• Published 30th Nov 2022
  • 995 Views, 223 Comments

A Dazzling Trio - Spyder27

Now that Adagio is engaged to the love of her life, she only has one more thing she wants to do before they make it official. She wants to find the other sirens she lost years ago and try to make things right. Will she be able to?

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Where to go?

Chapter XX: Where to go?

The bright light of the lamp bears down on my body. The warmth of the light can be felt from here. However, I can’t quite pull myself together to give a damn about it. Instead, my eyes focus on the small object resting on my lap. A gold ring with a small diamond… Sunset picked it out herself. It was a part of a pair. The other ring rests on my finger… She bought it at much cheaper price than other rings due to the fact that the diamonds were made in a lab. She probably went that route because she hates the industry profiting off of diamonds… That was so long ago when she gave me the ring. Now, her ring rests on my lap, light shining off of the diamond’s surface…

A deep sigh leaves my lungs. It’s almost hard to breathe in this room. Maybe it’s because of what just transpired. Maybe not… Regardless, I can’t help but find it hard to move at all. The binds around my arms and legs aren’t the problem. Whenever I try to move, I just can’t bring myself to do so. Not from a lack of energy. Rather, a lack of motivation. What is the point in moving in this scenario? I have nowhere to go. Nothing to do.

Moving my head down, I bury my cheeks into my scarf. In a way, I’m glad that they didn’t take the scarf away. The soft fabric feels brand new, even after years of use. All because Sunset decided to use some of the best materials she had access to. Closing my eyes, I try my best to find some emotional reaction inside of me. Something to signal that I am still human. Nothing is there… Where feelings of hurt should be, there’s nothing but a cold feeling of isolation. Not unlike the cold frost of winter…

Loud music plays throughout the house. That’s just the norm at this point though. I can’t exactly stop Aria from playing the music she wants. At least it isn’t bad music. Then I would probably get a headache. Walking down the stairs, the lyrics get clearer as I see Sonata and Aria standing in the living room. The two of them are playing some sort of dancing game where they have to follow the steps of the person on the TV. I can’t begin to understand them, but I do weird things with Sunset too.

“Is this really how your idiots decide to spend your morning?” I ask them with a chuckle, walking into the kitchen with a smile on my face. Opening the fridge, I take out the orange juice, pouring it into a glass. Sonata doesn’t give me a response, but Aria looks back at me with a roll of her eyes.

“You want in? I’m sure I could beat you,” Aria tells me with a bored tone, keeping up with Sonata’s impressive energy. Shaking my head at Aria’s offer, I can’t help but stifle a chuckle.

“Beat me? Aria, we both know I’m better than you at everything,” I tease her with a laugh, taking a sip of my drink. Aria stops dancing to turn and look at me, raising her eyebrow.

“You’re pretty mean for someone who is ‘reformed,’” Aria mentions with air quotes before flipping me off. Aria can’t help but laugh a little afterward, seemingly sharing in my humor.

“Aria, you’re losing points,” Sonata quickly tells her with an urgent tone, trying to redirect Aria’s attention back to the game. Aria shakes her head before pointing her thumb at the TV, once again offering if I would like to join.

“You two keep playing. I’m content where I am.” Aria shrugs her shoulders at my response, turning around and starting to dance once more. In a way, I can’t help but find it funny how we can go from insulting each other one second to laughing with each other the next.

A yawn comes from the stairs, making me turn my gaze from Sonata and Aria. Standing halfway up the stairs, a woman with barely opened eyes looks down at us. Her messy hair only makes her look cuter. The flame of my heart locks eyes with me before giving me the same warm smile she’s given me for years now. Gently making her way down the steps, my summer mist walks up to me, wrapping her arms around my waist.

“You look sleepy,” I whisper with a smirk, making her shake her head.

“Can it be helped when I am woken up with loud music from your friends?” she asks me, gesturing her head towards Aria and Sonata. My wife’s tender hand grabs my cup of juice, drinking it in front of me. The fact that she has the audacity to do that makes me feel amused. She’s the only one I would actually tolerate stealing my drink. Gently, she presses her lips against my own. It’s a warm sensation, reminding me just how much she loves me. The music might as well be nonexistent… All I can focus on is the woman in my arms.

“Aw, isn’t that cute?” Sonata’s voice speaks up, making the two of us break our kiss. The music is much quieter now. Both Aria and Sonata stare at us as a scoreboard flashes up on screen.

