Extremely Loud, Intensely Bright, Drastically Tense, Exceedingly Tight

by h4ns

First published

When Bryce Smales goes to the park with his dog the last he expects is to be sent to Equestria. To some it would be a godsend. But for Bryce it is a chromatic and shrill hell. But with the help of the locals he may just discover a better life.

Spring Break. A time for sun, sand, and above all spending time with friends and family. The best years of any student's life. But for loner Bryce Smales he prefers to be at home, alone, completely isolated. This is because for people like Bryce it is harder to make friends.

When Bryce goes to the park one day with his dog, Corn, the last thing he expects is to be transported to Equestria, a land of brightly colored and overly friendly ponies.

Will Bryce be able to get past himself and find friendship? Will this be the best or worst thing to happen to Bryce? Will Bryce ever want to return to his world?

*Note: This is my first attempt at writing something like this, criticism is much appreciated. Also this will take place before the start of the main series to help develop the character.*


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Chapter 1: Awakening

Bryce sat on a beach towel under an umbrella, laid back, enjoying a cool drink. With no school for the whole week he finally had the time to allow his mind to ease from the constant drone of lectures and the endless note taking and readings. It was made better since he was the only one on the beach. No one to bother him. No one to annoy him. No one to pass judgment. All he had to do was sit back, relax, and feel the ocean spray on his face.

Ocean spray that smelt a lot like ass!!!


Bryce awoke to find his German Shepherd licking him and began to swat at his face, "Corn get off, get off I'm up. Just stop blowing your breath in my face."

Riling back, Corn ceased licking his boy as he sat back on his hunches.

Slowly rising up Bryce scratched Corn behind the ears while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with his free hand. "You know you don't have to try and kill me each time you want outside." Corn, being a dog, just barked in response. "OK I get it let's get you outside.

As Bryce finished rubbing his eyes he looked down and saw that he was wearing a pair of cargo shorts, with his key ring in a belt loop, his favorite bear t-shirt, and his tennis shoes. That's weird, why am I in my day clothes? Looking around, he saw that he was not in his room as he had previously thought. Instead of being in bed, he saw he was lying on a patch of soggy grass under a tree. Around him, in place of four walls of drywall, were numerous trees like the one he was under. The only thing that wasn't out of place was his dog Corn.

Reaching for a branch Bryce suddenly felt a heated pain pass through his left arm. Recoiling his arm back he noticed that his entire left arm was covered what looked like a spider's web of burns running from the entirety of his hand, run down to his elbow, and thin out as they reached his shoulder. At his shoulder, Bryce took note of how his t-shirt was burned at the edges.

Well something ain't right about this, what the H happened?, he thought as he slowly turned his arm around to view the burn.

Corn too looked at Bryce's burn and whined with concern. "I know boy, but it feels worse than it looks."

Reaching out again with his right arm Bryce finally pulled himself to his feet and rested his back on the tree he had woken up on. Turning to Corn he said, "Well Corn, have any idea where we are?"

Corn just stared back without giving a response. "Yeah, me neither."

Still resting his back on the tree, Bryce began to better observe his surroundings. From what he could tell the forest seemed to continue with no apparent end in sight. What struck him as odd was how each tree seemed to almost be dwarfed compared to trees the trees at his house, wherever that was now. The tallest tree he could see couldn't be more that 15 feet in height.

Looking down Bryce saw a small, green, furry object at Corn's paws. A tennis ball...I remember this... Reaching down for the ball Corn's ears instantly perked up, anticipating for his boy to throw it. We were in the park, playing catch, and then...it started to cloud up...and then..., Bryce thought as he juggled the tennis ball with his good hand.

By now Corn had begun to become impatient and began to bark.

"OK, OK fine...go get it," Bryce said as he tossed the ball into the distance. Corn immediately took chase.

With his dog occupied for the moment Bryce began to sift through what he knew, "I'm in a forest, could be on the exact opposite side of the world, if this is even the same planet, my left arm is burned, and all he thinks about is playing catch. It must be good to have no worries. Freakin H."

After a few seconds Corn came back and dropped the ball at his boy's feet, which Bryce picked up and placed in one of his side pockets. "That's enough for now boy."

Running his fingers through his curly hair and letting out a sigh Btrian said, "So...which way do you think we should go?" Corn just stared, his tail wagging. "Well, your no help." Reaching his hand into his pocket Bryce pulled out his smart phone. Turning it on he was further disappointed to find that not only was there no signal, but that the battery was almost completely drained of power. "Well that just makes things worse. No cellphone signal, no GPS, my arm hurts like a bitch, it's humid as hell," he said aloud as he grudgingly placed his smart phone back into his pocket and sighed again. Looking at his watch he saw it was a little after 4 pm.

Pushing himself off of the tree Bryce and slowly allowed his legs to bare his weight. Taking a few cautionary steps forward Bryce felt a dull pain in his legs, though not enough to keep him from walking. Corn was following close at his heels. Bryce soon stopped and looked around again, "Fine I'll say it, were lost. Corn you pick a direction."

As if understanding, Corn began to walk off into a random direction. "That way. OK. Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure. As if I have a better option."


After about an hour or two of walking in the direction Corn had chosen, boy and dog eventually came upon a stream. "Thank...God...water," Bryce cried out between breaths. Cupping his hands he knelt down and drank nearly a half gallon of water in almost 30 seconds flat.

"Tell me the...*cough*...th...*cough*cough*...the truth, did you know this was here Corn are were you just guessing?" Bryce asked as he tried to catch his breath. Corn just continued lapping at the stream.

Cupping his hands again Bryce poured water over his left arm to try and sooth his burn. Gritting his teeth he knew it had to be done to avoid infection.

Corn looked up with concern for his boy. Letting out a whine Bryce turned to his dog, "Don't worry boy, I'll live." Taking off his shirt, and carefully taking off his wristwatch, Bryce placed it into the stream to dampen it. Then he wrapped it around his arm so that his fingers were still exposed, exhaling with a pained sigh.

After about 5 minutes the pain began to ease somewhat. Glancing at his watch he saw it was close to half-past six in the evening and then stuffed it in his pocket with his smart phone. Looking around he saw that that was getting dark, almost too dark to see. "Well Corn you better drink up. We gotta move quick and try to find any form civilization. We're moving in 5 minutes, got it? And I'm picking the direction we go this time."

Corn just looked up from drinking with a look of confusion.

"So...where do you think we are anyway?" Bryce asked. "This isn't like any forest I've seen anywhere. What if this is just a coma? No that's not possible, comas aren't . A dream? No it's too feels real." Sighing again he stopped and contemplated his situation. "What if...what if we're dead?" After pausing for another moment he stated, "Can't be that either, my arm hurts...unless this is Hell? But that doesn't explain the stream."

All Corn could do was stare.

"You see this is why I like talking to animals, they listen to everything you say, don't interrupt, and most of all can't give any judgement. I love you, Corn." Now if only people could be more like that.

Getting back on his feet Bryce took in the area around him to try and decide which direction to continue their search. Looking up towards the sun Bryce was able to get a sense of direction.

OK the sun was to our backs when we found this stream. So we've been going East. Turning East he looked to his right. The forest continued to darken as it went on. Turning to the left there was little difference. Reaching into one of his pockets he pulled out his wallet. Rummaging through his wallet he pulled out his lucky penny. Positioning the coin on his thumb nail he flicked it into the air. As it came back down he caught it in his left palm and flattened it on the top of his opposite hand.

OK heads we go right, tails we go left. He closed his eyes and uncovered the penny. Opening his eyes it was revealed to be tails. "Tails. We go left." As he put the coin back into his wallet he told Corn, "Drink up boy, we're moving." Bending down, Bryce also took a final few sips of water, knowing it could be the last drink they could get in God knows when.


"Well I'm gonna say it...since you can't...we're fucked." In the two hour since they had left the stream neither boy nor dog had found any civilization to speak of. As far as he could tell they had been going in circles.

Siting down under a tree in a clearing he put his head on his knees and crossed his arms. "Why did I have to take charge. No food, no shelter, I doubt we could even find that stream again if we even wanted to....Which we do." He then let out a defeated sigh.

Corn strolled over to his boy and lied down at Bryce's feet. "Leave me alone Corn I don't want to be bothered right now." Corn continued to lie at his feet.

"Corn just...go away." This caused Con to stand up on his front legs and stare at his boy.

Uncrossing his arms he looked back at his dog. "What...what, do you want, I don't have anything for you." Corn let out a bark. "What...you want your ball." Corn just barked again. "Forget it that won't solve anything."

Corn continued to bark. It was beginning to hurt Bryce's ears. Bryce stood and pulled out the ragged tennis ball. "Fine, you know what, there go get it." He then threw it with all his might making Corn take chase. "And just stay out there you ass."

Sitting back down under the tree Bryce huffed. After a minute or two he had calmed down a little and regretted what he had just done. Shit what did I just do. Corn was the only thing I had to talk to.

After another minute Corn still hadn't returned. Where is he, he should have gotten back by now. At that moment thought he heard rustling in the forest directly in front of him.

"Corn, is..is that you boy?" The rustling continued.


More rustling.


More rustling.

"Cornelius if that's you then stop and come out," Bryce shouted into the darkness as he slowly stood.

Still more rustling.

Suddenly the rustling stopped.

After a minute there was no other sound. Must have just been the wind. Feeling confident Bryce stepped forward. As soon as he dropped his foot a stick snapped under his shoe.

Then the rustling started again, this time much louder than before.

At hearing this Bryce immediately froze up, unable to move, breath, or even think.

As the rustling got closer Bryce began to sweat out of fear.

Then a large being jumped into the clearing.

Without thinking Bryce picked up the first thing he reached out for anything to use as a weapon and caught a large stick. Gripping it as hard as he could Bryce swung at the thing in front of him. When the stick connected, the creature let out a yelp. Immediately Bryce released his grip on the stick, "Shit, holy shit." At that moment Brain had relieved his mistake. "Corn I'm sorry, I...I thought you were...I don't know. Why didn't you bark or...something. Oh God don't let me have killed the only thing I have as a friend."

Bending down he saw a gash running along Corn's left shoulder.

"Damn it Corn I'm sorry, I didn't know."

Corn let out a pained whine and tried to stand. Bryce pushed him back down. "Just stay down boy."

Bryce then unwrapped his shirt from his burned arm and wrapped it around Corn. "OK now we just...I don't know, damn it Corn what do we do now?"

Corn started to nudge his ball.

"Corn, not now your hurt."

Corn nudged his ball again.

"Corn I said..."

Bryce stopped when he saw what Corn was trying to get Bryce to notice. Instead of Corn's old, green tennis ball there was instead a large, red object. An apple? He then picked it up and sank his teeth into it savoring the sweet taste, though a little more sweet then he was used to.

Well this certainly isn't something you'd find in a forest. That means there must be something out that way. "Can you walk boy. I know it's going to hurt but I don't have the strength to carry you."

Corn soon got onto his feet and walked back the way he came. Bryce noticed a limp as his dog walked. "Hey, go slow boy, don't overexert yourself," Bryce said as he began to follow close after his wounded dog.

In a few minutes Corn had retraced his steps to the edge of the forest. When they exited the forest Bryce was surprised to find an apple orchard. He almost cried at the sight.

Bryce then ran to the closest tree and began to reach out for the apples closest to the ground. When he finally grasped one he began to gorge himself on it like he did on the one Corn had found. This is the best tasting thing I've ever had thus far in my life.

As he finished on the current apple he started to reach for another but was stopped when Corn whined bringing Bryce back to reality. "Oh, right you're injured. Well let's get moving, I doubt this is a natural orchard."

Just as Bryce began to move Corn let out another whine which caused Bryce to turn back. He saw his dog curled up under the tree he'd picked apples from. "What's the matter boy, you tired?" Corn just continued to lie down. Bryce again looked at his watch and, from the dim light of the half moon, saw it was almost 9 in the evening. "Well we have been going nonstop for almost five hours in that damned humidity," Bryce let out a sigh. "We might as well try and sleep if we can, start fresh in the morning."

Walking back to the tree Bryce laid his back against the bark and began to remove his shoes and socks. Looking around he saw that the apple orchard, just like the forest they had just exited, seemed to continue on forever. Even if we did continue on this place could go on for miles, and I can't leave Corn after what happened.

Pushing himself off the tree Bryce walked towards a smaller, younger tree a short distance away. Ducking under a low branch he unzipped his pants and relieved himself. When he was finished he zipped his shorts and turned to walk back to Corn. However, this time he wasn't watching where he was going and smacked his head on the branch he'd just dodged not a full minute before.

"Damn it...that hurt like a bitch," Bryce yelled out as loud as he could. In his rage he kicked the tree hurting his foot. Grabbing his foot he tipped over onto his back. While he was down he kicked the tree again with his heel causing an apple to drop down and hit Bryce directly on his already hurting forehead.

After that Bryce finally admitted defeat and just lied there. "Well there's no way this could get any worse," Bryce said out loud to no one in particular.

At that exact moment a soufflé of dark clouds began to drift overhead from the direction of the forest. Bryce was angered beyond words that yet existed.

Picking himself up quickly he ran back to tree Corn was under just as a clap of thunder sounded overhead followed by a shower of pelting rain. The tree they were under provided just enough cover to keep all but Bryce's feet dry. Turning to Corn he saw that his dog was staring at him, "Don't. Say. ANYTHING! Just...go to sleep. We'll figure out what to do in the morning. Goodnight. Love you." He exhaled, "and I'm sorry about what happened. Just...don't die on me, not now."

As Bryce slowly drifted off to sleep he again thought there was no way things could be any worse tomorrow then they had been today.

Awakening, Part 2

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Chapter 2: Awakening, Part 2

Applejack sat on a beach towel under an umbrella, laid back, enjoying a glass of hard cider. With the harvest season over again for another year she had time to allow her body to recover from the daily repetition of apple bucking and the other chores that seemed to produce on their own. It was made better that she was not only able to enjoy this with her elder brother and younger sister, but also with Granny Smith. This was the time of year that Applejack enjoyed the most. Just the feeling of being able to spend time with those she loved.

This was all shattered by an unbearable barking.


Applejack awoke to find her Border Collie jumping on top of her all the while barking her heart out, "Quiet down Winona, Ah'm up. Just quit your hollering."

Winona complied and jumped down off of Applejack's bed and sat on her hunches, waiting for her master to do so herself.

Rising up, the farm mare looked out of her bedroom window to see little inklings of sunlight begin to come over the horizon. After rubbing the last bit of sleep out of her eyes with her hooves, Applejack threw back the covers and stepped out of her bed. "Whelp Winona looks like it's gonna another long day, we'd better get to it."

After donning her Stetson she exited her bedroom and headed towards the bathroom to prepare herself for the day ahead. Winona ran downstairs Along the way Applejack saw the door to Granny Smith's room was ajar. Almost 65 years old and she still rises earlier than anypony else. How does she do it? She thought as she continued down the hall. Entering the bathroom she could smell Granny Smith's cooking downstairs.

After locking the bathroom door she immediately began her ordinary morning routine. Running water into the sink she grabbed a washcloth and rubbed the last of the sleep out of her green eyes. Turning off the water Applejack next brushed her teeth, being careful that she grabbed her own toothbrush. Just as she was finishing she jumped when a knock came at the door.

"Applejack, are you in there." It was Big McIntosh, Applejack's older brother.

"Yeah, Ah'm in here Big Mac. Ah'll be out in a second."

About a minute later Applejack finally opened the bathdoor to see her older brother standing there waiting. "Whelp it's all yours Big Mac," she said as she walked by her much larger brother.


Walking don the hall Applejack turned back just before Big Mac closed the door. "Hey, Big Mac, have ya gotten Applebloom up yet?"

Turning back he simply responded, "Eenope."

"Ya think she's still upset bout yesterday?"

Pondering for a second Big Mac responded, "Eeyep."

"Well Ah'll get...somehow," the last part she said under her breath.

Continuing down the hallway Applejack stopped in front of her little sister's bedroom door. As she knocked on the door she said, "Applebloom it's time to get up." When there was no answer she knocked again with greater force.

When there was still no answer Applejack pushed the door open to see the back of her sister's red mane and pink bow. "Applebloom come on and get up, you can't stay in bed all day."

"Just leave me alone," was all she said back.

"Applebloom Ah know you're upset about yesterday, and Ah know your wantin ta help, but you're just not old enough or big enough ta be doing any kinduh hard farm labor yet."

Sitting down on her back legs Applejack continued to try and think of a way to persuade her younger sibling out of bed. "Applebloom I know we haven't been able ta spend much time with yuh...but Big Mac and Ah need ta work most every day startin early in the morning till late at night sometimes."

At that Applebloom rolled around in her bed so she could look at her older sister, "Ah...Ah know it's just there's nothing ta do around here," she said in almost a whisper. "When you're not here Ah'm left with Granny Smith. Ah love her Applejack, Ah do, but there's nothin ta do when she falls asleep for hours on end."

Letting out a sigh Applejack replied, "Ah know there isn't much for you ta do round here at your age, but this is a big farm and your just a little filly, yuh don't have the strength yet ta be apple bucking or even ta lift a full bushel of apples."

"Ah...Ah know but Ah at least wanna get away from the house every once in uh while."

This made the apple mare waver, "Ah don't have ta time ta be watchin yuh, and Ah don't feel comfortable with yuh going outside the house on yuh own. Ah doubt you'd even be able to find your way back ta the house if were in the orchard."

Applebloom began to tear up as she pulled the bedcovers over her head.

"Applebloom...," Applejack cried out, "come on now...yuh aren't gonna stay cooped up in your room all day."

The little filly could only let out a sniffle.


This time she made no sound.

After about another minute Applejack stood and made her way for the door, "Well fine be that way then it still doesn't change how Ah feel." Exiting the room and shutting the door Applejack made her way down to the dining room. When she got there she saw the table already set for breakfast. Her brother, grandmother, and Winona were there as well waiting for the remaining family members to join in.

When Applejack situated herself opposite her brother she announced, "Whelp let's dig in everypony, Applebloom's not coming down."

To this Granny Smith asked, "Is she still upset about what happened last night?"

"Yes'm," was all Applejack could say, she herself visibly upset by her younger sibling's absence.

"Did she say anything different?"

"No, she's still wantin ta get outta the house some."

"What did yuh say ta her?"

"Ah told her that Big Mac and Ah can't take the time off ta spend time with her, there's just too much ta do right now."

"Well she is just a filly now dear she needs ta get outside sometimes too. It ain't good her a pony her age ta be sittin inside cooped up with somepony my age."

"Ah know Granny but who's gonna watch her?"

Granny Smith answered, "Why doncha let her go along with yuh while you're apple bucking today dear?"

"Uh beg pardon?"

"Just let her go along with yuh and let her see what yuh have ta do each day."

"But she's not old nough yet for apple bucking."

"Ah didn't say she'd have ta do any, just show her how it's done so she can do it when she is grown. If anything she could help pick up any apples that miss the baskets or fall outta the wagon."

"Well yuh do have a point...but what if she gets disintrested of it, then what?"

"Yuh can take Winona with yuh both to keep her company while yuh work."

"That could work, and Winona could help warn me if anything happens." Turning to her brother she asked, "What do yuh think about it Big Mac?"

Thinking it over himself, the large stallion replied with a, "Eeyep."

"OK, if y'all are both OK with it Ah guess Ah can do that...but only if she'll stay close."

"Well go on and tell her, she'll need her energy ta get through the day."

"Uh right, Ah'll go and get her right now. Y'all just go on and start eatin."

Standing up from the table Applejack quickly made her way back upstairs. When she reached Applebloom's door she began to knock lightly. "Hey, Applebloom, are yuh in still there."

A few seconds later she heard a small voice reply, "N...no."

When there was no further answer Applejack opened the door to see her little sister still in the same position she had been left in, the bedcovers still over her head. Sitting at the side of Applebloom's bed again she announced, "Applebloom come on and get up."

"Ah don't wanna."

"Sugar cube...Ah know Ah was hard on yuh, and Ah know you're gonna wanna get up."


"Cause Granny convinced me to let yuh come along with me today around the farm while Ah work."

Hearing this Applebloom poked her head out from under the covers enough to reveal her eyes, showing a trail of tears still streaming from her orange irises. "Re...really? Yuh mean it?"

"Yeah, Ah mean it."

Applebloom's ears perked up, "Yo...you're being honest, no jokin?"

Lifting a hoof to wipe a tear from her sister's eyes she responded, "Yeah I'm honest...no joking."

The little filly, who could do nothing but sulk a second ago, threw the bed sheets off herself and immediately began to jump on her bed all the while smiling as if it were Hearth's Warming Eve. When she was done jumping on the bed she landed on the floor and hugged the leg of a now dumbfounded Applejack, "Oh thank yuh, thank yuh, thank yuh Applejack. What are we gonna do first? Apple bucking the orchard?"

"Now Applebloom."

"Oh Ah know we're gonna search the farm for timber wolves?"


"No, no wait we're gonna...?"

Stomping her free hoof down the elder sister shouted, "APPLEBLOOM!!!"

Shocked at this outburst Applebloom released her sisters leg. After a few seconds Applejack broke the silence, "Ah didn't say we were gonna do anything like that. You're still a little filly, there's no getting around that. I said you could come with me while Ah worked."

At that Applebloom's ears drooped and she looked at the floor.

"Now come on Applebloom don't be that way. It's better than being kept in the house all day...isn't it?"


"So what's the problem?"

"Ah at last wanted to do something ta help."

"Like Ah said before Ah know yuh want ta help, but you're still too little for hard work. Now if yuh want ta help you can pick up any apples that miss the baskets or you can watch me apple buck and learn how ta do it for when you're old enough."

Thanking over what her sister had said the little filly's spirits were somewhat elevated, "Well Ah guess Ah can do that."

"See it's not gonna be so bad. But yuh have ta promise me one thing."

"Wha...what is it?"

"That yuh promise ta stay where Ah can see yuh."

Wanting more than anything then to get out of the house Applebloom simply said, "OK."

Applejack wasn't convinced, "Ah don't want ta being running around looking for yuh. It's dangerous out there in the orchard and if something were ta happen to yuh Ah'd never be able ta forgive myself."

"OK, Ah promise."

Applejack still wasn't convinced"Now Ah mean it Applebloom if Ah even see yuh out of sight and have ta holler ta find yuh then you're not ta set a hoof inta the orchard again until you're old enough. Got it!?"

":AJ Ah promise. Ah promise Ah'll stay where yuh can see me."

Not wanting to upset her sister again she gave in, "OK. But Ah warned yuh." Giving her little sister a big hug she said, "Now Ah want yuh ta go and get ready. Then come down and eat as much as yuh can cause we're gonna be out in the orchard for a long time today."

Upon being released from her sister's grasp Applebloom rushed to do as she was told.

Lingering outside her sister's room for a few seconds she sighed and thought out loud, "For Celestia's sake Ah hope she's tellin me the truth."


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Chapter 3: Sunrise

Having ate their fill of breakfast, Applejack was now preparing for the long day ahead. While Applebloom was preoccupied with chasing Winona, and sometimes vice versa, Applejack was busy loading the wagon with as many baskets as it could carry for the day's harvest. Ever so often the impatient, yet equally delighted filly would stop for a second and ask her older sibling if 'is it time to go yet?' or 'are yuh done yet?' Each time, however, the orange mare would respond with 'in uh few minute, just be patient.'

Finally, after what felt like had been almost a thousand years, Applejack finally announced that the wagon was now fully loaded causing the young filly to jump into the air to a height that rivaled Ponyville's resident pink party mare.

As Applebloom made her way to the back of the wagon so her sister could pull her to their destination she was stopped by a muscular foreleg belonging to the later mentioned mare. Looking up the filly saw the same stern face that Applejack had been wearing since Applebloom had finally been aroused out of bed.

Opening her mouth, Applejack stated in a serious tone, "Now Applebloom you remember what yuh promised now. You're not allowed to do any apple bucking, you do exactly as Ah say, and above all you stay where Ah can both see and hear yuh...yuh understand?"

All Applebloom could do was nod as she looked down at the ground.

Placing her hoof on Applebloom's shoulder she emphasized her seriousness with, "Applebloom...look me in tuh eyes and say it."

Forcing herself to slowly looking up into her sister's green irises Applebloom responded, "Ah promise that Ah'll won't try ta do any apple bucking and that Ah'll do what yuh tell me ta do and stay close to yuh."

Pulling her little sister into a hug she said, "OK now go on and get into the wagon with Winona."

As soon as Applejack released her, Applebloom raced to the back of the wagon. Since she was unable to climb into it herself Applejack had to lift her up.

After Applejack harnessed herself at the front of the wagon she pulled it to the front of the house so they could wave bye to Granny Smith, and to also collect the lunches that Granny had made for them. Soon after Applejack was off with Applebloom, who waved back at the farmhouse until it was out of sight.

The whole time Applejack pulled the wagon into the apple orchard she silently prayed nothing out of the ordinary would happen, and that she would not regret allowing her young sibling to come along for the day.


Nearly a half-hour since they had lost sight of the farmhouse Applejack had pulled the wagon to the top of a small hill so she could watch for predators. Coming to a stop she had Applebloom and Winona hop down from the wagon. "Applebloom Ah'm gonna set these baskets down under the trees. When Ah'm done with that Ah want yuh ta come over and watch me for uh while. Yuh got that?"

"Yeah, Ah got it."

"Good, now don't get too riled up yet this'll only take uh minute."

With her older sister preoccupied Applebloom began to take in the surrounding landscape.

Around her there were vast rolling hills all topped in crisp green grass still covered from last night's downpour. Speckled across the orchard were what seemed to be tens of hundreds of apple trees each one standing firm to the very roots. Each one an enduring testament to the beginnings of the friendly town of Ponyville that lay a short trot down the road. Nestled within the branches of each tree hung the very fruit that had allowed the town to flourish, apples. Every one as sweet and as juicy as when Ponyville's original settlers had sown the seeds of their parent tree found deep in the dark forest that lay on the southern edges of town. The forest, which was visible in the distance, was not only the home to creatures that were both vile and malignant, but also holds the knowledge of things past, both good and evil.

All of this Applebloom took in with a wonder reserved for the innocence of youth.

In fact she was so caught up in the sublimity of it all that she failed to register her sister who was standing less than a foot behind her. When she noticed a shadow on the ground below her she let out a surprised gasp and stumbled backwards into the more toned form of her big sister.

"Whoa there sugar cube it's just me."

Having noticed her folly Applebloom replied, "Oh...yeah right

"Are yuh ready to see how apple bucking's done?"

"Uh yeah...hey Applejack what's that over there," Applebloom pointing a hoof in the direction of the forest.

"That...that there's the Everfree Froest.::"

"Oh...could we go in it sometime today?"

Immediately her eyes widened, "Oh no we're not going in there don't even think about it."

"Well why not?"

"Cause it's dangerous. There's timber wolves and other kinds of critters in there that would just love to eat up anything they can sink their teeth inta. Especially little ponies."

"Well can't we just...?"

Applejack cut her off before she could finish, "Ah said no...we're not going anywhere near there. Now come on so Ah can start working." She said as she walked over to a tree that had already been encircled with baskets.

Sighing out in defeat Applebloom trotted over and sat down on the ground. Winona soon sat down next to her.

Seeing her little sister ready to learn she began to speak, "Now Applebloom this here is what's called apple bucking. Ta save time going up and manually pulling each and every apple from the each tree we do this." Pausing to see if Applebloom was paying attention Applejack continued, "Now when yuh want ta apple buck a tree yuh have ta get the right distance from the trunk. If you're too close you could damage the tree or worse hurt yourself. On the other hoof if you're too far away you could miss the tree or not hit it hard enough." Applejack began to position herself to buck before she continued, "What you're looking for is the spot where you're hit it hard but only just enough." She ended this by flexing the muscles in her hind legs, shifting her weight to forelegs, and then releasing it all in one loud 'whack' onto the side of the tree. This caught the engrossed filly by surprise as she let out a startled yelp.

Instantly apples began to rain down from the branches above into the awaiting baskets below. "And that's how it's done, any questions?" Applebloom shook her hear. "OK next let me show yuh how ta properly buck," she said as she walked away from the tree.


Bryce awoke to the sound of thunder. Still lying back on the tree his eyes shoot open to find it bright and sunny, not a cloud in sight. "Was that thunder?" he asked himself. After a minute Bryce looked around to see that he was still under an apple tree in a large orchard. He also saw that he was still in just his shorts, his left arm still had a spider's web of burns, and that Corn was curled up next to his leg, with Bryce's shirt wrapped around the dog's shoulder with a patch of blood over the wound. Look to his side opposite Corn he saw his shoes almost worn out shoes still where he'd left them with the socks crammed within. "Well I guess this isn't a dream then...we're still here," he said as he let out a heavy sigh.

Pulling his watch out of his short's pocket it showed they had been sleeping for nearly10 hours. Well I've never slept this long for God knows when. Might as well get up. As Bryce shifted Corn began to stir and let out a yawn. When he had gotten back on his feet Bryce said, "Hey boy...how are you feeling."

Corn just looked up at his boy and gave no sign of moving from his spot.

"Still hurts boy? Well...I'm still sorry about what happened. I am." Looking around the orchard he saw that it still seemed to continue on forever, just like it did last night. "Do you think you can walk at all?"

At that Corn began to stretch out his body. When he was done with that he got upon his feet and stretched out again.

"Just slow down Corn don't...don't hurt yourself now."

When he was done stretching a second time he began to walk as best he could with his nose to the ground, sniffing out a place to do his morning constitution.

"We'll try and take brakes every so often then." Reaching up into the tree they'd taken refuge under Bryce pulled down another apple and started eating it, this time with more restraint. After he ate it down to the core he threw it off into the distance before he pulled down another. When he had pulled the second one down Corn came hobbling back over. He must be hungrier than I am but I doubt he'll eat this

Hitting the apple against the tree he pulled off a segment and offered it to the injured German shepherd.

All Corn did was sniff the offering.

"Come on boy you have to eat I've nothing else to give you."

Corn became disinterested and sat down on his hunches.

"Well it's all I have," Bryce said as he ate the remainder of the apple. "And I'm letting you pick which way we go this time," he added.

Hearing what Bryce had just said Corn again began to walk. This time towards the forest they had left last night.

"No Corn not that way, that's definitely the opposite way we'd want to go."

Corn soon bent his head down and picked up something in his mouth and walked back over to his boy. When he got there he dropped the object at Bryce's feet.

"Your tennis ball," he said trying to hold back a laugh. "We're God knows where and you worry about that...why not?" Picking the fuzzy green ball off the ground Bryce placed it in one of his side pocket. "Fine, I'll choose then." Picking up his shoes Bryce thought about putting them on but didn't want his socks to get wet from the holes in the soles.

After making sure they had everything Bryce stated, "OK then...let's go this way."


Thrusting out her back legs one more time Applejack said, "And that's how yuh buck...now you try it sugar cube."

"O...OK sis." Applebloom stood up on all four legs and got into position.

"Just do it when your ready."

Swallowing, Applebloom tried to remember everything her sister had taught her. Taking a few practice kicks, one leg at a time, she tried to find the confidence. Finally feeling ready she took a deep breath and readied herself. On her first attempt she only managed to kick up a patch of grass.

"That's a good start now try ta get your hooves off the ground this time."

Getting into position a second time Applebloom inhaled another deep breath. This time she was able to get her hooves off the ground but only just managed to get all four hooves on the ground before she fell.

"Good, better then thee last. Now this time put a little more kick into it."

Having found her mettle, and filled with youthful spirit, Applebloom once again got in the proper bucking position. Flexing her tiny hind legs to the limit, and filling her small lungs to capacity, she put as much 'kick' as she could muster into her next attempt.

Though she was able to thrust her legs out, she wasn't quick enough to put them back down.

When she hit the ground the breath she had been holding was instantly pushed out from her lungs. Seeing her young sister had hit the ground hard Applejack quickly ran over to check on her.

"Applebloom...are you alright?!"

"Yea *cough* yeah Ah *cough* Ah *cough* Ah'm fine *cough*." She said as she tried to get on her hooves.

Grabbing the little filly gently with her teeth Applejack carried her over to the wagon. Dropping her whooping sister on her back on one of the wheels she opened a bottle of water. Offering the open bottle to Applebloom she said, "Here sugarcube drink up."

When Applebloom grab hold of it she began to chug it down making her cough some more and drenching her face and mane.

"Whoa now, easy there don't drink it to fast and choke yourself."

After another fit of coughing Applebloom drank what was left in the bottle in more controlled gulps.

After a minute Applejack spoke up, " You alright now sugarcube?"

Panting heavily Applebloom replied, "Yea...yeah."

"Good...that's good. Do you want me ta take yuh back ta the house?"

The winded filly shook her head no.

"Well OK if yuh say so. Yuh just sit tight and catch your breath. We can try again later if yuh really want ta. Right now Ah need ta try and get as many apples buckled today as Ah can. Come find me when you're up to it. OK?"

The aching filly nodded in response.

Giving her sister a hug, Applejack turned around to continue the daily grind.

As her master left, Winona, who had been sitting off to the side taking in the scene, scampered over to Applebloom. When she reached the filly she saw that she was still taking in deep, quick breaths, not yet fully recovered from her accident.

Taking notice, Applebloom said, "Hey Winona, looks like Ah took a bad spill," as she patted the dog on the head with a fore hoof.

Winona whimpered in response.

Petting the border collie on the head said, "Don't worry girl Ah'll be fine."

After a few minutes Applebloom had finally caught her breath. Sitting up on her haunches she cautiously began to stand on her hooves. When she was finally able to stand she set out to find Applejack, with Winona in tow. She didn't have to search long because the sound of hoof whacking tree pinpointed her location. Catching up to her Applebloom found her doing just that, but went unnoticed because Applejack was facing the opposite direction.

When Applebloom spoke up it made Applejack nearly jump out of her skin, "Hey Applejack?"

"Oh hey sugarcube. Yuh feeling any better?"

Applebloom nodded.

"That's good. Are yuh sore anywhere?"

"Yeah...a little."

Rubbing sweat off her forehead with a hoof Applejack responded, "Let me check yuh out then." Walking over Applejack said, "Try extending one of your legs."

Applebloom did as she was told. Stretching out her left leg Applejack determined it was kosher, but when she stretched her right leg out half way it began to throb with pain making her cry out and losing her footing.

Fortunately Applejack was there to catch her before she could hit the ground a second time that day. She gently lied her down onto her back.

"You OK sugarcube?"

Getting upset with Applejack's constant worrying she shot back, "Yeah!"

"Just calm down. Now where'd it hurt?"

Using a hoof she pointed to the inside of her thigh.

Placing a hoof where she had pointed Applejack asked, "Does it hurt if Ah do this?"

Immediately Applebloom's leg began to pulse with pain making her cry out again and kick out with her good leg which connected with Applejack's Stetson. "Whelp Applebloom looks like yuh aren't gonna be doing anymore bucking today."


Replacing her Stetson Applejack bluntly stated, "Because if yuh try doing any more with your leg the way it is you'll just make it worse. Now come on."

Stomping the ground Applebloom let out a frustrated grunt before following her sister back to the wagon.

When they had arrived Applejack stated, "Now Ah can't afford ta head back ta house. Ah want yuh ta stay right around the wagon."

"But Appleja..."

"Ah don't want ta hear it," Applejack said sternly. "You promised me before we went out that you'd do as Ah told yuh. Well Ah'm telling yuh ta stay around the wagon. You're hurt and there's no getting around that. Ah have work ta do and Ah can't take the time ta wheel yuh back and come back out. Get it?"

Admitting defeat Applebloom said, "G...got it."

"Good now Ah need ta catch up on apple bucking. If anything happens Ah want yuh ta come get me. Other then that Ah don't want yuh ta leave the wagon."

Applebloom hung her head down, saying nothing.

Sitting down next to the both physically and emotionally hurt filly Applejack said, "Applebloom Ah'm sorry this happened....Ah told yuh ta put kick in it. It's my fault."

"Ah...Ah don't blame yuh."

"Well Ah'm still sorry," she replied back while hugging her again tightly. "Ah'll check up on yuh every once and a while, but Ah need ta get as much done as Ah can." Standing up one more time she hugged her little sister one last time before heading back to work. Noticing Winona was following she said, "Winona stay here with Applebloom. Ah need yuh ta keep an eye on her."

Winona did as her master had said and quickly ran to Applebloom's side.

Being left alone a second time Applebloom couldn't think of anything to do. After a few minute, not having gotten much sleep the night before, she released a yawn. With nothing better to do Applebloom crawled under the wagon to keep out of the sun. In seconds she was fast asleep.

Welcome to the Universe

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Chapter 4: Welcome to the Universe

After about fifteen minutes of walking in the direction Bryce had chosen both boy and dog stopped when they heard what sounded like drums. Looking down at Corn Bryce asked, "Do you hear that?"

Corn was caught up in the sound himself.

Standing still for a minute they heard it again and again, though the sound followed no rhythm. "Well what ever it is it's our best sign of civilization. With a renewed vigor Bryce moved quickly in the direction he thought the noise was originating from. A few seconds later he turned to see that Corn was dragging along behind, trying his hardest to keep up. Bryce waited as Corn limped over.

"Does it hurt that much boy?"

Corn looked up with a pained expression.

"Well let's go on and take a break."

Looking around Bryce saw a fallen tree a few feet away. Picking Corn up gently he carried him over to it, much to the irritation it caused in his left arm. Placing Corn down as smoothly as he had picked him up he sat with his back against the loose bark and dropped his shoes opposite of Corn.

"OK I'm gonna give his 10 or 15 minutes and we gotta move again. There's someone or something living out here I can feel it."

Corn curled up next to his boy's leg.

After about five minutes Bryce could her the drumming sound off in the distance on a shallow hill. That has to be somebody doing that, it just has to be. Nothing natural could make a sound like that. Reaching into his pocket he retrieved his smartphone. Pressing the power button nothing happened. And this thing is useless now, he thought as he returned it to his pocket. Within ten more minutes the drumming stopped. Bryce announced, "OK Corn its been ten minutes lets get going."

Reaching his hand to nudge his dog Bryce accidently touched Corn's wound. This caused Corn to stand up and begin to bark uncontrollably.

Bryce covered his ears to drown out his dog's yelping, "Calm down boy it was just me."

After barking for close to a minute Corn finally got the message.

"Well glad to see you found some energy. Let's get moving."

As he stood both boy and dog heard the sound of galloping, and the longer it went on the louder, and more hell bent, it became. Shit are they sending the whole cavalry?

Quickly scooping up Corn the dog howled out in pain. Jumping to the opposite side of the fallen tree Bryce grab Corn around the muzzle to try and quiet him. His plan was to see what exactly they were up against before revealing themselves.


Having left Applebloom at the wagon Applejack resumed gathering apples to try and get her mind off of the day's events. Not even out more than an hour and already she's worse off than if she had stayed. Ah should have never let her come out here. Deeming the tree she was working on had given as much as it could she decided to go and check on her sister.

When she reached the wagon she found her sister safe and sound, curled up asleep underneath the wagon with Winona. Gosh, that filly's done gotten tuckered out. Smiling Applejack pulled out a bottle of water and began to quench her thirst.

As she finished draining the container, however, she heard the unmistakable sound of barking not far from where she and her sister were. What in tarnation?

Twitching her ears she confirmed that it was indeed barking. Oh no. Not here. Not now. Thinking it was a timber wolf Applejack was filled with a more deepened worry.

Without thinking Applejack bolted off in the direction of the barking. That timber wolf's gonna regret ever being born. Ah'm not about to let anything else get ahold of my family.

Not hearing the barking suddenly stop Applejack continued sprinting, fueled by adrenaline and filled with anger.

In her rage she completely ignored the pair of otherworldly footwear left on a rotting tree.


As Bryce peeked over the decaying bark of his and Corn's hiding spot he saw an orange and yellow streak zoom right past. Holy shit. What the H was that.

Concluding that the coast was clear he loosened his grip on Corn's muzzle and released a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. Out loud he said, "Was that...was that a horse?" Pushing himself up by pressing his hands against the tree's bark Bryce looked in the direction the horse like creature had been going. Well whatever it was it was either run towards, or away from, something like its head was on fire and its ass was catching. Turning his head again Bryce looked to where the thing had ran from, "Well whatever the H it was it came from the direction of that drumming noise. There's no way around it there's someone over there." And the sooner we'll have to deal with a complete and total stranger.

With Corn feeling better for the moment the pair continued walking. Within five minutes they reached the crest of the small hill. All around Bryce saw a plethora of baskets under many of the apple trees, some were empty, others were literally overflowing with the fruit.

Under his breath Bryce said, "Where the H is everybody?" Looking down at Corn he asked, "You don't think your barking scared them do you?"

Corn gave no answer.

"You know you could at least add something to the discussion." But in his mind he was thinking, Yeah that'll be the day. If animals could talk I won't know what to do.

Surveying the area one more time he decided the only way to make sure they were really alone was to yell out a greeting. Positioning his hands on either side of his mouth he shouted, "Helllllllllllllooooooooooo!!!"

As soon as he ceased yelling he heard a growl coming from right behind him, "What the Hell?"


Applebloom awoke with a start. Still caught in the haze of sleep she could have sworn somepony was yelling. Rubbing her eyes to clear her vision Applebloom was greeted by the sight of two beige colored poles. Yawning Applebloom ignored it and rolled over to try and get some more sleep.

She was nearly asleep when Winona began to growl, "Uh Winona not so loud, Ah'm dead tired."

"What the Hell?"

Hearing a voice she didn't recognize Applebloom opened her eyes. Her mind now more awake she registered what she had taken to be poles were instead a pair of large legs. Applejack was no where in sight.

What scared her most was that they were no more than a yard from where she was lying. And they were moving around.

A second later one of the legs bent down onto the ground. At the same time something smacked down onto to the top of the wagon making Applebloom's skin crawl. She rolled to her right, behind a wheel, just as the creature bent down some more, revealing its head. The creature took one look at Winona and said, "Oh shit!!!" before it straightened its legs, turned around, and ran away. Winona immediately took chase, her teeth bared.

Applebloom looked on as the creature tripped and fell, making Winona stop with her back arched.

Out of nowhere a dog, just smaller than a full grown mare, materialized and stood between Winona and the creature. The new dog began to growl as well prompting Winona to cower in fear, her tail tucked between her legs. When the large dog started to bark Winona turned tail and ran.

The large dog attempted to chase after but was stopped when the creature yelled, "Corn, let it go." The dog obeyed and let out a huff before walking over to the creature. When the large canine reached the creature it extended a fore limb and scratched him behind the ears saying, "It's all right boy, its gone now."

With the creature now still Applebloom began to get a better view of the . Overall the body and fore limbs were similar to a minotaur's. Other than that it was like nothing, real or imaginary, that Applebloom had ever drempt of. Its entire body was pale and mostly hairless. She could see thin patches of hair across its trunk, legs, fore limbs, and a thick, curly mane on its large, round head. Its left fore limb was a shade of pink ranging from the end to the shoulder. The legs she had seen before were very muscular, somewhat bigger than Applejack's hind legs. Its face looked like it was caught in a permanent scowl. The only clothing it had stretched from its waist down to its knees. On the sides were openings that could function as saddle bags.

Turning her attention to the dog, Corn he had called it, she saw it had a burnt yellow cloth wrapped around its shoulder.

Staring at the alien pair for a few minutes Applebloom's eyes began to droop and she lost her balance. This caused her right hind leg to stretch out making her cry out in pain. Placing a hoof to her mouth she hoped that neither the creature, nor its dog, would take notice..

Unfortunately they had.

In a flash Applebloom hid herself behind the wagon wheel just as they both turned in her direction, "Is somebody there?"

Doesn't it mean somepony?"

The dog's response was a low, frightening growl, "Corn, shh!"

Applebloom kept a hoof at her mouth, firmly planting her back against the wheel.

"If there is somebody there would....would you please come out. M...my dog an...and I need som... some help." The creature paused for a moment, "Look...I know this ma...may seem cl...cl...cliché but I...we mean you no...no harm. We got lost in that...that forest and f...found our way here. We're just lost and hurt and hun...hungry and we...we just wanna g...g...get home."

For a moment Applebloom believed the creature. But at mention of the Everfree Forest she recealled what Applejack had said about things that resided within, '...it's dangerous. There's timber wolves and other kinds of critters in there that would just love to eat up anything they can sink their teeth inta. Especially little ponies.'

She had put emphasis on that last part. Applebloom began to tear up.

After a few seconds the creature remarked, "Shit...I must be hallucinating."

Applebloom gave a quiet sigh of relief. Sliding herself down she felt something tug at her mane. In her haste her bow had gotten caught on a loose nail. The sudden tug made her squeak in fright.

"Or maybe we woke up in Wonderland. Who's there?!" The last part the creature said in an angered tone of voice.

Applebloom continued to remain silent.

"That's it!"

She heard the creature stand.

"I said we needed help!!"

It was getting closer.

"Both my dog and I are injured and you wanna play games!!!"

Applebloom's heart felt like it was going to rip out of her chest.

"Well fine if that's the way you wanna play well then game on you son of a bitch!!!!"

She tugged at her bow with all her might but it held fast.

"Let's play this game you little..."

Looking back Applebloom saw the creature's face change from one of unending rage to one of unbelievable surprise.

"...horse thing?!"

She stopped, scared stiff by its close proximity and sudden change in temperament.

Extending a fore limb it said, "Uh hey sorry I thought...I thought you were a per...person." When it could almost touch her Applebloom kicked at it causing it to retreat back. "Hey I'm not gonna hurt you. Just let me get you out of this." It made to reach for her again and was met with another kick. This one hit. Pulling its fore limb back it hissed in pain. Applebloom gulped expecting it to lash out. She rolled onto her back and tried to push herself away, but her bow had gotten tangled around the nail.

"OK...that one hurt a little. But I'm made of stronger stuff than that." Laughing to itself it reached in again.

Thinking fast Applebloom gathered up a ball of mud and threw it at the creature hitting it straight in the face. With it distracted for the moment Applebloom finally loosened her bow and ran. As soon as she got out from under the wagon the creature's dog began to bark. Spying a basket Applebloom quickly jumped into it, tipped it on its side, and just as smoothly tugged the opposite side onto the ground.

Now trapped under a basket Applebloom's hopes of survival were diminished. The creature was only distracted for a second, any minute now it would find her again, and Applejack was nowhere to be found, if she was even alive. Even if she did try and run there was no way she could outrun its dog.

Seconds later she heard the creature speak from just outside the basket. Is this it? No no no no no this cant be it. Ah don't...Ah don't wanna die. She heard the creature speak again, her mind to scared to comprehend what it was saying.

Soon after she saw the basket get lifted off the ground and the creatures feet inches away from her nose.

Knowing of nothing better to do she put her hooves onto her head, turned her face down into the mud, and began to cry. Feeling something grab onto her back she could only hope what came next would be painless.

After what felt like hours Applebloom was surprised to fell no pain come. In fact it didn't hurt at all. It now felt like it was rubbing her back. Almost like it was comforting her. Taking a chance she slowly pulled her face out of the mud and looked to see the creature was kneeling on the ground in front of her. Ah'm...Ah'm still alive? Looking up higher she saw it looking down, though not looking directly at her. The scowl it had looked sculpted onto its face was gone. Instead it was smiling.

When the creature noticed this it spoke in a soft voice, "Hey, hey. Sssshhhh. Don't cry now. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'd never hurt something as cute and as little as you." Looking closely at its eyes Applebloom saw what looked like tears beginning to stream down its cheeks.

Removing her hooves from over her head Applebloom lifted her head up off the ground. "There now, you see. You got yourself all worked up for nothing. Though I guess both Corn and I are to blame for that huh?" As the creature continued to pet her across the back Applebloom slowly stopped shaking. After a few seconds the creature stopped its gentle strokes and extended its pink fore limb. Thinking it had all been a ruse she again sank her face back into the mud.

"Hey don't be that way now, I was just getting you a treat." Looking back up Applebloom saw it holding out an apple, "Go on, take it. It'll help you feel better." Still not fully trusting the creature Applebloom gave the offering a sniff. It smelt safe. Still being cautious she lightly nibbled at the red fruit. The creature just watched her in silence. Her hunger taking over she snatched the apple from its grasp and started biting off bigger and bigger chunks until she had eaten the entire thing, core and all.

"Well now looks like somebody was more hungry than they realized, weren't they?" Drawing her attention back to the creature she found it sitting beside her. Reaching to a basket behind them both the creature gave her a second apple, which Applebloom devoured fully as well.

After a few minutes of silence the creature got onto its feet. Walking away Applebloom watched as it made its way to the wagon. Ducking under it she saw it look for something. When it found what must have been looking for the creature returned and knelt down in front of her. In its fore limb Applebloom saw her bow that she'd left wrapped on a nail under the wagon. "He...here, you left this. I was trying to unhook you but you kept swatting at me." The creature brought it closer. Taking it as a threat Applebloom shrank back. "Hey not worry, I'm not trying to hurt you I just wanna put it back in your hai...your mane is all. I bet you'd look even cuter with it." It moved towards her again.

Taking a leap of faith, Applebloom allowed the creature to try and tie the length of ribbon through her red mane. She almost regretted letting it do so when it felt like it was trying to pull a large portion of her mane out of her head. After a few seconds of mane pulling the creature announced, "Well not my best work. But at least its in there." Petting her head roughly with a fore limb it said, "Just try not to get it caught on anything else. OK?"

Laying its back against a nearby tree the creature sat silently. When it said nothing for what felt like hours Applebloom eyelids began to droop. Shaking her head she thought Ah need to stay awake. Ah can't fall asleep. It could still be trying to trick me. After she rubbed her eyes she felt something warm and wet on the side of her face. Turning in that direction her line of sight was overtaken by the muzzle of the creature's large canine. Fearing it was there to eat her, Applebloom slid back towards the creature. "Corn, leave the poor thing alone. You're scaring it." Corn just whined. "I know your hungry but we're not eating her. There's no telling what she's been in." Corn just whined again.

Applebloom then saw the creature reach into one of its saddle bags. It pulled out a fuzzy green ball. Pulling its fore limb back it yelled, "Go on Corn, get it," and threw the ball. The dog immediately ran off after it. When the dog was out of sight the creature said, "Don't worry about Corn, he's friendly. He just hasn't had anything to eat since we got here." Scratching Applebloom behind the ears the creature said, "But don't worry. I won't let anything or anyone hurt you. I promise." She took that last part to heart.

Soon after Applebloom almost feel over from exhaustion. "What's the matter little one? Are you tired?" Applebloom's only reply was a wide open yawn. "Well go on and take a nap. I'll keep watch." Standing up, Applebloom spun in a circle before curling herself up, resting her head on her tail.

Trusting that the creature wouldn't harm her, or let her be harmed in any way, Applebloom finally allowed herself to fall sleep.


Bryce watched as the small horse thing spun around in the dirt. After a few cycles she, he assumed it was a she because of the bow that he had replaced in her mane, finally stopped and coiled around into a ball. When she had finished this ritual he saw her eyelids slowly shut before closing and staying closed. After almost a minute he saw her midsection steadily rise and fall.

At the same moment Corn came back with the tennis ball. Dropping it at his boy's feet he began to sniff the tiny horse thing again.

Bryce swatted at him, "I said no. She only just fell asleep. Leave her alone."

Corn stared up at Bryce before taking the tennis ball in his mouth and walking off in a huff. Stopping a few feet away, Corn did the same ritual and was more content to just chew on his ball.

Hoping Corn would obey Bryce slowly slid his arms under the small equine and carried her over to the wagon. Placing her gently in it he bent down and whispered, "Sweet dreams little one," and gave it a tender peck on the head.

"Step away from the wagon. NOW!" an unseen voice cried out.

Not expecting this a chill ran down Bryce's spine as he lifted his hands to the same height as his head.

After a minute, when Bryce just stood there, the same voice said, "Did Ah stutter. Get away from the wagon. And my sister."

Doing as the voice had told him Bryce slowly stepped back. Did that voice just say sister?


Bryce did as instructed almost tripping over his own feet. This can't be.

"Now turn around and face me. And don't try anything funny or Ah'll buck you so hard you'll land on the other side of the Everfree," the voice threatened.

Fearing what he might find he turned around to face the owner of the voice. Beyond disbelief, Bryce came face to face with a small orange horse thing with a braided blond mane topped by a cowboy hat. From the look on its face he felt like it could set him on fire if it concentrated hard enough.

Thankfully that didn't happen. It instead spoke again, "What in tarnation are you?"

Seeing the little horse thing talk only continued to weigh Bryce down with fear. This isn't real. It just cant be real. Horses aren't supposed to talk.

From behind him he heard another voice, "Applejack...what's the matter?"

Turning to face this new entity hoping against hope it was what he thought it was. Just please don't be. For the love of God please. People talking to me I can take, but animals? I...I don't know if I can take that. Looking back the only living thing he could see was the small yellow horse thing he'd placed in the wagon not a full minute ago.

"Applebloom just stay there. Ah don't know what this thing is but it picked the wrong day to mess with yuh."

Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes Applebloom said, "What? Him? He's not gonna hurt anypony."

Trying to hop off the wagon Applejack rebuked, "Didn't yuh hear me Ah said stay there. This fellers getting all shaky."

"Well you're probably scaring him."

"Scaring a big thing like that? Ah doubt it."

Bryce just stood between the two bickering horse things unsure of what to. His head turned toward whoever was talking at the second.

Not wanting to believe what he was seeing, and tired of being in the middle of this spat, Bryce made a split second decision. He ran. Simultaneously the orange horse thing took chase.

"Oh no yuh don't yuh varmint!"

"Applejack wait..."

Looking back he saw the orange horse thing had nearly caught up with him and the yellow one much further behind. This is just too much. I need to get away from here and try and wake myself up from this night... As he turned around he was able to catch sight of the tree. Hitting it hard he fell backwards. Opening his eyes he saw a large red sphere bean him in the face before he blacked out.

Stranger in a Strange Land

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Chapter 5: Stranger in a Strange Land

Bryce lied in bed, having just recently awoken. As per his usual morning routine Bryce lied in bed to 'rest his eyes' until his alarm clock would do its prearranged klaxon. He always dreaded this because when the shour hand reached the set time it meant an end to the night's 'time for dreams'.

Though Bryce could usually remember only minute details of his dreams, the one from the night before seemed to be imprinted into his memory. Almost like it had been real.

Bryce remembered it all. From his awakening in the dark forest with Corn, to the journey through said forest, including his brutal thrashing of Corn. He also recalled his own thrashing by a small apple tree, 'falling asleep' during a storm, and 'waking up' the following morning to thunder, even though he could see no clouds in the sky.

As he and Corn continued their trek through the orchard they had taken refuge behind an old, toppled tree. Wait not refuge, as a hiding spot. From what Bryce couldn't recall, though he remembered the tree had served their purpose.

Later the pair climbed to the top of a small hill to find an abandoned wagon, or so he had thought. He had shouted out and caused a dog...yes a dog to run after Bryce. It was itself ran off by Corn's far superior size.

Soon after Bryce heard a sound from under the wagon. Calling out to the sound he thought he had imagined it. But when a second sound came from the same location and he was greatly angered. He remembered this part very clearly.


"Let's play this game you little..." Bryce was taken aback by what lay before him. Instead of another human being, as he had been dreadfully expecting, Bryce came face to face with the last thing he could expect to find. Choking on his own words, all Bryce could get out was, "...horse thing?" A yellow horse thing with a red tail and hair, the later wrapped in a pink bow.

Just like that the anger and hatred he had felt towards the then unseen being was replaced with shock and bewilderment. After a few seconds of silence Bryce saw that the bow that was in its hair...no its mane was knotted up on an exposed nail. Reaching out his right hand he said, "Uh hey sorry I thought...I thought you were a per...person." When his hand was less than a foot from the nail the horse thing kicked out with its left hind leg.

Pulling back Bryce said, "Hey I'm not gonna hurt you. Just let me get you out of this." Reaching for the bow again he was almost able to touch the ribbon when the horse thing kicked again, this time connecting. Bryce shot his head out from under the wagon. He had to admit though it hurt a little. Determined to free the horse thing from her bonds Bryce made a third attempt. Sticking his head back under the wagon Bryce chuckled, "OK...that one hurt a little. But I'm made of stronger stuff than that."

When he could see the horse thing again it threw a glob of mud right into his face, effectively blinding him. Pushing himself up Bryce grunted in pain when he banged his head on the bottom of the wagon. Damn it that hurt like a bitch!

Carefully pulling his head out from under the wagon Bryce began to feel around for something, anything to clear his vision. Rummaging around inside the wagon he felt a smooth, glass object. Grabbing hold of it he determined from its shape and feel that it was a bottle. Moving his fingers up to the top he felt the cork. Holding the bottle in one hand he bit down on the cork and it came off with a loud 'pop'. Being cautious Bryce held the mouth of the bottle up to his nose to make sure its contents wouldn't do more harm than good. When it bore no scent he brought it to his own mouth and took a small sip. Thank God, water.

Cupping his free hand he filled it with water and rubbed it vigorously into his eyes. He repeated this until he could open his eyes without it burning like Hell.

When he could see again Bryce took a long gulp from the bottle emptying it easily. Putting the now empty bottle down he noticed Corn paying close attention to an upside down basket, all the while growl low. "What's the matter boy, something you want under there?" Looking at the basket Bryce saw a tuft of bright red hair poking out from the underside of the basket. Where have I seen that?

Thinking for a second he remembered and scrambled to get under the wagon. All he found was the horse thing's pink ribbon tied around the same loose nail. Shit!!!

Rushing over to the basket Corn was glaring at Bryce yelled, "Corn get on, leave the thing alone."

Corn continued to stare daggers at the upturned basket.

"Corn damn it I said get."

If Corn was listening, he didn't show. He was more concerned about the juicy steak on legs that was doing a poor job of hiding.

Bryce had had enough for the day. Smacking Corn on his back he snarled, "Corn...step away from the basket. NOW!!!"

Corn, too hungry and too tired to spar off, snaked away with his tail tucked between his legs, more upset that he wouldn't be eating any time soon.

With Corn out of the way Bryce was left alone. Just him and the horse thing under the basket. Stepping closer he said, "Look...I don't know if you can understand me...But if you can just know that I forgive you for kicking me and, well, blinding me." When there was no response he bent down on one knee, "Look Corn's not gonna hurt you if that's what you're worried about." He placed his hands on either side of the basket, "Let's just get you out from under this and..."

Lifting the basket Bryce saw something that cut him off midsentence.

The little horse thing was lying on her belly with her hooves over her head. Watching her for a second he noticed she was shivering. Bryce could also hear sniffling, almost like it was crying.

Did I...did I do this. No I...I couldn't have. I mean I know I was yelling but... Slapping himself on his forehead Bryce felt like shit. Worse even than cat shit.

Had he really been that callous. Did she think he was prepared to hurt her. Maybe even go as far as to kill her.

He was taken aback. Sure Bryce knew he could get angry...really angry...but most of the time people just either yelled back or said nothing. But this, this wasn't either one.

Grabbing his hair Bryce's eyes began to well up. First living thing I find in this place and I might as well have killed it. Knocking himself on the head he berated himself, "Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid." After this all he could do was face palm.

After a minute he looked through one of his fingers. The little yellow horse thing was still there, still shaking, and still crying. This only served as a reminder of what he had done.

Sliding his hand down his face Bryce cupped it over his mouth. I need to show her I didn't mean to do what I did."

Taking his hand off his mouth Bryce said, "Look, I...I'm sorry about what I did. I...I don't know if you can understand me but. I'm sorry."

If she could hear him, she didn't show it. The little horse thing could only lie there as if awaiting death.

Reaching for the frightened thing Bryce did the only thing he could think to do, though he didn't understand why it helped.

He began to gently caress her back.

Initially Bryce thought that this was also wrong when she began to convulse under his fingertips. Eventually though he thought otherwise when her spasms began to slowly subdue. When she slowly raised her head Bryce lost it. Just seeing her large, soaked eyes made him unable to hold onto his emotions.

He cried as well.


Just trying to remember that made him well up again.

But then he remembered it had all been a dream. Though it did little to help.

From what he could recall after that she had finally taken a shine to him, somehow. When she had fallen asleep Bryce cradled her and lied her down in the wagon. After he had kissed her forehead he was startled by a voice from behind him. He remembered it having a thick Southern accent. From there it turned into a nightmare.

After the voice had him walk back from the wagon he turned around to find the voice belong to another of the horse things, this one much larger with orange fur and blonde mane and tail. This...this wasn't right. When people talked he could tolerate that, but animals, animals were supposed to remain silent. With animals he had something to talk to. Something that would listen to his bullshit without getting mad. This new information was made even worse when the little yellow horse thing, the same one he had moments had to wean, was also talking. This shattered Bryce's dream.

Everything became a blur after that. All he could remember was running from something before be conked on the head by a small red ball.

Bryce just shrugged it off since it had all been a dream.

After a minute he felt an itch on his right arm. Going to scratch at it with his left hand he felt like his entire left arm was covered in wool and throbbing with pain all over. Hissing with pain Bryce immediately knew something wasn't as it should be. For one his alarm clock had yet to ring, his feet were hanging off the edge of the bed almost to his knees, and the blanket he was under was itching like crazy.

Bryce finally opened his eyes further filling him with dread. The walls weren't the right color, the ceiling looked almost too low to allow him to even walk around without banging his head, and looking under the blanket he found himself stark naked and bruised. OK. I'm naked, in a bed that must have been made for a little person, and I have bruises I don't even remember getting. Is this part of the dream? Pushing himself up with his good hand he saw that his left arm was wrapped entirely in bandages. Bringing a hand to his head he found it sore to the touch, like he'd been dropped down a flight of stairs. "That...that was a dream ri...right?" What got him most was that he was the only living thing in the small room, "Where the H is Corn?"

At that moment Bryce heard steps outside the door of the small bed chamber, and they didn't sound like footsteps. They sounded more like hooves.


Applejack was not having a good day.

"Applebloom Ah want yuh ta stay out while Ah'm with this fella."


"Don't do this with me right now. Ah don't know what that thing in there is, but whatever the hay it is it could get violent."

Applebloom shot back, " But he sai..."

"Ah don't care what he told yuh. In fact Ah'm still doubt he could even talk."

"But he did!"

Applejack had had enough of Applebloom's backtalk for one day, "If he can why didn't he say anything ta me?"

Applebloom was lost for words, "Ah...Ah don't know. Yuh must have been scaring him."

"That thing's bigger than even Big Mac, Ah doubt he'd run from something small than itself."

At this Granny Smith chimed in, "Well you can be frightening when you get angry dear."

To which Applebloom added, "And he did run from yuh sis."

Applejack ran her bandaged hoof along the floor, "Yeah well...Ah still don't fully believe that he can talk."

Continuing down the hall, with Applebloom and Granny close behind, Applejack thought on the events that had led up to now.

When she had coaxed Applebloom out of bed early that same morning it seemed like it was going to be a good day. Sure she had gotten out to the orchard without a hitch, but after she had found a suitable place to buck apples the day did a complete 180. To start thing off she had gotten her little sister hurt when she let her have a go at bucking. Later on when she had went to check on her injured sibling a barking close to their location had caused her to run off without thinking, abandoning the filly.


Applejack was running, determined to catch the varmint that dared to try and harm her family. Not bothering to watch her step her hoof caught on something hidden in the grass. Having lost her balance she immediately face planted and slid across to a stop across the wet ground. Using her hooves she pushed herself out of the trench she had created and spat out a clump of grass and mud. "Ugh did anypony catch the number of that train?"

Shaking her head to stop the world from spinning her mind began to clear. Darn it what was Ah thinking. Ah just ran off and left Applebloom by herself. If Granny or Big Mac knew bout this they'd kill me. Getting back onto her hooves she saw a patch of blood begin to stream down her leg. Now how am Ah gonna explain this to them. Ah need to worry about that later. Right now Ah need to get back to Applebloom before she wakes up. Taking a step forward her bleeding appendage protested, though not enough to deter her. Looking back she saw that she had nearly thrown herself into the Everfree Forest.

A few feet away she saw her Stetson laying right side up. Picking it up she placed it back over her muddy blond mane.

Looking down at where her hat had landed a few seconds ago she saw something that made her eyes dilate.

Right there, previously hidden by her hat, was an apple core. What most caused her to panic was that it hadn't fully browned yet. What in tarnation, somepony's out here. Looking around she saw a strange impression in the mud. Instead of being round like a hoof it was long, round at the bottom, had a thin strip above the round part that met a rounded rectangle. Above the rectangle were five circles above it of varying sizes. She also noticed the top most part sank deeper into the mud than the bottom. That's not a hoofprints.

Walking further ahead she saw something sent a chill down her spine and drain the color from her face. It was a large paw print. That barking Ah heard before. It couldn't be.

With a newfound anger Applejack began to run back the way she had moments ago been running from.

When she had gotten back to the hill she had mounted earlier that morning Applejack was surprised to find Winona at its base, her tail tucked and shaking. Cresting the small hill she found something that made her stop in her tracks. Standing there was...something. It was bigger than any pony she had ever seen, even Big MacIntosh. But what frightened her most was that it was holding Applebloom...and she wasn't moving.

After it had reached the wagon Applejack saw it place Applebloom in it and lower its head down. Reacting quickly she got behind the varmint that dared even touch her family and got its attention. The varmint stopped stark still. After having it step back she made it turn around and face her. When it was looking at her Applejack took notice as it began to tremble. At the time she thought it was trying to be intimidating.

Looking past the varmint Applejack saw Applebloom poke her head over the inside of the wagon. Arguing with Applebloom, Applejack was distracted as the varmint ran off. Charging after the varmint Applejack had nearly caught up with it before she had to skid to a halt as it ran head first into an apple tree. She had to backtrack to avoid being crushed under the varmint's weight. It stirred a little just before a large red apple fell from the same tree and landed on his head with a loud 'thump'. The varmint grunted and lied still.

From behind her Applejack heard something rushing towards her. Taking it as a surprise attack from another one of these strange creatures Applejack quickly turned around prepared to fight to the death. She soon relaxed when she saw it was only Applebloom, "What are yuh doing out here? Ah told yuh ta stay in the wagon."

Taking deep shallow breaths Applebloom replied, "Ah....Ah had ta stop yuh...from hurtin him."

"Well yuh don't have ta worry about me hurtin it, feller done gone and knocked its head on a tree."

Looking past Applejack she saw it laying on its back, unmoving except for the rhythmatic rise and fall of its chest. "Is...is it gonna be alright?"

"Ah dont know and we're not waiting around ta find out."

"What? Why not?"

Walking back towards the wagon Applejack replied, "Because that varmint's dangerous. If Ah hadn't shown up when Ah did you'd be dead or worse."

"Notuh. He said he wouldn't let anything or anypony hurt me in any way. He promised!"

That made Applejack stop dead in her tracks. Staring back at Applebloom she said, "It...it said that?"

Applebloom nodded.

"Are you tellin me that varmint laying there in the mud talked to yuh?"

Applebloom nodded again.

"Like you and me are talking to each other right now?"

Applebloom nodded more furiously.

Taking one look at the varmint she had just chased down the hill and then back at Applebloom Applejack wasn't fully convinced, "If that thing can talk then why didn't it say anything to me?"

"Cause you were scaring him."

Thinking back Applejack could see how the shaking it had been doing could have been shivering, "Well Ah'm glad it decided ta run off then," she said before continuing back towards the wagon.

"Wa...wait we can't just leave him here."

Not stopping to look back Applejack simply stated, "Oh yes we can, and we are. Now come let's get back to the farmhouse before it wakes up."

After a few seconds Applebloom said, "N...no"

Applejack again stopped and turned around, "Ah said come on NOW!"

"And Ah said NO!"

Collecting herself for the moment Applejack said, "Look sugar cube Ah know your heart's in the right place...but that...whatever the hay it is could be violent."

"Prove it."

"Well Ah...Ah can't. But yuh should have seen Winona. She was scared almost half to death by that thing."

"He ain't the one that did that."

Puzzled Applejack asked, "What do yuh mean? There's nothing else here but you, me, Winona, and that varmint. What else could uh done it?"

"His dog."

At mention of a dog Applejack's face became pale, "What...what dog?"

Extending her hoof Applebloom said, "That one behind yuh."

Looking in the direction Applebloom indicated, Applejack came face to face with a large dog roughly her size.

Back peddling to Applebloom Applejack let out a startled yelp, "Applebloom stay behind me."

"He's not gonna hurt us."

"Applebloom hush now that critter looks like he wants ta gobble us up."

Stepping forward Applebloom stood her ground, "Corn...get."

The dog's ears perked up at the mention of...Corn?

Rushing forward Applejack said, "Applebloom what are yuh doing get behind me."

Applebloom just ignored her older sister's pleas as she stood tall, staring directly at the dog, "Corn Ah said get."

This time the dog did as he was told, whining as he walked away.

Applejack could only stare with mouth agape, "Ap...Applebl...bl...bloom ho...how did yuh do that?"

"He called it that."

"Who did?"

Applebloom pointed a hoof at the unconscious creature.

Thinking for a moment Applejack said, "How are you so sure its a stallion anyway?"

"He sounded like one."

Looking between the varmint and her sister Applejack wasn't sure what to believe. Not knowing what to do she sat on her hunches and facehoofed. She's either tell me the truth or she was just incredibly lucky. Deep down she felt she was being honest, but she couldn't admit that. Not after what happened. She was at a loss, "Applebloom, Ah...Ah just don't know what ta say." Hanging her head down Applejack admitted defeat, "OK."

Applebloom ears perked up, "Wha...what?"

"Ah said OK. Ah...Ah'm not sure why but Ah can't discredit yuh...but if that...he really can talk then we can't leave him here."

"Wait are you saying...?"

"We'll help him"

"What about his dog?"

"Yeah, we'll take the dog too." Placing a hoof on Applebloom's shoulder she sternly added, "But Ah want yuh to first look me in ta eyes and tell me the truth. Did he really talk to yuh?"

"What? Applejack why would Ah lie bout something like this?"

Applejack continued to glare down at the filly, unblinking, saying nothing.

Sighing Applebloom stared up into the apple mare's eyes. Without blinking she stated, "He did. That creature talked ta me." She emphasized this by pointing in his direction.

Hearing that Applejack finally caved, "OK then." She then walked away.

Applebloom was confused, "Wait Ah thought yuh said we were gonna help'em."

Turning back with a smile Applejack said, "We are, but Ah need to pull the wagon around. That feller's heavy. If Ah hadn't uh got outta the way when he fell he would uh squashed me flatter than a pancake. Now come on before his dog, Corn was it, gets too far away."

Jumping for joy on the inside, Applebloom ran off to help any way she could.


She had been right about that, that feller was heavy. There were many times on their trip back that Applejack thought the wagon was going to bust under his mass.

After getting him back to the house Applejack took over and spent the next hour first getting the varmint into the house, much to the strain it put on her back, and spent half that time getting him up the stairs. Settling to using a rope after he had fallen back down halfway up, Applejack was able to accomplish this. After nearly shattering the doorframe trying to get him into the guest room, Applejack used the last of her strength to push him onto the obviously small bed. Next Granny Smith came in and helped get her and Applebloom's injured legs bandaged, as well as disrobe the creature's and treat his burns. The former action had been embarrassing when, after removing his second undergarment, confirmed Applebloom's assertion about his gender. Soon after they were all shooed out by Granny to allow the creature to sleep.

Back in the present, after almost six hours, nopony had yet to hear a peep from the room he was occupying. With his now clean clothes folded on her head, and a tray of food and water on her back, Applejack and her sister and grandmother walked the rest of the way down the hallway in silence.

Just as she stepped in front of the guest room door Applejack could hear the mattress groan, as if under some huge weight. "Does anypony hear that?"

Turning around Applejack was met with nods of agreement.

"Ah'm gonna go in first. If anything happens Ah want yuh ta run and get Big Mac, there's no telling what this...whatever it is...is capable of."

Pushing the door open with a hoof, Applejack entered the guest room. When she was able to see the bed everypony's earlier suspicions were correct. The creature was awake...and he was currently trying to cover himself in a blanket. Either that or trying to hide himself.

Trying to remain calm Applejack forced a smile and pretended to be surprised, "Oh you...you're awake."

He reacted by forcing himself away.

Placing his clothes on a nearby table Applejack said, "Whoa now fella you're safe here."

He shrank back.

Trying to keep a calm demeanor Applejack stepped closer, "Easy now sugarcube don't get antsy, Ah'm just trying ta help yuh."

This only made him constrict even further, so much so that he fell off the dwarfed bed.

Applejack rushed to his side, "Hey yuh took a bad spill there, are yuh alright?"

Placing a hoof on his exposed shoulder he the did something not even she was expecting.


This isn't a dream...this is real!!!

When they could talk that was one thing, but now this one was actually touching him. His personal space was violated, he couldn't take that. Smacking her on the leg hard Bryce pushed himself into a corner.

"Ow what ta hay Ah was just making sure you were OK, what's your problem?"

Bryce response was to cover himself as best he could in the blanket. I can't see it now, I can't hear it now, it doesn't exist. In a minute I'll wake up in my own bed and it'll all be OK...

Nothing happened. When nothing happened for several minutes Bryce thought it was all over.

"Applejack is everything OK in there?" This voice wasn't like the others he'd heard that day.

"Granny just stay outside, this fella's getting agitated."

Bryce heard hooves clop on the floor, "Well what happened?"

"Ah don't know, he just fell off the bed and went berserk when Ah tried ta help him."

Bryce heard a third set of smaller hooves clop along the floor, "See Applejack Ah told yuh you were scaring him." It was the little one.

"Gosh darn it Applebloom Ah told yuh ta stay out here."

"Well what'd yuh do dear?"

"Ah...Ah don't know he just overreacted when Ah tried ta help him. He feel off the bed and Ah ran over ta help and...Ah don't know."

Bryce just stayed in the corner, still covered in the blanket. Shit, shit, shit, I've only made things worse. Why did she have to touch me.

After a few minutes of listening to them argue the unfamiliar voice finally ended it, "Applejack! Applebloom! Neither of you are helping matters! Both of yuh are acting like foals. Just leave me alone with'em for a while."

He heard the orange one say, "But Granny..."

"Ah said get. Ah'll be out in uh minute."

After that the whole room was silent.

The orange one and the little one sighed in unison, "OK Granny."

He heard them both leave, "It's OK now dear, they're gone now, come on out."

Bryce didn't buy it. She had to be planning something. He shifted under the blanket.

"What's the matter dear, you're not scared of little old me are yuh?"

Bryce nodded.

He heard her laugh. What's so funny?

"Well now Ah'm just an old mare. Ah couldn't hurt even if Ah wanted ta. Ah know those two can get in a tiff over nothing, but those two fillies usually end it before it gets physical. Is that what you're worried about?"

Bryce shook his head. Why won't you just leave me alone?

"Why don't yuh come on out now, Ah won't bite."

After a second Bryce shook his head.

"Well now there's nothing ta get in a fit about. If you're worried about Applejack, she's the older one, Ah'm sure once she's calmed down she'll forgive yuh." She then laughed again.

What the H is so damn funny?

After a minute the new voice said, "Well Ah'm gonna leave yuh alone now. We can talk in the morning if yuh feel up to it." He heard her walk towards the door. "Hope ta actually see yuh in the morning dearie. Goodnight, oh and help yourself to that food there Ah made it myself."

After she closed the door the room was once again silent. Now that he was alone he removed the blanket from over his head. Finally!!!

Throwing off the blanket he scrambled to get his clothes on. As he zipped up his pants he heard talking at the door. He pressed his ear against it to listen in.

"Well...did yuh get anything outta him?"

"It's OK Applejack he was just scared is all."

"See Ah told yuh."

"Applebloom, hush now. He's gonna be alright now, there's nothin ta worry about."

"Di..did he actually say anything?"

"No, he didn't even show his face."

"Well I'll try..."

"Now Applejack leave the colt alone. He's probably just tired. Yuh can try again in the morning."

After a second the voice belong to the orange one, Applejack the voice had called her, said, "Ugh fine, but he just better not try anything or Ah'll give him something ta be scared of."

"Good now both of yuh get ready for supper, Big Mac'll be here any minute. And don't either of yuh mention this to him yuh hear?"

They both acknowledged they did, "Yes ma'am."

After that they walked away.

Now completely isolated Bryce noticed that neither his shirt nor his socks and shoes were amongst his clothes. My shirt must still be with Corn, where ever Corn is...and I must have left my shoes on that log we hid behind. Reaching into all his pockets he found them empty.

Eyeing the food Bryce thought if they wanted to kill him they would have done it while he was unconscious. Picking up an apple he began to chow down.


Applebloom tossed and turned in bed. Though she was dead tired the events of the day were still on her mind.

When Big MacIntosh returned they had just finished setting the table for supper. Throughout the entire meal neither she nor Applejack said anything about what had really happened. When he had inquired about both of their injuries Granny Smith butted in and said that when Applejack had allowed Applebloom to have a go at bucking she fell and hurt herself. Applejack, in her haste to get back to the house to make sure everything was alright, ran too fast and tripped. When they had gotten back to the house Granny patched them up. Since the day was almost over Applejack, who had forgotten to pack the baskets, decided to leave them where they were and get them tomorrow.

Somehow he bought it.

After they had all eaten they all had their baths and went straight to bed. But Big Mac had been the least of her concerns.

Looking up at the ceiling she asked herself, "Wh...why wouldn't he say nothing?" Her thoughts were on the creature they had found. "Ah...Ah know he talked...Ah'm sure of it." Letting out an aggravated sigh she rolled over onto her belly and tried to sleep again.

After what felt like hours Applebloom gave up all hopes of ever falling asleep and resolved to punch the knots out of her pillows. This did little to calm her mind. Looking at her clock she saw it was just past midnight.

Jumping off her bed Applebloom had to make herself sure. Entering the hallway she crept past her older sibling's and Granny Smith's rooms. Twitching her ears as she past she could hear them all snoozing away.

When she finally reached the end of the hall, where the guest room resided, she stood and looked up at the door. Biting her lip she brought up a hoof and lightly knocked. When nothing happened she knocked again, just loud enough to not wake anypony but the creature.

After what must have been a full minute nothing happened. She decided the only way to see if anypony was even in there was to go in and see for herself. Reaching a hoof up to the knob she turned it with a 'click'. Pushing it open a crack she couldn't see anything but darkness.

Opening the door further she stuck her head through. Still pitch black.

Thinking the room was empty she slowly stepped the rest of the way in. Feeling around for the bed she reached for its top.

Guiding herself up she felt a mass under a blanket. Gabbing at it hard she whispered, "He...hey creature. Ar...are you awake."

Suddenly she heard the door close behind her.

Out of the darkness, she saw somepony strike a match and light a candle.

Standing there, holding the candleholder, was the same creature that had found her out in the orchard.

He was bearing a fore limb down on the door.


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Chapter 6: Spiderwebs

In no time at all Bryce had finished the meager meal the orange one had brought up. After placing the tray, along with what he couldn't eat, onto the table, boredom easily sat in. Trying the door Bryce was surprised to find it unlocked. Either they're overly trusting, or they're waiting for me to make the first move and hunt me for sport.

Not wanting to take a chance of encountering anymore of the denizens of whatever bizarre reality this was, Bryce decided to stay in the room. Looking around the small bed chamber he instead chose to find something to hold his attention. On one wall was a window. Sitting under this window was a chest. Opening it he found a handful of candles, a candle holder, a box of matches, and an assortment of blankets, sheets, and pillows. Well its gonna be dark soon. After removing a few of the candles, the candleholder, and the matches from the chest he lowered the lid.

Taking a glance out the window Bryce took notice of another of the horse things. This one was red, larger than the others he had yet seen, and had what looked like a tattoo of a sliced apple shown in frontal view on its rump. Judging from his size Bryce guessed this must be the one they called 'Big Mac'. He lost sight of him when he walked to another side of the farmhouse.

With nothing better to do he inserted one of the candles into the holder and lit it. At least I have some light. Placing the candleholder on the table he sat down on the bed. Well I've done that. Turning his vision down towards the floor Bryce tried to find any shapes within the cracks of the wood.

Nearly an hour later he had found cracks that formed in the shape of a man faced fish, a buffalo like creature with its guts hanging out, and one that looked like the Mona Lisa, but only if you looked at it from the right angle. His concentration was interrupted when heard movement in the hallway. Thinking fast he swiftly made his way to the table and doused the candle.

Bryce held his breath to hear better. Listening in he was relieved when he heard the door across the hall open and then shut followed by the sound of water running through pipes.

For the next half hour Bryce listened as this happened three more times. Then he heard voices through the wall adjacent to the door. He pressed his ear against the wall to listen in.


"Why do Ah need ta go ta bed so early?", Applebloom asked in a whine.

"Cause you're coming out with me again tomorrow, bright an early," replied Applejack.

"But Ah wanna stay here."

"Oh no you're not, not with that varmint in the other room yuh aren't."

'Come on Applejack he's not gonna hurt anypony."

"Now don't yuh go telling me that, he smacked the hay outta my hoof when Ah went ta check on'em. There's no telling what he'd do ta yuh if he had the chance."

"Well why is Granny staying then."

"Because she's more stubborn than uh mule. Ah tried ta get her ta leave but she won't."

"But can't we just...?"

Applejack interject, "Ah said no. Don't ask again."

Applebloom huffed in disappointment and fell in a heap on the floor, her head laying on her hoof.

"Ugh Applebloom don't lie on the floor yuh just had your bath."

Applebloom made no move to comply.

Having enough of her attitude for one day Applejack scooped Applebloom up and threw her onto her bed. "Now goodnight Applebloom." She made her way to the door.

At least he never threw me around.

Hearing the filly mumbling something the apple mare turned around, "What was that Applebloom?"

Getting back on her hooves Applebloom said out loud, "Ah said at least he never threw me around like you just did." She then laid down, with her head turned away, and covered herself in the blankets.

Applejack was shocked at her little sister's outburst. Slowly walking back to the bed she stammered, trying to find the right words, "Applebloom...Ah...Ah'm s..."

Applebloom responded by throwing a pillow at Applejack. With tears in her eyes she cried, "Ah don't care. Just...leave me alone."

Applejack just stood there, unsure of what action to take.

Applebloom turned back around, not wanting to talk.

Feeling both ashamed and hurt, Applejack exited her sister's bedroom. Before shutting the door she said, "Good...goodnight Applebloom. Ah still love yuh." When no answer came she closed the door and walked the rest of the way to her own room. She was on the verge of tears.


Bryce felt worse now than he had before, wishing he had kept to himself. Everything I do turns to crap. I've only made things worse. What did I do to end up in a place like this.

Walking away from the wall he lied down on the bed and attempted to get some sleep.

But no matter how hard sleep refused to take him. For hours he tossed and turned, just trying to find that one position that wouldn't leave him sore when he woke up.

Finally, when it seemed impossible, Bryce found that one position. The one position that would slowly draw him into the world of dreams. Ahh ora è la volta per i sogni.

Just as he was dozing off, Bryce was jolted from his stupor by a rhythmic tapping. He pushed himself with his arms, "Put down that jelly doughnut Kevin Bacon."


Taking a look around the room he found nothing. I must have imagined it. Bryce lied back down.

A few seconds later Bryce heard another tapping. Wait...that's not tapping. Getting up again he looked towards the door. Shit someone's out there. If they're here to kill me they're doing a poor job of it. Bryce quickly got on his feet. Well let's see them kill this. Grabbing the pillows he laid them lengthwise on the bed and placed a blanket over them.

With his trap set Bryce made his way over to the table. Feeling around he grabbed hold of the candle holder and the box of matches in his bandaged hand. At the same moment he heard the door handle 'click'.

Bryce held his breath as the hinges let out a 'squeak'.

It squeaked again.

And again.

The last one was followed by the clopping of hooves.

He listened as their owner clopped over to the bed, all the while holding his breath. Wait for it...

Suddenly the clopping stopped. It was followed by a shifting noise coming from the bed. Wait for it...

"He...hey creature. Ar...are you awake."

NOW!!! Making his way for the door he pushed it shut. Pulling out a match, Bryce struck it against the side of the box and ignited the candle. Dropping the match he rested his now free hand on the door frame to keep it closed.

Standing there, scared stiff, was the little horse thing he'd found under the wagon. Seeing this he relaxed a little. Thank God...it's only her.

Unfortunately she wasn't seeing the situation in the same light. Bryce took a small step towards the filly.

This made her tense up, "Applej..."

Acting fast Bryce knelled down to cover her mouth. Shaking his head Bryce said, "Don't do it. I'm not going to hurt you. Nod if you understand."

She nodded.

Placing the candle on the floor he said, "Good. Now I'm going to take my hand off your mouth. When I do will you promise to keep quiet?"

She nodded again

"OK." Removing his hand he moved it up to her head and stroked her mane.

She moved back.

"Hey, hey calm down I'm not gonna hurt you." Bryce picked her up by the belly and placed her on the bed. He dropped his arms to his sides. "OK, now then let's..." Bryce had to stop when he felt heat on his left arm.

Bringing it back up he found his bandages had caught on fire. Batting at the flames Bryce shouted, "Shit! Grab the blanket!"

The little one froze up at the sight.

Bruce got her attention, "Hey look at me! Grab the blanket and cover my arm!"

Her attention now on him, she did as she was told. Snatching up the blanket the filly swung around and threw it on Bryce's arm, putting all her weight on it for good measure.

Bryce hissed in pain, his already burned arm more irritated than before. After a full minute Bryce said, "OK little one, I think it's out by now. You can let get up now, please."

She complied.

Laying his back against the wall Bryce began to laugh, much to the confusion of the filly. "Well what doesn't kill you makes you stronger I guess. Ahh it still hurts like a bitch though. He laughed again. Turning his gaze to the dumbfounded filly, while trying to avoid look into her large eyes, he said, "Hey? You all right?"

The little one slowly nodded.

At this his mood dropped, "Good...that's good. Now, wha...wha...what'd you come i...in here for anyway?"

The little horse thing opened her mouth but quickly closed it and looked down, her ear drooping with them.

"What's the matter...cat got your tongue?"

She made another attempt to speak but stopped herself again.

"He...hey, I...I know you can talk. If...if you're worried about me getting upset I promise I won't."

She perked up a little, "H...h..."

Bryce shrank back a little still not fully comfortable with this knowledge.


Bryce waved a hand, "H...hi..."

A long pause followed.

She was the one to break the silence, "M...my name's Applebloom."

Bryce let that sink in before he responded, "I'm...I'm I'm Br...Bryce. Bryce Smales."

Applebloom extended a hoof, "Well uh nice ta meet yuh...Bryce Smiles."

Come on, every freakin time. Bryce lifted his hand. He hesitated, "Uhh?"

Applebloom was confused, "Wha...what's the matter? Did Ah do somethin wrong?"

"N...no. I'm j...just not sure if you wa...want me to shake o...or fistbump."

This confused Applebloom even further, "Huh? What's a...fistbump?"

Now Bryce was confused, "You know...a fistbump. When you....Well I guess you won't even know a fist is now...would you?"

Applebloom shook her head.

Demonstrating with his own hand, Bryce said, "Well it...it's when someone takes their hand, thi...this thing on the end of my arm, and balls it into a fist." He made a second fist with his other hand, "And someone else does the same and then they, well, bump." He finished by place the front's of his fist together.

"Yuh mean a hoofbump?"


"Yeah, it's when two ponies do kinda the same thing, but...with...hooves."

Bryce looked past her.

Extending her hoof again, Applebloom said, "Well you can do which ever one yuh want...Ah guess."

"Uh...OK?" Bryce did a quick fistbump? Hoofbump? What ever the H you would call it, he did it.

Another awkward silence followed.

It was broken by Applebloom yet again, her eyes looking off to the side, "So...what uh...what are yuh?"

"Uh...what d...do yuh me...mean?"

"Ah mean kind of creature are you?"

"O...oh. I'm uh....a human."

Applebloom's mind drew a blank, "What's a...Hugh Man?"

"A human, that's...that's what I am. A homo sapiens"


"No, a homo sapiens. You have to include the second 's' at the end."


"H...have you n...never heard of a hu...hu...human before?"

Applebloom shook her head.

"Oh...Well I...I guess that explains the uh...not so warm wel...welcome then."

Silence filled the room a third time. Bryce brought his legs up to his chest and looped his arms around them, staring off into space.

Hey Bryce Smiles...are you OK?"

Just let it slide Bryce, just let it slide. "Yea...yeah. Wh...wh...why?"

"Ah only asked cause yuh keep rocking back and forth."

Bryce felt embarrassed, "Oh...y...you noticed that?"

Applebloom nodded.

"Well I'm fine. It's just...I sometimes do this to help me calm down. Sometimes I don't even notice I'm doing, ha ha ha."

"Oh...What's making you so nervous?"

Bryce shied back, "Well...I...I don't know if I can say really."

"Wha...what do yuh mean?"

"I'm not really used to this...place. Like...at all."

"Yuh mean the house?"

"N...no I mean this...world, this reality, I don't know what to call it."

Applebloom frowned, "O...oh, is there any way Ah can help."

"Well the...there really isn't any...any...anything that can b...be done about it. I mean in...in truth I'm nervous n...no matter wh...where I am. I just feel...out of place everywhere. Just mor...more so now."

"Is it something Ah did?"

Bryce paused, "Well not you entirely."

This saddened the filly, "Oh...I'm sorry."


"Ah said Ah was sorry." She lied down on the bed.

Bryce was taken aback. He banged himself once on the head, "No! Look it's not you...you didn't do anything wrong."

"But yuh just said..."

Bryce interrupted, "Look, it's just...it's just really hard to explain."

"Cou...could yuh try explaining it ta me?"

"Well...I could try. When I said it wasn't you entirely, I meant...it's just..."

"Wha...what's wrong?"

Bryce exhaled, "It's that...I want to say it, I...I just don't know h...how you'll take it."

"Is it really that bad?"

"I don't know..."

Applebloom hopped down off the bed and situated herself in front of Bryce, "Will it help if Ah promise not to get mad if Ah don't like it?"

Bryce tried to avoid her gaze, "Well...I...I guess s...."

"OK, I promise Ah won't get mad at yuh for what yuh say. Is...is that good enough."

"OK, but cou...could you sit down first?"

Applebloom did as she was asked.

"Well, let me start at the beginning. I said I was nervous...always nervous. Whenever I go to someplace I'm not used to, like this room for example, or get faces with a new situation I get more nervous than usual. But whenever I get around people I need to get used to them before I can even say anything to them."

"Is...is that why yuh wouldn't talk to my sister?"

"Well yeah that's a part of it."

"Then...how are yuh able ta talk ta me?"

"Well I can talk better with people I like and..."

Applebloom perked up at hearing this, "So...yuh like me then?"

"Um, well, you see I...I haven't really gotten to the point where I like you yet."

Applebloom's mood dampened, "O...oh."

"Look, you didn't let me finish. It's not that I don't like you personally, it just that...I can trust you more because of your age."

Applebloom looked up, very confused, "Yo...you like me because I'm a filly."

"Well...yeah. I guess I'm trying to say I can get along better with people not my age. I...can't really relate to others my age. Do you understand?"

Thinking for a moment Applebloom replied, "Ah...Ah think Ah do. Does that mean you'd talk ta Granny Smith?"

"Who's Granny Smith?"

Applebloom caught herself, "She's granny."

Bryce was confused, "Yeah I get her name is Granny but who is she?"


"Who is Granny Smith?"

"No, Granny Smith is granny."

"OK but who is Granny Smith?"


By now Bryce was getting infuriated, "What is Granny's full name?"

"No it's Granny Smith."

"Her name is Granny Smith?"


"Now what is your relation to her?"


"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying she's granny."

"No...are you saying she's your grandmother or she's Granny Smith?"

"Ooooohhhhh...she's granny."

"She's Granny?"


"Granny Smith?"


"OK...Stop! Granny Smith is your grandmother?"

"That's what I've been saying."

"Well then...is she older than I am?"

Applebloom nodded.

"Well I probably would."

In their argument she'd forgotten all about her first question, "Would what?"

"Be able to talk to Granny Smith better than anyone my age."


There was a pause between them."

"Can...can Ah ask you something?"


"Why were you so afraid of out in the orchard, and why'd yuh cover yourself in that blanket?"

Bryce looked down at his feet, "Well...that one's complicated."

This only peeked Applebloom's interests as she scooted closer.

"It's...it's because...can I ask you something first?"

Applebloom nodded.

"Can everyone of your kind talk?"

This made Applebloom uncomfortable, "Yea...yeah. Can't they talk where you're from?"

"Welllll...no. In my world only thing that can talk are humans. I mean there are certain species of birds that can also talk but mostly only humans talk." Bryce paused to let that sink in.

"But...but you do have ponies in where you're from don't cha?"

"Well yes, but they are very, very different."

Applebloom inquired, "H...how are they different?"

"I think that's a story from another time, but going back to what I was saying before humans are the only living thing that can talk."

Applebloom looked disappointed, "Then how come you were so scared?"

"Do...do you still promise not to get upset?"


"Because to me, in my mind set animals aren't supposed to talk. I mean I always felt safe around animals because I could always say anything to them, and I mean anything to them, even when I knew it was crazy." Bryce hid himself behind his legs.

"Do...do yuh feel safe around me?"

"I...I do. When I first find you under that wagon I thought you were like any other horse, it didn't even cross my mind you could say a single word. That...that was why I ran. When I saw the orange one talk..."

"The orange one, do yuh mean Applejack."

"Yea...yeah, the one with the braided blonde mane and tail?"

"That's her."

"Well anyway when I saw her yelling at me I...I just couldn't take it. I...I don't man to be offensive, but I hate it. I don't mean it in the literal sense, I don't hate anything or anyone, I just don't like it...at all."

"Does...does that mean yuh want me ta stop talking around yuh?"

Bryce opened his legs so he could see her. She looked like she was about to tear up. Just seeing her like this made him want to cry as well, that and the pent up rage.

"Hey, hey now don't cry, come on over here."

Applebloom reluctantly stood up and trembled over to him. She was surprised when Bryce picked her up and held her tightly, his hand gently caressing her back.

"I...I didn't mean that I wanted you to...to stop talking. I mean who am I to tell you to stop doing something you were born with."

Applebloom sniffled, "But, you just said you didn't like it when I talked."

He held her more tightly, regardless of the irritation it gave his burn, "No I said I didn't like it that you horse things could talk. To me you're not one of them."

"Ah...Ah'm not?"

Bryce held her out under her forelegs so he could get a better look at her, "No, of course not. You're the first friendly thing I've seen in this place, really in the longest time. Does that make you feel better?"

"Yeah...it actually does," Applebloom replied, a small smile beginning to form on her face.

Bryce put her down on the floor.

"But why were you keeping yourself under that blanket?"

"Well you see when your sister came to check on me, after I feel off the bed, she...she touched my shoulder."

"That's all? What's so bad about that?"

"You really too yound to understand this but some people just don't like it when others touch them. When someone touches me I just can't stand it."

"I still don't get it."

"I can't really explain it. It's just how I've always been. Just please trust me on this..."

At that moment the lone candle that was enlightening the small room finally gave out as it flickered and died.

Bryce felt something wrap around his legs, "I...is that you little one?" As if confirming his suspicions, the thing wrapped around his legs pulled tighter. "Well I need you to let go so I can get another candle." Reaching down to his legs Bryce felt a silk ribbon confirming it was indeed Applebloom. "Come on now it's nothing to be scared of. Here just grab my hand and I'll put you on the bed."

Slowly Applebloom let go of the human's legs and felt around for his hands. When she finally found them she was yanked up and thrown onto the bed.

"OK, just sit tight. Once I find the candles and the matches we'll be able to see again." Before leaving he added, "You all right?" No answer came. "You're gonna have to say something little one, I can't even see my hand in front of my face."

"Yea...yeah Ah'm...Ah'm OK."

"Don't be scared now, keep talking to me."

"Wha...what do you want me ta say?"

"Well can you tell me where Corn is?"

Thinking for a second Applebloom replied, "Sure, he...he's at Fluttershy's cottage."

"Oh really, who's that?"

"Who Fluttershy, she's the local animal doctor."

"How good is she?"

"Oh she real good, she's able to communicate with animals and ask them where they're hurtin. We're always taking our animals here on the farm to her and they come back fit as a fiddle."

Bryce finally found the candles, "Is she nice?"

"Sure, she's one of the kindest ponies you'll ever meet. Though she shy like you."

"Is that so, well I guess Corn's in good hands then?"

After a short pause Applebloom asked, "Hey Bryce, why is your dog named 'Corn'?"

Still feeling around for the matches Bryce in turn asked, "Let me ask you something first, do you have movies have movies in this world?"


"Well to answer your question I call him Corn, but it's really short for 'Cornelius'. I got the name from a movie. I used to have a bitch named 'Zira' but...she's in a better place."

"Oh...What's a bitch?"

"You know, a female dog."

"Yuh mean like our girl dog Winona?"

"Is she the one that ran away this morning?"

"Uh huh."

"Sure, that's a bitch. Ah here they are." A second later Bryce struck a match and lit the candle. "See...that wasn't so bad now was it?"

"Well you...*yawn*"

"You OK there little one?"

"Yeah, Ah'm...*yawn*...Ah'm just tired."

"Well I think its time for little ones to be heading off to bed."

"Don't...*yawn*...don't call me little."

"Well I usually give nicknames to people because I don't like to use names."

"Can't you call me something besides that?"

"I normally let the name come on itself, what would you want to be called?"

"Anything...*yawn*...anything besides that."

"OK, how about 'Flower Bud'?"






"How about...how about 'Sprout'?"

"OK...*yawn*...yuh can call me that."

"Well Sprout, it's time for fillies to go to sleep. Ora è la volta per i sogni."

To this Applebloom replied, "Huh, what'd yuh say?"

Holding open the bedroom door he answered, "I said 'now is the time for dreams."

"Oh...OK. Goodnight." She stopped, "Hey Bryce. Ah...Ah know yuh said yuh don't like ta be touched, but can Ah give you a hug before Ah go?"

Exhaling Bryce said, "Normally I would say no..."

"Oh...sorry Ah asked."

Bryce stopped her before she could leave, "...but these aren't normal circumstances." He bent down and held out his arms, "Come on before I change my mind."

Applebloom quickly jumped up and wrapped her forelegs tightly around Bryce's thick neck. Bryce hugged her back even tighter causing Applebloom's back to pop in places.

"Now go on Sprout, catch some z's."

"OK, goodnight Bryce."

"Buon notte Sprout."

Closing the door behind the filly, both boy and pony were finally able to go soundly to sleep.


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Chapter 7: Patch

"Applebloom come on, it's time ta get up."

"Uh just five more minutes..."

"Nuh uh, Ah've already let yuh sleep in for more than an hour. Now come on, Big Mac's already gone out and you and Ah need ta get on too."

Applebloom shifted under the covers and turned to face the apple mare, "D...do Ah still have ta go out with yuh?"

Applejack sighed and responded, "Fraid so sugar cube. Breakfast's on the table, hurry up before it gets cold." She than turned and left to allow her sister some privacy.

Letting out a yawn, the filly decided to do as her older sister had said to avoid invoking her ire. Hopping down onto the floor she made her way to the bathroom to begin her morning routine. After she was finished, she stopped and stared at the door across from the bathroom. Ah wonder if Bryce is up yet?

Raising a hoof she motioned to knock but stopped, Ah should probably just check, Ah don't wanna wake him up if he's asleep. Applebloom opened the door a crack, just enough so she could peek in. She could make out his large form buried under the blanket. Pushing the door open to allow herself access she whispered, "Hey....Hey Bryce, are yuh still asleep?"

"Ugh, calm down Morgan Freeman. Nelson Mandela will still be there to take your place...I mean who is it?"

Applebloom raised an eyebrow, "Uh...it's me, Applebloom."

Bryce turned around to face her, "Oh hey Sprout. What's going on?"

Applebloom moved the rest of the way into the room, "Nothing. Ah...Ah was trying ta see if you were up, but Ah guess Ah woke yuh instead."

Bryce pushed himself and let out a wide mouthed yawn, "Don't...*yawn*...don't worry about it, I was already awake. I was just resting my eyes."

"Oh...OK then."

"Yeah, well I really can't sleep past a certain time. I don't know what it is. Must be my internal alarm or something."

"That's good...Ah guess."

"Well maybe to some, but to me it suuuuuucks."

An awkward pause followed.

This time Bryce was the one to break the silence, "So what are you gonna be doing today Sprout?"

"Ah wanted ta stay here, but Applejack won't let me."

"Really, why not?"

Applebloom looked away, "Ah...Ah don't know if Ah should say."

"Is it because of me?"

Applebloom shyly nodded.

If Bryce was upset he wasn't showing it, "Well, after what happened yesterday I...I can't fully blame her."

"Are...aren't yuh upset?"

"Well I am, but she's probably just worried..."

"Worried? Worried bout what?"

Bryce turned away, "That...that I might harm you."

Hearing this disheartened Applebloom, "She...she keeps on tellin me that. But you wouldn't do that. Would...would yuh?"

Bryce couldn't bring himself to look at the filly, "I wouldn't, not without reason. But there's just some things where you need to earn their trust before they even consider letting you do something like that."

"Ah...Ah trust yuh."

"Yeah, but you're just a child, you can easily trust anyone. For someone my or your sister's age they need to get to know them for a while." Bryce let out a sigh, "And after everything that's happened since I got here I doubt that'll happen anytime soon, if ever."

Bryce didn't say anything after that.

"Hey...hey Bryce, are you alright?"

Bryce remained silent.

Applebloom made her way up over to the human, "B...Bryce?"

Bryce gave no recognition that the yellow filly existed.

"B...Bryce?," Applebloom touched his shoulder.

Bryce shifted away, "Don't touch me."

"Ah...Ah'm sorry. Ah forgot."

Bryce said nothing, hurting the young fille's feelings.

"Well...Ah'm...Ah'm gonna go before Applejack gets upset." Applebloom jumped down and made her way for the door, "Ah...Ah guess Ah'll see yuh later...Bryce?"

Bryce gave no answer.

"Um...bye." Applebloom left, closing the door behind her.

When she got to the stairs the filly found Applejack standing on the bottom step, "There yuh are, what took yuh so long?"

Walking down the stairs, Applebloom replied, "No..nothing, Ah needed ta use the bathroom more than Ah thought."

Applejack wanted to press Applebloom for an answer, but they were both already pressed for time as it was, "Well alright. You're breakfast's already gone cold. Hurry up and eat." The apple mare walked into the kitchen with Applebloom following slowly behind.

When Applebloom got to a kitchen she found Granny clearing the table, save for the place that had been set for her. Winona was lying down in a corner, acting as if the day before never happened. Taking a seat, Applebloom began to nibble at the lukewarm meal, her mind too aloof to even care. What could uh happened with Bryce, he was fine a second ago. Was...was it something Ah said?

"OK Applebloom, you eat up. Ah'm gonna go get the wagon ready and get yuh when it's ready." Applejack left, Winona running at her heels.

After a minute an aged voice broke the silence, "Well now, what's the matter?"

Applebloom looked up to find Granny Smith sitting next to her, "No...nothing. Ah didn't get much sleep last night." Applebloom forced a smile.

"Ahh horse apples, Ah can tell when something's on yuh mind. Now come on and tell me before your sister gets back."

Applebloom looked away, "Ah...Ah can't."

"Come now, you can trust old Granny Smith now can't yuh?"

"Ah...Ah want to, but...do you promise ta keep it a secret?"

"Oh you don't need ta worry bout me tellin anypony anything. Now go on and spill it."

Applebloom took in a deep breath, "Well...last night Ah went inta the guest room and talked with Bryce and we talked for Ah don't know how long but eventually he made me go ta bed, and it ended great, but this morning Ah went in there again ta see if he was awake and we were talking but then he stopped talking and wouldn't look at me and Ah tried to get him ta talk, but he wouldn't, and now Ah'm worried that I did something he didn't like and now he doesn't want ta talk ta me ever again." She started breathing heavily following her rant.

Granny Smith tried to make sense of the little filly's spiel, "Wait, who's Bryce?"

"He's...*pant*...He's the...*pant*...He's the creature me and Apple...*pant*...Applejack found out in the orchard yesterday."

"Oh...did he seem OK last night?"

Applebloom nodded.

"Well what'd yuh say to him this morning?"

"All Ah said was that Ah had ta go out with Applejack and he asked if Ah had ta go because of him."

"OK, what else?"

"After that he said it was because Applejack thought he would hurt me and Ah said Ah knew he wouldn't, but then he said that he wouldn't but that Applejack didn't trust him. Ah said Ah trusted him but he said it didn't matter because Applejack wouldn't ever trust him after what happened yesterday. After that he wouldn't say anything." Applebloom looked at what remained of her breakfast, "Did...did Ah do something wrong granny?"

"Ah'm not sure Applebloom, Ah can't really say."

Applebloom just hung her head down.

Granny put a hoof around her youngest grandchild, "All we can do is hope he'll get better. Tell yuh what Ah'll try talking to'em..."

"N...no don't do that."

Granny Smith was taken aback, "Why not?"

"He...he told me last night that he doesn't get along well with ponies he doesn't like."

"Well Ah'm still gonna try. Now go on and finish up your breakfast, your sister will be back in any minute."


"And Applebloom..."

"Yes Granny?"

"Try not ta worry yourself too much about him, Ah'm sure he just needs ta get used to everything. Once he does he'll probably be fine."

"Ah...Ah hope so." Applebloom finished the rest of her breakfast in silence, praying Granny was right about the puzzling human.


"Um...bye." Applebloom left, closing the door behind her.

Bryce could only stare down at the floor, feeling like complete and total garbage on the inside. Why...why the fuck did you have to go on and do that. That horse thing was the closest thing you had to a friend in whatever circle of Hell this is and I might as well have just told her to go fuck herself. He started pounding down on his thighs as hard as he possibly could, wanting more than anything for this nightmare to be over. After a while the pain became too much. Left with nothing else to do he just sat there and cried.

A few minutes later Bryce heard the door click open. Shit! I don't want to be seen right now. Not like this. He hid himself in his arms.

When the door swung open Bryce heard the clopping of hooves sound out in the small room once again. They stopped right in front of him.

"Hey there sonny, is everything OK?"

It was the aged voice he had heard last night while he was under a blanket. Is this the one Sprout called Granny Smith? Parting his arms a crack he caught sight of a mound of white hair styled up in a bun. Yep definitely the one. Bryce closed the gap in his arms.

"Ahh come now, yuh have ta worry about little old me. Ah'm nothing but a rickety old mare yuh don't anything ta be scared of. Why Ah could fall over right now and couldn't even get myself up even if Ah wanted to." She laughed.

Bryce snickered a little, OK...that one was kinda funny, but I'm still not coming out.

"Oh yuh think that's funny do yuh sonny, well you know what's even funnier. You just sit there while Ah..." Bryce heard a loud *thump*, "OH OH, I've fallen and Ah can't get up."

Nice try I'm not falling for it.

"Oh if only there were some big, strong stallion here ta help me up."

Nope, no horse things here. Just you and a human.

"Oh Ah'm startin ta black out, wont somepony help this old mare?"

She...she is faking it...right?

"Oh no here it comes, Ah;'m coming ta meet yuh son."


"Goodbye world."

Bryce stood up and unhooked his arms from his face, "WAIT I'M HERE, DON'T YOU DIE ON..."

Bryce was met with a green, wrinkly, horse's ass. Standing there straight in front of him. On her own four legs. Son of a bitch! Bryce wasn't completely sure how to feel. He felt mixed emotions of anger and surprise.

The old mare laughed, "See now wasn't that even funnier." She laughed again.

But Bryce had to admit, it was beyond funny. It. Was. Hilarious. He began to laugh slowly at first, then it grew. He couldn't control himself. He laughed. He laughed until his sides hurt and he fell down on the floor, making him laugh even harder. After almost five minutes of rolling on the floor, laughing, Bryce finally got control of himself. Wiping tears out of his eyes he, he lay his back on the side of the bed.

"So sonny, ready ta tell old Granny Smith how you're feeling?"

Wiping the few remain tears out of his eyes Bryce responded, "I'm not gonna lie to yuh...better than I did when you first came in." Bryce began to laugh again.

"That's good. So yuh tell me what's got yuh down in the dumps?"

Getting control of himself again Bryce brought a hand to his forehead, "Well I...I guess I could, if...if you'll listen."

"Good, but first you must be hungry. How about we go downstairs and get yuh something ta eat?"

"O...OK...if...if...if you want to."

"Well let me just get this tray and we'll..."

Bryce interjected, "N...no I'll take it."

"Oh, well thank you sonny. Here let me show you the way."

Letting the aged mare guide him, Bryce followed down to the kitchen, ducking down under the archway to avoid banging his head. When they arrived Bryce dropped the tray down on the first available counter space.

"Now that that's out of the way is there anything Ah can make yuh?"

"Well uh...you...you don't h...happen to have any gri...gri..grits do you?"

Granny Smith looked confused, "What's a 'grit'?"

"No, grits....Have you not heard of it?"

"Ah can't say Ah have dear."

"O...oh. Well d...do you have any...any eggs then?"

"Now that we have plenty of." She made her way towards the stove, "How do you like yours cooked?"

"I like...I like mine fried with salt and pepper, if...if you could?"

"OK dear. Just go on and have a seat and I'll have those done in a jiffy. Now do yuh want just the eggs or do yuh want'em in a sandwich?"

"In...in a sandwich, if...if you could?"

"All right just sit tight, Ah'll be done with it in just a minute."

Bryce made his way over to the table. Taking one look at the table he could tell there would be no easy way for him to 'sit tight' at the small, horse thing sized table. OK Bryce you can figure this one...just like you figured out the blender...after for attempts...and 27 stitches...in the head. Bending down slowly he allowed the tiny chair to take his weight. OK...so far so... Bryce heard the chair creak from under him. ...Shit! The chair gave out as he finished that thought. Bryce fell down on his back and hit his head. All he could do was lie there for a moment before letting out a single cry of pain, "...Ow."

"Oh my are you alright there sonny?"

Bryce opened his eyes to find the craggy face of the aged green mare floating over him, "Ugh, I've been through worse. Ow."

"Well can yuh get up?"

Bryce slowly pushed himself up, "Yeah" He crossed his legs and sat with his back bent.

"Well that's good, do yuh need an ice pack or anythin?"

"Nah I'll be fine."

"If you say so. Now then Ah hope yuh still have an appetite because your food's ready."

Bryce looked at the table to find two fried egg sandwiches laying on a plate, waiting to be consumed, "Looks great, thanks a lot." He resolved to just sit there to avoid obliterating another chair. Bryce began to pull off the crusts.

"What's the matter, do you not like crusts on your bread?"

"No, I do. I just like to pull them off so they don't take away from the taste of the sandwich. I still eat the crusts though."

"Oh...OK then. Do you want anything ta drink?"

"Well milk, if you could?"

"Sure Ah can, coming right up."

When Granny Smith returned with a glass of milk Bryce had already finished his first sandwich and was in the process of removing the crusts off the second.

"Whoa there sonny, Ah know mah cooking can be good but yuh don't need ta choke yourself."

"Uh...OK." Bryce quickly finished the second sandwich and washed it down with the glass of milk. "Ahh, that was good. Thanks for that."

"Well your welcome dear. Now why don't you go sit down in the living room while Ah clean this up."

Bryce stood up, "Are you sure. Is there anything I can do?"

"Oh now don't worry yourself. You just go have uh seat and Ah'll be with yuh in uh minute."

"Well i...if you say so." Bryce made his way into the living room, ducking again under the archway.

Now that he was in the living room Bryce was having a difficult time deciding if he should actually 'have a seat' on one of the chairs or the couch. Not wanting a repeat of earlier, and not wanting to bang his head again for the whateverith time in three days, he resolved to just sit down on the floor.

Within a minute Granny Smith came in and took her place in a rocking chair next to Bryce. When she finally took her seat she began to gently rocking back and forth.

Bryce continued to sit there on the floor, listening to the rhythmic creak of the rocking chair. So...what are we waiting for? Am I...am I supposed to say something or is she going to? Bryce kept to himself, not entirely sure what, if anything, they were waiting for. After a minute Bryce thought he heard an entirely different sound. Closing his eyes he listened closely. Is that...is that thunder? It can't be it's all blue skies and white fluffy clouds, what the H is that?

"Hey now you're not going ta sleep on me now are yuh?"

Bryce was caught off guard, his concentration on the distant thundering instantly broken, "Huh...what?"

"You looked like you were dozing off there Ah was just making sure."

"No...no it's just...do you hear thunder?"


"Yeah thunder, I can hear it out there."

"What do you mean there's not a single storm cloud in the sky."

"I...I know, but...it's nothing what are we in here for anyway?"

"Oh nothing really Ah was just hoping ta have somepony ta talk to is all."

"Oh...well what d...d...do you want to t...talk about?"

"Well for starters how come your so nervous?"

"I'm always nervous."

"Ahh don't be now, you don't have anything ta worry about here."

"Well let's see you say that with the orange one in the room."

"Who, yuh mean Applejack?''


This made Granny Smith laugh, "Is that what's got you all in a knot? I'm sure she's fine she's just worried is all."

"Yeah I know. She's worried I'm going to hurt the little one."

"Is that really what yuh think?"

"How can I not. I mean I haven't even been here for three days and I've already made a complete and total ass of myself. I mean I injured my own dog, my only real friend, got the orange one pissed off for missing around with her sister, ran off, made her chase after me, swatted at her when she touched me, and, to top it all off, I might as well have ripped the heart out of the closest thing I even had to a friend in this pastel colored world this morning...And that's not even mentioning the chair I broke at breakfast."

Granny Smith was lost for words. She couldn't think of anything to refute him.

Bryce covered his eyes with his hands, "I don't know what I was thinking. I was...I was hoping this world would be different."

The aged mare leaned forward in her chair, "What do you mean dear?"

Bryce breathed deeply before responding, "It's just...when I found the little one under that basket she was...she was just so sad, and it was because of me. I...I was just trying to help her and she just ran off. I mean I knew she must have been scared, but what got me was that she was actually crying. I wasn't trying to scare her any, but when I found her it just...It made me feel that if something this small, this...cute was afraid then maybe, just maybe this world could be more understanding and trusting. Maybe even be forgiving."

Bryce paused for a moment, "But...I was wrong. When that orange one came around I was scared. I could see her eyes, they were filled with such...such hate. And when she actually talked I...I...I just lost it. In my world animals, don't talk. Most especially little horse things. I ran because I didn't want any part of it. People I could tolerate, no matter how judgmental they were, but if an animal could, that's just..." Bryce sighed.

Granny Smith just sat back and listened intently, "It's just what dear?"

Bryce breathed in through his dripping nose, "It's just...I don't know...I guess I was just being foolish. Just...hoping for something...something...different from what I came from." He didn't say anything after that.

All Granny Smith could do was stare down at the trouble boy. She thought she felt the room shaking around her. Finally founding her voice she said, "Don't yuh think you're being too hard on yourself dear?"

Bryce removed his hands from his eyes and cradled them in front of his chest, "Not really."

"Ahh don't be such uh foal now, it could be worse."

"Yeah right, how could this situation be any worse than it already is?"

"Well yuh could be dead."

Bryce was caught off guard, "What do you mean?"

"Oh you know, Dead as a doornail. The last breath. Paying a debt to nature. The big sleep."

Bryce began to laugh to himself, "God's way of saying, 'Slow down!'"

Now Granny Smith was laughing, "Checking out and staying out for good."

Bryce laughed louder, "Shuffling off this mortal coil."

"Blinking for a long time."

Bryce laughed even louder, "Losing a breath holding contest in the worst way."

Now Granny Smith was laughing, "Kicking the bucket."

"Becoming a worm buffet."

"Buying the farm."

"Taking more of uh nap than yuh intended."

"Getting to your expiration date."

"Standing really still to get your picture taken."

Bryce began to laugh uncontrollably, "OK...ha ha...you win...ha ha ha...I can't think of anything worse than that...ha ha ha ha ha..."

"Yuh see, there are worse things out there than what yuh just described. Now don't yuh feel better?"

Bryce put his hand over his mouth to stop laughing. When he could speak again he said, "Yeah, well. I'm still not comfortable being here. Like, at all."

Granny Smith sat back in her rocking chair, a mask of disappointment on her aged face.

"But...in the past hour I've felt better than I have since arriving."

The aged mare's demeanor changed instantly, "Well that's good..."

"I mean, I don't know what it is, but I feel I can trust you. You...You're good people." He touched her on the nose.

"Good. Now then, how's about Ah introduce myself." She extended a hoof. "I'm Granny Smith."

Bryce gently grasped the elder's hoof and shook it, "Bryce Smales."

"Well, Bryce Smiles was it?"

"No, it's Bryce Smales. You know like saying small, but with an 's'."

"Well Bryce Smales how about you help this old mare around the house while all the youngins are out, hmm?"

"Sure, but just one thing..."

"What's that dear?"

"Just call me Bryce, if...if you could?"

"OK then Bryce, but first how's about yuh go upstairs and have a bath,? You must feel filthy after three day."

"Well not really, but if you want me to I will. But only because you asked nicely."

"Good, now you probably know where the bathroom, right across from the guest room. There's clean towels in there already."

"OK Granny Smith."

"Oh you you don't have ta call me that."

"Uh...can I call you Well Aged instead, I like to call others by nicknames."

"Sure, yuh can if yuh want. Sounds better than being called old"

"Great, well see you whenever."

Bryce walked back up the stairs but was stopped by Granny Smith, "Hey Bryce?"


"Yuh gonna be alright now son?"

"Well I'll be better than I was."

She took that with a smile, "Good now go on, and be careful bout your burn."

Bryce continued up the stair, "I'll try."

After finally ascending the stairs he entered the bathroom, determined to get the three days worth of mud, blood, and sweat off his body."

Search and Destroy

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Chapter 8: Search and Destroy

"Are yuh done yet sis?"

"Applebloom, how many times do Ah need ta tell yuh? Ah'll be done when Ah'm done."

Applebloom let out a loud, disappointing groan and headed back towards the wagon.

As soon as Applejack had pulled the wagon up the hill from yesterday the little filly instantly knew it was going to be a long, boring, unexciting day. This was later affirmed when Applebloom was told to stay near the wagon due to her still sore leg. Within an hour of their arrival she was close to leaving and heading back towards the house, but there were two things stopping her. The first was that Applejack would be both worried and furious, surely more of the later, and second she doubted she would even be able to find her way back, if somepony or something didn't find her first.

With nothing to do, and with nopony to talk to, Applebloom decided to just lay up under the wagon and stare up at the planks, the whole time thinking what she had said wrong to Bryce. Pondering the morning's events her eyes began to droop from lack of sleep the past two nights. After a few minutes, just as she was beginning to doze off, she felt something damp press against the side of her sore leg. This made Applebloom yell out in fright and push herself back.

Backing herself into one of the wheels her fears were laid to rest when it turned out to have only been Winona. With her heart racing in her small chest, Applebloom shouted, "Dang it girl, don't go scaring ponies like that!"

Winona let out a whine and tucked her tail.

After catching her breath, Applebloom said, "Ah'm sorry girl. Ah'm just upset from havin ta..."

"Applebloom, what's the matter, what happened?!"

The arrival of this unseen pony made the filly jump again, causing her to bang her head on the bottom of the wagon.

"Applebloom...where are yuh?!"

Applebloom's fears were again laid to rest when she realized it was only Applejack, "Ah...Ah'm under her sis."

Applejack stuck her head under the wagon, "There yuh are. What happened, Ah heard yuh scream?"

Applebloom sighed, "It...it was nothing."

"Look, we can talk about that later, now come on out from under there so Ah can check yuh over."

"O...OK sis." As soon as she tried to get on her hooves she felt something tug at her mane. Applebloom pulled with all her might but the tugging only became that much more forceful. "Ugh...Applejack Ah can't get out, something's pullin my mane."

Applejack walked over to the other side of the wagon, "Just calm down now sugarcube, it's probably nothing." Sticking here head down next to Applebloom she found what was causing the snag, "Everything's OK sugarcube, yuh just got your bow caught on uh nail."

Hearing this made the filly blush from embarrassment, "O...oh."

"Just sit tight, Ah'll have yuh out of this in a second."

Applebloom could only sit and endure the mane pulling as her sister made an attempt to free her.

After almost a minute of this Applejack finally succeeded, "There now, that wasn't so bad now was it?"

Finally able to get up on her hooves the hurt filly said, "Yeah, easy for you to say."

"Ah horseapples, it couldn't uh been that bad. Now come on out from under there."

Applebloom complied.

"Now then is everything alright, why were yuh yelling?"

"It...it was just Winona. Ah was trying ta take a nap under the wagon and she cam and touched my bad leg with her nose and it scared me. And then you showed up without warning and Ah mustuh got my bow caught on that nail...again." She looked down at the ground.

That last part concerned Applejack, "Wa...wait, what do yuh mean 'again'?"

Still looking down at the ground Applebloom responded, "Ye...yesterday when Bryce found me..."

"Who's Bryce?"

"He...He's the human."

"What, uh, what's a hugh man?"

"He...he's that creature from yesterday."

Now Applejack was even more concerned, "Applebloom how do you know all that?"

Applebloom rubbed her hoof in the dirt, "Uh...well..."

Applejack noticed her delay and grabbed the filly's head, pulling it up to meet the apple mare's gaze, "Applebloom. Ah want yuh ta tell me how you know all that...And Ah want yuh ta tell me the truth."

Not able to look away, Applebloom decided it best to be honest, "Ah...Ah went and...and Ah talked with him la...last night and..."

"You what?!"

"Ah talked to him last night and he told me that."

Applejack was mad, "Applebloom what, what did Ah tell yuh?"

"But Ah..."

"Ah don't wanna hear it, now what did Ah tell yuh?!?!?!"

"Yuh...yuh told me not ta...not ta go in there with him."

"That's right Ah did, and you disobeyed me. Now what was goin through your head that would make yuh go against me?"

"It...it...Ah just wanted ta check and make sure he was...he was..."

"Ta make sure he was what?"

"Ah..Ah wanted ta make sure he was OK, Ah was worried about him."

Applejack was confused, "Now why would yuh be worried about him?"

Applebloom pushed her older sister's hoof away, "Because he acted so differently from when he first found me."

The apple mare hesitated.

"Don...don't yuh believe me?"

"Applebloom, ta tell yuh the truth, Ah don't."

"But...but Ah am tellin the truth, when he found me he..."

"Applebloom that's enough." The filly cowered at the mare's outburst. "Now Ah've had enough of this. Since that, whatever you called it, arrived Ah've almost ran myself inta the Everfree, nearly broke my back getting the varmint inside, and got smacked when Ah tried ta help him. As far as Ah'm concerned he's dangerous and we shouldn't trust him. Now Ah gotta get this done, you stay here." Applejack began to walk away.

"He...he said you wouldn't trust him."

Applejack stopped, "He said what?"

"He said that you wouldn't trust him because of what he did yesterday. "

"Yeah well, he's right about that."

"He...he also said it...it didn't matter that Ah trusted him."

Applejack looked back at her sister, "Did...did he say why?"

Applebloom looked down at the ground again, "Because Ah...because Ah'm just a filly."

This made Applebloom even more confused, "Wa...wait you...you you actually trust him?"

Applebloom continued to stare downwards as she nodded.


Applebloom breathed in through her nose, which was beginning to run, "Because he was nice to me."

Applejack made her way over to the quiet filly, "Applebloom, speak up. I want to know. Why do you trust him so much?"

Swallowing before she could reply, Applebloom said, "Because he was nice to me."

Applejack opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted.

"When Ah first saw him Ah was scared, most especially when he was yelling at me. But when he found me he...Ah can't explain it. He just didn't look angry. He looked...surprised." Applebloom paused before continuing, "When he talked ta me he didn't sound angry, almost like he was scared himself."

"He...sounded scared?"

"Well Ah think he was, he just...Ah'm not sure. He just sounds so emo...emotinle...emotionlease."


"Ye...yeah that. But then he tried to reach for me. At the time Ah thought he was tryin ta get me. He...he kept tryin and finally Ah just threw a hooffull of mud at him and got myself loose. Ah tried ta run but then his dog tried ta get me and Ah got under one of the apple baskets."

Applejack just sat on her hunches and listened, all the while thinking, That varmint, the second Ah get back to the house Ah'm gonna buck him till he's black and blue. Nothing misses with my family, not again.

Applebloom continued on, "When Ah...when Ah was under that basket Ah thought...Ah thought that was it. When he pulled the basket off Ah thought Ah was gonna die. Ah was just so scared." She began to cry.

"He...hey sugarcube, come over here." Applejack wrapped her sister in a large hug. That varmint, when Ah'm done with him he's not even gonna be able to recognize himself in the mirror.

They both stayed like this for a few minutes before Applebloom continued, "But...but he didn't kill me. He just started ta rub my back, and he looked like he was crying. Ah didn't trust him at first but then he gave me an apple. He said it would make me feel better, and it kinda did."

Did she say he actually tried to calm her down. That can't be true. He had to be trying ta pull something. "Well what happened after that. Why was he carrying yuh over to the wagon? And why weren't yuh moving?"

"Ah don't know, Ah was asleep."

"Y...you were?"

"Ye...yeah. After he put my bow back in my mane Corn started bothering me. Bryce threw a ball to make Corn go away. Ah felt safe around him and went ta sleep."

"Well why did you trust him?"

"Ah...Ah don't know Ah just did."

He...he had to have been tryin something, ri...right?

"When Ah woke up Ah saw you yelling at him and then you both ran off and, well ,you know the rest."

"Ah suppose Ah do...but what about last night, what did he do to you?"

"Nothin, all he did was talk ta me."

"Then...what'd y'all talk about?"

"We just talked about what happened yesterday. He...he told me why he acted the way he did." Applebloom went silent.

"Well what'd he say?"

"Ah...Ah don't know if he would like me tellin."

Applejack let out a sigh, "Look, Applebloom, Ah'm not gonna force yuh to tell me. But if he's gonna be stayin with us Ah need ta know what went wrong."

"He...how about yuh ask what he did?"

"OK, uh...For starters why did he run?"

"Bryce said it was because ponies can't talk where he's from."

"Well Ah guess that explains why he was so surprised, but why did he run?"

"He said he ran because...us talking scared him."

"Uh...beg pardon?"

"Ah...Ah don't really understand it, but he said he likes animals because they can't talk. Because they aren't jug...jug..."


"Yeah judmental, that's what he said."

Applejack rubbed the back of her head with a hoof, "Yeah well...why wouldn't he talk to me?"

"He doesn't talk well with new ponies, or anypony his age."

"Uh...OK then why did he smack me when Ah tried ta help him when he fell off the bed?"

"What'd yuh do after he fell off?"

Applejack tried to remember, "Ah...he fell off the bed, Ah ran over ta check on him, and when he wouldn't say anthing Ah touched him on the shoulder ta calm him down."

"That's it!"

"What is?"

"Bryce told me he doesn't like to be touched"

This was confusing to Applejack, "Is...is that really what he said?"

Applebloom nodded.

Well that doesn't make a lick of sense. What kinda pony doesn't like it when other ponies touch him. Although he technically isn't a pony now is he. She brought a hoof to her forehead. And Ah guess Ah was being a tad judgmental. "Ugh...Applebloom while Ah don't like it that yuh went against me..."

Applebloom looked away.

"...Ah'm just glad that h...Bryce didn't hurt yuh none."

The filly perked up at that.

Sighing, Applejack said, "Look, Ah still need ta get all of these trees bucked, but when we get back to the house Ah'm gonna talk ta him."

"But he probably won't..."

"Applebloom, hush. If everything turns out OK then maybe, just maybe, Ah'll let yuh stay at the house tomorrow."

Applebloom curiosity peaked making her smile.

"Now Ah still have about two hours left to buck the rest of these here trees and pack'em all in the wagon. After that we'll head home."

This brought the energetic filly down a little, "O...OK sis."

"Good, now just stay around here."


"And Applebloom?"

"Yea...yeah sis?"

"Ah...Ah'm sorry about how Ah've been acting the past couple of days...but after what happened with mama and daddy Ah'm just...You're just too young to remember them, but Ah just don't wanna lose another family member. Not after what happened to them." Applejack hugged her sister again tightly, "Ah guess what Ah'm saying is, Ah'm sorry."

Applebloom hugged her sister just as tightly, "Ah...Ah'm sorry for disobeying yuh sis."

"It...it's OK sugarcube. After all that's happened Ah can't fully blame yuh." Applejack loosened her grip, "But don't think just because of what happened Ah'll be so forgiving every time. When Ah tell yuh ta do something you better listen."

"O...OK sis."

They both hugged again.

"Like Ah said, Ah still have about two hours out here. Just stay near the wagon and only come get me if yuh really need me. Ah'll be back in an hour and we can have our lunch, sound good?"

"Uh huh."

"Good." Applejack gave Applebloom a noogie. After they both had a laugh, Applejack left to finish as quick as she could. She had alot to think about after listening to what her sister had to say.


Bryce had to admit, that bath really did help ease his mind, even though he had to stand the entire time in the horse thing sized bath tub. After drying himself off Bryce quickly dressed himself in the few clothes he had, this being his underwear and cargo shots. Then he exited the bathroom and made his way back downstairs to find the aged apple mare where he had left her in the rocking chair.

"Well I did that, so what is it you want me to do?"

"Well first let me check ta make sure your burn's OK for you to work."

"OK, sure." He reluctantly extended his left arm to allow her to get a better look at the limb.

After a few minutes Granny Smith said, "OK dear, somehow your well enough ta do some work."

"Well I guess young people just heal faster," he answered with a laugh.

"That's good, now Ah have a few things you can do. First off a few of the shingles need ta be replaced on the roof."

"Well I have to say no to that one. I really don't like being high up and I doubt that roof is designed to take someone of my weight class. It's not that I'm afraid of heights, it's just the idea of falling off that scares me."

"OK then how about you go inta town and pick up a few things for me?"

"Uh...no to that too. I don't like being in crowds, mostly if it's filled with people I don't know. Plus I still haven't gotten past the whole your kind talking yet."

"Well then Ah have one thing left. Do you think you can handle a little wood chopping?"

Bryce simply answered, "Yes."

"Good, now just follow me out back and..."

"Well can I get my stuff first, I don't really like to be without it?"

"Sure, just follow me." Granny Smith walked back into the kitchen and opened one of a cabinet. She pulled out a bag and placed it on the table, "Here you go dear, this was everything you had in your saddle bags."

Saddle bags? "Thanks, I guess." Opening the bag Bryce found everything that had been on his person: his smartphone, still dead, a pair of earbuds, his key chain, wristwatch, and wallet, a deck of playing cards, a Zippo lighter, a pair of fingerless leather gloves, a black bandana, and an assortment of ink pens and mechanical pencils, with extra lead for the later. Well except for Corn's tennis ball, which is probably with him, my shirt, socks, and shoes everything's accounted for. "Well this is everything, thank you."

"You're welcome dear, now follow me out back and Ah'll show yuh where you'll be working."

Putting what he wanted into his pockets, and donning his bandana and gloves, Bryce followed out the front door, being sure to duck his head, and followed her behind the house to a large pile of logs stacked into multiple rows and an axe laying against a flat stump. Ho-yeah!

"Now Ah assume yuh know how ta chop wood?"

"Well assumptions are a bad thing, you should never do them. But yes, yes I do."

"Ah'll let yuh get to it then. If yuh get tired there's food and drinks in the fridge. Have fun." Granny Smith left Bryce to do his job. Now it's time for this old, Ah mean well aged mare, ta get some shut eye.

"Well see yuh whenever." Bryce grabbed hold of the axe. It wasn't as large as an axe from his world, but much larger than a hatchet. He took a few practice swings to orientate himself with the diminished weight of the tool. When Bryce was ready he pick up one of the logs and set about doing what was charged to him.


Granny Smith awoke to the sound of knocking at the front door, "Eh what, is that you Bryce?" There was a second knock at the door making the aged mare get up from her rocking chair. Eh dag nabbit, that boy should know he doesn't have ta knock, he can come on in if he wants. Upon opening the door Granny Smith was surprised to find, instead of the six foot human, were a pair of two male earth ponies dressed in business attire. One of them had tan fur with a greasy black mane and a fish hook cutie mark. The other was much older with grey fur and a salt and pepper mane done up in a more dignified manner. He had a segmented pyramid for a cutie mark. "Oh hello there. How can Ah help you two fine gentlecolts?"

The grey stallion spoke first, "Um yes, good afternoon ma'am, we're from Saltlick & Associates and we are here to tell you that has recently passed away."

"Oh my that's awful. When did this happen?"

The tan stallion cut in, "Ma'am the details aren't important. We're here to inform you that a large sum of bits was willed to your family upon their death."

"Really, how much did they leave us?"

The grey one stated, "We aren't allowed to release that information until our fee is paid ma'am."

"Well how much is the fee."

The same stallion firmly stated, "500 bits ma'am."

"Oh my that's quite a lot of bits, is there any way Ah can pay some other way."

The grey one continued speaking, "No ma'am, our fee must be paid within a few minutes or the entire fortune will be allocated to our firm."

"But Ah don't have that much...Wait Ah do have some bits in the house, could yuh wait here while Ah get it?"

"Of course ma'am take all the time you need."

"OK you just wait here and Ah'll..."

"Ok hold the phone, just hold the damn phone." All three ponies jumped at the sound of a bass voice, "That's quiet enough of that." It was Bryce. He came strolling up with the axe.

The tan stallion cried out, "Wha...what the buck are you?!"

'What the buck', really? "I'm Bryce Smales, who the Hell are you?"

The more dignified of the pair was able to hold himself together enough to say, "We...we're from Saltlick & Associates and we're here to..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah now how's about you tell us the real reason you 'fine gentlecolts' are here."

"We're here to let it be known that the Apple family has been willed..."

"A large sum of what the H ever, sure you are." Bryce shouldered the axe, "Let me just take a guess at your names..." Pointing to the grey stallion, then the tan one, he said, "Your name is...Ponzi, and your...Bait-and-Switch, correct?"

The tan one stuttered, "How...how did you...?"

Bryce stood in front of the open door over the two stallions, "Oh did Prince Alyusi Islassis send you to collect her bank account information?"

They were both speechless, mostly out of fear of the axe he carried.

"We'll how's about you both get on and we forget this whole thing happened."

The grey one shot back, "How's about you get on and let us get what we came for. If not things could get...messy."

Bryce snickered, "Based on your relative size compared to me...I'd say I outnumber you."

Granny Smith just stood there and watched as three more earth ponies came into view, "Um Bryce..."

"Oh and what about my...associates behind you?"

Bryce turned around to see Ponzi's 'associates' walking up, "Let me guess, Pyramid, Bunko, and Napster?"

"I think now you'll find yourself outnumbered."

Bryce just smirked, "No...now we're even." He then held the axe at the bottom and threw it with all his might behind him. It was easily dodged by the encircling henchmen. "Combattiamo...stronzi!"

Granny Smith quickly slammed the door and made sure to lock it tight. Running over to a window she watched as Bryce stepped back from the front door and started...dancing?

Dancing Machine

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Chapter 9: Dancing Machine

With that last basket Applejack had the wagon loaded up and ready to head back to the farmhouse, "OK Applebloom, wagon's set. Let's head on back."

Applebloom started to jump up but decided it best not to due to her injury. Instead she resolved to dance in place and let out a joyful squeal.

"Now don't go and hurt yourself. Since the wagon's filled to the brim your gonna have ta walk with me on the way back."

Applebloom quickly trotted over to the apple mare, getting antsy to hurry back and make sure Granny Smith had been able to help Bryce.

"And Applebloom Ah want yuh ta stay right next ta me. Ah don't wanna have ta stop every few seconds ta make sure you're all right...Yuh got that?"

"Uh huh, Ah got it. Let's go." Applebloom began to run off ahead of Applejack.

"Hey, what Ah just say! Get yourself back here! Ah haven't even gotten myself strapped in yet!"

Applebloom stopped and turned around, skidding to a halt, "Well hurry up Ah wanna get back and..."

"Ugh, Applebloom. Ah know yuh want ta get back, but Ah already told yuh before. Ah don't want yuh goin around that...thing until Ah get a chance ta talk ta him. And Ah've also gotten onto you about not listening ta me."

The energetic filly, wanting to try and stay on her older sister's good side for the time being, decided it best to comply and made her way back to the wagon. Sitting of her hunches in the dirt she let out a huff. After a minute passed Applejack announced it was time to head off instantly making Applebloom perk up and get on her hooves.

As soon as they descended the hill Applejack spoke up, "Applebloom...Ah want yuh listen ta exactly what Ah say." She continued to pull the packed cart as she continued, "As soon as we get back to the house Ah want yuh ta head straight up to your room."

"But Appleja..."

"Applebloom, Ah said listen. Now hush.":

The filly walked along, remaining silent.

After a heartbeat Applejack resumed her monologue, "Ah'm gonna bring that feller down to the living room and try and talk with him. If everything goes well Ah just might let yuh come down and be around him, but only when Ah'm in the room. If not Ah want you ta stay where yuh are until 'Ah' say it's all right. You understand?"

"Yea...yeah sis."

"Good. Now we've got about a good twenty minutes until we get within sight of the house so sit tight. In the mean time let's talk more about...what's his name?"

"Bryce Smiles?"

"Yeah him...Bryce Smiles?"

"That's what he said his name was."

"Well he didn't look like he smiled much at all ta me."

"Well that's what he said."

"OK, OK well did he say anything else to yuh last night?"

"Not much. He asked about his dog though."

Applejack stole a glance at the filly, "What all yuh tell him?"

"Just that he's with Fluttershy. Oh, and he also told me why his dog had such a weird name."

"Really, what'd he say?"

"That it was a character off a movie. Ah cant remember what he said, but he used to have a bitch but she..:"

Hearing her younger sister say that made Applejack stop in her tracks, "Applebloom...what did you just say!?"

Applebloom noticed and stopped as well, "Ah said he told me he used ta have a bitch but..."

"Applebloom, don't say that word!"

"Wha...what word, but?"

"No...the one before that."

"You mean bi...?"

Applejack quickly interjected, "Yes that one, don't say that word. Ever!"

"But...but Bryce was saying..."

"He said that to yuh?!"

Applebloom, unsure of what to say, simply nodded.

Applejack facehoofed. Gosh darn it, Ah knew there had ta be something wrong with him. What kinda pony goes around saying things like that in front of fillies? He better have a good reason for it or Ah'll buck him across the room. Aplejack lowered her hoof back to the ground, "Look Applebloom, yuh can;'t go around saying words like that."

"Wh...why not? All it means is..."

"Ah know what it means, bur yuh just can't. It's just not proper, and you're not old enough either." The apple mare grabbed the filly's shoulder, "Applebloom Ah only gpnna let yuh off with a warning this time, since yuh didn't know any better. But if yuh hear any words like that that you've never heard before just...don't repeat them, OK?"


Applejack stopped her sister yet again, "Ah know, Ah know. Look, if yuh hear a word like that again come talk ta me first. If anypony else hears you saying words like that they'd think yuh aren't right and we might get in trouble. Now come on, let's get on, we'll be there in any minute."

Both ponies and dog continued on in silence, the only sound coming from the wheels as they rolled through the orchard.

Almost fifteen minutes later they finally came within sight of the farmhouse. Applejack broke the silence, "Now remember what Ah said Applebloom, when we get to the house you..." Applejack stood stark still. What in...tarnation?! From their vantage point she could make out the large form of the creature she had brought in just yesterday. Encircling him, from what she could tell, were a group of four earth ponies lying in the dirt. He seemed to be fighting with a fifth one in a business suit, if you could call it fighting. It looked more like dancing.

Applejack quickly unstrapped herself from the wagon and began to make her way towards the scene, Winona following at her heels, "Applebloom, stay here."

"Applejack what's going..."

Without looking back she snarled, "Applebloom, stay here and hide."

Applebloom did as she was told and quickly got under the wagon, peeking out so she could watch.


Earlier, in the same location...

Now without a weapon of any kind, and Granny Smith safely inside the house, Bryce made his way to the center of the five horse things. Slowly turning around to try and mentally assess their individual locations and check for any weaknesses.

OK Bryce time to sift through the sands. The three farthest must be the toughest of the group or else they would have been brought out earlier. They wanted to keep it simple and quick and those two up front look the least intimidating. That one with the grease in his hair, mane...whatever is the most frightened of the lot so he'll be easy pickings, if he doesn't run first that is. The other one seems older, but confident, and can easily pull himself together so there's no telling how much of a challenge he'll be. He must be the leader of the group, he's got the looks of it.

Bryce turned around to face the three others that recently appeared, Now they're my biggest concern. They all seem firmly built, they'll definitely be able to take a punch or two. The question is how willing are they to stay by their leader's side if he were to be taken down. If they were willing to come out at the sight of me, I'd say very loyal.

Bryce stared down at the ground, Best course of action, take care of the weakest one first. If there's more of them we can't have him running for help. It'd be best to do it in a quick and unpredicted manner. With luck it may unsettle the other three and allow their weaknesses to show. As far as I can tell they're armless so that won't be a problem. If they know how to fight then they'll know how to take an attack. Taking them down will be tricky, but manageable. With their greatly decreased heights my attacks should be low and come from above or at their sides. The leader should hopefully become unnerved enough to be easy prey, but I wouldn't put it past him to stay and hold his ground. Bryce exhaled and shut his eyes, In any case my moves should be enough to greatly confuse them, for a while. With his eyes still closed, Bryce listened to the rhythmic approach of hooves.

"You're outnumbered fri...friend." It was the one called Bait-and-Switch, "Why don't you just give up now and..."

Bryce slid to the side of horse thing that had been foolish enough to approach him. Before Bait-and-Switch could even turn his head, Bryce punched him in the side of the head sending him to the ground and knocking him unconscious.

With the first part of his plan fulfilled Bryce turned to find the three brawny horse things shifting on their hooves. Good, it was super effective. He turned his body so it was facing them and stood up straight, "Who's next?"

The one in the center stood tall, "Come on you foals, let's bring down this ape." They instantly began to close in and encircle the human.

Bryce blew a tuft of hair out of his face and hung his arms at his sides, "Fine, let's dance" He began to do just that. He planted one foot behind the other, brought it back to its original position, and did the same with the opposite leg. Bryce repeated these steps as he swung his arms o keep his balance.

The same stallion spoke up with a smirk, "Are you serious? Do you thank some fancy dance steps are going to save you?"

Bryce stared down at the stallion, continuing his dance, saying nothing.

“Fine then, it just makes the pounding you’re about to receive that much more enjoyable.” The stallion rushed forward intending to head butt his adversary.

Expecting this, Bryce twisted his body so that his hands were on the ground and swung his legs over the stallion.

The stallion skidded to a halt and turned, his mouth agape, “What the buck?”

Bryce just stared back, resuming the previous movements.

Ponzi pointed a hoof at his two dilatory goons, “Don’t just stand there, help bring down this bucking ape.”

Bryce kept doing his routine, not bothering to take notice of the two remaining goons slowly forming up behind him. Then there was silence.

Bryce was becoming impatient, Ugh...this is getting nowhere! Stopping his repeated steps for a second be bent down and scooped up a pile of dirt in his right hand.

The two stallions behind him took notice and, trying to take advantage that he hadn't seen where they were, ran at Bryce in unison.

Perfect. Bryce hefted his right hand back and released the pile of dirt straight at the one in front of him. The stallion had been expecting this and covered his eyes giving Bryce the opportunity to turn his body out of the path of the galloping goons. It gave the desired effect as they both ran straight into the third, sending them all to the ground. Bryce then rushed over, picked up the closest of the pile, and tossed him on the ground behind him. He tried the same with a second one, but he proved much harder to grab.

Bryce swung his leg around and nailed him in the ribs. With this one doubled over in pain, Bryce lifted him up and tossed the stallion right onto the one he'd tossed back before, leaving just him and the original of the trio.

This one proved to be greatly unnerved by Bryce's demonstration and pushed himself back with his forelegs.

Bryce stepped forward each time he pushed back. When he was standing right in front of the stallion Bryce bent down with his back, starred him straight in the eyes, and let out one word, "Boo."

This was too much for the stallion and he got up as fast as he could and ran. He wasn't watching where he was going and ran his head straight into the front of the house knocking him unconscious at Ponzi's hooves.

With now only one opponent remaining, Bryce turned towards Ponzi and said in a sing song voice, "And then there was one."

Ponzi didn't say anything at first. When he found the words, he said, "That may be, but don't expect me to be as easy."

"That's good. I was hoping they were the headliners to the main attraction." He began to dance again.

Ponzi smirked, "Do you really think some dance steps are going to be able to help you?"

Bryce said nothing.

Ponzi nonchalantly added, "Well then, I'll allow you to make the first move this time. I mean it's only fair, you were so gracious to allow my...compatriots the privilege not once, but twice."

Well, white does usually get the first move, "Maybe I have been generous, but I have always started with enough space for them and myself," one should never take that advantage for granted.

"So you have," Ponzi made his way across from Bryce and stood still.

"All set?"

Ponzi smiled, "You may start when ready."

Bah, why is he smiling. He shook his head, OK Bryce, don't let him psyche you out. Now if he's smart the reason he didn't join in because he wanted to see what I'm made of. If he was then he knows what to do to both avoid and counter my attacks. Fortunately for me, I didn't show everything. But I need to see what he can do before I go on the offensive. He nodded he was ready. They both began to circle around, not once breaking eye contact.

Bryce moved forward and slid over to Ponzi's side. As he began to swing his leg back to kick him in the side, Ponzi poked Bryce in the belly toppling him. Bryce was able to recover by planting both of his arms on the ground, twisting his body so that he was on all fours, and turned back to face his opponent. Damn, he's fast. Bryce continued dancing, unphased by the small horse thing's prodding.

Bryce snorted and slid his foot in front of him, sending a cloud of dirt at Ponzi.

Ponzi reacted quickly and got himself out of the path of the cloud. He then ran to Bryce's side and rushed at his unprotected leg, toppling Bryce. He then lifted his forelegs to stomp Bryce down. Bryce rolled out of the way just as they came crashing down, followed by a swift kick to Ponzi's side.

Ponzi just shrugged it off and made a second attempt to pound Bryce into the dirt which Bryce easily dodged again. When he went to kick Ponzi's side again, but Ponzi was expecting this and stepped back out of reach.

"My, you continue to impress me Bryce Smiles."

Oh come on! "Enough for you to give up and maybe leave with all your teeth?"

"Well, no, you just impress me is all."

Bryce tucked one leg up to his chest and left the other extended, using one hand to prop himself up and the other to protect his face from the sun. "Well if you insist."

Ponzi then pulled out a knife from under his shirt and held it in his hoof, "All it had to be was a simple money grab, but you had to go and get yourself and everypony here killed."

"What you're really going to kill EVERYONE here just for money?"

"It would have been easy, but you had to step in and now, well, you're not going to live long enough to find out what happens next."

Bryce snorted again, "If you say so."

Ponzi stepped forward, "I'm going to enjoy skinning you, you pale skinned ape."

Ponzi stood over Bryce, knife held tightly in his hoof. Just as he lifted up the knife to Bryce again moved out of the way. Instead of rolling, however, he pushed with his leg off and hopped onto all fours. Looking down between his legs, Bryce yelled, "My name is Bryce SMALES!" He emphasized this last point by kicking Ponzi in the face with all his might. Ponzi fell to the ground, teeth flying out of his mouth in thin blood trails.

Bryce got to his feet and grabbed Ponzi by the neck. He brought him up to eye level before furiously slamming him into the ground a few times. Picking up the knife, Bryce slammed him against the side of the farmhouse, tighten his grip around Ponzi, and held the knife up to his throat. Gritting his teeth, Bryce said, "Give me one reason, just one reason why I should even consider allowing you to live!!!"

Ponzi could only answer by gagging, the human's grip around his neck growing ever tighter, threatening to crush his wind pipe.

Bryce slowly released his grip, "Answer me!!!"


"You were going to kill me and that well aged horse thing in there over what?"


"For money? Is everyone's life here really worth something you were just going to get rid of by the end of the day?"


"You'd probably sell your own kid just for an afternoon with some whore that's only with you for your money."


Bryce pressed down on the knife hard enough to draw blood, "Well...answer me!!!"

"I'm sorry..."

Bryce was caught off guard. He loosened his grip and lowered the knife, "Do you really mean that?"

"Ye...yes. I'm sorry, I wasn't really going to kill anypony, honest. I'm no killer."

Bryce looked down at the ground, the knife lowering with it. He closed his eyes and gripped the knife tightly until his knuckles were white. Pulling the knife back he thrust it down towards Ponzi.

"No, please don't..."

Bryce stabbed the knife into the wall, a hair's width to the left of his face. Bryce breathed heavily. When he could talk again, he said, "If I let you go, do you promise that you, and your 'associates', never do anything like this again?"

"I...I promise, what ever you want, just please don't kill me."

Bryce pulled the knife back, cutting Ponzi across his cheek, "OK then." He brought the blunt edge of the knife to Ponzi's throat, "But if you ever try anything like this to anyone ever again...I'll know. And when I find you, well, do you know what a Columbian necktie is?"


"Well don't cross me or you'll find out. The hard way." He let Ponzi slide down to the ground as he turned away and stuck the knife through a belt loop, handle first.

Bryce walked away, but was stopped when Ponzi said, "I need to know, how did you know mine and Bait's names?"

Without turning back he said, "Lucky guess."

Bryce walked over to the axe he had thrown to avoid killing anyone.

"What the hay happened here?"

Thinking it was another of Ponzi's goons, Bryce grabbed hold of the axe and swung it at the unseen assailant. The axe only met air as the new horse thing ducked down.

He thought he heard this new figure speak, but in his rage couldn't understand what they said. Hefting the axe head behind his back he brought it down planting it into the ground.

Bringing the axe up, Bryce was about to split this one in half across the belly when he heard a familiar voice.

"Bryce, stop. Don't hurt mah sister!"

Bryce stopped in mid swing just before he could sink the blade into, "Sprout?"

Sitting there on her hunches, her forelegs stretched out, was the little yellow one he had spoken with earlier that morning. Lying in the dirt behind her was the orange one that had chased him just yesterday.

Sprout had tears in her eyes, "B...Bryce?"

Bryce loosened his grip on the axe allowing it to fall to the ground. Turning away, he choked out, "I...I'm..." The words died in his throat. He didn't know what to say to justify what he had just done. Pulling at his hair, Bryce ran towards the house.

He was stopped when Granny Smith opened the door, "Bryce, what's the matter?"

Bryce completely ignored her as he bypassed her and ran up to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

There Will Be Blood

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Chapter 10: There Will Be Blood

Applejack sat in the dirt, nerves twisted into knots. After watching Bryce pommel the old stallion first into the ground, then into the side of the house, she tried to make herself as invisible as possible to avoid the human's ire. When he had the stuck that knife up to the stallion's neck Applejack had expected the worst to happen.

Instead, Applejack was beyond belief when he impaled the knife into the wood close enough to almost shave the hair off his face. What happened next was unreal, even to Applejack.

After Bryce released his hold on the old stallion he walked away. Wanting an explanation, Applejack was foalish to go running up behind him. Immediately he picked up an axe she hadn't noticed and swung it. Ducking out of the blade's path, Applejack avoided getting decapitated, though her Stetson flew off in the process. Gazing up at the human she avoid being split down the middle by pushing herself onto her back. The axe blade was planted in the dirt, chopping off the base of the braid in her tail.

Looking back up at the human he had already pulled the end of the blade out of the dirt and had readied it to swing at her head a second time. Immediately Applejack was frozen stiff, not able to either move or breath.

The second she saw Bryce swing the axe a yellow shape came into view in front of her. "Bryce, stop. Don't hurt mah sister!"

Bryce had stopped mid swing, the blade only a few inches away from her nose, "Sprout?"

Turning to look at the yellow shape she saw its distinguishable red mane and pink bow. Applejack could think of only one pony with those features.

Applebloom spoke up, "B...Bryce?"

Applejack could only watch as Bryce slowly released the axe, allowing it to fall to the ground at his feet. He looked like he wanted to say something, but whatever he was saying was beyond comprehension. Eventually he just looked away and ran inside the house, running past Granny Smith without saying a word.

Now Applejack was lying in the dirt, unsure of what to do.

Suddenly she felt something grab her shoulder, startling the apple mare.

"Ap...Applejack? Are you OK?"

Realizing it was only her sister, Applejack settled down a little. Breathing heavily she yelled, "Gosh darn it Applebloom, don't go scaring me like that!"

The filly shrank back, "So...sorry."

Collecting herself, Applejack replied, "Ugh, Applebloom. Ah'm sorry." Thinking for a second she added, "What are yuh even doing here? Didn't Ah tell you to hide?"

"Ye...yeah, but Bryce was..."

Getting up and dusting herself off Applejack said, "Ah know what that varmint was about ta do, you don't need ta tell me. What Ah want ta know is what you were thinking. He was about ta cut mah head clean off, and you almost got yours lopped off too with that stunt you just pulled."

"But Applejack..."

"Ah don't wanna hear it. Just...get inside the house, Ah'm gonna deal with that varmint. After what he did there's no way in Tartarus Ah'm letting him stay here another second." Picking up her Stetson and replacing it on her mane, Applejack trotted towards the farmhouse. She was stopped because Granny Smith was standing in the doorway, "Granny, get outta the way, Ah'm giving that...thing what for."

"Now Applejack, he wasn't meanin ta hurt nopony."

Having had enough the past two days, Applejack gritted her teeth and said, "Ah. Said. MOVE!!!"

Granny Smith reluctantly did so.

Entering the house, Applejack snarled, "Now where is that bucking brute."

"He...he went upstairs. But Applejack don't..."

Applejack didn't hear the rest as she charged up the stairs. Dashing to the end of the hall to guest room she found no sign of him. Ahh, where the buck is he? Suddenly she heard the sound of running water behind her, There he is!

Banging a hoof on the door she yelled, "Are you in there!" She heard the faucet turn off. "Get out here right now and Ah might go easy on yuh!" There was no response from the other end. Banging on the door again she said, "Did yuh hear me? Get out here. NOW!"

There was still no response.

Turning on her front hooves so that her rear was facing the door, she turned her head and said, "This is your final warning. Come out now or Ah'm gonna bust the door down."

Nopony replied.

"Ah'm yuh till the count of three. One....Two...."

No response.


"You son of a bitch!"

Applejack stopped when she heard the sound of glass shattering.


As soon as Bryce slammed the door to the bathroom he began to take off his bandana and gloves and threw them across the room. After dropping the knife he then trudged over to the sink, got on one knee, and turned on the faucet. Running his hands under the water, he saw change the water stream in hues of red and brown. After he thought his hands were clean enough Bryce cupped his hands together and rubbed water into his face.

Looking up he saw his reflection in the small mirror. He stood still so he could look at his face.

His hair was a long, curly, dirty blond mess filled with snags and cow licks, though he cared little to fix that. Looking down to his face he saw it caught in the same, angry scowl it usually bore, which others greatly criticized. The skin was very rough and scarred in many areas from where he had constantly picked at his acne. On his chin and above his upper lip poked out curly, unkempt hairs the same color as the hair on his head.

Finally, staring himself in the eyes, he saw his only feature that truly disgusted him. His gray eyes, the exact same hue as his father's. The same eyes he had inherited from his father, from whom he had gotten his curse. What he saw as a curse.

Without looking away Bryce turned off the faucet. He was deaf to the world. His heart began to race, just seeing his eyes reminded him of the only thing he had ever felt ill will for, in this world or any world.

Bryce grabbed onto the sides of the sink until his knuckles were white. He hated knowing he was even related to such a man.

He began to breath in and out in quick, shallow breaths. No not a man, no human being would have done such a thing to another.

He bared his teeth. Most especially his own son.

Balling his right hand into a fist, Bryce yelled, "You son of a bitch!" He sank his fist into the glass, never wanting to see those gray eyes again.

He just kept his fist there, his emotions so shot he couldn't even feel the shards of glass cut into his flesh.

After a minute Bryce fell onto his side. His eyes began to water up as he curled up into a ball as best he could. He continued to lie there as the door slowly creaked open.

He froze up as she clopped forward, "Look, Ah don't who or what yuh think yuh are, but since you've shown up Ah've ran off and abandoned my sister, had ta get on ta her over what yuh said to her, almost broke my back getting yuh inside, been scared enough that Ah think my hair's goin grey, and just now yuh nearly came close ta not only killin me, but mah sister" Drawing in a breath before she continued, she pressed on, "Ah can't take any more of your antics. We'd be lucky if those stallions yuh roughed up don't press charges. Ah'm gonna give yuh uh choice. You can either leave now, or Ah'm gonna get yuh out myself." She paused before saying, "What's it gonna be?"

Bryce just lied there, not even acknowledging the apple mare was even present.

Applejack grunted, "Hey, did yuh hear me? Ah said get out. Yuh aren't welcome here."

If Bryce could hear the angered mare, he didn't show it.

Now Applejack was so angry she could almost feel smoke coming out of her ears. Through gritted teeth she said, "This. Is. Your final warning. Either leave now or Ah'll get yuh out myself."

Bryce gave no response.

Applejack stomped a hoof onto the floor, "That's it!" She forced herself forward, "Ah've given you enough time." She grabbed Bryce by the shoulder and forced him onto his back, "Now Ah'm gonna have ta do it..." Her words were cut off when Bryce backhanded her hard across the face. There was a pause.

Immediately Bryce's mind came back to reality when he realized he just had made the biggest mistake yet.

Running a foreleg across her face Applejack pulled it back to find a trickle of blood on her hoof. If Applejack was mad before, there was no word yet in existence that described the anger she now felt.

Bryce pushed himself back, but was cut short when his back met the wall.

Applejack narrowed her eyes as close together as she could, her teeth bared, her whole body shaking out of anger incarnate. At the top of her lungs she shouted, "THAT DOES IT." Before Bryce could even get out a word the apple mare pounced, hoofs flying.

She couldn't tell what she was hitting, she only knew to strike until the pain in her hooves couldn't take it anymore. After getting in a few punches, Applejack grabbed Bryce and threw him behind her onto his gut. Before Bryce could even move she had slipped a foreleg around his throat and strangled him while bringing him to his knees.

Just as Bryce was beginning to lose consciousness, he felt the mare forced off his back. Bryce fell down onto the floor and used his arms to cushion his fall. Pushing himself up, and breathing heavily, he turned his head to see the orange mare lying on her side. She was staring past him, her mouth wide open. Looking the other way Bryce felt like doing the same thing. Standing there, barely able to stand properly, was the eldest member of the Apple family.

After a few minutes of silence Applejack broke the silence, "Gra...Granny Smith. Wha...what...?"

"Applejack, go to your room."

Extending a hoof towards Bryce she stuttered, "Bu...but, but he..."

Granny Smith narrowed her eyes.

Knowing there was no way to reason with the aged mare, Applejack shuffled to her hooves and limped out into the hall.

When Bryce heard a door open and slam shut he turned to look at the pale green mare. Noticing the stern look on her face he looked down at the floor to avoid looking her in the eyes. They both held their ground, neither of them daring to speak first. After a while Bryce could no longer bear the silence and began to struggle to pick himself up.

Trotting over, Granny Smith offered a hoof, which Bryce refused. When he could finally stand he made his way out the door and headed towards the stairs, leaning against the wall for support.

Granny Smith strode to the threshold, "Bryce, where do yuh think you're?"

Stopping himself against the wall, with his left hand, and without looking back he said, "Um...um leabin." Um leabin...what the H?

"Bryce, are yuh OK there?"

Bryce tried to speak again, "Um vine." Damn it! Sticking a finger into his mouth, his tongue felt bigger than usual, Damn it, I must have bit my tongue. Pulling out his finger he saw blood leak down the digit, Ahh son of a bitch.

Granny Smith saw this, "Oh my, you're bleedin."

"Iz nuhvin. Um vine," Bryce pushed himself against the wall some more, but was stopped by the aged mare.

"Bryce, you ain't goin nowhere, not in the state you're in."

"Uh zid um..."

"No you're not, now get on inta your room, Ah'll be there in a minute."

"Uh don't vanna, just vet me go."

Granny Smith wasn't going to relent, "Bryce, why do yuh want ta leave so bad?"

"Becuz ze zid Uh zusn't zelcum deer."

"Who did?"

"Duh unge yun did."

"Yuh mean Applejack?"

Bryce nodded as he wiped the bloody spittle off his chin.

Granny Smith grunted, "Well yuh don't worry about what she said, you just get inta your room and Ah'll come take care of yuh in uh minute."

Bryce did as he was told, though he almost fell down multiple times. When he finally got into the bedroom he sat down on the small bed. He tried to cross his arms, but when he did he felt a sharp pain sink into his left triceps. Recoiling his right hand back he saw it littered with shards of glass. Bryce started pulling out the shards causing blood to stream out from the now open wounds.

By the time he was half finished Granny Smith came in with a first aid kit on her back, as well as a washcloth and bowl of water held between her teeth. When she saw what Bryce was doing she quickly dropped the bowl onto the table, "Now don't be doin that!"

Without taking his mind off his project, Bryce responded, "But Uh need ta det duh dass ow."

Granny Smith smacked his hand, "Well stop that, you're gonna get it infected. Ah don't know how yuh can even stand the pain of it all."

Well in truth, it does hurt. But I don't want her to know.

Grabbing Bryce's right hand she looked it over, "How did yuh even manage ta do this?"

Bryce pulled his hand away, "Uh punched duh bathvroom mirror."

"What would make yuh do a thing like that?"

Bryce didn't give an answer.

After a moment of silence Granny Smith spoke up, "Well what happened after that?"

"Vell Duh...duh unge yun came in un zid Uh had ta leaf. Zen Uh didn't ze...ze started jellin zat me un pushed me on ma black. Un zen Uh...Uh zlapped her...un ze bunched me, un choked me. Zen zu dame in."

"Why are yuh talkin like that?"

"Vell Uh must have bit mah dung."

Raising an eyebrow, the pale green said, "Bit your what...?"

"Zu know mah...," Bryce opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue.

"Oh, well that sounds better than...what Ah thought yuh said. It's not bleedin, so that's good. Are yuh hurtin any place else?"

"Vell...no not vreally."

Granny Smith wasn't buying it, "Are yuh sure yuh aren't hurtin?"


"Yuh got ruffed up by my granddaughter...and yuh don't even hurt one bit?"

Bryce shook his head.

Extending a hoof, she said, "Then yuh wouldn't mind if Ah..."

Bryce shrank back.

"Ahh ha, Ah knew it."

"No, Uh just don't lick...don't lick ta be douched."

"Oh horse feathers, you're just makin excuses."

"Vhat? No Um nut. Uh vreally don't."

Reaching out her hoof again she said, "Then Ah guess yuh wouldn't like it if Ah..."

Bryce jumped back, so much so that he fell back off the bed.

"Oh no, are yuh alright?"

Bryce simply responded with a single pained, "Ow..."

Rushing to his side, Granny Smith stood over him, "Do yuh hurt now?"

"Ugh...no more zen Uh..."

"Now look, Ah don't know what happened...but if yuh ever do anything like that to my family again, yuh really won't be welcome here anymore. Now get back up on the bed so Ah can try and fix yuh up."

Bryce hesitated, not expecting this from the aged mare. Carefully pushing himself up he sat back down on the bed.

"Now then...are yuh ready ta tell me the truth? Are yuh hurtin anywhere?"

"Vell...Um zore ull over, un Um bruised ull over."

"Ah can help yuh with the soreness, the bruises have been there since yesterday."

"Vreally, how'd Uh get vem?"

Rummaging around in the first aid kit she replied, "Oh, well, Applejack dropped yuh down the stairs tryin ta get yuh inta the guest room."

Bryce's face was indifferent.

After finding what she was looking for, Granny Smith held out a single capsule, "Here, this should help with the soreness."

Taking the capsule, he asked, "Uhh, how drong iz it?"

"Trust me, your biggest worry will be being able ta feel again. Now take it and quickly wash yourself off. When it kicks in your gonna be tired."

"Vell, OK zen." He popped the capsule into his mouth and swallowed. Granny Smith brought over the bowl of water and washcloth, which Bryce took as well. As soon as he was done washing the blood and dust off, the capsule kicked in. Bringing his right hand to head he asked, "But...what about duh dass?"

"Dont worry, by the time yuh wake up it'll all be out. Now just lie down and get some sleep."

"Vell, if vu...if vu zay so dalkin dorse zang..." Bryce didn't say anything else as he got caught up in a fit of laughter. After a while the world went dark

And It's Only Been Three Days

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Chapter 11: And It's Only Been Three Days

Bryce awoke to a loud bang, feeling relaxed. For most people this would be a good thing, but for people like Bryce it's torture. Slowly propping himself forward he ran his fingers through his thick hair and let out a wide yawn. Staring down at his right hand he saw it wrapped in bandages, Well at least that's taken care of. Looking around the room he saw a tray containing two fried egg sandwiches, a pastry, and a glass of apple juice. He thought, I wonder where they get their apple juice from, as he chuckled to himself.

Laying just to the side of this tray were his clothes, free of any dirty spots and neatly folded, along with all his belongs. Quickly looking under the blanket that covered him, Bryce saw his bare essentials in all their glory. "Ahh fur duck's zake," he said as he jumped up and rushed over to the table.

As Bryce was getting his few clothes on, he heard talking through the walls in Applebloom's room. He decided not to listen in on this one after what he had heard the last time. Just as Bryce was getting into his cargo shorts the door to the guest room opened revealing the orange one.

Applejack flinched when she saw the human standing there. After collecting herself she said, "G...good, you're awake. Hurry up and eat your breakfast. When you're done come on downstairs so we can talk, and bring the tray down with yuh." Applejack then left, closing the door behind her.

Bryce had been staring down at the floor. Hearing what she had said, however, set his mind ablaze. Ahh shit. What are they going to talk about? Well obviously it's about what I've been doing since I got here. Bryce started to tense up. And they're probably gonna yell at me too. Shit. He sat down on the bed and started pulling at his hair. Damn it Bryce you've really fucked up now.

A few minutes later Bryce decided to just face the music. Sluggishly eating the sandwiches, and downing the apple juice, he bit into the apple pastry. After only one bite he lost interest in it and put it back on the tray. Bryce then picked up the tray and opened the bedroom door.

Walking at a slow pace Bryce tried to get himself as ready as he possibly could for the verbal thrashing he was probably going to receive. With every step he took, however, only made him that much more nauseated. As he reached the top of the stairs his feet felt heavier than lead. Taking a few deep breaths Bryce made his descent down the wooden steps, the planks groaning under his massive weight.

When he reached the last few steps he found Granny Smith and Applejack sitting close together and taking amongst themselves. When they noticed Bryce they immediately went silent. Well Bryce...this is it. Time to get scolded by a pair of horse things.

There was silence between the three, none of them knowing what to say. Both of the ponies stared at the large human. Bryce did his best to avoid looking either one of them in the eyes.

After what seemed like hours Granny Smith flatly stated, "Bryce, take that tray into the kitchen. Then Ah want yuh ta came back in here and sit down."

Bryce did as Granny Smith had told him. When he came back he sat down on the floor across from the pair with his legs crossed on the floor in front of him.

Granny Smith was the first to speak again, "Bryce, we need to talk about what's happened."

Bryce looked down at the floor, no where close to ready to be berated.

"Now dear don't get too upset we just wanna talk to yuh. Applejack, you tell him."

Applejack crossed her forelegs, "Yeah, maybe you do."

Granny Smith shot Applejack a look.

"Uh, Ah mean yeah. We're just here ta talk to yuh." She forced a smile.

Yeah, yeah we both know how you really feel, just go on and say it.

Granny Smith spoke up, "Bryce, we've both talked with Applebloom, she's told us everything you've told her."

Bryce opened his mouth to speak but couldn't find the words to express his feelings.

"Now Ah'm gonna ask yuh something, and Ah want yuh ta tell us the truth. Does the fact that we can talk disturb you?"

Bryce slowly nodded, not wanting to look up at the pale green mare.

"But that's not the only problem now is it?"

He shook his head. For cripes sake go on and start the yelling.

Granny Smith took notice of his unease, "Look, Bryce, we're not here to yell at yuh, we just wanna talk about the past two days."

Bryce didn't say anything. He knew what he wanted to say, he just couldn't put it into words.

There was a long pause. "Well for starters let's talk about..."

Applejack cut in, "For starters where do you get off saying those kinduh words to mah sister?"

Bryce spoke up, "Verds like wat?"

"Don't yuh go playin all innocent now, you know what yuh said. That word for a girl dog."

"Wat, vitch?'

Applejack growled in her throat, "Yeah, that one. What makes yuh think you can say stuff like that to a filly?"

"Wat's da big zeal, it's just uh verd."

"Ah don't care, she's just a little filly. She can't go around sayin stuff like that."

"Oh duck zu."

Granny Smith had had enough and came between their screaming match, "Applejack, Bryce, both of yuh just shut up, you're both acting like foals!!!"

Both human and mare jumped back at the aged mare's intrusion.

After catching her breath, the aged mare said, "Now Bryce that is a good point, yuh can't go around sayin words like that, most especially to a foal."

Bryce scratched the back of his head.

She then turned to Applejack, "And Applejack Ah've already talked ta yuh about this. Don't go off and blow your top, that's one of the reasons we're in this mess now. Now go back over there and sit your flank down.

Applejack walked back over to her seat. "Ugh, yes ma'am," she said as she crossed her forelegs in front of her again.

"Now Bryce Ah just want yuh ta sit there and listen ta what we have ta say."

Bryce nodded, swallowing his loogie.

When everyone was settled down Granny Smith spoke again, "Now where was Ah...oh yes. Bryce Ah want ta talk about yesterday, about those stallions."

Bryce continued to stare at the floor. I was only doing what I thought was right. I couldn't just stand by a let them take money from these nice...horse things. Well at least two of them are.

Applejack butted in, "Yeah, what the hay was that..."

She was cut off when Granny Smith smacked her on the back of the head, "Applejack hush, Ah'm the one talking here. Just let him explain himself."

Both ponies turned their attention to Bryce. Is...is that my cue? Am I supposed to be talking now? "Uh...Uh did it becuz they were going ta rub zu."

They both raised an eyebrow, "They were going ta 'rub' us?"

"No nut rub, rub."


"No, rub!"




"UGH, R, U, B. RUB!!! Ahh damn it!"

Granny Smith stepped in, "Bryce, maybe you should say it another way."

"UK, they were going ta deal...no they were gunna dick your money...ugh son of uh..." Bryce took a deep breath and as articulately as possibly said, "Uh zopped...them from...daking...yur money."

Granny Smith was confused, "Well of course they were gonna take our money, they said they needed it for their fee."

Bryce grunted, "No, they were z...z...zzz...it vus uh fraud."


"Yez, uh fraud. They were dieves...UK. They...were going...ta 'rob' you."

Both of the ponies were beyond words. Applejack spoke first, "Now how did yuh know they were here ta do that?"

"Uh...Uh just did..."

Applejack pressed on, "Come on now yuh had ta know somehow, so let's hear it."

Bryce turned away, "Uh just...did."

"But Ah don't get..."

"Applejack...just leave'm alone about it!"

Applejack dropped the issue, "Well what about after that, when yuh were bashing that old stallion?"

Bryce didn't look up, "Wu...wut about it?"

"It...it looked like you were about ta kill that feller."

"Uh...uh..." Shit...how do I respond to that? He crossed his arms in front of his chest, "Uh...in druth...Uh vanted to...Uh had...Uh had uh kni...his knife to his throat...After he said he vas goin ta...ta kill the vell aged one Uh...Uh vanted to..." Bryce wiped the tears away that were beginning to drip from his eyes, "But Uh didn't...Uh...Uh couldn't." Not again. Bryce began to cry.

Granny Smith got up and walked over to the boy, making sure Applejack didn't try to interfere. Wrapping her hooves around his neck she whispered in his ear, "Bryce, Bryce, don't cry now. The big part is that you didn't."

"Uh...Uh just vanted to so...so badly."

"Shh...shh, Ah know, but yuh didn't."

Applejack still wasn't convinced, "Well, why'd yuh let go then?"

"He zid he vas zorry...and he promised ta never...ta never do it again."

Applejack facehoofed, "Yuh don't really expect him ta follow through, do yuh?"

"Uh know he meant it."

"But that doesn't..."

"Uh know!...He meant it!"

Applejack decided not to press the issue, "Well yuh better have been right cause we let'em go. But how can yuh say couldn't kill him when yuh came close ta killin me and my sister?"

"Uh...Uh...Uh thought yuh vere un of them."

"How could yuh think something like that?"

"Vell, yuh did vneak up behind me."

Applejack blushed from embarrassment, Well...he could at least say he was sorry.

"Uh'm...Uh'm zorry fur almost killin zu."

OK...he didn't apologize for Applebloom, and Ah'm still upset about her not listening ta me.

"Just...don't be mad at Spout. Uh mean, if it hadn't been fur her zu'd be...zu'd be zed."

Uhh...OK then. She scratched the back of her head.

"Culd...culd yuh please let go of me now?"

Granny Smith unhooked herself from the human. At that moment a dog started barking and scratching at the front door causing Bryce to cover his ears, "Bryce calm down, it's just Winona."

Bryce shouted back, "Vell her barkin is hurtin mah ears!"

"Applejack, go out there and try ta calm her down."

Applejack jumped up and opened the door. Instantly the Border Collie ran in. When the small dog caught sight of Bryce she cowered down, tucking her tail and letting out a low growl as she scooted back. Bryce stood up with his back pressed against the wall, his hand held open art the dog, "There, there. Nice cagna, nice little cagna."

Granny Smith called Applejack back over. Drawing close to her ear she whispered, "Applejack, while Bryce's caught up with Winona, let's you and me go upstairs and talk about this."

"But what if something happens?"

"Don't worry, Ah'm sure everything will be fine, now come on up with me."

"Well...if yuh say so." Anything ta get me away from that huge man or whatever Applebloom called'em.

As both mares got to the staircase, Granny Smith called out, "Bryce, Applejack and Ah are gonna go upstairs for uh minute. If anything happens you'll know where we'll be."

"If...if yuh say so, just hurry up. This dog's lookin at me like Uh'm uh pair uh Meat Bone slippers!"

"OK dear, play nice now." They both went up.



As soon as Big Macintosh was gone, Applejack pointed a hoof at Applebloom, "When yuh get done with breakfast Ah want yuh ta go straight up to your room."

"What, why?"

"We're not getting inta this again. You go straight upstairs and don't yuh come out till either granny or Ah tell yuh it's safe."

"Ugh, OK."

When Applebloom finished her meal Winona jumped up and ran after the filly. Applejack grabbed the dog by the knap of her neck and threw her outside, shutting the door behind her with a heavy sigh.

Applebloom did as she was told, slamming the door shut behind her. With nothing else to do the filly jumped up onto her bed and lied there, her head turned towards the window. A minute later the door opened. Applebloom rolled over to find her older sister standing there with a serious look on her face.

"Applebloom, the past two days you've gone against me on almost everything Ah've told yuh to do. This time yuh better listen ta me or else you're gonna go ta bed hungry tonight. Now granny and Ah are gonna talk to that feller in the other room..."

"But Applejack..." When she noticed Applejack's eyes squint she chose to keep quiet and look down at the floor.

"Now Ah don't know how long we're gonna be, so settle in." Feeling she had finally gotten the point home Applejack closed the door.

Applebloom let out a huff and buried her face in a pillow. Within five minutes she heard heavy hoofsteps outside her room, Wait...that's not Big Mac. Hopping down off her bed she opened the door a crack to see just who it was. She was almost surprised to see Bryce standing at the top of the stairs with a tray in his hands. Applebloom thought about calling out to him, but didn't fearing Applejack was more than serious about her going to bed without supper. Instead she just sat and watched as Bryce slowly made his way downstairs.

With Bryce out of sight, the filly felt more bored than she had ever felt in her short life. Quietly shutting the door, Applebloom resolved to look out the window and try to find shapes in the clouds the pegasi pushed within the vicinity of the farm.

After almost thirty minutes not being able to form anything from the fluffy objects, the yellow filly heard hoofsteps outside her room again, these more familiar to her.

Silently running back over to the door, Applebloom again opened it a crack to find granny and her sister talking. She had to strain to hear them since they were talking in hushed whispers.

"Granny, you're not really buying his story are yuh?"

"Believe it or not Applejack, Ah do."

"Yuh...you're kiddin right? There's no way he coulduh just 'knew' they were here ta rob us."

"Well what reason would he have ta lie about it, those other three just came outta nowhere when Bryce showed up."

"Wait, what do yuh mean those other three."

"Ah mean those three brawny colts without the suits, when Bryce showed they just came out from nowhere, and believe me, they didn't look like there were here for an honest day's work."

Applejack was trying to make sense of this new information, "So you're saying those two in the suits showed up first?"

"Yes, then they said uh relative of ours had died and left us a uh lot of bits."

"Did they say which one?"

"No. Neither one of 'em would even say when they died, only that they needed 500 bits for their fee before we could even see any bits. And until Bryce came from out back Ah believed them."

"What was he doing back there?"

"Chopping wood, Ah..."

Applejack yelled out in surprise, her pupils shrinking to pinpricks, "What?"

"He was chopping wood, Ah was just givin him somethin ta keep him occupied."

"But what if he had came back and chopped you up instead?"

"Applejack, Ah'm startin ta think yuh have it in for him now. He was out there for more than two hours, if he wanted ta he'd uh done it."

"Yeah well...," Applejack couldn't think of a good comeback ta this and scratched the back of her head. "He still could have."

"Well he didn't now did he?" Applejack was speechless, "Ah know he could have done it, but he didn't now did he?"

"Well he still..."

"No, Ah asked yuh if he did. Now did he or didn't he?"

"Ugh, no ma'am. But what about when he 'almost did it ta me? And Applebloom?"

"Well he was right about that, yuh did sneak up on him. From his point of view yuh could have been one of those five from yesterday. And if Applebloom hadn't jumped in when she did you would have gotten yourself killed, now wouldn't yuh?"

Applejack's response was to rub the back of her neck, "That may be, but she's been disobeying me at every turn for the past two days now."

"Ah know, and she was wrong to do that, but if she hadn't done it yesterday then her not listening to yuh would be the least of your worries. Now look this is getting beside the point. In your opinion, do you think he was being honest?"

Applejack didn't answer.

"Applejack, answer me."

"He...he..." Applejack snorted, "It didn't sound like he was lying. But that doesn't mean he isn't dangerous. Ah mean he won't even look either of us in the eye."

"Ah know that, Ah'll listen to yuh on that regard, but Ah think he was being honest. Now Ah'm gonna say this next part, and Ah know you're gonna hate hearing it, but he's gonna stay here."

"Oh no, yuh can't be..."

"Oh yes Ah am. After all he did yesterday ta help us we at least can give him a place ta stay, provided he's willin ta help pull his own weight around the farm. Now come on, let's go back downstairs before Winona takes a bite outta Bryce." Granny Smith trotted back to the stairs.

"Ugh fine, but let me ask yuh something first. Why are yuh fightin for him so much?"

Granny Smith stopped without looking back, "Ah really don't know, he just seems trustworthy." The aged mare started her descent, "Now come on before..."

Applejack rushed over, "Before what granny?"

"Now that's the darnest thing."


Bryce was sitting downstairs, gently petting Winona along her back. Suddenly Bryce stopped and started scratching Winona on her belly, "Right there?"

Winona's answered by shaking her back leg.

"Yep, that's duh spot. Right there."

"Now that's the darnest thing."

Bryce looked up to find Granny Smith at the top of the stairs. His expression dampened when he saw Applejack come up on the heels of the pale green mare, "What is?!" Applejack's expression was the same as Granny Smith's when she saw Bryce and Winona together. "Ho...ho...how...?" There's...there's no way in Tartarus.

Both ponies quickly made the rest of the way down, beyond belief at Winona's sudden found tolerance for the human. Bryce could only stare down at their hooves.

"Uhm, Uh...Uh..."

"Bryce, how...?"

"Uhm, we...tucked."

"You what dear?"


Both ponies were confused. Applejack spoke up next, "What...what do yuh mean yuh spoke?"

"Zu know...to eachutter..."

Both ponies watched as Winona curled up on Bryce's lap and went to sleep.

After standing there watching the small dog sleep for a full minute Applejack said, "Ah...Ah need ta...go applebuck or...somethin?" She made her way for the door.

"Hey...unge un?" Applejack stopped. "If zu go down duh hill, where we met, you'll find my zues on an vallen tree. Could zu bring em back fur me?"

"Uh...sure...wh...whatever." Applejack pushed the door open to do her applebucking for the day.

With Applejack gone that left Granny Smith alone with Bryce. "Br...Bryce? How did yuh manage ta do that?"

"We tucked." Granny Smith face showed she didn't understand, "Zu know..." He wave hand back and forth in front of his mouth.

"O...OK then." Granny Smith brought her mind back to the subject at hand, "Bryce we've decided ta let yuh stay here. Now before yuh get excited know that we'll only let yuh stay here if yuh pull your weight. That means we're gonna have yuh do chores around the farm. Do you understand?"

Bryce nodded.

"Now then, go on and get ready. You can start by finishing with the wood out back."

Bryce nodded.

Granny Smith turned her attention to the top of the stairs, where a familiar pink bow was sticking out, "And you can come on out now Applebloom, it's safe now."

Applebloom lifted her head up far enough for both Granny Smith and Bryce to see her face, "O...OK granny." She trotted down the stairs and stood before them both, "Is Bryce really staying with us?"

Bryce said, "If ya'll vill let me."

"Why are yuh talkin like that?"

"Uh bit mah dung."

"Are yuh all right?"

Bryce roughly petted her on the head as he held in a laugh, "Don't worry kid, Uh'll be vine."

Applebloom then jumped up and wrapped her hooves around his thick neck.

Bryce returned the sentiment by hugging the small filly as hard as he could without hurting her too much.

Granny Smith stood there and watched, smiling the entire time.

Bryce could feel tears running down his cheeks.

You've Got a Friend

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Chapter 12: You've Got a Friend

After Applebloom unhooked herself from around Bryce, the human set out to the back of the house and to continue his labor from yesterday. Applebloom and Winona followed him out, leaving Granny Smith alone to clean up the kitchen and hopefully catch up on some much needed sleep.

When Bryce got to the back he found the axe resting against the side of the tree stump. After donning his gloves and bandana Bryce picked up the axe. Turning back he almost jumped when he caught sight of Applebloom and Winona standing less than a foot away from him, Uhm...do they want something? "Can Uh...can Uh elp zu Spout?"

Applebloom was slow to answer, "Ah...Ah just wanted ta know i...if yuh'd play with me and Winona?"

"Fraid Uh can't Spout, Uh gotta dake care uf this vood first. Und it'z Zinona und Uh."

"O...oh." Applebloom started running her hoof through the dirt.

"Ugh, look Spout, it'z nut that Uh don't. Uh just need da get this zun."

Applebloom looked up with a confused look on her face, "What about the sun?"

Bryce smacked himself on the side of the head, Damn it I hate this! "No nut da zun, Uh need da get this vinished."

"Oh...Do yuh think your tongue will get better soon?"

"Uh vreally don't know Spout, Uh just hope it'z zoon because Uh zzh...Uh zzhhhhh...zhhhhh...Uh don't vike it."

Hearing this made Applebloom continue running her hoof through the dirt.

"Vut's da matter?'

"Ah...Ah'm..." Bryce leaned on the axe with the head resting on the chopping block. In an almost inaudible voice the filly said, "Ah'm worried about yuh is all."

Bryce cocked an eyebrow, "Vhy?"

"Ah don't know Ah just am."

Bryce looked down at the axe head, "Don't vorry about me kid, there are more important things to vorry about." Letting out a heavy sigh he added, "Now move out uf da vay before Uh make an offring to Mehrunes Dagon outta zu.

Applebloom looked up in shock.

"...That vas uh joke."


"But in seriousness zu need da get black." Applebloom did as Bryce said and moved a considerable distance back. Winona continued to sit on her haunches look up at the human, "Zu too, move black." Winona whined and plopped herself down next to Applebloom. OK then, let's get this over with. With both filly and dog safely away Bryce set to his task.

A few minutes later Applebloom spoke up, "Bryce, what happened yesterday with those stallions?"

Without looking her way Bryce responded, "Vhut do zu mean?"

"Wh...why did yuh beat'em up?"

"Vell, let's just say they vere bad beeple."

"H...how were they bad ponies?"

"They...just vere."

"But Ah still don't understand how they were bad."

Bryce stopped swinging the axe, shouldered it, and finally looked at the puzzled yellow filly, "Look, Spout...just know that nut all beeple are good, there are just zum beeple that vant da get ahead. Zum vant da do it da right way through hard vork or butt kissin. Others, vell, do anyzang da get ahead. Even if it means hurtin others."

"So those stallions were here ta hurt us."

"Vell, in uh vay they vere. They were goin da z...z...zzz...steal from zur grandmother."

Applebloom looked at Bryce with a face of horror, :"Th...they were?" Bryce couldn't find the words to answer back. She walked over to Bryce, "Ar...are you a good pony Bryce?"

"Yeah, as far as you know," he said the last part under his breath. This reassured Applebloom as she looped her forelegs around Bryce's legs and held tightly, "Hey, hey, ehi get black. Don't touch me zlike that."

Releasing his leg she stammered, "Ah, Ah'm sorry. Ah just wanted ta..."

Bryce held up a hand to stop her, "It'z OK, it'z OK just get black now." Applebloom stepped back. Bryce continued where he had left off.

After a while of watching Bryce chop log after log Applebloom piped up again, "How come yuh don't smile?"

"Uh just don't."

"But why not?"

"Uh fail da see da point uf it."

"But your name's Bryce Smiles."

"No, my name is Bryce Smiles..." He smacked himself on the side of the head again. Trying his best he finally got out, "Smales. Zu know, like...small but vith un 's'." He slowly cupped his hands together to emphasize what he was saying.

Applebloom went silent. Visibly get bored Applebloom asked, "Is this gonna take much longer?"

Pointing to the rows of logs with the axe he asked, "Zu see all uf those zogs?" Applebloom nodded. "Vell, it'z goin da dake that much zonger."

Applebloom kicked her hoof through the dirt, "Ahh come on, Ah wanna go play."

"Vell Uh need da get this done."

Applebloom huffed and crossed her forelegs. Feeling he had gotten the point across Bryce once again set himself to his work. After a minute he looked back over to the filly. What the H is she doing now?

She was making puppy dog eyes at Bryce.

"Vut are zu doin?"

Applebloom continued to stare.

"That's cute, now zop it."

Tears began to form at the edges of her large orange eyes.

"Uh zid no..."

Now she was really crying.

"Ugh, Spout Uh zid no. That'z nut goin da work on me."

Applebloom huffed a second time. Ah just wanted somepony ta play with.

"Uh vanna play too, Uh do, but Uh need da do this. Uh'm zorry."

Applebloom lied down in the dirt, not believing a word.

"Spout, come on now. Zu're only gettin zurself dirty. Look Uh know zu're uh kid and..."

"Ah'm not uh goat."

"Uh know, Uh don't mean...Fine vutever zu call uh vittle horse thing. But uh need da get this done."

Applebloom refused to look up at Bryce.

"Spout...Uh'll make a zeal...deal with zu."

"What kinda deal?"

"If zu let work on this fur the next dou hours then Uh'll play vith zu fur da rest uf da day."

Applebloom finally pushed herself up, "D...do yuh promise?"

"Zur, Uh promise. Now vhy don't zu go play vith Vinona or..."

Applebloom began to dance on her hooves and squealed in delight, all the while grinning as physically possible. Bryce covered his ears to drown out the shrill screech. "What are we gonna do first, huh huh?"

"Now Spo..."

"Can we play horseshoes?"


"How about tag, do yuh like tag?"

"No, Spo..."

"But Ah like hide and seek even better because..."

"SPOUT!" That quieted the filly to allow Bryce to get a word in, "Uh zid we could later. In du hours zu come get me and then ve'll play zumthin. OK?"

Applebloom calmed herself down a little, "Your...you're right. Ah'm sorry."

"It'z OK. Now go find zumthin da keep zurself occupied."

"Well, what can Ah do?"

"Vell Uh don't know. Go find uh dick...stick and play fetch vith da dog."

"Ugh, OK."

"Good, now Uh'll see zu venever." And I finally get to be alone. Looking down at the amount still remaining to be split he thought, Damn I wish my smartphone was still working so I could listen to my music. This is gonna go on forever. Bryce went back to chopping logs.


With the morning's events behind her ,quite literally for the time being, Applejack was now drawing the wagon through the apple orchard to find a spot in need of some applebucking. She made sure, however, to find a spot close to the hill from the past two days so she could retrieve Bryce's 'zues', whatever the hay those were. Walking in the vicinity of the hill Applejack caught sight of a fallen tree trunk, That has ta be the one he was talkin about, it's the only one around these parts.

Trotting over to said tree, Applejack unhooked herself from the front of the wagon. She didn't have to look long for Bryce's 'zues' since they were laying in plain sight on one end on the log.

They looked like a pair of boots, although the parts the legs were supposed to go in were not as high, were much longer than necessary to accommodate a hoof, and had some kind of yarn crisscrossing the fronts that ended in a frizzle of interlaying threads. Packed in each one was a bundled up cotton ball. Inching closer to get a closer look Applejack saw they were made of a thick fabric and that this fabric was worn and tearing in places. Inching closer her nostrils were filled with a disgusting odor that made her gag. Ah don't know what these things are but they're like nothing Ah've ever seen. And they reek worse than when Big Mac uses the bathroom.

Slowly extending a hoof Applejack tapped one of the 'zues' causing it to tip over. Half expecting it to come alive and drag her down to Tartarus, Applejack flinched and distanced herself from the objects. When the thing just laid there, unmoving, she decided it was lifeless. This did, however, give a good view of its underside. On the bottom of the object was a series of grooves running the entirety of the length. The very front was worn down and had a small hole in the middle.

Speaking to nopony in particular she said, "Welp these must be what Ah'm after, but if these are here then..." Applejack facehoofed, Ah ran past the varmint and Ah didn't even know it. Darn it Applejack.

Picking the Bryce's 'zues' up by the cords she slung them over her back and into the wagon. Nit wanting to go any further out, and not wanting to take the extra time to strap herself in, Applejack set up shop at this location. She put more vigor into her work than usual so she could get home as soon as possible.


Bryce was close to finished with his chore, the entirety of the work taking a lot less time than he had anticipated. Cautiously stepping over the already cut logs he brought the last of the logs over to the block. Placing one these logs onto the block he hefted the axe back. As he did he heard the sound of thunder and shouldered the axe. Listening for a few seconds he heard not one, but two, coming from two different directions. What the H is that? "Uh'll probably never know." Bryce dropped the axe back, prepared to split the log down the middle.

As he was bringing the axe down a yellow shape jumped in front of him, "Bryce, Bryce it's been..."

It took all his focus to divert the blade just inches away from Applebloom's leg. Both of them could only stare in horror at the blade. After a full minute Bryce turned towards the young filly. She looked back, more frightened by the expression plastered onto his face. "What. The. Hell?"

"B...Bryce Ah..."

Bryce took out his smartphone and smacked her hard on the head with its edge. "Do you feel that?" She could only look with tears in her eyes. "Now what do you think would have happened if it had been that axe?"

"Ah...Ah just wanted..."

"I don't care what you just wanted to do, if this had been that axe you'd be dead. Are you dim, what the hell were you thinking?"


"You what!?"

Tears began to stream out of her eyes, "Ah just wanted ta tell yuh it's been two hours."

Bryce was beyond disbelief, "What?"

"It's been...it's been two hours."

He pulled out his watch, "What are you talking about, it's only been a few..." Sure enough his watch had the time at two hours since he'd last seen it. He brought it up to his ear to make sure it was still running. The rhythmic tick-tock confirmed it was. Shit, damn it Bryce, you've really fucked up this time now haven't you? He smacked himself in the head with his smartphone. He looked down at Applebloom. He took a step forward, "Look Sprout..."

Applebloom scooted away.

"Sprout please listen to me."

She pushed her back into the tree stump, trying her best not to break down and bawl. "Yo...you said that you were good pony."

Bryce bent down and placed his hand on her right leg, "Sprout I..." Applebloom recoiled back, yelping out in pain. "Wha...what's wrong?"

"My leg's hurt."

"Di...di...Ahh damn it Bryce." He began to tug at his hair as he covered his eyes.

"Yo...you didn't do it."

"What do you mean I didn't?"

"You didn't do it, Ah did it when Ah was trying ta buck the day you showed up."

"R...really, are, are you sure?"

"Yeah, Ah was there when it happened."

After a short pause Bryce began to laugh. Seconds later Applebloom joined in when she realized what she had said. A minute later they both stopped and starred down at the ground.

"Sprout I..."

Applebloom interrupted, "Bryce Ah..."

There was another pause. Bryce spoke, "Sprou...Applebloom I'm sorry about what I did. It's just when I get into my work I lose focus of the world and don't take in what's going on around me. I'm more upset that I almost whacked your head off then I am about what you did. Though you shouldn't ever do something like that, EVER AGAIN, what I did after the fact was worse. Nothing I say can make up for what I did, but I am...sorry."

"How did yuh not notice me? Ah was yellin at yuh for...Ah don't know how long."

"Well like I said, I really get focused on my work."

Applebloom scowled at Bryce, but relaxed soon after, "Bryce...what yuh did really hurt me. Yuh promised you'd never hurt me."

That only made Bryce feel worse, "I know...I was there when it happened." Neither of them laughed that time.

"Right...Bryce Ah'm sorry. Ah knew it was dangerous but Ah really really rrreeealllly wanted ta get your attention."


"Because you're my only fri..." Applebloom cut herself short.

"What, I'm your only wha...? Oh." Bryce let out a sigh, "You don't want me as a friend, I'm not a very good friend...to anyone."

"Yeah yuh are."

"No I'm not. I mean for the first few weeks I seem OK, but when people get to know me I just become an annoyance. Then they try to avoid me as much as they can until I stop showing up. It plays out the same way every single time." Bryce then sat down on the ground, crossed his arms over his knees, and sank his face into his arms.

Applebloom stepped forward, "Bryce come out of there."

"Just go away, leave me alone like everyone else does." There was only silence. "You're still there, aren't you?"


"Well...go away."

Applebloom poked Bryce hard in the side.

"Hey what'd I say about that?"

Applebloom did it again with more force.

"I said stop, go pester someone else."

Applebloom then turned on her hooves and got into position. She then tensed up her back legs, placed all her weight onto her forelegs, and bucked Bryce as hard as she could.

That was enough to tip the human over. Bryce pushed himself up and looked at the filly while bring his hand back to smack her. He hesitated when he saw her lying on her back with her right hind leg in her hooves. "Why won't you just leave me alone?"

"Because you're my only friend."

"Why do you keep on saying that?"

"Cause Ah mean it."

"*pfft* Prove it."

"Ah was the only one that wanted ta bring yuh back to the house. Applejack wanted ta leave yuh out in the orchard, but Ah wouldn't go anywhere until she said you'd come with us. Ah even made sure Corn came too." Applebloom stopped to catch her breath.

"You...you really did all that...for me?"

Applebloom sat herself up and nodded.



"I really really rrreeealllly want to know."

"Ah don't know yuh just seem so nice and trust...trust..."


"Yeah trustwordy, and you were so nice ta me after Ah threw that mud in your face, which Ah'm sorry for."

Bryce's face was indifferent, "That's all I've ever wanted to hear, from anyone."

They were both silent, neither of them looking at the other.

"Bryce, Ah'm sorry about jumpin in front of yuh."

Bryce shook his head, "You didn't do anything wrong...well you did...but still what I did was worse."

Applebloom extended her hoof, "Friends?"

Bryce grabbed her hoof, squeezed hard, and shook it violently, "Friends."

After Applebloom could feel her leg again she asked, "Can we go play something now, yuh promised we would."

Bryce got onto his feet, "Yeah, yeah I know. Let me do this last few logs and we'll play whatever you want."

"How come yuh aren't talking all weird anymore?"

"I got better."

"...OK just hurry up. Ah've been waiting since...since two hours ago."

Bryce quickly did his task, not wanting to get off the filly's good side. When he was done he planted the planted the axe into the tree stump and they both headed to the front of the house, "OK now what are we playing?"

"Ah was thinking hide and seek."

"Are you sure I'm very good at that."

"Yeah, I'm gonna go hide first. You count ta ten, and don't peek.": She ran off.

"OK, OK," he laid his head against the side of the house and started counting out loud, "Uno...Due...Tre...Quattro...Cinque...Sei...Sette...Otto...Nove.....Ten. Ready or not here I..." As he turned around something slammed into Bryce and knock him on his side.

From behind him he heard someone, "Just lay down and don't get up you...bald ape!"

Bad Blood

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Chapter 13: Bad Blood

Bryce pushed himself up trying to see who, or what, had taken upon themselves to knock him into the dirt, "Who are you calling bald?"

The boyish voice yelled back, "Hey didn't you hear what I said...stay down!"

Bryce rubbed at his eyes to clear his vision, OK I've had enough of this for four days. "I don't know who the H you are, but you're...a pegasus?" There right in front of him, flapping its wings to keep it afloat, was a cyan pegasus with a short cut mane and tail painted every color of the rainbow, the later just barely grazing the ground. Its eyes were a pink rose color. From the glare it was giving him Bryce could almost feel it bearing into him. With a smirk Bryce remarked, "What are you the mascot for the Gay Pride Parade?"

The pegasus flew down to his eye level and planted a hook into his jaw, throwing Bryce onto his back. It then landed on the ground and stood over his head, "You better take that back or I'll..."

Bryce's response was to splutter saliva into its face, "That'll help rub out your dye job, stud." The pegasus gritted its teeth before jumping off the ground and flying away, "*Pfft*, dumbass." Bryce began to push himself up again. As he was taking a knee he was tackled to the ground on his back.

Looking up he found the same pegasus staring daggers at him less than half an inch from his own face, its teeth bared as if prepared to gouge his throat out, "You do that again and I'm gonna..."

Bryce made an attempt to get the pegasus off of him, "Get the fuck off me you son of a..." He was cut off when the pegasus socked him in the belly, momentarily ending Bryce's struggle. The pegasus brought its hoof back to cuff Bryce a second time when a childish voice yelled out, catching both his and his attacker's attention.

"Rainbow Dash stop, don't hurt mah friend." They both stopped their clash to find Applebloom standing there, shivering out of fear.

"Your wha...?"

Bryce took advantage of this distraction to knee the pegasus, grab it by its neck, and tossed the pegasus away with ease. Getting onto his feet quickly Bryce stood between Applebloom and the pegasus, "Just stay down guy, you can do whatever you want to me. Leave her out of this."

"Bryce, wait..."

"Just stay back Applebloom, I'll take care of him."

"Bryce that's not uh..."

"Applebloom I said..." Bryce was met with a rock to the face. He fell down to one knee, blood beginning to ooze down his face, leaving a copper taste in his mouth. While he was still blinded he heard two sets of hooves move around him.

"Applebloom, move outta the way so I can pommel this...thing."

"Rainbow don..." The filly was cut off when the she was pushed out of the pegasus's path.

"Alright buddy what was that you said..." Bryce slung a palm full of dirt into its eyes. He then grabbed the pegasus by the base of its tail and lifted it up off the ground, causing it to swing its hooves at him, "Hey, put me down."

Between punches Bryce said, "Not a, ow, what the, ow, what the H is your probl, ow!"


"Not, ouch, not now Applebloom, go get your grandma while I take care of this guy."

"Rainbow's not a 'guy'."

"What, what do you mean...Oh shi..." The second Bryce figured out the pegasus's true gender was the same second 'she' figured out 'his' sweet spot. Loosening his grip on Rainbow, Bryce grabbed hold of his boys as he fell to the ground, doubled over in pain and humiliation.

Now that Rainbow Dash was free she slowly got onto her hooves and again stood over the much larger human. Through gritted teeth she snarled, "You thought I was a...colt?!"

Taking breaths between the waves of pain he said, "No I thought...I thought you were a...a bo..."

Immediately Rainbow Dash started wailing into Bryce, not wanting to relent even for a split second. She kept swinging and thrusting her hooves at Bryce, making sure every single attack met flesh, bone, anything to make him know the meaning of pain.


Bryce was in complete and total misery, not knowing not when...if it would end. His nostrils were filled with the odor of blood, each punch making it harder and harder to see out of his right eye. Each time he tried to lift an arm to guard himself was met with an even greater force. This was going on for so long that Bryce didn't even notice when the beating had stopped until he heard Applebloom yelling into his ear.

"Granny, Granny Bryce's wakin up!"

The world slowly came back into focus, "Uhh, ugh what Sprout?"

A familiar voice piped in, "Applebloom get off him, you might be hurtin'em more than yuh know."

"Uhh, Well Aged?"

"That's right sugarcube now lie down while Ah check yuh over."

"Why is the ground so soft?"

"You're not outside anymore dear, you're back in your room."

"What do mean my..." As Bryce's sense of feeling began to come back he felt pain shoot from all over his body making him hiss in pain.

Applebloom spoke up, "Don't yuh remember anything?"

"Well yeah...we were trying to play...something when something came down and knocked me over."

"Yeah, that was Rainbow Dash, don't yuh remember."

"Yes, yes I do. After that I saw a...sky blue...pegasus and I said 'What are you the mascot for the Gay Pride Pa..."

Granny Smith interrupted Bryce's reminiscing, "You can skip that, what's the last thing you remember?"

"Well...I remember holding that pegasus by its tail. After that Applebloom said that it wasn't a guy and I got hit in my..." Bryce flinched as he remembered that part. Very clearly.

"Got hit in your what?"

Granny Smith rebutted, "Applebloom don't go askin questions like that."

"But I wanna know."

"You're not old enough ta know yet."

Applebloom huffed at this remark, Ah'm never old enough for anything.

Granny Smith turned back to Bryce, "What happened after that?"

"Well I grabbed onto to my...you know whats and then that...boyish one stood over me and was angry because I thought she was a colt. I said 'No I thought you were a boy. Then she...she started pounding into to me and Sprout was yelling for you to tell you I was...awake...How did I get in here?"

"You don't remember, do yuh?"

Bryce shook his head sending a mild pain through his entire body.

"Well Applebloom here came and got me up. Ah ran out to try and get Rainbow off yuh and had ta hit her over the head with a pot ta make her stop. After that yuh got up and walked in here by yourself and went ta sleep for close to an hour."

Bryce shook his head slowly, "I'm gonna have to take your word for it, I don't...remember any of that. But I can tell that you're telling me the truth."

Without warning Granny Smith's face became stern, "Applebloom...go wait outside."

"What, why?"

"Just do it."

Applebloom knew better than to ask a second time as she trotted out of the room, Granny Smith closing the door behind her. "Now do yuh want ta tell me why Rainbow attacked yuh?"

Bryce grunted in pain, "How much do you know?"

Enough ta make Applejack and Big Mac want ta do worse to yuh.

"That much?" Bryce sighed, "Look...I already apologized for what I did. I regret what I did, I do. I was just acting out of impulse and..."

Granny Smith scowled, "What do yuh mean 'outta impulse'?"

"I do that all the time to my nephews back home, but only when they do or say something very, very...moronic."

"There wasn't anything she coulda done that called for that."

"Well...she jumped in front of me while I was trying to cut a log."

That stopped Granny Smith in her tracks, the aged mare left speechless, "Wh, wha...what would cause her to do a thing like that?"

"Well she...she came out to tell me it had been two hours, but couldn't get my attention. When I get working like earlier I...I lose track of the world and can only focus on what I'm doing...right then. If anything it was my fault, not hers."

Granny Smith took that in for a second, "What about after that, when Applebloom bucked yuh?"

"She...she was tr...trying to stop me from being m...myself. I just felt so.;..bad about what I did. It only made it worse when...when...when she actually told me I was her only...her only friend." Bryce closed his eyes, "I felt horrible. After all I'd done she said I was a friend to her. It was...horrible."

"Why do you say it like that?"

"Because...the whole time I was growing up...every time I was around others I...I was the odd man out. I mean at first they were fine with me, but after they spent a good amount of time around me they...they just saw me as the one that wasn't 'normal'. Everyone saw me as that 'one weird kid' or 'that fat kid' or 'that dumbass who won't stop moving around'. They were always so...so nasty and, and mean even though I'd done nothing to them. This happened at every school I went to, even in Sunday school and into college. I put myself out there and was rejected for being myself, for not being 'normal' to them." Bryce let out another heavy sigh, "In truth...Applebloom's the first one I've had as a friend."

"Oh come now...that can't be true. You had to have had at least one friend where you came from."

"Yeah...the animals that lived at my house. Now all I'll left of that is my dog Corn and he's God knows where."

"Didn't yuh have any friends of your own kind?"

Bryce shook his head, "All I had were people I saw as friends, but after school, clubs, or whatever they didn't have anything to do with. Didn't invite me to anything. Didn't even ask my opinion on anything or how I was doing." He let out another sigh.

"Well what about your family?"

"Well, they were the worst of all. My father, he was never there for me, by choice. My mother was always working and was never there for me. By the time I was born my sister was already out of the house and had a house right next to mine but hardly ever let her boys come see me for the same reasons that I wasn't 'normal'."

Granny Smith was taken back by all this information, "Why are you telling me all this?"

"Because I trust you like you trust me."

That was all Granny Smith had to hear as she smiled. "Well that's all Ah wanted ta know. Now let's get you taken care of. After that Ah'll go fix yuh somethin ta eat and let yuh wash up."


"But Bryce, if you're going ta keep staying here you'll have to meet my grandson Big Macintosh. Tonight."

"Well in my current state I can't say no, now can I?"

"That's good. Now you just stay here and Ah'll be back in a jiffy." Granny Smith opened the door. Instantly Applebloom backed away from the door and stood stiff, pretending she hadn't been listening. "Applebloom..."

"Ye...yes Granny?"

"Stay here and spend some time with your friend while Ah take care of him, can yuh do that for me?"

Applebloom's mood immediately brightened, "Ah sure can."

"Good now be gentle with him, he's probably sore all over from everything that's happened today."

"Yes ma'am," the young filly replied as she hopped up onto the bed. Granny Smith then left them alone while she went to get everything together. Upon seeing Bryce in his current state Applebloom's mood again shifted to one of concern. "Hey Bryce..."

"Hey Sprout...looks like I got more than I bargained for huh?"

"Ye...yeah...You're gonna be OK, r...right?"

Bryce smirked. He extended a hand to her and petted her gently to reassure the filly, "Don't worry kid, I'm gonna be just fine in a day, or two, or three if I'm lucky."

"Bryce, can Ah ask you somethin?"


"Are some of the words you use bad words?"

"Which words do you mean?" Applebloom carefully made her way to his ear a whispered, making Bryce's eyes shrink to the size of pinpricks, "Applebloom...those kinds of words...you should never use."

"How come you use'em then?"

"Well...they're more or less like an addiction, once you use them once it's real hard to break yourself of them. Really it ain't proper to use them."

"Applejack said the same thing."

"Well...she's right about that. And Sprout, thank you."

"For what?"

At that moment Granny Smith came back through the door with a first aid kit, a few ice packs, and a bowl of soup, "Applebloom now hop on down so Ah can look'em over." Applebloom did as she was told. "Bryce Ah want yuh ta slowly turn and sit yourself on the edge of the bed.

Bryce did so, trying to position himself while inflicting as little pain as possible. "Well first things first, could you look inside my mouth and see if I'm missing any teeth?"

"Sure dear, just open wide. Applebloom could yuh look for me, my vision's not what it used ta be."

Bryce opened his mouth wide. Applebloom took a look inside, her nose twitching from his breath, "Nope, doesn't look like there're any missing."

Closing his mouth Bryce replied, "Well that's good, that was my biggest concern. My jaw hurts like a...it hurts a lot. And sorry about my breath, I haven't gotten the chance to brush them since I got here."

"We'll worry about that later. Right now let's take a look at your face."

"Why, how bad is it?"

"It's..." Granny Smith said nothing after that.


"Oh no, you don't need..."


Know there was to way to discourage the human Granny Smith run and fetch a hoof mirror. When she returned a few seconds later Bryce grabbed the mirror from her mouth and gazed back at his reflection. For what it was worth Bryce had seen worse. All he had was a black eye, a broken nose, and a swollen jaw. "*Pfft* From the way you were acting I thought there was a large gash running through to the inside of my mouth." He laughed a little but stopped when he felt pain in his abdomen. "And from the feel of it a few cracked ribs and fresh bruises," he said as he winced in pain, grabbing at his gut, "I've been through worse."

"Now the swollen jaw, cracked ribs, and black eye will have ta go away on their own. As for your nose..."

"I'm going to have to reset it."

Applebloom inquired, "What do yuh mean by that?"

"Well...it's best you not know Sprout. It's something I need to do on my own."

"You're not serious, are yuh?"

"If I don't do it soon it'll be stuck like that, I can barely breathe with it the way it is."

"If you insist, just do it when we're not around."

"Can do. Do you have anything for pain relief, preferably something that won't knock me out like last night." Granny Smith rummaged around the first aid kit and pulled out two pills, which Bryce swallowed, "Thanks, now I'm going to take a bath and...fix my nose."

"OK then, Applebloom come on downstairs with me while Bryce takes care of that. And help yourself to a toothbrush if you feel you need to."


When Bryce was finished in the bathroom he wrapped a towel a best he could around his waist and stepped out into the hall. After resetting his nose, taking a thorough bath, and brushing his teeth for the first time in days, Bryce felt better than he had since he had exited the forest. Or maybe that was the painkillers.

As he stepped out and closed the door he heard the clop of heavy hooves at the opposite end of the hall. Looking up he saw the large, red stallion he had seen from the window two days ago. Well that must be Big Macintosh. Best go on and get this over with, but with my luck he past few days I might become paralyzed from the waist up.

Bryce stood his ground as the large stallion approached him. When he finally reached Bryce he was the first to speak, "You Bryce?"

"Yeah...You Big Macintosh?"


Bryce snickered at this. After a minute Bryce asked, "You don't talk much do you?"


Bryce snickered again, "We're gonna get along just fine." He held out his hand, "Bryce Smales."

Big Mac planted his massive hoof into his palm, "Big Macintosh."

They both shook as hard as they could. When they were done Bryce said, "Well I've had a rough day."

Big Mac looked him up and down, "Eeyep."

"Well...see you whenever," he said as he made his way for his room.

"Eeyep," the red stallion replied as he made his way for the bathroom.

When Bryce was alone in his room he said to himself, "Eeyep, we're going to get along just fine."

Sticks and Stones

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Chapter 14: Sticks and Stones

After three days of being stuck inside the house Bryce was deemed well enough to leave the inside of the house, but not yet given the OK to do any physical labor. Right now the large human was sitting with his back against the side of the house facing the barn, Winona laid up across his legs. "OK, so what happened after you gnawed on it?"

"*Bark* wrrr. *Bark*bark*."




"Wrrr wrr."

Bryce tried to hold back his fits of laughter, "Y...yeah...?"

"Wrrr wrrr *bark*bark*bark*"

Bryce began to laugh at the hard as he could, only stopping at the protest of his still aching rib cage, "Damn girl, you and Corn are so much alike...Well you are dogs though."

Both boy and dog turned at the sound of Applejack clearing her throat, so caught up in conversation they hadn't noticed her arrival, "What the hay are yuh doin with Winona?"

Bryce just stared past the appl;e mare for a few seconds before responding, "Well we...we, we were t...talking."

Applejack cocked an eyebrow at Bryce, "About what...exactly?"

"A...about the she...she brought that dead squirrel inside..."

"Inside the house?"

"Y...yeah and dropped it on the...table..." Bryce turned down to the ground.

Applejack shook her head in disbelief, "Riiight." She continued to stare at Bryce for a few seconds before saying, "Welp Ah'm about ta head inta town and sell some apples. Ah'll be back sometime around supper."

"Right, you're going to take your horse thing wagon to sell apples to other horse things in Horse Thingtown."

"It's Horse Thingvil...Ponyville." The orange mare facehoofed at this slip. For the past few days the human had been testing Applejack nerves to their limits. Just yesterday he actually had the audacity to ask her where the apples for their food came from. He kept insisting on calling her 'orange one', referred to everypony as 'horse thing', refused to eat with the entire family at dinner, showed little interest in what she was talking about at the moment, and always did his best to avoid looking her or anypony else in the eye.

The thing that really steamed her, however, was the constant sarcasm. At least Applejack thought he was being sarcastic. "Look, Ah'm heading out. Is there anything Ah can get for yuh?"

"Sure...a thick, juicy steak cooked medium with a loaded baked potato and a Caesar salad as an appetizer."

Applejack cringed at the mention of the word 'steak'. Last night Bryce had dropped a bombshell when he revealed that his kind ate animals. After that everypony, except Granny Smith, were reluctant to go near him, "A...Ah meant anything like..."

"Well...do you of anyone that's a tailor or the like? I'm getting tired of going around in just my shorts and undies and these hole-filled shoes all day."

"Y...yeah Ah can do that."

"Good. Just have whoever it is bring some fabric. I'm real particular about the feeling of my clothes."

"OK, Ah'll try to remember." Applejack walked off after that leaving Bryce alone with Winona.

"Well...looks like it's just you and me again girl," Bryce said as he scratched her belly, making the dog kick its leg. Out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of a red shape. When he turned to get a better look at the shape it disappeared from view. For cripes sake. "Sprout...come on out. I know you're there so come over here so I can see you."

Slowly Applebloom stuck her head out far enough so Bryce could see one of her eyes and pink bow, "That's it, come on," he said as he waved his fingers towards him. Applebloom hastily moved her hooves forward, still insecure about the possibility of being eaten by the creature she had called a friend. "Sprout come on over here, you don't have anything to be worried about."

Applebloom's hooves refused to move an inch, her own fear keeping her planted firmly in place.

"Sprout...I understand you're scared that where I'm from they eat animals, but I promise that you have nothing to worry about from me."

Applebloom shook her head, so afraid it almost went unnoticed.

"Applebloom..." Bryce sighed, hurt that his friend's trust in him had waned over a misunderstanding. "Applebloom, I know what I said, there's no taking it back, and there's nothing I can say to make up for it. But in my world human beings eat meat, it's the way most of my kind are and I won't deny it."

Applebloom could fell her whole body move forward, feeling more that some outside force was making her so. Before she could even react she was already within arm's length of Bryce causing her a new found fear.

"Now look, Applebloom we all know I said my kind eat meat, there's no way I can take it back. But just hear me out before you go running yourself into a big misconstruction." Bryce reached out to try and rub her back but the filly moved back way out of his reach. Bryce shrugged it off and continued, "In my world animals are a lot different than they are here. In fact we don't even eat horse meat."

This settled Applebloom's fears, but only just, "R...really...?"

"Yeah...I mean in my world horses are like pets to us, and I'd sooner eat our livestock back home than I would eat a pet."

"Do...does that mean you'd eat one of our cows?"

"Wh...no I'm saying it the wrong way...OK how about this; if it's something that I've raised personally, or something that I'm close enough with to sleep in bed with me, or anything that can talk back, I wouldn't eat it. Most especially that last part."

"Oh, so you'd eat one of our chickens?"

"Nooo, I'm saying that I wouldn't eat something I helped raise. Hell the only things that ever even ate my chickens back home were dogs that hadn't been taught not to and the occasional opossum. Besides, chickens pay their keep their own way so there's a good reason to keep them alive."

"So would your dog eat our chickens?"

"You don't have to worry about Corn eating any chickens, I made sure of that personally." After the first and only time.

"O...OK..." Hearing all of this gave the yellow filly some reassurance, but she was still unsure about the idea of the whole thing. "A...are yuh feelin any better?"

"Well I don't smell blood all the time anymore, I was actually able to taste breakfast this morning, and I don't come close to blacking out when I touch it. So yeah I'm better than I was."

"Tha...that's good Ah guess. Does that mean we can go play again?"

"Well, unfortunately no. Your grandmother told me not to do anything to strain myself and to take it easy."

"Oh...So what do yuh wanna do?"

"Well we can sit here and talk."

"What about?"

"Well how about if there are any other types of your kind I don't know about?"

"You mean like pegasusus?"

"Yeah like pegasi and...whatever type you are."

"Ah'm an earth pony."

"OK, I get that, but are there others besides pegasi and earth ponies?"

"Uh huh, there're unicorns too."

"Really? As in like you, but with a horn coming out of their foreheads?"

Applebloom nodded.

"Well is there any others, like...hippocampi?"

"What's a hip...po...cam...pie?"

"It's a horse, but it has a tail like a fish."

"Do yuh mean a merpony, those are just make believe."

Yeah and the idea of talking horses, unicorns, and pegasi is make believe in my world but look where that's gotten me. "Well is there...what the H?"

"Wha...what, what is it?"

"I thought I just say something on that cloud up there," Bryce said as he pointed at a nearby cloud.

Applebloom looked where he indicated, "Ah don't see anything."

"Just...look at it for a second, it might show back up."

Applebloom did so. After a few seconds she was almost convinced Bryce was just seeing things. When she came close to giving up she caught sight of a tricolored object offsetting the white and blue of the sky, "Bryce, is that...?"

"Go get your grandmother." Applebloom looked at Bryce. He had the angered scowl he always seemed to have, "Do it now."

Applebloom quickly ran off, afraid things were going to get ugly like yesterday.

Bryce continued to stare up at the same cloud. He began to yell at it, "Hey boy, you up there?"

The cloud gave no response.

"Come on son, we both know you're up there."

The cloud floated in the sky, unmoving.

Bryce carefully pulled himself up on his feet, "Come on and be a man. It's ungentlemanly to keep someone waiting."

This made Rainbow Dash jump out from her hiding place. As she flew down she stopped and hovered well out of reach of the human, "What the hay's your problem?"

"'My problem'...What the 'hell' is your problem?"

Rainbow pointed an accusatory hoof at Bryce, "Your my problem you...huge...pale...thing."

"Who are you calling huge?"

"You, you bucking idiot."

Bryce flipped a bird at this comment, "You're real tough up there in the clouds, why don't you come down here and say it to my face?"

"Fine I will." Rainbow continued to hover in mid air.

"Well...we're waiting!"

Rainbow grunted, "Why do you keep on calling me a boy?"

"You really want to know?"

"Yeah I..."

"You have a boyish tone of voice, a short mane, smelly breath, bad BO, attack without thinking, fight dirty, get easily intimidated, take everything as a personal challenge, always want to get last licks, and you tattle before slipping away with your tail tucked between your legs. Am I right on the money?"

"Yeah, well, you..." The cyan mare growled in anger before landing on the ground. She trotted towards Bryce, leaving deep hoofprints in the ground behind her, "Now listen her..."

"That's another thing, you can't even walk like a girl. Your ass swings less than a corpse."

Rainbow stood on her back legs and planted her forelegs on either side of Bryce. She locked eyes with the human, "N...now just wait a..."

"And you spit when you talk."


"You feel that? That crawling under your skin. You know what that is? ME!"

Rainbow fell down on all fours at Bryce's feet and stared at the ground, unable to even show her face to the much taller human. "Wha...what did I e...ever do to you?"

"Are you serious?"

She couldn't bring herself to look up.

"For starters you attacked me without warning, then punched me in the face, threw a rock at me, smacked my boys, pommeled me into the dirt over a misunderstanding, and to top it all off left me black eyed, broken nosed, swollen jawed, cracked my ribs, and belittled me, and yourself, by tattling on what happened with Applebloom." Bryce continued laying into the pegasus, "Do you know what it's like to wake up to the smell of blood, or eating what might as well be shit since you can't even taste or smell it? The worst you got were a few bumps and a hurt ego."

Rainbow continued to look down at the ground speechless.

"I'm finished."

Rainbow Dash raised her head up. She opened her mouth to speak but anything she could say refused to come out. With tears beginning to stream out of her eyes she turned and ran off, expanding her wings and flying off after she was a good distance away.

Bryce just stood back and watched it all happen. Hearing movement from his right he turned to find Granny Smith and Applebloom looking at him in shock. "What?"

Granny Smith spoke first, "Bryce, did yuh have ta go and say that to her?"

"Well I was just being honest."

"But yuh didn't have ta be so mean about it."

"What, what'd I do?"

Applebloom responded, "Yuh hurt her feelings. I...it looked like she was cryin."

"Well she hurt me all over."

Granny Smith refuted, "I know she did, but that doesn't mean yuh had ta go and say all that." Both ponies began to walk off.

"Where are y'all going?"

"We're going inside, you can stay out here and think about what yuh did."

"Oh come on, can't I..." Bryce stopped when he saw Granny Smith's death stare. They continued on without him. He turned down to Winona, "Well girl, it looks like its just you and..."

"Winona you come on too."

The Border Collie went towards the voice of the aged mare, not even giving Bryce a second thought.

"...me." Bryce sighed in frustration, feeling more alone than ever. Fine, they can just be that way. He began to walk away on the path going away from the house, not even paying attention to where he was going.

As he walked down the dirt path Bryce was mentally damning everyone. I don't get it, all I was doing was being truthful about what I said. I mean, yeah, I said more than I should have but...I don't know. Bryce just continued to walk on.


Without warning, Bryce was tackled by something he hadn't seen coming. He could think of only one person that would do such a thing at a time like this. With all his might he went to work trying to get the thing off of him, "Get off of me, get off of me, get off of me!" After the thing finally released itself from Bryce he began to shout, "Alright, I've had just about enough out of..."

Lying in the dirt was indeed a pegasus, but it was all the wrong colors entirely. The one before him was gray with a blonde mane. Looped around its neck was a satchel holding an assortment of letters, packages, and the like, the first falling from the sky like snow. This new pegasus was currently covering its head with its hooves, as if trying to protect itself from...him.

Realizing his error, Bryce made an attempt to explain himself. Bending down on one knee he stuttered out, "H...hey I'm sorry...I...I th...thought you were...Look i...it's going to be OK, I'm not going to hurt you."

The pegasus shifted in the dirt, trying to form itself into a protective cocoon.

Bryce tried to coax it in a gentle voice, "Hey come on now. I know what I did must have startled you, but it wasn't aimed at you. Come on out of there."

The pegasus must have believed Bryce because it tried to stand on its hooves. As it did so it accidently stepped down on the satchel still slung over its neck and caused the pegasus to tumble to the ground.

"Shi...are you OK?" Bryce said in a concerned tone of voice.

The pegasus meekly answered back, "Ye...yeah."

Sounds like it could be a girl, but after yesterday... "C...can you get up?"

"Uh huh."

"OK, let me just get this bag off you." Bryce carefully removed the strap of the satchel from around her neck and foreleg. "OK now let's get you..." Bryce yelped out in surprise when he caught sight of her eyes, her freakishly misaligned eyes. As he fell on his back he threw her satchel into the air scattering all of its contents. One package, however, landed on Bryce's gut and knocked the air out of his lungs.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry." The pegasus cried as she finally got to her hooves.

"It's *cough* it's O *cough*cough* it's OK, I'm fine."

"Ar...are you sure that package looked really heavy."

Bryce grabbed the sides of the box and stood up, "Yeah I'm fine. What's in this anyway a bowling...?" After he had gotten fully onto his feet the bottom of the box fell out and the bowling ball inside dropped right square on his foot. Bryce threw the remainder of the package away and grabbed hold of his foot. As he hopped around Bryce shouted out many obscenities, a few of them not even in English. Eventually his unhurt foot got caught on an envelope, making him slip and fall to the ground. Bryce then decided to lie there until the pain subsided.

From behind him he could hear the gray pegasus snorting. Taking a glance at her she had a hoof raised to her mouth, "What, is it something I said?"

That was all the pegasus needed as she started rolling on the ground laughing. Between laughs Bryce could make out a few audible words, "You...ha ha ha...fell and then that box...ha ha...and then you were all like 'What's in this anyway a bowling' and then a bowling ball fell out...ha ha ha ha ha. My Muffin'll get a kick out of it."

Bryce turned on his side so he could get a good view of her, "What you think..." Bryce smirked before he began to laugh as well, "OK it's kind of funny. It doesn't feel funny though, ahh."

The gray pegasus stopped laughing, "Oh right, I'm sorry. Here let me help you up."

"No, you don't need to do that." Bryce said as he got onto one knee.

"A...are you going to be alright?"

Trying his best to avoid looking at her he said, "Yeah I'll be fine. So what are you the...bowling ball...delivery...horse thing?"

"Yes, well I deliver more than just bowling balls. I'm the mail mare for Ponyville."

"Hmm...you don't say? So where were you off to in such a hurry that you didn't s...that you ran right into me?"

"I was running a letter to the apple farm down the road, and I was in a hurry." She let out a sigh, "I'm sorry for..."

Bryce held up a hand to stop her, "It's all right, it was an accident. I wasn't...paying attention to where I was going."

"I'm still sorry. I only stopped for a second to talk to Rainbow Dash...She...looked upset about something."

Bryce scratched the back of his head, "Really...did she say what it was?"

"All she would say was that 'some jerk kept on calling her a boy' and made her feel bad."

Shit... "Well I'm sorry for throwing your mailbag. Here let me help pick it up."

"You don't..."

"I insist. I know how hard it is for a mail carrier. My mom was one and she always hated not being able to get home before dark." Bryce began to gather up letters.

The pegasus joined in soon after. After a while the gray pegasus stopped and turned to Bryce, "So what are you anyway? Your not like anypony I've ever seen."

"I'm a...a human."

"Really?" Now where have I heard that before?"


Huh, I can't remember. "So what's your name?"


"Well it's nice to meet you, my name's Ditzy Doo, but most ponies call me 'Derpy'."

"Well it's nice to meet you Ditzy Doo, but most ponies call me 'Derpy'."

Ditzy looked at Bryce with a confused expression, "No I mean...wait your joking aren't you?"

Bryce continued to pick up the mail, "Yeah."

"Ha ha...you're funny. So where'd you come from?"

"I was cut out of my mother's womb."

Ditzy laughed before adding, "No I mean town or whatever do you come from."

"I come from Earth."

"You mean from the ground?"

"No...now you're joking aren't you?"

"Yep..." They both laughed at that.

A few minutes later Ditzy was just about to pick up the last few letters when a large gust of wind blew them away. "Oh no...!"

"What is it?"

"The wind's blowing away those letters, I've gotta..." Just as soon as they were blown away they just as soon floated back towards the pair. Bryce held open Ditzy's mailbag and they blew right in.

"Well looks like we got lucky," he said as he held the satchel out to the mare.

"Thank you Bryce, I couldn't forgive myself if they had gotten away," she replied as she hugged Bryce around the waist.

"Uh, you're welcome. Please don't touch me, I had nothing to do with it."

Ditzy quickly let go of Bryce and donned her satchel. She began to walk the way Bryce had just came from. When Bryce didn't follow she turned back and yelled, "Come on Bryce."

"Well I...OK," Bryce said as he reluctantly followed.

They both walked towards Sweet Apple Acres. Suddenly, Ditzy broke the silence, "So what brings you out this far?"

Bryce didn't reply at first, "...Well I...had to get away for a while."

"From what?"

"Well..." Damn, what do I say? If I tell her she'll probably get mad and do worse to me. It seems like every female has it out fr me since I got here. She was concerned for...that one. Or maybe she'll understand. What's the worst she could do that hasn't happened already? Bryce stopped in mid step, standing on his toes at the sudden stop, "I...I was the one that said all those things to...her."


"Yeah...but it's not like I didn't have a reason for it. She..." Bryce pointed to the bruises on his face, "She did this to me."

"Oh...well I knew it was you already." Bryce looked at her in shock, "She was...very descriptive."

"Well was you hitting me intentional?"

"No, I thought you saw me. I was up there, doing my route, when I saw you. You...looked upset."

"Well...I still kind of am. I mean...I'm more upset at myself now then I was at her then."

"Oh don't worry about Rainbow Dash. Believe me, I grew up with her so I know what she's like. You're not the first to say stuff like that to her. Once she's calmed down I'm sure she'll forgive you."

"Well she shouldn't. I know I tend to be honest, but if I'd known she'd react like this...it's just real hard for me to read others." Bryce balled his fists, wanting to dig his nails into his skin, "Look, if you see her again...could you tell her...Tell her I'm sorry and that I'll say it to her if...if she'll let me."

"Sure, it's my job to relay messages after all."

Bryce looked down at Ditzy, "Was that a joke?"

Ditzy began to walk off, "Eh kinda. Come on before it gets dark."

Bryce had to run to catch back up. "Why do they call you 'Derpy' anyway?"

"I...tend to be a little clumsy at times."

"Don't worry about it, it happens to the best and worst of us. Some just more so. It the whole world were alike there'd be no fun in it."

"Yeah, you have a point."

Bryce smirked, "Come on, lets hurry up so you can get back to your 'Muffin'."

Ditzy play punched Bryce, "Shut up."

You're All Right Jack

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Chapter 15: You're All Right Jack

Since he had returned to the farm with Ditzy, Bryce had made up with most of the members of the Apple family. The only ones who seemed to be holding out were Applejack and Big Macintosh. The former was still unenthusiastic about the idea of leaving him at the house while she worked the orchard, let alone even when she was home. The elder sibling was the same way, as far as anypony could tell, though if he felt that way about the human he didn't voice it.

A week after the first incident with Rainbow Dash, Bryce had been cleared to mess around with Applebloom, but not yet deemed well enough to do any farm labor. With nothing better to do Bryce spent most of his time playing with Applebloom and Winona. Currently they were playing a game of hide and seek, with Winona and the yellow filly on the same team.

"...7...8...9...10! Ready or not here I come, Bryce." Applebloom bent down to Winona, "OK girl, where'd Bryce get off to?"

Winona began to sniff at the ground, trying to find his scent. When she had found it she ran off, barking the entire way. Eventually the Border Collie stopped at the base of an apple tree.

Applebloom crept up around the side of the same tree, "Ha...Ah found yuh...Bryce?" Bryce was no where to he found. She circled around the tree a few times but was met with the same outcome. Huh, that's weird, Winona's been able to find him all day. She ran around the tree in the opposite direction, still finding no trace of the human. Applebloom turned to Winona, "Are yuh sure he's here girl?"

From above there came a whistle drawing Applebloom's attention. There, sitting on a branch, was the person she was looking for, "You see, this is why I paired you with Winona. She knows when to bark up the right tree," Bryce smirked, "Now move back so I don't squish you." After the filly was a safe distance away Bryce pushed himself off the branch and landed on his feet. "Well Sprout, it's your turn again."

"OK then, start counting," Applebloom said as she ran off.

Bryce laid his head on the tree he had just jumped from, "Uno...Due...Tre...Quattro...Cinque...Sei...Sette...Otto...Nove...Ten. Ready or not here I come." OK Bryce, time to track down this little horse thing. Bryce followed the tracks she had left behind leading him inside the barn. OK now, let's see.

Surveying the area Bryce came to a hay stack, I'm going to go on a leap of faith and test it out. Bryce rummaged around inside the hay stack. He knocked into something solid, "Found you."

Applebloom jumped out, "Ahh come on. How do yuh keep finding me so fast?"

"I can't help it, I'm just good at finding things. Now it's..." Bryce saw something thin and scaly crawl out from the hay, "Applebloom...stand...very...still."

"Wh...what, what is it?"

"Applebloom...I need you to listen to me. When I say 'now'...you run outside...and don't look back."

Applebloom was beginning to get scared, "W...why...what is it?"

"Shh...on the count of three...One...Two...Threenow."

Applebloom put all her focus into running, not once looking back as she ran outside the barn. Bryce quickly grabbed onto the snake, trying to grab it as close to its head as he dared try. Instantly the snake began to thrash about, wanting to slither its way out of Bryce's large hand, hissing at the human.

"Calm down, just calm down...Now yellow, red, and black." Shit! "Now the rhyme goes...'Red touches yellow, you're a dead fellow; if red touches black, you're all right, Jack.'" Rotating the reptile in the dim light he let out a sigh of relief, "Red touches black, you're all right, Jack," he said as he loosened his grip. He brought it up to eye level, "Hey...sorry man, I mistook you for a coral snake." The snake hissed at him. "Oh...sorry. I'm not an expert on snake gender."

"Bryce...Bryce! What's happening, what's going on!?"

"It's all right Sprout, everything's fine. I'm coming out now."

When Bryce exited the barn Applebloom jumped back at the sight of the slithering reptile, "Bryce, what is that?"

He brought up a hand to reassure the filly, "Just relax, it's harmless."

"But it's a snake. It's poisonous!"

"No, this one isn't. See...red on black. If it had been red on yellow then you'd have something to worry about. And the word's 'venomous'."

"Ar...are yuh sure."

"If I wasn't then would I do this?" Bryce released the snake and allowed it to crawl over him, which made his skin crawl. When it reached the ground it started towards Applebloom. Applebloom froze up, but was relieved when it slithered past her. "So...you ready for some lunch?"

"Ye...yeah, Ah guess so." Both Bryce and Applebloom walked towards the house, the snake close at their heels.

When they were at the side of the house Bryce turned back, "Hey...stop following us."

The snake flicked its tongue.


The snake hissed.

"I said no. I'd like to, but the owners wouldn't let me." Bryce walked off.

The snake sped up, starting to drag itself up Bryce's leg just as the pair were turning the corner. Bryce grabbed onto it and threw it towards the front of the house. It landed on a white unicorn with a purple mane he hadn't seen until now, "My word, what was...?" When the unicorn realized what Bryce had thrown on her she let out a high pitched scream, "Get it off me, GET IT OFF ME!!!"

Bryce rushed forward, "Just relax, it's harmless!"

The unicorn paid Bryce no attention as she began to running around the yard, "Somepony help me before it bites me!"

"Stand still and I'll..." The unicorn ran right past him as if he wasn't there. When she came near him again Bryce did the only thing he could think of to stop her. He stuck his foot out and tripped her. With the white unicorn finally subdued, Bryce took a knee and grabbed hold of the snake, "See, it's...a tape measure." Bryce tossed it aside and grabbed the snake from the unicorn's curled mane, holding on tightly. The snake hissed at Bryce, "Hey don't yell at me, I told you to get on."

"What is the matter with you, forcing a lady onto the ground like that?"

"Hey sorry, it was either that or let you run yourself tired. Besides, this thing is harmless." Bryce held the snake out to her.

"Ugh, get that disgusting creature away from me. Now stand back so I can get my things." The unicorn got herself up and began to collect her belongings, cursing under her breath, "The nerve of that...uncouth...crass...vulgar...impolite..."

Bryce looked at the snake, "Is she saying all that about you or me?" The snake flicked her forked tongue. "Yeah probably me." He released the snake, allowing her to climb up and entwine herself around Bryce's neck.

When the unicorn had gathered her equipment and placed it neatly into her saddle bag she turned towards the front door, "Well in any case I suppose I must thank you for getting that...filthy creature out of my mane, but I must be going. I have important matters to attend to."

"Really, like what?" Bryce inquired.

"If you must know I'm here to get measurements from somepony who lives at this residence."

Bryce snorted and smirked, "Want to hear a joke?"

"I really don't have the tim..."

"I'm the one you're supposed to measure."

This made the white unicorn skid to a halt. Turning around to face Bryce she was dumbfounded at the sight of him, before not taking notice of his much greater size. After looking him up and down a few times she asked, "You are joking right?"

Bryce shook his head.

She cautiously pointed a hoof at Bryce, "You're the one I'm to here for a fitting?"

"Fraid so, you can ask Sprout."


Applebloom jumped in, "He's tellin yuh the truth."

The unicorn looked first at Applebloom, then up at Bryce, "Yes...well...Applejack never said you would be of such...odd proportions," she said as she forced a smile.

"Well...she never said you would be so...," Bryce flapped his fingers as he searched for the right word, "...elegant."

The unicorn turned, trying to hide the noticeable blush forming on her cheeks, "Well...thank you darling, but if you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you?"

"I'm...uh, a human."

"OK then, do you mind coming inside so I may do my service?"

"...OK." Bryce walked to the front door, holding it open for Applebloom and the unicorn, the later being sure to politely thank him.

Granny Smith woke up from her rocking chair, "Ehh, what...Oh well howdy there Miss Rarity, what brings you around these parts?"

"Good day to you Granny Smith, I'm here to take the measurements of...," She paused as she hung her hoof at Bryce.

"Bryce...my name's Bryce."

"It's nice to meet you..." the unicorn's pupils shrank, "did you say your name was Bryce?"

"Yes...it's the name I've gone by for as long as I can remember."

Rarity brought here hoof back and held it at her chin, deep in thought, He's looks almost nothing like I've heard him described. After a few seconds she held her hoof out to the human, "It's...a nice name. Glad to meet you Bryce, my name is Rarity."

Bryce firmly grasped her hoof, "Bryce Smales, likewise."

When the feeling came back into the appendage she said, "Now then, if you don't mind, can I go and wash all of this...dirt off myself?"

"Sure, I don't mind."

"Thank you darling," she turned to Granny Smith, "Do you mind if I..."

"It's upstairs, last door on the right. Take all the time yuh need."

"Thank you Mrs. Smith," Rarity replied as she removed her saddle bags and walked upstairs, leaving Bryce with the oldest and youngest members of the Apple family.

About a minute later Granny Smith took notice of something odd, "Bryce, what's that you have around your neck?"

"It's a snake."

"A sna...A SNAKE!?" The aged mare jumped out of her rocker and ran into the kitchen. When she came back she was sporting a colander on her head and brandishing a wooden spoon, "Now just hold still and I'll whack it."

"Hey, wai...ow...it's har...ow...stop that!"

"Well hold still," the snake hissed at the aged mare, "oh now you're askin for it yuh..." Bryce grabbed the spoon before she could whack him across his still sore nose.

"Would you stop and listen, she's harmless. I've been carrying her since I pulled her off the elegant one."

"Who, Rarity?" Thinking for a moment Granny Smith asked, "What was it doing on Rarity?"

"I...accidently threw her on her."

"Threw who on who?"

"This snake on Rarity. Just...let me start from the beginning." Bryce took a deep breath and said in rapid fire, "Applebloom and I were playing hide and seek, she found me and it was her turn to hide. I found her in a hay stack in the barn and, as she was coming out, I saw a snake slither out too." Bryce took another deep breath, "I made Applebloom go outside while I picked it up to check and see if it was OK, which it was. When I came out the snake kept following me and, when I was coming around the house I threw it and it landed on Rarity, which was an accident, and she kept running around so I tripped her up and pulled it off her and now we're here." Bryce started panting for air.

"Well that's a fine story, but there's no way it's livin here. Now go on and throw it back outside."

"I...*pant*...I know, I told...*pant*...her that my...*pant*...self." Bryce grabbed the snake at the base of its head and walked towards the door, "You see Jack...*pant*...I told you she wouldn't go for it." She flicked her tongue. "I know, tell you what, I'll..." Bryce leaned in and whispered at the open door way, "but only at night, now go on."

As Bryce was throwing the snake out the front door Rarity came back downstairs, a towel wrapped around her mane, "Ahh, there's nothing better than a bath after such an unfortunate incident. Bryce, darling, is there anywhere we can do your fitting more...privately?"

"Well, there's my room upstairs."

Granny Smith butted in, "Y'all go on and take care of that, Ah'll go start makin lunch. Applebloom you come along with me so they can do this in private." She and Applebloom went into the kitchen.

"Oh why thank you. Well then Bryce, shall we go?"

"Sure, why not? No time like the present." Both Bryce and Rarity ascended the staircase and went down the hall to Bryce's room.

Fitting In

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Chapter 16: Fitting In

The first thing Bryce did once he and Rarity reached his room was to remove his worn out sneakers and torn socks. While he did this, Rarity rubbed the towel through her mane, "Now, Bryce, while I'm taking care of this could you please remove your...undergarments?"

Bryce's jaw dropped. "Excuse me!?"

"Those things you wear on your back legs are undergarments, are they not? Take them off."

Bryce crossed his arms and turned away from Rarity. "Well I take offense in you asking me to do that."

Rarity removed the towel from her mane and neatly folded it. "What's the matter? I'm only asking you so I can get a more accurate measure of..."

He cut her off. "Well that's where I keep my privates…"

"Your privates?" Thinking for a second, Rarity realized what he meant. "You do realize we're all naked?"

"Y...yeah, I know."

"Then remove your undergarments."

"No," he stated firmly.

Rarity sternly stated, "I asked you nicely. Now remove them!"

Bryce turned back around. "Well, I said..." Bryce's pants were suddenly enveloped in a transparent blue aura and drawn down to the floor, his underwear suffering the same fate. Bryce could only look down in shock, then at Rarity, then back down.

Rarity did the same, blushing from embarrassment at the human's exposed appendage, turning her head away. "P...put that...thing away."

Bryce covered it with his hands and pulled his feet out of his blue glowing shorts. "I can't; that's how human anatomy is. Male reproductive organs stick out like that, and when it gets stimulated..."

"Then put your undergarments back on this instant," Rarity interjected hastily.

"Well, stop doing whatever it is you're doing to them!"

Rarity released her magical hold on Bryce's pants; the blue glow around them dissipating. Bryce poked at them with his toes, "How...how did you do that?"

"Oh no. I'm not saying a word until..."

"Okay, okay, alright." He reached down with one hand, picked up his boxers, and stuck his legs through the holes. When he had pulled them up to his waist, he calmly said to Rarity, "I'll keep my boxers on if that's alright with you."

The fashionista replied, "Fine, fine; stand in the center of the room and remain straight." Bryce did so as Rarity pulled a pair of eyeglasses out of her saddlebag along with a writing pad, quill, and tape measure. With Bryce in position, Rarity went to work.

After a few minutes of watching the tape measure float around his body, Bryce spoke up, "How are you doing that?"

"Doing what?"

"With the tape measure, it's floating as if by..."

"Magic? Of course it is."

Bryce twisted his torso around. "Wait, really?"

"Stand still!" she ordered.

"Sorry!" Bryce exclaimed as he turned back around. "You’re not kidding around, are you?"

"Of course not. Could you lift your...forelegs up for me?" Bryce held his arms out to shoulder level. "Here in Equestria, all unicorns have the ability to use magic. Have you not heard of it?"

"No. I'm not from Equestria, and there aren't any unicorns where I'm from.”

"Oh...but there must be magic where you're from, is there not?"

"Yea— No, NO! We don't have any magic where I'm from, no ma’am!"

"Stop shifting around or we'll have to start over." Bryce tried his best to stay still. "Well I suppose that would explain - fifteen-and-a-quarter inches near the shoulder - why you look so surprised."

"Well, back on Earth, we usually do work with our hands or machines."

"Oh, that's - thirteen at the joint - interesting, but how do you control the weather?"

It took all of Bryce's concentration to not turn around and face Rarity, "What do you mean? The weather controls itself...right?"

"Here in Equestria, the weather is controlled by the pegasi, but I don't see how you can. You don't have wings."

"Humans don't have wings; the weather more or less controls itself... Is that why I sometimes see the clouds move around at such odd angles?"

"Why yes, that is exactly the reason."

"OK, then what about earth ponies? What are they good for?"

"Oh, now they're...eight-and-a-half at the fetlock...more ambiguous. Earth ponies don't have wings like pegasi, or the abilities to perform magic like unicorns, but a few have... " Rarity paused to write down Bryce's dimensions "...a few have a power over the earth...or so I've heard."

"How so?"

"I'm not very knowledgeable on earth pony anatomy. You should ask Applejack if you're interested..." Rarity then took notice of Bryce's left arm, "Why does your left foreleg look different from your right?"

Bryce brought it forward so he could see it, "It's...a burn."

"A burn...? But it's so...large though, how could you possibly have received something so...grotesque, so...alluring?"

Bryce bluntly stated, "I was struck by lightning."

"Lightning, gracious how did you survive such an ordeal?"

"I...I don't know."

"Are you alright, it just seems so..."

"I'm fine, really. It happened like two weeks ago."

Rarity wanted to press the issue, but decided it best to resume their business, "Keep your forelegs raised while I measure your barrel and chest." Bryce continued to do so. "So what do you do? Back in your world, I mean?"

"I didn't have a job, so to speak. I was a college student."

"Oh, what was your area of study?"

"I hadn't actually declared a major. I was more of an independent study major. You know, just...testing the waters."

"That's... interesting... forty-one-and-a-half around the chest.... What were you studying then?"

"Well, I was about halfway through the semester, but back on Earth, I was studying analytical calculus. I kept an A in it too. Then there was biology, microeconomics, and a history course. That last one I enjoyed the most."

"Why’s - forty-five at the barrel - why's that?" Rarity inquired.

"Because to understand a culture, or how it got the way it is today, you need to look at the events leading up to now and how their beliefs and practices have changed over time."

"Well, in a sense I can agree with...Bryce, darling, please stand still."

"I can't help it; my ribs are ticklish."

"We're more than halfway done, so just try to stand still." Rarity stood in front of Bryce and batted her eyelashes. "Do it for me... won't you, darling?"

"Um... okay, I'll try." Bryce bit down on his lower lip.

"That's better, now then... hips... forty-one-and-a-third.... Are you standing up straight? Your back seems to bend forward."

"No, that's how I always stand."

"Well it just seems…. It doesn't matter. You may lower your forelegs." Bryce did so, letting out a sigh of relief. "Now, would you please spread your back legs apart? Good now... twenty-seven around at the gaskins…."

Bryce asked something that had been on his mind ever since he'd introduced himself to the white unicorn. "Why were you so concerned about my name before?"

"Whatever do you mean... twenty one and a half...?"

"Before when I told you my name, it looked like you'd heard it before."

Rarity stopped to record her work, taking her time in doing so. "Oh, you... noticed that?" Bryce turned to Rarity and looked her in the eye, his face expressionless. "Very well; if you must know, I have heard your name before, but in a more... antagonistic way."

"What do you mean?"

