken.

Finally, I was whisked away to a room. Not too bad of a room all things considered, a lot more opulent than any place I had ever stayed, that was for sure. The rooms vaulted ceiling must have been a good ten feet above my head, almost dome shaped in form.

The walls had long roman-style columns every six or seven feet. Speaking of the huge bed, good god, the thing was three times as big as the bed back in my cabin! I had asked about that, why so big, and been told the room was kept for visiting Minotaur and smaller dragon dignitaries.

Off one side was the door into the bathroom. That had come as a bit of a shock, and would take some getting use to. The setup was much more Asian in form, rather than a raised toilet you sat on, you squatted over it. Worse yet was no toilet paper, rather there was a second ‘toilet’ of sorts, with the magic three sea shells.

Lucky for me, I had used a bidet before so that wasn’t too hard to figure out. I did, however, discover the hard way that Equestria reversed the sides of hot and cold from back home. Remembering that hot was on the right and cold on the left was going to be something that annoyed the hell out of me.

I heard a knock on the door as I was unpacking my three day bag, a chunk of beef jerky hanging from my jaw as I worked. Knowing most would freak seeing that, I took it out, swallowed what I had chewed off, and tucked the rest it into a pocket on the bag.

“Come in?” I called out.

A guard that stood outside the door opened it and three ponies walked in. Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash, all three had a smile. Twilight was carrying what looked to be a newspaper in her magical grip.

“I thought you might like to see this before it hits the stands.”

I blinked as the paper floated over to me and I grabbed it. Front page, well, wouldn’t my momma be proud of me? There was a picture of me standing with Luna to one side, Celestia to the other, Twilight and the five in front of me.

Examining over the article, but I had seen the press release, so I knew most of it. It had explained what I was, that I came from another world—but not by choice. It went on to explain more about myself, about what I would be doing, and how ponies could help. All sorts of little details filled the front page and two full columns top to bottom after. It really was quite a detailed release, far more so than anything back home would have been.

I slowly folded the paper up again and looked over at the three mares waiting for me to read it. Dash, as I was not surprised, looked bored out of her skull. Applejack was just watching me. She did that a lot, I took note of. Twilight had a expectant look on her face, a warm smile that was as genuine as they came.

“So?” she asked, leaning forward.

I looked back at the paper. “Well, I guess we'll find out when it hits the streets. If we see pitchforks and torches, I guess I gave it my best.”

Rainbow snickered, Applejack grinned, but poor Twilight just wrinkled up her muzzle “why would ponies have—”

I started to chuckle as Rainbow fell over laughing, and Applejack, bless her, was doing her best to laugh behind her hoof. Twilight put on this weird look, then shook her head. “Argh, you are as bad as Rainbow is!”

I chuckled a bit harder. “I will take that as a compliment, ma’am.”

She shook her head, then perked her ears. “Princess Celestia let me study the object, well, the drawings and such of it that is in the vault. I do have a couple of questions, if I may?”

I sighed out and sat on the edge of the bed. “Of course you do, I would not expect anything less of you.”

She gave a little smile then levitated out a few scrolls, opening one out that was clearly a rubbing of the plaque on the once-satellite.

“The two figures here, they are... humans right? A stallion and a mare?”

I blushed some and gave a nod. “Man and woman.”

The other scroll opened up and she started to take notes. Applejack and Rainbow Dash both leaned over and examined the picture.

“How come they ain’t got clothing on like you do?”

Gee, thank you, Applejack, just what I wanted to explain. I exhaled some and gestured. “They wanted to show whoever found this what we looked like.”

Rainbow perked her ears. “So, that thing hanging down is your…” she fell backwards, laughing even harder than ever.

“Laugh it up, Crash.”

She tilted her head from her back, looking right back up at me from the floor. “Hey! How do you know—oh, oh, yeah... right.”

Twilight snorted. “Now that we can stop acting like foals,” she looked at the multi-hue maned mare.

Looking back to me, the Princess of Friendship seemed to ponder her question before she pointed again.

“So, females only have two teats and up on their chest area, like the Minotaur do?”

Again, I gave a nod, still blushing. After all, here I was having what amounted to the birds and bees talk with one of the most powerful Alicorns to ever exist, the fastest Pegasus on the planet, and what was likely one of the strongest earth ponies out there.

“I would guess so, yes, ma’am, and the proper medical term for humans would be breasts.”

She again scribbled on her scroll as the other two sniffled and tried to stop laughing. AJ got a funny look and pointed at the picture.

“How come the stallion—what did you call it? Man? Has them things on his chest too, can they feed a foal?”

I let out a bit of a chuckle, “No, no, no, no,” I shook my head. “They are vestigial,” I paused. “Not to get too deep into biology, but when we are in our first few days of growth in the womb, we are genderless. It is the addition of a few chemicals that decides male or female.”

Again, Twilight was writing this down as fast as she could.

“One last question for now, then. You said womb, so like us ponies, you humans have live births. How long is gestation?”

Before I could answer, Rainbow piped up. “Eww, Twilight, why would they eat their foals?!”

Both Applejack and Twilight put their hooves to their faces. I, on the other hand, just stared blankly at the speedster Pegasus. Thankfully, it was Twilight that answered her.

“Gestation, not digestion Rainbow. You know, how long does the foal take to develop before birth?”

Rainbow looked at her, bewildered, then laid her ears back. “I knew that,” she responded, hiding her face a little bit.

I gave a nod. “Baby, or child, and nine months,” I decided not to say anything about Rainbow’s comment.

Now it was Applejack who piped up. “Nine months! I know a bunch of mares that would pay money to be done by then.”

I gave a bit of a laugh. “Let me guess,” looking to Twilight, “Eleven months?”

She nodded. “How did you know? Is that in the show?”

I shook my head. “No, just a guess, same as the creatures we call a horse back home.”

Dash got up in my face suddenly. “Hey! You don’t call a mare that word!”

I blinked, recoiling some. “I—what?”

AJ looked rather angry all of a sudden, but Twilight held up her hoof to stop them. “Hang on, you two. Shane, did you say the word... whorse?”

I blinked, then shook my head. “No, I said, horse. It is a creature much like pony, only a lot bigger and not sentient. We keep them for work, riding, and companionship. They are much bigger than even Celestia is, for the most part.”

Twilight exhaled as I glanced at Rainbow and Applejack, both mares seemed to be relaxing some now.

“Okay, there is a lot about your world and this world we are going to have to go over. For now, perhaps that word you used, you should keep to yourself. You see a whorse is... well, a mare of ill-repute.”

I blinked a few times, rubbing my hand down my face. “Oh, well, no, no. I didn’t mean to even imply such. I am sorry if I did.”

They all three shook their heads and Applejack spoke up. “No problem, sugarcube, things like this are goin' to happen. Your world and ours,” she smiled. “Sounds like ain’t the flip sides of the same bit, more like two bits. Same shape and color but not the same.”

I had to concur with that.

7 - Apple juice is not for breakfast

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Once Twilight and her friends had left, I found myself alone. Of course, sleep never quite came to me. I lay there on that huge bed, looking up at the ceiling. At this very moment, far too many details continued running across my mind to let it calm enough for sleep.

It must have been one, perhaps two in the morning when I gave in and sat upright. Looking out the open door to the balcony, my gaze met with quite a sight beyond the glass. Sliding out of bed, wearing nothing but my boxers, I strode nonchalantly on over to the doorway and looked up at the sky. Without any light pollution to block the view, I gawked up at the alien sky.

The stars weren’t my stars. The constellations were all wrong, even the moon's shadows were different. Despite all that it was awe-inspiring, it really was, actually, I had to ponder that a moment. I knew this place didn’t work like home. I knew Luna lifted the moon into the sky, or perhaps rotated the planet altogether, I knew she painted the stars in the sky, but I had no clue how. I did know that she did beautiful work.

I stood there, thinking on everything. Dawn would be here sooner or later, and with it a quiet breakfast, then, the meeting with the press—my first exposure to the general pony populous, and the rest of the world.

Turning back to the bed and walking over to it, I sat down on the edge and stared down at the floor. Celestia had given her word, no push for answers of what the mysterious object in the vault was, or of what my world was like. Not until after the press conference, that is. She had suggested we even hold off another day.

That one was crafty. Then again, she was—as far as I knew—an immortal goddess over two thousand years old who had the power to raise the sun into the sky every day. I suspect she had experience on her side. I would have to watch my every word with her, not because I wanted to hide anything, but, some things are best kept unspoken.
Laying back, I again tried to sleep some…


A knocking woke me. The sun was just beginning to climb into the sky if I went by the glow starting to creep into the windows. The room was a cool temperature, but not too cold, that kind of temperature that hinted late-spring going into the coming summer.

I again heard the knock, and I sat up. Pulling the blanket up around me to keep myself modest, I called out. “I am up, come in.”

A unicorn mare opened the door, peeking in. I remember this one, she helped me settle into the room yesterday, what was her name?

Dusty Shelf! That was it.

“Good morning, Shane, may I come in?”

I gave a soft nod to the soft cream colored mare, taking in the very light purple of her mane. The fact she wore a maid shirt, like many I had seen about did, that left her cutie mark showing: a feather duster hovering over what looked to be a wood shelf.

As she walked in, I spotted my jeans and shirt folded up and balanced on her back. She approached and slid the clothing off onto a chair. “I had your clothing cleaned, I hope that was okay.”

I gave a nod. “Thank you so much, Dusty,” I had three days worth in my pack, but it felt good to have my newer jeans clean again, along with of my nicer shirts.

She smiled. “Now, up and moving sir, you have a big day, and the princesses will be expecting you for breakfast.”

I coughed. “Um,” gesturing with my hand. “Could you turn around so I can get up and get some pants on, please?”

I took note of her blinking, but then turn, facing the wall. “I am curious as to why? I am sure you don’t have anything everypony else has. At least, if the article in the paper this morning is correct.”

A soft chuckle let itself out at that as I grabbed my pants first and started to tug them on. “Well, you see, back home, we humans, we don’t go around naked, it is kind of taboo in modern times. Part of our culture, really. Well, also practical. We don’t have fur to keep us warm like you do.”

She cocked her head, keeping faced toward the wall. “I see. I will then share that with the other maids and staff, to give you privacy to get dressed, out of respect for your customs.”

Tugging on my shirt and buttoning it up. “Okay, you can turn around now,” as I sat on the bed and started to slip my socks on.

I happened to glance up and catch her eyes open wide, and her cheeks heating into a deep shade of pink. I blinked in bewilderment and looked at what I was doing, then back at her. “Uh, what?”

She coughed and glanced away some. “I just, have never seen a stallion wear stockings before.”

It was my turn to blink a few more times, then I looked down, and back up at her. A bright red creeped into my face as I too blushed. “Oh...Oh! Um, no, they are just socks. See, I have to wear them so my feet don’t chafe or stink after being in my boots all day walking around. We don’t have hooves like you ponies do, and our feet are sensitive to damage.”

She looked back, and then tilted her head. “The... socks you called them, they look thick, is that to help act as cushions?”

I smiled at her genuinely. “Very observant of you, ma’am, that is right. It also helps wick away sweat and moisture that could cause blisters or rashes.”

She paused and then gave a nod, setting about starting to make the bed once I was standing.

“I can do that, you don’t need to go to a lot of trouble for me. Heck, I am a guest here.”

Her head turned and she blinked a few times, then she started to laugh lightly. A warm tone, no malice in it whatsoever. “Shane, it is my job to make the beds, see to your needs, and keep the room tidy. While it is charming and a relief to have a guest who is so nice, this is what I do, my special talent.”

I pondered that for a moment as I slid my boots on. “Well, ma’am, I respect that, just don’t like not earning my keep.”

I paused, and then a thought occurred to me. With a bit of a smile, I looked down at the unicorn. “I don’t suppose that our conversation is going to end up as a report to the princess, is it?”

She shot me a surprised look, then nodded. “I do not mean any disrespect by it, sir, but we were asked to keep our ears open and write out anything we learn about you.”

I held up my hand. “No need to be on the defensive about it, Dusty. I understand. I would ask the same of my staff if I were Celestia,” I made myself a mental note to watch what I say. Not because I don’t trust anypony here, but that alabaster alicorn is playing a chess game, and she was ten moves ahead of me already.

Her smile returned. “You really are a unique thinking stallion—” she paused. “Oh, um, it was man, right?”

I gave a nod. “Yes, ma’am, and I guess I should get going, wouldn’t do to have the princesses wait for me. Thank you again, Dusty, for helping out and not being afraid of me.”

She gave a warm smile. “It is my pleasure, Shane.”


I walked down the hall with one of the solar guard at my side. The earth pony mare looked just like all the other guard. I only knew her name because I had asked.

“Pardon me for asking, Shane, but why is it you take your hat off when we are inside?”

I glanced down at the golden-armored stallion and back ahead to where we were walking. “Politeness and tradition, a man doesn’t wear his hat inside, and he always tips it to a lady.”

Golden Shield looked back up at me then gave a slight smile. “I like that, it is respectful. You humans seem to have a pretty good grasp on respect and honor.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Some of us, yes.”

She turned to a door and reached her hoof out, gently knocking it open. “I will wait out here for you with the other guards.”

I gave a nod to her, then to the four guards near the door, and walked in. The room wasn’t too terribly big, in fact, I suspect if I went back and looked at the show, I had seen this one before. A table low to the ground that was long enough for twelve ponies to sit, pillows along each side and at each end. Currently, there were nine mares, one stallion, and a foal all looking up at me. That made me freeze in place as I found myself in the presence of two more alicorn, and a white unicorn.

“P-Princess Cadence, Prince Shining Armor,” well, what's right is right, so I gave a shallow bow to them, in effect to everypony there.

Looking back up, Cadence covered her mouth with a hoof as she giggled some. “You were right, Aunt Luna, he is quite respectful!”

Shining Armor leaned over to the smaller purple alicorn who was holding a squirming-around alicorn foal. “He really does know all our names, doesn’t he, Twily?”

Celestia waved me to a spot next to her with her hoof. “Shane, for such an announcement, it is appropriate to have all of the ruling parties of Equestria here in the capital. Cadence and Shining Armor came in by train late last night.”

I walked over and sat down, but before I could respond, I found my vision blocked by a pair of light pink wings, and something pretty heavy clutching to my chest.

“Wha?” I looked down to find an alicorn foal clinging to me, looking right back up with huge eyes held wide, letting out just about the most adorable spit-bubbling coo I'd ever seen. Almost right away, she started to babble at me. Instinct kicked in and I slid an arm under her to support her weight and the other to keep her from falling back.

“Flurry Heart!” I heard Shining exclaim. I glanced up at him.

“It’s all right, she ain’t hurting me none,” tilting my head back down. “How are you, little one?”

Once more, I missed looks shoot from Celestia to the others and back. Many of them were knowing smirks.

“Still, Shane, if I have that right? She knows better than to just leap over on somepony like that without warning.”

I smiled down at the little foal who had continued to babble and blow spit bubbles. Listening, but not replying just yet. I had my own war going on in my head, one I needed to keep tucked down deep and out of view.

“I guess it does say something about Shane, that she went right to him,” Twilight said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Once more, I missed the nods from the mares and single stallion in the room, too busy making stupid baby noises at the little one in my arms. I glanced up as I heard a few snickers of laughter to find myself being watched by everypony there. Not one— even her father—showed a stitch of worry.

A pink glow enveloped Flurry and pulled her up and away, floating her over to where Cadence was sitting. I noted her husband watching me pretty close now, a soldier's look, trying to size me up.

“I gave my word I would be on my best behavior, Prince Shining Armor. I also left my weapons in lockdown, as agreed on so long as I am in the castle,” I stared him right in the eyes in fact, almost reading his mind.

He gave a bit of a nod, then a shake of his head. “Please, call me Shining, and you don’t strike me as the dishonest type, Shane. Allow me to ask you, were you in some kind of military before you found yourself here?”

I shook my head but looked away some. “Nope, not military,” out of the corner of my eye, Applejack shot a look, then a nod. She knew I was keeping something back, not lying, but not telling the whole truth, either. Although, it appeared she was going to let me have my secrets for now.

Food was soon served, and to my surprise, I found scrambled eggs, and what looked like two sausage links. I glanced up with a bit of surprise first at Celestia, then around at others. A hoof on my left, Luna’s came to rest on my shoulder.

“It is a dish served to our omnivore and carnivore ambassadors. We employ a griffon chef just for such things. Worry not, Shane, all here have seen and smelled meat before. Know that is rightfully harvested and shipped here from the Griffon Empire.”

Again, I found myself looking around at smiles and nods. Shifting back down at the plate, such a tiny gesture but so deep in meaning. The level of trust it showed, a predator among a room full of prey creatures, and they overlooked their very nature to make me comfortable? I shook my head softly.

“Y’all don’t have to do things like this for me, but, thank you. I really do thank you all for... overlooking some of the darker traits of my kind."

Cadence snorted some from where she sat over to the left of Luna. “If that is your kinds darkest trait, Shane, then I believe you will fit in just fine around here.”

I started to eat, keeping my peace. That talk was coming and I would avoid it as long as I could. Like momma said, denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.

Breakfast was mostly silent for a time, while everyone ate. Soon, the quiet was broken by Celestia.

“Shane, after the press conference, I have received word from the ambassadors that reside here in Canterlot. The Table of Peace would like to meet with you, if you have the energy.”

I lifted my head and looked over at her as I took a sip of orange juice. Sorry, Applejack, but apple juice is a lunch drink.

“The Table of Peace?”

Celestia gave a nod. “It is a gathering of ambassadors from every country that Equestria has an accord with, along with representatives of the three tribes. It is a place for all to gather and air grievances, communicate, and work to keep harmony. Today's meeting, assuming you agree to it, will also include,” she gestured around.

“Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor, representing the Crystal Empire and the crystal pony tribe,” she gave a nod to the rest in the room. “And the Elements of Harmony there to observe and support you, of course, with the Princess of Friendship as your sponsor for the meeting.”

I blinked, peering around the room, then back up to the solar princess and gave a soft nod. “I should be able to do that, unless this press thing just eats me alive.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rainbow start to lift her hoof in the air as her maw opened. Applejack sitting next to her put her hoof up over the pegasus’ mouth. “It is just a saying.”

Rainbow snorted and shoved the hoof away. “I know that! I was just going to ask, who was here representing the pegasi?”

Luna looked up and smiled. “We think you know them both, Rainbow Dash. For in their wisdom, they have sent Stormy Flare,” she gave a nod over to Fluttershy. “And thine's father, Fluttershy.”

Rainbow perked up. Truthfully, so did I. I was going to get to meet the mother of Spitfire and Mr. Shy, two more names I knew of. I was starting to be really glad I spent my first two days here reviewing the old show.

Fluttershy smiled a bit. “Dad told me about that last night when I went to see him and Mom. They were staying here in the city and I was curious why.”

Celestia gave a nod at that. “Each meeting, the three tribes rotate in a new pair of elder pony. That way understanding and new views are always fresh, and wisdom is shared.”

Well, this was going to be a long day, that's for sure.

8 - Nightmares

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Standing out of view behind a curtain wall, I watched from backstage left as Celestia, Luna, and the Elements all took starter questions and got the crowd of press and important ponies warmed up ahead of time.

“You going to be alright, Shane?”

I glanced down to my left at the golden-armored mare standing next to me. “Yeah, just, you know,” I gave a gesture. “A lot of peo—ponies out there with a lot of questions. I am not really one to be the center of attention, Golden.”

Fact was there were a lot of creatures out there. Not just ponies, but griffons, some taller-looking pony which I assumed by their manner of dress to be Saddle Arabian. I spotted a few diamond dogs, and even near the the back, a deer standing with a Yakyakistanian.

I caught my name and glanced back at Celestia in time to hear her say. “Now, fillies and gentlecolts, may I present, Shane McDonald. Now, please, everypony and everyone remember, hoof up if you want to ask a question, no blurting things out.”

I glanced one last time at Golden and then walked out. Unarmed, my weapons and backpack were under heavy guard in my room. I donned my best pair of blue jeans, one of my nicer button-up shirts, and of course my hat and boots.

Stepping out onto the stage, I reached up and tipped my hat back, glad to be out in the sun, looking out at all the faces in the garden looking back at me.

“Howdy, all. I... well, I guess you are here to learn a bit about me,” I paused, frowning some, then looked around and down at the tons of ponies and other species present. Everyone was standing, no seats. I was standing, too, looking down on them. I didn’t like that one bit, and it couldn’t be comfortable for them. I thought for a moment as many hooves shot up in the air and flashes strobed as pictures were taken.

Well, heck, let's take a play out of an old movie. “You know what, I know you can’t be comfortable having to stand and look up, and I ain’t comfortable up behind this podium like some important person.”

I looped around it and steadily climbed down to the grass. “How about we all just sit down, or lay down, and treat this like just a classroom question-and-answer?” as I sat down in the middle of a green patch.

I gestured with my hand, and before long, many were following suit, but in their own odd way. A lot had smiles now, while a few looked confused but went with the flow. I spotted Celestia out of the corner of my eye give an approving nod.

Once everyone was comfortable, I gave a nod once more. “There. Now, I think first question will go to...” out of all the hooves in the air, I pointed to a little off white one of a scrawny little Pegasus colt up front. Oh, I knew who he was, as I had asked he be invited directly. I figured giving him first question would not only look good, but would be the chance of his lifetime.

“You in front there, yes the little Pegasus—um, colt is the term, right?”

Looking around, many of the press gave a nod to show me I got the right word.

“M-me sir? Oh! Um... F-Featherweight of the Foal Free Press in Ponyville. Thank you for calling on me. I have one question, we all received the press pack, it explained who and what you are and from where. However, it did not explain how you got here, would you please explain?”

I gave a bit of a smile, tough question from the little guy. “Well, Featherweight, the truth of it is, I don’t know how I got here. I went to sleep in my little cabin back home, and I woke up here. No flash of light, no big boom, nothing crazy happening. Just... poof, here I am. Truthfully, I am scared, and just as confused as all of you are.”

He gave a nod and sat down, jotting all of that down as others were already doing as quickly as they could. More hooves shot up and I pointed to one in the back. “The earth pony in the back row, yes, you with the blue mane.”

He stood up so I could see him better, and so he could see me. “Iron Snips, from the Stalliongrad Freedom Print. We would like to know, are you here to try and take over? Are you here to disrupt harmony?”

Once more if I had expressive ears, they would be down now. I shook my head and reached up, taking my hat off so I could look at him directly.

“Mr. Snips, I have no designs other than to get home, or if that can’t happen to live out my life quiet and peaceful here. Perhaps on a farm, or some small place as I am a quiet type of person. There is just one of me, and how many millions of ponies, griffons, diamond dogs, and all manner of other creatures here? I have no magic, no powers... no, sir, I just want to live in peace and harmony, perhaps make a friend or two if I can be so lucky.”

This made him smile as he sat, and I noted many nods and more smiles now. I pointed to a griffon that sat in left of center of the grouping. “You next.”

Standing, the griffon nodded once. “Glenda of the Griffonstone Gazette. Thank you for calling on me. Something else that was not in the press release, do you have a wife back home, any offspring?”

Like a stone crashing into me, my heart sunk. I looked down away from the smiling faces and eager looks, trying my hardest to get my emotions under check. I could ill afford to let my guard down now, let alone show any opening in my armor before this group. However, my sudden silence did not go unnoticed. Once more behind me, I missed the look of great concern from Celestia to Twilight and over to Luna.

I exhaled slowly and then looked up, having wrapped things under control. “No, ma’am, no one back home, just me. Been like that for a long time now.”
More questions were asked, and as they went by, I did my best to answer them. A few times Captain Swords would answer or fill in where I had none, too. He at one point sat down next to me and kept close, almost in a friendly way. I liked that, even with the turmoil raging inside me right now. It was nice to have somepony—a friend—to stay near.
Rarity smiled some as she took a small helping of cake. “That went very well, I think.”

I quietly sat off to the side, away from the others, thinking. Finally, I just needed time alone and I stood up. “Princess, I just... I don’t think I can face the Council and the Table of Peace right now. That press conference took way too much out of me,” I lied, and damn Applejack snapped her gaze right at me. She knew, too. I saw it in her eyes, and the frown on her muzzle.

Celestia spoke up before Applejack could. “That is quite all right, Shane, I thought as much and had the meeting moved to next week.”

I saw Luna rise and start walking towards me. “We will escort you back to your room, Shane."

My eyes narrowed, but I gave a nod. “Sure,” standing up.

Once outside the room, she dismissed her guard, and we started to walk. She was quiet for a good part of it before she said.

“We understand the need for secrets, Shane, ones we keep to protect ourselves from pain, from our past,” turning her head to look at me. “The ones you keep are tearing you apart on the inside. We—I know that well, and I suspect you know I understand better than others would.”

I didn’t bother to look over, I just didn’t dare. “Leave it alone, Luna, please. This isn’t something I can share, it ain't something I want to remember or dredge up. Just... please, let it be, okay?”

She gave a small snort but looked back to our walk. “Very well, Shane, but think on what I said. What ever you hold inside shows to your new friends. They see the pain as clear as the sun in the sky. You do them all—including me—a disservice by ignoring your pain.”

We came up to the door without any more words said. I gave a dip of my head to her “Thank you for walking me here, Luna,” before turning and walking in. Closing the door, I neglected to notice the look she gave me of worry.


I glanced up in the mirror with a smile, looking at the little blond haired, green-eyed angel in the back seat. She had her new Applejack plush from Build-A-Bear in her lap, and I could tell she was becoming sleepy.

I turned and saw my wife look at me with a smile, but as I opened my mouth to say something, I could see the grill of a truck. I heard the horrible crash and screech of metal on metal. I knew exactly what was going on. This same nightmare repeated at least once a week. I couldn’t do anything to stop it, either. The flashes of light, the crushing sounds, a terrifying scream, pain.

Suddenly, unlike ever before, things just... stopped. They became nothing, dissolving into a white room, no walls, no floor, just white. I was almost alone, but there was another here. Standing still, looking at me was the moon princess herself. Her eyes showed the pain, tears rolled down her cheeks as she spoke.

“This was no dream. It was too vivid, too detailed,” Luna stated, looking at me in the eyes. “Shane, this was, a memory.”

I could not look at her, rather just staring down at what ever down there was. A hoof softly touched my shoulder. Part of me was angry she would invade my dreams, while another part of me sat shocked. After all, I had a goddess in my head at this very moment. There was, however, a larger part of me that was relieved, that was grateful for a moment away from that nightmare.

I spoke but didn’t look at her, looking anywhere but the concerned alicorn princess. “What are you doing here, Luna?” my tone perhaps a bit defensive.

“I am the Princess of the Night, Shane, and dreams are my domain. Yours was so dark, so vivid, so filled with pain, it almost literally ripped me away from my nightly patrol and to your side,” she paused, then continued. “Shane, you can not keep this from your friends. Tell them, let them help you, as they have me.”

I fought down the tears I knew were starting to come. “I... I don’t want to lay that on them, Luna, it’s bad enough you know now.”

She shook her head. “Tell them, Shane, it is not a burden to them. Already they are your friends, even if you do not think so. How long now have you carried this?”

I kept my head down. “Ten years now, I…” growing quiet then I looked up. The princess was weeping now, tears raced down her dark-blue furred face. I could see the pain, for me, in her eyes.

“Tell them all, Shane.”

I gave a little hitching breath, then nodded my head. “O... okay.”

She again touched my shoulder. “Wake now, it is late, but I will gather them all, including my sister.”


I don’t know exactly what I expected, but what I found was a group. A large group, along with the Elements, Luna, Celestia, there was Cadence, and Shining Armor. Looking a bit tired I saw Dusty, and Golden Shield next to each other, Next to them, Captain Swords, and Sergeant Cortland. All of the ponies I had interacted with, had met, and I suppose in a way, became friends with on some level.

There was one universal to it all, the looks they all had. Tired or not, there was a worry to all their faces, a deep concern that I was unaccustomed to seeing, at least from my own kind. I took up the tea cup in my hand, shaking as I took a sip.

“I... don’t know where to start. I guess, Shawna and I met when we were in high school together. I was on the football team, she was a cheerleader. W-well, as two country kids do, we started hanging out more, and we fell in love. We started to date, making plans, looking to the future and talking about together forever.”

“Well, come senior year, Shawna got pregnant with Cassidy. We were using protection, but I guess God knew what he was doing. Soon as I graduated, I went into the Academy and Shawna started taking classes in bookkeeping. It wasn’t easy, but we made it work, and we got married two weeks before little Cassidy was born.“

My gaze didn't remove from the contents of my teacup, all while the words continued to spill out out. I don’t know that I could have stopped them now if I wanted to. Had I ever told anyone since that day? I couldn’t remember.

“I became a rookie Texas Highway Patrol officer, and Shawna, she kept books for some small stores on the side. We bought a little house just the other side of my parents ranch so they could help watch Cassidy and so she could be close to her grandparents. See, Shawna’s parents passed away when she was twelve, her aunt helped raise her, and they weren’t that close.”

I took a sip of tea again, trying to gather my thoughts.

“My fourth year on the force, I got an offer to join the Texas Rangers. My test scores were good, and I had proven myself with a few high profile cases I helped out with on a task force. I guess someone saw potential in me, and so, I took the offer.”

I glanced up, noting everypony in the room hung on my words. Nopony was looking away, and no pony seemed to want to ask a single question. Looking back down again, I spotted a teapot held in a golden glow, topping my cup up. I shot Celestia a nod, seeing her horn was lit with the same colors.
Taking a few breaths, I shut my eyes.

“Cassidy started to watch the show, My Little Pony, when she was eight. Well, I got to sitting down with her and watching, too. She loved the show, and it was our time together. Even as she got older, she loved the show, knew all your names and made sure I did, as well.”

I found myself cracking a soft smile at the memory.

“So, on her eleventh birthday, we all got in the wife's truck and headed down to the mall. They have this little shop there, it is called Build-A-Bear, a place where you can make a little stuffed bear and tell them how thick you want it, and put a little fabric heart inside, then they stitch it up for you. Cassie, she had all the My Little Pony toys... all but one. We had a real hard time finding Applejack because she was so popular in the South. Luck was with us, and we got one that afternoon.”

“See, Applejack was her favorite. She even had a set of little cowboy boots that had apples stitched into them.”

I exhaled and shut my eyes tightly. I didn’t notice the smile on the farmer pony’s face, nor did I see it fall as I continued.

“One minute I was looking back at her in the back seat. I looked over at the wife, and…”

My eyes shut tighter, trying to fight back tears. A man didn’t cry, damn it. A man didn’t show emotion, especially in front of others. Yet, I could not hold them back, or the hitch in my throat as I spoke. I didn’t look up, I didn’t see the pinned ears, the look of horror starting to show on many a pony's face.

“I... I don’t remember much. I remember seeing the truck as it hit us. I remember some of the sounds of metal crushing and a scream from someone”

Pinkie Pie’s voice spoke, but there was a tremor in it, a tone I knew was not typical for her. “T-they were okay, right?”

I didn’t see Celestia’s head shake. I didn’t see Twilight sling her wing over her pink earth pony friend. I did hear a few sobs, I heard some start to cry. I heard Cadence’s voice break and start to sob loudly.

I fought the tears, I fought the feelings with all that I am. I had to remain a man, that was what Shawna and Cassie would have wanted. It was not what life wanted.

“I-I woke up,” my voice cracked some. “Two weeks later, broken hip, broken leg, broken arm, two vertebrae in my neck cracked. I... I didn’t even get to go to... to their…”

Arms, orange ones, very strong arms were around my neck in an instant and were pulling me into a powerful, muscular neck. I felt wetness on my forehead and I lost it. I began to sob as I had never done in front of anyone before, sitting there on the ground clinging to a orange pastel colored mare who held me tight as she could, and cried with me. My face pressed into a blond mane, and my arms looped tight around her neck.

9 - Points of View (POV #1)

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Celestia looked over at the group of six mares around the sleeping human. Someone, at some point, draped a blanket over him, where he had fallen asleep, clinging to Applejack. It really did not surprise her, from what Luna had been able to deduce, he had not slept more than a few hours each night since his arrival here. Combined with ten years of nightmares, never grieving properly for his loss, it truly was a wonder how his sanity was intact at all, and it spoke highly of his personality.

She lifted one ear to hone in on what was being discussed by the six, even as she covered her mouth and yawned.

“Why does he hold all that in?” Twilight asked, glancing over to the orange earth mare who seemed to know him better than the rest of them already.

The apple mare took her hat off and put her hoof on the blanket-covered form laying right next to her. “Sugarcube, he is ‘lot like us earth pony farmers. A country colt to his core, ain’t our way to burden others with our pain,” she said, lowering her ears. “Ya know that well enough from my past actions, ah reckon.”

Rainbow shook her head. “What are we going to do? We can’t let him go this alone, can we?”

Twilight looked from one eye to the next, then shook her head. “No,” a soft tone, but the poise and command of being a princess held firm in it. “He is our friend now, and we will stay by his side to show him he isn’t alone.”

Rarity spoke, not lifting her eyes from the sleeping human form. “Darling, do you suppose this may have any reason to do with why he has found his way here?”

Twilight again seemed deep in thought about that as she lay there, one wing over Pinkie still who was not taking this well at all. “It may be, Rarity. Even if not, we will do what we have to. I can’t imagine what it must be like. To lose all that, to ignore the pain, then to have everything else you knew ripped away and ending up in a strange land. It would have driven any other ponies mad.”


Luna found four pony approaching her, the three guards and the maid. They had all been quietly talking for the last hour, and she suspected they had questions.

“Princess Luna,” the captain bowed his head. “I—we have a question, or two. With respect, may we ask?”

She gave a soft nod of her head. “You may, Captain, but before thy do, understand we will need to place a spell of binding on you. Do all of you agree to this?” looking the three unicorns and earth pony in the eye in turn.

She watched all four nod their heads. “We do,” they said together.

Then, she gave a nod back. “So be it. Understand what you will learn, just like tonight's events, are a crown secret. You will carry them to your final rest, never speaking of them.”

Dipping her head, she touched each unicorn's horn with her tip, before gently laying the same tip to the forehead of the earth pony mare, binding a spell to each that would keep them from ever speaking of tonight, outside the ones in the room who already knew.

Bowing his head, the captain again spoke. “Princess Luna, what did he mean by... the show, by the words... my little pony?”

Luna exhaled and lay her ears down. “We were afraid this was the question. Sit, my ponies, let me tell you an unbelievable tale who’s very proof lay there sleeping,” she gestured to the human curled up under the blanket, passed out cold.


Cadence had not taken it well, then again, she was the alicorn of love, as well as a new mother. Shining watched her sleeping, little Flurry Heart pressed close and hidden beneath a pink wing.

He himself had a lot on his mind. The human, Shane, had lost his family, his wife and daughter. Sitting here now in their room, he watched his family sleeping. Could he say he would have reacted better?

To watch a stallion break down like that, to see hope and personal drive fade out of his eyes and be replaced by pain and fear, he wished that on no pony, and could only hope he would receive the help he desperately needed.

Knowing that, right now, his sister and five of the strongest mares in Equestria were staying by Shane’s side, helped. Shaking his head, he crawled up onto the bed next to his wife and hooked a leg over her, pressing his muzzle into her mane and inhaling her scent, re-memorizing what he already had done a million times over, in his head whispering a soft prayer to the gods to keep his family safe.


Dusty quietly looked over at the slumbering, blanket-covered figure. What Princess Luna had informed them had been quite a lot to process. She found herself heartbroken for the human, for his loss, for ending up here of all places he could have ended up.

A voice to her left distracted her and she turned to look at the earth pony mare next to her. “I am sorry. What was that, Golden? I missed it, I was thinking a bit too deeply.”

Having removed her helmet, breaking the enchantment all guards had on the armor they wore, now showing his light green fur, her blond mane, and the cutie mark of a golden shield blocking an arrow.

“It’s a lot to take in, isn’t it? I found myself wondering out loud, why us? Why did Luna tell the four of us?”

Dusty glanced over at the not-unattractive mare and back to the group sleeping around and near Shane. “He needs friends, Golden. Luna is right, he is a broken stallion—man, whatever he calls himself. Friendship brought our princess of the night back to us, perhaps friendship will help that poor soul there find peace.”

Golden Shield remained quiet for a time then said in a softer tone. “You should go lay down, Dusty. I am sure he is going to sleep for a while, and the others are here to watch over him. Go get some sleep for yourself.”

She blushed just a touch at his sentiment and nodded. “I think I will, Golden, goodnight,” rising to her hooves and heading for the door out of the small room. Golden couldn’t help but watch her leave, she wasn’t bad looking.


“Sergeant, I want your real answer to this question. It is not an order nor do I want you giving me standard guard answers.”

Turning his head to look at his captain, Cortland gave a single nod. “Fair enough, Cap, honest Apple it is.”

Cross glanced over at the sleeping lump under the blankets. “If I assigned you and Golden to be his personal guards for now, at least until we have a good hold on where he is going to be staying, would you lament the transfer?”

He was silent for a time, the unicorn looked over at the older stallion then shook his head. “No, I would say knowing what we know now, knowing just how broken that stallion's soul is. It would be my honor to take that posting.”

Giving a grunt and a nod, looking back over at the group sleeping. “I think once we are relieved for the morning. I am going to go home and hug my wife and foals. It has dawned on me that sometimes I am so tied up in my job in the guard, I forget to tell them how much I love them.”

A bit of a nod of his head in agreement, the Apple guard smiled lightly. “That sounds like a wonderful plan, sir.”

10 - Run them down

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At some point, I'd begun to stir awake, feeling like I had slept on a cold, hard floor with nothing but a pillow under me and a blanket over me. In truth, that was pretty damn accurate.

Taking a look around as I opened up my eyes, I could see a number of ponies around me, narrowly beyond my personal space but sleeping close, making it very clear they were unwilling to wake me to move, or leave me alone.

Ugh, my mouth felt like it was filled with cotton, my eyes hurt, my throat hurt. Turning a bit and starting to sit up, I spotted a glass of water hovering right in front of me, held in a minty-green kind of glow. Somehow, I managed to not scream like a little girl in surprise.

Reaching out and taking it, I looked over at the day guard, whose horn’s glow just started to fade out as I took the glass, offering what I suspected was Sergeant Cortland a nod of thanks as I took a refreshing swig. Lowering the now empty glass, I reached over and set it on the low table nearby.

The night's events played out in my head. While I did find some of the weight I carried a tiny bit lighter, for the most part, I still felt like crap. Having broken down in front of a bunch of pastel-colored ponies, and yet not one of them had judged me for it, much to my surprise. Looking around, I did note the only alicorn in the room was Twilight who, I must say, had the most adorable look on her face as she slept, her head resting across Pinkie Pie’s back.

A voice to my left, kept almost a whisper so as not to wake the others, made me turn my head. I found myself looking into green eyes.

“How y’all feeling this morning, Shane?”

I glanced away, just kind of taking in my bearings. Perhaps part of me not wanting to look her in the eyes right now.

“Hurt, angry, upset, perhaps a bit ashamed of myself, to boot.”

I heard her snort softly. “Yeah, well, y’all will get over it. Some things need ta come out in the light.”

While a logical side of me knew she was right, it didn’t make the thought any easier.

“Applejack, just, well thank ya for not—”

A hoof on my arm stopped the words, I turned to look at her directly. “Ah get it, sugarcube. Most the girls here they don’t, but ah do, and so does Luna, ah suspect.”

Giving a nod of my head again, I looked around some. “Don’t suppose breakfast is available?”

“Yep, Princess Celestia arranged for it to be ready when you got up. Ah am sure it is on its way already.”


No more questions for the morning. In fact, most of the ponies left me to my own thoughts. I went and took a shower, changed clothing, put my dirty clothing in a small hamper that Dusty had set in my room for me. I spent some time alone, just looking out from the balcony at the city and the view of this new world.

A knock on the door brought my out of my thoughts and I walked over, opening it up to find myself looking down at Pinkie Pie. The hyper menace was bouncing up and down in place with what I would refer to as a scary grin on her face.

“Hey there, Shane-a-roony, we are all going into the shopping district, and we figured, hey! I bet Shane would like to look around, so then Fluttershy said perhaps you want time alone. I was like, no way! I bet he just wants to stretch his legs some and this a great time to do that. Then Applejack got all weird and…”

I cut her off by lifting my hand up and lightly placing it over her muzzle, closing it with my fingers. Somehow, she managed to keep bouncing in place.

“Pinkie, if I agree to go, will you stop explaining things and be quiet for a bit?”

She tugged her face back and gave a rather enthusiastic nod. “You got it!” she responded, bouncing off down the hall.

A voice to the left of the door came, I turned to note one of the guards quietly saying. “Thank you.”

I chuckled some. No, I didn’t have any sort of grudge on Pinkie, but, she can be a bit much to take in except in small doses.


I agreed to leave my holster under guard. I suppose I was in no real danger walking around the streets of Canterlot. I mean, hell, I had two guards, and all six Elements along with me, including one that was a princess and had four guards of her own shadowing the group.

There were a lot of looks, a few haughty-looking unicorns gave me looks of disgust but that didn’t really bother me much. I never did cotton to what uppity people thought of me, so the same went for pony in my mind.

I found myself looking in the window of a shop that had all kinds of knickknacks on display. A few caught my eye as I realized they were blown-glass cutie marks mirroring the six mares I was with. The voice to my left, Fluttershy, spoke softly.

“Oh, I know ponies look up to us, call us heroes, but I do wish they wouldn’t do stuff like this. Not that they are bad, but the extra attention and all.”

I glanced down at the pink-maned pegasus. “I can see where that would get tiresome.”

She nodded gently and looked up, offering me a genuine smile. It was hard not to smile back, and again I found myself reflecting on happier memories of watching the show and my daughter's joy of it. For now, the darker memories set themselves aside.

Something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. Just as I turned, as a mare let out a shriek and shouted. “Stop him, he took my bag!”

One of the advantages of being a predator species, we pick up on motion quickly. I spotted the white-coated unicorn racing away from the mare who was sprawled on the ground. Instincts kicked in, years of training. I was already two strides into a sprint as I knocked my hat off, yelling.

“AJ, catch!”

By the fourth stride, my old oil coat was flying off my left arm to flutter to the ground. The pony was fast, but I had leg length and a lifetime of cardio backing me up. By now, we were both at a full sprint down the cobblestone road. Cowboy boots ain’t really made for running, but they would do for now.

I saw the unicorn glance back over his shoulder, a bag in his mouth. His eyes went wide as he came to the realization that I was after him at a sprint, and he doubled his effort. I am no track star, but this ain’t the first perpetrator I have had to run down before. I was gaining on him by din of my stride, being nearly twice the height of the average ponies.

Closing on him, I settled into a stride, arms pumping, boots banging off the street, breath huffing. I saw him make a move of desperation, magic grabbing a couple and yanking them down, right in front of me.

Time to go big or go home, so I took one last step, and launched myself over the falling ponies. Arms out, I hit the white unicorn hard. I found out something in the meantime. Fuck, they are bulky! The shoulder check hurt, but I didn’t have time for that. One arm around his barrel, the other around his neck, we tumbled two times on the hard stone road.

The bag he had went flying off, as he spun and tried to stab at me with his horn tip and got me, too, as a gash in my shirt opened up, that was going to hurt. He was far stronger than I was, and had me by a good fifty pounds from what I could make out.

“Get off me, freak!” the stallion as I learned later bellowed.

In return for his attack, I rolled and hooked a leg around his neck as we grappled on the ground. My left fist thrust forward and I caught him a glancing blow to the side of the head, near his temple, skipping off and grazing his horn. Suddenly, all the fight left him, and he let out a pained whinny and collapsed, his front hooves gripping the side of his head.
I took the chance to pivot around him, locking my legs tighter around him and getting both arms around his neck, tugging back to hold him in the best submission hold I could considering our differences in limbs and body shape.

“Not today, asshole,” I snarled, wrenching a bit harder to ensure I had him good.

Not a few moments later, the guards caught up, as did the girls. Two of the guards grabbed him in magical holds, the other two pushed me off him. I rolled away and got up into a squat, ready to launch back into the fight if he struggled, keeping an eye on him as the four guards brought him up on his hooves, he looked quite woozy still.

“You didn’t need to hit him in the horn, did you?”

I blinked and looked over at Twilight who looked quite upset.

“What?” I noted a ring of metal slide out of one of the guard's bags, and slide down over the crook's horn.

“A unicorn's horn is full of nerves and blood vessels. When you punched him, it was like... well, from what I am told, it feels worse than a stallion getting kicked... um, er... there.”

That caused me to blink. I turned, looking at the the scene again and chuckled. “I will keep that in mind. Thank you, Twilight.”

Catching sight of the bag where it had landed I got up, I strode over and crouching down to pick it up. I looked back over at the guards, a few more along with what looked to be some kind of LEO had started to show up.

“All right, mind if I return this?”

Before they could answer, another voice spoke up. Turning, I noted just how many ponies were staring at me, and then at the mare, another mare next to her, and two of the blue-uniformed LEO with her.

“You can,” one of the officers said.

Walking over, I held out the bag to the mare. “Here you go,, ma’am, and I hope you will consider pressing charges on the perp.”

Her magic, kind of an off-yellowish shade, reached out and took hold of the bag, levitating it down to her.

“T-thank you,” was all she said, but that was enough for me. Turning I had a face full of rainbow and blue colored mare.

“That was totally awesome! The way you took off like a bullet, you flew over the top of that couple and hit him, it was like watching hoofball and a cop movie all in one!”

I had to chuckle as she did a few shadow boxing punches and kicks in the air, and then did a loop. Feeling a tug on my side, I looked down to find Applejack holding my hat up to me. Rarity had my old oil coat laying across her back. “Right nice thing ya did there, partner.”

I took my hat back and slid it in place atop my head, briefly pausing to dust myself off before reaching out for the oil coat. “I did what was right, that is all.”

“Nonsense, darling, that was bold and reckless. But, just the kind of chivalry you have shown from the start,” Rarity, color me not surprised.

“Um, I hope you are okay, and I hope he is okay, too. Um, that is not hurt too badly,” Fluttershy, I said it before, I will say it again. She really is the physical avatar of kindness. How my own species could benefit from even one percent of her outlook.

“I am fine. Thank you, Fluttershy, for your concern” Earning a smile from her.

“Ohmygosh! You know what this calls for—”

My arm shot out and I placed my hand once more on the pink mare's muzzle. Not hard, just lightly gripping, holding it shut.

“No parties for everything I do, let's just keep it to one, when I am ready. I will let you throw me a Welcome-to-Equestria party, okay?”

She grew an even wider smile as she pulled away from my hand. “You got it!” then she had a shrewd look in her eyes. “I get to throw you a birthday party every year, too.”

I lifted my eyebrow, negotiation with a pink hyper pony? I gave a thought on her words then nodded my head. “But that is all, nothing else, agreed?” I paused. “Barring some kind of special event.”

That she perked at, then I saw her move her hoof across her chest, and then lift it to put it over her eye. “Done!”

Had I just made an accord with the Element of Laughter? Why did I feel uneasy all of the sudden? Another voice came to my left, I turned as I started to slide my arm into the coat sleeves. I found one of the royal guards that had been escorting us there.

“Sir, the Canterlot Police will need you to give a statement.”

I smiled a bit. “Of course they will. Sixty seconds of excitement, six hours of paperwork.”


Three hours later, I trudged my way back into the castle. Applejack, Fluttershy, and two guards had remained with me at the police station while the rest had returned. A lunar guard gestured as he emerged from the shadows. “Sir, the princesses would like a word with you.”

I muttered. “Of course,” turning and walking behind him, he lead the five of us to a larger room. I found food served on a long table, all four alicorns were there, a number of guards, the Elements all now gathered in the same place.

“Shane, I understand you had a bit of excitement,” Celestia said flatly.

I looked up. “Yeah, sorry if I caused a problem.”

She shook her head. “Not at all, I have already seen the report, as well as first-hoof reports from ponies who saw the whole thing,” pausing, she dipped her head so her eyes were looking right into my own.

“I know you had a trying night, and a long afternoon. However, I have a few questions and I think it is time I get some answers for them, yes?”

I set my jaw then gave a nod of my head. “Yeah, let me get a bite to eat and I will answer what I think you are going to ask of me.”

This week was quickly turning into one of the longest of my life. At least the food was delicious, and the company was enjoyable.

11 - What is a Texas?

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At the moment, I could not be more grateful for a few extra pillows under me as I sat on the floor. I looked around at the gathered ponies, then back to the biggest of them. The alabaster mare gave a nod to me and spoke.

“Shane, my first question will be the hardest for you to explain, I suspect. You—”

Her golden aura lit up around a scroll and unrolled it. I couldn’t see exactly what was on it, though my guess was it is one of the many notes Twilight had been taking.

“—said you were part of a group known as the Texas Highway Patrol,” pausing, “then later said you joined a group called the Texas Rangers. Could you explain what a... Texas is, and a Highway for that matter, and…”

I smiled and held up a hand. “I think I understand, Princess Celestia. I will do my best, so perhaps we should begin with Texas.”

A small squeal came from my left, it caused me to chuckle a bit. Princess Adorkable, I didn’t even need to turn and glance at the purple alicorn to know she had out a quill and some paper.

“First, you must understand Texas is a state, part of a country called the United States of America, made up of fifty states. Each state has its own laws, but also defer to federal law and the protections enshrined in the constitution that formed the union.”

I had expected Twilight or perhaps even Cadence to speak up, rather to my surprise when it was Applejack who asked. “Shane, what is a state?”

I pondered how to explain it, then an idea struck me. “Princess Celestia, does Equestria exist as one country whole, or is it broken up among counties? I am not sure what word I am searching for here.”

She tilted her head, then understanding crossed her face. “Yes, we call them protectorates. There is Canterlot of course, Ponyville, the Crystal Empire, and so on. With the return of the crystal ponies into our nation, there is currently twelve. Each one has smaller boundary lines drawn that separate lands the Nobles are sworn to protect. “

I gave a nod. “All right, so to answer your question Applejack, a state is much like a protectorate. A bit different I suspect in legal structure, but, close enough. Each state has counties in them, much like the way it is here. However, we don’t have nobles, we have elected officials that represent the people in implementing laws and maintaining transportation infrastructure, like roads.”

Twilight spoke up. “So, you are talking about a republic, the um,” looking at her notes, “United States of America you came from, is a republic?”

I turned and looked at her. “Well, it is more of a presidential constitutional republic, yes,” I corrected. Before any of them could ask, I spotted Rainbow starting to lift her hoof.

“That means we have a set of laws in place, a constitution, that guarantees rights to all, such as freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and etcetera. We do not have a king or queen, no princesses, either. Rather, we have elected officials that hold office for two to four years before another election is held. In the case of the top office, the president, it can only be held by the same person for a maximum of eight years.”

Shining Armor spoke up, watching me as he did. “So, in effect, the country you came from has a sort of controlled and people-driven peaceful revolution that turns over your whole government every four to eight years?”

I nodded. “Very oversimplified, but, yes. I am no legal scholar or politician, so most of what goes on is a bit above me. Although, that is the ten-cent tour of where I came from.”
Rarity spoke up “Ten-cent tour?”

I exhaled softly. It was going to be a long afternoon. “A cent is a coin that is one percent of a dollar, a dollar is…” I had to think for a moment. “A bit, that is what you call your currency here, correct? A bit?”

She gave a nod. “Yes, gold bits being the most used, silver bits, there are four silver bits to a gold bit, and copper bits. There are ten copper bits to a silver bit.”

That I had to smile to, information that would help me if I had to stay here. So, their system was not so much different from our own, other than the exchange rates.

After a moment to take a sip of water, and to let Twilight get a new scroll ready to write on, I glanced up and around. “Okay, part two. What is a highway?”

“You have carts here, so you have roads. A highway is a road, usually two lanes or more, divided by a wall or line of paint that stretches from one city to the next or one county to the next. Now, this is going to get pretty detailed so how about we keep it in overview for now. Twilight and I can document details later?”

Looking around, I noted many nods, and one purple sourpuss of a look.

“Basically, my kind has come up with a way of transportation, like a wagon, but needs no pulling. It uses a internal combustion engine, similar to how your train locomotives work in a very general way, to move it from point to point. This means we need Highways, freeways, and roads to drive them on and move ourselves, and products from one point to the other.”

A timid yellow leg lifted up, I looked over at its owner and gave her a nod. “Fluttershy?”

She tucked her ears down. “Is that what you were in when…”

I gulped hard, forcing the lump forming in my throat back down. I softly nodded my head. “Yes, a form of such called a truck.”

I had not realized that Applejack and Rainbow had moved over near me, one on each side. I felt the light touch of a hoof on each arm and looked to see two concerned faces. I forced a bit of a smile up, if only to move the conversation past this.

“I will be okay, thank you,” I said to both of them.

They remained at my side, laying in that odd ‘pony loaf’ that seems to be the norm for most here.

Luna spoke up next. “Shane, we are curious. So many roads, such a large sounding country. How many of your kind is there?”

I turned and looked at her. “In the world, or in my country alone?”

This made her pause. I saw a look on a few faces as they glanced back and forth. Luna blinked and spoke in a far softer tone. “In the world you came from.”

I knew this would be a bombshell so I looked around a bit. “At the last count, just over seven-point-five billion people.”

A dead, uneasy silence followed before Cadence chimed in. “I... I am sorry, did you say... billion? Surely, you mean million, right?”

I looked over at the pink alicorn and shook my head very softly. “No, ma’am, billion. The largest city in my world, Tokyo, by itself, has thirty-two million people living in it.”

I expected the gasps, I expected the surprise. However, to see even Celestia’s regal mask break, and hear her whisper what she did, shook me to my core. It really hit me hard just how different this world was at that moment.

She had looked right at me, and said in that low whisper. “Thirty-two million, in one city. That is a larger population than all of Equestria combined.”


We had taken a break, mostly to give everypony time to take all of that in. I found myself standing on the small balcony off the room we were meeting in. The view was much alike the one from my room, looking out over the city, and out into the forest and rolling plains beyond it.

A noise to my side caught my attention, glancing at a wall of white. I was forced to lift my head a bit and tip my hat back to look at Celestia’s face. She too was looking out at the view.

“It is not all peaceful there, is it,” she said in more of a statement less of a question.

I sighed out and shook my head. “No, ma’am, in fact far from that. We fight, we have wars, millions die every year from fighting, starvation, disease, accidents, you name it.”
Again, she never quite looked over at me. “This is why you are afraid, then? Why you keep your thoughts so close to the breast, so to speak? You fear our view on what your species has done.”

I tucked my hat back down to shade my eyes, turning to look out at the view from under the black beaver-felt brim.

“The majority of it, yes,” I decided I could level with her. Hell, she had over a thousand years of life on me.

“Your world, your ponies are so kind, so friendly, so open. My kind is mistrustful, suspicious by nature. I... well, I fear you may decide you can’t risk any possible negative influence I might bring with me, to be quite upfront with you, Princess.”

She gave a nod of her head, then responded, still in that soft tone that told me were were having a private conversation.

“Have trust in me, and my ponies, Shane. Despite the short time I have known you, I have seen your heart true and it is not bad or evil. Hurt, yes, filled with pride I have rarely seen, stubborn beyond even an Apple’s resolve, but good.”

She turned and looked at me now, and I turned to face her. “I cannot tell you to set your fear aside, all I can do is tell you, trust me to make the best decision for all, and that I have your interests in mind, too.”

I'm still not exactly sure what made her words carry such weight. Perhaps it was the tone, or the conviction in her eyes. Perhaps it was just how real they were, no sugarcoating, just direct and upfront. What ever it was, I found myself believing her. I had no reason to doubt her, and despite being a suspicious person by nature, I felt no ill-will or hidden intent from her.

I lifted my hand up and removed my hat, pulling it to my chest before dipping my head to her in respect. “Yes, ma’am.”


Gathered back inside again, after grabbing a nibble to eat and a bottle of apple cider that I had to say, was one of the best I had ever tasted. I guess I should not be surprised considering the label said the brand was ‘Sweet Apple Acres’. I had noted the smirk on the golden earth pony and blue Pegasus as they observed me enjoy the drink.

Once everyone was seated and settled in, I looked around some and back to the two rulers of this country.

“Now, I think we have a good idea of what Texas is, and what a highway is,” I noted Celestia’s eyes look right into mine.

“Texas Highway Patrol, Texas Ranger. I think going by your actions earlier today, and overall the way you address others, combined with how I have watched you react and respond to things... I think it safe to guess you, were an officer of the law, yes?”

I lifted a eyebrow, then nodded my head “Yes, ma’am.”

“Told ya so,” Applejack remarked from next to me looking over at Twilight who stuck her tongue out at the apple mare.

Various reactions appeared around me, but one I saw in the corner of my eye made me turn and look at the two, watching Cadence with a little frown pursing her lips, hoof over a small bag of what I guessed was bits to Shining Armor. I let out a bit of a chuckle, shaking my head.

“So, when ya took off after that varmint that stole the purse, that was just about pure instinct, wasn’t it? Also kind of explains how you fought with him without hurtin' him too bad.”

I gave a nod at that, leave it to a country girl to put two and two together before most did. However, I suspect Celestia, perhaps Luna, and for sure Shining Armor had guessed far before anypony else had.

“I am curious,” looking over at the white unicorn stallion next to his wife. “What tipped you off?”

Shining smiled a bit. “The way you scan a room when you walk in, how you watch others, the way you keep your head on a swivel. That is all stuff you pick up by serving in the military or law enforcement. It was also how you carry yourself, a kind of confidence-of-control one expects from such training.”

Luna then added to what he said. “Combine what Prince Armor has said, with how you have at every turn, made sure we were in control and not you, that you have given up being defensive and taken a more wait-and-see approach. It speaks to us of someone taught in the ways of negotiation, and deescalation tactics.”

I let off a small huff and shook my head. “Leave it to a bunch of technicolor ponies to be five steps ahead of me. Here I thought I was doing pretty good keeping things close to the vest.”

Celestia tittered, bringing her hoof up to cover her muzzle. “My dear little human, I believe we may have a few years on you in that regard.”

I looked around at all the smiles and happy looks and gave a nod of my head. “Perhaps you are right on that count, Princess,” glancing back over at the two rulers once more. “So, where do we go from here?”

Celestia smiled warmly. “I think I would ask you stay here in the castle for the next week or two, give us time to integrate you into our society as best we can. It would also let my ponies ask questions and try to figure out how to get you home, if it can be done.”

She gestured around. “Many of the Elements must return to Ponyville and their jobs, along with Cadence and Shining Armor who must return to the Crystal Empire. However, Twilight will be staying here. You will be given your own guards for now, at least until everypony has adjusted to your presence. Then, we can figure out where you want to live, and what you want to do.”

I looked around then gave a nod of my head. “That sounds fair to all, and quite generous of you, thank you, Princess. However…”

This made a few ears lift including Luna’s.

“I want to earn my keep, to do something, so I don’t feel like I am just living off y’all.”

At that, Princess Celestia nodded once more. “You will be, Shane. I will expect you to sit with Twilight and explain that item in the vault, explain your world, and I would like to further learn about this organization of law enforcement you originated from. After today's events, it has brought up certain... questions... I wish to compare to our own system.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “That sounds more than fair, I accept your offer.”

12 - So the education starts

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I had seen my new friends off that night, with Twilight, of course, staying behind to help as Celestia had noted in our talk. As I observed them take off in the chariot, minus Rainbow, who took off in a streak of color. I reflected on things, friends, were they that? After a moment, I had to nod to myself, as they were. Perhaps the first real friends I had let myself make in a long time.

That night I slept without dreams, at least none that I could remember. I suspect Luna had part in that, and again I found myself torn between being angry someone was messing with something in my head, and thankful for a night of peace. I figured, why look a gift horse—er, pony—in the mouth?

I found myself up with the sun and invited to breakfast with the princesses once more. Walking in, wearing a black pair of jeans and a white t-shirt to match with the warmer weather. At some point in the hall, two guards had joined me in my walk. I'd known both of them despite the magic or whatever on their armor to make them look the same.

Looking over at Celestia. “Princess, may I make a request?”

She gave a nod as she looked up at me over a cup of tea. “Of course, Shane. If it is within reason, I will do what I can for you.”

I smiled and gestured. “Cortland and Golden, they have been following me around since last night. I take it they have been assigned as my guards?”

I watched her lift an eyebrow then nod. “They have, yes, they know you and your secrets. They have been sworn to keep them. They are your friends, too, yes?”

I exhaled and glanced at the door, knowing they were standing just outside. “Perhaps friends is a bit aggressive a word for the moment, but, they sure have done right by me so far. So, I would like to do right by them. I would like to request they go without armor, so they do not stand out so much. It sure would make them more comfortable and would mean out in public most ponies wouldn’t be suspect of a new creature with armed and armored solar guards walking behind him.”

I watched her ponder that, then she nodded her head, turning to the light-grey Solaris guard next to the side door. “Captain Blade, please inform Captain Swords of the First Solar that I wish Sargent Cortland and Private Shield to spend their duty protecting Shane out of armor. They are to integrate and not only guard but escort him as friends.”

I watched as the grey unicorn grunted. “Yes, my princess!” snapped a salute and turned, heading out. I turned to look back at Celestia.

“Thank you. If they are going to be stuck on me, I would at least like to know they can be comfortable,” I nodded once in thanks.

She smiled behind her little mug. “You worry about others before yourself. Is this a trait of all humans?”

I shrugged. “Some, not sure I would say most. We are a selfish species. It is in our very genetics to be aggressive, tribal, and see to our own needs. It is a survival trait.”

I again watched her nod as I took a sip of orange juice, then said, “What time will Luna wake?”

Once more she smiled at me. “After noon, around three, why?”

I had given this great thought, and decided this was for the best. “I have something to show you both, something I can’t show Twilight.”

Just as the words spilled out, said purple alicorn trotted in through the side door. “Good morning, Celestia. Good morning, Shane!”

Celestia tilted her head. “And good morning to you, Twilight Sparkle,” she glanced at me and gave a nod, whispering, “Come to my study at four.”

I noticed Twilight perk an ear. “What is going on at four?”

I hesitated, not sure what to say before Celestia spoke. “Shane has been requested by Luna and myself to discuss about some things best compartmentalized. In turn, you will be quite busy, as I want you to spend the morning talking to him about the item in the vault in as much detail as you can get.”

I blinked both at the bright light and the sudden poof noise as she was gone, then back again before I could open my mouth to ask what was going on. She now had a saddle bag packed with quills and paper hanging off her side. I meant packed, too, as in almost ripping the stitches, flaps unable to close, stuff ready to fall out, packed.

A small chuckle forced its way out at the ear-to-ear grin on the purple mare's muzzle. “Can we finish breakfast first, Twilight?”

Her face fell a bit but she nodded to me. “O-oh, of course, okay."


I found myself with Twilight in a private side room of what turned out to be the Royal Canterlot library and archives. At least, that is what the sign above the door had said when we walked here. Cortland and Golden looked so much more at ease now. They were out of their standard armor, but both still wearing a sort of half-cloak that marked them as guards and what unit they were in.

We had spoken briefly about things. All of us had agreed to be a bit casual, too. Sure, they had a job to do, I understood that, but we had all talked enough to understand the idea behind my request. Right now, we were starting hour two of a rather long, and in depth talk. Twilight and I had been at this solid other than a break for tea.

“I still don’t quite understand why items from your world—including you—seem to act like nullstone.”

I watched her tapping her chin as she thought about things, looking down at the pile of notes she had already jotted down. I suppose I should be impressed, she had already worn out two quills and gone through nearly all of a pot of ink.

“That is something I have no answer for, Twilight. I am sure if anyone in this world can figure it out, it will be you.”

She smiled a bit and looked back over at me. “It is just incredible to me still, your kind has reached out to the stars, sent items of technology out to send you back pictures and data about places millions and millions of miles away.”

I took a sip of tea and nodded my head. “It is in our nature, we explore, we have a drive to better understand our world and many others around us.” Pausing, I figured this might be a good moment to drop another bombshell on her. “Twilight, what would you say if I told you we have sent men, and women, into space?”

Her head snapped up from the notes she was writing, and the quill snapped in her magical grip. I gave her a bit of a grin. She was fun to tease a little.

I exhaled some and gave a nod. “We started with small things, planes that I told you a bit about that can fly faster than sound, then rockets that lifted payloads into the air. Soon, we put a man on top of that rocket and sent him into orbit to return a hero.”

I took a sip of tea, watching has she wrote furiously, trying to get every detail.

“One day, a great man, a president we had elected before I was born, so, no, I didn’t know him. However, he'd given a speech. In it, he addressed us as a nation, and as a world. I don’t know most of it, but I know some key lines that drove us to put a man in space.”

I paused and then cleared my throat.

So, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

I glanced at her as she stared at me, her face kind of hard to read.

“That... is a very deep, strong sentiment. He must have been a well respected man.”

I nodded to her.

“A little bit later, President Kennedy gave another speech, and in it, he told America that we would put a man on the moon. That we would strive and push, to go where no man, no human had ever set foot. Not just for our country, but for all of mankind. We are driven as I said, to explore, it is in our nature.”

She took a sip of her own tea and looked back up at me curiously. “And... did they? Did they make it to the moon?”

Again, I nodded to her. “Seven years later, a man by the name of Neil Armstrong, wearing special equipment to let him survive the cold airlessness of space, walked down a ladder from a lunar lander, and with a whole planet watching him on TV. Spoke, and gave us a simple set of words that carry weight through history.“

I had Twilight's full attention, looking up at me from where she lay writing.

That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

Her eyes widened more, then she looked down at her notes. Writing the words several times. I watched as she did them over and over, five times, each with a different style to them.

“You know,” she whispered. “Luna will want to know every detail, that another species from another place in time and the universe, landed on a moon and said such poetic words. This president, um...” looking at her notes. “President Kennedy, must have been so proud to see his words have such an effect.”

At that, I returned a small frown and shook my head softly. “My kind has the capacity for great things, Twilight, but we also have the capacity to destroy and ruin what we build,” watching her ears fall some.

“A year after he gave his speech, he was shot and killed during a drive, because some didn’t like his policies.”

Tears welled up in her eyes. I felt like shit now, having to reveal to her such an evil, cold side of the human race. I looked away and down at my hands.

“The truth of the matter is, his death pushed us, pushed a country to make the dream real. Our history is filled with such things, Twilight, of great events, followed by death and tragedy and hate. For that, for telling you the truth, and exposing the darkness of my kind, I am sorry.”

She sniffled and her hoof reached out, touching my foot. “No, I—w-we want to know, to understand you as you are learning to understand us."

I muttered. “Still, there are things about my kind I hate, Twilight, so much in fact. So much, I wish, that we could be more like your kind.”


It had been quiet after that, Twilight simply reflected on all she had learned and I, well, I watched her. A pony, a living, breathing creature, laying there reading notes, learning of my kind, a kind that, for us, for mankind, she was just a imaginary digitally-drawn cartoon. I found myself again reflecting on that, on the absurdity of the fact I was here, it wasn’t a dream. So many questions, and not a single answer to be had.

After I had gone back to my room and picked up my backpack, I stuffed an object I wanted to show the princesses in it. An object I knew I could not show Twilight, she would never let it go and never stop trying to learn from it.

Golden walked along with me, as Cortland had gone to grab for them an early dinner. I thanked her and let her know I would be with the princesses likely quite a bit of time, and I would have somepony walk me back to my room. Wishing each other a good night, I turned and knocked on the door to the study, a golden glow enveloped the door and it swing in showing me the room.

It was a small room, a desk, a pile of pillows to get comfortable on, many bookshelves, and one wall dominated by what looked to be a map of Equestria. Both princesses waited, they had thought to have a tray of snacks, vegetables by the look, and of course, the obligatory tea pot and cups.

I walked in as the door closed and bowed my head some. “Princess L—”

A hoof lifted, Luna smiled a bit. “No, we are in private. Call us Luna and Celestia. Here, we are friends, no court to hear our words.”

I gave a bit of a smile back and looked to the sun princess, who nodded with her sister's words. “Please, Shane, sit, tell us what you wanted this meeting for.”

Walking over and sitting down, getting comfortable by crossing my legs under me. I looked over at the alicorns then reached into my bag after unzipping it. Drawing out the slate of glass, metal, and plastic.

“This... is a tablet. A kind of computer, and in it, stored, is more knowledge than your whole library holds. That is why Twilight can never see this.”

I watched as both grew wide eyed. Letting them soak that information in. I switched it on, then turned the screen so they could see. Swiping my finger over the screen to unlock it, I tapped the video player app. A quick glance at the battery level told me I would need to plug in my extended charger soon. Although, I was all right for at least an hour.

They watched with rapt attention as the screen went black, then it lit up with a picture of Twilight and Spike in a balloon, and the music kicked in. “My little pony, my little pony,” in Twilight's voice.

I had chosen to show them the first two episodes, and for the next forty-four minutes they said not a word. They watched on with eyes wide, faces filled with so many emotions. At the end where Luna clung to her sister, I looked at them to see they were doing the same now as they had in the show, clinging to each other just as tightly. I gently turned it off and set it on my bag, taking time to plug in the charger battery so it wouldn't run down too far. Looking back up at them to see them looking at me, a million questions on their faces.

Celestia spoke first, sniffling and nuzzling her sister once more. “When you told me of this... show, I did not quite understand. That is clearly not us, and yet the characters are almost perfect. The events are nearly word for word. It was trimmed down, for the events you showed there, happened over almost a week of time.”

Luna sniffled and nodded. “Y-you were right to show us this without Twilight present. She would never let that object out of her hooves if she were to find out about it.”

Celestia gave a soft nod. “And yet, we will have to tell her eventually about it. This is far too monumental a object to keep hidden away from everypony.”

I nodded understandingly. “I figured it would be best if you two knew about it. The question is, can anypony manipulate it?”

I watched a dark glow from around Luna’s horn and then try to form around the tablet. It failed, sputtering out and fading away again.

“No, if my sister and I can not touch it, I doubt others could. It is like everything from your universe, almost as if it was made of nullstone.”

Celestia tapped her chin. “I have had a thought about that, I wish to run it past Twilight. I think it might also give us a lead on an idea to get you home, Shane.”

I looked over at her and nodded my head. “In the meantime, I will keep it hidden from others as I have been doing.”

Celestia nodded and then smiled genuinely. “I would like you to come show my sister and I things you feel are appropriate, say, this time once a day? We could have our evening meal around it, and talk.”

Luna clapped her hooves together. In that small moment I could pretty much confirm that she was the younger of the two, still a bit youthful in her actions. “Yes, this is what it shall be.”

I shrugged. “It would be a honor.”

13 - End of a long week

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It continued on for the week. I would meet in the mornings with Twilight after breakfast. We would discuss my world, about technology, and anything else she could think of—which, in all reality, was just about everything. In turn, she would explain things to me. I soon learned the calendar here is pretty much day for day like home, but with obvious alterations in holidays. I even discovered that this world were on a twenty-four hour time, like home, too.

Something I did question and got the answer to, why did they have to move the sun and moon, and why did the seasons, weather, and so on take care of themselves. The answer was, in retrospect, pretty simple to understand.

Chaos magic, due to Discord’s reign, caused so much damage that the planet's ecostructure could not recover. So, the sun and moon revolved around the planet, rather than the planet orbiting the sun as any normal world. Weather patterns were almost static without the help of pegasi, and in general, ponies served their own purposes to keep things moving.

Afternoons were my own, up until dinner with Celestia and Luna. I had shown them other episodes of the show, and learned in kind of the time frame involved. It had shocked me a bit that Tirek’s attack had, in fact, taken almost six months from his escape to when he gained enough power to be a threat, that Twilight's exhausting battle with him had not been minutes, but nearly two hours long from start to finish, with many times the two just glaring at each other and catching their breaths.

Evenings after my dinner with the princesses, I spent once more on my own. Usually, I would hang out with a few of the guards, including Cortland and Golden. By Friday, I had met a good chunk of the regular guards, along with three of the Solar guards and two of the bat winged Lunar guards. I had also learned they played Texas Holdem, well, they called it Saddle Holdem, even though it was virtually the same game. I spent many hours bonding with like-minded ponies over cards without drinking, as most of them had duty shifts on rotation.

I found it comforting, getting to know the stallions and mares who thought like I did. Sure, they were military, and I am law enforcement—well, was, but we still had the same outlooks for the most part. It gave me a chance to get to know the working stiffs, the ones that really make society run. I also got to learn more about ponykind in general, how there were more than just the three tribes, quite a bit more in fact. It seemed just ponies alone were broken up into two main branches, the Solar as seen in the show, and the Lunar only making appearances once in a while. Both groups had unicorn, pegasi, and earth ponies, so that made six distinct sub species.

I had, of course, been spending an hour or two a day writing out the history and traditions of law enforcement, specifically the Texas Rangers. Celestia had been quite adamant about that, and was really pressing to really get into the details of it. I was not sure why, but, when a princess who is giving you a room, board, and protection asks you to do something simple like that, you do it.

Friday night, during my dinner with Celestia and Luna, I had mentioned that there was something I wished to show them, something I thought would explain to them how in depth the impact the show had on many of my kind. Although, I felt it was something that I should hold back, until they felt it was time for Cadence and Twilight to learn of the tech.

After a great deal of back and forth, with myself being the devil's advocate, so-to-speak, I agreed on showing the four Alicorns the next night. Cadence would come in the afternoon, and Twilight was already here, so that all worked out.


Saturday was like any other day. Morning with Twilight, where we covered the subjects of schooling and upbringing. It was a rather melancholy subject for me, though I agreed to continue. In turn, Twilight didn’t push, and rather we kind of flowed in and out of the subject.

She did ask if I wanted to meet some foals at some point, and I had made mention of wanting to meet the Crusaders and their many friends, if only to fix in my mind so much more of this is real and not just me sitting alone in some padded room lost in my own head.

I didn’t believe I was crazy, but then again, the forty-eight hundred types are always the last to know. There were simply too many details and subtle things happening around me to just be a mental breakdown. It isn’t common for people in a dream or delusion to make up details like Average Joe pony going about his daily work. Yet, I had observed that, many facets of that very idea, and so had come to the conclusion this was all very real.

Twilight had noted my quiet introspect and suggested we cut off a bit early. She knew we both had some kind of meeting with the other princesses after lunch. She pestered me what it was about. I, however, did not give in. Rather, I took a moment out of a old movie I enjoyed quite a bit. Looking at her I shook my head.

“Nope, I am taking this one to my grave,” and closed my lips, then pantomimed twisting a key in my lips as if locking them, and tossing said imaginary key over my shoulder. I held in a chuckle as she gave a snort, followed by a very equine-like whinny, and stomped her hoof before leaving in a poof of teleportation magic.


I walked into my room after a light lunch, one of the day guards escorting me. That worked out well as he needed to replace one of the guards at the door, and I needed to grab my tablet and backpack. I bumped into Dusty, who was just finishing up making the bed. She had set what looked to be a rather large paper-wrapped package on the chair near the bed.

“Oh, Shane! Just who I was hoping to see.”

Her smile warm, genuine. I made it a point to go out of my way to greet all the staff not just her. and it had spread around that I was not the typical guest in the castle. That of course made things a tad frustrating for me. I wanted to help out, open a door, help carry things. Though, because I offered to, that just seemed to endear me to them more, making them go the extra mile to be sure I didn’t need to help.

“Dusty, how are you this afternoon? I hope I didn’t leave too much of a mess this morning. I was in a rush and I think I forgot to hang my towel back up.”

I watched her shake her head. “Shane, for the thousandth time, no. You are the perfect guest! Your care and concern for the staff who work here is more than payment enough for what we do.”

Her hoof lifted and she pointed to the package. “Lady Rarity sent that. The note said it was her pleasure to be the first to surprise you with a gift, and she enjoyed the challenge.”

I exhaled softly and glanced at it, then strode over. “She didn’t need to. I will have to find out what I owe her and figure out a way to earn a few bu—um, bits, right? Bits to pay her back.”

Again watching her in the corner of my eye shake her head. “I suspect she will not let you, Shane. She is, after all, one of the Element bearers. Generosity, as I remember.”

Shaking my head in turn as I untied the knot on the string and opened up the package. Inside was what looked to be two pairs of pants. Unfolding one, they were formal-like, but sort of casual, too, almost like a pair of dockers, but without the pockets or pleats. Each had a note on them. I looked down and then saw a few shirts and three pairs of what looked to be socks. Everything had small notes pinned to them.

Plucking the note off one pair, I read it aloud. “Shane, I hope you don’t mind, but, I did notice you had nothing more formal to wear from what I have seen. I made you a few things that should fit quite nicely and be just formal enough to meet council members and dignitary in.”

I smiled just a bit, that was really thoughtful of her. Unfolding the shirts, looking at each. Two were button-up, again in that semi-formal look, but very far from my usual western manner of dress, and more like something I would have gone to a meeting or town hall in.

The last shirt had a note as well. “Shane, I tried my hoof at copying the thing you called a tea shirt,” I chuckled at her spelling of that. I will have to correct her later. “While I do not think it is appropriate for high tea, I do hope you find it comfortable to wear.”

Unfolding it, I found a pretty close copy of a t-shirt, save that it had a pocket on the left and right breast where the one she had looked at in my stuff only had one. It also had stitched into the pocket a stylized S in a fancy-looking shield of sorts. Even if it wasn’t quite my style, I was both impressed and thankful.

“Shane, would you like me to hang that stuff up and make sure it doesn’t wrinkle?”

I looked over at Dusty and gave a nod to her. “Please, and I will put the socks away,” as I gathered them up. To the touch, they were very soft, and even thicker than the ones I had with me. They would do well in winter, I had a hunch.

I briefly sniffed them as I walked over to the dresser. Wool, you can’t mask that smell, yet such a soft wool, unlike any I had ever seen or felt. Not quite white, it was more like, well, similar to that of cotton candy if it was made of opals. I really had to ask her what it was made of, as I put them away.

I picked up my backpack and glanced back to Dusty. “Thank you again, Dusty, have a nice night.”

She paused to touch her nose to my arm. A gesture I found many ponies seemed to do in greeting or saying goodbye. As best as I could figure, it was like when we humans put our hand on a friend's arm or shoulder, a way to touch and show care.

“You, too, Shane.”

Walking out the door with her, she turned left and headed the opposite direction. I glanced at the two guards beside the door to my room. “Nice quiet afternoon, boys?”

What I received in return was a genuine smile from both. “Sure is, and always nice when that happens. Off to your lunch with the princesses Shane?”

I gave her a nod. “Sure am soon as Golden gets here to—”

Speaking of, the sound of hooves on marble caught my ear as she hurried down the hall, breathing heavy as she pulled up short. “O-o-oh,” huffing. “My deepest apologies, Shane, I took a nap and my bunkmate forgot to wake me up. I totally forgot Cortland has the day off.”

I reached out and gave her a scratch on the left ear, watching with amusement as her eyes fluttered. She swatted my hand away with a hoof. “Quit that!”

I grinned. “Why, you ponies are just so cute when you get all scrunchy-face,” pausing. “You got your breath? Let’s not keep the princesses waiting.”

Once at the door, I looked down at Golden. “Thank you, Golden, I know this meeting is supposed to run all afternoon and night. I will ask Princess Luna to have one of her guard escort me back to my room. You don’t need to stick around the rest of the day.”

She looked up and cocked her head. “Are you sure, Shane? I don’t mind waiting if you want me to.”

I smiled back. “I am good, go enjoy the day off. I will clear it with one of the officers, so perhaps stick around out here with the others,” gesturing to the four guards in the hall. One spoke up.

“I see no need for Private Shield to need to stick around. I will clear it with her captain. Private?”

Golden turned and saluted the one speaking. “Sir?”

He returned her salute. “Dismissed, enjoy your afternoon off-duty.”

I watched her do a little half jump and her smile light up bright as the sun. “Thank you, sir, and thank you, Shane,” she said as she dashed off.

I shook my head and looked to the one who spoke “Thank you for that, sir.”

He gave a nod and a light grunt. “The princesses wait for you, sir.”

I nodded back and turned, opening the heavy door and stepping in. Closing it behind me, I took note of Twilight laying beside Celestia, engaged in conversation. Luna and Cadence were chatting over what looked to be two cups of coffee. All grew quiet and eyes shifted to me when I walked in.

“Shane, perhaps you will tell me now what this is all about?”

I smiled to Twilight. “What, what is about?” trying to feign that I had no clue. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Luna and Cadence both try to cover up a held-in laugh.

“Shane, this isn’t funny anymore!”

I broke out a wider smile and glanced at Celestia who nodded to me. Turning my head back to Twilight who had quite the scowl on her face, saying not one word, I brought the backpack around on one arm and opened the zipper, pulling out the slate of glass and metal that was my tablet.

I enjoyed watching the look on her face transition from anger, to confusion, to curiosity, to the wide-eyed desire for knowledge that anyone else who has watched the show has seen her put on.

“Is... is that some piece of technology from your world?!”

I walked over and sat down. Luna and Cadence walking over to be in view as well as I nodded to Twilight. “Twilight, this is called a tablet, a kind of computer. I know you and I talked a little about the level of technology my world has in lew of the magic this world has. This device holds information, like books, and... well, what I have been asked to show you today.”

I kept an eye on her as she leaped in the air, then started to hop around the table and the group of us, way too similar to Pinkie Pie on a normal day. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!”

Blinking, I watched her as Cadence fell over laughing. Luna and Celestia both just smiled. I guess they were more accustomed to this than I was.

“Twilight, please, sit, so I can show you all this. We can play twenty questions about it later,” I commented, glancing to Celestia and over at Luna. “This is more for the two of you tonight,” I waited for Twilight to sit before I continued.

“I have shown you both episodes of the show, tonight I am going to present Twilight and Cadence here just one scene from one episode. Then, I would like to show you something created by the fans of the show. I am, curious I admit to see your reactions to it.”

Three Alicorns gave a nod, one trembled as she leaned in closer, almost on my shoulder now to watch. I flicked it on, only to hear a tiny squeak like noise from the purple pony next to me. Shaking my head in amusement at that, I tapped the video player again, having spent the previous night charging it up to full battery, and setting up the playlist.

On screen the picture came alive, the four of them on a balcony in the Crystal Empire. While Luna and Celestia had seen themselves in show form before, Cadence gasped and Twilight's wings snapped out. Lucky for me, it just grazed my back as they did.

“T-that’s us...” I heard her whisper as from the speakers a song came. Twilight's voice, right down to the tone, floated up to us.

It isn’t that I’m ungrateful for all the things that I’ve earned. For all the journeys I have taken, all the lessons I have learned.

I had been very careful not to show the princesses any episode with a song in them past the introduction. Now, I saw all of them sit in shock, eyes wide, ears lifted high. Cadence spoke in a soft whisper. “T-that's a heartsong!”

Ah, so they had a term for this, and it really was like the show then. Ponies just broke out in song it would seem, if my hunch was right. Rather than watch the screen I watched the four around me, I watched each mouth the words silently as the cartoon characters sung their words. I felt Twilight lean on me harder, almost for support, and I gladly let her.

The song came to a close and I gently hit the pause button again and glanced around me. Twilight sniffled and wiped her eye, then smiled very softly. “That... that was incredible, Shane. I have so many questions, but, they will wait, like you asked. I have one, do... do you understand what a heartsong is?”

I shook my head. It was Cadence to my left that spoke up. “Shane, a heartsong is a moment when all harmony magic, and all friendship magic combine and come together. A moment when heart, mind, and spirit are one. They don't happen often, but when they do, they can draw in everypony for miles around.”

She gestured to the tablet. “That song, I remember the harmony of voices in the background just as it was there. That was everypony in the Crystal Empire lifting their voices to us on that balcony, as the magic bid them to.”

My turn to blink, and I did a few times kind of processing that. “So, for that moment, when a... heartsong you called it happens, everyone—everypony I mean, joins in and becomes part of it?”

Celestia gave a soft nod of her head. “Yes, and even princesses are subject to it. I have yet to meet anypony strong enough to not fall into the will of the song. It never happens when somepony can be hurt, and most ponies remember it as a fond and happy moment in time. There are of course heartsongs that happen now and again during times of dark feelings, but, they tend to be more personal to one, or a couple of ponies and do not stretch out to wide areas of influence.”

I watched her expression for a moment then glanced back at the tablet. “Celestia, the next one I want to show. It, well knowing now what I do, is very personal. I am not sure if it really happened here or not, but if it did, it is extremely personal. I leave it to you to decide to view it or not. I will say, if it really happened, it was during Luna’s... slumber.”

They were all quiet, three looking at the largest among them. She in turn looking at me, right into my eyes, almost reading me. I didn’t look away, she deserved the respect. I was not afraid of her, yet more for her and this moment being shown if it truly happened.

Tilting her head she asked in a softer voice, a voice I knew was the one behind her mask. “What is it called, Shane?”

I kept my voice low, almost too quiet. “Lullaby for a Princess.”

Her eyes widened even as the other three showed confusion. She looked away, again that regal mask of hers fallen away for a moment. A tiny peak behind it, letting me of all common folk, see the pony behind the crown. In truth, I was gobsmacked that someone this old, this powerful, would trust—to her, some alien creature—with such a moment.

“Why this one, Shane?”

It was my turn to let off a breath. I looked away from them and back at the tablet. “It was Cassidy’s favorite song.”

Her eyes closed, then she gave a nod of her head. “I-I will let you show it. If it becomes too much, I will ask of you to stop.”

Luna touched her sister's shoulder with a hoof. “Tia?”

She smiled, but it was still the smile of the missing mask, a ponies smile not a ruler's smile. “Watch, just... watch, then we can talk.”

Twilight and Cadence shifted so Luna could sit beside me, with her sister on her right. I glanced around then tapped the pre-cued song and hit play.

A soft music started up, along with the video. The piano, the string instruments, leading in as the ‘camera’ panned down to a snow-white alicorn emerging out of the shadows in an archway started to sing.

Fate has been cruel and order unkind, how can I have sent you away? The blame was my own; the punishment, yours. The harmony’s silent today.

I remained quiet as I just watched on, as both Cadence and Twilight pressed close together, each with worried looks as they glanced over to Luna and Celestia, then back to the video. Celestia had started to mouth the words silently, word for word. I could see it. Luna’s eyes never left the video, not once.

But, into the stillness I'll bring you a song and I will your company keep, till your tired eyes and my lullabies, have carried you softly to sleep.

I didn’t need to watch it, I had seen this what must have been a million times. Cassidy use to play it over and over again. She told me once she liked it because it showed the princesses as real ponies with real lives. So, I watched the princesses around me, I watched as Twilight sobbed quietly, leaning into Cadence, who had tears running down her face.

I watched as Luna leaned further into her sister, but never quite broke her gaze from the tablet's screen. Tears race down her cheeks, too. Once more, taken aback how their masks were removed here in front of me. Later I would think on this moment and come to understand. I had removed my mask for them, the night I told them my darkest memory. That in this moment now, they were returning that trust to me. For now, however, I just watched them.

As the song came to a end, I gently pressed the off button on the tablet. The room was now strictly silent other than some sniffles and quiet sobs. A voice so light, so timid as a mouse came from the night-blue alicorn pressed to Celestia’s side tightly.

“I-I heard them, Tia, the words, the song. It is one of our only memories of that time in slumber.”

Floodgates broke and two sisters clung to each other, crying. I quietly stood up and moved so Cadence and Twilight could join them. Giving the mares their space, I moved away silently slipped out the door. Closing it with great care, I glanced at the guards who all looked up with a questioning glance.

“They will want privacy for a bit,” watching one nod to me.

“I will walk you back to your room, sir.”

The night guard that responded gave a soft bow of the head. The look in his eyes when he looked back at me... it was almost as if he knew.

In answer to the question in my mind he spoke as we got a few yards down the hall. “We share much with our princess of the night, and we know you have given a gift to her and her sister. The guard shall know of this, we are in your debt.”

I shook my head. “No, I am just returning something that was given to me, that is all.”

He gave a nod of his head as the bat winged pony turned a corner with me. “You are a mysterious one, human. Not at all like anypony I have ever met. You keep things close to your chest, yet you display your care and friendship with us all. Not for gain, but for just the wish of company.”

I glanced over at him with an lifted eyebrow, watching a sharp-toothed grin appear on his muzzle.

“As I said, we see all that goes on, we watch it is our job. You are admired among the guard, Shane, know that. You treat us all with respect, something few visitors and even fewer ambassadors show us.”

As we reached my door, I nodded to the two guards there, then turned and glanced at my escort. “I am no ambassador.”

He lifted his eyebrow. “Oh? And so there are others here representing your kind to all of Equestria? Showing its ponies and the world your culture?”

I frowned some, but gave him a nod. “Goodnight, er... I am sorry, I did not catch your name.”

That made him grin once more. “Captain Night Shade of her highness' personal guard.”

I returned a bit of a nod to him. “Thank you, Captain.”

So I turned and went inside to lay down. I was for certain that Twilight was going to talk my ear off in the morning, and more sure that the other princesses would have endless questions for me as well.

14 - Trouble with a capital T

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Sunday morning came, and I woke bright and early as always. I tugged my sheets up, took a quick shower, and walked out of the bathroom, expecting Dusty to just be walking in. Almost always I met her on my way out, but no Dusty. I shrugged, giving the room a once-over to ensure she would not have much if anything to do.

Stepping out into the corridor, Cortland was waiting for me. “Good morning to ya, Shane.”

I gave him a nod and glanced at the two guards at the door “Thank you, boys. Hope you have a quiet morning,” before looking back to the unicorn apple stallion.

“Morning, Cortland, how are you?”

He smiled some. “Doing better than a rooster in a hen house, Shane. Breakfast time?”

I gave a nod. “Yeah,” turning with him to start down the hallway. Around the next corner, I spotted Dusty. She was cowering back, tears were welling up in her eyes from what I could see. There was a large alabaster white unicorn with a golden mane and tail standing over her.

“You clumsy, stupid mare. Look what you have done to my hoofacure!”

I took note of the tray on the ground, spilled coffee, and a muffin that had been smashed under the unicorn stallions hoof.


I watched as the son of a bitch brought his hoof up and smacked her across the face. Now, I am a lot of things, and I will let a lot of things slide. What I am not is someone who strikes a lady, nor do I tolerate that outside of self defense, and that sure as hell wasn’t. Hearing Dusty cry out, seeing her head rock to the side, something snapped in me.

I let out a bellow and broke into a sprint. “Hey, asshole!”

The white unicorn turned, his eyes went wide just as I brought my right boot up into his ribs with a good chunk of my weight behind it. I heard his breath come out in a loud wheeze, his eyes shutting in pain. I ain’t going to say it was an easy kick, but holy crap did my foot hurt, even with boots on.

Ultimately, it had the desired effect. The stallion lifted a good half foot with the momentum, then crashed down, sliding a few feet on his side down the high polish floor.

I heard Cortland behind me yell. “Shane!”

“See to Dusty, now!” I barked as I stepped over to the unicorn who was trying to get his breath. With a human snarl, I lifted my foot up and brought it down to rest on the stallion's neck.

“Listen up, asshole. You ever smack a lady when I am around to see it, and I will beat you black and blue. You hear me, boy?!"

Yeah, perhaps I was overboard, perhaps I had let my anger get the better of me. Yet in that moment, all the training and calm had neatly tucked itself away in the corner of my mind. This guy was facing one pissed off southern boy now.

Suddenly, there were guards, tons of guards, like they came directly out of the woodwork. Some were attempting to draw me back, some were standing not sure what to do. I heard one tugging my arm, shouting. “Shane, stop! That is Prince Blueblood!”

I let my foot up and allowed them to pull me back. It was clear this guy was scared big time, as a puddle of yellow sat beneath his one leg as he started to be helped up. I backed off a bit more and let guards get in between us.

He was fighting for a breath before he wheezed out. “Arrest... that… monkey!”

I still had my fury on, and I yelled back. “Arrest that whorse’s ass for assault and battery!”

Apparently what I yelled was something of an insult. Everypony there, guards included gasped and took an inhale. Eyes wide, looking from me to royalty prick, back to me again. The blonde moron just stared at me with his jaw wide open, like he was trying to catch flies—the exact opposite of one would expect after his initial outburst on Dusty.

Cortland tugged on my arm. “Come on, let's get you back to your room.”

Ignoring the other guards, and the white stallion I looked around. “Where is Dusty, is she okay?”

He just gave a snort “She is fine, come on, just... Oh, Celestia's left teat, Shane, you screwed up. Come on!”

I paused and lifted my arm up, pointing at the prince, making not a few guards flinch in the process. I suppose I looked quite terrifying in that moment.

“You remember what I said, Blueballs. You touch a lady like that in front of me again, I will break you in half!”

Spinning, I stormed down the hall. It took Cortland a moment to catch up. I guess I had a good head of steam going. Inside, I was seething. Not only was Dusty a good mare, she was kind, and sweet, and my friend.

I could hear the snake yelling at the guards to arrest me as we rounded the corner and down the hall to my room once more. Well, shit, I guess I ain’t getting breakfast today.
Opening the door, I walked in, Cortland spoke.

“Shane, I have to file a report and find out what to do. For now, I am not confining you to your room, but I am asking you—as a friend— stay put, please?”

I turned and looked down at him. “Yea, okay, Cort. I... crap, I am sorry,” running my hand up and through my hair.

He glanced at the two guards who were trying their hardest not to look interested. “Between you and me, Shane, he had it coming, we both saw what he did. Just... he is Celestia’s nephew. This ain’t something I can just tuck away in some report.”

Again, I gave him a nod. “Go, do what you have to. I will face the consequences. Oh, and Cort?”

He turned his head and looked back at me, the door still half open.

“Make sure Dusty is doing fine. Ask Golden to check on her or something, please?”

He gave a nod of his head. “I will send cousin AJ a note about what happened. Before you argue, you know damn well she would kick us both in the plot if I didn’t and hid it from her.”

I breathed out deeply once more. “Yeah, okay,” then closed the door.

Walking over to the bed, I sat down and stared at my hands. I shook my head, because I had been ready to beat that stallion to death, or within an inch of it. I felt the rush, I knew I had focused and my mind had chosen fight rather than flight. I had lost it, I had not lost my temper like that since high school, when some jerkoff grabbed Shawna’s ass just two weeks before we were to get hitched.

Focusing down at my feet, I slid my right foot out of the boot and reached down to peel the sock off. I could see it was already starting to darken along the top. It was going to be a hell of a bruise that is for sure. Letting myself fall back on the bed, I stared up at the ceiling high above me.

“Good going, dumbass, you might have just blown any credit you had with the princess and the rest of the ponies around here,” I muttered above my breath.

I lay like that for a few minutes then sat up. Well, if I was going to be locked up, or, what ever they do here for assaulting royalty, I was going to go with food in my belly. I pulled out some jerky from my pack, leaning on the bed and started to chew a chunk.


Two hours, twelve minutes and twenty-one seconds later, there was a knock on the door. I looked up from where I sat on the bed, waiting. I spoke out, not yelling or projecting my voice. “Yes, come in.”

The door swung open and, well, I suppose I should not be surprised. Twilight, flanked by two guards of her own, along with eight more behind her, guards stood waiting. None were armed from what I could make out, but all dead serious by their looks.

“Shane, I am sorry, but, under royal order, I must place you under arrest. Will you please accompany us to the solar court.”

I could see this was really hurting her, so I stood and gave a slight bow. “Without a fight, I will go peacefully, T—Princess Twilight.”

She gave a soft nod and stepped aside. “For what it’s worth, Twilight, I apologize,” as I walked past her, guards fell in around me. I shook my head and quietly walked down the hall. Turning right, a direction I had not gone before, down another few halls.

We walked to a set of large double doors, that swung open with a golden glow.

I could see the stain glass windows, the tapestries hanging down, and the four chairs up upon the diaz. Walking down the carpet to stand before the goddess of the sun, I took a knee slowly, and bowed my head to her.

I proceeded to ignore the guards, as well as the large gallery of others in the room. Twilight came up alongside of me and sat. I heard Celestia speak.

“Rise, Shane McDonald of the humans.”

I rose and looked at her, she continued.

“I would hear your side of things, but Equestrian law states you must have an advocate to stand before the court as you are not a citizen. Will anyone stand for the human?”

To my surprise, Twilight spoke up from next to me. “Princess Celestia, I, Princess Twilight Sparkle. The Element of Magic and Princess of Friendship invoke my right to stand as advocate for the human known as Shane McDonald.”

Not a few gasps were heard from the gallery, and I did spot one guard up near Celestia’s side almost fumble his spear before he caught himself.

She gave a soft nod. “And you understand your place as advocate, that you share his guilt if he is found such?”

Now I opened my mouth. “Now wait j—”

A hoof hit me in the leg and I heard a tone from Twilight I had never heard her use. It was deep, and low, and angry. “Shut up, I am taking care of this.”

My mouth snapped shut. I turned my head and looked down at the purple alicorn. She had her wings out wide, her stance was spread and firm, her eyes glaring up at me before I found myself backing down to her.

“Y-yes, ma'am,” I replied in a much softer, slightly fearful tone.

I saw her turn back and look up at her once teacher, now fellow princess. “I understand fully and by the laws of Equestria, accept in full that weight.”

Celestia dipped her head. “Court is now in Session. I will wave the reading of the charges, and the statement from Prince Blueblood. I would hear from the accused's point of view the event that happened.”

Twilight nudged my leg again with her hoof. Bending down to her, so she could whisper. “Shane, you have two choices here. Tell your side, or, stay silent. If you stay silent, then court will recess for a decision. I am giving you advice, as your counselor, tell your side of things. I know you, Shane, you are a good stallion—man.”

I rose to my feet once more and nodded, looking back up at the taller princess once more.

“Well, Cort and I…”

Twilight once again spoke up. “That would be Sergeant Cortland of Unit One, Solar Guard. Currently assigned to undercover protection and escort duty for Mr. McDonald. I would also like to point out that their friendship is such, the name Cort, has become an accepted nickname between the two friends.”

Celestia, unreadable in her facial features, gave a soft nod of her head. “So noted in the record,” glancing over at a dark blue, almost black unicorn mare with a red mane. “Please note that as exhibit one, if you would, Miss Steno.”

She returned to me. “You may continue. Mr. McDonald.”

“Cort and I were walking down the hall, heading for the breakfast room as I have every morning since I was asked to stay in the castle. We came around a corner to see Dusty.”

Before Twilight could say something, I added. “That is Dusty Shelf, she is a maid here assigned to my room, and a friend.”

A nod told me to continue.

“So we see Dusty cowering down to some guy—er, stallion. White coat, blonde mane, unicorn. I would say about eleven, perhaps eleven and a half hands... oh, wait, you call it, um...”

Twilight leaned over and said in a loud whisper. “Hooves”

I gave her a single nod. “Right, hooves tall at the withers. Well, we observed him with some sort of stain on his leg and standing on what looked to be a kind of pastry. He was quite agitated, and spoke rather aggressively to Mrs. Shelf. Before we could act, we observed the perpetrator lift his right hoof and strike Mrs. Shelf across the face.”

I lifted my fingers and gestured to my own face. “Somewhere between the orbital bone, and the facial crest, with enough force to knock her head aside and send her to the ground.”

A few mutters from the gallery now, Twilight next to me whispered. “You have given statements before... I forgot you were law enforcement. Good job, keep going, Shane.”

Celestia seemed to be focused on what I was saying.

“Observing a felony act, I engaged the perpetrator to defend the victim from another strike. I then warned him to not attempt to hit another like that in front of me.”

A side door opened and a guard trotted in carrying quite a few papers across his back. He bowed to the princess as she lifted them away, then headed back out.

“Give me a moment, Mr. McDonald. I have just been handed the incident reports from the responding guards and Sergeant Cortland. In the meantime, Guards, bring pillows in for the accused and his counsel please.”

“I can stand just fine, Princess Celestia.”

She lifted an eyebrow. “You are favoring your right foot, and even a blind pony could see the limp you so graciously attempted to cover up as you walked down the carpet. I will not have someone in my court in pain when I can spare them that,” then I saw her wink!

Damn it! What had I been telling myself? That mare was ten steps ahead of me. It was like playing chicken with a train when your foot is tied to the track, it just ain’t fair!

As the pillows were carried out, I returned a nod. “Thank you, Princess.”

She tapped her hoof three times on the throne arm. “Court is in recess for one hour,” before turning and walking behind the thrones and into a doorway, before it closed behind her.

I glanced over at Twilight. “I did what I had to, Twilight. I don’t regret it, well, other than perhaps not holding my temper a bit better.”

She shook her head. “It won’t be me you have to justify yourself to, Shane. I received a letter not twenty minutes ago, a particular apple is on her way on the train as we speak. She was to be your advocate but could not get here in time so I agreed to step into her place.”

I exhaled a bit and shook my head. “I... think I would rather face you and Celestia than AJ right now.”


One hour later almost to the second, a guard tapped his spear's shaft on the ground twice.

“Rise for her Royal Princess Celestia.”

I stood along with everyone else in the room. Celestia walked in and around her throne, sitting before lifting a hoof. “Sit, my little ponies, court is back in session. That means you may sit, too, my little human.”

I gave a slight smile and sat again.

“I have looked over all of the reports, and there are some discrepancies in the complaint I wish to address before I close statements. “ she looked right at me.

“Mr. McDonald, did you, in fact, strike the prince with your leg, causing two bruised ribs?”

I shook my head “No, Princess, I struck him with the top of my boot. If I had hit with my leg, it would have broken, too,” I figured, why beat around the bush? Honesty was my only real choice here.

Behind us, I heard a door open and somepony walk in. Glancing back, I spotted the pure-orange mare, and she looked pissed. However, she gave me a nod before finding a spot to sit and observe.

Celestia furrowed an eyebrow then continued. “And, did you, in fact, set your boot on Prince Blueblood’s neck, and hold him down, giving him a warning that—” she cleared her throat. “—if you saw him strike a lady again like that, you would beat him black and blue?”

I heard Applejack let out a barely-cut off gasp, and Twilight next to me slapped my leg with her hoof and whispered. “Shane!”

I again nodded my head. “Yes, Princess, I did.”

She exhaled and glanced at the gallery, then back to me once more.

“I also understand you might have used a…” she paused to clear her throat, then continued. “...colorful comment, yelled at him, when he continued to call for your arrest?”

Now Twilight looked straight at me, and everyone was quiet. I guess I was in the thick of it, might as well go for broke.

“Yes, ma’am, begging the pardon of the mares in the room. I called him a whorse’s ass.”

Celestia almost broke. Her eye twitched and I noticed her holding in a laugh.

Twilight next to me blurted out. “You what?!” then started to hit me with her hoof on the thigh over and over again. Not rough, but enough to get my attention. “No! No! Bad Shane, no!”

Behind us in the gallery, many ponies gasped, a few thuds of mares fainting. I glanced back to see AJ with her hat pulled down over her face, but her barrel was hitching and her tail was twitching around.

Celestia finally cleared her throat and tapped her hoof a few times. “Order, please, order. Guards, see to the gallery and be sure everypony is okay.”

