• Published 30th Nov 2022
  • 995 Views, 223 Comments

A Dazzling Trio - Spyder27

Now that Adagio is engaged to the love of her life, she only has one more thing she wants to do before they make it official. She wants to find the other sirens she lost years ago and try to make things right. Will she be able to?

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Shining Through

Author's Note:

As I said last chapter, it was originally supposed to be longer. Here is the other half of the chapter before I decided to cut it up~ There were a couple other scenes I debated adding to this chapter, but I want to wait and put those in the next few chapters I will write. As always, enjoy the show!

Chapter VIII: Shining Through

Closing my eyes, I focus on the smell of nothing but dust and cherries. It’s easy to feel bored out of your mind when it comes to things like this… Sitting in this room, I can’t help but sigh, placing the textbook down on the desk, one of the only objects in here. This room is the one that Sunset said I could do whatever I wanted with since she has her own little room to focus on her studies and internship. The only problem is that I have no idea what to do with this room. So far, there’s only a desk, a chair and a plate with a half eaten slice of cherry cheesecake. Then there’s the textbook, the thing that I have been focusing on for the past few hours with nothing but the material on the pages or the empty room to occupy my thoughts.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly pick up my fork, sliding it into the cheesecake with little effort. This is my favorite treat in the whole world, yet it doesn’t cure the churning in my stomach. In any world, I can’t help but love this food almost as much as Sunset herself, but today, even its magical taste can’t stop my overridden mind. Perhaps it’s due to the nerves… My test is in a couple of days and despite how much Sunset and Apple Bloom helped me study, I can’t help but feel like I know nothing. It doesn’t matter how many flashcards I memorize or how much I read. These damned books always make me learn something new, making me question whether I actually know anything.

Taking a bite of the cake, I chew it far past when I should have swallowed, scanning the page in front of me as closely as I can. I have to reread the same paragraph two or three times every so often… As sweet as the cake is, the nerves going through me make the taste nearly disappear. The cake might as well be a tasteless material I’m chewing on, fully taking away one of the only foods that comforts me during times like this. Why do I feel so nervous about a test of all things? Hardly anything used to cause me to be nervous in the past. I was a powerful siren who had the world in her grasp. Twice. I’m smart, charismatic, witty and perceptive. Yet a test of all things brings me down to such depths.

Let’s face it, Adagio. It’s probably due to the fact that this is one of the only things I still have control over. This music studio gave me a safe space to think whenever I needed to be away from everyone. It gave me a steady income and I actually like teaching others how to sing… Funny thing is that I was afraid to sing two years ago due to my fear that I would lose everything again. Maybe that is happening…

Sighing heavily, I look out one of the windows in the room, taking a moment to ignore the book. I used to be in control of my life. Now, I’m held captive by her. The one tormenting each of my moments with the threat that she can take it all away. That siren who thinks she knows what’s best for me. She’s even threatened my upcoming marriage if it gets in the way of her plans. How am I supposed to relax when something like that is looming over my head all the time? The idea of pre test nerves is minimal in comparison. I can’t even ask for help. I have to stay quiet. This music studio is one of the only things I can still control…

It all depends on this test. Whether I can buy the studio or not. If not, then I have to find a new job and hardly anyone is looking for someone of my background. How am I supposed to be a good wife for Sunset if I can’t even hold a job while she goes to college? I already can’t keep my mind stable, so this is the one thing I need to get right. I can’t afford to lose the studio. If I do, I lose a place that makes me happy, an income and my chances at being employed in general…

It all depends on this test. This one test. Maybe that’s why I’m so wound tight. Combined with the fact that Twilight hasn’t answered my texts, the siren hasn’t shown herself and that Rich is going to use Apple Bloom as his eyes makes everything feel wrong. Twilight’s breakdown was just yesterday and to think that she hasn’t responded to me is an ominous sign. I hoped that everything would be alright, but maybe hoping isn’t enough. Maybe that’s why some people look at religion as a comfort. They believe that if they are good enough, their prayers will be answered. I have no idea if there is some deity judging us from above. But if there is, who would they judge? Me or the siren in my mind? Is she really me and I’m just pretending…? Is that the cycle of my life? My chances of prospering are ruined by her misdeeds…?