“That isn’t cute. It’s nauseating,” Aria mentions with a forced gag, trying to show us how unenthusiastic she is about the display of affection.

“You’re charming as always, Aria,” my wife responds by sticking her tongue out at her. Sunset gives me one more deep kiss, her eyes looking towards my friend as if she’s gloating for having me wrapped around her finger. I thought I was supposed to be the one casting spells… The fiery hair of my lover makes the room feel so much brighter. She has a tendency to do that to me… Pulling away from our kiss, her eyes connect with mine, a warm smile coming from her lips. “Adagio,” she states my name, but her tone doesn’t match her facial expression at all. Instead, my name falls out of her mouth in a monotone voice with no affection behind it. Despite her tone, her face looks so affectionate… So loving. “Adagio…”

“Adagio.” Sunset’s voice reaches me, her tone as blank as a piece of paper. A warm fuzzy feeling surrounds my mouth and chin. A drowsy feeling surrounds my mind. This feeling… Opening my eyes, the bright light above me makes it hard for me to concentrate. Finally, Sunset’s face comes into view, a more annoyed expression presenting itself. I don’t even remember dozing off. A part of me hopes that everything that happened recently was a part of that dream as well. Getting that phone number… The break up.

The ropes around my hands and legs do a good job at convincing me that it wasn’t a dream… Sunset stands up, stepping back from the chair I’m sitting on. All of my friends look down at me. Most of them have contempt in their eyes. Twilight is the only one who seems interested. Flipping to a page in her notebook, Twilight takes a deep breath before signaling Rarity to turn on the rest of the lights. Rarity’s eyes look down at the ring in my lap with a small amount of sympathy before her gaze goes back to anger.

“Hey, Adagio. How was your rest?” Twilight asks me respectfully, walking up to my chair. The overhead lights in this room are really bright. My eyes look away from Twilight, focusing on Sunset’s face. No matter how many seconds go by, a look of hurt and anger is in her eyes. It never leaves her expression. Her gaze never breaks from mine, confirming the emotions I see. “I’ll take your silence to mean it went well,” Twilight tells me quietly before pushing my chair to the wall of the room. “I just wanted to let you know that we’re going to be discussing how we move forward now. So, I wanted you to be awake for that.”

“Thank you,” I whisper in response, making eye contact with her once more. Twilight nods her head before looking towards the rest of our friends. Clearing her throat, Twilight acts as if she is about to give some sort of speech.

“Girls. I implore you to not ask me any questions until I have finished my explanation.” Looking down at her notebook, Twilight takes a moment before looking at our friends again. “Behind me is a woman we all know or thought we knew. Actually, it’s a combination of both. You all know by now that Adagio’s mind is broken. Well, I can actually explain this in a way.” The sound of rustling paper lets me know that Twilight flipped pages once more. “A couple of years ago, I took a sample of Adagio’s blood to compare an unusual line of genetic code to our DNA. Both Sunset and Adagio have different DNA from our own on a small level. Adagio’s code is different from Sunset’s however. A lot of the code seems inactive or unresponsive. I don’t know what this part of her DNA is responsible for, but from what we’ve seen, I’d theorize it is involved with magic in some way.”

Twilight’s eyes look back at me for a moment, a hint of pity in them. I never asked for her pity… The thing that confuses me even more is the fact that Twilight doesn’t seem to hate me like the others do. Even Pinkie Pie is looking at me as if I am some sort of untrustworthy animal. Her deflated hair covers one of her eyes.

“Now, I have a theory that this part of Adagio’s DNA controls how magic works with her body. When all of you and the other version of me beat the Dazzlings, the magic you hit them with was intended to stop them. Maybe your magic stopped them by inhibiting Adagio’s magic.” Twilight moves to the side to give me a better look at my friends, therefore giving them free reign to see any and all emotions on my face. “We also know that sirens are very magical in nature. They are born with magical abilities unlike any other. Thus, when magic isn’t present, it can be assumed that a siren’s genetic code doesn’t know what to do.” Twilight holds her hand out to me as if she is presenting some sort of project. It feels odd to be tied down to the chair, talked about as if I am some sort of abused animal. “I think… I think if we reintroduce magic into her system permanently, her mind would begin to fix itself. Umbra’s whole goal is to get Adagio back to that mindset before the Battle of the Bands, likely to try and protect the body.”