Waiting about ten minutes for the guards to help the two mares that had fainted up and out, I rubbed where Twilight had been hoof punching me, whispering to her. “That hurt.”
She snorted. “Good! You deserve it that was horrible what you called Prince Blueblood, no matter how horrible of a pony he is.”

Celestia cleared her throat to get our attention.

“One last thing, Mr. McDonald, before I recess court to deliberate. Why did you do it?”

I glanced at Twilight, then over my shoulder at Applejack. I spotted Cortland and Golden beside her now. I had friends here, well, hell with it, let's keep the honesty thing up. It has worked so far for me.

“Princess Celestia, you know I was a law enforcement officer, but you must understand a few things. Back home, men are raised to never hit a lady unless that lady is trying to do harm or kill him. So, watching that happen, it hit a deep chord in me. I could not stand there and see a lady, especially one I am close with, one who is about the nicest mare I know, get hit by that fella.”

Celestia tapped her chin, then gave a dip of her head. “So, you would say you reacted due to a combination of training, upbringing, and friendship?”

I glanced at Twilight next to me, who gave a nod. I gazed right back up at the solar princess once more. “Yes, Princess, that is exactly what I would say.”

She stood, and we all jumped up to our feet, hooves, whatever, tapping her hoof three times on the floor.

“Court stands in recess. Guards, return the accused to his room along with his advocate,” she paused and later added. “The Element of Honesty and his two personal escorts may go with him,” before turning to walk off.

I glanced at Twilight once more and sighed out. “It is in the law's hands—er, hooves, now.”

15 - Solar Court's Judgement

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As the door creaked shut behind us, I kept my back to the three mares and stallion in my room. Rather, I strode over to the bed, then turned and sat down, looking at each of them in turn, before returning my look to the earth ponies among them.

“Well, let me have it, Applejack.”

I watched her jaw set and then she shook her head “Ah won’t lie, Shane, ah was madder than a hornet in a bonnet the ride up here after ah got Twilight's letter. But, havin' listened to what happened... well, shoot.”

She reached up and took off her stetson, bringing it down to her chest. “Sugarcube, you did what ya had to. That snake dun hit a mare, and that ain’t right. Now, I ain’t sayin' what you said to him was right, but ah stand by you on this, and ah think ah can speak for everypony here.”

I noted nods from each of them, and Cortland spoke up. I shifted my gaze over to the stallion with the white shield holding five apples in a cross on it as a cutie mark.

“Shane, ah know Dusty thanks you, so does her husband.”

I lifted an eyebrow at that. I didn’t know she was married. It had not come up in conversation with her.

“Shane, I can’t say what is going to happen. Although, I can tell you this. The guards are all on your side on this. So is the whole staff, and I suspect the princess knows that,” Golden spoke.

I gave her a nod and looked back to the purple alicorn in the room. “Twilight, why did you say yes? Will you really be forced to accept the same punishment as I receive if I am found guilty?”

She inhaled, then sighed out and nodded. “Yes, and I did it, Shane, because I know you are in the right," placing her right hoof up on my knee lightly. “But, we are going to have a long talk about your choice of words,” she then pointed at me with her hoof.

Applejack and Cortland both chuckled, while Golden was just blushing hard. AJ tucked her hat back on her head. “Ah can’t believe you called that sidewider that to his face.”

Twilight turned and tossed a look at the apple mare. “Applejack, don’t encourage him! He has a dirty, dirty mouth.”

I shrugged and looked out the window. “We used to have a swear jar. Any time I cursed, well, I had to put a dollar in it. The money was going to go to Cassie’s school fund,” I smiled a bit. “At the end, there was almost a thousand dollars in it.”

Everyone—pony, I would get that stuck in my head at some point. Well, they started to laugh, other than Twilight, who just gave an equine snort and frowned. “It isn’t funny.”

We chatted and bantered back and forth for a hour before a knock on the door. Twilight opened it with that soft purple glow I had come to associate with her magic. A guard stood before it and dipped his head.

“Princess, I was sent to ask if you wish lunch brought to the room?”

She looked back at us, and I think we all nodded. I responded, just because this was not our usual method of getting a meal. “Remind the kitchen that I cannot have hay or unprocessed grains.”

He nodded. “Yes, sir. I will also remind them you don’t care for anything... blue.” before he turned and walked off. Twilight closed the door and glanced back at me. I of course had a smile, that subtle comment by the guard spoke worlds to me.

Golden, who was sitting next to me, grinned. “Told you.”

Lunch came a half hour later, salads for the ponies, and one for me that had bits of what looked and tasted like tuna fish in it. AJ brought out four bottles of Sweet Apple Acres cider from her saddle bags. Overall, not a bad meal considering I was effectively under arrest right now. I had to admit, with all the fiber and low protein diet here, I had become quite... regular.

I had taken note of something that the others had more than likely not picked up on. Cortland sat closer to Golden than usual, and I had caught his looks, his smiles when she spoke. I knew that look, it was the same way I looked at Shawna back when we first began to date. That was the look of a guy—a stallion, rather—falling in love. Good for them, they made a cute couple. I wonder if she knew he was into her?

I pondered on that as everyone around me sat, engaged in conversation. Here I was, the only human in a world of talking animals. Were they really animals by that definition? They were the dominate species here, and other than a basic body shape, they didn’t share anything in common with the animals back home. Where did that leave me? I wasn’t a citizen, was I even considered protected under the laws that protected all sapient life?

There was quite a lot to think about on this subject. After all, I had, without knowing, broken the law here. Sure, I would do it again in a heartbeat, that horse’s ass deserved what he got for hitting Dusty. Although, in doing so, I had started what could be considered a major incident. My old captain would be chewing my ass right now with one sentence and commending me with the next only to go back to chewing again.

Another knock on the door brought me out of my thought and I blinked. Looking up as once more Twilight opened the door, I took note of how Golden and Cortland stood and moved just enough to be between me and any possible threat. Even now they took their jobs seriously and I admired that.

The guard at the door gave a nod. “Pardon me, Princess Twilight, but, her majesty, Princess Celestia, would like the Element of Honesty to accompany her.”

Twilight looked back over her shoulder at the orange mare. “Applejack, by law, you do not have to go. But, it is your call."

She looked at me, then picked her hat up and put it on her head. “Well, ah figure if the princess needs to talk to me, then it’s my duty to see to that. Shane, you ain’t got a problem with it, do you, sugarcube?”

I shook my head. “Go, she wouldn’t be asking for you if it wasn’t of any import.”

She gave me a nod back and headed past Twilight, pausing to give her purple friend a nuzzle that was returned in kind. I again smiled some, it was comforting to see the kind of friendships the show had given us, were real here, as tight as could be.


Another lengthy four hours later, a third knock on the door came. This time there stood six of the guard, three of the Lunar and three of the Solar. I gave a nod as I stood up and scanned over at the matching pairs of earth, unicorn, and pegasus ponies in contrasting blue and gold armor respectively.

One up front, a unicorn day guard spoke. “Shane McDonald, Princess Twilight Sparkle, we are here to escort you back to court. Her Majesty is ready to hand down her judgement,” he paused briefly, then resumed. “Sergeant Cortland Apple and Private Golden Shield are asked to stand at your side and will walk with you.”

I glanced at Twilight. “Applejack isn’t back yet.”

She looked up at me and laid her ears down. “I am sure she is there already. Come on, Shane, let's get this over with.”

I nodded and looked back at the group of guards. “Thank you for the escort, gentlemen…”

Twilight cut me off to correct. “Gentleponies.”

I rolled my eyes and nodded. “All right, let’s do this.”


Once more walking down the carpet, this time I had two ponies behind me, and a princess at my side. I took note of the fact Luna stood next to her sister, both observing as we approached. I spotted AJ, who was standing at the bottom step of the diaz, and looking quite the frown-wearing mare.

Coming to a stop, we bowed together, I myself taking a knee once more, it just seemed the right thing to do and that was what all the movies and TV shows all the guys doing. This received a mixed reaction, a few incoherent murmurs coming from the many gathered ponies in the gallery. I spotted Celestia nod her head, and Luna offer an impressed smirk.

“Rise my ponies, and human. The Solar Court is back in session. Please let the record show that we are attended by my sister, Princess Luna, and Prince Blueblood.”

I didn’t dare to look around, but by the snort I heard from behind me and to my right, near the gallery, I suspected I knew where he was. Rising up I faced the alabaster alicorn and her sister.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle, I have been asked to bring a challenge forward. A pony has approached us to claim right of advocacy for the human.”

I blinked and glanced down at the purple alicorn who looked quite perplexed. She shot a look right up at me and gave me a ‘stay quiet’ look, before turning her head back to Celestia.

“What would the basis of this challenge be, Princess Celestia?”

Oh, I hate that smile, that damn mare. She is still playing a game she owned, invented the rules to, and was the world champion of. I could see it on her face as she looked back at her former student.

“On the basis that despite the laurels of princesshood. You, yourself, are not a landowner, Twilight Sparkle.’

“Who dares challenge me now at the end of this trial?” Whoops, someone was furious.

Luna stayed quiet, but her eye twitched, I saw that, she knew what was up. Celestia dipped her head a bit. “The house of Apple has spoken. Lady Applejack Apple has laid claim to the right to advocate for the human.”

I blinked, and Twilight, bless her heart, sputtered and gave a cough. “Lady!”

Behind us, the gallery exploded in gasps and conversation. From just to my right, I heard an arrogant voice bark out. “Preposterous, that dirty farmer is not a noble!”

Oh, that voice, I know that voice. My head snapped in his direction and I glared daggers at the haughty white unicorn just long enough to make him take a step back. I suspect he thought I would charge him again.

A heavy hoof banged on the floor, and a deep voice spoke. Luna projected, but not quite the royal voice, thankfully.

“Prince Blueblood, you will remember thy place! The Apple family holds one of the oldest and largest land grants in Equestria. By the right of land ownership, and being the oldest female sibling in presence here. Lady Applejack Apple is very much a noble in good standing!”

Celestia looked down at Applejack and gave a soft smile. “Lady Applejack, the house of Blueblood has broken protocol. Do you wish to receive repentance from his house?”

Shaking her head I saw her reach up and take her hat off. “Shucks, no, ma’am. Ah reckon that ah can let that slip,” her head turned to look at the prince. “Once,” the warning clear and grim in her tone. I had to give the mare credit, she seemed to know a few of the rules to the game, too. I started to suspect she had a white and dark blue set of coaches to thank for that.

Looking back to Twilight once more, I watched AJ put her hat back on. “Also, ah would like it if y’all quit callin' me Lady, ah ain’t no 'Canterlot Noble'.”

I spun my head around when a snort came from Blueblood and I glared a second time at him, almost daring the son of a bitch to mouth off. He however seemed to have enough brains to know better. Turning back to the events at hand, I spoke up.

“Don’t I get a—”

I was cut off by three princesses, two Apples, and a shield all speaking at the same moment. “No!”

All right, then. I clamped my mouth shut again.

Twilight seemed to think for a time before she dipped her head. “In light of the challenger being a landowner, I will step down and make way for her.”

Leaving my side, she moved over to face Applejack, looking eye to eye with her friend and fellow Element.

“Lady Applejack Apple of the Apple Family. Do you accept the responsibility to stand at the accused side, knowing you will bear the weight of his guilt should he be found such?”

Applejack give a nod. Her green country girl eyes glimmered a bit. That mare really was as honest as the day was long and it wasn’t just skin deep. That kind of honesty went right down to the bone.

“Ah sure do, sugarcube,” causing a few chuckles among the elite in the gallery.

Twilight gave a nod at that and leaned in, whispering something to her that I could not hear. Although, whatever it was made the apple mare blush for a moment and nod. Twilight then walked up to the throne with her cutie mark on it and stood before it at her fellow princesses side.

Applejack walked over, her work-worn, toughened hooves ringing on the floor every step, an audible reminder she was an earth pony to her core. Celestia looked around, then nodded, turning her head to look at me.

“Shane McDonald of the humans, you stand accused of one count, crimes against the crown. One count of assault on a pony, and several counts of verbal assault. You have had your word weighed along side of the words of your peers and your accuser. I ask, how do you plead before I pass judgement?”

I glanced down at Applejack, who gave a nod of her head and I leaned down. She whispered to me, “You do what is right, sugarcube, you do what is honest, and the Apple clan stands behind you.”

I glanced behind me to see both Cortland and Golden nod. What I didn’t see was the smile shared between Celestia and Luna.

Turning back to look up at the three princesses watching me. I dipped my head in a bow. “I do not deny the charges, Princess Celestia. Facts behind them or not, I did strike the prince and I did... use a few off-color words. So, I will save the court time, I plead guilty.”

Exhaling, I had just laid all my trust in the orange mare beside me. There was a part of me that was honored she would put her name, her families name, behind me like that.

“Very well,” Celestia spoke, then continued after tapping her hoof three times on the marble floor. “On the counts of crime against the crown and assault we find you, not guilty,” pausing only because the gallery once more erupted into whispers and gasps. Of course, one pony decided he needed to show his colors once more.

“Aunty, I must object! I—”

Again, the hoof came down, but this time it was Celestia herself. “Prince Blueblood the Eighteenth, Scion of the Blueblood family. You will hold your tongue in my court, am I clear?”

I did glance over and watch his jaw snap shut. I gave him a little smirk and a wink, that seemed to just make him even more furious, and his hate was clearly aimed in my general direction. Well, better me than Applejack, or another pony.

Looking back to Celestia just as her head turned back to look at me.

“On the count of verbal assault, the Solar Court finds you guilty. However, we find extenuating circumstances around the events. Therefor, the court will issue this punishment.”

I stood up a little taller, as if I was going to be punished. I was going to take it like a man and show this group of ponies I accepted my actions.

“One, here and now, you will stand before the court and the Gallery of Nobles. You will be given a bar of soap. You will put this bar in your mouth for no less than the span of five minutes.”

I blinked, she was going to wash my mouth out with soap? All right, perhaps this wasn’t too bad.

“Two, you are remanded to the care of the house of Apple. You owe them the sum of one thousand bits, having paid your fine in full. As you have no job or source of money at this time, I am made to understand the Apple family will provide you with room and board, for the span of three months, as you work off your debt to them, and pony society.”

Hard labor, I knew things were going too well. Okay, I can do this, fair is fair and it would get me out of the castle and out in the open air once more.

“Third and last, you are to continue your reports to me on the state of law enforcement among humans, as well as submitting to me a friendship report once a week...”

Celestia was cut off by a little squee from her right, where the smaller purple alicorn had a big wide grin on her face and was hopping hoof to hoof. Luna did an admirable job of covering her mouth with her own hoof to hide the chuckle she let off.

Continuing on but with that all knowing warm smile on her face now. “You will continue to travel to Canterlot two times a month and speak to my sister and I about human history, and you will continue three times a week to have a two hour meeting with Princess Twilight.”

Friendship report? I had to send her a friendship report, really? I would have told her to fuck off, but, all things considered, I was still not doing terribly here. Best to just go with the flow right now. I dipped my head and spoke.

“The court has been fair, I will submit to this judgement and do my best.”

Once more, the sun princess gave a nod.

“Very well. The Solar Court is in recess,” her hoof tapped the floor three times.

16 - First Train Ride

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Applejack gargled and spit once more, as I brushed my teeth for the fourth time. She and I had stood and took our punishment. I was really surprised that the apple pony had not complained once. Even I had grumbled under my breath some. I found myself glancing over at her in the mirror above the sink we stood in front of.

“AJ, I just want to say... thank you.”

She glanced up at me and gave a nod of her head. “Ya took yer sentence like a proper stallion, Shane, ya done the Apple family proud and that ain’t nothing to sneeze at. Heck, far as ah am concerned, you are one of us now. Ya took yer lumps after we put our name behind ya, that there is a lot more than a lot of families will do for each other.”

I spit out the water I rinsed out my mouth with, glancing back down at the belly-height orange mare. “Still, I am honored, and I will try my best to live up to your faith in me.”

She chuckled. “You just watch that mouth of yers around Apple Bloom, an you mind yourself around Granny Smith. She will box your ear good if she hears ya cursin'."

I gave a nod. “Yes, ma’am. So, on that subject, where will I be staying?”

She grinned as she slid her stetson on. “You will see, partner.”

We were cut off by a knock on the outer door. I poked my head out of the bathroom to see Golden opening it up and speak to the guard on the other side, then turning back to look at me. “Shane, you have a visitor. You up for one?”

Blinking, I glanced back at Applejack, then to Golden and shrugged my shoulders. “Sure, why not.”

In walked a white unicorn with a cobalt mane. He was a taller stallion, not quite Big Macintosh sized, but around Shining Armor’s height, his mane styled around his ears with a part down the middle, and he had a little mustache matching his mane's hue. On his front half, he wore what I would call a formal suit, leaving his rear half and his cutie mark of three crowns exposed.

AJ next to me spoke up. “Sir Fancy Pants, why imagine meeting you here.”

I glanced down at her and back to the stallion as the door closed behind him. I had caught something I had missed in my first glance, he had a monocle on his left eye.

“Lady Apple, a pleasure as always,” observing him bow lightly to her.

“Ah, shoot, don’t you go starting that now, ah ain’t one for all that stuff, and neither is the Apple family.”

I watched him smile and give a nod. “I suspect once Miss Rarity Belle hears of what transpired, you will not hear the end of it, Miss Applejack.”

I glanced back down at Applejack to see her blushing and scuff the floor with her hoof. “Yeah, ah know. Anyways, let me introduce ya. Shane, this here is Sir Fancy Pants. Fancy, this here is Shane McDonald.”

I gave a light dip of my head respectfully. “Sir," I paused "you are a knight?”

He smiled genuinely. “Quite, but I am afraid my days of gallivanting about with the guard are in my past now. I serve the crown as I can. For princess and country, right?”

I again bowed my head a bit more. “Still, it is a pleasure to meet you, Sir Fancy Pants.”

He lifted his hoof up. “Please, just Fancy is just fine, Shane, and it is a pleasure to meet you, as well. I must admit, when I first saw you, I did not know what to think. Then news of your... altercation with prince Blueblood came to me, so, I wanted to see just what kind of stallion you were.”

I frowned some. Was this guy one of Blueblood’s supporters?

Almost as if he was reading my mind, his face lit up in a smile. The unicorn let off a warm, genuine, but very proper chuckle.

“That look tells me all I needed to know about you, sir. We among the Knights of Equestria have long known of the prince’s poor stance among the common pony. We discussed this very thing after your trial, and it is agreed. You took your punishment on the chin... even if it was a bit of an odd one. You will find none among the Knights or the Guard who have fault with you, sir.”

He shook his head. “Truly Blue’s actions have brought shame on the crown and the noble houses. “

I gave a nod once more at that. “Pardon my bluntness, sir, but what brings you to talk in private with me?”

He smiled a bit, shades of the very smile a particular white alicorn gives. “Observant and direct, Miss Applejack, he will fit in quite well among your clan,” looking back at me. “A warning, while most of the noble houses abhor Blue and his actions. A few support his house, and may have taken... issue, with you.”

Glancing out of the corner of my eye at AJ who had her jaw set tight now, I looked back to him and gave a slight nod. “I would have been surprised if that wasn’t the case. Thank you, Fancy, I am glad to have the information, and to know most are in my corner on this. It seems pony kind isn’t immune to politics after all.”

He laughed a warm, light laugh, but it was not a forced one. “Oh, Shane, my new friend, you have no clue. This is Canterlot, it is said the very foundation is built on politics, backroom deals, and bribes,” shaking his head as he spoke.



Twilight had bought me a gift of a travel bag for the new clothing I had, the rest of my things were packed in my backpack. The shotgun and my pistol both were being carried in a locked chest Celestia had provided and watched over by four of purple-armored Twilight Guard.

So there I stood on the train station platform with Applejack, Twilight, Golden, Cortland, and the four guards. A handful of looks were tossed our way, and it was hard to tell if it was due to the fact that I towered over everyone, or because a princess was there, too.

“Four o’clock for Ponyville, Crystal Empire, and all stops between is arriving on track one. Boarding will be from platform one. Please remain behind the yellow line for your safety until all doors are opened and passengers offload.”

I glanced up in the direction I heard the noise coming from, only to see… Okay, look, I get it, I am stuck in a world of technicolor ponies who are almost all happy and friendly. However, what the hell is that thing?!

What I witnessed gradually slowing looked to be a classic steam engine that looked as if someone—or somepony—let a four year old paint and only provided them colors from Candyland.

“You have got to be joking,” I muttered.

Twilight looked up. “What is wrong, Shane?”

One eyebrow lifted and I looked down at her. “Other than the train pulling in looks like someone ate rainbow sherbet and then lost it all over the cars and engine?”

She snorted. “Somepony, and what is wrong with it? It is friendly and festive.”

Pick your battles, Shane, pick your battles, and this is one you let go of. That decided, I turned and picked up my bag in preparation of the doors opening, half ignoring Twilight and the fact Applejack was chuckling quietly under her breath.

As the train came to a stop, conductors opened up the doors and set down ramps for ponies to walk across. The first one out of the car in front of us, just about bumped into me. The earth pony must have been early teens if anything. She looked up, blinked, then screamed!

I staggered back a few paces as she continued to scream at the top of her lungs, grabbing the attention of tons more at the station and disembarking the train. Cortland stepped forward between her and myself, only to find her plastered to his legs.

“Monster!” she screeched.

I remained very quiet, but both Twilight and AJ had their ears pinned back. Cortland shook his head at the filly on the cusp of adulthood.

“Little miss, that is no monster, that is Shane McDonald, a human who is a guest of Princess Twilight herself,” giving a gesture to the purple alicorn.

She blinked and, while still shivering, relaxed a tiny bit. “H-he won’t hurt anypony?”

I breathed out and figured time to speak up for myself. “Ma’am, I am not one to hurt someone, sorry somepony, unless they are trying to hurt another and need to be stopped.”

Her head cocked, just as an older stallion behind her nudged her. “You see, Red Ruby, he is a good pony,” I caught the stallion's wink at me. Must be that he had read the papers.

She relaxed more and looked back at the stallion, then back at me. “S-sorry I screamed in your face, Mr. McDonald. I just... never saw somepony like you before.”

I smiled back to her. “It’s quite all right, Red Ruby, now you and your... father? Enjoy Canterlot,” spotting a nod from him as they walked past.

Twilight nudged me ever so gently. “Good job. Come on, we are in the royal carriage,” she gestured.

Well, I can’t complain too much, we had a whole car to ourselves. The train wasn’t a bad ride, not loud, and I couldn't smell coal or diesel fumes. I glanced over at the alicorn who was reading.

“Twilight, curious, what does the train run on. Like, what heats up the water in the boiler to power the pistons?”

She lifted her head and smiled, using her soft purple magic to lift the book up and set it back down. “Magic. They use flame spells to keep heat going. No waste and no pollution, like the big factories in Stalliongrad.

I leaned back on the pad behind me. I had to sit on the floor, back against a bench, simply because they just were not designed for a human. I pondered that magic makes one wonder what leaps in technology mankind could have developed with if we possessed it. Perhaps the whole industrial revolution would have been a green movement, too.


The sun was just starting to set as we pulled into Ponyville. I yawned, having taken a little nap and looked out at the platform. I should have known, no, really I should have. I should have warned that pink menace, but nooo, I had to go and forget about her for a moment. Yeah, that is the moment she gets you.

There she was, face squished to the window, and from what I could see half the town behind her. Even through the glass I could hear her scream.


I muttered, leaned away from the window. “May I take everything back and elect to get locked up?”

AJ snorted, and Twilight shook her head. “Shane, Pinkie means no harm. Just, try to be graceful about it, okay?”

I looked down at her as I slid my pack on. “Yeah, okay, I know she doesn’t do it to bother others, just... someone needs to feed that mare a case of ritalin.”

Applejack looked up at me. “What is that?”

I shook my head. “Never mind, bad joke. Come on, walk me to the gallows.”

I think Twilight was in danger of damaging her optical muscles she rolled her eyes so hard. I did hear Golden whisper to Cortland behind me. “Why would he think he is going to the gallows—uh, what are gallows?”

I tuned out that conversation as I stepped out with Applejack at my side. A great cheer went up from the forty or fifty ponies gathered around. Looking around, I started to catch little things. The banner had my name on it, and a shape that looked far too much like Texas to be coincidence. Looking over at the tables of food, the cake was done in the colors of Texas A&M. There were even streamers with little Texas Ranger stars printed on them. As I took it all in, my mind shattered a little bit.

“Pinkie, how…”

Pronking around me, she shrugged mid bounce and came to a stop. “Stop muttering, Shane! Don’t be a mutterer, now, enjoy the party!”

I looked back down at Applejack who just shook her head “Don’t, just... don’t, Shane.”

Exhaling, I gave a nod and walked down off the platform to begin meeting ponies. Some I recognized almost right away. The rather portly, but in all the right ways Mrs. Cake with the string-bean of a husband. They each had a little foal on their back as they tended to the tables and helped folks out.

A tan mare with stately glasses strolled up and gave me a little smile. “Welcome to Ponyville, Mr. McDonald. I am told you will be staying with the Apples. Please, allow me to introduce myself. Ivory Scroll, but most call me Mayor Mare,” as she offered up her hoof to me.

I leaned down some and gently shook it, seeing no fear at all in her eyes. “I... thank you ma’am, but, I guess... well, I expected more folks to be less... outgoing with me.”

She shook her head. “Your reputation precedes you, Mr. McDonald. Most of the town, and likely most of Equestria knows of your trial, what transpired, and just who you are now.”

I was just about to respond when a voice called out. “Lady Applejack!” Oh, oh, this will be fun. I turned to see Rarity making a beeline for AJ who was doing her best to hide behind Twilight. Said princess wore a smirk, and stepped out of the way leaving the orange mare wide open. So it looks like Twilight learned the lesson of how to troll from Celestia.

I grinned and whispered to the mayor. “The show just started,” I muttered, spotting a grin grow on her muzzle, followed by a nod. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Pinkie sitting next to a light purple unicorn with blue-green accents in her dark purple mane. Both had a large bag of popcorn sitting between them.

17 - Ponyville

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I struggled very hard to keep my laughter in as I stood there with the mayor, observing.

“Darling! How could you not tell me?!” Rarity almost shrieked.

“Now, simmer down, Rarity. Ah ain’t nothin' different than the mare that got on the train this mornin'. Y’all don’t need to be makin' a fuss over this.”

Rarity’s eye twitched. I glanced over to see if any of the other ponies were worried about this sudden turn of events. Nope, just many watching with amusement.

“Not make a fuss, not make a fuss?! Applejack, darling, you are a noble! You are one of the elite, a landowner with ties to the ruling class of Equestria! One of my best friends, and you never told me! Why, to think how uncouth I have addressed you, and the clothing I have made for you, so unbecoming!”

Rarity rose on her hinds and fell backwards, and somehow, an old type fainting couch caught her.

I blinked. “Where in the—” only to find the mayor shaking her head.

“Like Pinkie, just don’t, Mr. McDonald. It is best not to question some things.”

Frowning but giving her a nod, I looked back over to see AJ roll her eyes, before glacning over at Twilight. “Will y’all do something about... this?” gesturing with her hoof.

Twilight put a hoof to her chest dramatically. “Why, Lady Apple, what would you wish of your princess?”

All right, that did it. I started to chuckle lightly, trying to cover it up with evidently fake coughing. Applejack, however, shot me a dirty look before looking back at Twilight, then over to Cortland and Golden.

“Twilight, somepony, come on! This ain’t funny no more!”

While it was fun, it had to come to a end. That end came in the form of a voice that cut the crowd to silence.

Applejack Jacqueline Apple!

Oh crap, that tone. Colored with the hesitation and pause only age brings. Yet the mare standing there, while old, was no frail lady. Faded green coat, mane and tail white with age, but her eyes. They spoke to a strength I only hope I have at her age. There was no doubt in my mind, even if I did not know the ponies from the show, that I would know this mare as the matriarch of her family.

I watched Applejack turn and lay her ears down. “G-Granny, why, it is late, you should be in bed…”

Standing behind the elder mare, was the big red apple himself, wearing a frown on his muzzle.

“Yer darn tootin' I should be, but some darn fool went and stuck a stick in a hornets nest b’fore askin' me! Now, you wouldn’t know who that was would you?” she questioned, eyeing her granddaughter.

How could I remain quiet? Applejack had stuck her neck out for me, so I did about the most foolish thing I could think of. I spoke up.

“Ma’am, please don’t be too mad at Applejack. She was just—”

The look shot right at me made my mouth snap shut. Momma raised me to respect my elders, and it was clear to me this one could likely put a hurt on me if she wanted to.

“I will deal with you in a moment, young fella. You just hold quiet and mind your manners.”

I snatched my hat off and dipped my head respectfully, saying, “Yes, ma’am,” in about the most timid and quiet voice I had used in years. I suddenly felt like a schoolboy being given a dressing down to.

Watching her turn back to the orange mare once more, she started in with a series of questions I suspect she already knew the answers to. Again it was her eyes, that body may be old, but her eyes gave things away. She was sharp as a tack and likely one of the smartest mares standing there in the street.

“Somepony needed help?”

“Uh huh.”

“You put our name behind them?”


“Took the punishment like an Apple?”


“You trust him 'round our family?”

A slight pause as she looked over at me, then back at her grandmother and gave a nod. “Ah do, Granny.”

The old mare gave a snort and turned to face me, walking over. I kept my hat in my hands and looked down at her, keeping steady eye contact as was polite. She reached out and poked me with a hoof in the hand a few times.

“Strange looking stallion, but ya know how to be respectful. I hear ya gave that arrogant Blueblood boy a woopin' fer striking a mare.”

Still with one eye on me, the other closed, she was tapping her chin.

“Well, young fella, what do ya got to say about that?”

I gulped and looked down into her eyes. “Ma’am, I just did what was right, that is all. I ended up in a lot of trouble and your granddaughter stood by my side. I am thankful for that.”

She gave me the one eye look, then nodded her head.

“Well, he talks like an Apple. Put him in tha spare room fer now out in the barn an' we will see if he can work like an Apple.”

Not a word more was said as she turned and started to walk off. Yet I found myself almost eye to eye with a large red stallion. He spoke in a deep voice, one that was quiet, respectful, but clearly one not to be ignored.

“You an' I are gonna talk later.”

It dawned on me, with his size, a buck from him would damn near break me in half, more enforcing the fact that I was in their world and not the other way around. I lifted my hat and put it back on. “Yes, sir.”

He snorted. “Don’t be callin' me sir, you call me Big Mac,” and like that, he was gone, walking his grandmother back down the road.

I looked over at the girls who were all just watching quietly even as the talk and party started back up again.

“Well, sugarcube, ya passed Granny Smith’s first test.”

I am not sure if I should be relieved by that, or tensed because there would be more tests to come.

I was about to suggest slipping out of the party quietly when a throat cleared next to me. Turning and looking down some, I found a dark purple mare standing with Twilight. The earth pony had three daisies as her cutie mark.

“Shane, this is Miss Cheerilee, she would like to ask a favor of you.”

I turned and looked at her with a smile “How can I help you, ma’am?”

I watched her smile. “Mr. McDonald—”

I held up a hand. “Shane please,” watching her give me a nod back.

“Shane, I teach at the Ponyville Elementary and I was hoping, well, considering you will be a figure here in town for a bit, I was hoping I could talk you into coming to school tomorrow afternoon after lunch and sitting down with my students. It would do them well to learn of another culture, and it would help everypony adjust to your presence sooner.”

I blinked and looked at Twilight, who gave a nod, then I glanced over at the orange mare that had walked up. She too gave a bit of a nod.

“Ah think he would be right happy to, Cheerilee, and as his sponsor, ah will see to it he gets there.”

I turned and looked at Applejack with a frown, but I did owe her a lot of money, bits, whatever. I will go with the flow on this. It might be fun to meet the little ones. As I stood there listening to the ponies talk around me, it hit me. Wait, three of the most destructive foals to ever exist go to that school.

A shiver then ran down my spine.


Walking down the road with Applejack, I looked around. Sure, it was dark, but the moon was bright in the sky and I had no proper issue seeing the road ahead.

“Ah was figuring, in the mornin', Big Mac, a few folks that are visiting, and myself can go with ya to yer cabin and get what ya need from it.”

I looked down at her and gave her a smile. "That would help out. I am going to guess we will have to gut my cabin, bed and all.”

She responded with a nod. “Ah been ponderin' how to get the stuff out. So, if we bring a few wagons and some rope, ya could go in, tie stuff off, an' then we could haul the item out across the ground.”

Tapping my chin, I thought about that. A very simple but brilliant idea, it would make things go so much faster and smoother. “That might just work, Applejack.”

She smiled and looked back to where we were walking. I found myself glancing down at her once in awhile as we walked in silence. Remembering walks with another woman, I once more pondered that. I would not say it out loud, but it was nice to not be alone. It was wonderful to not dwell on the dark memories for a bit.

It was nice to have a real friend again. Even if that friend was a talking technicolor pony with a southern drawl. I pondered on that, too, and looked up at the moon. I guess in a way, in that moment, it came to me. We humans were not so different from the ponies, we were never meant to be alone, at least most of us.


The room in the barn had clearly been an office of some type. The old wood desk, a few cabinets of paperwork. However, now there was a bedding along one wall. It looked to be a pile of hay with a few blankets laid over it, then a few more for covers. AJ glanced at it, then up at me.

“Ah am sorry, Shane, best we could do on short notice. Once we get yer things here, we can clear out the old desk and stuff, make this yer room. It is plenty warm, insulated, and the old stove there works well if ya stoke the fire in it. Come winter ya won’t be wantin' for warmth.”

I smiled genuinely. “Relax, AJ, it is fine. Thank you again. You have gone beyond what most folks would for a stranger.”

She scuffed her hoof on the ground and rolled her eyes. “Ya ain’t no stranger, sugarcube, yer a friend in need. Goodnight, Shane,” and she turned and walked out.

I sighed out, making note of the box with my weapons in it along the wall, the bag with my new clothing laid across that. I took my backpack off and settled in for a nights sleep.


It may not have been a bed, but I slept like a log. The sun had just started to hint at the sky, when something wet slurped across my face!

Eyes shooting open I was greeted by the view of a small collie dog who barked. I jumped back some, only to see three little fillies staring wide-eyed at me. Grabbing the blanket, I yanked it up around me.

“Boy, he sure do spook easy,” the butter-yellow filly with a bow in her mane said as she looked at the white unicorn and tangerine pegasus next to her.

“G-girls, what are you doing?”

I knew well who they were, as all three smiled, Apple Bloom spoke up.

“Well, Applejack and Granny Smith told me to come out here and wake ya up fer breakfast. Oh, my name is Apple Bloom, and this is Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. We are...”

I clenched my teeth I knew what was coming as together they said with a lot of gusto behind it.

“The Cutie Mark Crusaders!...” Apple Bloom gestured, “and this is Winona,” the dog barked again.

All right, despite the rude wake up, I couldn’t be too mad. They really were adorable, for three forces of chaos packed into little bodies and possibly Discord's creations in all reality. I would have to guess they came up to about my knee, perhaps my lower thigh, and the dog didn’t come quite up to my knee.

“Okay, girls, I am awake... but, I need to get dressed, so...” I gestured to the door.

Scootaloo looked at me with her head tilted. It reminded me a bit of Dash, perhaps it is a pegasus thing? “Why can’t you just get dressed with us here?”

I groaned a bit, but was saved by a voice. “Girls, y’all go on inside now and leave Shane to get ready.”

Looking up at the door to see Cortland standing there, they all three gave an “Ahh, ponyfeathers,” but turned and trotted out. Cort chuckled some as he almost got knocked over by the fillies and their dog.

“I will stand watch at the door, take your time.”

I called out as the door closed. “Thanks, Cort. Hey, where did you stay last night?”

There was a long pause before I heard him say. “Spare room up in the main house.”

I tugged my shirt on and grabbed my deodorant, making note I was down to half on this one, that would leave me with five more tubes, that had to last me... well, likely a lifetime. It is little things like deodorant I was going to miss most if I could not get home.

“Oh, cool, where did Golden hold up?”

Again, a long pause. I looked at the closed door before I heard his voice with an almost shy tone. “Spare room up in the main house.”

I grabbed my boots and started to tug them on, already having pulled my pants up and buckled the belt. “Oh, lucky for you, they have two rooms spare.”

His response was far quieter as I opened the door to find him looking at me, nine shades of pink across his face. “They don’t.”

I paused this time, looking down at the buff unicorn stallion, then gave a polite nod of my head. After all, this was their thing and none of my concern. However, as Cort was a friend, I did smile and say in a quiet tone back. “Good for you two, how long now?”

He shrugged, blush retaining though. “We have been kind of seeing each other for a few weeks, but since we got assigned to you and see each other almost every hour of every day…”

I held up my fist to him and received a hoof bump. “Again, good for you two.”

He smiled and we started to walk for the house.


Breakfast was huge. No meat products, obviously, but Granny did fix scrambled eggs for me. Even after I had thanked her a few times, she made it clear I was her responsibility now and I would eat right. I found myself once more in awe of the old mare, and I wondered if perhaps she was more on the ball than even Celestia was.

After breakfast, we met up with several other stallions and mares pulling wagons. In total, we had six if you counted the one Big Mac was pulling. We headed into the woods along a trail that I knew would lead us to the cabin and the guards there. Cortland and Golden were both armored up and had crossbows holstered across their backs.

I found myself walking next to Big Mac at one point. There was not a lot of talking going on what with the wagons having to be pulled single file and only two guards. Cort was up front, Golden was in the back.

“It true y’all took a hoof to the snoot pullin' Rainbow Dash out of a bad place?”

I glanced over at the large draft stallion and gave a nod. “Yep.”

Again he was quiet for a bit, chewing on things from the look he had.

“Ma family means everything to me, Shane,” he glanced over at me and then back to his job of pulling. “But ah suspect you understand that pretty well. Long as you remember whose name ya carry, you an I are good.”

I smiled some and tipped my hat in return. “Big Mac, I owe AJ and your family everything right now. You are giving me a job to pay my debt, you all are giving me a roof over my head, and food in my belly. Would take a fool to not see what side his bread is buttered on.”

He grunted and just replied with, “Eeyup,” but the tone was everything.

I did look back to our walk and was quite. Again, we walked on, before I said without looking over at him. “Thank you for being upfront with me, big guy.”

He turned his head to look at me, then gave a soft, short smile. “Eeyup."

Pony of few words, I liked him.

Once we arrived, Cort cleared things with the captain in charge of the small contingent of soldiers. They had cleared back the tree line a good thirty yards in a half moon at the front of the cabin, and set up a small tent fort. Using the trees cut down to build short log walls around, again a half moon with the dead zone as their back wall.

I grabbed four ropes from one of the wagons and we spent time rigging up a pulley system. Anchoring one side to the wall inside the cabin, out the door, and out to another pulley mounted to a tree outside the dead zone.

This way I could be in the cabin, tie things on, and they could pull the items out in the air above the dead area, to the safe zone and load them on wagons. We tested things first, and it seemed they could touch items like the chairs and sofa and my clothing, although, it made their hooves tingle some. I made note to tell Twilight about that, too, as it may help her research on how to get me home.

It was hot, backbreaking work but we got all but my bed—and a few things I knew I wouldn’t need—loaded up. Most of it was clothing, food, the gun safe. That had taken four ponies to move along with myself, and it was alone in the back of Mac’s wagon. I took a few small chairs, some cups and plates, a bit of silverware, and my desk along with all the items in it. We had also pulled two of the solar panels down from the roof, along with a ton of wire and four of the eight batteries. One inverter came with me, one stayed in the cabin. After all it was under constant guard and look what we had to go through to get just a few items from it. Even then, none of the ponies could cross the line and help me inside.

By the time we got back and unloaded all the wagons into the barn. It was time to take a quick shower and head for the schoolhouse as promised. I would have to move things around once I got back, but Applejack said it would be safe in the barn for now and she locked it up.

18 - Settling In

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I glanced over to Applejack as we approached the short fence, then back to where we were heading. I could see what must be thirty or so little ponies of various young ages playing, talking, eating, and just standing around. Every last one of them turned and the silence was deafening as they looked up at me with wide eyes. Three of them broke out into ear-to-ear smiles and said together. “Shane, you came!”

I offered the fillies a smile, making note of the pink and grey-coated fillies they were hanging out with. Reaching up, I tipped my old stetson to them. “I did. Your teacher asked me to come down and talk to you all after lunch break about who and what I am, and perhaps answer a few questions.”

I heard a voice I knew speak up. “Mister McDonald, over here!” turning to find a little white thinly-bodied pegasus colt snap a picture of me.

“Well, if it isn’t Featherweight, right?”

His eyes grew wide with twinkles in them, as did a few other of the foals. “Whoa, you remember my name?”

I gave a nod. “You asked a good question. Well thought out, and it was my honor to call on you first of all the press pe...er, ponies.”

Right then, a million questions flew at me all at once. I blinked and had to smile. Damn if the little fillies and colts weren’t cute as a button. However, a voice cut through it all.

“Okay, everypony, come on. Let's give Mister McDonald a chance to settle in. Everypony, come inside lunch is about over anyways,” looking at me, the mare with three flowers of a cutie mark smiled. “Thank you for coming, Mr—”

I cut her off, waving a hand. “Please, Miss Cheerilee, just call me Shane, okay?”

Applejack smiled. “All right, you are in good hooves here. Cortland said he was going to stick around, so ah am goin' to head back to the farm. Y’all come on home when you are done. Ifn’s you could walk Apple Bloom home fer me?”

I gave her a nod. “My pleasure, Boss.”

She shook her head and walked off. I did watch her a moment, she had called it home. Not back to the farm, but to come home. Was it that? Only time would tell, but I already felt somewhat close to her, and by close, an extension to her family.

I turned back and watched all the little foals heading in the door. Cortland stepped up next to me and gave a smirk. “You know, if they attack, your on yer own, I am high tailin' it out of here.”

I rolled my eyes with a well-natured grin. “My hero, the solar guard, afraid of a bunch of little colts and fillies.”

He grunted. “Like heck,” gesturing, “the Cutie Mark Crusaders are in there.”

I laughed as I walked on in, having to duck my head a little bit to keep from smacking the top of the door frame. I again took a pause at the sea of brightly-colored faces looking up at me from desks with eager smiles and that youthful zeal to learn all kids seem to have.

Looking around, I noted the purple mare had a large pillow set down next to her desk. She smiled up at me. “Princess Twilight said it would be easier on your body to sit on a pad, so I brought one of the ones from my sofa at home. I hope this works okay?”

Taking my hat off, I gave a nod. “Sure does, ma’am, thank you.” I slowly sat down and tucked my legs under me some as she addressed the class.

“Now, we all studied the paper and the articles, including the one Featherweight printed in the Foal Free Press. So, who would like to remind the class what species Mister McDonald is?”

Hooves shot up as I watched her point to the pink filly with the grey streak in her mane. “Diamond Tiara.”

Now I knew a bit about this filly, her home life, how she had grown up a bully. I had held my daughter as she cried when the little pink filly turned her ways around. It had been a joyful moment in our time watching the show together. As such, I was curious what her answers would be.

“Miss Cheerilee, he is a human, and he comes from a place called Earth. The papers said he didn’t know how he came here, but that he is a guest of the princesses for now.”

I watched her head turn to look at me. “May I ask a question now, please?”

Glancing at the teacher, who gave a nod, I smiled some and returned the nod. “You may. Diamond Tiara, was it?”

Her face lit up, the kind of smile really only children get. “I am curious. The things on your upper legs... um, hands, right? You don’t walk on them?”

I shook my head and held up my hand. “No. Well, we can if I did a handstand, but, I don’t have quite the coordination to pull that off very well. We use them to grip things, carry things, and manipulate items,” I picked up my hat, spun it around on my fingertip, caught it and with a flourish spun it around to land on my head, reaching back up to take it off again.

They all gave soft claps at the impromptu little show, and the pink filly gave a soft but genuine smile. “Thank you, Mister McDonald.”

Once more, a sea of hooves lifted into the air, I glanced again at the purple teacher mare, who gestured for me to take control. I looked back and pointed at a little paint colt.

“Yes, you.”

He stood up on his chair to be seen more clearly. “My name is Pipsqueak, sir.” I blinked. He had the most adorable cockney accent. “I would like to ask, if I may, why do you wear clothing all the time, even in the pictures?”

I gave a wink to him. “Another very good question. Well, Pipsqueak, you see among humans, going without clothing is taboo. We are raised to wear them in public and mostly in private, as well. Consider if you will we do not have fur or scales to keep us warm and safe. So, we developed clothing both for a practical reason, and social reasons.”

He beamed a huge smile and sat down. “Thank you, sir.”

So for the next hour or so, questions were asked and answered. It was fun, even if a few of them bordered on uncomfortable. I dealt with it. Each of the fillies and colts introduced themselves, asked a question or two. Then they all listened quite intently as they took notes. I was really rather impressed, to be truthful.

Finally it came time to end the day, and many of the foals were slightly upset by that, after been having a lot of fun. To be quite frank, I was with them on that. This was almost cathartic for me. After saying my goodbyes, I headed outside and waited.

Soon enough, a group of fillies and one little colt came over. I knew most of them already, but kept my understanding hidden.

“Well, Apple Bloom, I know Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and your name was Diamond Tiara, correct?” gesturing to each.

They nodded. Apple Bloom spoke up. “This here is Rumble, and that there is Silver Spoon.”

I gave a smile back. “Now, what are you all doing?”

Apple Bloom once more spoke up. “Well, ma sister walks me home every day from school, and everypony tags along and breaks out of the group at their homes.”

“Oh, I see. Well, then. Your sister asked me to walk you home today so, I guess it is my…”

I was cut off by a shriek of joy from group, as the little grey pegasus colt shouted. “Cool!”

I rubbed my left ear with a finger and gave a nod. “Yep, and... girls, could we not scream like that again?”

The group all blushed in embarrassment and nodded. With that, I turned, and was quickly surrounded by the group. I glanced back to make sure Cortland was coming along before starting out.

Not too far down the road, Rumble looked up, “Thank you, Mister McDonald,” waving with a wing as he took off and into the front door of a house. I sort of half listened to the girls all chatter back and forth as we continued down the center of town.

I took note of a few walking past, or working. A number of ponies stopped to give a wave or a smile to me and the fillies. I found myself reflecting on things. This is precisely how life should be. Everyone being friendly, helping each other. Sure, bad things happen, but for the most part everyone is good... everypony, whatever. I could almost hear a certain purple alicorn's lecture about it in my head.

Next to separate out was the pink filly, followed by the grey one. Both received hugs from their three amigos, then thanked me for accompanying them. I stood watch as they walked up a side street for some houses that looked to be quite of upper class construction. From the front doorstep of one, a brown stallion in a tie waved down the road to me. Seeing somepony was watching over the two, we continued.

“Shane, how come you stood and watched them walk up the road before Mr. Rich came out?”

I glanced down at the little white marshmallow of a unicorn. “Well, that is just what is right to do. I agreed to walk you all home, so I want to make sure you get there. Speaking of,” I gestured, seeing Rarity's shop. “That is where you are going, right? Miss Rarity lives there, and I recall someone telling me you stay with her.”

Sweetie Belle beamed up at me. “Yep! Well, most days, and Scoot is coming over to do homework.”

I glanced over to the tangerine pegasus filly who had a warm smile and was nodding her head. They both dashed off with a “Thank you, Shane!” while I stood and made sure they got in the door safely.

Giving a little sigh and a smile, I looked down at Apple Bloom. “You ready to—”

I was then cut off by a loud thud. Something came down hard next to me. Spinning with concern, I saw a grey pegasus shaking off her bright yellow mane. Glancing back at Cort who shrugged I looked back.

“Are you alright, Miss?”

She reached up to adjust her blue hat, and I took that moment to note her eyes were warm, friendly, but didn’t exactly aim in the same direction. She donned a mailpony uniform and had large saddlebags across her back. I knew who this was, but once again, I had to play dumb. Though, on the inside, I did give a little cheer. Who wouldn’t?

“Oh, I sure am! Thank you for asking,” she looked up. “You are that... hu-h'man, right?”

I chuckled. “Human, but you may call me Shane or Mister McDonald, if you wish.”

Again, her smile lit up. “I go by a lot of names, Mailpony, Derpy, Muffins, Ditsy... Oh! I have a letter for you, and Applejack said you would be walking the girls home from school,” she responded, fishing back into her bag as I blinked, and she produced the letter in her mouth. I reached out and took it, examining the envelope. It was addressed to me all right.

“Well thank you Miss, um...Derpy, if that is okay?” she nodded.

“That is fine. Got stuff to deliver, see ya!” and off she flew.

I looked at the letter, and found Apple Bloom had lifted up to put a hoof on my leg and try to get a look at it, too. I tilted it to show her and she lit up in smiles. “Hey, that there is from cousin Golden Delicious,” she paused. “She is the Apple family historian!”

I blinked and waited for her to drop back to her hooves before plucking open the flap. Unfolding it, I found the shaky writing inside a bit difficult to read, but I looked it over regardless.

“Seems your cousin is asking me for some information, where I am living, and so on.”

Apple Bloom gave a little giggle. “Ah bet because of what Applejack did, puttin' our name behind ya. Golden Delicious just wants to get your information for the family records.”

I pondered that some, then tucked the letter in my pocket, shooting Cortland a glance and seeing the unicorn had a smirk on his muzzle. “Ah may have let her know.”

Gee, thank you, Cort, some friend you are. I sighed. “Well, I suppose I should write her a letter back tonight.”

Apple Bloom perked up. “Can ah deliver it to the post office for ya?”

I glanced back down at the butter-yellow filly and her excited, sparkling eyes. “Well, that would be right nice of you to do. Thank you, Apple Bloom.”


Dinner with the Apples had been nice. It had been quite a few years since I sat down to a home cooked meal with a family like that. This time I managed to muscle my way into doing dishes, much to the protests from both Granny Smith and Applejack that I was a guest. I reminded them both I was not a guest, I owed them money and was a ward of the crown tell that was paid off. That had shut them both up, and let me do something to start earning my keep around the place. Big Macintosh had begun drying dishes next to me as I did the scrubbing and dirty work, with little Apple Bloom putting them away last.

I did find myself with a big warm grin when I overheard Granny mutter to Applejack in the other room. “Well, he is about as stubborn as an Apple, too. Boy just might fit in fine around here.

Boy... well, okay, she had years on me. I would let it slide. After that I had headed out to my ‘room’ and got a start at unpacking a few things. Sitting down at the desk, I stared at a sheet of yellowed parchment paper and a quill, of all things, sitting in a pot of ink. I picked it up and exhaled looking at the paper and leaned in, starting to write.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Well, it is my first full day here in Ponyville. We got my stuff moved to my home for the next three months. I spent the afternoon at the schoolhouse being introduced to a bunch of kids... uh, foals. Got trusted to escort a pack of them back to their parents too.

I guess I will be sending you stuff like this once a week or so. I don’t rightly know what to say, but I guess I will figure it out as time goes on.

I also guess I will be seeing you next week for our visit. I have not forgotten the conditions of my sentence and I will see it out. I guess I just want to say thank you for giving me a chance, both at making a home here as long as I am stuck here, and to make up for my wrong doing.

Yours for now,


Looking it over again, I gently rolled it up. I pulled out of one drawer an odd green candle that I had been given by Twilight along with the stack of parchment and the quill set. Doing as instructed, I lit the candle with an old style strike anywhere wood match. It had a strange almost sickly-green glow to it. With a little trepidation, I moved the scroll to it, and in a flash it went up in embers! I yanked my hand back, but no heat had been felt. Watching as the embers spun around, then in that same green glow as the candle, flowed out the window and was gone.

“Well, shit,” I cursed out loud. Then I blinked as I heard a window throw up with a bang, out at the house, and a voice strong and colored with age call out.

“That will get you another bit added, sonny! You mind yer mouth!” before the window slammed down again.

Mental note to myself. Watch my mouth around that sweet old mare before she puts a hurt on me.

19 - So much for this month

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That damn beeping is going to drive me up the wall, I thought to myself as I struggled up out of the dark of…

Opening my eyes greadually, everything was pretty fuzzy but I could see white all around, smell antiseptic in the air, and that steady beeping grew a bit faster. My first thoughts were jumbled. I tried to move my left arm and quickly found I couldn’t. This made the beeping grow faster before a voice to my right spoke out.

“Don’t try to move around, Mr. McDonald. Relax, you are safe. I need to go get the doctor and let him know you are awake.”

Turning my head I saw a standing pony there, a pony! What? Wait, okay, I remembered where I was. So, no, still not a dream. Then I started to remember more of the last focused memories I had, the events that led up to me… well, winding up in a hospital bed.


The last two weeks had been pretty decent. Backbreaking work, but it felt good to work again, to get my hands dirty and body drenched with sweat. I'd been spending days working on the farm along with Applejack and her family and at night writing as I was asked about human law, law enforcement, and whatever else pertained to that.

I wasn’t physically strong enough to ‘buck’ a tree, though I could haul baskets to the wagon hitched to Big Macintosh. I could pick up dead branches and stack them for selling to a firewood salespony in town. I plucked weeds from the dirt and mended fences falling apart—about all of the stuff I did back on the ranch as a kid, and it really did feel great to do it.

I suspect this is what old Tom must have felt like. Tom was our ranch hand when I was a lot younger. He had been working it since my father took it over, so I knew him basically all my life. Tom was the cowboy’s cowboy. Right down to his very bones he fit the bill of someone who belonged back in the 1800’s, and I had grown up listening to his stories and sitting around the ranch hand campfire as a boy.

I don’t doubt it is where I got my love for the simple life, and perhaps a good deal of my work ethic and my drive for law and justice. I remember Tom showing up with mom and dad when I graduated from the academy, and his smile said he was just as proud of me as they were.

Two years after I graduated and was on the Highway Patrol, ol' Tom had passed in his sleep in his bunk. It was only after cleaning out his stuff did my dad find his certificates and a old badge. Turns out Tom had been a U.S. Marshall for years. He was buried with full honors, and it was my pride to be a pallbearer at his funeral. Looking back on it all, it really did shape who and what I was as I grew up.

So things were going pretty darn well. Ponies didn’t run from me, even the ones that were a bit jumpy in my presence had come around to offering a friendly smile or wave. I was walking Apple Bloom and her friends home every day now, something I had taken pride in.

Though, I still had nightmares, and despite our arguments about it, I didn’t lament too much Luna’s stopping them once in awhile. That had been a whole fight unto itself, but one we had come to a understanding on. At first I was rather upset when Luna invaded a few more dreams, and I soon let her know such in person. She had been taken aback by that, and seeing her shock, I backed up a bit, too.

We spent a good few hours sitting in conversation about our views on privacy and such. We found middle ground, she agreed to not invade my dreams, and I agreed if she saw one was happening, it was all right to end it from the outside. She did stress to me how much she wanted to help me move past things. I, however, just was not ready for that, and not sure I ever will be.

Speaking of that, the question rose of just how was she able to access my dreams? Something new to add to the mystery of why magic didn’t work on me or my belongings, or how I ended up here. Celestia said she had her best working on it, and I knew Twilight was pouring over books trying to find theories. It was a bit comforting to know they were not taking it lightly and were upholding their word to me.

Big Mac and I had grown closer, as well. The big guy doesn’t talk much, but when he does, it is deep, and there is much wisdom in his words. Kind of slow to speak, though, as he chews on his words before letting them out. I admired that about him, and we had fast become ‘drinking’ buddies, having a hard cider or two together around the campfire I set up out near the barn I had my room in. It kind of became a tradition for us, and sure, others came and went. Applejack would join us once in awhile, even Granny came out and sat for a whole hour one night. Quiet lady, that old mare, but I have and will continue to remark at the intelligence that glowed in the back of her eyes.

So, overall, things were beginning to flow pretty good. That, of course, is the exact time that son of a bitch Murphy decides to come visit, and he brought his whole family with him this time!

I remember it being around noon or so. AJ and I were just about to knock off for lunch. We were waiting for Mac to return from the barn run with a load of apples. Cortland was on watch duty but he had been helping out by moving empty baskets into place for the apples to fall into, while I moved the full ones over to the stack for the wagon.

Just as I spotted Mac, we all heard a scream in the distance. My head snapped around and I immediately looked out at the rows of trees heading towards the Everfree Forest. It was Applejack that shouted. “That sounded like Apple Bloom!” and just as she did, a burst of bright yellow light shot up in the distance and exploded like a flare.

I was in motion even before Cort was up on his hooves. My right hand shot out and snatched up my old double barrel coach gun from where it leaned on a tree. I had been keeping it close, mostly out of habit instead of any fear. As I started to sprint my left hand reached out and I grabbed the handle to my small hand axe. The old thing had seen better days but still worked for trimming branches and such. It had been sitting stuck in a stump and I had caught it in the corner of my eye.

I knew the others were running too, but again, I have remarked I had the advantage of being human. Long legs, and quite a bit more wind than most pony had for hard sprints. Tucking the axe into my belt as I ran, gripping the old shotgun tight in my hand as I pumped my arms best I could.

Breaking through a clearing, I saw Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo standing before Apple Bloom and a small dark grey unicorn foal. Both the foal and Apple Bloom were bloody, as was Scootaloo, who bled from a gash in her forehead. Her little wings spread wide, in a crouch, and one rather pissed-off look on her face.

Standing in front of them was a grey pegasus mare, with straw-yellow mane and little bubbles on her flank. She had her wings flared, mane standing near on end, and a look of pure death in her eyes despite them not focusing quite in the same direction.

Before her trying to circle were four… things. Wood and leaves, plants, greenery, given life in the form of a wolf. They were huge, really big, with ease reaching up to my chest. Nearly as big as Big Mac. As I came into sight, one lunged at the mare, who spun, grabbing the wooden-skinned wolf by the neck and using her weight and his momentum to send it flying over her. It smashed into a tree and shattered.

What she didn’t see was the one its heels, and it jumped toward her back. I saw the claws dig in, and heard the mare screech out in pain.

Time advanced slowly. I was not aware of who was behind me, just the fight in front of me. I bellowed a shout as I brought the old coach gun up. “HEY!” and just as its head turned some, I unloaded the right barrel.

The hammer fell, and the report roared out with flame and smoke as nine lead pellets crashed through the air and smashed into the side of the wooden wolf. It made no sound, but it did nearly split in two just behind the front shoulder where my shot hit. Chunks of wood, leaves, plant matter, and some kind of green ichor sprayed as it flew apart.

The shotguns sound had made the fillies scream loudly, but I had no time for them. Switching targets to the next one. I let it have the left barrel, again the old shotguns hammer fell, and it bucked into my shoulder. The booming report followed by the things head turning into sawdust and kindling spraying across its back, and the ‘face’ of the last remaining creature.

I dropped the shotgun just in time to see a blur of blue and rainbow slam into the last wolf creature. The impact was huge, and I watched as Rainbow—one of the nicest mares out there, despite her bragging—turn into a Tasmanian devil!

Right hand yanking my hand axe out as I watched the fight for a opening, Rainbow spun and flipped, lashing out hits that dealt damage time and time again only to see parts of the creature snap back up from the ground and join back into cohesive form. My blood ran cold, and at the same moment, I heard Cort yell, “Look out!”

I managed to spin just in time to get my left arm up and get it wedged into the muzzle of the creature. Then I screamed at the top of my lungs as wooden teeth chomped down. I felt them hit bone. I could smell the rot and stench of death on the creature's breath. Baleful-green eyes glared with no feeling or emotion into mine as it wrenched its head to the side, yanking me with it, and ripping the wounds wide.

I knew I was in big trouble, and that human fight or flight nature kicked in hard. Adrenaline flooded my veins. My right hand held the hilt of the small camp axe, and without thinking I swung. It smashed into the thing's neck with all the force I had, and this time I got it to make a sound. A sound right out of hell as it yelped in pain and anger. Yet, I did not stop. Over and over I kept smashing the blade into it. Blood-like greenish fluid flew as I followed it onto the ground and continued to drive the hatchet into it.

A hoof grabbed my arm and a voice yelled. “Enough, Shane, enough! You got it!” said a deep voice.

I looked up, eyes starting to focus as I saw Mac had my hand held tightly. Panic set in as I snapped my head around. “The other one…!”

He, again, in that deep calm voice of his spoke “Gone, calm down, just calm down, Rainbow chased it off. Slow down, lower your arm.”

Breathing fast and heavy still I rolled and slumped onto my ass. First I looked over at the... what was once some kind of wooden wolf. A timberwolf. Then I saw the red and looked around, before my gaze set on my left arm. It just hung there, meat in shreds being held in place by what was left of my shirt. I could see bone. I knew this was bad. I was loosing blood fast, and I looked back up at Mac, just as Cort came into view.

“I... I think I may be in trouble.”

All then went black.


I must have zoned out some again, because next thing I knew, there was a pony shining a light in my eye then away. A male I could tell from the voice, unicorn from the horn on his head, glowing a very light red as it held the small pencil flashlight.

“Mr. McDonald, can you tell me where you are?”

I blinked and grunted. “Hell?”

I heard a snort from my right and a voice I only had to think for a moment to place. “Well, Doctor Mercy, at least his smart mouth and poor humor is intact.” Twilight, that voice belonged to a friend.

The white unicorn gave a nod. “It would seem so, Princess Twilight. Mr. McDonald, do not try to move around. Your left arm is in a cast to keep you from moving it. Do you remember what happened?

I looked up at him and nodded a bit. “A fight, some... wood things started attacking a couple of—is Apple Bloom okay?! What about Scootaloo?! Where is Derpy, is she fine?!”

A hoof came down lightly on my chest. “Relax, Mr. McDonald, they are all fine thanks to the quick actions of yourself, Miss Dash, and the Apples.” I watched him look up and over my right side. Turning my head, I spotted each of the girls there looking rather worried then looked back at the doc.

“A-am I going to loose the arm?”

He shook his head. “No. At least, I don’t think so, but I am going to let the princess tell you more of that. For now, you rest, you can talk for a few minutes,” he looked over at the mares again. “No excitement, no moving around, and no parties, Miss Pie!”

With that, he turned and left. I slowly rolled my head back to look at six very worried faces. AJ almost looked like she had been crying, but, I knew that couldn’t be right. Rainbow had a bandage around her barrel keeping one wing down to her side. Twilight spoke up with a soft tone.

“They are called timberwolves. Corrupt life magic. No one short of an alicorn has ever managed to kill one before, and you killed three, Shane!”

I shook my head softly and licked my lips. Seeing this, a light blue magic took a cup off the dresser to my side and brought it over, a straw tucked into my lips and I sucked down a few sips of water. “Thank you, Rarity,” I recognized the color of magic now, at least from the few friends I had. Twilight's was purple, Rarity was blue, Cortland was a off-reddish, and Golden was... golden.

“The others will be okay?”

Twilight smiled faintly. “Dinky will be in the hospital a few days more. Apple Bloom went home this morning, and Derpy is staying at her daughter's side.”

She paused and looked at her friends before looking back to me. “S-Shane, that thing, the... shotgun you called it. Is that why you don’t want us to study it? Is that the kind of destruction and harm it can bring?”

I turned my head away. “Yeah, and I had hoped you would never see that, Twilight.”

Applejack then said, “Shane, y’all saved my sister's life.”

Rarity added in, “As well as my Sweetie Belle.”

Then I heard Dash, “And Scoots!”

I nodded my head “I know, but still, I warned you Twilight, humans are very good at…”

A hoof touched my right shoulder gently. “It doesn’t matter, Shane, you saved ponies' lives. Now, rest, we will all talk later. I know Princess Luna and Celestia want to talk, too.”

Feeling rather exhausted, I watched them troop out of the room, but Applejack paused and looked back at me, then nodded and headed out.

So much for a quiet month.

20 - Well $#^&!

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I woke up, sleeping on my back. The cast on my arm and the framework to keep me from moving it around kind of forced that. I turned and examined the soft cast carefully, spotting the slight pink and red, so I knew it had been bleeding a little, but that might not be such a bad thing. It hurt, that on the other hand was a terrible thing. Lifting my right hand to reach for the nurse call, a soft voice halted me.

“Ah got it, Shane, you in pain?” as I turned my head to see Applejack sitting there in a chair near my side. She reached across and pressed the nurse call button. I took that moment to glance out the window. A sliver of light crested the horizon, the sun just beginning to peak the distant hilltops.

“Yeah... Applejack? What are you doing here?”

She had her stetson off, her mane down, she looked exhausted, and... again, I almost thought she had been crying.

“Ah couldn’t sleep none, and ah didn’t want ya wakin' up alone.”

I was just about to question her why, but the door opening gave me reason to turn my head away. A white mare walked in with a nurse's hat on, the emblem on it matching her cutie mark.

“Good morning, Nurse Redheart,” I heard AJ say.

“Good morning, Applejack, and good morning. Shane. How are you feeling?”

I let off a small breath and gave a little nod. “A bit of pain, and a bit hungry, ma’am.”

She nodded and produced a syringe from a small bag on her side. “Doctor Mercy figured the sedative would have worn off. Now we don’t know for sure any long term effects of this, so... by our best reasoning, we are only giving you a foal's level of pain killers. We can up the amount by a little at a time if you need. Does that sound agreeable?”

I gave her a nod, then watched her push the needle into the IV line and send it into my veins. I paused. It never dawned on me before now, but the similarities between Earth and this place... whoaaa! Okay, yeah, that works!

Morphine, or something close to it, an opiate for sure. I blinked a few times as I looked up at the nurse, who returned a smile.

“Seems like we got just the perfect dosage.”

All I did was nod and roll so I faced up at the ceiling. I heard her check a few things then step back out. Applejack came into my view as she placed her front hooves up on the bed edge and looked down at me.

“Y’all okay, Shane?”

A bit of a chuckle escaped my lips, and I rolled my head so I could look at her properly. See, the problem with opiates is they don’t block the pain. No, they just make you not care at all. The pain is there, but you look at it from a distance—like it belongs to someone else, so to speak. The other problem is it tends to do the same for other things, like the connection from the brain to the mouth.

“Anyone ever tell you that you have beautiful eyes?”

She lit up with a blush, and just stared down at me. Of course the guy inside my brain was screaming to shut up, but the other running my mouth was just not paying any attention.

“Shane, ah would say the drugs are workin' pretty well, ain’t they?”

I nodded my head like a fool. Again, that voice in my brain was trying to order the rest of my body that perhaps we had enough and we should take a nap, but mouth-boy kept going.

“Ooohh, yeah...”

I watched her give an amused grin and her hoof patted my good arm. “You go on and sleep, ah need to get back to the farm. Ah will make sure somepony comes and stays with ya other than tha' guard outside the door.”

I gave a little nod. At least, I think I did.


All right, note to self: what ever they use as a painkiller here works way too well on humans. Turns out I was out another twelve hours that time. I slowly crawled my way out of a hazy darkness to find Cort in the corner of the room, sleeping, and it was dark outside the window.

I licked my lips to wet them down, then glanced at my arm. It continued to ache, though not nearly as awful as prior, taking note of the fact that the bandage softcast was of a blue shade now, so someone—or somepony—had changed it while I was out. I stuck it out a good half hour before the pain was creeping back in. I reached up and pressed the nurse call button again.

The door opening had Cortland up, alert, his horn ignited and looking ready for a fight. He relaxed as he saw it was the night nurse. I didn’t catch her name, but her cutie mark was a red cross with wings on it. She was a pegasus, too, so that kind of figured. She smiled and asked me a few questions, same old, same old, then reached up to inject the meds into the IV line.

“C-could you only go half? That last one knocked me out for a long while.”

She paused, then shook her head. “No, but if you can wait, I can get the doctor on duty to give his permission.”

I nodded and she spun, heading out.

“How you feeling, Shane?”

I exhaled and looked up at my friend drowsily. “I have been better, Cort.”

He gave a nod. “Golden and I have been switching off. Anypony even tell you what day it is?”

I blinked at that and shook my head.

“Shane, buddy, you were out for three days. It is Saturday now.”

That I had to really focus on before I managed to grunt out. “But, it was Monday afternoon when—”

He set his hoof gently on my good arm. “You took a hell of a hit, man. The princesses want to talk to you about what went on. I have been strictly ordered not to discuss it with you or anypony else,” laying his ears down.

I shook my head lightly. “Orders are orders, buddy.”

He smiled just as the nurse walked back in. She smiled a bit, too. “Mr. McDonald, the doctor agreed with you, and adjusted things down to a newborn foal level. It’s hard to believe that little bit will do anything for you.”

I exhaled once more, long and slow as she pushed the tiny amount of milky fluid into the IV line. “I guess human bodies are not so much like pony bodies when it comes to pain.”

She nodded and left, as I lay my head back down to nap again.


This time I woke to someone gently touching my arm. I opened my eyes to find a doctor and a nurse working to unwrap my arm gently. It no longer hurt, so I spoke softly. “How does it look, Doc?”

The stallion blinked and looked at me, then back to his work. A mint green aura slowly tugged the bandage off.

“It looks good so far, Mr. McDonald," as he managed to yank the wrap off. The nurse took it and wrapped it up into a bag for disposal.

I could see deep scars and plenty of stitches. A few spots were left open to drain, but oddly, it looked like the wound was weeks old, not just a few days.

“Don’t try to move it or your fingers please. The muscles are still healing, and you risk ripping a stitch or two. As you can see, the drains are only weeping a light pink now. I don’t see any signs of infection, just the inflammation we would normally expect. I think, at this rate, you should be able to go home in another day or two.”

He lifted up a new bandage, this one yellowish and began to wrap it as I spoke up.

“You think there will be any nerve damage? I mean, I think I can feel my fingers fine.”

He glanced at the nurse, then back to me. “I... am sworn by the crown not to talk about your treatment even with you, Mr. McDonald. The princesses wish to talk with you about it. “

All right, that set off bells, and I glanced at him, then to the earth pony mare helping him. I turned to find Golden watching on.

“Someone needs to talk to me here, I don’t like this one bit.”

The earth pony mare shook her head. “Shane, orders have been given, Pinkie promises made. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Twilight want to be the ones to speak with you.” I watched the stern look her face grow softer. “I am sorry.”

I ground my teeth together and huffed. “Then get them here,” looking to the doctor and nurse again. “Can we cut the painkillers down even more? Even that small amount made me tired.”

The unicorn stallion lifted a chart up and flipped a few pages. He tilted his head a bit, then nodded slowly. “I can cut it down to ten CCs. That is as low as I can leave it and still have any hope of it having an effect,” looking back at me. “It seems your body handles medications far different than ours do. We noted it in the antibiotics we gave you when you first came in. We had to quickly cut them down to a foal's level.”

He flipped a few more pages. “Something for you to keep in mind. I suspect as long as you go with foal medications, you should be alright. I believe an adult pony's level of any medication, or even aspirin may be too much for your system.”

I nodded at that as I saw out of the corner of my eye Golden stick her head out the door and speak to someone. “I will keep that in mind, Doc, thank you.”


I took another nap. There really was not a whole lot else to do when healing from the kind of wounds I took. Having learned some of my needs, the doctors had seen to having a gryphon menu specially brought in for me. The red meat I couldn’t place, but, again I was assured it was taken in the strictest of rules and ethics. It was nice to have a little red meat, though I also knew I needed it to replace lost iron from the major blood loss.

When I woke it was, I had to guess, around noonish. Twilight had a hoof on my leg and was shaking it gently. I had guests. Big ones, at that.

Celestia and Luna both gave me a warm smile as I struggled to sit up some. “Sorry, I ain’t—”

The solar princess lifted her hoof. “Do not stress yourself, Shane, you are still very much recovering,” her smile was soft. “Quite the month you have had, isn’t it?”

I chuckled at that. “Yeah, you could say that, your highness.”

Each took a spot around me, sitting so I would not have to look up so high from my position. Twilight moved over and gently cranked the bed back up some, so I was more sitting up but still comfortable and my arm was held in place.

“Shane,” Luna spoke. “First, we all wish to thank you. You risked your very life for our ponies, and we shall not forget that.”

It felt kind of warming, hearing the words come from someone so powerful—a ruler—and yet being genuine.

“Again, Princess Luna,” using her honorific as I had no clue who was listening in. “I just did what was right. I was raised that… well, there is a quote that explains it best. It comes from the Bible, John fifteen-thirteen.”

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Twilight whip out a quill and paper from, where-the-hell-ever she kept them.

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

I saw Celestia tilt her head a bit, then nod it gently. “You have spoken of this before, this 'bible', and what it is. With words like that, I can understand why it is important to your faith.”

I shrugged some. “I am not sure I have so much faith anymore, but the words are just as valid no matter who you are.”

Luna nodded. “Very true, now I am sure thou has questions for us.”

I looked around at them, then back to the alabaster sun goddess sternly. “You know me, Princess, let's not play word games, just lay it out. Why are ponies not allowed to tell me what is going on?”

She closed her eyes then turned her head and opened them, looking across the bed at Twilight. “I believe this is something you should cover, Twilight Sparkle.”

She smiled and looked at me. “Shane, how much do you understand about radiation, such as the sun gives off, light waves, and so on?”

I hid my reaction to the word. Well, at least I thought I had. Again, I was sorely mistaken and would find out later just how much so. Perhaps at some point I would learn I couldn’t hide a lot from the ponies in the room right now with me.

“I-I know some. What does that have to do with all this?”

She flicked an ear and continued in thorough, nerdy explanation. “All things absorb radiation from the environment around them. Magic, as we have, is a form of it, ponies create it in a gland inside our bodies. Many creatures do the same. However, all of it has one thing in common. It all has the same wavelength—a signature, if you will.”

I was fully silent as I listened.

“Shane, you and things from your world have a different signature, one that is almost entirely counter to the wavelength of ours. So, much like what happens when you throw a rock into water, then throw another one a few feet away. Items from your world, including you, sort of—” she waved her hoof around. “—cancel out with our world's signature.”

Okay, that kind of made a little bit of sense, the whole rock in the water thing. I got that, so I asked a question.

“So, if that is the case, how come I can touch any of you? I can interact with things and not cause them problems?”

Twilight looked down, away from my eyes. “Shane, the truth is, I am just starting to understand things. The best I have is a theory so far, that because you breath our air, eat our food, and drink our water. Your... signature is changing slowly.”

I blinked a few times and looked around, then focusing back on the smaller purple alicorn. “Will... this cause me health issues?”

She shook her head. “No, heavens, no. Or, at least, I don’t believe so so. In fact, I think quite the opposite is going on. This event,” she paused and looked directly into my eyes. “Shane, had Sergeant Cortland not been there, had his magic not worked on you, you would have bled out before anypony could reach to you to help. It was only his special talent the ability to seal up wounds with his magic... that saved you.”

I froze at that, not only had magic worked on me, but Cort had saved my butt! I owed him big time, and that would not be something I forget.

“So, this... would be why Luna can see my dreams, and why things don’t break when I touch them?”

She returned a nod to me in answer.

“W-what does this mean for finding me a way home?”

Even a blind man would have felt the change of tone in the air, seen the look from princess to princess. Having grown up around horses all my life, and having seen ponies react somewhat the same. I knew that flattened-ears look. I felt my gut fall out inside me.

“Shane, first... let me explain where and why I believe you and objects originating from your world came to be here, then I will answer that question, okay?”

She looked me in the eyes. I could tell she was upset. Hell, it was written on her face just as clear as day. I gave her a soft nod. “O-okay.”

She sighed deeply and shook her head. “I know you and I have talked about a few things. I will skip some of the details just to keep this on track. Think of all the possibilities of time and space as already having happened. Every decision you make, somepony else makes, shifts the universe some, and another one is created. So, think of them like bubbles in the air,” her horn lit up.

I watched as in the air above me hundreds of little purple bubbles started to float around, glowing circular reflections off of the walls.

“Once in a while, one bumps into another one. As best as my theory can explain, sometimes a little bit of one bubble joins the other. A thought, an idea, perhaps a dream, even a creature," she gestured as two bubbles bumped, but I saw one had a little sliver inside it now, floating around.

“The crack, that little piece of another bubble, floats around and anything it touches changes to be more like where the leftover bit came from. In this case.”

She looked back at me as I looked into her eyes.

“I think a sliver of our universe broke off into yours, and anything it touches or passes through, gets transported here, like a one-way portal.”

I let that bounce around in my head, turning to look at Celestia and Luna before looking back at Twilight. I had not missed the looks of sorrow on the two almost goddesses faces.

“So, the satellite, the cabin, the meteors... me. We were touched by this... sliver. Transported through it like someone shoved us through a door. Can’t you just shove me back the way I came?”

Celestia spoke up with a tone soft and filled with compassion. I turned my head to look at her eyes.

“Shane, there is no... sliver... on this side. There is only the one in the world you came from.”

I again looked around, that sinking feeling was going full tilt now.

“So, I am here... for the rest of my life?”

Three heads nodded in response as I looked at each one individually. There was to be no doubt they had exhausted themselves to find a way to get me back, but it was not to be. What slipped out of my lips was not very gentlemanly nor was it something that should be said in mixed company. though it really was about the only thing that could be said at that moment justifiably.

“Well, fuck.”

21 - I broke a princess

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It is always quite amusing to see the reactions of people to things. In this case it was the collected reaction of three very powerful, very colorful alicorn ponies. The room went fully silent for a moment, before Luna fell to the ground. Now part of me was ready to jump out of bed to make sure she was all right, were it not for a few factors.

First, Celestia did not look concerned at all, and in fact looked to be choking on her own tongue as she fought with all her might to maintain that regal look of hers. Second, I could hear a choking sound coming from the floor, and while I could not see Luna from my place on the bed. I was pretty sure she was either choking to death, or trying her hardest not to laugh out in the royal Canterlot voice by stuffing her hoof in her mouth. In that few surprising moments, I opted to go with the second possibility.

Now, why were they having such a reaction? That would be because of Princess Adorkable to my right side. Poor Twilight, she had that thousand-yard stare, her pupils shrunk to pinpricks. I am pretty certain that twitching of her right eye was not normal. Then you could not miss her wings snapped out wide, every feather out of place, her fur standing on end, her tail frazzled and mane nearly on end itself.

I cast a worried look at Celestia who continued to battle with the laughter she struggled to hold in. “I—uh, think I broke her.”

The white sun goddess’ face broke for only a fraction of a moment but broke nonetheless. I took a minor victory cheer in my head when it did. I had managed to make perhaps the single most-powerful creature in this universe... smirk! Albeit I had not meant to, and my language in front of ladies was unacceptable, but, still a tiny victory.

I watched Celestia step around Luna, who must be on the floor still at the foot of the bed. Reflecting on that moment, I think I can tell why Luna was the bearer of the Element of Laughter in her time. She really did have that kind of personality once you got to know her. Not the bubbly-in-your-face of Pinkie Pie, but a joy of life and a wicked sense of humor. I had found that out my fourth day in the castle, when someone, or should I say, somepony, had changed the enchantments on all of the day guards armor to make them appear to be bright safety orange.

Celestia moved over to Twilight and waved her hoof in front of the purple alicorn's face. “I believe you may have, my little human. I am sure she will recover, but you may be in some trouble when she does.”

She looked over to me. “Of course I will need to add one hundred bits to your fine, and inform your overseer of this."

Glancing over at the frazzled alicorn, who showed no signs of coming out of it yet, then back to Celestia. “Perhaps we could just let Twilight deal with me... and keep AJ out of this? If she finds out, Granny finds out, and…” I paused. “Honestly, she scares me more than any other creature I have ever met has.”

I took note of Celestia's smile, who then leaned down to me and whispered, “A little secret, Shane, she scares everypony on the Council of Nobles. A reputation and respect well earned despite her argent stance of never setting foot in the Council chambers again. I myself have nothing but respect for her, as her kind comes along very rarely in life. A self made mare, proud, strong, and almost an alicorn-like wisdom,” her eyes twinkled a bit.

She leaned back up. “However, I am afraid you will need to face the wrath of the Apple Matriarch. You need to learn to curb that tongue of yours, my little human.”

I snorted. “Good luck,” catching her rolling her eyes then looking over her shoulder as Luna stood back up slowly, trying to wipe away the oncoming tears from her eyes. The smile on her face practically glowed. Then a voice to my right spoke, a very soft voice.

“Shane, did... did you just use the most foul word of words, in front of Princess Celestia?”

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Luna shoot me a sympathetic look before I answered Twilight.

“In my defense, I am wounded, in pain, and just was told I would never see my home again.”

Her wings slowly relaxed as she fluttered them back down into place. Her horn lit up and she smoothed down her mane and tail in one flash, the whole time with her eyes closed. They slowly opened and I saw doom in them. I looked into the abyss of true librarian rage. She did not yell, but rather spoke in that same soft tone.

“I see. I will let Applejack know your defense of the word.”

Now Celestia tittered and covered her mouth with her hoof. This of course sent Luna to the floor again, a hitching giggling sound originating from down there. Once more, I kind of wished humans had expressive ears like ponies did as I muttered. “Could we not?”


After an earful of Twilight's views on foul language, we soon returned to the subject of why magic had worked on me, or at least her theory on it.

“So,” she continued as she had been for the last few minutes. “If my theory is correct, then objects like your weapons, metal objects, and such—things made from non organic substances will never change their wavelength. However, objects like paper, your clothing, and such should—again, in theory—over time absorb enough of the latent radiation of our world to change their signature so a pony can touch them or even manipulate them.”

I gave a nod of understanding. I am no scientist, but what she spoke of kind of clicked as reasonable.

Luna was next to talk. “If Twilight's theory is indeed correct. It would also lend quite a bit of credence to why you were able to not just kill, but break up the corrupt life magic of three timberwolves so they would never form again.”

I pondered on that a moment then I looked around, eyes settling on Celestia.

“How many of them are there? The... timberwolves, as you call them.”

She shrugged some. “No one pony can be for sure, but it is a best guess to say somewhere between three and five hundred across Equestria. Some have been seen in other countries, so, perhaps a thousand in the world total.”

I nodded at this too. “And there is no chance they are just part of the balance, part of nature?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, Shane, there is no chance. They are corrupt life magic, the kind of dark magic King Sombra dabbled in. It is thought that perhaps they are experiments of his, things…”

Luna again spoke. “Things best not spoke of out loud, Twilight Sparkle.”

She tucked her ears, but Celestia nodded in agreement with her sister's words.

I took a moment to reflect on some of the darker moments of human history. I was still pretty sure we had people that made this Sombra guy look like a boy scout. Not that it is something to be proud of.

“So,” again I began to change the subject. “I have one other question. Why are my wounds healed as well as they are, as fast as they are?”

Once more, they each exchanged glances as if deciding whose turn it was to respond. Twilight was apparently chosen as she once more set a hoof on my right arm lightly.

“With the magic that Sergeant Cortland was able to perform, it stabilized you, but you had lost a lot of blood. Blood we have no way to match,” she took in a breath. “Cadence was sent for, and the three of us combined our magic to teleport her here. She utilized her unique love-based magic to heal your arm as far as she dared. She alone among the alicorns has that ability. Luna can touch the moon, Celestia, the sun, I myself can create new magic, and Cadence... well, she can heal the heart and body.“

I blinked and looked around briefly, then back to Twilight. “It would appear I owe a debt to her as well then.”

She shook her head. “Good luck getting her to agree to that, Shane. You would have better luck getting Rarity to stop being generous.”

Celestia then said, “My sister and I must return to our duties for now, Shane. Once you are able to be up and about, you can send me your friendship report, but I think we can overlook it being late considering what has occurred.”

Twilight blanched, her purple coat seemed to shift to a much lighter hue. “Y-you are going to let him be... tardy?!”

Luna rolled her eyes. “Not everything must be on a timetable, Twilight Sparkle.”

Taking that moment to turn, the two alicorns headed out the door. “And you have apologies to make, sister.”

Luna snorted as she let her sister go out the door first. “I do not.”

I heard the alabaster alicorn speak as the door closed. “Safety orange, Luna, you had half my guards in a panic and the other half fainted. They looked like oompa loompa from that movie Shane showed us.”

Luna’s voice cut off as the door clicked shut, mirth in it. “They are lucky I did not make them sing!”

I chuckled and shook my head then rolled a bit to look at Twilight. She had an odd look, almost out of place for her. Something was on her mind, I could see it in her eyes.

“What? And don’t you dare say nothing, Twilight. We may only have been friends a few weeks now, but I can see something is bothering you.”

She looked out the window, then back to me with worry on her expression. “Shane, you almost died. You were very close to.“

I nodded my head. I could see where that would eat at her. “But I am going to be just fine, Twilight. That's all that matters, right?”

She exhaled and nodded, then looked back outside. “Shane, I... I should not be bringing this up. But, it affects someone I care about quite a bit, and a new friend I am fast becoming fond of, too.”

That made me pause, then say in a softer tone. “Come on, Twilight, the talks we have had. You know you don’t have to beat around the bush with me.”

Again, she nodded, shifting her focus to me once more, ears down, a soft not smile but not a frown on her muzzle. “Shane, I know what we have talked about. About how your kind saw animals, and how you see ponies, how the lines are, well, there are social pressures for you there.”

I looked right at her. “Twilight, just tell me what is on your mind.”

She grew quiet then glanced back at my face, quite a bit more serious in her look.

“Applejack cried over you, Shane. She outwardly cried when she believed you were going to die. I don’t want you to answer me. I just want you to think hard on that, okay?”

That wasn’t at all what I wanted to hear. It was a punch to the gut to be quite honest about it. Applejack was kind, and sweet, tough as any country girl should be, but as delicate as lace at the same time. She was my friend, but was she more? She couldn’t be more, she was a pony... on the other hand, ponies here were nothing like home. One thing though was for sure, Twilight was right there were, pressures here I wasn’t quite up to facing. Ones that didn’t even address all the pain and hurt I had in my heart as it was.

“I-I will keep it in mind, Twilight. I would do anything to not hurt AJ, or any of you for that matter.”

The purple mare nodded slowly. “You should rest. The doctor told us you should be out tomorrow afternoon at the rate you are healing. Big Mac is bringing the wagon, and we will all escort you home to Sweet Apple Acres, okay?”

I frowned. “I can walk, you know.”

She put her hoof on my arm once more, the good one. “Would you let them do this? You saved Apple Bloom’s life, and she has been doing everything to find ways to thank you. Just, let them, okay?”

I gave a nod. “Yeah, okay. I get it. I will.”

She smiled, leaned in and gave a soft nuzzle to my cheek before turning and trotting out. Just as she did, she said over her shoulder. “I hear Granny Smith has a hickory switch. You might be thankful for sitting as much as you can before she hears about your slip of the tongue,” the door closed.

“Fuck.” I muttered under my breath.


I breathed out and tried again.

“Big guy, I can walk, you know."

All I got out of him was “Eeyup,” as the large apple stallion continued to pull the wagon. They had really gone all out. The pads in the rear, helping me up in like I had broke everything, not just chewed on by a twig with an attitude.

Applejack and Rarity walked along with us as Big Mac hauled the wagon along.

“And again, I ask, can I please get down now?”


I grumbled. “Damn it, Mac.”

Rarity glanced up at me, blinking. “Shane, darling, do not ruin this beautiful moment. Just accept the gift in the generous nature it was given. Would you really want to upset the Crusaders after all the work they put into this?”

I sighed softly and glanced over to Applejack, who was looking quite smug. “No... and quit that before I have to tell everyone you talk in your sleep when you nap next to Sir Appleton after lunch, AJ.”

She lit up with a deep blush and gave a little tug to her hat, pulling it down lower to shadow her eyes as the three of us laughed lightly.

As we rounded the last corner, I could see Sweet Apple Acres, and... wow. There out front was, at my best guess, every colt and filly from the schoolhouse all gathered under a big hoof-painted sign that read ‘Thank You, Mr. McDonald!’ on it. I could also see parents and others standing around, beaming proud looks at their foals.

Truth be told, I got a tiny bit choked up hearing them let out a cheer when they saw the wagon coming. Four little ones stepped out in front as we came to a stop. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, who had a bandage over her left ear and part of her head, Sweetie Belle, and the little grey unicorn I assumed was Dinky. Little Dinky had a bandage around her barrel, and one leg, her eye was covered with a patch and small wrap. Sliding down the wagon, I smacked Mac’s hoof away with a playful jab and shot him a ‘I can do it myself’ look.

Slipping down to the ground, I walked over and looked over all of the little fillies, and was lost to life. Suddenly, the smallest one, Dinky, was hugging my leg as tight of a grasp as her wounds would let her, sobbing.

“Thank you, Mr. McDonald, Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so sorry we went chasing that ball and we should have got an adult, and then the timberwolves attacked, and…”

I knelt down and put a finger on her lips to quiet her. “Dinky, right? You don’t need to be sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong other than not getting an adult to help. I am not mad, I am just glad you are okay. You are okay, right?”

A voice from my right caused me to look up from my squat at a wall-eyed pegasus mare. “My little muffin is going to be just fine, thanks to you, Mr. McDonald.”

I could see tears welling up in her eyes and I smiled at her. “The Apples and Rainbow helped. I just acted like a snack to distract them.” reaching out and giving Dinky a small touch on the neck with my fingers I stood up, looking around to see all the food laid out and a few party games.

“Now, who do I have to thank for this welcome?”

Three voices spoke out at once. “That would be us Mr Mc—Shane. Well, Pinkie Pie helped set the decorations, and everypony—” it was Apple Bloom talking alone, and she gestured to all the other fillies and colts around her. “—helped make the sign and stuff, because we all talked. You are so nice, you helped save us, and everypony is super glad that you are okay!”

I shook my head a bit. “Well, thank you all, then. I am honored.”

A cheer went up and all the little ones took off to do what ever little ones do at a party. I exhaled and watched the three Crusaders trot off to hang out with Diamond and Silver.

Standing alone for a few moments simply to take in the party atmosphere and all of the ponies here. I reflected on that, I had more friends here than I ever had back home, even back in high school. I guess it just took me a bit to see it. The way everyone here pitched in and came to help others without reservation. I was broken out of my self-reflective moment by a pony in the corner of my vision, standing next to me.

“I hear I owe you my life.”

Cort gave a snort and glanced at me then back to watching the foals run around. “I am just thankful I was able to stop the bleeding, Shane.”

I gave him a nod. “I won’t forget the debt I owe you, buddy.”

He shook his head and held up a hoof to me. “Don’t owe me nothing, Shane, we are friends.”

I smiled some at that, and bumped my fist to his hoof gently. He was right, we were friends, perhaps best friends. Something I had not let myself have for a long time before now. Standing quietly, watching folks enjoy the party, with a good friend at your side. Not many things better in life.

22 - Display day

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I was sitting up on a small rise next to a large apple tree as the party had eventually begun to wind down. Applejack had told me day one on the farm that every tree had a name. This one was one of her favorites, Sir Appleton. So I sat there in the evening sunlight, watching ponies talk, just simply reflecting on things.

I was absentmindedly rubbing my left arm, feeling over the heavy scars, the few scabs, pondering on magic and what it had given me. So lost in the moment I neglected to hear the pony take a seat next to me. I only became aware of her presence as she started to speak.

“Ya remind me of my brother. Proud, strong, confident, but with a mouth that can get ya in trouble,” the older voice came from the faded mint-coated mare with white mane next to me. I looked over at her, but remained silent for now.

“They never got ta meet their uncle. Real shame, too, would have got along real well with Big Mac,” her ears lay back. I could see a story coming.

“He was always headstrong, but not arrogant, nor cocky. One night he spoke his mind to a couple of gryphons in a bar…” she glanced over at me. I looked her in the eyes and could see the sadness in them. “Didn’t find all of him,” she turned and looked back out across the orchard.

I spoke softly. “I am sorry for your loss, Granny.”

She shook her head. “Like ah said, you remind me of him somethin' powerful. Ya just got more control,” turning back to look right at me.

“Please, Shane,” I think that was the first time she ever said my name. “You watch who ya talk like ya do to. Ah see how AJ and Mac look at you, how Apple Bloom follows you around. It would break their hearts if somethin' like that happened to ya.”

She began to rise to her hooves, albeit slowly. “But ah suspect ya know that already, just don’t let me catch ya cursin' in front of Apple Bloom. Ah won’t tolerate that one bit,” and with that she started down the hill, leaving me to stew in her words.


So it went for the next two weeks. I got up, worked a light duty as my arm was still recovering some, spent my free time writing or hanging out with my friends.

At one point, Rarity had asked me if I had any pictures of ‘western’ clothing. I had an old cavender’s catalog and I lent her a few articles of my clothing. What she came back with, well, it really floored me. She'd made me three pairs of genuine canvas jeans, true right down to the rivets. Five nice, heavy button-up long sleeve shirts that were all subtle and not flashy. She, in true nature, refused to let me pay her back, but I did manage to come to an agreement with her into letting me clean the gutters and eves at her shop.

Fluttershy had brought me a ‘house warming’ gift of some smoked fish. Once more, it struck me with surprise that she was not squeamish about it. She also had me over, and I met Harry. Talk about a shock, the big bear was taller than me when standing on his hind legs. It had been a bit intimidating at first. Then I suddenly found myself in a bear hug, literally a bear hug. Turns out he was a pretty relaxed creature once he figured out on his own that I was no threat to his caretaker, or him. About the only creature she had around that gave me the stink eye was a little white rabbit that I am pretty sure I need to watch close.

I did not see a lot of Rainbow Dash, but such is the life of a Wonderbolt, as her friends explained. It's a shame, I liked the arrogant, cocky pegasus. She had style but knew when to not be too all-up in your face. Ponies seemed to underestimate her, other than her friends of course.

Pinkie, well... she was Pinkie. Small doses, and she seemed to have picked up on that. Friendly, happy, outgoing, but she toned it down a bit around me. In turn I'd discovered she had a weakness, and that was having her chin scratched. So, we established an accord of sorts. She didn’t get too bouncy around me, and I gave her chin scratches now and then as a reward.

Twilight was always so busy, much like Rainbow. The life of a princess consumed her day to day time but she always made a point of setting aside some for her friends. That, as it turned out, included me, not just our tri-weekly meeting, but some down time, too.

Applejack, well... that was a matter of some mixed feelings. She and I spent the mornings and afternoons working side by side. We conversed as we worked. I learned about her parents passing, heard her views on events in her life, every day getting to know her better and better. In turn I shared with her pieces about me growing up, about life in general, even some about Shawna and Cassidy. Nothing too deep, but it came up time to time and she never pushed.

I was still not sure how I truly felt. When I looked over at the orange-coated mare I saw a proud, strong country girl. Yet I saw a pony, too, and that conflicted with everything I was ever taught. I knew in my head she wasn’t an animal, that the laws and social stigma about that was quite different here, but... one can’t just change forty some odd years of upbringing.

That said, she did remind me so much of Shawna sometimes. It was a bit scary. Terrifying, even. The way she would smile just so, a look, a comment, even just being quiet and looking out at the trees in a particular way. Despite all the internal struggle about my feelings, more than once I had to look away from her eyes before I started to blush. Damn it, Shane, what the hell have you gotten yourself into?

I was broken out of my internal thoughts by my name being said.

“Shane, Shane! The princesses sent you a letter!”

Jogging down the path from the road into the orchard was a little purple and green-scaled drake. I blinked. What was Spike doing way out here?

“Uh... hey, Spike, what is up?”

He huffed and puffed, holding up a claw to me, a gesture to give him a second to catch his breath. Applejack wandered over as he was bent over, breathing heavily. “Well, howdy there, Spike, what brings ya out to the farm?”

As he caught his breath, he stood back up and held out his other claw, producing a scroll in it. “P-Prin-Princess Celestia sent Shane a letter. Must be important if she sent it by dragonfyre. So I ran all the way here to deliver it,” still trying to catch his breath.

I reached out and took the parchment, making note of the wax seal of Celestia's cutie mark on it atop a red ribbon keeping the paper rolled neatly.

“Thank you, Spike, you are the dude,” I held my closed fist out and down to the little dragon. He only came up to my knee, but I knew from arm wrestling with him, his strength quite nearly matched mine. He bumped his fist into mine.

“No problem, S-Shane. Applejack, could I go to the house and get a drink, perhaps see what Apple Bloom is up to?”

She gave a nod to him. “Why, sure thing, Spike! I bet ya could talk Granny into a slice of apple pie, too. I think she keeps a few bottles of gem sprinkles around just for ya,” a grin appeared on the apple mare’s face.

I laughed watching Spike jump up and take off with a fading “Thank you!”

I then focused on the scroll in my hands, moving a finger down along the edge, breaking the seal carefully and unraveling it, reading to myself as Applejack looked on. I let out a soft exhale and looked up at her.

“I am being summoned before the E.U.P. Command to demonstrate my weapons, then I am to meet with the Council of Peace, and lastly, joy of joys,” I rolled my eyes as AJ shook her head. “I get to meet with the Noble Council.”

She perked her ears. “When?”

I glanced back down at it “Tomorrow, they are sending…” I let the scroll roll back up. “A chariot and an escort, Cortland and Golden have to go, too.”

I heard from a few trees off said a mare’s voice. “Well, buck me sideways, so much for Cort and I getting a day off!”

I shook my head. “Also says I have to bring an advocate, but I cannot choose Twilight,” looking back down at the country mare. “AJ, would you—”

She gave a warm bright smile, and a nod. “Of course ah would. Ah don’t know about havin' to deal with them highfalutin' nobles, but ah guess ah can deal with a day of them for you, sugarcube.”

In a moment of pure spontaneous, good ol' boy, 'here, hold my beer, and watch this' moment, I blurted out as I looked AJ in the eyes.

“Perhaps we can grab dinner together, just us.”

Then the brain kicked in, and it hit me like an oncoming train what I had just said. Seems it hit Applejack, too, as the blonde-maned mare was staring at me with her wide emerald eyes. She slowly gave a nod with a tug of her stetson.

“Sure, we can do that, long as it ain’t one of them places that give you a postage stamp of food and tell ya it’s gourmet.”

I tugged my hat down in response and nodded back. “Sounds good. I should get to packing,” and left before my voice or my eyes gave away just how hard my heart was pounding.


Not an hour later, Cortland knocked on the door into my barn room. I glanced up as he poked the door open and saw the look on his face, glaring at him. “Not a damn word, Cort.”

He shook his head as he came in and closed the door. “Shane, you got to tell her! Why you are so hesitant?”

I snorted. “Yeah, that is going to sound great… Oh, AJ, by the way I really am into you, in fact I may very well be falling for you. However, you are a pony and I am a human, and it is taboo among my kind. Of course, then there is the whole I was married and my wife got killed in front of me, so, sorry about that. But, hey, you can deal right?”

He frowned as I stuffed another pair of pants into my bag. “Shane, you are the most thick-headed, stupid, stubborn son of a whorse I have ever met.”

I glanced up at him again and shrugged softly. “It is what it is, Cort, I just... fuck, I don’t know what to do.”

He walked over, lifting one hoof and placing it on my arm as he stared sternly. “Tell her, you idiot. She is the Celestia-damn Element of Honesty for Luna's sake. You think she won’t understand? Won’t find a way to help you both get through this?”

I shook my head in response. “Like she wants a guy like me, when she could have any stallion she wants,” again, trying to destroy any hope, any thoughts I had.

He emanated a grumble. “Luna’s left teat, you are stupid sometimes!” as he turned and trotted out with a slam of the door.

I watched the door for a moment and then sat on the bed. Reaching down to a little box of private stuff under it, I slid it out and opened it up. The only picture of them I had sat on top, and I ran a finger along it it lightly, tracing her long hair.

“Shawna, what the hell do I do? God, I miss you so damn much, and I am tired of being alone. You would have liked her, Shawna. She is so much like you. Of course, she is a pony. I just don’t know what to do, darling. I know, I know. I have to learn to let go, but, how can I?”

Pausing to reach up and wipe my eyes with the back of my hand. “I am so screwed up, Shawna, even if I knew how to let you go and try again. AJ deserves someone far better than me.”

I closed my eyes and shut the box, muttering, “Fuck, just... someone tell me what to do.”


I was pretty quiet on the flight up to the castle. Then again, we were in the damn chariots being hauled in the air. I despite flying, I really do. it just ain’t natural! Oddly, that's something else Applejack and I have in common. I quickly put that thought out of my head. I needed my A-game going today.

We soon landed and were greeted by Celestia, who took us almost right away over to the Guard training grounds. I noted they had listened to my suggestions and put up thick log walls on three sides of a small ‘range’ of sorts. Once more, my suggestions were headed and they had set up five pony dummies with old armor on them. Next to them on a log sat five metal milk jugs, and lastly, there were two pegasus dummies sitting on the ground in armor that looked well abused and beat up.

“Celestia, what is to keep ponies, or anyone else from seeing this demonstration, past yourself and, whoever you have invited?”

She smiled some. “We will be casting a sphere of silence around the area and what is known as an obfuscation spell. It will make the shield spell set around the test area, impervious to all but the most powerful scrying spells. Even they will trip my detection spell and tell us someone is trying to observe.”

I gave a low whistle. “You don’t kid around do you?”

Looking over at me, she shook her head. “Not when it comes to a promise to a friend, or the safety of my little ponies.”

As I was opening the strongbox up and taking out the three weapons I had brought, I then glanced up to see all FOUR princesses, flanked by Shining Armor, a number of what I assumed to be generals and other high ranking officials, and a few scientist-looking types.

I decided to perform the demonstration three-gun style, so in order. First I would take out the five armored pony dummies with the rifle, followed by the five milk jugs with my single action, and finally, the two flying dummies and two ground targets. I was told they would be held and ‘flown’ by magic but a direct hit by a crossbow arrow would send them tumbling to the ground.

As I loaded my six gun, a shadow fell over me. Turning to look, I found Luna watching over my shoulder and a few of the military types with her.

“Shane, will you be kind enough to explain the weapon to General Burning Bridge and Flight Admiral Metal Wall, please?”

I turned and dipped my head to the Earth pony and the pegasus. “Gladly, Princess Luna,” always quite careful of where I let the gun point as I turned the cylinder with my fingers and dropped in the fifth round.

“This is called a revolver, or a six-gun. It holds up to six point-four-five long-colt rounds,” pausing to slide one out of the cartridge loop on my belt to show them. The earth pony snorted as I showed them the lead tipped round.

“That little thing purports to be able to kill at a distance? I doubt that can even scratch our armor.”

I glanced at the pegasus, who wasn’t quite as dismissive as he tilted his head and observed. He opened his mouth and spoke in a lighter tone. “You are still adamant about not showing us how to create this t... technology you called it, yes?”

I gave a nod to him, spotting Cortland and Golden over to the side of the field watching and observing. I looked back to him. “Flight Admiral, if I have that right, after this demo, I hope to hear you and the others want to outlaw ever researching weapons such as these.”

I paused then looked down at the gun as I set the cylinder and lowered the hammer on the empty chamber, having only loaded five. “Weapons like this have killed millions of my people, Admiral, you ponies don’t want this.”

Again, the earth pony snorted. “They are just toys, foal toys, not weapons of war,” turning and heading off. The pegasus shook his head and turned as well, following behind.