Placing my hand on the desk, I take a deep breath and shake my head. This is what happens when I overthink. I end up spiraling into a panic and every bad possibility comes to life in my mind. It’s not a good habit, but it’s hard to not have some form of control over my life. It’s so hard to keep quiet about all this, especially due to what happened the last time I lied to Sunset…

A knock emanates from the door to the empty room, making me look back down at the book. In a way, the knock brought me back down to reality… “Come in,” I request the person outside without looking away from the textbook. There’s not much to do in here, so there’s no reason to knock as of yet. Regardless, the door opens slowly, the sound of a couple of footsteps coming from the floorboards.

“It must be pretty lonely in here. It’s so empty,” Sunset tells me with a hum, walking over to my chair and gently resting her hand on my shoulder. “You’re studying pretty hard, huh? It’s a lot of work,” Sunset whispers, looking down at the pages with a slight shake of her head. Leaning down, she gently wraps her hands around me, her hands rubbing my stomach as tenderly as possible. Despite the silence, I can tell both of us enjoy this moment. Her fingers tickle my stomach with a slight chuckle from Sunset, kissing my cheek delicately. “You should really… take a break,” she whispers into my ear before biting my ear lobe, sending an electric shock down my spine.

Without saying another word, Sunset’s hand burrows under my shirt, feeling my bare stomach as delicately as she can. Every time she drags her fingers across my skin, it tickles me. My cheeks blush and I can’t help but enjoy this showcase of affection. I should really focus on the textbook, but that’s hard to do with or without Sunset’s distraction… My eyes widen as soon as Sunset moves her hands lower towards my waist, making me question exactly what’s going on.

“Wouldn’t it be nice to just relax? With me?” Sunset whispers again right as her hands start to push the waistband of my shorts down…

Grabbing Sunset’s hands, I stop her from going further with a small sigh, much to the confusion of my summer breeze. “I… I’m sorry, Sunset. I can’t right now. I’m not in the right headspace,” I mutter out as a response, feeling slightly guilty that I had to stop her. As good as it may feel to go to bed with her right now, I just know that I wouldn’t be able to… I’d just get her hopes up before all of my walls crash down again.

“Hey, honey. Don’t feel bad about that,” Sunset reassures me with a kind tone, walking around my chair to face me. Gingerly placing her hand on my cheek, Sunset gives me a warm smile with an understanding nod. “It’s alright~ Really. I just thought it might help you relax a bit, but you don’t have to be in the mood for it right now~” Sunset’s fingers wrap around my hand, reassuring me she isn’t going to leave me because of my rejection of her advances.

“You know I would normally love to. I just… I feel too wound up right now and I would end up crying.” Averting my gaze from hers, I look towards the barren floor with a sigh, the feeling of guilt not leaving me. Sunset’s hand grips mine a little tighter… Why does she have to be so kind and understanding? It’s like she always makes me feel bad for feeling bad. If I feel guilty, she reassures me that everything is fine and I am allowed to feel certain emotions. I love her so much…

“Do you want to talk about it?” Sunset asks me quietly, sitting on my desk next to my textbook. Connecting my eyes with hers, I feel a knot form in my throat. Everything on my mind is begging to come out in one moment, but I know I can’t tell her… I can’t tell her all of it. I’m stuck in this bind, no matter what I do.

“It’s just stress. About the test,” I tell her quietly, briefly looking back at the damn book. The feeling of her thumb rubbing the back of my hand makes it hard for me to look at her. I already know that my walls are cracked. “What will happen if I fail the test?” I ask her quietly, tracing my finger across the page of the textbook. I already know what will happen, but a part of me hopes that Sunset will say something else… Something different. She always has something to give me hope, but it’s hard to feel hopeful.

“Then you’ll get right back up and we will find a way to go on,” Sunset responds just as quietly as me, her kind tone letting me know she’s telling me the truth. At least, what she believes is the truth.