“So, you’re saying that all of the evil her subconscious has done is some elaborate attempt of self-preservation? And that we need to aid in that?” Applejack asks with a hint of anger in her voice.

“In no way am I excusing what her subconscious did. I’m just saying that… in my opinion, I think the best way to help Adagio is to help her get her magic back.” Twilight holds up her hands to try and calm Applejack down, clearing her throat. A nervous expression comes across Twilight’s face as Applejack sighs and shakes her head. Rarity rubs Applejack’s shoulder before looking at Twilight for a moment.

“And you think we can get her magic back by letting her take some of ours?” Rarity asks Twilight in a more innocent tone. Though, Rarity’s eyes still glare at me every now and then.

“We already know it worked with Applejack’s magic,” Sunset responds quietly, bringing her hand to her face. Twilight shoots Sunset a look as if she wasn’t ready to divulge that information. Applejack suddenly looks down at me, a grimace on her face.

“Ya say what now?” Applejack asks the two of them as her eyes stare holes into my soul.

“Don’t worry. Your magic will return to its normal state after a while. Think of it as if Adagio clipped off some of your hair. Your hair will grow back, she’s just borrowing some of it.” Twilight tries her best to defend the actions of my subconscious, but it still sounds bad no matter how you put it.

“I get that, but what do you two mean that it already worked with mine? When did that happen?” Applejack asks the two of them in an accusatory tone, clearly trying to direct her anger for me at someone else.

“Do you remember when we stopped at the first gas station on this trip and you fell due to heat exhaustion?” Sunset asks our friend blatantly, trying to catch her up to speed as quickly as possible. “During that time, Adagio was being controlled by Umbra and she drained your magic slightly.”

“So, we’re supposed to let her drain our magic, one by one?” Pinkie Pie asks Twilight, her tone small and tired.

“Even if this turns out bad, we will be able to take it away from her. She’s only taking a bit from each person to reform her own magic. Besides, I think this is the best way to get our friend back to normal.” Twilight tries to reassure everyone, but it doesn’t seem to have much effect. A silence follows after Twilight’s words. Fluttershy’s eyes look like she has something to say, but she stays silent. Rarity opens her mouth, but before she can say anything, Rainbow Dash scoffs pretty loudly.

“Bold of you to say ‘our friend’, Twi. It’s like you’re trying to sweep what she did under the rug. Even if she is being influenced by this Umbra bitch, she still decided to go through with stealing the phone number with her magic.” Within an instant, my feelings come back to me. Something inside of me hurts beyond comparison… The pain only lasts for a few moments before the numb cold resumes. Why should I assume she would still be my friend after that? It’s Dash’s right to think that…

“Rainbow, that might be a little harsh,” Fluttershy responds with a nervous expression. Even though she’s been angry at me this whole time, apparently Fluttershy is willing to help me with this mess. Though, let’s be honest here. I’ve lost them all as friends at this point…

“Yeah, well, I don’t see the person I became friends with. That is if our friendship was ever real to begin with. Funny how I let myself get convinced to leave my sick mom just to help out someone like you,” Dash states in anger, her eyes directed at me now. “After all I did to stand by you. Nah. You’re not my friend. Not anymore.” Before anyone can say another word, Dash pushes past everyone else. The door of the hotel room slams shut behind her, making everyone go silent once more…

“Would anyone else like to… take a break?” Twilight asks quietly. Not a single word is whispered into the cold air. Even Applejack is silent. Usually, she’s the one with the most opinions on a certain subject.

“We haven’t talked about what we’re going to do with Adagio until we’re sure we can… You know. Trust her,” Rarity mumbles before nodding her head towards me. “Surely we can’t keep her tied to the same chair every day. Especially since we’re trying to find Aria and Sonata.” I wish everyone would stop talking about me as if I am not here. Dash has been the only one so far that addressed me specifically since this conversation began. Although, I can understand why they wouldn’t talk to me. Why would you talk to someone who broke your trust?

“Well, we’re going to have to keep a close eye on her and Umbra throughout this trip. And considering I don’t want us to stay awake at night, we may have to tie her down at night,” Twilight mentions casually as if that fact isn’t surprising.