I shook my head at the actions of the general and picked up the old Winchester. Pushing five rounds into it, and chambering one with a metallic shink and click of the lever. I set it on the station table, then moved over and picked up the old coach gun. Cracking it open with a flick of my wrist I loaded two number four buck shot into it and closed it up, setting it on its station table, making sure it was pointed downrange. Once done, I turned and walked back to the bleachers, glancing around. I did note a faint shimmer in the air, that must be the shield Celestia spoke of.

Giving Shining armor a nod, and the other alicorns a bow, I spoke up.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” and was promptly cut off by a purple princess.

“Mares and gentlecolts, Shane,” correcting me. I rolled my eyes, and noted Cadence covered her muzzle with a hoof to hide her giggle.

“Thank you, Princess Twilight, but as I was saying... Today I have been asked to demonstrate my world's technology as I have with me. I will be doing what is called a three gun competition shoot. The goal is speed and accuracy at each stage. Stage one will be a lever action rifle, shooting this—”

I tugged a long colt out of a loop on my belt and held it up. “I will hit all five dummies before setting the rifle back on the table and running to the second stage. There I will again shoot this round from the handgun on my hip here,” I gestured as I slid the round back in its loop.

“Last, I will move rapidly to the third stage, where I will fire four times, one each at the flying dummies, and once each at the two bow targets set up. At the end of the stage I will set the shotgun down on the table, open, and pull my hands into the air. That is the sign to stop the timer.”

Looking around at the ponies all watching me, I exhaled, not really ever been one to be the center of attention, but I knew just about every one of them here. “Any questions?”

Luna lifted her hoof. “Shall we put a shield up between yourself and the stands, should thy weapons malfunction?”

Once more, the dark army-green stallion huffed. “To protect us from what, Princess, a foal's toy?”

I ignored him and gave a nod. “Perhaps that would be for the best, just in case. Also, they are quite loud, perhaps you could dampen the sound for everypony here?” I saw Twilight get a smug look and I rolled my eyes at her.

Shining Armor returned a nod. “I can adjust the harmonics of my shield spell to do that, Shane,” and offered a genuine smile. I suspect he had seen the reports of the timberwolf attack and understood what was about to happen. Without further comment, I turned and walked back to the table at station one, putting my hands down on the table to each side of the rifle laying on it.

I had worked out with Twilight prior to this a signal to start, and she had something she called a 'timmer spell' that would show in magic numbers in the air the seconds, tenth seconds and hundredth of a second fly by. I gave a nod of my head, and a moment later I heard a buzzer sound.

With muscle memory and reflex I grabbed the rifle up and brought it to my shoulder. Not a moment's hesitation as I fired the first round. The report cracked off, along with a long cloud of white black powder smoke. It had not even finished expanding and I had cycled the old Winchester and moved to the next target. Five cracks, five targets, I dropped the rifle lightly on the table and turned, sprinting for the next table station.

Arriving at it, my right hand flashed down and brought up my six gun. The first round was on its way even before I had the gun fully up and extended, and the only pause was my left hand coming up to fan the hammer. Fifth round down range, I dropped the pistol back into the holster, pausing only to click the safety loop over it as per rules. Again, going on pure muscle memory, I was rushing for the last station.

Snatching up the double barrel coach gun, I saw the two pegasus dummies flying in the air, the bluish one cut right, the gold one cut left. Shouldering the shotgun as my thumb tugged the hammers back. I let the left barrel go, not even watching to see if I hit the darker one, I switched targets to the golden one and dropped the hammer on the right barrel.

Looking down as I cracked the shotgun open, two shells flying out past my shoulder. I jammed my hand into my pocket and tugged out the last two rounds, slamming them in and snapping the shotgun closed. Up to my shoulder once more, I gave the two bow targets one barrel each. Flicking the break lock, the shotgun dropped open as I slammed it onto the table and tossed my hands in the air yelling. “Clear!”

Huffing to catch my breath, I turned, and looked at the bleachers. No pony there spoke, none. Not even the general dared. Each looked shocked, a few like Cadence and Twilight looked more horrified. Even Luna tinted a little green as she sat there, her sister's wing over her now. Speaking of Celestia, her look was easy to read. A mix of sorrow, anger, fear, and understanding all at once.

My eyes dashed to Applejack, who had her hat back, and was looking not at the targets like the others, but at me. Her green eyes wide, sure she had seen me kill the timberwolves, but, this was another level. There was no fear in her expression, but there was a understanding and, perhaps, oddly sorrow that seemed to be for me, not aimed at me.

Finally, Twilight spoke up. It cracked as she addressed, “T-thirty-five point-eight-one-four seconds. H-he was able to wipe out a unit’s worth of targets in... under thirty six seconds.”

Luna spoke up, stumbling into a language that it dawned on me was German-like. “Mein gott, was? Hat seine welt geschaffen?”

A voice filled with contempt spoke up. “So he was able to hit a bunch of targets, that doesn’t mean they would have killed. Heck, we don’t even know if it damaged the armor.”

The pegasus next to the green general snapped out. “Burning, you old fool, look at the pegasus targets! His first shot nearly ripped the head clean off it, and the second removed the dummy's left wing!”

I glanced up at them, seeing the general shrug. “Two out of fourteen. Somepony else would have gotten him.”

I had enough. I spun and walked back to the tables then past them. Walking down the range, I snatched the helmet off one of the guard dummies and marched back at a good clip. Golden and Cortland tensed up. They knew what I was like with a good mad going.

I marched right up to the dark green general and thrust the helmet out at him, my finger through the perfect hole in the back of the neck protector, showing a head shot that would have killed its wearer. Some of the fluff from the dummy still clung to the sharp peeled-out, jagged edges of metal. I just wiggled my finger, then yanked it out and dropped the helmet in front of him.

He picked it up and looked at it, his expression going from smug to a look of horror and realization. Looking from it, to me, back to the helmet again. “It... it punched through magically-enhanced armor like tissue paper.”

Many eyes were on me, including four powerful alicorn princesses. I gave the general a nod and then sighed out. “Now do you understand, General? Do you understand why no one, nopony, should ever have this technology?”

I turned my back to the gathered group and looked out at the range once more. “We humans have created—no, perfectedthe art of killing, of war. We became so good at it, that our kind can kill from miles away without even seeing the enemy target. The guns I showed you today, they are archaic in my world, a bygone era, surpassed and eclipsed by more efficient weapons. We are monsters, General, and I aim to see this technology dies with me. That—” I turned and looked at Celestia, looking right into her eyes sternly.

“That is why I asked for the promise from you, why I don’t want the items studied. I don’t want to be the one responsible for introducing the rapid escalation of war to this world.”

She looked right back into my own eyes, then said just loud enough for all there to hear.

“You have my word, Shane McDonald, they will never be studied by my ponies, or left to fall into the wrong hooves.”

23 - Council of Peace

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We were walking for the next meeting after cleaning up from the demonstration. Turns out Luna and Celestia had thought up just about everything including how to track and find every last bit of lead I had shot and pick it up with my help. Some kind of scanning spell Twilight had been working up that let them see the ‘voids’ as it was explained. So, very little chance any of that will fall into the wrong hands, hooves... Damn it, Twilight! Now I keep hearing her correct me in my thoughts, a big fuck you to my brain for adding her voice to my internal conversations.

Applejack was strolling along on my three, we still had not said much to each other since my little... Oh, who are we kidding, I all but asked her out on a date. Part of me worried I went too far, while part was concerned that I was leading her on. Another part of me felt shame for betraying Shawna like that, but... there was that final quarter of me really looking forward to it.

Celestia and Luna walked in front of us, while Twilight, Cortland, and Golden moved behind us. Speaking of, Cort and Golden were armored up, and I had been asked to ‘put a shine on’. So I had on a new button up shirt, changed out to a nice pair of jeans, and wiped down my old cowboy boots. Golden had made comment that I "cleaned up real good for a hick". That of course had earned her a poke in the side that made her snort and laugh.

As a group, we approached a door and stopped. Celestia turned and looked at me. “Shane, please, allow the three of us to go in first and announce you properly. Despite this being a rather casual meeting of world leaders, there are still formalities that must be observed.”

I rolled my eyes and gave a nod. “Eeyup,” making the stetson-wearing mare next to me chuckle some, and Twilight to roll her eyes. I swear to you, that mare is going to go blind if she keeps doing that so hard. I caught her mutter under her breath.

“Two of them, for Faust sake, what did I do to earn this punishment?”

That made Luna snicker some, and I barely heard Cortland trying his hardest to keep his laugh in. I knew my ways frustrated the hell out of her, but her comment was a fond one. She really was pretty darn laid back for an all-powerful magical purple mare.

I glanced back to her and smirked some. “Become an alicorn, they said. It will be fun, they said.”

Twilight broke. A little smile and a light chuckle slipped from her despite the odd look Celestia gave. Luna, on the other hand, seemed to have got it, and joined her smaller co-ruler in light bemusement at my joke.

“Are we done being silly now?” the white alicorn of the sun asked with an arched eyebrow.

I almost lost it as three voices answered her simultaneously. Myself, Luna, and of all the surprises, Twilight all said together, “No.”

As the laughter finally died down, Twilight and Luna gave nods and turned, entering the door as two guards opened it for them. It closed behind them and I glanced at AJ next to me.

“You understand all this formal craaah—er, stuff?”

She shrugged. “More than ah wish I did. A lot less than most do. Bein' the Element of Honesty means ah got to go to a lot of mucky muck events.”

“Thank you again for being willing to come, AJ.” I looked down at her and found myself once more looking into the greenest eyes I had ever seen. Then she smiled. Right then and there, I forgot how to breathe for a moment.

“Sugarcube, ah am right proud to be here with ya, and ah would do it again ifn’s ya needed me to.”

I broke myself away from her gaze and tucked my hat down a bit lower. “It means more than, you know, hearing that.”

I heard behind me Cort clear his throat, but before I could tell him to shut the hell up, the doors opened. Two guards flanked them and held them wide. Standing center was a young-looking pegasus colt, had to be all of twelve perhaps if I had to make a guess. Perhaps a year or two older than Apple Bloom was.

As bid we stepped forward from the light into the darker room. My eyes starting to adjust just as the young pegasus spoke out in a loud, clear voice.

“Introducing for the first time before the Council, Shane McDonald, representing the humans, and his advocate, the Element of Honesty, Lady Applejack Apple of House Apple.”

I took note first of the fact that Cort and Golden had taking up spots flanking AJ and I. Then I looked around the room, and blinked quite a few times. Creatures of myth and legend back on my world stood around, looking back at me.

My eyes set first on a huge imposing form: a bull standing upright, arms crossed, almost a good foot taller than Celestia herself, his deep blue fur exposed by the fact he had no shirt on, marked by long gray streaks I realized were scars. Even his face was strong, but not looking at me with a scowl as I might have thought. Rather he had a thoughtful, intelligent look to his eyes as he seemed to be trying to figure me out. Whatever the case, I was a touch awestruck seeing an actual, living Minotaur.

Standing next to him, I found my eyes shifting to a chimera. The feathers, the beak, the lions form, a gryphon! I could see the claws, the sharp edge of that golden yellowish beak. The way his or her eyes focused on me all seemed to combine to set off the whole ‘predator’ alert in that core of my head. That was however offset by the fact the creature was holding a glass of brandy in one claw.

Looking around more, I saw two creatures that looked very much like deer, standing with another that was a caribou if I didn’t miss my guess. Again studying the room, I noted two pegasi, two unicorns, and two earth ponies. There were a couple of ponies that looked, quite different from the ones I knew.

I then spotted Princess Cadence and Shining Armor standing over near Celestia and Luna. Unsure what to do next, I felt Twilight nudge me in the side. Looking down at her, now just when did she slip in next to me?

“So, I would recommend you and Applejack just mingle, talk, get to know everypony here.” Oh, I was not going to pass this chance up. I leaned down and whispered. “You know, there are a lot of non-ponies in the room, saying anypony is kind of... speciesist don’t you think?”

I watched her grow a wide-eyed look, snap her head, around to look at others then back to me. “D... do you really think so? I never thought of that! Oh, this could be awful. I could have created a international incident!”

I knew I had to calm her down, despite the bemused look being thrown by quite a few here. I guess her reputation as both a scholar and having epic freakouts was well known among those present. I reached out and proceeding to press a finger to her nose, booping her gently. This had a instant effect as she backed up a step, blinking and looking at me with a kind of 'what the hell’ look.

“Twilight, calm down. I was only kidding, and I suspect no one here takes offense,” as I quietly said to her and gestured around with my hand, making note of even the older-looking gryphon and his amused smirk.

She flustered and shuffled her wings a few times then huffed at me and trotted off without any further word, right up to Celestia’s side. I felt AJ nudge, then whisper up to me. “Right handy little idea there, Shane.”

I smirked at her and wiggled my fingers. “See, they are good for more than carrying baskets after all.”

We kicked off things by walking over to where the four alicorns all stood with Shining Armor. I gave him a warm smile and bowed to everyone there respectfully.

“So, Shane, are you prepared to meet others of this world?”

I gave the solar princess a nod. “As ready as I could be, I suppose.”

She turned and gestured. “Princess Cadence and Prince consort Shining Armor, rulers of the Crystal Empire, may I formally introduce to you, Shane McDonald of the human species.”

I gave a slight bow a second time. “A pleasure, your highnesses,” taking note of the warm smiles on both of their faces.

Cadence leaned in and said in a lower tone. “Flurry will be so upset she missed you. She was quite upset when we had to leave.”

I smiled right back. “I wouldn’t mind watching the little tike for a hour or two one day... with some help, of course. I am not really equipped to deal with magic that powerful.”

Both gave a nod and I turned as Celestia gestured. Walking with me, Applejack at my side, but quiet, over to two very tall white ponies. Well, I say pony, but they were nearly Celestia’s size in height, albeit much thinner, and more horse-like.

I eventually learned that they were from a place called Saddle Arabia, and were not quite the same species as the ponies in Equestria. I am not even going to attempt to pronounce their names again, it was difficult enough remembering them with Celestia whispering them in my ear. I was glad I turned out to be not the only one who had that problem and they seemed to be very understanding of it.

I then met ponies from Cloudsdale, Canterlot, Manehattan and then Maretonia pony who was a bit more... blocky, if I had to use a word. Next were two from a place called Stalliongrad... alright, the horse puns really were starting to get to me.

I had the honor of meeting and talking to the two of the deer tribes, learning they were very druid-like in culture. The caribou with them introduced himself and explained their culture was more nomadic but had close ties to the ponies and deer cultures.

I found myself standing before a rather large buffalo, when AJ piped up. “Why, Stomping Hoof! How are y’all doing?”

The great beast before me gave a soft smile. A voice deep, rumbling, but not loud came from him.

“Applejack Apple, it is good to see you, friend. I was only made aware yesterday you were advocating for our newcomer. Little Strongheart will be disappointed she could not be here to see you again.”

Turning to look at me, he dipped his head. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Shane McDonald of the humans. We have been informed of your plight, our shamen have done all the could to find a way home for you. I am... sorry we could not find one.”

I lifted my eyebrow and glanced over at the alabaster mare next to me left side. She smiled some. “It is true, Shane, many here went to their leaders and asked for help. The buffalo tribes were asked by Chief Thunderhoof himself to try and find ways for you to get home.”

Well, that humbled me a bit more to know not only did the ponies try, but many other cultures, people, creatures tried their best, too. All of this for one person. Me.

Turning to look at the shaggy creature before me, finding myself not having to look down too much. “Stomping Hoof, I am humbled and honored by your tribes efforts. Thank you for that.”

He tilted his head and gave a smile. “Sun Princess, you did not lie when you said he knew how to be respectful and honest,” glancing back to Applejack again. “Influence of the apples, I suspect,” and winked at her.

After some exchanges of pleasantries, we moved on to the final two. Both Twilight and Celestia had been trying to give me tips in our moments before, but I held up a hand and said softly. “Let me sink or swim on this one, please.”

I had been sizing up the two creatures the whole time, and I suspect they did the same. Walking over with the small group, I stood before the huge Minotaur and the wide gryphon.

“Iron Fist of Minos, and Gladblade of the Gryphon Empire. May I introduce to you…”

Twilight, who was introducing me, was then cut off by the big blue bull. He got down lower and looked me right in the eyes. I did not flinch back, but rather stood my ground, as he gave a huff. Then a bit of a smile grew on his face.

“No fear do I smell, no tremble do I see, no hesitation do I hear in your words,” he spoke in a voice that was a rumble lower than even the buffalo's was. Then he stood up straight again and offered out his massive hand to me.

I did what I thought would be right, and rather than gripping his hand, I grabbed his wrist. This caught him by surprise going by his face. He looked down at our arms, then up at my eyes as his huge hand closed around my wrist.

“You... honor the old ways, the warrior's grip. You bring much respect to your kind, human. It is my pleasure to meet you.”

We slid our arms back and I turned to the gryphon, who was still sizing me up. I thought about things for a moment, and in a pure guess, I brought my right fist up to my chest, closed, imitating what I had seen in a few television shows.

His eyes grew wide in surprise, then he set his glass down and returned the gesture with his head held high. “A traditional greeting, someone has been coached.”

I shook my head, and cut off anyone else by answering first. “No, sir. In truth, it was a educated guess. A traditional salute from among many early empires of my kind. It was my hope it was proper to give you.”

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Celestia and Twilight both beaming warm and bright. The Gryphon before me dipped his head. “A good guess, and one that, as my colleague here said, brings honor with it. You are as truthful as they say, honest. Then again, I see the company you keep. It is said it is very foolish to lie in front of the very avatar of honesty.“

I glanced at Applejack next to me, who gave the big Gryphon a nod. “Was one of the conditions of becoming his host family, he had to uphold the Apple honor,” she glanced up at me, “An' he ain’t disappointed anypony, not once.”

The large bull once more spoke up. “We were all informed of your run in with timberwolves, that you were grievously hurt during the battle. Tell me, human, do you bare scars of that fight?”

I blinked, then without really thinking about it, undid the button of my left shirt cuff and rolled it up, exposing the scars, a few still a little pink. “I did, yes.”

Both the Gryphon and Minotaur studied the scars, and individually nodding. Once more, Iron Fist spoke. “You should bare them open, wear them with pride. It speaks to not only your code of honor, but your prowess in battle,” I saw the Gryphon nod his head in agreement.

“While my kind is a warrior race, the very idea of anyone harming a hatchling is...” he shook his head, not really needing to finish that thought. “We were told of your sacrifice to protect foals not your own. It speaks to what we have been told of you and your ways. I look forward to speaking more to you, Shane McDonald.”

Speaking more? I glanced over at Celestia who had that smile of hers. That smile that said she was working the room and likely had been for ages. Once more I found myself cursing her mentally, the game she played, and the fact she was the grand master of it.

The next few hours were, in fact, rather pleasant. I learned quite a bit about the various races and cultures. I discovered why the council exists and what powers it has and does not have. Turns out they retain the power of their respective leaders to sign treaties, oversee contracts, and negotiate for shipping and manufacturing jobs.

Though, it all had to end, as we were expected for the afternoon session of the Noble Council. Not something I was looking forward to, nor was Applejack by the look of her. Cortland walked over and glanced at his cousin then back to me.

“Shane, I was just informed and asked to bring you up to speed on who will be at this next meeting.”

I glanced at him curiously. “Well, that doesn’t sound ominous or anything, Cort.”

His ears folded back slowly. “House Blueblood, House Dark, and House Trident will all be attending the meeting. That means…”

Applejack cut him off. “The prince, and two of his supportin' houses will be there. Granny warned me about them bad apples.”

I groaned a bit, but then nodded. “Let me guess, I am to be on my best behavior and I am not allowed to glare, tease, or harass that stupid mother fff—” I cut myself off, but not before I got a death glare from two alicorns and an apple mare.

Cort gave me a nod. “Golden and I will be running picket for you, but if’ns one gets through, yes. You are expected to be on your best behavior. Please, Shane, ah know you don’t like him, just... try, okay?”

I gave a long sigh and looked down at the orange cowgirl mare next to me who glanced up at my face and gave a nod.

“Yeah, yeah, alright. No kicking, no name-calling, and no stomping him into a curb. I won’t promise, however, that I will not smack him like the bi—the jerk he is, especially if he starts to mouth off.”

Cortland let off a sigh. “I guess that is as good as ah can expect from you.”

24 - The House of Nobles

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I stared at the building before me, a frown curling my lips. A look mirrored almost perfectly by the orange mare at my right side. Cadence had joined us once more and, along with the other three co-rulers, was now inside waiting for us to arrive.

“Well, guess we shouldn’t drag our feet, let's get this over with," I said.

“Hooves,” came from behind me.

“Shut up, Cort,” my comment caused Golden to snicker. I heard two hooves bump and I shook my head.

We all walked in, the doors being held open by what I took to be pages or perhaps private security of some sort. The chambers were what one would expect: overblown, ostentatious, and pretentious. I could not help but note the good fifty or so ponies of all kinds in the room.

We were not announced as the last meeting. Rather, we just kind of stood there a moment before a familiar stallion made his way to us, dressed in what I took to be a business jacket. I gave him a smile, even going so far as to bow my head a bit respectfully.

“Sir Fancy Pants, it is nice to see you again.”

A warm smile was returned to me. “Now, Shane, please, just Fancy is fine," he waved a hoof, "It is a honor to have you visit the House.” he leaned in some and spoke in a volume only Applejack and I could hear, but not projected to others around. “You have friends here, Shane, ones you did not know you had. They will watch out for you in this pit of vipers.”

I was about to comment when I heard a snort in a tone I knew pretty darn well. I chose not to let myself look in that particular direction, in fact straight up ignoring the pompous ass of a unicorn. I think that ticked him off, because from the small group of ponies around him, I heard a mare's voice. “Somepony seems to have declared it barn day.”

I knew the dig was at me, but it was likely aimed at Applejack, too. However, I needed not worry about her, as she turned her head and responded. “Why, Cloudy Tempest, how wonderful to see you! I must say, that is a fetching dress. Last year's bargain bin from Barnyard Bargains if my eye serves me right.”

I think half the room just sucked in a breath and held it. I myself had never heard Applejack put on a tone like that, or switch her accent off like a light switch. Then it hit me, a memory of her cutie mark origin story, she spent a bit of time in the high life with her family, the Oranges. I was bearing witness to AJ reminding everypony there, she may not be Granny Smith but she would not be talked down to!

I heard Fancy clear his throat and speak from next to me. “Now, now, ladies, let us remember, we are expected to remain hospitable,” even as the dark grey pegasus mare sputtered and tried to think of a comeback.

Behind me I heard Golden mutter in a very quiet whisper. “Damn, someone get that mare a burn kit,” forcing me to have to work harder to keep myself from breaking out in a smile.

Turning, we walked for a group, Fancy in the lead walking side by side with Applejack. “Quite the appropriate way to mark where you stand in the pecking order here, Miss Apple.”

She smirked some and tugged her stetson down a bit. “Ah won’t be talked down to, and ah won’t tolerate somepony doin' it to Shane.”

I don’t think she meant for me to overhear that comment, but I had. I glanced at the back of her head as we walked just behind her and the cobalt-maned unicorn. Inside my heart skipped a few beats, and I was once again struck by the fact she and Shawna were so much alike in too many ways.

I also took note other than the fact that Luna was quite visibly working her hardest to hold a laugh from bubbling out, and poor Twilight looked like she had witnessed the second coming. Other than that, the four princesses sitting at a table near the head of the room were keeping particularly quiet.

Approaching the small group Fancy was leading us to, I spotted a tall, rather skinny, but fetching white mare. She was unlike most I had seen, with her stance and look speaking ‘model’ to me. Next to her was what I took to be a earth pony stallion, his grey coat, white mane, spoke to yet another in the ‘model’ or fashion industry type of pony. There were a number of others standing around in the group.

Fancy gestured first to the mare. “Shane McDonald, may I introduce my wife, Fleur Dis Lee. Fleur, darling, you of course know Lady Applejack.”

As he introduced her, I reached up and took my hat off in greeting. “A pleasure, ma’am.”

The mare gave a warm and genuine smile, something that I suspected was pretty rare in this place. It really is why I hate the games of society.

“A pleasure to meet you Mister McDonald, and of course, Lady Apple, it is a pleasure to see you again,” leaning down some, she added in a quieter voice. “Bravo on putting Cloudy and her little cliq in check. I was only a filly the last time your grandmother stepped hoof in the chambers. You remind me much of her.”

The orange mare's cheeks flushed and I set my hat back on my head as Fancy turned a bit. “This, Shane, is her manager and one of my best friends. Hoity Toity, may I introduce you to Shane McDonald.”

Oh boy, his voice was everything I imagined it would be as he looked up over the frame of his purple lens glasses at me. “The hat, the manner of dress. Why, I know that stitching,” he got a rather animated look. “That is one of Rarity’s designs. So bold!”

I gave him a single nod. “Yes, sir, she did make this shirt and a few other pieces for me. She used a book of clothing pictures I had from home and borrowed a few of my shirts to look at.”

He lowered his glasses more and examined me up and down. “Mr. McDonald, would you be willing to let me see this... book?”

I shrugged. “How about you talk to Rarity about it, sir? She was first to see it, and I wouldn’t want to go behind her back.”

Fancy leaned over to his wife and spoke, but I picked it up with ease. “I told you, it is as the princesses said. Honest and direct.”

Again, I frowned some, and I flicked my eye to the smug-looking white alicorn at the table near the front of the room, once more struck with the fact she was playing a damn game and I seemed to be twenty steps behind now. Just what was that mare pulling?

I was soon introduced to many others of the noble houses over the next hour or so. I got to meet a few more with the name Sir as part of their title, and were they real honest-to-goodness knights. This really was a room of the movers and shakers. I was, however, also acutely aware of the dirty looks originating from the small group of ten or so around ol’ Blueballs.

Just as I was becoming tired of it all, we were informed the house had a vote on the floor. Applejack and I were asked to observe from a place at the rear of the room. Yet again, Princess Sunbutt the Smug dashed a smile over at me, but her eyes spoke of far more nefarious things.

Walking into the room, it felt almost like a copy of the congressional floor. I did notice the princesses were not part, but rather up on a balcony. Studying it over, ponies I had met took up seats and pillows behind desks with a few up on the podium area, but where the Speaker of the House would have sat, the chair and desk was empty.

A pony to the right of that desk tapped the table. “Call to order, call to order. A motion is on the floor and has been seconded. I recommend we waive reading of the bill a third time. All in favor?”

I looked around and spotted many horns light up with a soft blue light. The ones who were not unicorn among them tapped buttons on their desks that lit up a small blue crystal on a little pole above them.

“Opposed?” once more, horns and crystals came on. I noted the cluster of red ones around a particularly-nasty little white unicorn. Man, I really am starting to despise that guy.

One of the ponies in that grouping spoke up suddenly. “I again call for a vote of no confidence, this abomination can not—”

A voice barked out from behind, turning to see a very regal and strong-looking unicorn mare standing there. Her deep midnight blue coat, long flowing golden mane, and a cutie mark of four stars in a circle around a crescent moon.

“That is quite enough out of you, Shady Trident!”

A few gasps, and not a few groans were heard as the earth pony mare I now knew was named Shady spoke up. “H-House Speaker Dame Lulamoon, I... that is, we—”

She walked down the path, stopping just next to me and staring above my head at the mare and group in question. “Oh, stuff your hollow words, Shady. I have known you far too long.” then she looked down at me, taking her seat beside AJ who had removed her hat. I reached up and snatched mine off, too.

“Mr. McDonald a pleasure to finally meet you. I apologize for being tardy, but my train was inconveniently late. I was in Ponyville speaking to my daughter, Beatrix." Her smile was much like Fleur’s was. Genuine, despite the air of the room. “She spoke highly of you.”

I had to blink. “Beatrix, ma’am?” hearing AJ, Cortland, and Golden begin to nicker a bit behind me.

The mare before me shook her head. “Perhaps you know her better by her... chosen name,” she grimaced faintly. “The great and powerful Trixie.”

I blinked again. “Trixie... that showmare, is your daughter?”

She gave a firm nod. “I had hoped she would go into politics like her mother, but,” she shrugged. “What can a mother do? She is happy with what she does,” she then glanced at AJ in turn. “It is nice to have an Apple in the chambers, Lady Applejack. I trust, of course, knowing this group, that nopony bothered to tell you, that you hold a vote, as well,” gesturing to one of the empty desks.

Getting a good look from where I was, I spotted the apple carved into the wood, the hoof shine to it, the clear custom work that made it stand out a little from the others. Applejack simply shook her head. “No, ma’am. Ain’t my place, but if you wish it, Granny would be mighty upset if ah didn’t show some respect to ya.”

She nodded and turned, walking down the aisle. I peered over at AJ who stood and trotted after her, taking the spot gestured at as the taller mare strolled up to the podium and took the speaker's desk.

“Now, I believe we have one vote left. Lady Apple,” a pause followed. “The vote on the floor is tied, yours would be the tie breaker.”

I remained just a little confused and slightly wary as I watched this go on. Applejack knocked her hat back and ignored the stabbing glares from the group of ponies across from her.

“Dame Lulamoon, ah am afraid ah ain’t got a clue about what we are to vote on,” she responded honestly.

A smile crossed her face, one that mirrored a look I had seen just a few minutes ago. My head snapped around to look up at the box with four alicorns in it. Three of them had knowing smiles, while one had an eager grin.

“Oh, how forgetful of me. Forgive me, Lady Apple. Before us is a vote of extending permanent citizenship to this country's first human.”

My head snapped around and I blurted out in surprise. “What!”

Her hoof banged into the desk three times and she glared at me. Ever get that glare from your mother that makes you just shut up and sit back again? That was exactly what I received, and let me tell you, I decided to snap my mouth shut instantly.

“The gallery will remain quiet, please,” she addressed, turning her head back to AJ. “The resident visa holder in question has shown themselves to embody everything it means to be a citizen of Equestria. The applicant risked life and limb for others without thought of themselves. They have shown themselves to be honest, truthful, and forthright. Lastly, they have been recognized for merit by the crown itself. So, Lady Applejack Apple, how do you vote?”

I immediately noticed Applejack hide her look of surprise and turn to glance at me over her shoulder. Her smile grew warm, and so did I in more than just my face seeing that. Damn it, Shane. get a grip of yourself! Then she turned and pressed down on a button. The light above her lit up in bright blue.

Tapping her hoof once more, the chairpony announced in a clear voice for all to hear. “Motion carried and passed,” then her hoof jerked up and pointed at the group around Blueblood, who looked livid and held a scowl at me.

“Each of you shall remember your place, or I will fine each of your houses one hundred-thousand bits! Am I perfectly clear on this?” All nodded in turn before she tapped her hoof again. “The house is now adjourned.”

My gaze snapped around, but Celestia was just walking out with Twilight at her side, Luna and Cadence behind them flanking each other. I ground my teeth some, not that I was mad, but they could have spoken to me about this first.


I had tried to get Celestia alone, but the best I could do was a side room with her, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, the Dame Lulamooon, AJ, and Cortland. As soon as the door was closed, I spun around and looked that alabaster goddess straight in the eyes.

“Excuse me, but, what in the fuck was that?”

Yeah, in retrospect that was a bit crude, especially in front of so many ladies. That didn't change how much anger burned inside me, and that good ol' boy nature was turned up to eleven. My outburst earned a glare from Luna and a gasp from most there. Both Cort and Applejack hit me in the thigh, left and right at the same time and growled out.


I gave out a grumble and snatched my old black stetson from my head. “I apologized already. Just, what the heck, Celestia?”

I missed the comments around me as I was glaring the sun princess in the eyes. Off to the left, Dame Lulamoon leaned over and remarked to Luna. “He really does have a mouth on him.”

This only got her the reply back from her of, “Thou have no clue, Gealeich.”

Of course the alicorn before me didn’t even ruffle a feather as she retained her smile, looking me eye to eye. Her cool demeanor did hide a little glint that told me perhaps I had stepped a little over the line.

“First off, my little human, you are legally still a ward of the Apple family. You would do well to remember that when addressing us.”

All right, she had a point. I fingered my hat held to my chest and then dropped my hands down to my sides, hat in my right hand.

“Yeah, okay. I am sorry for the crudeness, your highness, just... what was all that? Why didn't someone talk to me first?”

She paused and looked at me, then glanced over her shoulder at Luna, who just smirked and muttered. “We told thine so, sister.”

I watched her roll her eyes and shift her attention back to me. “In all honesty, Shane, perhaps Luna was right and I should have approached you prior to this vote. However, I wished it to be a surprise, I thought a happy one... but I see where my approach was flawed.”

There was a gasp, and a thud, causing us all to turn and see a purple alicorn on her side, out like a light. I blinked, but the other three princesses started to chuckle some. Seeing the look of confusion on many faces, Cadence spoke up.

“Hearing the words flawed come from Celestia is always a bit much for her. Twilight labors under some very lofty views of her mentor.”

I sighed and knelt down, using a hand to make sure she had not banged her head on anything too hard. Already she was starting to wake up. Her eyes fluttered open and looked at me.

“O-oh, Shane, I had a nightmare, I think. First you cursed at Celestia, then she said something so horrible, I can’t even repeat it!“

I glanced up and over at the others and shook my head, before looking back to the purple alicorn as I helped her up. “Afraid you did hear bo—ouch! Hey!”

She had slugged me with a hoof in the arm pretty darn hard. “You deserve that! What were you thinking using such language in front of the princesses! Why, I—”

I cut her off by giving her nose a small poke with my finger. This made her back up two steps and shake her head, going cross-eyed a moment. This was much to the amusement of many in the room, including the Dame Lulamoon.

“Will you stop doing that, Shane?!”

I smirked a bit more. “No, it’s cute, and you make the most adorable little faces when I do it. It also saves me from hearing Twilight lecture number seven-fifty-two on my language.”

She huffed and muttered. “It’s lecture number one-thousand, sixteen-point-two. Lecture seven-fifty-two is on late books.”

I again shook my head and looked back to Celestia as I rose to my feet. “So?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “You have shown my little ponies care and self sacrifice. You have shed your own life blood to protect others. You strive not only for truth, but justice, law, order, and what is right, even if it is counter to your own needs. Your core code of honor is beyond question, and your commitment to harmony is clear for all to see.“

Truth be told, I was a bit awestruck. I mean, to have a goddess and ruler address this to your face was, well, humbling. I blinked when her hoof lifted and she placed it on my shoulder.

“Shane, we—” she gestured around and returned her hoof to my shoulder, “—want you to make your life here, to remain in Equestria as your native land. We cannot return you to... er, Texas, but we can try our best to make this a place you call... home.”

I took a pretty hard gulp to force the lump in my throat down. Reaching up, I took my old stetson off once more and looked around the room. Even the Dame was giving me a smile and a soft nod. Turning my head back to her I dipped my head.

“I... I don’t know what to say, but. Look, I know you all tried your hardest to get me home, and you have gone above and beyond to make me feel welcome, even when I have broke the law.”

I glanced down at Applejack, who was looking at me with the widest emerald eyes. Hope in them, hope I would say yes, it was impossible to miss. I looked around at Twilight, and Cort, Golden and Luna. Everypony looked the same.

“I... would be a fool to not want to become part of, well, whatever you want to call this. Yes, I will accept this, and swear myself as a citizen.”

A small cheer went up from most of the ponies in the room, Applejack and Twilight the loudest only just edging out Luna, Cortland, and Golden.

“Very good, my little human, because you are expected to swear your allegiance in a ceremony tomorrow, in the throne room.”

With others clapping and talking, I leaned over and said in a lower tone. “How long have you been planning this... truth, now?”

That wicked, evil, sun-controlling mare just patted me on the shoulder and smiled... damn her!

I was about to turn when she said in a very casual voice. “Now you have a reason to celebrate on your date with Applejack.”

Like a ton of weight, the words crashed into me.

I had a date tonight... with Applejack!

25 - The Date

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I looked in the mirror as I attempted to get the bolo tie adjusted just right. I wore my best shirt, the best pair of pants I had with me, and even had a fine polish on my boots now, thanks to some of the guards loaning me some items.

I had shaved, too, something I had not done in over five years. No longer a big, bushy beard. I was sporting my old look: a proper horseshoe mustache, though I had kept a little patch of goatee to round off the look. I knew it would be a surprise but, well, I wanted to look my finest.

“Come on, Shane, you look like a damn slob!” I said to the guy in the mirror out loud.

Before I could go any farther with my self admonishment, there was a knock on the door. I really was thankful to Celestia and Luna for giving me the same room I stayed in before, just for the night. It was nice to have a place that felt familiar.

Walking over to the door, curious as to why Cortland had not peeked in and asked if I wanted to talk to someone, I found myself instead looking at a big unicorn stallion in a full set guard armor. Like, a full set!

“Captain Swords. And to what do I owe the honor?” I asked with a genuine smile. It was nice to see the guy once more. I counted him as a friend of mine, even if we had not spent a lot of time together aside from the press conferences and my early first days here. He had always been a stand up guy with me, and that counted for a lot.

He cleared his throat and looked a bit... awkward. I also noted Cort was not present at the door. In fact, no guard was. They were all further down the hall trying to look like they were not sneakily observing and eavesdropping on what we were doing.

“Shane, I-I, well,” he paused, and I tilted my head slightly before he continued. “I came by to thank you in pony. You protected somepony I love a great deal, when I was not able to be there to do it myself. For that, I owe you a debt.”

I could see how hard this was for him and shook my head softly. “No need, Captain—”

He cut me off, a softer look now on his face. “Cross, it is the name my friends call me.”

I nodded back to him. “Cross, you don’t owe me anything, but I will be honest, I am not sure who we are talking about here.”

That made him grin a bit. “My wife,” then I looked up behind him as a mare stepped into view. One I knew very well. She had a little unicorn hiding behind her leg, and an even smaller earth pony foal sitting on her back, but I knew her well.

“Dusty?” I looked at her smirk, then back to the captain, back to her, and I blinked. “Your wife... is Dusty Shelf?” I muttered, starting to grow a smile.

“That she is, Shane, the little one on her back is Burnished Spear, and that little filly hiding behind her mother is Bright Spark.”

I smiled even warmer now. “They are adorable,” then looking to Dusty, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

She chuckled and flicked an ear. “Orders, Shane, but I am free to say now. It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Agent Dusty Shelf.”

All right, that made my eyebrow lift and I looked at her. “Agent…” I repeated in question. She gave me a nod, as did the captain.

“So, you were spying on me? When Blueba—” I stopped myself there, little ones were paying rapt attention to me. “—the prince did what he did, he had... no clue?”

She shook her head. “No, I really do clean rooms and work as staff here. I am, however, also part of Celestia’s Division Three. It was just my job to keep a eye on things, and report anything I learned about you. Just as I told you when we first met,” she stepped forward next to her husband and put a hoof out, setting it on my arm. “Shane, you did a brave, foolish, wonderful thing. Thank you for that, from both of us, thank you.”

I ran my hand through my hair. “Yeah, I do that a lot it seems. Shawna used to call it the 'hold my beer and watch this' moments.”

The captain chuckled a bit, then the little one on the mare's back blurted out, “Holbeer!” making me break out in a laugh.

A small voice then spoke out. “Momma, what does that mean?”

I just could not stop smiling now, as I squatted down and glanced at the two adults, who gave a nod. “Well now, Bright Spark,” I had the little blue filly's full attention. She didn’t have her cutie mark, so guessing I would put her around eight or nine.

“That means when someone does something foolish, that they know they shouldn't do, or don’t even bother to think about if they should do it.”

Peaking around her mother's hind leg, she looked at me for some time, before nodding slowly. “Like when my friends all dared each other to jump off the bridge into the water.”

I gave a warm, deep laugh. “Exactly like that,” standing up straight again. Looking them each in the eyes, I nodded to them. “I just did what was right.”

They glanced at each other. I tried to read what that glance meant, but no joy there.

Cross gave me a soft grunt. “Still, you did what the rest of us could only dream of doing, Shane, and I will repay you for that.”

I returned him a nod and extended my hand out. “Your friendship is payment in full.”

A hard look settled in his eyes as he slapped his hoof into my hand and shook firmly. “You have that, human, until Thanatos takes us both.”

Dusty looked so proud, but I just kept my focus locked with the stallion's. I had acquired new friend, one as loyal as the rest, and I would return that feeling in spades.


I found myself fidgeting and trying to keep from sweating... too much. It had been agreed ahead of time that Golden and Cortland would ‘double date’ with us, but on their own, to keep an eye on me and Applejack. Not that she needed that, but, why take chances?

“Shane, will you relax? It's only Applejack!”

I glanced down at Golden who was in what I would call a summer dress as she stood next to Cort, who donned on a dress shirt of some kind, minus the pants, as was what was custom among the ponies who wore clothing at all.

I exhaled softly. “Golden, I ain’t done this in, well, longer than you have been alive.”

She rolled her eyes with minor annoyance. “So? Just enjoy the time alone with her! It’s dinner, not your wedding night.”

I huffed and turned away, mostly to hide the light pink that crept into my cheeks at her words. Right about that time, the door to the little anteroom we were waiting in opened and I looked up. I genuinely found myself having forgotten how to breath.

Standing there was, well, I knew it was Applejack, and sure, I was having a little miniature struggle in my head. What with? The whole ‘she is a pony’ thing, but… you just can’t work with someone as long as we had been and not see just how gorgeous she was right now.

She was in a flowing summer dress of soft greens and antique whites, her mane done in a braid but her tail loose and flowing. Her hooves were polished up and black as can be, and I would have to be blind to not spot the subtle hints on makeup and mascara. Nothing fancy or garish, but clearly done in that rustic cowgirl going out on the town way.

I could not help it. I stuttered, “W-wow, Applejack, you look... Wow.”

The pink shooting up in her cheeks and ears likely matched the ones on my cheeks as we both looked away. She spoke in soft volume. “Rarity came up early for the ceremony tomorrow. Soon as she found out about us goin' out tonight, well… you don’t think she overdid it?”

All right, look, I am a human, she is a pony. However, she is also a woman, and I will be god damned if I am going to let her think she is anything less than perfect. I walked over and looked into her deep green cores, slowly kneeling down in front of her.

“Applejack, I-I think you are about the most beautiful gal I have set eyes on.” I just hoped Shawna would forgive me for saying that to this mare. In the back of my head I was pretty darn sure she would have smiled and approved of my uplifting AJ’s self esteem.

She looked back at me, the blush still vivid on her face as she flicked both ears upright. “Ah... ain’t never seen you dressed up before, an' what happened to yer beard?”

I smiled some. “Well, I figured if I am going to be escorting a noble, I should do my best to look one hundred percent. Plus, I was growing tired of the itching all the time.”

She grinned back at me and we both just shared a moment of quiet before I stood up and glanced at the other two. I took note of the warm smile on Golden’s muzzle, and the sly smirk on Cort’s. Applejack happened to be looking away, so I flipped him the bird. He gave a chuckle, while Golden simply looked confused. I guess I should get around to explaining that gesture to the rest of the ponies and not just Cortland and Big Macintosh.

“How about we get going? I was given directions to a place that Pinkie Pie suggested, said it has the best food in Canterlot.” Sure, it helped to have reviewed the episode on my tablet just a few nights ago. The one where she and Rarity helped save the restaurant we were going to.

Applejack glanced up at me curiously. “Is that the same one the map dun sent them to? What was it called, uh...“ she tapped her hoof on the floor in contemplation. “The Tasty Treat, that was it!”

Golden looked up at me with wide-eyes. “You got us a reservation at the Tasty Treat? You know how hard it is to get in there?! They have a line around the block... for lunch!”

I winked at the two mares. “Called a little favor in with a certain pink friend of mine.”

This made Applejack glare up at me. “And just what did that cost you?”

I shrugged some and coughed. “I had to promise to let her throw me a ‘Congratulations, you are a citizen of Equestria’ party... and I have to stay the whole time... and enjoy myself.”

They all three chuckled in response, before Cort said, “Well, how about we take a walk rather than the carriage?”

I glanced down at AJ once more, who was now standing at my side and looking up at me with a bright, warm smile. “You okay to walk in that?”

She gave a firm nod. “Sure can!”

I looked back to Cortland and Golden again. “Well then, lead the way.”


I won’t lie, the whole walk I kept glancing down at that orange mare. The battle inside raged on, she was a pony, but she was my friend, but she was a pony, but she was so much more. She must have seen me deep in thought and came to a stop. I blinked and looked around, then back at her. “Applejack, you doing all right?”

She gestured. “Cortland Apple, you and Golden go on. We will catch up in a moment.”

They gave a nod, and then I turned and followed her into a small park. Really, it was small. A postage stamp of one, though it was still nicer than most parks I had seen growing up.

“What’s up, AJ?” I asked, masking a bit of concern in my voice.

She patted the bench seat with her hoof. I sat down on it, not very well, but I could sit and it put me more close to her head height.

“Shane, Twilight explained some things to me. Stuff about yer home, about the world ya grew up in.” I started to open my mouth to speak, but she cut me off. “Hush, you let me get this out!” I looked into her eyes. She was being serious, so, I simply nodded for her to continue.

“Ah get it, okay? Ah won’t ever push. You are my friend. Heck, one of my best friends. Truth of it is, ah like you, Shane, in a way ah ain’t liked a stallion before,” holding up her hoof to keep me from talking again. “But, ah get it. You might never return them feelin's and ah can live with that. What ah can’t live with is you beating yerself up inside all the darn time,” she stopped again, looking me right in the eyes. “Okay?”

I breathed out slowly and darted my eyes away for a moment, then back to her stare. “Applejack, quite frankly, yeah, there is all that. But there is more... a lot more. You know some of it. Shawna, I…”

Her hoof set on my knee gently. “Ya still love her. How could ya not?”

I gave a slow nod and looked away again, embarrassed. “I like you, AJ, but... it is... complicated.”

She leaned up and touched her nose to my shoulder and nudged. “Then let’s just take things one day at a time. Friends, going out to dinner, no pressure, alright?”

I found her eyes again and saw the smile on her face, it was genuine. She wasn’t sad right now, like I thought she was. “I would do anything to not hurt you, Applejack.”

Her look grew soft. “Ah know, Shane, ah know. Now, let’s go eat, ah am hungry as a hog at a flapjack convention.”

I stood up and reached out, touching her chin. “I... meant what I said, AJ, you look... incredible tonight.”

Deep inside, I really did grow warm seeing her blush, which brought a smile to curl my lips.


Dinner was absolutely fantastic, I can say that without a single reservation. I had not expected much but, boy, was I surprised! Now, I am not knocking Applejack’s cooking, but the spices, the warm burn and heat of the curry, the way the vegetables were cooked so perfect, I forgot it was all vegetarian. We had all ate our fill and then some. Cort and Golden had ended up joining us at the same table, and the conversation was as great as the food.

Cortland had given me a few looks here and there and I had silently told him to shut up. This of course made him chuckle and had the mares wondering what we were up to. Golden had made a comment—with AJ agreeing with her—that when the two of us were together, we acted like foals. You know, I can live with that.

The walk back to the castle, I almost expected something to happen the whole time. Nothing did, much to my surprise. It was quiet, tranquil, and honestly, well-nigh perfect. We had taken the long route, and most ponies seemed to smile and dip their heads to us. Sure, you could see a few snooty ones, but, for the most part, it seemed the ones here in Canterlot were a good sort for city folk.

I walked Applejack to the door to her room and knelt down, touching her chin again, and I smiled. “Thank you, Lady Apple, for letting me escort you to dinner,” I addressed jokingly, knowing the formal stuff would drive her up the wall.

She didn’t scowl, she didn’t huff. She just looked at me for a moment, then in a sudden rush, leaned up and planted a kiss right on the cheek! Letting out a giggle that was half a snort, she spun and ran into her room, the door closing fast.

I stood up but I stayed there, staring at the door blankly, and gently rubbing my cheek with my fingertips. Right at that moment, I felt the same as I had the first time when Shawna had kissed me on the cheek. Turning, I was lighter than air as I walked down the hall, missing the five mares peeking out of a door and already making a break for AJ’s room. I didn’t catch the smirk on a few guards' faces. Hell, I don’t even remember the walk back to my room.

The whole time I just kept touching my cheek and muttering with a stupid grin on my face. “She kissed me.” For that moment, all the memories, the stress, the social crap... none of it mattered.

I fell asleep that night with the smile still wide, from ear to ear. That voice inside complaining about her being a pony, an animal, and this being against god’s wishes, it was doing the wise thing for once and keeping quiet.

26 - Citizenship

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I woke up to a knocking on my door. As always I tugged the sheets up around me out of instinct. Sure, I had on a pair of boxers, in fact about the most comfortable set I had ever worn. Rarity once again went above and beyond about a month ago and made me five sets. I finally got her to let me pay her for them at last, only to have her turn right around and take me to lunch and pay... With the hard earned bits I had paid her for them with. That mare!

“Uh, yeah, come on in," I said aloud.

I looked up to see Dusty trot in, and a warm smile pursed my lips. It was nice to see her again, and now that I knew the truth about who and what she was. It made things a lot more friendly, at least in my mind.

“Shane, good morning. Still in bed, I see,” she said with a grin, glancing at the clock on the shelf. “You do know you have an hour to get ready, yes?” as she slid a brown paper wrapped package off her back onto a chair.

“Er, yeah, I was just going to jump in the shower... okay, yea I was still asleep,” I smiled sheepishly as she turned around. I got up and grabbed a robe, another gift from the Element of Generosity herself, snugging it around me. “All right, so what's in the package?”

She chuckled and looked at me. “Why, darling, it would not do to have you accept your citizenship before the princesses and all of Equestria in anything but the finest,” she did a passable imitation of Rarity’s voice.

I blinked and shook my head. “She does too much for me. I mean, it is really nice; an honor, really, but still.”

Dusty set about starting to open the package. “She is the Element of Generosity, might as well get used to it. Next you are going to complain about Rainbow Dash being loyal, or Fluttershy being kind to you!”

I shook my head, chuckling. “Yeah, yeah, I get it,” as I walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

I walked out a half an hour later to find Dusty was gone. However, one thing that stood out most, hanging on a tall coat rack was a suit. I walked over and fingered the black coat on it. “Well, I will be damned. She made a perfect Lubbock suit,” my look of surprise transformed into a smile.

Not ten minutes later, I was dressed up in the dark coat, the white shirt, my bolo tie, of course my finely polished black cowboy boots. I had even spent a few moments brushing out the stetson to give it as good a look as the ol’ thing had in it.

Giving myself one last look in the mirror, I strolled over to the door and opened it. It came across as a little surprising, seeing Golden and Cortland there, in full dress armor. The gold shined, the white gleamed. Both looked like they had spent quite a bit of time grooming themselves.

Golden gave a smile and a nicker. “Well, Rarity is right, you do clean up nice.”

I shook my head and glanced at the two of them. “Let me guess, soon as I left Applejack, the hens came clucking?”

Golden may have look confused at the term, but Cort let off a soft laugh. “Ya have no clue, poor cousin AJ, but ah suspect they had a good girl's night in talkin ‘bout that date.”

I gave a nod and looked around, taking note of no other guards present in the hall. “So, I take it you are my formal escort?”

They both nodded in response. “We are proud to take the assignment, too, as it is our last,” their ears individually falling some. “After this, we are likely to both be pulled back into our units, Shane. I mean, heck, you will be a citizen after today.”

I gave a soft frown, then glanced down the hall. “Doesn't mean we are going to stop seeing each other, Cort, Golden,” I pushed a small smile onto my face and looked back down at them. “How about we get going? I suspect it is bad form to keep a princess waiting.”

He gave a nod and the fell in step next to me, Cortland on my right, Golden on my left. I heard Golden sniffle, “I really am going to miss Ponyville, I made so many friends there.”

That got me wondering too. After all, I only had two weeks left on my sentence and I was a free man. Where would I live, where would I work? I really had no clue. They were things I needed to start thinking about immediately.

We turned the corner to find two individual rows of guards. There must have been forty day guards, and the same amount of night guards. Staggered down the hallway on both sides, alternating solar then lunar. As two I recognized saw me, they snapped to attention and bellowed out together. “Honor Guard, ATENHUT!”

Like a gunshot, eighty spears snapped up their shafts banging into the ground so they were upright, eighty stallions and mares went rigid and at attention. I really did have to pause. I mean, was this that big of a deal?

The two commanders, Solar and Lunar, walked over. Looking first to Cross, then over to his lunar counterpart, I dipped my head. “Captain Crossed Swords, Captain Night Shade, what is going on?” asking with a tinge of confusion in my tone.

Both smiled, but it was the slit-eyed, bat-winged pony that spoke. “It has been six hundred years, Shane McDonald, since a new species has become a citizen of this country, let alone one that holds the Guard's highest respect and trust around our princesses. We are honored to provide you, and your personal escorts, an honor guard.”

Cross Swords called out over his shoulder. “Huhaa!” and eighty voices barked back as one.

“HUHAA!” before the captain looked back at me. “Captain Armor wanted you to understand your place here, that you have earned respect among the Guard, as well as among the princesses.”

I swallowed the small lump forming in my throat and lifted my right hand up to touch two fingers to my hat brim. “I am right honored, all of you."

To my right, Cortland spoke up. “Captain, permission to continue?”

Both grinned and nodded. “Sergeant, Private, see to it nothing happens to your charge,” before saluting, the two ponies at my side returning the respectful gesture. The captains rejoined their ranks and we started our walk. Each pair of guards we walked past, right and left side, snapped their spears forward as we passed them.

A glance back out of curiosity I could see the tips touching, a kind of arched block. The symbolism was not lost on me at that moment, just as I could not go home, I could not walk back the way we had come. This was a step, another in the path of leaving my old life behind and accepting what I had here.

Returning my eyes to watch where I was walking. The meaning of all this was clear, this world, the ponies and other creatures in it. They were not my own, and I was not theirs, yet they were willing to give all they had to see me happy. From my new friendships, to the princesses who ruled this country. My harmony, my happiness was what was important to them.

It was a lot to take in, and a bit for me to reflect on later. For now, as we passed the final guard and turned facing a door, I paused and looked right, then left at my two friends. “Thank you both, I—well, I wouldn’t have made it this far without the two of you at my side.”

Both beamed as bright as can be, Cort replying, “We can say the same, Shane. Heck, if you had not come along, I don’t think Golden and I would have had the time we have to get to know each other, and…”

Golden’s blush said it all, and I gave a nod to Cortland. “I get it, buddy, I get it. Now, perhaps we should get going?”

He grunted and reached out a hoof, banging on the huge door three times. A golden glow bright as the sun took hold of it, and the doors started to open.

As they finished opening, what I saw must be two, perhaps three hundred ponies! No, no not just ponies. There were gryphons, a few Minotaur, including a big blue one I knew. There were the deer tribe, their friend from the caribou tribes. I let my eyes wander the room, trying to take it all in. As I did, I noted more guards, again both from the Celestia's Solar Legion and from Luna’s private Lunar Shield. Up front, upon the diaz stood four alicorn goddesses, a golden carpet laced with blue and purple lines and symbols, edged in pink led from where I stood up to them.

From our right, a voice addressed loud and clear. Shining Armor himself, in his full dress armor, called out. “My princesses, a worthy soul has come. One that shows true harmony, who carries in his heart honor, truth, and kindness. I beseech you on his behalf, welcome him.”

All right, I really had no clue this would be so formal. Determined to play my part and not embarrass my friends or the ones standing to watch, I stayed very quiet and listened on.

Celestia spoke up audibly, her voice carrying across the room. “Let him approach, we will hear of his story.”

Cortland whispered up to me. “Walk up, stand in the middle facing them, do not kneel... yet.”

So I did just that. Walking along the rug I noted so many that I knew from here or there. Not just guards, but ponies from Ponyville, from Canterlot, nobles, shopkeepers. There standing near the rope edges was a mare I had to blink a few times before I realized who she was and why I recognized her. It was the one I had recovered the purse for. I watched her dip her head in respect to me.

I stood, looking up at the four alicorns, and they looked right back at, each with a warm smile and looking proud. To the left side now that I was past the crowd edge, I spotted the girls all dressed up nicely. Applejack gave me a wink, and I decided that was all I needed. I eased up a bit more and turned looking at Celestia once more.

“Speak your name, your species, and your home's name, so all may know you, young one.”

I lifted my head a bit, raising my voice for all to hear. “My name is Shane McDonald, Texas Ranger. I am a human, and I come from a place called Earth.” I wasn’t really an active ranger anymore; but, once a ranger, always a ranger.

Oh, I did not like the sparkle in the big alabaster mare’s eyes. She had that exact one when she invited me to meet the nobles. She is up to something, and like before, I was too far back to even hope to catch up to her.

Luna spoke next. “We recognize you, Shane McDonald. Do thou know why thy stand before us?”

I gulped softly and nodded. “I come before you…” reaching up and taking my hat off, holding it close to my chest. “Hat in hand, no home, no people of my own, a stranger to this land,” I just spoke what my heart felt. It was a rather odd feeling, almost like something was feeding me words, something far bigger, far more powerful than any creature in this room. It wasn’t a terrifying feeling, rather it was warm, happy, safe. I could not place my hand on why, but I knew deep inside something far bigger than myself was guiding me.

I also did not miss the princesses all look at each other in surprise at my response. A glance by Cadence to the apple unicorn to my right earned her a head shake of no from him.

Recovering, Cadence spoke next. “You stand here, and ask us for a home then? A place of your own, where you can find friendship, harmony, even love?”

I thought for a moment or two, then nodded my head. “Yes, Princess, I do.”

It was Twilight who chimed in after a few seconds passed. I am not sure I had ever seen her look so... well, so princessy if that is even a word. Even at her coronation there was a newness to her. Now it was pretty easy to see she was starting to come into her own.

“Will any among you tell us why we should accept this, human?”

A voice raised to my left “Ah will!” my eyes looked to Applejack, whom stood forward and then walked down the steps to turn and stand in front of me. “Princess Twilight, Princesses. Ah with ma' own eyes watched this human when he first arrived. Ah watched as he gave up his own protection, ta make sure we were the ones safe. I watched this stallion, scared and alone accept friendship an extend it in kind. Never once has he lied, never once has he tried ta hide the truth of who, an' what he is.”

Celestia eyeballed her, then gave a nod of her head. “The Element of Honesty has spoken, and we accept her eyewitness account. Will anypony else speak?”

“I will,” came from where Applejack walked back up to stand with her friends. The blue pegasus mare lifted off some and glided down to land, standing in front of me facing the princesses as Applejack had.

“I watched with my own two eyes as this stallion saw a criminal act. With no thought of his own safety, he chased down the purse snatcher and subdued him without doing any real harm, even returning the stolen purse to its owner,” turning, the Wonderbolt in full dress pointed to the mare in the audience. “And now, she stands here, to watch him come before you princesses. A chance encounter that has made a friend.”

Luna gave a nod of her head. “So speaks the Element of Loyalty.”

As Rainbow Dash returned to her spot, Celestia called out. “Will anypony else speak?”

To my right, a country voice spoke out. “I will, my princess!”

She seemed to have been expecting it, but I sure as hell wasn’t. Looking down at Cortland Apple as he stood forward, he stepped in front of me.

“We recognize Sergeant Cortland Apple, of my first Solar division. Speak, my little pony.”

He cleared his throat and bowed his head. “My princesses, I witnessed the human, Shane McDonald, do many things. Ah witnessed him commit a crime,” a soft gasp emit from the audience, “and I witnessed him own up to it, as well as accept his punishment. Ah have witnessed him give knowledge and kindness to a school full of foals... but.”

He paused and looked around, then back to the alicorns. “The act I witnessed that was greatest. I watched as this stallion, this human, faced down foul creatures bent on mercilessly slaughtering foals. I watched as he took grievous wounds, ones that would have left him bereft of life were it not for fate. I watched this, friend,” his face turned back over his shoulder to look at me, smiling, then back to the princesses on the diaz, “spill his life blood on Equestrian soil, upholding the most sacred of honors, protecting life.”

Each princess in turn gave a nod as Cortland backed up into his spot. Among the gallery of ponies and others, mutters were heard. Folks whispered and spoke quietly at what had been said. After a few more moments, Celestia banged her hoof into the marble three times and the room grew quiet once more.

“Shane McDonald, you have heard the witnesses. Some tell of your bravery, some speak to your sacrifice, some speak of your criminal act, and your drive to better yourself after it. We, however, must draw one and only one conclusion.”

She spread her wings, and with her, Luna, then Cadence, and finally Twilight followed suit. Their horns lit up, and their voices spoke as one. “You have spilled your blood on our soil, in the act to protect others. For this, we accept you into our lands."

Each slowly closed their wings and Celestia looked straight to my eyes. “Come forward, human, kneel before us if you would bend your knee and accept us as your princesses.”

This was the big moment, and you know what, I didn’t really need to think about it. Sure, Celestia was a pain in the ass; sure, Luna was butting into things she shouldn’t. Yes, there were games played here to get me to this spot here and now. However, what good would it do to decline? I was being handed a chance to start over, to make a new home when I had nothing left of the old.

Moving up the steps, I looked Celestia right in the eyes, then slowly dipped my head and took a knee before her. A moment later, a long white horn touched my right shoulder, and a long dark blue one touched my left.

“Do thou,” Luna speaking first, “Shane McDonald, swear allegiance to Equestria, to uphold the values of her ponies, and her princesses?”

I gave a firm nod of my head. “I do, Princess Luna.”

Celestia spoke next. “Do you, Shane McDonald, swear to protect harmony, peace, and love with all that you are, even if it means Thanatos calls you to his side?”

I had to pause. There was that word again, Thanatos. Who, or what, was that? Thinking a moment back to when Cross had said it, too. It kind of slowly dawned on me. It was their word for death; perhaps the angel of death?

I closed my eyes, reflecting on things for a quiet moment more. Saying yes would mean I gave my word. I was swearing on my honor to become a citizen, to leave behind the United States, leave Texas, and become an Equestrian. I knew the right answer, and I might have a long road before me, but I was here now.

“I swear, I will.”

Two horns lit up, and life became a blinding white light for a few seconds. It didn’t really hurt, in fact it was kind of warm and tingly, not unlike being in the summer sun, or laying in a warm grass field as the moon came up. Slowly it faded and the two alicorns stepped back.

“Rise now, and turn my little human. Turn, and let Equestria greet its newest citizen. Mares and gentlecolts, may I introduce to you, Shane McDonald, Equestria’s first human citizen. Let nopony, nobirdy, noone ever doubt he is one of Equestria's now."

I turned, as I did I saw the girls, tears in their eyes. Then came the applause, it hit me like a wave crashing into the shore. Hooves stomped, claws clacked, every creature there, from pony to gryphon, and two large minotaur. Even one little purple and green dragon... applauded for me. I did the only thing I could do, I bowed my head in appreciation.

Then it was all ruined, or perhaps not ruined but... it was Pinkie Pied! With the boom of a canon going off, confetti and streamers filled the huge hall. Tables flipped into existence as if pivoting out from the floor filled with food of all kinds. Much to the surprise of all, other than perhaps her friends, Pinkie was already at the other end of the room, where two huge speakers and a DJ booth had appeared with a white unicorn mare in sunglasses next to her. She bellowed out, “Let’s get this party started!”

I muttered to myself as the beat kicked in and music started to play. “How?”

From my left Celestia spoke very softly. “It is a question, Shane, I myself do not dare ask. I even dare think Discord keeps from looking too closely at her antics.”

I nodded. “Yeah, sounds like that is the best course of action.”

27 - A pretty good day

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The party was in full swing and had been for a good hour or so. It felt like, in just that time alone, I had spoken to every pony in the world, let me tell you. Celestia and Twilight had surprised me coming over early on and talking, too.

“Shane, may I ask... when you spoke with us, when you removed your hat. Did you feel, anything strange?”

I looked the alabaster mare in the eyes and gave a nod. “I did. It was weird, like warm and peaceful. It was like someone was feeding me the words to say.” I lifted an eyebrow. “You cast something on me?”

Twilight chimed in for her. “No one cast anything, Shane. Though, we all felt it. Every last pony in that room did.”

I looked down at her and blinked. “Felt what?”

She smiled and put her hoof on my leg. “Heartsong magic, Shane. The words, they were not cast on you but came from deep inside you. The harmony magic in the room, the friendship magic all around, both of those combined. Your simple words flowed into the heart of every pony there, perhaps every pony in Canterlot. They were as honest and true as any words can ever be.”

That had made me really have to ponder for a moment. Sure, I recognized the heartsong magic... well, as best to my ability, being human. I understood it was very powerful, and that it affected everyone around it. Now it had affected me too, and I wasn’t sure how to feel about that; past the warmth I felt in my chest just thinking of the moment it happened, that is. Celestia had explained that feeling would never leave, whenever I thought of standing there before them, that feeling would well up in my heart. It was a lot to take in, but, I don’t think I was too upset over it.

At the moment, I hung out with the Dame Lulamoon, speaking with Trixie and Starlight. “I must admit. For a simple human, you are almost as great and powerful as I am,” the mare in question remarked, flipping her mane a bit. I saw Starlight roll her eyes but kept an amused expression on her face.

I shook my head. That was just Trixie being Trixie. I had learned to take her with a grain of salt. Despite her arrogant attitude, she seemed to be an amiable pony. I then turned my head to see Applejack walking up, and it was the tall older unicorn mare that made comment as she leaned over and spoke in a low tone for only me to hear.

“When a stallion’s eyes lock on a mare like that, Shane, there is only one thing to do. Give in and accept you have fallen in love.”

I kept from snorting or making any sort of rude noise. Fall in love, with a pony, like that would happen...

Still, she had a point. Just watching AJ stroll up made my heart skip a beat and my palms slick over with a nervous sweat. I spoke back in same whisper tone.

“It... would be nice, but it can never be, Dame Lulamoon.”

She scoffed. “Will you please, Shane, call me Gealeich?”

I smiled some. “I will try.” I looked down as Applejack came up on my side and sat down, looking up at me.

“Shane, ah been talkin' to a few folks, and ah would like to speak with ya alone.” She gestured to a balcony exit.

I gave a tip of my hat to the group around us. “Ladies, if you will excuse me,” then looked down at Applejack and motioned my hand, “After you.” As she got up and started to walk, I fell in place next to her.

Once we got out on the balcony, I took a moment to marvel at the view. Looking out across the city, and out on the lands. You could just make out the edge of Sweet Apple Acres, even from this far away.

“Shane, you given any thought to what you might do, once yer sentence is up? Ya got two weeks left.”

I shrugged my shoulders after a moment. "It crossed my mind once or twice,” looking down and finding myself looking right into deep, green, country girl eyes. For not the first time, I wondered if it was right, feeling the way I was starting to. What would Shawna say?

“I ain’t going to say it has not crossed my mind, AJ.”

She gave a nod in response. “Shane, we want you to stay on. Big Mac says we can afford it with the increase in production you bring with your help. Granny likes havin' ya around, when ya ain’t being a lippy varmint. Well, heck, even Apple Bloom has learned a lot with you around.”

I took that all in, looking out at the view a second time. I went silent for a bit. So was she, just standing there alongside. I finally spoke in a lowered tone. “What about... you and I, AJ?”

She flicked her ear and shrugged. “We said our peace last night didn’t we. We remain friends, ‘cause that is just how it has to be.”

I once again was quiet for a bit, then glanced down at her. “I-if it starts to bother you, you won’t just try to hide it and hold it in right?”

She looked up at my eyes and then shrugged again. “Ah ain’t gonna give you no Pinkie promise. However, ah will try to be honest if things... bother me.”

A huge part of me wanted to reach out, stroke her mane, touch her neck as we talked. Instead I turned and looked back to the view. “I will hire on. I could use the money, and I do enjoy being around your family, AJ,” leaving the rest unspoken.

From somewhere inside the castle I caught a frustrated snarl and someone blurt out, “Why is he so stupid?!” ...odd, that sounded like Cadence.

She just gave a nod and we stood there for a few quiet minutes. Although, as I have well found out, Murphy exists here too, and he is just as much of a dick as back home.

“Well, I was going to suggest we step out on the balcony, but, it seems to smell of dung and poor ponies,” a voice that was haughty, arrogant, and a little familiar. I turned to meet two mares, a unicorn and a pegasus respectively. One looked to be the one Dame Lulamoon had put in her place. The pegasus, however, was for sure the one Applejack had words with... what was her name? Oh, Cloudy something.

Applejack glanced up at me. “Come on, Shane, let’s go back inside.”

The unicorn gave a snort. “Yes, please do before you befoul our great city as you have our society.”

I was done. Turning to look dead in the unicorn’s eyes, I sniffed at her then shook my head, stealing a line from a good movie I knew. “Shady, you stink.” Applejack and I then walked past and back into the party, leaving her sputtering and looking like a fish out of water.

“That wasn’t very nice of you, Shane.” My eyes roamed to the deep blue alicorn taking up walking with us. “But, Shady had it coming. Appropriate use of your words without resorting to vulgarity. Perhaps there is hope for you yet.”

I lifted an eyebrow at Luna and gave a nod. “Shhhit, ah ain’t that bad,” smirking at her. I knew damn well what I was doing.

Luna rolled her eyes and muttered, “And, there it goes,” looking to Applejack. “I wish you the best of luck with this one, I am afraid he is beyond help.”

Applejack returned a similar smirk and gave me a light tap in the leg with a hoof. “Ah, he ain’t so bad, Princess, just ah bit rough around the edges is all.”

The party wrapped up a few hours later and we took the train back to Ponyville. It felt so... off, not to see Golden and Cortland with us. I already missed them, they were two of my best friends now. Hell, in a village full of mares, Big Macintosh, Cortland, and I were kind of the three amigos. I really was going to miss him most of all.


For the final two weeks of the time I owed Equestria’s legal system, life went quiet and smooth. No huge happenings, no danger, just hard work in the day, writing in the evening, and spending time with ponies in between.

I had picked up my old guitar from the cabin and started to try and play again. Nothing too fancy, just practice around the small camp fire as we all talked. Mac and I agreed, not having Cort there with us was a whole new feeling.

So, today was my first morning of my own once more. My sentence was served, and was now done. Breakfast had come with a contract to sign, and an advance on my first paycheck of twenty bits. It wasn’t a lot, but enough to buy a few things I needed from town.

Apple Bloom had asked if she could hang out with the fillies in the park, and Applejack had nicely asked me to keep an eye on them, so she could get some stuff done. I agreed, picking up my guitar and carrying it along. I wanted to show it to the music pony in town to see if he could get strings made long enough for it, in the likely event I break one.

So, there I was, just sitting in the park, watching the foals play. Seeing Apple Bloom with her friends off at one table talking and sharing some snacks. Couples strolled past, and townsfolk hurried from place to place. You know what, it really was just an overall gorgeous day.

I looked up and I took note of a older stallion, sunbleached mane, his light brown fur dusty, a cutie mark on his rump depicting a stalk of wheat. Accompanying him was a little colt, darker brown with a warm green mane and tail. The colt was looking up at his father as they stood at a stand buying what looked to be a colt sized plow harness.

I kind of felt my fingers glide over the strings as I practiced a few cords. Glancing down at my hands, I changed up some. It just felt right, and someplace deep inside I felt that same warmth from the day I became a citizen. Part of me wanted to see if I could fight it, but I figured why? It had not hurt me, and it made ponies around me smile. Heck, it made me smile.

I simply went with the flow, and lyrics to an old country song came out of my mouth. I am no country singer, but I can hold a tune. Closing my eyes I just let it flow, giving into it. Fairly eloquent proof of Twilight's theory if I do say so myself.

“First time he saw the ground get busted, he was ten, and it was nineteen sixty two. His daddy worked hard from sunup to sundown, and the going got tough behind them ol’ gray mules.”

I closed my eyes as I played. Lost to the song, I could not help but feel it, remembering watching my own father and grandfather till the ground to plant oats for the cattle.

“The farm grew to be a moneymaker, and the house he lived in grew up room by room. The boy worked hard but soon got tired of farmin’ , so he slipped away one night ‘neath the harvest moon.”

I was into it now, I don’t think I thought one bit of who may be watching, or where I was, only that warm glow deep inside me. I saw my little girl standing in a field out near our house playing with the grains, my wife in a summer dress, and I think for the first time in a long time, it didn’t hurt! It was a happy memory as I belted out the song.

“His neck was red, as Alabama clay, but the city’s call, pulled him away. He’s got a factory job, and runs a big machine. He don’t miss the farm, or the fields of green.”

As my voice dropped out, I plucked away at the strings. No real hurry, no need to rush. Somewhere deep inside I sort of marveled at it all. Had I ever truly played this well?

“Now the city’s just a prison without fences, his job is just a routine he can’t stand, and at night he dreams of wide-open spaces. Fresh dirt between his toes and on his hands. “

In retrospect, I wonder sometimes why some words I used were ‘pony’ words, and some were from my home. I guess it didn’t really matter as ponies seemed to understand regardless when I did slip into terms from my own world.

“Then one day a picture came inside a letter, of a young girl with a baby in her arms, and the words she wrote would change his life forever. So he went to raise his family on the farm.”

I felt myself almost shimmering as I heard voices, more than I could count, join in on the chorus of the song. That warmth and joy, for that moment I didn’t care what anyone else thought. This wasn’t for me, this was for that stallion and his boy.

“His neck is red, as Alabama clay, now he’s goin’ home, this time to stay. Where the roots run deep, on the family tree, and the tractor rolls, through the fields of green.”

“His neck is red, as Alabama clay, now he’s goin’ home, this time to stay. Where the roots run deep, on the family tree, and the tractor rolls, through the fields of green.”

I plucked off a few cords and exhaled, as I ended the song. It was my voice and my voice alone once more.

“His neck is red… As Alabama clay”

Ending the song I blinked and looked up at noise. Hooves stomped, ponies cheered. I looked around and started to blush faintly, spotting forty, perhaps fifty ponies were now gathered around me. I looked over and saw that stallion and colt, hugging close with warm smiles. I gave them a little nod and slowly set the guitar back in the soft bag I carried it in.

I had many run over and start to talk to and at me. I found myself looking at a rather shy yellow pegasus. “Why, Shane, did you write that?”

I shook my head. “No, Fluttershy, no. It is a song done by a country singer from my world by the name of Garth Brooks. It just has always been one of my favorites.”

Another pony—a unicorn mare—who walked over with the very same stallion and colt that started all this in my head. “It was a beautiful song, Shane. Thank you for sharing it with us all.” She leaned on what I took to be her husband and spoke in a softer voice. “It’s almost like us, word for word, ain’t it threshed?”

That proud earth pony glanced at his wife, then gave a nod as he hooked his hoof around the colt once more. I made eye contact with him, and we didn’t need to say a thing. He did, however, gesture with his nose to something behind me.

Turning, and because I was sitting on the ground, I found myself gazing straight into warm, emerald cores that had a hint of dampness about them. Once more I just, couldn’t take a breath. All I could do was whisper inside my head, “Damn it, Shawna, this ain’t what I want... is it?

“That there was a heck of a song, Shane,” came the voice of the orange mare. “Ah had no clue ya could sing like that.”

I found my voice, but not the ability to hide the red creeping up in my cheeks. “I... don’t do it much, just,” I gave a gentle nod to the small family and the colt proudly wearing a brand new shiny pulling harness, just like the one his father donned. “I saw them, and, it just... came to me.”

She chuckled and gave a nod of her head, making me turn to find myself nose to nose with seven very excited colts and fillies. Apple Bloom seemed to be the defacto leader of the group as she exclaimed, “Wow, Shane, that there was really great!”

Other ponies had started to go back about their day, but everywhere I looked they had smiles, a bounce in their step, and an extra measure of kindness to each other. I suppose the very same feeling I had going inside me right now.

“Well, thank you, Apple Bloom.” The others all then clamored to ask questions. I gave a look over my shoulder at Applejack. “I think I am going to be here for a bit, boss.”

She shook her head with a reassuring smile and patted my shoulder. “Ya take all tha' time ya need, Shane, then you walk Bloom back home.” as she turned, adjusted her hat, and trotted off.

I watched her walk off, kind of lost in my thoughts once more before a hoof tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to see a pink filly with a grey mane looking right at me. “Mr. McDonald, can you play us another song from your world? Please?”

I tilted my head, then nodded. “Long as you call me, Shane.” To that she nodded affirmatively and sat down with the rest of them around me. I pondered a bit on what song to give them. Every one of them were looking at me with hope with that youthful eagerness of life we all lose as we grow older.

I thought about that, looking at them, then a song came to me. It wasn’t country, but I had sung it to my little girl, and now I would sing it to the little fillies and colts listening. Plucking some cords up, I set a soft beat, tapping the strings with my hand. Sitting there in the grass, with the warm sun beaming down...

“Come, stop your crying, it will be all right. Just take my hand, and hold it tight...”

Today really was a good day. The first in a long, long time.

28 - A very bad day

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It really felt like life had given me a break at long last. The next two months working for the Apples were some of the best I could remember in a long time, and the most laid back recently. I earned enough bits now to start a small bank account of my own. I paid for my own things, helped cook and clean around the house, I had my own room in the barn all set up now. Winter was on its way, and the Running of the Leaves took place yesterday, and I was out with the rest to watch.

AJ and I, well, things were all right. We had gone on a few what I would call dates; we spent quite a bit of time talking, and a lot of time avoiding certain words. Overall, I very much enjoyed spending it with her, though I still found myself to be severely conflicted on my feelings. More so lately, when I would catch her looking over at me, I would be desperately wanting to just pull her close and... and what? Kiss her? Hold her? Tell her I love her? How could I? I am still a human, and she is still a pony. Despite all the friendship and feelings, I still had to deal with that, as well as the ghosts of the past in my head I was avoiding.

Last week had been a pretty eventful one. I had finally heard the story of Applejack’s parents, and I met her paternal grandfather. Ol' Grand Pear, nice enough guy, but a lot of guilt there. I can see why, though. He left his daughter behind and never had the chance to say sorry before she was gone. I understood that type of stubbornness well, and I felt bad for the guy. Hearing that Granny had extended the Olive branch and they had ended a silly feud, I think that was one of the high points.

I had to leave shortly after that and catch the train up to Canterlot for my monthly meeting with the princesses. I figured AJ and the family had a lot of catching up to do, so me not being around might help a bit, too.

Of course, Canterlot remained the same as it always has. Snooty ponies ignoring the nicer ones, the hard working ones that let the elite stay in their pretend world of high society. I had a chance to have dinner with Fancy and his wife the first night there. That was a good time, despite the gossip of who is saying what and where.

One thing of note, Blueballs and his little clique were no where around. Usually I would bump into one of them, but, nothing. In fact, Dusty had made comment that they have not been complaining about... in their words, that filthy monkey. This should have set off alarm bells, but it didn’t.


Pulling into the station, I got up and grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. I was really thankful for it, and Twilight had not spared any expense on it. I could wear it like a backpack, or just sling it over one shoulder. It held nearly a week of clothing, plus a bit of food and even had a pouch for a canteen on it.

Stepping off the train, I saw Twilight immediately, flanked by four of her guards. This was not the usual. Hell, usually Applejack or one of the Apples were here to greet me on my return. The purple alicorn maintained a very worried and concerned look on her face, and even her guards looked moderately upset atop their typically collected miens.

Walking over to them, I spoke up. “Hey, Twilight, what's up?” giving the guards a nod, “fellas?”

Twilight's ears pinned back, and I suddenly felt a sinking feeling in my gut. “Shane, t-there was an attack on the farm…”

The pack slid off my shoulder and crashed to the wood of the platform. “W-what?!”

I could see her lip trembling, holding back tears that were welling up in her eyes. “S... Shane, AJ is, is in the hospital, s-she is in a coma.”

I was gone. I shoved past them faster than any of them could react and I was at a full sprint. My heart pounded, mind focused on one thought. Please, Lord, please let her be okay! I didn’t hear her shout for me to stop. I didn’t even notice the guards trying to keep up.

However far I ran was beyond me. I don’t know how long it took me to get here. I crashed through the swinging door, huffing hard and rapidly. I snarled, “Where is she?” at the white unicorn behind the desk.

Poor Redheart, she was a very good-hearted mare, but right now it was clear she was afraid of me. Trembling, her hoof pointed down a hall. “R... room one-f-five o-o-one”

Still breathing hard, I fast walked in that direction. Ponies shoved themselves to the wall to stay out of my way. I must have looked terrifying to them. I couldn’t worry about that, I was just focused on getting to her side.

Pushing into the door, I saw her laying there, a tube in her mouth, two IVs in her foreleg. Her left eye was swollen and black, her right hind leg in a cast, and a long bandage surrounded the whole of her barrel. I wasn’t aware of anyone else in the room. I just felt like the whole world was crashing down around me.

I walked over closer to the bed, taking in the individual beep of the machines, the soft chug of the breathing tube and air being pushed into her lungs. I fell to my knees with a hard thud. My hands came up and I clenched them together as I trembled, and did something I had not done in eleven years. My head bowed and I spoke out loud.

“Please, please, Lord, I know we ain’t talked in a long time. I know I am angry with you, I know I am not a good Christian. Please, please, Lord, don’t do this, not again. Don’t take her, don’t... I... I am not strong enough to face this again. Please, God, Lord... please!”

I didn’t hear the door open behind me, I just kept praying. “Please, Lord, I don’t even know if you can hear me here. I know my thoughts are... please, just... please... don’t take her from me, too.”

A hoof came softly to rest on my shoulder and I jerked my head around. Looking into the eyes of a purple alicorn, tears raced down her cheeks. “S-Shane, she is getting the best care in Equestria.”

As I knelt there, tears streamed down my face as I looked at that orange mare. In that moment I had a realization smash into me. I had fallen in love with her, a mare, another woman; not my Shawna. I loved this pony, laying there in the bed... and I would never get a chance to tell her. I waited too long, my pride got in the way like it had before, and now...

I reached up and wiped my face, trying to wipe away the tears that had spilled down my cheeks. I sniffled, then gave a low toned question. Rage welled up inside me. I turned my head and looked right into Twilight’s eyes.


Twilight shook her head, confused. “Shane, I…”

I growled at her louder. “Who?!”

Looking back into my eyes for a moment, her ears flattened, before she responded in fear. “Gryphons, six of them from the first reports. They struck about three hours ago. Big Mac has a concussion, Granny and Grand Pear were both knocked down, but will be okay…" She then stopped, taking in a deep breath to collect herself a bit. "Shane, they took Apple Bloom.”

I clenched my fists and looked down, slowly pushing myself to my feet and off my knees. “Where?” I questioned, not meeting her eyes.

Twilight again shook her head. “S…” she stopped herself, then added, “North, into the Everfree, but there is—”

I didn’t listen, all I could see was red. Rage held me in its unrelenting grip and I pushed past her. I stormed past the girls, not hearing their pleas for me to stop. One of Twilight's guards stepped in front of me. “Sir, the princess asked you to—”

My fists clenched tight. I came to a stop, cutting him off. “Move, or I will break your fucking horn off like a twig!”

His ears flattened and he shuddered, scrambling to get out of my way. Somewhere deep, deep inside, I felt regret for that. It was wrong, but I had a mission now. I had a filly to find and six bandits to bring to justice. I just walked out the door, heading for the farm.

“Twi, should I go after him?” Dash queried, peeking over at her friend.

Twilight shook her head firmly. “No. Spike, take a letter. We need help.”


I had on a pair of my best old canvas hose pants, a long sleeve shirt, and my western duster. Right now the safe was wide open, as was the door to my barn room. On the bed lay a few boxes of ammo, the Winchester rifle, and a polished oak wood box. I had the old Peacemaker in my hand as I loaded the last shell into it. I then heard a noise and a voice.

“Shane, we need to talk, my little human.”

I looked up, perhaps how cold my eyes were reflected my feelings right now. “You here to try and stop me, Celestia?” I took note of the twenty or so guards gathered behind her, gazing in the window and trying to get a look at what was going on.

She paused, then shook her head. “May I step in?”

I spun the gun off my finger and dropped it into the holster. Glancing back at her, I gave a nod, not bothering to watch as I turned and picked up the Winchester and a handful of cartridges, beginning to load them in the gate as I listened to her.

“Shane, what do you plan on doing?” Well, give her credit, she wasn’t attempting to play politics for once.

I once more looked up at the alabaster goddess of the sun, and looked her straight dead in the eyes. “Track down six bandits, save a filly, and bring them to justice, whether that be dead or alive.”

She was quiet for a moment. As I racked the lever then gently lowered the hammer back to safe, pushing one last of the .45 long colt rounds in to replace them one I had just chambered.

“And if they will not come peacefully?” Celestia questioned.

I gave a shrug of my shoulders “Then I will bring them back... for their next of kin.” I wasn’t going to mince words or try to make this soft. Celestia knew exactly what was going on and I owed it to her to at least be truthful.

Again, she went quiet, looking me in the eyes. She then shook her head. “I can’t let you do this, Shane.”

I clenched my jaw, tossing a glare her way before I turned back to the bed. I picked up the lid of that oak box, and from it I pulled out a huge handgun. It was a remake, but it was still a Colt Walker, the single biggest cap-and-ball pistol ever made and carried by law enforcement from the old west.

Tilting it up, not looking back at her, I checked to make sure each cylinder had wax over the chamber before I bent down. Still not speaking, I picked up a white tin, opening it and starting to pull out six copper little primers.

“I ain’t yours to stop right now, Celestia, this... is a Ranger issue.”

She frowned some and gave a horse-like snort, unlike any I have heard from her. “You gave up being a Texas Ranger, Shane, when you swore allegiance to my sister and I, to Equestria.”

It galled me to know she was right, but I couldn’t stop now. There was a filly in grave danger, and criminals to make pay. Turning, I stared at her as my fingers set a primer in place. I could do this in my sleep, so I didn’t need to look down as I rotated the cylinder and set another primer in place. I made a point to be sure the huge walker pointed down, not at her. “You expect me to just stand here and do nothing then?”

She maintained steady eye contact, then wandered her gaze to the badge on my shirt peeking out from behind the edge of the oil coat. I saw her jaw set and then she said to a unicorn next to her. I realized only a moment after that it was Cort! “Sergeant, give it to him.”

Something held in his crimson magical aura produced out of his pack and flipped at me. Reaching up with my right hand, having set the last primer in place, I caught whatever it was. It felt like metal, turning my hand to look.

It was a badge, very close in style to the Texas Ranger one I had on. However, in center was the symbol of the two sisters, and around the outside ring, it read 'Canterlot Ranger'. Dead center where the two sisters circled sat the number one in small numbering. I lifted an eyebrow, glancing up at her even as my left hand slid the colt walker into my belt.

“I didn’t want to give you that this way, Shane. I wanted to talk, to bring you on board with the idea, to ask you to be the first. However…” Her tone was discernibly irritated, though I could make out that she was worried, too.

“Shane McDonald, you put that badge on, and you accept the responsibility of it. You swear to uphold the law, to protect the citizens of this country. You are going to accept this blind and understanding you know nothing of what duty it brings.”

I ran my finger over it, turning the badge in my hand a few times. I met her eyes once more, reaching into my shirt, I pulled the Texas Ranger star from it. Looking at the two side by side in my hand now, I licked my lips then tossed the Ranger badge on the bed. Using both hands, I carefully pinned that Canterlot Ranger badge onto my chest for all to see.

I looked back up in time to see her nod. “By the authority vested in me, I hereby name you Shane McDonald, Canterlot Ranger. Ranger McDonald, find Apple Bloom, and bring her back.”

I returned a single nod. “Yes, ma’am,” picking up the rifle from the bed.

Behind her, I heard Cort speak up. “Ma’am, permission to accompany Ranger McDonald!”

There was a long pause, then she shook her head. “Permission denied, Sergeant, you are still one of the Solar Guard.”

I glanced at him, and I saw his eyes steel. “Then I resign my posting.”

She arched an eyebrow looking down at the unicorn, even as he slid his helmet off, breaking the spell that transformed the coats of every guard.

“You would give up your retirement, your job, everypony you work with, to stay at Ranger McDonald’s side?”

He gave a nod. I got to give him credit, he didn’t blink, nor flinch. “Yes, my princess.”

She again let off a snort. “Captain.”

Walking around Celestia, damn this little room was getting a bit full, Stepped Cross. He glanced briefly at Cortland, then lifted a hoof up holding a badge like the one I had just put on. Seems this had been the white mare's end game, however it had played out. I gave her credit in my mind, she had a plan and was seeing it to its end now. “No going back from this, Cortland Apple. You put that on, and you may not return to the Guard.”

No hesitation, no blink, I observed as Cortland grabbed it and slid it on the edge of a buckle that held part of his armor on.

Celestia lifted her head high. She couldn’t extend her wings, but, it did become noticeably brighter in the room as I watched on.

“By the power vested in me, I name you Cortland Apple, Canterlot Ranger. Ranger Apple, you are hereby assigned the rank of Sergeant, uphold that rank and the honor it brings.”

He gave a stiff nod, as I blinked this time. “Wait, then what rank am I?”

Celestia turned, and the troll was back as she smiled smugly. “Why, Lieutenant, you should have thought to ask first.“


I glanced at Cort, who was loading a crossbow. Admittedly, he looked pretty naked, considering the fact that he was. I tossed a package down on the ground next to him as I checked my weapons over, ignoring the looks of the girls, of Celestia, of the guards.

“I had that made for you, was going to be a Christmas gift... Hearth's Warming, whatever.“

He paused and picked it up, ripping the string off it and unfolding out of the wax paper, an oil coat just like mine, but made for a pony his size. He looked it over then gave a moderately wide-eyed nod. “Thank you.”

A noise came from my right, I turned to see an old faded mare, eyes rimmed in red. She had been crying for some time now. I knelt down and looked Granny Smith in the eyes as she spoke. “Young fella, you bring my granddaughter home safe to us.” her hoof touched my arm, “and you bring yourself home safe. You don’t worry none about Applejack, we will watch over her.”

I saw it in her eyes, she knew. I suspect she knew all along how I felt, the battle inside me, and the regret I now felt in aces. I reached up and took my hat off, looking her right in the eyes. “Yes, ma’am,” then I slowly stood up and put my hat back on my crown.

I picked up my rifle from where it leaned, glancing at Cort. He was tugging on the oil coat, the badge of a Canterlot Ranger where all could see on the left chest of it. “We got hunting to do, Cort.”

Cortland grunted back, “Lead the way, LT.”

We were more than six hours behind now. We had some moving to do.


“I don’t understand why you are not sending the guard with him!” Rainbow Dash said for the tenth time.

Before Twilight could answer for the same count of times, Celestia replied. “Rainbow Dash, our guard are very good, but they are not trained for this. They are guards, not law enforcement, not hunters. They would only serve to slow the Rangers down.”

“Celestia, will he…”

The white alicorn looked down at the shorter purple one next to her and gave a soft, almost pained sigh. “He will do, what he must do, Twilight Sparkle, even if that means taking a life. That human, he doesn’t know how to do less than his best.”

Twilight flattened her ears and looked at where the two had slipped into the woods. “Please, bring Apple Bloom home safe,” as a white wing gently pulled her close and hugged her.

29 - Zebras are scary

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We were making good time, considering we were slogging through a forest that could almost pass for a bayou if it were wetter. The first hour we had just fast walked, the trail they left behind was clear as day. Even a cub scout could have followed the markings on the ground and the broken plants.

Long into the second hour, just as we were getting ready to break from our short rest, Cort glanced over at me. “Something is bugging me, Lieutenant.”

I lifted an eyebrow at that. “Can we go back to Shane and Cort, please, and what's on your mind?” I squatted down to look at a few snapped off weeds. They were starting to get smart, moving slower and making attempts to mask their trail.

“Why are they walking rather than flying? If they were flying one could carry Apple Bloom, they would make twice the time and leave no trail.”

I opened my mouth, then closed it again. Thinking on his words and rolling the notion over in my head. Truth of it is, up until now, I was running on pure hate and rage. I just wanted to find the ones that hurt Applejack, and took Apple Bloom. However, he had a point, a pretty big one to be precise. How the hell did I miss that?

“You thinking what I am?”

The unicorn returned a nod. “Ambush. They know someone is coming after them.” he took a front knee next to me and examined the couple of weeds that had clearly been stepped on. I had been showing him how to track and how to spot little signs of where someone had walked.

“Shane, ah think they know we are after them.”

I looked up and around, then nodded my head. “Hour more in, that is where I would set up. I am willing to bet one of them is in the air, treetop level, looking for signs of pursuit. From here on out we travel under the canopy and off the trail.“

I picked up a stick and began dragging it along to create a simple drawing on the ground. “We zigzag like this, go out from here two hundred yards, then come back in line, pick up the trail, head back out diagonal, come back in perpendicular,” glancing to make sure he had the plan. Cortland looked at me and gave a nod.


I released a slow exhale as I pulled my head back in behind the tree, glancing over at my unicorn companion. We had found them, four hours into the chase. Right now we sat behind a huge old tree with a trunk that must be seven feet in width. We were looking slightly down, I would say twenty feet of drop, and three hundred yards out from a makeshift camp. The height and way the terrain was laid out gave us almost a perfect view between the trees. However, it meant that they would see us if we tried to approach without some kind of cover.

“I count three. One in the air, two by the fire. Looks like they have Apple Bloom tied down to a pole.”

He gave a nod as he slid his crossbow off his back as quietly as possible. “Ah saw two more this side of tha' camp. Don’t make no sense, Shane. They know someone is comin', right?”

I gave a nod and was about to turn back to look again. Just then, a noise at our back caught my ear. Both of us spun in that instance. I brought the Winchester up, my thumb clicking the hammer back as I shouldered it. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Cort’s crossbow up and aimed.

From the brush, a body was thrown. It landed with a dull thud. It was a gryphon, and he looked bad off. His eyes were shut, and his beak looked like someone had thrown acid on it. First glance said he was breathing still, however.

What followed the wounded avian out wore a dark brown cloak and walked on all fours. It spoke from inside its hood and I knew, I knew who this was.

“This one had strayed away to relieve himself. I thought I would make sure he did not find you, and make you part of his zoo.”

My brow furrowed as Cort glanced at me, then I whispered softly. “Zecora, what are you doing out here?”

She lifted a hoof and slid her hood back. I had talked with her on a few occasions and was sure to thank her for being instrumental in my first meeting with the ponies. “They have taken Apple Bloom, my friend. I could not sit and wait, I knew they were using her as bait.”

Cort lowered his crossbow, and I had without thought dropped the hammer of the Winchester back to safety. Looking over at her, I gave a little nod.

“This is not going to go peaceful, Zecora, are you sure you want to be part of what is going down?”

Her olive eyes flashed and she gave a frown. “Peace and harmony is what we desire. However, a friend is in need, and others could expire.”

Cort glanced over at me. “Your call, LT.”

I nodded at him and looked at her. “What did you do to him?” gesturing to the gryphon.

“A simple brew I hit him with,” replied Zecora as she reached into her cloak and tugged out a sickly bluish-green fluid inside a small glass container. “With the root of thornwood, and leaf of poison joke, I made this gift.”

Again, I gave her a nod. “All right. We wait for sundown, then we move in,” glancing at her, then at Cort, making sure they both understood as I used my finger to draw on the ground. “Cort, I am going to have you circle around as dusk sets in. Try to get in here,” I tapped the crude drawing on the dirt.

“Zecora,” I began, looking at her now. “I need you here, you will grab Apple Bloom, then run. Run as hard as you can, as fast as you can. Get her back to the farm, then send help. Tell them where we are.”

She gazed up into my eyes sternly. “We must move fast, my human friend. For if they escape with Apple Bloom there is no telling if they will make her will bend.”

I exhaled and nodded as Cort spoke up. “What about this guy? They are going to come looking for him.”

My focus set on the zebra once more. “Any thoughts on that, Zecora?”

She sat down and tapped her hoof to her chin, before looking over her shoulder at the gryphon laying there. “One idea comes to mind, a dry sandbar I did find. On the other side of it, lays a field of poison joke, that should do in this bind.”

Looking at the unicorn next to me and then back to her, I translated her words. “So, dump him in the field, they find him, think he has eaten something... it should hold until nightfall. Make it happen.”

She gave a nod and, with earth pony strength, hefted the larger avian across her back and slunk off into the brush once more.

“Shane, she gives me the heebie-jeebies.”

I chuckled some. “The rhymes get to me, but past that she is as good a person as they come.”

He muttered, “pony.”

I glanced around the tree to make sure no one was reacting to anything. “Shut up, Cort.”


The plan was set in place. From where I was on my belly, pressed down into a slight defilade covered in leaves and brush, I watched the shadows and counted down in my head, hoping like crazy that Cortland and Zecora had moved into place. As I reached zero, I eased the hammer back, hearing it click and lock. I called out in a loud voice...

“Canterlot Rangers, you are surrounded! Throw up your claws and give up!”

Things went south real fast. Of the four I could see, two launched into the air. I noted one had a spear the other a crossbow. The two that didn’t go up spun in my direction, trying to see out and find me. The bigger one on the ground yelled over his shoulder. “Kill the filly!”

My gut dropped and I came up on my knees. Things were happening so fast now. The rifle came up and I aimed in the forty yards at the big one that appeared to be the leader. He was just bringing his crossbow up as I pulled the Winchester’s trigger. A plume of smoke and fire billowed out the barrel, the round smashing into his forehead, exiting and taking what little brains he had with it.

Inside, I went dead. I was never forced to kill, never had taken a life, though I could not stop, not yet. My hand worked the lever as I stood up, starting to move. As I did I heard someone screaming, a gryphon stumbled out from behind one of the tents into the firelight, clutching and clawing at his face. He tripped and fell over a peg. I watched him crawfish around and I figured he was out for the count.

Something cut across my leg, and I bellowed out. Looking down I could see the crossbow bolt laying on the ground, a big gash in my pants with quite a lot of blood already welling up. Snapping up, bringing the rifle along with my gaze, but just as I was about to fire something struck the gryphon in the side. He spiraled down, crashing with a sickening meaty thud.

The last one in the air yelled out, “I give up! Don’t fire!” even as I brought up the Winchester to aim at the one left by the fire. I saw he had thrown his spear aside and was already moving to the one that had fell from the sky yelling loudly. “Dad! Dad, can you hear me?!”

I had to swallow the bile welling up, I was still flying on adrenaline and pain, even as I hobbled up I yelled out. “Cort! Find Apple Bloom, see if Zecora got away!” I leveled the old Winchester at the gryphon landing. He set his spear down and moved over to the corpse with a bullet wound to the head. One look and the young gryphon turned and puked, spraying his dinner across the ground.

“Dad!” I glanced over. The one that got shot from the air was up, but barely, cradling his wing to his side, a crossbow bolt in the meat of it. He glared at me but made no stupid moves.

“Go on, stand with the others there, you boy!” I pointed at the one that called out. “Check on your buddy there, and where is the last one? The one from the field?”

I saw the shock as they put things together then the older one snarled and gestured. “S-sleeping in that tent, he was too injured to move tonight. Do you plan on killing us? L-let my son live, and I will take his punishment.”

I gave a snort as Cort came into view of the fire's glow. “They got away clean except for that poor sap,” gesturing to the one with the burned face. He was still breathing, so that was a thing.

I watched the unicorn turn his head and spot the dead one. That, combined with the boy throwing up, caused Cort’s face to turn completely green and he too hurled what little dinner we had eaten. I wanted to puke too, though I managed to hold it down. I had seen far worse in highway accidents.

“No one else has to die, you are all under arrest by the authority of the Canterlot Rangers. You will be treated for your wounds and held over for trial.”

The older looked at me and gave a little snarl. “You fired your one, what do you think an empty musket is going to do?”

As he reached out from his unwounded side, reaching for a spear that was on the ground, I snapped the rifle up, and in another billow of white smoke, bright yellow and orange fire, and the snap of a round going off filled the clearing, the round smashed into the spear, sending it skittering off in two directions, the shaft broken with bits of wood fiber flying around like shrapnel.

I worked the lever again and glared at him even as he recovered from his flinch. “I ain’t going to fire a second warning shot. We understand each other?”

He gave a nod then glanced at the two boys helping the one on the ground still. “You boys listen to the creature here. No fighting back, you understand me?” and I watched them give a nod each.

By this time, Cort had recovered, and he sent up a bright red flare from his horn. It shot far into the sky before bursting with a booming crack, igniting the sky for all to see for miles. He glanced at me even as he reloaded his crossbow. “S… sorry about that, Lieutenant.”

I shook my head dismissively. “We all get that first time. Just breathe and keep watch, we will deal with it after the backup arrives.”


An hour and a half later, I was standing looking down at a white sheet with a blood stain growing on it. The alabaster alicorn next to me emit a slight noise and shook her head. “Did you need to kill him?”

I glanced over as I shooed the corpsman, pony, whatever, away from me with a wave of my hand. They had been trying to tend to my wound, but I had said a quick wrap was enough for now.

“He lifted his weapon, I gave a warning. I really had no choice in the matter.”

She exhaled once more then gave a nod to send the pony trying to tend my leg, again, away. “Under the Ranger charter, you have done what you had to. Lethal force was authorized and called for… I just wish it had not been.”

She turned and looked at me, ignoring the guards working around the camp. The gryphons were being loaded into a set of chariots for transport to the hospital.

“Shane, I….” she was cut off as a pegasus in the colors of Twilight’s guards landed and saluted her.

“My princess, word from Ponyville. The filly Apple Bloom and the zebrican Zecora have been found and escorted safely back.”

She gave a nod as I exhaled hard. “Thank you, Captain, return to your post and inform Princess Twilight we will be coming in soon.”

As soon as he lifted off, I glanced at the regal mare. “I need to get back to AJ.”

She shook her head. “No, what you need is medical attention, and to talk to one of the corpspony. You just had to kill somebirdy, Shane, and I can tell you are still chewing on it.”

I frowned. “I am going back to AJ, Princess.”

She took on a more hard stance. “You are not going to avoid this any longer. Shane, you are making yourself sick by avoid—”

I snarled and outright yelled at her. “I SAID, I AM GOING TO SEE AJ! ARE WE CLEAR ON THIS, PRINCESS?” glaring at her, looking her right in the eyes.

Around us, most ponies had come to a stop. After all, who in their right mind yells at the immortal alicorn of the sun, and beloved princess? Speaking of her, as I continued to glare back at her, her mien changed. That passive look she almost always sported dropped and she showed some emotion; a tiny touch of anger.

Had I any sense of self preservation right now, I would be scared out of my fucking mind. Yet, at this very moment, I had none, just my desire to get back to Applejack and away from the scene here.

In a cold, yet collected voice, she spoke, low and quiet. “Lieutenant, you will remember your place when you speak to me.” She laid her ears back, then continued. “Go, get out of my sight for now.”

I didn’t flip her off. Oh, I wanted to, but I didn’t. I just turned and grabbed up my rifle, calling over to my left. “Cort, stay here. Make sure they police up the lead and shells and see they are returned to me, two of each,” and I limped past the gawking solar solders. I didn’t look back as I walked off into the woods.

I didn’t see what went on, or hear the conversation.

“Princess, should I…”

Celestia simply shook her head. “No, Sergeant Apple, let him go. Anything we say or do right now will just exasperate his anger.”