“Would we…?” My lips part in an attempt to say something else, but nothing comes out. Everything feels so scrambled… It’s all a mess and I can’t seem to fix it. “What will happen if I fail? Not just the test, but you as well.” The lump in my throat grows bigger just as a tear forms in my eye. Maybe I’m being irrational, but it just feels so… ominous. The future…

“What do you mean, sweetheart? How would you fail me?” Sunset asks me quietly, bringing her hand to my cheek to force me to look her in the eyes once again. Her eyes look into my very soul, cracking my walls irreparably. Tears form so easily in her presence. Why is it so hard to put what I’m thinking into words?

“What if I’m not good enough…?” I ask her quietly, my voice failing me as a couple of the tears slide down my cheek. The thought of that is so… daunting. “I-I want to be the best wife I can be. F-for you. But every time something like this comes up…” I can’t find the strength to continue my sentence, placing my hand on the textbook in an attempt to communicate without words. “I f-feel like I’m going to fail you, Sunset…” It’s so hard to talk normally… I can only whisper. Why does it feel so shameful to cry? To admit my insecurities about the future? I don’t want to fail her…

“Adagio,” she whispers in a soft hum, pulling me into a hug from her standing position. Her body feels so warm… So soft and inviting that the thought of failing her makes me crumble completely. I can’t help but lose it… I-it’s so hard not to cry. “Honey, you’re not going to fail me. You’re so kind and loving and you work so hard to make sure I’m alright. I know it’s really stressful, but don’t think that you will fail me.” Hearing her words, my arms wrap around her and keep her as close as possible. My tears fall even harder and I can’t hold back the cries. I-I love her so much. “Oh, sweetheart. You work so hard. Sometimes, you have to let me take care of you too.” Her fingers run through my hair, bringing back so many memories instantly. So many moments of happiness that I never want to give up.

“T-Twilight was so alone yesterday… Everything happened so fast. I remember how i-it is to be alone,” I am barely able to choke out, my breaking voice betraying me more than I can admit. “If it happened to us, I… I don’t know how I’d go on. I-I need you.” Holding onto her as tightly as I can, my cries get harder, leaving me with no control. Everything tends to be out of control… The intrusive thoughts telling me what would happen if Sunset and I went through the same ordeal is what scares me the most. What if…?

“Adagio, I need you too,” Sunset whispers in the most genuine tone I’ve heard, her fingers still stroking my head. “I love you so much, Adagio. So much. What happened to Twilight was her business. It doesn’t mean we will go through the same thing, sweetheart~” Leaning down, Sunset breaks our embrace and looks into my eyes, making it harder to hide my cries. Her hands cup my cheeks and all she does is smile at me. A really warm smile filled with kindness… “I don’t know what I’d do without my siren either, but let’s not think about that, okay? I love you. For now and always. You won’t lose me and I won’t lose you~” Her hand gently closes the book on the desk, wiping away the tears from my cheek with her warm finger. “Come on~ Let’s go to bed. Not like what I was suggesting before. You need a break and I think some rest will really help you. Especially if it’s with me.” Sunset smiles a little more as her thumb rubs my cheek softly. She always knows the exact right thing to say…

Barely nodding, I try my best to hold back more of my tears. Sunset gently pulls me up from my seat, hugging me once more. Her warmth lets me know that she’s here and that she doesn’t plan on leaving. One of Sunset’s hands moves down to my leg, but before I can react, her arms force me off my feet. With one simple action, Sunset is now carrying me above the ground with the same kind smile on her face.