Rarity wasn't quick to answer. "I mean no offense, but you were described as being fifteen feet tall with razor sharp fangs and claws that could rip through bone, deep, glowing red eyes that could pierce a pony's very soul, a mane of flaming snakes, and had absolutely no regard for pony life."

Bryce covered his eyes with his large hand and shook his head, knowing of only one pony in this world that would sink to such a level. "Mind if I take a guess at who you heard it from?"

"Don't you worry darling, I'm sure it was..."

Bryce interrupted, "It was Rainbow Dash, wasn't it?"

Rarity's sentence caught in her throat. "Actually yes, it was her.... But how did you...?"

Bryce turned back, facing away from the blue-eyed unicorn, "I... may have laid into her last week, in a bad way."

"What do you mean by 'laid into her'?"

"I... told her how she looked like a boy in a very descriptive detail."

Rarity walked over to the human. "What would force you to do a thing like that? I know that Rainbow Dash may look...and act a little virile, but there must have been something she did to force your hoof."

Bryce tried to avoid meeting her gaze. "Well... a few days before she... I smacked Apple Bloom, and she must have seen me do it. When I was alone, she came out of nowhere and attacked me."

"My word! Did you really hurt that little filly that hard?"

"Well... sort of. She had jumped in front of me when I was out back cutting wood. I was... angry at her for doing something so... so... stupid. I regretted doing it the second I did it but... Rainbow Dash must not have seen it that way."

"What all did she do exactly?"

"Do you really want to know?"


Bryce shook his head again. "She...broke my nose... blackened my eye... nearly broke my jaw... cracked a few of my ribs.... It was just horrible."

After a short pause, Rarity asked, "But that's not what's upsetting you, now is it?" Bryce weakly shook his head. "Then what is it?"

Bryce sat down on the bed, not looking in Rarity's direction. "Well... a few days after that she...... I noticed her hiding up on a cloud. I... I was only joking, you know, just trying to make her come down. She must not have seen it that way though and... we got in an argument and I... I wasn't easy on her."

"Well from what's she done to you, I'd say you were too easy on her.” Rarity stomped her hoof. "Why the gall of that... bucking hoyden...." Rarity closed her eyes to collect herself. Now, Rarity, that's no way for a lady to react. When Rarity had calmed herself, she firmly stated, "While I don't like the fact you hurt that little filly, I'm more upset at Rainbow Dash."

"Wait, don't—

"I've had just about enough of that... mare. The gloating and tomfoolery I can take, but that she would actually handle a misunderstanding in such a manner is unforgiveable."

"Rarity, there's no reason for you to get invol—"

"Darling, I know your heart may be in the right place, but anything you did to her was too forgiving."

"No…. Just... no." Everything in the room began to shake with his ire. "I already feel bad enough without forcing someone else to get involved." Rarity took the hint and kept her mouth shut. "I know what happened; I won't deny what I did, but if you get involved in this....This is my battle; let me deal with it on my own as I always have."

There was a much longer pause. Rarity was the one to break the silence. "Bryce...?"


"Why are you forcing such a burden on yourself? You didn't do anything wrong."

"*Pfft* Say that to Apple Bloom or Rainbow Dash."

"Well you have, but the most important part about it is you regret doing it."

"Yeah... so what?"

"So you have nothing to worry about." Bryce didn't show any sign he comprehended what she was saying. "How can you feel so bad about this?"


Rarity was getting tired of going back and forth with Bryce. "Because why?"

Bryce stood and walked towards the unicorn, forcing her back. "Because the way I treated Rainbow Dash is no better than how others treated me! The whole time I was growing up, I was talked down to! Every day of the week, no matter what I'd done, right or wrong, people would treat me like crap! Just... the pain of it all hurt me so much, so much sometimes that I felt like ending my own life!!!" When Bryce was finished, he had his hands balled into fists, his heart was pounding inside his chest, his anger forcing tears to stream down his cheeks. Rarity's flank was against the wall.

As quickly as Bryce's anger had peaked, it just as soon began to recede. His senses slowly began to come back. The unicorn, less than half his size, was cowering in fear at his feet. The only protection she had was her raised hoof. Bryce turned away, "I... I'm sorry...."
He made his way for the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere far away from here."

Rarity reacted quickly, using her magic to stop him from passing through the passageway. "Oh no, I'm not about to allow you to do something drastic to yourself."

"This doesn't involve you."

"Oh yes it does. If I were to allow you to walk out that doorway, I'd never forgive myself."

"Is that what you're worried about?" Bryce turned around to face her. "Fine. I, Bryce Smales, absolve you pre-humorously of everything that is about to happen," he said as he drew a cross in the air.

"I don't care if you do; I'm not letting you outside this room. Now why don't we just sit down, and we'll talk this over."

Bryce huffed. "And after that, do you promise to let me go?"

"That depends on how things turn out."

Bryce let out a heavy sigh. "Fine...." He sat down on the edge of the bed.

Rarity took a seat on the hard floor. "Now I can understand you feeling bad about being 'talked down to', but why are you so upset with Rainbow?"

I'm not upset at Rainbow.... I'm upset at myself."

"I don't follow."

"I'm upset at myself because what I did to her was no better than what was done to me. Like I said, when I was younger, people treated me as the whipping boy, always the one that received the worst end of the deal whenever someone else screwed up. No matter what it was, the finger was pointed at me in the end. Everyone else got away with a slap on the wrist at best."

"Did you ever do anything bad?"

"Well... sometimes I did, but my infractions were always equated as a mortal sin. I may have done things that hurt others, but it was never intentional."

"But how could they treat you such a way?"

"I don't know; it just human nature I guess. Every time, there's something 'different' or 'abnormal'. They always find something. If it's not looks, it's race. If not race, then beliefs. If not beliefs, then preferences. They find something, whether it be wealth, religion, gender, weight... mental competence." Bryce put his hands together and brought them to his forehead. "They find some reason to belittle anyone that's undesired."

Rarity was confused, "Then why are you so upset? From what you've said, you were the one that 'talked down' to Rainbow."

"That's the point. I was the one that did it this time. I admit, when I was doing it, I felt on top of the world, but when I came down... I... I saw that I'd become the thing I despised the most. When I walked down the path towards town, I met Ditzy, and she told me she'd seen Rainbow Dash, and that she was upset because 'some jerk kept on calling her a boy'." Bryce folded his arms and looked down. "My entire life, I promised myself I'd never do anything to make anyone feel like I had... but I did."

Rarity stood up and stepped forward. "Surely it wasn't all that bad?"

"Well, yeah. There were a few good ones."

Rarity took another cautionary step forward. "Can you describe it for me?"

"Well, there were a few classes I really did like. Like computers and art. They gave me the chance to be myself. The teachers were always praising me on my creativity. I never saw it though."

Rarity stepped forward once again, close enough for Bryce's stench to make her nose cringe. She pressed through, however, not wanting to upset him more than he already was. "How have you been able to survive though? Your world seems so...cold and...hopeless."

"I...always kept hope...hope that the next day would be better. True, many of them were worse than the day before, but when those few times, those very few times they were better... they made it all worth living."

"Then...what about today? Does this count as a better day?"

"Well, I was finally told I was well enough to do stuff with Apple Bloom, wrangled what could have been a deadly snake, threw said snake onto you, which I am sorry for, exposed myself—"

"Which I'm sorry for."

"It's Okay, really. The best part was that I got my measurements so I don't have to go around half naked anymore, and I met the first female on this world that hasn't hurt me in some way or another. All in all, it's been a good day, I guess." Rarity cleared the rest of the distance between them and threw her hoof around his neck and held him tightly. "What's that for?"


"Because why?"

"Because the weight on your shoulders is too heavy for any one pony to bear alone."

"H... How can you forgive me? You just wanted to help and I..."

"Shh... It’s alright; I forgive you."

Bryce cried. He grabbed hold of Rarity and pulled her tightly into his chest. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, darling, but could you just... please…."

Bryce released the unicorn. "I'm sorry."

Rarity looked him straight in the eye. "I forgive you. Now if you don't mind standing back up for me, Bryce, I'd like to finish your measurements. The sooner it’s done the sooner I can return to the boutique and get your clothes done."

Bryce stood up. "Well... about payment…."

"Don't you worry about it, darling; it's on the—"

"I can't accept that. You're generous, but I can't allow you to do this for free. When I can, I'll pay you back in almost any way I can."

"If you insist, but this affair with Rainbow Dash… I refuse to just sweep it under the rug. The only way she'll understand is a proper dressing down." Bryce made to speak but Rarity raised her hoof. "I will allow you your condition, but only if you allow me mine."

Bryce thought it over for a second. "If you feel you must, but...please don't say I had anything to do with it. I'm in deep enough water with her as it is."

"You don't have to worry. Besides, what else are friends for?"

Bryce meekly asked, "Friends... really?"

"Of course, Bryce; you deserve at least somepony to turn to when you need it. Now if you could..." Bryce stood in the center of the room again to allow his friend to work her magic. "And... eleven-and-a-half at the coronets and... done. You can relax now, Bryce."

Bryce did so as he walked over to his shoes. Holding them up to her, he asked, "If you could, could you see if you can do anything with these. If I keep wearing them the way they are, my feet will get all cut up."

"I can try. Why have you kept them for so long?"

"I... have a hard time throwing things away until they cease to do their intended function... and breaking in a new pair of shoes is like stepping on broken glass to me."

Rarity grabbed them in her magic. "Okay, but I won't promise anything."

"Well, do what you can. That's the best I can ask."

At that moment, Granny Smith came running in through the door. "Is everypony decent?" Both Rarity and Bryce looked at her in surprise. "Well if y'all are done, lunch's ready. We have hay fries, corn on the cob, anything a pony could want. Just come on down when you're ready." Granny Smith left the room.

"The... hay fries. They aren't... actually hay, are they?"

Rarity replied, "No, we call them that because they're made to resemble hay. They're made of potatoes."

"Well that's good. I will admit I'm a picky eater. Just the other day I couldn't eat a pastry because I didn't like the feel of it. It was...flaky.

"Well, everypony has their quirks, I suppose. Come, it's impolite to keep everypony waiting."

Bryce and Rarity exited the room and went downstairs to the dining room.


That night, after everypony else had gone to bed, Bryce jumped out of bed and cracked the window open. Immediately, a red, black, and yellow banded head popped over the window sill. Bryce stuck his hand out, and the head slithered onto his body. He pulled the rest of the head through and brought it up to his eye level. "See, I told you I was going to do it."

Jack flicked her tongue out at Bryce.

"Well I told you before, just be glad I let you do this. Now, you can stay here at night, but in the morning, you're going right back out the way you came in, got it?"

Jack only stared at Bryce.

"Good, now you can either stay on my forearm or my calf. And please don't do it so tightly if you can. You almost chocked me to death this afternoon."

Jack snaked her way down his hand and coiled herself around his forearm.
"Well...good night, Jack. Sweet dreams." Bryce kissed her once on the head and went to sleep himself.


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Chapter 17: Ben

"Ha...ha ha ha...stop it Christopher Lloyd, you...ha ha...you know how ticklish I am." When the tickling around his ribs wouldn't cease, Bryce swatted at his love handles connecting with something long and rough to the touch. Wait...that's not Doc! Throwing the blanket off himself he found the yellow, black, and red banded body of a scarlet kingsnake. Bryce grabbed the snake and unlooped her from his belly, "Damn it Jack...I said on either my calves or my forearms, not my gut!"

Jack flicked her forked tongue at the human.

"What do you mean I woke you; you woke ME!"

Jack could only stare.

"Bah...you're no Corn, but you'll do," Bryce stated before kissing her on the head. Jack flicked her tongue a second time, "Well he's my dog. His name's Cornelius; but we always called him Corn because no one could spell his name right." Bryce loosened his grip on Jack, much to her relief, "I...conked him when we were in the forest. The last I heard he was with someone called Fluttershy, whoever the H that is." Bryce jumped up and walked over to the window and slid it up, "Well Jack, it's morning. So back out the window with you." Guiding her to the window sill the reptile slithered through and down to the ground.

With Jack back outside Bryce exited his bedroom and made his way to the bathroom to initiate his morning ritual. When he exited the bathroom he saw Applebloom slowly trotting up the staircase, her gaze fixated on the floor. Bryce waved at her, "Hey Sprou..." Before he could finish she rushed into her room and slammed the door. He stood there in shock, covering his ears until the ringing stopped, "Well...was it something I said?"

Shrugging it off Bryce descended the staircase; each step groaning in protest at his heavy mass. As he entered the kitchen he found his usual breakfast of fried egg sandwiches and a glass of milk waiting for him at the end of the table. He was almost surprised to find Granny Smith sitting down at the table as well. Bryce ignored her and took his usual place at the breakfast table.

As Bryce was removing the crusts from his first sandwich Granny Smith said, "Bryce, there's somethin we need ta talk about."

"...OK." Damn, what did I do this time?!"

"Now there's nothing for you ta get upset about; you're not in trouble. Ah've taken notice that you're feelin better." Bryce nibbled off a short row of his sandwich, chewing it thoroughly, swallowing it, and starting the process again. "Now Ah know you've been wantin some work ta do so the first day next week Ah have something you can do."


"Ah talked with Applebloom about it and she...didn't take the news very well."

Well that explains why she ran off, I guess.

"Ah was wonderin if you could go up and talk to her?"

Bryce had finished his first sandwich and was starting on the second, "Well...why me?"

"Because Applejack, Big Mac, and Ah tried but that only got her that much more upset. She couldn't even eat breakfast she was so upset. Just go up to her room and try to explain it to her."

"Well...I'll try. But I don't know what I can say that y'all already haven't." Bryce quickly ate his last sandwich, downed his glass of milk, and made his way back upstairs. Standing in front of Applebloom's door, he tried to think of something, anything to make the young filly understand. His mind was abuzz with many things he could use to justify this. In his head they all ended in the same outcome; Applebloom would only become more and more upset, scream and yell at him, and eventually stop talking to him all together, just waiting for him to leave.

After a few minutes Bryce decided it best to get it over with. Raising his hand he tapped his knuckles on the wood, "Sprout...it's me. Can...can I come in?"

There was no response from the other side.

He tapped the door again, "Sprout...I know you're upset, but...can we please talk?"

Still no response.

"Sprout, don't do this to me. Aren't we friends?" The door opened forward revealing the small yellow filly standing there in the doorway. "Can I come in?" Applebloom turned around and jumped onto her bed, not once turning back to look at Bryce. Bryce entered the room and shut the door behind him, "Sprout, your grandmother told me what's got you so upset. Sprout...I know this must be bothersome, but...I need to work."

Applebloom continued to stare off into space, not acknowledging that Bryce had said anything.

"Sprout...just please say something. You're...you're hurting my feelings."

There was a short pause before Applebloom said, "Why are yuh leavin?"

Bryce eyes shot open, "What...?"

"A...Applejack said you'd be leavin."

Bryce walked over to her bedside, "Well she didn't say anything to me. What exactly did she say?"

"She...she said that yuh had ta 'leave the homestead and get out there and find some work'."

Bryce covered his mouth with his hand and shook his head. When he was finished he removed his hand and said, "Applebloom, I think you took what she said out of context."

Applebloom finally looked up at the human, "What does...contacts mean?"

"Well, let me say it this way. When your sister said that she didn't mean that I had to leave."

"B...but she said..."

"It means I need to get away from the house."

Applebloom looked at him in confusion, "That still sounds like the same thing."

"No...I need to get away from the house, but I'll still be living here."

"Oh..." Applebloom was still confused about the whole thing, "How long are yuh gonna be gone?"

Bryce sat down on the edge of Applebloom's bed, "Sprout, think of it this way. Your brother and sister both tell you they're leaving when they go out to the orchard, don't they." Applebloom weakly nodded. "And don't they always come back before it gets dark?" She nodded again. "Well it just means I'll go out and work, but I'll still get back by dark."

Applebloom let out an annoyed growl and feel onto her back.

"Well, what is it then?"

Applebloom got on her hooves and shouted, "Ah want yuh ta stay here. Ah don't want yuh ta leave. Ah just want somepony ta play with me!"

Bryce tried to reply as calmly as he possibly could, "Sprout...I'm just too old to be playing with kids. I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy all the games we've played the past week, but I'm...I'm an adult...and that means I can't do stuff like this all the time." He let out a heavy sigh, "I want to do stuff with you too, but I'm just too old."

Applebloom looked at Bryce. She opened her mouth as if to speak, but the words got caught in her throat. Turning her head downwards Applebloom bit down on her lower lip. Her orange eyes began to well up, tears streaming down her cheeks.


The filly dropped down on her belly and bury her face in her hooves. Bryce tried to rub her across her back but was rejected.

After allowing her to sulk for a few minutes she began to calm down. Bryce again tried to talk to her, "...Applebloom, if you can hear me...I want you to look at me." Applebloom slowly complied. "Applebloom...I want you to just lie there and listen to what I have to say. Everything I told you is true. I do wish I could play with you more, I do. The past few days have been some of the most fun I've had in my entire life. I would give almost anything so we could have more days like those."

Bryce again extended his hand to try and pet her. This time the filly allowed him the benefit. "But Applebloom, you need to play with others your age."

Applebloom buried her face back into her hooves.

With no other alternative, Bryce said the only thing he could think to try, "Applebloom...I know what you're going through." Not fully believing his claim she looked up at Bryce. "I mean, we're both kind of the same you and I. Back home my house was out in the middle of nowhere, just like yours. As you can imagine there weren't very many kids my age around so I usually had to find things to do on my own. I...it was just so lonesome."

"B...but wouldn't there anypony around?"

"Yeah, but they were all mostly adults and teenagers. I wanted more than anything to have someone my age to play with, but it just never happened."

"How did yuh get by though?"

"Corn, my dog I mean. I still remember the day Corn showed up at my house. He just...came out of nowhere one day, and from that day I never felt as alone as I had before." Bryce stopped for a second before speaking again, "So I do know what you're going through, but I'm not saying that you have to like it."

"W...well Ah don't."

Bryce continued to pet the filly across her back, "Shh...I know. Tell you what, I'll try and find someone your own age to play with. I don't know how, or when, but I will."

"D...do yuh promise?"

"Appl..." Bryce stared into her eyes; both of them red from her sobbing. "Applebloom...I promise to try. That's the best I can do." Applebloom mood instantly began to lighten. Getting onto her hooves she walked over to Bryce and pressed her head into his side, prompting Bryce to laugh once in his throat. "So...still friends?"


Bryce picked her up by her sides and pulled her into his chest, "Good." When he was finished with his hug Bryce placed her on the floor, "Now then, we still have a few days of playtime left. But first I think a certain little filly needs to get something in her tummy, would you know anything about that?"

At that second Applebloom's stomach began to grumble. She blushed as she gave a small smile.

"Well I suppose you do." Bryce stood up, "Once you get something to eat we'll go on out and play, what do you say?"

Applebloom immediately ran through the door, turning in the direction of the stairs.

Bryce hung back for a second before he followed, "Dear Lord...I don't know for what reason I was brought here, but please let it all be real."


"There I was, staring him straight to the back of his throat; drool streaming down his lips, fur clinging to his fangs. His grip on my leg getting tighter and tighter by the second."

The group of foals that had gathered to hear Rainbow's valorous exploits against the monstrous being called 'Bryce' gasped in surprise. "With nothing else to do I started throwing my hooves out, trying to find any way to defeat this ungoddessly thing. Then I finally found it; right between his back legs, almost in plain sight, I found it. Acting fast I went pow, pow, and gave him a little of pow pow...bam bam bam bam...bam," she said as she threw her hooves through the air. "When I was all done I let him go. He was crying for his mama the whole way back into the Everfree Forest."

At the conclusion of her tale the foals all started jumping into the air; every one of them in awe of the rainbow mare's courageous act.

When the foals had lowered their voices a high pitched voice shouted over the young crowd, "Oh really, is that really how it happened?" Turning around everypony was met with the sight of Ponyville's resident fashionista.

"Uh...yeah that's exactly how it happened, why else...?"

Rarity smirked before saying, "Even the part about your dye job?"

"Yeah oh course...wait what?!" A chorus of hushed voices and giggles began to stream from the young foals. Rainbow Dash flew over the crowd and landed a few inches away from the white unicorn and spoke in a quiet whisper, "What the hay, how do you know about...?"

"What ever do you mean? That you dye your mane or that you have a coltish appearance?" she said, batting her eyes at that last part.

Rainbow gritted her teeth, trying to keep her voice down, "What...Did...You...Just...Say!?"

Rarity could only smirk back.

Rainbow pulled Rarity aside, well out of earshot of the gathered foals, "How much do you know?"

"Only that you hurt that poor boy over a misunderstanding and when you came back you got what was coming to you."

"A mis...A MISUNDERSTANDING! He was the one who hit Applebloom, I was just trying to protect her from that...thing."

"I know what he did, and that was a big misunderstanding, but that doesn't explain what happened afterwards."

"Well he...he kept on calling me a 'guy' what was I supposed to do?"

"Oh, so that justifies it then? He calls you a name and that means you have to disfigure the poor boy?" Rarity then sat on her hunches and did a mocking clap with her hooves, "Oh bravo Rainbow Dash. Bravo!"


"And what about when he was sitting at the side of the house, were you there to do the same thing again?"

"I was...spying on him, and he was making fun of me."

"He was joking. He wasn't trying to be mean about it; he was trying to make you come down. In fact he told me you were making fun of him," she said, poking an accusatory hoof into Rainbow's chest.

"What, no I wasn't!"

"Were not your exact words 'huge' and 'idiot'?"

Rainbow scratched the back of her head, "Well..." Rarity narrowed her eyes at the rainbow mare, "I did say that...but I wasn't being all literal and junk about it." Rarity continued to stare daggers at Rainbow, "What, I'm telling the truth. If I knew he was going to take so literally I wouldn't have said it."

"Then why did you start all these rumors about him if you weren't 'being all literal and junk'?"


Rarity raised her hoof and shut her eyes, "I don't want to know your reasons. Whatever happened between you two either ends here now or else."

Now it was Rainbow's turn to glare at Rarity, "Or else what?"

"I'll tell everypony what really happened."

"*Pfft*, what makes you think they'll believe you?"

"Well I'm not the one making up stories to impress schoolyard foals now am I?"

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth but could think of no way to refute her claim. "F...fine."

"And you're going to apologize to him as well."

"What, why should I...?" She stopped when Rarity glared at her again. "Fine, but I'm not gonna like it."

"I really don't care if you do or not, but you better do it."

"Grr...why are you fighting for him so much?"

"Because he's my friend."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're not actually friends with that thing; he's dangerous."

"He's not that dangerous. Sure he may act a little...odd at times; what with the constant flapping of those...fingers I think he called them, how he keeps rocking himself, and he's a stickler on every little thing, but he's...a good pony at heart none the less. In any case I feel I can trust him more than I can you."


"I...don't know, he just seems like a pony could tell him anything and wouldn't tell a living soul."

Rarity then walked off towards the boutique leaving Rainbow to stand where she was. After a minute her attention was drawn to a orange pegasus foal with a short purple mane poking her in the flank, "H...hey Rainbow Dash, can you tell us again how you saved all of Ponyville from B...Bryce?"

Rainbow Dash brought a hoof up to her eyes, "N...not now kid, I have...things I need to take care of." Rainbow Dash then flew off, leaving the young pegasus in the dirt.


Bryce swung his hand back and forth. When it was at the right point he released the horseshoe in his grasp. It landed nearly half an inch away from being a ringer. "Dam...dang it."

Instantly Applebloom began to giddily dance on her hooves. " Ah won, Ah won. Yuh wanna go again, Bryce?"

"Sure, we'll go one more round and then we'll head in for lunch."

Applebloom ran ahead and retrieved her horseshoes, Bryce doing the same soon after. He once again grabbed his first horseshoe and swung it back and forth in the direction of the pole. When he released it this time it landed more than a foot past the pole, "Dang...it looks so easy."

"Are yuh sure you're not lettin me win?"

"I'm playing honestly, really. It's your turn." Applebloom grabbed a horseshoe in her teeth and began to spin around in place. She kept turning and turning, her speed increasing with every revolution. "Sprout, that's enough. Go on and release it." She kept on spinning. "Sprout, come on now before you..."

At that second her hoof got caught on her tail causing her to trip and fall on the ground. As she landed on the ground her grip on the horseshoe loosened and it flew straight into the air. Bryce rushed forward and grabbed it before it could land on her head, "Applebloom, you all right?!"


"I think it's best we call it game over on this one, don't you?"

Applebloom nodded up at Bryce.

"Well let's head in and get lunch then."

The pair then walked back towards the farm house. As they reached the front door he took notice of an object flying towards them. Placing his hand over his eyes Bryce said, "Is that...?"

Applebloom turned back, "It looks like Miss Derpy."

"Don't call her that now. In any case I'll take your word for it; my visions not that good at a certain distance. Head on in I'll see what she wants." Applebloom did so.

A few seconds later Ditzy landed on the ground on the ground and waved at the human. "Hey Bryce!"

"Hey Ditzy...what are you here for?"

":I just have a few letters I need to drop off is all."

"Well how are things going in town?"


"I already know what the boyish one's been saying about me."

"Oh, you know she said you were 25 feet tall with spiked skin, eyes that could see in every direction, and a tail that ended in a scorpion's sting?"

Bryce's face was indifferent, "Well...that I didn't know."

"Oh, I guess I shouldn't have said...How have things been here?"

"They've been...," he said as he flapped his fingers around, "fun. I've been doing stuff with Sprout." He let out a heavy sigh, "It stinks though, I have to start working around the farm starting next week."

"Oh..." They were both silent for a few seconds, "So what did Applebloom have to say about it?"

Bryce tried to avoid looking at her eyes, "She...didn't take it well. I talked to her this morning, and after I was able to coax her out of her room, I promised I'd try and find her someone her age to play with." Bryce sighed again, "The only trouble is I don't know of anyone with a kid her age."

Ditzy chuckled in her throat, "You want her to play with a goat?"

"No I..." Bryce smirked when he caught on. "You know what I mean."

Ditzy then said, "Well if it'll help I know of a certain somepony that would love to help you."

"Really, who?"

"My daughter Dinky. She's about Applebloom's age, and she's been dying for somepony her age to play with too."

"Well...I'll run it by Sprout and let you know. Just come on by tonight and we'll talk it over, if you can."

"Sure sounds great." She reached into her satchel and retrieved a few letters with her teeth, "Her, dake dess. The zooner I can get home the zooner I can let you know."

Bryce reluctantly took them, "Well see you later Ditzy." They both waved each other a goodbye before Ditzy flew off and Bryce entered the house. When he got inside he shouted, "Hey Sprout, I might have found someone for you to play with!"

Red in the Face

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Chapter 18: Red in the Face

"Is that them, is that them!?" Apple Bloom asked as she jumped up and down in the air, pointing a hoof at an object in the distance.

"No Sprout, that...*burp*... That's still the same tree as before. Just calm down; they'll get here when they get here." For the past half hour, both Bryce and Apple Bloom had been patiently waiting, to a certain extent, for the arrival of Ditzy and her young daughter, Dinky. When Bryce had announced that he had been successful in organizing a play date for Apple Bloom, she had been beyond glad. She was downright ecstatic, happy that she was going to have somepony her own age to play with.

Bryce, on the other hand, wasn't as enthusiastic. Today was the day he was expected to start doing chores around the farm on an almost daily basis, leaving very little time to interact with the energetic filly. As soon as he and everypony else had their meet and greet, Bryce would have to do his first task of painting the house. The part that worried him the most, however, was that he was obliged to paint the entire house, including the elevated part of the roof.

Every few seconds, his gaze turned to that part of the house; the one part of the house he would most likely fall from, the part that made him sick to his stomach to even imagine himself at such a height off the ground. And he was expected to do said part first. To make things worse, his body had decided to be exceptionally gaseous early that morning.

A few minutes later, Apple Bloom once again jumped in the air. "Bryce, BRYCE! They're here!"

Looking in the direction she was pointing, Bryce saw that she was actually right this time. At the end of the trail leading up to Sweet Apple Acres were two pairs of equine shapes - one grey, the other a pale magenta. What confused Bryce the most that they both looked to be roughly the same size. As they came closer, Bryce could make out that this new pony had a horn jutting from the middle of its forehead instead of pegasus wings as he'd expected.

From where he stood, he could hear them both having a heated discussion. "But why do I have to come too? She's old enough to play with other foals on her own."

"I know, but she's just so shy when it comes to meeting new ponies. Besides, we're already here now."

The unicorn huffed angrily. "Fine... but I'm not doing this for you. Just so you know."

"I... I'm not asking you to do this for me, I'm asking you to do it for her. Could you please try and enjoy yourself f... for your...?" They both cut their conversation short when they found themselves near a towering, bipedal figure. "Oh... hey Bryce," Ditzy said with a forced smile.

"Uhh... hey, Ditzy. Is something...?"

Ditzy replied, "No, no everything's fine." The magenta unicorn rolled her eyes away from the group. "So is... Apple Bloom ready for her play date?"

"Uh huh, Ah sure Miss Derpy!" Apple Bloom said as she jumped up off the ground.

"We... Well I... I suppose she is, b... but you... you said your daughter was around Sssprout's age."

"What? No this is my daughter—"

"'STEPdaughter," the magenta unicorn spat back.

"Ye... Yes my step daughter, Amy."

The unicorn broke in, "My name is Amethyst Star." She turned to face Ditzy. "And no pony calls me that," she said with a scowl on her face.

After that, there was a pause between the group. Bryce was the first to break the silence. "O… O... Okay then, but you said...." Bryce took notice of a second greyish-purple unicorn peeking out from behind the grey pegasus. He pointed a finger at this young unicorn. "I... Is that her?"

Ditzy turned to where Bryce indicated. "Come on, Muffin, it's going to be alright. Bryce wouldn't hurt a fly." Dinky slowly came out from her hiding spot, gradually moving forward for everyone present to see her. When she stopped a few inches away from her mother, Ditzy placed a hoof on her back, "Go on, Dinky. Bryce wouldn't hurt anypony. Everything Rainbow told you was make believe."

Dinky opened her mouth to speak, but she was having a hard time distinguishing between what Rainbow had said before and what her mother was telling her now. When Bryce bent down towards the unicorn filly, she froze up, deep down in her heart expecting the worst to occur. "H… Hey there, m… my name's Bryce. W… W… What's yours?"

Dinky answered in a whispery tone. "I… I'm Di..."

Bryce leaned forward and placed a hand on her back. Dinky's skin immediately began to crawl as she raised a hoof to protect herself from the large human." Hey, hey, don't act like that now. I'm not going to hurt you. You're too cute to hurt," Bryce said, trying to calm the timid unicorn. When he began to lightly stroke her back with his palm, Dinky slowly lowered her hoof. Bryce softly sang to her, "Don't worry... about a thing 'cause every little thing gonna be all right. Singin' don't worry... about a thing 'cause every little thing gonna be all right!" Slowly but surely, Dinky placed her hoof back down on the ground, her face once again in full view.

With that now resolved, Bryce said to her, "Well...do you think you can tell me your name?"

Dinky answered in a more audible tone, "I… I'm Dinky."

"Well Dinky, you’re so cute I could eat you up." Dinky stepped back when she heard him say that. "Hey...it was just a figure of speech; I'm not really going to do something like that. Besides, you'd be too sweet for anyone to eat." At that last statement, he lightly tapped her on the tip of her nose. "Now, are you ready for your play—?"

Without warning, Apple Bloom jumped in and started rapidly questioning the timid unicorn. "Hey there, Dinky, mah name's Apple Bloom. What do yuh wanna do first? We can play tag, or hide and seek, or maybe even—"

"Apple Bloom!" Bryce looked down at Apple Bloom with his usual scowl.

She took the hint. "Ah... Ah'm sorry, Dinky." She stuck her hoof out to Dinky. "Ah'm Apple Bloom." Dinky slowly stuck her own hoof out and tapped it against the yellow filly's. "So what do yuh like ta play?"

Dinky stuttered, "I... I like to play l... Lots of games. Wh... What do you play?"

"Well Ah really like horseshoes, and hide and seek, and lots of others."

"I... I like hide and seek. Ca... Can we play that?" Apple Bloom nodded, causing a tiny smile to form on Dinky's face.

Before Dinky could run off, Ditzy got her daughter's attention. "Well I need to get on the road, Muffin."

"D... Do you really have to go, mama?"

Ditzy looked down at the ground. "Yes, I do." This made Dinky's ears droop. Ditzy brought her daughter for a hug, "Don't worry, Muffin. I'll be back here to pick you up before dark. You just worry about having fun with Bryce and Apple Bloom. She gave Dinky a kiss on the forehead before turning to Amethyst. "And Amy," the pale magenta unicorn could only huff at mention of that name, "try and have some fun while you're both here... I love you both. I do."

Amethyst Star didn't return the sentiment.

Releasing a heavy sigh, Ditzy walked a safe enough distance away from the house before flying off towards Ponyville.

When Ditzy was out of sight of the three ponies and the lone human, Apple Bloom said, "So Dinky, do yuh wanna hide first or be the seeker?"

"Wha... Oh, I... I don't know. Which do you want to do first?"

"Whichever one you don't want, I guess."

Bryce jumped in. "Tell you what, I'll help...*burp*... Sorry. I'll help y'all decide." He pulled out his wallet from his front pocket and pulled out the quarter he kept hidden within it. "Whoever guesses which side this coin lands on will hide first." He positioned the quarter on his thumb and flipped it in the air. As it came back down, Bryce grabbed it and flattened it on the back of his opposite palm. "Okay, call it. Heads or tails?"


"T... Tails."

Bryce removed his hand. "Tails. Dinky hides first."

"Oh... Okay."

Bryce got back down on his knee. "Now listen to me. Be careful about where you hide. If you can't see what's in there, don't go in there. Just the other day Apple Bloom hid in a haystack with a snake in it. Thankfully, it was harmless, but that might not always be the case." He stood back on his feet. "Now both of you stay safe, keep out of trouble, and have fun."

"O...Okay." Dinky turned to her sister. "A...Amy, c...can you play hide and seek...?"

"Not now, Dinky. Maybe later."

This filled Dinky with disappointment. "Okay, sis." She then ran off to find a place to hide.

Apple Bloom placed her face against the side of the house and started counting to ten. When she had done so, she too ran off, leaving Bryce alone with Amethyst Star.

Bryce turned to the pale magenta unicorn. "Now look, I have work I need to do. That means you're going to have to watch over those two."

"You must be joking. There's no way in Tartarus I'm wasting my time—"

Bryce stared at her with his usual scowl. "You listen... to me. In the next few minutes, I'm going to be busy painting the entirety of this house. That means all my attention will be on that. And the first part I'm supposed is the... topmost part of the house." This last part he said in disgust. "Now I don't know what's going on between you and your mother—"


Without blinking, Bryce growled back, "Shut up! Whatever is going on between you two, you leave it at home. Now 'you' watch them, or once I'm done with the house, I'll paint you. Capisci?!"

"I... but... fine. You just... hurry up so I can get back to... ugh." Amethyst then walked off to do as Bryce had tasked her with.

Now that Bryce was alone, he did the one thing he'd been holding back on since Ditzy and her daughters had arrived. He let out the loudest, longest, smelliest fart he had ever had the discomfort of producing. Leaning his back against the side of the house, he cried out, "Mi...piace!!!" When he had recovered, he propped the ladder onto the side of the house, gathered all the needed supplies, and reluctantly climbed up to the roof.

When he finally got himself onto the roof, it took all his willpower to not look down at the ground. Crawling on his hands and knees, Bryce made his way over to the spire and positioned himself in a comfortable position. As he was about to pop the lid on the can of paint, he felt an all too familiar presence from above. He propped his back against the house's spire and looked off into the distance. “Fifteen feet tall with razor sharp fangs and claws that could rip through bone, deep, glowing red eyes that could pierce a pony's very soul, a mane of flaming snakes, and has absolutely no regard for pony life." Rainbow Dash flew down into Bryce's field of vision. "Isn't that how you described me?"

"Yeah well... You described how much I looked like a boy."

"Well you have a croaky voice like a recently pubescent boy."

"Well you're... a pale... fleshy ape."

Bryce smirked. "Ahh sì, così io sono. Ma sei un bello ragazza, no?"

Rainbow glared back at Bryce. "What the buck did you just say to me?"

Bryce laughed. "Do you really want to know?" Rainbow shook her head. "Smart girl." He laughed again. "What the H do you want anyway?"

"What makes you think I want something?"

"Well... You didn't even dare show yourself until you knew we would be alone. So you either wanted to pound me again when you knew there would be no one around to stop you, or you didn't want to be seen treating an adversary in a polite and well thought out manner. Which one is it?"

Rainbow landed on the roof a few feet away from Bryce. "I... didn't come here to fight."

"Well that's good. With me being up on the roof, I don't have the nerve to do much of anything. In fact, I'm close to wetting myself just thinking of being up here." Breathing in deeply, Bryce continued, "Now spill it. The sooner I get down from here, the better."

"I... I came here to apologize."

Bryce cupped his hand to his ear. "What was that?"

"I'm... I'm sorry for how I acted... But where the buck do you get off sending Rarity to—"

Bryce held up his hand to stop her. "I didn't want her to do that. She wouldn't allow me to pay her back for the clothes she's making me unless I let her do that. I had nothing to do with it."

"Then... uh...?" Both pegasus and human just stared at each other for a while. "Why did you tell her I was making fun of you?"

"Well what do you call it when someone calls you 'huge' and an 'idiot'?"

"I wasn't making fun of you. How can you take something like that so seriously?"

Bryce looked down at the shingles on the roof. "I... can't fully help it. It's just the way I am... But if I had known you weren't being serious, I wouldn't have said all those things to you. For that, I'm sorry."

"It... It wasn't you I was upset at." Rainbow Dash stepped closer to the human. "When I was a filly, everypony was always making fun of how much I... You know." Bryce just stared down at the shingles but still listened to her every word. "I know I may act more stallionish than I should, but after my..." Rainbow had to swallow before she continued, "…after my mom died, it was only me and my dad. I was only a filly and he was the only pony I had as a parent. H... He could only raise me the way he knew how and we cared about each other."

Bryce spoke up, "Well... In a way, I know what you're going through. From my earliest memory, the only person I had as a parent was my mother. In truth though, I've never felt like I ever had any parents. By the time I could walk and talk, my father had put a few states between us. I know my mother tried to be there, but her job always had her coming home real late. Sometimes after the sun had gone down."

"Did your dad ever come back?"

"Well yeah... But I rather he had stayed away. By the time he came back, I was too old and... He just never really cared that he had a son. He was there when I needed something involved with my schooling, but for everything else, I was completely off his radar."

"But he must have done some stuff with you."

"Well he would always do stuff for me, never with me."

Rainbow Dash stepped forward again, less than a foot away from Bryce. "Is everything you're telling me true?"

"I'd give almost anything for it not to be. I mean just listening to your childhood I'm jealous."

"I... I wasn't trying to..."

"I know you weren't. There's no way you could have known." They both sat in silence for a few minutes. Without warning, Rainbow's nose cringed at the smell of something rotten. She turned to Bryce. "I... I'm sorry. I've been gassy all morning."

"Eh, no biggy. Better out than in."

"Really, who taught you that?"

"My dad did."

Bryce then began to laugh as he covered his eyes. When he was done laughing he said, "You really are a boy, you know that?"

Rainbow Dash scratched the back of her head and smiled. "Y... Yeah."

"Well, like I've always said: better to live as your true self than as something everyone believes you are."

"Who taught you that?"

"It's something I've had to learn on my own."

"Oh... What are you doing up here anyway?"

"Well I had to start working today and... Granny Smith wanted me to paint the entire house."

"Is there anything I can do to help? After what I did, I..."

"No... I prefer to work by myself. If you want, you can go watch after Sprout and Dinky because 'Little Miss Sparkler' is probably half-assing it."

"Who's Sprout?"

"You know, Apple Bloom. Let me explain: I don't like to call others by their given name, so I give them a nickname. I still use their given name but only when I'm trying to be serious."

"Then what nickname would you give me?"

"Well I have been thinking on it to tell you the truth." Bryce smirked. "Blitzkrieg."

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means lightning or flash. I say that because you seem to be pretty fast."

Rainbow smiled at that. "Pretty fast? You haven't even seen how fast I can be. I'm the fastest flyer in all of Equestria."

"Hmm... Maybe Orgoglio would be a more suiting name?"

"What does that mean?"

Bryce just waved it off. "It's nothing. Blitzkrieg sounds better."

"Okay..." Rainbow flew up into the air. Before she descended down to join the two fillies on the ground, she turned to Bryce. "Hey... all this stuff I told you. I've never really told anypony else. Do you think you could...?"

"What? What'd you tell me?"

"You know about how my mom... and my dad...."

"First I'm hearing of it."

"You know good and well... Oh... You're right," she said with a smile. After that, she flew off, leaving Bryce to actually get started on the house's spire.

About a half hour later, Bryce had finished three sides of the spire, leaving only the part facing the front of the house. The part that would mean he would have to hang over the edge of the roof to even remotely paint it. After taking the five minutes to get himself into position, he brought the paint brush back to the paint can. When it met only air, Bryce shimmied back onto the roof. Instead of a paint can, there was only a trail of red paint leading to the side of the house.

At that same second, Rainbow Dash came flying up, the can of paint in her hoof and its contents running down the entirety of her back. As far as Bryce could tell, she was pissed, though the red paint made it hard to tell.

"N... Now look I didn't mean... I didn't...."

Without warning, Rainbow Dash hefted the paint can back and threw it full force at Bryce. It missed Bryce, landed on the opposite of the roof, and rolled down off the roof a second time. Rainbow pointed a hoof at Bryce. "You're a bucking jerk!" Before Bryce could get a word in, she flew off at fast as she possibly could.

After that Bryce just lay there for a minute. From behind him, he could hear laughing, followed by a feminine voice, "Both of you stop laughing right now." The laughing didn't cease. When Bryce stuck his head over the side, he saw Amethyst covered in paint and shouting at the two laughing fillies, "Dinky, I said..." At that second, the magenta mare looked up to find Bryce staring back. "YOU... Why did you do this!?"

"I... It was an accident."

"Oh sure, I bet it was. Dinky, stay out here. I'm going inside to get this paint off me." She did one last death stare up at Bryce before heading inside the house.


"Okay girls, it’s finished." Nearly four hours later, Bryce had finally finished painting the entirety of the house with some help from Apple Bloom and Dinky. After he came down from the roof, both of the fillies began pestering him to come and play with them both. Bryce, however, told them he couldn't until his work on the house was finished. After almost ten minutes of begging Bryce to allow them to help, he reluctantly obliged. Handing them a can of paint Bryce had found already opened and a couple of brushes they both set to work. When they were all finished they were each covered in an ample layer of paint. "Now then, y'all go inside and clean up. I'm going to take everything back into the barn and then come clean myself up."

"OK Bryce, but be quick about it." Apple Bloom yelled before she and Dinky retreated to inside the house.

Lifting up the ladder, remaining cans of paint, and the brushes, Bryce walked over to the barn and deposited his load. As he exited the barn, Bryce noticed the ground at his feet begin to darken. Looking up, he found a grey rain cloud floating right over his head. He heard the cloud say, "Don't worry, Bryce, I'll help you clean up." Suddenly, the grey cloud began to pour down on him, dampening his entire body.

This got Bryce out of his comfort zone. He was beyond belief, unable to handle how he felt at the current moment.

Rainbow Dash swooped down in front of him. "Welp, there you go all... A... Are you okay?"

Bryce was violently shivering, his entire form convulsing. He was way out of his element. He fell down on his side and got into a fetal position.

"Rainbow... What'd yuh do ta Bryce?" Apple Bloom came running up with Dinky close behind.

Bryce started to cry, unable to get a single word out.

"I... I didn't mean..."

Bryce wanted for this whole thing to not be real.

Apple Bloom stepped up to the rainbow mare. "Y... You leave Bryce alone yo... You big bully," the yellow filly said with tears in her eyes.

"Look kid I..."

Dinky stepped up as well. "Yeah, Rainbow, j… Just leave him alone."

Rainbow flattened her ears down on her head. She opened her mouth to speak but was only met with a duo of death stares. With nothing to explain herself, Rainbow Dash ran off and flew away from the farm.

Now that Rainbow was gone, Apple Bloom and Dinky turned their attention to the trembling human. "B... Bryce, are yuh alright?"

Bryce couldn't reply.

"I... I think you should go get your grandma, Apple Bloom."

"I... O... Okay." Applebloom turned around and ran back into the house. "Granny... GRANNY!!!"

Bryce could only lie in the dirt, wanting nothing more than to be back in his old life.

Easy Come, Easy Go

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Chapter 19: Easy Come, Easy Go

In the weeks since Bryce had arrived in this land of magical talking ponies, he had been viciously beaten, made a complete ass of himself, and gotten half of everyone he had met angry at him in some way or another. The beatings, while agonizingly painful, were manageable, and he could easily recover. He knew he could act a little sarcastic or ridiculous at times, sometimes even perverse. He wasn't, however, trying to be mean about it. Sure he was a difficult person to work with, which was part of the reason he preferred to work alone. When others were around, they always seemed to hinder his work.

Whenever someone was fed up with Bryce’s attitude or work ethic, they would usually chew him out relentlessly, leaving Bryce to walk off and feel like crap. This time, however, was not one of those times. For the past two hours, he had been lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling. Bryce felt like shit.

Granny Smith was able to coax him up off the ground, but when they reached his bedroom, the aged mare decided it best to give Bryce some alone time.

Less than an hour later Ditzy had returned to pick up her two daughters. Both Ditzy and Dinky wanted to at least say their goodbyes to the human for the day, which Granny Smith granted in hopes it could snap Bryce out of his stupor. But they both came and went after neither one of them were successful in getting even a mumble of acknowledgment from him.

About a half hour after their departure, Applejack returned from the orchard. When the apple mare questioned why both Granny Smith and Apple Bloom were so distraught, they gave their answer much to Applejack’s distaste. Bryce listened as everypony talked downstairs. About him… About what had just happened to him

Soon after, the voices downstairs stopped and were replaced with the sound of a single set of hooves clopping on the hardwood flooring. Damn it, they’re coming up to talk to me. What can I say? They all saw me; I was nothing but a nervous wreck. Just all nerves. Even if I attempted to explain, they’d just tell me to get over myself or… something along those lines.

As the door creaked open, Bryce continued to stare up at the ceiling. He didn’t even take notice that Applejack was the only pony to enter. When she turned to look at Bryce she said, “Uh, Bryce, right…? What the hay is it this time? Ah mean Ah can understand you acting this way if Rainbow had roughed yuh up worse than last time. Ah mean it was just a little rain. What's the big deal?!"

Easy for you to say. You know nothing about me, nor what I've been through. Bryce just laid in his bed, not even bothering to look and see that Applejack had entered the room.

"Ahh come on now, sugarcube. Ah know a lot's happened since yuh got here, and Ah suppose Ah didn't help matters..." Applejack stared down at the floor. "The worst that happened today was that you got a little wet. It's not like yuh got hurt or anything."

Well I'm so glad you can handle getting wet like any other 'normal' person... horse thing... What the H ever.

"You've taken a shower before, haven't yuh? At least Ah hope yuh have."

Yeah, and I hope you have too.

Applejack continued talking. "Well the rain is a lot like the shower, you get a little wet."

Well the shower is usually in the bathroom.

The orange mare let out a heavy sigh, fed up that she wasn't able to even faze the human. "That's the end of that conversation or whatever yuh wanna call it," she said before exiting the room.

Bryce turned on his side and crossed his arms over his chest. He wanted to just go back to his old life. At least there he could charge his smartphone, listen to his music, and get lost in his own world.


"Come on, Apple Bloom, it's time for bed."

"Applejack, can't Ah at least check and see if Bry—“

"Apple Bloom, Ah think it'd be best ta just leave the fella alone." Ever since Applejack had returned downstairs to report she had been unsuccessful in getting a single word out of Bryce, everypony had been in a humdrum state. When it was time for supper, Granny Smith brought Bryce up a tray of food. Even this wasn't enough to break his silence. She came back around bedtime to find the contents of the tray mostly intact with only a few things nibbled at here or there.

Now at bedtime proper, Apple Bloom was the only one that still had hope her friend would snap out of it. If he hadn't already, that is. "Applejack..."

"Ah said no. He's not going anywhere so try and get some sleep. This whole thing will probably be better in the morning." Having said that, Applejack gave her little sister a light hug and stepped out of her bedroom. Deep down in her heart, however, Applejack would bet bits that he'd be in the same state she'd last seen him.

Now that Apple Bloom was alone, she immediately went into action. Walking on the tips of her hooves, the yellow filly crept over and pressed an ear to the door. Hearing Applejack's door close shut at the end of the hall, she held her ground, wanting to make sure it was going to stay shut. After about ten minutes, Apple Bloom turned the knob and crept on the tips of her hooves once again towards Bryce's room.

Doubting Bryce would answer if she knocked, Apple Bloom opened his bedroom door and walked right in. "Bryce... Are you still awake?"

From his place on the bed, Bryce said, "Yeah..."

"Bryce, what's the matter with yuh?"

This time Bryce gave no response. You just wouldn't understand.

"Bryce...? Bryce...?"

Bryce still didn't respond.

"Bryce... You're hurtin mah feelings."

Even though Bryce didn't show it, Apple Bloom's last statement hit him hard. Why did she have to go and say that? I could handle hurting someone I didn't really know... but Apple Bloom.

"Bryce..." Apple Bloom turned to leave. She was the verge of tears. "Ah... Ah'm gonna go on back ta bed... Ah love yuh, Bryce."

Bryce balled up his fists. Come on, you fucking son of a bitch, get over yourself! You can't just let her leave, not after that!! If you let that sweet little girl go now, you'll regret it forever and you know it!! He yelled out, "Wait… Apple Bloom, don't leave..."

Apple Bloom was stopped in her tracks at his sudden outburst, almost to the point of fear. When she turned back to stare at the human, she could make out the outline of his wall-like form in the moonlight. The light reflected off his grey eyes, giving the impression they were glowing. "Bryce...? Wha...?"

"Do you still promise me that you won't judge me?"


"Do you promise me?"

Apple Bloom kept her mouth shut and nodded in agreement.

Bryce let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding in. "I have a thing when it comes to getting wet. I mean... It's not that I'm afraid of water; in fact, I love to go swimming. When I get wet it.... hurts me."

Apple Bloom cocked an eyebrow. "But I've seen yuh get wet lots of times. You take a bath every night."

"I... I know. But what happened with that rain cloud... It was different." Bryce looked down at the ground as he unknowingly began to rock himself. "When I take a bath, I feel okay... But with rain it's... I just don't feel in control of the situation. I can't control the temperature and can never expect when it'll end. The feeling of it when it hits me is just all so... cold and... uneven."

Apple Bloom continued to sit on down on the floor, her mind holding onto Bryce's every word. "In the bath, the water is all the same. It's always warm. It's always uniform in texture. But if it feels any different, I can run the taps to get it just the way I want it."

"But how come yuh said it was hurtin yuh?"

"It’s not like it was literally physically hurting me. It's more like... Have you ever been in a situation that's so uncomfortable... like where you're trying your best to get into a position that will give just a 'little' bit of relief, but you just can't for the life of you find it... That's what happens when I get wet."

"Is that why you were..." Bryce looked away before she could finish. After a while, Apple Bloom asked, "Then why are you like that then, what caused yuh ta act that way?"

"Well it's... something I don't have full control over. I mean... I'm just overly sensitive to certain things."

"Really... Like what?"

"Well... Like today; when Rainbow got me wet, it felt like the temperature had fallen down to below freezing. I know it wasn't that cold, but my nerves just read it differently. There are others things too like... If I put something in my mouth that feels weird, it makes me nearly lose my lunch... Certain odors make me want to cough up a lung... Some fabrics make my whole body squirm... Makes me want to rip off my own skin just to get rid of that feeling... In truth, I'm uncomfortable even walking around in my own skin." Bryce sighed before he said, "Sometimes, when something gets thrown by me, I can feel the air being forced out of its way. When the humidity's high, I have to push myself to get just one more breath of air...

"But why are yuh like this?"

Bryce couldn't bring himself to look at Apple Bloom. "I... It's just how I am... It's... how I was born."

"Ah... Ah don't understand."

"No one really understands what I have."

Apple Bloom could only stare up at Bryce, her face a textbook example of confusion. The yellow filly slowly got to her hooves and hopped up to Bryce's side. "Is that why yuh don't like ta be touched?" Bryce nodded. "Do yuh feel that way when Ah hug yuh?"

"That's a different as well. I can handle being hugged, but only if someone applies the right amount of pressure behind it. Anything else and I feel like I'm caught in a vice."

Apple Bloom's ears drooped down and her voice dropped down to a whisper. "Have my hugs been hurtin yuh?"

Bryce looked at her and smirked. "No... Yours have all been right in that little area of perfection." That was enough to perk the little filly's mood as she smiled back. Bryce held his arm out behind Apple Bloom. "Come on... We both know you want to."

Apple Bloom jumped up and wrapped herself around Bryce's neck. Bryce hugged her back. "Am Ah doing it hard enough, Bryce?"

"Just a little tighter... That's perfect."

They both stayed like that for a while. For how long no one can say. Neither one of them wanted it to end. To them, it felt like an eternity, the whole world around them all but gone.

Apple Bloom was the one, however, to break the moment. "Bryce, can Ah stay with you tonight?"

Bryce thought it over for a few seconds. He broke their hug and held her out in front of him. "Okay, but only for tonight."

Apple Bloom smiled at that and threw a forehoof into the air in triumph.

Bryce gently laid her at his side facing him. When he lied down to join her, Apple Bloom crept up and gave him a peck on the cheek. It felt wet, but Bryce didn't move to try and wipe it off. To him, it felt perfectly right. "Goodnight, Apple Bloom... Dolci sogni."

"Bryce, do you think you could sing something to me?"

"Well... There is... one song I do know. It's my favorite." Bryce brought the yellow filly close to his chest and put his chin over her head. "No warning sign, no alibi, we faded faster than the speed of light. Took our chance, crashed and burned. No, we'll never ever learn."

Neither Apple Bloom nor Bryce even took notice of a single green iris, belonging to a certain apple mare, peeking in through the crack in the doorway. Upon seeing her younger sister cuddling up to this creature, a creature nopony even knew all that well, dampened her heart. Applejack quietly trotted back down the hallway to her own bedroom.

"I fell apart but got back up again." As Bryce finished his song he could feel the rhythmic breathing of the filly he held to his chest, the little filly having fallen soundly asleep about halfway into Bryce's singing. "I love you too, Apple Bloom." Bryce gave her a kiss on the forehead before he too fell asleep.


The following morning, Apple Bloom awoke and nuzzled her face into the thing in front of her. Instead of pressing into the hard, bony chest of Bryce, she was met with something soft and cushiony. As she opened her eyes, she was met with the sight of a pillow. "Bryce... BRYCE?!"

From down the hall, a set of thundering hooves came rumbling in through the door. "Apple Bloom, what's the matter?!" It was Applejack. "What's got yuh yellin out?!"

"Applejack, where's Bryce?"

"Wha... Why are yuh so worried about him?"

"He's mah friend... BRY...!"

Applejack raised a hoof up to her young sister's mouth. "Easy there, sugarcube. That fella's alright. He's downstairs right now eating break..."

Before Applejack could even finish, Apple Bloom was already bounding out of Bryce's room. When she reached the stairs, she hopped down each one. When she reached the ground floor, she skidded to a halt in front of the kitchen. She was beyond belief to find Bryce sitting at the dining table. He was eating his usual breakfast as if nothing was wrong.

Bryce turned to look at the filly. "Morning."

"Ah... Huh?"

"I said morning. What's the matter?"

"Ah... You..."

"Sprout, just calm down. Everything's all right. I needed to get up early so I could get to work. After last night, I thought you could use the sleep. I wouldn't leave without saying anything. Most especially to you."

"Apple Bloom, what the hay's the matter with you," Applejack said as she caught up with her sister.

"Sis, Ah..."

"It's okay, sugarcube, just don't ever do anything like that again. Yuh hear me?"

"Ah... Ah hear yuh."

"Good." Applejack turned to Bryce. "Ah see yuh made a full recovery." Bryce turned his attention back to his breakfast. "Well, when you're done there, you can help by going out and milking the cows. After that, Ah want you ta go clean all the shavings out of the hen houses, scrub the coops down, and replace 'em with some clean shavings. And make sure you do it in that order."

Bryce smirked and said, "Yes, Boss."

"And don't call me that."

"Okay, Capo."

"Just hurry up and get to it, and stop talking in all of those made up words." Applejack stepped out the front door and stood a few feet in front of the house. The week before she had seen the human as just another mouth to feed. Sure, Bryce may have agreed to do work on the farm, but that did little to quell her enmity for him.

What got Applejack the most was that not only had Apple Bloom gotten Bryce to snap out of whatever funk he was in, but that he acted like the incident with Rainbow had never happened. How can he just say it didn't happen? When Ah saw him, he looked like he was never gonna come out of it. Now he's in there, eating our food, got Apple Bloom worried sick about him... The orange mare stomped a hoof on the ground.

"Is everything alright, sis?"

Applejack jumped in surprise at the deep voice. "Oh... Hey Big Mac... Uh, no... Ah mean yeah. Everything's alright." She forced a smile. Big Macintosh stared back without saying another word. The smile faded from her face. "No, everything's not fine. How can Apple Bloom take up to that... Bryce fella? Ah mean he nearly split us both down the middle more than a week ago, smacked her hard against the head, wouldn't even say a word to anypony yesterday afternoon... And she actually loves the fella."

Big Macintosh shrugged. "Ah don't know what ta say, AJ. He just seems like one of the good ones."

"Now what's that supposed ta mean?"

"Well Apple Bloom and Granny like him. How bad can he be?"

"But we don't even know the first thing about him. As far as we know, he could be plotting ta kill us all one by one."

Big Macintosh countered this claim "Then why hasn't he done it yet?"

"Ah don't know. Deep down though Ah can tell he's hiding something from us."

"Like what?"

"Ah don't know, but if Ah even find him alone in a room with me, he better—“

At that moment, both Bryce and Apple Bloom came out the front door. "Well I wish I could. If I get done early enough then..." Bryce stopped mid-sentence when he caught Applejack shooting death glares at him. "Then I'll come play with you and Dinky." Applejack walked off in the direction of the barn.

"If we both helped would you get done quicker?"

"I'm going to be cleaning up chicken shi… cra… droppings. Are you sure you want to be messing around with," Bryce stopped to acknowledge Big Macintosh who did the same back, "with the likes of that?"

Apple Bloom paused before answering. She was juggling the pros and cons of each. Eventually she gave her answer. "If it means you'll play with us sooner then sure Ah do.

Bryce smirked. "Well if you can convince Dinky to help out too, it'll get done even sooner. But first the cows need to be milked. You can stay here and wait for her while I do that." Bryce walked with Big Macintosh towards the barn. "Hey, Big Mac, is everything alright with the orange one?"

With a blank face, the red stallion replied, "Eeyep."

Bryce laughed a little at this response. "Well that'll never get old."

Call of Duty: Ghosts

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Chapter 20: Call of Duty: Ghosts

Searching around the barn, Bryce found the milk cans in an inconspicuous place. Kicking them once to ensure they were void of anything living or otherwise Bryce bent down to pick them up.

From behind him a voice shouted, "Hey!"

Bryce threw the milk can he had in his grasp up into the air. It hit the ceiling and rebounded onto the top of his head making him fall back onto the ground.

As his vision began to clear a pair of large, green eyes looked down at him. "Are yuh okay?"

"Uh... yeah."

"Good. Then care ta explain what the hay is going on?!"

"Wha... what does it look like; I'm just trying to get the milk ca-"

Applejack stomped a hoof down close to his head. "That's not what Ah mean. Why is everypony cuddling up to yuh so much?"

Bryce broke is gaze with her. "I... I don't know. I'm as surprised as you are."

"Well you're doing something. You've been nothin but trouble since yuh got here, and Ah'm at my wits end in trying ta figure you out. So spill it!"

"I... I really don't know. I just have that effect on kids and, and old people."

Gritting her teeth Applejack said, "Well somehow yuh are, but you seem ta be telling me the truth. Now get up." Bryce slowly did so; his vision never out of sight of the apple mare. When he was back on his feet Applejack said, "Now Ah don't know if you can tell, but Ah don't like you."

"Really, from the way you were looking at me it looked like you were about to kiss-" Bryce stopped when Applejack furrowed her brow.

"Ah don't know what brought yuh here, but if you're gonna be staying here for a while you will listen ta me. If you do anything ta hurt anypony in my family Ah won't be responsible for what happens to yuh. Now Ah'm giving you one chance," she said as she lifted a hoof. "Just one chance ta tell me the truth. Have you ever done anything to hurt anypony, or even done anything that would get us all in a heap of trouble?"

"Well... I-" Both Bryce and the apple mare turned when they heard the barn door creak open.

"Hey, Bryce, are yuh in here?" Apple Bloom yelled as she stuck her head in through the barn door. When she saw Applejack standing in front of Bryce she asked, "Is everything all right sis?"


Bryce interrupted. "She was just telling me the best way to grab onto the cow's utters because I haven't ever had the pleasure of doing so. Isn't that right, Capo?" Bryce smirked

"Uh... yeah, that's uh... exactly what Ah was saying. Yuh gotta grab'em firm but uh... not too hard or they'll get agitated. Then uh... pull down." Applejack forced a smile.

"Oh, okay. Ah just wanted ta tell yuh that Miss Derpy's here."

"Well tell her we'll be out in a second."

Apple Bloom nodded before she ran back outside. Alone once more, Applejack turned back to Bryce. "It's stuff like that. How come she listens to you?"

Bryce shrugged.

Applejack shook her head. "Why did yuh lie to her like that?"

"Because she doesn't need to know about this."

"Ah guess yuh have a point, but why'd yuh do that for me?"

"I didn't do it for you, I did it for her."


"I may play the fool sometimes, but I'm no idiot. I know you don't like me. I've gotten enough people aggravated at me to know when I'm not welcome. I know you're jealous because she's getting so close to me, but I'm telling you the truth. I really don't know why she likes me so much, and I'm not trying to break you both apart."

"How did you...?"

"I know only two things: I have less than a handful of friends, and I'm going to do almost whatever it takes to keep them."

Bryce stared down at Applejack. After a few seconds of silence, the apple mare said, "This doesn't change anything between us, just so yuh know."

"I know."

"And Ah still expect yuh ta do what Ah tell yuh ta do."

"I know."

"And... Ugh, just get your chores done."

Bryce collected a few milk cans and started out the barn door. "Hey, Capo."

Applejack was in the process of hooking herself into the wagon to go to town and sell apples. "What?"

"Two things. First, you're a terrible liar."

"Ah know Ah am, so what?"

"It's a compliment, I like that in a person. The second thing is could you check and see if my clothes are ready, if you have the time?"

"If Ah can find the time Ah'll run by Rarity's place."

Bryce turned back around. "Thanks for that. And thank you for telling me how to milk the cows; I really didn't how to do it." Bryce walked out the door and made his way towards the house.

As he rounded the corner, Apple Bloom was the first to take notice of his arrival. "There yuh are, we've been waiting 'forever'!"

Ditzy and her daughters tensed up at his approach. "Hey, Bryce. A... are you feeling better?" Ditzy asked.

This dowsed Bryce's mood a little. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"I brought you some... muffins." Ditzy grabbed a basket of muffins in her teeth and presented them to Bryce. He took notice that a few seemed to have already been picked at. With the basket still in her teeth, Ditzy explained, "Ve vere getting tired of vaiting and had a vittle snack."

Bryce dropped a few of the milk cans and took the basket out of her mouth, all the while doing his best to avoid looking at her walleyes. "Well... thanks, but y'all didn't have to do this." Bryce took a step forward forcing Dinky to hide behind her mother.

Ditzy bent down to reassure the greyish-purple filly. "It's alright, Muffin, Bryce is fine now. He wasn't mad at you."

Dinky was slow to give a reply. "He wasn't?"

Bryce answered, "It's alright, Dinky, you didn't do anything wrong."

"But why were you mad?"

"I wasn't mad; I just wasn't feeling well. It didn't have anything to do with you or anyone else." Dinky smiled up at Bryce. Bryce looked over at Amethyst. "Good to see you came back too."

"*Pfft* It's not like I had a choose." She began to give her little sister a noogie. "I had to make sure nothing happened to this twerp."

"Ahh, stop it, Amy. You know I hate that," Dinky playfully replied.

Bryce laughed at this. "Well you're much more of a Sparkler today now aren't you?"

Amethyst shot a death glare at him. "Don't! Ever! Call me that!"

"Now, Amy, he-"

Amethyst snarled at Ditzy, "My name is Amethyst!" She walked away.

When she was out of earshot, Ditzy said, "Her father was the only pony she allowed to call her that. She doesn't like it when somepony else says that."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know. Is she going to be like this all day?"

"It really comes and goes. I'd tell you more, but I'm already late as it is." Ditzy bent down to kiss Dinky on the forehead. "Now be good for Bryce, your sister, and the Apples, alright?"

"Okay, mama. I love you."

"I love you too, Muffin." Feeling her daughters were in good hooves, Ditzy jumped into the air and flew off to do her mail route.

When the grey pegasus was out of sight of the farm, Bryce said, "Okay, Dinky, here's what's going to happen: I have chores I need to get done. Now first I need to milk all the cows, so in the mean time you can both play something together. After that I'm supposed to clean out the chicken coops. Now if you want, you can help me with that. Apple Bloom here as already volunteered to help. You can too, but I must warn you; it's going to be dirty, filthy, and smelly all wrapped into one heaping pile of chicken... manure." Dinky slowly nodded. "Now I'm going to give you the time it takes for me to milk the cows to think about it, but the sooner it gets done the sooner we can all do stuff together. Okay?"

"Okay. Hey, Apple Bloom, do you think we could play hopscotch first?" Apple Bloom nodded in agreement.

Both of the fillies ran off to set up the course, leaving Bryce to set off to his first task. Along the way he found Amethyst lying against the side of the house. "Hey, Amethyst." The magenta unicorn took one look at the tall human, giving him a look of disgust. "I just wanted to apologize for-" Amethyst rolled her eyes, not caring how it made the human feel. Bryce dropped the basket of muffins beside her. "Well you can have any of these you want." As he walked away, he uttered under his breath, "Fucking teenage bitch!"

Approaching the cows he dropped the milk cans onto the ground rightside-up. Placing one under the nearest cow he took a knee and firmly grasped her utters, like Applejack had told him to. As he started pulling on her utters, he heard the cow say, "Whoa there son. That's a little too rough."

"Oh, sorry. It's my first time."

"You're pulling down too hard. It feels like you're trying to rip it off."

"Again first..." Wait... that wasn't in my head! Looking to his left, Bryce found the cow he was milking staring back. "Did you just...?"

"Afriad so, you better get your chores done if you want to get back to those fillies."

Bryce continued milking the cow. He kept dead silent. His only response was to alter the way he milked when the cows told him how he was doing it wrong. I really wanted that steak, damn it all!!!


Rarity was busy at work, her tape measure zipping through the air. The fashionista was trying to take the measurements of a client, and her client was getting antsy. "It's been way more than half an hour, I need to get home and pratice for my recital."

"Now, Lyra, I know it has been. I assure we're nearly done. Just a few more measurements." A few seconds later the door to Carousel Boutique opened; it's usual resonance of bells coming with it. "If you would be so kind to have a seat, I'll be with you in a-"

"Uh, I really don't the time Rarity."

"Hmm... Oh, it's you Applejack. What brings you around these parts? Finally decided to give good manners and fine taste a try?"

Just keep calm now sugarcube, just ask if that varmint's clothes are ready and you can leave. "Actually Ah came to check and see if... you know who's clothes are ready."

"I know who?"

"You know... that thing."

"Oh... OH! Lyra I hate to ask, but could you step down for a few minutes while I-"

Lyra let out a loud groan. "Fine!" Lyra stepped down from the pedestal and decided to pass the time by browsing the outfits on Rarity's ponniquins.

Rarity waved a hoof towards the kitchen. When she and Applejack had entered she said, "Unfortunately I had a big order come out of the blue last week, so I really haven't had the time. On the other hoof I was able to repair his shoes... I think that's what he called them."

"What, those things that smell like something crawled in'em and died?"

"Well I can't deny they did have an off-putting odor; and being of such an odd shape and material they weren't easy to manage. But by Celestia I did it." Using her magic, Rarity opened up a cupboard and brought out Bryce's formerly worn out tennis shoes. They looked as though they had been just taken out of the box; soles, laces, and all. "There you are, Applejack. Tell Bryce his clothes should be ready by the end of the week, and do tell him I send the biggest apology I can for taking so long."

"Uh... sure." Grabbing them out of the air Applejack placed them into her saddlebags. Before leaving she asked, "So what'd that fella do ta make yuh do this for him?"

"Whatever could you possibly mean?"

"How come yuh agreed ta make all these clothes for him? And Ah bet you're gonna charge it all ta me, aren't yuh?"

"Why wouldn't I make that poor boy clothes? He asked for clothes and I'm making them for him. According to him it's very uncivilized for his kind to prance around in such a manner, but I guess to a country bumpkin, like yourself, it's all second nature."

Applejack furrowed her brow. "What was that?"

"And if you must know I was going to do it all for free, but he wouldn't allow me to. He promised that he would pay me back when he was able. Now if you don't mind, I'm with a client." Rarity walked past Applejack and back into her boutique. As she entered she said, "Okay, Lyra, if you could... What on Equus are you doing?"

Lyra quickly closed the drawer she'd been peeping in. "What, me? Oh I was..." Lyra pointed behind Rarity. "Is that Photo Finish?"

Rarity took the bait and turned around. "Really!? Where!?!?!?" She was met with one of her many ponniquins. "Lyra, you seem to be confused, that's-"

"Oh, really. I could have sworn... Oh is it that late already? Well gotta get home, you know; have to practice for my recital, get home before Bon Bon gets worried, ha ha."

"But we haven't finished with your-"

"Oh I can always come by and do that tomorrow. Gottarunseeyoubye!" Lyra quickly ran out the door, almost colliding with Applejack.

Applejack responded with, "Okay... that was weird."

"I know. She usually isn't... That drawer."

"What about it?"

"She couldn't have!"

Rarity opened the drawer, hoping against hope she was wrong. When she opened it, however, her pupils shrank to pinpricks. Inside were the patterns for Bryce's clothes. And they looked like they had been stuffed back in at random. "Applejack, we need to get to your farm. NOW!"

"Why, what's the problem?"

"Lyra knows about Bryce."

"Lyra knows about Bryce?"

"Yes, Bryce the HUMAN!"

"Bryce the hu... Oh no."

"Good, we're on the same pages now. We have to get to her before she gets to him."

The Big Green Monster

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Chapter 21: The Big Green Monster

Finished with his first chore, Bryce hefted up the now full milk cans. When he came in sight of Apple Bloom and Dinky, he found them so engrossed in their game of hopscotch that they didn't notice him. Amethyst had decided to join in their game, and she was up.

Amethyst tossed the marker. It landed in the third square. "Okay, here goes nothing." Taking a leap she got into the first and second squares, landing on both her right legs, without incident. When she came to the third square she tried her best to jump over and land in the fourth and fifth squares, but she lost her balance and feel into the dirt. "Darn it!" This made both of the fillies laugh out in joy.

"That was good sis, but it's my turn now." Amethyst got up and cleared the course. When Dinky tossed the marker it landed in the exact same square.

Dinky was able to get both her left hooves into the first square, but almost lost her balance in the second when Apple Bloom yelled out, "Hey, Bryce. Are yuh done with the milking?" It took all of Dinky's focus to stand of her left hooves to not tip over and fall.


"Is everything alright, Bryce?"

"Yeah, it's just... Do any more of these barn yard animals talk?"

"Yeah, the sheep can."

"Not the chickens?" Apple Bloom shook her head. "Good." Chicken parmigiana with a side of green beans. It's no steak, but it'll do. "So, are you both ready to help me with the chicken coops?"

"Ah am, what about you, Dinky?"

Amethyst butted in, "What's this about the chicken coops?"

Dinky answered, while still trying to balance herself inside the square, "Bryce said we could help him clean out the chicken poops."

"Oh no, there's no way I'm going to let you get involved with that."

"Ahh, come on, Amy."

"I said no, you'll just have to find something else to do." Dinky stared at her sister; her eyes the definition of pouting. "Dinky, that's not going to work. I said no and that's final."

Dinky had to twist her body around to keep herself level. "Come on. Pllllllllease? Bryce said if I helped it would get done quicker."

Amethyst sternly said, "Dinky..." Dinky's face melted from one of pleading to one of disappointment. Satisfied her sister would give no more protest, Amethyst said, "Now I'm sure there are things to do around here that are more fun than rolling around in chicken-" As her sister spoke, Dinky finally lost her balance and fell on the ground. "Oh my goddess, are you alright?"

Dinky swatted the magenta mare's hoof away. "Leave me alone, Amy, I don't want you."

"Come on, Dinky. Don't be like this now. Weren't we having fun before?"

"I want to go help Bryce with the chickens and have fun with him."

"Dinky, I said no. Now you can accept that or we're going home."

"Mama said we had to stay here with Bryce and-"

"I don't care what 'your mama said'. You can either find something better to do or we can go home. What's it gonna be?"

"You're not mama!"

"No, I'm your sister. And I'm the best thing to a mom you're ever going to have compared to that dimwitted, homewrecking, incompetent retard and-"

"That's enough!" Bryce shouted. This outburst forced a silence between the two quarreling siblings. He dropped the milk cans before he pointed a finger at Amethyst. "I want you to come with me right now."

"What makes you thinking I'm- Hey, HEY! What the buck?!" Amethyst cried out as Bryce grabbed the unicorn by the horn and dragged her to the back of the farmhouse. When they were both alone he released her. "WHAT THE HAY WAS THAT?!"

"I gave you the option to come on your own."


"Shut! The fuck!! Up!!!" Amethyst Star went silent. "What you said back there was uncalled for. I don't know what Ditzy did to you, but I doubt she did anything that bad to constitute you saying that."

"*Pfft* Shows what you know."

"Oh really. What did she do? Did she send you to bed without supper? Refused to let you go out with your friends because you had to watch your sister? Force your 'daddy' to run away from home to get away from you all?" He emphesized this last query with air quotes.

"Don't you dare say that you-" Amethyst said as she made an attempt to tackle the human. At the last second, Bryce slid out of her path forcing her to fall on the ground.

"What's the matter, strike a sore nerve?"

Amethyst blew a few blades of grass out of her mouth. "You don't know anything! If anypony was responisble for him running away, it was 'Derpy'. If it weren't for her clumsiness he'd-"

"Then he's not only a runaway bastard; he's a coward too."

"What did you-"

"If he really cared about you, and your sister, he would have stayed, regardless of how 'Ditzy' was."

Amethyst could feel her rage building. She wanted to end the human right where he stood. She looked up at his dark grey eyes. "You take that back you little-"

"You need to stop living in this fucking fantasy world you've created for yourself. Your father doesn't care about you, or Ditzy, or your little sister for that matter."

"You shut up..."

"Let me ask you this: has he sent you any money; a letter; anything to let you know he even still exists?"

"I... he... You don't know anything. He loves me, and Dinky too."

"Then where is he then? If he loved you he would have stayed and watched over you both, even if Ditzy is clumsy. Just because she's a little clumsy is no reason to just up and abandon your responsibilities. Explain that to me."

Amethyst bit down on her lower lip. She was so angry at Bryce she could taste the blood. "Take... that... back!!!"

"No. This was the only way you're going to hear it. You need-" Amethyst spat blood into his face. Bryce lifted up his hand, ready to backhand her. The magenta mare flinched, half expecting him to do it. But it never came to pass.

Bryce slowly lowered his hand and looked down at the ground. In a much calmer voice, he said, "Just go on home, leave your sister here."

"The... there's no way I'm-"

Without looking up at her, Bryce replied, "She's not going to want to be around you after what you said about her mother. It'd be best if you went home and let her cool off here. If you take her home now she'll only lock herself in her room and resent you."

Amethyst wanted to rebute him, but she could think of no better alternative. Swallowing once, she finally stated, "Okay..." She then took a more serious tone, "You better watch after her, you hear me? She's the only family I have here in Ponyville." She began to walk away to say goodbye to Dinky.

"Amethyst..." She stopped to hear what more Bryce had to say. "Don't be mad at her. You both said things you shouldn't have, but she's just filly. I'll try my best to calm her down before she goes home, but I can't promise what I say will work."

"You better take care of her. I mean that." Amethyst walked away. When she got back to the front yard, both Dinky and Apple Bloom were lying against the side of the house. "Dinky... I'm... I'm not feeling well. I want you to stay here until... until your mother comes to get you." Dinky didn't bother to look at Amethyst. With nothing better to do, Amethyst walked down the path away from the farm.


Amethyst walked down the road towards Ponyville. Her mind was ablaze with a multitude of thoughts. Thoughts of her little sister; who she just left in the hooves of some creature nopony really knew. Other thoughts were how she could possibly make up for what she had done that day. But the most prominent thought was everything the human had said to her before she left.

Who the hay does he think he is? There's no way he could know what I'm going through. I mean, he's not even a pony. What could he know? And what about what he said? Could he be right, or was he just trying to hurt me? Amethyst let out a heavy sigh.

"Hey, Amethyst!"

The intrusion of this voice calling her name brought the magenta unicorn out of her stupor. "Huh, wha...?"

"Amethyst, I'm behind you!" Turning around, Amethyst found a mint green unicorn waving at her. "What are you doing all the way out here?"

"H... hey, Lyra. I was just... going back home."

Lyra cleared the distance between them. "What are you doing out here anyway?"

"I was... watching after my little sister at Sweet Apple Acres and-"


"Uh, yeah. Why?"

Lyra stuttered out, "Did you see, did you see, did you see a human?"

"A hu-what?"

"You know, a human. It should be about twice as tall as a mare, has, like, no fur, and stands on only two legs. DID YOU SEE IT!?!?!?"

"Well I..." Amethyst remembered the reason why Lyra would be this excited to see a 'human'. Lyra's been dying to see one of these things her whole life. If I tell her no, she'll go on back to Ponyville and leave him alone. But if I say yes... A devilish smile spread across her face. "Actually, yes. I saw something matching your description."

"What, REALLY!?!?!?" Lyra said as she jumped up in the air.

"Yes, he's at Sweet Apple Acres right now. You should go and see him now. He said something about going back into the Everfree Forest soon."

"Oh no, I better get going then." Lyra began to run off.

"Hey, Lyra."

The mint unicorn skid to a halt. "What?"

"He really likes hugs, so be sure to give him the biggest, tightest one you can."

"Okay, thanks." Lyra then ran off at a much faster pace.

Amethyst turned back around towards Ponyville, her head held high at what she had just done. About a minute later she found two more poines coming her way. As they came closer she saw it was Applejack and Rarity.

When they took notice of the unicorn in their path they stopped. "Hey, what are yuh doing outside the farm?" Applejack asked.

Amethyst quickly stated, "I wasn't feeling well so I'm heading back home."

Rarity spoke next. "Well did you see Lyra come this way, we think she may be after Bryce and-"

Amethyst shook her head. "No, sorry. You two are the first ponies I've seen since I left."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Are yuh sure, we were both pretty sure she was coming this way."

"Of course I am. Now if you two don't mind, I really am not feeling well. It must have been something I had last night or... something." She walked right between the two mares and didn't look back.

When she was out of sight, Applejack said, "Somethin ain't right. Did yuh believe that story, Rarity?"

"I most certainly did not. But we can't really take any chances."

"You're right and... Gosh darn it. Ah've done gone and left the stall without anypony watchin it. Rarity, I know this is important, but Ah need ta get back and see if everything's still there."

"Well if you feel you must, and it is only Lyra. What's the worst she could possibly do to Bryce? As big as he is, he should be able to withstand her." Rarity began to prance towards the farm.

"Right, Ah guess." Applejack ran back towards Ponyville, hoping everything would work out.


Both of the fillies and Bryce watched as Amethyst left the farm, her flank swinging back and forth as she went. When she was out of sight, Bryce looked down to the two fillies. "Apple Bloom. Do you thank you could go and see if there are any eggs in the hen houses?"

"But aren't we gonna clean'em out?"

"We are, it's just better to go on and get them out of the way." Apple Bloom obliged and ran off towards the chicken coops, leaving Bryce alone with Dinky. "Hey, are you feeling alright?"

Dinky huffed.

Bryce bent down to the greyish-purple filly. "Look, you can't let this get you down. She didn't mean what she said."

"Well it didn't sounded like she meant anything else."

"Dinky, she still loves you."

"Then why wouldn't she let me help you."

Bryce calmly answered, "Because it's a messy, smelly, dirty job. She didn't want you getting wrapped up in all that." He reached over to the muffin basket and pulled one out. "Here, it'll help you feel better if you have something in your belly."

Dinky took the breakfast pastry and started sinking her teeth into it.

"Hey, slow down before you choke." Dinky complied with what Bryce said, gingerly taking smaller bites. "Now I can't really explain what's going on, but your sister still love you."

Dinky swallowed before saying, "Then why'd she say all that mean stuff about mama?"

"She didn't mean it. When people get angry they usually say things they shouldn't. Most of the time they know it's wrong, but they just want to make the person they're fighting with feel bad."

"Well she did."

"I know, but she regrets it. She still loves you. She's still your sister after all."

"B... but what about daddy, does he still love me?"

Shit... what can I say about that? "He... he does. He just... had to go away to get work to support you all."

Dinky sighed. "That's what mama keeps saying, but I want him to come home. Do you think he will?"

Bryce shook his head. "I don't know." Dinky looked down at her muffin. "But if you keep on having faith he will eventually. He just can't find his way back is all."

"So he... he's lost?"

"Yeah, in a sense."

"Should we go out and look for him?"

"No, then we'd get lost too." Bryce patted Dinky on the back. "Just don't worry. He'll find his way back. Just keep him in your prayers." Bryce rubbed her back for a while before he stood back up. "Now come on. To pass the time let's go clean the chicken coops."

Dinky looked up into his light grey eyes. "Can I help, really?"

"Sure, but you have to do as I say, okay?" Dinky nodded. "Now finish your muffin and let's get-" Bryce grabbed at his forehead.

Dinky became worried. "Is everything alright, Bryce?"

"Dinky, is there someone behind me?"

Dinky looked past Bryce to find a mint green unicorn smiling back, but not at her it seemed. "Th... there is somepony."

"Dinky, get inside. She's going to start chasing me. I don't want you getting in the way."

"But Bry-"

"Do it, do it now!" Dinky got up and ran inside the farmhouse, leaving the rest of her muffin and Bryce behind. Bryce turned around to face this new pony. "Uh... can I help-"

The mint unicorn slowly stepped forward. "You're... a human."

"Yeah, and you're a horse-"

"I've believed in you, I always have!" She quickened her pace. Bryce didn't stall as he ran away. "GET BACK HERE!!!"

Bryce didn't look back as he ran into the orchard.


This made Bryce add more zeal to his run, fearing this could turn into a 'surprise buttsecks' moment.


Bryce made the mistake of looking back. "What the hell-" His foot got caught on a rock throwing him to the ground.

"AH HA, NOW I'VE GOT YOU!!!" She got on her hindlegs, ready to pounce.

Bryce turned around onto his back. He could only watch as she pounced on him. "No, no, no, no, no, noooo!"

Lyra wrapped her hooves around Bryce and squeezed his ribs tightly. "I knew you existed! I just knew it!! This'll prove everypony wrong for sure!!!"

From in front of Bryce, behind Lyra, somepony shouted out, "Lyra, get off of him. RIGHT NOW!!!"

There Are No Good Puns for Corn

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Chapter 22: There Are No Good Puns for Corn

"Okay, Corn, that's all I needed you for. You can go and lie down now." Fluttershy said as she relinquished him of her saddlebags.

Relieved of his burden, the German Shepherd shook himself off and made his way to the yellow pegasus's cottage. He walked with a prominent limp in his front left leg.

At the side of the door to the cottage was a dirty, burnt yellow shirt. This shirt had been on Corn when he had arrived with Applejack a few weeks prior. Before, it had been soaked in the dog's blood from a wound Corn had received. Since he had been at Fluttershy's cottage he had made a wonderful recover; minus his limp, of course. After he had recovered somewhat, Fluttershy allowed him to help her carry her saddlebags while she fed the animals.

As soon as the dog reached his shirt, Corn sniffed it once before baring his teeth and letting out a low growl. Fluttershy had been keeping close watch on him. "What's the matter?" Corn started barking at his shirt, making the timid pegasus shrink back.

From within the folds of the shirt, a pure white head stuck out and glared up at the snarling mutt.

"Angel Bunny! Why do you keep teasing him?" Fluttershy made her way between the two. "This is Corn's, so could you please let him have it... i... if you don't mind?" Ever since the large dog had arrived, Fluttershy had her hooves full trying to feed all of the animals, take care of the sick ones, watch after the wounded dog, and dealing with her pet's rising jealousy of the cottage's newest tenant.

Angel stood up, crossed his front paws, and shook his head.

"Angel... if you do, I'll... I'll give you a carrot."

Angel turned around and ignored her offer.

"Oh... how about... two... carrots?"

Angel continued to refuse her offer.

"Th... three carrots?"

Angel didn't respond.

"If... if you give Corn his shirt back, I... I'll let you have all the carrots, but only if you-" Hearing that, Angel was finally convinced. Hopping off the shirt, Angel turned and kicked the filthy thing towards Fluttershy. "Th... thank you, Angel. Now why don't you go and-"

Angel didn't wait for his caregiver to finish as he ran inside; intent on raiding the pantry of its carrots.

Fluttershy sighed before she bent her head down and flattened the burnt yellow shirt across the ground. "I'm sorry, Corn, he's not usually this grumpy." Corn walked forward and began to viciously lick her on the face. "Ahh, Corn, don't do that. Your breath smells."

Corn relented. He then sniffed his bed a few times before turning in place and lying down.

"A... are you feeling alright?" Corn let out a huff. "You miss your master, don't you?"

Corn let out a whimper of acknowledgement.

Fluttershy took a moment to think. "Do you think you could manage walking to see him?"

Corn stood up with his front paws on the ground.

"I... if you want, I could show you the way to him. He's only a short... walk away."

Corn got up on all fours and began to lick her across the face once more.

"Okay is... is that a yes?"

Corn stopped licking the timid mare and barked out loud once.

"Oh, okay. If you let me just put my saddlebags inside we can go... Okay?"

Corn gave her one more wet, slobbery lick before allowing her to go inside her cottage.


"Okay, Corn, we're here. We just turn in here and-"

Corn suddenly stopped; his ears flicking around.

"What's the matter?"

"Wrr, wrr."

"You can hear your master?"

"*Whine*" Corn turned onto the path leading towards the farmhouse.

Fluttershy had to use her wings to keep up. "What's the matter, Corn?"

Corn didn't look back as he made his way towards the farmhouse. His bad leg was the only thing keeping him from running.

"Corn, slow down. I can hardly keep... up." Fluttershy stopped dead at the sight before her. From where she stood, Fluttershy could clearly make out the mint green Lyra. What made her stop, however, was what Lyra was looking at. It looked like a big, hairless gorilla. Seeing this large beast caused Fluttershy to shiver. "C... C... Corn... I think we should-"

In an instant, the hairless gorilla ran off into the apple orchard. Corn chased after as fast as he could.

Fluttershy flew off after them all. "Corn, don't follow-" She was cut off when the dog started barking. "That's your...? Oh no, Corn, don't hurt Lyra, they're just-"

Corn was in no state of mind no state of mind to listen to her pleas. He continued to barrel after the light grey talking horse that dared to try and hurt his boy. At least to him they were all some shade of grey, but he could be wrong. About a minute into their trek, the pain in Corn's leg was too much as he slowed down to a light trot.


"What the hell-"

Corn stopped when he saw his boy trip and fall.

"AH HA, NOW I'VE GOT YOU!!!" The light grey talking horse fell back to pounce.

Bryce turned around just in time to see it pounce on him. "No, no, no, no, no, noooo!"

Corn had had enough of this. He began to run again, intent on ending the life of the light grey horse.

In an effort to warn Lyra, Fluttershy cried out, "Lyra, get off of him. RIGHT NOW!!!"

Lyra turned around at mention of her name. "Wha... Fluttershy?" When she caught sight of the mare sized dog running towards her she froze up like a deer caught in the headlight.

Without warning, the human pushed her off of him. He then positioned himself in front of her. "CORN, STOP!"

From what Lyra could see past the human, the dog was still coming towards them.


The dog just kept coming. When it was only a few feet away it jumped up into the air.

Acting fast, the human took a knee and grabbed the dog in his arms before slamming it to the ground. He put his weight on the mongrel. "CORN, CORN!!!" The dog had its head turned towards Lyra. All of its teeth were revealed to her. The human put his hand over the dog's mouth. He jerked its head towards his own. "CORN, LOOK AT ME!!!"

The dog continued to protest.

Through gritted teeth, the human said, "Corn... look... at... me.

Somehow the dog seemed to calm down as if understanding the human.

"Corn... Just look at me."

The dog calmed down even more.

The human spoke in a more gentle tone, "Corn... You know me... You know me." When the dog had calmed down enough, the human said, "Now I know how this looks, boy, but don't hurt her. She wasn't trying to hurt me." The human turned towards Lyra. "Were you?"

Lyra was able to collect herself enough to shake her head no.

The human stared back into Corn's eyes. "See... Now I'm going... to let you go. When I do... you get up... walk to the farmhouse... and wait for me there... Okay?" Corn only stared back. "Okay." The human released his hold on Corn and dismounted him.

When Corn got onto his paws, he looked directly at Lyra. Oh no, he's gonna get me... He's going to gnaw my face off and... chew my bones and... and... Corn snorted before he turned around and made his way to the farmhouse. Lyra released a breath she didn't know she'd been holding.

"Are you okay?"

"Huh, wha...?"

The human asked again, "Are 'you' okay?!"

"Uh, yeah, yeah. I'm... you're a human."

"Yeah, and you're a talking horse thing."

"You... saved me."

"He thought you were hurting me. He came close to chewing your face off and gnawing your bones, but you're safe now." The human stuck his hand out to her. Not a hoof, a hand. Out to her. "Come on, let me help you up."

Lyra placed her hoof into his hand. When she was on her hooves, Lyra grabbed one of his monsterous, five-digited hands. "You have... fingers... and hands."

"Yeah, and you have hooves, and no fingers."

Lyra looked down at his feet. "And... and toes and feet... and only two legs." She had tears of joy in her eyes.

"Yeah, and you have four legs, and hoo-

Lyra once again reached out and hugged Bryce tightly around the waist. "I knew humans existed. I... I never stopped believing in you."

It took all of Bryce's willpower not to shake her off. She came close to getting killed, just let her have her moment, Bryce.

After a minute a soft voice said, "Um... are, are you alright, Lyra?"

Bryce turned around to look at the voice, since it seemed Lyra was too caught up in him to answer it. Before him was a pale yellow pegasus with a pink mane and a pair of beautiful, blue eyes. "Wh... who are you?"

The pegasus crawled back at his words. "I, I, I'm Flutter..."

"I didn't, I didn't hear you."

"I'm Fluttershy."

"Did you say Fluttersh-" Bryce knew where he had heard that name before, and most especially in what context. "Fluttershy...?" He stared at her, open mouthed.

"Uh, uh huh."

Bryce forced Lyra off of him and stumbled towards Fluttershy. "You... you..."

Fluttershy froze up in fear.

"You..." Bryce bent down and picked her up from under her front legs. She brought her forehooves to her face. "You took care of Corn."

The frightened mare peeked out from behind her hooves. "I did-"

Bryce brought her to his chest and firmly embraced her in his arms, causing Fluttershy to yell out in fright. "You took care of Corn. Thank you, thank you so much!"

Fluttershy was too frightened to give a reply. That and her lungs felt like they were being smushed together.

"Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

Fluttershy strained to get out, "Please don't break me in half."

"It's a deal." Bryce loosened his grip. Fluttershy fell back in his arms, gasping for air. "Oh, sorry. I'm just... so excited to have Corn back. Are you going to live?"

Between her wheezings, Fluttershy said, "I'm... fine. I... *cough*... I'll live."

"Do you want me to put you down?"

"Please do."

Bryce slowly placed her down on the ground. "Again, I'm sorry. He's... my best friend." She didn't respond. He turned back to Lyra. "Is she going to be okay?"

"She'll be fine. Fluttershy is skiddish about most things."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. Once she's recovered I'm sure she'll be fine. I should be thanking you though. You saved me from... Corn was it?"

"Yeah, it's a long story."

"Oh, do tell!"

"Short version: His name's Cornelius, no one can spell it right, we call him Corn. End of story. So... what's your thing with me anyway?"

Lyra blushed from embarrassment. "I like humans."

Bryce smirked. "I'm flattered, but I don't go for horses."

"What? No, not 'like' like that. I'm just very interested in-"

From far away, everypony and Bryce heard somepony say, "Lyra, what's going on?" It was Rarity. The white mare trotted towards them. "What's going on here? And why is Fluttershy... Fluttershy!!! What happened?

Bryce spoke up, "I... almost crushed her to death."

Rarity bent down and started faning the comatose pegasus. She glared at Bryce. "Why on Equus would you do that, Bryce?"

"I wasn't trying to, I was... happy."

"Happy about what?"

"She brought my dog, Corn, over. I was happy to see him."

Lyra added, "And he almost killed me too, but Bryce saved me."

"My goodness, is your dog safe?"

"He is, he was only trying to protect me. If I hadn't done what I did you would have something to be pissed off about."

Rarity looked away. "Well I wouldn't have put it that way, but it's good that nopony got hurt... more or less. Now could you help me get Fluttershy inside, after an ordeal like this it's best to not be out in the sun."

"Quite. Should I carry her or should one of you do it with your magic?"

"I think it best I-"

"I want him to do it."

"What?" Rarity bent down to Fluttershy. "Are you sure you want that, he did almost 'crush' you." The yellow pegasus nodded. "But why would you-" Fluttershy pushed herself up and whispered into Rarity's ear. Pulling back, Rarity said, "Well if you insist. I don't understand it, but I'll go along with it. Bryce, she wants you to carry her."

"What, why?"

"She's insisting that you do it." She began to walk towards the farmhouse, "Now come along, while the day is young." Lyra followed after Rarity. Bryce held the rear with Fluttershy in tow.

"You know, you're skinny; but you're lighter than you look."

Fluttershy blushed. "Th... thank you."


Rarity, Fluttershy, and Lyra had already returned to their respective homes; the last given specific instructions not to say anything to anypony about the days events. Bryce was playing with the fillies while Corn had opted out to recover from his excursions from that day.

Around five in the afternoon, Ditzy arrived back at the farm. Dinky was the first to take notice of her arrival. "Hey, mama!"

Ditzy waved at her daughter, nearly colliding with an apple tree in the process. After she landed she walked over to the group. "Hey, Dinky. Where's Amethyst?"

Bryce said, "She wasn't feeling well and went home."

"Oh, well I hope she's okay." As Ditzy approached her youngest daughter, she smelt something foul permeate from her, and from both Bryce and Apple Bloom. "Are you all okay? You all smell like, well, poo."

"Bryce let us help him clean out the chicken poops, mama. It was fun, and we got to play with Bryce afterwards too."

"Well when we get home I'm going to start dinner while you go and take a bath." She then turned to Bryce. "Was she much trouble?"

Bryce shook his head. "No, she was fun to have around."

"That's good. Come on, Dinky, let's get home before it gets dark. Hop on my back."

Dinky did so. After waving their goodbyes for the day, Ditzy flew off for home. When they arrived, Ditzy called out, "Amethyst, we're home."

"Oh... hey. Is Dinky safe?"

"Yeah, I'm safe, sis."

Ditzy dropped her daughter off her back. "Are you feeling any better?"

"What do you mean?"

"Bryce said you weren't feeling very well, so you came home."

"Oh, yeah. I'm feeling... I'm feeling much better." Amethyst forced a smile.

Ditzy smiled back. Turning to Dinky, she said, "Now go on and get your bath, Dinky. We're having your favorite tonight, so you better hurry. Amethyst, will you go help her clean out her fur?"

Dinky ran into the bathroom, Amethyst following close behind her. When they both entered, Dinky struggled to get into the tub. Eventually Amethyst helped her in and turned on the taps. "So, how did everything go after I left?"

"It was fun. Bryce is a good pony."

"Oh... did anything bad happen?"

"Yeah, Miss Lyra came and chased after Bryce," Dinky regaled," Then Miss Fluttershy came with a big dog and they chased after Lyra and Bryce. Then Miss Rarity came and chased after everypony. Then everypony came back and we had lunch. Then Miss Lyra, Miss Rarity, and Miss Fluttershy left. But I asked why Fluttershy left that dog behind. Bryce said it was his dog, and that his name was Corn. Corn was too tired to play and he slept while we cleaned the chicken poops. Then Bryce found a rotten egg and broke it open. It smelled bad and Corn came over and rolled around in it. Then, we all played together until mama showed up."

By then the tub was full enough to bathe the unicorn filly. "Well that explains the smell. Did Bryce do anything funny?"

"What, like say a funny joke?"

"... Yeah."

"No, not really. It was funny how Bryce got angry at his dog for getting in that smelly egg."

"At least you stayed out of it; we'd have to bathe you in tomato juice just to get that funk out of your fur." Amethyst sighed as she rubbed shampoo into her sister's mane, taking care to keep it out of her eyes. "Dinky... about what I said to you this morning..."

"About mama?"

Amethyst slowly nodded. "I'm sorry about saying that, I shouldn't have said all that to you."

"Why'd you say all those mean things, Amy? They hurt my feelings."

"I know... I can't explain it, but you didn't deserve that." Amethyst rinsed the shampoo out of Dinky's mane. "Now I know I've said this before, but I'm gonna say it again. Dinky, I love you, now and always."

"I love you too, sis."

Amethyst smiled.

"Amy, does daddy love us?"

"Uhh, why do you ask?"

"Bryce told me daddy is off trying to find work so he can sue... soup... soupert us, and that he's lost and trying to find his way back, and that we shouldn't go look for him because then we'd get lost too."

"He said all that?" Amethyst asked ask she rubbed a bar of soap into Dinky's fur. "Well, in a sense he's right." At least I hope he is.

"But does he love us?"

"Sure, he still loves us." Though after everything Bryce said... I really don't know. "Okay, Dinky, let's get you all rinsed-" Amethyst shielded herself as Dinky started slinging water in an effort to rinse the soap off. "Ahh, Dinky!"

Dinky could only laugh as she played in the water.

"Ugh, what are we going to do with you?" Amethyst kissed her sister on the forehead. "Now let's get you out and dry you off." Amethyst used her magic to levitate a towel onto the floor, then to levitate Dinky onto the towel.

As she was being dried, Dinky asked, "Hey, sis, you know how you look at colts sometimes, and look away when they see you looking at them?"

"Uh huh, why? Did you see somepony else doing that?"

"I saw Miss Fluttershy doing that."

"Oh really, who was she staring at?" Amethyst inquired.


"Wait, are you saying Fluttershy was staring at Bryce?"

"It looked like she was."

Amethyst laughed to herself. "It means Fluttershy likes him, but don't go around blabbing that now. It's best if Bryce takes notice first."

"Oh. Am I dry yet?"

"Almost... there, now let's go eat before it gets cold." They both exited the bathroom and headed towards the kitchen.


Meanwhile, Bryce was in the front yard of Sweet Apple Acres, vigorously rubbing tomatoes into Corn's fur. Corn was not happy about it. "Hey, don't yell at me. I told you to stay out of that rotten egg. You can either sit still, or you can sleep out in the yard." Corn took the hint and sat still. "Smell like a damn septic tank, you know that?" He kissed his dog on the forehead. Bryce smacked his lips together. "Hmm, tastes like Campbell's. Missed you, Corn," he said before dumping another can of tomatoes on Corn's head.

"So, what do you think of that Fuuttershy?" Corn barked a few times. "Yeah, she seems nice. A little shy, and frail, and pretty... Did you see the way she kept staring at me when she thought I wasn't looking?" Corn stared at Bryce. "I don't understand it either. Now get out of this wash tub and we'll get you rinsed."

Man Down

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Chapter 23: Man Down

Over the next few days Bryce diligently went about doing his chores, always making sure to get done in time to mess around with Dinky and Apple Bloom. In that same time Corn had made a speedy recovery almost literally overnight, much to the amazement of everypony. Bryce simply stated his dog was happy to just be back with his owner. With no other explanation, everypony accepted his claim.

Now, on a Sunday morning, everypony decided it was a good day to take a break and go for a picnic in the park. Bryce, on the other hand, told everypony he wanted to go with them all, but preferred to have a little time alone. Even after much pleading and begging from Apple Bloom, Bryce was still adamant in his decision. Though the little filly was discouraged, she still went along with her family.

To pass the time, Bryce decided to go for a walk through the apple orchard. Along the way he would throw Corn his tennis ball for him to catch and bring back. Eventually they both stopped to rest under one of the many apple trees to allow Bryce to catch his breath. "Well, Corn, I don't understand how you can have so much energy. Although I haven't been able to have my usual diet. This whole damn world of horse things is full of nothing but green loving vegetarians. They probably don't even know that chickens are good for more than just egg laying. Or pigs are more than just for... What the H do they do with pigs?"

Corn only stared at Bryce, waiting for him to throw his ball.

Bryce sighed. "Well, you're no help." Bryce threw the ball away. "There, go get it."

Corn took chase without a second thought.

"Damn dog. I love him to death, but he's good for nothing except for someone to talk to." Bryce dropped his head back onto the tree he was under and looked up into the branches. Looking at an apple on a low branch, it fell off. Bryce caught it in his hand before it could hit the ground. By then Corn had returned with his ball.

As Bryce went to take a bite of the apple, he took notice of a rainbow trail zig zagging up in the sky. As he watched the trail, Bryce took notice of how it looked to be getting closer. Watching it a few minutes longer he could just make out a shape at the head of the rainbow trail. "Holy shit... is that..."

When the rainbow zipped past overhead his suspicions were confirmed. Damn, Rainbow said she was fast, but this is off the damn charts. From his vantage point Bryce watched as the rainbow mare went this way and that, accomplishing cork screws and loop de loops in midair, never once slowing down for a second. He could only look on in awe inspiring amazement at her display of skill.

After a while Bryce finally caught her stop in midflight and hover in place. Shit, she didn't see me did- Suddenly, Rainbow shot up vertically into the air to where she was but a small, rainbow colored speck in the blue sky. When she stopped shrinking down, Rainbow came hurdling back down towards the earth at an angle, quickly picking up speed as she went along.

As his view of Rainbow began to enlarge, Bryce had to rub his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things. But sure enough what he saw was true. He could see the very air around the mare form over her body like a bullet, her speed making her lips blow back and expose her teeth. Damn, she is fast. Looks like she's about to break the sound barrier.

Just as she seemed close to doing just that, she had caught a snag and was violently thrown backwards. Rainbow attempted to correct her course but couldn't. Bryce could only watch as Rainbow fell down below the tree line, a flock of birds taking flight at the point of impact. He could just feel the ground shake under his feet. "Shit, that looked too good for comfort. Corn, get your ball. We have to make sure she's alright." They both ran off in Rainbow's direction.


Rainbow Dash slowly pulled herself out of the impact crater she'd left in the ground. Taking a look at the crater she could see it was the exact outline of her body and legs. She shook her head to clear the stars. "Ahh, so... so uncool." She could hardly hear herself over the ringing in her ears. Rainbow decided to sit down and wait for her head to stop aching before she flew off.

Sitting there for a minute she began to hear somepony calling her name. Looking around she found nopony, however. "Huh, I must... must have hit my... my head harder than-"


Over the ringing still banging into her ears, and the drilling pain in her head, that second calling of her name sounded louder. And just the thought of its owner made her cring. "It... it better not be him, he's... he's the worst... Wait, who was it?"

From behind Rainbow Dash, Bryce came storming through the trees. "Rainbow, there you are! Are you... HOLY SHIT!!!"

"Ugh, not you."

"Rainbow, I know we've had our differences, but I think it best you-"

"I, I, I don't need... whatever it is you're trying to sell. I'm just going to... going to... take a little nap and I..." Rainbow Dash suddenly drifted off to sleep.

Bryce shook the rainbow mare awake. "Rainbow, you have to stay awake."

Rainbow began to throw punches at the human, but they were too weak to cause any real damage. "Just... just leave me... What am I doing out here?"

"Rainbow, you have a concussion and your head's bleeding. You need-"

Rainbow slowly got on her hooves and walked away in a random direction. "I'll tell what I need... all I need is-" She smack her head into the side of a tree. "What... who put... who put this here?"

"Rainbow, you really need-"

"HEY! What the hay are you... Uh, I don't feel..." Rainbow then threw up on the ground and fell down on your side.

Bryce rushed over and forced her on her back. "Rainbow, you need to listen to me. Now just lie back and-"

Rainbow threw her fore hoof out and socked Bryce in the lip. "Ha, now you know... how..." Rainbow Dash once again feel asleep.

"Damn it. Corn!" Corn's ears perked up at mention of his name. "I want you to show me the way to Fluttershy's house." Corn barked to confirm he understood. Turning back to Rainbow Dash, Bryce shook her awake a second time. "Rainbow, stay awake. If you're feeling any worse I need to know. Now just focus on me."

"Hey, what's the big... Ahh, what'd you do to me?"

"Good, you're awake. Are you feeling-"

"I feel like... ugh, my head."

"How bad does it feel?"

"Like... like someone dropped a brick on... on..."

Bryce tried to shake her awake, but she wouldn't stir. He brought his ear down to her chest. Good, her heart's still beating. That's good. He got up and look down at her. Shit, she's fading. He put both hands onto her chest and started pumping down. After ten pumps he brought his mouth to hers and blew in a few times. When he was finished he got off her and looked down at here again. Damn, she's still fading. There's only one thing left I can do. Bryce slapped both of his hands together, fingers pointed up, and started rubbing them together vertically, the friction releasing a warmth between his fingers.

Rainbow cracked her eyes open to find Bryce knelling over her, vigorously rubbing his hands together. When he was finished rubbing them together he placed one hand over her eyes and forehead. Instantly, Rainbow felt a cozy warmth roll over her entire body. The last thing she saw was a bright glowing light in the darkness.


When Rainbow Dash awoke she felt a burning pain sink into her forehead. Smacking at it with a hoof, she felt it connect with something hard.

"OW, Rainbow!."

"Wha... Fluttershy...?"

"It's alright, everything's going to be okay."

"I... what are you doing?"

"I'm just finishing up your stitches."


Fluttershy rubbed the alcohol soaked cotton ball into her forehead again. "When Bryce brought you here. You-"

"Bryce...? He-" Rainbow was cut off by the sting of the blood stained cotton ball.

"There, all done. Bryce brought you here. He said you were practicing and that you hit the ground hard."

"I... Yeah, I remember. I was trying to create a Sonic Rainboom. I was this close to doing it and... it must have been too much for me. Where am I?"

Fluttershy was busy cleaning up after herself. "You're on my sofa... at my house. Bryce's still here if you-"

"I... I don't want to see him."

"Oh... He's right... here." Fluttershy moved out of the way to show Bryce, lying up against the wall opposite them both. What got Rainbow Dash the most was how pale he looked. Before she had called him pale, but now, now Bryce looked like a ghost. He almost looked like he was shivering. "A... are you sure you're okay, Bryce?"

Bryce took another draw from his coffee cup. "Yeah... bleh, I'm fine. I'm just shaken up about what happened with Blitzkrieg."

"Does that coffee taste okay."

"Well, I don't really like coffee. I just wanted it to keep me awake."

"Oh. Do... do you want any cream... or sugar."

"Well, I'm done with this cup. Do you think you could get me some more? Add a few sugars and some cream?"

Fluttershy nodded before taking the cup and saucer from Bryce and heading into the kitchen.

Now alone with Bryce, Rainbow Dash turned to him and asked, "Hey, what's your deal?"

Bryce didn't turn to look at the rainbow mare. "What do you mean?"

"Why'd you... why'd you save me?"

"Because you were hurt."

"So, I get hurt lots of times."

"Oh, so everytime you get hurt you sink yourself six inches into the ground? And get a huge gash on your forehead?":

"Big deal. It's just a few stitches."

Bryce shot back, "We could see your skull."

"... My skull? Really?"

"Yeah. That and you could hardly stand up, threw up, and you kept blabbing on about kissing someone named Spitfire the whole way here."

Rianbow blushed. "Why'd you do it?"

"Why'd I do what?!"

"Why'd you save me?"

"Because you needed help."

"That's not an ans... AHH." Rainbow made an attempt to get up, but a surge of pain went through her head forced her to lie back down.

Fluttershy called out from the kitchen, "Is... is everything okay in there?"

Bryce answered, "Everything's fine, Fluttershy."

"Oh... How many sugarcubes do you want in your coffee, Bryce?"

"Four, if you could." Bryce lowered his voice to talk to Rainbow. "What do you want me to say?"

"The reason why you helped me."

"Because I don't want you dead. I might not like you, and for a few very good reasons, but I would never want you dead."

"So... so you..." Rainbow Dash scowled as she turned away. "You were trying to make up for everything you've done to me, didn't you?"


Rainbow turned her attention back to Bryce. "What do you mean 'no'?"

"I will admit I was wrong when I called you a boy, and being descriptive about how you really look like one, but that is all I feel bad about."

"What about dropping that can of paint on me?"

"That was an accident. I was trying to get myself over the side of the roof so I could paint the front of the spire, and it got away from me. I swear to God it was an accident. I should ask you about what you did afterwards."

I wasn't trying to... I didn't know you would act that way about it. It was just supposed to be a pra-" Rainbow put a hoof to her mouth, but she had already said too much.

"So, you find wetting someone you hardly know... having no prior knowledge of how they'll react... a prank?"

"Look, I-"

Rainbow stopped dead when Bryce began to laugh. When he was finished, he said, "I give you an A for the ambush; a B for the execution, because you yelled out before you did it; a C for creativity, because I doubt it's very original; and an F for the lasting impact. If you're going to prank someone, be at least ninety percent sure it's not going to hurt the mark. So overall your prank deserves a C.

Rainbow Dash could only stare at the human opened mouthed.

"I've... done a few myself in my time."

"*Pfft* Yeah right, I doubt you could-"

"I once rubbed all the white icing off a cake and replaced it with shaving cream."

"Well that seems kinda funny, but-"

"It was my sister's wedding cake."

"... Really?"

"Well, she was a bitch anyway."

Rainbow Dash began to laugh. It started out slow, then it started to grow.

"If you think that's funny, you should have seen how red her face was with her black hair and white wedding gown."

Rainbow grabbed at her sides.

"Every time I would mention it to anyone afterwards, her face would always become that same shade of red."

Between laughs, Rainbow asked, "How... how red?"

Bryce simply shot back, "Red!" This only made Rainbow laugh harder.

"And to make things worse for her, everyone else would laugh at her too."

Rainbow let out a few final laughs, stopping because her head couldn't take it anymore. Wiping away a tear, Rainbow asked, "Everytime?"


"Okay, I'll admit that was a good prank."

Bryce rebuted, "It wasn't a 'good' prank. It was a damn good prank. Not only was it funny then; it's going to funny whenever somebody mentions it."

"How did your parents react?"

"*Pfft* They were pissed. But she got what she deserved. She'd been stealing my stuff and refused to give any of it back. Let's just say she got the message."

"Okay, I've gotta try that one sometime."

"Well if you have the shaving cream, the time, and can be quick and clean about it then go for it."

"Go for what?" Fluttershy asked as she came back into the living room, Bryce's coffee cup on her back.

Bryce answered, "We were talking about all the pranks we've done."

"Oh... At least you two weren't... fighting. Rainbow Dash, do you want anything to drink?"

"Could I just get some water, I'm really parched." Fluttershy smiled and nodded. She gave Bryce his coffee before heading back into the kitchen.

"Hey, Rainbow. I know we've had our differences, and I'm sorry for saying you were a boy, but can we call a truce before it gets any worse?"

"Are you still going to call me a boy?"

Bryce sighed. "I promise I won't be nasty about it. And I promise that if you promise to at least let your mane grow out."

"Why should I do that?"

"Because the haircut you have now is only seen on people in the military, and butch women; and you don't look like you're in the military. If anything, so you actually look like a girl from behind."

"He... he does have a point, Rainbow," Fluttershy said from the kitchen.

Rainbow Dash grunted. "Fine."

Bryce stood up and walked over to the sofa. He stuck out his hand. "Truce?"

Rainbow smirked before she spat on her hoof. She stuck it out to Bryce. "Truce."

Bryce hesitated. "You know, this doesn't help it when I do call you a boy, right? But I'll be a good sport about it." He spat into his own palm and gripped Rainbow's hoof. "Truce."


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Chapter 24: Ghostbusters

A few days later it was a cloudy day; and like many cloudy days it was a very boring and droopy one. Since there was a storm scheduled for later in the afternoon, Bryce, Apple Bloom, and Dinky did the first's daily chores with much haste. Just as he was finishing his repairs to the weather vane on the roof, Bryce heard the two fillies talking down below with somepony.

"Excuse me girls, but have either of you seen Bryce?"

"Yeah, he's up on the roof."

"The roof, why would he be up there?"

"He had ta fix the weather vine."

"The weather... *Yawn*... Do you mean the weather vane, darling?"

"Uh huh, that pointy thing on the tippy top of the roof. BRYCE, MISS RARITY'S HERE!"

Bryce rushed to get down the ladder. "OKAY, SPROUT, I'LL BE DOWN IN A-" As soon as he got his head down to the edge of roof, the ladder tipped back. "Oh shite!" It took all of Bryce's strength to hold onto the side rails as he and the ladder came crashing down. A few seconds after he hit the ground, he let out a pained, "Ow."

Rarity, the fillies, and Corn came rushing over when they heard the crash. "My word, are you okay, darling?" Rarity asked as she used her magic to pull the ladder off the human.

"Well... my back feels better than it ever has before."

"Can you walk?"

"Yeah." Bryce pushed himself up and stood before the three equines and canine.

"Well that's a relief I suppose. I'm *yawn* here to give you your clothes." Rarity held them out to him in a packaged bundle enveloped in a blue aura.

"That's great, thanks," he said as he took them from the white unicorn, "I'll try them on later."

"Oh, do you think you could try them on now. I only ask to make sure they fit properly."

"Well, you have a point." He held the bundle under one arm and pulled out Corn's tennis ball. "Girls, while I do this you both go and play with Corn. I'm sure this won't take too long." He threw it across the yard prompting Corn and the fillies to take chase. Bryce and Rarity walked to the front of the house. "Let's take this to my room," he said as he held the door open for Rarity. "After you."

"Thank you, darling." Rarirtyu let out another wide mouthed yawn.

When they both reached the end of the hallway, Bryce entered the bathroom to change while Rarity waited for him in his bedroom. Slipping out of the clothes he was currently wearing, Bryce tried on the boxers first. Okay, they feel fine. A little itchy, but bearable.

Next he tried on the socks. They were all thick and ended in gold at the toes, like he had asked. Hmm, comfy.

The next were the shorts. They were easy to get on, had the pockets on the sides, or saddle bags as everypony called them, and were easy to fasten. When he released his grip on them they slipped off his hips and sank down to the floor. Well, I'm really not surprised about that; my old shorts have been doing that since last week.

Lastly, Bryce tried on the shirts. Each one was a single color, eight in all, and they were all baggy and saggy. Well, at least none of them are grey. And did she really have to put her tramp tat on every single one?

Walking out of the bathroom with what he had on, Bryce entered his room. Still holding up the shorts Rarity had made for him, he said, "Okay, Rarity, I think the first issue is..."

Rarity was lying on his bed; soundly snoozing. A pillow was held in her forehooves. In her sleep, Bryce could hear her mumble, "Oh you're so... tall and handsome... I can't see how all the mares aren't throwing themselves at your... at your hooves."

"Uh... Rairty."

Rarity began to stir. "What, who...? Oh, I'm sorry, Bryce, I *yawn* wasn't able to get much sleep last night I'm afraid."

"Really, what's the matter?"

"I'm not really certain. I know this may sound foalish, but I think my house may be... haunted."

Bryce smirked. "Haunted?"

Rarity jumped off the bed and shot Bryce a look. "If you're just going to make fun of a lady then maybe I should-"

Bryce held his hands out in front of him and began to chuckle. "I'm sorry, it's just... Really?" Rarity shot him a second, dreary eyed look. "Okay, what makes you think your house is 'haunted'?"

"Well, for the past two nights there has been a dreadful moaning that's been keeping me awake. I *yawn* haven't been able to find where it's coming from, but when it happens I get so scared I can't sleep."

"Well, does it usually happen at night?"

"Actually, it sometimes happens when I'm in my boutique. It also feels like somepony is watching me because when I go into the other room the moaning follows me there, and... But I'm *yawn*" Rarity brought a hoof to her mouth. "I'm boring you, aren't I?"

"Well, I believe you."

Rarity looked at Bryce in disbelief. "You do? You're just making fun of me, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I believe in ghosts."

"Now I never said it was-"

"If you want, I could come by tonight and see if there's anything I can do."

"There's no reason for you to-"

"Well, you could count it as paying you back."

Rarity took time to think about his proposal. If I let him do this, maybe he won't hound me about paying me back. But he might feel I'm taking advantage of him. But it would be nice to get a good night's sleep. "Alright, Bryce, if you think you can do anything about the matter then I'll allow you to do so. If you do this for me then I'll clear your debt."

Bryce held out his hand. "Deal." Rarity placed her hoof in his hand and they shook on it. "You're not trying to take advantage of me, are you?"

"What? No, of course not!"

"Good, because I've had some bad experiences with so called 'friends' who were only after something I could do for them. Now, as soon as we get done with my clothes I'll let you get some sleep before we head to your house. My first issue is with the shorts."


Later that evening, Ditzy had returned to pick up her daughter. With Dinky gone, both Bryce and Rarity were prepared to leave. The only thing holding them both up was Apple Bloom. "Sprout, I know you're worried, but I'll be fine."

Apple Bloom had tears in her eyes. "Do yuh really have ta help Miss Rarity tonight?"

"Sprout, I know you're worried about the storm, but it's going to be okay, I'll be back by morning. If you get scared you still have your brother and sister."

"But they're not you!"

Bryce sighed heavily. "Apple Bloom..." Bryce grabbed at the key chain arround his belt loop, removed one of the rings, and held it out to the young filly. "You see all these medallions?" Apple Bloom nodded. "Well whenever I have these they protect me from evil. As long as I have these nothing bad will ever get me." Bryce pulled one of the medallions off the key ring. "Here, this one is my Benedict. It's my best one. You can keep it until I get back, alright?"

Apple Bloom took the medallion in her hoof. "But won't yuh be needin it?"

"You'll need it more than I will. Just keep on praying to him and everything will turn out great." He bent down and gave Apple Bloom a peck on the forehead. "Now be good for your siblings. I'll be back in the morning." Bryce held his new clothes under his arm, so Rarity could hem them afterwards, and went out the door.

With that settled, Bryce and Rairty set off for Ponyville. Corn followed them close behind. After getting a few hours of much needed beauty rest, the fashionista felt better than she had upon her arrival.

As the small village came into view, Bryce stopped to take the it all in. "Hmm, thatched roofs, exposed timber frames, dirt roads?"

"What's the matter, darling, it this uncommon where you're from?"

"Yeah, but I'm just surprised you live here."

They both continued onwards. "What wrong with it?"

"Well, this place just seems so rustic and quaint for the likes of you. I would expect you to live in some kind of fancy place with cobblestone streets and houses with gilded bronze trims."

"I know it may seem a tad primitive for somepony like me, but this is the place I call home. I have been wanting to move to Canterlot since I started working as a fashion designer, but I don't really have much of a reputation for ponies of that social class... yet."

"Well, you have a point, I guess." Bryce took notice of a pegasus resting on a cloud. "Hey, is that... BLITZKRIEG!"

"WHAT? Oh, hey, Bryce!" Rainbow Dash flew down low enough to where she didn't have to shout and hovered in place. "What are you doing this far away from the farm?"

"Well, Rarity said her house was 'haunted'. I'm going to go check it out."

"What, Miss Gemstones-and-Lace's house is haunted?" Rainbow began to laugh.

Rarity shouted, "I never said it was haunted, all I said was-"

"Yeah, yeah, this I gotta see."

Rarity stomped her hoof once before saying, "Why is she so willing to join us?"

"We made a truce."

"Oh, I see. Now the best route to avoid any unnecessary attention would be-"

Bryce spoke up, "No need. Just stay in front of me and guide me to your house. Act like I'm not even here."

"Ooookay, follow me then."


Rarity opened the door to Carousel Boutique, running in to get out of the storm that had began to pelt down. The inside was mostly dark. "Now, Bryce, pardon my Prench, but how the buck did you do that?"

Bryce walked in after Rarity. "How'd I do what?" Corn came in next and shook himself dry.

Rainbow Dash flew in bringing up the rear. "How'd you get through town without anypony noticing you? I mean..." Rainbow ran her forehooves up Bryce's length from bottom to top. "You're huge."

"I guess they just didn't know what to look for."

"Some of them looked right at you!"

"Look, we have more important to worry about. Now where did you-"

Everyone present jumped when something shoved the front doors open. A flash of lightening revealed a lone equine figure standing in the doorway. It slowly trotted in from the darkness and closed the door behind it, blackening the room. The figure soon flooded the boutique with a yellow glow from its horn. "Bryce, what are you doing in Pony...? Why's everypony so jumpy?"

From the dim light of Lyra's horn, she could see that Rarity had fainted and was sprawled out on the floor, Rainbow Dash had her tail sicking out from behind a curtain, and Corn was standing in place; the hair on the back of his neck raised, his gaze directed at the mint green unicorn. "What's... going on?"

Rainbow Dash was the first to come out. "Lyra, what the hay?"

Lyra nervously smiled. "I was just wondering what Bryce-"

Rarity slowly broke her trance. "Lyra, what did we tell you about Bryce?"

"I know, I was only wondering why he... Where'd he go anyway?"

Rarity got up and lit her horn. "What do you mean, he's right-" Throwing the light from her horn around the boutique, there was no sign of the human. "Bryce, where are you?"

From behind Lyra, Bryce shouted, "Rover here!" Lyra ran forward in fright to Rarity's side.

"Good, there you are. Now, Lyra, if you must know we're all here to-"

Rainbow piped in, "Rarity's house is haunted," prompting a death stare from the white unicorn. "What, that's what we're here for, right?"

"Ahem... As 'I' was saying, I have been hearing a dreadful moan coming from inside my house for the past two nights. Bryce here has offered to make sure everything is as it should be."

"*Pfft* Ghosts, that's what everypony's here for? There's no such thing as-"

From within the darkness there came a soul cringing noise. MRRROW Everyone went silent.

Both Lyra and Rarity turned their heads about, trying to find the source of that beastly noise.

"Rarity... wa, was that...?" Bryce managed to studder out.

Between her trembling, Rarity replied, "I... I'm afraid that is what I-"



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Chapter 25: Goosebumps

"Okay, we can all agree that Rarity wasn't making it all up, correct?"

Everypony nodded in agreement in the dim light.

"And we can all agree that we aren't going to get anything done just lying here in the kitchen?"

Everypony nodded again.

"Good. Now, Rarity, Lyra... do you think you could both get the H off me? Corn is getting very, very agitated." The German Shepherd confirmed this by letting out a low growl.

Both unicorns slowly let go of Bryce's waist, allowing the feeling to come back into his legs.

Sitting himself up straight, Bryce said, "Much... better." He stood up. "Now let's get something to eat," Bryce said as he made his way to the refrigerator.

The fear Rarity had had was soon replaced with outrage. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Getting a snack, I'm starving!"

"What makes you think this is the best time to-"

"Hey, cut me some slack. I haven't had a full stomach since I got here." He pulled a jar of mayonnaise and a carton of eggs out of the fridge. "Now where's the bread and frying pans?"

"Now look her-"


Rarity froze up. "There it is again."

"No shit!" Bryce opened up a cupboard and pulled out the glass plate. "As soon as I get something to eat we'll handle-" Rarity grabbed the objects in Bryce's hands in her magic and floated them out of reach. "What the H!"

"Once we take care of that ungoddessly specter I'll allow you to eat. Now let's get to it."

Bryce sighed. "Okay, let's head back into the... place where you make clothes." He held out his arm. "Ladies first."

Rarity enthusiasm waned. "What, why me?"

"Because it's your house."

"But you're the one who offered to help me."

"Age before beauty."

"Yes, age 'before' beauty," Rarity said with a flick of her mane.

Rainbow Dash, who had been standing back watching their squabble, rushed in between them. "You guys are acting like scardy foals. I'll go first."

Bryce said under his breath, "You were the one to get into the kitchen first you damn hypocrite," before following after. Corn hung close at his boy's feet, while both Lyra and Rarity trotted close together, barely able to stand on their hooves.

When the group reached Rarity's boutique, Bryce said, "Now then, let's try and look around. Now where did you first-"

A flash of lightning from the storm filled the boutique with a pale light. Everything in the room took on a fiendish appearance. The ponniquins looked twisted and misshapened. Shadows danced along the walls in an unholy, ritualistic manner. When the lightning died down the clap of thunder that followed shook the entire room.

When it was all over, Bryce looked down at his feet. "Rarity, Lyra... Get the H... off my feet."

Lyra looked up and Bryce with a weak smile. "What, who's on who's feet? We were just... looking for clues."

Bryce shook both of the mares off him. "This is getting us nowhere. Blitzkrieg, you stay down here with Lyra. I'll go upstairs with Rarity and Corn." Rainbow Dash acknowledged with a salute.

Rarity, on the contrary, wasn't as willing to accept the human's orders. "You aren't suggesting that we split up, are you?"

"Of course I wouldn't suggest that."

"That's a relief."

"I'm saying we are!"

"Oh no, we can't do that, what if something were to happen and-"

Bryce cut her off. "If we're going to find out whatever that noise was we need to cover more ground, and fast."

"But I'm scared."

"Well I'm scared, and hungry, but more of the later. Now you can either accept it, or I leave now and you can fend for yourself." Bryce's statement was followed by another clap of thunder. It was surmounted by another sounding of that dreadful moan.


Bryce stood there like nothing had happened. "Well, what's it going to be?"

Rarity stuttered out, "I suppose it would be better to-"

"Good, let's go. Lead the way upstairs for us, darling."

Rarity led Bryce and Corn over to the staircase. She was slow to ascend the stairs, however. With each step the wood creaked, each one slowing down the white unicorn even more until she was at a snail's pace.

"Rarity, you really need to mellow out... Marshmellow."

"What are you going on about now?"

"That's the nickname I'm giving you, Marshmellow."

"Is this really the best time to be playing foalish games? Sometimes I think you're more colt than stallion."

"Tell me something I don't know." Bryce turned back to find Corn sniffing at the wall. "Corn, come on. Don't tell me your scared too." The dog batted at the wall with his paw. "Corn, stop that. You're going to scratch the paint."

Corn let out a whine before following up.

When Rarity reached the top of the staircase she stopped at the door. "In here is where I first heard the moaning. Now this is my bedroom, so don't go getting any big ideas."

"As I've said before: I'm not into horses."

"That's beside the point. Just keep your prying... whatevers-"

"They're called hands," Lyra said from the bottom of the stairs.

Bryce turned to shout back at the mint green unicorn, "Lyra, get back downstairs and help Rainbow."

Lyra unwillingly obliged.

"Now then, as I was saying, keep your 'hands' away from my dresser, my bureau, and most especially my wardrobe. In fact don't even look at it the wrong way or I'll know." Having gotten her point across, Rarity opened her bedroom door and trotted in. Bryce and Corn followed in her hoofsteps. "This is where I hear the noise most often."

"Where are you usually when it happens?"

"I'm usually in bed, desperately trying to get some much needed beauty sleep. Just as I'm close to passing out that... sound comes out and scares me half to-."

"Okay, George Clooney, you've already won the Oscar. Now just sit back and let someone else have a chance." Bryce started looking around the room, taking note of every crack in the wallpaper, every missed loop in the rug, every gust of wind that eran through the canopy of Rarity's four poster bed. He stood in front of the bed and looked it over from above. "This is your bed?"

"Yes, who else would it belong to. I live alone after all."

Bryce rolled his eyes. "Well, everything seems normal." He got down on his knees and looked under the bed. "Nothing under here either." He got back up and surveyed the room again. His gaze rested on Rarity's wardrobe.

"Oh no, there's no way I'm going to let you look in there. Don't even think about it mister!"

Corn had walked over while they weren't looking and tapped the wardrobe with his paw. Something shifted inside.

Rarity jumped back at the sudden clamor. "What was that?"

"It sounds like it came from..." Bryce nodded his head at the wardrobe.

"From there? Are you sure?"

Corn sniffed the wardrobe once and let out a loud bark.

"Well, Corn sure thinks so. Buuuuut you told me not to even stare at it, but as far as we know it was probably just clothes, or toileteries, or... an eager stallion. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge."

"You don't think...?"

"I'm just guessing."

Rarity face turned a bright red. "Oh alright, if there really is somepony in there I think it best we checked it out..." There was a short pause.

"Yes... I think we should, and I'm not supposed to."

Rarity relented. "Bryce, darling, do you think you could...?"

Bryce was quick to reply, "Okay, I'll do it." He slowly made his way towards the wardrobe; his every step echoing out through the quiet bedroom. The only other noise was the sound of rain as it pelted against the windows.

When he had cleared the distance, Bryce grabbed both of the knobs of the wardrobe, taking his time in opening it, savoring the moment to reveal the pony that might be hiding inside. Throwing the doors open, Bryce was quickly pounced. "Ahh, bring it on you son of a-"

"Bryce, be careful with-"

"Rarity, go down and get the others, I can take-"

"Bryce, you really should-"

"Just get the others-"


Bryce immediately stopped struggling with his assailant. Whatever it was it felt silky and thin. Bryce threw as much of it off him as he could. "What the H is this?"

"Just get it off you. Right! Now!"

Rainbow Dash and Lyra came barging up the stairs. "What's going on, who screamed?"

Rarity answered, "That was me. I thought something was in my wardrobe, and Bryce was-"

Lyra shined her horn on the human. "Wait, is Bryce covered in...?"

Bryce was finally able to stand up. There was still a piece of whatever it was still on his shoulder. Grabbing onto it, he held it out in front of Lyra's light. "Is this...? By God!" In his hands were a pair of pony sized panties. Looking around his feet, Bryce could see even more panties, as well as a plethora of corsets, stockings, and an assortment of other lingerie. Bryce threw the panties he was holding across the room and freaked out. "AH SICK. GET THESE FUCKING THINGS OFF ME!!!"

They landed on Rainbow's head. "HEY, DON'T THROW THEM ON ME! THAT'S SO UNCOOL!!!"


"THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" Rarity stood between the two. "Honestly, you both act like you never heard of lingerie before."

Lyra agreed with Rarity. "Seriously, you're acting like it's going to choke you to death."

Rarity added, "I made it to sprouse up-"


"Of course they are. I haven't even had the pleasure of wearing-."


The echoing of that last moaning brought Bryce out of his stupor. "Did you hear that, it sounded quieter." Bryce walked over to the stairs. "It sounded like it came from-" He wasn't looking where he was going, however, and slipped on the same panties that had been on his shoulder causing him to tumble down the stairs.

He was stopped in the middle of his descent when his foot got caught in the wall.

Everypony immediately headed down to make sure he was okay.

"Bryce, darling, are you still-"

"Sure, never better." He turned himself so he was sitting upright. "Ahh shit! I'm sorry, Rarity."

"That's alright, let's just get you out of there. Everypony, grab hold of him and let's pull him out." Both unicorn and Rainbow Dash grabbed what they could. "Okay, on three. One... Two... Three!" Everypony pulled with all their might, eventulally pulling Bryce's foot free of the wall.

Now free, Bryce lied back against the wall and let out a sigh of relief. "That's better."


Everyone stopped at this last calling. Before it was haunting, but now, now it felt so close it was nerve wracking.

Bryce spoke first. "Okay... did everyone else hear that?"

Everypony nodded.

Bryce got up and looked through the hole in the wall. He could see a pair of pale green orbs looking back. "What the H-"

Without warning, the two orbs jumped out of the hole and planted itself on Bryce's head.

"AHH, SHIT, GET IT OFF, GET IT-" Bryce continued his descent down the stairs, the creature clawing at his face going down with him.

Both Rarity and Lyra froze up. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, was quick to act as she flew down the stairs over the mares.

When Bryce hit the bottom level he finally managed to grab the furry beast and threw it across the boutique. "Ha, take that you bitch!" When his vision had cleared, the creature was nowhere in sight. He jumped when Rainbow tapped him on the shoulder.

"Where'd it go?"

"I don't know. I threw somewhere in there."


"It sees us, be ready to fight back." A flash on lightning momentarily lit up the room. "There it is, Blitzkrieg!"

"Yeah, I got this." The cyan pegasus flew at it just as the lightning stopped. She collided with the floor. "Ahh, buck!"

"Did you get it?"

"No, it got-"


There was another flash of lightning.

"Rainbow, behind you!"

"What- IT'S ON ME!!!"

Bryce rushed over, using the racket they were creating to find them both. Feeling around, Bryce felt something fluffy. "I got it!"

"Ow, that's my wing!" The creature suddenly stopped sounding out. "It got off me, do you see it?"

"I can't even see my own hand in front of my face." Bryce reached down into his side pocket and pulled out his Zippo. Flicking the flint, it enlighted the room in an orange glow. Bryce whispered, "Do you see anything?"

"No, I... Wait, shine it back over there."


"On those pony looking things."

Bryce brought the flame over towards the ponniquins. The low light showed only a mirror. "Nope, that's not-"


Bryce brought the lighter back around to the source of the mrow. Standing there was the same creature that had been inside the wall. Its white fur shined in the weak flame light. It was a small kitten. It looked scrawny. Bryce looked it directly in the eyes.

He whispered to the rainbow mare, "Rainbow... go find something... to trap it in."

"Like what?"

"It doesn't matter, find something."

Rainbow Dash flew off.

"Hey, nice kitty."

The kitten hissed.

"We're not going to hurt you, we're just going to find something to put you in. Now come on over here."

The kitten stare back at Bryce, never taking her eyes off the much larger human. It took a cautionary step forward.

"That's good. Just a little closer."

The white kitten stepped closer.

"Little more."

It complied.

"Litttttle more."

The kitten came within arms length.

Bryce slowly brought his hand forward. "Now we're just going to put you in a box, don't want you getting away from us. Now come over to me."

The kitten stepped back.

"Come on, don't-"

Rainbow Dash came up from behind and dropped a giant hat box on the kitten. She dropped all her weight on the box to keep it in place. "There, got it!"

Bryce sighed. "Damn it, Blitzkrieg."


He held his thumb and pointer finger close together. "I was this close to getting it to come to me."

"Why would you want that?"

"It looks cute."

"*Pppllllease, that thing nearly ripped your face off."

"It was just scared."

Rarity and Lyra finally came trotting down the stairs. "Is everything alright down here?"

"Yeah, Rainbow's got it."

"What was that thing?"

"It looked like a feral kitten."

Rarity came over to the glow of Bryce's lighter. "Really, a kitten? Is it alright?"

"It looked like it hadn't eaten anything in days."

"Oh the poor dear." Rarity trotted over to the hat box. "Rainbow, do you think I could see it?"

"I wouldn't bother, it did a real number on me and my friend here."

Bryce added, "Yeah it... Friend...? That thing scratched up my face."

"It was probably just scared. Rainbow, could you at least lift up an edge?"

"Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you." Rainbow hovered up and lifted the side closest to the white unicorn.

"I can't... Oh, now I see it. Hello there you poor little thing. Why don't you come out and-"

The kitten cried out and threw a clawed paw out at Rarity.

"Ow, you ungrateful... Close it up, Rainbow Dash." Rainbow did so and put all her weight back on top. "I suppose we should give Fluttershy a chance to see if she can talk it down."

Bryce said, "Yeah, she'd know what to do better than we would."

"And thank you, Bryce, for getting it out of the wall... accidently."

"I'm sorry about that."

"I know you are. Now then, ladies, I feel that is all that can be done for now. If you want you can all stay for the night."

Rainbow Dash voiced her disapproval of the idea. "Bleh, there's no way I'm staying here. Find something to put over this thing so I can go home."

Rarity used her magic to levitate a small chest on top of the hat box. Bryce took a knife and puched a few holes in it so the kitten wouldn't suffocate. "Well if you feel you must go. Lyra, Bryce, will either of you be staying?"

Lyra said, "Nah, I need to get home. If I don't then Bon Bon'll have the whole town looking for me."

Bryce stated, "I would leave; but I don't want to get wet and it's too far a walk."

"Well then, I guess this will be where some of us part ways." Rarity eagerly walked over to the front door of the boutique. "Uh please, get back safely you two."

Rainbow Dash and Lyra said their goodbyes and left though the door into the heavy rain.

With them both gone, Rarity turned to Bryce. "Well... now that those two mares are gone it looks like we're all alone."


"Do you feel like eating, or would you prefer to go on to bed?"

"Well I'm more tired than hungry now."

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Not really."

Rarity strolled over to Bryce and struck a pose. "Oh, are you sure there's nothing I can do? Nothing at all?" She batted her eyelashes at Bryce.

"I just want to get some sleep. I told Apple Bloom I'd be back in the morning."

Rarity scowled in disappointment. "Okay then, the guest room is this way."


The next morning, Bryce got up and had breakfast with Rarity. When he was done he insisted on getting out early before too many of Ponyville's inhabitants awoke. Before he left, Rarity quickly did the necessary modifications to Bryce's shorts and sent him off. Bryce also took the feral kitten along with him in the giant hat box so he could drop it off at Fluttershy's cottage.

Seeing him and his dog out the door, Rarity could only watch in total disbelief. It truly seemed she was the only one who noticed them both as they walked through town. None of the other early risers even took a sideways glance at the duo.

"How in Celestia does he do it? I do hope Fluttershy is able to tame that kitten. Once it's calmed down I'm sure it'd make a lovely pet." She closed the door on that thought and went about cleaning up her boutique.

The Life of the Party

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Chapter 26: The Life of the Party

It had been two weeks since Bryce had gotten the feral kitten from the walls of Rarity's boutique. In that time Rarity would visit Fluttershy's cottage on an almost daily basis. Rarity was trying her hardest to help tame the feline, but was having a tough time getting it to take to her.

Some days, Bryce would be there as well; mostly on days he'd finished his chores early enough and Dinky hadn't been dropped off under his care. When Bryce arrived, the kitten would always run to meet him. She would run her body between his large legs and caterwaul for his attention. This only made the blue-eyed unicorn jealous.

On Bryce's third visit since he'd brought the kitten, Rarity had had enough. "How do you do it?"

Bryce was being cautious as to avoid stepping on the small Persian. "How do I do what?"

Rarity pointed a hoof at the kitten. "Why does she always run to you. It was in my wall, you were the one it jumped on and nearly ripped to shreads."

Bryce bent down and picked up the kitten. "I don't know. Maybe she's grateful that I saved her."

"All you did was fall down the stairs and kick a hole in the wall."

He held the kitten out to Rarity. "You tell her that."

Rarity stared it straight in the eye. "All he did was-" The white kitten lashed out and spat at the unicorn. Rarity was able to get back in the nick of time to avoid its wrath. "Bah! What's the matter with you? I only want to give you a warm home, good food, maybe a little brushing of your beautiful, majestic fur. Doesn't that sound better than anything he could provide?" Rarity gave a small smile.

The kitten looked up at the human. "She has a point. All I can give you is two dogs and a snake." Bryce placed the kitten back down on the ground close to Rarity.

"So, what do you-" The kitten turned around and walked away from the two, her head held high, stopping to only look back as if to spite the mare. It worked. "Ooooooh, who needs you." Rarity walked back home.

"Rarity, I'm sorry." Rarity didn't turn back at his plea. Looking over at the kitten, Bryce asked, "Why do you love me?"

The kitten only stared him in the eyes.

"That's not a good reason." Bryce steadly made his way over to Fluttershy who was busy refilling the bird feeders.

Fluttershy took note of his approach. "Oh, hello, Bryce. Are you here more dog food?"

"Yeah, more dog food. I'm sorry to keep asking, but Corn is... bigger than most dogs."

"O- oh yes, of course. D- do you think you could give me a minute to finish feeding the birds?"

"Yeah, sure. Is there anything I can do in the mean time?"

"Hmm, if you want you could feed the chickens. If you don't mind?"

"Okay, I can do that." Bryce walked off to do as she asked.

On his way to Fluttershy's chicken coops, he heard someone humming. Turning in its direction he found a pink pony literally hopping along the path that ran past Fluttershy's cottage. Suddenly the pink pony stopped hopping and started convulsing in place.

Shit, she's having a seizure! Bryce ran over to her, jumping clear over the stream, and grabbed the pink mare. He pushed her down onto her side, facing him. "It's okay, you're going to be..." Just as soon as it had started, the pink mare's 'seizure' ended. "What the H...?"

The pink mare looked up and asked, "Oh, what are you?"

"Um... I'm a human."

Bryce was thrown back when the pink mare jumped up. "Oh, that's a weird word. Hhuuuuuumaaaaaannnnnnn. What's your name, human?"

"It's Bryce Smales."

"It's nice to meet you Bryce Smiles. My name's Pinkie Pie. Hey, why are you so big? You are super big." Pinkie hopped to Bryce's side and lifted up one of his arms. "What's this thing? What are those pointy things on your hooves? Wait, those don't look like hooves. What do you call your hooves? Oh, you probably have different words for all your parts. I've never seen anything like you in Ponyville. Actually, I've never seen anything like you in Equestria. No, wait, I've never seen anything like you on all of Equus. That's where we are. What are you doing at Fluttershy's, is this where you live?"

Bryce was almost surprised to hear her stop. "I... live at Sweet Apple-"

"Sweet Apple Acres? That's where Applejack, and Big Mac, and Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith live. They grow lots of apples there, but you probably knew that. But I bet you didn't know they were the sweetest apples in Ponyville. Though you've must have had one if you live there."

Bryce turned around to walk back to Fluttershy's, but Pinkie had other plans as she jumped on top of Bryce's head, her tail hanging front of his face. "Whew, it's high up here! I think I can Sugarcube Corner from-"

Bryce grabbed Pinkie Pie by the base of her tail and held her up to his eye level. "Good, you know where you live. Stay off my head, go there, and leave me alone." Bryce set her down on the ground and turned back around. Pinkie Pie was standing in front of him.

"How long have you been living at the apple farm?"

"A- about a mon-"

Pinkie Pie gasped in shock. "A whole month?! I need to go and get everything ready. See you later, Bryce Smiles!!!"

Bryce had to shield himself from the dust cloud the pink mare threw up. When the dust settled, he could only stand there and try to wrap his mind around what the pink pony had said to him. What the H was that about? Is she on sugar, energy drinks, or meth? Bryce shook his head and walked back to Fluttershy's cottage to feed the chickens.

Just as he was finishing up, Fluttershy came over to check up on him. "Are you almost done, Bryce?"

"Yeah, just finishing up now. Hey, do you know a pink earth pony with a poofy mane and tail?"

"Oh, you must mean Pinkie Pie."

"Yeah, she said that was her name. Why is she...?"

Fluttershy evaded his question. "Did you... see her?"

"Yeah, she said something about getting everything ready and ran off. Why?"

Fluttershy turned her head away. "Oh, no reason. Bryce, do you think you could help me with something?"

"What is it?"

"I need somepony's help in doing something I haven't had the time to get to. Follow me."

"I really need to get back."

"It'll only take a minute."

Bryce sighed. "Well, if it'll only take a minute.


Six hours later...

"There, all done."

Bryce grumpily asked, "Are you sure?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Emhem, I'm positive that my home is clean enough. Oh, look at the clock. I'm sorry it took longer than expected; but it's always better to get the job done now than later."

"Yeah, but I have to get home for dinner."

"Okay. Bryce, have fun at your party."

Bryce stopped dead in his tracks. "My what!?"

"Oh, nothing. Get back safe, okay?"

"Uhm, I'll try?"

Fluttershy smiled as she showed him out the door.

The entire way home, Bryce had time to think about the recent events of the day. What the H is going on? For a minute there, I actually thought she was trying to keep me there for some reason. And did she say 'have fun at your party'? At least the worst part of the day's over. I think all those chemicals we were using were starting to go to my head.

Bryce was relieved when he finally came in sight of the farm house. "Well, there it is. Just going to go in, get a bath, have some dinner, mess around with Sprout a little while and then go off to bed."

As he got closer to the house, he took notice of something not of the ordinary. He looked at his watch to confirm the time. "It's past 8 and there's no lights on in the house." Suddenly, it hit him like a ton of bricks. "Holy shit, Fluttershy was serious about the party!"

Bryce stopped, stood in the dirt, and looked around. "Well, I guess there's only one thing to do."


Inside the house, Pinkie Pie had invited almost everypony in town to Bryce's welcoming party, even all of the ponies that had met him so far. Sneaking a peek outside a curtain, the party mare saw the human approach. "Shh, everypony. He's coming! Now everypony just stay... calm... and get ready to give our new friend the biggest surprise welcoming party of his life!"

Everypony immediately scrambled to find theirselves a hiding place; some hiding behind the few chairs the living room had or in the kitchen. In Pinkie Pie's case, she'd decided to hide up on the living room's chandelier.

Pinkie Pie spared almost no expense when it came to welcoming a new face to Ponyville. There were vast quantities of cake, ice cream, and other sugary treats waiting on folding tables. Party decorations were set along the walls. Hanging from the rafters was a large banner that read: WELCOME BRYCE SMILES!!!

As everypony waited, the only sound that resonated was the rhythmic inhales and exhales of the partygoers, and the ticking of the grandfather clock's as the pendulum swung back and forth. Soon the seconds drew on. Second after second they waited.

When the seconds started to turn into minutes, one pony shouted, "What's going on, you said he was coming."

Pinkie Pie hopped down from her hiding spot. "I did see him, he was coming up the path."

"Well he better-"

At the moment there was a knock at the front door.

"HA!!! See, that's him now, Doubty McDoubtersoningtonpants!" Pinkie rushed to the door and threw it open. "SURPRISE, WELCOME TO PONYVILLE, DOG FOOD BAG!!!"

Everypony started to shout with the pink mare, but stopped when it registered what she had said.

"Wait, Bryce wasn't a bag of dog food before." Sure enough, the only thing sitting at the door was a lone bag filled with dog food.

The bag spoke, "Uhm... Pinkie Pie..."

"Huh, dog food isn't supposed to talk. What'd you do with Bryce?"

"No, Pinkie, it's me. Fluttershy."

"Nah uh, you're dog food."

"I'm behind the dog food." Pinkie pushed the bag to the side to reveal the pegasus hunched down in fright. "Bryce left befor I could give this to him."

"Good, get on in here before he arrives. The more ponies the better." Pinkie went out and carried the pegasus inside.

"What, he hasn't arrived yet? He left my cottage only a half hour ago. Have you seen him?"

"Like, YEAH. But he never came in."

"A- are you sure it was him?"

"Hmm, maybe not. Come on and hide before he really shows up." Pinkie Pie jumped back up to her hiding place while Fluttershy made her way next to Rarity.

"Rarity, did Pinkie really see him?"

"I';m not sure. She said she did, but he is real easy to pick out in a crowd. If she saw him she saw him."

"Well, what can we do?"

"The only thing to do now is wait for him to show up."

The next few minutes passed by in total silence. When the first hour passed, a few ponies who had other places to be left. The second hour had a few more leave saying they better things to do. On the third hour, more than before decided they'd had enough and left out in a huff; some of them taking a few of the sweets so they didn't go to waste.

When the fourth hour passed, the only remaining guests were the ones who had known Bryce personally.

Apple Bloom was the first to speak, barely able to stay awake. "What happened, where's Bryce?"

"Ah don't know, sugarcube, something tells me he's not coming."

Ditzy stepped forward, her young daughter struggling to stay awake on her back. "I hate to leave, AJ, but I need to get this little filly to bed."

"Ahh, but mama, I'm not-" Dinky wasn't able to finish her sentence as she fell asleep.

"That's my cue. If you see him, tell him I'm sorry I had to leave on such short notice."

"That's fine, Derpy, I'm sure he got caught up in somethin." But under her breath, Applejack said, "At least he better have.:"

Soon after, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy decided to leave.

Lyra was very persistant that she and Bon Bon stay. "Come on Bons, just 'one' more minute?"

"Lyra, we really need to get home. I still need to make bon-bons to sell tomorrow."

"But he'll be here any minute."

"Who, this so called 'human'?"

"Yeah, Bryce."

"Lyra, I know you have a thing for humans, but enough is enough. Now I have to get up early, are you coming home or not?"

Lyra regretfully did as her roommate asked and they both left for home.

Applejack picked up her snoozing little sister and dropped her off upstairs in her room. When she came back down the apple mare yelled up at the chandelier. "Come on down, sugarcube, he's not coming."

Pinkie hopped down, the spring lost from her step. "AJ, where is he?"

"Ah really don't know, but he's got a lot of explaining ta do when I find him. You head on home now and try ta get ta sleep. I'm sure it'll be better in the morning. We can always try again tomorrow." Pinkie Pie left without saying another word.

Applejack walked out into the front lawn to see her off. When the party mare of out of view, she siad to nopony in particular, "Where in the hay-" Applejack let out a sneeze.


"Huh?" Applejack turned herself around to find Bryce propped up against the side of the house.

"Well, how was the party?"

"What do yuh mean how was it? Where were you?"

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." Bryce's eyes shifted away from the apple mare and back to her.

Applejack turned to see he was looking at the barn. "You hid in there for almost five hours?"

"I'm not saying I did."

Applejack snorted before rushing forward a placing either hoof beside Bryce. "Look, I know you're new here, but you've been here for a whole month. All she wanted to do was welcome yuh ta everypony."

Bryce shot back, "Well, I hate crowds!"

"That's no excuse!"

"Well, I'm afraid of crowds then."

Applejack stared him in the eyes. "I've let yuh get by with a lot of stuff, but this really takes the cake."

Bryce smirked. "Actually, it looked like all the other horse things were the ones taking cake home."

The apple mare gritted her teeth. "You're something else, yuh know that? You overreact ta every little thing, yuh refuse ta eat some of the food we cook yuh because 'it feels funny'. What the hay does that even supposed ta mean?"

"Well, I'm sorry my mind doesn't work like yours."

"Now you're just making excuses."

"The hell I am! I am the way I am, and you just can't stand that, can yuh?"

"You just aren't normal."

Bryce spat in her face on that last comment. Applejack began to shake in anger. "I'm gonna ride your rump with chores tomorrow for that."

Bryce smirked again. "Lookin forward to it, sugarcube."

Applejack fell down on all four hooves. "And don't expect ta get outta your party tomorrow, It's happenin rather yuh like it are not."

"*Pfft* The H it will."

"Oh yes it will." Applejack pointed a hoof in Bryce's face. "There's gonna be a party for yuh tomorrow, and you better just cheer up and let it happen.":

After a second, Bryce said, "Fine, there'll be a party." He walked into the house. But there no way you'll make me go to it.

Where Did the Party Go

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Chapter 27: Where Did the Party Go

Bryce was lying on his back, staring up at the majesty of the stars that dotted the sky. They seemed to shine brighter tonight because tonight was the night of a new moon. The only other lights were the faint lights of the camp in the distance. He felt completely relaxed; not a care in the world. Right now, all that mattered was this moment right here. Both him and Sidney. They both just lied back and looked up at the stars.

"So, Bryce, do you think they know what is going on down here on Earth?"


"You know, 'they'. The ones who-"

"Who knows. Maybe they do, maybe they don't, but who cares? We should worry more on just getting everyone through the day." Bryce let out a sigh. "It's just getting harder and harder everyday."

"Ahh, it is, but we cannot give up hope, Bryce. We are already so few in number. If we give up-"

"I'm not saying that, Sid, I know what's at stake." They were both silent for a minute. "Sid, do you ever wish we weren't the way we are? Don't you ever wish we could be 'normal'?"

"Bryce, do not ever say that word. Normal does not-"

"It doesn't exist, I know, but you know what I mean. Don't you ever wish we could be... not like ourselves?"

Sidney sat up and gazed off into the distance. "Sometimes... But if it had not happened this way, I would never have met you."

"Do you really mean that?"

"Of course I do. You are a... nice boy, Bryce, you need to have more confidence in yourself." Sidney crawled over and gazed down at Bryce. "And quite a looker as well, or so I have heard."

Bryce smiled. "As far as you know, Sid, you're the only one I can look in the eyes because I know you can't stare back."

"Well, you know me." Sidney bent down and kissed Bryce on the lips.

Bryce smacked at Sidney and spat the taste out. "Damn it, Gorgon, you know I hate it when people do that."

"Ahh, but I am not 'people', no?" Sidney got up. "Let us get back before the others come looking for us."

Bryce quickly got up. "Yeah, it's my turn to cook, you know how much they like... my..." He caught sight of a group of flashing lights in the distance. At first he'd thought they were just stars, but they were moving too fast to be mere stars.

"What, what is wrong?"

"Sid, they found found us!"


Bryce grabbed Sidney's hand. "Come on, get your pack. We need to warn the others." When they reached their packs, Bryce rummaged through his own and pulled out a flare gun. Aiming it in the direction of the camp, Bryce pulled the trigger. The strobing glare that erupted from the barrel burned into his eyes. He could only hope someone would see it in time.

As his vision cleared, the world around him began to fall apart and was replaced with a hardwood floor.


Applejack had had enough. For the past half-hour she'd knocked on the Bryce's bedroom door to wake him up. Entering his room, Applejack found him snoozing away in his small bed. She tapped at his back with a hoof. "Come on. It's time for yuh ta get up."

His response was a mixture of inaudiable gibberish.

Applejack tapped him a second time with more force. "Get the hay up, you've already done slept through breakfast."

Bryce shifted in bed.

Applejack huffed before going to the opposite side of the bed and taking the blanket he was nestled in into her mouth. Walking back, the apple mare managed to pull him off the bed and drop him square onto the floor.

That was sufficient to wake him up. "AHH, WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Bryce wiggled himself out of his blanket and found Applejack standing over him. "WHAT THE H IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?!?"

"Ah've been tryin ta get yuh up for a half-hour. Now come on, your breakfast's already cold."

"Why are you trying to get me up at... six-thirty?"

"Cause you've got chores ta do that're gonna take most of the day for yuh ta do."

"What, you were serious last night?"

Applejack shot a glare at him.

"Well you can go-"

Apple Bloom came in, rubbing her still drowsy eyes. "W- what's going on?"

Applejack growled, "Apple Bloom, go on back ta bed!"

"What are yuh doin ta Bryce?"

"Apple Bloom!"

A sudden shot of adrenaline awakened the filly's senses. "Applejack, don't hurt'em!"

"Ah told yuh ta go on back ta bed. Now go! Ta! Bed!!!"

"No! Ah don't want yuh ta hurt Bryce!" Apple Bloom stepped between her sister and the human.

"Ah'm not gonna hurt him, now get outta here!"

"Ah'll tell Granny on you!"

"Ah said Ah wouldn't, now get!"


Granny Smith came in to find out what all the commotion was. "What's going on in here!?"

"Granny, Applejack was gonna hit Bryce!"

"What!? AJ!?"

"A- Ah won't gonna-"

Bryce spoke up, "She was just checking to see if I was okay."

Granny Smith asked, "What's that?"

"Applejack came in while I was getting up and surprised me and I fell off the bed."

"Oh, is that so? Well are yuh okay?"

"Yeah. I've been through worse since I've been here."

Granny Smith began to laugh. "Well if you're alright then come on down. Your breakfast's already gone cold. Now come on back ta bed, Apple Bloom. You were up pretty late last night."

Both Granny Smith and Apple Bloom left Bryce's room.

Now that they were alone, Applejack looked back at Bryce. "What... The hay!?"

"This is the last time I'm doing something like that for you. I don't know what your deal is with me, but the next time it'll all be on you. Now what do you want?"

"Ah... Well for starters there's hole that need ta be dug for some apple saplings. After that you'll go out back and shear all the sheep. And Ah mean the entire flock. When yuh get done with that you come on back to the house and wash up. Any questions?"

Bryce stared daggers at the orange mare. "... What the H is your problem with me?"

"What are yuh goin on about now?"

"In the month I've been here you've been nothing but nasty to me. So I want to know. Why?"

"Do Ah really need a reason?"

"Yes, yes you do."

"Fine, if you wanna know so bad. Since you've been here Ah've been having ta worry what crazy thing you're gonna do next. Yuh nearly killed me, and Apple Bloom, nearly got mah granny hurt, gotten into a least two fights Ah know of, made my sister not listen. Above all, the thing that really ticks me the most is how much of a foal yuh are."

"Okay... So what do you want me to say?"

"You could at least apologize."

Bryce stared at Applejack for a second before smirking. "That's not going to happen."

"... What'd yuh say?"

"It doesn't matter what I say to you, or how I say it, you would never accept any apology I have to give. Most especially in the state you're in. And what the H if I do act like a child? At least I don't act like a bitch like you have."

"What's that supposed ta mean?"

"I've been attacked three times since I've been here. The second time was by 'you'. You never apologized for that. Everytime we see eachother you look at me like I'm about to pull out a knife a stab you. I may have smacked you a few times, but I feel bad about it afterwards. I highly doubt you feel even a tiniest bit of remorse. And what's this I hear about you asking everyone about me? I have secrets that are best kept to myself. There are just somethings you don't need to know about me. I've done some bad things, some really bad things, but nothing gives you the right to ask me, or anyone about that. But the thing that really 'ticks me off' is how you think you're the boss of me. I may be working here, but you don't have to treat me as some kind of slave. If you have something you want me to do, then ask. I won't feel hurt, or upset, or offended. Just talk to me like you would any other person... and ask!"

Bryce stopped to catch his breath, breathing in heavily. When he could talk again, he said, "Well, what do you have to say?'

Applejack was shaking in anger. Angry at everything Bryce had just told her. In her mind she wanted to bust him through a wall. But she simply snarled, "Get your chores done!" Applejack made her way out of the room. "How'd yuh know you were having a party?"

"At first, I didn't. But after Fluttershy told me to enjoy my party, and when I say all the lights off in the house, I put two and two together. So I hid in the barn until everyone was gone."

Applejack snorted once before saying, "Get'em done!" And walked out of the room.

This time, she was going to make sure he showed up. He wasn't going to get out of his party this time.


Late in the afternoon, Bryce had finally finished with all of his chores for the day. The digging had been hard, mostly because the spots he was supposed to dig were in the roughest parts of the soil. The shearing, while it had been much easier, had been very time consuming, At the same time, the wool seemed to have given him a rash over most of his arms.

When he came towards the house, he found all of the windows dark. Deciding to not take a chance, Bryce stopped at the front door and knocked a few times. When there came no answer he opened the door and walked straight inside. The house was completely void of any pony inhabitants; just as he had planned on.

Going up the stairs, Bryce quickly made his way to the bathroom and ran himself a bath. After the tub was full he turned off the taps, stripped down, and submerged himself as much as he could in the warm water. "Ahhhhhhhhh, that's it!"

He just sat there and enjoyed the relaxing feeling that went across his aching muscles.

A few minutes later, there was a knock at the bathroom door.

In a feminine sing-song voice, he asked, "Who is it?"

The door opened and Applejack entered.

They both stared at eachother for a few seconds. "Well, I'm naked under the water." He waved the back's of his fingers at the apple mare. "So go away."

"What are yuh doin in here?"

"... What the H does it look like, I'm making soup a la my sweat. I'm taking a damn bath!"

"Well hurry up, everypony's waiting."

"I know ; we both agreed there would be a party. Go enjoy it."

"It's a party for you."

"I know, but I never said I would go."

Applejack sighed. "Yuh see, this is what Ah meant when yuh act like a foal."

"Oh, so it's childish to not want to go do something when you don't want to?"

"Yeah it is, you're making everypony out in the barn upset."

"Well, you're making me upset by forcing me to do something that'll cause me to freak out in front of everyone. Do you care how I feel?"

"Of course Ah don't. Now dry yourself off, get down there, and try and enjoy yourself."

"I'm not going, so you go enjoy it."

"That's not an option."

Bryce began to chuckle. "You want to know what I find funny? I've been told I have very little empathy. While that may be the case on many things, I find you have a huge lack of sympathy. So why don't you get out, leave me alone, and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out." Bryce laid his head back.

"So you're just going ta lie there and ruin Pinkie's party, again?"

"He's not the one that's ruining it, AJ."

Both Applejack and Bryce looked to find Pinkie Pie standing in the doorway. "Pinkie? Ah thought you were gonna wait and let me get him."

"I- I know, but you were taking so long, and ponies were starting to leave... Bryce, did you really not want a party?"

Bryce shook his head. "It's not that I didn't want to..."

Tears began to form in Pinkie's eyes as she looked to Applejack. "And- and you knew?"

"Look, sugarcube, Ah was only tryin ta-"

Pinkie's mane and tail suddenly deflated. Her fur took on a greyish tone. "I'm just gonna go home." The pink mare walked towards the stairs.

Applejack turned her attention back to Bryce. "Yuh see that, you just had ta go and-"

Bryce cupped his hand and slung water into Applejack's face. "No, this was mostly you." He got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around his waist. "You just go stop any more of those horse things from leaving. I'm going to talk to her about this." Bryce rushed out of the bathroom to catch the pink mare. He reached her before she could exit out the door. "Hey, Pinkie!"

Pinkie stopped and looked up as Bryce descended the stairs.

"I want us to talk about this. This had nothing to do with you, I swear. Let's just go on into the kitchen and I'll make some tea. What do you say?"

Pinkie Pie stood there a second before she walked into the kitchen. Bryce followed soon after.

As Pinkie took a seat at the table, Bryce opened up the top cabinet and reached up high for the tea canister. "Okay, as soon as I get the tea going we'll-"

"Twitchy tail."

Bryce's attention was drawn to the pink mare. "What?" The canister came loose from his grip and dropped down on his head. The lid fell off and all of its contents were spilled onto the floor. "Crap.... Well, I guess there's not going to be any tea. We still have sugarcubes, though." Bryce brought down the box of sugarcubes and placed it in front of the mare. "I'll clean this up, you just help yourself."

When Bryce returned with a broom and dust pan, he found that Pinkie had already finished off the entirety of the sugarcubes. Okay... that ain't healthy. After sweeping up the tea, Bryce leaned back on the counter. "Now, Pinkie Pie, let me just start by saying this had nothing to do with you." Pinkie didn't respond. "I just really don't like parties."

"Well why not, parties are fun. There's balloons, and cake, and pie, and dancing, and music, and... I was only trying to welcome you. I do it for every new pony."

"I know you were, but I'm the kind of person that doesn't enjoy parties. To me, they're just loud, crowded, and obnoxious. In fact, before I even got here, there was this big week-long party called Spring Break. And trust me when I say it's a nightmare compared to one I'm sure you're more accustomed to."

"What's so different about them?"

"It's nothing but a week of drunken idiots, extreme exhibitionism, and deafening music. Actually, not music, more like incomprehensive noise. The entire coastline is more or less a whole week of Hell. To me, at least."

"What's exhibitionism?"

"When you expose your body."

"What's wrong with that? Ponies usually walk around naked."

"Humans are... different."

"Why would they do that?"

"... Beads."


"I don't know, I've never really been to the beach during Spring Break. But my point is I just don't like to go to parties. Plain and simple."

The room went silent. Pinkie finally responded with, "I'm sorry..."

"You don't have anything to apologize for. You were just trying to welcome me, and I only blew it for you." Bryce sighed. "I didn't show up because I don't know how to handle loud noises, or being around others. Most especially strangers." There was a pause before Bryce asked, "How important is it to you that I have a party?"

"It's really important to me... It's my special talent."

Bryce crossed his arms. "If it's really that important to you, you can throw me a party."

That seemed to perk up the party mare somewhat. "Really, are you sure?"

"Yeah, b-"

Pinkie Pie's mane and tail immediately inflated, the shine in her fur returning as well. She began to rapidly hop up and down in place. "That's so great! So I was thinking we could go and invite everypony inside from the barn. I know a few of them have already left, but the rest could still have fun. The party goodies are a little crusty, but I bet we-"

Pinkie's ranting was ended once Bryce held here down on the ground and placed his hand over her mouth. "You didn't let me finish. You can throw me a party, but I have a few conditions. Could you please only invite ponies I know. I act better around the ones I already know."

"Uh moe emmymome."

Bryce took his hand off Pinkie Pie's mouth. "What?"

"I said I know everypony."

"You probably do, but invite only the ones I give the okay on. Okay?"

"Would I be invited?"

"Hmm, let think..." He went silent for a full minute. "Sure."

"Okay, what else?"

"I want it to be on the last Tuesday of this month."

"But that's two weeks away, I can't wait for that long. The last time I had to wait that long for anything I lost a tooth. Of course I was a little filly, and it was only one of my baby teeth. And there was that time I waited a whole week so I would be first in line for the Apple family's cider. And then-"

Bryce put his hand back over her mouth. "The last Tuesday of this month. It's important to me that it's on that day. Take it or leave it."

"Mkie dokie lolie!"

Bryce took his hand away from her mouth. "Good, now there's a party that's yet to start in the barn. You know anyone who could help kick it off?"

Pinkie Pie smiled and said"Yepper pepper."

Bryce reached forward and touched her on the tip of her nose. "Of course you would. Now get out there."

Pinkie Pie hopped out of the kitchen and out the front door. "Damn it, Bryce, what the H have you just got yourself into?"


Later that night, most of the ponies who had remained at Pinkie's party were all ready to go home. Lyra, on the other hand, wouldn't leave until her housemate had seen the human.

"Come on, Bons, he's right inside."

"Lyra, what is it with you and these humans?"

"Bon Bon, I swear to Celestia this is for real. Just give me one last chance to prove it."

"Ugh, fine, but if there's nopony in there then you start cleaning out the attic tomorrow."

"Okay, sure. Let's go. I can't wait to see the look on your face when I prove you wrong." Lyra pranced her way to the front door of the farmhouse and started banging on the door. "BRYCE, COME ON OUT HERE!!!"

There was no response from the other side.


There was still no response.

Lyra was about to bang on the door a third time when Bon Bon stepped in front of her. "Lyra, that's enough. Honestly, I think you've actually convinced yourself that humans exist. I know we've been best friends for years, and that you have your own interests and hobbies, but you've taken this all too far. Now, Lyra, I'm going to tell you something I know you're not going to like hearing. Humans do not-"

The door opened from behind Bon Bon. "What is it now, Lyra, I've had a long, hard day. Now will you please... Who is this?"

Bon Bon craned her neck back towards the human. She could hardly believe her eyes. Standing there, almost twice her height, standing on its backlegs, forelegs ending in hands was the thing her housemate had been telling everypony for years was real. The cream colored mare could only let out a few words. "... exist...? Sweet Celestia!"

Bon Bon fainted right there on the Apple family's doorstep.

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

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Chapter 28: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Applejack had just gotten back from a long day in the orchard. After wheeling the wagon into the barn, the apple mare wiped the sweat off her brow and started towards the house. Along the way, she took notice of something odd laying on the ground near the chicken coops.

Going closer to investigate, Applejack was shocked at what she discovered. "Horseapples! That boy's gonna get it this time!" Carefully picking it up in her mouth, Applejack continued making her way towards the house.

When she finally reached the house, she found Bryce playing with both Dinky and Apple Bloom as well as Corn and Winona. Rushing up towards the human, she dropped the object that was in her mouth at Bryce's feet. "Bleh! Care ta explain what this is?"

Bryce was confused at what she meant. "Uh, what is that?"

"What the hay do yuh mean 'what is it'?"

"It looks like a dead chicken... What does this have to do with me?"

She pointed an accusatory hoof at Corn. "That mutt of yours killed it!"

This brought offense to Bryce. "What are you implying?"

"What do yuh think? That mutt's a chicken killer."

Bryce crossed his arms. "My dog ain't a chicken killer. I made sure of that after the first time. How do you know it wasn't 'your' dog?"

"Oh no, she's not like that. 'Ah' made sure of that!"

"Well prove it was him then."

"Ah don't need proof. Now you better pin that dog of yours up somewhere or Ah'll... Where'd he go?!"

Bryce and both of the fillies began to look around. The German Shepherd was nowhere in sight. "Happy now, you scared him off."

"Ah didn't do-" Just then, something began to bark out. It originated from the direction of the chicken coops.

"Damn! Dinky, Apple Bloom, both of you stay here!" Applejack and Bryce ran towards the coops. When they both got there, they found Corn turned away from them both. The dog was growling while he stood over a second bloody hen. "Corn, what-"

"Yuh see, there's your proof!" Applejack glared up at Bryce. "That mutt's a chicken killer. Now you can either pin'em up, or get rid of him."

Bryce attempted to take control of the situation. "Look, he didn't do this. I'm sure there's a reasonable-"

"Ah'll tell yuh what'd be reasonable. You can pin that dog up in the barn, or Ah'm gonna have ta take care of him myself!"

Bryce wanted to fight with her; he really did. But he knew that there would be no reasoning with the apple mare. He wasn't dumb, he could see where Corn stood. There was nothing in sight to the contrary that his dog, who had loyally stood by him for years, was innocent. He had to relent. "Okay, I'll lock him in the barn." Bryce moved to Corn. "But know this. He didn't do this, and I'm going to prove it somehow. You're only putting this on him to try and get to me. Dont deny it."

Applejack could only glare at the human. She had no nice words to say to him at the moment.

Bryce looked down at Corn and said, "Come on, boy. Let's get you set up in the barn."


That night, Bryce entered the barn one last time. He had meant what he said about proving Corn's innocence. Whatever had killed both of those hens was being greedy. It wasn't satisfied that the first one had been taken from it. It had to come back and try and retrieve a second one, until Corn had intervened. If Bryce guessed right, it would come back again to try its luck a third time.

Entering the barn, he found Corn curled up on a pile of hay. "Hey, Corn, brought you some food."

Corn stood up and began to limp over.

"What's the matter? Are you hurt?"

Corn let out a low whine.

Bryce placed Corn's food pan down and inspected his hurt leg. "Well I didn't see that before. What happened?" Further inspecting the wound, Bryce pulled out something long and thin. "What is this?" He held it up to his nose and took a whiff. "Is this a wood splinter? How'd this get in your leg?"

The dog could only stare back.

Bryce scratched him behind the ear. "Don't worry, boy. This'll only be for the night. By tomorrow morning we'll be back sleeping in my bed. Now eat up and try to recover." He kissed his dog once on the head before leaving the barn and closing it up behind him. As he was leaving, he picked up the shovel he'd left propped against the side of the barn.

Making his way back, he found himself a tree to hide in that gave him a clear view of each of the coops. Once he was up in the branches, the only thing left to do was to sit back and play the waiting game.

After a few minutes, Applejack and Apple Bloom came trotting up. "Bryce, are yuh out here?"

Bryce was quick to answer. "Keep it down, I'm trying to stay hidden up here."

Applejack was dumbfounded to see he was actually going through with his crazy scheme. "Are yuh seriously gonna do this? You have chores to do in the morning. The only thing you're gonna do is get yourself tired and logy."

"That depends, are you ready to admit Corn didn't do this?''

"Of course Ah'm not. That mutt of yours just better be in the barn. If Ah even see him outside for a second he's-"

"He's in there. If you don't believe me then go check."

Applejack had clearly heard what Bryce had said, but still went to go and check anyway.

Apple Bloom yelled up into the tree, "Are yuh really gonna stay out here all night?"

"If I have to, Sprout."

"Do you think Corn really didn't kill both of those chickens?"

"I know he didn't. And I'm going to be out here every night until I find what did."

"Can Ah stay out here ta keep yuh company at least."

"No. Whatever got those chickens could probably just as easily get you too. It'd be safer if you stayed inside. Besides, I have Jack to help me keep a lookout. Now go on back inside and get to bed."

"Okay... Bryce, don't get yourself hurt. It makes me upset whenever yuh get hurt." Apple Bloom left him having said that and trotted back towards the house.

Now Bryce was left alone with his thoughts; his only other companionship coming from the regular reports from Jack. The pale light of the moon only just gave off enough illumination for him to see what went about down on the ground. In the few hours he'd been up in the tree, not a single creature stirred or crept in or out of the coops. Sitting up in that tree had proved boring. He'd had many an experience with waiting and boredom, but now this felt antagonizing. Every few minutes he had to balance the shovel he kept in his grasp, trying to remain quiet and sit himself up properly in the tree.

Eventually, his eyes began to droop as he drifted off to sleep.


Bryce was being dragged along the ground, the two armed guards on either side of him had their arms looped through his own as they took him to their leader, Gabriel. The man that had kept him and everyone else had looked up to in these hard times.

Eventually they came to Gabriel's tent and forced him through. The man Bryce had been dragged to see stood at his desk facing away from them all. When he took notice of his soldier's approach, he turned his attention to them. "Gentlemen, thank you both for bringing him to me, after what happened it's best we all clear the air. Please, release him."

The two guards loosened their hold on Bryce letting him fall onto the floor on his hands and knees.

"Now, gentlemen, no need to be so rough with him. From what I've heard my brother deserved it."

The first guard said, "Yeah, but it's best to not take any chances with... his kind."

The second included, "You're right about that. He's unpredictable. There's no telling what he can do to us."

"Of this you are correct. But if he had wanted to harm either of you he could have easily done so in a moments notice. If you're so concerned of what he could have done you should have put a LID on him." Both guards looked away as they shifted in place. "Now, if you would both be so nice, leave us alone for a while."

The first guard protested, "But sir-"

"Leave us alone, gentlemen!"

Both guards did as they were told, looking down at Bryce before exiting Gabriel's tent. With his guards out of the way, Gabriel came over to Bryce. "Stand up, you will find no enemies here."

Bryce did so. This was the first time he had been this close to the man everyone called their leader. He was a hispanic man with a thin frame with an intellectual look on his face, like he could know every little thing about you from just a sideways glance of a person. At the same time he looked scrawny, like he hadn't eaten in days, or as the rumors went.

"Now then, what is your name?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"It would be rude of me to address you as boy now wouldn't it? Now please, tell me your name."

Bryce simple said, "Bryce."

"That is not all, tell me your full name."

Bryce crossed his arms in front of him. "Bryce Smales."

"So is 'Bryce' your first name?"

"It's my middle name."

"Then stop wasting our time and tell me your full name."

"It starts with a J."

"What is the J short for?"

"I don't want to say, it's the name of someone who betrayed my family."

"Is that so. Well then, Bryce... Smiles?"

"Smales. There's no 'I'."

"Well, Bryce Smales, you know why you are here?"

"Because I came close to killing your brother."

Gabriel smirked at his last comment. "So you did. Miguel is a little tempered, I will admit, but you are only telling me what happened. What were the means?"

Bryce stood there, trying to avoid answering him. "We both know what the 'means' were. Why are you wasting our time?"

Gabriel continued to smirk. "I am fully aware of the conflict between you both. Can I ask what set off this incident?"

"He... was after Sidney, again."

"Is that so? And Sidney is-"

Bryce quickly cut Gabriel off. "A friend... Just... a friend."

Gabriel walked back over to his desk and gazed at its contents. "Now then... Sidney... Poitier?"

"Yes... Not the actor director."

"Of course... Why are you both so interested in Sidney?"

"I like Sidney for platonic reasons. Your brother for more amorous reasons."

"It appears that you may also have such feelings for-"

"Sidney's gay; we're only friends."

Gabriel turned back to Bryce. "Is that so? I suppose it is hard to say which... field some prefer to play on. Is that the proper term? But all of this is beside the point." He made his way back towards Bryce. "How long?"

"How long what?"

"How long have you had your abilities?"

Bryce turned around so he wasn't facing Gabriel. It was all a mistake.

Come now, can you really deny what was seen? Your very thoughts are no mystery to me, as I can imagine mine are not to you.

Bryce sighed. "Yeah, I guess they aren't... Don't touch me."

Gabriel stepped back. "My apologies. I was not aware. The reason I had you brought here, however, was not to question you on what happened, or what you can do."

"Then why did you?"

"You tell me."

Bryce stopped for a second. "You want to teach me how to better control myself."

Gabriel smiled. "Precisely, but I only offer this to you. I give you the final decision. I will say this though: What happened today was only a mistake. The next time you could do something that you regret. Possibly even bring harm to someone you care for. It could be Sidney or one of your... nephews? That is the proper word for one's sibling's children?"

Bryce crossed his arms in front of his chest again. "I need time to consider the matter."

"Of course, take all the time you need. But please, do be quick about it." Gabriel turned back to his work. "One more thing, Bryce Smales. What it your first name?"

"Joachim... It was my father's name."


Bryce awoke with a start, nearly making himself fall off the tree limb he was haphazardly sitting on. When he had gotten his bearings, he realized what had woken him. There was a frenzied barking coming from one of the chicken coops. Looking over, he spotted what looked like the back end of a wolf sticking out from one of the hen houses.

Pushing himself off the branch, Bryce ran over, the shovel held at the ready. When he reached the wolf, he saw that it had gotten its head lodged inside the hen house, and was having a hard time getting itself out. Well, this'll be easier than I could've hoped for.

Turning the shovel's head downwards, he brought it down with full forces at the base of the wolf's neck. The blade went through with ease.

After pulling the shovel back up to stab the beast a second time, the part of it that was sticking out crumbled and fell apart at his feet. Bryce stepped back, expecting the pieces to all form back together and attack him. When this didn't come to pass he moved to the side of the coop and pulled up the hinged roof.

Inside, at the chicken's entrance, was what looked like a mishapen stump. Poking at it with the shovel it rolled to the side, unmoving. Bryce stuck his hand in and picked up this 'stump'. In the dim moonlight it looked exactly like a wolf, like he'd thought. What was different about it was that the entirety of the beast was made of wood.

Holding the head up to his eye level, Bryce knew exactly what he could do with it.


The next morning, Applejack was the first pony to wake up before the break of dawn, even before Granny Smith. After she'd finished her morning routine in the bathroom, the apple mare walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

Once she entered the kitchen she immediately took notice of something laying on the table. Stepping closer, she instantly jumped back after realizing what it was. Running back upstairs she started banging on Big Macintosh's bedroom door. "BIG MAC, GET UP! THERE'S A TIMBER WOLF IN THE HOUSE!!!"

Big Mac was slow to get up. Opening his door, he was smacked a few times by his eldest sister. "Ahh, what's going on with you?!"

"Ah'm sorry, Big Mac, but there's a timber wolf in the kitchen!"

"WHAT!!!" Big Mac ran downstairs, almost stomping on Applejack.

When Applejack had caught up to the stallion, she was surprised to find her brother standing in the archway to the kitchen. "What's the matter, is it still in there?"

The red stallion was trying hard to keep a straight face. "Eeyep, it's still here, but there something funny about it."

Applejack tiptoed forward. "What's so funny about it?"

"It's dead."

"Beg pardon?" Applejack snaked her way past the large stallion to see that Big Mac was correct. In fact, it was only the head of a timber wolf. Trotting forward ever so carefully, the orange mare noticed a rolled up parchment stick out of its mouth. Pulling the parchment out and unrolling it, she saw that somepony had written her a note in very scribblish handwriting.

Dear Applejack,

Ha ha, told you Corn didn't do it. Found this thing with its head caught in one of the coops. Not sure what the H it really is, but you probably do. I guess the saying is true: Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered. Well, this hog got slaughtered alright. Maybe next time you could listen to what someone has to say before putting the blame on someone that doesn't deserve it.

XOXO, Bryce

P.S. Don't throw this away, I'm keeping it. If you throw it out I'll bring it back in.

At the bottom was what looked like a doodle of herself caught under a pile of rocks and a huge timber wolf bearing down on her.

"Well, what's it say?"

"Ah think it's saying he found this thing in one of the hen houses, but the words are nothing but scribbles."

"Well, AJ, it looks like you owe him an apology."

"For what?!"

"You were the one that blamed his dog."

"Yeah, well, he... Ugh, Ah don't know."

"Yuh see, Ah told yuh he was a good guy. Ah really don't understand what yuh have against'em. If it weren't for him all our chickens coulda gotten eaten."

"Maybe so, but he..." Applejack couldn't think of a single thing to hold against him after seeing her big brother's mute stare. "Ah still don't like him. If he weren't helping out so much around here there's no way I'd let him stay." Applejack walked back upstairs in a huff to clean herself up.

Heat of the Moment

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Chapter 29: Heat of the Moment

Bryce was awoken in his usual way; by having Corn blow his olid breath into his face. When that happened it meant that Corn was more than ready to be let out to do his outdoor morning constitutional. In the time that he had been away, Bryce had almost gone crazy to not have his dog there to wake him in his usual way. By now, it was more a ritual to them both.

Throughly stretching his body out underneath the blanket, Bryce was ready to make the day. Flipping over onto his back he found the head of the timber wolf he'd decapitated a few days ago laying on the chest where he'd placed it. It was biting down on Ponzi's knife. "Morning, Omega, feel like speaking your mind today?"

As expected, it only sat there, unmoving.

"Didn't think so." Finally rising out of bed, Bryce headed downstairs to let Corn out, greeting everypony he saw, before heading back upstairs to perform his own morning constitutional. After he was done in the bathroom he again headed back down to find his usual breakfast on the table and Applejack waiting to give him his list of daily chores.

"So, are yuh ready for what yuh got ta do today?"

"Sure, go ahead and lay it on me now."

"Well Ah need yuh ta fix up the fence. That's really all Ah have. Ah've already got all the wood and nails and such for yuh, it's all out where... yuh know."

"As I said before, I'm sorry for that. I'm fine though."

"... Right... Just get it done." Applejack left him and headed to get the wagon ready for the weekly farmer's market in Ponyville with her brother.

As soon as he finished his breakfast and cleaned his plate, Bryce went outside to get started. Already Applejack and Big Macintosh were heading down the trail away from the house, the wagons following their movements. Meanwhile, coming up the trail were two unicorns of different sizes.

The smaller one was Dinky; he wasn't surprised to see her coming up. The other one, however, was a face he hadn't seen since their discussion behind the house. When they both reached Bryce they both stopped.

Bryce broke the silent tension in the group. "Well... it's a surprise to see you back, I have to say."

Amethyst replied, "Yeah, but it was getting boring just sitting around the house all day." She began to give her little sister a noogie. "And I had to make this one stop begging me somehow."

"Ahh, Amy!"

"Stop complaining, you know you like it."

"But you don't have to, ow, be so rough."

"It's only to show you how much I care about you, little sis." They both started laughing.

"Well it wasn't really a good day for you to be coming here. Apple Bloom's not feeling well and she'll be in bed all day."

That dampened the unicorn filly's spirits. "Is she going to be okay?"

Bryce smirked. "Don't worry, she'll be fine. All she needs is to get some sleep and a little good cooking and she'll be alright."

"Oh, that's good. What do you have to do today?"

"I have to go and fix the sheep pen where I feel on it."

"Why, what happened?" Amethyst inquired.

"Well, the kids and I were playing catch and... I was told to 'go long'. I didn't see it until I was right on it. After that the whole thing fell down with me somehow."

"Oh, do you need any help with it at all?"

"Not really, it'll be better if I take care of it alone."

"If you say so. Dinky, go on inside, there's something I want to talk to Bryce about."

"I- Is it something bad?"

"Oh, it's not 'that' bad. If you go see Apple Bloom be sure to not get too close, we don't want you getting whatever she's got." Dinky ran inside to do just that. Turning back to Bryce, Amethyst said, "You probably know what I want to talk about."

Bryce sighed. "Yeah, I know."

"This is hard for me to say, but I hate to say I somewhat agree with what you said."

"... Really? Which parts exactly?"

"Don't test your luck, I only said I somewhat agree with what you said. I mean, I agree I shouldn't be taking my anger out on my stepmother, but I'm still upset that he left us both."

"Do you still feel it was because of her?"

"I- I really don't know." The mapenta mare sat down on the ground. "I do feel she was a reason, but not the biggest reason. I'd known her for a while before he left. They both seemed so happy together, and I mean like really happy, but before he just up and left Dinky and I... there'd been an accident."

"What do you mean by an 'accident'?"

"Well, Derpy, she- she almost burned down the house. I'm not saying she hadn't done crazy or embarrassing things before, but when we all woke up the next morning... he was gone. He'd left without even leaving us anything to tell us where he was going." Amethyst had started to cry. "Just the night before he'd kissed my sister and I good night and said he loved us." She couldn't hold back as the tears began to flow out of her violet eyes.

Bryce bent down and rubbed a reassuring hand across her back.

In between her sobbing, the teenage mare asked, "Do you think everything you said to Dinky was true?"

"Well do you want me to tell you the truth, or what you want to hear?"

She whispered, "I'd prefer the truth."

"Amethyst, I really don't know... I really just don't know." Amethyst looked up at the human. "Look, I know what I said to you the other day, but I really don't know if it's true. It was just me trying to give you a wake up call."

"Is that so?" She looked back down. "I- I suppose I can't blame you. Goddess, I've been a real bitch, haven't I?"

"Well... you kind of have, but I was being a real dick myself."

"I guess we were both in the wrong." Amethyst sucked in her snot before saying, "I want to know though. What you said to Dinky. Do you really think our dad'll come back?"

"I don't know. Maybe so, maybe not. But if he does, then know this: Don't expect him to be the same person you knew if he does come back. People you once knew tend to change when they've been away for a long time."

"Do you really think that?"

Bryce paused before saying, "I know that." Bryce pulled himself and Amethyst up. "Now just listen to me on this part. I know you might not like your... stepmother, but at least she's here for you. She cares about you both; to her you're another daughter."

"But she isn't. Dinky and I have different mothers."

"Well, it takes more than blood to make a family. I know that for a fact. Now you really need to drop whatever ill wills you have for her. Whenever Dinky sees you acting like that you're not only hurting her. You're hurting yourself with hate, and life's too short to have something like that weighing on one's heart."

"I- I don't fully understand, but if it's for Dinky..."

"Dinky needs you and Ditzy to be strong for her. She needs to have others in her life showing her the difference in right and wrong."

"I- I know, your right, but Der- Ditzy... I'll try for Dinky."

"Good, now let's go on inside. Knowing her she's not letting Apple Bloom get much rest."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. And, Bryce, was it? She looks up to you. Whenever she comes home you're almost the only thing she talks about. How in Celestia's name do you do it?"

Bryce bit down on his lip. "I really don't know, but for some reason little ones are always fawning over me."

"*Pfft* Whatever you say. Look, I can't trust her to leave Apple Bloom alone. Do you think you could watch over her?"

"I'll try, but could you help watch after Apple Bloom. I trust Granny Smith can do it, but she's getting up there in years, after all."

"Say no more, I'll take care of it."

"That's great, thanks. Now let's go get her before Apple Bloom gets worked up too much and wants to come out."

When Byce and Amethyst entered the house, they found Dinky upstairs in Apple Bloom's bedroom, pestering the sick filly. Amethyst had to grab the young unicorn up in her magic and drag her outside. After much convincing, Dinky agreed to stay outside and help Bryce fix the fence.

Heading out to the site near the sheep's corral, they both found everything ready, like Applejack had told him. Corn and Winona had decided to come along. "Okay, Dinky, there's not much you can help me with. Just stay out of the way and play with the dogs while I take care of it. And stay where I can see you." Walking over to one of the posts, Bryce pressed and pulled on it until it decided to come out of the ground.

"What'd you and Amy talk about?"

"She was just making sure I was being safe around you."

"Oh... She's always doing stuff like that. She keeps on acting like she's momma."

"Well she's just concerned for your safety. In a way, she is your mother," Bryce said as he pulled out the last of the posts.

"But she's my sister, not my momma."

"No, she's your big sister. It's her job to worry over you."

"Does that mean you're my brother? You're always getting on to me whenever I'm doing something I shouldn't; just like Amy."

"Well, no, that's just... Do you see me as a brother?"

"No, I kinda see you... as... daddy."

Bryce stopped his work on her last statement. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel at a time like that. Sure, he'd had to step in as the parent to his nephews, but Bryce had grown up knowing them; and they were all human. But Dinky, she was a pony. "I need to work, Dinky."

Bryce did so. This caused a frown to form on the unicorn filly's face that went unnoticed by the human. She sat down on the ground and began to run her hoof through the dirt.

After he had placed the new posts in the the ground, Bryce was ready to nail in the boards. Picking up the hammer, the head began to wiggle. Bryce tried his best to firmly press it down on the handle. "Okay, Dinky, I'm almost done. Just stay around here and we can go find something to do together."

Dinky weakly gave a small nod of acknowledgement.

He got one of the boards in place and started to hammer it in. A few swings into it Bryce took notice of the hammer's sudden loss in weight.

From behind him, Dinky cried out in pain and fell back on the ground.

"Damn it!" Bryce dropped everything and ran over to her. "Dinky, are you alright!?" He pulled her hooves away from her face so he could get a better look at her. Already a bruise was beginning to from where the hammer head had hit her on the nose, which was oozing blood from both nostrils. "Son of a bitch, damn it, Bryce!"

Dinky worked her hooves out of his grip and hid herself again.

Bryce picked the injured filly gently off the ground and cradled her in his arms. "Just stay calm, it's going to be okay."

When he reached the house, with Dinky in his arms, Amethyst and Granny Smith jumped as he came running in. "Bryce, what's going on!?"

"It's- I-"

Amethyst became concerned once she saw that her sister was lying in his arms. "What happened!? WHAT'D YOU DO!?"


Amethyst pulled her out of his grasp with her magic. "THE HAY, BRYCE!!!"

Granny Smith intervened. "Now settle down and give her to me. You're only going to hurt her more throwing her around like that." Grabbing Dinky at the nap of her neck, Granny Smith took the filly and lied here down on the couch. "Now just calm down, sugarcube, and let Granny see it."

With the aged mare attending to Dinky, Amethyst glared back at Bryce. "What happened!?"

"I didn't mean to, it-"

"What do you call that?"

"It was an accident, I'm sorry."

"You hurt her and that's all you can say!?"

At the moment, Applejack came in through the front door. "Hey, Granny, do you know where... What's going- For Celestia's sake, what'd he do now!?"

"This blockhead just hurt my sister!"

"HE WHAT!?!?!?" Applejack took a stance in front of Bryce. "That's the last stray, Ah want yuh out of this house!"

Granny Smith tried to pacify the situation. "Now, AJ, Ah'm sure he didn't-"

"Ah don't care. Yuh get out!" She stopped him before he could get a word in. "NOW!!!"

Bryce balled both his hands into fists and felt like he was digging his nails into his palms. With tears of rage starting to run from dark gray eyes, he ran out the door, nearly bringing the door with him.

As he walked away from the house, Corn and Winona began to follow him. He shouted, "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, BOTH OF YOU!!!" He began to walk away from the house, taking a random direction into the orchard.


Minutes after Bryce's boisterous departure, Applejack was finally calm enough to think straight. She asked Dinky, "Now give it to me straight. What'd he do to yuh?"

Dinky was still somewhat shaken up about what had happened. "H- he was using the ha- hammer on the fence when i- it came back and h- hit me."

"What hit yuh?"

"Th- the metal part on the end"

Amethyst asked, "Did it look like he meant to do it?"

"N- no. After i- it hit me he came over to see me. Then he said one of those naughty words an- and brought me inside."

"Yuh see, and the two of you were ready ta rip the poor boy's head off," Granny Smith piped in. "He tried ta tell yuh both that and yuh wouldn't let'em."

"But he's been nothin but-"

"Ah know how he's been, but most of what he's done were just accidents. Ah can understand yuh being upset, but yuh don't have ta treat like an idiot. He knows when he's done wrong; but you, AJ, still treat'em like he's a foal."

"But you don't know how he's been treating me."

"Maybe Ah don't, but after the way you've acted yuh deserve it."

Applejack bit down on her lip, beyond belief her own grandmother was actually taking up for him. "Give me one example of why Ah should even consider thinking any different bout'em."

"From what Ah've heard he saved Rainbow Dash's life."

The apple mare cocked an eyebrow. "Uh, beg pardon?"

"That day we went for a picnic in town. He stayed behind and saved her after she'd hit the ground too hard."

"Now Ah can't believe that. After what happened between'em Ah doubt he'd give that feather brain the time of day."

"Well believe it. Yuh can go ask Fluttershy; she's the one that told me."

That left both Applejack and Amethyst dumbfounded. They'd both heard all the rumors she had floated about him around town, and that Bryce did as well.

Amethyst said, "You know what, I may believe that he 'helped' Rainbow, but why in Tartarus would he do it?"

"From what Fluttershy told me he didn't care about what she'd done to him. All he would say was that it was in his nature to save her. Come on, you saw how he was acting when he brought your sister in. You don't think he'd actually do somethin like that on purpose, do yuh?"

"Well... he did seem pretty upset about it. And everything Dinky's told me... I- I don't think he did it on purpose."

"Good, yuh see. Deep down he's just like one of us. He just has a few rough edges that make it hard for him to fit in." Granny Smith looked over at her oldest granddaughter. "Well, AJ, what do you have ta say?"

Applejack stood there for a moment before stomping her hoof on the floor. She bluntly stated, "Ah still don't like him. Ah just don't. Sure, he may have saved Rainbow, but Ah wouldn't doubt he had some other motive for it. Look, Ah'm wastin time. Ah only came back ta get a wheel for the wagon." The apple mare ignored everypony as she exited the house.

Once outside, she headed over to the barn to get what she had come for. Laying against the side of one wall was the wagon wheel she had come back for.

From behind her, she heard the door creak. Looking back she found nopony there. "Granny, is that you?"

There came no answer to here calling.

"Huh, must have been-"

From behind, someone rushed forward and smacked the apple mare hard on the back of her head. She heard him say, "It could have been easy." Applejack slowly slipped into unconsciousness.

Before leaving, her attacker tossed a flaming rag into a hay stack.

When a Fire Starts to Burn

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Chapter 30: When a Fire Starts to Burn

Bryce continued to walk through the apple orchard, his only real reaction being to turn whenever a tree crossed his path. He had no idea where exactly he was, or how long it had been since his departure. All he cared for was to get as far away from the horse things that inhabited this world of happiness and sunshine as humanly possible.

After a while he came upon a tree that was much larger than all the others. Bryce stopped and stood under this tree, looking up at the apples that hung from its branches. Taking interest in one of the low hanging red fruit he pulled it down. Now that it was in his grasp he stared deeply into the orb, looking at himself in its reflective skin.

With all of his might, Bryce bore down on the apple. He needed something to take the rage that had been building up inside of him since he had arrived. Down in his heart, he wished it had been someone that had wronged him.

The apple finally snapped inwards. The juices that lay inside spewed out on everything in its range. But with the apple now gone he felt none the better than he had before.

After a long while he released his grip on the pulverized crop and let it drop to the ground with a soggy squish.

Bryce was not the least bit satisfied. Turning back to the same apple tree, he did the only thing he felt like doing.

He grabbed apple after apple; crushing some; throwing others at anything he could see. His rage drove him on. He was blind to the world around him. Bryce didn't even notice that the tree was devoid of anything until he could find nothing else to hold on to.

With the tree now bare, Bryce started to slam his fists into the aged bark of the tree. It cut deep into his knuckles, the adrenaline that was pumping through his veins the only thing that kept him going.

Pulling back one final time, Bryce thrust his bloodied fist into the tree trunk one final time and stood still once more. It was at that moment that he remembered what had drawn him to this point in his life. He could remember every minute detail of what had happened before his departure.

Pulling his hand from the reddened bark, Bryce slid down to the ground and rested his back on the damaged apple tree. All around he could see the results of whatever demon had possesed him. He looked up a third time at the tree he had just taken his anger out upon. Bryce could only look, mouth agape, at how the once beautiful, bountiful topiary was reduced to a gnarled, vapid husk. Staring back down at his hands he found them a bloodied mess. He was beyond belief that he had been the one that had done all of this, but the evidence lay all around him.

Bryce buried his head into his palms and started to cry, his wails sounding out through the orchard.

Out of nowhere, a barking began to echo through the orchard as well. Bryce was brought back to reality to find Winona running up towards him. He did nothing as she reached him. The Border Collie sniffed at his hands and let out a concerned whimper. He didn't stop her as she began to lap at his wounds. Just the presence of this canine was enough to ease his mind.

"Winona, where'd you go?"

Bryce shrank back in horror at that recognizable voice.

"Wino-" Amethyst froze up when she found where the dog had ended up. "There you are!" The magenta unicorn took a confident step forward. "Did you... really...?" She again stopped once she took in the scene arround her, all of it around the one she had ventured out to find. "... Bryce... did you...?"

He quickly stood up and began to run off.

"Bryce, wait!" Amethyst yelled as she began to run after him. "Don't do this. I'm not out here to chastise you or anything."

Bryce was finding that hard to believe. After all, he had been he one that had harmed her little sister, not even old enough to be called a mare. He continued to rush onwards.

"Hey, I'm not as fast as you are! Just stop and we can talk about this!" Amethyst said in a much more irate tone of voice. The mare tried to keep up with the human as best she could, but it was no use. Bryce had outran her and was out of sight. Amethyst skid to a halt since she knew it would be futile to continue onwards."Bryce, BRYCE!!!"

She stopped to catch her breath. When she could speak again, Amethyst said, "I'm not out here to get on to you about what happened, I swear. I know I was accident now, and I know I shouldn't have yelled at you for it." There came no answer, the only other sound coming from a gentle breeze that ran through the leaves. "Bryce, I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can know that... I'm sorry. I realize you don't mean to do some of the things you do, but right now you're upseting Dinky. She's the reason I even volunteered to come out this far away from the farm. If it had been for anypony else I would have said 'no'."

There still was no answer of any kind.

"If you don't come back... she'll... she'll never forgive you."

From behind Amethyst, the shifting of leaves made her jump up in fright. Leaning on the tree that was directly behind her was Bryce. "Did you mean it?"

"What... I-"

"Did you mean what you just said?"

"I-" The words got caught in her throat. Frightened now more knowing that the human had been right behind her without her knowing it.

Bryce took a big step forward, sending the unicorn mare backwards into a different tree.

Now that he was standing directly over her she was more afraid than ever before.

"Did you... mean it?"

Amethyst said nothing.

"I can easily make your head pop like a grape... Did you mean what you just said!?"

Amethyst took a more serious tone with him. "Y- you would never do anything like that Not to me or anypony!"

Bryce leaned forward and placed both hands on the tree Amethyst had backed herself into. "How do you know I wouldn't!?"

"B- b- because it's not in your nature!"

That was enough to catch him off guard. He scowled down at her before walking off from Amethyst. When she could comprehend what was happening she took chase after him. "Hey, where do you think you're going?"

"Somewhere far away from here!" He said without looking back.

"No way. I'm going to take you back with me."

"*Pfft* Give me one reason why I shouldn't?"

"Because Dinky wouldn't like it."

"So, she's just a kid. She'll forget about me. Everyone does eventually."

Amethyst came to a halt and told him, "You know what, go on and leave. You're no better than our dad!"

This caused Bryce to come to a halt as well. "She... told you about that... Didn't she?"

"What are you going on about now!?" He didn't respond. Amethyst took her chance to get ahead of the human. When she got ahead of him, she was surprised at what she saw. The scowl that he had always bore was replaced with one of sorrow. "Uhm... are you... okay?"

"i'm fine... Just let me be on my way." He tried to walk past the unicorn, but every way he went she was in his path. "What the H do you want now!?"

"I want to know what you were talking about. What did Dinky tell me?"

"I- I was mistaken."

"About what?"

"It's not important!"

"If it's something Dinky said then it is important. Tell me what it is, then I might let you leave."

Bryce looked away from her piercing purple gaze. "I don't want to."

"Well then your not leaving."

They both stood there for a few seconds, neither one of them daring speak next. Bryce was the one to cave, however. "She... told me she sees me as... as her daddy."

Amethyst softened here expression. "What?"

"I asked her if she thought of me as a brother. Instead, she said she thought of me as her father."

"She... said that?"

Bryce snapped back to his former self. "I've told you what you wanted to know. Now, please, let me go in peace." He was finally able to walk past the magenta mare.

"You're just going to leave her...?"


"After everything the two of you have done together; after you got on to me for putting the blame on Ditzy for making our 'real' dad leave!?"


Without warning, Amethyst turned on her hooves and tackled the much taller human to the ground. "THERE'S NO WAY I'M GOING TO LET YOU LEAVE, YOU BLOCKHEAD!!!"

Bryce quickly forced the angered mare off of him. "Get the fuck off me you psycho bitch!" He was surrounded in a purple aura and lifted up into the air.

"I might not understand what goes on in your head, but when somepony tells you something like that you don't just up and leave them."

"Well, what kind of father am I? I'm the one who hit her on the nose with a hammer."

"That was an accident." When Amethyst suddenly felt something wiggling up one of her hind legs, she lost her concentration; her magic hold on the human going with it.

Bryce sat up slowly and dusted himself off. "Well, was that an accident too!?"

Amethyst began to drastically find what had been entwined around her back leg. There was nothing else living in sight. "No, there was... something..."

"Well, regardless, it was all my-" Bryce grabbed at his forehead.

"Ugh, what is it now!?"

"Do you smell that?"

"Smell wha... Wait, that smells like..."

Off in the distance, a large plume of smoke rose up in the air.

"Tha- that's coming from- Oh no, Dinky! We need-"

Bryce picked Amethyst up around her gut and started running towards the farm. He had the magenta mare wrapped under his arm the entire way.


When Bryce and Amethyst returned to Sweet Apple Acres, they found the barn up in flames. Amethyst wiggled her way out from under Bryce's arm. "Dinky, are you-"

Bryce caught up with her before she could get too close to the flames. "Don't be dim, you're too hysterical to be going in there."

"But what if-"

From the house, Dinky shouted, "Amy, Bryce, we're over here!"

Granny Smith followed the filly out soon after. "There yuh both are, have either of yuh seen Applejack!? The last Ah saw of her she said she was goin inta the barn."

"No, we-"

They all heard somepony shout out from inside the barn. "AHH, WHAT IN TARNATION IS THIS!? WHAT'S GOIN ON HERE!?!?!?"

They all knew that phrase well enough to know who it was. "Well there's the answer to that."

Granny Smith had trotted over to the pair by then. "She's in there. We need to-"

Before the aged mare could finish, Bryce had already ran to the barn. When he had cleared the distance he dropped the bucket and threw the barn doors wide open. A column of flames leaped out to greet him. Stepping back a little ways, Bryce yelled, "Capo, are you in there!?"

"Huh... Oh no, not you!"

He spotted the apple mare lying in the center of the barn. She was stuck under a large wooden beam. One end was caught in flames that were slowly making their way towards Applejack. The only thing keeping him from going in was a path of fire that reached up to his knees. "Ahh, damn it! Don't worry, I'm going to get you out of there." Bryce ran off.

"Hey, where the hay do yuh think-" Applejack had to position herself out of the way of flaming debris which fell from the roof.

Bryce ran as fast as he possibly could. Reaching the water pump, he placed a nearby bucket down below the spout and began to furiously pump it until it was full. With the filled bucket in hand, Bryce ran back to the barn. "Okay, I'm coming!" Hefting the bucket back, he dowsed enough of the fire to allow him to make it through to Applejack.

"Where'd yuh go!?"

"Fire's hot! Now let me get this thing off of you." Bryce bent forward and grabbed hold of the beam. He had to admit, it was heavier than it looked.

Once it was up high enough Applejack pulled here legs out from under it. When she did so she let out a cry of pain. "Ahh, that thing mustuh broke my leg. It hurts like a-." Bryce bent down to try and pick her up, but she would have none of it. "There's no way Ah'm about ta let yuh-"

Bryce cut the inimical mare off. "Well, you can either let me get you out of this, or you stay here and burn to death. What's it going to-" In an instant, the roof above them began to creak. Acting quickly, Bryce lifted up the mare and tossed her outside before the roof came crashing down, effectively blocking the path to the door.

With his exit cut off, Bryce franctically looked around for a new one. At either side was a row of windows. The only thing holding him back was were the knee high flames. At his back was nothing but a bare wall. With no other options, he decided his best choice was to try and smash his way through this wall.

Giving himself a running start, he rammed his shoulder into the wall. It gave no sign that he'd done anthing to it. Stepping back once again he did it again, and again, and again. No matter how much speed he got, or how many times he did it, the wall just wouldn't give.

After a few more attempts, Bryce felt light headed. Falling down onto one knee, he started to pant heavily, his lungs begging for one more breath of sweet oxygen.

Everything around him was beginning to swing in and out of his vision.

As the seconds drew on he felt his strength leave him faster and faster. He was unable to even hold himself up. He fell down on to his hands. Beads of sweat drip down onto the hay that line the floor. The fire made its way to his right hand, momentarily bring him back to consciousness.

The fire had crept up on him without his knowing. Bryce forced himself against the wall and sank down to the ground.

With a raspy voice, he said to himself, "Well... looks like... this is... it."

The world shuttered around him.


When he opened his eyes, all he could see was a bright white light.

As far as he could see there was no definite shapes.

Nothing to tell him where he was.

He felt as if he were lying on a cloud.

There was no noise to speak of.

He had to admit, he actually felt at peace; as if he were back in the womb.

For how long he stayed like that he was unsure.

"Is his pulse finally stabile?"

"Yes, Doctor."

"Are his appendages, midsection, and chest wrapped up properly?

"They are, Doctor."

"What are his sats?"

"Holding at 76."

"Get an oxygen mask on him."

"Yes, Doctor."

He felt someone loop something around his face. Whatever it was made a pain shoot through his lungs, but not a bad kind of pain. It was a pain that one felt after taking a drink of cold water in a hot desert. He gave a relieved sigh.

"Doctor Stables, he's conscious."

"Nurse Redheart, give him a sedative before he starts to move around."

"Right away."

As time went on he began to hear more than just voices. He could hear the rhythmic beep of an unseen apparatus and from the inhaltion of the oxygen mask that had been placed on him.

From the void, someone began to run a hoof up and down his arm." Just stay calm and count backwards from ten. Everything's going to be alright."

He asked, "I- is this... Heaven or Hell?"

"No, this is Ponyville Hospital."

His vision became blurry as drowsiness sank in. "... Close enough... to Hell." The bright light lazily faded to black.

Visiting Hours Are Now Over

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Chapter 31: Visiting Hours Are Now Over

When he awoke his initial reaction was one of indifference. The only sounds he could hear were the repeated beep of a heart monitor and the draws of oxygen from the breathing mask strapped to his mouth. He was lying on his back, a position he had not been very accustomed to.

As Bryce's senses continued to awaken, he felt a searing, pulsating pain on his chest and the upper half of his gut. His chest also felt like an elephant had been tap dancing on it. Attempting to move around he felt a prodding pain stick in his left arm. A dry, raspy yelp was all that could escape his parched throat.

Lying still for the moment, Bryce looked down to find a thin paper blanket drapped over his front. He looked to his left to find a clear fluid running through an IV tube down to a hypodermic needle sticking out of forearm. Beyond that there was light blue curtain that dropped from the ceiling to the floor.

Waiting a few minutes, Bryce tried to raise himself up, but was finding he lacked the strength. After struggling for a few seconds he fell back on the bed in defeat, letting out a loud grunt as he did so.

"H- hey, you awake?" Bryce heard someone say from behind the curtain.

He desperately tried to let out a few words, but the only thing he could muster was an anguished moan.

"Hey, Doc," the same voice said, "DOC!"

A blue earth pony mare with a pale green mane and nurse's cap came in through the door across the room. "Is everything alright?" She asked as vanished behind the curtain.

"That fella's woken up."

The same earth pony came over to Bryce's side of the curtain. "So he is. How are you feeling?"

Bryce tried once again to speak but his dry throat prevented him from saying anything remotely audible.

"I'll go get the doctor. Stay here, please."

Bryce furrowed his brow. I can't even sit up... Where the H could I possibly even go?

A minute later, the same nurse came back with a mustard unicorn stallion donning spectacles and a lab coat. He walked up to the human with determination. He levitated a clipboard to his face. "When was he last given a sedative?"

"Last night, Doctor."

"How high was the dosage?"

"The same as any stallion."

"Hmm, we may need to up the dosage. Nurse Tenderheart, prepare a hypodermic-"

Bryce began to struggle. He would rather stay awake and live with the pain than be put under again.

"Doctor Stable, he doesn't appear to like the idea of being put to sleep."

Doctor Stable placed the clipboard back where he'd gotten it. "Sir, I suggest you accept the sedative. From the damage you've received it would be unethical to allow you to-"

Bryce resolutely shook his head at the stallion.

"Alright, suit yourself. Nurse Tenderheart, start him on a codeine drip." Nurse Tenderheart left the room to acquire the necessary narcotics. "Now then, you have been here for the past day-and-a-half. When you arrived you were very near death, but we were able to stabilize you before you could flatline. There are second degree burns running along your chest, midsection, and shoulders, cuts and bruises on both on your superior appendages, and hairline fractures on your sternum and many of the ribs that are conjoined to it; for which we have no medical explanation. We've had you sedated since your arrival so you wouldn't have to deal with the pain, and for reasons unknown, you are refusing it now. Above all, I find it hard to believe anypony would consider wanting to."

By the time the doctor was finished speaking, Nurse Tenderheart had returned with an IV bag and had it flowing through Bryce's veins. The pain slowly easied and left him feeling dizzy.

"Due to the severity and area of your burns you will have to spend up to two weeks here. Is that clear?"

Bryce nodded.

"Nurse Tenderheart, begin applying ointment to the affected areas. Come and find me when you're done so I can check his vitals." Doctor Stables exited the room to tend to his other patients.

With the doctor gone, Nurse Tenderheart pulled the thin blanket down to his waist. Bryce could now see the bandages that he'd been wrapped in. "Okay, you're going to feel a little discomfort while I remove your old bandages. I'll try to be as gentle as I possibly can."

As she did so a few dry groans escaped his throat, which the nurse periodically apologized for.

"I just need to go and get the necessary supplies, please try and relax," Nurse Tenderheart told Bryce as she left the room.

This gave him the time to see the full extent of the burns. His skin was blistered in spots, raw in others. Just the feel of the air on his skin made his whole front sting. If it weren't for the drugs running through his system it would have been unbearable.

She returned shortly after. "Once I properly wash you down I'll apply the ointment. Please tell me if it gets to be too much for you to handle."

Compared to the feel of the air on his burned skin, this felt worse. But he allowed her to continue on since it would be better to go on and get it over with now.

Nurse Tenderheart dryed him off throughly. "There, now I can apply the ointment."

As she applied the ointment the stinging pain left him, replaced with a warm, soothing pleasure that made him moan in delight.

"Well now, you seem to be enjoying this."

"Em... hem..."

She gave a lighthearted laugh at his dazed response. Something began to poke her in the side. "My, uhm... somepony seems to getting... eager... It's okay, it's not the first time I've seen it happen. But don't go expecting anything too... risque." Nurse Tenderheart gave Bryce a sly wink.

After she had finished she promptly wrapped Bryce in fresh bandages. "Now I'm going to go find the doctor and we'll see how well you are, okay?"

As the nurse left a third time, his roommate began to talk to Bryce from the other side of the curtain. "So, how was it?"

Bryce weakly groaned.

"That good huh? Boy, did you see the flank on her? I tell you, once I get outta here I'm just might look her up. Gotta say though, I'm kinda jealous. I mean, you had her all over you, didn't you? I give almost anything to be in your position... minus the burns, of course. Though maybe not; mares do like the rough types."

I don't know, but I prefer the quiet types. Bryce groaned once again.

"Yeah, you have a point. Tell you what, put in a good word for me with her and I'll make it worth your wild. What do yuh say?"

Nurse Tenderheart returned with the doctor. Doctor Stable once again levitated the clipboard up to his face. "Nurse, please remove his oxygen mask."

"Yes doctor."

"Now then... saturation level has improved from previous level... but holding at 84 percent. Don't put the mask back on him, but do give him a nasal cannula."

"Right away, doctor."

"Pulse and blood pressure... still at normal levels." He then levitated a pen over and wrote down some notes. "For the record, please state your full name?"

"B... B..." A glass of water with a bendy straw was held out to him. He quickly drained it down until it echoed empty. Bryce swallowed a few times before he spoke again, in a slightly less hoarse voice, "Bryce... Smales."

"Bryce Smiles, lunch will be coming to you in an hour. In the meantime the only thing for you to do now is to lie back and rest." He left the room.

That was the last thing Bryce needed to hear. It was at this point that he knew his stay at the hospital was going to turn into Hell. Nothing to do but just lie there like a log, waiting until the doctor on charge gave him the okay to leave. To him, this was just a place people were put to heal up and forget about them for a few days. He was regretting not taking the sedative.

"Hey, Bryce is it?" Nurse Tenderheart said, "Don't let yourself get down. The ponies who brought you here said they would be coming back to check on you this evening. So you have that to look forward to, right?"

Well maybe it won't be 'that' bad. Bryce nodded in agreement. I just hope it's not a one time thing.

"While you're waiting, why don't you try and talk with your roommate."

She pulled the curtain aside to reveal the pony lying in the bed next to his. When Bryce saw who it was he took on a galled demeanor.

His roommate was an earth pony with tan fur, a greasy black mane, and had one of his forelegs was encased in a cast. What most drew his eye, however, was the image of a fishing hook on his rump.

They both stared at each other; one with a soul burning glare; the other more scared for his life than he'd been at their previous encounter.

"Now both of you play nice. If you need anything don't be afraid to call for me." Nurse Tenderheart left, closing the door behind her as she left.


As the time drew on, Bryce grew more and more tired of being laid up in bed. He was unable to move without inflicting the slightest amount of pain, unable to get past that the cause of his current misfortune was lying ten feet away from his own bed, and there was nothing he could do about either one.

Every so often, one of the nurses would come in to check on them both. The last one had came in to tell them both that dinner would be out within the hour. Bryce questioned on whether there had been anyone there to see him, but was met only with the answer he had long dreaded to hear.

Now, with nothing better to do, Bryce bided his time by keeping count of the number of drips from his IV bag, the number of beeps of his heart monitor, and the number of breaths he took from the thing crammed in his nose, all at the same time.

He lost count when Bait-and-Switch sneezed. "Ahh, damn... That was a big one."

Bryce gave him no reply.

"Hey, you know, it's common courtesy to say 'bless you' whenever somepony-"

Bryce's response was to shot the tan stallion a bird.

":... I'll take that as a... bless you?"

Bryce had had enough of this guy, much less that they both had to share the same room. "You're a horrible... dispicable creature... that deserves... to be buried... alive."

"Oh... what would... make you say a thing like that?" He gave Bryce a shit eating grin.

"You know... damn well... why."

""I- I can't think of- of anything-"

"You had every right... to come after me. She had... nothing... to do with it!" His last rant left him wheezing in pain.

"How did you know that was me? You have nothing to prove it was me."

"To prove what?"

"That I was the one who... Wait, you're not going to get a confession out of me. I had nothing to do with that fire."

"What... fire?"

"The fire at the farm."

"Funny... I never said... where it was."

Bait scrambled to find the right words to say. "I- I was guessing... because... you lived at that farm we... Whatever, you have no proof it was me."

Bryce gave a croaked laugh. "Well... at most... I get better... in two weeks. You, on the other hand... have six weeks... until your leg... heals... And as soon as I... get better... I'm going to... break... the rest... of them."

"*Pfft* You believe what you want. Just wait, my uncle's gonna be here any minute, and when he does I'm going to be miles away where you'll never-"

From outside the door, there were sounds of a heated discussion going on.

"HA!!! See, there he is right now."

Just as Bait had said, the middle aged stallion came barging in through the door. He was followed closely by a few of his goons who stood blocking the door. Ponzi Scheme trotted without taking notice of Bryce and drew the curtain closed.

"Heeey, Uncle Ponz, we were just-"

Bait-and-Switch was dumbfounded when his uncle smacked him across the face.

"Wha- what the buck!?"

"What was the one thing I told you not to do!?"

"Wha..." Bait started pointing a hoof at one of the goons at the door. "Hey, that's the guy who-"

Ponzi smacked Bait's hoof away. "I know what he did. I told him to do it."

"But... What the hay!?"

"I told you to drop it, Bait. When I let you go off on your own I expected you to do that. At the same time I had high doubts you would do as I said. That's why I had him follow you, and if need be, make sure you stayed where I could easily find you. By any means necessary."

"Bu- but I'm-"

"I know what you are. I didn't take you in after your mom, my sister, didn't have the guts to raise you on her own. Sure, we might not have been the most model citizens, but at least we never hurt anypony. And when I hear what happened it just pisses me off to no end!"

"I was only trying to send that... thing a message."

"By killing that innocent farm girl!?"

"Ye- yeah... But they weren't really getting along to begin with. I was trying to make it look like he-"

Ponzi bore a hoof down on Bait's injured leg. He shouted over the tan stallion's screams. "DO YOU FEEL THAT, DO YOU FEEL THIS PAIN!?!?!? IF YOU EVER, AND I MEAN EVER, TRY ANYTHING THIS STUPID AND SADISTIC AGAIN WHAT THAT THING DID WILL BE THE LEAST OF YOUR WORRIES!!!"


Ponzi took his hoof away from Bait's leg. "Now I've cut a deal with the family of the barn you burned."

"Deal... What deal!?"

"You're not going to be coming back with me."

"WHAT!?!?!? What the hay!?!?!?"

"Rest up, because as soon as you're well enough you're going to be working on their farm until the cost of their barn is repaid, in full."

"What, no bucking way!":

"It's either that, or you can go out and live on your own."

"Ahh come on. That's too unfair!"

"No, it would have been unfair if I reported you to the guard and let them drag your flank off to prison. Now I'm-"

Bryce's attention was drawn away from their quarrel when one of Ponzi's goons took note of his presence. He gave him a wide mouthed grin. "Well, well... What do we have here?"

Another of his goons joined him. "Remember us you bald ape. We never did get back to you on that little beating you gave us."

"Get ready for the worst night of your-"

By then Ponzi was done arguing with his nephew and had drawn the curtain back. "Boys, what are you both staring at?"

"Hey, Ponz, take a look at what we have here," the first goon said with a grin as he moved aside.

When Ponzi saw what they'd been hiding the color drained from his face. Bryce could see the scar on the side of his face he'd left at their first encounter.

"Boys, wait outside. I want to deal with this personally."

They both did as they were told, brohoofing each other as they left.

"So, it seems I have the upper hoof in the situation now, Bryce Smales."

Bryce smirked, "You have... no idea... how much of a disadvantage... you're really in."

Ponzi smirked back. "True, you are a very puzzling individual, I will admit. Oh, if only I had found you first."

"I'd never... do anything... like you do."

"Maybe so; maybe not. But that is all irrelevant now."

"Say what... you want... to say."

"Straight to the point. I apologize for more than just what happened to you yesterday."

"What... you mean the burns... I've had worse."

"If you say so. No, I must also apologize for taking away the time you could have had with your friends. If it had not been because of me they would have been here to visit you."

"Well... I will admit... I was worried about them."

"Yes, and the little one, the one with the bow, wanted me to give you something." Ponzi reached inside his suit and presented Bryce with a folded piece of paper.

Bryce carefully took it from the gray stallion and looked it over.

It was a get well card. On the cover Apple Bloom had colored the apple orchard, but instead of its usual bright colors it was all gray and dull. The sun even had a frowny face on it. It read: THINGS AIN'T SO BRIGHT WHEN YOU'RE NOT HERE

When he opened it up, the orchard was once again made in bright colors, and this time the sun was smiling. in the foreground he could see caricatures. They included all the ponies who lived on the farm; as well as Ditzy, Dinky, Amethyst, and Corn. Even he was there. They were all running around, having the time of their lives. This part read: HOPE YOU GET WELL SOON, DON'T STAY AWAY TOO LONG. At the bottom it was signed by everypony, save for Applejack. Even Corn had left his paw print on it.

It nearly made him break out a smile.

"Th- thank you..."

"Don't mention. It's the least I could do. Now I take my leave. And I'll be seeing you tomorrow on you decision, Bait."

Before Ponzi could leave, Bryce said, "Hey, I'm sorry about kicking out your teeth."

"Ehh, I never took much care of them anyway. All you did was make them fall out sooner rather than later. Besides, they couldn't hold a flame to these dentures," Ponzi said, giving Bryce a toothy grin.

"Yeah... they look better too."

They both shared a laugh at that last comment.

Just A Little Bit of You / Hospice

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Chapter 32: Just A Little Bit of You / Hospice

Early the next morning, Ponzi Scheme arrived at the crack of dawn and drew the curtain closed. He had to shake his nephew awake. "Bait, wake up."

"Ahh, not now, I'm trying to sleep."

"Bait, this is not the time to be toying with me. Get up."

"Just five more-" Ponzi slapped him once on his still hurting leg. That jarred the young stallion. "What the buck is your... Uncle Ponz-"

"Bait, it's time for you to make your decision."

"What, now!?"

Ponzi didn't utter another word. He just stood there a stared.

"I- I- I need more time than-"

"I've given you plenty of time."

"Isn't there another way I-"

"Yes, you can choose to live on your own for the rest of your life."

Bait-and-Switch lied there in disbelief. "Th- there's no way you would-"

"Oh yes I would. You're of legal age to be put out on your own. Now I'm going to ask you one last time, and I expect an answer. What did you decide?"

"I... I..."

"You have until the count of three. One... Two... Th-"

"Okay, fine, if it means I can come back I'll... stay and-"

"You've made a wise decision." Ponzi began to walk out.

"But, could you at least get me into a different room." Bait lowered his voice. "That... thing there threatened to-"

Bryce yelled through the curtain. "That was a promise."

"Whatever it is you deserve it, but I'm only going to do it because we're family, and so he can actually enjoy his stay here."

"Thanks, Uncle Ponz, your-"

Ponzi left without saying another word.

A few minutes later a pair of nurses arrived to relocate the tan earth pony. As he was wheeled past Bryce he said to the human, "Looks like you're going to have to wait the whole six weeks, doesn't it?"

Bryce replied with a smirk, "Well in six weeks we're going to be living together."

As he was rolled out of the room his face was filled with fear at this sudden realization.

From Bryce's bedside, Nurse Tenderheart asked, "What was that about?"

"It's a long story, but he's the main reason I'm here. I told him I was going to break the rest of his legs because of that."

"Oh... Well if you do it at the hospital he won't have to travel very far," she said with a smile.

"I wasn't really going to do it. I'm just going to let him think I am. But I like your thinking."

"Well it saves time on helping him recover."

Bryce chuckled. "You're not one of those nurses who quietly kills her victims and blames it all on an unknown allergy, are you?"

Nurse Tenderheart said to him, with a straight, cheeky grin, "Available only upon request."

"... Uh... maybe later?"

She continued to smile as she said, "I came here to check your vitals and to let you know that once I'm done your friends will be allowed in to see you."

"What, really!?" Bryce tried to sit up but the pain in his chest kept him from getting up very far.

"Sure, but the sooner we get done the sooner they can see you." She did a few quick checks of his vital signs and refreshed Bryce's bandages before giving him the okay. "Now, before I leave, is there anything I can do to make their visit more enjoyable?"

"Well, could you help me prop myself up?"

"Of course... There, now sit tight. They'll be here shortly."

He heard them all coming before he saw them. "Dinky, Apple Bloom, both of you stop running before you hurt somepony!"

Both of the fillies came running in, pouncing on Bryce the moment they saw him. The pain that shot through him was indescribable.

"Hey, Bryce, are yuh feeling better!?"

"Yeah, we've been worried about you. Hey, do you think you'll be out in time for us to play a little while today?"

"It's been boring not havin yuh home. Even Corn misses you."

"We brought him to see you, but the nurses wouldn't let him come in."

Their ranting was stopped dead when they heard their names called from behind them in a cold manner by Amethyst.

"Dinky...! Apple Bloom...!"

"Uh, h- hey sis..."

"Get off of him, you're hurting him!"

They both hopped down off the bed.

"Now apologize for hurting your friend."

"Ssorry, Bryce."

"Yeah, sorry."

"It's... it's okay..." He said, the pain of them jumping up and down on him still echoing throughout his body.

Ditzy came in after her stepdaughter. "Don't be too mad at them, Amethyst, they're just excited to see him. We all are, right?" The gray pegasus said, giving her a nudge.

"Yeah... maybe a little."

"So how have things been going for you, Bryce?"

"Well, I fell like I've had two rocks dropped on my chest, fed food that crawls in my mouth, and I've been stuck on my back for the past two days. All and all, I'm still alive."

"That's good to hear. Do you feel like you're getting any better?"

"Well, I don't know, but the codeine helps."

Dinky and Apple Bloom both jumped up and hung over the side of his bed. When he saw Dinky he was grossed out at what he say. The bruise that had been on her nose had grown much larger since he'd seen it. It was a a large mark with hues of blue, red, and yellow that covered a large part of her nose.

"Do yuh think you'll be out soon?"

"I- I wish I could, but the doctor told me it'll be at most two weeks until I'm allowed to leave."

"But you'll get out quicker than that, won't you?" Dinky asked.

He tried to avoid looking over at the grayish-purple filly. "I- I don't know."

Ditzy said, trying to reassure the two young fillies, "He'll get out when he gets out." She reached into her satchel and produced some paper and crayons. "Here, why don't you both try coloring something for him? Try and make his room feel more homely."

"Yeah, maybe it'll help him get better quicker. Come on, Dinky, lets make something that'll surprise'em."

They both went to work down on the floor on the other side of the room. Meanwhile, Ditzy and Amethyst came up to him. By then Bryce had taken on a sad expression.

Amethyst asked, "Hey, what's got you so glume?"

"... Is she mad at me?"



"No, why would...? Oh, you mean about the-" Bryce looked away from them both. "She isn't mad at you for it."

"Well, are you sure?"

"Yes, she was more upset that you got hurt. She doesn't even act like it happened at all."

"It just... it looks so terrible... Aren't you upset, Ditzy?"

"I was upset when I saw it, but she's acting like it didn't happen. So I'm not going to make a big deal out of it."

"... I'm sorry."

"It's okay, she'll live. Like you said: some ponies are just clumsy. We just have to be glad nopony got hurt... Except for her... and you."

"Yeah... What about the orange one?"

"Applejack, she's... we're not completely sure."

"How bad was her leg broken?"

"She didn't really break it. The circulation to her leg must have been cut off. She's fine, but she hasn't been able to work the past couple of days."

"Did she... say anything...?"

"She hasn't really talked to anypony since it all happened. We're not sure how she is."

"Oh... That sucks... I was going to have a party next week, too."

"You were?"

"Yeah.... Sorry for not mentioning it sooner. It was go to be next Tuesday."

"Next Tuesday, but that's-" Amethyst began to say.

"Gosh, look at the time. I need to get going," Ditzy stuttered. "Amethyst, make sure they both don't stay too long, Bryce needs to get as much rest as he possibly can. If I get home late you can take them both to see him later." She gave her young daughter a kiss before running out of the room.

There was then a silence between them both.

After a few minutes, Bryce asked, "How have you both been doing?"


"You and Ditzy."

"We've been getting along better now, actually. I mean, I decided you were right, and what you told me was right. I even asked here myself." The magenta mare began to smile. "She does see me as her daughter, even if I'm not."

"Do you still blame her for-"

"I- I don't blame her as much as I had... I'm still mad that he left, but... Is it wrong of me to feel like I don't want our dad to come back?"

"Well, I would look at it like this: if he didn't want to take care of you both when you were young then he can't just decide to come back and act like he was there the whole time. Regardless of what his reasons were he still abandoned you all, nonetheless."

"I don't understand."

"Just think about it. It'll-"

"Ere, Myce!" Dinky and Apple Bloom jumped up at Bryce's bedside, a single piece of paper in each of their mouths.

He took both of their pictures from them. "Well, these look nice. What'd you draw?"

Apple Bloom spoke up first. "Ah drew yuh a picture of Corn."

"This doesn't look like corn. It looks like my dog."

"But yuh said... Wait, you're pickin on me, aren't yuh?"

Bryce smirked. "Yeah. What about you, Dinky?"

"I- uhm..."

"What's the matter?"

I drew a picture of my family."

"Well, I can see you, your sister, your mother, but who's this here?"

"T- th-"

"It's okay; I won't get mad. Just tell me who it is."

Dinky hopped back onto his bed and pressed herself into his ear. "It's you."

Time felt like it had come to a stand still. From the beginning he had expected he would have to somehow win Dinky back to liking him. Even after reassurance from Ditzy and Amethyst he was positive the most he could expect from Dinky was for her to respect him. But instead, she still felt the same way she had about him. There was no way of telling how she really felt about. How any of these ponies felt about him. To a person like Bryce it was hard for him to feel any sort of emotion as any normal person would. When he was angry, he became anger incarnate. When he was sad, the whole world around him was cold and uncaring. Now he was felling an emotion being laid upon him he'd rarely ever felt from anyone or anything. It was like he'd gotten to eat a whole chocolate all by himself, but this cake felt warmer, more cozy, more filling, and everyone he cared for was with him, sticking close by him. Refusing to leave him even for a moment. Accepting him, his faults, and his shortcomings.

He began to tear up as a long awaited smile finally spread across his face.

"Are you okay, Bryce?"

He ran his fingers through her blonde and white mane, rubbing it firmly into her scalp. "I'm fine, Dinky. Thank you for... for this."

"What is it?" Apple Bloom asked.

"It's her family; and she's included me in it."

"But I thought you were a part of my family."

Bryce could tell she was jealous. "Don't get mad, Sprout. There's enough of me to be a member of both your families."


"Come on up and I'll show you."

Apple Bloom did so. Immediately Bryce brought her in close. That was enough of an answer for the yellow filly.

Amethyst gave them time to have their moment. After a while she said, "Okay, girls, I think it best we go on and let Bryce get some sleep."

"Ahh, come on, Amy, we just got here."

"Now you know that's not true. Come on, we can come see him later on."

"Do you promise?"

"Yes, I promise. Now lets get going before one of the nurses catch us." Both fillies hopped back down from the bed.

"Hey, Dinky, if I get out soon enough there's going to be a party for me at my house. Feel like going to that?"

"I don't know, YEAH!!!"

"Great, I'll try my best to make sure it happens. Now go take care of yourselves."


Sometime later in the afternoon, after he felt inclined to take a little cat nap, Bryce was shaken awake.

It was Nurse Tenderheart. "I'm sorry to wake you, but I'm need to tell you that we've run out of room and that you'll have a different roommate."

Letting out a yawn, Bryce nodded his head to show he understood.

"Okay, he's going to brought in soon. I only wanted to tell you so you wouldn't be surprised."

Just as Nurse Tenderheart had said, a male earth pony, not much older than himself, was brought in. He was a brawny stallion with a sand beige coat, a short dark brown mane, and a medicine show wagon on his rump. He looked to have once been a strong stallion, but whatever sickness was currently plaguing him had left him no more than a sickly colt. Just watching him having to be helped into his own bed made him look that much more infirm.

Later Doctor Stables came over to the sickly stallion. "Hello, my name is Doctor Stable. Could you please state your name?"

He responded in a gruff tone of voice, "Foreign Goods."

"I have your test results. They aren't good."

Foreign Goods didn't reply.

"I regret to inform you that we've found a hole in your heart. We can't tell how long it's been there, but with its size it would be a death sentence for somepony of your stature to continue working in your line of work."

"You can't tell me to stop working!"

"I'm not telling you to do that, I'm trying to warn you. If you continue to go about like you are your current occupation 'will' kill you. I can't stop you from doing this, but your life 'is' on the line. We're going to keep you here through the night for observation."

Doctor Stable left the room, allowing an earth pony mare to take his place. She was a scrawny mare with an indigo coat, a green and pale purple banded mane that was laced with beads, and a dreamcatcher on her rump. "What'd he say, hun?"

"He told me what we already know. There's a hole in my heart."

"But that's not all he said, is it?"

"He didn't say anything else."

"Goods, don't lie to me. I can always tell when you are."

"You already know what he said, but I can't do it."

"Goods, don't do this. I know it's your talent, but you can't do this to yourself."

"What do you want me to do. Sell off everything I own and settle down!?"

"No, I'm not suggesting-"

"I need to get to Saddle Arabia by the end of the week. They aren't going to wait for me for weeks, months."

"But that could kill you."

"I'd rather be dead then have to sit around, not seeing the world, not living up to my name."

"Is that all you care about, what about me? Aren't I important to you anymore?"

Foreign Goods won't say anything back.

"I see..." She walked away from her coltfriend.

"Haze..." She didn't turn back as she left the room. It was at that second he took notice of Bryce. "What the buck are you looking at!?"

Bryce looked away.

"That's what I thought!"


The following morning Bryce awoke feeling weak. After the events of last night he would be surprised if things were otherwise.

When the nurse on duty checked him the night before he'd gone to bed looking healthy and well. But when she came in to check on him that morning she was in utter shock at his ghostly appearance. Now he was pale and shivering, despite him being covered in a blanket.

What had equally filled the hospital staff with wonder, however, is how his roommate had done the complete opposite. Foreign Goods had gone to bed with no more fight in him than a comatose patient. The next day he had the strength to take on the Mare in the Moon, if he were so inclined. But even though he wanted to go on and head out, the doctor insisted he stay until they could do a few follow up examinations.

While he waited for the doctor to discharge him, Indigo Haze came back in. They both could just stare at each other.

They both spoke at the same time. "I just wanted... No you..."

Foreign Goods said, "You say what you have to say first."

"Goods, we both said things that we shouldn't have."

"I know, but, Haze, you-"

She held a hoof up to his mouth. "Shh shh shhhh... I know, and I shouldn't have tried to stop you from doing what you love doing. If it hadn't been for that, we would have never met."

"Yeah, I can still remember that day like it was yesterday. Haze, I don't know how you'll react, but I can't stop being a traveling salespony. I've done this all my life. I love you, but I want to die on the road. Not waiting around in some house we've bought."

"I know, and I'm going to be with you the whole way, but I want you to promise me one thing. Don't push yourself so hard. If you feel you need to rest then don't push yourself. It won't matter if we can't get our stuff somewhere if you exhaust yourself too death."

He sighed before saying, "For you, Haze, I'd go to Tartarus and back."

They both kissed.

Doctor Stables came back in. "Mr. Goods, I have... Oh, should I-"

They broke their kiss. "No, whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of her. No matter how bad it is."

"Actually I have good news. Very good news." He presented the pair with an ultrasound. "This ultrasound shows your heart when we scanned it yesterday afternoon." He presented him with a second ultrasound. "And this is the ultrasound we took an hour ago. Do you see any difference?"

"Uh, they both look-"

"To the untrained eye, maybe. But these ultrasounds show that the hole, previously found in your heart, has vanished outright."

"Wait, are you trying to say...?"

"Whatever was troubling you before will never do so again. All we can do is put it off as a miracle of nature. However, just to make sure, we will be giving you another ultrasound shortly. Do you have any further questions?"

"Uhm, I... Is this all for real?"

"As far as we know in this current moment in time? Yes." He left the room.

As soon as he left they both once again had each other in a loving embrace. "Haze can you believe it?"

"I can see it, hun, but I can hardly believe it."

"How do you think this happened?"

"I don't know, maybe... You!" She pointed a hoof at Bryce. "You did this! You may have saved his life!!!"

Bryce looked at her, puzzled. "I had nothing to do with that," he stated.

"You did, I can tell." She came over to his bed. "You did this to him."

"I don't know what you see, but all I can say is that I'm just a human, from Earth, that ended up here after he was struck by lightning."

"You're being modest. It's okay, I don't really care how you did it. I can't thank you enough."

"Haze, don't bother him too much. All the nurses are still keeping a close eye on him. They think he might croak any second now."

"I... You're right. I'm just so happy that you're going to be okay, and that this... human did it out of the kindness of his heart."

It was then Bryce said, "Have you been... smoking something...?"

"... Yes."


"Calm your flank. I only took one draw."

"How long of a draw?"

"Okay, you got me." She looked back once again at the human lying in bed. "Whether you accept it or not, thank you."

"... You're welcome."


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Chapter 33: Homecoming

In less than a week since he had been committed in, Bryce Smales was checked out from Ponyville Hospital. Through some unseen force, Bryce had been able to recover enough from burns that would have taken a person at least two weeks to heal. Though it may have been the medications, usually meant for ponies, had had an advanced effect on him.

Regardless of how or why Bryce had made a speedy recovery, he was to go home that afternoon. Even though it was hospital policy for patients who were being checked out to be escorted to the front door in a wheel chair, his size made that impossible to manage. Instead he was allowed to walk out on his own accord.

Nurse Tenderheart had been put on charge to escort him out. "It's been fun having you, Bryce."

"Well, it's been fun with you as well. You've been my favorite of all the nurses."

"You're just being nice."

"No, I'm serious. You were the nicest one of them all. That Nurse Redheart, she's like a nun with a ruler. You're really the only one I liked."

By then the pair had reached the front doors of the hospital. "Well I thank you for the compliment. If you ever become seriously injured, or want to donate any excess organs, like one or two lobes of your lungs, or a kidney then please come right back. But not too soon."

Bryce gave a small laugh at this. "You see, this is the part I like. You're the only one I know here that'll make jokes like that."

Nurse Tenderheart grinned. "I've enjoyed you doing the same. I very much enjoyed you telling me about that bronze bull. It sounds so vicious, yet so exotic."

Bryce shook his head as he smirked. "You are one sick bitch." He reached down to tap her on the nose. "But I like you for it."

Nurse Tenderheart reached into her saddlebag and handed Bryce a paper bag which he quickly took from her. "Here, if your burns begin to cause you any discomfort there's everything you'll need to take care of yourself. If it gets too bad I suggest you come on back. Other then that, please try to take it easy for the next few days"

"I'll try, but I promise nothing. I'll see you whenever" After that Nurse Tenderheart turned back and reentered the hospital. From behind, somepony cleared their throat to get his attention. Turning back around Bryce was surprised to find Applejack standing next to Corn.

For a minute they both stood there, turned towards each other. Bryce, with the bag the nurse had given him and the clothes that had been brought to him yesterday evening. Applejack with nothing but her trademark Stetson. Corn would dart his eyes back and forth between them both, as if saying 'Is there something going on, or should we be doing something?' Now it was usual for Bryce to be the one to try and avoid looking into someone else's eyes, but the more time dragged it seemed the apple mare was trying harder to not look into his own eyes.

Eventually Applejack found the courage to speak. "Ah'm- Ah'm here ta make sure yuh get back."

"... Okay."

Applejack rubbed the back of her head. "Ah guess we should... get on then?"

"... Okay."

They both started walking out away from the hospital, with Corn keeping up pace with them both. Since the building was situated along the outskirts of Ponyville there would be fewer ponies along the way. For most of the journey neither human nor pony would utter a word as they went about at a slow pace. After they had reached the path that would take them to Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack spoke up a second time.

"Hey, uhm, can Ah... can Ah ask yuh something?"

"If you want."

"Ah... Ah need... n- need ta know... Has your dog always had that collar?"

"What collar?"

"The one on'm."

Looking over at his dog there was indeed something looped around Corn's neck, but the black, red, and yellow bands it held gave away what it really was. "That's not a collar."

"Then what is it?"

Bryce blankly answered, "It's a snake."

"A- A snake!?" The apple mare looked at the collar in time to see a pair of black beady eyes and a forked tongue flick at her. "Wha- Why is there a snake on your dog's neck?"

"I found it." Bryce brought his hand down to Jack's level to allow her to snake her way up his arm.

"I- is it harmless?"

"She's a constrictor." He held Jack out to show the apple mare her bands. "She's red band on black; that means she's a scarlet kingsnake. If she red on yellow then we'd have a problem."

"Get rid of that thing."

"I've tried, but she just keeps coming back."

"What do you mean, how do you know it's a girl?"

"Who did?"


"That snake?"


Applejack wanted to argue about it, but she wasn't really in the mood to do so. She had been the last pony that would have wanted to make sure he got home safely, but Granny Smith insisted she, Applejack, do it so as to not draw any attention to them. Neither Apple Bloom nor Dinky would have kept quiet enough around him.

In truth things hadn't been going too well since Bryce had rescued her from the barn. Since he had been away Applejack felt sick. This sickness had affected nearly everything in her life; from eating meals, which she barely had the appetite for, to her daily work, which had been much harder and more sloppy than she wanted to admit. Things were improving gradually, but after meeting with Bryce the smooth stone that been in her stomach felt like a lumpy rock.

Applejack knew the real reason why she felt so now, just as she knew why Granny had insisted that she be the one to get him home. Granny Smith wanted her to try and talk things out with the human to ease her guilt; the real cause of her illness.

Applejack did want to say something to him about it, but she just couldn't think of anything to say. After everything that had occured between them, Applejack could see no way he would even consider forgiving her. Sure Bryce may have forgiven Rainbow, but she knew she'd done far worse to him. Not just to him, but to his dog as well.

But it had been the last thing she'd done to Bryce that made what Rainbow had done pale in comparison. It wasn't really that Applejack had done, but that she was close to doing it.

If it had not been for Ponzi Scheme's arrival on their doorstep the night after the fire Bryce may well have been out of her and her family's lives forever.

She had been two steps away from marching out the door and reporting Bryce to the Guard.

It wasn't like she hadn't had him dead to rights. He had every reason to end her life, after everything that had occured between them both, and the fire, well she'd seen the way he sometimes played with that lighter of his. How he would flick the flint and just stare into the small flame it gave off.

She could only hope Bryce never found out about it.

Applejack continued to walk on, not looking over to check on Bryce even once. In her mind she wanted to say it had been just a way to make up for everything he'd done to her. But a smaller voice deep down would tell her that wasn't right, and she needed to be honest. He had forgiven Rainbow, despite how much of a feather brain she could be at times. Surely he would do the same for her.

At that instant, Applejack came to a halt. "Bryce, can Ah... say something?"

There came no response.

"Hey, are yuh listening!?"

Bryce still gave no response.

Quickly Applejack looked to the side he had been walking on. "Bryce, Ah need... ta..."

She looked every which way, but the human was nowhere in sight. She began to knock herself on the head. Darn it, Applejack, you shoulda known better. How the hay do yuh lose something 'that' big? Celestia only knows where he's-

From down the path, the way Applejack had just came from, there came a dog's bark.

That must be him! The apple mare went off at a full gallop, wanting to get to Bryce before whatever his dog was barking at got to Bryce.


Bryce and Applejack walked down the path towards the farm with Corn keeping pace between them. Each of them were quiet, their only sounds being their steps as they walked towards home. Along the way a jovial noise pierced the air as they passed by a flat green area with a few trees here and there and separated the park from the dirt path. The noise was coming from a pair of male pegasi. One was thin, slate gray, and had a white and pale blue mohawk and tail. The other was much younger with light gray fur and a black mane with a gray streak down the middle.

They were playing a game that involved a soccer ball. Each one would try to kick the ball back to the other, trying to keep it going as long as they possibly could. From his vantage point Bryce could see the older one had the advantage of flight. When the ball was passed to the smaller pegasus he tried to fly, but either he hadn't had the muscle or was too inexperienced to fly up high enough and whack the ball back. After a while it seeemed the older one was purposely tossing the ball out of the other's reach. He was only able to jump a few feet up before landing back down on the ground; his small wings beating the air as hard as they could.

Before he knew it, Bryce was watching them both from where he stood, Corn staying with him. After being made to lie in bed for the past few days it was good to be able to see someone having fun. Bryce didn't know how long he and Corn stood there. It didn't matter if they saw them or not. After all they didn't know what to look for. For now he would enjoy seeing them have fun, even if he wasn't included.

A minute later the light gray pegasus stopped and sat back to catch his breath. "Hey, Lane... do you think... we could... take a break?"

The one he called Lane held the soccer ball at his side and hovered in the air. "Come on, Rumble, you're doing better than when we first started."

"I'm... not as good... as you are... Give me... a minute."

The older pegasus threw the ball up and caught it between his hooves. "Come on, give me one more. Then we'll take a break. Here, catch!" He brought the ball to his chest and hurled it forward. The younger one must not have seen it coming because it struck the ground next to him and rolled off into the trees.

It came to a stop right at Bryce's feet.

"Come on, Rumble!"

Rumble was still sitting down while trying to catch his second wind. "It's not my fault... I wasn't... ready."

"Whatever. Missies have to getsies; and be quick about it."

Rumble did as his brother asked, along the way bad mouthing him as he made his way through the trees.

When Bryce saw this he immediately stepped back as far out of sight as he possibly could into a large bush. Corn followed suit. As exhausted as the pegasus looked he would just be looking for the ball, and nothing else. At least he hoped that would happen. If Bryce moved now he would draw attention to himself. Now if only Corn had the mind to do the same. It wasn't that he wasn't used to the idea of talking ponies, though he was still a little shaken by it. Bryce was not really in the mood to be meeting anyone new.

Rumble came running in through the trees, his attention drawn to the soccer ball the instant it was in his sight.

That's it. Look at the ball. No humans, or German Shepherds, to see here.

When Rumble reached the ball he stopped as his nose cringed. Bryce was afraid he had seen him. The tension that rose in the air was so thick it could have been cut with a knife. Before Bryce was ready to admit defeat and reveal himself when the colt let out a large sneeze.

Bryce was beyond relief to have that happen. He was so relieved that he released a breath he didn't know he'd been holding in. It had been a little louder than he had wanted, however.

Rumble flinched. His attention was drawn away from the ball he had came for to the sudden noise that had sounded out from nowhere. "I- Is somepony there?" He began to balance himself on the ball.

"Rumble, what's taking you so long?" Thunderlane shouted.