The unicorn shook his head. “What made him yell at y’all? Ah mean you are trying to help him.”

The princess of the sun sighed and peered over at the worried-looking friend to the human. “Cortland Apple, he lost his family, his home. He was ripped into our world. He has been attacked, put on trial, fallen in love only to hate himself for it because of his upbringing. Now he has had to see the very pony he fell in love with near death, and been forced to kill somebirdy. He is beyond broken my little pony. That human has never faced his past, nor tried to move beyond it. I fear if he does not soon find help, he may never recover.”

Cortland Apple looked up at the alicorn goddess and back to where his friend walked off. “Ah won’t let him face this alone, Princess”

She gave a nod of her head. “I know you won’t, my little pony. That is why you wear that badge on your chest. I can think of no one stronger to help him than the Apple family.”


I shouldn’t have yelled at her, and I shouldn’t have stormed off. Once again, I let my emotions dictate my actions. I would find a way to make it up to her, and everyone… fine, everypony else.

My eyes lifted just as I crossed the line out of the woods. I could see the hospital about half a mile off. I had made sure to come out well away from where Twilight and the others would be thinking I would come out. Right up ‘til a voice popped up next to me.

“You know, for a human, you really are a downer.”

I came to a stop. I didn’t turn, I didn’t need to turn. I knew the voice, and part of me wanted to smack the crap out of its owner here and now. Turning slowly at last, I looked up at the taller creature before me.

“What do you want, Discord?”

He smiled. “Well, so you really do know all about us,” his eyes narrowed. “I want nothing for myself, Ranger,” his lion paw waved in the air, “but to give you some advice. Advice that I myself was foolish to ignore for thousands of years.”

I lifted an eyebrow “Go on… I have to get to Applejack.”

The Lord of Chaos shrugged and leaned down, looking right into my eyes. “Get help, find someone to talk to, before all that—” he poked my chest over my heart with a claw. “—eats you up, and there is nothing left for fair Applejack to love. I am keeping an eye on you, human. Think about what I said.”

With a snap, he was gone, and I found myself standing at the entrance door to the hospital. I muttered, “Could have done that a few hours ago when I was walking here,” before turning and walking in.

30 - Some good news

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The hospital staff had balked at the weapons on me, the fact I was wounded, and the fact I was not ‘family’. At first they were not even going to let me in, however, cooler heads prevailed and, with some words from Big Macintosh, I was now resting in the room on a chair, watching Applejack breathe.

Speaking of the big guy, he had been in AJ’s room and heard the commotion and come out. Once things were calmed down, he let it be known I had the right to see her, that I was family far as the Apples were concerned.

As soon as ponies left us alone, he looked me in the eyes and asked if his little sister was alive. The fear in his eyes and in the tone of his voice was most prevalent. Putting my hand on his shoulder, I told him she was just fine. She was back safe, and Zecora was with her.

After that I avoided others and went into the room where AJ lay in a coma. A machine doing her breathing for her, the steady beep of her heart beat. I had been up now for over twenty hours, I couldn’t remember when I ate or drank last. I simply sat down after pulling the only chair that would accommodate me over. I looked at the orange mare and set my hand on her leg, then reached up and gently brushed her blond mane from the side of her head.

“AJ, I got Applebloom back, she is safe. I brought the gryphons to justice.” I whispered, closing my eyes, “I… I am sorry I was not there to protect you. I am sorry I have been such a thick-headed, stupid guy,” laying my head down next to her leg in a bent-over position while sitting in the chair.

I just meant to rest my eyes a bit, but I was gently woke by a hoof on my arm. Eyes snapping open My right hand dove down to the grip of the peacemaker, before I saw it was Redheart. She jerked back a little, and I sighed.

“Sorry, Shane, I was just trying to move you back some, so I could look at that wound on your leg.”

I shook my head. “No, I am sorry, Nurse Redheart, I…” exhaling slowly. “I am sorry for how I yelled at you today.”

She grew a small smile and chuckled. “ Yesterday, Shane. It is four in the morning, you have been asleep since seven last night. None of the staff wanted to move you, looked like you needed the sleep and, well,” she gestured to Applejack. “None of us were about to try and move you from your special somepony’s side.”

I felt my cheeks heat up. “She and I are just friends,” I retorted, only to receive a weird look from the white mare and a shake of her head.

“Will you let me tend your wound and then get you some food? How long has it been since you last ate?”

Pausing for a bit then glancing at the blood dried into my pants leg, I nodded my head. “That might be for the best, and to answer your second question I um… a day? Perhaps more?”

All told I was gone from the room for almost four hours. Between food, and Redheart cleaning out the wound then stitching it up. As I limped back I took note of a few things I had missed before. There were two of Twilight's guards in front of AJ’s room, there were what looked to be four or five more wandering the halls, or standing guard in the entrance. Clearly they were not taking this lightly.

As we approached the door one of the guards glanced at me then to Red who gave a nod. The guard gestured down to the waiting room. “Sir, I was told to inform you Ranger Apple was waiting for you. The doctor is with the Lady Apple right now, and asked you not come while he is working with her.”

I clicked my tongue in my cheek then returned a nod. “Thank you, Sergeant,” glancing at Redheart. “You will come get me soon as I can return to her side, yes?”

She smiled warmly. “Go on, Ranger, she is in the best hooves possible right now.”

Cortland looked like hammered crap. Then again, I suspect I did as well. Laying my rifle to lean on the chair next to him as I sat down, he was currently munching on some kind of cereal bar as far as I could tell, then spoke after he swallowed. “Permission ta’ speak freely, Lt?”

I rolled my eyes and groaned. “Cort, let's get this in your head now. We are Rangers, not military. You got a thought, you speak it. That is the only way we are going to work as partners out there.”

He took a chug from a bottle of what I assumed to be apple cider. “Shane, ya are a grade-A moron, ya know that? Ah’m talkin’ the south side of a northbound mule.” I lifted an eyebrow at him.

“Ya yelled at the most powerful pony in Equestria, perhaps all of the world. Ya stormed off bleeding on everything,” he held a hoof up as I was about to retort. “Ah ain’t done yet. Ya damn near got yerself killed because you didn’t have yer mind in the game. Ah am an Apple so I know stubborn and stupid, Shane,” his ear flicked as he looked up right at my eyes. “But y’all are about the most stubborn, stupid, rock-headed stallion ah I have ever met.”

I looked over at him, blinking a couple of times. “You done?”

He shook his head. “Ah am still proud as can be ta be yer friend, Shane, but y’all need to figure out stuff and get some help,” now his ears lowered and I picked up on a change in his demeanor and spirit.

“Ah went to school with a colt like you, Shane. We joined the guard together. Brick was my best friend. Well, he was a hell of a lot like you, held everythin’ in, lost a mare he loved to another stallion, his mother passed away, sister OD’ed a week later on Rutt and salt.”

This was personal, and I wasn’t going to butt into his story. He grew quiet, reflecting on things so I just stayed quiet too.

“Brick took more and more risks, drank too much, Ah didn’t know how ta’ help him,” he turned and glanced up at me. “On the anniversary of his sister's death, Brick lept off the south wall of the castle and did a swan dive into the pavement.”

I blinked as I understood now why he was telling me this story. I opened my mouth to answer again and he shot me a glare.

“Shane, ah don’t want another friend to slip into that there darkness. When I look at you, ah see shades of it. Ah ain’t go’na stay silent a second time.”

I exhaled and looked around, it hit me, we were alone. Guards posted well out of earshot blocking the entrance to the waiting area we were in. Part of me was tempted to get mad, but how could I? This was a genuine friend, being concerned and putting himself out there.

“Cort, I… well, I don’t know what to say, and I won’t pretend to know what to do. I really don’t.” And that was the truth. Ever since Shawna had passed, I had avoided my feelings. Sure, part of that was just my desire not to hurt, but, could there be more to it? Then there was the Applejack thing, and my internal revelation of my feelings for her.

Cortland set his hoof on my arm, something he didn’t do very often. It was a best friends gesture, something only two guys who know each other well can do. “Get help, talk to someone. Hell, talk ta’ me. It don’t matter none who, just talk,” then he gestured down the hall. “And her?”

I sighed deeply and looked down the hall. “I love her, Cort. Lord help me, it’s a sin, but, I love her. I really have got myself in a bind.”

He was about to answer back when a unicorn stallion in a lab coat walked in. He glanced around and saw us, then headed our way. “Shane McDonald?” I nodded once in acknowledgement and he offered out his hoof. “Doctor Mercy. I was informed you are to be considered Apple family and I may speak to you about Lady Apple’s care?”

I blinked then gave a nod of my head, gripping his hoof and giving it a firm shake. “This is Ranger Apple, her cousin,” I motioned after the hand-hoof shake broke.

He dipped his head to Cortland then looked back at me. “We removed the breathing tube, she is breathing on her own. Her blood work looks good, no signs of major infection, Her leg was set and will heal proper,” his ears laid back some. “She is still in a coma, to our best scans she shouldn’t be, but...”

I breathed a small sigh and glanced at the unicorn next to me in his duster then back to the doctor. “Thank you, Doc. So, she is improving?”

His smile came back, just a slight one. “Yes,” his horn lit up with a hint of bluish magic and his glasses slid off his muzzle. A small cloth withdrew from a pocket and he started to clean them. The older stallion glanced back down the hall. “She was my first patient, you know. First foal I ever delivered, right out of medical school. Kind of feels personal to me, trying to heal her now.”

Then he chuckled as he put his glasses back on. “She was an Apple right out of the gate, kicked me in the muzzle, gave me a bloody nose for it. Hoof the size of a bit, and she gave me a bloody nose in payment for my giving her a slap on the plot to get her breathing.”

We all shared a genuine chuckle at that, before he glanced back at me. “You can go back in the room now. Talk to her, perhaps she can hear you. I will inform the Apple clan, and the princess.”

I turned and looked at Cort. “Go secure the prisoners, make sure no one talks to them, no one, not even a lawyer. I don’t care if it is Celestia and Luna, you tell anyone...”

He cut me off with a smirk. “Anypony.”

I blinked and stabbed him a look of daggers. “Shut up, Cort.”

Cortland laughed. “I get it, no one but us. The two wounded are under protective watch, and the remaining three are in the cells under Princess Twilight's castle under heavy guard.”

I gave him a nod back. “Come get me in a few hours, let’s pay them a little visit. I don’t know what our charter covers, I don’t have a clue yet where our jurisdiction starts and ends, but I plan on abusing the line as much as I can.”

He gave me a nod. “You sure you were not born an Apple?” spinning around and strolling off. I turned and headed for AJ’s room.

Sitting there I looked at the orange mare, my hand on her hoof once more as if I was holding another person's hand. I had taken my hat off, my guns other than the old peacemaker were over on a chair near the corner with my duster.

“AJ, I just...god knows you deserve someone better than me. I ain’t at all what you need in your life. I know I am stubborn and thick headed, I know my upbringing messes me up big. Hell, I have everyone in the known universe including my best friend telling me I need help… and I am too stupid to take their advice.”

I shook my head. “Discord finally said a word to me. Yeah, I have been here now what, almost eight months, and he finally got around to speaking to me. Know what he said? Get help. All the power in the universe and he tells me, I need to get some help. I don’t know if I should have laughed or cried.”

Exhaling slowly, I lay my head down once more next to her hoof. “I am so tired, Applejack, and I have no clue how to fix that. Every time I try to figure it out, I run into some part of me screaming how wrong it is.”

I was silent again, for an hour I just sat there holding her hoof. Then the door cracked open some and a rainbow-maned mare peeked in. So unlike the brash mare I knew, her eyes were rimmed red and her ears flat.

“C... can I come in?” Rainbow asked. Of course I replied with a nod and she trotted over to sit next to my side. “Any changes?” her voice soft, whispered.

I glanced over at her, shaking my head. “Not yet, but like you can see, she is off the breathing tube, that is a good thing. Doc says she is on her way to recovery… all we can do now is hope and pray.”

Rainbow Dash was silent for a bit, as we just sat there. Then the mare spoke up in a very timid tone, once more I remarked how dissimilar it was from her usual. “Did you make them pay, Shane?”

I glanced over at her then back at the orange earth pony on the bed. “Do you really want to know that, Rainbow?”

She gave a nod and I closed my eyes as I uttered in a far softer tone. “I had to kill one of them Rainbow. I was left no choice.”

She went silent, enough so I had to glance to see if she was still present. She was, just staring at her friend on the bed. Her eyes never moved, but her mouth opened and closed a few times. Almost as if she was chewing on the words to find the right ones. Her magenta cores flicked at me. “Don’t tell Flutters, okay? She won’t take it well… perhaps you shouldn’t tell anypony thinking about it,” her gaze shifted back to looking at the bed, then sighed. “Is… is it wrong, that part of me doesn’t care what happened to that gryphon? That, what you had to do was right?” her ears flattened.

I shook my head and moved my hand over, placing it lightly on her back. “It isn’t wrong, but it isn’t right, Rainbow. Don’t let yourself dwell on it, okay? It isn’t something you want to keep in your head.”

She gave a nod and leaned in, and I felt her weight press to my ribs lightly. “Why did they do this?”

I stayed very quiet. Minutes ticked by before I dared responding. “I don’t know, Rainbow, but I aim to find out.”


On my way out, clearing room for the nurse to do her rounds. I bumped into the rest of AJ’s family… and suddenly found my leg in a crushing grip. I mean crushing, almost breaking the bone as the little bow-wearing filly hugged to me and started to sob. One glance from Big Mac and Granny said it all and I slowly squatted down, prying her off my leg only found her clinging to my neck and me sitting on my ass now.

Apple Bloom just wept, and I kept my arms around her, as we sat there in the waiting room. It took her a bit to calm down before I heard her croak out. “T-thank y-y-you, Shane.”

I pet her neck and tried to calm her. “Shhhh, it’s okay, little one. You are safe now, you are safe so is everypony else.”

She sniffled and leaned back to look at my face, clearly unwilling to stop hugging me. I was ok with this, and kept my arms around her.

“Shane, why did they do this? What did we do ta them?”

Oh god, please, lord, how do I explain this and not crush her childhood? I looked up to Granny and Mac, but they both understood. I could see it in their eyes as they looked at the two of us.

Gulping, I gave an exhale to relax the tension permeating my expression. “Little one, I don’t have an answer for that yet, but I am going to find out.”

She searched my face then nodded her head and let go, sniffling. “Granny says long as we keep hope alive, everythin’ will work out fine.”

I nodded my head. “She is right,” glancing up at the two older ponies, who both sported soft smiles. “She is very right. Now, you go on and visit your sister. You remember she can hear you right now, so you keep her company, okay?”

Apple Bloom sniffled once more and moved back. “O-okay, Shane.”

I slowly stood up, finding a big red hoof hook under my armpit and help me. I nodded to him and turned noting the old faded green mare holding my hat out to me. I took it and slid it on. It was then the matriarch spoke to me.

“You dun good, young fella. Ya protected our family and brought my granddaughter home. More importantly, ya brought yerself home too.”

I was going to argue with part of that, but the look in her eyes told me not to dare. I just gave her a nod. “Yes, ma’am.”

Once they had moved past and into AJ’s room, I headed for the door. One of the guards glanced at me as I stepped past him. “Sir, I was to inform you, the princesses wait for you at the Crystal Castle,” he gestured the quarter mile or so away, where it sat.

I smiled some at him as I adjusted my belt and slung my rifle over my shoulder. “Eeyup,” and started for it.

31 The Charter says what?!

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The walk over had been short, and I was met at the doors of the Crystal Castle by four guards and Cort. Once inside I took note of quite a few guards, not just Twilight guards, but both Solar and Lunar as well.

Walking down the hall, I followed my fellow Canterlot Ranger into the map room. There the girls..minus Applejack all sat, along with Luna, Celestia, Fancy and his wife, Cross, Dusty, a few ponies I didn’t know, and to my surprise, Golden.

I caught myself glancing at the one empty chair around the map. The one with three bright red apples on it. I didn’t think about it, but I suppose my face showed how I felt. As I felt something slam into my legs almost knocking me over. Looking down, I saw a pink-maned, butter yellow-pelted pegasus hugging my legs tight, trembling, gazing up with cyan cores brimming with tears.

I didn’t need to look up to know others were doing the same as they watched. I just knelt down as she spoke. “O-oh, Shane, she will be okay. We are all here for you.”.

Kindness, thy name is Fluttershy. I put my hand on her back and gave her a light hug back. “I am all right, thank you, Flutters. Just keep AJ in your prayers, she needs them.”

Pinkie, being a bit more serious than she was usually, asked as I stood up again and Fluttershy returned to her spot. “You say that a lot, pray, and god, and lord… what does it mean?”

I was saved, however, by Princess Egghead, who shot me a knowing soft look. We had in my first months here gone over quite a bit about my faith and beliefs. I, in turn, learned of some of the cults that came up surrounding the sun and moon, and even some fledgeling ones around her own ascension. Seems some ponies took alicorn to mean god.

“Pinkie, where Shane came from, it is a powerful structure of religion. A faith-based belief. We can talk about it later, okay? I will explain it all to you.”

That seemed to be enough for most there and a lot of nods were given. My eyes turned to Celestia as I walked up and gently laid my rifle across the table. The dull metal click of it on the stone made a few there wince. “I have an interrogation to run, but I suspect we should go over where my…” I paused, “...our—as in the Canterlot Rangers—jurisdiction starts and ends. “

The alabaster alicorn returned a nod. “Before we do that, Shane. I wish to speak to you. You my little human have done more than you understand. You have started change, a new way of things, of law.” I blinked as many there nodded their heads.

She proceeded to continue. “I told you, that when you took that badge and rushed off into the Everfree, you did so understanding nothing of what you were undertaking. It is now, my little human, that you will come to understand the gravity of the path you have chosen and the ponies you have taken with you on that path.”

I lifted a eyebrow, before I heard a noise behind me. A bench slid over across the floor, held in a warm golden glow. It came to a stop so I could sit, and I offered the alabaster alicorn a nod as I took a seat. “Thank you, go on,” I gestured.

She exhaled and peered to Luna, who continued for her sister. “We never wished you to rush into this, Shane. It was our wishes to have you guide others into becoming Rangers. To help form a law enforcement wing with the goal of fugitive apprehension, and law enforcement to places that had none.”

I chewed on that in my head, it was pretty much what the Texas Rangers did. I shared equal glances with the three alicorns at the ‘head’ of the table and asked. “I guess I can see where you wanted to go with all this, but… why?”

That seemed to fall to the adorkable purple princess who let off a little squeal and with a flash of light. PAMF! There on the table lay every report I had sent—every letter, every scroll.

“Because of you, Shane, because you showed Celestia and Luna there was a hole, a flaw in the system of law Equestria is based on. There was nopony out there,” she gestured. “We have the guard, we have our military, and we have city law enforcement. However, go to places like Ponyville and outside of town, it is the guard that perform the enforcement, not a trained… uh,” she paused.

I watched her flip a few pages over, then smiled. “LEO,” pronouncing it lee-oh.

That, of course made me chuckle. “El-Eh-Oh, Twilight, the letters are an acronym for Law Enforcement Officer.”

A warm blush grew on her cheeks in embarrassment and she gave a nod. “Right, a LEO. The point is, Shane, our laws had no place for such. We did not see the flaw and overlap in authority that could be abused by criminal and soldiers alike. “

Celestia spoke up once more. “And so my little human, we wished to have you guide my little ponies, to form what...you have now done in such a brash manner. Please understand I did not want you to feel pressured into things, but what’s done is done.”

I pondered on that. So this was her ultimate end game, overall not such a terrible one. I began to look back at things, and I can see where she was nuding here and guiding there. You know what, all things considered I guess I was the one that stuck my foot in it, not her. Well, she was right, what is done, is done.

“So now what, Princess?” I said, looking back to her.

She gave a warm smile. “First, you learn the why and what, then you pick your first company. Company... if I remember the traditions you spoke of right?” titling her head some.

I nodded once. “Well, we have no captain,” I remarked, “or supporting staff, and of course a budget, and…” I paused when I noted all the smirks from around the table. Again, I glanced at the chair missing a pony, a pony I wanted to see the smile of right now. Looking back around once more, I shook my head.

“You have already planned all this out haven't you?”

Luna had a smirk, Twilight was nodding her head like a idiot, Celestia… well the damn white witch had her grin going warm and wide.

I shook my head. “Who?”

It was Fancy who responded. “Well, ol’ chap, it seems due to Equestrian law, you required a voice in the council, and a patron. One to advocate for you, and it seems Dame Lulamoon bid my wife and myself for that cause”

I blinked at that and looked over at the two of them, both with big warm smiles. “So, in matters of new law, of budgets and such?”

He gave a nod. “We will be your oversight, yes. Working directly with your captain and support staff, of course.”

I hiked a eyebrow and looked around, before I noted something I had missed before. Not only was Crossed Swords out of uniform, but he had a small chain around his neck. Hung from it, was a badge, just like the one that adorned the chest of Cortland and myself.

I suspect I had quite the confused tone in my voice when I spoke. “C-Cross?”

He gave a nod of his head. “The Canterlot Rangers charter demanded a trained officer take the roll of captain up. I was approached by Sir Pants and Dame Lulamoon. With the princesses blessings,” he stood up a bit more. “I am proud to take up the badge, and learn from you so I might teach another generation, Shane. What has been started here, it is a new honor, a new tradition, and I would not miss it for the world.”

My eyes roamed over to Dusty now, who looked at her husband with a smile, then turned and locked stares with me. She lifted her hoof up. “Oh, no badge here, but somepony had to keep you idiots in line and keep your paperwork right.”

I muttered. “Support staff, of course,” shaking my head. This was a lot to take in. It was a lot to do. I was being asked to help start a whole new tradition, a new form of law enforcement. I paused in my thought, I wondered what my ancestor Ranger McDonald would have thought of all this.

Golden spoke up next. “I have taken on the job as dispatch and processing. I will be your liaison between local law, guard, and the Rangers.” her smile said it all, and the perk in Cortland’s stance spoke of how proud he was too.

Next Fancy spoke up and gestured to the unicorn and pegasus next to him. “This is Red Ledger, the Canterlot Rangers accountant and finance manager.” The soft blue mare dipped her head to me.

He then motioned his hoof to the pegasus. “And this, is Swift Note, she will be recruiting and training messengers. Ponies that can get a fix on where our Rangers are and get them messages, wanted posters, and such, along with bring back news and letters.”

I gave her a nod, as I thought about all this. So much to think about, a lot of weight. The one pony I had to talk about such stuff with was… I cut that thought line off. Shawna, what have I gotten myself into? Would you be laughing right now… never mind, I know you would be.

“So, I suspect we have a lot of ground to cover. Can this wait? I want to learn all I can about our… guests.”

Rarity furrowed an eyebrow. “Guests, darling?”

I shook my head and gestured down. “The three scum buckets cooling their feathers in the lockup.”

A few frowns crossed a few particular faces. Twilight spoke up. “Shane, that isn’t a very nice thing to say about somepony.”

I rolled my eyes. “Twilight, they attacked Sweet Apple Acres, put Applejack in the hospital and kidnapped a foal. They are not exactly good people,” I pointed at the apple unicorn on my left. “Not a word.” He smirked at me.

Twilight huffed. “Still not a nice thing to say…” as the door behind us opened and we turned. I found myself looking right at a gryphon, but one I knew. Gladblade walked over and bowed to the princesses before turning to me and bringing his claw up over his chest and heart area. I smiled and returned it in kind.

“I have come to observe the questioning of the verrater. I have already read the report,” his eyes returned to me once more. “The Empire disavows the ones you hold. Do as you wish with them, they are not our citizens. Nobirdy who would put a foal in harm's way is worthy of being a citizen of our country.”

I glanced at Celestia once he spoke his peace, one eyebrow lifted. “Princess, this seems to be a pretty big deal. Why am I the one that seems to be calling the shots here?” I really was confused by this. I had been a Ranger for all of a day now.

As a few times before I saw a crack in that fasad she put up. The big white alicorn frowned lightly and looked right at Twilight?

“It would seem, Ranger McDonald, that the charter for the Canterlot Rangers had a few things put in that make this a… touchy situation.”

I glanced at Luna who just had a rather knowing smirk on her face, and then at Twilight who was blushing and her ears were down some. “Somepony wish to elaborate on this?”

Celestia nodded in turn, then her horn lit up. With a soft pamf, a book appeared next to the scrolls and my writings. It was a thick looking thing, had to be a good three inches, perhaps four. It opened and flipped pages under that golden glow, coming to a stop I would say a few hundred pages in. Clearing her throat, she began. “Article seven-seven-three, subsection one-through-eight, I will just paraphrase,” the sun goddess started.

“Under the articles and charter above, any Ranger making an arrest, is lead investigator of the crime. This includes the right to keep the suspects for up to seventy two hours without filing charges, and blocking all inquiry in that time by any entity including the crown,” at that part she shot a look at Twilight again.

Looking back at me again, she flicked her ears back some. “That means, Ranger, right now, for the next,” pausing to look out the window at the sun then back to me, “forty nine hours, no one may question them but you, unless you sign off on it… not even my sister or myself.”

I looked around, and I will admit, I was purely shocked. I mean, sure, I made the arrests with Cort, but no Miranda, no lawyers, not even the rules of the kingdom could intercede for seventy-two hours. Some of that sat poorly with me.

As if reading my thoughts, Luna spoke up next. “By the charter, we may observe, and somepony can intercede should things become aggressive or harmful to anypony involved. The accused has the right to say nothing, I believe you wrote, The right to remain silent?”

I gave her a nod and looked back to Celestia. “Why would you, all of you, agree to this?”

Luna shrugged some. “We thought to give the Rangers space to work. To find criminals and not be tied down, but still give our ponies their rights too.”

Well, ain’t that a shocker. Glancing around the room and back over to Cross, I looked at him and he gave me a nod back. “We will go over all of the charter, Shane, but time is ticking away now,” he gestured down with his hoof.

I repaid him a nod of acknowledgement. “Sure thing, Cap,” slipping back into lingo without really thinking about it. You can take the badge from the Ranger but you can’t ever take the training away. “One last thing, it seems this was all well thought out. No, I am not mad you did this, Celestia. For once, I think one of your plans is working out smoothly,” hinting to her of all the past ones we had seen in the show. “Where will we be based out of?”

Celestia smiled some “The Canterlot Rangers will have a station in Canterlot, of course. However, there will be one sub station at the start. Here, in Ponyville.”

Cross again spoke up. “Company A will be based here in Ponyville, you will have one support staff,” he gestured to Golden who beamed warm and bright. “Two Rangers, that would be you and Sergeant Cortland,” he, again, motioned. “The rest of the Canterlot Rangers support staff and myself will be based in Canterlot.”

Turning my head back to the princess of the sun, I reached up and took my hat off. “So, you really did plan all this out?”

That she gave a smile to, and nodded. Lifting herself up some, taking on that regal pose. “Shane McDonald, your words, your writing, inspired me. The more you wrote, the more I found myself admiring your laws and your path of life. I hoped almost as strong as I have in the past for other things, that you would carry this vision of law to my little ponies.”

Well, hell, standing there among so many, and having her say it like that. I blushed and gave a nod of my head. “Yes Ma’am” was all I could manage.

I slid my hat back on and glanced around before picking my rifle back up off the table. Holding it in one hand, barrel down so as not to point at anyone. “I guess I have some perps to talk to.”

Once more Pinkie Pie spoke up. “Then I can throw a ‘congratulations on being a Ranger’ party!’, right?”

I exhaled and was about to say no before she added with her ears back. “You said birthday and special events, and we Pinkie promised!”

I blinked. Well, fuck, she was right. I guess the Element of Laughter got the last laugh. I looked at her. “Can it wait until…” I looked once more to the empty chair. Her eyes turned as did most the ponies in the room then her mane deflated a little bit. I blinked as she hopped off her chair and walked around the table to sit down, looking up.

Her hoof reached out and she reared up so she could plant that hoof on my chest, maintaining proper eye contact with me. “It will be the best ‘welcome to being a Ranger and we are glad you are okay Applejack party’ I have ever thrown!”

I couldn’t help myself, reaching out and put my hand into her mane lightly and gave her ear a gentle scratch. “You got it, Pinkie, I will even play a song if you ask.” and she gave my wrist a nuzzle before hopping off again and walking back to her seat.

I turned before anything else could be said, back to the room as I walked for the door. “Cort, we got some gryphons to question.”

“Shane, a moment of your time before you go down there,” I heard Celestia say. I waited as she walked over and then gestured. We together walked outside the map room and I glanced down at Cortland.

“Find us a room, near the cells, soundproof as can be if you can, clear it, just a table, and three chairs.”

He gave a nod, “You got it, LT,” and trotted off to do just that.

I turned and looked at Celestia and then sighed. Taking my hat off once more, I couldn’t quite look her directly. “It is my obligation to apologize for the way I addressed you.”

Her hoof came up and rested on my shoulder. “Shane, I forgave you as soon as you walked out of view. I would like to think you are a friend, and friends forgive.”

I looked up now at her face and gave a nod.

“Keep your temper in check, Shane, do not lash out. They did unspeakable things, but they are still living creatures and one of them died. That is going to have its effect on them.”

I gave her a nod and slid my hat back on as her hoof lowered once more. “I know, thank you.”

She smiled, then spoke in a far softer volume. “Shane, when she is awake… tell her. Don’t let the moment pass, don’t lament for the rest of your life a lost moment.”

I looked back into her eyes then exhaled “I will… try,” watching her face fall a bit, then she gave a nod.

“Go. Do what needs to be done, Ranger McDonald.”

I clenched my fist around my rifle a bit tighter. “As you bid, Princess,” and turned, heading for the door down to the cells.

32 - Interrogation

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It had taken us a good two hours to get the room ready. Twilight had provided what was some kind of pantry or storage area. Spacey enough for what we needed, about 20-by-20. It had no vents, no windows, just a door. She had created a crystal table that was part of the floor, and three chairs that were attached as the table was. Two on one side; one sized for a pony and the other for me. On the opposite side was a bench that could fit another pony, or anything really.

My rifle and the old Walker were put into a storage container, the very one they had been carried in before, made so the guards could carry them without the anti-magic properties of the weapons harming them. I took my old duster off and had laid it over the container. Cort had done the same, his badge hanging on a chain around his neck.

The others, including the princesses and Cross, were in a room near this one. Some kind of spell was going to let them observe and hear as if there were a camera in the room. The line had been drawn, and it was agreed that, if my own anger reached a tipping point, Crossed Swords would swiftly step in and take over the interrogation.

I was pissed, but tempered by the fact I was about to face the friends of someone I took the life of. That still weighed on my heart heavily. Yes, he was scum, yes, he ordered them to kill Apple Bloom, but he was still a living creature all the same, and I still killed him. It isn’t something that should be taken lightly, and it was not something one wants to resort to.

I knew they had moved the older of the gryphons into the room a few minutes before. Cortland glanced up at me from where we stood outside the door. “So, we going in?”

I chuckled a bit and shook my head. “Nope, not yet. Let him stew, he is in a room with no windows, artificial light, hard stone table and chairs. He has no way to measure time flow right now.”

The unicorn lifted his eyebrow. “That sounds kind of like torture to me, Shane.”

My lips pursed into a frown. “Nothing of the sort, just disorientating him. Now, when we go in, follow my lead, okay?”

Cortland gave a nod and glanced down the hall where eight guards stood, making sure the two in the cells did not talk or communicate in any way. I was thankful someone...somepony, thought to keep them apart from the get go. It would make my job easier.

As we waited, Golden strolled up with a perplexed look on her countenance. She held out in her mouth a thick folder that I took. “Why did you need a folder full of old letters and junk, Shane?”

I gave a bit of a smile. “To better sell the lie I am going to push,” earning a frown from both, but they went no further to say anything as I turned. “Let's do this, Cort,” shoving the door open.
Inside sat the older gryphon, his wing bandaged to his side. He had chains binding his claws that looped under the bench and locked to a set on his rear legs. That made sure he could not get up or move around. He snarled as I closed the door behind me.

“It is about time! I have sat here for what feels like hours. I demand to talk to our ambassadorial lawyer. You can’t hold us, we are not citizens of this country, monster. You murdered Glavesliger in cold—”

I brought the heavy folder down into the table with a bang, a loud bang. Even Cort jumped when I did, but I was too busy glaring into the old males eyes to see what my partner was doing now.
“You get nothing, scum, you are a citizen of no country.” I patted the folder.

“Your kin have abandoned you, and this pile of paperwork lets me do anything I want,” I crouched down, gazing into his cores with fury. “Perhaps I will tell Cort here to take a walk, and you and I can have a nice, long talk,” my hand slammed down on the folder once more.

He jumped, and behind me I heard Cortland snort and then say, “Ease up a bit, Shane, perhaps he wants to talk?” His attention then focused to the gryphon. “You look like a smart birdy, smart enough to understand just how deep in the dung you are, right?”

I wanted to smile. Cort had picked up on things fast. He was playing the nice guy to my bad guy. I couldn’t smile however, that would kill the game. Rather I tapped the folder on the table. “Oh. bullshit, Sergeant.” I saw both him and the gryphon wince at my words. “We have his whole file, him and his little gang. Kidnapping, extortion, murder, child rape.”

Suddenly the gryphon blurted out. “I have never laid my claws on a hatchling that way!”

I spun and glared at his eyes. “But having one of your buddies kill a foal, that is okay, right?” as I slammed my hand once more down into the thick folder of papers. I did not break eye contact with him at all, and he broke first.

The gryphon’s eyes turned away and he replied in a much quieter volume. “I told Glade this was a bad idea, that this was not the way. He was a total idiot, then he compounded that by threatening that filly!” He then looked straight at me. “Absolve my son of the crimes in that folder and I will take the full brunt of them.”

Ah, his weakness, he had shown his tell and I had it now. I glanced back at Cort and gestured. “Go get me a coffee would you?”

He glared back, and then nickered and turned, walking out with a slam of the door. Nice touch, buddy, nice touch.

Turning my head back, I looked at the captive once more. “No, you are going to swing from the gallows and your son is going to go first.”

Anger flared up all across his face and he snarled back at me. “You can not hang us, Equestria has no death penalty! We are citizens of—”

I cut him off in a cold tone, raising my voice above his. “I am a Canterlot Ranger, I have the freedom to do as I please, and as of two hours ago,” picking up the folder and making a show of arranging the papers in it so he could not see them, “You, and your four friends were disavowed by the Griffon Empire.” At that, I offered him a smile that was far from cordial.

I saw him blink, then his beak opened and closed a few times, his voice cracked. “Y… you lie… monster!” but he was unsure I could see it. I had him.

“Do I? Perhaps I will have Council Member Gladblade come in here and explain this to you?” I patted the folder once again. The act of it, made to make him think it was full of information, that I, and by extension Equestria, knew everything.

He was quiet for a long time, staring down and no longer able to look me in the eyes. The door opened and Cortland stepped in, using his magic he set a cup of coffee in front of me and closed the door, sitting down himself.

“What can I offer to save my son?”

I glanced at Cortland then back to the gryphon. “Who ordered the attack, and why? What was the goal?”


Eight hours, eight long hours of getting all three to talk, of going over details time and time again. Everything had been recorded… well, of course it had the purple egghead had made sure of that.

Right now I sat laying back in a large chair in the library, my eyes closed but not asleep. I heard the door open and a throat clear.

“All that, and we have nothing. No reason, no lead on who gave the orders. All we know is the money came in the form of bits—Equestrian bits. Worthless information.”

The hooves shifted and moved in, I heard the door shut quietly. A large presence came over near me and I heard it lay down close. Opening one eye, I looked over at the white alicorn princess who was looking right back. “Luna will walk their dreams tonight, we will make sure they told the truth.”

I looked back to the ceiling. “I don’t hold much hope. I don’t think they lied.”

She was quiet then spoke in the same hushed tone. This was her putting aside being a princess and her talking to me as a person, pony… god damn it, Twilight!

“Shane, while I do not agree with some of your methods, they were true. They did not violate their rights as living creatures. You have my respect for that.”

I turned my head and looked at her again. “Prin—Celestia, as a song from my world goes.” I turned and sat up so I was able to look her in the eyes, clearing my throat. “Grandpappy told my pappy, back in my day, son. A man had to answer for the wicked that he done. Take all the rope in Texas find a tall oak tree, round up all them bad boys hang them high in the street, for all the people to see.”

I held up my hand to stop her from retorting. “I know there is no capital punishment here in Equestria, but that doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be, Princess. It also means they had no clue who or what I was, or that my threat was hollow.”

She was quiet for a time then rose to her full height. “And your feelings on the one you… made answer for his wickedness?”

I exhaled and shook my head. “I am not celebrating over it, Celestia. I have been laying here trying to figure out how to ask god, Shawna, and Applejack to forgive me. If you want to know the truth of it.” I rose to my feet as I spoke.

She again set her hoof up on my arm lightly and leaned in, so I had no choice but to look her in the eyes. “Shane, I am ordering you, as one of my Canterlot Rangers, to talk to somepony.” She threw me a look before I could start to argue. “I mean it, Shane, taking a life, no matter why or how, is no easy thing to live with. I have seen it with my soldiers, with my sister, even myself, and now I see it in you."

She Continued “I am unfamiliar with your god, Shane, but from what I have read in your words, and seen in your actions, I am sure he forgives you.” Her ears laid back some. “The rest, I have no answer for. That is for you and you alone to address and find balance with.”

I picked up my hat and slid it on “Do you forgive me, Celestia? I swore before you I would bring no harm to your ponies, to anyone of this world.”

She smiled just a tiny simper. “Shane, you did swear that, but you also said, save for defending yourself. Something you did and were forced to have to do. I can not fault you for that, nor can I fault you if a day comes you must do such again, to protect yourself, or an innocent life.”

I gave her a bit of a nod. “That means something to me, thank you.”

She paused and then turned to walk out with me. Looking over at me with the door still closed and her princess mask still off.

“Shane, speak with Crossed Swords. I have a hunch that you will find he understands things better than most will. He is your friend, yes?”

I found myself with a soft smile. “He is, and I will take your advice. Now if you will pardon me I should—” a yawn cut my words off, “—get over to the hospital and check in.”

She frowned at me. “Go sleep first, how long has it been since you have received a full eight hours of sleep?”

“I can’t, Celestia, not until I know Applejack is going to be all right,” was my response, not bothering to look at her as I walked out the door of the library and into the hall.


There had been no big deal made this time when I walked into the hospital. I gave nurse Redheart a nod, pondering to myself did she ever go home? Walking down the hall I nodded to the two guards at the hall entrance, and again to the two at her door.

Stepping inside, I found Big Macintosh in a wheelchair, supporting his broken hind leg, next to his sister's bed. He peered up and gave a single nod and a meek smile.

“Ah figured you would be along when ya could,” as I walked up next to him and looked down at the orange mare. “She ain’t got worse, but ain’t got better yet.”

I looked over at him, beginning to speak, “Mac… I am sorry I was not there, I—” only to be cut off by a loud snort and him getting his face right in mine.

“Now, y’all quit that. Ya ain’t a god and ya couldn’t have predicted this. You dun right, you brung back ma’ little sister and ya brung them sidewinders in. Ah am mighty proud to call ya a friend.”

I looked at the usually quiet stallion then turned back to look at AJ. The two of us just stayed like that a good stretch of time, before I yawned. He nudged me. “Go get sum sleep.”

I shook my head. “I will stay here, Mac, you go rest. I won’t let her be alone,” making eye contact with him, seeing him read my intentions. He nodded again and a slight equine snort.

“Ma sister could do a hell of a lot worse,” was the last thing he said before he turned and wheeled himself out, leaving me to blink and watch him go. What did every last one of them know but me?

I tugged the big padded chair they had brought in for me, over to her side. Sitting down I took my hat off and sat it next to AJ’s hat on the window sill. I found myself watching her, just thinking about everything the last few days had brought to me, once more reflecting on my feelings for the mare lying before me, and my own struggles with them.

At some point I lay my head down next to her leg, and I suppose I fell asleep.


I woke to a slight noise and something covering my back. I shivered, it was slightly cold, and I looked up to see Rarity had her horn lit up. She was dragging a soft blanket over me, so I sat up some but tugged the blanket around myself.

“I am sorry I woke you, Shane darling, I was just stopping in and looking in on dear Applejack.”

I gave her a gentle nod. “What time is it?”

She returned a genuine smile. “Eight am darling. You seem to have slept the night here,” a telling smile too, a twinkle to her eye that spoke of her approval. Ever the romantic, ain’t you, Rarity?

“I... I just didn’t want her to be alone,” I admitted to the white marshmallow of a pony.

She gave a nod back to me “Loyal, Honest, Generous, Kind, now if we can just work on your humor and the aberrant language you use. You will be the very model of what Equestria stands for.” but I could tell she was teasing a bit too.

I shook my head, looking back at the orange mare, still in a deep slumber. I didn’t speak, but I did turn some when I felt something on my arm. I found Rarity leaning over and lightly pressing herself against it. I had noted many ponies did this, stallion and mare, colt and filly. It seemed to be a sort of warm gesture, like when humans touch each others arms or shoulder.

“Shane, darling, far be it from me to poke my nose where I should not but… you don’t need to be observant to tell what you feel for her, and what she feels for you.”

I chuckled. “Eh tu Rarity?”

She tilted her head and sat, turning so she could look up at me. “Shane, many a mare dreams of finding a stallion like you. Kind, driven, strong in all the right ways and weak in all the other best ways.” she paused “what do you fear in telling her how you feel?”

I exhaled some and shook my head. “I... don’t know Rarity, I just, there is so much in the way. I am still clinging to my past and I know it. I still have what I was brought up to think and view. The stupid of it all is, none of it matters here.”

The white unicorn gave a soft toss of her mane. “And do you think Applejack cares?”

I shook my head. “Not one bit, not about any of that. The hangup is all me, I am the one with a problem. She is- Lord help me Rares, she is everything. Smart, strong, beautiful, kind… everything Shawna was. That is the rub, isn’t it? How do I love her and not betray Shawna?”

“Do you love her, darling?”

I was quiet for a bit, and then gave a nod of my head. “I do, Rarity, I really do. As hard as it has been for me to process all of it. The fight with myself, my upbringing, my issues... I do. I love her.”

Something touched my arm, and because I was looking at Rarity I noted her eyes go wide as can be. My head snapped around and I found green eyes looking back at me and an ebony hoof placed on my hand. I froze, her eyes locked me in place and I couldn’t even draw in a breath. I could see the pain in her eyes, and yet there was a sparkle, a drive stronger than I had ever seen there.

Her voice cracked and croaked out in a half whisper. “Ah love ya, too.”

I jumped in surprise. “Get a nurse. Now!”

There wasn’t much of a need to shout, as Rarity was already on the move out the door with her magic flinging it open.

33 - Talks and campfires

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I found myself sitting outside in the waiting area, I had been here now a good three hours. The staff had thrown Rarity and I out as soon as they got in the room. Not twenty minutes later, Granny Smith, Big Macintosh in a wheelchair, and Apple Bloom had come in, joined less than two more minutes later by the rest of the girls, including Starlight and Spike.

An hour ago, they had started letting people go see her, one at a time. I had opted to push others before me. They were family and I was not. Of course, this had met with many an argument but I stood fast on my decision.

I looked up as I noted Twilight and Spike walking back into the room. She was glaring at me. I glanced about some and realized every one of the girls, and the Apples, were all doing the same. I huffed out a long exhale, unsure of how to face this. I wasn’t sure now was the time, or how to deal with it.

“Shane,” Twilight said as she came right over and looked me in the eyes. With me sitting and her standing we were just about eye to eye height. “She wants to see you. She is tired, but keeping herself up. She wants to see you very much.”

I shifted my sights elsewhere. “I know. I just... I don’t know how…”

Something slugged me in the arm, HARD. So powerful it quite nearly knocked me out of the chair. I spun my head to see Big Mac drawing back his hoof and he jerked it to point at the room. “Ma sister is in there, where ya know you need ta be too. Stop being so Celestia-damn stubborn!” This caused many of the mares to gasp at his ‘language’. Granny Smith, rather, nodded in agreement, but the look she shot him said he was getting a talking to.

I slowly got up, not saying a word as I headed for the room. I wanted to be furious at Mac, but he was my friend. Deep down, I knew he was right, and likely I owed him for pushing me like that and breaking through my funk. I didn’t look back at the mares, at family. I could feel them all scrutinizing my back. Did they all know? Did AJ tell them?

Opening the door slowly, I took note of the room. The curtains were drawn a bit to keep the afternoon sunlight to a minimum. Applejack had her back to the door, covers had been pulled up around her, though it was clear enough that she was awake. I noticed her ear flick at the noise.

Walking around the bed, I put my hand out and touched her shoulder area lightly, making eye contact with her. “How you feeling?” in a quiet tone.

Applejack gawked up at me. She had a bit of red around her eyes, like she had been crying. “Ah have felt better. How are you holdin’ up, Shane?” Here she was, laying in bed, wounded, damn near had died, and she was worried about me?

“I am okay.”

She frowned and shook her head. “Yer not. Twi told me, Shane.”

I slowly sat down on the chair after reaching back with my foot, hooking it, and dragging it over behind me. Now I could look her eye to eye rather than looking down at her. “I don’t really want to talk about it right now, Jackie.”

Her eyes widened some, and I realized quickly that I had used a term, a nickname for her, only used in my mind. She watched me for a moment, then her hoof came out from under the sheets, reaching for me. I did what came natural and reached up taking it lightly. “Shane, did you mean it?”

Crap. I knew this was coming, and there was no way to avoid it any longer. I looked away, silent, then looked back and gave a nod of my head. “Lord help me, Jackie, I did. I don’t know what it means yet, I don’t know how to deal with it, but I do.”

She gave me a soft smile and I felt that odd phantom grip ponies have in their hooves squeeze my hand lightly. That too was something that had only come over the last month or so. Twilight had theorized that it meant my body had assimilated enough of the local background radiation to counter my own worlds.

Applejack just spent the next few minutes gazing into my eyes, and me back into hers. Then she proceeded to ask a question that jarred me some. “Would she have approved?”

I blinked once, then twice, looking right at the orange pony. I gripped her hoof’s edge a bit harder. Exhaling softly, I thought deeper than I had ever before about that question. I suppose I had sat there for too long, as her ears fell. I immediately saw that and I felt like my heart crashed, like a plane into my chest. I squeezed her hoof even tighter.

“I... I don’t know, but, I would like to think she would have.”

She seemed to take that at face value and relaxed once more. She remained quiet, merely looking where my fingers touched her hoof, before her exhausted voice asked one last question. “Shane, the one that did this ta’ me, he was big, real big. Ah would know him ifn’s ah saw him.”

I knew who she was talking about now. I was sure of it. “You… won’t see him again, Jackie,” I said, sticking to the name. She seemed to like it, so, there is that.

I watched her stare me, looking into my eyes, then she pinned her ears to her skull. “J-just ya tell me true, did ya have to?”

I gave her a nod, and she repaid it. “Ah, don’t know how ah feel about that. They done some bad stuff, but…” she grew quiet, then spoke in a softer volume. “Don’t you tell Bloom, you hear? She is far too young for knowin’ somethin’ like that.”

I gave a nod, and we watched each other until she drifted off to sleep. I stayed there with her for another twenty minutes before I got up quietly and left the room to let her rest, taking note as I strolled down the hall of the guards still in place, seven mares, and one little dragon in the waiting room.

I drug my hat down so I didn’t have to look at them directly, but that was not to be. A blue blur was soon hovering in front of me, and used her hoof to nudge my hat back up again. She was looking at me, ears back, but her chest was puffed out. “What, Dash?”

She slowly settled to the ground and stared up at me. “You going to talk to us?”

I shook my head no. “Not right now, Rainbow, perhaps in a bit, a few days, hours… fuck, I don’t know, okay? I just need to sit and process all this.”

Many ears flattened at the words spoken. Out of the corner of my eye I took note of, Twilight starting to open her mouth, but Pinkie of all ponies shook her head and put her hoof to the lavender alicorn’s lips.

Fluttershy spoke up. “We understand, Shane, but we are all worried too. You are our friend, we just want to know you will be all right.”

I glanced up at her, a half-hearted smile curling my lips. “Thank you, all of you. I, need to take a walk, clear my head. I will go sleep in my bunk tonight so you don’t have to worry, okay?”

Perhaps the most surprising to me was Starlight, who chimed in with a quiet, hesitant manner. “Shane, don’t sit on it too long. Trust me, it just gets worse the longer you keep it bottled up.”

I glanced at her, then nodded gently. Of all the mares, she knew pain, and she understood regret. I had respect for her because of her background.

They all glanced at each other then nodded some. I headed for the door and out, where I was going unbeknownst to even myself, but I needed to walk.


I found myself alone out at the far end of town, as far from the farm as I could be. Out past Fluttershy’s place; farther out than her sanctuary was, in fact. I had a small fire going, since it was late fall after all, and the forecast from a few days ago told that the snow would come next week.

I sat there on an old log, looking down at the fire burning in the small ring of stones. I had my old oilcoat pulled close, as well as a flannel on underneath it, and a long sleeve shirt under that. For a time, I was kind of lost in thought, when I heard a noise behind me. I leaped up and spun completely around, my right hand flashed down and gripped the butt of the peacemaker. Two ponies stood there, one with an amused expression, the other mildly shocked.

Dropping my hand off the gun, I exhaled. “Cross, Cort you two should know better than to sneak up on me.”

Cross rolled his eyes some as both unicorns exchanged glances, and looked back at me. “Shane, we have been standing here damn near two minutes.”

I blinked, then sighed. “Sorry, just been... thinking,” as I sat down and gestured for them to join me. Leaning forward, I put another branch into the fire to keep it burning. “What drags you out this way, Cap?”

Cross shook his head as he sat and then turned his head. Pulling open his saddle bag, he tugged free a big bottle of a dark amber liquid with a label on it. “I came down to Ponyville so Miss Belle could measure me for a coat, like the ones you two have. Seems like that is as good a uniform as any.”

I glanced at Cortland, who gave a nod, and then back to the captain. “Your call, Cap, but, yeah, that works just fine.” I reached over and picked up the bottle. “Is this what I think it is?”

He gave a grin as Cortland opened up his bag and produced three shot glasses and set them down on a small flat rock. “Figured you could use a good drink, Shane.”

I looked at the bottle, then up at the two of them and set it down near the glasses. “I don’t drink, but... you know what? I think I may just need one. It ain’t been the smoothest few days.”

Cortland popped the cork on it and soon started to pour a good three fingers of the liquid into the shot glasses. Picking them up in that bizarre way ponies can lift things. He handed one to Cross before he picked up the second one and handed it to me. Holding his up, the captain and I did the same.

“The first toast of the Canterlot Rangers should go to you, Shane,” they both looked at me as I exhaled and gave a bit of a nod of my head.

Pondering words, I spoke in a soft but solid tone. I smirked just a bit and focused on them both. “May you always rise to greet the sun, may you have it at your back in a fight, and may justice always temper your actions.”

I watched them blink, then clink glasses with me and we, as one, gulped the contents down. Holy crap! I hissed out a long breath as it burned its way down, this stuff could be damn near white lightning!

I drew in a sharp breath in again. “Jesus Christ, what is that?!” looking at the glass in my hand.

Cort laughed and turned the bottle. “That there is pure one-hundred-percent apple moonshine. Ain’t something you can find in stores, Ol’ apple fella by the name of Sour Mash makes it, only a few hundred bottles a year.”

I coughed a second time and smirked as the apple unicorn started to pour off three more jiggers. “Well, warn a fella next time. I don’t know if we should be drinking that, or using it to strip paint from a wall with.”

This time, the glasses lifted and Cort spoke. “To bringing justice and harmony to everypony.”

I gave a grunt and chucked the second shot down fast as the first. A long exhale again as I set the glass down and a third round was poured.

When the glasses met this time, Cross looked at us both and said in a somber tone. “To the ones that gave everything and never came home.”

I looked at his face, and I knew. That haunted look, the fact he wouldn’t quite focus on us. I had a few friends back home before the accident that had gone to the sandbox. They had that same look in their eyes.

This shot went down, and I gently set the glass down and turned to the fire. Letting the warmth spread as the sun hung low in the sky. I guessed it had to be four, perhaps going on five, dusk would be soon. I had been out here longer than previously thought.

We sat there watching the sun drop, just as it touched the horizon there was a soft purple flash. I tilted my head, it was the same shade as Twilight's coat. From my right a voice came, somber and soft.

“We were on a patrol along the Gryphon and Equestrian border. Just hit sundown like this, we had another hour to camp. I was talking to Soda Ash, the earth pony sergeant of the company. I was green as green can be, first year out of academy, in fact.”

Cortland and I kept quiet, I did glance over at the unicorn speaking, then back to the fire, letting him tell his mind.

“They hit us hard. Changelings. Soda never knew what hit him, took a spear right through his neck. The rest of us reacted fast, but we lost three more before we could start defending ourselves or attack. There were only five of them, but they were faster, stronger, and had the advantage of being able to alter their shape.”

His eyes were distant, he was there now. Up until a night ago, I would have never known what that was like, now… all I could do was hone in to him.

“Well, I ended up hoof to hoof with one of them. Big fella, bigger than the others. He was strong, and all I had was my short sword. He kept changing into things, bug things with claws long as a pony’s barrel to his dock. No matter what anypony tells you, fights like that all end the same. Two ponies in the mud, dirt, and blood trying to kill each other. He made a mistake, and I got the upper hoof…”

Cross grew quiet again, but we both heard the cork pop off the bottle again. I turned to watch him lift it in his magic and take a swig from it. Setting it back down it floated over to me. I gripped it as he breathed out. “I watched the life leave his eyes, I don’t think I will ever forget that.”

I took a long swig, then coughed and handed the bottle over to Cort. Leaning away, I grabbed another log and slid it onto the fire, watching it pop and crackle as I leaned back on the one I had been sitting on before. “Do you ever stop thinking about it?”

He gave a nod as Cortland took a heavy gulp from the bottle again, and extended it out in his magic to Crossed Swords.

“Takes time, Shane, and talking about it makes it dig at your conscious less every time. Think on that, if it was no big deal, it wouldn’t be bothering you.”

The three of us just sat there and polished off that bottle.


At some point, the night grew colder. I had noted Cross didn’t have anything to wear. So I took my flannel off, and luckily it was one of the ones Rarity had made me. I draped it over him as we all talked about whatever it is drunk guys talk about. I had my oil coat and a long sleeve shirt on under it, that would be plenty.

We all had drifted off, but something jolted me with a snap. My head was up, looking around, the glow of the fire almost gone. Just coals burned, so my night vision was at its best under the soft light of the moon. My hand creeped down to my holster again. Guess I was jumpy, but… I had reason, didn’t I?

A voice deep, but kept soft spoke from the shadows. “Forgive me, Ranger McDonald, our night princess bid us watch over you three from the shadows. I did not mean to wake you.”

Still drunk, still tired, I grunted, “S’okay,” and lay my head back down on my arm, tugged my oil coat back over me, and drifted off once more.

Morning came, the sun was far too bright, the damn birds were too loud. I groaned as I sat up, feeling something on my leg. Looking down, I saw Cort’s head rested on it, and a wet spot from where he was drooling. I yanked my leg out from under him and his head smacked the ground. He woke with a start… “Wah, who?” blinking, scrambling to get up on his hooves.

“You drooled on my leg!” Then the pain hit me. God, it hurt! My head pounded and I slumped back leaning on the log I had my back to most the night. “Someone call Celestia and tell her to turn the fucking sun off!”

Another groan came from near us, looking over to see Cross slowly sitting up, his mane matted to his face, he shivered. “Will you two shut up?! Quit yelling!”

I was about to tell him where he could shove his polite good morning, when a voice spoke up.

“Mr. McDonald, what does fucking mean?”

My head turned slowly. Very slowly. I knew that voice, I knew who it belonged to. Sitting there, watching the three of us, were three fillies. Sweetie Belle had this wide, curious look to her face, the other two had their heads tilted.

Cort muttered as the realization struck him harder than the hangover did, “We are so dead.”

34 - New hire

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“Well, that sucked, and Shane, did you have to egg her on every time she asked a question? Answering ‘that’s what she said’ is not the way to get us out of trouble.”

I chuckled at Cross as the three of us walked away from the crystal castle. Four hours. For four hours book princess had chewed me, and by that extension them, out. Oh, it started with the language, then went into the responsibility we had to show colts and fillies the right way, and how it was irresponsible for us to get drunk.

“What can I say, Cap? I was tired of getting the riot act over something stupid and small.”

Cort rolled his eyes, and Cross just glanced over at me. “Yeah, but you got us yelled at, too.”

I shrugged and gestured. “I am going to go back, shower up, change clothing, and go check on AJ.”

Cross yawned. “I should get back home, I am willing to bet the wife is going to chew my ear too.” he turned off heading for the station as we walked.

Cort looked up. “You mind walking home alone? I am going to…”

I cut him off. “Go see Golden, I get it,” watching him smile and turn off on another small road off the main one. I watched him for a moment then looked back to where I was walking, offering ponies a nod as I walked past, heading for Sweet Apple Acres.


I arrived at the hospital feeling a lot more human now. Walking down the hall I gave the guards a nod. One of them kept coughing and gesturing at me, but I didn’t get it. I just gave him a nudge “best get that looked at” as I opened the door.

AJ was sitting up in bed, this is great! Next I noted the other two in the room. One kind of chubby white unicorn, and one chromatic-maned pegasus. All three looked a bit… peeved. I was just pondering turning around and leaving when the door gently clicked behind me. Well, best thing I could hope for now is to not get too hurt. “Jackie, you are sitting up! That’s good. Are you feeling better?”

Her eyes, despite the anger shown in them, grew soft and she gave a nod. “Ah am, or ah was ‘til someone went and taught my little sister a new word.”

I took note of a little surprise in Rarity’s eyes and a bit of a smug grin on Rainbow’s muzzle when I used the name Jackie. I gave a bit of a shrug of my shoulders. “It wasn’t intentional, I was just waking up, I had no clue they were there.”

Dash chimed in then. “Dude, it was majorly uncool of you… but I get where you were.”

Rarity let off a little huff. “I expected you to be the gentlepony!”

“Gentleman,” I interrupted, only to receive a huff once more, which caused AJ to chuckle.

“As I was sayin’ I expect you to apologize to my parents, and to Sweetie Belle.”

I exhaled and gave a nod. “Fair enough. And for what it is worth, I am sorry. I am not saying that because I cursed, I am saying it because I should have watched what I said without looking around first.”

The three looked at each other and back at me again. It was pretty clear to me they were still tweaked, but I was out of danger… for now.

“Well then,” Rarity spoke up, “Perhaps, darling, we should see our way out. I am sure Applejack and Shane have things to talk about.”

Dash perked her ears. “No way, I want to hear all—hey, ouch! Quit pulling!”

I repressed a laugh as Rarity’s magic lit up around Rainbow’s ear and started to tug her to the door.

Once they had left, I turned and set my sights on the orange mare in the bed. Walking over to her, I once more pulled the chair over closer with my foot and sat so she wouldn’t have to look up at me. I could tell based on looks that she was still ticked, but there was more on her mind than just that. “Shane…”

I had to cut her off, lifting my hand up and putting a finger to her lips, shaking my head. “Jackie, we will figure it out, okay? You and I, we will figure it out. It is going to be a wild ride, that is for sure.”

She smiled some. “Long as ya are honest with me, and yerself.”

Applejack grew quiet and eased back on the bed, exhaling some. After a few minutes passed, her ears laid back. “So… are we… special someponies now?”

I blinked and reached up, tugging my hat off and setting it down. Without meaning to, it rested half on top of her ol’ stetson on the table next to the bed. I scratched my head then gave a bit of a nod. “I guess that we are if we are going to try to date and see what becomes of this.”

Seeing her nod, I leaned back in the chair. “So, what did the doc say? How long before you can come home?” Some little part of me deep inside, if it had eyes, it would have blinked. Did I just call the farm, home?

The earth pony emanated a snort. “Darn fool said ah have to stay here fer another few days. Said the stitches need to be cleaned and checked, then a bunch of stuff ah didn’t right understand, but ah guess he knows his job.”

She reached out and I took her hoof in hand. We didn’t talk, rather we just looked at each other and enjoyed the peaceful moment while we had it.


The next few days were long and filled with meetings. Most of them were with Mayor Mare, as well as Twilight. The purple book pony was still quite miffed at me, but she would get over it. I learned that for now the temporary station was to be in the basement of the crystal castle. In the meantime, the mayor had found a spot near city hall for the substation to be built. A few old abandoned and for-sale buildings would be torn down and the new one put up in their place.

The gryphons captured gave us nothing new and were now under heavy guard being transferred by train up to Canterlot. Seems the one I had shot,was the ring leader and never told the others who their contact was, or even hinted at where the money came from. The only thing we had was the fact that the contact was a unicorn. Well, great, that narrowed it down to about a third of the population.

I was sitting down at the small desk in the temp station with a pad of paper in front of me. On it was a list of names and titles; I wanted to get my thoughts down in writing along with a few notes, so I started a list of who might dislike the Apple family this much.

Nobles: Disliked the Apples for getting involved in politics again. Most are unicorns. Smart enough to know even if they got rid of a few, other apples would stand up and take their place.

Gryphons: Hired guns, no direct connection found at this time.

Other ranchers/farmers: Can’t see this being a remote possibility. The Apples seem well liked even among other crop farmers.

I sat there, scrutinizing the short list. I had next to nothing in the way of notes, information, evidence, nothing! The pencil snapped in half as I flexed my hand into a fist. Frowning, I lay the two halves on the desk. “I am missing something,” I uttered out loud, fingers on my temples. “Who had to gain from this attack? Who would profit from it?”

The door behind me opened, so I turned to look. Walking in, Twilight gave me a half smile, and in her magic’s glow, she carried a folder. “Shane, I got the report back on the bits found with the gryphons,” she said as she sat it on the desk and opened it. “Nothing unusual, but…”

I lifted an eyebrow. “But?”

She waved her hoof. “One bit, a single bit. It was very odd.”

I kept myself from rolling my eyes. “Odd, how, Twi?” gesturing with my hand for her to continue.

She sat down and flipped a few pages, turning one around so I could read it. “The magical signature of one bit was Luna’s.”

I blinked. “All right, let’s play pretend Shane knows jack sh—crud about magic.”

She frowned, but went back to explaining without further question. “Okay, as you know everything as a magical signature here, you call it um, background radiation.”

She tapped the page. “So, when a unicorn creates something—even if it is just using the magic to stamp something out—some of that magical signature, unique to the pony, is imbued on the item.” I nodded in acknowledgement as I listened further. “So that means, while all the rest of the coins were minted at the royal mint, this one coin, was minted by Luna herself.”

I frowned a bit and looked at the paper. “So… I am not sure I get the significance of this, Twilight.”

She again tapped it. “Shane, Luna has not minted coins in over a thousand years! I checked with her. All of the coins minted in that era have been long pulled from circulation and sit in the royal vault as part of Equestria’s strategic reserves.”

The purple alicorn of friendship had my full attention now. “So, the coin had to come from the Royal vault, or…”

She finished my sentence for me. “Someone’s private vault or collection.”

I tapped my finger on the table thinking about things for a bit as I looked at the papers, then over at my notes. “Twilight, can I request research to be done?”

Her eyes lit up. “Of course! What are you thinking, Shane?”

I grabbed the half pencil and started to jot down notes. “Okay, we need to look at any thefts in Canterlot or the major cities of bit collections, private large vaults, or safes in the last… oh say, five years?”

Twilight tilted her head as she seemed to think that over then I saw the idea dawning on her. Her eyes widened and she gave a nod. “I... I think I see what you are going for here. If we can trace where the bit came from, because it is so rare. With a bit of luck...”

It was now my turn to finish her words. “Then we can follow the path back to the person who used it to pay the gryphons.”

She lit up bright and flared her wings with glee. “That is brilliant, Shane! Where did you get the idea?”

I smiled. “An old cops trick, follow the money.”

She tucked her wings back in. “I will send a note right away to Celestia and to Captain Crossed Swords. I am sure we can get resources started on this right away! I will let Golden know to start coordinating with the Police and Guard outposts in Manehattan and Fillydelphia.”

With a blinding flash, she was gone. I rubbed my eyes and waited for the spots to disappear again. “I really wish she would warn me before she does that.”


After that I made it to the hospital just in time to help get Applejack into a wagon. A big Apple stallion by the name of Fireside Apple had ventured in from Appleloosa to help on the farm until Big Mac’s leg was finished healing up.

“Ah can walk just fine!” the stubborn mare stomped her hoof, a big bandage still around her barrel and a smaller one around her head near her right ear to keep the stitches clean. Her black eye had faded quite a bit, but her eye was still a little bloodshot.

I cleared my throat. “I seem to remember telling you the same thing.”

She spun her head looking at me even as Fireside and Granny Smith started to chuckle. “Now what in the hay does that have to do with…” she cut herself off and just stood there, eyeballing me.

I smirked at her. “Yeah?”

She stomped her hoof, scowling. “Shut up, Shane. Okay, ah get it. Ah will ride in the wagon but ah ain’t gonna be happy about it none.”

Once we were under way, the big off-yellow stallion pulling the wagon spoke in a thick drawl. “Ranger, ah was wonder’n. Ah get why you are walking with us, but why is cousin Cortland up there in front of us with his crossbow, an why is there two guards walking back a ways pacing us?”

I admit, perhaps I was a bit overboard. I had the old coach gun in my hands aimed up in the air, and my peacemaker on my hip. I glanced over at him and back around watching as we walked. “Fireside, because we don’t know who sent the gryphons yet, and I will be damned if I am going to let my guard down until I find them.”

He glanced over at me, then back to his pulling. “Cousin AJ, ah think you got yerself a keeper.”

I saw her blushing hard as can be out of the corner of my eye, even before Granny Smith started to chuckle some.


Life started to return to normal at long last, apart from the fact that AJ had cried when she found out Winnona had lost one front leg in the attack, though Fluttershy and the vet in Ponyville had saved the dog's life. She was already up and hobbling around, starting to learn to walk and move on three legs as dogs will do.

The following two weeks were quite for the most part. A lot more meetings, working to get things settled in. Swift Note had sent down a folder of names and profiles for me to look over. She was serious about getting the messenger corps up and going fast. I had spoken with Cross last week about that, and he suggested I take the lead in picking one or two for the Ponyville substation. After all, I would be working very closely in tandem with them.

Of the five in the folder, one caught my eye. A name I remembered from the show, so I had asked Rainbow to come meet me in private. The mare showed up in her wonderbolt uniform, explaining she had flown right from training; kind of smelled like it, too, but, can’t fault her loyalty.

“So, I wanted to ask you about someone,” her ear lifted as I slid a file over the small desk to her, watching her reach out and flip the folder open. She looked a little shocked before recovering and flipping a few pages.

“You know who this is, right? I mean the show and all, you saw that right?” her raspy voice spoke.

I gave a nod. “Keep reading, and yes I am well aware of who that is.”

A few silent minutes passed and she closed the folder. “Wow, I didn’t know she had it so rough after being thrown out. If I’d have known sooner, I would have tried to pull a few strings to get her someplace.”

I sighed out. “I want the truth, you think she can be given a second chance?”

Rainbow looked over at me, then smiled. “Everypony deserves a second chance, Shane.”

There was a knock at the door, then one of the Twilight guards poked his head in. “Guest to see you, Ranger McDonald.”

I nodded in acknowledgement, then glanced at Rainbow as her ears pinned down. “I am glad you feel that way, Dash, just remember your own words.”

In walked a blueish green mare with a two tone yellow-and-gold mane. She saw me and her jaw opened some in shock. Then her eyes drifted to Rainbow and she did a double take.

“R-Rainbow Dash, what, who, why are you here, what is that thing!” I could easily discern the panic starting to rise in her tone.

I cleared my throat. “First off Miss Dust, I am not a thing, my name is Ranger Shane McDonald, and I am a human.” I paused. “Do... you not read the papers?”

Rainbow had a frown on her face and she gave a little grunt. “Lighting Dust, seen any tornadoes lately?”

I saw the instant fall on the greenish mares face and I snapped at Dash. “Rainbow, stop that! No one is here to dig up the past.”

Rainbows ears flattened and I watched her sigh. “No, you are right, Shane,” looking up again. “I am sorry, Lightning, that was really uncool of me. How about we try this again?” I saw her smile come back. “Hey. How you been, Dust?”

Poor Lightning Dust looked just overwhelmed as her rear fell with a thud on the hard crystal floor. Her eyes flicked from me to Rainbow, then back again. Finally, she muttered very quietly. “I-I have no clue what is going on, I just was trying to get a job as a messenger.”

That comment I smiled at and glanced at the two mares across the desk from me. “Miss Dust—”

She cut me off and laid her ears back once more. “Lightning is fine. Uh, Ranger?”

I gave a nod. “Shane, please, and very well, Lightning. I think you and Rainbow here have a lot to talk about. Dash, could you take her upstairs, ask Spike to pull out all the articles since my arrival and have her read them?” I paused again. “Might be a good time for you two to catch up.”

The multi-hue-maned mare blinked, then nodded as she understood what I was driving at. “Oh, uh, sure, Shane. Come on, LD, let's get you up to speed,” she said, gently nudging her old comrade with her elbow.

They rose and turned, walking out the door. I exhaled. I knew I could trust Rainbow Dash to give me a valid view of the pegasus mare, and if she could be trusted.


Three hours later, there was knock on my door. Lifting my head, I called out, “Come in.”

Lightning walked in first, followed by Rainbow who was out of her flight suit now and looked like she had taken a shower. Both mares strode over and sat up in the chairs on the other side of the desk from me. Before I could say a thing, the golden maned mare said, “I just have to ask, why me? Why am I here?”

I smiled at that. “Because you are fast, because your delivery history is spotless, because your boss wrote a glowing review of your delivering meds to help a sick foal last winter and suffering a broken wing from it.”

I watched her blush some, and Rainbow smirk a bit. “Everyone deserves a second chance, Lightning, a good friend of mine told me that.” Lightning shot a smile over at Rainbow Dash, who winked back at her.

She looked to her right then back to me again. “S… so, what would I be doing?”

I produced a folder out of the drawer and slid it across to her. “Basic duty, you would be a sworn but not badge-carrying officer of the Canterlot Rangers. You do basic paperwork, you help clean, you do everything we all do, plus, you would go in the field with our officers and be the fast bridge between them and the dispatch. You might be doing boring admission paperwork, or you might be flying for your life to bring aid to an officer who is down.”

I let that sink in, then continued. “I need someone I can trust, Lightning Dust, someone who knows what it it is like to have everything on the line and keep pushing even when the world is crushing them.”

She looked at me for a time then she gave a firm nod of her head. “If you are offering, I will do it.”

Rainbow’s lips curled into a wide grin and she nodded, then I returned a nod to both of them, offering out my hand across the desk. “Welcome to the Canterlot Rangers, Lightning Dust.”

35 - Bad Milk

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Winter was here; and damn, did it come quick. I found it quite a shock to watch actual living creatures, mostly pegasi, shifting clouds and making the season happen. I say shock, though not in a bad way, perhaps awe was the right term.

Pinkie had begged to throw the party for Applejack and I, but with it snowing, the festivities were going to have to wait. Then Fireside came up with an idea, and I found myself where I was now.

The structure was put up in only a few hours I will say, was more like a round pole barn, open on all sides from about my hip height down, the peaked roof line had a big hole in it to let smoke out. Speaking of, a huge roaring fire was in the center of the open building. Gathered around it sitting on log benches was what I had taken the time to count to be nearly sixty ponies, among other folks.

At the time, I was leaning back on a bench, sitting on a blanket set on the ground and another up over my legs. I had a particular orange earth mare with cores of the greenest green leaning on me as everyone conversed with one another. Over near the fire, many of Ponyville’s foals including, but not limited to, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were roasting marshmallows. I smiled as I spotted a little grey pegasus colt was right in the middle of the three troublemakers. Good luck, little guy, I thought to myself.

Granny Smith was under a big blanket, as well, sitting in a rocking chair pulled over from the farmhouse. Next to her was old Grand Pear, the two chatting back and forth like old friends. I found myself scanning around more, just observing all the folks present, eating, talking and overall enjoying the chilly afternoon weather under the new pavilion as the snow fell around it.

Lightning Dust looked a little out of sorts, despite the fact that Discord, Trixie, and Starlight were over talking with her. Kind of a rogue’s gallery, I thought to myself, but one of reformed ponies… and one, whatever the hell Discord was. Lightning would come around, as she made new friends in Ponyville. She had decided to move here, I knew a few were going with her to help pack her things when she left on the train tomorrow.

There was food all over the place, long tables filled with everything you could think of. Right now, Pinkie and the Cakes were slicing up pies and a huge cake, serving it to ponies in line. I felt a nudge and I glanced over to see Jackie looking up at me with a warm smile.

“Ain’t so bad, being around others, is it,” she commented, in less a question and more of a statement. I smiled at her and gestured to where Twilight had her wing up over Rainbow Dash, the two fluffed up a bit and talking quietly.

“No, I guess. I really did miss being around people,” I responded.

Applejack snorted. “Ponies,” she corrected, and I rolled my eyes. I was going to retort when something tapped my shoulder and a voice caught my attention.

“Shane, would you sing one of the songs from your world for us?” turning my head to look at a wall of cute. I mean, really, we are talking diabetes-inducing, heart-stopping, weaponized cute, as fifteen colts and fillies gazed up at me with wide, hopeful eyes.

Lifting my arm from around AJ, I leaned back and grabbed my old guitar in its case and gave a neutral sigh. “I guess I can do that.” At that, a cheer went up from all the Ponyville residents. The ones from other places lifted ears and turned looking over at me.

As I unzipped the soft bag and pulled it out, I looked around, and spotted Cort. He gave me a wink from where he sat, cuddled up close to Golden. Now I knew who had sent the foals over to ask.

I exhaled and pondered, looking around more. I noticed a old cowboy of a dark grey earth pony sitting with Mayor Mare; the two looked quite close. I knew who they were, and the story behind them now, as AJ had told me about. I wish them luck, I really do.

A few chords plucked off as I thought, then a song came to me. Conversations quieted down, and most of everyone there turned their undivided attention to me.

On the eighth day, God noticed a problem
There below him, stood a cowboy alone
Stubborn and proud, Reckless and loud
God knew he wouldn’t make it, on his own
So god looked out, all over creation
And he listened, as that cowboy prayed
God took Passion and Thunder
Patience and wonder, and he sent down,
The best thing, God ever made

As I wound up into the chorus, I looked about. While many were simply enjoying the song, there were the salt of the earth types. The earth ponies who worked the fields and farms, the unicorns who slaved away building items, pegasi like Derpy who leaned into the earth pony next to her, who knew hard work. They all seemed to be reflecting on the words, perhaps understanding the meaning deep in them.

Cowboys and Angels, Leather and Lace
Salt of the Earth, meets heavenly grace
Cowboys and Angels, tested and tried
It’s a long way to heaven
but one hell of a ride.

Applejack leaned into me more, and I felt her leg slide around me a bit. I sure didn’t mind, Right now it felt nice to have someone pressed tight. It just didn’t matter that it wasn’t a woman, but a mare, a strong, sure, cowgirl of a mare.

Nothin’s changed since, the dawn of creation
For you will find them, together today
And only heaven above them, knows why she loves him
But he must be the reason, she don’t fly away

I wound back up into the chorus and just about every voice there softly joined in. It wasn’t heartsong, no, but they seemed to get the jist of the song from the first round of the chorus.

Cowboys and Angels, Leather and Lace
Salt of the Earth, meets heavenly grace
Cowboys and Angels, tested and tried
It’s a long way to heaven
but one hell of a ride
It’s a long way to heaven
but one hell of a ride

As I came to the close of the song, I looked up to hooves stomping, ponies cheering, smiles all around, and general warm feelings. Out of the corner of my eye, that old grey stallion kissed Mayor Mare on the top of her head, and she leaned into him more. The sight made me beam even brighter.

As ponies and the couple of small gryphons in the group talked and went back to enjoying the fire, Fluttershy glanced over at me, speaking in her usual soft, polite volume. “Shane, was that another one from... oh dear, what was his name?”

I smiled, nodding. “Garth Brooks, yes, Fluttershy. How did you guess?”

The buttermilk yellow pegasus curled her lips. “He has a cadence to his words, a style. At least, I think so. Both songs share a kind of, well, I guess you could call it a feel.”

It was about ten minutes later when Cortland stood up and cleared his throat. “Everypony, can ah get a moment of yer time?” A lot of confused faces turned to look at him, including Golden. He glanced down at her.

“Jus’ about a year ago, I met this mare, earth pony, strong as they come. Met her during a trainin’ exercise, and we got to talk’ng.” The mare in question started to blush. I glanced over at the orange one leaning on my side, and I looped my arm around her, pulling her a bit closer.

“Well, we got to hangin’ out and such, but that was about it. Then we met that big ugly hairless monkey over there sitting with the pretty Apple gal,” he gestured at me, getting a lot of laughs from everyone around.

“Anyways, we got assigned ta’ keep an eye on him. So we spent a lot more time together, an’ soon we were going on dates. Somehow she put up with this dumb ol unicorn,” he continued, looking down at her. “Could ya stand up a moment there, Golden?”

She stood and looked at him, puzzled as he got down on his foreknees. “Ah ain’t right without ya, and ah know ah ain’t easy to get along with sometimes. However, Golden, ah love you and, if you would say yes, ah would put a ring around that hoof of yours.”

Her shocked eyes sprang wide as sauce pans and tears welled up. We all saw her nod in shocked “C-C-Cortland, I—yes!”

As the words left her mouth, everyone, including myself and Applejack, burst out into cheers and applause, watching the two betrothed embrace in a hug tight as can be.

Looking back over at AJ’s eyes, catching her looking up at me, I smiled warmly and pulled her in closer. She rested her head on my chest with her legs around me best she could. My other arm tugged the blanket up around us both a bit more.

This party was not bad at all.


It wasn’t but a few days later when I was walking down the center of the farmer’s market district. Most of the booths were closed down for the season, though a few remained open. I was just getting to the end of the row when I heard somepony yelling, “Stop, you little thief!“

Turning to look, I spotted a little foal of some kind in a beat up and well-used coat with a hood, and was sprinting away from Barnyard Bargains. Frowning, I watched, tracking where the runner was going, then moved. Rather than give myself away, I calmly slipped between the buildings and waited in the back row.

The little hooded foal came around the corner full tilt, looking behind him, and crashed right into my foot as I lifted it and put it in his way. He tumbled over and over to then smash into a barrel with a thud.

Shifting, moving over to him, I looked down at the heap, my frown retaining as I crossed my arms. “Now, what has you in an all fire hurry, son?”

The hood fell back as the pony looked up at me, and the first thing that met my gaze was a white head with a brown patch over one eye and a dark brown mane. “Pipsqueak?”

The frightened colt sputtered. “Ranger McDonald, s-sir, I um, I-I was just…”

I lifted my hand. “Don’t bother telling me a lie, son.” I squatted down. “And don’t you go trying to run off,” I said, reaching out to help him up on his hooves. “The truth, now.”

I watched him as tears welled up in his eyes. He reached back under his coat and pulled out three little boxes. “I just... Hearth’s Warming is coming, you see, sir. Being an orphan and living at the orphanage, I don’t have a lot of bits. I wanted to...” he sniffled. Tears started to fall down his cheeks. “I just wanted to get something for my friends.”

Reaching out, I took the boxes and looked at him as he stood there, head down, crying softly. Pondering the little boxes and then glancing back at him. I stood up slowly, one knee popping audibly. “It is no excuse to steal from others Pipsqueak, now come on.”

The tears collecting at the bottom of his widened eyes grew bigger. “A-are you g-going to lock me up?”

I exhaled and gestured. “That way, move.” I ordered, and we walked. I took note of his confusion as we were returning to the scene of his crime.

Walking into Barnyard Bargains, I looked over at the cashier, a young yellowish earth pony mare with green mane. “Mr. Rich back in his office?” I motioned a hand.

She gave a nod. “Y-yes, Ranger.”

I gave Pip a little nudge with my boot and gestured. “Get to walking.”

Knocking on the door first, I opened it to see a surprised Filthy Rich, sitting at the desk with his little pink daughter. He stood up and looked down at Pip. “Ranger, I see you have caught the thief. I wish to press full charges.”

Diamond gave a little surprised gasp. “P-Pip? Pip, what did you do?” At her question, the little paint colt try to hide his face from her.

I looked the brown stallion in the eye and gave a nod. “That is your right, sir, and I will start the paperwork, but…”

He cocked his head. “But… there is a story isn’t there?”

I gave Pip a nudge with my boot again. “Sit, and you tell Mr. Rich everything. Go on, now,” I said, pointing to one of the chairs.


Twenty tear filled minutes later, the little colt sobbed softly as he explained his story. “S-s-so t-that is w-why, sir.”

Diamond Tiara, despite the fact the poor colt had stolen from her father, was right at Pip’s side and holding him in a hug. I watched them for a moment, then glanced up at Filthy Rich, who focused on the two foals. He turned his head and looked at me for a few seconds in silence, then cleared his throat.

“Pipsqueak I am very disappointed in you. This is no way for a good colt—and the class president—to be acting,” watching the Trottingham colt tuck in harder shamefully.

“Now, I think we can come to an arrangement. You will come work for me, everyday after school one hour. On the weekends, you will come work for four hours. In turn, once you have paid off what you took,” gesturing to the boxes. “You will be allowed to take them with you, and if you so choose, you may continue to work for me. Paid a fair wage for your work.” He glanced at me and smiled, then looked back at the boy and his shocked daughter.

“Ranger McDonald, do you find this a suitable punishment under the law? The boy is, after all, quite young.”

I exhaled and glanced at the two then back to him. “If you feel this is fair, then I can let it stand.” My gaze shifted back at the paint-coated colt. “Don’t squander this chance, son. You were just handed a golden ticket to redemption.”

Pipsqueak looked at me, then up at Mr. Rich, his expression taking a full turn. “Yes, sir, I will sir! I will work harder than anypony ever has for you, sir. Thank you, sir, thank you!”

Filthy gave a firm nod. “Diamond, take your friend and get him cleaned up, then go to the storage closet and get him three uniform shirts and two uniform aprons, please,” looking at Pip again. “They are to be clean, and presentable when you walk in every day. You may keep them here in one of the lockers, if you need them washed talk with Miss Daisycutter my secretary. She will see they are laundered. Am I clear?”

He gave another nod. “Oh, yes, sir. Thank you again, sir,” as he turned and left the office with the pink filly.

I glanced over at the stallion. “Thank you, Rich, boy deserves a chance.”

Sitting down, he exhaled. “He has a good heart, just misplaced his common sense. I will make sure he finds it again.”

I rose up and was about to turn to go when the door opened again. “I don’t care who my husband is meeting with. Do remember that, Ms. Daisycutter, do not forget your place.”

Part of me wanted to facepalm, I knew this mare. How in the hell somepony, as nice as Filthy is, ended up with a witch like this one.

She turned, then frowned. “What is that... creature... doing in here, Filthy?” looking right at me.

Before he could answer, I cleared my throat “I was just on my way out” then I smiled looking her right in the eyes. “Spoiled Milk”

I saw anger flash in her eyes, and she sputtered. “You monster, you attacked the good prince! You don’t belong in public. Now, get out of here before you soil our good reputation!”

I glanced at Filthy and gave him a nod, making note of his apologetic look. “Mr. Rich,” tipping my hat to him respectfully. I turned and strode past the big ugly-nosed pink mare without saying a word more to her. The door slammed behind me and I shook my head, already the sound of her grating voice coming through the wood door as she nagged away at her spouse.

“Fucking bitch,” I muttered as I turned and made my way out.

36 - Movie Night!

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I looked up at a knock on my office door. Well, okay, my closet-turned-office. Man, I can’t wait for spring so we can get started on the new substation. “Yeah, come on in.” I called out.

Twilight poked her head in politely. “Shane, I got the reports back from Manehattan and Los Pegasus,” she said as she carried in two folders held in her purple magical glow. You know I had been here now over six months and that still just blew me away.

“Let me guess, like the ones from Canterlot and Cloudsdale. No major thefts matching the bit?”

She frowned. “Exactly. It is as if the bit came from thin air. That is just not possible, Shane.”

I leaned back and thought about that, looking at the folders on the desk. I spotted her purple magic light up once more and start to organise the piles on my desk. I chuckled softly. “Will you stop that? You are going to mess up my system.”

The princess fluttered her wings in annoyance. “This isn’t a system, it is a mess!” she protested, but smiled and settled down, sitting and looking at me over the desk. “How are things with you and Applejack?”

I blinked and exhaled. “Well enough. I am still… well, you know, dealing with my issues.”

She gave a nod. “Still, you two looked comfortable at the party.”

I smiled a bit to myself. “Yeah, I, well,” I paused and kind of mulled my words over. “It is hard for me to explain, Twi. I love her, but I feel guilty for loving her.”

Twilight stood and moved around the desk, setting her wing on my arm and looking up. “Give it time, Shane, your heart knows the truth. You just have to get your mind to listen to it.”

Moving my hand up, I gave her a little scritch on her ear. This caused her to get that silly head tilted, eyes scrunched up look ponies suddenly resort to when I do that. After a moment, she began to slap at my hand with her wings. Nothing hard, just a playful thing. “Stop that,” she said, backing up a step but with a smile.

Settling her wings back to her side again, she plopped down next to my chair. I noted her staring at the stack of folders on the desk. “Shane, something is bothering me, and I want you to tell me I am crazy, or flat out wrong.”

Turning my head, I glanced down at her, curious. “Let’s hear it.”

The purple alicorn grew quiet a moment before she spilled out her idea. “All right, we know the bit is old. Really old. It does not appear to be stolen, so that leaves only two things. One, it came from a private collection, but why? Why would anyone let that happen? That bit has to be worth a good ten thousand on the collector’s market.”

I nodded comprehensively and continued to listen. “The only other place it could have come from… is the royal reserve. That is locked up in a safe deep under Canterlot. Only ten or twelve ponies in the world have access to it. Not even I have direct access.”

Frowning, thinking on her words, I decided to keep following. “Who?”

She glanced up at me. “Well, the princesses, their seneschals, the prince and his seneschal, Two of the royal accountants, the noble house treasurer and her assistant, the captain of the Guard—”

Swiftly, I cut her off. “Back up. You said the prince, as in... Blueblood?”

Twilight froze, then returned a little nod. “Yes.”

I kicked that around for a couple of seconds, then asked, “Who is the Treasurer?”

She stopped to ponder for a moment. “That would be Cloudy Tempest and the assistant Treasurer is Arrowhead Trident…” her voice trailed off, mostly because I had just slammed my fist into the desk.

“Of all the stupid fucking rookie moments!” I grunted, smacking my head with the palm of my hand.

She gasped, eyes growing wide. “Shane, come on! You said you would work on that!”

I frowned, retorting with, “Now is not the time,” as I dug through the folders and pulled one out, flipping it open. “This is the best description we got of the unicorn that paid the gryphons.”

She skimmed it. “So?”

I reached up to my inbox and pulled down a paper. “This just came in with the morning dispatches and alerts.”

I watched her read, muttering out loud as she did. “Pony found. Description is kind of close, I agree. Apparent suicide by hanging, note found admitting guilt of theft of bits, victim name…” her ears plastered down and the color rushed from her face. “Arrowhead Trident,” she whispered.

Looking down at her, I nodded. “I need the report on this. Think you can get it for me?”

Twilight returned a gentle nod. “If I have to, I will ask Celestia to order it handed over to the Rangers.”

With that, she was gone in a flash. This time I didn’t complain much, simply sitting back in the chair and glared at the door with far, far too much on my mind in that instance. The cold realization that, if this was true, they didn’t target the Apples; they were targeting, me. The Apples were merely collateral damage.



I blinked and turned my head, looking right at the orange mare standing in the door to my room. “Jackie! Sorry, I... didn’t hear you come in.”

Applejack frowned as she closed the door and walked over to the stove. Using an iron handle, she flipped the door open and looked in. “Ya plum forgot ta’ stoke yer fire, almost just coals. It’s gonna be colder than Sombra’s heart tonight.” As she talked, she slid a few logs in and closed it. “Shane, what is bugging you?” she asked, turning and walking over to me, reading me just like a book.

Putting my arms around her neck and looking into her eyes as I sat the bed, being just about head height with her. “For now, I don’t want to talk about it, okay? It’s about a case.”

She exhaled in the form of a sigh, then gave a nod of understanding. “Okay. But ya best be talking ta’ me when ya can.”

I nodded and leaned in, pressing my forehead to the top of her head. “Jackie…”

Applejack drew her head back and looked up at me, and right then, I was lost in her emerald irides. I don’t know what came over me; maybe it was how alone I felt, perhaps it was the stress and worry of what I had found. Perhaps it is just the fact I did what Twilight suggested and listened to my heart, not my brain.

I leaned forward, and in that moment our lips touched. Our first kiss was one soft, very light, just really a peck; but it was real. She didn’t shove me away, nor did I freak out. She did open her eyes wide and a bright blush blew up across her face. She lifted one leg and brought her hoof to rest it on my chest. “W… wow.”

I gave a nod and I suspect was blushing just as hard. “Y-yeah.”

She leaned up and rubbed her head under my chin, and we just remained like that. Pressed close, enjoying each other in the silence of the room.


The next night was a big one, and I was looking forward to it. I was still waiting on the report, as Twilight noted it would take a few days. I however had other plans in place for tonight. It was almost two weeks in the planning and creation to pull this off.

Right now I could hear the rowdy talk and laughter of a good fifty ponies in the next room. I glanced at Twilight, then over to Celestia and lastly to Luna who all gave a nod.

Opening the door to the big room in the crystal castle, to find almost every one of the Wonderbolts sitting in chairs, or standing around talking. I grinned as they all snapped to attention. Spitfire bellowed authoritatively. “Princess on deck, A-ten-hut!”

Celestia spoke warmly. “Please, relax my little ponies, please. Tonight is meant to be fun for everypony.” As she walked down to her seat with her sister, Twilight took up a spot up at the end of the room. I walked down the center ‘aisle’ and turned facing the room of pegasi, a few unicorns, and a couple of earth ponies to boot.

“Alright, I know you have all been sworn to secrecy by the princess,” I paused. “Thank you to both of you for agreeing to let me do this tonight,” offering a smile to Luna and Celestia.

“Twilight has been working non stop to make things work for tonight, so let's all thank her too,” I added as everyone in the room stomped hooves.

Spitfire spoke up. “What in the hay are you up to, human?”

I didn’t mind her calling me that, one she didn’t know me well, and two this was Spitfire we are talking about. “Well, ma’am, tonight I am going to show you all a movie, from my world.”

Some gasped, others started to talk, meanwhile one particular rainbow-maned mare up front pumped her hoof in the air giddily. “Ah, yeah!”

I chuckled and held my hand up, and they quieted down. “Now, before we get to the movie, I need you to understand a few things. First, everything you see in this is simply action. No one gets hurt, and while the things you see here are quite real, the people in this are actors, just playing a part, and special effects.”

Most were nodding in understanding, Spitfire lifted her hoof. “So, what is this movie about?”

I grinned some at that. “First, Spitfire, do bear in mind my people can’t fly on our own. We have created vehicles to help us get to and from places, some faster than others, called jet aircraft. They fly faster than sound, and some carry weapons far beyond anything here. I think you are going to really like this movie, and after I can answer any questions you have, okay?”

A white pegasus stallion piped up. “So, what is the name of this movie, may I ask?”

With a smirk, I looked at him. “Top Gun.”


“You know, the finger?” said Goose as he proceeded to flip Charlie off.

“Yes, Goose, I know the finger,” the woman replied, almost monotone.

Twilight glared at me from where she sat. I had her on my left, and Rainbow Dash on my right.

Twilight hissed in a low tone. “You do that to Cortland all the time, that is a rude gesture! You told me it was a sign of friendship!”

I chuckled and muttered. “Shut up and watch the movie, Twi.”


I knew what was coming and promptly looked around, studying those present. Every single pony in the room was on the edge of their seats. Even Luna and Celestia sat forward, ears pinned. Even a few sobs could be heard as Maverick held a lifeless Goose in the water after ejecting.

Luna, a few seats down, whispered in a choked sob, “His best friend.” She wasn’t the only one I heard holding in her emotions. I sort of guessed that most here would understand the impact of the scene.

Rainbow mumbled next to me. “N… not c-c-cool, dude, y-y-you can’t make me cry!” I put my arm around her lightly, as the tears streamed down her cheek. Twilight was shoved up under my other arm, burying her face into my shirt that I was pretty sure would have permanent tear stains on it.


It was a surprise to me, along with many, I suspect, that Twilight leapt up on her chair and shouted at the screen. “No, Maverick you have to help your friends, get in the fight!”

I yanked her down with a chuckle. “Twi, relax, watch. It is just a movie, okay?”

She grunted, but did as told, and when the credits kicked on, she was up and cheering right alongside all the Wonderbolts. I stood up and smiled at the princesses, who both looked like they too had enjoyed the show.

I really was thankful to Twilight, she had come up with the spell to record what my tablet showed, then play it back in the air along with sound. She said it was a modification of the spell she used to record RaRa’s manager with.

Walking up to the front again as the lights came back up. I waited for them to calm down. Looking around the room, I pointed at a fiery-maned pegasus who put her hoof up first. “Yes, Spitfire?”

She grinned. “Alright, so I have to ask, the things they were in, jet aircraft you called them. Are they real? Do your people really have things that big you fly in and can go that fast?”

I gave her a nod. “Very real. The ones used in the movie are called F-14 jets, known by the name Tomcats.”

I pointed to Rainbow next. “How come when the jets broke the sound barrier, they didn’t do sonic rainbooms?”

A mare up front looked over at her fellow Wonderbolt. “Because, Crash, I am pretty sure you are the only pony alive that can fly that fast. Perhaps in their world, you wouldn’t create such the colorful explosion.”

Before I could continue, Rainbow smirked. “I am pretty awesome,” only to get empty, balled-up paper bags once holding popcorn thrown at her by ten or twelve of her fellow Wonderbolts.

Celestia lifted her hoof. “Shane.” I looked at her. “This… Top Gun, the school, it is something your world has for real?”

I nodded my head. “As far as I know, yes, ma’am.”

She pondered a bit as she tapped her chin with her hoof. “A school where the best of the best pegasi train the new best of the best?”

Well, crap, I did not expect she would go that direction.

37 - Missed clues(New Edit)

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I sat there staring at the evidence board I'd acquired from Barnyard Bargains. Words written haphazardly above and between pictures on scrap paper of scenes and ponies; strings of yarn connecting it all with pins. A timetable of events to the far right was something Cortland made in his off time.

A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts and I turned to see Twilight poke her head in. “Shane, you need to take a break. You've missed two meals and I insist you have lunch. Poor Golden asked me to ask you because you yelled at her last time.”

I exhaled. “Yea, I should tell her I am sorry,” looking back at the board. “But, damn it Twilight, the answer is here. I know it. Someone,” I paused and pointed my finger at her with a scowl to boot, “don’t do it.”

But she did, smirking at me. “Somepony.”

I rolled my eyes and continued where I left off. “Set that so-called suicide up. Everything is too perfect; the note, the room, it was what's called an orgy of evidence, it was too good to be true.”

Twilight giggled at my analogy as she walked over and sat down next to me, looking at the board. “You think somepony…” I heard the gulp and forlorn tone of her voice. “M-murdered Arrowhead Trident?”

I gave a nod and gestured to the area with his event. “I think so, yes, and I think they then set things up to look like a suicide.”

I tapped the incident report I had received directly from the Canterlot guard two days ago. "Captain Crossed Swords himself had interceded during the investigation and had gone over the scene with. Seems the name Canterlot Ranger was carrying some weight."

She opened the report to read and I was not surprised by that. Book Princess is Book Princess. This was something new to learn, even if it was a morbid subject. Also, it paid to have someone who didn’t think like a soldier or a cop look at things.

About ten minutes in, while I was sipping a cup of coffee and looking at a different case, she tapped me with her hoof. “Shane, why was the bathroom door found locked?”

Ok, that made me blink and I turned to look at where she tapped her hoof on the page. “Right here, it says the bathroom door was found locked, that seems unusual considering Mr. Arrow was found in the hall,” her face fell some, “having fallen off the banister.”

My mind turned that over and over again as I took the folder and looked at the page when something else caught my attention. “The bathroom window was locked, but they found a small shred of ribbon hanging on the windowsill,” I mumbled to myself and started to tap a finger to my chin.

“What are you thinking about, Shane?”

I turned to the evidence board again, then said in a slow tone, “Let’s say, some- somepony was still there when the maid, Miss,” I glanced at the board finding her name, “Floorsweep came in and found Arrowhead’s body.”

Twilight tilted her head in curiosity, gesturing with a hoof for me to continue.

“Now, let's say they had to get out fast, but they are a professional. They know better than to leave behind anything suspicious. They run into the bathroom and lock the door to keep her from finding them, after hearing her scream,” I paused and flipped a few pages to Floorsweep's interview.

Twilight looked at me again, then at the folder. “So how would they have locked the window again from the outside? Unicorn magic?”

I smiled. “What if they tied a bit of ribbon or string around the window lock, slipped out, closed the window, and tugged the string so it locked and made it look like they were never there, then snapped it off with a harder tug? Unicorn or not, it'd work.”

Her eyes flicked side to side then widened while she banged her hoof into the ground. “It would explain... oh, but Shane, that would mean he was murdered,” her ears went flat “Why? Why would somepony do that?”

I exhaled and pointed at the board with pictures and names on it. “Somepony up there didn’t want Arrowhead to talk. In cop terms, they plugged the leak.”

I could see her grow sad and upset at the idea. I reached down and put my hand on her neck lightly. “Sorry Twilight, I know that doesn’t go over well with you ponies.”

She grew quiet and looked at the pictures before she spoke again. “It still doesn’t answer why the Apples were targeted.”

I frowned and glanced over at her. “What if they were just a means to an end?”

Turning her head and looking at me, I tried to hide my thoughts from her, but she saw right past it all. “You think the attack was an attempt to get to you.” Not a question, a realization statement.

She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as she brushed her nose along my arm. A kind of fondness thing I have found most ponies seem to do to show care. “Write this up, Princess Celestia should know about your theory.”

I nodded my head. “Yea, and now we have to wait for whoever did this to tip their hand, er, hoof, again.”


I spent the rest of the day working after making up with Golden for yelling at her. Cort was out south of Ponyville looking into a report we had of a bandit. He had Lightning with him, it was her first time on a field mission.

Cort and I had talked a lot about her in private and both of us agreed she had the makings of a good lawmare, his words not mine. She was a bit green, still a young and arrogant, but with some training she might just make the leap from message corps to a sworn badge carrying officer.

Speaking of, I had Cort’s Christmas, or Hearthswarming as they call it, gift to pick up. I had given him a rugged oil coat, but this was something I really wanted him to have.

I said goodnight to Golden as I walked past her and into town, heading for the blacksmiths.

Ponies didn't look at me with mistrust or fear and it was a good feeling to get a wave, smile, or a heartfelt 'evening ranger' as I walked past. Folks seemed to have taken to the idea of having real law enforcement in Ponyville.

I spotted the old grey stallion selling wood and he gestured me over. “G’d evenin', Burnt Oak, getting ready to close up shop?”

He gave me a nod, tipping his hat up. “Here in a bit. Listen, Ranger, I wanted to talk to you. Ah know you and Applejack are," he paused, "growing closer.”

I gave him a bit of a nod. “We, are yes,” I said with an honest feeling in my heart while looking him in the eyes.

He gave a nod. “Ah figure I owe her Pa to keep my eye on things. I also figure you are a right good stallion.” I saw his eyes sparkle a bit, this was pretty clearly an emotional thing for him.

He stuck his hoof out to me and I reached out, gripping it with my hand. “Her Pa would have approved to have you around the family.”

Of all the things ponies had said to me in the last few months this hit me pretty hard. I tightened my grip, and I gave him a nod back. “That means a lot. More than I got words for.”

He smiled and pulled his hoof back, setting it on the ground. “Ah figured, you just keep doing what you're doing. Ah think Buttercup and Bright Mac would have been downright proud of Applejack’s choice in a stallion.”

I smiled back at him and tipped my hat to him, changing the subject. “I hear tell someone moved in with you.”

He smiled and tipped his hat up, showing the brightness of his face. Guess being a guy in love is just like being a guy in love no matter what world you are in. “Don’t know why she puts up with me, but I guess it took us long enough to figure things out.”

I chuckled and turned heading for the blacksmith’s shop. "Yer a good stallion's why, Burnt Oak. Now, I've gotta go, but we'll catch up again soon."

He hummed agreement and turned back to his wood chopping.


The front of the shop was unlike what one might think for a blacksmith's shop. It was clean with displays of not only household items like coat racks and art, but there was a wall of weapons and armor for sale as well.

The center of the big showroom floor was dedicated to large items such as plows and cart wheels.

Standing behind the counter was a large purple mare with yellow mane. Next to her standing in the opening of the counter was a little purple and pinkish maned filly.

“Well, Ranger, what brings you in this evening. We were just getting geared up to close.”

The quite filly spoke up in a soft tone, knowing why I was there. “Daddy's in the back, Ranger McDonald, sir.”

I smiled. “Good afternoon Hammer Forge, and hello to you too Lili, I was wondering if Anvil was done with that special order?”

Hammer Forge smiled and gave a nod. “Lili dear, go and get the ranger’s order. It's in the back, on the shelf... and tell your father to come out and say hi.”

The little filly trotted to and through a door leading to the back. The scent of iron wafted out. I leaned on the counter. “Lili's going to be as big as her mother soon,” I smiled.

The mare nodded with a smile. “Bigger. I think she might rival Big Macintosh when she grows up,” she joked.

I spent a minute making small talk with Hammer before Lili came back out with a large and very ornate stained oak box on her back with her father behind her. I watched as a mountain of a stallion looked at me with a toothy smile, his deep purple mane set off by the dark black of his pelt. You could see the hints of Lunar Pony heritage in him.

“Why Shane, good to see you. I just finished that up yesterday,” he gestured to the box his daughter carried out like it was nothing. She waited until I had a good grip, then stepped back as I lifted it with an exhale, setting it on the counter.

“Thank you for getting this done, Anvil. I hope it wasn't too much of a pain, what with regulations and all.”

He shook his head. “Think nothing of it,” he said as I opened the box and smiled at the contents inside, closing it up again as he continued. “Lili here forged the side plate with the cutie mark on it.”

I blinked and looked down at the blushing little filly. She gave a squeak and whispered, “I wanted to make it extra special.”

I smiled to her with a tip of my hat. “Thank you, Lili. I think it will be perfect and Cortland will love it. Now, remember, mums the word. If Apple Bloom finds out she might slip and say something without meaning to.”