Kissing my forehead, Sunset nuzzles against my head with a small giggle, holding me as close as possible. “I love you so much, Alligator~”


The motorcycle comes to a stop right in front of an imposing building. My hands don’t let go of Sunset for a moment, my instincts telling me to run away from here. No matter how much I may want to disappear, I have to do this. I have studied so much for this day and I’m not going to back down now because of a few nerves. It doesn’t matter how scary it is. I have to do this…

Getting off the vehicle, I take off my helmet and look at the building with my own eyes instead of through a visor. Sunset seems surprisingly relaxed about this whole ordeal, but I suppose that’s because she’s not the one about to take a test. She keeps telling me she believes in me. That’s hard to believe though… With something like this, it feels so daunting and my mind wants to scream from the stress building up inside of me. Sighing to myself, I hand Sunset the helmet slowly, looking through my bag one more time to make sure I have everything I need. The one thing that would have screwed me over was the lack of a government issued ID, but thankfully, one of the items that the siren bargained for out of Rich was an ID. It’s not fake either. He legit pulled strings to get me an ID. This is the only thing I’m glad about in terms of our new deal.

“Are you ready?” Sunset asks me, still sitting on the motorcycle. Her helmet rests in her lap, but she doesn’t get off the vehicle due to how long my test will last.

“Barely,” I tell her with a deep breath, content with looking through my bag for the twentieth time today. It doesn’t matter how many times I rehearse the flashcards or look through my supplies. Nothing would be able to make me excited to take this test.

“You’ll do great, Adagio~ I believe in you,” she reassures me again, holding my hand with a bright smile. This must be the hundredth time she’s told me that exact same thing today. I know her intentions are just, but honestly? It makes me feel more stressed out every time she says it. “How long is the test again?” she asks me with a hum, checking her phone’s time. Presumably, she wants to know how long she has before she can come pick me up.

“Seven and a half hours,” I respond with a deep sigh, wishing that I didn’t have to say that. It’s noon now, so the fact that this test will take so long is kind of depressing. “I’ll get out around eight, so we could go get dinner afterward if you want.” Even though my request is largely rhetorical, I can’t help but hope she will agree with it. I know that dinner would help me feel better after the exam. Especially if it’s with my Sunset.

“Of course we can~ You deserve it after all you’ve done recently,” Sunset hums, her thumb gently rubbing my hand before cupping my cheek in a loving gesture. Looking her in the eyes, I can tell that Sunset is really hopeful and optimistic about this, her gaze filled with love. No matter what it is, we’re always here for each other. “Would you like a good luck kiss before you go?” Sunset asks me in a teasing tone, but a part of it is as truthful as possible. The wind blows between us, being the only sound interrupting this moment. Her eyes don’t leave mine for a second… If this was a test to see if she would be here for me as long as I need her, then she would have passed long ago.

“I’d really like that,” I answer honestly with a nod. Even though I would usually play along with the joke and tease her back, I can’t help but feel too stressed out to be in a joking mood. Sunset simply giggles at my answer, leaning up and locking our lips together. The warmth of our embrace feels so… nice… The passion shared between the two of us almost makes me believe that I can do this. She’s always here for me. In many ways, I don’t deserve her, but god I love her. Just as quickly as the kiss was initiated, it ends all too quickly, Sunset rubbing my cheek gently. “Good luck, Alligator~” God knows I will need it…


The sounds of patrons talking amongst themselves is one of many stimuli in this place. If you focus on it, you can count dozens of different things happening at the exact same time. Most people ignore it all, but it’s interesting to look at these things closely. The smell of freshly cooked bread adds to the atmosphere of the place as well. Traditionally slow and romantic music plays over speakers from the ceiling. The elderly couple in the corner are laughing to some inside joke and the stain on one of the waiter’s shirts is presumably from spilled wine due to the smell. The curtains beside the windows are drawn closed to keep people from realizing just how late it is, subsequently buying more food. The table has a couple of scratches on it, barely visible but still present nonetheless. All these things add to the atmosphere of the restaurant but most of them go unnoticed.

It’s possible that the only reason I am noticing them now is because I am trying to avoid reality. As we wait for our food to arrive, Sunset constantly looks at her phone, refreshing the page she’s on multiple times. Ordinarily, she’s not so invested in her phone, but tonight is different. It’s… too hard. It’s way too hard for me to constantly check my email for the results of my test, only to see no new notifications every time I look at it. So, I gave my login to Sunset and asked her if she could look at it for me. The sheer amount of stress related to opening the upcoming email is killing me, so it would be better if she just reads it to me when we get the results.