The inflated orb fell out from under his hooves. He flapped his wings in the neck of time to stop from hitting the ground. "I'm trying to get the ball. It got away futher than-"

"Whatever, just hurry up."

The soccer ball again rolled over to Bryce's feet. The H!!! This time Bryce knew there was no way he could get away without being seen. Deciding to go on and bite the bullet, he kicked forward and sent the ball rolling back.

It had the desired effect.

As the ball rolled back toward him, Rumble could only stand and stare. His only movement was to reach his fore hoof forward to end its advance. "Who- Who's there? Sh- show your..."

Bryce calmly stepped out from his hiding spot within the bush. The young pegasus's gaze crawled up his tall form with each step until they were both looking the other in the eye.

Rumble opened his mouth as if to scream, but whatever sound he thought of producing came out as a broken stutter. He slowly began to step back, leaving the ball in the dirt.

When Bryce had reached the soccer ball Rumble's back hoof caught on a pebble and he fell back on his rump. Bryce tried to reach forward, but it only made Rumble fall back on his back. He got the message and retreated back away from the small pegasus. Looking down at the ball that appeared to have a strange attraction to him, Bryce again kicked it back to Rumble.

For whatever reason the pegasus lowered his guard, the scream built up inside still jammed in his throat.

"Are you... okay?"

The scream dissipated at the human's words. "What?"

Bryce carefully got down on one knee and held out his hand. "Here, let me help you up."

Rumble stared at the strange appendage held out before him. "You're- you're not gonna hurt me, are you?"

"If I wanted to I would have done so," Bryce answered. Still harboring some doubts, Rumble gave the human his hoof. Bryce quickly lifted the startled pegasus up causing him to struggle in his grip. "Hey, calm down. No one's going to hurt you here," he said as he placed the colt on all fours.

With the colt standing upright, Bryce asked him again, "Are you okay?"

"I'm...Yeah. Who are you?"

"I'm Bryce S- Bryce." He omitted the last part because the locals seemed to have a hard time hearing the 'A'.

This gave him a new sense of interest. "Whoa, you're Bryce. You look even weirder than Rainbow said you were."

Bryce smirked. "Well, I guess I'm at least fourteen feet shorter than she described."

"Yeah, and you don't have any claws, or a tail, or a mane of flaming snakes."

"Don't forget the glowing red eyes." They both gave a chuckle at that. "Well, what were you doing. Before with...?" Bryce pointed behind Rumble.

"Oh, that? My brother, Thunderlane, was trying to help me build up my wing strength. Do you... have wings?"

"Well, no. My kind don't have wings. We realy just walk and jump and swim."

"Oh, that's a bummer."

"Well, maybe for some. I wouldn't really enjoy it myself. It's not the I'm afraid to fly. I don't like to fall."

"I know about that. The first time I flyed I fell and hurt my leg so bad I couldn't walk right for a week."

"Well, different species, different problems, I suppose."

"Yeah. Hey, want to come and play with us?"

"Rumble, what the hay's taking you... so...?" Thunderlane yelled as he passed through the trees. "Rumble, what's going on?"

"Lane, can Bryce come and-"

Thunderlane tensed up at mention of that name. "Bryce!? That thing Rainbow Dash was talking about!?"

"Yeah, he's-"

Thunderlane bumped his brother to the side and stared daggers at the human. "The buck he can!"

"Why not? He's not-"

"Rumble, get behind me."

"Lane, wait. Bryce isn't like that."

"Sure, and I'm in line to be the next Miss Equestria." Thunderlane stormed up to the human forcing him back. "You get outta here before I make you leave." The same ball that had started all this trouble found itself under Bryce's legs and he fell back on the ground. Thunderlane continued his advance and stared the human straight in his gray eyes. "And don't expect me to be as forgiving as Rainbow."

"Lane, his dog-"

"Rumble, I told you to-" From the sidelines, Corn snarled at the slate colored pegasus. The bravery Thunderlane had felt was replaced with fear at the canine's exposed fangs. "Uh, nice doggie?"

Corn wasn't buying it. The dog let out a warning bark.

Thunderlane jumped back with a girlish yelp.

When Applejack arrived on the scene, she wanted to say she was surprised to see that Bryce was involved, but that was something one could only dream of happening. She knew she had to take control of the situation before somepony got hurt. "Bryce, try and control your dog."

Bryce did as instructed. He made his way to Corn, bent down, and started whispering in the dog's ear. In a split second Corn calmed down.

"Wait, AJ, you actually know this thing?" Thunderlane questioned the applemare.

Applejack sighed. "Unfortunately. He's lived with me and my family for more than a month now."

"You actually let him live with you? Haven't you heard what Rainbow said about him; how he picks his blood-stained fangs with the bones of young foals, and then grinds them into meal for his bread."

Applejakc raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yes, really. Rainbow said so."

She facehoofed. "Sometimes Ah think you feather brains focus more on your flyin then yuh do on your thinking."

"What's that supposed to mean? And my name's Thunderlane."

"What exactly did he do?"

"He, um, he... It's not that he did anything... He was about... to... take Rumble away so he... could... You know..." Taking one look at the farm pony was all he needed to see she didn't understand his mindset. "He was going to... All I know is that if I hadn't shown up I'd have been short a little brother."

Applejack shut her eyes and shook her head. "Come on, sugarcube, let's get on home."

"You're just going to go off with that thing alone. He's dangerous!"

"Sure, whatever, featherbrain."

"It's Thunderlane. And you're a foal to go running off with him."

"Then why don't yuh come along with us."

"I- I- I would, but, uh, Rumble and I were... on our way home. It is getting pretty late." The sun was on its way down from its zenith.

"But I thought you were supposed to help me learn how to fly."

"Rumble, hush!"

"You both do whatever yuh want. We need ta get on home. Come on, Bryce."

Bryce listened to what Applejack told him to do without a word of protest. He didn't utter a word at all, actually.

After they had both gotten a few steps away he heard the two brothers arguing. "Lane, did you really have to act like a jerk to him?"

"Just stop it, Rumble. You don't understand what's going on here. Now come on, you've had enough of a break."

"I don't want to play anymore."

"You will if you ever want to learn how to fly. And you better not say a word about this to mom or dad."

By then they were both out of ear shot. "Hey, yuh alright there, sugarcube?"

Bryce didn't answer Applejack. After all the trouble he'd caused everyone he didn't feel like talking to anyone. All he could do was keep his hands in his pockets and stare down at the ground.

Applejack sighed. "Yuh weren't going ta hurt that colt, were yuh?"

Bryce shook his head.

For the rest of the trip to the farm the pair walked on withoiut saying a word to the other. When they reached the fence on the outskirts of the house, Applejack said, "Yuh... yuh didn't deserve that." Bryce almost tripped over himself after hearing her say that. "Ah can see how you'd expect me ta be the last pony ta say something like that, but Ah can tell you're telling the truth. That colt never really had much of a brain upstairs anyways. Not that he's dumb or nothing; he just doesn't have any common sense."

Well, I kind of know about that.

"Not all ponies are gonna treat yuh like that. There are ponies that are more tolerant than he ever was, and Ah guess Ah wasn't one of'em myself."

Well, I've known worse than you.

By then they had both reached the front door.

"The girls have been aching ta see yuh all day. Go on and have some fun with'em. Ah've got some work Ah need ta catch up on."

"Aren't you at least going to see me in?"

"N- no. Ah've got a lot of work ta do."

"Are you alright?"

"You don't have ta worry. Ah'm fine. Just go on and have fun." Applejack walked off. The lump in her gut was still giving her trouble. She knew she had to talk to Bryce, but now wasn't a good time to do it. There was work to be done, and she doubted he would go anywhere any time soon.

With Applejack gone, Bryce slowly opened the door. In the living room everything went quiet at his entrance. Granny Smith sat in her usual rocking chair. Amethyst, Dinky, and Apple Bloom were each sprawled out on the floor. Each of them stared back at eachother.

"H- hey everyone. I'm home."

Granny Smith said, "Well, everypony, don't y'all have anything ta say?"

Apple Bloom stood up and trotted over. "Are your burns still hurtin yuh?"

"No, not as much as they-"

Apple Bloom somehow jumped up and looped her hooves around his neck. "Ah'm glad your back. Things have been so boring without yuh, and Ms. Amethyst doesn't like to do the things you do. Right, Dinky?"

Dinky didn't give a response.

Amethyst poked her sister. "Dinky, don't be rude now. You'll still-"

Dinky scooted back.

"Dinky, don't act this way now. Be sweet."

Bryce became concerned with the filly's sudden displeasure. "Is everything alright, Dink?"

"I don't want to go to your dumb party tomorrow."

"Dinky, don't be so mean. You're still going. You already said you'd be there."

"I don't care. I don't want to go."

Bryce then asked. "What's the matter? Did I do something wrong?"

Dinky gave the human a glare.

"Don't you see me as your dad anymore?''

The gray-purple unicorn looked away from Bryce. For the rest of the day she was bitter and cold to him up until she went home for the day.

Had One Twelve Months Ago

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Chapter 34: Had One Twelve Months Ago

Bryce walked the way along the path away from the farm in the direction of Fluttershy's cottage. He didn't dare venture too far out because today was the day of his welcoming party. Since Pinkie Pie had insisted, he went away for a while to allow her the time to properly set everything up.

Bryce wasn't too much against it, because it made sense. He was upset, however, that the party mare had asked him to do so nearly six hours ago. That and she had standing over him in bed when she had asked. But he continued to wait as she had asked; with no one, pony or otherwise, to keep him company.

In a way, Bryce had been looking forward to it, since it meant being around the friends he had made in his time here. There was the Apple family, Applejack included if she decided to put off work for the day. Then there was Rarity and Pinkie, and Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Rainbow he was particularly interested in seeing show up after the rainbow mare's prank on him while he was asleep involving a red marker. It hadn't been original, but he gave it a B +.

Also included on his list were Lyra and her housemate, Bon Bon, granted the latter believed him, and furthermore his party, actually existed. Last on his list there was Ditzy and her two daughters.

At the same time, however, he dreaded having his party as well. The day before had been a rough one on him, and Ditzy's daughter had only made it that much worse. It wasn't Amethyst that Bryce was concerned with; he had made peace with the magenta mare, more or less. It was Dinky he was more worried about. .

Before he knew it, Bryce had made it all the way to Fluttershy's cottage. It wasn't her cottage, or any nearby landmark that made him notice. What got his attention was when he tripped himself over the buttercup pegasus, who had bent over to carefully hide something in her saddlebags at his approach.

"Oh my, are you okay?"

Bryce pushed himself up out of the dirt, still in shock. "What?"

Fluttershy quickly made her way over and began to inspect him. "You didn't hurt yourself, did you?"

"What, I... No, I'm okay." When he tried to standing up he winced as he felt a cutting pain on his shin. There was a four inch gash running down below his knee. A crimson stained rock in the dirt proved to be the culprit.

"Oh my, you hurt yourself! I'm so sorry!"

Bryce tried to calm the mare. "It's not too bad, just a little-"

"Wait right here." Fluttershy flew back to her cottage at a speed Bryce was impressed to see. When she returned she had a first aid kit in her mouth. Setting it down on the ground she opened it up. "Bryce, could you please sit down so I can-"

"Really, it's not-"

"I said sit down!" She yelled back. "I... if you don't mind."

Bryce did as she asked, more afraid at the usually timid mare's sudden change in demeanor.

Fluttershy quickly went to work sanitizing the wound and dressing the affected area. "There, it should be all better now."

"Uh, thanks. I guess."

Fluttershy smiled before returning everything back to the first aid kit. When she was done packing she said, "What brings you out here? Isn't your party supposed to be today? I was just on my way there."

Bryce weakly nodded.

Fluttershy caught on quickly to his half-hearted response. "Is everything okay?"

Bryce shook his head.

“Does it have something to do with your party?”

Bryce again shook his head.

“Then what is it?” Fluttershy asked, beginning to become concerned. She knew how he could be quiet sometimes, but he usually said something whenever somepony asked. She made her way over to him and felt his forehead.

Bryce shrank back from her.

“Bryce, please, tell me what’s going on. I only want to help.” Bryce stood up and tried to walk back the way he had came from. Fluttershy flew beside him. “Bryce, you shouldn’t be pushing yourself too hard. You just cut yourself.”

“I’m fine.” He quickened his pace.

“No, you’re not. There’s something bothering you, I can tell.”

“I’m fine.” He started to do a light power walk.

“Bryce, slow down. You might trip over-“

Bryce’s foot got caught on a root sending him falling to the ground a second time that day.

“Oh my, did you hurt yourself?”

He pushed himself up to look the mare in the eyes. “Why won’t you just leave me alone? You just made me trip myself.”

“I'm- You hit your head.”

Bryce could feel something trickle down his forehead. Wiping it off, he found fresh blood staining his hand.

Fluttershy grabbed onto his hand. “Bryce, I’m sorry. Come on back with me so I can give you a few-“

He pulled his hand out of her hooves. “It’s not the first time I’ve hit my head. I need to get back for my party.”

“No, it can wait. We need to get it taken care of before it gets infected, or worse.”

“I told you-“

The yellow mare furrowed her brow and stared intensely into the human’s eyes. “I said come with me, NOW!!!

After seeing the hellfire that streamed from her eyes, Bryce was more afraid of what she would do if he disobeyed.. “I- I guess it… it couldn’t hurt... to have… someone…”

Without warning, Fluttershy’s mood changed completely. “Okay, now come along with me. It will only take a few minutes.”

When they both reached Fluttershy’s cottage the Persian kitten Bryce had found inside Rarity's walls came running out to greet him. Fluttershy set about putting a kettle on the stove to make tea. While she took care of this, Bryce sat back on the couch in the living room, much to the distaste of Angel. The kitten was content to curl up on Bryce's lap and take a cat nap.

Within ten minutes, Fluttershy had Bryce's head stitched and bandaged. She was amazed at how well he took the sting of the needle being inserted through his forehead.

By then the kettle let out a whistle announcing it was good and ready. Returning with a tray consisting of a teapot, two teacups, sugarcubes, and cream, Fluttershy poured them both a cup and took a seat across from him. “Bryce, don’t get mad, but do you think you could tell me what’s bothering you now?”

Bryce took his time in replying, while trying to keep his teacup out of reach of the kitten. “I’m fine.”


“I’m fine.”

“I can tell you’re hiding something. You’re acting like a dog when it’s done something it knows it shouldn’t have.”

“Well, maybe I have.”

“Oh, what did you do wrong?”

“Well, I’m not sure.”

“Who does it involve?”

“It’s… Do you know Ditzy’s daughter.”

“Do you mean her ‘daughter’ or her stepdaughter?” She was aware of the disagreements between him and Amethyst, but had heard they’d only recently came to good speaking terms.

“It doesn’t have to do with Amethyst. It’s Dinky that’s worrying me. I think… I think I may have hurt her somehow.”

“Goodness, what did you do?”

“I don’t know, that’s what’s getting to me. I mean, the day before I came home she seemed happy. Hell, she was even excited that my party was only two days away.”

Angel was getting irritated with having this ape on ‘his’ couch. The bunny thought if he could get him to drop the contents of his teacup then that would be enough to make him get off. The white rabbit began to make its ascent up the backside of the sofa.

“But yesterday… The way she looked at me… She wouldn’t even say anything to me. Amethyst was there, but every time she tried to tell me what was eating her Dinky would start having a fit.”

“I don’t know her that well, but that seems so unlike her.”

“I know, but I just don’t know why. I mean, I love the girl. Like a father, I mean. She’s even said it herself that she sees me as her daddy.”

Angel had finished his climb up the sofa and had stopped to catch his breath.

“Right before I hit her in the nose with a hammer.”

Fluttershy gasped in shock. “You… hit her…?”

“It was an accident. The head wasn’t on the shaft too well and it slid off when I pulled back to swing it.”

“Is she okay?”

“Yeah, she’s okay. It left a real nasty bruise though.”

Having caught his breath, Angel got into position for his surprise attack on the human.

“Did she seem upset about it at all?”

“No, she acted like it didn’t even happen. She even drew me a picture of her family while I stayed at hospital.” Bryce stopped and bit down on his lip. “She even included me.”

Angel pounced, his aim the cup in the human’s hand. The rabbit missed his mark, however, when Bryce decided to lie down on the couch making Angel land on the floor.

“Angel Bunny, are you okay?”

Angel began to angrily squeak at his caregiver. He pointed towards Bryce many times.

“Angel, Bryce is hurt. Don’t you think you could maybe-“

She was cut off by more of his ranting squeaks.

“Oh my! Such language!”

“Quite,” Bryce added.

“Angel, we’re going to be leaving soon. Could you wait just a few more minutes?”

The white kitten hissed to ward him off. Angel stomped once and walked off in a huff. Already a second plan was forming inside his small head as he made his way to the tea tray.

Sure her pet wouldn’t be any more of a bother, Fluttershy asked, “Do you think it could have been something you said to her?”

Bryce sighed. “I just don’t know. I thought I did everything right I could for her.” Bryce went silent for a minute before saying, “I’ve upset others before, but when it’s someone you care about… It hurts. Bryce swallowed before continuing. “This isn’t the first time I’ve had someone see me as their parent. I’ve had to play the parent before." Bryce sighed. He had to mentally prepare himself for his next statement. "I had a daughter.”

The buttercup yellow mare was thrown back by this.

“She wasn’t my biological daughter, and she never really said I was her dad, but I could tell she saw me as one. She was the scrawny one of our group, but made up for it by being tough. All the other kids her age would pick on her, but she held her own through every spat. It's not like she wasn't asking for it. She was always the one instigating it.”

“The day I met her, however, two girls playing were playing Monkey-in-the-Middle with her inhaler. I only stepped in because none of the older ones were doing anything to stop them. I scared them off before it got to be too much for her." Bryce stopped and he started to snicker. "After they'd ran off I went up to her to help her up. Her response was to take her inhaler from me, breath it in a few times, look up at me, and say: 'Damn, you really scared the crap outta those guys.' I couldn't hold back laughing."

Fluttershy shifted where she sat, a little disturbed by this.

"After that we were always together, nine times out of ten. None of the other kids dared come near her after that because she was with me. From the little she would tell me she was an orphan, so she felt like she had family then. My nephews were quick to liking her. The middle one was even sweet on her." The smile Bryce had quickly faded, however. "And then... there came the day..." He placed his cup on the floor so h wouldn't drop it.

"Wh- what did you do?"

"I did something I immediately regretted doing, let's leave it at that. Scout and I had to get out of there as fast as we could manage. I only took Scout, that's her name by the way, because I was the only thing keeping her safe. If I had left her there no one would have taken her. There was someone I could trust to take care of my nephews." The rest of his narrative was cut short.

Angel had finally set everything he needed. In a matter of seconds he was sure that Bryce would be off his couch and hopefully out of the house for good. Hefting up a spoon, Angel laid the bowl down into the cream pitcher with the handle hanging out over the spout. Hopping up in the air, the rabbit landed on the handle sending cream flying.

A significent amount landed on the kitten causing her to stick her claws down into Bryce's gut. Bryce immediately jumped up, the kitten hanging onto his shirt for dear life.

Angel smiled to himself. Operation Cannot Possibly Fail A Second Time was a success.

"Oh dear! Bryce, try and calm down or you'll only scare her worse."

Bryce tried to do as she asked, but the pain of the kitten digging into his gut was making that hard to do.

Fluttershy came over to try and help. When they were finally able to free her from Bryce he said, "Well, I've had about enough of that for one day."

"I'm- I'm sorry."

"It's alright, I don't blame you. Look, it should be about time for my party to start. We should be heading on."

Looking at the clock, Fluttershy saw that it had been almost a half hour since their arrival. Doning her saddlebags, they both set off for the farm.

"Uhm, Bryce?"


"You never did say how you upset Scout."

"Do you really want to know?"

"If you don't want to, but-"

Bryce cut her off, "I abandoned her at an orphanage to keep her from getting into any crossfire."


Ditzy walked down the path towards Sweet Apple Acres. Amethyst trotted at her side while Dinky was piled up on her back along with her saddlebags. None of them were happy, even though they were all headed to a party for their only human friend.

Amethyst decided to try one last time to try and settle her little sister. "Dinky, we-"

"Nuh uh!"



"Look we promised you'll-"

"Just shut up!"

Ditzy spoke up, "Dinky, don't say things like that. It could hurt somepony's-"

"I don't care!"

"i know you're upset, and I'm sure if I were your age I'd be upset too, but you can't let something like this get you flustered. I'm positive there'e no way he could have known."

"Well you should have him choose a different day."

"Dinky, we both know I tried at least ten times yesterday to tell him," Amethyst said, "and every time you would throw a hissyfit."

Dinky looked down at the ground and snorted.

A few minutes later the three mares had reached the fence that ran along the farm's border. When they reached the front yard Ditzy dropped her daughter down and began to stroke her across her back. "Dinky, I'm going to say this one more time. Please try and enjoy Bryce's party. You have your whole life left to have your own party, if he knew what day it was today he'd have picked another day. I'm sure Bryce would have."

"Sure I would have what?"

Both mares jumped when they heard Bryce ask that. They were both so caught up with Dinky they were totally oblivious to his and Fluttershy's approach.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Oh, you didn't really do any- I mean, you aren't..." Ditzy walked over to Bryce and showed him aside.

Fluttershy decided to try and talk with the two sisters. "Wh- whats the matter?"

Amethyst sighed, afraid of how her sister would react. "She's upset because-"

"Amy, don't-"

"Dinky, hush!" Turning back to Fluttershy, Amethyst continued, "She's upset because Bryce decided to pick the very same day as her birthday to have his welcoming party."

"Oh my... Well, I'm sure he didn't mean to."

"That's what I keep trying to tell her. She won't listen to me."

"Well do you think I could have a try?"

Amethyst was sure Fluttershy would fail where both she and her stepmother had, but she saw no harm in trying. "I guess you could. Don't be surprised if you can't. " She walked off to join Bryce and Ditzy.

"H- Hi," Fluttershy said in a more meek tone.

Dinky didn't return the greeting.

"So, how old are you going to be today?"

"S- seven," the filly stuttered.

"Really? You know next year you'll be old enough to start school."

Dinky didn't respond.

Fluttershy sat down on her haunches. "I bet I could tell you something you probably didn't know."


"I knew your mother when she was your age."

Dinky interests were peaked. "You did?"

"Oh yes. Your mother and I were friends."

"I didn't know that."

"We were. Your mother, Rainbow Dash, and I were the best of friends together. Just like you and Bryce are now."

"We... we aren't friends anymore."

"Don't say that, you both still are. I know he would have come to your birthday if it were happening today."

"How would you know."

"Because that's what friends do. I remember the first time I had somepony besides my mother and brother to come to my birthday. It was fun."

"Hey, Dink?" Fluttershy flinched when Bryce came sneaking up on her. "Fluttershy, could you go inside with the others? There's something I need to say to Dinky."

"Oh, yes, of course." Before leaving, the kind pegasus bent down to the filly's ear. "He knows about it now. Give him a chance."

After Fluttershy had left Bryce alone with Dinky he bent down on one knee. "Well... Your mother told me it's your birthday today."


Everypony was lying in wait for Bryce to come in through the front door. Everything was set up in almost the exact same was as his original welcoming party, but with significantly fewer ponies than before. The only ponies who weren't there who'd been invited were Dinky, who was still outside with him, and Applejack, who said she had too much work that needed doing to be wasting time.

It had been more than five minutes since Amethyst, Ditzy, and Fluttershy had entered and everypony was getting antsy.

"Hey, what gives, is he coming or-"

Rainbow Dash was cut off by Pinkie Pie, who stared the rainbow mare straight in the eyes, held a hoof to her mouth, and said, "Shh!"

"But this is going on for-"


Apple Bloom said, "Should somepony go out and-"

She was met with the same result as Rainbow. "Shhhhhhhhh!"

Bon Bon then said, "Uhm, I really have to go to the bath-"

Pinkie Pie did the same to her, a little spittle coming out. "SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

"I can... hold it."

"Good," Pinkie whispered. "He'll be here any second. When he comes in we all jump out and say-"

Everypony stopped at the sound of the doorknob slowly turning. Pinkie quickly jumped back up to her perch up on the chandelier.

Eventually the door clicked and was pushed open slowly. The hinges creaked as it went along.

From the doorway a lone figure came walking in prompting everypony to jump out.


This left Dinky standing alone in shock.

Rainbow was the first to speak. "Ahh come on! Don't tell me he-"

"Wow, Bryce, that was amazing."

Bryce stepped in from the side with a smile on his face. "Well, go on in and let's have some fun."

Dinky did so, running to find her family to tell them what had happened.

Pinkie jumped down from the chandeleir and ealked up to Bryce. "Hey, that was supposed to be for you!"

"Well, she deserved it more than I did."

"Whatever. Come on in and let's get this party started!!!"

"Well, I'm not real sure what I should do."

"Don't worry; Pinkie Pie's here to show you how to let out your inner party animal."

"My inner animal's a grizzly bear, so be prepared to face an 800 pound killing machine."

Meanwhile, Dinky was retelling the events of the past few minutes to her mother and sister. They were both overjoyed to find her mood had taken a complete turn for the better. They were also amazed to learn that more than one person was having a birthday today.

Every Party Needs a Pooper

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Chapter 35: Every Party Needs a Pooper

By then the party was in full swing. Already a slight buzz was beginning to work its way into everyone present. Everyone had already had their pick at the desserts that were available, with a few taking more than could possibly be healthy.

A short while later Bryce felt it was as good a time as any to try and get his revenge on Rainbow. Slowly making his way through the room to the rainbow mare, who was currently having a conversation with Fluttershy in a corner of the room, he began to set his reverse prank in motion. His instrument of revenge was held behind his back.

At his approach both mares stopped talking to each other and turned their attention to the human. "Oh, hello, Bryce, are you enjoying your party?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Well, yeah, it's more fun than the others I've been to. By now I'd usually be in a corner somewhere missing around with a cat or dog one."

"Oh, I can understand. I've done the same myself."

"Yeah, I could imagine." Bryce turned to Rainbow. "So, Blitzkreig, about that prank you pulled on me when I was in the hospital."

"I can't really say it was my best work. It would've been 20% cooler if you hadn't woken up before I could finish."

"Maybe so, but I'm going to get you back."

The three of them went silent.

After a minute Rainbow snorted out a laugh. "Yeah right, you may be a good pranker, but there's no way you could get the best of me." A second later she took notice of something. "What's that you got behind your back?"

Bryce brought his hand forward. "This? It's a cupcake." There was a cupcake in a paper wrapper resting on the palm of his hand. On top there was a layer of white cream. "I got it off the table, but it looked better then than it does now. I don't think I can eat it." He held it out to Fluttershy. "Would you like it, Fluttershy?"

"Oh, no thank you. I couldn't eat another bite."

Bryce then offered it to Rainbow. "Do you want it then?"

"Sure, I could go for another." Rainbow quickly grabbed the cupcake and was about to bite into it. However, a thought immediately popped into her head. "Hold on a second. You didn't really think I'd fall for that, did you?"

Bryce looked puzzled. "Fall for what?"

"You really thought I wouldn't remember?'

"Remember what?"

The cyan mare continued to hold the pastry in her hoof. "Does your sister's wedding cake ring a bell?"

Bryce looked at Rainbow, then at the cupcake with white cream, then back at Rainbow. "You mean...?" Bryce held up his hands and began to laugh. "No no no no no. I didn't do that, honest."

Rainbow continued to eye him. "No way, I'm not falling for it. Take it back."

"No, I don't want it," Bryce refused.

"What wrong with it?" Fluttershy asked.

"She's refering to when I put shaving cream all over my sister's wedding cake, but I didn't put shaving cream on it."

"Yeah right; why else would you have hidden it behind your back?"

"Well, why would I have offered it to Fluttershy if it was meant for you?"

That stopped Rainbow in her tracks. After that she had nothing left to say.

Bryce bit down on his lip and looked down at the ground. "I was just trying to be nice," he said, "I know I told you I was going to get you back, but I have something much more elaborate and unneccessary planned. But now you've hurt me." He turned back around and walked away at a slow pace.

"Rainbow, you didn't have to-"

"I know, I know. I was just so sure." Taking a look across the room they both saw Bryce sitting on the floor across the room with Rarity. Looking at the cupcake still in her hoof, Rainbow decided to at least try it. Bringing it close to her mouth and giving it a quick lap she was surprised at what she tasted. "Vanilla."

"I'm sorry?"

"It's... vanilla frosting." She again looked over at Bryce. This time he and Rarity were looking in their direction. "I guess he was just trying to be nice." Taking off the wrapper Rainbow opened wide and took half of it in her mouth. She chewed on it for a second before she began to gag.

Fluttershy became frightened. "Rainbow, are you okay!?"

Coughing up the bite of cupcake Rainbow tried to catch her breath. "That jerk!" Flying across the room she landed where she'd last seen him. Unfortunately the only one she could see was Rarity, and Rainbow could see she was having a heyday over Bryce's prank. "Where is he!?"

"Why, whomever could you possibly mean?" Rarity replied while trying not to laugh.

"You know who I mean now where did he-"

Rarity cut her off. "Bryce ran upstairs."

Rainbow Dash was off again. Clearing the way to upstairs in a dash she quickly began opening and closing every door until she came to one she couldn't open.

"Hey, occupied!"

"You get out here right now!"

"I can't. I'm busy."

"Doing what?"

For a few seconds there was no response until Bryce replied, "Shaving."

Rainbow lowered her brow before hitting the door full force. She landed on the floor inside where Bryce was in the furthest corner with a grin on his face. Rainbow gritted her teeth. "You put shaving cream inside it?"

"Well, I told you I'd-" Bryce stopped when she stepped closer. "Look, I wasn't trying to be-"

Rainbow took another step closer.

"Come on, it was just a prank."

She took a flying leap forward with a foreleg brought back to strike him.

Bryce flinched, prepared for the rainbow mare to thrash him.

But it never came.

Once Bryce found the courage to crack his eyes open he saw Rainbow hovering off the floor with her hooves crossed in front of her and a sly smile on her face.

"I gotta say, I've been doing pranks almost my whole life, and I never would have seen that coming."

Bryce lowered his arms. "Well you shouldn't have underestimated me," he said with a smirk, "I've done pranks sneakier than that to people far smarter than you; and I'm not calling you an idiot."

"Yeah, well, I guess it's my turn to get you back, isn't it?"

"I look forward to it, but for now there's a party going on."

They both headed out of the bathroom. "Hey, one more thing." Rainbow said before they reached the stairs.


"Two for flinching." She then reached up and socked Bryce twice in the shoulder.

"Ow, ow!" Bryce balled his hand into a fist prepared to hit her back but stopped himself. He shook his head and said, "If only you weren't a girl, but you are so much like a boy."


Bryce stood in a corner of the room with his back against the wall. It had more than an hour since he and Rainbow had returned. Since then he'd tried to make small talk with the party guests but it only lasted for a short while. Bryce had tried to keep a conversation going but each time it was either of little interest to him or the one he was conversing with had a hard time understanding what he was telling them. To him it was infuriating.

This is why Bryce was here at the moment; his back against the wall; overlooking everypony present. He knew it was a party for him, but even so he felt so distant from them all. Most of these ponies had known each other for years, some a whole lifetime. Bryce had only known a few of them for six weeks at the most. Some he grown attached to.

Regardless, in his mind he still felt different from them all; a difference that went well beyond species. Bryce wanted to tell them about himself, but there were some things that were best left out. The things he did fell comfortable about telling them he felt would be of little interst to them.

When he had revealed his interests in devices of death and torture, poisonous plants, and mythical creatures to Nurse Tenderheart it had almost been a blessing to him.

That was a leap of faith on his part. He could understand someone like her being more okay with matters of death and bloodshed, after all she was around death and sickness all day, but Bryce was scared at how well she seemed to take it. Most especially at how euphoric she'd became after mention of the brazen bull. He still remembered the day he'd revealed how his kind ate the the flesh of animals. He couldn't even imagine how anypony else would react to something like that.

Bryce was brought out of his stupor when somepony said, "Hey, are you enjoying yourself?"

Bryce jumped up, unaware somepony had been standing beside him. When his senses returned he saw it was Pinkie Pie. "What's the matter, cat walk over your grave?" She asked.

"I... Cat walked over...? But I'm not dead yet."

"Duh, I know that."

"Then why would you say that?"

"It just a phrase. It means something almost scared you to death."

Bryce looked down at her confused. "Then why wouldn't you have just asked me that?"

Pinkie Pie began to laugh. "Come on, everypony knows what that means."

Bryce turned away without saying another word while he rubbed his still hurting shoulder. A few seconds later he looked back to see Pinkie still standing in the same spot with a smile on her face.

"Hey, you never answered my question."

"What, a- about the cat?'

"No, silly, are you enjoying yourself?" She gave him a toothy smile and stood up on the tips of her hooves as if expecting a good response.

"Uhh, yeah," Bryce answered half heartedly, "it's... fun."

The enthusiasm the party mare had had dissipated. "Are you sure you are?"


"Then why aren't you smiling?"

Bryce looked at her again wanting more than anything for her to go on and leave him to himself. "I don't smile."

Pinkie gasped in utter shock. "What do you mean you don't smile?"

"I... don't see the point in doing it."

Pinkie laughed at him a second time. "Now I know your trying to funny."

The glare Bryce gave her proved he wasn't joking.

"But that doesn't make any sense."

"What doesn't?"

"Your name is Bryce 'Smiles'! That means you should know everything about smiles. You know, when I was a filly it was soooo dull and boring where I lived. I lived on a rock farm with my ma and pa and sisters. I don't know if you've ever been to a rock farm but there's little to do except, you know, harvest rocks. And then one day there was this huge, ginormous rainbow. It was all like BOOM!!! And I was all like 'Whaaaaaaa!? and 'Ohhhh!!!' and 'Ahhhh!!!' And then I knew then and there what we all needed. So I went at lightning speed and put together the first party I'd ever put together. I bet you know what happened next?" Pinkie spun around and held her rump up for Bryce to see. "I got my Cu-"

Bryce held up his hand to avoid looking at the party mare's ass. "I don't want to see that!"

"But I was only trying to show you my-"

"And my name isn't 'Smiles'. It's Smales; like small, but minus an L and ending in -es.' It's not Smiles, it's smallz-uh.'

"Oh... How'd you get a name like that?"

"My great-grandparents took a boat trip across the Atlantic and never went back."

"Oh, that's neat." Pinkie stopped and thought for a second before saying, "Is it you don't know how to smile, Bryce Smales?"

"I do; just don't"

"Then give me a smile. One like this." Pinkie then gave Bryce a smile that looked to wide to even be anatomically possible.

It was enough to creep him out a little. "No."

"Ahh, come on. Just one?"

"Would you leave me alone if I did?"

"Yeah, sure. Now give me give me give me!!!"

Bryce looked down at her and smirked.

"Hey, that's not a smile!"

"Who says it isn't?"

"Smiles are supposed to be happy and warm and nice and happy. That's a smirk. Ponies only do that when they're trying to be smug." Pinkie stood in front of Bryce and looked him in the eyes with a look showing she was deep in thought.

At that instant Fluttershy and Rarity came trotting over "Um, excuse me, but I really should be going. There's a bird at my house I need to check on. If it's okay with you I'd like to give you my gift and go."

"Yes, and I have a big order I must get finished by Friday. So if it's alright I'd like to-"

Rarity was cut off when Pinkie Pie yelled, "That's a great idea!" She turned around and announced, "Hey, everypony, let's give Bryce his gifts!"

Everypony else quickly did as Pinkie suggested and formed a semicircle around Bryce.

Pinkie jumped into the center standing on her back legs with her forelegs stretched out. "Surprise!"

Bryce slowly looked over the scene before him. Almost everypony had a box; each one a different size; each covered in wrapping paper. Then he looked a Pinkie who had a large smile on her face expecting him to do the same. Bryce shook his head. "Look, I'm flattered you would all do this, but I-"

Apple Bloom spoke up, "Don't your kind give presents to other ponies?"

"They do, Sprout, it's just-"

"Oh, OH! Let me give you mine first, Bryce," Dinky said, "I've been waiting... how ever many days there are in a week to give it to you."

Bryce looked down at the filly. The same filly who'd only a short while ago been upset at him for having his party on her birthday. He could see her gift for him in her small hooves. It wasn't very big, about the size of his thumb. It looked like she'd even gone to the trouble of wrapping it up herself.

Even though Bryce felt bad everypony had gone to the trouble of getting him something when he felt he hadn't earned it, there was no way he could say no to her. Not after accidently taking away her special day.

"Well I... just wasn't expecting it. But Dinky, Miss Fluttershy and Rarity have to leave soon. Do you think you could let them go first?"

Dinky nodded her approval.

"Okay then. Since you asked first, Fluttershy, let's do you first."

Fluttershy gave him a small spherical object. Bryce began to roll it around in his hand. "It's some kind of ball." Bryce peeled off the wrapping paper to find a brand new tennis ball.

"I really got for Corn. Is that okay?"

Bryce tossed it up in the air and caught it before it hit the ground. "It's perfect, I'm sure he'll get good use out of it." He placed the ball down and turned to Rarity. "Okay, Rarity, let's see what you have."

She levitated up a small rectangular box. "It's nothing much, but I thought you could use... whatever you call them."

Opening the box revealed it contained a pair of fingerless leather gloves that looked like the ones he usually wore while he worked. Picking them up they felt almost like leather, but it felt different enough for him tell it wasn't leather

"I saw the pair you had at the hospital. They looked like they were about to literally fall apart at the seams. I took them while you weren't looking so I could try and make new ones."

"Well, I did notice that, but what exactly are they made of?"

"I know it might sound strange, but I couldn't find an exact match for the material. They're made from the same thing as the upholstery used for couches."

"Well, that's a relief, I guess." He pulled them onto his hands and stretched out his hands. They were a little tighter than his old pair, but felt soft on the insides. "What'd you put on the insides?"

"I lined the insides with a special type of spider silk. It should be much much softer than what you had before."

Bryce continued to stretch out his hands. "Well it'll take some getting used to, but I like them."

"Really, are you sure? If you want I could-"

"No, they're fine the way they are. It's just not something I'm used to." before he could forget he said, "Thank you."

"It's no problem at all, darling, no problem at all. If there's nothing else Fluttershy and I must really be on our way."

"Nothing I can think of now. Thanks to you both for these." After they had both left Bryce turned to a certain filly who was beginning to become impatient. "Okay, now Dinky, it's your turn."

The eagerness the purple-gray filly once had was scrambled when she saw the gift Rarity had made for Bryce. To her it would be nothing compared to what she'd gotten for him. She was afraid that after Rarity's gift it couldn't compare to her's. "N- no, I'll wait until everypony else has gone."

"Are you sure? You looked real excited to give it to me."

Dinky nodded.

"Okay, I'll just save your's for last. Who's-"

Before he could get another word out Rainbow Dash came forward and held out a large wrapped box.

For the next fifteen minute everypony came forward one at a time and gave Bryce their gift. Rainbow's had been an official Wonderbolts hooded sweatshirt. Bryce was surprised she'd even been able to find one in his size until she said she got in contact with an old friend that was about his size. It did explain the two holes in the back, if anything.

Next there was the Apple family. Apple Bloom had gotten Bryce a new bandana to replace his old one. Granny Smith a hat to keep his head out of the sun for the upcoming summer months. Big Macintosh's gift would have to wait until everypony that was underage had either gone home or went to bed. The fillies and the lightweights.

After that there was Ditzy. She'd gotten him his own satchel to help him carry around anything he would need for almost any situation in lieu of a saddlebag. It looked to be an old one and had been greatly stitched back together. Amethyst gave him a small rock that she had enchanted to change color depending on its holder's mood. When Bryce held it it shimmered an assortment of colors all at once.

Amethyst had thought she had gotten the spell wrong until she held it in her hoof. It was a pale purple color showing she was confused.

Next there was Lyra. It was another spherical object much larger than the one Fluttershy had given him. Bryce shook it as he held it up to his ear. There was the sound of flowing liquid inside.

"Ugh, Lyra, don't tell me you actually bought him that stupid-"

"Shh, don't ruin it." Lyra said as she covered her housemate's mouth.

Bon Bon shoved it off. "Lyra, that was just foalish."

By then Bryce has removed the wrapping paper. It was a Magic 8 Ball. Bryce chuckled. "You mean to say they actually have these here?"

"See, even he thinks it's foalish."

Bryce looked at the side of the 8 ball with the little window and began to shake it. He asked it, "Do I like this gift?" When the answer popped up he smirked. "As I see it, yes."

This made Lyra have a smile that went from ear to ear at Bon Bon.

Bon Bon rolled her eyes as she let out a huff. "Whatever." She then brought out her own gift. "Mine may not be much, but here you go."

It was a flat square one. Bryce brought it up to his ear and shook it. "Well, before I open it, can I ask one thing? Is what in this box 'real'?"

"What do you mean? Of course it's real."

"Let me tell you where I come from. It's a 'real'm where there are many 'real'ists. Don't get me wrong, the place is very sur'real'. There are many 'real'tors, all of them 'real'located there. The main food they ate was ce'real'."

"What are you...? Wait, I get what you're saying. You're getting on to me for saying human's weren't real, aren't you?"

Bryce smirked.

"Fine, I get it. Humans exist. Now will you please open-"

"I got one more: I didn't 'real'ize I was doing it."

That got a few snickers to come out of everypony.

"Wow, that one was 'real'ly good," Lyra said.

"Are you being for real? DARN IT!!!"

That got everyone laughing. When they were finally done Bon Bon said, "Okay, you've had your fun. Now would you please-"

"Okay, you've been a good sport about it." He pulled off the wrapping paper to see 25 round chocolate candies. "Well, you guessed three of my favorite things in the whole world."

"Re- What'd I guess?"

"I like chocolate, round things, and perfect squares."

"Perfect squares?"

"Well, there are 25 candies in here. The square root of 25 is 5. It's a perfect square number."

"Oh, well, I... I don't know what to... I made them all myself."

"Well, thanks for them," Bryce said.

"There each have a different flavored center too."

Bryce picked the one out of the center and popped it into his mouth. When he chewed on it it took all his will to not spit it out. It was by far his least favorite flavor of anything: coconut. Not wanting to upset Bon Bon after his hazing, Bryce chewed and swallowed ther morsel. "They're... great."

"That's a relief; it looked like you were having a hard time chewing it. Was it too hard?"

"No, I was... tryin to... savor the flavor," he lied.

Bon Bon smiled. "Thanks, that means a lot."

Bryce handed them back. "I know they're for me, but pass them around for everyone to enjoy, please."

Bon Bon did so.

Since Pinkie had thrown Bryce his party that had been her gift to the human.

All that was left was Dinky, who was trying to hide from his sight as best she could.

"What's the matter, Muffin?"


"Did you give Bryce your present?"

"I don't want to give him my present...-"

Ditzy bent down to better hear her daughter. "What was that?"

"I said: Could we just go on home?"

"Dinky, are you sure that's what you said? You haven't even given Bryce your gift."

"I know, but it's stupid."

"Don't say that. I'm sure he'll love it. What did you get him?"

"It's... that shiny rock I found. You know, the clear one."

"Oh, you wanted to give him that? But you said you always loved that one."

"I know, but I didn't know what else to give him. I know we don't have very much, but I wanted to give him something special. Everypony got him something nice. Some stuff you say we can't af... aff... affjord. All I have is a dumb shiny rock."

Ditzy frowned at her daughter's last statement. "Dinky, don't say that. Don't you remember how excited you were when you found it. You even set out a special place for it and won't let anypony but you touch it. You care about it so much, so don't go saying things like that. And don't you worry what everypony else got Bryce. They all got him things they thought he might like, and they hardly even knew him. They didn't know if he'd like what they got, but he did. He didn't even say anything about how ratty that old satchel I gave him was. And it took me a long time to even get it in working order." Dinky looked up into her mother's walleyes. "No matter what happens, I'm sure he'll like it. Not only because it was from you, but because it was thoughtful."

"Do you really think so?"

Ditzy smiled and nodded. "Now, while he's free, why don't you go and give it to him?"

Dinky stood up and nodded. Taking the wrapped rock in her mouth, Dinky ran through the small crowd of ponies and found Bryce sitting alone by himself playing with the mood rock Amethyst had given him. It still shimmered an assortment of colors.

"Oh, hey, Dink. What's going on?"

Dinky held out her gift for him to take. When her mouth was free, she said, "I... got you something of mine."

"Something of yours? Are you sure you want to part with it?"

"I... I do."

"Well, if you say so," Bryce gently pulled the wrapping paper off. Inside was a long, transparent, triangular object. Each side was flat and smooth, with the occassional nick or scratch. "Wow, this is nice."

"But it's a rock."

Bryce looked down at Dinky. "This isn't a rock."

"What? But I- I found it in the yard."

"You're telling me you found this?"

Dinky nodded, more confused than ever.

"Do you know what this thing is?"

"I- I thought it was just a- a rock."

"This thing is magical. It works a very special kind of magic."

"It does?"

"Come here, I'll show you."

Bryce gently picked Dinky up and craddled her in his arm. He walked over to a window. The sun was at a perfect angle to show off the magic the object contained.

"Are you ready?"

"I- I guess... Is it... Is it gonna hurt?"

"No, of course not. Now... watch this."

Bryce held it out in front of the window. Dinky was frightened, scared something bad was about to happen to her. To everypony. At the same time, however, she was hoping to see something she'd never seen before.

She continued to look into the object, but the light only shined through.

"Bryce I don't see-"

But Bryce wasn't looking at the object, or at her. He was looking up at the ceiling. Looking around she saw everypony was.

Everypony looked up, some of them with their mouth's hanging open as if in awe. Or their brains had been melted and they were all... zombies.

Deciding to chance it, Dinky closed her eyes tight and slowly turned her gaze upwards.

Cracking one open she was prepared to have her mind zombified.

Instead she saw something she had seen before, but had never been lucky to see up close.

Spread out on the ceiling of the living room was a rainbow. It wasn't like the ones she'd seen in the sky. This one was more like a blot on the ceiling. The others were more graceful, and had a elegant curve. Nonetheless, the sight was amazing.

After a while sun sanking down behind a cloud cutting the light show short.

When Dinky looked over at Bryce she saw him looking back at her, and he was smiling.

"Bryce... what was that?"

"It was a rainbow." He held the object up to her eye level for her to see. "This is a prism. You see, white light may seem clear, but it's really made up of every single color all in one. But when light travels down at a certain angle into this it breaks apart. That's how a prism works. When light hits it just right all the colors break apart into their individual components. This is called refraction. It's the same thing that happens whenever it rains; except rain takes the place of the prism."

"So that pri...prison could always do that?"

"Yeah. Always."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the living room, Pinkie Pie stood in amazement. For whatever reason her idea had worked. Through whatever reason she'd gotten Bryce to smile. Okay, maybe she hadn't done it herself, but he was smiling. At least it looked like he was, she wasn't entirely sure. Running over to Amethyst, Pinkie asked, "Amethyst you know that rock you gave Bryce?"

She sighed. "Yeah, I was so sure I did the spell right."

"What does it mean when it's light blue?"

"It means the holder is happy, why?"

"Oh, no reason," Pinkie said with a smile, "just curious."

Should I Stay or Should I Go

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Chapter 36: Should I Stay or Should I Go

It had been a week since Bryce had had his party, a week and a day since his return to the farm, and more than two weeks since he had saved Applejack from the blaze which had destroyed the barn.

It had also been more than two weeks since Bryce had done work of any kind around the farm. For whatever reason, Applejack allowed him the privilege to spend time with Apple Bloom and Dinky whenever she came over. It wasn't that Bryce didn't enjoy spending all this time with them both, it was just that Applejack had told him before that if he were to be staying with them then he would have to 'pull his own weight'. Bryce wasn't entirely sure what that meant, but he doubted it meant wasting time with the fillies.

Even though it was a particularly warm that day, Bryce was wearing the sweatshirt Rainbow had gotten him for him, as wel as the pair of gloves Rarity had made. When asked he would only state 'he liked the way it felt'.

Both Amethyst and Dinky had arrived rather early that morning. By now it was getting close to noon and every game the four of them could possibly imagine was played out. In the mean time, the three girls sat back and watched as Bryce knocked tin cans off a fence with the slingshot he'd made from a perfectly shaped stick, a couple of asparagus rubber bands, and a piece of leather from his old gloves.

Bryce pulled back the pouch of the slingshot and lined up the can between the prongs of the slingshot. This can was showing to be a tedious one. After three shoots Bryce felt the fourth one would be it. He was sure this would be the one to send the can falling off the post. Holding his breath he extended arm once more and released the rock.

This time the rock hit its mark and the can fell off the fence and hit the ground.

Bryce sighed. "Well, that's the... thirtieth one, and there's not that much more to it," he said wiping the sweat off his forehead. "Should I... do it again?"

Dinky said, "No, it's boring now."

"Now Dinky," Amethyst scolded.

"Well it is. Even you think so. Almost every time he hits a can and picks it back up you groan. I saw you." Amethyst turned to Bryce and gave a guilty smile. "Amy, can we go home?"

"NO!!!" Amethyst burst out startling everyone. "Sorry, what I meant... Hey, why don't we go and play a game?"

"We've already played every game. They're all boring now."

"Come on. There's... catch?"

"We did that two days ago," Dinky replied.

"Oh, right. Then how about... hide-and-seek?"

"We did that three days ago."

"It gets real boring too since Bryce is so good at it," Apple Bloom added.

"Yeah, I still can't get over how he was hiding in the pond for over an hour before we found him. Ha ha." The fillies weren't as entertained by it at the moment. "Fine, how about-"

"Oh my gosh, did you all just see that!?" Bryce asked as he pointed behind them.

"What!? What is it!?"

"It's- Oh my gosh, I can't believe those things exist here too."

By then the fillies were more than eager to find out what Bryce was acting up about. "What is it!?"

"It's... a cacca beffa!"

They all looked at Bryce in confusion. What's a... that thing yuh just said?" Apple Bloom asked.

"It's a small, furry creature that's about the size of a cat. It's brown with a little bit of black in it."

"So, why are you so excited about it?"

"Well, it's said if you can catch it then it'll grant the captor one wish in exchange for its freedom."

"REALLY!?" Dinky asked in excitment.

"Yeah, but they're quick so you better go on and catch it before it can get away."

"How will we now where it is?" Apple Bloom asked, a little unsure about his claim.

"You'll be able to find it by its smell. It smells really, really bad." They both stood there as if waiting for something. "Well, go on. Get it!!!" They both immediately shot off to try and capture the creature Bryce had told them about.

Amethyst, on the other hand, wasn't the least bit fooled. "What exactly did you send them after?"

"I sent them on a snipe hunt. Hopefully it'll keep them distracted long enough for you to tell me what's going on with you?"

"Actually, I glad you did this. I needed to tell you something."

"Okay, what is it?"

"We're having Dinky's party this evening... You are still coming, aren't you?"

Bryce nodded. "Of course I am. I wouldn't miss it."

"Good, and you got her a gift, right?"

"I made her something, yes."

"Great, then once Ditzy gets here we can all go to our house and-"

"Wait, what do you mean go to your house?"

"What do you mean what do I mean? We're throwing Dinky her party at our house. You're acting like this is the first you're hearing about it."

Bryce looked away from her and scratched the back of his head.

"Wait, where did you think we were having her party?"

Bryce ran his foot through the dirt. "Well, I thought... it was going to be here."

"Here? As in at the farm."

"Well, yeah."

Amethyst sighed. "Bryce, the party's going to be at our house. It's at least halfway put together by now."

"Well, I thought it was going to be here. I kind of figured it was today, but I didn't see any party stuff going in or out."

"Look, you still need to come... You promised her you'd be there."

"I- I know, but... I..."

"What's the problem?"

"I just don't know if... I want to, but... I just don't want anyone else to see me. I don't want anyone who hasn't seen me to freak out, or- or get touchy feely, or attack me... Again."

"Oh come on, that's not going to happen."

"Well everyone of you little horses I've met since I got here they've either done one of those things or a combination of the three the first time I met them."

"Yeah, well... It won't happen this time."

"How do you know?"

"I... don't... But if you stay with us... maybe they won't..."

"You don't sound so sure about that."

Amethyst thought for a second before stomping a hoof into the dirt. "Maybe I'm not, but I do know you won't not go. You're a good pony, Bryce, I've seen how you work. Sure, at times you're nothing but an ass, or a buzzkill, or absolutely and utterly ridiculous, but in the end you always try to do what's right. Take for instance 'your' party. I saw the way you looked whenever everypony brought out their gifts for you. You weren't expecting it and I could tell you were about to say 'no' to everypony right there."

"But then I saw how you looked after my sister wanted to give you her present. I don't understand how you work. Not then, not now, and probably never will. But I could tell you couldn't say 'no' to her. I myself was surprised to see what it was. I even saw how you acted when she finally gave it to you. Any other pony would have just accepted it and think nothing else of it. Instead you, Bryce Smales, 'you' were the one who showed her it was better than even I thought it was. Ditzy and I thought it was nothing but a pretty rock."

"Now I want you to look at that little filly out there and tell me you wouldn't go, no matter what other ponies might think or do." The magenta mare pointed out into the field

Bryce walked over to a tree and grabbed on to a branch. He looked out to where she had indicated. All he could see of Dinky was her white and blonde striped tail sticking out from under a bush with Apple Bloom's red one. He sat down and exhaled. "Amethyst, I... I just... don't... know if I can."

Amethyst walked over and scowled at the human. "Look at me."

Bryce didn't do as she said.

"Bryce, look... at... me!"

Bryce could feel the anger in her voice, but still didn't turn to meet her gaze.

Feeling frusterated, Amethyst reached forward, grabbed Bryce by the chin, and turned him to face her. "Bryce... you can... and you will," she said without a single doubt in her mind.

"What makes you so sure?"

"Because it's in your nature."

Bryce bit down on his lower lip. "I... I need to think about."

Amethyst felt prepared to strike him for that, but felt that wouldn't help matters. Laying a hoof on his shoulder, she said in a calm voice, "I know you'll make the right choice."

At that moment a foul smelling odor filled the air. It was a bad odor that was almost on par with the smell of cat urine. "Bryce, I think we found that thing yuh told us about," Apple Bloom said, "but yuh mustah forgot that it can make yuh stink too."

As both of the fillies came closer the source of the smell became more and more apparent.

"Yeah, and it was black with white stripes."

Bryce quickly stood back up. "Well, it looks like we found something else to do. It's called 'rubbing tomato juice into a pair of skunked fillies.'"

"How do we play?"

"Y'all just come on with us and we'll show you.


The new game Bryce had showed them proved to not be too enjoyable, and neither one of the fillies could think of a single pony who would find it fun. But they went along with it if it meant getting the smell off of them.

When they were both cleaned and dried the group decided to try and bide their time by playing catch with the dogs. It was more fun then they'd thought it'd be. They even made a contest to see which of the two dogs could catch the tennis ball the fastest. While Winona had proven the faster of the two, Corn was able to do a longer stride. In the end it was shown to be a tie. By the time they were finished Applejack had already come back in from the orchard and was inside washing herself off.

After a while the moment of truth arrived. From the direction of Ponyville everyone could see the gray furred, blonde maned Ditzy flying up towards the farm. The gray pegasus misstepped her landing and came skiding to a halt a short distance in front of them.

"Ditzy, are you okay!?" Bryce asked in shock.

Ditzy stood up and brushed herself off. "It's alright, everypony, I'm fine." She said with a smile.

"Are you sure, that looked like a hard fall?" Amethyst asked.

"Sure, after a few times I've learned how to fall in all the right ways. So, is everypony ready to go?"

Dinky said, "Yeah, I'm ready. Are we still having veggie stew tonight."

"Of course, Muffin. Actually, I made a little more than usual. Bryce, Apple Bloom, would you want to come along and have some?"

"Ah would, but Ah need ta ask mah sister first." Apple Bloom ran off to find Applejack.

"Well, Bryce, how about you?"

"I... I do want to come, but..."

Amethyst saw his hesitation. "But...?"

"Well, I... need to go to my room and... change first. And get something as well."

"Okay, well hurry back. We wouldn't want it to get too cold, now would we?" Ditzy said.

When Bryce got inside he could see Apple Bloom coming back out with Applejack close behind. When the elder Apple saw Bryce she stopped. "Apple Bloom, you go on ahead." The yellow filly did as she was told. "So... Ditzy and them are wanting yuh ta go along with them, huh?"


"Well you can go on if you want, Ah still don't have anything Ah want yuh ta do in the morning. Have fun."

Applejack began to walk back inside. Bryce came in after her and shut the door behind them. "Hey, what's the deal with you?"

Applejack stopped suddenly, surprised at Bryce's question. "Uh, beg pardon?"

"Why aren't you giving me any chores or jobs or whatever you call it to do?"

"What do yuh mean? Ah just have nothing Ah want yuh ta-"

"That's bullshit!'

"He- Hey now, we've talked about that kinda-"

Bryce cut her off again. "I don't care. I know there must be something for me to do. You seem to be doing to this to me on purpose."

"A- Ah really... really don't..."

"Whenever I started living here you said I had to 'pull my own weight.' I'm not completely sure what that means but I don't see why I would have to do more than you just because I'm heavier."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. Is he... being for real?

"Regardless, I haven't been pulling any weight around here lately."

"There's just nothing Ah want yuh ta do."

"There's the burned down barn," he refuted.

"Ah... Ah'm saving that for that varmint that burned it down... Yeah."

Bryce shook his head. "What did I do right?"

"What do yuh mean by that?"

"Nothing, I have to go decide if I'm going with them or not." Bryce brushed past Applejack and went up into his bedroom.

When he got to his room he set about changing his clothes. After Bryce was dressed he grabbed Ditzy's satchel and grabbed his gift to Dinky inside.

Just the thought of Dinky brought Bryce back to why he was up here. In a short while he would either be heading into town with Ditzy and her daughters, or he would be spending the rest of the evening here, at home, alone with no one but Corn, Winona, and Jack to keep him company.

If he went he could have all the inhabitants of Ponyville gawk at him, if not do worse.

But if he stayed he might lose Dinky's trust, but she was just a filly. Surely she would understand his predicament.


Bryce placed his present to Dinky in the satchel. As he clipped it shut he noticed the gifts he acquired a week ago on the chest across from his bed. It was the smallest one that peeked his interest. It was the prism Dinky had given to him. Even though Dinky told him it was her most prized possession she had still been so ready to part with it.

For him.

Seeing it made Bryce berate himself on thinking of even doing something so cruel to the filly.

But the still lingering thought of being around a group of total strangers made him cring. Not only that, it could be an entire crowd of them. All of them looking directly at him. And what if they had to pass through a big open field to get to their house. The meer possibility of being in something so big, so open made Bryce shake so much he had to sit on the edge of the bed to steady himself.

It was then Bryce saw another of his gifts. It was the Magic 8 Ball Bon Bon had claimed was 'childish'. He hadn't been lying when he told her he liked though, and mosrt of the time he had asked it a question it had proven to be correct.

"Well, no harm in trying," Bryce said as he picked up the orb and shook it in his hands. Shaking it a few more times he asked his question. "If I go with them, will I have a good time?"

The ball settled and gave its answer: Better not tell you now.

Bryce shook the ball again. He didn't care whether it was good or bad. He was going to get an answer, damn it!

Allowing the ball to settle once more, it answered: Very doubtful.

Bryce bore down on the ball in his grasp. He had hoped it would give a better answer.

Standing back up, Bryce dropped it down on the bed and walked out of the room.

Bryce had made his decision. He could only hope it would be the right one.

Things Best Left Unsaid

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Chapter 37: Things Best Left Unsaid

"Hey, Dinky?" Apple Bloom asked as she walked along the way towards Ponyville. "What's it like livin in town?"

Dinky answered her, "It's like living in town, I guess. I've only ever lived at our house."

"Is it any different out where Ah live?"

"Yeah, it's real quiet. Where we live there's always somepony going by, and most of them are really noisy."

Ditzy added, "Well, it can't really be helped. We have one of the houses along the main road outside of town, Apple Bloom. Sometimes it's like there's always something going on in our own backyard."

"Wow, Ah've seen some of those houses. Ah bet you can see everypony from the upstairs. Ah bet they look like ants."

"Oh, it's not that high up, but a pony like Big Mac does look mare-sized from up there."


"No, but it is a good view though."

Apple Bloom chuckled. "Yuh had me for a second. You'd have ta be up a million million miles ta make mah brother look small."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I feel small in comparison to him."

"Ah don't know of anypony who wouldn't, but you're pretty tall yourself, Bryce," the yellow filly said in response to his quip. "Before Ah saw you Ah thought nopony could be taller than him, but you're so tall you can reach up and get an apple right outta the tree. If my family wants one they have ta buck'em all down just to get the one they want."

"Well, they can still get them all down faster than I can. I tried it once and I could only get one."

"When'd that happen?"

"The night before I met you." Bryce said as he adjusted hat. "Is this down low enough?"

Amethyst sighed. "Bryce, why do you keep asking that? Can you even see where you're going?"

"Well, I'm trying to make myself less noticeable."

"You're wearing a cowboy hat, a hoodie with wing holes in the back, and you're twice as tall as a pony."

There was a short pause before Bryce said, "Yes, and?"

"You already stuck out like the broadside of a barn and now you look silly."

"But the barn burned down. There's nothing left to see."

"What do you mean, there's plenty still to see. There's- there's the charred remains, and, and blackened wood... This has nothing to do with the barn. I'm saying there's no way you could go unnoticed."

"Amy, don't be so mean to him." Dinky protested.

"I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just trying to state an obvious-"

"Amethyst, can I talk to you for a second?" Everyone stopped at Ditzy's words. Ditzy came in close to Amethyst and whispered in her ear. When she was done Amethyst said, "I- I really wasn't trying to be-"

"I know. Let me have a chance. You go on ahead with the girls; I'll try and calm him down."

"But what about the, uh, C-A-K-E for D-I-N-K-Y."

"Don't worry, we'll pick it up along the way. Now go on, we'll be there as soon as we can."

Amethyst did as she was asked leaving Bryce alone with the gray mare. Looking up at the human, she said, "Bryce, did you really wany to come with us?"

"I- Of course I did."

"Then why are you trying so hard to hide yourself from everypony?"

Bryce stopped for a second. "I can't get anything by you, can I?"

"Don't let my eyes deceive you. I can see a lot of things that go unnoticed by everypony else." She looked intensely at Bryce. "A lot of things."

Bryce cradled himself in his arms. "I- I don't know what you- you're talking about."

Ditzy snorted. "Don't worry, I won't say a word to anypony, but getting back to the point. I know you haven't been on top when it comes to meeting new ponies, but I can tell you that most of the one's in town are hospitable to most newcomers."

"Well, I'd like you to se- hear you say that about that one jerk at the park."

"What jerk?"

"Well, it was the day I was coming back from the hospital. The orange one and I were walking back when I saw him and his brother playing with a ball. They were both pegasi, and the bigger one was trying to help his little brother build up the muscles in his wings. Well, I stopped for a second to watch them play, but then the little one lost the ball and it rolled to my feet."

"Well, when that happened I tried to hide because the little one came to get it, and it came to where I had to reveal myself to him. The little one was okay with me, but when his brother came over he was going to starting hitting me because I was going to 'take his little brother and use his bones to make my bread.' His words, not mine. Corn was there too, and I could tell he was prepared to do worse to him. If Applejack hadn't shown up I don't what would have happened."

She sighed before saying, "Look, everything's going to be fine. You're with me. Sure, you may get a few sideways glances, or maybe ogled at, but everypony's going to be either more amazed or confused than scared... Okay, maybe a few will be scared, but the worst they'll probably do is run off. When we get there the best thing you can do is try and focus on how much fun we'll have at my little Muffin's party."

"Well... I'll try."

"And don't worry about that featherbrain, I'm sure we won't even see him. Now let's go on and catch up. We're about halfway there."

They both started walking again. A minute later, Ditzy asked, "By the way, what did you end up getting for Dinky?"

"Well, I didn't really get her anything. I made her something."

"Oh, really? Is it in your satchel?"


"Soooo, can I see it?"

"It'll be better if you wait."

"Come on, I want a peek."

Bryce thought for a second. "Okay, but don't say anything when we get to your house." Bryce bent down on one knee, unlooped his satchel from around his neck, and opened the flap.

Ditzy's eyes lit up at its contents "Wow, you made that?"

"Well, yeah."

"I mean... Wow, that's interesting. I'm sure she's going to love them."

From above, somepony said, "Going to love what?" Looking up they both saw a familar mohawked maned pegasus. "What have you got in there that's so 'interesting'?"

Ditzy yelled up, "It- it's nothing for you, Thunderlane, so just... get on!"

He landed a short distance away. "Ahh, come on, I just 'want a peek'," he said as he began to inch closer. "And besides, I wasn't talking to you anyway, Cockeye."

Bryce closed the flap at his approach.

"Well, are you going to show me, or not?"

"It's... like she said: It's nothing for you."

"Oh, so it's for 'Ms. Sees Out of the Corner of Her Eye'?"

"N- no, it's for... It's none of your business."

"Ahh, come on. Why does she get to see it?" Thunderlane crept closer until both Bryce and Ditzy were able to smell his rancid breath. In a slow tone, he said, "So why don't you let me... HAVE A PEEK!!!" Thunderlane shouted out surprising them both. It gave him the diversion he needed to grab Bryce's satchel and fly up out of reach.

"Hey, give it back, you prick!" Bryce shouted.

"Sure, after I take a peek." Thunderlane yanked the flap open and shoved his free hoof inside. "What the hay!? This is just trash!" He pulled out one of the three pieces of Dinky's present.

Bryce had made her a set of three wooden pony dolls. He had made one with a pair of pasted on corn husk wings, another with a whittled horn, and the last one he had left both wingless and hornless. It had been a tedious task, mostly because of large hands, but Bryce had put his blood, sweat, and tears into them all to make them perfect. He had wanted to paint them, but felt it would be better to allow Dinky to do it herself.

"What the hay is this!?"

"It's... it's a gift."

"*Pftt* Whoever it's for must like trash then."

"It's a toy."

Thunderlane twisted his hoof around to look it over. After he was done he tossed it back into Bryce's satchel haphazardly. "Whatever, looks like trash to me."

He released his grip on the bag and it came falling down. Bryce caught it in time before it could hit the ground. He quickly opened his satchel to check and make sure they were all okay.

Ditzy cried out, "Thunderlane, why'd you have to go do that? You could have broken them."

"*Pfft* Like it would really matter. You're probably going to end up using it for firewood anyways."

"It's not for me, it's for my daughter. She'd never do anything like that."

"Yeah right, like she- Wait, you actually let this thing near your kid? Are you stupid AND crazy? Haven't you heard what Rainbow had to say about him? Like how he eats parents in front of their foals so the fear makes the foals taste better? Or how he-"

"You're the stupid one if you think he'd do a thing like that. Even somepony with the mind of a foal could look at him and tell he wouldn't do a thing like that. In fact my daughter loves him. If anypony's the idiot here, it's you, you... FEATHERBRAIN!!!"

Thunderlane hovered in the air after Ditzy's monologue. One could easily see the rage that was steadily building up inside the slate gray stallion. If he had hands and fingers it would be unimaginable how white his knuckles were.

As the seconds slowly passed by Thunderlane broke the silence. "Well it's no wonder your daughter likes him. The two of them are nothing but a couple of freaks."

"Wha- what...?"

"I said they're both freaks. And you know why your daughter's one? It's because your the biggest one of them all. I mean, it's no secret to anypony in town what happened between you and Ponet. It's no secret why he up and left you like he did. He didn't want his good name to be dragged through the mud by staying with a pony like you. I can't even imagine wanting to have a foal, much less you being able to keep it alive. But knowing you it was probably all an accident. Speaking of accidents, with a klutz like you it's a big bucking miracle that nopony in town has turned up dead because of you."

Ditzy stood her ground through the whole ordeal, but no matter how much she tried to bear one could see the how Thunderlane's words were cutting through her like a knife.

"In fact of all the ponies in town you rank as one of the most worthless of them all. Nopony even dares be near you on account of how clumsy you are. Why don't you just do everypony in town a favor, and leave. And when I say 'leave' I mean only you. They'd be better off living at the orphanage than having to suffer because of a cockeyed, accident prone, idiot like-"

Thunderlane's rant was cut off. Unbeknownst to either him or Ditzy, Bryce had pulled out his slingshot and had found a few sizeable rocks. After taking careful aim, Bryce released one of the rocks into Thunderlane's unprotected wing. When it struck the pegasus came crashing down.

The utter shock and pain of the projectile left Thunderlane lying on the ground. The pain in his wing was so much he was unable to properly bring it to his side, instead letting the appendage lay in the dirt.

When Thunderlane finally registered what had happened, Bryce had already loaded a second rock into the slingshot's pouch and had it aimed directly at the pegasus. But it wasn't the slingshot that left him speechless. It was the one holding the slingshot. More specifically his eyes.

Bryce's irises looked so dark they were indistinguishable from his pupils. For whatever reason Thunderlane felt it impossible to bring his gaze away from his eyes. The more he looked into the human's eyes the deeper he felt himself drawn into them. It was almost like they were depthless; two, small, bottomless pits.

"If you say... or do one more thing to her... I will do it again."

"The- there's no way you'd-"

Bryce released his hold on the slingshot's pouch. It zipped past Thunderlane's head close enough to where he could feel the wind as it passed. He shrieked in fear.

Bryce quickly reloaded the slingshot. "Well, you want to bet your life on it... Or how about those two, perfectly level eyes of yours. It'd be a shame if something were to happen to one of them. If something were to land inside of one and have it where you couldn't see straight."

"Bryce, don't!" Ditzy prtotested.

"Not so tough now that you're so low to the ground, are you?"

"Bryce, don't do it!"

Bryce pulled back further on the slingshot. "You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?"

Ditzy then stepped forward, standing between Bryce and Thunderlane. "Bryce, don't do this."

"Ditzy, move!"

"No, he's not worth it. He's not worth going to jail over."

"I'm not letting him get off easy. You don't deserve any of what he just-"

"Bryce, you've done enough. You've made your point, now stop before you do anything worse."

Bryce looked down towards Ditzy. When he saw her face it was enough to bring his train of thought away from Thunderlane.

To say she was mad would have been one thing, but instead Bryce could see Ditzy was on the verge of tears. At first glance he would have thought it was because of what Thunderlane had said about her. About Ditzy, and her daughter.

But Bryce could tell it was more than that.

Bryce looked past her at Thunderlane. The slate gray pegasus was no better than Ditzy. He was lying supine in the dirt, his face frozen in fear, his wing laying prostrate on the ground. It was then Bryce realized how he was looking down at him. He was looking through the prongs of his slingshot, and the pouch was loaded and aimed at Thunderlane.

Bryce was taken back by what had just occured. He remembered perfectly well what had brought him up to this moment, but he was scared to find out he was the culprit. His arms began to shake as if from a sudden gust of cold air. Bryce quickly loosened his grip on the stone in his fingers, bringing the pouch to the stick it was banded to.

"Ditzy... I- I need you to take this from me."

"What...? O- okay." Ditzy took Bryce's slingshot in her mouth.

"Thank you..." Bryce again looked at Thunderlane. In a more serious tone, he said, "As for you... Leave!"

Thunderlane stood up, his left wing hanging at his side. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but whatever he had to say refused to come out. Turning around, Thunderlane jumped up and prepared to take flight. His injured wing, however, caused him too much pain when he tried to flap it and he once again fell to the ground. Acting fast, he looked back for a second before getting onto his hooves and running off. Every so often Thunderlane would look back to see if he was being followed, but each time found the human getting smaller and smaller.

Now all alone Bryce and Ditzy were both left standing there.

For how long they stood there they were both unsure. It was Ditzy who broke the silence. "Bryce..."


"We really need to get going. The others are probably getting worried."

"Y- you're right." Bryce bent down, pocketed his slingshot, and looped his satchel around his neck.

Before setting off, Ditzy asked, "Are you still okay with going into town?"

"Forget about me, are you okay?"

"This isn't the time. Are you still willing to go, or not!?"

"I am, but-"

"Okay, but aren't you worried about Thunderlane?"

Bryce shook his head. "We don't have to worry about him."

"Are you sure."

Bryce balled his hands into fists. "Just... trust me on this."

There was another short pause.

"Okay, let's get going.

"Wait, can I just say one thing?"

Ditzy stopped to hear him out. "Okay..."

"Ditzy, you didn't deserve that, and I mean more than just what he said. I also mean what I-"



"Your nose! It's..."

Bryce wiped his hand under his nose. He was met with the sight of blood. "Ahh, crap. I'm having a nose bleed."

"Are you okay? It didn't look like you were hurt."

"It's fine; I get them sometimes for no reason. Do you have anything I can use to wipe with?"

"No, I left my satchel at my house before I came to get you all."

"Crap! Well, I'm going to need you to be my guide, because I'm going to need to keep my head up to slow the flow."

"Bryce, I don't know."

"It's the only way."

Ditzy reluctantly obliged. After Bryce placed his hat in his satchel and a hand on Ditzy's head they were both off once again. For the next few minutes the walk was very uneventful. With Ditzy having to guide the human there was little for Bryce to see but the big blue sky above through the trees on the sides of the path. Eventually Bryce could feel the dirt road at his feet give way to a patchs of grass that then gave way to what felt like a whole field. It was at this time the trees that had been branching out overhead all but disappeared.

It was as Bryce had feared; they were passing through a big open area. A big, vast, limitless open space.

"Bryce, are you alright?"

"I'm- I'm-" Bryce stuttered.

"Try and stay calm. We're almost there."

A little further on Bryce was relieved to see something that enclose the openness. He was a little frightened to see that it was the side of a building. "Ditzy, did we just-"

"Yeah, we're in town now. We still need to go a little further."

At every twist and turn Bryce followed Ditzy, with his hand still placed down on her blonde mane to guide him. Everywhere they went Bryce could hear disembodied voices from an unseen origin. To Bryce that could only mean one thing; they weren't alone.

From closeby, they both heard somepony say, "Ditzy... what's... going... on...?"

Ditzy stopped to answer. "Oh, hey, Carrot Top. My friend Bryce here had a nose bleed on our way here. He's trying to stop the bleeding and I didn't have anything for him to wipe with. "

"Oh, okay then... You don't need any help...? Do you?"

"Me, oh no, Everything's under control. Really, it is."

There was a pause before Carrot Top said, "If... If you say so... Can he talk?"

"I can," Bryce said.

"Oh, well I can see you... have something you need to take care of, so maybe next time we can... see each other?"

"Uhm... sure."

"Great so... see you next time." Carrot Top held out her hoof for Bryce to shake, but he didn't take it.

"Bryce, she's wanting to shake your hoof."

"Oh, sorry." Bryce felt around the air until he found something round and solid. Shaking it a few times, Carrot Top said, "Well... see you next time." Bryce could hear a set of hooves quickly running away from thier location.

After a while Ditzy came to another stop, this time under a building with a brown and white-trimmed roof. From the design of the trim it almost looked to be cake frosting. "Bryce, do you think you could sit down here for a minute. I need to go inside to get something."

"Where...? Where exactly are we?"

"We're at Sugarcube Corner. I'll be back in a second with something to wipe your nose with, then zip back in for a minute."

"Well... I guess I could."

"Great. I'll only be a second." Having said that, Ditzy quickly helped Bryce sit on a set of unseen steps and went inside a door. When the door closed the breeze let off the smell of what must have lay inside the building called 'Sugarcube Corner'. It was a sweet smell, almost like the smell of cakes baking.

Almost as quick as Ditzy had disappeared, she reappeared with a collection of paper towels. "Here, see if this will help matters. And don't get mad, but I may need to be longer than I thought. The Cakes are really backed up and there's a line. Hopefully it'll be quick. Before I go, do you want anything sweet?"

"Well, no, but can we at least talk about-"

"No, not here. I promise we can later, but right now I need to go wait in line. Do you want anything or not?"

"Well, anything with chocolate, I guess."

"Okay, got it." Ditzy rushed back in leaving Bryce to himself, but not alone. All around he could still hear the voices from unseen figures, and as the seconds passed he could hear them growing louder.

As Bryce pressed a folded paper towel to his bleeding nostril and lowered his head he saw something that sent a chill down his spine. Surrounding him was a crowd of ponies. Every single one a bright pastel color. Each ones' gaze fixed on one thing: him.

He had thought there was a lot based on all the voices he'd heard, but nothing prepared him for this. There had to at least a hundred there. Maybe two. And twice as many eyes.

Slapping the Bull

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Chapter 38: Slapping the Bull

"Rumble, you're full of it!"

"Yeah, you're making all that up!"

"No I'm not, it really happened!" Rumble exclaimed. For the past few minutes the light gray pegasus regaled his friends, and a few onlookers, with his encounter last week with the most dreaded and monstrous creature to have ever crawled out of the darkest depths of Tartarus: Bryce.

When Rumble's friends first heard about his encounter they had all expected it to be more heroic, more horrific, more interesting, to say the least. Instead, all Rumble told them was how he had met Bryce, in an awkward way, talked with him, and how it all turned sour when Thunderlane came to investigate Rumble's delay. Then the situation only became worse when Thunderlane became posed to thrash Bryce only to have Bryce's dog 'smile' at the older pegasus. Then, before the situation could get anymore out of control, Applejack showed up in time to break it up.

When Rumble had decided to tell his friends about Bryce he had hoped they would be more open minded, but he was only met with denial and spite.

"I'm telling you, that's how it happened!"

"*Pfft* Yeah right! If it's true than why are you still alive?"

"Because, he didn't hurt anypony."

"Please! Everypony knows nopony's ever lived to tell about him."

Rumble stopped for a second to come up with a response. "Then... Explain how Rainbow Dash was able to tell us about him!"

It didn't take long for one of Rumble's friends to reply. "Because she's awesome, DUH!!!"

"That doesn't mean-" Rumble was cut short when he saw Thunderlane running past. He was surprised to even see Thunderlane running since he always said that flying was much better, and faster, than running any day. Rumble waved him down. "Hey, Lane!"

Thunderlane's concentration was sidetracked by Rumble and he came skidding to a halt that sent him falling flat on his face.

Rumble and his friends ran over to the slate gray pegasus. Rumble was the first to reach him. "Lane, are you okay?"

Thunderlane quickly got up and regained his composure. "O- Of course everything's okay. Why won't- Why won't it be?" He stopped to spit out a few blades of grass.

"Lane, would you tell my friends about what happened with Bryce the other day, they keep saying I'm making it up."

When Thunderlane heard Bryce's name his demeanor shifted. "Wh- why would you want to know about th- that thing!?"

"Go on Lane, tell them how you were so scared of his dog you couldn't even-"

"I- I'm not saying anything about him. And as far as I'm concerned you shouldn't either."

"Lane, come on, he's not that ba-"

"Oh ho, yes he is." He turned to the crowd of foals that had gathered around. "You all listen to me, if you ever see him you better get as far away as you can. Whatever that... Bryce creature is he's no good. YOU HEAR ME!?"

"Lane...? What are you-"

"The same goes for you, Rumble. That thing's only looking to cause trouble," Thunderlane continued to rant in an alarmed tone of voice. "I don't care what happens, stay out of sight of him, got it!!!"

"Why, what happened?"

Thunderlane drew in a long breath and stood up straight. "Bryce just... He... just..." The vigor he had was unexpectedly replaced with something else. It wasn't quite fear, but it was something close to it. For a few seconds the slate pegasus attempted again and again to tell them what had just happened, but each time he felt as if a heavier and heavier weight was bearing down on his skull. It soon came to a point where he felt nauseous. "He... He... Ugh..."

"Lane, are you alright?"

"I... I need... to go... go lie down." Without saying another word, Thunderlane turned around and continued on the path he'd been taking into Ponyville.

This left Rumble and his group of friends left staring at Thunderlane as he walked away from them all.

When he was out of sight, one of the foals said, "What just happened?"

Rumble stammered out," I- I don't know. I've never seen my brother do... that." He slowly turn back to the group. When he did he saw something that filled him with horror. A minute ago he would have been enthusiastic to see this, but now it could only fill him with dismay. "B... B... B..."

"What's that?"

"What's he saying?"

Rumble lifted his hoof and pointed behind them.

When they turned around they all saw something that filled them all with the same feeling of unease.

Walking past, looking almost exactly as Rumble had describe him, was Bryce. When they saw him his head was pulled back looking up at the sky. He was being lead along by the local mailmare, Ditzy.

"R- Rumble, is that...?"

"Ye- Ye-"

"Bryce, are you alright?"

"I'm- I'm-" Bryce stuttered.

"Try and stay calm. We're almost there." They all heard the pair say.

They remained speechless as they both went past.

"What was that?"

"I don't know."

"It's like he zombified her."

A dull brown earth pony colt named Rocksalt added, "Or she's a thrall; the first pawn in his quest to make a pony army and take over the whole world."

The group of foals stood for a second before uttering a single phrase.

"Did anypony hear that?"

"Hear what?" Rocksalt gruffly asked.

"I think I hear my mother calling."

"Uh, yeah, I think I hear your mother calling too."

"Yeah, and it is getting pretty close to dinner time."

Many of foals began to dissipate, leaving Rumble, Rocksalt, three of the second's closest friends, and an orange pegasus with a purple mane.

"Hey, where are you all going?" Rocksalt shouted. "We can't let him take control of everypony." He looked to the few foals that remained. "Okay, yous guys, I think it's clear what we must do."

"Go home and hide under our beds?" One of Rocksalt's friends asked.

"Do what he says and hopes he spares our lives?"

"Forget what we saw and go to Sugarcube Corner?"

Rocksalt's friends high hoofed in agreement at the last suggestion.

Rocksalt facehoofed, while in his mind prepared to smack them all across the head. "No, you foals. We need to go and-"

His friends began to smile, begging to go.

After a while Rocksalt relented. "Fine, but after that we're going to take care of that Bryce thing." They all howled in triumph. Turning to Rumble, Rocksalt asked, "Hey, Rumb, you comin?"

"Huh, wha...?" Rumble said, still spooked from the events of the last few minutes. "Coming where?"

"To Sugarcube Corner?"

"Well... I..."

"Come on!" Rocksalt said in his thick Manehattan accent.

"Uh... I should really go see if my brother's alright," Rumble then flew off in the direction Thunderlane had taken only minute before.

"Eh, suit yourself. You, runt," Rocksalt said to the orange pegasus. "Are you coming, or are you gonna be nothin but a chicken like the rest of those scaredy cats?"

"What!? I'm not scared. I'd go up against that thing by myself if I had to!"

"Yeah right, then why didn't you do anything before?"

"Because... Because the mailmare was in the way. You know, didn't want her getting hurt. Ha ha."

Rocksalt thought for a second before he nodded in agreement. "Eh, you got a point. Come on, let's hurry up and get there before those scaredy cats beat us to it."

As the group of five foals made their way through Ponyville the first thing they noticed was how deserted the place appeared. There wasn't a single stallion or mare, filly or colt anywhere to be seen. What they did hear, however, was a roar coming from a single direction.

The more distance they all made to Sugarcube Corner the louder the roaring became.

One of Rocksalt's friends asked, "What do yuh think that is?"

"I don't know, but I just hope we it's not a line. I don't want to wait to too long to get a sweet, sweet-"

The group stopped suddenly when they found what was the source of all the commotion. All around the front side of Sugarcube Corner there appeared to be almost every inhabitant of Ponyville.

"Dang, what's got everypony wanting to go here the same time we do?" The group tried to see over the much taller stallions and mares in the crowd, but could only see the tops of their individual rumps. Eventually Rocksalt tapped the rump of a stallion at the edge of the crowd. "Hey, what's the hold up?"

The stallion turned around to face Rocksalt. "You know that thing Rainbow was telling everypony about? Well it turns out she wasn't telling a complete lie."

"What, Bryce? He's here right now!?"


"Well what's he doing? Has he eaten anypony or taken'em under his mind control?"

"No, actually."

Rocksalt furrowed his brow. "Then what is he doing?"

"Well that's just it, he's just sitting there."

The dull brown colt's mood sullened. "Sitting... there...?"

"I know. It's strange, but it seems like Rainbow was telling a fib."

Rocksalt again furrowed his brow and pointed his hoof barely an inch from the stallion's nose. "Or he's really making you say that because he already has you all under his control! So what is it that's really happening!? If you don't tell me soon I'm gonna-"

Rocksalt's friends quickly grabbed him from behind and began to pull him away while keeping his mouth covered. "We're real sorry, sir, our friend is just upset about- about-"

"About having to wait for his malt. You see, he really likes malts, and I mean 'really'."

"Yeah, It's been more than a month since he last had one and he's just upset he'll have to wait. Oh drat, I guess we'll try again tomorrow. Ha ha."

When they were a respectable distance away from the crowd the colts released their hold on Rocksalt. Each one was met with a sizeable sock to the mouth.

"Rock, what the hay!?"

"What the- What the hay!? What the hay were yous guys thinkin takin me away like that!?"

"We were trying to save you from yourself."

"I didn't need savin! All those guys back there are the ones needing to be saved!"

"No they didn't. You were the one this close to getting grounded by your mother, or worse."

"Yeah, because that... ape woulda told'em all to do it."

"Rock, are you even listening to yourself?"

"I know exactly what I'm sayin. We need to go back there right now and..." Rocksalt stammered, trying to find the proper words.

"Need to do... What!?"

It didn't take long for Rocksalt to respond. "We need to send somepony in there to get a better look at'm."

The four foals looked at him in surprise. "Look, Rock, there's no way we're gonna let you go in there."

Rocksalt gave an evil grin. "I never said I was gonna do it."

"Well there's no way you'll get any of us to go in there. We may be your friends but we're not going to start something just because you aren't thinking straight."

His two other friends nodded in agreement.

"Nah. I'd never make yous guys go in there. Yous guys are my Bs." He shifted his gaze over to the orange pegasus filly. "We're gonna send the runt in."

The pegasus' eyes shrank to pinpricks. "Wh- Why do I need to be the one?"

"Because you're a girl, and you can't even fly yet. Even if he did enthrall yuh he wouldn't get very much."

It was obvious to them all how much it hurt her for him to say that.

"Rock, that was low, even for you."

"What, I'm just sayin-"

"I don't care, you didn't have to say that. Besides, what are you even wanting to prove. That stallion seem sure about-"

"I'll do it."

The four colts were shocked to hear her say that. "Excuse me?"

"I said I'll do it; just to prove to you wrong."

There was silence until Rocksalt let out a snort. "Yeah, if you do that I'll take it back. No, wait, tell you what. If you come back, alive and in one piece, then I'll give you my autographed Wonderbolts poster.

The orange pegasus did nothing but stare down at the ground for what seemed like an eternity. On the one hoof she would do almost anything to prove she was braver than he was, but on the other she still held on to the belief that he was indeed right about Bryce already having Ponyville under his control. But if that were the case then why weren't any of his pony minions out looking for them, for surely Rocksalt's yelling would have been enough to draw Bryce's attention.

After throughly thinking the matter over, the orange pegasus looked Rocksalt directly in the eyes with a look of determination and nodded.

Rocksalt smirked. "Fine, let's go."

As the group made their way back to the crowd they again stopped to take in the scene. All that could be seen were the same rumps of the stallions and mares. All that could be heard was the same roar of the jumbled mess of chatter from them all.

After a while Rocksalt had become impatient. "Hey, runt, are you goin or what?"

The orange pegasus replied, "O- Of course I am, I was just-"

"Look, kid, you don't have to do this."

"Hush up...! Unless yous lookin ta take her place?" Rocksalt said raising his eyebrows.

This came with a glare from the pegasus. She took a single step forward, leaving her only a few inches away from the wall of rumps.

"Wait, before you go in there, will you at least tell us your name...? You know, in case you don't make it."

"Scootaloo... My name's Scootaloo." Having said that she took a deep breath and began to push her way through the legs of the onlookers of the crowd. To say it was an easy task would have been like saying procupines were the best thing to make kick balls with. The deeper Sccotaloo traveled through the forest of hooves the the thicker it became. Every so often she would step on somepony's hoof or tail resulting in a groan of discontent from its owner. It made Scootaloo wonder if she was trapped in an eternal circle.

Out of nowhere Scootaloo finally saw a speck of light. As she continued to press on the light became brighter and brighter until she was finally free of the crowd. She was close to hoof pumping herself in achievement, until she took notice of the thing she had dared come through the crowd to see.

Bryce was right where the stallion on the other side of the crowd had said he was: Sitting on the steps into Sugarcube Corner. He wasn't alone, however.

He was currently talking in a low voice to the mailmare she'd seen him with before. In his hand he had a folded up paper towel pressed up against his nose. Scootaloo flinched when she saw the paper towel dyed in a crimson red.


All Bryce knew was that he was surrounded. At his front and flanks there had to be at least a hundred of the ponies that inhabited the hamlet of Ponyville. Whatever their individual conversations were about was lost in one big jumbled mess of chatter, but it would be obvious to anyone present what was the focus.

It took all of Bryce's will to sit on the steps of Sugarcube Corner. He didn't dare move a muscle. It was half out of fear, half out of having nothing to do as an alternative. His eyes weren't as still, however, as they scanned the entirety of the scene before him. He could tell the majority of the inhabitants were what were called earth ponies. Every once and a while there was either a horn or a wing sticking out from the pastel colored mass.

Every so often Bryce would roll up his left sleeve to check and see how much time had elasped, and each time berating himself to see only a few seconds had gone by.

In between his constant probings, Bryce would try and pass the time by curling and uncurling his toes back and forth. He would first uncurl the toes on his right foot while curling the toes on his left. Then he would do the opposite; uncurling his left toes and curling his right ones. Bryce would do this constantly, while at the same time counting up to four with each consecutive curling. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four.

It was a habit Bryce had had since he was a child, something he didn't know he why continued to do, but still did to this day; anytime; anywhere.

Sometimes he would get so caught up in this habit that he lost sight of the world around him.

Bryce almost jumped out of his skin when the door behind him opened. When he turned around he was me with the misaligned eyes Ditzy.

"Bryce, how are you holding up?" She asked in a low voice.

"I'm... I'm doing fine."

"Okay. Listen, I was finally able to get up to the counter, but..."

Bryce stared at her waiting for her to finish.

"Ms. Cake is just now putting the finishing touches on the cake."

"... Okay."

"They've told me they'll bring it right out as soon as it's done. It should only be about five minutes more, ten tops... Are you going to be alright staying..."

Bryce bit his lower lip and nodded. "I can wait."

"Great. Oh, before I forget." She reached back inside and pulled out a small paper gift bag. "Here's the chocolate you wanted."

Bryce opened the bag to see a few chocolate bars laying inside. "Th- Thank you." Before Ditzy could head back in, he said to her, "How are you holding up?"

"Bryce, I know you're concerned, but... Just please don't ask me now, I have more important things than me to worry about." Ditzy then went back inside without another word.

With that Bryce was again left alone amongst the crowd. The chatter showed no sign of ending any time soon, nor the crowd dissapating.

In the mean time Bryce decided to try one of the chocolate bars Ditzy had gotten for him. As he was beginning to tear off the wrapper with his teeth Bryce took notice of something. It was something he hadn't seen until now. He had remembered almost every face and color at the front of the crowd, and he was quick to notice that this one that appeared to have sprung from nowhere.

It was an orange pegasus filly, about the size of Apple Bloom and Dinky. But it wasn't just that she was a new face in the crowd, she was also standing at least a full yard inside of the assembled pastel equines, but still a good distance away from him.

When Scootaloo saw Bryce looking at her her immediate reaction was to freeze in place with a hoof stuck in the motion of movement.

As if in turn, Bryce stopped fiddling with the candy wrapper and held the block of chocolate in midair.

For the next minute the two stared each other down, neither one knowing what to do. As the seconds ticked by the throng of ponies began to quiet down and cut their conversations short. The scene became so quiet one could hear a pin drop.

Each individual was preparing to do whatever necessary to handle the situation. Most were prepared to run off as far away as they could; a few felt that if things were to go sideways they would faint where they stood; even fewer were prepared to do whatever necessary if this foreign being dared hurt a single hair on the filly's head or a feather in her juvenile wings.

When Bryce made the first move all the ponies of the last group got into a stance to charge.

Looking down at the chocolate bar still in his hand, Bryce decided to try and coax the filly to come to him. In a low voice, he asked, "Hey, you like chocolate?"

Scootaloo weakly nodded. It was so small that it almost went unnoticed by the human.

Bryce looked down at the chocolate again. It looked to be a rather sizeable bar with groozes cut into it to allow one to break it apart with ease. The smell it let off was a sweet one, a smell much stronger than any Bryce had ever smelled before from anything like it. Bryce held the chocolate out to Scootaloo. "You want some?"

Hearing that sent a plethora of possible scenerios into her mind. In many of them she could see it was all a trick, a ploy just to get her close enough to... Well, she didn't really want to think that far ahead. At the same time, however, she believed Bryce was legitimately trying to be nice and the confection was his way of showing it.

Taking the plunge, Scootaloo began to trot forward at a snail's pace.

The onlookers ready to protect her became that much more tense with each step she took.

When Scootaloo was close enough to where she could grab the chocolate in her mouth she stopped. The reason for her delay was that, while she'd seen him open the wrapper he may well have done something to the wrapper's contents. She took a few cautionary sniffs.

"It's okay, all I did was open it. I swear." Bryce reached forward for her to take it, but that only made her step back. Seeing her unease, Bryce brought the chocolate to his chest level. "Would it help if I took a bite myself?"

To Scootaloo, that would indeed be a good indicator, but only if he dared to do so.

Bryce placed the blood stained paper towel down on the steps before he broke off top row of the bar. Taking it into his mouth his tounge exploded with its sweetness. "Hmm! Better than anything like it back home, I'll say that much." Bryce flipped around what remained of the full bar around to Scootaloo. "Here, you go on and have the rest."

Any fear Scootaloo had left for the human was held at bay, but some doubt still clung to the back of her mind.

"Well, come on. Don't leave me hanging."

Scootaloo had already come this far, and he was perfectly capable of getting up and taking her if he wanted to. Taking one more look into Bryce's gray eyes, Scootaloo reached forward and took the candy bar in her mouth. Bryce simultaneously loosened his hold on the bar letting the orange filly take control of it.

"Well, enjoy it. I need to watch my waist line anyway." Bryce said with a slap to his belly.

With the candy still held in her mouth, Scootaloo giggled in agreement.

At that moment, a green object fell down right between them both.

Thinking it had something to do with Bryce, Scootaloo's reaction was to turn and run back through the crowd she'd came from.

Bryce fell back hitting his head on the door behind him. "SON OF A MOTHER-" The rest of his sentence was cut short when the door he'd just slammed his head into opened up sending him falling back and knocking his head on the floor. It hurt so much Bryce had to keep his eyes closed tight.

"Oh my gosh, are you alright!? That looked like it was a real doozy." He heard a familiar squeaky voice ask.

Bryce opened his eyes a slit to find Pinkie Pie's big blue pair staring back at him. "... Ow..."

"Oh my gosh, how bad does it hurt? Are we going to need to get you to the hospital, or do you just need an ice pack? Do you feel woozy? Can you see anything!? Oh no, you're not responding! IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE-"

Bryce firmly planted his hand over the pink mare's mouth. "Pinkie... I'm fine... Please... stop yelling... in my face." He removed his hand from over her mouth. After he had recovered he propped himself on the door frame. When he looked inside he saw everypony had stopped what they were doing and were staring directly at him. Bryce raised his hand and waved. "Hey, how's it going?" After that he lied back and closed his eyes.

"I'm so, so sorry. I heard from Ditzy that you were out front and I wanted to make sure for myself. But then I thought maybe Gummy would want to see you too, because he's like one of the coolest pets anypony could ever have. So I ran upstairs and was bringing him down when I saw all the ponies out the window. I was thinking there was a parade, because why else would some many ponies be so close together."

Bryce was really only half listening to what Pinkie had to say. His main focus was on trying to recuperate from having his head smacked twice. In his state he could barely register the thing that had latched onto his hand.

"But when I saw you down below Gummy came to get a better look, but he went out a little too far and fell off. Then you hit your head on the door-"

"Yeah, I know that part... Who the H is Gummy?"

"Oh, he's my pet alligator."

"Well, that is a really... cool..." Bryce had heard that last part rather clearly. It was then he began to take notice of the thing holding on to his hand.

Looking down, he saw a pair of purple reptilian eyes staring back.

It was something that would get anyone's attention. He lifted his hand hoping the alligator would drop off, but it held true. He began to trimble at the sight. "Pinkie, get this thing off of me!"

"Oh, you don't have to worry about him hurting you. Gummy doesn't have any teeth. That's why I named him Gummy."

Sure enough, Bryce did notice how the bite of the small alligator was more ticklish than painful. Bryce watched and laughed as the toothless reptile bit its way up to his shoulder. "Well that... That's cute."

"I know. Now come on, Gummy. Momma needs to get back to work." Pinkie held out her hoof to allow the alligator to bite onto her. With Gummy free from Bryce, the later finally stood back up and dusted himself off.

As Bryce was finishing Ditzy came over with a white box on her Bryce. "Bryce, I have the cake. We really need to get going now. We've already spent more time than we should have."

"Yeah, I know. Well it was nice seeing you, Pinkie, Gummy."

By then Gummy had worked his way to the party mare's head and was attempting to suck her brain out.

"I'll say it again. Cute.".

Solitary Shell

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Chapter 39: Solitary Shell

A few minutes later, after Bryce felt well enough to go on, he and Ditzy continued on the way to the later's home. To try and avoid the crowd that had formed at the front of the bakery, they had been allowed to exit through the back door. This was really for the best since Bryce's display left nopony who could keep a straight face upon seeing him.

Bryce had volunteered to carry Dinky's birthday cake for Ditzy so she could walk normally. He also held onto the paper bag with the remaining unopened bars of chocolate.

As they cleared the sounds of the crowd behind them they heard a new group of voices a short distance ahead. Within the group they could see a dull brown colt with three other colts. These four colts were encircling a fifth. It was one Bryce remembered.

"So, what'd he look like?"

Scootaloo took a bite of her chocolate bar before saying a single word. "He was... tall, and he didn't have any fur."

"Yeah, we know that. What else?"

"He wearing an official Wonderbolts hoodie."

Rocksalt interrupted whatever his friends were going to say. "This is getting us nowhere. Now, at any point did it look like he tried to take control of your mind?"

"What...? N- No!"

Rocksalt took notice of Scootaloo's delay. "Why'd it take yuh so long ta answer?"

"I- it was just a weird question."

Rockstar narrowed his eyes. "Or he's already took control of your mind."

"Rock, how many more times are you gonna-"

"Shut it! You better give me some answers, runt, before I have ta get'em my own way."

One of his friends tried to get the earth pony's attention. "Rock..."

"What's it gonna be?"

"I'm not under his control." Scootaloo took another bite of her chocolate.

Rocksalt's jaw dropped when he figured something out. Reaching forward he knocked what remained of the bar onto the ground and began to viciously stomp it into the dirt.

"Hey, what'd you do that for?"

"Because, he probably put something in it to warp your mind enough ta make yuh a zombie."


"No he didn't, I saw him open it himself."

"Then... it was probably all a trick to... make yuh think... I don't know."



Rocksalt looked to where his friend indicated to see Bryce standing about a foot away from them.

"Rock, I think we should-"

Rocksalt wasn't prepared to listen. "Hey, big guy. What gives with you takin control of all them ponies? Well I can tell you one thing, you ain't gonna take-"

Again Rocksalt's friends held him back. "Please forgive him, sir, I mean, Master. He gets these crazy ideas and he almost makes himself believe them."

Bryce only stared down at them all.

"If you let us go we'll try and make sure he won't bother you again."

Bryce said his first words to them. "Leave... Take him with you."

The colts did as Bryce said, the whole time Rocksalt yelling out how Bryce had them all under his control.

When they were gone Bryce looked down to the orange pegasus. "Looks like you lost your chocolate."

Scootaloo sadly nodded.

Bryce thought the situation over before deciding what to do. Reaching into the paper bag he presented Scootaloo with an unopened bar of chocolate. "Here, I promise I didn't put anything in it to zombify you."

Scootaloo was slow to react, more surprised to see him willing to give her a second chocolate bar after what had happened to the first.

"Well, don't leave me hanging."

Scootaloo took the candy from Bryce and began to rip the wrapper off.

"Enjoy it, kid." As he walked off he left Scootaloo with a few parting words, "That one boy, he just ain't proper."

When the pair were alone again they both walked along in silence.

Since they were both alone, Bryce decided it was a good time to ask what had been gnawing at him. "Ditzy, can we talk about what happened now?"

"About what? There's nothing to talk about." Ditzy dismally said.

"I want you to look me in the eyes... I mean, I want you to, uh-"

"Bryce, would you stop trying to avoid saying anything involving eyes around me!? I'm okay with it!" Ditzy scolded him.

Bryce could only meekly respond, "I was only trying to not be rude."

Ditzy sighed. "I know, but you don't have to do that. It doesnt- It doesn't bother me."

Bryce rushed forward and stopped in front of the gray mare. "Fine, if it doesn't bother you then I want you to look me in the eyess and tell me what's bothering you."

Ditzy stopped before she could collide with his large legs. "Bryce, please, we need to get back."

"I know, but you don't need to go to your family like this. I can tell something's got you upset. And if I can see it they'll be able to see it as well."

The gray mare took a few steps back. "Bryce, it's none of your concern. Somepony like you would never understand."

"Fine. Let me tell you what's got you like this then," Bryce said in a more calm tone. "You're not upset about what he said about you. Are you?" That single statement was enough to make Ditzy flinch. "I doubt this is the first time someone like him has said things like that about you. From what I've seen you can easily tolerate anything someone says about you. You're upset about what he said about Dinky."

Ditzy's jaw almost dropped. Bryce had been able to hit the nail square on the head. "H- How did you know?"

He bluntly stated, "You're not the only one who can see the things others overlook."

Ditzy turned her head to look down at her hooves. An abundance of emotions began to well up inside of her. To say anything Bryce had said was wrong would have been a lie. He was right about everything. Ditzy had been teased about her eyes and her clumsiness since flight school. He had also been correct in saying she could tolerate it now; it still hurt at her skin nonetheless. But it had been what Thunderlane had said about Dinky which had pierced her thick skin to her very core. Tears began to stream down her face and land on the ground. "Bryce, is it all my fault?"


"Is it because of me Dinky is going to turn out to become stupid and- and clumsy?"

"Ditzy, you're not-"


For a minute the only sound between them was the sound of Ditzy's heavy breathing.

Bryce took a knee to get down to her level. "Ditzy... Dinky does take after you."

Ditzy tried to look away, but Bryce held onto her so she couldn't "Let me finish. Dinky does take after you, but it's all the good parts. Your daughter has been one of the nicest ponies I've seen since I've been here, and I haven't seen that many of you little horse things. From the day you brought her to act as a playmate to Sprout she's always tried to be as kind to everyone as she can. I mean, she even tried to cheer me up that evening after I... After I froze up."

A small smile began to form at the corners of Ditzy's mouth.

"I know she may have been angry at me for taking away her birthday, but she was only acting her age. And I still love her no matter what. If you're afraid of her turning out like someone then you should be happy it's you." Bryce released his hold on the gray mare.

"But... But I don't want her to be like me... Not completely like me. I want her to be able to go through school not knowing what it's like to be outside the group. I want her to have friends, to be invited to parties, and- and be asked out by the cute colt from school... If she's like me..." Ditzy's mood again dampened.

There was another bout of silence between them. "Ditzy, I know how you feel about that. I was the same way in school. I never really had any friends in school. I never had anyone from school over to my house, or been to theirs. I mean, my first year in college my roommate moved out for no reason and I was left with a room for two people all to myself. And all the walls were painted this dull white color that made it look like it went on and on forever. My whole time I was there I just wanted at least one picture. Anything I could hang on those walls to close it in; to give some endpoint.Sometimes I would go out, outside of my classes, to try and meet people. I would invite people to come, but they rejected me. Hell, the girls I asked thought I was trying to make a joke. Each night I would always end up going back to that same, white, depthless room occupied only by myself. That room was my life."

When Bryce had finished Ditzy could see how he understood her ordeal, but one thing remained to be seen. "Okay, you can understand what being alone is like, but what makes you think you know anything about having a child that could go through that?"

Bryce bit down on his lip. "When it comes to that... I have the same fear." Bryce swallowed before he continued. "In my world there is a... Well, there's no definite classification for it, but the big part about it is that it's genetic. The odds are low, but they're high enough it can happen to almost anyone, and I have the misfortune of being a recepient." With each word Bryce was finding it harder to press on.

"Bryce, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"I- I do. It's just... I've never told anyone about it." Bryce began to curl and uncurl his toes. "I don't know if there's an equivalent in this world, but I'm on the part of the autism spectrum called... As... Asperger's Syndrome."

"Ass... burgers?"

"No, Asperger's. There's a 'p', not a 'b'."

"I can't say I've ever heard of anything like that."

Bryce shook his head. "That's no surprise. Many in my world haven't, and those who do know assume only the most basic quirks."

"What do you mean by 'basic'?"

"Well, the biggest thing they say is how I don't like being touched. While that may be true, deep down you'll find everyone is like that. When your on a train would you want to be gut to gut with the person next to you? Another is that it's only affects a person mentally, but I sometimes get either constipated or gassy from something I ate the night before. What it was I can't ever tell."

Bryce took a sitting position and held out his leg to allow Ditzy to see the bottoms of his shoes. "Can you see how the soles of my shoes are more worn down at the top? Well that's because I walk on my toes sometimes... Well, a lot."

Ditzy had sat back, patiently listening to what Bryce had to say. "What about whenever you get angry? Sometimes it's like you it comes out of nowhere."

"Well, that is a part of it. People with autism can express emotion; they tend to act out how they feel instead of saying it. Sometimes they find it difficult to hold it all in and it comes out in abnormal ways. One second they seem happy and carefree, the next they've taken the Rubik's cube they've been working on and break the damned thing on the floor!"

Ditzy was thrown back by the anger in Bryce's last statement. "Why are people with... As...perger's like that?"

"It's just one of those things with no clear answer. They don't mean to be that way, but they just are."

"I don't understand."

"Well, why do you breathe?"

"So I can get air in my lungs and continue to live."

"Well, do you have to tell yourself to breathe, or to blink?"

"Well... No..."

Bryce nodded. "See, it's one of those things. I'm fully and wholly there to see it, but I don't have full control of it. It just... is what it is."

"So, when you said it's genetic, does that mean...?"

Bryce nodded. "I want to have kids of my own one day, but at the same time I'm- I'm afraid of any one of them going through what I did. Every child I have will have a chance of being on the autism spectrum, and a boy would be four times as likely."

"Is there any way in your world to cure it?"

Bryce shook his head. "The only real cure is to treat it before any of the symptoms can become habits. There can still be the physical symptoms, maybe a few of the mental ones, but if you treat it enough someone can get themselves off the autism spectrum entirely... If they have someone who cares enough to help. But even if there was a cure I..." There was a pause before Bryce said, "I wouldn't know how to function without it. It would be like you trying to go on if your wings were replaced by a horn, or if they were taken away from you overnight."

"I could probably learn to live with it.."

"Well a physical change one can adapt to, but if it were something mental you wouldn't be able to say that." Ditzy wasn't able to deny that claim. Bryce sighed. "Look, I know this may all be strange, but I- I don't want to have any special treatment because of it. I try to be a good person at heart, I do. I only have a more difficult time seeing the difference between what's right and what's wrong."

Before he continued, Bryce once again did his system of curling and uncurling his toes once again. "Am I still the same Bryce Smales to you?"

"Of course you are, why wouldn't you be?"

Bryce shook his head. "I don't know. I mean, I've played this same scenerio in my head I don't know how many times, and in each one the person either tells me I'm making it up, or making an excuse, or to just get over it. I unsure how to react to this."

Ditzy lay a hoof on his shoulder. "Bryce, you shouldn't worry how others see you to tell you who you are. If I did that my whole life I wouldn't be called a mother. And while I was a tad upset about you stopping us in the middle of the road it did turn out to be the right thing for you to do. And if you thought this was right then I'm not going to ask you to explain yourself."

"But do you still worry about her?"

"... I'm unsure."

"I bet... I bet I can tell you something to change your mind. It's short so I can tell you along the way."

"Well, if it's short."

The pair were soon back on track towards the mare's home. Along the way Bryce told his tale. "In my world there aren't any pegasi, or unicorns, except in myths and legends. However, in the beliefs of a certain people there was a winged horse known as Pegasus. Pegasus had been the steed of two great heroes and a carrier for the gods, but an important characteristic were his hooves, for wherever they touched the earth a spring would come forth."

"It was one such spring, of Pegasus' creation, that was held above the others. It was from this spring, known as Hippocrene, which the goddesses who inspired man in literature, science, and the arts considered sacred. It was said that men who drank of its water would be blessed with the gift to create beauteous works of art and literature."

"That was a nice story, Bryce, but what does it have to do with me?"

"You may not be the steed of heroes but you are a carrier of sorts. And when you came down from Cloudsdale you did create something great, Ditzy. If it had not been for you there would be no Dinky, and I can promise you right here that Dinky is going to be important to everyone one day, and that she will not be alone. On that day she will share the glory with all of her friends, and her true love."

"How can you be so sure?"

Bryce looked down at her with a smirk. "I can see things that others can't."

When Ditzy looked up into his light gray eyes it took away any doubts she still had. Ditzy flew up and wrapped her hooves around Bryce's thick neck. With tears in her eyes, Ditzy said, "Thank you, Bryce. Thank you so, so much." Ditzy leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Please keep being yourself, Bryce Smales. It's the only person you will ever know how to be. I can tell you now that there is somepony who cares enough to help you out of that solitary shell you think you're stuck in."

"Wait, Ditzy, I said I don't want any-"

"Shh... Bryce, this isn't me giving you special treatment. This is a friend helping out a friend. You've already done so much for us, not just for me, but for my family. And I bet they'll both try to be just as helpful. You'll see. If anything "

Deep down the message was clear to Bryce. While an Aspie like him may never be able to understand the world, neither this one nor the one he had came from, he could take solace in knowing he as wasn't as alone as he had thought and life no longer felt so endless.

Out of Milk

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Chapter 40: Out of Milk

Bryce sat at the breakfast table eating his usual breakfast of two fried egg sandwiches. Apple Bloom sat opposite him with her head resting on her hooves. For whatever reason the yellow filly was taking a big interest in his breakfast, and the staring was beginning to make Bryce anxious.

After eating off the crusts from his first sandwich, Bryce finally asked, "Uhh... Sprout... Why are you... looking at me?"

Ignoring his question, Apple Bloom asked, "Why do yuh always have the same thing for breakfast?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Ah don't know; it's somethin Ah've noticed."

"Well, it's something I like to have."

"That much?"


Before Bryce could even get in his first bite, Apple Bloom interrupted. "Why do yuh like eggs so much?"

Bryce lowered the sandwich. "Well it's just something I like to have. If anything it's the best source of protein I'm going to get in this world."


Bryce was halfway done with his first sandwich when Apple Bloom again interrupted him. "What's protein?"

"Well, it's an essential nutrient every living things needs to survive. Some foods that have it are eggs, beans, nuts, seeds, and me... me... Mung beans!"

"Yuh said beans twice."

"... I know. I was seeing if you were listening... You were." Bryce quickly went back to his breakfast, downing what remained of his sandwich as fast as he could.

"If all those other foods have protein then why do yuh only eat eggs?"

"Sprout, it's... it's just my thing. I mean, I had the same thing for breakfast back home: Two fried egg sandwiches, a side of grits, and a glass of milk, every morning."

Apple Bloom looked at Bryce opened mouthed. "Every morning!? Wait, what's a grit?"

Bryce chuckled to himself. "No, it's grits. There's more than one. They're small bits of dent corn that have been ground down, but not too ground down. What you do is you take this ground dent corn and put it in a small pot of boiling water, stirring it occasionally. Once the water's all boiled down you put a tablespoon or two of butter in it and let it melt. Finally, it's ready to serve. Add salt as desired."

"Oh. Why would anypony go through that trouble just ta have ground up corn? Couldn't they just have corn on the cob?"

"No, it's not the same. Yeah, corn on the cob is nice, but it's nothing compared to grits. It'll warm you up on a cold day and it sticks to your ribs."

Apple Bloom's pupils shrank. "It... sticks to your... ribs? Is it 'that' hot!?"

Bryce laughed again. "No, it means it'll keep you full for a while. I had the same reaction whenever my momma told me the same thing." Having said that, Bryce began to pull the crusts off his second sandwich.

At that moment, Granny Smith came trotting in from outside, with Corn and Winona following close beind. After saying her hellos to Bryce and Apple Bloom the aged mare went over to the cabinets and began to look each one up and down.

"Granny, what'cha doin?"

"Ah'm trying ta see what all your sister needs to get when shes goes sellin apples at the farmer's market today. We're gettin low on a lot of things."

While Granny Smith did this, Bryce was having to deal with the begging of the two canines that had followed the green mare inside. Taking one look at them, Bryce said, "No, you're only going to waste it."

Corn and Winona continued to eye Bryce's remaining fried egg sandwich.

Sighing heavily, Bryce relented, knowing full well it would indeed be a waste. Pulling of two sections of the egg he offered it to the dogs.

They both began to sniff Bryce's egg. After taking his portion into his mouth, Corn immediately dropped his onto the floor. Winona, on the other hand, ate her portion and took what was left of her much larger companion's.

Bryce shook his head. "You see, that's what you're supposed to do. You'll eat any meat I give you. You'll eat peanut butter. You'll eat what you had a few hours ago, again. But you won't eat that. Even though you know good and well what it is." Bryce shook his head again. "You're nothing better than something to talk to, but I love you so much." Bryce firmly petted Corn on the head. "Sprout, take them out, please."

Apple Bloom quickly did as she was asked. As the door closed Applejack came trotting in through the same door. When she set eyes on Bryce, who had started to down his glass of milk. The apple mare tried her best to not look at him and went over to Granny. "Okay, Granny, Ah'm all set. Do yuh have a list of everything Ah need ta get?"

"Ah'm finishing it now. But, AJ, do yuh think you could let Bryce go with yuh?"

"Uh, beg pardon?"

"Well, you're always tellin me how it takes yuh too long ta get everything 'and' sell apples all in the same day. If yuh let him go with yuh it would give yuh that much more time."

Applejack scratched the back of her head. "Uh, Granny, Ah don't... Ah don't think that would be a good idea."

"Ahh horseapples. He'll be fine."

"But he... He just went inta town not too long ago."

"That was two weeks ago. And besides it would be good for him ta get outta sight of the farm. Keeping the boy all cooped up her can't be good for him."

"Maybe not, but he... He doesn't know where all to go."

Granny Smith narrowed her eyes. "Maybe he doesn't, but that's not the point. He can find his way around."

Bryce slammed his empty glass on the table, ending the discussion between the two mares. "Would you both stop talking about me in third person!"

The kitchen became quiet following Bryce's outburst.

Getting up slowly, Bryce took his plate and glass and rinsed them out in the sink. After a few renditions of curling and uncurling his toes, Bryce looked over and said, "I'll do it."

Applejack was dumbfounded. "What...?"

"I'll get the stuff."

"What... but... you..."

Granny Smith interjected, "See, AJ. Bryce is willing ta help. Now if you'll give me a minute ta finish up you can both get on the road. Oh, and while you're at it why don't yuh take Apple Bloom with yuh too. It'd do her good ta get out."

Bryce nodded. "Well, with Dinky and Amethyst not coming today we have nothing better to do."

"You have a point there. Now, do yuh have any bits, sonny?"

"What's a bit?"

Granny Smith opened a drawer and pulled out a metal coin. "This is a bit."

Bryce shook his head. "I have green pieces of cloth with numbers on them."

Applejack began to eye the human. "Green pieces of cloth. They can't have much value then."

Bryce smirked. "You're not completely wrong."

"Well don't you worry. Ah'll get yuh enough ta get everything on the list. Ah'll even add a few more for you ta use. After all you've done around here you deserve some money ta spend on yourself."

Applejack began to protest. "Granny, we don't have that-"

Granny Smith shot her oldest granddaughter a look. "Hush. He's earned it." With that the aged mare left the room to go get the necessary amount of currency.


The walk into Ponyville was a rather uneventful one. The trio walked side-by-side with Apple Bloom trotting between Applejack and Bryce. The entire trip no one said anything, for whatever reason unknown to them all.

When they reached the outskirts Applejack broke the silence. "Now, Apple Bloom, Ah want yuh ta stay close ta Bryce when y'all are shopping. Around lunch time come on back to the stall just so Ah know you're alright. If yuh still feel like staying in town then you can drop off the groceries with me and go your own way, but Ah want yuh back at the my stall before it gets dark." The apple mare then looked up towards Bryce. "And Bryce... Just... try not ta..."

Bryce looked Applejack's way. "Try not to what?"

"Just... keep mah sister safe, and stay outta trouble."

They continued the rest of the trip in silence.

As the wagon rolled into the town square Bryce could see a cornucopia of the fruits and vegetables blossom forth. At each stall there was a different peddler attempting to sell their own home grown produce to whoever passed by. At one there were watermelons varying in size from ones that could fit in the palm of Bryce's hand to a scant few the size of his gut. At another stall there was a stallion trying to sell potatoes shaded in colors of red and yellow, brown and white. It was when Bryce saw a stall selling onions that made him cringe. The stench of the shopkeeper's breath caused Bryce's eyes to well up. It was as if the vendor ate only his own produce. If that were so Bryce didn't want to be around his other end..

A minute later they came to an empty stall. It was obvious to whom it belonged to when Applejack parked the wagon behind it. When the apple mare started to unload the baskets Bryce tried to help but was shooed off. "Bryce, go on and get the stuff on the list. You won't know how best ta set up everything anyway. And remember; be back here by lunchtime. Don't make me have ta come lookin for yuh both." Or make me have ta break up something you started, even if you weren't intending ta start it.

Bryce held his hands out at his sides. "Have some faith in me. That 'featherbrain' was the one who started it."

Applejack gave him an odd look. "Beg pardon?"

"Uh... I promise to try and get back by then."

"Good. Just follow the list. If there's anything yuh need come get me. And take my saddlebags with yuh to help yuh carry everything."

After shouldering the apple mare's saddlebags Bryce and Apple Bloom headed out. Pulling out the list Granny Smith had given him, Bryce gave it a look over. "Sprout, have you ever been her on a market day before?"

"Yeah, a few times."

"Well could you help me find our way around?"

"Ah'll try, but Ah don't know Ponyville all that well."

"Well any help you can give could help up get done faster. So... first thing is... carrots."

"Oh, Ah know where those are. We passed'em on the way in."

"Okay, show me the way."

The pair zigzaged their way through the square, the yellow filly leading the much larger human. As they passed the multitude of ponies they each gave Bryce a look as he went by. Many would immediately pull themselves out of his path, while others would keep their present course. The sheer number of ponies who were there did stress out Bryce somewhat, but there were a lot less than from his previous encounter.

Eventually, Apple Bloom stopped and stuck out her hoof. "There it is!"

Looking to where Apple Bloom indicated Bryce saw the entire stall selling only the thing he was currently after, carrots. As he stepped forward he began to rehearse what he would say to the shopkeeper.

At the counter there was a pale yellow mare with a curly orange mane. For whatever reason she seemed to be familiar to Bryce, he just couldn't quite put his finger on how or where he'd seen her.

When Bryce and Apple Bloom took a step towards the stall the mare occupying it began to shiver in her hooves. For the next few seconds Bryce and the yellow mare only stood and stared at each other, neither one sure what the other was thinking of doing.

After what seemed like an eternity, the mare asked, "Can I... he- he- help you...?"

"Well, I need some... carrots."

"Oh... H- How many d- do you need?"

Bryce opened his mouth to speak, but when he did no words came out. He pulled out the list to see if there was anything to tell him how many, but the list simply said the word 'carrots'. "I need... carrots."

"Y- Yes, I have ca- carrots... How many do you need?" The mare asked with the shaky grin.

The number of possible answers surged through Bryce's brain. The list said carrots, so there definitely needed to be more than one. At the stall there were baskets and baskets of carrots, at least half a thousand, if not a whole one. The only question was how many was the correct answer. Bryce could say all, but he highly doubted the apple farm would need that many. If not all then maybe half her stock, but at whatever price this monopolist was going to charge would be way more than Bryce even had. Then there was the other extreme. What if he was supposed to get only two carrots. Could that be right? That could be right, but what if it was too little. Bryce stood there, the right answer trying to come up, but there was no way to say what it was. He was lost. There was too little information to ask. He didn't know her price, how much a 'bit' could buy of anything, how much the price may go up if he came back later, the price of tea in China based on his ultimate decision... Wait, that had nothing to do with this, or anything like it.

Or did it?

"Is everything alright?" The yellow mare behind the counter asked.

Bryce looked at her. Whatever had been startling her about him before appeared to have evaporated. The appearance of fear she had had now looked to be more of one of concern. For him.

"Is there somepony I can find for-"

"Excuse me, is everything alright?" A familiar voice asked from behind Bryce.

Carrot Top shook in surprise when she heard that shrill voice.

Standing to Bryce's side, almost as if she had appeared out of nowhere, was Rarity with Fluttershy behind her.

"Is there anyway I can help?" The white mare asked.

"Well... uh... I..."

"He said he needs carrots, but he won't tell me how many."

"How many do you need?"

"I... need..." Bryce stammered out.

"Come now, darling. It's a simple question."

"It's.. The list..." Bryce began to twist the piece of parchment in his hands. "Only... says... carrots..."

Fluttershy suddenly stepped in front of Bryce and Rarity. "Excuse me, could you please give him half my usual amount? If you don't mind?"

"Sure, I can do that. And the usual for you?" Fluttershy nodded. Carrot Top bent down and began to bunch up some carrots. When she came back up she had three dozen tied together in three separate bunches. "There you are. That'll be ten bits for you, Fluttershy, and five for... Bryce."

"Yes. Here, I'll pay for-"

Bryce finally said his first whole sentence. "No, I'll pay for my own." He pulled out five of the coins, dropped them on the counter, placed one of the three bunches into Applejack's saddlebags, and walked off.

Apple Bloom had to struggle to try and keep up. "Bryce, slow down! Ah can't keep up!" When Bryce stopped the yellow filly came close to colliding with him. "Bryce, what's the matter?"

"It's complicated. Let's go on and get everything else."

In that time both Rarity and Fluttershy came running over to him. "Bryce, what are you doing?" Rarity asked.

"I'm out buying groceries."

"No, why are you running away? And why were you just standing back there?"

Bryce didn't respond.

"Why won't you answer me!?"

Fluttershy stepped up again. "Rarity, don't be so hard on him. Not everypony can be as open as you."

"I know, but he's an adult. He should be able to at least give a simple answer."

Fluttershy ignored Rarity and stood before Bryce. "Bryce, is there a reason you felt you couldn't answer?"

He meekly answered, "Well... I didn't know how many carrots I... was supposed to get, and I don't know how much anything costs."

"Could I take a look at your list?" Bryce handed the crumpled up list to the buttercup pegasus. "Oh, I see what you mean. This is your first time, and you got caught up in what was the right amount." Fluttershy gave the list back to Bryce. "Bryce, Rarity and I have some more things we need to buy. Do you mind if we help you pick out everything on your list?"

"Well, if you don't mind."

"It's no trouble, honest. Right, Rarity?"

"Of course it's not. After all, what are friends for?" Rarity said as she brushed up her curled mane.

"Now then, what's next on your list?"


"Here you are, sir, that'll be four bits." Bryce reached into his coin sack for the umpteenth time that day and pulled out the spcified amount of coinage. "Thank you. have a nice day." After pocketing his purchase, Bryce walked away from the stall with Rarity, Fluttershy, and Apple Bloom in tow. Since their meeting things had went from bad to good to better. With the two mares' help he was able to acquire eveything on his list while helping him with specific amounts when the need arise.

"Now then, about how many more items are on your list?" Rarity asked.

"Well, there's only one more thing left. Two pounds of shelled walnuts."

"That's an easy one. There's a stall which sells only nuts not too far from my boutique. You know, where I make my beautiful dresses, each one made to perfectly bring out the best appearance of its wearer."

"That, and lingerie." Bryce said with a smirk.

"... Well, yes... Let us continue."

Along the way, Apple Bloom asked, "What do yuh mean by laundry?"

"I'll tell you whenever you're older, Sprout."

The group made their way towards Carousel Boutique. Rarity was the first to say anything. "Ahh, there he is."

Where she pointed there was a stall brimming with baskets and barrels of different kinds of edible nuts. Standing close by was a light chestnut coated, dark maned earth pony which Bryce took to be the owner.

"Bryce, we're going to allow you to take care of this one yourself, since you already know how much you need," Rarity said with Fluttershy nodding in agreement. "Do you think you can manage that?"

"Well, I'll try. Will you stay until I'm done?"

"Of course, darling. Somepony will need to watch after Apple Bloom after all."

"Well, okay."

Curling and uncurling his toes a few times, Bryce made his way towards the chestnut stallion's stall. At his approach a matching pair of almond colored unicorn fillies with dark manes came running out at Bryce. "Hey, Mister. Are you wanting to buy our nuts!?" One of the fillies shouted.

Bryce was thrown back by the filly's question. "Buy your...?"

The second filly added, "We have lots of nuts."

They both began to take turns listing off the kinds of nuts they had to offer. "There's hazelnuts,"




"Pea cans,"

"Cat shoes."

The light chestnut stallion rushed over at the sounds of his foals' ranting. "Sir, I do apologize," he said in a Trottingham accent. "This is their first time helping me at my stall... and..." The stallion's apology slowed when he noticed to whom he was speaking. "Oh dear..."

Bryce and the stallion both stood looking at each other for what felt like the longest time. It was hard to tell if the stallion was afraid of the human in front of him, or intrigued.

A minute later the light chestnut stallion found the nerve to speak. "Pardon me, but is your name Bryce?"


"Oh, well, I apologize for my lapse in thought, but you seemed so much smaller when I saw you on the steps of Sugarcube Corner. You see, there never been anything like you in these parts."

"Well, I get that a lot."

"Yes, well, I suppose you would. Now then, is there something I can help you with?"

"Yeah, I'm here to get some shelled walnuts."

The stallion's mood quickly shifted. "Well if that's what here for then you came to the right place. How much are you looking for?"

"Uh... two pounds."

"Girls, go get our customer his walnuts, please." The two fillies did as their father asked. "Again I do apologize for my children. You know kids; always trying their hardest and putting too much enthusiasm into their pitches. They're just a couple of Nuts from the same Nut. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kernal Nut. These are my daughters, Almondine and Butter Pecan."

Both fillies came running back with a paper bag in their mouths. "Her's ur walnuh, Mhum Bryce."

Bryce took the bags from them both. "Okay, how much?"

"That'll be twelve bits for the walnuts. Tell you what; why don't I give you a sample of my wife's newest recipe. Free of charge."

Bryce paid for the walnuts while Kernal gave him a jar containing a dark chocolate substance. Bryce held it up to his eye level. Around the edges he could see nuts sticking out from whatever was supposed to be contained within. "What is this supposed to be?"

"From what she said it's supposed to be a spread composed of chocolate and ground hazelnuts. I hate to ask, but would you mind giving it a try now and tell me what you think of it? You see, my wife wants some feedback on her work."

"Okay, since you asked." Bryce unscrewed the lid and dipped his pinky inside.

Kernal Nut smiled, anticipating what was to come.

Bryce was expecting something close to Nutella, if that was what this stallion's wife had been aiming for. Instead he was met with a sour taste with what felt like whole nuts and rock candy added in. Looking at Apple Bloom, Bryce could see it had the same effect on her.

"It's... okay."

The smile Kernal had began to appear forced. "Just okay?"

"Well, I was expecting it to taste like chocolate, and feel like creamy peanut butter. This tastes like your wife went overboard on the lemon extract and overcooked the sugar. It feels like crunchy peanut butter. I woud suggest she substitute the lemon extract with vanilla, about a teaspoon or two, and grind the hazelnuts down some more. She should try and not cook the sugar for so long so it doesn't clump together. If it's supposed to be a spread you want it to be like margarine, or regular peanut butter. Not lumpy and crunchy."

Kernal had been listening to Bryce intensely. Dipping his hoof into a fresh jar he had a taste himself. "Hmm, I can see what you mean. I'll pass it along to her. Do you have experience with this kind of work?"

"Well... I can cook. I've never tried making anything like this, but I do love to eat. I have a second sense with these kinds of things."

"Ahh, I understand what you mean. You see my wife has just recently tried to make what she calls 'the next biggest thing in Equestria.' My daughters and I have endured a hundred different recipes, at least, and it's something she has her heart set on. It's only recently she even let me offer a taste to my customers."

"Well, it's an ambition, I'll give it that."

"You're right about that. Now, is there anything else I can get for you?"

"Well, not right now."

"Then thank you for stopping by. Please come again soon. Say bye kids."

Butter Pecan and Almondine said goodbye in unison. "Bye, Mister Bryce."

"Look, it's just Bryce. I'm only 23; not an old geezer with a humpback, a turkey neck, and no teeth who hates seeing kids on his lawn." Bryce bent forward, sucked in both his lips, and flexed his neck muscles. "Now I'm an old geezer," Bryce said, imitating an old man's voice. "You kids stay off my lawn or I'll tell your parents on you."

The two fillies began to laugh at Bryce's imitation. Kernal had to bring a hoof to his mouth to keep himself from laughing. "Now, now, girls, we have work to do."

Waving them off, Bryce walked back towards his friends, who had been watching his charade the entire time. Rarity was the first to speak. "So how did it go?"

"It went well. I got the walnuts."

"Did you remember to thank him?" Fluttershy asked.

Bryce began to scratch the back of his head. "Well... No..."

"You should try and remember to thank somepony who helps you with something."

"I... I know, I just forgot."

"Don't feel too bad. You should be proud you were able to do this yourself. What were you doing at the end?."

"I was pretending to be an older gentleman. Just trying to make the kids laugh."

"I will say this, you do tend to do better with children than with ponies your age," Rarity complimented.

"Yeah, well, it's just one of my things." Bryce took a look at his watch. "I'd like to stay, but Apple Bloom's sister wanted us back by lunchtime."

"If that's so then I'll let you two be on your way."

"Okay. And thanks for helping me today. I wouldn't have been able to do anything without y'all."

"Don't mention it, darling. It's the least we could do." With that the two mares took their leave.

"Come, Sprout, let's get back before your sister makes an ape skin rug out of me. Or not, I not sure how she feels anymore. What would you say to some ice cream later on? I think I have enough bits to buy us a cone."

Apple Bloom gave Bryce a big smile and nodded rapidly.

Bryce smirked. "Somehow I knew you'd say yes."

Don't Tap the Glass

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Chapter 41: Don't Tap the Glass

After taking an hour off for lunch Applejack let Bryce and Apple Bloom go explore the town. She was glad to have the extra time to sell more apples, but at the same time she was still cautious to allow her little sister to be left alone in town with Bryce. It wasn't that she didn't trust him to look after her, it was more that he may cause something he didn't intend to, and that Apple Bloom may get involved in it.

Despite her inhibitions the apple mare still allowed them both to go into town for the rest of the day.

For a couple of hours Bryce and Apple Bloom strolled through Ponyville, doing more window shopping than actually buying anything. After buying everything the family needed to go about the week, Bryce had 75 bits left to spend however he pleased, minus whatever it cost to buy ice cream for him and Apple Bloom. When they had began to browse there were a few things Bryce saw which he wanted, but as he went on there became more and more and more. He couldn't keep up.

About an hour after leaving Applejack for the second time Bryce saw something that peaked his interests. On a sign hanging off the side of a building he saw a paint brush crossing swords with a popsicle stick. The two sparing instruments were in the process of being stitched into an embroidery hoop. Around this duel, there was the name of the shop: NEEDLEPOINT'S CRAFT SUPPLY The lettering of NEEDLEPOINT'S was a fancy cursive font made from the long thread of the embroidery. The needle came up to form the 'I'. The remaining words were in block type of varying colors and shapes. The entire composition sparkled in the lowering sun from added glitter grains

As the pair passed inside they were met by the ringing of a tiny bell over the door.

From within, somepony said, "Good afternoon, is there anything I can help you find today?"

Looking to the side, Bryce found a unicorn wearing glasses. His attention on an embroidery hoop wrapped in a pale yellow aura. "Well, I'm looking for something to do some whittling or wood carving."

Without looking up, the unicorn said, "Wood carving? Back wall; next to the paints."

"Okay, thank you. Sprout, if there's anything you want to look at then go do it, but be careful with it." Walking to the back of the shop, Bryce found where the sunset orange unicorn had indicated sitting between small tubes of paint and an assortment of wicker baskets, with a rectangular one large enough for him to hide in if need be.

The pickings for wood cutting were small, to say the least. It was mostly a few wood carving chisel sets and a few knives. The knives, however, perked up Bryce. Just seeing what they had to offer put all his tools back home to shame. The dolls he had made with Ponzi's knife had been crude, but good enough to tell what they were supposed to be. With even one of these blades in his adept hands there was no telling what he could do.

Bryce picked up a high quality blade, one with a metal handle and full tang. Turning it over Bryce was thrown back at the price: 165 bits. It seemed to be a good one, but Bryce didn't have that much nor was he prepared to pay that much for anything, yet.

Placing the first one back Bryce picked up a lower quality whittling knife with a crude wooden handle and partial tang. It was a much fairer price, 15 bits, and in his hands it would do well, but he still wanted a good knife.

At that moment the front door ringed once again, and again Needlepoint welcomed them inside.

A voice familiar to Bryce answered back. "Hey, Mr. Needlepoint."

Needlepoint turned his attention away from what he was doing. "Ahh, Sparkler! How have you been? It's been too long since I last saw you. What brings you here on this fine day?"

"Oh, it's nothing too big. I'm just here with my little sis to help her find some paints to-"

"Ha, I knew she had the painter's touch in her the moment I saw her!"

"No, Mr. Needlepoint, it's not for anything like that," Amethyst refuted. "We only need some paint to paint her little ponies."

"Her... little ponies?"

"Yes. Dinky, show him."

Dinky carefully brought out the small wooden ponies Bryce had made for her.

Needlepoint was amazed at the sight of the dolls. Picking them up in his magic he brought them closer. "My, these figures are incredible. The anatomy is off in places, and the wings on the pegasus are... ungainly, but they are magnificent."

Dinky began to jump up in an attempt to get her toys back. "Give those back, they're mine!"

"Dinky, settle down. Mr. Needlepoint wasn't trying to be rude." As soon as Dinky had her little ponies back safely in her hooves she immediately settled down. "I'm sorry, it's just a friend of hers made them especially for her, and she doesn't want anypony she doesn't know very well to mess with them."

"I can understand. In fact your father was the same way when it came to his paintings. Ponet wouldn't let me, your mother, not a single pony see his works until they were finished."

"Yeah, I can remember that. Every time I tried to sneak a peek he would slash his brush at me. He slung paint into my eye once and I had my head pulled under the faucet for at least twenty minutes."

Needlepoint began to laugh. "He would do the same to me. One time he threw his palette at me. It took a full two months to get the last of the paint out of my fur. It would have gotten out sooner, but your father insisted he had to paint my portrait afterwards." Needlepoint pointed to a painting on the wall of a splattered color wheel on a pony's rump.

Amethyst snorted. "Wait, that's the big project he kept going on about, and why you were wearing a skirt the whole time?"

Needlepoint gritted his teeth. "Yes, but only because your father insisted the colors not get smudged."

Amethyst laughed hard. "Do you even know what he kept saying the whole time he was painting that one?"

"No, what?" Amethyst bent forward and whispered into Needlepoint's ear so Dinky wouldn't hear. When she was done, the sunset unicorn laughed even harder. "It's a real shame then. I can't even tell you how many ponies he tried to sell it to. He eventually had to just give it to me to try and sell. I can't say I blame anypony; nopony would want that hanging over their fireplace. Nevertheless, I feel it will always be his best work."

"I will say it does look better than what we have on the walls at home. It's been nice seeing you, Mr. Needlepoint, but we should get our paints. The sooner we get them the sooner they can dry."

"There was somepony who came in just before you both looking for wood carving tools. He should still be back there if he's still here. He may like to see your sister's... Little ponies was it?"

"Yep, that's what she calls them." As Amethyst turned around she had to jump to avoid tripping over Apple Bloom, who had been playing quietly with Dinky the whole time. "APPLE BLOOM...!? What are you doing here?"

"Ah'm just lookin around. Bryce is back there lookin at the wood cutting stuff."

"Wait, has he been here the whole time?"

"Uh huh."

Dinky didn't wait around to listen. She quickly got to her hooves and ran through the store.

"Dinky, slow down!"

Amethyst's shout went unnoticed. Her concern was on finding Bryce. Going on what she had heard, the grayish-purple filly found the paints and began to look around the area. No matter where she looked, however, she saw neither hide nor hair of him. All there was was the many tubes of paint, an upside-down wicker basket, and wood cutting tools.

As she was looking around Amethyst came over at a carefully quick pace. "Dinky, what's gotten into you?"

"I... I was looking for Bryce... That stallion said he would be here." She said with disappointment.

"Look, I know you like Bryce, but you shouldn't be running around in here. You could break something and we'd have to-"

She was cut off when they both heard the sound of something skidding across the ground. When they began to look around the sound stopped.

"Dinky... was that you?" Amethyst asked, looking straight at her sister.

"N- No..."

The skidding started up again, but stopped when they looked for the source.

When they looked towards the wicker basket they noticed something. There was a large rectangular wicker backet laying uncomfortably close to them.

"Dinky... was that basket like that when you got here...?"

"No. I- It was against th- the wall."

Amethyst furrowed her brow and cleared the distance between her and the basket. Standing tall, she said, "Bryce... You're setting a bad example for Dinky."

There was no response from within.

"Bryce, get out of there. Now!"

Again there was no response.

Sighing heavily, Amethyst fired up her horn and lifted the rectangular basket.

When she pulled it up her pupils shrank.

There was no one lying on the ground.

She flipped the basket every which way, thinking he had wedged himself inside, but the answer was clear: Bryce wasn't there.

"Amy... where's Bryce?"

"He's... I thought... There's no way he could have-"

From behind them there came a soft voice. "Boo."

The two girls immediatly felt their skin crawl and they stepped back into a hard object. Taking a look up they saw Bryce staring down at him with a smile that showed all of his top teeth. "Well twisting a basket around like that sets a bad example for her too."

"What... Buh... It's not the same," Amethyst said as she regained her composure. "There's nothing fun in scaring girls."

From the side Apple Bloom was laughing.

"Well she thinks there is."

Amethyst sighed again. "Okay, I will admit that you got us. You just better not make a habit of it. How did you pull the basket anyway?"

"Well I tied a piece of black thread to it." Bryce held the thread up to the light. "Pratically invisible." Bryce looked down at Dinky. "Finally wanting to paint your toys, huh?"

"Yeah, I really like them, Bryce."

"Well I made them for you. It's the least I could do for what you after what you gave me for my birthday. Now, go on and get your paints."

Dinky did as Bryce said and began to look the paints over.

"And Dinky, remember to only get the paints you need to paint your little poines, and nothing else." Amethyst said. HSe turned to Bryce. "So... I see you made it off the farm. How long have you been in Ponyville?"

"Well, about four or five hours. I came with Applejack to get the groceries while she sold apples."

"How long ago was that? We didn't even see you until now."

"Well Apple Bloom and I finished an hour ago. Now we're just looking around until Applejack gets done."

"We were out shopping a little while ago ourselves. A friend of ours said she saw you. She told me you had another one of your... of your moments."

Bryce cradled his arms. "Yeah... I did..."

"Did it have something to do with that thing you have. I forget what you called it, but it sounded like another word for somepony's bottom?"

"It did."

Amethyst brought Bryce out of ear shot of Dinky and Apple Bloom. "What caused it this time?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because I want to help you and see if there's a way you could avoid it."

"It... had to do with... Has someone ever asked you a question where there were so many possible answers you just don't know which one is the right one?"

Amethyst thought a second. "I'm not entirely sure I follow."

"Well, pick that thing up over there with your magic." Bryce waved behind her.

"What thing?'

Bryce waved his arm again. "That thing."

"What thi- Oh..."

"See, it's like that."

"Okay, so what was the question?"

"Well, it was about how many carrots I wanted to buy."

"Okay, well that is a simple question. And from what you said I think your problem was you didn't know how many was the correct number? Am I right?"

Bryce nodded.

"For that... I'm not sure I can give an answer to that. It's just too... too..."


"Yes... I mean-"

"No, you're right. But that's not what I need help with. I'm always going to have problems with that. I need help with how I freeze up. You see, some people with Asperger's are always in a ready state of either fight or flight. It's like a weak foundation; setting a needle on it can send the whole thing toppling down. With Asperger's, this response gets triggered and the person topples both ways. You stay there to try and face it 'and' you are running away. Except I'm not running away in the literal sense. My body stays, my mind runs away, and I freeze in place. Am I being clear?"

"You're kind of nailing it in, but you're missing the head, if that makes sense?"

"Well, you saw how I was after Rainbow wet me."

"Yeah, I remember that..." Amethyst thought back to the day she had met Bryce. Back then he was nothing but scum to him, but now she couldn't think how her life could have been any better without his intervention. "I would suggest, maybe, that you could think about something good. Maybe thinking about a bright moment in your life can outweigh the bad now. I don't know it it will work, but maybe it could help."

"Maybe it could."

"Bryce, I'm trying to help."

"I know you are, but it's not easy."

"I know it isn't, but I'm not going to stop. You may not think you matter to anypony, but there are some ponies who would go out of their way to get you through the hard times. You remember that."

"Amethyst, why are you doing this? Why are you being so helpful?"

"Because you've been so helpful to my sister, my mother, and to me."

When Amethyst was done, Bryce stood his ground and could only look into her violet eyes. In them she could tell what she had said was the truth. But what got him at how she had said he had helped her mother. Bryce had never met Amethyst's mother, let alone even seen a picture of her. That could only mean Amethyst was talking about Ditzy. The first time Bryce had seen Amethyst she had been so horrible to her stepmother; hated her to the soul. Could he have made Amethyst change her opinion of Ditzy, or her heart? It was puzzling, but completely clear.

"AMY!!! BRYCE!!!" Dinky cried out.

Both Bryce and Amethyst came running back to where they'd last seen Dinky with Apple Bloom. When they got there they saw the gray toned filly safe and unharmed. "Dinky, what's the matter!?"

"Nothing, I was just wanting to know where you both were. I picked out the paints," Dinky said as she showed off the paint tubes in front of her.

"Dinky... You shouldn't have yelled out like that," Amethyst scolded, "but I guess we shouldn't have left you both like that. But don't forget the brushes; you can't paint without paint brushes."

"Oh, you're right. Thanks, sis." Dinky ran off and came back with a mouthful of watercolor brushes.

As they walked up to the front of the store with their purchases, Needlepoint made his way for the register. "Did you all find everything you-" As Bryce came into sight the unicorn stopped midsentence.

Amethyst spoke up. "Mr. Needlepoint, this is our friend, Bryce. He's the one who carved Dinky's little ponies."

What Needlepoint did was unexpected. The stallion stepped up to Bryce until he was a short step away. Needlepoint stared up into the human's gray eyes.

Bryce could only look back.

"You, sir, are brilliant."

Bryce was still dazed from seeing the sunset stalion looking at him. "I'm... what...?"

"The wooden figures you made are magnificent."

"You didn't say that bef-"

"In all my time I have never seen anypony able to carve out anything as realistic as those figures. But I suppose you aren't a pony... Are you?"

Bryce could only shake his head.

"What is your name?"

"Uh... Bryce..."

"Well, Bryce, I just had to say it to your face. Tell me, could you possibly do it again?"

"Well, yeah, if I had the right tools."

"Then allow me to propose a business oppurtunity. If you would bring me more of these figures I would pay you a good portion of whatever bits they-"

"L- Let me stop you there. I don't make them for money. I make them to pass the time, and for gifts. To me, they aren't something one can put a price on, so I make them for others and give them away."

"Are you sure? Do you know how much somepony would-"

"I'm sorry, but no." Bryce firmly stated.

Needlepoint looked disappointed, but he just brushed it off. "I understand." He walked back over to the cash register. "Now, did you find everything you were looking for?"

"Well, not entirely what I wanted, but it'll do for now." Bryce held out the 15 bit knife.

"At least you are trying to contine your craft. That'll be 10 bits."

"Well the price tag says it's 15."

"Oh, you can ignore that. I give a discount to my favorite artists. Would you like a bag for that?"

"I'm going the full amount, but I would like a bag."

After Bryce and Amethyst payed for their purchases, with Bryce paying the full price for his, they left with a wave to Needlepoint. When they were outside Dinky asked, "Amy, can we go home now so I can paint my little ponies?"

"Don't you want to spend some more time with Bryce and Apple Bloom?"

It was obvious to everyone that Dinky was having trouble deciding. "I... I..."

Bryce offered a suggestion. "Hey, Dink, I promised Apple Bloom I'd take her out for ice cream. You go on home with your sister. I'll go buy us each a pint of ice cream and meet you both there."

"Actually, that sounds like a good idea, Bryce," Amethyst said.

"Bryce, can Ah go on with'em."

"Well, Sprout, I would say yes, but your sister wanted you to stay with me. What flavors would you both want?" Bryce asked Dinky and Amethyst.

"Triple berry for me, please."

"I want mint chocolate chip!"

"Dinky, what's the magic word?"

"Please, Bryce."

"Okay, triple berry and mint chocolate chip. Anything else?"

"Could you also pick up a pint of strawberry for Ditzy? Here, I'll pay for ours." Amethyst reached into her saddlebag and pulled out 6 bits.

"Where would I go to get ice cream?"

"You can go to Sugarcube Corner. Don't worry, you'll know it when you see it. Don't take too long, okay?"

"We'll try not to. Come on, Sprout."


It didn't take long for Bryce to find the cakery. Even though Bryce had been there two weeks ago he never did get a good look at the place. When he first saw the facade of the building he was almost beyond belief. To see frosting on the edges was one thing, but from a distance the roof looked like the topping on a layered birthday cake, complete with a trio of candles.

When Bryce reached the door he took notice of the buttresses on either side. As much as he wanted to say they weren't, Bryce thought they were real candy canes. He was almost tempted to give one of them a lick. Looking more closely he could see there were a few dents here and there, almost as if somepony had tried tasting it before.

Bryce held the front door open to allow Apple Bloom to go inside. As he entered he was relieved to see there weren't very many ponies inside.

"Hi, Bryce!" Pinkie yelled. "What brings you here today? Oh, wait, let me guess. You're here to check up on your pal, Pinkamena Diane Pie?"

"No, I'm... Who?"

"No, that's not it. You're here because somepony's making you?"

"No, I came on my own free w-"

"Give me one more chance. You're here to buy some frozen cow juice?"

"Y- Yeah."

"I got it right? I got it right! We have lots of different flavors. There's chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, cherry, cherry vanilla, neoponiton, double chocolate, triple chocolate, butter pecan, cookie dough, pistachio, and lots of others. But wait, there's the sherbets. We have-"

From the kitchen a blue mare with a swirled pink and rose mane and tail came rushing in. "Pinkie, dear, do you think you could go and organize the candy jars?"

"Sure, Mrs. Cake. Should I do it by name, or color, or-

"Surprise me." When Pinkie was well out of earshot, Mrs. Cake turned to Bryce. "I'm sorry about that, she can get a tad carried away with... everything."

"Well, with the few times I've met her I know that's true. Some of us just have the gift for gab. I'm don't, but she does."

"I understand what you mean. It's a wonder to everypony how she can go on for hours, without stopping to to even take a drink. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Well I'm looking to buy a few pints of ice cream, to go."

Mrs. Cake had been hoping it would be anything besides pony flesh. "We have plenty of cold, creamy, no pony added ice cream to go around."

"Well... that's the way I usually have it."

In her mind Mrs. Cake was whipping the sweat off her brow. "So what kind would you like?"

"Well, it's actually more than one."

"No problem." She said as she pulled out a note pad and pencil. "What flavors would you like?"

"I would like a pint of triple berry. A pint of mint chocolate chip. A pint of strawberry. Apple Bloom, what kind do you want?"


"A pint of cherry. And a pint of moose tracks."

Mrs. Cake stopped jotting down notes on the last one. "I'm sorry, what was that last one?"

"A pint of moose tracks."

"I've never heard of that flavor. Could you tell me what's in it?"

"It's vanilla with little morsels of chocolate covered peanut butter."

"I'm afraid we don't have anything like that. Is there another flavor I can get for you?"

"Well... Uhm..." Bryce could feel himself ready to freeze up a second time that day. He didn't want to do it, but what else could he do. Unless he tried what Amethyst had suggested: Think about good times. The day Scout and I finally met, seeing Apple Bloom fall asleep on my lap, Fluttershy bringing Corn back, getting my fitting, the night at Rarity's, my birthday party, Dinky after she saw her gift. "Do you have anything like vanilla ice cream with veins of chocolate in it?"

"Yes, we do. A pint of fudge ripple?"

"Yes, a pint of that, please."

"Coming right up. Go on and have a seat and I'll bring it out."

Bryce did as Mrs. Cake had asked. As he sat there, with Apple Bloom taking a seat next to him, he began to take notice of how the few other ponies there would shoot him sideways glances. When Bryce looked up they would immediately look forward as if nothing had happened. It was getting to be a little repetitive, but if one on them were in a world full of humans they would probably receive the same treatment. In the mean time, Bryce bided his time watching Pinkie reorganized all of the candy jars in whatever silly order she had concocted.

A few minutes later Mrs. Cake came out with six containers of ice cream; five pint sized and one quart sized container.

"Wait, I only ordered five pints."

"That one's not for you. Pinkie, could you come over here, please."

The quart sized container began to move on its own accord.

"What's in there?" Bryce slowly asked.

The container then flipped onto its size and rolled over into the floor. When it hit the floor the top fell off reveling a disoriented Gummy.

Pinkie Pie came running over after hearing about her pet. "Oh, Gummy, there you are! Gummy and I were playing hide and seek when you both came in. Looks like I found you. You're it!"

"Pinkie," Mrs. Cake said, "I found Gummy locked inside the freezer."

"Darn it, I was totally going to look there next. What do you mean it doesn't count?" Pinkie asked Gummy. "No, I said the register was base. That means I have to hide."

"Pinkie, do you think you could both play later? The dinner rush is going to be coming in soon."

"Okay, Mrs. Cake. Welp, Gummy, you heard her, but next time I'm going to hide someplace you'll never think to look. First things first, I need to finish organizing the candy by number of ingredients."

Mrs. Cake could only shake her head. "That mare..."

"What? It's just Pinkamena being Pinkamena. You can't blame her for that." Bryce said as he began to tempt the toothless alligator with his pointer finger.

"I know, I only wish she could differentiate between playtime and work. That's five pints of ice cream. 10 bits."

"I'll get it in a second. This one's finally taken the bait and won't come off." Bryce brought his hand up to try and let gravity pull Gummy off, but he held fast. "Look, I need to pay for this. I have two girls waiting- Well it's not my fault you're cute."

Gummy started to eye the one he held captive.

"Well it's true. You're small, helpless, and adorable. You should be thankful. Other alligators can defend themselves and scare everyone. You're cute and defenseless."

Gummy's response was to give Bryce a sizeable tail whip to the face.


Bryce and Apple Bloom walked through town to Ditzy's house. The former had his pint of fudge ripple pressed over his face. The later had a grin plastered onto her face.

"Apple Bloom, stop laughing, please."

"Stop laughin at what?"

Bryce exhaled loudly.

"Hey, Bryce!" Somepony called down from above.

Come on, not now. Bryce looked up to see Rainbow Dash slowly hovering down to the ground. "Hey, Rainbow, what's going on?" Bryce asked nonchalantly.

"You know, nothing much. I just had to see this. I mean, I thought you were too afraid to leave the house without somepony."

"Well I'm with Apple Bloom."

"Nah, she doesn't really count. She's a kid. What are you doing in Ponyville?"

"Oh, you know, buying some groceries. Seeing the town. Eating some ice cream."

"That's cool. Why do you have your ice cream on your face like that?" Rainbow said as she pointed to his face.

"What, this? I... don't like my ice cream to be too hard. I like it to be like a milkshake." Bryce looked towards Apple Bloom to see her eyeing him.

"Ahh come on, Bryce, are yuh sure that's the real reason?"

"Why would... would I lie?"

"Oh, Ah don't know. It's not like you're hiding somethin a cute and defenseless critter done."

Rainbow was quick to catch on. Narrowing her eyes, the rainbow mare asked, "So, whatcha hiding?"

"It's nothing. I got something in my eye."

"Well if that's so then let me help you get it out. I've gotten a lot of things in my eyes when I fly, so I know a thing or two about getting'em out."

"It's... already out."

"Let me check and make sure."


"Wait, is it something funny?"

Bryce didn't answer nor looked to anypony.

"Come on, we're friends, aren't we?"

"Well... yeah." Bryce ran his shoes through the dirt.

"Look, I promise I won't laugh."

"... How much of a promise?"

"I Pinkie promise."

Bryce raised an eyebrow, staring hard at her hooves. "What do you mean 'pinkie'?"

"You know." Rainbow finally dropped down to the ground. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," Rainbow said as she did the motions of the promise.

Bryce looked her over for a second before saying, "Not the promise I was thinking of, but you better hold to whatever 'that' was."

Bryce lowered the pint of ice cream from his eye revealing the damage Gummy had done. The baby alligator had managed to hit the human with enough force to blacken his eye, leave a long cut on his cheek, and bruise most of the impact site. It wasn't pretty, but Bryce accepted defeat. That gator might be toothless, but if Gummy had the guts to do this then Bryce had to respect the reptile.

"Whoa, what the hay did that?"

"It was... Pinkie's pet alligator. He tail whipped me"

"You mean Gummy? Pinkie's toothless baby alligator?"

"Do you know any other alligators?"

It didn't take long for Rainbow to begin snickering. After a while her snickering became louder until it was full blown laughter. In an instant the rainbow mare was doubled over, holding at her sides. "You really... got that from... from a ba... ba... baby!?" Rainbow was soon lost in laughter.

Bryce scowled down at the laughing mare. Kicking a cloud of the dust in the air he stormed off. In a nasty tone, he snarled, "You're a boy!"

Rainbow's laughter soon left. "Hey, wait, I was only-"

"Don't care; have somewhere to be."

"Look, I know I promised-"

"Yeah, you did!"

"Ahh, come on. It was funny."

"Then why are you the only one laughing!?"

"I didn't mean it like-"


Rainbow got the point and fell back, no longer trying to keep up with Bryce, even though she could have easily done so.

When Bryce came bursting through the front door of Ditzy's house, everypony, including Ditzy who had arrived a short while before Bryce, jumped up.

"Hey, Bryce, did you get-" Amethyst began to ask. "What happened to your face!?"

Bryce brushed past the three ponies and dropped the ice cream on the kitchen table, but kept his with him. "I'll tell you later. Right now I want some time alone." Bryce went into the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

Bull's Eye

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Chapter 42: Bull's Eye

"Would you like some more tea, Lemon Wedge?" The unicorn named Plum Pudding asked her pegasus friend.

"Why, yes, I would like another cup, Lady Pudding."

"Now, Lemon, you know you don't have to call me 'Lady'. It makes me feel so old," Plum said as she poured her pegasus friend a third cup of tea.

"I know, but it sounds so much fun to say."

"Hmm, you do have a point... Lady Wedge." The two mares laughed in agreement. "And what of you, Lady Truffle? Do you feel you would want another cup?" Plum Pudding asked her earth pony guest.

"No thank yuh, ma'am. Ah've had all the tea Ah can drink."

"Then perhaps I can persuade you to accept a slice of cloud cake, or a cube of fudge?"

"Ah think Ah'll take a helpin of fudge, since you're offering."

Plum Pudding levitated over a tray of fudge to allow Raspberry Truffle to help herself.

As soon as the tray was within Truffle's range she began to chow into the fudge.

"Lady Truffle, that is highly unladylike!" Lemon Wedge exclaimed.

Truffle stopped momentarily to say, "Ah can't help it, this fudge is the best Ah've ever had." She then continued to devour what remained of the fudge.

"Lady Wedge, allow her to do as she pleases." Plum Pudding responded, "after all it isn't very often we get to have a tea party."

"You're right. I do wish we could have more of these little get togethers. How long has it been, two, three?"

"Five years since we last met."

Lemon Wedge gasped in surprise. "Five years!? Has it really been that long!?"

"I'm afraid so."

By then Raspberry Truffle had finished off the tray of fudge. "My, that fudge was even better than the last time. You've got ta give me the recipe."

"Oh, I'm afraid I can't. It's a well kept family secret that has passed down from my mother, from her mother, all the way to before Canterlot was founded. Now, aside from my family's recipe, is there anything else I can-"

Plum Pudding had to jump out of the way to avoid being mauled by a giant dog.


Bryce sat quietly with his back against the house. He was whittling away at his latest creation. He had been doing this in his spare time, which he had a lot of since Applejack still had no work she wanted him to do. Each one of his new figures were modelled after somepony he'd met since he had came to Equestria. None of his current wooden figures were as large as the three he had made for Dinky, since his were more for display rather than for play, but with the decrease in scale came that much more challenge to try and fine tune everypony's individual details to the T.

Currently, Bryce was whittling a miniture Rarity. This was presenting to be more of a challenge because of how the white unicorn's mane and tail curled. This would be Bryce's third attempt at trying to make her figure just right; his third go at trying to release the fashionista that was trapped inside of the small block of wood. If he had a way to carefully immobilize the wooden block without leaving any impression marks this could be done by now. Instead, Bryce had to make due with holding it in his free hand.

As it so happened, the third time looked to be the charm. All that remained was to carve out Rarity's 'tramp tat' as Bryce called them. He didn't know what better to call these marks. He could only hope they weren't for what he thought they were.

If Bryce was careful then he could finally move on to his next project.

"Corn, leave Plum Pudding alone!"

Bryce's concentration was instantly taken away from what he was doing and he sent a long gash that ran the entire length of Rarity's barrel and flank. If it weren't for his years of practice he would have cut himself.

"Bryce, come and get your dog!" Amethyst shouted.

Slamming his knife and the disfigured Rarity down, Bryce stood up and rushed into the yard. When he got there he found his dog close to biting down on Dinky's plum purple unicorn doll. "Corn, leave it alone!"

The German Shepherd brought his jaws back.

"Corn, come!"

Corn walked over to Bryce with his tail tucked.

Once he was at his boy's feet the dog stopped and looked up. "Now sit!"

Corn did so, letting out a low whine.

Bryce took on a calmer tone. "What did I tell you, boy? You can look, but don't touch. They aren't made for dogs to play with. Now apologize to her."

Corn stood up and gave Dinky a sad look.

Dinky felt like smacking the pooch, but his face could tell he was truely sorry for what he had almost done. She began to scratch him behind the neck. "It's okay, I forgive you." Corn began to shower the filly in giant licks all over her face. "Stop, your breath smells like poo!" It didn't take long for Dinky to be laid on her back and be lost in a fit of ticklish giggles.

"Bryce, why won't yuh let Corn play with Winona?" Apple Bloom asked. "Why'd yuh lock'er in the barn for playin piggyback? It looked funny cause Ah doubt she could even get his paws off the ground."

"Apple Bloom, it's... something you're just not old enough to understand yet."

"You keep saying that," she said under her breath as she scowled down at the ground.

"Hey, don't feel down. There is something you're old enough to do." Bryce reached into one of the pockets on his cargo shorts. "Here, why don't you both go play monkey in the middle with Corn?" Bryce tossed the ball to Apple Bloom.

Corn stopped his assault on Dinky and stared open mawed at his ball. It was the very one the nice winged horse thing had given his boy.

Apple Bloom took the ball, held it out, and swung it back and forth. "Yuh want it, Corn?"

Corn followed Apple Bloom's hoof with each path.

"Well... GO GET!!!" Apple Bloom shot her hoof out at full force.

Corn instantly ran off, prepared to scoop up the fuzzy sphere. He stopped a few feet out and perked his ears up to hear where it landed. When the sound of tennis ball hitting dirt never came Corn let out a whine and turned back.

Apple Bloom was still in the same spot, the tennis ball firmly in her hoof. "Lookin for this, boy?"

Bryce let out a single laugh. "I taught her that!"

Corn let out a sound between a growl and a whine.

"Dinky, you go on out. Make sure Corn doesn't get it." Apple Bloom said to her friend.

Corn and the two fillies ran out into the yard; the fillies throwing the tennis ball back and forth; Corn running to either one in an attempt to get the ball before they could pass it off.

As this went on, Amethyst picked up Dinky's little ponies in her magic and carefully placed them in her saddlebags. "Bryce, are sure they're going to be okay out there?"

"Yeah, they'll be fine. Corn's with them. If anything tries to get either one of them he'll fight to the death to defend their lives."

"Are you sure though? What if he hurts one of them!?"

"You don't have to worry. As long someone knows his secret word they won't get mauled. Did Corn get any of Dinky's little ponies?" Bryce asked.

"No, you came just in the nick of time, thank Celestia."

"Well that's good." Bryce reached into Amethyst's saddlebag and picked up the plum purple unicorn. "You both did a great job on these. I would have colored them myself, but I thought you would all enjoy doing it together."

"Actually, I didn't do anything. Dinky wanted to do it all herself. What got me about the whole thing was how she was so slow and careful with them. With most things she's tries to rush to get done. It was like she was a different pony off in her own little world. Ditzy and I had to almost tear her away so she would eat. She was acting almost exactly like..."

Bryce noticed her hesitation. "Like who?"

"... Like our dad."

There was a tense silence between them.

"What was he like?"


"Your dad, what was he like?"

"He was... well... our dad."

"... You don't say."

"No, Bryce, I know what you're asking, but it's... hard to say. I mean, obviously you know he was a painter. And from just looking at his paintings you can think one thing: They're blotchy, repetitive, and unfinished. I can't even tell you how many different paintings of the same haystacks he made. But he insisted they were finished. He would spend hours or even days nonstop. He wouldn't leave until it was done."

"Okay, I get that. What else can you tell me about him?"

"Well... He was... Oh, he would always take the day off on birthdays and holidays and... There was the time he finished a painting early and took my mom and I out for dinner. My mom, not Ditzy. When an idea would come to him he would almost immediately ran into his studio and try and capture the moment, which was... often..." Amethyst fell silent as her ears drooped.

"Are you okay?"

"What...! Oh, yeah, of course."

"You look like you have something on your mind."

"Well... kind of..."

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"What's a penny?"

"Bit for your thoughts?"

"... I don't know what it is, but I just realized my dad spent more time alone in his studio than he ever did with anypony. Even with me. It was always the same thing that happened everyday: Our dad would get up, greet us, then shut himself up inside his studio. In fact it was the biggest thing my mom and him would argue about up until my mom finally left... Huh..."

"What is it?"

"I'm... beginning to wonder what it is I actually miss about my dad. I mean the days he took off were great, and his gifts he got me were the best, but there were days my mom had to work double shifts since my dad wasn't making very much money, if any most months. Since there was nopony else but my dad to watch me I usually wouldn't get anything to eat until my mom got home. After she left he started caring for me, but after he married Ditzy he just went back to his old ways little by little until he left... What did I see in him?"

"Well you were just a kid then. When you're a kid you usually see your parents as the greatest people in the world. When you get older you can't help but see who they really are. Sure, they've done things for, and given stuff to you, but what have they ever done with you?"

Amethyst fell back on her rump with her ears hung low. "You're right... You're right..."

Bryce bent down on one knee. "Look, don't feel bad. My life was almost the same way. Whenever I grew up my mom at least made sure someone was watching over me. And when I finally met my dad he acted the same way. Always away at work, gave neat presents, but never even looked at me. Don't know why he did me that way, but I don't let myself think about it."

Amethyst tilted her head up to look at Bryce. "What? How can you not?"

"Because it's just a waste of time. You can try and figure it out, but by the time you do a great amount of time has gone by. It's just better to live your life and try to make it better. If you stay in the past you'll never have a future."

"But what if he does come back? I just can't stop thinking about him. He was my dad."

"Then it's like I said before: He can't just come back and pretend it never happened. He abandoned you all, and he as to at least acknowledge what he did and make up for it."

"But what if he doesn't ever come back?"

"Then at least Ditzy's there if you need someone."

Small tears began to form in the corners of the magenta mare's eye as a small smile curled on her lips. "Then it'll be like you said: She does think of me as her daughter even though we're not related by blood. After all, it takes more than blood to make a family." Amethyst jumped up and wrapped the human in her hooves. "If it wasn't for you, Bryce, I would never have been this happy." They both stayed like that for a minute until Amethyst asked, "Bryce, you only see me as a friend, right?"


"Good, I mean, you're a great guy, but... you always seem to find trouble."

"Eh, it's goes both way."

"Yeah... It does."

Bryce took a look at his watch. "It's getting close to noon. Want to call'em up for lunch?"

"Might as well. DINK-" Amethyst cut herself short once she saw both Dinky and Apple Bloom running towards the house at full gallop.

Corn was no where in sight.

When they reached the house Apple Bloom tried to talk between breaths. "Bry... Bryce... big... cow... tried ta-"

"Wait, slow down! Catch your breath!"

When the two fillys finally caught their breaths Apple Bloom spoke in an alarmed tone. "There was this bull out there. He was real mean to us. Then Corn started barking at'm and wouldn't anything else. Not even when we said that word you told us ta say."

Dinky nodded in agreement.

Bryce tried his best to keep calm. "Is he still out there?"

"Which one?"

"Either one of them?"

"Corn is. Ah'm not sure about that bull. He just told us ta go away and began ta walk off. We tried ta make Corn come, but he wouldn't stop barkin."

Bryce looked off into the orchard and sighed. "Well, if that bull's still out there then Corn won't come back until he's well out of his scent range. You all go on in. I'll go out and get Corn."

"Bryce, can't it wait?" Amethyst asked.

"No, I can't just leave him out there. I'll be quick. It's just a cow. From what I've seen here they shouldn't be much of a problem. I'll just tip him over and run like hell. Simple."

"Fine, but please try and stay safe."

Bryce ran off, shouting, "I'll try! Save me some hay fries!"


It didn't take long for Bryce to find Corn. If the German Shepherd was even planning on hiding his constant barking didn't help.

The closer Bryce got to Corn the louder the later's barks became, and the more the sound began to pierce into his highly sensitive ears. As Bryce cleared the final distance between him and Corn, Bryce had his hands held over his ears, but this did little to help.


If Corn could hear him he didn't show it.

Bryce bent down and held the dog's jaw shut. "CORN, WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU!?"

Corn immediately stopped trying to bark and looked up at his boy.

"Yeah, I know about the bull. What about him?"

Bryce released his hold on Corn. The dog continued to look up at his boy.

"What do you mean? What was he acting like?"

Corn began to bark, in a much lower tone.

"You could tell something wasn't right? What did he do?"

Corn whined.

Bryce balled his fists. "He tried to hurt the girls? Where is he?"

Corn pointed with his snout.

There was a set of hoofprints in the ground. What got Bryce, however, was the long streak of tilled dirt that ran between the bull's track. On closer inspection Bryce could also see the grass along the furrowed ground was severly yellowed.

"Corn, stay here. If I don't come back soon then you go and get someone at the house."

Bryce followed the hoofprints, and the shallow trench that ran between them. With each step the atmosphere of the orchard felt darker and darker. As Bryce continued on he took note of the silence. When he had silenced Corn there was at least the sound of cicadas and the occasional bird chirp, but now there was only silence, save for his own footsteps.

A minute later, Bryce found an object laying a short distance away from the unending hoofsteps. It was green and flat. Bryce bent down to pick it up. When he did a burning sensation and he dropped it. It was then he recognized what the object was. It was Fluttershy's tennis ball, and it appeared to have been gnawed to bits. What ever had been inside of it was all but gone.

Taking a look down his current path, Bryce stood back up and continued.

It didn't take long for Bryce to catch up to the bull. When he laid eyes on it he had to stop and make sure what exactly he was seeing. The creature was indeed in the shape of a bull, but this was like no bull he had seen on any farm.

This creature had more the appearance of a wildebeest, with the curved inward horns and dark stripes along its brown neck and sides. Bryce had seen The Lion King plenty of times to know what they looked like. This wildebeest was faced away from him, with its large head dragging through the grass. Bryce wasn't sure how best to deal with this situation. When he had came out into the orchard he was expecting a male cow, not a large antelope from the African (or whatever) savannah.

In any case Bryce couldn't just leave this wildebeest to its own devices. If it had tried to attack Apple Bloom and Dinky it would easily do so again to someone else. After tearing down and pruning a sizeable tree branch, Bryce slowly approached the wildebeest.


The wildebeest stopped in its tracks. "What do you want!?" It cruelly demanded.

"What are you doing out here? And what do you think gives you the right to try and hurt those girls?"

The wildebeest simply replied, "I gave them fair warning. You should heed it as well. Leave!"

"And let you hurt others? No!"

The wildebeest ignored Bryce and walked on, his head still dragging thourgh the dirt.

"Hey, get back here!"

The bull stopped and said, "I shall tell you only once more, LEAVE!!!"

Bryce in turn ignored the wildebeest's demand. Hefting the tree branch back, he brought it down full force on its back. The tree branch broke into a series of splinters, leaving a short stub in Bryce's hands.

"YOU! WERE!! WARNED!!!" The wildebeest slung its head at Bryce and slung its drool onto him.

Bryce's skin started to burn in a searing pain where the drool made contact. He had once burned his palm on the stove, but this was far worse. It made him want to rip his flesh at each and every spot. "What the fuck are you!?"

The wildebeest slowly lifted up its large head. "I am that which shall bring you to your end. You were warned."

When the wildebeest's gaze met his own, Bryce felt as if his brain were going to explode out of his skull. His vision blurred and he found himself unable to walk straight. He was lucky to even prop himself up on a nearby tree.

When Bryce looked back towards where he had last seen the wildebeest it was already a considerable distance away. Considerable for something that walked with its large head dragging along the ground.

From behind him he heard barking. Turning back he saw Corn running towards him.

When Corn reached Bryce he stopped and sniffed his boy intently.

"Corn... go get... help..."

Corn whined in concern.

"I know... but if you don't... I won't... have a chance..." Bryce fell down, scrapping himself on the tree bark along the way.

Corn whined a few more times before running back to the farmhouse, barking as he went.

Bryce pushed himself up, the pain on his skin and in his head growing more intense by the second. It was a miracle he was able to get himself in a lying position on the side of the tree.

As the world began to darken, Bryce's last thoughts were on what the creature had told last said to him.

"I am that which shall bring you to your end. You were warned."

The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters

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Chapter 43: The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters

Bryce was running through the apple orchard, trying to keep out of reach of the montrous bull that was hot on his tail.

The bull had to be close to his height and had horns that were much thicker than his forearm. Each horn ended in a point sharp enough to pierce all the way through a tree like a hot knife through butter.

As time went on Bryce began to wonder how long it had actually been. He didn't dare stop to take a look at his watch, he had to keep an eye on what was in front of him. Any split second mistake could mean his death, or worse. The only thing keeping Bryce going was that if he could reach the farmhouse he could get somepony to help him.

But he might as well have been going in circles. Bryce had been running for his life since the sun was high, but it might as well have been days, weeks, or longer. No matter how Bryce ran, nor how best he tried to evade the giant bull it still kept a bead on him, and there was nothing to indicate if he were going in the right direction.

All he could do was run for his own life.

After a while, Bryce finally caught eye of something. It wasn't the farmhouse, but it was something that would be able to get him off the ground.

It was a treehouse, a very old and decrepit structure. From what he could see the wood it was made from had long since passed its prime and had nails jutting out. Regardless of its current condition, Bryce saw no other option.

Running up onto the gangway, he barely made it onto the balcony before the aged plank of wood could fall out from under him. Throwing open the door, Bryce sprinted inside and huddled up into a corner.

Almost immediately the entire structure shook violently. Again and again the bull forced itself into the trunk of the tree, trying to scare out the bipedal being inside. The glass that remained in the windows cracked and fell onto the floor, further breaking into smaller shards. It was a wonder the treehouse was able to hold up in its current state.

Almost as quickly as the shaking had started it suddenly stopped, without warning.

There was silence.

Bryce continued to sit in the corner, slowly taking in air in an attempt to calm himself.

As he sat there, Bryce listened to hear if there was anything outside.

He counted the seconds in his mind, not daring move until he reached a hundred.

There was nothing. Not a creak; a shift; only his slow, rhythmic breath.

Slowly moving on his hands and knees, Bryce made his way over to the hollow window, the glass sinking into his palms as he inched closer.

Bryce craned his neck up and down, left and right, trying to see if there was hair or horn of the bovine. But there was nothing out there, except for the setting sun, and the thousands of apple trees which ran off into the horizon to meet it.

Taking one more quick look, Bryce fell back into a sitting position, with his legs spread out, and sighed in relief.

It was then he heard something. It came from directly under him.

It was the sound of something scratching the bottom of the treehouse.

Bryce's breathing instantly accelerated, and his heart felt like it were going to jump out of his chest.

From below a massive horn erupted between his legs, narrowly cutting the fly of his shorts.

Bryce pushed himself away in a circular shape. The bull's horns pressed up through the floorboards where he had been a split second ago each time he pushed himself back.

Eventually his back met the same corner he had started in. Pressing himself as far back as he possibly could, Bryce gave a silent prayer, thinking the worst was yet to come.

When the bull last jammed its horn through the floor it had a hard time getting it back out. It bellowed in protest, twisting its trapped horn in every direction possible.

Bryce din't waste time. Pressing his back against the wall he kicked the horn full force.

The bull down below howled in pain with each kick. After a few more kicks the tip of the horn finally broke off at the base and the bull bayed a cry which shook the foundations of the treehouse.

After the bull's cry of pain ceased the area again went silent.

It was a deafening silence, much quieter than the previous one.

Bryce again counted the seconds, reaching 100. 200. 500. 1000.

There was nothing; not a single sound to tell that the bull was still under him.

Reaching forward, Bryce jiggled the detached horn back and forth until he could pull it out. The bottom end was smeared in a thick coat of blood that dripped down through the warped floorboards.

Sneaking a peek through, aside from a small pool of blood, there was nothing but hoofprints and wood splinters littering the grass.

Using the horn to stand himself up, Bryce stuck his head through the window. Again there was nothing.

He looked through another window, and again nothing.

It was then Bryce decided to tempt fate. The best way to make sure the bull was gone would be to take a step outside.

Gripping onto the heart shaped hole, Bryce slowly pushed the door outwards.

From where he could see, the bull was nowhere at the front of the treehouse. Gripping hard onto the horn, Bryce took a single cautionary step onto the balcony, jumping as the wood creaked in protest.

After a short minute to catch his wits, Bryce took a second step out.

Slowly looking to the left he could see nothing, just more apple trees.

Switching to his right again nothing but acres of apple trees brimming with the sweet, tart fruit.

With the horn pointing away from him, Bryce carefully dropped down onto the ground, prepared to run for his life in any direction.

After getting both feet on the ground, Bryce almost expected this to have sent out an alarm to the bull, telling the giant bovine where the human was, ripe for trampling and gouging.

Holding the horn out at length, he stepped away the treehouse, circling around as he went.

No matter where Bryce looked he was still the only living thing in the entire orchard as far as he could tell. There wasn't a single hoofprint or blood stain lining the grass. Nothing, but him and the treehouse.

Taking the free moment to look the treehouse over, Bryce was almost beyond belief to see the structure still sitting in its current position. After the bull's constant gouging of the floor one would have though the place would come crashing down.

As if reading his inner thoughts, the treehouse then came crashing down towards him.

Thinking it the work of the bull, Bryce turned tail and ran off, dropping the horn in the process.

He continued to run, sure that the bull wasn't too far behind. At least he thought it was.

When the bull had been chasing Bryce before he could clearly hear the bovine trampling towards him. Now there was only the sound of Bryce running.

Could it be he had wanted it to have been the bull, or was it his already tightened nerves playing on him?

If he were in an open field then he would look back without a second thought. But he was in an orchard, just a single lapse in his attention could send him barreling into a tree, with the bull following soon after to skewer him.

That was the bad outcome, but doubt still clung to his mind.

Bryce would tire eventually. He had been going for hours.

No better choice than to tempt fate.

He looked back, but there was nothing. He wasn't sure if it were something to find relief in, or more terror.

Bryce then slammed himself into a tree. Falling on his back, Bryce could only watch as he was pelted with apples.

The fruit did indeed hit him, but each one that touched him bounced off leaving no sign of contact.

There had to have been about a dozen apples that had fallen on him, but when they connected they bounced off of him like it was nothing. Bryce didn't even feel them hit; no pain at all. Come to think of it, hitting the tree had no effect on him either. He just fell on his back, no real agony to speak of. Then there was back in the treehouse. He had his hands sink down into the glass, but his hands showed no sign of being cut. And he had been running from that bull for hours, but felt he could run a marathon in less than 2 hours.

Something wasn't right.

Standing back up, Bryce checked himself over. Then the tree he had hit.

It showed no sign of damage of any kind. Not even any chipped bark.

Looking up into the foliage Bryce was met with yet another strange sight.

The entirety of the apples that stuck out amongst the leaves were all an assortment of pastel colors. They had patterned appearances of stripes, polka dots, and plaid.

From off in the distance he heard a pair of voices.

"I'm done with my half, how are you going with yours, Pinkie?"

"I'm just about done. I'm going to call this one Apple, Number 2,653. Has AJ noticed yet?"

"Not yet. I gotta say, this is the best prank you've thought of yet. I had my doubts about yuh, but I'll say it again: You're not as annoying as I thought."

"It just goes to show you: Don't judge a Pie by its crust. It's the ooey-gooey filling that matters most."

The whole time the two voices were talking Bryce had been making his way to their location. He had doubts of who they were, but the tones would be hard to replicate.

Clearing his way past a few more trees, Bryce finally found them: Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, both wearing matching berets with a paint brush in mouth and a painter's palette in hoof.

"Pinkamena, you thought of this? It's a damn good prank! See, Blitzkreig, it goes to show if you take the time you can create a damn good-"

"Oh, I think there's a few we missed near the house," Pinkie stated, acting as if Bryce had said nothing.

"Yeah, if we're gonna do this then let's do it great."

They both ran at Bryce, acting as if he were invisible. Before Bryce could even move they both phased cleanly through him, their pace keeping constant.

This was enough to finally blow Bryce's mind. He knew good and well what was happening, but there was only one thing which could tell him for certain.

Covering his watch with his opposing hand, Bryce snuck a peek. The watch was normal, except that the hands were turning at an hour every few seconds.

It was Bryce's tell, his way of separating this world from reality.

Bryce was in a dream, there was no doubt left in his mind. If that were so, and he was now aware of it, he had full reign.

Closing his eyes, Bryce imagined the land covered in snow, complete with a frozen lake he could ice skate on.

He opened his eyes, and there it was in front of him. There was even an ice sculpture of a pegasus leaping up from the lake for a better effect.

Bryce then had a hay day, skidding freely across the ice, preforming majestic feats which could only be done on the ice. He danced with himself at times while classical music played in the background. In real life he wouldn't have had this grit. What he feared most was the possibility of falling on the ice and breaking something. Something irreversible.

For now, Bryce was going to live in the moment. For now, he was going to ice skate.

The moment soon took on a darker tone.

It started when Bryce made a cycle around the ice pegasus. It was cold; a cold like he had never felt before.

It happened so fast, and he couldn't recall if he had imagined it up into the world.

Bryce had developed a high tolerance for the cold a long time ago. Hell, he would often have a cold treat in place of a warm beverage on certain occasions.

But this cold was something else. He thought if he were to throw a cup of boiling water into the air it would turn to snow the second it came in contact with the air.

But it was no problem, Bryce just imagined himself in the hoodie Rainbow had gotten for him. It was enough to take the edge off.

With that taken care of, Bryce continued his skating.

After a second cycle around the ice pegasus, he again felt the cold pierce him. It felt to be piercing him to the bone; a cold that sent a bolt of pain down his lower back.

Stopping and holding his arms close to his body, Bryce closed his eyes and imagined a roaring fire. Once he opened his eyes there was a fire, but it was a full football field away.

Bryce became frightened. In all of his lucid dreams the world had never misbehaved to this magnitude. He had imagined a fire, a big fire. A fire a respectable distance away, not something more than a stone's throw.

But he couldn't worry about that now. He was getting colder by the second, and the wind that was beginning to pick up didn't help matters.

Each step Bryce took a step forward the fire off in the distance appeared to be getting further and further away. At the same time the wind blew faster, and harder, threatening to blow Bryce over.

It was then he took notice of something. The sound of the wind seemed odd. It was roaring past him, but it sounded wrong. It was like the roar of a feral animal, deep in combat with its prey right before it dealt the killing blow.

After what felt like an eternity, Bryce finally reached the fire. It was a small camefire with a long log going parallel with it.

Taking a seat down on the log, Bryce slowly brought his hands away from himself and took in the warmth the embers let off.

It was short lived when, without warning, a large, grotesque beast stood in place of the fire for a split second. For a second it was there, then it was gone, leaving no trace. The camefire, and his seat went as well, sending Bryce falling back into a blanket of snow.

Pressing himself up, Bryce looked at where the fire. Where the beast had been.

Even though it only appeared for a split second, Bryce had seen its features perfectly.

It had looked almost exactly like... a wildebeest.

Yes, a wildebeest, but the head was much larger, and looked more simiar to a head one would see on a boar.

But there was a much more sinister feature that stuck out above everything else. It was the beast's eyes; its large, hellfire red eyes. No matter how hard Bryce tried to forget he could say, with great certainty, those eyes were still looking at him. Not from in front of him, but from everywhere.

It then dawned on him why he was dreaming. The wildebeest, he remembered it so clearly now.

After looking into its eyes he felt a blinding pain in his brain, he blacked out, and then... A large bull was chased him through the orchard. There was nothing that he could bring up which connected the last two events.

Trying to shake it off, Bryce noted how the scenery had changed. There was still snow on the ground, the wind had all but ceased, and the frozen lake had disappeared. Now all there was was an endless abyss of snow illuminated by Equus' full moon. The Mare in the Moon lay up there, looking down of the landscape, but she appeared more sinister from Bryce's perspective.

Slowly standing up, Bryce looked around for anything that could possibly give an end to the void.

There was something off in the distance.

Not taking time to make it out, Bryce ran towards it as fast as he could.

Once he had cleared the distance he slowed down to a walk.

The structure looked to be a large building in the process of construction. All that had been put together were the timber beams, the rafters, and the stone foundation. There were other building materials a short distance away from the site, but they were all scattered on the snowy ground as if put there by a being of tremendous power.

There was something else, too. Hanging from one of the beams was a length of rope.

The end was tied in a knot Bryce had seen in many Western films: A hangman's noose.

It was a little more than a head higher than his own, almost as if it were at the height specifically for him.

Reaching a hand up, Bryce touched the length of rope with great caution. The second the rope met his touch a shock ran through Bryce's form.

It was short lived as the rope broke off from the beam and came to rest at his feet.

Bryce's reaction was to take a large step away, thinking the rope would come alive like a snake.

Looking back up, Bryce could see what remained of the rope tied to the beam. It looked to have been torn apart, with the strands frayed apart.

When Bryce looked back down the noose had disappeared. A bull's horn had taken its place. The same horn he had kicked off the bull.

From behind him there came the sound of something hard running across the hard stone foundation.

Bryce's heart leaped up into his throat, but the rest of him stood as still as a statue.

Mentally counting to three, Bryce looked back slowly.

Standing behind him was the bull which had began this dream standing a few yards away. The bovine had a single horn sticking out from its head and a bleeding wound on the other side. The air it exhaled filled the space around its body like a broken steam pipe.

Even though Bryce knew this was a dream, he felt as if the danger the bull let off were as real as anything. If he died here he may die for real.

Looking back ahead, Bryce mentally prepared himself.

The skrimish that was soon to take place could possibly be a fight for his own life. He could beat this creature, as long as he kept his mind clear. This bull may be in his dream, but this was still a dream.

In HIS dream. Here, Bryce could bend to world to his will as he saw fit.

Turning back around, Bryce stared eye to eye with the bull, and the bull stared just as hard back.

While Bryce curled and uncurled his toes the bull stomped the ground, letting out a roaring that echoed across the void.

Bryce's response was to inhale a big breath and let it out as fast and as much as he could, trying to match the fog the bull released.

For a second, the entire scenerio took a pause before the bull charged at Bryce, pulling out all the stops.

Bryce had known this would happen, but he stood his ground.

The bull kept coming, giving no sign of stopping.

When the beast was less than a full foot away, Bryce took action. Taking the bull's horn off the ground in a telekenetic grip, Bryce brought his hands up and somersaulted over the bovine, pushing himself up the rest of the way from the bovine's back.

The bull skid to a halt, confused at where the biped could have gone. Turning from side to side, and fliping around there was no trace.

From above came a bird call.

Turning its attention upwards, the bull saw Bryce perfectly balanced on one of the rafters, its disembodied horn floating in the air beside him.

"Hey, big boy, lookin for little old me?" Bryce said with a smirk.

The bull ignored Bryce and rammed the timber that held up the beam he was standing on. Before he could fall down, Bryce jumped over to a neighboring beam, but the bull just crushed that timber as well.

Eventually they both reached the end of the line, and Bryce jumped down close to the scattered building materials, tucking and rolling as he hit the ground. The lapse in concentration made him loosen his telekenesis on the horn and it flew out of sight.

The bull took note of where Bryce had landed and charged again.

Acting fast, Bryce levitated up a piece of wood, tripping the bull and making it fall on its side.

The bull began kicking about, trying to find enough traction to stand itself up as it bellowed in protest.

Not wasting time Bryce looked around for something else to use as a weapon. He found a spade laying close by and levitated it into his hands.

By then the bull had set itself up right and charged again.

Bryce took a knee, planted the shaft end of the spade into the ground, and held it out to meet the bull.

The bull noticed this and swiped its head to the side and smacked Bryce away, sending the human flying, leaving itself unharmed.

Bryce winced in pain, trying to mentally block it out before the bull could charge again. He didn't have long to plan as the bull did just that.

Knelling a second time and planting the shaft, Bryce decided to do the only thing he could think of.

As the bull swung its head back, Bryce brought up the spade horizontally and forced the shaft down on its forehead. The spade's handle held the bull at bay, but Bryce could feel the bovine slowly whittling him down. If he was going to take down this creature he had to think of something fast.

Off to the side Bryce saw something reflect in the moonlight. It was hard to distinguish from the white snow, but the crimson red end made it clear what it was. It was the bull's horn from the treehouse. A plan quickly formed in his mind, but if it were to work he would need that horn.

Sinking his shoes as best he could into the snowy surface, Bryce pushed back on the bull with all his might and sent it tumbling to the ground.

Dropping the spade, Bryce ran over to the horn. His stop was less than graceful and he fell down and skid. He was only just able to grab the horn as he past it.

When Bryce looked back he saw the bull standing over him. The bull bellowed before standing up on its back hooves, its fore hooves pointed directly at him.

Holding the horn to his chest, Bryce rolled to the side as the bovine's hooves came crashing down. Quickly pushing himself up and grabbing the wide end of the horn, Bryce reached forward and thrust the point through the back of the bull's front knee.

The bull immediately fell forward and bellowed in pain.

Bryce pushed himself back to escape being held down under its weight.

The bull made countless attempts to try and reach Bryce, but its own dismembered horn lodged inside its knee caused it to be near impossible. After about the hundredth try the bull finally stopped and rested on the ground.

For a moment the two could do nothing except stare back at the other.

The bull stared intently, wanting more than anything to crush the piped in front of him, but knew that would be impossible in its current state.

Bryce could only stare back speechless. He shivered, not from the cold, but from the fact at what he had just done. For years he had so often fantasized about doing something like this, but never felt he could go through with it again. He could see the evil in the bull's eyes. No matter how much Bryce beat it down he could tell it would try again and again to end him. If he left it now it would just pop up later in full. Bryce had to end this now.

Picking himself up, Bryce walked over to the spade. Staring at the tool, he dredded what he was about to do, but knew it had to be done at the same time. He knew when the battle had started he would have to take the bull's life, but not in as disgraceful a way as this.

Picking up the spade, Bryce stepped back over to the bull and looked down. The bull continued to eye him, not once even taking his gaze away.

Hyperventilating, Bryce brought the spade up, with the blade facing the bull, and bore down full force into its ribcage.

The bull bellowed out, but still clung to life.

Lifting up the spade, Bryce stabbed down into the bovine's flesh again, and again, and again. After a while Bryce began bludgeoning the beast, banging it on any part that was visible. No matter how much Bryce tried the bull refused to give in to its own mortality.

Bryce had lost his patience. Taking a stand on the bull's side he position the edge of the blade perpendicular to its neck. Swinging the blade outwards, Bryce brought it back down, sinking the blade deep, but not cutting all the way through its thick neck.

The bull gave one more bellow. It kicked its legs every which way, trying to hold on as long as it could. It was pointless. The bull kicked a few more times before all its movement ceased. The blood of the giant beast flowed out from its neck forming a large pull in the pure white snow.

The bull was dead.

Releasing his grip on the shaft, Bryce carefully stepped down from the bull's corpse, distancing himself from it as much as he could.

He could hardly believed what happened.

No matter how much Bryce tried he could have seen any better alternative. The bull wasn't going to stop. Even with its own horn jammed in its knee it had still tried to thrust itself at him, and for no apparent reason.

A few steps back, Bryce was forced to stop when his back connected with a hard, scaled object.

A gruff, cruel voice came from behind. "Your mind is much more powerful than I had thought, biped."

Stepping forward and turning around, Bryce came face to face with the thing that had been behind this whole ordeal: The boar-headed wildebeest.

"W- What the fuck are you!?"

"I am that which shall bring you to your end."

"No, I meant... What are-"

"What I am is of no importance. There are things more pressing to you than my identity." The wildebeest stopped to hold its large head up to look a Bryce. "I have not faced a foe of your mentality in years. I see now you cannot be broken from within. I shall have to attempt other methods. Atypic methods."

"Well... you'll find I'm not like your average human, or little horse thing. You may be here, but I am god of this world."

The wildebeest let out a sound that sent a chill down Bryce's back. It was odd, but if he had to guess it would be the wildebeest's laugh. "Perhaps you are in this world, but once you awaken you will be as weak as a worm, skewered on a hook by a fisherman to serve as a means to get his next meal. Here you may be a god, but when you wake the 'power' you held here will be nonexistant, and I shall then take my prize from your corpse."

"What prize?"

"That which binds your soul to this earthly plane."

"So are you going to do the same to the girls?"

"No. They heeded my warning, and shall go unscathed. Had you done so as well you would have went unharmed. But as most mortal beings do you refused to listen to reason."

"So you're going to kill me because I-"

From every direction, the wildebeest's voice shouted at Bryce. "YOU WERE WARNED!!!"

As its shout continued the landscape began to melt away in nothing, leaving only a bright light that soon grew in intensity until Bryce could see nothing else.

Waking Dreams

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Chapter 44: Waking Dreams

Bryce shot up, crying out as he did so. At the same time there came a loud metalic clang accompanied by a jangling of tools.

The world around him took a long time coming into focus; a result of the bright light which had engulfed him only seconds before.

When he could see, he saw the walls were blue, striped, with the lower section split and left unpainted. The blue section ran up to meet a green ceiling. To his side there was a pale blue curtain that ran down from the ceiling to the floor. Bryce's location hit him like he were bucked by a large bull, no pun intended.

He was at Ponyville Hospital, in the exact same room as he had been in on his first visit.

On the floor he could see a knocked over tray table. There were an assortment of medical instruments, rolls of bandages, various tubes of ointment, and a metalic tray lining the floor across from the table.

From a corner there came a small feminine voice. "Sir... are you okay...?"

Looking in her direction, Bryce found a plump, fuchsia colored mare wearing a nurse's cap. "I'm... I don't know... How long have I been here?"

The fuchsia nurse cautiously stepped cautiously towards Bryce. "You've only been in this room for a few minutes. I was treating your burns when you jumped up. You scared me half to death."

Looking down his form, Bryce could see he was dressed in a thin paper gown. There were bandages wrapped around certain parts of his body, all in the same spots the wildebeest had drooled on him. There were a few still uncovered. Each spot still stinged, but not as much as they had before. "Well, thanks."

"If you don't mind I should pick this up and get clean tools."

Bryce moved to stand. "I'll help, it's partially my fault any-"

The nurse pressed a firm hoof on his chest and pushed him back down on the bed. "I'm sorry, but you are a patient for the time being. I couldn't allow you to do that. Now please lie back and try to make yourself comfortable."

"Okay, fine. Are my friends here?"

"Yes, they're waiting for you in the waiting room. After Doctor Stable gives you a look over and I check your vital signs they will be allowed to see you." The nurse said as she placed the last of the droped items back on the tray. "Please wait here. I'll be back momentarily." She picked up the tray in her teeth and ran out of the room. She was having a hard time trying to balance the objects and rush at the same time.

When the same nurse came back she did so at a much steadier pace, stopping for a second outside the doorway to pull herself together. "Now then, the sooner we get this done the sooner you can see your friends. If there's any place that's still hurting I can't see then please let me know.

Bryce nodded. As the fuchsia went about her work, Bryce asked, "Which one are you?"

She stopped and gave him a confused look. "I'm sorry?"

"What's your name?"

"Oh, my name is Sweetheart."

"SweetHEART? Do all of the nurses' names end in heart?"

"Most of us do. The only one of the nurses whose name doesn't end in that is Rhyme. Technically she's a nurse in training, not a full fledge nurse. Yet."

"So how many do end in heart then?"

"There's me, Nurse Redheart, Nurse Tenderheart, and Nurse Snowheart. So four in all."

"Are you all, you know, related?"

Nurse Sweetheart stopped for a second, looking Bryce blankly in the eyes. After a moment she let out a soft chuckle. "No, no, we all just happen to share the same name. But you're not the first pony to ask that."

"Well that's for the best I guess."

"Why's that?"

"Well if you were all sisters then y'all would probably be fighting over who gets to take care of the 'hot stud' in 'room whatever'."

"You have a point, but its Nurse Snowheart who's bad about doing that. We have to assign her solely to mares and foals because of her 'fascination' in the male patients. Nurse Redheart is a tad strict when it comes to hospital procedure, but there's a soft side to her that rarely anypony sees. In any case she gets the job done. Then there's Nurse Tenderheart. In my opinion she's the best on staff; even better than Doctor Stable himself. Though she is playful with some of our patients she tends to get a little too mischievous when it comes to matters relating to surgery and open wounds and..." Nurse Sweetheart swallowed before saying one word, "Blood."

"Actually, that's one of the main reasons I like her," Bryce responded.

The fuchsia mare recoiled back in shock. "You're trying to make a joke, right?"

Bryce replied with a mischievous smile.

"Oh dear..."

At that moment, Doctor Stable came in. "Nurse Sweetheart, have you finished bandaging the patient?"

The fuchsia mare was instantly brought out of her stupor. "Not yet, Doctor Stable, I was just finishing-"

"Go and get me Mr. Smiles' medical file while 'I' finish," the doctor said in a harsh tone.

Without saying a word, Nurse Sweetheart made her way out of the room. Her ears drooped down as she went.

After quickly putting the finishing touches on Bryce, Doctor Stables said, "Now, Mr. Smiles-"

"The name's 'Smales'! S-M-A-L-E-S!"

"Very well, Mr. Smales, how are you felling at the moment?"

Good, until you came in. "I'm feeling fine right now."

Doctor Stable quickly wrote this down on a clipboard. "On a scale of one to ten, how much pain are you in?"

"Two to three where that wildebeest drooled on me, one everywhere else."

"i'm sorry, but did you say a 'wildebeest' drooled on you?"

"Yes, a wildebeest."

Doctor Stable eyed Bryce for a moment before jotting down a long series of notes. Nurse Sweetheart came back in with a file in mouth. "Thank you, Nurse Sweetheart." He took it in his magic and flipped it open. "How have your burns been since you were checked out?"

"They've been fine."

Looking over the file in his grasp, the doctor asked, "How about your leg?"

"What about my leg?"

"Your files states you had a complete bone fracture at three places in your right hind... Wait, this isn't your... Nurse, this is the wrong file!"

"But Doctor Stable, you asked for Smiles."

"Yes, but I wanted the other Smi- I mean Sma... Just go and get me the other Smiles file! There's no point in bringing me a dead colt's file for a living patient."

Nurse Sweetheart ran off, barely holding onto the file in her teeth.

"I apologize for the mix up. You must understand we had a second colt with a name similar to yours who came here on a regular basis."

"Really, how regular?" Bryce asked.

"I am not at liberty to disclose that information to you. That kind of information in private, and it would be against the law to disclose to anypony."

"Yeah, yeah, we have that kind of thing where I'm from."

"Bringing you back to the point, how long have you been awake?"

"I woke up when Sweetheart was in the process of bandaging me," Bryce said in as professional and clear tone as possible.

"Are you feeling light headed or nauseous?"


"Are any of your current burns causing you any distress."

"They sting a little; it comes and goes."

"Are the bruises on your face in any way involved with your current condition?" Doctor Stable pointed to the faded bruises running down Bryce's face.

"No, they're from an... unrelated matter."

"Where were you when this happened?"

"I was in the orchard at Sweet Apple Acres."

"To the best of your abilities, please describe what happened."

Bryce stopped to try and grasp the events prior to him waking up. He told the doctor everything, omitting a few things. "When I found the bull I could tell it wasn't a bull. It was a wildebeest."

Doctor Stable stopped Bryce's monologue. "How certain are you it was a wildebeest?"

"Very certain."

"Could you please describe it."

"Well, it was shaped like a bull. It was brown with black stripes running vertically along its shoulders and neck and had horns which curved out and then back horizontally on its head."

"Is that all you can tell me about it?"

"Well its head was different. It didn't look anything like a bull's or wildebeest's. It was more like a boar's, except a lot bigger."

Doctor Stable stopped taking notes and looked at Bryce. "Are you certain about that?"

"Yes I am. The thing looked be straight in the eye after it slung its drool on me."

Doctor continued to take notes. "Please, continue."

"Well, after I looked it in the eyes I felt... I felt like my head was going to explode. I could hardly stand up so I sat back on a tree. My dog came to look for me and I told him to go get help because I couldn't get back up."

"How is your head feeling now?"

"It feels like it never happened."

Doctor Stable finished taking notes just as Nurse Sweetheart came in with a second file. Looking over the file she had brought him the doctor saw it was the correct one. He turned to Nurse Sweetheart. "Check his vitals. If there's anything out of the ordinary then come and find me."

"Yes Doctor."

Doctor Stable trotted out of the room.

Nurse Sweetheart stomped a back hoof once he was out of earshot. "The nerve of that... jerk."

"Something tells me he's not the most popular stallion in the bunch," Bryce smirked.

"You don't know the half of it. He makes me all huffy and puffy. Sometimes I wonder if his horn is really his stallionhood."

"Well that's one way of calling him a dickhead."

The plump mare turned to Bryce. "That's not the way I would necessarily put it, but you're right." She took a deep breath to calm herself. "I'll try and get this done as quick as I can. Don't want to keep your friends waiting for too much longer now." Nurse Sweetheart began to take Bryce's vital signs. "I never got your name, but it's not Smiles, is it?"

"No, but I'd prefer if you called me Bryce. It's what everyone else calls me."

"Okay, Bryce."

As the mare continued to check him over, Bryce asked, "How is Tenderheart doing? Is she here?"

"She's been doing well. She's not here right now, but she should be later in the evening. Why do you ask?"

"Well, the first time I was here, she was the one who helped me get through my stay. Her and I share some of the same interests. I can talk to her about some things that would make others cring. For example-"

"IIIIII get the message, really. It's nothing against you, but the things that mare likes, and you like..." Her face shrank back as if she had eaten a sour lemon.

"I meant no offense."

"It's okay, but... could you please...?"

"I won't, I promise."

"All of your signs seem to be in the green. I'll go and get your friends. Please, keep lying back. If the toxicology report from fluid we found on your burns comes back negative then we can release you tonight.


For the next couple of hours the Amethyst, Dinky, Apple Bloom, and Bryce talked. None of it had to do with anything of great importance, mostly random happenings and funny anecdotes. For a short time they played with Dinky's little ponies. Even though it seemed childish, Bryce was happy to be involved.

Just as the sun was beginning to set Doctor Stable came into the room with Nurse Tenderheart close behind carrying a syringe. "Excuse me, but unless you are family, and I highly doubt you are, you'll need to wait outside."

"Why, what's going on?" Amethyst asked.

"If Mr. Smales wishes to say then he can do so after we leave." Doctor Stable held out his hoof showing them the door.

Relunctantly, Amethyst made Dinky and Apple Bloom comply.

Once they were out of the room, the doctor announced, "Mr. Smales, the toxicology report came back positive. The drool, as you call it, that coated your skin and clothing has the chemical properties of at least 17 different poisonous plants and fungi. While currently the effects of the posions appear to be mainly hallucinogenic in nature, there could a delayed reaction we don't know of yet. We're going to draw a sample of your blood to see if any of it soaked thourgh your skin and to see if there is anything we can't see on the outside. Because of this I think it best for you to spend the night in the hospital for observation. If by chance your blood checks out clean then you'll be released tomorrow afternoon. Nurse Tenderheart, please carry out the procedure."

As Nurse Tenderheart cleaned the underside of Bryce's elbow, she asked, "So what is it that brings you in? Snake bite, got too much of a whiff of a heliotrope, or were you trying to build up an immuntity to poison?"

"I was drooled on by a wildebeest."

Nurse Tenderheart tied a rubber band around Bryce's arm. "I've never heard of a wildebeest being able to do this."

"Well that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I'm not sure what all you have in this world, but I have no knowledge of anything, real or mythical, that can do something like this. Nor anything that looked like it."

The pale blue mare began feeling around for a decent vein. "You said it looked like a wildebeest, didn't you?"

"Yeah, from the back. Its head was so large it couldn't hold it up, but when it did it looked like a grotesque boar's."

Taking a marker, Nurse Tenderheart marked the place she'd been looking for. "A boar's?"

"Yeah, a boar's."

"Hmm... I think I may have read something about that, but its been a long time. I have a book at home I can go get on my break around midnight. Maybe in the morning after you're well rested we can look it up. I'm about to stick the needle in. Please, keep your arm steady. I'll stick it in on three. One." Without even counting any higher, she stuck the needle into Bryce's vein and began to pull back on the plunger.

"You sadistic bitch!" Bryce said in a playful manner.

As she finished, Nurse Tenderheart responded, "Stop pouting, you big baby, it only hurt for a second. If I had counted to three then it would have hurt worse." After placing a bandage around his elbow, Nurse Tenderheart left the room, with syringe in mouth, and allowed Amethyst, Apple Bloom, and Dinky to come back in with a warning they only had fifteen minutes in which to say their goodbyes.

"What'd she say, are yuh still going to come home tonight?"

Bryce shook his head. "I'm afraid not. They said they wanted to keep me here tonight for observation."

The three ponies became concerned. "Is everything going to be alright?"

Bryce just smiled. "Hey, don't worry, Dink. I'm sure everything's fine. You'll see, by tomorrow I'll be up and about. Now who was I...? Lemon Wedge. I was Lemon Wedge.


Bryce walked through the halls of the museum, stopping every so often to look at one of the many pieces which inhabited it. He was the only one there, which meant he wouldn't have to struggle to get a good view of the famous artifacts that man had created since the dawn of civilization.

He stopped to admire the Parthenon marbles, the Rosetta Stone, took the time to gaze into the eyes of the mirrored pair of lammasu which stood on either side of the archway. No matter how much he tried to think they weren't, the man headed lions' eyes seemd to follow his every move.

After having his fill, Bryce stepped through the arch, taking a look back to see if they still watched him. They weren't, and he continued through the museum.

As he continued through the next wing of the museum he stopped before a small painting on a small, solitary wall. It was Mona Lisa in all her glory. Whatever she had to offer, Bryce couldn't tell what exactly it was, if anything at all.

"Eh, I don't see it." Snapping his fingers, the canvas stretched out and took on a different depiction. Now there was a woman with her back turned to him. The nude woman turned her head back to look towards him with a peacock feather fan held in her long right hand.

"Too many vertabrae." He snapped his fingers a second time.

The canvas contorted again before settling to one of a woman wearing a pink frilly dress. She sat in a swing being pulled back by her lover while a second lie in the bushes below her, admiring the view.

"Too bright." he snapped a third time.

He went through many reditions of portraits depicting women, ranging from a group of five nude women made from geometric shapes, to a Japanese print of a woman and two octopuses.

Bryce went through countless paintings until finally finding the right one. It was of a woman, spread out across her bed with her dog curled up into a ball at her feet. In the background her servents desperately searched for clothing for their mistress to wear to conceal her shameful behavior.

"Perfect to the detail." Taking a look at his watch, Bryce saw it still running at an hour every few seconds. "Well I like to stay, but I'd like to see as much as I can while I can. Can you point me to the sculpture section?"

The dog at the woman's feet stood up, shook its body, and jumped down onto the floor below the picture frame. The small dog ran off in a random direction prompting Bryce to follow.

Within seconds the scene was replaced with a hall of sculptures. When the dog stopped it sat back and began to eye Bryce.

"Let me guess, you want a treat?"

The dog hopped on its back legs at mention of a reward.

"Well how does a nice, thick, juicy steak sound?"

The small white and brown spaniel began to do a dance in place, anxious to get its prize for a job well done.

"Well you earned it." Closing his eyes, Bryce pictured a big slab of beef. When he opened them a steak weighing close to five pounds had materialized out of thin air and landed a short distance away. Immediately the small mutt ran towards it and began to gnaw the slab of beef. "You enjoy that, I killed the bull it came from myself. It would be a shame to let that much meat go to waste."

Turning back to the sculptures, Bryce walked off from the dog enjoying its meal.

The first statue he came to was massive. It was of a bull, thrashing about in the hands of its two male handlers. Wrapped around the bull's horns there was a rope. Following the length of rope down Bryce could see the other end wrapped around the neck of a woman.

The scene brought a chill to Bryce. It brought to mind his encounter with his own bull, but he took solace in one thing: In his encounter he had been the victor, the one who had endured to the last and had been able to walk away.

Bryce's attention was taken away when he felt something pulling on his leg. Looking down he saw the same brown and white spaniel nipping on his sock.

Bryce softly kicked his leg back, sending the pup sliding across the smooth flooring. "What the H are you doing? Go have your steak."

The dog stood up, its teeth beared.

"What's gotten to you?"

The dog could only let out a small, adorable bark.

"That's great, now your steak's over there." Bryce turned back to the sculpture before him.

Again the dog pulled at his sock.

Bryce kicked it back again, this time with more force.

Shaking the scene off, Bryce looked behind him to see a second, massive sculpture. It was of a bearded man, nearly twice his own hieght. The man was beefy with enough muscle to hold up the sky if the need arise. From the man's desposition he looked to have done just that as he rested his club under his left armpit. His right arm was held behind him, the adjoined hand holding onto the literal fruit of the strong man's labor.

Bryce wanted to take in the moment, but the excessive tugging of the dog on his sock made that an impossibility.

"What do you want!?"

The sapniel ceased its tugging when a loud thud came from behind it.

The bull that had inhabited the former sculpture had sprang to life, throwing off its lifeless handlers with ease. Shaking the loose marble off its sculpted form, the bull began to step down from its plinth. As it took a final step down the marble bull turned to look at Bryce, glaring at him with a pair of eyes which glowed like embers in a dying bonfire.

Bryce held a hand over his eyes and shook his head. "This again, really?"

The marble bull simply bellowed out a column of flames.

"Flames. That's a nice touch." Bryce took a step back to where he was a hair's width away from the statue of the strong man. Holding out his arms, Bryce said, "Come at me bro."

The marble bull took Bryce to his word and began to charge at him.

As the stone bovine charged onwards Bryce continued to hold out his arms, not the least bit moved from his current spot.

The bull pushed forward, determined to end the life of the being before him.

When the bull was less than a yard from Bryce, the marble bull was beaten to the side by a large club wielded by the now mobile strong man.

The impact tore away much of the bull's head, leaving it with a hanging jaw and a single glowing eye and horn.

When the bull made a move Bryce stated, "Grind'm to bits."

The strong man jumped down from its own plinth, landing square on the bull's side, further breaking off sizeable chunks from the marble bovine. Not wasting time, the strong man brought its club down on its foe, sending bits of marble flying in every direction. Dropping its club, the strong man bent down and held on to what remained of the bull's head. With great ease, the head came loose and was soon after thrown against a wall, shattering it to incomprehensive pebbles.

The entire time Bryce had been covering his face to avoid getting cut by the marble shrapnel. Waiting a few seconds after the noise had ceased, Bryce brought his arm away to find the giant strong man towering over him. Looking at what remained of the bull was enough to tell who had been the victor.

"Well, you'll probably hate me for sawing this, buuuut..." Bryce began to clap while shouting, "Hercules! Hercules! Hercules! Hercules!"

The giant statue of a man looked on, expressionless.

"Nothing? Whatever. It's first time you get to move in 1800 years, you've rested long enough."

The living statue ignored Bryce's comment and took a monumentous bound back onto its plinth. It then layed its club back on the rock and placed the club under his left armpit, going back to being a statue as if nothing had happened.

Bryce's mood shifted. "Did you really think the same thing would work after your first attempt failed?"

His voices echoed through the halls with no one responding back.

"Show yourself, wildebeest!"

As the vibrations of Bryce's last shout came to a close, he noticed a plume of smoke curling up from the bits and pieces of the marble bull. Instead of collecting at the ceiling, as it should have, the black smoke wafted over to a spot on the floor. As the vapor continued to gather it became more and more solid, taking on a small equine form.

When the pieces of the marble bull ceased to churn out the dark fog, the equine form opened its eyes revealing a pair of glowing embers.

"You're not the wildebeest," Bryce said in a calm tone.

The dark apparition turned to face him, and did nothing else. It couldn't have been much bigger than Apple Bloom or Dinky, but its appearance did little to hide the sinister aura reverberating from the form's mass.

"What were you trying to do?"

The dark form said nothing, choosing to stand its ground.

Bryce slowly walked towards it, his guard kept high. "I don't want to hurt you. I only want answers."

The dark form began to growl as he approached.

Bryce took a step back to give it space. "Look, I don't want to hurt you."

In a cracked voice, the dark form answered, "Neither do I."

In an instant the small equine grew in stature, growing into a large horse that towered over Bryce. Its glowing eyes grew in intensity like a pair of suns. A column of flames ran down its mane and tail while a dagger-like horn stuck out from its forehead and a pair of flaming wings protuded from it sides.

Bryce had trailed back against the wall when the black foal took on its current shape. He was already sweating profusely, feeling as if he were inan oven. It was like something out of a nightmare, but Bryce couldn't deny it was.

In an instant the heat disappated, leaving in its place an empty void.

Bryce tried to look around, but if he even was the darkness around him made it impossible to tell.

Though he felt blind, his sense of feeling was working all too well. The place he was in felt itchy like a poor quality blanket at... The hospital.

He realized what was going on. This was no longer the dream world he had been in, but his room at Ponyville Hospital. He would know that itchy blanket from anywhere.

Bryce made an attempt to move, but for what ever reason his muscles refused to respond. He tried to open his eyelids but they too refused to give an inch.

He had experienced this before; sleep paralysis as doctors called it. Recovering from it wouldn't be too much of a problem. All he needed to do was wiggle his fingers and toes enough for his brain to flip the switch on the rest of his body.

When he began to do so he felt something move on his chest. He stopped to see if he could feel it better but there was nothing. His chest fell motionless.

Wiggling his digits again the feeling on his chest came with it. It was strange. It felt to have been there, but it was so light it almost went unnoticed.

Bryce stopped wiggling again, and again his chest went still.

It was then he remembered something about sleep paralysis. One could easily be afraid of nothing, their still sleeping minds finding it difficult to see between imaginary and reality.

But this felt to be so real like it were physically touching him. Someone was resting on his chest.

In his paralysis, Bryce knew there was nothing he could do.

He began to wiggle his digits at as high a rate as his comatose mind would allow.

That only made the thing resting on his chest put up that much more of a fight.

When the invisible chain that was holding Bryce finally broke, he grabbed onto the blanket he was under and threw it over the thing on his chest. He then grabbed onto the being inside and rolled over onto the floor. The thump Bryce made shook everything within a short radius.

In what little light there was Bryce could see whatever was under the blanket struggling to come out, but Bryce would have none of that. He wrapped his arms as best he could around his attempted assailant, not taking any chances.

From behind, the door was thrown open and the room was flooded with the beam of a flashlight, sending a searing pain into Bryce's corneas.

"Bryce, what's going on?" Nurse Tenderheart asked in alarm.

Bryce placed all his weight down on the thing held under the blanket. "Someone was trying to attack me, but I've got'm trapped!"

Nurse Tenderheart placed the flashlight down on the bed. "Bryce, calm down. Whoever's under there would be best left in one piece. Let them up so I can see."

Bryce did as he was asked. When he loosened his hold on his attacker he expected for them to jump out, but instead the blanket lay as still as a corpse."

"You didn't kill them, did you?"

"I... I tried not to..."

Nurse Tenderheart bit down on the blanket and threw it back.

What they both saw shocked them both.

There was nothing there.

"What's going on in here!?" Both Bryce and Nurse Tenderheart turned back to see Doctor Stable standing closely behind them. When the stallion saw their lapse in answering, he said, "Somepony better explain this."

Bryce attempted to answer, but the nurse beat him to it. "I came in to check the patient's vital signs. He was asleep when I came in and I must have spooked him."

Doctor Stable looked them both over, trying to decide if what she had said were true. Eventually he held a hoof to his eyes and sighed. "With you, Nurse Tenderheart, I can believe that. Get it done and report back to your regular duties." He walked out of the room.

When they were alone, Nurse Tenderheart turned to Bryce. "What really happened in here?"

"I... I thought something was on me. I woke up with sleep paralysis."

"I'm familiar with that. So you woke up in the middle of the night, realized you were undergoing sleep paralysis, and, in your mind's eye, you thought somepony or something was on you?"

"Yeah, on my chest."

"Did you actually see anything?"

"No, I just felt it. But it felt so real."

"I understand that. Sleep paralysis can do that. Why don't you get back in bed and try to calm down? I'll be back in twenty minutes to show you the book I was talking about and to check your vitals, just so we can say what I said wasn't a complete lie." Bryce did as the nurse had asked. Twenty minutes later the pale blue nurse returned with a worn book held in her mouth. She laid it down on the bed within reach of Bryce. "I left a bookmark on the page I think will tell you more about the creature you saw. You look it over while I check you over. "

Bryce looked at the cover of the book in his hands. The title read: The Book of Equestrian Beings. Below was the author of the book: Olmsted Salamander. On the bookmarked page was the creature Nurse Tenderheart had wanted Bryce to see. "Catoblepas?"

"Yes, and from what you've told me the book matches almost perfectly. There's even a part where the author states that the belief of this creature is based off of real life encounters with wildebeests in Zebrica."

"Well what about its drool? The doctor said-"

"Its main diet is said to be poisonous vegetation. There is one thing the book says, but it appears to be false."

"Why's that?"

"Salamander says that the gaze of the catoblepas is lethal, and since you said you looked it straight in the eye it must be false, if what you saw was a catoblepas."

"Why do you say it like that?"

"What you said about its appearance and behavior is almost spot on with what is said in the book. It also says that while there are many references to it in old texts there is no evidence in the present day that it actually now or ever existed."

"Than how do you explain what I saw?"

Nurse Tenderheart stopped for a moment, thinking how best to answer. "Bryce, nopony else saw what you saw. From what Dinky and Apple Bloom told me all they ever saw was its flank."

They both looked each other in the eye.

"Look, Tender, I know what I saw, and I said it as best I can."

"I know you did, Bryce, and I believe you, but there really is nothing to say what you saw was a catoblepas. If it was a catoblepas we have no way of knowing what exactly will happen to you."

They both went silent for a spell.

Bryce spoke half heartedly, "Well, I'm glad you brought this in for me to see. I'm not asking you to believe me." Bryce flipped the front cover of the book closed. "All we can do is hope- Damn it!" As Bryce shut the book the pages began to slip out one by one.

"Don't worry about that, I've had that book since I was a filly. It does that from time to time," Nurse Tenderheart said as she began to pile the scattered pages together.

As she piled them together Bryce took note of one of the pages. "Wait, let me see that page."

"Which one?"

"The one... The one with the black pony and the bed."

Flipping through some of the pages in her hoof, Nurse Tenderheart found the page he had indicated. The picture on the page depicted a mare lying asleep on her back in bed. Her head and left front leg were hanging over the side. On the mare's chest there was a small, menacing black foal. The eyes of the foal seemed to be glowing, but it was hard to tell since the image was black and white.

"What's that one called?"

"A mare."

"No, the foal on the mare's chest."

"That's what it's called, a mare. Why did you want to see this?"

"I saw that thing in my dream, right before I woke up with sleep paralysis."

"Bryce, that's impossible."

"But I saw it. In my dream."

"You may have, but I doubt it was a mare. They were all hunted to extinction by Princess Luna before she became Nightmare Moon."

"How can I get in contact with... whatever her name is now?"

"That's impossible."


"She's been exiled to the moon. She's been there for almost 1000 years."

Bryce fell back onto his pillow. "Tenderheart, do you believe me about this?"

Nurse Tenderheart was slow to answer. "Bryce... There's been nothing in over 1000 years to say they still exist. Despite what you saw in your dream, they're gone."

Sometimes a Cigar is Just a Cigar

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Chapter 45: Sometimes a Cigar is Just a Cigar

The following morning it came at great relief to hear that while there proved to be very small trace amounts of poison in his blood, it appeared to have no adverse effects on Bryce. It was a great relief to Bryce because after the events of last night he hadn't been able to catch even another wink of sleep.

If Amethyst hadn't brought Bryce a few things from home, namely his whittling knife, a block of wood, and a change of clothes, the night would have been a lot longer.

Before he could leave, however, Doctor Stable had Bryce stay long enough to measure his height and weight.

For his height they had to get a little creative. Marking off the top of his head, with his back against the wall, and using a yard stick he measured 6 foot even.

His weight, on the other hand, was taken in the usual way.

When he stepped on the scale Nurse Tenderheart began to adjust the blocks at top. After about a minute she stopped adjusting the blocks when the bar floated in balance. "That's 258 pounds on your weight. I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but I will say your belly seems to be well rounded."

"Well, you're not wrong. I've been trying. I've been eating a lot less than I was back in my world."

"It'll take more than that for you to lose weight, and starvation does little to help. You'll also need to exercise: Actually get up and move around, lift weights, go for a run or a jog. That sort of thing. I also noticed your heart rate was only just below the high point. You should try and lay off the energy rich foods. I can understand if you aren't getting as much to eat as you did back home, but you shouldn't try and supplement the calories with fat and sugar. I'm not trying to tell you what to do, Bryce, I'm only telling you this because I care."

"I know you are, but I'm a big guy. I need to eat."

"I know, but you should try and keep it all in moderation. Maybe you can find a friend to help you out with the exercise part. Somepony who has the time."

"Well... I'll try."

"Don't try, do! Now if you'll follow me I'll escort you out."

When they both reached the front entrance they were met with Ditzy, her two daughters, and Apple Bloom.

Catching sight of him, their immediate reaction was to run up and greet him.

"Hey, Bryce. Did everything go over okay with the doctor?" Ditzy asked.

"Yeah. They said whatever that stuff was on me wasn't lethal, but he told me I should come back if anything comes up."

"That's good. Have you gotten the chance to eat anything?"

"No, not since they fed me... whatever that stuff was last night."

"Well let's head on back to my house and I'll cook you up some good home cooking before I head off for work. After having to endure the food they serve here you deserve it. No offense, Tenderheart."

Nurse Tenderheart simply waved it off. "I won't blame you for saying that. We may not have five star food but we make up for it with a top notch medical staff and care. Take care, Bryce, and try not to come around too often. We don't want you to become another Bright Smiles on our hooves."

Bryce looked down to her in shock. "Wait, who?"

"I... can't say anymore. Please, take care." Nurse Tenderheart reentered Ponyville Hospital without another word.

"Bryce," Ditzy said, trying to get the human's attention, "I don't want to rush you, but I need to hurry and get to work."

"What...? Oh, okay."

The group then walked away from the hospital toward Ditzy's house. Upon entering the gray pegasus' home she immediately flew off into the kitchen and began preparing Bryce's breakfast.

Meanwhile Bryce took a seat at the kitchen table, took off his watch, and pulled out what remained of his lastest whittling. Not wanting to cause a distraction, the girls took a seat across from him and watched him as he worked.

After a few minutes of work, Bryce blew off the thin layer of wood dust and held it out to Dinky and Apple Bloom. "Well, what do y'all think?"

"It's... What's it supposed ta be?" Apple Bloom asked in confusion.

"Well what does it look like?"

The two fillies thought for a second before Dinky shouted, "It's a unibull!"

Apple Bloom turned her head to try and see what Dinky saw. "That's supposed ta be a bull?"

"No, it's a unibull," Dinky responded. "See, it only has one horn."

"Why'd yuh only give it one horn, Bryce?"

"Well, it only had one horn in my dream."

"You saw it in a dream?"

"Yeah. It was a lot bigger than me too."

"Wow, something bigger than Bryce." Apple Bloom said in awe. "Ah can't think of anything that big in real life."

"Come on, there has to be something," Bryce objected. "What about Big Mac?"

"He's big, but you're like twice his size. Ah've seen him carry a hay bale alright, but when he put yuh in the wagon he was strugglin."

"Well... I have a lot of muscle."

Dinky responded, "Then it must be really loose at your belly. It feels better than a pillow."

"Dinky, you shouldn't say things like that," Amethyst said. "And Bryce, whenever you're done eating you and Apple Bloom need to go see Applejack at the apple stand. Because of how late it was after we left the hospital Apple Bloom had to spend the night here. It's okay, her family already knows about it. Ditzy went out to the farm after she got off work, thinking we were both still there, and made sure, but said for you both to meet Applejack before you did anything else."

"Okay I'll... I'll go see her after I eat."

Just then, Ditzy came over with a plate containing two egg sandwiches and a glass of milk. "Here's your breakfast. I gotta run. See you all later." After giving Dinky a kiss on the forehead, Ditzy ran to the door to get her satchel.

Before even taking the first bite, Bryce ran out to the gray mare. "Ditzy, before you go, I want to ask you for something. Outside."

"Okay, but be quick. I'm already late," Ditzy said as she stepped outside and shut the door.

"Well, if you see Rainbow could you tell her to come and find me? I need her help with something."

"It isn't anything bad, is it?"

"No, it's... it's personal."

"Uh huh, I got it. If I see her I'll tell her. You all have fun today, and stay safe." Getting a running start, Ditzy took flight.

Wolfing down his breakfast, Bryce and the others went into town. After tracking down the apple stand the apple mare came running out to greet them.

"Apple Bloom, there yuh are. How'd everything go?"

"It went great. Can Dinky come stay at our house some time?"

"Maybe some other time, Sugarcube. Have yuh gotten anything ta eat yet?"

"Yeah, Miss Doo is a good cook, not that Ah don't like Granny's cookin."

"That's good." Applejack turned to face Bryce. "Sooooo. What'd the doctor say about yuh, Bryce?"

"They told me everything checked out fine, but to come back if anything comes up," Bryce answered.

"That's, uh, that's good. Have yuh had anything yet yourself?"

"Yeah, Ditzy cooked me my usual."

"Well that's mightly neighborly of her. And it was neighborly of your family ta look after my sister on such short notice," Applejack said to Amethyst.

The magenta mare simply brushed it off. "It was nothing. You would have done the same if the shoe was on the other hoof."

"Yeah, Ah guess Ah would have. It'd be the honest thing to do." Applejack turned back to Bryce. "Are yuh thinkin of going on home, because if yuh want to Ah have some things you can get for me... Yuh know, since you're here."

"I can do that, sure."

"Alright then. Ah've put the bits in with your own. Yuh know, just in case yuh turned out fine. I also brought your satchel with me so you can carry it all."

Quickly fishing out everything, Applejack sent Bryce and the rest of the group off.

Opening the list, Bryce was happy to see it contained not only what was needed, but how much was need. It would make things easier for him. "Are you two going to tag along, or do yuh... Do you have somewhere you need to be?" Bryce asked Amethyst.

"Sure, we'll come. There were a few things we needed to get today anyway. No point in going out twice. What do you have first?"

Bryce almost stopped dead when he saw what was first. "Carrots." SHIT!

"Carrots, right. Actually, I think I have an idea that'll get our grocery shopping done faster."


"It's been almost a month. You promised-"

"I didn't promise yuh nothin, runt," Rocksalt said with a brazen grin plastered across his face. "We didn't even shake on it or nothin."

"But you said if I went up to him and came back, alive and in one piece, then you'd give me your autographed Wonderbolts poster" Scootaloo said in protest.

Rocksalt let out a snort. "And yuh bought that? You're not only a runt, you're dumber than the mailmare," the dull brown colt said before letting out a laugh.

"But... You said-"

"Get it through your thick skull. I knew you'd be dumb enough to go if I even mentioned something of the Wonderbolts. Everypony knows every pegasus has a thing for the Wonderbolts, whether they'd like ta admit it or not. You can ask your parents."

At hearing that Scootaloo's ears drooped.

Bowl Cut, one of Rocksalt's friends, took note of Scootalo's change in demeanor. "Hey, you alright, Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo could only nod back.

"Yuh see, she's fine. Now let's go yous guys."

"Are you sure?" Bowl Cut asked. "Is it about what he said?"

Scootaloo nodded again. It almost went unnoticed by deep blue colt.

"You see, you hurt her feelings again."

"*Pfft* I ain't done it. She's just cryin cause she don't get her Blunderbolts poster and her parents won't tell how much of a runt she is." Rocksalt said in a mocking tone.


Everypony stopped for a second following Scootaloo's outburst. When a sly grin spread across Rocksalt's face, he said, "Mommy and daddy didn't want you? No wonder you're a flightless runt."

The orange pegasus followed up by pouncing on the dull brown colt and socking him in the jaw. Before she could continue, Rocksalt's two remaining friends quickly pulled the angered filly off the colt. "Let me go, I'm not done with him!"

"No way. We're not about to let you kill him," the thin, baby blue Middle Part said.

"Yeah, we can't let you do that," the fat, powder blue Cue Ball said in agreement.

Bowl Cut made an attempt to take control of the situation. What's the matter with you, pulling on a girl like that? Our mom would be ashamed if she heard about this."

"Yeah, but Bowl-"

"Recede, you knuckleheads!" The two colts cautiously loosened their hold on the orange pegasus, both prepared to instantly grab her again.

Taking a step towards Scootaloo, Bowl Cut bent down and whispered, "Look, get goin. We'll take care of'm."

"How can you all spend time with that jerk?"

"Don't worry about that. Get goin'."

Wanting more than anything to give Rocksalt what for, Scootaloo reluctantly got up and walked away from the scene.

When the orange pegasus was out of sight, Bowl Cut turned to look at Rocksalt. The dull brown colt said to him, "Yuh did good, Bowl, my friend. Another second and I mighta did something to her that would-"

"You're a jerk, you know that."

Rocksalt was thrown back by the deep blue colt's comment. "What's gotten in to you?"

"You didn't have to go and say something like that. Even if you didn't know about it before."

"Hey, what are you gettin on ta me about? That runt woulda killed me if your brothers hadn't-"

"Well maybe we shouldn't have if you're going to act innocent," Part stated.

"Yeah, we should have let her teach you a lesson," Cue added.

"What are yous guys goin on about!?"

"You're a jerk and we're done with you," Bowl said sternly. "Lying about giving her a poster is one thing, but picking on her for being an orphan? That's just low. We might have put up with a lot of things with you, even put up with you ranting about Bryce through the whole month, but this was the straw that broke the camel's back with me."

"Me too," both Cue and Part added.

"See, they agree."

Rocksalt narrowed his eyes before saying," I see what's going on here. Bryce's makin yous guys say all this. Where is he!? Take me to him!"

Bowl shook his head and shut his eyes. "Rock, this has nothing to do with him. This is all you, you imbecile!"

"Maybe that's what you want me to think so I'll let my guard down long enough for him to take me. Well yous can tell'm I'm not gonna fall for it." Turning tail, Rocksalt ran off, not taking a look back.

After a minute, Cue Ball asked, "Hey, fellas, we're not under Bryce's control, are we?'

"No, Cue Ball. Rocksalt is just... Rocksalt," Bowl Cut replied.

"You think Rock's gonna be alright?" Middle Part asked.

"I don't know, but all I know is we can't associate with him anymore. He's gone way past the point of no return."


They all stood there for a second until Cue said, "Hey, fellas, are you thinkin what I'm thinkin?"


Running off, Cue yelled, "Last one to Sugarcube Corner pays for the shakes. *Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk*!"

"Why I oughta..." Bowl said before taking chase.

"Hey, Bowl! Hey, Cuey! Wait for me!" Part said before bringing up the rear.

Meanwhile, Rocksalt was having a hard time accepting the events of the last few minutes. Those three colts had been with him for years, and now... Now they were under the control of... whatever that thing was that had arrived in their small town.

The dull brown colt was at his wits end, and he might has well have been the only one with a good head on his shoulders.

As Rocksalt entered the town square he saw something from out of the corner of his eye.

What he saw made him shudder.

It was Bryce, standing at the carrot vendor's stand. With him was the yellow earth pony filly who lived at Ponyville's apple farm. Looking around, Rocksalt saw that not a single pony; not stallion nor mare; not colt nor filly seemed to register his presence. They all simply walked casually past without causing a single stir.

It was at that moment Rocksalt decided he was going to end this once and for all. He may become a thrall to this creature, but he was tired of ranting; tired of fighting a battle he may have no possible chance of winning.

Narrowing his brow, Rocksalt stepped forward just as Bryce stepped away from the carrot vendor's stand.


As Bryce stepped towards Carrot Top's stand his heart began to beat rapidly in his chest. He had no idea how the orange maned mare would react to him after his moment the week prior.

He had never wanted that to have happened, but it wasn't entirely in his control. This time he knew what was needed, and how many of it was wanted, but there was no way to forget what he saw.

A week ago, Carrot Top had looked to have been on the verge of falling over, as if she would have a heart attack from mere fright of the twice her size human being before her. Hell, she'd ran away from him the first time she'd saw him, and he couldn't even see her.

Bryce didn't want to put her through something like that a third time, he hadn't even meant to make her feel that way.

At the same time. however, he was mentally berating himself for not concentrating.

Right now the only pony with Bryce was Apple Bloom. Both Amethyst and DInky had run off, with half his list and he with half of theirs. It had been Amethyst's plan that if they split up then they could each go ahead and get whatever they all needed. To do this, she had decided the best course of action would be to split their lists, get their items, then meet up later at Ditzy's house to sort through everything.

Bryce had thought it a good plan. The sooner they each got everything then the sooner they would be able do something fun together. He didn't realize until Amethyst and DInky had gone that he was still responsible for getting carrots. Both the Apple family's and the Doos'.

The last week he'd only had Apple Bloom, with Rarity and Fluttershy coming to 'his' rescue at the last moment. He doubt he would be as lucky this time around.

By then it was too late to try and run. The carrot mare had spotted him, and immediately the smile she had had sank. To Bryce, this wasn't a good sign.

Gripping down onto the strap of his satchel, Bryce took a position less than a foot from the carrot stall.

When he stopped, Corrot Top's face was still in the same expression. It was hard for one to tell exactly what to call it, but Bryce could only think it was a face of one thing: Fear.

"Excuse me," Carrot Top said in a hard to place tone, "is there something I can help you with... Bryce, is it?"

Bryce was still in too much of a daze to comprehend what she'd said. "What...?"

"Your name. It is Bryce, right?"

"I... It is..."

"I thought so. I mean, you'd be hard to forget," The carrot mare said as a smile began to creep its way back across her cheeks. "So what can I get for you?"

"Well... Um..."

"Wait, let me guess. You want something orange?"

"Well, yeah."

"So you want sweet potatoes?"

"No, I was thinking more along the line of-"

"Grapefruit? Tangerines? Pumpkins? Canteloupes?"

"I prefer to call them net melons."

"If that's so then you'll want to talk to Musk Melon. He's about four or five stalls down from mine. Don't worry, you'll know you've reached him when you smell his cologne."

Bryce looked where she indicated with her hoof. He turned back to her with a smirk. "I'm actually here for-"


"No, I'm here for peaches."

The carrot mare stopped dead upon hearing that. "Well peaches are on the other side of... Okay, okay, how many do 'peaches' you need?"

"Well, I need 20 peaches. You can substitute carrots if you don't have them though."

"I can do that. Should I bunch them in half, or is there some other way you'd prefer them?"

"12 and 8, if you could."

"Certainly." Carrot Top bent down and came back up with the desired amount of carrots. "Here you go. That'll be eight bits total."

Pulling out the required amount, Bryce placed the coinage down on the stall and scooped up the carrots.

Before he could even place them into his satchel and walk off, Carrot Top stopped him. "Bryce, before you go, I want to ask you something."

"Okay..." Damn it!!!

"Last week, when you were standing there for the longest time, did I do something that scared you?"

"N- No..."

"Oh, that's a relief... I guess. I was just... all last week I was wondering..." Carrot Top stopped herself and let out a sigh. "What I really wanted to say is that I was afraid when I first saw you. I mean, you're big and... I don't know the best word to say."

"There's really no wrong answer."

"Well I don't want to say anything to upset you, so I'll just say this: When I saw the way you acted over how many carrots you needed I saw something else. You just looked so lost; like you knew where you needed to be, but you were too scared to ask anypony how to get there. I tried to help, but Rarity and Fluttershy beat me to the punch. I guess I'm trying to say that you may appear to be big, but inside you're a small little colt trying to find his way. Am I right?"

"That about sums it up," he shyly replied.

"Ahh, come on, chip up," Carrot Top said as she came over to Bryce's side of the stall. "If you were going to hurt anypony you would have done something by now." Bryce scratched the back of his head. It went unnoticed by the yellow mare. "I won't let you leave unless you give me a smile. Come on."

Bryce didn't want to admit it, but hearing what Carrot Top had said did help him feel good. He gave a weak smile.

"You can do better than that."

Bryce laughed a little, the smile slowly easing its way out.

"There it is. Now go on and get back out there. Don't forget your carrots."

Bryce placed the carrots into his satchel. "Thank you, Carrot Top."

"Don't mention it. And one more thing. Could you tell Ditzy and the girls I said hi?"

"Well, if I don't forget, I will."

"Okay then, have a nice day. Come back if you're ever looking for peaches."

"You too. Let's get going, Sprout."

Apple Bloom jumped up, wanting more than anything to get moving. "Finally, I hate it when adults just talk talk talk!"

"Eh, come on. It's not like someone was pulling off your hooves or the like. Next up, lettuce."

"Hey, you!" A gruff voice shouted from behind.

Bryce kept going, thinking it was for someone else.

"Hey, I'm talkin ta you!" The same New Yorkeresque voice shouted.

"Bryce, Ah think that colt's talkin to yuh," Apple Bloom said.

Bryce turned around to face whoever was yelling for him. "Look, I got things- You again?"

Standing before him was the dull brown colt that had yelled at him a few weeks ago. "Yeah, me again. I'm only gonaa tell yuh once: Let everypony go, and nopony has ta get hurt."

Bryce looked at him, very puzzled. "What are you going on about?"

"You know good and well what. What makes yuh think you can come here and try and take over 'our' world you... thing! You better release your mind control on everypony, or else."

"My mind- Mind control!?"

"What're yuh, deaf? Release'em all, now!" A crowd was beginning to form around Bryce and Rocksalt. "Oh I see, tryin ta intimadate me inta forfeitin. Well I'll tell you what I already told your other thralls: I ain't fallin for it." He began to circle around, staring everypony dead in the eye. "I'll take yuh all on if I have ta!"

"Look, kid, you don't know what you're saying. Get on!" Bryce shouted back.

"No! I'm not quitin until they all get their minds back. We can do this the easy way or the hard way."

Bryce covered his face with his hands. "Kid... Nobody is under my control. You're just... I don't know what, but you're acting crazy. Now I have things I need to get done. Goodbye." Bryce walked off, Apple Bloom attempting to keep up.

"I'm not done with you! Get back here!"

"Just ignore him, Apple Bloom," Bryce said to the yellow filly.

"Don't you ignore me!"

Rocksalt jumped when he heard something hit the ground from behind. "Kid, what are you yelling at Bryce about?"

Looking back, Rocksalt was surprised to see the one pony who had faced Bryce and lived to tell the tale: Rainbow Dash, in all her furred and feathered glory. "Rainbow Dash! Thank Celestia you're here. Bryce is here, and he's got everypony in town under his control. Yuh gotta stop him before he takes Manehatten, Cloudsdale, Canterlot, and eventually, the world."

Rainbow Dash then did the last thing Rocksalt had expected her to do. She laughed. "Kid, that's... That's one of the funniest things I've ever-" Anything else the rainbow mare said was lost in a fit of laughter.

Rocksalt could only look in horror. Rainbow Dash, the most awesomest pegasus in all of Equestria, had been taken in by Bryce. he began to slowly walk away.

"Look, kid, I'll go and talk to him. Maybe get a few ponies free. How's that sound?"

"What, only a-"

"You wait here, I'll go beg for their 'freedom', Rainbow said with air quotes. She flew off towards Bryce.

Rocksalt shook his head to clear his mind. Whatever Rainbow was going to do wouldn't be enough. He was going to have to take matters into his own hooves. He ran of to catch up with Rainbow and Bryce.

When he reached them he saw them both talking, calmly. After catching sight of Rocksalt, Rainbow pointed to the colt, prompting Bryce to look where she indicated.

A sly grin came to Bryce's face. "Rainbow Dash?" Bryce said in a low, gruff voice. "The same little horse thing who vanquished me, and made me suffer such an indignity?"

"Yeah, that's me! What'd I tell you about showing your face around these parts, you bald ape!?"

Bryce continued to give the same sly grin. "I'm here to exact my revenge, maybe take a little dinner with me."

"Oh really!? I beat your flank once. What makes you think I can't do it again?"

"You may have defeated me before," Bryce said as he pointed with his finger almost an inch away from her face, "but this time you won't find me so easy to take on."

"Oh yeah, is that so?" She said as she flew up a short distance off the ground.

Bryce bore his teeth at her. "Oh yes, it is." Thrusting forward, Bryce attempted to claw at her, but she dodged his attack and followed up with a hook to his jaw. Bryce spun around with a hand to his mouth.

The crowd which had encircled the pair let out a gasp.

"Had enough?" Rainbow asked.

"Ha ha, we haven't even started!" Bryce spun back around and grabbed Rainbow by one of her back hooves. Instantly Rainbow started to flap her wings to try and get out of the human's grip, but Bryce held on tight. All she could muster was to drag him across the ground at a slow pace through the gathered crowd on ponies, who instantly cleared a path for Bryce and Rainbow to cut through.

Once they reached a more open area, Rainbow was finally able to pull herself loose. With a powerful flap of her wings she barreled up into the air. When she came back down she landed square into Bryce's gut sending him to the ground a considerable distance away. Rainbow hit the ground not far from Bryce.

It took all of Bryce's strength to utter a single word. "... Ow..."

Picking herself up, Rainbow crawled her way up Bryce's front.

Bryce grabbed Rainbow and tossed her off of him. Acting fast, he rolled away from the rainbow mare and picked himself up.

By then Rainbow was up as well. She again flew up and zoomed at him.

This time Bryce stepped to the side, grabbing her by the nape of her neck and base of her tail as she passed. With Rainbow in his grip, Bryce held her up high. Taking a knee, Bryce brought Rainbow's back down hard on his thigh.

Rainbow let out a cry of pain when it made contact.

Everypony could only stare open mouthed.

Bryce dropped the rainbow mare prone onto the ground and held his hands up in triumph.

Face To Face

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Chapter 46: Face To Face

Scootaloo walked at a slow pace through the alleyways within Ponyville. She paid no heed to where she was going, not that she had anyplace she needed to be.

When she had confronted Rocksalt about his Wonderbolt's poster the last thing she had expected was to end up like this. She hadn't doubted before he had been making it up at the time, but she was willing to accept that, to a certain extent. But when the dull brown colt actually made her out herself to him and his friends...

Scootaloo could only be thankful that those two colts had pulled her off Rocksalt when they did. Any longer and he would have gotten a fair amount of bits from the Tooth Pony.

When Rocksalt had readily allowed Scootaloo to join his group of friends she was more than willing to do so. After spending only a few minutes with the loopy colt, however, made Scootaloo not even want to be in the same room with Rocksalt, regardless of how well she got along with the three colts who hung around him. It was just, for those few short minutes, Scootaloo hadn't felt so alone. Not since...

Scootaloo stopped all movement and stared down at the ground. She didn't even want to think about that day, not after what had happened. The day the closest thing Scootaloo had looked up to as a parent left her alone.

She tried to not think about what had happened then, she tried remain strong, and for most part she was able to do so, but after what Rocksalt had said to her did little to keep hidden the feelings she had kept deep down inside for so long.

What she wouldn't give to take it back; take it all back and leave things the way they were before.

"Hey, you!"

A chill ran down Scootaloo's back when she heard that voice. Thinking it was for her, Scootaloo swiveled her head around, looking for the source, and hoping she was wrong.

"Hey, I'm talking ta you!" The same Manehatten accented voice called out.

At last Scootaloo found him, but Rocksalt wasn't looking in her direction. The dull brown colt was instead facing a hard to miss figure.

Bryce turned around to face whoever was yelling at him. "Look, I got things- You again?"

Seeing this made Scootaloo facehoof. She didn't need a crystal ball to know what Rocksalt was about to do. It just gave her more reason now to avoid the colt.

Scootaloo had seen Bryce when he came into town last week. The orange pegasus had wanted to approach the human, mostly to thank him for the chocolate, but for whatever reason something held her back. She wasn't sure why, but whenever she caught the smallest glance of Bryce she could almost swear she knew him. But that was impossible. Scootaloo knew she had only talked to the stranger one time. Not even that, more along the lines of him talking to her.

But the more Scootaloo looked at Bryce the more she racked her brain to remember how, just how she knew Bryce.

Bryce covered his face with his hands. "Kid... Nobody is under my control. You're just... I don't know what, but you're acting crazy. Now I have things I need to get done. Goodbye." Bryce then turned around and walked off while a yellow filly attempted to keep up.

"I'm not done with you! Get back here!" Rocksalt shouted back. When Bryce gave no sign of doing that, Rocksalt added, "Don't you ignore me!"

Scootaloo wasn't going to wait around to see Rocksalt make a further fool of himself. The orange filly ran ahead to catch up with Bryce. It didn't matter what, she was going to figure this out. There was just something, something about Bryce.

It didn't take long for Scootaloo to find him. Bryce was standing a short stride away from where she stood. Now would be the perfect time to try and clear things.

Before she could take the first step, however, Scootaloo saw somepony that put her previous train of thought at the sidelines. It was Rainbow Dash; her idol, and the coolest, most awesomest pegasus in all of Equestria, and better than any signed Wonderbolts poster any day.

"Hey, Bryce," the rainbow mare said.

Bryce turned his attention away from his list. "Oh, hey Rainbow. Did Ditzy tell you to find me?"

"Yeah. Is that colt giving you trouble?"

Bryce scratched the back of his head. "Well... he's... He's just a kid."

"He told me you have Ponyville under your control, or something."

Bryce shrugged. "I don't know what to say. Maybe he's just lost, or maybe he just ain't proper."

"You aren't really doing that, are you?"

Bryce looked Rainbow straight in the eye and said, "Sure."

Rainbow Dash stopped for a second before letting out a snort. "Yeah, and I'm an egghead that reads books all day. Anyway I told him I'd beg you to let a few ponies free."

"... Beg?" Bryce and Apple Bloom asked in unison.

"Don't get any bright ideas; I don't beg to anypony."

"Right. I have an idea." Bryce bent down and whispered in the rainbow mare's ear.

Rainbow eyed Bryce. "What are you getting at?"

Bryce whispered again. Apple Bloom tried to lean in to hear, but couldn't.

Rainbow rolled the idea around for a second. "It's far fetched, but it'll prove a thing or two to him. I like it."

"I knew you would. "

"Hey, there he is now," Rainbow said as she pointed behind Bryce, prompting Bryce to look where she indicated. Coming up was the dull brown colt.

A sly grin came to Bryce's face. "Rainbow Dash?" Bryce said in a low, gruff voice. "The same little horse thing who vanquished me, and made me suffer such an indignity?"


Within the timespan of a minute more than half of Ponyville had crowded in to hear Bryce's and Rainbow's shouting. Looking around at everypony's faces Bryce could see they were buying it.

After sparring off for about a minute Bryce decided it was time to make it appear he had the upper hand.

As Rainbow Dash tried to zoom at him a second time he stepped to the side, grabbing her by the nap of her neck and base of her tail as she passed. With Rainbow in his grip, Bryce held her up high. Taking a knee, Bryce brought Rainbow's back down hard on his thigh.

Rainbow let out a cry of pain when it made contact.

Everypony could only stare open mouthed.

Bryce dropped the rainbow mare prone onto the ground and held his hands up in triumph.

Not a single pony could could believe what had happened. Rainbow Dash lay on the ground, unmoving.