Lili lifted her hoof and crossed over her heart then put it to her eye.
I reached down and gave her a soft pat on the head and got another adorable squeak in payment for the gesture.

“I assume Dusty Shelf got your invoice filed?”

The big stallion gave a nod to his wife who smiled at me. “Paid in full, Ranger, it's all yours.”

They helped me wrap the large wood case up in plain paper and with a little help getting in onto a dolly they let me borrow, I went right for home. I hummed as I walked at the word home. I really was calling the farm that, and truth be told it felt like it. Perhaps even more than the cabin had ever felt and there was a good reason why.


Once more, like most days this winter, Applejack was spending time with me in my barn room. The fire roared inside the old Franklin stove warming the place nicely. I glanced over at her, the two of us were sitting on the small sofa she and Big Mac had given me for a birthday present last month just before the attack had happened.

Currently, I had my arm around her and we were both reading: her the paper, me one of Dash’s Daring Do books. I had promised her I would give them a chance even if they were total Indiana Jones rip-offs.

I set the book onto my lap using my thumb to hold my page. “Just a lot on my mind, Jackie.” She always got a light pink blush on her cheeks when I called her that. It brought a smile to my face. “This case just keeps getting harder and harder to figure out.”

She gave a nod and her ears lowered slightly as she turned her head to look me right in the eyes. “Ah was meaning, more... this, us," she asked with wavering confidence. "How yer feeling about, well, about me being a pony and all that.”

I gently closed the book, setting it aside, and looked at her and sighed. “It’s hard for me Jackie, but it isn't at all about you. I mean every word when I say that I am honestly in love with you.”

She looked up into my eyes, judging me before she pounced on me and I was suddenly reminded just how powerful ponies were compared to me. She planted her right hoof on my chest and held me back into the arm of the sofa.

Sliding her body so her barrel was pressed against my belly and chest I found myself pinned and looking right into her emerald colored eyes, I swear I could feel her soul.

“Shane, Ah know and," she gulped, "Ah feel the same way. I ain’t felt this way bout nopony, but I figure it's a right good feelin' to follow.”

Lifting my right hand up to cup her cheek I leaned in. A part of my brain thought about such things as upbringing and social problems started to scream at me. It was a sin, but I was about to kiss a horse.

My heart knew better, and just to shut that stupid voice up I tilted my head to the right and moved forward the scant few inches that separated us, pressing into Jackie’s soft lips with mine in our second kiss.

She hesitated at first, then kind of melted into it as her eye closed and she relaxed into my embrace. I didn’t care about anything but her, even though my heart hammered in my chest like a boy getting his first real kiss.

I slid my hand up into her mane and the kiss went from soft to something far more as I pulled her mane a bit. For just that moment, as odd as our face shapes were together, things fit. I couldn’t help myself, I was lost in it as much as she was as I moaned into her mouth.

It was when she mewled that I gave in and parted my lips letting our kiss go far deeper than I had shared with anyone since or even before, Shawna. Our tongues danced the dance of lovers shared for eons only to break as she lifted her head back and took in a long gasping breath of air.

For my part, I shifted some, hoping to hide things that had... reacted from pressing into her lower belly. I hoped it wasn't in her teats, no excusing that one. She looked down at me and smiled softly. “Ah'll have to give you a nine point eight on that one.”

It was my turn to blush as I looked up at her and chuckled. “Jackie, thank you for, for understanding how hard this has been for me and helping me through it.”

“Sugarcube, Ah'm here for the long hall. Ah don't have any intentions of going at any pace but yours,” then she paused and got that sly, knowing smirk of hers on her face. “But, Ah would say that ain’t the only thing that’s hard on ya.”

To quote the great Sheriff Buford T. Justice ”Ooof”

38 - First Call (Edited)

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I was in my office, but rather than stare at the board on the wall beside my desk and try to find the links I was missing, I was thinking about last night, about Jackie, about how green her eyes were, and the taste of apples and mint on her lips. I was in love with Jackie, but still in love with Shawna.

I was at a crossroads and I really had no clue what to do. I had prayed last night, asked god if he could hear me, to guide me, to show me what was right. My upbringing was screaming at me what I was feeling was sick, that I was and am an abomination.

However, if I tuned that out, I thought about what my heart felt and what Shawna would have said about it. I was sure she would have said go for it, Jackie isn’t a dumb horse. She is a talking, intelligent, loving, emotional woman who just happens to be in the physical form of an orange pony.

I was shaken out of my self examination by a frantic knock on the door. Looking up I saw Lightning standing there and boy, was she flustered. “Shane, they need you at the schoolhouse, right now.”

I blinked and swung my feet off the desk. I grabbed my stetson and slid it onto my head then reaching down and unlocked the top drawer of my desk, quickly pulling out the old peacemaker. I slipped it into the holster on my side without thinking as I went through the motions of getting ready.

“What is going on, LD?”

“I, there is a filly who… Shane, she has a black eye and is crying, Cheerilee sent for the guard, and the guard grabbed me and told me to get you right now!” she rambled quickly.

I placed my hand on her head as I passed. “Ok, you did good; just relax and grab your bags. I may need you to fly back for things. Come on, let's get going.” With a sense of dread digging at my gut I kept my composure and walked and jogged half way across town to the schoolhouse.


When I got there the kids out playing in the yard were all rather subdued and I didn’t see a problem amongst them. I noticed three fillies weren’t out there that made me nervous that one’a them’d gotten into a fight and I’d have to explain it to their sister.

I gestured to LD for her to land and wait. “Hang out here,” I told her as I took note of two of Twilight's guards talking. I leaned in and spoke in a lower tone to the Pegasus mare. “Listen in on them, see what you can learn that they might not tell us.” She give me a nod.

Stepping inside I took note of the door to the back office open with another guard standing near it. I walked over and he glanced up at me, then shifted aside and said in a low voice, “Inside Ranger but…” his mouth closed and he looked, upset. Took a lot to shake one of the guard. I said a prayer it wasn’t one of the three, but steeled myself for it.

I gave him a nod and walked in looking around. Cheerilee was standing next to Twilight, both looked quite upset too. Turning my head to the left a bit I saw six little ponies and I knew them all. The CMC, Silver Spoon, Pipsqueak; all were caring for Diamond Tiara who was crying into Pipsqueak’s neck, and I could see the bruising clear as day. She had a shiner that made me mad.

I walked to the mares and before I could ask what was going on, Twilight spoke up softly. “I think it best if she tells you Shane,” then looked up at the group. “Everypony, how about we go outside and let Ranger McDonald and Diamond talk, ok?”

Diamond Tiara’s head lifted, tear streaked fur and red bloodshot eyes paled in comparison to the huge hoof shaped bruise around her left eye and cheek. God, I could even see a shoe indention. “P-p-please, let Pip sta-ay,” she blubbered while holding onto the colt. I took note of him turn and look at me, then he set his jaw, tightening his hug around the pink filly.

“Please, Sir, she needs me,” in that cockney accent he had.

I glanced at Cheerilee and shared a nod before the others broke away led by her with Twilight at the back. Twilight, closing the door after herself leaving us three alone.

Walking over, I squatted down and looked at Pip first. “It takes a brave and loyal friend to stay at someone’s side when the chips are down Pip.” The young Trottingham born colt nodded with a bit of pride. It was not lost on me the look he gave me, there was more than friendship involved here for him.

Diamond started quickly, indicating she wanted to talk about it, badly. “It.. it was just an a-accident, Shane. I know she didn’t mean to do it, she hicupped with a sniffle, “I-I just asked if Pip could come over f-f-for hearths warming eve dinner. When she said no and called him a pauper I threw my breakfast on the floor. I-I didn’t mean to make her so mad, it’s all my fault.”

I felt my gut tighten, she had not said a name yet but I knew. I already knew what was going to come from the little pink fillies mouth when she started, but she confirmed it. What kind of a heartless creature could do this to her own child over something so mundane? A scolding, yes. Striking a child over spilled milk? Diamond’s mother lived up to her name.

Diamond broke down again starting to sob. “D-daddy is on a tri-trip to M-m-manehatten and... I want my daddy!” as she started to bawl louder and hug Pip with all her might, making the colt exhale a breath for a second until she relaxed her grip.

I set my jaw and looked back to the brown and white colt who just looked up at me. “Mrs. Rich,” was all he said. That tone he used, there was such hate in it. It didn’t belong coming from one so small and young, but there it was. He was mad, flat out angry and he wanted to lash out.

I needed to make sure he channeled it into something productive while I dealt with this. “Pip, I need you to do me a favor. I need you to be here for Diamond, ok? Whatever she needs,” I gave him an encouraging pat on the side.

The colt gave me a look and started to open his mouth but I shook my head. “I will take care of this.” I offered no room for talking after that. He nodded and turned away from my, placing his chin on Diamond’s head. He began to hum what I guessed was a lullaby and I got up to leave them alone.

I walked for the door, opening it, and scanned the classroom noting a princess, a guard, a purple teacher, and four very upset and worried looking fillies looking at a book cart to distract themselves.

They all looked up when my boots clacked on the floor and I gestured behind me. “Go on girls, Diamond really needs her friends right now.” Watching the four dash past me was a nice thing to see, but I still set my jaw and started for the exit door.

“S-shane what are you-” Twilight started as she flew to my side.

I lifted my hand with just my index finger held up to her lips to quiet her. “My job,” I said curtly, cutting her off. “Contact foal services, I need one of them here. We’re gonna need official options for when I’m done with this.” I gestured to the room full of sorrow. “And I need you three to make sure they know they’re safe by just being in the room with them.

I saw her nod “O-ok Shane, we’ll keep them company. What will you do?” she asked again. So I offered her an answer.

I pulled my hat down to hide my eyes a bit more, to look a bit more menacing. “I’m going to have a little chat with somepony, then place her under arrest,” I said as I walked outside. I saw LD and flew to my side quick as her namesake. Looking up at me with a worried look I glanced at her and saw her gulp. She had never seen me upset or mad, but she was about to.

“Lightning, please get Cort and tell him to make his way to the Rich estate. Then I need you to get over to Barnyard Bargains and find out where Filthy Rich is staying in Manehattan. I need you to fly with all your speed and might to find him, then bring him back on the first train you can catch.”

“What, uh, what should I tell him about all this?”

I looked down at her. “The only answer I want you to give him is Ranger McDonald needs him here, now.” I paused and added, “And so does his daughter.”

She trembled a bit, seeing how angry I was, but that it wasn’t focused at her and she knew it. She gave a nod and then a salute with her foreleg since she was still hovering. “I am on it, boss,” and with a puff of dirt, dust, and a streak of golden light behind her she was gone. I was glad for someone so capable and fast to be on my team since I knew I wasn’t gonna get Rainbow Dash.

Glancing over at the two guard I gestured to one. “Shield Heart, right?” He gave a nod. “With me, please.”

Ignoring the worried and confused looks of all the other little colts and fillies we walked away from the school, both of us ready to take on a hydra of a mare.

To be continued in the next chapter.

39 - First Call Pt.2

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“Ranger, I-I understand you are upset, but…”

I cut Shield Heart off and glanced down at him, as he kind of had to half trot to keep up with my pace. Many ponies we passed looked worried. I suspect the fact I was pissed and showing it was the reason.

“We’re going to place her in custody, Shield. Nothing more, unless she resists arrest. Then, we will use what force is necessary to restrain her.”

He exhaled “Sorry, just, I’ve never seen you this angry, and I’ve never seen any mother…”

I gave a nod. “Takes a special kind of heartless bitch to hit their own child like that.” We turned a corner and headed up the lane to the ‘richer’ part of town.

He looked up at me once more, ears flat, the cause likely being my language. “What does a female canine or diamond dog have to do with it?”

I slowed my pace, caught totally off guard. I looked down at him with a blink. “Wait, wh..OH, uh, well, you see-” I was cut off by a third voice, as a unicorn stallion trotted up to us. I could hear Cort breathing hard and fast.

“C-came fast as I cou-could. LD is-is-is on her way to Manehatten already.”

I glanced over at him. “Told you you need to go out on a jog with me every day, chubby.”

He gave a snort as Shield Heart chuckled.

“Whatever….ok, what's the plan?”

Glancing over to the house, I looked back at him. “By the book, Cort. We knock and initiate. We draw her out or get her to invite us in. We place her under arrest, and we take her in.” I frowned. “And we’re going to walk her right through the middle of town, in irons, to do it.”

Both unicorn and earth pony frowned. “Dude.” Cortland looked up at me. “Y’all can’t do that. It ain’t right.”

I gave a frustrated snarl and looked down at him, speaking in a low but harsh tone so no one could overhear us. “Cort that fucking bitch hit her daughter. I just came from the school. That little filly has a eye black as night and she'll be lucky if it doesn’t have permanent damage.”

I thrusted my finger at the house, still looking him in the eyes. “That self righteous whorse is going to face justice, and we are going to perp walk her past everyone — yea, shut up, I know, everypony — so they know what she did.”

Cort looked pissed as he glanced to the house, to me, back to the house and gave a nod. “Your call, LT, but don’t like it and I’m going to say so in the incident report.”

I looked over at the Twilight guard with us. He looked a bit shaken by the whole exchange. I shrugged and glanced back to the Apple unicorn. “I wouldn’t be happy if you didn’t, partner.” With a nod, we turned and the three of us walked up the path to the house. I reached out and banged on the door.

An older stallion, faded bluish grey coat and big bushy eyebrows of white, matching his mane and tail, opened the door. I could see his eyes were a bit puffy, but like any gentleman's gentleman, his thoughts were guarded.

“Can I help you, gentelcolts?”

I saw his eyes roam to the badges and the guard. I saw the dawning light in his blue eyes.

“We are here to speak with Mrs. Rich.”

He gave a nod. “I will take you to her, officers.”

Cort, however, corrected him. “Rangers.”

Again, a nod. “Rangers, and royal guard, please, this way.” The look he gave me, there was… worry in it. As the door closed behind us, he paused. “Mi ... Ranger McDonald.”

I was surprised he knew my name and he gave a nod back “Master Rich and Miss Tiara speak highly of you. Please… is, is…?”

I cut him off and looked down at the old pony who came to my hip in height. “Foal services is on the way. I sent our fastest flyer to get to Filthy and bring him home. She will be in good ha-hooves until he gets here. Right now, Silver, her other friends, and Princess Twilight are with her.”

I saw relief flood his eyes. He pointed a hoof at a closed door. “She's in there.” His tone was no longer polite, but had a edge of anger, of venom to it, before turning and walking off.

I gave a nod to Cort, who moved to the right side of the double pocket door. I glanced at the guard and gestured to the left side. He tilted his head then gave a nod as he understood what I was asking. I myself moved to the center. I figured there was no real risk of her being armed or setting a trap for us. Hell, I don’t think she was that intelligent in the first place.

With a nod of my head, Cort’s red magic gripped the right door. The guard grabbed the left one with his hoof, and they slid open with a bang.

There, behind a desk, sat the pink monster herself, currently looking quite shocked. It looked to me like she was pretty deep into a glass of something. Stacks of paperwork around her spoke to her doing some kind of… work, perhaps?

“You! Get out of my house, you monster!”

I smiled just a bit as the guard and Cort stepped into view. “Spoiled Rich, maiden name, Spoiled Milk, you are under arrest. Stand up, turn around, and place your forehooves on the bookcase behind you.”

Her demeanor seemed to flicker before she was back in cunt mode.

“I will do no such thing! This is illegal! The princesses shall hear about this! I will see you locked up in a dungeon, you monster!”

I shook my head as I approached her, two ponies at my side. “Ma’am that wasn’t a request. It was a lawful order. Get up, turn around, hooves on the bookshelf. Don’t make us use force.”

That seemed to sink in, as the color ran from her face. “M-my husband will hear o-of this” She had started to slide off the chair. I kept a eye on her, my right hand near my gun, but I didn’t really think she would be a threat.

As she reared up and put her hooves on the bookcase, she spoke. “What charges does some lowlife dare bring against my good name? No doubt false charges made up by you and that lowborn scum you serve like a loyal dog.”

I kept my anger in check, but I heard Cort give an aggressive snort. I glanced down at him and back to the pink pig of a mare.

“Spoiled Rich, you are hereby charged with foal abuse, foal endangerment, and felony assault on a minor.”

That hit her and she went quiet again as Cortland moved past me, pulling the leg and neck irons out of his bag. The mare turned her head to look, saw the chains and cuffs, and all hell broke loose.

“I will not be touched by your kind!” she shouted as she spun around, and smashed a hoof into Cort, rocking his head to the side. For all he was, I think her outburst caught poor Private Heart by surprise as he was frozen in place.

Me, that pissed me off. She struck my partner. My hand flashed down and the old peacemaker cleared the holster right as she spun to glare at me. Now, I have said before I abhor hitting a woman, but this wasn’t a woman.

I brought the heavy metal barrel across the side of her temple. Lucky for her, I held back my strength. I knew that the properties of the gun from my world would do a number to her without the impact. It hit her and sent her to the ground in a heap. Following up, my thumb brought back the hammer and I leveled the gun at her. From the corner of my eye I saw Cort was getting up from where he fell, anger in his eyes.

I could see the cold fear in her eyes now. No longer was she the arrogant mare. Reality had set in, and I think she had started to see just how deep in shit she was now.

“Assault on a officer of Equestria in discharge of his duty. Tack on a few more felony counts.” I paused. “You ok, Cort?” I never took my eyes off the prone mare. I could see she was going to have a bit of a mark along the side of her face from the gun's impact.

“Yea, she just caught me off guard,” he said as he picked the irons up. “I need her up.”

I gave a nod. “Private Heart, help Ranger Cortland chain the suspect. Mrs Rich, my recommendation, get up real slow. I mean molasses in winter time slow, and you just stand there and let them do their job.”

She trembled as she stood. “Y-you struck me. Celestia will hear of this!”

I gave a nod, making note of her eyes locked on the barrel of my peacemaker. Did she know what it was? Not likely, but did she suspect it was a weapon. Probably.

“Yes, she will. In our full report.” The first cuff went around her neck and closed with a click, followed up by the ones around her left and right pastern.

Cortland started to talk as he worked. “You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to have an advocate appointed to you. You have the right to a fair trial. Do you understand your rights?”

She took on a bit of a mean look. “I will make you pay for this, monster.”

I gave her a smile as I slid the pistol back into the holster. “Private, will you be so kind as to fetch us a wagon for the fair lady here to ride in? Something with open sides, so the whole town can see her.”

He gave a nod. “Sure thing, Ranger. I think the old jail wagon is still behind town hall.” He turned, and headed out the door.

I looked back to see her anger, but it was starting to fade from her face as the full weight of what was to be set in. I decided to be a tad bit unprofessional.

“You finally get what you wanted, Spoiled. The whole town will be looking at you.”

Was it a bit unnecessary? Yes, but the look in her eyes was worth it. They were wide as it hit her: her life was over.


Four hours later, I pushed the door open and walked into Berry’s bar. Cort was with me. The private had stayed behind. WIthout really speaking, we walked across the room and up to the bar itself. I felt a lot of eyes on me, but no hostility at all. I suspect news of our deeds had made the rounds by now.

“What’ll it be, Rangers?” Berry Punch, herself, leaned on the bar and looked at me.

I reached in and tugged out ten gold bits and laid them down. “Whole bottle, and AJ doesn’t get told about this.”

She frowned, slid the bits off the bar to disappear, and brought up a bottle of amber liquid and two glasses. “I won’t lie if she asks me.”

Cortland and I both gave a nod. “Fair enough.” I picked up the bottle and uncorked it, pouring a shot for myself and for the unicorn next to me. Just as I was pouring the second glass, a sound came from my other side. I turned and found Twilight. She climbed up on the barstool slowly, her face drawn and tired looking.

“P..princess! How can I-” Berry started, but Twi held up her hoof. “Just Twilight, please...and another glass.” She gestured to me.

Both Cort and I lifted a eyebrow and glanced at each other before looking back to the purple alicorn. I gave a nod and a shot glass was brought out and set with the other two.

I poured the third glass as Twilight started to speak. She sounded so tired, but there was more to it than that. There was a kind of pain in her tone that spoke of her having seen and heard things she wasn't quite prepared for.

“Nurse Redheart looked at...and said she should be ok.” She edited herself as we were in public. Yes, ponies around us were giving the three of us space, but still.

“FPS has someone on the train right now coming from Canterlot. I don’t know who yet. I received a direct communication from Manehattan.” She glanced over at me. “Lighting Dust is on her way back already with Filthy Rich. You should know, she set a Equestria record time. Dash and the Wonderbolts are already investigating. She may have set off a sonic rainboom of her very own.” A slight smile flickered on her face.

I nudged her glass to her, then Cort’s to him. I remained silent, even as she put her hooves on either side of the glass. “I saw your report before it was sent…” She closed her mouth, then looked at me with such hurt in her eyes.

I glanced at Cort who was almost as lost and back to the purple princess of friendship. “I'm sorry, Twi. I don’t have words to explain things. I can’t tell you why.” I knew the question she had in her eyes.

She gave a nod before I continued. “To doing the job. Justice must be served.” Cort cleared his throat, “Here here,” and all three of us clinked our shot glasses together. Lifting them as a trio, down the hatch it went.

To her credit Twilight looked normal for a full two seconds before she let out a gasp. Her hoof slamming down into the bar with a loud thud. “Gahhhh” glaring at the glass like it had offended her. She looked over at the two of us. “How do you two drink that stuff!”

Cort chuckled some. “Well, Princess, after ‘bout the third one, you quit caring about the burn.” I just nodded my head in agreement.

She shook her head and nudged the glass over away from herself with her hoof. “I think I'll stop at one.” She paused and look up at me again.

“She's over at Fluttershy’s tonight. The Crusaders and Pip are with her. I think Rainbow’s staying over, too.”

I smiled just a tiny bit “Thank you, Twilight. For… well, for taking care of that side of this.”

She put her hoof on my arm and looked up at my eyes. “Don’t get drunk, ok?” She looked over at Cortland. “Both of you have somepony at home worried for you right now.”

I lowered my eyes and thought on that for a moment, glancing over my shoulder at Cort who gave the same kind of look I likely had. Turning my head back, I nodded. “We'll head home in a bit, here.”

She slid off the stool and smiled. It was forced, I could tell, but she gave it anyway. “I have things that must be done,” she said before heading for the door. I took note of many ponies bowing their heads to her as she passed them. I felt kind of bad really, because here she was, the Princess of Friendship, but still a young mare. Hell, barely out of being a filly, herself. Now she had to face life and the cold reality of it. She had a long, hard life before her, but the way she carried herself out said to me, at least, that she had the strength to do it.

40 - FPS arrives

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It was around six by the time I returned to the farm at long last. A glance at the windows told me supper was over, so I figured I would just skip it. I wasn’t drunk, though I had a bit of warmth in my gut, and I needed it after the day I had dealt with.

On the way back, I had stopped in to check on my guest. She, of course, was complaining at the top of her voice about the hayburger and fries for dinner. I reminded her we had no kitchen, she was a prisoner, and that was dinner. Eat it, or don’t and go hungry. When I left, she chewed on her food quietly. I gave orders to Twilight’s guards that no one was to enter her cell or visit her before I headed home.

Walking with a bit of a slump, steps muffled by the snow on the ground, I pushed the door to my barn room open. Banging the snow off my boots, I glanced up to see that the stove was lit and burning bright. The fire door was open and by its light I saw a orange mare sitting in the middle of the room. Her hat was off, and I could see just how worried she was.

Closing the door behind me, I kicked my boots off and set them aside. Taking my hat and coat off and hanging them up on the peg Big Mac had installed for just that use.

“Ya didn’t need to wait up for me, Jackie,” I said, not looking back at her yet.

I heard her get up, and walk over to where I stood, and her hoof touched my hip. Turning with it and looking down into her eyes. “Yeah, ah did, Shane. You okay?”

I could have lied. I could have, and she would have let it go. Just knowing that, I figured I owe her the truth. “No, no I ain’t.”

She gave a nod and used her body to nudge me over to the sofa. Physically, I was the bigger one here, but pound for pound, the ponies had me by a good hundred pounds or more; ones like Applejack that worked all their lives, on the northside of that number and not one ounce of fat.

So I sat down, and she slid up on the sofa, sitting so she could look me in the eyes and placing her hoof on my chest. “Ah talked to Twi, Granny and Big Mac agreed so we left Apple Bloom to have that sleepover. Figured Filthy’s little filly needed her friends there.”

I was quiet for a bit before closing my eyes. “Who does that, Jackie? This is the land of ponies, of harmony and love and kindness. Cort looked up the records, there has not been a case of foal abuse in Ponyville in over a century.”

Her hooves slid around me and she kind of half pulled herself to my side and pressed her face into my ribs. It was her turn to be quiet for a spell before she spoke quietly.

“Ah can’t tell ya none, Shane. I don’t understand it ma’self. Don’t get how anypony could do that to their kin, let alone their flesh and blood foal.” She paused, then she flicked an ear and nuzzled my side.

“Ah keep thinkin’ about Apple Bloom growing up without Mom and Dad, how ah had to act as mom for her. I keep thinkin’ how she tried my patience time and time again… but ah never once thought ‘bout striking her. “

I leaned back and tugged her half down on me, wrapping my arms around her. I pressed my face into her mane and planted a light kiss there. “I don’t understand it myself. I keep thinking about Cassidy.”

Applejack leaned her head up and put her hoof on my neck, gazing into my eyes as she pressed her lips to my own. I slid my arm up behind her back and returned the gesture, before it broke. She didn’t say a thing, and I didn’t go on to ask her any questions.

She just lay her head down on my chest as we reclined on the sofa. Sleep took us both, as we close our eyes. Never before had we fallen asleep together, though tonight I think we both needed the company.


I woke with the room cold, yet feeling warm. Something heavy but not uncomfortable was draped half over me. I felt stiff and sore, and it hit me that I was on the sofa, that I had fallen asleep on it. Opening my eyes slowly, first thing my sights settled upon was blond hair and an orange ear poking out of it.

I think I stayed like that, just watching her sleep on my chest, one leg around my rib cage, for almost a hour. I couldn’t wake her. She was quiet and peaceful, and I knew she needed the extra sleep. Plus, it gave me time to think about events, about her, and my own issues. We were a couple now—not that many knew, the rumor mill had not caught wind of it yet. We had been kissing, and not just a friendly kiss; no, we had shared a few very intimate kisses, and I continued weighing how I felt about that.

I thought about Shawna, and how much I missed her and my little girl. Odd as it was I had not dreamt of them in almost two weeks now. Looking down at the mare asleep on me, I wondered to myself. Could she be the reason? Shawna, god, lord Jesus, someone… hell, anyone, I really could use an answer or two.

However, nature did give me one little poke, in the form of a urgent need to use the boy’s room. I exhaled and slowly started to stroke my fingers into the blond mane of the mare resting with me. She slowly opened her deep, soul-filled emerald eyes and looked up at me… and smiled.

Sometimes if you pray hard enough, momma had told me, God will give you a sign. Looking down into that face, into that smile, it hit me. The answer I had been begging for, was right there all along, and I could see it plain as day now. My heart skipped a beat, and a tiny bit of that nagging voice inside was silenced. “Mornin’, Shane.”

I leaned my head down best I could, and kissed that orange mare on the lips lightly. Damn the morning breath, and from her pressing back into it, she felt the same. Breaking it once more I smiled back at her.

“Morning, beautiful,” I paused. “I hate to wake you, but I am afraid nature demands it.”

She blinked, then got a knowing look and gave a slight chuckle. “Well, ya should have woken me sooner,” shaking her head as she started to gently untangle herself from me and back off the sofa to stand on the floor.

Letting my fingers drag along her body before she was out of reach, I sat up and shook my head. “Ain’t wise to wake an angel from sleeping,” not looking at her as I walked past, not noticing her blush light up bright on her face. I just closed the door to the bathroom with a soft click.


I was sitting at my desk finishing up paperwork to transfer Spoiled up to Canterlot and the court system when a knock came on my door. Standing up, I walked over to the board with the Apple case on it and flipped it around on its stand. “Come on in,” I called out.

Twilight walked in with a soft smile, still stressed but not as bad as yesterday. Behind her came a older mare, but one I knew right away. Her soft grey coat, the purple and white streaked mane, the three purple stars on her flank. “Shane, I would like to introduce you to Twilight—”

I smiled as I injected into her introduction. “Velvet, your mother,” I gave a dip of my head. “A pleasure to finally meet you, ma’am.”

While the mare in question smirked some, Twilight recovered quickly with a smirk of her own. “Director of Equestria Foal Protection Services.”

Alright, that made me lift an eyebrow. Not only did they send down someone from higher up, they sent down the highest.

“The pleasure is mine, Ranger McDonald. I have heard so much about you from my Twily, Shiny, and the Princesses.” She then stopped for a moment, continuing soon after in a lower tone. “As soon as the report hit my desk, I was sworn in by Princess Luna. I know of the—” giving pause, “—level of your understanding and knowledge of Equestria.”
I gave a nod then leaned back, sitting on the edge of my desk. “I know this is a big deal, but what brings the Director herself down? Why not just send an agent?”

Twilight Velvet looked up at me as she sat down on the carpet. “You must understand Ranger Mc—”

I held up my hand to stop her. “Shane, please. We have no reason to be formal, it is just the three of us.”

A smile came from both as she gave a nod in return. “Shane, then. To continue, while foal abuse and issues do happen, the FPS rarely has to intervene past a warning, getting parents financial help, or helping place a colt or filly that has lost their parents. Cases of abuse are...” again she paused, looking uncomfortable now with the idea. “...rare, in my tenure as Director, even back to my rookie years as a field agent. I have never seen an active case.”

I nodded my head to her. “I can understand that, knowing what I do of pony culture and herd mentality.”

She smiled, then exhaled. “Love Tap is with the fillies now, Filthy Rich arrived ten minutes ago. I asked your agent, a Miss Lightning Dust? To stay with them.”

I paused. “Love Tap? I am not sure I am familiar with her.”

Twilight the princess answered my question. “She is the local FPS field agent, a friend, and mother to one of the colts at school. The one that seems to always be playing video games?”

I blinked, moderately puzzled. “The little guy with the propeller hat, seems to be into Sweetie Belle? So his mother is Foal Protection then?”

Twilight Velvet nodded. “Tap and I go back some. I was her training officer in the field, this was before she had Button, and I was five months along with Twilight.”

I snickered, and the poor bookpony blushed hard, even as she received an affectionate nuzzle from her mother.

I ran that over in my head, then gestured. “Do you need to talk to—” I could not bring myself to say her name so I just said, “Her.” Perhaps with a bit too much venom in my tone. I noted both ponies flatten their ears. Still, the feelings were raw and my dislike for her far too fresh and focused.

Velvet shook her head. “No, she has invoked her right to silence. I have already been contacted by her attorney and served a writ of defense. Until she is transferred and her arraignment is held, she can’t be talked to, other than by you and the Rangers, thanks to your charter.”

I gave a nod to that then leaned back in the chair, looking up at the ceiling as I thought on things. “How did she get an attorney so fast? I know the Rich family has wealth, but, well, to be blunt, Filthy doesn’t seem the type to defend her from this kind of charge.”

Twilight Sparkle chimed in, a frown on her muzzle. “He isn’t, the lawyer is in Canterlot.”

Velvet continued for her. “Yes, his name was...” she tapped her chin, pondering for a second. “Dark. Gray Dark, I believe his name was.”

I blinked and shot a look at Twilight who had the same look on her face. We both glanced at the board I had flipped to hide the info on it, and back to each other. She had the same look on her face that I suspect I had, and the same dislike of coincidences.

The grey mare spoke up, having noted our sudden quiet. “Was it something I said?”

I shook my head firmly. “No, ma’am, just a name that… shouldn’t be involved.”

Twilight put a hoof on her mother's shoulder. “Just has to do with another case the Rangers are looking into, Mom, that is all.”

She blinked, then gave an acknowledging nod of her head. “Well, shall we go check on Mr. Rich and his daughter, Ranger?” Her demeanor changed some, no longer calling me Shane. “I want you there, I have seen your reports.”

She smiled just a tiny bit. “I know the foals in Ponyville trust you, they look up to you, and I am quite sure they are going to have some very awkward and hard to answer questions.”

I responded with a single nod as Twilight threw me a look that said thank you. “I suspect as much, ma’am, Plus there is one among them I need to make sure isn’t holding onto some deep rooted anger.”

Twilight spoke up. “Pipsqueak?” she paused. “He looked so angry, and was being very overprotective of Diamond.”

I nodded to her as I stood, sliding my stetson on, then pulling the Peacemaker from the drawer and sliding it into my holster. “I think there is more going on there than just friends, I know that look and, no disrespect, but, this is the kind of talk two guys need to have together.”

Velvet gave a sigh and set her hoof on Twilight to quiet her before she could retort. “Twilight, it is the same kind of talk your father had to have with Shining Armor after… the events at his wedding.”

Twilight lay her ears down. “Oh… all right, I guess I understand.”


Seeing Filthy as upset as he was set me at ease some. He clearly was focused on his daughter and her needs, not on Spoiled.

The Crusaders and Silver Spoon kept Diamond company, but just walking into Fluttershy’s I had spotted the anger churning in Pip’s eyes. The little paint colt was on edge, enough so that even Diamond, who was pressed close to him, kept giving him glances.

While everyone gave me a smile and a wave, or said hello, I glanced at the paint colt and gave a nod. “Pip, come walk with me,” I gestured outside.

He looked like his first response was going to be a no, up until Diamond said in a soft tone. “I am okay, Pip. Everypony is here. I will be right here when you get back, okay?”

He gave a snort then nodded and leaned over, giving her a little nuzzle on the neck that set the fillies to giggling. Rolling his eyes, he turned and started my way. I spotted a kind of tanish mare with a heart and baby bottle cutie mark starting to open her mouth, before Twilight Velvet shook her head.

I stepped aside and let Pipsqueak pass, but heard behind me. “I think I will join the boys. Diamond, darling, you mind Miss Fluttershy and Miss Tap while I am out,” as he drew abreast of me, he gave me a look that said he understood, too.

I paced myself slow so Pip didn’t have to run to keep up as we walked down the road away from the cottage. No one spoke at first, right up until Filthy glanced down at the small little colt. “Mr. Pipsqueak, I owe you a debt of thanks.”

This made the colt come to a halt and blink up at the stallion. I turned and looked at the two, letting them have their say. Rich looked down at the boy, making direct eye contact. “At my daughter’s worst moment, you stuck to her side. It is a debt I will owe you for life, you kept my daughter safe. Now while I am still a father, and still a bit twitchy at having a colt around her so much.”

Pip gave a light smile. “I can think of no other colt as honorable, and trustworthy of being her friend.”

He was quiet then sat down, unable to look up at Filthy or myself. He spoke in a soft tone. “I hate her so much, when I saw Diamond like that I wanted… I wanted to hurt her, I think I wanted to kill her. It’s like a fire inside me, all I can see is red unless Diamond is right next to me.”

Rich and I shot each other a glance, I could see he knew exactly what I was thinking, too. I squatted down so I was not towering over the little paint colt.

Exhaling slowly I gave a little shake of my head then reached up and took my hat off. Placing it on my knee as I ran a hand through my hair. “Pip, you need to listen good. You can’t carry that around. All that hate, that anger, it will eat you up inside, burn you out and leave you a husk.”

Filthy sat down and gave a nod. “Ran—Shane is right, Pip, right now,” looking away and off to town. “Well, right now, I am angry. Mostly at myself for not seeing what Spoiled was doing, for telling myself things would work out, for ignoring what was right in front of my nose.”

“So you want to hurt her, too?” looking up at the stallion.

He shook his head. “No, because what would that do? I would go to jail, and Diamond would have no one then. No, son,” he stopped as he looked down at the paint colt. “Anger and hate won’t help, it just makes things more complicated. You just keep being the kind, helpful, and stalwart little stallion I know. You keep at my Diamond’s side as long as she will have you there. Don’t hate, she will see it, Pip, she will know.”

He looked up at the two of us, then back to the ground and stomped his front right hoof down hard. “But, but what if she gets away with it?”

“She won’t, Pip, she is in jail right now, and she is being shipped up to Canterlot in the morning. I am escorting the detail in person,” I responded.

He shifted his brown eyes up to look at me and let out a long, slow exhale. Tears welled up and I gave Filthy a nod as the stallion pulled the colt in, protecting him with his body from being seen by others as the colt began to sob.

“Let it out, Pip,” I said, but a little voice inside my head muttered “oh like you do?”, bringing a small frown to my countenance.

Rich looked up at me and said in a soft tone, his hoof still around the boy pressed into his chest to hide his face. “Shane, will you help me talk to the girls? They have been asking questions, and—”

Knowing what he was requesting already, I held up a hand and gave a nod. “I get it, we all will. Twilight Velvet asked me to, we will do it as a team.”

He nodded at me and grew quite again, holding the silently sobbing colt as we sat there in the snow on that gloomy day. All so Pipsqueak could feel safe enough to be rid of the poison in his heart.

41 - First Hearthswarming

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Moving our charming guest from the cells to the train station was a chore in and of itself. Never have you heard a lady complain more about every last thing. I mean, Spoiled was in rare form to be sure.

Complaining about how bad the food was, how she was cold, how dare we shackle her again. Complaints about Filthy not coming to see her, complaints about not having access to proper grooming, the list goes on and on.

I mean, I couldn’t really blame Filthy for avoiding her. I had gone to see him this morning before the move. Diamond was upstairs, Silver was with her and in a rare show of trust he had let Pip stay with the girls. Poor guy looked like hell, as I walked into his study to find him going over stacks of papers trying to figure out just how bad she had messed things up.

“Shane, I...” he paused, lifting his gaze up at me. “Thank you, for w—”

I held up my hand to stop him. “No need, Rich. I did my job, but I would have done it anyways. Diamond is a good girl.”

He sat and gave a nod, and I continued. “So, we are moving her to Canterlot this afternoon.”

Filthy glanced up at me, puzzled. “But, tomorrow is the start of the Hearth’s Warming weekend. The courts won’t be open until at least next Wednesday, she will sit in a cell for five da…”

He trailed off as I just smiled some. “You… are taking this very personal, aren't you, Shane?”

I exhaled, nodding. “I can take a lot, I can overlook a lot. But, striking a child, I…” I gave pause then looked down at the floor as I adjusted my hat. “Well, let’s just say it was made personal, aye?”

Filthy Rich was quite for a time, before he spoke again in a much softer tone. “Only a father would know that kind of anger,” and that was where he left it. He turned and pulled a picture of her down from a bookshelf and looked at it.

“She was always like this. I guess I just… overlooked it. I should have ended it along time ago. But work got in the way, then Diamond came along, and... I could not leave her without a mother…” shaking his head.

“Don’t do that to yourself, Rich,” I reached out and put my hand on my friend’s shoulder and looked down into his pained eyes as he looked up from the picture he held. “Don’t let it roll into hate, just do what you have to. For your daughter.”

He nodded and reached out, dropping the picture frame into a trash can. “I have already moved to block her access to the accounts. My lawyer has moved good faith money into her lawyer’s account so I can’t be accused of trying to cut her off.”

I took a step back and listened to him speak, then proceeded to ask, “So, the plan is to…”

He nodded. “It’s time, Shane, it has been time, and I am late to arriving at the conclusion. I won’t risk Diamond and I won’t stand idle.”

We shook hand to hoof and I turned to go. He spoke up one last time. “The boy, he isn’t past it yet. He needs a guiding hoof.”

I kept my back to him but gave a simple nod of my head “I am aware, and already have plans in the works, we will talk about it soon...but I have to ask” looking over my shoulder at the proud stallion. “You know they are… well, it may just be a crush, but.”

He smiled a little. “if it is more than a crush, I can think of few colts I would want around my Diamond. He has a strength of character.”


The train car was not your typical coach. It had been clearly designed for military use, rows of benches, the back section of it with four cells, a weapons locker… well, and it was armored. Cort stayed behind in Ponyville with Lightning Dust and Golden. I was alone on this trip, just me and fifteen royal guards, five each from the Solar, Lunar, and Friendship divisions.

“I demand some kind of mask! The stench of failure and corruption in here is quite bothersome to my nose. One of you lowborn guards go and fetch me something from the dining cart. A lady deserves to be waited on. Why all this fuss, I will never understand, but—”

I had hit my end, and I could not take her constant talk anymore. I snapped to my feet and stormed down the aisle to the cells. Not a few guards scrambling out of the way as I did. I didn’t hold back, it was time to stop being nice.

“Shut your fucking MOUTH!” I bellowed at her, causing her to snap her muzzle shut and her eyes to shoot wide.

“Get this in your thick skull, you dog humping thundercunt! You are a prisoner, you are under arrest, you, you…” my right fist slammed into the door of the cell making her leap back and let out a panicked cry. “YOU STRUCK YOUR CHILD AND DAMN NEAR FUCKING BLINDED HER!”

Again my fist fell and crashed into the cell bars. “A child, you hit a child! If I had my way you would be swinging by the neck from a tree right now! Now…” I took a deep breath and exhaled, still glaring right into her eyes with a raging fire in my own. “You will shut up, you will not speak again unless you need water, need to use the restroom, or are in pain. Am I clear?”

She started to open her mouth, but I let out an inhuman snarl that ultimately silenced her. “I said, am I fucking clear?!”

She shook in fear. Her eyes locked on mine, that prey drive in her wanting to run but having nowhere to go. A voice of a mouse slipped out. “Y-y-y-yes!”

I gave a nod and spun around, my old boots thumping on the floor with each heavy step as I walked away. “One of you, please get her a bucket and towels and a privacy screen so she can clean up the piss she is sitting in.”

I slumped back into the chair at the other end of the car, not one guard would look at me. I lifted up my right hand and took note of the blood dribbling down it. I guess I tore it up pretty good. I was just about to ask for a towel when the corpsman… pony, fuck you, Twilight, walked over. One of the Lunar guards, he didn’t speak at first, just started to pull items out of his saddle bags and began to clean up the wound.

Down the car, two mares from Twilight’s Guard started to help the prisoner clean up. I shook my head and the Lunar earth pony spoke in a soft, deep tone. “You going to be alright, Ranger?”

I shook my head and adjusted my hat with my left hand. “I don’t know. I shouldn’t have let her get to me like that.”

He gave a nod as he worked to wrap my hand in gauze. Not doing a bad job considering I doubt he had much experience working on a hand. “No, but it was understandable. You said what everypony here was thinking.” He paused, then shook his head with a bit of a sharp-toothed grin. “Dog humping thunder…” he didn’t dare finish the word. “You and our princess share a love for unique put-downs.”

I just gave him a nod and kept quiet, watching him work.


Twilight Velvet, along with several of what I took to be her agents waited at the station along with a cell wagon, more guards, and Captain Cross.

As I stepped out I looked around, nodding afterwards. Cross walked over to stand at my side, the unicorn wearing the same oilcoat Cortland and I wore. It became sort of the mark of a Ranger, we came to determine.

“Any issues?” he queried as he observed the guards transferring the shackled mare to the cart. I made note of the fact it was being carried out on a cleared platform, and no civilians occupied the station. Quite unusual for a transport hub as big and busy as Canterlot.

I glanced down at him then back to what was going on. My eyes picked up on a rather smug looking unicorn in a dark suit, heading our way with four of what I took to be personal guards around him. “Yeah, but we can talk about it later. We got company, Cap.”

He looked up and groaned. “Not this pain in the flank.”

I began to size up the stallion as he strolled closer and stopped in front of us. Sandy brown coat, slicked back black mane, expensive -ooking suit, young eyes with fire in them. Yeah, he just about screamed high-price lawyer.

“Captain Cross Shield, I demand to see my client!”

He gestured to me. “Grey Dark, meet Ranger McDonald. Shane, this is—”

Mr. Slimy cut Cross off. “Grey Dark of Dark, Dark and Trident. So, you are the one responsible for this abortion of justice. I expect my client to be in the best of health and taken care of properly. She is to be put in the best room in the castle pending her arraignment trial.”
I just stared down at him as he continued, not saying a word… yet.

“I expect we can get her before Judge Gavel if we hurry al—”

It was my turn to cut him off. “No.”

His ears pinned, then he recovered. “Excuse me?”

I smiled, but out of the corner of my eye I saw the captain bring his hoof to his face. “I said, no, as in no, she won’t make court today. Too much paperwork, my handoff of custody alone will take me..” I brought my hand to my chin and tapped. “Three, four hours,” I continued to smile down at him. “Would happen faster but, you know how it is. Legal paperwork stacks up tall and all that.”

He lost some of his cool, and stomped his hoof down. “That is inexcusable! If we do not get into court this afternoon, she will languish in custody for the entire weekend. This is unacceptable!”

I shrugged some and kept the same tone of the ‘hick cop’ I was playing for him. “Well, I don’t know about all that. I just know if I don’t do the paperwork right, well, some smart lawyer might get a criminal off on a technicality. Quality paperwork takes time, now don’t it, Captain?”

Cross looked up at me with a frown then shook his head. “Nothing I can do here. Sorry, Mr. Dark. Until Shane hands off the chain of custody, she is his prisoner.”

The stallion gave another stomp of his hoof and in a far lower tone snarled. “I will make you pay for this slight, monster.” I did not like the glint in his blue eyes one bit.

I tilted my head, my smile fell from my face. “Was that a threat against a sworn officer of the law, counselor?”

He said nothing more, just spun and stormed off with his four guards in tow.

“I think you made yourself an enemy, Shane,” Cross commented, his tone taking more of a disapproving edge to it.

I snorted, watching the smug stallion storm off. “Don’t really care, the guy is a snot nosed punk dressed up in a fancy suit.”

Cross shook his head and we started off, following the cell cart heading for the Royal Dungeons to the west of us.


I had received a bit of a chewing out later that day for my conduct in the train car. It really wasn’t the captain, but more because a smug lawyer complained up the chain of command. It made its way to the Princess, who of course was disappointed in me over it.

Really that was one of the downsides to the Rangers. We answered directly to the princesses as far as chain of command. So when we screwed up, well, honestly it was like getting a reprimand from your mother! Having Celestia look in your eyes and tell you she was disappointed in you truly stung, even I was not immune to that fully.

By the time I got back to Ponyville, it was well past ten at night. I crawled up into my bed and fell asleep alone. However, a part of me really missed the weight and warmth of a certain orange apple mare being pressed up to my side. I looked out the frost-rimmed window at the main house at the window I knew was hers. I wondered as I slipped off to sleep, if she was doing the same thing.


Two days later, it was Hearth’s Warming Eve. Okay, screw that, it is Christmas Eve! I don’t care what the ponies call it, it is Christmas with a new wrapper on it is all.

I had everything packed up in the back of the Apples’ wagon, walking along Big Mac’s side as only three of us, counting Granny Smith, headed for Twilight's castle. Jackie and AB were already there, having been there all day helping set things up.

“You doing okay, Granny?” I looked over at her.

She snorted at me. “Ah am doing just fine, but ya best quit fussin’ about me.” Her tone said something else, it said she liked I was worried for her.

I chose not to question it initially. “Yes, ma’am.”

Mac glanced over at me for a moment and then back to his pulling. “Ma sister didn’t come inside last night… again.”

I shot a glance over at Granny who seemed to not have heard it. At least she was acting like she was ignoring it. Looking back at him I said in a low tone. Ain’t nothing happened, okay? Just talking and spending time together.”

The red draft stallion snorted as well. “She is still ma’ sister.”

I gave him a nod. “And I respect her, to the core you know that.”

After a pause, he huffed. “Eeyup.”

Once we reached the castle and unhooked Mac, ponies started to help bring in the presents and boxes of food. I got inside to have Lightning Dust sweep up and smile at me. “Merry Hearth’s Warming, Shane.” She looked more serious as she landed and looked up at me. “Shane, before things get rolling, I just, well, I want to say… Thank you.”

I blinked, squatting down so I was not towering over her. “For what?”

She shrugged. “For giving me a chance, for taking a risk on me, for...” she gestured around as if to say giving her a place in pony society once more.

I poked her on the nose, making her face scrunch up some before she let out a little half giggle. “Lightning, all I did was show you the way. It was you who got to Filthy fast as you did. It was you who made all the friends around you. You just keep being you, and sticking at Cort’s and my side, okay?”

She held up her wing and I touched my fingers to it in a sort of high five before she took off. I watched her hover near Derpy, who was clinging to the top of the tree playing ornament right now.

“You know, no one up in Canterlot would believe you can be so nice.”

I didn’t need to turn my head to check who it was. “And Merry Christmas to you too, Cort.”

He laughed. “Hey, what is this I hear, that you are going to tell us the story of what Christmas is? That even Luna and Celestia are going to pop in for a hour to listen?”

I gave him a nod and looked over at him. “You have all shared your traditions with me, why not tell you about mine?”

He smiled at me.


Usually I got pretty nervous when I was the center of attention. However, I had a pretty orange pony pressed up to my side, helping distract me from the fact four princesses, one prince consort, a good twenty-five foals, and what must be a hundred to hundred-and-fifty ponies were all sitting around to listen to my story.

I took a swig of apple cider from the wood viking-like mug next to me, making note it was the ‘good stuff’, not the stuff the children got.

“Well, where to sta—”

I got swiftly cut off by a high pitched squeal and four hooves prancing in place as everyone broke out laughing. Twilight, spinning in circles with a huge grin on her face, suddenly realized what she was doing and stopped. With a sheepish look, and Starlight giving her a nudge she sat and said quietly. “Sorry.”

AJ gave me a smirk and I grinned back at her. “All right now, how about I start with why we have what we call Christmas in my world?”

I cleared my throat. “Back home, faith means a lot. We humans, well a lot of us anyways. Believe in a great spirit called God. God created the heavens and earth, gave life to every creature, and then created mankind. It is our faith in God—or at least the Christian faith—that we get Christmas.”

I looked around, that seemed to be enough of a background for most there.

“One day, God looked down and saw his creations needed a shepard. Someone to guide them in spirit and faith. To show them a path to kindness and what we call humanity.”

I leaned over and picked up a book that was next to me. It had been a long time since I had opened the bible up; over eleven years now, to be precise. Flipping to a page, I smiled some.

“I think it would be best for me to read from this, to help you understand the true meaning behind Christmas.”

I had everypony’s undivided attention now. I happened to note the warm smile on Celestia’s face. How rare was it that she and her sister could come down and just be with ponies and not have to be princesses for a moment?

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this [shall be] a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

As I closed the book there was silence among the ponies then a voice spoke up. Luna in her quiet inside voice.

“Shane, if I understand the words from your faith. This child, a baby, born on this night. Was a sign given to your kind by your god. A sign of not only faith, but hope and peace?”

I nodded at her words, “pretty much spot on,” this set others to talking among themselves. One hoof lifted and I saw it belonged to Celestia herself. I bowed my head. “Princess?”

That motherly smile of hers never fell as she looked over to me. “Shane, we have heard much to ponder tonight. Thank you for sharing your culture with us. While it is hard for us to understand not having a base in faith as your kind does, I think I speak for all here when I say it is a honor to have you share it with us. However, I was wondering, we have heard much about your singing voice. Would you honor us with a song, perhaps something from this… Christmas, as you call it?”

You know, I kind of knew she was going to set me up for that. I chuckled as many ears lifted and hopeful eyes looked to me. Jackie whispered, “So that is why you brought your guitar.”

I nodded to her and then looked back at the white sun goddess. “It would be my pleasure ma’am. I think a song that fits the story I just told would work well here.” As I reached for my old guitar, many cheered softly.

“Now, this song is the story of a little boy who saw the star the new king was born under. Who followed the shepherds and wise men, and came upon the babe laying in the manger. It is called, The Little Drummer Boy.”

I started to strum and closed my eyes. I had sung for others but never in front of Luna and Celestia before. Never in front of Cadence and Shining Armor, nor many of the families here like Dash’s parents, and Mr and Mrs Shy.

Come they told me Pa rum pum pum pum
A new born King to see Pa rum pum pum pum
Our finest gifts we bring Pa rum pum pum pum
To lay before the kIng Pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum
So to honor Him Pa rum pum pum pum
When we come

I opened my eyes and saw many swaying to the song. Many more smiled, but every last one of the technicolor ponies around me, were focused on me.

Little baby Pa rum pum pum pum
I am a poor boy too Pa rum pum pum pum
I have no gift to bring Pa rum pum pum pum
That's fit to give our King Pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum
Shall I play for you Pa rum pum pum pum
On my drum

Truth of things, this was by far my favorite song of the season. I really can’t tell you why, but it was. So I put my all into this concert, I wanted to sing the best I had ever sung.

Mary nodded Pa rum pum pum pum
The ox and lamb kept time Pa rum pum pum pum
I played my drum for Him Pa rum pum pum pum
I played my best for Him Pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum

The long pause, as I strummed the guitar strings and played out the song a bit. What I had missed, I picked up. Several of the foals were tapping their hooves on the ground in time to the rhythm of the song. I couldn’t help myself, I smiled brighter than I had in a long, long time.

Then He smiled at me Pa rum pum pum pum
Me and my drum

Coming to a close, I was greeted by hooves clapping and ponies cheering softly. As I placed my old acoustic back in its bag, we all heard a noise. As one, the entire room went silent as the grave, every last pony looking at three little foals, two Cakes and an alicorn who were on a blanket together.

“D… did they,” it was Shining Armor’s voice, and we were all treated to it a second time.

“Pa,” said a little pegasus.

“Rum,” spoke his little unicorn sister.

“Pum!” finished a large eyed little alicorn.

A cavalcade of action as parents scooped up their foals and hugged them. Many tears were being shed by the proud mares and stallions. First words spoken, on a magical night, one could not ask for more.

Next to me, Applejack nudged my hip and spoke. “I would say that was about the best Hearth’s Warming present ever given.”

Putting my hand on her neck, I nodded. “Eeyup.”


Time for handing out presents. It being my first time for Hearth’s Warming, I went a bit overboard but, hey, why not? I was in a great mood despite the last eight months of ups and downs.

First it was the four princesses, I knew Luna and Celestia had to get back to Canterlot soon. I bid them all to open theirs at the same time. All four did and all four pulled out long brown oil coats. Exchanging glances, it was Cadence who spoke up. “Shane, this is… a coat,thecoat of a Ranger?”

I gave a bit of a nod. “Well, if you are going to be our chain of command, then you should dress the part. Right about now, Dame Fleur and Sir Fancy are likely looking at the same thing.”

Twilight swung hers around and slid into it, giving a bright little nicker. “Now all I need is a hat!”

Next was Cortland, and I called him over. With help from Celestia, the big ornate oak box was brought out as the apple unicorn looked on. “Cort, you are not just my friend, but my partner.”

He glanced at me and rolled his eyes. “Is this going to blow up on me?” he joked as he slid a hoof on the lid and lifted it. His face went from a smile to utter shock, his eyes lifted to mine, back to what was inside, then back to me.

“Th-this can’t be, Shane... this… this looks like a hammer and rod repeating crossbow! It can’t be, there are only two in the world!”

Laying in the case was just that; a crossbow that used a magical driven set of gears and rods to cock the weapon. On top sat a revolving cartridge that held six bolts and could be changed out rapidly much like a magazine.

I gave him a firm nod. “It is, buddy.”

He again looked at it and back to me, almost at a complete loss for words. “Shane, this kind of magic requires Alicorn level power! How, where, what…”

I gestured over. “Celestia and Luna showed me the original, Together, with Twilight, they can make them. It has been decided that,” I then pointed to the weapon sitting in its box, “It will be the official weapon of the Canterlot Rangers. We alone will carry them.”

He ran his hoof over the weapon gently. “It even has my cutie mark on the side plate!”

I smiled warmer and gestured over to the little pink earth pony with her parents. “Lili there is the creator of that part, and her parents the only smiths in Equestria with the skill and permission to make the new H&R Ranger. You have number one, buddy.”

In a rare display, I meanrealrare, he spun and I found myself trapped in a lung-crushing hug. It was a little awkward, but at the same time, Cort was my best friend, so I felt obligated to return it.

To Rainbow Dash, I had a patch made by the Wonderbolts’ tailor for her jacket. On it was a male cat leaning on a jet that said under it. “Any time, baby”.

Rarity, I found another book with many clothing designs in it, among my things.

Fluttershy, I dug up five issues of some very old National Geographic issues that were in the closet at the cabin. They were mostly on animals of the Serengeti, so I figured she would get a lot of joy out of that.

Pinkie Pie, I gave my mother’s old cookbook to. I warned her many dishes in it were made for carnivores. but she loved it anyways and I received yet another choking hug for it. Stupid party pony almost made me cry.

Starlight Glimmer and Trixie I gave a certificate for a dinner at The Tasty Treat in Canterlot.

I gestured for Pipsqueak to come over. He had received presents from many, including a very warm looking jacket from Diamond Tiara. When he trotted over, I sat down and looked at him.

“Pip, this present is from me, but also Mr. Rich,” I gestured, “and is given with the blessing of Mrs Tap,” I gestured to Love Tap, who was over standing with her son, who himself was busy talking with Sweetie Belle.

Fishing into my shirt pocket, I pulled out a small folding knife. The kind of thing every boy when I grew up had in his pocket. I gently held it out to him, seeing his eyes grow wide as saucers.

“This is no toy, Pip. I am handing you a great responsibility, You work in a shop. You need to be able to open boxes, cut string and rope, help cut paper and cardboard up,” making sure to keep eye contact with him as I set it into the frog of his held out hoof.

“You treat that with respect, never threaten anypony with it. Never cut towards yourself, never cut towards somepony else. You show Mr. Rich and I you can handle the responsibility of that and we will talk about you coming to clean up the station once a week, okay?”

He was nodding his head rapidly. “Oh, yes, sir. Yes, Ranger, sir!” He spun off to run back to his group of friends.

“That is a great deal of trust you have given a colt his age,” said a soft voice from my right. I glanced up to see Luna, watching Pipsqueak with his friends.

“I think he can handle it, Luna.” She nodded in agreement with me.

Last was Applejack. I exhaled as I sat down next to her and looked at her face. “Jackie, I thought long and hard about what I wanted to give you.”

“Ah, shoot, ya ain’t got to get me nothin’, sugarcube,” she smiled.

I nodded in acknowledgement. “But I do, and what I have decided on, well, it ain’t a thing, but it is a gift nonetheless.”

Her ears perked. “What is it, Shane?”

I gestured above us, where held in light blue magic by Rarity hung a sprig of mistletoe.

“I don’t care who knows anymore, Jackie. If you are ready to be public, I am, too.”

Her eyes lit up as she looked at me. Cores of green shimmered as she whispered. “I… in front of everypony?”

I nodded, and started to lean in. She met me halfway, and our lips pressed together. No small kiss, this was as deep, as intimate, as loving as any before. My arms slid around her, her forelegs slid around my neck and we settled into something quite lasting.

Ignoring the giggles of colts and fillies, the d’awwws of many of the mares and stallions--even the voice of a particular pink princess blurting out. “Well, it is about damn time!”

The response from her mother in law was nothing but humorous. “Cadence! Language!”

We slowly broke the kiss, both blushing a touch as AJ looked around and made eye contact with Granny Smith first. “G-Granny, ah want to introduce ya to, ma special somepony.”

The elderly green mare just snorted. “The way you two been galavantin’ around out in the orchard, even an ol’ lady like me saw this one a-comin’!”

I started to laugh as Jackie flushed even harder.


“May I have your attention please, everypony?”

I looked up from where I was sitting with the Apples, to see Twilight standing at the head of the room.

“It is time, if everypony will file outside. Shane McDonald, and Cortland Apple. Will you please gather up Lightning Dust and Golden Shield, then come stand with me?”

Shooting looks at each other the four of us walked over and stood before the princess.
“Shane, the citizens of Ponyville, your friends, we wanted to show you how we all feel. So, please come with me around back.”

I blinked and shot another look at Cort then we all headed out back. As we cleared the side, first thing I saw was something very large under a tarp, sitting next to Trixie’s wagon. Whatever it was, it had a good few feet in all dimensions on her wagon.

“Shane, Rangers, Ponyville is proud to have you among us. We know soon you will start patrolling other villages, other cities. So, with help from everypony in town…”

The tarp was torn away, and what was hidden beneath it took my breath away: a large live-in wagon, very much like the one Trixie lived in, but looked to be sized to fit me! I just looked at the white and blue painted sides, marked with the Canterlot Ranger badge and some fancy flourishes. It was a lot like an old school stagecoach in a way.

“We made sure it has enough room to fit you laying down, Shane, along with Cort, and Lighting Dust. It has a small stove, enough food and water storage for two weeks before it needs filling up again. It has enchantments put on it, Cortland or even Lightning can pull it even with you sitting inside or up on top on the bench there.” She motioned her hoof up. “It is also weather-sealed so you may use it rain or shine, winter or summer.”

Walking over to it with her I opened the back and looked inside. Cramped, yes, but it was liveable, and would give us a way to travel without sleeping on the ground and eating hardtack all the time.

Looking at the others and around, I reached up and yanked my hat off my head. “Why, I don’t know what to say. I—”

They all cut me off, and with one voice, the ponies all around yelled. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, Rangers!”

I felt something nudge my hand and looked down at Applejack, who now pressed to my side. I shakily put my hat back on and sniffled once. “Thank you, all of you.”

42 - Gearing up

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“They,what?!” I yelled at the top of my lungs as I shot up from my desk, slamming my hands down onto it. Across from me sat Twilight Sparkle, Luna, Captain Cross, and Cortland.

Luna spoke, her voice even, not loud, but with an edge to it. “Lieutenant McDonald you will remember who you are addressing!”

It was Friday, and I had just been informed of Spoiled’s pre-trial and bond hearing. Giving a little growl in my throat I took a long inhale of breath, and exhaled slowly.

“Let me get this right. They let that child abusing cu—” I abruptly cut myself off, mostly from the unamused snort the Captain gave. “—mare out on bail, where she is now free to seek retribution on her child?”

Twilight’s ears plastered down as a look of concern and worry on her countenance took form. “Shane, there was no reason to hold her. The judge set bail and she made it. If it helps, she has a restraining order to stay out of Ponyville and at least one thousand feet from Diamond and Filthy Rich.”

I sat back down and let out a frustrated exhale of air. Rubbing my face with my hands.
“Shane,” Cortland chimed in. “We get it buddy, that is why we are all here to tell you. We feel your frustration and anger over this.”

My gaze lifted up at the captain. “Can we keep a tail on her, make sure that she isn’t trying to slip out of the city, or the country?”

Luna spoke up as Cross’s muzzle opened, only to close as he passed the floor to her. “She is being watched. However, she has taken up residence in…”

A frown curved my lips downward as she looked at Twilight, who stared right back with a glower. “Where?”

Luna exhaled. “House Dark.”

I just sat there staring at the night princess. My mouth parted and closed a few times as I was about to speak, but each time the words failed to emerge. Truth be told, a million and one thoughts went through my mind. Slowly I got up and started to walk around the desk.

“Shane?” I heard Cross speak up. I did not answer, but walked for the board across the room.

Flipping it over to show the pictures, the names, the threads attaching things to other things, I reached over to a folder and opened it up, producing Spoiled Rich’s booking picture. Placing it on an open spot on the board under the pictures of a few of the Dark clan, I dragged a string from her to the name Dark, then another from her to Grey, her lawyer. The whole time, no one else said a word as I stepped back looking at the board.

“Shane, we can’t be sure this is tied in.” Twilight said in a quiet tone.

I turned and looked at them all. “It is too perfect, Twilight.” I gestured behind me. “Someone up here is playing a game, and I can’t see the rules yet, but I am on the board too.”

Luna had been studying the board, the rest present knew it inside and out. Cross had voiced his concerns that I was too obsessed with this and the Apple attack, not a few times. She spoke up after a few moments silence in the room.

“I fear, Shane is right on this, Captain,” she strolled up to the board and tapped it. “Everything here is too perfect. Too many points connect to too many ponies. While we cannot answer what is going on, it is quite plain to see something is amiss here… and it is personal.”

That made me blink, and Twilight queried. “Personal? What do you mean Princ—Luna?”

Luna turned and looked at the others, then back to me. “I mean, Twilight, someone is playing chess, and our human friend here is the knight they are aiming to take out.” She grew strangely quiet, then fluttered her wings. “I must speak to my sister about this.”

Turning to look at me, she ordered, “Send me a copy of all of this, Lieutenant,” making it very clear it was not a request.

I gave an affirming nod. “Yes, ma’am.”

She nodded her head “Captain, our train leaves in a hour back to Canterlot. I wish to partake in some of the pink ones cupcakes before we leave”

“Yes, Your Highness,” as he escorted her out, leaving me to look at Cort and Twi.


It really had been a long day, and now I found myself in Berry Punch’s bar. I sat alone up on the barstool Big Macintosh had made for Berry to put in just for me. In my hand I held a shot glass with ‘S.M.’ etched and frosted in the glass, under a Canterlot Ranger badge.

That was something Cort and I had started. Anyone who earned the title of a Ranger had a shot glass on the back shelf of the bar with their cutie mark or name under the badge on it. Anyone who was support staff had a wood stine with their cutie mark burned into the side in the same way, under the Canterlot Ranger badge.

It had quickly become a tradition for us, a kind of mark that said ‘you are one of us’. I was looking over at the row of glasses and mugs. Seven shot glasses, one for each princess, and one for the three sworn Rangers. Lined up on the shelf under them, twelve wood beer steins, showing we had quite the group of supporting staff already.

“You know, drinking alone isn’t a good thing, Shane.”

I smiled a bit and turned my head to find a purple princess climbing up on a barstool next to me. I gave a nod and gestured. “I haven’t taken a sip for that reason.”

Berry didn’t say a word and simply smiled as she sat Twilight’s shot glass in front of her and poured off just half the glass worth of amber liquid into it. “Shane, you sure you are alright?”

I looked down at my glass and shrugged my shoulders. “How can I keep the Apples safe if I really am the target of something, Twilight?”

A hoof touched my arm. “You have to trust they can take care of themselves, Shane, you can’t be there twenty four seven. Applejack will keep her family safe when you can’t be there, she has after all faced much bigger threats.”

I glanced over at her and gave a nod, lifting my glass, hers lifted wrapped in a purple magical aura and we gently bumped them together. “To Justice,” I said.

Twilight shook her head and smiled. “To family, both old, and new.”

I blinked at her, giving a grunt and slugging the shot down. She followed suit and, in her usual way, coughed immediately after, bringing a small chuckle out of me. “I will never understand this tradition but, it is starting to grow on me.”

She grew quiet as she recovered, then smiled. “Thank you again for the coat, Shane. Celestia told me Luna almost never takes hers off. She has been pointing her hoof at ponies and saying ‘pew’ like it was a gun.”

I blinked, only to then laugh at the mental image of it. With a big smile on my face, I gave her a nod. “I will turn you all into cowboys yet.”

She snorted. “Cowponies.”

Shaking my head I reached over and gave her a nudge with my fingers. “Shut up, Twi.”


Twilight ended up having a second shot with me, something she had never done before. Not in front of me, anyways. She wasn’t drunk, though she was relaxed enough that when I left, she was sitting with four of her off duty guards and three or four of the town folk, telling jokes. See, that is the kind of leader people want; one that comes down, has a drink with them, and listens to the day to day problems of the world. Twilight is going to be one hell of a princess one day.

When I got back to my room in the barn, I found AJ with dinner, the fire lit in the stove, two glasses of what looked to be an apple brandy, and an old phonograph playing some soft classical music.

I smiled and joined her on the sofa, leaning in and planting a small kiss on the nose. “Thank you, you didn’t need to go to all this trouble.”

Her blush showed true as she looked up at me with her ears down. “Granny said I need to prove to you I can cook, and be the pony you want.”

I blinked and then brought my hand up to cup her chin, looking into her eyes. “Y-you already are, Jackie.” I paused as she smiled. “I know I ain’t easy to get along with, Jackie, I know I have issues, I know you are fighting a ghost from a past that you never saw. Yet you sit here now, and you keep coming back.”

Leaning in, I pressed my lips to the side of her temple and kissed, brushing my face into her mane some. “Thank you for… not giving up on me.”

She hooked a leg around me and pulled me into her tighter. “Ah never will, Shane, ah never will.”

After dinner, I helped her wash the dishes up in the little half kitchen Big Mac had helped install just recently. It was just a sink, a few drawers and such, and a spot to hang pots and pans. Cooking had to be done on the franklin stove that also served as my heater.

Relaxing back on the sofa with Jackie, I had my arm around her, and she was pressed in close to my chest. I exhaled slowly and decided it was time to ask a question that had been bothering me, well, really from my first day here.

“Jackie, I got a question I can’t really ask Twilight, but… well, it ain’t exactly easy to ask.”

She frowned and glanced up at me, lifting her head up so she could look in my eyes. “Now, y'all know darn well ya don’t have to hide nothing from me, Shane.”

I gave her a nod and I felt a blush creeping up into my cheeks. “Well, it is about, um, none of you wear clothing right, but you don’t, um, er, hang out. Why?”

She blinked, puzzled. “Hang out?”

I didn't say anything just looked at her and watched understanding come to her green eyes. They widened a bit and a blush shot across her face.

“Oh! Well, okay, ah see, um. Well, truth of it is, when a foal gets to walking age, he or she is given a little trinket. Unicorns make them, they come in all sorts of shapes and kinds,” she looked up at my face and then lifted her hoof. There, hidden in her mane was a little bead braided into the hair. “So, it does some illusion mumbo jumbo an’ keeps things um, from hanging out. I guess kinda like yer clothing does for you.”

I gave her a nod as I started to understand. “So, like, everyone does this?”

Applejack nodded. “It became kind of tha thing ta’ do oh, ‘bout five hundred years ago or so. They touch on it in school history class.”

I thought on that as I held her and smiled some, leaning in. I felt like teasing her some, and I really was feeling kind of playful. Hell, you go eleven years with just yourself and see if you do better.

“So,” I whispered in her ear as I kissed the edge of it. Making it flick and move about some. “If a guy wants to get to know a gal better, he… asks her to take it off?”

I watched her blush light up across her whole face. I almost thought she was going to pass out she was blushing that hard. Taking a few hard, deep breaths, she muttered, “Well, y-yeah.”

Using my fingers to turn her head, I smiled. “I will keep that in mind, Jackie” and lost myself in a kiss with her.


“Winter wrap-up, winter—God damn it and that damn song!” I muttered as I caught myself once again singing it to myself. The event in question had been two days ago. I had feared for my sanity and looks like with good reason. Even I got caught up in the music and ended up on a team helping plant seeds. I had rigged up a pole with a metal spike I could drive into the ground, then Apple Bloom and Scootaloo came behind me putting seeds in and covering them up.

Laughter caught my attention and I looked up from my work. I was at the moment going through all the cabinets and outside boxes on the new caravan wagon. Doing a bit of moving around and getting it ready for use in a few days when Cort, Lightning Dust, and I would go on our first trip out to Appleloosa and back.

I could see the girls were all there, all with smiles. Fluttershy was giggling behind her hoof, Rainbow Dash was making no attempt at all to hide her smirk. Applejack had her mane in a braid that looked new, she looked good like that.

“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up girls, that song will be stuck in my head for months I just know it.”

“Shane,” Twilight spoke up. “We were going to have a book signing, for our journal. We were all hoping you might show up, and perhaps play a song or something for the ponies in line?” she asked, looking up at me.

I blinked, bewildered. “Book signing?”

Twilight nodded and looked around at her friends. “We published our journal, to help everypony see where our friendship came from and perhaps help them with their friendship problems.”

I had to ponder on that, and gave her a nod. “When is it?”

She perked up. “Next Friday.”

My turn to give a soft look. “Oh, I am sorry, Twi, girls. I am going to be leaving Next Monday with Cortland and Lightning. It is our first patrol out, and we want to take a week out and a week back, give it a real shakedown.”

Ears drooped, and I especially didn’t miss Applejack’s sad look knowing it would be two weeks before we would see each other again. Last night, we had said quite a bit, and things were getting a bit more serious for us. We still had not gone past kissing and some very, very light petting, though it was progressing slowly.

“We understand, Shane, you have a job to do. Just… it won’t be the same without you here.” Twilight smiled a bit.

“Oh, oh! I get to throw you a welcome-back-to-Ponyville party!” the pink menace exclaimed.

I snorted. “Pinkie, we have talked about this countless times. Me going on patrol and back isnota special occasion.”

Her poofy mane deflated a tiny bit, but she did nod understandingly. “Okay, true, but…” her eyes glanced up at me. “What are you doing February 20th?”

I blinked back at her, but I took note of something, all the other girls were silent, just watching me. “Well uh, that is over a month away, so... no clue?”

Her smile widened a bit. “Pinkie promise you will keep that date open for something special?”

Oh, I don’t like where this is going already. But, it’s Pinkie we’re talking about, so it can’t be anything too bad.

“Well... alright,” I gave her a nod. “As long as there isn’t some emergency or something I have to do that I can’t get out of.”

Suddenly she was right there in front of me with a huge grin. “Good! You get to take Applejack to the Gala!“

I looked around at all the smiles, the blush on Jackie’s cheeks, and back to the pink sith lord. Tipping my old stetson back, I shook my head. “Fair enough.”

I was wrong, it can be bad. Me, at a formal dance, among a bunch of ponies that hate me, the only thing I could think of was at least I will be with AJ the whole time.

43 - Little villages

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“Lieutenant, we are being followed.”

I gave a nod of acknowledgement from where I walked next to Cortland as he pulled the wagon along. A glance at my watch told it was nearing eleven. We were on day two of our trip to Appleloosa. About a hour in front of us was a little village we planned on checking on and stocking up on fresh water.

“You want me to go skybound, boss?”

I didn’t shake my head. “No, Lightning Dust, stay up there in the seat. It is just one, I think a pony. They are trying to be stealthy but let's face it. Stealth and being bright blue don’t really go together.”

“What is the plan, Shane?” Cortland questioned as he continued to pull the big wagon at a slow steady pace.

I spoke without making a gesture. “See that set of rocks up there, about a hundred yards or so. When we get around them on the turn, I am going to duck in and behind them and see what our tail wants from us.”

Lightning Dust frowned. “What if they are hostile?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Then you and Cort double time it back to pull my stupid ass out of the fire?”

Both gave a snort, but it was Cortland that muttered, “Like that is something new.”

As agreed on as soon as we were around the rocks, I stepped into the shadow then made my way quietly up, and along the top back of them. Reaching down, I drew the Peacemaker but didn’t thumb the hammer back. I just crouched quietly behind a bush and watched for movement.

The pony in question came up along the rocks, peaking around the corner of them to watch the wagon. Earth pony, I had to guess a mare by her size and head shape. Her dark blue coat and warm soft orange almost yellow mane stood out. On her flank a pick axe striking a stone that was split in half to show a gem.

Taking note of things, I noted her coat was matted, her ribs showed some. She had a slight limp, and I could see a few fresh scabs along her flank and spine. Someone had been at this mare with a bull whip, that was the only thing that made marks like that. I frowned deeply at her condition, before I spoke up, dragging the hammer back so the clicks of it locking in place would alert her to where I was.


“Easy now, just stand where you are, ma’am.”

Her eyes shot wide open. She wanted to run, but fear glued her in place. I could not miss her breathing grow rapid and panicked, nor the stain of yellow run down her leg and puddling on the ground.

“D-d-don’t h-hurt me.”

I slowly slid down and stood a few feet from her. I kept the gun low, not aimed right at her but I did not lower the hammer. “Ain’t nobody going to hurt you ma’am. We are Canterlot Rangers.”

I whistled loudly to signal Cort and Lightning to come back to us.

I lifted an eyebrow as she let out a sob. “O-oh...” and collapsed onto the ground.


“She is bedded down on my bunk, Lieutenant,” the teal pegasus said as she returned from inside the wagon.

It was going on five now, we had been with her in spot for the whole afternoon. We had made the decision to move the wagon off the road and over near a dead end canyon so our fire couldn’t be seen.

“So what do you think, Shane?”

I was sitting on the chair Big Mac made to hold me comfortably. Neat little thing, folded up along with two other chairs, and a table and slid under the wagon into a slot.

“I think the ponies in Dust Gulch need help, and we are it right now.”

That was a understatement. We had gotten her to tell us the whole story once she had finally calmed down and ate something. Cortland treated her wounds while talked. It was a story of eight Diamond dogs taking over. Slavery, rape, ponies beat, and two stallions killed for standing up to them. The little village was only forty or so ponies, two gryphon females, and ten foals who were all held in captivity to insure no one fought back.

“I think we should send Lightning Dust for backup, perhaps bring in the Guard,” Cort suggested.

I exhaled and shook my head. “We don’t have time. Lightning, how long would it take you to get to Canterlot?”

She pondered, then looked over at me. “At top speed, a hour,” then she muttered, “If I could figure out how I managed to do a sonic rainboom, I could do it in twenty minutes.”

I shook my head at that. “Don’t beat yourself up on that one, Lightning,” then continued “that means help wouldn’t be here for a good six hours even at best” pondering some I glanced to where the sun was setting, where the little village sat about a twenty minute walk still away.

“Cort, get your gear out. Lightning Dust, wake Gem Hunter up in two hours and get her to draw us a layout of the town, where the mine is, and where the dogs sleep. Anything she can tell us will help.” I glanced over at the pegasus.

“Cort,” I began, not looking at him. “It’s time.”

A confused look took form on her countenance. She glanced back and forth before settling her sights back on me. “Time for what, Lieutenant?”

I was dead serious now as I spoke. “Lift your right hoof, Lightning Dust. Repeat after me.”

She gulped and gave a nod, doing as I bid her.

“I, Lightning Dust, of my own free will, swear to uphold the laws of Equestria, to protect life, harmony, and peace, and to follow the lawful commands of the Rangers that have deputized me. “

She was quiet for a moment, I could see the fear in her eyes. Then she swallowed that fear and spoke up, repeating what I said with a glint to her golden orbs.

I nodded at that “Go get that box I asked you to stash, Cort.”

He got up and trotted to the front side of the wagon, soon the unicorn returning with an oak box held in his magic. He slowly lay it down before the confused pegasus. “Go on, LD, open it.”

She reached out and ran her hoof over the box, before lifting the lid. She gasped as she looked inside and reached forward, drawing out a badge from the right corner of it. “T-this says Canterlot Deputy,” she said, in a partial whisper from a shortage of breath.

I smiled just a bit. “You have proven yourself time and time again already to us, Lightning Dust. Consider yourself a badged sworn officer of the law.”

She gulped then gave a nod, using her hooves to lightly pin the badge to the small harness she wore that her saddle bags hooked to. She looked down into the box again and once more her breath was held. “Sh-Shane, this, this is a set of pegasus hoof and wingtip blades.”

Cortland softly spoke up. “We are officers of the law, Lightning, being armed is part of that duty.”

I nodded in agreement with my unicorn friend and partner. “I won’t have you going into this without being prepared for it, Lightning. I hope it won’t come to it, but if things get rough, I want you able to answer back in kind. I know you were trained in them, Rainbow’s told me you are pretty darn good with them.”

Lit up with a blush, she glanced back to the two of us. “She is better.”

I shook my head. “Now, both of you, grab a nap. We have a long night in front of us.”


About an hour into their rest, I was sitting just looking out at what I would call high desert, when it hit me. I had the stub of the message candle with me! I had not thought about it and simply tossed it into the wagon’s storage next to pens and paper.

Poking my head into the back of the wagon, the first thing I took notice of was that Lightning had a protective wing looped around the emaciated blue mare. That kind of set my jaw to grinding. She had been a raped, beat, tortured. That sat real bad with me, so I silently tugged the hatch open and dragged out some paper, the old dragonfire candle and a pen, along with a little well of ink.

By the time they were up, I was just ready to send the note off. Cort agreed it was good thinking and off with a flare of green fire our SOS went.

“So, Shane, do we wait for them?” he queried.

I shook my head. “We move in, Cort. Soon as they find out somepony escaped, they are going to be harder on the ones still trapped in that village.”

He gave a comprehensive nod. “What is our RoE?”

Lightning Dust, sitting over near the fire making a small meal of rice and carrots for our rescued guest, looked over and asked, “What is a RoE?”

Speaking of the guest, she was still sleeping, though we had woken her to tell her we were heading out and to stay put. Help was coming.

“Rules of Engagement, Cort here still thinks like a guardspony sometimes.” I winked at him then continued. “Standard, if you witness a hostile act, are attacked, or see an innocent in mortal danger. Engage with force, lethal force if needed.”

Cort gave a nod, but poor Dust blanched some and looked down at the pot of rice she was cooking. “I... I don’t know if I could-could kill somepony, Shane.”

I got up and walked over. Taking a knee so I was at her height I put a hand on her withers. “Lightning, let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, but... if you see a life in danger, or your life is in danger, you fight. You fight to win, and you make sure the perp can’t get up to hurt you or someone else.”

She gave me a nod and looked up to make gentle eye contact. “T-thank you, Shane, I won’t let you down.”

I sighed. “Just don’t get hurt, make sure you come back safe at the end of the day, okay?”

Lightning offered up a half smile and nodded her head. “Rainbow said she has the same worries, now that she is in combat training. Fighting to kill doesn’t come natural to us ponies.”

I nodded my head once more to her. “I know, Lightning, I know.”


I peeked around the corner of the old wooden-framed building, ensuring there was only one guard still. Best as we could figure this building was some kind of jail, or perhaps once was the town hall. We knew there were ten foals inside, and one diamond dog standing guard at the door outside.

I glanced over to Cortland, who pressed up to the side of the building next to me, then up where I spotted Lightning Dust posted on top of the town’s water tower. I gave a nod, and Cortland picked up a little stone in his magic, and tossed it, making the small stone ping off the rail of the building next to this one.

As soon as it did, we heard a grunt, then footsteps on wood. The moment the diamond dog stepped clear of the corner, I brought the butt end of my Winchester into his temple with a good deal of force. I was ticked, and I didn’t really hold back on this one.

The dog hit the ground like a sack of potatoes from the impact, and the effect of an item from my world. It didn’t help him any the old 1873 had a metal plate at the base of the shoulder stock.

“Did you have to hit him so hard, Shane? He’s bleeding! Looks like you fractured his skull.”

I snorted. “Don’t matter, he is a rapist. Tie him up, we will treat him later.”

I noted the frown on my partner’s face, yet he did as told. Soon as that was done, we dragged the ugly ass creature back behind the building more, then snuck back around the front, scanning to make sure no one else had witnessed. I managed to get the lock undone with a key recovered from the incapacitated guard.

The inside was a mess, the smell of unwashed ponies, of urine and worse. The foals all huddled in a corner around one in particular, motionless in nature. My heart sunk deep as I gestured to Cort and Lightning to close the door.

“All right, kids, relax, we are Canterlot Rangers,” I said lowly as I made my way closer, crouching down on my knees.

One little pegasus stood in front of the rest of the ponies and flared her wings defensively. “I-I-I won’t l-let you hurt them!” she said defiantly. I could see the black eye and the fact she favored one wing.

Shaking my head, I spoke softly and reassuringly “No- no pony is here to hurt anypony,” forcing myself to use the proper terms. “That is Lightning Dust, that is Cortland Apple, and I am Shane. We are Rangers as I said.” looking the de facto leader in the eyes.

Her ears lifted a little. “Apple… l-like, Miss Cameo?” ears dropping again. “S-she is our teacher, she said Apples can always be trusted.”

I heard Cortland grind his teeth. “What is your name, little one?”

She looked up. “M-my name is Dust Rider, can you help my friend Tea Light? She isn’t feeling good...”

I moved as the other foals cleared the way some for me. The little earth pony’s green coat was covered in dirt and dust. Signs of blood along her flank welled up bile in my throat.

I had to keep my composure, I couldn’t let the foals see me angry or upset. “Dust, what happened to her?”

Another little foal chimed in. “B-Butch, he is the diamond dog leader. Took her away yesterday. S-she came back crying and w-wouldn’t talk, n-now she is just sleeping.”

I checked, and to my immediate relief, there was a pulse. My eyes looked to Cortland, then to Lightning Dust, and I could see both held back rage the same as I. “Lightning, gather up the foals, get them back to the wagon then take up a spot above town. Kids, you are going to go with Deputy Lightning. She is going to take you someplace real safe, okay?”

They nodded as I picked up the little green coated foal and lay her across Dust’s back.

As soon as they were out of sight and clear, I looked at Cortland, who had his crossbow out in his magic and a powerful, burning anger in his cores.

“Set up on the water tower, Cort. We are going to wake the diamond dogs up and give them a surprise.”

He huffed. “And if they don’t give up, Shane?”

I glanced at him as I checked to make sure there was a round in the Winchester. “Then we gun them down. Dead or alive, they are going to face justice. Every. Last. One of them.”

He just gave a concurring nod.


Sun up was in about ten minutes as I stood out in the road that served as the center of town. Cort was up on the water tower, splayed out, with his crossbow set. We knew the other diamond dogs including the leader was hold up in the saloon. I’d given a look in a few dirty windows to note five of the remaining seven passed out over tables and in chairs. I had found the last two upstairs, both passed out, with mares that looked like they didn’t have many choices if one went by the ropes I saw around their hooves and the posts of the beds.

Cortland had uncovered a small stash of valuable items in a room off the side of where they had kept the foals locked up. Included in it were two sticks of dynamite that looked like they were serviceable. They would work well for a wake up call, so as I stood there I tugged out a wood match.

Striking the match, it flared, and I held it up to the fuse stuck in the stick I held in my right hand. Pulling back I tossed it down the road, so it would skitter to a stop in the dirt well away from the buildings. Dropping the match, I picked up my rifle and thumbed the hammer back to lock.

“Three, two, one,” I muttered, thenKABOOM. The shock wave caused a few windows to shatter, but there could be no doubt that would wake up the dead.

Not twenty seconds later, seven diamond dogs stumbled out of the saloon in various stages of dress, with various weapons held. One was a big guy, but had that odd glint to the eyes that said he wasn’t the brightest bulb. Another was a short bulldog-like male, who donned nicer clothing and held a crossbow rather than a club or a spear, and had that look about him of a leader.

His eyes made contact with mine as the sun started to come up behind us. Squinting, he called out, “This our town, you stupid to come here!” Well, his english sucked.

I watched his eyes go to the front of the building where the foals had been then snap back to look at me. “Where Spike! Where my brother!”

It was my turn to talk. “Tied up at the moment. You must be Butch. We are Canterlot Rangers, you are to throw down your weapons and put your paws in the air, you are under arrest.”

The sun continued to climb, they would see Cort in a few moments and we would lose an ace.

I watched him sneer. “Don’t know what ranger, but you one, we are seven. You are stupid.”

Then I saw the glint in his eyes and my gut did a power drop. “Fuck,” I cursed, even as the rifle came up to my shoulder. I watched as his crossbow snapped up in time. We both fired, and my rushed shot clipped his left ear. His sunk deep into my left shoulder. I cried out in pain as the rifle fell from my grip.

His buddies started to charge off the stoop and at me, before the dull thump of a crossbow bolt came three times. The one up in the lead, the big dumb-looking one with a huge club, had three bolts sticking out of his chest, he fell to the ground dead.

“Kill him!” I heard the runt dog, Butch, scream.

Even if Cort could drop three more, he would have to reload. I scrambled to get my old peacemaker to clear the holster, but the pain in my other shoulder was bad, real bad. Already it radiated out, my chest starting to ache.

Just as I brought the Colt up, thumbing back the hammer, light came to the world. I do not mean the light of the sun, but, LIGHT. It was as if another sun came into creation just above the buildings. Heat radiated out from it, making it impossible to look at whatever it was. A beam of pure yellow, like a laser shot from the ball of… whatever it was. I watched in horror as it struck Butch, and nothing but gray ash fell to the ground where once he stood. The wood scorched around the spot, flamed licked lightly at its edges.

A voice, God himself spoke, but in this case I clearly recognized that voice, and she sounded absolutely pissed!


All five of the remaining diamond dogs dove to the ground and shook in fear as the ball of light came down. It dimmed, soon becoming tolerable to look at. There stood Celestia, flames rippled along her wings and her mane. Her eyes narrowed, almost slitted and burning with the power of the sun.

You know, despite the pain I was in, a thought passed through my head. In that moment, clarity hit. It was not because she was weak that she never acted on her own, it was because that kind of power, that kind of destruction is something that must be held back. I had just bore witness to a mare who typically has a heart of gold turn another creature into ash in mere seconds.

Her was voice deep and commanding as she bellowed out. “Captain, round up the Diamond Dogs and start to deploy the corpsponies.”

A solar pegasus snapped to attention. How had I missed him, along with the chariots in the air, and the twenty or so guards already on the ground all around me. “By your command, Princess!”

Turning to me, her eyes found mine and I felt an overwhelming need to bow, so I did. As I watched the flames flickered and died out, the eyes returned to the kind, knowing, and planing eyes I knew her to have. Compassion returned to her face as she called out. “Corpspony! We have a wounded Ranger!”


I sat in a tent, on a fold out cot as a mare tended to my bandage to make sure the bleeding had been stopped. In the tent stood Celestia, watching quietly until the medical mare pulled back and gave a nod, heading out.

“You were foolish to try and attack alone, Shane. Foolish, but brave and your actions saved the life of a foal.”

I glanced up at her, temporarily shoving worry aside for what the princess had to say. “She is okay? Where is Lightning Dust? Celestia, the foal she was…”

A hoof came up and touched my chin lightly, and eyes looked at me. Eyes that knew the truth already, and were broken by it. “My sister is with the foal now, trying to fix the damage to her mind. Her body is being healed by the best unicorn magic in the world.”

I gave a nod, looking down at my hands. “How did you know?”

She exhaled and sat before me. “We arrived just as Lightning Dust brought the foals. Know this Shane, she held it together, and would not leave their side even as my guards took over.” she paused. “I noted you deputized her. Does this mean you seek to train her as a Ranger?”

I nodded and she smiled. “I can think of none more dedicated to change and doing what is right.”

I was quiet for a time, then I spoke softly, very softly so it was only the two of us who could hear. “That is why, isn’t it? Why you didn’t attack Chrysalis, why you sent Twilight to the Crystal Kingdom, and why you did not fight Tirek alone.”

She was quiet for a bit before she nodded her head. “Once, Shane, once I fought,” she looked at the wall of the tent. “Long ago, in fact just over one thousand years ago. The Badlands were a lush and fertile paradise. It is where my sister and I fought an invading army.” shaking her head and hanging it in shame. “You saw but one one thousandth of my power. I can never let that go, Shane. To do so would burn Equestria from the face of the planet.”

I tilted my head again and stared at her. “And Butch?”

She frowned and looked back at me. “How many would be hurt by his trial? That little earth pony foal, how is it fair to ask her to relive that? Her mother? Her father and family? Friends?”

I held up a hand. “I get it, I don’t agree one hundred percent, but, I get it. I gave him his choice to surrender or fight. He made his choice.”

Again, I was quiet for a bit, so was she before I asked. “You will make sure everypony, and the gryphons, will get help they need, right?”

Celestia nodded slowly. “My sister and I will do all in our power to heal the wounds in this village. Shane, once more you, and your Rangers are the heroes here. Without your intuition, without your dedication. The ponies of this village would still be under the diamond dogs control.”

Picking up my hat, I slid it atop my crown, then lifted my shirt up and started to slide it on gingerly. “Just doing my job, ma’am.”

44 Hearts mend

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We moved on from the town once we had our supplies. The Royal Guard officers and I agreed it would make it easier on the townsfolk to not have too many troops and law enforcement about. It would help them get back to a daily and somewhat normal routine that way.

Appleloosa was a three day stayover and it was packed with work. We met with Sheriff Silverstar along with his two deputies, Fetter Keys and Star Spur. It was made pretty clear how thankful they were to have more help out in the badlands as their force was stretched pretty thin.

We spoke of what happened in Dust Gulch and all three were horrified to learn of what was going on. Silverstar pointed out that this was exactly the reason Equestria needed myself and the Canterlot Rangers.

I also met with Chief Thunderhoof himself and to my surprise, Stomping Hoof; the council member. They introduced me to Little Strong Heart and many of the others of the buffalo tribe. After we sat down, had a meal, and with Cort and LD weighing in on things, we worked through several small problems the tribes were having.

The trip back was uneventful, except for the warm welcomes and farewells we got in the four towns we stopped in. Word was out in the land, The Equestrian Rangers carried the law with them. It was nice to see the respect and the genuine smiles of ponies when we came into their town.

We arrived back in Ponyville around six at night and planned to park the wagon behind Twilight's Castle, then we’d all just head to our homes and unpack in the morning, then get started on paperwork. However, finding as we came around the corner, Golden, Jackie, Twilight, and to my surprise Redheart were waiting for us with big smiles.

AJ headed right for me, rearing up onto her hind legs and planting her forehoof on my chest. This brought her to around four foot nine in height; just a foot or so shorter than me. It also meant I could slide an arm around her, lean in, and press into a kiss that was deep and real. My heart hammered in my chest as I thought, God, how I had missed her.

Once more, in the back of my head, the doubt was silent. I really did love her; who cares if she is a pony and I’m a human. I poured myself into that welcome home kiss and lamented the second it broke so she could take a breath with me. Looking into each others eyes we both smiled.

“Welcome home, Shane,” the voice of the orange angel in my arms spoke.

I glanced up to see Golden breaking a kiss with Cort, but the other one made me blink. Redheart and LD were locked in a kiss that I would say rivaled the one AJ gave me. I blinked a few more times before Jackie looked over then back to me as she dropped back down to all fours.

“Yea, they’ve been dating fer a few weeks b’for y’all left on yer trip”

Shaking my head and looking back down at her I just blinked. “Well, I guess you learn something new every day,” I looked past Jackie and nodded, “and good evening to you, Princess Twilight.” I made sure to add in the ‘princess’ part just to poke a bit of fun at her.

“You missed out on all the fun, Shane” Twilight chuckled, “I’ll let Applejack fill you in on the book signing and the joys that came along with it.”

I lifted a eyebrow and looked at Jackie who had a smirk on her face. Ignoring that Redheart and LD were still going at it I smirked back at her and made to leave.


Back at the farm, I was pushing the last of my gear into the closet. Jackie had insisted that we just get it now and not put it off til tomorrow. She had helped me haul it back here and now was putting away a few things in the dirty close hamper. She paused and frowned as she looked back over at me. I caught her look as I glanced up, she was holding the shirt I had taken the crossbow bolt in. Her hoof was near the blood stain and rips from being cut open.

Her eyes wide. “Sh-shane?”

I exhaled. “I was going to tell you,” I set the things I had down and walked over to sit down on the couch. She climbed up next to me and paused before leaning on me. I exhaled. “It didn’t hit anything important and no real damage was done, past the fact I’m a might sore.” I looked into the green eyes I had fallen for and her look told me she wanted to know more.

I spent the next half-hour telling her all about it and holding her when she started to cry. It really had dawned on me that there are only a few ponies that she lets see her that upset… and now I was one of the few. I never let go, keeping her close to me as she asked questions and I answered the best I could without giving her nightmare fuel.

At some point we had grown quiet and just cuddled before she lifted her head. Looking at me, she leaned up, I leaned down, and our lips met once more. Something was different this time, she pushed a bit harder into it. There was a need there and perhaps I felt the same for the orange mare in my arms. She ended up leaning back to the arm of the sofa, with me semi on top of her pressing down.

I never broke the kiss, never leaned back up. I felt her start to undo the buttons of my shirt with her hooves and I did nothing to stop her.

----------------------- Ctrl-F “Scene Over” to skip over adult moment ------------------------------

I broke the kiss long enough to look down into her eyes as she got the last button undone and started to push the shirt off my shoulders. Sure she had seen me shirtless, heck, most the town had at some point as I worked on the farm. Her hooves were freshly polished and smooth against my skin, I noticed.

I helped slide it off over my shoulders and she gave a little gasp at the bandages on my shoulder. Her eyes darted from the bandage to my eyes and I shook my head. “I’m fine,” I reassured her.

She brushed her hoof along my chest from top to bottom, something she had not done before. I felt such a odd sensation of touch, softness, and yet knowing it was a hoof touching me. Tilting my head some I asked quietly. “What?”

A pink crept up into her cheeks and she trailed her hooves down to my ribs, nudging me to sit up. I watched as that orange mare started to undo the buckle of my pants deftly with her hooves, bending her fetlocks and maneuvering them like fingers.

Ok this was going someplace new, and I was not having a problem with it. I just asked very softly. “Y-you sure about this, Jackie?”

She gave a hesitant nod. “Long as you are, Sugarcube.”

I didn't need to think about it, but then again eleven years without someone to touch romantically was doing a bit of the thinking at this point for me. I turned some and sat as she got my belt open, then reached down to help her undo the button and zipper. She bit her lip as she shifted and started to tug my pants down.

I lifted my hips up, and helped slide them down, kicking them off my legs. Leaving me sitting on the sofa in nothing but a pair of boxers and socks. I watched her, my own breathing shallow and, well perhaps I was a little scared. I mean don’t get me wrong I wanted this, but...my past was coming into play here.

Of course, part of me didn’t care and Jackie gave a chuckle as she noted the tented out fabric of my boxers. Licking her lips, she slid her hooves up to her mane. At first I wondered what she was doing, then it dawned on me. She was removing the trinket weaved into her long manehairs.

I gently reached out and stopped her with my hands, gripping her hooves lightly. A look of confusion was in her eyes before I leaned in and pressed back into a kiss. Going deep, powerful, taking control as I locked into that heated moment with her. My fingers of my left hand slid up along her neck and found the bead. Slowly, I started to work it out of her mane as her orange tongue invaded my mouth and played lovers tag with my own tongue.

She shuddered when she broke the kiss this time, as I gently slid the bead off the end of the hairs it was on. Looking at her, I didn’t see any difference at first. Not until she gave a little blush and a giggle and nuzzled my neck some. “Trying ta get a peak there, partner?”

I exhaled, setting the glass trinket on the table to the side of the sofa. Returning my eyes to her as I smiled. “I, must admit that I am curious,” only to have her smile back at me. She leaned up, and once more we pressed into a kiss and a lovers embrace as she fell back and I fell forward, pinning her down to the sofa arm. My heart was hammering now and I could feel myself straining at the fabric of my boxers like I was a teen again.

Breaking the kiss, I leaned up and reached down. Tugging my boxers down off my hips, I caught her peeking down her body to watch. This, of course, meant that I had a view of her belly and thighs, as she was laying on her back. I could see her two pink nipples and further down were the edges of black flesh, her marehood was right there and I’d never seen it before that moment.

Finding myself a bit shy now, I slowly tugged the boxers off and kicked them aside. My own manhood jutting out of the black hairs around it. Now, I was no big guy, heck, I’m pretty average really, and I was circumcised too. I looked back at Jackie, curious of what she was thinking.

She was looking down at it, then shifted to get a bit closer. I leaned back some and oddly it almost felt like that first time a boy and girl play ‘doctor’ and get a look at each other.

“It, ain’t as long as a stallion’s,” she paused looking up at my face, a huge blush on hers now, “but it’s a lot thicker than a stallion’s from around these parts.”

I blinked twice. “R-really?”

She gave a nod then a hoof reached out. Slowly, almost trembling as she did. Curiosity on her face as she bit her lip, sitting up more, The frog of her hoof touched my manhood. I felt the strange finger like magic, soft as silk, as she brushed along it. As keyed up as I was, I couldn’t help it when it twitched and some precum leaked out and onto her hoof.

Blushing some I started to mutter. “Sorry a-about that, just be-”

Her other hoof came up and touched my lips. “Stop,” was all she said. I returned her smile and gave a nod, before watching her go back to feeling and exploring my shaft.

She exhaled and bit her lip as she brushed down to the base and back up again. No hurry or rush, she was learning about me as much as I was gonna learn about her and, well that was right. Not a single thought of her being a pony, or not being Shawna, came to my mind. I was focused on her alone.

I moved my hands out and gently started to stroke along her belly and ribs. She was right, it was different with the trinket gone. Nothing was hiding now, and I guess in some way that kind of changed how I was thinking about her.

She broke the silence once more and whispered while looking right into my eyes. “Ah… I want to go to bed now, Shane, if’n yer ready.”

I just smiled and leaned in, kissed her nose, lips, chin, then down along her throat making her lift her head up. Kissing down along her chest was something I had never done before. I nibbled and kissed her barrel as she took shaky breaths.and finally gave her an answer. “Yes,” ignoring how hard my heart was hammering.

I wanted to carry her to the bed, but I knew that wouldn’t be happening. The mare stood and looked over her shoulder at me before trotting to the bed, a sway in her hips. I found myself watching her as she walked, then she flicked her tail aside. Teasing with a little glimpse of black flesh and a hint of pink.

Sliding up on my bed next to her, Jackie rolled on her back and looked down between her legs at me, not doing a single thing to hide the ebony folds from me now. At first I paused, then slid my hand up along her flank, watching as she shivered, then gave a little giggle.

“That tickles,” she admitted.

I slid my hand down and back around her flank then let the very tips of my fingers brush the ebony, rubbery looking folds of her marehood. They were warm, warmer than I remember a womans to be. Her reaction to the touch was almost a surprise. She let out a gasp, and her hind legs trembled. “S-shane,” she erotically hissed as I looked up to her eyes.

Watching her, I let my fingers wander the slit slowly. Dragging my fingertips up to the clitorus and back down them again making her tremble as I did before she let out a loud whiny. I had gently slid two of my fingers in to the first knuckle. Apparently that was enough, as she lightly kicked at the air a few times and her body clamped down around my fingertips. I felt her slit wink hard against the back of my hand.

Her breath hitched and held, her muscles tightened up around my fingers and I felt my hand get warm, wet, and slimy.

I could not believe it, I had given her a orgasm with just a touch! I withheld the proud chuckle I felt bubble inside me and asked something more appropriate. “You ok, Jackie?”

She had this smile: it was warm, and soft, and… well I could not deny it was filled with love for me.

“Shane,” she breathed a bit hard, “Ah don’t know bout human mares, but equestrian mares can do that ten, even twenty times”

I blinked, and then grinned, this was going to be a hell of a night.

I didn’t dive right in, rather I leaned up near her. She and I spent the next good hour or so talking, asking each other questions about our bodies, and exploring with touch, kisses, and a bit more.

I think I really blew her mind when I swallowed my fear and pride and slid down. Using my tongue, lips, and fingers I brought her to that end four more times. Finding each time she would hit a peak, then slide down and start up a new one. After that fourth one I climbed up her body, kissing, nuzzling, nibbling at her flesh and fur until I was sitting on my knees.

Finding myself resting with my thighs under her rump and my manhood resting across her stifle with her rear legs were out around my hips we were practically missionary as I smiled, looking down into her eyes.

“Sh-shane, Ah never met a stallion that would do that,” she breathed hard, rapidly, trying to catch her breath and blushing fiercely.

That made me blink. “Really? That’s pretty standard stuff for humans making love.”

She grinned and leaned up, hooking her forelegs around my neck and pulling me down. “Well, you can do that anytime ya want,” she gave me a sultry look that made my manhood twitch, then Jackie lowered her tone. “But right now, Ah was hoping you would go a bit farther with me”

I exhaled and gave a little nod, reached down, and I gently lifted my hips back while looking at the face of my lover.