“I have some handcuffs we can use,” Rarity responds with a slight shrug of her shoulders. Her eyes wander away from mine, trying to compose herself. “Just… Don’t ask why I have them.” Twilight can’t help but raise her eyebrow at Rarity’s statement. I would too, but honestly? It’s hard to care about something so trivial like handcuffs when my life is falling apart.

“Alright. I think we’ve covered just about everything then. Are we all in?” Twilight asks my previous friends. Even though all of them are still clearly angry at me, they all pitch in their hand, Applejack being first to offer hers in the hand-stack. Sunset looks at the gesture for a moment, hesitating to move. Out of everyone here, she is the one who feels the most betrayed by what I did. If anyone deserves to opt out of helping me, it is her. Sunset’s eyes look at me with a sense of sadness behind them before finally adding her hand to the pile.

The feeling of the RV’s seats aren’t the most comfortable. It’s especially not comfortable when everyone is staring at you. Sunset’s fingers gently touch the back of my neck. Even though it is usually a soothing gesture, it does nothing but cause me to feel even more isolated. The only reason Sunset is this close to me right now is so that she can tell if Umbra takes control. It makes sense. I just wish I didn’t hurt her this badly…

“Here,” Applejack says before handing me her phone. Sonata’s number is already filled in, making it a simple button press away from talking to her. “Call her. If your subconscious even thinks of showing her ugly face, I’m taking that phone away. Got it?” Applejack’s eyes tell me she’s deadly serious. Giving her a small nod, I look down at the screen. Sunset’s presence only amplifies the cold feeling of isolation. Her words still ring in my mind… No matter how much I want to tell her I’m sorry and that our relationship did mean something to me, I know she won’t listen to me.

How can I bring myself to call Sonata when I proved I can still hurt the people I care about? Especially the one person I love… How am I supposed to go forward now? Everything has crumbled down all because of my selfish actions. I caused my friendships and my relationship to break. The only reason everyone is still helping me is because they don’t want to leave me with a broken mind. Why do I have to ruin everything…? Everytime I get something good, I just spoil it all…

“Adagio…?” Fluttershy speaks up to get my attention.

“Sorry,” I whisper in response, trying to appease the eyes on me. Pressing the call button, I put the phone on speaker. The ringing plays loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone looks at the phone, anxious of an answer. Everyone except for Rainbow Dash. Ever since we checked out of the hotel, she’s avoided eye contact with me. Now, all she can do is sit back in the corner, resting her feet on the table. I know I don’t deserve this help. In a way, I wish Sunset would fully abandon me. That way, I wouldn’t have to bother her even more. But she’s too good for that. Even now, she wants to help me, despite not wanting to have a relationship with me.

Each painful ring reminds me how I can’t take back the past, despite how much I want to. To just take it all back. To treat Sunset with the respect she deserves… Three years gone down the drain. All because I pushed her a little too far… How stupid do I have to be to get her to that point? All it took was a small push in the wrong direction. Yet, I lined up to give her a shove…

“Hello there,” a sweet voice speaks up the instant the ringing stops. The innocent tone in the speaker’s voice is all too familiar. It’s a tone I haven’t heard in a long time… The sound of a friend lost to time. My lips hesitate to say anything, letting a moment of silence pass me by. “Um, can I help you?” she asks me, making me want to hang up. I have no right to bother her now, but I’ve come too far to stop now.

“Is this Miss Sonata Dusk?” I ask in my clearest tone, trying my best to not let my throat crack.

“This is she,” Sonata responds with a cheerful tone, seemingly oblivious for the most part. “Your voice is familiar… May I ask who you are?” Her question is proper and courteous, tipping everyone off to the fact that she can’t quite figure out why my voice is familiar.

“A few years ago, you had two friends that you spent hundreds of years with. But all of you went your separate ways. I was hoping to apologize for that and a couple other things.” An audible gasp can be heard from the other end, making me stop in the middle of my point. Everyone else in the RV is being as quiet as possible, attentively listening to the conversation.

“Adagio…?” Sonata asks me cautiously, sounding nervous and curious at the same time. “Is that you?” Sonata sounds like she can’t believe it is me on the other end. Every word that comes out of her mouth sounds like she’s being as careful as she can to verify the information presented to her.