Bryce continued to hold his hands up in triumph as he walked over Rainbow. "Well then, my little ponies, I've defeated your champion. Let this be a lesson to you all. I own you all now, for you are all under my mind control." A few murmurs began to arise from the crowd as Bryce continued. A few of them began to wonder if the human had hit the ale early. "I shall spare all of you this once, but one of you must pay." Bryce shifted his gaze to the colt who had started this whole ordeal at the interior of the crowd. Sticking out a hand, Bryce said, "You, Rocksalt, shall be that one."

Immediately Rocksalt froze in place. He'd just witnessed Rainbow Dash, the only known pony who had faced the evil Bryce and live get crushed. There was no-

But from behind Bryce the colt saw something that went unnoticed by the human. It was Rainbow. She was alive and slowly getting up. If Rocksalt could keep Bryce distracted long enough then maybe she would have a chance.

"You should have stayed out of it, kid, but now you have to pay."

Taking a defensive stance, Rocksalt narrowed his eyes. "Yuh know what, just get it over with. I'm done tryin."

"Really? Don't you want to put up a fight?"

"Nah. There's no way I could beat yuh if Rainbow could."

The ponies in the crowd began to speak in low whispers. Many agreed it seemed mediocre, but the colt had looked truely afraid when Bryce called him out.

"My, my. I didn't give you much credit. You're brave to accept your fate, I must say," Bryce said as he slowly stepped towards Rocksalt. "But you shall still suffer, just not as much."

"Yeah, well there's one thing yuh don't know. Somepony is gonna kick your-"

From behind, Rainbow shouted, "Hey, why are yuh looking at that small fry!? I'm the one you want!"

Bryce turned back around as Rocksalt facehoofed, his distraction all but worthless.

"You still wish to fight?"

"You're not taking Equestria unless it's over my dead body."

Bryce smirked. "Well, I can arrange that."

Brycee gritted his teeth at the rainbow mare before charging at her at full speed.

Rainbow was prepared for this and she again flew up a short distance off the ground. When Bryce was close enough she headbutted him in the stomach. Grabbing onto his head, she brought him down on his gut and began to act like she was slamming his face into the ground. After a few 'slams' she pulled his head up and slammed it as hard as she possibly could into the grass.

Thinking him defeated, Rainbow began to showboat as she flew a short distance off the ground.

With Rainbow distracted, Bryce got up once again and looked for something to use as a weapon. He found a large stick nearby that would suffice.

"Rainbow, look out!" Somepony shouted from the crowd.

Rainbow was only able to turn around in time to see Bryce use the stick to smack the air around her back. Playing along, Rainbow fell supine on the ground in front of the crowd. "Do- don't worry, I'm just slowly tiring him out."

Bryce clawed his fingers and let out a roar. This was enough to bring Rainbow's attention back to him as he charged at her a second time.

Jumping up and hovering off the ground, Rainbow extended her forehooves and pointed them directly at Bryce. When he was only a few feet away he extended out his arms as he began to walk around blindly as he let out a moan.

"Whoa, she zombified him," a foal said.

"Snap out of it, Bryce!" A second foal shouted.

Bryce shook his head and gritted his teeth. He again charged at Rainbow, but this time jumped up, landing on her and bringing them both to the ground.

Wiggling out, Rainbow grabbed Bryce around the neck and placed him in a headlock as he was getting to his knees.

Leaning in close, Rainbow asked, "Think they've had enough?"

"Not yet," Bryce replied. "Give me one more hook then I'll play dead."

Bryce slipped out of her headlock. Rainbow flew at Bryce knocking him to the ground. Bryce was able to flip over on his back in time for Rainbow to land another hook to his jaw. He fell over on his side facing away from the crowd.

Rainbow sat down on the ground and breathed heavily. Turning to the crowd, Rainbow wiped the sweat off her brow. "Welp, he was a lot tougher than he was last time. You don't have to worry, everypony, Bryce has been defeated."

A dead silence fell over the crowd. "Is that it?" One asked.

"Of course. What'd you expect, laser swords?"

Bryce got up on his hands and added, "Or were you wanting me to call on an army of the dead?"

The crowd groaned at the pair before walking off. It was slow at first, but it soon grew in intensity. The talk amongst them all was that the play could have been better. A lot better. One stallion was later quoted with saying the whole act was like a poor ripoff.

After that everything went back to normal. All of the vendors returned to their stands before anypony could 'accidently' walk off with any merchandise, while the rest went about their usual Farmer's Market Day routines.

This left Bryce with Rainbow Dash, Apple Bloom, and a very confused Rocksalt. The dull brown could do nothing except stare as the crowd left without a care, acting as if the whole thing hadn't occured.

When Rocksalt saw who was left he was completely unsure of what he should do. He had expected Rainbow to beat the tar out of Bryce, but instead she did nothing but played a game. And now they were chatting like old friends. Rocksalt shuttered when he saw Rainbow waving him over. Not knowing what to do, Rocksalt complied.

"What do you have to say, squirt?" Rainbow asked.

Rocksalt was still too dazed to understand the rainbow mare.

"Hello!" Apple Bloom said as she waved a hoof in front of the colt's face.

"I... I..."

"Leave him be, Sprout."

"But he's just standing there."

"He's just conflicted."

He's not wrong about that. "Are you... controllin our minds...?" Rocksalt finally managed to ask.

Rainbow snorted again. "Kid, you must be cra-" Rainbow began to say.

Bryce shoved a hand over her mouth. When Rainbow looked up she saw him shake his head at her. Turning back to Rocksalt, Bryce said, "Kid, I'm not controlling anybody's mind. And if I could, which I'm not saying I can, I wouldn't even think of doing it."

Rocksalt continued to stare up at Bryce. He was unsure of what, if anything, he should do next.

Bryce bent down and spoke in a calm voice. "Look, just go on and take the rest of the day for yourself. Tomorrow just act as if this whole thing between you and me never happened. Put it at the bottom of your mind and forget it's there. I'll do the same."

Rocksalt stared into the light gray eyes of the human above him. He was more unsure now than he had been before. Was Bryce really going to pretend as if this had never happened. It could be a trick of some sort, but what if it was genuine.

Bryce reached forward and tapped the dull brown colt on the nose. "You'll do fine, kid. You just have to learn not to jump to conclusions without thinking it through."

Rocksalt couldn't deny what Bryce said. The human had had ample oppurtunity to smite him where he stood, but the worse he did was tap him on his nose.

It hadn't even hurt.

A small smile began to form on the colt's face until he noticed something coming out of one of Bryce's nostrils. He lifted a hoof and pointed. "You... Your nose..."

Bryce wiped under his nose and found a small splatter of blood. "Damn, of all the times." Rummaging inside his satchel Bryce pulled out a folded paper towel and pressed it over his nose. "Sprout, let's go find somewhere to sit down for a few minutes. Blitzkreig, could you lead me there?" Bryce asked as he turned his head upwards.

"Sure thing," Rainbow said as Bryce placed a hand on her head.

While still looking up, Bryce said, "Look, kid, think about what I said. You'll feel better if you just drop this." The group then departed to kind a good place for Bryce to sit until his nose stopped bleeding.

Rocksalt continued to watch Bryce as he walked away, with Rainbow leading him. Bryce was in the exact same position he'd been in when the colt had first seen him.

Rocksalt had blown a simple nosebleed way out of proportions, and may well have lost the only friends he would ever have in the process.


It wasn't long after that Rainbow Dash led Bryce to a bench away from most of the stalls.

As soon as Bryce took a seat he took his hand away from Rainbow's head. "Thanks, Blitzkreig."

"Eh, don't mention it. I didn't get the chance to ask before, but why'd you tell Ditzy to tell me to see you? She said it was personal."

"Oh, I almost forgot. I had to go to the doctor again last night. I had to stay the night and this morning they took my measurements. Well, I'm fat. I'm not going to deny it; I've know it for years, but I'll say it again. I'm fat."

"Okay. I don't see why that would matter to me."

"Well the nurse said I should work on losing weight. That's where you come in."

"What? Why me?"

"Well, of everyone I know you're the most physically fit. Plus, you have the most free time of anybody I know."

"*Pfft* I don't have that much free time. I take naps, that eats up a lot of my time."

"AJ says anypony who spends their time napping insteada workin makes them a no good, lazy bum," Apple Bloom responded. "She usually uses you as an example too."

"And I would ask her, but she has to work all day," Bryce added.

"That's not all I do," Rainbow said, breezing over Bryce's and Apple Bloom's quips. "I have a job. I work."

Bryce smirked. "Yeah, for about an hour a day."

"No, for an hour-and-a-half a day," Rainbow said matter of factly.

"So in the remaining 14 and a half hours you can help me, right?" Bryce asked, still looking up.

Rainbow eyed Bryce for a second, but soon realized it did little if he couldn't see her do it. Letting out a sigh, she said, "Fine, I'll help you." Rainbow took on a determined tone. "But if were gonna do this then I'll need your full commitment. I don't want to be hearing you're sore or tired. I'll be there three days a week, early in the morning. When I get there you better get ready to do what I say, when I say it. Is that clear?"

"Fine, but I won't do two things: I won't take any kind of weight lose or muscle building pills, powders, or the like; and I won't eat any raw eggs."

"Fair enough. You better get a good night's sleep because tomorrow is going to long and hard."

"I'll try to. The sleep part I can do. The good night's part probably not."

"Great," Rainbow said with glee. "See you in the morning." Rainbow Dash flew off, leaving Bryce alone with Apple Bloom to wait until his nose stopped bleeding.

Within a minute, Apple Bloom asked, "Bryce, do you know an orange pegasus?"

"I can't say I do, but why?"

"She's been followin us since that fella yelled at yuh."

"Who, that colt?"

"Yeah. And this pegasus has been followin us since then. And I think she was followin us last week too."

Turning his head down, Bryce saw the orange pegasus Apple Bloom was talking about standing nearby. Instantly he knew where he'd seen the pegasus last. It was the same pegasus he'd given two chocolate bars almost a month ago, and the only pony who had been brave enough to walk up to him when he'd been revealed to Ponyville. Bryce could be wrong, but the pegasus looked to be almost afraid to see him.

"I know her. Not by name, but I met her when we went to Dinky's party."

"Well why's she followin us?"

"I don't know." Bryce flagged the orange filly to come over.

When this happened, the pegasus didn't move. It only made her tense up further.

"Hey, kid, are you alright?" Bryce called out to her.

Scootaloo again refused to give an inch.

"Come on. Don't leave me hanging."

When Bryce said that Scootaloo finally moved. It was like a jolt of electricity had passed through her whole body. She steadily went forward, not stopping until she was at least a yard away from Bryce.

"Is there something you need or can help you with? If it's chocolate then I don't have any today."

Scootaloo opened her mouth to speak, but she failed to find the right words to say.

"Are yuh dumb or something?" Apple Bloom hastily asked.

"Apple Bloom, don't ask things like that."

"She might not be able to talk."

"You should say mute. Someone could take the other word the wrong way." Bryce turned back to the pegasus. "You aren't mute, are you?"

Scootaloo shook her head.

"Can you at least tell me your name?"

Scootaloo kept her mouth shut.

Bryce took a look at his watch. He was shocked to see the time. "Cripes! Sprout, we need to get going. Amethyst and Dinky are going to be waiting for us, and we've only gotten one thing." Bryce stood up and said to Scootaloo, "I wish I could stay, but I have things I need to do." Bryce hung around to see if the pegasus would speak, but she wouldn't. "Well... See you whenever..."

As Bryce walked off Scootaloo's jaw dropped. To her there was no denying who Bryce was; no denying who he sounded, acted, and looked like.

It could have been pure coincidence that he had the same hair and eye color, let alone the same voice, but the way Bryce froze at drastic moments, the same phrases, the way he acted around and treated foals. Scootaloo couldn't lie anymore.

There was only one thing she could do to confirm it.

In as high a tone as Scootaloo could manage, she said a single word. "Bright..."

Surprisingy, it had been enough for Bryce to hear. He stopped in his tracks and spun around to face Scootaloo. His usual blank face was now marked with concern. "Wha- What did you call me?"

Scootaloo was barely able to choke out the same word a second time. "B- Bright..."

"Wait, did you say Bright or Bryce?"

"B- B- Bri- Bright..."

Bryce froze when he heard Scootaloo say that. When he was able to speak, he asked, "Who are you?"

Instead of answering, Scootaloo stepped away. It was slow at first, but she steadily picked up the pace.

Bryce stepped towards Scootaloo, but when he did she turned around and galloped off. Bryce wanted to take chase, but he knew Apple Bloom wouldn't be able to keep up with him. He instead stood there, not sure how to feel.

Apple Bloom broke the silence. "Bryce, what's the matter?"

"Apple Bloom, do you know who that was?"

"Who, that pegasus? Ah've never seen'r until last week. Is somethin the matter?"

"No... Yes... I mean... I'm not sure..."

"Bryce, do you know who she was?"

"I feel I do, but... That's impossible. I haven't seen her in almost a month. But... that voice..." Bryce shook the cobwebs out of his head. Amethyst and Dinky were expecting him and Apple Bloom in less than an hour, and there was a decent amount of items he needed to acquire.

There would be time to figure this out, but now wasn't it.

New Kid on the Block

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Chapter 47: New Kid on the Block

"Hey, what gives!? We've only been going for seventeen minutes and already you're wanting to take a break!? Where's your drive, where's your spirit, where's your determination!?!?!?" Rainbow sneared at Bryce.

"I'm... sorry..." Bryce was able to pant out.

"Come on. It's just a little running. I can still see the farm from here."

"Yeah... because... you're... flying..."

"Yeah, well, that's not the point."

When Rainbow had told him she would see him in the morning he didn't expect her to mean the wee hours before the sun rose. He could understand that she wanted to get it done and over as soon as possible, but she could have given him better warning instead of blowing a whistle in his ear while he was still sleeping. Plus he would have to remember to get onto Corn later for allowing Rainbow to sneak into his room without a single warning call.

Nevertheless, Bryce got dressed, tied his bandana around his head, and headed down for breakfast.

It was a breakfast of two bowls of a foul tasting oatmeal and a glass of apple juice.

As soon as he was done Rainbow had Bryce perform a workout routine involving 3 sets of 25 repetitions of pushups, sit ups, and squats. She had told him to do pull ups, but she cut him short after he failed to do a single one after five minutes.

When the running began Bryce already felt sore, and after a minute he would rather have been caught inside the burning barn and have Big Macintosh stamp out the flames, again.

Now, after going for a slow seventeen Bryce felt he was on the verge of heaving up his oatmeal. He only hoped it would taste better coming back up.

"Come on, get moving!"

"I feel... nauseous..."

"You have till the count of three before I make you drop and give me another 25. What's it gonna be?" Rainbow asked as she landed.

"I... can't..."


"Have a-"


"You... suck..."


Rainbow was cut off by the intrusion of a soft voice. "Uhm, excuse me? What are you both doing?"

Bryce and Rainbow looked to see Fluttershy coming their way.

"Hey, Fluttershy," Rainbow said. "I'm out here trying to help Mr. Lazy Bones lose weight."

"Oh, but why are you... Yelling?" She asked, with the last part more timidly.

"Because Bryce won't give me his all. The sun's not even up yet and already he's quiting." Rainbow turned back to Bryce. "I still expect those push ups. Get to it."

Bryce was barely able to hold back a grunt of pain as he lied prone on the dirt path and began to steadily push himself up. He counted under his breath, the pause between them become more distant as he went on. "One... Two... Th- Three..."

"That one doesn't count. Go all the way down. Good, now start from the beginning. One... Two... That's it, now just 23 more."

"Uhm, Rainbow, you don't think you may be being... Maybe a tinsy bit... hard?"

"Nah, Bryce is a big guy. Sure, he may have a little extra padding, but he can easily get through-" Anything Rainbow would have said afterwards was drowned out by the sound of Bryce chucking up.

After taking a few seconds to breath, Bryce said, "D- don't worry. I'm just about em- Em-" Bryce up chucked again.

Fluttershy started feeling queasy herself. She turned away, not wanting to see Bryce like this.

Rainbow cringed in turn, but couldn't bring herself to look away.

After a minute, Bryce finished and fell over on his side. "I'll finish the push ups in a sec. I just need..." Bryce tensed as he felt his abdomen cramped up.


"I can see what you mean... Ich..." Rainbow walked over to Bryce, taking care to avoid what looked to be more than just oatmeal. "You've done enough for today. Take ten then we'll walk back."

"But what... What about... I haven't done... half..."

"You can do it later. Right now you just try and recuperate. Here, let me help you up."

Pressing down onto Rainbow and Fluttershy's backs, Bryce picked himself up and leaned onto a nearby tree. Catching his breath, Bryce saw something he hadn't noticed until now. "Fluttershy, when did you get here?"

"Oh, well, I got here about the time... you..."

Bryce bit down on his lip. "I'm sorry you had to see that."

"No, that's okay. As an animal care taker I've seen worse." But I didn't like seeing somepony I care for so hurt.

"What are you doing out here this late anyway?" Rainbow asked.

"I had to stop an opossum family from messing with a pair of baby armadillos. They were kicking the poor things around like kickballs."

"I bet that was a hoot," Bryce said with a chuckle.

"Oh my, no. The babies were so scared, and their mother and father were scared, and when I saw it I was scared, and, and..."

"Whoa, calm down. I didn't mean it that way. Did you get them out?"

"Yes. If I hadn't shown up when I did then the baby armadillos' parents would have done something drastic. But I was able to get the situation under control. Just the idea of them fighting, and hurting each other... I couldn't imagine those two babies having to go through life without their parents..."

Bryce was quick to see the sadness in the buttercup mare's face. "Are you alright, Shy?"

Fluttershy's mind came back into focus. "Huh... Shy...?"

"You know, Shy. Your name ends with shy."

"Oh, I understand now. I'm fine, really. I was just thinking about the animals," Fluttershy said with a tiny smile.

"You really like animals, don't you?"

"*Pfft* Like is underselling it," Rainbow commented. "I'd bet one of my wings she loves animals more than she'll ever like anypony."

"I wouldn't say that."

"Well, I'm kinda the same way myself," Bryce said. "I feel better in the company of animals than I do with anything or anyone else."

"Really?" Fluttershy asked. "But you talk so well with us."

"Trust me, I'm a lot better than I was. Back in my world I'd go days, sometimes weeks before I even talked to anyone, and then not even for more than a minute."

"That long, huh? Not a single pony for weeks?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, no, most especially not ponies; they don't ta-"

Both pegasi perked up when they heard that. "What'd you say?" Rainbow asked.


Rainbow narrowed her eyes. "You just said ponies in your world don't talk."

"Uhm, Rainbow, it's probably not-"

"Spill it!"

"They don't, okay," Bryce relunctantly told Rainbow. "They never have been able to talk. As far as we know only humans and a few animals can talk."

Rainbow could only stare, open mouthed. "Are you telling me the truth?"

"Yeah. Ponies and horses are nothing more than... domestic animals."

Hearing that made the rainbow mare's jaw hit the ground.

"I'm sorry..."

"I... I don't blame you," Rainbow stammered out. "It's just... I guess I should have suspected it. It's just something you're so used to, you know."

"Yeah, well, how do you think I felt when I found out y'all could all talk?"

"Okay, I get your point. You've had enough time to cool off. Let's get back to the farm. See you later, Fluttershy."

"See you both later. Will you be coming around later, Bryce? You know, to get more dog food?"

"Yeah, if nothing comes up I'll come."

"Oh, okay. I'll have it ready for you whe- I mean, if you do come," Fluttershy replied with a coy smile. Having said that she parted ways with Bryce and Rainbow.

As soon as the buttercup pegasus was gone, Rainbow said, "Welp let's get walkin, but you better keep up the pace with me. We may be walking but we're gonna make a good workout of it."

"Okay, sounds better than running," Bryce replied as they both started walking at a quick pace.

For the next few minutes Bryce and Rainbow Dash continued on in silence. Every so often, Bryce would sneak a glance to Rainbow's flank, more specfically to what he dubbed the 'tramp tat'. From the beginning that was all Bryce could think it was, but after seeing literally a whole town full of ponies with such a mark it began to give him second thoughts. His only problem was how to draw attention without sounding foolish or insensitive.

That problem worked out in its own way, however, when Bryce looked over more times than he should have, drawing the attention of Rainbow.

"Why the hay do you keep lookin at my flank!?"

"Wha- I... I wasn't."

"Yes you were. What is it?"

"It's... I don't know what to say."

Rainbow gave Bryce a cheeky grin. "What's the matter? Don't want to admit you like what you see?"

Like I'd really fall for your dormant butt.

"What about my flank?" Rainbow asked.


"You said something about my flank."

"No I didn't. You must be hearing things."

"Then tell me why you keep looking at it then."

Bryce hesitated before finally saying, "I was looking at that tattoo."

"Tattoo? What tattoo?"

"What do you mean what tattoo?" Bryce pointed to Rainbow's cutie mark. "What do you call that?"

Rainbow looked to where Bryce indicated. "What do you mean what do I call that? It's a cutie mark. What else would it be?"

"A what mark?"

"A cutie mark. The mark everypony gets whenever they find their most special of special talents. The mark everypony has to find on their own." Rainbow gave Bryce a sideways glance. "Why are yuh making a big deal out of it? I saw your cutie mark."

"I don't have a cutie mark. I didn't even know what that was until now."

"Then what would you call that red shield mark on 'your' flank?"

"Red shield... You mean my birthmark?" Bryce stopped to think for a second. "You watched me change!?"

Rainbow completely sidestepped Bryce's second question. "If that's a birthmark then where's your cutie mark?"

"Human's don't get those."

"Then how do you know what your special talent is?"

"Do I really need something that tells the world what I'm good at?"

"Of course. How else would anypony know?"

"Why would they need to know?"

'Because... Uhh..."


"UGH!!! Humans are weird!"

Bryce gave a smirk. "Love you too."

"You're the worst of them all. You may be the only one I'll ever meet, but I can tell you're the worst one."

Bryce continued to smirk. "Love. You. Too."

Rainbow followed with a loud groan. "Whatever. Just stop looking at my flank. How would you like it if somepony were peeking at you?"

"You were peeking at me, you hypocrite."

"Yeah, well, I was curious."

"You saying that doesn't help matters for you."

"No, I was wanting to see your cutie mark. Besides, you're soooo not my type."

"Then what is your type?" Bryce asked in a playful tone.

"For starters, somepony who knows when to shut up when they see they're getting on somepony's nerves."

"Well, I don't know any guys that are like that. I don't know that many guys here anyways."

"*Pfft* Like I really need colt in my life. None of them can even keep up with me. They've all tried and I left'em all in the dirt."

"Oh really, well have you tried a girl then?"

"Wh- What are you saying now?"

"You said the last thing you needed was a guy, but what about another girl. Maybe a scantily clad mare just jumping out of the shower? Mane soaking wet, fur shining in the glow of the fireplace? Lying sprawled out on a rug, waiting for the love of her life to come and pleasure her aching woman- I'm sorry, her aching mare-" Bryce stopped when he felt something scrap across his bottom. Looking back he saw one of Rainbow's fully erect wings floating uncomfortably close to his backside. "Why are you wings sticking out like that?"

She turned away to hide her red face. "Just... shut up. You wouldn't understand."

Bryce was completely oblivious to Rainbow's embarrassment. "Yeah, maybe I wouldn't, but I don't understand most of the things others do."

"Just... get moving. I'm this close to pounding you."

Bryce finally understood what Rainbow was saying. They both continued their walk back to the farm in silence. He didn't dare utter another word until they were at the end of the trail that went towards the house.

"Well, we're here. You really got me working out. Thanks for the help"

"It's no problem, but maybe a little too well huh?'

"Well I said I wanted to lose weight. I don't see how you took that as a sign to go R. Lee Ermey on me."

"Go who?"

"It's nothing. Something from my world."

"Are you sore anywhere?"

"Yeah, a little bit... everywhere."

"I'll give you a couple of days to recover, but you better be ready to go when I get here."

"Are you going to do it till I puke next time?"

"I guess we can tone it back, but I'm not going to count it unless you're givin me your best, just so you know."

Bryce nodded. "Fair enough. I'm going to go take a bath, maybe lie down."

"Okay, see you later, bud," Rainbow said before kicking off the ground and flying off.

When Rainbow was out of sight Bryce immediately dropped his facade and groaned in pain. It was a big reminder to him of how much he let himself go. It cut deep, and he doubted he would be able to bend down without anypony noticing something was amiss.

Once Bryce had all of the groans out of his system he trekked towards the farmhouse.

He reached the front door just as Applejack was coming out. "Oh, hey," the apple mare coyly said.

"Hey..." Bryce said in response.

"So, uh, what exactly was Rainbow doing in your room so early this morning?"

"Well, she was helping me workout. Trying to help me lose this," Bryce said with a pop to his gut. He immediately regretted doing so as pain rippled from the spot.

"Are you alright there, sugarcube?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just first day aches. First one's always the hardest."

"Yeah, you, uh, have a point there. Well I'll let yuh get goin. Try and take care of yourself."

"Okay, thanks."

Applejack stepped to the side to let Bryce pass. As he passed Applejack sucked in her lips. She'd been trying to downplay talking to him for too long since she brought him home from the hospital. She knew she had to say something, but the problem was she didn't know what she could possibly say.

The apple mare knew good and well she shouldn't have treated the human the way she had, but Bryce was... He had made things such a mess, and when he came close to killing her... But she had been no better herself after the fact. When that colt's uncle had came to the farm the very next afternoon it was like Big Mac had bucked her in the face.

She had to somehow get these feeling of unease off her chest, and talking to Bryce about it would be the only way. Applejack could lie and say Bryce saving her life made up for everything he'd done to her, but she knew that would be the most dishonest thing she'd ever done.

Applejack decided now was the time to be honest and get it over with. And that included telling him about her nearly reporting him to the Guard.

She could only hope he'd be as understanding with her as he'd been with everypony else who had wronged him in some way.

"Wait, before yuh go..." Applejack stated.

Bryce stopped and looked down to the apple mare, prompting her to look down at the ground.

"Ah... Ah got somethin... Somethin Ah need ta say... Ta you"

"Okay, should we do it out... You son of a bitch!"

Applejack's eyes shot open. "Beg pardon!?" When she looked up she saw Bryce's attention wasn't on her, but on something behind her. Turning around, Applejack saw what had caused Bryce to say that; and it almost made her want to say worse. "That varmint!!!"

Coming up the path was the only pony Applejack felt legitimate scorn towards.

The same pony that had tried to burn her alive and place all the blame on Bryce.

Coming up the path, with a noticeable limp in one of his hind legs, was Bait-and-Switch. With him was his uncle, Ponzi Scheme.

When Bait saw the hellfire in both pairs of eyes he thought it would be the last thing he ever saw. "Please don't do this. They'll-"

Ponzi responded with a smack on the colt's not fully healed leg. "Shut it! You made your choice, now live with it."

Once the pair of stallions reached Bryce and Applejack the whole farm fell silent.

Ponzi was the first to break the silence when he cleared his throat. "As promised, here is my nephew. Now, as I am sure you want nothing more than to teach him a lesson in your own, individual ways I shall give you this one warning. If he should meet an untimely end, be it found any of you were involved, I shall hold you, and your family solely responsible. If such an incident were to occur then I shall call the 40000 bits which I paid to you a loan, and will immediately call for it to be returned, in full. The same goes for any cruel means of punishment or torture, which I will be the judge of. Now, so there shall be no surprises to me, I shall have one of my boys come for a visit. And so there is no attempt to hide away my nephew I shall have said boy come on random days, without prior notice. Are there any questions?"

Bryce raised his hand, and Ponzi nodded his head towards it. "Metaphorically speaking, if your nephew were found with, I don't know, his head looking like it was popped like a grape who would you hold responsible?"

"That depends, do you have the ability to do so?"

Bryce didn't answer.

"I thought so." Ponzi turned to Bait. "Until you've repaid all of the bits I had to spend to pay for their barn you will not be allowed to come home. I don't give a buck what it is. If you show up, without me saying you are allowed, you will find all doors barred to you, and I will call the Guard with the story that you have been seen skulking on my premises. Is that clear?"

"Yeah, yeah."

Ponzi brought his nephew's eyes to meet his own. "Is. That. Clear!?"

"Ye- Ye-"

"Good." Ponzi relinquished his grip on Bait. "I shall leave the amount of time he is in your service up to you, Miss Applejack. I have but one question for you though. Where will Bait be sleeping for his stay?"

"Ah have a couch he can sleep on."

"A couch," Bait said in bewilderment, "you can't be-"

Ponzi shoved a hoof over his mouth. "That shall have to do. Unless there is anything else I bid you farewell, Miss Applejack, Mister Smales." Ponzi gave a bow, which Bryce followed with a two finger salute and Applejack a tip of her Stetson.

After that, Bait, Bryce, and Applejack watched as the middle aged stallion walked away from the farm. Once he was gone Bryce and Applejack glared at their newest resident.

Bait gave a forced smile. "So, uhm, I'm not really all that... I mean, since I was in the hospital for so long my leg seems to have... Haha."

Applejack stepped towards the tan cot until he could smell her breath. "Listen here, you varmint, Ah'm givin yuh one week to get better. After that week Ah don't care how much it still hurts you're gonna work. You're gonna work from sunrise ta sunset. If yuh don't finish the work Ah gave yuh then it's just gonna be that much longer y'all'll be here. Now Ah have a brother that could squash yuh like an ant and a sister half your age. If anything happens ta my family Ah'll beat the tar outta yuh until Ah break every bone in your pitiful body. GOT IT!?!?!?"

The tan colt stood, looking into Applejack's green eye, and nodded.

"Good!" Applejack turned to Bryce. "Bryce, since Rainbow's helpin yuh, Ah think it'd be a good idea ta let'm come along with yuh. The sooner he builds the muscles in his legs the better."

"Agreed," Bryce sternly replied.

"Now Ah gotta go buck some apples. You better stay where somepony can see yuh. Ah'm not lettin yuh get away so easily." Having said that, Applejack walked off to strap herself into a wagon.

"Hey, Applejack?" Bryce called out as he ran after the mare. "What'd you want to talk to me about?"

"What...? Oh, uh, Ah don't think now's the time ta talk about it. Ah'll tell yuh later." If Ah don't forget. "But there's somethin Ah want yuh ta do. Ah want yuh ta keep a good eye on that varmint. With Corn Ah doubt that'll be a problem. And Bryce, Ah know yuh might want ta mess up the colt, but could yuh promise me you'll refrain from doin that. Ah know what he done, but we can't afford ta pay his uncle that kinda bits."

Bryce reluctantly gave a nod.

"Alright, just try and keep me posted. See yuh later." Applejack then continued on his current course.

Bryce walked back to the front of the house. Thankfully, Bait was still there. The tan colt still held the same forced smile.

"So, uh, wh- who exactly is Rainbow?" Bait asked.

Bryce smirked. "Well, Rainbow Dash's the one who beat me until I lost my short term memory for a few days."

"Oh, well, he...? she...? They sound better than... Applejack."

Bryce let out a laugh as he continued to smirk. "Well, Applejack almost killed me once. Come to think of it, it was after I came close to killing her. I'm not going to tell you how to think, but I'll let you decided which one is worse. And one more thing. Corn is my dog. He's about your size. With a single phrase I can have him chase you down until you die of exhaustion. Don't worry, he usually stops when you say his calming phrase."

"Oh, that's, uhm, good to know. What exactly is that phrase?"

Bryce began to laugh, only stopping because of the soreness in his muscles.

Bryce pointed with his thumb to the front door. "Get inside."

"Is that the phrase?"

"Ssssuuuure," Bryce said sarcastically.

Bryce walked inside, not bothering to hold the door open for Bait as he walked through it after him.

First Day on the Job

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Chapter 48: First Day on the Job

As Bryce stepped down from the stairs the first thing he noticed was Applejack. She appeared to be looking for something, something in partiular.

"Hey, Applejack. What's going on?"

"Oh, hey sugarcube. Ah'm just lookin for my hat."

"You mean your cow... cowpony hat? Is that the right word?"

"Yeah, that's it. Have yuh seen it?"

"Well, no."

"Darn. Well if yuh see it then let me know," Applejack said as she lifted the edge of the couch. Bait and Switch was lying on top, still snoozing away.

When the couch hit the floor with a thud the tan colt began to stir. "Ugh... Just a few more minutes, Uncle Ponz... The... The marks can... can..." Bait fell back into his dreams without a second thought.

"And you!" Applejack said, pointing an accusatory hoof at Bait. "You get up, now! Today's the first day of workin, and Ah'm not lettin yuh off easy just causa that!"

Bait opened his eyes a tiny slit and stared at Applejack. When he saw her he gave her a smile. "You're a lot prettier up close, you nkow that?"

Applejack eyes shot open in shock. "Beg pardon?"

Still caught in a dreamlike trance, Bait replied, "Here, let me show you how much you really mean to me." Reaching forward, Bait wrapped his hooves around Applejack and brought her in close. Once Applejack was close enough, the tan colt began to lick her face with vigor.

When that happened, Applejack's face grew red from anger. In a fluid motion she grabbed Bait by the shoulders, brought him over her head, and slammed him supine onto the floor.

It gave the desired effect as Bait shot up with a scream. When he was finished he found a very disgruntled Applejack glaring back at him. "What the buck was that for!? You could of killed me, you... HAYSEED!!!" Bait shouted.

"That's for lickin me. What in the tarnation was goin through your mind!?"

"What...? Oh, I was dreaming about orange sherbert. I mistook you for that because, you know, you're..." Bait forced a smile as his face reddened from embarrassment. "Sorry?"

Applejack continued to glare daggers into the tan colt. "Yuh have fifteen minutes ta eat, get everything done that yuh need ta do, and get outside." Applejack spun around and looked up at Bryce. "Bryce, there's something... Ah..." For whatever reason Bryce was staring. She stood there for a few seconds before she was able to speak. "Is everything al-"

"SHH!" Was all Bryce would respond. He continued to stare deeper into the apple mare's green eyes. Within an instant, Bryce broke eye contact with Applejack and ran as fast as he could back up the stairs.

Applejack was too dumbfounded to even move. That... Boy... Just when Ah think Ah've figured'm out... Applejack shook her head and proceeded to walk outside. About half way to the door, however, Applejack stopped when she heard Bryce storming his way back down the stairway. When she turned back she saw something that made her want to bounce over to Bryce like Pinkie Pie.

Held in his hands was Applejack's signature Stetson, just the way she'd last seen it. "Land sakes... Ah looked this house over twice. Where'd yuh find it?"

"I found it where you'd left it: In the bathroom, on top of the toilet tank."

"The bathroom... Wait, yeah, that's where Ah left it. Dang, Ah mustuh been so caught up in lookin..." Applejack took the hat offered to her and placed it onto her blonde maned head with great care. "Well Ah thank yuh kindly, Bryce, but how'd yuh know here ta look?"

"Well, I saw where you put it," Bryce replied in a quickened tone.

"Ah guess that makes sense, but why were yuh-"

"Didn't you have something you wanted to tell me?" Bryce butted in.

"What...? Oh, yeah. It'd, uh, be best if Ah told yuh outside," Applejack said, waving him towards the door. Once they were both outside Applejack felt more comfortable to speak without anypony overhearing. "Since Big Mac and Ah are gonna be out in the orchard Ah need yuh ta keep an eye on... that varmint," Applejack said in spite. "Now, Ah know Ah told yuh not ta hurt'm, so you better keep your promise. When Ah get back he better be livin."

Bryce raised his hands out in front of him. "I'm not going to kill him. Not unless I have to."

"Ah know, but we can't afford ta pay back his uncle if anything bad happens to'm. So keep an eye on'm, but make sure he lives. And go on and call your dog up, too. If he tries ta run we'll need'm." Applejack let out a sigh. "Ah can't tell if this is meant ta punish him or us."

Bryce did as he was asked, having Corn heel until he was told otherwise.

In the time it took Applejack to get everything she needed ready to go out into the orchard, Bait and Switch had yet to make an appearance. For five minutes Applejack paced back and forth through the yard, bad mouthing Bait under her breath. Bryce, in the meantime, pulled out a block of wood and began to whittle.

It was another five minutes before the tan colt came trotting out the door with a smile spread across his face. When he reached Applejack and Bryce, he said, "Okay, so, what do you want me to do?"

Applejack pointed out across the yard.

"Is it... Is it out there?"

"Eeyep." Applejack walked where she had indicated.

Bait, Bryce, and Corn followed behind her in respective order.

It didn't take long for Applejack to bring them to their destination.

She'd brought them to the barn; the same place where she and Bryce had came close to meeting their respective makers.

Turning towards Bait, Applejack asked, "Ah'm sure yuh know what this used ta be, right?"

"Well, uhm, it was, uh..."

Applejack narrowed her eyes at the tan colt. "Here's what your gonna do: You're gonna clean up this mess yuh made. You're gonna gather it all in a wagon, then roll it to the end of the driveway so it can be hauled off."

Bait looked at what remained of the barn. There were the timbers that once held it up as well as charred wood littering the space under them. Close by was a wagon with a wheel stop pressed under a wheel. "You don't expect me to-"

The apple mare didn't give him time to finish. "Yeah, Ah do."

"But some of that stuff looks heavy, and my leg-"

"If yuh didn't want ta take responsibility then yuh shoulda let sleepin dogs lie."

Knowing full well there would be no persuading the orange mare, Bait relented. "Fine, if you say so."

"Yuh better have made some good progress by the time Ah get back. You'll get lunch brought to yuh around noon. And, Bryce, yuh better make sure he does it all. Only him, and nopony else." Giving Bait one final look, Applejack headed back towards the house to strap herself into her own wagon.

Bait looked back towards the barn. The rubble was heaped in a pile two to three times his height. Looking to the wagon he could see it would get filled up without him having to try. Then he looked to Bryce. "You're going to help, right?"

Bryce returned Bait's question with a blank stare.

Bait let out a sigh. "Okay, I get it." Taking one last look at the pile before him, the tan colt started pulling out the first piece of charred siding.

Bryce bit down on his lower lip as he watched Bait go to work. He knew Bait was going to have a long, hard time clearing the area. He was prepared to help the colt once he noticed what Applejack would have Bait do. But Applejack had told Bryce to keep an eye on Bait, and that the colt was the only one she wanted to work.

Bryce felt bad standing there and watching as Bait serve his penance. He could understand Applejack being upset, but this, this was torture. Hell, her trying to kill him paled in comparison to this.

Instead, Bryce brought his attention away from Bait and sat under a tree that gave him a good view of the barn and the tan colt. Corn took a seat next to Bryce, facing his boy.

Blowing out a deep breath, Bryce said, "Corn, pay attention to'm. If he tries to make a run for it run him down." Bryce grabbed the nap of the German Shepherd's neck. "If you catch uo to him I want you to immobilize him. Don't. Kill." He released Corn, allowing the canine to stroll over to within sight of Bait.

With nothing better to do, Bryce pulled out what remained of the block of wood, and whittled.


The minute Whipping Cream heard the front door of the house slam shut she knew without a doubt who it was. It was her son, Rocksalt. This wasn't his usual slamming, however. This time it wasn't as loud, nor did it cause everything to shake in place. And if neither one of those things happened then it could mean only one thing: Something was eating away at her little colt.

It was only made further evident as the dull brown colt came trotting into the living room, not registering his mother was present.

Before Rocksalt could run off into room, Cream called out to him. "Rocky, is everything okay?"

Rocksalt gave a weak nod.

Her maternal instincts taking over, Cream went over to her distressed foal to try and comfort him. "Are you sure? You usually run into the kitchen for a snack whenever you come in."

"I'm... I'm not that hungry today."

Whipping Cream knew that was a lie. Her son had touched almost nothing at breakfast that morning, his dinner last night as well, and it was getting close to lunch now. "What's the matter, Rocky? Is everything going well with your friends?"

My friends? My so called friends!? Buck no! "Yeah, mom. It's fine."

Cream exhaled a deep sigh. She could see her son was a wreck, plain as day. She had heard about what had happened between him and the human, but from what she'd last heard they had both worked their problems out. She knew Rocksalt might not have been the most popular nor the most loved foal in Ponyville, due in part to his offensive nature with everypony he met, but he was her foal; her one and only foal.

Cream loved him with all her heart, and had put up with him a hell of a lot more than anypony else in the colt's family. Just seeing Rocksalt now, with his tangled black mane and dark circles around his his baggy eyes tore her heart out. It took all her will to not cry in front of him. She needed to be strong for him at all costs.


Rocksalt pushed her away at mention of his pet name. "Leave me alone, mom, it's fine!" He stated to his white cream colored mother. "There ain't nothing ta worry about!"

Cream was thrown back at his outburst. Rocksalt had acted this way towards her before, but not at such an intensity. "R- Rocky...?"

Without warning, Rocksalt ran past his mother and into his room, slamming the door shut behind him. Now alone, Rocksalt was no longer able to control himself. Trotting over to his bed he lied down on his belly and sank his head down into the pillow. He then let out the scream he'd been holding in for so long that day.

Everything with his friends was not fine. In fact it was far from it. Rocksalt no longer had any friends to speak of.

For the past week Rocksalt had tried his hardest to avoid seeing his three friends. He was trying to think of someway to win them back. He'd lost sleep, avoided eating since it wasted too much time, and in the end he could think of nothing. Not a single, good, flawless idea that would play out in his favor. So that morning, after a week and a day of coming up with nothing, Rocksalt had decided it best to go all out and confront the three brothers.

They had been easy to find, due in part from their similar coat colors and that they were almost never seen apart.

Walking up to them had been hard, but he'd done it.

Once it came down to the wire, Rocksalt emptied his heart out to them. He spilled out how he now realized he had done wrong with Bryce, with Scootaloo, and with them in particular. He did the same for how he had forced them to listen to his rants about Bryce. For a good 15 minutes Rocksalt showed the brothers his heart and soul.

But in the end, it had proved all but useless.

While they each agreed that Rocksalt had done right admitting what he'd done was wrong, they had all come to an agreement they could no longer allow themselves to be seen around him. In the beginning Rocksalt had seemed cool and interesting on account of his boldness and thick accent. But as time went on the fascination had worn off, much like a squirrel, biting its way in to an acorn only to find a nut full of soggy, rotten, inedible crap.

And to Bowl Cut, Middle Part, and Cue Ball, Rocksalt was that crap.

Rocksalt screamed into his pillow. Screamed until the point his throat was raw. When he was done he continued to breath into his pillow for a few minutes more.

When Rocksalt was able to pick his head up he looked over to his nightstand. In particular to the framed photo of three ponies staring back.

It was a photo of him and his parents, when he and his mother still lived in Manehatten. It was taken after they'd seen a Wonderbolts air show. In it they were all smiling at the camera, with a young Rocksalt being held on the shoulder's of his large father.

They had all been so happy then, until Rocksat had been expelled from school. After that the dull brown colt and his mother had been forced to move out of the city and move to Ponyville so the colt could continue his education. His father, however, has stayed behind for work.

Rocksalt stepped down from his bed and walked over to the photo. Grabbing hold of the frame he brought it in for a closer look. The closer Rocksalt brought the photo towards him the larger the smiles in it became. It didn't take long for the dull brown colt to become sick of it.

Opening a drawer on his nightstand, Rocksalt placed the picture frame in face down and slid the container shut.

Taking a seated position on his bed, Rocksalt looked up to the section of wall above it. Staring back down was a poster. It was a signed Wonderbolts poster; the one he'd gotten from the air show in the photo.

Just seeing the pegasi perform that day made the dull brown colt wish more than anything he'd been born a pegasus. Seeing the Wonderbolts zip past, doing stunts in midair that caused the crowd to scream in terror had done the opposite to him. He screamed, but in excitement and wonder. It was... magical.

After the air show his father had spent close to an hour standing in line to make sure each and every one of the Wonderbolts placed their mark on it. When his father had returned after what had felt like an eternity he had never been happier. Not just to get a signed poster, but to see his dad again.

Looking down to the floor, Rocksalt failed to hold in his feelings as tears began to stream down his cheeks and drop to the floor.

Meanwhile, Whipping Cream stood outside with her ear pressed against her son's bedroom door. Her hearing wasn't as good as it had been when she had had Rocksalt, but it was good enough for her to hear what was happening inside.

It was like an arrow had been shot through her heart. She didn't know what had brought her Gelati to this moment, but whatever had done it hurt her more than it did him.

Taking a step away from the door, Cream decided to give Rocksalt the time he needed to burn himself out. With luck, he'd get in some of the much needed sleep he'd been denying himself.

Moving to the kitchen, Cream thought it as good a time as any to make Rocksalt's favorite treat: Rocky road ice cream with a pair of cinnamon sticks and whipped cream on top.


This time would be it.

This time Thunderlane was going to do it.

All the times before, the times the sun was in his eyes or a small pebble had appeared in his path, or both, had led to this moment.

Taking in a deep breath, then letting it out, Thunderlane galloped off with his wings held out at his sides.

The slate gray pegasus pulled out all the stops as he barreled down the stretch of road before him.

Within seconds, his intended target was in sight: A long piece of plywood propped up with a large rock.

If he was right then just the feeling of nothing under his hooves would give him the push he needed to keep himself soaring through the air on his own.

Thunderlane reached his makeshift ramp and cleared the distance over it.

The sensation he had been hoping for was there.

The sesation of having nothing under you.

Nothing except air separating him from the ground below.

Flexing his wings, Thunderlane began to beat the same air.

He could feel it.

The ground leaving him down below.

The blades of grass and leaves on the trees that blew in the wind seemed to be cheering him on.

Thinking he'd done it, Thunderlane looked down, only to be met with a face full of dirt.

Because of his velocity, it took a few seconds for Thunderlane to skid to a halt.

From above came a younger, light gray pegasus. "Uh, Lane...?"

A light groan came from the slate gray pegasus.

"Should I... get somepony?"

Another groan came from the same source. Rumble took it to mean 'no'.

Grabbing onto Thunderlane's mohawk with his mouth, Rumble pulled his elder brother's head out of the dirt and sat it back down. Craning his neck down to Thunderlane's eye level, Rumble asked, "Lane, when are you going to stop doing this and just fly like a normal pegasus?"

Thunderlane responded by spitting out a glob of mud into Rumble's face. "I would if I could."

Rumble scrapped the mud off. "You're being ridiculous. The doctor said-"

"I... know what he said, but it's wrong."

Rumble shook his head. "Whatever you say, bro. All I know is you look like an idiot. I mean, not even Rainbow Dash does anything like this."

"Yeah, and Rainbow also spends time with... him..."

"You mean-"

"Don't. You. Dare... say that name!"

"Why not? It's not like he even had anything to do with this."

Thunderlane picked himself up and shook off the loose dirt from his fur, mane, and feathers. "That's what you think, but he... He..."

It was the same feeling he had felt every time he tried to tell anypony what'd happened between him and Bryce. Thunderlane began to feel light headed. He was on the verge of vomiting. Rumble seemed to multiply in place before him. And the worst part of it was it wouldn't stop until Thunderlane ceased trying to tell what he'd seen the day he had mortified Ditzy Doo.


The spell began to scatter just as quick as it had come . "I... I don't know what's going on, but I know he... He's involved." He grabbed at his aching forehead.

"Well what reason would he have to do that. Sure, when you first met him you were a jerk."

"I was a jerk!?" Thunderlane asked with spite.

"Uh, yeah. I mean, he was just walking by, and you... Uh..."

Thunderlane had begun to glare at Rumble. "I what?"

Rumble sighed. "Nothing." The light gray pegasus then mumbled something under his breath.

Thunderlane had noticed. "What was that?"


"You said something!" The elder brother said in an accusing tone.

Afraid of what Thunderlane would tell their parents, Rumble repeated what'd he said in a higher tone. "I said you're acting like that other colt. Won't even give the guy a chance."

"What colt?"

"There was a colt, the same day Bryce first came into town. He was going on how Bryce had the whole town under his mind control."

"Mind... control...?"

"Yeah, something like that."

Thunderlane's mind began to buzz. Whatever Rumble said was incomprehensible for the time being. Mind control? Could that be it? I don't know how many x-rays the doctor took, but there's nothing physically there. No broken bones, no lumps, no bruises. What if it is mental, and what if Bryce put it there? I mean, those eyes. Those black, bottomless eyes.

"Lane!?" Rumble asked.


"Did you hear what I said? I said that that colt seemed like a featherbrain anyway. I wouldn't trust a word he said."

"Well... Yeah, you have a point if he is. You shouldn't go anywhere near him." Thunderlane didn't want rouse any suspicion in Rumble, thinking he'd go blabbing to Bryce about it. Also to keep his younger brother out of the way just in case he was right, and Bryce put Rumble in the way of danger.

"You don't have to tell me twice," Rumble replied.

Unbeknownst to Rumble a beehive of activity was buzzing within Thunderlane's head. There was something about Bryce; something dark and sinister. The human was hiding something, and Thunderlane was going to make sure Bryce showed it. Then everypony would know what he knew.

Thunderlane wouldn't stop until he had accomplished his mission, and regained his flight.


With one final flick of the wrist Bryce's latest wooden figure was finished. Blowing off any hidden particles of wood dust, Bryce held it up to give it a good look over. In his opinion it was perfect.

It was of a mare. A unicorn mare. Her physique was slender, much thinner than Rarity's. Her light waved mane didn't have much volume, but it was lengthy, crawling its way down her face before terminating midway down her legs. Then there was her eyes. Even though they were the same color as the wood they were no less captivating. Bryce felt it impossible to pull himself away from her alluring, aphrodisiac gaze.

Before long, Bryce pulled himself away after he felt he was no longer alone.

It proved true when he looked up to see a large pair of blue eyes looking back at him. He shook in shock.

"Oh my, I'm sorry. I- I thought you knew I was here," Fluttershy stammered. "And then I saw you- Saw you working and I... I didn't..."

It didn't take long for Bryce to recover to break free from his paralysis. "No, no, it's okay."

"Are you sure. I mean, I startled you, and it's usually me getting startled." Fluttershy followed this with a light laugh as she curled a few strands of her mane in her hoof.

"It's fine, really. You just surprised me is all. What are you doing out here anyway?"

"Well, when you didn't come and get your dog food I got worried. I thought maybe you were busy so I waited to see if you'd come later. I waited all day and thought maybe you'd come tomorrow. Then that you would come next week. Then I got worried about you and decided I better come see you myself." Fluttershy gave Bryce a smile as she continued to curl her mane with her hoof.

"Well, I was busy. I had to watch over someone."

"Really? That's a relief. I mean, I was just so worried," Fluttershy said with glee. "Who were you watching?"

"That guy over by the..." Bryce began to dart his eyes around, looking for Bait and Switch. Damn it all! Bryce stood up and ran over to the charred barn. Circling aorund the pile of debris, Bryce saw nothing indicating where exactly Bait was. "Damn it! Corn!"

"Bryce, what's the matter?"

"I was supposed to be watching him while he cleaned this up. CORN!!!"

From a short distance away, the German Shepherd began to bark out.

Running towards Corn's barking, Bryce found the canine staring to the inside of the wagon. Reaching Corn, he saw what he was barking at. It was Bait, lying amongst a small heap of debris. He had a forehoof gripped to his chest. The color was drained from his face. "Bait, what's wrong!?"

"I... I..." Bait stuttered.

Fluttershy came flying over. "Oh my, are you okay?"


Seeing the tan colt was in distress, Fluttershy took action. "Bryce, carry him into the house. See if you can tell what's wrong with him."

Not questioning the now peppy mare, Bryce grabbed Bait up in his arms and ran for the house. When he arrived inside he placed Bait down onto the couch, prompting a series of questions from Granny Smith and Apple Bloom.

Fluttershy shooed Bryce away and asked Granny Smith to bring her the first aid kit. While the aged mare did that, Fluttershy attempted to coax the colt to show her his hoof.

By the time Granny Smith returned with the kit Fluttershy had Bait's hoof in her own. Looking over her shoulder, Bryce saw what the colt's comatose state was from: A small cut, not even big enough to fit a pen inside. A small stream of blood was flowing from the small wound that coated his foreleg. Some of the blood had collected near the colt's shoulder joint and had since dried to a rust color. "What the H!? I thought you were dying!"

"Bryce, hush!" Fluttershy scolded. "Open the first aid kit and hand me a cotton ball with some alcohol on it."

Bryce did as she asked.

After cleaning the wound, Fluttershy said, "Gauze pad."

Bryce held out the requested item. "Gauze pad."

Taking it from Bryce, Fluttershy pressed it down on the wound. "Bandages."

Bryce did the same as before. "Bandages."

Wrapping the colt's hoof in the white roll, she then said, "Medical tape."

Bryce did the same thing a third time. "Medical tape."

Tearing off a few strips of the tape, Fluttershy made sure the bandages wouldn't come unwounded. "There, all better now."

Bait began to come back to reality, drawing in air at a quickened pace. "Th- Thank you..."

Fluttershy pressed the tan colt down onto the couch with a gentle touch. "Shh. You just lie back and recover. I'll go get you something to drink."

Fluttershy stepped into the kitchen with Bryce, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith following behind her.

"Fluttershy, deary," Granny Smith began to ask, "what happened with the boy?"

"I'm not sure, but it looks like he cut himself. It looks like he may have been that way for a while, too. There was dried blood on him."

The two Apple mares cringed in shock.

"Well Ah'd like ta know why we didn't know sooner. Bryce?" Granny Smith asked.

"Well, I was... whittling."

"Yuh shoulda been keepin an eye on'm. There's no tellin what woulda happened if Fluttershy here hadn't a shown up."

"Oh, it's nothing, really," Fluttershy said, being polite.

"Nonsense, it probably meant everything to'm. But what exactly got to the boy?"

Fluttershy thought for a second before saying, "I'm not sure."

Bryce looked over at Bait, lying on the couch. "Hemophobia," Bryce stated.

"Huh? What was that?" Fluttershy asked.

"He has hemophobia: a fear of blood." Bryce stated. "After he cut himself he must have seen the blood and had a moment."

"Well why weren't yuh helpin him?" Granny Smith asked.

"Well, Applejack told me not to help; just watch and make sure he did it all."

"AJ told yuh that!? She can't really expect'm ta do all that. By golly, it took both Big Mac, AJ, and a few of our extended family ta put it up." I'm gonna have ta have a word with that filly. "Do yuh think he'll be okay, Fluttershy?"

"I'm sure after he rests for a bit he'll feel much better," the buttercup mare replied.

"That's good. Now, Bryce, tomorrow Ah want yuh ta help that boy. Ah don't care what AJ tells yuh. From what Ah've heard his leg ain't even fully healed."

"Well, I would have, but Applejack told me not to help."

"Ah know, but yuh shouldn't have listened."

Bryce took one more look at Bait. "I know. It was wrong of me, but I didn't want to go against Applejack. But after this I'm thinking it best to. I mean, he didn't try to do anything bad to me."

Granny Smith scratched the back of her head. "Yuh have a point there, sonny. Why don't we all break for some lunch?" Granny Smith asked.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

While Fluttershy tended to Bait, and Granny Smith started lunch, Bryce showed Apple Bloom his latest figure.

Just like Bryce, the yellow filly became obsessed with the small wood doll. A question then popped into her head. "Bryce, who's it supposed ta be?"

When Apple Bloom asked that a chill ran down Bryce's spine. He brought the unicorn back up to his eye level, but no matter how long he looked at her his mind drew a blank.

Bryce was only able to whittle after people or things he'd seen before, but this unicorn he couldn't recall in the slightest. The dolls he'd made for Dinky he'd modelled after toy ponies from his world, but this unicorn was original.

As far as Bryce knew, she was without a real life counterpart, but she looked perfect.


Filament and Filigree

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Chapter 49: Filament and Filigree

After almost three weeks of work, Bryce and Bait were on their last load of debris that remained of the barn. It had been a tedious task, due in part to having to take a day to clear the inner section of wild animals who had taken residence within the pile. This would have taken the pair a lot longer, if Fluttershy had not been so ready to help. But even though all the animals had left, the evidence they'd been there continued to waft through the air the entire time afterwards.

Within the same time frame, Bryce and Bait had become good friends, to the point where they exchanged hilarious stories and less than couth inside jokes.

It was something Bryce had wanted for the longest time. Bait was someone he could say off-color comments around and not get an eye roll in return.

As Bryce was dropping his last armful into the wagon, Bait was regaling him with the story of, in the tan colt's opinion, his and his uncle's worst heist. "So, there we both were. The old mare had invited us both in to her living room to have a cup of tea while while we went over the possible 'returns' from her 'investment'. Now don't get me wrong, even Uncle Ponz had doubts the old mare would fall for it this easily. The house we were in was pretty far outside of the nearest town so we were both pretty laid back. While my uncle reviewed the information with her, I looked around the room. It looked like a nice place, complete with a fireplace and pictures over the mantle."

"That's when I noticed there wasn't a single picture of this mare; not a single one. The pictures on the mantle were of a fancy looking unicorn couple. By then my uncle had gone through a twenty minute overview, and had gotten a sizeable pouch of bits from the mare, when we all heard something that made us stop. It was the front door closing. You'll never guess who it was."

Bryce began to chuckle. "I think I have an idea, but go on."

"Well, when that happened the old mare started to freak out, saying things like: 'Oh buck! They weren't supposed to be back until tomorrow' and 'I'm going to kill their gardener for this'. A few seconds later two unicorns, the same ones from the photos on the mantle, came into the living room wearing fancy clothes. When they saw the three of us we all froze, including the unicorn couple and the old mare we'd thought owned the place."

Bryce laughed out loud. "I knew it."

"Wait, that's not even the best part. After about a minute, the mare who actually lived there pointed to the old mare and said: 'Wait, I know you. You're the maid we fired two months ago for trying to steal my grandmother's jewelry'," Bait said in a posh mare's voice. "Then her husband said: 'You're right, she is'," The tan colt said in a gruff voice. "Then they noticed us, Uncle Ponz and I. 'So I see you brought minions with you as well. Who are they, lowlifes you promised an uneven share of bits?' Bait said in the same gruff voice.

"Before we could even get a word out, the stallion said: 'You better explains yourselves, or I'll have the Guard take you both away'. So, acting fast, my uncle began to apologize for intruding. About halfway through his apology, my uncle grabbed the teapot and threw it at the stallion. With the stallion distracted, my uncle told me to get the buck out of there and to grab the bits, so I did."

Bait took the time to strap himself into the wagon before continuing. "You would have thought his wife would check to see if her husband was okay, but instead she ran after Uncle Ponz and I. Now this was before we had the boys to back us up, so we were on our own. We must have gone a mile before my uncle and I were able to hop onto a moving train. It was hard for me since I was a little smaller than I am now and I had the pouch of bits in my mouth. But any way, let me tell you, that mare wanted to catch us. She ran beside the train for the better part of a minute before she hopped on herself."

"What happened then?" Bryce asked.

"Well, she didn't know until she had jumped on, but my uncle and I had already jumped back off on the other side. I can't really tell you what happened after that, but when my uncle and I looked towards the train we noticed something: There was a train station about a quarter mile down the track. Wanting to get out of there before she could alert the Guard, or before she got the idea to come and find us herself, we turned tail and ran the opposite way. We had ran a whole mile before I realized I had left the pouch of bits on the train."

Bryce shook his head as they both walked to the end of the driveway. "Well how mad was your uncle about that?"

"On the contrary, he was so happy to be alive that he forgot about them. Afterwards I told him what I had done. He chalked it up to an accident and left it at that."

Bryce gave a throat laugh. "Well that was a good one, I have to say. How old were you when it happened?"

Bait and Switch used the time it took for him to unstrap himself to think before saying, "I was about 11 or 12."

"Well, how old are you now?"

"I'm 17."

"So how long have you been doing jobs like that?" Bryce asked as he picked up an armful of wreckage.

"I went to live with my uncle when I was 5, maybe 6. Then he took a year to train me in his way of life. So about 10 years, I'd say."

"10 years? You must be a rich one, then."

"You'd think that, but Uncle Ponz would give the boys and I two-and-a-half percent a head from each job. Said something about a foal and his money."

"Was it a fool and his money are soon parted?"

"Yes, that's it. My uncle took the remaining ninety percent and hid it somewhere. If I'm right then there's a few million. Maybe more."

"Yeah, well, this type of work doesn't pay that much, but you'll find it more rewarding in the end."

Bait gave a smirk. "Sure, you may say that, but you'll find life a lot easier in my line of work. But there is one thing I will admit: In the month I've been her I've never smelt cleaner air." Bait followed by taking a deep whiff before letting it out with a sigh. "That's the stuff."

Bryce and Bait continued emptying the wagon, neither saying anything to the other. When they were done, Bryce pulled out his watch and wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Well, it's not even noon yet, but there's nothing more we can do with this. I'd say take the rest of the day off, but we should check with Granny Smith first. If she says yes then maybe we can head into town. How's that sound, Bait?"

"It sounds swell. Between you and me I would like to get off the farm, if you catch my drift."

"Well it'll do you some good. Not good for the mind to stay in one place for so long." And I know about the mind better than anyone. Heading back to the house, Bryce waved to Amethyst, who was busy playing tag with her sister and Apple Bloom. "Hey, Bait, have you had the time to meet those two yet?" Bryce asked, pointing to the two sisters.

"No, I haven't had the pleasure of learning their names, but we have shared words."

"Well, today you'll learn'em... You'll learn their names," Bryce said as Dinky came running to meet him.

When the gray toned filly reached the pair she started jumping in place. "Bryce, Bryce, are you done for the day? Please say yes! Please say yes!!!" Dinky said, a wide toothy grin on her face.

"We're both done, Dink, but first we want to make sure there's nothing else. Okay? But before I do that, I would like you to meet my friend, Bait."

Dinky stopped bouncing and said, "Oh, hello. Are you the pony Miss Applejack keeps calling a no good, smooth talking, pile of-"

Amethyst arrived in the nick of time to interrupt her little sister. "Dinky, you shouldn't eavesdrop on adults when they're talking."

"I wasn't eavesdropping. Me and Apple Bloom were listening to you and Miss Applejack talk from the top of the stairs."

Amethyst gave the filly a light noogie, getting a protest from Dinky in the process. "You shouldn't do that either."

"And, Dinky, you should say: Apple Bloom and I," Bait corrected. "'Me and Apple Bloom' isn't proper Equestrian."

"What's the difference? Amy knew what I meant."

"Yes, but it's proper Equestrian to say it in the way I told you."

"But what's the-"

Amethyst interrupted her sister a second time. "Dinky, don't question the Apple family's guest. Go and finish playing tag with Apple Bloom, I'll be back in a sec." With Dinky occupied, Amethyst turned her attention to Bait. "I'm sorry about that. She can be a chatterbox when she wants to."

"It's no problem, no problem at all." Bait ran a hoof through his greasy black mane. "By the way, I don't think we've had the chance to properly meet." The tan colt held his hoof out to Amethyst. "My name is Bait and Switch, but most call me Bait. And your name is... Amy?"

"No, that's just want my sister calls me." Amethyst took Bait's hoof and shook it. "I'm Amethyst Star. Most ponies call me Amethyst, though."

Bait gave a smile. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Amethyst Though."

It took a second for Amethyst to register Bait response. "No. Just Amethyst."

"Oh, my apologies, Just Amethyst."

"No, Ame..." Amethyst let out a sigh at Bait's cheeky grin. "So you're that kind of colt?" Amethyst asked, looking to be not the least bit amused. "You must think you're funny."

"I used to.There was a time when I found myself funny. But today you have proven me wrong."

Amethyst continued to stare, a slight scowl on her face.

"Well I'm, uh, going to see if Granny Smith has anything for us to do," Bryce said. "That'll give you both some time to talk. So..." Bryce took a few short steps away towards the house.


True to his word, Bryce was able to take Bait into Ponyville and show him around. It wasn't the town, however, which drew the tan colt's interest. He was more interested in a certain magenta mare. The tan colt hadn't paid any attention to anything else since he'd met her.

It was hard for Bryce to hide his smile. Bryce wasn't too surprised to see how close Amethyst and Bait had become. He knew they would click, but he didn't expect it to happen this quick. When he had crept off, the magenta mare had her usual stern face, but upon his return the pair were chatting like old friends. Amethyst even giggled at Bait's terrible jokes. With Bait's jovial and carefree personality counteracting Amethyst's persistent gruff and somber mood they were a good pair, if they could get past any rough patches that may arise.

Dinky, on the other hand, found it strange. All her life she'd never seen her sister laugh at anything, most especially not at terrible jokes somepony would find in a foal's joke book. Dinky was of course happy to see Amethyst so happy, but it was something the young filly wasn't used to nonetheless. "Bryce, what's going on with my sister?"

"She's talking with a friend."

"No, why is she talking to him so much? And why is she laughing? She's never laughed this much."

"Yeah, she's actin like a filly from a..." Apple Bloom paused to cringe in disgust. "From a kissy kissy love movie, ick!"

"Well, she's just might have found the one that's right for her," Bryce answered.

"What does that mean?"

"Well, it means she might have found the one she'll slowly grow attached to and, before you know it, you can't see one of them without the other."

"Are you saying they're in love!?" Dinky asked, a but excited at the prospect.

"No, not yet. Right now they're more or less interested in each other. You just wait, by the end of the year they'll either be together, or just good friends."

From behind, Pinkie said, "You're right about that. When my heart starts a thumping it means two lovebirds are a bumping."

Bryce jumped in shock, not expect the pink mare. "Okay, we have to put a bell around you, Pinkamena."

"Oh, is it so ponies can know where the party is? I mean, I can already be pretty loud, so if I had a bell I wouldn't be that much louder. But if I have a hundred bells I could be even louder. Or maybe-"

"Before you go on a tangent, Pinkamena," Bryce interrupted, "I'd like you to meet a new friend of mine. Bait."

Bait, who was too preoccupied with Amethyst, didn't hear Bryce.

"Bait... Bait...! BAIT!!!" Bryce shouted.

"WHAT!? I mean, pardon?" Bait asked.

"I'd like to introduce you to-"

Pinkie bounced forward between Bait and Bryce. "Hi, my name's Pinkie Pie. Hey, you're a new face. I know every face in town, but I've never seen yours before so you must be new. How long have you been here? Is this your first time here? How are you enjoying your time here? Wait, if you're new then I have to throw you a welcome to Ponyville party. Darn, that was supposed to be a surprise. Forget that part. I'll see you later, I have go get everything ready for an unrelated party. See you there!" Pinkie bounced off.

Bait could only watch as the pink party mare hopped away, not catching a single word she had said. "Who might that be?"

Bryce opened his mouth to speak, but Amethyst beat him to the pnch. "That's Pinkie Pie. As you can see she gets excited when she meets somepony for the first time."

"She seems rather jocund, I must say."

Amethyst smiled at Bait's words. "That's nothing. You should see her on a good day, not that I could tell you what a bad day is to her."

"While she seems fun, I find somepony else more... desireable," Bait said, giving the magenta mare a smoldering grin.

Amethyst gave the colt a light slap on the shoulder. "Oh, you!"

Before the pair could get themselves lost in conversation, Bryce said, "Hey, Amethyst, since you both seem to be hitting it off so well how about you show Bait around? I'll take the girls."

Amethyst was quick to reply. "That sounds terrific. Just make sure you watch them closely. I know you will. Have fun, Dinky. Stay close to Bryce." And just like that, Bait and Amethyst were off to explore Ponyville.

Dinky was somewhat upset to see her sister leave, but at the same time happy. She hoped the pair would work out well together.

"So, what do y'all want to do?" Bryce asked.

"Could we go get some ice cream?"

"Well, maybe later, Sprout. We can get that almost any time. Let's go do something we can still do before summer starts and it gets too hot."

"Oh, OH!!!" Dinky shouted, raising a hoof in the air. "Could we go to the playground?"

"Sure, that sounds better."


When they reached the playground Bryce saw it was a simple setup: A pair of swings, a sandbox, a slide, and a large round disk of a merry-go-round.

Upon their arrival, they found it already occupied by a slender, light cream colored unicorn mare with a long, wavy, chocolate mane and eyes that matched. The mare was pushing her two fillies on the swings. At their approach, Bryce recognized the fillies he'd seen at the nut stand during market days.

As it so happened, they recognized him as well and came running to greet him. "Old Man Bryce!" They both yelled in unison.

Bryce played along. "Old? Me? No! I'm not an old man with a pot gut, no teeth, and a hunchback." Bryce bent his shoulders, sucked in his lips, and stuck out his belly. "You kids better have stayed off my lawn," he said in an elderly voice. "If I catch you on it for even a second I'll make lawn ornaments outta both of you. Meh!"

The two almond colored fillies got a kick out of Bryce's antics. Dinky laughed as well, but not as much as Apple Bloom who knew what Bryce was referencing.

"Amande, Pécan, who is this étalon?" Their mother asked in an accent Bryce would have called French.

"Momma, this is Bryce," one of the fillies replied.

"Oh, so you're the étalon who helped with my cocoa spread, no?" She tapped herself on the forehead. "How could I not have known. My filles have, how you say, told me much about you." The mare gave a light hearted laugh. "Oh, where are my manners," the mare said as she stuck out her hoof. "My name is Cocoa Beurre."

Bryce shook the cream mare's hoof. "Say, how did that chocolate spread turn out?"

"It was very magnifique. It is a great success, no?" She asked Almondine and Butter Pecan.

"Yeah, mom," one said.

"It's really great," said the other, finishing her twin's sentence.

"Haha, you see. I had wanted to sell it at my Kernal's stand, but he convinced me it would be better to, how you say, keep in the family. He told me it would make it more special to have as a Hearth's Warming gift than to sell it for worthless coin, and I agree."

"Well, that's great. Glad I could help," Bryce said.

"Maybe I should make some for you. After all, without you it would have been another batch of merde."

"If you want to, but I promised I'd take these two girls to the playground."

"Oh! Of course. I shall let you, how you say, get to it."

"Momma, can we play with Old Man Bryce, too?" One of the twin fillies asked.

"He's a lot of fun. Please say yes," her sister said.

"Okay, mes noix, but do not get rowdy because your friend is here." Cocoa looked up to Bryce. "And please do take care not to hurt them, Bryce. Play nicely."

While the twin fillys' mother took a seat on a bench overlooking the playground, they introducd themselves to Dinky and Apple Bloom. "Hi, this is my sister, Almond," said one of the almond colored fillies.

"No I'm not, you're Almond. I'm Pecan," the matching almond filly

"Oh, right, I keep mixing us up."

"Well it's nice ta meet yuh. I'm Apple Bloom."

"And I'm Dinky."

"It's nice to meet you, Apple Bloom."

"And you too, Dinky."

"So what do y'all wanna do?"

"Our mom was pushing us both on the swings. We can do that."

"But there's only two," said Dinky.

"Then how about we push each other? We push you first, then we'll switch and you can push us," Pecan said.

"But what about Old Man Bryce? What's he gonna do?" Almond asked.

"He can push us pushing them."

Almond raised an eyebrow. "How would that work?"

"Old Man Bryce pushes us towards the swings, then we push Apple Bloom and Dinky. Simple."

"But couldn't he just push us ta begin with?" Apple Bloom asked.

Pecan rested a hoof under her chin. "I guess, but where's the fun in that?"

Almond gave a laugh. "Good one, sis." They gave each other a high five.

From out of the corner of her eye, Dinky spyed something that could break the debate. "I have an idea. What if Bryce pushed all of us on the merry-go-round?"

"I can do that," said Bryce.

The fillies all piled onto the merry-go-round. It was divided into six even wedges by hollow metal bars. While the twins took two seats on one side, Dinky and Apple Bloom took the seats on the opposite side of the metal disk.

"Okay, let's go over the check list," Bryce said. "Are you all holding on tight?"

"Yeah!" The four girls yelled.

"Are all forehooves inside the vehicle?"


"Are you ready to spin till your sick!?"


"Alright then!" Bryce grabbed one of the bars. "One for the money..."

The girls gripped down on the merry-go-round.

"Two for the show..." Bryce slowly spun the ride back.

Pecan and Almond held each others hooves, mentally preparing themselves for the ride of their lives.

"Three to make ready..." Bryce ceased spinning the disk and got himself into a ready position.

Apple Bloom began to think of the face she would make.

"And four to... go." Bryce gave a gentle push forward on the merry-go-round.

When that happened the twins and Apple Bloom narrowed their eyes. Dinky was happy. She didn't particularly enjoy go at too high a speed.

"Bryce!" Apple Bloom yelled as she went past the human.

"Didn't you want to go slow?"

"We thought you would push us, not snail us," Pecan said.

"Yeah, go faster!" Her twin added.

"Oh, you want fast?" Bryce asked in a playful tone. "Okay, how about... this?" He pressed the merry-go-round to go at a slightly higher rate.

The stares Apple Bloom and the Nut twins gave were grave.

"What? That's not what you call fast? Alrighty then." Bryce gripped down a passing bar, making the ride come to a halt. "If you want fast..." He pulled the merry-go-round a quarter rotation back. "... I'll give you fast!" With all his might, Bryce pushed the disk to where it was going a full rotation per second.

Three of the fillies squealed in excitement; Dinky screamed as well, but more out of excited fear.

Every few seconds, Bryce would push the ride clockwise, making it turn at a higher rate with each new push.

It didn't take long for the individual colors of the girls' coats and manes to become a blur.

In an attempt to make the ride go even faster, Bryce caught a grip on a metal bar and ran in circles around the spot.

It had the desired effect.

The girls screamed in that much more amazement.

Even Dinky had taken a liking to the fun.

After a few renditions of running around the disk, Bryce was dizzy.

His vision became so hazed that he didn't even see the thing that tripped him and he came crashing down; his hand still firmly attached to the merry-go-round causing it to come to an abrupt stop.

Bryce tried to push himself up, but a sharp, cutting pain on his knee reacted to his movements. He looked around, trying to see if the girls were any better off, but all he saw was the sun on a dark sky.

As his vision began to come back into focus he realized it wasn't one, but two suns. When the suns let out a wicked, childish laugh he was able to discern what the suns actually were: The mare's eyes.

"You...!" Bryce muttered as he made a grab at the demonic, baneful creature. As soon as he made contact the thing's eyes recoiled in shock before disappearing in a plume of inky smoke.

The dark foal was immediately replaced with a yellow one. "Bryce, are yuh alright!?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Sprout..." Bryce shook his head to clear his mind. "Forget me, are you all alright?"

"Yeah, Ah'm fine. So is everypony else. Can yuh stand!?"

Bryce pressed himself up. His leg again cried in pain, but he pushed through it and sat himself on the merry-go-round. He saw there was a long scrap running down his right leg. He also saw Apple Bloom, her pupils sunk in fright. Dinky's were as well. But he shivered in feared when he saw they were one filly short. "Where's your twin!?"

Pecan looked around when she heard that, but Almond was no where to be seen. The almond filly began to hyperventilate, not knowing what to do. When she saw her mother approach, who had a stern look on her face, she thought the worst.

Bryce looked around, as well. When he saw the sandbox he forget about his leg and ran towards it. As he had hoped the matching almond colored filly was lying in the sand on her belly.

She wasn't moving.

"Oh shit, oh shit! Which ever one you are, please be fine." Bryce bent down and carefully flipped Almond over.

The filly was breathing, but she didn't respond to his touch.

Bryce stared at Almond for a few seconds. Thank God, she's okay. Better give her a little, just to make sure. He began to vigorously rub his palms together, a dim glow springing forth from the site.

From out of nowhere, Cocoa Beurre shouted, "GET AWAY FROM HER!!!," and used her magic to push Bryce out of the way. When she saw her daughter lying in the sand she screamed at the top of her lungs, "Amandine!"

By then the three remaining fillies had gathered around; Butter Pecan tried to get a better view of her sister.

Almond coughed, showing signs of life. "Momma...?"

"Amandine, Celestia merci!"

Almond slowly sat herself up.

"Amande, are you okay!?"

"Yeah, mom, I'm fine. Is Pecan okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, sis." Pecan replied.

"Oh, good. Did you go flying too?" Pecan shook her head. "Oh, well, you really should have," Almond said as she got to her hooves, "because it was AWESOME!!!" She raised her forehooves in the air.

Cocoa was thrown back.

"You have got to try it! I was like *vroom* and then smack. And it was just so awesome!" Almond hopped out of the sandbox and made her way for the merry-go-round. "Let's do that again!"

Cocoa, however, would have none of it as she grabbed the filly in her magic. "Oh no, Amande, you are NOT doing that again!"

"Mom, come on, it's fun."

"No, you could have gotten hurt. And I'm not going to take any chances a second time."

"But mom-"

"Je dis NON!" Cocoa said, silencing her filly. "Come along, Pécan, we are leaving."

Bryce stepped forward. "Look, ma'am, I'm-"

"And you! What were you thinking!?"

"I- I didn't mean for-"

"You could have killed her! I told you to play nice!"

"I'm sor-"

"Je me sens comme à aiguiser ma corne et l'enfiler dans votre trou du cul, vous gros porc!"

Bryce was thrown back. He didn't understand everything she had said, but he knew enough from when Sidney would shout at others in her native language.

"Now good day!" Cocoa said before turning around and walking off; Almond still held in her magic. "Let us get you to the hôpital, Amandine. When I tell your papa..."


The walk back to the farm was not a good one for Bryce, but he could take solace in that he was not the only one who had had a bad day: Bait and Switch had a not so pleasent encounter with Amethyst, as indicated by the red mark on the left side of his face.

After the five had rejoined Amethyst immediately took Dinky home. With nothing left to do, Bryce and the two ponies decided it best to return to the farm.

Bait, however, wasn't as distraught with his day. In fact, he regaled Bryce and Apple Bloom with what had happened.

"So, I could tell Amethyst was a little upset after that colt said her rump looked big, but I didn't expect her to want my opinion, nor to shove her backside into my face. She asked me: 'Bait, you don't think it's big, do you?' Immediately, I tried to draw out the moment, but she started crying."

"So, trying to say 'no' in the nicest way I knew how, I said: 'No, it's not fat. It's a very nice color. It's a color which goes quite well with the purple tones of your tail. And I won't say your flank is 'big', on the contrary. I think it's of superb form, and goes well with the rest of your body.' By then, she looked rather happy, but what I said next didn't give the outcome I'd expected: 'It is rather... voluptuous.'"

"Well, does that explain the mark on your face?" Bryce asked.

"Yes, she slapped me. Rather hard."

Bryce bit on his lip. "I'm sorry, Bait."

"For what?"

"I thought you would go well together, but I guess..."

"Wait, are you telling me you purposely left me with her this morning!?" Bait firmly asked.

Bryce nodded.

"Well then... I must thank you for finally introducing us. I may not have a snowball's chance in Tartarus, but after the short time I spent with her I will not give up as she expects." Bait gave a cheeky grin.

That left Bryce dumbfounded. "Really?" He pursed his lips. "Well, I wish I had your courage."

"It is not courage which drives me on; it is the thrill of the hunt. It's like my uncle would say: If you want something you have to keep pursuing it until it yields. And I must say, I 'want' her."

"Well, you'd make a good couple. That's why I left you alone."

Bait gave a smile. "One day I intend to return the favor. You can mark my word for it."

"Yeah, wouldn't that be nice."

"Come now, I'm sure there's somepony out there for you. Now tell me, in your opinion, what kind of mare would be right for you?"

"Well, someone that's small."

"No problems there, you're one of the tallest things in Equestria." Apple Bloom said.

"Quite right, Apple Bloom. Go on."

"Someone who's nice to everyone, and doesn't yell unless she has to."

"Somepony soft, yet strong? Go on."

"And this is the most important one. She's someone that will stick by me, no matter what dumbass thing I get myself into, and accept me in almost every way possible." Even the parts I hope she'll never find out about.

"Thaaaaat might be an example of your reach exceeding your grasp."

"Yeah, but I get myself into a lot of jams."

"Buck up, Bryce, I'm sure there's somepony looking for a stallion like you out there somewhere. Perhaps even closer than you might think."

Bryce sighed. "If you say so."

"Cheer up. If I have the will to keep after Amethyst then you have the will to find and win your mare, whomever she may be. Tell you what, if you help me with Amethyst then I'll help you with yours." The tan colt held out his hoof. "Deal?"

Bryce was hesitant to take it.

"Come on... Come on... Come on...!" Bait prodded.

"Fine, if we can stop talking about this." He shook Bait's hoof.

"We're in agreement then. Now, why don't you tell me what happened in your day."

Before Bryce could get a word out, Apple Bloom said, "He tripped and hurt a filly."

Bait's mouth dropped open. "Bryce Smales!?"

Bryce raised his palms out in front of him. "Look, it wasn't that bad. The kid's fine." He placed his hands back in his pockets. "Besides, it's not as bad as what her mother wanted to do to me."

"Look, you don't have to say anything if you want to." Bait said.

"No... I want to. It began after you and Amethyst left."


Bryce was in a playground. A playground he'd been to that afternoon. The same play things were there, except the slide appeared to tower past the clouds, the ground under the swings had been replaced with a pit of broken glass, and the sandbox's contents were replaced with hot, blistering coals. The merry-go-round, however, had been left unchanged.

For some reason, Bryce was turning the merry-go-round clockwise. It was as if someone didn't want him to stop; like an unheard voice was telling him to 'go faster'.

And, just as the voice told him to do, he pressed the cyclical instrument of childhood amusement further onwards, quickening his pace as the bars passed.

Even though Bryce was a man of habit, and could keep going with ease, he was beginning to find the situation boring.

He wanted to stop spinning the merry-go-round, but an unseen entity refused to allow it.

All of a sudden, Bryce felt his labor become weighted. He continued to turn the merry-go-round, nonetheless, but now he had to put more force behind his turns to keep it on its current course .

Sneaking a peek, he saw the one thing he had seen every night for close to a month. It was the black foal. The one with both a horn and a pair of wings and piercing, glowing embers for eyes. The foal held on to one of the bars of the carousel as Bryce continued to spin it around.

Since his last night at the hospital the mare had appeared in his dreams. It wasn't too much of a problem; as soon as the foal appeared he would force himself to awaken. Bryce had tried to capture the creature when he awoke, but before he could move the foal would dissolve in a column of smoke and disappear.

Tonight was the night Bryce decided he had had enough. He had had enough with this foal, most especially after what it had done in the real world. Because of its constant meddling he had lost a good portion of sleep, and now it was tampering with his real life.

Something had to give.

Taking a deep breath, Bryce threw out all the stops on the merry-go-round. Once it was turning fast enough, he grabbed one of the bars as it went past, bring it to a stop and sent the black foal flying through the air.

The foal hadn't expected this as it landed in the sandbox, the contents cushioning its landing.

Grasping the merry-go-round until his knuckles were white, Bryce asked, "What. The H. Do you want from me!?"

Phasing itself to turn and look at Bryce, the foal scanned the human with its ember eye.

"Suddenly lost your voice? Fine, I've tried to be nice, but my kindness is at an end."

The foal narrowed its eyes and let out a low growl.

Bryce gave a smirk. "Cut the act. You can either talk this out, or I can crush you. You forget whose domain this is."

The foal stopped its growling, and aid in a low tone, "But you know not with who you deal."

In an instant, the cold metal of the merry-go-round was replaced with a slimy, gummy, contorting mass. Looking down, Bryce was met with an indescribable, tentacled monstrosity.

Bryce tried to pull away, but the monstrosity had whipped out more of its vile appendages and lifted him off the ground. Bryce struggled in the thing's grip, but it was no use. Every time he freed himself from a tentacle there were always two to take its place. Just the feel of the monstrosity's tentacles on his skin made him want to vomit. It was sickening, causing him to imagine how the inside of a Jell-O cup felt.

By then, the foal had taken its large equine form. The heat that came off from its mane and wings caused Bryce to sweat profusely. It lowered its head to Bryce's own, and its dagger-like horn came with it. "I may reside in a world of your creation, but it is still 'I' who is god of it," the mare said. "If you had made my work easy then I would have made your death painless, but after the trouble you have given me I shall savor what I am about to do to you."

Bryce ceased struggling and stared the dark being straight in the eye. "Fine, but may I have a last request?"

The dark being smile. "I suppose I can grant you this, but if is to free you then I shall prolong your death that much longer."

Bryce took a breath to calm himself. "Why? Why have you come after me?"

The dark equine came in close, and whispered into Bryce's ear, "For that which binds your soul to this plane: Your life force."

Bryce gave a smirk. "Well, that's all I needed to know."

From out of nowhere, a set of chains sideswiped the ink colored mare and sent it down to the ground. In an instant, the chains entwined themselves around the equine's body. It attempted to move, but as it struggled the chains became that much heavier and tighter. "You despicable thing, release me. NOW!" It shouted in a demonic voice. Its flames began to slowly fizzle out.

Bryce smirked and repeated its words, "But you know not with who you deal." He then unhooked himself from the monstrosity's tentacles and dropped down to his feet. "Now, why are you working for the catoblepas?"

The dark horse struggled, but failed to find a foothold. "I shall never tell!"

"You can make this easy for yourself."

"You deal with things with which you have no understanding!"

"Story of my life!" Bryce bent down, and said in a calm tone, "Tell me what I want to know and I will let you go free."

The being stopped struggling and stared up into Bryce's gray eyes. "Were it so easy."

Bryce looked back in the being's eyes. They were like staring into the sun. After a while Bryce stood back up and shook his head. The chains slowly snaked themselves off the being. "I give you this one warning. If I see you in my dreams again I will kill you. I deplore the thought of taking a life, but I will do so."

The mare pressed itself up on its forehooves. The flames that had before made up its wings, mane, and tail had become little more than dying flames. "You are weak then if you cannot do so now."

"Do not take this display of mercy as a sign of weakness. I had wanted to turn the chains which bound you into white hot razor wire, but I am no sadist. If you care for your life then do as I say: Leave me, and those I care for alone."

"You say that with ease," the mare spat back, "but I know what you did to the bull."

After the mare said that, Bryce made a spade appear out of thin air.

He raised the blade over the mare's neck.

The mare stared up at the human, preparing itself for what was to come.

Bryce brought the spade down, yelling out as he did.

The mare was instantly filled with fear, knowing this was the end.

Instead, the spade missed her entirely as it sank into the dirt behind her. When it looked back, its heart raced; the flames along her back flickering with each beat.

Bryce's heart was going as well. In a low voice, he said to the mare, "I know what I did, but I ended its life because it would have come at me again, and again, and again, until it had taken mine. The bull was a mindless, inexorable beast which had NO choice. You have the choice."

And again, the mare said, "Were it so easy."

The world around Bryce disappeared and was replaced with the guest room at Sweet Apple Acres. Bryce didn't give an immediate reaction, instead choosing to lie there.

When Corn noticed his boy shifting under the covers he raised his head and gave a look of concern.

In the dim light of the rising sun, Bryce could see the German Shepherd's concern. Giving a smile, he said, "Don't worry, boy. Everything's fine." Reaching over to the nightstand, Bryce felt for his wrist watch. When he found it he pressed down on the crown, causing the front casing to unlatch and reveal the clock face within. It was close to six in the morning.

Taking great care to place the watch back onto the night stand, Bryce decided to get up. "Come on, Corn. Let's let you out so you can make your peeps and poops."

The Perfect Storm

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Chapter 50: The Perfect Storm

Summer had come, and with it the heat. There came something else with today's heat: An unbreathable humidity, and everyone at Sweet Apple Acres felt it, full force.

The weather report told there was to be a storm pushed in and so, in preparation, everyone went about insuring there would be minimal damage to the property and any equipment. This meant doing things such as pulling down any haphazard tree limbs within the vicinity of the vital parts of the farm, corralling the animals, shuttering the house, etc.

Though Bryce was trying to complete his tasks in an orderly fashion, a throbbing pain in his right ankle slowed his progress.

Bait had began to notice this, since he had been paired with Bryce to hoist down any limbs that may come loose from the high winds. "Are you feeling well, Bryce?"

"Yeah, it's nothing. It's nothing that an be helped," he said as he tossed a lasso over a halfway snapped branch.

"Then may I ask what it is?"

"Well, it's my ankle. Everytime before a big storm it hurts like H."

"Pardon me, but what's an ankle?"

Bryce pointed down to his right ankle. "This is an ankle. A while back I broke it in three places, and it still gives me trouble."

"Oh, I can understand then. Now that you mention it I'm beginning to feel a slight pain in my back leg. I can understand my uncle telling one of the boys to make sure I didn't leave, but I don't see why he had to do 'that'. May I ask how you broke your ankle?"

Bryce pulled down on the lasso, using his weight to expedite the process. "Well, it happened like this: It was my first semester at college. I had to get across campus in a short amount of time, and there were no buses to help matters. Now I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to be late for anything, so I decided to run. I was within sight of the building my class was in, but there was a set of stairs I had to get down. About halfway down my foot bent inwards, got caught under me, and all of weight bore down on it." With one final jerk the branch came crashing down.

"Did it hurt?"

"Well, not really, but it swelled up, and I had to drop out of college for the rest of the semester. I spent the time at home."

"What was that like?" Bait asked.

"It wasn't great. I basically sat around the house with nothing to do. My mom had to work and my sister was little help. Hell, I had to actually walk myself over to her house just to get any attention."

"What of your father? Was he of any assistance?"

"Nope, he wasn't around at all. He couldn't... Well, it's best I not talk about it. He wasn't ever there then."

"I know the feeling. I never knew my father. I did, however, have a copious amount of uncles who came over to see my mom. A few aunts, but mostly uncles. Most of them were indifferent towards me. A scant few were nice, but they only ever came to see my mom for some reason. My aunts and uncles would spend a few hours with her, in private, before taking their leave."

Bryce stopped working and scratched the back of his head. "Uhm..."

"Is something the matter, Bryce?" Bait asked.

"No, nothing. How was, uh... How was it where you lived?"

"Where I came from was not the most clean or lavish of places. Have you heard of a city known as Detrot (Deh - troh)?"

"Detrot? No, but there's a city in my world called Detroit. The whole place is more or less bankrupt and has abandoned neighborhoods."

Bait slowly nodded "Your description is a good comparison of Detrot. It is one of the more derelict municipalities of Equestria, I'm afraid. Since my mother had me go and live with my Uncle Ponz I haven't returned."

"Well, do you ever think of going back?" Bryce asked.

"I have thought on it, but Uncle Ponz would never allow me the privilege. Perhaps one day I will, but for now I must work here."

A few minutes later, Applejack came over to check on the pair's progress. "Are yuh both almost done yet? That storm's gonna push through any minute now."

"Not yet. We're working on it," Bryce said.

"Bryce, could yuh go and round up the animals. You do better with'em, somehow." Bryce and Bait began to walk off, but Applejack had other plans for the tan colt. "No sir. Ah want yuh ta stay here and finish this with me. Bryce can handle'em himself," the apple mare said in protest.

Bryce and Bait looked to each other, the human trying to bide time.

"Go on," Bait stated. "If she were going to do something to me then she wouldn't be sly about it. We can catch up later."

Bryce was reluctant to leave, but did as his friend asked.

Once Bryce was long gone, Applejack broke the silence. "Mind tellin me what the hay yuh think you're doin?" She asked, her brow narrowed.

"Whatever could you mean?" Bait asked. "Bryce and I were simply doing as you had asked."

"No, I mean what are yuh doin being all nice and kind to'm?"

"Why wouldn't I? Bryce is a fine stallion, once you get to know him. I will admit he tends to be repetitive in his mannerisms and sayings, but he is a fine stallion, nonetheless."

Applejack continued to glare at the tan colt. "This comin from the colt who tried ta put the blame on'm?"

Bait and Switch gave a cocky grin in response. "And this coming from the mare who wanted to do the same?"

This made the firm cowpony take a step back. "Uh... B- Beg pardon!?"

Bait's smile widened at Applejack's unease. "The boy saved your life, and how do you repay him? And yet still so long after the fact you wish it had been him? Tsk tsk, Miss Applejack," the tan colt said, nonchalantly.

She stopped and again narrowed her brow. "How do you know about that?"

"I have my ways."

"You... You..." Applejack gritted her teeth. "You dirty, rotten, no good-"

"Namecalling? Low, but not as low as-"

"You shut it!" The apple mare shouted back. "Yuh don't know nothin."

"I know enough."

The two ponies stared deeply into each other's eyes; one more confident; one afraid the cat would be let out of the bag.

In an instant, Applejack's confidence melted away. "A- Ah've been meanin to tell'm, but something always comes up. Ah know it's wrong, but Bryce... He's been nothing but trouble," she said as her ears drooped. "Look, just... don't tell him."

He waved the apple mare off. "I would never dream of doing such a thing. I am a gentlecolt: I allow fillies and mares to make the first move."

"Then where was all that gentry when yuh whacked me on the back of the head and left me ta be roasted alive!?"

Bait was quick to reply "I still allowed you the first move, but this is getting us nowhere soon. I shall allow you to act first this time as well." Before Applejack could get a word out, Bait continued. "I suggest now, however, we insure no damage befalls your home. After all, there is a storm coming, and from what mine and Bryce's legs can tell it will be one for the books."

Applejack began to breathe in fury. She knew what the colt had said was true. Bait may have tried to place the blame on Bryce, but she had too, and that was after the human had saved her hide. The tan colt had Applejack over a barrel. "How do Ah know Ah can trust yuh?"

Bait gave a smile. "What you should ask is what have I to gain."

She didn't like it, but there was little Applejack could do. With each passing second the weather team pressed the storm that much closer to the farm. "Fine. Let's get this over with."

Bait took on a much chipper mood. "Splendid. Let us begin."


A loud, roaring wind pressed against the thin walls of the house, releasing a bone rattling creak. Coupled with it was the heavy beating of rain, which brought with it a sinister ambiance to go with the inky blackness outside.

The candles the Apple family lit did next to nothing to combat the darkness. Regardless of how many they lit any light that was given off was swallowed up. The only short remedy to this was from the occasional flash of lightning that zigzagged across the sky.

Everyone, including the dogs, had piled up into the living room.

Bryce had grouped together around the couch with Big Mac, Bait, and Apple Bloom and taught them different card games. Big Mac was trying to take it easy. His job had been to shutter the house, but he'd slipped when he'd tried to come down and his leg had become twisted. He could still walk, but it would be a good solid week before he'd be able to do any heavy labor.

Winona and Corn were both unburdened by the storm and were curled up together in a corner of the room, snoozing peacefully through the inclement weather.

Applejack, on the other hand, was sitting in the dark kitchen with a single candle lighting up her face; her Stetson laying down on the table. It had been bad enough that she had yet to speak to Bryce about the incident at the barn, but now it was worse. She was going to tell Bryce what had happened, but at the right time when the human was calm and wouldn't have cared less. But now that she knew Bait knew had made the entire scenario that much worse.

Sneaking a peek behind her, Applejack watched as her siblings, Bryce, and Bait held cards in their hooves and hands. Apple Bloom had her back towards her. Her brother had a fine poker face plastered across his face, Bait did as well. Bryce, however, had a look of great confidence. Applejack suspected it was because he was creaming his three opponents since he knew the rules to games only he knew.

Turning back around, the orange mare buried her head into her hooves and let out a deep sigh.

From out of the surrounding darkness, Granny Smith said, "Everything alright there, AJ?"

Applejack jumped with a start. Looking to where the aged mare's voice had originated, the troubled mare could faintly make out her grandmother's pale green fur and white bun.

When her eldest granddaughter didn't reply, Granny Smith asked again, "Is everything alright with yuh?"

Applejack shook her head. "No, Granny, nothing's right."

"Well what's the matter? Yuh look like something's eatin at yuh. Have yuh had the chance ta talk with Bryce yet?"

"No, but... Ah don't think Ah'm ever gonna be able to now."

"Why's that?"

"He knows..."

"Who knows? And about what?"

"That... varmint..."

"You mean, what's his name... Bait and Switch?"

Applejack slowly nodded.

Granny Smith was shock to say the least. "How does he know?"

"Ah don't know that either. He just up and told me before the storm hit."

The aged mare turned back to look at the group around the couch. By now Apple Bloom had called it quits and had made due with watching the grownups play. "Does Bryce know?" Granny Smith asked.

"Ah don't know, but if he does then he hasn't said anything."

"Well what'd Bait say?"

"All he said was he'd let me make the first move."

The aged mare looked at Applejack for a second before saying, "Well then go on and tell'm."

"What, now!?" Applejack said in surprise.

"Yes, now."


"AJ, listen ta me! You've been putting this off fur too long now. You're a grown mare and he's a grown boy. Look at how well those two got along. Ah don't understand it myself, but Bryce doesn't seem ta be the least bit bothered by'm. If that boy can get over what Bait did then Ah'm sure he'll do the same fur you." The aged mare's monologue had left her breathless.

From the dim light of the candle, Applejack watched as her grandmother pressed into her.

At that moment, Apple Bloom and Big Mac came into the kitchen. The later had a candle stick held in his teeth.

"Hey, Granny, do we have anything to eat? Ah'm tired of watching Bryce and Bait beat Big Mac," Apple Bloom said.

"We sure do sugarcube. Ah'm sure we have a few leftover apple fritters or a box of crackers laying around here somewhere." Before walking off, Granny Smith leaned in close to Applejack. "You go in there right now, while it's just him and that other fella." She turned back to her oldest and youngest grandchildren. "Now, let's see what we can find for yuh."

Applejack instead continued to sit at the table and stared at her Stetson. It had once belonged to her father, and his father before him.

Her father, he'd always done the honest thing. Her whole life Applejack had tried to live by his example. It wasn't always easy for her to do, but it hadn't been any easier for him. She still remembered when her father had to return a substantial payment to Filthy Rich's father. It was after the annual zap apple yield had not been as bountiful that year, due in part to the weather team placing the thunder clouds in the wrong part of the farm. Applejack's father knew it would put a hurting on their strapped family, but it was the right thing to do.

She forced her hoof forward and grabbed onto her father's Stetson. If he can do something like that then Ah gotta have the courage to do this. Daddy'd kill me if he knew Ah'd put it off for this long. Taking the Stetson, Applejack placed it onto her blonde mane and walked into the living room.

When she got there, however, she did not like what she saw. Bryce and Bait were huddled close together, with the latter’s head next to the former's ear. Applejack's mind could think of only one thing it could be.

"Hey, what are y'all talkin about?"

That got the boys' attention. "It is nothing of great importance," Bait said, not meeting the apple mare's gaze.

Applejack took a step forward. "Ah'm interested ta know." Neither one of them said anything. "What'd he tell yuh about, Bryce?" She asked, forcing a smile.

"It's nothing important," Bryce said as he stared past the orange mare.

Horseapples! He told yuh something. "Look, Ah just want ta know. Ah'm interested in whatever it is yuh have to say," said Applejack, her smile becoming pained.

"Why do you want to know?" Bait asked.

Ah think yuh know good and well why! "Do Ah need a reason. Just tell me and-"

"You're getting too close for my comfort," Bryce said.

It was then Applejack noticed she had indeed gotten closer than she had realized. She was almost a hair's length away from the pair, and Bryce had himself backed into the couch.

Darn if that boy ain’t picky when it comes ta being touched. "If it's not that important than why don't you just tell me-"

"We don't want to say. Please, leave us be," Bait demanded.

"You stay outta this! This is all your fault!"

"No, this is you trying to stick your nose into something you are not a part of. I suggest you step away and forget-"

"Forget!? Yuh want me ta act like yuh said nothing about me ta Bryce just now!? No way, Jose!"

Bryce was confused at her last statement. "What would Bait-"

"I suggest you watch your temper," Bait said, "before you say something unintentional."

"Tell me exactly what yuh said to him. NOW!!!"

"Whatever would I, a dirty, rotten, no good scam artist have to say to my friend?"

Applejack gritted her teeth before shouting out, "YUH TOLD HIM AH WANTED HIM TO BE THE ONE WHO TRIED TA KILL ME!!!"

Her shout was soon followed with a loud clap of thunder. Then, the house went silent, save for the roar of the wind and pittle of the rain.

Bait gave a snide grin. "You could be no more wrong."

Applejack's mouth fell open. "What...? No, that- that's what... what you..."

"You wanted 'me' to be the what!?" Bryce sternly asked.

The anger Applejack had had for Bait drained away instantly. It was replaced with fear, and shame. Looking to Bryce, she could tell he was hurt, but most of all he was in disbelief. "Bryce..."

"You thought I tried to kill you!" Bryce said without a doubt.

The apple mare began to step back, afraid of what he might do.

Bryce stood up and strode over to her at the same pace. "You did! I can tell!"

"It's not-"

"You thought I tried to burn you alive!"


"You think only the worst out of me!"

"That's not-"

"Bullshit!" Bryce said as Applejack's rump came in contact with the wall.

Applejack's heart began to race, threatening to burst out of her chest. In all the scenarios she had thought would happen none came close to this moment, but then again none of them involved her shouting it out.

"Even now, you think I want to kill you..." Bryce balled his hands into fists.

Applejack couldn't get over how black his eyes had suddenly became; like two bottomless black pits.

Bryce closed his eyes tight, and when they reopened they were back to their usual gray tone. “What have you to say for yourself?"

"Why couldn't it have been you?" Applejack forced a hoof over her mouth, knowing what she'd said, but not understanding why. She didn't know how she had found the bravery to say it, but the words had come out with ease. It was true, but she had never wanted to say that. Not to Bryce, at least.

"AJ...?" Apple Bloom said in a cracked voice.

When the orange mare looked over, she found her whole family staring back in disbelief. Even Big Mac, who hardly ever broke his stoic character, was the same way.

No matter who she looked to there was nopony showing sympathy for her. Not even the dogs in the corner

Finally, she made herself look up to Bryce. His character was usually impossible to read, but now it was as clear as day: He was hurt, and deeply so.

"Ah... Ah didn't..."

Bryce turned to gather his deck of cards before turning to the stairs. As he passed Applejack, he said, "No, I understand." Walking up the steps, he made his way for his room and closed the door behind him.

When everypony heard the soft *click* from his bedroom door, all attention turned back to Applejack.

Not a single word was uttered; not a single movement made.

It wasn't long after Applejack made her way for the front door. Everyponys' eyes followed her as she went. "Applejack, where are you going?" Granny Smith asked.

The apple mare gave no response.

"AJ, what are you-" Big Mac said as he tried to rush forward, but his twisted leg sent him falling to the floor.

When she got to the front door, Applejack stopped and said, "Ah'm gonna go out for a while."

Before anypony could stop her, the room was filled with the heavy wind blowing from the outside. In a second it died down, leaving a few stray leaves in its wake.

Once everypony could see again, the sight before them was horrifying.

Applejack was no longer inside.

Into the Storm

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Chapter 51: Into the Storm

The cards flew through the air, performing aerobatics feats before slipping lazily to the floor. When each of the 54 cards in the deck were spent, their holder would then sit up from his bed and gathered them all together, taking care all 54 were present. Once this he was sure, he would lie back down on the bed and send the cards flying across the room once again, one by one.

Bryce was unsure of how many times it had been since he'd came into his room, but he didn't care to stop what he was doing anytime soon, if anything so he could avoid going back downstairs to face... her.

To say Bryce had been surprised would have been a half truth. He had thought the apple mare's sudden amiability had to with him saving her in some way or the other, but that was he had thought. On the flipside, Bryce had had a feeling Applejack's new found affability had to do with something else; as if she were hiding something. Unfortunately, this latter assumption had been the correct one.

And still, almost an hour after the fact, Applejack's last few words still replayed themselves over and over in his head: 'Why couldn't it have been you?'

With each reply of those words the knife already planted in his heart was thrust in that much deeper. Bryce could understand if Applejack had thought he had tried to kill her, but even after he risked his life to save her own she wished he had been the one, and still so to this day.

How should one respond to that?

Bryce didn't know how to answer. Instead, he kept flicking his cards through the room under the light of his candle. It didn't take long for him to again come up empty.

Shifting his legs over the side of the bed, Bryce walked around the room and gathered the playing cards. He counted them as he went about his work, but when he found all the ones that were visible the tally came up 53. To make sure he hadn't miscounted, Bryce sat on the bed and counted the cards in his hand. Again, 53.

Placing the incomplete deck down on the bed, Bryce grabbed the candle stick and brought the flame around the small room. It took a minute for him to spot it, but he finally found it wedged between the teeth of Omega, the decapitated timber wolf head.

Once Bryce pulled out the card he felt a strange sensation take over. As the seconds ticked by, this sensation grew in intensity until it began to bear down on his mind.

With the card still held in his hand, Bryce made his way for the bed but tripped along the way and fell, kicking his chest and causing everything on it to drop to the floor. He only just managed to hit a corner of the bed when his vision began to blur, and he saw something that filled him with dread.


The rain had began to ease off as Applejack neared her destination. Though it was still falling down at a considerable rate, it went all but unnoticed by the apple mare as she trudged up the steep hill. Once she reached the peak, she found what she'd been looking for: an orange tree, set into the earth close to a large apple tree. But it wasn't the trees themselves Applejack had came to see, it was the two ponies who now resided under them.

Applejack would almost always end up at this certain part of the farm whenever she needed to vent or felt she needed to be alone, though sometimes she came to maintain the area around the two entwined trees.

This visit, however, would serve not as a social visit, but to hopefully clear her mind. Clear it of the events that had led her to this moment.

With a heavy heart, she approached the apple tree: Her father's tree.

Taking her hat off in respect, Applejack waited a few minutes before saying, "Hey, daddy. It's... been a while. Ah've been meanin ta come see you and momma, but... Well, Ah've gotten a new guest. Actually, two, but it's the first one Ah want ta talk ta you about." Applejack cleared her throat before she continued, "For starters, he's not really a pony, or anything that's ever been seen in Equestria. He's, well, big. Bigger than Bic Mac even, and he walks on his hindlegs."

"He's a nice colt and all, but... He's... He's a lot of trouble. A lot more trouble than he's actually worth. Since he got here he's brought out the worst in me. Ah came close ta killin'm too. Ah... Ah don't know what it was about him, but Ah haven't been the same since. Almost every second Ah can't see'm Ah expect him ta stir up something, and we get the worst end of the deal whenever something does happen. Because of him the barn burned, with me in it, and all because of something he'd done. Ah mean, Ah know it wasn't all him, but if he hadn't gone and beat up that one colt it woulda never happened."

Applejack had to take a breath before saying her next statement. "And even after all Ah'd done and said ta him, he saved me from getting roasted ta death, and still Ah expected the worst outta him. Ah thought he'd done it, and Ah was gonna go and have the Guard haul him off so he'd be outta our lives. Ah woulda done it too, but then that colt's uncle showed up and proved me wrong, and since then Granny's been trying ta make me say something about it to'm."

"Since that colt did it his uncle paid us everything we'd need ta fix the barn. Because of that he made his nephew come and help out around the farm to repay the debt, but told us if anything bad happened to the varmint then we'd have to pay him back, in full. Ah don't know how, but the varmint found out what happened, and he just made me blurt it out in front of Bryce. That's the first fella staying with us."

"But after Ah said it Bryce got angry, and Ah can't blame'm because after that Ah truthfully asked why it couldn't have been him that done it."

After Applejack had spilled out everything to her late father, she paused, hoping for somepony or something to speak next. Unfortunately, nopony spoke back. The only sound came from the wind and the rain.

"Daddy?" Applejack finally asked. "Ah know it was wrong of me ta ask that, most especially to him, but am Ah wrong for wishing it had been him. If it weren't for him we'd probably still have the barn, we wouldn't be responsible for that varmint's well being, Ah... wouldn't be so scared ta leave my family alone..." The apple mare looked down to the ground. "Ah'm trying ta be honest, daddy, but... Is me wishing something bad ta happen to somepony like Bryce wrong?"

As if answering her, the storm let out a large gust of wind that forced Applejack to buckle down. However, she neglected to bring in her hat and it was blown away.

Her own safety forgotten, Applejack immediately took chase.

Sliding down the hill, with one eye trained on her daddy's hat, she hit the ground running.

It was as if the storm was taunting her. Whenever Applejack would run one way the storm would change the direction of the wind in the almost complete opposite direction.

In the course of her chase she was cut and bruised, but she disregarded these 'scrapes' and charged on.

Regardless of how many branches crossed her path or how fast the wind blew in her face, Applejack refused to back down from her goal.

She wasn't going to give up her Stetson for anything.

As suddenly as the wind had began, it gave way to a frightening calm. Applejack failed to notice this, instead seeing this as the best moment to catch her hat, which had fallen into a large clearing.

With each step the mud resounded with a loud splosh,which went unnoticed by Applejack. Once she reached the brown Stetson she did a mental leap of joy as she planted her hooves firmly down. She was breathing heavily while she smiled. "Ha! Ah got yuh now, yuh sneaky rascal." It was soon after Applejack placed the Stetson on her head she took note of how the ground below her was rising up towards her.

If the orange mare had been paying attentiin then she have known it best to turn back as her hat had landed in the middle of a deep patch of mud. The primal need to retrieve her late father's hat, however, made her press forward, blinding her to all reason. It didn't take long for the realization to dawn on her: The mud wasn't moving towards her, she was sinking down into it.

Applejack began to struggle in place, but it only caused her to sink much faster.

She gritted her teeth, pulling with all her might. It proved useless as the mud held a strong grip on its prey.

Soon, Applejack stopped sinking as her hooves came in contact with the firm ground below. She was buried deep enough for only her orange and blonde head to be visible amongst the sloppy brown.

The apple mare continued to struggle in place, hoping against hope that this wasn't real. She was asleep; held securely in her bed with Winona closeby. Any minute now she would wake up to the smell of Winona's rancid squirrel breath, telling the apple mare it was time to greet the day. With her awake, Applejack could rise, put on her Stetson, and

Applejack slammed her eyes shut, picturing the Border Collie before her. In her mind, she thought she could feel the canine's hot breath blowing against her face.

Opening her eyes she was met with the face of a canine, but not of the one she'd expected.

Standing before her, with a pair of eerie green glowing eyes was a timber wolf. It was standing on the edges of the mud patch sizing up the apple mare.

When Applejack saw this she froze, not daring to give an inch.

The timber wolf, however, wasn't as still. Taking a final whiff, the wooden creature formed an 'O' with its wooden maw before it let out a howl that echoed through the surrounding trees. Within a short amount of time, additional pairs of green glowing eyes came from different parts of the orchard and gathered around the first. There had to have been at least ten, fifteen at the most. The timber wolves stared at the apple mare with hunger in their eyes. It had been weeks since the pack had last seen fresh meat, even a small rat. And now there was a full sized mare before them; stuck and with nowhere to go. They couldn't have asked for more.


For almost an hour Granny Smith had watched as the minutes ticked by on the family's grandfather clock. The aged mare had been hesitant to allow her eldest granddaughter to stay out for this amount of time, but there was little that could be done. Because of Big Macintosh's injury he was unable to go out on his own. Apple Bloom was too young, so she couldn't go. Bait and Switch could go, but even if Granny Smith could get him to go out she doubted he'd do anything to help Applejack.

That left Bryce, but he had yet to give a response from upstairs, making her wonder if he was still there. If anypony could go out and find Applejack she knew he could, but after what had been said she had her doubts.

Granny Smith was still in shock at what had occurred. The same went for her two remaining grandfoals were as well. She couldn't believe one her own grandfoals could ever feel such bitter scorn for somepony, but at the same time she couldn't believe she hadn't seen it until now. The aged mare saw the guilt in Applejack's eyes, but thought it was from the guilt of having falsely accused the human, not from secretly wishing he'd been behind it the whole time.

As the pale green mare watched the grandfather clock show that it been a whole hour since Applejack went out into the storm she decided enough was enough. "Big Mac, go take your little sister upstairs. Ah'm gonna have a word with Bait."

Taking one look at his grandmother, the brawny red stallion could tell what was about to occur. Grabbing a sleepy Apple Bloom by the nape of the neck, he carried her upstairs into his own room.

With those two out of sight, Granny Smith took heavy steps towards the tan colt, who was lying on his back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling with a rear hoof bouncing over an arm.

Before Granny Smith could say the first word, Bait said, "I know what you're going to say, madam, but the answer is no. I'm not going to risk my life to save a hayseed's. She made her choice, she can live with it. If she's still alive, that is." Having said that Bait turned over on his side, facing away from the aged mare.

Narrowing her brow, Granny Smith grabbed the tan colt and rolled him over onto the floor. Before he could protest the aged mare stood over him. "Now listen here, sonny, Ah don't give a darn what your uncle said. Ah've been livin on this land a lot longer than anypony else, and Ah know a few good places ta hide something your size."

"I suggest you rethink that, madam," Bait spat back. "If any misfortune were to befall me then your family would be, for lack of a better phrase, down shi-"

"Ah already told yuh Ah don't give a darn, yuh foul mouthed varmint. This all goes way beyond a couple of worthless bits, this is about something that costs a whole lot more: A pony's life."

Bait answered with a laugh. "You think I care for the life of another? Specifically somepony who would hold such bitter resentment for her savior? Somepony the likes of her deserves what she gets."

"Ah know what she did, but you have ta ask if you value your life," Granny Smith stated.

Bait gave a soft laugh. "I doubt you have it-"

His response was cut off when Granny Smith pressed her hoof down onto his adam's apple. " Oh Ah have it in me. Ah took on colts that were twice your size when Ah was your age. Ah may look all sweet and frail, but this old mare has a part very few others have seen."

Bait attempted to push the old mare's hoof off his neck, but she had somehow obtained superpony strength.

"Now Ah'm giving yuh till the count of three ta make the up your mind," Granny Smith said, pressing down harder on the tan colt's neck. "One..."

The room began to darken around Bait and Switch, even darker than before.


Bait felt himself start to faint. He saw it was no joke. He felt the life draw back into him when the aged mare's hoof was pulled away from his throat.

Bryce held Granny Smith off the ground. "Granny Smith, you're not going to get anywhere doing something you'll regret. Besides, he's not going out, no matter what you do to him." Bryce placed the aged mare gently down on the floor. "I'm going out."

"What!?" Both ponies said in unison.

"I said I'm going out."

Both ponies looked at Bryce in total shock. "Bryce, are you sure about this?" Bait asked.

"Yes, I am."

"But Bryce," Granny Smith said, "what about the rain. Aren't yuh worried about getting wet?"

"No. I'm more worried of what 'will' happen to your granddaughter if I don't."

"Bryce, you shouldn't worry yourself about this. Ah'm sure AJ's-"

Without flinching, Bryce stated. "If I don't go now Appejack 'will' die!"

Granny Smith's jaw dropped from Bryce's statement. She wasn't sure what scared her more, the possibility of Applejack dying, or how sure Bryce was about the mare's demise if he did nothing. "H- How do yuh know?"

Without flinching a second time, Bryce said, "I just know."

"That doesn't mean-"

Bryce reached into his pocket and pulled out a playing card. Holding it out to the two ponies, it was revealed to be the ace of spades. "I drew the death card from Omega's mouth. That, and my Magic 8-Ball told me 'Outlook not so good'." Bryce could see the doubt in their eyes. "What do you want me to say, I saw it with my own eyes?"

"Bryce, I can't see how a bunck of nik naks can tell yuh that."

"It may be wrong, but could you live with it if I'm right?"

"How would you even know where to look?" Bait asked, doubting Bryce. "The orchard's too large for you to cover it on your own, and the rain would have washed away her tracks by now."

Bryce turned to Granny Smith. "Does an orange tree next to an apple tree mean anything to you?"

"Yes, the graves of my son and step daughter."

"Where is it?" Bryce hastily asked.

"It's to the east, but a tad north. On top of a hill."

"That's where I'll look. Corn, with me." Bryce ran out the front door, quickly shutting it behind the German Shepherd as he exited. Grabbing a spade as he went, he ran into the orchard, determined to find the apple mare before the timber wolves could get to her first.


Finding the hill Granny Smith had mentioned had been easy enough, the only down side was that Bryce didn't know where to go next. At the base there was a set of hoofprints that ran up one side of the hill, as well as a skid that came down the same hill.

What was troubling was that after these tracks there were sets of hoofprints that followed the skid, but they soon ran in every direction, without any form of reason. It didn't matter which tracks Bryce followed there was always two or three more that forked in different directions.

Bryce was beginning to freak out; not because of the rain, but because time was running out. If these tracks and the skid on the hill were there, then that meant it was only a matter of time before the timber wolves arrived to devour the apple mare. Any second, there would be a-

From off in the distance, Bryce heard a wolf's howl.

"Shit, that's it! They're already there!"

Grasping the spade tightly in his hands. Bryce ran in the direction of the howl with Corn at his heels. Within seconds, he found the clearing, as well as a pack of timber wolves encircling a large mud puddle. At the center of this patch of mud was Applejack, stuck neck deep in the muck.

Bryce forced himself behind a tree with Corn, out of sight of the timber wolves. Sneaking a peek, Bryce was thankful they hadn't noticed them. Under his breath, Bryce said to Corn, "What are we gonna do, boy? 'Gonna'? Damn, I'm going native."

Corn gave a low growl.

"You're right, we have to save Applejack, but we can't get her out without any of those walking fire hazards noticing."

Corn whined a low cry.

"No, I can't do that; not with her there to see it." Bryce snuck another peek and saw a few of the timber wolves beginning to close in on the apple mare. One of them fell into the same bind as Applejack, but the remaining few were able to cross the mud with ease. "Shit. Okay, I have an idea, Corn, but it involves you distracting them."

Corn growled.

"Well what do you want me to do? Lift her out of there for them all to see? They'd come after us, eat us, then go back for Applejack pie for dessert."

The German Shepherd gave a whine, but relented to his boy's suggestion.

"Great. You just run them off, but go a little over to the side before you do so. When you've gotten them a good distance out then come back. I'm going to have to bust that one stuck in the mud with my slingshot before I can get in there." Bryce gave a final peek before saying, "Okay, sneak around and go at my signal."

Crouching low, Corn carefully crawled over to a point at the timber wolves' flank.

Seeing Corn at a good place, Bryce cupped his hand and whispered, "Dunbar."

When Corn heard that he barked out loud, drawing the wooden canines' attention.

It had the desired effect as the wolves ran to Corn, who had retreated to draw them away from the area.

The only timber wolf that remained was the one who had gotten stuck in the mud. It barked in Corn's direction for a minute before losing interest and aiming back at Applejack.

Applejack was looking around, trying to find the only person who would be out here with that one dog.

With one final thrust, the remaining timber wolf thrust itself towards the apple mare, breaking off its paw in the process.

Acting fast, Bryce jumped out from behind the tree, with slingshot in hand. In a practiced motion, he took a knee, trained the timber wolf between the prongs, and let loose the stone in the pouch.

The stone zipped through the air, piercing the timber wolf through the mouth and coming out through the back of its head. With a yelp, the wolf fell to the ground and broke into twigs and splinters.

Applejack's pupils shrank in surprise. She had expected Bryce to do something, but not like this. Craning her head back, Applejack found the human coming towards her, a spade held over his shoulder. Instead of being grateful to see Bryce, the apple mare became afraid. If Bryce had came out for her it couldn't have been for good intentions.

When Bryce came to the edge of the mud, he brought the spade down and started to shovel a path to Applejack. He didn't make eye contact with the orange mare, not until he was directly over her. Once they were within arm's length of each other Bryce ceased shoveling the mud. In a tone devoid of all emotion, he asked, "Did they get you?"

Left speechless from his arrival, Applejack shook her head.

"Good, let's hurry. I don't know how long Corn can keep them distracted."

As Bryce carefully dug away at the mud around Applejack, she felt a slight pain as the blood was allowed to flow back down into her legs. Once she was free to move she took a step, only to have her hoof fall out from under her. Bryce bent down to grab her, but Applejack would have none of it. "Don't you touch me!"

Bryce took a step back to allow her room. "Just take your time."

"Don't you rush me. Ah came close ta being wolf chow." Applejack got to her hooves, which continued to shake under her. "What are yuh doin out here?"

"You were in trouble," Bryce bluntly stated.

"Yeah, what of it?"

"Well, you said it yourself: You came close to being wolf chow."

While still attempting to straighten herself, Applejack said, "Whatever. It doesn't... It doesn't... change..." She shook her head. "Why...? Why did yuh really come out all this way?"

"Because you needed help."

"Horseapples! You wanted something!" Applejack shouted as she went to grab a glob of mud. She overstepped, however, and she fell back into the mud, her hat flying off and landing at Bryce's feet. When Applejack looked down at herself, she felt dirtier than she'd ever felt before. Seeing the mud caked to her fur made her wonder what she was even doing out in the pouring rain. She knew she had the proper sense to stay inside, and not to run into a mud puddle, but she didn't. She knew she should be grateful to Bryce for saving here, not once but twice, but she wasn't.

This wasn't her. The Applejack she knew had the proper intuition to stay inside and to give credit where credit was due. Where was Applejack, and what had this muddy, anile thing done with her?

Sitting herself up on her rump, Applejack looked to Bryce with tears in her eyes. "Why did you do that? Why did you come out here just to save me?"

With his usual blank expression, Bryce asked, "Do I need a reason?"

Taking a second chance, Applejack successfully grab a glob of mud and threw it at the human, hitting him square in the face. "Just give me a reason, darn you!" She yelled in a cracked voice.

Bryce raked the mud off his face, but stood his ground. "Fine, I'll give you my reason: Because I'm Bryce Smales."

Applejack sat in the mud, made confused by Bryce's statement. "That... That doesn't te- tell me anything!" She said through her tears.

"Then let ask you this: Are you Applejack?"

The confused mare nodded.

"If you're Applejack, then you strive to be an honest mare, and a hard worker. In terms of the latter, you can let it get carried away, and not accept help when offered because, to you, it would dishonest to let someone just 'help' unless they expected something in return. Because of this you can be as stubborn as a mule when you want to be, even in the smallest of things. Regardless of this, you would help someone you saw needed it, treating them as a close friend or relative."

The apple mare had to stop and think on what Bryce had said last. What the hay is he trying to say? Ah know who Applejack is... No, Ah know who... Ah am... She looked back on the time since Bryce had shown up her life. He was right in saying she could be stubborn, even so far to have her entire family chastise her because of it. And the last thing he'd said was correct as well, but recently...

Applejack let out a sigh. "Okay, Ah understand how that sums me up, but what about you? Who is 'Bryce Smiles'?"



"Well, Bryce Smales is the kind of guy you see sitting by himself in the lunch room. If something bad were to occur, he's the one, nine times out of ten, that everyone looks to first. Sometimes he is the culprit, but most of the time there's no one willing to apologize for falsly accusing him when they're proven wrong. Deep down he's a big child. His attention is constantly drawn away to tooth picks that are dropped onto the floor when he should be listening to the waitress, who's trying to take his order. Many of his mannerisms may be outside the norm, such as how he curls his toes during crucial moments, or counting every step he takes, but he doesn't care. Everyone else can scream and yell while he sits calmly and wonders what yelling really accomplishes. Sure, he may play the fool, but when you get to know him he knows a lot of facts the most insignificant of things. If you were to ask him which plants in the wilderness are toxic he can tell you. Regardless of all this, you may beat him up, spit in his face, downright tell him off but he would still save you, your sister, or anyone you cared about from certain doom. It doesn't matter if its a simple slip and fall or a raging chimera, he'd still do it. Why does he do it? It's just his way he was taught."

After that there was a long silence, save for the sound of the rain. Applejack didn't know what to say. She looked down to the mud that caked here form. "Bryce..."

"You don't have to say anything," Bryce said as he bent down and picked up Applejack's Stetson. He cleared the distance between them both and held the hat out to the orange mare. "Here, it looks better on you then it ever would me."

Applejack took the hat from the human, but held it to her chest. "Ah'm still sorry..."

"I'm sorry too."

Bryce held out his hand to Applejack.

Applejack saw it, but was unsure if she should take it. Looking up into his eyes, she saw nothing of the black pits from before, but instead a pale white. She placed her Stetson onto her head before placing her hoof into his offered hand.

After pulling Applejack to her hooves, Bryce said, "Now let's get back."

"Wait, what about your dog?"

"Don't worry about him. He'll find his way."

From off in the distance, the pair heard the sound of something running through the trees at a fast pace.

Thinking it was the timber wolves, Bryce brought up his spade.

When Corn came running out of the orchard into the clearing Bryce lowered his guard. "Corn, there you are."

Corn started to bark in desperation.

"They're right behind you? Damn it all!" He said to Applejack, "I'll hold'em off. You get back to the house."

Applejack, however, would have none of it as she stood beside the human. "Oh no, don't think Ah'm gonna leave yuh ta fend for yourself against these rascals. Ah got some steam Ah wanna blow off."

Bryce laughed in his throat. "This is the Applejack I met." As the sound of the ensuing pack of timber wolves came ever closer, Bryce swung the spade around to loosen himself up. "From what I saw there's at most 15 of them. If you count Corn, we're outnumbered, 5 to 1."

"Well, yuh took on that one timber wolf all by yourself, without gettin a single scratch. This should be a piece of cake for you."

"Actually, the one I killed had its head stuck in the chicken coop. All I did was come up from behind and cut its head off."

Applejack let out a groan. "Now yuh tell me."

Shave and a Haircut

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Chapter 52: Shave and a Haircut

The summer season was harsh, and the heat that came with it did little to lighten the burden. This was especially true when your entire body was covered in a coat of fur, as was the case with every resident of Ponyville. Bryce suffered the same affliction as well; not along his whole form, mind you, but on his head. This is because he has a long mop of thick, dirty blonde hair that runs from his head down to the base of his neck.

Bryce knew the cure for this was to have his haircut, but his autism made him reluctant to being touched, most especially on his head. He didn't even allow Apple Bloom or Dinky to even do so, regardless of how many times they'd asked to be hefted onto his shoulders.

The reason behind this was unclear, but all he knew was that when anyone or anything came in contact with this most sacred of areas he would lash out until either the culprit or the sensation left him.

The length of his bangs further added to his dilemma: Because of the heat in his head more sweat was produced. Combined with his thick tuft of hair, Bryce's bangs would form together into thick needles and pierce his eyes like pricks of fire.

This is what Bryce discussed with Bait as they walked the dirt path that ran from the apple orchard to town. "That's why I don't get it cut."

Bait trotted alongside Bryce a few seconds before asking, "As simple as that?"

"As simple as it can be."

"And you cannot think of any reason for this?"


"I see... That is quite a problem, I must say. If it is such a problem for others to touch your head then why not trim your mane yourself?"

"Well, I tried once, but I cut it so short that it was nearly down to the roots, and that only caused more problems. You know that feeling whenever somebody walks past you so close you feel the air blowing past them? Well, that feels like the edge of a knife brushing against my skin."

"Come now, it can't be that bad. It's..." Bait bore a cheeky grin for a few seconds before saying, "It's... puzzling. Is your mane in such dire need of a trim?" In response, Bryce pulled off his sweat drenched bandana. His head exploded in an afro of knots and curls. It was like a dense enchanted forest laden with snares. "My... word... It's as if you have a sheep on your head. Can you... Can you see?"

"When it's down, not very well," Bryce said as he tucked his hair back under the soggy bandana. "I mean, I like it long, but it's too much of a hastle to maintain. I have to put a whole palmful of conditioner through it to make it behave."

"Well, there's a simple remedy: You need to get it cut, and soon."

"I know, but... it's complicated. I only ever let two people ever do anything with it and neither one of them are here."

"Since I doubt you will ever see them again, I'm going to ensure you get your mane cut, today. In fact, I think I could do for a few clips myself. I get mine and you get yours, does that sound fair?" The tan colt asked his human companion.

"Well... I guess I'll do it if you are. We have all day anyway."

"You can say that again. Thank you for accompanying me, Bryce. Are you sure you did not want to stay behind for the Apple's family reunion. From what I could see being set up it looked to be the beginnings of a quite memorable affair."

Bryce shook his head. "Missing out on being around a bunch of little horse things I've never met? Having them ogle at the 'bald pale ape'? Being able to do nothing when the adults forbid their foals from coming in arm's length of me? I don't feel I'm missing much."

Within minutes, the pair had reached the center of Ponyville. The hoof traffic in town was small, as was normal for a non-Farmer's Market Day. As they passed the ponies in the streets they exchanged light pleasantries, with the occasional chat to go along with it.

Soon after, Bryce and Bait found the building they were looking for: A barbershop, with a red and white barber's pole hanging on the outside wall overlooking the dirt road below. Before they could enter, a voice called out the tan colt's name and stopped them in their tracks. When they turned around, they found a familiar gray stallion with a middle aged face and salt-and-pepper mane, Ponzi Scheme. With him was one of his boys. This one had a pair of heavy laden saddle bags across his back. The bags jingled with each step the stallion took. "Uncle Ponz? What a surprise. Are you checking to see if I am still here, or are you here for something else?"

"And a good day to you as well, nephew. Have you been serving your penance as you should?"

"Y- Yes, Uncle Ponz."

"That is good to hear. Are you doing anything of great importance at the moment?"

"Bryce and I were about to have our respective manes cut. If you don't mind, we-"

"It will have to wait until later," Ponzi Scheme interrupted. "I have something I must discuss with. In private," the middle aged stallion sternly stated.

"But Uncle Ponz, I-"

"Now, nephew. This CANNOT wait."

Bait was left speechless. The tan colt took a look up to Bryce. Bryce waved him away. "It's okay, Bait. You go on with your uncle. I'll go on and get mine. I'll wait outside for you if you're not back by the time I'm done."

"If you say so, Bryce. Do you think that you could pick me up a few containers of hair gel? I'm almost fresh out. You know, have to... keep up appearances with the mares." Bait finished by slipping a hoof through his greasy mane.

"Sure, that'll work."

Bait turned back to his uncle and gave a nod.

Ponzi Scheme nodded back. Looking to Bryce, the gray stallion said, "I'll shall try and keep our discussion brief, Mr. Smales. Come along, nephew." The three ponies trotted away. Not a word was uttered between them as they left Bryce's line of sight.

With nothing more to do, Bryce entered the barbershop. Upon his entrance, he was met with the ringing of a bell above the door, which was soon followed by a chorus of three blue colored colts.

"Come in," the first, deep blue colt sang in a low tone.

"Come innn," the second, powder blue colt added in a major third higher.

"Come innnn," the third, baby blue colt added in a major fifth higher than the first.

The three colts then said in unison, "Come in."

From a barber's chair, a deep blue mare with a highlighted yellow mane facehoofed. "Must you three insist on doing that everytime a customer enters?" She asked in an obvious annoyed tone.

"Ahh, come on, mom," Bowl said. "We're just trying to drum up some business for you."

"Yeah, mom. We're just trying to entertain the custamers," Middle Part added.

Cue looked at his brothers in confusion. "Wait a minute, I thought we were practicing for the three-colt quartet."

Bowl shot his younger brother a look. "Cue Ball, you knucklehead, how can we have a quartet with only three colts?"

"Well our two-colt quartet didn't work out, so why not try a threesome?"

"Quiet you," Bowl snarled. In response, Cue waved a hoof in front of Bowl's face. While the bowl cut colt was distracted, Cue let out a loud bark that startled his brother. "Why I oughta," Bowl said as he brought his hoof back to poke Cue in the eye. All the while, Middle Part stood back and watched, unsure of what to do or say.

"Boys, what have I told you!" The mare stated from here seat. Immediately, the three colts froze in place. "If you three are going to stay then you must all behave!" She facehoofed a second time. They are so much like Slapstick it's not the least bit funny!The mare regained her composure, stood up from the barber's chair, and said to Bryce, "Welcome, sir. I'm High Lights. Please, take any seat you like... Perhaps you could sit on the floor," the mare said after noticing Bryce's height.

Without saying a word, Bryce did as the highlighted mare had suggested. As soon as his bottom hit the floor he was enveloped in a black barber's gown. "Now, if you would remove your bandana and show me what I have to work with." Bryce did as he was asked. As his curls settled, the hair stylist's jaw dropped.

"Hey, Bowl," Cue Ball said as he poked the hot headed colt in the side. "Remind you of anypony?"

"Yeah, it does, Curly," Bowl said, giving the bald colt a noogie.

Cue responded by letting out a low growl.

"Boys!" High Light shouted. "I'm not going to warn you three again." Turning back to Bryce, High Light said, "All these curls. These snags. These dead ends. Not to meantian the cradle crap. This is going to take a while." Taking a pair of scissors, the deep blue mare took the first snip of what would be an eventful ordeal.


Bait's conversation with his uncle hit hard at his usually carefree demeanor, and the saddlebags he now carried only weighed his spirits down that much more. When he had went off with his uncle a few minutes earlier he hadn't expected it to be about something like that. Just the thought of it forced Bait-and-Switch to let out a depressing sigh.

In his slump through the back alleyways of Ponyville, the sound of somepony whispering in his ear almost went unnoticed. "Hey, psst..." Bait looked over to see a dark gray pegasus pressed in close to him. "Hey, you know Bryce, right?"

Bait clearly heard what the mohawked pegasus had said, but his mind was still in a mess. "I'm sorry?"

"You know, Bryce. Big guy, walks on two legs, the only thing in Ponyville that's NOT a pony. I saw you with him earlier."

Bait finally registered what the pegasus had said. "Yes, I know him."

Thunderlane gave a small, wicked grin that went unseen by the tan colt. "That's cool, that's cool. So, uh, how much do yuh, you know... know him?"

"Uhm, quite well I must say. Is there anything I can help you-"

Thunderlane jumped forward at an alarming rate. "Actually, there is something I need help with. You see, I'm with theeee newspaper and I'm looking to write an article on Bryce."

Bait raised an eyebrow. "You don't look to be the news writing type."

"I'm part of a little known newspaper called... Equus Weekly News. Yeah, we report on the things most newspapers find not very important to report. We deal more in the bizarre than the... not bizarre."

"If that is the case then would it not be more prudent to interview Bryce himself."

"Uhh, no, because... I prefer the test... testa... testimony of those who have experienced these kind of weirdos."

"Well, I wouldn't say Bryce is a 'weirdo'. Is this going to take long? I'm supposed to go and meet him. Why don't you come with me and you can ask him these questions-"

"NO...!" Thunderlane shouted. "I mean... I wouldn't want to make him nervous, because a few others say he gets nervous in these situations. Can you confirm this?"

Bait stuttered for a second. "I... I suppose he can, yes."

"Okay, do you know of anything that causes him to be nervous?"

"A few times it seems to be from the simplest of matters. One time he 'froze up' (as he called it) when he and I were roofing a barn. It took a half hour to coax him down. Forgive me, I may not be a reporter but shouldn't you be writing this down?"

"No, I have a good memory. Have you ever seen Bryce attack anypony with intent to kill?"

"Excuse me!?" Bait asked in an alarmed tone. "Who do you think you are asking questions like that?"

"I'm just trying to get the proper facts. We wouldn't want anypony getting hurt."

"It sounds more to me you're trying to find something to use as slander."

"What, me?" Thunderlane was beginning to tense up. "Wha- what reason would I have to slander him?"

"You wouldn't, you would need a reason to write libel. If you were a real news reporter you would know that."

The slate gray pegasus scratched at his mohawk. "Yeah, uh, I knew that."

Bait stared Thunderlane down. "What newspaper did you say you worked for again?"

The stallion was silent for a few seconds before saying. "Equus Monthly... No, it was..." He began to feel Bait's stare burn into his coat. "Haha... Should we move on to another question...?"

Bait pointed an accusatory hoof at Thunderlane. "I know who you are now. Bryce told me about you. What was your name? Featherbrain?"

"No, Thunderlane! Why can nopony say it right!?"

"Yes, that was it. What exactly do you want? From what Bryce told me you're nothing but a 'Schande' (shawn - duh); whatever that means."

"Well... Did he ever tell you what he did to me?"

"Yes, and from what I was told you deserved it. Now if you don't mind-"

"So I deserved to never be able to fly again!?"

Bait was thrown back by that comment. The tan colt furrowed his brow. "What on Equus are you talking about?"

"He- He did it through some kind of mind control," Thunderlane said in a shocked tone. "Ever since that day I haven't been able to fly. I've been through dozens of tests at the hospital and not a single pony there can see anything wrong with me. That means he did something to my mind. In fact every time I try... try..." Thunderlane grabbed at his forehead. It felt like he had a series of being hammered into his skull from every possible direction.

"Hey!" Bait shouted. "What's the matter with you?" It slowly brought the slate gray pegasus back to his senses. "What you are saying is absurd. Mind control? That's something one would find in a comic or science novel. What next, telekenesis? Is he able to pick things up with his mind? No? How about read our every single thought, can he do that?"

Thunderlane was having trouble concentrating on what Bait was saying, but he understood enough. "I... He... Maybe...?"

Bait grabbed Thunderlane by his neck and brought him in close. "Yuh listen here," he said in his foalhood Detrot accent, "I'm in no mood to be messing with a featherbrain like you right now. Now leave Bryce alone. He did nothing to yuh except hit yuh with a rock, and that's it. Now I don't wanna hear another word from yuh, yuh Schande. He's a good stallion, and if yuh knew him like I did you'd know the same." Bait released his hold on Thunderlane, who fell onto his back. The tan colt then turned around and walked off, his saddlebags jingling as he went.

Reaching the barbershop Bait had left Bryce, he went inside just as three blue toned colts came running out.


"I know where I know the three of you from." It was the first thing Bryce had said. While High Lights continued to cut his hair, which her three sons had taken upon themselves to place onto Cue Ball's bare cranium, Bryce had been very, very still. The whole time he had tried to remember where he had seen these three colts last, and it had finally hit him. "You three were the ones who had to restrain your friend a few months back."

The three colts stopped their fun with Bryce's freshly clipped hair and turned to the human with blank expressions on their faces. "He's not our friend," Middle Part bluntly stated. "At least, not anymore."

"You three did right by distancing yourselves from that hooligan," his mother stated. "That boy is nothing but trouble."

"Well, is he really so bad?" Bryce asked.

"Yes. Yes he is."

"Well, what has he done?"

"If you really want to know, that hooligan broke every single one of my cleaning jars that I keep my combs in, and those cost a hefty bit. His mother had to pay off the debt, of course. All I will say is that she doesn't discipline the colt as she should."

"He also got me and my brothers in trouble after stole a whole jar of candy from Sugarcube Corner," Bowl Cut added. "He had us distract the owners while he jumped up and stole the candy while they weren't looking."

"And that's not even mentioning all the time he had us listen to him rant about how you were 'controlling the whole town with your mind'." Middle Part said.

"And he promised Scootaloo a signed Wonderbolts he never even had." Cue said, trying to stay still as his brothers placed more of Bryce's hair on his head.

"Who's Scootaloo?" Bryce asked.

"The pegasus Rocksalt was yelling at."

"The small orange pegasus? Well, do you know anything about her?"

"Not much. Just that she's an orphan, and that she's... Mom, what do you call a filly who acts like a colt?"

"A tomcolt," High Lights answered.

"Yeah, a tomcolt."

"And, boys, would you stop playing around with that, please," High Lights scolded. "All it does is make the job of cleaning it all up that much harder," their mother scolded.

"Come on, mom, just take a look at Cue," Bowl Cut said as he turned his younger brother's head around to face her and Bryce.

When the mare saw what her oldest sons had done to her youngest she almost broke out laughing. "Curly Cue, it looks almost like it did before Bowl Cut shaved it all off. Alright, you've had your fun. Now sweep it up and put it in the trash." With the colts busy sweeping up his hair, High Lights said to Bryce, "I'm sorry for that."

"It's fine; my sister had three kids just like your three. So, their friend's name was Rocksalt?"

"That was that hooligan's name."

"Do you really have to call him that? He's not that bad, is he?"

High Lights gave a huff. "You don't know the half of it. That colt has been trouble ever since his he and his mother moved here from Manehatten. He's the kind who would make his mother cry."

"Well, he can't be all bad. I'm sure there's some good in him."

"If there is I've never seen it. That colt will never amount to anything. I'd bet anything that when he grows up he's only going to get that much worse. Stealing and lying now? Ha! Nothing compared to what he'll become once he's old enough to live on his own, if he stays home that long."

Bryce was silent for a minute before saying, "It sounds as if you want him to become like that."

"I wouldn't say that, but I see no other future for him."

"Well, if everyone treats him like he's a criminal now I have no doubt he will be."

"At least you agree with me."

"I never said that," Bryce said in a gruff tone. "All I said was that if everyone treats Rocksalt like a criminal now then he'll one day become just that."

"How else can I treat him. He's a troublemaker and that's all I can see in him."

"Well, have your sons always acted this way? Have they always played with hair, or done horrible things to each other, like shave the other's head?" Bryce asked.

"They... They have, but they're my sons. I'll always love them, no matter how badly they treat each other, or how messy they make the barbershop."

"So you can't give Rocksalt the same benefit of the doubt?"

High Lights stopped cutting away at Bryce's hair. "It sounds as if you're defending him."

"Since nobody else will, I must."

Before the deep blue mare could respond, a loud clatter echoed through the barbershop. "Let's see you say that again, wise guy!" Bowl shouted.

"BOYS!!!" High Lights yelled. The three colts froze up, not daring to move. "That's it! All colts, outside NOW!!!" Everybody, including Bryce, made a run for the front door. The angered mare stopped the human before he could get much further. "Not you, I'm almost done with you. I was right about the cradle crap, just so you know. "

When Bryce took a seat back on the floor, he noticed Bait, standing in a corner. He had the same saddlebags Ponzi's goon had had laying on the floor. "Hey, Bait, how did everything go with your uncle." When the tan colt didn't reply he could tell something was amiss. "Bait, you alright?"

Bait gave no response as he stared down at the saddlebags that lay on the floor.

"Would you please hold still, I'm a hair's breadth from being done." A few snips of her scissors later, she called it finished.

After the mare brushed him off, Bryce stood to pay the mare, but Bait beat Bryce to the punch when he pulled out the necessary amount of bits out of one of the saddlebags.

"Bait, where-"

"Don't say anything," Bait shot back as he placed the saddlebags onto his back.

"Wait, don't you want to-"

"No, not today."

"Well, what about-"

"I'll get that later."

Before Bryce could give any further protest, Bait had made his way back outside.


For the longest time both Bryce and Bait sat on a bench on the outskirts of Ponyville. They were the only ones there, and not single other soul had been seen in a long while. In that same time Bait had yet to say a single word, regardless of how many times Bryce tried to initiate a conversation. The only response the tan colt would give would be to smack Bryce whenever he tried to touch his saddlebags. He was unsure of how long they had been in this spot; in his rush to leave the farm that morning, Bryce had forgotten to grab his watch and his whittling knife as well.

After what felt to be four hours, Bryce again tried to start a conversation. "Bait...? What's wrong, buddy...? Aren't you getting the least bit hungry or thirsty?"

If Bait had heard the human, he didn't show it.

"Is it something to do with your uncle? Or what's in those saddlebags?"

Still no response.

"Would it help if I went and found Amethyst?"

"... No..."

"Then talk to me, man. What's going on with you? You've never been like this."

Bait again went silent.

Bryce stood up from the bench at towered over Bait. "Talk to me, damn it!"

"Just... leave me alone..."

Bryce snorted once before deciding what to do. "Fine, I'll make you talk." Acting fast, Bryce bent down and grabbed the saddlebags out of Bait's lap and held it well out of his reach.

It gave the desired response, making Bait jump up to grab for them. "Give that to me!"

"What's in this?"

"It's none of your concern!" Bait stood on the bench, but Bryce walked out of its vicinity.

"Maybe not, but you are."

Bait ceased jumping to yell at Bryce, "What do you want?"

"I want you to tell me what's going on with you."

Bait, instead, tackled Bryce, sending him and the saddlebags to the ground. When the bags made contact with the ground, one of the flaps broke open, spilling hundreds of bits across the ground. Bait forced himself over the scene, but by then it was too late. "Bait...?"

"It's... It's..." Letting out a sigh, Bait stood up to allow Bryce to see it all. "It's... a gift from my uncle."

"Bits... How much?"

Bait was slow to choke out the words, "10,000..."

"10,000!? Wha- What is this for?"

"Today was my eighteenth birthday."

"And he gave you this much as a present?"

"It's only a part. He's going to give me more later."

Bryce noted Bait's tone. "This isn't what's bothering you, is it?"

"I can't go back."

"Can't go back... where?"


"Home? You mean... to your..."

Bait gave a half hearted nod.

"So, you're saying you're uncle's leaving you here?"

"He said... He said I'm no longer allowed to be a part of his group." Tears had began to stream down the tan colt's face. "He told me I had to find my own way without him, and this," he waved to the bits. "This is his way of paying me off for all I've done. For ten years of service."

"Is that what he said or you?"

"He said I had to get my own life without him and the boys, but that's what he meant."

"Bait..." The tan colt instead ignored Bryce and went about gathering up his bits. Bryce bit down on his lower lip. "Look, Bait, I'm going to go find us something to drink." Before Bait could get a word out, Bryce said, "I'll pay for it. You just wait here for me."

Bryce went into the town square, but with an ulterior motive in mind. After stopping at Sugarcube Corner, Bryce made his way back to Bait with a white box in hand.

When he returned to the bench, however, he found the seat had been replaced with a sleeping mare. She was a light silver unicorn with a long, slightly waved mane that shifted between rose quartz and lavender quartz every few inches. Her mane ran delicately down her form and fell down off the bench,hovering over the ground. The sun on her silver coat glistened with each breath she took, more so on her cutie mark: A round gemstone with a circling color wheel.

When Bryce noticed this he was unsure of what to do. He wanted to find Bait, his best guy friend in this world, but he didn't want to bother this beautiful, slumbering unicorn, but it had to be done. Bait was in no state of mind to be left alone to his own devices.

When Bryce's fingertips met the unicorn's fur, he felt emotions erupt that made his legs wobble. Her fur felt like silk. A very fine silk.

Despite the lightness of his touch, it was enough to awake the silver unicorn as she let out a deep yawn. When she opened her eyes to gaze at her arouser, Bryce was further thrown back. Her eyes were magnificent: A pair of green peridot gems that seemed to have been molded into her eyes with fine percision.

"Oh, hello there," the silver unicorn said in a sweet, singsong voice before letting out a shallow yawn. "You weren't wanting to have a seat here, were you?" She rolled over onto her back, revealing her bare underside, which revealed her slender form. "I only wanted to lie here for a minute, but it just felt... oh... so..." Within seconds, she had fallen back into her slumber.

Bryce hated it, but he again tapped the unicorn; wanting to find Bait but also wanting to feel her silken coat once more. Taking a knee and placing the white box carefully on the ground, "Miss... I..."

The unicorn reached forward and wrapped her hooves around Bryce neck. When that happened, the human's face turned a deep red. The scent of her mane was unimaginable. To have pin on the one thing it was would have been impossible. It was everything Bryce liked the smell: Sharpies, freshly printed printer paper, strawberries, oranges, garlic, a fresh slice of pizza. Bryce could almost swear he could taste it, and it tasted great.

When the unicorn opened her eyes she let out a joyful laugh. "Somepony seems to be a curious."

"I... I... Well... Uhm..."

The mare loosened her grip on Bryce and lied back on the bench. "I'm sorry, but do you have the time? I fear I may have been here longer than I had wanted."

"I... I can't. I... I forgot my..." Bryce stared blankly at the mare. "I'm- I'm sorry, but have... Have we m- met?"

"I think I would remember somepony the likes of you." The silver mare said as she got down onto her hooves. "I'm afraid I must go. You see, I have an appointment I must keep." The silver mare trotted away towards Ponyville.

As Bryce watched her walk away, a thought donned on him. "Wait, Miss, what's your name?"

"Bryce, there you are." Bait said from behind. Bryce turned back to see his tan colored friend coming towards him with saddlebags in tow. "Who are you yelling at?"

"I'm yelling at-" But when Bryce looked back to where the silver mare had once been, there was no equine figure to be seen. There was only a set of hoofprints.

By then Bait had came up to Bryce and stared in the human's direction. "Bryce?" Bait asked.

"Yeah, buddy?"

"Can we go back to the farm? I just want to lie down."

"Sure, we'll go back," Bryce said as he stood. "But I have something I want to give you when we get back."


By the time Bryce and Bait returned to Sweet Apple Acres many of the Apple's extended family had left for home. Along the way, the pair had exchanged very few words. Bait was still glume over what his uncle had said. From the beginning the tan colt had thought this would be a temporary thing, and within a few months he would be back with Ponzi and the boys, scamming gullible saps like old times. But now all of those hopes had been dashed and torn asunder. Of course the bits were good, and the remaining 40,000 that was soon to come would be even better, but it was valueless to the tan colt at the present time.

Bryce, on the other hand, had his mind on other things. He couldn't help but fell caught in the snare of that sleek, majestic light silver unicorn mare. He couldn't tell what it was, but it was like the one thing that seemed to be flawless had been thrust right into his lap. Her form. Her colors. Her mane. Her smell. Everything. It was too much to be true, and it had only been for a minute. It was when the mare had left his sight that Bryce had figured out where he'd seen her before. Actually, that wasn't right; he hadn't seen her for the first time until today. But he had seen her before.

Bryce felt he wouldn't be able to do anything else until he made for sure.

As they neared the house, Applejack stopped what she was doing and greeted the pair. "Hey, fellas, how was your day?"

Bait, not wanting to talk, went inside and slammed the front door behind him.

"Uh, did Ah say somethin wrong?"

"No, his uncle came today. It was... more than a check in."

"What do yuh mean?"

"Well, he doesn't have any place else to go."

Applejack didn't quite understand what Bryce was saying. "What do yuh mean, he's supposed to be staying here until Ah say so."

"No, I mean after that."

"After that? Wait, start over."

Bryce bit his lower lip. "Applejack, he can't go home. His uncle... His uncle's making him live on his own now."

"Live on his own? You mean his uncle turned out him out? His own family?"

Bryce nodded.

"Lands sake..." Applejack stated in a depressed tone. "Is he alright?"

"He's hurting."

"What's that yuh got there?" Pointing to the white box in Bryce's hands.

Bryce held up the white box. "It's his eighteenth birthday, so I got him a cake. I wanted to ask if he and I could go to the cider cellar and... You know."

"Well... Ah don't know. Ah don't think drowning his sorrows at the bottom of a stein's gonna help'm."

"Come on, AJ. It'll be just me and him. I'll try and keep it to one barrel. Half of another at the most."

"Well, Ah guess Ah'll let yuh both go, but no more than a barrel-and-a-half. And make sure he doesn't do anything to hurt'mself."

"Great, thanks." Bryce entered the house.

Bryce breezed past Bait on the couch and ran up the stairs up into his room. He was going to stop in for two things: His wood carving of Amethyst Star, his gift to Bait; and the wood figure of the pony he whittled but didn't know who it depicted.

The first thing he noticed as he entered his room was how most everything had been thrown onto the floor. There were clothes, the contents of the chest, especially the items that had been on it.

As Bryce looked around, he knew immediately what was missing, but he had to be sure though.

He lifted the bed, checked inside the chest, everywhere, but what he searched for was nowhere to be found. All of his wood figures were gone, but more importantly his watch.

Bryce started to hyperventilate. He would have been okay with just his whittlings, hell, he wasn't too worried about the mess.

But his watch.

The watch that had belonged to his late great-grandfather.

It was gone.

Bryce took a seat on the bed and grabbed at the bed sheets. Drawing in a deep breath, he yelled at the top of his lungs, "FUCK!!!"

Just then, Applejack came running into Bryce's room. "Bryce... Sweet Celestia...!" She stated. "Is anything missing?"

Bryce nodded as he continued to breathing in short, rapid breaths.

"Bryce, just calm down. Yuh aren't gonna help matters if yuh blow your top."

Bryce opened his palms and tried his hardest.

"First... Ah want yuh ta promise yuh won't go and do anything ta hurt anypony."

Bryce took a few deep breaths and let them out slowly. "Okay..."

"Did yuh share words with anypony in town today that mighta done this?"

Bryce shook his head.

"Is anything missin?"

"My wooden figures, and my watch."

"Okay, I'm gonna go and see if anypony saw anything."

Just as the apple mare descended the stairs, she was stopped by a family member. "Applejack, a few of us were wondering if we have a pegasus in the family."

Applejack had to stop and think for a moment. "No, Ah don't think so. Why'd yuh ask, Apple Pie?"

"Ah, and most everypony else saw'm. He was a dark gray one with a mane like this." The mare pressed her own mane up to form a mohawk. "He came out of one of the windows of your house. We thought we should ask because he didn't fly; just went to the window and jumped out."

This made Applejack narrowed her eyes. "Which window?"

Job Board

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Chapter 53: Job Board

Getting a running start, Apple Bloom jumped when she was close to the shore of the watering hole. When she was well over the water, the yellow apple filly tucked her four hooved in and fell downwards into the cool liquid below.

Quickly surfacing, Apple Bloom shook her mane. "How was that?"

Bryce, who was sitting along the shore wearing his oldest pair of shorts, held up three fingers.

This was answered with a scowl from Apple Bloom. "Bryce!"

Bryce gave a smirk and held up four fingers.

Apple Bloom continued to stare daggers at Bryce, not the least bit amused.

Letting out a giggle, Bryce relented. "Fine, ten."

Satisfied, the yellow filly returned this score with a heartwarming grin as she floated in the water.

"Okay, Sprout, clear the way so Dink can go again."

In an attempt to escape the summer heat, Bryce, Apple Bloom, Amethyst,and Dinky had made plans the previous day to come to the swimming hole. Bait and the dogs had come as well, with the former being more or less forced to do so.

It had been almost a month since the tan colt had last spoken with his uncle. In that time Ponzi Scheme had returned to Ponyville to deliver three more saddlebags of bits. Bait-and-Switch had not spent a single bit of it, save for the few he'd used to pay for Bryce's haircut.

Within a matter of days Bait had fallen into a state of depression. The tan colt had said little since he'd learned his uncle had laid him off, and had done next to nothing. It didn't matter to him how much Bryce or anypony tried there seemed to be nothing that could raise his spirits.

To make matters worse for Bait, he and Amethyst had had a fight a few days prior and the magenta mare was still steamed about it. It had started out as a way for her to try and cheer up the tan colt, but it took only a single misplaced word to ignite the powder keg.

The entire day, Bait had been sneaking a peek at Amethyst, like he was right now. She was lying down a good distance away from him. She was on a beach towel with a wide beach umbrella held up to keep the sun's rays from hitting her pale magenta coat. Bait ran his gaze up and down the mare's slim figure. When he saw her cutie mark he could hardly keep himself from laughing, thinking back to the day he'd called her rump voluptuous, and the following smack to the face that made him realize how he felt for Amethyst Star. Each glance over to her made his heart beat hard, then dampen.

If Amethyst noticed Bait's peeping, she didnt show it as she continued to read the book she'd brought to pass the time while her little sister swam in the watering hole.

As the two fillies began to splash water at each other, which the dogs quickly joined, Bryce took note of his friend's glances. Putting down his latest whittling, Bryce asked Bait in a low tone, "She still mad?"

Bait gave a shrug. "She won't even look at me now," Bait said.

"Well, have you talked to her?"

The depressed colt shook his head.

"Well... talk to her yourself."

"I... can't..."

"You won't."

Bait followed back with a gruff, "Shut up!"

"Well, you won't."

"Don't start with me, Bryce, I'm not in the mood," Bait huffed under his breath.

"Come on, man, it could be worse."

"I've been left here on my own. I don't know how to act around these ponies. I was raised to know how to best to part a fool with his bits. I can tell you how to rig a card game, how to talk your way out of a bind... I don't know the first thing about leading a life of virtue and morals. I mean, how are you able to stay so calm? You had your room ransacked and a treasured family good stolen, not to mention the wood figures you spent hours on taken as well."

There was a long pause before Bryce said, "Yeah, well, I still am upset about it, but nothing good will happen if I just sit around and sulk. That was my great grandfather's watch, though he did steal it from the Duke of Württemberg. Or so he says. And my whittlings took a long time, but I can make new ones. Just like this one." Bryce held out his whittling. It was of Amethyst. "I was going to give you the one I already had, but it didn't work out that way, it see."

"Yes, but... I don't have any skills like that. I'm more at home at bargaining and coning ponies, and I can't do anything like that here; not alone." Bait lowered his head.

"Well, you can."

"Bryce, I-"

"Hear me out. You can do that. You just have to put it all towards a vocation that's more... righteous."

"Like what?" Bait asked.

Bryce gave a quick reply. "I don't know."

Bait buried his face in his hooves.

"I'm sure there's something."

Bait shook his head. "Bryce... I'm sorry..."

"Well, you've probably never had to go through anything like this before."

"No," Bait refuted. "Not that. I'm sorry your items got stolen."

Bryce gave Bait a pat on the back. "It's not your fault."

"No, I... I just... feel somewhat responsible for it happening."

"Bait, I'm sure whatever it is you think you did had nothing to do with what happened to me."

Bait bit his lower lip before asking, "Did Applejack ever tell you who did it?"

Bryce shook his head. "She won't say; I can't blame her. Taking my whittlings I can forgive, but the watch... I'd pop the fucker's head."

"Like a grape?" Bait asked.

"Like a grape." Bryce confirmed.

Bait shook his head. "I don't know why, but every time I hear you say that I feel you can do something like that."

Bryce held out the Amethyst doll to Bait. "Here, Happy Belated Birthday, Bait."

Bait took the Amethyst doll and held it close. "Bryce, it's... beautiful, though it doesn't do the real Amethyst justice." He let out a sigh.

"Bait..." The tan colt looked up to the human, who motioned over to the magenta mare.

"Bryce, don't bring this up again."

"Just go over there and talk it out."

"I... I can't just go over like this. She's still mad at me, I know it. She wouldn't look my way the whole way here. If I could get on her good side again, then maybe."

"Well, what about Dinky?"

Bait looked over to Bryce in shock. "I'm afraid she may be much too young for a colt more than twice her age!"

"No! I mean you should try and get in good with Dinky." Bryce pointed to the gray toned filly, who was currently in a cannonball contest with Apple Bloom, much to the dismay of her older sister.

"Dinky, be careful when you do that!" Amethyst yelled. "There could be rocks you can't see under the water!" Instead, the fillies continued to jump without a care. "Don't make me have to come in the water and get you two!"

While Amethyst stormed into the shallows of the swimming hole, Bait said to Bryce, "Do you think it would help?"

Bryce shrugged. "I don't know anything about this romance stuff. I can tell if two people would have good chemistry, not if anything will come of it."

It took a few minutes before Bait asked, "What about you? I still remember what you said you would want in a mare, but I guess I'm asking for more information. If you were to pick a certain type of pony what kind would it be?"

"I've thought on it, and I would say I wouldn't want to be with a unicorn."

"Why not a unicorn?"

"I'm afraid of getting a horn being jabbed into my eye while I sleep. I'm not saying it would be on purpose, but more the chance of it happening by accident."

"Oh... Yes... I see..." Bait cringed. "What of the other two types?"

"Well, I'd say a pegasus. It's just... the feel of their wings. I don't know what it is, but whenever I can I would like to just rub my fingers up and down one of those feathers."

"You know, most people would rather do that with a mare's... Never mind. What did you mean by good chemistry?"

"Well, with many people the best choice for a partner would be someone who is less like they are. Someone who, dispite their differences, brings out the best in each other. For example: You're someone who is charming and carefree. You would do best with someone who's serious, like Amethyst. For someone like Rarity the best guy for her would be someone who's more crude and unkempt, as much as she may deny it."

"What of you? I doubt you would take up well with somepony in the manner of Pinkamena Pie."

Bryce smirked. "You're right about that. For some people, a scant few, the best pick for them is someone a lot like themselves."

"So you mean somepony who doesn't talk much, yells when she has to, and prefers to be by themselves? Maybe with an animal friend?"

"Yeah, you could say that."

Bait was quick to catch on. "You mean like Fluttershy?"

Bryce tensed up. "I didn't say that, you did."

"I was only-"

"It could never happen," Bryce said in a tone void of emotion.


"It just can't."

"I've seen the way you act around her. Can you really say you feel nothing for her?"

"I can."

Bait didn't try to press any further on the subject and allowed it to die.

Around a half hour later, Amethyst called the fillies out of the water for a late lunch. By the time everyone had their meal in front of them the water in the swimming hole exploded as an equine shape plumated into the pool.

When the water settled a blonde maned head shot out of the water gasping for air. Bryce immediately ran out and pulled the wall eyed mare to shore and turned her over on her side. "Just try and breathe. Let any water in your lungs flow out."

Coughing up a few times, Ditzy slowly got herself into a seated position. "Are- Are you okay, Momma?" Dinky asked with grave concern.

Patting her youngest daughter of the head, Ditzy said in a reassuring tone, "I'm going to be fine, Muffin. I didn't swallow any water. Have you been being a good filly today?"

"Ye- Yeah," Ditzy said, still a little concerned.

"Are you sure you're alright, Ditzy, that looked to be a nasty smack," Bryce said.

"Oh, it was nothing. It's all about how you fall." Ditzy took a step, almost falling in the process. "Bryce, I got something I need to tell you. You need to come with me."

"What, now?"

"Yes, it can't wait."

"Well, what is it?"

After finally standing herself up right, Ditzy looked the human in the eyes, and said, "Bryce, I found your watch."

That got Bryce's attention. "Where!?"


Within minutes, Bryce had gotten back to the house, changed, grabbed his satchel, and he and Ditzy were off for Ponyville. If Ditzy had not had the ability of flight she would have never been able to keep up with the human, who travelled towards Ponyville as if his head were on fire and his ass was catching. He didn't even stop to allow the gray pegasus the time to properly explain herself until they were on the outskirts of town.


Ditzy landed. "Bryce, I think you should calm down," she said between breaths.


"I'm not going to tell you until you're calm enough to where I know you won't hurt anypony."

In an attempt to calm himself, Bryce did a few renditions of balling and unballing his fists while pacing about. After a moment, Bryce stopped pacing and stood in a single spot, wiggling his toes in his usual way. Balling up his fists, breathing in deeply, then slowly releasing it, Bryce said, "Okay. Speak."

"I'll tell you along the way," Ditzy said as she motioned with her hoof into town. As the two walked through the hamlet, Ditzy recanted what had happened. "I was out doing my usual mail route. I had come to my last stop. I usually save this stallion's packages for last because I like to stick around and chat with him. But anyway we were talking when I say something out of the corner of my eye, which is easy for me because my vision."

Ditzy stopped and held a door open. It was to a shop with a sign bearing an hourglass. Upon entering, Bryce was bombarded with the ticking of hundreds of different clocks and pocket watches. A few of the later, which were made from precious metals and gems, were held under glass display cases.

Bryce hoped this wouldn't take long because the constant tick tick ticking was drilling into his skull, and his anger only made it that much worse.

"I had my doubts, but when I took a closer look I knew then and there who it belonged to." Ditzy walked Bryce to the back of the shop. She stopped in front of one of the display cases and held out her hoof.

Laying under the glass, hooked into its leather strap and its front casing popped open, was Bryce's watch.

Bryce was beyond belief. Resting his hands on the glass to hold himself up, he said, "That's it."

His train of thought was broken when a stallion cleared his throat. "Sir, if you don't mind, you're leaving prints on the glass."

Bryce looked up to find a brown earth pony with a green necktie looking up at him. "Oh, sorry... I was just... That watch..."

"It's quite alright. Would you like to see it?" The stallion asked. Bryce nodded. The brown stallion opened the display case from the back and brought out the watch. "I'm afraid if you're looking for something to keep time you should find something else. This timepiece may look priceless, but it doesn't run. It's a shame because I spent a great deal to buy it from the seller."

Bryce picked his watch up and held it out in his hand. "It works. You just have to shake it a few times." As Bryce did just this, the second hand began to turn. "It's self winding. You need to keep the whole thing in motion for it to work." He showed the now turning watch face to the brown stallion.

"My, its works. It's self winding you say? I've never heard of such a thing." The stallion watched the seconds tick for a short while before saying. "Where are my manners." He held out his hoof. "My name is Time Turner, and I am the owner of this humble little shop. I specialize in all things time keeping."

Bryce took Time Turner's hoof. "Bryce. Uhm... Human. I do human things."

"Its a pleasure to finally meet you. How did you know this watch needed to be shaken?"

"Well, this may sound cliched, but it's mine."

The smile Time Turner had settled into a slight frown. "I'm sorry, but did you say it was your watch?"

"I did."

"But that can't be. I got it from... Oh dear..." Time Turner thought for a second. "Let me see it." Bryce handed the watch back to the brown stallion. He closed the front casing and looked at it intently. "If it is yours, as you claim it is, then tell me what is on the top of the front casing. And no peeking."

"It's a coat of arms."

Without looking up, Time Turner said, "Be more specific."

"Okay... At the center is an oval, going vertically. It's divided into two halves. On the right there are three lions. On the left, three antlers."

"How many bends do the antlers have?"

"Four. Encircling this oval are two bands of oak leaves. Above all of this there is what looks to be a bust topped by a crown. There are two animals standing on either side of the oval. On the right is a deer, and a lion with a crown on the left. Below there is a banner with words written on it."

"What are the words?"

"I can't pronounce them. I'll write it down." Bryce produced a piece of paper from his satchel.

Quickly jotting down three words, he turned the paper around and showed it to Time Turner. When the brown stallion saw what was written on it he nodded his head. "That is exactly what it says." He handed the watch back to Bryce.

"Thank you."

Bryce turned to leave, wanting more than anything to get away from the ticking, but Time Turner stopped him. "Excuse me, but where do you think you're going with that?"

"I'm... I'm going... home."

"Not without paying for the watch, I'm afraid."

Bryce was thrown back by this statement. "What...? But... i- i- it's mine."

"It may be, but I'm afraid I can't just allow it to go for free."

"But it's my watch."

"Yes, and I paid a quite substational amount for it. If you want it back you must pay for it."

"But... It's..."

Ditzy stepped in to try and avoid the conflict. "Mr. Turner, don't you think you could just let him have it? It has sentimental value to him."

"Oh, Ms. Doo. I didn't see you there." Time Turner said, blushing slightly. "I'm sure it does, but I'm still a business stallion. Buying it put a strain on my profits. I wish I could, but if I were to let that watch go for nothing I could lose my shop."

"Come on, Turney, for me."

"Ms. Doo... I want to, but I can't... I'm sorry."

"Bryce, I tried." Ditzy began to say.

"I... I understand... How much...?"

"For the watch?" Time Turner asked. "Well, since it is yours, and because you know the quite beautiful Ms. Doo." Ditzy gave a small smile. "I suppose I will give you a discount. 2000 bits."

"Is... Is that good or bad?"

"I would have asked for 5000, since it does actually work, but I will only give this discount to you." Time Turner approached Bryce. "Tell you what, I'll set up a payment plan. I'll put it in back on layaway. If you can pay the full 2000 bits within six months it's yours, but I will ask for a 100 bit down payment."

Bryce, more than anything, wanted to leave, with his watch. The constant ticking was beginning to get to him. He wanted his watch back, but he wouldn't feel right if it meant taking away money from the stallion. Bryce reluctantly nodded.

"Right oh. If you'll follow me I need you to sign some paperwork. Do you have the down payment, by the way?"

Bryce fished out his bag of bits, placed them on the counter, and counted. "I have... 72..."

"That's 28 bits short."

"That's all I have."

"Wait," Ditzy interrupted. "I have a few bits in my satchel." Ditzy fished around in her slightly damp satchel and found her bits. She counted out the remaining 28 that were needed. "There, an even hundred."

"Thank you. Now, please, follow me."


With Bryce being gone that left both Amethyst and Bait to watch after the two fillies and the two dogs. And with Bryce gone Bait was worried of what might happen. He was afraid to even try and come within a short breadth of the mare's young sister, despite what Bryce had told him. Instead, the tan colt decided it best to try and talk things out at the source.

Inching his way over to Amethyst, Bait stopped less than a step away from the beach towel. In an attempt to get the magenta mare's attention, he went to clear his throat, but she beat him to it. "What do you want?" She asked in a bitter tone.

"It's a hot one today, isn't it?"

"Uh huh."

"Yeah, it's... hot. And that water looks quite... cool."

"If it is then why don't you jump in, away from me," she said, not looking up from her book.

"Maybe later... I just ate. Wouldn't want to get cramps. Haha." Bait gave a half-hearted grin.

"Doesn't seem to be bothering them at all." Amethyst said, refering to Dinky and Apple Bloom.

"Oh, yes. I guess it's an old mare's-"

"Is there something you want, or are you just here to pesture me!?"

"What...? No, I just wanted to say something."

"Then say it and go away."

"I just wanted to say... I'm sorry for what I said to you the other day. It was very immature of me. I'm just going through a tough time, you know. My uncles the only stallion I've ever had close to a dad, and now... I'd be willing to do anything to make up for it." Bait forced a cheeky grin. "Please?"

Amethyst shut her book abruptly and closed her eyes. "Everypony has bad times, but that doesn't mean you had to be a big jerk about it."

"I- I know. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to say my life is worse than your life is, but after my mom had me go stay with my uncle he was all I had. Until..."

The magenta mare eyed the tan colt. "Until... who?"

"Well... It's embarassing..." Amethyst was about to blow off the colt and go back to her book, but Bait then stated under his breath, "You..."

Amethyst was cut short by his confession. Closing her book, she hid a smile. She stood up, and said in a beguiling tone, "Really? If that's the case, then let me ask you something." She took a stance that almost forced the tan colt's face into her thigh. "What do you think about me?"

"Well, uhm, I... I'm suddenly lost for words."

"Come on. There's not a single word you can think to describe me?"

"Oh... Well, your..." Please don't hit me. "Voluptuous."

Hiding a foalish giggle, Amethyst took the book she'd been reading in her magic and gave the tan colt a moderate smack on the face. Before Bait could react to it, Amethyst had ran off into the shallows of the swimming hole; a noticeable smirk across her face.

Bait could do nothing except watch her run off. When he saw her smirk, he couldn't help but smirk back.

"What's the matter, 'Has-an-Itch', afraid of getting 'stomach cramps'?" The mare quirked.

"Oh, you're getting it now, 'I'm-a-cyst'." Bait rushed forward. When he reached the shore he jumped and held his legs out horizontally. He had wanted to splash water and wet the magenta mare, but instead he ended up performing a belly flop that immobilized him.

When he didn't move after a few seconds Amethyst became concerned. As she crept close to the tan colt, she said, "Bait, are you-" At that moment, Bait jumped up and let out a loud yell that sent Amethyst falling backwards into the water. "Ahh, you jerk," she said as she splashed Bait back.

"You liked it and you know it!"

"Now I'm going to get you!" Amethyst jumped onto Bait, forcing him onto his back.

All the while, the two ponies laughed as they splashed each other relentlessly.

Meanwhile, the two fillies had stopped playing to watch the adults play. They were unsure if they should be disgusted by the scene, or find it funny.

"Whoa, I never took your sis ta act like such a filly," Apple Bloom said. "I always thought she hated laughter."

"No, she's laughed. Just not very often," Dinky said, a little disappointed.

Corn and Winona, who were dogs and knew little about such things, continued to play with each other in the pool.

While the fillies continued to watch Amethyst and Bait, something drew Dinky's attention away. As she continued to bicycle her hooves to keep her head above the water something nipped at one of her hooves. At first it was barely noticeable, but each following nip was more painful.

It soon came to the point where it felt like someone was picking at the bottom's of her hooves with a pair of scissors. "Ow!"

"Dinky, what's the matter!?" Apple Bloom asked.

"There's- There's something- Ow! OW!!!"

By then Amethyst and Bait heard Dinky's cries of pain. "Dinky!?"

"Something's biting my- OW! OW!!!"

Bait didn't hesitate. Diving out to the fillies, he pressed them towards the shallows before diving under.

Once he was under the water he looked every which way for the source of Dinky's distress. When he felt whatever it was nip him on the rump he let out all his air and had to surface.

"Bait, what is it!?" Amethyst asked.

Bait didn't give an answer as he again submerged.

He looked around where he had felt the thing bite him, but when he found it the thing bit down hard on his nose.

Meanwhile, Amethyst and the fillies could only watch in dumbfounded fear as Bait thrashed under the surface of the water. When the tan colt came up a second time, they cleared the way for him to run onto shore, along with the thing that had latched its jaws onto his nose.

Bait shook his head back and forth in an attempt to flail the dark creature off his nasal passage. When that didn't work he planted the creature on the ground, put his fore hooves on its back, and pulled his head away. It did the trick.

Before Bait could stomp on the creature, Dinky cried out, "Bait, don't hurt it!"

Bait stopped and looked down to the thing that had bitten him on both ends.

It was a black snapping turtle; small enough to fit into a tea saucer. "My word." Was all Bait could manage to say.

"Ahh, it's nothing but a little baby." Apple Bloom said.

"It's looks so cute." Dinky said as she and Apple Bloom came in to get a closer look at it.

This forced the snapping turtle to retreat into its shell.

"Come on out, we ain't gonna hurt yuh." Apple Bloom said as she tapped the reptile's shell.

"Girls, be careful," Bait scolded. "It might, uhm."

"Let'em have their fun, Bait. It's just a baby." Amethyst reassured the colt.

"It almost gave me a nose piercing," Bait said, pointing to his nose, which was little more than a flesh wound.

Amethyst could hardly hold back from laughing. "I think you could go another round or two with him."

"I'll rip one of its legs off."

"Oh, you won't dare."

Bait gritted his teeth and said to the turtle, "This isn't over."

In response, the snapping turtle came out of its shell long enough to give Bait a quick nip, then retreated back to the safety inside.

"OW! You little..." Bait decided to cut his loses, and walked away before any further damage could be done.

Amethyst followed close behind. "Hey, Bait." Bait turned back to look at Amethyst. "Thanks for watching after my sister, even though..." She placed a hoof over her mouth to hide her laughter.

Bait rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah."

"Hey, in all seriousness, thanks." Amethyst gave the tan colt a peck on the cheek before walking away to check on her sister. "Okay, Dinky and Apple Bloom, it's time to head back."

The resulting blush on Bait-and-Switch's face was impossible to describe.


"Ditzy, I wish you hadn't done that," Bryce said as he and the wall eyed mare left Time Turner's shop.

"It's okay, Bryce, I was just trying to help."

"I know, but I know you don't have that much."

"Oh, it's fine. That didn't put too much of a burden on me. Honest."

Bryce shook his head. "Still, it's just... I'll pay you back. I'll pay you back," Bryce said again to emphesize his intention.

"Well, just do it whenever you can. We can survive without it for a good while."

"Okay, but I don't know what I'm going to do now. I mean, I can't just go and ask for hand outs from everybody, most especially from the family who houses and feeds me."

"I'm sure you'll find a way. Hey, maybe you could find a job."

"What, like work?"

"Oh course. Here, I know where we can look."

Ditzy quickly escorted the human to the outside of town hall. There was a community board lined with numerous slips of paper advertising a plethora of different updates, dates for social gatherings, and most importantly, job openings.

"Here, there's got to be a least a dozen different jobs you could do." The gray mare looked up and down the boards. "Oh, here's one," she said, sticking out her hoof. "There's an opening for a waiter."

"I'm going to say no to anything involving food. I pick... At the food."

"Oh, well there's still others. Here's an advertisement for a foalsitter."

Bryce raised an eyebrow. "I doubt any little horse thing would feel comfortable leaving their little ones with something that could pancake them."

"I suppose you're right, but I'm going to take it. Not for me, for Amethyst." The pair looked through the notices, but found nothing, despite looking over and under every single sheet of paper currently posted.

Bryce sighed. "This is hopeless."

"Don't say that. There's got to be something. How about- Oh, nevermind."

"Why not?"

"It was for an, uhm, exotic dancer."

"Exotic dancer? I don't dance."

"No, it's-"

From behind, a deep feminine voice said, "Hey, big guy, think you could move so I can post this and go home? You've been hogging it for more than half an hour."

The pair turned back to see a sand colored mare with a blue and white mane. "I'm sorry," Bryce apologized, clearing the way for the earth pony.

"Thank you!" She said sarcastically. After stapling a want ad to the bulletin board, she stormed away, cursing the human under her breath.

Bryce gave a snort. "Love you too."

"Bryce, look at this," Ditzy cried out when she saw what the sand colored mare had posted.

Looking to the fresh post, Bryce saw that it was for a construction job. "I don't know."

"Come on, you rebuilt the barn."

"Yeah, but that was with Bait, and I knew him."

"How bad can it be." Ditzy ran in the direction the sand colored mare had trotted off in. "Miss, wait!" She called out.

"Ditzy!" Bryce cried out as he took chase.

Ditzy was the first to catch up to the sand colored mare. "Miss, wait."

The mare stared blankly back at the gray mare. "What is it?"

"I'm here to ask about the position you just posted."

The mare's jaw almost dropped. "No offense, Derpy, but I don't think this is the kind of work somepony the likes of you should-"

"No, not for me."

Ambrosia wiped the sweat off her brow. That's a relief. "Who is it for then?"

"It's for my friend, Br-"

By then, Bryce had caught up to them both. "Ditzy-" At that moment, Bryce tripped over his shoelaces and came crashing down. He let out a single, "Ow..."

Ambrosia looked to Ditzy. "Your friend?"

"Yes, but he's not like this all the time, I swear."

"No thank you." Ambrosia made her way forward but Ditzy was there to stop her.

"Miss, please, he really needs this job. It's the only one we found he would be good at, and he needs the money. You see, he recently-"

"Look, Derpy, everypony has problems, but I don't think he's what the boss would be looking for."




"I said-"

"Please, please, please."

Ambrosia facehoofed. I just want to go home. "Okay, fine. Just have him show up tomorrow morning at the site northwest of town. That's all I can tell you. But of course you would know that if had 'read' the ad."

Ditzy blushed in embarassment. "Sorry."

Ambrosia breezed past Ditzy and continued home. There's no way the boss'll say yes to this. The freak can't even walk without trapping over his own... things.

Turning back to Bryce, Ditzy said, "Bryce, if you can hear me say something."


"Great. You got the job."

"Oh nnn..."

"Chip up. It'll be fun," Ditzy reassured Bryce. "You'll see. You'll have your watch back in no time."

Bryce lifted his fists a short distance up off the ground. "Emhem!"


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Chapter 54: Amsterdam

Bryce awoke to the sound of somepony knocking on his bedroom door. "Bryce, it's Applejack. It's about time yuh got up, sugarcube. Your breakfast's already waitin for yuh on the table."

It didn't take long for Bryce to comprehend what the apple mare had said. As the haze of sleep slowly left him, he remembered why Applejack had interrupted his snoozing: Today would be the first day at his new job, if he even made it through the first day.

Applejack knocked on the door again. "Are yuh in there, Bryce?"

"I'll be down in a minute, AJ. I just need to change and drain."

The apple mare walked downstairs to allow Bryce some privacy.

Bryce rose from bed not long afterwards. When he went to make his bed he noticed something lodged between the matress and the wall. Fishing the object out, he found it to be one of his widdlings; the unicorn he had made out of pure instinct, and had later found asleep on a bench. He hadn't seen the unicorn since then and had forgotten about her, but seeing this wooden figure made the fleeting memories come back. It was as if the unicorn were there with him, except she fit in the palm of his hand, and was the color of the rose myrtle he had used to carve her.

He turned the figure around in his fingers and saw it matched the long maned unicorn in every detail, but there was only one thought that could come to him. "Who are you?" He whispered to himself.

Not wanting to waste too much time on it, Bryce placed the figure onto his nightstand. After getting into his day clothes, letting Corn outside, and performing his morning constitutional, Bryce went downstairs. When he reached the kitchen, he found Bait standing off to the side, as if waiting for him. "No," he said out of instinct.


"No," Bryce again said as he passed by the tan colt. He found Granny Smith to be the only remaining Apple family member. She was busy washing her two eldest grandfoals' dishes.

"Bryce, I'm not going to ask for it back."

"That's the point."

"I'm not trying to be unreasonable. I just want to help you out, as a friend."


Granny Smith decided to intervene. "Just leave the boy alone, sonny," she said to Bait. "He's told yuh no Ah don't know how many times since last night. Now if you're a friend then leave'm alone about it." Before Bait could reply, Granny Smith said, "Ah'm sure you're heart's in the right place, dear, but nothin good would come from lendin a friend money." The aged mare turned to Bryce. "Now hurry up and eat. It'd be best to get where you're goin as quick as yuh can. Yuh need ta make a good first impression. Show them you're reliable. And try and watch what the other feller's doin more than yuh do yourself. They know what they're doin but not what you're doin."

By then, Bryce had already finished his first sandwich and had started chowing on the second. "I'll try," he said in a somber tone.

"Ahh, horseapples. You'll do fine, Bryce. You're a good worker. They'll like yuh, Ah'm sure of it."

Bryce picked up his glass of milk and took slow sips.

Granny Smith held out a paper bag to the human. "Ah went ahead and packed yuh up a lunch. Ah know how much yuh get inta your work, but pull yourself away long enough to grab a bite."

Bryce took the bag that was offered to him and looked inside. The bag held a fresh gala apple, a peanut butter sandwich, and a small bottle of water. "Well, I won't make any promises on it."

The aged mare turned her attenton back to Bait. "And what about you? What are you going to do today?"

Bait shrugged. "I'm not sure what I can do. This will be my first day without Bryce. I suppose I could go and take the snapping turtle the girls and I found yesterday to Fluttershy. I'm confident she'll know what would be best to do with it."

"Well when you get back Ah've got some chores you could do for me. Now you hurry up, Bryce. With this being summer I'm sure all the others fellers will want to get an early start."


By the time Bryce arrived at the construction site northwest of town he found the ponies he would hopefully be working with already hard at work. From the looks of things, they were constructing a high rise apartment building. The sand colored mare who had posted the notice on the community board the previous afternoon was there, along with three other stallions.

The first stallion was pale blue color with a waved mane a darker shade of blue. He had an average build for a pony and a wrench and two bolts for a cutie mark.

The second was brawny with a boyish face. He was light brown in color with a ragged black mane and tail and a jack hammer on his rump.

The last was similar in appearance to the second; close enough to make Bryce suspect they were brothers. The diference lay in that this stallion was a different color scheme, had a thick stubble on his chin, and was not as physically built as the other stallion. He was a burnt orange color with a brown mane and tail and a hammer and nails for a cutie mark. He had a pencil held in his ear, as if prepared to scribble a few measurements at a moment's notice.

At Bryce's approach, the four ponies cut short their individual work, with Ambrosia facehoofing.

When Bryce was a few feet away from the group, he came to a stop and shared glances with the small equines.

The stallion with the pencil was the first to speak. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"I'm here for the opening. The opening for the construction job. That's here?"

The burnt orange stallion sized the human up before nodding and giving a smile. "If that's so you came to the right place." He turned back to the three ponies. "What, have none of you stiffs ever seen the likes of him before? Get your flanks back to work."

The construction workers went back to their tasks, save for Ambrosia.

"You seem to be a strong one, but-" The burnt orange stallion began to ask.

"Uhh, Riv," Ambrosia butted in, "Can I say something to you first?"

The stallion and mare went a short distance away and began to speak in hushed whispers. Bryce tried to look on, but Ambrosia saw this and held up her pink hard hat to block his view. When they were finished with whatever conversation they were having, the burnt orange stallion said in his normal tone of voice, "Your concern is duely noted, Ambrosia." He walked back to Bryce. "Now, what experience do you have in construction?"

Ambrosia shot the stallion a stink eye.

"Well, a friend and I both built a barn at Sweet Apple Acres. And before that I did some work at... It's hard to explain, but it was like a Habitat for Humanity thing."

"What did you do in this position?"

"I built houses. Houses for, uhm... Refugees."

The stallion caught on to Bryce's hesitation. "Refugees?"

"It's complicated."

"Did you do good work?"

"I did the best I could; I didn't have the best of materials. But the houses stood and served their purpose, if that's what you're asking."

"Okay, you seem to know how to do the job. You're not afraid of heights, are you?"

Bryce scratched the back of his head. "I'm not afraid of heights. It's more the possibility of falling that scares me. That, and crowds, open areas, balloons, confinement, life-like mannequins and statues, bridges-"

"Look, I don't need... Bridges?"

"I'm afraid it'll fall out from under me when I'm in the middle."

The stallion shook his head. "We've never been contracted to build any bridges, so I don't think it'll be a problem. I got something you can do." Riv pointed behind him to an old, rusted cement mixer. "I need you to drag Rust Bucket to the top."

"The top of what?" Bryce asked.

Riv pointed towards the building still under construction. "The top of that."

Bryce's eyes slowly scaled up the wooden frame of the building. Along the way he counted the floors. Currently, there were six floors, including the ground floor. That meant he had to carry the cement mixer up five floors from the bottom to top. Bryce doubted the stallion was serious, but when he looked back to Riv to try and find any hint of a bad joke there was none. HE'S SERIOUS!!! "Up... there...?"

"What are you, slow in the head?"

"A little bit."

"Oh... Yes. Bring it up to the top floor."

Bryce stared at the burnt orange stallion. "Why do you need it up there?"

"Do you want the job or not?" Riv shot back.

Unfortunately for Bryce, he did. Without another word to the stallion, Bryce walked over to the rusted cement mixer, and saw it had cement in it. He's going to tell me it was all a test by the time I get up the first flight. I just know it. Bending down, Bryce took a firm grip of the barrel in one hand and the frame in the other, scattering a few particles of rust in the process.

When Riv witnessed this, he cried out to the others, "Clear the way! Rust Busket's coming up!"

The others, upon hearing the mention of their name for the cement mixer that was well past its prime, immediately stopped what they were doing and grouped together a safe distance away from the site.

Having carried Rust Bucket to the base of the first flight of stairs, Bryce looked back to Riv. He pointed a finger up the stairway as if to ask if this was what he'd been asked. To his dismay, the burnt orange stallion nodded with a smirk.

Taking in a deep breath and holding it, Bryce crept his way up the narrow staircase. Because Rust Bucket blocked his line of sight of the stairs, Bryce had to walk up each stair one at a time. By the time he had the cement mixer halfway up the first flight he was already beginning to break a sweat. When he reached the first floor off the ground, the human's legs felt like jelly. He had to place the mixer down on the floor.

This made Riv shout, "Come on, you only have four more to go. I told yuh to get it to the top."

"It's heavy," was Bryce's response.

"Yeah, so's my brother, Jack, but he manages to carry himself up and down all six floors everyday."

This caused the brawny, light brown construction worker to yell, "Hey, shut it, Rivet!"

Rivet ignored this. "Keep moving. The longer you take the later it will be before we can all go home."

Getting another firm hold on the cement mixer, Bryce continued his climb.

By the second flight, he could feel cramps settling in all over his body.

By the third, the sweat on his palms made it fell like the mixer was covered in butter.

By the fourth, his back was like a toothpick on the verge of snapping.

As Bryce walked the across landing of the fourth floor he came to a stop. The cement mixer had become too much to bear. He placed the rusted contraption down on the floor, letting out a loud groan of pain as he did so. He could barely hold himself up as he leaned on the thing he had been tasked to carry upstairs.

He heard Rivet call down up from the ground, "Are you still there? You didn't keel over, did yuh?"

"No, I'm alive," Bryce shouted back.

"Are you at the top?"

"I'm on the floor before it."

"Well, get it up there."

Bryce tried to say something back, but Rivet said, "Move it; daylight's burning."

Bryce shook his head and sighed. He bent down to take Rust Bucket in his arms, but the infernal machine refused to be give up its spot. For a minute Bryce tried, but it proved fruitless. Taking a final heave, Bryce's sweaty palms loosened his hold and he fell on his back, defeated.

Supine, Bryce called down, "It's too much... I can't... I can't move it..."

"What kind of talk is that?" Rivet asked. "You got it up four floors and you're just going lie there and give on the last stretch?"

"How... How did you-"

"I'll tell you what: You get that thing up to the top. You do that and I'll let everypony down here go home an hour early."

There was a short moment of silence before the blue construction said. "Come on, Bryce, It's just one more staircase."

Bryce tried to say back, "I can't-"

Jack said, "Get on up, Rice-"

"No, it's Bryce."

"Sorry. Bryce, you can do this. There a lot a pony could do with an extra hour. I got a mare that's been wanting to spend time with her stallion."

"I... I don't know..." Bryce said.


Anything Bryce said after that was lost in the sound of the three workers chanting his name. The chanting was only subsided when Rivet said, "Can it, you stiffs. Bryce, I'm go to give you one minute. If you can get that mixer up there by then I'll give these fellas 'two' hours. But if you don't then they have to stay the entire work day.

That forced the three construction workers to chant Bryce's name that much louder.

Bryce, still lying on his back, balled his fist and slammed it on the floor.

"You're time starts... Now!"

At that, Bryce sprang to his feet, despite the grave pain that shot through his form. He bent over and grabbed the mixer.

"Fifty seconds."

Though the damned thing was heavy Bryce had somehow managed to tap into some unseen vigor that hadn't been there until now.

By the time Bryce reached the stairs, Rivet said, "Fourty..."

Biting on his lip, Bryce took the first few steps up the stairs that were built to containd a creature half his size.


About halfway up, one of Bryce's feet caught the underside of the stair in front of him and he fell forward. He wasn't quick to get back up.


It was slow, but Bryce had managed to stand back up, but he had made the mistake of looking down.


"Bryce, pay attention," the blue construction stallion cried.

Bryce shook his head to clear his mind. When he looked back up his face contorted into one of determination.


Bryce took a step up, but the fall had put enough of a hurting on him to slow him.


"Just a few more! Don't you quit on us or we'll get you later." Jack said.


Bryce took another step up.


Each breath had to be forced into his lungs


The steps seemed to have no end as far as he could tell, but Bryce pressed onwards and upwards.


The air felt thin.


Bryce picked his foot up again to find the next step, but there was none.


It took a second for him to figure out why.


Dropping the cement mixer on the ground, Bryce shout, "TIME!!!"

Immediately a cheer came up from below.

"That's it, yuh done it. I knew yuh could." Rivet allowed the workers to have their cheer for a few minutes before saying, "Alright, enough of that, back to work. Last one's a fink."

They didn't need anymore coaxing. The promise of getting to cut off work two hours early had sent a raw drive through the two stallions and mare. Rivet, on the other hand, made his way up the tall building. When he got to the top he found Bryce to be seated with his back against Rust Bucket.

The human was admiring the view of Ponyville; the buildings, the landscape, and the ant sized, pastel colored ponies all in one.

Rivet laughed in his throat. "I thought you said you were afraid of heights."

"No," Bryce refuted, "I said I was afraid of the possibility of falling."

"Eh, so you did. How's the view?"

"Too bright; but it all goes together so well."

"Nice to hear." There was a silence between them that was broken by the burnt orange stallion. "Yuh did good today, Big Ole. You got the job."

"So, this wasn't a part of it?"

"No. I mean, why would anypony need a cement mixer on the roof? Hay, I was going to call yuh off on the first flight, but I wanted to see how far yuh'd go. And you almost impressed me. I'll give yuh the day off, since you gave a good effort. Let's go on down and I'll get yuh set up with your duds and your tool belt."

"What about Rust Bucket?"

"I'll just get it later with the crane."

Bryce gave a smirk. "There's a crane?"

Along the way down, Bryce was given pats on the back by his coworkers, and got a proper introduction to each pony as well. He'd been right about the light brown stallion, Jack Hammer, he was Rivet's younger brother, despite being the bigger of the two brothers. The blue one was named Offset, and the mare was Ambrosia. When they both reached the ground floor, Rivet showed Bryce over to a footlocker. Opening up, it held an assortment of construction worker's equipment, complete with hard hats, tool belts, and orange vests.

Rivet reached in a pulled out a yellow hard hat. "Here, try this on. It's the largest we've got."

Bryce took the hat and tried it on. When it fell off he balled his fist and placed the hard hat on top. "Well, it'd make a good soup bowl for me."

"Looks like I'll have to order yuh one. I'll get it all to you later. You just go on and recuperate. If you work as good as you carried Rust Bucket I'm sure yous and I will do fine."

When Bryce was out of sight of the construction site, Rivet went over to the Ambrosia. "You were going to throw him off?" He said, jokingly.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up."

"So, still have your doubts about'm?"

"Yes, yes I do. I don't care how he handled Rust Bucket. The guy's still not a pony."

Rivet was skeptical. "Is it going to carry over to your work, Amb?"

"I'll try to not let it. As long as he keeps his distance and doesn't try to show any of us up I'll do the same job I've been doing for the past three years."

"I'm going to keep you to that. Hay, noponies been able to handle Rust Bucket like that since Jack, and he's the strong brother. I'm the smart and good-looking one."

"Haha. Too bad you're not the one who doesn't bother me," Ambrosia replied.

Rivet smiled. "Love yuh too, Amb. Love yuh too."


As Bait came upon Fluttershy's cottage, with the baby snapping turtle held in a box on his back, he was little surprised to find Rarity there. And if Rarity was at Fluttershy's it could only mean one thing: Rarity was having another battle with the Persian kitten that had been found within the walls of her boutique.

At his approach, Bait saw that the fashionista had lain a bowl of food in front of the kitten. She pressed the bowl closer to the feline. "Won't you at least try it?" Rarity asked.

The kitten simply looked down at the food, then back up at Rarity.

Rarity had to force herself to stay calm. "It cost more than even the food I eat, and I got just for you." She went to press the bowl closer to the kitten, but the feline immediately lashed out at the white unicorn, hissing as it did so. Rarity let out a yelp of surprise before she glared at the white Persian. "Ohhhh, who needs you," she yelled as she took the food bowl in her magic and threw it in the kitten's direction.

Though it missed the cat by mere inches, the Persian ran off; taking refuge at the top of a nearby tree.

After Rarity had calmed down, Bait said, "Miss Rarity...?"

Rarity looked back, having thought she'd been alone. "Oh! Good day to you, Bait. Uhm... where's Bryce?"

"He went to work."

"You mean at the orchard?"

"No, he got a job in town yesterday, so he should be there more often."

"Oh!" Rarity said, barely able to contain her cheer. "I mean... What is he doing?"

"He's a construction worker. He got it so he could try and pay for his watch."

"Why would he need to do that?"

Bait recanted to rarity what had happened, including his confrontation with Thunderlane. He ended it with, "Miss Doo had found it yesterday. It turns out Thunderlane had pawned it, and because of how much the owner had paid for it he's not going to just give it to Bryce."

Rarity was beyond belief at that. "That's... That's just wrong! How can he make Bryce pay for HIS own watch!?"

"I'm as perplexed about it as you, Miss Rarity, but from what I gathered the one who bought the watch doesn't want to get any negative attention. And Bryce... He just doesn't want any attention at all. I told him I'd lend him the money-"

"No!" Rarity cut off. "You should never that!"

Bait was thrown back by the white mare's outburst. "He told me no, as well."

"And he was right to do so. Nothing good can ever come of such an action."

"I don't understand. All I want to do is help Bryce, who is my friend, get back an item of great sentimental value."

"I understand," Rarity explained, "but loan oft loses both itself and friend. You can't simply give out money to a friend and expect things to turn out fine."

"I not going to even ask for it back."

"And if you are Bryce's friend, do you truely expect Bryce to accept that?"

Bait opened his mouth, but he had to think out his response. "He... He won't just let me give it to him. He'd pay be back."

"Emhem. That's exactly right."

"I guess... I just want to help him somehow. He's already done so much for me." And anything else I can do would get me locked up.

"Well, I'm sure you'll think of something, Bait. By the way, is there something you came here for?"

Bait's mind went back to the box on his back. "Yes, I did. I found this baby turtle at the watering hole yesterday. I just wanted to ask Miss Fluttershy what I should do with it."

"If that's so she's around back, helping a bear work out the knots in his back."

Bait raised an eyebrow. "A bear? She's brave enough to do that?"

"Why wouldn't she be? The bear asked for her help."

"Oh... I suppose I shouldn't distract her then. By the way, can I ask you something?"

"Why of course, darling."

"How long have you known Miss Fluttershy?"

Rarity scratched at her chin. "It's been at least five years."

"Well, do you know what sort of things she's in to?"

"Whatever could you mean?"

"I mean things such as her interests. Her hobbies. What she wants in a stallion." He said the last part under his breath.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry. What I meant to ask is: If she were to pick a stallion, who do you think would be best suited for her?"

Rarity was skeptical about the tan colt's question. "I get the feeling you don't mean for you."

"Well, it's not for me. It's for... somepony who won't admit he likes her."

Rarity let out a heavy sigh and rolled her eyes. "Every stallion in town?"

"What? No. It's for... a friend. A friend who is... a lot like Fluttershy."

Rarity wasn't catching on to Bait's hesitation. "Does your friend have a name?"

"Yes. You know him."

"I know him?"

"You know him. We were just talking about him."

"Wait, do you mean...?"

Bait nodded his head. "Who else?"

"I just... had my mind on other things." He can't possibly mean Bryce can he? I mean, sure, they're similar. And have shared interests. And... they act so unlike themselves whenever they're apart... This can't be. This CANNOT be. Rarity hoped against hope she was wrong when she asked, "Do you mean Bryce?"

"Miss Rarity, are you feeling okay today?" Bait asked.

"JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!" Rarity shouted. When she saw how frightened she had made Bait-and-Switch, she added on. "If- If you don't mind." She forced a toothy smile.

Before Bait could answer, he was interrupted by Fluttershy. "Uhm, Rarity, is everything okay? I heard shouting."

"Yes. Yes, of course I am. Never better. I was just about to... check on the kitten. Here, kitty kitty. Oh, where did that little rascal get off to?"

"It ran into that tree," Bait pointed out. "You threw a food bowl at it and it-"

"Yes, that's right. Thank you, darling." Rarity ran to the tree, calling out, "Kitten, are you still up there?" When she came to the opposite side, out of sight of the two ponies, she fell back in a slump. She sighed, berating herself for wasting time.

The white unicorn wouldn't deny if asked that she had feelings for the human, but what had stopped her from following through was that she thought nopony else would get in the way. Most especially not her best friend.

She had held back saying anything to Bryce because she'd thought she'd had more time, but now it seemed she'd been wrong.

What should I do? Fluttershy's my friend, but Bryce... He's just... Something else. He just seems so exotic and out of this world. I'm sure he likes me, but he just doesn't know it. That's it! He does but he doesn't know it! All I need to do is... Show him how I feel, maybe pull out a few things from my wardrobe. When he sees how beautiful I look in the right outfit he'll won't be able to contain himself. Rarity stood back up and took a face of determination. "By Celestia, I'll either make him love me or dye myself trying."

A loud MROW came from above, drawing the white unicorn's attention.

Rarity looked up to the source of the call to find the Persian kitten hanging off a limb by its claws. "But first things first. Let me get you down, kitten. Hmm, I must think of a good name for you." Rarity fired up her horn, encircling the kitten in a blue aura. When she released it onto the ground, Rarity almost expected the feline to lash out at her, but instead it began to rub itself against her leg, purring as it did so. "I was beginning to think you would never take up to me. Any who, let's get home and you and I can think of the best outfit for me. Something to make the mares jealous and the boys unable to control themselves."


For the better part of the afternoon after Bryce had left the construction site, he had strolled around town, taking stops whenever the soreness in his muscles made it too hard to continue. Now, about an hour before the sun was to settle under the horizon, Bryce took another one of these stops close to the path that would take him back to the apple farm. While he waited to recover, he had the sack lunch that Granny Smith had made up for him that morning. After the morning he'd had lugging a cement mixer up five stories, it was a godsend.

Bryce had downed the water quickly, and eaten the apple to the core. All that remained was the peanut butter sandwich. It was around the middle of the sandwich that Bryce felt he was being watched. Looking to his side, he found this suspicion proved true when he was met with a pair of perfectly incised peridot eyes.

"Hey there, cutie," the unknown unicorn mare said.

Bryce was beyond words. Somewhat from the surprise of her being there; more from the fact she was there. "Uh... Uh... Hi..."

"So, working hard or hardly working," the mare said with a giggle.

"I'm... eating..."

"Oh, so just taking a break? Cooling off before you have to go back to the daily grind."

"Well, no. I'm- I'm off for the day. I really just, uh, got a job today."

"Oh, that sounds neat. What in?" The mare asked.


The mare gasped in delight. "I just love construction workers. They're always so strong and percise and have such... endurance."

Bryce crossed his leg. "Really. Well, there's three stallions who work there too."

"Oh, is that so?" The mare asked, her head falling into Bryce's lap. "I bet none of them are as big as you are." She ran a hoof down Bryce's bicep. "Wow, feel this lump. I bet you could lift a hundred pounds."

Bryce began to tense.

The mare was quick to catch on. "Is something the matter?"

"You're... touching me..."

The mare shot back up right. "Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's alright. You, uhm... Uhm..."

"What's got you so nervous? See something you like?" She said with a giggle.

"I see something I find to be... very beautiful."

The mare's face curled into an pleasent grin. "Thank you. You're not too bad yourself, stud."

"Well, you're welcome... Haha."

"So, what-" The mare's question was cut short once a huge fit of coughs erupted from her lungs. It took a solid minute for her to come back down. "I'm sorry, I sometimes-" She again sank back into coughs. "You wouldn't- *cough* happen to have *cough* *cough* have something to drink?"

"I already drank mine. But I could go and get you something," Bryce offered.

Between coughs, the mare said, "That'd be great."

Bryce packed up what was left of his sandwich and placed it back in the paper bag. "Watch this for me, please." Bryce ran off, slipping into the first convenience store he could find. Buying a bottle of soda, he ran back to where he'd left the mare. When he returned, however, he saw no silver colored mare, but a dull brown colt rummaging through the paper sack he'd left. He walked up to the colt and asked, "Where'd she go?"

The colt jumped back in fright; his rump coming in contact with Bryce's legs.

When he saw the colt's face, he immediately recognized him. "Hey."

Rocksalt did nothing as he stood on Bryce's feet, staring back up into the human's gray eyes.

Bryce snapped his fingers in front of the colt's face. "Kid, you alright?"

Rocksalt began to hyperventilate. After all that happened he knew this was going to be it. After all of the thing's he'd done in his short life this was finally going to be it for him.

Bryce clapped his hands in the colt's ear. "Rocksalt!" This brought him out of his stupor. "What's going on with you?"

Rocksalt started to ramble. "I- I wasn't going to... I was just..." His eyes began to well up. "Please don't hurt me. I'm sorry." He grabbed onto Bryce's leg, groveling for his life.

"Kid, calm down."

"I shouldn't have said all that stuff to yuh. I was just so sure about it. I was... I was... I just..." Rocksalt buried his face into Bryce shoes.

What the dull brown colt had said shocked Bryce, to say the least, but that the colt seemed so afraid was gravely concerning to him. He bent down and began to pet him across the back. "Kid, it's going to be fine," he said in a calm tone. "Whatever you think I am is all in your head. Just take a few deep breaths."

Rocksalt did as Bryce had instructed, feeling slightly better with each one. After the dull brown colt had calmed down, Bryce said, "Are you alright, kid?"

Sucking in his mucus, Rocksalt shook his head into Bryces leg.

"Are you hungry?"

At the time, Rocksalt thought it to be a strange question, but he couldn't deny he was. He nodded.

Bryce reached for his paper sack and opened it up. After unwrapping the sandwich inside he offered it to the sobbing colt at his feet. "Well, I have half of a peanut butter sandwich. It's your's if you want it."

Greedily, Rocksalt took it, almost eating it all in one bite. When he was finished, his mouth felt dry. Thankfully for him, Bryce held out a bottle of soda, which he drank more than half of. When he stopped to take a breath, a boisterous belch escaped from his throat.

When he was done, Bryce let out a laugh. "Nice one, but I can do better." He grabbed the bottle from Rocksalt and chugged what remained in it. Holding it in for a few seconds, Bryce opened his mouth to allow a burp to come out. It was little more than a squeak. "Wait, give it-" What remained of the burp slowly released itself from Bryce's gut, becoming louder until terminating in a loud belch. Bryce had to take a breath. "How was that?"

Though Rocksalt didn't say it, he found it to be funny. A little foalish for somepony Bryce's age, but funny. The dull brown colt gave Bryce a smile.

"That good? I've done better."

Rocksalt then said his first words since he bawled, "How much better?"

"One's that scared me they were so long. Thought I would puke. Then it stopped."

Rocksalt gave a giggle. "How'd yuh manage that?"

"It all has to do with getting enough air into your stomach. That's all a burp is really: Swallowed air. With soda, the carbon bubbles up in your gut. To get loud one, what you have to do is try and hold it in for as long as you can, then let it all out at once."

There was a momentary silence between them both. "You feeling better, kid?"

Rocksalt nodded.

Bryce looked towards the sun. "Well, it's getting late. You better get on home, as should I." Rocksalt nodded in agreement. He began to walk off, until Bryce called out to him, "Hey, you're a good kid."

Rocksalt stopped and pointed towards himself. "You mean me?"

"Don't let what everyone else says get to you. Just treat anyone as you would yourself. You're a good kid, Rocksalt, you just needed to learn to treat everyone like you want to be treated. And don't do things to try and impress others, do it for yourself and those who love you. You'll be a lot happier that way. See yuh later, kid." With a wave, Bryce walked off.

Then Rocksalt called back, "Hey, who were you talking to? Back there, before you ran off?"

Bryce turned back to Rocksalt and shrugged. "I don't know." He then turned back, headed for Sweet Apple Acres.

Rocksalt, though, didn't move for a few seconds. In truth he was happy to be alive. Even happier that somepony had actually said something nice about him. But he was also confused.

The dull brown colt knew about imaginary friends; he had had one when he was a foal. He just didn't know that some ponies would have them into adulthood.

He didn't allow the thought to carry around in his mind for too long. He had to get home before his mother started to worry. He couldn't wait to tell here what had happened.

Bow Ties Are Cool

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Chapter 55: Bow Ties Are Cool

At the sound of the whistle, Bryce packed up his tool belt. Today he packed it up much faster than usual because today he, and the rest of the construction crew would be getting their payment for the week: 100 bits.

Hanging around a little while longer, Bryce quickly did a few calculations in his head. While he did this, the foreman, Rivet, came up behind him. "Hey there, Bryce. Glad I caught yuh before you could run off. I wanted to know if you would like to join me and the others for a pint? It's something we usually do together to celebrate a week well done."

"Maybe later. I have something I need to go and do first," Bryce answered.

"Eh, that's alright. If you get thirsty later we go to a place on the outside of town called the Ragged Flagon. It's a small and quiet place and not very many ponies come around. And hey, you did good work all week. Just wanted to let you know. I think you might have even made Ambrosia a little jealous."

Don't know what you saw; all I did was do the work you told me to do. "Thanks, I enjoy my work." With a wave, they both parted ways.

Along the way to Time Turner's shop, he saw Rocksalt, talking with Scootaloo. Her back was to Bryce. Though he wanted to check in with the dull brown colt, he had wanted to speak with Scootaloo more.

"Hey, kid," he said to the orange pegasus. At the sound of his voice, Scootaloo immediately froze up on the spot. When she looked up she saw Bryce looking back down at her. "You got a minute?"

Without a word, Scootaloo ran off; not bothering to look back to Bryce.

Bryce stood there, watching until the orange pegasus slipped down an alley out of sight. "Well, guess you don't."

"What was that about?" Rocksalt asked.

With a shrug, Bryce said, "I don't know. She does that every time she sees me."

"What'd yuh do to her?"

"I don't think it has anything to do with what I did. She reminds me of someone I once knew. And, in some strange way, I think she's the same way." She then looked to Rocksalt. "What about you? What were you doing with Scootaloo?"

"Oh, I... I wasn't tryin ta cause any trouble."

"I didn't say you were. But I guess it didn't go that way, huh?"

Rocksalt shook his head. "Nah. I was tryin ta apologize to'r, but she's likeuh mule; she's stubborn."

Bryce nodded in agreement. "Well, I heard what you did to her. I can't blame her for being that way, but the important thing is you felt bad for what you did and you wanted to apologize for it." See, kid, there's hope for yuh yet. "So how have you been doing? Been keeping your nose clean?"

"Yeah, I have."

"That's good. Do you have anywhere you need to be?"

"Not until later tonight."

"Well, if you want you can stick around with me. I just have to make a payment, but after that we can do something together."

Before Rocksalt could give an answer, Rainbow Dash came down from the sky wearing her Cutie Mark embroidered saddle bags. "Hey, Bryce, is...everything going alright with...?"

Bryce didn't need her to finish to understand what she meant. "Yeah, everything's fine. We were just talking."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow at the dull brown colt before looking to Bryce again. "Alright then. You're just the guy I've been looking for. There's something I've been wanting to run by you, since you're kind of an expert with pranks. It involves-"

"That's great, but I just got paid. I want to make a payment before I do anything else."

"Yeah, I remember now. How's that going for you?"

"It's going well. I like the crew. I like the feeling of purpose. I like the feeling of earning a day's pay. Don't like the blisters, though." Bryce held up his hands to show her what he meant.

"Sheesh, that can't be comfortable."

"They're not. They feel worse whenever they pop."

"I guess I'll tag along. But when you hear the prank I've planned you won't be able to wait to try it out."

As Bryce, Rocksalt Rainbow entered Time Turner's shop, they were met with the ticking of more than a hundred different clocks and watches, and Bryce could hear every single one at almost the same volume.

At the ringing of the bell above the door, Time Turner came out from the back. "Ahh, Bryce, hullo. Here to make another payment?"

"Yes, I am."

"Alrighty then, if you would just give me a second to get the paperwork we can do so," he said before slipping into the back of the store.

In the mean time, Rainbow Dash took it upon herself to fly around, looking at the various prices of the clocks. When she saw the price tag for a small wall mounted clock she blew a raspberry. "3500 bits for this thing? Who'd pay that much for just a clock?"

"Oh, you'd be surprised, Rainbow Dash, how much somepony would pay for 'just a clock'," Time Turner said as he came out from the back a second time. "That particular clock was made by a renowned Germane clockmaker nearly 100 years ago. It also has a rather impressive way for telling the hour. If you would be so kind to turn the minute hand to the twelve you can see for yourself."

Doing as instructed, Rainbow turned the minute hand forward so the clock read six o'clock. When she did so, a pair of doors opened along the front below the face. From each door came a small wooden pony who trotted along a track to meet each other. When this happened, they both leaned in to kiss each other six times; each kiss corresponding with a chime. After this, they turned back and reentered their respective doors.

Rainbow nodded in approval. "Yeah, I guess that's pretty sweet. But it could be 20% cooler."

"Like how?" Bryce asked.

"Like if it shot out six fireworks at six o'clock."

"Well, wouldn't that be a fire hazard? It's meant to be placed indoors."

"Yeah, but it would still be 20% cooler."

"Why would it only have to be 20%?" Bryce questioned. "I mean, it's a clock. Wouldn't fireworks make it more than 20% cooler?"

Rainbow shot Bryce a glare. "Don't question it."

Bryce raised his hands out in front of him. "Okay, just saying."

"Now that that's out of the way," Time Turner interrupted, "are you still wanting to make a payment?"

"Yes, I do." Bryce handed 75 bits to the clockwork stallion.

"Thank you. With that you still have 1825 bits remaining."

"Well, I've done the numbers, and with my wage, minus the bits I take away for myself each week, I calculated I should pay it off by the 26th week, if nothing comes up.

"Oh you don't have to worry about that. As long as you get it all to me I will be sound as a pound."

"That's something else too," Rainbow stated. "How can you charge 2000 for something so small?"

"Well, you see, Ms. Dash, the particular piece Bryce is paying for is not only made from expensive materials, but is also further valued by what it can do. For one, as Bryce has told me, the band which it has been placed on allows for it to be worn around one's leg. Or in Bryce's case, around his wrist. Secondly, and this is something I wish to speak to Bryce about, his watch has the added ability to wind itself from the movements of the wearer and the forces of gravity."

"Yeah, so it can do some fancy things? What's it made of?"

"For starters, the casing is made from 18 carat gold."

"Isn't the highest it can go to, like, 24 carats?"

"That's correct."

"Then why not go all the way?"

"Because it would be that much more easily scratched or damaged. You see, as the purity of gold in an object increases the softer it becomes."

"If you've seen the movies where the guy bends a gold coin in his teeth they're trying to test if it is gold by how easily it gives," Bryce added.

"Quite right. In addition, the watch's face is made from white pearl, and with a high luster at that. Then there's the unique coat of arms on the front casing, and the way it keeps such precise time, when properly wound. In short, it's something not so easily found. If it were anypony else I would have charged 5000, but I digress. Now, Bryce, about the winding mechanism." Bryce straightened up at his calling. "I don't know if you can tell, but when it comes to winding pocket watches we ponies cannot do it with such ease."

"Well, I don't fully understand how any one of your kind can grab anything with hooves, but I've seen it happen somehow."

"Yes, well, I was wondering if you would allow me the pleasure of taking a peek inside and drawing out the mechanism. I've been wanting to do so, but I prefer to do it with your consent. In gratitude for allowing me this privledge, I would subtract a fair amount from what you still owe."

"Well, I-" Bryce began to say.

"Now just wait a minute," Rocksalt, who had been silent until now, interrupted. "How much would yuh subtract?"

"150; enough for two payments," Time Turner stated.

Bryce attempted to say, "Well, that's-" But Rocksalt had more to say.

"Hold up! Yous is tellin me me you've got somethin yous been wanting to get a look at and you're only going to take away TWO payments? You can do better'n that."

"Really? What do you offer?"

"Eight payments," Rocksalt countered.

"Kid, that's a little too-"

"600 bits? That's way too much. I can do 200 even."

"For something you'll probably make more money on? No way! 550."

"Wait, Rocksalt-" Bryce tried to interjected.

"Ahh, trying to get your quids in? 250."


"If that's how it is, then 275."

This left Rocksalt to counter with, "450."

"You little bugger. 300."

"425, or he walks."



"350, and not a bit more."

With a brazen grin, Rocksalt said, "375, or nothing." as the words hung in the air the stallion and colt stared at each other, playing to see who would be the chicken.

After a few seconds more, Time Turner was the first to yield. "You really like to grasp the nettle. Deal. But I would have gone for 400. If that is alright with you, Bryce."


"Righty-O then," the stallion said with glee. "I'll open it up after I close for the night. For now, I'll just mark the 375 bits off your sheet. If there's nothing else-"

"Actually," Rocksalt stated. "There's something else I think you could do. You could lose that tie."

"Excuse me? My tie?" Time Turner asked in confusion.

"Yeah, your tie. It doesn't look right."

"What do you mean by it doesn't look right'? I've worn this tie for years."

"Yeah, and it shows. Let me ask yuh this: Do yuh make some of these things?" Rocksalt asked, waving a hoof around the store.

"Yes, I do."

"Well, with that tie I won't be able ta tell. All I see is somepony tryin ta run a business, not that he knows what he's doin with his product. I mean, if you were to lean over you'd get that thing caught in some gears."

"Okay. But if not a tie, than what?"

For a few seconds there was silence. Then Bryce spoke up, "How about a bow tie?"

"Yeah, somethin like that. A bow tie would make it look like yuh knew about what you're smarter than yuh actually are. No offense. And if somethin came up, they'd come back to you ta get it fixed."

Time Turner scratched the back of his head. "Well, I can see your point, but I don't know..."

"What's there to think about about?" Rainbow asked. "Bow ties are cool."

"20% cooler?" Bryce asked.

"No, more like forty four-and-a-half percent cooler."

Rocksalt pointed to Rainbow. "What she said."

Time Turner was still deep in thought. "I...suppose I could try; nothing ventured, nothing gained. I thank you all for the advice. If there's nothing else then please have a good evening."

The trio left the clock shop not long after, just in the nick of time to avoid the full wrath of the around fifty clocks announcing the sixth hour of the afternoon.


Within minutes, the group moved from Time Turner's to the pub Rivet had told Bryce about, and as he had said the place was small and had a scant few patrons. It was quiet, save for the drunken, slurred ramblings coming from the construction crew, who were all quick to notice the human and his companions.

"Hey, Bryce, you finally decided to show your ugly mug!" Rivet shouted. "Come on over and grab a seat. Saved it just for you."

"I would, boss, but I came with my friends," Bryce politely refused.

"Eh, so you are. Maybe next week?"

"Sure, next week."

Taking a booth across from where the construction ponies sat, the trio chatted while they waited for their drinks to arrive.

It was Rocksalt who was on all of their minds. "I still can't believe how you were able to talk that guy into give up that many bits," Rainbow said. "And that bow tie thing, that was just awesome!"

"Yeah, well, it was nothin," the dull brown colt said, hiding a small smile. "It's somethin my daddy taught me. Some of it was just random. I didn't even know how much 8 payments was."

"Nothing? I might just have you tag along the next time I get a Wonderbolts ticket. What do you have to say, Bryce? You've been quiet ever since we left."

"Well, I'm happy you helped me out like that, kid," Bryce said to Rocksalt. "But I would have like you to have asked me first."

"I was tryin ta help yuh. Make up for when I-"

"You... don't have to make up for that. But here I was going to let'm do it for free."

"Really? Well I was going to let him take 300."

Bryce shook his he with a smile. "You might as well have earned me 375 bits in a single day, so I'm conflicted."

Rainbow let out a laugh. "And here I thought you were nothing but an annoying little twerp."

"You said the exact same thing about Pinkie. Well, minus the 'little twerp'," Bryce said.

The rainbow mare looked to Bryce. "When did I say that?"

"You said it to her after you both... Wait, that... hasn't..." The rest he muttered under his breath. "What was this prank you were going on about?"

"Oh, that. I almost forgot." Rainbow reached into her saddlebag, producing a jar. It held a fluid that was every color of the rainbow.

"Woah, is that what I think it is?" Rocksalt asked.

"Yep, pure, unfiltered rainbow."

Bryce took it and looked it over. "What is this supposed to do, stain the inside of someone's mouth?"

"It'll do more than 'stain' someone's mouth." By then, their drinks arrived at their booth: A chilled, stiff, locally brewed lager in a tall mug for Rainbow; chocolate milk for Rocksalt; and for Bryce, a lemon-lime soda, which resulted in his crew buddies labeling him a light-weight.

Bryce gave them a wave, and said, "Love you too, guys." Turning back to Rainbow, he asked, "So what's so big about this rainbow? I mean, if it can't stain your mouth than what's it good for?" Bryce took a swig of his soda, thinking Rainbow was going to answer, but he was slow to catch onto the rainbow mare's wolfish smile.

As soon as the soda touched his tongue it felt as if engulfed in flames. Bryce began to gag, slamming his glass down on the table. He reached for the best thing he knew of to quinch the fire in his mouth: Rocksalt's chocolate milk. Downing the beverage in great haste, and getting a good deal on his shirt, Bryce placed the milk glass on the table and started to pant. "What did you do!?" Rainbow's answer was to point a hoof to his soda. In addition to the soda, it now held the contents of her jar. "What the H is that stuff!?"

"It's liquid rainbow, straight from the source."

"What, as in the thing you see in the sky after a rain shower?"

"Yep, the very same."

Bryce took a second look at his glass. "Dang, what goes into it?"

From the table across from their booth, Ambrosia asked, "You don't know?"

"No, I don't know," Bryce responded.

"You really don't know," Jack said.

"Yes, I really don't know."

"Well, it's-" Jack was about to say.

"Jack, Amb," Rivet said in a shaky voice. "Don't go scaring the poor boy."

Well, that's the one thing NOT to do to make me interested. "Come on, tell me," Bryce said.

"You can't handle it. It's... not for the faint of heart," Offset stated.

Bryce smirked. "You're talking to the guy who watched all seven Saw movies without batting an eye. I'm sure I can handle it."

Rivet gave his brother and co-workers a glare. "See what yuh both done now. There's no way he'll let it go." The buff foreman looked Bryce in the eye with an unmoving face. "Bryce, it's... foal."

Bryce had to stop and think for a second. "Fowl?"

"No, not fowl. Foal. As in a young pony."

"Foal as in..." The color receeded from Bryce's face.

"Pegasi foal, actually. Specifically the ones who can't fly all to well."

"Pegasi... foal...?" Was all Bryce could say as he starred at his drink. Steadily looking to Rainbow, then Rocksalt, then to his co-workers he found the words to say, "Well, I've had steak tartare. I've had haggis. I've had veal. And now foal." A smile crept across his face. "Of all that, I'd say foal tastes the best."

Everypony was left speechless by that remark.

Rocksalt felt a little uneasy being so close to the guy who'd just claimed such a thing.

The construction crew was unsure of whether they should stay or go.

But it was Rainbow Dash's silence shattering laugh that made their skin crawl. It didn't take long for Bryce to join in.

When they were both done Rainbow said, "You know, I was this close to believing you."

"Well, it's like I've said: I've tricked people a lot smarter than me." He laughed again. "But seriously, what's in it?"

Tihs time it was Rainbow who looked at him with a straight face. "Bryce, it's foal."

"*Pfft* Yeah, and eggrolls have eggs in'em. What's in it?"

Rainbow's stern features refused to yield.

Again the color drained from his face. Taking a look at his soda he felt himself on the verge of heaving. "Oh. My..." He placed a hand over his mouth.

Then, everypony began to laugh at Bryce's disgust. "Nah, we're just yanking your chain," Rainbow stated after mre than a minute. "I can assure you 100% that's no foal, now or ever, goes into the production of rainbows."

"Why, did you used to work at the Rainbow Factory, Rainbow?" Ambrosia asked.

Rainbow shook her head. "No, but my Mom does. Well, used to."

"Well, you had me going there Blitzkreig," said Bryce. "I give the whole thing an 'A'."

"That's what I was hoping you'd say."

"That was nice there, Rainbow, but Bryce drank my chocolate milk," Rocksalt said, a tad frustrated.

"Cool your flank, squirt. It's on me."

At almost fifteen minute intervals following Rainbow's prank a member of the group left for home. First it was Ambrosia, who was always the first to leave before she could lose herself in drink. Second was Offset, who though quiet most of the time had a lot to say about Bryce's previous unease. Next was Rainbow, claiming she needed to get in a good night's sleep so she could practice stunts over the weekend. But before leaving she made sure to give Bryce a fresh jar of rainbows. Wishing the rainbow mare a good sleep, she made her way out, barely able to walk a straight line. After Rainbow's departure, Rivet and Jack Hammer downed what remained of their drinks and left themselves, leaving Bryce alone with Rocksalt.

For a few minutes they said nothing until Bryce said, "So, you learned that kind of stuff from your Dad?"

"What... Oh, yeah. My Daddy did. He works for a big company back in Manehatten. It's hard to explain what all he does. From what he told me its about dealin in the money of companies and tellin them what they need to do to make the most money."

"He evaluates the probability of events and quantify the contingent outcomes in order to minimize the impacts of financial losses associated with uncertain, undesirable events?"

"Yeah, that's, uh, the gist of what he told me. How'd you know?"

"Well, back home my Dad used to do the same thing. Is that all he taught you?"

Rocksalt was quiet for a few seconds before saying, "He... did try and teach me other stuff. He was always helping me with my math, though that was kind of a long time before..." The dull brown colt fell silent.

In an attempt to change the subject, Bryce asked, "What brought you and your Mother here from... Manehatten was it?"

"If I told you what happened would yuh promise, yuh know, not ta..."

Bryce nodded. "You don't have to worry; I don't have anybody I want to tell."

"I moved here after... There was an incident I had at school. I... got in a fight with a teacher one day and... they expelled me. I mean, I'd done a lot bad stuff before that, but... This was the first time I... hit anypony."

A long silence fell over them again.

After taking a swig from his soda, Bryce said, "I had some of the same problems when I was growing up too. I mean, when I was a kid I was a big problem child, and I mean really big. I was always throwing tantrums and acting out and not listening to what my teachers told me to do. I got sent to about 5 schools before I even passed the 3rd grade. And the whole time I did this it was my Mom who suffered because of me."

It was a while before Rocksalt said, "My mom says I'm going to have to start over in school."

"Well, I'm sure you'll do fine."

"But I'm going to be a whole year older than all the other foals. What if they find out and- and they tease me? I don't know if I can take it."

"Rocksalt, I'm sure it will be tough, but you shouldn't worry about what they think about you. I used to be that way, but you just need to be yourself. You're a good kid, I know you are. You just need to remember one thing: You are what you love, not who or what loves you."

Rocksalt looked to Bryce in confusion.

"It just means that you are you, not what everybody labels you as. You can't go through life trying to impress others. You need to impress yourself, not betray yourself. That's one of the worst things anybody can do." Rocksalt had heard what Bryce had said, but it did little to lift the dull brown colt's fears. "When do you start school?"

"The Monday after next."

"Well, how about you and I meet up sometime before then? I get off work around 5p during the week and the weekends off. I'm sure there's something we can find to boost your confidence."

"I... I don't know."

"Just give me a chance. Who knows, I might even find you a friend in your class. But now it's getting late, and I want to get on back before the crickets come out. I'll walk you on home."


When Bryce and Rocksalt left the tavern they found it was later than they'd anticipated. It wasn't dark enough that one would need a flashlight, but it was dark enough that the setting summer sun had almost dropped below the horizon, leaving a small sliver of light the world. After leaving Rocksalt off at the colt's home, Bryce made his way out for Swet Apple Acres.

As he passed through the town the usual Friday night sounds of the patrons of bars, restaurants, and the like escaped from the timbered buildings as he passed them by.

It was from one night club that forced Bryce to come to a halt. It had nothing to do with the long line running to the door, or the posters around the place advertising tonight's DJ. It was who was coming out that made him stop: Thunderlane. The slate grey pegasus came out of the club; tipsy and reeking of grandpa's cough syrup. He had an equally drunk pegasus mare with him. This probably explained why the pair was being escorted by a stallion almost the size of Big Mac

In a slurred tone, she said, "Come on, we haven't even gotten to see... to see... whatsherface's best stuff." She ended her speech with an audible hiccup.

The bouncer refused to yield.

"Come on, man," Thunderlane said. "We were just dancing."

"Well, your 'dancing' was beginning to become too risque."

"Is it a... a... *hic* a crime to show my fillyfriend how much I love that sweet, round flank of her's?"

"In a public place like this? Yes!"

"Ahh, don't go killing my *hic* buzz." Thunderlane tried to breeze past the bouncer, but the latter held like a wall. "Fine, you know what, I've got the bits! I'm gonna go and make my own night club! It'll have blackjack and- and hookers! And a better DJ than DJ PON-3!!!" He followed this with a loud, vibrant, long burp in the bouncer's face.

A vein become quite pronounced on the isde of the bouncer's head. "Leave! NOW!!!"

"Uh, uh... Sure!" Before leaving, Thunderlane had one more thing to say, "YOU WATERED DOWN THE BOOZE ANYWAY!!!" He and his fillyfriend were quick to leave after that, not even taking notice of Bryce as they passed him by.

Bryce wasn't going to let Thunderlane get away. He had a bone to pick with this Schande!

For hours, Bryce followed the two pegasi, leading him to two bars, of which they were refused entry, and to an all night convenience store, where they both left with a large bottle in a paper bag.

After they downed half of the bottle's contents, they came upon the mare's home. "It stinks we couldn't find a place to dance," she said.

Thunderlane replied, "Yeah, yeah, that really sucks. But at least... at least... Uh... At least we had some good booze."

"Yeah, there's that."

For a second they both looked at each other in a drunken haze. "So, Cloud Chaser..." Thunderlane began to say. "Mind if I came in?"

Cloud Chaser thought for a second. She knew what he was implying, but she said, "No, I want to go on to bed."

Thunderlane wasn't prepared for that. "Are you really 'that' tired?"

"I.... I kinda am."

"Can't we at least do something quick."

"Thunderlane," Cloud Chaser said, becoming defensive. "I have something I need to do tomorrow."

"Like what?"

"I... have to wash my mane."

"Wash your mane? You feeling alright?"

Cloud Chaser acted like she was about to say more, but something unseen seemed to push her to go inside, leaving a very dazed and confused Thunderlane outside in the dirt.

"What... What the hay was that about? We've been planning this night for over a week." Thunderlane turned back, taking the bottle in hoof. However, he was met with something that blocked his path. "Wha...? Has this... wall...?" Snaking his gaze upwards, he saw that the 'wall' happened to be twice his height, and looking back at him.

"Hello, feather brain," Bryce said in a stern tone. Thunderlane gasped and prepared to run off, but Bryce had other plans for the slate grey pegasus. Taking him by the mohawk, and grabbing his bagged bottle in the other hand, Bryce brought him down an alley and held him against a wall. "So, you have enough bits to buy yourself a night club, do you? With blackjack and hookers?"

"Uh, well, I may have, uh, exaggerated a- a little about the, uh-"

Bryce placed a hand ver the stallion's mouth. "Oh, I know you did. But we both know what this is about, don't we?"

Thunderlane's eyes shrank to pinpricks.

"You took something of great, great value to me. And now, you're going to pay." He took his hand away. "What do you have to say?"

"I- If you do anything to me then I'll... I'll tell everypony that Time Turner knew it was stolen, but bought it anyways."

"Oh, I'm sure you would, but I'm not going to do anything to you." Bryce dropped Thunderlane on the ground. "No, I said you would pay. You're going to pay for my watch with the same bits Time Turner gave you for it."

Thunderlane let out a snort. "What makes you think I would do that."

"Because I know."

"Know what?"

Bryce gave the pegasus a smirk.

Thunderlane, in his inebriated state, scowl back. "Fine, if you say I will, then I will. I'll give you the bits, but only if you give me my flight back." He crossed his hooves in front of him.

Bryce uttered a single, unnerving, "No."

"Then I won't give you the bits."

"Yes, you will."

"No, I won't."

"We'll see about that, but I know. By tomorrow at 1 PM I will have the bits, and then my watch."

"What makes you think that?"

"I don't think. I know."

"Fine, you know what, let's make a bet on it. if by 1 PM tomorrow you have your watch back I'll admit to stealing it. But if you don't then you have to give me my flight back." He thrust out his hoof. "Deal?"

Bryce gave a smirk. "You pegasi and your damned wings. What would Freud have to say about that?" Bryce took Thunderlane's hoof in his his hand with a firm grip. "Deal." Bryce then bore down onto the drunken pegasus' hoof. "But you may think you'll get out of it. You'll think you can just sit at home and avoid me, but in the end I'll be the one with the watch." He released his hold on Thunderlane and walked off.

Thunderlane was left in a stupor after that remark. In an attempt to calm his nerves, he grabbed his bottle and brought it to his lips, downing it in mouthfuls. In seconds, his mouth felt consumed by fire, causing him to blow out a small breath of flames as he light up in every color of the rainbow.

As Bryce walked towards the farm, he had a thought. Silly me, it was supposed to be one-half teaspoon for fast, effective relief. Not one-half cup. Well, can't change the past. But Rainbow wasn't wrong, it was a good prank.


When Bryce entered the farmhouse everypony was asleep. Everypony, except for Bait who shot up at the human's entrance. "Bryce!?"

Bryce shook in surprise. "Bait."

"Where have you been? I've been waiting for you."

"I was with a few friends. Why didn't you come looking for me?"

"I had work I had to do here. But that's beside the point." Bait thrust a letter in front of him. "Here, read this."

It read:

Bait, I realize I would be the last pony you would ever want to see again, but what I need to tell you is something you need to hear. Again, I realize you do not wish to see me, but I implore you to at least hear me out. If you will not see me than please send Bryce Smales in your place. If I cannot convince you to come than perhaps he can, And, as four times before, I will be bringing 10,000 bits for you.

I do not know if you will believe me when I write this, but I do love you, Bait. When I told you that you need to get out on your own I only did so because I feel it best for your well being. Please come and see me at the restaurant within the vicinity of the train station. I shall be there around noon tomorrow.

From, your Uncle Ponz

"Let me guess what you want me to do?"

"Yes. I want you to go and get the bits from my uncle tomorrow in my stead."

"Isn't this something you should do yourself?"

Bait scowled. "Perhaps, but I want you to hear what he has to say first. If you think it's something I need to hear than I might. MIGHT see him. Now, if you excuse me, I'm tired. Goodnight, Bryce." Having said that, the tan colt jumped up onto the couch and fell asleep.

Bryce ascended the stairs, a smile spread across his face. All was going just as he had seen it.

The Sting

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Chapter 56: The Sting

As Bryce and Bait took a seat outside at the restaurant close to the train station, they heard the locomotive pull up to the platform.

Bait said, "There it is. My uncle should be on there, if what he wrote is to be believed."

The way the tan colt said it with such spite concerned Bryce. It was a tone he knew all too well, though had the pleasure of not hearing it in recent times. "Well, I doubt he would lie about it. He's come before."

Bait-and-Switch gave no response as he sat back on his rump.

Bait was the first to spot the middle aged stallion. "There he is. Coming out of the second to last car."

Bryce had to squint to better see the greying Ponzi Scheme. "Yeah, that's him." Bryce allowed that to hang in the air a few seconds. When Bait showed no interest of moving to meet his uncle, he said, "You know, he's here to see you."

"I know."

"Well, shouldn't you go and-"

"No, you go. Like you said you would."

"I know what I said, Bait, but he's your uncle."

"Who abandoned me."

"Yeah, but he's still your family."

Bait gave a huff. "Says you."

"Well, he still is, regardless."

"Quite so," said Ponzi Scheme, who had crept up on the two boys with a pair of saddlebags. "Hello again, Mr.Smales." Bryce answered with a wave. "I doubt I have to guess why you are here this fine afternoon?"

Bait was quick to stand up. "I have to go and use the facilities," he said with his back turned to his uncle. When the tan colt entered the stallion's restroom he was glad to find himself the only one there. Running over to the sinks, he turned on the faucet and splashed cold water into his face to clear his mind.

As he turned off the tap and watched the water run down the drain he tilted his gaze up to the mirror. He gave the glass a nasty glare. After a minute, Bait looked up to the wall to the clock. I read it was a around five minutes past twelve. Looking back to the mirror he thought to himself, Okay, I'm going to give them a few minutes. A few minutes more and then I never have to see that deceitful bastard ever again. I don't care what his reasons were, or why. After I get the last of my bits he's dead to me. And that's the end of it.

All the rage of his uncle's abandonment had been boiling inside Bait-and-Switch for months now. But now that his uncle was here, he hoped for the last time, the tan colt could do little but fume.

As he stared down his reflection his thoughts took on a mind of their own. They brought up the ten years he had lived with the middle aged stallion. All of the heists they'd pulled off. All of the important lessons his uncle had taught him. How for the first time in his life the colt had had a real bed to sleep on in place of a couch that was way past its prime.

Bait's uncle had taken him out of that kind of life with his mom, and now he was putting him back into it.

After a few minutes more, Bait broke his gaze with the mirror and looked back to the clock. It was almost 12:15. "Well, that's long enough." Wiping his hooves off, Bait exited the bathroom and went back to Bryce and his uncle.

At his approach, they both became quiet and stared him down. "So?" Bait asked.

Bryce stood and walked over to the colt, bending down to his level. "Bait... You'll hate me for this, but I think you should listen to what he has to say."


"You heard me. Bait, just give him a chance. He's your family."

"Bryce, I can tell-"

Bryce grabbed Bait by the nape of his neck and pulled him in close. "Listen to me. If you at any point in your life ever look at him as family then you will do this. If I'm wrong, then we can both walk away now and we'll never talk about this again." He released the tan colt.

Bait glared up to his friend in disbelief. If that had come from anypony else, Bait would have blown them off without a care, but then again Bryce wasn't a pony. Though he was reluctant, Bait nodded.

"I'll give you both some time," Bryce said. Bryce looked to Ponzi and gave a nod.

Ponzi gave a small, unbelieveable smile. "I... thank you, Mr.Smales. My only regret is that you had to get involved in this."

"Well, I was a part of this ever since... Well, you know."

Bryce walked off, leaving the two ponies alone, save for the restaurant's few other patrons.

As Bait took a seat across from his uncle, he saw Bryce get caught up by a rather giddy Rarity. They exchanged a few words before Bait saw the white mare drag Bryce off in the direction of her boutique.

With Bait now alone with his uncle, he was beginning to regret listening to the human. For the longest time they said nothing; only exchanging sideways glances. After a minute, a waiter came over to their table with two steaming mugs placed on a tray. After placing the mugs in front of the two stallions, the waiter went back inside.

From the smell emanating from across the table, Ponzi had gotten his usual ginseng tea. The smell of the drink alone always made Bait wonder how his uncle could drink ginseng. By itself it smelt of dirt. He couldn't imagine what it tasted like.

Bait look down to his mug, but didn't drink from it. "It's hot chocolate," Ponzi said.

"I know what it is."

"Yes, I suppose you would." The gray stallion gave a small smile. "I can still remember how much you would drink when you were a foal. Had to make it for you by the gallon whenever you first moved in with me. And still to this day come winter you always have to have a cup everyday until all the snow melted away and the flowers came in bloom."

"Yeah, so!?" Bait shot back, not taking his eyes off the mug.

"I suppose this old stallion is wanting to see you like this just one last time."

Yeah, well, you saw me, Bait thought. Now get on with whatever speech you've made to try and win me over, leave my bits, and we can go our separate ways.

"I know we've never discussed this, and when we have it has never been so straight forward, but you have always been the son I've never had." Ponzi took the first sip of his tea to allow the message to sink in. "You can doubt me if you want, Bait, but it is how I feel. Whether you feel the same way I do not know. Regardless, it is how I feel."

And just like my mom you're giving me away.

"When we first met I doubt you knew of me, and I didn't know you, but since then you've become like me in more ways than one. And that, Bait-and-Switch, is why I thought it best you be away from me."

That was enough to cause Bait to look up to his uncle, who had now found himself unable to meet his nephew's gaze. "What...? What do you mean?"

"Let me explain: When I was a foal, about the same age you were when you came to live with me, my father taught me his ways, which he learned and improved upon from his father, who he also learned from his father before him as far back as can be remembered. And I, in lieu of any foals of my own I knew for sure were mine, passed that knowledge down to you."

When the old stallion fell silent, Bait said, "So your taught me your ways, but I still don't understand why you would leave me here."

After taking a second sip of his ginseng, Ponzi asked, "Do you know why there are no ponies in our line of work who live past my age? It is because as we get older we begin to accumulate more and more enemies; more and more ponies who would be able to identify us when we passed them by. Some may confront us, some will spit on us, but a few aren't so forgiving."

Bait cringed, afraid of where his uncle was going with this.

"My great-grandfather and his brother were murdered in his sleep from a long line across their throats. My grandfather was done in after taking a drink from somepony he'd swindled a family heirloom from years before. And then there was my father." Ponzi had to swallow before he said, "He was...burned alive in a warehouse after a deal that went horribly wrong."

Bait watched as a single tear fell from the old swindler's tired eyes.

"When I heard about what had happened I was more scared for your life than I was angry. I was afraid it had been you that was almost burned alive. I can only thank Celestia I was wrong."

After hearing what his uncle had to say, he wanted to still hate the stallion. Maybe he wanted to spit on him himself for good measure. But any feelings the tan colt had had for him were little less than an afterthought now.

Lifting a small spoon, Bait swirled the contents of his own mug around a few times. After feeling satisfied the hot chocolate was mixed well enough he placed the spoon back on the table, grabbed the mug, and went to take a drink, but couldn't bring the porcelain cup to his lips.

Putting down the mug, Bait sat and looked to the old stallion. For the first time, Bait could see just how old his uncle had become. It was evident by the cracks that had formed across his face and the gray hairs in his mane. He didn't know if was from his time with Granny Smith, but he could see it in his face as plain as day.

"Uncle Ponz..." Bait struggled to form the words. "Why are you telling me this? And why now?"

With confidence, Ponzi said, "Because, Bait, I want at least one pony in our family to be able to live to see their grandfoals. Grandfoals they know for sure are of their own flesh and blood. I'm not saying you go and do it now, but one day I hope you have have the privilege to...to..." Ponzi downed the rest of his tea and slammed the mug on the table. Under his breath, though still loud enough for Bait to hear, he said, "I can only hope you will understand this one day."

For a while Bait said nothing.

The meaning behind Ponzi's Scheme's words held weight.

A little cliché, perhaps, but nonetheless true.

Ponzi then said, "I heard from Bryce just before you came back from the, uhm, facilities. You seem to have a fillyfriend, unless I'm mistaken?"

Bait's face reddened up almost instantly. "Who, Amethyst? Well, we're not necessarily, you know, together. But we... We're..." Bait shook his head. "It's complicated."

Ponzi gave a grin. "With the opposite sex, it's never simple. Ever. But from what Bryce told me it looks promising."

"Oh, well, you know."

Taking the saddlebag of bits, Ponzi placed them before his nephew. "I don't know if this means anything now, but here is the rest of what I promised you. You can do with it as you wish, but I suggest you get your own house. Maybe a tract of land to build one upon. Something with enough room to fit more."

"Uncle Ponz!!! I haven't even kissed her yet!"

"Has she kissed you?"

"She...has, but it was more out of appreciation; a peck on the cheek. Not like, you know..."

"An old stallion can hope, can't he?"

"Well, yes, but... I guess it's like you say: If you want something you have to keep pursuing it until it yields. And I must say, I want her."

Ponzi gave a laugh. "That's the spirit, boy. And don't you ever forget it. I'm glad you learned at least one good thing from me."

Opening the flap on the saddlebag, Bait looked its contents over. "I thank you for the money, Uncle Ponz. But..."

"Why the hesitation?"

"It's...something I want to ask you for first." Bait then told his uncle about something that had been on his mind for a while now. The entire time the aged stallion sat with his head rested on his hoof.

When Bait finished, Ponzi asked, "Bait, I can understand your conundrum, but why can't you do this yourself?"

"I would, Uncle, but he...knows my face. It's not like I had much choice. He saw Bryce and I together."

Ponzi brought his hoof to his chin. "I see. I suppose you can't. But, Bait, I-"

"Uncle Ponz, I feel responsible for this and cannot just brush it off any longer. I only want to ask you for this one thing, and only one. If need be, I'll give you back every single bit."

Ponzi raised a hoof to silence the tan colt. "No, Bait, that won't be necessary. I may be a swindler at heart, but I'm not so shallow that I would charge family. I'll do this gratis, provided you pick up the tab for our beverages."

Nait furrowed his brow. "What happened to not being shallow to family?"

"You see, Bait, I will do a service such as this with ease, but somepony has to pick up the tab. Now hurry and drink your hot chocolate before I order a second cup of ginseng."


When Rarity had pulled Bryce away he took no notice to how eager she was to have him all to herself. He went with her, all the same, since she insisted he needed to have a fitting. With Bryce's recent spells of near wardrobe malfunctions involving his pants and the way his shirts were coming close to being short dresses he agreed it couldn't wait any longer.

After almost dragging the human all the way to Carousel Boutique, they entered inside. In an instant the white Persian kitten that had once trapped itself inside the boutique's walls came running out, almost pouncing into Bryce's arms.

Bryce had to hold himself together from the surprise attack. "Well, when did she get here?"

"Just last week," Rarity exclaimed. "It took some doing, but I think she may be coming around."

"That's great. Have you named her yet?" Bryce asked as he held the kitten in his arms.

"Not yet, I'm afraid. I've been thinking of a few names, but I can't ever find the one that would set her apart from the rest, if that makes sense."

"It does, actually. I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure you'll sniff one out soon enough."

Rarity was a bit perplexed by Bryce's choice of words, but her mind was caught up in thoughts more... prurient. "Yes, you're probably right." She then used her magic to draw the kitten out of his grasp and sit it on the floor. "But right now we should get to taking your size,. Not your size, your measurements. In fact, I think I should make you a suit as well. Everypony should have something couth to wear for...certain occasions. Now, disrobe and take stand up straight."

The white mare had Bryce disrobe down to his underpants. For the next several minutes Rarity went to making quite sure she got Bryce's form to every eighth-of-an-inch. Bryce could be wrong, but he could swear the further south the mare went the longer she allowed her tape measure to linger.

Twenty minutes later, feeling satisfied she had taken Bryce's measurements to the best of her ability, Rarity announced, "And that should do it. You may relax now." After jotting down a few notes, she said, "I must say, your measurements have shrank quite a bit since our first encounter? Oh, you must be working out," she said in a flirtatious tone.

"Well, yeah. I've been getting up early for a few months now with Rainbow. The nurse said it was for the best and I agreed with her."

"Oh...yes. But still, you are much slimmer than when we first met. And is that a muscle I see there on your...shoulder?"

"Probably. I got a job last week. I'm working for the construction crew outside of town. I've been having to do a lot of heavy lifting for them."

"Is that so? Well if you keep this up I bet you could carry, I don't know, a mare up to the bedroom."

"I can do better than that: I had to carry a cement mixer up five floors. Turns out I didn't even have to."

Rarity was beginning to become aggitated with the human. I can understand somepony being dense, but this...? UGH!!!

Without warning, she heard a loud snap in her ear. "Rarity, are you alright?" Bryce asked.

"I beg your pardon?"

"You were just standing there for a minute without saying or doing anything. I counted."

"Was I? Silly me. I was just thinking about something rather...important to me." She ended this with a graceful pose that showed off her best side. The air around her seemed to sparkle with a bewitching radiance.

"Like what?" Bryce finally asked.

With those two words the glow encircling Rarity dimmed as she forced back a sneer. I can understand somepony not getting it, but this...? I guess it's time to pull out the big guns.

"Well, it's something I feel needs a pair of fresh eyes. I've been trying to figure it out by myself, but no such luck."

"Is it your cat's name?"

She wanted to shout back, "IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY CAT, YOU STUPID, STUPID, STUPID FOAL!!!" But being a lady, she instead made herself stay calm and said, "No, it's not that. It's something I find more important than that." She walked to the bottom of the stairs that led to her bedroom. "I think it best if you come and see for yourself."

As she began to trot up the stairs, Bryce stopped her to ask, "Is it alright if I put my clothes back on first?"

"Oh, why of course, darling. If you feel you must. But please do take your time. I need to get it set up first. Just remember to knock before you enter."


For what must have been at least the thousandth time that day, Rumble sat on the sofa and watched as his brother, Thunderlane, pace around the living room. After a few repetitions, Thunderlane would stop in front of the grandfather clock and watch for a few seconds as the seconds ticked by before trotting around about another five-to-ten times. A few other times, Thunderlane would look out the front window, but only came back to the same trek.

Rumble might not be as smart as his older brother claimed to be, but he could tell whenever a pony was anxious about something. But after an hour, Rumble began to wonder if it wasn't something that was causing Thunderlane's mania. What if instead it was somepony? Or someone?