Guiding myself so the tip of my shaft slid along her warm, very wet folds, I braced myself with her holding me up. I didn’t look down, but I could feel it out, and I felt my tip slip past her lips and inside her body. Trembling, I whispered. “Ah gotta go slow, Jackie, it has-” again she cut me off.

“Shane, you just do what you want, Ah’m here’n I will never leave.”

I found myself looking into her deep green cores as I gently eased my hips forward. We both hissed in a long exhale of breath as I felt the warmth of her body and just how tight she was. Sinking in, I hilted inside her with great care, breathing rapidly and trying not to end right there.

Hey you go eleven years with just your hand and see how you do.

Locked together now, I pressed my lips to hers in a kiss, then broke it. “Jackie,” only to see her smile and pull me down for another kiss. This time we held it, and I started to move my hips. No rush to this, so I went as slow as I dared.

Feeling her grip around me unlike anything I had ever felt before. It was warmer than I remembered, be that because it had been so long or because she was a pony I didn’t know or care, so long as I didn’t blow right then.

She did mutter as she broke the kiss to take a long slow shuddering breath. “Faust, you are… thick. Shane, keep going slow. Ah ain’t use to this.”

I smiled and kept my pace and soon she and I were rocking gently together. No pounding, no rushed hurry for a end, and no nagging voice in the back of my mind telling me this was a sin. This could be no sin, it was too pure, too special. I knew deep in my heart that I was in love with the mare under me, as much as I had been with Shawna.

Soon, I started to go a tiny bit faster and she clung to me, hooking her rear legs behind me at the small of my back. I was huffing now, face pressed into her neck and shoulder on the left. I panted and I could feel the end building, but when she let out a gasp and had yet another orgasm it almost sent me over the edge. It felt like a glove of pure silk gripping down with the strength of steel around my shaft.

“Ung.. J-jackie, I ain’t going to l-last.”

She started to rock her hips faster and grunted in my ear. “Harder. Don-don’t stop.”

I did as my cowgirl bid me. I pulled almost out and pushed back in faster and a bit harder and started pistoning inside her. I clenched my eyes closed and said breathily, “Jackie, I…”

“Do it in me,” she said, then gasped as she let out a sound that was a whiney and scream at the same time. Her insides clamped back down on me even harder than before and it was too much, it felt like she was trying to milk me for all I had with her rhythmic undulating insides.

I shoved my face into her neck and let out my own soft bellow. Not holding back as I felt myself finishing inside her and I pressed in as deep as I could as my own orgasm shot human cum inside her pony body. I grinded my hips against her and her winking slit felt like it was massaging my shaft to get it all out of me.

I don’t know how long we stayed locked like that, but eventually I collapsed over her. Barely holding my full weight off her body on my elbows as I gasped for breath. She clung to me tightly and I felt her orgasming again. We were both sweaty, smelled of sex, and exhausted, rightly so. She looked up at me and I sat up so I could tilt my head back to look down at her.

“Shane, Ah love you”

I felt so honored, so blessed, so free of that voice in my head. This was right and no one would tell me otherwise.

“Jackie, I love you too.”

--------------- “Scene Over” ---------------

I woke under the blankets, but with something warm pressed to my nude body. I could feel soft velvet like fur and a mane pressed to my neck. I smiled and opened my eyes, my arms hugged around Jackie. I was spooned behind her and she was sleeping on my arm.

Unfortunately for me, my arm was dead asleep and I had to use the bathroom.

Gently as I could, I started to work myself back and to try and get my arm out from under her. She muttered. “Ya best rethink leaving this here bed, Shane,” she turned her head so I could see her smiling face.

I shook my head. “I am afraid that nature calls.”

She smirked some. “With how you been poking me in the dock for the last hour, Ah’d say nature woke something up earlier than you.”

It was my turn to blush. “It’s a human guy thing and it happens some mornings,” I kissed her and pulled my arm free, “just happens that you’re the reason it hasn’t gone away all night.” She giggled as I was getting up and watched me intently as I walked across the cold floor to the bathroom.

I heard her mutter, “Well, ain’t that a nice sight for the morning.” It was a statement that I could agree with when I thought of waking up next to her.

After my morning piss I got back in bed with her and cuddled up. She was looking at me for a time and checked my shoulder to be sure it was properly bandaged and that I didn’t rip the stitches out last night. While she was on top of me checking the bandages something slipped inside somewhere and the next minutes were kind of hazy.

Afterwards, Jackie was back to laying in my arms facing me. Still breathing hard and enjoying the afterglow as she asked me in her softest tone “Shane are you ok with, with this?” she touched a forehoof to my chest. I moved her hoof to over my heart and her eyebrows rose as she understood that’s where my heart was.

I looked her in the eyes and then gave her a nod. “I am, Jackie. We wouldn’t be here now if I wasn’t ready. More than I have words for, I am okay with this. With us. With you sharing your body and heart with me for the rest of our days,” I chuckled softly at her reaction to my admission and accidental poetry.

I was just about to kiss her when the door opened and voices followed as two ponies walked right in like they owned the place.

“Shane, where is your sorry ass at? Mac and I were just ta-”

I was looking over at Cort from the bed, thankful the blankets were up over the two of us. I watched as Big Mac’s eyes went between his sister and me, and back to his sister a couple times. Then both stallions started to blush and stutter, backing out of the doorway.

“Ah, oh, well crap, uh, let's go, Mac, give’m time ta get ready.”


The door slammed shut again within three seconds after that last shout.

Jackie snorted through her nose loudly in frustration. “Well buck, guess Ah ain’t going to be hiding this from the family.”

I shrugged and turned her to face me, then kissed her on the lips for a second. “At least it wasn’t the crusaders.”

She blanched at the thought of that and I laughed loudly. Giving me a knowing look females use, she grinned. "Y'all know what today is, right?"

I blinked, looking at the orange pony laying next to me in the bed as I stroked my fingers along her side. I got that 'you have missed something, stupid' feeling.

"Uh, no?"

She grinned wider and I found myself on my back with her straddling my hips, her hooves shoving my shoulders into the bed to pin me with her polished hooves reminding me of her strength. My manhood pressed between her teats sent tingles through me as she told me.

"It's Hearts and Hooves day, Shane, an’ Ah mean to show mah special somepony how I feel ‘bout him."

I blinked, my eyebrows rose, and then my mouth formed the word that slipped out of it. "Ohh."

45 - Dread Pirate Roberts

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I left for Canterlot a few days after Jackie and I took our relationship to the next level. I had my monthly meeting with the princesses, our movie night, and a few ideas to talk to them about, just royalty and I. Add to that I had the stuff to do in our main office like meetings with various ponies about the budget, and I had to give a deposition on Spoiled’s attack.

Something I was not looking forward to, that was for sure.

I was going to be here until the weekend since Saturday was the Grand Galloping Gala and Jackie and her friends were coming up for it the day of. Rarity said she would stop by and get my suit ready by making a few last minute adjustments to it. That worried me some, but she hadn't done me wrong yet.

Last night, Cadence had come and I had shown the four princesses 'The Princess Bride'. I figured something light-hearted, fun and romantic would be just the ticket a few days after Hearts and Hooves day.

Cadence and Twilight had bawled the half the time, Luna had seemed quite taken with Inigo, and Celestia had expressed many questions about the Giant played by Andre. Overall it had been quite a fun night full of a rollercoaster of female emotions and lots of tissues.

Speaking of Cadence, the moment she got off the train she had almost tackled me in a hug; squealing at near the top of her voice. It seems the purple dork had told her sister in law what Jackie had told all of the girls about our night, morning, lunch... it was a hell of a Hearts and Hooves day, if ever there was one.

So now love princess was over the moon with joy at hearing that Jackie and I had become lovers.

You try to remain stoic and profesional when you have a five hundred pound plus alicorn acting like a love-smitten school girl dancing and pronking around you, firing questions both inappropriate and shocking about the details in front of everypony you know.

I had also broached an idea I had been mulling over. A concert, held on the eve of the summer sun celebration, in honor of all the guard and military Equestria had. Not just any concert mind you, but one of human music. A kind of flight throughout time, as I had a little music from almost every era -forties up to modern- on one of the SD cards.

Both Celestia and Luna seemed to really like the idea and we'd spent all night after the movie hashing out new concepts for it. It had come down to Celestia wanted ponies to sing the songs so Twilight would work up a spell that could record the music from my phone as it played them from the memory card. Then she'd translate them into the crystal storage various musicians and DJ's used.

Luna came up with the idea that while I would sing a few songs myself, I would not know the songs others would bring up. This way I too could enjoy the surprise and fun of the night. You know, I liked that idea.

It was a neat way for me to bring old experiences to my new home, show respect to the guard, and perhaps remember where I came from to boot.

This morning, however, kind of sucked. I was currently sitting in ‘court’ as Celestia listened to yet another tirade by Blueballs about me. It seems he did this once a week from what I was told.

“And now, that psychopath has put an innocent Diamond Dog in a coma! No trial, no arrest, no attempt to reason or talk to the dog in question. No, he,” pausing the white unicorn looked at the mares around and near him, “forgive my bluntness, but he bashed the poor dog's brains in like the beast he is.”

I really don’t know why Celestia put up with this moron. Then again, he was on my short list and the fact he was clearly playing the buffoon made me suspect him more every day.

Celestia’s face gave away just how much she did not want to deal with this today. “Nephew, the diamond dog in question was holding ten foals hostage. The Rangers did as they had to, protecting lives in the process of doling out justice.”

Blueballs just snorted and stomped his hoof on the ground. “Once again, Auntie, you make excuses for him. You protect that, that, murderer! That monster, and it is, is... inconceivable!”

From my other side I heard a snort before the book princess muttered quietly, but not quietly enough, “You keep using this word, I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Poor Celestia, she had no chance to hold back the snort and guffaw that slipped from her mouth. I, of course, lost it right there. I made no attempt to hide my laughter as I rolled back onto my back, already clutching my sides, trying not to roll around like a kid.

Twilight, however, was blushing red, but already starting to chuckle at her faux pas. Everyone else in the room seemed lost; of course, they were they were not in on the joke.

Celestia closed her mouth, and that left her throat undulating, face trembling as she tried to keep her demeanor intact. A few seconds later she gave a strangled little clear of her throat and forced out, “Prince Blueblood we will look into this, now... court is closed for an undetermined amount of time.”

Thankfully no one stuck around, and Bluenuts gave me his usual dirty look as he walked out. I wanted to give him a smile meant to piss him off more, but I was currently sobbing in laughter, clutching my sides, rolling a bit on the floor as I gasped for breath. “My ribs, oh god I can’t breathe,” between laughing fits.

I don't know why it was so funny to me, but I needed that laugh more than I knew.

The moment the doors to the throne room closed, Celestia lost her battle. She fell over, head almost smashing into Twilights as they both fell on their side, laughing as hard as I was. Twilight collapsed on top of her mentor in laughter.

Hearing the two of them let loose like that, to see Celestia just completely break down into joy. That really made my day.


“Shane?” a knock at the door to my room in the castle and the voice of Raven, Celestia's aid came.

“Raven? Come in.”

In walked the unicorn mare, her glasses perched forward on her muzzle as she smiled. “Shane, two ponies would like to see you. In fact, the council members from Zebraca.”

I blinked, that had been the one group missing the day I had met with the whole CoP. I quickly gave a nod. “Sure, that would be fine. What time?”

She chuckled nervously and gestured behind her. “Ranger McDonald, let me introduce council member Njagi and…”

The other I knew very well, and I cut Raven off as I finished for her. “Zecora?” the male was as tall as the average pony stallion yet slim like a runner. I stood quickly and moved toward them anxiously, as I wasn't ready at all for visitors. Boots off and socks exposed, crumbled long sleeve showing, I was probably confusing as all heck to them, but they didn't show it.

Both had warm smiles as Zecora dipped her head. “It is good to see you, my friend, I hope we do not cause your schedule to bend.”

Raven smiled and bowed slightly. “I will leave you three alone, I'll be out here if you need me,” she said as she closed the door. I glanced over at the male and bowed my head respectfully. “An honor to meet you, Njagi,” being very careful to pronounce it as Raven had.

He shook his head. “The honor is mine, Ranger McDonald.”

I blinked and realized he had not spoken in rhyme as Zecora does. I think my confusion showed on my face as both broke into a light, warm laughter.

“Ah, I see you have taken note of how I speak. Among our culture, only the Inyanga talk in riddle and rhyme, it is the tradition that they take an oath to when they choose to walk the path of the spirits.”

I looked at Zecora and smiled. “So that is what you are called? In-Inyanga? That's some kind of shamanic tribe or something?”

She gave me a nod. “That I am, my human friend, but it means far more than a means to an end. We choose to walk the path to the spirit door and as such speak common no more.”

Turning back to look at Njagi once more I gestured further inside. “Please, take a seat. Njagi if you wouldn't mind, please just call me Shane.”

I watched as he waited for Zecora to sit on a floor cushion before he did and then gave me a nod back. “Then I shall, Shane. Zecora has told us a lot of her interactions with you. While I do not like that she risked herself as she did, a filly is safe, and that is what matters.”

Then his ears lowered some, “and I am sorry you were put in place to have to do what you did, even if their leader was evil. Death is something we Zebra deal with in a far different way than the pony kind does. Regardless, it is never easy to take a life.”

I gave a nod back to him then sat back on the reclining chair, so I could face them comfortably. “So, what brings you two calling?”

Zecora spoke up. “Fluttershy, a friend so true, was feeling down and a bit blue. A visit I did provide and then she showed me a book that widened my eyes.”

I had to blink and ponder that before it hit me and I laughed lightly “She showed you the books I gave her for Hearts Warming, the ones of the creatures of the Serengeti from my world?”

Both gave a nod before Njagi spoke back up. “It was our hope we might borrow one or two books and take them back to Zebraca to show our tribal elders and leaders. To show them life is not quite so different between your world and ours. “

"However, Miss Fluttershy asked that we talk to you first, as they were a gift from you and items from your world.”

I gave a soft nod. “Have you asked Twilight, she's a bit protective of books.”

Zecora smiled and nodded her head. “We have asked the Princess of whom you say, in the words of her and that of her mentor's; okay."

"Well then, I see no problem at all with it. So, Zecora, why didn’t you tell me you were on the council?”

She just grinned as did Njagi. “You did not question and it was not my place to mention.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head as they both chuckled. “Sometimes, Zecora, I think you do things just to see the chaos it brings.” I paused and glanced at her. "I just rhymed."

She just grinned at me. "It is easy to do when you do not think it through."


“Let us go over this one more time, Ranger McDonald. You are sure you saw my client, Spoiled Rich, strike Ranger Apple?”

For four fucking hours, I'd had to sit in a room with Spoiled's lawyer Gray Dark, Spoiled Milk herself, Captain Swords, and a secretary taking notes in the corner. I was ready at that point to punch Grey Dark in the face, then kick his child abusing client under her tail as many times as it took to be sure she would never reproduce again.

Speaking of the smug mare, she had said little but her look told quite a bit. She had the cat that ate the canary look, she really believed she was going to get off scot-free.

I brought my hand up and pinched the bridge of my nose and gave a little grumble, not bothering to look at the defense team across the table after they asked a question again, for clarification. “Yes, as I have said five times now, and in my report; that matches Ranger Apple’s report and is again mirrored by Shield Heart’s report.”

Grey Dark waved his forehoof in the air. “And there could be no chance the three of you are in league to tarnish the good name of my client.”

I brought my fist down on the table, hard enough to make all the things on it jump and make every pony in that room flinch. I glared at the unicorn lawyer.

“You mean the good name of the client that struck a child hard enough to cause microfractures around the left orbital bone, a subdural hematoma near her eye that led to swelling that left the poor filly essentially blind on that side?”

Holding up my hand to shut him up and I continued. "The same client whom was observed, and heard, using verbal assaults on other children? That one?”

Grey Dark just snorted. “All alleged. None of that is proven, now is it, human?” He was trying to hide the fact even he had jumped at the sound of my fist on the table.

"Alleged, we have reports from-"

I felt my captain bump my arm. “Shane, relax,” he said, stopping me before I let my emotions take control of me. He looked across the table. “I am calling this done. You have spent the last hour going over the same subjects. The records are done, and you have your deposition, Counselor.”

I stood up, not waiting for Grey Dark to answer, and picked up my hat.

“Very well, Captain Swords, but I have the right to question all of you at a future time.”

Cross gave a derisive snort. “Good day to you, Counselor Dark.”

As we got outside, I noted it was well past noon, and we hadn't eaten.

“Hey, Captain, what do you say we go to the pub, the first ale is on me, and we can grab a burger or something.”

He flicked an ear and gave me a nod. “Let’s hit the Hidden Moon. It should be about shift change for the day guard, it's a good time for me to catch up with old friends.”

He glanced up at me as we walked. “You did good in there Shane, well, other than that last few minutes. Darn, that smarmy butt nugget deserved every word you said.”

I shrugged as I glanced down at my friend and Captain. “Just doing my job, Cap.” We both smiled.

Half an hour later we were walking into the Hidden Moon, and it was like coming home. A professional bar that was known as a hangout for the military and some of the city law enforcement.

This had been my nightly hangout for my first month in Equestria. I knew the guards that came here and played poker with a lot of them.

I knew old Bar Topper the bartender, but I didn’t see him. Instead, there was a brownish earth pony behind the bar, with a very odd zebra striped mane.

Cross and I shared a glance before finding a table. Getting a hello from a few guard in the place as we passed, even the ones that didn't know us.

We sat down and the bartender made his way over to us. “What can I get you gents to drink?”

I looked him over, nothing out of the ordinary, and I didn’t get any weird vibes past the fact something was... off about him. Like, you were looking at a picture of someone who had gone to lengths to hide things about themselves.

He had old eyes, something in them was different than any pony I'd seen yet, and there was something there that reminded me of recognition. Nothing I picked up on was bad, per se. Just something very well hidden.

“Where's Topper?” I asked, keeping my tone casual and polite.

He gave a smile back. “Finally talked the old stallion into taking a vacation. He and his wife are on a five day trip to the Crystal Empire. I'm an old friend of the family, so I offered to cover for him."

I noticed he hesitated around the word old...

"Name's Mocha, and you are Shane McDonald of the Canterlot Rangers, and Equestria’s first human,” he paused, turning his head to Cross and giving a ten thousand bit smile.

“And you, sir, are Captain Cross Swords,” gesturing to an old picture of Cross in his guard armor. “Former Captain of the First Solar Unit, now Canterlot Rangers,” his smile was warm, genuine as can be.

Sure he was keeping his secrets close, but he didn’t seem to be a bad guy. I answered up, “Well nice to meet you, Mocha. I'll have a bottle of SAA Reserve, and if you could ask Gorge to make me a gryphon special?”

He gave a nod and turned to Cross who flicked an ear then said, “About time that old coot took a few days off. Let me have the same drink as the idiot here, but hold the Gryphon special make it a hayburger combo.”

The stripe maned stallion gave a nod. “Sure thing, coming up, gentlecolts,” and trotted off.

Soon as he was out of earshot, Cross looked at me. “Nice enough seeming fella but, something is off. Not bad, I don't think, just... off about him.”

I gave him a nod. “I picked up on it too, but hey, we're on break. If he causes trouble, then we'll think about doing something. 'Til then, he's just another pony hiding something.”

"Aren't we all?" Cross said, causing us both to chuckle.

46 - Grand Galloping Gala

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I stood there, looking at the tan unicorn stallion across the grass of the garden. I was oblivious to the bright pink shield around the two of us. Unaware of the worried looks from my friends. Unaware of the look of fear on Jackie’s face, or Luna’s, or Twilight's. I pointedly ignored the frown on Celestia’s face just as much as I did the smile on Blueblood’s muzzle.

The ones gathered around him watching their chosen fighter stand there, thirty feet away from me.

No, I was focused on him; watching his body, his eyes. Looking for that tell that would give me the edge here. Both of us watched the handkerchief fall, fluttering closer to the ground out of the corner of our eyes.

My right hand rested on the leather gun strap of my holster just a inch away from the grip of the peacemaker I always carried and in his magic he held the flintlock pistol he had chosen, hovering low near his right foreleg as we stared each other down.

How did I end up here? I thought to myself as I watched his eyes glitter. What I could only describe as a snide, cocky grimace came across his face… as the handkerchief touched the ground.


Truth be told, I was looking forward to tonight. Sure, the fact that Bluenuts and his little groupies would be there grated on me some, but I was there and so were the princesses, my friends, and the most beautiful green eyed mare I had ever seen. It was my honor that she would be my date tonight.

Stupid as it may sound, I missed her. It had only been three days since I saw her last but, I longed to see her with every free thought I had. I thought back to my time in the police academy, when I would go a week without seeing Shawna. Was it this bad back then?

I looked at the man in the mirror before me and felt a bit of pride. Rarity had put in a lot of effort to make the outfit fit me so well with my different dimensions. She had done me up in a pair of black pants, a nice tan long sleeve shirt, and a black and paisley vest right out of the 1800’s.

Even my old stetson was set aside tonight for a very traditional black hat she’d had ordered from somepony for just this occasion. Turns out she can’t make normal hats, just frufru fancy ones.

The stetson almost matched, to a tee, the same one that my Jackie wore every day. It wasn’t a every day hat, but it worked tonight, and maybe some other nights to go on a date or something.

To top it all off, she had given me a new gift. A wonderful gold chain, attached to one of the button loops, ran across my belly to my right vest pocket. Tucked in there was a brand new, gold pocket watch. The pocket low on the vest as was tradition back then. I had never owned a pocket watch, it made me feel kind of neat.

I don’t know how, I have no clue from where, but Rarity had gone above and beyond. On my feet I wore a brand new pair of boots. Real leather, well made, and with hardened leather soles as a traditional human cowboy boot would have. She wouldn’t tell me who she had make them, but she said they were the best of the best.

Speaking of the white marshmellow of generosity, she stood next to me and looked up at me then back at my reflection, hoping to see one of us give an expression she’d like. “So?”

I glanced down at her, she was wearing a dress that hugged her form and it made her look like a model without looking slutty, amongst all the other jems, jewels, necklaces and things in her mane.

“I, have no words Rarity,” I turned to inspect by back and noticed the pants did hug my butt more than I’d have liked, but I didn’t mind since Jackie was the one I was impressing, “it is perfect. I... I owe ya big for this.”

She smiled proudly and lifted her snout. “Darling, you make my friend happy, you make her smile in a way we haven’t seen before. Honestly,” she placed a forehoof on my leg in a friendly gesture, “it is all of us that owe you so much for how you treat dear Applejack.”

I glanced down at her as she paused then continued. “I must admit, I am a bit envious of her. She found her knight or rather in this case, her Ranger before me, perhaps I should look for a human of my own,” she joked.

I turned and squatted down to face her at her level. I was looking her right in the eyes.” “Rarity, the right guy, stallion or other, is out there for you. You are a wonderful, smart, kind, and passionate woman,” I paused a heartbeat and her cheeks glowed a little pink, “I know I know; mare, still the fact is, is mister right will come along, or miss right, who knows?” I reached and rubbed her ear.

She was blushing hard and then lifted up some and gave me a quick hug before returning to all fours. “Shane, you continue to prove yourself a good friend and I know I am most thankful for having met you.”

I gave her a soft nod and stood up, looking back in the mirror a moment. “Feels odd not having my belt and holster on.”

She frowned at me. “That beastly thing would clash with my design for you and,” she broke into a teasing smirk, “your jackie’s outfits.”

I chuckled. “So, what is this I hear about you inviting Spike as your date for tonight?”

She flicked a ear and gave a small nod of her head as she lit up her horn and tugged some imagined bit of lint off my pant leg. “I had, what one could call, a dose of reality, Shane. He is of age by pony standards. He has been there time and time again for me. The excuses I gave of his age, of his maturity level have all evaporated.” her ears sagged and she scratched the floor. “Do you think bad of me, a mare of my age, taking such a young drake as a date?”

I tilted my head then glanced down at her. “Rarity, I am almost fifty years old, by human standards Applejack is just barely twenty four. I am nearly twice her age, yet I don’t see anyone caring one bit about that. For that matter, look at Sir Fancy Pants and his wife, they must have forty years between them.”

She gave a exhale then smiled. “True, thank you again, Shane.”

I smirked at her expression of relief. “My pleasure, ma’am”


My hand slid up the outside of the holster, fingers gripping the peacemaker. I could feel the notches in the wood, the cold iron of its frame. Already lifting, thumb reaching for the hammer. I could see his magic flare, the gun near his leg starting to rise. I could see the hammer of the flintlock clicking back to lock.


Coming down the stairs from our rooms I saw the rest of the girls and Spike waiting. The tux Spike was in fit him well, for a waist up thing. He looked up at Rarity and me and his eyes turned to hearts when he saw her, then he started to step forward to greet his date.

Fluttershy looked as pretty as a picture, Rainbow was with a white stallion. I think his name was, Sore? Snoring? Whatever. or something like that. She was in a long flowing dress that looked a bit out of place on the sleek athlete. Pinkie was dressed tastefully in pink, and that left Twilight, who was wearing a dress much like the princess dress she’d modeled in that one episode when Rarity opened her Manehattan boutique.

My eyes wandered over them all and I panicked when I didn’t see her, but once I’d gotten to the floor I heard a throat clear and I turned. I had my breath taken from me and in that instant I saw the mare that I wanted to see every evening for supper.

Jackie stood there, just under a stone arch, alone. The evening sunlight streaming its last light to frame her. What she had on I could best describe as perfect. It looked layered and yet form fitting on all the right spots. The dress matched her eyes, her mane was sparkling like magic itself was holding it up, and she wasn’t wearing much makeup, but it all worked. Jesus, I could fall into her eyes and never come back.

I swear to you, she could have been a woman that stepped right out of the high class downtown gold rush era San Francisco, turned into a pony, then stole my heart.

Her face lit up in a light blush and an awkward smile as I found myself drawn to her. Reaching up I took my hat from my head and held it to my chest. “Y-you look incredible, Jackie.”

She kept that blush on her face but looked up at my eyes. “Thank ya, Shane, ya look right handsome, yerself. Ah ain’t seen ya stare like that before, somethin’ on my face?”

The girls behind giggled as I kneeled down and she leaned up onto her hoof tips, staying on the marble floor. I was rewarded with her soft lips meeting mine in a kiss that made me feel sparks all over my body.

The few sniffles, giggles, and overwhelming ‘awww’s’ coming from behind us spoke volumes as we stopped the kiss. I spoke softly, but not a whisper, “Lady Apple, would you do me the honor of letting me be your date tonight?” I extended my arm to her.

Her blush still bright and warm, she giggled like an embarrassed girl and gave a nod of her head. “Ah would like that more than Ah have words for, Shane.”

She placed her forehoof in my hand and I stood up, turned around to see many a smile, and a couple winks sent our way. Tonight was going to be a great night.


Funny how time seems to come to a grinding halt when a life is on the line. I had all the time in the world to think about tonight, about everything that had gone right... and wrong. Would I ever see Jackie again, or would she watch me die as I watched Shawna and my little girl die?

My pistol cleared the holster just as I starting to pivot my hand up. My thumb locked the hammer back with the dull clack of metal on metal. Already my left hand was midway across my gut level, held flat and moving to hold the weapon steady while I fired.


“Announcing Lady Applejack Apple of House Apple, Honored Bearer of the Element of Honesty, Savior of Equestria, Friend to her Majesty's Princess Luna and Celestia, and her escort, Lieutenant Shane McDonald of the Canterlot Rangers.”

I chuckled and whispered from the corner of my mouth. “ Ha-Ha your title is longer than the one they stuck me with,” making the pretty orange pony snort indignantly.

We progressed down the line of ponies, greeting each one with smiles and nods, save for one. Blueballs just glared at me, so I gave him a wink. That made him snort out loud and open his mouth to say something, but we were past him almost to Celestia. Twilight was standing at her side and I bowed to them both, as did Jackie.

“A pleasure to see you both, thank you for coming,” Celestia said sincerely for what must have been the two hundredth time, then she leaned in some. “Do ignore them Shane,” then pulled back. I wouldn’t take that advice, to let Bluedick know how I disliked him.

Applejack answered her back. “The pleasure is ours, thank you for sending invitations, Princess Celestia.”

We moved into the main ballroom. Making our way along one side, I spotted Cross with his wife, Dusty. Cortland and Golden were standing with them, as were Fancy and Fleur, so I got Jackie's attention and gestured to the group. “Want to head over there?”

Jackie smiled at them and then back to me. “Sure thing, sugarcube,” and we started their way.

As we walked up, Fleur smiled at us. “Why look at you two, you look simply perfect together,” she exclaimed as Fancy gave a genial nod to me.

“I do believe you are right on that account, darling,” The monocle wearing unicorn tilted his head to the left. “Miss Rarity has outdone herself once again. Is what you're wearing some type of human clothing design?”

It was Jackie who spoke up and didn't hesitate as every eye was on her. “Rarity based both our outfits off an old picture in a book Shane gave her for Hearths warming.”

“Magazine,” I interjected and got an orange hoof stomped on my foot.

Golden spoke up, placing a foreleg around Jackie's neck. “They are quite magnificent,” she said, gently tugging her along so the mares could talk.

I chuckled and glanced at my partner in law, then the captain. “It was the same in my world with ladies, they’ll be at it for a while”

All four of us gave light laugh before Fancy lifted his moustached muzzle. “Shane, a word of advice, old chap; just watch yourself tonight. I fear House Dark has taken a particularly strong dislike of you. While I have been able to fend off their attacks in chamber, thankfully backed by Dame Lulamoon herself, that stunt you pulled with Spoiled Rich has earned you no friends among some of the elite.”

I shook my head and gave him a wry smirk. “I am well aware, but thank you, Fancy.”

Cross spoke next after looking around. “Celestia has taken personal control of the Apple case, Shane, at least from this end. The pressure is on and somepony is going to crack sooner or later. You just make sure it isn’t you they are near when it goes down.”

Again I exhaled. “Got it, Cap.”

Jackie and I managed to break away together and got to the dance floor. A slow waltz was playing and I looked at her then smiled and held my arm out. “Would my princess care to dance?”

She blushed deeply and gulped, I loved how her cheeks would light up like that. The she gave a nod of the head. I don’t think she’d ever been called a princess before and I’d have to remember to say it again on special occasions.

Stepping out onto the floor among the other ponies there she reared up and I took hold of her, one hand gripping her hoof, one around her back resting on her withers and I let her use me to lean on as we started to move. Now I am in no way a good dancer, but Jackie seemed to know how to, albeit with very little stumbling, given my height and her standing on her hind legs. I let her lead as we swung around and moved to the soft music playing.

I found myself lost in her eyes, looking down into them as she looked up at me. That foot or so of height difference didn’t seem like such a big deal right now. We moved around the floor, not saying a word until the music ended and everyone gave polite stomps. She dropped back down to all fours and we walked off to the side. “Thank you, Jackie”

The smile she had made my heart melt. God, I don’t know why you put me here but, thank you.

The orange mare spoke up, “Would ya mind getting us a drink?” she gestured to the drink table and I gave her a nod.

I excused myself and headed for the tables. I planned on ignoring the group there, as I went to fill two cups with the juice being offered. However, it seemed that they wanted my attention.

“Well look at that, you can teach a monkey how to be civilised.” Oh, I knew that voice, I knew the pink pony who it belonged to. Spoiled Rich just laughed, as many around her did the same. I snorted as I picked up the glasses and turned to face my date, with a glance aside at the bitch.

“You know the problem with putting a pig in a dress? They’re still a pig.” A few of the mares, along with one or two of the stallions gasped. I ignored them and walked back to where my princess was.

Jackie was giving me the stink eye. “What did ya say to them, Shane?”

I handed her the glass as I told her. Earning another stink eye, but an amused smirk as well. “Well, you just watch what ya say, ok? We don’t need trouble tonight.” She let it go at that. What I didn’t see was Blueballs and the ponies he was plotting with.


What could have changed this outcome? Likely nothing. I think it was fated to happen eventually in some form or another. That didn’t mean I wanted this, quite the opposite. I tried my best to keep this from coming to heads.

My right hand was holding the gun, the barrel almost level with the ground. His was almost up in firing position. Two men, two stallions; trying to kill each other.

No, this was the last thing I wanted.


The rest of the night went quite well. We spent time with so many ponies. I met a few new ones, touched base with others I had known now for a while, and glanced at others I’d prefer to stay away from.

Around the middle of the night, Celestia had come over. Both Jackie and I gave her a bow. Celestia bid us stand once more and smiled. “Shane, you know that in forty eight hours it will mark the day you first sat on a log and faced me in person.”

I blinked as AJ smiled, then I gave a sigh. “Meaning, tonight is the eve of the morning I woke to find myself in Equestria.”

That made Jackie look up at me with concern and I felt her side press against my leg some. Celestia gave a bit of a nod with her usual calm. “That it does, my little human, and I have talked Miss Pie down from throwing you a party.”

I nodded. “Thank you, Princess Celestia. I don’t really think it appropriate to celebrate that day, not yet, anyway.”

Her eyes said she understood and I appreciated that quite a bit. She did, however, get that troll look expression around her eyes. “However, I am to understand she will throw a small party, just you and your friends, in two days time. I believe she means to make that day your… Oh what was her word for it?” She tapped her chin and looked up. “Oh, yes,” she smiled at me, “arrivalversery.”

I groaned as Jackie chuckled. “That’s our Pinkie.”


I had watched him load the pistol before we lined up earlier. He was no fool, he clearly knew what he was doing. He was methodical about it, like a pony that’d done this before. I knew I was not facing an amature, and his speed showed as much.

My finger pulled back on the trigger, the hammer flying forward. I could feel it move in that instant when the weight of the gun shifted and I looked at him across from me as his gun leveled.


It was the end of the Gala, many ponies and dignitaries had left already and I was just walking back from the restroom when someone, or should I say somepony, firmly bumped into me. I almost fell but caught myself.

Looking down right into the eyes of Grey Dark he gave an indignant grunt. “Watch where you are walking, monster. Just because you are the princess’ little pet project does not entitle you to step into a proper stallion.”

I really had had enough of him. I guess I was a bit tired, a bit worn out, perhaps a tad hangry, but I let my concentration and temper slip. Sometimes being a southern boy had its downsides.

“Go choke on a bucket of dicks.”

Gasps from around us, but a few others gave unapproving noises. Grey, reacted in a way I had not expected. Held in his tanish magic, two gloves or hoof covers slapped me across the face.

He snarled at me. “I demand retribution, monkey! I challenge you!.” He spoke loud and clear.

I didn’t know, I didn’t think. I was running on pure anger as I growled back down at him. “Any time, gelding.”

I heard Celestia cry out, “No!” from across the room and I saw him grin, at that moment I realized I may have just stepped into a trap.

Grey stepped back and announced loudly, “You all heard him, he has accepted my challenge to defend my honor. However, because you are a simpleton, monster, I will offer you a dishonorable out, simply-.”

I blinked, turning to look as Celestia and a number of guards stepped between us and she looked at me. I saw it in her face, she was upset, but not angry upset. I would venture to say fearful, and for me.

“Shane, what have you done?” she asked me with haste and urgency that shook me.

I blinked at her during the second I had to answer. “I- he slapped me, and I said yeah. I mean, I figure we just go outside and throw a few punches… and...” it was starting to dawn on me more that this may be a much bigger deal that what I’d thought was a simple pony fight.

Jackie was by my side and now were the rest of the girls and their dates. Celestia gave a very frustrated grumble. “Shane, you are a citizen of Equestria. You are an officer of the crown. Do you have any idea what you have agreed to?” Her hoof stomped down as she glared at me and spoke softly so only those very close to us would hear. “You have no clue what you’ve started.”

Turning to look at Grey and the group around him now she stood tall and spoke in her regal way. “What are your terms.”

He grinned darkly. “Seeing as the monkey there… Ranger Shane, had no understanding of what he agreed to. I will accept luxuria noctibus with his,” the stallion turned up his nose at my date, “apparent whorse in lieu of the duel.”

At his words I snarled. “You fucking prick, I’ll smash your muzzle in”. Yes I was angry. Perhaps angrier than anyone, or anypony had ever seen me. This guy had just insulted AJ, to her face no less. Whatever he said in that other language was lost on me, but the reactions of others around sent me over the edge. My fists balled up as my arms brought them up, but Cort pushed me back with both hooves on my hips.

“Shane, shut up!” he bellowed in my face. That gave me pause, he was dead serious. Choking back my anger, I grunted and grit my teeth, but silenced myself.

The white alicorn turned back to look at the lawyer stallion. “That will cost you, you know the rules as well as I do,” she paused “what is your challenge?”

A warmer smile crossed his face. “Pistols at thirty steps, drop of a cloth; to give him a fighting chance.”

I started to open my mouth but a hoof on my leg stopped me. I looked down and into scared green eyes. “Shane, please, be quiet!” How could I ignore that. I gave a nod as my anger bubbled away, I just looked up to listen as Cort slid back down to all fours.

Celestia frowned and then asked, “and if he refuses both your demands?”

The stallion shrugged like this was no big deal to him. “I demand payment for the slight to my honor. House Apple houses him; I will take forty acres of their land of my choice.”

It was starting to hit me now, this was not a game. This was for keeps and I had just put the Apples in grave risk with my temper.

“I will talk with him, and his second. Grey, you are to go with my guards and stand aside over there.”

I saw Grey nod in agreement. “As you wish, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia gestured. “Who is your second?” she asked me.

Cort spoke up before I could ask what that meant. “Ah am, your highness.”

She glanced around. “The rest of you retire away from us. I must speak to them alone.” she paused and looked at Applejack. “You may stay, this concerns House Apple directly.”

Waiting until the girls moved away with the guards and few other guests that had still been around when this all started she looked at me intently.

“Shane, you have stepped into a trap. He has played you, and there is nothing, even as princess, I can do to stop this.”

I exhaled and looked down at jackie, over to Cort, then back at Celestia. “How bad is this?”

She frowned. “He has demanded his honor be satisfied. You have three choices to make now. One, you say no, and he takes forty acres of his choosing from the Apple family land. I suspect he means to take the farmhouse and control of the only zap apples in the world, then piece out the rest and make them pay to carry their crops across his plots of land.”

I heard Applejack give a whimper and I put my hand on her neck. “Not happening, next.”

“Second, you face him in a duel, usually it is only to first blood. However, Shane, know this; he means to kill you for whatever reason. I can see it in his eyes.”

I exhaled slowly and reached up and lifted my hat, running my other hand over my hair before sitting the hat back on my crown.

“And what is this… luxu-thingy he talked about?”

With a great deal of surprise I heard Jackie stomp her forehoof loud enough to echo across the ballroom. Looking down suddenly I saw the fear and rage in them. “Luxuria noctibus, Shane. It means,” her body trembled, I had never seen her like this before. It made my gut flip, fists ball up, and blood run cold as her words hit me. “That I have to go to his bed tonight.”

I had a very scared mare I loved watching me, I had my best friend and partner, and I had an immortal alicorn looking at me, waiting for a choice. Now was not the time to blurt out anything, I needed to think.

“Cort, grab the Captain, go upstairs to my room, get the lockbox from under my bed, and bring it down to me.”

Celestia’s ears fell. Jackie touched my leg. “W-what are you doing, Shane?”

I looked down at her, then squatted down, to look her in the eyes. “I am protecting you and yer family’s livelihood.” I watched as the understanding came to her. I knelt down and hugged her as she let out a sob, but not a tear fell not saying anything. I knelt there, just feeling her tremble as she pressed into me.


I was glad I had pushed to send most of the girls away. Rainbow refused to leave and stayed at Jackie’s side. Twilight was forced, by tradition, to stand at the other two princesses side. At least Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie would not witness this.


The hammers fell. I felt the gun kick in my hand just as I saw the plume of white smoke come from his pistol. He was fast, I gave him credit for that, only his shot was just fractions of a second slower than mine. Two thunderous claps bellowed out from the both of us to meet each other.

I winced.

As the smoke cleared I looked at Grey Dark. The tan stallion had a grin on his face, then it started to fall. On his tux covered breast a rose of red started to form, and he fell forward with a shocked look upon his muzzle.

I just stood there as his body slammed down into the grass and fell aside. I said nothing, I did nothing for a few seconds. Slowly, my thumb lifted and I lowered the hammer, my left hand having fanned it back for a second shot. I gently slid the peacemaker back into my holster as the pink shield came down.

I did not see the look of horror on many of Houses Dark and Trident’s faces. I did not see Spoiled run to the down stallion, sobbing. I did not see Celestia and Luna’s look of sorrow. I didn't see Twilight openly crying.

I did not see Rainbow Dash holding Jackie as tight as she could with her wing. I did see Cort and Crossed holding their mares close, covering their eyes.

I saw the look of sorrow and pain on Fancy’s face as I walked past him and didn't care. I just walked inside past them all without a word.

I walked through the glass doorway into the ballroom.

I walked to the bar on autopilot, picked up a glass and a bottle of whisky, and poured it three fingers. Then I shot it back and slammed the cup down.

It was then that I heard a voice behind me, an oddly quiet voice filled with pain and fear. “S-shane?”

I turned, looked down at the orange mare, my date, my love, and I saw her tears. Fear, she was afraid for me still, just like before.

“I am… sorry Jackie,” I winced again and watched her gaze travel down my body. From the edge of my vision I watched her eyes go wide as she saw the blood welling up between my fingers, clutching at the hole in my gut, just above my hip. I felt the wet patter of blood as a drop fell onto my boot. I am so sorry Jackie, was the last thing I remember thinking.

I felt myself falling, collapsing to the ground, and someplace in the distance I heard Applejack screaming as blackness rushed in to cloud the burning pain and blurring world I'd found myself in, the feeling of regret filling my very being.

47 - Waiting (POV#2)

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Twilight Sparkle

That scream, Applejacks scream, it cut through the pain and sorrow of what I had watched happen like a knife through steamed vegetables.

This was one of my friends, the stoic one, the one I had never expected to ever scream like that. A sound of pure terror from the voice of a mare that had never done such before.

I reacted faster than I ever had. I didn’t even think as I snapped a teleport spell off, appearing next to Applejack. Before the tingle of the aether subsided I was taking in the scene.

My wings were held open by the adrenaline flowing through me and time slowed when I saw AJ atop Shane, who was lying on the floor beside the bar. Dark red blood pooled at his side, stained his shirt, and was on his hands. I couldn't panic, not yet; a friend was in danger and I had to act.

I shouted without thinking about it as the leader in me took over. I knew Rainbow was right behind me from the rush of wind. I could feel Celestia as she teleported in next to me followed by Luna by how their magic signatures tickled my horn.

“Rainbow Dash, get Applejack out of here, now! Cortland,” I called out to the unicorn I knew would be running into the room, “stabilize him. Luna, get the medics in here.” I was shouting out orders without thinking of just who I was yelling at, and frankly I didn’t care. I felt Luna’s magic flare and she was gone, leaving a flash of light in her wake.

I saw Applejack clinging to Shane, fighting Rainbow from pulling her away. I looked at Celestia. It must have been something in my eyes, or perhaps in my tone of voice, because she did exactly as I asked. “Help her.”

Ponies were gathering around now, blocking the way of help. I stomped my hoof, wings still spread wide. “Guards, get everpony back! Clear a path for the medical ponies.”

A second after my command every nearby guard was pushing ponies back while others forced a path from outside the crowd to us, creating a guarded path with the standing at attention along the way. With all the stress, the emotions, the pain; I could hear the whispers and muttering so I turned to see Cortland sweating through his coat, his hooves were wet with blood. He was holding several cloth napkins over Shane’s hip with a powerful amount of magic.

I saw Celestia holding Applejack in a foreleg while Rainbow Dash was trying to calm her down. I gave a worried look to Celestia, but she returned a look that told me Applejack was in good hooves right now. I could hear Luna’s voice from down the hall approaching. “Faster, Ranger Shane needs help now!” I think I used the canterlot voice, but my attention was elsewhere.

“Can you stop the bleeding, Cortland?”

He shook his head slightly, his focus on Shane. He spoke hesitantly. “Not all of it, something is blocking my magic, I slowed it down but I can’t seal up the wound.” I could hear the strain and effort in his tone as he focused.

Seeing everything starting to come together, I felt my wings relax and lower slightly. However, my heart wouldn’t slow down. I looked at Shane’s face. “Shane, please be okay.”

Luna’s arrival was loud, followed by several pounding hooves and I stepped aside as she arrived. She looked at me then Shane and then she picked him up in her magic Setting him on the gurney they were pushing.


I appeared in the castle’s hospital entrance and commanded the medical ponies to fetch us aid, and they did fortwit. Granted, I may have used the royal voice, but I believe I should be forgive on this instance. I watched as they wheeled my friend, Shane, into the ER, then returned to the entrance and waiting room, and waited with bated breath. I felt the magic in the air shift just before Tia arrived with Fair Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

I informed them that we had to wait while the doctors performed their tasks. Shortly after we settled and Fair Applejack, the rest of her friends arrived.

Fair Applejack was laying on a sofa, eyes shut, head down and resting on her fetlocks. To her sides offering comfort, were Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. They both looked tense and worried, their heads resting on Fair Applejack’s back. It seems that even after all the years I was gone pegasi are still very caring, and fiercely protective over those they consider family, I wonder if pegasi are as kind to others outside their ‘flocks.’

Pacing back and forth in front of her friends, wings tucked but clearly quite on edge, was Twilight Sparkle. Nearby but on a different sofa sat Rarity with Pinkie Pie and they were both clearly concerned.

I stepped to my sister I spoke softly, “Elegant proof that Twilight has embraced the Pegasis nature in her, is it not, dear sister?”

She glanced to me then back to her former student. “She took charge, I am quite proud of her,”

Shane is our friend, Tia. He is an officer of the crown, yes, but there is no doubt in my mind he is a good and true friend. Seeing my sister in distress, I place my wing over her back and nuzzle her neck.

I was quiet for a moment, then Tia spoke in a soft tone. “They gave Applejack a small sedative, Sister, she was inconsolable. I do not like the idea, but it has let her relax for the moment. So much has happened in such a short time, we should have-”

I lifted my wingtip and touched it to her lips to quiet her. She just gave a nod and turned her attention back to the others.

“Where are Rangers Cortland and Crossed Swords?” I asked.

She glanced down the hall. “I sent them with the medics through the other entrance. Ranger Cortland was in mana burnout and still trying to push. Lulu, he cast long past his burnout point than any unicorn I’ve seen in a long time.

“He pushed so hard to keep the wound closed,” she said softly, “he was starting to draw from his own lifesource.”

I nodded. “Just one year ago, a creature none of us had ever seen in Equestria came to us. He was scared, out of place, in pain, and friendless. Now Tia, look. Look at who sits here, and the friends that risk their lives for him, as he does them.”

She put her own wing on my withers smiled just a tiny bit. “He will make it,” her smile hardened. “he has to.”


I had lost ponies before, many that I had known very well. It is a downside of being as long lived as an Alicorn. However, this time it was far more than just a friend I’d lose. Shane had done something new to the land. He had brought something new to my little ponies.

A new way of law, a new outlook, and while I lamented the violence that came with it, in the end my country, my ponies, in time maybe the world will a better place for it.

I was glad Lulu was at my side as I stood there watching over five friends, one of which a Princess of Equestria, all support and stand in protection over their earth pony friend.

Poor Applejack, I found myself concerned as I looked at her sleeping. Somepony had thought to clean the blood from her leg and get her out of the dress she had been wearing. Lying there, now sedated, protected in what I knew to be a dreamless sleep now, thanks to my sister.

How would she cope? Nothing has happened to her to this effect, not even the loss of her parents, from what I’ve heard.

I thought back to my own life and the last lover I had. Shining Lance, and I felt myself with a soft smile at his memory. It had been over a thousand years since he passed on. I had yet to feel I was ready for another love in my life, despite him being the sixth husband I had been with.

Shining Lance had died young, taken from the world during the wars with the necromancer Grogar. It was my shame, that his loss, is what pushed me too far. Grogar and his hordes had paid the ultimate price, as had what was now called the Badlands and thousands of troops whose only crime was siding with the necromancer.

I quietly asked the universe to spare Applejack that pain.

A glance up at the clock showed that it was now four hours since they had rushed our human friend into surgery. I certainly knew the best of the best surgeons were trying to save his life. I only hope that they know enough of his biology and anatomy.

A noise caught my attention and I turned giving a soft gasp. This, in turn, caused Luna and the rest to turn and gasp as well.

Ranger Cortland stood in a doorway with shaking legs and supported by Captain Crossed Swords. The unicorn stallion’s eyes were sunken in slightly and he was obviously still exhausted. He had an IV in his leg and stand with three fluid bags trailing just behind him.

Mana drain was a serious danger to unicorns at a base level, and at the point he was reaching he would have begun to drain the energy from his body and lifefore. Ranger Cortland had pushed himself to near death, quite literally.

I felt I had to speak up. “Sergeant, you should not be up and out of bed.”

He saw the looks of worry from all around as he slowly walked into the waiting room like a old stallion to a sofa bench and gently sat before Captain Crossed Swords left him be.

“This stubborn foal wouldn’t stay in bed,” the captain stated, “he threatened to check himself out, so this was our compromise.”

Ranger Cortland’s voice croaked. “I-I did my best princess, I just couldn’t stop the bleeding. I, I tried with all my skill,” he grew quiet as many ears drooped, the closest friends of Applejack were looking with worry at the proud stallion that was placing the blame on himself.

I was about to speak up when a throat cleared from the doorway and gathered our attention again. I saw a scruffy looking unicorn doctor who looked like he had not shaved in days. He moved with a limp in his step, looked tired, and worn out as he approached.

“Of course you couldn’t help him, but this will make you a real hit with the mares. However, going by the fact you are out of bed I suspect you are, indeed, an moron,” he said before he looked at me and I gave him a nod.

“Doctor House,” I acknowledged the unicorn who has been a pain in everypony’s flank for years. He was the best at what he did, so it was often overlooked, as were his addiction to painkillers.

“I assume everypony here can be talked in front of, or should I excuse those I find to be idiots from the discussion?” He levitated out a pill bottle from his pocket, opened it, dry swallowed a pill before returning it to his pocket, and referred to us. “The lead ball has been removed and we had to stitch him up by hoof. The reason the idiot over there couldn’t stop the bleeding-”

Rainbow Dash snarled and spoke up. “Hey, dude, show some respect!”

I kept my composure, yet I knew this was going to devolve into a fight, so I quickly spoke up. “Rainbow, I understand Doctor House is a bit rough around the edges. Just let him speak and ignore his barbs.” Taking note of the glare Rainbow Dash was giving the unicorn I nodded for him to continue.

“The human has two screws made of nullstone in his hip bone, along with a four inch long stud of some kind, also made of the same material embedded in the hip bone. If I had to venture a guess, it’s the result of some kind of reconstructive surgery that I had no part of, so insurance can’t blame me. The musket ball was pressed right up to one of the screws and that is why magic wouldn’t work. My team had to actually cut it out of him, thankfully he’ll live with a hefty bill to pay.”

He gestured to Cortland. “The idiot hero of the hour over there nearly killed himself trying to keep his friend alive while the nullstone was draining away the magic as fast as he could pump it in, thus almost leaving me with a corpse and a half.”

He looked back to me. “The fact he lived at all is pure luck. The ball hit much higher, but he had this in a vest pocket, it deflected the bullet from his gut.”

From out of his pocket he levitated quite a few brass and metal parts, some stained with blood like rust. It looked to have once been a pocket watch.

We all heard Rarity gasp, then Pinkie remarked casually. “She passed out.”

She is known for being dramatic. So, looking back to house he continued. “It deflected the ball down, and away from major organs. He did take some bowel damage but we managed to get that under control. He will be on antibiotics for a while.”

“So, is he stable now?” I asked.

The unicorn shrugged. “As best as we can make him knowing what we know, and you’re lucky I happen to know a lot. We had only one pint of his blood; thanks to somepony over at Ponyville General for having the forethought to have him donate one, and we luckily got it here before we were done with surgery. We are still pumping fluids into him and obviously he’s still unconscious, but I’m certain a couple of you are going to insist on seeing him so I have to insist those morons wait until he’s less dead and prone to infection.”

I gave him a dip of my head. “Thank you, Doctor House, for your expert advice and assistance.”

He snorted and turned to limp his way down the hall. Pausing with his tail to us he looked back. “Make that idiot get back in bed if you value his life, or don’t. Just make sure he sighs out or dies after sunset when my shift is over.” Then he limped away.

I chuckled when I heard pinkie pie mutter, “Well, isn’t he just a lemon cupcake with no sugar.”

Ranger Captain Crossed Swords

I glanced over at Cortland as he settled back into the hospital bed. I had almost carried the unicorn back down the hall and into his room with the nurse had following us. Now Cortland was being hooked up to the machinery that monitored him.

“You know, Cortland, the doctor was right on one thing. You are an idiot.”

It was a good few moments before I heard him croaking in response. “Ah know, but Ah couldn’t let him…” he hesitated. “He’s mah friend, Cap.”

I put my hoof on his side lightly. “I know Cort, I know. He’s mine too, but think of poor Golden, and what it would have done to her to lose both of you if you’d spent a few more minutes pushing magic into that wound.”

He grew quiet and I told him that my wife, Dusty, had grabbed Golden and taken her back home. They didn’t need to be around right now, and with Applejack being as upset as she was, it would just be worse.

I thought about Applejack, laying out there. I knew her pretty well and seeing her like that had shaken even me. I think it shook the princesses too, going by their expressions.

As time passed I spent it thinking about things while the sergeant slept; I heard the door quietly open and close and my ears lifted.

“Long time no see, Shade,” I said turning to look at the Lunar Pony Captain.

He spoke in his quiet but deep voice. “He will survive?”

I nodded. “Yes, both will.”

He gave a nod and looked at the sleeping unicorn as he stood opposite me on the bed. “He did a very brave thing. Stupid, but brave. They are not so dissimilar, are they?”

I had to chuckle at that. “No, in fact they are far too similar. However, you should see them work together.”

He grinned, showing all his pointed teeth. “I have, but I will carry back the news to the rest of my guard. There was…” he paused for a few seconds, “worry, in the night guard. Shane is well liked among them.”

I gave him a nod to that and watched as he stepped back into a shadow near the corner of the room, and melted into it. “They so creep me out when they do that,” I spoke out loud to nopony then went back to daydreaming.

48 - Facing the music

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Unaware darkness turned to a hazy kind of half aware darkness as I came to. I was having problems putting together where I was and why. Slowly it came back to me in the darkness of my closed eyes.

The memory of what happened and that fleeting last thought of Jackie, the look of terror in her eyes, the tone of her scream. I think if I live to be a old man that scream is going to haunt me.

Well, okay Shane, you’re not dead; if you are, hell isn’t quite as hot as you were told.

As I thought about opening my eyes a noise, a voice, came to me. I dared not breath a noise or move as I listened and tried to put together what was going on.

“Faust knows, Ah dun looked at this book of Shane’s. Ah, well, Ah’m not sure if y’all can hear a pony or not, Ah just know I hear Shane talk to ya like you were standing right there so, I figure maybe you can hear me too.” It was Jackie’s voice, but, who was she talking to? “Ah got no clue about yer ways, heck, I ain’t even one of them fillies what follows Celestia like she was almighty.”

She had paused and then I felt something shift on the bed I was in. Going by the soft beeps from something to my left, I would guess a hospital.

“God, er, Gee-sus, er, whatever yer name is. Please, if y’all can hear this earth pony mare, bring him back ta me. Ah love him and it hurts me something powerful; the thought of not having him at my side. Please, ifn you understand, if yer as kind and lovin’ as this stallion here says, then please, Ah’d be mighty appreciative to ya. Just, would help him wake up so Ah can see him smile?”

I fought with all my heart to not just blurt out I was awake, but I dared not. I was raised christian, and even though I knew this pony was not one she was talking to the lord, and for me to interject in that would be borderline blasphemy. I may be angry with god sometimes, I may have not been a good christian, but I knew right and wrong and to chance the wrath of Him wasn’t on my list of dumb things to do.

“Well, Ah figure I should let ya go. Thank y’all fer yer time and fer listen’n.”

I heard her sigh and the weight on the bed shifted again. She must be leaning on it, since she isn’t laying on me. Daring to open my eyes quickly the light blinded me and I winced like the fool I am. As focus came, I looked down my body aside to see a warm, scared, loving pair of emerald green eyes looking right back at me.

I managed to speak first, despite the pain I was in. “Guess He was listening to you.”

“S-Shane are y-y-you…”

It killed me inside, to see her. Her eyes were bloodshot with bags under them. It was clear as day she had been crying and none of that ‘on the inside’ stuff. Her ears pinned and her hoof trembled as she reached out and touched my open hand; I closed it around her hoof.

The tears welled up and started to fall again as she climbed part ways onto the bed and clung to me suddenly. I grunted from the pain of being shifted around, glad I was laying on my back but I shifted to my left side, damn the pain. I slid my right arm gently around her and held her as close as I could.

I hushed her quietly while I stroked her mane and back. “It’s ok, ain’t nothing wrong now. it’s gonna to be okay, Jackie.”

Tears welled up in my own eyes and I was glad she couldn’t see them as I pressed my face into her mane and held her. God, what have I done to her? All this because my mouth and my pride. Shawna, what have I done?

I didn’t say a word, I just held her and shared her crying for what felt like hours.

I glanced at the scruffy unicorn stallion. There was a part of my brain that just was not willing to deal with who and what this was. “Excuse me? Your name is, what again?”

He rolled his eyes and continued to use his hoof edge and magic to lift the bandages off my hip. “Doctor House, and your name is the idiot who thought it would be a good idea to catch a lead ball with your body, right?”

I shut my eyes and muttered, “Sometimes, I hate this world.” AJ had been helped out of the room by the girls and told to stay out for a while, much to both our disagreement she was, indeed, not going to help the doc’s work.

Celestia asked, as she and the other princesses stood back towards the window to let the doctor do his work. “Why would you say that, Shane?” Her head tilted.

I flicked my eyes to Celestia, then back to the doctor inspecting my wound, and back to her again. I watched as her eyebrow lifted then she gave a shake of her head. I took note of the other three watching this exchange with a confused look.

“Later,” is all I grumbled before House finished and gave a grunt of his own as he wrapped me back up, tighter than before.

He smirked oh so slightly. “I think I’ll take my leave now before somepony decides to give me advice on how to treat this pin cushion.”

I watched as he limped out. “Don’t go catching any more metal in your or I’ll have to charge you extra for being a danger to yourself via lack of brain cells.

I exhaled long and slow to not shout or laugh when Twilight spoke up. “Okay, what was that about?”

I looked at them as I tugged up the blanket over me again. I wonder, is it a universal thing? Are all hospitals cold, have the most uncomfortable gowns in existence, and beds that are made to bring aches?

Cadence glanced at me, then back to her Twilight. “I suspect it has something to do with Shane and where he came from,” she looked at me, “right?”

I nodded. “You all remember me talking about how surprised I was so many things from my world are parallel this one? Well, Mr. Bedside Manner there is almost the spitting image of a human show character by the name of Gregory House; a very expert doctor with terrible people skills.”

Luna snorted. “Surely it is just coincidence. This, House you saw on the TV could not…”

I cut her off with a raised hand. “Right down to the limp and scruffy five o’clock shadow, and I am going to bet he has a painkiller addiction,” I stated, looking right at Celestia; who gave a nod in agreement of my statement.

I lay my head back onto the pillow and looked at the ceiling. “Like I said, sometimes, just sometimes, I hate this world.” I meant it ironically, but I don’t think they took it that way.

After a few seconds, all four walked closer. Twilight spoke softly, her right wing came out and touched my arm. “Shane, how are you feeling?”

I didn’t look at her face, I wasn’t quite ready for that yet. “How should I feel, Twi? I let my anger get the better of me, and because of it I’m lying here with a hole in my gut, and a pony is now laying on a slab in the morgue because I put him there.”

Again they were quiet, until heard a sniffle from Cadence. Luna spoke up next “Thou, ehem, you did what you had to do, Shane. Again, I point out to you as others have; if you didn’t care then the events would not bother you so. It speaks highly of your honor.”

A silence fell as we processed that comment.

“Shane?” Cadence said with an implication.

I shook my head. “He was going to kill me; I saw it in his eyes. There was no feeling there, just intent to murder me for whatever reason.”

Celestia stepped closer to look down at my face. “Will you talk with somepony now, Shane, please?” There was such a need in her eyes, a fear for me. Fear, perhaps, for my sanity. Might I even say my soul? I had seen that same look in Cort’s eyes when we spoke of certain things that troubled him.

I exhaled, but before I could answer, Twilight interjected. “If not for you, Shane, do it for Applejack and your future together. Please Shane. She, I’ve never seen her so…”

That made me look over to her, then nod my head. “I know Twi, I know. I heard it before I passed out.” I lay back. looking at the ceiling again. “It haunts me even now; then to find out you all had to sedate her to get her to calm down, the time she spent awake, crying by my side.”

“Shane, if you want,” Cadence hesitated, “I can have one of the counselors from the Crystal Empire come speak with you. They...” she paused before her tone dropped. “they know how to deal with such things, many in the Empire still remember the war they were forced to fight in, as it was still so recent.”

I was quiet, and they left me to my thoughts for a few minutes while they talked and watched me. I turned my head and looked right at Cadence, then gave a slight nod when she was looking. “Okay,” I said softly.

All four looked so relieved, and perhaps a tiny spot in me was too. It would be nice to get some of the weight off my chest. Just like when I admitted I had fallen in love with Jackie, perhaps this would be another step to accepting my past on earth and my future here.

“Shane, there is something else we must talk to you about.” I looked at Celestia just as a yawn escaped me.

I gave her a little nod, I was tired, but I really wanted to not sleep right now. “I got too much sleep as it is,” I tried to dismiss, even though we all knew I was full of it.

She gestured to Twilight, who spoke up. “Shane, you’re forty nine in human years, right? What you would call middle aged?”

I blinked and gave her a nod. “Yep.”

All four glanced at each other then back to me. “And, is it typical for somepony in their middle age to heal fast?”

I shook my head. “Nope. Actually, as we get older we heal slower.” Something was starting to nag at me in the back of my head.

She used her horn to gesture to my left shoulder. “Does it hurt still?”

I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth. “Well of c…” but, it didn’t hurt much at all.

That shouldn’t have been possible. I had taken a crossbow bolt to that shoulder less than two weeks ago. It should be sore and stiff, but it wasn’t. In fact, as I turned and tried to look, I noted it was not even bandaged up anymore. I could see out of the corner of my eye a good bit of healing flesh as a big ol’ scab, but it looked like it was well on its way to finishing its healing.

Turning back to look at them I frowned. “What’s going on? Did someone use that healing magic on me again, and it worked?”

She exhaled slowly and extended her wing to touch my arm. “No, and yes. Well, we just aren’t sure, Shane. As best as our scans can tell us, you,” she gestured to my chest, “have the metabolism and immune system of a young stallion. I would venture to say, perhaps, a twenty year old in your years. Going by my study with and about you, plus research of my own from what you’ve told me and what I’ve learned.”

I processed that and looked back at the purple dorkicorn. “How is it possible?”

Celestia joined the conversation. “Perhaps, with the massive infusion of magic when your arm was damaged,” using her wing to gesture to Cadence, “after the Timberwolf attack. Perhaps because you eat our food, breath our air, drink our water.”

Twi nodded fervently. “All that, or perhaps none of it. It could just the natural nature of magic on your body. Whatever the case, your body has, for lack of a better way to explain it, rewound.”

“So, I’ll live longer?”

Celestia nodded. “As best as we understand it; yes. It will take much more research to figure out, though, as nothing like this has happened before.”

“Because you’re not native to Equestria,” Twilight added quickly.

I shut my eyes and thought for a bit before speaking “How long?” They were silent, so I opened my eyes and looked at Twilight, who I knew would give me an answer and not play games like Trollestia would. “How long Twilight?” I asked again with a flutter of excitement in my heart.

She lowered her ears and sighed. “Without more data and until I can research you and the effects, I can’t be sure but...” she dragged the silence out until I was about to shout, “perhaps one hundred and fifty years old.”

I blinked a few times and mouthed that number to myself before speaking up. “I’m, only forty nine now.” She gave a nod. “Well, fuck me,” I grinned

All four of the alicorns winced at my words, well three of them did. One particular pink princess took that moment to show her nature and muttered, “I think that is Applejack’s duty.” She earned a wing slap to the back of the head by Celestia, a gasp from Twilight, and a choking laugh from Luna.

I, myself, was blushing too hard to laugh after what she’d said, despite the moment being rather funny. I managed to cough a few times and wince at the pain that sent through my side.

After a few seconds for us all to calm down, I smiled at them. “Ok, so that just happened. Let’s not do that again, alright?”

Luna was still working to keep the laughter choked down. Poor Twilight had that frozen look and a few strands of her mane were sticking out.

Cadence and Celestia were both just grinning. Trolls, the both of them. Trolls.

“So, when can I go home and get back to work?”

That made Luna snort a laugh out. “Back to work? Back to work?! Shane McDonald, you were just gravely wounded, and you wonder when you can go back to work?”

I gave her a nod as the other three looked at me like I had grown a second nose. “Uh, yeah. I got things to do, investigations to work, patrols-”

I got cut off by Celestia’s snort. “Shane McDonald, until a time when the doctors clear you for active duty, you will remain on leave. When you return home you are to remain off duty, save for paperwork.”

I grumbled under my breath.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” a tone that brooked both no question she was in ‘I am your superior officer’, and ‘listen to your elder.’

I shook my head. “Nothing, ma’am. Yes, ma’am,” I sighed, “Thank you for at least letting me ride a desk.”

She shook her head. “You are also going to be spending a lot of time with Twilight, converting music for our project.”

The dorkanator started to clap her hooves together with a big smile. That made me chuckle and smile. “Yeah, yeah, okay.”

AJ had stayed another night, sleeping in the room with me,next to me in bed, in fact; despite the arguments of the staff. In the morning she had left to get back to the farm to get our place ready. I found it hard to let her go, but I knew she had to.

We had talked quite a bit, and cried a little bit, not that I would admit that to anyone else. In the end, I promised her I would work on controlling my pride and temper. Truth of it is; I never wanted to see that look in her eyes again, hear that sob of anguish, or cause her pain again as long as we lived.

Twilight came that afternoon and had my strongbox brought to my room. In between naps that I really disliked, I helped set up groups of forty songs in a row for her to listen to and convert.

Because she couldn’t use the tablet, nor wear my ear buds, we set it up so she could hear the music playing on the built in speakers. In turn her spell picked up the music and, as she explained it, stored that in the crystals attached to a odd looking contraption she had with her that was what I guessed to be like a tape recorder.

So that’s how it went for two days .I woke from a nap on day three to a voice. I opened my eyes and looked around. The sunlight streaming into the room told me it was still midday, perhaps close to lunch time.

Twilight was laying in that weird position I call ponyloaf with her horn lit up and head bobbing she was whispering. Her voice quiet, but sure as heck she was singing along with a song. One that I almost instantly went pale at hearing, having forgotten that I had some older rap songs among the myriad of music I kept.

Going on how with the tune she was speaking, I would have to guess she had listened to the song a few times now. It looked to be playing not from the tablet, but from the crystal machine thing. “Yo, his palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy. There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti. He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready…”

I couldn’t help it, I started to give a light chuckle that made her snap her mouth shut. She turned and looked at me, a bright purple lighting up in her cheeks as she blushed. “S-shane, how long have you been listening?”

I grinned and winced as I turned aside so I could look at her better. “Oh, just long enough. I must say that isn’t the song I ever expected you to like.”

She rose to her hooves and walked over to me. “It’s a really fun song, has a good beat, and the words; if you really listen, it’s a deep story.” I gave her a nod as she continued. “How are you feeling?”

I exhaled loudly. “Sore, tired of being tired, bored,” I paused, then said in a softer tone, “I miss Jackie, a lot.”

That made her smile bright and she put her hoof on my leg. “I really am glad you two found each other.” she paused and looked more serious at me. “Also, I’m glad you are going to talk to somepony, Shane. I know it isn’t your way, I know it isn’t Applejack’s way. However I-”

I poked her on the nose stopping her speech and made her go crosseyed. She hoofed at her nose and scowled at me.

“Twi, I’m doing it for her just as much as for myself,” I sighed and rolled onto my back. “The Lord knows I’ve carried this weight for far too long. Now it’s hurt someone,” my head turned quickly and I glared at her. “No.”

She just smirked. “Somepony,” she said cockily.

Shaking my head, I went back to it. “It’s hurt a person that, well, that I love.”

I watched her yawn. “I think I am going to take a break. The tablet needs to be charged up,” she turned and levitated the wood container it sat inside to the cord coming from the small battery pack resting in the window sil, charging up from the small solar panel. She plugged it in and made sure it was charging before she levitated it to the table near the window.

“You know, that works out pretty well,” she said, “I have to exert a little more effort to lift the tray, but at least I can move things from your world on my own this way.”

I gave her a smile. “On the way out, could you let one of the nurses know I am a bit hungry?”

I got a nod from her and then a nuzzle to my arm before she trotted out and I was left alone to my thoughts and a grumbling stomach.

49 - Substation One

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God, perhaps you could have killed me? Anything would be better than laying in this bed being bored to tears. It was my third week in the hospital and I was ready to get out.

At this point I was allowed to get up two times a day to walk. Using, of all things, a walker; I mean me, a walker. Really? I guess I can see the point, they are worried I will rip the stitches open, and Twilight did custom make it for me, but still. It seems that car accident is still taking things from me, as they can’t use any magic whatsoever on me because of the metal in my bone.

I looked up from my internal reflection to see a nurse walking in. “Good morning, Miss Tenderhoof.”

She grinned slightly. “I have good news for you, Shane,” she held up the clipboard and made a show of reading it intently to drag the news out. ”So long as you agree to use crutches for the next few weeks and to visit Ponyville hospital four times a week to have the wound checked, Doctor House has agreed to discharge you.”

That perked me right up. I sat up, gritting my teeth to hide the pain. “Well, I guess I can agree to that.”

She gave me a nod. “I’ll be back in a bit with your discharge papers and to help you pack up . I was told Princess Twilight is already on the train, along with your marefriend, to get you,” she giggled.

I exhaled and my smile grew. “Really? I’ve really missed Jackie lately.”

She gave another giggle. “Oh? None of us knew that; you only complain about being away from her every shift.” She rolled her eyes in a good natured way and left the room.


It was with a bit of a surprise that there was no ‘Welcome Home, Shane’ party. There was, however, a big red stallion hooked to a wagon with an old faded green mare and a young filly waiting for me and Jackie to get off the train. The crutches had been made custom for me and I was just getting used to using them, still keeping the weight off my hip as best I could.

I smiled at the group. “Thank you Mac, Granny, Bloom; how are you all?” I asked as I was helped up in the wagon by Jackie and Bloom.

I got a few nuzzles, thankful they knew not to hug me just yet. It was the elder of the Apple family that spoke to me first, after the general greetings. “Well, Sonny, Ah was just happy as a pickle in water ‘til I go and hear somepony shot his fool mouth off an ended up in a whole heap of trouble,” she scolded me in good humor.
I could see the truth; she was upset, yes; but she was happy I was alright, too. Going by the way Mac and AB were looking at me, they were too.

I reached up and took my hat off once I was sitting up in the wagon, leaning back on the wall of it with hay to soften the floor and padding me for the bumps.

“I-“ Granny cut me off with a hoof set on my shoulder.

“Yer alive, you protected us, again. Ah ain’t happy about how these things went down, and ya best believe you’n me’re gunna have us a talk. Fer now, you just rest and know yer with family, Shane.”

About half way back to the farm, Apple Bloom spoke up. “Shane, nopony will tell us what happened,” her ears were laying back. I’d never seen her act meek before and it was cute, in a manipulating way.

I grumbled then glanced to see Granny Smith looking at me. She gave me a nod to tell me it was okay to explain to the young filly. I felt like she was punishing me and I think, right then, I would rather go three rounds with a pissed off Big Mac than have to look that filly in the eye and explain things.

“AB,” she perked up and looked at me, ears up and eyes watching, waiting to hear the story. Jackie was laying next to me, pressed up to my side with her head on my shoulder, but staying quiet.

I looked down into the filly’s eyes. “I was a fool, and I let my mouth start a fight. An argument that escalated to a dual. Do you know what a duel is?”

She nodded her head. “Miss Cheerilee explained it, we were reading a chapter on politics in Equestria.”

I was pleased to not have to describe everything to her, so I continued while keeping my hat in my lap and my eyes low, but glancing at her. I noted that Jackie was pressing a little closer to me and Granny had slid back from the seat up front to put her leg around Applebloom.

“Well, we fought... over my stupid pride. I let my pride and temper get in the way of my good thinking and took the bait.”

She pondered for a bit, then looked at me. “The other pony was he in the hospital too, after the dual?”

I fought the lump in my throat. No I was not all that upset that he was dead. However having to tell a little gal; that had me worked up.

WIth all the quiet and seriousness I could muster. I looked back over at her eyes. “No AppleBloom, he wasn’t.”

She tilted her head. “So he didn’t get hurt at all?”

Once more I almost wish I had ears as expressive as a pony’s. I looked away from her, to the hay I was sitting on. I shook my head very softly and was suddenly caught in a powerful hug. Little off yellow legs wrapped around me best they could and her bow was in my face as she started to sob. I guess she understood more than I gave her credit for, so I brought my arms around her.

Jackie leaned over and added to the hug and Granny followed, pressing to AB as the filly cried into my shoulder. I got why she was upset. Life was precious, and to the ponies of Equestria it was just as much, if not moreso.

I kissed her forehead and whispered softly, “I am sorry, Bloom. I am so sorry all this happened.”

I glanced over the big bow at Granny. She looked up to meet my eyes and nodded. I got it, this was my punishment by her, the worst of all. Not to be yelled at, but something far, far worse. I had to tell her I killed another pony, only over my ego and not out of danger. For that moment I hated that old mare... just bit.


Jackie had surprised me by moving into the barn room with me. I could tell it kind of irked Big Mac, but I suspect Granny Smith had told him to cool it with the big brother schtick.

Granny and I had our talk a few days after I got back. I listened to her, she was upset, really mad at what’d happened, but also at why it happened. I heard it in her tone that she was more upset that I could have been the one that ended up in a grave, not the other pony. It was the way nobles did things so it wasn’t a secret, she made it pretty clear she was not happy about how I was roped into their game.

She listened to me, too; about how, for the last few weeks at the hospital, I had been talking to a mare. Her name was Emerald Glow, a crystal earth pony. She’s the one who Cadence had sent to help me through therapy. Granny seemed to approve of that and told me she expected me to do my best and to remember that I carry the Apple name in everything I do.

The truth of it was the first few days talking to Emerald had been rough for me. I didn’t like opening up about things, so she opened up to me. Talked about the reign of Sombra, how they were treated like cattle then forced into control helmets and shoved into battle like so much fodder, just to soak up damage and die.

Her story gave me some perspective on things and on day three we started to talk for real. Now, though, we were taking a break while she moved to Ponyville for the next few years. Not just to work with me, but to open her own practice here. Something Twilight approved of quite a bit as Ponyville didn’t have a therapist and desperately needed one sometimes.


Today was the opening of the new Canterlot Rangers substation here in Ponyville. Finally I was gonna have a real office and we would have real holding cells. No more basements or improvising for us.

I was still pulling a desk, so Cort had been working with Lightning Dust a lot more. Even Captain Shield was out in the field with his own deputy now. Nice enough mare named Dark Shimmer. Unicorn gal, young and well trained by the guard, however she was far too serious for someone her age in my opinion.

So, here I was; standing in the crowd near the front and listening to Twilight speak about the new Ranger station. Cross was standing beside Celestia and the other princesses behind Twilight as she gave her speech. I was leaning on a cane; that was something I graduated to just yesterday.

Cort had taken up a spot on my left side and I noticed Dust on the roof of the town hall watching. Nothing felt off, but why leave things to chance. Not that we expected anything to happen, but there had been threats after the events at the Gala.

The other five girls were on the stage to the side and I caught AJ’s eye, giving her a smile and getting one in return. She, in turn, got a nudge from Rarity that made her blush.

Then, out of the corner of my eye I caught something. A kind of waver in the air, like when you see the heat rising up off the ground in the distance. It was almost like that old movie with the monster that could cloak itself, Predator. Turning and glancing that way I spotted it again, something in the shape of a pony was standing near the corner of the new station, behind the stage.

Before I could say anything, cort spoke up. “That would be Shimmer, her special magic is ta bend light ‘round herself.”

I glanced down at him then back up to where she was. “That could be quite handy in the field. I see why Cross picked her.”

He gave a nod back. “Ain’t nothing gonna happen to ya, Shane.”

It was my turn to frown as I looked down at him again. “Cort, I don’t need you acting like my caretaker. I am a grown man and I can watch out for myself.”

There it was, in his eyes, a worry I had not seen before from him. “Like ya did at th’ gala?”

Fuck, I did not need Cort second guessing me at every turn. Yes I was touched by his worry, but it had to have a limit.

“Cort, buddy,” placing my hand on his neck lightly as we watched the princess prattle on. “God knows I love you like a brother, but don’t go trying to play mother hen with me ok?”

He snorted then dug his hoof edge into the ground. “Ah told you once, Ah ain’t gonna lose another friend”

Stupid lump in my throat... I paused to swallow it down. “I ain’t going anywhere, Applebrain.”

He just gave a snort and went back to listening. Soon the speeches were over, Crossed had cut the ribbon, and now ponies and such were walking through the new substation as we Rangers showed them around.

The place was nice and set up just for us, rather than adapted to what we needed. They had decided to level the old building here and build fresh. It was rather surprising how quickly things moved along once they got started.

The building was just one story with a large basement. When you walked in, you were greeted at a long hardwood desk, pony height. Behind it was what I had explained when designing it all, the bullpen. We had room for eight desks and a receptionist.

Around the bullpen was six doors; three of them were all tempered glass and had name plates on them. The one dead center was my office, the one to the right was Cort’s -that he would eventually share with another duty sergeant- if we grew that big. Inside his office was another door, one of solid metal, a safe door in fact. Behind it was a concrete vault, reinforced with steel plate. This served as both our evidence locker and the armory. It wasn’t that big but it would serve our needs.

The last glass doored office to the right of his was Golden’s office, set up for communication. It even had a telegram station in it. This way she didn’t need to run down to the train station to send a message; she could just jump right onto the dedicated line to Canterlot.

Of the remaining doors, one was a break room that held a small cot for ponies to catch a nap. That idea came from Rainbow Dash as things were being designed. There had been jokes made about that before she pointed out that a room that some of the messenger ponies who might be tired and worn out could rest in. What better place to get a little food and catch a nap before having to fly out again?

In retrospect it was a sound idea, enough of one that Cross had decided Canterlot headquarters would sacrifice one of its rooms as a rest station too.

The door near the last door was a interrogation room, set up that there was a one way window from my office looking into that room with a shield that could close it off so I wasn’t distracted. The inside of the room was a bolted down metal table, four chairs, two with cuffs, and that was basically it.

The last hardwood door was to a set of stairs. Closed, the door hid a sliding iron metal cell type door. Down the stairs at the bottom was another slide type bar door and it became apparent as to why.

Five walled cells were set up with an open center, all controlled by pull rods so no one had to walk in to unlock or lock a cell door. The walls were all steel reinforced brick and concrete with a very cool little invention added in.

Celestia had introduced our architect to a pony named Bright Tube. His little invention used a polished metal tube with a clear crystal at each end to let in sunlight. It meant that even in winter the cells would be warm, bright, and secure.

Speaking of the cells, each were done quite like cells I had seen before. The beds bolted to the wall were big enough for even me to lay down on. Each had a typical equestrian squat style toilet, a sink of metal, bright warm colored sheets and blankets on the beds, and a few small murals painted on the wall by local kids. Lastly, there was a shelf in each that held a few books, a tea cup, and a small enchanted water cup that heated up its contents when you wanted it to.

It was all very like the jails and cells back home, but this was pony land so I had expected something to be surprising, not so familiar.

I was glad when the day finally wrapped up and I was able to get off my feet. My hip was killing me so I had taken to relaxing in my new office. I had my legs up on the rather ornate wood desk, with my eyes closed and my hat pulled down over my eyes. I knew it was late, I should be getting home soon, but I needed to let my muscles relax.

I had sent the others home; of course Cort had bitched about that. I had been unfair and told Golden that Cort looked tired and needed a nap. Yea, I know, I know; bad game. But, it worked.

I heard the door to my office start to open and I glanced out from under my hat to see my orange mare with yellow mane and the greenest eyes you have ever seen standing in the doorway with a smile.

“Pardon me ma’am, we don’t allow civilians behind the front counter. Can I help you?”

Her smile made me pause and my breath catch. You know, few people are ever lucky enough to find love that does that to them in their lifetime. And here I was, not only had I had it once and had it yanked from me, but I found it a second time!

“Ah figure ya would be hurt’n, so I brought the wagon.”

I thought about arguing with her, but the look she gave me just told me not to bother. “Cort?”

She gave a nod. “Yep”

I slid my feet off the desk and fixed my hat while I took the Winchester off the wall. “I figured he would get me back. Fair enough, but if I get too heavy…”

She snorted. “Shane, you just hush up and save your strength,” she smirked. “Cause come next week when the doc says you can fool around again, yer mine,” the look she gave me was devious enough to get my mind racing. “Ah’ve been a good filly and Ah’m tired of not being able ta show mah special somepony how Ah feel.”

I cleared my throat and muttered as she grinned, “Well… yippy ki yi yay,” with a smile that matched hers. Truth was, I was about as keyed up as she looked. I really was like a damn kid again around her, with teenage urges.

50 - Back on duty

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As I opened the door to the station, I was greeted by a dark pink unicorn mare with a deep purple mane sitting at the front desk.

“Good morning, Ranger McDonald,” she said cheerfully.

I blinked as I shuffled in, leaning on my cane and closing the door behind me. “Amethyst Star? What are you doing here?” I asked with a little surprise. I knew her; she was the adopted daughter of Derpy, and sister to Dinky.

“Oh. Well, Golden put an ad out yesterday for somepony with organisation skills to run the front desk and act as a receptionist. So, here I am.”

She had the right attitude, the smile, the warm tone: I knew of her from reports I had seen, and stories told around the campfire, that she had fought to keep Dinky safe during the changeling invasion of Canterlot.

I wouldn’t need to worry about her if anything happened here. “Oh, well, good morning then, and please, just call me Shane, Miss Star.”

She gave a nod. “Fresh coffee in the break room, if Deputy Bolt didn’t beat you to it.” Oh, I knew I was going to like this one after not even a minute. She knew what was important.

“Thank you, Miss Star,” I nodded to her, limping around the counter and through the bullpen for the door to the break room.

Just as I reached the door, Lightning opened it up and smirked. “Hip still not feeling better, Sir?” she queried and offered out a mug of coffee to me.

Taking it in hand, I leaned on the cane some and took a sip, glancing down to the pegasus mare. “Slowly getting better, day by day.”

She walked past me. “Yeah, sure, and from what I hear the reason you were out yesterday isn’t helping,” she laughed, but before I could retort she continued seriously, “I have a flight patrol out along the edge of Ghastly Gorge. We got a report of some diamond dogs digging around. Going to make sure they’re on the up and up.”

I grunted. Did the whole station know why I was out yesterday? AJ had kind of made sure to keep me home, it was the first day we could be physical since the night of the Gala. True to her word, she made up for lost time, and no, I ain’t complaining one bit. A bit sore, yes. A bit worn out, that too. But complaining? Nope.

“All right,” I nodded in acknowledgement. “Don’t confront them if you see them, just observe for now. Grab Cort or me if you think something funny is going on.”

Lightning sat down at her desk in the bullpen and looked back at me. “Sure thing, Shane,” as she set about doing her morning routine of paperwork and checking warrant sheets. I limped my way over to my office and unlocked it, walking in and making note of the pile of papers in the center of my desk along with twenty or so folders.

I heard Amethyst call from the front, “I put the reports from Canterlot command on your desk, Ranger. There’s also a stack of papers you have to sign for my employment. Then Golden said you have to fill out all the blue-colored sheets for the city. Something about tax disbursement?”

I muttered under my breath as I sat down and leaned my cane against the desk. “‘Become a Lieutenant’, they said, ‘it will be fun’, they said… bullshit.”

Right at that moment I heard a squeak. My head snapped up to see Fluttershy standing in my door, her face was turning bright pink and her wings flared forward to cover her mouth. It was only then I heard, “Oh, and Miss Shy is here to see you, Ranger.”

What a wonderful start to the day.


So, Fluttershy; once she got over admonishing me for my language with a look that chilled my blood for a heartbeat, filled me in on things going on. Seems she had decided to open up a sanctuary out on the south end of town, not far from her home. She wanted to let me know that we would be seeing a lot of things going on, and a lot of items being brought in by train. I let her know if there were any problems to please come get one of us, or one of the guards in town.

Speaking of, a new Equestrian Guard station was being built, conveniently, right next door. Kind of made sense as now Town Hall, the Ranger substation, and Royal Guard station would all be in the same vicinity. Add that to the fire station down the block and it makes for a nice neat way to get emergency services, and for us all to help out faster.

I had managed to get through all of the paperwork and currently had the old Peacemaker torn down for cleaning. I was just wiping down the cylinder when I heard the bell on the door ring. Looking up and out the door to my office, I noted a blond maned orange pony walk in and grinned. She had a bag held by the handles in her mouth and sat it at the counter.

“Well, good afternoon, Miss Applejack, how are you today?” greeted Amethyst with a warm smile.

“Why, just doing as well as Ah can be on this beautiful day, Amethyst. So yer working here now? Good thing, somepony has to keep this group of troublemakers in check,” she remarked with a smirk on her muzzle as she looked for me.

I got up from my desk, grabbing the cane, and heading out just as the unicorn behind the counter laughed. “I will do my best, Applejack, but I have my work cut out for me as it is, I think.”

Both mares laughed as I walked up. “Jackie, what has you out at this side of town?” I asked as I leaned down best I could and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

Ignoring the titter from Amethyst, Jackie blushed and brought her freckles to life while she smiled. “Granny figured ya left without lunch, so she whipped somethin’ up and told me ta bring it down to ya.”

I set my hand on her back and smiled. “Thank you, and thank her for me when ya get back, okay?”

She gave a nod and tilted her hat back with her hoof. “Ah’ve gotta get back to the market so,” she gestured with a hoof and I bent down again, getting a kiss on the lips from the mare. She whispered something that made me blush just before she turned and trotted out with a sway in her hips.

Picking up the bag I heard Amethyst sigh with a smile. “I hope I have that one day.”

I glanced at her with a smile. “I know you will, Miss Star, some stallion would have to be a idiot to miss that smile of yours,” I offered while limping back for my office.


Three days of quiet in a row and I knew that wouldn’t last. I looked up right as the door of the station slammed open and someone, rather somepony, trotted in. All I could see from my desk was the top of a small head and forehooves as they jumped up on the edge of the front counter.

“Somepony help! Oh, please help, help!” I knew that voice; it belonged to Lily.

Getting up fast as I could, I grabbed my cane. I heard Amethyst gallop from the break room, seeing her dash around the desks in the bullpen to the front. “Lily? What is it dear? Calm down, tell me what is going on.”

I was midway across the room when the little filly’s words hit me. “S-s-somepony is trying to take Diamond Tiara! I ran as fast as I could, please hurry!”

I snarled and spun back, marching into my office and snatching the old coach gun off the wall, checking to make sure it had two rounds in it as I tossed the cane aside and started to hobble as fast as I could for the door out.

“Golden!” I yelled, seeing her door starting to open to see what the commotion was all about.

“Get the Guard moving, find Cort and Dust!” I barked at her. I glanced down seeing Lily in tears and pointing her hoof to the east side of town.

“N-near the lake!” she sobbed, starting to get hysterical.

It was going to take me precious time to get there as hurting as I was, yet I still I ran out the door, pushing myself, ignoring the pain shooting up my side and down my leg as I did.

I came into view of the problem to see outright war. Well, not war, but there was one hell of a fight going down: I saw eight little fillies and colts and five more mares and stallions. I saw a light purple mare laying on the ground and instantly recognized her as Cherelle.

They were only about a hundred feet away, but with my pace it was gonna take me a couple minutes to get there.

Diamond Tiara was using her body to protect her teacher and in front of her, Apple Bloom and Silver Spoon faced off with a pegasus stallion. As I watched, Bloom spun and lashed out with both rear hooves in a buck meant for a tree into his forelegs, I heard his scream, and saw one of his legs bend in a spot it wasn’t built to.

I could see Scootaloo and another pegasus colt, little grey fella... Rumble, that’s his name! They were going hoof to hoof with a pegasus mare and I watched Scootaloo take a hoof to the side and let out a yelp, flying a good four feet to the side and rolling to a stop in the dirt. I put more effort into my motions.

Dinky and Sweetie had their horns lit up and both were sending sparkling bolts at a unicorn mare. The mare dodged to the side and tossed some kind of bolt of her own, making Dinky let out a pained yelp. At this, Sweetie looked like she was in a panic and her horn lit up. A bolt of light shot into the mare’s eyes and she screamed, falling over clutching at her face with her hooves.

By far the biggest concern I saw was Pipsqueak facing off with a large pink mare I knew, and hated, quite well. I was still too far away to do more than shout, and I couldn’t fire into a crowd of children.

Pipsqueak kept lashing out, trying to kick and hit Spoiled Bitch as the mare kept trying to bat Pip out of the way. It was clear she was desperately trying to get to Diamond and time slowed all of a sudden as I saw her hoof connect with the colt, sending him tumbling a good few feet away.

To the little guy’s credit, he came right back up, but even at a distance I saw his eyes. Hate, all that anger and hate he had for her boiled over. Suddenly there was a glint of sunlight off of what seemed to be metal, and I saw he had his knife out in hoof; the one I had given him.

Just I got closer and I yelled, “Pip, no!” but he was furious, blinded by it. I could see the blazes of hell burning in his eyes.

Spoiled seemed to understand she had crossed a line as she was backing up stuttering as she did. “N-n-now y-you p-put that down, young colt!”

Pip just kept walking at her on three legs, knife held in the one fetlock. “Fuck you! I’ll kill you for hurting Diamond!” he screamed at the top of his lungs. The other fights had come to a stop and silence fell, other than the low wailing of the stallion with the broken leg, and the mare clutching her face; they were whining still.

The pegasus mare that had been fighting Scootaloo and Rumble took that moment to shoot into the air. “I’m so out of here!” she yelled as she took off, then got hit by a streak of rainbow and teal and gold at the same time. Sending the mare crashing into the ground with a thud, two pegasi pinning her down. I, however, did not have time for that.

I had to talk Pip down. He had anger in his eyes. I cursed myself internally for not seeing it had gotten worse, not better.

“Pip!” I yelled again. “Stop, don’t do this, son,” the rest of the foals were silent, shocked by the scene unfolding before their eyes.

He didn’t even so much as look at me, he just kept walking to Spoiled, who kept backstepping across the grass slowly, keeping the distance. “No, she is evil! She won’t ever leave Diamond alone! You swore she would pay; you didn’t, so I’ll make her pay!”

Gently lowering the shotgun as I stood my ground, I didn’t dare try to approach, he was far too on the edge. “Not like this, Pip. Don’t do this, don’t become a murderer. This isn’t justice, son, this is revenge.”

No longer yelling, and slowing his pace a little, he seemed a bit hesitant now, but the rage was still there. Off in the distance I could hear more ponies running toward us. I put my hand up to stop them without looking away from the colt. “Come on, buddy, put the knife down. She will pay, just not this way.”

The water works were starting, tears running down his cheeks. I saw Spoiled looking like she was about to turn and run, but I snarled before she could. “Bitch, you try and run and I will gun you down myself!” I suspect it had the desired effect as she flopped onto her rump right where she was.

“B-but she will just keep trying to hurt Diamond!” Pipsqueak wimpered.

The shaky voice of said filly chimed in. “P-pip, don’t. Please, don’t do this. She isn’t worth it. You can be a better pony.”

That did the trick. The colt, tears streaming down his furry cheeks, lowered the knife to the ground and let out a sob as six guards ran up. I glanced at them. “Arrest the pegasus there, the unicorn, and the one Lightning Dust and Rainbow have held down over there.”

The guard captain looked up at me. “What about this one?” gesturing to Spoiled.

I turned to Pip and spoke in a serious tone. “Pip, lift your right hoof.” He did just that. “I hereby under charter of the Canterlot Rangers, temporarily swear in and deputize Pipsqueak. Do you accept this charge, Pip?”

He gave a soft nod. “Y-yes, sir?” he said, sniffling.

I then flicked a glance over at Spoiled who simply sat there in shock. Pip just looked up at me, tears still in his eyes. “Pip,” I looked back down at him, “look at her, and repeat this.”

Pipsqueak nodded a second time, sniffling and did as I directed him to. “Spoiled Milk, you are under arrest for violation of court orders, felony foal endangerment, battery, and attempted foalnapping.” The colt blinked, then in his accent he repeated the words, glaring at the adult mare as he did. I gave a nod and took back control. “Captain, put that one in irons. I want her in solitary, away from the others.”

A purple armored unicorn gave a nod. “We will transfer her to the cell under the castle, Ranger.”

I looked at the colt once more. “Well done, you have done your duty. You are hereby discharged of your oath and are a civilian once more.”

More and more ponies were showing up. As they did, Lightning Dust strolled over and nudged me. I gave an acknowledging nod. “I know, I saw. Let him find it,” I said between us two, watching as the colt walked back over to where a worried Diamond clutched onto Scootaloo who was being checked on by one of the guard.

Lightning opened her mouth, only to be halted by a shake of my head. “Wait for it...”

It was Apple Bloom who suddenly yelled out, “Oh my, Pip, lookit yer cutie mark!”

There, on the colt’s flank; a star of silver, with a horse shoe in the center of it in yellow. We adults watched on as the trauma of the moment was forgotten by the foals. Even as the other ponies were all taken away, the colts and fillies jumped around with exuberant energy, essentially forgetting that they were just in a fight for their lives a mere few minutes ago.

“Guess we know what his destiny is, right, boss?”

I gave a nod, glancing down and picking the knife up from the ground. I looked at my hand and the knife as I gently closed it. “We do, and we have a long road to helping him understand it, Lightning.”

51 - &#!$ this week

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I gave a long exhale as I sat at Berry’s bar, watching the mare set out our signature shot glasses. I glanced over at Dust, Cort, Twilight, and joining us for the first time were Twilight Velvet and Love Tap. I can safely say we all looked the same; tired, worn out, mentally and emotionally drained.

We had just come from dropping off the whole crew of foals with Pinkie, who along with the Cakes, Rarity, Jackie, and Dash, were helping keep their minds off things. After the elation of Pip getting his cutie mark wore off the reality of what had been done and said hit them all. With Tap’s help we had got them all over to see Emerald Glow in an emergency session. They, along with their families and ourselves had snacks, talked to Glow, and tried to help the foals work through things.

Cheerilee was going to be ok, all she had was a good knock to the head and a lump to show for it. I will give this to the teacher mare, she was more concerned with her students than herself and it took Cort and several of the guards to get her to stay put at the hospital.

Scoots was doing good, sprained wing muscles and a nice bruise to brag about. I had noted Rumble did a lot of pacing around her and seemed to puff up when anyone came near her. I think Dash noticed it too and she had pulled me aside and explained a few things about Pegasi and their nature. Seems the little gray colt might have some feelings for the orange filly since he was being very defensive of her.

Dinky had a burned patch of fur on her side, but was doing ok. I had to get in Derpy’s face to get her to calm down. Seems the wall eyed mare wanted retribution, up ‘til she heard what happened to the unicorn thatd done it.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were the bigger concerns; they were taking the fact they had hurt another pony quite hard. AB’s kick had not only broke the stallions leg, but shattered the bone in fourteen places from the elbow all the way up to his withers. That pegasus would never walk right again. Jerk was currently in Ponyville General under heavy guard as the doctors tried to put his leg back together. Poor Apple Bloom just clung to Granny Smith, sobbing when she was told about what she’d done. AB was worried and pushed to find out what her kick had done, anypony, er, anyone can see she regretted it deeply.

Sweetie was a bit worse off, having become almost inconsolable when told what happened to the unicorn mare. When she had flared and fired her bolt in panic, it struck the mare right in the face. The unicorn she had been fighting currently lay in a induced coma to block the pain while she waited her turn in surgery. Her left eye was gone, her horn cracked almost in half, and she didn’t have fur or mane on her head anymore; scarred for life.

It’s those facts; that a friend of her daughter and just a filly herself, almost killed the bad unicorn. That’s calmed Derpy down and sombered her mood. Tap’s little boy, Buttons I think his name is, was sticking rather close to Sweetie. Things like this bring out the feelings in ponies, hell they bring out the feelings in anyone.

It killed me that there was nothing I could do; they had to work through this with their families. No charges were being leveled at the foals because they were defending themselves. However, that is small comfort to a little filly whose whole nature is kindness and genuine empathy for others.

“We’re doing everything we can for them, Shane.”

I glanced over at Twilight, who looked just as worn out as I felt. I gave her a nod and noted everyone had a full shot glass in front of them. I lifted mine up and gestured for them to do the same.

“The job stinks, and we see people-” I paused, “-ponies,” getting a smile from Twilight, “at their worst moments, but we do it to keep every… creature, safe.”

I saw them all nod, and as a group, we downed our shots. Both Velvet and Tap coughed getting the rest of us to chuckle. Turning to face her daughter, Twilight Velvet looked at her. “You didn’t seem to have a problem drinking that,” she commented wryly.

Twilight smirked at her mother and shot me a look with a wink. “You get use to it, Mom.”


I was up early the next morning, mostly because I didn’t sleep too well. Jackie was still over at Sugarcube Corner with AB and the rest, an impromptu sleepover had happened and I know the foals, and their parents slash guardians, were all going back to talk to Glow this morning. Glow and I had canceled our usual appointment; the foals were far worse off than my broken ass was.

I was just about to leave when a knock came at the door to my room in the barn. I blinked in curiosity since no one ever knocked. I limped over, one hand near the grip of the peacemaker hanging on my hip and the other braced against the wall to keep me supported while I glanced out. There stood a very tired, very worn out, and very fidgety Pip. I relaxed, let my hand relax off my gun, exhaled and opened the door. I glancing down. “Pip, what are you doing up so early?”

With that accent of his, coloring every word, he looked up at me with pleading eyes. “Please, Sir, I need ta talk to somepony that isn’t a…” he paused.

I finished up for him “A mare,” I stated in understanding, “I get it,” I said stepping out of the way and gesturing him to enter. “Come on in, I’ll put some coffee on, you want a water?”

He gave a half little smile, “Oh, thank you, Sir, but I’ll have a coffee as well. It’ll help me get a bit more chipper, I’d say,” he said with a little more energy and confidence as he trotted in.

I watched as he climbed up on the sofa. “None of that ‘Sir’ stuff, Pip. You can call me Shane, okay?” I told him more than asked as I put the percolator on top of the stove to heat. “You should be with the others,” I commented as I leaned back on the small sink near the stove.

He wouldn’t look up at me for the moment, but I heard him mutter. “I c-can’t, I can’t let them see me like this, I c-c-can’t let Diamond see me like this.”

I shook my head and walked over, sitting down on the edge of the sofa to look at him. I put my hand on his withers as I spoke to the little guy. “You can’t carry that weight, Pip. I get it, trust me; I get it more than you know… but you can’t carry that on your back or it’ll break you eventually.” I exhaled and looked at the window curtains. “You know, I got some really sound advice from someone who, well, I would have never expected such from.” He looked up at me, tears were welling up but he wasn’t crying. I sat down next to him and tapped his chest. “Don’t let all that hate fester in there Pip; it will burn you up and leave little to nothing of the pony you are for Diamond to love.”

He was quiet for a long time; long enough that I heard the pot finish its cycle and got up, walked over to the pot on the stove and pouring two cups, one of my new ceramic cups and one an earth pony mug made for them to hold with a comically large grip. I offered out the cup of coffee and he took it. Sniffing and making a bit of a face he asked a question I wasn’t expecting. “Do all Rangers drink this?”

I chuckled and gave a nod. “All the ones I know at some time or another, but it is hot, so go slow and sip. It takes getting use to.”

He was again quiet for a time, looking at the surface of the coffee in his cup before he spoke again. “I-I think I...” he was quiet again, then he looked up at me. “Sir Shane, how did you tell Applejack how you felt about her?”

Oh boy, this was a line of questioning I was not ready for. I took a long sip of coffee and then looked back down at him. “It wasn’t easy for me Pip, but,” a thought started to form, an idea and I felt a grin come to my face. “I may have an idea to help you out,” I whispered loudly while leaning in to speak with him…


I signed off on the clipboard and handed back to the armored unicorn stallion in front of me. “There ya go, sergeant, I officially sign over custody of the prisoners to you for transport. Thank you again for coming all this way to get them.”

The golden armored stallion shook his head. “Our pleasure, Ranger, so have they said anything?”

I glanced over where a shackled pink earth pony was being loaded onto a caged chariot with four solar pegasi hitched to it. A quick glance to the side of that told me the one pegasis that had survived the fight intact, was being loaded into another such chariot.

“The pegasus keeps saying over and over, she is sorry and just needed the bits. I suspect she will talk once Ranger Swords gets her alone.”

I snorted, “The bitch ain’t said a word,” many of the guards flattened their ears at my choice words. Yeah, they were more like me; A tougher sort, solders.. However, ponies still had that reaction to harsh or crude words. So be it, I wasn’t going to change the way I talk just to save a few ears.

The lead Stallion gave me a nod, turned to his group and bellowed out, “I want unit one on chariot one, and two on two,” he quieted once he had their attention, “we’ll fly side by side formation.”

“Good luck, Sarge,” I said to the sergeant as he walked for his ride home. Seeing him look back at me again he we shared a nod. “And you, Ranger; nice seeing you again, Sir.”

I shook my head as they took off, watching them fly off into the distance, heading for the castle on the mountain. I did note one odd thing; Spoiled had looked back at me with a blank look, not one of hate like always. She had not looked away once as they flew off.


Over the next week I had seen tons of paperwork, two meetings with the school board to assure them the foals were okay to return to school, and one large meeting with many parents to assure them that the rangers and guard were keeping a eye on things. Ponies seem to appreciate a good panic now and then.

I was glad when it was Friday as I had plans to help Big Mac out on the fence line. Jackie was taking the week off since she was pretty tore up about seeing her little sister as bad off as she was. In fact, two nights ago, AB had come to the barn room crying in the middle of the night, a bad dream. I remember Cassidy doing the same so, after a quick talk, Jackie and I let her sleep between us for the rest of the night.