“What is taking them so long?” I ask myself quietly, resting my head in my hands. All the different stimuli of the restaurant make it almost too much to bear. I’m expected to just sit here and not be worried about the results, despite the fact that it pretty much determines if I have a job or not.

“They’re probably still baking it~” Sunset whispers with a smile, clearly referring to our food. We already ate our dinner and now we’re just waiting for our dessert. It’s already been two hours since I got out and I can’t get my mind off of it. So, we decided to order each other’s dessert as a surprise to help distract me. It was a momentary distraction at best…

“You know very well that’s not what I was talking about,” I state with a slight roll of my eyes, prompting a chuckle from my lover. I’m glad she’s able to find the situation humorous. There’s no way I can…

“Well, I’m sure you did a great job. You seemed to remember a fair amount of the material from what you’ve told me~ Let’s just try to relax for a bit,” Sunset tells me before turning off her phone and placing it on the table. Instantly, my anxiety levels rise, thinking about the possibility of the results being sent right now. As scary as it is to reveal the results, it’s scarier to not know…

“What are you doing?” My question comes out quickly and I feel slightly panicked, wondering whether or not they emailed me yet.

“Ten minutes. We’re going to wait ten minutes before we look again. Meaning neither of us can look at our phones during that time.” Sunset raises her eyebrow before leaning back, nudging my leg with her foot. “Think you can do that? Breathe for ten minutes instead of worrying the whole time?”

“Har har,” I respond with a sigh, looking down at the table. “It’s hard to not worry. You know how big this is for me.”

“I know, but if you worry much more, you’re going to give yourself a heart attack. Especially with how stressed you’ve been lately,” Sunset says with a small chuckle, pointing out the obvious amount of turmoil going on in my mind. Someone would have to be absolutely tone deaf to not see that I’m stressed. The only problem with Sunset’s little plan is that I don’t know how I’m supposed to calm down. “Instead, you and I are going to play a little game~” she whispers, leaning forward with a smirk painted across her face. Anyone would feel curious upon seeing that smirk. What idea is she planning?

“What game?” I ask her cautiously with a raised eyebrow, finding this shift in demeanor concerning. Well… Confusing to say the least.

“I’m going to say a word and you will tell me the first word that comes to your mind. Then I will respond to your word with the one that comes to my mind and so on and so forth.” The idea is childish in nature, but still intriguing nonetheless… “We will do this until our desserts get here~ Then I can check your email again. Does that sound alright?” Thinking about it for a moment, I reluctantly nod my head, knowing there’s no way Sunset would let me check my email unless I comply with her game. Hopefully, the desserts will get here soon… “Great~ Now, let me think of a word.” After a couple moments of silence, an idea seems to come to her, making itself known through her smile. “Music,” she tells me with a smirk, seemingly curious to see what comes to my mind.

“Symphony,” I respond quietly, finding the idea of this game getting less annoying.

“Instruments.” Sunset simply smiles, nodding to me to tell me it’s my turn in this quick game. There’s no real winner or loser here. It’s just a game to see what the other person will think of.

“Muse.” Looking into Sunset’s eyes, I can see she’s surprised by my answer. She looks curious about it… There’s no real reason why I answered with that word. I just thought of it while looking at her. Probably because she is my muse. The person inspiring each of my actions and pushing me forward in life. If it wasn’t for her, life would go on without me as I wait in a pool of my own doubt.

“Art,” Sunset answers with a prideful nod. Art… I suppose art is related to muse in a creative sense. What does that word make me think of?

“Subjective,” I say quietly, wondering what her next word might be. At this point, the sounds of the restaurant might as well have disappeared. All of my attention is focused on her, whether I like it or not. It’s strangely calming… Just playing this simple game with her.

“Objective.” Sunset carefully rests her head in the palm of her hand, reaching over and grabbing mine with her other hand.

“Truth.” The word leaves my lips quietly, lingering in the air between us. Even though this game is just a fun experiment between two people, I can’t help but find myself wanting to say more than just one word. Some of these words she gives me makes me think of a sentence rather than just one singular word.