When the grandfather clock gave a single chime to announce it was half past the current hour, Thunderlane jumped up to the chandelier. "What was that? Did you hear that!?" He shouted.

"It was just the clock, Lane. Just like it was the six or seven times before."

"Yeah, well, why does it have to do that?" He asked as he came down. "Who would want to know what time it was anyway?"

"You, obviously. You keep looking at it and saying: Almost 1. Almost 1. Almost 1. Then you start rambling on about-"

Thunderlane gave the colt a glare. "About who!?"

If he had thought his older brother were of sounder mind, Rumble would have said the name of He Who Must Not Be Named. But Rumble was sure on how he would react. "N- Nopony. What's so important about 1 o'clock?"

"Nothing. It's just...one of those times of the day, you know?"

"One of those times of day for what?"

"Don't question me! Just... Go outside. You're bugging me."

Right now, that sounded like a good idea. But that morning, after he had to watch as their parents lectured Thunderlane, Rumble had been tasked with keeping a close eye on the older pegasus. And after Thunderlane had came home in the middle of the night going on about watches, black eyes, and rainbows, Rumble wasn't going to go against his parents' word.

"It's doesn't look like a good day." Was all he could manage to come up with.

"Not a good day? What do you mean? There's...sun and dirt and..."


Hearing that name made the slate grey pegasus jump right back up to the chandelier; screeching like a scared filly or who'd seen a large cockroach. "What, he's outside. LIKE RIGHT OUTSIDE!?!?!?"

"No, Lane, he's-"

At that moment, there was a knock at the door.

For a few seconds, neither brother dared to move.

Thunderlane said, "I thought you said he wasn't out there."

"He's not. I- I never said...?" Taking his time to make it to the door, Rumble took hold of the door knob and opened the door a crack; enough for him to see who was outside.

Instead of finding Bryce, he found an old stallion. He had grey fur, a salt and pepper mane, and a business suit. When he saw Rumble peeking out, he said, "Hello, I'm looking for Thunderlane at this residence. Is this a bad time?"

The way the stallion said it in such a proper and mild manner caught the colt off guard. But he also felt a hint of caution, despite the stallion's advanced age. "I... I..." Was all he could get out.

From above, Thunderlane jumped down from his perch and threw the door open. When he saw it wasn't you he had expected, he felt relieved.

"Oh, you're just the one I was looking for."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Beg pardon, but is your name Thunderlane?"

"Th- That depends. Who's asking?"

"Well, Mr.Thunderlane, I am happy to announce that you are the winner of our big sweepstakes."

Thunderlane raised an eyebrow. "Sweepstakes?"

"Yes, from WingMag. The magazine for all things pegasus sports and fitness."

The stallion racked his brain, trying to remember. "I don't remember..."

"It's okay, the sweepstakes announcement did go out more than six months ago. And it looks like your name was drawn."

"It was? For what?"

"Why, for the chance to become a member of Wonderbolts aerial stunt squadron."

"For the Wond- THE WONDERBOLTS!?" For a second, Thunderlane was beginning to doubt the stallion's words, but after hearing that he was considered to be a part of the best group of pegasi that ever existed, he couldn't pass that up. He was Thunderlane, after all. "You mean I'm going to be a Wonderbolt?"

"Of course, but..."

"But... But...? Why but!?"

"I don't know how to better say this, but there is the matter of the security deposit."

"Security what?"

"The security deposit. You see, before you can be officially recognized as a Wonderbolt you will need to pay for the equipment. There's the bodysuit, of course, then the goggles, the room and board."

While Ponzi listed off random items and Thunderlane listened on, whose thoughts were blinded by the offer, Rumble was not taken up in the ruse. "Lane..."

"Rumble, hush. The grown ups are talking."

"But Lane!" Using his back leg, Thunderlane kicked the colt back inside the house. The grey colt went rolling through the house, only stopping when he hit the back wall.

"Sorry, my little brother is a twerp."

"I can understand," said Ponzi. "Now, the price. It's a bit steep, but in the end I promise you it is quite worth the risk. 1500 bits. In coin."

"Fif- Fifteen hundred?"

Ponzi raised an eyebrow, looking Thunderlane over. "You can pay that, can you not?"

"I- I don't know. That's quite a bit of bits."

"Then I apologize for wasting your time." Ponzi made his way to leave. "I hate to ask you this, but do you know where I could find Miss Rainbow Dash?"

"What!? Why do you want her for?"

"I wasn't completely honest with you. The contest was for one pegasus. I've already been to see around 20 other pegasi and they've all turned me down. Oh well, I have to pay the bills somehow. Maybe Miss Dash will be more willing." Ponzi turned and walked off.

But Thunderlane wasn't going to hear of it. He ran in front of the aged stallion. "Now hold up, you're going to go and see Rainbow Dash? The best she's ever done is a few somersaults and twirls. And my little bro can do that."

"And as I said, Mr.Thunderlane, we need 1500 bits. And unless you can pay the fee, I'm afraid my business with you is-"

Thunderlane ran back inside. When he came back out a few seconds later he had a bag almost to the point of breaking with bits. "Here. I have the bits. Now please say I'm in."

Ponzi was dumbfounded, but he looked the bag over. "This looks to be the proper amount." He pulled the bag up onto his back. "You've saved me a lot of leg work. I can't wait to see how you go, Mr.Thunderlane. I'm sorry, Thunderlane, soon to be Wonderbolt. That has a nicer ring to it."

"Oh ho, you know it, mister. When they get a look at what I can do it'll put Spitfire to shame." With that, Thunderlane jumped up in the air.

This was perfect.

With the bits now in this stallion's hooves there was no way Thunderlane could possibly pay for Bryce's watch.

If he couldn't pay for the watch then Bryce would have to give him his flight back.

If Thunderlane had his flight back then he could... Well, fly.

And if he could fly he could impress the Wonderbolts, and then become one of them. Maybe even become captain of the entire squadron.

Sure, he shouldn't have taken the extra needed bits from his parents' coffee can in the pantry, which he wasn't supposed to know about, but it wouldn't matter when he was a Wonderbolt. When he was a Wonderbolt he would be able to pay back his parents by a hundred coffee cans full of bits at the least.

Thunderlane felt on top of the world.

When You've Got It, Flaunt It

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Chapter 57: When You've Got It, Flaunt It

At Bryce's knock, he heard Rarity call from within in a pleasent tone, "Come in, darling."

When he entered, he began to say, "Rarity, there's something you should-" But was cut off from what he witnessed.

The room was dark, due to the curtains being drawn. The only illumination came from a set of candles that were arranged about the room. But it was what the candlelight revealed from the darkness that made the human pause.

The white mare, who had usually pranced around buck naked, was now clothed. Her outfit consisted of a pink lace babydoll that ran down her figure. She had redone her mane into a bun, with a pair of silver chopsticks with sapphire tops holding it in place. Around her neck and the base of her horn she had a boysenberry choker studded with gems the same color as her Cutie Mark. Snaking around her horn was a thin string of blue gemstones, which terminated with a larger sapphire hanging off the tip.

When Bryce walked in, the mare was lying on her belly and her head was resting on her hooves.

"Is something the matter, darling? Or do you see something you like?"

"Is this what you wanted me to see?"

"Yes, actually." She propped her head onto her hooves. The jewel on her horn flapped with her movements. "You see, there's a special somepony I've been trying to impress, but no matter how hard I try he never notices." Or if he does, he has a strong poker face.

"How can I help?"

Rarity hopped off the bed. "For starters, could you tell me what you think about this outfit." She struck a pose. "Please, be honest. I would rather you tell me how you personally feel than spare my feelings."

"Well, to be honest, it's nice. But it's a little much."

Rarity took the time to relax. "Oh, how so?"

"Well, the color is nice, but it doesn't seem to be the right one. I happen to like a girl in pink, but this doesn't fit you very well. And the gems are too glamorous. It's like a rich man wearing a pair of gold shoes: They're nice, they're expensize, but they're just heavy and too much of a burden. And the...whatever you call it you're wearing covers you up too much. But that's my opinion."

Rarity looked herself over. "I can't say your completely wrong, but there is some truth. Why don't you take a seat on my bed while I change."

Bryce did just that as Rarity slipped behind a partition, which Bryce noticed stood in front of the white mare's wardrobe.

When Rarity came back out a few seconds later, she had ditched everything from her last outfit, save for the bun in her mane, and now wore a quartet of navy blue and periwinkle striped socks. She leaned her back against the wall so she was standing on her backlegs. As she rested her head on her forelegs she gave a smile as she flaunted her trim belly to Bryce.

"Does this do anything for you?"

Bryce shook his head, clearly unmoved. "The color's still off. And now you're showing off too much. And the socks... They just look so... Wrong!!!"

"What's wrong with the socks?"

"It's just... Wrong!!! And I don't see how anyone would find them appealing in the slightest. And your mane doesn't look right either. Maybe try it down."

Forming her face into a pout, Rarity said, "Fine. Let me see if there's anything better."

For ten minutes Rarity changed her outfit, trying to get Bryce's approval. But with each one Bryce found something he didn't take kindly to. She tried a shirt that fit to her form, but it was too simple. She came back with her hair in it's original form, but no luck. She once tried to slip by with her usual appearance except for a purple ribbon studded with opals around her neck to see if he was paying attention. To keep it short, he was. Rarity was beginning to lose hope.

Until she came to the last outfit.

When Rarity came out from behind the screen she could tell she'd done something right just from Bryce's undivided attention.

She wore an outfit almost the same color purple as her mane. It was a thin camisole that cut off midway down her belly and exposed her shoulders. On the straps around her shoulders were a matching pair of lavender bows. She had a larger bow drawn around her horn. This one was outlined with gems that matched her eyes perfectly. In the candlelight, it was hard to tell which shined more, the gems, or Rarity's eyes. On her four legs were a set of silk stockings a shade darker than the camisole. At each knee there was another small lavender bow.

But what held Bryce the most was the mare's mane. In the short amount of time since her last wardrobe change it had straightened out to where it flowed with each step. And the mauve headband she wore only added to it.

When Bryce said nothing, Rarity said, "So, I finally found something to your liking then, hmm?"

"It's... Hard to explain."

"Is that so?"

"Ye- Yeah. Could you, I don't know, lie on the bed?"

"Why certainly."

Bryce stood up to allow Rarity access to her bed. Once there she again lied on her stomach and propped her head on a single hoof. "Is this what you had in mind?"

"No, I meant like lie. Like lie on your back."

She did it so fast it made her bed shake. When she was fully on her back it caused her mane to fall over the side of the bed. In this position, and from the way the candles shined off of it, her mane was like a waterfall.


She gave a smile. "Yes, Bryce?"

When Rarity looked up into the human's grey eyes she imagined what her life would be like after this. Any second now Bryce would take a knee and bend in close to her. She would look confused and rolled back onto her belly, not once breaking eye contact. Bryce would again say her name, but she wouldn't respond. She would just lie on her belly and do nothing as Bryce pulled in for that first kiss between them. Being a lady, she knew she should stop him, but it was just too perfect to stop. When he finally broke the connection between they would look into each other's eyes for what felt like eternity.

In the following months their relationship would become closer and closer day by day. Then would come the day her parents would inevitably find out. There would be the explaining, then the disowning, and then the complete loss of contact. But she wouldn't care, she loved Bryce and Bryce loved her.

One day they would marry, and there would be a big wedding to celebrate it. Many would disapprove of their union, but she loved Bryce and Bryce loved her.

Then, on the day of their wedding, her parents would arrive. They would all fight a fight that came close to wrecking their entire wedding, but she loved Bryce and Bryce loved her.

Within hours before the wedding, Rarity's parents would finally take to Bryce, only because they had seen nopony who had made her happier. And they would become husband and wife, because she loved Bryce and Bryce loved her.

With their marriage there would be foals. It wouldn't be possible for them to have any of their own, but they could always adopt. And despite their differences in species, genes, and appearance the foals would know they had a father, and a mother. They would love their parents and their parents would love them.

Finally, years down the road, one of them would succumb to their own mortality. Rarity hoped it was her first; she couldn't bear to see Bryce dead. Hoepfully not long after, the other would go off to Heaven as well, and they would be together, forever. Because she loved Bryce and Bryce loved her.

In Rarity's mind, this what she saw. And to her eye this is what seemed to be happening now as Bryce took a knee.

"Rarity..." Bryce said.

Rarity, too caught up in Bryce's gaze, said nothing. She watched as Bryce's face began to brighten. And with each passing second it lit up more.

It didn't take long for a disgusting smell to fill her nostrils.

Looking up, or down from her position, Rarity saw what had made such a rancid odor.

It was her mane.

Her mane, which was on fire.

In her haste to appease Bryce, when she had rolled over the first time she had accidently shaken a candle off her nightstand. But instead of going out it remained lit. The flame had spread over to her mane, and because it was completely straight was now long enough to reach the floor.

Normally, Rarity would have tried to put it out, but she had been so caught up in her imagination she hadn't yet come back to reality.

She looked back into Bryce's eyes.

Then to her mane.

Again to Bryce.

Then again to her mane.

This was when Rarity went berserk.

Jumping up, Rarity began to run around her bedroom, not caring where she went or what she bumped into. In her rage she continued to knock over more and more candles.

Bryce tried to shout over her screams, but it would never pierce through.

While most of the candles Rarity had knocked over went out, enough remained lit to ignite the carpeting.

Bryce tried to stomp out what he could, but with Rarity jumping around it was a hard job.

It all looked like it was over.

Then, Bryce stomped his foot down. He shouted, this time loud enough for Rarity to hear, "STOP!!!"

With this one command, Rarity skid to a halt and slammed into the screen she changed behind. This shout was follwed by a gust of wind; a gust powerful enough to blow out all the flames, Rarity's mane included.

But when the fires went the light went as well.

For a few seconds, Rarity could hear nothing over her own heartbeat. Then there was the sound of heavy footsteps, coming from somewhere in the darkness.

When the footsteps came to a stop they were replaced with a loud rip, followed by a bright light flooding the room.

When Rarity could see, she saw Bryce standing by the window with a torn curtain in his hands. All around the room there were black patches where once had been fire. When the white mare could move she pulled her mane into her vision.

It was terrible.

There was almost nothing left of her once long, majestic mane, and what was left was melted together.

When Bryce came over to see about her she had hardly moved a muscle. "Rarity...?"

She didn't meet his gaze and kept silent. She instead looked down to her camisole. Though it had escapsed from being burned it was little more than gnarled lace. There was only a single strap on her shoulders left in one piece.

Tears began to form in her eyes.

"Rarity...are you...?" Bryce tried to lay a hand on the fashionesta's shoulder, but she shook him away. "Rarity, I just want to see if your hurt?"

At those words Rarity was finally able to meet Bryce's grey eyes. "Hurt... Hurt...? HURT!?" She shouted. "My mane's been burned, my room is in shambles, and my outfit, the one I'd finally found to impress YOU isn't even worth the thread I used to put it together." She buried her face in her hooves. She could no longer hold back the tears.

"Rarity..." Bryce said again.

"Oh, would you stop saying my bucking name already." She looked up to Bryce. "Bryce, Bryce, BRYCE!!! How does that sound!?"

"Rarity, I-"

"There it is again. Can you say nothing else, you stupid, simple minded, dense, handsome, uncouth idiot?"

Bryce didn't know what to say, but what she said hit deep.

Rarity began to cry, not trying to hide it in the slightest.

Bryce placed his hand on her shoulder, and was met with a sizeable smack across the face. "Leave me alone, you simpleton."

"Rarity..." He knew he chosen the worst possible word to say to the sullen mare.

"Get out," she said in a low tone.


She raised her voice. "Get out!"

"But you-"

"Get out, get out, GET OUT!!! Can you get nothing through that thick skull!? GET OUT!!!" With her last shout, Rarity used her magic to toss a ponniquin at Bryce.

Bryce was able to duck out of the way. He made it to the door in time to avoid being trampled by a rogue sewing machine.


When Bryce came out the front door of Rarity's boutique he hit the ground running.

It didn't matter where he ran, he just wanted to try and get as far away from the white unicorn as possible. He doubted that she would be following him, not after the way he had left her. But after almost meeting his end to a sewing machine it felt best not to chance it.

No, Bryce didn't stop running until he he took a turn down an alleyway and placed his back against the wall. Sneaking a peek around the corner confirmed it: Rarity had no intention of coming after him.

Skulking back into the alley, Bryce slid down to the ground and grabbed his hair, tugging at it.

After the disaster with Rarity he felt terrible. In truth, there was no word yet to describe how he felt right now.

It had been bad enough that he had been the cause of the fashionista's duress, but having to learn the hard way how she had done all this for him was worse. And after the trouble he had put her through to find the one perfect getup that he liked the most, he felt all the more responsible for what happened.

But all this paled in comparison to how he had reacted during Rarity's frenzy. What he had done. How he, Bryce Smales, had managed not only to stop Rarity in her tracks, but also extinguish the flames.

For months now Bryce had thought he had control. For months he thought that nothing could happen to cause him to bring out that.

Looking back now, to his time in Equestria, to his time with the strange land's equine inhabitants, to the friends he had made it seemed there was no controlling it.

Even now, Bryce was struggling to get himself back in control. But no matter how many goods times he could think of helped him take the reins. He was losing the fight. If he couldn't get his mind off this soon there was no telling what would happen.

As if answering his pleas, there came a soft, singsong voice. "Bryce, what are you doing here?"

And like that, Bryce's mind cleared. It was that nameless voice, which came with a scent of calming lavender. It was the mare.

"I'm sorry?"

"What are you doing here in this alley? Trying to get out of the sun?" The mare asked.

He could be wrong, but the way the sun hit the mare almost made her silver coat, peridot eyes, and rose and lavender mane sparkle. The light breeze that blew across her mane added to the effect.

"No, I was..." Bryce lay his head back and sighed. "It's complicated."

"Oh? Mind if I sit with you? I'm feeling a little bit feverish."

"If you want."

The mare squatted down beside Bryce, well out of the sunlight. Once she was comfortable, she asked, "Bit for your thoughts?" Bryce let out a huff, showing he wasn't interested in her offer. "Come on, I'm sure if you talk about it you'll feel a lot better."

"Well, I would. But I don't know if I can, or if I should."

"What's the harm? If it's something embarrassing I'm sure it's not a bad as you think it is."

Bryce bit his lip and shook his head. He felt as if he shouldn't, but whatever unseen aura the mare let off forced the words out. He told the mare what had happened with Rarity. How she'd invited him into her boutique for a fitting, then up to her bedroom for his help. Then he told her about what that help had consisted of, and how, just when they had found the right clothing that would make Rarity turn the head of any stallion, and any colt who was of age, it had all taken a complete 180.

When Bryce was done speaking, the mare said, "I don't see what's wrong. I mean, you didn't have anything to do with it. I'm sure everything can be fixed. And you even got the fire out before there was any real damage."

"You just don't understand. You would have had to have been there."

"Well I wasn't, but from my view you didn't do anything wrong. Hay, if weren't for you then Rarity might not have a home."

"No, I'm not saying anything about that. I know I put out the fire, That's not what's upsetting. It's how I put it out that's the problem."

"You stomped it out."

"No.. I mean, yes... But..." Bryce shook his head. "I did stomp some of it out, but that's not how I put out the rest. It was just... Rarity wouldn't stay still, and I knew I had to do something. But how I did it..." Bryce paused.

The mare placed a hoof on Bryce's shoulder. "How did you do it then?"

Bryce began to say, "I used-"

Then, from above, he heard Rainbow call, "Hey, Bryce." Both Bryce and the mare looked up to see the rainbow mare coming in for a landing. "What are you doing here?"

"Rainbow, I was... It's complicated."

By then the pegasus had landed at the opening of the alley. "What, were you and your fillyfriend making out?"

Bryce looked over to the mare, who's pupils had shrunk at the sight of Rainbow. "What... No. NO. She's not my- We weren't doing-"

Rainbow gave a laugh. "I was kidding. Bait told me he was looking for you."

At that Bryce got to his feet. "I almost forgot about that." Before he left, he turned to the mare. "I'm sorry to leave you like this, but I have somewhere I need to be, and fast."

The mare waved him off. "That's alright with me. I have an appointment I need to get to myself. Do try and feel better, Bryce. And remember: What happened with Rarity was NOT your fault." Waving again, the mare took off.

Rainbow looked to Bryce. "What did she mean by that? What's going on between you and Rarity?"

Bryce rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't want to talk about it right now."

Rainbow blew a raspberry. "With her I bet it's nothing too serious anyway. I bet you got a small little stain on a dress and now she's trying to get it out."

If only it were that, Bryce thought to himself. "Where does Bait want me to meet him?"

"He's over at the clock shop. But, uh, before you go. Who was that you were with?"

"Who, that silver unicorn?" Bryce shrugged. "I have no idea. She just shows up whenever she feels like it."

"That's cool, that's cool. She must be new to town. I think I would remember somepony like her."

"Why's that?"

"Oh, you know. She's just...one of those mares that everypony notices... I mean, it would be hard to not because she's... You know..." Her words trailed off from there.

"I'll take your word for it. All of your kind look like little horse things to me. Well, I'll see you tomorrow morning for our workout session." Before leaving, Bryce said to Rainbow, "And, Blitzkreig. Your wings are doing that thing again."

"My wi-" She forced her wings to retract to her sides. "Darn it, wings, not now!"


For once in the longest time, Thunderlane could say he was walking on air. Not in the literal sense, but since he had heard from the old stallion he was in league to be a Wonderbolt, Thunderlane felt there would be nothing to dampen his mood. It didn't matter now what anypony said or whatever happened, he would continue to hold his head high, for soon he would be above all of the pegasi in this backwater town, if not everypony in it. Most especially over that one; the one who would have to bow to Thunderlane and surrender his flight.

True, he doubted Bryce would bow, but still it would feel beyond awesome to see the human be knocked down a peg. But then there was the problem of finding Bryce. No doubt Bryce had decided to hide out at the apple farm to avoid Thunderlane. The human had to know there would be no way the slate grey pegasus would even consider paying for the watch. And now that the old stallion had the bits, there was no possibility of that happening.

It didn't matter now. There would be no easy way to hide something that large for long. Thunderlane didn't care if he had to go out to Sweet Apple Acres himself, he was going to find Bryce, get his flight back, and become a Wonderbolt.

Rumble, who had been following his brother through town, felt nothing but dread for Thunderlane. The lecture their parents had given the older pegasus about drinking and loose mares had been bad .The light grey pegasus couldn't imagine what they would do to Thunderlane when they found out about the coffee can in the pantry. Right now killing the stallion seemed a tad severe, but after being kicked back inside the house Rumble wouldn't care if that were to occur. He knew their parents would never go that far, but whatever punishment they gave Thunderlane would be too lenient in Rumble's opinion.

Then, without much warning, Thunderlane came to a stop. Whatever he saw had caused him to stop and began to hop on the tips of his hooves. When Rumble saw what had made his brother erratic he could hardly believe it.

Thunderlane was happy. Happy to see Bryce coming out of the clock shop with a tan colt and... The old stallion.

"Lane, you do know who-" But Thunderlane ignored the colt and almost went running at Bryce. Instantly, Rumble could only think the worst. He ran after the older pegasus. "LANE, YOU'RE GOING TO GET YOURSELF-"

But by the time Rumble caught up Thunderlane had again came to a stop, and was saying, "Just the guy I've been looking for."

Bryce gave Thunderlane a somber look. "What do you want?"

"Oh ho, I think you know what it is I want. Welp, let's have it."

"Have what?"

"Oh, nothing, just my flight."

It was then Rumble facehoofed. Not this again! He thought.

Bryce stared at Thunderlane blankly. "Why would I give you that?"

"Oh, trying to pretend last night didn't happen?"

"I wish I could, but I can't. You just always seem to crawl out of the seams."

"Then maybe this will help you remember. I won the bet." He fell back on his rump and crossed his forelegs across his chest. "Well, go on. While we're young," he said as he shut his eyes and gave a confident smile.

For long time, Thunderlane sat there like that as Bryce, the tan colt, and the old stallion looked down at him.

A few seconds rolled by before Bryce lifted his left arm to look at his watch.

After a few more seconds, Thunderlane opened his eyes; the smile still on his face. "Well, did you do it."

Bryce continued to look a his watch. "No, I'm just checking the time. It should be one o'clock about... Now."

Just then, a series of synchronized chimes came from inside Time Turner's shop, ending with a single 'ding' in unison.

Thunderlane gave a glare. "Hey, what the buck. I already told you I won the bet, and all you want to do is check the-" It was then Thunderlane realized what he was looking at.

Wrapped around Bryce's wrist was the very same watch the slate grey pegasus had taken. The very one he had pawned to Time Turner.

He could barely get the words out. "Wh- Where did you get... That?"

"My watch? From Time Turner's shop."

"From Time Turner's... That... That's..." He then looked over to see Ponzi looking at him. "Wh- What are you doing with..."

For the next few seconds Thunderlane looked back and forth between Bryce and Ponzi. "How do you two-"

"Know each other?" Ponzi asked. "You see, my nephew and he are friends."

"Friends? Who's your nephew?"

"You should say: Who is your nephew." Bait corrected. "And I am his nephew."

Thunderlane again looked back and forth. "This... This can't... You... He... I was..."

"Going to admit what you did?" Bryce asked.

"What? What did I do?"

"Remember our bet? You said if I got the watch by 1 o'clock then you would admit to stealing it in the first place."

"I... I'm not doing that!"

"I knew you wouldn't."

Thunderlane began to glare daggers into Bryce. This I know stuff again? "You... Give me my flight back."

Bryce gave a smirk.

"Fine, then I'll just... I'll tell the Guard Time Turner bought it, even though he knew it was stolen."

Bryce continued to smirk. "I knew you would say that."

"Yeah, do you know what I'm going to say next?"

"Yes, you're going to look real intimidating, then demand your flight, again."

"No, I'm going to go tell the Guard." Thunderlane began to walk off. He didn't get very far because Bryce had placed his foot on his tail. "Let go of my tail!" Thunderlane demanded.

"You could tell the Guard, but I'm afraid there won't be anything to charge him with."

"And why's that!?"

"It's odd. There doesn't seem to be a single record to show this watch was ever here until today. And that was so Time Turner could take a look at the mechanism. He payed me well for it, just to be fair."

"Quite a shame," Ponzi said.

"Yes, quite a shame." Added Bait.

Thunderlane began to hyperventilate as he grinded his teeth together. Taking an intimidating pose, he said, "Give me my flight now!!!"

Bryce shook his head with a smirk. "You pegasi and your damn wings." Bryce stepped forward so the pagasus' head came to his gut, but Thunderlane held his ground. "You listen to me, you feather brain. I am going to say this once, and only once. I didn't take away your flight. I do not have your flight. I never did, and never will."

For whatever reason, Thunderlane refused to listen. "And you're a liar."

"Believe what you want, Featherbrian. I'm in no mood now to mess with you." Bryce looked over to Rumble. "It's Rumble, right? I'm sorry you had to see all this. I hope I wasn't much trouble to you."

"N- No, you weren't any trouble to me. I'm sorry about my brother."

"Well, you had nothing to do with that." Bryce reached down and tapped the light grey pegasus on the nose, leaving the colt a little shocked. "You try and take care of yourself, kid. And watch out for your brother, if you can."

"I- I'll try."

With that said Bryce began to walk off, with Bait and Ponzi following close at his sides.

But Thunderlane refused to take this. Turning to face the departing human, he said, "That's fine. You just go on. But this ain't over."

Though Bryce clearly heard him, he said nothing as he walked on.

"I burned all of that wooden junk. it made a nice camp fire!"

"I'm sure they did," Bryce said back. "I can always make more."

"You know what, fine! You're nothing but a coward!"

"Lane, just leave him alone," said Rumble.

"Shut up, Rumble!!! This is all your fault!"

"No it's not. You're the one-"

Before Rumble could finish, Thunderlane lifted the colt and used his foreleg to press him hard against a nearby wall. He shook his free hoof in the colt's face. "Say one more word and I will bucking-"

As quick as Thunderlane had lifted Rumble, Thunderlane found himself being slammed against a wall. When he could see straight, he saw he was face to face with Bryce, who had a hand held tight around his neck. "Don't you dare hurt that boy. What's happening between the two of us is only between us. If you think I'm going to just sit back and let you do anything to hurt him because of me then you've got another thing coming."

"Bryce, stop this," he heard Bait say. "He's not worth it."

Bryce stared deep into Thunderlane's golden eyes with those same black, bottomless pits. The longer the stallion looked the more he felt himself fall into them. Then, when Bryce blinked, he saw them change to their normal grey. He released his grip from around his neck. "You heard what my friend said. You're not worth it. And he's right." Bryce let go of Thunderlane, allowing him to crash to the ground on his back.

"You just...made the biggest mistake of your life."

"Shut up!" Bryce said. "You got what was coming to you. Now accept it."

"I'm going to get back at you."

"Maybe you will, but not today." Bryce stuck out a finger and held it a few inches from Thunderlane's nose. "You listen here and listen well. I don't have your flight, and never did. The only thing keeping it from you is yourself. While I won't tell you how I will say this: You will get it back. But, I also give you this: You will one day be seen as the center of attention to all pegasi. You will be seen as one of the most important, and in truth you will be."

"But the day you would have played your role you will find it filled by someone you least expect. Someone you think no more harmful than a butterfly. Why is this? You see, you will be too unwell to perform. Someone you would never think will take your place, and take the glory you thought would be yours. All of this, I know."

With that said, Bryce again walked away from the pegasus.

But Thunderlane wasn't done. Not yet. "You know what, just go. You just go and enjoy your time. I'll get back at you, you dame ape. And when I do everypony will see you for what you really are: A monster. Because that is all you are. You fight tough but you're a coward, and the only reason anypony fears you is because you're tall. But when I'm done with you they'll have something to fear. I'm going to make you out as one of the worst things to ever have entered Ponyville."

All this Bryce heard. And he could only hope Thunderlane would skulk away from this.

He didn't know what Thunderlane had planned, or if he had one, but Bryce could only hope the pegasus would let this lie.


For a few hours since Bryce went running out of her boutique Rarity could hardly bring herself to move. When he finally found the will to do so, she almost broke down a second time over the state of your bedroom. Her torn clothing and scattered belongings were bad, but didn't compare to the scorch marks in the carpet. And she hadn't even looked in a mirror.

For more than an hour afterwards Rarity looked around to assess the damage. The burnt carpeting and shredded clothes were obvious. But there were the things she hadn't seen at first. There was the ponniquin and the sewing machine, which each cost a pretty bit. Then there was also a sunken portion in the center of the floor. She almost tripped over that one. And all the clothes in her wardrobe she'd placed countless hours into were ruined. All ruined.

But it was her mane she felt the worst about. It had taken the white mare more than a year to grow it out to the proper length, and a whole nther to get it to curl as it did. Even though it was hard to manage Rarity felt it was worth it. And now, more than two years of work had been flushed down the drain. She didn't even know if it would all grow back.

She realized her mane may make her come off as snobbish but she didn't care. Her mane and manestyle was a part of her. A part of her pride was caught up in her mane, and now that pride had all been reduced to soot and ashes. And the smell, it was impossible to describe.

Pulling the blanket off her bed, Rarity drew the cover around herself to hide from the world.

In the darkness, she was damning herself mentally. She couldn't ever face the world again, not like this. For minutes she thought of what could have gone wrong. What had made her life turned to this mess. This big, burning, putrid mess.

Then it hit her: Bryce. This was all because of Bryce.

If it hadn't been for Bryce this would have never transpired.

If only that impudent beast hadn't been so dense.

If only he had more competent and understood what she had been hinting at.

If only he were more couth than she wouldn't have to resort to such a barbaric display.

If only he had been more... Normal.

But with each thought of what Bryce should be like the more Rarity realized something.

It was because of his differences that had attracted her in the first place.

If one were to take away all the things that made Bryce be so thickheaded, so uncivilized, so... Different.

If somepony took that away from him what would be left to enjoy.

For a long time Rarity sat curled in her blanket and pondered all this, until she felt something tap at her back.

When she felt that, there was only one person she could think of who would touch her in this state. Throwing off the blanket, she said, "Bryce!?"

But it wasn't Bryce who had tapped her. Instead, she found it was the Persian kitten, who sat looking up at Rarity with concern. "I'm sorry, I thought you were..." She didn't have the heart to say that name again.

Seeing Rarity as she was, the kitten did what she thought was best. She pressed her head into the chest of her owner.

Immediately Rarity was hit with a wave of different emotions. She was still hurting over what had happened with Bryce, and the destruction of her room, but now she felt the one thing she wanted all along.

She felt loved. It wasn't from what she had expected, but it was love.

Taking a hoof, Rarity brought the kitten in close, causing it to purr into the mare's chest. "My, you fell so... soft. I could never imagine..." Fresh tears began to form in Rarity's eyes. "It's going to be alright, kitten. I might not know what's best for you, but for now you are all I want." Rarity drew in a breath, but something flared in her nostrils.

She took a second whiff. "That smell. I know it." She took a third. "I know, it's perfume. Did you get into my perfume?"

A fourth smell confirmed. "You did, but what brand is that?"

After a few more whiffs, Rarity's eyes flew open. "That's Opal perfume. Opal...hmm. What was it Bryce said? I'd sniff one out?" She chuckled to herself. "Well, I suppose he was right." Rarity cradles the kitten into her leg. "I'm going to name you Opal. In fact."

Dropping the newly dubbed Opal onto the bed, Rarity ran over to the reminants of her wardrobe. After digging through the scattered corsets and shredded stockings she found what she was looking for. Grabbing it in her magic, Rarity brought the object over to Opal and tied it around her neck. "There you are, an opal ribbon for Opal. Hmm, maybe Opalescence would be a better name. Something more regal for something so snooty."

Opal meowed in response.

"You're right, Opalescence. Though I think I will still call you Opal for short. What do you say to that?"

Opal show her agreement by sinking into Rarity's offered hoof.

"Oh, I knew you'd like it." Rarity looked around. "I suppose your home could use a little tidying up. Oh fiddle dee dee, tomorrow's another day. Why don't we go and find you something to use as a cat bed? I know the perfect thing."

For the rest of the afternoon, and well into the evening Rarity gave Opal her constant attention. At times her thoughts were brought back to Bryce, but she let them all sink down. She knew she had to say to something to Bryce, but she would cross that bridge when she came to it. For now, all that mattered was her and Opal.

It Comes Back to You

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Chapter 58: It Comes Back to You

From the top of the stairs, Rivet called, "Bryce."

Not hearing Rivet call his name, Bryce continued hammering in floorboards.

Rivet made his way over to Bryce. He was a stallion who could admire somepony who devoted themselves to their work, but Bryce had been going at it for hours; well through lunch break. And he'd been like this the whole week. Sometimes even the biggest pony needed to take his break. "Bryce, you big ole, why don't you stop and-" The burnt orange stallion's words were cut off by the sound of Bryce's hammer. Wanting to get the human's attention, Rivet went and pecked at Bryce's hardhat.

It had the undesired effect of causing Bryce to jump up and wave the hammer around; the claw missing Rivet by little more than a stubble on the stallion's chin. When Bryce could see straight, he was breathing heavily as he lowered his weapon. "I... I'm sorry, boss. I just have a thing with others touching my head.

Rivet waved it off, more concerned by the human's unending zeal for his work. "Eh, it's no problem, but don't yuh think yuh should take a break? Yuh already worked through the lunch break."

Almost doubting his boss' words, Bryce opened the front casing on his watch. It revealed it was more than half past one. "Damn, it is. I... I didn't know."

"Like I said, I enjoy your work, but you need to relax. Is everything going fine with yuh?"

Bryce crossed his arms behind his back. "No, there's nothing I'd want to concern you with. I'm just...someone who gets well into his work."

Though Rivet could tell Bryce was lying, though not a complete one, he let it slide. "Why don't yuh go on down and eat your lunch? And try and relax. It's been a long time since we had an accident at work and I'd like to keep it that way. Remember, a sound mind in a sound body. So take your time with your lunch, but not too long cause there's still work to be done."

Bryce gave a meek nod. "Yeah, I understand, boss." Tossing his hammer in a pail of nails at the edge of the floor, Bryce made his way down.

It was about half way down he came across Ambrosia, who had a scowl on her face. She stood at the top of the next flight of stairs blocking his path. Bryce made an attempt to get past her, but she said, "What are you doing?"

"I'm just trying to go down and-"

"No, not that. Why are you doing so much work?"

"I'm just doing what I was told to do."

Ambrosia's scowl intensified. "Don't you play that game. You better cut out all this extra work you're doing and stop upstaging us. I've come too far just to be ousted by an ape."

"I'm just doing my job."

"Yes, and cozying up with the boss while you're at it. I've been here for more than five years and I'm not going to be outdone by some hairless ape. So you go and eat your lunch. Go and take all the time you want while the real construction workers do their job."

From the side, Rivet cleared his throat. "Ambrosia," he said to the pale buttercup mare. "A word."

Still flashing a scowl, she said, "Yes, boss."

She walked over to Rivet, giving Bryce access to the lower floors, which he was quick to take.

By the time he reached the ground floor Ambrosia's scolding had began to sink in. Of all the things on his mind it was just one more thing to think about. Finding a spot a good distance away from the site, yet still close enough to see everything and everypony in it, he sat down to try and enjoy Granny Smith's sack lunch.

Inside there was the usual: A peanut butter sandwich, a bottle of water, and, much to Bryce's joy, a fresh gala apple. Pulling the fruit out of the sack, Bryce looked over the morsel's variating red, orange, and yellow skin. From the outside it looked like it would be a good one, he could only hope. After all that had happened Bryce felt as if this one single apple had to be perfect. It had to be something so good it would make him forget the last few days, if only for a few minutes.

Bringing the gala apple to his mouth, he took a bite, and it filled him with joy. It was perfect. It was tart and sweet, but not too much of either one. It was right on the money.

As Bryce swallowed the first bite he took another, and another, and another. He couldn't devour the fruit fast enough. With each bite of the apple into his already full mouth the sweet juices leaked down his mouth. It was a wonder he didn't choke.

When he felt he could take no more in at the moment he felt at peace. It didn't happen often, but Bryce felt himself happy.

He didn't know what all had happened to produce this one apple, or the various steps it took to where it ended up in his sack lunch, but it had served its purpose more than ever thought possible.

By then Bryce had swallowed the apple in his mouth, and was going in for the kill on what remained, when he felt a sharp pain shoot up from the back of his head to the crown. In the process of him grabbing at his head, Bryce dropped the apple. It went rolling into a patch of dirt not too far away.

To say this was pure chance would be one thing, but this exact same feeling had happened to Bryce too often. So often in fact that he knew what it meant. Something was about to happen; right here and right now.

When he had regained control, Bryce started to look around, not bothering to stand. It took a few seconds, but he found it.

At the top floor of the construction site, where Bryce had been hard at work nailing in floorboards, the pail of nails hung off the very edge of the building.

Thinking fast, Bryce turned his gaze down to the ground floor. He saw Jack, who was busy chatting away with Offset.

It was at that same time a strong wind began to blow. It blew in the exact same direction that the heavy laden pail was now falling through the air.

Any second now the pail would reach the ground right where the foreman's brother was standing, who knew not what was to happen.

Any second now Jack Hammer would feel the pail as it came crashing down onto his back.

Any second now the brawny young stallion would be left sitting in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

Then, just as Offset had his back turned away from Jack, the much larger stallion was thrown forward, well out of the way of the falling pail of nails.

As the pail collided with the ground, the entirety of its contents exploded in all directions. At the sound, Offset went scurrying away to safety. From above, both Rivet and Ambrosia looked down to see what had occurred. Jack had yet to move.

After they both saw the scene from above, Rivet and Ambrosia came running down. When they arrived, Jack was still sprawled out on the ground and Offset had came back to see to him.

Ambrosia was the first to speak. "What the hay's going on?"

"I- I don't know," said Offset. "Jack and I were just talking when... This..." He waved a hoof to the empty dented pail.

Rivet bent down to check on his brother. "Jack, get up. Celestia, please be okay."

When the older stallion was grabbed the younger's reaction was to flail about and push himself over to a support beam. The fear in his eyes was quite evident. "Which one of yuh did it!?" He demanded.

"What do you mean?"

"You know who! Who's the one that picked me up and threw me!?"

They all looked at him in confusion. Rivet was at loss for words. "Slow down, what are yuh talkin about?"

"Some- Somepony grabbed me up and threw me! Who done it!?" He pointed to Offset. "Was it you!?"

"Me? Really!?" Offset said in shock.

"Jack, just calm down. Yuh almost came close to getting squashed."

Not it was Jack Hammer's turn to look confused. "Squashed?"

"Yeah, by that." The three ponies moved to allow the light brown stallion to see the pail.

From his expression he was taking a hard time believing what he saw. Not that there was a pail, and it had almost crushed him, but that it now rested on the exact spot he had been no more than a few seconds before. A few seconds before when he felt somepony grab him from behind and thrown him. And now he knew from what. "What... Who did that...?"

In response to Jack's question, Ambrosia again scowled, then turned and walked off. "That stupid..." She said under her breath.

"Amb, don't go doing anything too hasty!" Rivet exclaimed as she saw the mare make her way to Bryce.

Bryce, who had been eating his peanut butter sandwich since the pail struck the ground looked up in time to see Ambrosia punch him on the cheek. "What the buck were you thinking!?" She shouted.

Before she could put in a second punch, Rivet grabbed her hoof. "Ambrosia, stop it. He couldn't have known."

Ambrosia managed to unhook her hoof from the foreman's grip. "You see, Rivet, this is exactly what I was telling you about. This ape's nothing but a liability and an accident waiting to happen. And this just proves my point!"

"I can understand, Ambrosia, but you can't blame Bryce for this. Anypony could have done it."

"Yes, anypony, but he's not a pony. He's nothing but a big, dumb ape. You keep on going on how your the smart one, so if I were you I'd-"

"Yes, but you're not me!" Rivet yelled over the mare. "Now if you value your job you'll start by apologizing to Bryce."

"You can't be-"

"Oh ho, yes I am serious. And until you do I'm afraid you're out of a job."

"What!? Because of him!?"

"This isn't about him! Until you apologize you can just go on home." Seeing there was no reason to argue with the stallion, and not daring to lower herself, Ambrosia threw off her work gear and left for home. Once she was well out of sight, Rivet went over to check on Bryce. "You alright, Big Ole?"

Picking himself out of the dirt, Bryce looked to the foreman. "I don't know, am I missing any teeth?" He opened his mouth for Rivet to see inside.

After a quick inspection, he said, "They all look to be in their proper places."

Bryce closed his mouth. "Good, I'm alright then."

"Are you sure? I've seen Ambrosia hit a stallion before and he looked a lot uglier than you after she was done with'm."

Bryce ran a hand under his jaw, hitting a sore spot where Ambrosia's hoof had connected. "Well, Applejack threw a nastier hook than she ever could. That felt like nothing."

"That's good. I didn't want to have to lose two of my workers. Don't you worry about her. She's been this way before, but she'll come around."

"If you say so," said Bryce, "but I wish you hadn't fired her."

"Don't you worry about that; this was on her."

"Still... How's your brother?"

"Jack? He's shaken up." He looked over to Jack, who was being looked over by Offset. "It's nothing too bad. But what he's going on about is strange."

"Uh, really?" Bryce asked. "What's he saying."

"Something about somepony grabbin'm up and tossin'm. Could you imagine somepony strong enough ta do that?"

"Well, no. I mean, I could carry Rust Bucket, but I was, you know, all the way over here... Eating lunch... Alone..."

Rivet looked back to Bryce, who didn't look back. After a few seconds, the foreman asked, "You didn't happen to see what grabbed him, did yuh?"

"What, me? No... No I was, you know, like I said, eating lunch. I didn't see anything." Bryce still refused to meet the burnt orange stallion's gaze. "Uh... What are you going to do about him?"

"I think I should get him over to the doc and see if anything's broken or loose. Like I said: A sound mind in a sound body. If something's broken than he can't work. Plus, he's my brother."

"Yeah, well," Bryce said, "you can do that."

"I can. And since he and I aren't going to be here I think it would be best for you and Off to take the rest of the day off."

"What, but there's still a lot of work that needs to be done."

"Yeah, there is. But I can't have only two guys working a job this big. Don't worry, I'll pay yuh both before I leave. After that I want you to go and start the weekend early. You're looking a little tense."

Bryce gave a nod as he looked to his lunch in the dirt.

He went to leave, but Rivet said, "And Bryce, thanks."

Bryce finally met Rivet's gaze. "For what?"

The foreman gave a knowing smile.

After a few seconds, Bryce turned away and began his trek back to the farm. After getting a coworker fired, sending everypony home, and now this. He had a lot on his mind, and it felt to be on the limits.


The following Sunday, Bryce again decided to take some time for himself, with only Corn to keep him company. He was walking along a dirt path, not fully concerned with who he saw or where he was going. What had happened the week before last had been nerve wrecking. The following week since the incident with Rarity had brought back old memories. Memories of things that had long past in his life were now all coming back to him for some reason or another. Whatever god or demon had decided to do such a thing to him at this time must be having the time of their life.

Without much prompting, Bryce said, "Why now, Corn? I'd hoped I could get past it all. I've told you everything that's happened, haven't I?"

Corn continued walking at his boy's side.

"Yeah, I know. We both know what I can do, but you're a dog, you get the worst end of the deal on everything compared to humans."

They both continued walking along the dirt path.

"What are you trying to say, I should just go on out and tell them? I can't do that, I only just getting used to these...horse things. You don't know what it's like. At the end of the day the biggest problem you have is whether or not you get to sleep in the big bed, or that someone forgot to refill your food bowl. What if I did tell them? I can't take another rejection from anyone. They all seem nice, and kind, and... Friendly... If they know what I can do... I just can't do it."

From behind, someone asked, "Can't do what?"

Bryce stopped at the intrusion of this voice. Looking back, he found Pinkie Pie standing right behind him. "Oh, Pinkamena...? Wha- what's go on?"

"I don't know. Something told me to come and find you. I went to Sweet Apple Acres, but you weren't there. Applejack said you were out this way. So I was walking and walking and walking some more until I found you."

For a few seconds, Bryce stared at the pink mare, expecting her to say something. When she didn't, he said, "Well, you found me. So what do you want?"

"Oh, I don't know. Something just told me to come out here and find you. I get feelings like that sometimes. Though sometimes they're a lot more obvious. Like whenever I feel a twitch in my tail it means somethings about to fall. Or when my knee gets pinchy, that means something scary's about to happen. And sometimes I get a strange feeling all over."

"Well, what does that mean?"

"I don't know, but whenever I get that feeling it means there's something somewhere watching us. Sometimes even controlling our very thoughts and actions."

After a short pause, Bryce asked, "Well, do you feel anything like that now?"

Pinkie brought a hoof to her chin. "Hmm... Nope, mostly my tummy's just rumbling."

"So, what does that mean?"

"That one's tricky. Sometimes it means I'm about to see something that's way neato. Though it usually it means I'm hungry." At that, the pink mare's stomach let out a loud grumble. "Hmm, nope, I think it means I'm hungry. Or it could be both. Oh, I know. Why don't we go and see if Fluttershy's home. Maybe we can all sit down together for lunch."

Bryce was prepared to decline. "I don't know. I really just want to be-"

But Pinkie didn't give him time to finish. "Come on, I'm sure it'll be fun. Maybe my tummy is telling us something neato is about to happen. If not, then at least we'll get something to put in it."

Bryce was reluctant to go along with the mare, with all that had happened in the last week, but now something seemed to be pushing him to go along. Maybe Pinkie Pie was right. Maybe it would be fun.


It had turned out horrible. Way beyond horrible.

For more than ten minutes now he had sat in silence. While he sat, he watched as Fluttershy cuddled Angel, Rarity stared at Bryce with a look of unease, and Pinkie downed the lunch Fluttershy had prepared for them to quell her rumbling stomach.

Lifting his mug, Bryce took another swig of coffee. Though it had four cubes of sugar, the drink tasted quite bitter, but he drank it. After what he'd done it was the best thing to help him recover and replenish.

The minute Bryce arrived at Fluttershy's cottage he felt he had done wrong by trusting the party mare's gut. He felt this way as he came up and saw not only was Fluttershy home, but that Rarity happened to be there as well.

At the pair's approach, both Bryce and Rarity tensed up at first sight of the other. Rarity, for the most part, seemed normal. The only disparity in her appearance was the addition of a knit hat, the same color blue as her eyes, which adorned he head, hiding her mane from view. If one knew the entire story, they need not guess why she now wore something so out of season.

After noticing her friend's pause, Fluttershy turned to see Bryce and Pinkie approach. "Oh, hello, Bryce, Pinkie. What brings you here?"

"I don't know," said Pinkie, "something told me I needed to be out here. Oh, and it also told me to bring Bryce."

Knowing not to question Pinkie on such urges, Fluttershy said, "Well, it's nice to see you both. And you too, Corn." The canine answered with a wet lick across the buttercup mare's face. "Is there something you needed though?"

"Yeah. My tummy's rumbling, and I can't tell if it's from hunger or something neato."

"Oh, well I have a few more animals I need to tend to first. I can fix us something to eat afterwards. I- If you don't mind waiting."

Pinkie shook her head. "No, I don't mind. I'm going to look around; maybe I'll find whatever's making my tummy all rumbly." Having said that, Pinkie went about Fluttershy's property in search of whatever had first brought her out this way.

After Fluttershy went back to tending to the animals under her care, that left Bryce to be alone with Rarity. Neither had yet recovered from the sight of the other. Corn would have been a good distraction, but the dog had decided to make his own fun by chasing squirrels and the like up into trees, barking up into the canopy at them.

Looking around for something else to look at, Bryce saw two turtles. Though it seemed only one of them was a turtle; a small snapping turtle no larger than a saucer. The second was a large tortoise, who was being picked at by his much smaller evolutionary cousin. At a single bite across its nose, the tortoise retreated into its shell. The snapping turtle, however, refused to give up so easily and continued to nip at the tortoise's shell.

Right now, Bryce wished he had a shell to duck into. After the way he and Rarity had parted ways last week he couldn't imagine the bites Rarity wanted to dish out. He also thought a good name for the snapping turtle would be 'Black Knight'.

At the exact same time, both said the others name. After a surprised pause, they said in unison, "I just wanted to say-"

"No, you go first, darling."

"No, you go ahead."

"It just seems-"

"No, ladies first."

"Oh... Okay then. I wanted to apologize for my behavior last week."

Bryce tried to butt in, "Rarity, you don't have to-"

"No, I must get this off my chest." She paused to clear her throat. "Bryce... The other day... When I was...acting unlike myself. Oh drat, I had this all thought in my head..." She thought for a second before saying, "Let me start over. Bryce, I-"

Bryce held a hand up to stop her. "Rarity, I know what you're going to say."

"Oh... You do?"

"Yes, I do. I know now how you really feel about me. I mean, I know I'm dense. Very very dense. You'd laugh at me if I told you how long it took me to understand the riddle about what gets wetter as it dries."

"Why, a towel, of course."

"Yes, I know that, but I meant it took me a few years to finally understand it. I'm just that way. But this is beside the point right now."

Bryce took a moment to breathe deep. "Rarity, I know how you feel about me, but I don't feel the same way about you."

At that Rarity's jaw almost dropped. 'What... What do you mean? How can you... I mean, the way you looked at me. When we had found just the right outfit."

"Yes, and you were beautiful. Very beautiful. But beyond that I felt nothing more."

Rarity wasn't sure how to feel after what he said. It felt like she had shown Bryce her own beating heart, and all he wanted to do was take it and stomp it into the dirt. Rarity would open her mouth as if to speak, but no words would come up. After much effort, she gave up and turned her head down; a single tear escaping her sapphire eyes.

Through it all Bryce saw this. He could feel for the mare, in more ways than one. But when he witnessed that one tear, he felt on the point of breaking. "Rarity," he said, trying to calm the sullen mare, "I didn't tell you this to be mean. But I don't feel for you as you do for me. I mean, what were you expecting, for this to be like a romance novel?"

In a way, Rarity had thought just that. She was no stranger herself to that certain literature. But it didn't help her feel much better.

"I wanted to try and spare your feelings before you became too involved. Though, I guess...you might've already..." Bryce began to wiggle his toes in his usual way.

Right now, Rarity wanted to be angry at the human. Hell, she wanted to send him to wherever ponies like him deserved to go. But now, after hearing him further, she was conflicted. She was still quite mad, mind you, but for some reason she felt more at peace. Looking back, she could understand what Bryce said before: How she looked beautiful, but that was all he felt for her. To Bryce she was beautiful, and that was all. And in the same way, she saw Bryce as something that was only beautiful but had no intention of calling her own.

She also felt as if she should be the one the blame. And that still after all she had said and how she came close to ending his life via sewing machine, Bryce had been kind to her.

And then from below her, Rarity felt something soft and fluffy run itself around her hooves. Taking a look, she found it to be her kitten, Opalescence, the very reason Rarity had came to see Fluttershy. All morning, the kitten had been acting sickly. It had turned out to be that the expensive cat food Rarity had bought for her had been like poison to her stomach. Rarity didn't know why it would affect her in that way after two weeks, but it had brought her and Bryce together again.

Rarity nestled Opal in close. If it hadn't been for the kitten that night Rarity didn't know if she would have had the strength to go on. And if it hadn't been for Bryce she may have never had Opal in the first place. She could have turned into a rotten carcass that would leave her boutique with a lingering rancid odor.

Under her breath, Rarity said, "Opal..."

"What was that?" Bryce asked.

With a smile, Rarity looked to Bryce. "Opal. I named her Opal."

It was then Bryce noticed the opal studded collar around the Persian's neck. "Well, that is a good name for her. It really sticks out as her name."

"Yes, well, it was like you said: I sniffed it out. You see, when she came to see about me I smelt my Opal brand perfume on her fur. And it looks to have been a good match."

"Well, I was going to tell you she'd done that. But then..." Bryce let it trail off from there.

"I see." A sad mood again settled over Rarity. "Bryce, I'm sorry about how I reacted. It was very uncouth, and I intend to make up for it."

"Rarity, don't-"

He's still the same no matter what. She thought. "I won't hear of it this time. After what I said and did to you it is my turn to return the favor."

"Well, if you must, but I still want to make up for myself. If it weren't for me your room won't have gotten burnt. At least let me pay you back by recarpeting the floor and doing any other repairs."

"Bryce, I won't ask that of you."

"Then let me, please. I won't accept no as an answer."

"Well... If you feel you must. But I stll intend to make up for the wrong I did to you. If you accept that than I'll accept your proposal."

Bryce gave a meek nod. "Okay."

"Right, now that that's settled why don't we see how Fluttershy is doing, shall we?"

Before Rarity could walk away, Bryce said to her, "Rarity, I don't know if this would mean anything to you, but I'm sure in some other reality we made a great couple. But in this reality I hope you accept me as a friend, and only a friend."

Rarity gave a smile. "After all we've been through I would like that. I would like that a lot."

They sealed this agreement with a smile.

"There is one thing though, Rarity. What did you see in me?"

For a moment, Rarity was cut off guard, but she regained her composure rather quick. "This may sound silly, but a few years back there was somepony who acted a lot like you. After as long as I've known you the resemblance is uncanny. I did have a slight crush on him, even though he was a few years younger than me."

"By how many years?"

"Bryce, it's impolite to discuss such things. But still, I had feelings for him. But it seems we weren't meant to be together either."

"Why, what happened?"

"He's...in a better place now. I greaved for a while, but I got over him. I think of him every so often, but he's little more than a memory to me now."

"Well, what was his name?"

"It's rather funny, it's-"

Whatever Rarity was to say was cut off by the intrusion of not one, but two barks coming from two different animals.

"Pinkie, stop barking at those squirrels!" Rarity shouted.

Looking over, Bryce could see both Corn and Pinkie Pie barking into the top of a tree. He could hardly hold himself back from laughing at the sight. "Let her have her fun, she's only wanting to be carefree and fun loving, like a dog."

"Maybe so, but that's no way for a mare to act."

Suddenly, Corn stopped barking when the top part of a carrot was thrown at him.

Fluttershy had seen it happen. "Angel, don't do that. He's only-" What came next was nothing anybody could have stopped.

Corn went running after her rabbit.

After seeing Corn come towards him Angel let out a loud squeak before running off in fright.

"Oh no, Corn, don't hurt him!" The buttercup pegasus took flight after them both.

Fluttershy tried her hardest to catch up to them both, putting as much force into her wings as she possibly could muster. But she just couldn't move fast enough.

The large dog was able to catch up to Angel. He bit down on the white bunny rabbit without pause.

Fluttershy collided with Corn making him release her pet. When she saw Angel she was at a loss for words.

Bryce came running over. "Fluttershy, is he-" He was shocked when he saw Angel. One would think after a bite like that he'd be dead, but the rabbit was still clinging to life. His once white coat was stained pink with his own blood. Bryce could only stand and watch as the rabbit struggled to get his next breath.

Bryce's expression melted down into one of bitter rage. He wanted more than anything now to take it out on Corn, he'd taught him better than that. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" He questioned Corn.

Corn stood there wth his tail tucked down, letting out whines.

Bryce kicked him in the flank sending him to the ground with a loud yelp. "What the hell went through your head, boy!?"

Corn barked back.

Fluttershy took notice of Corn's barking. "What do you mean-"

Bryce gave the dog a second swift kick to the side. "Shut your mouth!"

Corn gave a whimper.

"Bryce, wait, he just said-"

Bryce again kicked his dog. He looked to Fluttershy. "Don't believe a word of what he says. I can't save Angel." Bryce slammed his hand over his mouth.

Fluttershy was about to say more, but she caught on to what Bryce had said. "Bryce... How do you know what he said?" The human refused to meet the pegasus' eyes.

Corn gave another whimper.

"Bryce?" Asked Fluttershy. "Is what he's saying true? Can you save Angel?"

Bryce turned away so he couldn't see the scene. "No... I can't... Corn... He's lying to you..."

Corn gave a throaty bark. You're the liar, Bryce.

"Corn, shut up!"

"Bryce..." Fluttershy pleaded.

"Fluttershy, I can't... You're rabbit..." He couldn't bring himself to say 'You're rabbit will die.'

Tears began to pour down the pegasus' cheeks. She turned back to Angel, who still struggled to take his next breath. When she saw him, her tears dripped down stronger than before. She was too attached to him to try anything, and if she didn't do something than Angel would die for sure. She couldn't move.

Meanwhile, Bryce continued to look away, but he could feel what was going on behind him.

Corn gave a loud bark. You're not going to do anything?

Shut up!

Corn barked louder. You can't do this and you know it. You'll never forgive yourself.

Shut! Up!

Corn growled a low growl. You let my mate die, and you couldn't do a thing before. Now that you can do something to help here you'll stand there and do nothing?

This is not the same!

The dog huffed. Bullshit! If this were Zira now you'd save her. Why can't you do this? I know you feel the pain she's feeling; you can't hide that from me. If you won't do anything than you are the monster that other bird-horse said you were. Go ahead and let the rabbit die, at least than your secret's safe. It's just the pet of the one who rescused me, and who you do hold feelings for, what difference does it make?

Balling his fists, Bryce stomped the ground. With it came a breeze that sent up a few blades of grass. All the animals around Fluttershy's cottage who saw this retreated back from the human's location. "Fine..." Bryce said bluntly.

Hearing Bryce speak, Fluttershy turned to him. "Bryce..."

Bryce turned to look at her. "Fluttershy, I can save him, but I must act fast."

She was thrown back by his words. "But...you said..."

Bryce walked over and bent down towards Angel, who looked soon to fade into the deepest sleep. Slapping his hands together, Bryce started to rub them together lengthwise. From within Fluttershy saw a pale glow eminate from his palms. After the glow became brighter, Bryce took the rabbit as careful as he could into his hands. Then, taking in a breath, he squeezed his hands gently around Angel's form.

The entire time Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie watched this transpire they said nothing and dared not to move an inch. They couldn't see Angel through the glow, but they knew he was there.

Then, as quick as the glow had began it subsided.

Held within Bryce's hands was the rabbit, but it gave no sign of life.

Fluttershy felt a fresh stream of tears begin to come forth.

Bryce rolled his hands until his left hand was flat. When he uncovered his right hand the three mares could see Angel balled up.

For a second he gave no movements, but then came the twitch of an ear. Then another. Then a wiggle of toes and a flap of of a puffy tail.

When Angel's eyes opened there was no way to tell who was more surprised for the white bunny to still hold life.

With caution, Angel pushed himself up with his fore paws. Looking at his fur he saw it was still stained pink, but as for the gashes the stain had sprang from there were nought.

Holding onto Bryce's fingers as the human moved, he was deposited at the hooves of his owner. Taking a step onto the grass, he did nothing but stand his ground.

"Angel..." Said Fluttershy as she looked over her revitalized pet.

Angel looked up to his owner, having before been afraid this may be the last he ever saw her.

With a fresh round of tears, Fluttershy took Angel in her hooves and cradled him tight into her chest. "Angel..." She choked out. She looked up to his rescurer. "Bryce..." But anything she'd have said was cut short by Bryce's appearance.

The human was pale. Not his usual pale, but something lighter than before.

Fluttershy had seen Bryce this same shade before, but that was when he'd brought in Rainbow. After he had found Rainbow injured at the orchard. She was quick to draw the connection. "Bryce..."

Bryce gave a wheeze in response.

This is what brought them into Fluttershy's cottage now, and why they all sat in silence.

As Bryce finished his second cup of coffee and poured himself a third, he heard the inevitable question he knew would be asked.

It was Rarity who had decided to break the seal. "Bryce, what was that?"

After mixing in four cubes of sugar, stirring them in, and taking a drink, Bryce took in a deep breath.

"That was my life force."


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Chapter 59: Chronicle

"Your life force?"

"My life force."

"Your...life force...?"

"Yes, my life force."

"Life...force...?" Rarity asked a third time.

"Yes, life force," replied Bryce.

There came a moment of silence between Bryce and the ponies. Bryce took the time to look them over.

The entire time, Rarity hadn't taken her eyes off of him; even when Bryce would look back. It was uncertain if she did it out of concern for his pasty complexion, out of worry that he might keel over from the lightest breeze, or out of fear.

Fluttershy was not able to allow herself to look up at Bryce, or at anything for that matter. She instead kept her gaze on the white bunny rabbit held in her hooves. Angel had never been the easiest pet under the timid mare's care, nor had he been the kindest, but after all the time she had put into him she couldn't imagine her life without him.

Every so often, Fluttershy would turn Angel around with care, trying to find the slightest hint of of a bite mark, a puncture wound, any evidence that Angel had came close bleeding out. But there was nothing. Whatever this life force was, it had left Angel without a blemish.

Pinkie Pie had likewise kept her head turned down, but more so that she could see her meal. It had been a fair amount of time since Bryce healed Angel, but the mare's stomach had yet to cease its grumbling. In her mind it meant that she must be very hungry.

As Bryce began to pour himself another cup of coffee, and add four cubes of sugar to the brew, Rarity spoke up. "Bryce, forgive me, but what exactly was that?"

"I told you: Life force."

"I get that, but I guess what I'm asking is: What is it?"

"Life force," Bryce said.

Rarity facehoofed. By Celestia, dense is dense, but this...! She thought to herself.

I told you that already.

She looked back up to Bryce. "I know you did; don't rub it in!" What she found was Bryce, but he was busy drinking his coffee.

After placing his cup down, he asked, "Don't rub what in?"

She raised a hoof in his direction. "Didn't you just say... Oh, nevermind." She took a deep breath, then let it out. "Bryce, will you please tell me what life force is?"

Bryce started to explain, but was interrupted by Pinkie. "Life force is the stuff that resides inside every living being. The stuff that keeps our souls inside our bodies. You're born with it, but over time the membrane that keeps it inside your body becomes weaker and weaker, until *poof*, your life force leaks out and you die." She went back to devouring her meal.

Bryce and Rarity looked to the party mare in shock. "Right... That's about the gist of it," Bryce said as he swirled the contents of his mug.

"Oh... Okay, now I guess my next question would be how did you do...that...?" She said, waving a hoof towards Angel.

"Well, it's something... Something I inherited."

"You...inherited...?" Rarity asked, not taking full grasp of the human's words.

Bryce shook his head. "No, that's the wrong word. It more like..." Bryce took a pause to think. "It's like backwash. You know, when you have a little bit of food in your mouth, but then you go to take a drink. A bit of the food washes back into the glass. Backwash."

"So, you're saying this...ability? You can bring your life force to the surface because...? Why?"

"I can do it because it was backwashed to me." The look Rarity gave made it clear she wasn't getting it. With little else to give as an example, Bryce clapped his hands together, getting Pinkie's attention. With his palms held together, Bryce rubbed them lengthwise. Again a pale glow came from within.

When Bryce separated his hands, Rarity found the glow's source. It was from a small mass. This mass looked to be in a constant flux between different states of matter.

She was uncertain, but seeing this glob filled Rarity with a feeling of bottomless joy. A feeling of being a young filly again with her baby sister on Hearth's Warming Eve. Rarity would tease with a candy cane she kept well out of reach of the little foal sister. Rarity would lower the 'J' shaped treat close to Sweetie Belle's toothless mouth. But before the foal could grab it with her gums it would be snatched up by a a blue aura. It may have been rude of Rarity at the time, but it did fill the mare with such joy.

Then, just as fast as the glowing glob had appeared it sank back down into Bryce's palm, and the feeling of joy left with it. Looking into Bryce's grey eyes brought Rarity back to the present. "I can do this because someone did it to me," Bryce explained.

"Somepony did that to you? You mean like you did to Angel?" Bryce gave a nod. "So, does that mean Angel...?"

Bryce shrugged. "I don't really know if he can. I don't know all the rules behind it, but there is a chance, but it is a small one. He has a better chance of it improving the abilities he already has. It depends upon where you put it. For it to work on you, for example, I would need to rub my life force onto your hooves."

"Uhm, I don't think I would like that."

"Well, even if you wanted it I wouldn't do it now. I need to build my life force back up." He ended this by downing the remainder of his coffee mug.

"Is that why you're drinking coffee?"

"Yes. It's like Pinkamena said: 'Life force resides in every living being. But there are other things, as well. Things high in sugar or glucose and the like are the best. Any food can, though they tend to have more in them the fresher the ingredients, and if they don't contain very many artificial additives."

"So right now you're trying to replace what you gave away, so to speak?"

"Exactly. You see, in every living thing there is a membrane, which cannot be seen with the naked eye. It's a lot like a balloon: The more time that passes since it was inflated the more the air inside sweeps out. When we eat we are refilling the balloon, but with life force instead of air. But over time the membrane becomes weaker until it can't hold it in any longer. Think of it as if you fill a balloon with so much air it just pops. It's like that, but this membrane is instead becoming too weak to hold in our lifeforce. It usually gives out whenever it's your time to go."

"You said 'usually', can it be released in another way?"

"Well, yes. Whenever someone becomes too sick or sustains a really bad injury the membrane gives and the person or thing dies."

"But how were you able to heal Angel?" Rarity asked.

At mention of her pet's name, Fluttershy left the room to place Angel into bed.

Once she was out of the room, Bryce answered, "My life force replaced his blood and sealed the wounds. The actual 'how' though I can't say. There's a theory that as blood holds oxygen life force holds life. But it's impossible to test."

"But you yourself called it life force. I would think it's self explanatory."

"Well, that's just one name for it. It also goes by aether, spirit, ka, akasha. It's more along the lines of the essence of all living things."

"Then where did it come from?"

Bryce raised his shoulders. "We just don't know."

By then Pinkie had finished eating, but her stomach continued to rumble. Regardless of how much she filled the void her tummy gave out a roar. She held a hoof up to her chin as she stared it her stuff gut. Hmm, I guess it didn't mean I was hungry. But Bryce already did something neato. What else could it be?

"Well in any case," Rarity said, "I would say you've had more than enough sugar and coffee. I think you've talked to me more today than you ever have before."

"What, me?" Bryce said in a quick tone. "I never talk. I'm always the quietest one. I can be quiet. I'm always quiet."

Rarity levitated the sugar bowl and coffee can out of Bryce's reach before he could fill the mug. "Your skin tone seems to be returning rather nicely, if I do say so myself. So after that mug, no more."

Bryce rapped a knuckle on the table in defeat. "If you say so. I don't even like the taste. I mean, it's like a drug. I just got a taste of it and I want more."

"Well you're not getting any. But I want to ask one more thing. How many more humans can do what you can do? How many can use their life force in such a way?"

"Not very many. Less than a percent of a percent of a percent of a percent."

"Then are there any other abilities?"

Bryce sat up straight. "No, uh, why would you ask?"

"You said you, uh hem, 'backwashed' that ability from somepony. I was just wondering if there were more."

"Well, no. There aren't any others."

As Bryce finished his sentence Pinkie's belly let out an audible groan in response. The party mare took her food baby belly in her fore legs. "What's the matter, belly? You're already full, what else can there be?"

Her belly roared again.

"Bryce did something neato."

The party mare's belly gave a longer, rolling groan.

"Pinkie, what is it telling you?" asked Rarity.

"I don't know. I can't speak Belloni very well. I can speak Candi but not Belloni."

Her belly groaned, causing her body to quake.

If what Pinkie had told him was true, then Bryce could think of one reason why it now growled. He didn't need to be an expert in Belloni to know what it found neato.

Bryce opened the front casing of his watch. "Well, it's getting late. I guess I should be getting back to the farm." He stood, picking up his coffee mug as he did so.

"Are you sure, Bryce? You haven't had anything solid to eat," Rarity stated.

"Well, I think I'll wait until I get back to the farm."

Pinkie's stomach let out a roar. "What's that? Bryce can do what?"

"I...can to get back to the house. It was nice seeing you al-"

It roared again, this time sounding like a growling dog. "I didn't quite catch that last part."

Bryce stopped when he saw Fluttershy coming down the hall. She still had a sad mother's look on her face. "Well, I'm gonna get going, Shy. I'll bring your mug back if I don't for-"

Bryce was cut off again by Pinkie's stomach, which growled loud enough to rival a clap of thunder by itself.

Bryce balled up his fists and turned to face Pinkie. "Would you shut that thing up! It's getting on my last-"

Before Bryce could finish, Fluttershy let out a yelp. Rarity looked to her in concern. "Fluttershy, what's the..." She trailed off from what she saw.

Pinkie, who had had her back turned, looked back and said, "Oh, that is neato!"

Bryce was dumbfounded by the three mares' expressions. Hearing Fluttershy's scream was one thing, but now that the two remaining mares were speechless he knew something wasn't right.

He took a look down at his hands; his empty hands. Where was the coffee mug? Bryce thought back. He'd had it when he got up from the table, and when he was close to walking out the door, but when he had turned back to yell at Pinkie... Bryce felt his stomach drop, and his pupils shrink. No, not now! He thought to himself.

Biting down on his lip, and turning around to face Fluttershy, Bryce found his coffee mug.

He was still holding it, but not in his two now shaking physical hands.

The mug was being held in midair, jerking about like his hands were now. It was a wonder none of the coffee had spilled out.

Bryce felt it hard to breathe.

He looked back to Rarity and Pinkie, who were shocked and surprised, respectively.

The room felt like it was spinning.

His telekenetic hold on the coffee mug was loosened enough that the porcelain cup fell to the floor, shattering to pieces.

He saw Rarity's mouth move, but if she said anything Bryce couldn't comprehend her words.

He said, "I think I should be getting on home."

Rarity jumped up and got in Bryce's way. She again spoke in mute words. From her face she looked gravely concerned.

he felt something trickle out of his nose. Wiping his hand under his nose he found a crimson stain left behind. "Rar... Rar... Rarity, I think I may stay for a little while...longer..."

Bryce felt himself go weightless; the room fading to black as fell to the floor.


The timber wolves were coming, and within seconds the pack would be upon the earth pony, the human, and the mare-sized canine.

Applejack, however, wasn't sure which she wanted to get at first: the fifteen timber wolves coming their way, or Bryce, who up until now she had thought had taken on a timber wolf single handed and won unscathed. Although in truth she couldn't be too mad at him for this; she hadn't felt like asking for the means in which he had beheaded the wooden pooch then. But now that she knew, the confidence she had of them all getting back to the house alive was greatly diminished.

Applejack had been no stranger when it came to ruffing up timber wolves. In fact, she'd done so on numerous occasions. But all the times before there had been around five, eight wolves at the most.

If the number of the timber wolves were five, or even ten then maybe maybe they had a chance, but there were fifteen. And with that great a number, and with the apple mare being the only one capable of taking on a pack, the chances were slim in Applejack's mind. She wasn't even sure how, if through any means, they could take on a pack that had the numbers to flank them from all sides at once.

Regardless of this, Applejack looked to her side to see Bryce, the shovel he'd brought held out to keep his foes at a distance, and Corn, whose fur was standing on end and teeth were bared. Despite her doubts, if they were to go down she knew it would be a good fight. Staring back into the orchard, Applejack narrowed her eyes in determination, prepared to turn on her hooves and buck the first walking pile of fire wood that came at her.

She didn't have to wait long as the first wooden pooch came sprinting at her at top speed. In a heartbeat, Applejack turned and rammed her back hooves into the timber wolf, sending its individual pieces scattering in all directions.


At the same time, Bryce swung his shovel at a wolf. He sliced deep into its bark carapace and dismembered one of its legs. Retracting the blade from the timber wolf's side, Bryce took a knee, while planting the handle into the ground behind him, and thrust the shovel into the plastron of a timber wolf about to pounce him. With the wolf still caught on the shovel, Bryce swung the tool around, sending it flying. Using the momentum while he still had it, he then spun around and lopped off the left side of a third wolf's face sending it to the ground with a loud yelp. He then took the time to ensure it stayed down by impaling the shovel through its neck, extinguishing the green glow in its eyes.


Corn, however, was not being as fortunate. The German Shepherd had been no stranger himself when it came to fighting wolves, but these 'wolves' were showing to be more difficult for him. Currently, he had one pinned down on its back, biting into its throat. But whenever Corn bit down his maw was filled with painful splinters. Ignoring of the pain, Corn bit at the wolf under him. He stopped after the wolf fell crumbled into lifelessness.


Applejack, who had retreated a short distance away before any timber wolves could get the jump on her, saw all of this happen. She was beyond belief. From her experience, the human had always seemed like a big statue; unmovable and hard to take down. But from what she had just seen that was far from the truth. She didn't take too much time to think about this as a wolf came charging at her. Stepping to the side at the last second, her attacker crashed head first into a tree, not shattering it but leaving it disorientated. Applejack took advantage of this and bucked out the wolf's head.


Bryce was quick to realize his folly in his last action. His weapon had become lodged in the ground and refused to give up its ground. It was at that moment a pair of timber wolves noticed the human's plight and came running at him. With a much greater effort, Bryce pulled at the handle. By the time the two wolves reached him he pulled the shovel out with a whip, knocking away one. However, Bryce wasn't able to ward off the second wolf as it forced him down on his back. He barely had the time to place an forearm into its mouth. With his free hand, Bryce felt around for anything to smash into the wolf's skull. What he found was beyond ordinary, but the still snapping timber wolf head did the trick as it gnawed into its pack member. Holding up his shovel, Bryce beat the pair relentlessly into the mud.


Corn was in a faceoff with his second opponent. The splinters that had gotten lodged into his mouth made it difficult, almost impossible for him to continue on. When Corn went for his next bite the pain in his maw was too much to bear. His opponent had no sympathy for the canine as he made a move to attack. Its attack was cut off when he it was sent away in pieces.


Corn's brown eyes looked over to see a familiar freckled face. "Corn, yuh better get on back ta the house, sugarcube. You're too hurt ta help anymore."

He was about to whine in protest when Bryce cried, "Do what she says, Corn." He stopped to smack another timber wolf away. "You're too hurt to be of any use. Get going while you can." Bryce jabbed the blade into the wolf's exposed underbelly and twisted it around for good measure.


Corn was reluctant to do as he was told, but he knew his boy and Applejack were right. Running in the direction of the house, the sound of Bryce and Applejack's battle died in the sound of rainfall.

Back at the clearing, Bryce and the orange mare had formed up back to back.

The five remaining timber wolves began to form a tight circle around the pair until they were each a little more than ten feet away from them both.

Bryce and Applejack were winded from their experience thus far. Between breathes, the mare said, "Yuh seem ta be holding yourself up nicely there, Bryce."

"Well, you shouldn't have underestimated me. I've got more secrets than you could ever know."

Applejack gave a chuckle. "Yeah, like what?"

The few timber wolves around them took a single step closer to their prey, snarling in hunger and hatred.

“No time; wolves.“ Bryce answered.

In an instant, four of the five wolves charged forward in unison, three at Bryce and one at Applejack. The larger pack leader held back.

Applejack, instead of spinning around on her hooves, charged into the one closest to her. The timber wolf hadn't expected this and was knocked into the air, falling a short distance away. Applejack took the chance and gave another swift buck into its wooden cranium, vaporizing the life from its timbered form.


The apple mare wasted no time in turning back to help Bryce, but as it turned out he didn’t need it. She found that Bryce had already taken down the three that had been after him and was now staring the largest of the pack square in the face.


But instead of Bryce holding the shovel out to defend himself, he had placed it in the ground behind him.

For seconds the timber wolf stared back at Bryce, snarling as he did so, but Bryce remained statue still.

Eventually, and this was something that puzzled Applejack more than anything, the timber wolf whimpered in fear before turning around and high-tailing it out of there.

For a minute, Bryce did nothing except stare off to where the timber wolf had retreated, then over to Applejack. "Are you hurt?" He bluntly asked.

"Ah... Ah don’t think so."

Bryce made his way over to her. “Go and walk around a bit to be sure." Applejack moved around the clearing a few feet. With each step of her right back leg the apple mare let out a hiss. "Do you think you'll be able to make it to the house?"

The apple mare leaned against a tree. "It hurts, but not enough ta make it unbearable. What about you? Did you get-" To Applejack's horror, a fair amount of blood was seeping out of the teeth marks in his right arm. "Bryce..."

"It's nothing. It barely hurts."

"It looks horrible!"

"Well, it looks worse than it feels. There's nothing that can be done now."

"Yeah, but-" As Applejack scratched the back of her head she expected to find her Stetson, but all she found was her blonde mane. "Gosh darn it! Did yuh see where my hat went?" Bryce nodded over to a far off apple tree. Hanging on a tree limb was the Stetson. Applejack let out a sigh. "Bryce, Ah'd hate ta ask this of yuh in your condition, but could yuh-"

"Yeah, I'll get it." Taking the shovel in his left hand, Bryce poked at the Stetson in an attempt to coerce it down.

"Hey!" Applejack yelled. "Try and be careful with it. It's...important ta me."

"I'm trying; it's the hat that won't cooperate."

"Well, just...be careful, please." As Bryce continued to poke at the Stetson, Applejack asked, "Hey...Bryce. Ah'm... Ah'm sorry about what Ah thought about yuh. It's just...Ah was so-"

"It's alright." Was all Bryce said.

"Wha...? But...all Ah said..."

"Well, let's just say attempted murderer isn't the worst thing someone's ever called me."

Applejack shook her head. "Ah just don't get yuh, but after everything that's happened Ah think it'd be best ta just accept it."

"Well, you'll save time that way. H, I don't even understand some of the things I do."

"Well, Ah'm still sorry for it; for saying that and doubtin yuh. Ah still can't get over how yuh took on them timber wolves. Ah've faced my fair share and Ah could never have taken'em with that kinda work." Applejack then asked something that had been bugging her. "Hey, what happened with the last one?"

Unbeknownst to them, the remains of fourteen timber wolves had scurried away into the orchard.

"What do you mean?"

"Ah don't understand how yuh scared'm off. Ah mean, yuh didn't even move but it still ran off like you were about to light'm on fire."

"Well, maybe that's what it thought. Who knows? All I know is that it won't be gone for long, so keep a lookout." With a few more careful pokes, the Stetson came loose from the tree, only to be caught in a burst of wind once again. "Damn it all!" Bryce yelled. Despite her injury, Applejack ran after her Stetson. "AJ, wait!"

Applejack didn't hear Bryce call out to her, and ran after her hat. When she found it laying on the ground her mind was still on it. If she had looked past it, she would have noticed the pair of green glowing eyes directly above her, but all she could see was the Stetson.

At her approach, a large wooden paw blocked her path, forcing her to skid to a halt. Her heart leaped into her throat as she sized up the wolf, which suddenly seemed much bigger than she remembered. Applejack nostrils were filled with the scent of its breath: a mixture of road kill, mold, and soggy wood. For whatever reason her body refused to react as the timber wolf lowered its head, giving her a good view of the smoothed white bones and red tinted fur of whatever poor woodland creatures had been unfortunate enough to be called a meal.

The timber wolf was going to enjoy this meal. For years it had been the leader of its pack, and his size was a message to that. And all of this had been disrupted by this little pony and a creature none of his kind had ever seen before. Yes, his pack was gone, and now made up his new, much more powerful form. He was going to get back at them both for killing his brethren, starting with this one. Yes, he was going to enjoy this meal.

Something gummed up the works on this plan. Without warning the timber wolf found the ground underneath him being pulled away. He tried to kick out for something to catch onto, but was only met with air. Something was causing this; some unseen entity was making him float off the ground. It didn't have the pleasure of finding out why before he was thrust to the side, smashing into a tree. The tree suffered a fair amount of damage but not as much as the timber wolf alpha, whose individual pieces went flying in all directions.

But all of this wasn't right in Applejack's mind. This wasn't what had happened that night. Everything up to this point was true. She would remember something like this happening, but she didn't. Bryce had come up from behind, his shovel prepared to strike the timber wolf. He had missed his mark, however, and instead knocked Applejack in the head, sending her into unconsciousness. They'd both lived, and returned back to the house no worse for wear.

For whatever reason she had had the same exact dream of the same night. Not every time she went to bed, but enough to where she could tell what would happen next. Like now: Any second now she would turn around to see Bryce, with his shovel prepared to strike her across the head.

And as she remembered it, that's how it happened. Applejack heard a branch snap directly behind her causing her to look to the source. And there was Bryce, with his spade prepared to strike her across the head. And then he uttered the words, "I'm sorry," and knocked her on the head.

Applejack shot up, crying out. She felt a great weight pull itself off her chest. As she breathed heavily she looked around, seeing the orchard. Not the part from her dream, but the apple orchard, nonetheless.

All around there were apple trees, just like the one Applejack was lying under now. She didn't do this very often, but her recent dreams left the apple mare feeling drowsy in the middle of the day. For whatever reason she found herself feeling drained no matter how much she slept; like something was taking her energy as she dreamt that same dream.

As the stars in her vision cleared Applejack grabbed for her head hurt from bring hit by a shovel. This would only last for a few seconds before receding into nothingness, like it'd never occurred, but the mere thought still clung to Applejack's thoughts. Why do Ah keep dreaming of that? Ah know what happened, and Ah'm sure it was an accident. Then why does it keep coming back?

Taking a look to the sky, Applejack saw that the summer sun was a scant few hours away from meeting the Western horizon. Wiping the sweat off her brow, she prepared to get back to work. There were too many apple trees that still needed bucking to think about it now.


When Bryce opened his eyes the room was dim. When he began to move he heard Pinkie say, "You guys, he's awake!"

At the pink mare's notice, both Rarity and Fluttershy came running over to check on the human.

"Bryce, are you alright?" Rarity asked, trying to contain herself.

Bryce looked about the room as everything came into focus. He saw he was lying on Fluttershy's sofa. "I- I don't know. How long was I out?"

"Only for a few hours. You fell down, do you remember?"

Bryce rubbed at his head. "I...do... I think I do..." He began to grab around. "I... I had a coffee mug. Did I-"

"You don't need to worry about that now." She levitated a plate over containing a sandwich, a few slices of cheese, and as many crackers. "You should try and get something in you besides coffee. I doubt the amount you consumed did you any favors."

Bryce took the plate, sending away the blue aura. "Thank you, Rarity." He bit into the sandwich. It was a lettuce and tomato sandwich, quite generous with the mayonnaise. "It's good. Thank you."

"Don't thank me. This was Fluttershy's doing."

"Well, thank you, Shy," Bryce said to the buttercup mare. She looked him in the eyes for a split second before looking away, not giving a response. "Is everything okay?"

Before Rarity could explain, Fluttershy turned away, taking a seat as far away possible in her small cottage.


Rarity place a hoof on his shoulder and came in close. "I think you should give her time, darling. She hasn't said much since... Angel."

"Oh... How is he?"

"He hasn't done much either. Though after coming so close to meeting your maker in such a way I don't know of anypony who would."

"I'm sure he'll come around. He's got too much spite in him to curl up and die. Well, you know what I mean."

"Yes, well, I think I'm more concerned now about you," stated Rarity.

Bryce placed a slice of cheese on a cracker. "I'll be fine. I've given more life force on myself than that when I was at the hospital. Well, that and I helped my roommate with his heart."

Bryce had gone back to eating when Rarity said, "Actually, that's not what I'm concerned with. Do you remember what happened? Specifically, do you remember what happened when you tried to leave?"

When he heard that, Bryce stopped eating mid-munch. Still shots of the events that transpired before his fall ran across his vision: Pinkie's rumbling stomach; his eagerness to leave; the mug. Bryce almost choked on a cracker when that came up. "I- I don't remember much. Uh, what did you see?"

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure, but it looked to me that your mug was floating."

"Floating...? Well, you must have been seeing things. Unless there's a ghost here with us. Right now." Bryce looked around the room, hoping that if there were ghosts they would make themselves known. Either through spite or nihility the ghosts held their peace. DAMN IT ALL!!!

"Bryce...?" Rarity cooed.

He looked away. "Rarity, please."

"Come now, can it really be so bad?"

"You just...won't understand..."

"Maybe not, but I'll try."

He rolled back over, staring Rarity straight in the eyes. "Rarity, it's not something to be proud of." But one look from her eyes made it certain: She wasn't letting him get away without an explanation. Bryce bit down on his lip and exhaled. "Rarity, you have to promise me one thing."

"I'm listening."

"What I'm about to show you you can never tell to anyone."

"Okay, I promise."

"I mean it, Rarity. This is something I've wanted left hidden."

"I promise."

"It's just... Rarity-"

"Bryce, I promise I won't say a single-"

"That's not good enough! This is something best not knowing... You have to Pinkie Promise me."

"Pinkie...Promise...? Surely it cannot-."

Bryce shoved a finger into Rarity face, his teeth gritted. "Promise me, or nothing."

"Bryce... Since this means so much, I guess I could-"

"Up up up," Pinkie butted in. "If you're going to Pinkie Promise you have to do it right." She went through the motions. "Cross your heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in your eye."

Rarity stood opened mouthed. "I... suppose..." She did the movements as she said, "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake..." She said the remainder under her breath, not daring to stick a hoof into her own eye.

Pinkie gave the white mare a smug glance. "I'll hold you to that, Miss Priss." She used her hoof to throw up her curly mane.

She furrowed her brow as she looked to Bryce. "Will that suffice!?" Bryce gave a light nod. He went about clearing what was left on his plate. "What on Equus...!?"

"Please, bear with me," he said with his mouth full. He did his hardest to draw out his meal, hoping she would drop it if he wasted enough time. But it seemed she wouldn't be swayed as she narrowed her eyes with each bite.

Then the time came.

The plate was bare, save for a few crumbs.

Taking in a deep breath Bryce placed the plate flat onto his palm and stared it down.

For a few seconds he did nothing, but then he began to curl his fingers up so that the plate was supported by the five digits.

Then what happened next made the white mare's jaw drop.

With the plate still being held up by his fingers, Bryce moved the thin appendages close until they were clumped together.

Bryce held the plate this way for a few seconds before removing his thumb. The plate still held. Then he lowered his pinkie. His ring finger. His index finger. This left the plate held up by only Bryce's middle finger.

And then, just like the four fingers before, Bryce remove this finger. But the plate still held its place.

Taking a trembling hoof Rarity tapped the glass plate. Though it shifted about a few inches it still floated. In disbelief, Rarity put her hoof under the plate, all around the edges, even over it, thinking there were strings she couldn't see. But there were none.

"Bryce... H- How...?"

Bryce released his telekenetic grip and grabbed the plate before it hit the floor.

Rarity stared at Bryce at a loss for words.

"Golly..." Pinkie exclaimed. "That was so COOL!!! Oh, oh, do me next. Make me float in the air." She began to jump up thinking Bryce would catch her.

"Pinkamena," said Bryce, "I'm not doing that."

"Ahh, come on. Please."

"No. It's not a play thing."

Rarity cleared her throat to get Bryce's attention. "Excuse me, but could we get back to the part where you explain what the hay is going on?"

Bryce got himself in a sitting position on the couch. "Rarity, I wasn't completely honest.

She rolled her eyes. You don't say! She thought.

"Yes, I do say. I do have other abilities. What you saw just now was one of them."

"And what is it?"

Bryce held the plate in the air again and released it. As before it floated with no intention of falling. "This is telekenesis. And unlike my ability with life force I have had it since birth."

"Okay. Is there anything else?"

Bryce scratched the back of his head. "Well, I also have telepathy. I can read and control minds."

Rarity rolled her eyes again. Honestly, I think he's doing this as a-

"Believe me, Marshmellow, it's not a joke."

She looked to the human in surprise. How did he know-

"What you were about to say? I told you: I can read minds." As if to prove his point, Bryce said, "My word, he might actually...be... Okay, that was all luck." Rarity narrowed her eyes. "Alright you've had your fun, now will you please... Honestly, Bryce, this is beginning to be... Stop it! Bryce, I said-"

"-stop it!!!" Rarity shouted with her own voice. She took a deep breath to calm herself. "Okay, so you can. Is there anything else?"

"There is. Sometimes I have visions. Visions of of the future."

"Oh... Are you having any at this moment?"

Bryce shook his head. "No. You can tell whenever I am. I get a feeling in the back of my head that goes all the way to the top. It happens when I least expect it. Usually it involves something I'll be involved with or a certain place I need to be. Sometimes it's a death or other misfortune I can prevent. And that's about it."

"So let me get this straight: You can makes items float, read minds, control minds, use life force to heal ponies, and see visions of the future?"

"Yeah," was all Bryce said.

"Why would you keep this hidden? Don't you see us as friends?"

Bryce cradled his arms in front of him, rocked himself back and forth, and wiggled his toes in his usual way. "Rarity, I didn't do it to be mean. These powers, they are a very dangerous thing."

"Dangerous? They seem rather tame. I mean, what's the worst that could happen if you used your life force to heal somepony or see the future or, Heaven forbid, read somepony's deepest thoughts... Okay, maybe that last one can be a bit invasive, but the other things can't be as bad as you believe."

Bryce looked down to his feet, not wanting to meet anypony's gaze. "Rarity, they are dangerous. Yes, I can lift things with my mind but that's not all. I can do things to people the weren't meant ot be done. I mean, with just the wrong thought I can squeeze somebody's head to the size of a Chinese takeout box. If not that, then I could leave them off as nothing more than a vegetable sitting around, waiting to die. I could make a man take a gun and stick to his own head. Make him feel unimaginable pain before he finally can't take it anymore and blows his fucking brains out all over the damn place!!!"

When Bryce finished he realized he had his own hand in that same position. He lowered his hand. "You just don't understand it until you've experienced it."

Without a single worry, Rarity walked over and placed a hoof onto the human's shoulder. "Bryce, maybe I don't understand, but I know you would never do something so heinous to anypony."

Bryce couldn't bring himself to look at Rarity. If only you knew.

While still holding a hoof on Bryce's shoulder, Rarity said, "I'll still keep my word, though. I don't understand it but if that's the way you feel I'll honor your feelings." She jumped up and wrapped her hooves around the human's thick neck. "I promise not to say a word to anypony."

"Do you Pinkie Promise?"

Rarity gave a smile. "Of course, darling. I cross my heart, hope to fly, I'll even stick a cupcake in my eye. But not that last part. I mean, a promise is a promise, but that's a little much."

Bryce took a hold of Rarity's hoof. "Rarity, please please do." He looked over at Pinkie. "I would like the same from you, Pinkamena." She answered by giving Bryce a salute. Bryce looked to Fluttershy. "And...Fluttershy?"

The pegasus did not return his gaze.

"I don't know if you've been paying attention, but I'd like it if you did the same."

She gave a nod as she stared down at the floor.

"Well, if there's nothing else I think I should be getting back to the farm. For real this time. It was good seeing you all." He walked over to Fluttershy and took a knee. "And I'm sorry about what Corn did today. I don't know what got into him, but I'm glad I could help. I'd do anything for you, Shy."

This caused Fluttershy to shed a tear. "Bryce..."


Then she did the unexpected. With a leap, Fluttershy jumped up and wrapped Bryce in a strong hug. It was surprising enough to knock the human on his back. "Bryce, thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!!!"


"I don't know what I would have done without you. Angel may not be the best animal I've ever cared for, but he's still my bunny." She released her hold on Bryce's neck and pushed herself up so she was standing over Bryce. "I don't care what you have or what you can do, I'm just happy you were able to save my baby." She planted a kiss on his cheek.

Bryce's heart skipped a beat. His face turn a deep red.

Rarity faces turned the same shade of red.

Pinkie's heart was fluttering as a smile spread across her face. Ha, I knew those two were a match.

When she removed herself from Bryce's cheek, she looked him in the eye. For a minute they could do little except stare back at the other. Then, after realizing what she had done, Fluttershy jumped up and ran upstairs to her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

Bryce looked to Pinkie and Rarity. "Guys, what the H just happened?"

Parental Guidance

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Chapter 60: Parental Guidance

When Bryce arrived at the construction site the following Wednesday morning he was a little surprised to find Ambrosia there as well. While the rest of the crew was busy at work, the papyrus yellow mare was not.

Instead, she sat at the edge of the site as if waiting for someone. And the glare she gave the human at his approach made it obvious who that someone was.

Bryce was close to passing the mare by, when she asked, "Hey, can we talk?" Bryce stopped. He kept her in the corner of his eye. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Sorry for what happened the other day." She waited for Bryce to say his piece but he held his silence. "It's just... Why the buck weren't you more careful? I mean..." She stopped herself before she could go any further. "Look, I really need this job. I know you didn't mean to almost get Jack killed, or worse. But..." She let out a sigh and shook her head. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Bryce said.

Ambrosia felt like fighting him for his response, but she knew it wouldn't do her any favors. "Bryce, can I just ask one thing? Why are you always doing so much more work than everypony here?"

Bryce gave a shrug. "It's just the way I am, I guess. I've always done better when I work with my hands. I mean, back on the farm I'm always finding something to work on. I like to keep busy with something."

"Really? What kind of stuff do you make?"

"Well..." Bryce rummaged around inside his satchel. "I don't leave home without it." Pulling his hand out of his satchel Bryce now held a little wooden Fluttershy on his palm.

"Whoa! That's something." She took it and began to look it over. "You made this yourself?"

"Yeah, I did."

"This must have taken a lot of work."

Bryce took the figure back when Ambrosia offered it. "This one took me about two or three hours."

"Two or three hours? That's impressive. Do you have anymore?"

"Well, not on me. But I have a few in my room."

"About how many?"

Bryce curled and uncurled his toes as he thought. "30, maybe 40."

Ambrosia eyes opened in surprise. "That's more than a few. I don't know if I should be asking this, but do you think you could make a couple dolls for me?"

Bryce gave a smirk. "Well, you're a little old, but I could make a few for you."

"No, not for me. It's for...somepony else. I mean, you wouldn't know them because they're...in another town..."

"It's fine. I'll make you a few. Anyone you want them to look like in particular?"

"No, anything you can make will be great."

"Okay then I'll get on it whenever I have the time. But now, we have work."

Bryce made to leave, but Ambrosia had more to say. "But, Bryce, I'm serious when I say you need to be careful. I know it was unintentional, but what were you thinking."

"Well, to tell the truth, I wasn't. I've had a lot on my mind recently. Not anything I feel like talking about though."

"Whatever. Just try and keep your mind on work. You don't want to end up like the stallion you replaced."

"Why, what happened to him?"

Ambrosia rubbed the back of her head as she breathed in through her teeth. "It's best you not know. Now go on to work. Oh, and this doesn't make us friends, but you...do good work."

Bryce left the mare behind, allowing her time to change into her gear. As he entered the building Rivet said, "Hey, Bryce, good ta see yuh. How'd things go with Amb?"

"Well, she apologized."

"That's good. Ta tell yuh tthe truth we really can't do this without her. We're already two weeks behind schedule and we need every workin stiff we can muster. I'd hire more, but we can't afford it. Hay, we barely have enough now to pay you, me, my brother, and the rest."

"Well, I'm sure something will come along."

"Yuh think so?"

"Yeah, but don't count on it this year. Probably more around the new year. Then more after next summer."

Rivet shook his head. "That sounds nice, but that doesn't help us now."

As Bryce and Rivet were chatting, Ambrosia was busy changing into her work belt, hard hat, and vest. Just as she had placed her hat on her head, she heard somepony call, "Psst!"

Looking around, Ambrosia found nopony. When it came a second time she found the source: A large bush not far away.

She took a few steps towards it. "H- Hello?"

Ambrosia almost jumped back when she saw a slate grey hoof jut out from the foliage. It looped inward, beckoning her forward. Though cautious, she made her way closer the pony hidden within the bush. After she was close enough to see the yellow eyes of the stallion, she said again, "Hello?"

"What do you know about Bryce?" The stallion asked.


Thunderlane rolled his eyes. "What do you know about Bryce?"

"Uh... W- What's it to you?" Ambrosia demanded.

"What color are his eyes?"

"His what!?"

"Hiseyes!? What color are they!?"

A,mbrosia narrowed her eyes. "What's it to you!?"

"Just answer the questions! Have any pegasuses lost their flight since Bryce started working here?"

"You must be blind or dumb; there aren't any pegasi here."

"Oh...well...that's good. Has anything weird happened since he started here?"

"No, except that we have a large hairless gorilla on the crew."

"Nothing!? Come on, there has to be-"

"Look, I don't who you are, but you obviously have something against Bryce. Now if you excuse me, I have-"

"You don't understand!" Thunderlane shouted. "He's dangerous!"

"You can say that again. Just the other day he left a pail of nails on the edge of the floor that almost fell on top of Jack. And after that Jack was rambling about 'somepony picking him up and throwing him'. Whatever it was saved his life."

Thunderlane went silent. "Somepony...picked him up? Who did it?"

"Nopony. What I think is Jack saw the pail coming and jumped out of the way. There's nopony alive with enough muscle who could pick up his flank. Now would you go on and beat it. I have-"

From the site, Rivet called, "Hey, Amb, are yuh workin today or are yuh gonna chat up that shrub all day?"

By the time Ambrosia looked back into the bush Thunderlane had ran off. She turned back to Rivet. "I'll be right there, boss. I was just...you know."

"Oh... Well wipe yourself up and get over here. It's workin time."


For a few hours now Rocksalt had waited for Bryce to get off of work. It was a hard thing for the dull brown colt to do, but when you had only one person you could confide in there was little one could do to pass the time. Last week Bryce had spent time with Rocksalt, as he had promised. Though Rocksalt could tell the human was trying, Bryce's attempts to try and raise his outlook on life had proven fruitless.

In his short time in Ponyville Rocksalt had created quite a reputation for himself, and regardless of how much Bryce pushed him the colt could never get in good with any foal in town. It mattered not how civil he acted towards the other foals they would laugh in his face, not believing he'd changed in the slightest.

At the sound of the steam whistle, Rocksalt let out a sigh. In just a few days Rocksalt would start his first day of school. In a few days the dull brown colt would be left a complete laughingstock to his entire class. Not over how he had tried to make nice, but for being set back a whole grade. He could hear their words now. Calling him names like 'Rocks for Brains' or 'Rockdolt'. He would have to think of a way to get sick, and fast. There was no way he would be going to school on the first day.

"Hey, Kid."

Rocksalt almost jumped out of his skin.

"Hey, easy there. It's just me," Bryce said to calm the colt.

"Oh, hey, Bryce."

"Well, yuh ready?"

"Uh... I- I think I'm gonna take a rain check today. I'm not feelin too well."

Bryce looked him over. "Are you sure?"

Rocksalt forced himself to cough. "See, I'm not feelin too hot."

Bryce took a knee and placed the back of his hand on the colt's forehead. "You feel normal." He looked Rocksalt over a second time. "I'm thinking there's another reason you're not feeling well." Bryce placed a hand on his shoulder. "Look, I know it's not turning out like we wanted it to, but that's no reason to give up now."

"Bryce... I don't know..."

Bryce slapped the colt on the back, getting his full attention. "Come on, there's still time. Tell you what, we'll give it one more day. If we don't find anyone your age by the end of the day then I'll drop it. What do you say?"

"Bryce..." Rocksalt looked up to the human, seeing his light grey eyes. "I... I guess I'll give it one more-"

"That's great. But let's go get something fresh to snack on while the farmer's market's still open. I've got a taste for some cashews.

Making their way through the town square, with a quick stop for a slice of juicy watermelon for the colt, Bryce and Rocksalt came to the nut stand and its even nuttier owner.

The light chestnut stallion who ran the stall was the first to speak. "Oh, Bryce, hello to you and..."

"Hey, Kernel, this is my friend, Rocksalt."

"Hello to you, as well, Rocksalt. And how are you both this fine day?"

"I'm okay, but the kid's a little down in the dumps."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. What's the matter?"

"He starts school on Monday and I've been trying to help him find a friend. And it's not.... You know."

"Is that so?" Kernel Nut looked down to Rocksalt. "Well you're in luck. My two daughters are about to start their schooling on Monday, too."

"Oh... Really?" Rocksalt asked, thinking the worst.

"Quite so. In fact, they're here with me right now. Oh bother, where has Almond-"

As if answering her father's call, Almondine jumped out from her hiding place in a bushel of macadamias. "Hey there, Old Man Bryce!" She shouted at the top of her lungs.

Recovering from the shock, Bryce said, "Hey there, Almond."

"Almond, what have I told you about touching the produce like that."

"Oh, sorry, Dad."

"Almond..." He held a hoof on the bridge of his nose. "You must stop doing this, Almond. Why can't you be more like your sister?" Kernel pointed a hoof to Pecan, who wore an apron matching her father's. He gripped his daughter by the shoulder. "Look, I don't mind you being here, Almond, but you must behave yourself. I can't sell nuts if they're crushed or have been touched. Do you understand?"

"I... I do..."

"That's good. Now why don't you say hello to Rocksalt. He's going to be in your class. Pecan, you come say hello, too."

"But Dad," Butter Pecan protested. "What if we get a lot of ponies and you need my help?"

"It's almost time for us to head home. I think I can manage from here." Before the almond colored filly could say another word, her father added, "You've been a great help today, but you shouldn't worry about work at your age. You're only a filly." Kernel untied the apron from his other daughter's back. "Now come and introduce yourself."

Though reluctant to venture from her father's care, Pecan did as the stallion asked.

After seeing this exchange from the three ponies Bryce felt responisble. Since the incident at the playground the once inseparable and indistinguishable twin fillies were now as different as night and day.

Almond, who had been thrown from the merry-go-round, had become more adventurous and daring; not caring much for rules or how harmful something might be. Pecan, in contrast, had become little more than a mouse. After seeing her twin's near death experience she was afraid to go more than a few hoofsteps away from one of her parents outside the house.

While their mother was at her wits' end with Almond's stunts, and pleased with Pecan's obedience, Kernel found it hard which of the two needed more attention.

"Honestly, I love them both," Kernel said to Bryce, "but I don't know who needs more help."

"Yeah, well, I guess I'm to blame for that." Bryce replied.

"You have need no worry yourself, Bryce. Well, not with me, at least. If my wife were to find out I'd allowed you to see them she'd skewer us both, roast our hides on the barbie, and have us for dinner."

Bryce gave a smirk. "Well, I'm sure she'd get a better meal out of me. My fat would season me good."

Kernel gave a laugh. "Yes, I'm sure, but let's hope it never comes to that. Forgive me for asking, but isn't Rocksalt the colt who not only toilet papered all the stalls and plays baseball with rocks, but also attempted to publically humiliate you?"

"Well... He is. But he's gotten better about it."

"I'll take your word on it, but why help him after such a degrading encounter?"

"I know what he done, but he's young. What kind of person would I be if I returned a child's spite with spite? He's not a bad kid he's just going through a tough time at home. All he really has is his Mom and his Dad doesn't want anything good to do with him."

"Bryce, this sounds like it's personal to you."

Bryce didn't meet the light chestnut stallion's eye. "In a way, it is. But I mean it."

"Well I can give him a chance, I suppose. My girls seem to be getting along well with him, thus far. They're... Hang on... Almond!"

From above them, Almond said, "See there, Rocko, it's as simple as that."

"Uh, Ah don't know," Rocksalt said in disapproval. "It looks kinda dangerous."

Looking up, Bryce and Kernel found the bold filly attempting to balance on the signpost above the stand.

Kernal could hardly contain himself. "Al- Almondine, you get yourself down from there right this second, young lady!"

Her father's shouting caused her to shake, but she kept her balance. "Dad, I was just-" Before she could finish her sentence, there came a loud *snap*. Looking to the source, everyone could do nothing but watch as the signpost cracked under the filly's added weight.

"Almond, jump!" Her father shouted.

Listening to his words Almond jumped just as the post gave and tipped over. She landed in a barrel of peanuts that had been placed in her path.

Kernel ran over to check on the filly. Clearing away peanuts he found her to be unscathed. "Oh, thank Celestia you're alright." He grabbed Almond up in his hooves and hugged her tight to his chest. "Almond, you must, must stop this behavior now."

"I was just showing Rocksalt how to climb."

"Yes, but that was very dangerous." He dropped the filly on her hooves. "Say goodbye to your new friend, girls. It's about time we packed up and headed for home."

"Goodbye, Old Man Bryce! Bye, Rocko!" Almond said.

Pecan, however, remained silent.

As Kernel went about packing up his produce, Pecan struggled to get her father attention. "Dad, did you see it?"

"Yes, Pecan, I saw. Your sister almost hurt herself, again."

"No, Dad. It was Bryce. He-"

"Not now, my little nut. We have to get home before your Mama starts to worry. Could you go and help your sister stay out of trouble?"

Butter Pecan wanted to push the issue, but she didn't want to distract her father while he was working. Right now she would let him work, but when she got home she was going to tell her family how Bryce had saved Almond by floating the barrel of peanuts to break her fall.

Little did the almond colored filly know was that she was not the only pony to see this happen. Across the way, hidden under a pile of yellow squash Thunderlane sat and watched. With a evil grin the pegasus rubbed his hooves together. He had the human. He had all he needed to expose Bryce, but the problem lay in showing everypony his bad, evil side. All he had to do was bide his time and wait for his moment to strike. It might not get him his flight back, but Thunderlane could revel in the thought of Bryce being the most despised thing in Ponyville.

A stallion cleared his throat. "Sir," the stallion said to Thunderlane. "I can't have you touching the produce. Either buy something or get out of my squash."

Trying to save face, Thunderalne made to run off, but the squash that served as his hiding spot tripped him up. He busted open a few of the fruit in the process.

"Welp, now somepony has to pay. And it's gonna be you, friend." The stall owner said.

The scowl on Thunderlane's face was enough to scare even the bravest of foals.


"Well, what'd you think of those two girls?" Bryce asked.

"They were kinda nice." Rocksalt said, giving an unseen grin. "That one was a little shy, but her sister was crazy. Did you see her when she climbed up that pole?"

"Yeah, Kid, that was something else. But don't say that to her face, okay?"

"I won't. She's nuttier than a squirrel turd. Wouldn't even give me a chance ta talk. Kept on wantin ta challenge me in a hoof race or wrestling match."

"So, are you feeling any better?"

Rocksalt hesitated. "I... I do. It'd be nice ta have a few foals I know, but..."

Bryce noted the dull brown colt's pause. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just thinking about what all the others are gonna say. I mean, they're all gonna know I was held back and when that happens I'm sure I'll lose'em. And then they'll laugh at me."

"Hey, don't worry about it. I doubt they'll find out."

"But what if they do? What if... What if the teacher knows about it and tells on me."

"Even if she does, I doubt she'd do anything like that." He could tell the colt heard what he'd said, but it only managed to dampen his mood. He caught something out of the corner of his eye. "Hey, Kid, come over here." Bryce led Rocksalt over to Ponyville's job board. "What if we found you a job? Maybe all you need is a sense of purpose; something to show you that you matter? It worked for me. If anything you'll be making some money."

"Ah don't know."

"Well, it wouldn't hurt to look, would it?" Bryce eyes shot around the board, looking for anything a pony Rocksalt's age could manage with ease. Bryce stuck a finger on a post. "Here's an opening for a busboy. No, wait, it's for a bar." His hand shot over to another slip of paper. "How about a courier. Though I guess that won't work for your schooling."

Bryce looked about a few more times, flipping over the newer posts to see if there was a gold mine underneath.

"Bryce, I don't think there's anything-"

"Ah ha! Eccolo!" Bryce ripped a post off the board and looked it over. "This one's perfect." He held it down for Rocksalt to see.

"Uh... A paperboy?"

"Yeah, it's perfect."

Rocksalt looked over the paper in Bryce's hand, struggling to read the bigger words. "It does look good, but it says I'll need to get up early. And I'll need my Mom's permission. She'll never go for that."

Bryce reread the post a second time, not leaving out any of the fine print. "I can work with this. I have a way with words."

Before Rocksalt could get a word in, Bryce walked off in a random direction. He went a few feet, then stopped before heading in a second random direction. After a few more times, Bryce stopped in his tracks and looked to the dull brown colt. "Kid, I'm lost. And I just realized I don't know where your house is."

Rocksalt rolled his eyes, trying to keep back a chuckle. "Here, follow me."

The dull brown colt led Bryce through Ponyville ending up on the outskirts of town. The houses here were not as large, more spread apart, and were not as well kept as the ones closer to the center. Despite this, they were still large enough to where they could give a pony family a home. The pair eventually came upon a house with a rickety white picket fence out front. The paint on the facade had cracks and fades running all over that formed creatures that would defy Clive Barker's imagination.

Rocksalt took a quick stop at the mailbox, which hung on its post by little more than a nail. Inside there were a few letters. He took time to look at the writing on the envelopes. He must have looked through the letters at least a dozen times before looking at the ground in disappointment.

When Bryce was led inside, he heard what sounded to be a heavy ice cream mixer. Rocksalt yelled, "Hey, Mom, I'm home!"

The mixer stopped revving, and a mare called back. "Rocky, how was your day?"

"It was good, Mom."

"That's good. Oh my, is it that late already? Do you know what you want for dinner? I think we still have a some casserole left over. Or we could have a frozen dinner."

"Eh, it doesn't matter ta me, Mom. But Ah have a friend with me."

"Oh, is that so?" Whipping Cream came out of the kitchen. She didn't notice Bryce until she was in the other room. "I don't have much to offer, but I'm sure- CELESTIA!!!" She said in shock, not expecting a human for company. After catching her breath, Whipping Cream said, "I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting... I don't know what I was expecting, to tell you the truth."

"It's alright. I'm used to it. Wait, haven't I met you before?"

The plump mare gave Bryce an odd look. "Uhm, I don't think we have."

Bryce placed a hand under his chin. "I'm sure I've seen you somewhere."

"Well I can promise you you haven't. Did my son promise you dinner?"

"No ma'am."

"Oh, that's good. I'm not trying to be rude, but we just don't have very much foodwise."

"Well, I'm going to wait until later before I eat. But I'm here more to talk with you about your son."

At hearing that, the white cream mare straightened up. "Oh no, has he gotten into some kind of trouble? Because I can assure you he's a good boy."

"Mom, it's not-"

"This has nothing to do with anything he's done," Bryce interjected.

"Oh, well that's a relief. What are you here for then?"

"Well, Ms...."

"Whipping Cream."

"Ms. Cream, I've spent some time with your son the past few weeks. You know, trying to give him a friend. Well, today was a pretty good day. He met a couple of foals that will be in his class. And while I'm sure that's important to you I think something that could boost his mood would be if he got himself a job."

The whole time Whipping Cream had been nodding to Bryce's words, filled with pride for her boy. But when Bryce got to the part about getting a job she stopped; her smile lowering. "I don't know. What kind of job did you have in mind?"

"Well, this." Bryce handed the mare the flyer from the town job board.

She gave it a quick look over, feeling a little uncomfortable about the proposal. "Newspaper delivery?" She looked to her boy. "I'm sure this would be a good thing for him to do. But... It's for so early in the the morning."

Rocksalt looked to Bryce, as if to say, See, I told yuh she wouldn't go for it.

But Bryce face responded, Trust me, Kid. I'll bring her around. "Ma'am, I realize it's something where Rocksalt will have to get up extra early, but I know he can handle it."

Whipping Cream looked the flyer over again. "I still don't know. He has school starting Monday."

Bryce took a knee, bringing himself to her level. "How about this: What if I agree to get up early too and keep an eye on him for a few weeks?"

"Would you do that for him?"

"Well, he's worth it."

Whipping Cream gave a sigh. "Rocky, do you really want to do this? Would you want a job as a paperboy?"

"Y- Yeah, Mom. I mean, I could bring us some more money in."

The light cream mare shut her eyes and breathed in deep. "Rocksalt, go to your room. I want to say a few things to your friend."

The dull brown colt did as he was asked without question.

After hearing the colt's door click shut, she looked to Bryce with a serious expression. "I've given this some thought. And, if you'll hold to your word, I'll allow it." She pointed a hoof in Bryce's face. "But you better watch him like a hawk. That boy is...is all I have left. If anything happens to him while he's on his route I will never, and I mean NEVER forgive you."

Bryce grabbed the mare's hoof in his large hands. "Ma'am, I promise you now I will watch that boy as if he were my own. If I don't, then you may do with me as you see fit."

Her heart still racing inside her chest, Whipping Cream nodded. "Would you please wait here?" She got up and went to her son's bedroom.

While the light cream mare was gone, Bryce thought on where he had last seen her. He knew he'd seen someone her exact same shape somewhere; almost as if she was the same pony, but had a different color palette. By the time Whipping Cream and her son returned he still had yet to figure it out. She hadn't lost her serious expression.

"Well, can he have the job?" Bryce asked.

The mare's stern look melted away, showing a reassuring grin. She nodded.

"Alright!" Bryce held his palm out to Rocksalt, receiving a high five from the colt.

"Now you both should hurry back to town while the newspaper is still open."

The two boys ran for the door, until Rocksalt said, "Hey, wait a sec." He turned back, wrapping his hooves around his mother's neck. He whispered in her ear, "Thanks, Mom." The colt added a kiss before setting off with his human friend.

"Well, that was sweet of you, Rocky."

Rocksalt shot Bryce a glare. "Forget yuh saw it. And don't call me that, either."

Bryce held out his hands. "Hey, I'm not one to judge. But it proves there a sweet side to that rough exterior. Wait, sweet... Sweet...tart... No, Sweetheart. Nurse Sweetheart."

"Uh, what about'r?"

"Your mom and Nurse Sweetheart look exactly the same."

"What are yuh goin on about?"

"They look the same, except your mom's cream and the nurse is purple. Ha, knew I'd figure it out."

"I...don't see it. I know who you're talkin bout, but I don't see it."

"Well, next time they're together you'll see it."

"I have, and I still don't see it."

"Well... Just thought I'd put that out there."

On the other side of the road, going in the opposite direction, was a unicorn with a light indigo coat and a curled, lime green mane.

Bryce shook his head as he walked onward. Either people aren't very creative, or Rarity's gone to extreme measures to regrow her mane and got more than she bargained for.

One Simple Act

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Chapter 61: One Simple Act

When Bryce arrived at Rocksalt's house early the next morning he found the dull brown colt curled up, using a stack of newspapers for a pillow.

Normally, Bryce would have thought nothing of it and left the colt alone. But Rocksalt was expected to deliver said papers, and if he ruffled the pages and smudged the ink illegible on his first day then he doubted he would have the job for very long. Besides, if Bryce had to suffer being up two hours earlier than usual Rocksalt would have to, as well.

Bryce bent down and nudged the colt. "Hey, Kid, it's time to get up."

Slowly opening his eyes, Rocksalt found the human kneeling over him. He let out a wide mouthed yawn. "Hey, Bryce. I was just...getting..." He began to nod off.

Bryce grabbed Rocksalt on the shoulder and shook him back to the sticky humidity of the waking world. "Come on, Kid. You gotta make a good impression on your first day."

Rocksalt waved the human's hands away before placing his hooves under his own head, smacking his lips.

In a last ditch effort, and knowing Rocksalt would hate him for it, Bryce cupped his hands over the colt's mouth and nose, took in a mouthful of air, and blew his rank morning breath into his cupped hands.

From a single whiff, Rocksalt gagged. He grabbed at his throat and took in as much air as his lungs would allow, thinking each one may be his last. "Eh, what the hay's your problem!?"

Bryce gave a smirk. "Good, you're up. Well, let's get going."

"Give me a sec; I almost died. When'd ya last brush your teeth?"

"It's been about...four days."

Rocksalt gagged again, wishing now it had killed him.

After he caught his breath, and recovered enough from Bryce's exhale, Rocksalt was ready to start the day.

For the next half hour Bryce and Rocksalt went about the latter's paper route. Bryce carried the papers, which Rocksalt would throw, aiming for the doorsteps. The colt's first few tries at tossing were less than satisfactory; missing the mark by feet. By the halfway mark his form had improved, missing by mere inches.

By the time the pair reached the last house on the route, Rocksalt was able to toss the paper well enough to where it was six inches from the bull's eye.

The boys marked this achievement with a quick high five.

"That's it, Kid, now you're getting the hang of it. And that's all of'em."

The colt gave a yawn, rubbing the sleep out of his young eyes. "That's all of'em? That's great."

"You did good, Kid. You've done more than anyone else has today, so far. And it's not even 6 o'clock yet."

"Yeah, well..."

"Hey, don't sell yourself short. You earned your pay."

"Yeah," Rocksalt said as he twirled his shoulder in its socket. "Though my sholder's kinda sore."

Bryce bent down, rubbed his palms lengthwise, and placed his hands on the colt's sore muscles. "That's from you not having to using it that much in so little time." He gave the site a deep massage, relieving Rocksalt's aches in seconds. "How's that feel?"

Rocksalt turned his shoulder around. "Dang, that feels better than new."

"Great, now let's get you on home to bed."

By the time Rocksalt was back home the sun was beginning to fill the eastern part of the sky with brilliant pink hues, while the Mare in the Moon took one last look at the world before it lay down to rest in the west; plotting what would be her domain in less than a year's time.

For many, the sight of the dawn would be a beautiful, if not romantic experience. But for Bryce, thanks to his hypersensitivity, the sun brought with it retina searing light, merciless heat, and the inevitable springs of sweat that would leave him wet all over. And if that wasn't bad enough, his ankle had waited until now to tell him the weather report: 'IT'S GON RAIN!!!' And it felt to be a big one.

Bryce whipped the sweat off his brow, wanting more than anything for the day to be over.

As Bryce trudged back into town, he heard somepony call out to him. "Hey, you!"

Turning towards the voice half heartedly, Bryce perked up when he saw who it belong to: The silver unicorn. She glittered like a silver vein in the rising sunlight as she made her way over to Bryce.

"Oh... Hey, uh, you. What brings you out here so early?"

"I have an early appointment at the hospital," the mare told Bryce. "I wanted to see if I could go ahead and get my treatment done early. But then I saw you. What about you? What brings you out so early?"

"Well, there's this kid. He's a friend of mine and I'm trying to increase his outlook on life, because he doesn't have very many friends. I helped him get a job as a paperboy and his mother wanted me to watch over him the first few weeks."

"Is that so?" The mare asked in a delightful tone. "Well, aren't you the good Big Brother, looking after your little bro!"

"Well, you can say that, I guess. I mean, I'm just trying to help a brother out." Bryce gave a smirk.

The mare gave a laugh. "You're funny! Hey, since I caught you, and since my appointment isn't for a little while, how about you and I go and have a coffee?"

"That sounds good to me, but I think I'll have a cup of tea, if that's okay with you."

"It doesn't matter to me."

A short distance away there was a cafe. Deciding to take a seat outside, Bryce held out a seat for the mare. A waitress came to take their order not long after. "Do you know what you want, or do you need a minute?" She asked.

"No, we're ready. I'll have a cup of tea and she'll have coffee."

The waitress jotted down Bryce's order, giving the human an odd look before she finished scribbling down the order and going inside.

As they waited for their order, Bryce and the mare talked. "Well, I hope they don't take too long. I need something to wake up before work."

"Oh, where do you work?"

"At the construction site on the edge of town. It's tough work, but I like it."

"A construction worker? I knew you were strong, but that's something. What do you do?"

"Well, I work at the site. I nail in flooring, walls, stairs. You name it. "Sometimes I have to do some heavy lifting. In fact, I had to carry a cement mixer up five flights of stairs to get the job. It even had cement in it."

"Wow, that's sounds heavy."

"Believe me, it was. Turns out I didn't even have to carry it up that far. But I did get the crew off two hours early. Regardless, the pay's good, and I like what I do. And what about you, what do you do to make a living?"

When Bryce said that the mare's expression dampened. "I'm not really working right now."

"Well, what did you used to do?"

"I've had a lot of different jobs. It would be easier to tell you what I haven't done. But right now I'm not well enough to even do a job that has me sitting all day, with the weekly trips I need to take to the hospital." The mare went silent.

"I don't know if I should ask this, but is there something wrong with you?"

The mare looked down at the table, and began to say, "Bryce, I'm-"

By then the waitress returned with their drinks. "Is there anything I can get for you, sir? Any cream or sugar maybe?"

"Yes. Both, if you can."

After returning with a cream pitcher and a box of sugarcubes Bryce slid the cup of coffee over to the mare. "I'm sorry about that."

The mare waved it off. "It's no problem. Just being here with you is enough for me in the short time I have left."

Bryce cut off stirring in his cream and sugar. He looked to the mare. "Short...time?"

The mare frowned down into her beverage, holding back a tear. "Yes, Bryce. I'm afraid I don't have much time left. You see, I'm sick. And I don't mean like the over the counter drugs sick, I mean the experimental drug thearpy kind of sick."

Bryce was at a loss for words. He turned back to stirring his tea. "I'm... I'm sorry..."

"I don't have anything to forgive you for; you didn't cause this."

"Well... Do the doctors know what it is?"

The mare shook her head. "No, they don't. It's new. Something that affects my whole body. It's hard for me to explain, but from what the doctors have told me its a disease where my body is attacking itself. I run a constant fever at times and I'm always restless. My joints and muscles hurt so bad sometimes it a wonder I manage to-" The mare lost herself in a fit of coughs.

Bryce held a napkins out for her to take. She did a few more coughs into the napkin before the bout ceased. When the mare lowered her hoof from her mouth Bryce noticed the red specks that dotted the napkin.

The mare drew in a deep breath. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this, Bryce." She allowed a tear to escape from her wet eyes.

Bryce ran a tender hand down her back, causing her tears to come forth at a greater rate. She jumped forward and hugged Bryce's arm. "Bryce, I'm scared," she whimpered.

As the mare cried into his chest Bryce ran his free hand down her back. "How long do you have?"

"They can't say. The last time I was there they were trying to get me to check into the hospice. And I'm beginning to think I should."

Bryce ran his finger through the mare's mane. He couldn't have imagined how soft it felt. It was smooth and silky, but was so well kept despite its length. He wanted more than anything now to take a lock of her pink and purple mane so he could stim it whenever he needed something to do.

But looking to what the mane was attached to left Bryce with a gross pit in his stomach. The mare had been sweet to him, and he could hardly bear to see something so small and beautiful fall so short. And all he cared about now was her mane. It was enough to make his heart break. He couldn't allow a creature with such beauty to die from such a heinous and unforgiving malady if he could help it.

He laid his hand to rest on her back. "Look, you don't have to die."

The mare, barely able to look up to the human said, "There's nothing that can be done. I'm dying and there's not a thing the doctors can do."

"Well, maybe they can't. But there is something I can do. Something I doubt you would know was an option." Bryce took a deep breath, preparing to explain himself. "There's a certain ability I have. An ability that may be able to cure your illness."

"R- Really?" The mare asked, in her hoping this wasn't a game.

"Yes, but I don't think I should do it here." Bryce motioned the waitress over, who gave them an odd glance as she cleared the table. She stopped when she saw the red speckled napkin, taking it from a corner not coated with blood.

After paying for the drinks and picking up their to-go cups, Bryce grabbed the mare up and brought her down a back alley. Sitting her down gently on a flattened cardboard box, Bryce took a knee. "Look, I can help you, but I want you tp please, please keep this between us."

The mare looked to him, too weak to keep her head up. She saw the seriousness in his eyes and gave a nod.

"Okay, I'm going to start this out small, since I'm not one hundred percent sure it will work. And because I have work."

Bryce clapped his hands together, shocking the mare. Just like the few times before a warm glow illuminated from within his palms. After he had his life force primed Bryce placed his hands on the mare's chest.

When this happened the mare let out a gasp, as if she had been hit with a defibrillator. The sensation in the mare's chest held for only a few seconds before Bryce took his hands away from the mare.

It took a minute for the mare to recuperate from the experience. It hadn't lasted very long, but it filled her with a feeling of unbounded euphoria. Her heart raced in her chest and her breathing was shallow and light. But it wasn't the usual shallow labored breathing. It was more rhythmic and she didn't feel close to coughing up a mouthful of blood.

As the mare's euphoric state faded, she asked, "Bryce, what was that?"

"Well, let's just say it's something that works."

"I'll say; I haven't felt this well in forever. I don't care what it was, I need more. Now!"

Bryce held up his hands in defense. "Now hold on a second. I'm not trying to get your hopes up, but I think it best we take this slow."

"But Bryce...?" The mare pursed her lips in a pout.

Bryce gave a smirk. "Yeah, that doesn't work on me."

The mare gave him a playful slap. "Ahh, you're so mean."

"I know you feel better now, but I never said this would cure you, only may. And I can't give you too much without hurting myself. But from the looks of it your body is holding what I gave you pretty well."

"But can't you give me just a little more? Because I've been having bad migranes."

Bryce bit his lip, exhaling as he considered the situation. "Okay, I'll do it this once, but if you begin to hear voices that aren't your own you should tell me. Now, where does it hurt the most?"

The mare placed a hoof above her head. "It hurts...all within this circle." She circled her hoof around her entire cranium.

Bryce sighed. "Well, okay. But I won't give very much." Bryce placed a hand on top of her head, and the familiar warm feeling ran through the mare's form.

It left the mare in a state of bliss. The few seconds Bryce had his hand on her head felt as if the elephant that had once been on it was pushed away, and that her brain was given time to air out. She found it hard to hold her mouth shut, allowing a thin stream of droll to drip down her muzzle.

By the time the mare came down from her high Bryce was wiping the saliva off her face.

"Okay, what ever that was, I need more."

Bryce gave a smirk. "I would, but I can't today. I have work in less than an hour. And I didn't get the chance to eat breakfast." He drew a swig of tea from his takeaway cup. "And don't you have an appointment you need to get to yourself?"

The mare's eye's rounded. "Oh no, you're right! What time is it?"

Bryce opened the front casing on his watch. "It's a little before six-thirty."

"Oh no, I have to go, like, now! It was nice seeing you, Bryce. And thank you for...whatever you did. I feel like I could run the Running of the Leaves."

"Maybe now, but go easy. Right not it's only a temporary fix. You're going to need a few more sessions for a lasting effect."

Grabbing her coffee cup, the mare went on her way. Bryce couldn't see it, but she held a menacing, conniving grin that ran from ear to ear. Bryce was the answer to her prayers, and he was none the wiser.


For most ponies the work day would end when it was well into the afternoon. But for Rainbow Dash, who could clear her entire workload in an hour-and-a-half flat, the work day had been over for hours now.

With ample time to do with as she pleased, the rainbow mare took the time to get in some flight practice. After all, a pegasus didn't get chosen to be a Wonderbolt by mere chance. It took skill, evasive action on half-a-second's notice, and the ability to make turns on the dime, all which Rainbow could do but not yet well enough to impress the Wonderbolts.

After spending a fair amount of time to warm up, Rainbow decided it was time to try 'it'. The one trick everypony thought impossible, until she'd done: The Sonic Rainboom.

For years now she had tried to replicate this one trick, and each time she was pushed back by the air resistance, vaulting her back in a violent jerk.

But she wasn't one to give up on something just because it was impossible. She'd proven the Sonic Rainboom was possible when she was a filly, earning her her Cutie Mark. If she could do it then she could do it now. All it would take was finding just the right angle, the right speed, and most important she needed to turn herself up at a right angle just above the ground.

Taking in a deep breath, Rainbow shot up into the air, gaining altitude at a rapid pace. When she was high enough to where she could see all of Ponyville and the farms in the surrounding area, she stopped and prepared her mind and body for her quick descent.

Flexing the muscles in her wings, Rainbow did a few loops in the air to get her speed up before darting downwards at a diagonal. In seconds she cleared half the distance from where she started to the ground. With each second her velocity increased. All the colors of the earth below her blended into a single uniform blotch. She could feel the air begin to push her back, refusing to allow her to pass through. But she refused to listen, pushing ever more force into her descent.

Then she felt. The same feeling she felt when she was a filly; the feeling she felt when she cut through the invisible wall of air.

This was the part she needed to get right. While maintaining her velocity, Rainbow would have to pull up at a perfect right angle at the perfect time. If she didn't time it right than one of two things would happen. The first, and far less lethal was that she would be thrown back into the air, and try to right herself. The second would be a sure death sentence: Rainbow would crash into the earth, disintegrating her into her base molecules.

But when the moment of truth came, she was distracted by somepony calling her name. "Rainbow!"

In her distraction, the latter of these two things happen. But instead being reduced to molecules, Rainbow was awakened from her nap, which she did after every practice.

"Hey, Rainbow!" The same stallion called up to the cloud.

Wiping the sleep out of her eyes, Rainbow peeked over the cloud. Upon seeing who it was she was close to fly down and planting a hoof across the stallion's face. "What, Thunderlane!?" She said in spite.

"I was just wondering how you were doing. Can't a stallion check in with a friend from time to time?"

Rainbow glared down to the slate grey pegasus. "Oh, is that all you're here for?"

"Of course. I just wanted to talk."

"About what?"

"Oh, nothing in particular. You know, maybe exchange tricks or maybe even practice together."

"Really?" Rainbow asked with a smirk. "Because last I heard you were grounded."

Thunderlane scratched the back of his head. "You heard about that? Well, I was, but my parents let me go on Monday."

Rainbow continued to smirk as she said, "So you're not grounded anymore. Then why don't you fly up here and we can talk."

Crap, she knows about that, too? Thunderlane thought to himself.

Rainbow grabbed at her sides as she began to laugh. "Of course I do. Everypony in town knows about how 'Bryce took my flight away and now I'm gonna prove it.'" She said before losing herself in a fit of laughter.

Thunderlane's face burned a deep shade of red. Everypony knows!!! Wait, how did she know what I-

"Because you're talking out loud, Featherbrain!" She yelled down.

"What? No I wasn't."

"Yeah you were. You didn't even try to keep it quiet. Now what do you want, I'm busy."

"Thunderlane was unsure of what to say to the rainbow mare. She was talking nonsense. "Uh... Well..."

"Let me tell you one thing, Thunderlane. If you think I'm going to tell you anything you can go on and leave. I'm not gonna betray a friend for you."

"What makes you think I came here for Bryce?"

"For starters, I never said who it was. And second, everypony knows about you spying on Bryce, too. It's a funny thing about small towns; word usually gets around, and fast. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a dream I need to finish." Rainbow lie back on her cloud, prepared to finish her afternoon nap before she had to move in a storm cloud later in the afternoon.

But Thunderlane refused to let that be the end of it. "Oh no, you're not going to rub me off like that." Thunderlane shouted. "I'll come up there and make you talk if I have to."

"Yeah, I'd like to see that happen."

"Fine, you asked for it, Rainbow Crash!" Thunderlane jumped straight in the air, flapping his wings as he did so. This resulted in him hitting the ground hard on his rump.

Rainbow, who had seen Thunderlane injure his rump laughed again.

"Well fine, if I can't get you up there I'll just yell until you come down to me. What do you say to that, smart ass!"

"I say it's a good plan, but there's one thing you probably didn't count on."


"I can just fly off and find another cloud." She shot Thunderlane a two finger salute. "See ya!" Rainbow zipped off through the sky, becoming lost amongst a cluster of clouds that were well out of reach of anypony's voice.

Thunderlane stood, trembling with rage as he ground his teeth together.

"FIne, Rainbow, you just go up there!" He shouted, knowing full well there was no way she could hear him. "If you won't listen to me than I'll... I'll..." Then for once he knew what he was going to do. He wasn't going to hide and spy like a scared little filly. No, he was going to the source of his troubles. The source being Bryce.

Thunderlane ran back into Ponyville, not caring where he went, who he cut off, nor what got in his way. He didn't have a plan, except for one: He was going to beat Bryce senseless until he admitted what he had done. Thunderlane didn't care if he killed him or he himself were killed, he couldn't stand being flightless, mocked, and lied to anymore. He only wished he had done this when he had first met the human. That would have solved a lot of problems he had now.

When Thunderlane reached the construction site he saw his opportune moment. The human was by himself on the edge of the site. The rest of the crew were busy around the site. "Perfect."

Gritting his teeth, Thunderlane charged. His focus was cut off from the world around him, save for the thing that sat in front of him. For once, Thunderlane could say he was flying as he ran to meet Bryce.

His work was all for naught when he was tackled to the ground by a papyrus yellow blob he hadn't seen until now. When Thunderlane could see straight he saw it was the construction mare he had interrogated the day before.

"What do you think you're doing!?" She shouted. When she saw it was Thunderlane, her eyes narrowed. "Wait, you were the one with the weird questions yesterday." She pressed her hooves down on his throat. "What do you want!?"

Before she could go any farther, Bryce came over and said, "Ambrosia, let him go."

"But he was about to attack you. If I let up what's to stop him from doing it?"

"Well, for one thing I doubt he has the strength to throw a good punch. And by the time you let go of his throat he'll be so blue in the face he can't even move."

"You think so?"

"Well, he's starting to turn," said Bryce, pointing to Thunderlane.

Ambrosia saw he was blue in the face, just as Bryce had said. She released her grip from around his throat, but continued to sit on him to hold him down.

Thunderlane took deep breaths, refilling his blood's oxygen supply.

Bryce bent down on one knee. "Now-" He winced from the pain in his ankle.

"What's wrong?" Asked Ambrosia.

"It's nothing. It's just my ankle telling me it's going to rain later. I just hope I can get home before it starts. I hate getting wet." Bryce turned back to Thunderlane. "Now, answer the lady."

The slate grey pegasus responded by spitting onto Bryce's cheek.

Bryce wiped the spit off his face and flung it to the ground. "Let's try this again." He stood and placed the toes of his sneaker onto Thunderlane's Adam's apple, weak enough to where he could still breath. "Speak."

Between gritted teeth and fear, Thunderlane said, "I want my flight back."

Bryce gave a smirk. "Is that all?" He took his shoe away. "Ambrosia, let him up." This time Ambrosia did as the human told her. When Thunderlane was standing on all four hooves, Bryce said, "So, you want your flight back? Well, all you had to do was ask." Bryce leaned down and gave the pegasus a firm slap across the face.

After that had happened, Ambrosia thought Thunderlane would try and make another pass at Bryce, but he instead lost his hostility and asked, "Is that it? Is that all it took?" He flexed his wings, prepared to fly.

"No, that was for spitting on me," Bryce answered. "But if you want your flight back there's one thing you have to do."

Thunderlane, in his mania, listened to Bryce with all ears. "Yes..."

"I don't know if you can though. I mean, it's something super hard."

"I don't care what it is, tell me."

Bryce shrugged. "Okay, if you're that desperate." He bent down again, coming eye to eye with Thunderlane. "Humility." Was all he said.

Thunderlane looked confused, and Ambrosia was, as well. "Humility?" She asked.

"Yes, humiliy. You have to show one act of humility."

"T- That's all...?" Thunderlane asked.

Bryce nodded.

"N- No bluffing?"

Bryce shook his head. "No bluffing."

"So if I do this then I get my flight back?"

"It's as simple as that."

Thunderlane began to jump on his hooves, ecstatic about the prospect. "Oh, I'll give you humility. I can give you humility all day."

"Good, then go do it."

"Oh ho, I will. I'll do ten right now just to prove I can." Thunderlane ran off, leaving a very confused Ambrosia in his wake.

"An act of humility?" She asked Bryce.

"Yep, that's all it will take with him."

She scratched the back of her head. "Uhm, I don't know him very well, but that seems like the kind of thing that looks easy but he can't do."

Bryce gave a smirk. "Exactly."

There was a few seconds of silence before Ambrosia asked, "Bryce, did you really take away his flight?"

He looked Ambrosia straight in the eye. Without looking away, he said, "No. I didn't take it from him."

"Then why can't he... You know."

Bryce looked off in the direction Thunderlane took. "Because Thunderlane's an idiot. But I have to commend you for what you did. I saw you run from the site to'm in under five seconds."

"Oh, that. I was a running champion in high school, three years straight."

Bryce gave a smirk. "Well, it shows. Thanks for stopping him, I guess. But my break's over and I want to get done before the rain arrives. Like I said, I hate to get wet."

Honor Among Thieves

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Chapter 62: Honor Among Thieves

That morning, despite countless attempts at feigning illness, his mother managed to coax the dull brown colt out of bed, run his paper route with Bryce, take a shower to get the sweat out of his fur, and got him ready for his first day of school.

When he and his mother had arrived at the schoolhouse they found the rest of the colts and fillies in Cherilee's pre-afternoon class, who along with their parents were waiting for the bell to ring and the doors to open. Many of the foals were scared, just like he was, while others looked to care less whether they would be away from their attention grabbing older siblings or their annoying younger ones. The few who lacked either were happy just to get away from the watchful eye of their parents.

It didn't take long for Rocksalt to spot Almond, who was prepared to sprint off at the sound of the school bell.

Rocksalt walked over to the almond filly. "Hey, Almond."

The almond colored filly turned back to speak with the colt. "Hey there, Rocko, how's it going?"

"It's okay, Ah guess. Where's your sister at?"

"Oh, she's under our Mom." She pointed under a light cream mare, revealing a pair of chocolate eyes that stared back. The second filly gave Rocksalt a wave and a weak smile.

From the side, Kernal pulled the filly out from the safety of her mother. "Come now, Pecan. You should at least be able to say hello to your friend with being afraid."

"Oh, leave the filly alone, Noyau," Cocoa rebuked in her accented speech. "She has every right to be scared. Zere is no telling what can happen." She eyed the colt with the same chocolate eyes as her twin daughters. "And zis one seems like a, how you say... A ruffian."

"He may be a tad rough around the edges, but he's a good boy." Whipping Cream stated. "You just need to get to know him."

"Oh, I know he is," Kernal said. "How are you today, Rocksalt?"

"I'm doing okay, Mr. Nut."

"But I can see you're a little anxious. Don't worry, it's just one of those things that seem scary now but you'll look back and laugh on. I remember my first day of school myself. I was scared our teacher was a big fire-breathing dragon who would chop us all up in a tick. And I also remember a certain filly, who shall remain nameless. She used to pick and tease me for being a 'scared little ninny' from the first day we met. She did that until one day I decided I'd had enough and stood up to her. What happened after that I can't rightly recall, but let's just say she still won't leave me alone."

"Mom, you were a mean girl?"

"Oh ho ho, I zink I remember it in, how you say... Another way." Cocoa said, giving her husband a sly smile.

"Um, I don't know what you could possibly mean, Cocoa."

"Oh? You don't remember how you stood up to moi? What of ze paint zat was put on my seat?"

"Yes, well, it was a nice color. It rather complemented your palette."

Cocoa gave a laugh. "I almost forgot zat part. It was a good color."

"It was, it was." Kernal turned to Whipping Cream. "And you must be Rocksalt's mother?"

"Yes, I am. I'm Whipping Cream. It's nice to meet you both."

"No, the pleasure is our's, Mrs. Cream. And is there a mister?"

"No, it's only us. His dad's staying in Manehatten for business right now."

"Well I'm sorry to hear that. But in the little time I've been with your son I can assure you he's a good boy. My daughters seem to like him, at least, so he can't be all bad."

The plump mare tried to hide the smile, showing pride for her colt. "That's really nice of you to say, Mr. Nut."

"Oh no, you can call me Kernal; it's what my friends call me. And this is my wife, Cocoa." The light cream mare bowed her head. "And these two fillies are Almond and Pecan. They're just a couple of Nuts from the same Nut."

"Oh, that's clever. It's nice to meet you all."

"Yes, well, I can tell you our meeting was from a mutual friend we share, Bry-" Kernal winced, catching himself before he could finish.

Cocoa Buerre raised an eyebrow at her other half. "What was zat?"

"What I meant was... You see-"

Before Kernal could think of something to pull himself out of the fire, the schoolhouse bell rang, and with it came a fuschia colored mare at the front door. "Alright, my little ponies, time for class." She said in a happy tone, prepared to meet the latest batch of young minds she would sculpt into the productive mares and stallions of tomorrow. "If you would all proceed in a orderly fashion we can begin the day."

All the parents gave their foals one last hug and a kiss before sending them under the fuschia mare's guidance.

Before Rocksalt left, Whipping Cream pulled him in close. "I know you hate it when I say this, but be good, Gelati. And be polite to the teacher. I've heard she's a sweet lady. And whenever she says something be sure you say 'ma'am'."

"Uh, yeah, Mom, Ah got it. Now I gotta-"

"Just one more hug." They two ponies gave eachother a tight hug that lasted for a while, sneaking a single kiss to the other. When they released their hold, Rocksalt ran inside.

When Rocksalt entered the schoolhouse he found it hard to hear anything over the noise the other foals made inside the small, single room building. The teacher, Cheerilee, tried to yell over the foals but anything she could say was lost amongst the chatter.

With little else to get her students' attention, Cheerilee began to rummage around in her desk. She found what she was looking for, though she seldom had need for them past the first day. It was a pair of earmuffs, which she proceeded to place over her ears.

Before any of the foals knew it, there came the loud, head spliting sound that could only be made when one ran their hoof across the chalkboard. It had the desired effect as the room went quiet after a few seconds of this.

After removing the earmuffs from her head and placing them back where they went in the desk drawer, Cherrilee said, "Alright, my little ponies, I realize you all must be very anxious to begin the school year, but you will all have time to talk later. Now, if you would all find yourselves a seat we can begin."

As the foals moved around the room, all the while complaining about a low ringing in their ears, Rocksalt found it difficult to find himself a desk.

Every chance he had the seat he wanted was either taken before he could lay claim, or the foal who sat next to him would snear at him, daring him to take the seat.

By the time everypony was seated, save for Rocksalt, there was only one desk left in the back of the room, which he took. It was by a stroke of luck that his two neighbors happened to be the Nut twins.

"Hey, Rocko, glad you made it." Almond said.

Seeing that all the students were quiet and seated, Cherrilee began, "That's better. I'm your teacher, Miss Cherrilee. I see a few faces I know and a lot more I don't. I'm sure we'll all get to know eachother eventually. I'd like to start the day by going around the room and have you all introduce yourselves."

At hearing that Rocksalt's heart sank.

"We'll start with you, at the front. Then we'll move down and to the back row."

For the next few minutes the dull brown colt couldn't hear a word of what was said over the sound of his own heartbeat. He knew any second it would be his turn to tell the other foals about himself. And then it would be only a few seconds more before the teacher told everypony what Rocksalt had accidently left out.

When the line came down to his row it was Pecan who went first. She spoke in a voice almost too quiet for even Rocksalt to hear. "Um, I'm Butter Pecan... And... Uhm..."

"Sorry, but I didn't quite hear what you said." Cheerilee said from the front of the class.


Seeing her sister's distress, Almond decided to butt in. "Her name's Pecan, and I'm her twin, Almond. Our Dad runs the nut stand on Market Days, and our Mom's a cook."

"That's nice. Is your sister feeling okay?"

"She's okay; she's just quiet. It's what our Mom says. She also says that I'm the one who needs to 'asseoir et fermer elle putain de bouche.'" Almond said in perfect Prench.

"Oh... And what does that mean?"

"I don't know, she won't tell us."

"Well it's nice to meet you, Almond, Pecan. Now, let's begin our first-"

"Wait!" Almond shouted. "You forgot about Rocko."

"Did I? So I did. And Almond, when you want my attention you should raise your hoof. Now, you there." Cheerilee said, pointing to Rocksalt. "Would you mind telling us your name and a little about yourself?"

Rocksalt shot Almond a death stare. "What?" She mouthed.

Rocksalt cleared his throat. "My name's Rocksalt. I-"

From somewhere up front, a foal coughed, "Butthole." Sending a wave of laughter through the classroom, save for the very back row.

Cheerilee stomped her hoof, cutting the laughter short. "Settle down, class. Rocksalt was kind enough to stay quiet while you all spoke so you can show him the same respect." A few of the foals gagged, resulting in a second hoof stomp from Cheerilee. She looked back to the dull brown colt. "Go ahead, Rocksalt."

"I... I live with my Mom. She makes ice cream for Sugarcube Corner."

"Well, I suppose you get to have all the ice cream you want, huh?"

"Not too many times. My Mom won't let me have too much. And I, uh, have a job as a paperboy."

"Is that so?" Cheerilee exclaimed. "I guess I have you to think for my morning paper."

"Ye- Yeah, I guess so."

"And your accent, is it Manehatten?"

"Ye- Yes ma'am."

"I thought so. Well it's nice to meet you, Rocksalt," Cheerilee said with a smile.

Seeing the teacher smile made Rocksalt feel uneasy. He knew this was it; the moment he had been dreading. What was meant to reassure the colt he saw as coniving. He felt on the verge of puking.

Instead, Cherrilee looked across the room. "Is there anypony else I missed?" The silence that resonated from the foals gave the fuschia mare her answer. "Alright, my little ponies, unless there's anything else let us begin the day by introducing you to 26 friends I'd like you all to get acquainted with." She walked over to the chalkboard and proceeded to write a collection of lines, bends, and curves that held meaning to the brightest of foals. "The alphabet!" She said, as giddy as a schoolgirl.

For once, Rocksalt felt relaxed. He didn't know if Miss Cheerilee knew what had happened with him, but if she did she didn't show it. Pulling a sheet of paper and a pencil out of his saddlebag, he began to copy down each individual letter. Mr. Nut had been right; he could look back on it and laugh.


Bryce yawned, as he had done for at least the hundredth time that day. Between getting up before the sun rose and then going about his usual work day the fatigue had begun to sink in. And it was made all the more worse when Bait insisted he come with him to God knew where. It wasn't that he minded spending time with his best guy friend, but it had to happen on the day Dinky would be staying late at the farm. And it had felt like forever since he had seen either her or Apple Bloom. But still he went along with Bait, who promised he would get him back before Dinky had to leave for home.

But their trek down the road past the apple farm wasn't the only thing that had intrigued Bryce that day. It was the addition of a black eye to the tan colt's usually shrewd face.

Bait claimed it was from a rogue apple he had bucked down from a tree. But after seeing the way Bait would tense up when Applejack came around made him wonder if it had been a rogue apple of a different sort.

But Bryce remained silent about the situation and instead passed the time by tossing a tennis ball to Corn, who carried a clingy Jack that struggled to hold herself around the canine's neck.

When they came close to the fifteen minute mark, Bait announced, "Here it is."

The pair stopped at a fork in the road. One way continued off into the infinite; the other into a copse of trees.

Without a word of explanation, Bait walked down the latter fork, with Bryce and Corn close behind.

After they walked for a little over a minute down the second path, Bryce asked, "Bait, what are we doing out here?"

"I suppose you've waited long enough. As you know, I recently came into a good amount of bits from my uncle. Well, after our last meeting I thought it wise I take his advice."

When Bait didn't say more, Bryce asked, "And that advice was?"

By then they had cleared the treeline, and emerged into a wide open area that descended at a shallow angle on one side and ended up at a small hill on the other before meeting a plateau. The plain part was a large flat area, with the occassion outcropping of trees. The large plain may well have went on for miles before coming to Everfree Forest far in the distance. It may have been beautiful, but it was overrun with tall grass that had grown past Bryce's knees. Down the slope, Bryce could see the silver glint of a river that fed into a large lake or pond downstream. On the other side, which was up a shallow slope from the plain, the area gave way to a second flat area before rising up to the plateau.

"My uncle advised me to buy a plot of land. And from the looks of this property I think it prudent I do so."

Bryce looked to Bait. "You want to buy all this? How far does it go?"

"All the area from the plateau, down the hill, , to the forest, to a few yards across the river."

Bryce gazed across the land. "This has to be about a square mile."

"Close to one-and-a-half, to be precise."

Bryce looked back to Bait, doubting the seriousness of his friend. "This can't be cheap."

"Quite right, but they did give me a rather good price. 42,500 bits."

Bryce shook his head. And I thought 5,000 gold was a good deal for land and the materials for a little starter home. "And that's for all this?"

"That's correct."

"Well, it's a nice place, but why did you bring me out here?"

"Yes, the reason. Well, I was thinking that while having land would be nice, I think it's a little much for me."

"So things have been going good with Amethyst?"

Bait gave a chuckle. "They have, but she was not who I had in mind."

"Well, who did you...? Oh..."

"Yes, you."

Bryce gave the land a thorough look over, not missing any details. "You want me to come a live with you, on this?"

Bait gave a nod.

"I like the idea, but this place... It's so... Big... So big and...and open. I mean, if you wanted to you could start a village here."

"That's an idea, but I doubt it would happen in our life time."

Bryce scratched his head as he curled and uncurled his toes. "Bait, I don't know."

"I'm not saying you have to; it's only an offer. Just think about it. Let's go and take a look up the slope."

When they reached the top of the hill they looked back. The view of the the river and the land was sublime. Here the grass was much shorter, coming up to Bryce's shoes. Somehow nature had carved ot the area in such a way to give the view down below a beauty no mortal being could create.

"This would be the perfect place for a house," Bait commented. "You can practically see the whole thing from here."

"Yeah, I'll get behind you on that," Bryce said in agreement. "Not that I'm saying yes, but it's nice."

Corn barked, giving his approval, as well.

"Yes, but I think I've kept you long enough. Let's get back to the farm, shall we?"

As the trio made their way back down the slope and reentered the tall grass, Bait let out a cry. "What is it!?" Bryce shouted.

"I felt something crawl under my hooves."

"Did you see what it was?"

"No, but it wasn't very-" Bait froze.

"Bait, what is it?"

"It's...on...me..." He said, trying to keep his movements to a minimum.

"Okay, just stay still. Can you see what it is?"

"No... It's crawling...up my...back..."

Bryce paced over to Bait, and looked down the tan colt's back. Bryce placed his hand on Bait's back, allowing the creature to crawl up his arm. "It's safe."

Bait looked back, finding the snake that clung to Bryce and his dog like a moth to a flame wrapped around the human's arm. Bait narrowed his eyes at the serpent. "Darn you, Jack."

"Hey, she's family." Bryce said as the scarlet kingsnake coiled around his neck. "She's harmless. But this is a good warning to watch your step. Tall grass is good hunting ground for her less friendly cousins. So watch where you step and go slow. And don't antagonize them if you can help it."

It didn't take long before Bait came to a stop a second time. Bryce caught on quick to the colt. "Okay, just stay still. The worst thing to do now is to move. If you move you'll frighten it, and then it'll strike."

Searching through the grass Bryce found a stick, though not as long as he would have liked. He picked it up and made his was over to Bait. When he got there he could see the serpent, and it didn't look good. From the looks of it it looked to be a copperhead, though the grass concealed most of its form.

"Okay, I'm going to put this stick on the back of its head. When I do you step back."

Bryce bent down, and placed the stick on the snake. "Go!" Bryce said in a low voice.

Bait did so.

With the stick still firmly planted on the snake's neck, Bryce grabbed it from just behind where it was pinned. Dropping the stick, Bryce used his now free hand to grab the snake midway down its body.

When he brought it up to the light the bright red and yellow scales gave away its identity. "It's safe."

Bait stepped forward with cautious steps. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's safe. It's nothing but a corn snake." He held it down for Bait to see, though the colt still remained a safe distance away. "Suit yourself; he's not a biter." He held the serpent up to his eye level. "Sorry, friend, but I already have Jack." The snake flicked its forked tongue out at the human. "Yeah, that's what she said. Well, see ya next time." Hefting back his arm, Bryce tossed the snake a good distance away.

With the snake gone, Bryce, Bait, and Corn continued through the grass without further incident.

When they came upon the fork in the road, Bait said, "I cannot get over how calm you were. Have you done something like that before?"

"Like what?"

"Have you had to pick up a snake like that before?"

"Yeah. But not for a long time."

"Well, regardless, it was quite impressive."

"Well, that was a small one. If it had been a foot or more longer I would have had my work cut out for me. It also helped that it wasn't a biter because I doubt you could get me to the hospital before I croaked."

"In all fairness, I wouldn't try. We are friends, but I think you would have a better chance if I ran to the farm. Let Big Macintosh or Applejack break their backs. They're more built for the task."

Bryce shrugged. "Eh, you have a point. So, what happened with AJ?"

"I guess there's on point in denying it any longer." Bait cleared his throat. "Along with advice on how I should spend my inheritance, my uncle also suggested I should try and make amends with those I've wronged."

"And it didn't go as planned?"

Imitating Big Mac, Bait said, "Nnope."

Bryce chuckled at that. "Well, you can't blame her. You did try and kill."

"Yes, I don't deny it. If I could have taken it back I would. But it's out there and I there's nothing I can do to make up for it."

"Well, there isn't, but in the end I bet you feel better for being here now."

"I can agree. After everything my uncle told me about the outcome of the stallions in such a line of work this did turn out to be the better alternative. Plus, in addition to meeting you I also had the pleasure to meet Amethyst Star."

Bryce smirked. "Well, so it's all good on the Amethyst front?"

"It's had its ups and downs recently. Ever since she took a job as a foalsitter I don't see her as often. But when I do it feels like forever."

"I'll take your word for it." Bryce went silent.

Bait noticed his friend's silence. "How about you, Bryce? Have things been well between you and Fluttershy?"

Bryce was slow to give a response. "I really don't know. I mean, she kissed me."

"Well, that sounds like a step forward to me."

"It was just a kiss on the cheek. And that's was for... For helping her with her pet. But since then she doesn't seem to want anything to do with me. When I see her anymore it's like I distract her. I've tried talking to her, but then she finds something she needs to do right that second. And even then she won't look at me."

"I'm sure she means well. Whatever she does it for I'm sure isn't meant to spite you. Maybe when you think you are distracting her it's because she doesn't know what to say at that moment."

"Well, whatever it really is there's no point in me trying. There's no way she could go for a guy like me."

"And why is that?"

"We're too different."

"Different?" Bait questioned. "From what I have seen you both are close to being one and the same. You both like animal, and you're both helpful to everypony. You both may not be much at home in a crowd, but when it comes to affection you're like a pair of cuddly teddy bears. How can you say you're so unalike?"

"Because I'm a human. And Fluttershy, she's...not... She deserves to be with someone her type. Someone who will treat her right and not end up bringing her down with them if things turn south. She could never like a human, much less..."

Bait didn't need to guess what the human didn't have the stomach to say. "Bryce-"

"Tell me this, would you ever tell Amethyst about your past. About all the thousands and thousands of bits you took from unsuspecting ponies?"

"That's...questionable. But if I did, and if she did care for me, I'm sure she would be mad but would try to get past my shortcomings...eventually. And I'm sure anything you told Fluttershy about your past-"

"Bait, don't. I know what you're going to say, but I've made my peace with this. Just...please, drop this and let it lie. It just. Wouldn't. Work"

Bait wanted to say more, but he could see there would be no getting through to the human. There was more he could say, but now wasn't the time.

When the group reached the front yard, they were a bit surprised to find all the grown ups in a frenzy. The older Apple members were all there, Ditzy and Amethyst, as well. It didn't take long for them to figure out why they were all in such a state.

Amethyst was the first to notice the boys. "Bait, Bryce, have you seen Dinky or Apple Bloom?"

"No, we were out inspecting a property." Bait explained.

"Well they're missing. We searched around here but no luck. Can either of you think of a place they'd be?"

The boys shook their heads.

"Darn. Well come on and help us. If we can't find them soon..." Amethyst couldn't manage to finish that thought. "Just help us, please." The magenta mare pleaded.

Before Bait could take more than three steps forward, Applejack blocked his path. "Oh no, you ain't doin nothin."

"Applejack, I-"

"No, you listen. I'm not gonna let ya go past the barn. After that poor excuse ya gave ta me today I shoulda done you in."

"I can assure my intentions on this are pure. I may not like you, but I'm not so low that I would harm a foal."

"Yeah, but let's see ya say that when nopony's around."

They both shot eachother a death glare.

Bryce stepped between them to intervene. "The two of you stop it! All this time you've been arguing you could have been looking for the girls. Whatever's going on you drop it."

"Why are you defending him?"

"I'm not defending anyone. You're the one who's letting this get in the way of your sister's safety."

Applejack gritted her teeth. She turned away from the pair. "If you find them, and if either one a them fillies are hurt, I'm blaming you personally." She ran off, calling the fillys' names as she went. Winona falled the apple mare at her heels.

Bryce and Bait teamed up, with Corn following close behind.

For a while the boys followed after Corn. But despite the German Shepherd's heightened sense of smell he couldn't find a scent.

Around an hour later they had turned up nothing. Not even a single little hoof track. It all seemed hopeless until Bryce spied a hole in the ground not far off. "There!" He shouted.

"Bryce, how can you be-" Bait started to ask.

Corn began to bark, drowning out Bait's words. The dog ran to keep pace with his boy.

When Bryce reached the ditch he gave a smile. He found the two fillies huddled close together at the other side of the depression. "There you are. We've been-"

His words were cut off by the intrusion of a rattle. When he found the source his face recoiled in horror.

By that time Bait had caught up. "Bryce, are they-"

"Shh!" Bryce said, silencing the tan colt.

"Bryce, what's wrong!?"

The human pointed down into the part of the hole closest to where he was kneeling. Following his finger, Bait saw what caused his pause.

Opposite the two fillies, coiled to strike at the slightest movement was a snake. It shook the end of its tail, releasing an unnerving rattle. "Please tell me that's not a biter."

"I wish I could. It's a timber rattler, one of the more dangerous of the venomous snakes." Bryce punched the ground. "Damn it all!"

Bait looked over to the girls. The only indication they were still alive were from Apple Bloom's darting eyes. Dinky lay craddled in the yellow filly's fore legs, not meeting anyone's gaze.

"Have you been bit?" Bryce called down in a low voice.

Apple Bloom shook her head, which almost went unnoticed.

"What about Dinky, is she alright."

"A- Ah don't know. She won't say anything."

"Okay, just stay there and stay still. We're gonna get you both out of there."

Bryce and Bait retreated a short distance away from the hole. Bryce pulled a long, straight limb out of a tree and began to clear away any residual branches. "Okay, Bait, I'm going to need you to take this after I'm done with it."

"Wait, Bryce, you can't mean for me to-"

"You're going to take this stick and pin that rattler."

"But you have more experience doing...whatever one calls that."

"Yeah, but I have the longer arms. While you keep a hold on'm I'm going to pull the girls out. And don't say you can pullt hem out. If you tried they would pull you down there with them."

Bait hated it, but he had to agree with Bryce. "What do you need me to do?"

"I'm going over towards the girls. When I get over there you need to press the end of this stick down just behind his neck." Bryce handed the forked stick to the tan colt. "You need to really bear down on it now. When that thing feels you on'm he's going to fight you all the way." Bryce gripped Bait's shoulder hard. "But you don't give that fucker the privilege. If you give him even an inch he'll slither out, and he'll go for the first thing that he can get." Bryce released his hold. "Now let's do this."

It didn't take them long to get into position. Bait met Bryce's eyes.

The human held up a hand, and with it three fingers.

Bait nodded, understanding what he meant.

Bryce shook his hand once.

The rattlesnake hissed down in the hole, shaking its rattle.

Bryce shook his hand again, lowering a finger.

Apple Bloom swallow, her mouth feeling as dry as a bone.

Bryce shook his hand, lowering a second finger.

Bait tightened his grip on the stick in his hooves. What happened when Bryce gave the cue was all dependent on how well the colt did his part.

When Bryce dropped his last finger Bait sprang into action. When he pressed the stick onto the snake's neck its body slithered around, trying to break away. But Bait held the serpent down.

While this happened, Bryce lowered his hand down to the two trapped fillies. "Girls, come on!"

Apple Bloom was the easier of the two to get out of the hole. Dinky, however, refused to move as she held her little hooves tightly against her chest. She had tears in her eyes.

"Dink, come on!" Bryce shouted.

She remained comatose.


The purple-grey filly heard the human's word, but she couldn't take her eyes off the snake.

"Damn it, DINK!!!" Giving a growl, Bryce dropped down in the hole. Grabbing up the unicorn filly, Bryce cradled her to his chest, causing her to flay about in protest.

As Bryce was in the process of climbing back out the rattlesnake finally found its opening. It took advantage of this and wiggled free.

"Bryce, hurry!" Bait-and-Switch cried.

As if pushed on the his words, Bryce leaped out, with Dinky in tow. He narrowly missed the serpent's bite by less than a second's time.

Bryce fell down on his side, his heart beating in his throat. He looked down to Dinky, who had calmed down enough to keep still. When her heard her sob he knew then that she was alive. He wrapped her in a tight hug. "Dink, thank God." He kissed her head.

Down in the hole the snake had yet to accept defeat. It pounced upwards, trying to grab Bryce's low hanging shoes.

"Bryce," Apple Bloom said, "that critter's about ta get ya."

Bryce satthimself up, looking down into the hole. He gave a silent laugh. "That thing's not getting me from down there You know why, becuase I'm up here, and he's down there," he taunted.

Bait, who was lying down over the edge of the hole, said, "Bryce, please don't make jokes right now. Somepony could have died."

"Well, no one did. You did good though, while you had'm."

"I tried, but he found a way."

"I know, but you did your part and it paid off. Sprout, are you okay?"

"Yeah, but Dinky still hasn't said anything."

Bryce held the shaken filly. She had tears streaming down her face, but for the most part looked to be unharmed. "Dink, are you alright?"

She didn't give an answer.

"Dink, I'm sorry for yelling at you, but I was worried. If you're hurting I need to know."

Dinky shook her head.

"Good... That's..." He hugged her to his chest.

"Is she safe?" Bait asked.

"Yeah, she's safe."

Bait wiped off his forehead. "That's good, because from the way Applejack looked she-" Bait let out a hiss.

"Bait?" Bryce looked over, and saw it immediately.

The whole time Bryce had been cradling Dinky no one noticed the rattlesnake had picked a new target; one much closer to his strikes. And that had been Bait.

The snake had its fangs sank into one of the tan colt's fore legs. Already the sight where it was attached was going numb from the venom. Bait couldn't move.

Not letting himself fall victim to shock, Bryce placed Dinky on the ground and ran over to Bait. Pushing him over on his back, Bryce gripped the snake around its neck. It didn't come free at first, but when it did a string of blood followed from its fangs. Twin holes poked through the colt's flesh, oozing blood and urine colored venom.

The snake turned its attention to Bryce, but the human held a firm grip. The serpent spat at Bryce, cursing the human in its own language.

Bryce understood it all, but the rage built within him made him unforgiving. He stared into the snake's golden eyes, bringing it to silence. Seconds later the serpent's head blew outwards, sending chunks of flesh down Bryce's front.

With the snake dead, he dropped what was left and turned to Bait.

The tan colt held his bitten leg out in front of him. He shook violently.

Bryce inspected the wound. "Girls, we have to go." He said as he picked the colt up, positioning Bait so the bite was below the colt's heart.

As Bait was held in the human's arms, he saw the snake. Despite lacking a head its body continued to slither about aimlessly. "Hey, snakey, you might have a problem looking for your head since you ain't got one." He joked. Though a second later he didn't feel in a joking mood. He felt nauseous, his spit tasted metallic, and he couldn't stop shaking.

Before Bait realized what was happening he was back at the farm. He heard voices, but couldn't place who they belonged to.

"There y'all are. Did ya find the girls?"

"Yeah, they're here with me. But we need to get to the hospital."

"Hold on, are the girls okay?"

"We're fine, Applejack," Apple Bloom stated.

"Dinky...? DINKY, THANK CELESTIA!!!" Ditzy shouted, happy to see her filly.

"They're fine," Bryce said, getting the apple mare's attention. "now we need to get the the hospital."

"Well what for?"

"He's been bit."

"Who has?"

"Bait, he's been bit by a rattlesnake."

"A rattler? How'd that happen?"

"There's no time to explain. He's fading."

"Well it's nona my concern. A thief like him got what he deserved."

"Maybe he has, but if it hadn't been for him the girls would have been in the position he's in now."

There was a few seconds of silence.

"Beg pardon?"

"I would never have been able to save the girls without his help. It's because of him they're alive. If that means nothing to you then get out of the way."

Bait felt movement once again.

The movement stopped when he heard Applejack say, "Wait, Bryce, in his condition you'll never get there in time. Give'm ta me; I'm faster."

"Are you sure, Applejack? Because I have doubts your intentions are pure."

"Bryce, do you want him dead or alive?"

There was a moment of silence before Bryce said, "Can I trust you?"

"Yeah, of course ya can."

Bait watched as the ground came closer. "Can I trust you!?"


"Look me in the eye!"

There was a long silence.

"Bryce, I'll get him to the hospital as fast as I can. I promise."

A few seconds later, Bait felt himself dropped onto the apple mare's orange back.

"You haven't lied to me yet. I trust you, but I'm holding you to this."

The ground Bait could see rushed past his vision. After a while he heard voices again, but by now they sounded distant. The tan colt was out before his back hit the gurney.

Den of Thieves

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Chapter 63: Den of Thieves

They were everywhere. As far as Bait could see there were enough snakes in this ditch to fill a claw foot bathtub, and yet still a lot left over to fill a wash tub. And any second now the thin root Bait was biting down on would give out, dropping the tan colt into thick of it all.

As the seconds ticked by Bait watched the snakes spit and hiss down below, each one itching to bite down into pony flesh.

There were rattlesnakes and taipans that lunged high with passion. Mambas and adders were there, the latter with their bodies puffed in anticipation. Cobras had their hoods flared and kraits, rather reclusive, had showed for the occasion.

All these and more were present, and all were quite deadly.

Bait's mouth hurt. Never is his life did Bait have to clamp his jaw shut on anything for so long, and with the way things looked there would be no second time. But he couldn't imagine what lay in wait when either his jaw decided it had had enough or the root gave out. The one bite from a rattler had been bad, but being dumped into a pit full of venomous serpents would be hell.

Then from above, Bait saw a figure. It was hard to distinguish their features, but he could somehow tell the dark figure saw him. What the figure did next caused Bait to bite down harder with almost enough force to break teeth. From the edge of the ditch the figure dropped an object. As it came closer Bait saw it was a glass bottle, and jutting out of the neck was a flaming rag. It was a wonder Bait held on as it and a second bottle like it passed him by.

When the bottles hit the ground below they shattered, spewing their contents in a wide radius. When the flaming rags touched the fluid the bottles once contained it ignited, blanketing the area in flames. The snakes that weren't consumed by the fire retreated back, spooked by the heat the flames gave off.

As if a blessing from Celestia herself, the flames thinned out from the center, parting the ditch in two and keeping the snakes at bay. Not having the willpower to hold on for half a second more, Bait unclenched his jaw and slid down in between the flames.

Bait didn't know how long he sat there, rubbing his sore jaw, but the fires continued to burn. When Bait looked back up he could see the root he had sank his teeth in, but the figure who had saved his life was nowhere in sight.

He looked to his sides, watching as a few brave serpents made a pass to pounce over the fires. But each was consumed by the eternal flames. Under him were the blackened bones of the snakes that had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The smell of charred flesh was insufferable, but the tan colt kept on his flank. He couldn't tell if the sweat was from the heat the flames gave off, or from his close call at becoming a serpentine teething rod.

Then from above, he heard a long wolf call. Bait looked up in time to see an object falling down to meet him. He managed to prop himself against the ditch before the object pierced the ground where he'd been less than a second ago.

The object took shape. It was long, metallic, and was topped with a small cage containing a rag that reeked of alcohol. It was a torch.

Bait looked up, and found the same figure he'd seen before. When the figure saw the colt's upward gaze it stuck out its arm, pointing down the ditch.

Bait knew what the figure wanted, but he wanted answers. "Who are you?"

The figure shook its outstretched arm in the same direction, ignoring the question.

"Why are you helping me?"

The figure held its arm out, not giving any indication of a response, verbal or otherwise.

Bait let out a sigh. He could tell sitting around would get him nowhere, and whoever the figure was they were being helpful, but only just. He looked down the ditch in the direction the figure pointed. As far as he could tell it went on forever. The entire way there was a carpet of snakes, all spitting venom and itching to bite into his flesh. He looked up to the silent dark figure, who had lowered its arm and now looked down to him as if asking, "What choice do you have?"

Bait huffed. He saw no other option but to do as the dark figure wanted of him. Staring daggers at the torch lodged in the ground in front of him. There was no way he would be able to carry it in his hooves, leaving him to have to carry the metal rod in his teeth. He rubbed his aching jaw, anticipating the pain he was about to inflict on himself. Taking a deep breath, Bait reached forward, and took the torch in his mouth.

Almost as soon as his lips touched the metal rod the flames started to flicker. With little time to react, Bait gripped the torch hard, ignoring the pain and ignited the cage part before the fires were little more than embers.

With the fires gone the snakes closed in fast. Bait swung the lit torch around, knocking a few back. The rest were pushed back at leg's length while a few were charred to a crisp.

With the torch in his teeth, Bait ran down the ditch, swinging the torch from side to side as he went. He went along for what must have been miles, moving his hooves fast enough to miss the toxic sting of every snake he passed by. At times the river of snakes would thicken, but Bait would swing the torch, reducing them to ashes.

After a while, just when the torch was starting to burn out, the snakes dispersed. Bait didn't notice this at first, not until the torch had gone out and there wasn't a single snake to be seen. Skidding to a halt, Bait spat the torch out of his mouth. The coppery taste was left behind, but his teeth thanked him for the sweet release that left his mouth numb to all feeling.

He took the time to catch his breath. He looked back where he'd come from and was surprised to find the ditch empty. He looked to his front and found the same. But as his vision cleared he took note of something on the horizon. It was hard to make out, but there was something there.

He walked towards the horizon at a light trot. Very slowly the thing at the end of the ditch came into focus. It was a bridge.

At seeing, this Bait quickened his pace. When he was close enough to fully make out the bridge he came to a stop.

Standing in the center of the bridge was the dark figure. When it noticed Bait it waved before letting loose a rope over the side. When Bait didn't move, the figure beckoned him forward.

After what Bait had been through he threw caution to the wind. Right now he wanted to get out of this ditch, and hoped he never saw another snake as long as he lived.

It all seemed to be over, but when Bait was a few steps away the ground began to tremble under him. The figure above him noticed this, as well, and urged the colt to hurry.

Doing as asked, Bait looped the rope around his fore legs. Tugging at the rope, the figure began to draw the colt up.

As the figure continued to wind the rope, Bait could only watch as the source of the rumbling came into sight. He could hardly believe what he saw. Coming towards the bridge, with fire spewing from its back was a creature that made Bait want to rub at his eyes.

The bottom part was like that of a pony, but much larger. This part was at three times the height of Big Macintosh, and about the same proportion as long. Entwined around its equine form were more snakes that were nothing like Bait had seen before. These were long and slender with black and light blue stripes running down their length. But it was the upper portion that held Bait's attention. At the front of the creature, where a pony's neck should have connected to a head was a human torso, complete with arms and a bearded human head. The smile across its face spread from ear to ear, exposing crooked teeth. In its hands it held a long wooden club about the diameter of a full grown tree at its thickest point. Standing astride the human-pony hybrid's shoulders was a dragon that bellowed a column of flames. Both of the beasts had the deepest red eyes; the shade of red one would equate with violence and merciless rage.

The figure drew the rope in at a renewed vigor. But it mattered little as the dragon astride the centaur's back flew from its master’s shoulders and caught the figure in its claws.

Bait fell, getting knotted up in the rope when he hit the ground. He retched around, trying to loosen the ropes grip but only managed to trap himself further.

The centaur kept its pace, giving no indication of stopping anytime soon. It gripped the club in its hands, the maniacal grin spreading across its bearded face even further.

When Bait finally released himself from the rope he rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the centaur's heavy hooves. Before the centaur could stop and turn back, Bait had gotten to his hooves and ran the opposite direction. But the centaur caught up with Bait with ease. Taking the club in one hand, the centaur swung widthwise, but missed the tan colt. It swung again and again, but Bait managed to dodge every swing. After a while the centaur had had enough.

Hefting the club over its shoulders, it lobbed the bludgeon ahead. The top impaled in the earth, with the handle almost reaching the top edge of the ditch. But it had the desired effect as it blocked the path, making the way impassable.

Bait came to a halt, unable to go forward. The centaur stopped as well, not once lowering its bloodlust smile. It took a few steps toward the tan colt, leaving noticeable holes in the ground with each stamp. Bait found himself backed into the club.

When the centaur found itself close enough, it gave a low laugh that chilled Bait to the bone. Its red eyes seemed to dance like flames in its human eye sockets. The laugh grew in volume to where Bait could almost say his ears were bleeding.

While still laughing, the centaur drew back its fore legs, placing all its weight on its hind legs. When the centaur's fore legs went past its head, it held them in the air for a second before it began to drop them back down.

Bait, seeing no way out, froze on the spot.

Then, just before the centaur's fore hooves were halfway down it was thrown backwards. From above the dragon, which had gone after the black figure, rammed into its master.

The figure let out a whistle from the middle of the centaur's club, getting Bait's attention.

Bait looked up, and let out a gasp. The figure, who was indistinguishable before, now took shape. It was Bryce. "Bryce, what in the hay-"

Bryce waved a hand, silencing the colt before waving upwards. He mouthed, "Come on!"

Taking the hint, Bait straddled the club and began to climb up. When he reached Bryce the human grabbed Bait by the nape of his neck and pulled him up. Placing the tan colt on his shoulders, Bryce climbed the rest of the way. Bait sniffed the air, and found it odd how the human reeked of the undeniable scent of smoke.

When Bryce reached the top of the club, Bait jumped up, leaving the ditch. The colt turned back to help his friend the rest of the way.

Bryce gripped the colt's fore hoof, and pulled, but was pulled back himself.

From below, the centaur had righted itself and now had Bryce by the leg.

Grabbing the human's hand with both hooves, Bait pulled back, but the centaur's superior strength dragged Bait and Bryce down.

The centaur laughed the same hysterical boast as it pulled the human back into the ditch.

Bryce shook his hand loose of Bait's grasp. In a last ditch effort, Bryce pressed his palm forward. But instead of pushing Bait away, as he had wanted, the colt was shot away with an invisible force.

As the tan colt flew away from the ditch at a high velocity, the world slowly faded to white.


Bryce rushed to Bait's bed, and was quick to send the black foal that lay on the colt's chest to the floor.

"What do you think you're doing!?" He said through his teeth.

The mare, ignoring how Bryce had shoved her away, glared back. "You're welcome," she said before vanishing in a puff of smoke.

Bryce stared daggers at the spot where the mare had been.

From the door, Nurse Tenderheart, who had been accompanying the human into Bait's hospital room, could only stare. "Bryce, is something wrong?"

He looked to the blue nurse, his face void of anything having happened. "It's nothing, I just wanted to check on my friend. How has he been doing?"

"I think it best we check his wound before I answer that. Come on in, Nursery Rhyme, this is the part of the job you'll need to get used to."

A light tan filly came through the door, donning a nurse's caps on her brown curly mane. She didn’t say a word as she hopped onto the foot of the bed.

By now Bait had awakened, and let out a big yawn. "Boy, I haven't slept that well in a while." He saw Bryce standing over him. "Hello, Bryce. Is it that time again already?"

"Yep, afraid so, buddy."

Bait yawned again. "Well, let's get it over with." He hung his fore leg over the side of the bed.

"I can assure you, I take no pleasure in this, but I do find it quite a bit of fun," Nurse Tenderheart said without a hint of jest. "Now watch closely, Nursery Rhyme. You may never have to deal with anything like this, but it's best you know how, just in case."

With the nurse filly in position at the end of the bed, Nurse Tenderheart cut the bandages away from Bait's envenomed leg. When the wound came in contact with the air the tan colt gave a hiss. He kept his head turned to the side, not wanting to see a part of him meant to be covered by skin and fur.

Nursery Rhyme watched as her mentor cleaned the exposed flesh with care, and later spread ointment before redressing it. If she were a filly training to be in any other position she would have fainted at the sight of blood. But this is what she wanted to do and she was going to do it until she had a cast iron stomach, just like Nurse Tenderheart.

Once Nurse Tenderheart was done, Bryce asked, "Well, how's it look?"

"Rather well, actually. In truth, it's healed tremendously since last night. With hopes he should be out by tonight. Nursery Rhyme, what did you think?"

The filly took in a deep breath. "I think it looks like an exposure of flesh that is usual for a snake bite victim. After his discharge the patient will need to come back to have the wound closed surgically, but in the meantime should avoid any unnecessary exposure and keep the sight clean. He'll also need a few weeks of physical therapy, as well as a prescription of high grade pain medication to counteract any ill effects the wound gives the patient. After that it will be as if it never happened."

Bryce and Bait looked at the filly, beyond belief at her medical acumen. Nurse Tenderheart smiled. "Very good, Nursery Rhyme. That's exactly right."

The filly's blank face made it impossible to tell how she felt about the compliment.

Bryce turned to Tenderheart. "Nurse in training?"

After a few seconds, Nursery Rhyme asked, "Can I go and color now?"

Nurse Tenderheart nodded in approval, and the filly hopped down and made her way out of the room without another word.

"Yes, a nurse in training," Tenderheart said once Nursery Rhyme was out of the room.

"Well, that was...enlightening." Bryce brought a hand to his head and brought it away, opening his fingers and saying, "Boom."

"Quite," Bait added.

"Yes, she's quite gifted. Now then, breakfast will come by in a few minutes. And if Doctor Stable will do his job he should come around noon to check you over, and then discharge you." When the boys said nothing afterwards, Nurse Tenderheart said, "I'll give you both the room. It was nice to see you, Bryce."

With the nurse gone, Bait began to slowly move his jaw. Bryce caught on and asked, "What's wrong with your mouth?"

He continued to open and close his mouth, finding it almost unbearable to move his mandible. "I don't know, but my mouth feels as if I bit down on a metal rod." He thought for a second. "I remember something, but it's faint."

"Like what?"

"It was..." He shook his head. "Whatever it was it's gone. It must have been a dream. Anyway, how have things been on the outside?"

Bryce shrugged. "Eh, they've been the same. I get up, help Rocksalt with his paper route, go to work, go home, play with Apple Bloom or whittle, then go to bed; with a few breaks in between to eat. But I did see Dinky and her sister last night. Amethyst said they would come by sometime later today. And I also got a return letter from your uncle. He'll be here today, too. Other than that same old, same old."

"How have Amethyst and Dinky been?"

"Amethyst's worried about you. Dinky hasn't said much since the incident. But she perked up a little when she heard you were doing better."

"That's good to hear. As long as she and Apple Bloom are well this is worth it."

"Well, it didn't happen until they were out of the hole. But after all the surgeries, the being put under, and the 10 to 20 antivenin jabs, that I know of, I would think the bite was the best part of it all."

"You can say that again. This is truly the best sleep I've had since you brought me in."

Bryce gave Bait a blank stare. "I can see how you would think that, but it wasn't me who brought you in. You'd be dead if I had."

"Oh, then who may I ask did carry me all this way?"

"Well," Bryce hesitated. "It may sound hard to believe, but it was Applejack."

If Bait had been in the process of drinking, he would have done a spit take. "I'm sorry, but you must be confused."

Bryce shook his head. "Nope, it was AJ. Like I said: If I'd brought you in you'd be dead before I could get you through the front door."

"But...that makes no sense."

"Maybe not, but she did."

"Did she say why?"

Bryce shook his head again. "Whatever reason she had you'll have to ask her yourself." He opened the front casing of his watch and checked the time. "Well, it's almost time for me to get to work. And there's one more thing." Bryce rummaged inside his satchel, producing a thin cord. He held it out for Bait to see.

Hanging on the end of the cord was what looked to be a miniature ear of corn. "What is that supposed to be?"

"It's the tail of the snake that bit ya."

"The tail of...the snake that bit me...?"

"Uh huh, listen." Bryce shook the rattle, producing the unnerving sound Bait had heard a few days before.

"Well, that's...nice."

Bryce held it out to Bait. "I made it for you. After all, it's not every day you survive a bite from a rattler."

Bait would have rejected the item, but said, "I would say keep that thing away from me, but since it's from you I'll take it." Bait took the necklace and looped it over his neck. He took the tail end and shook it, getting the same result as Bryce. "That's quite terrifying."

"Well, I wouldn't want to meet the guy who walked away without being spooked. But I have to get going now. Take it easy, Bait. I'll come by after work and hopefully take you back to the farm." With a wave, Bryce went out the door.

Almost as soon as Bryce had left, there came a food cart. It was pushed by pale yellow nurse who looked to be sleepy eyed. The nurse put the tray on a rolling table and rolled it over to Bait, but cut short when she laid eyes of the tan colt.

"Well, I don't believe I've seen you here before." She looked at the chart at the foot of his bed. "Hmm, Bait-and-Switch. I don't think I've ever heard of a name like that before."

"It's not a very common name," said Bait.

"It's nice though. And it says here you turned 18 a few months ago. Em, you're my kind of stallion."

Bait gave the nurse an odd look. "I'm sorry...?"

"Oh, where are my manners. I'm Nurse Snowheart, and I'll be serving you your meals today."

"Yes, well, thank you, Ms. Snowheart. Do you think you could-?"

Snowheart laid down on her fore hooves at the end of the bed. "I'll do anything you want, sugar. All you need is ask." She batted her eyes.

Bait swallowed. "Yes, do you think you could maybe bring my meal over here?"

"Right away." Nurse Snowheart walked over to the rolling table, swaying her rear end in Bait's direction. When she reached the table, she 'accidently' bumped the glass of orange juice off, sending it to the floor. "Oh, clumsy me. I better clean that up." She then bent down with a wash cloth, giving Bait a better view of her rump. Bait looked up at the ceiling, not liking the mare's display in the least. It did little to hide his blushing cheeks, however.

After she was done wiping the juice out of the floor, she stood back up and said, "You wait right here, I'm going to go and get you some fresh juice to keep your immune system in good working order. And maybe give you an extra boost of energy for later," saying the last part under her breath.

Bait was happy to see her leave. With the nurse gone, Bait made an attempt to roll the table over to him, while still keeping on the bed.

It didn't go as he'd hoped when he fell forward, hitting his lacerated leg and crying out in pain.

Around that same time, Amethyst came walking in with Dinky at her side. The magenta mare was shocked at what she saw. "Bait, what are you doing down there!?"

"Amethyst..." He said, trying to recover from the pain.

Amethyst gave a grunt. Using her magic, she placed the colt back in bed and rolled the table over to him. "What in Celestia's name were you doing?"

"I was trying to get breakfast. The nurse-"

As if answering his call, Nurse Snowheart came back in with a glass of orange juice balanced on her back. "I'm back... Oh, you have visitors," she said with a dismissive tone. She almost slammed the glass onto the table. "I’ll come by later to clean up whatever's left, if there’s anything left." She went back out of the room, coming close to bumping into Amethyst as she did so.

Once Snowheart was gone, Amethyst shot Bait a glare. "What was that?"

"What was what?"

Amethyst narrowed her eyes.

"It was nothing. She was the one who was, uhm."

Amethyst began to tap her hoof.

"You don't honestly think I would do something so heinous, do you?"

"I don't know, is her face red because of her, or are you mad because I cut the show short?"

"That's...complicated..." Bait gave a meek smile.

Amethyst gave a huff. "Come on, Dinky, we're leaving."

"But, Amy," Dinky protested.

But the magenta mare would hear none of it. "Now!"

Turning to Bait, Dinky said, "Get well soon, Bait," before being ushered out of the room.

As the two sisters left the room they passed by a middle-aged grey stallion with a salt-and-pepper mane. Upon his entrance Ponzi found his nephew with his head planted in his hooves, shaking his head. After a few seconds, Ponzi Scheme cleared his throat.

Bait looked up. "Oh, hey, Uncle Ponz,” he said with no enthusiasm.

"Did I interrupt something?"

"No, you didn't. It was a misunderstanding."

"Oh. So was that the famous Amethyst Star?"

Bait gave a sullen nod.

"What happened?"

Bait pointed behind his uncle. "That happened."

Turning back, Ponzi found Nurse Snowheart leaning against the side of the door, tapping her hoof. "How many visitors are you going to get, I need to check you up." And check you out. She thought, hiding a smile to herself.

Just when Bait was prepared to chuck the glass of orange juice at the pale yellow nurse, they all heard somepony call from down the hall, "Nurse Snowheart, you get away from there, right now! You've been told about this before!"

Before the plump purple nurse could reach the doorway, Nurse Snowheart went running down the hall and out of sight.

Entering the room, Nurse Sweetheart said, "I apologize for that. Nurse Snowheart tends to become a teeny bit involved with some of our adult male patients." Which is why she's been assigned to the mares and foals. "I hope she was no trouble."

"No, no trouble," Bait said. "All she did was make me look like a lecherous teenage colt in front of the mare I was close to becoming my official fillyfriend." He fell back onto his pillow.

Nurse Sweetheart brought a hoof to her mouth. "I'm so, so sorry for that. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Bait was close to waving her away when Ponzi spoke up. "If you would kindly go and inform the magenta unicorn who left not too long ago of the situation. She was with a grey, purple toned filly who had a horn, as well."

Sweetheart gave a smile. "Sure, I'll go and do that right now." She ran down the hall, wanting to get to Amethyst before she could get too far away.

Ponzi turned back to his nephew. "There, you've been saved an unfortunate fate. Now, how are you feeling?"

Bait shook his head with a smile. "A lot better. Thank you, Uncle Ponz."

Ponzi smiled back. "Anytime, nephew. Anytime."


Bryce's concentration was turned away from his work when he heard the whistling and howling of his male coworkers. Normally, Bryce would disregard this, but when he saw what had caused the current commotion he stopped. This time the three stallions' attention was on the silver mare who would show up at the construction site around noon every second day.

Bryce stood up and threw his hammer into a pail of nails, which he made sure was far from the edge, and began the climb down.

When he got to the bottom he found the guys chatting with the mare, who gave a polite smile while at the same time turning them down. Ambrosia kept busy, rolling her eyes at their mannish behavior.

Noticing Bryce, the mare walked over to the human. "Hey, you. You ready to have lunch?"

"Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go."

The pair took their usual route away from the sight, heading into town and then becoming lost down an alley.

Once they were alone, Bryce said. "How have you been?"

"I've felt better than I ever have before, though I feel a little drained this morning. I went out on a limb and went for a long walk this morning. But now I'm regretting it."

"Well, you're not cured yet. But you look a lot better than when I saw you the other morning."

"Yep, and it's all thanks to you. And let me tell you, the doctors are really baffled by my sudden 'recovery'."

Bryce smirked. "I'm sure they've never seen one so good. But you reminded me of something I wanted to ask you."

"Oh, what is it?"

"What's your name?" Bryce asked bluntly.

The mare said nothing for a few seconds. "My...what...?"

"Your name, what is it?"

After a few more seconds the mare laughed, waving her hoof. "You're funny. I'm sure I've told you."

"Well, that's the thing; you haven't. I asked around the hospital this morning and they don’t know what to call you, either."

The mare laughed again. "Nice one, Bryce. Now, could we get on with..." The stare Bryce gave her made it obvious Bryce wasn't about to drop the issue. "But...I'm sure I told you... Didn't I?"

Bryce shook his head.

"Oh... Darn... I could have... Well, my name is... It's..."

Before the mare could think of what to say, Bryce jumped to the side, narrowly being pelted by a water balloon.

Bryce and the mare looked to where the projectile had originate, and found a rather infuriated Thunderlane. He had a fresh water balloon in hoof, and many more like it in his saddlebag.

"You!" Thunderlane snarled.

"What is it now?" Bryce asked. Thunderlane threw the balloon in his hoof, prompting Bryce to avoid it like a plague rat.

"What the H!?"

"I want my flight!"

"This again? I've told you-" Bryce avoided another water balloon.

"You're nothing but a liar. I did what you asked me to do. I went and did an act of hu- Hu- I did a good thing. At least 20 good things for ponies, and after all that I still can't fly."

"Well, then you didn't really do-"

Thunderlane lobbed another water balloon, not giving Bryce time to finish.

"Don't you dare throw that!" Bryce screeched, trying to keep his voice down as to not draw attention.

"I won't if you give me what I want."

"I've told you already how you can get it back. It's your own fault at this point."

"Oh yeah. I did what you wanted. I helped an old mare carry her groceries home. I gave a bit to a beggar. I even gave my little brother the last popsicle. And still this." He flapped his wings, but remained planted to the spot.

"Well, let me ask you this: After you did all that did you hold any contempt for the person in your heart, or did you feel they were beneath you after the fact?"

"What’s it to ya?" Thunderlane barked back.

"Well, why did you follow me out here to tell me all you've done if you're so humble?"

Thunderlane lowered the water balloon in his hoof. For a few seconds he did nothing, but he then started to tremble with rage. Drawing his hoof back, he let the liquid filled balloon fly.

It missed Bryce by little more than a foot. "If you hit me with that-"

"You'll what, crush me?" He asked as he threw another balloon from his saddlebags.

"I'll do worse to you, you egotistical-"

Thunderlane threw the water balloons, his aim blinded by his rage. Bryce was able to dodge every one the slate grey pegasus threw at him, but he could tell he was being pressed into a corner.

This proved true when Bryce's back came in contact with the concave corner of a building. It left him in the worst possible position for Thunderlane's single remaining water balloon.

"Any last words?" The pegasus asked.

Through clinched teeth, Bryce said, "I'm going to pop your head like a fucking grape."

Thunderlane gave a toothy grin as he drew his hoof back for one final strike.

But before he had to chance to set it free, the mare shouted, "STOP IT!!!" And with those two words a garbage can exploded outwards, dazing Thunderlane enough that he lost his hold on the balloon. He tried to regain his hold, but it hit the ground, spewing its contents.

After watching his last weapon disintegrate, Thunderlane looked up to the silver mare's peridot eyes and found it hard to look away. He could have sworn he'd seen Bryce come into this alley alone, but then again the human had been the only thing he was focused on.

The mare was pissed; way past being mad. Staring deep into Thunderlane's eyes, without blinking once, she slowly stepped forward. "What do you think you’re doing!?" She said through her teeth.

Thunderlane soon found himself backed into a corner. "I... He..."

"SHUT UP!!!" She growled back. "I don't know what all has happened between you both, but from what I just saw he should do worse to you."

"But he-"

The mare levitated a garbage lid over, smacking Thunderlane across the face. It sent the pegasus to the ground, but he held his gaze on her eyes.

"Did I say you could talk!?"

Thunderlane said nothing back.

"I don't care what Bryce has done to you, but what you did was something only a foal only half-- no, a quarter of your age would do. As long as I've known him he has been nothing but kind to me. But you, you've been nothing but a little colt whose ball got taken by the big kid. And that's all I see you as." The mare turned to the side, showing off her beautiful figure. It gave the desired effect as Thunderlane looked on, barely able to hide his self. "Do you see this beautiful body? This mane? It's because of Bryce you're able to look at it now. And it's because of what you've done that you'll never be able to have it." The mare turned back, coming nose to nose with the slate grey pegasus. "If you ever do anything like this again, anything Bryce can think to do to you I promise I can do ten times worse."

Thunderlane watched as he saw what looked like flames fill the voids where her eyes once were. He shuddered in fear, shutting his eyes tight. He opened one a crack, and saw her eyes were again the green peridots he'd seen before.

"Now, leave my friend alone!" She snarled.

Thunderlane ran off in fright, more afraid of the silver mare than he had ever been of Bryce.

After he was gone, the mare lowered her guard, and fell back on her rump. She shook, the air feeling cold against her skin.

Bryce took a knee next to her and felt her head. "Hey, are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I'm just a little winded."

Bryce felt for her pulse. It felt like she had just finished the 100 meter dash in less than 5 seconds. "I think you better lie down."

"I think you're right." She fell on her side, unable to hold herself up.

Without hesitation, Bryce rubbed his palms together and spread his life force all over her body. He may have given more than he should have for a work day, but right now that mattered little.

The mare let out a pleasured grunt as Bryce finished. "Thank you, Bryce. I feel a lot better now." She got back in a sitting position.

"Take it slow; that stuff takes a while to kick in sometimes."

"I'm fine now. But I can't say the same for you. You look like a ghost."

Bryce looked himself over, and saw she was right. "Yeah, well, after what happened I lost myself. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. You were just trying to help. I hope this doesn't affect your work, though."

"It will, but I'll come up with an excuse." He checked the time on his watch. "And I need to get back soon. Are you going to be okay?"

"I'm sure I'll manage. I'll take it easy the rest of the day, I think."

"Well, that's for the best." Bryce got to his feet, feeling shaky. "Hey, you never did tell me your name."

"What...? Oh, that, um... It's..." The mare racked her brain, but nothing came up. "Darn, I can't think of it now."

"That's fine. I'll just call you...Mina." Bryce stated.

"Mina? Where did you get that from?"

"It's from a book back in my world. A book about a vampire. A good book about the grandmaster of all vampire literature, and not one of those modern ones that are made from wood that would have been better used to make stakes with. In this book Mina was greatly ill herself at one point. But don't worry; she got better."

"Is that so? If that's the case it seems like a good fit. Mina?"

"Well, I have to go now. Take care, Mina."

As the newly dubbed Mina watched the human go past her line of sight she smiled. For once she felt happy. It filled her heart to just have something to go by.

Meanwhile, as Bryce approached the construction site, he spotted Rivet speaking with an older, light brown mare. Whatever they were talking about was finished by the time Bryce reached the pair.

Rivet looked to Bryce. "Hey, Big Ole. How'd things go with your fillyfriend?"

"My what?"

"You know, that unicorn you've been leaving with the past few days."

"Mina? She's not my girlfriend, if that's what you mean. We're just good friends."

"It looks to be more than that to me," Ambrosia said as she trotted over. "What do the two of you keep doing?"

"I've been helping her out with something," Bryce replied.

"Something like what?" Ambrosia inquired.


Ambrosia eyed the human, but shrugged it off, knowing he wouldn't answer. "So, Riv, what did Mayor Mare want?"

"Mayor Mare?" Bryce asked.

"Yeah, she's the mayor of Ponyville."

"The 'mayor' or the 'mare'?"

"The mayor."

"Wait, is her name Mayor Mare, or Mare Mayor? Or is it Mayor Mayor? Mare Mare…?"

"What are you...? Whatever. Riv, what did she want?"

"This involves all of us, I'm afraid." He waved over his brother and Offset. "Fellas, I've got some bad news. The mayor informed me she's pulling the plug on this construction job."

"For how long?"


That sent a moan through the group.

"I know, but that's the way it is. I have everypony’s severance. If there are any construction jobs in the future I'll send an express letter to you all. Until then I suggest you all check the job board. All I can say to you all is good luck. And if any of youse needs a reference I’ll be happy to help."

Beauty Contest

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Chapter 64: Beauty Contest

It was another day, and another morning that had gone by without a single good posting. For the last couple of weeks Bryce went about his regular route with Rocksalt before the dull brown colt had to go off to school. And after that was done Bryce had nothing left to do but stick close to the notice board, praying something that would be well suited for him would show up. But for days now he had come back with nothing.

The only thing that was sure of was that around lunch time Mina would come to take him away for an hour. Mainly she came by for a dose of life force, but afterwards they would always go to a cheap diner to grab a quick bite and talk.

The rest of the day Bryce waited, taking time to work on his whittling. At the time, showing his craft to Ambrosia felt silly, but now every figure he made was snatched up by the papyrus colored mare almost as fast as he could put on the final touches. He didn't know how many dolls one mare could need, but he expected her house to be like the inside of an American Girl store, if American Girls were ponies.

Right now, Bryce was carving out the last features of a one such pony figure. After blowing off any invisible wood dust, Bryce placed the latest figure on the bench, next to the other two he'd made the day before.

With that one done Bryce began to curl and uncurl his fingers. He had been doing this almost nonstop since he was laid off, and the cramps in his hands showed it.

While he waited for his hands to unclench, Bryce took the time to check the job board. There had been a few new postings since he'd check that morning, but most were announcements for future events or policy changes. Of the new postings there was a single job offering, and it was for a security guard that paid 120 bits a week. But when he saw the time required, 12 to 6 at night, Bryce shook his head. 120 bits a week sounded like good money to just sit on your butt for five nights a week, but he didn't want to get used to sleeping during the day.

When he turned back to get back to whittling, he spotted Rarity, with the tassels on her knit hat bobbing with her steps. She seemed to be in a hurry, and not wanting to distract her Bryce was prepared to let her get away. But then she spotted him.

She trotted over to the human. "Hello, Bryce. How are you today?"

"Well, I'm doing fine."

"That's nice to hear. Pardon me for asking, but shouldn't you be at work?"

"I would, but I don't have that job anymore."

Rarity stepped back. "You were fired!? What did you do!?"

"Nothing. The whole crew got fired."

"Oh, you mean laid off. For a moment I thought... To be fair, I don't know what I thought. But still, the whole crew?"

"Afraid so. Mayor... No, Mare... The 'mayor' came by yesterday and told us to cease all activity and gave us 1000 bits severance a head.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that? Is that why you're here at the notice board?"

"Yeah, but there's been nothing for almost two weeks."

"What have you been doing to pass the time?"

"Well, whittling, mostly. With Rocksalt in school now and Bait still in recovery I don't have anything else to do."

"Whittling? That’s wood carving, correct?"

"Yeah, I have a few figures over here if you want to see, unless you have somewhere to be?"

"I do, but I can spare a few minutes." Following Bryce over to a bench, she admired the craftsmanship each figure had, but was a little shaken at who they were copied after. They were all of her. Not all in the same position, but all were unmistakable miniatures of the fashionista that now stood before them.

"Well, what do you think?" Bryce asked.

"They're...nice, but why are they all...?"

Bryce rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, there's this mare. She was on the construction crew. I showed her one of my other figures and since then she's been asking for them as fast as I can make them. And now she's wanting me to make copies of you."

"What could she possibly need so many for?"

Bryce shrugged. "You'll have to ask her. As long as she's paying I'll make'em. And of all the ponies I've done you're one of the hardest."

Rarity gave the human a stink eye. "Oh, and why is that?"

"Well, you're so thin, and your manes-" Bryce cut himself off, not daring to finish that statement. He held his hands behind his back and wiggled his toes in his usual way. "I'm sorry."

Rarity waved him off. "It's quire alright. It may be a good while, but it will grow back. How much is she giving you?"

"5 bits a figure."

"5 bits? And how many have you done for her?"

"Around 20."

"That many?"

"Well, I'm trying to save up some money. You see, Bait's come into some bits. And right before he got bit he showed me a plot of land outside of town he was thinking of buying. Well, he wanted me to move in with him. I've thought on it, and if I can get enough money I'll go in on it with him. I mean, if I'm going to be living with him I want to pay my fair share."

"I see," Rarity stated. "It sounds like a noble thing you're doing. But if you want some extra bits I do have something you can do for me."

"Right now, I'll do almost anything."

"Great. It's back at my boutique. I was able to get all the necessary materials together to repair my bedroom, and it couldn't have come at a better time. There's been a hole in the center of the room. I can't see it through the carpet and I trip over it on an almost daily basis. And since I'll be out of the house out I think it would be the best opportunity for you."

Bryce gave a nod. "Sure, I can do that."

"That's good. Go on and pack up your belongings and I'll let you get to it."

Placing everything in his satchel, Bryce followed the white mare back to her boutique. But as they turned onto the next street Bryce saw something that made him stop in his tracks.

"Bryce, is something the matter?" Rarity asked.

When the human didn't respond, Rarity followed his gaze, and found what he had caught his attention. It was a small, orange pegasus whose gaze was locked back at him. The filly was herself frozen to the spot.

"Do you know who she is?"

"No, but she somehow knows me," Bryce answered.

"Then shouldn't you go and speak with her?"

"I've tried, but she runs away before I can get close."

After standing around for a few seconds, Rarity spoke up. "You're both being silly." Rarity took a few steps towards Scootaloo, and said, "Hello there, is there something we can-?"

Before she had cleared half the distance, Scootaloo turned back and ran down an alley, out of sight.

Rarity was left stunned by Scootaloo's reaction. “Is it something I said?"

By now Bryce had caught up with the white mare. "No, I think it's more me. Do you remember that colt you told me about at Fluttershy's?"

"Yes, of course I do."

"Well, do you remember ever seeing her around him?"

"Now that you mention it she did seem familiar to me. I think she may have stuck close to Bright."

"Well, that's what she called me."

"Bright? She called you Bright Smiles?"

"She called me Bright."

"Hold on, what was your last name?"


"Smales... That sounds a lot like Smiles."

"Well, people back in my world used to mistake my last name for that. Some did, anyway. But this whole thing has to be a coincidence."

"Maybe so, but you have to admit it is a rather large one."

Bryce bit his lip and shook his head. "I don't know, Marshmellow. I'm not saying anything until I can talk with Scootaloo. If I can talk with Scootaloo." They continued on their way to Rarity's boutique.


Out at the apple farm, Bait sat under an apple tree and kept watch over Apple Bloom and Dinky as they played with the dogs. Since his discharge, he had not been able to go out very far on his own. He did as the doctor had told him and kept the wound clean, kept it covered, and took the prescribed pain killers, which helped to take the edge off but did next to nothing for when he had to move about.

But he felt bad that he hadn't seen or heard from Amethyst since their unfortunate encounter at the hospital. He had asked Dinky how things were with the magenta mare, but it seemed she knew about as much as he did.

So now, with little there was for him to do, the tan colt relented to sit under this apple tree and watch the girls, for what it was worth.

At the sound of a triangle, the fillies and the dogs fell silent. "Come on in, y'all. It's time for lunch." Granny Smith called from the kitchen door.

Apple Bloom, Dinky, and the dogs reached the kitchen without pause. Bait, however, had to move at almost a crawl’s pace. Bait didn't mind that the girls had left him in the dirt like this, he would rather not being seen when he was at his weakest. It took time, but he made it to the house.

When he entered the kitchen, the girls had already taken their places, but he was surprised at the additional pony who sat next to Dinky. From the archway, he said, "Amethyst?"

Everypony present stopped what they were doing to look at Bait; the dogs as well, who were caught in the middle of begging for table scraps.

After a second, Amethyst said in a slow voice, "Hey, Bait. I was able to get out of foalsitting early today."

Bait was slow to respond. "That's great, really. I mean, it's great you're here. That you were able to..." He stammered for a few more seconds before resolving to keep silent and take a seat across from Amethyst.

After Bait had managed to get down a few bites of food, Amethyst said, "So, how's your leg doing?"

Bait, a little surprised the magenta mare cared, didn't respond at first. "It's okay. It's been better."

Amethyst move her food around on her plate. "Are you going to have to go back to the doctor anytime soon?"

"Sure. I need to go back on Monday for surgery to close the wound."

"Do you think you'll need to go back anymore after that?"

"I don't know what more is required, but I hope it is close to being done and over with."

"Yeah," Amethyst said, giving a weak smile to the tan colt. "I hope so, too. I'm rooting for you."

Bait gave a light-hearted smile back. "Thanks, Amethyst, that means a lot coming from you."

There was another long pause throughout the kitchen.

After a while Apple Bloom noticed the cord around Bait's neck. "Hey, what's that thing there ya got 'round your neck?"

Bait held up the snake rattle for everypony to see. "This? It's the tail of the snake that bit me. Bryce made it."

Everypony else in the room cringed. Apple Bloom was beginning to regret bringing it up. "D- Does it still work?"

"Yes, it does. Listen." He shook the rattle, producing the unholy sound only it could gave off.

When the sound reached her Dinky's ears the young filly's mind returned to that day; the day she and Apple Bloom had come close to being snake food. She grabbed for the closest thing she could grab and buried her face into it. That thing was Amethyst's barrel.

After feeling her sister pull in close, Amethyst cried out, "Bait!"

Bait dropped the rattle, letting it hang down off his neck. He looked into the eyes of the four ponies around him, finding it hard to tell what they now thought. Looking down to his scavenged plate of food, Bait let out a sigh. "I'm sorry, everypony." He stepped onto his hooves, managing to ignore the pain in his leg.

"Bait, wait a second," Amethyst said.

"I need to go to the bathroom."

Bait trotted up the stairs, but Amethyst was able to catch up with him with ease. "Bait, hold up for a second."

He stopped at the top of the stairs. "I- I didn't mean for this to happen."

"I know you didn't. I'm sure you would never have done that if you had known."

"But I should have known. She wasn't able to get out of the pit herself; Bryce had to help her. And she would never have in there in the first place if I hadn't dragged Bryce out to see that stupid plot of land."

"You can't blame yourself for that. None of us knew."

"But still, we should have been watching them."

Amethyst trotted up the last few stairs and sat next to Bait. "Okay, there should have been somepony watching over them, but nopony blames you. And if it hadn't been for you there might not be a Dinky left for us to worry about. Or an Apple Bloom."

"Maybe, but it was more Bryce than it was me."

"You did your part, too. Even Bryce says so."

"He's being modest."

"No, he's being a friend. And... And..."

"Just go on a say it," Bait chided. "Tell me how you really feel,"

Bearing her teeth, Amethyst growled under her breath, "Darn it, Bait!!!" Knowing what little else she could say, Amethyst leaned forward and pressed her lips against Bait's.

Bait wanted to push her back, but couldn't bring himself to do it. He felt himself getting into the kiss, and went along with her movements.

When she pulled away Bait wanted to pull her back, but didn't want to test his luck. It took a few minutes for the euphoria to finally leave them both. "Amethyst...?"

"Bait, I don't hate," she said in a much calmer tone. "Sure, it got on my nerves when I thought you were getting close to that nurse, but I didn't hate you then, and I don't hate you now. I've been worried sick about you ever since I left you back there at the hospital. And I've kicked myself every day because of that. And I did mean it when I said I was rooting for you, because... Well, let's just say you tick me off in a good way. I feel like slapping you, but you're just so darn goofy."

They two let that hang in the air.

Bait gave Amethyst a sly smile. "So, I'm too goofy for you to slap?"

"Well, yeah. You make me laugh enough to where I wouldn't want to see you get hurt."

"Oh ho ho, you doesn't seem that way when I speak about your bottom. Most especially when I say it's quite--what's the word?"

Amethyst tried to hold back a smile. "Bait, come on. I’m not one to hit a colt when he's already hurt."

Bait's smile intensified as he drew in close. He whispered in her ear, "It's quite voluptuous."

As if by reflex, Amethyst gave Bait a playful smack across the face. "Okay, you've had your fun. Now let's wind it back a tad."


She gave the tan colt another smack, giggling as she did it. "Bait!"


She hit him again, but Bait kept his smile. "Okay, next time I will give it to you."

Bait raised his eyebrows, exposing his cheek for Amethyst to strike. He whispered the word. "Voluptuous."

"Alright, you asked for it!" Drawing her hoof back, Amethyst aimed for Bait's face. But it ended up low, grazing the tan colt's exposed flesh.

Bait let out a high pitched screech as he went tumbling down the stairs. He came to a stop at the landing.

"Oh no, Bait!" Amethyst ran down the stairs. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please don't let me be the one that ends up killing you!"

Bait let out a groan.

"Bait, does it hurt? What am I saying, of course it hurts. Bait, I'm sorry."

Bait placed his better hoof over her mouth. "Amy, it's alright."

"It's just... We were having fun, and now I've... Do you need my help?"

After letting out a groan, Bait said, "There is something I would very much like you to do."

"Name it; I'll do anything."

Bait held out his injured leg. "I want you to cut off my leg."

Amethyst facehoofed, letting out a sigh. "Bait, I like you a lot, but please be serious right now."


As Rarity sank down into the mud bath, with her body wrapped in seaweed, cucumbers over her eyes, and her blue knit cap covering what remained of her mane, she felt her joints unclench and her muscles go slack. Fluttershy, who took the mud bath right beside Rarity's, enjoyed the mud, but not as much as her friend.

"Ahh, that's the stuff," Rarity said, letting out a long exhale. "And again I'm sorry for being late, but something came up while I was on my way over."

"It's no bother, Rarity. But I hope everything's alright."

"It was nothing too serious. Just a quick detour to speak with Bryce."

At hearing that Fluttershy felt herself go warm; even warmer than the sauna was a few minutes before. "Oh... Did you need him for something?"

"Yes, actually. You see, a while ago there was an 'incident' in my bedroom. Without going into too many details let's just say my bedroom needed a little 'redecorating'. But like I said it's nothing serious."

"That's good to hear. How is Bryce?"

"He's fine, but things could be better; he got laid off from work just two weeks ago."

Fluttershy's eyes shot open. She held a hoof to her mouth. "That's awful! Do you know what happened?"

"It wasn't just him. He and all his fellow coworkers were fired."

"Oh, that's better than I thought. I was worried that..."

Rarity turned her head in Fluttershy's direction; unable to see the buttercup pegasus through the cucumbers. "What's that, darling?"

"It's nothing. Has he been able to find another job?"

"Not yet, the poor dear. But that's the way things happen, I suppose. He's been at the job board since it happened and not a single position's been posted yet that will suit him. If I hadn't seen him when I did he would probably still be out there right now. If only I had something for him." Rarity turned back to Fluttershy. "You wouldn't happen to have anything for him, would you, Fluttershy?"

"Who, me? No." She slunk back in her mud bath. "At least, nothing I can't handle myself."

"Come now, there must be something, Fluttershy. You are only one mare, after all. You must need some help, what with all the animals you care for."

"I don't need any help, really. It's not that hard of a job."

"Well, are you sure it couldn't be a little harder, for his sake?" Rarity asked with a sly smile.

Fluttershy went silent for a moment. "Wh- What do you mean?"

"Oh, I think you may know what I mean."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Rarity continued to give the timid mare the same knowing smile, forcing her to hide behind her mane. "Am I that obvious?"

Rarity gave a nod. "I had my doubts, but I still remember that 'one fateful day' when you-"

"Oh, Rarity, I was just thanking him. He saved Angel."

"And is that the reason you were so embarrassed afterwards and ran away?"

"It was nothing..."

"Don't act shy about it. I don't see what could be embarrassing about liking somepony in 'that' way."

"But, Bryce isn't a pony..."

"Hmm, what was that?"

Fluttershy took in a deep breath, then released it in a long, slow draw. "I said-" At that moment one of the spa mares came by. Fluttershy stepped out of the mud bath and into the offered bathrobe.

Rarity, who was still blind to the world around her, called out, "Fluttershy, are you there?" When her friend didn't respond, Rarity leaned out of her bath and waved a hoof in the direction she last heard the mare. "Hello?"

The sound of Aloe clearing her throat got the fashionista's attention. "Miss Rarity, Miss Fluttershy has already gone to the hoof bath."

"Has she now? Well thank you, Lotus."

"I'm her sister, Miss Rarity."

Rarity removed one of the cucumber slices from her eyes and found the pink Aloe awaiting her. "Sorry, Aloe, you both sound a lot alike."

"It's fine, Miss Rarity. You aren't the first to mix us up." After helping Rarity out of the mud, out of her seaweed wrap, and into a bathrobe, Aloe asked, "Miss Rarity, are you sure there's nothing we can do with your mane? It's been a while."

"No, I'm sure. I'm trying something new that should make it, uhm, hold its shape better."

"Are you sure, because your headwear can't be doing it much good. Won't you allow me to work with it-?"

Aloe went to reach for knit hat, but was swatted away by Rarity. "Don't touched that!" Rarity shouted. "I'm sorry," she apologized. "It's...not ready yet. If you take it off now it would ruin all the progress I've made thus far."

"It's quite alright. Now, would you follow me over to the hoof baths?"

When Rarity reached the hoof bath Fluttershy already had her own hooves submerged beneath the bubbling water. "There you are. Why did you run off like that?"

"I'm sorry, Rarity, but Lotus was there. And she had a bathrobe just waiting for me. I couldn't just let her wait, could I?"

"I suppose not, but it would have been nice if you told me, as well."

Fluttershy hid behind her mane. "I'm sorry..."

As she stepped into the hoof bath, Rarity said, "It's quite alright. But still, can you honestly say you feel nothing for Bryce? Because from the way I've seen you act when he's around-" Rarity stopped when she saw the timid mare sink further into her mane; disappearing behind a wall of pink mane.

Rarity stepped out of her hoof bath and trotted over to her saddened friend. She placed a hoof on Fluttershy's back. "Fluttershy...?"

She allowed a single blue eye to peek through her mane.

"Is there a reason why you won't let yourself show your feelings?"

Breaking eye contact, Fluttershy gave a nod.

"Do you want to tell me why?"

She shook her head.

"Come now. If you can't tell your friend then who can you tell?"

Fluttershy looked back to Rarity, seeing the concern she had for her. "I don't know, Rarity. Whenever I come near him it's almost as if I lose control of myself. You've seen how I act. I do like him, and I was hoping he would say something. But if it's so obvious to you then why isn't it obvious to him?"

"Believe me, there is a lot that boy doesn't notice."

"Do you think so?"

Furrowing her brow, Rarity gave a deep, long sigh. "Trust me; I know."

This further dampened the yellow mare's attitude on the situation.

"But you shouldn't let that put you off him. In my opinion, you two would make a wonderful couple."

Fluttershy let out a shallow breath. "I believe you, Rarity, but I don't think Bryce would see it that way."

"Oh, why so?"

Fluttershy bit down on her lip; unprepared to explain something she thought the white unicorn couldn't take. "Rarity, in Bryce's world ponies aren’t like they are here."

"Well, seeing how he acts I can't think anypony from where he originates being very proper."

"No, I mean... This is hard to say..."

"So they're more vulgar. But I bet with a little polishing even somepony like Bryce could become a model-"

"Ponies are animals," Fluttershy blurted out.

It was enough to make Rarity pause. She gave an unexpected smile. "Is that all? I don't know if you've noticed, but aren't very different from animals."

"No, I mean ponies in his world 'are' animals."

"Yes, and so are we."

"No, not like us. Like the animals I treat. Who don't talk or live in houses or worry about being clean."

"Like the animals you..." It was slow in coming, but Rarity came to understood. "Oh...my..." She had to steady herself. "Are you sure of this?"

Fluttershy escaped into the safety of her mane. "I'm sure. Bryce told me himself."

"Oh... Well, if... But... That's...unsettling..."

"Do you understand now?"

"I can see it that way, Fluttershy, but... I need a moment." Shutting her eyes tight, Rarity took in a deep breath, and let it out slowly. Then the words came to her. "Fluttershy, I can see your way in this particular scenario, but I still think you should let him know how you feel."

"I- I couldn't..."

"You can; you just need to find the right moment and-"

"Rarity, I can't." Fluttershy interjected. "What if he says no?"

"What if he says yes?"

"What if he looks at me like I'm crazy?"

"What if he looks at you and likes what he sees?"

"What if he laughs at me?"

"What if he-" Rarity began to say before Fluttershy cried, "Rarity, please!" Rarity went silent, shocked at the diffident mare's plea. It hurt her to bear witness to, but she could tell Fluttershy was on the verge of breaking down in tears.

"Rarity," Fluttershy said. "I'm not like you. I don't have a thousand stallions who act like gentlecolts so they can get my attention. I can't leave a room silent with a wave of my mane. Nopony has ever tripped over their own hooves trying to get one more look at me. I wish I could be bold and 'flaunt my stuff' like you can, but I can't. I'm not like you." With that said, Fluttershy could no longer hold back her tears. "I'm sorry, Rarity. You are my best friend, but I can't help that I feel this way." Jumping out of her hoof bath, Fluttershy shed her bathrobe and made her way for the front of the spa.

Rarity was stunned; too shocked to move.

To say what Fluttershy had said hurt would be an understatement. The buttercup mare's words stung, and had left there stingers buried deep in Rarity's weakened exterior.

But despite how hurt she felt, Rarity wasn't going to allow Fluttershy to walk away. Not like this.

Throwing off her own bathrobe, Rarity ran to catch up with Fluttershy. Before the pegasus could reach the front door, Rarity yelled out, "Fluttershy, you wait right there!"

Fluttershy did as Rarity said, freezing mid-step. "Rarity, I'm sorry," she sobbed.

"No, you don't get to be sorry. Not after how rotten I've been to you." Now it was Rarity's turn to try and hide herself. "I don't feel good about what I'm about to say, I really don't. But for the longest time now I've been jealous of you. I don't mean to be, but to me you're the lucky one. Every day I see some colt who goes out of his way to try and woo me. I'm nice about it, but after putting up with it for so long I'm almost at wit's end. And then there's the long, rigorous hours I put in just to make myself be the fancy of everypony's desires; the belle of the ball; the Poniet to their Roneigho."

"I get jealous that I have to put in so much time to pretty myself and keep up with the latest fashions while you get by with the bare essentials. And that despite running yourself wild with your animal friends you still look as fresh as a daisy. If I were to do the same thing for just a day I would go grey." Rarity fell back on her rump as she pressed her hat down low to cover her face. "And through it all I've been a terrible friend to you; forcing you to come here every week just so my time here goes by faster. You're my best friend, too, but making you go through this so I can try and be as beautiful as you..." Rarity placed the knit hat over her face, leaving her blind once more. "I'm sorry, Fluttershy." Tears began to flow from her eyes.

What happened next was something Rarity hadn't expected.

Fluttershy came over to the white unicorn, and with both of her hooves, pulled Rarity in for a hug.

They both said nothing for the longest time, until Rarity said, "Fluttershy, I don't understand."

"You shouldn't be sorry for that, Rarity. I never minded tagging along with you for our spa dates. And I still don't."

"But, after what I said."

"I come here every week with you because it's the only time I get away from my animals." Fluttershy released Rarity, holding her out at fore leg's length. "I love all of my little critters, but sometimes they do get to me. It helps me to get away, if only for a couple of hours. And it helps that I have a pony friend to talk to."

"I- Is that so?"


"You're not just saying that to... To..."

"No, I mean it. I mean every word."

Rarity bit down on her lip, while at the same time showing the beginnings of a smile. "You're being too kind to me. You really are a friend. We are still friends...?"

"Of course."

The two mares drew each other in for a hug. "Thank you, Fluttershy."

"It's no problem, Rarity."

"But still, I wish it hadn't come to this."

"Maybe it's best it did, though. Before it became worse."

"Maybe you're right. But we could have done it a better way."

They released each other, falling back on their hooves. After paying for their treatments, they went out the front door.

As they made their way out, Rarity said, "Fluttershy, I don't know how you'll react to this, but I still think you should tell Bryce how you feel. Don't you usually go to the farmer's market? Because I was thinking you could allow Bryce to come along. Mostly to help you, but if you're around him long enough you just might let it slip."

"I don't know. It sounds nice, but... I don't know if I can. What if he doesn't feel the same for me?"

"You shouldn't worry how Bryce might feel. The question is how do you feel about him?"

"It's hard to say. But when he's close I feel like anything that comes up I can get through. Like whenever he's close nothing can get to me. I feel safe."

"Safe how?"

"Just safe. Safe from every little thing, no matter how big or small. I feel like I could be myself and he wouldn't mind one bit. I- If that makes sense."

Rarity thought for a moment. "In a way, it does. I don't feel the same way for him myself, but what you say makes sense. I hope I can find somepony I feel that way about one day, and not fell disgusted by their feigned affection."

"I'm sure you will one day. And when you find him I know he won't care what you look like. Not even when you turn old and grey."

Rarity gave a chuckle. "Oh, I dread the day that would happen," she said in a joking tone. "Think of the spa treatments I would need to reverse that."

I Can't Explain

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Chapter 65: I Can't Explain

It was a rather cool Wednesday morning, making it all the better for Bryce and Rocksalt to deliver the latter's daily newspapers. By now the dull brown colt was able to go about his route without stopping for more than the time it took for Bryce to toss him a paper, and then throw said paper onto the subscriber's doorstep. By the end of the route each morning the pair was left breathless, but had managed to beat their record from the previous day, though it was usual for there to be a few more seconds on the Sunday edition. The achievement showed on Rocksalt, nonetheless, who was finally able to smile again. Plus, there was added benefit on Bryce, who was able to get some much needed exercise.

At the last house on the route, Bryce tossed Rocksalt the paper. In an almost fluid motion, Rocksalt jumped up, grabbed the paper out of the air, and flung it at the doorstep. Time slowed down as the paper flew towards the house, but sped back up when the paper landed more than a foot from its mark. Not to be so easily turned by this setback, Rocksalt ran over, grabbed the paper, and placed it onto the doorstep in perfect alignment. With this done, he yelled, "Time!"

Bryce looked to his watch, and took a few second to calculate the time. "Well, despite missing the mark this time, you shaved a second off."

The dull brown colt gave a hoof pump. "Yes!"

"Ya did good today, kid. Now let's get ya back home for school." After the pair was walking for a minute, having then caught their breaths, Bryce asked, "So, Kid, how have things been at school?"

"They've been alright."

"How's the teacher?"

"Miss Cheerilee's real nice. And she didn't even say anything, either."

"Well, I bet you feel silly about that now."

"You can say that again. And those two girls have been nice ta me, too. Though Almond's a lot like a mouse. And Pecan, she's nuts."

"No, Kid, she is a Nut. Her father is Mr. Nut."

The dull brown colt eyed the human. "No, not like that. Ah meant-" He stopped once he saw the smirk across Bryce's face. "You..."

"Well, I guess I take the blame for that one. This was before you met them, but those two girls used to be a mirror image of each other. Back before I flung Pecan off the merry-go-round they even mixed up their own names."

"Ya flung her off a merry-go-round? How'd ya manage ta do that?"

"Well, I was trying to push it fast and I was running along beside it. Well, I tripped, but still held on. Almond stayed behind but Pecan was thrown into a sandbox. And, well, I guess you can see the result: Almond's too afraid to do anything that may hurt her and Pecan can't stand not to do anything that's dangerous."

"Ya got that right," Rocksalt agreed. "Sometimes Ah'm right next ta Almond and Ah still can't hear her. And Pecan, she just won't stop no matter what anypony tells her. Except for Miss Cheerilee, she can make her stop like that," Rocksalt said with a clop of his hoof.

"Hmm, impressive. But other than that, everything's going well with them?"


"Well, how are you doing in all of your subjects?"

"We haven't covered much, yet. We started math last week, but I'm not doing good in it."

"What are you having trouble with?"

"We started multiplication and it's tough. I can do 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s, but everything else goes over my head."

"Well, if you need help I can teach you."

"Why, are you good at math?"

Bryce stopped and pointed off to a distance building. "Well, if you were to drop a ball off the top of that building, I could tell you how far off the ground it is and how fast it's going, all at a definite period of time. I can even tell you how tall the building itself is using my distance away from the foundation and the angle of ascent."

"Whoa. You can tell all that using numbers?"

"All that and more. I can tell you when a cake that's been in the oven will be cool enough to eat and the largest possible area or volume based on how much material there is available."

"Eh, that sounds great, Bryce, but Ah just need to learn how to multiply."

"Well, I'll help you with that. But later, because you have school." By then they had reached the colt's house. "Have a good day, Kid. And if you need help later I'll swing by your house later. Until then, try it yourself and we'll work on what you can't get."

With the dull brown colt safe within his home, Bryce followed the path that would take him to Fluttershy's cottage. And while he was happy to help her at the farmer's market later today, he was more than ready to fake a stomach ache to avoid seeing her at all.


By the time Bryce and Fluttershy got to the last stall it was a few minutes into the afternoon. In the entire time the pair had been busy shopping for the things Fluttershy needed to care for her animals they had said little past what was needed and where they should go next. For Bryce, this was nothing new, due in part to the timid mare's sudden instinct to make up chores when he was around. He thought she would open up, somewhat, but he still felt like the third wheel to whatever had her mind.

After Fluttershy paid for her purchase, and they walked away from the stall, Bryce tried his best to juggle everything in his hands. He didn't know if Fluttershy was getting more than usual, but right now he had a forty pound bag of bird seed on one shoulder, a bag of chicken feed that weighed the same amount on the other, and an assortment of fruits, vegetables, and canned goods packed away in saddlebags in both hands. As they walked along, Bryce asked, "So, is there anything else or was this it?"

"Nope, that's everything. Is there anything you wanted to look for, or do you need to be somewhere? Because I wouldn't want to be in your way if you do."

"No. I really want to go and check the job board. But it's getting close to lunch time, if you want to grab a bite."

"Oh, well, I suppose I could eat a little something. Is there any place you can think of going?"

"Well, there's this one place I've been going to for the past couple of weeks. It's not all that expensive, but it's good food the leaves you full.

"That sounds nice. It's not very far, is it? Because I wouldn't want you to carry everything more than you have to."

"It's not too far, but I can handle this."

"Are you sure, because it must be heavy."

"It's fine, really. I mean, if you take anything away I'd lose my balance. It's nothing against you, Shy, but I've got this."

Fluttershy wanted to push the issue, but she didn't feel like fighting the human. Right now she was focused more on how, if ever she was going to talk to Bryce. She knew what she wanted to say but she kept getting caught up in the how, and what his reaction would be. And if it turned out to be the bad reaction she was expecting then she didn't know what she would do. If he said no, or turned her away then what could she do.

When they reached the diner Bryce would go to with Mina, he dropped the saddlebags containing the greens and canned goods first, followed by the two forty pound bags on his shoulders. After taking a minute to flex his sore muscles, he took a seat across from Fluttershy.

They looked over their menus in silence, not saying anything until a waiter came to take their orders. After the waiter left, the pair snuck glances to the other, not wanting to seem awkward by breaking the awkward silence.

It wasn't until they received their drinks that Fluttershy finally asked, "Have you come here very often?"

"Yeah. I've come here every afternoon for the past couple of weeks. But I told you that already."

"Oh, that's right. I've been wanting to come here for a while now. It's just that I never had anypony to go with me; I wouldn't want to go someplace new by myself."

"Well, it's a good place. It tastes a lot better than most of the same food I had back in my world, most especially in college. Some of that was the same stuff they serve in prisons."

"Is that so?"

"Sure. The only difference was I had to pay for it and they got it for free. Though it’s one of the reasons I gained weight in the first place."

"You look a lot leaner than when we first met."

"Well, you can think Rainbow for that. I'm down almost 20 pounds, and it's all fat weight. But I still have a ways to go, though."

"Well you look better."

"And I feel better, too. Without her help I wouldn't have been able to get my construction job. But I also have you to thank, Shy. If you hadn't come along that first morning I would have been ran to death."

"It was nothing. I was just in the right place at the right time. And I know how Rainbow can be with it comes to fitness. You either give your all or don't bother getting out of bed. She’s been like that since we were fillies. But she is a good friend. I remember the times when she stood up to a bunch of foals who were picking on me because I couldn't fly as well as they could. Both her and Ditzy did."

"Well, I kinda know the feeling myself. Kids my age would pick on me, too. But there wasn't ever anyone who stood up for me."

"It didn't have to do with, uhm, what you can do, did it?"

Bryce bit his lip and shook his head. "No, this was before I knew I had them. It was more that I acted weird and they acted normal, whatever the H that is."

There was a short pause before Fluttershy said, "I'm sorry that happened to you."

"Well, you didn't have anything to do with it, Shy."

"I still feel bad it happened to you. It makes me feel sad nopony would take the time to know how kind and caring you can be. Because you mean a great deal to a lot of ponies here. A lot of ponies who would stand up for you when everypony else says differently. And there are a few who wouldn't mind spending time with...you..." Fluttershy began to sink behind her mane as she looked at the contents of her glass.

Bryce reached forward and gripped the mare's hoof, rubbing it with his thumb. "Shy, are you alright?"

Fluttershy shut her eyes, prepared to let out what had been on her mind now for the longest time. "Bryce," she said, still hidden behind her mane. "There's something I've been wanting to say-"

"Hey, you!" A high-pitched voice said outside of Fluttershy's field of vision.

Fluttershy looked over, and was amazed at the silver mare she saw. She was a lot like herself, with a long mane and a thin, slender physique, but was different in the thin, conical protrusion that jutted from her forehead. At first glance, Fluttershy would have admitted she was like something out of a dream.

"Oh, hey, Mina," Bryce answered the mare back, chipping up at sight of the mare.

"Where have you been? I didn't see you at the job board so I thought you might be here, and it looks like you are. And with a friend, no less."

"Well, Mina, I was helping Fluttershy here carry a few things at the farmer's market. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't get away. And I don't know where you live." He turned back to Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, this is Mina. She and I have been eating here together."

"H- Hello, Mina." Fluttershy said, offering the newcomer a hoof.

Mina took her hoof and shook it, almost pulling her leg from her socket. "It's nice to meet you, Fluttershy. So it looks like you're the one I should get on to for Bryce's disappearance."

This comment shocked Fluttershy, who sunk back on her haunches. "I wasn't trying to take him away. I didn't know you both were-"

Fluttershy was further shocked by Mina's laugh. "I was just messing around. Hey, you guys haven't ordered yet, have you?"

"Yep, already have,” Bryce answered. “And it looks like it's coming out now,” he said, pointing with his thumb.

Looking where Bryce had pointed, Fluttershy spotted the waiter carrying her garden salad and Bryce's two bowls of soup.

"Darn. Well do you guys mind if I stick around until you're done?"

"It's fine with me," said Bryce. "What about you, Shy?"

"It's no problem with me," Fluttershy said from the safety of her mane.

"Great, thanks," Mina said as she took a seat close to Bryce. Fluttershy couldn't help but notice how Bryce didn't shy away from the mare. "Bryce, do you mind if I snag one of your bowls of soup?" The mare asked.

"Yeah, sure. Take your pick."

Fluttershy stood up and made her way for the restroom.

"Shy, where are ya going?"

"I'm going to go wash my hooves," she said without looking back.

When she entered the restroom she ran over to the sinks and turned on the hot tap. As the steam began to fog up the mirror Fluttershy stared into her own reflection. She couldn't contain the tears as the thought of having lost Bryce to somepony she'd never known about. And it hurt that she had to find out just when she was about to lay bare her own innermost feelings to him. Well it helped matters now. Now she knew the truth, but it hurt her to the core. If only she had been faster.

Her sobs were cut short when she heard the restroom door creak open. "Fluttershy, what's going on?" The yellow mare looked over to find Ditzy standing in the doorway. She looked concerned to find a pony she knew all too well crying inside a diner bathroom.

Ditzy walked in the rest of the way, allowing the door the shut behind her. "Fluttershy, what's wrong?"

"I- It's nothing. I'm fine." Fluttershy said, forcing a smile.

"Well you don't look fine. I can tell when something's up with you, and have ever since we were fillies."

"Ditzy, it's..." More tears began to fill at the pegasus's eyes as she thought back to what she'd witnessed. Fluttershy explained what had happened, and Ditzy listened.

When Fluttershy was finished, Ditzy placed a hoof of Fluttershy's shoulder. "Is that really what you think?"

Fluttershy gave a nod as she stared at the tiles on the floor.

"Oh, come on, Flutters. I doubt that's what's really going on. I think you just might be mistaking it for something that's not really there."

"But I saw them. When she came up he became so happy, and when it was just the two of us he wouldn't say a word."

"Well, how were you before that?"

Fluttershy was slow to answer. "I... I didn't say much to him, either."

"And why's that?"

"Because I... I didn't know what I could say. Rarity talked me into letting him help me, so I could tell him how I felt, and I just couldn't say anything."

"And why's that?" The walleyed mare asked again.

"Because if he says no then I just know we would never be able to look at each other the same way ever again. And I just know he would."

"Then why were you about to tell him?"

"I... I don't know. We were talking, and I told him there were ponies who would want to spend time with him. And... And the words almost came out..."

Ditzy allowed that to hang in the air for a few seconds before saying, "Well can I ask you this? What if the reason he wouldn't talk to you was that he was going through the exact same conflict in his mind?"


Ditzy placed a hoof over the yellow mare's mouth. "Just hear me out for a second, muffin." She removed her hoof. "A lot of ponies think that just because I can't see straight I miss a lot, but as it turns out I see what most ponies miss. For example, I've seen how you react whenever Bryce is around, and I've seen how you react whenever he's not. And I've seen you when somepony says his name. You look down to your hooves and wiggle them in place. And do you want to know what I see when you are around or when you aren't around, but somepony happens to mention your name?"

"Wh- What...?"

Ditzy's response was to give wide mouthed smile.

Fluttershy came close to losing her balance, having to prop against a wall to steady herself. She raised a hoof to her mouth. "H- He couldn't be. We're both so different."

"Oh, and those differences are?"

"He only has two legs, and fingers. And he's mostly skin."

"He's not a pony, so what?"

"But in his world we're animals, and he couldn't like an animal in that way."

"I doubt that includes us. Hay, I doubt he ever thought he would see anything like us to start with."

But what about the other mare? She's so much prettier than I am, and they seem to get along together so well."

"Sometimes certain ponies get along well with certain other ponies, but in the end all they ever will become are good friends. And if you're really going to go on looks alone then I doubt you would have felt anything for Bryce in the first place."

"Ditzy, I don't know if I can now. I was so close this time. I don't think I'll have the courage to try a second time."

"You will, Fluttershy, I'm sure of it." Fluttershy looked to Ditzy, a little uplifted by the grey mare's words, but at the same time unsure if what she said were so. Ditzy slung a leg over her friend's neck. "Come on, let's get back to him. I bet a tray of muffins he's about to come and check on you."

When they left the restroom and reentered the dining area, Fluttershy found Bryce and the silver mare where she'd left them. Bryce's own bowl of soup was untouched, as was her salad, while Mina's soup bowl was drained of its contents.

It was Bryce who spoke first. "Hey, Shy, are you okay? You were in there for a while."

"Oh, yes. I'm okay."

"That's great. I was about to come looking for you."

Ditzy gave Fluttershy a nudge. "We were just having a little chat since it’s been a while since we've seen each other." Ditzy looked over to Mina. "Hello there. I don't think I've ever seen you before."

"Well, that's something I wouldn't expect to come from somepony like you. You know, with your eyes the way they are," Mina said, twirling her hooves in front of her own peridot eyes.

Both Bryce and Fluttershy half expected the walleyed mare to take such a comment to heart, but instead Ditzy gave a smile. "I guess I could see you thinking that, but I stopped being ashamed of it a long time ago."

"If that's so then you must be good at eye spy."

"You could say that. I usually find the things other ponies just glance over."

"So long as you aren't a peeping Tom."

The two mares shared a laugh on that. "I can tell I'm going to like you," Ditzy said.


The two mares shook hooves before Ditzy left for her own table, where a familiar light brown earth pony with a red bow tie sat waiting for the grey pegasus.

Fluttershy took a seat back at the table. "I'm sorry I took so long, but you didn't have to wait for me."

"Well, I wanted to," Bryce said. "I mean, I didn't want you to rush on my account."

Fluttershy gave a smile at this. Before either one of them could dig in, Mina stood up and said, "I think I'm gonna go ahead and let you guys eat."

"You don't have to leave, do you?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'd like to stay, but I have an appointment I need to get to. Anyways, you two have fun. Bye."

After she had left, Bryce looked to Fluttershy. "She's a friend of mine. I've been helping her with something personal. I won't say here, I'll tell you when we get back to your house." With that said Bryce began to scoop out his soup.

Fluttershy watched him for a moment before she began to munch into her salad. She was a bit more optimistic about the situation, but at the same time hesitant to accept in full what Ditzy had told her.


When Applejack opened her eyes from her nap, she found a pony's face staring back at her. Without thinking, she thrust her hoof out and sent them to the ground. Jumping up, Applejack mounted their back, grabbed their foreleg, and twisted the appendage behind their back. "What in the hay do ya think you’re doin!?" She demanded.

Retching in pain, the pony under the apple mare said back, "And here I thought you were too honest to hurt an injured pony."

"Beg pardon!?" Applejack took a closer look at the pony beneath her and found their foreleg entwined with gauze bandages. "Bait, what do ya think you're doin out here?" Applejack asked as she released the tan colt's leg. She kept him pinned to the ground, nonetheless.

"I came out her because I wanted to talk."

"Yeah, bout what?"

"I think we both know the what, I would like to know the why."

With a snort, Applejack unmounted the colt, and asked, "You came out here fur that?"

"How else could I expect you to answer?" Bait asked the apple mare as took his time in raising himself up on all fours. "Before now you were avoiding me, and you still are, but I can tell it's now for a different reason."

"Yeah, so? After what you did Ah would be the last pony you'd wanna be close to."

"Maybe so, but I can tell that you are holding back."

"What makes ya so sure about that?"

"For one, you let me go."

Applejack furrowed her brow at hearing him say that. "Yeah, so I did. What's it to ya?"

"Before, when I apologized to you for what I did in the beginning, you ended up punching me in the eye. And now you are allowing me to say more than two sentences. I simply want to know why."

Applejack walked past the colt. "Ah don't have ta explain myself to ya."

"I thought you would say that, which is why I am willing to help you."

The apple mare looked back. "Help me? Help me how?"

"Help you applebuck."

That was enough to almost make Applejack's jaw drop. "Oh no, not with the way you are! Do you wanna open your wound!?"

"The wound is open. And all I want to do is help you with your work. And the only thing that will keep me going is your stubbornness to not speak with me."

Applejack looked to the colt, seeing his sly smile. She let out a heavy sigh. "You really would do it, wouldn't ya?"

"I am afraid so."

"Of all the low down..." She said under her breath. "Fine, Ah'll tell ya the truth. But you better not even think of doing any kinda hard work just yet." She took a seat under an apple tree. "Just so ya know, Ah still don't like ya."

"Perish the thought."

She shot Bait a glare before continuing. "Ah only did cause ya helped my sister. Ah woulda let ya suffer, but ya came through for her. And, well, my daddy always taught me ta never let how Ah feel about somepony get in the way of what's the honest thing to do. And Ah reckon Ah wasn't really doin too well on that now. But ya saved Apple Bloom. And if Ah'd stopped ya from goin out there with Bryce who knows what coulda happened."

"With what I do know about him he would have thought of something, but I suppose we will never know."

"Yeah, I guess not. But ya saved my kin, and while Ah still think you're one of the most dirty, low down, rotten scoundrels Ah've ever known, you're still not one of the worst ponies Ah ever met."

"Well, I don't know how I should answer that, but I think the best thing would be to say is thank you. Though now that I say it, it doesn't feel to be the proper phrase."

"Then how this sound: We're even."


"Yep, even, that is until either one of us does something crooked to the other." She stuck out her hoof to the tan colt.

"I'm not very well acquainted in these types of scenarios, but I will accept it as it is." He took the apple mare's hoof with his bad hoof and shook it.

"There is one thing though,” Applejack said when they let go. "Would ya really have gone through all that trouble just so I'd tell ya all this?"

"It depends, would I, a dirty, low down, rotten scoundrel be so willing to put myself through something that would be so ill to my health for something so simple?"

"Ah wanna say no. But the past few months Ah've done so many things Ah've regretted Ah wanna buck my own self in the head. And ya did bother walking out here, so I'd like to think ya would."

Bait returned an honest smile. "Then you have your answer."


After Bryce and Fluttershy returned to the latter's cottage they went about placing the day's purchases in their proper places. After they were finished, Fluttershy asked the question she had wanted to ask, but didn't want to know the answer. "Bryce, now that we're alone, will you tell me how you know Mina?"

She asked him just as he placed the last of the canned goods in the high cupboard. "Well, in truth, I don't know her that well. From what she's told me she doesn't have a job, and I don't know where she lives. In fact, I don't know her real name; Mina's something I came up with."

"You said you were helping her with something personal. What ae you helping her with?"

"Well, I don't feel comfortable saying it, but in short she isn't doing very well. I don't mean like with money or friends or anything like that. She isn't doing well health wise."

"Health wise? How bad is she?"

"Let me put it this way: When you cough something up what's the one color you wouldn't want it to be, above all the others?"

Fluttershy flinched at the thought. "Oh my... But she looked so healthy."

"Well, that's because of me. I've been giving her a little of my life force my and again. I don't give much, but what I do give is helping."

"But are you sure you aren't giving too much?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I only give what I can replenish from one meal.”

"But are you sure? Because I remember how you were when you helped Angel. You looked like a corpse, and you felt so cold."

Bryce could see the timid mare's concern, and it made him a little worried. He held his hand out to her. "If you want you can feel for yourself."

Without pause, Fluttershy scooped the human's hand up and held it up to her forehead. His temperature felt normal, but she wanted to be sure. She felt his hand at every angle, and at almost every possible area along her face, but it felt normal. When she was satisfied she gave control of Bryce's hand back to him. "It...feels okay..."

"See, there's nothing to worry about... Is there...?"

After a second, Fluttershy said, "I guess not, but I just wanted to be... Would you have done that for anypony?"

"Well, of course. I mean, if they needed it bad enough."

"Would you do it for...?" She slowly pointed a hoof into her chest.

Bryce was just as slow to answer. "Yes, I would. It wouldn't matter to me how small it was, I'd give it all for you." He turned his eyes away from her. "You don't need any now, do you?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "No, I feel fine. Um, thanks for asking..."

There was a long pause before Bryce said, "Well, I don't mean to look like I'm rushing off... Unless there's anything else you need...?"

"Uhm, no, there's nothing else for today. Nothing I can't handle myself."

"Well, if you want I could-"

"No, no, it has to do with the animals. I'm sure you would do well with them, but they prefer it if I do it."

"Oh, okay. Well, I guess I'll get out of your way. I'll see you whenever." Bryce made his way for the door.

As he was leaving, Fluttershy moved to put her saddlebags away. It was then she discovered there was a can left out. She didn't want to bother Bryce and decided to put it away in the high cupboard herself. She flew up to the place, and opened the cupboard door, allowing a large can of sliced peaches that had been left nestled a few inches over the edge of the highest shelf to fall off its narrow perch. And Fluttershy's forehead was there to break its fall.

It was more out of shock than pain that made Fluttershy fall back, though it did smart. She hit the floor with a thud.

Bryce heard the commotion from the doorway. He was about to say, "Fluttershy," but stopped once he saw the buttercup mare on the floor and the large can of peaches lying next to her.

He rushed over, taking less than a second to reach the mare, drop to his knees, and place a hand behind her head. "Fluttershy! Shit! I- I was sure I'd put the cans up properly, but I... I thought I did and...and... Fluttershy, I'm- I'm sorry..."

For a fair amount of time they stared back into each other's eyes, their breathing shallow. Their hearts beat fast at a matching tempo.

After they managed to break their gaze, Bryce asked, "I, um... I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"Oh, um, n- No. I'm fine, really. I wasn't expecting it was all."

"Well, uh... That's, uhm..." Bryce stuttered as he sat back with one knee still in the air. "Are you sure? Because that can... It looks heavy enough to have hurt."

Fluttershy had placed herself in a seated position, as well. "I'll be okay. It just looks like it hurt."

"Well, do you want to go see a doctor? Or maybe I could give you a little of my...life force?"

Fluttershy hesitated. "That's okay, I wouldn't want you to waste it on something so small and unimportant."

It didn't take long for Bryce to reply back. "It's important to me."

When he said that the air around them went cold. To them the comment was corny, and it was, but the buttercup mare felt a warmth grow inside her chest despite this.

"I- If you want to. I just wouldn't want it to be a bother," she said.

Being careful not to make another mistake or slip up, Bryce shifted himself forward. After he felt he was close enough to the mare he began to rub his thumb against his middle and forefinger, releasing the same warm glow Fluttershy had seen one time before.

"Okay, I'm going to apply it. Where did it hit?"

Fluttershy offered her hoof, which Bryce placed his glowing digits in. She guided the glow up to her forehead, pressing it on the spot where she had been struck only moments ago.

When Bryce's finger met her head she let out a gasp. It was like the unsettling feeling one would feel when they took that first step into a warm bath. The feeling that would fade as the tepid bathwater spread across their form, leaving them at ease. But with this there was something else. It was a feeling of emotions -- strong emotions that no one, save the right person could decipher. And right now, Fluttershy knew she was the one.

And it almost tore her apart when Bryce pulled his hand away. She didn't know how long they had been in contact, but the cuckoo clock she kept on the wall told it hadn't been for long. If she had been a braver mare she would have made Bryce keep his hand in that spot, but right now she couldn't bring herself to move as Bryce's light grey eyes looked into her own. But when she looked into the human's eyes now she could the truth, and it was just as Ditzy had said.

They were both still breathing heavily when Bryce asked, "Do you feel okay?"

"I feel better now."

"That's great... Are you going to keep that can of peaches, because I could go and take care of it for you?"

"No, it's okay. I'll take care of it."

"Well, I guess I'll be going. For real this time. Thanks for letting me come along, Shy." He got up to leave.

Fluttershy continued to sit on the floor when she asked, "Bryce, do you remember when you said the ponies in your world are animals?"

Bryce flinched when she asked that. "I do."

"Do you see us as animals?"

"Well, I guess there are a few, but most of the ponies I know I see as ponies."

"And what about the rest?"

"Well, I see them as themselves."

"And what do you see me as?" Fluttershy asked, using the can of peaches to hide her mouth from his view.

"Well, I see you as Fluttershy, and as someone I would like to spend more time with." Bryce bit his lip, not believing he was the one who'd said it.