Applejack had broken down that first night after the sleepover at Sugarcube corner. I had ended up holding her all night long. No fooling around, no frisky stuff; just holding her close and listening to her sleep. I lay there knowing how much she hurt over all this. I couldn’t sleep that night, my mind going over all the things I wished I had the power to change.

I looked up from my thoughts as Golden slammed the door to my office open and rushed in, shoving a telegram at me. “Shane! You need to read this, now.”

I blinked at her, “Ok calm down, lets see what we have here,” I stated as I plucked it from her hoof. I started to read, and as I did I felt the blood rush from my face.

To: Lieutenant Shane McDonald. Stop

Come to Canterlot on the next train. Stop

Riot and breakout in Canterlot prison block A. Stop

My eyes locked on the next line.

Prisoner Milk dead. Stop

Signed. Captain Crossed Swords, 1st Ranger Company. Stop

I was quiet for a few seconds before I dared to speak. “Golden, find Cort; tell him to meet me at the station in ten minutes. Then find Dust, tell her she has the watch. Then go find Twilight, give her this.” rolled the paper up again. “Have her take Jackie and go inform Rich.”

She gave a nod, a calm to her face, but she had a grave look in her eyes. “W-will do, Shane.”

As she spun and ran out I got up and after she had gone, I got my belt on, sliding the peacemaker into place, then I grabbed my hat and my coat before I picked up my cane and headed out.

I glanced at the pink and purple mare at the front desk. “Amethyst, keep a lid on this; no one knows, no gossip, no talk.” I knew she had good ears and I was sure she had heard us talking.

She nodded with a deep look of sorrow on her face. “You have my word, Sir.”

A pony had been killed. Even if it was one as bad as Milk was, it affected them all.

“Soon as Lightning is here, you scoot down to the guard station. Have one or two of them walk patrol, let them know Cort and I are out of town on a emergency, and that Dust is in charge here.”

She gave another nod. “Yes, Sir.”

Yea… fuck this year.


“Ok what happened?” I asked as soon as I was inside the gate to the royal jail with Cort on my heels. Captain Cross had met us there and walked us along a long corridor. He shook his head at me then focused back to where he was walking.

“Still putting things together, but at zero-five-hundred this morning, at the breakfast line, a fight broke out. We know two guards were, not at their post,” I saw him give a dark look at that. “There were too few to break it up. Best as I have got so far, a diamond dog and a gryphon started it. It got out of control, things were being burned, and they shut down the gate system but...” I could see the damage as we walked down the hallways.

I could hear the hoots and voices of the prisoners down in the cell block. “Sounds like they’re still wound up.” We walked to a doorway and he paused.

“Shane, it ain’t pretty in there.” I gave him a nod and her opened it up. I noted it was cold in there, likely unicorn magic keeping it as such, and I saw why.

Strapped to a chair was Spoiled Milk. They had slit her throat, but what made the bile rise and make me gulp it back down was the fact there were large chunks of her missing, as if they were… bitten off. Two gryphons lay dead on the floor, side by side, a few paces away from her.

“Cort, you stay out there,” I told him just before I heard retching from him. A minute passed before I heard him mutter, “T-too late. Luna, preserve me, Shane. They, they ate parts of her,” he said. His body was threatening to throw up again, what little he had left.

I glanced over and then back to another pile of feathers near the back of the room where a large hole was in the wall. It looked to lead down into a tunnel, I noted as I was walking over. I used my boot to move the feathers before I realized I knew these feather patterns; it was the old Gryphon and his son, even a cursory glance told me they had died badly. Seems they were shivved and their throats cut, doesn’t matter in what order.

I looked at the sheets, torn into strips, that were tying their wings down, their beaks were closed and their eyes were open. I frowned at the sight as Cross came up next to me. “Best as I can tell right now, they weren’t part of it. Perhaps they said no, or something else, but their compatriots tied them up and killed them before escaping.”

I was still taking things in, but this did not bode well; not at all. I noted the wall was not broken from the inside out, but the tunnel led into the room. The rubble told me a lot, and it told me this was a jail break.

“Who’s gone?” I asked, standing tall.

Cort spoke, holding up a list he’d been given. “One of the guards gave this to me outside. I’m okay as long as I don’t,” he gagged, “don’t look at the bodies.” I took the list and looked it over, scanning it before I handed it back to Cross.

“Shane, this is every dog and gryphon you brought in.”

I frowned deeper. “Can you work this crime scene? I think it is time I talk to the princesses. Cort, you stay here and work with the guard and put pressure the ones that were not on post when the riot started.”

Swords spoke up. “They are expecting you; already let them know you were on the way.”

I exhaled and turned, but I couldn’t help but look at the bodies, the pools of blood around them, and I took a second too long at the look of frozen terror on Milk’s face. Yes, she was a bitch, but no pony deserved to die like that. Pony, person… damn it, Twilight.

52 - Rats in the house

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I took note of quite a few more guards out as I limped up to the gate, my cane making a dull thud with each step on the flagstone. The fact there were guards all over the streets of Canterlot and quite a few patrols in the air had not escaped my notice. I looked up as one of Princess Celestia’s Solar Elite snapped a salute to me and I gave him an acknowledging nod.

“Ranger McDonald, my Princess is expecting you,” he addressed, gesturing for me to follow him.

I took up a spot walking next to him and glanced down. “Any news?”

He gave a snort and shook his head. “None, sir,” using his magic the unicorn lit up a door and pushed it open. Leading me down a hall I had not been down before. It dawned on me this was going down, slight under the castle rather than on the ground floor. He again opened a door into a anteroom of some sort, weapons lined the walls along with what I took to be very old paintings of ponies at war?

The two guards at another door across the room turned and the door opened as they called out, “Announcing Lieutenant Shane McDonald of the Rangers First Company.”

As I walked in, I took in the room. It was a oddly oval shape, I would say a good twenty yards long, and not quite that wide. The center dominated by a massive map table with troop markers and what I took to be asset markers like chess pieces all over it.

In the room there must have been twenty ponies of various tribes, some moving things on the map, others working at telegraph machines. Others still moving here and there with bundles of papers. Celestia, and a very sleepy looking Luna stood on a raised platform looking down at the map. Both looked up and gestured for me to join them.

Giving a soft bow when I got to the top of the ramp up I came up along the side of them, as bid to do. “Good morning. I wish it was under better circumstances I was here.”

Celestia huffed, nodding in agreement. “This just came in, Shane. How… bad did it look?”

Both the princess of the night and the princess of the day looked to me, and I reached up and took my hat off. “I... am not sure I should say aloud.”

Soft eyes understood but she gave a nod. “All here are sworn and geased to keep their silence, Shane,” Luna spoke quietly.

I didn’t look at them, I looked down at the map and was silent taking a few breaths. “Dog bites, I am sure of it. I was on a call where a lady lost her life to a dog attack. Celestia, they… they took bites out of her.”

I looked up at the two sisters and saw their ears plastered down, both masks lowered and letting the emotions of the moment show. I finished my statement. “I don’t care who she was, no one deserves to die like that.”

Celestia gave a soft not and lifted a paper up in her glow. “You confirm what was already conjecture, my little human,” pausing a moment as I took the paper. “No matter how much I wish you were wrong in your observation of the scene.”

As I glanced over the first responder report, I replied. “Cort should be interrogating the two guards missing from the mess hall now.”

I missed them look at each other then back at me. “Shane,” Luna spoke, but her tone. It made me look up from the paper and at her. “They are missing still, we suspect they are captives.”

I pondered that a moment then frowned. “Or, working with whoever is behind all this.”

Celestia gave a tiny stomp of her hoof. “Shane, you cannot suggest to think one of our guard, let alone two, would be traitors?”

I in turn looked her dead in the eyes. “Two guards go missing, a riot breaks out between two factions both tied to a common factor, me.”

I turned the paper around and tapped it as they both looked. “The diamond dog that started it, happens to pick the gryphon with the missing eye, the very one Zecora took down with a potion.”

I exhaled, “and what is not in here, the two dead gryphons. Were the father and son part of the SAA attack. The ones who talked, who wanted to save each other.”

Celestia’s lips pursed downward more. “So they were killed during the riot.”

Now I looked back right into her eyes. “They were executed, I found their wings tied back, beaks tied shut, both throats slit with what I would guess to be a claw.”

I turned and pointed at the map where the castle was on it. “This was a inside job, Celestia.” cutting her off before she could retort. “You have rats in your house.”

Both princesses were dead silent, but I could almost hear them yelling I was wrong, in side their heads… and yet knowing I may well be right.


The reports came rolling in, about two hours later, during a quick bite to eat and getting myself some coffee. A pegasus came dashing in full tilt, to come to a stop before Celestia. Luna had retired to sleep some, so she could cover the night shift.

I watched the pegasus, her armor was lighter, it didn’t have the enchantments regular solar and lunar guards had. Her mannerism and markings told me she was some kind of advanced scout. Watching Celestia read a scroll, I could not hear what they were talking about as I was nearly across the room from them.

I did watch as I took a sip of coffee, activity start up. Ponies moving faster, running around and transferring information from place to place. The solar goddess looked up to me, and used a hoof to gesture for me to come over.

“Shane, this is Corporal Wind Tracker, she is part of Second Division combat scouts. Corporal, tell Ranger McDonald what you found.”

She turned and looked up at me, then saluted and I shook my head. “No need, Corporal, I am not in your chain of command. Just give me the long and short of it.”

The pegasus fluttered her wings and adjusted her stance before looking back up at me. “We found one of the missing guards sir. Tied up,” now her ears sunk. “Dead.” I frowned some but she continued. “It looked that Private Lance was… executed, sir.”

I looked up at Celestia who spoke for me. “Thank you, that will be all, Corporal. Return to your unit.” She bowed then left before the white alicorn looked to me. “I hate that you may be right, Shane, I hate that your whole conspiracy theory may be right.”

This made me blink and look right at her. “What are you talking about?”

She exhaled and looked back down at the map, but spoke in a very subdued tone. “Private Gleaming Lance, the Lance family is a protectorate of house Trident.”

I chewed on that then asked, “and the other missing guard?”

She would not look over at me. “His cousin.”

I fucking hate coincidences, and I think like Twilight learned, Celestia was coming to hate them, too.


It was just after sundown when I retired to the room I was given. The very same room I had used many times before. I found myself out on the balcony looking out at the city, and off in the distance, Ponyville. I fancied I could see the farm house from here, I wondered what Jackie was doing.

Oh, Shawna, I loved you so much but, I love Jackie now. I hope you don’t hate me for that. You really would have liked her, she is so much like you in so many ways. Better than I am in all the ways you were.

A noise brought my out of my thoughts as somepony landed next to me. Turning my head I looked at Celestia who stared back at me. I kind of felt bad for she looked tired and worn down.
“I hope that I am not bothering you, Shane.”

I shook my head. “No, of course not,” I paused then looked at her. “You alright?” I saw her eyes warm at the concern in my tone.

She shook her head, too. “Do you know how many times in the last thousand plus years I have had to deal with,” she took turn to pause and glanced out at the city, “as you so eloquently put it, rats in our house.”

I let her continue, sounded like she needed it. Once more somewhere in the back of my head I was kind of gobsmacked a veritable goddess was showing me such trust and friendship as to drop the walls she showed others.

“There was a new development after you left. They searched the guard quarters, drugs were found,” her frown grew. “I know you wrote of drug problems and laws in your world. We are fortunate that there are only a few such things. However the worst of them, is a drug called Rutt.”

I saw her shudder, I turned and looked at her. Daring I reached out and put my hand on her neck lightly and she smiled, giving my arm a friendly nuzzle. “Dare I ask what Rutt is, and what it does?”

She again shook her head. “It has only come up in the last century or so, nothing about it is natural. Oh, sure, we have what you call… uh, weed? I think that is what you wrote. It is harmless to our kind, like drinking tea, relaxing. Of course there are cocoa leaves, chewed by many of the Burros in Mexicolt. Rutt, however…”

Celestia stared at me neutrally. “As best we understand it, it hyper activates the gland all ponies have, that produces our magic. This in turn causes euphoria, hyper sexuality, aggressive behavior.”

I found myself frowning more and more.

“It is highly addictive, and in chronic users, deadly to quit. There is no detox for long term users, they in effect, die of magic starvation because their thermagic gland can no longer produce it.”

I gave a little groan and looked out at the city with her. “And this was found in the missing guards’ personal effects? How much?”

The alicorn of the sun looked over to me again. “Quite a bit, packaged for sale, a value somewhere around a thousand bits worth.” Looking away at her city once more. “The guards are all being tested now, but I have my doubts it was sold to any of them. It’s effects on day to day performance would have been noted quite quickly.”

I rolled all this new information over in my head as we both stood there, quiet. Perhaps five minutes passed before she asked “You have come such a long way in such a short time Shane. While I wish with all my heart I could have sent you home, I will not lie, I am glad you are here, and glad you have started the healing process.”

I glanced over to her and gave a nod and turned again to looking out at the view. “I got a long way to go still, but, for what it is worth, Celestia, thank you, for giving me a home, and for giving me a chance.”

She touched me with her wing as we quietly just stood and pondered life. I guess, I am quite lucky to have a friend like her.


I made it back to Ponyville the next day, I brought as many of the reports with me, so Cort and Lightning could catch up on what was going on. I headed back to the farm, as it was just after five, hoping perhaps to catch dinner with the family…

I paused in my thought, family, did I already think of them like that? Just over a year now, and the Apples had stuck by my side from the start. They had not turned me out when I faltered, and I had ended up in love with one of them. I guess, yes, they were family even if AJ and I were not married.

I did smile, I had a plan there, but not yet, still felt too soon. I had gathered by pony ways they moved fast, but that wasn’t my thing. Still I had a plan, that is all that matters right now.

Jackie was just opening the windows to let our room air out for the night when I got home. She had saved me some dinner, so I ate while she and I talked. I did not give her details, she didn’t need that in her head.

“Oh, I plum forgot ta’ tell ya. Rarity asked me ta’ help judge some fancy dress thing she is having next weekend. Ah will not be around most of Saturday or Sunday.”

I smiled, we were currently sitting on the sofa, both reading, and kind of half cuddling. She was using me as something to lean back on, and I had one arm around her. I smirked some. “Fashion show? You, as a judge? Really?”

She slugged my leg very lightly with a hoof. “None of your sass, ah ain’t a total rube, ah know I can do this just fine.”

Giving a soft chuckle and hugged her to me a bit tighter. “As long as you have fun love,” kissing the back of her head.

The orange mare put her book down and turned, rolling in my arms so she was sitting up, her forelegs around my neck as she looked into my eyes. “Ah ever tell you about the time ah tamed this here wild monkey creature and done made him mine?”

I set my copy of the paper down and looked back into her eyes with a smile. “Nope, doesn’t sound familiar at all, perhaps you need to tell me it.”

She got a sparkle in her eyes and leaned in, just before her lips touched mine she whispered. “How about ah show you how ah did it?”

I found myself once more melting into a kiss with a beautiful orange pony, screw what people in my world would have thought of me for it.

53 - More to think on

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Two weeks and nothing. No hint or leads on the escaped convicts. Every clue about what might be going on had dried up. I hate waiting, and I hate not knowing what’s going on.

Celestia had made sure every bit of detail the scouts found was relayed to Ranger Command. In turn, Captain Crossed had been making darn sure Cort and I were in the loop. The moment any credible sighting was had, we were ready to get under way and try to apprehend the fugitives.

Meanwhile, Jackie’s little venture as a judge went from bad to worse, then a bit better. She and Rarity told me the whole story. Later, Jackie had kind of been upset, mostly at herself for her actions. I reminded her no one is perfect and just take this as a new lesson in friendship and life. I sure as hell wasn’t going to tell her ‘I told you so’ because, I happen to like sleeping in the bed with her, not on the sofa, alone.

This morning I had to go check on how Diamond and Rich were doing. Needless to say that despite how her mother was to her, the pink filly had taken her mother's death hard. Rich had gotten drunk after he was told the details, I stuck around to make sure he was okay.

We had bonded a bit, I really liked the stallion and I felt bad for him. Hell, I felt bad for Spoiled. I had given the filly and her dad my word that I would bring the murderer to justice, an oath I aimed to keep.

Pip had stuck by Diamond, as we adults kind if knew he would. It was a public secret the two of them were dating, as kids will; nothing heavy. I was glad to see the boy sticking strong to his beliefs and his friends.

Speaking of, he was currently outside my office, pushing a broom along the floor of the bullpen under the watchful eye of Amethyst from her desk. It was the colt’s first day as a runner, slash, gofer. After a talk with his case worker, the princesses and the rest of the Rangers; we’d all agreed to get him started early learning a trade. His cutie mark said it all, didn’t it; he was destined to be a Canterlot Ranger when he grew up.

Jackie had talked to me last night about something bugging her. She wasn’t sure how she felt about the fact Big Mac had caught Applebloom and Silver Spoon kissing. Nothing bad, they hope; just a young couple trying a practice kiss, from what I hear. Now, Jackie didn’t seem upset, just more trying to feel out her emotions on the subject. In the end, she agreed it was best to let them learn and if they were right, then things would work out, and if not it was harmless experimenting.

I gathered from our talks that both AB and Sweetie Bell were both seeing the town councilor every other day; trying to work past what they had done during the attack on them. Hard to believe that was less than a month ago. Both perps were in custody up in Canterlot, but under heavy guard. Something was going on there, I just have no clue what.

All three of them we’d arrested had sung the same story; Spoiled had hired them to get her daughter out of ponyville. She had gone on and on about how the influences there were corrupting her potential and turning her into a common mud pony peasant.

We Rangers had grilled them for days and the stories never changed. While they weren’t identical, enough detail was in each to tell me they weren’t total lies. Best we could figure, Spoiled had done this behind the back of whoever was keeping her housed and fed. I had to suspect House Dark, but why? Why were they protecting her up until this event, even after the night of the Gala? Just more questions with dead ends for answers, all because the one pony who knew is six feet under the grass.

I was about to get up and go make my rounds when a knock at my office door got my attention. Golden poked her nose in and then stuck her hoof in, holding a stack of folders. “Reports came in, LT, looks like the autopsy reports on Milk and Private Lance.

She nudged the door open and trotted over, so I gestured for her to dump the files on the mess I call a desk. She set them down and I smiled, “So, second thoughts yet?”

She gave a huff and shook her head. See, in two weeks from tomorrow, in fact; she and Cort’ll be getting hitched. I had been asked to be Cort’s best man, stallion... whatever!

Golden had asked Lightning Dust to be her Mare of Honor. “He drives me up the wall, but I wouldn’t have him any other way,” her smirk lit up her face, “so, when are you going to get off those skinny haunches of yours and make Jackie an honest mare?”

I scoffed and shook my head, “First off, it’s a butt, or ass. Second, when the time is right, and third; quit being a nosey nag,” I grinned at her.

She snorted and reared back onto her rear hooves, then she hooked her right leg at the pastern over her left one at the elbow. It was as close as a pony could get to flipping someone off. Yea, Golden had picked it up from Cort, who had started to do it to me when I flipped him off. Of course, we kept it from Ol’ Nerdacorn, because she would flip her lid over it.

I laughed at the mare and gestured to the door, “Get out of my office,” I said in a good natured tone as I picked up the folders to give them a look.

I sat there just looking down at the folders on my desk, closed now. I didn’t want to look at the pictures anymore; I didn’t want to read the words in there.

Spoiled had been injected with the drug known as Rutt, they found the puncture wound near the base of her neck, right into her spine. As I gather; it would have taken hold of her almost instantly, preventing her from denying… from being raped by at least five, if not more, convicts.

The autopsy report showed she had been alive up until her throat was cut, and the bite marks across her body were almost all post mortem. The coroner ponies and guard corpspony that had worked in tandem had found results that some of the males involved had large quantities of Rutt in them.

My eyes flicked over to the Private’s report. It had read quite the same; rape, a lot of damage back there, large quantities of Rutt in his system... the corner had declared his death to be murder by lethal injection of a controlled substance. Whoever had dosed the stallion had done so with enough of the drug to stop his heart; had his throat not been ripped out, then he would have died of a drug overdose with the hour after he was injected, alive and painfully aroused through most of it.

What in God’s name was going on? What kind of monsters would use such a drug in the first place? Madness, absolute madness! And now I had this to add to the pile of unanswered questions. Why had they killed Spoiled? Why had they killed the Private? Where was his cousin, were they in cahoots?

I had a whole bucket of new questions and not a single answer to go with them. I looked up at my board again and shook my head. Someone up there was covering tracks, a lot of tracks, and they were leaving nothing to chance. Oh, I had my suspect; at the top of the list was that pompous ass of a unicorn, or someone very close to him. However, even with a mountain of evidence gesturing his direction, I had not even one bit of substantial proof.

Even with my temper, I knew better than to throw an accusation around without some kind of proof. Hell, for all I know right now, he could be as stupid as he comes off as. Oh, I have my doubts on that; I think he was playing the fool, wearing it like a mask, but I had nothing to prove that theory.

I picked up the folders and walked over to the small safe they had installed in my wall. Opening it, I slid them in and locked it. I didn’t want someone like Golden or Cort to see the kind of pictures and reports I had just viewed. Better to keep the nightmares to myself than to spread them around. Just as I spun the lock a knock came at the door and it opened.

Cort leaned in and looked at me, then lowered his ears, “That bad?”

I could tell Golden told him the reports came in. I gave a nod of my head, “You don’t want to read them Cort, trust me, alright?”

He nodded and came in, using his hind leg to shut the door. “Ya ok, buddy?” Not LT, not Shane; Buddy. I knew this was Cortland Apple, my friend talking, not my partner.

I shook my head, “I ain’t, not at all. I just don’t even know where to start,” I said as I sat down in my chair, he walked over and sat down next to me on the floor, kind of close to head height with me in the chair.

“Ya need to get away from it fer a bit? How about Ah go talk to Rich ‘n you go home and see Jackie?”

I glanced at him then exhaled, “Yeah, I could use a few hours away from,” I gestured to the safe.

His hoof came up and touched my arm, he looked right into my eyes, “Job sucks, don’t let it drag ya down, buddy. Ah got yer back through thick and thin.”

I gave him a nod and grunted my understanding while lifting my fist, he touched his hoof to it. “Same, Cort.”

That was about as close as guys like us could come to saying we loved each other, that we were brothers. Sometimes, being a guy isn’t as easy as folks think it was.


The next three weeks were kind of a wild ride between the official opening of Fluttershy’s sanctuary and last week. Spike had two folks visit, and I got to meet them both once all the stupidity boiled over.

Meeting King Thorax was pretty cool really. He and I had talked quite a bit, he’s a really nice bug… stallion? Whatever you call his kind. He’s very soft spoken, but I could see the confidence building in him, almost like a more technicolor version of Fluttershy, when you got down to it.

He had tons of questions for me in return, so we ended up spending the whole next day talking over a meal and some tea. Of course, Purple Book Pony was there, writing every word down. I even saw the changeling roll his eyes a few times, but it was all in good fun.

I had asked for, and gained permission to patrol the border along his land and ours. He had hinted at wanting to see the rangers patrol the Badlands, but I explained that was way above my pay grade, and we were understaffed for such a task. In turn, I had expressed a desire to meet a few other changelings. Who knows, perhaps some of them would want to learn more about law enforcement.

That was one of the guests.

Ember had been a bit of a surprise, too. While gruff and very blunt, she turned out to be a very open minded dragon and we fast agreed the border between the dragon lands and Equestria should be patrolled. Like King Thorax, she had expressed a desire to allow the Rangers past their borders, in the line of duty. I let her know that was something she and Celestia needed to hammer out, though.

Right now, however, I was off and all alone. After meeting with dignitaries and dealing with my anger at not being able to find the escapees, I had taken a bit of a mental holiday. Jackie was taking the girls camping and Big Mac was going to Our Town to see his girlfriend, marefriend?

Cort and Golden were out on a date, so that left me alone.

Right now, I was sitting on a log on a hill outside of town, just looking out across the Whitetail woods and some of the rolling hills beyond. I had a campfire burning low; it was a warm night, summer was coming soon. For once, I was not drinking to excess, just enough to enjoy and let me ponder all the things I had to ponder.

I feel a presence next to me, but it wasn’t a threat, so I didn’t need to spin and look. Rather, I just held out the small bottle of Apple Whisky with my hand. I don’t know why I was not surprised, nor upset, I just kind of felt there was no threat deep in my gut. The creature took the bottle and finally spoke up.

“I see now, why you come up here to sit and think. While it is not my prefered way, I can see the allure.”

I glanced over at the amalgamation of many creatures sitting next to me. He was dressed in, well that made me blink, because he looks like Marty McFly, right out of Back to the Future. I shook my head and chuckled, looking back to the fire.

“Only the second time you’ve come to speak to me, I was wondering if I had offended you in some way.”

I heard him snort, then pause before speaking, “Offend no, I am, after all, Discord! However, you are... how to put this, hard to be around. Think of you and I like Magnets, you can’t just mash the poles together.”

I pondered that and glanced over, and up, at the taller male. He uncorked the bottle and took a sip. A part of me was expecting some kind of theatrics, but he just exhaled and stuffed the cork back in, offering it to me with his lion paw. I took it from him and set it on the grass along the log.

“So, what brings you up here?”

He was silent for a time, then spoke in a more serious tone than his usual. “I wanted to say something that I don’t wish others to hear me say to you,” he paused to look around, “you listened to me, you took my advice, why?! Others don’t listen to me…”

Discord being deep and philosophical, now that was something I had not expected. I gave a bit of a push on the edge of my hat to nudge it up and clear my view. Reaching down and picking up the bottle, I uncorked it, not minding a bit that a dragonish creature had his lips on it before. I took a good tug on it and recorked it before answering him.

“Honest truth? Because you were right, because a lot of people were right. I guess your words just sank in a bit deeper because they were not asked for, just given as a matter of fact. You didn’t try to judge me or push your thoughts on me. You gave me something to chew on, and left me alone to it.”

He hummed and taped his chin with his clawed hand as he looked into the fire. “Thank you for being honest with me and up front. You know, you remind me of someone quite a bit; my brother, Law. He and you would get along quite well in fact.” He didn’t continue and I didn’t feel the need to dig, so we both just sat there, quietly.

It was him that spoke next, “For what it is worth hu… Shane,” holy crap, he called me by my name and not human or semi-evolved monkey, “you seem to be a good thing for the ponies.”

Well, having the God of Chaos telling me his feelings; this is both a cool and really weird moment for me. He, of course, had to ruin it; but that’s him. I glanced over to find he had changed outfits, now in one that looked a lot like Doc Brown’s outfit from the same movie series.

“Now, I must go, back... to the future!” And with that, he’s gone, leaving twin streaks of fire into the sky. ‘Why me?’


“Say what, again?”

Jackie, who was currently laying in my arms in bed, laughed softly. She just got home an hour ago from the camping trip and was telling me all about it.

“Fly-ders, a hole swarm ‘f’m, dun ruined the camp and everything, we still managed to have us a good time campin’ in a cave.”

I felt myself shudder, “Remind me to figure out how to create bug spray here.”

She blinked at me, “What?”

I shook my head, “Nothing, just one of the inventions that would really not go over well here.” I chuckled and rolled so I was facing her, chest to chest. Jackie continued to tell me all about the trip that she, Dash and Rarity had taken the crusaders on. As she did, she brushed her hoof on my chest, sneaking kisses on my lips when she could.

I reached over as her story ended to shut the light next to the bed off, and in the dark pulled my girl close. She whispered to me, “Ah missed feeling you sleeping next ta me.”

I gave her a kiss on the neck, “I missed you too Jackie.”

It’s her turn to smirk, I can see it in the moonlight streaming in from the window as she looked at me. “Ah can feel that.” as she shifted one of her legs so it brushed other bits of me. I coughed and she tugged me down into a kiss; a deep kiss that led to quite the night.

54 - Knots and Birds

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I shook my head as I leaned on the wall, watching the unicorn stallion across the room fidget and fuss with the tie around his neck. Walking over, I gave a shove to his hoof and reached out to adjust it. “Quit messing with it, Cort, you look fine, man.”

He glanced up at me and gave a frustrated nicker. “Ain’t yer scrawny plot getting married in a few minutes, Shane, it’s mine!”

I could see he was stressing out and I needed to calm him some. Squatting down, resting my butt on my heels, balancing on the toes of my boots, I looked him dead in the eyes.

“Cort, Golden loves you; not how you look, not what you can give her. Hell if I know why she puts up with your neurotic ass, but, she does. Now, you are goin’ to go out there, stand with me at your side, and watch one of the nicest mares there is walk down the aisle. You are going to say yes, then you are going to kiss her, and that is that. “

He took a deep, shuddering breath and exhaled slow and long. Opening his eyes again, he gave me a nod. “Thank ya, Shane, ah know… ah know it ain’t our way to get mushy and stuff, but,” he paused, “Ah wouldn't be here without ya, and I sure as hell wouldn't be marrying Golden without ya. On ma honor, Shane, ah will always be at your side.”

I choked down the lump in my throat and gave him a nod “I know Cort, and you know I feel the same. I know it ain’t easy to be my friend, but you are, and I thank god for it every day.”

He chuckled and looked in the mirror again. “Don’t let one of them crazy Celestial Rise folks hear ya say that. Might try to burn yer scrawny plot for being ah heretic.”


I stood up on the short stage, in position at Cort’s left side as we looked out at the room. Must have been half of the population of Ponyville here, and nearly a quarter of the Canterlot Guard. Yeah, that was a bit of a exaggeration, but it felt like it.

Celestia sat next to Luna up front, surrounded by ten or so of the day guard and I knew every one of them. Up along the rafters and in the mezenne I took note of ten or so Lunar guards. Once again all ones I knew and had met because of Cort or Golden.

Standing up with us, the dorkicon herself beamed with a bright smile that lit up the room, her friends all sitting up along the ‘bride's’ side of the aisle across from the guard and princesses. The only one missing was Applejack.

Jackie stood up across from us; Golden had asked her to be her mare of honor, currently dressed in a very pretty green dress that set off her eyes perfectly. I glanced over at her and received a smile from her in return.

We both looked back as the doors at the end of the town hall opened, and looked on at the mare standing there in a wedding dress. At her side stood Captain Crossed Swords; she had asked him to give her away as he was the closest she had to family and a father.

Her Flax like mane was done in a braid down the back of her neck, but left floofed and up along her left ear. It was clear that, even with the dress, the soft tan mare had gone all out. Her hooves the blackest black, her tail in a braided with two ribbons weaved into it each the color of one of the princesses.

I glanced at Cort and took note he was just awestruck. His jaw half open, his eyes locked on her. I reached out to my soft red friend’s jaw and closed his muzzle with two fingers, giving a little whisper out loud as I did. “Relax,” I muttered.

I did catch Celestia and Luna’s smirk as I turned my head again to watch Golden come down the aisle, and up the two steps to stand on the dias. Cross walked up and looked Cortland dead in the eyes, and spoke in a soft voice. “She ain’t my daughter, but you treat her like she was.”

Cort gave a nervous nod of his head. “With my last breath.”

The two gave each other a single nod, before the captain retreated back to the groom side of the room where Dusty sat with their two foals, sitting down with them.

Turning, we fixed on Twilight who spread her wings out, head up. I again marveled at just how princessy she displayed herself now compared to the nerdy dork she had been.

“We are all gathered here today, because two lonely souls have found a bond. A bond of friendship, that crossed into a bond of love. All here have come to see Ranger Cortland Apple, and Golden Shield bind that love before the eyes of their princesses, their friends, and the powers that be.”

She again smiled bright and warm, gazing around the room. “Before we continue, dare anypony stand and object to this union?”

Honestly, the look on AJ’s face was almost daring anypony to speak up, would have scared a timberwolf into submission. None spoke, not a cough or a noise.

Twilight again cleared her throat and the four of us looked to her once more. “Very well. The couple has expressed they wish to bond in the tradition of the Solar Guard.”

As she spoke, Jackie and I stepped over and pulled a spear from behind a small barrier up on the stage. Returning to the two, I handed mine off to Cort, and Applejack gave hers to Golden.

Each spear was wrapped in ribbons the colors of the princesses, the tips bright chrome polished to a mirror shine. A tassel hung from the shaft of each in the respective color of the unit they once belonged to.

I watched them both smile, and lean the spears together so the two polished points crossed just where the metal joined the wood shaft. Twilight’s magic then lit up her horn, and the tassels slowly wound around the other spear, tying them together in a cross as a symbol of unity.

“Cortland Apple, do you take this mare, in peace and war, in the worst of times and the best of times, do you promise to love her, and dedicate your life to her?”

I found myself looking up and over at Jackie, who was looking at me. I suspect the glint in her eyes mirrored mine as we stayed like that, looking at each other not the couple. My heart pumped hard, and I knew, I knew what soon needed to be done.

“Ah do, from this moment on, even after Thanatos escorts us across the barrier an’ into the Elysium, ah will love her,” he responded through a shaky breath.

Twilight gave a nod and turned looking at Golden now. “Golden Shield, do you take this stallion, in peace and war, In the worst of times and best of times; to walk at his side, to carry him when he falters, and lean on him when you slip?”

She gave a nod of her head, tears welling up in her eyes. “I do, with all I am, my honor and duty, I give my love, my heart, to him.”

Twilight again gave a nod with a smile. Both Jackie and I turned in time to see the knot made from the tassels light up in purple magic. The glow bright, as the knot bonded and tightened, and became one. Every fiber entwined together, never to be undone save cutting it apart.

“The bond is sealed, the oaths are given.” Twilight spread her wings wide. “Let nopony try to break the bond created here today in the presence of friends, family, and friendship.”

Once more, the Princess of Friendship with her wings spread, used them to nudge the couple together, and they kissed as she spoke.

“Mares and Gentlecolts, may I introduce to you, Cortland Apple, and Golden Shield Apple!”

Hooves stomped, cheers went up, but I found myself looking over at Jackie once more. I saw a tear in her eye, and a smile on her face, as she mouthed silently, “I love you,” and I returned it with the same.


What a reception it had been, once more, Pinkie outdid herself. After the huge party, we had seen the couple off on the train to the Crystal Empire where they were spending seven days on their honeymoon. They were slated to return a few days before the Summer Sun Celebration and the big concert night.

So with Cort out, I found myself walking a patrol out near the Gorge. The Eels there had been worked up because of a incursion of Diamond Dogs in the area. I figured I would swing by the Dogs’ camp and just make sure they were abiding by the rules set down by Fluttershy as to where they could dig and where not to dig. They in particular were not a bad pack, and in fact I had spent a few meals sitting out in the open near their caves and learning more about their kind.

I’d discovered the packs they formed outside their homeland tended to have one alpha, and then others, that females rarely ventured out of the homeland, and the ones I had interactions with before were known as ‘bad dogs’ and not looked on kindly by the good packs or their homeland’s government. It seemed sometimes a pack just went rouge, though it did not happen often.

The leader of this local pack went by the name of Sam, a level-headed guy for sure. He explained how they had taken over after the previous pack in the area had run afoul of the law by kidnapping a pony.

Oh, I knew exactly what they were talking about, and what pony that was. However, this was not that pack, or the dogs involved, so I would not let that color my opinion or interactions with them.

I was about half way back to Ponyville in a slow walk, my cane still in my hand as I still had a bit more of healing to do. I was doing a lot better so far, but once in a while the hip sparked off spurts of pain after long treks. I hoped it was not permanent, but none of the doctors could tell me for sure. So there I was just reflecting on things, not really paying attention when I heard a noise.

A screech like a foal screaming almost. My head snapped up and I looked into the forest where I heard the noise come from. Turning I started in, there was some kind of commotion going on.

Just clearing the treeline, the problem was right before my eyes: two timberwolves were attacking what looked to be a rather large bird nest.

On the ground, the nest looked totally crushed. Just a few feet away lay a red tail hawk, even at a glance I could tell it was dead. Currently the two wooden wolves were snarling, and one was holding down another hawk.

I knew that wolf, as it spun its head hearing me step clear of the treeline. It had one eye, the other taken by a well-placed kick from a rainbow-maned mare I knew. This fucker was one of the ones who tried to kill the foals and almost cost me my life!

“Hey, fucker!” I yelled as it lifted its twig paw off the hawk it was holding down. Both turned and snarled, but before they could launch at me… I drew!

Lightning was my hand, anger was my heart. I had no hesitation like the dual, no pause like the gryphon. This was a real threat and I put my all into this moment. The old iron lept from my hip, as my left hand flew forward to meet my right hand holding the gun. I fanned the hammer, and thunder echoed in the forest.

Billowing white smoke and fire lit up the front of the gun, and hot lead flew. Two rounds smashed into the one-eyed wolf, one missing him but two was more than enough.

Even as he started to explode apart as the magic left his body, the other received the last two rounds into the chest. It had foolishly turned to try and get around me, and given me a broadside. It too died like its partner, magic a kind of green haze almost exploding out of it and dissipating like steam.

I stood there, gun smoking in my hand, a cloud of black powder smoke rolling out in the forest around me. Eyes scanning for any more targets, before I slowly slid the empty revolver into my holster and headed at a jog for the avian laying on the ground. It was bad, real bad, but clearly breathing still. I used my boot to lift the nest up some and winced, lowering it again. Under it, two deceased chicks.

With all my care, I knelled down and slid my hands under the broken bird, trying my best not to upset the raptor or hurt it more. I knew if I brought it to Fluttershy fast, it may have a chance. Standing, shooting one last glance at what I assume was its mate, and seeing my first assessment was right, its neck turned and broken.

I took off at a limping jog. It was going to hurt, but I had to give this guy a chance. Something deep inside my heart said I had to do this, almost driving me to push harder, a need to try and save this bird.


The yellow pegasus came out of the back room after what was a good three hours. She exhaled, looking tired and very worn out. It was pretty clear to me she had been crying, too, and looked up at me with exhausted irides.

“He will live. His wing was broken and I set it. He has lost one toe on his right leg, so he will hop and limp when he walks,” she said, hurt on her face.

I knelt down and rested my hand on Fluttershy’s neck lightly, working my fingers into the pink mane. “You did all you could I am sure, Flutters,” using a nickname I had been using for her over the last six months or so. “I just wish I could have saved the others.”

She winced. “He asked, about his mate, and his chicks. I told him I did not know and to rest.”

I exhaled then things hit me kinda hard and sudden. This bird and I shared a terrible and pain-filled commonality. He, like I, had lost his family. I think Fluttershy almost knew what I was thinking. Suddenly finding myself in a tight pony hug, hearing a little sob, and a squeaky voice whisper. “I am so sorry, Shane.”

I gave her a hug back then gently stood up after it broke. “I would like to check up, make sure the bird is okay. Oh, by the way, what is his name?”

She smiled just a bit. “He doesn’t have one, his name is Mr. Hawk right now,” she paused, “but, he asked where the two legged creature that saved him was, before he fell asleep.”

I gave a nod. “I will check in. I need to file a report, get a few unicorns out to police up the lead, and send a note to Canterlot saying we have two less timberwolves in the world.”

She flinched and her ears faltered. I exhaled softly. “I know you don’t like that idea, Flutters, but, it was them or me.”

She gave a soft nod of her head, sighing. “I know, I just… I wish they would listen to reason, but I have tried to talk to them and all they want is to eat and kill.” She shook her head and pausing then saying in a much softer voice. “I guess in a way what you did was a kindness, they are no longer in pain and suffering from corruption.”

I gave her a nod and a smile, then tipped my hat and turned. Fuck, my cane is still out there, too! This walk is going to suck…


It was early evening, we still had some light left as I limped back to Flutter’s house. I’d managed to get a report done; five of the Guard and Twilight were out policing up the lead and making sure things were cleaned up.

Twilight had said she would bury the remains of the birds and mark them near the tree that had been their home so Fluttershy didn’t have to. She also promised to find my cane along the way and bring it back.

Jackie was, of course, a bit upset I was in another fight, but glad I was all right. She had spent a few minutes just checking all over me, much to my amusement. I had also received a tongue lashing, and kisses at the same time. Guess I can’t complain too much, now can I?

Tapping on Flutter’s cottage door, she opened it and gestured with a smile. “Come in, Shane, I have some good news.”

As I came in and took my hat off my crown, the first thing I noted a bandaged hawk on a perch, many of the local animals hanging around close, and Harry was sitting upright next to him.

I blinked, as the butter yellow pegasus spoke. “Everyone is here to support Mr. Hawk, and to say thank you to you for saving him,” as chitters, chirps, and one big paw of a bear waving, greeted me.

I walked over, putting a hand on Harry’s shoulder but looking at the wounded hawk. “Can he understand me?”

The bird tilted its head, then nodded. I blinked and looked at Fluttershy and back to the bird. “Shane, he is, well... unusual. As best I can understand he is a lot like Tank, and some of the other pets.”

That gave me pause, so he was not just sentient, but low level sapient to boot. I pondered that, but before I could speak the bird chittered and made a few noises. Weird, real weird, but it was almost like I understood he was thanking me. I looked to Fluttershy who said exactly what I thought. “He says thank you, for saving him, and for trying to save his family.”

The bird leaned forward and I reached out giving his neck a gentle little scritch under the feathers.

“Shane, I hope you don’t mind, but I… I told Mr. Hawk a bit about your own past,” the butter yellow pony laid her ears back.

“Nope, that is fine,” I responded, looking at the bird who just seemed to be studying me. I spoke to it like I had Winona and a few other of the girls’ pets. “It hurts, I know it does, but don’t let that hurt turn into hate. Trust me, it ain’t worth it to be alone.”

Still holding my hat on one hand, I felt something brush my legs, and a big paw come to rest on my shoulder. You know I will never get used to having a bear be friendly. I did glance down to see a little otter brushing against my leg, and many of the smaller creatures were looking up with large, sad eyes at me.

The bird again seemed to look at me, then pushed his head up into my hand harder and chirped. I didn’t need to know what he said, it was like I felt it inside my heart. Just like when I had been compelled to rush here and try to save him. “You just get better, then, if you still want to come home with me… well, I guess that will be alright.”

Fluttershy gave a little gasp and whispered in a kind of loud way. “H-how did you know what he said, Shane?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know, Flutters, I just… well, how does Dash know what Tank is thinking? How do Spike and Twi know what that owl of theirs says? I just… knew.” I myself was puzzled, but the feeling, was a little like Harmony music if I had to compare it to anything.

She was quiet as I gently gave the bird one more pet then stepped back and glanced at the bear. “Keep an eye on him, please, Harry,” having no clue if the bear understood, but he seemed to look at me, then gave a warbling growl and nodded his head.

Fluttershy walked outside with me, and looked up at the sky. She turned her head and glanced to me now. “You know, he was meant to be with you, just like Tank, and Angel, and even Peewee. Sometimes harmony comes along and gives us a nudge, and Mr. Hawk is your nudge. He needs somepony who understands his pain.”

I exhaled a bit. “I guess,” as she smiled.

“He will need a name, you think on that. A name is, well it is what bonds them with us, and I think it will do the same with you.”

I smiled at her then started to walk off. “I best be getting home before Jackie gets grumpy with me. Goodnight, Fluttershy, and thank you, for helping him out.”


I found on my desk at the station a magicly attuned box with five smashed lead rounds laying in it. The box was one of Twilight’s design, a kind of box around a box lined in lead so they could move nullstone.

One of the rounds was in a few shards but it looked like they had found all of them. I knew I would need to ship this box up to Canterlot to be put into the vault with the other nullstone and items from my world. Knowing that there was already the rounds from my demonstration in there, laying next to the round that took a gryphons life, and the one that took Grey’s life.

Shaking my head, I got into my day. Dust was out on a patrol to Appleloosa and back so I didn’t expect to hear from her for a few days. Speaking of the winged mare, she had really come into her own. Cort and I were at the point of trusting her skills enough to send her out on short patrols and scouting missions. He and I had agreed if this keeps up she was well on her way to earning a Ranger star.

Speaking of Deputies, I’d learned more about Dark Shimmer and figured she and I had a talk coming. Cross had confided in me because he knew I would find out at some point and wanted me to deal with it and her fairly.

The unicorn mare was a first cousin to Grey Dark, but well estranged from the Dark family. He wouldn’t give me too much information, said that is for her to talk with me about. I made a note to speak to her when I was up in Canterlot next week for the Event and Summer Sun Celebration.

Flipping pages in report folders, I glanced at them casually. Some reports of petty theft, a few complaints about the weather team being ‘lazy’. However, one thing was abundantly clear and missing, not one report, even a hint, of the missing prisoners. It was like they had up and disappeared from the face of the planet.

My eyes went to the safe on the wall, and my thoughts to a promise I had made a little pink pony filly and her father. I aimed to keep my word, and bring the ones who had brutally murdered her mother in prison, to justice. I also aimed to find out who was behind it all, that was a oath to myself I had no intention of letting slip.

That night I spoke with Jackie about the hawk I had saved, my feelings about it. What Flutters had said about it being fate. She agreed with the yellow pegasus, and we decided together we would have the bird come live with us. My pet, but free like the others were, it was kind of our first big decision as a couple and, well, I won’t complain about the celebration we had after.


The next day, after I put in a few hours in the office, found me limping my way over to Shy’s cottage once more. To my surprise all the girls were there, along with their pets, standing next to them. I blinked as I limped up, leaning on my cane.

“Now what has you all out and about?” looking everyone there over before leaning down, and without hesitation giving Jackie a kiss on the lips. This of course brought the usual giggles and ‘Daaaww’s from the other girls, even Dash gave a smile.

“Well, to be honest, Shane, none of our pets would leave us alone. They practically dragged us here.”

Rarity continued from that, “I simply don’t know what has gotten into Opal! She snatched up my most expensive spool of thread and lead me on a chase that ended here,” she huffed, stomping her hoof.

The other girls all nodded and glanced around then back at me. Fluttershy tilted her head and looked at the devil bunny next to her. For once he was not shooting me the stink eye, but rather gave me a polite nod?! Looking back up at his owner he gestured and flicked his ears about, pantomiming something.

“Oh… oh!” Fluttershy lit up. “Angel says they are all here to welcome somepony new to the group.”

I blinked at that. “New?”

Then it hit me, even as the white-furred devil glared at me and facepalmed himself.

“Well, I... I guess that is actually really nice of them,” I saw out of the corner of my eye Tank, hovering there next to Rainbow, nod his head with a slow gesture.

Looking back to Fluttershy. “Is it ok for him to come?” I stopped myself, only to be suddenly finished by Jackie.

“Home,” she said, and I gave her a smile.

“Yes, home, with me?”

Flutters gave a warm smile back and nodded her head. “He can’t fly for a few more weeks, and he will need constant care, you will need to bring him by once a day, and of course next week he will have to stay here so the other animals can help him out while we are all in Canterlot.”

I nodded my head in acknowledgement as she went down the laundry list of care. Finally she walked inside, and came out with the proud bird, bandaged wing on his side the other slightly out to act as a balance, on her back.

I knelt down and looked at the raptor. I figure he was around fourteen, perhaps fifteen inches tall, so standing on his talons he was about the same height as Winona was on all fours, or rather all three in her case.

“I would like it very much if you came and joined me. I know you have lost everything, and I know that you know I of all understand that too well. Jackie and I spoke, and well, if you want a home, for as long as you want, I would be proud to welcome you.”

The bird chirped a few times, then all the girls’ pets made noise and gestures. Finally the bird turned to me and gave a chirping screech and hopped from Fluttershy’s back up onto my shoulder.

Oddly, his talons did not dig in as I feared, but rather he seemed to understand quite well how sharp they were, and held on pressure but not letting the tips puncture my oil coat.

“Have you thought of a name for him, Shane?” Pinkie Pie queried, beaming brightly as usual on her muzzle.

“I have,” I nodded, looking around then turning my head so I could kind of look at the avian on my shoulder.

“In a great war on my world, there was,” I was cut off by Twilight letting out a gasp and a flash of light. She now had a scroll and quill along with a little pot of ink just, suddenly there. I rolled my eyes as everyone else laughed.

“If I can continue? There was a fighter squadron, that fought all the odds, overcame all the dislike for them because of the color of their skin, to become one of the most revered and successful aerial squadrons of the war. They were called, oddly enough,” I reached up and gave the bird a scratch on his neck as he pushed into it. “The Red Tails.”

“So, I was thinking, Red Tail, it is what breed he is, but it is also representative of a drive to be better. How about it, call you Red for short?” I said to him.

The bird hopped a few times on my shoulder then gave a cry, and shoved his beak into my neck and rubbed. The other pets all gave noises, or did some kind of gesture. Even Tank did a little figure-eight in the air.

Applejack smiled some. “Ah think that is a yes, sugarcube.”

I gave a nod. “I think so, too.”

That was that. I have a pet hawk now. Pretty damn cool, really.

55 - The day before the big show

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While leaning back on the wall behind the bench I was sitting on I just felt the sway of the train as I headed up to Canterlot. Not a bad ride, to be honest; took about three hours, give or take. It gave me time to think about things going on.

I had dropped Red off at Fluttershy’s place; he was doing well, still in pain, both physical and mental. The last few nights he had taken to bedding down right next to Jackie, on top of the blankets of course, rather than in the nesting perch Big Mac had helped make. She, for her part, didn’t seem to mind since we had talked about it. Red needed comfort and it was all we could do to provide that for him.

Winona had been quite attached too, she came in the last few days and sat just watching him and us sleep. I think she was worried about the bird, knowing his loss and how recent it was. I had to wonder just how smart she was. Well, for that matter, how smart all of the pets were. I’m pretty sure they are far more intelligent than they let on.

It was a lot to think about, because now I found myself responsible for yet one more life. Yeah, I guess in a way I took on a lot more than I really should. However, that’s just how I am, and as my friends are learning, there isn’t really any point in trying to change me.

I glanced back out the window as we came closer to the climb up the mountain. Giving a long exhale I gave up on catching a nap. I felt a slight nudge on my arm and glancing over I tipped my hat up to find a younger mare pushing a small cart.

“Sorry to bother you. Ranger McDonald, right?” her ears lifted as I gave her a nod. “We will be arriving in Canterlot in twenty minutes, would you like a snack. I have carrots and some roses left.”

I gave a soft smile. “No, thank you, ma’am. But, might you have coffee in that cart there of yours?”

She nodded and used her wing to pull open the side. Sliding out a carafe and pouring black liquid into a cup with the grace of a Tai Chi master she then looked to me, “Sugar, cream?”

Reaching out to take the cup I shook my head. “No, thank you. How much?” I started with my free hand and reached for the small pouch of bits in my left front pocket.

She shook her head at my gesture. “Oh, no. You’re riding on a service and support ticket, Sir; no charge,” she said cheerfully and as she gave a flick of her tail she continued on down the car.

Once more a little quote came out of my mouth as I shook my head in mirth. “Nice lady.”


A few hours later I was sitting at a meeting I had arranged. Currently I was looking across the table that had the remains of lunch spread on it at the midnight blue unicorn. Shimmer’s mane was an unusually dark shade of red, too. The overall effect gave her a rather somber look, it was so unlike most ponies, even among the night guard. I had just spent the last hour listening to her story and asking questions. I really wanted to understand her, to get to know her, and get to know that I could trust her when the chips were down.

“Look, Ran-”

I cut her off. “For the last time, Shimmer, just call me Shane, okay? We ain’t on duty here,” I said comfortably.

She shook her head. “Shane, look, I get it, okay. You have no reason to trust me. My uncle tried to kill you,” she frowned, “but I am not him, and I am not well liked among my family. Those are just the facts.”

I exhaled and gave her a nod. “You’re right, and the five of us are all the Rangers there are. If we can’t trust each other, then who can we trust?” I paused and looked up at her eyes as a smile crossed her face. I could see the relief in her smile and that was an important step.

“So, with all that said, Deputy,” I stated making it clear we were talking business now, “how are things working out up here for you, Cap treating you right? Do ya feel yer getting the training and support you need?”

She gave a nod. “Yes sir, I think I have gone over the manual they made from your writings a thousand times.”

I chuckled. “So, about five thousand less than Princess Purple?”

She blinked and her ears lay back. “Sir, you really shouldn’t use names like that for the princess.”

Ah, there it was; Miss Super Serious was back in control. “Relax, Deputy, the Princesses aren’t as uptight as people think they are.”

“Ponies, sir,” she replied with a smug smirk.

I groaned while rolling my eyes. “Great, now you too.”


Later the same afternoon I was in another private meeting with the two most powerful creatures on the planet, in their throne room, waiting as they glanced at each other then back to me.

“That is a reasonable request, Shane.” Luna spoke first.

Celestia spoke up a second later. “I see no reason why it cannot be accommodated.”

“Truly, it has been long enough, in that our sister and I are in agreeance”

“Raven,” Celestia motioned for her assistant, “please note in the record that Ranger Shane McDonald has the crown’s permission to share any movie using his technology with others, openly, that he deems not a security risk. This may include trusted members of other species aligned with Equestria.”

I smiled in appreciation and gave a slight bow from my seated position. “Thank you, both, Princesses.”

“Tell us, Shane, are thou ready for tomorrow night?” Luna asked warmly.

“As ready as I can get. I’m still not sure about playing host but…”

Both smiled, as did Raven who was sitting off to the side of the two thrones.

“You will do fine, Shane. You have come so far from the pon… er, pardon me, the man that I met in the woods.”

My smiled stayed on my face and I looked Celestia in the eyes. “I try, ma’am.”

“Speaking of, Princess Celestia; you wanted to talk to the Ranger about…” I glanced over at Raven who had just spoken a partial lead on sentence, then I looked back to the two alicorns.

“Oh, thank you for reminding us, Raven.” Luna then turning to me. “We have a plan to introduce our population to a movie from your world if you would agree to such?”

I tilted my head. “Oh? What one were you thinking about?”

Celestia grinned and looked at her sister who grinned back at her. “Perhaps, a tale from a galaxy far, far away?”

Now, I could not help but grin at that. If there was any movie that represented not only our creative side and our story telling, I couldn’t think of one.

“I believe that is an excellent choice, but we may wish to tell Twilight of the plan. Considering when I showed the four of you that movie she went around in a brown cloak and hood for a month at any chance she could.”

We all laughed, I even saw a guard crack a smirk. This was going to be fun, something I looked forward to. Better, I didn’t have to hide the tablet and phone from Jackie, didn’t have to keep the truth from her about my technology, and that alone made everything even better.


We were at Donut Joe’s, Jackie and I were sitting next to each other at the table. I had Applebloom crunched in on my other side while across from us were the other two Crusaders and their sisters. Dash and Scoots were talking about Wonderbolt stuff, like they always did, and currently I was listening to Sweetie Bell talk about how excited she was for tomorrow and her chance to hear music from another universe.

We all chose to stay up late tonight so we could nap tomorrow afternoon and be ready for the show tomorrow night. Donut Joe’s, a great little diner and a really nice guy. He’s about as genuine as any pony you meet. What my dad would call a ‘salt of the earth’ type of guy. Funny that’s he’s an earth pony, to boot.

Applebloom had just asked me if I was nervous about standing up in front of so many ponies to talk about the music when I heard a snort from near the door. I am not sure the others heard it, but I did note Jackie’s ears perk and pivot as my head turned.

“One can not even go to a simple shop anymore without having to deal with rubbish,” a snooty and well known voice spoke out.

I put my hand on Jackie’s leg to silence her and glanced over at the dark grey pegasus mare. I was far from nice about it, but reminded myself there were foals about. I gave my best fake candy smile and reached up, tipping my Stetson back.

“Well, Mrs. Trident, perhaps if you stepped outside again it wouldn’t be quite so odoriferous in here.”

I got kicked under the table by Rarity who gave a gasp and glared at me. The three crusaders all started to giggle and Dash, she flat out fell backwards out of her chair, as it crashed to the ground. The mare holding her sides as she laughed laying flat on her back on the floor wings splayed out.

I have to say, I got a none to pleased look from Jackie, but the one from the haughty pegasus and her uppity unicorn friend was the best by far.

They both looked like a fish out of water, mouths opening and closing, shocked looks on their faces. Finally, the mare gave a stomp of her hoof. “Why, I never! Your superior will hear of this. I will see you fired for being so rude, uncouth, and for insulting your betters.”

I know Jackie tried to get me to shut up, but her hoof didn’t make it to cover my mouth before I let more slip.
“My betters? I don’t see a Princess standing here. Now, don’t go away mad, just go away.”

The two stomped out, the whole time spouting off about getting me fired and how I would rue the day. Jackie smacked my leg with her hoof as Rarity admonished Dash for her actions in all this.

“Shane, that wasn’t very nice of you, Ah know she ain’t a good pony, but…” she gestured to the three giggling Crusaders. I exhaled and glanced at all three of them.

“She’s right you three, I shouldn't have been so rude, or said what I said. Don’t you be following in my footsteps, okay?”

As they gave a nod a throat cleared to my left. I glanced over at a frown on Joe’s face.

“I love having you Rangers in my shop, but rules stand. This place is neutral territory for everypony, doesn’t matter who it is. I hate to do it, but you get your one warning, Ranger McDonald. You keep it civil in my shop, princess or pauper, everypony is welcome here. I would have, and will, give them the same warning next time they come in.”

I reached up and took my hat off. “Fair enough, Joe, I am truly sorry.”

He gave a nod and gestured to the teen filly working the tables. “See to it the Ranger’s cup is full, would you please, Sweet Roll?”

Jackie leaned up and gave me a kiss on the cheek before returning to talking to the rest of the table. I smiled and slid my arm around her ribs, I was done with being a jerk for the night… I hope.


Even with the blackout shades pulled the room was warm and light enough for me to see the mare under me. Both of us were breathing hard and as I rolled off her, she rolled to face me and tucked her muzzle under my chin. I exhaled hard to blow her mane out of my mouth and shut my eyes, trying to get my breathing under control as I held her while smelling her natural scent. She gave a little nuzzle and kiss to my chest before speaking.

“Y'all ever find other mares attractive?”

Oh, a loaded question if there ever was one, but she was asking with a genuine tone. I pulled my head back so I could look down into her green eyes.

“There are a few, I would say are very pretty. However, there’s only one in all of this world I want to lay like this with.” I told her with an honest smile.

She smiled back and lay her head back on my arm, exhaling slowly. Her eyes closed as I reached out with my other arm and brushed my hand along her flank, feeling the sweat from our lovemaking.

I saw her eyes snap open. “Who?”

Well crap, now I was stuck. I glanced back at the orange mare’s face and noted her ears up, not laid back in anger.


She gave a nod.

Rolling a bit on my back so she could lay her head on my chest, I hooked my arm under her to pull her closer. “Well, Cadence has a charm about her. Pinkie has that whole chubby girl thing going for her… and...”

She gave a chuckle. “And?”

“Well, I admit, Gilda has a whole bad girl thing going.”

Watching her eyebrow lift she turned her head so her chin was on my chest and she looked up at me. “So, you like fat mares and feathers?” she asked flatly, but her smirk told me she wasn’t being serious.

I snorted. “Clearly not, considering the mare I went and fell in love with,” I said quickly and leaned down to kiss her lips before she could talk back.

Kissing me back I noticed her ears lifted forward and a blush crossed her face. She gave me a love tap with her hoof on my side.

“Y’all keep talking like that I might just have ta keep ya close fer a while.”

I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face as I stared at her again.

“That wouldn’t be so bad, would it?” I asked, but before she could answer I added, "Anyway, we should shower off and get some sleep, we got a long night tonight.”

She rose to her hooves, bent her neck down and kissed me once more before stepping off the bed. I sat up, watching her sway her hips as she walked to the bathroom. When she was out of sight I glanced up at the ceiling of the castle room.

“Lord, I still don’t know why you put me here, but thank you. Thank you for bringing Jackie into my life and showing me I was wrong to try and avoid love after… well, you know.”

I got up, not bothering to put on my boxers and headed into the bathroom once I heard the shower start up, to join my girl… mare… damn it, Twilight!


Applejack entered the bathroom and had nudged the door, but it didn’t close. Her ears perked and she listened as her mate spoke softly. “Lord, I still don’t know why you put me here, but thank you. Thank you for bringing Jackie into my life and showing me I was wrong to try and avoid love after… well, you know.”

Her heart ached and her eyes welled with tears she wouldn’t hide after hearing the words he spoke, the most romantic thing she’d ever heard was just said about her by a creature from another world to a God she didn’t understand; and it was the best moment of her life.

56 - The Big Show (Part 1)

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I found myself tugging at my bolo a bit, as I stood there on the side stage. Two alicorn princesses stood next to me, Twilight and Cadence. Looking across the large stage, I could see Luna and Celestia in the wings of stage left, waiting for their que to start.

“Shane, stop messing with it, you look fine, you will do just fine,” the pink alicorn of love commented as her magic lit up and fixed what I had messed up for the nine thousandth time.

“Easy for you to say, you ain’t got to stand out there in front of God knows how many ponies and gryphons and…” I paused “well, all manner of creature, and try to not make a fool of yourself.”

I was glancing slightly down so I caught purple dorkicorn roll her eyes before she adjusted her wings. “You have every note card, I checked my lists five times, then five more times with you.” Her wing lifted and she gestured to the numbered boxes of note cards. All I had to do was pick the number that went with the next stage act I was introducing, and read.

I chuckled. “And at least five more times reminding me of it,” I said, feeling her effort to relax me working.

She gave a slight smirk. “Oh, and I’m sure the two shots of whiskey didn’t hurt any, did it?”

Cadence blinked and looked over at her sister in law, then to me, and then back to the smaller alicorn. “You, both drank?” a little surprise was in her tone.

Twilight turned to look at her former foalsitter and gave a nod. “Just a shot or two. It’s kind of become a tradition between the Rangers and, well, I find myself enjoying it too.”

I started to chuckle as Cadence shook her head with a smile. “Next thing, you know we will find out you have a coltfriend or two on the side, and that you all throw wild salt parties in the dead of night.”

Twilight spluttered and started to defend herself, but love pony just laughed to show she was just ribbing her sister in law.

I was going to add in, but an earth pony with a mic for a cutie mark came up near us. “Princesses, we start in twenty seconds.” Watching both of them nod, he trotted off to do whatever it was stagehands do.

“I wish Jackie was back here,” I muttered. Missing the look and smile the two mares next to me shared with each other.

Cadence looked back at me “Shane, for all the teasing and,” she gave a cough “inappropriate questions I have asked; I really am happy for you both.”

The pit orchestra started to play as I glanced over at her while focusing on my performance ahead. “Thank you, Cadence. Well, here we go.”


Soft music played the four princesses out into the limelight, they all met in the center and turned to the crowd. I remained in the wings and watched. Celestia lifted her hoof to gently bring the applause and hoof stomps to a stop. “Good evening everypony, and good evening to our guests from all across Equuis.”

Luna spoke next. “Tonight, we gather on the shortest night before the longest day. As tradition, we stay awake to thank the stars and moon, and greet my sisters’ sun as it raises to bring forth a new day.”

Next it was Cadence who spoke. “But this night, we celebrate something new. Something no pony, gryphon, no creature has ever heard in this world.”

Twilight lifted her head and spoke with a strong voice. “Tonight, we gather to hear the music from across time and space, from another world, another universe so much like our own, yet different.”

Celestia spoke once more. “Just under two years ago, a creature none had ever seen came to us. He was hurt, lost, and alone. Now, many of us here,” she swept her wing across the audience, “call this creature friend.”

Luna, again, spoke up. “He has brought us new ideas, new ways of looking at old problems.”

Cadence smiled brightly as she continued. “Most of all, he has brought music; and tonight, he shares that with us all.”

Twilight turned and looked at me with that big bright smile of hers and looked back to the open amphitheater.

“Please, will you all welcome, Ranger Shane McDonald, of the Human species?!”

That was my cue. So, as the music came up again, I started walking out. I reached up and tugged my hat down a bit, and then fingered the cards I was carrying. Walking out to stand where Luna and Celesita had made room for me, now center among all four of them, Cadence at celestia’s left and Twilight at Luna’s right.

Looking up, I paused, I was the center of attention, with what must be 1000 ponies, and a good two or three hundred other species all looking at me and applauding!

I muttered under my breath a classic ‘fuck me’ from the stress and got a hard wing to the back of my upper thigh from Celestia for it, hidden behind her ruffling her wings in faux exitement.

Clearing my throat, I reached out and took the mic from the stand, as the applauding grew quieter and ended.

“T-thank you all,” I started reading from what Twilight had so thoughtfully wrote out for me. I found myself reading the card, then glanced back up. I exhaled and tossed the card over my shoulder, where it fluttered and bounced off Luna’s back onto the ground. I did hear her huff at me even as a light round of laughter rippled across the huge crowd.

“You know what, lets wing it. Hello to everyone here, and to all the ponies and other creatures listening live to this broadcast on their radios.”

I glanced at Twilight, who despite looking slightly peeved I was going off script, did smile and gesture with her hoof for me to continue.

“Tonight, groups, individuals, and even myself will come out and play music. Music from the world I came from. There is, however, more to this night.”

Gesturing to the whole center of the amphitheater and the dozens of ponies in uniforms, in armor, or off duty with families. Gesturing up to the many cloud seats where pegasi from the Guard, and the few the Wonderbolts and their reserves proudly sat.

“Tonight, we honor the sacrifice all of them give, and gave. The duty and honor they uphold so the rest of us may go about our lives in relative safety. Back on my world, in my country, we held our service men and women in the highest regards. Tonight, I want to share some of that view, in the form of music. I, myself, have no clue what others have picked to play, so I will be as surprised as the rest of you.”

I smiled a little and reached up ,adjusting my hat. I could see up in the ‘royal’ seating area, all of the girls, including my Jackie.

“Music, for humans at least, represents the oldest form of communication. We create music to sing to the Gods we believe in, to express our emotions from love to hate, from joy to sorrow, and everything in between. We have music that is silly and is made to be laughed at, and we have music that is filled with messages deep enough to make you sit back and think. Whatever tonight brings, please, sit back, relax, and enjoy our journey into my part of the world’s culture.”

As the applause and clomping started up again, I had to admit; I didn’t wing that last part, it was what I remembered from the cards. Turning, I walked off the stage as the lights went off and a set of curtains came down to hide the stage for setup of the first set.

“That was really well worded, Shane. We found your ad libbing to be quite fitting, despite your assault on my body with flying cards.”

I laughed and gave luna a grin.


Standing back at stage right, I picked up card one and flipped it over to read what I was supposed to say. Once more the curtain started to rise and the pit orchestra started to play. I walked out as the lights came up enough to see a lone mic. At the back of the stage hung down a massive soft blue flag with the Celestial Sisters on it; the Equestrian flag.

Walking up to the mic, I bent down and slid it from the stand, rather than try to adjust its height. Once more the crowd calmed and I spoke up.

“Fillies and Gentelcolts,” you know that really leaves a lot of folks out, I don’t like that. “And others from around the world. Will you please rise for the Equestrian National Anthem, tonight sung for us by none other,” I paused and gestured to stage left as a spotlight came on and a mare started to walk out, “than Countess Coloratura!

I gently slid the mic back into the stand and moved back over to the side stage out of view. Once more, I heard one of the stage hands muttering. “I really wish you would let us do wardrobe changes for you, Ranger.”

I chuckled. “No thanks, this suit fits me fine, and no, I ain’t getting rid of my hat.” He stomped the floor, but otherwise say nothing.

Out on stage, the orchestra started to play a familiar tune and a voice I remember brought a fond memory of happy times with my little girl.

Equestria, the land I love

A land of harmony

I happened to glance out the edge of the side stage to see not a single pony, a single gryphon, not anyone of any species sitting. All were standing even the princesses now back up in the ‘royal booth’ area.

Our flag does wave from high above

For ponykind to see

I, of course, had my hat off and placed over my heart. My eyes turned back to the large flag at the back of the stage. No, I was not born under this flag, but this is my home now, and that feeling of pride taught to all of us as kids in America was still reminding me of pride in country, in duty, and life.

Equestria, a land of friends

Where ponykind do roam

They say true friendship never ends

Equestria, my home

As the roar of the crowd once more started up, I slid my hat back up on my crown and turned to walk back out on stage when a unicorn with a clip board held up his hoof. “One second, Ranger”

Out on stage, Rara was holding up a hoof to quiet everyone. She leaned forward and spoke. “Thank you all, thank you all so much. However, tonight, it is my honor and my joy to give our host of the night, a surprise.” Turning her head she motioned. “Sweetie Belle?” I glanced across the stage as the small white unicorn came trotting out in a very pretty flowing dress. Her cheeks alight with blush as Rara lowered the mic stand and gave the filly a light hug. Gesturing her forward while stepping behind.

The poor girl’s voice squeaked a bit when she started, halting her, then she cleared her throat. “R-ranger McDonald will, you come out here please?”

I lifted an eyebrow, then started walking over to her, unsure of what was going on.

“A bunch of ponies all got together when the plans for this show tonight started. We all worked together to create this surprise,” then she gave a soft nod of her head and turned around. I turned my head to follow her gaze to the back of the stage.

Lowering down on wires, was… I felt my heart in my throat. It wasn’t perfect, clearly hand stitched, but there she was, Old Glory herself! The flag was smaller than the Equestrian flag, and was lowered half down the bigger flags height. I had to swallow hard to control the lump now lodged in my throat.

Again, that young filly’s voice spoke into the mic. “The flag of Ah-Mare’eeca, 13 stripes, and fifty stars represent the home country of Ranger McDonald. 13 stripes for the 13 states that founded it, fifty stars; one for each state in their union.”

‘Ok, someone has been reading the history book I gifted to Twilight when I first came here,’ I thought.

“While Shane is a citizen of our country now,” she smiled and I looked away from the flag back to the little unicorn, smiling back weakly as I fought my emotions, “we wanted to honor and remember his first home, and the second song of the night. So, will you all please stand again for the United States of Ah-Mare’eeca national anthem.”

That lump just was not going away as I shot a glance up to where all four princesses rose to their hooves. A very smug look on Luna’s face and a knowing smile on the white witch’s face once more she was ten moves in front of me.

I turned and looked to the flag as Sweetie Belle’s voice started up, along with the orchestra once more. I snatched my hat from my head and covered my heart with it, trying not to tremble or let the moment get too emotional. Really they had all just gone way, way too far to do something nice for me.

Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,

What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?

I didn’t take my eyes off the flag, but I found myself moving my lips to the song.

Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight'

O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming.

I knew the part coming up was hard for a seasoned singer. I found my eyes slide to the right and glance at the little filly, her eyes shut, her mouth open. She was giving her all and not holding back.

And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air,

Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.

I felt my heart soar; I wanted to yell in joy and cry in the swirl of emotions that welled up in me. The little white unicorn filly nailed the uptick of the song. An uptick that has thwarted many a singer, yet she belted it out like she had been doing this all her life!

Oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave

O'er the land of the free
and the home

of the brave

I slammed my hat back on and started to clap as hard as I could, joining in with thousands of hooves stomping, claws banging together, hoots, hollars, and all manner of celebration for performance of a lifetime. Poor Sweetie was more pink than white, right up to the moment an orange blur slammed into her, followed by a yellow streak with a red bow, all being chased by a stagehand.

Applause changed to laughter as the three friends ended up in a huge hug pile. Laughing themselves as the two other crusaders congratulated their friend. I glanced over to Rara, who smiled and gestured, so I picked up the mic and waved away the stagehands, telling them to back off.

“Well, Equestria, in case you have not met them; these are the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo. Crusaders… hey, you three!” I paused as they looked up and realized where they were, they jumped to their hooves all blushing. “Crusaders, this,” I gestured, “is all of Equestria”

More laughter, more applause as three fillies bowed. The curtains started to come down and we retired to stage right.

“Mr. Mcdo… sorry, Shane. D-did you like it?” Sweetie Belle asked while looking up at me with big hopeful eyes.

I got down on one knee and put my hand on her neck lightly. “Sweetie Belle, it was the most wonderful surprise I have ever had. You sung it perfect, there are many from my world who would praise your rendition of it.”

I leaned down and kissed her on the cheek, making her blush hard again, then she start to giggle, joining the giggles of the other two CMC members. I looked up at Rara and smiled. “Thank you.”

She shook her head. “It was her talent, I just helped her learn the lines of the song after Princess Twilight let us practice it.”

I made a mental note to thank her too, and I suspect Luna must have done a little spying to pitch in her own two cents. I wasn’t going to make an issue of it if she did do a little dream spying, this was a pretty cool surprise.

“Ok girls, let's clear the backstage so they can set up for the next act.”

I watched the three fillies and Rara walk off, glancing to the stage hand who smiled. “Be ready in ten, Sir.”

After hearing the song of my home, the joy it brought others, and the feelings it stirred inside me; I was not only going to enjoy the rest of the night, but I was gonna spend some quality time with my marefriend to let off some steam, too. It was gonna be a great night.

57 - The Big Show (Part 2)

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So far things had gone pretty smooth. We were three songs in and the ponies had pulled out all the stops. First, when the curtains opened, was a lone trumpet in a small band. Three Pegasus mares in wonderbolt dress uniforms stood center stage around a single mic. It took me all of three notes to pick up what this was; a favorite of my grandfather, I remember him playing it quite a bit as a young boy.

I was pretty sure one of the three mares was named High Winds, I only knew that because Dash had introduced me to her yesterday before Jackie and I headed to bed. The beat was good and they were on key the whole time. With a huge smile, I headed out on stage as the song ended, holding my note card.

Waiting for the applause to die down I leaned into the mic. “Well, that was a big surprise; I remember listening to that song as a little boy. That was Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy by the Andrew Sisters. Sung for us all tonight by...”

I glanced at the card and chuckled out loud. “The Wondersisters, and the cover band,” I gestured to the twenty or so other ponies on stage, “The Human Experience.” Again I started to chuckle, how could I not?

Glancing to the card again I reached up to adjust my Stetson. “That song came out in a dark time of human history, a great war.” I glanced up and noted the thousands there, many leaning forward listening, ears up.

“Humans being what we are, wanted music that uplifted us, music that gave us a reason to forget the war for a moment. This song was one of the bigger of that era. So, again, as they leave the stage everyone, giv…”

I was cut off when a loud voice yelled, “Everypony!”

Twilight! I should have known, I almost facepalmed as the crowd started to laugh and applaud at the same time. I glanced up at purple dork, to see her stick her tongue out at me.


The next song had been one from the late 50’s. I was quite surprised to see the crystal pony, a stallion, absolutely killing it on an electric guitar as he led a small band into Johnny B. Good.

The stallion’s name had turned out to be Opal Gleam, and his band was called ‘The Two Tones’. Odd that, I think there was a band in the 80’s called that back on earth.

Ponies had pushed back the first two rows of chairs in the amphitheater and created an impromptu dance pit after the first song. I had peeked out from the side stage to see ten or twelve couples dancing to the beat, including Captain Cross and his wife, each with one of their foals on their back. That is exactly why I wanted to do this, to see people, or rather ponies, enjoying themselves.


The next song up had brought us a rather portly older stallion with flowing hair who I swear to god sounded just like Elvis! So much so, he had, along with a band, done quite a good job of singing in the old rocker’s style. I knew him only because I had reviewed the show recently again and knew his name was Gladmane.

While I was never really an Elvis fan myself. Hearing him and the band go at it was a treat. I walked out on stage after he and his band were done taking bows and I gestured. “That was Gladmane and the Second Chances, bringing you a song from 1957. A singer who took the world by storm, named Elvis Presly topped many of the music charts with this exact song. Called, oddly enough, Jailhouse Rock”

Now was my first song, we had agreed I would not tell any of the audience before, so I looked at my cards. Not even the princesses knew what songs I had chosen to play, only the select ponies that played in the band, and backup, knew for sure.

“Next act will be up in about five minutes, so if you all wish to stretch your legs, or get some refreshments, now would be a good time.” Turning, I stepped behind the curtain once more.


Walking out to the soft applause of the crowd, I worked hard to keep fear down. I mean hell, no pressure; I was about to sing in front of more ponies and creatures than I had ever before.

Behind me in the soft light, many of the orchestra had set up. A few ponies were new, one such was the mint and gold unicorn sitting at the Steel Guitar in that odd way she sat. I really had to give Lyra credit, she picked up one of the most difficult string instruments to play, like she was born to play it, in under two months.

Up on a grand piano sat another pony I had not expected when we first started to practice. Vinyl Scratch sat with a long coat on, tails almost to the floor, and she’d even had her mane done in a very formal style. Standing at her side with her Cello, was her girlfriend… marefriend, whatever: Octavia.

I sat down at a bench that was set up for me at center stage and nudged the mic closer with my foot. My old Guitar in my lap, I used my other foot to hook a mic stand over near the strings.

As the applause died down I exhaled and pushed a smile to my face.

“Tonight is about sharing, but it is also about honoring the sacrifice the guard gives every day. My first song of the evening comes to us from a gentleman named Toby Keith, it is called… American Soldier. “

I glanced back and gave a nod, the conductor lifted his wand. The strings started in soft and light before a few notes were played out by Vinyl on the keys of her Piano. I lifted my guitar up, and plucked off the cords as the words left my throat.

I'm just trying to be a father
Raise a daughter and a son
Be a lover to their mother
Everything to everyone
Up and at 'em bright and early
I'm all business in my suit
Yeah, I'm dressed up for success
From my head down to my boots

I could see every single face looking up at me. Every set of ears lifted high so as not to miss a single thing. However, there were other things going on, I saw a few of the guard sitting closer to the stage look over at mares or stallions at their side and back up at me.

An electric guitar started in, and then the soulful sound of Lyra on the steel. Adding in that set of cords is what really brought the soul to country music.

I don't do it for the money
There's bills that I can't pay
I don't do it for the glory
I just do it anyway
Providing for our future's my responsibility
Yeah, I'm real good under pressure
Being all that I can be

Now the drums came in, as soft as the rest of the orchestra had joined in part by part so far. I myself was lost to the moment now, eyes closed as I just sung. No heartsong, but it didn’t matter to me. I may be a Ranger, but I am proud I know how to sing and play this beat up old Gibson in my hands.

And I can't call in sick on Mondays
When the weekends been too strong
I just work straight through the holidays
And sometimes all night long
You can bet that I stand ready
When the wolf growls at the door
Hey, I'm solid, hey I'm steady
Hey I'm true down to the core

The rest of the orchestra came in now, missing only one group I knew had a roll coming up. I looked up and out past the lights of the stage to see the crowd. I could see many of the Guard and their special others with a leg or claws around each other as they listened. I could see up in the grand box, Cadence had her baby in her legs and Shining Armor had his leg up around both of them.

And I will always do my duty
No matter what the price
I've counted up the cost
I know the sacrifice
Oh, and I don't want to die for you
But if dyin's asked of me
I'll bear that cross with honor
'Cause freedom don't come free

The tempo kicked up hard, and I had to match my singing to it. A bit more push to my voice, a bit more effort, but it was worth it to me. My thoughts focused on the words, but someplace deep inside I knew an Equestrian flag flew behind me, with a small tribute to America next to it. My new home, and my old home… both deserved my best.

I'm an American soldier, an American
Beside my brothers and my sisters
I will proudly take a stand
When liberty's in jeopardy
I will always do what's right
I'm out here on the front lines
sleep in peace tonight
American soldier, I'm an American soldier

The repries kicked in, a few of the band behind me cranking up into the chorus. By the sounds of it they were really into it too. The gryphon and pony on the electric guitars were strumming it out right on note, and saying nothing of Lyra’s quality was amazing for sure. Well, here comes the big part, I smiled because I loved how this part sounded.

yeah, an American soldier, an American

And in they came, Big brass bells rung out loud and clear. The team of earth ponies on them sounding them right on cue and adding that heart thumping soulful tone.

Beside my brothers and my sisters
I will proudly take a stand
When liberty's in jeopardy
I will always do what's right
I'm out here on the front lines
so sleep in peace tonight
American soldier, I'm an American

Many of the instruments dropped out, and I picked back up with the strings of my old acoustic. However, one new thing joined in; a snare drum, tapping out the almost haunting ‘ratta tatt tatt’ that soldiers had marched to for untold ages.

an American
an American soldier

One by one we dropped out, until it was only Vinyl and that lone snare drum. Then Vinyl played her last cord, leaving one Lunar Thestral pony with one light on her. She had been chosen for the impact of the moment. Standing in her Guard uniform, Left eye missing with a patch over it, snapping that drum roll out with sticks held in her leather like wings.

You see, I wanted ponies to understand. I wanted them to get why I picked this song. I felt many ponies didn’t understand just how much the guard sacrifices for them. Was it heavy handed, perhaps, but it got the point across.

As she ended her part, the applause crashed into us like a wave. I smiled out at the crowd making a ruckus, but it was one group near the back yelling the loudest. I could see even with the glare of the stage lights, their uniforms matched the one worn by the lone thestral drummer.

I finally calmed folks and gestured for her to come forward.

“Everyo…” I paused and pointed at the royal box with a finger. “Everypony” lowering my finger.

“First, I would like to thank everypony and birdy,” again reading from my cards, “from the Canterlot Philharmonic for playing, including our guests. On the Piano, DJ Pon3, and on the Steel Guitar for the night, Lyra Heartstrings of the ponyville classics orchestra.”

More applause kicked in, I lifted the hand not holding my old guitar.

“I would also like to introduce Lance Corporal Dusky Fireball, our drummer tonight.”

As I introduced her, that small group near the back went nuts! Hoots, howls, cat calls, all the things you would expect of fellow soldiers. I noted her blushing hard as she walked down because I gestured to her. I continued, “Feel free to say something Lance Corporal on your way by.”

She laid her ears back then let out a hoot and called out over the mic. “Twenty First Lunar Recon!” getting an even louder reaction from what I took to be her squad, and a slightly softer yet still enthusiastic reaction from many of the other guard in the crowd.

You see, I knew why she was missing that eye. She had lost it tracking the rats who had escaped the prison. Doing her job, at the bidding of the Rangers. I was more than proud and happy to let her and her squad have their moment in the sun, so to speak.

“Ok, while the stage crew gets set up for the next band, I am told it will take ten to fifteen minutes; so feel free to do as you want, as long as I don’t get called to break you up!”

Yea, this was actually going like I had hoped it would.

58 - The Big Show (Part 3)

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So far that dipshit Murphy had been leaving the event alone. If he knew what was good for him, he would keep doing just that.

After my first song, I had taken a walk out from behind the stage to say hi to ponies and perhaps smooch a kiss from my girlfriend. No, Twi, I will not call her my marefriend, thank you. Captain Cross and Dusty were one of the first I bumped into. Little Burnished toddled up to me as foals his age will do. I got down on one knee, laughing as he called me the name he had since the first day I met him. “Holber! Holber!”

Kids, they are the same, no matter the species. I scooped him up in my arms and had one under him for support while I talked with the adults. Even at this small and early age the little earth pony foal must be a good forty pounds.

“Shane, that song was really something,” Dusty said, leaning on Cross.

Glancing at the little unicorn foal, who was tapping my leg to get my attention too, I squatted back down to get closer to her and her tiny voice. “Thank you, Dusty, it has always been in my top twenty favorites. Hello, Bright Spark. Are you enjoying the music?”

Bright Spark gave a nod of her head. “It’s the best, Uncle Shane!” I laughed. She had taken up calling me uncle about six months ago and I saw no reason to dissuade her from that.

I glanced at Cross, then back to his daughter. “Did you remember to take a nap so you can make it all the way to the morning?” I asked Bright Spark.

Bright Spark smiled brightly and nodded her head. “Yep, momma made me lay down with Burnished and we took a nap.”

I gave Bright Spark a serious nod. “Being a good big sister is important, like keeping an eye on your little brother. I am proud of you.” I said, making her blush and beam with a proud little smile.

Standing up, gave Burnished a little kiss on his forehead, then handed him to Cross. “Enjoy the rest of the show, Cap. I’ll be up here next week for our meeting,” I said. Cross gave me a nod and I turned, walking to my next point.

Heading up the stairs, I got stopped a few times by various ponies. By the time I got to the entrance to the Royal Box, I had spent a good ten minutes getting there. The two Lunar Guards at the entrance bowed their heads and allowed me entry.

I had to admit that the Princesses had some snazzy digs. A large open area for socializing, an open bar, a vegetarian buffet because of course, and a door I suspect was a private bathroom.

There were a good thirty ponies up here with guards along the walls keeping watch. Dash was by Twilight and Luna, off by a wall. Celestia was talking with General Burning Bridge, the green earth pony and I had a bit of a rough start; however he had apologized and we made peace, now we spoke professionally on my trips up to Canterlot or when he needed the Rangers to look into something that was outside his troops purview.

I spotted Pinkie, who pronked over to me. It still amazes me how she can literally bounce on all four hooves like they were made of springs so much without getting hurt or tired. I was just about to ask her if she had seen Jackie when Pinkie smirked. bounced up, put a forehoof on my chin , and turned my head to the left.

There I found a set of green eyes attached to the most beautiful gal I knew, just before a set of lips pressed to mine.

I heard a few snorts and ‘aww’s before the kiss broke. Somehow, Jackie had snuck up, set up a small box, and got up on it, all without me hearing or seeing her. I did note one thing, a particular love alicorn with a warm smile and a glow about her I had never seen before.

“Well, I guess I can’t complain too much about a welcome like that, can I?” I said sheepishly as I ran my hand along Jackie’s neck and mane.

Jackie blushed and reached up to her hat, tugging it down to cover her eyes and cheeks. “Ya’ll don’t be getting use to that,” Jackie said, causing me and a few others who knew her opinion on public displays of affection to chuckle. Anything more than a nuzzle was a bit embarrassing for my mare, bless her heart.

“How is everyone?” I asked, interjecting before Twilight could correct me. “Shut up, Twilight,” I said loudly, smirking at her as she stuck her orange tongue out at me. “Is everypony enjoying the show so far?”

A chorus of compliments and affirmations came from all gathered. Luna broke away from her conversation and smiled when she reached me. “I must attend to a few things, I do hope I can get back without missing too much of the music, Shane. It’s quite a delightful show.”

“You can’t put this off?” I asked her, resisting the urge to nervously rub the back of my neck.

Luna shook her head with a sad look. “No, I am afraid not; the duty of the night does not wait for anypony. Be well, Shane, fare thee well, Fair Applejack.” Luna bid us goodbye as she left and headed out the door with two guards in tow.

I glanced over to Cadence, gesturing to Jackie before heading to her. I noticed Shining wasn’t around. Flurry Heart was fighting sleep while resting on her mother’s back while holding a snail plushie.

Cadence smiled when I reached her. “Good evening, Shane, Applejack. I must say that that was quite the greeting you gave your coltfriends, Applejack.” Cadence was smirking the whole while getting Jackie to blush brightly.

I glanced around the room. “Where’s Shining?” I asked.

Cadence sighed. “At work, I’m afraid. It’s one of the downsides of being married to a soldier that still holds duty under Princess Celestia until she releases him from his position.” Cadence said she smiled weakly at me.

I decided to change the subject. “You look radiant tonight, Cadence.”

Celestia spoke from beside me, startling me a little. “As she always should, Shane; especially with the emotions your music has stirred tonight.”

I lifted an eyebrow and tilted my head. “What my aunt means is that the more love there is around me, the stronger I get. Just like during the day, Celestia is at her strongest. At moonrise, Luna’s power come into its own.” Cadence said and then glanced over at the purple alicorn, who was now talking with Rarity and Fluttershy just a few feet away.

“And I don’t think I need to say what friendship does for the Princess of Friendship,” Cadence finished.

I rolled that over in my head for a bit, then gave a nod. “I guess that makes a certain amount of sense when put in that context,” I said smiling.

Spike walked to us and tugged my pants leg. I looked down at him, extending down my right hand as a fist and getting a claw bump from him. “What’s up, Spike?” I asked.

Spike gestured to the doorway I’d entered through. “Shane, one of the stagehooves said it is almost time for the next act.”

I blinked and reached into my pocket, pulling out my pocket watch. The one that was a gift from Rarity to replace the one destroyed in the duel. There was an inscription on the inside of the cover that said: ‘May this watch protect you too - Rarity’. It was one of my more cherished possessions. After glancing at the time, I snapped the cover closed and tucked it back into my pocket with care.

“Thank you, buddy” I said and got a smile from the young drake.

I exhaled, turning to the mares. “Ladies, if you would pardon me, I have duties to perform,” I excused myself, giving the edge of my Stetson a tug in respect to them. I leaned down and lifted off Jackie’s hat, kissed her head quickly, and put her hat back on before she could grab it or shove me. I whispered and made sure she could read my lips. “I Love you.”

She blushed and tilted her head back, rubbing her snout along my cheek. “I love you, too.” When I stood up I noticed the pink alicorn trembling with a big smile on her face. Where had I seen that look before? I wondered

Pinkie! She does the same thing when excited for something… perhaps it’s a pink pony thing?

With a nod to the mare I loved, I headed out and made my way back down to the stage.


I stood on side stage rocked gently to the beat of the song being played. Hearing a rather large group of ponies playing such an iconic song was heartwarming. However, to see them doing it justice, and to see the crowd enjoying it too was just the best.

Up on the stage, a green earth pony with dark and light shades of orange in dense dreadlocked mane and tail was holding an acoustic guitar and singing her heart out in a melodic but slow pace. With her were twelve other ponies, eachone of them had a hippy vibe about them; not that it really bothered me.

The song was seven minutes long and I was among the ones to applaud loudly for them, walking out on stage as I did with a smile on my face to match all the ponies in the audience. I picked up the mic and waited a few times for the roar in the stands to die down.

“In the Earth year of 1976, a band known as The Eagles hit the charts of the music scene with this song, called ‘Hotel California’. The lyrics mean a lot of different things to different folks. The band itself bridged the gap between almost all cultures, one of the first to do so, in fact.”

I gestured behind me. “Tonight’s version was brought to you by Tree Hugger and,” I paused and gestured around to the band, “The Preservers!” I said loudly before holding the mic out to the hippy dippy pony. She walked forward and leaned up to speak into the microphone.

“Like, thank you all for the righteous applause, and stuff. We are all totally blown away by it,” Tree Hugger said like she was as high as a kite.

I chuckled as she held a hoof up to me. I extended my fist down to hers, bumping her hoof. She and the band started to clean up and the curtain lowered once more.

“Like, we all wanted to say thank you for sharing your music with us, human dude.” Another pony, a kind of light grey unicorn stallion with black mane said.

I gave him a nod. “Not a problem, it was nice to hear a classic from my youth played,” I said, earning me a smile from most of the band members in hearing range.


Ok, I will be the first to admit, when I first met the pony on stage I had him pegged as an airheaded Justin Bieber ripoff. I mean, from the mane cut to his scrawny frame, to the name…Feather Bangs,really?

However, right now I was watching him do a very good pony version of the moonwalk while he belted out one of the King of Pop’s top songs. I really have to give the kid credit, he was doing the song justice.

I watched him come up on his hind hooves and spin, spreading out his front legs, throwing his head back. Somehow he nailed it, despite never having seen what Michael Jackson’s act was like. He was absolutely nailing it. It was yet another thing about this world that confuses the fuck out of me from time to time.

The mares in the crowd were going absolutely nuts. When the pony came to the end of the song, breathing hard, you couldn’t hear yourself think with all the screams and applause the mares were giving him.

I walked out on stage, picking up the mic once more and waited before lifting my arm up to calm folks down. It took almost a minute before I could and in that time the blond pony had trotted over to stand next to me, still working on catching his breath.

Finally, I could talk and I glanced down at him. “Well, I have to say that was an absolute shocker to me. First of all, the song just sung, was written, produced, and sung by a young man known across the world I am from known as the King of Pop. No single musician has ever, or likely will ever, be as well known or well loved as Michael Jackson was.”

I paused then continued. “The year was 1982 and the songs name is Billie Jean. It rocketed to the top of the charts and deserved its place.” I gestured down to the blushing stallion next to me. “It is my honor to introduce you all to the young ma… sorry, stallion who put his all into that act… Feather Bangs,” I said. The stallion flipped his head and sent his bangs up and back down.

Mares screamed, fillies fainted, a few in guard uniforms even broke and gave him looks I would only give Jackie in private. I watched the stallion just blush and try to hide behind his mane instead of gloating or boasting. His humbleness didn’t look to be an act as he waved to the crowd and the curtain came down once more.

Feather Bangs looked up at me. “Ranger McDonald, Sir?” He asked and I glanced down at him.

I held up a hand to halt him. “Please, call me Shane.”

Feather Bangs gave a nod in understanding. “Did I do it right, the song that is?”

I nodded to him. “I think Michael Jackson would have been quite proud, kid”

That earned me a genuine smile and mane flip.


I was a bit confused by the next act as even I had been pushed out of the side wings of the stage and down some. There was some top secret hush hush going on over this next act. I played along. I mean, why not? It seemed someone...- somepony, screw you purple, went to a lot of trouble to do this.

Darkness filled the stage as the curtain lifted. You could see hints of the band and some pony standing center stage, but that was it.

A slow beat kicked on starting with drums and an electric guitar. The music began picking up tempo as bright colored lights lit up the stage and the band, yet darkness covered the pony in the center.

Then a voice began to sing as the lights pushed that darkness away to expose... Luna?! She was dressed in what I can only say was the hottest looking outfit I had ever seen!

Under a lovers' sky
Gonna be with you
And no one's gonna be around
If you think that you won't fall
Well, just wait until
'Til the sun goes down

There was absolute silence other than the music while the lunar princess herself was belting out a LeAnn Rimes song! She spun in place as the tempo kicked up and I had enough presence of mind to note she was looking right at one pony as she sung. One Lunar Thestrial Captain I knew pretty well.

Underneath the starlight, starlight
There's a magical feeling, so right
It'll steal your heart tonight

Then the beat took its uptick and she spun. It really was absolutely jaw dropping to see her like this. At the first part of the next verse the crowd went bonkers! I heard a loud voice exclaim “Sister!?” at the same time that two voices from the same area up in the royal box blurted out loud enough for all to hear “Luna?!”

You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
No, you can't fight it
It's gonna get to your heart

While the whole crowd was loud; it was the lunar ponies and guards that were the loudest. All of them screaming and hooting like animals. All but one. One stood there with his bat like wings snapped out, eyes glowing and opened wide. His jaw hanging open in shock, as he stood still in a stupor.. Poor Night Shade, I wonder if he knew what he was in for.

There's no escape from love
Once a gentle breeze
Weaves its spell upon your heart
No matter what you think
It won't be too long
'Til you're in my arms
Underneath the starlight, starlight
We'll be lost in the rhythm, so right
Feel it steal your heart tonight

You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
No you can't fight it
No matter what you do
The night is gonna get to you

A hoof hooked under my chin and pushed my jaw up. I blinked and glanced down to see Raven smirking as she gestured for me to go back to watching. Now I took in the whole stage. Lyra was once again behind the strings of the steel guitar, a few others I knew were in the band. However, the three backup singers... hell I knew them too!

Two of them were lunar ponies, one a lunar unicorn mare, the other a lunar earth pony mare. I kind of knew them, at least enough to recognize them both as part of Luna’s First Battalion. The center pony, however, was not only a surprise, but a shock. Golden herself stood up there, belting out the music along with her fellow backup singers.

The whole time it was pretty damn clear who Luna was singing to. Her eyes and gestures never left the poor stallion frozen in place down among his troops. The instrumental part kicked in as the backup singers joined in louder.

Don't try then
You're never gonna win

Luna swung around, all but ignoring all the cheers and hoots going on, she did smirk at the amphitheater crowd before returning her eyes to her captain.

Underneath the starlight, starlight
There's a magical feeling, so right
It will steal your heart tonight

You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
No, you can't fight it

I gave a low grunt and just said, “You knew,” I told Raven as a statement, not a question. Raven just kept her smirk and said one word.

“Yep.” We watched the Lunar Princess, as she poured her heart and soul into not only a song, but a message to one pony out of all of them.

You can try to resist (you can try to resist my kiss)
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know
Don't you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
No, you can't fight it
It's gonna get to your heart

The song ended and you couldn’t even hear yourself think. I wonder what it was like for all the ponies and other creatures listening to this on radio. Would they understand the words, would they understand just how much of herself Luna put out there to do that. How brave she was? I knew; I knew well how far she had stood out in the limelight and dared.

Raven poked me and I got moving; climbing back up on stage and grabbing my mic. I waited, I was not going to interrupt the moment for Luna. Up in the Royal Box the cheers were doubled, to steal Luna’s line. Celestia was going absolutely insane screaming, a smile wide enough to be seen from here on her face.

Twilight a little less so, but still bouncing in place. Pink alicorn, however, was glowing. No, I mean it; she was glowing like a bright pink lantern. Her wings spread wide and a smile as bright as the sun was on her muzzle.

Finally, I cleared my throat and held up my hands to get some calm going. I waited longer before I could get a word in.

“W-well, I… I don’t know where to start. I guess first, the song,. The year was 2000. The artist is a well known country singer named LeAnn Rimes, who brought a rock and pop style together bringing us ‘Can’t Stop the Moonlight’.” I glanced over at Luna, who was blushing hot along her cheeks, but she wasn’t looking at me. She wasn’t looking at the crowd, her eyes were locked on her captain. I glanced down at him and likewise, his eyes were locked on her. I cleared my throat.

“Tonight, it was brought to you by our own Lunar Princess. Give a huge round of applause for Princess Luna!” Again the ponies and others went nuts, and again it was the lunar ponies among them being the loudest.

Once more it took time to calm all of them down before Luna stepped forward. I held the mic for her as she cleared her throat.

“We… I, thank you all. I could not have done this without the support of all those behind me,” turning and sweeping her wing along her band and backup singers. Turning back to look out she lowered her eyes once more. “Or, the love I have found from among all my ponies,” she said cryptically, but anyone with half a brain knew exactly who she was talking to.

Poor, poor, Night Shade; did he know what he was in for? Having not just a mare, but the Lunar Mare herself chasing him? I saw him blink out of the corner of my eye and glanced over in time to see him lower his head to Luna with a soft smile on his muzzle.

I leaned over to Luna and whispered out of mic range. “That, was really brave.”

Luna whispered back. “M-more than you know, Shane; more than you know.”


How in the hell do I follow that one up? I mean, holy crap I just watched one of the ruling ponies, put on a show that would make anyone proud. I asked myself.

However, I wanted to keep the reason for this whole thing in folk’s minds. So, I picked up my guitar once more and walked out onto the stage. Like the first set I had done, the same band was behind me, same ponies, same mint green mare smiling warmly as she winked her eye at me.

I had spoken to Lyra to see how she was holding up. Lyra said she was having a blast and getting to show off she knew how to play more than a harp was really special for her. I did chuckle as I thought I was turning that mare into a cowgirl.

So, I took my seat again tugging the mic closer, making sure it was all set up before I leaned forward and spoke.

“This next song is a reminder of heart. That when our guards are out there... we have to remember them. That they are alone while their families and loved ones are safe at home.”

I took a breath in. “This song is by a country singer named John Michael Montgomery. It is called... ‘Letters from Home’.”

I glanced one more time back to the band then down at the strings of my guitar. I started to pluck and began the song.

My Dear Son, it is almost June,
I hope this letter catches up to you, and finds you well.
Its been dry but they're calling for rain,
And everything's the same ol' same in Johnsonville.
Your stubborn 'ol Daddy ain't said too much,
But I'm sure you know he sends his love,
And she goes on,
In a letter from home.

A lot of the same reactions as my first song were on the ponies in the crowd as I played and sang, there were ponies and others sitting forward, ears perked, pointed up at me to catch every word.

I hold it up and show my buddies,
Like we ain't scared and our boots ain't muddy, and they all laugh,
Like there's something funny bout' the way I talk,
When I say: "Mama sends her best y'all."
I fold it up an' put it in my shirt,
Pick up my gun an' get back to work.
An' it keeps me driving me on,
Waiting on letters from home.

I looked back down at my fingers on the strings as I set up for the next part of the song. Once more, I focused on the song, not on the thousands of eyes on me. I just hoped they liked this as much as all the other music tonight.

My Dearest Love, it’s almost dawn.
I've been lying here all night long wondering where you might be.
I saw your Mama and I showed her the ring.
Man on the television said something so I couldn't sleep.
But I'll be alright, I'm just missing you.
An' this is me kissing you:
XX's and OO's,
In a letter from home.

I hold it up and show my buddies,
Like we ain't scared and our boots ain't muddy, and they all laugh,
'Cause she calls me "Honey", but they take it hard,
'Cause I don't read the good parts.
I fold it up an' put it in my shirt,
Pick up my gun an' get back to work.
An' it keeps me driving me on,
Waiting on letters from home.

I glanced up and saw a few couples in the crowd near the stage pressing closer. One guard in full armor had his face pressed into the neck of the mare that was next to him. Yeah, they got it; I’m sure of it.

I knew this next line would be a heavy one, it always had been. See, I had friends that went to the sandbox and we had talked when they got home. It’s why I had always tried to write when they left, I hope my letters helped even the ones that didn’t come back from over there.

Now, in my new home, there were guards on the borders; ones who didn’t see their loved ones for a full year rotation. I wanted all the ponies who didn’t serve to understand the sacrifice they gave.

Dear Son, I know I ain't written,
But sittin' here tonight, alone in the kitchen, it occurs to me,
I might not have said, so I'll say it now:
Son, you make me proud.

I hold it up and show my buddies,
Like we ain't scared and our boots ain't muddy, but no one laughs,
'Cause there ain't nothing funny when a soldier cries.
An' I just wipe me eyes.
I fold it up an' put it in my shirt,
Pick up my gun an' get back to work.
An' it keeps me driving me on,
Waiting on letters from home.

I ain’t a hero like the ones here tonight. I’m just a ranger.hey may be ponies and gryphons and all manner of things, however, they are heroes to me, and I really wanted them to know that, too. I looked up at the crowd and the applause, the smiles, and more than one look of thanks.

If just one civilian got it after tonight, understood the message... well then... that was the best thing I could have gifted my new home, Equestria.

I bowed my head as I stood and leaned into the mic. “Thank you.”

I walked off stage to collect myself as they started to set up for the next act; only 4 more songs to go and the night was over. I had one last set to do and I smiled to myself. This one was going to be a lot of fun and a real surprise for a pink pony.

59 - The Big Show (Part 4)

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Backstage the director, a unicorn pony named First Act, came up to me.

“Shane, we have added in one more act to fill in the time to the final act, here are the cards for it,” First Act said, holding out several notecards to me.

I looked down at the bright purple stallion with a warm blue mane and tail. “Thank you, First,” I said happily, keeping in the spirit of the night. I did not look at the cards; rather I turned as I asked, “Where will they come in?”

He glanced down at his clipboard. “After this next act.” I placed the cards in the right cubby hole after adjusting all the other card packs into the right order.

Turning to look at First, I asked, “Are things in place?”

He gave a big smile. “Miss Raven will be escorting her to the stage, right on time”

I gave a grin “And--” he cut me off with a shake of his head.

“Already in a stage room, poor little guy is a bundle of nerves. I left him in the care of Miss Scroll.”

I gave him a soft nod. “Thank you for taking care of that, First.”

He shook his head. “No, thank you, Shane; for giving us a chance to put this show on.”