“Life,” Sunset responds in the same tone as my previous word, her eyes not breaking our shared gaze.

“Love.” The word leaves my mouth as soon as I think about it, not a single second of hesitancy impacting my speech. Before Sunset can say another word, our waiter walks up to our table with a tray in his hand. He sets down a plate with a chocolate cake in front of Sunset, some of the frosting portraying her initials. I’m still surprised that the restaurant allowed that much customization of food items. Sunset looks even more surprised than me before giving me a genuine smile, happy with the dessert I chose for her.

The waiter finally sets my plate down as well, giving us his best wishes before going to serve some other patrons. On my plate, a slice of cherry cheesecake cut in the shape of a heart rests in front of me, making my heart skip a beat. This is really thoughtful of her… Looking back up at her, Sunset simply smiles at me, nodding slowly.

“You~” she whispers a singular word, continuing our game for a little longer and making me flush in one single syllable.


The door to our house unlocks much easier than our past apartment, allowing us into our home effortlessly. Our desserts were great, but only one thing remains on my mind. The last thing I want to do before bed is find out the results of that damned test. If they haven’t sent the email by now, I don’t know if I will even be able to sleep tonight… Closing the door behind Sunset, I can’t help but feel that the silence in our house is unbearable. It’s too damn quiet…

“Well? Is it there yet?” I ask Sunset anxiously, seeing her eyes look down at her phone. Every second, I keep wishing for it to be here already, but Sunset doesn’t seem to find it.

“Hold on, I’m logging in right now,” Sunset tells me in a reassuring tone, trying to give me a calming smile, but I doubt anything could calm me right now. Every second feels like torture and my body is hyper aware of any annoying stimulant, as if it’s trying to eliminate everything that could be a problem.

Taking off my coat, I try to find anything to do that can distract me from the results. Pulling off my purple boots, I sigh heavily to myself, knowing damn well that nothing I do can distract me. There’s a constant little reminder going off every few minutes in my head, ringing loud and clear that I need to find out my results. It’s moronic that so much of my life can change due to a few numbers on a screen… I sat in that building for nearly eight hours, testing myself over everything that I’ve been studying over. All I want is for that effort to pay off.

Looking over at Sunset, I freeze in my tracks as I see Sunset’s expression, her eyes wide and her mouth slightly ajar… Instantly, all the hopes inside me come falling down and I know exactly what news we got… All those hours were for nothing. All that stress led to nothing in the end, huh? It’s awfully ironic… It always-

“Adagio,” Sunset barely calls out my name, her eyes locking with mine. Tears form in her gaze and I can’t help but feel guilty, making her go through this. I wish- “You passed.”

I… Did I hear her correctly?

Is it my mind playing tricks on me? Did I actually hear those two words? Everything inside me doesn’t want to believe it, as much as I was hoping for that news.

“Could you repeat that…?” I ask her in disbelief, feeling lightheaded from the possibility that I heard her correctly.

“You passed, Adagio,” Sunset tells me with the biggest smile, a couple of tears falling down her cheeks. “Oh my god, I’m so proud of you!” Within a moment, Sunset pulls me into a tight hug, letting out a couple cries of happiness as she holds onto me. I… I can’t believe it… I actually passed? I did it? All that stress paid off?

Wrapping my arms around Sunset, I can’t help but feel a few tears of my own fall down my face, the news she gave me making me feel ecstatic. “I did it. We did it,” I’m barely able to stammer out, the emotions coming over me. “I-I can actually buy the music studio. I didn’t fail. I… It worked out,” I tell her with a big smile painted across my lips. Leaning away from her, I look into her eyes, a proud look on her face.

“I knew you could do it, Alligator~” Without wasting another second, Sunset presses her lips against mine. Despite how dark it is in our home, everything feels so bright. The warmth that’s shared between us enters my heart and everything feels so… perfect. Everything is so perfect right here in her arms. I did it.

I couldn’t have done it without her~