But if Fluttershy had noticed, the can of peaches hid her reaction. "That's nice, Bryce. If you want, we can meet again next week at the same time?"

"That's sounds nice," he was quick to say back.

"Good, I'll see you then."

With that done, Bryce went out the door. But Fluttershy continued to sit in the floor, not letting go of the tin can in her hooves. After a second, she lowered the can into her chest and held it tight, unable to keep herself from smiling.

Meanwhile, down the dirt road that would take Bryce back to the apple farm, he couldn't bring himself to do anything but smile. While he had gotten in close to the yellow mare to heal her bump, he had also used the opportunity to delve into her mind. He regretted he had invaded her thoughts, but he hadn't come away disappointed. Mina had been right, and if she hadn't come when she did he may have never known.

Mark of the Beast

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Chapter 66: Mark of the Beast

Bait laid on his hospital bed, attempting to keep still as the feeling in his foreleg began to slowly creep back. The morning before the tan colt had received his skin graft, and to cut costs he had elected to only have his wounded leg put under, as well as the area around his rump where the graft would be removed.

At the time it had sounded like a good idea, since he wanted to save as many bits as possible to buy the plot of land he and Bryce had seen that one fateful day. But when he was wheeled into the operating room he could do little but lie on his belly as the doctor cut away the flesh. And when it came time to place the graft he had tried to look away, but would always find himself looking back down. He didn't know when, but at some point during the procedure Bait had passed out and awoke later to find Nurse Tenderheart standing over him.

But now the anesthesia was wearing off, and with it came a horrible itch on his foreleg, and the unmistakable burn one only felt when skin was removed from muscle. If Amethyst weren't there to hold his hoof back he was sure he would have scratched the graft off by now.

Just then, the itching on Bait's foreleg flared up, becoming unbearable. He tried to pull away from the magenta mare but she held fast. "Bait, you have to take your mind off of it."

Bait gave a moan. "I would very much like to see you say the same thing if you were in my hooves," he said, giving another jerk.

"I'm sure it hurts, but is it worth the doctor having to cut off more of your butt to get another graft?"

Bait ceased struggling. "We wouldn't have to deal with this at all if you had cut my leg off, like I had asked."

"You and I both know I was never going to do that."

Bait lay on his side, admiting defeat. Then a sly grin spread across his face. "Bryce...?"

Bryce, who sat across from the foot of Bait's hospital bed, was quick to say, "No!"

"You don't know what I was going to ask of you."

"Fine, what is it?" Before Bait could get a whole word out, Bryce firmly stated, "No!"

Bait let out a huff before pulling at Amethyst's grip. He was met with the same result. "Bait, you need to be patient," she said in as calming a voice she could muster. "The nurse will be back any second with some ointment."

"Maybe so, but she's taking her sweet-!"

"Bait..." Amethyst gave a sigh. Just then, her expression changed to a reassuring smile. "Tell you what: If you can hold out long enough for the nurse to come by I'll give you something nice."

It was enough to make Bait freeze. "Oh, and what might that be?"

"It depends, how much do you want it?"

"It depends more on what it is."

"You won't find out unless you behave. But I will say this: It's something you'll like."

Bait was doubtful, but with the look Amethyst gave him he could tell she wasn't bluffing. He wanted to struggle more, he could tell she had loosened her grip. But he knew if he pulled now she wasn't going to stop him. If he trusted her, and he did, he would have to play along, despite how much it hurt. And it really, really hurt. With his injured hoof, Bait placed it on top of Amethyst's. "Okay, Amethyst. But if you intend to make this a recurring bribe I will pull away now."

"Oh ho, not after you see what I have for you."

Dinky, who had been sitting in Bryce's lap, asked the human, "What do you think she's gonna give him?"

Bryce looked down to the purple-grey filly. "Well, if it's what I think it is you'll need this." He opened his palm with the fingers held together in front of Dinky's face.

"Why would I need that?"

"Just in case."

A few minutes later, Nurse Redheart came in, carrying a tube of ointment and fresh gauze on a metal tray. In no time at all she removed the gauze wrapped around Bait's leg and rear, took great care to rub in a fair amount of ointment, and rewrapped the wounded areas. After checking his vitals, she said, "Doctor Stables will be in shortly. When he does I'm telling you now that can stay, but please stay out of the way." Without another word, the white nurse left the room.

With the itch now gone, Bait could now allow himself to relax. Settling down on his bed, he looked to Amethyst. "Now that my itching is gone, I would very much like to see my prize."

"Alright, you've earned it." Bending down, Amethyst came close to the tan colt's face. Expecting what was to come next, he pursed his lips. Dinky hid her eyes behind Bryce's offered hand, not wanting to see her older sister do something so icky with a boy. But it all seemed to be in vain when the magenta mare diverted her course to Bait's cheek.

Bait's face froze, with his lips still pursed. He slowly lowered the corners of his mouth into a scowl.

With a smile that ran from ear to ear, Amethyst asked, "Feel better?"

Bait held his scowl, but it soon gave way to a cocky grin. "Oh, it helped. But I think I feel the itch coming back. I don't know why, but it appears to be coming back here," he said, pointing to his lips.

"You poor baby. I think I may be able to help with that."

The whole time Dinky had kept her gaze blocked by Bryce's hand. She parted two of the human's fingers in time to see Amethyst give the ailing colt a proper smooch on the mouth. She quickly put Bryce's fingers back in the way. "Eww, gross, Amy!" She said loud enough that only her and Bryce could hear.

Bryce laughed in his throat. "You'll say that now, Dink, but when you grow up and find that special someone you'll understand."

"I doubt that, Bryce. Just tell me when it's over."

The two ponies released themselves, taking time to stare into each other's eyes in a dreamlike state. "If that's going to be your way of motivation, Amethyst, I may have to let you coax me into things more often."

The magenta mare gave the tan colt a soft smack across the face. "Don't press your luck, mister. I know you well enough to know when you're trying to play somepony. So don't think you can play me so easily."

Bait gave a chuckle. " I think I'll take that bet."

They kissed a second time, though not a long as the first. When they backed away, Amethyst said, "I'm glad things went well, Bait. I still can't believe they had to take out a part of your..." She held a hoof over her mouth, though it did little to hold back her giggles.

"Please, don't remind me."

"I'm sorry, but it's your..." She lost herself in another fit of giggles.

"Yes, yes I'm sure it's funny to you, but at least you have the pleasure of being able to sit. I have to stay on my side. I'm bound to get bed sores."

"I'm sure it's not that bad. At least now you have a good excuse whenever you half-" Amethyst cut herself when she saw Bait's glare. "Anyway, I hope you get well enough to come home soon."

"Must you leave so soon?"

"Fraid so. I have to get Dinky to the apple farm, and then come back to town so I can foalsit. But if I have time I'll be back before the visiting hours are over."

"But what if I have another itch? I think I feel one coming on now."

Amethyst shook her head. She found her coltfriend's wanting of her adorable, yet at the same time sweet. "I would, but I wouldn't want you to overdose. Now take care, and don't scratch it." She then strode over to Bryce and took her little sister on her back.

Before the two sisters could leave, Dinky asked, "Bryce, are you gonna be at the job bore again today?"

"I have to, Dink. I need to find myself a job," he said, knowing she wouldn't like the answer.

"But do you have to wait around there? A job bore has to be so boring. And I miss seeing you."

" I know, Dink, but it's like fishing... Okay, not that example. I just have to be there in case something good does come along. If I'm not there when it happens than someone else might catch it before I can." He placed a hand on her back. "Do you understand?"

Dinky wanted to shout back, "NO!" But she instead gave a nod as she sank down on her hooves, almost on the verge of tears.

Bryce gave a sigh. "Dink, it's not that I don't like being with you, I do. I just need to work. I mean, don't you like playing with Corn and Apple Bloom?"

"I do, but you're more fun," the purple-grey filly said, as she continued to stare down at the floor. "And you went with Miss Fluttershy the other day."

"I know, but she needed my help. And you..." He caught himself before he could say anymore. In truth, he didn't know what he would have said next. Seeing the filly, who was trying her hardest not to break down and cry as she sat on her older sister's back tore his heart. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had spent more than a half hour with her. And any chance of that happening the day Bait was bit were dashed. And he was about to do that now.

He shook his head as he thought to himself, She forgave me for her birthday, and for going off to work without telling her, but this... "Dink," he finally said, "I know it's been a long time, and one day there's going to be more time in between when we see each other, but I guess I should spend some time with you while I can."

At that the unicorn filly perked up. "Are you sure you don't want to stay at the job bore?"

"I am, Dink, but there's someone I need to see in town before I can spend time with you. So I'm going to wait at the job board, wait for her to come by, and afterwards come to the farm. How's that sound?"

"Do you promise?"

"Well, as long as nothing comes up that needs my immediate attention, I promise."

"Do you Pinkie Promise?"

Bryce let out another sigh. "For you, I will."

Just then, from the aether of the universe, though more likely from the open doorway, Pinkie Pie jumped out, causing Bryce to jump. "If you're gonna do it then do it right!"

With his heart hammering in his chest, Bryce did the ritual motions of the Pinkie Promise, complete with the words that went along with it.

Satisfied, Pinkie left the room.

After the beating in his heart had slowed, Bryce said, "I'll be there, Dinky. For you, I'll be there." Taking a second to give each other a quick hug, Bryce said his good-byes to the filly, who was almost dancing on her sister's back. When they were well out of the hospital, Bryce said to Bait, "Well, it's good to see you two are getting along nicely."

"You can say that again. And I should also say thank you."

"For what?"

"Why, for introducing us in the first place, of course."

"That? That was nothing."

Bait propped himself up to see Bryce. "Maybe so, but something came out of it, it seems."

"Well, you know... I mean, I've told you before why I thought you two would be a good match. All I did were the introductions."

"Yes, but enough about my love life. How did things go with Miss Fluttershy?"

Bryce cradled his arms against his chest as she wiggled his toes in his usual way. "Well, it's complicated."

"Did something go wrong?"

"It's nothing big, but I guess it's not small, either." Bryce cradles himself for a little while longer before saying, "We went to town, got what she needed, stopped for lunch, went back to her house, and...I hit her on the head with a can of peaches."

For a moment Bait stared at Bryce, unsure of how to handle the situation. "To me, that does sound bad. Is she okay?"

"Well, she is, but that's not what I feel bad about." He took in a deep breath. "I...know that she likes me."

With that said Bait gave a smile. "You see there, Bryce, you worried for nothing."

"But I only know because I did something I shouldn't have done."

"May I ask what you did precisely?"

"Well, it's not easy to explain. It was pretty invasive."

"Come now. I'm sure whatever it is it's not as bad as it seems; you tend to overthink such things. You are acting as if you read her diary."

Bryce began to wiggle his toes with more force. "Well, in a sense..."

"I'm sorry, but are you saying you did read her diary?"

"In a way, yes..."

"What does 'in a way' mean?" Bryce didn't give a response, prompting Bait to add, "I suppose the how is beside the point. Does she know about it?"

"I don't know. I don't know if she knows I know, or what she would say if she did. I mean, she's nice, but what I did... She'll have to hate me after this."

"Bryce, you are overthinking this, yet again. I doubt she would hate you for what you did. She would probably feel hurt, but she wouldn't hate you."

"Well, what should I do?"

"In my opinion, tell her. Get it out there before you both are too far down the line and she finds out herself."

"Maybe. But I want to ask you if you're going to tell Amethyst about what you did?"

"IIII have been meaning to," Bait replied, trying to draw out his answer. "It's just, I can never find the right time. And when I do think about it we are both in such a good mood. And-"

"So you'll tell me to do it, while having no intention of doing so yourself?"

"I wouldn't say it in that way."

Giving Bait a cold stare, Bryce bluntly stated, "You're a hypocrite."

"No, because I intend to tell her."

"But are you?"

"If I can find the right-"

"Are you!?"

"If you would allow me to-"

"ARE YOU!?" Bryce's outburst caught the tan colt off guard, leaving his mouth open midsentence. Bryce found it hard to tell whether Bait had been spooked by his shout, or surprised. But he could tell what Bait wasn't thinking about. "You aren't, are you?"

"I would, Bryce, but compared to what you did this is major."

"And what I did was minor? You- You've taken a lot of money from a lot of ponies; I betrayed the trust of the pony- No, the pegasus... I betrayed Fluttershy's trust in me. Whether she hates me or not she'll never forget about it. And when I tell her any chance I might have had will go out the window."

"I'm sorry, but did you say when? You're going to tell her to spite me?"

Bryce stood up. "You think me petty? No, I'm not going to do it out of spite. I'm doing it because it's the right thing to do. If I was going to do it out of spite I wouldn't stop with Fluttershy, I'd stop with Amethyst. But I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't sink so low that I would make someone blurt out something they didn't want someome else to know about. But I don't know when I'll see her next, but when I do I'm going to be honest with her because she's that important to me. If you cared that much about Amethyst you will do the same."

Bait narrowed his eyes at Bait. "Who are you to question me about something like this?"

"Bite the fattest part of my ass!" Bryce said as he made his way for the door. "And stop rubbing your eyes; it looks like you just got back from a Cheech and Chong performance."

"Hold on," Bait said in confusion. "What about my eyes?" But Bryce was already out the door and down the hall, breezing past Doctor Stables and Nurse Redheart as he went out.

When the doctor came to Bait's bedside he was just as preplexed by the colt's eyes. Taking a ophthalmoscope in his magic, the mustard colored stallion looked into Bait's eyes. "Have you been rubbing your eyes, or is there anything you would be allergic to?"

"I... I... No, nothing I know of. And I haven't been rubbing my eyes. What's going on?"

"Nurse Redheart, a mirror."

When Nurse Redheart brought the mirror into Bait's line of sight he was thrown back. The whites of his eyes were a deep crimson red. The way they watered made it look like he were crying. Bait couldn't believe he hadn't noticed before. "Doctor, what's happening."

"I can't say for sure yet, but it could be conjunctivitis, or pink eye as it's more commonly known."

"Pink eye? How did I get pink eye?"

"There has been a slight epidemic in the last few weeks. There haven't been many cases but things like this find their way around."

"Am I going to be okay, because I kissed my fillyfriend. And she has a foal she's been foalsitting."

"It depends. There doesn't appear to be any yellow discharge, so it may be viral."

"Is that good or-?" Bait stopped when he saw the doctor shake his head. "Is she going to be okay?"

"It's nothing to worry about. All you need is a regiment of eye drops and you'll be as good as new. In truth, it was good we found it here, at the hospital. We just need to add the necessary medicine to your chart while you're healing up. In the mean time you should just relax and avoid picking at it."

"But what about my fillyfriend?"

"If you see her anytime soon you should let her know. Though if she is a foalsitter I wouldn't doubt you got it from her. Other than that there's little we can do. With that out of the I would like to look over your skin graft."


From her hiding spot underneath a bush, Scootaloo had a very desirable view of Rainbow, who was going about her usual training session. This was something the orange pegasus would do on an almost religious basis. It didn't matter where she was or what she was doing, Scootaloo would come here just to see Rainbow practice. And it was all in preparation for the day; the day Scootaloo would be able to get herself off the ground and soar through the clouds, literally through them. No soft, fluffy cotton ball was going to get in her way of becoming the greatest flyer in all of Equestria. She wouldn't be surprised if her Cutie Mark turned out to be of Raibow Dash herself. What would be more awesome then having a Cutie Mark of an already awesome pegasus?

But for now Scootaloo had to settle with sticking to the ground and watch the expert at her work.

Just then, Rainbow decided to take a break and flew up to a nearby cloud to catch her second wind. Feeling confident she wouldn't be seen, Scootaloo decided to give flying another go. Steping out from under her hiding place, she stood with her legs apart. Taking in a deep breath, and gritting her teeth, Scootaloo flexed out her small wings. After a few more breaths, she starting flapping her wings with all her might. It started slow but quickly grew into a loud buzz.

Scootaloo kept at it, going so far until she was red in the face and sweat poured down her whole body. With each new found cranny of energy she found she put it into her wings. But no matter how much she tried her legs were planted to the spot. In an attempt to speed things up, she started hopping in place, thinking her buzzing wings would keep her aloft.

All she managed to do was bring pain into her hooves and joints. But Scootaloo wasn't going to quit. Rainbow wouldn't quit and there was no way she was going to until either her body gave out or gravity gave in.

So with one more jump, Scootaloo hopped up into the air, much higher than she ever had before. But it would seem the former breaking point was destined to happen when a cramp that felt like somepony were jabbing a knife into her wing crept its way down the effected wing to her spine.

When this happened, Scootaloo's wing stopped its buzzing and she came down hard. But the force of her hitting the ground was nothing compared to her cramped wing, which reverberated in pain. Through gritted teeth, Scootaloo scoffed, "Stupid...cramp...!" Before letting out a round of hisses.

From off to the side, she heard somepony ask her, "Ya alright there, squirt?"

Scootaloo looked to the source; part way out of disbelief because she one pony who owned the voice; part way out of fear for the same reason. When her vision came into focus her suspicions were proved correct: Rainbow was there, and she must have seen the whole thing. "Hey," she said, waving a hoof in front of her face. "You okay, squirt? Didn't scramble your brain, did ya?"

"I... Uh..." Scootallo managed to get out.

"What ya get, a cramp? Yeah, I got a lot of those when I was first learning to fly. Let me tell ya, those things are nasty. And that jumping thing you did was hilarious." Scootaloo retreated back a few inches, ashamed to have her idol witness her at her worst. "Eh, don't worry, squirt. I'm not gonna tell anypony. Anyway, what are you doing all the way out here? You weren't spying on me, were you?"

Anything Scootaloo said next was lost in an inaudible mess. In her mind she was sweating buckets. Great, now she's going to think I'm some kind of stalker. Why now!?

"As far as stalkers you're not one of the worst. If you wanted to see me practice you don't have to act all secretive and junk. I don't mind an audience." Rainbow snuck in close, and whispered, "Just don't go telling anypony about my moves. If anypony knew what I was doing the Wonderbolts wouldn't think it was original."

"I... I won't..." Scootaloo muttered out.

"Great. Thanks, squirt."

With that said, Scootaloo expected Rainbow to fly off, but instead the rainbow mare had more to ask. "Hey, what's your name?"


"Scootaloo? Yeah, I thought I recognized ya. You're the filly Bryce has been looking for." At mention of the human's name, Scootaloo tensed up. "He's been asking about you. He said if I saw you to send you his way. He's probably somewhere near city hall about now."

Scootaloo knew this already. And that was the reason why she avoided that part of town.

"Don't ask me why, but he talks about you like he knows you already. I saw him earlier and he said to tell you to come by so he can give you something. Didn't say what, but he said you'd like it. But if it's something he made I'm sure it's gonna be awesome." She waited for Scootaloo to give a response, but the orange pegasus gave none. "Well, that's all I have to say. I guess I'll see you around." With a quick salute, Rainbow took back to the sky, leaving a very anxious Scootaloo behind her.

For a few minutes, Scootaloo sat where Rainbow had left her and watched as the rainbow mare zipped through the sky a few times more. After a while the cyan mare flew out of sight, leaving Scootaloo with nothing to do for the rest of the day.

Along her way back into Ponyville Scootaloo wasn't sure what she should do. She considered the possibily of doing as Rainbow had suggested and seeing Bryce, but the question was what he would do. Most likely nothing spectacular, but then again Rainbow had said whatever he had for her had to be awesome. And if Rainbow thought that then it had to be so.

But Scootaloo didn't know if she could handle being close to the human. The biggest reason being how he reminded her so much of Bright. It was bad enough their names sounded so similar, but then there was the way he acted like the colt she had once known. His way with foals, his way when he would stand up for anypony in danger, and just the little phrases he said; all of it was a mirror image of Bright.

What was she to do?

Her thoughts were soon after pierced by an all too familiar tone: The sound of a wolf call. She hadn't been in complete control of her steps before, but now that she was she retched in horror at where she was now. She was in the town center, standing right before the job board, and right across from it was the source of her doubts: Bryce, who sat on a park bench. He beckoned her to come over with a wave back that went over his head, just like Bright used to do.

Scootaloo didn't know what caused her to step towards him, but whatever it was had her in its full power. In under a minute's time she was standing in arm's length of the human.

Bryce looked down to his watch, popping open the front casing. "Well, I thought you'd never come," he said with a smirk. She didn't fully understand what he said next, but she could have sworn it was, "Though you're a few minutes early," as if he were expecting her.

What happened next almost made Scootaloo run away in fear. From his satchel, he produced a knife with a short blade. Bryce saw this, and said, "Don't worry about this. It's not for you." From his satchel he pulled out something Scootaloo couldn't see. Taking the knife in his other hand, Bryce began to cut away at whatever the item was in his large hand. "This is going to take me a few minutes to finish." He nodded to the seat next to him on the bench. "Why don't you take a seat until then?"

Though it was welcoming, Scootaloo refused the offer and stood on her hooves where she'd stopped.

"Well, suit yourself." Bryce worked away for a few minutes before asking, "How have things been with you?"

Scootaloo didn't give any answer.

"Well, if you don't feel like talking then you don't have to."

Scootaloo looked down. That marked the third time the human had started a sentence with the word 'well'. It had annoyed her for the longest time whenever Bright said it, and this guy was no different.

With a dry mouth, Scootaloo said, "I've... I've been fine..."

"Well, that's good to hear. Are you in school yet?"

"No, not until next year."

"Well, that's nice. I'm sure that'll be here before you know it."

There it was again; twice more now. Scootaloo couldn't tell if it was out of habit or if he was doing it on purpose. "Why do you say that all the time?"

"Say what?"

"Well. Why do you say that a lot?"

"Well, I don't know. It's just one of those things that don't have a real origin behind them, I guess. They just exist."

"Yeah, well, it ain't proper."

Bryce laughed in his throat. "Yeah, I suppose I can guess where you got that from." Bryce blew into his hand, blowing out a cloud of wood shavings. "It's done. Now I just need to put my mark on it." Turning the object around in his hand, he continued to carve.

Her curiosity peaked, Scootaloo stepped up on the seat next to Bryce to try and get a look at whatever he hid from from her. When Bryce saw this he pulled it out of her sight. "Nuh uh, no peeking."

Scootaloo had witnessed this before with Bright. He would always do the same thing to her when he made her gifts. She knew she would have to be patient with the human, just as she had with Bright. Any second now he would finish with whatever he was doing, wrap it inside a piece of cloth, and present it to her like it was the most precious thing in the world. Most often it had been, to Scootaloo at least, but she doubted the human could size up to Bright's little gifts.

With his work done, Bryce placed his knife down and reached into his satchel a second time, pulling out a piece of sandpaper. After smoothing the edges, he went into his satchel yet again, coming back with a plaid bandana. Carefully wrapping the small object inside the bandana, he held it out to Scootaloo.

For a second Scootaloo was reluctant to take it, but after seeing the way Bryce looked at her she decided to accept it.

She had half expected Bryce to leave afterwards, but instead he stuck aroud, as if waiting for her to open it. He held that same smirk on his face.

Scootaloo looked down to the plaid bandana in her hooves. Whatever it held inside didn't feel very big, and not very heavy. Taking in a deep breath, then letting it out slowly she pulled at the bandana. She pulled away the corners like the petals of a flower. When she reached the center she felt a knot form in her throat.

Inside was a perfect wooden copy of Rainbow Dash. Taking it tenderly in her hooves she looked the figure over, trying to find a flaw. But there were none. Down to each individual feather the mini Rainbow Dash was flawless. There was only one thing Scootaloo saw out of place. On the bottom side of the right-rear hoof, Bryce had etched in a mark, a mark that was familiar to her.

It was of a shield. It had a flat top and a pointed bottom. The mark was split evenly down the middle into two equal parts.

Bryce caught on to this. "That's my mark. It tells you I made it."

"Why is it that though?"

"Well, it's copied after my birthmark. I'd show it to you, but a lot of ponies would take it the wrong way if I showed it to you out here."

Scootaloo allowed that to hang in the air before she began to wrap mini Dash back in the bandana. After doing a mediocre job of it she shoved it back to Bryce. "I can't take it."

"Why not? I made it just for you."

"It's...too nice. I'd wreck it."

"I'm sure you wouldn't. You like it too much to let anything bad happen to it." He inched it back over to Scootaloo.

"I don't want it!"

"Well, will you take it anyways?"

In a fit of rage, Scootaloo smacked the bandana away, with the mini Dash still in it. "Would you stop saying that word! It's annoying, Bright!!!" When the words pierced the air Scootaloo could hardly believe she'd been the one to have said it. But she knew she had. She didn't know why, but she couldn't hold herself back from crying there on the bench.

Bryce bit down on his lower lip as his wiggled his toes in his usual way. "Scootaloo, just calm down now," he said in a calming tone. He placed a hand on her withers and used his thumb to rub her back. "It's going to be alright. I wasn't trying to force it on you."

Scootaloo kept crying, unable to hold the tears back. She didn't want the human to be here for this, not when she was a weak little foal. She should have stuck with her original plan and avoided him. And now he trying to calm her down like a whinny baby.

"Kid, I'm sorry for that. I don't read others very we- Very good. I thought you would like a little Rainbow, since you like her so much. But I guess it's just another thing I screwed up, huh?"

"No, it's not that... It's just..." Scootaloo crawled over to Bryce's thigh, and proceeded to beat into the thick muscle, all the while repeating in between sobs, "You're not Bright, you're not Bright."

Bryce allowed her to go at it until she gave up and buried her face in his leg. "No, I'm not Bright Smiles; I'm Bryce Smales. But I must be like him in a lot of ways for you to have called me by his name." He continued to rub his thumb through her withers, not once stopping the soothing motion.

"Why are you like him? Why do you have to be just like him?"

"I'm sure to you I am, but I'm sure if you watch me long enough you find something different. But as for the why I wish I could tell you, but I can't. Hell, there's a lot of things I wish I knew the answer to myself. Like why I'm here in this world of little horse things in the first place. Or why I can do some of the things I do. Or even why you... Why you remind me of someone I used to know."

Scootaloo let out a huff. Her knowing about him was one thing, but now he had to be toying with her. "You're just saying that."

"No I'm not, Scout."

"Yes you..." Scootaloo hadn't caught it at first, but she knew the one thing that was out of place. She looked up to Bryce, to the grey eyes that were once like Bright's. "What did you call me?"

"I called you Scout, because that's who you remind me of. And like you she grew up not knowing who her parents were, and none of her potential adoptive parents could put up with her for very long. She chose to let her fists, though I guess in your case your hooves do the talking. And like you she was often teased by the other children for being smaller than other kids her age. And, to top it off, you both eventually found someone that cared for you like a father would his daughter, and they were taken out of your lives in the blink of an eye."

She didn't want to admit it, especially not to the human, but Scootaloo could somehow tell he was being honest with her. Even about the last part. Everything up to that he could have picked up easily from eavesdropping. But that last part was something moping could have told. "Bryce, how do you know about that?"

"I wish I could tell you, Scootaloo. But all I can say is from experieence. Despite how impossible it is, I know." He looked down to her. "But I don't want you to see me as someone I'm not. Despite how much I'm like him, I'm not him. I'm sure if you were to spend enough time with me you would see the differences; some subtle; some not. That is, excluding our differences in physical features. And in the same way you don't want me to see you as someone you never met."

"I... I wouldn't, I guess."

"I thought not." Bryce bent down and picked up the bandana off the ground. He held it out to Scootaloo. "Do you want this? Because if you wanted I could make you someone different."

For a second, she wanted to ask him to make one of Bright, something for her to remember him by. But she knew it wouldn't seem right. Bright was gone, and no figure, no matter how well carved would be the same as him. She took the bandana from Bryce, and opened it to find mini Dash was unharmed. "No, that's fine. This is fine with me. I just... It looks just like her."

"Well, I've been around her enough to know what she looks like."

"Bryce, can I ask you one thing though? You don't like Rarity, do you? And I don't mean like, I mean like like."

"Well, Scootaloo, I can see you thinking that, but as far as we're both concerned we'll both only ever be friends. I mean, she's too elegant and prissy for my tastes. Besides, I burned that bridge, and that's slightly a euphemism."

When Bryce said that Scootaloo gave a smile. Bryce had that for him. Rarity had been everything to Bright and Bryce couldn't stand her, which in her opinion was for the best. If Rarity and Bright had gotten together she would have run away to get out of having to look and act like a filly. Scootaloo would rather be allowed to play in the mud than wear a frilly, frou-frou monstrosity that other fillies her age would drool over. The mere thought made Scootaloo want to hit herself in the head with a rock.


For the better part of the morning Rumble had been having a go at the monkey bars. It was hard for him to get in the beginning, since he was so unused to the experience. But an hour later he was able to not only get himself across, but also make himself hang with his back legs. But Thunderlane thought it as foalish. Sure, it would be interesting if he were an earth pony or a unicorn, but Rumble was a pegasus and could just as easily use his wings to get across.

And the fact Rumble wasn't using his wings to do so made Thunderlane that much more upset. He was a pegasus. He shouldn't do things any of the lesser equine species could do themselves. Instead, Thunderlane resolved to grumble to himself and ignore his brother's foalish antics.

What also fueled his anger was the fact he was still flightless. It had been weeks, and still he was left grounded. It didn't matter how many good deeds he did for other ponies his wings refused to work their magic. He could see it all was pointless, and Bryce had been playing him for an idiot. An act of humility, who ever heard of something so stupid for something that was rightfully your's?

It wasn't long after Thunderlane heard an audible grinding noise off to his side. Looking over, he found it came from a merry-go-round. Seeing nopony around, he took it to have come from the wind and let it be. That was until he heard it squeak again.

Thunderlane tried to ignore it, but he looked over and saw the metal disk turning around, but now at a speed much too fast to have been caused by a light breeze.

It has shaken him a little, but he brushed it off as some foal he couldn't see playing tricks on him. "Ha ha, very funny," he yelled out.

"What, what's so funny?" Rumble asked as he hung from his hind legs.

"Nothing. Just some stupid foal trying to be cute. Well it ain't gonna work, ya hear."

The only sound that came back was from the merry-go-round as it came to a halt.

Rumble looked over to his brother, deeply concerned. "Lane, I don't think anypony's there."

"Yeah, that's what they want you to think!" Thunderlane shouted over to the unseen prankster. But there came no answer back.

Pulling himself up, Rumble unlatched himself from the bar and landed on the ground. He trotted over to the slate grey stallion. "Lane, is everything alright? You're acting like there's somepony standing right behind you only you can see."

"Yeah, because there is."

"Wait, there is?"

"Of course, can't you see'm?"

Rumble took a second to look over the playground. "I...don't see anypony. Except you and me."

"Yeah, well, they're out there. I just know it."

Rumble shook his head. "Lane, don't you think you're just being paranoid? I mean, before you thought Bryce was out to get you, then you said he took your flight, and then there's the last few weeks where you were being nice to other ponies for no reason. And now you're nothing but a jerk."

"Yeah, so!?"

"I'm just saying you need to relax, bro. I mean, you were a jerk before. But now you do nothing all day but sit there like you're waiting for the sky to fall. To tell you the truth, I liked you better when we actually did stuff together. Sure, you would always cheat or make up rules at the last minute, but now we do nothing at all."

"Maybe I don't want to do anything."

Rumble narrowed his brow. "Fine, you can do nothing. I'm just gonna leave; just fly off and leave you here."

"No you're not, not without me you aren't. Mom and Dad would kill me."

Rumble took flight, going well out of reach of the slate grey pegasus. "I'd like to see you try and stop me!"

With that said, Rumble flew off in the direction of his and his brother's house. Thunderlane jumped up. "Rumble, you get back here!" Rumble ignored his brother's calls and continued to fly for home. Knowing what little else to do, Thunderlane ran after his brother. He wasn't going to catch the butt end of a punishment because Rumble wasn't listening to him.

Slowing down so he could properly see, Rumble found his brother coming after him. But instead of flying after him, like he had expected, Thunderlane was running behind him on the ground. Rumble was beyond belief. He had been sure his brother would have flown up to get him, tackle him, do something so he wouldn't get in trouble with their parents. But Thunderlane was running, which he had stated at least a hundred times before was the worst form of travel that the wingless unicorns and earth ponies took because they weren't as cool as pegasi.

He didn't believe it, but there it was. Thunderlane had been telling the truth.

Though he expected a pounding from the mohawked stallion, Rumble descended down to the ground. When Thunderlane finally caught up he had the meanest look on his face the light grey pegasus had ever seen. "Rumble, what the buck do you think you're doing!? If you think I'm going to get in trouble for you then you've got another thing coming!"

"Lane, I'm-"

"Shut up! If you think I was a jerk before you ain't seen nothing yet!"



"Y- You really can't fly, can you?"

"Oh, you just now notice!?"

"I- I thoguht you were... I don't know..."

"Well here it is, peabrain! I! Can't! Fly! Do you understand me now!?"

What followed was Thunderlane panting, his chest blowing up and down, while Rumble could do little but stare up at the slate grey stallion. Rumble couldn't believe it but Thunderlane had been telling the truth.


"What...!?" Thunderlane said with spite.

"Wh- What happened?"

"I already told you, it was Bryce. He took my flight away, and he won't give it back."

"What did you do to him?"

"Nothing," Thunderlane said firmly.

Rumble doubted it. "You did something, Lane. What was it?"

"I didn't do anything to him. All I did was yell at that one mare. You know, the one with the freaky eyes," he said, rolling his own eyes around.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing nopony else in their right mind hasn't said before. She's nothing but a freak."

"You said that to her?"

"No, all I said was her daughters would be better off with parents that were more normal."

Rumble looked to his brother dumbfounded. "How is that any better?"

"Well it's true."

"How do you know? You're nothing put a thug. And a thief. And now an idiot."

Thunderlane brought up a hoof. "Say that again, I dare you!"

"It's true, you are. But I don't see how Bryce did this."

"It's... I don't know what it is. But it's some kind of...mind control."

At that Rumble facehoofed. Celestia, not this again. I thought hearing it from Rocksalt was dumb, but Thunderlane... Okay, maybe I could believe that, now. But still, mind control? "Lane...really...?"

"I know, but it's true. I swear. I saw... You just have to trust me."

"I can believe you not being able to fly, but mind control?"

"He can!"

"Lane, are you sure, or did you just let yourself believe he could?"

"He can. You know what, I'll prove it."

"How. By asking him nicely?"

"No, I'm-"

"Lane, would you listen to yourself for a second! You're loco in the coco."

"No, I'm-"

Jumping up, Rumble gave the stallion a firm slap to the face. When Rumble landed back down he was prepared to run away, but Thunderane didn't move.

"Doo gin..." Thunderlane mumbled.


"Do it again..."

"Lane, are you sure?"

Thunderlane gave a slow nod.

"Uh... Okay..." Jumping up a second time, Rumble gave his brother a second slap to the face. And again both he and Thunderlane froze on the spot.

When nothing was said for a good while, Rumble said, "Lane, you need to stop this before you get your butt kicked. I mean, you're acting like a pony who needs to be placed inside a padded room, with another padded room inside of that one."

"Rumble... He..."

"Lane, I'm sorry, but shut up! Is this really getting you anywhere? Is blaming everything on Bryce making you feel any better?"

"But... He d-"

Rumble placed his hoof over his brother's mouth. "Just listen to me," he said, looking him in the eyes. "You need to drop this, because I'm afraid you're goign to do something so terrible to him he's going to bury you. And I wouldn't stop him. What you need to do is apologize to him. To him and Miss Doo."

Thunderlane's pupils shrank to the size of pinpoints. He shook his head, with Rumble's hoof still over his mouth.

"Yes, Lane. If you keep doing this then I'm going to avoid you. I don't care if I have to run away, I will not want to ever see you again. And if anypony ever asks me if I know who you are, I'll tell'em: You mean that flightless freak of a pegasus. No, I don't know him. I've just seen him around. I wouldn't want to get around a freak like him, I might get whatever freakish flightless disease he has."

Thunderlane felt his heart drum inside his chest. Having to be around Bryce was one thing, but apologizing was a whole different theater of war. But he could tell Rumble would do it just by the look in his eyes. He could handle everypony else pretending they didn't know him, but not Rumble.

Letting out a groan as he rolled his eyes, Thunderlane nodded.

Rumble removed his hoof, giving a determined smile. He had lost hope in his older brother, but it seemed he had gotten through somehow. He walked past the slate grey pegasus, and received a smack on the back of the head. "Ow, Lane!"

"That's for slapping me. I'm only going to do it once because I wanted it the second time. Now let's go home. I gotta think of a way to catch Bryce when he's alone. I'll apologize, but I won't let anypony say I did it."

The Best of Me

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Chapter 67: The Best of Me

Rocksalt tossed another newspaper over his shoulder, and for at least the tenth time since he and Bryce had started the dull brown colt missed his mark by more than a yard. But instead of the colt rushing to try and correct his error, he continued to walk on as if nothing had happened.

It fell upon Bryce to pick up the slack. Taking the newspaper, he dropped it on the doorstep. He could tell something was wrong with Rocksalt, he hadn't acted like this since before he went to school. And the day before he was throwing the papers like it was nothing. But now he was missing almost every shot. Bryce had to say something; he wasn't there to correct Rocksalt's mistakes, he was there to watch after Rocksalt.

The next time Rocksalt reached for a newspaper he had trouble pulling it away from the human. "Something on your mind, Kid?" Bryce asked.

With one more pull Rocksalt managed to pull the paper out of his hand. "Nah, ain't nothing." He tossed the paper, managing to get it a few inches off the bull's eye.

"Well, it's something. That's the first good toss you've made all morning."

"Ah'm just real tired. Ah didn't get a lot-a sleep last night."

Bryce bent down in front of the colt. "Look at me," he said as he took his head in his hand. The drowsy look in his eyes confirmed his story, but Bryce could tell he wasn't being completely honest. "Is everything going alright at school?"

Rocksalt shook his head away. "They won't be if I don't finish up. Now are ya gonna help or are ya gonna gab?" He asked as he pulled a fresh newspaper from Bryce's satchel. Rocksalt slung his hoof to the side and released the paper, sending it flying down an alleyway.

They both stared down the alley for a minute before Bryce said, "Kid, even you wouldn't have done that on the first day."

Shooting the human a scowl, Rocksalt rushed over to Bryce. He tried to unsling Bryce’s satchel from around his neck. "Just give me the papers. Ah'll take care of it from here."

Bryce did nothing but watch as he struggled with the strap. He tried hard to hold back from laughing. It was only after the colt began to gnaw at the strap Bryce intervened. "Kid, stop it before you hurt your teeth.

Rocksalt did as he was told, letting out a loud, "Bleh."

"You want to tell me now?"

Rocksalt could tell there was no getting by it. He and his mother couldn't afford to lose his paper route. "You're like a stubborn jackass sometimes, ya know that?"

Bryce gave a smirk. "Guilty."

The dull frown colt gave a grunt. "Ya remember those three guys Ah used ta hang out with? Well one of'em's in my class. And yesterday he told the girls what Ah'd done ta that one girl, Scout or something like that. He told'em how Ah picked on her and how Ah lied to her about if she went up to ya when yous was at Sugarcube Corner Ah'd give her my signed Wonderbolts poster. And Ah didn't."

"So now they hate you?"

"Nah, they stood up for me. Even Almond. But then they turned around and got on ta me about it and said Ah have to actually give it to her, and apologize. They said if Ah didn't then they wouldn't play with me anymore. And Ah don't want ta have to give up them, or my poster."

Bryce let that settle in for a second before saying, "Well, Rocksalt, if you did promise to give it to Scootaloo then you have to do it."

"But Ah don't want to. It's... It's all Ah got left from when my dad... From when my dad still loved me."

"Well, be that as it may, you still promised. And if you didn't want to have to give it up then you shouldn't have put it up for bid."

"I know, but... My dad gave it to me."

Bryce stood up, looking off towards the sunrise. "Well, Rocksalt, I think you have to consider what's more important right now: having two friends who will stick up for you no matter what; or keeping a poster that was given to you by someone years ago, who so easily let you go out of his life."

Rocksalt looked down to his hooves, weighing what Bryce had just said.

Bryce then stood back up. "You just think about that, Kid, but right now we need to hurry and get this done. You still have school and I have somewhere I need to be."

For the rest of Rocksalt's paper route the two boys went along diligently. By the time Rocksalt reached his house he was so worn from trying to play catch up he could have lain down in bed and fallen asleep. But he went into the bathroom, and took his morning shower as usual. When he got finished drying off he went into his room to get his saddlebags. But when he went in there he stopped to look at the poster that hung over his bed.

He looked at it, closely examining every detail. He looked at every Wonderbolt. To every kink in the paper. And most of all to the hoofmarks stamped into it. To him this wide sheet of paper was the most precious thing in the world, second only to his mother, but after what Bryce had said to him he was wondering if it was more important than Pecan and Almond, despite how they bugged the heck out of him.

Rocksalt jumped on his bed, if only to get a closer look at it.

At that moment his mother came in, wanting to see why her son was taking so long. "Rocky, you better hurry up. Your breakfast is going to get cold."

Without looking over to his plump, cream colored mother, he said, "Okay, Mom, Ah'll be out in a sec."

When Whipping Cream saw her son continue to stand on his bed, staring up at his poster, she walked further into the room. "Rocky, is something wrong?"

"Nah, Mom. Ah just haven't looked at my poster in a while."

"Oh. You know, I remember the day you got it. I remember when your father walked off, and you were so worried. But when he came back with that I'd never seen you happier. Do you remember that?"

"Yeah, Ah do. How could Ah forget? Ah mean, just the way those pegasi flew. It was so awesome." Rocksalt looked down to his bed with a sigh. "Makes me wish sometimes Ah'd been born one."

Cream walked over to her son, wrapping a leg over his withers. "I know, Gelati, but to me you'll always be the most awesome son a mother could ever hope for." She hugged the colt into her side. "Now come on, Rocky, school starts in less than twenty minutes." Cream left the room, giving Rocksalt the space he needed to prepare for his day.

Rocksalt, however, stood looking at his bed for a full minute longer. When the minute was up he looked up, and hoped what he was about to do next would be the hardest decision he would ever have to make in his entire life.


Almost like magic, the oatmeal bath gave sweet relief to the itchy red bumps that spotted Bryce's flesh. After his and Fluttershy's short trip into Froggy Bottom Bogg earlier that morning, this more than made up for it.

Bryce had hated the bog since the first step into the stagnant wetland. But it hadn't been the nonstop croaks of the hundreds of unseen frogs, which were loud, nor the bites that came from the endless swarm of mosquitos, which were relentless, nor the foul, unbreathable humidity they had to walk through. It had been that first step, that first step when he stepped on what he'd thought was solid earth only for it to turn out to be cold, murky, leech infested water. Though Bryce had come out with only a single leech, the sensation of walking through the bog drenched in water made his skin crawl.

But he had continued on, nonetheless, if only to insure Fluttershy's safety. If it had been anypony else the smallest mention of where they were both now would have made him go running back for home. But for her he would suffer through it.

Fluttershy, whose bathtub Bryce was using, couldn't help but feel responsible for Bryce's suffering. When she asked him to come with her to the bog, so she could release the snapping turtle back into the wild, it had only been to pass the time; time that would allow all the day's stalls to open for business.

But now Bryce was itching all over, and Fluttershy couldn't help but feel responsible.

So to try and make up for what she'd felt she had caused, Fluttershy had taken it upon herself to wash the human's clothes. Afterwards she flew to the apple farm, packed up a fresh set of clothes, and flew back to the cottage. When she went inside she saw no sign of Bryce and immediately assumed he was still in the bathroom.

When she knocked on the bathroom door, she called, "Bryce, are you still in there?"

"Yeah," was all he said back.

"I brought you some clothes from home."

She proceeded to push open the door, receiving an instant rebuke from Bryce. "Don't come in here! Just...leave them out there and I'll get them when I'm done."

Fluttershy was a little thrown back by his outburst. He must still be upset with me, she thought to herself. Not wanting to worsen the situation more than she felt she already had, she did as instructed and left the clothes outside the door.

When she reached the kitchen, the buttercup mare's attention was drawn to her pet rabbit, who was waving as he jumped in place. "Huh, what is it, Angel Bunny?"

The rabbit patted his stomach before pointing a paw into his open mouth.

"What's that, you're hungry? Oh, I'm sorry, Angel. I was distracted...by... Maybe he's just cranky because he hasn't eaten yet?" She asked no one in particular. With that being said, Fluttershy decided to try and do something nice for the human. Pulling out a pan, a stick of butter, a bowl, a spoon, and a few eggs, she went about preparing some scrambled eggs.

Through all of this Angel had sat back and watched his caretaker scramble to put breakfast together. With a scowl firmly pasted across his face, he knew one thing for sure: He wasn't getting breakfast anytime soon.

Just as Fluttershy was about to pour the liquefied eggs into the warm pan, she heard a knock at the door.

Quickly pouring the eggs over into the pan, she answered the door. It was Ditzy. "Hi, Ditzy. What brings you here? Do you have any mail for me?"

The walleyed mare shook her head. "No, my route doesn't start for another half-hour. I just come by to see if everything's alright with you. And with Bryce?" At mention of the human Fluttershy's demeanor dampened enough for Ditzy to have noticed. "Did something happen?"

"It's nothing, it's just... I think I may have upset him."

"Are you sure? It could just be you're reading him wrong, which is really easy to do. But if he is the best thing for him would be to let him be by himself to cool off. Mind if I come in?"

The two pegasi entered the living room, taking a seat on the sofa. "So, wanna tell me what happened?" Ditzy asked.

"Well, this morning Bryce came over to help me when I went to the farmer's market. But I wanted to go and release a baby snapping turtle I'd been taking care of. So we went into Froggy Bottom Bogg. And he accidently stepped into the bog."

"Oh no, is he okay?"

"He's seems to be alright, but he hasn't said much to me since then. And whenever he does it's like he's upset with me. And I wasn't trying to force him to come, I just wanted to spend a little more time together. Because when we were in town last week he had to carry everything, and we weren't saying anything then. But now-"

Ditzy cut her off. "Fluttershy, if he looks upset then he probably is. But from what you've told me I can say with certainty he's not mad at you, just from being wet."

"But he's in the bathroom right now taking a bath. And when I tried to go in there he yelled at me."

"When you say he's in a bath to him that's not the same as being wet. He's wet when he's in the bathtub, but when he's wet it's something different. And second, this isn't easy to say, but with Bryce's kind... Let's just say the males of humans are a bit different... Down there..."

"Different? Different how?"

"There's a reason he wears pants. His...male parts don't have a place to tuck inside to outside of the, ahem, bedroom."

It took Fluttershy a second to understand what Ditzy meant. "Oh my... So you're saying his... That would have been embarrassing for him."

"Hey, chip up, Fluttershy. I'm sure he wouldn't have gotten upset with you over a misunderstanding like that. Embarrassed, sure, but not mad. I mean, who hasn't ever embarrassed somepony they like?"

This helped to lift the yellow mare's mood, if only a little.

Just then, Ditzy smelt something foul blow past her nose. "Fluttershy, you weren't cooking anything before I came in, were you? Because I think it's done."

When Ditzy said that Fluttershy began to smell it too. Darting her eyes over towards the kitchen she saw a small column of black smoke rising up from the stove. "Oh no!" She cried as she flew over to the oven. Turning off the stove eye, Fluttershy took the pan and dropped it over into the sink, running water into it for good measure.

Ditzy flew over, turning off the faucet. "Fluttershy, what's wrong."

"It's nothing. I was just trying to do right by Bryce today and make him some scrambled eggs for breakfast. But I got distracted."

"Hey, come on, Flutters. It's not so bad. I'm sure he would have liked them."

"I know, but they were for him. And now they're ruined." Fluttershy looked down to her hooves, disappointed she'd let her lose track of something so important.

Ditzy slung a fore leg over her friend's withers. "Don't worry about it. There's still time. Besides, now you can make his eggs the way he likes them."

"He...doesn't like scrambled eggs?"

"I'm sure he does, but he's the kind of pony who prefers the same breakfast every morning: Two fried eggs sandwiches with a glass of milk."

"He does? I didn't know that."

"Well, it's not really common knowledge. I've just known him long enough to know that."

Fluttershy let out a sigh. "It's seems you know him more than I do. How could he like me and not you?"

"Oh ho, so he finally spilled the beans, did he?"

"No, I just have a feeling is all. A warm feeling from the bottom of my heart that lets me know." Fluttershy gave another heavy sigh. "But that's another thing you knew before I did."

"Sure, I know a lot about him, Flutters. But that doesn't mean we would be a good couple. I mean, if I let him live with me I doubt my daughters and I would have a roof over our head to go home to. I'm not saying I don't like Bryce, I do, but we would never do any better as a couple than we would as friends. To me, he needs somepony who'll be patient with him. Somepony who will be forgiving, no matter what asinine thing he may say or do. And most important, somepony who can not only bring out all his good qualities, but improve them to heights he even doubts are within his grasp. But that's not me, Fluttershy. That's you."

"And don't worry about not knowing him yet. I'm sure after you both spend some more time together you'll notice things I couldn't see unless you told me. But I will say this: When it comes time to tell him something it's best you be open and direct with him; he doesn't read subtle hints very well." Ditzy walked down towards the hallway, stopping to look back to the uplifted pegasus. "How about this, while you go on and fix his breakfast I'll see if he's ready? Try and buy you some time if need be."

Fluttershy returned Ditzy's question with a heartwarming smile. "If you want to. I don't want my problems to keep you if you need to get to work."

"It's no problem with me. I can spare a few minutes to help out a friend." When Ditzy reached the bathroom door she gave a knock.

From within, Bryce said, "I'll be out in a minute, Shy. I'm just finishing up."

"Bryce, it's Ditzy. Are you decent?"

There was a short pause before Bryce replied, "Sure, Ditz, come on in."

Ditzy opened the door, finding the human in only his pants and underwear. He was busy dabbing the contents of a bottle of calamine lotion over the red welts and bites that littered the parts of his body that hadn't been covered with clothes. "Sheesh, those look nasty."

"Well, trust me, they do. I got them when we went into the swamp or bog or whatever the H you wanna call it."

"I heard. She also said you fell in the water."

"Yeah, I did. To tell you the truth if I hadn't gone in for her I would have broke down right there."

"I'm more surprised you didn't myself," Ditzy said, remembering all too well what had happened with Rainbow Dash and the infamous raincloud incident.

"Well, I mean, I was more concerned about keeping her safe. What if there had been a fully toothed alligator or a pack of timber wolves or something worse? I'd want to be there for her."

"I'll say. Though I doubt there would be anything worse than those two things in a bog."

"Maybe. But I'm glad the mosquitos came after me instead of her. They hurt, but I made sure I took down as many of those blood-suckers as I could. It might mean nothing, but they got what was coming to'em." Bryce turned around in place, trying to position his back in the mirror. "Ditzy, you don't see any on my back, do you?"

"Nope, looks like you got'em all covered."

"Great, thanks." Bryce placed the calamine lotion back in the medicine cabinet, then threw his shirt on. Turning to Ditzy, he asked, "Well, how do I look?"

It didn't take Ditzy long to reply with, "You look like a human who had a bad run-in with a swarm of mosquitos."

Bryce gave a smirk. "Well, you're not wrong."

Not long after the pair walked into the kitchen, finding a pair of fried egg sandwiches and a glass of milk at the head of the table. "What's all this?" Bryce asked.

"It's nothing. I just made you breakfast to thank you for coming with me this morning."

"Well, I don't know how, but you guessed my favorite." He took a seat at the offered place.

As Bryce began to pull the crusts off his first sandwich, Fluttershy asked, "Do you want any breakfast, Ditzy?"

"No, I've already eaten. Anyway, I need to get going. Through rain or shine after all. You two have fun today." Ditzy went out the front door.

As Bryce continued to eat, Fluttershy took a seat next to him. "Are you feeling any better since your bath, Bryce?"

"I do. I hope you don't mind if I used your calamine lotion though."

"Oh, it's no problem. It's there for bug bites, isn't it?"

"Well, yeah. And thanks for the clothes and the breakfast. I'll try and be quick."

"No, no, you can take your time. The farmer's market isn't going anywhere."

By now Bryce had finished his first sandwich and had moved on to his second. "Well... What about you? Aren't you going to eat?"

"Well, I-" At that moment Fluttershy's stomach let out a loud groan. She looked to Bryce with a blushing grin.

"Well, when I'm done here I'll cook you some eggs."

"It's okay, I can take care of it."

"No, I'd prefer to do it, to make it up to you."

"Why? What do you have to make up for?"

"Well, mostly for being myself towards you." A short silence fell through the room, only broken when Bryce said, "I'm sorry about that, Shy. I just have a thing when it comes to surprises and being wet. And I hated you seeing me like that. But that doesn't make up for how I acted, though, does it?"

For the next few seconds Bryce took bites out of his sandwich. Just when he was on his last few bites, Fluttershy reached forward and wrapped her fore legs around his neck. Though Bryce enjoyed the yellow mare cuddling close to him, it came as a surprise. "What's this about, Shy?"

She whispered in his ear, "Just my way of saying I forgive you."

Bryce had wanted to say something back, but anything he could think of didn't sound right. And when he tried to speak the words became tangled up in his throat. Instead, he decided to accept it. As he held on to what was left of his sandwich, he gave a smile.

When Fluttershy was finally able to unhook her hooves from around Bryce, he said, "Shy, I didn't want to say anything, but is something burning in here?"


For the most part, Bryce and Fluttershy's day at the farmer's market went by a lot smoother than it had the week before, with the lack of having to carry two forty pound bags of feed being only a small part of it.

The biggest upside to the previous Wednesday was how much more talkative the two had become. What they had said wasn't of great importance, but it was better than nothing. If anything it made them closer.

Despite the late start, they managed to procure all of the animal caretaker pegasus's groceries well before noon. And since they weren't very hungry after having a late breakfast they decided to walk around for the rest of the morning. After about an hour of walking around aimlessly they decided to grab something small to snack on, and they'd happened to come upon the local nut sellers stand.

"Hello again, Bryce," Kernal stated at his and Fluttershy's approach. "And hello, to you as well, Fluttershy. What brings the two of you around these parts?"

"Well, we're looking to find something to tide us over until lunchtime," Bryce answered. "Got anything that can do that?"

"I believe I just might," Kernal said in his Trottingham accent. "In fact, I have something new my wife would like customers to try." Sneaking behind the stall, the chestnut stallion returned with two small paper bags. Bryce and Fluttershy each took a bag.

Placing his hand inside, Bryce felt something sticky. Pulling out, he brought up a pecan that looked as if it had been drowned in caramel. "Well, it looks good. It doesn't appear she burned the caramel this time, so that's a plus." He popped it in his mouth, finding it difficult to pull his teeth apart. After taking a few bites Bryce swallowed the morsel. "Well, they're good, but tell her to lay off the caramel by...a lot." Fluttershy nodded in agreement, having the same trouble in getting her portion to go down. "But I doubt she would want to hear that I'd said it," Bryce finished.

"I can understand what you mean, Bryce. Cocoa may be a bit headstrong, but without her, she and I wouldn't have two beautiful girls to call our own. I'll relay it to her, nonetheless, but say it came from an anonymous source."

"Right, that would be for the best. Well, thanks for these, Kernal."

"Wait, Bryce, could you hold back for a second?" Kernal said, raising a hoof. "I don't know if I should be asking you this, but do you know anything about cooking a proper meal? I only ask because mine and Cocoa's tenth wedding anniversary is in two weeks, and on that day she and I have a PTA meeting we must attend. And to contribute, the twins want to cook us dinner. I can admire their dedication, but I don't want them doing so without a grown up about. I trust they can cook, but not enough that they would make the best of choices if something were to explode or what have you."

"Well, I do. But do you really want me to come into your house, cooking your dinner, and slipping out without leaving any trace I had ever been there?"

"I wouldn't ask this of you, but the girls do have their little hearts set on this. And from all the pointers you've given have been very helpful for my wife, even if she doesn't know it's from you."

"I'm sure I have, but I don't want to get anyone into trouble. I like you, and I like your daughters. But if your wife found out I might not ever get to see any of you again."

"Excuse me," Fluttershy finally stated, oblivious to the whole ordeal. "But what did Bryce do that your wife wouldn't trust him?" It didn't take long for Bryce and Kernal to explain what had happened. When they were done the yellow mare had to cover her mouth. "Oh my, she wasn't hurt, was she?"

"No, no, no," Kernal said, trying to quell the pegasus's fears. "In fact she turned out quite well. Well, except for maybe being as wild as a buck in the proper season. And her sister, to put it in a way you could understand, adapted a manner not much unlike your own, Fluttershy. But you would think Pecan would have been the one, but no, it was Almond. And Pecan's had her mother saying words I don't want to translate into Equestrian."

"But surely she knows it was all an accident. Bryce would never hurt anypony like that."

"In her own way, I'm sure she does, but she can be as stubborn as a mule; no offense to mules themselves."

"Okay, guys, I think we get the point," Bryce butted in. "But Kernal, I still don't know if I should do this." He looked to Fluttershy. "What do you think, Shy?"

"Why ask me?"

"Well, I want your opinion on this. Because I want to, but I'm afraid it'd only make the situation worse."

"Well, um... Do you think she would find out?"

"I don't know. All it wold take is one misplaced word and it'll hit the fan."

"Maybe, but what if after she does find out, and after trying what you made she likes it? It's a possibility." Fluttershy took a second to ponder the situation. "Bryce, I think you should. You want to after all. And it would at least show you don't feel bad about her as she does about you. I don't know if it would work, but it's worth a shot, isn't it?"

The entire time Bryce had been wiggling his toes in his usual way. After a few renditions of this he looked to Kernal. "Kernal, if she thinks I should, then I'll do it."

When the chestnut stallion heard this he gave a smile from ear to ear. "Ha, smashing! I knew I could count on you."

"Yeah. But if anything happens I'll take the blame for it. I'm the one she's after, not you or the girls."

"I doubt things could go too pear shaped. I'll make sure she and I leave with enough time for you and the twins to finish up. And don't worry about the ingredients, I'll supply it all. At least now I'll have the time to find a proper anniversary gift for Cocoa."

"Well, I might be able to help with that, too. But I need something from you first. I'll need a picture of you and your wife; preferably one from your wedding. And I also need a picture of Pecan and Almond. The more current the better."

"If you need those things I might be able to oblige, but it will have to wait because I don't have anypony to watch the stall."

"Well, I'll be in town tomorrow so I can get them then."

"That should work."

After saying their good-byes, Fluttershy followed Bryce through town. "What do you have in mind you need pictures for, Bryce?" She asked.

"Well, more or less as a backup plan. If my cooking doesn't manage to win her over then hopefully this will work as a peace offering. Do you remember seeing the figure I'd made in my room?"

"I do, yes."

"Well, what I have in mind will be a lot better than that. But I'll need to get better tools, because the little whittling knife I have won't cut it."

Soon after they came upon a small shop. From the sign Fluttershy understood it was a craft's store. When they both entered, they heard somepony off to the side say, "Good afternoon, is there anything I can help you find today?" As if they had rehearsed it. When Fluttershy looked over she found a sunset orange unicorn busy painting something she couldn't quite see.

"Hey, Needlepoint," Bryce said to the stallion.

When Needlepoint heard Bryce, his first response was to freeze up, releasing the small paintbrush in his magic. "Bryce, wh- what are you doing here?"

"Well, I came by because I have a wood project I just thought of and I need something more than a whittling knife to-"

The orange unicorn came over, drawing Bryce's gaze. "That's nice to hear, but I'm afraid I can't sell you anything right now, because I'm..."

"I'll just be a minute," Bryce refuted. "All I need are some-"

"Yes, but as I said I can't sell you anything right now," Needlepoint said, still drawing Bryce's gaze towards him. "I was about to close for lunch."

"But I have the money."

"I'm sorry, but you will have to come back later. I have very strict hours."

Bryce gave the unicorn a dead stare. "Strict hours?"

"Yes, well, I like to take the time to work on things, away from the prying eye."

"Well, I'll just be a minute." Bryce took a step towards the back of the store, and came to the dead stop at what he saw. With his poor distance vision he had his doubts, but after taking a few steps forward it confirmed what he saw.

Sitting up on a shelf, right above the wood working tools were his little Raritys, each painted to match her colors perfectly. And sitting next to them was a small plaque that displayed the price: 45 bits each.

Bryce heard Needlepoint come up behind him, but didn't turn back to look at him. "What are those doing here?" Bryce asked.

"The wood working tools? They've always been there. Ever since the day I first-"

Bryce finally looked back to Needlepoint, trying to hold back his rage. "You know what I mean! Where did you get those? Who gave them to you?"

"I- I got them from somepony... S- somepony you wouldn't know."

"Bulls shit! I made those," Bryce stated, pointing a finger towards his chest.

"No, it's the truth. If they looked like anything you made then it is meerly coincidence."

"Coincidence?" Bryce rushed over to the shelf.

Needlepoint followed closely at Bryce's heels. "Bryce, what are you doing!?"

When Bryce reached the shelf he grabbed one of the Raritys up at random and shoved into Needlepoint's face "Is the shield mark on this one's bottom right hoof a coincidence!?"

"There's nothing there," Needlepoint stated without pause.

Bryce gave a scowl. "Bull-!" But when he pulled the figure back to see for himself, Bryce saw what Needlepoint said was true. All four of the mini fashionista's hooves were blank. Bryce began to rub at the indicated spot with his thumb, thinking it had been covered up. But nothing came away. Placing the figure on its side on the shelf, he looked under the same hoof of every Rarity figure present. But they were all blank. The only noticeable scratches along their surface were from the etched out eyes and the diamonds in the cutie mark, and that was all. Other than that there was no shield to prove Bryce had made them at all.

After checking the final little Rarity, Bryce placed the figure down on the shelf on all hooves. Breathing heavily, Bryce said, "I'm sorry. I was sure..."

Needlepoint gave the human a smile. "It's quite alright. If anything they are quite beautiful. Maybe not as beautiful as the model, but still very beautiful."

"Yeah, they are. If you see the one who made them tell'm they did good work."

"I'll be sure to relay the message," Needlepoint said as he rearranged the little Raritys with his magic. "Now, if you would be so kind, I would like to close for lunch."

As Bryce and Needlepoint walked to the front of the store, Fluttershy asked, "Bryce, about the shield you said would be on the rear-right hoof, it wouldn't happen to be split vertically down the middle, would it?"

"Yes, Shy, it would."

"I only ask because the two over here have a shield just like that where you said it would be." Fluttershy said from the table Neddlepoint had been working at when she and Bryce had entered.

When Bryce and Needlepoint heard the mare say this, the former gave a scowl down to the latter. "Really? What a coincidence."

Needlepoint attempted to make a run for it. But Bryce acted fast and stepped on the unicorn's tail, causing him to fall forward on his belly.

Bryce called to Fluttershy, "Shy, throw me one of those, if you would be so kind."

Taking the figure that had yet to be painted, she tossed the mini Rarity to Bryce. Bryce caught it out of the air and immediately looked to the underside of its back right hood. "Well, I will say this, the one who made these did do good work." While still keeping Needlepoint on the floor, Bryce brought the figure down to the unicorn's eye level, giving him full view of the split shield. "You want to explain this to me?"

When Bryce allowed the sunset orange unicorn to stand, he was having trouble containing himself. He had to think of an explanation fast. With a shaky voice, he said, "That could have been put there by anypony. As far as I can tell it is all chicken scratch. Again, this is all coincidence."

But one look at Bryce's face was enough for Needlepoint to tell he had him dead to rights. With a smirk, Bryce said, "Coincidence?"

What happened next was something neither of the two present ponies could expect. Grabbing the zipper on his shorts, Bryce unzipped it, spun around on his heels, and lowered his pants enough for Bryce's buttocks to be thrust into Needlepoint's field of vision.

Both ponies were beyond words. Not only for what Bryce was doing, but because of what he had laid bare. Right there was the irrefutable evidence anypony would have needed. Imprinted onto Bryce's flesh was the mark that had been with Bryce since the day he was born, and had since been placed onto every wooden figure he'd made since he first started widdling: a red shield, with a flat top, a pointed bottom, and parted vertically down the middle.

Still holding his smirk, Bryce said, "You can kiss this coincidence."

Neither Fluttershy nor Needlepoint gave an answer aside from a stammered words.

When the front door opened everyone looked back to see who it was. It was Ambrosia, who carried a pair of to-go boxes on her back. "Hey, Dad, I got us some..." She stopped midstep at the scene before her. "Bryce...?" She finally asked.

Without turning around to properly look at his former coworker, he gave a wave. "Hi, Ambrosia."

She stared at Bryce, Fluttershy, and her father a few seconds more before she started say in a slow voice, "What the BUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?!?!?"

"Well, that is a good question," Bryce said as he pulled up his shorts. "What are the figures I made for you doing here?"

Ambrosia shot her father a glare. "You see, Dad, I told you this would come back to bite you in the flank."

"Ambrosia, this is not the time."

"Wait, Dad?" Bryce asked stunned. He looked to Needlepoint. "You're her...?" He looked to Ambrosia. "You're his...?" He looked back to Needlepoint again with a stare that would make the devil flinch. "You sent her to do your dirty work!? You cowardice bastard!"

"Don't you talk to my dad like that!" Ambrosia scolded.

Bryce went back to the papyrus colored mare. "And you helped him!?"

"Look, I didn't want to help him, but he's my dad."

"Well, you still did it. You didn't even like them, did you?"

"You have no right to question my daughter," Needlepoint interjected.

"Piss off!" Was all Bryce had to say to the sunset unicorn. "You say you don't like me, then you say I do good work. And then this? You're so on the the fence you don't even know what side you're leaning on." He turned back to Needlepoint. "And you stole my figures, painted over them, and then tried to pass them off as someone else's work. What the H!?"

"I didn't steal anything. Ambrosia gave them to me, who I might add you gave to her in the first place. I've stolen nothing. And second, you left me no other choice."

"Yeah, and this is why. You're selling them like they're a novelty item, not a piece of art like you say they are. And the price? That's just pure avarice."

"You act as if running a business such as this is a turn key operation. Before those figures the only business I had was from schoolfoals and old mares who come here to buy yarn so as to make magnificent gifts for their grandfoals. And in the end these foals don't give a damn how much work their grandmothers put into it, all they care about is getting it. My daughter and I were just staying afloat before this, but with these we have a chance that it won't all fall down past our ears."

"Well, how much work do you think I put into making them? I work for hours to make one. And now look at them: whitewashed and done up like some girl you have to pay to love you. And your new customers, I bet they're all just a bunch of sex crazed colts, not very long into that special time of life where their voices crack and their balls drop. And then there's that new scent in the air, coming from that one little flower they didn't notice until now."

Hearing that was enough to make Ambrosia scoff. Fluttershy on the other hand decided she had better step in before either one of the males could say another word.

Fluttershy stomped her hoof, cutting off whatever would have been said next. "I've heard enough from you both," she said as she came between them. "Mr. Needlepoint, I agree with Bryce on how you've treated his figures. He must have put long hours into them. And then you tried to make out as if he were lying about making them to begin with."

"You can say that again, Shy," Bryce added in.

Fluttershy gave Bryce her signature Stare, forcing him to keep silent. "And Bryce, what you did and what you said was no better. Being angry is understandable, but what you did to prove yourself was very inappropiate. And the words you said could be hurtful to the wrong pony."

She stepped out of center in order to see them both. "Now I want you both to stop bickering, because it's not going to get either of you anywhere. I'm sure if you will just talk this out in a calm, appropiate, sensitive manner you can think of someway where everypony gets their fair share."

Both males stared daggers at each other for a few moments before Needlepoint said, "I suppose you were correct in saying I whitewashed your art, Bryce. And not giving you due credit was wrong. I only painted them because it was what my customers wanted. But I guess such things would be better left to the artist to decide."

"Well," Bryce began, "You did do good. I mean, they were good before, but you were able to paint them in a way I can't do. You picked out the perfect colors, and did it without crossing colors over one another. In a way, someone could mistake it as Rarity herself."

To this Needlepoint gave a smile. "No, Bryce, you do me too much honor. If it weren't for you making them in the first place I would have had nothing to paint."

"Yeah, but if you had left them as they were I couldn't have seen them like this. I can do line but I can't do color."

"I guess in a way we complement each other, if only in terms of art."

"I guess so."

For a while they said nothing back. It wasn't until after Needlepoint repositioned himself on his hooves that he said, "Bryce, I hate to say this now, after all that's been said, but without your figures I'm afraid Ambrosia and I won't survive. Before your figures we were up to our ears in debt. Ambrosia, despite my reservations, had gotten a job as a construction worker to try and help ends meet. But when she was fired the money went with it. And it took all her severance just to keep the debt collectors at bay. But if we can't get enough money soon then we will both be back in the same pit as before."

"If you're going to ask me to make more figures then the answer is no. I'm not going to allow what happened to those happen to any more I may make. But I do have something that may benefit us both. I propose that if you can find me commissions then I'll make more of my whittlings."

"I can understand that, Bryce, but if you don't make figures what will I have to demonstrate your work?"

Bryce raised a hand. "I'm getting to that. If you provide me with the tools I'll make something so great you'll want to replace that." Bryce pointed across the room to Ponet's painting of Needlepoint's color palette stained rump.

Needlepoint looked back to the human, uncertain if he should take him up on his offer. "I don't want you aiming for something that's may be out of your reach. Your work is grand, but what can you make that you place Ponet in your shadow?"

"That I'm not going to tell. If you trust me, then I can promise you that we'll both come out for the better." Bryce held out his hand to the sunset stallion. "Do you you trust me?"

Needlepoint was hesitant to take Bryce's offer. If what Bryce said were true, then the business they would receive would be beyond his imagination. But if Bryce turned out to be wrong, then Celestia herself would not be able to save him and Ambrosia from financial ruin from which they could never recover. But if he declined Bryce what other choice did he have?

"I trust you, Bryce." Needlepoint placed his hoof into Bryce's hand, and gave it a shake. "But if you expect me to simply give you the tools you need then I'm afraid I must charge you for them, in the event things do turn south."

Bryce gave a nod. "I understand. And I do have the means in which to do so. But there is one thing I will need from you personally. A picture. One you hold most dear to your heart."

"That I can provide, if you will allow me a moment."

While Needlepoint went to his craft table, Ambrosia came over to Bryce. "Bryce, I'm sorry for being a part of all this. I was against this from the very beginning, but what he said was true. You see, a few years ago my sister, who was a unicorn, wanted to go to Canterlot to study magic. And my dad couldn't say no, so he let her go. But because of how expensive it was we got a lot of debt fast."

"Well, what happened with her?"

"To tell you the truth, we don't know. All we know is she up and disappeared from all of creation one day. We only found out when the school sent all her belongings back here. And since we can't afford to take a trip there we don't know anything else. And Dad..." Ambrosia looked over her back to see if her father was still busy. When she saw he was she beckoned Bryce to come in close.

Taking a knee, Bryce did as she wanted, and listened as Ambrosia said, "Our dad thinks it's all a lie, and that she's still in Canterlot. He thinks she decided she was too good for us and decided to cut off all ties. To tell you the truth, I don't know if he's right. My sister would never have done this, at least not without telling me."

"And yet she did, Ambrosia," Needlepoint said from behind the papyrus mare. He held out an old photograph to Bryce, one that had a corner torn away. "Will this this do?"

Bryce looked the picture over. In it he could see they were at the train station, with Needlepoint in the center, his hoof wrapped around a much younger Ambrosia's neck. He could see the sunset stallion's other leg go towards the other part of the photograph, only to end at the tear. Bryce found it hard to believe how happy the pair was in the picture compared to how they were now.

Bryce gave a second nod. "This will do."

"Good. Now if you will come to the register we will either transact a blessing or a disaster."

After paying for the tools, Bryce and Fluttershy made their way for the door. As they went out, Ambrosia called, "Bryce, wait. I need to tell you something first." Bryce turned back to hear what she had to say. "I did think the dolls you made were good. And just so you know, despite how much my dad wanted them, I never gave him the first set you made for me. They're in my room right where I left them, untouched by anypony but me."

Bryce had listened to the papyrus mare, and gave a nod when she was done. "Thanks, Ambrosia, that...means a lot." With that said, he and Fluttershy went out the door.

When Bryce and Fluttershy had made their way outside of town, Bryce was finally able to ask, "Shy, was what I did good? I know what I did before was bad, but did I do good after that?"

Fluttershy was slow to answer. "I really can't say if it was good or bad. I think it depends on if you can come through with what you promised. But I will say this: everything you were able to say afterwards made me proud. You were able to say all you said without running away or bottling yourself up inside yourself or being impolite."

To this Bryce gave a soft smile. "Well, I was really only able to do it because of what you said, Shy. I mean, if you hadn't been there to come between us we wouldn't have been able to say anything nice. But I guess that doesn't completely make up for what I did say and do, does it?"

Just then, Fluttershy came to a stop, which Bryce followed suit soon after. Turning back to the buttercup pegasus, he asked, "Is everything okay, Shy? Did we forget something?"

Without saying a word, Fluttershy used her wings to come to Bryce's level. Once she was at his level, she wrapped her hooves around him.

Immediately Bryce felt his heart beat faster in his chest. It was the same feeling he'd felt that morning when they were at the breakfast table, and to him it held the same meaning as before.

But this time he wasn't going to just sit there and take it. This time he was going to give back.

Taking his part of the groceries in one hand, he used his free hand to give Fluttershy a hug back. While still holding her, he whispered to the yellow mare, "Thank you, Fluttershy."

They didn't let go until Bryce deposited her at her cottage. And after a long drawn out good-bye, Bryce parted for the apple farm.

Along the way, Bryce looked to the photograph Needlepoint had lent him, and was already beginning to form the image he was about to make inside his head. This would take time, much longer than any figure he'd made before, and he would need zero distractions.


At the sight of the human coming up the dirt path, Thunderlane felt his blood run cold. The entire morning, with constant encouragement from Rumble, the slate grey pegasus had waited along the road that led to Sweet Apple Acres for this moment, and now that it was finally here Thunderlane felt he could die from sheer terror. He wanted to run, to hide himself, but he knew if he did that Rumble would never forget it. So as Thunderlane waited for Bryce to reach him and his brother, he breathed air deep into the lowest fathoms of his lungs in preparation for what he was about to say.

And when it came time to say those three words that filled his mouth with bile, Thunderlane could only get out, "Bryce-" before Bryce stated, "Not now, Thunderlane," and walked past.

Thunderlane did nothing, except watch as Bryce walked away, not bothering to look back to the pair of pegasi. He didn't do anything until Rumble poked him in the thigh, saying, "Lane!" Causing the older pegasus to run ahead of Bryce.

"I just wanted to say-"

"I'm busy!" Bryce scoffed and went onwards, not slowing down for a second.

Thunderlane again took a position along the side of the road ahead of Bryce. "Can I just say one-?"

"No, you can't!"

After Thunderlane let Bryce pass by the third time now, he looked back to Rumble, who looked just as confused as he was. But Rumble didn't remain this way for long. Shaking his head, and furrowing his brow, the light grey pegasus colt ran after the human, and came to a stop right in his footpath.

This time Bryce came to a stop, as well. "Rumble, move! I'm busy!"

"This won't take long! My brother has something he wants to-"

Seeing Rumble had no intention to move to the side, Bryce walked around him.

But Rumble wasn't going to let Bryce get away easy. He ran after Bryce, and came to a trot that matched his stride when he reached the human. "Can you stop for a second, Bryce? I'm sure whatever you've got is important, but Thunderlane and I want you to hear this."

Through their entire exchange, Thunderlane hadn't moved. But when he saw his brother cross over to the Apple family's property, and watched as Bryce’s mare-sized dog come running towards the pair, he ran after them. He had seen how intimidating this dog could be, and if what he thought was about to happen were so, Rumble was in danger. Which meant he was in danger, because if something happened to Rumble their parents would do worse to him.

But when Thunderlane crossed the line over into the property the German shepherd changed course, and came directly for the slate grey pegasus, his lips parted and teeth bared.

When Thunderlane saw Corn coming he skid to a halt, which caused him to lose his balance and fall down. Unable to get back on his hooves, Thunderlane dragged himself away from the dog. But when he could tell his efforts would be futile, he rolled onto his back and prepared for the inevitable.

But when Corn reached Thunderlane he came to a stop, as if sensing a line only he could tell were there. For a minute Thunderlane didn't notice this, not until he came to the realization he had been holding his breath. From behind the golden-yellow canine he could see Bryce had stopped, and was speaking with his brother. Even if they were yelling Thunderlane couldn't have heard them; not over the sound of his own heart and the barks Corn was now making.

After a few minutes Bryce and Rumble stopped speaking, and began to look deep into each other's eyes. Instantly Thunderlane's thoughts went back to the day he'd called out Ditzy, how Bryce had brought him down to earth, and how the latter had managed to take away his flight with his inky black stare. And now he was doing it to Rumble.

Thunderlane wanted to do something, but he knew if he moved \ the large dog that was barking at him would tear him to shreds.

It had all looked grim, until he heard Bryce yell out, "CORN, SHUT UP!!!"

It was enough to make Corn stop barking, but he still continued to growl over Thunderlane, preparing for the nice, plump horse-chicken he and Winona would be having for supper.

Bryce yelled out again, "CORN!!!"

The German shepherd, with his lips still parted, looked back to his boy.

Bryce pointed towards the farmhouse. "HOME! NOW!!!"

For a second Corn stood his ground, but then looked back to Thunderlane, snapped at him once, and headed towards the house, not once turning back.

Once Corn was out of sight, Bryce walked over to Thunderlane. When he was standing over him, Bryce said, "You have two minutes. Speak."

Thunderlane got to his hooves, and tried to sound out the words, but only managed to let out a raspy tone.

In this time, Bryce opened the front casing of his watch. "You have ninety seconds."

"I... I... I want to say I'm s- S- I'm so- so-"

Without looking up from his watch, Bryce said, "Seventy-five seconds."

"I... I'm s- Sorry... Okay? I'm sorry for everything I did, and for everything I said bad about you."

"Sixty seconds," Bryce stated, not giving any indication he'd heard what Thunderlane had said.

Thunderlane continued on. "I- I know it was wrong of me, and I shouldn't have done to you what I did." Thunderlane didn't know how, but the words all poured out of him. He admitted to Bryce all he'd said and all he'd done. He even admitted to having stalked him, and watching almost every move he made. When Thunderlane was done, he had to catch his breath.

But it had all seemed to have been in vain when Bryce closed the casing on his watch, looked Thunderlane straight in the eye, said, "That's not going to get you your flight back," and walked off in the direction of the barn.

For a second Thunderlane was dumbfounded. He didn't remember all he'd said, but what he did remember was the truth. When he registered what Bryce had said, he stood up, and ran after Bryce. "Wait, you can't just say that. I apologized!"

"You did," Bryce said, not looking back. "But that's not going to get you your flight back. Now, leave me alone."

"But...I wasn't doing it for that."

"I know. You did it for your brother. Rumble told me. Very noble. But you were still doing it for yourself, even if not wholly. It won't work. Go away."

"How can you act like what I said did mean anything?"

"It did, but I'm busy."

By now Rumble had caught up to his brother. "Lane, you said you were sorry. That's all I wanted."

"No, Rumble, this is about something more. I'm- I'm going to prove to you I'm not making it up when I say he took my flight."

"Lane, come on!"

Thunderlane hadn't noticed, since his attention had been on Rumble, but Bryce had stopped, causing Thunderlane to collide with the human's legs. Bryce looked down to Thunderlane, and said in a straight face, "I didn't take your flight away."

"Then how do you explain this?" Thunderlane flapped his wings, and got no result except from the dirt that was blown about.

"You just don't know how, that's how I explain it." Bryce turned back and opened the barn door.

Gritting his teeth, Thunderlane took a deep breath, and said the one thing he was certain would get him killed. "I know how you moved the barrel of peanuts."

Immediately Bryce froze, with the edge of the barn door held in his grip. He began to grip the edge hard.

Rumble looked to his brother, unsure of what to make of it. "Lane, what are you talking about?"

Before Thunderlane could explain, Bryce turned around, and while pointing into the barn said, "In here. Now!"

Without knowing why, Thunderlane did as Bryce had told him. Taking shaky steps, the slate grey pegasus entered the dark inside of the barn. Rumble tried to follow inside, but Bryce got in his way. "You stay out here," he said in a low, deep tone. "This won't take long." Bryce then entered the barn, shutting the door behind him.

From the outside, Rumble heard something scratch along the inside of the door. Once it had stopped Rumble tried to push open the door, but found it held shut.

Rumble began to panic. From the way Bryce had looked just now, with his eyes as black as coals, he feared the worst was about to transpire. Taking to the air, he began to look around for a way to get inside.

Famous Last Words

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Chapter 68: Famous Last Words

Thunderlane felt like an idiot. Correction, he felt like the idiot everypony had always claimed he was, even if Thunderlane had at the time thought the same about them.

But the stallion didn't feel this way when he let out what he'd seen Bryce do with the barrel of peanuts, nor when he entered the barn. It had been when Bryce shut the barn door and, with use of his telekinesis, slid the barricade into the slot, locking the door from the inside.

The slate grey pegasus was beginning to wonder what he'd expected to happen when he said those words. At the time it had been the only thing he could think of to stop the human in his tracks, hoping the human would hear him out. It had stopped him alright, but Thunderlane was alone with a person who was not only at least twice his size, but could pick him up off his hooves with a thought. Celestia only knew what else the human could do, but the worst Thunderlane could muster was that he wouldn't have to worry about flying anymore once his wings were pulled from their sockets, if Bryce decided to stop with those two limbs.

For a while Bryce said nothing as he laid his head against the door. In truth, he wanted to do what Thunderlane thought he'd do and tear him limb from limb. But he couldn't do that, he would never do something so heinous, even if Thunderlane was a complete asshole.

Without looking back, Bryce asked, "How much do you know?"

Thunderlane felt his whole body lock up and his blood run cold. "A- About what?"

Bryce punched the door. "Don't play with me! You already told me about the peanuts." He turned around to look at Thunderlane with his inky black stare. "How much do you know?!"

Upon seeing that bottomless stare the words caught in Thunderlane's throat.

When it became clear Thunderlane wasn't going to say anything, Bryce stepped forward.

Thunderlane fell back, using his hooves to push himself away from the human. He knew it was pointless, but he wanted to be as far away from Bryce as possible. He could have ran, tried to get past the human, but Bryce would grip him up with an invisible force only he could control. It didn't matter if he had his flight or not, Bryce would have him. And when Thunderlane felt his back reach the back wall of the barn he knew this had to be it.

With each remaining step the human took towards Thunderlane, the stallion felt his pulse rise, and his shallow breaths raise to match the tempo at the same rate. If his heart didn't give out first, Thunderlane knew he was about to be in a world of pain.

When Bryce was standing over Thunderlane he brought a pitchfork into his hand using his telekinesis. After touching a finger to the tip of one of the tines, he asked again in a calm tone, "How much do you know?"


Rumble flew around the barn, looking for a way to get inside. He knew the door was a bust, Bryce had managed to lock it from the inside. The windows that ran along the ground floor were a no, Bryce would see him coming. He could look for a loose board in the roof, but that may take too long, and it ran the risk of Bryce hearing him.

The only possible way in was the big sliding door that Rumble thought would open to a hay loft. It was possible, but Rumble didn't know if he could muster the wing strength to slide it open enough to slip inside.

After flying around the barn for at least the tenth time Rumble came back down to the ground. He could tell the last option was the only possible option, but he didn't know if he could see it through. Opening the hay loft door would require him to fly, and his wings were strong enough to just keep him aloft, and only just. In addition to that, the he would need to slide open was big enough that a full grown cow could be thrown through, with enough space left for a stallion.

As Rumble allowed his wings to rest from his flight, he crawled under one of the lower windows. Creeping up on his back hooves he peeked inside. Rumble could see Bryce, who was propped against the barn door. Sitting on his hind legs at the center of the barn was Thunderlane.

A few seconds afterwards, Rumble watched as Bryce turned back from the door, staring directly at the slate grey pegasus. He could see his mouth move but couldn't hear the words. It wasn't long after Bryce began to walk towards Thunderlane, who soon fell on his back and began to push himself away from the advancing human.

That was all Rumble needed to haul his flank up to attempt to get up to the hay loft. He knew if he didn't do something then his brother would do something to make things worse for sure.

When Rumble reached the large door, he placed his fore hooves along its edge. With a few big flaps of his adolescent wings, he felt the door slowly but surely slide open. Soon there was a crack big enough for the pegasus colt to hear Bryce ask, "How much do you know?"

At hearing that, Rumble allowed himself to hover in the air, his hooves keeping the door open. He stuck his ear against the gap, listening to what else was said. "Wh- What are you gonna do with that pitchfork?" He heard Thunderlane ask.

There was a short pause before Bryce ask him back, "What makes you think I need to use it?"

"Be- Because...I..." Thunderlane must have been taking too long for Bryce's liking. The next thing Rumble heard was the sound of the pitchfork being rammed through the wall, with a shrill cry coming from the older pegasus. Looking down, Rumble could see the tips of the farm tool jutting out of the outside wall down below.

Rumble redoubled his efforts. Flapping his wings with greater force, he slid open the door until the gap was wide enough for him to slip inside. Once inside, Rumble fell to the floor, using the last bit of strength in his wings to quiet his landing. Once Rumble was sure he hadn't been caught, he peeked through a gap in the floorboards.

Though he could barely see through to the other side, he could see Thunderlane leaning against the back wall, unmoving. Shifting around, he found Bryce as well. He held the pitchfork in one hand, his attention still down at the slate grey pegasus. For a moment Rumble was sure Bryce had done the unthinkable and pierced his older brother. But after moving around a little more Rumble found an open knothole. Peeking through, he let out a low sigh of relief; Thunderlane hadn't been skewered, at least not yet.

"I don't want to have to use this, but if you leave me no choice I might have to." Bryce released his hold on the pitchfork, allowing it to hang in the wall. He bent down, with his face a few inches from Thunderlane's. "I just want to know...how much...you know."

Up above Rumble felt left out of whatever crazy loop Thunderlane had gotten himself caught into. He still remembered what Thunderlane had said, something about how Bryce had moved a barrel of peanuts. But there didn't seem to be anything strange with that. Heck, with the weird fore hooves Bryce had he could move anything with ease.

There had to be more to it. Moving a barrel with whatever one called those strange hooves wasn't something to get worked up about. Rumble just pushed open a barn door with his own pair of hooves and nopony threw a parade for that. He knew if he were to find out he would have to stay quiet, and see if Bryce revealed it for himself.

"I... I only know about that. I- I swear," Thunderlane managed to blurt out.

"About what exactly? I want to hear you say it."

"A- About the peanuts. I saw you move them without touching them."

"Is that all?"

Thunderlane gave a nod, causing Bryce to grip him by the mohawk. He pulled the pegasus to where his golden eyes met his black, bottomless ones. "You are not going to nod. You are not going to shake your head. You are going to answer me, in words, in complete sentences. Is that all you know?"

Without looking away, Thunderlane answered, "Ye- Yeah. That's all I know."

"Have you told anyone?"

"No, I haven't told anypony."

"What about Rumble? Did you tell your brother?"

"I didn't tell him about the peanuts."

"Then what did you tell him?"

Thunderlane replied with stuttered words. "A- About- About the-" His eyes glazed away from Bryce.

Bryce shook him from side-to-side before asking him, "Why won't you answer?"

"You wo- won't like it."

"Humor me."

Smacking his dry lips, Thunderlane said, "I told how, how, how you took my flight away... And that you... You did it through... With... Mind...control..."

At those words Bryce shook his head while he gave a smirk. "Mind control." He laughed in his throat. "Mind control." He gave a few more laughs as he let go of Thunderlane's mohawk. Bryce stood back up, and walking a short distance away said, "You're an idiot, but you're not far off."

Thunderlane and Rumble looked at Bryce, dumbfounded by his comment. "Wait, it is?!" Thunderlane exclaimed.

"Partly, but mostly it's not. Since you won't remember any of this, not after I'm finished with you, I might as well-"

And then from the hay loft, there came a loud thud that made everyone jump. It left both Bryce and Thunderlane motionless, but Rumble was looking around for the culprit. It didn't take him long to find it: The sliding door, which Rumble had used to sneak into the barn, had closed itself and let everyone know about it.

For a moment Rumble was prepared to believe he was the only one who'd heard it, but when he looked back through the knothole he found Thunderlane still lying against the barn wall, and Bryce nowhere in sight.

Looking across the hay loft floor, Rumble could imagine Bryce standing right below the ledge. At that thought he forced himself to freeze up as he took short, shallow breaths. If he could stay still for long enough then maybe Bryce would brush it off and go back to his brother. But it was not the case.

"Who's up there?!" Bryce called up to the hay loft, standing where Rumble had expected him to be.

Rumble drew in a deep breath, and held it. If he kept as quiet as possible then Bryce would have to drop it and go back to Thunderlane.

"I know you're up there, so come down!"

Rumble gave no answer.

Down below, Bryce made his way back to Thunderlane. Grabbing the pitchfork with both hands he yanked it out of the wall. He looked to the slate grey pegasus, telling him, "Not one move; not one sound," without moving his mouth.

Taking the pitchfork, Bryce tapped the handle end against the bottom of the hay loft. Rumble heard where it had come from; a little more than a foot from his position.

Bryce tapped the same spot a few more times, finally deciding it wasn't the right spot and moved to a new spot six inches closer to Rumble's position up above.

Rumble didn't know what Bryce expected, but he figured the human was trying to find him based on the sound the tap gave off. The colt was skeptical of this assumption, but if Bryce could tell from the sound alone then sticking to the same spot would give him away in no time. He would have used his wings, but after his battle with the hay loft door it had left them feeling sore. And the rectangular hay bales were stacked too high for him to mount. Getting to his hooves, Rumble tiptoed away from where Bryce was currently tapping, which wasn't very far behind.

For the next ten minutes Bryce continued to tap around the underside of the hayloft, and Rumble would move about above. But as time went on Rumble noticed the human was taking less time between taps, and did fewer and fewer in a given spot. Either Bryce was getting better or he was baiting him towards the edge. Rumble could believe it to be both.

Whatever the case, Rumble continued to walk about, being forced to inch ever closer to the edge. It was then Rumble noticed something he hadn't seen until now. Right at the edge of the hay loft was a bale of hay, one small enough he could get on top of. If he could get on top of it then maybe it would throw off the sound when Bryce tapped at that spot. It was a long shot, but Rumble knew he had no other options.

Once Rumble was close enough he mounted the hay bale, pushing the front a few inches over the edge in the process. After the pegasus colt was on top of the bale he ducked down with his fore hooves over his head. Feeling himself safe, Rumble did nothing else but listen as Bryce continued to beat the bottom of the hay loft. When the time came for Bryce to strike the area right under his hay bale, Rumble braced himself for the vibration that would come with it.

But it never came.

Instead a sharp wolf call pierced the air, making Rumble cover his ears in the enclosed space.

"Rumble," Bryce called up to the light grey colt in a singsong tone, "I see you."

The hairs on Rumble's neck stood on end when Bryce said that. He was afraid of what he would see when he opened his eyes, and when he did it made his pupils shrink: He could see down to the barn floor, down to where Bryce stood looking up to him in plain view. The pitchfork was held over his shoulder.

Bryce motioned for Rumble to come down. "Get on down here, kid."

But Rumble refused to oblige. After what the light grey colt had seen Bryce do and having listened to his brother admit to have seen the colt didn't feel he could trust the human. Between moving barrels of peanuts without physical contact and stating he had taken Thunderlane's flight away through mind control one thing was certain: Bryce was not what he seemed.

Bryce waved up to Rumble again. "Kid, come on down."

Without thinking, Rumble attempted to push backwards, while still facing forwards, but only managed to kick up pieces of hay. It didn't take him long to kick away enough to form an incline, an incline that would slide him down to Bryce. He tried to push himself back with renewed effort, but it only served to expedite his fate.

Rumble slipped down the slide he'd created, and began to fall. But then, as he was falling through the air, his hoof gripped something that stopped his descent.

Bryce saw this happen, and yelled, "Rumble just stay calm!"

Rumble kept calm, but more out of not yet comprehending that he was hanging in the air. All Bryce had said was little more than a mumble.

Shaking his head, Rumble came back to reality, and heard Bryce say, "Rumble, just let go, I'll catch you!" He stuck out his arms, ready to catch the colt.

Panting heavily, Rumble looked up to see what had him: It was the drawstring that held the bale together. He pulled down, pulling the hay over the edge that much more. After a few tugs he resorted to using his wings to set himself free, ignoring the shots of pain he received with each flap. Each tug only served tightened the loop around his hoof. He heard Bryce down below him, but he disregarded the human's words.

Not knowing what else to do, Rumble used his hind legs to kick off from the bale, and with the aid of his wings threw himself away with enough force that the string snapped away.

Rumble flew backwards, almost hitting the ceiling, and with the last ounce of strength in his small wings, came to an unceremonious landing in a corner of the barn. He let out a cry of pain when he made contact with the ground.

Bryce ran over, scared the colt had hurt himself. He took a knee. "Rumble, are you okay?!"

Rumble looked through a slight in his eyelids. His heart started to race when he saw the human kneeling over him. When Bryce tried to lay a hand on him Rumble forced himself as far back into the corner as physically possible.

Bryce was a bit thrown by Rumble's reaction. "Rumble, I just want check and see if you're-" Bryce tried to reach out to the light grey pegasus a second time, but the colt ran past him, coming to a stop behind one of the barn's support beams. "Rumble, you need to calm down. You're going to hurt yourself even more."

"How did you move the peanuts?!" Rumble shouted back.

"The peanuts...? Kid, that's not important right now." Bryce took a few steps toward Rumble. "I need to see if you're okay."

Rumble ran back from Bryce again, taking refuge behind another beam. "It does matter. If you moved them without touching them then how did you move them?"

Bryce continued to make his way towards the light grey colt. "I can explain. But I want to see if you're hurt first."

When Bryce was almost upon him, Rumble ran back, this time running over to his brother at the back wall. He grabbed Thunderlane by the shoulders. "Lane, what did he do?!"

Thunderlane gave no response. He just continued to look up at Bryce, who was slowly making his way towards them both. When it was clear Thunderlane was to be of no help, Rumble looked to Bryce. "What did you do to him?!"

"He's fine. He'll move again in a few minutes. Now I need you to come here so I can-"

Rumble pointed a hoof in Thunderlane's direction. "You call that fine!? He's frozen! You- What did you do?!"

"He's paralyzed. It'll wear off in a few minutes."

"H- How do you know that?! Have you done stuff like this before?! Have you frozen other ponies like this before?!"

"No, I haven't paralyzed any ponies. This is beside the issue."

Rumble started to come towards Bryce. "This is the issue! You've frozen my brother, and from what I heard you've used some kind of mind control to do it. That, and take away his ability to fly."

Bryce started to back away. "I didn't take it away. He still has the ability, he just won't put in the effort to get it back."

"But you just said you didn't take it."

"I didn't. I can explain, but not until I can... I..." Bryce stopped midsentence. The same feeling he had felt many times before was now upon him. He grabbed at his head, a burning pain shooting up his head from his spine. His eyes rolled back into his head as a trickle of blood began to run from his nostril. He feel to his knees before Rumble.

Rumble took a step back, but soon found himself pulled into the air. He could tell his wings weren't doing it, they would have hurt. He broke out of his stupor when he saw he was being drawn towards Bryce.

He let his feathered appendages fly loose, but it did nothing to draw him away from the human, whose hands shook as he held them palms down over his chest. All around anything that wasn't nailed down began to slowly float around in a vortex, including Thunderlane.

It was then that Rumble understood what had happened. Bryce had moved a barrel of peanuts. For whatever reason the colt didn't know, but now he knew the how, and it only filled Rumble with fear.

When Rumble came to a stop a few inches from Bryce's face he allowed his wings to droop down. He knew there was no way he could get out of Bryce's telekinetic grip. Locking eyes with the human, he prepared himself for the end.

But whatever Rumble expected to happen didn't. Instead Bryce said something that chilled the light grey colt to the bone. With his light grey eyes locked on Rumble's, Bryce said, "If you run...you die..."

And then like an angel from heaven, the hay bale that Rumble had been hanging from only a few minutes before came down. It hit Bryce hard enough that he fell into unconsciousness.

With Bryce out, everything that had been caught in his telekinetic vortex fell to the floor, including the two pegasus brothers. Rumble had a much softer landing, but Thunderlane's wasn't as graceful. Despite this, it did have the effect of breaking the slate grey stallion's paralysis.

Once Thunderlane was able to move, he pushed himself up with his fore legs. He called out to his brother, "Rumble, where are you?!"

Rumble came running over, saying, "I'm right here, Lane."

"What about Bryce, is he still here?"

"He is," Rumble stated, "but he's knocked out cold."

"Are you sure?"

Rumble gave a nod. "Yeah, I saw it myself."

"What did he say to you?"


"He said something to you, what was it?"

"H- He said 'If we run we die'." Rumble took a look at the human over his shoulder. "You don't think he's serious, do you? I mean, he wouldn't actually kill us..." He looked back to his older brother. "Right...?"

Thunderlane trotted over to Bryce, taking his time in doing so. When he came close enough he gave Bryce a poke in the side. He flinched back, expecting the human react, but Bryce never stirred. Taking a few deep breaths, Thunderlane said, "I'm not putting it past him. You saw what he could do. He lifted you with... Whatever that was. If he hadn't been put out I bet anything he would have crushed you like a bug."

Rumble took a look over Bryce. He felt Thunderlane could be right, after everything that had happened, but the last thing Bryce had said still ran through his mind. "I don't know, Lane. He said if we ran. What if-?"

"You're not actually telling me you trust him still, are you?"

Rumble looked down to Bryce for a few seconds. "I- I don't know..."

"You don't- YOU DON'T KNOW?!?!?!" He grabbed Rumble by the back of his mane and turned his head around to look at the state of the barn. "Look around, Rumble! Look at all this! After making all this float around, you included, and taking away my flight can you really say he's good for your health?!"

"Tha- That is something, but he didn't want to hurt you."

"Sure, and that giant fork he had trained on me was just for show."

"I wouldn't doubt it was. Lane, think about it. He had you. He stabbed at you. But in the end he missed you on purpose."

Thunderlane returned this deduction with a huff. He trudged over to the door and slid the barricade out of its slot. After he kicked the doors open he turned back to Rumble. "If you want to stay around here when he wakes up you do that, but I'm not going to wait around here for my head to be popped like a grape." Thunderlane ran out the door, not waiting for Rumble to respond.

Rumble didn't like it, but he didn't want to wait around either. If he stuck around Bryce may do him in, but if he ran off with Thunderlane there was a possibly it would happen anyway, whether by Bryce's hand or not. Even though the colt doubted the human would do such a thing, he knew for sure if he left his brother to his own demented thoughts then Thunderlane would get done in for sure.

Stomping his hoof into the ground, Rumble called out, "Lane, wait up," and ran to catch up with his brother.


At the announcement that class was over for the day, Rocksalt became sick to his stomach. With school being done for the day, the time for the dull brown colt to part with his prized Wonderbolts poster had come. And if he didn't then he would lose the only two friends that were his age, give a year.

Rocksalt and the Nut twins were the last to pile out of the schoolhouse. The whole time since they had met outside the schoolhouse that morning the fillies had said little to him, despite being the only other foals in the back row. After being ignored by them for just one morning Rocksalt had a better feeling of what it would feel to be ignored by them for life. Whatever value the thick sheet of paper once held to him started to diminish compared to the value of the twins' friendship.

"You got it, Rocko?" Pecan asked.

Rocksalt didn't need to guess what the daring twin meant. "Ah got it," he said, dragging a cardboard tube out of his bag.

"Great, now what does Scootaloo look like?"

"She's a pegasus. She's orange, has a blank flank, and a mane that's... Ah don't know, some kinda red or pink... It's done up kinda like Rainbow's, 'cept not so long in the back."

"Okay. And do you know where she lives?"

Rocksalt had to stop and think. "At the... At the orphanage. She said she was an orphan." Rocksalt looked down to his hoofs at what he said next. "Ah made fun of'er for it."

"That's just something more you have to apologize for." Pecan and Almond came in close, the former speaking in a voice loud enough that nopony else would hear. "Here's what we think you should do. Everything you did wrong to Scootaloo you have to admit it, and then apologize," said Pecan. "We don't care if she likes you or not, we just want you to do what's right. Apologize, and give her the poster."

Almond nodded in agreement at her sister's side.

"Now, the orphanage's is somewhere this way, I think."

The three foals eventually found the orphanage, but when they arrived they saw Scootaloo was nowhere to be found. They then checked around Ponyville, going to Sugarcube Corner, the movie theater, the joke shop, the playground, anyplace a foal would find interesting. And with the farmer's market still going strong the search through the center of town was close to impossible. Regardless of where they looked, after nearly two hours of searching they came up without a single orange, pegasus filly.

It was then the group decided to take a break and go to the twins' father's stall, with hope they would be able to snag a free treat to keep them going.

When they came upon the chestnut stallion he had just finished with a customer, and greeted them with a smile. "Hello, girls. And hello to you as well, Rocksalt. How are things?" After seeing their dampened moods Kernal could tell something was amiss. "Is something wrong?"

Pecan and Rocksalt tried to play innocent, but it was Almond who would admit to her father, "We've been looking for a filly Rocksalt used to pick. We've been looking all over town but we can’t find her." Both her sister and Rocksalt slowly looked to the almond colored filly in disbelief, their mouths slightly agape. This reaction forced Almond to stare down as she ran her hoof through the dirt. "Sorry..."

Kernal cleared his throat, getting the foals' attention back on him. With a blank stare, the chestnut stallion looked down to Rocksalt. "Is this true, son? Did you really bully a filly?"

Rocksalt felt too guilty to look Kernal in the eye. "Yes, sir."

"And what do you intend to do once you find her?"

"Ah... Ah wanna try and apologize to her. And to give her something Ah'd promised her."

"May I ask what brought this on?" Rocksalt explained to the stallion what had happened at the schoolhouse the day before. All the while Kernal nodded in agreement, clinging to every word. When Rocksalt was finished, Kernal thought on what the dull brown colt had told him before he himself responded with, "I can’t condone what happened, most especially with it being to a filly." The chestnut stallion lay a hoof on Rocksalt's withers. "Looking past that, however, I commend you for your current course of action. I'm sure it will not be an easy one, but in the end you'll feel all the better for it, through and through."

"Ya think so?"

"I know so. But I will give you fair warning: Don't expect this Scootaloo to be as forgiving as you are apologetic. From what you told me I would say it best you watch out for a hoof to the chops."

"Sure, Ah'll try and remember that."

"Make sure you do." Kernal then turned to his twin daughters. "And girls, while it is alright to influence somepony to do something you feel is best for them, you should not be holding something as dear as your friendship over their heads."

"But, Dad," Pecan started to protest.

"I'm sure what you intend to do is a good thing, and in this case it is, but you should not put such conditions on somepony who is already under such pressure. You both need to first ask yourselves how it would feel if Rocksalt did the same to you. Does that make sense?"

The two almond colored fillies gave their father a slow nod.

Kernal returned his daughters' nods with a heartfelt smile.

A second later, Almond asked, "Do we have to tell Mom?"

It didn't take Kernal to reply with, "Well, this is a very serious situation, girls. Of course we're not going to tell your mother. Now then, before you all go back to your search, why don't we all have ourselves a little snack. You can have one too, Rocksalt."

After munching down their snack, the three foals were on their way. Thinking that Scootaloo may have returned back to the orphanage by now, they checked there first, and were not disappointed.

They found her off by herself, away from the other parentless foals who were playing at the orphanage playground. Scootaloo's attention was on something she held in her hooves.

When the three foals spotted the orange filly they came to a stop.

Pecan was the first to ask, "Is that her, Rocko?"

"Yeah, that's her."

"Alright, have at her."

Rocksalt didn't move.

Pecan prodded the dull brown colt in his flank. "Go on, Rocko. What's holding you?"

"Ah... Ah don't know... It doesn't seem like the right time."

"Well, no time like the present, so hop to it," Pecan said, following up with a nudge.

The entire time Almond kept quiet. She could tell the dull brown colt was having a tough time already, and Pecan's prodding wasn't helpful. "Pecan," the quiet filly said in a soft voice, "maybe you need to lay off, just a teeny bit?"

"Nah, Rocko's okay. He's just taking a long time."

Rocksalt looked back to the girls. "Hey, are y'all gonna still be here when Ah'm done?"

"Not if you don't-"

Almond came in close to her sister. "Pecan," she whispered, "remember what Dad said."

It was enough to make Pecan pause. She thought back to what her father had said to them not too long ago. Pecan looked to the colt. "Yeah, we'll still be here."

Whether Pecan meant it or not, Rocksalt took it to heart. Turning back to Scootaloo, Rocksalt said, "Thanks, girls. Thanks for sticking with me. And Ah’m... Ah'm sorry ya got yourselves caught up in this.” He took a few steps forward, but was stopped when Pecan said, "Rocko, be careful. Remember what our Dad told ya." She finished by sinking her hoof into her jaw."

"Yeah, Ah'll try to." Rocksalt continued forward, taking his time to clear the distance between the Nuts and Scootaloo.

When Rocksalt reached the orange pegasus, he could see what she what held her attention. It was a small wood toy, carved to look like Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo made sound effects as she twisted mini Dash around. He didn't know who made it, but it looked neat.

Taking one final gulp, Rocksalt said, "Hey, that looks neat."

At hearing the dull brown colt's voice, Scootaloo nestled mini Dash to her chest. Sneaking a look back, Scootaloo's face was quick to dissolve into a cold stare. Placing mini Dash carefully on the ground, she positioned herself between the toy and the colt. With a leer, Scootaloo asked in a low tone, "What do you want?!"

"Oh... Ah... Ah just...wanted to... Uh..." He scratched the back of his neck.

"If you think I'm going to let you take mini Dash you can forget it," Scootaloo spat. "I'd die before I let somepony like you have her."

Rocksalt took a cautionary step back. "No, it's not that. Ah... Ah got something for ya." Dropping his saddlebag on the ground, he pulled out the cardboard tube.

Scootaloo's immediate thought was that it was a weapon, and she pounced on the colt for that reason. Forcing her fore leg over his neck lengthwise, she exclaimed, "If you think I'm just going to sit back and let you hit me with that you've got another thing coming!" She turned back to mini Dash. "Cover your eyes, mini Dash." Taking the cardboard tube, she began to strike Rocksalt in the head repeatedly.

Between strikes, Rocksalt said, "Wait, Scoot- Ow! Scootaloo. It's not- Ow! It's not what you think. OW!!!"

Scootaloo held the tube over her head, prepared to strike the colt again. "Yeah, then what is it?!"

Before she could hit him, Rocksalt blurted out, "It's the poster."

Scootaloo stopped mid-swing. "What poster?!"

"The- The Wonderbolts poster Ah promised Ah'd give ya," he said, using his hooves to protect from the expected smack. "The one with the hoof prints of the whole team."

Still keeping him pinned to the ground, Scootaloo looked the tube over. Pulling off one of the caps, she shook out the contents. When she finally managed to coax the thing inside out, it hit the ground and unrolled.

Scootaloo couldn't believe what she saw. It was just as Rocksalt said it was, complete with hoof prints from Soarin, Fleetwing, Rapidfire, all the Wonderbolts. Spitfire’s was included amongst them, right at the center. "What are you doing with this? You said you didn't really have it."

What Rocksalt said next was enough to leave a burn of acid in his mouth, but it didn't compare with the smack from the cardboard tube that would follow. "Ah lied." When Scootaloo finally rolled off the colt he continued to lie in place for fear she'd smack him again. After a while he got to his hooves, and saw Scootaloo looking over the poster. With a dry mouth, he said, "I'm sorry I lied about it."

Scootaloo shot him another glare. "Is that all?" She asked in a low voice. "Is that all you're sorry about?"

"Well, no. Ah'm sorry about what Ah said to ya. About how Ah said ya didn't have any parents because ya were a runt who couldn't fly. And for making ya go up ta Bryce, even when nopony else would. And for the chocolate, and for keeping the poster for so long. And for-"

The orange filly waved a hoof in Rocksalt's face, silencing whatever he would have said next. "Whatever, just stop all this girly apologizing. Bleh!" She rolled up the poster, placing it back inside its cardboard carrier. With one final look at the colt, she said, "You're still a jerk," and walked inside to find the perfect to hide her prize from the other foals at the orphanage.

While this went on Rocksalt did nothing to stop her. After hitting him with a cardboard tube he knew where he was on her list of all-time favorite ponies. The beating she'd given him hurt, but the feeling of being ignored hurt a lot worse.

Almond and Pecan came trotting over. "Hey, Rocko, how'd it go?"

"She...took it..."

"What she say to you?"

"She said Ah was a jerk. And Ah feel like one."

Pecan looped a leg over his withers. "Eh, come on. You're not a jerk."

"Try telling Scootaloo that. She acted like all Ah said was for nothing."

"Well, it's like our Dad said, 'don’t expect Scootaloo to be as forgiving as you are alphabetic’."

"Apologetic," Almond corrected.

"Yeah," Pecan said, pointing a hoof to her sister's direction. "What she said."

"Ah know, but Ah just wish she'd have said something else."

The group went quiet for a second. It fell to Almond to break the lull. "We don't think you're a jerk, Rocksalt."

Rocksalt looked to the quiet filly. "What do you mean? I was mean to Scootaloo. And I tried to make up for it and she treated me like dirt."

"So, what does it matter what she thinks?" Almond continued. "I don't care what she thinks, it took a lot of courage to say what you said. And even after she jumped on you and hit you with that tube you didn't hit her back. If you were a jerk you wouldn't have been so forgiving. And I bet if it had been any other colt I'm sure they would have given her back worse than she gave. Don't you think?"

"Maybe, but I deserved what she did to me."

"Maybe you did, but you still didn't hit her back afterwards. And whether you think so or not, you're still my friend."

Rocksalt looked up to Almond, and saw she was being sincere "You still want me as a friend?"

"Of course. If anything, you're a lot nicer than the other foals in our class. They won't have anything to do with us, but that's okay, because I like having you for a friend."

"And I do, too," Pecan added.

When the girls said that it brought a tear to Rocksalt's eye.

"Rocko, what's the matter?"

He wiped the tear away. "It's nothing. Scootaloo musta got something in my eye."

The girls knew it was a lie, but they let it slide. Reaching forward at the same time, they wrapped their hooves around the colt's neck, with Rocksalt wrapping his around both of theirs' soon after.

After they were finished, Rocksalt said, "I like ya both, too. You're my...best friends." He shook his head, taking on a more serious face. "But ya both could've at least helped get her off me."

"We wanted to, but you seemed to be handling it so well by yourself," Pecan stated.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just get going. We still have a little while before dark."

They went to move away, but Pecan hung back; something had peeked her interest. "Hey, you guys, check this thing out," she called.

Almond and Rocksalt looked back. There in the grass was the very thing the latter had seen in the possession of Scootaloo. "Oh no, you guys. That's Scootaloo's mini Dash."

"Is it?"

"Yeah, Ah saw her with it." Rocksalt took it up, being sure to handle it with as much care as possible. He didn't know if he could handle another round of whacks from the orange pegasus if the little wooden toy became damaged. "Ah'm gonna go in and run this inside to her. Ah'll try and be quick."

It wasn't until he was a few feet from the door that he heard a loud commotion coming from the orphanage's playground. Looking over, he could see most of the orphans crowded around three other foals. The two bigger foals were at work on the smaller, who lay in the center of the ring curled into a ball. He looked to be a few years younger than Rocksalt was now.

Rocksalt knew what was happening here, he'd given out one or two beat downs himself back in Manehatten. He looked around to see if there were any adults about, but there were none. As the cheers of the assembled foals began to rise in volume, Rocksalt decided he had to put an end to it.

He approached the ring. "Hey, featherbrains!"

That got the attention of the two older foals. They stopped beating on the foal in the center to look to Rocksalt. "What the hay do you want, you little buckface?!"

"Why don't ya pick on somepony your own size?!"

"What?" The first one asked. "You lookin to take his place?"

Rocksalt puffed out his chest. "Yeah, maybe Ah am!"

The first one was about to come at the dull brown colt, but was stopped by the second. "Come on, he's not worth the hairs on your rump."

The first thought for a second before saying, "Yeah, you're right." He went back to the young foal.

Rocksalt gritted his teeth as Pecan and Almond came over. "Rocko, I think you should stay out of this."

"Nah uh, Ah'm not gonna let'em just do that to the little guy." He tossed mini Dash over his back, which Pecan caught. "Hold this, and cover your eyes."

Jumping into the center of the ring, Rocksalt landed on the first colt's back. Before the older colt could react, Rocksalt spun around and bucked him in the back of the neck.

Pecan and Almond looked on as the two older colts struggled to pry Rocksalt loose. When they finally did, the second one pin him to the ground, while the first prepared to trample him.

Scrunching up her brow, Pecan tossed mini Dash over to Almond, and told her sister, "Almond, cover your eyes, you don't need to see this." Jumping into the ring, she hopped onto the second colt's rump. By the time he turned back, Pecan had sunken her teeth into the meatiest part of his flank.

Almond, having no intention to jump into the fight, covered her eyes. And for good measure, she placed her free hoof over mini Dash's eyes.


Rumble was beginning to wonder what, if any possible reason Thunderlane would have in dragging them both into Froggy Bottom Bogg. Unfortunately, the light grey pegasus didn't have the pleasure of asking; the mosquitos that wafted through the air made it impossible to for either one of them open their mouths.

What else surprised Rumble was how they had managed to avoid falling into the stagnant water. They'd come close a few times, but somehow kept it together enough to pull themselves out of the spring trap that was the bog water. It wasn't that Rumble didn't mind avoiding a dip into the bog, it was more that the sight of the water made him thirsty. But Rumble knew a single sip of the murky water could mean instant death. It made him think of the quote: 'Water water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.' And that only served to make him that much more thirsty.

Right when the cloud of mosquitos begin to give out Thunderlane skid to a halt, with Rumble doing the same. As Rumble took the time to catch his breath, he saw what had made the slate grey pegasus stop: They were out of solid ground.

Rumble looked up to his brother. "What now, Lane?"

"I... I don't know. Just give me a minute." Thunderlane began to pace around the small peninsula, his golden eyes darting at every possible angle. After a few minutes Thunderlane came to a stop. He extended his hoof out over the water. "There."

Rumble looked at where his brother had indicated. It was somewhat hard to see, but not far from the shore he could see an opening to a cave. "How are we going to get out there?"

"Quit whining, Rumble. It's not that far."

"I'm not whining. I'm just concerned about the big puddle between here and there called a 'swamp'."

"And like I said, it's not that far."

Rumble peeked his head over the shoreline. "Ick -- I'm not getting into that!" He looked over to Thunderlane. "Why are we even out here?"

"Because being around water will make sure he won't find us."

"What makes you so sure he won't?"

"Because he hates to be wet. And what better place than this? It's practically all water."

Rumble rolled his eyes. "Yeah, it's water. But if we tried to drink it we'd get stomach aches that would break the band. And what are we supposed to do when we get dehydrated? And to top to top it off, nopony knows we're out here."

"Which means Bryce doesn't know. Now come on, I think I see a way to get across." Thunderlane dropped down into the water, the water settling around the middle of his legs. "Ha, you see. Now come on."

Rumble walked over to the edge. He couldn't see whatever it was Thunderlane was standing on but one thing was certain. It was too low for Rumble to walk across, and his wings were out of commission. "Lane, I can't do it."

"You can and you will."

"But I'm too short. And I can't swim."

"Then use your wings."

"They're sore."

Thunderlane gave a deep, heavy sigh. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Let me tag along on your back."

Thunderlane gave a low grumble, but backtracked to the shore. When he reached his brother he stopped him. "What's that on your hoof?"

Rumble looked where Thunderlane had stated. Around his hoof he found the drawstring from the hay bale he'd been attached to. Rumble tugged it off, and threw it away, but gasped at the imprint it had left.

"Get on, I'm not waiting all day," Thunderlane scoffed. Once Rumble was on, he said to him, "I'm going to say this once: If you bellyache I'm throwing you off."

With Rumble on his back, Thunderlane walked across the submerged land bridge. It was when they were close to the mouth of the cave that Rumble cried, "Wait!"

Thunderlane stopped. "What now?!"

"What if there's something in there?"

"Like what?! What could be in there?!"

"An alligator, for starters."

"Pfft, yeah right. Look around, Rumble. Do you see any alligators?"

"Well, no.”

"Then there aren't any alligators. Oh, and that counts as bellyaching." Thrusting up his rump, Thunderlane sent the light grey colt into the water.

Thankfully, he landed on the land bridge, with the water stopping at his neck. He had thought Thunderlane would have waited, but when he looked over he saw the slate grey pegasus heading inside the cave. After trudging through the neck high swamp, Rumble reached the cave.

Shaking himself dry, he stared daggers at his brother. Thunderlane looked back, a smile on his face. "What?"

"You're a jerk!"

"For what? I said no bellyaching."

"But did you really have to do that? I already told you I can’t swim."

"Lighten up. You would've been fine."

"You didn’t know that. I'm starting to think staying back with Bryce would have been better. Gosh, am I an idiot!"

Thunderlane gave a snicker. "You just called yourself an idiot."

"Yeah, Lane, you're one to talk. It's because of you we're out here to start with."

"No it's not. We wouldn't be out here if Bryce would just give me my flight back."

Rumble gave a growl. "And there you go with that again. I don't know what it is Bryce did to you, but I wish he would have taken away the part of your brain makes you act like such an... Such an ASSHOLE!!!"

For a second the last word Rumble said echoed through the cave. When the word finished reverberating Thunderlane's jaw dropped. "Rumble...?"

"You know what, Lane, just shut up! I'm tired, I'm thirsty, and since there's no fresh water, I'm going to take a nap!" Rumble went deeper into the cave, far enough away that Thunderlane was hard to see at the cave's mouth. After that, he lay down on his belly, not taking long to fall asleep.

Thunderlane, meanwhile, continued to stand at the entrance to the cave. He couldn't believe what Rumble had said, but he could feel it cut through him sharper than any knife. When Thunderlane had woken up that day the last thing he expected to happen was to have to run out of town. And now he was, and with Rumble of all ponies.

As Thunderlane walked a short distance into the cave, he could feel that after trying not to lose Rumble he'd ended up losing him anyway. When Thunderlane felt he'd gone far enough in, with enough distance from his brother, he lied down.

When his belly touched the cave floor, he felt something slick crawl under his belly. Looking down, Thunderlane found it to be a small, black salamander with yellow spots dotting its back like stars. Taking the amphibian by its tail, Thunderlane tossed it towards the mouth of the cave. "Stupid lizard," he said under his breath.

As Thunderlane lied down, his last thought was that the more distance he and Rumble put between them and Bryce the better. But for now they were far enough away where nothing could get to them.

Not even Bryce.

Fire Down Under

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Chapter 69: Fire Down Under

Rumble awoke to a bright light, a light he at first took to be the sun. Opening his eyelids a small slit, the colt gave his eyes time to adjust to the glare. When the scene came into focus, however, he found it to not be the sun, but a small flame that flickered not far from where he lay his head.

Realizing the light source for what it was, Rumble jumped up with a yelp that echoed through the cave. It was not long after that this call of alarm awoke Thunderlane.

With one look down the tunnel the stallion slammed his eyes shut. "Ugh, somepony turn off the sun."

Hearing his brother's words, Rumble ran towards where he had heard his voice, taking care to not trip over anything unseen in the darkness. After reaching Thunderlane, he began to shake him into reality. "Lane, get up!"

Thunderlane swatted at his brother. "Rumble, not now. Too tired."

"Lane, get up. There's a fire."

Thunderlane smacked his lips, his mind still hazy from sleep. "That's nice. Wake me when breakfast...is..." Thunderlane lifted his head off the cold floor of the cave to look at Rumble. "What about a fire?"

Rumble moved a few inches to the side to give the groggy stallion a better view. At first Thunderlane flinched at the brightness the flame gave off. But after watching it for a second his mind clicked. "What? How did you manage to start that?"

"I didn't," Rumble rebuked. "It was just sitting there when I woke up."

Thunderlane thought little of it as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Letting out a yawn, he asked, "What time is it?"

"I don't know, and I don't know how long we've been here so don't ask."

The pair looked to the mouth of the cave. They could see there was sunlight pouring through, but not much.

Thunderlane turned back to look at the flame. If the sun were going down then they would need some source of light. But it seemed the fire would not help be of any assistance. "Hey, what happened to the fire?"

"What do you mean?" Rumble began to ask, but when he looked back himself he saw nothing but blackness. "Where'd it go?"

"You don't know?"

"No. I mean, it was just there. We couldn't have both imagined that... Right...?"

"I... I don't know, Rumble. Whatever it was it's gone, and we should be going while there's still-" Thunderlane cut himself off, crying out over the strange, cold sensation that crawled over his fore legs. He jumped up. "What was that?!"

"What was what?"

"I felt something crawling on me. I don't know wh-" Thunderlane let out a second cry when the cold thing again moved about, this time around his rear legs.

Without thinking, Thunderlane made a mad dash for the cave entrance, and Rumble was as quick to follow.

When they reached the point where the cave opened out to the swamp, they both looked back, not knowing what to find. But in the end it was the same as with the fire before: There was nothing but darkness.

They both took time to refill their lungs before Thunderlane asked, "Did you see what it was?"

"No, I couldn't see anything. What did it feel like?"

"I don't know. It felt slimy and cold. And I mean ice cold."

"Well, I don't see anything. Whatever it was it-" But Rumble didn't get finish his sentence.

From the edge of the cave, a small, black creature with bright yellow spots poked out it head. It didn't venture out any further than that as it looked the two grey pegasi over.

Thunderlane and Rumble said nothing for a few seconds, but the more Thunderlane stared at the creature he remembered where he'd seen it last. He furrowed his brow. "You again?" The salamander turned to Thunderlane as if understanding what he had said. "What the hay are you doing, crawling around me?"

"Lane, what's are you getting on to it for?"

Thunderlane pointed an accusatory hoof at the amphibian. "This stupid lizard was crawling on me when we came in. What do you want?" The salamander took a few steps towards the slate grey stallion. Thunderlane knocked it back into the shadows. "Get, you creepy-crawly."

After a few seconds, the salamander came back out of the cave. Angered by the thing's lack of sense, Thunderlane snatched it up and threw it inside. It didn't come back the second time. Thunderlane kicked a clod of dirt into the cave, hoping to bury the pesky amphibian. "Good riddance," he snarled. When he looked over to his brother he was met with a furrowed brow on the colt's face. "What?"

"You didn't have to do that. It was just being curious."

"Well it was bugging me."

"You would know what that's like," Rumble said under his breath.

"What was that?!"

"Nothing," Rumble shot back. "What are we gonna do now?"

"For starters, I thought we could try and head back out. Try and find something to drink," Thunderlane said, rolling his tongue around the inside of his mouth to produce a small drop of saliva.

"You can say that again, Lane. I feel like I licked the inside of a salt shaker."

"Don't- Don't say that. Not helpful," Thunderlane scolded.

"I was just saying what I thought."

"Keep it to yourself. Unless it's about finding fresh water don't say a word." He knelt down. "Now hop on, while there's still some sun."

Rumble was reluctant to go with his brother, but if he allowed him to leave now he couldn't tell if or when he would return. So he hopped on and hunkered down for the trip back to the flat, open land on the other side.

With Rumble on board, Thunderlane stepped down into the soup of the bog, cringing at the back of his mind as he felt the water come up to his knees and hocks. He thought back to before, picturing the sunken land bridge that went straight from the cave to the shore across the way. He was so sure of this that he wasn't able to stop himself when he felt his fore hoof step down onto nothing. He sent himself and Rumble falling forward into the bog.

Thunderlane pulled himself back into the cave with ease, but Rumble wasn't as capable. He had trouble keeping his head above the water.

Thunderlane saw this, but did nothing except call out to the struggling colt, "Rumble, kick your legs!"

Rumble was kicking his legs, his wings, as well. But he continued to sink lower into the bog. He tried to call out to his brother, but each time his mouth filled with the foul tasting water. He didn't know what Thunderlane was waiting for. He had to see him struggling to keep himself up, there wasn't be anything that kept him from seeing that.

Rumble kept kicking. He continued to kick at the water while Thunderlane shouted out to him from the cave's shoreline. He did this until his strength gave out, and he sank below the surface, feeling helpless to what was to come next. With the last of his air used up, his lungs burned like fire. When his young body couldn’t take the pain any longer he slipped into unconsciousness. With the colt's mind gone to other places, the bog gave no second thought as it filled his lungs with its cold, marshy water.


Ponyville Orphanage director Stoney Potts had always loved foals, but that had been before she had been made the primary care provider for the many unwanted foals of the small earth pony hamlet. The mare, who was an earth pony the color of a pot belly stove and had a cutie mark to match, loved the foals, but when it came down to it she wished she would have taken a position in the Equestrian Guard, back when she had the physique.

Instead she felt her place to be more along the lines of caring for foals who hadn't a place call home. At the time she had wanted so much to make a difference in the lives of all the little orphaned ponies that she couldn't say 'no'. And now every day when she heard shouting outside her office window she prayed to Celestia it was from a stampede coming to bulldoze the town.

But one look through the window blinds confirmed it, Dolph and Bern were at it again. She would have thought their punishment from that morning would be enough to make them want to call in early, but it was plain there would be no such luck. With nopony else working with her she would have to berat them all on her own, not that it did any good. If only there were somepony to help her she would hire them on the spot.

With a heavy sigh, the aged, heavyset mare waddled out of her second story office and down the stairs.

As she shuffled her way down the foyer steps, she spotted Scootaloo pass her by, a cardboard tube held in her mouth. She thought nothing of it as she cleared the last few steps and went out the front door.

She was about to shout out to the two colts to stop, but when she got there she could see their attention was not on their usual victim, the five year old Clack Tap. It was instead on a pair of foals she knew were not a part of her orphanage.

One was a dull brown color, with a look of hellfire in his eyes as he fought against Bern; the other a light almond, who for the moment was able to wiggle her way out from under Dolph. There was a third foal. She was the same color as the second. She sat to the side with her eyes covered.

Stoney knew she had to do something; if the two foals were hurt the blame would be put onto her first, and the two ruffians, who more often than not had caused the problem, later. But what could she do at 52?

Before she could waddle her way into the fray, she stood witness as both Dolph and Bern were pulled off the foals, then drug off by their ears to where a captivating silver unicorn stood over them.


Rocksalt knew they would lose before they could get started, but it didn't matter to him so long as he and Pecan got the two teenage colts away from the foal they were busy pounding into the dirt.

And it had worked.

But now came the part he knew would follow: The part where the big colts would turn the tables on them and force them to take the punishment in place of the foal. They had gone up against the colts for a full minute, but it had been a good full minute. Rocksalt felt that despite how beaten and bruised he was about to become, he could take solace in that the foal would not suffer any further, if only for the rest of the day.

When the teenage colts pinned both Rocksalt and Pecan to the ground the teenage colts let it out that he would be taking her beating. They weren't going to hit a pretty girl, regardless of what she had done to one of their flanks. Instead, she would have the pleasure of watching as they beat the living shit out of him.

As the first colt, a light iron grey earth pony with no mane held Rocksalt down, he asked him, "Any last words, runt?" With a wicked smile.

"Yeah, Ah got a few; did that buck to the head loosen up any of your brain cells, or did ya have any to begin with?"

The first colt looked down to him, a confused look across his face. He looked to his friend, a Tyrian purple colt with a faded brown mane. "Dolph, what'd he say?"

"He just called ya an idjit, Bern."

Bern gritted his teeth. "An idjit?! You're gettin it now, runt!" He pulled back his hoof. "I’m going to beat you into the ground!" He gave Rocksalt a quick punch across the mouth.

Pecan began to struggle, but she couldn't get out from under Dolph. Seeing her wiggle under him, Dolph bent down and whispered in her ear, "Don't try and get away, now. This is gonna be good." Pecan responded by biting down on his fore leg until she drew blood. The almond filly managed to free herself as he held out his leg, but was caught again not long after. Dolph pulled her towards him. "You are a terrible little filly. I must teach you some manners!"

Both colts drew their hooves back, prepared to place a firm smack across the foals' faces. But before they could let fly their hooves a huge tug at their ears brought them off the foals and onto their sides.

Before the teenage colts could pick themselves up, their ears were pulled again, dragging them along the ground and past the crowd of foals. It hurt so much they could both swear whoever was doing it wanted to tear away the cartilage. When the pony that was pulling at their ears let them loose, they hit the ground below a set of silver hooves. They looked up to see the silver pony's deep peridot stare. "What do you think you're doing?" She asked.

The boys said nothing.

"Well come on, explain yourselves," Mina said, frustrated by their silence. When they gave no indication of talking, she again gripped them by the ears. She pulled them far enough off the ground to allow gravity to go to work. "Where do the two of you get off, about to hit foals half your size?"

"They hit us, first," Dolph said between clinched teeth.

"Oh, and why would he do that?"

"They, uh..." Dolph stuttered.

"They stopped us from pounding on Clack."

"Bern, shuddup!" Dolph hissed.

Mina dropped Dolph. "And why were you doing that?"

"Because it makes us feel good."

Mina allowed the iron colored colt to drop down as she rolled her eyes. "That's no reason for you to hit anypony," she scolded as they recovered. "You shouldn't be doing that to anypony at all. Most especially to a filly." She finished by eyeing the purple colt.

"Well, she bit me!"

Mina crouched down over the colts, giving them a smirk. "If you both don't leave now, I'll bite you both. And I'll strip the flesh from your rotten bones." She parted her lips, revealing two rows of pointed teeth. They were polished so fine the colts could see their reflections bounce back. Mina took a leap forward, letting out a loud growl.

Thinking they were about to become fresh meat for the crazed mare, Dolph, Bern, and the encircled foals ran for their lives, not daring to look back. Some tripped their companions, hoping satisfy the hunger of the silver psycho.

After feeling she had chased the foals away, Mina came to a stop, a wide smile held across her face. She turned back to Rocksalt, the twins, and a young, bright yellow foal with even brighter blue eyes. She took this colt to be Clack. She made her way over to the group. "Er ou ked okah."

The foals looked up to her, acting as if she'd said something in an alien language. "What was that?" Pecan asked, not the least bit frightened by the silver's mare's sharp fangs.

"Uh zid- Vait." Mina reached into her mouth and pulled out her fangs at the gums. She held them out for the foals to better see. "They come loose so easily. I just bought them today, too. They start holidays earlier and earlier every year. Anyway, I wanted to know if you kids were okay."

The twins gave the silver mare a nod. Rocksalt, meanwhile, was unable to take his eyes off her.

"Hey, Kid,” Mina inquired. “Are you okay?"

When he didn't respond Pecan gave him a nudge in the side. "Rocko, she asked you a question."

"Did she...?" He asked, not looking over to the almond filly.

Pecan waved a hoof in front of the dull brown colt's face. "Rocko, Rocko, Equus to Rocko, come in Rocko."

After registering Pecan's hoof, he swatted it away. "What, Pecan, what?!"

"She just asked if you're okay. And why is your face so red?"

"Is it?" He snuck a glance over to Mina, who continued to stare down at him with her bright peridot eyes. "Ah... Ah don't know," he said as he crossed one of his back legs over the other, not knowing the reason why. He stole another peek over to Mina, who gave an innocent chuckle at his expense.

"That sounds like a yes to me." Mina replied without anypony asking. She looked past the group, over to the yellow colt. "What about you, small fry? Those jerks didn't bang ya up to bad, did they?"

"Not too bad, but they were going to do worse to me than the other times."

"Why, have they done things like this to you before?"

"Uh huh, but only when they're in a bad mood. They tell me that beating me up cheers them up, but it ends up bumming me out."

"Do your parents know they do that?"

"I don't know."

"But they must notice when you come home with bruises."

"No, I never see my parents. None of us do. Except for when they come by to pick us. They don't usually come back after that."

"Wait, Clack, I'm confused," Mina said, raising her hoof. "What do you mean your parents pick you? Did your parents leave you here?"

Clack gave a shrug. "I don't know. Ms.Potts just says we were left here." He motioned behind him to the orphanage. "And she's says one day our parents will come by to pick us, and that we should look as cute as possible so they know which one to pick. I do try, but nopony picks me. Ms.Potts says those weren't my parents, but that I shouldn't worry because they'll be here next time."

With that said the pieces fit together in the other everyponies’ mind. "Clack, do you know what this place is?" Mina asked.

"Yeah, it's temporary."

"Who told you that?"

"Ms. Potts. She tells us a lot of things, like how baby foals come from the bottom of beer mugs, and our names."

"So did Ms. Potts tell you your name was Clack?"

"No, she says it's Clack Tap, but that it's okay if everypony calls me Clack. I think it's a good name. It's a name you can dance to." Clack proceed to beatbox as he danced on the spot.

"Okay, okay, Clack. I see what you mean," Mina said, stopping the young colt. "I'll say this, you have some nice moves."

At that his bright blue eyes lit up. "You think so, because whenever everypony else sees me dance they laugh or say, 'Clack, stop making that noise'. Sometimes they throw things, but not too often because Ms. Potts will make them clean out from under the beds." He looked around to Rocksalt and the twins. "Was it funny to you?"

"No, it was...something else," Rocksalt said.

"Yeah, it was...something else..." Almond added.

"What do you mean? It looked like he needed to go-" Pecan got cut off when Mina shot her a look. "I mean yeah. It was nice.”

"Really?! Nopony never ever said that before. But that was nothing. Let me show you what I can really do."

Before Clack could let out another beat the others cut him off. "No, that's fine," Pecan replied. "You look like you could use some rest after what those jerks did."

"You can say that again. Before you both showed up Ms.Potts had them clean the whole kitchen for trying to steal food from the pantry. They got on me for being a snitch, but I didn't snitch. Ms.Potts caught them without me saying anything." He looked over to Pecan. "Thank you for what you did, though."

"Nah, don't thank me. Thank Rocko," she said, looping a hoof over Rocksalt. "He's the one who got'em first. I just jumped in so he wouldn't die as fast."

"Well thanks, Rocko. To tell the truth when I first saw you I thought you wanted to hurt somepony, somepony like me. But when you hit Bern, and then she bit Dolph on his... On his..." Clack lost himself in a fit of laughter.

"Yeah, well," Rocksalt said, shrugging the praise away. "It was nothing. But I think Pecan here should brush her teeth when she gets home." This made Clack laugher that much harder.

Pecan narrowed her eyes down at the ground. "I don't think he washed in weeks. Bleh!"

"Well make sure it's not one of their toothbrushes," Clack said after getting out all his laughs. "Ms. Potts makes them clean the bathroom with their toothbrushes when she finds out they hit me, and then makes them brush their teeth."

"Dang," Rocksalt scoffed. "That sounds nasty, but from what they did Ah'll never say they don't deserve it, pickin on somepony your size."

"Yeah, but I'm sure they want to get me now more than ever. When they come back they'll want to beat on Clack, and I'm Clack. And if they're as mad as I think they are then Ms.Potts will have to make them clean the bathrooms for a whole year. What can I do?"

"Ah... Ah don't know what to tell ya, kid." Rocksalt stammered out.

It was Mina who put her hoof down, drawing the foals' attention. "Clack, don't you worry about them. I'll make sure they never bother you again. Why don't you stick with Rocksalt and the girls for the rest of the day while I take care of Bern and Dolph?"

"I don't know. Do you really think you can do that, Ms. Pretty?"

Mina placed a reassuring hoof on the bright yellow colt's withers. "Of course I can. You just go and have fun. I promise you when you come back tonight they'll never want to hurt anypony ever again."

Taking the silver mare on her word, Clack left with Rocksalt and the twins. After they were gone, Mina prepared to leave herself, but got sidetracked by a black mare, whose barrel bulged out like a potbellied stove. "Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt, but what do you plan on doing to Dolph and Bern?" Stoney Potts asked.

"Oh, you know," Mina said, playing innocent. "Just teach them that no matter how big and mean they think they may be, there will always be somepony who's bigger and meaner. You know, put them in their place."

For a second the black mare said nothing as she gave a scowl. "As their primary care provider, I'm legally obligated to stop you from what you're planning on doing. However, as somepony who feels they could go for such a reminder I can say I never knew about it."

"Never knew about what?" Mina was quick to ask.

"Exactly my point. So now I will go back inside and tend to supper. But I would ask one thing, though. If it needed to be asked, I would ask you please refrain from any violence, if possible. But since I have no reason to ask, I'm just an old mare who's wasting her breath."

"Ahh, you don't look that old. I would say you're not a day over 25."

Stoney Potts gave that thought a chuckle. "You flatter an old mare, Miss...?"


Stoney eyed the silver mare. "I'm sorry, but was that 'Mina'." Mina gave a nod. "I'm sorry, but it seems to be such an odd name. Oh, you must think I'm being rude."

"Well, to tell you the truth, Ms. Potts, I'm a weird kind of mare. But don't sweat it, I gets that look all the time."

"I'm still sorry. Anyhow, I need to go and get ready to make the foals' supper. They get so cranky with this old woman if she's late. But I do love them all so, when they mind their manners."

"Eh, they're just kids. And kids just need a little push in the right direction now and again. Somepony- Well, I guess somebody taught me that."

"Whoever they are I suppose that is a good lesson to live by. But I'm always so tired, and the dears can get so rowdy sometimes that I don't know what to do. I don't mean to pry, but you wouldn't happen to have raised a foal or two, have you?"

"No, but I've always wanted to," Mina replied.

"Well, would you mind helping this old mare out from time to time? Specifically when I need somepony to take over for me when I feel faint or worn out?"

"I don't know, did this just become a job interview?"

"Maybe, would it be bad if it was?"

"No, but I would say 'hay yeah'! And I am. Hay yeah!"

"But I haven't even told you I couldn't pay very much."

"It's fine, I'll do it."

"Oh, well that's lovely. I can start you tomorrow. I would start you now but Rolph and Bern need to be talked to first, which I don't know the reason why."

Mina tapped at her nose and gave a wink as she walked off in search of the unruly teenagers.

With that being said Stoney Potts went back inside the orphanage, a sly smile spread across her small lips. Whatever the silver mare was about to do might not solve all her problems, but it would give her some time to herself in her late, diminishing years. If anything, it would save her from having to referee the two colts ten times, or more, a day.


The first thing outside of the gagging was the pain Rumble felt in his chest. It was not exclusive to the inside but on the outside, as well. As he spit up a foul tasting liquid he felt the world turn over. But it wasn't the world that had turned, it was him. He could tell he was turned on his side as the damp soil of the bog began to refresh his memory.

As his mind came back he began to remember more events of the day. There had been the barn at Sweet Apple Acres, a hay loft, and then the bog and the dark inside of the cave within it. He couldn't yet remember all the reasons why those things went in that order. His attention was more on the foul tasting water that sprung out of his mouth with each cough.

As his senses came back into focus he felt something hold his side. He attempted to pull away but the thing kept him lying on his side.

The words the thing said were muffled words, but what it said was clear, "Relax, Rumble, let it all out. Don't hold back if you feel you're gonna puke."

A few seconds later Rumble did just that, though not a lot came out. After that there came more coughs while the thing that held him in place rubbed his back in reassurance. "That's it, you're doing great."

After a while the coughing came to one every few seconds. The voice told him to take in deep breaths, and not to panic. Rumble listened to the voice, he didn't know what else he could do.

When Rumble was starting to breathe more normal, the colt heard a shuffling noise. It wasn't long after that he felt his head pulled up a few inches, and a somewhat hard pillow was set under him. "You just lie down. When you're ready here's a bottle of water."

Still on his side, Rumble watched the thing place a smooth glass bottle down in front of him. At first the colt went to reach out for the bottle, but when he noticed what had placed the bottle down his heart skipped a beat. There was only one thing he knew of with a five parted appendage like that.

Rumble rolled over on his back, and what he saw now confirmed it: Bryce was with him.

Bryce saw Rumble look at him and gave a wave. "Hey, kid."

His first thought was to push away, but when he tried to sit up he found his body would not respond.

Taking a gentle hand, Bryce pressed the light grey colt back onto the ground. "Rumble, just stay down for now."

But Rumble refused, instead taking another try at pulling himself together. He winced at the pain in his chest. "Ahh, what did you do to me?"

"I resuscitated you."

"What, like what you did with Lane? Where Lane?!"

"He's not far. But this is nothing like paralysis. I revived you."

"You had to have done something. I can hardly move."

"Well, almost dying can do that."

"Yeah, I'm sure that... Almost...dying...?" Rumble fell back down as he turned himself over to look at Bryce. The human gave him a grim, yet confirming stare. "Did you just say-?"

Bryce gave a slow nod. "Rumble," he said in as serious a tone as possible, "you almost drowned. If I hadn't shown up when I did you wouldn't be questioning me right now."

The realization of what the human had said caused a knot to form in the pit of his stomach. He found it hard to breathe, and this time it wasn’t from the bog water. "So...when you said if I ran...? That was a warning?"

"It was."

"But what about Lane? Is my brother okay?"

"He's alive, if that's what you're asking. He's still over at the cave. I brought you over here because he was throwing rocks."

"Are you going to hurt him? I know what he saw, but do you really have to hurt him?"

Bryce bit down on his lip. "Kid, I was never going to hurt him. If things had gone well all I would have done is wiped his memory of whatever he saw and be done with it."

"But you had that pitchfork. You were going to skewer him."

Bryce blew up a breath. "That wasn't what it looked like. I was mad at your brother, and I still am, but that was more to blow off steam because... I just have not had that good of a day." Bryce rested his hands on top of his fists. "And I'm sorry you had to be a part of my bad day; you and your brother. I was going to talk with him about what he said later on, but I had something I needed to at least get started. I'm not blaming him, but Thunderlane just had to be..."

"Thunderlane?" Rumble finished.

"Yeah, Thunderlane."

"But what about when you made everything float, when you warned be not to run? How did you know we'd be out here?"

"Well, sometimes I get visions. Visions about things that haven't happened yet, but I can personally stop from occurring. Whenever it's something really bad it makes my head spin, and you saw what can happen with that. It's what helped me find you, and save you. But I don't want to talk about this. We still need to get your brother back over on this side."

"Okay, but I'm not going anywhere until you answer my next question. How did you take away his flight? Because from what I could understand you did it through mind control, but you didn't do it through mind control."

Bryce looked away from Rumble. "That's something I should explain to you both. I already feel bad enough about it as is, I don't want to explain it twice." Bryce tapped the glass bottle. "Take your time and drink some water. You are thirsty, right?"

Rumble eyed the bottle. "Uh, yeah... But how did you know that?" Using his thumb and two adjacent fingers, Bryce brought his hand to the side of his head. "Oh, right."

"Drink it up, but take it slow. You don't need to make yourself sick."

Rumble took slow gulps from the bottle, savoring every last drop. After he was finished he let Bryce help him up and get accustomed to walking. As the colt took a few shaky steps forward Bryce took note of something. He was careful as he took one of Rumble's fore hooves in his hand. "What happened here?"

Rumble saw it, the thin gash that ran around his fore leg. "Oh, that's from the string. When I didn't want you to catch me."

Bryce placed his thumb on the wound. "Does this hurt?" Rumble shook his head. "Okay. I'm going to take care of this now, just so it doesn't get infected." Rubbing his fingers, Rumble watched as a bright goop began to form between the digits. After drawing out a fair amount, Bryce rubbed the goop around the wound, to which Rumble felt his stomach turn over, then settle down as the air around him turned cool. A welcome felling in the dense, humid bog.

When Brycee was finished the wound was still there, but it looked to have had a few days to heal. "When we get back I'll finish it up. I would do more, but I don't know what else will happen out here."

With that done, and after Rumble felt more confident walking on his own, Bryce slung his satchel over his neck. They went a short distance away, back to the cave. The first thing the colt noticed was the notorious pitchfork, duct taped together with a shovel. It had been impaled into the ground not far from the shore.

The second was Thunderlane, who sat outside the cave with a scowl on his face. When the stallion saw Bryce return, his immediate response was to chuck a rock across the water. Instead of hitting Bryce, the rock sailed to the side and smacked Rumble in the head. "Ow!" He cried.

"Rumble, is that you? Did I get'm?"

"You got him, alright. Right on the head."

"Okay, I'm trying again. When I throw it you run." Thunderlane let a second stone fly, but before it could hit Rumble, Bryce used his telekinesis to pull it out of the air and sling it back. It embedded in the ground right in front of the stallion. Thunderlane jumped back, letting out a scream like a frightened filly.

Bryce looked across the bog to Thunderlane. "If that had hit him I would have made you swim over here. Now how you get over there?"

"I walked."

Bryce shook his head in disbelief. "Be serious."

“He is being serious,” Rumble rebuked. “He walked us over there. Well, he walked us most of the way. And when he tried to walk us back over he fell in and I almost drowned." He said the last part while staring daggers at his brother.

"How was I supposed to know? I thought you were joking."

Rumble was speechless for a second. "Joking...? JOKING?!?!?! I almost died!!! What part of any of this looks like a joke?!"

"That's what it looked like, and you needed to learn how to swim."

Rumble was about to say more, but Bryce placed the shovel end of his makeshift weapon over Rumble's face. Their eyes met. "Kid, this is getting us nowhere," Bryce whispered in a stern tone. "You can yell at him once we're out of here." Bryce removed the shovel and asked Thunderlane, "Where did you walk from over here to get over there?"

Thunderlane pointed to Bryce’s feet. "Right where you're standing."

Bryce took a few steps forward, making sure he wouldn't fall in the bog. Taking his weapon, he stuck the pitchfork end down into the water, allowing most of the shaft to disappear underwater. Then he pulled it back out. "There's nothing here," he declared.

"I know, and there's nothing on this side, either."

"How do you know there's nothing on this side?"

"Because you would have hit it with your fat head when you jumped in after Rumble." Bryce didn't want to admit it, but he was right. "And there's no way I'm swimming in that mess, not after the big leech I had to pull off. And don't think I'm going to let you carry me over with whatever those freaky-deaky mind powers you have are called."

"Trust me, Thunderlane," Bryce called back. "If I wanted you dead now I am more than capable of doing so. I'll think of something. Just keep yourself occupied with that salamander you have with you."

"Salamander? What are you-? You again?!"

With Thunderlane occupied Bryce looked around the shore. There wasn't much to work with, but a dead tree on the verge of tipping over into the bog gave him idea. It would be enough for the older pegasus to sit on, and since he could use his telekinesis on the log there was little chance of anything living getting crushed.

He walked over to the tree and planted a firm kick on its bark. It dipped a few inches closer to the water. He gave it a few more kicks, each time forcing it to bend down further. Then with one large kick, the tree gave a whine and fell into the water. "Okay, now we're in business."

Using his telekinesis, Bryce navigated the log through the water and over to Thunderlane. He waited for the pegasus to hop on board, but he stood as if planted to the ground. "Well, get on."

"Nah uh. You might be rescuing me but there's no way I'm gonna trust you with my life." Bryce stared back, as if to ask, 'Do you know what you just said?' Thunderlane responded with, "You know what I mean. I'm not coming over there unless I can paddle it myself."

"Lane, come on. It's getting dark," Rumble protested.

"Not gonna happen!"

Rumble let out a snort. He turned to Bryce, thinking he would agree with him. But instead the human responded with, "Kid, just let him do it. It’s safer that way."

Rumble gave a huff, but decided to accept it. "Alright, Lane. Just...hurry up!"

Thunderlane pulled a limb off the tree that would suit his needs. Stepping onto the log, he went to push himself off, but stopped when he saw he had a passenger. "Oh no, not gonna happen," he said to the yellow spotted salamander. He used the stick to pick up the amphibian and place it back on the cave shoreline. When he went to cast off again, he saw the salamander attempt to sneak its way on board. "I said no," Thunderlane said, flinging the salamander back, using his makeshift oar like a golf club.

He watched the salamander as it walked back to the log and stare up at him. "Son of a..." He said under his breath. "Stupid lizard! Go home!" He pointed to behind the amphibian. "That's your home! Are you too good for your home?!" The salamander darted its eyes about, further infuriating the stallion. "Answer me!"

The salamander response was a 'whoop'.

Thunderlane let out a growl.

"Stop arguing with something that’s below your IQ." Bryce shouted. "Either get your butt over here or we're leaving you. And also, it's an amphibian. It can bad mouth you on land and water."

In the time it took Thunderlane to listen to Bryce, the salamander had made its way back onto the log, taking a seat at what would have been considered the bow. Knowing he was fighting a losing battle, Thunderlane let it stay and cast off.

As Rumble watched his brother take the long way to get back on land, he asked Bryce, "Why didn't you just pick him up?"

Without looking down, Bryce said, "Because if I did there's a chance he would be crushed to death. Not on purpose, but there is a chance."

There was a short pause before Rumble asked, "How long was I underwater?"

Bryce shook his head. "I can't say, kid. All I can tell you it was long enough you needed to be resuscitated."

"And what does that mean?"

"It means I had to get your heart and lungs working again."

"Oh... So I did almost die?"

"Well, in a way you did, but you're alive now."

"I guess. But why didn't Lane save me? Did he even jump in?"

"No, he didn't But you need to under-" Without warning, Bryce looked back into the bog, almost as if he'd heard something. He stood like that for a few seconds before he said under his breath, "Damn it all!"

"Bryce, what is it?" Rumble asked of him.

Before he could answer, Thunderlane announced in a snide tone, "I have arrived. Now let's get out of here."

But instead of turning his attention to his brother, Rumble continued to look up at Bryce. "Bryce?"

"We need to get inside."

It took time for Rumble to understand what he'd said. "Inside where?"

Bryce turned to the pegasi. "We need to get inside the cave, now!" He unslung his satchel and tossed it onto the ground.

"Bryce, what's going on?" Rumble asked.

"And what makes you think we're going back in there?" Asked Thunderlane, peeved at the human's orders. "We just got out from over there and you want to put us right back in? Nah uh, not gonna happen."

"You will and you are," Bryce declared as he picked up his pitchfork-shovel tool.

"Or what, are you gonna hurt me? You know what, I'm starting to think you're all talk with that thing. I can tell you're not gonna use it, you only carry it around to make yourself look tougher than you really are." Bryce made to refute the stallion, but he cut him off. "Unless you can give me one good reason to listen to you, I'm going back to Ponyville."

Thunderlane turned to leave, but didn't get far as the earth around them let out a rumble. It was soon followed by a second, stronger rumble. Each resounding shake after that grew in strength.

The two brothers looked to Bryce. "Take your brother and get to the cave," he said, unmoved by the tremors. "I'll hold it off as long as I can." He pointed to his satchel. "Take my bag, and whatever you do don't get it wet. If it gets wet we'll be flying dark in there." When neither brother made a move, Bryce shouted, "MOVE!!!"

They did as instructed. Rumble grabbed Bryce's satchel in his mouth and took position at the end facing the cave. Thunderlane hopped on after, pulling out all the stops as he paddled the log through the water. Bryce had disappeared out of sight before Thunderlane could cast away.

When they reached the halfway point a loud roar bellowed out through the bog. It forced Thunderlane to paddle so hard the front end of the log floated over the water.

By the time they reached the cave Bryce had been ran back to the beach, and he was not alone. Knocking its way through the trees after him was a large, three-headed hydra. As the large serpent chased after Bryce it took a lot for the human to keep from being swallowed by one of its three mouths. He had hoped the trees would slow the hydra down but the run through the trees was like running trough a patch of dandelions.

Seeing that Rumble and Thunderlane had made it to the cave, and off the log, Bryce grabbed up the log in a telekinetic grip and flung it behind him. It had the desired outcome of catching the hydra by its three necks and sending it onto its back.

With the hydra held back, he yelled out to the pegasi, "Move!" As he waved his hand to the side.

Over the roars of the hydra, they couldn't make out his words. "What's he saying?" Thunderlane asked.

"I don't know, I can't hear him."

From across the bog, Bryce hefted back his weapon and sent it flying out to the cave.

In that instance, Thunderlane knew what Bryce had meant. Pulling his brother out of the way, the colt missed the pitchfork's tines by little more than a hair. They heard Bryce yell out, "Sorry!" Not long after. With his weapon now on the other side, Bryce dived into the bog.

After struggling with the log for long enough, the hydra tossed it away like it was nothing. The hydra got to its legs and continued the hunt. Down at the water's edge, the three heads spied the human as he escaped into the cave, weapon in hand. Stepping into the water, their shared body sank down to the bottom of their necks.

At the opening to the cave, each head struck forward in unison, causing them to butt heads. While two of the heads snapped at each other, the third took their confrontation as a chance to slink inside.

Once inside the hydra looked about, but could see nothing through the darkness. It whiffed the air, drawing in on the location of its prey. If it had done this the moment it entered the hydra head would have smelt the human at its side. But it hadn't, and it gave Bryce the opportunity to bring down the shovel blade down where its head connected to its neck.

The hydra felt pain, a pain that recoiled back outside to its companions. Its loud cries echoed through the cave. But Bryce kept chopping away, he chose to ignore the pain its cries caused to his hypersensitive ears. He continued to hammer the shovel down until he cut through to the cave floor. With its head gone, the now decapitated neck slithered out from where it had come.

With the head no longer a danger, Bryce retreated further into the cave, not stopping until he caught up with Thunderlane and Rumble. Leaning against a rock, Bryce felt around for his satchel. When he found it he pulled out his Zippo lighter. He spun the flint until the flame came to life.

From the dim light of the flame, Bryce could see the brothers huddled close together, the fear in their eyes hard to miss. "Did you get it?" Thunderlane asked.

"I got the one head, but if it is what I think it is I just made it stronger."

"Stronger? What do you mean stronger?"

"Well, by cutting off that head I made way for it to grow back that head and another head."

"So you're saying it has four heads now?" Bryce gave a nod. "Welp, good job."

"Well, it's not the worst thing I've ever done." He got up, drawing the lighter around the cavern before he turned back the way he'd come. "That thing knows we're in here, and I doubt it's going anywhere soon." He looked back the pegasi. "We need to find another way."


"I'll tell you where not. Here. Because we're not going to find anything just sitting around. But firsts things first." Bryce took up his satchel and rummaged around inside of it. He brought out another glass bottle, which he placed in front of Thunderlane. "Drink this, and take your time."

"What is it?" Thunderlane demanded.

"It's water. Drink up."

Thunderlane eyed the bottle. "Sure, and when do the snakes pop out?"

"It's water. You're dehydrated. Drink it."

"No way."

"Why not?"

"How do I know you didn't put something in it?"

"Sure, I came all the way out here, saved your brother, and made you turn back around so you wouldn't become hydra food just so I could poison you."

"Is that a confession?"

"No, it's me saying to drink the only drinkable water you're going to find out here. That is unless you're willing to do the Bear Grylls method. Better hurry; sun's going down." He walked a few feet down into the cavern to survey the area.

Thunderlane crossed his fore hooves over his chest. "Lane, please drink it," Rumble begged.

"I'm not gonna."

"Lane, it's water. Bryce gave me some, too."

"Did he?"

"He did. And if it were poison then I would be dead by now. And trust me, I know what it feels like."

The stallion stared daggers at the bottle as if it would reveal its true nature. He gave a huff as he pulled it towards his chest. By now his mouth was so dry he could feel his lips crack. He pulled the cork off the bottle and downed the contents in no time at all. It hadn't been enough to wet his whistle, but it would tide him over, at least for now. Regardless of whether the water held poison or not, it was best thing he'd ever tasted.

With the bottle empty, Thunderlane dropped it on the ground and picked himself up. He made his way over to Bryce. "Okay, I drank. Now how do we get out of here?"

"Well, for starters, I don't know how much light we have left. So we need to get as far as we can now." Thunderlane agreed as he and Rumble walked down the cavern. Bryce shouldered his makeshift weapon before saying, "Okay, when my lighter gives out your eyes will need a minute to adjust. It's still going to be dark, but if you see any light at all say something. In the meantime you both need to make sure of where you step. Take it slow, but make sure whatever you step on holds your weight."

They hand't gone longer than a few minutes before Bryce's Zippo did as predicted. When the flame gave out Bryce spun the flint wheel, spewing out a few sparks, but otherwise having no beneficial result. He pocketed the lighter. "Well, that's the end of that." He was answered by a high pitched 'whoop'. Bryce looked back through the darkness. "Is that salamander still with you?"

"Yeah, he's on my back," Thunderlane confirmed. "I can't try anymore, he can just stay there."

"Well, what does it look like?"

"Does it matter?"

"It could."

"It's black with bright yellow spots," Rumble answered.

Bryce was silent for a few seconds. "Okay, don’t make it mad."

"Why, what's wrong with it?"

"It's called a fire salamander. If it feels threatened it can excrete a poison that can cause itching or burning to skin."

Thunderlane was silent for a short time. "I don't feel anything like that."

"I’m not finished. If you ingest it, you’ll suffer from muscle convulsions, hypertension, and respiratory paralysis."

"I don't plan on eating it, if that's what you're telling me not to do. But that does sound bad."

"Believe me, it is. Now, do either of you see any light?"

The boys were quiet for a second as they scrunched their noses in the darkness. But the answer was obvious: They were blind.

"No, I can't even see my hoof in front of my- Hey, hey, quit it!" Thunderlane gave a few laughs.

"What's wrong?"

"The salamander crawled over me and it tickles."

"Is it still on you?"

"No, and I would know. That thing's so cold I wouldn't lick it out in the heat."

"Well, it's for the best you get that thing off you. Like I said, those things are poisonous."

From up ahead there came a 'whoop', followed by a small flame that lit up the cavern.

Bryce and the two pegasi winced at the sight. "Ahh, what the hay is that?"

"I don't know, my lighter's dead."

As the shock of the flame faded away, the group looked at the source in surprise. A few feet up ahead there was a small flame. But it was what fueled the flame that made their mouths hang open.

At the center of the fire, unscathed by the hot flames was the salamander.

"Bryce, you said that was a fire salamander, right?" Rumble asked.

"I did, but not this kind. Of all the things that exist in this world of little horse things..." He formed the sign of the cross over his chest.

Taking a moment to take in the scene, Thunderlane said, "Okay, I take back everything I said. This thing...is awesome." The salamander gave a 'whoop' in response. "You are a cool fire lizard."

"Salamander," Bryce corrected.

"Whatever you call it, it's awesome." The stallion got down on his hind legs. "What do you say, wanna help us get out of this place, buddy?" The salamander gave a 'whoop', which Thunderlane took as a 'yes'. "Awesome. I know you'll come through.” He turned back to Bryce and his brother. “What are you waiting for, an invitation? We can see, so let’s get the hay out of here.”

Thunderlane walked on, the salamander keeping pace close beside him. Rumble let out a low groan. Bryce noticed this, and said, “Don’t worry, kid. I bet anything it's going to do something small to make him hate it again. But in the meantime, let’s see where this goes.”

Rumble had to agree with Bryce. If there was one thing he knew about his brother, he wouldn't hang on to the salamander for very long. He never hung on to anything he cared about for very long.

Into the Fire

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Chapter 70: Into the Fire

It had been twenty minutes. Scratch that, twenty-five. Hell, it may well have been days since the salamander had let known its hidden ability to the group, allowing Bryce and the two pegasi enough light to see their way through the dark inside of the cave. Regardless of the time since then, Thunderlane knew one thing for certain: Walking through a dark, damp, unending cave with only the use of your legs was boring.

To the slate grey stallion, this experience served to add to his long list of why flying was superior to walking. No matter how much you tried to polish it the answer Thunderlane would give was the same: Walking. Was. Boring...

Not only had that, but his long walk through the cave, coupled with his run into the bog made his legs hurt. The kind of hurt one felt when they used muscles that hadn't been worked in months, maybe even years.

But Thunderlane refused to let the pain show through. He knew that if Bryce saw him show just the slightest gritting of teeth, or a single bead of sweat he would pounce him like a timber wolf on a baby rabbit. Sure, he may have saved Rumble from drowning, and from the hydra. But just because Bryce had saved them both in the latter example that didn't mean he had done it to save them both. Rumble, maybe. Him, no way. If it had been the other way around, if he were drowning in place of Rumble he was sure Bryce would have let him sink.

Thunderlane knew he had to find some way out, and fast. With each step he took his already swollen knees and hocks screamed at him to stop, but he refused to answer their pleas. He could leave Rumble, Bryce would keep him safe. But if he stayed behind he might as well skewer himself on Bryce's pitchfork now and be done with it.

Without much warning, Thunderlane came to a stop a few inches behind the salamander, one hoof left hanging in the air. It wasn't the heat the small amphibian let off that made him pause, it was the high pitched ‘whoop’ it gave, letting Thunderlane know he was about to step on it.

Thunderlane took note of where they were. The path ahead split into two separate paths; one way going to the left; the other to the right. The stallion took a few steps back away from the flame-covered salamander, at the same time keeping his distance from Bryce.

Bryce furrowed his brow at the sight before him. He bit down on his lip and exhaled before saying under his breath, "Damn it all!"

"Well, now what?" Thunderlane asked, his annoyance as plain as day.

"I don't know. But we can't go back the way we came; I doubt King Ghidorah's given up."

"King who?"

"No one." Bryce took a few steps forward, using what little light the salamander gave off to see what lay ahead. He could not see much. Placing down his weapon, Bryce took a knee. The way that went to the right went straight as far as the eye could see, up until the path dissolved into darkness. The left path went on a few feet before taking a quick bend further left.

Bryce looked to the salamander. "You have any suggestions?"

The salamander replied with a ‘whoop’.

He shook his head. "I can't understand you."

Thunderlane looked to the human with a sideways glance. "What do you mean by that?"

"His thoughts aren't in English. I can't understand a thing he's thinking."

"So you can read the minds of animals, too?"

"Yes, but only if their thoughts are in English. All of his are in that sound he keeps making." The salamander responded with another ‘whoop’. "It's exactly like that."

After taking a minute to ponder the situation, Bryce stood back up. "Well, we can't take the time to go down one, just to find a dead end ten minutes down the way. We're going to have to split up, take both paths."

Sure, Thunderlane thought. What better way to get me alone, away from prying eyes.

"Actually, Thunderlane, I was going to suggest you go with the salamander, since it seems to like you."

Hearing that, the pegasus' jaw almost dropped. "Uhm... Uh... Okay...?"

"That's a good idea, Bryce," Rumble butted in. "But if he has the salamander then how are we going to see where we're going?"

Bryce thought for a second, then came up with a plan as he eyed his makeshift weapon. Uncoiling the duct tape from around the handles, he placed his foot down on tines of the pitchfork. Taking a firm grip on the handle, Bryce pulled up on the farm tool until the wood snapped away. With the handle free, Bryce took the unraveled duct tape and wrapped it around the now splintered end. After feeling satisfied the grey tape would stay, he motioned for the brothers to move away from the salamander. Holding the duct taped end of the handle over the amphibian's fire-covered form, the tape took the flame.

With the torch now lit, Bryce brought the fire up to his eye level. As the fire moved to the entirety of the tape, he gave a nod. "This will work. It might not last long, or provide very much light, but it's better than nothing." He brought the torch up a couple of feet, further illuminating the tunnel. "Here's what we'll do: Thunderlane, you go with the salamander down one way. Rumble and I will go down the other. We'll each take around 200 steps. After that we come back to here and decide what to do from there."

Thunderlane let out a huff, not wanting to listen to the human. "That's your plan?!"

"Okay, Lane, what's your plan?" Rumble chided.

"I say we just go down one way and hope for the best. What's the worst that could happen?"

"That's a terrible plan. I mean, what if it's like Bryce said and we come to a dead end?"

"Then we just turn back and go the other way."

"But what if there are more forks like this one? We can't waste time going down every single one. We'll get lost in here for sure."

"Okay, big guy, what's your plan?!"

"We do what Bryce said."

Thunderlane gave a hiss. "You're going to listen to what he said? It's his fault we're here in the first place."

"Yeah, and I guess you had nothing to do with it. You know, I was happy that you apologized, that was all I wanted. But no, you had to make Bryce accept it. You couldn't keep your mouth shut."

"Yeah, well... None of this would ever have happened if he hadn't taken my flight away in the first place. And-"

Whatever words the brothers would have said next was cut off by the sound of Bryce slamming the blade end of the shovel against the cave wall.

The pegasi gripped at their ears, prompting Bryce to stop. After Thunderlane had recovered enough, he shot the human a glare. "You took my flight and now you want my hearing, too?!"

"Your debate was going nowhere." Bryce stated in a stern tone. "And it was worse for me."

"So what, now it's a contest? If you're so tough why not just use those freaky mind powers of yours?"

Bryce gave a blank stare. "Do you want me to?"

Thunderlane was again stopped in his tracks, beyond belief at what he had just challenged the human to do. "Well, no I-"

"That's what I thought," Bryce said, cutting the elder brother short. He shouldered the shovel. "Now unless either one of you can think of anything better, we split up, go 200 steps, and come back." Bryce waited for a response. When there was none, he said, "Well, you go first, Thunderlane."

Thunderlane gave Bryce one last look, then gave the same look to Rumble. "That's fine with me. Anything to get me away from you." He said the last part under his breath, thinking nobody would hear. He went to take the path that went to the left, only for Bryce to stab the shovel in the ground in front of him. He met Bryce's grey eyes.

"Be careful of your footing," was all he said.

Thunderlane rolled his eyes at the human, stepping to the side of the shovel and down the path. The salamander followed soon after, its light going with it.

Once the slate grey pegasus was out of earshot, Rumble said under his breath, "I can say the same about you."

It wasn't long after, after their eyes adjusted to the low light of the torch that Bryce and Rumble went down the other way.

The pair continued along in silence, the only sound coming from their respective steps. It was around the fortieth step Bryce said, "You shouldn't hate him."


Thunderlane continued deeper into the cave, the salamander the only thing that kept him company and provided him with light. The salamander had to scurry to keep up the pace with the slate grey pegasus, who was now away from Bryce's watchful eye. As he went along, his only thought was on finding his way out of the endless labyrinth of tunnels, and not on keeping track of the number of steps he had taken. To Hell with that idea, he doubted it would have worked anyway.

As Thunderlane was trotting ahead, his hoof got caught on an outcropping of rock that sent him rolling forward. He didn't come to a stop until he hit a wall about a dozen feet in front of him. He ended up on his back, looking up to the cave ceiling above him. When his vision stopped spinning, he spotted the fire salamander standing over him, concerned by the stallion's tumble.

"What? What do you want?"

The salamander replied with a high pitched ‘whoop’.

"Oh, is that all?" Thunderlane got back onto his hooves. He winced as he did so, the soreness in his joints flaring up more than it had before. As the pain started to subside, Thunderlane dusted himself off. After he was finished, he let out a sigh, "What am I doing out here?" He asked noboby in particular.

The salamander tilted its head to the side, letting out another ‘whoop’.

"Are you judging me?"


"I'm sure you're not." Thunderlane gave another sigh. He looked back the way he had come. He wanted to go on, but the pain in his legs was too much right now. Bryce might wait for a while after seeing he wasn't coming back, so he had time to wait. But the question he had was how much. The way he'd taken had been a winding path, but had for the most part went in one direction. At the pace he'd gone he was sure it would be a while before Bryce and his brother could get to him.

At the thought of Rumble, Thunderlane gave a scowl. He couldn't believe how his brother had taken Bryce's side. But then he thought of the fight they had, and couldn’t believe how out of favor he had become. His scowl lightened to a look of shame. He bit his tongue for thinking this, but he thanked Celestia the human had come along. If his little brother hadn't come back up he felt any punishment he would have received would have been too light.

He looked up to the salamander. "You saw what I did, right?" The salamander whooped, which Thunderlane took to mean 'yes'. "Well, I'm not saying I didn't do wrong, but I didn't know what to do. I wanted to go in after him, but when I thought about it I thought I would mess things up more than I already have." The stallion looked down to his hooves. "I apologized so I wouldn't lose my little bro, but now..." Thunderlane buried his head in his hooves, unable to finish his sentence. "I'm such a bucking idiot. This is all my fault."

The salamander waited a few seconds before it dimmed its flames and walked a few inches towards the stallion. It let out a low ‘whoop’.



"You're cool and all, but I doubt that would-"


"He won't accept an apology from me. To him I'm just an-."


"Of course he's my brother."


"Yeah, I like him."


"Uh, yeah. I 'like' him in that way."


"What are you getting at?"

The salamander gave a few more whoops.

"I wouldn't let that happen again."


"Yeah, even that."

The salamander gave a few more whoops, causing Thunderlane to furrow his brow in determination. "You're right. I mean, going up to Bryce was one of the scariest things I've ever done. What could go wrong with saying the same thing to my brother?" The salamander gave a jump, letting out a ‘whoop’ much higher than the others. "Yeah, I... Wait a minute..." Thunderlane looked down to the black and yellow amphibian. "Did I just agree with a lizard?" The salamander whooped, correcting him. "Sorry, salamander?"

Knowing what little else to do, the salamander went, ‘whoop’.

"Okay, just checking." Thunderlane again furrowed his brow. "Alright, let's-" Before Thunderlane could take a step forward and head back down the way he'd came, the salamander doused its flame. "Hey, what gives?! Turn the light back on," Thunderlane scolded. The salamander called out from behind him, further down the path he'd been on. "What are you going on about?" He started to ask. But what he saw before up ahead made him pause.

Down the cave, maybe fifty feet or more up a slight incline was a silver light. It didn't take long for Thunderlane's mind to click, registering what the light for what it was. It was the moon. And if he could see the moon then that meant a way to the outside.

Thunderlane couldn't contain the joy he felt. He hopped up and down, letting out shouts of joy. "Alright, that's what I'm talking about. You are awesome!"

The salamander replied with a humble ‘whoop’.

"Nothing, this is great! Ha-ha, I can practically feel the dirt!" Thunderlane darted for the moonlight, but then skid to a halt. "Wait, I can't go out there by myself. I gotta go and get Rumble."

With that thought in mind, Thunderlane ran back, the pain in his joints all but forgotten. He winded his way back through the cave, in his mind picturing the similar shouts of joy his brother would soon give. And hopefully a pat on the back from Bryce, though that sounded like a long shoot given their history.

In his fervor, the loud whoops the salamander gave went unnoticed. As it watched as Thunderlane turned down what the stallion must have thought to be the right path the salamander's whoops grew in intensity.

It wasn't long after Thunderlane felt himself step onto a patch of water. He attempted to skid to a stop, but the presence of water on a smooth stone floor made him continue to slide forward. He tried to right himself, but ended up falling on his back. It wasn't long after he felt the floor dip down, taking him along for the ride.

After sliding along on his back for a few seconds, Thunderlane fell through the air, not stopping until he hit a pool of water, a loud splash echoing through the cave. His first reaction was to kick about to try and keep afloat. He felt the bottom not far below and used it to get himself to shore.

Lying flat on his gut, making sure his head was above the water Thunderlane took in shallow breaths. From behind there came a splash, much smaller than the one Thunderlane had made. Without getting up, he watched the salamander came into his field of vision with a ‘whoop’.

Thunderlane shook his head. "Normally, this would be awesome, but after all I've been through I just want to go home." Crawling the rest of the way, Thunderlane pulled himself out of the water and turned over on his back. His wings hung limp at his sides. "What the hay just happened?"


"You don't say." Thunderlane looked around, spying an opening at the top of the chamber that looked out to the moon. Thunderlane raised a hoof up to the Mare in the Moon, thinking she was mocking him. "Screw you, you crater-faced bitch!" He allowed his limb to fall down at his side. He lie there for a minute before letting out a heavy sigh. "Well, little buddy, now what?"

The salamander crawled up the pegasus' stomach, forcing a laugh to come out from the famished stallion. "Hey, quit it. I'm not in the mood." Thunderlane propped himself up so he could see the small amphibian.


"What really?"


"Wait for what?"

As if answering the slate grey stallion, he watched as a ripple formed in the river. Not long after, he saw a soot black head emerge from shoreline, one that had a wider shape than the salamander that rested on his stomach. When the larger salamander pulled itself out of the water, it shook its body, shaking off water from its black, rubbery form.

From what little light was in the cavern, Thunderlane guessed it to be around five, five-and-a-half feet at the most from snout to tail. Its body looked like the center of a toilet paper roll had gotten wet and was pressed flat. On each of its stubby toes there were small, pointed claws. The spots it had across its slick, black body were the same as the smaller salamander's, only larger, and ranged in color from a burnt orange to a bright yellow. As the larger salamander shook from side to side the spots danced like fire in the pale moonlight.

"Wow, is that your big brother?" Thunderlane asked, awestruck by the size of the monster.

Before the smaller salamander could give a whoop, its larger sibling was engulfed in a thin blanket of flames, lighting up the large chamber.

"That answers that question; I can see the resemblance."

The young salamander quickly ran off Thunderlane's stomach, coming to a stop between the pegasus and its much larger sibling. It began to let out a series of whoops. Whatever the small one had said, the big one must not have liked what it heard. It snapped its wide, flat jaws at the young salamander, causing it to run off.

"Yeah," Thunderlane said in a low voice. "I can see the resemblance." He gave the new salamander a forced smile. "You wouldn't know the way out, would you? Because I got lost in here with my brother and we-"

Before Thunderlane could finish, the large salamander lunged toward him. Thunderlane stepped back out of its reach.

"Whoa! I wasn't trying to be nasty. I just want to find my brother and-"

The salamander took another lunge, letting out a growl at Thunderlane, who was now pushed back into the cavern wall.

"Hey, I- I didn't hurt your brother, if that's what's upsetting you. Okay, I did a few times, but little brothers, you-?"

Just then, the flames that had sprouted along the large salamander's back grow in strength. Thunderlane could see the large salamander open its wide mouth, revealing its small, yet sharp pointed teeth and the much angrier flames it held within. By the time he realized what was about to happen he froze on the spot, the color draining from his face.

The salamander took in a deep breath, held it for a second, and blew it out, expelling the full force of its inner fire at the spot in front of it. It allowed this to happen for a full ten seconds before it gave out, the air in its lungs spent. The cave wall it had unleashed its fury on glowed a bright orange.

As the rocks smoldered and cracked, the salamander was quick to notice the absence of the pegasus. It looked to the side and found the stallion sprawled out lengthwise. It gave a disgruntled growl, prepared to try a second time.

But before it could draw in a breath it heard something approaching from behind. Before it could turn its large body around it felt a stabbing pain in its right side. It let out a cry of pain, one that almost matched Bryce's as he let go of the head of the pitchfork. The heat the salamander gave off had heated up the metal so fast the fork was glowing red hot.

As Bryce held his burned hand close to his chest, he looked over to Thunderlane. He was amazed he had been able to push the pegasus out of the way without crushing him. Thunderlane wasn't moving, but the fast rise and fall of his chest was proof enough he was alive.

By then the salamander had turned around, not the least bit afraid of the tall human in front of him. It leaped forward, prepared to sink its teeth into Bryce's exposed leg.

Bryce jumped back in time to miss the salamander’s maw. The plump beast gave a low growl. Bryce gritted his teeth, forcing a thin mass of life force to spring up and heal his burns. As he levitated his shovel over, he snarled, "You're not killing anyone today." He took a firm grip on the handle until his knuckles were white. "I'll make sure of that."

Drawing in a shallow breath, the salamander let out a quick fireball, which Bryce was able to dodge. It let loose a second fireball, this time causing Bryce to roll out of the way and to its left flank.

By now Bryce was in arm's length of the salamander. With the flaming amphibian unable to turn its head far enough around, he took the opportunity to slice at its side. The edge of the shovel made contact, but was only able to leaving a two inch gash. From the wound sprang blood that glowed like lava.

The pain the wound gave the salamander went unnoticed as it hopped around, facing Bryce. It bit down on the blade of the shovel.

Bryce pulled back on the shovel, trying to wretch his weapon free. When the salamander refused to give, Bryce brought his hands down low and pulled up on the end of the handle furthest from him. Letting out a yell as he hefted up the salamander, he threw the monster over his head and smacked it down on its back.

The force of the blow was enough to make the salamander release its jaw from the shovel blade, but had the negative consequence of expelling what little air was in its lungs, setting loose a rogue fireball. Bryce slid back, the shoulder of his shirt the only thing to catch fire.

With the salamander stuck on its back, Bryce was quick to pat down the flame before spinning the shovel downwards. He charged forward, hoping he could stab into the fiend's exposed belly, but the salamander was able to keep the human at bay with a curtain of fire.

Bryce ducked back from each breath, missing the fire by mere inches. He knew he had to think of something; going head to head with the creature ran the risk of getting a face full of fire. He knew the water was behind him, but the question was whether it would be able to put out the flames across its body. With no other option Bryce stepped into the water, his shoes becoming filled in an instant. Using the shovel he slung a sizeable amount of water in the salamander's face just as it let loose another mouthful of fire.

It gave the desired effect of not only putting out the fireball, but extinguishing the salamander as well. And while it hadn't hurt the salamander in the slightest, it was enough of a shock to leave it confused.

Not sure how long the water would be able to neutralize the salamander's fire, Bryce rushed forward, almost tripping as he jumped back onto shore. Little fizzles of fire were already beginning to form on the thing's black body by the time he reached it.

Locking eyes with the salamander, Bryce pulled back his shovel. Letting out a loud cry he thrust down with all his might impaling the blade into its neck.

For a few seconds it spasmed as its mind was cut off from the rest of its body. The last few breaths of fire escaped from its mouth and the hole in its neck.

With one last cough of flames the salamander lie still, a pool of lava-like blood forming around its open neck.

Bryce held onto the handle for a few seconds, taking in the scene before him. With shaking hands he released his hold on the shovel, allowing the tool to fall to the floor. He took in a few quick breaths as he stepped back.

The entire time Thunderlane had sat back and watched. For the most part he was amazed Bryce had been able to literally pull him out of the fire. And he was even more amazed to see him give the salamander what for, even more so without the use of his powers. He got to his hooves and made his way over to Bryce, who had taken a seat on the hard stone floor. When he reached Bryce he looked over to the salamander for a second before turning back, not daring to meet his eye.

It took a while for Bryce to say anything. "I didn't want to kill it. It was going to kill you."

"And it almost did. But you... You pushed me out of the way? Because I know I didn't move. I couldn't have."

"I did. I did it." Bryce looked down to his feet, feeling ashamed about what he'd done.

Thunderlane noticed this, but didn't know how to take it. Bryce had saved him, that was a given. And he had done it with his mind powers, there was no other explanation in his mind. But when Bryce confirmed it Thunderlane could tell he was ashamed, he knew the look from his and Rumble’s parents. What did he have to feel guilty about? In his opinion Bryce had done a good thing, for what his life was worth to everypony else.

He wanted to ask why, but he felt he wouldn't get an answer. Not right now, at least. Instead, he looked down to his hooves. "Thank you," he said, hoping it was loud enough for Bryce to hear. He allowed that to hang in the air before he turned to more pressing matters. Shaking his head, he asked in a clear voice. "Where's my brother? Is he okay?"

"He's fine. He's up where we came in." He turned back, looking up to the chute both he and Thunderlane had slid down. Bryce bit down on his lip. "Well, we're not getting back up that way." He looked downstream. "This may be a slim chance, but if we go down river we might find a way out."

"Do you think so?"

"Well, this river has to let out somewhere. But that means we'll need to get your brother to come down here." He stared Thunderlane in the eye. "Since he can't swim one of us will need to get him to shore."

"I- I can't," Thunderlane was quick to rebuke. "After what I did..."

"Yeah, but you're not gonna let it happen again." Bryce stood up, cupping his hands over his hands over his mouth. "It's safe, come on down!" It wasn't long after they heard the light grey colt scream as he came down and soon after go quiet when he hit the water. Bryce motioned to Thunderlane. "Your move."

Thunderlane took in a deep breath before jumping in. He swam out to Rumble, who was reluctant to take his brother's offered back, but with no other option accepted.

When they reached the shore Rumble let out a shout when he saw the dead salamander.

"It’s okay, Rumble," Thunderlane reassured. "It's not gonna hurt anypony."

Being cautious, Rumble took a few steps towards the corpse, its bright blood still flowing from its neck. "Wh- What did that?"

"It was Bryce. You should have seen him, Rumble. He was awesome. He even managed to somehow lifted it over his head and slam it on its back." Thunderlane stopped after noticing how Bryce was looking down to his feet. "But it's dead so we're safe."

"I wouldn't say that," Bryce butted in. "There may be more of those things down the way. I can hold them off if they try and bite us, but if they try and burn us..." Bryce saw Rumble start to look uneasy. "But don't worry, kid. We're all going to get out of here." He looked to the dead salamander, recalling something he'd learned long ago. "Thunderlane, where's the salamander that was hanging around with you?"

Thunderlane scoffed at mention of the little salamander. "I don't know and I don't care. That thing led me down here to be a fried chicken dinner."

"Well, we need its fire."

From a few feet away there came a 'whoop'. The salamander came scurrying over, lighting up the room as it was engulfed in flames.

"Good, now hold still." Bryce bent down, holding his forearm over the salamander's fire. He gave a hiss when the heat became too much.

"What are you doing that for?!" Thunderlane asked, stunned.

"For comparison."

"Comparison for what?"

Bryce stood up and walked over to the dead salamander. "There's a special property about salamander blood. There's only one example of it, but if it works it'll help us get past the fire." Taking his pinky, Bryce dipped it into the lava-like blood for half a second. Then for a full second. Feeling satisfied it wouldn't burn him he sank his whole hand into the pool of blood.

Thunderlane and Rumble didn't know what to think. "What are you doing?!"

Bryce didn't answer as he scooped up a fair amount of blood and smeared it up and down his arms. After spreading out what he had in his hands he walked back to the young salamander and did the same with it as before. When he didn't take his forearm away after a few seconds Thunderlane was prepared to tackle him to the ground. That was until Bryce said, "That ain’t proper."

He turned his arm around, testing it for heat but none passed through the blood. He then decided to test the limit and grabbed ahold of the still burning salamander.

The two brothers' jaws dropped from what they saw. They thought it was all a trick until Bryce let go of the salamander and showed them his hands. They were both spotless, not a single burn. "Well, we've solved the fire problem." He went back over to the dead salamander, coating the rest of his body in its blood. He also covered his satchel for extra protection.

"Yeah, but..." Thunderlane looked to the pool of blood along the rock floor. His face went sour. "Really?!?!?!"

"It's either this or we get deep fried, minus the 11 herbs and spices." Bryce scooped up a glob of salamander blood. "Now who wants to lather up first?"

While still hesitant, Rumble stepped forward.


The colt looked back to his brother. "I don't know what all happened, but I'd prefer to not get roasted, not that you would care."

Rumble cleared the remaining distance towards Bryce. "Don't worry, kid. Once it's on you’ll feel a lot better," Bryce told him.

Bryce rubbed the blood into Rumble's light grey coat and feathers. The colt cringed at first, but as the human went about his work the revulsion of the situation passed. When Bryce was finished he gave Rumble a pat on the back. "Alright, you're done. You can cover your shame." He looked over to Thunderlane. "Your turn, Thunderlane."

If Thunderlane had anything left in his stomach it would have been spread out on the floor of the cave by now. He looked to his brother, who had done as Bryce had told him. The colt dipped his hooves into the dying light of the blood and spread it around his loin. "Uh, how is it, Rumble?"

Rumble gave a weak smile. "It's like Bryce said. Once it's on you feel a lot better."

Thunderlane stared at Bryce's offered hand, his palm full of the lava-like blood. He stepped forward and slammed his eyes shut. Through gritted teeth, he stated, "Get it over with, quick."

"I'll do my best."

When the blood made contact with his back Thunderlane was prepared to bolt, to jump into the underground river and scrub every last trace of the warm mess out of his fur. But it didn't take long for him to feel what both his brother and Bryce had felt. In truth, it reminded him of the time he was sick, and the feel of a hot shower over his chills ridden form made him want to fall asleep right there in the bathroom. It was more the thought of what he was now covered in that made him shudder, but the emotions it gave off were enough to hold those thoughts at bay.

He didn't know he'd been moaning until Bryce said, "There, I'm done. Now take the time and coat your shame." He pulled the pitchfork from out of the salamander's side, allowing for a smaller pool of blood to spring forth. After placing the pitchfork into his satchel he noticed something around the edge of where he pierced the beast. He pulled at the edge of one of the wounds, the flesh giving way. "This could be useful," Bryce said, taking out his whittling knife and cutting away the flesh.

Thunderlane took a step back. "What do you plan on doing with that?!"

"For one, I could go for some new shoes," Bryce replied, sticking out his exposed left foot. "Well, I didn't even notice I'd lost that." He stuck out his other foot, showing a shoe that was well past its prime. Thunderlane could see the human's toes wiggle inside the sneaker through a hole in the bottom.

"Is that a human thing, because they look too small?"

"You can say that again. These are 13-wides, and they're still too tight." Bryce continued to cut away at the salamander's hide. "You might not want to see this. Why don't you go and talk with your brother?" Bryce suggested before cutting a long gash down the side of the salamander.

Thunderlane looked away from the sight. "Well, it’s worth a shot." He left Bryce to his work. When he found Rumble, he was with the salamander, his hoof hovering over the flames it gave off. Upon seeing this Thunderlane rushed over, kicking rock chips in the small amphibian's direction. "Get outta here!" He snarled.

"Lane, what are you doing now?!" Rumble asked, his annoyance with his brother sparked.

"This thing could be a spy. It could be relaying back to more of its kind."

"Then why did it help us find our way through?"

"It led us down here."

"No, we followed you down here. Why were you out this far anyway? This had to be more than 200 steps."

"I'd found a way out. Well, we did." He motioned to the salamander.

"Yeah, sure you did."

"We did." The salamander gave a 'whoop' in approval. Thunderlane shook his hoof at the small, lizard-like creature. "Quiet you!"

"Hey, don't get onto it now. If it weren't for the little guy we wouldn't be able to see our hooves in front of our faces." The salamander gave a 'whoop', lifting its neck up in admiration. "And I still say you're lying."

"I'm not. We found a way and I was coming back to tell you both. Why would I want to get you into this mess?"

"I don't know, why would you?"

"I wouldn't. Believe me, this is practically the last place I want to be. Between the lack of food, the fire-breathing lizards-" The salamander gave a 'whoop'. "Sorry, salamanders, and you almost... Rumble, you have to believe I didn't want this to happen, especially to you." He looked away from his brother's stare.

"Rumble, I'm sorry this happened. I mean, I should have listened to you. You're the only pony, outside of Cloudchaser, that'll put up with me. Hay, Mom and Dad don't put up with some of the stuff I've done like you do. And right now I don't think I can put up with myself. I know we've never said it, but I care about you, little bro. In my psychotic sorta way, I do care about you." Thunderlane looked back, expecting to see Rumble. But the colt had instead walked off a short distance, the little salamander lighting his way. His ears drooped down as he looked to the floor.

From off to the side Bryce approached, his feet now bare. He came to a stop a couple feet away. "You tried, Thunderlane."

"I failed him..."

"It was an honest mistake. But I know you'll never let it happen again, not if you have the chance." He placed a hand on Thunderlane's back, a hand the stallion was almost as quick to deny.

"Why are you doing this?"

"What reason do I have not to?"

"I stole from you, to start with. And then there was the stalking, the time we first met, the time I almost tackled you, which in itself should have been a death sentence."

"And yet you're still alive."

"I know, and then you actually saved me… You saved me."

"Yes, I did. What of it?"

"Ponies just don't go saving other ponies like that. Not after the kind of stuff I did to you."

"Yeah, but I'm not a pony, am I? I mean, fingers." Bryce wiggled his fingers about for Thunderlane to see.

"I know, but it's just so... So wrong."

"Maybe to you, but to me it was right. Maybe what's wrong is you've done so many bad things you can't tell what's right and what's wrong."

"What are you getting at?"

"Well, would it be wrong for you to save another pony who was about to be trampled by a stampede of cows?"

"I... I don't know."

"What if they were about to fall off a cliff? Would it be wrong to save them then?"


"Or how about this. What if they were drowning? They were out in a boat when suddenly the boat capsized. They didn't know how to swim, and there's nobody around for miles, except you and the drowning pony. If you saved him, would that be wrong?"

"It... It wouldn't be."

"Then would it be wrong to save the other two; the one who is about to be trampled and the one who is about to fall off a cliff?"

Thunderlane didn't need long to answer. "It would be wrong to not try. I get it, I'm scum."

"You're not scum. Scum is the shit a goldfish craps out, eats, craps out, and then eats over and over, again and again." Bryce took a knee beside the stallion, coming to his level. "I'm not trying to make you feel bad about what you did; you already do. I'm doing this to show you do know what's right." He placed a hand on Thunderlane's withers, this time without being refused. "I can't tell you what would have happened if I hadn't shown up when I did, and I can't say you won't screw up again. But if you don't learn something from your mistakes it was for nothing. All you can do is try better. You might not win your brother back but you can show him you care."

"Do you think it's possible for him to care about me? To him I'm nothing but an ass."

"To tell you the truth, I thought the same thing. But that was before I saw how well the salamander took to you. The little one, not his big brother back there. Animals tend to see the good in those most others are quick to judge."

"What about your dog?"

"Dogs can be an exception; they tend to not like the things they see as a threat to their owners." Bryce stood back up. "But what I'm saying is that if a salamander can take to you like that, there has to be some good in you."

Thunderlane didn't say anything for a second. He turned back to look at Bryce. "Do you really think so?"

"I know."

"But what about you? If anypony hated me it should be you."

"I don't hate you. I just don't like you. Besides, others have done much worse to me before you. Compared to them you're a petty thief against a serial killer."

They allowed that to hang in the air a few seconds before Thunderlane asked, "Does this mean we need to be nice to each other?" Bryce shook his head. "Good, because you're annoying me." He walked in the direction he'd seen Rumble take. "Now let's get the buck out of here. All these feelings are making me wanna puke."

Bryce allowed him to go ahead. "Same here, jackass."

Thunderlane looked back, an angry look on his face. It subsided when he noticed the smirk the human gave in return. "Alright, I get it, I get it. Let's get going."

When they reached Rumble, Bryce brought them all in close, including the young salamander. "Alright, guys," he said in a low voice, "from here on out I need you all to keep as quiet as possible. If we come across anymore of those big ones you keep moving. If worst comes to worst you both just run and don't look back. I don't care what you hear, you run. Now, is there anything any of you want to add?" Bryce gave the group a few seconds, and received no answer. "Alright, keep moving and keep quiet. If you have to say something just think it."

With that said, the group moved forward, the small salamander taking the helm to light the way.

They had walked for around five minutes when they heard the sound of something slapping the rock ahead. Instead of stopping they did as Bryce had said. They kept going as the source of the sound came into view: Another large salamander, about a foot longer than the one Bryce had dealt with not long before. It was enveloped in a thin sheet of fire.

Above where its fore legs met its sides sprouted a matching pair of thin growths, each about eight inches long that curved back. The backsides of these projections held a thin membrane that was almost translucent.

What are those things on its back? Thunderlane wondered.

I don't know, he heard Bryce say, without saying it.

Wait, how are you doing that?

That's not important. Just keep moving; don't stop.

As they came closer to the large salamander, Thunderlane felt his heart jump up into his throat. They were practically in front of it now, but it ignored them if it saw them. The stallion held his breath, not wanting to draw the beast's attention.

As it passed them by Thunderlane could see this salamander was a bit thinner, and had rough patches across its otherwise rubbery hide. In what little light there was, they looked to be scales.

From up front, Bryce yelled in Thunderlane's mind, THUNDERLANE, MOVE!!!

When he looked away from the salamander he could see Bryce a few yards away, waving him down. "Sorry," Thunderlane said in a low tone. He slammed his hoof over his mouth as he looked over his shoulder. The large salamander had come to a stop, as if to focus on a noise it had heard.

It let out a low growl as it turned its head back. Before it could make a full turn, its head shot towards the river. It made a sound similar to a grunt before charging forward and going headfirst into the water.

Once the salamander was gone Thunderlane took the chance to exhale. He almost screamed when Bryce grabbed him by the withers, and would have if not for Bryce putting a hand over his mouth. The human stared him down, his face somewhere between being a scowl and loggy. Thunderlane, the stallion heard him say inside his mind. Keep moving.


It was after a somewhat long trip past another unaware salamander that Bryce said in his own words, "Guys, let's stop for a second. I need a break." Without waiting for an okay, Bryce slumped down next to a wall. He rested his head in his forearms.

Can we talk now? Rumble thought.

"You can for now. But stay quiet."

"That's fine with me. This...whatever is getting too weird for me. And how are they not seeing us?"

"They can see us. It's more that their brains aren't registering that anything is there.

"So we're invisible to them?" Thunderlane asked.

"In theory, yes. In practice, we're there, but not noticed. It's like when you're so caught up in looking for something that you overlook it."

"Oh... Okay... I mean that's...cool. I don't understand how you do it, but if it gets us out of fighting them I'm okay with that." There was a short pause before Thunderlane finally asked. "What about my flight? Did you do something like that?"

Bryce shrank back. "I did..." He stood up, using the cavern wall to help steady himself.

Thunderlane came forward, ready to catch Bryce if he couldn't keep himself up. Seeing him up close, he noticed how drained he appeared. "Are you alright? Because we can wait if you need more time." Rumble raised an eyebrow, not believing his brother to be concerned by the human's current state.

"No, we need to move, while the way is clear," Bryce said, waving the stallion back.

"But you're bleeding."

Bryce wiped under his nose, his fingers stained with blood. "It's nothing. I just haven't done this in so long." And never this many times in a row. "It'll stop on its own."

"Fine, I'll drop it." Thunderlane stepped in front of Bryce, blocking his path. "But I want an answer to this though. You said you did something to my brain to make me unable to fly, but is what you said before also true? If I do whatever it was you told me to do will it get me my flight back?" Bryce gave a nod.

"You can. The truth behind it is that you can fly, but because of me screwing with your head your mind fails to make it happen. When you think about flying you are literally thinking about it so much you can't remember which comes first, A or B. It's the same as if I made a greedy man so sick to death of money the only way to break it is to have as little of it as possible. With you I used the thing you pride yourself in the most against you, your ability to fly. And now all you can think about is your flight, if that makes sense."

"It does. I don't know if it's right to ask, but do you think I can get it back? I've tried so many things, and none of them worked."

"Better chance of a pig flying," Rumble chided.

Bryce ignored this, and said, "Before today I couldn't say either way, but from what I've seen today anything is possible. Maybe not flying pigs, but maybe a flying horse thing. But who knows. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe a few years down the road. The point is, you'll get there, if you're willing to let the opportunity present itself on its own, not through force." Bryce stepped past Thunderlane.

Thunderlane held back. He felt what Bryce said was true, but was unsure if he could follow through. "Come on now. No reason to stop," Bryce said, pulling the stallion forward.

For the next several minutes the group didn't come across anymore salamanders, but did happen upon something that made them want to collapse. After a fair amount of walking the path ahead became brighter. And the source of the light made them almost shout for joy as they looked out to the moon bathed mouth of the cave. The only pitfall along the way was a large rock, but it was small enough they could get past with ease.

With their goal in sight, Bryce pulled at his hair. In a cracked voice, he said, "Thank you, Father."

"You said it!" Thunderlane exclaimed, almost ready to roll up into a ball and laugh.

"We still have to get through the forest," Rumble stated bluntly. "And Mom and Dad are gonna kill us."

"Don't be so negative, Rumble. Compared to everything else the forest and Mom and Dad are nothing. I'm more worried what I'm gonna do first when we get home: Eat, bathe, or sleep." With that said Thunderlane ran ahead of the group, wanting to kiss the soft, cushioned dirt.

Bryce and Rumble followed close behind, each just as determined to get out but too tired to follow suit. It all seemed to be over, until Bryce saw the rock crack open. He brought the head of the shovel down in front of Rumble. "Bryce, what are you doing?! What's wrong?!"

He ignored the colt, more concerned for Thunderlane, who was closing in on the animate rock. "Thunderlane, it's not a rock!" He shouted.

Thunderlane looked back, his body still going forward. "What about the rock?" The stallion ran himself into the ‘rock’ at full gallop. What Bryce had said was at the back of his mind, he was more concerned at how soft the rock had been.

As his vision came back into focus, he found himself face to face with a big yellow ring around a black void. The void gave a hiss as it looked back at him with malice. It wasn't until the half second disappearance behind a scaled hood did Thunderlane take the black void for what it was.

The giant salamander reeled its head back, a head attached to a long, slender neck attached to a long, slender body. It brought its head over Thunderlane, giving him a whiff. The odor the stallion gave off made the salamander give a low growl. It reeled its head back again, the fury in its yellow eyes clear. Without warning, it drew in a breath and released it, encompassing Thunderlane in a pillar of fire.

Rumble shouted out for his brother. He made a pass to run, but Bryce was quick to draw the colt back, holding him to his chest in a bear hug.

Rumble continued to struggle in the human's arms. "Kid, stop!" Bryce hissed in his ear. "You'll get yourself killed."

Rumble didn't care. His brother was being burned to a crisp. If he died now, after the way he'd treated him...

When the salamander extinguished its fire it inspected the spot before it. The surrounding rock was a bright orange. At the center of the molten stone was Thunderlane, curled up and unscathed.

The salamander gave a roar. "This all but confirms it!" It said in a croaking voice as it stood to its full height. "You have bathed in the blood of one of my young!"

Everyone was left in a daze. Not from what the salamander had said, but that it had said it. It towered over Thunderlane, twelve feet at the most from the floor to the top of its head. Its thin form was long and covered in reddish-black scales. It looked to have been around 50 feet in length, at 20 of that being in its tail. There were spikes that ran down its neck and back, though none along its tail. The spikes that went across the top of its head were in a shape similar to a crown or diadem.

The salamander brought one of its clawed forelegs forward, crashing it into the stone floor next to Thunderlane. "Speak! Explain yourself!"

Before Thunderlane could stammer out a word, Rumble shouted, "Leave him alone!!!" Bryce tried to hold the colt back, but with a well-placed kick to the groin his grip gave way. Rumble ran up to the giant beast, coming between it and his brother. "You leave him alone!"

"Oh, and what makes you think I should do as you say, Equestrian?" Rumble stared back into the salamander's large eyes. It released a twin pair of flames from its nostrils, but Rumble kept his place. "You reek of the blood of one of my young, as well. The amount that is on you two is enough to have bled dry a salamander four summers old, seven with the ape. If that is the case then one of my nymphs has been slain." The mother bent her head down to Rumble. "I suggest you tell me now, boy. Someone must pay the price," she hissed.

Bryce would have stepped forward, if not for Thunderlane being the one to beat him to the punch. "It was me. I killed it." Rumble moved to protest this claim, but Thunderlane gave the colt a swift punch to the side. "I killed the salamander, and then I put its blood on me so I wouldn't get burned."

"So, the truth comes out." The mother gave a menacing smile as it blew out another pair of flames from its nostrils. "I would have taken it to have been this little morsel, or the hairless ape at the least. But you shall be more filling."

Bryce brought his shovel down with a clang, drawing the mother's attention. "It wasn't him, it was-"

"Silence!!!" The mother cried, slamming her tail into the floor and knocking loose a few hanging stalactites. "I have my culprit. You may go, or suffer the same fate." The mother parted her lips revealing four rows of scalpel sharp teeth. The longest were the size of Bryce's whittling knife.

Bryce brought out the head of his shovel, getting into a fighting stance. "The only one who will be suffering is you if you don't let us go now!"

The salamander mother stared into Bryce's dark eyes, not saying a word. Bryce was attempting to force her to give in to his demands, but in his drained state he was afraid he would fail.

Flames escaped from the mother's nostrils. "I see we are at an impasse. I have no choice." The salamander turned, clearing the way.

Bryce's heart leaped in his chest. He didn't know how, but he'd done it; the mother had bent to his will. With the mental feats he had preformed to pass by the previous salamanders unnoticed he was sure he would have had to resort to fighting. He was having trouble keeping himself upright just now.

He lowered his guard and ran over to check on Thunderlane.

But the truth was, he had failed. The mother, sensing something to be amiss had allowed Bryce to take the first move, and fall into her trap.

When Bryce came into range the salamander mother whipped out her tail and sent him flying back. He landed a few feet away with a loud thud.

The mother blew out a pair of flames. "And that impasse has been solved." Using her tail, she snaked it under Thunderlane before entangling him like a snake. With her prey caught, she hefted him up. "I would have allowed you and the fledgling to leave, but you will all feel the wrath of a mourning mother." She brought Thunderlane up to stare her in the eyes. "I shall start with the one you failed to save." She slammed a foreleg down, trapping Rumble. "And then the fledgling."

The mother constricted her tail, forcing the air out of Thunderlane's lungs.

Bryce was too dazed to think, to move. By the time he could take a knee Thunderlane could feel his bones begin to pop.

It was the intrusion of a loud 'whoop' that relaxed her tail. She looked down to her breast, spying the hatchling she had seen arrive with the group. "What business have you to second guess your mother, hatchling?!"

The salamander gave a 'whoop'.

The mother gave a rolling growl.

"Explain." What followed was a long series of whoops, none of which the group could understand. When the hatchling was finished, its mother blew out a pair of flames. "Is that so?!"

She released her hold on Thunderlane, allowing him to fall a short drop to the floor. He drew in a deep breath, his lungs screaming in pain.

The mother looked down to the stallion. "My hatchling tells me a different story. He tells me my nymph was the first to attack. Is this so?"

Between breaths, Thunderlane was able to say, "Well, he... I'm not sure if it's-"

"I care not for such things!" She slammed a foreleg down. "Did my nymph attack you first?!"

Thunderlane swallowed before giving a nod.

The mother allowed this to roll through her mind. "I see. It is as I feared." She stood up to her full height, staring the stallion down. "You are free to go." She stepped to the side, giving unhindered access to the exit.

"What, why?"

"I have warned my nymphs about such behavior to intruders. While I do not approve of your kind invading our home, they have no right to respond in kind. Not without being provoked first. A few listen to their mother, but others...are more disobedient." She blew out a pair of flames. "While the events of this evening are tragic in a mother's life, my nymph sealed its own fate. And for that I apologize, for mine and its behavior." She looked to Bryce, you was using his shovel to stand. "And I must apologize to you, as well."

"Well, I wasn't trying to kill it. I was just trying to stop it from killing my friend." Thunderlane perked up at that last word, 'friend'.

"I hold no grudge against you; It was only proper. If I had been present, I would have made it suffer for much, much longer. But in apology, I shall have a few of my more loyal sons escort you back home. It is the least I can do."

The mother took in a deep breath, then gave a long, shrill 'whoop'. When she was finished, a pair of salamanders, each about 12 feet in length crawled out from the river. These had a body somewhere in between that of their mother's and the thick, grotesque blob Bryce had taken on.

They gave a deep 'whoop' in unison. "The two of you, escort our guests to the town not far from here," their mother instructed. "Afterwards you are to return home." The pair gave a 'whoop' to confirm.

With their escorts leading the way, the group made to leave. Before Bryce could leave, the mother placed her tail across his path. "I would a word with you first, ape." She led Bryce a few feet away. "I have had many hatchlings in my life, but you have a courage none have demonstrated."

"Well, to be honest, I was just defending my friends. I was scared shitless the whole time."

"There is no difference in my eyes. I could tell it was you who took the life of my child. The fledgling was too small, and his brother...an idiot. My only regret is that I shall never know the thrill of fighting an opponent of which I have no knowledge."

Bryce planted the handle of his shovel into the floor, pointing the blade out to the mother at an angle. "We still can, if you still intend to keep us here." It was a joke, and in his mind he hoped she saw it that way. He would fight to keep the brothers alive, but he already knew the outcome.

The mother flicked her tail beneath her chin, as if considering the duel. She gave a smile. "If only my brood could show such bravery to their mother. They obey my every whim, but obedience will only take them so far. If they had an ounce of your bravery it would bring a tear to my eye." Using her tail, she brought Bryce's head up to look upon her own. "Your eyes are much lighter than they were before."

"Must have been the light."

"Perhaps. But I can feel something inside you. There is something going on inside your head I cannot place. But I have seen a face like the one you had before. It is the same face my mother gave before I slew her and became matriarch of this brood. She had slain many of my sister's before me, but her face I will never forget. The face of one who has killed before."

Bryce shook his head away. "I- I'm no killer. I killed your kid, but that was an accident."

"And it was a fine kill, I am sure. It is a shame I could not see it. Tell me, what is your name?"

"Bryce. Bryce Smales."

"Hmm, it is an odd name, but one I will give to the child I feel has...potential. Potential enough I hope to usurp my office. I dread the day, but will embrace it as the happiest day of my life." She used her tail to guide Bryce towards the exit. "But now you must go, Bryce Smales. And if you are ever in the area you are welcome to come by."

When Bryce reached the outside, he saw Thunderlane and Rumble waiting between the two large salamanders. "There you are. What did she want with you?" Thunderlane asked.

"She had something she wanted to say. She said she wants to name one of her kids after me."

The two present salamanders exchange glances. Thunderlane gave a snort. "Well it's her fault if it gets picked on, with a weird name like Bryce... I mean, for a salamander." Thunderlane forced a smile. "Let's get out of here."


The group walked along, keeping pace with the salamanders. The whole time Thunderlane couldn’t stop recalling the day. "You should have seen him when he did it, Rumble. I mean, I was sure the shovel would snap, but Bryce came through."

"I know, Lane. Bryce picked up the salamander and threw it on its back. You've said it three times already. Can you take a break?"

"Come on, you can't say none of this is cool," Thunderlane said as he flew backwards. "I mean, there was the hydra, we got to see Bryce spin stuff around," he counted off on his hoof. "And now look, our own personal escorts."

One of the large salamanders gave a groan, upset their mother had forced it to take this demeaning errand. It's brother coped, reminding it what would happen if they didn't follow through.

Thunderlane came back down, not knowing he'd ever left the ground. "You can't say the last one isn't cool."

"Uh, Lane... You..." Rumble began to say. He wanted to make his brother's flight known, but he instead said, "Thanks for...sticking up for me when the mother wanted to eat me."

"What, that? That was nothing. But I didn't stop her, the little guy did."

The hatchling salamander gave a 'whoop' in response.

"If it weren't for him we would've been dinner. But I would do it again anytime, bro. Not when I still have the chance."

Rumble gave a smile, still a bit ticked about the day but willing to forgive him, this time.

Thunderlane looked back to Bryce, who held the caboose of the group. He had his hands inside his pockets. "And Bryce, what you did was just awesome. I mean, I don't how you do it, but you were awesome, for an ape."

"Yeah, whatever you say."

Thunderlane walked at his side. "What's wrong? Aren't you happy to be out of there?"

"I am, but why aren't you mentioning the elephant in the room? That elephant being this." He extended his hand, levitating a large rock a few inches off the ground.

"Oh, that? I mean, if you're afraid of me saying anything to anypony I promise I won't. I doubt anypony would listen anyway. But after today we're solid, for the most part."

"That's not what I was afraid of. I was before, but not now. Doesn't it make you afraid I can do that?"

"Before, yeah. But now I think it’s awesome. I mean, you could have done more with the other lizard-" The young salamander gave a 'whoop'. "Sorry, the other salamander. You could have thrown it against the wall a few times or crushed it or something. Would've saved some time."

Bryce looked down at his bare feet. "It's not something to be proud of. It's a curse."

"Why, what's so bad about it? I mean, you used it to save me."

"Yeah, but it's not normal. It's because of those powers that were out here in the first place. I mean, it all started when I took your flight away. I regretted it the next day, but I couldn't take it back. And then today, I could have crushed you all at the barn, and Rumble almost died. And all because of these fucked up powers."

There was silence for a few seconds as the group walked through the Everfree Forest. The only sound came from the colossal salamanders as they trudged through forward, leading the way.

It was a while before Thunderlane asked, "You felt bad about it when you took my flight away?"

Bryce gave a nod. "I did the very next day. You just got me so mad. I was okay when you got on to me, but not on Ditzy."

"Yeah, that. I still have to apologize to her." He flew up and gave Bryce a nudge. "Here's hoping it doesn't end up with me becoming dinner to a troll or something." When Bryce didn't reply, Thunderlane went back to the ground, again oblivious that his hooves had left the earth. "Sure, you got us out here. But if it weren't for you we would bmnever have gotten outta there. Plus, I wouldn't know how much I actually care about my little bro." He looked ahead to Rumble. "Everypony else wouldn't even look my way, but he stood by me when I apologized to you. The little guys a lot better than I probably ever will be."

Bryce remained silent.

"But hey, your powers might not be normal, but look at me. I'm a pegasus that can't fly. How's that for weird?"

Bryce stared at Thunderlane with a blank stare. "Thunderlane..." You really don't know? Bryce decided to not bring it up, either. "It's not the same. With you you've forgotten how. I live with the fact every day that if I think the wrong thing at the wrong place and the wrong time I can crushed every bone in everyone's body."

"Whatever you say. I still think they're pretty cool. Maybe not that, but the other stuff, cool."

But that's just your opinion. What would the others think if they knew? Bryce thought as he stared through a break in the tree line. Through the clearing, he could see the decaying ruins of a castle. When he saw that he came to a stop, as if something had whispered in his ear to do so.

Thunderlane noticed this and turned back. "Bryce, you alright?"

Bryce continued to stare out at the ruins, the site brightened by the full moon. "There's something... Something..." He shook his head, the thought fading away. "It's nothing. I'm tired and I just want to get back to the farm. I have work I need to get done."

"You said it. I just know our parents will be mad, but not mad enough to kill us. At least, I hope not, sheesh." Just then Thunderlane came to a stop. "Wait a minute... Did I just fly?"

Bryce stared him straight in the eye. "No, you've been walking."

"Are you sure, because...?" Thunderlane took a second to reconsider. "I don't know, maybe I'm tired, too; I haven't thought about it since we left the cave."

In the Kitchen

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Chapter 71: In the Kitchen

For the last two weeks, thirteen days to be precise, Bryce had been hard at work cutting and hacking and chiseling away at the two wood panels that were now tucked under his arm. As he made his way to Rocksalt's house it was a losing battle to stay awake. He had lost a lot of sleep, and even more time with Dinky and Apple Bloom, but if all went well for the rest of the day and the following evening then he would make it up to the girls, and his overclocked brain.

When Bryce reached his destination he could see the dull brown colt fighting his own losing battle.

"Clack, ya gotta stop it now," he argued with Clack Tap. "Ah gotta deliver these papers, and Ah can't do that if ya keep rufflin'em up." Rocksalt snatched the newspaper out of the bright yellow foal's hooves.

"Ahh, come on, BB, I was just going to use the one. I was going to make us some hats, and they're going to be awesome."

Rocksalt held the paper out of reach of the foal. "Nah uh, Ah need all these papers, or else Ah don't get any money."

The foal refused to relent. "Come on, just gimme this one. You've got, like, a million more over there." Upon saying that the realization hit him.

It was just as quick to hit Rocksalt. "Oh no, Clack. Don't even-" Without stopping to hear the rest, Clack Tap made a mad dash for the pile of papers, knocking Rocksalt over in the process. "Clack, don't!" Rocksalt shouted, but it was too late. By then Clack had landed on top of the square stack of newspapers, causing them to slide across the ground like a deck of cards.

Rocksalt could do nothing but watch.

Clack, oblivious to what he had done picked up the paper from under him and held it up, a big smile across his face. "A-ha." He shook a few sheets loose and went to work.

Rocksalt allowed his head to fall forward, releasing a low groan. It wasn't long after he felt something nudge him in the side. "Not now, Clack, you just ruined my route," the dull brown colt mumbled.

"Well, I would say they're more dirty than ruined."

Rocksalt craned his neck back. "Hey, Bryce," he said with in a dismal tone.

"Hey, Kid. Who's the stripling?" Bryce asked, motioning over to the foal.

"That's Clack Tap. He's some kid Ah saved."

"Really, saved from what?"

"Just a couple of guys who thought just cause they were four times his size they could work him over whenever they wanted. Pecan and Ah stopped'em, but now Ah'm startin ta regret gettin in the middle."

"Why, is he bothering you?"

"Pestering me is more like it. Ever since Ah helped'm he won't leave me alone, outside of class and home. And he's even worse when the girls are around. Won't stop goin on about how 'he's so cute' or 'he's so sweet' or 'Clack, are you alright. That's good, now be more careful. Don't cry, it wasn't that bad. Look, if I give you a hug will you stop crying?' And then they spend so much time messing with'm we don't have any time left ta do anything."

"Well, he's young, cute, and new. It can't really be helped."

"Ah know, but still, he annoys me. And now," Rocksalt said, waving off to the foal, "now he's missing up my paper route."

"Well if he's bothering you say something."

"Ah've tried, but Clack doesn't think Ah'm serious. And then he goes off and gets himself hurt, again."

Bryce gave a smirk as he shook his head. "Yeah, I know about that, believe me. I had three nephews, and each one was more daring than the last. The youngest one kept getting in my dogs face for a kiss. I can't tell you how many times Corn has nipped him for that." Bryce paused to let out a yawn. "Kids his age are just that way, and believe me, it's as annoying as you say it is." Bryce looked over to the yellow foal as he made the last few folds in his hat. "I'm sure he's a good kid. He's just four."

"Yeah, Ah know. But he still annoys me."

"I annoy you," Bryce replied back.

"Yeah, but you... Ah just wish he'd stop callin me 'BB'. What's that supposed ta mean?"

By now Clack had finished with his hat. Trying it on for size he turned back to show it off to Rocksalt. "What'cha think, BB? Good enough that you want one?"

Rocksalt shut his eyes and drew in a deep breath. "It looks nice, Clack, but now Bryce and Ah need to get my route done before school."

"Oh, can I come? I can help."

"Do ya even know what we'll be doing?"

"No, but I can help. I can pull out all the comics and put'em on the front. Everypony likes the comics. I know I do, even though I can't read."

"Clack, no. You can't-" Before Rocksalt could get out the words Clack turned around and threw open a fresh newspaper.

Bryce made his way over to the foal in time to stop him from pulling out the funny pages. Almost immediately the foal froze up. "Whoa, BB, what's happening? Am I flying? I'm flying! I didn't know I was a pegasus."

Bryce spun the foal around so he was facing him, silencing his excitement. "Sorry, kiddo. It's just me."

"Oh, you looked a lot bigger from below. No, wait, you still look fat."

"Fat? I'm not that fat, am I, Kid?" Bryce asked Rocksalt.

"You, uh, could lose a few pounds."

"I'm working on it!"

Clack looked down to the ground. "I don't think I've ever been up this high. Hey, BB, I can see your house from here."

Bryce and Rocksalt followed Clack's gaze, spotting the latter's house no more than 10 feet away. "Yeah, you sure can, Clack."

"Can you put me down? I need to help BB with his route."

"Sure, I'll put you down. But Clack, you can't mess with the papers like that," Bryce stated as he lowered the foal back down.

"What do you mean, haven't you seen my hat?"

"I do, but I mean you really can't because they're not yours. And if you mess them up there will be a lot of ponies who get upset. And if that happens Rocksalt could get in trouble, maybe even lose his paper route. And you don't want him to get in trouble, do you?"

"No, but who's gonna show ponies the comics."

"Well, would you want to eat a candy bar if you opened it up and found somebody had taken a bite out of it?"

"What kind of candy bar?"

Bryce facepalmed as he gave a smile. "Kids your age..." He tussled the foal's mane. "Ya don't have a lick of sense in your little heads, and yet you're all so damned funny." He gave Clack a pat on the back. "Kid, I know you think doing that is okay, but it's not."

"Why not?"

"Because ponies have paid for these papers, and if they look all folded up and torn they'll get upset. And if that happens Rocksalt will be the one to get the shaft."

Clack removed his hat and hid it behind his back. "I just wanted to help."

"I know, and you can. We need to get these papers cleaned up and ready to toss. Think you can handle that?"

Clack looked up to Bryce with his bright blue eyes. "Do I need to give up my hat?"

"No, we always have an extra just in case," Bryce said as he took the foal's hat and placed it back on his head. "You can keep this one." Clack gave a smile, relieved he hadn't messed up Rocksalt's route. "Now go on and get this done so Rocksalt can get ready for school on time, okay?"

Clack gave a nod and went to work, handling each paper as if it were made of glass.

Bryce unhooked his satchel from around his neck and put it in leg's length of Clack. When he looked back to Rocksalt he could see the telltale look that he had caught Bryce in a lie. "I'll buy one," Bryce mouthed. While still upset by the foal's presence, and his own near sacking Rocksalt gave a nod.

By the time they were finished Rocksalt had to rush off for home, leaving Bryce to take the bright yellow foal back to the orphanage. Before they got far they heard somepony from behind call, "Hey, you!"

Bryce and Clack turned back. "Hey, Ms. Pretty!" Clack cried back.

The silver mare smiled back at the foal. "Clack, what are you doing this far away from the orphanage?"

"I went to see BB."

"Is that right? Does Ms. Potts know you're out here?"


"Well I guess we better get you back before she does, shouldn't we?" Mina levitated the young foal onto her back. "And what's that you have on your head?"

"It's a hat I made out of BB's newspapers, and this big guy said I could have it, too."

"That's nice of him," Mina said, looking to Bryce. "Did you remember to thank him?"

"No." Mina didn't respond as she looked to Clack. "Oh, thank you, mister."

"It's Bryce, kid. I'm only 23, you don't have to call me mister."

"Okay, thanks Mr. Bryce."

Bryce bit his lip as he again tussled Clack's mane. "This kid."

"I know, right. He's so funny and cute," Mina cooed, rubbing her head into Clack's side. "If he weren't so cute I'd eat him right now." She began to bite at the air around him.

"Don't eat me, Ms. Pretty. Eat Bern and Dolph, they're dumb."

"Oh, I will. If they ever hurt my wittle guy I'll throw them both in a pot of stew and you and all the others can eat for a week. Would you like that?"

"But Pecan says they would taste icky."

"I'm sure they would. Guess we'll have to stick with turnips and cabbage for now." Mina turned to Bryce. "Thanks for looking after him. He sure does like his BB."

"So I've seen. And did something happen in the last two weeks I don't know about?"

"Yeah, I got a job at the orphanage. Ever since my sudden mysterious peak in health I've felt well enough to work."

"But are you sure working with kids is the best job right now? You only just got better."

"I can handle it; I’ve put up with it for two weeks, anyway. But what happened with you? You looked like you haven't slept in those two weeks."

"You're not wrong. I've been busy trying to get these done." Bryce said, holding out his latest creations.

Both Mina and Clack couldn't take their eyes away. "Wow, they look like photographs."

"Well, I copied them off of photographs."

"Is that so? They almost look alive."

"Well, I'm more surprised than you are. When I got up this morning I had to make sure I hadn't dreamt I'd finished them."

"Well you can trust me when I say this isn't a dream," Mina replied. "I would know. But I need to make sure this little rascal gets back before Ms. Potts finds out. And you better get some sleep when you get back. You have to help the twins cook dinner tomorrow night, remember?"

"Yeah, but first I have to... Wait, how do you know about that, Mina?"

"You told me about it," she was quick to reply. "Don't you remember?"

"I..." Bryce thought hard on it, but he couldn't recall if he had or had not told Mina. But then again when Applejack had woken him up in the barn that morning he had thought it had been one week instead of two. "I don't remember."

"Then that's all the more reason for you to get some shut eye. Now get whatever it is you need done for today and go home to bed." She took in a whiff. "And make sure you take a bath, you smell like a dog."

What Mina didn't know that what she smelled on Bryce was a dog. He didn't remember when but at some point Applejack penned up Winona in the barn with him, something to do with her and Corn getting a little too close for comfort. "Yes, Mom."

"Good, now let's get you back, Clack Tap," Mina said to Clack on her back.


Needlepoint almost thought whoever was now banging on his shop door intended to barge in and empty the place, but then nopony in their right mind would try and rob an arts and crafts store. The two possibilities he could muster were: it was either a lunatic or a drunk, and they had the wrong house; or two: Bryce had finally decided to show his face after almost two weeks without a word. Whatever the case the sunset orange stallion stepped onto the floor, and with the use of his magic drew out the baseball bat he kept hidden under his bed. He decided to play it by ear for now, and see if he had need for the bludgeon.

As he entered the hallway he spotted his daughter sticking her head out of her room. "Ambrosia, go back to bed. I'll handle it."

"No offense, Dad, but you're not exactly in the prime of your life."

"I beg your pardon, young lady? I may be old, but I can still handle myself. Now get back to bed."

What followed was a debate that end with them both going downstairs. Outside Bryce lifted his free hand to knock once more, but the sounds of yelling from inside made him pause. He thought of walking off, but before he could the door was jerked open, showing the two ponies who lived inside.

For a long time they were all speechless. Bryce stood outside with the wood carvings still close at his side. Needlepoint was inside with a baseball bat held in his magic. And Ambrosia, who at some point in the exchange with her father had donned her hard hat held nothing.

Keeping his magical grip on the bat, Needlepoint looked to the planks Bryce held at his side. "One of those had better be for me," he stated.

"One is for you." When the unicorn said nothing in return, Bryce asked, "Can I come in?"

The stallion stepped to the side, allowing Bryce to enter. As he closed the door behind him he released his hold on the bat, propping it against the wall. "Let's see it."

Placing down the longer of the two planks, Bryce presented the work.

When Ambrosia saw it her jaw dropped to the floor, but her father was unmoved. He stared down the etched out surface of the panel, scanning every line, every notch, every curve of the composition for a slip of the wrist or exaggeration in his and Ambrosia's carved out physiques. "Where is the original picture, the picture I gave to you?"

Bryce reached down into his satchel, pulling the picture out in less than a second. Taking both items in his magic, Needlepoint laid them both down at his workbench before opening a nearby cabinet for an oil lamp and some matches. After lighting the lamp he took a closer look at the panel.

To the naked eye they were both the same image: a picture of him and his eldest daughter standing in front of the train station. Every contour was the same, but on a larger scale. The way he hooked his foreleg around Ambrosia, the ascending curves in his horn, and even the tear that formed from the ripped off corner was the same as the picture from which it had been reproduced. But he still wasn't convinced it was perfect. Taking a jeweler's monocle in his eye he looked deeper into the composition.

For several minutes after the sole sound came from the sunset orange stallion as he peered through his monocle, releasing an audible groan of approval. Becoming impatient, Ambrosia tried to get a word in, and received a rough 'shh' in response.

The stallion compared the two images for a half hour before he removed his monocle, tapping it against the table. For a while he stared daggers into the surface of Bryce's panel, wanting more than ever to overplay a misplaced scratch or nick in the wood, but no matter how long he thought on it the lump in his throat refused to leave.

With a heavy sigh he turned to Bryce, not caring to meet his eye. "This makes me sick," he began. "In all my years I have never seen anything that has made me feel this way, and I have seen many things. Most have been mediocre, though a few were done so well one would think the artist had sold their soul to create such a masterwork. But then I would see fewer things still that were so awful that if I had the chance I would rip it from the artist's hooves and file it down into a particle finer than dust."

"Dad," Ambrosia protested, "if you're saying this because you're still upset that Bryce-"

Needlepoint's hoof shot up, silencing the papyrus toned mare. "Ambrosia, I am not finished." He lowered his hoof and continued, "This is something, something which has created feelings I never thought possible. The feeling of having found the one work that changes the way everypony will look at art forever."

Ambrosia rolled her eyes. "Dad, all you had to say was 'I like it'. You didn't have to draw it out."

"Expression, Ambrosia. You must learn to express your feelings into words. To say 'I like it' is simple, but to build up to the pièce de résistance is an art."

"Well, I prefer simple; I don't do subtle," Bryce responded.

Needlepoint brought a hoof to the bridge of his nose. "The young are simpleminded fools." He looked back to Bryce. "I feel I must apologize to you, Bryce. Not only for selling your other works, though I wish you would reconsider your opinion on the matter."

Bryce shook his head

"I thought as much. But that's not all. I must also apologize for doubting you. When you said you would make something to replace Ponet's masterpiece I assumed you were blowing smoke. You carved the work so well I feel somepony would mistake the composition as living. I almost want to doubt it is real. Despite my search I can find no difference in the two, minus the difference in size and the medium. I still cannot believe you managed to copy over the tears in corner. Though may I ask why you left that portion of the frame so pronounced? If it were me I would have cut it down."

"It's for in case you change your mind."

The stallion gave a snort. "Now that I know for certain will not happen. Moving past that, and I feel a fool for saying this, but I must have this."

"I'm sure you do," Bryce said, "but there's something I want from you in exchange. Two things, actually."

Needlepoint gave a smile. "Name your price. I'd give you my daughter in marriage if that's what it took."

"Uh hum?!"

"Calm yourself, Ambrosia. It was only a metaphor."

"Well, I don't have feelings for her, so she's in the clear. No, what I want from you is something only I trust you to do." Bryce presented the second panel he still carried. "I need you to paint this, and I have pictures you can use for reference."

"Why, of course. That shouldn't be a problem."

"And I need it done by tomorrow."

At those words the stallion deadpanned. His eyes fluttered as if he misunderstood Bryce's request. "I'm sorry, but did you say you wanted this painted by tomorrow?"

"No, I said I need it painted by tomorrow."

Needlepoint glared at the wide panel in Bryce's hands. "No, no, no, it cannot be done. If you had given me two days I would jump at the opportunity, but a single day is impossible."

"Well, I lost a day from...a personal affair. It was something I needed to take care of personally."

"Be that as it may, I still cannot abide by your request. If I were to say yes then I would need to work through the night, and I..." The stallion bit down on his lip as he considered the job, and the prize it would give. "I will consider it, but it depends on what you have as a second request."

"Well, remember how I said I would bring you something good enough to replace that?" Bryce asked, pointing to the oil painting of Needlepoint's chromatic rump.

"Yes, and you have done just that."

"Well, I want it."

"I beg your pardon, but you want Ponet's work?" Bryce gave a nod. "May I ask why?"

"Do I need a reason?"

"For one-"

Ambrosia crept forward and whispered in her father's ear, "Dad, can I say something to you?"

"Not now, Ambrosia, this is-"

"Yes, now!" Ambrosia spat back as she half dragged the sunset stallion back into the store. She brought her hard hat between them to dampen their voices. "Dad, you give him what he wants and you do it now."

"Ambrosia, this is not the time. You know Ponet's painting is the highlight of my shop."

"To you, maybe, but to everypony else it's an eyesore."

"To whom?"

"For starters, me! Ever since Bryce showed his ass -- his literal ass I can't look at that thing without picturing it in front of me."

"Don't be a filly about this. Surely it wasn't so traumatizing."

"You want to know what will be traumatizing?!" She spat back. "If when you aren't looking, I take it and I burn it. And not only that, I'll take the ashes and bury them in a hole so deep the heat of Equus's core will burn it even further."

Needlepoint went silent for a moment. "You would never do something so heinous. Not to your own father."

"No, I wouldn't be doing it against you, I'd do it so I don't have to think about that red mark staring me in the face each night. And if you think I'm joking, why don't you turn around and tell Bryce 'no'?"

Drawing in a deep breath, Needlepoint knew what his daughter said was a true as the day was long. He gave a nod. "Despite my reluctance, I will do as you ask. It saves me the trouble of having to decide between it and Bryce's. Let it not be said I chose my own hubris over my daughter, who I love more than art itself."

Ambrosia gave a smile. "Thanks, Dad. I didn't mean it to sound harsh, but I'm glad you care enough to listen." They both came in for a hug before coming back to Bryce.

When they returned Bryce hadn't moved, except now the second panel had returned to its original position under his arm. "So, can you do it or not, because I really do need this done by tomorrow night."

Needlepoint gave a sigh. "It will take a fair amount of the day, and the night, but I will try and meet your request. If you need it done by tomorrow evening I can do so. But if I am to do that, and give you Ponet's painting I will need your carving of the two of us." Bryce gave a nod. "Good, now if would please give me the pictures you mentioned I can begin."


Bryce walked through Ponyville the following evening, the Nuts' family portrait nestled under his arm in a cloth to protect it from the elements. After taking the better part of yesterday to catch up on his sleep, and taking a through bath he was ready. As his satchel bulged with the ingredients for tonight's dinner, minus the ones Kernal would provide he felt tonight was going to be a good night. Just so long as things went off without a hitch, he was sure he would either make peace with the Nut matriarch, or end up becoming the centerpiece.

When he reached their house he gave the door a knock, a second knock, then paused for a few breaths before giving a third, final knock.

At almost that same moment the door swing inwards, revealing the chestnut stallion. He poked his head out, checking to see if they were alone. "You haven't seen my wife, have you?" Bryce shook his head. Kernal released a sigh as he beckoned Bryce to come in. "Thank Celestia. Now, I've already sent Cocoa ahead; I told her I would wait for the foal sitter. As far as I can tell she is oblivious to the girls' little surprise for their Mum. I already have the nuts you requested measured out and chopped up, per your request, plus a few other ingredients I had already on hoof. Do you have your portion?"

"Yeah, right her," Bryce said, patting his satchel.

"Smashing, now let me show you to the kitchen. The girls are just finishing with Cocoa's latest...experiments."

As they entered the kitchen the two identical almond fillies were putting the last of the dishes into the drainer. When they spotted Bryce the more lively of the pair came running to greet him. Her sister, on the other hand chose to finish with the wor, while at the same time hesitant to come close to the human.

"Where have you been?” Pecan questioned. “We've been waiting for hours."

"Now, now, Pecan, it hasn't been that long," her father corrected. "You still have time to cook before we return home. And may I ask what will be on the menu this evening?"

"Secret's in the sauce, and that's all I'll say," was Bryce's response.

"Bugger. Though with the ingredients I had to provide I can only assume it involves nuts."

"It will, but there are a pair of Nuts who need to do their part."

"And I'm sure they shall," Kernal said, looking over to his daughters. "But whatever it is you have planned I'm sure your mother and I will love it. Now behave yourselves and have fun." Giving his daughters a peck on the head the chestnut stallion left for the schoolhouse.

Bryce placed his satchel on the counter. "Okay, girls, are you ready?" They gave a nod. "Are you hooves washed?" Again they nodded. "Do you have your buttfors?"

"What's a buttfor?" Almond asked.

"It's something you sit on, but right now you're going to move them." He held out the panel out to the twins. "First thing I need you to do is take this to your parents' room and place it somewhere they can see it. And don't look at it, it's a surprise."

The twins did as instructed, Almond making sure her sister did as Bryce had asked of them. When they got back to the kitchen Bryce had the ingredients portion out across the counter. He waved them to pull up a seat. "Now that that's done here's what I have planned. I've picked out something you both can do individually, and a main course we'll all work on together." Bryce paused when Pecan raised a hoof. "Yes, Pecan?"

"What do you mean by invisibully? Is that a bully you can't see?"

"No, individually. It means I have things you can cook by yourselves, but I'll still help you both out; you take care of the preparation, me the cooking and baking." Pecan raised her hoof again. "Pecan, this isn't class. You don't have to raise your hoof."

"But you're teaching us to cook."

"Yeah, I guess... What do you want to ask?"

"Why do we have to prepare the food instead of cooking it?"

"Because the smell of brunt hair is a terrible, terrible smell. Trust me; I know."

"What does that-?" Almond leaned over and whispered in her sister's ear. "Oohhh..." It didn't take long for the almond colored filly to raise her hoof a third time. After seeing Bryce's blank stare she lowered it back down. "How can we help if we don't cook?"

"You both are going to help, but you need to learn how to properly prepare before you throw it in the pan. If you learned how to cook an egg before you learn how best to crack it you would be crunching down on egg shells. But you both are going to be a part of this, don't worry." He could tell what he'd said discouraged the filly, but continued on. "To start, Almond, you're going to be responsible with the green bean almondine." Bryce said, motioning to the ingredients. "You need to wash the green beans, then cut them into slices."

Almond mumbled something into her chest. "Is something wrong?" Bryce asked. The almond filly gave a whine before whispering into her sister's ear.

"She says she doesn't want to handle a sharp knife," Pecan relayed.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that, Almond. We'll be using a butter knife." At hearing that Almond relaxed, but still a bit worrisome. "And Pecan, since you think not getting to cook is so bad, you can work on the cake." Bryce gave a smirk.

Pecan raised herself up on her hooves. "Cake?! I get to make the cake?!"

"Yep, you get to make a butter pecan cake, and after we finish you and your sister can clean the bowl, but not before you both help me with the main dish."

"What's the main dish gonna be, because there can't be anything better than cake."

"Let's see what you say after you give it a taste, but that's for later. Right now, Almond, you can start washing the green beans. Pecan, I'm go to get you started with the cake, far enough to get you started."

As the first filly did as instructed, Bryce started the oven, placing the minced nuts inside to allow them to toast before turning his attention to Pecan. After mixing together melted butter and sugar in a bowl, Bryce brought up an egg. "Okay, Pecan, here comes your part. We need to crack open four of these, and mix it some more with each one. I'm going to do the first one, just to show you how it's done properly." Setting the first egg above the rim of the bowl, he brought it up half an inch and brought it back down, splitting the shell clean. "You see this? Now I have to mix it in with the rest, and then do it again," he said as he demonstrated. He brought out a second, smaller bowl to give Pecan a chance to practice. "Now I want to see you do it. If you break it we have plenty of eggs."

Taking a fresh egg in her hoof, Pecan balanced it along the rim. When she brought it down the bowl flipped on its side while the egg continued until it hit the table and broke apart on impact. Pecan held up her hoof, smearing the egg down her leg. “Bleh!”

Bryce took a ready dish rag and rubbed the filly's hoof. "That's alright, Pecan. At least you managed to break it." After cleaning the area he set up the space for Pecan to give it another go. "This time I want you to hold the bowl while you're doing it, to keep it steady."

Taking a second egg, Pecan did as before and brought the egg down, this time managing to keep the bowl upright, but the egg itself suffered the same fate.

Bryce wiped the area. "You did better, but you shouldn't use your whole leg," he said, grabbing her below the hoof. "When you get it where you want it you keep this part still and move your hoof, and only your hoof. And also ease off when you're doing it; you just want to crack it, not smash it. Now give it one more try."

Taking a breath, Pecan took up another egg. Taking the bowl with her free leg she balanced the egg on the rim. Setting her egg leg down on the counter she flicked her hoof in a smooth motion. When the egg gave out a loud 'crack' Pecan gave a gasp, thinking something had gone wrong. As the egg oozed out of the crack she gave a high pitched squeal. "I did it, I did it!"

"Yep, kid, you did, but I think you might have added a little more than needed."

Pecan looked into the bowl and saw what Bryce meant. "I get an egg shell in it."

"You did, but it's not ruined," Bryce said, taking up a spoon. "It still happens to me from time to time. This is the reason I put it in this smaller bowl," he said as he coaxed the shell out from the clear membrane. "It makes it that much easier...to fish out. There!" He stated, holding the grain sized egg shell for the almond colored filly to see. "It looks small, but when you chomp down on it you'll know. It's not to make you look bad, kid, it's just to show you the right way to do it. Now, you go ahead and mix it with the rest in the big bowl. Do it two more times; I'm going to get your sister started."

Leaving Pecan with the cake batter Bryce went over to Almond, who was waiting patiently for the human. "Okay, Almond, now comes the part where we need to cut'em up. There's no wrong way to cut them up, just so long as they're around two inches. I'll do a few to show you." Almond sat in silence as Bryce cut up the green beans. When he had finished a few he held the knife handle out to Almond. "Now you give it a try."

Almond took the offered knife and picked out a short green bean. She positioned the blade at the half point, and then stopped.

Bryce noticed her hesitation. "That's it, Almond, now all you have to do is press down on it. See, like this." He pressed down on her hoof, cutting the green bean in two and releasing a low whine from the almond filly. "You see, there's nothing to it." Bryce snuck a glance over to Pecan. "You try a few yourself while I help your sister with her part."

Back at Pecan's section of the counter she was mixing in the last of the eggs. After checking her work he said, "You did great, Pecan. As far as I can tell there are no egg shells. Next we need to add some vanilla extract." He shook a small bottle filled with a dark brown liquid. "We need to add two teaspoons of this."

"Only two? Is that gonna be enough?"

"Trust me, this stuff goes a long way. The stuff in this is all the flavor you need from vanilla, plus a little something extra to bring it out that much more."

"So, this stuff is what makes vanilla ice cream taste so good?"

"Well, not exactly. They both come from vanilla beans, but this stuff is nothing like ice cream. Here," he said, unscrewing the cap, "give it a whiff."

Pecan took in a deep inhale of the bottle, and immediately retched back. "Bleh, that smells nothing like vanilla. What's in it?"

"Alcohol," Bryce said, pouring a little into the cap. "It helps to bring out the flavor." He sipped out the little that was in the cap, letting out a cough when he was finished. "But by the time we're finished it'll have all cooked out, leaving behind all the good parts." He measured out two teaspoons of vanilla extract and screwed the cap back onto the small bottle. "Now you mix this in well, then measure out three cups of flour, two teaspoons of baking powder, and make sure it's baking powder, not baking soda, and a cup of milk and mix it all together."

With Pecan busy Bryce went back to Almond. When he reached her he saw she hadn't done nearly as much as he had.

He placed a hand on her withers, causing her to jump. "Almond, are you okay? You're taking a little long to do your share." He paused for a spell to allow the almond filly to respond. When she began to let out a low whine he came in close. "Almond, is there something wrong? If it has to do with cutting them right way I can assure you there's no wrong way. If you cut yours like I did mine it will all be fine."

Before the nervous filly could mutter a word Bryce held up his hand. "Hold on a second, Pecan!" He called over to the almond colored filly, "slow it down on the mixing, you're getting batter everywhere. I know, but the more you keep in the bowl the more cake there'll be, so slow down. And make sure you scrap around the insides, get it all mixed together." He turned back to Almond. "Now, what is it, kid?" He asked in a low voice.

For the next few seconds Almond struggled to form a proper sentence, managing to start one sentence before she trailed off into another. She knew what it was she wanted, almost needed to say to Bryce, but how could anypony explain having seen them do...that?

He pulled his hand away from her withers. "If you want me to take care of this you can go, but I'm sure your mother would like it better if you made it."

Bryce moved to take the knife from her but she pulled it out of his reached. "No, I... I want to do it..." She stammered, taking a green bean from the pile. After cutting it up in to two inches sections she pushed them aside and put an uncut green bean in its place.

Bryce gave a smile, looking on with his light grey eyes. "That was good, kid. Keep doing that and when you finish you and your sister can help make the cake frosting. How's that sound?"

Almond gave a nod, too caught up in her current task to say 'yes'.

"Just like that, you're doing great."

By the time she'd finished Bryce and Pecan had the cake ready and in the oven. While she and Pecan made the frosting, all the while taking a sample here and there Bryce cooked up the green beans.

"So, how's the frosting coming? You both haven't taken too many samples, have you?"

With that said the girls were broken from their sweet trance. Bryce waved for them to come over and they obliged, sneaking one last taste a piece along the way.

"Now that the cake's in the oven we can start on the main course. I'm still going to do the cooking, but I want you two to help me measure out the ingredients. We're going to be making a sauce I've made a hundred times before, with a little extra ingredient to keep with the nut theme. "

As the twins helped Bryce prepare, the white sauce gave off filled the tiny kitchen. Despite how good the butter pecan frosting tasted it was nothing compared to the aroma the pasta sauce emitted, a mild yet lingering cloud of cheese and cream. They hadn't smelled anything so appetizing, and their mother's endless, failed, smoldering attempts made it that much better.

And through it all Almond was feeling less afraid, her fear slowly replaced with anticipation for the looks of joy her mother and father would give them.

With the last of the ingredients inside the pot now was the time to remove the cake layers from the oven. When Bryce opened the door a flash of heat blew into their faces. He plopped them out of the pans and onto waiting sheets of wax paper. "It's going to take some time for them to cool, so in the meantime you can go take your baths. Pecan, since you got yourself messy from making the cake you can go first."

"What do you mean, I'm not... Oh..." She said after seeing the flour and frosting caked into her fur.

"Yes, oh. Now go on and do a good job with it." Almond made to go along with her sister but Bryce stopped her. "Almond, you need to wait for yours."

Almond tried to protest, but she again failed to produce the words. It was up to Pecan to say, "We’ve always taken our baths together."

Bryce looked to Almond. "Well, be that as it may you don't need to bathe in the same water. You'll get what she has on you. In the meantime you can help me set the table for dinner, okay?"

"But, we... We..."

Pecan wrapped a hoof around her sister. "It's alright, Alm, it's just this one time. We can always do it next time."

"But Pecan-" Almond whimpered.

"Just this once, kay?" She gave her sister in a quick hug and ran into the bathroom.

Bryce came in close to the almond filly, taking a knee as he said, "It's going to be fine, Almond. I know you love your sister but you can't do everything with her all the time. There will be other baths, but right now we need to get the table set. That, and I want to talk with you about something."

He waved out the tablecloth, shaking it loose to cover the whole area. "Almond, I get the feeling something's bothering you, and I think I may know the reason why." Almond said nothing as she tugged at the corners on her side of the table. When they finished Bryce went into the kitchen, returning with glasses, plates, flatware and a pair of candle holders. After placing the items on the table he went ahead and asked, "Almond, are you worried you may have seen something you think you shouldn't have seen?"

Almond felt herself curl deeper inside her own shell; her own cozy nut shell where nothing bad could get to her. She wanted to bolt, run and hide inside her room until her parents returned, but with the human standing there she couldn't bring her legs to move. It wasn't that she was afraid of Bryce, just of what he could do, and how different and out of the ordinary it was.

She snuck a peek up to the human, the truth of the matter written across her face, and looking into his grey eyes she could tell he knew it.

Bryce gave a sigh as he began to set the two ends of the table. "Almond, you're not in any trouble, if that's what's bothering you. I can't help what you saw, but I'm glad it was you instead of your sister. If it were her she would have blurted it out by now without knowing it." He looked to Almond, who hadn't moved an inch. "I don't want you to be afraid of me, but if I hadn't done what I did when I did you would have been worse off."

To Almond that was true. Ever since Bryce had flung Pecan off the merry-go-round they had both changed, and it didn't help matters that Pecan had become such a daredevil. Whether Pecan held the same feelings, if Bryce hadn't been there to save her sister Almond would be lost and alone. Pecan may not have died, but she was sure it would have had a lasting impact on them both.

"Why can you do that?" She questioned, not stuttering a word.

Bryce took a pause, a matchbox held in his hand. "Well, you're asking the wrong man, kid. All I can say is I can." He struck a match and lit the candles. He took a step back. "Well, how's it look?"

"It looks nice. I just hope my parents like it."

"Cheer up, I'm sure they will. You're their kid, so of course they'll like it." He looked over to Almond, prompting her to look away. "You're not scared of me now, are you?"

Almond shook her head. "No, it's just...different. When I saw that barrel of Dad's peanuts move I... I could tell it was you.” She let out a whimper.

"Yeah, I'm sure it would look pretty scary. I mean, when I first found out I could do it I was scared myself. I thought I was seeing a poltergeist or something. I'm just lucky I was alone when I did it, would have freaked my Mom out, as old as she was then." It was Bryce's turn to look away from Almond. "But I don't really use it unless I have to. Like with your sister, she needed my help. And then there was this one guy at the construction yard, almost got his butt smashed in, and that's literal. But for the most part I keep it to myself."

"Why though?"

"Well, there are a few personal reasons I do, but for the most part I'm afraid of how others would react; how afraid it would make them."

Almond felt a shiver go down her spine. Until then she thought nopony Bryce's size could feel afraid, but he was afraid. Afraid of making other ponies afraid, afraid like she was now. She gave a whine before asking, "Are you mad at me?"

Bryce shook his head. "No, I'm not mad. You did nothing wrong to me."

"But you said you didn't want to make anypony feel scared.”

"I know, but you're reacting like any kid should react. It's not wrong for you to be frighten by something new that you can't understand. It's a part of growing up, and we all face it differently. Even a couple of Nuts the same Nut." It was enough to force a giggle out of Almond. "You like that one?"

"Yeah, it's like what Daddy says."

"Well, it's good to see you smile for a change." Bryce took a knee and began to rub the filly across her back. "Come on, let me see another one." She gave him a meek smile. “Come on, you can give me something better. Just think of how your parents will feel when they see all the work you both have put into this meal, or think about what it feels like when I do this to ya." He took the chance to run his hand down her side and tickle stomach.

"Hey, quit that! It tickles!!!"

"Yeah, but doesn't it feel better than being a sourpuss all the time?"

"I'll tell if you don't st-! STOP!!!"

"Fine, you win. I won't press my luck." Bryce relented, giving the unicorn filly time to catch her breath. "But see, didn't that feel better than feeling scared all the time?" Almond gave a modest nod, a wide smile held across her face. Bryce tussled her mane. "I knew you would and you look better for it." He helped her to her hooves. "Now we need to finish with dinner."

By the time they had the table set Pecan had returned from her bath. With the cake cooled Bryce brought the girls over. "Now comes for the final part: the frosting. Now I know you both have been skimming out of the bowl, but I'm telling you now that needs to stop. If there's any left you can have that for yourselves." He brought out a platter and put the first layer in place. "Using a knife, you need to spread out the frosting until all the cake is covered. When you finish with this one I'll put on the second, then the third."

When the girls were finished there was a somewhat large patch of frosting left in the bowl. Before Bryce could separate the frosting out Pecan grabbed onto the bowl, but in the process she fell back and her and the bowl of frosting fell to the floor.

Bryce and Almond rushed over to check on her. "Pecan, are you okay?" Bryce asked as he lifted the bowl off her head.

Pecan rubbed at her head, a little stung but otherwise okay. "Yeah, I'm okay, but is the frosting still good?" When neither Bryce nor her sister said anything she became concerned. "What's wrong?"

"Well, Pecan," Bryce said, "you're okay, but the frost- The frosting's on the wrong butter pecan." He covered his mouth with his hand.

Pecan looked to her sister. "Almond, what's wrong?"