Okay, once more I was absolutely shocked by the act I just watched. This time the song was upbeat; a dance song of epic proportions by all standards of measure.

There must have been thirty Canterlot elites on stage, with Fluttershy standing center. Seeing her not hide behind her mane, but smile warm and bright; surrounded by ponies shaking their tails and kicking their legs like cancan dancers doing ballet.

Every last one of them was dressed to the nines and Fluttershy herself was in a dress that screamed ‘Rarity Special’.

Down in the once clear dancing area perhaps fifty or more ponies had been dancing and getting into the groove of the song.

Watching them, I think the fact she had just sang proudly and freely in front of so many ponies started to hit her. She lightly started to cower back and I saw Fleur de Lis and Hoity Toity slide in and offer her a way to hide as she left the stage.

Walking out onto the stage, the cards in my right hand, I glanced at her and smiled and got a small one back. I was not about to ask her to come forward and talk or bow because I knew she was fighting her anxiety already. I think Fancy Pants saw it too; he was dressed in his tux and moved forward to stand next to me to stand as a distraction from the fleeing mares and stallion.

Leaning into the mic, I started my stage voice again. “The year was 1990, back on earth, and an already very famous singer named Madonna came out with this catchy tune, named Vogue

Fancy gave a smile and leaned over to the mic. “Tonight we, the Knights, Dames, and Nobels of Canterlot, wished to show our support. Now, I kindly ask that all of you keep your applause to a respectful level, stand and clap for our singer, The Element of Kindness herself, Miss Fluttershy.”

She poked her head up a little, but stayed in that semi protected spot between two ponies she was behind. However, she then offered a genuine smile as the large audience stood and clapped and stomped once more. Up in the back of the audience a huge sign rolled down. On it, in bright pink letters, was written “Congratulations Fluttershy!”

It was most certainly Pinkie Pie’s doing, but it was well received. I looked over at the side stage and made a small motion for them to bring the curtain down. As it did, I turned and walked back to Fluttershy and kneeled down with Hoity and Fleur giving me some room. “That was so brave of you Flutters, I am proud of you,” I said, leaning in and sharing a hug with her.

“I couldn’t have done it without everypony’s help, and…”

She was cut off by a throat clearing and I glanced to my side, seeing the mismatched legs of a certain male. “Would you mind if I got Fluttershy out of here now?”

Many heads shook as Fluttershy moved to his side. He did glance at me and gave me a nod of his head. “Shane.”

I gave him a genuine nod back. “Discord.”

A snap of his talons and they were gone. The rest of the ponies started to shuffle off to the side stage. Fancy walked over next to me. “I never did get a chance to thank you for the coat. Both Fleur and I wear ours every meeting. It drives the rest of the Nobles quite crazy and tends to incense them a bit, rightly so.”

I chuckled. “Good,” then I clapped my friend on the withers lightly. However, I looked back at his eyes. “About, the gala…”

He cut me off and shook his head. “Nothing needs to be said, Old Chap; it has changed nothing in the opinion of those of us that call you our friend. “

Stupid ponies and their stupid sentimental heart filled words. I gave him a nod, once more silently thanking God for giving me a second chance.


Ponies were acting weird, almost sketchy, I would say. There was a lot of ‘Oh Shane, could you help me in Green Room one?’ and ‘Ranger, I think somepony was looking for you back near the catering tables,’ kind of stuff. Of course this had the officer in me suspicious, but they were ponies, not nefarious criminals.

So, I went along with their distraction and it always turned out to be a false alarm, or just a small issue that anyone could have dealt with. Then, one of the stage ponies trotted back and tapped me on the leg. “They need you on stage right now, Shane.”

I gave a nod and adjusted my hat. “Thank you,” I said and started heading to the stage. Once I was out on stage I saw there were a great deal of ponies waiting for me set in a few groups. Two groups up front I knew pretty well; having met them both on patrol through the south.

The Hooffields and McColts were grinning at me with gaping smiles and warm expressions.

Big Mac was with a few members of the Apple family I didn’t know too well. Both groups had a few instruments among them, all rustic instruments at that: washboards, old wash tubs set upside down, banjo’s, a couple empty jugs were mixed in, too.

Lyra was in charge of a string group, she was sitting behind a steel guitar while a number of others had violins and other such classical instruments. I glanced over to my left and saw First Act just shrug at me with a grin.

The curtain went up to a light, but heartfelt, applause as the old stallion stepped forward to the mic with the old mare at his side.

“B’fore we start this here shindig, Ma here and me want to ask that there hu-man fella to come on out here with his fancy gee-tar.”

Both ponies looked over at me and gestured with their hooves; so I picked my guitar up from the stand it rested in and walked out, pulling the sling over my head. The applause once more kicked in as ponies stomped and other creatures clapped once I was on stage.

Someone, likely a pony, had thought to set up a chair near center stage, so I sat down, still a bit confused.

Ma spoke up loudly, like she didn’t know what a microphone was, so her voice carried like a bullhorn. “Now, y’all enjoy this here music,” she said, turning to me with a smile, “it’s our hope you know this one; Big Daddy thinks you might.”

The music started and I caught the haunting sound of a slow banjo tempo, then Lyra’s steel guitar came in. Big Mac stood near a mic and started to sing in a baritone that fit the song greatly.

Almost heaven, West Virginia
Blue ridge mountains
Shenandoah river
Life is old there
Older than the trees
Younger than the mountains
Growin’ like a breeze

Yes, yes I knew this song, and it brought a big smile to my face. I came in on the chords with my guitar and voice with Big Mac, joining in with amazing harmony.

Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads

On the next set of lines, the Hooffields and McColts came in. A harmony they sure didn’t have years ago when Twilight and Fluttershy showed them the error of their feudin’ ways.

All my memories gathered round her
Miners lady, stranger to blue water
Dark and dusty, painted on the sky
Misty taste of moonshine
Teardrops in my eye

Strumming along as part of the bigger band was a bit tough; I had not practiced with them at all. Heck, I didn’t know they were going to pull this on me out of nowhere. However, I do remember Big Daddy hearing me play the song when he was in ponyville to help Fluttershy get her sanctuary started up. Once more, it was all the ponies on stage that came in for the chorus.

Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads

This was fun… not a word I used or felt often. Being asked to join in and not lead, just to be there as a part of a whole group of salt of the earth type ponies. I was honored to be counted among them. I found myself surprised again when the next voice came in, because I had not seen him come on stage behind me. Cort’s voice, and while he claims he isn’t a great singer, it was pretty clear to me that he had been practicing quite a bit.

I hear her voice
In the mornin hour she calls me
The radio reminds me of my home far away
And drivin down the road I get a feelin
That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday

The brick red unicorn, wearing his ranger coat, had on an old looking stetson. I had never seen him wear it, but it looked good on him as he took a spot right next to me. Glancing over and offering me a smile I returned, as we sang as a duet.

Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, mountain mama
Take me home, country roads

Looking back up at the huge audience I was elated to hear the voices of every creature joined by the magic of Heart Song. Everywhere I could see ponies, gryphons, and all manner of creatures swaying and singing the best they could.

Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, mountain mama
Take me home, country roads
Take me home, down country roads
Take me home, down country roads

The applause started as I stood up and swung my guitar around on my back. I turned to look at all the ponies on stage and joined in. Clapping my hands together, offering them a thank you for letting me join them, and for another wonderful surprise. I guess at that moment it really kind of hit me. All the bad, all the pain, the loss; it hurt, but it all brought me here, to this moment. A moment where I was surrounded by the good, the healing, and the reason I, we, do it all.

Once the audience had calmed a bit I spoke into the mic. "Thank you all, that was a song by a folk singer by the name of John Denver, and the song, Country Roads, is considered among one of the great classic country songs. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did" gesturing for the curtain to come down.


A while later, I stood on stage with a small band behind me. This time, standing at my side, was a little pint sized pony colt. Pip had on a dark black stetson, just like mine, and a nice brown suede-like vest that matched his colors well. The colt was currently looking at a pink little filly who had such a confused look on her face. Diamond Tiara stood there at the edge of the stage with her ears back looking nervous. She stammered out above the din of the crowd, “Pip, w-what are you doing?”

He gulped and glanced up at me for motivation, and I gave him a nod. Pip looked back at her and the audience fell silent as an electric banjo, played by Octavia to my surprise, started strumming at a fast pace. The little guy puffed his chest out and in a tone almost absent of his usual accent, started to sing with a strength that made even me raise my eyebrows at the power he had to give.

You say what if I hurt you, what if I leave you
What if I find somebody else and I don't need you
What if this goes south, what if I mess you up
You say what if I break your heart in two then what
Well I hear you girl, I feel you girl but not so fast
Before you make your mind up I gotta ask

The rest of the band kicked in and I joined in with my Gibson as I took a few steps back, leaving the colt looking at the filly, so they could be the center of attention. Little Diamond Tiara looked like she was ready to faint, and yet with eyes so wide; she could not look away from the colt singing to her.

What if I was made for you and you were made for me
What if this is it, what if it's meant to be
What if I ain't one of them fools just playin' some game
What if I just pulled you close, what if I leaned in
And the stars line up and it's our last first kiss
What if one of these days baby I'd go and change your name
What if I loved all these what ifs away

Pip wasn’t just standing there, he was shifting and rocking, gesturing to her, and ignoring the fact he was all of 13 and standing in front of thousands of creatures while pouring his little heart out to a filly he loved; through song. The filly he had been too afraid of to tell his feelings to until that very moment. Then I felt it, and I suspect so did everyone else. A kind of energy... that feeling I have always associated with Harmonic magic, and it was coming from the two little ones in the center of the world.

What if the sky falls

Sky falls…” Diamond joined in with him.
Suddenly, Diamond started singing back at that moment from the ground, off the stage, like she knew it was her part to play.

“...or the sun stops burnin'
We could worry about them what ifs 'til the world stops turnin' ”

Or I could kiss you

“You should kiss me,” Diamond Tiara sung back

What if you liked it

“Bet I'd like it,” she blushed, smiling back.

Now it was both of them, singing together in harmony as they stared into each other’s eyes and sang to one another.

Well, we ain't never gonna know unless we try it.

They were oblivious to where they were and who was there. Magic might have been everywhere in Equestria, but at that moment, it was all for them.

What if I was made for you and you were made for me
What if this is it, what if it's meant to be
What if I ain't one of them fools just playin' some game
What if I just pulled you close, what if I leaned in
And the stars line up and it's our last first kiss
What if one of these days baby I'd go and change your name
What if I loved all these what ifs away

The band played a bit harder and Pip suddenly got a look in his eyes. He turned and galloped across the stage to the very center, looking back he grinned and used a forehoof to push his hat up some. As the music continued, he gestured with his hoof to the pink filly.

“Oh yeah, c'mon!”

Diamond climbed on stage faster and easier than it should have been and came to a stop facing him in less than two seconds with two hooves between them. The music wound down until a brightly smiling grey mare on the electric banjo was the only one playing.

Still, they sang together and it was the most magical moment I’d felt since Jackie and me...

You say what if I hurt you, what if I leave you
What if I find somebody else and I don't need you

Pip said a single word with a sharp shake of his head that I didn’t even think he knew, like he knew the very thought of saying what if in a bad way was a curse he had to get out:


The music kicked back in as that little colt and filly started to sing once more. Their eyes were locked, voices in harmony, and a pink glow started to form around both of them… I remember thinking that was odd, because I don’t remember that happening in rehearsal with Pip and the band.

What if I was made for you and you were made for me
What if this is it, what if it's meant to be
What if I ain't one of them fools just playin' some game
What if I just pulled you close, what if I leaned in
And the stars line up and it's our last first kiss
What if one of these days, baby, I'd go and change your name
What if I loved all these what ifs away

Away,” Pip sang to Diamond and leaned closer.

The pink glow had spread everywhere then, like moonlight shining from the foals was bathing the whole amphitheater, it filled all our hearts with the same growing feeling of love the two foals felt for one another.

Away,” Diamond sang back, a bit softer as she moved closer to the colt.

Pip smirked and tilted his head to the right as the music ended with a held chord, played by Octavia, hummed. “What if?” Pip asked softly but still picked up by the mic.

Diamond leaned forward and touched her lips to his. It was the kind of small and embarrassing kiss that wasn’t what lovers shared; yet it was the most special kiss ever for two young people… a first kiss that wouldn’t be their last.

The crowd went crazy and was almost as loud as they were for Luna, yet that was not the oddest thing. No, that came from the Royal Box in the form of a pink blur flying into the air that exploded of pink and purple light over the whole area, far outside the gathering and probably across the whole city. It came with a feeling, a memory of two first kisses of mine that were as vivid as the moment they happened.

One was with a pretty blond haired, blue eyed girl standing on her father's doorstep after the freshman dance. The other was with a beautiful orange mare with blond mane and the greenest eyes to ever exist… and freckles that I counted every night before I fell asleep and every morning I woke up beside her.

I felt the charge from it as if it was happening in the moment, the energy and emotions of it was overwhelming and I wanted so badly to wrap Jackie in my arms and kiss her for all I was worth. I looked up into the sky and saw Cadence hovering in the air, absolutely beaming like a pink sun with her wings spread and horn lit. My eyes drifted a little down and there at the balcony of the Royal Box was that very green eyed mare that filled my life with meaning, looking at me with the same love I had for her.

I agreed with Pip and felt the words to the song in a whole new way that had meaning I didn’t feel before that moment… what if?


The aftermath of that little event took quite a while to come down from. Creatures were talking and hugging… well, there was just an air of love and friendship all around. I managed to mutter into the mic that the songs name was What Ifs by Kane Brown.

Shortly after, I found myself having been shoved off stage and out of the backstage area along with a large group of others. I was standing with them and we had been asked not to peek as they pulled up extra curtains to hide what was going on back and front stage.

Finally, First Act poked his head out and had folks return to their spots. He asked me to stand at stage right and wait, the spot afforded me no view at all of who was on stage or how it was set up. Rather, I could see the audience milling about. I glanced up to the royal box and noted all the princesses up front, along with some of the girls. I saw Jackie and she waved to me with a hoof and pointed.

In the crook of her other leg, she held Flurry Heart, who looked where AJ pointed and while I could not hear it, I could see her let out an excited squeal and start wiggling her hooves at me. Yeah okay; seeing Jackie holding a kid… it just made her that much more attractive to me right at that moment.

I waved back and then glanced around and across the stage where I spotted something out of place. Trixie was standing just out of view of the audience on a raised platform, behind sets of boards and controls of some type. She looked deep in thought and I wondered what was going on.

First Act handed me a single card and said, “Please, Shane; go out, read this, then come back to this spot.” I wondered if he could be more mysterious or secretive, but I went with my top secret mission.

I stood at the mic and cleared my throat for total attention. “Hello again, y’all. This next song will have some audience participation involved. That up there,” I pointed up above me, “will have words appear, and everypony is encouraged to yell them as loud as you can when they flash on.” Blinking I looked the card over again and shrugged, then looked back up. “So, um, here we go. Y’all enjoy yerselves. The name of the band is Crystal Power.” With my piece done, I jogged off stage and waited to find out what was coming next..

All the lights went off backstage, front of stage, across the amphitheater, even the boxes casting everything in near total darkness. The curtain pulled up and I could see shapes in the moonlight, but that was about it.

Then two spotlights came on just as a fast guitar riff started to play. The first spotlight was on a mare sitting high center stage on a platform; behind a shield of drums, sat Pinkie Pie. Her unruly mane was held back by a hairband and she was tapping a cymbal with a drumstick held in her hoof in time with the guitar.

The second light shone down on Starlight Glimmer, standing on her hind legs with an electric guitar held in her hooves. Her horn lit up brightly and a big smile on her face expressed her excitement as she looked down at the frets and strings she strummed. I still have no clue how ponies do that with their hooves, but that didn’t matter.

The song was in all of three cords and I knew exactly what they were playing. Arguably one of the most rocking of rock anthems ever created, no one could hate this song. I started to grin widely as I pushed my hat up with two fingers. Now I saw what Trixie was doing; she was in full control of all the lighting and effects.

Then five voices started to sing, but still three shapes were still in the dark.

Ahhh ahh ahhh ahhh ah,
Ahhh ahh ahhh ahhh ah,

The drums came in harder and up above the stage a sign lit up that said ‘Thunder’ at the same time another light came on, lighting up another unicorn. This one the purest of whites with a brushed out purple mane. Rarity was striking and she too stood on her hind legs, horn lit, holding a bright red guitar in her hooves. However, most shocking was the fact she was wearing a schoolgirl outfit, How the...


The whole auditorium cried out together, but not in harmony.

The band continued with the musical vocal chant as the second time the sign lit up as a guide. This time another light came onstage as a bass guitar kicked in. Lighting up King Thorax, and he was playing a big orange and black base better than I thought he could. I held back a snort and laugh behind my hand.


There was no hesitation this time and the sound was just right, some creatures were already bobbing their head in time to the beat. Even I was tapping my boot without thinking. I looked up at the princesses and even they were yelling out the chant line. It seemed that everyone, even across realities, loved this song.


Rarity started in and matched Starlights playing, leaving one shadow left on stage. I looked up, just as a male voice on a mic cried out. The lights came on in full and Shining Armor stood there, wearing a leather jacket and gripping a mic in his right hoof. I still doubt it was real leather, but the scene was set and right.


Out in the crowd, one section went nuts as crystal ponies and crystal guards yelled out their part loud and proud as soon as they saw their leader on stage. Of course, this was nothing to the almost ear shattering scream of joy from the box high above the auditorium. Cadence had her hooves over her mouth, the shock was clear on her face.


Shining didn’t even bat an eye, he just grinned and on the next round started with the lyrics. He had rasped his voice some while singing much higher than I thought he could, and I have to say he was doing the song justice.

I was caught
In the middle of a railroad track


I looked round
And I knew there was no turning back


Now there were ponies and creatures standing; some were bobbing their heads, some were pumping their forelimbs in the air. I almost felt sorry for the ones listening in on the radio, they just couldn’t get the full effect of what was going on.

Every time the tag line came, the lights flashed and danced around. Trixie was clearly doing a fantastic job and was meant for this part of the show.

My mind raced
And I thought what could I do


And I knew
There was no help, no help from you


Sound of the drums

Right on queue, Rarity moved forward a bit and oh-boy did she let go. Ok, look, I had heard she knew her way around a guitar, but I didn’t believe it until right then because she could have taken Angus’s place and done him proud. This just made the whole audience grow more rowdy and loud.

Beating in my heart
The thunder of guns

In came Pinkie on the drums, with two columns of flames that leapt up behind her. I spotted Trixie with a grin as wide as her face with pride as all her talent was finally shining bright for all to see.

Tore me apart
You've been

Rarity was just killing it still, not to diminish how well Starlight was keeping up on rhythm guitar or Thorax on the bass. Shining Armor, a prince, singing on the mic in a tone that was perfect for the songs nature.

Rode down the highway
Broke the limit, we hit the town
Went through to Texas, yeah Texas, and we had some fun
We met some girls
Some dancers who gave a good time
Broke all the rules
Played all the fools
Yeah yeah they, they, they blew our minds
And I was shaking at the knees
Could I come again please
Yeah them ladies were too kind
You've been

I glanced at the audience again and this time even a group of five changelings I had not noticed before were headbanging to the song. It was almost enough to make me want to join in, almost.

I was shaking at the knees
Could I come again please

Rarity was out front and soloed like a master guitar player. She even started to do a one legged skip like Chuck Berry did across the stage as she played. It took me out of the moment in surprise as I wondered how ponies could do that.

Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck,
Yea yea yea Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck
Yea It's alright, we're doin' fine
It's alright, we're doin' fine, fine, fine
Thunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeah
Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck
Thunderstruck, baby, baby
Thunderstruck, you've been Thunderstruck
Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck
You've been Thunderstruck

As the song wound down, Rarity and Starlight ended up leaning on each other playing and grinning. The lights slowed and didn’t dance and flash as fast. Even a quick glance up showed while she was still grinning, Trixie looked exhausted from using so much magic. The drums slowed and as the song came to an end. The crowd was already riled up and only had a little more energy to give to go from rocking out to cheering madly past the point of clapping and stomping.

There was a streak of pink light, in the form of one alicorn of love flew above the crowd and into Shining Armor, knocking him onto his back and they rolled twice with Shining below Cadence; their lips had met in the tumble and, well, the term smoldering hot would do justice to this one.

Poor Pinkie was almost knocked from her spot, but instead she slumped over the drums. You could see she was covered in sweaty froth, as were Rarity and Starlight. Heck, the only one not sweating was Thorax, but he was currently held in the air with five changelings all holding him up and bouncing him around while screaming incoherently.

I waited since I knew this was going to take a while to calm down, so I grabbed four labeled bottles of water specifically made for ponies -with higher salt and sugar content that made it unhealthy for me-, and walked over onto stage. Starlight took one from my hand in her magic. “Oh, thank Celestia. Thank you, Shane,” she said as I offered one out to Rarity.

“Why, thank you, darling.”

Next up was Pinkie who managed to get out a single worded, “Thankyou,” before guzzling from her bottle. I worked across the stage, avoiding the mass of changelings still going nuts around their king, and held up a bottle to Trixie.

Trixie blinked, then took it and gave me a smile. “The Great and Very Exhausted Trixie thanks you very much, Shane.”

I gave her a smile back and gestured. “You might want to glance out at the royal box.”

She gave me an odd look, then peaked around the curtain and up. There, standing with Celestia and Luna, was her mother; Dame Lulamoon. The large unicorn mare offered a warm smile, lifted her right forehoof to her chest, and bowed her head looking right at her daughter.

Trixie looked at me, then back at her mother and waved before ducking back and exhaling. “S..she liked it, she really liked it...” Trixie’s eyes watered and she pulled her hat down to cover her face, but not before a shaky smile crossed her lips. A mother’s approval can mean so much, and I was glad Trixie got that little gift.

Finally, I walked back out to centerstage and started getting folks to calm some. I glanced over my shoulder at the alicorn with her wings spread and the unicorn on his back and coughed.

“Perhaps you two could get a room?”

This, of course, made them both blink and then leap to their hooves, blushing hard. I laughed, the crowd laughed, the princesses in the Royal Box all laughed. I gestured for all the band members to come forward, Thorax having to shoo off his changelings before making his way forward. I glanced out then gestured to the band.

“Tonight, playing a song by a band named AC/DC, a song I’m sure all of you can guess”

I paused as every member of the audience yelled out “Thunderstruck” together.

I laughed and gave a nod of my head. “Exactly. So, I don’t have my cards, but...” I paused and gestured, “on the drums, Pinkie Pie.” I watched her wave and bear a big smile as she got a good cheer from all.

“On the Bass Guitar, the King of the Changeling Nation, Thorax.” He got a cheer too, perhaps a bit louder from one group of bright colored changelings and quieter from certain groups of creatures that weren’t as understanding of the nature of the change of the Changelings.

Next I gestured to Starlight. “On the rhythm guitar, may I introduce Starlight Glimmer!” She got a softer cheer from the crowd, but a reasonably louder one from the booth where Twilight jumped up and down and smiled brightly, making the unicorn blush.

“Next, on lead guitar, I doubt I need to introduce her since you all know her line of fashion, Rarity!” The white unicorn tossed her mane that was, oddly back in perfectly curled shape. There was also not a hint of sweat on her… how the hell does she do that?

She got a pretty loud extra cheer from a large group of the solar guard. I had known for a while she was the pin up girl almost every one of them had in their lockers, so that came as no surprise to me.

Holding up a hand I got their attention. “Next a gu- er, a stallion that needs no introduction. Lead Singer tonight, Prince-Consort Shining Armor, of the Crystal Empire!” His loud section was that group of crystal guards. At Shining’s side, his wife had a dopey grin on her face and leaned on him, the mic was just sensitive enough to pick up her mutter “tonight,” making everyone laugh and cheer harder still.

I turned and gestured to the side stage where Trixie shook her head no, only to be enveloped by pink magic and dragged out by Cadence. I said it before, I say it again, she’s a troll.

Trixie ended up right next to me and I gestured down to her. “Last, but most certainly not least, may I introduce to you, on the lights and special effects; one of the premier show mares in Equestria, The Great and Powerful... Trixie!”

A huge cheer once more went up, over it all was a whistle that came from the lips her mother, standing next to Celestia. Both her hooves at her lips, whistling for her daughter with a huge proud smile on her face between sounds. Poor Trixie just blushed hard and then the showmare in her took over.

She bowed to the crowd with a flourish of her cape, then… kapow! A smoke bomb went off and she was gone. Well, not really gone; I saw her peek from behind the side stage again and she winked at me.

I waited for the rowdy crowd to calm down and then spoke into the mic. “There will be a twenty minute break for food and a stage change, then we will have the last song of the night, followed by the closing ceremony and raising of the sun.”

As the curtain went down I turned and looked at Shining Armor and chuckled. “How did you keep that a secret from your wife?”

He smiled at her then back to me. “You have no clue how hard that was to do.”

I heard Cadence mutter, “Somepony is getting punished tonight,” but the smirk on her face said it all.

I held up my hand. “Nope, too much info,” I laughed as I walked away from them.

60 - The big show (Part 5-End of Arc)

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I spent most of the time between the act before and this final act getting ready. Some of it telling the stage manager and director that I would not change outfits, even for this. The rest of it, I had helped wrangle the extras up on stage.

I could tell a lot of the stage hands were shocked when the lead singer walked past them and out onto the stage to get ready. Only the curtains and the dark keeping who it was hidden from the audience, including the princesses up in the royal box.

I walked out, took my spot, and looked over with a smile. “You ready?” I asked and watched the pony nod.

The curtains lifted and soft lights came on, showing the white princess herself, sitting in that odd ‘pony loaf’ with thirty foals around. Cradled between her front legs was another Alicorn, this one was small with pink fur and a bright smile.

Fanned out among the many colts and fillies lay Burnished Shield, held by his big sister, Bright Spark. Over to their left were two older foals, a pink filly pressed as close as can be to a smaller paint colt, wrapped up in each others legs, looking up at the Sun Princess herself.

I, myself, sat on a stool just off to her right side with my acoustic guitar in my hands and the mic in front of me. To my side sat a stallion by the name of Perfect Chord, holding a 4 string acoustic bass. Just up behind the relaxed Alicorn sat a mare named Ringo Bingo on the drums, and lastly, over to her left was a mare named Tempo Time, who sat at a keyboard.

The crowd was silent, I suspect from shock. However, from the royal box, three voices floated out.


It made me smile as I looked down at the strings on my guitar and started to pluck.

As I played in the start of the song, Celestia’s soft, powerful voice joined in. Yet, it wasn’t out to the audience, but down at the fillies and colts around her. All of whom looked up at her with awe and joy on their faces.

Here comes the sun, Do, Dun, Do, Do

The rest of us joined in singing harmony, but leaving the alabaster mare to sing lead.

Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s all right.

The of the rest of the little band came in, and joined my playing. A classic from an era before mine, but one I had heard my mother play over and over again on an old eight track in the kitchen.

Little Darling, Its been a long cold lonely winter
Little Darling, it feels like years since its been here

Again we all came in and joined her on the chorus.

Here comes the sun, Do, Dun, Do, Do
Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s all right

As her voice dropped out, we, her little band, continued on, playing out the chords. It was such a soft song, so light and yet had so many good memories for me. I couldn’t help but really feel it right now. Glancing up at the crowd and the booths above it. Every single last pony, Gryphon, and creature were on their hooves or claws. Every last one of them swaying and looked to be lost in the melody of it all.

I glanced over at Celestia and saw her glance up, looking right at her sister at the rail of the royal booth. Smile met smile, not that anyone else would have seen the exchange. I however had been looking for it, only because I knew how the sisters felt for each other.

Little Darling, the smile’s returning to their faces
Little Darling, it seems like years since it’s been here

Once more the rest of us joined in singing. This time however a group of little voices, young and filled with the joy of youth joined in with us. Every one of them scooting closer to the white Alicorn, as her wings came out and pulled as many as she could reach in. I saw her tilt her head in, nuzzling, even as she sang, every single one she could.

Here comes the sun, Do, Dun, Do, Do
Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s all right

I sat up a bit more and got into the strings a little harder and a tad faster for this part. Being lead guitar meant I really had to play as best I could.

Sun, Sun, Sun here it comes
Sun, Sun, Sun here it comes

By the third time in the song, it was like every single pony and creature was stomping hooves or clapping along with the beat, and loaned their voice to the words. This just made Celestia look up and her smile grow even warmer. No, not a Heartsong, just folks having a good time!

Sun, Sun, Sun here it comes
Sun, Sun, Sun here it comes
Sun, Sun, Sun here it comes

Now the song picked up pace and tempo, and we all did too. The audience and the colts dropped out, but Celestia’s voice lifted and carried even a bit louder and clearer than ever.

Little Darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little Darling, it feels like years since its been clear

Here comes the sun, Do, Dun, Do, Do
Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s all right

Things started to slow down for the last of the song. Now it was just my guitar and Celestia, as she and I finished things out.

Here comes the sun, Do, Dun, Do, Do
Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s all right
It’s all right

There was silence for a few seconds, then just like a few times before the crowd went nuts! Of course it was the solar guard among the audience that were that much louder and a bit more rowdy. Just like their Lunar counterparts had been for Luna.

Celestia stayed in the pony loaf, and kept the the foals around her close. I slid up and set my instrument aside. Picking up the microphone I waited, then lifted a hand and gestured to get everyone to calm down. Waiting out the craziness I glanced back at Celestia who shrugged and smiled at me before returning to nuzzle Little Burnished who was currently resting right next to Flurry.

I turned back to the amphitheater and gestured again. This time most started to calm. I brought the mic up and spoke. “Well wasn’t that a great surprise” a bit more of my southern accent slipping out.

“That song, was a chart topper in the year 1969 back on my home world. A band named The Beatles was taking the whole world by storm. The song was called, Here comes the sun and it was then what it is now. A light hearted and fun song with some deep meaning if you let it rumble around in your head” I paused.

“I remember my mother playing that song over and over again while she cleaned house, when I was a child.” I smiled some and adjusted my hat.

“I think we will let Princess Celestia relax a bit, I am told” pausing and pulling out the last card from my pocket where it was folded up. I unfolded it and started to read. “That we will take a one hour break. Then the princesses will lower the moon and raise the sun, and conclude the Summer Sun Celebration.” looking up and giving a nod. The curtains again came down and closed up.

As I set my Gibson on its stand I stood and walked over to help wrangle the foals. A few parents were already coming in from the wings of the stage to gather up their little ones. I bent down even as Celestia slowly stood. Picking up a giggling little alicorn baby and putting her on my shoulder, legs around my neck. I winced as she drummed on my skull and saw the white goddess smile warmly at me.

I was lifting Burnished up, his big sister parked at my left leg, when she spoke. “You really are amazing with foals, Shane.”

I glanced down, gesturing for Pip and Diamond to come on over and join me. Looking back up at Celestia once more. I swallowed a little of the old pain, remembering my own little girl at this age group. “I try”

I saw her look, once again I had failed to hide my emotions from the sun goddess, and she put her wing out to rest on my arm. I pushed a smile to my face and just gave her a quiet “I am ok, just memories.”

We were cut off by a loud, in my ear squeal and the drumming of hooves on my skull once more. I shook off the minute pain and laughed as Celestia spoke up. “I think somepony needs her parents.”

I gave a nod and glanced down to make sure I had my little entourage of foals. “Ok lets go, Pip you take the last spot, make sure everyone” I paused “and pony” I continued on “stays in line, come on”

With a nod I headed off to the side stage and the stairs down so I could lead my little group back to their parents or in the case of Pipsqueak, Applejack who was his chaperone for the event.


Back up in the Royal box, I handed off Flurry who let out a big yawn as her mother took her in her magic pulling her over. Burnished, balanced on his big sisters back, Yawned too as she carried him over to her mother and father.

Pip looked at me and then at his special somepony and said “Diamond, do you want a drink or something?”

She gave a nod and off they went across the room to where the food service was. Leaving me standing alone for a moment. Pinkie Pie bounced over, god where does she get the energy? Shoving her nose into my hand as she was want to do, I stroked her short little pony muzzle and up to her poofy mane.

“You enjoy things Pinkie?”

She gave a nod “Yeparoony Shane! That was super cool, hearing all that music and stuff.”

Glancing down at her “I think you were pretty cool on the drums.”

She got a look and shook her head “no way, it was not cool at all, it was hot and I was sweating and then I got tired but…”

Putting my hand on her muzzle to close it lightly. “Stop, just say thank you” only for her to try and talk with my hand like that. “Mernk Mew”

I rolled my eyes but caught Rarity gesturing with her hoof behind me. Turning, once again I got a pair of pony lips attached to a very pretty blond maned orange mare, pressing to my lips. I kissed back, hearing giggles from all around.

Reaching up as the kiss broke and pushing her hat back on her head some. “That’s twice you snuck up on me. I am going to have to watch you.”

Applejack just laughed some at me and hooked one leg around my neck, leaving her standing on 3 legs upon the chair she stood on.

My part of the show was over, I didn’t have to introduce anything or be on stage. So I finally got myself a snack, and sat down on the balcony. Jackie tucked up under my right arm and pressed her head to my side.

Getting to watch for the 2nd time, the sun and moon alicorns go thru a ritual. Heads bowed to each other as they stood on stage. Then moving, circling each other so they were now on opposite sides from where they started. Again bowing to each other, before Luna lifted up, wings spread, legs spread, into the air. Bringing her wings down, her legs together, the moon in the sky slowly slid past the horizon. Once her rear hooves touched down, Celesia rose up in reverse of that. Spreading her wings slowly, her legs splaying out in time as the sun crept up and dawn broke over the world.

Once it was done the applause broke out, and the show was finally over. Time to go home!


So here I was, on the train car. It was a regular car so pony sized not me sized, I found myself on the floor. Sitting on a pillow, back to one of the benches. Jackie was up on the bench asleep, head over my right shoulder and curled around my shoulders and neck some. My right arm was up over two sleeping foals. Pip and Diamond, crushed up to each other, pip on my side, Diamond on his side.

In my lap as my legs were out, lay a little baby Alicorn sleeping. Her parents across from me both snoozing. Under my left arm slept a small dragon, his head shoved into the outside of my thigh, curled up like a puppy might.

I myself had dozed off, and found myself like this, glancing down, I spotted pinkie asleep at my feet. Three chaos creatures known as the CMC all lay on my right leg or pressed to Pinkie in a kind of pile. A very slight turn of my head showed Rarity was reading on a bench, and down at the foot of that bench was Twilight and Rainbow, curled up together sleeping.

I smiled very softly and dozed back off.


A few clicks, and flashes woke me up, seeing four cameras all hovering as pictures were taken. I blinked away the sleep, still being held down and used as a bed by little pony foals and one pretty orange mare.

Cadence just shook her head and whisper spoke. “Captured for eternity, proof Shane the Ranger, has a soft side.” I didn’t bother to shoot her a look, I just said in a same quiet tone. “Where are we?”

Twilight spoke up from where she was, just tucking one of the cameras back in a bag. “About ten minutes out. Time to wake everypony up.”

I gave a nod and turned my head, just about to kiss Jackie on the nose she muttered, eyes closed still. “Ah am awake...but y’all can kiss me anyways.” so I did. This caused a little paint pony under my arm to groan “ewwww adults kissing” and the pink pony next to him to hoof nudge him. “You kissed me, in front of all of Equestria, even the princesses.”

The reaction was a pink and brown paint pony as he blushed up a storm, an even pinker filly, some laughter from the adults, and one princess of love leaning down and saying in a very soft tone to Pip.

“You were the bravest most charming stallion of the night, never forget how special you made your special somepony feel.”

Pip looked up at the alicorn, then over next to him at Diamond who just answered by tucking her head in and hiding her face, in pips neck.

Arriving back in Ponyville around noon or so, I helped wrangle up all our strays. Filthy took charge of Pip, so a sleepy little pink filly and her special somepony lay across his back as he trotted off. Twilight had promised him a recording of the show, so he could watch what went on. He had said he listened to every moment of it on the radio along with almost half of Ponyville, down at the city hall.

Cort and Golden headed off to get some sleep, Rarity took her sister with her. Rainbow took Scoots with her. So that left one dead to the world asleep apple filly, currently slung across my neck in a ‘firemans’ carry. Her head balanced on my shoulder and I gripped her legs. She was a might heavy but, hey I don’t mind as AJ and I headed off home. The train having left for the crystal empire to return the royal family and their guards.

When we got home, Red was up on his perch. He spread his wings, no bandage! I knew he couldn’t quite fly yet, but he managed to hop/glide over and land on Jackie as she lay on the bed to catch some sleep. I lay down next to her, parking Apple Bloom at the foot of it, and decided more of a nap would be nice.

61 - Down by the river

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It’s hard to believe it has only been a month since the Summer Sun celebration happened. Then again, I guess that is how things kind of flow around here. I glanced at my left shoulder, where Red sat riding in his favorite spot, as I walked the road out past the Whitetail woods. Just another routine patrol, heading out for an overnight to check on the tribes of deer there. Then we would loop back along the Ghastly Gorge to check on the Diamond Dogs and Maud.

Speaking of, I finally got to meet Maud’s boyfriend...er, coltfriend, whatever. Nice enough guy but, man, talk about the most bland dude. I swear that guy made beige look like an exciting color in comparison. Not that I hold that against him, he clearly makes Maud happy, and Pinky, from what she says. It took her time to get to like him, but she loves him to death because of how well he treats her sister.

I was thinking about the little group gathering I had noted on my way out of town. Sunburst was in town and I had heard Glimmer and Twi talking about some kind of antiquing they were going to do with him. My mom would have loved that. Nothing I could see going wrong there, so I had no worries. Cort could handle anything that came along, I was sure.

Red made a little noise and this brought me out of my thoughts, making me pivot my head to look around some. coming to a stop, I spotted four of the deer kind; two bucks, a doe, and a little fawn. Lifting my hand and giving a wave, I got smiles and hoof waves back.

Walking over to them, I tilted my head some. “Falling Log? What has you out this far?”

The largest of the bucks smiled, still having to look up at me even though they tended to be a bit larger than ponies are. His English, er, Ponish wasn’t the best, but he did pretty well. “Good to see you, Ranger, I take my family. We go to Ponyville, introduce little Half Stump, here, to ponies,” he gestured to the small fawn hiding behind the doe’s rear leg.

I squatted down just like I would with any foal or child and smiled. “Well, I bet you're excited, Half Stump” I stated. I could see him look wide eyed up at me, but he wasn’t scared. He was glancing at the Hawk on my shoulder so I continued. “This is Red, he is my friend and companion.” That earned a happy trillish noise from the bird as he fluffed out his feathers and settled his wings back in.

The little fawn said something in their native tongue, so I glanced up at the doe, who smiled looking back at the fawn, then back to me. “He says,” clearly Ponish was not her strong suit by her broken wording. “Creature befriends bird, can be trusted?” Then she looked back to him, giving a nod, and said something back to him.

This brought the fawn around with a few hesitant steps to stand beside his mother, closer in front of me than I thought he’d get.. I reached out a hand slowly, and with a smile, I gave him a little boop on the nose with one finger. The result was a funny little scrunched up muzzle, and a laugh from the two bucks and the doe.

Red leapt down onto the ground, nearly three-quarters the fawn’s size, and started to make little peep noises. To his credit, Half Stump leaned out and brushed his nose to the hawk’s beak and got a trill and a head bump back.

I couldn’t help but smile at that. “Look at that, you have a new friend. Sometimes, Red here will fly out this way and look around, you can always trust him.”

The doe gave a nod and the second buck translated, making the fawn look up at him, back to me, then back to the bird. The fawn gave a warm, soft smile only the innocent, who still see all the good in the universe, can have.

I slowly stood up and Red launched himself up, circled a few dozen yards out and came back in for a landing on my shoulder. After exchanging a few words, we parted and I continued on my patrol hike. I needed to make it to the far edge of the woods by nightfall so I could sleep in the deer village.

I planned on making a stop along the way to the village and see if I could catch a fish or two. I had my old fishing pole broken down and tucked in a hard round tube case along the side of my backpack. Speaking of backpacks, I still love this one Twilight got me, and it’s finally starting to show some wear.

About another hour in, I had just sat down on a large rock, looking out at the blacktail river. Well calling it a river might be a stretch, it was more than a stream, but still only ten feet across at most. Sliding my pack off my shoulder, I glanced up to see where Red was. I spotted him circling up catching updrafts. I figure he was hunting, so I left him to it. Tugging out the pole canister, I opened it up and started to assemble the ol’ fishing pole.

All set up, I cast out into the middle of the slow moving water and set the pole on a Y shaped stick I had dug into the ground. Then, I relaxed, planning to have a nice relaxing afternoon.

Unfortunately, it was not meant to be. I heard a noise off to my left, a stick snapping. No way it could be one of the deer tribe, they would never slip up like that. Still sitting, I eased my hand forward just a bit, closer to my holster. However, I made no attempt to turn and look, rather, I kept looking out at the river.

“You make a move monster, and you die right there” I didn’t dare look back over my shoulder, but that voice... I had heard it before, but, where? “Sit up, turn, and look at me.”

Doing as I was told, I saw two creatures there, one was a gryphon missing one eye and his beak kind of bubbled and marred. The other was a unicorn stallion I didn’t know. He had a light tan body and a dark blue mane and tail.

Yeah, I knew the griffon for sure, one of the escaped convicts. The stallion, from his colorations, I had to guess, was Oak Pike, the missing guard. The Gryphon was holding a crossbow trained on me. The unicorn’s horn was lit up, but it didn’t look stable, then again he didn’t look much better. His eyes were drawn, sunken in, and his eyelids were puffy. As I had previously noted, his magic’s glow was flickering and overall the guy looked strung out, perhaps in the middle of withdraws from Rutt.

I was fast, but nowhere near fast enough to stop that bolt from getting me before I could gun them both down. So, I had to bide my time and see where this was going.

The unicorn spoke up, his tone shaky and stressed. “We should just kill him Gris” earning a grunt from the catbird.

“Nah, we are going to have us some fun, and then I am going to get myself my first good meal in a while.”

I didn’t like that grin he had, not one bit.

“Let's just kill him now, what if somepony else is around? I don’t like this, Gris.”

A snarl escaped the beak of the Gryphon “Shut the hell up Pike, we are doing thi- AAAAAAH!”

Things happened, and happened fast. The gryphon was suddenly screaming at the top of his lungs. Something brown and white had dropped down off the tree above him and landed on his back. My hand was already moving for the gun as the crossbow went off; the bolt sailing into the water behind me.

As the Peacemaker cleared leather, I was coming up to my knees. My thumb bringing the hammer back just as I saw a streak of brownish red dive out of the sky and crash into the unicorn’s face. He, too, started to scream as Red’s claws sunk deep into the flesh, scratching deep rends with each pass.

Whatever was on the gryphon’s back suddenly got bucked forward, flying a few feet and landing with a meaty thud. I didn’t have time to look, the big iron in my hand spoke. Smoke billowed out and a .45 caliber lead projectile smashed into Gris’s chest, ending him there and then.

Red screeched and I saw him flung into the trunk of the very tree the brown and white thing had come from. I will give Pike this, even strung out, he was good. His face was torn up, one eye was gone, but the other was filled with hate as his horn lit up.

Again, the Colt spoke, its voice a loud thundercrash of black powder. Smoke and flame spewing out of the barrel to join the previous cloud. The round smashing into the unicorn’s neck. Not so much as a gurgle came out of his mouth as he went down...dead.

Two more lives were on my list of sins, two more lives I would have weigh my heart down when I went to stand before Jesus. However, there would be time for that later.

My head turned looking at the brown and white lump that just groaned, and I realized it had hooves, a mane, a tail, and a cutie mark in the form of a Rangers star, and a golden horseshoe…. Pip?!

I was up on my feet in an instant, eyes glancing to the woodline to make sure there were no other uninvited guests. Holstering the iron back in leather, I ran over to him.

”Pip? PIP! Talk to me, boy.” I said, urgently.

He groaned and opened his eyes, looking half up at me. “My leg hurts, really bad.”

I could see it was twisted, broken was my guess. “Lay there, don’t move around... what in the hell are you doing out here?” I asked him, perhaps a bit too harshly.

I was looking over to where Red had been thrown. The bird had recovered quickly and was fluttering to me. He let out a concerned noise when he saw Pip.

“I wanted to learn to be a Ranger so… I followed you, but I saw the gryphon and unicorn... and I climbed up the tree behind them quietly, and they said they were going to hurt you... and then I used my knife...”

I put my hand on the boy’s head. “Shh, we can talk about that later, just lay there.” I turned my head to Red. “Go, fast as you can. Find Lighting, then get them going this way.” He gave a nod and a little wing salute, then shot off into the air, pumping his wings for all he was worth. “I am going to find some sticks to make a splint ok? Don’t move around.” I told him, patting him on the side, lightly.

I got up and walked over to the two cooling bodies. The gryphon had something poking up out of his back. I saw it was the knife Rich and I had given the little paint last year, I bent down and slid it out, noting it was inches from the guy’s spine. I knew from study I had done that Pegasus and gryphons have huge blood vessels in the area. It was my guess he would have bled out within a couple minutes, had my shot not ended him sooner.

A glance at the unicorn said he was in a better place, his ribs were showing through his coat and I could see hints of his hip bones. He hadn’t long for the world. Was this what rutt did to ponies? I had seen Meth and Crackheads in my years as a Texas ranger; this was worse, in almost every way.

Picking up two sticks, I walked back and set the bloody knife near my pack. Pulling out a few handkerchiefs and my old camp ax, I started to clean the sticks of knots and bumps as I walked back to the colt.

“A-am I in trouble?” He asked, clearly in pain.

“For sneaking off and following me, yes. For doing your duty… no,” I said, setting my hand on his side, lightly.

He was silent as he watched me, then shut his eyes “D-did I…”

I put my hand on his muzzle. “No, we will talk about it later, you just lay there. This is going to hurt, but it will help, ok?” I said as I made to set the break.

He shut his eyes. “Would Applejack say you were lying?”

I didn’t answer the boy as I pulled his leg back into alignment.


I let out a long exhale of air. Currently I was standing, looking out at the river and pondering how things had gone down.

Behind me, there must be thirty or so ponies and a couple of gryphons, along with two princesses.

Pip was on his way to ponyville hospital via a guard chariot with two corpsponies. That was one of many things I was pondering as I heard someone step up next to me and I glanced out from under my hat to see who, and I gave a nod.

“Going by the looks of them, they had been on the run and living rough for a while. I would venture to guess that if we look around, we’ll find their camp.”

Celesita was quiet for a moment, then said, “Scouts from the Second Division found it a few minutes ago. No food to speak of, bedrolls were found. Their camp was in a small cave north of here. By the looks of it, they were using the Blacktail River as their water source.” She grew quiet again then looked over at me. “Does the colt know?”

I shook my head. “I lied to him, but, yes, I think he realizes.” Shaking my head gently. “Stupid colt, too brave and too head strong for his own good.”

Celestia frowned and again gave a nod of her head, looking back out at the water. “He is a friend of Luna’s. I will ask my sister to watch his dreams.”

At that I glanced over at her. “We cool?”

She turned her head to face me and her eyes grew soft and caring. “Shane, by now you know the only issue I have is the pain you still carry in your heart. I wish to the powers that be, I could take that pain away.”

I gave a nod, reached up, set my hand on her neck and patted a few times. I heard some guard give a frustrated grunt. “Damn it! I stepped in somepony’s puke!”

I started to chuckle. “I think one of your guards found Dust’s reaction to seeing the bodies,” I said as Celestia rolled her eyes.

“I should get moving, I promised the boy I would visit him." I paused, then glanced back out at the water. "I ain't looking forward to his questions."

She was silent for a few moments before she looked at me. Her wing gently turned my head so she could look into my eyes. "I say this as blunt as I can for a reason. You know that colt sees you as far more than a--”

I cut her off by bringing my hand up and nose booping her snout. Yep, I just bopped the most powerful creature on this planet. "I will figure out a way to deal with that, too"

She gave me a nod just as we both glanced back, hearing Twilight in the background. “No! Not there, over there. If you walk there, you’ll trample possible evidence.”

I chuckled as I continued. “And... Purple Book Horse has control of the situation. What good am I gonna here?”

Celestia pondered that as she glanced back over her shoulder, and then at me again. “You will talk with…” I cut her off with my hand.

“Yes, I will. I gave my word and I meant it.” I paused for a moment. “Celestia, that makes four souls I’ve sent to the next world. Are you still so convinced my way is the path to go?”

She exhaled. “Yes, Shane. I regret what your path and teachings bring with it, but what is the alternative? How many innocent ponies would suffer if we left the villains to their own devices and hoped they would obey the laws?”

I gave a nod. “I could tell you stories of whole cities in my world that thought being soft on crime would make things better, and the real outcome of it.”

She gestured with a wing. “Continue, Ranger. I will make sure Captain Crossed Swords gets the report as soon as it is done.”


I got to the ponyville hospital after a brisk 2 hour walk. The guard with Celestia had offered to take me, but I wanted the time to think.

As I walked in I found Cort ,talking to Love Tap and Jackie in the lobby. All three looked over, but it was AJ that half jumped to my side and put a hoof on my thigh. Looking up at me, I saw worry in her pretty green eyes.

"I am ok," I said, forcing a smile as I leaned down to kiss her.

She frowned at me. "Liars don't get kisses," She scolded me, even as she gave me a soft peck, anyways.

I walked over with her to the others and gave Cort a nod, Tap got a polite tip of my hat. "How's the boy?"

Tap spoke up. "He’s out of surgery, his front right leg was broken in 2 places, but he will be fine. What happened out there. I want to know why one of my cases is laying in a hospital bed, crying!"

I glanced at Cort, who looked like he was about to say something to the angry mare from Foal Protection Services. Giving him a shake of my head to stop him, I put my hand on Jackie’s neck to make sure she didn't jump into Taps face.

I exhaled and looked at the mocha colored mare. "I need to go in there, Tap. You need to get Emerald here." I could see she was gearing up to lay into me again. I squatted down slowly and took my hat off, looking her dead in the eyes. "Tap.. .the colt acted in self defence." I saw her eyes start to understand and horror fill them. "He took a life, and he knows."

Cort muttered ‘fuck’. It was the first time I heard him slip in public. Jackie grabbed my arm and I felt her face shove into my side as she started to tremble. Poor Tap, tears welled up in her eyes and she whispered out loud "Celestia, no."

I gave a soft nod, even as I pulled my orange love around and hugged her as I squated there looking at the other mare in the room. "I need to get in there, any problem with that, Tap?"

She shook her head as Cort stepped over to comfort her. Hiding his own reaction for now. "N-no… no, go. I-I will clear you for temporary custody and custodianship."

I held the shaking apple mare and pressed my face into her neck as I kneeled there. I heard her say in a soft tone, "Shane ah need to go, be back ah swear. Trust me on this." AJ having looked up with tear streaks along the fur under her eyes. Looking me in the eyes with her green cores.

I didn't know what she needed to do, and I kind of wanted her at my side, but…

"Go on, be back as soon as you can, okay?"

Slowly, I stood as I watched Cort shoot me a look, even as he guided Tap to a chair. I nodded and slid my hat back on. Turning and starting down the hall, I saw one of the corpsponies standing at a door. She shot me the same look Cort had; one that said she didn't envy me for what was coming.


Even before the door fully opened, I could hear a gut wrenching sobbing from the colt. Once more reminded I lived among a mostly herd prey species. The value of life was held quite high here.

Gently closing the door, I walked over and put my hand on his side. He was facing the window. I felt him hitching, so I sat on the edge of the bed and just kept my hand on him.

Finally, after almost twenty minutes, I heard a very broken voice say, "I… I didn't mean to, I…"

I made a soft shushing noise. "Shhh, everyone... everypony, knows. You are a good bo… colt, Pip. I know how much this hurts. It hurts because you have a kind heart."

He grew quiet again. I figured he had slipped off to sleep and was about to pull the sheet up over his shoulder and the cast it was covered in. However, he spoke up again. A tiny voice, soft, filled with hurt. "Does it ever stop hurting?"

I exhaled hard and rubbed his side and ribs through the blanket. Do I lie to him or tell him the truth? "No… but it becomes less sharp. It stays there and reminds you to always do your best to avoid having to do it again."

I heard him sniffle before asking, "Does... it still hurt you?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I couldn't tell him I see every face in my mind when I close my eyes, that would break the kid. However, I had not lied yet. "Yes, it does Pip. I hope it never stops hurting, because if it does, what does that say about me?"

He pursed his lips. "Can I have some water?"

Patting his side gently, I said, "Sure kid."

After getting him a sip of water I sat with him as he slipped off to sleep again. I quietly slid a chair over and sat, leaned back, and tugged my hat over my eyes. Putting my hand on him Itook a nap myself, after saying a private prayer to God in my head that the boy would make peace with this.

A few hours passed and I was woken by a soft knock on the door. I glanced to see a pair of green eyes looking at me. She said nothing, but nudged the door to show a pink filly with puffy eyes standing under her. Diamond scrambled and I reached down, grunting as I lifted her up and got a trembling hug from her.

In a tiny voice she whispered, "Is… is he okay?"

I nodded. "He will be, now that you are here I suspect." I gently stood holding her then lay her down with Pip. The colt whimpered and started to cry again, as that little filly let him cling to her as he has for her in her worst moments.

Jackie gestured for me to follow her, so I stepped out into the hall. She led me to another room and closed the door. I was surprised to find Tap, Granny, and Mac in the room.

"Whats up?" I asked, looking around at the gathered ponies.

It was the oldest, the faded green mare who looked up at me and set her jaw. "The boy needs a stable home." She poked my belly with her hoof lightly.

I looked at her, then up to Mac, and finally to AJ who gave me a nod and mouthed "don't you be a stubborn rock." Something she said to me… a lot.

Turning back to granny, I then glanced over to Tap. "So, we are talking about a foster home?"

Tap gave a nod as Mac spoke, something that was rare enough that I listened. "Ain't time to think of ourselves, colt needs a home, especially now"

I glanced at Jackie. "You sure? This is going to be rough on us all."

She gave a nod. "It's the right thing to do, sugarcube. For him," she looked up at my eyes, "and us."

I had to think for only a moment. This was not only a big step for the Apple family, but for Jackie and I. A lot of baggage was still there on my part, not to mention what Pip brought with him.

Was this really a good idea? A tiny voice inside my head asked what Shauna would say. What would Cassidy think? All questions I had no way to answer other than my own internal voices. With an exhale, I gave a nod of my head.

"Long as the boy agrees, then I am on board."

Granny touched her hoof to my leg and said looking around, “We do this.” then she looked up at me, and I swear to you, she knows things before I do sometimes. “As a family.”

62 - Pip and the station

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I looked at the little bedridden paint pony, watching him ponder what had just been said by the whole of the apple family and myself. His case worker, Love Tap stood near his side, we at the end of the bed. On the bed next to him lay a pretty pink little filly who had refused to leave the room and made a darn good argument as to why she should stay so she had been allowed to.

Pip looked to really be trying to chew on his words as his mouth opened and closed a few times. “Y-you want me to come live, at Sweet Apple Acres? W-With you, Ranger sir?” you could hear his tone starting to break.

I smiled “I think that is exactly what Granny asked, pip” glancing over to see Big Mac nod his head and say in a soft tone “Yeeep”

Pip turned to look at Love tap who smiled down at him, having to lean around his upraised leg in its cast. Then the paint sniffled and looked at Diamond who just gave a nod of her head. “This is right, Pip. I will be right there with you, every day I can.”

I dawned on me just how powerful the relationship between the filly and colt was growing. They had both lived through the worst, and faced it as friends, as more. I could see the dedication in Diamonds eyes, and likewise the trust in Pip’s.

He turned and looked at me, then turned some and looked at Granny Smith. The old mare stepped forward and lifted her trembling hoof, resting it on on the blanket, touching where his leg was.

Pip gave a little sniffle, and tears welled up in his eyes, as the faded green mare moved forward more and gently put her hoof on his belly. Triggering him to start sobbing as he whispered “o-ok”. This triggered AB to leap up and start to hoot and run around despite the air in the room.

“WOO Hoo! I got another brother!”

I chuckled softly to myself but restrained. Poor pip was too far into his emotional rollercoaster to have caught what Bloom had said. I squatted down and got a hug from the little filly and whispered quietly “we can celebrate later ok?” then I paused as a shudder races down my spine. I quickly said out loud “No pinky, not now, later when its time.”

Applejack looked at me funny as I stood up again and mouthed “Pinkie ain’t here”. I knew that, logic said that, but one never knows. What made it all the creepier was the fact I felt something behind my ear, like where I use to put my smokes back when I did that. I reached up and there I pulled a rolled up little bit of paper. Unrolling it it just said ‘Okey Dokey” on it. Yea...that mare still worries me, a lot!

Granny was quietly talking to Pip, so I listened in. I noted Big Mac had backed off some, heading for the door kind of nuding a quiet AB with him. Jackie was tucked in next to her grandmother, but keeping quiet.

“You just quit your fussing child. Ah will make darn sure yer welcome among us. Ain’t no Apple that would turn their back on a foal in need.” her hoof still on the sheets. I noted she was smiling at DT but Jackie was the one that said “and you don’t worry none about Diamond here being welcome. Why I will go talk to Filthy myself about her visiting any time she wants.”

The paint just turned his head and hid his face into the pink fillies shoulder and neck. I suspect it was all a bit overwhelming. I caught Tap’s eye and she gave a nod so I spoke up.

“How about we all give Pip some time to nap.” getting the others to nod, Diamond again spoke up “may I stay please Ranger McDonald?” being very polite. A little trick I have noted she used to get adults to take her serious.

“I don’t see any harm in that Diamond” Reaching out and patting her on the head lightly. “You just make sure to let pip rest some...and Pip don’t argue with me ok? I know Emerald will be by in a hour.”

He glanced quickly up at me from the bed “That is the nice pony that talks to ponies and helps them right?” as I gave a nod and the pink filly next to him said in a softer voice. “She is the one I go talk to also” getting the paint pony to nod his head despite his face still being hidden into her neck/shoulder area.

As I stepped out into the hall, joined by the two apple mares. Granny nudged my leg and said “You dun right by somepony again.” and slowly headed off at Big Mac’s side with AB in tow. Standing there watching them head outside, Jackie rubbed her side along my leg.

“Guess we should talk about it, shouldn’t we?”

I exhaled and looked at her, then smiled “We will figure things out, we always have”

She gave a nod and pressed to my leg harder, not quite enough to knock me over but close.


A few days had passed. I had helped Big Mac clean out the spare room that was AJ’s, moving the rest of her personal things into my house. He still gave me the stink eye but I think he and I both knew where this was going to end up anyways. I did rib him some about Sugar, and he admitted he was having thoughts about the mare of the more long term kind.

We worked all day getting it set up for Pip. New mattress on the bed, new sheets that Cort and Golden donated. Money as always did not grow on trees around here so Mac reconditioned some furniture he found out in one of the other barns. I will say this, that guy…er stallion, can do wonders with wood, some sand paper and stain.

I was just getting the bed made as Mac glanced over at me. It always surprised me when he spoke more than a few words.

“How you holding up?”

I glanced over at the deep voiced red male and frowned then figured out what he was talking about. I turned back to my work as I talked.

“I will be fine, the boy needs this. Truth be told perhaps I do too. This all reminds me of the day we got Cassidy her first adult bed…”

I felt his hoof touch my arm and turned to find the big stallion looking at me. Once more reminded that ponies in general took a different view on life, loss, and such.

“It still hurts, but Jackie, you, the family. Hell everyone, it all helps.”

He gave a nod “Eyeep” then continued “ah hope ya never ferget, yer an Apple far as we are concerned. Family is there fer each other”

I lifted a eyebrow, that was more than Mac said to me in most days. I pondered him a bit then gave a nod “You been talking to Cort too much, your getting soft” but said it with jest in my voice. I knew this guy, and he was like a brother to me, abet a overprotective, soft hearted one.

He slugged me in the arm, damn that hurt! I rubbed it as he turned and went back to finish fitting the door to the closet. I watched him a moment then gave a nod. “Thank you” is all I added and went back to my work on the room.

About a hour later I was just heading out to my barn room when Lightning Dust landed next to me. She gave me a smirk as she held out her hoof to me.

“Shane, Cort said to remind you to do your paperwork sometime this week.”

I snorted and bumped my fist to her outheld hoof.

“That stallion nags like a old lady”

She laughed and gave a nod, fluttering her wings to settle them as she turned and walked with me.

“So, I got to ask ya something”

I glanced over at her as I held the door to my room open for her to go first. Walking in behind her I took my hat off and hung it on the peg. Starting to unbuckle my gun belt after.

“Quit beating around the bush here LD, whats up?”

She gave a nicker and looked up at me then laid her ears back “Ah hell. I wanted to ask, well look.” she again paused “Redheart and I want you to officiate for us”

I blinked, a few times looking at her then tilted my head “Officiate as in, are you telling me you finally popped the question to Red?” a smile coming to my face.

She nodded her head, a hint of pink under her teal fur. “I did, she said yes. Look Dash already said she would be my best mare, but we talked and we want you to marry us. We wouldn’t be together if it wern’t for you and giving me a second cha…”

I cut her off with a finger to her nose. “I would be honored deputy Dust” getting a response of her leaping up and winghugging me tight before she caught herself and landed back on her hooves blushing furious.

“S-sorry Shane I just”

Again I shook my head “its all good LD, congratulations by the way. I am really happy for you both.”

She smiled up at me “So, when are you going to pop the question to” again I cut her off with a finger to her nose and frowned.

“When it feels right, you and Cort both need to chill the fuck out on that”

She snorted and sat then reared up enough to do that hoof to the pastern of the other leg ‘flipoff’ Cort did to me since they didn’t have fingers. This of course made me laugh, having hung the gunbelt up I walked over to the kitchen area of the big single room. “Ya know you are learning some bad habits from Cort”

She again snorted “like you and your foul mouth had nothing to do with that right?” walking over to talk as I started to get things out. “Dinner?” she asked.

I gave a nod “Yea, Pip comes home tomorrow so I figure I will cook for Jackie and I to take the load off Mac and Granny for the night” I paused as I realized I once again said home about this place.

She gave a smile “You are doing a nice thing Shane, that colt is going to have a stable place to come to terms with what happened and grow up some.”

I glanced over at her and gave a nod. I was still chewing on things in the back of my head but, I had chosen this path along with the Apples and I meant to stand to that, even if it caused me some personal issues.

“Well I need to get going, I have to fly over to Fluttershy’s place and pick up some eggs then fly them out to Maud, she asked for a favor.”

I gave a nod to her as she turned to leave, heading for the door “Tell Flutter and Maud I said hi” and went back to cooking as the door closed.

“I don’t like this Jackie” looking down at the mare as she packed her bags.

She glanced over her shoulder at me and frowned but went back to her work. “Don’t start this again Shane. This here is what I do, ah am one of the elements of harmony.” Pausing before she turned, sat down and looked up at me with a soft smile.

“I love you, I love how worried you get over little ol me. Makes me feel real special in a way I ain’t never felt with nopony before…but shane, ah have to go do this. Twi needs us, said whatever this ponyhenge place is, well this here is a us thing. Just like when you go off on patrol because its who and what you are, ah got to do the same.”

Giving a long exhale I got down on my knees so I was head height with her. Looking into her green cores I forced a smile up. “I still don’t like it, but I get it I guess. Just…you be carful out there. I know what kinda things you have faced in the past.”

She lifted up and wrapped her forlegs around my neck looking me in the eyes. “Ifn’s that big dumb galoot Tirek and ol Nightmare couldn’t do me in. Well I suspect some circle of rocks ain’t going to be much of a problem.” As she leaned forward.

I met her half way and melted into a kiss, as warm and deep as any we shared. Only breaking it after a time I shook my head and lifted one hand to brush her hat up so I could rub her left ear. “Look you just keep the rest of them safe. Lets face it Jackie, among them all you and Rainbow are the physical ones, the most likely to fight and win. I guess Twi can hold her own but…”

She gave a snort “ya ain’t seen Rars in a sloberknocker, she gets downright mean. Back in the fight in canterlot some changeling took a chip out of her hoof.” now she shuddered and closed her eyes for a moment. I could see her envisioning the fight. “Rar why she cast some kinda magic, and what musta been a thousand sewing needles swarmed around her then went after that changeling. It weren’t a pretty sight, she didn’t kill him but ah am willing to bet he wished she had when it was over.”

I shook my head “I just can’t imagine the same mare that whines about sweat, getting that mean” I chuckled and leaned forward kissing AJ on the nose.

“Oh she ain’t as prim and proper as she pretends to be. Remember her daddy was a star hoofball player. She grew up knowing how to take care of herself. She ain’t no master in Wing Fu like Rainbow and Derpy are but she can take her knocks.”

I gave a nod “OK, just, come back to me safe ok?” repeating the same thing she tells me all the time. I lowered my tone “how did Pip take you having to leave?”

She finally let go of my neck and turned walking back to her bags to continue to pack. I got up off my knees and walked over grabbing a few items out of the bathroom I knew she would need. “Well he wern’t happy none but he understood. Shane you are going to need to keep a eye on him. Ah know he hides things, but he let it slip the other day he still sees a face when he closes his eyes.”

I frowned and walked over next to her “Its only been two months Jackie, give him time” not telling her I still see the faces when I close my eyes too.

She gave a nod “Oh and when we get back, we are throwing LD and Red a bachelors party and a bridal shower. Yer expected to take care of LD on that. Doctor Heartshine is taking care of Red’s.”

I smiled a bit “Already on it” leaning down and kissing the bridge of her muzzle. “God help me, I love you so much, just come home safe ok?”

She looked up at my eyes “Ah pinky promise”

Sitting at my desk at the station, I looked across the top at LD, it had been two weeks since AJ left, I missed the hell out of her.

“What do you mean they are on their way back with, more than they left with?” my eyes narrowing some.

The Teal and gold pegasus mare before me shrugged. “I mean, that was the message, its all I got. They are on the way back, they have others in tow, and would explain when they get back. Ah figure day after tomorrow if I go by what info I got.”

I exhaled and shook my head “I hate when we don’t get all the facts. Ok thank you Dust, do me a favor. Fill Cort and Golden in on what we know. Then head on over to the station and pick up the boxes for us. OH and could you please quit drinking the last of the coffee and not making another pot?”

She looked at me and lay her ears back “er..sorry about that boss” as I shook my head at her “Don’t be sorry, just try, now get out and thank you for the handoff message.” shooting her a smile.

As LD trotted out I heard Amethyst yell from the front desk “You got payroll to finish, and then I have a stack of form twelves up here you need to sign.” making me groan. Before I could answer I heard her add in “No it can’t wait a hour, if I let you procrastinate as much as you try to, this place would fall apart.”

I heard laughter from another place, Golden, and I lowered my forehead to the desk. “I hate this job sometimes.”

Lifting back up I grabbed a stack of papers, starting to flip them as I scanned them. Mostly update reports and such. I came across one from Twilight, something about a friendship party or something, Looked like it was set for next spring and up in Canterlot so I tossed it aside. I am sure she would fill me in sooner or later on what she needed.

Once I got thru all that, I picked up the ledger book and opened it up. Staring to fill things in, god I hated this.

63 - Shadows and Horse Whispers

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Amethyst had popped her head into my office with a cheerful smile and told me Jackie and the girls were back, and at the castle. So I slid the gun from the drawer into my holster, grabbed my hat off the hook near my office door and headed out.

Thinking nothing off it, I walked right in, turned right and headed to the map room door. Pushing it open things happened fast. A bellow of anger, a flash of light, pain, my hand flew to the peacemaker…

I found myself sitting on the floor of the map room. Smoke slowly rose from my chest where my shirt smoldered in a near perfect circle. My chest hurt and I could feel the blisters starting to form. My back was up to the wall and my legs stretched out.

Smoke drifted from the barrel of the Colt Peacemaker, my thumb having yanked the hammer back again. My finger was on the trigger as I glared across at the pony that put me here. The idiot in the blue pointed hat with all the bells, his eyes were wide. A hole was in his hat just inches above his skull and chips out of the crystal wall behind him.

Jackie had a look of pure hate in her eyes. She was currently held in a purple magical field, her right leg extended with her hoof an inch from the bearded stallion’s skull. Rainbow was held in the same field; her hoof not as close, but you could tell she had been coming in fast and hard before the magic cast by the pissed off princess stopped everypony in their tracks.

It was Starlight who bellowed out, “Enough! Stop, all of you!” Bringing even the rather large blue stallion with the shovel to a stop in his half charge across the room at me.

Twilight spoke up next. “Back off, everypony!” Then I heard her address me, but I was not willing to take my eyes off Mister Bells and Beard yet.

“Ranger McDonald, stand down and let fluttershy look at you. That is an order.” She commanded, then continued. “Applejack, Rainbow, I will let you go if you promise to back off. That goes for everypony here, you will all back down, now!”

The stallion that shot me, and I shot back, cleared his throat. “I will not stand down while that vile creature contines…”

Cutting him off, Jackie’s tone was dark and angry. “You finish that sentence and Ah’ll buck ya inta the next century.”

A very loud exhale came from the rather ancient looking unicorn with the curved horn. “Perhaps the princess is right, we should hear her out.”

He was followed up by a comment from the almost Egyptian looking pony. “I agree, we will stand down, won’t we, Starswirl?”

I watched as the bearded prick slowly unlit his horn and gave a nod. “I will listen, for now. However, I demand to know what is going on, why that creature is here, and what that thing in his hand that spat fire and thunder is.”

Pinky Pie shook her head and kept stretching her jaw side to side. “Maap, ma~ap, does anypony else hear bells? Maaaapp”

I lowered the hammer slowly, then slid the big iron back into the holster on my side. Hearing a odd almost cajun tone speak from my side. “Fluttershy, bring your kit, we have somepony hurt.”

Laying as I was on a sofa that Spike had dragged into the map room, I had the Element of Kindness and the earth pony I had come to learn was Mage Meadowbrook working on my chest.

“Now Shane, let Meadowbrook finish up, please.” Flutters admonished me as I complained for the twelvth time.

I have to admit that whatever the foul smelling goop the blue earth pony mare was using on my burned chest was, it had cut the pain. I did keep shooting looks over at the bearded prick, and he did the same to me.

Twilight had filled him in on who I was, my place in Equestria, and the fact I was a crown appointed officer of the peace. He, in turn, had yelled at her, almost making her cry. That didn’t sit at all well with me, top that with the fact that Jackie kept muttering under her breath about kicking his teeth out; things were a bit tense in the room.

The big blue earth pony named Rockhoof was trying to distract Jackie by asking her about me and our relationship. Anything to keep her from flying off the handle again at Starswirl. Not that he didn’t deserve it, but things were not going to get solved by her removing his head from his neck.

Flash Magnus and Rainbow streaked in through a window and landed near the sofa. Flash tugged out some bandages while Rainbow was pulling out some odds and ends from her bag.

“Here you go, Meadowbrook; Flight Lieutenant Dash found the aspire bark you asked for.” Flash Magnus said proudly as he set the bark on the table near us.

“Perfect. Thank ya so much, Flash.” Meadowbrook responded as Rainbow grumbled and poked the solder pegasus in the side.

“Dude, call me Rainbow, how many times do I have to tell you?” Rainbow admonished.

I chuckled and let the ponies around me do what they needed to do to help me. I glanced over again at the others, making sure Beard Boy was not laying into Twilight again. Rainbow fluffed up a tad and muttered, “He had better watch his mouth when he talks to Twi.”

I put my hand out and patted the rainbow maned mare. “Easy, Dash. A dust up is the last thing we need now. I don’t like him much either, but Twilight says he is important.”

It was Magnus that spoke up next. “You are far more forgiving and calm than I would be, Ranger McDonald. I admire that.”

I had been moved via wagon back to the farm. This was likely for the best as I had threatened to remove Starfucks horn with my bare hand and shove it up his ass after he started admonishing Twilight again. Getting the two of us apart was likely for the best. The others in his crew seemed to be level headed I had no clue why they put up with that bearded asshole.

Jackie had gone back to the castle after she had given me a rough rundown of a shadow pony, something or other and a danger to all of Equestria. I didn’t like the idea of her in danger, however she had a job to do and this was it. This was not something I could stop, and that kind of frustrated me, too.

Currently I was laying on my bed, shirtless with bandages over my chest. My bird, Red, was perched on the headboard above me, giving little peeps now and then of concern. Why, one might ask? Because I had three adorable, if not dangerous, little nurses helping me out.

“Scoots, quit trying to do a flip off the ranger’s bed, and stay out of his things, Apple Bloom.” Sweetie Belleadmonished her best friends.

“Ya’ll need to let Shane get a nap,” Applebloom said in a soft tone.

Scootaloo snorted. “But I’m boooored.” She drew out the word. None of them knew I was awake and listening in.

“Now, Scootaloo, we all promised to take care of Shane, ya can’t go back on your word,” Apple Bloom started, then her tone took on a kind of teasing edge. “Rainbow Dash would never go back on her word.”

After a few seconds of silence, I heard Scootaloo with a kind of defeated tone draw out “Fiine,” in a semi whine.

It sounded like they were all at the foot of the bed and trying to talk quietly but had no clue how loud their whispers were. “Now, we got to do our part, we promised to take care of Shane. Granny Smith said he can’t be moving around for two days, on account of the bandages and that pol- uh poultry, no that ain’t right, po...” a pause. “On account of the medicine stuff on his chest.”

I heard the door open and a soft voice whisper came in. “Will you three come out of there, you are going to wake him up.” Ah, the voice of reason, hard to believe that little pink filly was the same as the bully of months before.

Another voice followed it. “Is he doing ok?” Pip. I could hear the stress in his tone, but it was Sweetie Belle that answered as the door clicked shut cutting her off.

“Yea, Pip, he is going to be just fine, don’t you worry.”

I tuned out after that, as they went back to whatever it was they did. I opened my eyes just enough to see Red tuck his head in under his wing nap time for everyone, I think.


Took me almost a three days to recover enough to be up and around without the dynamic trio fretting and following me around. I knew Jackie and the girls were off at all corners of Equestria trying to track down this shadow thing. They had been gone almost two weeks now and I was a bit stressed with worry, but I was holding it together.

Cort was currently out on a one week patrol to the outskirts of Manehattan and back, and had LD with him. It was good they worked so well together, and LD was shaping up to be one hell of a good law officer. She had her first collar on her own too, about two weeks ago. Drunk mare, smacking her stallion around at a bar out in Dry Creek. Another of the tiny mining towns near Appleloosa.

Currently I was sitting at my desk catching up on paperwork when I heard the front door open and close, then a few seconds later, Amethyst’s voice called out. “Ranger, you got a visitor.”

Standing up, grabbing my hat and sliding the peacemaker into my holster from the drawer, I walked out into the main room to see two of the Caribou species and one of the Deer tribe that I didn’t know, standing there looking a bit out of place, scared, and clearly not used to being in town.

The deer spoke up. “Forgive, P-ponish not best how I speak, but friends come news and no spoke Ponish at all.” I tilted my head and gave a nod to the stag.

“Please, be at ease, you are all safe. What is going on?”

The deer turned and translated to the two Caribou, who both looked at me then at each other and relaxed a little. They spoke back in that same odd kinda clicks and throat noises. The Deer, in turn, gave a nod and looked back at me.

“Three moon ago, creature was found near the lands of plentiful sunflower,” he paused and thought for a bit, clearly trying to find the right words “Strange creature, hurt. Caribou find way help, but no know what else to. Creature huge, like Goddess of Sun; perhaps bigger, but not pony. Look like pony, but not. Whitetail tribe say to find you, you have much honor and trust, to come look.”

I frowned, but gave a nod. “How many days out?”

The caribou looked at the deer who translated then both looked at me and smiled, giving the clicks and growls. “They say two day walk to them land.”

I gave a nod again. “Okay, tell them I will take a few hours to pack my gear up, and we can start off. If they will lead me to the place?”

Once again the deer translated for them, then looked at me with a smile “They are honored, and ask,” tapping his chest a couple time, “Little Stick come, speak for you so understand words.” He looked rather proud of this.

“Sounds good. Hey, Amy, can you get them a snack and let Golden know when she comes in and send a messenger out to Cort and LD, to let them know where I am going?”

Amethyst smiled and gave a nod. “Can do, boss.” She said and I rolled my eyes.

Back at the farm, I had sat Pip down on the bed as I packed things up, talking with him. “You really have to go, sir?” He asked with a slight tone of worry in his words. “Applejack isn’t back yet.”

I turned and smiled warmly to him, reached out and put a hand under his chin. “Pip, this is important, it’s part of my job, just like Jackie is doing her job. Can you stick around, keep a eye on things here; help Granny as I know you will?”

He perked up a bit and gave a stern little nod, a far too serious look on his face. “I won’t let you down, Ranger, Sir.”

I exhaled and turned back to packing my small backpack. “Pip, you have lived here what, three, four months? Call me Shane when we are not at the station, okay?”

He gave a little nicker that I have learned to associate with frustration. “But, Si-” he stopped himself, “Shane, it, well, it doesn’t feel respectful.”

I turned and glanced at him. “Kid, I have wiped your snotty nose and held you when you cried, we are far beyond just respectful, okay?”

A warm smile offered up from me as I said that. He blushed, but then gave a nod. “I will do my best to keep a eye on things.”

Tucking some extra rounds into my bag and picking up my rifle, I smiled at him. “Thank you, Pip. And don’t give Big Mac a hard time when he says it’s time for Diamond to head home, alright?”

He gave a grimace, but nodded. “Ok.”

The first night we camped, the two Caribou who I had learned were named Grass Hill and Round Stone made some kind of meal. I was not sure what it was made of, but after Little Stick explained I could not eat grass or unprocessed grains they assured me it was safe, and I will say it was rather tasty.

I earned bonus points by exchanging a lighter I got from Time Turner as a thank you for a favor I did. Grass Hill gave me a flint knife that was rather well made. I had found a way to carry it at the back of my gun belt, it made a nice backup and something others could touch without the properties of things from my world. The three had been surprised by my need to roll a blanket and pad out under me then cover up with another. However I had explained about the lack of fur and understanding came with that.

Morning came quickly and we packed up. We hiked out and day two saw us coming up over a hill to overlook a small village. I could see cloth teepees formed around a large fire ring. Remembering that they were a nomadic species, I took note of how well cared for everything was.

I was keeping my rifle in a scabbard along the side of my pack. I didn’t feel the need to carry it openly. There wasn’t any real danger out this way that I knew of and I did have the Peacemaker on my right hip and the heavy as hell Walker on the other side of the belt in its holster.

Walking down into the small village of teepees, I was greeted by many curious Caribou, both male and female. Little ones hid behind a parents leg or peaked out of open flaps. I made sure to always offer a toothless smile and a genuine nod of my head to everyone I made eye contact with.

I was brought before a rather large male, his horn rack nearly as tall as my throat. I dipped my head and glanced at my escort and back to him. He dipped his head to me and spoke in pretty darn good Ponish. “It is time we finally met, Ranger Shane McDonald. I am Walks Wide Stream, Elder of this clan.” He gestured about with his hoof.

I dipped my head to him again. “The pleasure is mine, Walks Wide Stream.”

A much smaller female next to him seemed to be translating for all the ones listening. He gestured to her. “This is my daughter, Hops Over Ponds.” And again I dipped my head to her.

“I am told you found something, or some creature, you needed me to look at?”

He gave a nod and gestured. “Come, we shall go and see the creature. It is not tame, but it is not aggressive or trying to hurt others. I think, it is scared.”

I exhaled and turned to follow, wishing I had some backup here. But, as the saying goes: One riot, one Ranger.

Looking at the creature in the distance, I knew what this was, who this was right away. My mind was frozen for a moment. How… how could she have? How is she here? I had so many questions.

I could see the fence erected made of logs to keep her in the area. I could see scars as we got closer. I could see a new scar along her ribs. It looked very new and just healed. Her hooves were in rough shape, her mane tangled.

This was my horse, Gypsy! The Palomino Appaloosa was right there, right before my eyes.

It’s not possible. She was out in the far paddock the night the cabin was torn from my world to here. She can’t be here, unless…she had come up near the water trough; the odds were slim. Then the question was how had she survived three years on her own.

I could see she had gone somewhat mustang. I made no attempt to approach her, I just slowly took my backpack off and slid my gun belt off to lay on top of that. Speaking in a very soft tone, I said “Can someone fetch me some sweet oats, or some kind of high sugar grasses?”

One caribou took off after a few clicks and a hum. I eased myself through the fence, but stood with a hand out. I didn’t look at her, I could hear her make noises and run from one side of the paddock to the other at the far end.

So I stood there, head turned away, arm out, hand flat and fingers to the sky. Many of the Caribou and our Deer translator watched on in silence.

I stood there for what felt like an hour, staying silent, before I heard a noise coming closer to me. Finally, I spoke in a very quiet tone. “Easy now girl. Gypsy, it’s me.”

She bolted again and I exhaled, but when I snuck a peak her way. I saw she was standing still and watching me, ears up. Good, I had her attention now. She kept watching me, tail swishing a little. Clearly my voice tone had hit some memory for her.

I crossed out of the fence again and took the sweet grass brought to me by a Caribou. Laying it near the fence on her side I then had everyone back off. This was not going to be a fast fix and I let the clan leader know I would be sleeping out here tonight near the fence.

The next morning I opened my eyes to see Gypsy watching me as she chewed on the sweet grass. She was still ready to bolt, but her ears were up, not down, so this was a good sign. I very slowly sat up, but didn’t stare at her or even look her way. I just talked as I went about rolling up my bedding.

“So what do you say girl, think you remember me? It’s had to be a crazy three years; you look a bit banged up, but healthy.” I kept talking with no harsh words.

About twenty minutes later I extended my hand as I had before. This time she bolted but only a few feet. Again not looking at her, five minutes later I felt a nose touch my hand then pull back. I took my chance and turned my head, and she pulled back a bit, then leaned in and again nosed my hand.

“That’s my girl.”

It took me nearly four days of that before she let me start inspecting her. Once she figured things out she wouldn’t leave my side at all when I was in the paddock. She stayed plastered to me as close as she could.

I made a makeshift halter from hemp rope and some cloth strapping the Caribou helped me with. No way I was going to be able to ride her, not yet. We would have to break her back into that, but she was trusting me.

I used the new flint knife to trim her hooves, she seemed ok letting me do that. I inspected her scars, checked her over. Other than being a little malnourished, she was in great shape.

I also spent a lot of time explaining to the Caribou and Deer that had shown up to see just what she was. At first they were confused why she didn’t speak as any pony did, but slowly then came to understand she was not quite like creatures here.

I had sent my bird, Red, on our second day here with a note tied around his leg to Canterlot. The note was for Celestia and Luna and explained everything going on. Red had just shown up, circling back to land on my shoulder with a note around his leg.

I pulled it and glanced at it. “Understood, project Gypsy is a crown secret, for now. Troops sent to SAA to build a fenced area, GS contacted and alerted. Return at your speed.”

Then under that it said.

“Applejack is safe, we are in touch, they have stopped the Pony of Shadows and are bound for Canterlot, estimate three days. - Luna and Celestia”

I exhaled, folding the note and tucking it in my pocket. “You hear that Red, Jackie is safe.” he bent in and rubbed his beak on my cheek.

Getting Gypsy home was not too hard, but it took us three days because we had to avoid the main roads and towns. Little Stick helped guide me, the Caribou having been left back at their village.

I had thanked them a million times, some of it had gotten emotional because, well, truth is, I was not alone here anymore. Gypsy was here, and that meant I had some touch of home.

I spent the walk home pondering just how the ponies, and especially Jackie would react to the fact I had a domesticated horse in my life again. Come to think of it, how would Gypsy react to Jackie, and knowing my scent was all over her. I hope horses don’t get jealous; well at least I hope Gypsy didn’t.

They had done a great job setting up a paddock for the horse. I got her in through one of the two gates and let her run around it and explore. I walked over to the barn, tossed my backpack into my room and was going to walk for the house before I noticed a littlecolt, an Apple filly, and Granny all standing near the fence, eyes wide, watching Gypsy, who was watching them back.

I walked over and said in a soft voice, “Granny, Pip, AB, this is Gypsy.” The horse nickered and took a few steps closer to the fence.

It was Granny that spoke up in a soft tone. “Now, big girl, ain’t no one here going to bring you one bit of harm.” It took the horse another few minutes to get close enough to bend her neck over the fence and I watched as she and granny touched noses. I had never seen Gypsy act in such a way, so I just watched.

AB and Pip watched, then granny gestured. They moved closer, and once again Gypsy lifted her head, watched, then lowered it again, all the way down and kind of huffed and nosed each of them, making them giggle.

“She can’t talk or nothing, Shane?” Bloom looked up at me, Pip was listening; I could see from his ears, but he had his little hoof out and he was petting Gypsy’s muzzle very lightly.

“No, Bloom, she is not like ponies here. She is, well, a horse.” I made damn sure to not make the ‘W’ and long ‘H’ inflection before it. “She is smart, but still an animal, a lot more like the creatures Fluttershy helps than a pony like you or granny are.” I exhaled. “Granny, I need to head up to Canterlot and make sure things are ok.”

She cut me off. “And check on Applejack, I suspect.” She said, giving me a smile.

I huffed and nodded. “Can you and Mac feed Gypsy here. I will leave notes on how to. Pip,” I said, looking down at him, “I’ll need you to clean up her paddock and make sure her water trough there is filled up all the time. She can’t clean up after herself and needs to be treated like a newborn or old pony.”

I chucked at the scrunched up nose Pip made. “So she just… goes on the ground?!”

I gestured to one of the small piles. “Use a shovel, toss it in a pile over there.” I pointed. “I’ll spread it around once it dries out, it makes good fertilizer.”

Granny gave a snort. “Ain’t like Ah had a bathroom or outhouse as a little foal. Why, Ah recon most older folks done the same.” looking at Pip.

He still had a look on his face but gave a nod “Ok, its icky but ok”

As soon as I walked in the main hall of Canterlot Castle I could see all the girls, plus Star Idiot and his crew. He was up talking to Luna and Celestia. I, however, was knocked over by something orange, very powerful, and almost moving as fast as a bullet. I landed on my butt with a huff and found pony lips shoved to mine. It went from surprise kiss to way too steamy for young folks to see in a heartbeat as we wrapped hooves and arms around each other, pulling one another closer and deeper into a passionate kiss. It ended when there were a couple hoots and hollers at us.

One voice, the rather Egyptian one, spoke out. “Are they always like that?”

Twilight nickered in good humor. “Usually when they think nopony is looking.”

Jackie broke the kiss and looked in my eyes. “Ah missed ya.”

I smiled right back, putting my arm around her neck. “I love you, too.” I said softly as I pressed my forehead to hers. A few coughs brought us out of it.

Standing back up as a snickering Rarity handed me up my hat, I took it but didn’t put it on as we were inside.

Luna spoke up. “It is safe to talk. They have all been brought up to speed on your history, Ranger McDonald. We have also taken the liberty to bring everypony up to speed on Project Gypsy, as much as we know.”

I gave a nod and looked around. However, It was the blue hat wearing idiot that spoke up, clearing his throat. “Ranger McDonald, it seems, I have had to issue many apologies today. One most of all to my dear friend, Stygian, here.” He said, gesturing to the gray pony I didn’t know yet. He looked back at me, then his ears dropped and he approached me. I was tense, but didn’t draw my weapon or get in a defensive stance.

Looking me right in the eyes, he said, “I was wrong. I was wrong for judging you. I was wrong for attacking you, and I was wrong for not hearing you out. I was, am, a nold fool, and I do not expect you to accept my apology, but it is offered in genuineness.”

I looked down at him silently, but a hoof smacked my boot and I heard a low, under the breath country toned voice mutter, “Don’t be as stubborn as a rock.” A saying that Jackie had used quite a few times with me. I knew she meant well and was looking out for me.

Exhaling slowly, I gave a nod of my head. “Apology accepted, Mister The Bearded.”

He blinked and others chuckled.
“Please, just call me StarSwirl, if you would. I would like very much to sit and talk with you about a great many things. However, I know this will take time, and there is something more important to Equestria and you now. This… creature you have found came with you, an actual horse?”

It was the gray and blue maned pony that walked over. “In our far ancient past, such creatures existed, millions of years ago. Could it be true, you have found one?”

I had everyones attention now so I gave a nod. “Her name is Gypsy and she was, is, my friend; my transportation, and companion. I think it’s going to take a bit to help you all understand the differences. She isn’t really sapient like you all, but, sort of is?” I struggled to explain.

Fluttershy hovered over and put her hoof on my shoulder. “I think I understand, Shane. She is a lot like the animals, not quite wild, but not quite like a pony. Sort of like your bird, Red, and Angel bunny, or even Tank.” She said with a smile on her muzzle. “Perhaps more like Harry?”

I gave a nod. “That, yea. I think you get what I mean.” I looked over at Celestia and Luna. “I will need to go out to my cabin to get some stuff I left in storage there.”

There was a sparkle to the white pony’s eyes as she gave an amused smile. “I will be sure to let them know you are coming.”

I blinked, why would a couple dozen soldiers keeping watch need to know I was coming?

64 - Cabins and Questions

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Tipping my hat back some on my head with two fingers, I looked up and muttered "what the, hell?"

At the current moment I stood before a huge log wall, much like the old forts of the west had. Towers at the two corners I could currently see manned by ponies. What really stood out was above the big gate was a flag post with the same American flag that had been given to me at the show with an Equestrian flag flying under it.

Below that, across the gate, was a carved wood sign that said “Fort Texas.” That also had my eyebrow lifted.

I heard a pony call out, “Open the gate! Open the gate! Ranger incoming!” The call was repeated from behind the log wall. Soon the large gate swung in and I could see the cabin I’d arrived in in the center of what was a large clearing. The whole fort must have been a good couple acres large. Right along that circle at its edge was a short picket fence to keep folks from crossing over it.

Pony guards of all types ran out of cabins and lined up, I noted more than a few thestral among them, eyes covered in tinted goggles to protect them from the daylight. A small flight of 6 pegasi came down and joined the lineup before one last pony came from a cabin that looked almost like an administration building.

An earth pony that had on the same uniform as the rest; a kind of blue and yellow that reminded me a bit of a calvary outfit came to a stop in front of me and brought his hoof up in a salute. The rest of the platoon of 30 or so others all did the same.

“Welcome to Fort Texas, Ranger Mcdonald.”

So this is what Celestia’s smirk was all about. “I, uh, what is all of this?”

He chuckled. “First off, I am Captain Wallbreaker and it is my honor to welcome you to the United States of Amareica. The princess sent word so it's my duty and honor to inform you that right now, inside the walls here, you stand on sovereign Amareican land.” He gestured around. “This is all to protect the cabin you came in, secure your legacy and the place you came from, ambassador.”

I just stared at him for a bit before I snorted. “Why am I not surprised she pulled this shit?” As he blinked with a touch of a cringe, he then shrugged. I gave him a nod and turned looking at all the others then back to him again. “So, all of you are ambassadorial guards?”

He gave a nod. “Yes, sir. Each of us have sworn our first allegiance to Amareica and this land over our homeland of Equestria. It is our honor to be the Twelfth Ambassadorial Defence Force assigned to you and your land’s safety.” He smiled and gestured to his foreleg where there was a patch sewn onto his overcoat, an outline of Texas with two calvary type swords crossed behind it. “There are forty troops here in total. We work to keep the Everfree cleared back from the walls, maintain the land and fort, and provide for its defense.”

I just gave a nod and exhaled, not much could be done about this. I once again made note to myself to have a little chat with the white witch about talking to me and my lack of joy at surprises of this magnitude. “Very well, Captain, thank you and thank all your troops for me. I am honored so many have put so much into preserving a tiny section of my history.”

He smiled and called out “Dis-missed” before looking back up at me. I noted all the others breaking off and going back to their jobs. “Will you be staying long with us, Ambas-”

I cut him off with a finger to his snoot that made him go cross eyed and give me a frown. “Captain, please, just call me Shane, okay? I don’t like pretentious names and titles much.”

He pondered, then gave a nod.

“I just came to pick up a saddle and a few things in the cabin before I need to head back to Sweet Apple Acres again.”

He once more gave a nod. “If you want to eat before you leave, let me know. Again; it’s a pleasure to have you here Am-, er, Shane”

I gave another look around then headed for the short fence and gate around the cabin. I took a small walk, making note they had really expanded and now the cabin was dead center of the fort. Opening a little gate I walked across the nullstone line, also taking note nothing had grown; it was still just dead rock and dirt.

Walking up to the door I glanced around and noted a few ponies watching me, but not many as the rest were going to their tents aligned along one wall. I wondered when they’d be building barracks and what they’d look like before I gave a shrug, reached up above the door, and pushed a little wood panel open. Tugging out the key I unlocked the lock on the door and returned the key to its stealthy hiding spot.

The inside was as I left it: No bed, open hole in the floor where the safe was, kitchen was stripped down some. I had left a sofa, two chairs and the table along with a few other things. I reached up and hit a switch and the LED light came on.

So the one battery and single solar panel is still working, that’s good. I thought.

Walking back past the kitchen I opened up a door just to the side right next to the back door. This was the large pantry and steps down to the root cellar. I had found that it was intact on my first inspection years ago when I came here. Reaching up and flicking a switch, another LED light came on as I hit it. I went down the stairs and just to the right was what I needed.

I reached out and pulled down Gypsy’s halter, a few leads, and a few ropes. I slid my backpack off and started to tuck stuff in. Next was three blankets, along with some of her brushes and other care products. All packed I stood back up and slid the much heavier pack over my shoulders. Last, I grabbed up the big western saddle off the bar it rested on.

Tucking stuff together and strapping it into a bundle so it would be easier to carry I took one more look around..

Taking note of the MRE’s still in good shape, some water containers that looked good, I gave myself a nod and heading back up and out, turning the light off as I went. Again I glanced around; then I stepped over to the wall right next to the bathroom and tapped, making sure nothing had messed with the wall there. Satisfied, I turned and hit the light before heading out. Pausing to lock up again before I walked out across the ‘no mans land’ and out the little gate.

Many guards were watching now. Perhaps curious about the saddle and stuff, but I really had no time to deal with all that. Making one last bit of chat with the captain and a few of the other guards, I headed back out and my hour or so walk to home began.

It had been a long two weeks since I was out at the cabin. Jackie was in full swing running the farm and working. I had my patrols-the day to day stuff- and of course spending a few hours every day with Gypsy, trying to get her broken back to the saddle. I was at the point where she would let me put it on her and buckle her in, but she got skittish when I climbed on. No bucking or trying to throw me; just very skittish, so I was taking it slow and steady with her.

Speaking of, she had taken to Pip; much to his amusement she would follow him everywhere, almost like a giant puppy. The boy, for his part, seemed to really get into taking care of her. Big Mac had built a kind of ramp and platform so he could walk up and work on brushing her out while standing on the platform.

I kept an eye on things and the kid really had thrown himself into taking care of the larger horse. Perhaps this was for the best as it seemed to be cathodic for the boy. He wasn’t breaking into tears at night anymore and he had started staying in his own bed up at the house all night.

I had decided I was going to pop the question to Jackie soon, but knew as a gentleman I had to talk to Granny first. I also wanted to go talk to Burnt Oak, since he was Bright Mac’s best friend and about as close as I was going to get to Jackie’s father. I felt I needed to get his approval too, just as a way to show respect to the family.

On top of all that, I had that silly friendship thing Twi was putting on next month. Things there were a bit tense. She had pushed hard to not have any visible guards or law enforcement. In her opinion it would make the event seem less friendly.

I, of course, along with Cross and many of the guard high command had pushed back. Finally, with Cadence acting as arbitrator we had come to the unhappy solution of two active rangers, that being myself and Cross, along with the First Exercitus Solaris , and the Lunares Tenebrosus. We would all be on call in the solar barracks; about a two minute run or gallop away from the main festival grounds.

In the meantime the castle guards would all remain in place, modified to not be visible up on the walks and towers. I sure as heck didn’t like this, no one did, but it was as it was. Luna and Celestia having abstained and deferred to the Princesses of Friendship and the Princess of Love.

I guess I could be overthinking all this: Despite all the happenings since my arrival and before that, who was going to attack Canterlot while it was fully packed and had all four alicorns at full power? It would be suicide!

Just something in my gut said this was all a bad idea, but I had no real reason to think it. I chalked it all up to my being overly jumpy since the jail break and the finding that the SAA attack had been an attempt on me.

Perhaps it was the fact we still had no more movement on that front. Other than the two gryphons killed during the breakout; the one I took down during Apple Bloom’s abduction, and the one gryphon I shot down at the river. We still had five diamond dogs and two of the gryphons on the run. They were out there somewhere and not one of them had made enough noise to get on the Ranger’s radar.

Whatever the case, they would slip up somewhere and we would get them.

A few days later I was sitting down at a small hoof built log table across from an older gray pony. He tilted his head looking at me for a time before he said, “Ah respect you coming to talk to me. But, why?”

I gave a little smile. “Like I said, Oak; because you knew Bright Mac and you were his best friend. It would mean a lot to me to know I have your, and via that, Jackie's fathers approval.”

He smiled at me, but there was a sadness to it. Tears hinted at the bottom of his eyes and he gave a nod. “Ah think he would be mighty proud to have you as a son”

I reached out across the short table and took his hoof in my hand. A little choked up myself, I looked into his eyes. “Thank you, Oak. I won’t let anything happen to her.”

His smile never faded as he shook my hand back. “Ah don’t think you could do less. Ponies know who you are, Shane. A pony… Ah’m sorry, a Man of your word”

“Granny, I need to talk to you for a moment,” I asked as the old green mare turned her head from where she stood and the sink, washing carrots for part of dinner. She eyeballed me, then turned back to her work. “Go on, youngin’.”

I exhaled. “I, well… I got something to ask you and…” I paused and snatched the hat off my head because I had forgotten I had it on.

“Well? Ah ain’t got all day. What’s on yer mind?” She asked, sounding frustrated at my hesitancy

Closing my eyes for a moment, I opened them and found she had turned and was looking at me now. Up on the stool as she was, leaned on the sink, she was almost eye to eye with me. “Well you know, Jackie and I have been living out in my barn for a while now and…”

She cut me off with a equine snort. “About time you got around to this. ‘Ol Burnt Oak said you might be by with some questions fer me.” Her cold look turned into a warmer one when she smiled. “Go on now, just ask directly. Ah want to hear it, cause it’ll be likely the only time Ah hear it, what with Bloom bein’ so young.”

I frowned at that and the implications of her words but then looked back to her eyes. “Ah, well… I want to ask Jackie to marry me and I’d really appreciate your approval before I do so, Granny.”

She was very thoughtful for a long time then gave a nod of her head. “Yes, but,” she got off the stool, dropped to all fours and walked over to me. I sat down so I would again be mostly at her height. She lifted her hoof and set it on my knee and looked at my eyes. “Firstly, ya do right by my grandaughter, that A’ll have yer word on.”

I nodded. “You have my word on that.”

Her smile dipped some, a sadder look crossed her expression. “Second, yer first family's names are going on the apple quilt, to be remembered as one of us.”

Now it was my turn to be choked up a bit. I blinked, trying not to let emotions out too much. “Granny, I… are you sure?”

She gave a stern nod. “Just cause the’re gone, don’t mean they ain’t remembered or missed. It’s the right thing to do, the Apple thing to do. Ah won’t have a filly you dun brung into the world or her momma being forgotten.”

I nodded my head. “Thank you,” I said as she gave me a soft smile, patted my knee, and then grunted.

“Now get out of my kitchen ya lanky weird looking monkey thing,” she joked as she turned away, but I had seen the tears forming in her eyes as I got up.

“Yes ma’am.” I stated, putting my hat on to walk outside

She commented as I was half way out the door. “Ya send that fool little foal inside ta help me clean veggies fer dinner now, ya hear me?”

“Yes ma’am,” I replied as I walked out.

It was a week later, just two weeks before the big event up at Canterlot. I was sitting out under the tree named Sir Appleton as Jackie walked up. I lifted the brim of my hat a bit and smiled at her as she leaned in and I got myself an apple flavored kiss.

“Feeling lazy today? Ya ain’t in the office and you ain’t helping in the orchard?” Jackie asked.

I shook my head. “Nah, been pondering stuff… and I’ve been meaning to talk to you, Jackie.” I watched her sit in front of me, putting us on the same height.

“Well, go on then, always got to be a slobberknocker just ta get ya ta talk sometimes when yer chewing on things, and ya’ve been chewing on something all week.”

I exhaled and gave her a nod. I didn’t really speak, I just watched her green cores as I tugged a little box out of my pocket.

See, I had been planning this for a long time. I lifted the lid on the box and inside was a gold, apple shaped pendant, but it had the oddest sheen to it. Her eyes widened and a blush rushed up in her cheeks and ears.

I spoke up. “See, I had this idea. So this here is gold from my old wedding band, and a few other things I had melted down. Luna helped by putting a spell of some sort on it that will let ponies touch it and whatnot, and …”

I got a hoof into my lips, covering my whole mouth. She was glaring at me, and lowered her hoof again. “Just say it, please.” There was a pleading in her eyes.

I swallowed loudly. “Jackie, would… will you marry me?”

She gave a slow nod of her head, too choked up to talk for a moment. Her ears back, shock, awe and love in her eyes.

I said nothing as I lifted the chain and pendant out and slowly slipped it around her neck, clicking the clasp and letting it settle. She blinked at something and then whispered, “Sh-shane what just happened?”

I shrugged. “Well, Luna said only you could ever remove that, no one can take it off you or force you to remove it. You have to be willing to take it off so… yeah.”

She again gave a nod and whispered, “Yes.” She was leaning in. Soft pony lips pressed to mine as I knocked my hat up out of the way and pressed back into a pretty deep and loving moment. I had asked Shawna for permission, I had begged my little girls spirit for guidance, and all of it seemed right so, here I was.

Breaking the kiss, breathing a bit heavy as I pressed my forehead to hers. I spoke softly because my mouth was near her ear. “So, I guess Bloom and Mac will need to be told.”

She pulled her head back. “Now, what about granny?” she asked, pausing when she saw my smile, she smiled back.

“I took care of that, asked permission from her and I also talked with Burnt Oak.”

At that she seemed shocked then pondered then gave a nod. “Ah think you done right. Pa’s spirit would approve, fer sure”

She then let out a giggle that was so not her usual stoic self and hugged me tight enough to squeeze the air out of me for a moment. “Ah’ve got to go, I got to… oh my Celestia, Ah have to tell the girls!”

I laughed and gave her a little push on the shoulder. “Go on, girl. I love you.”

I got another kiss. “Ah love ya too,” she said before she spun and was off at a gallop.

I tucked my hat back on and leaned back on the apple tree behind me. “Well, I hope I’ve done the right thing.”

A light breeze wafted in out of nowhere and the oddest of things happened. Two buttercups floated and landed on my open hand.

Ain’t that just the weirdest thing?