In response, the almond filly fell on her belly and hid her face in her hooves. Pecan thought she heard a whine escape from within.

Not knowing what to do Pecan ran into the bathroom and looked into the mirror and understood what Bryce had meant. Somehow the frosting had missed her face, minus a few spots here and there and a majority of the white, pecan encrusted spread had made its way into her chocolate mane.

From out in the hall Bryce and Almond stood looking a few inches around the doorframe. Their faces showed their true concern.

At first Pecan narrowed her eyes at them both, then relaxed her gaze as she gave a deep sigh. "Does this mean I have to get another bath?"

"Well, not unless you want your parents to eat your mane instead of the cake." He bent down to inspect the damage. "It's not bad, but I'll need to help you get it all out. Now come on, let's get you both bathed and your mane washed before your parents get back. Hopefully they won't notice a thing."


If Cocoa didn't know any better she would suspect her husband was hiding something from her, and it was but confirmed when she stepped inside the house.

Her first clue something was amiss came when she noticed how dim the light was inside the house. The second was the strong, repugnant odor that hung in the air. With her already shaken nerved she would never expect her daughters, both of her daughters to come rushing out of nowhere and shout, "Happy Anniversary!!!" In her and Kernal's face.

Cocoa, too caught up in figuring out her other half's scheme gave out a cry. "Girls, what in Celestia's name are you do doing?" She asked, her heart pounding inside of her chest. "What is the meaning of zis?!"

It was Kernal who gave an answer. "Cocoa, calm down, I’m sure they didn’t mean to scare you.”

“I was not scared, I just was not expecting it.”

“I’m sure, but Cocoa, didn’t you hear what they said?”

Between trying to figure out her husband’s scheme and being shouted at she couldn’t remember. “No, what did they say?”

Kernal gave his wife of ten years to the day a look. “Cocoa, can you really say you don’t know why today of all days is important? Don’t you remember what we did on this day, ten years ago?”

Cocoa drew a blank, thinking it must be important for Pecan and Almond to take a few years off her life. "Kernal, I do not know what you are talking about."

"Come, come, ma femme, you must remember what today is? Remember our friends, our family, and the white dress the caterers ruined when they lost their grip on an entire bowl of pink lemonade?"

It finally came to Cocoa, and when it did she felt the butterflies that had been inside her stomach that same day ten years ago flutter around with a vengeance. "Doux Celestia, our wedding! Today was our tenth wedding anniversary and I completely forgot!!!"

"Now, now, darling," Kernal said, resting a hoof behind her neck to hold her in place. "You have nothing to worry your head about, I took care of everything."

"What, you took care...? But how did you...? So zis is why you... You... Stalled! Why you stalled us?"

"You guessed right, and it payed off rather well, if I don't say so myself." He took a whiff of the air. "And if I'm not mistaken dinner should be something extra special."

Unable to get the meal themselves, the twins allowed their father to carry the food over from the kitchen while they brought in the drinks. As the nut stallion served out dinner for them all the mare could do was smile.

She could hardly contain herself with each mouthful, letting out a delightful moan to coincide with each bite. The green beans went well with the pasta, and the buttered almonds added to their taste, but it was the pasta sauce that held her captive. She had never imagine something to be such a fine blend of flavor of cheese and cream, with the subtle hint of spices and walnuts that would cling to her for days.

When they were finished the girls took over the responsibility of clearing the dishes, with their father's assistance. When they returned they came bearing a large cake with a thick white frosting. The knife cut through it smoothly, leaving not a crumb sticking to the blade. When she went in to taste it she was surprised at how even the flavor was despite its size. She knew she should be ashamed of herself, but she had to have another slice. Maybe two slices. Small slices.

By the end the entire family felt they were about to bust. "Well, I can say zis was a pleasant surprise, Kernal," Cocoa said, using a napkin to wipe the crumbs from her around her mouth. "But who made it?"

Pecan raised her hoof. "We did, Mama, me and Almond. I helped to make the cake and Almond helped with the green beans but we both did the frosting."

"You did! Well, it was magnifique. But you said you helped make it. Who did you help?"

"It was-" Pecan began, but was interrupted by Kernal clearing his throat.

"Cocoa, let's not worry about such things tonight. It is a good night. We've had a wonderful dinner, which the girls were major players in making. Does it matter who did the cooking?"

Kernal had hoped it would pacify the white mare, but then she leaned forward, resting her head on her hoof. She gave a calm but pressing smile.

"Really, Cocoa, this is... This is foalish. Weren't we just..." Her stare continued to bore into the stallion. His eyes looked off into space to avoid her stare. "But if you truly feel you must know, it was somepony... Somepony down-"

Before the chestnut stallion could think of a name he heard his wife draw not their daughter's name. "Amandineee."

With that the three members of the Nut family froze. All eyes were now on the almond filly.

Almond looked to her father, who tried to keep a straight face. She looked across the table to her sister, who gave a look halfway between a threat and a plea. Then she looked to their mother, who held the same calm face. "Tell your Mama the chef's name, s'il vous plaît."

Almond could tell she was serious; she never ended a sentence with that phrase unless she was serious. She didn't want anypony to get into trouble. If she said she could get their father in trouble, but if she said nothing they would all be in trouble. And if she told what would happen to Bryce? In the end, while she liked Bryce she didn't want anything bad to happen to her sister, and maybe she would go easy on their Papa. "It... It was...Bryce, Mama."

"Almond," Pecan hissed from across the table.

"I'm sorry," she said, unable to meet her sister's gaze as she looked down to her hooves.

"Pecan," their mother spat while keeping her calm demeanor. "Hush!" The white unicorn then returned her gaze to across the table to her husband, not saying a single word.

Kernal gave a timid smile, one that revealed most of his teeth. When Cocoa didn't relent his smile faded. "Cocoa, I cannot begin to imagine how upset you are, but you must see that Bryce is not a bad pony. Okay, not a pony, but... Uh..."

If it meant anything to Cocoa Buerre she refused to let it show.

"Cocoa, I'm sure what Bryce did that day at the playground was all a big misunderstanding. I don't him on a personal level, but the girls adore him. Surely you must...see..."

Cocoa allowed one of the corners of her mouth to stretch out farther, and with that one gesture Kernal knew he had to admit defeat. His head fell downwards, his ears drooping down with it. "How long will I have to sleep on the couch?" He asked, not wanting to know the answer.

"Vous avez quelque chose sur votre joue."

Kernal lifted his head. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

Instead of answering, Cocoa lifted a cloth napkin with her magic, and licking a corner levitated it over to her husband to clean his cheek. "Zere," she said once finished, "much nicer." Then without another word, Cocoa stood up from the table and walked down the hall into their bedroom. All the while she held a calm smile.

During this whole ordeal Kernal could do nothing but stare at his wife's spot at the table. "Oh dear," he said, repeating it over and over like a mantra. "Oh dear, oh dear."

While their father was recovering, Pecan got Almond's attention. "Almond, what did Mama just say?"

"Uhm, I think-"

"Kernal!" Cocoa called from down the hall, bringing the stallion out of his stupor. "Come in here, s'il vous plaît!"

Kernal's stomach dropped.

"And bring the girls with you, s'il vous plaît!"

As did the twins' stomachs.

They took their time making their way into the master bedroom, and upon entering found the slender mare standing between the bed and the doorway. The stare from before had made a comeback. "So, it was Bryce all along, no?" She asked, closing the door behind the group. "It was Bryce who cooked the green beans?"

Almond gave a nod.

"And it was Bryce who baked the cake?"

Pecan gave a nod.

"And ultimately, it was Bryce who made zat beautiful, beautiful sauce?"

"It was, Mama," Pecan answered.

"We helped him prepare but he did the cooking," Almond added.

"And Kernal, it was you decided to, how you say, go behind my back and invite him into our house? With our daughters? Alone?"

"Yes, I did. But Cocoa you should just see the girls take to him. I knew going against you was wrong, but there was nopony who...could..." He was stopped by the mare's unnerving stare. "I- I'm sorry, I’m truly, truly-"

"So it was Bryce who made dinner, but pray tell who it was zat made zis?" Cocoa stepped to the side, revealing the bed to the rest of the family. But it was what lay on the bed that made their jaws drop.

The twins had forgotten about it, but when they saw the gift Bryce asked them to bring into their parents' room it was even better than helping with dinner.

On the long panel of wood was a scene Kernal and Cocoa could never forget. It was from a picture taken just a few minutes after the caterers had dropped the contents of the punch bowl on her wedding dress. She was so upset she had ran off crying, prompting Kernal to chase after his bawling wife. When he had caught up with her he found Cocoa crying her heart out under an old walnut tree, and as her husband he took it upon himself to comfort her. It had taken some time, but when she was able to smile again she looked like the schoolfilly he had fallen in love with.

And Bryce had captured that moment, the one photograph he had loved of him and Cocoa together, second only to the picture of them and their newborn twin fillies.

Cocoa Buerre was wearing her wedding dress, stained with the pink lemonade, and Kernal Nut in his tuxedo. Her face was scrunched in a tight smile as Kernal leaned in, his hooves wrapped around her. She play pushed him away, thinking she looked horrible in her pink stained dress, but he would have none of it as he planted a kiss on her wet cheek.

Not included in the original photo, and despite the impossibility there were a pair of matching fillies included in the composition, their future twins daughters. Butter Pecan had her hooves wrapped around her future father's neck, her face in a smile to match her mother’s. On the ground below her was a basket overflowing with flower petals. Doing the same with their mother on the other side of the panel was Almondine. Around her neck was a necklace that looped through the centers of a pair of rings.

To finish it all off Bryce had stenciled in two more features. The first was below the scene, etched out in legible cursive: The Nuts' 10th Wedding Anniversary. The second was so subtle Kernal almost missed it, a symbol carved into a root of the walnut tree. It was like a shield, but it was split down the middle.

To say Kernal was impressed by the Bryce’s work would be as big an understatement as saying fire was hot. What Kernal saw was enough to bring a tear to make him forget to breathe.

But it Pecan who summed up what they all felt. "Whoa..."

"Yes, whoa," Kernal agreed.

Cocoa cleared her throat, bringing her family's attention onto her. "Does anypony care to explain?"

"Bryce told us to bring it in here," Pecan answered. "He wouldn't let us see it."

"Is that so? We have Bryce to thank for zis, hmm?"

The group started to look in random directions. "Well, I don't know if we should thank him,” Kernal stated. “I think it’s beautiful, not as beautiful as you, Cocoa, but he did throw Pecan off the merry-go-round. She could have been hurt"

"Oh, I am sure that was an accident," Cocoa responded in return, resulting in eye popping looks from her husband and daughters. "After all, zee incident at zee playground was a big misunderstanding, I am sure. I don't know him on a personal level, but zee girls adore him. He cannot be so bad if zey like him, no?"

"But Mama, you said if you ever saw him again you would stick your horn up his-"

Kernal caught Pecan in time to cover her mouth. "Your mother's right, girls," he said as he brought his hoof up and ran it through Pecan's mane. "I'm sure deep down Bryce is a good stallion, he was just a little too spirited that day." He ended his statement with an ear to ear smile. Almond and Pecan followed suit.

Cocoa gave a smile back. "Yes, I am sure. But there is one zing I want you all to answer, and I want all of you to be honest with me."

The three Nuts' smiles shrank as the matriarch stared daggers at Pecan.

"Has Pecan always had white streaks in her mane?"

Nature of the Beast

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Chapter 72: Nature of the Beast

As Bryce left from the Nuts' home for the apple farm he wasn't surprised to see Thunderlane and his fillyfriend out so late; he had seen them out late several times before. He would have gotten the slate-grey stallion's attention, but it he was hungry, and tired and would rather get home, eat whatever looked good in the fridge and head off to bed.

As Bryce tried to make his way around the pegasus couple it was Cloudchaser who spotted him first. She locked eyes with the human for only a few second before turning back to her coltfriend. Bryce would have gone by without further incident, if not for the mare’s long, off-to-the-side glance peeking the stallion's interest.

When Thunderlane glanced back and saw the human he called, "Bryce!"

By then Bryce knew he'd been a fool to think he could get past Thunderlane without him knowing; the night had been going too well. It wasn't that he didn't want to talk with Thunderlane—their history together not included—he just wanted to get home to bed so he could rest up for tomorrow. After two weeks of non-stop work, spending time with Dinky and Apple Bloom would be a welcome relief.

But now that the stallion had seen him there was no easy way out. Giving a silent groan, Bryce turned back to Thunderlane with a two-finger salute. "Hey, Lane, what's going on?"

"Nothing much. Me and Cloudchaser were just hanging out. What about you?"

"I was just helping a few friends with dinner, and I was thinking about finding something to eat."

"That's cool, that's cool. I know If you’re hungry you could join me and Cloudchaser. We were thinking about to get some drinks."

Before Bryce could get a word in, Cloudchaser drew in close to Thunderlane. "Lane, isn't that the guy you said could move things with his mind?" She asked loud enough that Bryce could hear. When she saw Bryce looking their way she added, "Did he hear me?"

Bryce's blank stare gave his answer.

"That was all just a joke, Chase," Thunderlane said to try and amend his previous tale. "I mean look at him. The only way anypony could do something like that would have to use magic, and he's got as much magic as an earth pony."

Cloudchaser took time to look Bryce over. "Are you sure, because before you said you saw him move a barrel or something?"

"Again, all a joke. I mean, but Chase, do you see a horn? How would he be able to use magic without a horn?"

Cloudchaser narrowed her eyes at Bryce, considering what Thunderlane had just told and compared it what he'd said before. She eventually gave the thought a shrug. "If you say so, Lane. Say, do you have the time, Bryce Smiles? Flitter hates it when I'm out late"

"Why? The night's still young," Thunderlane protested.

"It's almost midnight," Bryce stated, opening the front casing of his watch. "And my name is Smales, not Smiles."

"That late?!" Cloudchaser asked shocked. "I should head home; Flitter hates it when I'm out past midnight. Maybe next time we can do something together, Lane."

"Come on, can't you be just a half hour late?"

"Nuh uh, Flitter would kill me. See you later, Lane. It was nice meeting you, Bryce Smiles." The purple-toned pegasus walked off for home.

Thunderlane could only watch as his fillyfriend left the scene. "What was that about?"

"Was it something I said?"

"Nah, I'm sure it's nothing," he said, only believing himself halfway. "But whatever, it's her loss. So what do you want to do, cus I know this place where the booze is strong and cheap."

"Well, I'd more like to hear how she knows about 'that which you promised never to tell'." Bryce inquired of the pegasus.

Thunderlane waved the comment off. "It's nothing. I told her about that before we got lost in the bog, and Chase, well, she believes anything you tell her."

"Well, I can believe that," Bryce said with a smirk. "It's only a quarter-to-ten." Thunderlane looked at the human's offered wristwatch confirming what he had said. "I could tell anyway; she believed you right away whenever you asked if I had a horn. But to answer your question I'm not really in the mood for drinking; especially not hard drinks. I've been working for the past two weeks without a proper break and all I want is to head home and sleep. So, see you whenever."

He walked on, thinking he had left Thunderlane behind, but instead the stallion trotted until he matched Bryce's pace. "Well can I at least walk you home? It'll make the time go by faster." When Bryce didn't respond Thunderlane took that as an 'okay'.

As they reached the outskirts of town a familiar 'whoop' escaped from under one of Thunderlane's wings. "Hey, HEY, Spits, settle down! That tickles!" He said as the baby salamander ran down the pegasus' barrel, landed on the ground and ran a few feet ahead. The salamander ignited itself to illuminate the path ahead of Bryce and its keeper. Thunderlane gave a snort at this. "Still awesome, and useful."

"Not really, I mean, the moon's out."

"Okay, not useful but still awesome. I named him Spitfire, by the way. It's like the Wonderbolts captain, but it's really because he... Because he spit up a fireball last week. I'm just glad his brother's blood was still on me or I would've gotten burnt with most of everything in my room. It's worn off of Rumble, though. I think it's because he's so willing to bathe every night."

"Well, as long as you're willing to take care of it," Bryce replied. "I would say a pet's a big responsibility, but most pets aren't physically able to burn the house down."

"Which is just another way to say he's awesome. Except for last week, that was NOT awesome." The salamander gave a 'whoop'. "I know, Spits, but I'm still ticked that you got me in trouble with my parents." 'Whoop'. "I know it was an accident, but you gotta be careful; if I get kicked out you'll go with me."

"Well, he might be kicked out anyway, if he gets as big as his brothers, or his mother."

"Yeah, but that's a long way down the road. I'm sure something will come up. But what have you been working on? I haven't seen you since we got back from...you know."

"I had some work to do on a couple of wood carvings. They took a lot more work than the little figures you took from me."

Thunderlane let out a long hiss. "About that, I wasn't lying when I said I burned'em. Well, except for two; the ones you made of me and Rumble. If you want'em back-"

"You can keep'em. I've already made new ones."

"What, of me and Rumble."

"Those, the rest and then some."

Thunderlane gave a high-pitched whistle. "All of them?! That's... That's something else."

"Nope, I’ve just had a lot of time and a lot of practice. If you want to see something special go to the arts and crafts store in town, one of the works I made is in there."

"I'll check that out some time," Thunderlane said as they neared the farm. "But next time you're free we should go out somewhere and throw back a few brews."

Bryce stopped at the fence that bordered the front edge of the farm. "Why do you want to hang out all of a sudden? The last we talked you told me I was annoying you, and now you're annoying me, a little."

"Why, do I need a reason?" The look Bryce gave told Thunderlane that he did. "Okay, sure, I said that but that was before."

"Before what?"

Thunderlane's face drew back into a slight smile. "You know, before you... Before you saved me and my brother." Bryce turned his grey eyes away and leaned himself against a fence post. The smile Thunderlane held drooped. "Did I say something wrong?"

Bryce bit his lip. "Thunderlane, I get what you're trying to do, but I would rather you let it be."

"If you're afraid this is all a set up-"

"I'm sure it isn't, but that's not my point. My point is that this isn't the kind of stuff I'm into. I don't drink, I don't like being out late, and if this bar or whatever is like I think it is; if there's loud music and bright lights I'd tense up and turn into a real tight ass."

"Are you sure you couldn't at least give it a chance? I know I was a jerk to you before, but I want to make it up to you."

"Yes, and I understand that, but I don't want you to make it up to me. I'm okay with doing something together, but not because you feel you owe me something."

Thunderlane allowed that to sink in, giving himself time to come to terms with the situation. "I wasn't trying to make it out like that, but I feel I should do something. I owe my life. Not just my life but Rumble's. I mean, you're a real hero."

Bryce cradled himself in his arms. "I'm no hero. Sure, I saved you both, but that doesn't make me a hero. I'm just a guy who missed things up and was able to correct my mistakes in the nick of time."

"You can say it if you want, Bryce, but between you and me-- and I mean between you and me-- you're a hero. Heck, not like I can tell anypony who'd believe me, right? But I'll say to you, only because you're so intent on thinking you aren't."

Thunderlane couldn't tell, but it did mean a lot to the human. His face might not show his inner feelings, but Bryce was happy by his comment.

"But I'll think of something we can do, unless you wanna reconsider going to the bar with me tonight."

"Nah. I've been up for about two weeks, and after cooking someone else's dinner all I want to do is go inside, get something to eat, and get to bed."

"It sounds like a plan, I guess. Not my idea of a perfect night, but I’ll find something to get into. Anyway I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see you whenever, Lane."


When Bryce entered the kitchen he could see in the low light he wasn't the only one not in bed. He flipped on the light, revealing Bait laying his head down on the table. Around his foreleg was a wristband, used to hide the gnarled skin graft from view.

When the light hit the tan colt he began to stir. Parting his eyes a few millimeters he fought to suppress a yawn. "Evening, Bryce."

"Hey, Bait, what's going on?"

"I was waiting for you to return but it seems I dozed off. How did dinner go?"

"Well, the girls were happy with how it turned out. I can't speak for their mother, but if you don't see me in the morning it means I’m either dead or I had to make a run for it."

"Noted, but while I have you there is something I wanted to speak with you about."

Bryce walked over to the fridge to check what was available. "Okay, shoot."

Bait cleared his throat. "Here it goes. Bryce, it has been a while since we last talked, but you had a good reason to avoid me. In that time I have thought about what you said, and I have come to a decision: You were right."

By then Bryce had his meager supper: a third-of-a-block of cheese and a half bottle of cider. "Okay, about what?" He asked as he shut the fridge door. "I really can't remember what I said."

"It was in regards to me, and my relationship with Amethyst. I think she deserves to know the truth."

Bryce remembered their conversation as he took a seat at the table. "Well, are you sure you want to do that, Bait? You could be setting yourself up for a break-up."

"I have taken a fair amount of time to consider this, and if she were to find out about my former...vocations from somepony I wronged I feel she would not take it as well as if she heard it from me."

Bryce took a bite out of the block of cheese, washing it down with a bit of apple cider. "Well, I won't patronize you about it. If she does break up with you you'll feel worse about that than from anything I could ever say to you, but if that's your choice-"

"Yes, it is my choice,” Bait responded, knocking his hoof on the table. “I don't fully understand what it is I see in Amethyst but I love her, and if it means I must be honest with her then I will."

"Well if you feel it's right then I won't stop you. She's not my girlfriend."

"Quite right, but there is a second thing I must address, since you mention that. I must apologize for my actions regarding you and Miss Fluttershy. I realize now that when you came to me for advice I should have handled it with the same discretion and care as you have my relationship with Amethyst."

"Well, there's a difference in that; you have your girl," Bryce responded as he finished the block of cheese.

"You shouldn't let that bring you down. Right now you and she are not in a relationship, but you can be."

"Well, I'd like to have a relationship with her. I'm just afraid..."

"Afraid of what, might I ask?"

Bryce took a swig of the cider before he stated. "I'm afraid of what that would do between us."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I've never been in any kind of romantic relationship with anyone. Back in my world I was always the weird one of the group. You know, the kind of guy you compare someone else against on a 1-10 scale of how likely he is to do something creepy. Hell, I'd do good to have any girl my age look at me without having to force a smile."

"Yes, yes, I can understand, but tell me what it is about Miss Fluttershy that sticks out to you."

"Well, with Fluttershy I can tell she isn't forcing it. When I'm with her she doesn't mind that she’s seen with me. Every Wednesday when we go to the Farmer's Market there are a lot of ponies looking at us, and I can almost tell they're wondering: 'What the H is that guy doing with somepony like her? She could do much better than…that thing.'"

"And does she notice?"

"I don't know. If she does she never says or does anything that lets me know, but then again I miss a lot of the obvious; I don't do subtle well."

Bait nodded in agreement. "Yes, I've seen you in such a state of ignorance before. But can I ask you what it is you feel draws you to her? I assume this, but there must have been girls in your world you felt the same feelings for, but never acted on said feelings, is that correct?" Bryce gave a nod as he finished off the cider and took the empty bottle to the sink. "Okay, what is it that separates Miss Fluttershy from the rest, minus of course the difference in species?"

"For one, she always talks to me like I want to be talked to—not at me but to me. And it's the same when I do something bad. She scolds me, but she doesn't do it to hurt me, she does it so I see what I did wrong. And even after the fact she doesn't hold what I did against me. I guess the best way to sum it up is that she doesn't let me get away with the stuff I know is wrong. She just... She brings out the good in me I've had inside and it sticks."

"That does not seem such a bad thing. The same applies to me with Amethyst. With her I want to find an occupation where I draw a clean income, and not from pulling the rug out from under somepony. I feel this next question may be a somewhat touchy subject, but I feel it matters: do you find her at all attractive?"

Bryce blew out the air in his lungs. "I don't know if it's right or wrong, but I do. I find her beautiful, for a pony."

"Yes, well, as I said it is touchy, but I'm sure she would appreciate the sentiment. But to bring the conversation back around, if this is the way you feel for Miss Fluttershy why do you not 'make the move'?"

"I mean, she likes me now," Bryce began, "but I'm afraid of how she'd react to me after we spend more and more time together. Our friendship... Our friendship is fine now, but I'm afraid of what she'll see if we make this friendship into a relationship. We've never argued about anything, and when I get upset I can be nasty."

"Do you think you would be so ill-tempered with her?" Bait questioned.

Bryce shrugged. "I wouldn't know, Bait. I wouldn't know how things would play out if we ever did get into an argument. I don't know if I would dominate her or if she would yell back at me."

"That is a good question, I suppose, but one can never know unless one tries."

"Are you saying I should get in an argument with her?"

"At this point, no. For now I would suggest the two of you go out on a date—take a night out together just the two of you. You would get to know each other better than you ever knew before."

Bryce sat back on the kitchen counter. "I just don't know if I can yet, Bait. I want to, but I'm just not ready."

"Are you sure you won't give it a try?"

Bryce shook his head. "I'm just not there, Bait. I like her, and I know she likes me, but I just don't know how to be a good boyfriend to her. If I'm going to commit to Fluttershy I want to know if it'll work, and if I can treat her like she should be treated."

Bait balanced his head on his hooves and gave a small nod. "I can see your side of this, Bryce, though I can't fully understand your state of mind. If it were me I would lay my cards out and take the chance, but then again she isn't the mare I'm trying to woo, to rephrase your earlier comment."

Bait pushed his chair away from the table. "But this conversation has gone on long enough for the night. Unless there is anything else I think I shall retire to my bedroom." He paused as he let out a pleasured moan. "It has been a while since I had a proper bed, and I do enjoy it so. Are you sure I can have your room, Bryce? I wouldn't want you to relocate just for my benefit."

"Yeah, you can keep it," Bryce answered. "At least now I don't need to coil myself up like a snake in that small bed. That, and your pink eye makes me not want to sleep in that bed ever again."

"if that is what's bothering you I can assure you it's cleared up...mostly." He looked into Bryce's eyes. "Be honest, do my eyes still stick out?"

Bryce took a look. "They are, but they're as red as they used to be."

"Drat, and I've used the medicine the hospital prescribed."

"Well, it could be an allergic reaction."

"But it's supposed to be an allergy relief brand."

"Well, allergies to allergy relief medicine is more common than you think. I'd say go a few days without it and if it doesn't clear up to the doctor when you go in for your checkup."

"Yes, I think I might give it a chance, but for now I shall retire. Good night, Bryce. I hope you sleep well."


With his hunger satisfied, Bryce decided to turn in for the night. As he neared the barn he could see Corn curled up outside the door. The canine perked up at Bryce's approach, thinking his boy would slip up and allow him and Winona to do as dogs do.

That’s what Corn hoped, but Bryce was quick to dash them. "Sorry, boy. I'd like for you and her to make some puppies, but AJ said no." He gave Corn a few scratches behind the neck. "Don't worry, there's just one more week of this and the two of you can be together."

With a whine of defeat, Corn could only watch as his boy went inside without him; another attempt for him and Applejack's dog to add to Ponyville's pet population thwarted.

Inside the barn Winona felt the same ache. She hated being locked inside the barn, but she hated being kept from Corn more. She scratched at the door a few times, hoping to win sympathy points, but Bryce ignored her as he made his way to the back of the barn, the part where he'd set up his 'room'.

Satisfied that everything was beginning to wind down Bryce started to change. As he was fitting himself into his night pants he heard Corn let out a low growl, followed by a few snarled barks. He didn't know why, but he half expected those barks to be directed at Thunderlane, who he thought had returned to make another failed attempt at dragging him along for the night.

Pulling his night pants up to his waist and tying the drawstring into a knot he made his way over to the door, sliding it open wide enough so he could see out and Winona would stay in.

From his vantage point he could see neither hide nor hair—nor feather nor mohawk, for that matter—of the stallion. He could see Corn right outside, barking in rage, but at what he couldn't tell. Opening the door a few inches more he stuck his head out, his leg in the way of Winona and the outside. Despite his much improved line-of-sight, however, he couldn't see Thunderlane.

By now he knew he would have to go out and quiet Corn; if Corn kept barking off at nothing he'd get them both in trouble. Making sure his pants would stay up by giving them a gentle tug he headed out.

He bent down to Corn and wrapped an arm around his neck. "Corn, calm down, buddy. Whatever it is it's not worth it." Corn stopped barking but his warning growls continued.

Bryce looked around, not spotting anything out of the ordinary. He was prepared to get up and go back into the barn when he spotted something moving around the side of the farmhouse. It was something he wouldn't have seen if he hadn't been looking at that spot. It had been something tall enough to have been a pony, something dark grey in color

Taking his trusty shovel up in his telekinesis, Bryce whispered to Corn, "Stay here, Corn, and back me up."

Bryce went around the house, taking the opposite side of the house from where he'd seen the movement. On his side there was nothing. He pressed himself against the side of the house as he shimmied to the far corner. As he came upon the bend he snuck a peek, and again saw nothing but dirt. It had seemed he had imagined what he’d seen, until he heard something coming from behind.

He whipped himself around, his shovel raised high to strike as he came face to face with a dark equine figure.

"Bryce, hold it!!!" The pony shouted in time to stop the human. "It's me!!!"

As the adrenaline in his system subsided, Bryce could see who the pony was, his golden eyes in the pale light moon giving away his identity. "Thunderlane, what are you doing sneaking around here?!"

"What are you talking about?" Thunderlane asked. "I wasn’t sneaking around. I was-"

Before Thunderlane could finish Corn came bounding over, barking along the way. Thunderlane didn't have time to react as the mare-sized canine came upon him, pinning the pegasus on his back like he had the time before.

Bryce used his shovel to prod the German Shepherd off the pegasus. "Corn, get off of him." He came between them once Corn was a safe distance away, and asked, “Thunderlane, what are you doing here?"

"I... Uh..." The stallion couldn't look away from the dog's fanged smile.

"Hey, ignore him. Answer me."

"What in tarnation are y'all doin’ down there?!" Applejack demanded as she stuck her head out her bedroom window. "And what the hay is he doin here?" She asked, looking to Thunderlane.

Bryce followed her gaze. "That's what I'm-" Bryce had to stop, unable to speak over Corn's barks. "I'm trying to- I'm- Corn, shut it!" He shouted, shoving the handle sideways into his maw. "AJ, would you come and get him, please."

Though reluctant, Applejack forced herself to go downstairs, and using her lasso pulled Corn away from the scene.

With all quiet for the time being Bryce turned to Thunderlane. “Now that he’s gone answer me. What are you doing here?"

"I wasn't here to cause trouble, if that's what you're asking. And I wasn't sneaking around. I saw you walking around and I followed you back, honest."

Bryce took a moment to look for any tells. "Okay, if you weren't sneaking around what are you here for?"

"I came back because I thought of something we could do. You see, there's this race in Whitetail Wood next weekend, and since I can't use my wings I thought it could be a chance to stretch my legs."

Bryce stare down at him for a second. "Is that everything?"

"Yeah, I mean, that's all I wanted to say." He looked off in the distance at Applejack as she tied Corn up to a fence post. "Dang, you weren't kidding when you said dogs don't like things they see as a threat."

Bryce looked on before he gave a smirk. "Yeah, I wasn't. That dogs been with me since he was a puppy that just showed one day." He turned back to Thunderlane. "I'll think about it, Lane, but I'm not much of a runner."

"That's cool. I mean, I was just throwing it out there. Not like you could beat a four-legger like me, anyway. Not with those big things at the end of your two legs."

"Yeah, well, we'll see about that come race day. Speed's one thing but it's endurance that wins, and I’ve built up a lot endurance."

"Yeah, and Chase says I've got plenty of that. Well, back when I could still fly I had endurance. Don’t know about my legs, but we’ll find out next weekend. That’s all wanted to say, so I guess this is bye, again."

"Sure, see you whenever, Lane."

Thunderlane made his way off the farm, meeting up with Spitfire at the entrance.

Bryce made his way to the barn, where Applejack stood waiting for him. "So, care ta explain what all that hootin' and hollerin' was about?"

"Nothing, Corn just doesn't like Thunderlane."

"Uh huh... So what'd he want?"

"Nothing big. Just wanted to know if I wanted to compete with him in some race next weekend."

"You mean the Runnin' of the Leaves?"

Bryce shrugged. "I don't know, he didn't say the name."

Applejack stared into Bryce, sizing up the situation. "Why's he actin' all nice to ya all of a sudden?"

"We made up," Bryce stated in kind.

"That so? Made up how?"

"Why don't you say what it is you really want to say?"

"Fine, if ya want me to go out and say it. Bryce, Ah'm beginning ta think ya may be settin' yourself up for a fall with that featherbrain."

"There's nothing going on. We made up."

"Yeah, and ya won't tell me how."

Bryce crossed his arms in front of him. "You don't need to know the how."

They stared at each other for a while; Applejack wanting to press the answer out of Bryce and Bryce wanting Applejack to drop the matter so he could head off to bed. In the end, the latter happened. "Well, since it's so late Ah'll let ya go. But you watch yourself, Bryce, cus Ah doubt that fella's got your best interests in mind." With that said Applejack trotted off for the farmhouse, turning back once to give the human one last look.

To Bryce it was one last warning, telling him to watch himself around Thunderlane. But her attention was more on the shovel in his hand. In her half-awake state from the time Corn first woke her up that night she almost believed she'd seen Bryce draw the tool towards him without actually touching it. She would have said something, but given how late it was she chalked it up to a mix-up between what she saw then and what she saw in her recurring dream.

In her mind she believed that, at least, but in her heart the situation still didn't seem quite right.

Once Applejack had went back inside, Bryce looked over to Corn. The way he had his ears back showed he felt ashamed. "Well, Corn, you made an ass of yourself, but you did it to defend me. So I'm conflicted."

Corn looked up, giving Bryce the puppy eyes. Can I go free now?

Bryce gave a smirk. "I think you've suffered enough." He bent down and unhitched Corn from the post.

Thank you

"Don't mention it, boy."

Can I get with Winona now?

"No." Corn responded with a low, rumbling growl as he dropped down on his belly. "I know, boy, but Applejack needs Winona to be in shape for when the sheep and cattle need to be moved, and she can't do her job if she's heavy with your puppies. As cute as they'd be, I can't let it happen. Now it's late and I'm going to bed. Sleep tight, boy, and if anything comes up don't bark; AJ hates it when you wake up the family."


Bryce awoke later to Corn away scratching at the barn door. Compared to the barking it was much softer on the ears, but that was small when compared with the fact it was 2 in the morning. He rolled out of bed, petting Winona along the way and opened the door a crack. Corn went silent. "Corn, what is it now?"

There's someone out here.

Bryce gave a grumble. "Who, Thunderlane?"

No, someone else. Someone scary.

"What, a squirrel?" Corn barked back, forcing Bryce to cover his ears. "Okay, okay, I'm coming, cripes!" He went outside, brandishing his shovel on his shoulder.

He followed Corn a short distance out into the orchard, coming to a stop not far off from a dark shape.

Bryce narrowed his eyes to get a better view of the shape, and what he saw almost made him want to whack himself in the head with his own shovel. "You brought me out here...for that?"

It was a sheep, one of the black sheep from the Apples' herd. Judging by the horns Bryce took it to be a ram. This particular one wandering around aimlessly, a few times bumping into the surrounding apple trees. Given the way its black wool covered its eyes it was no wonder. All the while it talked in bleating words, speaking as if to an unseen demon.

Bryce took in a deep breath to calm himself, and let it go. "Okay, let's get this over with," he grumbled. He gave a wolf call to get its attention. "Hey, buddy, you lost?"

The ram heard Bryce but chose to ignore him.

"Well, the farm's behind me, and you're going the exact opposite direction."

The sheep bumped its head into another tree, letting drop a bunch of Golden Delicious apples.

"Look, it's late. Can you please come this way so I can go to sleep?"

The sheep said a few incoherent statements that failed to make any form of sense. Bryce doubted that most of the choppy utterances would be considered. words.

Bryce bit on his lip and furrowed his brow. "Okay, I guess I'll help you," he said as he propped his shovel against a tree. He came up behind the sheep and placed a hand on either side of its body.

The sheep responded to this manhandling by biting down on his right hand, hard enough for its teeth to draw blood.

Bryce pulled back but his hand was kept in place. "You son of a bitch, let go!" Bryce yelled out as he reeled back his free hand and punched the sheep in the face, adding more force with each blow.

In order to help the situation, Corn jumped into the fray, catching one of the ram's hind legs in his maw.

With Bryce hitting him in the face and Corn biting him on the leg the ram gave into the pain and released Bryce's hand. Further driven by his pain the ram charged ahead, forcing its hind leg out of Corn's mouth.

Bryce winced as he pulled his injured hand to his chest. The ram had managed to leave a sizeable imprint in his flesh, and in place's had managed to break the skin and force the blood to come out. Bryce took his shovel in his left hand and turned back in the direction he'd came from. "Come on, Corn, let's get out of here!"

Corn obliged, and within seconds they had returned to the farmhouse, with Bryce hobbling to keep himself upright.

Not long after the black ram came charging out of the orchard, and in no time it had caught up with the human, knocking him off balance with ease. With Bryce down the ram ran up his back, its weight keeping him pinned. It would have bitten Bryce across the back of the neck if Corn hadn’t pounced, knocking them both over.

Corn and the ram got into a death struggle, starting with Corn being on top of the ram. He lunged for the ram's throat, but was diverted by a bite on the snout. As Corn yelped in pain the ram rolled them both over so it was the one on top. The ram kept its jaws planted on the dog's snout, ignoring Corn as he bit back.

What the ram hadn’t taken into consideration was how vulnerable it had made itself. Before it could act, Bryce rolled himself over, and taking his shovel brought the blade in a wide arc that terminated across the top of the ram’s head. The shovel resonated the impact with a loud ‘clang’.

After the strike the ram continued to bite, but as time progressed its hold lessened until it went limp. Corn continued to struggle up to the point where the ram slid off his front, his mouth coming unhooked from the canine’s maw.

Corn pulled himself up and took a stand over the sheep; growling as if daring it to move.

Bryce used his shovel to stand. The blade, once a consistent curve now had a noticeable dent that ran almost the whole way across. When he looked to the ram he gave it a few pokes to confirm what he already figured to be the case. The ram was dead, and the short trickle of blood from its nose and ear confirmed the cause.

What he did next was something he never understood. Bryce kneeled down before the ram, and with a shaky hand he pressed back the wool covering its eyes. What he saw made him shudder.

Before he could do more he heard somepony come trotting over, and when Applejack arrived she gave a look of pure horror. "Bryce," Applejack began, "What'd ya do to it?"

Bryce couldn't bear to look her way. He didn't know how she would take him killing the animal—one of their herd—and there was little he could say to explain.

Applejack cleared the distance between them, stepping past the sheep when it came up in her path. She wanted to yell at him, wanted to scold him, but at the sight of how disturb he seemed by what he’d done she caught herself. Along with the bite marks and the blood on his right hand she could tell something was amiss. And when she saw what held the human in his petrified state it made her almost do the same.

She took a moment to gather her thoughts. "Bryce, come inside with me,” she said close to his ear. “Try and keep yourself quiet; Ah don't want Apple Bloom seein' this."

Bryce did as he was told, taking great care to walk with as soft a step as humanly possible on the house’s rickety floorboards. Applejack seated him at the kitchen table while she went to retrieve the first aid kit. Taking a rag and a bottle of rubbing alcohol she cleaned his wounds, apologizing beforehand for any pain it would cause. Once it was as clean as could be, the apple mare wrapped the hand in gauze bandages and taped them in place.

Applejack put away the medical supplies and said, "Bryce, Ah'm not gonna ask you what all happened out there, but I want ya ta tell me the truth. Did ya do anything to make it hurt ya like that?"

Bryce shook his head in response.

Applejack nodded in agreement. "Ah trust that ya didn't—I just wanted to hear it from you." She walked towards the living room. "You just sit there and recover. Ah'm gonna go get Big Mac and me and him are gonna take care of that...thing." Applejack made her way upstairs, being quiet so as to not wake her little sister.

Bryce kept his seat the entire time. When he had faced the ram he had had a sneaking suspicion of what would be hidden under the ram's wool. It had been a sight that forced his stomach to turn over.

When he had seen the ram’s eyes it made him think back to two weeks ago, to the moment as he and the pegasi were escorted back to Ponyville. What he felt then was the same way he felt now, and months before when he’d been consigned to Ponyville Hospital for a night; a strange wave of emotions that had made him once run for his life.

The ram's eyes had been the same shade, the exact same shade of red as those of the catoblepas.


Meanwhile, far off in the ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters the catoblepas smiled, or at least what could pass for its smile as its head was kept in the dirt. Though things had not gone completely to plan—Golden Eyes was meant to give the juice from the devil's snare to Bryce—the human had remembered him, and he was afraid. But this was a small victory compared to what it had waiting in the wings.

Golden Eyes would have a second chance. After all it had given him two dosages; one for Golden Eyes to see the effects of devil’s snare for himself, the other for their ultimate victim.

The wildebeest with the large, grotesque boar's head sneered at the thought of the human, the second thing in its millennia long life it had failed to defeat. At the beginning it had decided to concede and accept defeat, but as time passed its failure weighed it down, a weight much heavier than its head.

Since Bryce's victory over him the catoblepas had found it hard to take the life of any of its past few victims. Not that he minded taking a life mind you—he took great pleasure in doing so, each and every time. No, instead he found it hard because he was weak. Mentally weak. Spiritually weak.

The beast hadn't counted on Bryce being able to defeat him in the Oneiros, the land the mind would go when at rest. Nopony had done that to it in centuries.

But maybe there lay the difference, Bryce was not a pony, nor was he a griffin, nor a diamond dog, nor a dragon. Compared to the human all of these beings had been as easy as throwing a piece of scroll in a fire to set it ablaze, including the dragons.

Regardless of Bryce’s origins it was this defeat that had weakened him so, for not only had Bryce managed to survive, he had also taken the life of his avatar, a feat the catoblepas had thought impossible inside the Oneiros. His avatar had been weakened and scathed before but never before had it been killed, and in the process Bryce destroyed a significant portion of the catoblepas’ life force.

Despite this event the catoblepas did not allow itself to dwell on this old battle; it had lost and there was no changing its outcome. Instead he would have to bring the fight against the human in a different way: In the waking world.

The catoblepas was not a fool, however, it knew there was no chance it could take on Bryce in person. No, he would need another way, and that way had presented itself in Golden Eyes. With Golden Eyes—the name the catoblepas called the feeble Equestrian—there was a way, and that way was made all the better by Golden Eye's closeness, his friendship with Bryce.

And it was through this 'friendship' the catoblepas was able to garner information, piece by piece.

One such piece of information was the human's dislike for murder and death, and it was this weakness that had given the catoblepas Golden Eyes. If the human had been willing to allow Golden Eyes to perish he would not have foiled the catoblepas' plan, only delayed it, but nonetheless the human's act of heroism would be his downfall, and the catoblepas would put its tool to good use.

The catoblepas knew it would take time, but it had time and plenty of it. All it would take was a rattle of the cage, a jab every now and then, but in the end the catoblepas would have Bryce in the split of its hoof, and then he would crush him, take his life force and all would go back as it was before.

But for now the catoblepas smiled to itself. Golden Eyes had done enough for now, and pressing on too strong at this early in their murderous campaign would give him away.

No, now was the time to retreat a safe distance and wait for the opportunity to present itself. Tomorrow was another day, and next week another week.

Animal In Me

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Chapter 73: Animal In Me

Bryce was dabbing on the last of his make up when a knock came at the barn door. "I'm almost done. I'll be out in a minute," he called back, his eyes fixed on the mirror. When the door creaked open Bryce looked to see who it was, and gave a smirk in return. "Well, your costume suits you."

Given his record, Bait could agree as he strode in with the black and white striped burglar's costume he would wear to the Nightmare Night festivities. "You can say that again, though I detest how well it fits me."

"As long as you don't use it for its intended use I'm okay with it."

"Believe me, I won't. I left that part of my life in the past for good." The tan colt looked around the inside of the barn. "My, you have made this quite the abode, if I do say so myself," he commented.

Since the two weeks he had spent locked away Bryce had made the barn livable and well ordered, with a fair amount of space left over for the farm equipment.

Most of Bryce's 'room' was pushed against the back wall. In the left corner were his and Corn's beds, both made by placing a few blankets over bales of hay. Added to this was a foot locker used to store the human's clothes and other possessions. On the wall were a few images: the crayon drawings Dinky and Apple Bloom had made, the portrait of Needlepoint's paint-speckled rear, and a certificate awarded to Bryce for placing sixth in the Running of the Leaves. Though his name had been misspelled—the certificate was awarded to Bryce Smiles—he still held it as a high point since he had arrived in this world.

Bait raised an eyebrow at the last image, a look Bryce was quick to catch on to. "Bait, leave it be."

"I know, but I still say Thunderlane cheated you of your win."

"Yeah, yeah, and if he hadn't tripped me up when he did I would have won the silver. Get past it, it was a simple mistake."

"Yes," Bait said under his breath, "so you say..." He then turned his attention away from the back wall and over to the other corner of the barn.

In the other corner Bryce had drawn up a curtain to divide the room—to keep his work away from prying eyes. Bait couldn't help but notice the amount of wood shavings that littered the ground under the curtain.

"I take your work has been well?"

"It's nothing much," Bryce replied. "Most of this is from the jobs I picked up after the race. They've been small jobs, but together they've brought in about 1200 bits."

"1200 bits in six weeks? That's double what you would have made at your construction job."

"Yeah, but again it's nothing big. A few jobs here and there, but it's picking up. Just yesterday I got a commission for a bed frame for 1500."

"1500 bits? I would say that's more than 'picking up.'"

"Well, I only get 40 percent, but 600 bits is still a fair share."

"Regardless, you shouldn't sell yourself short. When I was still with my uncle we were lucky to bring back 500 a job. From what I've seen of your work it makes me a little envious."

Bryce shook his head. "I'll take your word for it, because all I see are a few well etched out lines. I don't see how anyone could pay so much for something so simple."

"To each his own, I suppose," Bait replied, as he pressed a hoof down on the human's bed. It was a little firm for his liking, but with the blankets draped over the top it would do. "I still feel I wrong you by forcing you to relocate."

"I don't. Compared to what I had before this is a welcome relief. At least now I don't need to coil myself up like a snake every night."

"Given your size I can understand, but what you said raises the question: don't you worry about rats or-" Bait swallowed before he continued. "Or snakes?"

"Not with Jack around, she takes care of them—snakes included." As if beckoning to Bryce's call the scarlet kingsnake slithered her way out from under Corn's hay-bed. She looked up to the tan colt and flicked her forked-tongue in greetings.

"Yes... well... I thank you for parting with your room, nonetheless. Between the couch and the bed at the hospital I haven't slept so well in a long while. But right now the girls are waiting. Are you about ready?"

"I'm just finishing up," Bryce said as he checked his makeup. After donning his hat he turned to Bait. "Well, what do you think?"

Bryce's costume for Nightmare Night was a clown outfit. The outfit parted down the center, with Bryce's right half a solid red and the left a sequence of narrow red and white vertical stripes. On his head was a red conical hat with an upturned brim. It held three poof balls across the front to match the three across his chest and stomach. Around his neck was a red and white ruff, made up almost like a doily. To finish his giddup Bryce had taken the time to put on clown makeup; the only deviation from the white on his face being the blue triangles around his eyes and the big, red smile across his mouth.

Bait said nothing in response. "You don't like it?"

"It's, uhm, not that, Bryce. Your costume is...unique, but I feel you could frighten a few foals. It's not traditional for a clown to have pointed edges," the colt stated, refering to the almost sinister tips of the makeup around Bryce's eyes and mouth.

"I know, but it's the best I can do."

"I'm sure, but it's...a little unsettling."

Bryce looked at himself in the mirror. "Well, you're not wrong." He picked up the pancake and dipped it in the white face makeup. "You go on out. I'm gonna try and smooth out the edges."

Bait did as the human suggested and left the way he came. Outside Amethyst waited along with Dinky, Corn and Apple Bloom for Bryce to finish with his costume; Applejack and Big Mac had gone ahead to do their part for the Nightmare Night activities. The magenta mare didn't notice Bait as he came up to her from behind. "Bryce is going to be a few more minutes," he stated.

Without turning to meet the colt, Amethyst said, "That's nice. I hope he doesn't take much longer. I can barely keep these two occupied, let alone Corn."

"Yes, well, I'm sure it shouldn't be much longer." He trailed off from there, looking over the costumes of the three ponies and dog before him.

Apple Bloom wore a red-orange puffy vest over a blue denim jacket. For her costume she had taken off her bow and allowed her mane to become frizzled and unkept.

To complement Apple Bloom, Dinky wore a black shirt and white lab coat. Her mane looked as if a hurricane had blown through it, making her look like a mad scientist.

For Corn, Bryce had placed an orange wig around the dog's neck and throat. If Bait looked at the German Shepherd the right way he could see him as a lion, and he bet anything a few ponies would think the same. From the whines the dog gave Bait could tell he did not enjoy the itchy, almost degrading hairpiece.

Amethyst had taken a simpler approach and wrapped a white bed sheet around her form, held in place with a mauve ribbon that ran around her mid-barrel. Held in her violet mane was a plastic gold wreath studded with violet rhinestones that matched her eyes.

In her current garb Bait would admit the magenta mare had never looked more perfect. He was a little taken back by how such a basic attire had amplified the mare's figure. He cleared his throat before saying, "As I said Bryce should be just another minute, but in the meantime I'd just like to, uhm, compliment you on your choice of dress. It's not much but its complements your figure well. It makes you look rather... Rather..."

Before the tan colt could say the next word—the word he used on the object of his affection many a time before—the toga-clad mare cut him off. "Bait, please don't."

For a few seconds everything went silent. She had said it in a way as a scorned lover would speak to the one they once held in such high, guiltless regard. It was evident to everypony present the one word the tan colt often used to beguile Amethyst no longer held sway, not anymore.

She finally allowed herself to look back to Bait. With a look of sadness she sized up the colt. She locked eyes with him. "Nice costume. It suits you," she said, not bothering to hide her distaste for Bait's choice of clothing.

Bait looked down, regretting his choice of costume all the more. "Believe me if there were anything better I would go and change, but the only other costume the store had left in my size were a skunk and what I have on now. It was either this, a skunk or nothing, and I couldn't do the latter, could I? Not with tonight being Nightmare Night."

"Well, I guess you have a point," Amethyst said with a smile.

When she smiled Bait's diminished hopes were raised.

"Everypony knows not to let their guard down around skunks and thieves," she finished as she shot the colt a glare.

And his hopes were as quick to be dashed.

"Must you be so callous?" He asked. "I can understand you are upset, but I regret everything I did, to everypony I ever swindled or hurt."

"I'm sure you are, but I don't care."

"Amethyst, I really and truly mean what I say. I've-"

"I don't want to hear it, Bait-and-Switch. Whatever you have to say I just don't want to hear it."

"If it's a matter of trust I can promise you I have only good intentions."

"Sure, I bet you said the same to other mares."

"Okay, I have, but with you it was never a lie." Amethyst rolled her eyes. "Amethyst, I'm telling you the truth. Before we were properly introduced all I wanted to do was bide my time until my uncle and AJ said I could leave, but you're the first pony I've met who makes me want to live an honest life. Before you I would have gone and cleared out half of Ponyville, and then not think about it as I cleared out the other half. But with you it's as if something clicked. Now all I think about is how I can make you mine, without settling for my regular bag of tricks. With you I just want to be honest."

Amethyst relaxed herself. Her face softened as she looked down at her hooves. A few tears began to stream from her violet eyes. "Bait, I can tell you put a lot into that." She shot her eyes back up to meet Bait's, and within a split-second he could tell he had brought up a newfound rage in the magenta mare. "But I'm not going to fall for it."

"This isn't a trick," Bait pleaded, "I'm telling you the honest-to-Celestia truth."

The magenta mare said nothing in response.

"Amethyst, please, I'm not trying to trap you."

She held her silence.

Bait opened his mouth to say more, but anything he would have said next never made it out.

Amethyst ignited her horn and forced his jaw to stay shut. "Bait, enough. I don't know what it is you don't get, but I'll say it one more time: I don't trust you." The glow around her horn faded, and the violet aura around Bait's mouth evaporated. The toga-clad mare drew in a breath and released it. "Bait, I don't want to make this any harder than it is. I love you, I do, but I just..."

"You just don't trust me?" Bait asked as he finished the mare's sentence.

"Yes... No... Bait, it's not that—not completely. I know I said I would give you a chance but I need... I need time to think about this."

"You've had a month, how much time could you need?"

Amethyst looked down, feeling remorse for the colt. "It's complicated, I know. You and I have been through a lot, and I love you Bait, but I need time to come to terms with this."

She looked back into Bait's eyes a third time that evening. It hurt her to him in such a state, and him to see her in the same way, but what he had told her pressed her to the limit. She could get over the robberies and the petty theft, but the attempted murder of Applejack and attempted manslaughter of Bryce was not something she could bury in the same hole and act as if he'd done nothing wrong.

"I'm sorry, Bait. Please tell me you understand."

Bait couldn't say a word. Deep down he could feel this was more than Amethyst playing hard to get. It was more like his criminal past was finally catching up to him, and now he was the victim. He wanted to yell at her to stop and make up her mind right then and there, but he contained himself and swallowed the scream he felt brewing inside. He gave a nod in response, a shred of sympathy for everypony he had swindled building inside.

Amethyst gave a sigh. "I love you, Bait." She turned back to the girls, holding up a facade for their sake. "Okay, girls, Bryce is here so let's get to the fair."

She and the girls walked on, with Bryce, Bait and Corn trailing a short distance behind. Bryce had walked in sometime in the middle of the conversation, and from the way Bait held his head low the outlook looked grim to the colt.

"Well, I told you it wasn't going to be easy," Bryce stated, just to say something. The tan colt kept silent as he trotted along. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry for pushing you to confess."

There were a few strides before Bait replied, "It was right of me to do—I don't blame you. My only regret is that I allowed our relationship to build to such a peak before I said anything. I feel I may have lost any chance I had for us to be together."

"Well, she said she loves you. I wouldn't say you have no chance. I mean, you may be jealous of my wood carving but what you and Amethyst have is something I've wanted more than anything."

"Well take my advice: mares are complicated."

"Love, the mind and the opposite sex, the three biggest things no one will ever understand."

"Quite right, but you shouldn't expect the problems Amethyst and I are having dissuade you. I'm sure you and Miss Fluttershy would make a fine pair, granted you would allow yourselves the opportunity."

Bryce looked ahead to Amethyst, uncertain on whether to trust his friend or to refute him. "Just tell me this: Is it all it's cracked up to be? When you first got together was it what you expected?"

Bait shook his head. "No, it was nothing I could ever imagine." He gave a small smile to himself. "But as a famous author once said, 'You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.'"

"Well, I hardly ever dream, and when I do it's nothing nice. Realities already better than my dreams."

At least in reality I can pretend I'm a good person.


Dolph gave a grumble, what may well have been the hundredth one he gave that night. The silver mare who had taken a job in the orphanage was beginning to piss him off. At the start it was the way she was able to catch him and Bern before they could wail on Clack, then it was how she began to haunt his and his freind's dreams, and tonight was a new low: the horned witch had forced him and Bern to keep an eye on the bright yellow foal while everypony else at the Nightmare Night festival did as they pleased.

She had said it was to keep the foal from being kidnapped, as much of a burden it would have been on him, but Dolph wasn't a fool. Bern, sure, he fell for it, but the Tyrian purple colt could tell this was a way to punish them; for what he hadn't the slightest idea. It wasn't as if they had done anything to force the mare's hoof, yet. He and Bern had planned a few pranks for later on, but there was no way she could have known. For one he and Bern had kept their ideas written down. Clack couldn't read so that wasn't a possibility. Snd since he knew his gunmetal-grey friend would never betray him that idea was out.

Regardless of the how, Dolph knew one thing: he and Bern were stuck with the annoying colt with the hoof-on-chalkboard voice for the night. If he believed for a second he could get both him and Bern away from Clack Tap and leave the colt by himself then he would. What stopped him, however, was the feeling—a feeling he could swear by the parents he had never known—the mare was watching. Even though they had left her at the orphanage more than an hour ago he could not shake the feeling. She was watching, but from where he had no clue.

What added to this strange feeling was how hospitable Bern was toward Clack as of late. He trusted Bern not to betray him, but his sudden turn to being a model colt made him wonder. Though their plans to prank a few dimwitted foals was indeed sidetracked the much larger colt didn't seem to mind. Bern had settled to watch after Clack without a fuss, even going so far as to help the foal carry his candy, as well as getting some of his own the honest way. It was hard for Dolph to tell if the stallion-sized colt was acting nice in fear of Mina, or if his change of heart was a sign of him turning soft. With the way Bern was dressed for the occasion in a newspaper hat and a torn piece of cloth for an eyepatch he wouldn't put the second possibility past him.

As the colts made their way into the heart of town the Nightmare Night festivities were in full swing. All around the town square there were ponies of every species decked out in outfits that ranged from the monstrous, to the common, to the rare but welcome few in the realm of the risqué. All of these were gathered in one place, each one prepared to have an enjoyable experience with the many fun yet simple games that were available, as well as feel the good-humored jolt of fear the retelling of the legend of Nightmare Moon would send down their spines.

The latter event of the evening was the worst anypony in Ponyville expected; they had no reason to expect they had something more to fear than an old mare's tale their parents had told them countless times before.

It wasn't long after they came into the town square Clack started jumping up-and-down, pointing his hoof at a nearby booth. "Oh, oh, look at that!" He ran over to the booth as fast as his cardboard robot costume would allow. When the group reached the booth the two older colts saw what had caught the small foal's eye. It was a fish tank filled with goldfish. Clack got the attention of the stallion running the booth. "Mister, can I have one of those fishies?"

"Whoa there, scamp, I can't just give you a fish. You gotta win it," the stall owner explained. "See, says right here on the sign." Next to the tank was a sign that read: HIT THREE ACES WIN A FISH. And under this was a second sigh which read: 2 BITS A GAME.

The group looked behind the stallion to the backwall. Taped to the wall were playing cards, all of them aces. They looked to the table in front of them. Spread across the top were darts.

"So, scamp, what's it gonna be?"

Clack looked to Bern. "What's the sign say, I can't read."

"It says ya gotta hit the aces," Bern explained. "But it costs two bits to play."

"Yeah, and between the three of us we have a net of zero, count'em, zero bits," Dolph taunted. "Looks like no fishy for the little fishy," he said, a smile spread across his face to commemorate the little inkling of joy the jab brought to him. Before the unclothed colt had a chance to ridicule Clack further he was interrupted by a pair of clinks on the booth's table. He looked back and spotted two shiny bits ready for the stallion to take. "What the...?"

From behind, the colt who had donated said bits spoke up. "And here Ah thought somepony like you would want something small ta belittle and watch die."

Dolph looked back to see who the colt was that had ruined his good mood. He gritted his teeth when he found the culprit. "You again?!"

"Yeah, me again," Rocksalt heckled back as he repositioned the hat of his newsboy costume. "And the feelings mutual."

Clack ran over to Rocksalt and looped his cardboard clad hooves around his neck. "BB!" He cried out in joy.

The paperboy colt gave a half hearted hug in return. "Hey, Clack. These fellas givin' ya a rough time?"

"No, except for Dolph; he's always a butthole."

"Yeah, and he smells like one too," Pecan added as she and her sister came up from behind Rocksalt. She and Almond had kept their costumes simple, each one dressed in a cone hat and neck-high bodysuit. The only difference in their attire was the color; Pecan had gone in red while Almond went with yellow.

Dolph sour expression deepened. His mood changed when he heard Bern sniff his back. He glared at his friend, who's face changed from a look of disgust to a toothy grin in a second.

Dolph rolled his eyes as he looked back to the three school aged foals before him. "What do you turds want? The little kiddy games are over there," he pointed out with an outstretched foreleg. "Why don't you go over to there? The games they have are easy enough even the retarded mailmare can play'em."

"Yeah, Ah just might, but first Ah'm gonna play the game Ah paid for," Rocksalt said as he took his position at the dart stall. The stallion behind the counter laid five darts in front of the paperboy before he pulled himself out of the line of fire.

Rocksalt took the first of the darts and let it fly. It hit home in the exact center of an ace of clubs. The group, save for Dolph gave a shout in awe. "Beginners luck," Dolph chided. "You still have two more to hit. Come on, while we're young."

Rocksalt repressed the comment as he took the next dart. He took careful aim and tossed the dart. This dart missed the mark and embedded itself in the corner of a card. This happened with the next three darts, each one unable to find its mark. With the game done Dolph said, "See, told ya it was too hard."

"Oh yeah, well let's see you try it then, smart aleck," Rocksalt stated back as he deposited two more bits on the counter.

"Sure, why not. I've always wanted to have something I could watch gasp for breath."

Dolph took his place at the front of the stall. His run ended with four of the darts stuck in the ground and one in the backboard. "Stupid darts, they aren't weighted right," the purple colt hissed as he stepped away from the stall.

The three games after that had Pecan step in first, and ended with four darts sprayed in various parts of the backboard and the last going through a bizarre yet entertaining ricochet that ended in Pecan's cone hat a few inches above her head. Up next was Bern, but his aim was off and he put too much force in his throws, with many of the darts left to hang in the backboard until the owner could hammer them out from the other side later in the evening. The last pony to go was Almond, but after she stood with her foreleg reeled back for more than a minute it was left to Rocksalt to take her go. Regardless, the results of this game were the same as his first: one hit and four misses.

Rocksalt fiddled around in the pocket of his shirt and was disappointed to find it empty. "Mister, Ah don't have any money but can Ah please have one of those fish?"

The stallion behind the counter shook his head. "Sorry, but rules is rules. If you want a fish you have to pay and hit three aces. But since you paid for so many games I'll let you take this." The owner said as he held out a dart. "Give it some practice and you can try again next year."

Rocksalt took the dart, a little beaten by how much he'd lost. "Ah'm sorry, Clack."

"That's okay, BB," Clack said, a little upset. "All I wanted was a little fishy."

"Ah know, kid, but Ah tried." He brought the bright yellow foal in for a hug.

"That's sweet and all," the stall owner said, "but do you think you can move it along, I have a customer waiting."

Whoever the customer was didn't allow the group time to move as he stepped towards the stall. "Actually, I want to pay to let him have another go," Bryce said as he dropped a pair of bits on the counter.

Rocksalt looked up, a little shaken up by Bryce's current attire. "Bryce, what are you doing?"

"Like I said, I'm paying to let you have another go at it."

The dull brown colt looked to the stall, where the owner exchanged Bryce's bits for five darts. "No, Ah'd end up wastin'em. You go ahead and do it."

"Kid, compared to you I'm a stormtrooper. I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn." He picked up a dart and held it out to the colt.

Rocksalt looked at the missile. "Ah still don't think... You should let Pecan do it."

"No way! I almost hit myself in the head, I'm not doing that again. At least not until next year."

"What about you?" He said to Bern. "You were able to get all the darts to the back."

"Nah, I can't aim for beans."

Rocksalt turned to Almond, who returned his look with a quick shake of her head from side-to-side.

"Rocko, you gotta be the one to do it. Out of all of us you're the only one who's hit an ace," Pecan said.

"That was just beginner's luck."

"It's still two more than we've done," Pecan said as she forced the dull brown colt to face the stall. "Just do whatever you did before and win Clack and fish."

"Pecan, Ah still don't think-"

"Come on, can you really say no to this face?" She asked as she squeezed Clack's puppy dog eyes into Rocksalt's field of vision.

Rocksalt let out a groan when he saw Clack's current state. "That's not fair, Pecan. But Ah'll give it another shot, if it'll make you get him outta my face."

Pecan did as asked and she and Clack took a position behind the paperboy. Each one of the foals, save for Dolph stood on the tips of their hooves as Rocksalt picked up the first of the darts.

Biting down on his tongue as he furrowed his brow Rocksalt shook his hoof forward-and-back a few times. When he felt ready he let fly the dart, and when it found its mark in an ace of diamonds the foals gave a shout of joy.

Rocksalt turned back and said, "Guys, calm down. That was the first one."

After the group went silent Rocksalt took up another dart. He did the same as before and this time managed a shot through a heart, this time gaining no applause. As he readied his third dart he thought whatever luck had come upon him all at once had left, but as he let fly the dart in his hoof he was surprised when it struck home in the top node of a club.

When the shot registered the group again cried out in joy. It took a lot of work for the stallion behind the counter to calm them down. "Alright, scamp, you made three, but since you paid for five darts I'll make a deal with you: I'll throw in another fish for every ace you can hit. If you make it with both I'll throw in two extra, no additional charge. If you can only land one I'll throw in one."

Clack's bright blue eyes lit up. "Does that mean I can have more fishies?" The stall owner gave a nod. The prospect of having a fish to go along with the one he was destined to obtain made the foal giddy. It was enough to make him shake like he had eaten every piece of candy in his bag. "BB, BB, BB!!!"

Rocksalt placed a hoof down on Clack's head, putting the foal on snooze. "Ah hear ya, Clack, but first Ah need to actually hit'em." Clack understood as he took his position between the twins and Bern.

Rocksalt drew his hoof back, bit down on his tongue and planted the dart deadcenter of another heart downrange.

"Alright, scamp, that's one fish more. Hit another and you'll have yourself three fish."

By now Rocksalt felt confident in himself. He didn't know if it was luck or pure talent but he had landed four darts in a row. "Only three? At the rate Ah'm goin' Ah'll be able to clear you out, mister," Rocksalt scoffed as he readied his last dart. Without bothering to take his time and aim, Rocksalt sent the dart downrange, and at first it looked as if he'd hit a spade. "Yeah, that's what Ah'm talkin' 'bout!"

The stall owner took a closer look at the backboard and shook his head. "Sorry, but you missed it by a hair," he said as he pulled the dart and the ace of spades down from the board.

"What? Ah hit it."

"Nope, you missed it by about this much," the owner said as he presented the card to Rocksalt. What the stallion said proved true: the dart appeared to have hit the spade, but upon closer inspection it had pierced the card between the spade's stem and its body.

"Mister, that has ta count. It was close enough."

"Sorry but close only counts in horseshoes. Now do you wanna debate this or do you want two fish?"

Rocksalt would have pushed the argument further, but when he looked to Clack he couldn't bear losing the foal's prize over a petty technicality. He drew in a deep breath and let it go. "Okay. Clack, come up and take your pick."

"Thanks, BB. Can I have the dart, too?"

Rocksalt stifled a laugh. "Kid... No..."


After he left Rocksalt to spend time with his friends, Bryce took the opportunity to find a somewhat secluded spot to settle himself. He had always hated crowds, and in his mind he always would, but despite his displeasure he enjoyed the costumes of all the ponies he had seen thus far, as well as the small amount of candy he held in his candy bucket.

People could say he was an introvert, and they would be correct. He didn't take well to being around others, rather they be human or pony, but in the past few months he felt as if he had gotten past many of his inhibitions of the latter group. In a way these ponies were like people back in his world. When he would pass them by in town they seemed to him an entity he could never fully grasp; he could not understand them nor the way they acted, and they him.

To Bryce the chief difference lay in they weren't people but were ponies, and since they were ponies and not people their behavior was different from the human behavior he had grown accustomed to dealing with on a daily basis.

In his world he had grown accustomed to when a passerby would stare at him as he passed, and as they passed he could tell they saw him as a threat—what kind of threat he could not say. Then there were the ones who would say nice things, but their words were hollow; they never meant what they said and their smiles never told what emotions they held inside their minds.

In Ponyville the townsfolk would still stare, but when they stared it wasn't like watching a candle near a powder keg, but the feeling of finding somebody you hadn't seen in a long time; their smiles genuine and the inner emotions clear. And it wasn't just in passersby it was in everypony he happened to come across. When he would go into town and interact with the ponies he could tell when they told him 'thank you' or 'have a nice day' they meant it, and not like the almost forced gratitude most would offer in his world.

He unwrapped a small morsel of taffy and placed it in his mouth, allowing the hard, gummy substance to melt on his tongue. As the flavor hit him he gave an inward smile. It was grape, a flavor he enjoyed most in anything, and this was no exception.

As he was in the process of unwrapping a second piece of taffy he heard a familiar, "Hey you!"

He looked to the side to find the sole Equestrian he knew to enter with such a greeting. "Hey you," he said in turn to Mina, who was dressed in a costume in honor of the namesake of Nightmare Night. Bryce gave a smirk. "Your costume, it's impressive."

"Thanks. You look pretty sharp yourself."

"It's nothing much. I know it's probably something done to death but... It's a costume."

"Yeah, but it's looks nice. Except for the makeup—it's a little creepy."

"Well, I tried. It's my first time and it's likely the last time."

"It's looks good, regardless. So what are you doing here by yourself? Don't you want to go and enjoy Nightmare Night?"

Bryce nodded. "I will, but later. Right now I want to be alone. That's not to say I don't like you being here, Mina, all I want is some time away from everyone."

"Eh, I'm not one to judge. I can tell you after working at the orphanage for the past two months I need a break. It's nothing against them; I like my work. My problem is more with two of the foals: Dolph and Bern. The past couple of months Dolph's been the troublemaker, but I've managed to get his crony Bern somewhat my under control."

Bryce returned a nod. "Yeah, I met them a few minutes ago. If Dolph's the one I think he is he's needs to have someone put him in his place. He's like the one person you see at a party you know is there to make trouble, or so I assume. I haven't been to many parties, get-togethers or the like."

"Yep. that's him alright. Trust me by the end of the night he's gonna regret not wearing a costume."

Bryce gave a smirk. "What do you have in mind?"

"Let's just say there's a reason everypony dresses up for Nightmare Night," the silver mare said as she rubbed her fore hooves together and grinned a row of pointed false teeth.

Bryce returned a blank stare. "Okay, if you say so."

They sat in silence for a few minutes, watching as a few costumed ponies trotted past. Every so often a few would look Bryce's way, and though a bit startled by his attire would still give a compliment, and he would compliment their's.

And with each one Bryce couldn't help but smile.

After a while Mina took notice of the human's reaction. "What are you thinking about?"

With the smile still on his face, he said, "They're all...just so nice. Every one of them."

"i know what you mean. Ponies in small towns like Ponyville are a bit nicer than around, say, Canterlot. Up there they're a bunch of primped up turds. But why are you smiling?"

"It's because they're all so nice. I know that's what I said before but it's the best way I can put it. It's the kind of life I've wanted. Well, four-fifths of it, at least."

"Really? What the the last fifth?"

"Well, it's two parts. The first is I have a girl who puts up with me no matter what dumbassed, sideways thing I do, but will correct me in the right way, and not in a way to belittle or look down on me."

"Who doesn't want that—most stallions want a mare who's like you described. What's the other part?"

Bryce repostitioned himself as he bit his lower lip. "It's a little crazy. Do you promise not to laugh?"

"Come on, how crazy can it be?" When Mina saw how serious Bryce had been she stated, "Sure, I promise."

"Well, I always wanted to live in a place where every once in a while someone would start up a song out of nowhere. Not just any song but a catchy one; one where everyone else in town would somehow already know all the words and join in. And then by the end of the song everyone goes back to their daily lives, but that song, that same song is stuck in your head, and you hum it to yourself the rest of the day."

After he spilled this out Bryce peeked over to Mina, who he could tell was fighting to suppress a laugh.

He sighed in defeat. "Go ahead and laugh."

"Am I showing?" Mina asked as she held a hoof to her mouth. "I'm sorry. It's not that I think it's funny, Bryce. It's just so...specific."

"I know, but it's something I've wanted to see since as far back as I can remember."

"I'm sure it would be something to see if it ever happened. But going back to what you said before about how nice everypony is to you, were others where you're from not like ponies here?"

"No, they were a lot of times the opposite. Back home people would look at you but they never smiled, and I mean a real smile. They would always tolerate your presence, but that's not really the right word. From my experience people tolerate you, so long as you look, act or believe as they do and if you don't you're nothing more than trash to them. But here I don't feel like I'm tolerated, and I mean in the literal definition of the word. I feel accepted... I know I'm not one of them, I hardly act like them, and I doubt I think like them, but I feel accepted."

"Is that really how you feel?"

"It is."

Mina gave a soft smile. "Bryce, I understand your feelings on this, I really do. I arrived here not too long ago; I wanted a simpler life from what I was doing before, and I thought the fresh air could help with my health. I didn't have much money and I didn't have any friends. I thought I could stay here and enjoy the town until one day I croaked and the pain would be over. Before you I wouldn't let anypony get in too close because I didn't want them to become sad when I turned up dead. And before I met you I was sure I had a few weeks, a few months if I was lucky."

"Bryce, you've helped me a lot, and not just with my health. You've been the first friend I've had since I can remember. You didn't have to help me, hay, I was ready to die when we first met. But you helped me and accepted me, and I can never repay you for what you've done."

Bryce smiled an internal smile. "It was nothing. All I did was help out a stranger. It's not like I could leave you to die, could I? Not when I could help. I'd do that for anybody who needed it. Especially for a friend."

"You're being modest, but with you I expect nothing else." She wrapped a foreleg around Bryce's waist. "By now I know to accept it."

Bryce placed a hand against the side of her head and held her close. "You're welcome, Mina."

They released and Mina walked in front of him. "Well I guess I'll see you around. Hope you have a great Nightmare Night."

"Thanks, Mina. I'll see you whenever."

A few minutes after the silver mare had gone off to scare a certain Tyrian-purple colt Bryce felt he'd recuperated enough to head back into the fray. Once he was back in the thick of it all he was quick to spot a familiar black and bright yellow amphibian.

Bryce came up from behind the giant salamander, and said with a smirk, "Well, Spitfire, you certainly have grown."

'Whoop' was Spitfire's response from atop the much larger salamander's back.

"What's that, Spits?" The giant salamander asked.


"He is?" Thunderlane turned around to face Bryce, his full bodysuit making it a tough job. Once around the stallion said, "Hey, Bryce. How's it going?"

"It's going well so far. How are things with you?"

"Better than last Nightmare Night," he said as he shook a bucket of candy. "I got a better haul than last year. The only thing bad is how much this suit chafes." He tugged at a part of his bodysuit.

"I told you it was a bad idea," Rumble said as he lifted up his skull mask.

"Yeah, a bad idea, but still awesome," the elder brother said as he adjusted his suit.

"Well fur and rubber don't mix. And what about your wings?"

"It's not like I have to worry about my wings. Sure they're cramped right now but I'd worry if I could use'em."

"Lane...!" Rumble exclaimed, unable to accept his brother had yet to discover his regained flight. He forced himself to instead say, "You're gonna get cramps."

"Heh. I'll live,"

While the two pegasi continued to bicker as brothers often do, Bryce looked to behind the pair. Not far off were an identical pair of mares. Bryce remembered the first mare, he had seen Cloudchaser before, and taking into account how similar the two were he guessed the other—the mare with the pink bow—was her sister, Flitter. He raised his hand and offered a wave, which Flitter was happy to return.

Bryce moved past Thunderlane and Rumble and stood before the sisters. He didn't know why but when he saw them up close he felt as if something was off. He shrugged it off as he said, "Hey, Cloudchaser. Hey, Flitter."

The two mares released a fit of laughter. "Hey there, Bryce," Flitter said before she and her sister started to laugh some more.

"Long time no see. How have you been?" He asked Cloudchaser.

"I can't say, this is the first time we've met."

Bryce looked to the mare in surprise. "What do you mean, I saw you and your boyfriend a few weeks back. Remember?"

Cloudchaser placed a hoof under her chin. "No, I think I was home that night."

"No you weren't, you were with Thunderlane. You asked him if I was the one he told you could move things with my mind, and I remember because you whispered it loud enough that I could hear."

"No, I think you have me confused. Flitter is Thunderlane's fillyfriend," Cloudchaser said motioning to her sister with the straight white mane, which was frosted blue and had a pink bow.

"That can't be, he was calling his- You 'Chase', which must be short for Cloudchaser."

"Yep, that's what Flit calls me," Cloudchaser said as she again motioned to her sister. "'Flit' is short for Flitter, that's probably what you heard."

"No, he said Flit- I mean Chase... You said you had to get back because Flitter hated when you were out late, and I told you it was midnight."

"Are you sure it didn't happen the other way around?" Flitter asked.

"No, I... Yes, I told you it was almost midnight and you said Cloudchaser hates it when you're out past midnight."

"But you said before I hate it when Cloudchaser's out past midnight."

"No I didn't I said you... Okay, let me start over. Cloudchaser-"

"Chase, Flit, go easy on him," Thunderlane rebuked the mares from behind Bryce. "Don't play tricks on'm he doesn't like it."

"What trick?"

"Okay, Lane, we'll back off," Flitter replied.

"Yeah, we we're just having a little Nightmare Night fun," Cloudchaser added.

"Well go easy on him; he's not quick on the draw."

"What's going on, I don't get it," Bryce questioned, shaken up by the sudden turn in the situation..

"Bryce, I'm Flitter," the real Flitter explained, quelling the human's mania. "We went as each other for Nightmare Night, since somepony didn't take us to pick out proper costumes," Flitter said, her ire directed at the salamander-stallion.

Thunderlane held up his hooves in defense. "Hey, I tried, but I... I couldn't find you. I went to your house. Yeah, I came to pick you both up but you weren't at home. I knocked but nopony would answer."

"Oh, that makes sense," the real Cloudchaser replied.

"Chase, we were home all day."

"We were?"


"Oh... Then why didn't we get costumes?"

"Because your coltfriend-"

"-went to the store to wait for you," Thunderlane interrupted. "I went to the costume store and I waited and waited but you both never showed. I thought you said I should meet you there, so I waited."

"See, Flit, we were supposed to meet him. Didn't I tell you that before?"

"No, you didn't."

"Oh... Then why didn't we get costumes?"

Flitter, Rumble and Bryce planted the ends of their front most limbs into their respective faces.

"We didn't have the time," was the best Flitter could think to tell her dupe of a sister.

"Oh... Well next year we should all plan to meet at our house and go together. That's sounds like a good plan."

Flitter rolled her eyes. "Sure, that's exactly what we'll do, next year..." She starred daggers at the mohawked stallion.

"Right, I'll be sure to make a note of that." He forced a smile.

"Right... Anyway, Chase, I think we should head home."

"But Flitter, we haven't had the chance to play any of the carnival games."

"Okay, we'll play a few games, but then we should head home."

"Thanks, sis," Cloudchaser said, pulling her sister in for a hug.

"Anytime. Rumble, do you want to come with us?"

"Sure. Lane, is it alright if I-"

Thunderlane waved his brother off. "Go on ahead, I need drink. This suit does not breathe."

Rumble and the two sisters made their way to the games, leaving Thunderlane alone with Bryce.

"So I guess it's just you and me, huh?"

"Yes, it is," Bryce said.

"What's the matter?"

Bryce told Thunderlane what had been on his mind. "You're a dick to her."

"What? To Chase or to Flitter."

"Both of them, but especially to your girlfriend. You should be more honest with her."

"Hey, I can't help if she believes me or not, she's the one who falls for it."

"You're right, she gullible, but that doesn't mean you should lie to her to get your way."

"Says you."

"That's the only reason you two are dating, isn't it? You like her because she's dim enough to believe anything anyone says, and what's worse is you're the one who does it the most."

"Hey, it's not like that. I like her more than just for that, she has a rocking bod I would like to hold against me."

"And that's it? The stupidity and the sex?"

"No, there's more than just that. I mean, they're contributing factors, but I like her because with her I... I feel better about myself when I'm with her."

"I bet you do, Brian."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Thunderlane questioned, angered despite not knowing the reference.

"If the only reason you like her to be around is to make you look smarter then you're the dumbass."

"Says the guy who couldn't tell them apart."

"Yes, and the same guy who thinks what they did was childish and immature, but well put together. Sure, I didn't like being deceived, but tomorrow I'll be laughing at it, because it. Was. Hilarious."

Thunderlane let out a snort. "Whatever, you still fell for it," he said as they came upon a thick group of ponies. "Do you want punch, because this thing's about to give me a heat stroke."

Bryce took in a deep breath to calm his nerves. "Sure, I'd like a cup."

"Great, something we can agree on. It's not booze but I'm sweating like a hog in this thing." He turned his back on Bryce.

"Lane, wait," Bryce called, drawing the attention of the sweltering pegasus. "I'll only say this once: be honest with her. If care about her at all then be honest with her, otherwise you might one day get to deep in your own game and wake up minus your favorite organ."

Thunderlane looked at the human out of the corner of his eye. "You mean my...?"

"Yes... That!"

Thunderlane let out a hiss. He wanted to shoot back a witty rebuttal at Bryce, but the sweet, cold punch bowl was calling to him, and if he didn't answer its call soon he was sure he'd faint, if not die first.

When Thunderlane saw the punch he thought of the perfect way to receive his revenge on Bryce.

Thunderlane would give Bryce his punch, but not before he added a little something extra to deliver a metaphorical punch to Bryce's gonads. He would have his revenge, and it would be sweeter and more satisfying than the punch he was about to enjoy.

Hangin' 'Round - Lou Reed

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Chapter 74: Hangin' 'Round - Lou Reed

Now was the perfect time to strike. This was the thought that now ran through the mind of the catoblepas' pawn as he measured out a cup of punch. Tonight was as fine a night as any to set their joint scheme into motion. There were many ponies here, a lot more than there had been at the Running of the Leaves. This way they would know, they would all know of the real beast they should all fear. They would no longer feel afraid of a princess who fell from grace almost a millennia ago.

They would soon know true fear once they bore witness to Bryce turn into a enraged bull of a man. The first drought of devil's snare had been enough to drive the black ram to madness. The ram had spoken with individuals who were not there and had seen abominations which were nothing more than apple trees. Golden Eyes had his doubts such a small sample could cause any harm to the human. But when the half vial he had forced on the ram presented astonishing results he thought the contrary.

The golden-eyed stallion poked around inside his costume until he found his prize. It was a small vial. He'd made a good choice when he'd picked something to wear to keep the vial from moving about, but his suit was tight. He removed the vial from a small roll of cloth. The cloth made sure none of the vial's contents spilled onto his exposed flesh. He uncorked the vial and spilled the contents over into the cup of punch in his hoof and swirled the mixture. He did this until the contents of the cup looked to be nothing more than a sugary liquid treat.

Golden Eyes stared at the punch in his hoof with a crooked ear to ear grin. Be honest with my fillyfriend, you say? He asked in his mind. Well honesty goes both ways—if I have to be honest you have to be honest. Let's say we start with you showing everypony the savage side you try tohide from yourself.

He swirled the cup once more to insure the contents of the vial could not be differentiated from punch. It was hard to believe a weed one could find in their backyard held such a sinister nature. A nature which could turn a softhearted mare like Miss Fluttershy into a crazed beast.


Clack held up the water filled bag to meet his gaze, content with his prize. The foal could not bring himself to look away from the pair of small aquatic critters his BB had won for him. He shook the bag around, rattling the two goldfish inside.

Rocksalt shot a hoof over to Clack, and as careful as he could held the bag down on the ground. "Clack, ya can't be doin' that, now! The guy at the game said 'don't shake the bag or you'll kill'em'."

"I remember, BB, but they aren't doing anything. All they've done is swim around and eat their poop."

Dolph let out a snort. "Well what'd you expect? They're not good for anything except to pretty up the place. Other then that they're about as useful as a-" From out of the corner of his eye the Tyrian purple colt thought he saw Mina. When he turned his head to see for himself it was nothing more than a silver foil decoration.

"As useful as what?" Rocksalt asked a few seconds into Dolph's long pause, well aware of what the older colt meant to say.

"Uhh... Nothing, let's just get this over with," he said as they made their outside of town. Their destination: the statue of the holiday's namesake.

At their arrival the foals—including Dolph—came to a stop. Before them in the center of a wide open clearing was the the mare who haunted the dreams of most of Ponyille. The mare stood with her forelegs held high as her mouth hung open to reveal the sharp white fangs she held within.

Most of the foals stood stupefied at the sight of her, more so because the mare looked as if she were a real life pony. They could each swear her mane flowed in a soft breeze, one none of them felt.

This time it was Dolph's turn to break the silence. "Well, there she is. Now go on and waste your candy so Bern and I can get on with our night," he stated, not trying to hide his agitation.

"Why you gotta say it like that?" Rocksalt demanded. "We're not wastin' our candy, we're doin' it so Nightmare Moon doesn't come and eat us."

"Oh, and who told you that, your mommy? Nightmare Moon's an old mare's tale. She was made up hundreds of years ago to frighten little morons into obeying their parents."

"If that's so then why do we give up our candy and dress up, smarty pants?"

"Because, like, a hundred years ago the candy companies wanted to make more money. So they came up with this bull about 'Nightmare Moon's gonna get you. But wait, not if you give her candy, because then she'll be too full.' And it's the same with the costumes; just more bull on a big crap of lies.

"Th- That's not true, Dolph," Clack wailed, "Nightmare Moon is real. Sh- She's ri- right there..." He indicated with a shaky hoof.

Dolph gave the mare a blank, unimpressed stare. "Oh, p-lease. Mayor Mare just went over budget of the effects. I mean, why of all places would a cannibalistic princess be in a po'dump town like this? I mean, there are foals in worse places like Detrot, or the ghettos of Manehatten."

When this sent a shiver through the young foal a small smirk spread across Dolph's mouth. "Then again why wouldn't Nightmare Moon come here? I mean, this place is safe for the most part. There's no crime, hasn't been a murder in forever. I'd find it weird if she didn't come around to sink her teeth into a small, tender, 4 year old foal." Dolph had to hold back his excitement when he saw the foal shrink back into Rocksalt. "Now get on over there, dump your crud and let's go!" The older colt stated, almost to the point of yelling.

This outburst caused Almond to crouch down behind her sister. Clack sought refuge as far beneath Rocksalt as his cardboard robot costume could allow. Bern, though doubtful of his friend's claims was shaken up by Dolph's rant.

Rocksalt wrapped a foreleg around the bright yellow colt. "Clack, come on now. He didn't mean it. It's just a statue."

"I don't wanna go, BB!"

"Clack, it's fine, Ah promise." It was clear Clack had no intention of coming out from under his BB. Rocksalt shot the teenage colt before him a glare. "You're nothin' but a jerk, ya know that!"

Dolph blew a raspberry. "Like I care. Now get it over with, I got stuff to do."

Rocksalt continued to glare. "Ya know what, if you're so great you go and do it!" This got the attention of everypony present.

"The hay you say!?"

"Ya heard me. If you're so great you go ahead and take the candy. Unless you're chicken."

Dolph narrowed his eyes at the dull brown colt. "What was that, little boy?"

Rocksalt narrowed his eyes in turn. "Ah didn't stutter," he stated through gritted teeth.

It wasn't long after Dolph let out a snort. "Scared? You wish." A smile again crept across his face. "But if I'm gonna do it I'll need some incentive." He looked down to the candy before he turned his attention again to Rocksalt. "If I take it I'm taking a big cut for myself. His eyes looked down towards Clack. "Enough to leave Nightmare Moon hungry for something more to her liking."

Clack gave a shudder, prompting Rocksalt to hold the foal tighter in his foreleg.

"Fine, yer on," Rocksalt stated, drawing Dolph's attention back to him. "But just to prove you ain't chicken how about you put a piece of candy right in her mouth?"

"That's it, just one piece of candy in her mouth?" The thuggish colt took the foals' bags of candy in his mouth. "You're as dumb as ya look! I'll do three just to prove my point."

Dolph turned his back on the foals. He made sure to sling back a bit of loose dirt onto the foals as he pranced toward the mare. As he came closer and closer to the mare he thought he saw the mare's eyes roll downward at his approach. It took him a while but he came up with an explanation: it was a trick of the eye. He'd seen it in an art book once. When painted a certain way the eyes of a painting would give an illusion of the kind the mare gave to him now. It worked in sculpture, as well. He had to admit Mayor Mare may have gone over budget on such a cheap gag, but it was money well spent.

When he reached the mare he lowered his head and placed the bags of sweets on the ground. He rummaged around inside one of the bags until he found a small hard candy. He unwrapped the candy and looked back to the foals at the edge of the clearing. "Welp, here I go. Number one," he said as he stood on his hind legs to place the candy in the mare's open mouth.

Rocksalt felt Clack nudge him in his chest. "Clack, not-?" He stopped when the bright yellow foal whispered something into his ear.

By then Dolph held a second unwrapped candy and placed it inside the mare's unhinged maw. "Number two!"

When Rocksalt saw what Clack had made known and squinted at the object. "What is...? Is that...?"

A smirk spread across Dolph's face as he unwrapped the third and final piece of hard candy. He stood up to place it in the mare's mouth. "And this makes number- AHHH, SHE'S BITING ME!!!" He shouted. He cried out in pain for a full thirty seconds as three of the five foals behind him screamed in alarm.

When he finished his prank Dolph dropped the candy inside the mare's mouth. He turned back and laughed. "Ha, got ya!" None of the foals replied back. "What's wrong, did I scare you dumb?" Again no response. Bern and Pecan were still recovering from their initial fright. Almond had yet to recover from Dolph's original story. As for Rocksalt and Clack the way their mouths hung open told Dolph he scared them into a metaphorical coma.

Not wanting to waste any more time Dolph began to trot back. He made it halfway before he remembered he forget his cut of the candy. When he reached the bags he felt something sticky drop on top of his head. He brought the object down to meet his gaze. It was one of the pieces of candy he'd placed inside the mare's open mouth.

Well, don't want it said I didn't go through with it, he thought to himself. Dolph took the candy in his hoof. As he stood up to place it in the mare's mouth he spotted something off on the edge of the clearing. It was the start of what what would turn into the most nerve ripping day of his entire life.

In the time it took him to see the statue of Nightmare Moon he came to three realizations.

The first was the absence of candy. Not the candy in the bags he himself had brought over but of any extra candy bags. These sat in front of the Nightmare Moon statue—the real statue.

The second was a wet feeling in his upraised hoof. He knew from personal experience how candy became sticky when one sucked on it and the piece he in his hoof was a fine example.

The final realization was a literal shot to the face: hot, musky breath blowing in rhythm into his face.

Frozen in fear, the saliva-drenched candy dropped out of Dolph's hoof. The mare before him closed her open mouth into a fanged grin. One last, drawn out breath blew into the Tyrian purple colt's face. The mare then made a statement which served to make the teenage colt scream in bloody murder to this day.

"Fresh foal..."


Bryce popped open the front casing of his watch. Almost five minutes had passed since Thunderlane went to retrieve them some punch. He didn't know where the pegasus stallion had gone but he wasn't coming back anytime soon. Bryce almost walked off when somepony asked in a snide tone, "Are you having fun, too?"

Bryce closed the casing on his watch and turned to see Bait had taken a seat against the wall next to him. "Well, I was until-"

"She was talking with some other colt, and right in front of me."

"Uh, okay... You mean Amethyst?"

"Yes, and you know why she did it, right? Just to spite me."

"Come on, she's not like that."

"Oh ho ho, that's what she wants you to think, but why else would she have done it?"

"Well, what did they talk about?"

"If you must know it was about her costume."

Bryce's face kept its typical neutral expression. "Her costume...?"

"Yes, and he was clear—quite clear on his intentions. And Amethyst did nothing but butter him up. 'It's just something I found around the house.' 'I think it's a little much, don't you?' And how could I forget 'watch where you're looking, mister, my eyes are up here'!"

Bryce furrowed his brow. "And that last one was bad because...?"

"Because I should be the only one who sees her that way."

There was silence between them for a moment before Bryce bent down to Bait's level. "I think I see the problem now. Look me in the eyes."


"Look me...in the eyes..." Bait did as Bryce asked. For a few seconds Bryce said nothing as he looked into Bait's eyes. "You're eyes are really red," he said in a carefree tone.

Bait narrowed his eyes, surprised by his friend's comment. "What...?" He asked a second time before Bryce struck the left side of his with the force of his open right hand. Before Bait could utter another word the tan colt felt a second, harder slap.

In a low tone where nobody else would hear, Bryce scolded, "You needed that. Now listen-" Bryce stopped to raise his hand to where it was over Bait's left cheek. When it was clear Bait would keep his mouth shut he continued. "Now listen, in a few minutes Amethyst is going to come through here. If she sees the way you're acting you will lose her."

"How... How do you-?"

"Shush! Now the best thing for you to do now is to walk off, get yourself a drink, and come back once you've thought this over."

"I- I can understand what you're saying, but the words... And you say-"

"D o you want Amethyst to see you acting like a jealous kid who's seen his mother talk to another child?"

"No, but I-"

"Then go do as I told you." Bait opened his mouth, which was all Bryce needed for him to say through gritted teeth, "Do it!" Bait walked off. He only stopped when Bryce called out, "Also, if you see Thunderlane tell him to get his butt back here. I'm waiting for him. He's in a black and yellow suit, just so who know."

Bait returned a small nod to Bryce's request before he turned back. He didn't know what moved him forward but he understood Bryce's reasoning. If Amethyst were to see him fuming over such a small matter he would indeed lose the mare of his heart's desire. Bait drew in a deep breath as he tugged at the front of his bandit's sweater. The fabric was somewhat tight and it was poor insulation for the not so cool weather. A cool drink would help him now more than ever.

It didn't take Bait long to find the punch bowl. As he poured himself a cup he caught somepony in a black and yellow bodysuit make their way down an alleyway. That must be Thunderlane, but why is he going away from Bryce?

Bait downed the punch in his cup and measured himself out a second. He then went down the same alleyway he'd seen Thunderlane take not long before. When he caught up to him the tan colt found the pegasus' back turned on him. There were two cups of punch on the ground between them.

He would have thought Thunderlane would turn to greet him, but his attention was on the front of hiole in the neck.

It appeared to Bait as if the pegasus wanted to grab something he'd hidden inside his costume, but whatever it was wouldn't come to him easy.


For a second time Bryce opened the front casing on his watch. The clack's face showed an extra five minutes had passed since he'd talked with Bait. He bit his lower lip in frustration. He closed his watch and re-positioned his hat atop his head. Well, every time I send someone out they get themselves lost. I better go and look for myself, he thought.

He hadn't made it a whole stride when somepony called out in a rushed tone, "Bryce, wait up a second!" He caught himself as Amethyst, minus Corn and the girls, came rushing to catch him. "Bryce, you didn't see Bait come through here, did you?" She asked in the same panicked tone.

Bryce managed to get out a, "Well-"

"I think he might have gotten upset over something I had no control over. There was this perv who started hassling me in front of the girls. By the time I was able to make him stop—through means I won't discuss—I couldn't see Bait anywhere. I'm afraid he may have taken it the wrong way."

"He did come through here."

Amethyst waited a beat before saying, "And...?"

"And he...unloaded on me. Said something about a guy who was saying ugly stuff to you. He said if the girls weren't there he would have given the other guy a smack to the jaw, but he didn't want to make you mad. Well...madder."

The magenta mare let out a sigh. "He didn't say any of that, did he?"

"Well, he said it a different way, but the point's the same. He wouldn't want to make you any more upset with him than you are now." Amethyst relaxed her scowl at Bryce's words. "Yeah, I mean, you have to give him some credit. I'm sure he wanted to sock the guy for what he said, but instead he vented on me and now wants to cool down." Bryce bit his lower lip a few seconds before he continued, "I mean, he does care about you. As hurt as you were about him telling you his past I can't see him wanting to add insult to injury."

Amethyst looked into Bryce's neutral expression, then down to her hooves. "I can tell some of what you said was a lie," she began as she looked back to Bryce, "but the rest..." They stood in silence for a breath before Amethyst asked, "He was jealous, wasn't he?"

"Well, he was, but he knows you would never do something so spiteful. I mean, you're trying your best to ignore him right now, but that's the worst you would do."

"Well what would you have done? He actually admitted to crimes—and not small ones either."

"Well, he knew it would hurt you. But if someone else—even if someone like me had said something would you have just ignored him? I mean, I knew, Applejack knew, Big Mac and Granny Smith knew, but still he told you because he cares... Because he cares, for you... He cares for you."

"How can you say nice stuff about him, Bryce? You're literally forgiving the same pony who tried to kill you."

Bryce raised his hand to silence the mare. "That's where you're wrong."

"What do you mean? He almost killed you."

"And that's where you're right. He almost killed me but he was after AJ."

"Okay, semantics, but still you almost died because of what he did. And your reaction is to act like it never happened."

Bryce stopped for a minute to collect himself for what he said next. "I never said, nor did I imply it never happened. I know what happened every day and every night when I look in the mirror. The injuries he caused me will always be on my body. He could have injured my mind but I chose to let it go. I had ample opportunity to make him pay for what he did to me, but if I had I would never know how good a friend he would become. I trust him with my life. Maybe not my wallet, but my life I would bet money on he'd do what's right."

Amethyst couldn't bring herself to say anything for a few breaths. "Even if I can forgive him what makes you think I can forget."

"I never said anything about forgetting I said forgive. It takes a long time to forget. Hell, sometimes it takes generations to forget the actions of one individual. Right now my question to you is did you ever feel for Bait in ways you never felt for anyone?"

"I... Yes..."

"Do you still feel the same way for him now as you did then?"

Amethyst couldn't bring herself to say 'yes'. She returned Bryce's question with a nod.

"Then you will forgive him. I'm not saying that's how you should feel right now," Bryce refuted. "I'm saying if you do care for Bait you you'll feel the need to forgive him, in time." Bryce took in a deep breath and let it out. "Well, that's all I have to give tonight, but it's still a young one. What you should do is try and enjoy it. Not my kind of thing but if it's your's then you should enjoy it."

"I guess that's something I can agree with, but what if I run into Bait?"

"Act as if nothing happened, but if he does say something don't accuse him of anything. Otherwise, like I said, enjoy yourself."

"Okay, but what are you gonna do?"

"Wait here a few more minutes and see if Thunderlane ever comes back. If not I might head back to the farm."

At mention of the pegasus Amethyst's face cringed. "You're still hanging around him?"

"Why not?"

"I know your forgiving, Bryce, but that guy's nothing but trouble. Plus the history with you two...it's hasn't been good."

"You're starting to sound like Applejack, but I'll tell you what I told her: we made up."

Amethyst raised an eyebrow. "Made up how?"

"We just did."

"That's not an answer."

"Well, it's all I'll give."

Amethyst rolled her eyes. "Whatever, just don't say nopony warned you," she said.

"Warned him about what?" Thunderlane asked as he came up from behind the mare, who jumped at his sudden intrusion. Amethyst looked back to see the slate-grey pegasus. "Something you want to ask me? Ask it to my face."

Amethyst said nothing as she made her way past the stallion.

Thunderlane did nothing as he and Bryce watched the mare leave. Once out of sight Thunderlane turned to Bryce. "What's her problem?"

"Well, do you want the truth?"

"Let me guess, 'he's nothing but trouble'?" He offered a cup of punch to Bryce

"Right on the head," Bryce said as he took the cup.

Thunderlane blew a raspberry. "Who needs'em? Their loss if you ask me."

"Well, can you blame them? They don't know you like I do. They weren't there when you put your life on the line for your brother. And there was the incident a few weeks back at the Running of the Leaves."

"It was an accident, sue me."

"I know it was but they're convinced you did it on purpose. Hell, I don't mind I lost out on second place anyways; I hate grey. What upsets me more is they signed my last name wrong, again."

"They put 'Smiles' instead of "Smales'?"

"Yeah, and by this point I can't tell if it's on accident." Bryce shook his head. "Sometimes I hate my last name."

"Ahh, come on, it's not... It's not bad... For somepony like you... I mean, if I would've named you I'd call you Bryce Smirk." Bryce shot the pegasus one of his signature smirks. "Yeah, like that one."

Bryce shook his head. "Yeah, 'Smirk' fits me more, but I'm stuck with an Ellis Island bastardization." He looked to the cup in his hand. "Well, thanks for the drink." He lifted the cup to his mouth to take a drink, but stopped when a shrill cry pierced the air.

It's source was a Tyrian purple colt in nothing more than his birthday suit. "She's real, she's real!" He cried. "Nightmare Moon's real!!!" This went on until the colt found the proper way through the loose crowd of ponies. His words died down little by little as he made distance between the clearing outside of town and his bed.

Suffice to say, the ordeal frightened the foals more than it did the adults. A minute later the square filled back up with eerie music, conversation and the munch of candy and sweets.

Thunderlane let out a snort. "What do you think happened with him?"

"Clever girl," Bryce said with a smirk.

"What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you some other time." Bryce lifted the cup to his mouth.

"Hey, wait!" Thunderlane cried. "I mean, this took me a while to get. How about we make a toast?"

Bryce lowered his cup. "Well, if you want we can." He held out his cup between his middle finger, pointer and thumb. "Toast to what though?"

"I guess to life. I mean, to still being alive. One of those. I wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for you. Rumble too. I don't know what I would do without the little dork. And Chase..." Thunderlane looked down to his drink. "I guess I should say something to her. She wanted to go and pick out costumes a couple of weeks back, but I blew her off. I don't even remember for what." He swirled his drink around. "I took Rumble for granted once and I almost lost him. I don't want that to happen with her."

"Well, be honest with her, Lane. If you care then be honest."

Thunderlane shot Bryce a glare, then pulled it back into a frown. "Yeah, I guess I should. I didn't make it far not listening to you, huh? But then I wouldn't have known what a cool little bro Rumble was and I wouldn't have Spits."

'Whoop,' the salamander called out from the golden-eyed pegasus' back.

"Yeah, you are. You are awesome." Thunderlane looked to Bryce. "I'm a little conflicted, but at least nopony died or got hurt. I'll say this, though, I've got your back. Anytime you need me I've got your back." He brought his cup forward and tapped it against Bryce's. "Cheers."

"Salute," Bryce said in agreement.

'Whoop,' Spitfire cried to join in on the toast.

They both downed their punch in unison.

When Bryce finished he began to smack his lips. "Hmm, it tastes odd. It's a little syrupy."

"Are you sure, because mine was fine."

Bryce sniffed his now empty cup. "Maybe just too much sugar. If that's the case Pinkie must have made it." He looked to Thunderlane. "Well, we did that. Anything else you want to do?"

"I don't know, but for starters I want to know what she wants." Thunderlane pointed a hoof behind Bryce.

Bryce looked back, and when it he met the gaze of Cocoa Buerre he felt his heart beat at an accelerated rate. The dirty look she had made it clear on which list she had his name. Her husband stood beside her, and his expression was the sameif not worse than the human's.

The cream-colored mare started to clear the distance between herself and Bryce. It took her other half a moment before he followed after.

Bryce didn't move. "Lane, you remember when you said you had my back? Well, at least make sure she leaves me alive... Lane...?" Bryce looked to his side, and saw the pegasus had since left him. Bryce bit his lower lip in frustration. Thunderlane, you dick! He wanted to shout, but instead kept it inside his mind.

When he looked back the slender unicorn stood no more than two yards from him. Kernal was the only pony who stood between Bryce and what the two males were certain would be a massacre. "Cocoa, listen, you can't do this. Not here of all places," Kernal stammered as he sat on his hind legs and held up both his forelegs. "That's not to say you can't, more that you shouldn't. Come, come, weren't we just having fun?"

"Kernal, leave us." She said it in such a way it sounded like a request, but her body language told anypony who saw it was anything but.

"I would, love, but- but I don't know if it would be prudent. I mean, think of the girls. The girls need-"

"Kernal," the mare said in a tone the chestnut stallion could swear his wife meant to twist his leg. "Leave us, s'il vous plaît." The three words she added to her previous statement left the nut stallion rattled.

Kernal settled himself back down on all fours. He opened his mouth to speak, taking his time to form his words into a well thought out statement. "Cocoa, please try to least be civil. He... We only wanted our tenth anniversary to be something special. If I could cook something like he did for us I would have done so, but we have trouble with scrambled eggs." He rubbed the back of his neck when the mare's eyes turned on him. "Not to say you're a bad cook, love, but to say..." Kernal hoped he'd said enough to placate his better half. In order for Cocoa to not take anything he said out of context Kernal left, repeating, "Oh dear..." as he went.

With her husband out of the way the cream-colored unicorn returned her attention to Bryce. The human was not surprised to see the mare; he knew he would have to deal with her one day. He hadn't expected it to happen in a public place. At least then she couldn't kill him or jab her horn into a place it wasn't meant to go, not with witnesses all about. Instead he thought she would resort to worse methods. Methods such as the use of words so vulgar no one would suspect they existed in any language, living or dead.

All the mare said next, however, were three simple words, "So, you cook."

What she said was not a question but a statement of fact

"I can," was the most Bryce could think to say back.

"And you cooked for me, no?"

This time she had asked him a question. "Ye- No, I didn't cook for- I cooked but-"

"Did you or didn't you?"

Bryce swallowed to clear his mouth. "I did cook, but I did it for everyone. Your whole family, I mean."

Cocoa fell silent before she asked a sole, "Why?"


"Yes, Why?"

"Uh... I... I did it because he asked me. Because your husband asked me."

"Is that the only reason? Did not Amande et Pécan ask you for help?"

"No, they- They needed my help but their dad- Their dad asked me. Asked me to help them cook."

"Okay, and what about zee—merde, comment vous dites... The wood-picture, was zat also you?"

"My wood carving? Well, I did that, too."

"Okay, and who asked you to make this 'wood carving'?" Cocoa asked, struggling to repeat the word Bryce said.

"No one. I only did it to make your anniversary..." Bryce swallowed the saliva which had accumulated inside his mouth. "To make your anniversary memorable. It was a gift." It was hard enough for Bryce to hear Cocoa, let alone himself over the sound of his own heartbeat. The muscle felt as if it would burst inside his chest. "It was a gift for your husband to give to you. I mean, it's five anniversaries too late but I thought it would be better than anything made of tin. There's nothing good in tin. Unless you wanted a tin can of water chestnuts, but those aren't-"

"Arrêtez!" The mare exclaimed. "Stop it! Stop what you are doing!"

"I... I'm sorry, I know that was terrible."

"Zat's not it. I am telling you to stop because you are nervous."

"Nervous, yeah. I mean, you're here to yell at me... Aren't you?"

"I am about to because you are... You are upsetting yourself over nothing." Cocoa drew in a deep breath. "I have been looking for you everyday since my anniversary, and now zat I have found you I would like to say thank you."

What the mare said helped to slow Bryce's heart, if only by a few beats. "Thank you?" He asked her as if she were speaking another language.

"Is zat not how you say it? Does it not have the same meaning as merci? Bah, ce langage est dur comme de la baise à comprendre!"

"No, that's not what I meant," Bryce explained as he stifled a laugh. "It's just a big load off. I thought from the way you looked at me you wanted me dead."

"Hmm, well I thought on it."

"Wait, you wanted to?"

Cocoa dispel these assertions with a wave of her hoof. "Non! Well...a few times I thoughts about it, but zat was only after what happened with Pécan...for zee most part."

"Oh... Well, I'm sorry about what happened that day, I really am."

"It is alright now. I can only thank Celestia she was not hurt. Though zere are times I wish she would... Ahh, Mais que peut-on faire? But now zat I have you I have something I want to ask, and I hope your answer is yes."

"Well, let me hear the question first, then I'll decide."

"Yes, okay. Would you—and please say yes—be kind enough to teach me?" The creamy mare asked with a wide toothed grin.

"Teach you what?"

"How to cook."

"Teach you how to cook?"

"Yes, to cook," she said, her smile now almost begging the human to comply.

"You want me to teach you how to cook?"

"Yes, yes, a des milliers de fois yes! And my girls, as well, if it is not too much to ask."

If Cocoa's face wasn't about to burst with excitement he would have taken it for a joke at his expense.

"Did the girls enjoy my help that much?"

"Yes. They will not stop asking their papa and moi if I would have you over to help make supper. I only ask you not for them but for myself. Won't you please, please say yes?!"

Bryce held a smirk as he shook his head. "Okay, but only if you stop begging. I'll help you."

"AHH, MERCI!!!" Cocoa cried out before she took one of Bryce's hands in her fore hooves and began to kiss them. "Oh, thank you. Cela signifie le monde a moi et a eux!!!" She said before she grabbed Bryce's waist in a big hug.

"Yes, I'll do it, but next you have to let go of me, and now."

"Oh, sorry. I do not know what came-"

Bryce raised his hand. "It's fine. Just tell the girls when you see them. I have a few projects to finish but I should be free Saturday morning, if that works for you. I'll teach you the basic essentials, since you seem to have a hard time with scrambled eggs."

"Yes, it will do," Cocoa said back, oblivious to his comment about scrambled eggs. "Oh, thank you again, Bryce!" She said before she ran off to find her husband and daughters.

As Bryce watched the cream-colored mare run off he couldn't help but to smile. As he walked through the town he held his smile, not once releasing it. He walked until he came to a bench on a less populated part of town.

He hadn't sat down for a full thirty seconds before he heard a familiar, "Hey, you!" The Nightmare Moon-dressed mare took the open seat next to the human. "So, did you see that little twerp after I scared'm? Boy, if this doesn't make him straighten up I don't know what will."

"Yeah, that was something."

Mina shot the human a puzzled look. "There's something wrong with this picture."


Mina narrowed her eyes. "I see it, right there," she said, a hoof pointed to his lips. "That's what's wrong."

"Why, is there something on my mouth?"

"No, it's not on your mouth it is your mouth. You've never smiled. I've never even see you smile, anyway."

"Am I smiling? I didn't notice," he replied as he continued to smile.

Mina and Bryce sat in silence for a moment before the former couldn't bear to be out of the loop. "Alright, spill it. What happened to make the Blank Slate Bryce I used to know turn into...this."

"Well, you remember a few weeks back when I helped the twins make dinner?"

"Uh huh."

"Well... Do you know the whole story between me and their family?"

"You mean with the twins' mother? When you almost killed one of'em and her mother wanted to shove her horn where the sun don't shine? Yeah, I know; I was there."

"Well, their mother approached me a few minutes ago. I was sure she wanted to berate me again for what I did months ago, but she didn't. She asked me if I'd teach her and the twins how to cook. And I said yes."

"Really, well that sounds like fun. I just hope her hubby has something good to show at his stall. I've had a few of the things she's made and I want to puke afterwards."

"I know, but she tries."

"Yeah, I'm sure, but now it'll get better. With you as a teacher I'm sure they'll learn."

"I don't know. I've never thought of myself as a teacher, Mina. The only real reason I agreed was so she would let me see the girls."

"Come on, don't be so down on yourself. Hay, you helped Rocksalt with his math, and he seems to be doing great."

"Yeah, but I don't know about cooking. What if I cause their house to burn down, or one of them gets food poisoning, then where will they be?"

"Don't think about stuff like that. I've seen the way you act in a crisis situation. If a fire starts you'll know how to put it out. And if you poison anypony you'll just give'em a douse of your life force, right?"

"You're right, I would do those things, but... I'm glad I'll see the girls again without feeling like I did something wrong."

"That's the spirit," Mina declared with a punch to Bryce's shoulder. "Bet you really fit in now, don't ya?" Bryce said nothing as he returned a bigger smile than before. "Yep, that confirms it: a smile does not look good on you. You look more like a serial killer than somepony to entertain the foals."

"Serial killer you say?" Bryce asked with a smirk. "Then tell me what you think of this?" Bryce looked the mare in the face. He parted his lips to show all his teeth as he grinned from ear to ear.

Mina let out a snort. "Whoa there, you better stop before somepony sees. You're sure to make it onto Equestria's Most Wanted list." Mina began to laugh.

Bryce held his smile for a few seconds before it melted away.

Mina slowed her laughter when she saw the human's face change. "Hey, what's the matter? I wasn't trying to be mean if that's what's wrong." Bryce didn't move an inch. "Helloooo," Mina droned as she waved a hoof in front of his face.

A split second later the human shook with a jolt. It was enough to scare the mare and make her fall to the ground. She held a hoof up to her chest as she struggled to catch her breath. "Hey, what gives, Bryce?! Like to scare me to death!"

"Wha... What did I do?"

"What do you mean 'what'? You didn't say anything for like a minute."

"I did...?" He held his hand up to his neck.

"Yeah, you did. You made me worry for a cheap scare, that so not like you." When Bryce began to look worried the mare took on a serious tone. "Bryce, what's wrong?"

"My heart's beating fast."

Mina jumped up, placed a hoof against his neck and counted to twenty seconds whilst she counted the number of beats. The result was not a good one: at least 150 beats per minute if her math was right. He felt warm to the touch. "Celestia, you weren't kidding. Should I go and get somepony?"

Bryce could see the mare's mouth move, but she sounded miles away.

"Bryce...! BRYCE!!!" Mina screamed, but the human did not respond. Mina didn't feel she should leave him, but what other choice did she have. "Look, I don't know if you can hear me, but you stay here!" She indicated with her hooves. Without another word the mare ran into town.

Bryce understood and sat plastered to his seat. He looked up to the moon above him. It had never seemed as bright as it was now. The light which reflected off the moon's surface was like needles forced into his eye sockets. Before the pain became too much for him to bear he pressed his hands over his eyes and fell across the bench.


There were huge creatures all around him. Their features were shrouded in shadow but they were humanoid in shape. Their appendages were as thick as tree trunks.

They made their way through Ponyville, and not a single stallion or mare, colt or filly took note of them. Bryce couldn't understand it. They were there and yet everypony treated them like air.

The huge creatures had done nothing to the ponies below them, not yet anyway. Bryce didn't know how but he knew—he knew these large creatures were malevolent, and he had to stop them.

With a thought a nearby cauldron floated in the air, and with another the cauldron went flying. The cauldron flew through the air, hit one of the dark apparitions and slammed into the side of a building. The crash sent building materials everywhere.

By then the pony population noticed something was not right. They looked at the dark giant near the opening of a small shop but stood in silence.

Bryce couldn't believe they still did nothing. Were they blind or stupid?! The large monster bent down to grab a mare in a black and red ladybug outfit. Bryce would have none of this. These bastards were not to harm a single living being, not if he could help it.

He ran forward. "Run, get out of here," he yelled to anypony who would listen. And listen they did as a plastic tombstone landed in the gut of the dark being.

The citizens of Ponyville screamed as they ran off into the night; they didn't want to be in the middle of the human's frenzy. The entire time said human fought off the creatures with whatever was available. He flung about pumpkins in volleys. He used strings of lights as lassos and whips. Anything not moving on its own accord or equine in shape he turned into a weapon. It proved pointless soon after. The tall creatures continued to stand no matter what he brought against them. But Bryce was like a man possessed and he fought on, up and down the streets.

When he would find a pony he'd shout at them, telling them to run from the monsters, and they listened to him out of fear for their lives.

Then before he knew it a new creature appeared, one not cloaked in darkness. It was a lion. It roared once it had the human in its sights. It charged at full throttle, teeth bared; this feline meant to rip him to shreds. It was a formidable opponent in a hand-to-hand fight, he was sure, but Bryce never allowed it a chance. With a telekinetic swipe Bryce swept the lion into the side of a wall rendering it unconscious.

With the lion taken care of Bryce continued to hurl anything he could grab hold of with his mental hands into the darkness of the giants. The immediate area around him was in shambles. By the time the last of the shadowy monstrosities disappeared the area was like a warzone.

When Bryce stopped he noticed the damage he'd caused. He also noticed the shadowy figures were nowhere in sight. It was as if they'd dissipated into thin air, or into smoke. From behind him a voice called, "Bryce!"

He turned, and came face to face with a figure wrapped in smoke he had not seen in months. His dark grey eyes starred into the orange glowing embers of the black foal. Since their last meeting it had grown to the full height of a mature pony and its form was more definite. "You... You again?!" He shouted. "What do you want now?!"

"I want you to stop this nonsense!" It shouted back.

"Why, so you can steal my life force? Dream on!" Bryce took a second to laugh at his own terrible joke. "If you want it you come and take it yourself, you smoky bastard!"

"Smokey bastard...? What are you...? Oh!"

"Oh what!?"

"Oh, as in oh, you're dreaming," the black foal said.

"You don't say!"

In response, the black foal galloped away.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?!" The black foal said nothing back. Bryce gritted his teeth. "You get back here, you son of a bitch! I let you live and this is how you come back after so long?! I'm gonna do what I should have done before!!!" Bryce yelled out to the smoke-weaved pony as he ran after it.

Bryce kept the mare in sight as they made their way outside of town. They ran until Bryce chased the black foal to the bow of a river. "Well, seems you all out of track and have no place left to go," Bryce said as he inched closer to the mare. "I'd say I'd miss you, but after tonight my leniency is at an end. Any last words?"

The black foal looked to Bryce with its smoldering embers. "Please let me live. I promise I won't show my face again Oh, and don't look behind you."

Bryce presented this statement with a smirk. "You expect me to fall for something like that? What, I look back and you run off? Oh, bravo. Bravo!" He said as he clapped in spite. "Tell you what, I'll look back and I'll let you have to the count of ten. To give you a fair chance to fight back." He turned around, his back to the black foal. "One-" But he never had the chance to make it to two when a fast moving equine tackled him into the dirt.

"Ha, now it's a fight!"


"AJ...? Wait, Rain-" Before he could say more Bryce felt the impact of a pair of hooves on the side of his head.


Bryce awoke to the buzzing of hundreds of flies. It came from all around him, and with each movement the buzzing only increased in volume. With each movement also came the sound of thrashing water. His throat was bone dry and it scratched, as if he'd been yelling for hours on end. Without a second thought he sucked in some of the liquid below him. It took him less than a second to do a spit take. The liquid tasted of cider, hard cider, but with an under-taste so vile he couldn't place its source. None of this compared to the smell. It was awful, like the inside of a septic tank.

Bryce tried to push himself up and found it hard to do so. His muscles ached, begging him to keep his place but his dry throat won in the end. He needed something wet and clean now. After he pushed himself onto his side he felt around for anything in the empty darkness. At last he found something; hard, round and made of wood. He took a grip of either side of the object and wiggled it side-to-side. The result was the swish-swash of a liquid. Feeling around the cask he found what he expected to find: a spigot.

He wasted no time and turned the spigot's handle on full as he positioned his mouth under the spout. The liquid was cider, but this time fresh cider. The cool liquid burned his throat as it made its way into his empty stomach but he didn't notice.

When his lungs could no longer go without air Bryce pushed himself onto his back. He didn't bother to turn off the tap as the cider mixed with the tainted batch at the bottom of the black void. By the time he caught his second wind the last few drops of cider level with the spigot dripped out of the barrel.

"Damn it all!" He said, but the voice which escaped him sounded raspy and not like his own. He pulled on the spigot with all his might until it gave. What came out was a small trickle of sweet apple cider from the open hole. Bryce cupped his hands under the thin stream and lapped up the small amount of liquid like a dog. He had never tasted anything so refreshing and lifesaving.

With the cider gone Bryce took in his surroundings. From the edge of the darkness Bryce could see four evenly spaced vertical beams of light. He crawled over to the light. He was disappointed to find they were only large enough for him to get a fingernail through each slit. It didn't take a genius to discover the slivers of light before him were the narrow openings of a door. He began to beat his fist against the door, shouting as loud as his hoarse throat would allow.

He did this until he felt someone grab him from behind. He kicked his leg back but met nothing but air. "Hello? Is someone there?" He asked in his raspy voice, at first thinking he would go unheard.

"Do not be afraid," a disembodied voice answered.

Bryce knew this voice from somewhere, but without a face he couldn't say the name. "Who are you?"

"I am a friend; someone who has always been with you."

"Well, friend, do you have a name?" No answer came from the darkness. "Where am I?"

"You are someplace where you are safe, for now anyway."

"Okay, and where is this safe place?" Again no answer. "What do you want?"

"I come bearing gifts." From the darkness a round object shot out and landed less than a foot from Bryce's face. In the dim light Bryce could make it out as an apple, one with mixtures of red, orange and yellow across its surface. "Take it and eat; you will need the strength it provides to make it through your stay in this place."

Bryce looked to the apple before him. His stomach, still filled with cider was not yet full. Taking the fruit in both hands he devoured the fruit, gnawing it down to its core. If the apple were poison he was a dead man, but at least he would be a dead man with a full stomach.

When Bryce finished the voice from the darkness made its presence known once more. "This was but one of my gifts to you; it was not the first and it shall not be my last."

"Wait, what other gifts? Who are you?" The room was silent. "Can't you tell me anything?"

"Yes. We will meet again, but for now you must rest."

As if through magic Bryce fell into a deep sleep.


Applejack was unsure of herself as she, her brother and Nurse Tenderheart made their way into the orchard. For the past few days they had confined the human to one of their apple cellars; one deep within the orchard where nopony but they could find. It was part way to keep Bryce from being found by anypony, but more so he couldn't go on another blind rampage. When they reached their destination, Applejack said, "You stay out here, big brother. If something happens it'd be better for me on account of Ah'm the faster one.

The large apple stallion said nothing, not wanting to debate the issue, not under the circumstances. That, and she also spoke the truth. If something happened with the human she would be able to maneuver herself better inside the cellar than he ever could.

Applejack approached the cellar door, placed the key in the padlock and opened the door. As she did so she was met with the chorus of flies, flies irritated by the sudden intrusion of sunlight. And the smell was like nothing she'd ever smelt until now.

She drew in a deep breath and made her way inside. It didn't take her long to find the pale form of Bryce at the back of the cellar. He was hunched over. With cautious steps Applejack tiptoed over to the human and nudged him in his side. "Bryce, are you awake?"

Bryce started to thrash about. Good, at least he wasn't dead; not yet, anyways.

Applejack nudged him again. "Bryce, wake up. Are you yourself yet?"

Bryce parted his eyes a slit, and let out a hiss as the light burned into his eyes.

Applejack, taking the human to still be in his enraged state followed her first instinct and ran for the cellar door. Before she could slam it shut and put on the padlock she heard Bryce say something.

"Would you get that damn light out of my face, Rainbow, I'll be up in a minute."

Applejack had to stop herself. It was the first legitimate sentence he'd made in almost a week. She strode onto the threshold of the cellar. "Bryce, can you hear me?" Bryce heard Applejack ask.

"What the hell is that smell?!?!?!" Was his response. He rubbed his eyes and looked ahead of him. His eyes burned from the light of the early afternoon sun. Blocking the light at the center of the doorway was the orange apple mare. His heart raced in his chest, upset at the rude awakening. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Bryce, are you alright?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, I was fine until... Wait, where the H am I?!" As his eyes adjusted to the dark and his mind registered his surroundings he saw he was in one of the Apple family's cider cellars. Between him and Applejack there was a puddle of what must have been apple cider, due to the large quantity. Whatever else was in it filled the small earthen room with the nose hair burning rank. Around the puddle were rows of barrels, with a dozen or more laying broken or shattered across the room.

"What am I doing in here?" Bryce questioned. He looked down at his body. Not counting a few mangled shreds of red and white cloth he was nude. "And what happened to my clothes?!"

"Bryce, come on out and we'll talk about it," Applejack

Bryce smelt himself. "What am I covered in?" He took a deeper whiff. "Is that...? Is this mine or...?!"

"Try and stay calm, sugarcube. Come outside and we can-"

Applejack didn't have the privilege to suggest anything else. Bryce stood up, ran past the farm mare and slipped on a half dozen apple cores in various states of decay left near the door. He fell forward into the open air of the apple orchard. He crawled the rest of the way out of the cellar.

In the open he could smell the air; the clean air. He covered his eyes and fell down to the ground because the light hurt his eyes.

As his eyes adjusted to the afternoon sun he placed his hands on top of his head and looked around. The light continued to hurt his eyes but he could take it for the moment. He was in a part of the orchard he was sure he'd never seen before. As he looked around he could see Applejack near the open cellar door. With her was Big McIntosh. Off to the side stood Nurse Tenderheart with a concerned, yet professional look on her face.

"What's going on?" Bryce asked. When asked the two Apple siblings took a small step back. Bryce didn't know who was most frightened at this point, him or the two Apple ponies. He would never think Applejack would shrink back from him. From a giant timberwolf maybe, but not him. And this went more so with the large red stallion.

The only pony to stand their ground was Nurse Tenderheart. She took a step towards Bryce. When she moved he met her gaze. "Bryce, do you know where you are? If possible please be specific." She stated without a hint of fear in her voice.

"Yeah, I'm... I'm in the apple orchard. At Sweet Apple Acres. But what am I doing here?"

Nurse Tenderheart took another step forward and ignored his question. "Do you know who I am?"

"Yes..." Bryce said in an agitated tone. "You're Nurse Tenderheart, she's Applejack," he pointed to the apple mare to prove he wasn't crazy or whatever they thought of him. Applejack response was to take a step back from his outstretched digit. Bryce became worried as he pointed next to the apple stallion. "And he's...Big Mac."

When Bryce looked back Nurse Tenderheart was within hand's reach of him. "Good. Now what I ask you next is most important. Do you remember what happened on Nightmare Night?"

Bryce was taken back by the question. "No."

"And why is that?"

Bryce looked to the two apple ponies, then back to the blue nurse pony. They couldn't be serious, could they? "Because Nightmare Night isn't until tonight."

His response caused the nurse to shake her head. "It's as I feared."

"What is?" Bryce asked.

Nurse Tenderheart said nothing as she trotted over to Applejack and Big McIntosh. They exchanged words, words he was not able to hear. There was one phrase the nurse kept using: 'Datura stramonium'. The phrase was familiar to Bryce, but he couldn't remember from where.

Nurse Tenderheart let out a sigh before she trotted back to Bryce. "Bryce, if you can I need you to stand up and come with us to the house."

"I want to know what's going on first."

"I will explain everything, but I think it best for you to bathe and have a proper meal."

"Am I in trouble?"

Nurse Tenderheart drew in a breath, and released it. "No. You've given me more than enough evidence to prove you were not in complete of your actions a week ago."

"A week ago? What happened a week ago? What day is it?!"

"Bryce, I'm sure you have many questions, but must ask you to cooperate."

Bryce lowered his head in defeat. The sunlight was starting to hurt his eyes again. His sensitivity to bright lights was nothing new to him, but this was a new level of overstimulation.

Bryce stood up, using a tree for support. "Okay, I'll listen. But I want to know what happened. I want to know everything."

From Yesterday - 30 Seconds to Mars

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Chapter 75: From Yesterday - 30 Seconds to Mars

Bryce Smales Exonerated; Ponyville At An Impasse

This was the headline on the newspaper Applejack held out to Bryce. In a flash the human snatched the paper from the apple mare, his fried egg sandwich forgotten as it fell and scattered across his plate.

The story began with an explanation of the headline, followed by a retelling of the night a week-and-a-half before. Per the article, the press dubbed the night as the 'Nightmare Night Nightmare’. In the next few paragraphs the page went on to state while Bryce was indeed the one involved in the Nightmare Night Nightmare—he was not the cause.

As Bryce's eyes crept down the page a sly smile appeared across his face. At the mentioned of Datura stramonium he slapped the paper. "Ha! I was sure I knew what it was. Jimson weed, devil's snare," he said as he read off the plant's common names, "locoweed, hell's bells, thornapple, moonflower! I knew I knew it!"

Applejack, frightened by the human's outburst took a big step away. "Whoa there, sugarcube, don't... Don't let yourself get all frazzled. Ah can't have ya... You know..."

Bryce, oblivious to the frightened expression on the mare looked to her and shouted, "Why shouldn't I?! This proves it wasn't me. Well, not me me but still I didn't do anything wrong."

"Bryce, ya can't say that. Everypony saw-"

"They saw me but that wasn't me. That was the me somebody else made me be." From the look the apple mare returned Bryce could tell she didn't read into his logic. "It's simple: the me they saw was the me under the effects of Jimson weed. They all know that wasn't me so it means they'll understand what happened wasn't because of me but because of what somebody did to me. It makes sense, right?"

Applejack's face held the same lost expression.

Bryce let out a long, drawn-out sigh. "Okay, which part doesn't make sense?"

"Well..." She stammered, her face now in as convincing of a grin anyone could muster under the circumstances. She wanted to lie to Bryce right now—more than any other time she had wanted to before—but it wasn't in her nature. She was fortunate to see Bait as he descended the stairs behind the wall-like human.

Bryce flipped around, and when he saw Bait he thrust the newspaper into the tan colt's sleep-dazed eyes. "Bait, look at this and tell me I'm right."

"Right about...?" As his eyes skimmed the article before him Bait wished he had had the sense enough to make his way down via a window. He didn't know all the details but from the way Applejack's eyes pleaded him for help he knew it wasn't good. Bait gulped as he came up with a response he prayed would make everybody happy.

"Yes, well, it would appear Bryce is correct." Applejack's jaw dropped to the ground. "As I understand the situation everypony assumes he did everything of his own volition. But per this report he would never have acted in such a manner. Not unless somepony spiked his beverage. After all we know Bryce is timid—he exemplifies mercy. What we saw the week before was somepony who almost decimated Ponyville, and that doesn't sound like the Bryce we know. Would you not agree, Applejack?"

She shot him a glare as if to say, "Why did you just say my name?!"

Bryce looked back to the mare, who had managed to force her face to bear a grin once again. If he noticed the sudden transition he either ignored it or was too caught up in the moment. "See, he gets it."

"Bryce, I'm not saying you were ta blame, but ya need to see it from everypony else's point of view."

He looked at Applejack with a carefree gaze. "And that is?"

She held back the hoof she wanted to plant across her forehead. "Sugarcube, ya might as well have wrecked the whole town. It even said a lot of ponies are homeless."

"Yes, but it also says they have since found reasonable accommodations," Bait interjected.

"Yeah, Ah'm sure the tent they're livin' in now is a lot better than their own home."

"Well, it could be worse. At least nopony died."

Applejack opened her mouth, but couldn't think of anything to contradict the colt's statement.

What Bait said was true. While a few citizens of Ponyville had suffered the minor injuries one would expect when one had to run for one's own life there were no fatalities. The only living thing who was any worse for wear was a dog. The dog would live but not without a limp, the veterinarian diagnosed.

Bryce gnawed through the rest of his second fried egg sandwich, gulped down his milk, and dropped the newspaper on the table. "Well, debates over then. I'm innocent, nobody died and I have work," he stated without a doubt as he made for the door.

"Work, what work?" Applejack questioned.

"I still need to finish the bedpost I was working on. I told Needlepoint I would have it done by Saturday, and here it is Wednesday of next week."

"Bryce, wait a minute now. Ah think you're-" Was all Applejack could say before the human rushed out the door past Corn, who did nothing as his boy passed him by.

The dog lied down with curled-up Winona on top of him.

Applejack stared at the door for a second before she stomped her hoof and drew her attention back to Bait. "And you! What the hay do ya think you're doin' by tellin'm that?!"

Bait lifted his fore hooves to calm the apple mare. "Calm yourself. What did you want me to do, tell him he was wrong? What would we do then?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, you and I both saw what he can do. If I said anything to the contrary how do you think he would react? In such a small space where could we run?"

"He wouldn't have done anything to us. He ain't like that."

"Can we be so sure, Miss Applejack?" Bait asked, taking on a charming expression. "Two weeks ago, we all thought Bryce was as normal as an earth pony. And I mean that when compared to a pegasus or a unicorn we thought his abilities were rather...dull. No offense to you or your kind."

Applejack almost scoffed, but could understand what the colt meant. "Yeah, I suppose you have a point. But Ah don't believe he'd do anything; to us or anypony."

"Oh, and what of Thunderlane?"

Applejack let out a disapproving whinny. "Don't get me started on that feather brain. But from what Bryce's said they made up."

"Yes, but how?"

"Ah... Ah can't say. He won't say, and Ah don't wanna ask Thunderlane cause Ah trust him as much as a rattlesnake." This made Bait tense up as he patted the spot on his left foreleg. "Sorry, Ah meant to say-"

"I know what you meant!" Bait answered back. "However, this is not about me." He rubbed the spot until he calmed himself enough to say, "What you said does raise the concern of Thunderlane. Applejack, there is something I must tell you."

Bait trotted over to the table. He flattened the newspaper Bryce left behind and motioned for Applejack to come over. "Do you see here where it speaks of a vial?" He asked, pointing to a paragraph at the bottom of the page.

Applejack skimmed through this section of the article, taking careful note of the more important parts. "Yeah, what about it?"

"Well, I... I was the one who turned it over to the authorities."

Applejack reread the paragraph, this time making sure she understood what she read. "It says 'an anonymous source'. Wait, where'd you find it?"

"If I say you must promise not to say anything to Bryce." Bait explained what happened between himself and Thunderlane the week before. He ended by saying, "I know I should have stayed and provided a proper statement, but with my history..." He looked down to his hooves. "I wanted to stay, but what help could a documented felon such as myself provide?"

Applejack mulled it over. "Ah suppose under the situation... But this proves what you and Ah have been trin' to tell Bryce. We can't not tell'm. This time he poisoned him enough to where he almost hurt everypony. Next time-"

"Applejack, no! He trusts Thunderlane. If we tell Bryce what is the first thing you think he would do? With their history, he may very well finish what Thunderlane started. And not in a good way. He could do as he's stated many times and 'pop his head like a grape'." Bait waited a beat before he added, "And after what we saw do you doubt he could do just that?"

"Ah don't... This is Bryce... Ah'm sure he'd..." In all honesty, she couldn't say either way. "Well what can we do? If we can't tell Bryce then what?"

Bait raked a hoof across the floor. "I don't know. I can't go and report my findings, now can I? And if you told the proper authorities they may question how you came about such information. We could question Thunderlane but he would surely deny his involvement..." He shook the rattle around his neck as he thought on the matter. The fruit of findings became summed up in a single word. "Criminy! The simpleton is guilty and we can't touch him. There's naught we can do. Well, nothing which would not land us in trouble. " For Amethyst's sake I would never suggest such a thing. Not ever again.

"Ah know it seems hopeless,” Applejack said to calm the tan colt, “but Ah'm sure there's something. Ah wanna help but Ah can't sit around doin' nothing until we thinka something.” Applejack placed two cups of dog food into the empty food bowl, which Bryce neglected to fill that morning. "Ah've got apple buckin' to do. And since it looks like Bryce wouldn't be outside today the best thing you can do is watch after Apple Bloom and her friend when she comes up." Without another word the farm pony repositioned her Stetson on her head and headed outside.

Now alone Bait stomped a hoof on the floor. It bothered him he was unable to come up with a way to help his friend. After all Bryce had done for him he felt he needed to pay him back somehow.

Sensing the food bowl was no longer empty Winona released herself from the confines of her large canine friend. The border collie scarfed down what her owner had placed inside. By the time Corn managed to stand and make his way to the food bowl the much smaller collie finished the food to the last crumb. Corn looked to Bait and let out a loud bark.

Bait ignored him until Corn started to nip at his pastern. He made to shoo him away until he saw what the commotion was about. "Oh, well it seems somepony has an appetite." He did as Applejack did before and scooped another cup of kibble into the food bowl. Corn sniffed the contents of the bowl and dove in. It didn't take long for him to finish.

Bait watched the canine as he made his way back to the spot Corn and Winona occupied a moment. He pained him to see Corn as he walked along; he hobbled along with only three of his paws to bear his weight. The last one—his left hind leg—hung a few inches above the floor close to his belly. It could no longer bear his weight.


Applejack assumptions proved true. For the rest of the day Bryce did not show himself; never stopping his work until he carved out the last detail. When he awoke the next day—well after everypony else on the farm—he gathered up the product of yesterday's labor and went to Ponyville.

In the time since Bryce's last visit the town’s layout was different. The first indication of a major change was the large pile of debris situated along the road. It sat for now as an eyesore, awaiting such a time when it would all be hauled off to Celestia knows where. Among this heap there where Nightmare Night decorations, but this made up less than a tenth of the whole. The rest was what remained of buildings which were deemed either unlivable or destroyed beyond anypony’s comprehension. Not only this, but here and there were pieces of furniture, some pieces which families had held on to for generations. Some went as far back as to before Ponyville's foundations.

Inside the town proper there were now vacant lots. Any notion these a building once occupied these lots were since razed and dismantled. Many houses and business were fortunate to have escaped unscathed, due in large part to the human's confinement to the town square and the immediate area. The ponies whose homes were unfortunate enough to suffer his wrath—though not damaged enough to force their removal—placed boards or plastic tarps over their broken windows and ruptured walls. To the ponies who were unable to cover their buildings—be it from the lack of bits or from the sudden shortage of wood and tarps—could do nothing as the elements and the local wildlife laid claim to the insides.

Bryce saw this and more as he went along his merry little way. He was not dull to the destruction about him, he was instead still sure of himself it had not been his fault.

What did pass his notice was the absence of ponies. They were there, of course, but to avoid being further victimized by the human they chose to avoid him. If they hid themselves away long enough Bryce would lose interest and leave. It worked well enough when Zecora came around so it should work now.

His mere appearance now frightened everypony to this point. But the way he strutted through town without a care for his actions began to make them look past their fear. Not long after his passing a grey stallion stepped outside and stared down the human's path. He looked back inside to the ponies who followed him to the doorway. "Can you believe him?" Hhe asked nopony in particular.

When Bryce came to Needlepoint's craft shop he took both ends of the bedpost. With his free hand he felt around for the doorknob. When he found it he stopped, his hand held tight on the knob. He heard a pair of ponies yelling inside.

"Dad, you can't be serious."

"Hush. If we don't do this now it may be worse later."

There was the telltale clop of hooves from within. "Yeah, and what do you expect him to do?” The first one asked. It had to be Ambrosia. After all the yelling she directed Bryce’s way he would know her shouts from anywhere. Do you thing he’ll take it as it is and move on? The guy's nuts."

"No, I don't expect him to accept it, but after what happened before with the Rarity figures I'm sure he can be reasoned with."

"Reasoned with? Dad, he kept throwing stuff around because he saw some 'big freakin' monsters'. And the how... It's like something from a movie. Stuff just flew around but there wasn't an aura. Then he chased a mare out of town because he thought she made him destroy everything."

"Be that as it may, Ambrosia, he wasn't himself." Bryce smirked at this comment. "I know second hoof what devil's weed can do to a pony. After you and your sister decided to have some for a snack you both swore up and down there was a 'little smoking foal' at the edge of your bed."

"Okay, you may be right about that. But what about all the...?" Ambrosia flung her forehooves about as she made a whooshing noise. "The tele-whatever?"

"It's odd, I will admit. You're right about the lack of a magic aura, but is it truly so out of place? I in fact move objects without physical contact daily. Like so." Needlepoint charged up his horn, cloaking inside of the door to his shop in a sky-blue aura. When he pulled back the door did not swing towards him. He focused more of his magic on the door.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

"I can't seem to get this to work." He pulled his magic to both turn the knob and swing the door open, as he'd done hundreds if not a thousand of times before.

On the other side of the door Bryce kept his grip on the doorknob. He did nothing as the air around the door took on a sky-blue glow.

Ambrosia stepped forward. "Dad, stop it before you break our door." When she grabbed the doorknob she pulled back. When the door didn't open she doubled, then tripled the force behind her pull. She managed to pull open the door to where the wood was not flush with the frame. "What the hay's going on here?" She grunted. “It’s like somepony put the fridge on the door, from the other side though.”

By then Bryce understood what was going on. While he listened to Needlepoint and his daughter's argument, coupled with his strain to keep the bedpost off the ground, he held on to the doorknob to keep himself upright. He released the handle, swinging his hand around to grab hold of the bedpost.

His sudden release of the door made it swing inwards. With the amount of effort Ambrosia had on her end the doorknob made an arc and planted itself above and to the left of her right orbital cavity. She yelped as the round, solid brass object collided with her face and sent her to the back wall. Her impact with the wall caused a torrent of craft items to rain onto the ground.

As the stars dispersed and her vision cleared Ambrosia found her father and Bryce standing over her.

Bryce held up a hand. "Hey, Ambrosia." When she returned his greeting with a glare Bryce lowered his hand. He then saw the bruise beginning to form around her right eye. He rubbed the fingers of his left hand into his palm. Within seconds a bright glow emanated from within the pale red appendage. He then moved to place the hand around her eye. "Relax, this will take a second."

Before the human could lay his hand on her she swatted the glowing digits away. With her swipe the life force within his grasp sprayed across the craft shop floor. The aetheric material stayed its place for a few seconds, then sank into the wood. The glow it released extinguished as it faded back to the plane from whence it came.

The three of them did nothing for a moment.

Bryce flexed and retracted his hand. "I was just trying to-"

Ambrosia stood up and trotted for the stairs to the her and her father's home upstairs. She complained about the need for ice as her hooves clip-clopped the way up.

Once she crested the stairs there came a loud slam.

Needlepoint was the first to speak. "Not the grandest of entrances, but I'm sure she'll live." He ran a hoof across the floor. "She's came home with worse from her construction job."

"Well, I would have helped if she let me," Bryce replied as he rubbed the fingers on his left hand together.

Needlepoint looked to a spot on the floor where the formless mass was moments ago. "I'll take your word on it." He looked back to Bryce. "I'll check on Ambrosia in a moment, but first... I believe I know why you're here."

At this Bryce perked up, his recent injury to Ambrosia forgotten. "Yeah, the bedposts." Before the sunset orange stallion could say another word, Bryce walked over to his project. "I know they're late, but I wasn't myself then, as you know," he said as he presented the two halves to Needlepoint. When Needlepoint said nothing, Bryce asked, "Is something wrong? I did a good job, didn't I?"

Needlepoint glared at the two wood frames in front of him. Under the circumstances, he could understand Bryce forgetting some of the more important details of the commission. The legs were left square instead of round. It would be plain to the untrained eye he failed to sand the wood in places. The stallion was not a hundred percent sure, but to him the legs looked uneven. If this were true the bed would wobble.

Along with this the front of the bottom section was void of any work. It was as flat as a board.

Filthy Rich's commissioned stated this spot needed his bratty daughter's Cutie Mark. If Filthy Rich would take the bedposts—and he stated a week ago there was no way in Tartarus he would consider accepting anything made by the human—he would for sure not do so without a sizeable deduction from the bill.

There was no way he could tell Bryce this; some of what Ambrosia said filled him with doubt. He sank the commission before him to the back of his mind, along with the bits it once promised.

"Bryce, there is nothing wrong... Nothing is wrong with the bedpost."

"Well, that's good. Should I leave it here, like usual?"

"No, if you leave it here it would only gather dust." If there were the hint of a flinch in Bryce's emotionless face Needlepoint failed to register it. "Bryce, the commissioned is cancelled."

"Well, if it's because of the wait I can take less."

"It's not a matter of the time or money. It's..." Needlepoint breathed in and exhaled. "The commission is cancelled; the client no longer wants your work."

Bryce lowered the bedposts to the floor, his face remaining expressionless. "Well, I hoped for the big payment. But if he doesn't want it I can take it home. I'll find something to do with it." He stopped for a second before he asked, "Well, are there any new commissions?"

Needlepoint relaxed, if only a little. He was proven correct thus far: Bryce understood the commission was no longer open and he remained civilized. But now came the hardest part. He decided it best to be blunt. "Bryce, your services are no longer required."

The result was what Needlepoint expected. Bryce did nothing but prove his face was the ultimate poker face. "Are you firing me?"

"No, I’m saying your services are, at present, not required. I do this not out of malice. Our partnership did wonders for my business, and the bits your work brought my daughter and I's way is appreciated beyond measure, but recent events leave your work...unwanted. Not to say I don't like having you around, no, that's not what I mean. What I mean is nopony appreciates the work you've done, nor the work you could do for them."

"If this is about what happened on Hallow- I mean, Nightmare Night that wasn't me. Here, let me explain-"

Needlepoint raised a hoof to silence the human. "I am aware of what happened and I can almost sympathize with you. You were indeed not in complete control of your actions but what you did... What you did can't be swept under the rug. Even if they understand how they can't look past what they saw. Through whatever means you moved things without touching them. If it were through the use of magic it would be one matter. If you had made it known beforehoof it would have been another."

"But what they saw wasn't magic, and you sprung it on them in the worst possible way. And I know you would never have done such a thing, but everypony else knows near to nothing about you. To them you're another stranger. Sure, they welcomed you to their town but what can you say they know of you?" Needlepoint waited a few beats before he asked, "Do you hear what I'm saying?"

"Well, they seemed fine today. The damage didn't look too bad. I mean, you're still open, right? And they must have read the news by now. It's been a day since they published the story."

"Be that as it may, Bryce, I feel you're not seeing the bigger picture. Quite a few ponies lost their homes. Others are scared to remain in Ponyville with you only half an hour’s trot down the road. And your attitude to the situation won't buy you any friends. If they see you as you are they may well sort to drastic measures."

"Well, the worst they did the first time they saw me was stalk me. What worse can they do?"

Needlepoint brought a hoof to the bridge of his nose. "You still fail to see... I'm trying to help you. If you won't listen to reason listen to what I tell you next. The best thing for you is to go back to the apple farm and stay there. Maybe in time they'll forgive you. I wouldn't make any grandiose wagers on it but it is the best option."

Needlepoint walked the human to the door. "I thank you for your services. Once the issue starts to cool I'm sure they will see reason. If I should ever have a commission only you can manage I shall seek you out personally." Granted they want your work ever again.

"I'm sure they will," Bryce said. "They'll want some wood carving done eventually, won't they?"

This left Needlepoint a little uneasy. Bryce answered a question he thought confined to his mind. Regardless, he saw the human out and shut the door behind him. Waiting a moment to reconcile what he had done to his main source of revenue—but more importantly his friend—he ascended the staircase. If anypony arrived the 'ring' of the shop bell would make their entrance known.

When he reached the top of the staircase he found Ambrosia seated at the kitchen table. She held a washcloth filled with ice over her bruised and swollen eye. "How'd he take it?" She asked, not trying to mask her disapproval.

The sunset stallion shook his head. "I can't say. I did the best I could to warn him, but it's as if he means to deny what he's done."

"Figures. Guys as dense as my boss." She moved the ice filled washcloth around to find a colder spot. "That reminds me, did you tell him about ‘you know what’."

Needlepoint shook his head. "As I told you already: If you want him to know you can tell him."

"What?! Dad!"

"Ambrosia, zip it. It's one thing to not want to see him and another to block him when all he wants is to do some honest work."

"Yeah, well, the other guys agree with me. I don't mind the work, and the overtime is a blessing, but we're looking to fix what he broke not break it some more."

"I fear you may one day regret those words, Ambrosia. You're just like your sister. Once you find your own group—your clique—you don't care who you hurt. I'm flattered you still include me but if you shun him you could regret it."

"Yeah, well that was before."

"Before what? Before he made you those pony dolls. Don't think I didn't see you play with them, a mare your age. It was adorable, and I'm happy to see you so happy after everything we've been through together, but if it weren't for Bryce you would sulk over having nothing to do."

From downstairs, they came the familiar 'ring, ring, ring' of the entrance door bells over the entrance.

Ambrosia glared at her father with her uninjured eye. "You gonna see about that? Don't want to lose a sale."

Needlepoint let out a huff. Without saying anything Needlepoint descended the stairs. When he reached the bottom, he smiled. "Amethyst, Dinky, what brings you here?"


Bryce wandered through the empty streets of Ponyville, the suggestions of Needlepoint lost on him. He wandered about looking for somepony, anypony, but there were none. Sometimes he would stop before a window, looking in to see if anypony were inside. This, and to catch his breath. After enough time at each spot proved the house or café or what have you contained nopony he picked up the bedposts and wandered about some more.

The truth of the matter was Bryce felt Needlepoint, while still a good friend who wanted the best for him, was wrong.

What good would heading back to the farm do for him?

What good came from waiting?

Of course a slim minority of ponies would be frightened by Bryce display, but the majority would still face him.

What reason did they have to fear him? He was the same Bryce to them now as he was months ago. Be it now he was a Bryce who had the ability to move things with a single thought. And with another thought learn everything there was to know about them. And with yet another thought force them to do things without question.

Otherwise he was the same Bryce Ponyville grew to know and talk to and accept.

At least this is what he reassured himself every time he turned a corner, or looked inside a window. In fact, it was what he told himself with every step.

In his quest to find another living, breathing, sentient being he heard a noise. He stopped to better comprehend it, and when it dawned on him what it was the sound of foals he tightened his grip on the bedposts and tracked them to the source.

He found the foals at a playground a few streets over. Their parents broke down; they could no longer stand the confinement or their foals’ pleas for amusement. Bryce had not been seen in some time, at least in their area, and to end the nonstop complaints they escorted their foals to the playground. There were more foals about, those foals who ignored their parents' warnings and escaped from their overbearing protection.

Bryce came up behind a pair of mothers seated on the grass. They were so caught up in their exchange of idle gossip they failed to acknowledge the human's arrival. Others who were in a better position to notice his approach took it upon themselves to drag away their foals, some kicking and screaming to be left alone.

Bryce could see the foals throw tantrums to try and stay, but he made another excuse for their behavior. They had all been at the playground for a while now and they had errands to run.

One such father and colt passed by, the latter begging to go back. The stallion shot these hopes down with, "Not now. Maybe later when he's gone."

The pair of gossiping mothers noticed this, with one left to question, "What did he mean by that?"

The other looked about with hopes the stallion meant somepony else. These hopes were dashed when she looked to her side, and to distance herself squeezed as much of herself as possible into her friend.

Before the first mother mare could question her friend's behavior she sank back, almost falling onto her back. Bryce was here, and he stood within hoof's length of them both.

Bryce lowered one half of the bedpost to the ground and waved to the mares, adding with the gesture a single, "Hi."

Without a word in response the two mares surveyed the area for their foals, and once they found them galloped to them. "Wow, would you look at the time," the first mare said, "it's past lunch time."

"But Mom, we ate before we got here," her foal protested.

"Yes, but you've both been running around and playing for a while now. You must be hungry again," the second mare said as she scooped up her friend's foal, failing to notice her mistake. "I mean look at you, you look positively famished."

"No I'm not, and you're not-" Before the foal could protest further the two mares placed the other's foal onto their own backs. It took every effort for the foals to keep on the mares' backs. The mares galloped away for home, which were on different parts of Ponyville.

For the duration of this act Bryce placed the second half of the bed post on the ground and opened the front casing of his watch. Well, it's almost 2 p.m. They must be hungry. He closed the casing and patted his stomach. I know I am.

By this time around half of the foals remained since Bryce's arrival: the foals who went against their parents’ wishes.

It was not long after a familiar dull brown colt stopped in his tracks, stared at the human for a second and ran over to him. When he reached Bryce, he skid to a halt. He looked the human up and down with a deep glare before he asked, "Where've ya been, Bryce?"

"What...? Kid, how've you been?"

"Lousy. Ever since ya disappeared my Mom's almost never let me outta the house for my paper route. She thinks without you somepony would snatch me up or something. Every mornin' it's 'Rocky, I don't think you should today. Not without somepony to watch over you.' She eventually stopped after Mr Nut agreed to help, but he's... He's terrible at it. He couldn't throw a paper to me if his life depended on it. And by the time we get done Ah gotta rush to make it to school on time." He looked back to the Nut twins, who trotted over in the middle of his slander. "No offense, guys."

"It's fine, he's terrible at sports, too," Pecan answered.

When the pair of fillies approached Bryce and Rocksalt it was Almond who took the lead. Until now it was Almond who took refuge behind Almond and Rocksalt. Now the more daring twin hid behind her sister and their best friend.

"Are you okay, Bryce?" Almond asked, without a hint of fear.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm missing a week, but everything else is fine."

Rocksalt said nothing as a stallion and mare ran towards the playground, found their colt, and snatched him up. They later crept off at a nonchalant pace to avoid Bryce' attention.

"How are you two? Is everything fine at home?"

"Sorta. Momma's mad. Daddy tries to calm her down but he somehow makes here even madder."

"Well, men have that effect on women. Don't know why but we do. I mean, I dread to think what she'd do to me now if she saw us together."

"Why? Momma said you were gonna teach us to cook last Saturday... But you never showed up..." Almond lowered her head, disappointed to lose out on the experience.

"Why would she say that?"

"She said you said you would."

"Did I say that? Because I don't remember anything from last week."

"Sure didn't remember my math homework," Rocksalt said under his breath.

"What was that, Kid?"

"He said 'sure didn't remember my math homework'," Pecan repeated. Rocksalt shot her a look. "What?"

"Kid," Bryce said, drawing back the colt's attention. "I'm sorry I missed helping your homework and your route. I know it's important, but with the state I was in... Well, it's best to not tell you where I was, but I was out of my gourd. I promise though starting again tomorrow afternoon I'll help you. " He looked over to the twins. "And girls, if I said I'd help you with cooking I will—since I can ell it means that much to you."

The twin Nut fillies perked up, prompting Pecan to edge herself out from behind the other foals. "Would you help Mom, too?" she asked. "We liked your stuff way better than her stuff. She can't even make eggs right." She looked to her sister and whispered. "Don't tell her I said anything, okay?"

Almond nodded, agreeing with both her sister's request and the statement.

"Did she ask for my help, as well?" The fillies nodded. "Well, I must have made a good impression on her. Wish I could remember it."

"You really can't remember? Not even when you promised to buy us ice cream after teaching us?" Pecan asked.

"No, I can't remember any of the true stuff, Pecan. Nice try, but no. I don't even remember waking up last Monday."

"Then do you remember-?"

"Do you remember when you destroyed half the town?" A deep voice asked him from behind. When the foals and Bryce looked back they found a small group of ponies situated not far off. Each one held a bitter, heated expression on their face.

A few parents who dared to venture out and look for their escaped foals found them, and were beyond horrified to find something sinister not far off. It mattered not what the newspaper printed, the fear already inside their hearts and minds rekindled, and with the stoking of the flame came anger; a hatred, for Bryce.

They rounded up their foals all the same, but they did not stop there. Once they saw the foals home they proceeded to round up others to their cause. The fire inside them spread, and it spread as a plague.

To Tartarus with what Mayor Mare said. The same with anypony who called him a friend. If they would not bring the Guard then they would matters into their own hooves. They wanted security, and they intended to make their homes, their families, their town secure from this deranged sociopath.

"How dare you find the balls to show yourself around here!" spoke a sinewy mare. Her fur was a blood red, more so like blood which had long since dried. "And you dare prance about like you own the place? You act like some stolid twit!"

"I'm sorry, what was that last word?" Bryce asked, still calm despite the ire of the crowd. "Did you just say that in front of children?"

"I called you a 'twit'. Are you as dense in the head as you are coldblooded? Must be; a wiser man would know to not revisit the scene the crime."

"I'm not trying to revisit anything. I'm just...visiting."

"How'd you like to visit the inside of a jail for a while?" Somepony from the crowd shouted.

"Well, I wouldn't. I don't like confinement. I'm can deal with tight spaces, but confinement... No..."

The crowd booed.

"String him up and leave him to rot!"

"Hey, come on, why such hatred? If it's about what you think I did I can assure you it wasn't me."

They fell silent.

"Is he serious?" Was the general question asked amongst the crowd. There arose a loud commotion soon after, each pony with their own method to punish the human who cost a few of them their homes.

"Shut your gobs, you bleeding boobs!!!" Was the phrase the blood red mare use to silence the crowd. "We can't do anything until we get the foals from him, nitwits. Unless you want to him to hurt them too."

The crowd paused once they saw this fact.

The mare spoke again, "Release them. If you let them go we'll go easy on you."

"What do you mean? They're my friends. I wouldn't hurt them. Well, not on purpose."

All the crowd heard was up to the word 'friends'.

"He's taken over their minds."

"He wants to take over Ponyville."

"What are you all, braindead?" The blood red mare asked. She faced the crowd.

A few stallions stepped forward, ahead of the mare. They came as close as they could, their fright of what the human could do to the foals holding them back.

"Let'em go!" One demanded.

Bryce raised his hands. "Listen, you're all-"

The frontline of stallions retreated behind their de facto leader. "He's about use his powers on us!" One shouted.

"Somepony do something!" Cried another.

"Stop it now, you braying cretins, you imbeciles! He's done nothing. Unless you stop now he may-"

From over the sinewy mare's a stone sailed through the air. The stone arced over the mare and zipped past Bryce, coming to a stop after it made contact with a piece of playground equipment, the noise reverberating across the open space.

With the toss of this one stone the crowd sank into chaos. They dug down and pulled up any loose stones they could wrench from the ground. In precision motion they did as the lone thrower before them and sent them flying for the human.

In a flash Bryce sank down and covered his head, using the bedpost as a makeshift shield. He shouted at the three foals. "Get behind me!!!"

A multitude of rocks pelted the ground in the immediate area around the quartet. A few hit the two halves of the bedpost leaving the foals unharmed. A couple found their way around the wood and struck Bryce on his right hand and left shin. Despite the pain, Bryce did not move; he and the bedpost were the only objects between the foals and the projectiles.

For the entire barrage the blood red mare tried to quell her small division of human-haters, but the fire of their hatred burned brighter than she could shout.

At last having depleted the available stones in hoof’s reach the volley ceased.

Waiting a beat, Almond, thinking it was over came out from behind her large barrier. Before Bryce could pull her into his grip she stood tall on her four almond colored hooves and began to pelt back at the crowd, "Leave Bryce alone, he's-"

That was the exact moment a rock hit her square in the jaw. It was small but still left its mark.

Almond fell back, her hooves gripping at her mouth.

The blood red mare continued to command the crowd to stop.

Bryce went as still as the stone which lay not far from Almond. Then all at once he shook. It started out slow from disbelief, but in time the fire which brewed inside the hearts of the ponies around him spread to his own. Not caring where their stones may hit him Bryce stood to his full height.

Behind him the playground equipment shook with his anger. A few weaker pieces bent or snapped, rendering them unsafe for any further amusement.

Bryce could take the stones, but not when it harmed one of his closest and dearest friends in this chromatic and jovial hell.

It would take a miracle to stop him from unleashing his wrath, and one came in the form of a single, drawn out howl.


With one phrase the crowd which became a debacle and the human who came close to ending their lives froze to the spot. All eyes turned to the mare who released this call: Cocoa Buerre.

If Bryce was mad before his anger was like kicking an inanimate object compared to the anger of the cream-colored unicorn.

She rushed to her foal, her husband and Rocksalt's mother not far behind. When she reached her tenderhearted filly she made to cradle her to her chest. Kernal interjected, "Cocoa, don't. If her head is injured it would be best to keep her still."

The crowd looked at the scene in horror; this was never their intent.

Cocoa looked to the crowd. She saw many ponies she herself grew to know since her and Kernal's move to Ponyville. She did not know if she could ever look at them the same way after today.

She stood tall before the crowd, and demanded with as calm a tone a mother could manage under the situation, "Who did zis?"

Nopony dared answer. They looked anywhere but at her.

"Did I not say it clearly enough? I shall ask again slowly. Who. Did. Zis?!"

She met with the same hush as before.

The blood red mare, not shaken by Cocoa's stance or forced placidity said, "Ma'am, I can't tell you who, but whoever it was should be forced to hang by their stallionhood."

Cocoa drew in a few deep breaths. "Fine," she said before turning her chocolate eyes towards the blood red mare's dark army greens. "Then tell me what iz the meaning of zis."

"Ma'am, it was unintentional. We were trying to bring this twit in."

"And what did he do?"

"He had these foals as prisoners."

"No he didn't!" Pecan exclaimed. "We were just talking and these bozos started yelling at us."

Cocoa narrowed her eyes a few millimeters. "Iz zat so...?"

"Ma'am, I think you fail to understand the situation. This is Bryce, the one who-"

"Oui, I know who he is and what he did. But what of you all?"


"From what I saw you all attacked him, and he defended mes filles, from you."

"Yes, but ma'am it still stands. He-"

Almond let out a groan as she rolled from side to side.

"Shh, I know it must hurt," Kernal said to try and soothe the girl.

When she continued to moan in pain Bryce stepped forward. "I can help her."

The blood red mare stood to attention. "You go near her, you fat oaf and I'll-"

Cocoa moved her long, thin frame between the mare and her filly. She said nothing but the message was clear. She turned to Bryce soon after. "Can you help her?"

Bryce nodded. "If you'll let me, I will."

Cocoa didn't flinch as she said, "Go ahead."

The crowd was in shock. They thought whatever spell or trick of the mind the human had them all under must be strong to control the cream-colored mare. They did nothing, however, as Bryce took a knee behind Almond.

He stared at the injured filly for a second, then took a long blink. When his eyes opened again his eyes glowed a soft grey light. The crowd shuttered when he stated, "She'll be fine. She's hurting, but it’s mostly hairline fractures." Bryce began to rub his hands together. As he felt his hands grow warm the same soft glow as in his eyes shot forth from his fingers. Being as gentle as he could, he rubbed the glow over Almond's aching jaw. After a few swipes the glow left his eyes, along with the glow in his hand.

"Almond, how do you feel?"

Almond removed her hooves from her mouth and rested herself on her legs. "I feel...I don't know..." She stood on her four hooves with little effort. "I feel great,” she said, though this was an understatement. She felt as if she could do anything her sister could do. If possible she would, but in no time the high of the life force would wear off.

This left the crowd in shock once more. Whatever Bryce did it healed the filly.

Almond stuck a hoof inside her mouth and touched her front-most teeth. Most of them wiggled with her touch. "I think my teeth are loose."

The crowd gasped in shock.

"Zat's fine, you imbéciles. What would you expect when you throw a rock at her?"

The crowd said nothing in return.

"Well, I can't fix that, Almond."

"Are my teeth going to fall out?!" She asked, horrified she would end up looking like her snaggletooth grandfather.

"You will, but that's supposed to happen," Bryce explained. He rubbed an open palm across her back. "They'll grow back into brand new, prettier teeth. And when they fall out make sure to put them under your pillow. The tooth fairy will come and leave you some money."

"Wow, really?!" The timid filly exclaimed. It worried her she was to lose her teeth, but if she received bits for them it seemed worth it.

"Really. Now, do you hurt anywhere else?"

"Not any more. She smiled as she sank her head into Bryce's chest. "Thanks, Bryce."

Bryce wrapped an arm around her back while rubbed her mane with the other.

Cocoa smiled, relieved her daughter would live. Then she turned to glare back at the crowd. "Shame on you. Shame on you all."

"Ma'am?" The blood red mare questioned.

"Tell me zis, does he look like the kind of monster who would hurt ma petite fille, hmm?"

The crowd returned with a few scratches behind the head and looks to the ground at their hooves.

"You come and try to hurt him, and it is you all zat hurt my daughter. I say you all leave now, or I shall be the one to, how you say, have your asses thrown in jail."

The crowd hesitated.

“There will no such thing, not if I have any say,” said Mayor Mare as she came upon the scene. “What seems to be the problem here?” She asked as she surveyed the immediate area.

Nobody uttered a word. The aged mare could tell something was amiss, and from the way the two groups stood at odds it was nothing good.

“Will anypony answer, or do I need to call the Guard, on everypony?”

She looked to the crowd. They said nothing.

She looked to Cocoa and the group behind her. They too said nothing.

Mayor Mare looked back to the crowd. “Right then. I suggest everypony make their way for home. Whatever this is this is not how we deal with matters in my town.”

The crowd hesitated.

"Well, go on. Loin avec vous tous! Allez ouste!" Cocoa stated.

The crowd needed no further prompting, nor understand Prench to know what Cocoa meant. The ponies left, each headed for home or a tent. They all still held fear in their hearts; fear and hatred. But the hatred now turned onto themselves. What fueled their fear more now was yet another strange ability Bryce presented to them. What they saw was a large, powerful being, and with his power he healed a little filly. They were shaken and at the same time unsure of themselves.

In time the blood red mare left, saying something under her breath. Bryce was the only person to hear her say, "He will have some explaining to do."

The remaining ponies and Bryce waited until the last of the mob was out of sight to say anything.

Mayor Mare was the first to speak, her head turned to Bryce. “I don’t know if you are at fault, but I expect you in my office tomorrow morning. I don’t care when but I’m leaving my schedule open.”

Without any parting words the middle-aged mare left.

After her departure, Bryce said, "Well, thank you for coming to help. For a moment I thought only your kids-" Before he could say another word the three parents locked a stare on him. It took a moment but Bryce understood, without the need to resort to mindreading. "Okay, I know I have some explaining to do."

He explained to them everything he knew of his powers, within his knowledge. A few times the ponies stopped him to ask a question, and he answered them without a single lie.

When he finished, he said, "I didn't do any of this to hurt anyone. I just didn't want anyone to know. I know it might not seem out of place here, but you must understand... Well, I won't say why but I can only ask you to trust me when I say I wish none of this happened." He looked to the ground. "My powers included."

"Why would ya wish something like that?" Rocksalt asked. "Ah mean, there are times Ah wish Ah could pull stuff outta the cupboard, but it's so high up."

"Kid, you wouldn't understand. You never saw the bad. Well, all the bad."

"What do ya mean by-"

His heavyset mother placed a hoof over her son's mouth. "Rocky, I'm sure he has his reasons, whatever they may be. But one thing I'm sure we want to know is why you kept this from everypony?"

Bryce remained quiet for a spell before he stated, "Because I wanted to be taken as somebody normal."


He nodded. "What I can do... In my world, it's bizarre. It just ain't proper. In my world, I'm labeled a freak of nature. And the trouble is I would do almost anything to not be."

"Why would you want that?" Kernal asked. "Yes, it is quite bizarre, but I doubt 'freak' is the proper name for somepony such as yourself."

Bryce looked to the chestnut stallion. "I know you mean well, but you just don't know."

"Don't know what though?"

Bryce looked down again. "I can't say."

"Can't, or-"

"Kernal, I think that's enough," his wife stated. "Whatever it is I am sure makes sense, to him."

"Well, I thank you for understanding, I think," Bryce replied. "I'm just sorry I'm myself."

"Bah! Zat is nothing to be sorry for. You should be sorry for ruining the town, no?"

"I... I suppose I should... But if I can't apologize for being myself who can?"

"Nopony, and zat is zat."

"Well, if I can't convince you... Cocoa, I can't remember saying this, but I told you I would help you cook."

"Yes, yes you did. And I am mad you did not...hold up you part of the bargain? Is zat the right phrase?" Kernal and Whipping Cream nodded. "Well, under the circumstances I forgive you, but you still better teach me. Oh, and Almond and Pecan." The twin fillies beamed to hear their mother show her approval.

"And another thing," Whipping Cream added, "you better be up tomorrow before sunrise. My son-"

"I know, Mrs Cream, the Kid already belted me for that one. And his homework. I'll get on that tomorrow, you have my word."

"Which means I don't have to," Kernal said. He later added, "not that I didn't mind," in response to the look Rocksalt's mother shot him.

"Well, since we're square on that can I ask you all something." He held up the bedpost. "Does anyone need a bedpost? Like new, only a few dings?"

The ponies looked at him with blank expressions.

"Well, it was worth a shot. I have no idea what to do with these then." Something will come up one day, I'm sure. "Can I ask something else then? Cocoa, girls, would you like to start your lessons now? I only ask because I think I skipped breakfast." As if to confirm his suspicions Bryce's stomach let out an audible growl.

"I suppose now is always a good time, no?" the cream-colored mare replied. "What will we cook first?"

Bryce shot the mare and her twins a smirk. "Eggs."

Running Away - Bob Marley and the Wailers

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Chapter 76: Running Away - Bob Marley and the Wailers

Bryce did as he promised. The next morning. He rose before the sun, dressed, and walked the distance into Ponyville. Once there he went about the town tossing papers to Rocksalt, who would then toss them onto the door mats and stoops of the subscribers they passed. To them, it was as if the week before never happened.

When they finished the task for the day they took their usual route to Rocksalt’s home. When they reached a certain point in their trip, Rocksalt asked, "Bryce, can we go another way?"

"Why, we always go this way," he responded.

"Yeah, but, uh... Don't ya think we could do it different today, just ta be doin' it."

"Why, Kid, this is the fastest way to your house."

"Ah know, but Ah think another way would be better."

Bryce looked down to the colt. "Kid, what is it?"

"What do ya mean? All Ah'm sayin' is maybe tryin' something new ain't a bad idea."

"Why would it be a bad idea to get you home, before school, and before your mother starts to worry?"

Rocksalt drew a blank on the human's reasoning. "It wouldn't take any longer to go around."

"Go around what?"

"Uh... No- Nothing."

Bryce looked the colt over once more, then turned about. "Come on, Kid, let's get you home. I still have to see the mayor for..." Bryce trailed off from there. Mayor Mare's sudden intrusion yesterday came as a surprise. He felt they would have met at some point by now—some point before he wrecked her town. There were many possibilities as to why they should meet this morning, and in each one he felt it was not good.

He walked ahead. He would deal with the mayor when he came to her. For now, he needed to see Rocksalt home.

The colt bolted for the human. "Bryce, wait a sec!" He yelled, low enough to not wake the neighborhood.

By the time Rocksalt caught up Bryce rounded a corner. This part of town opened onto an open field, an area larger than the town square and often used for sports events and other highlights. It was the same field where many of the concession stands and games once stood for Nightmare Night.

The field held nothing of the sort this early morning. Bryce came to a stop, not flinching when Rocksalt ran into to his calves.

In the field there were tents; nowhere close to a hundred but more than fifty at the least. A couple of them lit up from the inside, with the shadows of the inhabitants running like shadow puppets across the exteriors. The rest were dark, with faint snores and sleeping mummers heard from within.

Rocksalt was happy to find they were all zipped up. It nopony saw Bryce then maybe they could slip back unnoticed. "Bryce, let's just go around," he said through his teeth. "If we hurry Ah won't have ta gobble down breakfast."

Bryce bit on his lower lip. "Kid, we're already here," He said back in a hushed tone. "Besides, they won't try anything. After what happened yesterday I’m sure they think better of me."

Rocksalt cocked an eyebrow as his jaw dropped. He's not serious! He thought. When the human stepped forward inner voice shouted, Horseapples! The guy's serious! Instinct told him to run and leave Bryce to his fate, but Bryce would never do the same to him. He knew Bryce would not abandon him to ruin; he stood between him and the angry mob yesterday afternoon.

With a heavy gulp Rocksalt trotted forward, being careful to watch his step and make as little noise as possible.

They stopped after a certain point. From a tent at the edge of the encampment they heard shifting. From within, a mare groaned, "What gives, I'm trying to sleep here."

"Sorry, but I gotta pee," replied a second mare.

"Well go outside this time," the first mare moaned as she shifted into a more comfortable position.

"But what if he's out there? Why would they give us a bucket if not to pee in for this situation?"

"Why would Bryce be out this early; he's not the paper colt. And after you missed yesterday there's no way I'll let you go inside ever again. It's bad enough we share a tent, but if it happens again I won't forgive you. Besides, he won't try anything, even if he does come back"

"Would you come with me, sis?"

The first mare groaned in annoyance. "Too tired... Just go already... At the porta-johns!"

Defeated, the second mare unzipped the tent's door. At least she tried to unzip it. About a third of the way up the zipper snagged. The mare began to tug at the zipper, threatening to collapse the cramped, cloth shack.

Rocksalt tugged at the leg of Bryce's cargo shorts. "Come on, let's go already," he snarled.

Bryce ignored him. He knew the one voice but could not place the other.

There came a long, drawn out groan from the tent. "Here, let me," said the disgruntled mare. She pulled the zipper to the bottom. Then with a graceful tug she pulled the zipper up to the pointed roof. "There, now would you go alre-"

"Sis, he's here!"

The mare who spoke last was Cloudchaser. When she locked eyes with Bryce she almost let loose the contents of her bladder.

The other mare—the one who managed to open the tent—straightened up at Bryce's presence, but she was not frightened.

This was the first-time Bryce ever saw this mare, as he recalled, but he could tell they were sisters by the similar colors of their fur and manes. The latter on both looked in need of a good brushing.

The three ponies and Bryce looked at each other for a minute. Cloudchaser made to wail, "Bryce is here!" She would have, if not for Flitter covering her mouth before she could sound out the first syllable.

Flitter waved sideways at Bryce and Rocksalt with her free hoof.

Bryce waved back. Their behavior confused him, but he felt it rude to not return the gesture. "You see, Kid," Bryce whispered to Rocksalt, "they understand now."

Rocksalt and Flitter facehoofed in unison.

Cloudchaser wiggled her way from Flitter's grip. She made to warn everypony but met the same result.

"Get out of here, you boob!" Flitter stammered through her teeth.

A few tents adjacent to their own began to rattle.

"Bryce, let's get outta here," Rocksalt cried.

Bryce looked down, thinking Flitter meant he left his chest uncovered. "What did she mean by-?"

"Bryce, uh, Ah've got school in, like, twenty minutes," he lied.

He looked to Rocksalt. "Oh, right." He waved to Flitter, then jogged off with Rocksalt at his side.

They left the tents behind, with enough time to avoid making his being there known to everypony in the encampment. When he stopped to check the time on his watch, he said, "Kid, you can calm down. You've got about forty-five minutes."

Rocksalt slowed to a trot, then stood still. He found it hard to believe the human could not see the severity of the situation. He looked back to Bryce. He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it. When he opened his mouth again, he asked, "Bryce, are you alright, you know, in the head?"

"Well, Rocksalt, that's a broad topic. Do you think we have the time?"

"No, I mean... What do you mean by...?"

"Well, the short version is it's an odd mind placed in a standard body, if that answers your question."

No, that actually raises more questions. Rocksalt shook away the thought. "Yeah, I guess."

He and Bryce made for the colt's home.

Back at the camp more ponies began to stir. When they found their way out of their temporary homes they converged on Cloudchaser and Flitter's location. Each one demanded the standard questions, "What's going on here? What's with all the noise? Do you have any idea what time it is?"

In time a hush fell over the crowd, prompting Flitter to come up with a response. "It's okay, everypony, it’s okay. My sister here just needed to use the bathroom, and she couldn’t work the zipper. We all know how much trouble these zippers can be." She ended with a light-hearted laugh.

A mummer came up from the dislocated ponies, with the verdict being they agreed with the mare.

"There's no cause for alarm, everything is fine. You can all go-"

"But what about Bryce?" Cloudchaser asked.

A loud uproar came from the crowd. They each looked in one random direction after another.

Flitter edged in close to her sister. "Chase, don't say anything else."

"Flit, what about Bryce? Shouldn't we-"

A mare noticed the pair talking. "Hey, what'd she say? Is Bryce around?" The crowd fell quiet once more.

"Sis, just listen to me," Flitter demanded through her teeth. She laughed again before saying, "Come on, do you see Bryce? What she said was that we should go together. I mean, us two. You know, in case Bryce might be around. You know, have somepony to watch your back while you do... Well, you know."

The crowd discussed this amongst themselves. "If he is then are we safe?"

Flitter laughed this question off. "What, at this hour? I mean, he might be mean but even somepony like Bryce needs to sleep, right?" A few ponies went to contradict this assumption, but Flitter held them off with, "I'd like to stay, but my sister still has to pee. We may be blood, and all that junk, but I doubt anypony would want to sleep in a tent filled with their sister's pee."

A few ponies grumbled, themselves victim to this from their own family members, older and younger.

"So, if you could clear us a path." Flitter stepped forward with Cloudchaser close to her side. The crowd stepped aside as they past. Once they cleared the crowd the two blue-violet pegasi trotted for the porta-potties. It was not much longer until the ponies dispersed and headed for their tents. Questioning them on their outlandish behavior was one thing, but they would not dare stand by and watch as a mare relieved herself.

That just ain’t proper.

When her sister entered the small, foul-smelling, plastic cell Flitter let out a sigh. A few seconds later Cloudchaser asked, "Flit, why didn't you tell anypony about Bryce?"

Flitter looked about to make sure nopony was within earshot. "I just think he has enough problems."

"But shouldn’t they still know?"

"I just think it's best for everypony that only we know. I mean, you heard what happened yesterday, didn't you? Some parents ganged up on him, and they ended up hurting a filly. After something like that I’m afraid of what they would do to me, and to you. Even if it wasn't on purpose... This whole thing I think's been blown outta whack."

"Yeah, Thunderlane was saying the same thing to me the other day," Cloudchaser said as she finished up. "He told me Bryce would never have done anything like that. At least, not with anypony around."

Flitter thought about her sister's last statement. "When did he say that?"

"Last week."

"No duh, which day last week?"

"A couple days after Nightmare Night," Cloudchaser said when she pushed the door open.

"After Nightmare Night? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I remember. I said something about how scared I was, then he said he couldn't believe Bryce did it in front of everypony, and then I said how he wasn't around for me to hold. I yelled at him for running off, too."


"When what?"

Flitter rolled her eyes. "When did Thunderlane run away?"

"Oh, Nightmare Night."

"He ran on Nightmare Night? When?"

"You just said when: Nightmare Night."

"No, Chase, when did he run on Nightmare Night?"

"Oh. Well, remember when he left us with Rumble? It was about the time we were throwing balls at the dunk tank. He looked like he was running from something."

"Did you see anything?"

Cloudchaser shook her head. "No, but whatever it was musta been scary. I mean, like, Bryce scary. I yelled at him but he must not’ve heard me."

Flitter ran this information through her mind. She could not place a hoof on it but she felt the events her sister described were connected in some way. Coupled with this was the sudden interest Thunderlane had in Bryce. She did not hear everything, but a few months back the slate grey stallion made the human out as some sort of ghoul. At times downright calling the human a savage brute who could kill a pony with his gaze.

What she saw last week placed this statement in the realm of possibility, but she doubted Bryce would. She could tell the human was an odd fellow when they met a week back, but she could never imagine him to be this odd. She thought him odd, yet still a good person, not unlike a quirky uncle. What she knew now did not shatter this belief; still odd, a bit handsome for somebody who was not a pony, but not bad for one's health.

Thunderlane, on the other hoof, was a different matter. She never trusted the pegasus. To her he was a pretty boy; some colt with more looks than brains. He thought his charm could beguile the most dimwitted of mares, with no offense meant to her sister. Thunderlane did not seem the type to let sleeping dogs lie. He would go on and on about how Bryce stole his flight from him. And last week he never brought up the subject. Nor did he this week when he met up with her and Cloudchaser.

What Thunderlane did bring up with Cloudchaser was how Bryce 'would never have done anything like that. At least, not with anypony around.'

He must have known something about Bryce. The question is how much. There was more to it and Flitter wanted to get to the bottom of it. "Cloudchaser," she said after a long silence, "what else has Thunderlane said about Bryce?"


When Bryce and Rocksalt reached the latter's home they found Whipping Cream standing in the doorway. "There you two are. What kept you both?"

"We just had a little detour, Mrs Cream," Bryce answered. "I saw someone I knew."

"Oh, well, at least you got here okay," said the plump mare as she wrapped her son in a hug.

"Yeah, Mom, great," he said without enthusiasm.

The mother mare could feel something was wrong. By now her son told her how fast they finished the day’s route. Instead he did not look her in the eye. "Rocksalt, you feel sweaty. Why don't we go run you a bath?"

"But what about breakfast?" His mother often waited until Rocksalt was inside. She wanted him to have a warm breakfast.

"Well, I can take care of it," Bryce suggested.

"Why that sounds fine," Whipping Cream said. "Come on, Rocky. I'll run the water and you tell me when it's hot enough."

Bryce thought nothing of this as he made breakfast.

Whipping Cream trotted down the hall with Rocksalt. When they reached the bathroom, they walked in and Whipping Cream shut the door. "Rocksalt, is something wrong? Nopony caused you any problems, did they?"

"Nah, Mom, it wasn't what anypony did."

"Oh... Well, is it Bryce?"

The way the dull brown colt looked away all but confirmed the question. "Mom, does Bryce seem like he's actin' strange?"

"Strange how?" She asked as she ran the faucet.

"Ah don't know, it's like he believes some of the stuff he's sayin'. Like how he’s not ta blame for what happened on Nightmare Night. Yesterday it was like he didn’t know why everypony was mad at’m. And this morning some mare waved at us to get lost, and he thought she was wavin' 'hi'."

"Okay, I think I understand," Whipping Cream said as she tested the water. "
Rocky, he's in denial."

"Yeah, that's it." He said nothing for a few seconds. "Mom, is Bryce alright?"

His mother shut off the valves. "Well, Rocky, maybe he doesn't want to believe he did what he did. It's like when you were expelled from school. When your teacher told me what happened I didn't believe him. To me you were my little boy; my small, sweet little boy who could do no wrong."

Rocksalt looked down to the bathroom tiles. His mother saw his downward gaze. "Rocky, don't feel bad. I'm not bringing this up to shame you, it's just an example. I’m saying Bryce may feel the same way. He knows what he did, but he doesn't want to believe he did it. That's denial; something everypony goes through."

"What made it happen? He looks fine but he's... Whatever it is he ain't like Bryce."

"Rocky, he needs to come to terms with this. I don't know when it will be, but when he does he may not be the same."

This disheartened the dull brown colt. "So, he might not be the same guy who helps me with my paper route and my homework?"

"No... I mean... Rocksalt, I'm sure he'll still help you in those terms.” For now, at least.. “If worse comes to worse I'll help you myself."

"Yeah, Ah know. But what about when he does believe he wrecked the town? What'll he be like then?"

With this the thought of her own life flashed before her eyes. She thought of the time during her and Rocksalt’s transition to Ponyville.

It started with denial: she could not fathom her son—her and her husband's pride and joy—bullied other foals.

The next was the anger: she and her husband were mad at anything and everything. They directed most of their anger at the school board, but all their yelling changed nothing. The Manehatten school board expelled Rocksalt from the school district.

Afterwards she tried to bargain with the board. Her son was not a bad boy, his father was always busy with work and could not occupy her son’s energy. And when she came home she never had the energy to occupy him. She faced this on her own; her husband bargained too, but for her to take Rocksalt and move someplace else. He had work and could not be bothered to trouble himself with this now.

The next step she fell into a deep depression. It started when she packed up her and Rocksalt's belongings. It grew worse with each passing day. Then worse with the move, then when they came to their above-ramshackle dwelling. She hoped the change in environment would change her son's outlook on life, but he continued to bully and harass the other foals. She told herself by the time he was in school he would go on the straight-and-narrow. This was the only thing she could do to get through the day.

It became worse with the introduction of Bryce. She had yet to meet the human, but how could she tell the difference between what her son told her then and what she knew now? Her son became worse and worse with every passing day. Then it became known he bullied a filly—a tom-coltish filly but a filly nonetheless. It was enough for the dull brown colt to lose the only friends he had in Ponyville. The following weeks sent an arrow through her heart to see him come home and cry each afternoon. He would often not leave his room until the following morning.

This went on until the intervention of Bryce. She expected Bryce to treat her son like any other number in a file system—much in the same way the Manehatten school board treated him. But he forgave Rocksalt. He held no ill will for her son, and when they met for the first time their friendship startled her. What frightened her worse was what they came to ask her.

To raise her son’s confidence, Bryce thought it a good idea to find her son a job, and they had one in mind. It was for an outrageous hour, but Bryce encouraged her to say yes. It scared her to say this one little word, but the results... The results it had on her son were unbelievable.

His self-esteem grew in a few short weeks, and he also gained a new pair of friends before school began. Her son tried to make her take his hard-earned bits but she would have none of it. Rocksalt earned the bits. Bryce helped, of course, but on the record it was Rocksalt's job.

Whipping Cream did not know when, but at some point she found herself able to smile again. She was happy; happy for her son.

She could not remember the last time she smiled, or when she was this happy. She wanted to compare it to her wedding day or the day she learned of her impending foal or when Rocksalt came into the world. But the day she found herself smiling was beyond comparison, because it was the day she knew her son was happy, too.

After so long they were happy in this above-ramshackle in this foreign town with hundreds of ponies neither of them knew.

The thought of it all made the heavyset mare smile then and there.

"Mom?" Rocksalt asked, bringing her back to the present.

"What is it, Rocky?"

"I asked ya if Bryce is gonna be alright."

She wrapped her son in a hug, surprising the dull brown colt. "Rocky, I'm sure once this is over Bryce will be better than he is now. What he's going through will be hard for everypony, but when he comes out he'll be a changed pony."

"But Mom, he's not a pony."

"It's still the same." She released her son and looked him in the eye. "I just want you to know, Rocksalt, what's happening to him now will get worse. He may one day say something to you he regrets later, but I want you to do the same for him as he did for you. Forgive him, Rocksalt. It will be tough, but it will take you both a long way." With her next statement, she looked her son straight in the eye. "You know I’m right."

Rocksalt blinked a few times. The statement confused him, until he thought back on Bryce; on Bryce and how he forgave him. Rocksalt sighed. "Alright, Mom, I'll try. But can I get in the tub? I've got school in less than half an hour minutes."

Whipping Cream blinked. "Oh, yes... Okay, Rocky, I'll give you some privacy." She turned and opened the door. She looked back to her son. "And Rocky."

"Yeah, what, Mom?"

She smiled and said, "I love you."

The colt smiled and said back. "I love ya too, Mom." They allowed the phrase to sink in before Rocksalt said, "Now do ya mind, Mom?"

"I'm sorry, you're right." Without another word, she exited the bathroom and headed into the kitchen.

When she entered, Bryce said, "Hey, welcome back. I hope you like fried egg sandwiches, because I made fried egg sandwiches."

The white cream mare looked to the table. Bryce had already set them each a place, complete with a full glass of milk and a half-glass of juice. "My, you seem to have this down packed."

"Well, when you've done it as many times as I have it sticks." His face contorted into a smirk, but to the plump mare it appeared as a smile.

She smiled back, though not a full one. She feared what Bryce was to go through. He might not go through the same stages she went through, but what might happen worried her. She did not believe the human would hurt Rocksalt on purpose, but if worse came to worse she hoped Bryce could contain himself.

She knew Bryce had a long, twisted road ahead of him. The question lay in whether Bryce could make it to the end, and if everypony he knew would be there when he finished.


Bryce sat in the city hall’s reception office. He wiggled his toes in his usual way, counting the opposing up-down motion on each foot up to four, time after time. His nervous tick often helped him to relax, but it did little this morning. The reception office made him remember when he was in school, when his misbehavior called for his parents' intervention.

It was the same basic equation. The pony who sat at the reception desk was the same. Bryce at times met their gaze, which prompted them to shift their eyes onto some work they happened to find. Bryce was in trouble, he did not deserve the pleasure of a conversation. The principal—or in this case the mayor—was the same. She now left him to wonder what punishment she had in mind. With his record, a good chance for another expulsion, though this time it meant exile; banishment from the only town and ponies he knew in this whimsical world of sunshine and smiles.

The only difference lay in his parents were maybe light-years away, or perhaps on another plane of existence, whichever the case. At least afterwards there would be nobody to further berate him into the dirt, or so he hoped.

If anything, this recurring aspect of his life forced him to understand the strictness of his actions. The excuses in his mind grew more unbelievable and impractical by the second. He still held on to the hope others could see it from his perspective, but it looked bleak.

When at last the door to Mayor Mare's office opened Bryce froze in place, with his toes stuck to their current rotation.

The beige mare stuck her head out. "Mr..." She looked to a sheet of paper in her unseen hoof, "…Smales, please come in."

Bryce did as she requested. He stood up, his feet feeling as heavy as lead.

When Bryce entered the office, he found much of the room covered with boxes upon boxes of files and forms. There were many more along the desk. The only piece of furniture lacking any such piece of paper was a single, solitary stool placed before the desk.

Mayor Mare motioned towards the stool. "Please, take a seat." Bryce did so. The mayor situated herself on the other side of her desk. She pushed a few files around. "Do you need any refreshments?" She asked, not looking up.

"No, I'm fine."

"Are you comfortable? If you want I can have something else brought in."

"No, thank you."

Mayor Mare said nothing else until she found the proper form. She held it out to Bryce. "If you don't mind, would you please fill in the blank spaces. And please, be neat about it."

It was a form with his name at the top, titled J. Bryce Smales, followed by spaces meant for other information, such as birth date, gender, species, and other identifying information. Bryce took out a pen and filled in the needed information. He wrote in his birthday. Based on the calendar for this world, it came out as the 9th of Taurus, YC 976.

After the space marked for gender there was the requirement for his species. There were four bubbles, with a descriptive name beside each one: Earth pony, Unicorn, Pegasus, and Other. After the one marked other there was a blank line. Bryce asked, “What should I put for species?”

Mayor Mare thought on the question for a second. “Fill in ‘other’ and write in the proper name for your kind, if you know it.”

Bryce did so, writing Homo sapiens on the provided line.

As he filled in the rest of the document he looked to the other papers across the desk. Some were a list of building materials and their respective prices. Others were letters from ponies who tongue lashed the mayor for not taking care of the human problem. Two of this latter group were from banks, each one denying her request for a loan.

Once he finished he blew on the form to dry the ink, then handed it back to the mayor.

She looked the form over then placed it on her desk. "Thank you,” she said before placing the document in a folder. She placed it on her desk, then said, “I think you know why I called you here. Before you say anything, I want you to know you're not in trouble. Not with me, anyways."

Well, this is new. "I'm sorry?"

"Mr Smales, I called you here to discuss your actions last week, but not for the reasons you suspect. Normally I would have you taken off by the Guard. You would be in a jail cell right now, if an anonymous source had not given cause to stay that order. That, and we were unable to find you." Given his abilities it was probably for the best. With the state he was in I doubt any of the blacksmiths in Canterlot could construct a cell to hold him.

"Well, who did it? Who, uh, got me off? I mean, who made you 'stay that order'?"

"Well, Mr Smales, that's something I hope you can answer for me. This is probably a lost cause, but can you tell me anypony you interacted with on Nightmare Night?"

"Well, I can't."

Mayor Mare let out a sigh through her nose. "I was afraid you'd say that. I hoped you would remember something, but the nurse assured me you wouldn't. To answer your question, the source is somepony we can't find, nor is it anypony listed in the town census. The guard who received the evidence never got a statement. All he gave was a description: a young, earth pony stallion with a tan coat and black mane. He was last seen in a bandit's outfit; the kind from the movies with the sock hat, eye mask and black-and-white vest. Since it was Nightmare Night that kind of information is as good as pointless, for you at least. You wouldn't remember somepony even if they wore nothing at all."

"What about his eyes?"

"He couldn’t recall the color, but he did remember they looked bloodshot. Almost as if he had pinkeye. Why, do you know somepony who matches his description? Minus the bandit's outfit, of course."

Bryce looked around the room before he settled on," No, I...can't say I do. I mean, there's gotta be, what, ten, twenty tan colored ponies. Even if you whittle it down to male earth ponies that's still three or four. Five at the most, right?"

The mayor wanted to questioned the human on his strange behavior, but chalked it up to jitters. "I suppose so. I thank you for your honesty. If you can think of anything, please let my office or a guard know."

"Likewise." Bryce stood up.

"Wait, Mr Smales, I still have something to discuss with you." Bryce returned to his seat. "Mr Smales, about yesterday... I assume you were more the victim rather than the cause. I hope that's the case. Regardless, I can't have any trouble."

Well, here it comes, Bryce thought. "Well, where can I go?"


"I mean, you're booting me out of town, right?"

Mayor Mare laughed at the human’s inquiry. "What would give you that idea? No, I'm only warning you to try and stay out of trouble. In the few months you've been in Ponyville I've had no complaints, only rumors. I like that in a citizen of this fine town of mine. The no complaints parts. The rumors... Well, when they draw my interest… On a serious note, you're new to Ponyville, but you kept your nose clean. And that is one of the main reasons I haven't sent you packing."

Mayor Mare stood up from her seat. "However, I can only overlook this sort of thing once, and only once. I've tried my best to keep the citizens at bay, but many feel you need to be in prison. I can keep them off, so long as you behave yourself." She trialed off from there, the message quite clear.

"Well, I didn't try to pick a fight yesterday. They came at us. The kids and I."

"I am aware of this, but I can't stop everything they do. I've placed most of them on my watch list, but my advice to you is to not let them get to you. Like I said, I base my opinion on a citizen based on the complaints I receive. And until now I had zero. I want to keep this opinion of you, Mr Smales, but if you refuse to hold up your part then I can't help you."

Bryce fell silent. He understood the mayor's reasoning but the words twisted a knot in his stomach. He had a chance, and somepony who held such contempt for him made him lose this one and only chance. He wiggled his toes yet again. "Mayor... I understand, but there must be some way I can make this up."

"If there were I would help any way I possibly can, but with the way everypony's tempers are right now you may just make their opinion of you that much worse. There is one thing you could do, however.” She smiled and scooted a small brass cauldron from behind her desk. “The Rebuild Ponyville Fund is in dire need of bits. I've asked the citizens for assistance but it's brought only a couple thousand."

"Well, I have some money, but I was hoping to buy some land. Well, my friend and I wanted to."

"Anything you could offer would help. And because of your reputation I would submit it as a donation from an anonymous source."

"Well, I don't have much on me. Can I come by tomorrow?"

"That would be fine. Every bit helps."

With this said, Mayor Mare released the human. Once he left the city hall he scowled. Without another thought he headed down the road for the apple farm. He planned to donate to the fund, but first Bait had some explaining to do.


Deep within the Everfree Forest the catoblepas walked off from the last creatures to fall prey to its nightmarish gaze.

As the pig-faced wildebeest walked about the grounds of the Castle of the Two Sisters a small pack of timberwolves had the misfortune to find him. Despite their number, four peons and a large pack leader, they fell. With each one’s death the life force which held their wooden trunks and limbs together sank into his being.

It took little effort; killing such wild, untamed beasts was not a hard task. With one look into his deep red eyes the five wooden wolves feel into a deep slumber. With their bodies at rest and their minds in Onierios killing them equated to leaving an infant foal to fend for itself. It also helped when timberwolves were an easy lot to predict.

The large-headed, malevolent monstrosity wished the human held the same predictability.

The plan was simple enough: Golden Eyes poisoned the human, and Bryce—under the effects of devil's snare—caused as much damage as possible. With this plan, they estimated only enough to warrant everypony in the despicable cyst of a town to dislike the human. Enough for them to want nothing to do with him. It made the catoblepas happy to see everything go to plan, but what he witnessed through his enthralled pony was beyond imagine.

There was a certain power in Onierios, one only accessible within the borders of the world of dreams. But he and Golden Eyes saw it used in the waking world, by Bryce, without effort. The wonton destruction and sheer mayhem made the catoblepas laugh with such delight when he saw what he could do, regardless if it went against their intended plan. It did dampen his mood, however, when the dust settled and none of the town's obnoxiously cheerful inhabitants fell victim to his rampage. This, and the ever-present mare who always ended his fun before it had the chance to grow and multiply.

These he could look past. Only because their plan—his and his thrall—bore fruit could he look past this small hiccup. Ponyville hated Bryce, this was only the beginning; the first link in the chain wrapped around the human’s thick neck.

Right now, Bryce incited fear into the hearts of the insufferable equines who knew him only by name. In time the same would happen to his so-called friends. He and Golden Eyes would make sure of this through any means, including murder if their plan warranted it. If it ended with the human forsaken by everypony who knew him by his nature it was worth their lives.

This time when the dust settled there was to be at least one death: Bryce’s death. When the human was dead and no longer a thorn in the catoblepas’ side could the grotesque wildebeest return to murdering the repulsive pests of this damnable mortal plain one by one.

Free Fallin' - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

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Chapter 77: Free Fallin' - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

It was Thanksgiving morning, and Bryce did his best to stay out of everypony's way.

After breakfast his offers to help with the Thanksgiving luncheon were put down. Both Applejack and Amethyst—whose family decided to come together with their friends for the holiday—shooed him away, stating they could handle the work better with fewer ponies in the cramped kitchen space. With both Granny Smith and Ditzy also there to help their excuse held weight, but Bryce could not help but feel they meant more than they dared to say. It did not help, either, when both girls kept an ever-alert eye on him.

A second option was to go and play with Dinky and Apple Bloom, but this ran the chance of causing problems with their sisters. Yet again each mare’s ever-alert eye took away any joy he could muster with the fillies.

The same grief befell his whittling, as well. In his few tries in the past month his only success lie in shaving out fine pieces of firewood. And for this reason he kept them; winter was around the literal corner. If the weather team’s report were true it would be a winter to remember.

The only other option left was to help Big Macintosh and Bait set the house for lunch. This seemed a good idea, if Bryce did not hold a grudge over the latter pony.

Until lunchtime, Bryce was more than content to sit in his little hideaway and lose himself in his thoughts. His presence around anypony on the farm would only serve to cause problems. So long as they left him alone, and they him, he could stand it. He did this, but the situation as a whole filled him with anger.

Bryce remained with his gaze cast into a point far off in the distance, then he felt something crawl up his arm. In a flash, he brought the arm to eye level. He relaxed once he found the culprit: It was Jack. "Hey, kiddo. You need something?" He asked the scarlet kingsnake.

She stuck out her forked tongue, as if to say, “Sorry, but I’m chilly.”

"Well, it's getting cold out," Bryce replied. "The rest of your kind have already gone to hibernate for the season."

Jack flicked her tongue out a few more times, responding with, “I know, but sleep is so boring. I like it here with your kind.”

"Well, Big Mac promised me the use of a wood stove. When winter hits I promise I'll try and keep the fire going. If there’s something I have plenty of it’s firewood."

To any onlooker, the conversation seemed insane. The human spoke, and after a few seconds he spoke as if the snake’s darting tongue held any meaning. This is what Dinky and Apple Bloom thought as they walked around to the back of the barn.

There was another pause before Bryce replied to Jack's tongue flicking with, "Well, I wouldn't suggest you do that. Ever since the accident Corn hasn't been friendly, and Winona... I don't know what's her problem but stay away from them."

"Apple Bloom," Dinky said, grabbing her friend's attention, "is he really talking with that snake?"

"Ah don't know, but Ah've seen'm do it before with Winona and Corn. So... maybe...?"

This went on a few more minutes before Dinky built up the nerve to ask, "Bryce, what's he saying?"

Bryce went tense, squeezing Jack, whose tongue slid in and out at a heightened rate. The massage was clear to Bryce and his pair of onlookers. “Loosen your grip, I can’t breathe.”

"Sorry, Jack," Bryce whispered as he loosened his grip. "We were talking about the cold coming up," Bryce said to the fillies. "She’s cold-blooded, and since she doesn’t want to hibernate it’s up to me the keep her warm."

"You mean that big long sleep like bears do?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yeah, something like that."

"What about food?" Dinky asked. “Are you gonna feed her too?”

Bryce looked to Jack. “Well, that’ll be tough. Her food will be asleep for the next few months. But she’ll make it through; she can go months between meals."

“Uh… What do ya mean by ‘her food’s sleepin’?” Apple Bloom asked, unsure if she wanted to know.

“Well, Sprout, snakes like Jack eat small critters. You know, squirrels, rats… Other snakes…” Bryce let drop the matter. He did not want to frighten the girls any further.

After a few moments, Dinky could not bear to leave the question most on her adolescent mind go unanswered. "Bryce, are you all right?"

Bryce looked off into the distance. He did not want to meet the purple-grey filly's gaze. "Jack, we'll talk later," he said before he placed his arm on the ground and allowed Jack to slither back inside the barn. As she left, Bryce said to Dinky, "It's something you wouldn't understand."

The gruff face the fillies grew to expect from Bryce returned. "What 'cha mad about, Bryce?" Apple Bloom asked. "Maybe we can help ya."

Bryce said nothing for a moment. "It's not something you can fix, Sprout. It's...grown-up stuff."

"Is this the kind where you don't want us around or you don't want us to know?" Dinky asked.

There was a thinker. Bryce found it amazing the little filly knew the difference, but this did not make him hesitate. Even if he wanted to include the girls—and he did—the condemning looks their sisters would no doubt send his way made the experience not worth the effort.

He looked to the ground at Dinky's hooves. "Dink, it's not that I don't want you around. You and Sprout mean a lot to mean, but I think you'd be better if..." Before he resolved to break the little fillies' hearts he looked to the distance once more. He could tell the girls were sad; his extra-perceptive mind allowed him to read their inner emotions without much effort. He could not remember the last time he saw either one of them this upset.

Dinky was on the verge of tears. She wanted to cry because she was afraid. Not of Bryce—she would never be afraid of him—but of what Amethyst and Apple Bloom's sister might do if she saw them alone with their human friend.

Dinky knew well enough who the ‘blockhead’ was Amethyst and Apple Bloom took to ranting about. If they were here now Dinky feared the mares might send Bryce to ‘the place where unsafe ponies like him belong.’

She made a sour face, but then drew it back into one of determination. Dinky did not care what they might do. If Amethyst and Applejack sent Bryce away, Dinky would pack a bag and trot off with him, but not before she somehow convinced Momma to give her ‘okay.’

But before it came to that Dinky would make Bryce feel better. Her and Apple Bloom’s sister acted like a couple of foalish worrywarts. Bryce was a good pony. He was the one who helped her family and came to her birthday party and made her the bestest birthday gift she ever received. Bryce would never hurt her… At least never on purpose.

If they did not know this by now, then they were blockheads. She wanted to help Bryce, and there was only one thing she could think to do.

Before Bryce could say anything Dinky jumped forward, and with her forelegs she wrapped Bryce in as tight a bear hug as she could muster.

"Dinky, stop, please. I like what you're doing, but you have to stop."

After seeing Dinky tackle the big lug, Apple Bloom managed to find the gumption to do the same. She did not care how her big sister might react, she wanted Bryce to be happy.

At about the same time Bryce moved to pry Dinky from around his neck Apple Bloom sprang forward and wrapped her forelegs around the human's rotund waist.

"Apple Bloom...!" Bryce shouted in alarm. "You're going to get yourselves in trouble. Now go on and play."

"Not unless you play with us," Dinky stated.

"Girls, I want to, but I don't want you both in trouble."

"Come on, Bryce, we miss playin' with ya," Apple Bloom whined. "Bait's no fun, and he never wants ta do the kinda stuff you wanna do."

"Is he really that bad?"

"Yes!" The fillies cried in unison.

"He only plays for a few minutes before he complains how dirty he is."

"Yeah, and whenever we play he doesn't let us win sometimes like you do."

Cripes, they noticed that? "Well, your sisters... They won't like it."

"They don't like anything but work," Apple Bloom said.

"And their coltfriends," Dinky added.

Both fillies retched at the mention of boys.

"Come on, you don't think all boys are bad. I'm a boy."

"Except you, Bryce. You ain't like them."

"They're icky and like to smell of their body funk."

Both fillies retched again.

Well, you never seemed to mind mine. "Well... Do you really want me that bad?" They both nodded. "Well, what if your sisters catch us?"

"We'll say we made you," Dinky suggested, to which Apple Bloom nodded in agreement.

"Girls... I don't want you in trouble... But if they find us like this they'll mount us all on the wall.” Bryce thought for a minute. "Well, if it'll make you feel better I'll play with you." Before the girls became too excited, he said, "But only for a few minutes. If we do too much..." He stopped, unsure of how to continue. He looked to the girls as they looked up to him. He could feel the sadness fade from their tender minds. He reached forward and wrapped them both in a giant hug. In their ears, he whispered, "I love you, girls."

They all stood up and made their way to the yard. Once there, Bryce asked, "Well, what do y'all wanna do?"

The girls did not know how to respond. They did not expect to rill the human out. Now he was here, and they could not think of any quick games.

Then Dinky thought of something. "Bryce, could you move something with your magic?"

"My magic?"

"Yeah, like you did on Nightmare Night. Except not so...big..." Dinky lost the small amount of hope she had when Bryce's face broke into a sneer. She frowned. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up."

Bryce looked to the filly, feeling bad to see her mood shrink once more. He looked up to a nearby apple tree, then his face contorted into a smirk. "Well, are you hungry. Just a little bit?"

Dinky looked back up. "Yeah, but Momma says lunch won't be ready for another hour."

"Well," he began as his telekinesis pulled a shiny red delicious from the tree. "I don't think one apple will spoil your appetite." He lowered the apple down to where it floated in front of Dinky.

"Whoa, cool!" Each filly said in their own way.

"It doesn't have that magic field or whatever around it, even," Apple Bloom thought aloud.

Dinky took the apple, then her face sank once again. "What's the matter, Dink?"

"Bryce, could you get me one of the yellow ones? I like those better because they’re sour."

"You mean more tart," he said as he spotted an apple tree filled with the yellow-skinned fruit. "I get ya." He did the same as before and presented Dinky with her order.

"Thanks, Bryce," she said before she sank her teeth into the tart apple.

As Dinky munched away, Apple Bloom asked, "Bryce, would you get me a Granny Smith?"

Bryce returned the question with a smirk. “Sure, I’ll pick up your grandmother.”

"What? No, Ah meant-" She stopped and chuckled when she saw Bryce pull a hard, green apple from a tree and float it down towards her.

When both fillies finished their apple, Dinky asked, "Can you pick up anything else? What about that rock?"

Bryce looked to where Dinky indicated. He found a Big Macintosh-sized rock buried halfway in the earth. "Well, I can try. Just stand back." When the girls were a safe distance away, Bryce fired up his telekinesis, and with a little strain he uprooted the Big Mac-sized boulder to the cheers of his audience.

"That's so cool!" Dinky exclaimed. "Oh, what about-?"

"Hey, Ah wanna pick somethin', too," Apple Bloom interjected.

Dinky returned a sour look, to which Bryce said, "Dink, that's fair. Let Apple Bloom have a turn."

"Okay, how about a tree?"

Bryce shook his head. "Sprout, if your sister wouldn't skin alive me, I would."

"No, I mean that dead one over yonder," she indicated with her foreleg. "AJ's been sayin' how long it'll take her and Big Mac ta get it outta the ground."

Bryce looked to the old, rotting tree and smirked. "Okay, watch this."

As this went on, the elders of the Apple family, Ditzy, her step-daughter and Bait were in the farmhouse finishing with the Thanksgiving lunch. As Amethyst mixed up a batch of potato salad she happened to look out the window. What she saw almost made her drop the bowl. "That son of a..." She said as she glared.

"Amethyst, is something wrong?" Ditzy asked as she stirred a pot of veggie stew at the stove.

The magenta mare placed the bowl of potato salad on the counter. "That blockhead's moving stuff."

"What's wrong with that?"

"Without touching anything."

Ditzy stirred the pot. "That's nice. How are the girls?"

Amethyst stared at her stepmother with a look somewhere between disbelief and ‘why bother’. "Mom... They're fine, for now anyway." She made to leave. "I'm gonna stop him before he does something."

She made for the living room, passing by Applejack and Granny Smith. "Eh, what do you think you're doin', little missy?" The eldest Apple questioned. "You can't go play with'em until ya finish that tater salad."

"Sorry, Granny Smith, but I gotta stop that blockhead."

"Why, what's he done now?" Applejack asked.

"Nothing, yet," Amethyst stressed the second word. "I'm gonna stop him before he does, though."

By then Ditzy caught up with her step daughter. "Amethyst, don't go and ruin their fun. He's not hurting anypony."

"I just saw him lift a rock the size of Big Mac, without touching it. You can't tell me that's not dangerous."

"What's that about a me sized rock?" Big Macintosh asked as he and Bait entered the living room from upstairs.

"Big brother, that boy's missin' 'round with those magic powers of his, and the girls are out there with him," Applejack explained.

"Well they ain't been hurt, have they?"

"Not yet, but there's no tellin' what he'll do unless we-" Applejack stopped when Granny Smith managed to step in front of her, blocking her and Amethyst's access to the door.

"Oh no, AJ, there's ain't no reason to cause a ruckus. Besides, somepony needs ta be watchin' them apple pies. If they burn we'll be havin' Thanksgiving in a smoke-filled house."

"Granny, the pies can wait. We gotta-"

"Y'all gotta listen ta me is what y'all gotta do," the well-aged mare said as she took a stance. "There ain't no need to go causin' problems where they ain't none."

"But Granny, they ain't safe with'm doin’..." She made a swooshing noise as she flung her hooves about.

"Ahh, fiddle-faddle. They'll be fine. He ain't gonna hurt them girls."

"Granny, you can't know that."

"Ah don't, but Ah do know you two goin' out there'll only make everypony upset."

"You can't be serious," Amethyst said in disbelief to the well-aged mare.

"Hey, don't you go questioning your elders, young lady," Granny Smith scolded, pointing a weathered hoof in the magenta mare's face. "Ah might not know a lot about that magic mumbo jumbo, but Ah know a good boy when Ah sees one, and Bryce is one of'em."

"I don't see why you're so scared, Amethyst," Ditzy butted in. "I mean, you do magic all the time. You and Applejack are acting like this is the first time you saw him use it. I mean, we've known about it since we met him." Everypony's attention turned on the walleyed mare. "Everypony already knew, right?"

The room remained silent. The only sound came from the boiling pots on the stove.

"You knew?" Amethyst asked.

"I mean, he made a hoofful of letters go into my mail satchel the first time we met. I just assumed everypony knew and didn't make a big...deal..." She trailed off from there.

Everypony exchanged glances.

"So, ya knew all along and...?" Applejack began, but cut herself off.

"Ah knew something wouldn't right with'm, either," Big Mac spoke up after a beat.

"What, you too, big brother?!"

"Well, Ah thought he was a tad strange. Ah mean, he was carryin' on conversations with Winona like he was Miss Fluttershy."

"Yeah, Ah saw that, but Ah just thought he was weird like that. I mean, I talk with Winona too, but I took it for a human thing."

"Well maybe next time you should pay attention," Ditzy stated. "I mean, you should have at least noticed how apples just happened to fall when he was around, right?"

"And there was the time ya lost Daddy's hat," Big Macintosh added.

"... Ah didn't notice, alright. But it helps that ya agree with me, big brother."

"Nah uh, Ah didn't say Ah agreed with ya, AJ."

Applejack cocked an eyebrow. "Beg pardon?"

"All Ah said was he was a tad strange. Ah didn't say we need to go ruinin' their fun."

Applejack's jaw dropped. "Big brother, ya can't be serious."

Big Mac looked away, not wanting to meet his sister's stare. "Ah mean, he can't be a bad fella. He did save ya that one time... Well, two times."

Applejack hoped nopony would bring this up. Sure, he saved her a couple of times but right now her sister, their little sister was in danger. What Big Macintosh said did make her reconsider her reoccurring dream. She felt something was not right, and now she knew what.

"Yeah, Big Mac, but..." She shook her head. "This is Apple Bloom we're talking about. Her and her friend are both out there, right now, probably a hair away from gettin' crushed or mauled or... Or..."

"Colliding with an apple tree?" Bait asked, drawing everypony's attention. “Dinky's flying over the orchard with neither the aid nor the use of wings." He added nothing further as the room fell into silence once more.

The group held the silence until Ditzy asked, "Why, is Rainbow out there?"

Bait shook his head.

"Is, uh, Fluttershy out there then?" Applejack asked, not wanting to ask the obvious.

Bait shook his head a second time.

"Are there any pegasi to speak of in the immediate area?" Amethyst asked, quieting any follow-up questions.

"If you recall, I stated 'with neither the aid nor the use of wings'."

Everypony pondered the response for a full second before Amethyst and Applejack shot past Granny Smith.

"Girls, hold up," Ditzy tried to interject. "If Bryce is doing this you may distra-"

Neither mare waited to hear the rest. They bolted out the door, almost forcing it from its hinges. When they found Dinky as Bait describes, they made a beeline for Bryce, who held his hand out towards the filly.

When they were in earshot of Bryce, Amethyst shouted, "Stop what you're doing right now, you blockhead!"

Bryce turned, his full attention now on the two mares. "What did you say?" He waited a full second for an answer before he remembered what he was doing up to now.

Dinky, for half a second more, continued to zoom forward, squealing in delight from the thrill. Her enjoyment lasted until she noticed the ground grow closer and closer with each beat of her little heart. She grabbed for anything she could, but there was only air. "Bryce, help!!!" Dinky cried out, wondering what happened to make the human release his telekinetic grip.

Amethyst and Bryce had the same idea. They each tried to grab the filly with their respective abilities, but the peril of the situation made their attempts futile.

Dinky was a few feet from the ground when a grey streak came and whisked her away. The streak flew up in the air until it came to a halt well above the tree line. Ditzy gasped for air as she looked to the frightened filly in her forelegs. Once she saw her youngest filly was unharmed she pulled her to her chest. "Dinky..."

Within a few seconds, she descended to the ground. Three of her hooves touched the ground. The fourth she used to cradle the purple-grey filly. Amethyst and Applejack ran over. "Is she alright?" Applejack questioned as she panted. In all her life, never ran so fast in as short amount of time.

Ditzy nodded. "She's okay. I think she's just a little shaken up."

"Momma..." Dinky wheezed from her mother's grasp.

Ditzy brought her filly's head out for everypony to see. "What is it, Muffin?"

"Momma, it was...so cool...! Did you see me...? I was...flying..."

Ditzy returned the remark with as big a smile as a mother in her position could muster. "Yeah, I saw. You gave us all a scare."

"Why did Bryce stop...? We were having fun..."

"Amethyst distracted him, that's all. He didn't do it on purpose."

Hearing this made Dinky smile. "I know he wouldn't, Momma."

Amethyst's heart raced until it pounded in her ears. She could not believe what she heard. Bryce lifted Dinky off the ground and her stepmother blamed her for it. She shook with the sudden anger she felt well up inside her body.

The magenta mare looked around until she found the human sulking a short distance away. She trotted over to him, leaving a noticeable imprint in the dirt with each step.

"What... The buck... DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING!?" She shouted as she quickened her pace.

Bryce stepped back until his back met a tree.


Bait came between the two. "Amethyst, calm down, he didn't mean-"

Amethyst fired up her horn and tossed the tan colt to the side. With her path unhindered, she stepped forward, until she felt something tug at her hind leg. She looked back to find Bait holding onto them. "Bait, let go of me!"

The tan colt ignored her and said to Bryce, "Run, I'll hold her back."

Bryce did as Bait commanded, without question.

Amethyst managed to kick her legs out of Bait grip. In one final move to slow her down, the tan colt hopped onto the mare’s back. sending her to the ground. "Bait, I'm warning you let me go or I'll-"

He shoved a hoof over the magenta mare's mouth. "Amethyst, you need to calm yourself. You're scaring everypony, including your sister."

She shook his hoof away. "I don't..." Bait’s last word made her lie still. She looked about until she spotted Dinky hiding behind her mother. "Dinky, are you-?"

These three words were enough to make the filly take a giant step back.

Amethyst gasped for air, not realizing how depleted her lungs were up to this point. She looked back to where she last saw Bryce. She saw him run to the barn and slip inside. She looked to her sister, then her stepmother and Applejack, and then at Bait.

They all stared at her in fear, and the realization put a bad taste in her mouth.

She stood, then dusted herself off. She held a frown through the ordeal. Once satisfied she cleaned enough of the dirt and grass off herself she looked back to Dinky once more. She made to speak but failed to find the words.

After a moment, Ditzy asked, "Bait, AJ, would you take the girls inside and see if they’re okay?" The four ponies left, with Bait left to hold Dinky on his back. Nopony dared to look Amethyst's way.

Once they left, Ditzy said, "Amethyst, I tried to tell you."

The magenta mare's face contorted into a sneer. "You're blaming me for this?!"

"No, Amethyst, I'm not blaming anypony. All I'm saying-"

"So what, Bryce did nothing wrong?"

Ditzy bit her lip. "I'm not saying he wasn't in the wrong. If you just give me a minute I'll-"

"Really, give you a minute? Huh, come to think of it, it was about a minute between when I wanted to stop Bryce and you wouldn't let me. This could have been avoided if you would have let me deal with this in the first place."

"Amethyst, I know you meant well, but you act as if Bryce meant to do this. I've no doubt Dinky's the one who convinced him. You know he can't say ‘no’ to her."

Amethyst glared at the walleyed pegasus. "So now you're blaming the victim? You're going to sit there and put this on your own daughter?!"

"Amethyst, you keep twisting my-"

"What the hay kind of mother are you? You not only let some blockhead- No, something worse than that, a... I can't think of a good name for him, but he came this close to pounding Dinky into the ground. And you let him do it."

"I didn't let him-"

"Sure, 'Dinky convinced him'. Well if you would have stopped him before it got out of hoof this never would have happened." Before Ditzy could utter another word her stepdaughter cut her off by saying, "You know what? I've had it. If you won't do anything I will. And I mean it."

Amethyst turned and trotted towards the farmhouse, leaving Ditzy to soak in her threat.


Two hours later, Applejack opened the door to the barn with a tray of food balanced on her back.

The situation cooled down since the incident with Dinky. Everything was fine, up until Granny Smith made Applejack go and bring Bryce something to eat.

As Applejack shut the barn door behind her she looked about. There were items scattered about she knew for certain were in the wrong places. For starters, a few bales of hay from the loft were now scattered across the barn floor. The bed and most of Bryce's wall art along the back wall were in a mess. She stopped before a bunch of twisted balls of iron. It took a second but Applejack realized they used to be horseshoes. The strength it took to bend these—even when heated—took a pony of considerable strength. When she thought on it Bryce did not need physical strength. If his mind could pull a deep-rooted tree from the earth a few curved rods of iron were child's play.

If he could ball up a sturdy set of horseshoes without much effort what more could he do to her?

Applejack gulped as she trotted to the deepest section of the barn. She did not see the human on his bed, and could tell he was not behind it. This meant he must be in the place of his most holy of holies: His workshop.

This was where he worked on his projects, though from the absence of wood shavings he did not use it as much. If Bryce were in there Applejack feared for her life more than she did before. Nopony could go in there; Bryce stated as such. It had something to do with how his work required his eyes—and only his eyes—until he finished everything to the last detail.

Applejack wanted to leave, but she knew Granny would only send her back until she accomplished both tasks. The first was to leave Bryce with something to eat, and let him know it was there.

Drawing in slow, even breaths, Applejack called out, "Bryce, if you're in here Ah brought ya somethin' ta munch on. Ya know...in case you get hungry."

There came no response from behind the curtain.

Applejack stepped over to the bed and deposited the tray of food with care; her shaky hooves making the simple task difficult. Afterwards she turned back to the curtain. "Well, Ah put it on the bed in case you want it. Ah just..." She swallowed as she prepared for her second task. "Ah wanna say Ah'm sorry for causin' a fuss earlier. Ah know ya didn't mean any harm."

The answer to her apology was a resounding silence.

"So... If you get hungry there's food right here. And Ah'll just be...goin'." The orange mare crept her way past the curtain, but before she could tiptoe past she heard Bryce say from within, "Just do it already..."

It was low, but Applejack heard Bryce say these exact words. She called back in a low voice, "Ah'm goin', no need ta-"

Before she finished, Bryce said in the same hushed tone, "Come on, you've done this before."

This did not sound to be directed at her. Applejack turned about, and at the edge of the curtain saw a small opening. She still wanted to leave, if only to protect her own skin, but what Bryce said made her wonder. Maybe Bryce did not answer because he was caught up in his woodwork. If this were so, this one small gap could mean seeing him at work. Applejack wanted to leave, but the thought of doing something Bryce told everypony not to outweighed her sense of danger.

Drawing in a deep breath, Applejack scooted herself over to the crack in the curtain and peered through.

From behind the curtain, Applejack heard Bryce say, “Just one more cut and you’re done.”

What Applejack found the human carve out with his small whittling blade made her cringe. And as a result the anger inside Bryce erupted over the hours to come. From this one lapse in judgment, Applejack almost fell victim to Bryce’s wrath. The instrument of this anger reveals a dark future, one none could foresee until it was too late to warn Ponyville. Despite efforts to dissuade Bryce he manages to provide a simple reason to go into town.

What did Applejack see when she peered into Bryce's workshop? Read the next chapter if you would know.

Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel

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Chapter 78: Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel

Bryce sat hunched over his worktable, a single lit candle his only source of light. Despite the dim light, Bryce could see well enough. Applejack, who looked on from behind the curtain, could not. And the human’s broad shoulders made her view all the worse.

What she could make out filled her with dread.

In his right hand was a whittling knife; the reflection of the candlelight off the blade and the way Bryce held the tool made her certain of this. Her other hand he held vertically, balanced on his elbow. The light shined off his arm in long, thin threads which ran down to a spot around his upper arm.

It took a lot of effort for Applejack to remain silent, but the realization of what she saw made her insides fill with bile. She was no stranger to blood—such things came with being a farm pony. What made her cringe was the thought of somepony willingly carving themselves like Bryce often carved his wooden figures.

From her position what else could she believe?

Bryce brought the blade back before it disappeared behind his front. In a low voice, he said again, “Just one more cut and you’re done.” His right arm moved towards his left side a few seconds before he stopped. Then with a jerk the knife ran from the top-right of his forearm, then downwards to the left.

Bryce dropped the knife and grabbed at the long, deep wound. “Piss, that hurts!” He shouted.

Celestia! Applejack cried out inside her mind.

As if the human heard this imagined shout he turned to face her direction, his right hand still holding onto the wound. He said nothing, but the look on his face made it clear he was aware someone was there.

With a growl, Bryce turned back to his workbench, grabbed the first heavy object he could find and chucked it at the crack in the curtain.

If Applejack had not ducked down when she did she risked being struck by this heavy object. But she had, and whatever Bryce had tossed flew over her head and struck the ground behind her. She heard movement from behind the curtain, then froze as the cloth drew back to reveal a set of toes. She followed the flesh attached to the toes skyward until she found a pair of black, bottomless pits looking down at her.

Bryce took in quick, shallow breaths. His right hand held his left elbow tight. A trickle of blood ran from his cut, down his fingertips and collected at the ground beneath his feet. He gnashed his teeth before he spoke. "What do you think you're doing here?!" When the apple mare did not respond, he continued. "Did I not tell you to stay out of here?! Did I not explain to you I wished to never, never be disturbed when I was at work?!"

Applejack held her place, unable to remember what it meant to walk.

"And yet you're still here... Well, what is it you want? An apology? You want me to say I'm sorry for almost hurting your sister and her friend? Well fine, I'm sorry... That's not it? Do you want me to promise to leave them alone from now until the end of time? Fine, I'll keep my distance. You can tell Amethyst I won't give her a reason to drag me to the Guard."

Applejack flinched. How's he know about-?

"Well, I also know you didn't come out here on your own. If your grandmother hadn't made you come out here you could be inside enjoying a hot cup of apple cider, laughing with your family and 'tryin' ta put this whole ruckus behind ya for the rest of the day'," Bryce stated in a forced Southern drawl.

In an instant, Applejack remembered thinking those same words not a full minute before.

"Oh, now you remember? Do you also remember your so-called apology? You know, the one you lied about?"

"Ah didn't lie, Ah... Ah told ya..."

"You told me what your grandmother made you say, and you know it. You didn't mean a word of it. You're only out here because she made you, and if it were up to you I'd be packing up and outta your life for good."

Applejack wanted to protest, but the words caught in her throat. She thought it impossible, but Bryce spoke the truth: her apology was a lie.

Then another thought entered Bryce's head. Ah need ta get outta here before he does something. From the look in his eyes he's just itchin' to do me in.

Bryce stared the apple mare down for a moment, the sting from his self-inflicted wound making itself known. He walked past Applejack and grabbed a roll of paper towels. "If you're that worried why don't you leave?" he questioned under his breath.

"Beg pardon?"

"If you want to leave then go, you can show yourself out. 'Don't want the big, violent ape ta do ya in'."

"What made ya think that?" Applejack asked in genuine confusion.

"You just said it yourself."

"Ah... Ah didn't say nothing like-"

"Like you really need to say it." Bryce said, forcing the mare to silence.

By now Applejack could see Bryce's injury. The sight made her woozy, but she swallowed her nausea enough to ask, "Are you alright there?"

Bryce returned the question with a spiteful glance. "What, you care now?" The sickness lurched in the pit of the mare's stomach. "If you care so much go and get some bandages. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m bleeding over here," he stated, slinging his arm in her direction for emphasis.

A few drops of flew off. Most landed on the ground before Applejack, but a few found their way onto her forelegs.

The mare fought to keep herself steady. To see her own blood was bad enough, to see anypony else bleed was worse, but to see Bryce’s blood and have it on her made her fight to keep Thanksgiving lunch down.

Bryce fumed on the scene for a moment before he bit his lower lip. “Applejack,” he began, “I…”

Before he could finish the apple mare bolted for the door, tripping a few times along the way. She tumbled along, deaf to Bryce’s words. In her frantic attempt to escape, she fell onto an upturned rake—one which Bryce was could not warn her of in time—and impaled the tool into the length of her left foreleg.

The immediate torrent of pain was too much for Applejack to take in for the first few seconds. When she could, she could do nothing to contain the screams, screams to anyone sounded to be of bloody murder.

Applejack was only able to let out a few cries of pain before Bryce pushed her onto her back, with his left hand on her chest and the other across her mouth. The mare could see his mouth move, but after everything to happen in the last thirty seconds his voice sounded miles away.

Thinking the worst, she began to struggle in his grip, to which Bryce put in more effort to hold her down.

Then at once Applejack heard the human shout, APPLEJACK, STAY STILL OR I’LL MAKE YOU!!! The sound came not from the human’s mouth but instead from within Applejack’s own mind.

A muffled shout came from behind Bryce’s hand.

IF YOU DON’T QUIT STRUGGLING YOU’LL-, Bryce began, but was cut off when Applejack sank her teeth into his hand.

Applejack made to run once more but the rake still in her leg said otherwise as the metal tines shifted inside her limb.

Ignoring the pain from the horse bite, Bryce once again forced her onto her back. APPLEJACK…! Bryce screamed inside her mind. He bit his lip before his thoughts resounded in her mind in a calmer tone, I’m sorry…for this…

Then all at once the mare’s struggles ceased. It was true Applejack continued to struggle—in her mind she did, at least—but despite her mind telling her body to move it lay as if nailed to the spot. All except for her eyes, which continued to dart about the barn. If she could, she would ask the human, “What the hay’ve you done ta me?”

“Made sure you can’t move.” Bryce answered as he walked over to a pile of his botched projects. He selected a small dowel rod and strode back to the telekinetic-bound mare. As he slid the rod into her mouth, he stated in his own physical voice, “I can’t do anything for the pain. I’m sorry for this, as well.”

As Bryce bent down Applejack felt the invisible force which held her body in place release its grip. Before she could move to land a blow to the human she felt a worse pain than before.

It came from Bryce, who now tugged at the rake embedded in her leg. Whatever thought she had before vanished as she bit down with all her might on the wooden rod. After a few good tugs, she felt the rake slide out of her flesh, and then Bryce pick himself up off her.

Applejack drew in a few deep breaths, her mouth still clinched down on the rod. When she regained herself enough to realize the rake was no longer inside her, she turned her head to look at the damage. In the darkness, she could not see anything. But when Bryce brought over the candle from his workshop she gagged at sight at least a dozen small holes in her leg. And each one drained blood like a sieve.

Bryce placed the candle down and shoved her head in the opposite direction. “Don’t look at it!” He cried. What he said next served to make Applejack think the worst she had ever thought of anypony. “I’m sorry to say I’m not finished with you yet.”

Before she could let out a ‘no’ in protest Bryce had gone to work on her. From the corner of her eye she saw a warm glow and took it to be from the candle. When the glow drew down to where she saw her own injured foreleg not a minute before the wounds erupted into a new level of pain and anguish. It felt as if the human was pouring hot wax into each wound. As tears ran down her cheeks her teeth bit through the rod to where they almost touched.

And then she felt nothing.

Not to say she did not feel the dirt against her back or the air feel her lungs or the ache in her teeth, for she could feel these quite well. She did not know when but the burning sensation in her foreleg had gone away. She could feel it still inside her mind, but the physical aspect was like nothing she had ever felt.

In fact, she felt better than ever.

Applejack opened her eyes to find herself still within the barn. The candle sat in a holder no more than a yard from her. When she looked at her left foreleg it sickened her to see dried blood. What made her pause was how the dozen or so wounds—which had before bled like a sieve—were nowhere to be found. She rubbed the places where she had seen them last but found only her own hide. No scars or blemishes or anything were left to show where the rake had pierced her.

Once she overcame the initial shock she decided to take it a step further. Drawing in a breath, then releasing it she pushed herself up with her right foreleg. She took her time until she stood with all four legs planted on the ground. And she had to admit to herself a second time she felt better than ever.

She continued to marvel at the relief until she heard a shifting from behind her. She shot her head back to find Bryce, sitting on his haybed. His sat with his back to her as before.

For a moment she stood, questioning on what best to do. For the most part he appeared fine, but then she recalled the human’s own wounds. They were by far worse than her own—more so when her wounds did not seem to exist. She moved to walk over to Bryce but stopped. Not long before he looked ready to do her in, but through whatever means he may well have saved her life. She never wanted to come here in the first place, but Granny Smith made her give an apology.

And this is where Applejack cringed. Her apology, the one she stated to Bryce but in her heart did not, in the honesty her father had brought her up to believe, mean. And from this one lie, this one lapse into dishonesty she ended up with a rake in her leg.

Applejack looked once more at the wound, and then thought of Bryce’s own. She was fine now, but was Bryce the same way?

It would be dishonest of her to assume he was, not without seeing with her own eyes first.

She took the chance and made her way over to Bryce. If he heard her approach he did nothing to acknowledge her presence. He sat with his feet rested on the ground, and his arms lay crossed across his knees. For a moment Applejack wished she had sense to bring the candle along with her, but in the dim light she was grateful she had not. The bloodstained paper towels wrapped around his left forearm proved he was not well, and she had had enough of the sight of blood for one day.

They both sat in silence until Applejack said, “Bryce, Ah’m gonna make sure ya get yourself patched up. Ah promise. You… You just stay here, alright?”

Bryce returned a ‘hmm’ in response.

“Alright, Ah’m going, so stay put, alright?” She turned to head for the door, making sure to avoid any misplaced farm tools or the like.

Back at the farmhouse the grown-ups waited for Applejack’s return. When they heard the creak of the front door they all jumped up to investigate. Each one reeled in terror to find the mare both visibly shaken and covered in dried blood.

They each questioned her about her state, and Applejack debated on what to tell them.

To answer whether she was hurt was difficult to answer. There were no wounds on her body.

Had she apologized was something she did not want to answer. She apologized, but not in honesty. In fact, she delayed her trip back to the farmhouse to try and come up with an explanation.

She decided to instead to draw their focus to more pressing matters. “Bryce is hurt.” The comment made them all go silent. “He’s in a bad way. Ah don’t know if he needs to go to the hospital but somepony needs to get’m some bandages.”

Nopony wanted to question the how. Narrowing her brow Granny Smith took control of the situation. After setting Bait, along with a first aid kit, to look after Bryce and sent Big Mac and Amethyst upstairs to keep Dinky and Apple Bloom occupied and out of sight. She instructed Applejack to follow her into the bathroom.

When the two eldest Apple mares entered the bathroom, Granny Smith turned on her granddaughter. “Alright, Ah want an explanation.”


Bryce continued to sit in his current position, not moving until a minute after Applejack’s departure.

The darkness around him sank in, overtaking him as the candle burnt itself out. The only light came from the small gaps in the exterior of the barn.

Then from the darkness an unseen voice asked, “A telling series of events, is it not?”

The sudden intrusion made Bryce tense up. He looked about, unable to make out anything in the vast emptiness. “Who’s there?”

“Do not be afraid. I am a friend; someone who has always been with you.” In the confined space of the barn the intruder’s voice seemed to echo off every surface. Because of this it made it hard to pinpoint their exact location.

"Well, friend, do you have a name?" Bryce asked. He pressed a fresh paper towel on his forearm as he stood.

“I would think it wise if you sat for now,” the voice stated. “Using one’s own aether to heal another can take more out of someone than you think. And the loss of blood makes it all the worse.”

As the voice finished Bryce felt his legs wobble under him. “Aether? You mean life force?”

“One and the same,” the voice answered, then allowed silence to settle.

Bryce wanted to ask more on the topic, but their knowledge of life force was of lesser importance. It nagged on him he knew who it was he spoke with but could not remember from either when or where. It was someone he had not spoken with in a long time, he was sure, but at the same time he knew they talked a few weeks back.

For now, Bryce wanted an answer to his previous question. “You never told me your name.”

“Yes, and I have told few. I would tell you, but to know my name is to hold a power well outside any one mortal’s control.” The voice fell silent for a spell before adding, “And it is also difficult to pronounce.”

Bryce smirked as he settled himself on a support beam. “Well, are there some who call you…Tim?”

What sounded to be a chuckle echoed inside the barn. “I am something greater than a mere enchanter, though I have dabbled in the art. But that was when I had the means to do so.” The voice said in a low tone. The voice then spoke up, “In time you will come to know who I am, but for now…’Providence’ will suffice.”

Bryce let out a snort. Well, I’ll play along, for now. At least until I find this guy. “Okay, Providence, what do you want?” He asked as he grabbed his shovel. It would help him to navigate around the barn. He intended to find this familiar voice, and from there decide what to do. Based on the situation the shovel could provide an alternative use.

“First, to talk. As I said before your actions are quite telling of your nature.”

“Yeah, I scare people enough to make them fall on farm tools. The Nightmare Night Nightmare strikes again.”

“An unfortunate byname; one which could not be more wrong.”

“Well, public opinion tells otherwise.”

“It was not five minutes ago Applejack wanted you locked away in a cell,” Providence countered.

“Well, what of it?” Bryce stated as he poked around the inside a stall. The source of the unseen voice continued to allude him. By now Bryce covered a quarter of the barn, and the only soft parts he prodded were piles of empty straw.

“You say you care for the opinion of other people, but you risk depleting your aether to the point of losing your very soul to save her.”

“She was in no real danger.”

There was no response for a moment until the voice shot back, “You and I both know that is a lie.”

Before Bryce could dismiss Providence, the well-informed voice stated, “The rake Applejack fell on pierced her leg in exactly fourteen places, with more than half along a primary artery. To say one, two, four at the most would have been nothing to raise alarm over. With four at the most the bleeding could have been stemmed enough to bring her to the hospital in time. And for your reference Ponyville Hospital is around two-and-two-fifths miles away. And Big Mac would have needed to do this via pure horsepower, not with the internal-combustion engines of your world.”

Bryce stopped when he heard this last part. “How do you know-?”

“Do not interrupt,” Providence said in a harsh yet calm tone. “With fourteen the chances plummet. With this amount of hemorrhaging her heart would beat faster to ensure blood reached every part in her body, without much care on how this only hastens her death. If she stayed calm enough she would expire by the time her brother brought her through the hospital door. But as we both know she was afraid for her life. By the halfway mark—even with careful dressing—she would have gone into shock, and soon after expire.”

As Bryce lowered his shovel, the voice added one last point. “The Apple family may boast on their skill in running—and compared to others they do indeed outrun many seasoned runners—they would not be fast enough.”

Bryce bit his lower lip while he counted the movements of his toes in his usual way. Why do you tell me all this? You think I didn’t know what would happen? He thought to himself. “What does it matter to you if I saved her?”

“I believe the better question is why? And I do not mean why does it matter to me, Bryce Smales, but to you?”

Do I need a reason? Was his immediate thought. He pondered this as he held himself up with the shovel.

By now Bryce had covered every corner of the barn. This Providence—or whoever they were—was everywhere and nowhere all at once. For all Bryce could muster the owner of the voice moved in between sentences, much like a sniper would move after letting off a few rounds. To him the two did not seem too different. But if this were so why could Bryce not hear him. The guy would have to be made of air to pull off such a stunt in confined quarters.

Providence may well have been, for their voice came at him from every direction.

Bryce walked around until his shovel connected with something hard. He tapped the blade against the object a few times before he bent down and took it up in his hands. As soon as he felt it he knew it to be a piece of wood, and from the noticeable curves and edges it was carved.

As Bryce held the carving in his hands, Providence made his continued presence known. “Yes, the second reason I am here.”

“What, one of my botched projects? If you want it, you can have it. Nothing but firewood now.”

“Yes, many of your latest works have been less than exemplary, but the one you hold in your hands bears a hidden message. One of grave importance.”

Bryce turned the wood in his hand, unable to make out any features released from the large block of wood. He was certain he had not carved anything which needed two hands. At least, not since Needlepoint sacked him. “Well, if it is one of mine, as you say, I don’t usually make anything with a hidden meaning. I mean, I make a nightstand to represent, you know, a nightstand,” Bryce stated, the cryptic nature of the voice aggravating him further.

“This is not the time for jokes, Bryce. What you have is a warning of things to come. Unless you heed it now the lives of many will be lost.”

Bryce could feel the gravity of the words Providence spoke to him, but the events of the day made him less than amicable, and the shortage of his lifeforce made him as ornery as a mother bear during hibernation season.

He turned to face the curtain; the thin cloth barrier between his workshop and the outside world. This was the one corner Bryce failed to check, and only because of one reason: he was the only person—be it human, pony or whatever other sentient being resided in this world—allowed inside. A place where everybody knew for certain he was not to be disturbed.

And with no other option Bryce was sure he had found his Providence. To Hell with their skulking about. If they had something to say he would say it to his face; no riddles or double meanings.

“Why come to me with this?”

Bryce did not wait to hear Providence’s reply.

Dropping the wood, he took up his shovel. He then thought of the curtain torn from its rungs, and it did. Then he pounced, his thoughts on a giant, invisible wave forcing everything in the space before him onto the far wall. And as he believed it, so it came to be.

“Alright, the game’s over!” He shouted to his corner of the barn. “Come out and show yourself!”

From behind him a voice stated, “Bryce, I’m behind you.”

Bryce turned about and started towards the figure behind him, their silhouette framed by the setting sun. When he reached the figure, he thrust the shovel forward, the blade coming to a stop less than an inch from their neck. “Now I want to know who you are and why the H you’re in here!”

“I…” Bryce saw the figure swallow. “I came to bring you some bandages.”

“Bandages…? What about the…” And when Bryce recognized the pony before him he began to tremble.

It was Bait, who stood in the doorway with a look to match the human’s.

“Bait, I…” He lowered the shovel blade to the floor. “This isn’t what it looks like. There was…something…”

The fear in the tan colt’s eyes fade as his face pulled back into a smile. “It’s quite all right, Bryce,” he said as he brought forward a first aid kit. “We can discuss this later. As I was told someone is in need of some bandages.”

Bryce looked to the kit, then to his left forearm. The sudden jump at the tan colt tore the paper towels away from the wounds. The wounds would have bled from every opening, had Bryce not used a palmful of lifeforce to stem the flow. He continued to bleed in places—at most a tenth of what could have been. Such a small amount of one’s own lifeforce could only be spread so far.

“Yeah, I… I guess I do.” He took the first aid kit and made his way to his bed, holding his forearm over his head as he went.

Once seated, he wiped some of the blood from the wounds with fresh paper towels. After he opened the red tin case to retrieve the gauze, he looked up to find Bait not a yard away. “Bait, you okay? I don’t want you to faint.”

Bait looked at him with the same smile. “Why would I?” He asked, unfazed in the slightest.

Bryce unrolled the bandages around his forearm. Once he was halfway, he said, “Thanks for these.”

“Think nothing of it. What else are friends for?”

Bryce looked the colt over, the smile not once leaving his lips. “Why are you here? Waiting until I’m finished to yell at me, too?”

“Why would I do that?”

“Well, for making you give away most of your inheritance, for one. You know, the bits you wanted to use to buy the land.”

Bait ran a hoof under his chin. “The land…? Oh, you mean the land further up the road? Yes, I suppose you would think that, but I’ve had time to think it over, and I agree.”

Bryce hissed as he secured the bandages. “You agree?”

Bait nodded. “Yes, one hundred percent.” He scratched the back of his head. “I will admit I was a little upset when you ask me to give away my uncle’s trust.”

“More like I bribed you,” Bryce retorted.

“A bribe, to the outside eye maybe, but now I can understand your point of view. I may have given away my only chance to make a homestead for myself. But in the end, it goes to a better cause. Besides, it’s not as if anypony would buy that land. I still intend to buy it, just not now.”

Bryce wrapped some cloth tape around the gauze, keeping it in place. “Well, you looked angry before.”

“Yes, but as I said I’m past it now,” Bait replied with his face still locked in a smile. “I am more concerned with the present. Or to be specific, why did you do this to yourself?” He asked as he lifted the human’s bandaged forearm.

Bryce took the limb back. “It’s not what you think. I wasn’t being careful.”

“That much is obvious. But I would have stopped after the first cut.”

Bryce looked at his forearm. A few indications of blood poked through, but for the most part the bleeding had been stemmed. If he had enough life force the bandages would not have been needed, but as someone had said before he was at his limit.

“I don’t know what to say… Is it believable I didn’t know I was doing it?”

“How could you not, the wound looks dreadful!” Bait began, but calmed himself enough to say, “But I suppose after what you went through you may have gone numb to just about everything.”

“Yeah, maybe…” Then Bryce had a thought. “How is Dinky?”

The tan colt’s smile faltered at mention of the purple-grey filly. “Yes, I thought you might ask about her.”

He took a breath before he said, “I want you to know Dinky is well. Physically, at least. As for her mental state... It's hard to tell if she's still in awe from the experience, rattled from her lesson in gravity...or upset over Amethyst's behavior.”

He waited for Bryce to reply, but the human said nothing. “I don't know if you're listening, but I was able to convince Amethyst—out of respect for your friendship and the holiday—to not involve the Guard. And I wanted you to hear this from me: She will do this, on the condition that you...” Bait paused to swallow. “Amethyst wants you to cease all contact with herself, and with Dinky.”

Bryce looked down to the ground. He opened his mouth but shut it. He did not know what to say.

Bait sat back on his haunches. “I’m sure this is upsetting, but everypony thought it best if I told you.”

Bryce chewed on his lower lip, while his toes wiggles in their usual way. When he calmed himself enough, he said without a sign of emotion, “I think it was for the best, as well. Not that you told me, but if I don’t see them anymore.”

Bait was a little taken aback by this statement. “Come now, you surely cannot mean that. I thought you cared for Dinky.”

Bryce did not look us as he said, “I do, and if I have to avoid her so she’s safe then I’ll do it.”

“You speak as if you’re a danger to her.”

“What was it you said, ‘rattled from her lesson in gravity’?” Bryce asked as he glared into the colt’s irritated eyes.

“Yes, but if you recall I also said she may be in awe of the experience.”

“Or upset because of what happened with her sister, which is because of me.”

“You can’t blame yourself for Amethyst. We tried to talk her out of it.”

Bryce stared down the colt. “Oh, and what did you say? ‘Flying with neither the aid nor the use of wings’?”

Bait paused for a second before he realized what the human meant. “Okay, maybe I didn’t try to stop her, but I meant to. Regardless, Ditzy, Big Mac and Granny Smith tried to coax her out of it, but she would not listen.”

“I’ve already said it was my fault, what more do I need to say?”

“And I’m telling you it wasn’t.”

“Well…I’m tired of this back and forth,” Bryce stated. “I’m going.”

“Going? Going where?”

“What’s it…?” Bryce needed to right himself. “What’s it to ya?”

“You look awful, for one thing.”

“Yeah, and you have a horse face.”

“A horse face, what kind of…” Bait decided it best to ignore the comment. “You shouldn’t go anywhere. Not in your state.”

“Well, try and stop me.” Bryce said as he turned to face the door. He jumped up on his toes to avoid running over Granny Smith, who held a look of bitter concern upon her face. Applejack stood behind her, struggling to hold herself together.

As Bryce balanced himself, he asked in a deep tone, “Do you mind?”

Applejack returned a visible shutter, but Granny Smith did not flinch.

“Ah will, but Ah just wanna make sure of somethin’ first,” the latter mare stated. She made her into the barn, forcing Bryce to make his way back.

“Wh- What about?”

“Ah just wanna make sure you’re alright.”

“Well, I’m fine. My wounds are all patched up,” he declared, showing everypony his bandaged arm.

“Ah can see that—Ah ain’t that blind—but that’s not what Ah meant.” By then the mare had backed Bryce to his bed. “Bryce, Ah think you should have a seat.”

Bryce narrowed his eyes. “Why?” He did not allow anypony a chance to answer before he said, “I don’t wanna know now. I have somewhere to-“

“Whatever it is, it can wait!” Granny Smith said in a tone which shocked everyone.

Without further prompting, Bryce complied with the mare’s request and sat down on his bed. Everyone remained silent until he stated, “Fine, but whatever it is make it fast. I really do have somewhere to be.”

“It depends on how willing ya are ta talk.” Granny Smith drew in a breath. “Bryce, what happened?”

His eyes turned to Applejack, who stuck close to the open door. “She fell on a rake. I had nothing to do with it, if that’s what you wanted to know,” he almost spat.

This comment did not faze the well-aged mare in the slightest. “That was a concern of mine, but AJ’s let you off the hook on that part.” She looked back to the apple mare, who rubbed her right foreleg over her left, as if expecting the wounds to spring up and gush with blood. “No, Ah’m more concerned with you.”

“…Why…?” When nopony took the initiative to say anything, Bryce stood up. “Well, if no one’s gonna say anything-“

“You sit right back down, mister!” Granny Smith said in the same commanding tone as before. “It’s not somethin’ anypony wants ta ask, but… Bryce, are you feelin’ alright?”

“I would, if someone would let me leave.”

“Ah’ll let ya go after Ah make sure ya ain’t gonna…”

I ain’t gonna what?”

The well-aged mare decided to go a different direction. “Bryce, how’d you get those cuts?” She asked, pointing to his burned left arm.

Bryce hid his forearm behind his back. “By accident.”

“You’re doin’ a fine job of hidin’ it, then.”

“Well, do you really want to see it?”

“Yes, actually.”

The answer left Bait and Applejack in shock.

“No, I don’t think you-“ Granny Smith ran forward and pulled the human’s arm from behind his back, then ran the bandages up the limb. The suddenness of the mare left Bryce no time to stop her.

Applejack willed herself to move forward, afraid for her grandmother’s safety. When she reached his bed, what little bravery she found left her.

Cut into the flesh of Bryce’s forearm were at least a dozen gashes, each one at a diagonal. The longest one ran from below his wrist to above his elbow. There were also a few scratches across his palm and fingers, which looked like fresh, thin scars. What made the situation strange was how well the wounds had healed in the time since Applejack had ran for help.

Granny Smith wasted no time in saying what the three equines thought, “How could ya not feel any of that?”

It was only then Bryce took in the number of self-inflicted wounds for himself. “I… I don’t know…”

“Well what was goin’ through yer head when ya done it?”

Bryce looked the green apple mare in the eye, then back to the wound. “I wasn’t careful.”

“With what?”

“I just…wasn’t careful.” He looked to the well-aged mare once more, then to the other two ponies around him. “You think…!? I’m not suicidal! I mean, I know what this looks like, but… It’s not what you think. You can ask her,” he said, pointing at Applejack.

Applejack tried to shy away, but all eyes were now on her. “Well, Ah saw, but…”

“Go ahead, tell the truth,” Bryce said.

“Ah… Ah saw ya,” Applejack confirmed, “but from the way Ah saw…” She began to run a hoof through the dirt and straw.

“Well, go on and say the rest. Don’t lie again.”

At this Applejack shot the human a glare. She could not hold it, however, and her ears drooped down as her face sunk into a frown. “Ah ain’t,” she said in a meek voice, “Ah saw you in there, at your desk, and you…” She hadn’t the stomach to say the rest.

Bryce clamed up after what he heard—what they all heard.

Granny Smith laid a hoof on Bryce’s leg, drawing everyone’s attention. “Bryce, whatever plans you have I think it best you postpone’em.”

Bryce shook his head. “I can’t. I need to do this today.”

“Be that as it may, you ain’t in the right state-“

“For what?! To do a good job of offing myself?!” He shot the three ponies a glare. “I mean, even if I wanted to—and I’m not saying I do—I wouldn’t do this,” he said, sticking out his arm. “I’d do it in a way I couldn’t get out of. And even if I want attention—and right now I wish you’d all leave me the H alone—why would I want this kind?” He crossed his wrists and looked down to his toes, which he wiggled in his own way. “I don’t want pity. I don’t want anyone’s pity.”

As the comment sunk in, Granny Smith asked. “Bryce, even if ya didn’t mean to hurt yourself, ya obviously ain’t in the right state of mind to do anything right now.” In a move to see if the human heard her, she asked, “Is there anypony I can get for you?”

Bryce shook his head. “There’s no one I wanna see,” he said in a low voice.

“Come on. There’s gotta be somepony. What about Apple Bloom? She been askin’ ‘bout ya since lunch.”

He was quick to respond, “No way in Hell! I don’t need to scare her any more than she is already.”

“Well fine, but what about one of your friends? What about Pinkie Pie, or Rainbow, or Miss Rarity?”

“Too annoying. Likes to invade personal space. And Rarity? She’d be worse off than Sprout.”

“Well there has to be somepony. It’s not that Ah don’t trust ya, but it wouldn’t be right to leave ya on your own. Ah at least want ta leave you with somepony you’d rather see. There’s gotta be somepony you wanna see.”

For a moment Bryce paused. These was somepony Bryce would not mind seeing: Mina, who he could talk with about almost anything. “There is, but I don’t know where she lives. She just always seems to be able to find me.” Bryce shook his head. “But it’s more trouble than it’s worth. Right now, I need to go.”

Before the well-aged mare could reply, Bait interjected, “I think there’s somepony you failed to mention, Mrs Smith”.

“Did Ah?”

“Why, yes.” He looked to Bryce, who did not meet his gaze. “Isn’t there at least one pony who you would want to spend the entire day with? You know, someone who you haven’t seen in a while. Someone who I’m sure is dying to see you.”

“I just said I don’t know where she lives.”

“Oh, I think you where she lives,” the tan colt said with a knowing grin. “Someone you’re used to helping out on a weekly basis.”

For a moment he again thought of Mina, but then considered there was no way the tan colt could know of their weekly meetings. He looked away, more upset than before. “I doubt it,” Bryce mumbled.

“But do you?”

“Who are you talkin’ about?” Granny Smith inquired.

“You know, Bryce’s special someone.”

“Oh, you mean-?”

“Fluttershy…doesn’t want to see me!” Bryce said, trying to hold back from the shout inside of him.

“Oh, come now. You know, she did inquire about you during your—uh hum—hiatus.”

“And she hasn’t come around since?”

“Well… No, but surely it’s only because she…had other matters to attend to…?”

“You don’t believe a word of that, do you?”

“I’m sure it’s a contributing factor. She often comes around every Wednesday for the Farmers’ Market, does she not? If she weren’t involved with other matters I’m sure she would have stopped by.”

Bryce suck in his lower lip. “She doesn’t want to see me,” he said as if it were a statement of fact.

“Ah think this fella makes a good point,” Granny Smith said. “Ah’ve seen the way that mare looks at ya, and Ah see only good intent. If you want one of us can go get her.”

Bryce shook his head. “If she wanted to see me she knows where to find me.”

“Yes, but she doesn’t know about today. I’m sure if she knew she’d-“

“Fall right over and die!” Bryce said without a hint of sarcasm.

“Hey, that’s a little extreme now!” The well-aged mare cried. “That girl’s crazy ‘bout you. Anypony can tell that.”

“If she wants to see me she would come to me, but she hasn’t!” Bryce yelled back. “And if I go see her she’d take one look at me and seal herself inside a makeshift panic room, at best. And at the worst…” He said, becoming forlorn. “She could die of fright…of the sight of me.”

He looked to the ponies around him. “I can tell you all doubt me,” he said, their faces a clear sign of this statement, but their personal thoughts a better clue. “But…she’s afraid of her own shadow—have you seen that?” He asked the well-aged mare. “I have. When she’s on a bad day she freezes up at the sight of it. And with me… Do any of you expect the Nightmare Night Nightmare to fare any better?”

Each pony stared on in silence.

Then all at once Applejack said, “Yeah, Ah’ve see her do that, once or twice.” All attention was on her now—including Bryce’s, though he kept his gaze down at her hooves. “That gal gets herself spooked by a lotta stuff. Most of it’s stuff anypony should be cautious around, but a few things…”

Applejack mumbled a few of the edgy mare’s fears under her breath. Her own shadow a part of said list, but also flying, haircuts, et cetera. The literal concept of et cetera, as in how she might not know every bit of the et cetera to match the situation.

“But one thing Ah do know,” Applejack said after a moment’s thought, “is every time she’s ‘round you she ain’t like herself. And Ah mean she ain’t all finicky over the small stuff. It’s as if she doesn’t notice anything that’s goin’ on when she’s with you.”

Bryce sucked in his lower lip and let out a sigh. “Yeah, but that was before. Even if she did feel that way about me before, she’s probably been into town. She’s seen the state it’s in; all the wreckage and the displacement. And she should know who is responsible.” He looked down to Applejack’s hooves. “If it were you would you still see them the same way?”

He managed to meet the mare’s gaze, the droop in her ears answering for her. “Do you really want to answer?” Bryce asked “I know your answer, and it’s a ‘no’. You just don’t want to lie.”

Applejack would indeed have told him ‘no’, and it would be the truth. But there was more she wanted to say, and she would have, if not for the Bryce’s last comment.

Bryce looked to his toes, which sat static to match his mood. He let out a nasal sigh once more, then said, “If you’re finished I would like to leave. Whatever you guys have to say it can wait. I have people who need me.”

“You do? Who?” Granny Smith asked.

“It’s the family I’ve been teaching to cook. I promised them I’d help with Thanksgiving dinner. And it’s the reason I need to leave now!” He said, his irritation coming to a head. “So, unless any of you want to try and stop me, I’m late!”

“Now wait a minute there!” Granny Smith stated, forcing the human to stay his place. “Is that really the reason? And did you really promise?”

“Yes, it’s the truth. And…I didn’t promise, but it was implied. I’m teaching three girls: a mother and her kids. Well, it’ll be a wreck without me. Her girls are fine, but their mother…” He thought of a polite way to say it, but nothing came to mind.

“That bad…?” The well-aged mare said when Bryce kept silence. “Are you sure they can’t manage on their own?”

“If I thought they could last for one meal on their own I’d stay, but I can’t just abandon them, can I?” He looked the mare dead in the eye. “It may just be a dinner, but I’m not going to leave them to fail. Not when they need me the most, and not if I can help it.”

Granny Smith narrowed her eyes and looked the human over. She opened her mouth a few times only to slam it shut. When she came to a consensus, she stomped her hoof, causing everyone present to jump.

“Fine,” she stated, allowing the word to reverberate for all to hear. “Ah’ll let you off.” She leaned forward and stared the human down. “But don’t think for a minute Ah’m gonna let the state of this place fly,” she said, using a hoof to indicate the mess in the barn. “You can go after you clean this place up. Ya probably don’t wanna go inside, so AJ will bring ya out a washtub and some water to rinse off. And another thing, we all worked hard to make that food,” she said, pointing to the tray of stone cold food at the end of his bed. “You get something in your stomach. After that then you can go, understand!?”

Bryce bit his lower lip, worried how much later he would become to fulfill the well-aged mare’s requests. Though angered, he nodded.

“Good,” she said as her face pulled back into a cheerful smile. “AJ, there’s a big bucket on the backside of the house. Bait, you come on, so he can have some privacy.” Without waiting for the two young ponies to respond, she hooved her way to the door. When she caught everyone in their same places, she exclaimed, “Well, get a move on!”

In a flash Bait ran past the well-aged mare. Before Applejack could join him, Granny Smith said, “AJ, one more thing.” She came in close and spoke in a voice too low for Bryce to hear. When she finished, Applejack’s ears drooped as she returned a nod.

Turning on her hooves, Applejack hooved her way back to Bryce, who stared down at his wiggling toes. She opened her mouth to speak, before Bryce cut her short. “I know what you’re gonna say. Just go.”

Applejack looked back to Granny, who fixed her granddaughter with a serious face. She turned back to Bryce. “Ah’m sorry…” She said, now sincere and sure about her words. “Not just for earlier, but for…everything…”

“You’re fine with me, just go.”

“Okay, but Ah wanna say-“

“Tell me later! I’m already late, and whatever it is you will tell me again later. So, save it for then.”

It was how Bryce said it as if it were a fact. But she did not doubt here guilt would subside anytime soon. She would apologize to him again, and again, as many times until it satisfied herself, her granny, the human. With a heavy catch in her step, she left, with the well-aged mare sticking to her side.

“Ah’m sorry, Granny. Ah swear Ah tried.”

“Ah know ya did, but what Ah hope you get from all this is ya need to put some faith in the boy. Ah don’t know what goes on in his head, but Ah can tell there’s no ill will in’m.”

By then they made their way behind the farmhouse, and Applejack had the handle of a bucket between her teeth. “If he wanted ta do me in he was more than able ta. But that boy backed off from me. Does that look like the kinda fella who’d put your sister or her friend in harm’s way of purpose?”

Applejack did her best to say, “No, Granny.”

“Darn tootin’. And here it is now three times he’s saved your sorry, doubtin’ hide.” As Applejack placed the bucket under the water pump, Granny Smith asked, “What do ya have to say for yourself?”

“In truth, nothin’ good… Ah’m sorry…”

“Well ya should be. Sure, he may have gotten ya inta at least one of them scraps by accident. But if he wasn’t so forgiving he would ignore ya and move on. And today, well, that was all on you, from the way you said it.”

“Yeah, Ah did. But if you’d seen what Ah saw…” She shook at the memory, more from the burning sensation which still echoed down her front leg.

“Well, Ah’m just glad everything’s alright.”

“But is it? Ah mean, is he really okay to go off on his own?”

“That depends, did he look honest enough to ya?”

Applejack waited until she had the pump going to answer. “He looked genuine, but still, those cuts. And they looked old,” she said, referring to how the human’s wounds no longer bled.

“Whatever it is it has ta be the same reason ya ain’t here bleedin’ to death now. Don’t think Ah didn’t notice all the blood on the floor and on the rake. Which reminds me, we need to take care of that later.

“Yeah, no doubt on that one,” the orange mare said as she topped off the bucket. “But Granny, it’s not that I don’t trust ya, but should he be left alone? What if he gets into trouble in town?”

“If he gave his word then Ah believe he’ll keep it. If he wanted to leave as bad to hurt himself he would have come up with something better than ‘helpin’ make dinner’.”

“Ah reckon. But isn’t there at least something we should do?”

“Well, now that mention it, there is something we can do.” Granny explained her plan as they made their way back to the barn.

When they reached the door, Applejack placed the bucket at the door, with a washing pan to go with it, and made their presence known to Bryce. When she returned to her grandmother, she said, “Ah don’t know, Granny, he might not like it. He might take it the wrong way.”

“Maybe he will, but maybe not. Right now, his best interests are the last thing on his mind. We at least need to give’em a chance.”

Once everything was in order, and had Granny Smith’s seal of approval, Bryce left for the Nuts’ home.

It is an interesting case of how a single event can cling to a person. What one does today can have lasting consequences; when one is found at their worst it is difficult to pack away their foul mood. When one tries to act with good intentions their actions are taken as an abuse of their power.

What transpired during Bryce’s entry into Ponyville? Read the next chapter if you would know.

Pushing Me Away - Linkin Park

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Chapter 79: Pushing Me Away - Linkin Park

Almost an hour later Bryce came to the outskirts of Ponyville.

For a holiday, he knew many of the resident ponies would stay indoors—granted they still had an indoors—and off the streets. And for the first time today, he was not disappointed.

There were ponies about—Thanksgiving could not keep everypony confined to their homes—but he felt better knowing there were fewer than expected.

He did not stop to talk with anypony, more because there was nil who wanted to talk with him. Anypony who crossed his path often stepped to the side and let him pass. A few times, on accident, he bumped into somepony. Out of fear—whether it be from his size or what they believed he would do—they apologized. He tried to take the blame for his mistake, but before he could open his mouth they made their escape.

The whole experience left Bryce feeling worse off than he did already. The idea to cut his losses and head back to the apple farm crossed he mind once or twice, but he could not bear to let down his friends. More so the foals. Someone had to watch out for Rocksalt on his paper route and help him with his homework. And the twins, well, who better to keep them from their mother’s latest attempt at making something new.

For now, he put up with the disdainful looks and the sudden sidesteps. There were ponies who counted on him.

Then it happened. Somepony found the need to call him out. “Bryce, darling!”

He tensed, then let out a low groan, sank down, and rolled his eyes back into his head. He recognized the voice.

Trotting up to him was Ponyville’s resident fashionista. She made her way to the human with confidence, in strict contrast to everypony around her. “Bryce, hellllooooo!”

What he wanted more than anything to be a solitary dragging of his feet through town became a high-pitched announcement of his location.

Rarity came to a stop no more than a foot from the human. She looked up at him in confusion. “Bryce, are you okay?”

He met the white unicorn with a look which was one-part disgust, one-part disbelief, and the remaining majority the anger he fought to contain. It was as if answered her question with a throaty, demonic, “What do you want!?”

The mare took a step back. “Oh… It’s seems I caught you at a bad time…” She forced a smile. “I’ll just let you go…”

Before she could trot off, Bryce called back, “Rarity…it’s fine… It’s fine… It’s… I’m…” As he said this, he closed his eyes to reel himself back in. Cycling a deep breath, he said in a calmer tone, “I’m fine…”

Rarity blinked a few times at the statement. “Bad day?”

If only you knew, he thought as he let out a heavy sigh.

“Oh… Nopony’s hurt, are they?” It was then she noticed the bandages around his left forearm. “My word, what happened!?” She asked, drawing the attention of the few ponies about. When she noticed their glares, she thought of something on the fly. ”Where did you get that rip in your trousers!?”

“Rip, what-?”

Using her magic, she tore a hole in the left-side pocket of his cargo pants. When she finished the contents of said pocket dropped out on the ground.

Bryce looked down in shock, speechless.

“You should be glad I ran into you. I’m surprised they held as long as they did.”

“They were fine before-“

“Yes, but right now we need to get that fixed. Quick, grab your belongings. It shouldn’t take but a minute.”

His jaw dropped as he looked to her in confusion. His mind could not wrap around the polite mare’s sudden behavior. What the H are you doing!? He thought inside her mind.

Rarity flinched, but only for an instant; enough only she and Bryce took notice. Bryce, darling, she thought back in a flash, play along!


Just do it!

Bryce became skeptical. Then a thought entered his mind, one which was neither his nor Rarity’s. What’s he doing now?

It was the one, then others followed. He better not try anything with Rarity. Pretty mare like her, I’d kick his flank!

What is a mare like her doing with…that thing? Better not be planning another way to buck up the place.

The nerve of her! If she’s in cahoots with the likes of him I’ll take my business elsewhere.

Dang, and I liked that hot piece of tail. Well, I have that spray paint I’ve been saving. Her place could use a fresh coat. I think I’ll put ‘Ape Lover’. That’ll teach her. And if she catches me I’ll threaten to ‘come back later’, unless she’s willing to put out. She’ll say yes if she knows what’s good for her. It’d save me the trouble of tying her up, and the bits I’d spend on chloroform. It’ll get me a lot of cred with the guys, too.

Bryce balled up his fists, wanting to say his piece to the last one. He looked back and spotted him: a male, larger than a colt but not yet a stallion. He held a hoof under his chin, a snide smile across his face as he considered what his friends would say in his fantasy. Whatever foolproof plans the teenage colt thought he had vanished when he met the human’s dark eyes.

The house with the brass bell beside the door at the end of the block? He thought with a snide smirk. You better not struggle when I come tonight. It’d save me the trouble of tying you up. And I won’t need chloroform.

He managed to say a few choice words in the teenage colt’s mind before Rarity said, “Bryce, let’s go,” in a whisper.

By the time he turned back his eyes reverted to their neutral grey. He considered the mare, and the others behind him. He needed to lose Rarity, and fast. He would have told her off without delay, but he needed his pocket mended. Instead, he bent down, took up the contents of his ripped side pocket and left with the white mare.

Once they were out of sight of anypony, he felt comfortable enough to ask, “Rarity, can you fix this rip with your magic?”

“Yes, but it would be better if-“

“I don’t have the time,” he said, pointing down an alley. “Let’s do it here then.”

She looked down the way. “Are you sure? You know where it leads, don’t you?”

He looked though the alley. Though the sun began to dip down there was enough light see the ruined buildings beyond.

It was the part of Ponyville which fell victim to Bryce’s mania.

He sucked in his lower lip and wiggled his toes.

“Why do you want to go there?” Rarity asked.

“The view.”

“It’s not a view many would find nice. I don’t know anypony who would want to go in there.”

“That’s the point,” Bryce said as he walked down the alley.

“Well, I suppose it is a good of one as any,” she commented as she followed the human.

Once they were deep enough to avoid attention, Bryce turned back to Rarity. “Should I take’em off or can you do it if I leave’em on?”

“Ehh… I can manage if they’re left on. I think you would much prefer it.”

Bryce nodded in agreement as he leaned back against a wall, one which looked more solid than the rest. “Well, how long will it take?” He asked as he crossed his arms across his chest.

She examined the tear. It hurt her a little to see her own work torn asunder. And by her own magic, no less. “Not long, if you stay still. It’s a technique one needs to take the time to learn, but in my line of work it is a necessity.” Narrowing her eyes, Rarity bent forward and lit up her horn. The left corner of the rip began to seal, inching towards the right at a snail’s pace.

After a minute, Rarity said, “I must apologize for putting you in this situation.”

Bryce waited a beat before he said, “It’s fine.”

“I wouldn’t have done it, but from the way everypony looked at you after I… I didn’t mean to draw unnecessary attention, but when I saw the bandages…”

Bryce hid his left arm out of view. “It’s fine.”

She doused her magic to relieve some of the strain in her horn. “It’s not that I doubt you, but that is a lot of dressing for a simple injury.”

The bandages around his arm was enough to cover the hindleg of a foal Dinky or Apple Bloom’s size. In response, Bryce asked, “Remember Angel?”

“Fluttershy’s rabbit, you mean? Yes, but what does that have to do with… Oh…” She said when she understood the human’s meaning. Thinking back, she remembered how pale Bryce became, as well. This time, however, his complexion was ghastly—almost a shade lighter than before.

“It’s fine,” Bryce said after the mare’s pause.

“Well, with such an ability… I suppose, but how do you feel physically?”

“I’m fine,” was the answer. When no response came from the mare, he added, “Could you finish, please? I have somewhere I needed to be an hour ago.”

As the ache in her horn subsided, Rarity decided to do as asked, ignoring the chills the human failed to hide. As she continued to mend the tear, she found the human rubbing something with his thumb. It was one of his wooden ponies, that much she could tell, but at her bent angle she could not tell of whom.

“What’s that you have there?”

Bryce stopped rubbing the wood, by now smooth from the continuous stimming. “Just one of my works.”

“Oh, which one?”

He pulled the figure to his chest. He tensed up and rubbed it some more. “No one important.”

The human was hard to read at times, but this was not one of those times. Rarity could think of one pony who could make the human go ramrod straight. “Have you had the chance to see Fluttershy recently?”

Bryce shook his head, an action which almost went unnoticed from her downturned eyes.

“When was the last time you saw each other?”

He sucked in his lower lip. “I don’t want to get into this conversation again today.”

“Why, did somepony said something rotten about you two?”


“Then what did they say?”

“Nothing I want to get into again today.”

They said nothing for the remainder of Rarity’s mending. When she finished, she looked the pocket over. Satisfied with her work, she smiled. “Finished, with not a stitch out of place.”

Bryce looked down, tugging at the former tear to make sure. “Thank you.” He returned the contents to their proper place and turned to leave.

“She misses you.” Bryce stopped, not bothering to turn back. “Fluttershy, I mean. At least, that was the impression I got on our last spa day.”

He sucked in his lip. Well, when was that? Before four weeks ago? He thought for Rarity to hear.

“No, it was more like two weeks ago. In fact, I was the one who had to explain everything to her. She’s practically the only pony in the Ponyville area who didn’t make an appearance for Nightmare Night. It wasn’t easy—for me or for her—but we all agreed I was the best one to deliver the news.”

After a moment, Bryce’s thoughts echoed in Rarity’s mind. Why you? From what I’ve heard Rainbow and Ditzy have known her longer.

“Well, Rainbow took the situation in a way only somepony the likes of her could take. Namely, and I quote: ‘It was so awesome’. And Ditzy, while she may mean well, said it should be somepony who could speak without stepping over their own words. So, it fell to me, the only pony close enough to her who could keep their composure.

“She insisted we skip the spa that day to see you. We went to the farm instead, but Applejack told us you weren’t in the right mood to see anypony.”

Bryce chewed on his lower lip a few times before he said, “Well, the next time you see her tell her the same thing.” He walked forward, not looking back.

Rarity watched him walk a few steps, mouth agape, before she narrowed her eyes and ran ahead of him. It made Bryce jump up on his toes to stop himself. “I can’t say that to her. She’ll think you don’t care, and we both know you do.”

“Well, then tell her what she wants to hear.”

“She wants to hear you’re all better and you’re dying to see her.”

“Well, I’m not. And it’s better if she doesn’t see me at all.”

“Better for whom? Not for Fluttershy, certainly not for her. Look, I can understand if you’re afraid, but if you think she’ll reject you I’m sure she won’t.”

“Well, how sure are you?”

“Without a doubt. It may be awkward at the start, but if you would give it a chance I’m sure it would be like old times before you know it.”

“Well, if I do I’ll only end up hurting her.”

“No, it would hurt her if you resolve to do nothing and reject her all together. It would kill her to know you’re up and about and too selfish to go and see her.”

“It hurts me more than it can ever hurt her. It’s just better if we’re never seen together.”

“Hurts you more…?” She paused for a breath, considering what the human said. “What do you mean by that?”

“I mean, it hurts me knowing I hurt her, but there’s no better way.”

“No, after that. How is it better for you both to not be seen together?”

Rarity half expected to say nothing, but was surprised when he said, “It just is.”

“But for whom? I mean, if you both end up hurt how is it good for you or her?”

“It doesn’t matter about me. It’s her I’m worried about. Just know I can take the hit if it means she’s safe.”

“Safe from what? You aren’t making any sense.”

“Do I really have to spell it out? You think I’m dense, but you seem to forget why you split open my pocket.”

“I haven’t. It was to get you away from everypony. The way I caused a scene, they were looking to run you through. I only wanted to make a sensible reason I would cause a ruckus. And I already apologized.”

“Well, you don’t know what they thought about you.”

“And how could you possibly…? Bryce, you invaded their minds!?”

Bryce did not try to hide the fact; there was no way of taking back what he had said. “I did, but it wasn’t intentional. I didn’t realize what I was doing until I heard too much.”

Rarity stared in shock. She wanted to berate him, but the need to know what they thought of him overruled the need to correct the human. “What did they think? Because whatever they think of you it’s not true. And if they thought of doing you any harm it’s something we all consider, but almost never have the constitution to carry out. And with you they’ll definitely reconsider their options.”

Bryce bit down on his lip, unsure of how the mare would take his next statement. “It’s not what they thought of me which worries me.”

“Then who was it then?” He wiggled his toes as he looked down to the mare. “You mean…? Are you sure?”

“No, it was the mare only I can see.” If he were in a more amicable state, he would have ended the remark with a familiar smirk.

The shock on Rarity’s face was sparked anew. “But I… I didn’t do anything. Nothing to warrant whatever… What did they think of me?”

“Well, it was more what they wanted to do to you. One mare—her inner voice sounded like a mare’s—she didn’t to have anything to do with you. Said she would ‘take her business elsewhere’.”

“Is that it? I mean, it just one mare. I can take the loss of one customer.”

“That’s not all. There was another—the teenager.”

“Yes, but what of him? The worst he would have done is break a few windows.”

“He planned to do worse than that.”

“You mean rob me?”


“Burn down my boutique.”

“No, something way worse than what he could do to your home.”

“Stop beating around the bush and say it then; I’m tired of guessing.”

“Well, you’re a beautiful mare, he’s a pubescent colt,” he said, “can I make it anymore obvious?”

“Yes, I am a mare, and yes, he was a colt, but what…?” When the realization hit her, her face contorted into a mixture of anger and disgust.

“Finally, and I’m the dense one.”

“I can’t even… Are you sure?”

“Well, it’s hard to lie inside your own mind. More so when you think nobody can hear you.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “And…puberty… When that happens a boy’s brain is more in his-”

Rarity waved him off, the look on her face now enough to cause wrinkles. “Just stop it! I didn’t need to know beyond the word ‘puberty’.”

“Well, if you’re reacting this way because of what he wanted to do to you, think how much worse it would be for someone like Fluttershy.”

Rarity needed less than a full breath to become immersed in a deeper depth of revulsion. “It would utterly destroy her! But…you shouldn’t allow it to dissuade you. I mean, she can’t hear what you can hear. If anything, she will feel safer with you.”

Bryce bit his lip. “How is being with me safe? I already told you what they thought of you—and what they planned to do. Even if no one attacks her out right, what about her house? Or her animals? If not them, then in other ways. She likes to go to the Farmer’s Market every Wednesday. If I’m seen with her they could refuse to do business, or charge her more, depending on their mood. Where would she and her animals be then?”

For once Rarity was unable to make a retort. She wanted to believe nopony would be so callous as to punish the delicate mare for choosing the human as a companion, but after what she heard doubt weighed on her opinion.

When she said nothing after a minute, Bryce sighed. “If you don’t mind, I have somewhere to be.” He sidestepped the mare, who said nothing until he was almost out of sight. “No, you wait a minute!” She cried.

She stomped her way ahead of the human. “Why is it whenever I present a reason you and her should meet you somehow find another excuse to avoid her?!”

“Does it matter? Doesn’t mean I’m not right.”

“Yes, it does matter, and just because you raise a few good points does NOT make you right! It means you would rather make excuses than do what you know is right. Let me ask you this—and the you either answer ‘yes’, or you answer ‘no’.

“Do you want to see the mare you tried to convince me was too good for the likes of you? I’ll answer for you: yes!

“Does the thought of not seeing her at all make you sick to your stomach? I’ll answer again: yes!

“Is there a possibility other ponies will take offense to your being there with her, much less your relationship? I’d bet every bit to my name, and my home, and my kitty, Opal, they would.”

She drew in a breath before she spoke again. “Now, my last question to you—and this time I want you to answer for yourself—is this: is it right for you to make her suffer only because of what might happen? To make her worry over you when all you need to make it stop is take a short walk down the road? To be the one hurting her more than anypony else ever could?”

“Enough!” Bryce spat out, cutting short whatever Rarity wanted to shout next. “It doesn’t matter what I say. If I’m not with her, and nobody sees me with her, she’s safe. And that’s all I care about. If you want to tell her something, tell her to look for someone better. In time, she’ll forget all about me. You can doubt me if you want, but it’s happened before.”

He sidestepped the mare once more. As he passed, he said, “And I don’t see it changing because of a change in venue. Not anymore.”

Rarity sat down in the dirt, exhausted from her futile attempts with the human. Despite this, she found the strength to stand up, turnabout and face him. “Bryce-“

“Save it,” he said, not meeting her gaze he turned down a corner. As he did, somepony rushed at him, tackling him to the ground. They said something he could not make out in the moment, but from the volume of their voice it did not sound to be in his favor.

Rarity cried out, “Celestia, what on Equus!!!”

His first thought was somepony decided to take matters into their own hands—or, rather, their own hooves. He grabbed said limbs from around his sides and rolled over on top of them. As far as he could tell, the only assailant was the one below him, but he looked about to make sure, spotting only the white coat of Rarity.

When he saw the coast of clear, he brought a fist back and spoke down to the pony below him, “Didn’t expect me to fight back, did you?!” As he brought his fist down, his arm became enveloped in a blue aura and pulled to the right. He glared to Rarity. “Let me go right now!” He said through gritted teeth.

“Bryce, I don’t think you know who you’re dealing with,” she said with fear in her voice.

“I do” It’s someone with more balls than-!” If his hand were not puleed back, he would have reeled back for a second punch, one which would have landed square in the face of Pinkie Pie.

The pink pony pinned under him bore the same face Bryce now held: one of complete and utter shock.

“P- Pinkamena?” He stammered out. As they continued to look at each other in surprise, he asked a question which was certain to have a baffling, convoluted, Pinkie Piesque answer. “What the H were you thinking?”

“Tw- Twitchy…tail…” Was her only response.

Before Bryce or Rarity could comprehend her statement, the wall along the side of the alley—the alley Bryce would have taken a few seconds before—collapsed, covering every bit of ground below it in stucco, timber, and broken glass.

From somewhere on the other side of the crumbled wall, the two ponies and Bryce heard somepony shout, “What the hay was that!?”

Another said, “Let’s check it out!”

They heard the faint clop of hooves grow louder with each passing second.

Wasting no time, Rarity released he magic on the human. “Bryce, get up!” She said through her teeth.

He looked to her in shock, unsure of what he had done. “Rarity, Pinkamena, I didn’t mean-“ He said as he stood up from the party mare.

“I know,” Rarity cut him off. “But right now, you need to hide.” Before he could question why, she turned her attention on Pinkie. “Pinkie, without going into details, I need you to stand up, so I can get where you are.” Pinkie did as asked, with Rarity taking the same position on her back. “Now, straddle me.”

Bryce looked at the mare in confusion. Pinkie, despite her nature, was bewildered by Rarity request, as well.

“Why?” She asked.

“Because if anypony sees Bryce around—no offense—they might think the worst. Which is why if they see only you and me-“

“Oh, I see. But I don’t think it’ll work. Here, stand up and I’ll show you how to make the scene.”

“Why, what’s wrongs with-?“ They heard a small group of ponies shouting from the other side of the blocked alley. The debris was enough to block their view.

“What the hay happened here!?”

“Must have been Bryce. Let’s look around.”

“Yeah, has to be. And somepony find a way around. I could have sworn I heard somepony shout before.”

With time running out, Rarity did as the pink mare asked and stood. “Okay, now what?” She asked in a whisper.

Pinkie ran a hoof under her chin. “Go a little to the left.”

“I fail to see-“

“Shh shh shh! A little to the left.”

Rarity rolled her eyes, but otherwise did as told. “Okay, now would please explain-?”

“Don’t scream now.” Saying nothing else, Pinkie hopped forward, forcing Rarity onto her back, in almost the same spot she had pushed Bryce before her.

It took a lot of effort, but Rarity managed to stifle a cry of panic. And not a moment too soon.

Within seconds a trio of stallions came running into the clearing. They surveyed the scene, their eyes drawn to the two mares in an instant.

“What happened?!” One of them asked. “Did Bryce do this?! Did you see which way he went?!”

Rarity and Pinkie looked to each other, then back to the three stallions. “What makes you think he was involved?” Rarity asked. “We both saw the wall fall of its own accord.”

“Are you sure?” A second stallion asked. “Why is she on top of you?”

“She pushed me out of the way. She came out of nowhere and forced me back. And not a moment too soon. A half second more and…” She pointed a hoof down the alley.

“Alright, then why were you here?” The last stallion asked, pointing a hoof at Pinkie Pie. “Seems an out of the way area for somepony.”

Pinkie pulled her mouth back into a tiny smile. “Twitchy tail,” she said, pointing at the base of her loopy tail.

As if three bricks materialized out of this air and dropped on all three of their heads, the stallions let out a drawn out, collective, “Ohh...”

One of them looked up in the air. “So… It’s not twitching right now, is- Is it?”

Pinkie scanned her appendage for a few seconds, then shook her head. “Nope. Everything’s Okey-Dokey-Lokey now!”

They sighed in relief.

“That’s good… So, are either of you hurt?”

“No worse for wear, myself,” Rarity replied. “Though I would very much like to stand now,” she said with a look to Pinkie.

Pinkie blinked a few times. “Oh! Sorry!” She stepped back, allowing the fashionista to stand on all fours. “There, much better.”

“Good…” The first stallion looked to the collapsed wall. “Dang, that’s awful. Wasn’t that… Wasn’t that Hedge’s place?”

“Yeah, I think it was,” one of his companions agreed.”

The first let out a huff. “That bastard. Can’t believe the mayor let him off with just a slap on the pastern.”

“Are we gonna break the news to him?”

“Might as well. Not as if he’ll be any worse off than he is now.” He turned back to the two mares. “You’re sure Bryce didn’t do this? Seems like the kinda crap he’d pull.”

Rarity narrowed her eyes. “I can assure you he had nothing to do with this. You make him sound like a monster.”

“Well, he did buck up the place. What else could he be?”

“Yeah, what are you, his friend?”

“Yes, actually,” Rarity said without a flinch. “We both are.” She motioned to the pink mare beside her.

“What, both of you?! Don’t tell me you don’t get a twitchy tail, or knee pinch, or…whatever when he’s around?” He asked the latter.

“Nope. I only have a pinch in my knee when there’s something scary, and it never happens when he’s around.”

“And what happened four weeks ago wasn’t scary?”

“Well… Yes, my knee itched then, but that was the only time. The rest of the time I feel happy knowing I have a good friend like Brycie. You know, he’s not as bad as he looks. He’s big, but he’s an even bigger softy one time Applejack tried to force him to go to his ‘Welcome to Ponyville party’ and so I was all mopey and my mane went straight but then we worked it out and he got his party and it was a lot of fun and I got to see him smile and not a smirk because smirks aren’t as happy as smiles then this other time-“

By then the three stallions tuned the mare out. “Always knew that one wasn’t right in the head, but this…”

His companions groaned in agreement.

“Well, since you managed to find your way in here you can find your way out. Unless you’re willing to admit Bryce had something to do with this.”

Rarity shot the stallion a glare. “A promise you he did NOT.”

“Figures… Welp, if you change your mind… Town would be a lot better place without him.” The three stallions walked away without another care.

Now alone, Rarity sighed in relief. “That was a close one. Good job, Pinkie Pie. Though, next time, I would appreciate the pleasure of a warning.”

Pinkie returned a sly smile. “Sorry, but it needed to look convincing. And you didn’t look surprised, like you just almost met your maker. It was more like, ‘I’m serious and we need to make them think Bryce was never here’,” she said as she furrowed her brow for emphasis.

Rarity pinched the bridge of her nose. “Yes, I suppose… But still, a little warning would have been nice. Speaking of Bryce…” She looked about but could see neither hide nor hair of the human. She called out a few times under her breath, but he did not answer back. She glared at nothing as she said, “The nerve… I told him to hide, not vanish.” She turned to the party mare. “You didn’t happen to see where he went, did you?”

“No, but he couldn’t have gone far. Though he can walk fast. I mean, when he wants to get away he can-“ Pinkie stopped as she cried out in pain.

“Pinkie Pie, what’s the matter!?”

She placed a hoof over her mouth. “Uhh, I bit my dung.”

Rarity raised her eyebrow. “You bit your what!?”

“Mah dung, see!” She said before she stuck out her tongue.

“Ohh… Well, that’s better than… Never mind, we need to find Bryce.”

“Vait, Varity, I remembered dumting. Ah bit my dung!”

“Yes, I understand. And would you please not say that word, it is so uncouth!“

“No, Varity! Varity! A bit dung means dere’s an ag-zoo-! Ag-zoo-!” She huffed in frustration. She resolved to write her words in the dirt.

Bite your tongue, somepony’s about to be hung!

Rarity mouthed the words as she read along. “Is this another part of your Pinkie Sense.” Pinkie returned a nod. “Somepony’s about to be…? Oh no! Pinkie, it isn’t Bryce is it?!”

Pinkie shrugged her shoulders. “Uh dun know,” she said, a few drops of spittle spraying from her mouth.

“Pinkie, I believe the expression is ‘say it, don’t spray it’. But if it is Bryce we need to find him, and soon!”


“Dang, that’s awful. Wasn’t that… Wasn’t that Hedge’s place?”

Bryce did not stick around to hear anything after this. He did not want to hear whatever else the three stallions wanted to pin on him. Besides, the Nuts’ expected him. He hoped he could make it through without further incident.

If it were only so simple.

When he exited the ruined section of Ponyville he was happy to find himself within sight of the Nuts’ house, in sight of their roof at the least. He took in a few breaths to calm himself, and prepared to depart, but then caught something out of the corner of his eye.

He wanted to believe he misread the situation—if only to reach his destination and with hopes end the day on a good note—but something felt off.

Bryce came to a stop, watching as a colt—who had a silver coat the color of mercury and a mane and tail like shadows—trotted away on his left. He looked the right size for a colt, though he was lean and half a head taller than the ones Bryce had become accustomed with.

The thought to forget what he saw and move on crossed his mind several times, but his conscience nagged him to do the opposite. He sucked in his lower lip, his toes wiggling inside his boots hard enough to burrow into the salamander hide.

Before he could decide, somepony behind him cried out, “Varity, Uh vound’m! Uh vound’m!”

He snuck a quick look back, dissatisfied to see it was Pinkie. He looked back to the colt, who trotted further away with each passing second.

A few seconds later Rarity found her way out. “Bryce, there you are!” She exited the alley and came to a stop at his side. “Are you okay? You aren’t upset, are you?” When he said nothing, she became concerned. “Bryce, what’s the matter?”

“Rarity, what would you do if you saw a crime?” Bryce asked.

“A crime? Why, what did you see?”

“I don’t know, but I have my suspicions.”

“Suspicions on what though? You aren’t making any sense. Look, you seem to have had a rough day, and you look pale. Why don’t I take you to my boutique, I brew some coffee, and we talk this out?”

Bryce looked to his right one last time and made his choice there. “There’s no time, he’s getting away,” he spat back at Rarity. He prayed the twins and their mother could find it their hearts to forgive him.

He turned to his left and powerwalked to reach the colt, catching up with him in no time. “Hey, kid!” He called out, drawing the attention of more than the intended pony.

The colt skid to a halt. A shiver ran through his spine. He inched his head back to meet the human. “Can I- Can I help you, sir?”

Bryce ignored the question, instead saying, “I saw you dragging your bag. Do you need any help?”

The colt needed a moment before he replied, “No, that’s alrate. I can manage.”

By then Rarity and Pinkie caught up with Bryce. “Bryce, if you won’t come with me you at least should explain-“ She cut herself short when she noticed the quicksilver colt. “Oh, hello there.”

“Hi…” The colt said. “Uhm, can I help you?”

“Well, I suppose an explanation is in order. Bryce, would you kindly explain why-?”

“You sure?” Bryce said, ignoring the exchange between the two. “They look heavy. Well, a mare’s bag is usually heavy.”

“A girl’s bag? Yeah, I guess they can be,” the colt replied.

“Yeah, they can. So, you sure you don’t need help? You don’t want anything to fall out, do you?”

“No, but honest, I’m fine,” the colt said as he took a step back. “I’m just taking this home for my Mum. She wanted to stay and chitchat with one of her friends for a while, and I wanted to get home. So, we made a compromise: I can go, but only if I take the groceries home mesen.”

“Groceries, huh? What kind, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Oh, you know, the usual. A loaf of bread, a carton of eggs, some butter. The usual.”

Rarity surveyed the scene, spotting the saddlebag. What caught her notice was the way the colt strained to hold himself together, as well as the bags were made for a pony twice his size.

“Bread, eggs and butter.” Bryce repeated. “Well, there’s a reason you need someone to help you. If you aren’t careful you’ll mash the bread and crack the eggs. You might want to check and see if they’re okay.”

The colt tensed up as a blush spread across his face. “I would, but…”

“What’s the matter? I just want to check if the groceries are okay. What’s the harm in that?”

“Well, uh hum, you see… We bought a few special groceries today. The kind for…mares…”

Bryce had to stop and think on the colt’s words, his eyes shooting open once he took the hint. “Health and wellness products? Well, if that’s the case I promise not to look.”

The colt shook his head. “No, no. I don’t want to trouble you. My Mum would get mardy if I brought somepony she doesn’t know around the house.”

"Mardy? What’s that?” Rarity asked.

“You know… P’d off.”

“Well, I could go and introduce myself,” Bryce offered. “That was her back there, wasn’t it?” He said, pointing a thumb behind him. “The mustard yellow one with mint-green hair?”

Rarity looked back, but found nopony matching said description. “Bryce, I don’t-“ She began before the colt interrupted.

“Alrate, now I know you’re piggling me. My Mum’s red with a lavender mane.”

Rarity took another look back, finding the described mare in an instant. By now Rarity began to catch on to Bryce’s random questions, as well as his interest in the saddlebag. He thinks this colt stole that saddlebag!

Pinkie, in the meantime, sat back and swiveled her head back and forth, her injured tongue left to hang in the air.

Bryce looked back to make sure, but he already knew the colt spoke the truth. He began to think he misread the colt; it had been out of the corner of his eye. Then something dawned on him. Those are some weird words. ‘Mardy’, ‘mesen’, ‘piggling’. Oh, I forgot one: ‘Mum’. You’re not from around here, are you?”

“Yes. I mean, no. Well, we moved from Trottingham.”

“Well, that explains the speech, but not your voice.”

“Wha- What do you mean?”

“Your voice doesn’t sound like you came from this Trottingham, and I’ve met a couple guys who are from there.”

“Yes, about that… I grew up here.”

“But you said you moved from Trottingham. When was that, again?”

“Two months ago. And I grew up here, then we moved to Trottingham, but now we’re back.”

Rarity deduce two things from the colt’s last statement. The first was the absurdity of the colt’s story. While possible, it seemed too farfetched for her liking. It was almost a coincidence, and the timeframe raised another alarm: the colt was a little taken back by the human’s presence, but there neither fear nor hatred in his composure. If Rarity did not know any better this was the colt’s first experience with any human anywhere. And what Bryce said next confirmed he noticed this, as well.

“Well, not to sound like I’m repeating myself,” Bryce stated, “but how about you introduce me. Here, I’ll introduce myself to you first.” He thrust out a hand. “Bryce, nice to meet you.”

The colt looked at the human as if the name held no weight. Though skeptical, he took the offered hand. “Sure, nice to meet you, too.” He went to pull his hoof away, but Bryce tightened his grip.

“Say, you weren’t around for Nightmare Night, were you? I was, but my memory’s fuzzy.”

“Yeah, I came. Wouldn’t miss it for anything,” the colt said as he pulled to release himself. “Nothing like the stuff back in Trottingham.”

“I bet,” Bryce said before he put more strength into the colt’s hoof and pulled him forward. “But then again, anyone who would say that wasn’t really there. Now, what’s in the bag?” Bryce asked as he pulled the colt up to meet his gaze.

“I… I…”

Rarity stepped forward, coming into Bryce’s line of sight. “Bryce, there are better ways to deal with this,” she said to try and gain control of the situation. “Please, let him go and we can discuss this like adults.”

“We both know you have no idea,” Bryce whispered, Rarity’s words lost on him. “So, you can either go and give it back yourself or I can take it from you.”

“You would be wise to take her advice!” A stallion shouted. It was the one who lead the trio not five minutes before.

When Bryce looked away he did not expect to find himself, the colt and the two mares surrounded by no less than thirty ponies.

Bryce took a moment to survey the crowd and take in how they might see the scene. “Okay, I know what you’re thinking, but I assure you I have the situation under control.”

A few seconds elapsed before the same stallion said, “Let the boy go or I’ll make you.” He took a step forward.

Bryce looked to the colt, then back to Rarity. “Bryce, do as he says. If we remain calm I’m sure we can make them see reason.”

Though reluctant, he did as Rarity requested, but not before he said a few parting words. “You try and run you’re wrong to think I can’t catch you.” He squeezed down once more on the colt’s hoof, then relented. The colt let out a hiss as the blood flowed back into the tip of his limb. Bryce raised his hands. “Okay, now I know what this looks like, but I can explain.”

“Shove it up your rear!” A pony in the crowd shouted.

Bryce disregarded the comment. “This boy stole something-“

“I’m sure you did!”

“-and has tried to make off with it.”

“More like you’re trying to rob him!”

“I can assure you all that is not the case,” Rarity chimed in. “Bryce is above stealing from anypony, much less a foal.”

“I bet! You’re probably in on it, too!” The stallion from before stared at her with a look of scorn. “No wonder you defended him! You’re in bed with the enemy!”

“The only thing I’m in on is exposing an injustice. This boy is the guilty party.” She thrust a hoof in the quicksilver colt’s direction.

“The only injustice anypony here can see is a bunch of ape sympathizers picking on a defenseless colt!”

“You can believe what you will, but I promise you it is the opposite. I have reason to believe this colt is in possession of a saddlebag not his own.”

“Probably wishing it were the bags under your eyes!”

“This has nothing to do with…” She had to fight the urge to check the accusation for herself, though this did not stop her from making a mental note to make an appointment with Aloe and Lotus later. A lady could never be too careful. “Would anypony who is not willing to treat this situation with the seriousness it deserves please leave?”

This served to only make the crowd fire back with more insults.

With the attention off him for the moment, the quicksilver colt made to slink away. He made it a fair amount of distance before Bryce shouted, “No, you don’t!” The colt took off in a gallop but fell forward. He felt something tug at his tail. When he looked back he found himself once more in the human’s grip. He began to kick in a futile attempt at freedom. “Let me go, you git!”

“No, you had your chance. Now you‘re going to face what you’ve done.”

This sudden turn of events served to infuriate the crowd. Many of the braver souls galloped forward, but skid to a halt at the intrusion of a new voice, one which Bryce knew well. “Nopony better lay a fecking hoof on him!”

From out of nowhere, a mare stepped into their line-of-sight. “Yes, you will,” she spat in answer to Bryce’s statement. She bent down to glare daggers at the object of her rage. “Bor, what in Celestia’s name have you done this time?!”

She was somepony Bryce had seen at her worst. To look into the eyes of this mare was to look into Hell itself. If Bryce had heeded Rarity’s advice and taken the day off the events to come may have been prevented. But from here on Bryce’s day kept its course, light only able to show itself in the darkest hour. One of these two will escape this mare’s ire, but in the end, both will suffer the consequences of their actions.

Who was this mare? Read the next chapter if you would know.

You Give Love a Bad Name - Bon Jovi

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Chapter 80: You Give Love a Bad Name - Bon Jovi

“Mum, I can explain,” the quicksilver colt blurted out.

“I bet you can!” The mare with a coat the color of dried blood yelled back. She surveyed the scene before her. The anger lines across her face sharpened when she spotted the saddlebag which started the whole ordeal. “Whose is this?!” She demanded.

In the end, he did not have to say anything. “That would be mine!” A red mare with a lavender mane exclaimed. She bent down to open both flaps, making sure everything was in its proper place. She felt relieved to see they were. “Alright,” she said after she closed the flaps, “I expect to know how you intend to make up for this.”

The dried blood mare, who held the same scowl as before, stated, “I intend to make this ungrateful spawn of my own foal pouch see the error of his ways.”

“Well, whatever it is it’s not good enough. I want charges pressed on him for the robbery, and you for negligence. I want both of your names.”

From where Bryce lie on the ground he could almost swear the dried blood mare’s coat became a shade more crimson, and her rust colored mane take on a bit of a grey sheen. “You want our names? Well, you don’t need a pencil or quill, because my name is Sod Off!” She raised her voice with the announcement. “And as for this thieving urchin, his name is None O’Your Fecking Business!”

“What did you just say to me?! Alright, now I have a count of verbal assault! And he’s a witness!” She pointed a hoof at Bryce. “Though probably not a good one, but still, it won’t matter once the bits start rolling-!“

Before the wronged mare could finish her rant, the blood red mare reached forward, hooped a foreleg around her neck and pulled her in close. Whatever she said only they knew, but as time passed the lavender-maned mare took on the appearance of somepony with limited options. When the blood red mare said her piece, she looked her dead in the eye, and said through clinched teeth, “I suggest you forget everything you saw, and go home…”

The lavender-maned mare took a few steps back. The dried blood mare took the saddlebags in her teeth and tossed them at their owner’s hooves. “Here,” she said in a calmer tone. “You best not forget these…”

She stared at her saddlebags as if they were some alien monstrosity. After a quick shake of her head, the mare placed them on her back and sped off, gone long before one could finish this sentence.

With her out of the way everypony remained silent. The crowd—who until this point would have been proud to see the human hanged for all to see—did not know whether to leave or stay.

It fell to the dried blood mare to break the silence. She let out a huff, then said to herself, “Blaring on like a duzzy, half-bred dickey.” She turned to Bryce, who had yet to stand, much less sit up. “And you… Do you have anything to say?” She asked in a neutral tone.

Unsure of what, if anything to say, Bryce shook his head.

The mare looked to Rarity and Pinkie, the latter of which allowed her injured tongue to continue to hang in the breeze. “What is Celestia’s name happened to you? Did this lot rough you up?” She asked, waving a hoof to the crowd.

Pinkie shook her head, for once her usual cheery exuberancetucked away. “I bit mah dung.”

The comment returned the expected look from the dried blood mare. Before she could ask, Rarity interjected with, “She means her tongue. She has a few nervous ticks, and apparently when a commotion of this magnitude occurs she…bites her tongue… Of all of them I can assume this is the least pleasurable.”

Pinkie nodded in agreement.

The dried blood mare returned a blank scowl. She turned back to Bryce. She studied him a moment before saying, “I don’t know what this means to you, human, but I must commend you for catching this slippery halfling. I suppose you also deserve an apology.”

They both locked eyes for a beat, neither daring to blink.

“You would be of proper mind to expect none.” She said, her scowl hammering the point home. “To receive a commendation from me is reward itself. There is, however, something I wish to say to you…” She cast a sideways glance to the crowd. “…but it will have to wait.”

She then back to the object of her rage. “You…” Her fur and mane brightened from their original colors. “I don’t know what you’re doing here—or how—but whatever it is you best put a stop to it now.”

“But Mum, Granddad said-“

This was enough to make the mare go tense. In an instant she settled herself, then said through clenched teeth. “I don’t care what he said, you listen to me!” With this point made known, she said in a neutral tone, “You come with me, right now.”

“Wh- Where are we going?”

“Not we, bor. You’re going somewhere I know you’ll stay put. Now, move out!”

Mother and son walked off from the scene, with not a single human or pony daring to stop them.

The crowd followed them with their eyes until they went out of sight. When this happened, they turned back to the original subject of interest: Bryce. Though they each felt as if they wanted to pound the human into the dirt, their hooves felt as heavy as lead, and they held their ground.

“I hope you all learned something,” Rarity said, addressing the throng.

The comment was enough to make a few to stare off into to open space. Others scratched the back of their neck. Still more allowed their ears to droop. Despite this, the collective hostility amongst the horde did not waver.

“Yeah, he wasn’t guilty, but only this time,” stated the stallion who confronted Rarity and Pinkie before. “It still stands that, if it weren’t for him, a lot of ponies would still have homes.”

“Perhaps,” Rarity agreed, “but perhaps not. If Bryce were half the degenerate you all believe him to be, that colt would by now be nothing more than a misshapen throw rug. If he had not acted as he had the guilty party could have walked away, and none of you would have been the wiser. If anything, he deserves an apology.”

A sudden burst of whinnies and snorted was the response. “An apology?! After all he’s done an apology is the last thing he deserves. It’s nothing more than a bad attempt at trying to make up for leveling part of Ponyville.”

“You think he did this for praise? You think it was only to try and prove to you he’s above such wanton destruction? You couldn’t be further from the truth. The truth is he would rather have you all think he was no more powerful than a common mule. I was as in the dark as anypony, and I am one of his closest friends.”

“So what?! All you’ve managed to do is make a mule seem better by comparison.”

“My point is if he didn’t want anypony—his friends included—to find out about his abilities why would he ‘level part of Ponyville’?”

Rarity waited for anypony to say their piece, but nopony could come up with an answer.

“I would bet anything it was this kind of treatment he wanted to avoid. But would you all look at yourselves? You were all fine with Bryce a little over a month ago. But because of only one pony—one who for selfish reasons found fault enough to poison him—you want to lay the blame solely on Bryce.”

“Well, if not him then who should we blame?” The same stallion asked. “Unless this so-called poisoner wants to make himself known who can we blame?”

“The poisoner, of course,” Rarity said in an unsteady tone. “If they hadn’t the malice in their heart to poison Bryce this never would have happened.”

“Well, if there had never been a Bryce to poison in the first place this never would have happened either.”

The statement struck a chord in Rarity. What the stallion said was the truth, and it made her sick to know she agreed, in a way. If Bryce was never here…nopony would be without a place to call home… But still… She mentally shook the thought away. “I know everypony has wished at some point a certain somepony never existed. When I was a filly there were times I wished I were an only foal. But Ponyville has been through storms, droughts, and snow to leave one stuck in their own home. What is so different now that we can’t all just shrug off, pick up the pieces and say, ‘it happens’?”

To which the stallion answered. “There was a disaster called Bryce, and unlike every act of nature before, it has yet to leave.”

This response met with a low round of approval.

When the crowd fell silent, he said to Rarity, “If you know what’s good for you, you would cut ties with him. You’re itching for everypony to run you out of town otherwise.”

Rarity said nothing. The crowd began to disperse not long after. She bent her head down, unsure of what, if anything she could do. As the last pony left, she said, “Bryce, I’m sorry. I wish they could at least try and see the you I know you are.”

Bryce said nothing in reply.

Rarity looked to where he was last seen. There was nothing, but the outline of his body left in the dirt remained. She looked about but it was all the same: Bryce was gone, again.

At last Rarity turned to Pinkie. “Pinkie, did you see where he went?”

Pinkie nodded as she pointed to her right, down the way both she and Rarity took after the human. “Yuh, he’s vight dere.”

Rarity looked on in confusion. “Where, I don’t see…” It took her a second, but as she looked on she found Bryce walking away.

He was maybe fifty yards or more away and making ground. He fiddled with the wrappings on his left arm as he walked. In his effort to grab the quicksilver colt the bandages came undone. The last thing he needed today was for the wrong pony to see his sliced-up forearm, and the twins least of all.

It happened, however, somepony would indeed see his self-inflicted wounds. “Bryce, wait!” Rarity cried as she and Pinkie ran to catch him.

In his drained state—a combination of the events of the day, blood loss and a fair portion of his life force—he came to a stop. He did his best to hide the wounds as he turned back. “Rarity, please let me be. I have somewhere I need to go.”

She took a moment to look Bryce over before she said, “I understand, but I wanted to see if you were okay. This is the second time you walked off without a word of warning.”

“Yes, and as I said before I have somewhere I need to be.”

He made to leave but Rarity refused to let him go on a bad note. “Okay, but can I say something first; just one minute of your time?”

Bryce face forward once more. “Okay but make it quick.”

“Bryce, I want to make sure you won’t allow this to influence your day. From your appearance alone, I can tell it’s been anything but good.”

If Bryce were to bend down the mare could have placed a reassuring hoof on his shoulder, but as things were she could not. She instead placed a hoof on his hip. “I think it would be better if you take the rest of the day off. I can tell your heart is dead set on whatever it is you feel you need to do, but after everything… There just so much one can take.” She was hesitant to say what she said next, “If Fluttershy saw you right now she would-“

Bryce jerked his leg out of the mare’s reach. He shot her a scowl. As he bit his lower lip, he snarled back, “Piss off!”

It was not a response Rarity expected at first thought, but it was an action she regretted afterwards. “Bryce, I didn’t mean…”

He did not allow her to correct herself. “And the last person I want to hear anything from is someone who agrees I shouldn’t exist.”

“What do you… I never said anything so heinous.”

Bryce’s eyes darkened at the mare’s words. “You don’t have to say a word for me to know how you really feel.”

Before Rarity could refute this the memories of her thoughts only a moment before came flooding back. She choked now as she had then, sickened to know they had come from her own psyche. Then her brow furrowed. “Bryce, how do you know I thought that?”

Bryce bit his lower lip, but the scowl held it place.

“Bryce, you…! What in Celestia’s name moved you to something so…?!” She wanted to punch the human. “You said before you didn’t like to use your powers, but then you go and do this—and to a friend no less.”

She waited for Bryce to say something in his defense—as if he had anything to justify his actions. In truth, Bryce did not know what to say.

He never meant to hear any thought which passed through the white mare’s head. At least, he never meant to tune into her mind.

His telepathy is an ability which he could not turn off. No matter where he went he could hear the thoughts of any sentient being within a certain radius. Unless he tuned into the thoughts of any being—as he had with Rarity not two minutes ago—they all sounded similar to the adults on the Peanuts.

It was not pleasant to hear, more so when he encountered a large group, but in his twenty-four years he managed to bear it.

This time, however, was not a pleasant time. He had heard Rarity’s inner thoughts, but also the thoughts of everypony before. Each pony’s voice had come in quick succession, with their worst thoughts made plain to his mind’s inner ear. Each one wanted him gone, or dead, or a mixture of these two extremes.

And above all the worst had come from Rarity, somepony Bryce wanted to trust. With the cat out of the bag, however, he did not know if she could ever trust him again.

She fixed him with a look—one of both anger and hurt—when he kept silent. “How could you…? After everything that’s happened you go and…? I know it wasn’t the first time,” she said, referring to a time when both she and Pinkie first came to learn about the human’s abilities. “but before you meant to only prove you weren’t making a joke of the situation.”

She swallowed before she asked, “What moved you to do this?”

Instead of answering Bryce did something both mares had come to expect after the events of the day. He turned and left them with more questions, and for a change they did not follow.

He walked on, wanting to distance himself from Rarity as far as possible. It angered him how she continued to force his hand with Fluttershy, but the hurt he felt from her thoughts stung worse.

And the more he thought on the matter the more he agreed: were it not for him Ponyville would have been better off.

If not for him Ponyville would never have suffered any damage, leaving many homeless and cramped in small tents. Dinky, Applejack, and many others would not have had to worry for their lives, much less the lives of those close to them. And Fluttershy—in his mind his only possible, yet unsteady relationship in a long line of crushes would never have anyone to worry herself over.

If it means they’ll be safe I’ll leave it all behind, he thought, but not until I take care of some pressing matters.

He listed off a few of these in his mind the rest of the way to the Nuts’ home. When he reached their door, he felt he had a list of what to get done before his departure from this world of ponies.

As he raised his hand to knock, he thought, First thing, teach them to cook. And after that everything else. I’ll leave, but on my terms. I began this, it’s only right I be the one to finish it. As the door swung inwards, his last thought was this: I’ll leave on my terms. Once I’m gone it will be as if I was never here. And then everyone’s life can go on.

He put the events of the day far behind him, for now at least. There were those who needed him, and they needed him at his best.


For three weeks Bryce had drilled cooking into the three Nut girls' heads, and today was the day to see how well his guidance panned out. Bryce was there to help with the cooking, and he did a few steps here and there, such as peeling the potatoes and dealt with the steps involving the oven. He helped, but his main responsibility was to ensure each one did their fair share, both in the right way and in a proper manner. With the Nut patriarch sent away to the pub for a few hours, the task of preparing, making and in time finishing the meal lay on their shoulders—or rather, their withers.

He stepped over to Pecan's station. The bolder almond-colored filly was now hunched over a bowl of pecan pie filling. She took a spoon and stirred the mix. When she noticed the human standing beside her, she redoubled her efforts, and in the process made sure to scrape the insides of the bowl, as Bryce had taught her.

Bryce smirked and patted the filly on the back. "You did well to remember the sides but slow it down. We have plenty of time. When you finish here I'll help you start the pumpkin pie."

Pecan, being the more energetic of the twins did as one would expect. She managed her time well, though a little too well. In her haste to finish the meal—to finish it first it often seemed—she often put in the wrong amount of a certain ingredient. A couple of times, she failed to add certain ingredients at all. Her motivation to the art of cooking was noteworthy, yet another shortcoming. Most of the mess cleaned at the end of each lesson was of her doing. Looking past this, she did strive in the use of a knife and the presence of heat, and everyone thanked their respective deity she had yet to injure herself.

Bryce next went over to Almond. She worked hard on the mashed potatoes. It made Bryce proud to see she mashed more than expected; the mashed potatoes were indeed mashed. "That's good, Almond," Bryce said with a pat on her back, one which made her jump. "When you finish mashing them put in a whole stick of butter and some salt, but just a few shakes. After you stir it in give it a taste. If it needs more salt add a pinch. Keep at it until it's just enough to be good."

Bryce said this last part to the nervous filly on purpose, more to help her learn to not try for perfection. This, and to make her cope with the heat, as the steam from the potatoes made her worry.

Almond struggled in many areas where her sister prevailed. She needed motivating to begin some of the basic steps of her work, and the idea of sharp utensils and hot objects still startled her. She did well to add every part to a recipe but took her time to make everything level out. When she had everything together in the same bowl or pot she did well, but her sister often grumbled how cold the food was by then.

Bryce patted the filly on the back once more, making sure to be gentle this time. "When you finish we'll start the gravy." He walked away, sure Almond had everything under control.

He then made his way to their mother's section of the kitchen, which was in a bigger mess than Pecan's area for a change. The beginnings of a sweet potato soufflé lay before her. Every few seconds she dropped everything and checked the recipe once more. Under here breath, she muttered, "Suis-je faire ce droit? Oh non, c'est... Attends...oui, c'est ça!" Before she went back to her current task.

Bryce came up from behind and asked, "How's it coming?"

The human's intrusion spooked the mare. Her hoof slammed down on the handle of a tablespoon. The contents of said utensil splattered onto the countertop and nearby wall.

"Ahh, douce Celeste!" The mare cried in disbelief. She covered her eyes and asked, "Did I just do zat?"

"Don't feel bad about it," Bryce stated. "It's not the worst anyone's ever done." He pulled paper towels from a roll and wiped up the mess. He looked down to the mixing bowl and scooped up a small helping with his pinky. He tasted the small amount and let it settle on his tongue "You're doing well so far," he said to try and calm the mare.

"You are just saying zat."

"No, it tastes fine. You're doing fine."

Cocoa could tell he meant what he said, as hard as he was to read. The accident bit into her resolve, nonetheless. To her, the lessons seemed to do next to nothing. The determination she had to learn outweighed both Almond’s and Pecan's. She had the confidence, and she saw past the dangers of the craft with ease. Despite this, the cream-colored mare all but failed when it came to the actual art of cooking.

Cocoa fell in the same trap as Almond in terms of perfection, and like Pecan she sometimes became carried away with finishing before the imaginary timer went 'ding'.

The cause of her shortcomings—one Cocoa knew and told no one else—was her desire to outdo Bryce.

She was jealous, though not in the sense she made plans to trap him at every turn. The kind she felt based itself on how Bryce made something everypony in her and her family loved, and for once she wanted to do the same.

Cocoa felt it to be impossible at her current pace. She had yet to make anything where she did not either burn it, drop it on the floor, or downright ruin it beyond all human or equine comprehension. Bryce's teaching worked for her daughters—she thanked Celestia for this fact. She only wished the same could be said for her. Then maybe she could make something they all talked about come her and Kernal's next wedding anniversary.

"Cocoa, you alright?" The mare heard Bryce ask this question, but she did not react. "Hey, Cocoa," he said as he snapped a finger near her ear.

Cocoa's ear fluttered about, trying to lose the sound. "I'm sorry, what...?"

"Are you alright? I lost you there for a minute."

"Oh... I am...okay... I just feel bad about zee mess."

Bryce bit his lower lip. "Well, it wasn't too bad. I got it cleaned up while it was fresh. It's better to do it now rather than later because-"

"Yes, I know, 'it's easier to clean'."

"Yeah, that's it. You have learned something."

Cocoa furrowed her brow at this comment. She relaxed when she took it to be a compliment, and not a jab at her. "Yes, the kitchen would be in a…terrible shape after too long."

"Right. Well, are you ready for the next part of the soufflé? All you need to do really is spread out what you have now in a pan, put it off to the side, make the topping, put it on the sweet potatoes and it's ready for the oven." He looked over to the ingredients, then raised an eyebrow. He picked up two bottles of seasoning. "I thought I tasted something off from my recipe." He held the seasonings out to Cocoa. One contained cinnamon, the other nutmeg.

The mare looked to the floor as she ran a foreleg along the other. "I just thought they might add to the dish. It tasted good, but it needed something else."

Bryce looked down at the bottles again. "How much did you add of each?"

"Just a half teaspoon of cinnamon, and a quarter of nutmeg."

"Did you already mix it in?"

Cocoa nodded, not meeting Bryce's eyes.

"How well?"

"I mixed it in... Is 'thoroughly' zee word? I mixed it, then scooped it on top of itself."

Bryce looked to back to the two bottles of seasoning and sniffed them. He smacked his lips a few times. "Well, I want you to do something. You changed my recipe-"

Cocoa let out a sigh. "I understand." She fired up her magic and levitated the bowl, its contents, and a spoon into the air. She moved towards the trash can. "I will start over."

"Wait, wait a minute now!" Bryce stated as he ran over and stepped in her path. "I meant go get a pencil or pen and write this down. You changed my recipe, and you made it better."

Cocoa stepped back in shock. "Are you serious, or are you...pulling on my leg?" She questioned both Bryce's remark and the phrase itself.

"Am I bent down?"

"No, but what does-?"

"Do I have one of your legs in either of my hands?"

"No, but I cannot see-"

"You did something to make this better, and because of that I want you to edit it yourself."

Cocoa's jaw dropped. She did not know whether to laugh or cry. Her face contorted back and forth between the two for a moment before she leapt forward and wrapped her forelegs around the human's waist. Bryce did nothing as she held him tight.

It was not praise from her husband of the past decade, but it was a close second.

Pecan was the first to notice. "Hey, Almond," she said, drawing her sister away from the mashed potatoes. "Why's Mom doing that to Bryce."

Almond looked at the scene before she shrugged.

They went back to their current tasks after their mother released Bryce, pretending as if they saw nothing.

"Well, I have no earthly idea how to respond," Bryce said. "But I somehow feel the correct phrase is 'you're welcome'. But it needs to wait." He pointed to the bowl of sweet potatoes. “Finish your part, then we can talk.”

Cocoa went back to her part of the kitchen with a new-found enthusiasm. She stirred the mixture a few more times, tucking it over itself as she did, and before she dumped the soufflé into the buttered pan she snuck a taste. As the sweet potatoes settled on her tongue she could not keep her face from pulling into an ecstatic little grin.

It did not take long for the three girls to finish their current tasks. After placing the soufflé in the oven, and a lid over the potatoes to keep them warm, they each went about beginning the next dish.

It was then Bryce said, “Okay, you’ve all worked hard, and what you’ve all made looks good so far. The stuff in the oven needs time to bake, so each of you get everything ready for your next recipes and take a few minutes to calm yourselves.”

The two Nut twins did as suggested, with Almond setting her ingredients in a well-ordered line and Pecan her own in ordered chaos. Cocoa, meanwhile, did the same, but took more time; she could not keep her eyes off the oven. The individual parts for the seitan loaf—a vegan food made from wheat gluten with a meat like texture—lay scattered across her section of the counter in true disorder.

As the three girls did this Bryce poured himself another cup of coffee. With each cup he felt the life creep back into him, and his skin regain its color. As he nestled the mug he took a sideways glance at his bandaged arm. He felt no pain from the wounds, as deep as some had been, but this was the least of his worries. With his late arrival at least, more attention lay on finishing dinner, and less on his tardiness.

With the focus on the meal he felt he could replenish his life force without worry. If nothing else happened which needed a quick healing the slashes across his arm and cuts on his fingers may disappear with another dousing of life forces.

As the three ponies each finished gathering their ingredients the kitchen fell into silence. As the two fillies tried to contain themselves, Cocoa could not help but bend down to stare into the oven. As her creation came to a literal boil the earnest, toothy smile across her face spread to its limits.

Bryce, the shy Almond, and the now bored Pecan looked on; one with a smirk and a shake of his head, the other unsure of what to make of her mother’s giddiness, and the last wishing she could start with the pumpkin pie already.

“Cocoa, you might want to step back before the gas gets to you,” Bryce suggested.

It took the cream-colored mare a second to understand. “Oh, I suppose you have a point…” She raised her head up, still holding onto her smile. She thought of something to say to hide her enthusiasm. “It’s just…this is the largest meal by far. You do not think we are making too much, no?”

“Well, maybe a little, but it’s more to see how you three are doing.”

At once the mare’s smile faltered a whole half-inch. “Oh… Is there…anything to report?”

“There is, actually,” he said in a monotone voice. All three ponies went tense. “Pecan, you managed yourself well enough to not try and lap everyone else. You made sure everything was level and everything needed was present.” The first almond-colored filly settled down.

“Almond, you also handled yourself well. You’ve become accustomed to the heat and learned how to handle a knife with efficiency and proper precaution; you didn’t shy back, as much.” The second almond-colored filly settled down as well.

Then Bryce looked to the last pony in the room. His usual blank expression made it hard to read his mood. “Cocoa, you surprised me the most.” By now the mare’s smile sank into a straight line across his mouth. “You decided to take a chance and have fun.”

It was a response nopony expected.

Cocoa blinked a few times, not knowing what to make of the human’s praise. “I…am sorry, but what do mean? You are here to teach us cooking, not to have fun, no?”

“Who said it can’t be both? I mean, it’s an art, not a science or a math. And trust me, I’ve read over a few science and math textbooks, and they are dull, dull, dull, dull.”

“You can say that again!” Pecan exclaimed as she went about scrapping out what remained of the pecan pie filling with a hoof.

The comparison only served to confuse the mare. “But how is cooking not like science? In science one needs to put this and that together to make a certain dish. And like math one needs to put the correct amount; why else would you have given me a recipe?”

“Well, yeah, you can put this and that together,” Bryce answered, “but any able-bodied person can rub two rocks together and make a spark. And it doesn’t take a degree of higher education to make everything balance out. Anyone can just follow a recipe. But I didn’t see cinnamon or nutmeg on my recipe; you put those in yourself. And you did it without any idea how it might turn out, or how much of either one was the correct amount.”

Cocoa rubbed the back of her neck as her ears drooped. “It was nothing. It was a… A fluke, no?”

“Enough of one to make me change my recipe. I’m gonna make every sweet potato soufflé with cinnamon and nutmeg, if I can, from here on out.”

It made a smile to return to the mare’s face. “Really, Bryce, you do not have to for my benefit.”

“Who said for your benefit? I only said I gave you a piece of paper, you did as it said, and instead of accepting it for what it was decided to improve it. It’s like I said: cooking is an art. You could have been all left and dull, and life goes on. But you decided to go right and make something new out of what you had available. Anyone can balance numbers and equations and study reactions—with enough effort, at least—but it takes someone of the right mind to create something that makes others question ‘what was so great about the stuff before?’.”

Bryce looked the mare in the eye. “Now do you see what you’ve done?”

Though a few of the words were lost on the mare—due in greater part to her need to translate Bryce’s speech into her foalhood Prench—she in time came to understand him. And the weight his word held only made the small smile grow to its former glory.

She wanted to hug the human once more—in fact she wanted to kiss him—but before she could move Bryce opened the front casing of his watch.

“Well,” he said, “I think we should get back to it. We have a little over an hour until Kernal comes back.”

With a new-found determination, the cream-coated mare looked forward to what came next. If she had impressed Bryce with a few granules of spices what would her husband think.

She could almost picture it now. Kernal would soon come in—with hopes not too spirited—and make a comment on how good everything smelt. Then as they all sat around the table she expected him to say how ’Smashing!’ everything looked. He would take a few bites, and then a few more, and before anypony knew it half of everything would now have a home in his stomach; he could not get enough.

And when Kernal found himself unable to hold anymore, Cocoa hoped to hear the words she longed to hear in the three weeks Bryce had taught her and the twins how to cook: ’This is, by far, the most wonderful meal I’ve ever had! Why, this is even better than our anniversary!’

As she imagined this scenario playing out in her head—with her ears deaf to all around her—Pecan pointed to a small bowl at her mother’s station. She said something, but it came out as a dull roar to the cream-coated mare.

In response to the filly, Bryce walked over to the indicated bowl. He said something in the same dull roar. He looked to Cocoa and said something. When she did not respond he spoke again, with a little more volume.

When she did not reply Cocoa heard the human’s voice thunder in her mind, Cocoa!

The mare shook her head to try and make his voice stop echoing, unaware of what had happened. “I am sorry, what?” She asked.

“Cocoa, you forgot to add something,” Bryce said. He pointed to the same bowl Pecan had indicated a second ago.

Cocoa looked at the bowl and remembered what it contained. She returned a lighthearted laugh. “No, that is meant for later. You said to put the sweet potatoes in the oven and then put on the topping later, no?”

Bryce shook his head. “No, it’s the other way around.”

For a moment she looked to him in disbelief. “But it said on your recipe to do it as I have done it.”

“Cocoa, it doesn’t.”

The cream-coated mare froze, beginning to doubt her view of the story herself. She made a quick trot over to her section of the counter and looked over the recipe, a sheet of paper speckled with ingredients across its surface.

As she read the lines—which needed time because of the human’s poor script—they proved Bryce to be in the right.

Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. She slapped a hoof to her head and uttered a quick, “Oh, baise-moi!”

Bryce laid a hand on her withers. “Cocoa, it’s okay; we both made a mistake here,” he said to try and reassure her. “I should have made sure myself before I had you put it in. Just go and pull it out of the oven.”

Cocoa took a few breaths to comprehend what Bryce had said. When it dawned on her she returned a quick nodded and rushed over to the oven.

As she bent down to look in the oven she continued to berate herself in her native tongue. Firing up her magic she opened the oven door and flinched at the hot, wavy air which escaped the small chamber. Acting fast she pulled the glass baking dish out and directed it towards her station.

Before she could, however, she heard the front door open and shut, and with her gaze followed the soufflé. It was her husband.

Shocked by his presence, Cocoa almost lost hold of her magic. “Kernal!” She yelled, without meaning to. “What… What are you…?”

Before she could finish, the chestnut-colored stallion answered, “Sorry, loves, but the pub became crowded, and the stallion running the place said I had to order another drink or leave. And since I didn’t want to have too much I decided it best to do as asked.”

From the way he handled himself he appeared to not be in too good of spirits, which was how Cocoa wanted him to be. She returned a throaty chuckle. “Oh, I understand… But dinner is far from…” She trailed off, once more disheartened by the events of the evening.

“I know, love, but I had little choice.” He said as he ducked under the floating glass dish. “But I will say this,” he said before he stopped to lay a quick peck on his wife’s cheek, “it smells good.”

And with one small comment the cream-coated mare’s mood lightened. “Oh, it’s nothing…”

“Smells like more than just nothing to me. Is that pecan pie I see?” He asked, looking to Pecan’s station. “Oh, it looks smashing! Mind if I…?” He made to stick his hoof in the pie filling, but before he could he met with a smack of a wooden spoon on said appendage.

“Nah-uh!” Pecan berated. “You have to wait until it’s finished, just like everypony else.” And as if to show off the knowledge she had accumulated over the past few weeks, she added, “And you haven’t washed your hooves!”

Kernal agreed with the latter comment, but he returned a smirk when he spied something on the almond-colored filly’s face. “Oh, and what’s that I see on the edge of your mouth?”

Pecan felt where her father had indicated. When she found a small dab of the pie filling on the corner of her mouth she made quick work of lapping up the evidence. Following its sudden disappearance, the energetic twin returned a smile. In her teeth lay only more evidence of her lie.

The Nut patriarch did not feign ignorance and held the same knowing smirk.

Defeated, Pecan crossed her forelegs and returned a pout. “Fine, but only a small taste.” And to make sure she hit the point home, she pointed at the much larger stallion and said, “But go wash your hooves; nopony wants the taste of dirt in their mouth.” When she remembered who she spoke to like she owned the place, she acted fast to add a short, but apparent, “Please.”

As this exchange went on, Bryce started to wave down Cocoa. When she met his gaze, he pointed to the soufflé still held up in her magic.

The cream-coated mare took the hint and continued her way, making sure to float the hot dish above everypony’s heads. As she passed by Kernal and Pecan, she stopped to hear her husband’s comments.

Having tasted Pecan’s pie, the stallion smacked his lips. “Well, you certainly did well, Pecan,” he began. “If it’s this good now I can’t wait until you bake it.”

Pecan beamed with pride. “It’s nothing. You should wait until taste Mom’s stuff. Even Bryce said it’s good. He said he wants to make it how she made it from now on.”

“Oh…” The stallion hesitated on mention of Cocoa’s part of the meal. But after hearing Bryce’s comments he changed his tune. “Well, if he said that then it must be good.”

With these few words Cocoa found herself swelling with pride. But she knew he needed to taste for himself first. And before he could she needed to do her part and finish what she started. Once more the thoughts of the praise Kernal would soon lay on her cooking filled her head.

They all but shattered as the baking pan flew towards the kitchen wall.

No one had time to question how this had happened when Almond—who until now had sat back and watched her father heap praise on her sister and mother—began to scream as if her hide had caught on fire. Anyone who witnessed the scene could tell this comparison would not be wrong as steaming orange masses clung to her hide.

Everyone was too stunned to move in the immediate aftermath, as anyone could expect from a sudden screech of agony.

It was Pecan who first sprang into action—she felt her twin’s pain as if it were her own.

She jumped down from her stool and tried to bound over to Almond, but she felt a larger force pull her away. She managed to wiggle free after a quick jerk, but the same force pulled her back once more, this time holding her with a firmer grip. “Pecan, stay out of this—you almost stepped in the glass!” Her father exclaimed.

Pecan nonetheless struggled but lost some of the fight in her when she saw the small shards of the baking dish glitter among the sweet potato soufflé splattered on the floor.

By then Almond had ceased her wailing and fell into a fit of soul-wrenching cries. It was the first time she had felt so much pain in her eight years on this planet, and she knew not what else to do. All her other senses left her, leaving only the smoldering burn on her nerve endings.

In a moment the heat of the burns subsided, but not the pain. It took a moment for her to feel the cool relief as something spread itself over her wounds.

At first, she took it to be from Bryce, remembering weeks before how he had helped when she had been hit with a stone.

She soon knew this to be false. First, whatever now poured over her was nowhere as warm and calming as when Bryce healed her; it was cold and only numbed her pain. Second, she could feel the substance pool around her instead of sink into her flesh, as Bryce’s life force had done before. And last, and most telling of all, was her mother was the only other living being in the room.

As Cocoa shut off the bathtub spout she felt relief to know what caused her frail foal such pain was now washed away. What the orange lumps hid, however, only served to make her cringe.

Most of the affected area lay across Almond’s back and withers, with a few stray marks along the nape of her neck and down her left barrel and legs. What struck the mother mare most was the redness, which at first sight made her think the filly had been burned to the meat. The burns showed through well against her almond-colored coat.

It made Cocoa sick to know this had happened—for it was something one feared—but to know it had happened to a filly who was of her own flesh made her stomach flutter. She tried in desperation to try and recall what, if any spells she could use to soothe, if not heal Almond, but her mind could remember naught.

Then she remembered the same events Almond had remembered not a moment ago: Bryce could heal Almond—he had to, he must.

Turning off the spout—though only enough to make the water come out as a drip, drip, drip—Cocoa lifted Almond once more in her magic. As she did the more vulnerable of her two fillies let out a hiss.

Cocoa began to think better of moving her daughter, and instead ask Bryce to come to Almond, but she could not allow herself to leave Almond by herself. Instead, she cursed herself before saying, “I’m sorry, mon doudou, but only Bryce can help.

The mention of Bryce was all Almond needed to hear. With a sniffle, she bit her lip and returned a nod.

Cocoa moved back through the house, trying to concentrate enough to keep her injured filly steady. With each small motion Almond bit further into her lip. She could take it for now because, in her heart, she knew Bryce could take away her pain.

When they reached the living room Cocoa placed her down on the couch with care. “Try and stay still now, mon doudou, I will go and find Bryce,” she said before parting with the filly.

Back in the kitchen Cocoa found Kernal busy sweeping up the last of the glass dish. Pecan sat at the dining room table—for once out of the way—biting her own lip as Almond had. At Almond’s station there was a hole in the wall—a hole which revealed a stud—where the glass dish had impacted the wall. Most of what remained of the dish’s contents had since cooled, and now lay splattered like the feathers of a peacock around the mark. The only imperfection in this plumage was where Kernal had scooped up the broken glass and where Almond had had the misfortune to have sat.

And then she saw Bryce, sitting against Cocoa’s station. He bit his lip as well, panting for air as he struggled to keep himself on his feet.

Cocoa trod through the kitchen, making sure to avoid her husband’s area. “Bryce, I have need of you,” she said as she cleared the final few feet.

A small shiver went up the human’s back at her words, but otherwise he kept himself planted to the spot.

Cocoa reached up to grab Bryce by the shoulder. “Bryce, please, Almond is hurt. She-“ The cream-coated mare became frightened when she felt the chill of his flesh. She thought about questioning him on this, but it needed to wait. She gripped his shoulder harder and shook him. “Bryce, please, Almond is hurt. I cannot imagine what she is going through, but you must help.”

Bryce kept repeating something she could not quite make out.

The cream mare shook him with more force, but he did not stir. After a few failed attempts her patience fell through. With her concern only for her daughter’s well-being Cocoa released the human and planted a firm slap to his cheek. “Bryce, pour l’amour de Celeste, please help her!”

For a moment the cream-coated mare’s actions left everypony uncertain of how the human may react. Bryce stood as still as a stone for a few breaths, then he blinked a few times and rubbed his left cheek. He surveyed the scene before him as if he had not been present. “What happened…? Why did you…?”

Instead of providing an answer, Cocoa said, “Bryce, I am sorry, but you need to… need to… Maudis tout, quell est le mot…! Snap! You must snap out of it! Almond is hurt!”

It did not take Bryce long to react. Hs demeanor changed from one of guilt to one of alarm. “Where is she?!” He almost demanded.

Cocoa wasted no time. She rushed back through the kitchen. She leaped over the mess and had to skid to stop before the couch, with Bryce at her heels.

Almond had moved little since her mother left her. She had somehow found the willpower to pull a small pillow between her forelegs. She squeezed said pillow with all her might, anything to take her mind off the pain as it came in full force.

Cocoa failed in her attempt to suppress tears. Bryce gripped at his chest, the pain of his own burns from months before now fresh in his mind.

With a practiced mind he pressed these memories to the farthest reaches of his psyche. His own troubles forgotten, he kneeled and began to rub his hands together. In no time a bright, calming light sprang from between his palms. Taking a second to determine the worst offenders Bryce went to work.

With a gentle touch he rubbed his life force over the filly’s burnt, red flesh. At first contact Almond hissed, but as the aethereal material settled this discomfort passed before the pain became replaced by sweet, euphoric relief.

Bryce continued to spread his life force along Almond’s back, then her withers, then her neck, her barrel, and last her leg. He wanted to provide more, but he could already feel himself go into the danger zone. With his current state he could at least take away the pain, at most leave her with a few burn scars. There was only so much he could spend, and he needed to reach as many spots as possible.

When he felt finished he began to recall what little life force remained in his hands. As the calming glow receded he found he had missed a spot in the center of her rump. He made fast to reach this area—he felt he could not will his life force to surface again this night. He cupped his palm on her rump, hoping there was enough to do the job.

In the span of a breath what little light poked through disappeared. Bryce removed his hand, taking his time to inspect the area. He met with a noticeable shine—a scar which one could mistake to have been from a wound suffered months back.

He sucked in his lower lip. “I’m sorry, Almond, I did what I could.”

Unconcerned with the human’s distraught tone, Cocoa pushed him out of the way, so she could have a better view. She let out a breath. Almond was no worse for wear. Where the burns had was her furless tan hide. The almond color of her fur, however, almost made the mother mare miss these spots.

She was not satisfied yet, not until she knew the filly felt as well as she looked. With a shaky tone, she asked, “Amande, how do you feel?”

Almond continued to choke the pillow under her for a few breaths. When she loosened her grip she lifted herself up, her tense leg muscles making this simple action somewhat difficult. She looked to her mother and Bryce, who each looked to her with concern. Her father and sister stood off to the side, wanting to provide what support they could if worst came to worst. Before anyone could say anything, she returned a smile, and this was all they needed to know her current state.

Cocoa reached forward and took the meek filly in her forelegs. “Celeste merci!” She cried.

Kernal made to move forward, but had to wait, lest he trip, as Pecan rushed ahead. She needed to see with her own eyes if the other half of her was as well as her mother made out. While Almond looked perfect now to the mother mare, Pecan was quick to spot the one mark they did not share—the spot of her rump reserved for her future Cutie Mark. Regardless of this of scar, she felt beyond relief to know Almond was alive and well.

It did not take long for Almond to have to struggle to breathe in her mother’s grip. She managed to wheeze out with, “Ma…ma…”

For fear something else may be wrong, the mother mare loosened her grip. When she found her filly gasp for air she berated herself for her actions, but this soon faded.

All this Bryce saw from the edge of the living room, where he hoped he could escape the family’s attention, if only for a few moments.

When the initial surge of joy from Almond’s recovery subsided, the remaining three Nuts fell back to earth. It was only then they came to notice the damage to the kitchen, and the scattered orange mess which had caused the whole ordeal.

A morose frown fell upon Cocoa. To know Almond was fine made her happy, but the events of the last few minutes took the reins. “My soufflé…” She almost wept.

The three remaining ponies looked to each other. It fell to Kernal to try and comfort the cream-coated mare. “Cocoa, I’m sorry… I’m sure it would have tasted great. Pecan said Bryce gave it a raving review.”

Cocoa kept quiet for a few breaths before she said, “I… I do not know what happened…”

“It’s okay, Cocoa-Nut, we all make mistakes…” Kernal wanted to bite his tongue then and there.

The mother mare turned on her husband. “A mistake?! If I had dropped it on zee floor zat would have been a mistake! But…!” She stewed in her rage for a few seconds before she said, “But this was not my mistake.”

The three other members of the Nut family looked to her in surprise. “But Mama,” Almond said, “you had the pan in your magic.”

“Yes, we all saw,” Kernal said in agreement. “I know what I said before—and I will never blame you for it—but we should try to look past this. You still have other things to cook, don’t you?”

She shot Kernal another glare. “But I as… Asshirt… Assert it was not moi! Somezing… Somezing ripped the dish from me!”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, si ça te fait plaisir, no mother would harm her own foal. Somepony or somezing was able to get through my magic.”

Kernal rubbed the back of his neck. “Cocoa, it’s not that I don’t believe you, but who could do such a thing? Both Almond and Pecan have yet to display any real use of magic. I am an earth pony, and so unable to lift a mere pebble, much less a baking dish without physical contact. All this leaves is Bryce, and he…can’t…”

In short order all pony eyes were now on the human, who stood with his right hand gripping his left wrist. He could feel their stare on him but could not bring himself to look.

Cocoa shot him a glare. “Bryce… Did you…?”

Kernal tried to regain control of the situation. “Now, Cocoa-Nut, surely Bryce would never do something so wicked…” He did not know if his wife heard him, but he continued. “Bryce adores our girls. And he just went out of his way to help her. Surely you can see how the two things could never-“

Without warning, Cocoa took up the first heavy object her magic could grasp, this object being a large ceramic bowl in the shape of half a walnut shell. With all her might she guided the object towards Bryce at a fast rate. In her mind she hoped the bowl hit him. If it did she would hate herself later and spend the remainder of her days apologizing to him, if he lived. But if it did not…

As the ceramic walnut shell sailed through the air everypony imagined the sound of pottery breaking against skull. From the dazed look in his eyes they thought this sound would soon become a reality.

What they saw instead was something nopony expected.

The bowl came to a sudden stop, with no more than a hoof’s width between it and Bryce’s large head. As this happened, the chocolate-brown aura which had formed around the ceramic walnut shell vanished, replaced with nothing but colorless, invisible air.

In all this time Bryce had not moved, much less flinched, but when he came to comprehend what had happened he could do nothing but shake on the spot.

No one said a word for a moment; they were all unsure of what to make of the scene before them. Cocoa, who had done this as a test, shook off the surprise in her face, and became the embodiment of the word ‘pissed’.

Tu fils de pute! She said under her breath.

Kernal, who’s shock broke at his wife’s curse, turned to her. “Now Cocoa, I’m sure there’s-“

The cream-coated mare stomped forward, grinding her teeth harder with each step. Tu dingue, putain fou!” She shouted before she planted a foreleg into the human’s gut.

The blow knocked the air out of Bryce, who keeled over with his arms around his stomach. The bowl, until now still in his telekinetic grip, fell and broke on the floor.

Cocoa, upset she had failed to go for his groin, pulled back for another punch, but Kernal held her back. “Cocoa, you need to stop.”

“Laisse-moi, Kernal!” Cocoa shouted as she pulled against the walnut-colored stallion.

“No, I won’t! You can’t do this, not until he’s had a chance to explain.”

Cocoa struggled for a few seconds more, up until her husband’s words set in. With one final jerk she relaxed, allowing the stallion to hold her back, for now.

When Cocoa held her peace, Kernal asked, “Bryce, I still believe you would never do something to purposely hurt anypony—much less our little Almond—but…” With a swallow, he asked the question they all knew the answer to but not the heart to believe: “What happened?”

Bryce, still bent over from Cocoa’s attack, stood open mouthed. No words came out as he thought the matter over. In his mind he replayed the scene over and over, with each one worse than the last.

When Cocoa became impatient she succeeded in releasing herself from Kernal’s grip. She reached forward, with a hoof on either shoulder, and stared him straight in the eye. “Bryce, s'il vous plaît, tell us what happened.”

When Bryce said nothing, Kernal added, “Please, tell us you didn’t do this on purpose.”

Cocoa stepped down from the human and took a few steps back. Once more all four pairs of eyes lay on him.

He looked to each of them, trying to think of what to say. He wasted time trying to find an out, but he knew there was only one truth.

He said the only words he could think to say, two words no matter how he delivered them could never change what had happened. They were the same words he kept repeating when Cocoa had tried to gain his attention. “I’m sorry…”

With this said he waited a few breaths before he dared to move. When he did move Cocoa tensed up, prepared to tackle him in the ground and punch him through the floorboards. She wanted to do this, but she kept her place.

Each of the ponies watched as the human turned, headed for the exit, and left with a look of one who had seen something horrifying.

Not long after the door closed shut, Cocoa turned to Kernal, and with daggers in her eyes asked, “Avez-vous besoin de plus de preuves que cela?

Without allowing the walnut stallion time to answer—for he knew enough to understand the question—Cocoa stormed off. She took one look into the kitchen, more so at the mess yet to be cleaned. If the orange mess was not cleaned soon she knew there would be a stain, but right now she did not care.

With a huff—frustrated she had ever trusted the human and that her long sought-after meal now lay splattered across the kitchen—Cocoa continued into her and Kernal’s bedroom, slamming the door after she entered. To make sure nopony could disturb her she levitated a tall dresser over it. Then, with a shaky gait, she trod over to the bed, lied down, and taking her pillow in her forelegs screamed as loud as she could. A torrent of tears followed not long after she stopped her cry of anguish.

The amount of misfortune which can happen to one man in the span of a day can sometimes go on without end. A terrible act done to one we love may bring meaning to their life. An attempt to isolate one’s self from the day can lead to them being found by someone unexpected. And from this meeting a few choice words can reveal the identity of the spiteful party.

What happened after Bryce left the Nuts’ home? Read the next chapter if you would know.

Papercut — Linkin Park

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Chapter 81: Papercut — Linkin Park

In the moments after Cocoa had stormed off into their shared bedroom, Kernal had been able to do little. The most he had managed to do was move from his former spot in the center of the living room to his usual seat on the couch. In the spot where his wife often occupied next to him now sat their twin daughters.

And they each shared the same look of uncertainty on their faces.

They stayed like this, up until a long, drawn-out ring cut through the house. The three ponies jumped at this sudden alarm, then sat frozen in fear long after the ringing ceased, as it continued to echo inside their minds.

Kernal was the one to ask what they all thought, “What… What was that…?”

After a few seconds pondering this—as if they shared a mental connection—both Almond and Pecan cried out in unison, “It’s the timer!”

Before the father stallion could ask them what they meant, the twin fillies galloped into the kitchen.

This had been yet another lesson Bryce had drilled into them: when the walnut-shaped egg timer rang it meant whatever was in the process of cooking needed to be removed from the heat, be it from the burner atop the oven or within the small chamber of heat. Any longer than that and the food could become too dry, if not burned.

And had they remembered for what reason the timer had been set they would not have made such a mad dash.

When they peered through the window of the oven, they were at first shocked to see the oven empty. They began to question whether they had heard the timer at all. Then the memory of what had happened not a half hour before came rushing back, and once more the look of uncertainty returned to their faces.

By now Kernal had arrived, becoming disheartened as he saw his daughters’ shared look of worry. With a sigh he stepped forward and turned off the oven. The burners inside the oven confirmed this as they burned the last of the gas in the line and let out a ‘pop’.

Kernal then wrapped a foreleg around their necks and hugged them close. “Come on, girls, let’s go and get you ready for bed. You can try to make dinner tomorrow.”

After their father let them go the fillies did nothing at first. Then, accepting defeat, they followed their father’s orders.

Before they left the kitchen, a shared thought sprung in the twins’ minds—a thought which sprang up at the exact same time. “Wait,” Pecan almost shouted, “we need to put the food away, so it doesn’t spoil.”

Kernal looked to where Pecan indicated and found a pie tin covered by a paper towel. “Don’t worry. I’ll put it away after I clean up the mess.”

He took a long, hard look at the sweet potato soufflé. He could remember how proud everypony had felt about the dish, more so because it had received such praise from Bryce. And then it had all gone to pot. Kernal almost wanted to dip a hoof into the mess and try it, if only to have a taste. What kept him—ignoring how gross it would have been—was the possibility of tasting first the soufflé, then thin shards of glass, and last the coppery tang of blood.

“Papa, can we at least have some of what we made first?” Almond almost begged. “We haven’t eaten since lunch, and we worked hard,” she said, failing to mention the few nibbles they had had here and there.

The chestnut-colored stallion took only a second to consider. It would have been wrong to let it all go to waste, more so since they put so much effort into making a holiday meal. He returned a nod. “It wouldn’t hurt. But from what I can tell there isn’t much except mashed potatoes and uncooked pecan pie.”

Though he said this he felt it would not be a good meal. No matter how great the food may taste—and he could tell it was great based on the smell alone—without the whole family present it was a bittersweet meal.

He made to pull a few plates from the cabinet, but for a third time that night both twins had another shared eureka moment. “Well, it doesn’t have to be,” Pecan began. Before she could continue, Almond finished the thought with: “Not if we make the rest.”

“What do you mean?” Kernal asked.

“We can cook!” Both twins said in unison.

They waited a breath before Pecan said, “Well, we can at least put it all together,” to which Almond added: “We need you to do the actual cooking.”

Kernal stared, dumbfounded by the what they had said. He scratched the back of his neck as his ears drooped. “Girls, I know you may think it simple, but I’m hardly a chef. I don’t know the first thing about cooking a Thanksgiving dinner.”

“That’s okay, Dad,” Pecan said. “All you need to do is put it in the oven for us.”

“Yeah, we can handle the preparation ourselves,” Almond added.

They then took turns from there, each trying to convince their father.

“We already know what to do.”

“And what we don’t know we can read from the recipe.”

“And it wouldn’t be Thanksgiving dinner after Thanksgiving.”

“It won’t take long.”

“And we already have all the stuff ready.”

“All we need to do is put it together.”

“The oven can do the rest.”

“But we need you to work the oven.”

The father stallion could only stare in surprise. If it were only Pecan firing off reasons to go ahead with the meal as planned he could put in his two bits. But whenever Pecan finished a sentence Almond came in, at the same pace, to add yet another positive reason. And Pecan did the same for Almond, in turn.

With each look from Pecan, then to Almond, then back and forth, again and again, his former resolution to say ‘no’ diminished.

When both fillies had exhausted every possible reason they could think of, they stopped, and each shared the same wide, begging smile.

Once Kernal understood they had paused to hear his answer he tried to focus his attention on anything but them. “Well… I…do believe your hearts are in the right place,” he started, their eyes widening in relief, “I…want to help…” What he said next was enough to make them want to cry, “But…”

Without waiting for him to finish, they let out a deep groan.

“Now, I want to help,” he stated once more, “but you must hear me out first.” He swallowed to try and remove the lump in his throat. “I want to help, but this is really not my place. You both started this with your mother, and I… I only think it right if you three finished it together, as well.”

It was then they let go of any hope of finishing their work for the night. Their ears drooped as they both stared down at the floor.

Noticing their dejected looks, Kernal said, “Now don’t look down. I’m sure if we went together we can try and convince your mother.” Though he said this, he had the same doubts as his daughters.

With a little persuasion all three ponies walked to the outside of the master bedroom. Taking in a breath, Kernal reached forward and knocked. “Cocoa, are you okay in there?”

There came no response from the other side of the door, which did not bode well for the stallion. He knocked again. “Cocoa-!”

Before he could say more the cream-coated mare shouted, “Laissez-moi!

“Cocoa, please come out. The girls and I want to talk with you.” He tried to open the door, but though the knob turned it would not budge. “Cocoa, did you put the dresser over the door again?”

“Yes, I did, and you can sleep on zee couch tonight!”

Kernal could remember only one other time his wife had done this. It was almost nine years ago, when the mother mare, heavy with their twin fillies, had become fed up with dealing with Kernal’s mistakes, however small or insignificant they had been. And yes, he had spent that night on the couch, as well.

With the emotion gone from his voice, he said to Almond and Pecan, “Girls, go to your room.”

“But Dad,” Pecan cried in protest.

“I said go now,” He said in a calm tone, one which held the same force as a shout.

Knowing they were defeated, Pecan did as ordered, with Almond following not long after.

The reason Kernal had sent them away was not meant as a punishment, though to them it felt like one. The real reason was for the father stallion to try and make a good, honest effort to try and pull his wife out of the room.

“Cocoa, the girls are gone,” he said after he heard their bedroom door close. “I don’t know if your listening, but… Cocoa, can we please talk about this face to face?”

At first Kernal took the silence as a ‘no’ and resolved to go off to first tuck in the twins, then set up the couch for the night. After a beat he heard hooves on the floor, and then noticed a chocolate glow emit from under the door. A few seconds later the door swung open, showing the cream-coated mare with a bad case of bedhead and bloodshot eyes.

After a pause, Cocoa asked in a squeaky voice, “What do you want?”

Kernal, trying his best to disregard his wife’s appearance, said, “The girls still want to cook.”

A visible shiver ran up the mare’s form. She began to shake her head, all the while saying, “Non, non, non!

“Cocoa, please,” Kernal began to say.

The mare instead drowned him out with a frantic, “I will never…do anything related to…zat ever again!”

“Cocoa, now that’s just unreasonable. I mean, how else are we to eat?”

“We can… We can go out.”

“Yes, but do you know how much it would cost to go out three times a day for four ponies? And next week the girls will be back in school. What will they have for lunch?”

Cocoa turned and lay her front part on the bed, facing away from the stallion. “Zey can just…take some fruit, some vegetables, anything zat does not need any work to make.”

“Yes, that’s a simple fix, but they need more than fruit and veg. And what about breakfast? I’m sure they want something warm in their tummies—especially with snow just around the corner. The weather team is bound to push in a few snow clouds in a matter of weeks, if not days.”

Cocoa looked to her husband. She tried to think of a way to refute this, but she could think of none the stallion could not fill with holes. “I know you are right, Kernal, but I… I cannot…”

“You cannot, or you will not?” When the mare did not answer he said, “Cocoa, I can understand you not wanting to—not after everything that’s happened tonight—but you shouldn’t allow it to discourage you. I mean Almond still wants to, despite her injury.”

He took a few slow steps towards her, leaving enough room to where he was out of reach. “They’ve worked hard too. Is it right to make them stop just because of one bad experience? Not even Almond wants to quit.”

Cocoa looked down to Kernal’s hooves. She wanted to say something but did not know how best to transmit her thoughts.

In the end Kernal managed to say what dug into the mare’s mind. “But it isn’t just about cooking, is it?”

At this her heart sank. She shook her head, and with tears in her eyes said, “I just cannot believe he would do something like zis…”

Kernal wrapped his forelegs around her neck. “I know… I don’t know why he would do anything to hurt one of our girls. And Almond of all fillies, too.”

He began to stroke the mare’s back before he said, “I still can’t believe it, but I still want to believe it was an accident.”

Cocoa went tense. She regained herself enough to slip out of her husband’s grip and push him a foreleg’s length back. “An…accident…?”

One only needed to see the mare’s face to know that if Kernal was not in trouble before, he was about to have his head cut off now, and it was unfortunate for the stallion that he was well within reach for this fatal stroke.

Instead, Kernal met with a hard slap to the face.

Cocoa stared down the stallion, who held the same look of disbelief. She huffed in frustration wanting to strike him down once more, intent on knocking loose whatever the human had forced into her husband’s mind. She lifted her hoof to do so, biting into her lip hard enough to pierce her flesh.

The mare somehow managed to calm herself enough to lower her foreleg and say, “How can you believe…?”

Her face read of blind rage—at Bryce, of course, and now at her husband. It also showed a mixture of disbelief, over the events of that evening, of worry, for what said events meant for their family’s collective future. Above these, however, was sadness; she was hurt not only by Almond’s former pain but also at Kernal’s doubt.

Kernal stammered out his words. “I just want to give him the benefit of the doubt.”

This all but confirmed everything to Cocoa. “What is zere to doubt? We all saw what he did, no?”

“I… I know, but it just doesn’t… Well, to me… He…”

Just…spit it out!” Coca shouted, after finding the proper term.

“I just cannot bring myself to believe Bryce, of all…sentient beings, would do something to harm Almond.”

“Oui, maybe you cannot believe but we all saw.”

“I know—you, me, the girls, Bryce, we all saw. But…” Despite the look his wife glared him down with he finished his thought. “It just doesn’t seem in his nature.”

Rather than allow the mare time to refute him, Kernal added on. “This is the one who defended not only Almond but Pecan and Rocksalt not three weeks ago. And when somepony hit Almond in the lip with a rock he was ready to paste the whole lot of them.

“And if he were half as bad as you believe would he have felt any guilt? He looked to me as hurt as anypony else here tonight. Maybe not as bad as you or Pecan, but he looked ready to collapse.”

“Well, he should feel that way. He was the one in zee wrong, no?”

“He… He was… But still it doesn’t prove he did it on purpose. Why would he hurt Almond of all fillies? She never did him any wrong.”

“I… I don’t know why… But I blame myself more.”

This took the chestnut stallion back a peg. “What do you mean, why would you blame yourself?”

“Because if I had never allowed him into our home this whole or… This… Ordeal would never have happened,” she said, not recalling it was Kernal who first welcomed the human into the Nut house.

The stallion remembered, however, and the way he scratched the back of his neck went passed Cocoa. “Well…Cocoa… While that may be true… Uh…”

“Just… Don’t…” The mare said, followed with a heavy sigh. “It was my mistake, and because of it our little Amandine had to suffer.” She placed the bottom of her hoof on her forehead. “Celeste, bon sang tout, first Pécan and now Amandine, mais qu’est-ce que je foutais?! J'ai été distrait par le putain sauce au fromage!

She then said the one statement which summed up her frayed mind, “I should have known nothing good could come of him!”

For a moment the couple remained silent. When she saw Kernal said nothing—whether by a refusal to try further or at a loss for words—she said, “Now, are we going to bring up zis…cooking nonsense again?”

She said the word with such spite the stallion found himself nodding in agreement. But he shook the movement off.

“Well, which is it?! Yes, or no?!”

“I… No…” He said, glaring down at the floor.

“Good, I am happy you see my-“

Kernal cut her off. “No, Cocoa,” he said, turning his glower toward his wife. “I mean, I don’t approve. You may not enjoy cooking—and yes, I said it, and don’t regret it—but you can’t just make the girls have the same feelings. They-! They enjoy it too much for you to just refuse to allow them to at least try!”

At first the stallion’s sudden change in demeanor made Cocoa cower. But as the shock faded, she shot a glare back. “So, you would side with that…chauve bouffon?!”

“No, Cocoa, this has nothing to do with Bryce,” he said, trying his best not to yell back. “This is about not answering wrong for wrong. He did something bad but that doesn’t mean everything he’s taught them should go to waste. It’s just not fair.”

Cocoa had to bite her lip to keep quiet. Already a few hot tears began to flow from the corners of her eyes. Despite the stallion’s words she heard this as another failed attempt for the human’s defence.

When she could speak again, what she had to say made her attitude known.


Through the whole of their parents’ discussion, Pecan stood with an ear pressed to her and Almond’s bedroom door. Most of what she heard came as muffled noise, but when she could make out the words—most of the time being a shout from their mother—it only served to diminish her hope.

At the same time Almond lied on her bed, trying though failing to show no interest. To prove this failure, she asked, “So… What are they saying…?”

Pecan took a few seconds to answer. No matter how hard she pressed her ear to the wood she could not hear half of what was said. “I can’t…make out-“

At that moment they both heard their mother shout all they needed to hear to know where she stood: “Tu salaud Trottinghamien!!!

At this the fillies reeled back; Pecan did not need to listen on to know what this outburst meant. It did not matter; they could hear Cocoa through the walls, plain and clear.

A few seconds afterwards they heard their mother shout, “And you can sleep on the couch! Now, bonne nuit!” She followed this with a loud slam of the door, though to the fillies this sounded like a thud.

When the house remained silent for a few beats, Almond somehow found the courage to ask, “Do… Do you think Papa is okay?”

Pecan did not need to look back to know her twin sister’s fear. She did not believe their mother could bring herself to assault the stallion—yelling in Prench was the most she ever did. But she could never remember things being this bad, not since Bryce had thrown her from the merry-go-round that faithful day.

The thought of that day months before made Pecan shiver. Both she and Almond had been changed; herself into a thrill-seeking firebrand, and Almond as anything but. She could almost hear their mother yelling at Bryce now, looking like she wanted to jam her horn where the sun never shined.

But what happened before had happened to her, and Almond had been left physically unharmed. Today, Almond had been the one hurt. Though only a small shiny mark now graced her flank to show anything had transpired Pecan felt her pain, and she knew Almond had yet to forget the white-hot pain of the sweet potato souffle.

Despite their uncertain mental connection only twins could share, however, she did not know Almond’s feelings for Bryce. She wanted to say she felt angry at the human—who in their right mind would dare harm her twin?

She wanted to be pissed off for Almond’s sake, but she couldn’t bring herself to feel anything but confusion. Like her father, what happened made no sense to her. She might have been young, but she knew Bryce’s life was not going well—if she knew the word, she would call it a literal shitstorm.

Which did nothing to change the fact she knew Bryce would never consider hurting Almond.

Though she was more frightened than Almond, Pecan needed to be strong. With a swallow she reached for the knob, not a full second before the brass orb appeared to turn of its own accord.

Both fillies shrank back, half expecting to find their cream-colored mother, but instead the door swung inward to reveal their chestnut-colored father.

Kernal looked down at Pecan with the same look of shock; he had not expected to find his daughters staring at him, but he could not think of any other way to find them.

After a few blinks to clear his head the stallion sighed and looked down at the floor to avoid their gaze. He could not bear to see the faces he would no doubt receive in the moments to come.

“Girls, please get ready for bed…” He said in a crushed tone.

It was Pecan’s turn to blink in confusion. “But… What about dinner…?”

“Girls…” The father stallion began, “Your mother… She doesn’t want to… She doesn’t…want you…” He began to stumble over his own words—what could he say to make them go to bed without a fight?

If Pecan was the only one to argue he would in time say ‘no’, and there was little chance of Almond putting up a thimble-full of an argument, but this assumed they fought him individually, without the other to fall back on. And moments ago, they had done something they had not done in months: they argued with him together.

It was this possibility which made Kernal fail to say a word, but it also made him unable to say ‘no’. Not because of how it might shatter them but because it may shatter what little headway it had made in rekindling their twin bond.

With a slow pace he looked up into their chocolate-colored eyes, and he knew if he said the one answer they both expected it would end them.

His face first turned into a scowl, then his frown turned upwards into a sly grin.

The twins did not know what to make of this sudden turn of events.

“Dad…?” Almond asked, almost scared to know what might come next.

“Girls, your mother does not want to help, but I think it best we finished.”

Whatever confusion they felt now expanded by at least twofold, apiece.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Kernal asked with a smile. “You both still want to cook, don’t you?”

“Yeah…” Pecan said, not trying to hide her skepticism. “But…won’t Mom-“

“Oh, but this is for your mother. I mean, wouldn’t it be a pleasant surprise to see how much enthusiasm you have for cooking?”

When the girls said nothing Kernal added, “What’s the delay? I mean, you can cook; I’ve more than seen the results. I’ve also smelt it, put it in my mouth and swallowed it whole. You already know what to do, and what you don’t know you can read from the recipes. Plus, it wouldn’t be Thanksgiving dinner the day after Thanksgiving, would it? And from what little I saw you don’t have much left to do except put it all together. The only part you need help with is putting it in the oven, which is where I come in.

“What do you say?” He followed with a wide, begging grin.

It was as if the stallion had taken a page out of their own book. They did not understand how but what he said made sense. They had finished with most of the prep work, and why let the food go to waste?

Pecan looked back to Almond, wanting to ask what she thought, but the look of determination on her face said it all, one she matched as she looked back at their father.

Kernal’s smile grew. “Brilliant! Then let’s get cooking.”

Though happy to see the mood had changed—if only for the moment—a part of him thought he had made a grave mistake. But for now, he did not care.

Kernal could now see there was no way to sway Cocoa; not with words at least.

But this did not mean he could not prove her wrong, and this was the only way he could think to sway her. Even if the mare never cooked again, she may at least see it would be wrong to stop the craft all together.

Though he thought this a part of him still thought the mare may want a toasted Kernal Nut with a side of Amandine, and Butter Pecan for dessert.

Bryce be damned for now—this had nothing to do with him. Wherever he was right now Kernal no doubt knew the human was eating himself up inside. But for now, he needed to help the girls where he could.


In a booth in the back corner of a bar on the outskirts of Ponyville, one Bryce had been to only once before, the only known human of Equus was indeed eating himself alive from the outside and burning his stomach from within.

His poison of choice: Caballo Salvaje, a coffee liqueur made and bottled in Acolthua since YC 936. Since its creation the family has kept to only the finest sugarcane and vanilla beans to match the bitterness of the choicest Saddle Arabian coffee beans.

At least, this is what Bryce read on the bottle’s label as he sat with his back against the wall inside the booth. This he read along with the bottle’s alcohol-by-volume notice: 20%.

The sweetness of the liqueur more than offset the burning sensation it made in his stomach; a burn which matched his current mood and his burdened mind. It was the best the bartender could manage—being it was a bar—but it did help the human in his drained state, if only in part. While the brew did not have as much sugar or caffeine as he would have liked, it took the edge off his diminished life force.

In fact, the bottle was now more drained than himself; the once half-empty bottle was now down to the last drop. This did not last long as Bryce tilted the bottle up and shook it until said drop dripped down the neck, past the rim and onto his tongue.

As the small amount of flavor passed into nothing, he peeked into the brown bottle and found it empty. He let out a sigh as he sat back and placed the bottle on the table.

Then he eyed the glass stopper. It was in the shape of the front part of a pony, one cut off at the withers. Said pony also had its forelegs bent towards the barrel it never had. Its face bore a snarl as if it meant to throw off its rider, one which the original designer never considered including.

As if noticing the human’s bottle had run dry, the owner stepped over and asked Bryce as if were a regular customer, “Would you care for more?”

For a moment Bryce contemplated saying ‘no’, but when he considered the alternative—heading back to the apple farm and facing what he had done—he instead said, “Sure; why not?”

“Would you like another bottle, or would you prefer just a shot?”

Bryce took a few seconds to think again and ended up saying, “Bring both; a bottle and a glass, please.” He was not ready to leave, and with his life force in the low side the journey would not doubt be like walking in a wavy ship. Plus, with a glass he could better pace himself.

The bar owner took the empty bottle away, not thinking about its stopper.

Now alone, and without a drink to keep him occupied, Bryce stared at the amber glass cap. After a few seconds he picked it up, holding it with his thumb at the bottom and his pointer at the head. Then he took his pointer away.

If it had been anyone else—forgetting unicorns for the time being—the glass bob would no doubt have been taken by gravity’s pull. But instead it remained balanced on Bryce’s wide thumb.

He then began to play with his ability. He flicked his thumb from side-to-side, allowing his thumb to be under the cap for a miniscule fraction of a second, and yet the cap held its place.

When he became bored of this he looked to the wall. Lowering his hand down to the table he floated the cap to a point less than a finger’s width from the wall. He drew it away from the wall to a point over the middle of the booth.

He did this back and forth, slow at first but picking up speed, but he always stopped right before the glass could impact the wall, and no doubt break into innumerable amber shards.

At one point he came close to doing this, when the owner came over and said, “Sir, please stop that!” If it had been any faster the cap might have broken, but instead when Bryce released his telekinetic grip the cap dropped down, bounced off the wall and landed on the table, with the pony’s thin legs snapping off the body.

The owner held a stare at the human, pleased he would not have to worry about sweeping up broken glass in his ill-lit bar. After a tense few seconds the stallion slid a tray containing a tall shot glass and another bottle of Bryce’s chosen poison.

Before the stallion could leave a thought came to Bryce. “Can I ask you something?” As if giving his approval the stallion kept his place. “Why do you serve me? Don’t you know the Nightmare Night Nightmare when you look him in the face?”

After a few seconds of hesitation, the owner replied, “Do you have bits?” Bryce returned a nod. “Then as long as you pay any Nightmare is welcome here.”

As the stallion turned to go Bryce had another thought: “Are you overcharging me?”

This time, without a shred of hesitation, the owner said, “Of course not.” Though at the same time he thought, He may have bits but I’m not stupid enough to even consider overcharging this one-stallion wrecking crew. He’s lucky I value my life more than bits.

“Okay then,” Bryce said before he tried to loosen the stopper.

“Besides,” the owner said, interrupting him. “It’s already been paid for.”

Bryce stared down the stallion. “Are you saying it’s on the house?” ‘Not overcharging the one-man-wrecking-crew’. I’m not taking anything for free.

Bryce made to slide the bottle back, but the stallion answered, “Oh no, somepony else paid your tab.” He motioned with his head toward a table in the middle of the bar, a table occupied by somepony who incited a crowd against him before and commended him for catching the ‘ungrateful spawn of her own foal pouch’ later: the mare with a coat the color of dried blood and a mane the color of rusted iron.

As the stallion walked away, said mare made her way over to Bryce’s booth, and without asking permission sat herself across from him. “Hello, human,” she said without a hint of sarcasm or spite.

“Hi… Pony…” Bryce said, unsure of how to address the mare.

After a moment of tense silence, the mare broke her stare and huffed. “This is my apology to you.”

Bryce waited a few beats before he replied, “For which part?”

The mare glared back at him once more. “For what I caused to you the other day, and for my thieving spawn.”

Bryce rolled this over before asking, “What was the word you used earlier? The one that sounds like the F-bomb?”

“You mean ‘feck’?”

“Yeah, that one. That’s what I thought you said.”

“What of it?”

“Well,” Bryce said with a smirk. “Feck off, Ted.”

The comment had the intended effect of confusing the mare. “What did you call me?”

Bryce ignored this question. “I don’t care what you did to me. Now, what you did to… Almond…” He said nothing more as he looked at his distorted reflection in the bottle of Caballo Salvaje.

“What are you blathering about almonds for?”

“No… Almond… She’s the girl who got conked in the mouth with a rock.” He followed this by tapping his fist against his mouth.

“Oh…” For once the constant glare of the mare faltered into a look of concern. This lasted only a few seconds before her usual glare resumed. “That was never my intention.”

Bryce shot a glare to match the mare’s own back at her. “Well, it was your fault. You’re the one who got everyone there and riled them up.

The mare flinched, but one needed to be looking for it to have spotted it. “Yes… But it was never my intention, as I said before. My mission was to investigate some trouble, and when I first saw you…”

When the mare said nothing Bryce asked, “You thought I had something to do with it?”

The mare huffed. “I wasn’t wrong, now was I? From what I’ve heard you were the reason I was sent on this milk run.”

“Well… It was never my intention.”

“As I found out.” Without any notice the mare grabbed the bottle of coffee liqueur and removed the stopper. She locked eyes with the small halfpony. Under her breath Bryce heard her say, “Fecking moonflower.”

“What’s about moonflower?”

The mare chuckled. “You’re lucky, you know that. Even with your size you must have taken a lot moonflower tonic water.” By then Bryce knew the mare referred to the poison he had—unbeknownst at the time—ingested on Nightmare Night. “People can see a lot of crazy shite when they have it in’em.” She looked at Bryce; this time with her face relaxed. “And I bet you don’t remember anything you saw.”

“In truth, I don’t remember anything that happened before that afternoon.”

“Yep, that confirms it.” She again said something under her breath, something Bryce could not understand. “Why Luna created those damned flowers is beyond me.” She snorted a chuckle. “But by then I suppose she wasn’t Luna then. Her and that red-eyed blighter.”

“Red-eyed what?”

“It’s not something a human would know. It’s an old legend by now.” She placed the stopper down before she pulled the double shot glass over and poured herself a drink. She took a drink and almost spit the liqueur out. “Bleh, how can you stand something this sweet?!”

Bryce ignored this comment and asked. “What legend?”

She shot him a quick glare but decided to drop it. “It was about a thousand years ago, after Luna became Nightmare Moon. Do you know of her?”

Bryce nodded. He had been told the legend a few days before Nightmare Night.

“Then it saves me some trouble,” she said before pouring another shot. She decided to live with her purchase, as vile as it was to her taste buds. “While she was still roaming about—before Celestia imprisoned her in the Moon—she met the one called ‘Red Eyes’. That’s just a translation. His actual name sounds better but it’s hard to pronounce. Anyway, when they met, he told her, ‘Nightmare Moon, as great as your power is now you cannot lead on your own. Allow me some of your life force so I may create something to turn others to your cause.’

“So, Nightmare Moon did, and Red Eyes infused her life force with a shrub that was common at the time: the drooping angel’s trumpet, a plant once sacred to Celestia, and once beneficial rather than harmful to those who ate of it.

“It turned out to be a trick—as is the way of Red Eyes. Instead of turning everyone who ate moonflower—or devil’s trumpet as it came to be called—to Nightmare Moon’s whims it instead drove them bonkers. And most died while under this insanity.

“So, human, you can indeed call yourself lucky.”

Bryce took the bottle away from the mare. Lucky isn’t the word I would use, he thought. He turned up the bottle and took a few swigs.

“Pace yourself!” The dried-blood mare said as she tilted the glass down, causing some of the liqueur to spill onto Bryce. “Drinking like that you’re sure to cause more problems, human.”

Bryce coughed a little as he said, “My name—cough—is—cough, cough—Bryce!”

The mare misheard this. “Rice?”

“No!” Bryce said as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve. “Bryce. Bryce Smales; and don’t you dare say Smiles… Whoever you are.”

“I heard you, Smales.”

“Well, you could have done it without spilling it on me! This is the only shirt I have on me.”

“Bah—it’ll dry!” The dried-blood mare said. “Now shut up; I’m not done.” She took her shot before she continued. “This isn’t all the flower does. It’s said that whoever ingests moonflower see and hear things—things that aren’t there, but also things yet to come.

“In their rambling close friends and family of the first victims were able to make out a few words. There isn’t a full record, but what little survives foretold events such as coming deaths, freak accidents, a few heavy storms and other natural disasters. The biggest—that has come to pass—was Celestia’s imprisonment of Nightmare Moon on the moon with the Elements of Harmony.”

With this said, the mare stared at Bryce. “Which makes me wonder what, if anything you saw, Smales. What lies trapped in that noggin of yours?” She leaned in close, her pale green eyes scanning the human. At this distance Bryce could not help but notice how different the mare’s eyes looked: the left eye looked normal, but her right eye looked milky.

For a while the mare stared at him, with enough time passing to make Bryce uncomfortable. As he went to speak, she belted out a hearty cackle.

When she finished, she said, “As if you could remember. Just like a thousand years ago no one can remember a Celestia-damned thing.” She laughed for a few seconds more. “So, what’d you think? Riveting enough for you?”

“Well, it’s something,” Bryce said, unsure of what else to say. “But, about this… Red Eyes, is there a certain way he looks?” Before the dried-blood mare could answer, Bryce added, “Because… I saw this thing with red eyes.”

“It’s normal, really. They say his influence still lies dormant within the flower, so if you see him in your dreams-”

“No, not in my dreams… Well, I did see it in my dreams, but I also saw it in the real world. It was this… Catoblepas, I think it’s called.” At this word the dried-blood mare’s smug look faltered. “It was like a wildebeest—or like a lean cow, if you don’t know what a wildebeest looks like. Except its head was big and looked like a large pig or boar’s head. It had this foul odor too, and its slobber killed the grass.

“But it was the eyes though. I remember them because of how big and red they were, and how they bulged out of its skull. And it wasn’t just the irises; it was as if each part was a different shade of red, even the pupils.”

By then the mare’s look had resumed its usual glower. It may have been the alcohol, but Bryce wanted to say the brown tone of her scarlet coat took on a shade of red. Or it may have been the sudden flush of red which spread across her face.

The mare raised herself up on her forelegs and sent a stern look into his eyes. She said something under her breath which sounded like, “The bastard ain't lying.” Her eyes shot to the right—to Bryce’s left side. “Show me your arm.”

Bryce did as ordered and raised his left arm. He thought she wanted to see his self-inflicted wound up close and prepared to be questioned. But there was something of greater interest to her.

“Lift up your sleeve,” she said, and waited as Bryce did so. As she examined the human’s limb—taking note of the vein-like burns which ran its length—her glare deepened. She said something in a higher tone than before, “Wisdom shall allow his mind to bend the word as he wills it, and the Sky shall place on him an arcing mark.”

She took the bottle of liqueur. Instead of a shot she proceeded to take a long swig. When she had drunken to her satisfaction, she slammed the bottle down, leaving about two inches worth of its contents.

“Bah, how anyone can stand this bile…” She slid the bottle back to Bryce. “Here; rest’s yours.”

He looked at the bottle for a second before he asked, “Did I say something wrong?”

The mare looked back and said, “You watch yourself, Smales. I don’t know yet how you’re alive and still sane, but if that thing’s around…” She shook her head. “It’s not Red Eyes, but it’s something just as bad. You’d do right to avoid anything with eyes as red as you described.” And with those words the mare turned about and left.

Without trying to stop her Bryce watched the mare leave. He did not know what to make of the mare’s behavior.

There was a part of him which wanted to storm after her, demand she tell him what her actions meant, to know what could make such a stern mare want to leave. If he were of a better attitude and not in such a drained state, he would have done just so.

But after the events of the day he felt it better to stay put. As it stood, he may bring down a building on her trying to force out an answer, as stubborn as she appeared.

For now, he wanted the day to end as he had wanted it to begin: with him being left alone to stare off into nothing, well away from anyone or anything he may inflict unintended harm upon.

He grabbed the bottle before him by the neck and swirled what remained a few times. He wanted to drink what remained and be done with it, but damn it if he wasn’t thirsty tonight, and the dried-blood mare had drunken most of the bottle. He sucked in his lower lip and let out a nasal sigh, and questioned no one in particular, “Can’t this day just fecking end?”

As he went to take a drink, he heard somepony ask, “Do you know who that was?” It was a voice Bryce knew, but someone he did not want to turn away.

Events put in motion will soon come to pass. To some the coming hours will be a welcome relief, bitter resentments are changed for the better, and it will be a night to remember for years to come. To others the coming events shall become a fight for one’s life and will be a constant reminder for the same amount of time.

What is the identity of this welcome visitor? Read the next chapter if you would know.

Pompeii - Bastille

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Chapter 82: Pompeii - Bastille

Bryce looked over to find Ponzi Scheme, who was himself turned to the front door of the bar. After a second the pale grey stallion looked back to Bryce. “Was that…?” He placed a hoof under his chin as his face turned into one of deep concentration. “I could be wrong, but I could have sworn that was Legate Rheda.” The stallion looked back to Bryce. “Is that what she told you?”

Bryce thought about it, but he had to tell the truth: “It never came up.” But as he thought about it, he thought he should know the name.

Ponzi looked to the door once more. “If it’s not her then it at least has to be a relation; a sister or daughter perhaps. But we only met once when I was a colt; and that must have been maybe 20 or 30 years ago… But she looks just like the legate who…”

He shook the thought away and turned back to the reason he had come to the fringes of Ponyville. “Well, it’s not important.” He turned back to Bryce. “My nephew told me you would be in town, but I must say it took me a considerable amount of time—and a few bits to refresh a few memories,” he said under his breath, “to find you.”

He motioned to the seat across from Bryce. “May I?” Bryce nodded, and the stallion took a seat. “So, may I ask why you are here?”

Bryce wanted to remain silent—if only for a time—but he saw no point in keeping his peace. “I just needed to get away for a while.”

“Well, from what I’ve heard at the apple farm I can understand your position, but Bait also explained to me you were to help a family cook Thanksgiving dinner.”

“It wasn’t to cook for them, it was to help them learn to cook for themselves. But… Well, if you think what happened at the farm was bad…” He trailed off from there.

“…what happened at the Nuts’ was worse?” Ponzi asked, releasing another nasal sigh from the human. “I see… From the way you say it I take it you have done something you regret.”

“I… I don’t know…”

Ponzi cocked an eyebrow at this response. “Do you mean you ‘don’t know’ if you ‘regret what you’ve done’ or you ‘cannot believe what you have done’?”

“I… I do regret what I did, but… It’s like you said; I can’t believe I did it.” He looked to the bottle still held in his hand.

As he went to take the last few swigs, he felt something hold it back. It was Ponzi, who looked at Bryce with a stern stare. “Not yet; not until I’ve had a chance to say a few words.”

Bryce wanted to protest. He had the ability to not only make the stallion release the bottle, but also stand up, do the hokey-pokey, and in time make him leave the way he had come. But he did not want to do so. As much as he wanted the drink, if only to have the possibility of making this bad day elapse faster, something outside himself made him feel he needed to hear the stallion out.

A few seconds later Bryce relinquished his hold on the bottle to Ponzi, who in turn slid the bottle and its bitter-sweet contents out of the human’s physical reach. “Now, I do not know fully what has happened, but from what my nephew has told me it does not bode well.

“What I can tell you is this,” the stallion said in a grave tone. “You may not be out of the woods quite yet.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

“I can understand what you mean, but I mean something different. Somepony may try to do you in. If not you personally, then somepony you hold dear.”

“Again, tell me something I don’t know. There’s a whole town who wants me gone or worse.” He looked down at the table. “And I can’t begin to imagine what they’ll do to my friends. Well, the few I may or may not have left.”

“And again, I can understand what you mean, Mr Smales, but I mean something different.” He waited a few beats to allow the human time to try and refute him once more. When he did not, Ponzi said, “Bryce, what can you tell me of the stallion called…” He tapped his hoof on the table to recall the name, and said, “Thunderlane?”

“Thunderlane?” Bryce repeated.

“Yes, him. According to my nephew your relationship has taken a turn; a turn for the better?”

“Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?”

“It matters because I have also heard a few weeks before Nightmare Night you two were the farthest any two individuals could be from friends. In fact, I heard his treatment of you then was at equal to—if not worse than—how Ponyville treats you now.” He said nothing; wanting to wait to see Bryce’s response.

Said response was a near repeat of this last few answers. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“I don’t know if you are aware of this, but it is of anypony’s best interest to be skeptical of another’s sudden change of opinion.” He waited a beat before he added, “When it’s towards a certain group, or an individual.” He hung a hoof in Bryce’s direction.

This time around Bryce provided a legitimate response. “You’re sounding just like everyone else now,” he said in a raised tone. “Whatever you’ve heard we’ve made up.”

“Yes… But in terms of the how…?”

He started to ask, “Does it matter?” He wanted to but ended up saying only the first half. He sighed and placed his forehead into his hand. “You know, at this point I guess there’s no point in keeping it a secret.

Bryce began by retelling his and Thunderlane’s first encounter: his return to the apple farm after Bait burned down the barn, to which Ponzi Scheme provided an apology. From there he retold the events leading to Dinky’s birthday party at the Doo household, and his part in taking away the slate-grey stallion’s ability to fly, for a time.

He had to pause a short time after this; in small part to him forcing this inability upon Thunderlane, but also the thought of Dinky. Ponzi had offered the bottle, but Bryce rejected it, for now.

When he felt ready to speak again, he recalled the incident Ponzi had some part in: the theft of Bryce’s grandfather’s watch. He sped through this part but included the bit in the alley with Mina. From there he told Ponzi about the events at the construction yard, when he had told the relevant pegasus how he could return his flight, as impossible as this seemed at the time.

This then led to his worst dealings with Thunderlane. From what Bryce could gather it was meant to be a simple apology—one Bryce had not taken the time to hear out. And because of his inability to take said time it ended with Thunderlane and his brother trapping themselves in Froggy Bottom Bogg. “I wish I could have made them forget about the whole thing, but I couldn’t; not after everything that happened next,” he stated with remorse.

Bryce related what had happened within the bog. He started from the point he had to jump into the murky water and saved Rumble, to the escape into the caves from the four-headed hydra, to the use of his abilities to more or less blind a herd of fire-breathing salamanders. The grey stallion cringed as Bryce related bathing in the molten salamander blood to avoid the flames, but from what Bryce said next it proved a prudent move.

“What happened at the end,” Bryce said as he continued the story, “is something which surprises me still. When we came to the end of the caves, we found the mouth blocked by this big, red rock. Except it wasn’t a rock—it was the mother of the salamanders, I think. That or the queen. It doesn’t matter.”

Ponzi nodded in agreement, motioning for the human to continue.

“Anyway, when Thunderlane ran into her she woke up. She blew fire on him, but because of the salamander blood it did nothing to hurt him. She wanted to kill Rumble—to even out for me killing her…‘nymph’. I think she called them—but Thunderlane took the blame. And she would have squeezed him to death, but then the salamander—the one which, as far as I know, still sticks to Thunderlane to this day—stood up for him, and made it known we were attacked, and that I was only defending Thunderlane.

“And from there that’s all there is to tell. Ever since then we’ve gotten along fine.”

Ponzi rested his head on his raised hooves. “You said if they had not run into the bog you ‘wish you could have made them forget the whole ordeal’. What do you mean?”

“Well, about that. I can alter memories to make one believe in a proposed reality, if not make them forget something entirely.”

“Is that so?”

Bryce nodded. “It’s something like this.” He picked up the two glass Caballo Salvaje stoppers—the one without legs and the other from the fresh bottle. He placed the former—legs included—on his right and the intact stopper on his left. “Okay, you see which cap is on either side of me, right?”

Ponzi took a few seconds to observe them both before he returned a nod.

“Alright then,” Bryce said before he placed a hand over either stopper, removing them from view. They locked eyes for a minute before Bryce asked, “Now, which hand is the cap without legs under?”

It took only a second for Ponzi to slide his hoof over to the human’s left hand. When Bryce removed his hand, the stallion did a double take, for the small amber pony under said hand still had both of its legs. “I… That’s not…”

Bryce removed his other hand, revealing the stopper which had broken into three parts.

Ponzi’s jaw dropped. “How did it you move it without me noticing…? I would have heard-”

“If I slid it across the table? Yes, you would have. But I didn’t.”

Ponzi ran a hoof under his chin. “Then… How…?”

“Well,” Bryce interrupted again, “you wouldn’t remember, because not only did I make you think the caps had changed places, I also made you forget why I did this.”

For a split second, Ponzi did not understand, but then all at once it came back like a bolt of lightning. “You…did… How could I not…” He thought about it more then said, “Celestia, it’s like magic… But if you can make me forget where you had the stoppers and why you asked, why can you not make Thunderlane and his brother forget about the ordeal in the bog?”

“Simple; it can’t be explained.”

Ponzi returned a deadpan expression. “Actually, I believe you have yet to explain.”

“No, I mean there’s no way it can be explained why any of us were in the bog in the first place. And even if I could have come up with a reasonable explanation for us being there how could I explain everything that happened there?”

The stallion thought on the matter, but after a moment of deliberation he had to agree: without a reasonable doubt, the three of them had no other excuse to be in Froggy Bottom Bogg, and no way to explain away all which had gone on in said location. “I have to agree, I suppose. But that is enough explanation for now. I want to bring the conversation back to my original warning: you are probably not out of danger.”

He raised a hoof to stop the human. “Before you can refute me, I want you to hear out an old stallion.” He cleared his throat, and said, “It has been my experience that you should be wary of ‘sudden’ friends—and I know this from experience.

“You see, I have had a few schemes of mine go bad, due in large part to somepony who suddenly became a close chum of mine. A little agreement here, a few pats on the back there, and then at the end I found I need to play my way out of an arrest or jilted sweetheart or… A threat against not just my life but my whole crew at the time.”

The grey stallion went quiet for a few beats before he continued. “In fact… It was one of these last situations which cost the life of somepony quite dear to me. And since then I’ve learned to watch out for these types of ponies. For the most part I’ve been lucky—barring a few monetary losses and minor injuries—but it has never been easy.

“And, Bryce Smales, as it often happens, everypony’s luck, in time, runs out. And you had a big chunk bitten off after a pardon of this magnitude, if you have any left at all.”

The stallion placed his forelegs on the table and rested his head on his crossed hooves. “So, rather you heed an aged stallion’s words or not is up to you, but they are words you needed to hear.” With this said, he slid the bottle back to the human.

Bryce waited a beat before he grabbed said bottle. He looked at what remained at the bottom, thinking on what to say. He opened his mouth once, twice, but shut it both times. He wanted to refute this claim; but as it happened, he could not.

His feelings on the stallion’s speech summed up his feelings: “I want to tell you you’re wrong, but I haven’t seen Thunderlane since a couple days before Nightmare Night.” He waited a second before he added: “Well, that’s what I remember; Bait’s told me Thunderlane and I talked on that night, but…” He shrugged as he swirled the bottle by its neck. “I don’t even remember putting on my costume that night.”

The stallion tapped a hoof on the table a few times. “Well—be that as it may—my nephew seems to have told you only half the story.”

“What do you mean by ‘half’?” Bryce asked as he stopped the bottle mid-swirl.

“According to my nephew, he found a certain pegasus we all know trying to mess with a cup of punch. And, according to my nephew, it happened no more than half an hour before your…less than…pleasant…”

He struggled for a proper word before he decided to move on to the matter at hand. “Regardless, Bait seems to have come upon this certain pegasus trying to contaminate said punch. At the time he did not know what this pegasus meant to add—and he was certain he talked him out of doing so—but from what happened not long after…” The stallion held a limp hoof in Bryce’s direction.

Bryce had to think on this. “Well, it seems…wrong.”

“Yes,” Ponzi said in agreement, “what Thunderlane has done was wrong. I don’t care what happened between you two, what he did put many lives at risk.”

“Yeah… No…”

“‘No’, you think he did nothing wrong, or ‘no’, you do not believe me.”

“I… I believe you—Bait saw Thunderlane. But to think Thunderlane could…”

“I don’t know what could drive anypony to do something so heinous to another, but he may well have done so to you. I just want to make sure of one thing: you do not retaliate. If you do anything to bring him harm you will only play into this game; he has you doing what he wants.”

Bryce tapped his balled-up fist on the table. “I… I won’t… I wouldn’t…” He did not know why but something felt off about the situation. It felt as if he could understand the stallion—and his logic made near if not perfect sense—but it felt wrong.

“Good…” Ponzi said after a few raps of Bryce’s fist on the table. “I was hoping for that answer. But I need better than that.” He clopped a hoof on the table, grabbing the human’s attention. “I need you to promise me you will do nothing to bring harm—rather on purpose or by proxy—to the pegasus named Thunderlane.”

Bryce stared the grey stallion in his yellow-rimmed eyes—eyes the same color as a freshly-minted bit. Looking him in the eyes made Bryce doubt the situation more than before; he felt he had no reason to go after Thunderlane. Not for the events on Nightmare Night, at least.

Regardless, Bryce found himself nodding.

“No, I need you to hear you say so—a nod means nothing!”

Bryce stammered out. “I… I promise… I won’t bother Thunderlane if he doesn’t bother me.”

“Good,” Ponzi said a few seconds before he broke the stare. “Now, is there anything else you wish to discuss?”

Bryce needed only a second to consider the question before he shook his head.

“Okay then. Do you have a tab you need to pay?”

Bryce shook his head again. “No, the mare from before—the one you called ‘Legate Rheda’—took care of it.”

“Well, I shall still be sure to leave a tip. When you are ready to leave allow me to escort you back to the farm.”

Bryce swirled the bottle a few more times before he tilted it back and downed the contents. He again thought of how awful the liqueur could have been without the perfect balance of sweetness. After he slammed the bottle down on the table he said, “Let’s go then.”

They both left, unaware of how long the road towards the apple farm would be for them.


Cocoa Beurre laid in bed, trying in vain for more than two hours to try and go to sleep, if only to bring an end to this rotten day. After the tiring events of the evening one may think her body wanted nothing more but to rest, but with her mind abuzz it made the possibility of sleep impossible.

For the umpteenth time now the mare rolled over, trying another position to try and bring her comfort she could not find. She had tried sleeping on all sides, sometimes with a pillow between her hindlegs, sometimes holding said pillow close, and a few times with no pillow at all. Regardless of the position the result was the same: sleep would not come.

She stayed in this new position for only a few seconds before she sighed in defeat, deciding to accept she could not win tonight. She flipped onto her back, choosing to stare at the ceiling until either sleep took her or morning came, whichever came first.

It hurt her to be this way; not only to be unable to allow her mind to go to a world of its own creation but to be separate from her husband and fillies, be it a holiday or an ordinary day. Not only this, but to know she was being selfish to Almond and Pecan, and not caring that she was.

All this together burdened her mind, but she could see no grand solution to any of these problems—her mind was made up. The twins be damned, she wasn’t going to allow them to be put in another situation like this, not one where they wailed from pain so unknown and beyond understanding it could make a stone shed tears.

Whatever reward this cooking nonsense may bring to them, the risk was too great for the mother mare to handle.

They either made peace with this decision or live life miserable. If they were safe, then everything was okay by her.

As she rolled this thought over countless times—all the while with a sour look on her face—there came a pounding of hooves down the hallway. This pounding was one she had come to know from eight years motherhood: either something great had happened, somepony wanted something, or something was not good.

She knew it could not be something great: not after a night like tonight, and most certainly with Hearth’s Warming being a month away.

She hoped it was not Pecan begging, if not demanding she and her sister be allowed to cook; she would not have it, no matter how the filly cried.

If it were the last of these, she had to wonder what, if anything could make the night worse than before.

She rolled over towards the door in time to hear the pony on the other side reach the door. If it were not for the heavy dresser standing over the door this pony would have entered. After trying the doorknob in vain a few times, the pony on the other end took to banging their hoof on the wood.

“Cocoa, open up!” It was Kernal, who from the sound of him made her third guess correct: something was not good, and possibly worse than ever.

In a panic, Cocoa leapt out of bed, only to belly flop onto the floor: her thrashing over the past couple of hours had caused the covers to wrap themselves around one of her hindlegs. She looked back to see this and saw the other end of the blanket stuck to a bedpost; she had trapped herself in a makeshift snare.

As the seconds passed the pounding on the door intensified. “Cocoa, are you alright in there?!”

Cocoa struggled to free herself from the sheets—and if she were to calm herself it may have found the binding on her leg to be a simple knot—but the situation seemed dire. Without hesitation her horn lit up in a chocolate-brown glow, with the target being an edge of the sheet just below her wrapped hindleg. In an instant a loud rip filled the room, and she became free.

The mare scrambled to her hooves, using her magic to hurl the dresser away from the door at the same time. When she opened the door—after multiple failed attempts to turn the knob with her hooves—she found the chestnut stallion standing there, his own panic clear.

Before she could ask ‘what was wrong?’, the stallion blurted out, “Cocoa, the kitchen is on fire! After I put the girls to bed, I went to sleep on the couch, but we didn’t know about the oven!”

Cocoa drew in a short, pained breath. She did not think of the fire long. “Kernal, les filles!”

She tried to rush further down the hall—towards the twins’ bedroom and away from the front door—but Kernal stopped her in time. “They’re okay; I’ve already got them outside. I only came back to get you.” He motioned for the mare to come on, who did so while failing to notice the stallion’s sudden loss of worry.

What she did notice, as she entered the living room, was that a pair of certain fillies stood between said room and the kitchen. When she stood a few steps away she came to a stop, mouth agape. “Girls… Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec vous deux?!

They both looked at her as if they didn’t understand what their mother had said—this being only half true for Pecan.

“There is a fire!” She blurted out after a few beats. “What are you still-” She turned back to her husband. “Vous bâtard trompeur You said you-!”- Before he could utter a word the mare berated him for a few seconds, stopping herself only when she remembered they were all in danger. “I will deal with you later! For now, we need to leave!” She picked the fillies up in her magic and made for the door.

“Wait, Mom!” Pecan called.

“Mama, please!” Almond called.

Before Cocoa could reach the door Kernal rushed ahead and stood between her and the door. “Cocoa, if you will allow us a moment, we-”

The mare shot the stallion a deep stare. “What is zee matter with vous?! You see we are about to burn alive, non?!”

“Well…” Kernal began, trying to regain a little composure. “Can… Can you…?”

She waved a hoof behind her towards the kitchen. “You see the fire, non?”

“Well…” He pointed to the same place behind her, if only to make her understand.

The mare took the bait. When she looked back, she could swear she saw the air shimmer from the heat of roaring flames in the kitchen entryway. But as the seconds passed by, she realised her mind had only seen it this way.

The air was clean; there was not the slightest smell of smoke, and the only light came from the ceiling lights.

And as her panic lifted, she sniffed the air, taking in as much air her lungs could allow once, then twice, then a third, slower inhale. The house did not have the foul, lung-burning odor of smoke at all.

It was the opposite: the house smelled as if somepony had cooked a good meal.

And this made the mare change from worrying for her and her family’s lives to wondering what her family had done behind her back this time.

She looked back to Kernal, who now stood with a strained grin across his face, one which served to make her narrow her eyes further. “What. Did. You. Do?” She asked in a low voice.

Kernal rubbed the back of his neck, trying to look anywhere but in her direction. He knew when he did this it had the possibility of breaking everything he and Cocoa had made together forever, but worth it if only to make everything go well for Almond and Cocoa. Damn him if she must, the girls were more important.

“Cocoa I’m sorry for tricking you, but I knew of no other way,” he began.

Whatever he had planned to say next prove worthless as the mare blew him off and trotted towards the kitchen entryway, making sure to place the fillies down with care before she did so.

The smell of a good, homecooked meal became stronger with each step, and when she reached the kitchen, she found the reason why: somepony had been cooking inside her house; the mess these certain someponies had left made it plain.

She looked back to Kernal and the twins—with the latter two standing behind the stallion to try and hide themselves. “What is this?” She asked, not needing to know what lay before her.

“It’s…Thanksgiving dinner…” He answered, still holding a strained grin. “We finished…” He stated, but added, “Well, the girls did most of the work; I handled the hot parts.”

Cocoa’s head darted back-and-forth between her husband and the kitchen. She did not know what to make of the stallion, much less what, if anything she wanted to do. Her husband had gone against her and had roped the girls into his scheme. They had made her believe not only was the house on fire but that her fillies were safe outside. To Tartarus with how good the food smelt, she would not have it.

In time, she settled her gaze back on Kernal, showing the stallion a dark, sour look. She opened her mouth to speak—ready to yell at him with a shout with enough unrelenting force to blow him and any small object into the living room wall, but Kernal managed to stop her with a simple utterance familiar to anyone, “I’m sorry.”

The mare looked at him dumbfounded. The breath in her lungs left her open mouth.

Kernal continued, “I know this was one of the most awful things anypony could have ever done. For now, I don’t regret it, but I knew of no other way to make you come out.”

He stepped forward until he was within a foreleg’s length of her. He pointed past the kitchen and into the dining room.

Cocoa followed the outstretched hoof but was unsure of how to take it. She made to speak once more but Kernal again jumped in, “Please. You can do with me as you see fit afterwards, but for the girls’ sake allow them this.”

The mare hesitated for a few beats, unsure if she could take the results of what she knew lay ahead. It would of course be Thanksgiving dinner; a dinner she had not contributed to make.

She had not been able to prepare herself for what she saw, nor would she have been able to do so.

As she walked into the dining room, she found the table set for four, with the fine china plates, cloth napkins and fine silver candle holders in place, with the last holding the rooms only source of light. Also on the table—around the candles and within the encircled dinner plates—were six cooking dishes.

There should have been seven, she scolded herself for thinking.

The dish closest to her contained a heap of creamy almond garlic mashed potatoes, while next to it stood a gravy boat filled with gravy which flowed like water. The dish farthest from her held a green bean casserole, topped with crunchy fried onions and toasted almonds. These two dishes were no doubt Almond’s work, she knew.

Between these two side items, sitting on either side of the candle stick holders was a pie, one an orange pumpkin pie topped with toasted pecans and the other a gooey pecan pie. Both pies had been sliced into near perfect sections of eight, with each section topped with a modest dab of whipped cream.

At the center of the table, and between the two candles sat the main dish of the night: the seitan loaf. The loaf itself looked like a large, circular loaf of bread with the top cut in a lattice pattern. Though it looked like bread it was much thicker and made sure the table provided everypony with the necessary protein.

This last part was something Cocoa had not been expecting. This had been planned for her to make, but in her absence somepony had done it for her instead. She knew from before Kernal had done the actual cooking part, but she also knew he could never pull something like this off. As clumsy and inexperienced she was in the kitchen he was, by far, one of the worst cooks she had ever known, and she was somepony who had difficulty with scrambled eggs.

This then left only one possible culprit. Or, to be specific, two separate yet similar ones.

Cocoa turned back slowly, not sure how to take this revelation. She had not expected the meal to have been this well prepared, this well put together, done where she wanted to feast until her stomach bulged out, no matter who saw.

The mother mare’s face dissolved into a frown. She saw how worried, how scared her daughters looked, and she knew this had nothing to do with Bryce.

She had no choice but to agree with Kernal’s former accusation: she had been selfish, selfish to try and forbid them to make something like what had been set on the table. Their father may have heated it up but everything else was the work of Almond and Pecan.

A long, thin tear slip down her left cheek. “Qu'est-ce que j'ai fait?” She asked herself.

“Mom?” Pecan asked as Almond asked, “Mama?”

The mare stepped forward, leaving the remaining three ponies too surprised to react. When she reached the fillies she wrapped them in a big hug as she repeated, “Pouvez-vous vous pardonner maman?

Kernal waited until a after a few renditions of this question before he said, “Cocoa…?”

With her other foreleg she pulled the chestnut stallion’s head in close. They remained this way for a while, no one wanting to be the one to ruin the moment.

When Cocoa felt she had done enough she loosened her grip and backed away enough to look them each in the eye. She sucked in her lower lip, and with tears in her eyes did maybe the hardest thing she did that night. “Kernal… Amandine… Pécan… I am… I am… sorry…”

From there she broke down. She sat back on her rump and turned her head to the ground with her eyes shut tight; she could not bear to see them after everything she had done.

It was not long after she felt a small mass grab ahold of her left foreleg, then another similar mass grab ahold her right one. She did not feel the need to open her eyes until she felt a larger mass wrap itself around her neck.

What she saw continued to amaze her. All three ponies had felt the need to hold her as she had held them a moment before. She could not help but feel unworthy their forgiveness; how could anypony forgive somepony which such a hot nature?

When the three Nut ponies released her, they did as she had before and looked her in the eye. She could tell they all felt concern for her, though she did not see why; she had not been hurt, not physically. Instead, the only pony to have received an injury held the same look of concern for the mother mare as the other two Nut ponies.

And to know they felt this way for her—despite how she had yelled at them, had forbade them to do what lay behind her, had been jealous of not only Bryce but her twins as well—tore her heart out.

She turned her head down, unsure of how to feel. She wanted to retreat into her bedroom again, now more than ever. She may well have, if Kernal not asked her in the nick of time, “Cocoa, will you please sit down to dinner with us?”

The mare tensed, pulled between running, as her mind wanted, or sitting down and eating, as her body demanded. She had to speak slow, to keep herself from slipping into her foalhood Prench. “I…do not…” She began, causing the fillies’ concern to turn to sadness. But she was not finished; she was famished. “I…do not…want to…intrude…on this…happy…occasion… I will…take a plate…into…the kitchen…”

Had Almond not felt the need to intervene, the cream-colored mare would have done just this. “You can’t do that! We made this for the whole family!” She shouted.

“And that includes you!” Pecan added, pointing an accusatory hoof at the mare.

Cocoa had to do a double take. She thought it was Pecan who had spoken first, but then the filly she took to be ‘Almond’ talked to her in the same way. And it didn’t help when they both began to speak in turn.

“Even if you didn’t help, we don’t want you to eat alone.”

“Because we made it just for you.”

“We don’t want you to feel bad.”

“We just want to be together for Thanksgiving.”

“And if we don’t have you here then we might as well throw it away.”

“Yeah,” Pecan said. Then her eyes opened wide, only then understanding what Almond had said. She looked to her sister with a skeptical glance.

After a beat the usually timid filly's face sank into a begging stare. “Will you please sit down with us?”

Cocoa felt her voice shrivel in her throat. Again the ‘no’ the girls had been expecting refused to surface; as if the word itself had vanished, and with it it's power.

How she so wanted to leave now, and if the events of the evening had not left her famished, she could have brought herself to do so.

The loud, gut-wrenching growl of her stomach swayed the mare. With one growl the tension from before left, causing each pony to try in vain to suppress a giggle.

Cocoa placed a hoof over her mouth. “I’m sorry… It has been a while…”

Kernal had to bite on the inside of his cheek to keep his composure. “It’s alright…” He let out a snort. “After all, who could look at this,” he said with a wave of his hoof, “and not have their stomach give its two bits?”

Cocoa had to agree; her stomach had taken hold of her senses. The more she looked at it the more she wanted to devour everything like a pig at the trough.

If Kernal had not said something she may well have done so. “So, shall we?” He asked, his face once more showing a look of diminished hope.

Cocoa looked at the food, then to Kernal, and last to the twins, who though sure her mother would say ‘yes’, still had their doubts.

In fact, she had to do a double take on them yet again—she could not tell which twin was which, as she had been able to for months now.

The mare relented as her mouth crawled upwards into a small smile. She gave a nod.

And with this both fillies leapt for joy, each letting out breaths they had not known they had held. They each hugged each other, in disbelief at what they had done.

They wanted to believe they were the ones who had swayed their mother, a mother who was sometimes more stubborn than a cranky donkey. But the proof lay in the growl of hunger not a moment before. Their cooking had done this, and to them if a Thanksgiving meal was enough to soften the sternest of mares then what else could it do?

As their mother prepared to bring them apart—and enjoy the meal they had each helped to place before them—a pair of twin flashes filled the room. This served as something to be thankful for more than ever before on this once unfortunate now memorable Thanksgiving night.


While this sudden turn in fortune happened at the Nut house, Ponzi Scheme could state without a doubt the evening was about to take a turn from bad to worse.

‘How did he know this?’ one may ask? From the sudden intrusion of a certain pegasus both he and Bryce Smales knew.

“Hey, Bryce!” The slate grey stallion called from behind them.

For Bryce, the stallion calling his name was unwelcome, since it drew attention to him. For Ponzi, however, he felt the stallion may well be setting in motion another way to defame the human.

Though he thought this, Ponzi turned back, matching Bryce’s pace.

Thunderlane came trotting over, at first with a smile to see Bryce. His smile faltered when he spotted the human’s companion. He waited a few beats before he stated a single word under his breath. “You…”

Ponzi noted the three other pegasi who followed him: his younger brother Rumble, he knew, but there were also a pair of mares he did not; mares with similar indigo fur and pale-blue manes.

The grey pegasus held his glare at Ponzi until Rumble said, “Lane, what are you doing? Don't waste their time; you're supposed to be getting me home.”

Thunderlane looked back, remembering this was what he had been told to do. In truth, he should have had Rumble back home more than an hour ago, but then he met up with his fillyfriend and lost track of time. His original plan was to get the colt home as fast as he could—if only to spend more time with Cloudchaser—but with Bryce he found a way to kill two birds with one stone.

His smile returned as he said, “I am; that's why I stopped Bryce.” He turned back to Bryce. “You don't mind getting my little bro home, do you?”

Before Bryce could reply, Cloudchaser pulled close to the stallion’s ear. “Lane, are you sure you want…him bringing Rumble home?” She whispered loud enough for all to hear.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?” He asked, confused by the question.

“Well, uhm, it’s… He’s the Nightmare Night Nightmare.”

He shot her a glare. “Don’t tell me you’re buying into that.”

“Yeah, it’s not like he would do anything to purposely put anypony in harm’s way,” Flitter stated, shooting him a glare.

“See, even she doesn’t believe that crap,” Thunderlane motioned with his head, though he was a little put off by Flitter’s look, oblivious to what it meant. “Rumble’s safe with Bryce; hay, we’re all safer with him around.”

This resulted in a look from both Flitter and Ponzi. Cloudchaser shrank back, praying the human had not heard her.

Spitfire, who had made a place around the base of his keeper’s mane, let out a ‘whoop’.

“I don’t know, Spits,” Thunderlane answered before he looked back to Bryce. “So, do you mind taking care of the squirt?”

“Lane,” Rumble said in protest, “Mom and Dad said we both had to come home.”

“I will… Just…later…” Rumble returned a sour look. “Come on; you get to go home, and I get to spend some more time out with Cloud. It’s a win-win.”

They both went quiet for a few beats before Bryce said, “Alright, I’ll get him home, if he’ll guide the way.”

As Bryce and the pegasi discussed this Ponzi stood back and questioned the slate-grey stallion’s motives. He did not trust him for a moment—and if anypony knew the full story who would?—but he could not believe anypony could place their sibling in harm’s way, if only to prove someone like Bryce was not to be trusted. Thunderlane had risked Rumble’s life once; he was almost certain would not do so again.


But the question remained: what did the pegasus have to prove by doing this? And further, what was he like when Bryce was not around?

Ponzi decided to remain quiet for now and ask questions once they were away from this certain pegasus.

“Okay, great, but it’s getting pretty dark,” he heard that certain pegasus say as he drew back into the conversation. “Spits,” he called, inciting a second ‘whoop’ to come from his mane. “Would you mind going with Bryce and Rumble to light the way if it gets too dark?”

Another ‘whoop’ came from the pegasus’ body, then a small black and yellow shape ran down one of the stallion’s forelegs and up one of Rumble’s, making its roost within the colt’s styled-back mane.

“Oh no, not on me!” Rumble said as he pulled the salamander from his mane. “If you’re coming with us you stick to Bryce.” He placed Spitfire on the ground.

The salamander took one look at the colt before seeing it was a lost cause. With another ‘whoop’ he crawled up one of Bryce’s cargo pants legs and took refuge inside one of the side pockets. He turned around a few times inside the cramped pocket before he settled on sitting with his head sticking out. He let out one more ‘whoop’ to let everyone know ‘I’m ready’.

“Alright, you guys stay safe,” Thunderlane said before he turned to leave. He stopped to look back and say, “And keep your hooves to yourselves.” It was directed at the middle-aged stallion, who returned a blank glare.

Cloudchaser followed her coltfriend, leaving Flitter with Bryce’s group. When her sister and Thunderlane stepped out of earshot she turned back to Bryce. She did a short lookover of the human, unable to not notice his pale complexion, the bandages on his left arm and most of all his pleasant-looking expression despite his current appearance.

She felt somepony needed to ask, as absentminded as she knew Cloudchaser to be, and as oblivious as that coltfriend of hers so often was. “Hey, are you really okay with taking Rumble home?”

Bryce looked like he needed to concentrate on unloading something before he said, “I already said I’d do it.”

“Yeah—I know that—but did you really want to? I don’t know how to say this, but… You don’t look…great…”

To be honest, he had not wanted to do anything else tonight. His hopes had been to make his way home and try to sleep off the effects of the alcohol; he hated how the stuff made him feel a certain way outside his control. But he could not bring himself to not help when asked.

He sucked in his lower lip before he said, “I don’t mind helping.”

Flitter considered the response, trying to understand why the human would not provide a ‘no’. She then offered this alternative: “Look, you really look like you should lie down. If you want, I can get Rumble home, just to make up for what happened with Cloudchaser the other day.”

It was a good offer to Bryce—and to Rumble and Ponzi as well—but he instead said, “I don’t mind doing it. I don’t want to keep you from your sister too long.”

This response threw the mare back. Not that he had rejected the offer but that she had been thinking about her sister being left alone with her coltfriend. She pressed one more time, if only to say she tried. “I can leave her alone for a little while. I already know where they’re going: one of the bigger bars decided to give out food after…” She cut herself short, meaning to finish by saying, ‘after what happened on Nightmare Night’, but she could not bring herself to upset him.

If she knew Bryce had been hearing her thoughts regardless, she would have chided herself more than she was now.

“Anyway, foals weren’t allowed in the late hours, so if you want I can-”

Bryce cut her off. “Really, I’m okay. It’s not far, and I need the air.” He said this for a multitude of reasons, but the biggest one was he wanted to end this conversation, so he could go back to the farm, with hopes to stay out of everypony’s way for a few days inside the barn.

Flitter knew now she could not convince him. With a sigh, she said, “Alright, but I really am sorry about the other day.” She almost choked on her next few words, wanting anything but to upset him or make him feel worse than he did now. “I… I don’t blame you for anything that happened. I don’t know much about you, but you don’t seem like a bad guy. I mean,” she let out a chuckle she did not mean to let out, “even though you did wreck the place that magic of yours is pretty cool.”

After she said this the smile which had plastered itself on her face melted away, leaving a shamed expression. “I… I’m sorry… Just…take care…” With this said she trotted off, wanting to make as much distance as possible between them both; not out of spite but out of her own embarrassment.

As the mare left it fell upon Ponzi to pull the attention to the matter at hand. “Now then, unless anyone has a reason to wait, I believe we were tasked with escorting Rumble home.” He looked at said colt, half knowing the way himself but preferring one who knew the whole way to guide them.

The colt blinked a few times before he understood the meaning. “Oh… Right… This way.”

They travelled down a few turns before Ponzi felt comfortable enough to ask, “How have things been with your brother, Rumble?”

Not expecting this, he did not answer at first. “Well, it's been a lot better since…” He looked to the side as Bryce, unsure if he should say anything about their time in Froggy Bottom Bogg.

Before he could get a word out of his mouth, Bryce answered, “He knows.”

Rumble trotted on a few steps before he remembered to close his mouth. He looked back to the grey-stallion. “It's gone better since Bryce saved us.”

“Is that so?” Ponzi asked. “From what Bryce told me it was Thunderlane who saved you.”

Rumble let out a snort. “Yeah, but did he also tell you he let me drown?”

Ponzi kept quiet a few steps before he said, “He did, but Bryce also told me he regretted allowing you to come to harm.”

“Yeah, he keeps saying he does. I already told him I forgave him I don't know how many times, but he keeps apologising. It bugs the hay out of me.”

Ponzi looked over to Bryce to see if he had heard. He appeared to be interested in something else, as if he expected something or somepony to jump out at them. He took it to mean he took the responsibility of watching the colt as if he were his own brother. From the way Bryce had wanted to paste Thunderlane for almost hurting Rumble before he may well do the same to anyone else.

“What else does your brother say?”

Though he was a colt, Rumble could still feel the stallion meant something else. “What does he say about what?”

“Well, about…” He motioned with his head towards the human.

Rumble let out a groan. “You'd think they were coltfriend and fillyfriend; and Lane’s the fillyfriend.”

“Oh, how so?”

“Lane, he's… It's like one of those ponies you see who are really into the Wonderbolts—and I mean in to the Wonderbolts. You'd think Bryce was somepony who everypony says they know, just to make themselves look cooler than they are.”

“So, I gather he...has only nice things to say...about Bryce?”

“’Nice’ is too nice a word. You'd think he was talking about Celestia herself the way he goes on. I mean, I'm grateful for what Bryce did—I really am—but it's annoying how much he looks up to him now. And this was the guy who once thought Bryce was worse than they make out Nightmare Moon to be on Nightmare Night…” He choked a little, regret filling in the pit of his stomach. “That's…not saying you're bad, Bryce, but with what happened that night… I mean…what did happen that night? Because Lane-”

Bryce raised a hand, silencing the colt. He asked something neither of the two ponies quite made out.

“I'm sorry?” Ponzi asked.

Bryce went quiet for a few beats before he said, “There it is again.”

They did not quite understand, but what little they could said one thing: Bryce had heard something, something they neither had heard nor could have seen.

They listened for a few beats. As far as they could tell, the three of them were the only living things out in this part of Ponyville—four, if one counted Spitfire, the salamander. Other than the four of them the street was deserted.

Ponzi and Rumble looked to Bryce, who still looked about as if searching for something, something that wasn’t there.

When he still found nothing, he called out, “Who's there?” Still the street remained quiet, void of anyone to call back.

“Bryce,” Ponzi said, out of concern, “you have had a rough night.” He drew in close and said under his breath, “And from the amount of alcohol you’ve had I'm afraid you may be more inebriated than you believe.”

“No… There's something…” He shut his eyes tight, then said, “Okay, both of you just shut up…”

The pair were a little taken back; more so since they had not said much if anything.

Before either of them could say this, Bryce said, “I mean your minds—shut them up.”

Ponzi could not understand why, but Rumble understood well. They both did their best to keep their minds blank of any and all thoughts, regardless of their experience.

After a tense few seconds, the human's eyes peeled open, revealing a low, bright glow. Rumble and Ponzi's minds went ablaze, unsure if this was something to be concerned with, or normal for the human they had come to know held strange, hard to comprehend abilities.

This did not bother Bryce, however, for he had found what he had been looking for. He stuck out a hand and pointed. “There…” He said, causing the two ponies' gazes to follow.

His finger led to an intersection, one where an open garbage can sat at the corner of a house. It was dark—almost too dark to see anything—but could make out the can from the way the moonlight reflected off its silver surface.

Spitfire stuck his head a little further out of Bryce's side pocket to see better. When he looked at the can he let out a growl.

Rumble let out a deep sigh. “That's all? It’s probably nothing but a rat or something. Here, watch.” He picked up a stone and chucked it at the silver can, which let out a loud, echoing clang. To prove there was nothing out of the ordinary, a pair of rats came scurrying out of the cans. The rodents ran off in different directions and out of sight.

Rumble stepped over towards the trash can to pick up the thrown stone. He looked back to Bryce with a doubting stare. “See.” He juggled the stone a few times before he asked, “What’s got you worked up? It’s not like anypony in their right mind would dare try to come at you. I know what I said before, but they’d have to be crazy to want to come after somepony like you.”

Ponzi had to agree: to say Bryce wanted to keep Rumble safe was one thing, but the human had been pure paranoid; and over rats of all creatures. “He looked over to Bryce with the same look as Rumble. “Bryce, whatever you think is happening I can assure you there’s nothing to worry about. Now, may we please bring Rumble home and get you into bed?”

Bryce did not turn to meet the stallion’s gaze. He instead kept his focus on the space above where Rumble now stood, glaring daggers at the corner of the house at the corner.

Then, in a tone which sounded gravely serious, Bryce said, “Don’t even think about it!”

A few beats later, in the time it took for Ponzi and Rumble to begin to fear for Bryce’s tired mind, Bryce shouted, “Rumble, get out of the way!”

Instead the colt froze, unable to do anything following the human’s outburst. When Bryce saw this, he did the only thing he knew to do. With a swipe of his hand he swept the colt away from his place next to the garbage can. With the colt out of the way he then used his other hand to send the small can flying upward.

Ponzi had to shield his face as a sizeable portion of the house above said can exploded, sending debris in all directions. While most of the debris flew past the two ponies—leaving them unharmed—a fist-sized chunk of timber hit Bryce in the chest sending him on to his back. He hissed from the pain, taking a few seconds to register the pain.

When he found himself able to ignore it, for the moment, he looked back to the same spot as before. “Damn it all!” He growled before he rolled over, pushed himself up and ran down the intersection.

Ponzi saw Bryce do this, and tried to call out to him, an attempt made in vain. He made to run after him but stopped when he heard Rumble let out a groan. Ponzi stared at the intersection for a beat before deciding to leave the human to whatever he meant to do.

He made his way to Rumble, bending down to have a closer look. “Are you alright?” He asked.

For the most part the colt looked okay; there did not appear to be any large pieces of debris from the house in or near him, which was good. The stallion did, however, notice the way the ground leading to the colt held an impression, as if he had skid to his current position.

Rumble let out another groan—not hurt bad but startled by the force of Bryce’s telekinetic shove combined with him sliding across the ground.

“Yeah, I’m okay,” he said after taking a few seconds to feel for any deep, physical pain. “Where’d… Where’d Bryce-?”

Before he could finish, said human came running back, with his attention now down the left way of the intersection. He ran a few yards before he stopped, taking in the area down the way. He found nothing out of the ordinary, ignoring the far-flung pieces of house he saw along the way.

He turned back to Ponzi and Rumble, who were still at the intersection of the two streets. In the distance a series of shouts arose and grew louder by the second.

Bryce ignored these, as well, and almost demanded of the two, “Did you see where it went?”

They stared at Bryce in disbelief, unsure of what, if anything he meant.

He asked again, with more force, “Did you see where it went?!”

They were more unsure now than before how, if any possible way they could respond. The glow in his eyes had since left, leaving him with dark grey eyes.

They looked at each other, worried how the human may respond.

Ponzi took a few steps towards Bryce. “Bryce, we didn't see anything.”

Bryce glared at the stallion in disbelief. “What do you mean; how could you not have seen…whatever that thing was. It was almost as big as that house,” he said, waving at the house at the intersection, which now had a big, gaping hole in its second storey. The garbage can which once sat on the corner lay on its side—all its contents sprawled across the ground and the can itself bowed in at the middle, as if it had come in contact with a heavy object, and hard.

He looked at Rumble. “Tell me you saw it—you were standing right under it!”

Rumble's mouth opened and shut, with only a low groan coming out each time.

Bryce looked back and forth between the two, in deeper disbelief than he read in their minds.

He looked up at the house, for once studying its features. It was two-storeys, maybe three if the upper eves held more than an attic. On one side was a balcony, one where anyone could get a great view of the street below.

And it now held a feature, one quite new and unlike any of the houses around it: a large hole which provide a clear view inside, without a sheet of glass to separate the two sides.

The more Bryce looked at the house he was sure he should remember it somehow, but in his intoxicated state he could not recall.

By then the commotion which had been so distant before came to a roar as the first of those to hear the racket flooded onto the scene. What they saw only confirmed what most of them had already led themselves to believe: the Nightmare Night Nightmare had struck again.

The world around Bryce fell away; he was dead to the world around him. The various shouts and words of scorn were nothing more than a high-pitched ringing in his ears.

Ponzi stood between the crowd and Rumble, seeing he was the only one who could defend the colt from this raging mob. While he did so he tried to quell their anger, tried in vain to explain this away; in his years as a con-stallion he had escaped many such situations. This time, however, proved to be pointless: the attention was not on him.

As the world continued to go wild around him Bryce stood with only one thought in mind: Rumble and Ponzi had not lied to him, despite how sure he had been.

Then, from amongst the crowd, a mare's voice shouted out, quieting them all and bringing Bryce back to reality: “Bryce, you stupid jackass!”

Soon Bryce's misfortunate Thanksgiving shall end. The sudden entrance of a certain mare shall lead to a tough decision for his sentence. The presence of another mare shall both harm and comfort him.

Who was this mare who condemned Bryce? Read the next chapter if you would know.

Behind Blue Eyes - The Who

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Chapter 83: Behind Blue Eyes - The Who

When Flitter reached the bar, she found her sister and Thunderlane waiting about a dozen ponies up from the end of the line. When she reached them, she asked if the stallion behind them minded her cutting. He allowed her in with a wave.

The mayor had decided to provide a little relief for those affected by Bryce's madness, though she also decided it best not to mention it had been Bryce who provided the bits for tonight's act of charity.

The line was a little shorter than it had been a half hour before, in large part because the mayor only allowed grown ponies this late, since it was still a bar. Drinks, of course, were not provided for free, though the owner offered a reduced cost for the holiday.

Still, the three pegasi had a spot in line about two dozen ponies outside the propped-open doors.

“What kept you, Flit? You didn't get your brains taken over, did you?” Cloudchaser twirled a hoof beside her head to emphasise.

“No, why would I?”

The mare did not answer for a few seconds before she said, “No reason. Just…asking… Because…we were with…” She came in close and whispered the one-word equivalent to shouting ‘Fire!’ in a crowded place: “Bryce.”

Flitter had taught her to do this, in part to not cause everypony in earshot to run in sheer terror but more so to avoid drawing the human any unnecessary, undesired attention, should he be present. Having anypony—let alone a mare like her sister—cry out his name begged to make problems regardless if he was around or not.

The stallion who had allowed her in the line had heard, and after shooting Flitter a questionable look he stepped out to take the place at the end of the line. If any of the three pegasi could have read his thoughts, they could have heard him think, Better safe than sorry.

Flitter ignored this, and replied, “I can promise you I'm fine.”

“Yeah, you'd really have to tick him off to make him want to do something like that,” Thunderlane added. He waited a beat before he said, “I know I did.” He stretched out a wing, one he still believed to be nothing more than to show his pony type.

“Well, now that you mention it, he did look a little grumpy,” Flitter said, matter-of-factly.

“Was he? Did he say why?”

“I didn't ask, but he looked… I don't know if beaten up is the right word. He looked drained, for sure, but he looked like somepony had done a number on him because he had bandages going up his…” Flitter ran her right hoof up her left foreleg, not knowing the human word for said limb. “And frankly, I think you're a jerk for not noticing.”

Thunderlane felt a little guilty now that he knew this information. “Did he… Did he say anything else?”

“I asked him if he minded taking Rumble—and he did, in case you care. But he didn't outright say it. He did say he didn't mind helping.”


“And what?”

“Did he say anything else?”

She shook her head. “No, that's it.”

“Well, did you say anything else to him?”

“Yeah, I offered to take Rumble home, but he insisted he do it. And I also said…” She looked down at the ground, still upset at herself for laughing at something which must be hard for Bryce to take. “I said something to him about Nightmare Night…”

Thunderlane narrowed his eyes. “What'd you say?”

“It…wasn't meant to be mean: I told him…” She leaned in as close as she could to the stallion's ear. “I told him what he did was ‘kinda cool'.” She drew back to look him in the eye. “But it wasn't in a mean way.”

Cloudchaser's eyes shot open in horror. “Why'd you tell him that?! What if… What if he wants to do it again?!” She questioned, trying her best to keep her voice down so only Flitter and Thunderlane could hear.

Flitter opened her mouth to try and dissuade her sister's thought. Shew would have done so if Thunderlane had not spoken first: “That's the last thing he'd want to do.”

Both mares looked to Thunderlane in surprise, each for different reasons. Flitter raised an eyebrow after a beat, unsure if he meant what he said. “You do know who I was talking to, right?”

“Bryce; who else? Unless you suddenly started talking about somepony else and I didn't catch it.”

Flitter could not believe it was Thunderlane saying this. She continued to stare. She hoped if she stayed quiet long enough, he might blurt something out.

Thunderlane raised an eyebrow. “What are you looking at? I'm sorry for putting him out of his way—now—but it's not like he would do anything to make himself look any worse. Not after what happened four weeks back.”

The questioning mare narrowed her eyes, remembering something Cloudchaser had said a while back. “Thunderlane, do you know why Bryce did what he did ‘four weeks back’?”

He narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, somepony poisoned him. I don't know who, but that's a jerk; not me.”

“Yeah… I guess whoever is responsible is a real jerk.” She went silent once more, goading the stallion to allow something, anything to slip.

After a few beats he raised an eyebrow. “Yeah…that's what I just said…”

She held her questioning glance a little longer before she asked, “So, what were you up to that night?”

“What night?”

She blinked a few times before she said, “Nightmare Night—what else? Unless you suddenly started talking about another night and I didn't catch it.”

This was enough to make the stallion's ramrod stance shake, enough to make it appear as if he had something to hide. “I… We were all there; you, me, Cloud. Oh, and Rumble, too.”

She kept quiet a few beats before she asked, “Is that everypony you saw?” She did not need to ask, but it just might be enough to make the arrogant stallion confess without knowing.

He thought a few seconds before he answered. “No, we were with Bryce. Well, I was; you, Cloud and Rumble left. You got mad because I didn't go help you two find a costume.”

Flitter kept silent before she asked, “What did you two do?”

While hesitant, Thunderlane answered, “We talked.” When she did not respond, he added something to only break the silence, “And we had a cup of punch.”

“What kind?” She shot back as soon as he finished.

“I… I don't know, it tasted sweet. Well, mine was; Bryce said his tasted funny.”

Flitter thought for a beat, her pressure building on the stallion's nerves. “Why was that?”

“Why was what?”

“Why did his taste funny and not yours?”

“I don't know. He just said ‘it tasted odd’ and it was ‘syrupy'. What does it matter?”

Flitter went silent again, choosing to try a different approach. “Nothing… I guess… Where were you though whenever everything went to…” She trailed off from there.

“What, you mean when he went total batshit crazy? I was… Well, I wasn't with him.”

Flitter knew this part from her sister: he was not with the human, but instead running away, as if from something ‘scary'. Perhaps something ‘Bryce scary'.

She felt she had him now, but first she needed to hear it from the stallion's own mouth. “Why were you running away?”

This made Thunderlane shoot her a sideways glance. “Run? When did I run?”

“Nightmare Night. Chase, tell'em.”

The other indigo pegasus, who had kept her peace for their exchange, jumped at mention of her name. She did not speak at first, still believing herself to be an observer. “Yeah… I saw you running away. I called you but you must not have heard me.”

“Was Bryce with him?” Flitter asked.

She shook her head. “No, he was alone.”

Thunderlane returned a scowl between the two mares. He in time settled on Flitter, who held the same expression. “Why are you asking me all this stuff?"

“Just asking; is that a crime?”

“No… But you’re not making any sense.”

“Hey, I’m just asking, what’s wrong with that?”

“Cause it’s… It’s like you’re…” He rolled it over in his head a few beats before he found the word. “What are you accusing me of?” Once more Flitter gave him the silent treatment. “I didn't do anything, if that's what you're trying to say. After what he did for me and Rumble that's the last thing I'd do.”

Flitter said nothing for a beat, then said, “Then what were you running from?”

“I wasn't…” Thunderlane swallowed hard; he could not deny what Cloudchaser had seen. “Okay, fine, I was running, but-”

Before he could say anything else there came a loud noise, as if something large had been fallen over or exploded. It made everypony in Ponyville fall silent now.

After a moment they heard somepony shout, “He's done it again! Bryce has gone mad again!”

It had the effect of making those with weaker willpower shout in fright and resolve to escape to the city limits to avoid Bryce's wrath. Those with the willpower to stay gathered, wanting to find the human and maybe minimize his destruction.

For the group of three pegasi, however, they had a different concern.

Cloudchaser saw this as further proof her sister had been mistaken, and she should have said something to warn everypony.

Flitter looked at Thunderlane, wondering how he had caused this latest disaster.

The worst was Thunderlane, who made his concern known with a single word: “Rumble…”

They ran, following the throng of everypony who found themselves able to take a stand against Bryce.


Bryce stood in disbelief, unsure of how to proceed. The wreckage of the house lay scattered about the ground, along with the former contents of the garbage can, which lay among the rubble bowed in at its middle.

Countless thoughts passed through his mind, each one lasting no more than a second before it became passed over with another. He thought of the Rumble, of Ponzi—wondering if they had been unharmed. Of the house which had been wrecked, and if anything living had been inside. He also thought about the crowd which piled in around him, only adding to this influx of thoughts, all shouting at him, itching him to move, to fight back so they had a reason, to leave and never return.

But by far the largest thought was on the large…thing he had seen not a moment before.

It had stood at the corner—as he had seen it—towering above the house. He had seen it move, shift its weight, question his—Bryce's—motives. It took Bryce to be ‘no more harmful than an earth pony, despite his larger, upright stature’.

He had heard it—so he believed—in his mind; the thing had thoughts of its own.

It had questioned whether it had been seen but did not speak out loud. It had seen the three of them as they came to the intersection. And when it had seen Rumble come close it meant to take him.

It had meant to take the colt—to run off with him into the Everfree Forest. For what he did not know, but Bryce would not allow this to happen.

Bryce remembered shouting at the Rumble to move, and when the colt went stiff, he shoved him out of the way with a mental push.

He could not remember much of what happened next, but he knew he had thrown the garbage can at it. Then the house had exploded every which way, with a large part landing in his chest. It hurt, bad, but he mentally blocked this out to chase after the beast.

At least, this is what he planned to do. He ran up one side of the street and down the other, but except for him, Ponzi Scheme and Rumble the intersection was empty.

Had been empty. Since that time—how long, he did not know—he had stood shell shocked, unable to believe what he had done. He looked about without comprehending what he saw, heard everypony—both with his ears and within his mind—but understood nothing. In time a loud ringing in his ears drowned all of this out and he stood, staring at the spot where the thing had once stood.

Perhaps had stood.

Could have stood.

Where it was supposed to have stood.

But now there stood only empty space and a large, gaping hole which opened into a room; a bedroom, to be precise. A bedroom he felt he should know, as if he had been there before.

Then he looked down to the ground. Among the pieces of the house sat a small pony doll, carved out of wood and painted a bright yellow color. He knew it to be his work as well as he knew the name its owner had given it. He said it under his breath, wishing he was wrong but knowing he was anything but: “Lemon Scone…”

As he finished saying this a cry came out over the crowd, drawing them all to silence and Bryce out of his stupor: “Bryce, you stupid jackass!”

At the mare's shout the crowd parted to reveal a rather pissed Amethyst Star, who galloped forth, prepared to sock him in the jaw.

Had Ponzi not been there to come between them she may well have done so.

He held up a hoof bringing the mare to a halt. “Miss Star, there is a reasonable explanation for this.”

She gritted her teeth. “Oh, I'm sure there is!” She looked past the grey stallion and glared at Bryce. “Well, let's hear it!”

Bryce said nothing at first, unsure if he should give his side. He sucked in his lip and looked to where he had seen the towering creature. He decided it better to try than say nothing; he knew he would be damned regardless of what he said.

He looked to the crowd, then to Amethyst, who stood with Ditzy and Dinky. The latter two looked more concerned than upset.

He could also see Bait there as well, though he stood apart from them to avoid being noticed; he wanted to avoid attention, since his statement on Nightmare Night could serve to further worsen Bryce’s standing.

“I saw… I don't know…”

At this point Thunderlane came dashing onto the scene. When he spotted Rumble, he let out a sigh of relief. He wrapped the colt up in a big hug, much to his annoyance. “Lane, let go; I’m fine!”

He did so. “Sorry, it’s just…” He looked about, only now seeing the damage around him. “What…? What happened here?”

“That's what Bryce was about to tell us,” Amethyst said in annoyance, not caring what he had to say to begin with.

“And I would love to know, as well,” Mayor Mare said as she trotted her way into everyone's view.

Bryce looked to the three ponies: first, to the mayor, who took him in with an observant stare; next, to Amethyst, who one could tell did not need to say where she stood; last, to Thunderlane, who was unsure of what to think.

Bryce sucked in his lip once more then blew a sigh out of his nose. He knew how this looked, but he was still certain of what he believed, of what he had seen. He knew he was damned by everypony for sure; he had nothing to lose.

He pointed to the corner below Ditzy's house. “It was right there, and it was big. Big and tall. It tried… It tried to grab Rumble,” he pointed to the colt, causing Thunderlane to worry more. “I threw the garbage can at it.”

He said nothing for a beat, then continued, “Then the house…exploded at us, and I tried to chase it.”

The crowd said nothing for now, save for Amethyst, who pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. “That's what happened?”

Bryce nodded, not raising his eyes to look at the magenta mare.

“Then where is it?”

All eyes turned on Bryce, waiting to hear an explanation for the absence of this ‘thing’.

He said his answer under his breath.

“What was that?!” Amethyst demanded.

He swallowed the lump in his throat. “It’s…gone…” An uproar resounded among the crowd—everypony had expected this answer—but still Bryce tried to explain further. “I tried to chase it—after the house exploded—but I couldn’t find it. I ran up one way”, he motioned with his hands, “then down the other,” he motioned down the opposite way. “But it was gone.”

“How convenient!” Somepony shouted.

The crowd began to speak up once again, which took a quick, “Quiet!” from the mayor to control. The aged, beige mare looked the crowd over once to ensure they did as told; she was not about to allow another mob to attack the human like one had a few weeks before.

She turned to Bryce, unsure of how to rule. Not that she did not want to have the Guard take the human away—she planned to do so unless somepony could corroborate his version of the story. The problem lay in how to take him in, and when he reached the jail ensure he could not get out, if not somehow escape.

“Mr Smales, you must realise this is difficult for anypony to believe.”

“I know, but-”

She could not allow him to finish. “Unless there are any witnesses, I’m afraid I may have no other choice but to have you put in jail to await a proper trial.” She went silent for a beat before she looked to Rumble. “I take it you are ‘Rumble’.”

The colt nodded. “Yes ma'am.”

“Can you in any way agree with Mr Smales’ story; did anything large try to pick you up?”

He looked between her and Bryce. From beside him Thunderlane said, “Go on, Rumble, tell her what you saw.”

He flinched back from the slate-grey stallion; Bryce looked upset enough but what he had to say may well make his brother sock him for telling a lie which was anything but.

He hated what he said next, sure Thunderlane may do him harm, but it was only right. He looked the mayor in the eye, and stated, “I didn't… I didn't see anything.”

“You see, Bryce was right to do what he did!” Thunderlane exclaimed. It was not until everypony began to cause a ruckus he realise what Rumble had said. He glared at the colt. “What do you mean you didn't?! From what Bryce said you were right under whatever it was!”

“Lane, I'm not lying. I threw a rock at the trash can but the biggest thing I saw were a pair of rats; and they left before…all this…” He hinted to the rubble around them. “You can ask him; he was there.” He pointed a hoof in Ponzi Scheme's direction.

Whatever anger he felt at Rumble shifted when he saw the middle-aged stallion.

Mayor Mare looked at Ponzi. “Is this true? Were you present during these events?”

Ponzi had hoped to avoid notice, though he knew he never could have to begin with. He wanted to lie and say he had, but he could not think of anything to convince everypony at such a pressing moment.

He cleared his throat, trying his best to avoid looking at the human. “I do not wish to incriminate my friend… But…I did not see anything out of the ordinary.”

Thunderlane was quick to shout back, “Like anypony can trust a word you say, you scam artist!”

The mare stomped her hoof down, drawing the pegasus’ attention. “Thunderlane—unless you were present—I will ask you to keep your personal opinions to yourself.”

“It's not an opinion—this guy's a scam artist! Just a few months back he scammed me out of a lot of bits!”

“And why did I do that?” Ponzi asked in a calm tone.

“To get back the bits I made from stealing Bryce's watch!” It took a beat before Thunderlane realised what he let slip. His blood went cold.

“If that's the case then why should I believe you over him?” The mayor asked.

“Well… Uh… Fine, I stole Bryce's watch and pawned it, but I'm sure Bryce is telling the truth.”

Mayor Mare blinked a few times. “Thunderlane, I have already had two different witnesses state they saw nothing ‘larger than a rat’. What else should—correction—can I go on?”

Thunderlane began to sweat. He looked around for something, anything to prove Bryce told the truth.

Then, from a short distance away, he heard a high-pitched ‘whoop’. “What's that?” He asked. After a few more ‘whoops’—to the confusion of the crowd—a smile spread across his face. He scooped up the source of the sound and held it up high. “Right here; here's your proof!”

In his hoof lay Spitfire, the salamander, who had also been witness to the events of the last few minutes.

Everypony present felt a migraine forming. “Mr Thunderlane, have you-” The mayor began before a series of ‘whoops’ echoed through the intersection.

Every few ‘whoops’ Thunderlane gave his agreement, acting as if the noise the salamander made held any meaning.

When the salamander finished his statement, Thunderlane cried, “You tell'em, Spits!” He looked out at everyone, shocked to see they did not share his look of surprise.

In response, Spitfire let out one more ‘whoop’, as if saying, “I don't think they can understand me, Thunderlane.”

The smile melted from said stallion's face as it hit him. “Oh… Right…” He chuckled before he said, “Let him say it again; I can translate.”

Before he could waste anypony's time further, the mayor interjected. “Mr Thunderlane—regardless of what, if anything that means—I'm afraid we cannot leave the guilt or innocence of Mr Smales up to a…lizard. You must either choose someone else or—for the sake of everypony's sanity—please keep quiet!"

She waited a few beats for him to decide, thankful he chose the more prudent choice. After mentally shaking off the stallion's words she turned to Bryce. “Mr Smales, do you have anything to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt you were not the true culprit of this…mindless act of vandalism?”

Bryce said nothing—what more did he have to say?

After waiting a respectable amount of time, the mayor turned to the crowd. “Is the owner of this house present?”

Ditzy raised a hoof. “Yes, Miss Mayor; it's my house.”

“Miss Doo, since this is your home, do you wish to press charges against Mr Smales?”

She looked to Bryce, not needing time to consider the question. “No, I don't. I can't bring charges against mine and Dinky's friend.”

“Are you joking?!” Amethyst demanded. “Look at what he did to Dinky's room! I mean, with the amount of damage alone I doubt we can legally call it habitable!”

The mayor looked the hole over and sighed. “I’m afraid I have to agree: there is no telling yet how much damage has been done to the structure as a whole.” She looked to Ditzy. “Until it can be inspected you must find someplace else to reside. Now, with this in mind, are you certain you do not wish to press charges?”

The walleyed mare did not hesitate when she said. “Yes, I’m sure. After everything that’s happened today, I don’t want to cause him any more trouble.”

The crowd groaned in retort, with a few either booing or crying for the mayor to deliver her sentence.

She clopped her hoof down as a call for order, which they obeyed. “Unless anypony has anything—anything relevant to the matter currently at hoof—I believe I am still mayor.” She turned to Bryce with a stern expression. “Mr Smales, since Miss Doo does not wish to press charges against you your crime is not as damning. However, I will still need to bring a charge of foal endangerment. While I feel it was not your intention, your actions tonight placed a foal’s life in danger.”

While the mayor spoke, Amethyst tried to speak up, but a quick snap from Ditzy silenced her. “Amethyst Star, don’t you even dare! He is a friend to this family, and if you do anything to make his life worse tonight you can find someplace else to stay while the house is repaired!”

Friend?! This jackass left us with no place to stay and almost got Dinky killed, and you’re going to forget all that because he’s a friend?!”

“Yes; I am. If he felt he had a reason to do what he did I believe him. And don’t you bring that up again—Dinky is fine!”

Before they could continue their conversation, the mayor butted in, “Do either of you have something to add?!”

The two mares glared at each other, daring the other to speak. In time, Amethyst craned her head around and said, “No ma’am; nothing at all…”

The mayor waited a beat, to make sure everypony held their peace, then she turned to Bryce once more. “Now, Mr Smales, I’m afraid I must ask you to come with me.” She turned on the crowd; she had to lay down the law with them all here and now. “And if anypony does not agree with my ruling, and further feels the need to take matters into their own hooves again, I will not hesitate to place you in the same cell as Mr Smales.”

She looked on Bryce one more time. She hoped he would not give her or anypony a reason to cause further ruckus tonight. She knew he had the ability now to end them all with a single swipe of his hand, but he had contained himself, for reasons outside her understanding.

She cleared her throat, and said, “Mr Smales, if there is nothing else, I must ask you to come-“

“Come on, you can’t be serious!” Thunderlane shouted. “He’s being set up or… Or… This isn’t something he’d do, not without-“

Mr Thunderlane, I have already asked you to remain quiet once. If I must ask you again, I will have you charged with obstruction of justice.”

The stallion opened his mouth to gab on. His own life be damned, he would not allow the human to go down without somepony to speak for his defence, not after everything they had gone through.

Before he could, he heard a thought not his own enter his head. “Thunderlane, just let it go…” The stallion looked to Bryce, doubting at first what he heard. When he saw Bryce’s face—lined in defeat—he knew it had been true. “Whatever you’re doing this for,” Bryce thought inside the stallion’s head, “it’s not worth throwing your life away.

Thunderlane stared for a few beats before he resigned himself to Bryce’s way of thinking. As much as it pained him, he nodded. He looked back to the mayor, his face in a sullen glare.

When Thunderlane said nothing further the mayor mentally thanked Celestia she had only the human to worry about. She turned to the crowd again. “Does anypony have anything in favor of Bryce they would like to make known? Anything to prove without a shadow of a doubt Bryce Smales committed these actions with benevolent intent?”

Her words echoed through the street. They were the only sound to come out for a full minute.

At last, feeling there was no more for anypony to say—whether it be for or against the human—Mayor Mare began to ask Bryce once again, “Mr Smales, as it seems there is nopony who can validate your story—or provide probable cause, for that matter—will you please come-?”

At that moment—in a sudden outburst which made the mayor mare want to pull her mane and tail hair from its roots—a mare cried out, “Bryce is telling the truth!”

Everyone looked around, questioning who had made this known only now. It was not until Bryce looked in front of him to find the purple and pink variegated tail of the mare. She stood only on three of her legs—her right foreleg she held up, as if she was unable to stand on the limb. Her hair and fur looked to be in a mess.

Before he could say anything, she spoke up again, “There was something big; it was bigger than Ditzy’s house.” By the time she finished her second statement everypony spotted the mare, who stood with Bryce’s group. Everypony was amazed to see the mare, amazed by the beauty of the mare, a beauty poetry had been made in reference towards and nations had crumbled.

Mayor Mare was at a loss, unsure of how to take this sudden intrusion. She shook her head to clear her mind. “Miss…”

“Mina,” she said. “My name is Mina.”

“Yes… Miss Mina… You…claim to have seen this…whatever Mr Smales claims to have seen.”

“Not just saw, he attacked it! And it was like he said: it tried to grab Rumble.”

The mayor took this with a skeptic’s mind—most everypony did.

“Miss Mina, if I might ask, where were you from the time this creature tried to grab Rumble up to now?

The mare pointed down the street leading left at the intersection. “I was over there when I spotted Bryce and the other two. It was dark but I saw…I don’t know… It was big—bigger than Ditzy’s house. It was standing there at the corner. It went quiet and then I saw Rumble throw a rock at the trash can, and like he said two rats came out. Then, when Rumble went to pick up the rock, the thing tried to grab him. And if Bryce hadn’t been there… There’s no telling what might have happened.”

They all heard the mare’s retelling of her view of the events. Regardless they remained skeptical; they could not help but see it as a repeat of Bryce’s story.

“If that’s how it happened how in Tartarus do you explain the big gaping hole in your story?” Amethyst asked. “That being, the big gaping hole.” She pointed to the hole which opened into Dinky’s bedroom. As if to confirm its existence a piece of drywall fell loose from the wall and hit the ground breaking into chunks.

Mina looked the mare dead in the eye and said, “The thing did that! After Bryce threw the trash at it, it stuck its hand into your house and threw the whole side of your house at him.” She mimed these actions with her left foreleg, with her right on the ground to keep her steady, as shaky as the limbed appeared.

Bryce noticed how the movement made the mare wince. He had to know if she was okay, whether what she had to say helped put him in the right be damned. “Mina, what happened to your leg?”

This question brought the mare’s physical state to the attention of everypony; she looked to have been injured.

“Let me guess, this thing that threw part of our house at Bryce also somehow hit you too?” Amethyst asked in a sarcastic tone.

“No,” Mina replied, hurt by the accusation. “It was after. After the creature wrecked your house it came running my way. It spotted me and tried to take me. It managed to grab a hold of my leg—like, it was trying to pull it from the socket—but I blasted it in the face, and it let me go.” She mimed the movements now as she had before, but this time the pain proved to be too much. She fell to the ground on her right side.

Bryce rushed to her side, taking a knee to be closer to her. “Mina, are you-?”

“I’ll be-“ She let out another hiss, the pain making itself known in full force.

He tried to hold back the worry he felt. He began to rub his hands together, to try and force a drip of his life force to spring up. He tried this for a few seconds, but nothing came up; his panic for the mare’s wellbeing made him unable to concentrate well enough.

After trying in vain for a few more seconds he felt a firm hoof push him back. “Bryce, I appreciate your concern, but please let a professional take care of this!”

Bryce fell back on his bottom, surprised but happy to see it was Nurse Tenderheart; he knew Mina would be in good hooves. She was not in her nurse's outfit, but she did not need to be; one could tell by her actions she knew what she was doing.

The last thing he heard between the two came from Nurse Tenderheart, when she asked, “Ma’am, can you please tell me your name?”

He was drawn away from them when Mayor Mare called him out. “Mr Smales, if I could have a word.”

He looked to the beige mare, who appeared both worried for Mina and moved to further uncertainty by the mare’s statement. He gave Mina one more look, knowing she was in good hooves.

He stood and walked over to the mayor. She looked him over a few times before she let out a deep sigh. She turned to the crowd, unsure of how to take this sudden turn of events.

Then somepony asked, “Well, are you going to send him to jail or not?!”

The crowd had begun to start a ruckus, knowing full well why she did not answer.

All demanded she disregard what the mare had said and condemn the human, with the main reason being: ‘It’s Bryce; what more reason do you need?!’

She gritted her teeth, knowing she needed to regain control. “Everypony, may I have your attention, please!” They fell silent, not sure what the mare had to say, but from the way she spoke certain they would not like it.

“In light of this sudden testimony, I have no choice…but to…” She hesitated again, not knowing if she could stomach what she had to say.

Then Bait asked her, not caring if he became noticed, “Come on, can you really believe anypony would harm themselves like that?!” He pointed to the mare who Nurse Tenderheart still tended to.

It had the desired effect. The mayor’s will broke; regardless of how the crowd pressured her, and further how she might have felt this proved Bryce may have been in the right.

She swallowed the lump in her throat. “No, I can’t,” she said under her breath, causing a rumble to roll through the crowd. “I have no choice but to release Mr Bryce Smales into his own recognizance, and I fully intend to take a statement later.” She stared the crowd down, daring them to debate her on this decision. “And when I say ‘take a statement’ I mean just Mr Smales and myself.”

A shout rang out from the crowd, one she was quick to silence.

“Regardless of how you may all feel, I judge there to be sufficient evidence Mr Smales may be in the right.”

It had the expected effect amongst the crowd of ponies.

“It was Bryce! He's messed with her brain!” One pony shouted.

“Hey, you shut your mouth!” Bryce shouted. “She's my friend, and so is Rumble; anyone who tried to do that to them will have to deal with me too!”

“Mr Smales, please, contain yourself,” the mayor pleaded. She drew in close and said under her breath. “I'm allowing you this pass because from this mare's information you may well be innocent. Innocent of foal endangerment, mind you, but only just. After you leave here, I would appreciate it if you stayed away from Ponyville—for your own safety.”

Though her mouth said this, she worried more for the safety of her town, and those who lived there. She only half believed what the mare had said, but only just. If she had him placed in prison, she knew he had the ability to break his way out. And if he went crazy again better it be at Sweet Apple Acres, where fewer ponies’ live were at risk.

After she allowed the mare time to recover, she intended to pay this Mina a visit at Ponyville General, and afterwards take the human’s statement. “Now, please finish whatever business you have here and return to whatever place you call home until I say otherwise.”

Bryce looked to the ground, having heard everything—both from her own mouth and within her mind. In truth, he still wondered himself if he had seen anything. He returned a nod.

“Great. Thank you. Now, if you don't mind…”

Bryce took the hint and stood. Around him the crowd had begun to disperse, with those who felt they had the will to face the human staying to make sure nothing else happened.

He looked to Ditzy and her family. Regardless of who was at fault they had no place to stay. “What about them? Because of… What happened they're homeless.”

Ditzy had heard and tried to brush it off. “It's okay; we'll manage… Somehow… I have a few bits in the bank, and it should-”

“Derpy!” Amethyst shouted. “We barely have enough to stay a few nights at a motel; and that's if I put in all the bits I have saved and we stay at the cheapest one. And we can't do that even; thanks to…” She thrust a hoof in Bryce's direction, not wanting to say his name. “…your friend, they're all booked until Celestia knows when!”

She then pointed at the house. “And let's not forget even if we decided against that and paid to fix this mess, we don't have enough put together to cover it, much less actually fix it!”

Ditzy bit on her lower lip; she knew this to be true. She did not blame Bryce for anything—and she was one of the few who still held this opinion—but they were as Amethyst said: homeless and unable to keep a roof over their heads for long.

Before she could think of a response, Ponzi stepped in. “Miss Doo, I believe I may be able to help,” he said with a smile. “Well, for the repairs to your home—with that I can offer assistance.” His smile shrank once he said, “As to where you can stay, I'm afraid…”

Ditzy tried to hold back tears. She was thankful for her Ponzi Scheme’s charity, but it only solved one problem. She said the only thing she could to such an offer, “Thank you…”

They all remained quiet for a few beats before someone suggested, “Couldn't we stay at Apple Bloom's family's house?”

They all looked to the source: Dinky, who tried to remain strong in this time of trial.

Ditzy rubbed the back of her neck. “Dinky, it's not that it's a bad idea, but… It would just be impolite of us to…”

“But…you're always talking about how Apple Bloom and I need to ‘set up a sleepover sometime’, and Miss Applejack has said a lot of times when we leave to ‘not be a stranger’.”

“We… She…has said that, Muffin, but what it means…”

“Do you really have a choice…?” Bryce asked.

The question hung in the air, no one wanting to state the obvious.

Ditzy felt she had to answer; she did not have a choice. Not to say she could not say ‘no’, but that—for the safety and welfare of her two daughters—she had to take the hard path and ask somepony to make space for them. She nodded.

The air remained thick between them all, left for Ponzi to help settle. “Well, shall we go then?”

Ditzy wanted to leave, but she felt she at least had to try and see if the mayor could allow them to enter their house, if only to bring along a few possessions.

While they did this Bryce looked over at Mina. In the time since Nurse Tenderheart's forceful entrance a pair of orderlies had arrived to take the mare on a stretcher. As they trotted off with the mare the nurse pony spotted Bryce staring.

She made her way to him. “She should be okay. She's been hurt—bad—but nothing permanent or life threatening.”

“Did she say anything else?”

“Nothing important; just answers to the usual questions I ask to ensure there was no brain damage. She checked out.”

Bryce looked down at his feet; his toes wiggled in his shoes their usual way. “Well, thank you for being here.”

“It's my job. How are you by the way? Have you had any problems…? Not including anything in the last thirty minutes, of course?”

He shook his head. “Nothing mental… Well, nothing mental you can diagnose.”

She returned an understanding nod. “I suppose I couldn't. What about anything else—have you had any more manic episodes, loss of time, any auditory or visual hallucinations, et cetera?”

Bryce sucked in his lower lip. “Well, nothing I'm certain of, yet.”

She shot him a serious look. “Yet…? What do you mean?”

“It's… I'm not sure what to tell you… I don't know if it's me,” he said, pointing at his chest. “Or if it's me.” He pointed at his head.

The nurse mare kept her serious tone. She drew in a few breaths. “Have you been drinking?”

Bryce nodded. “I don't usually, but… Again, for reasons you can’t diagnose.”

She did not comprehend this as much but chose to accept it. “Alright, but if do have anything else like I described happen be sure to come see me. The last thing…” She sighed. “I don't want to upset you, but we don't want anything like what happened a few weeks ago.”

She waited a few beats before she added. “I only say this because I care about you. Whoever made you act the way you did they’re the one who should feel bad.” She then said under her breath, “They just better hope I don’t get a hold of them; I know how to make it look like an accident.”

Bryce bit down on his lip. It was not the first time he had heard this today—that he should not blame himself—but one fact remained. “Whatever happens to them won’t be as bad as what’s happening to me.”

“Even if that’s true you shouldn’t put this burden on yourself, and anypony who makes you feel that way is wrong.”

“Well, until whoever it was is found who can everyone make bear it?”

The nurse mare could think of nothing to refute this, which only made her feel worse for her friend. She sighed. “I know this is bad, but don’t let it completely ruin you, Bryce. Whoever it is will be found. It may not ever go back to normal, but they’ll pay, somehow. Just…” She reached forward and wrapped a foreleg around his waist and sank her head into his hip. It shocked Bryce, who did not know the mare had such emotions in her.

She released him and looked him in the eye. “Just…please try and take care of yourself. There’s too much good and kindness left in you for you to say ‘fuck it all’ and go off and hurt yourself.” She placed a hoof on his hip. “I’m sure there’s something out there you still feel is worth your whole world.”

With this said she turned to leave. Before she could go out of shouting distance, he said, “Hey, just please take care of her. She’s just a friend, but… We’ve been through a lot.”

She nodded. “Of course; it is my job. But for you, she’ll have the best possible treatment.”

With this said, she left.

After she went out of sight, he looked back to see the situation, in time to see Ditzy as she left her house.

To placate the mail mare, the mayor allowed Ditzy to enter and retrieve a few items of personal value. This included items personal to her daughters, as well. For Dinky, it had been her two remaining pony dolls—both of which had escaped damage—her pillow and blanket—the latter a gift knitted by her Ditzy’s mother—a couple of paintings made by her father and her art set she had placed together from her collection of crayons and paints, all boxed inside a case Bryce had made.

Amethyst had asked for less: only the contents of her saddlebags and the box she kept under her bed.

For Ditzy she had needed only two items. First, the box of important documents, including the girls’ certificates and medical records, the bills, receipts, deed to the house and the like. The second was the most precious of all: the photo album she had put together over the years.

Bryce looked around for Thunderlane and Rumble, finding they had since left.

As Ditzy, Ponzi and the girls talked, and Mayor Mare left—confident all was well for now—Bryce looked again at the house. From what he could see the major damage lay on the hole, and a few cracks in the exterior in the immediate area. From the outside it did not look to be at risk of collapsing, but it still needed a more professional eye.

What drew his attention more was Mina’s version of the story. It had troubled him since before she collapsed. It did not seem true; at least, not a complete truth.

Not long after, Ditzy declared they were ready to depart, and they left for the apple farm. He hoped whatever it was which seemed off by the events made themselves known in his sleep, because he planned to have a lot of it in the coming days.


When they arrived at the farm Applejack was in shock to see Ditzy's family come back so soon. She made her way out to them, further shocked to see them carrying stuff with them. “What's going on?”

“Their house is unlivable,” Ponzi said, at about the same time Amethyst thrust a hoof in Bryce’s direction and said, “He ruined our house!”

“Amethyst!” Ditzy tried to blurt out, but by then the apple mare all but knew the situation. “It's not like that,” she tried to explain. “There was… We don't really know, but Bryce… It's hard to explain…”

Applejack looked up at the human, trying her best to give him the benefit of the doubt. He looked the same if not worse than when he left.

She turned back to Ditzy and her daughters. “How bad is it?”

“Well, the mayor says we can't stay there until ‘the damage is fixed and the house as a whole is inspected’. Bait's uncle was kind enough to offer to pay for the cost of the repairs, but we can't find any place to stay.” Her ears drooped at this last part. The mother mare could not bear to look Applejack in the eye; she felt ashamed for something outside her control.

Applejack understood what she meant. “Well, it would be unneighborly of me not to invite you in; especially Apple Bloom's little friend.” She looked them over then said, “Why don't y'all go in and get yourselves a little supper; we have plenty of leftovers.”

This brightened the grey mare's mood somewhat. “Thank you… We don't have much, but I can pay-”

Applejack thrust a hoof in her line of sight. “Nah uh, don't even think about that; I can't accept money from somepony I see is in need. Now, head inside; I'll help you work out where you'll all sleep in a minute.”

Ditzy left for the farmhouse, guiding Dinky in while Amethyst stayed a desirable distance away from the former. Bait followed them, as well, keeping his own distance from the lavender mare.

When they were inside, Applejack looked Bryce over once more. She did not know yet what had happened or how, but the human looked shaken. After the afternoon he had she doubted things could go worse, but this was before she had to extend hospitality to three more mouths.

She shut her eyes and sighed. “Okay, what happened?”

Before Bryce could say anything, Ponzi blurted out everything. He began with him—Ponzi—finding the human at a tavern, and from there related what happened between their leaving the tavern to the moment before everything went sour fast.

“It was a surprise to me. Bryce had…shown me his abilities not a half hour before, but… It was…something else… It was over before I could properly comprehend what I say, but it was like no form of magic I had ever seen.”

As he related the details of what he had happened up to Mina’s arrival, and soon after her testimony which forced the mayor’s hoof, Ponzi finished by saying, “I still don't know myself what, if anything Bryce saw, but Mrs Doo and her daughters now have you to thank for a place to stay.”

Applejack scowled a little at the stallion; she trusted him more than his slick nephew but not by a lot. “Well, can I ask where you got the bits you're using to fix their house?”

The stallion felt a small shock go up his back but kept his composure. “I can assure you it is from more…legitimate means. I have put the ways of the confidence stallion behind me. In its place, I have opened a casino, with most of the House's winnings and profits going to benefit the homeless and infirm. Perhaps not too different a business, but one cannot rely on everypony to place their bits where they are most needed.”

She said nothing for a beat. “Well, still not completely right, but Ah can’t say you ain’t right about most ponies doin’ just that.” She looked at Bryce again. “Ah just wanna know one thing: did you actually save that boy, or were you just doin’ it to make an excuse to get back at Amethyst?” She did not believe this to be so; his idea of revenge was to put shaving cream in a vanilla cupcake. But she needed to hear it from him; she agreed with Bryce when he said honesty was her greatest strength, be it her own or someone else’s.

He said nothing at first, in his mind debating how and what he should say to her. What he said was the best he could think to sum up his thoughts: “I only did what I thought was right.”

It was not a proper answer to the mare, but down in the pit of her stomach she knew he spoke the truth—the truth as he saw it, but still honest.

From the way Ponzi had relayed everything to her she could not agree who, if anyone had been in the right.

She began to question why she had followed through on Granny’s plan.

She did not have much time to consider this when Bryce asked, “Can I please just go to bed?”

This made her skin crawl. She knew she could not stop him—not that she expected him to fight her over it—but from the day he had had there was no denying he needed a long rest. She felt once he entered the barn it may well be a long time yet to come.

He allowed her a moment to answer, growing more and more tired with her inability to answer. He waited a few beats more before he took the matter into his hands. “I’m sorry, but it’s just been…” He sucked in his lower lip as he wiggled his toes in his usual way. “Goodnight…”

As he started to walk off Applejack found herself blurting out the words she meant to say, “Bryce, just…” He stopped to look back at her out of the corner of his eye. “… I’m sorry… We thought you’d… We…” She sighed, trying her best to stay calm and not say something she did not mean in a hurtful way.

She took in a deep breath, then said, “What you see in there… It was only meant to cheer you up…”

Applejack looked between the human and Ponzi, trying to ground herself after this announcement. She sighed again, then somehow found her legs moving her towards the farmhouse.

Bryce and Ponzi watched her leave, unsure of what she meant, but they had a feeling it lay inside Bryce’s barn. Said building was not more than a hundred yards away from where Bryce stood, dark and insignificant.

Ponzi cleared his throat to grab the human’s attention. “What are you going to do?”

The wiggling in Bryce’s boots intensified, and his lower lip pulled further into his mouth.

“Whatever it is,” Ponzi suggested, “it can’t be so bad as…everything else tonight.”

Bryce sighed through his nose and took a small step towards the barn. He started slow—his legs had gone stiff from standing in the same spot—but he went faster with each succeeding step.

When he reached the barn he slowed again, in time coming to a stop when he reached the door. He mentally damned whatever lay behind the door—not only this but Applejack and Granny for setting it all in motion.

He was exhausted, a wonder he could stand now without leaning against the barn for support.

Countless possibilities went through his head, being from something Apple Bloom and Dinky had put together, to everypony not on the anti-Bryce train chipping in to place everything into order.

Whatever it was it was better to get it over with. He grabbed the handle and pulled the door open, the hinges announcing his arrival for everyone and everything to hear. One of his possible scenarios had been confirmed from what little he could see at the door: the barn had been put in order. As he entered the barn, however, his heart sank.

Inside the barn was something he had not wanted to drag down, something he rather to stay apart from than face what might lie ahead. Inside the barn also lay his future, one which brought him both joy for a time, and in the end only more misery.

What had Applejack invited into the barn? Read the next chapter if you would know.

Bridge over Troubled Water – Simon and Garfunkel

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Chapter 84: Bridge over Troubled Water – Simon and Garfunkel

Bryce stepped into the barn, wanting to get a better look at what Applejack and her grandmother had left for him to find. The moon did not let in much light, but it was enough for Bryce’s light-sensitive eyes to see. He found the objects in the space had been put in order, minus the items which had all but been twisted past any usefulness.

The floor had been swept, with every piece of straw piled into a corner. The curtain which had been torn down to find the unknown intruder was again hung to divide the barn from Bryce’s studio. The pictures, race certificate and other objects of personal value Bryce had thrown about decorated the back wall near his bed once more.

Speaking of his bed—which was no more than blankets folded over a few comfy bales of hay—it was the only object in the barn not neat and tidy with all the corners folded and tucked in their proper, made up position.

What caused this chaos amidst the order was the same thing which made him hold onto the door to stay on his feet.

The added weight on the barn’s door further made the hinges whine, which served to arouse the pony in his bed back from their sleep. Said pony rubbed the sleep from their eyes, wanting to be sure of what they saw was in the realm of reality. They believed it to be so but needed to be sure.

“Bryce…?” She called, for it was a mare.

At the sound of her voice the lump in the pit of said human’s stomach grew spikes. His body could not take anymore. His grip on the door slipped and his legs gave way to the threshold between the grass outside and the beaten earth within.

The mare in his bed saw this and cried in shock. “Bryce!” She flew over to him, for like some ponies in this world she had the wings to do so.

As she cleared the distance between them, illuminated more and more by the moon with each passing inch, Bryce could see the apple mare had done the unthinkable; had invited the one pony in this world he had almost pleaded with her not to bring to him; the one pony which made him want to stand now but left him too weak to do so: his mare Fluttershy.

She reached him in no time, worried for her human but relieved it was really him. When she first laid eyes on him she felt beyond words to see him after so long an absence. As her vision settled on him, however, her heart threatened to stop.

“Bryce! What…? Are you…?” The more she tried to question him the more the tears she tried to hold back broke through. She began to break down, rambling nonsense she was not able to form into words.

With everything happening so fast Bryce felt his mind begin to slip away from his body, almost to the point he knew he would again lock up and refuse to acknowledge anything; a state where his mind fled but his body stayed within the space it occupied. But the more he saw his mare break down into a trampled, wadded-up mess he fought the impulse.

What happened to him was of no consequence to him, if it meant making his mare worry his own problems be damned.

“Shy… I’m okay…” He said this despite knowing he was anything but, if only to still her frazzled nerves.

It worked, but only enough to make her stop short, not knowing what she had meant to say. When she could think straight again, she said, “You can’t be okay! Just look at your arm!” She pointed to his bandaged left arm. “And your skin is so pale! And you can hardly keep yourself up! And I can’t…! You can’t…!” Tears began to well up at the corners of her eyes again.

Bryce knew he needed to do something, if only to stop her from bawling over him. He reached forward and laid a gentle hand on her withers. At first the mare shivered at his touch, frightened by the chill, but when she followed the hand and looked at her human her anxieties fell away.

She drew in a few breaths, doing this until she regained her composure. She looked him over once more. “Bryce…” She looked him in the eye, happy to see they still held life.

She thrust herself forward and wrapped her hooves around his neck. She rested her head on his shoulder and nuzzled in close, trying to ignore how cold he felt to the touch as she sucked in a nose full of mucus. “I’m just happy you’re okay…” She whispered, saying it more to try and calm herself than to convince herself.

Bryce allowed her to rest a few beats before he replied, “But I’m not, Shy—you said so yourself.”

“I know, but…” She repositioned herself to better hear his heartbeat—the better she could hear its rhythmic thumping the more comfort it gave. She sighed through her nose as her lips curled into a small grin. “I know, but… It’s just good to know you’re still with us.”

Bryce’s gaze turned down. What little you know, Shy.

After a few minutes Fluttershy loosened her hold and lifted herself up, with her hooves now resting on his shoulders. She looked to him with a smile, one which sank when she saw his downward look.

“Bryce, look at me.”

He did as asked, unable to refuse his mare’s request.

“I’m sure you’ve had a rough day, but whatever happened I don’t need to know; not yet.” She let go of him and stood. She walked a short distance away towards the back, looking back only to motion for him to follow.

He was skeptical, not yet sure what she had planned. He did as asked, shutting the door before he followed.

As he stepped towards his bed, she lit a candle, filling the room with light. She motioned for him to sit on his bed, which he did without question. He stared ahead as she trotted over to the place beside him and took her place, not turning her head to see him.

Once she had settled in, she began. “I’m sorry I messed up your bed, but I waited so long for you, and it got so late.” She said this as if she had put in no effort to clean up his mess. And this was without mentioning how the pillows and covers held his scent.

“It’s okay,” he said, though he had not ever taken the time to make his bed more than once a week, and even then, it was only to straighten out the blankets which covered the hay bales.

She waited a few beats before she asked, “What have you been doing in your spare time?”

“Well, I’ve tried doing some whittling.”

“Oh, that’s nice. Have you sold anymore?”

He waited a beat before he said, “No; no one’s wanted any of my latest works.”

She had not needed to ask this—she had seen the refuse pile in his studio. Even in her kind manner of saying things she had to agree they were not up to his usual standard. Regardless, she said, “That’s a shame; it looks like you put in a lot of work.”

He had done as she said—he had put in a lot of effort—but it was a vain effort to make his upturned life upright again. “I did.” She kept silent, hoping he would ask something of her, and she was rewarded. “What have you been up to?”

“Well, I’ve been doing my part to help the animals with hibernation.”

He tried to hold in a throat laugh, but it found its way out; it sounded absurd to a human, despite it making perfect sense in this this world. “Help them?”

“Oh, yes, if it weren’t for me, they would starve or be too cold to make it through the winter.” Her mood dampened a little when she said, “Though I would like it if somepony were to help me; I can only dig out their burrows and food pits so big, and not very fast.”

He knew what this meant, even if he did not understand why she said it. “Would you like if I helped?”

“Oh, why yes, very much!” She said, at first ecstatic. But then her mood returned to its former state. “That is…if you really, really want to…”

Of course, he ‘wanted’ to help—she did not need to ask him, he hoped she knew. But his precautions from before remained in his mind: if he was with her would it be good for them or awful for her, regardless of who benefited the most from their time together.

His inability to deny her request still won in the end; their desire to be together had been sealed, with no way to separate them so long as they resided in this world.

That being, if what transpired over the next few minutes went well.

“I want to,” he said, and it was the truth.

“That's great! I mean, if it doesn't put you out…”

“It doesn't.”

They had yet to look each other in the eye, knowing if they did, they may find the hurt in the other's face.

For a long time, they sat in silence, not wanting to leave each other's side.

He started to speak, to say the words which would bring this to pass. “I'm sure you'll want-”

“Can I ask you something?” She asked, sorry to interrupt her human but needing to get something off her chest. She took his silence as an okay. “Bryce, are you afraid to be near me?”

Bryce started to look her way but cut himself short. “I… It's not…”

“Applejack told me some of what you said, how you were afraid you might hurt me.

“She said you felt I didn’t want to see you. That I might be so frightened of you…” She looked to the beaten-earth floor.

“Bryce, I know what happened on Nightmare Night. Whatever you did I'll never blame you—you’re nothing like that. I know because I've seen the kind of…human you are,” she said, the word ‘person’ unknown to her. “You're nothing like what everypony has made you out to be, and anypony who had told me otherwise I let them know then and there,” she said in as stern a tone her soft voice could muster.

“Even if you can be a bit mean or ugly to somepony you eventually regret it, just like I know you regret what happened to Ponyville. And when you do something wrong you always make up for it or apologise somehow, because you know it's right.”

What she had to say next forced tears to spring forth once more.

“I know myself because of what you did for me… Not really for me, but for Angel, but you still did it for me. I know he's a rotten rabbit most of the time, and if I could bring myself to discipline him I would, but he… I still don't want him gone—not yet.”

She had to hold herself together to keep from bawling. “I can't blame your dog for what he did, but if it weren't for you…I'd be without my little Angel Bunny… And you risked a lot saving him—I know you did—and I still can't believe what you can do.”

She found herself able to turn and look at Bryce, despite his continued refusal to look at her. “And I just know if you can do something like that for Angel then you can still do great things for anypony, even if they don't deserve it, because you wouldn't let anypony get hurt if you can help it, despite how you might look or what you might make known to anypony, not even if they’ve been the worst possible pony to you.

“If you can do this for just a rotten little bunny what wouldn't you do for anypony in Ponyville?”

She looked down to the floor. “I just wish everypony else could see that.”

He had heard what she said, but he still he felt her being here was a mistake. He needed some way to deter her from being with him, short of hurting her outright. “Shy, I don’t understand why you want to be with me—it’s lost on me. But I do believe you shouldn’t be near me right now. Just tonight I-“

She cut him short. “Bryce, I don’t need to know. Whatever happened I’m sure you didn’t do any of it out of meanness or spite. That’s just not who you are.”

“But what about everyone else? If you’re with me-“

“I don’t care how they feel, and you shouldn’t either. If they think the worst of you then that’s their choice. What should matter is what you do despite all that.”

He sucked in his lip and wiggled his toes. “I…don’t know what to do.”

“You need to let yourself continue to live. You’ve kept yourself locked up since that night, and…I’ve missed you…”

She said nothing for a beat, then she let her feelings be made known. “I have worried about you, and without you it hasn't been the same. I know we never did much together—mostly we went to the Farmer's Market to buy food for my animals—but it's something I've looked forward to every week. When you never showed the Wednesday after Nightmare Night, I didn't know why at first, but after I saw what happened to the town I just… I knew it was you, somehow, but not in a bad way.

“Then when you didn't show the next Wednesday, or the two weeks after I was afraid you didn't want to see me, because you might be worried of what I might think of you. But tonight, when AJ came to bring me here, and told me why, I knew I couldn't let you keep thinking this way, because it's wrong.

“You're the last one I would ever be scared to be around, because when I'm with you I know I have nothing to worry about. I don't feel worried about anything when we're together because when I'm with you…everything is just so…


She did not say anything further—she had said everything she had wanted to say. If it meant nothing to her human, then it had been a waste—a waste of her time and of her emotions.

But it had meant something to him. To him, their being together seemed just that: right, as if their being together was like tying one's shoes to where it was the right fit; not so tight as to cut off the circulation and not too loose where one's foot slid inside the shoe and formed blisters. It was like tuning to the right volume of one's favorite song, where their whole body shook with the combination of self-identified lyrics and the golden beat, despite the damage it did to one’s hearing. It was like finding the right gift for someone, one they will not only enjoy and have use for everyday.

It was like finding the one right thing in life one was meant to do, going as the spirit moved them with no regard for how it made them appear to be a nobody or a lunatic or a disagreeable person—somebody who deserved no position in society and never will; in short, the lowest of the low.

Bryce did understand what his mare meant, and what she had said had been the right thing to say; their time spent together seemed like the only right thing in their shared world right now, and to be apart for too long made ‘wrong’ only a simple word.

It hurt him to know his forced absence from her had caused her such misery, and he felt uncertain how his current presence made her feel the opposite, but he felt this unknown emotion was good, so long as his mare felt joy.

She felt she had said enough and thinking her words had done nothing to sway her human, she prepared to leave. As fresh tears streamed down her face, and she opened her mouth to say what she thought to be their final ‘goodbye’, he spoke.

“Is that…how you really feel…?”

She looked up at him, with tears still in her eyes, not sure if she had heard him.

“Does being with me really feel ‘right’?”

She had heard him right; she had to say something. “Well, I don't know if ‘right’ is the best word.”

He nodded. “It is. To me—it is.”

She felt a weight drop off her back, but more remained. “So, do you feel the same way?”

He had to think for a moment to consider his response; what he thought may not translate well to what she could understand.

“It’s like this: there’s been a lot of things going on in my life lately—and some of them I’ve done myself. Some things have been said and done that hurt more than one can imagine. Some of it can’t be undone and it will be felt until the day we die.

“And this is the only thing I’ve heard in a while that sounds not wrong.”

He went quiet for another moment to gather his complex affections into words.

“I…feel something in here,” he said, pointing his fingers to his chest, “that I don’t know if I can explain to you. What I feel… How I feel I know is far from normal to most people, but it’s… I feel a crawling under my skin when I’m with you—a…good feeling crawling. Right now, I feel I can be as I want to be without feeling like I need to be what everyone expects me to be. If I were with friend it feels similar, but not as complete as this.”

He stopped to think again, ready to place his thoughts into one sentence he hoped would not be lost on his mare.

“I don’t know if this feeling has an equitable word, but I want to call this feeling ‘right’.”

They said nothing for a while, if only to savor the moment. What he said had been far from lost to her. She kicked her back legs at the hocks one at a time to let out the giddy feeling inside chest. She felt a blush come on her face she could not hide.

He did not understand why she responded this way. “Did I say something wrong?”

She stopped kicking her legs, but her blush remained. “No, you didn't say anything wrong; I just…don't know what to say.”

“Neither do I. I tried my best to say what I felt in here,” he said as he stuck his fingers into his chest. “But…that's the best I can do.”

Inside he was now berating himself, feeling he could not explain it any other way.

She caught this change quick and acted fast to calm his nerves. “No, I understand; really! What you said made sense, I've just never heard it explained that way.” She placed a hoof on his shoulder to reassure him, if only to let him know she felt no ill will.

At her touch he turned to look over at her, confused to find her smiling. He began to groan, unsure what this meant.

“Bryce, it's okay,” she said, seeing his worry. “What you said made me happy.”

He groaned a few more times, still unsure why she was happy. “So…I did good?”

“Uh huh; and you know what?” She drew in close and wrapped her forelegs around him, with her forelegs around his diaphragm and upper back and her head nestled in his chest. “You make me feel the same way.”

He went tense, enjoying the firm, tender contact as his heart raced in his chest. But now he felt a different emotion. He still felt ‘right’—as he saw ‘right’—but it felt different, better to know she did not reject this feeling he held for her. It was something he had never had the pleasure of knowing until now.

And he could not help but feel—for the first time since coming to this world that was so similar yet at the same time so unlike his own—at ease.

As his mare pressed her head further into his chest, he allowed himself to relax. At first, he did nothing, and allowed her to do as she pleased. When she stayed this way for a while, he did his best to reciprocate her affections. He placed one arm over her, then the other, drawing her in close to make them a single unit. As she let out a moan of pleasure, he knew he had done the right thing to please her.

Though he still could not understand how.

How long they stayed like this—no one knows—but all things in life must end in time, for this story is not yet done.

“Bryce, as much as I enjoy being with you, I really do need to get home.” She said, looking up at him.

He looked at her, thinking he had done something to make her uncomfortable. “It's not because of me, is it?”

She shook her head. “No, it's just, with the cold air at night a few of my animals have gotten sick, and I need to be there to help.”

He felt relief—relief he had not been at fault in scaring her away but still concerned for the animals in his mare's care. “Oh… So…is this…?”

She nodded again this time with much less enthusiasm. “Yes, but don't worry, we'll be together all day tomorrow.” Her smile faltered. “I mean… If you still want to…” She looked away, hoping her human could not see her blush.

He did not need time to consider before he replied. “I already said I would, but that's not why I'm helping; it's because I want to help you.”

At this her smile returned. “Well, if you really want to, I appreciate it. But like I said, it will take most of the day—maybe a few more.”

“Well, I don't have anything else to do.”

“Alright. Well, whenever you're ready come on over; I'll be up pretty early, but I'll wait.”

He nodded. “Then I'll be sure to get up early.”

They stayed entwined for a few more moments, only letting go out of her necessity to be with the animals which needed her attention.

They stood, with him guiding the way for them both. Already he felt the feeling of ‘right’ leave him, but it continued to cling to his deepest parts.

They had almost reached the door when Fluttershy asked, “Bryce, can I just say one more thing?”

Though he found it difficult to read the situation sometimes, Bryce could tell she meant for him to take her at her word. He nodded, not ready to hear what Fluttershy might say but choosing to listen for her sake.

She looked to the floor. “Bryce, I still don't know what happened but whatever it is I do believe you didn't mean any real harm. But whatever happened, Bryce… You need to make up for what you've done.

“I'm not telling you this to make you feel bad, it's only because it's the right thing to do.”

Bryce sucked in his lower lip and wiggled his toes. There was no way she could know everything that had happened, not since his departure from the farm that afternoon. It was not like he could say ‘sorry’ and offer an apologetic basket of fruit and treats and everything could be as if nothing happened. He knew a few lives may have been ruined, others may have scars which would never heal.

And all because he had an ability none could hope to comprehend or contain in the small town of Ponyville.

Fluttershy noticed his distress, expecting it. She placed a hoof on his flank. “I'm not expecting you to do any miracles—not unless you have someway of putting Ponyville put back the way it was—I only want you to admit your mistake; and if possible, offer your help in fixing whatever wrong you may have been a part of.

“I only want you to do what's right.”

She waited a beat before she added, “And whatever it is, I'll be there to help you do it.”

Bryce continued his original repetitive behavior, but made himself ask something he needed to know, “Shy, do you know you have no idea what you're agreeing to do?”

She did not hesitate to respond, “Yes—I know I don't—but it's to help you be the human I know you always were, and always will be.”

He thought this over, grateful for his mare's support even if he had no one else's. What he had said to Rarity a few hours before still clung to his mind, but if she had dared to be with him—despite how obviously beaten and torn he looked—he felt there could be no way to keep her away, not now.

And this feeling made his feeling of ‘right’ return, though his feeling of caution remained.

“Shy, I don't know what I can say to that.”

“You don't have to say anything; I just want you back.”

Bryce ceased wiggling his toes, not needing it now to calm himself. In fact, though hard to tell, he also held a genuine smile, something he had not shown in a long time.

He needed her, wanted her too—if only for little while longer—but he knew for now they must part, if only for the night.

“Well, it's not going to be easy. What I've done…”

She tapped him once to stop him. “Whatever it is we can worry about later; right now, I want you to get some rest.”

He nodded in agreement. “I do need it,” he said in a low tone.

Bryce pushed the door open, allowing her to go outside. She said a quick ‘thank you’ before she ready her wings for home.

Before she could fly away, Bryce had one more question to ask of her. “Shy, can I ask you one more thing?”

She folded her wings back and looked at him.

He scratched the back of his head, more giddy than nervous. “Well, I just wanted to know…why you're doing this for me…?”

She said nothing for a beat, needing herself to consider her response. “Oh… Well… Let's just say,” she said with a blush, “you're worth the effort to me.”

Bryce thought about her words, thinking he had heard the same from somewhere else, but could not yet remember where. In response, however, he became giddier than before—another emotion he did not know well.

Fluttershy smiled, taking by his fidgeting her answer had been ‘right’ by him. With a soft giggle, she folded out her wings once more and left for her cottage.

Bryce waited a little while, waiting a few seconds until after she had flown out of sight. Then he turned backed and went inside the barn, wanting to settle in for his long-awaited sleep.


In the ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters the catoblepas bided its time, waiting, preparing, planning his next move against the cause of its withered state, and the source of its misery.

It found it beneath it that it should have to wait to end this whoreson’s life, to send another to do its work, but it had no other choice. The human had shown himself to be a master of the mind, an ability outside the world of dreams, able to bend the world to his will and turn the mind of the most persistent of any bring with the mental capacity to consider a world outside itself.

And it infuriated it to no end how it needed to take care to avoid Golden Eyes being found out.

The catoblepas could wait—its life had no end—but the one he held sway over did not, and the more it had to take direct control of him the less time it had left to use its puppet.

Golden Eyes did side himself with it—they both had a mutual goal—but it needed assurance he would not turn later. It had implanted itself in Golden Eye’s mind against his will.

And the best part was this cog in it’s plan did not know.

This was for the best for the catoblepas’s goal, for it made the chance of Bryce finding him out a minor possibility. In this way Golden Eyes continued to do the catoblepas’s direct will, and at any other time he could claim in honesty to be none the wiser and continue to be the human’s friend.

Which is why Golden Eyes had been so ready to help Bryce that night, and the catoblepas had wanted it this way. If Bryce had been sent into a jail cell it would have had to wait longer, since it limited what it could do to further ruin the human’s life. Which meant Golden Eyes had a little more use.

But as said before this was only temporary, and with each time it took control the venom inside Golden Eye’s body burned and morphed. It had done so a few times, while not for long periods of time, but the damage was done. The effects would not yet be paramount but with a few more uses its puppet would fall ill, then with further use become a burden; its venom would then be coursing through every part of his body. And as it’s venom became more potent Golden Eyes would writhe in unimaginable pain, a pain so fierce and unwanted it could be neither managed nor ignored.

Then, as the catoblepas’s venom increased in power by countless magnitudes, the victim would cease to exist.

The catoblepas had no care for Golden Eye’s life, but what did matter was that if his usefulness ended before the human lie dead, it would need to find a new creature, one which could get close to him, one which was already close to Bryce and try to make his life a living Hell.

It was possible to do—of course—but to place anything in the right position to fall under it’s control was more of a burden than a boon.

For now, however, Golden Eyes was still of use, and had been of use; Bryce’s life had become Hell, one it hoped he would soon end of his own accord.

At least, it had hoped this to be the case, but as he watched through Golden Eyes at the scene down below on the ground it enraged him to see the human smiling—a small one but still a smile.

This should not, could not be so. The human’s reputation was lower than low. He had made a complete mess of the lives of some of those close to him and had destroyed whatever friendship he had with a few of the rest. And he now stood outside the place where he slept smiling.

The catoblepas did not know which made him more upset: the fact the human had found something to be happy about or the yellow mare which caused him to find it.

Either way it knew it needed to amend its plan, which meant Golden Eye’s life needed to be cut that much shorter.

It was only one human; one of twenty billion which had ever existed in its world up to this point; one which should not be more important than any other. Then why did the catoblepas need to exert itself to this limit to make him die?!

The catoblepas looked over, spotting a rodent crawling among a pile of rubble. Said rodent had found a small morsel to gnaw on, ready to eat when it felt it was being watched. As it looked around it spotted the catoblepas, and with a single look in its massive, red eyes it dropped it morsel of food.

It would not need it, for within the span of a single heartbeat the rodent’s heart ceased to beat and it fell over dead, its life force soon to be a meal to the catoblepas.

It was but an appetizer to the feast it soon hoped to enjoy—a little sustenance to tide it over.

Until it had forced the yellow mare out of the equation, and afterwards claimed it’s prize, it would never be a full beast.

But for now, it planned, and when the opportunity presented itself it would strike.

Though in the end, should Golden Eyes prove unable to help him reach it's goal he had another plan already set in motion. Whichever way he ended taking the result would be the same: a Bryce would no longer be in this world.


Bryce lay in bed, settled in for his long-awaited sleep, one which would not come. He had known before he made it inside, even before he had returned to the farm it may not come, and this only confirmed it.

He continued to lay in bed, on the off chance his stillness may drag him off into his dreams. Instead he became dragged into the events of the day now behind him, unable to do nothing but replay it all over and over, and with his abilities he could see them as if they happened right inside the barn.

In much the same way he could make others see things which were not there, he could make himself do the same, with limits. To relive his memories was like watching a video: he could only project what he had seen and heard.

In one instance he was at the Nut house, and he saw Cocoa as she levitated a bubbling pan of sweet potato souffle in his direction. He waved his hand to the side, catching it in his telekinetic grip. And before he knew it the soufflé smashed into the wall, shattering the glass dish as its contents splattered in every direction. Including on Almond, who squealed in white-hot pain.

In the next instance he saw Rarity and Pinkie, who chased him down after the dried-blood mare—the one Ponzi had claimed to look like somepony named ‘Legate Rheda’—had chastised her thriving son. The white mare looked to him, hurt to know he had invaded her thoughts, despite what he had heard, and she had felt. He saw her swallow before she asked, “What moved you to do this?”

In another instance he could see his former vision before Ditzy's home, looking up at a large creature Ponzi and Rumble had claimed not to have seen.

Well, not the creature itself, but looking at the outline of its life force. It was a yellow earth-tone color, towering above Ditzy's roof. He had not been able to notice before, but it had a shape like his own—one which stood on two legs and had two arms and a head, all attached to a large torso.

From there he watched as Rumble first threw a rock at a garbage can, then went to retrieve the same rock. After a few seconds he saw the deep yellow shape bend down, hearing it mentally plan to take the colt.

Soon after it became a big blur, with his replay of the event becoming blurred to match it. He threw up the trash can, then the house exploded. He could not make out anything until he ran down the adjoining street, looked about, then go the other way.

But the shape had disappeared.

He played it forward a little to confirm his aether sight had been in use, and it was confirmed when he saw a gold wispy shape and a purple wispy shape standing in Ponzi and Rumble's respective places.

When he had ended his aether sight the two shapes went back to normal ponies. Bryce had looked about, trying to see if there was any physical sign of what he had seen.

And there had been nothing, not even a footprint for a creature of its size, something everyone had failed to mention.

The only evidence there had been anything lay on the mare, Mina, who had come in at the last possible moment with injuries no one in their right mind could inflict on themselves.

He replayed this memory, upset with himself to know she had been this hurt and he had not seen her.

He blew out a sigh through his nose as he turned over, hoping a more comfortable position could bring sleep on. He wanted to take his mare's advice and try to put the day behind him, but when you had the ability to playback the memories as if they had been stored in the cloud it was near impossible.

Bryce rolled on his back next, choosing to stare off into space if he could do nothing else.

It was not long after he felt the space had been occupied—an intruder had once again found their way into the barn.

“You really should sleep, Bryce,” he heard the voice of Providence tell him. As before he could not pin down the source; the voice came as if from the air itself.

Anyone who had heard this would no doubt have jumped out of bed to find this ‘Providence’, but Bryce was tired; after a long day of being a one-man wrecking crew he was beat. He chose instead to lie down in defeat; whatever Providence had to say could at least pass the time until early in the morning.

“I can’t…” Was all Bryce had to answer back.

“Is it cannot or will not?” The bodyless voice questioned. “You know yourself you have the ability to shut your eyes, focus your mind and be out in a snap.” From nowhere a loud ‘snap’ followed Providence’s statement, one which almost forced Bryce to cover his ears.

What Providence had said was the truth, he could not deny it. “Maybe I don’t want to then; what’s it to you?”

“To most right now I am certain it is of no consequence, but to me, what happens to you is of more importance than you know. And even if I am not important, would the mare who has caught your heart not worry?”

He glared up at the ceiling, wanting to ram the voice’s owner into the ground. “She’s already worried; it’s not like this can make it any worse.”

He heard Providence make a sound like a sigh. “You are a master of the mind, able to bend the world to your will and turn the mind of the most persistent of any bring with the mental capacity to consider a world outside itself to any other mode of thinking.

“And yet you are unable to see how such actions and behavior can affect anyone outside yourself.”

Providence waited a beat before adding, “But I suppose your mind ‘fails to see the point in it’.”

Bryce felt his words burn into him. For someone like him this was the truth, but he did not appreciate anyone using it against him; he had never used it as an excuse, much less told anyone about his mental shortcomings.

Which begged the question, how did this voice know?

Before he could ask, more demand how Providence knew, the voice spoke. “Though that is not what worries you. It is not what happens inside your mind but what your mind can do. Otherwise you would not be reviewing these memories.

“You are worried you are losing control of yourself.”

The silence which followed unsettled the scene inside the barn.

Providence felt the need to fill the void.

“Take for instance at the Nut house: Cocoa had distracted herself with the praise she received for her part of the meal, and with her mind on this the hot platter in her control made its way in your direction. You felt the need to use your abilities to push it out of the way, but did you mean to use such force?

“And with Rarity we know you had no reason to hear her thoughts—and why would you, she is a true friend; what ill will could she have against you?

“At Ditzy's house the use of your abilities were proven to be justified—without you Rumble may not be with us.”

Bryce thought this over. While one out of three events from that evening could prove his mental abilities were a blessing, the remaining two could not. And even the one exception would be a stretch if Mina had not been present.

A stretch, Hell, she was the only reason he now lied on his bed instead of in a jail cell. Without the mare to validate his story—in large part through her injuries—he would have believed there had been only himself, a stallion, a colt and an infant salamander.

But this only raised further questions, with the biggest one being how the voice know these events had happened, and not only that but in the ways he had stated.

Bryce glared back up into the ceiling, for he could think of no better place to look. “How do you know all of this?”

Providence did not answer him, not at first, but his answer served to further upset Bryce. “How I know is not important,” he said in his usual tone. “What matters is you are still no safer than you were before. In fact, you should take what your friend, Ponzi Scheme, told you to heart. Your friend-”

Bryce did not allow the voice to finish; he had had enough. To know Providence had known about what happened with Rarity and at Ditzy's house was believable, if they had been on the street. That he knew what happened with Cocoa and Almond was less so, unless the voice's owner had been outside the house and heard everything. But to believe the voice knew about his conversation with Ponzi Scheme at the bar was like finding a needle in a haystack—something was not right with this…Providence, or whatever difficult-to-pronounce name it had.

Bryce glared deeper into the ceiling. He called forth his aether sight to see if there was something he could not see in the normal way.

And it made him furious to find there was nought for him to find.

He gritted his teeth, at his limit with this voice. Invading his bedroom was one thing but stalking him to and from Ponyville was another.

He shot out of bed, hellbent on finding this ‘Providence’. He darted his eyes in every direction but the only telltale glow of another's life force came from his own grey wispy glow.

He bolted into all the stalls, checked every corner before he ran into his studio once more, this time without destroying the partition curtain.

But as before when he had looked during the afternoon there was no one to be found.

Bryce balled his fists, trying to contain himself and not level the barn around him. He did not know what else to do but shout into the impossible emptiness of the barn. “Where are you?! What do you want from me?!” He shouted questions much like these and more, but Providence refused to answer, not wanting to speak until Bryce had worn himself out.

And within ten minutes, he had, having screamed his voice hoarse. His weary body fizzled out as he tripped and fell to the floor. He lied where he fell, not yet understanding why we was on the floor.

When he could see he no longer stood upright he began to pound the ground, damning any and everything which had him in this state. Most of his curses fell on his abilities, without which he could have gone about as a normal, dull human being in this world.

Once Bryce had worn himself out, with his whole body dampened by sweat, Providence spoke. “You should not be so quick to curse which was given to you, for it could only go to someone like you. You see, Bryce, you have something greater than you realise.”

In his mind Bryce started to damn the voice, this Providence, this thing which somehow knew him but could not be known. If what he had was great then why was he the one now sprawled on the floor, close to pure exhaustion but still unable to find rest?

If what he had was great, then why did he have to use his friends the way he had?

If what he had was so great, why did it cause so many—not only ponies in this world but humans from his own—such misery and suffering they could not hope to be relieved of.

Whatever Providence saw in Bryce, Bryce only saw pile upon pile of bullshit, and at the center of it all lay him and this great thing.

Once Bryce had worn himself down, down to the point he could no more than breathe—breathe and remain angry at everything—Providence spoke. “Are you ready to listen?”

Bryce said nothing—what could he say to a voice he could not find, and, in short, refused to leave him alone?

A sigh came through the barn at all sides. “You have done well to contain yourself this time, but if you continue in this way you will only bring yourself further down into the waste you have buried yourself in. You alone have the power to control what happens, and if you choose to not control these abilities now you risk harming those close to you.

“Today you have invaded one friend's innermost thoughts, and another friend you made suffer second-degree burns. If you continue in this way you may end up breaking someone in ways which cannot be repaired, no matter how much of your own life force you spend in vain to try.”

Providence waited to ensure Bryce understood what had been said, knowing the human had heard. The voice had no other choice but tell Bryce what he needed to know.

“I do not enjoy what I have to tell you, but you were correct: you have lost control. If you do not regain it—and soon—others will continue to pay the price. This is meant to let you know, because someone close to you…”

It came as a surprise to know the voice had gone silent, but Bryce had caught on to the last few words. He pressed himself up, finding it hard. “What…? Who…?”

Providence sighed once more. “I will not tell you more, Bryce.” Before Bryce could protest, the voice continued, prepared for what he said next. “It is for your best interest, Bryce. If I told you who it was you would only tear yourself up, and only create more misery for yourself. But if you do not know—and if you listen to me—both of you are safe.”

Bryce looked to the ground, not sure who or what the voice meant, but he could think of only one pony closer to him than any other. “Is it…? It is Fluttershy…isn’t it…?” The voice remained silent. Whether Providence continued to leave him in the dark for Bryce's own good or out of spite Bryce did not know.

He felt his stomach drop, not knowing why but despised the feeling. To know his mare may be in danger—and with a warning it may be of his own doing—made the feeling he had come to call ‘right’ anything but.

He pushed himself up, standing now on his knees. He found it hard to breathe, hard to keep his mind on any one thing. “Just…tell me… If it’s her then tell me… If it’s her then… Then I’ll…”

“Avoid her at all cost, make her worry more for your health and mental state, force her to wonder if she had done something to upset you to where the sight of her disgusts you?

“Are you so willing to put her through this again after you found someone whose presence makes everything feel ‘right’?”

Bryce looked to the hard-earth floor, trying hard to run his fingers through the dirt. All he managed to do was scratch the surface and catch dirt under his nails.

“What do I have to do…? Just tell me that…”

“You must regain control, Bryce. Do as the earth beneath you and be of strong will, resistant to change and able to endure for now the venom that is cast against you. You must do as you did before: keep your mind strong, your abilities in check, and use them only when the needs of others warrant their use.

“If you can do this, then whatever bad may happen can be prevented.”

Bryce looked to the dirt under his fingernails; how could Providence ask him to be strong like the dirt which had come loose with a little picking? He took in short, shallow breaths, not able to keep from being angry at the voice’s refusal to provide a straight answer.

He kept his anger in check—he understood enough to know the voice spoke a little sense. He let his hand fall to his side as he stared up to the ceiling to scan the heights of the barn one more time. He found nothing.

He sighed, wanting this all to end now, but knew if it kept his mare safe, he had to play along. “Alright… I’ll do…my best to do what you want. Just…please…if you know…let me know she will not suffer…” He placed a hand over his fist. “Just please tell me if I do this, I won’t harm her enough to…”

Providence waited a few beats, then spoke. “I will allow you to know this much—if only to calm yourself for the days to come: if you stay the course and control yourself enough then you will do her no harm, and she will not suffer.” The voice waited a few more beats then asked, “Now, has this set your mind at ease?”

Bryce nodded. To know this was enough to make the hardship to come sufferable; he would bear it all for her.

“Good. Now, what shall you do? Sunrise is in less than two hours.”

Bryce took a moment to consider this information, then his gaze settled on the curtain around his studio. He stood up and went inside. He could see Fluttershy had organised this area as well, with his botched creations placed in an ordered fashion despite how horrid they appeared. His tools were in order, as opposed to being strung about the benches and desks in ordered chaos.

He looked around a little more before he took a seat. There was no way he could sleep—not tonight, anyway. Better to spend his time doing something, even if it turned to trash. He did not know if this world had a Christmas—with the Hearth’s Warming holiday yet to be known to him—but in any case, he could try to make something of worth.

If it did not work out with Fluttershy—and he still believed in a possibility it would not—then at least everypony had something to remember him by when he left this life for good.

With determination, he rummaged inside a drawer and found the box of matches. After he lit a few candles he was prepared to work.

Before he could, he caught something in the corner of his eye, in the corner beside his furthest workbench. It was a large piece of wood, one covered by a towel. He slid himself over on the bench he sat on to take better look. He tried to think why this was here; it appeared to have been worked.

He placed a hand on the bottom, with only a part of the square base left uncovered. What he felt made memories come back from the afternoon, before he had ripped the curtain to his studio off the railing and forced everything within it against the back wall.

This was something Providence had said was important; important how, Bryce did not know.

He rubbed the base a few more times but settled to not see what the towel hid from view; whatever it may reveal did not matter. If Providence wanted him to know he could say what it was himself. Bryce looked up to the ceiling, waiting for an answer, but none came.

He snorted, deciding to leave his work where it sat: in the corner covered by a towel. He had to be at Fluttershy’s in a few hours, according to Providence, and he wanted to get something done right for a change.

Bryce turned around, selected a right-sized piece of wood and went to work.

I must tell you now while the next few days of Bryce’s life will be pleasant it is not meant to last. For a few days Bryce will be able to spend time with his mare, and all the hardships of his life will be insignificant to him, for all is, for now, ‘right’ by him. After the good times have passed his suffering will resume, and he will not have his mare to comfort him.

What happened the next morning when Bryce went to Fluttershy’s cottage? Read the next chapter if you would know.