“It’s me, Sonata. I hope you will hear me out before ending this call. I-”

“Why would I hang up?” Sonata interjects, confused with my words. “How are you doing? It’s been so long since I’ve heard from you.” Sonata’s innocent tone comes back, seemingly curious to hear more from me. I can’t say I expected this reaction. I thought she would hate getting a call from me.

“I’m great,” I lie to her, trying to cover up the feeling of ice in my heart. “I’ve been doing better than ever recently. That’s why I wanted to talk. I thought about you and… Well, I wanted to see how you are.”

“I’m great too,” Sonata enthusiastically responds. I can almost see her nodding her head right now, despite the distance between us. “I made my own business. It’s pretty successful too. More than a hundred locations.” The way Sonata speaks shows she is clearly proud of her prospering career. I don’t blame her. It is an impressive accomplishment after all.

“I know. It’s a pretty establishment you have,” I respond to her with a small nod, despite the fact that she can’t see me.

“Wait, you’ve seen it?” Sonata asks me in astonishment. “I… I thought you lived in Canterlot City?”

“I do, but let’s just say I decided to take a look at Vegas,” I respond quietly into the microphone. A part of me wants to tell her about the people I am with, but I know how she would react to that. Not favorably at all… Though, it shouldn’t matter either way. I don’t exactly expect her to want anything to do with me after this call. Just like all the former friends around me… “Hey, Sonata. Listen to me. That’s not an order like before, but… I would appreciate it.” Taking a deep breath, I try my best to think of the right words to say. If this is the last time I talk to her, I want to make one thing painfully clear. “I’m sorry, Sonata. This isn’t some attempt to manipulate you or such. I genuinely want to apologize for all the abuse I put you through. Maybe it isn’t my place to apologize and open such a wound, but I regret everything I did to you and Aria.”

Giving myself a second to think, the nerves in my back tingle. Anxious feelings surround my mind. As much as I want to back down, I know there’s more to say. I can’t back down yet…

“Your postcards made me happy. I… It’s hard for me to say this, but I’m proud of you. Even though I know it means nothing coming from me.” The last time Sonata saw me, I was an egotistical villain, lusting after power. But really… Am I any different than I was back then? I still have the potential to hurt everyone around me. “I never said it, but you two meant the world to me back then. You didn’t deserve that kind of treatment. And for that? I’m sorry.”

For a few seconds, I let silence fill in the gap between us. I try my best to ignore the girls around me. It hurts so much to open this wound in Sonata’s heart while in the company of previous friends. People I hurt just as much as I hurt Sonata. Maybe that’s all I am… A villain. A monster. No matter how much I progress, the world drags me back to the darkness that I was born in. The best I can do is to avoid any more pain.

“It’s been nice to hear your voice again. Please take care of yourself, Sonata. Naytra ven tru.” Opening my eyes, I look down at the phone. Bringing my finger to the bright red button, I mentally steel myself to end the call. All I want is for Sonata to gain some sort of closure out of this as well. That would be the best scenario…

“Wait,” Sonata speaks up, an uncertain tone in her voice. I can’t help but raise my eyebrow at Sonata’s singular word, bringing my finger away from the screen. “Do you want to talk face to face? It’s been a while since I’ve seen you.” Is… Is she seriously requesting to see me? After all this time and all the abuse I inflicted upon her? “We could catch up some more. If you want. I make some pretty good tacos too?” Sonata’s tone almost pleads for me to consider her proposition. How am I supposed to accept that? I don’t want to hurt her again…

“Adagio,” Applejack whispers, making me look up from the screen. Her stern face gives off an air of authority. Pointing at the phone, Applejack tells me to accept Sonata’s offer without making a sound. Anger still resides in her glare, but it seems Applejack would be more pissed if I reject Sonata.

“I would like that,” I respond to Sonata, finally looking away from the cowgirl.

“Great~ You think you can come around today? I can text you the address so you don’t forget.” Sonata is being thoughtful as always… She’s always been like this. Ever since we were young, Sonata has put me and Aria before herself, presumably because she wants to see us happy. It’s almost depressing that I took advantage of that kindness countless times over a few millennia. Although, it’s really hard to feel anything now. It’s just… Empty…

“I can do that. What time would be best for you?” Taking a deep breath, I try my best to keep myself from worrying too much about this. It’s hard to believe that Sonata wants to see me again, but I have no reason not to oblige her request. Everyone else on this RV is essentially waiting for the trip to be over. The faster I get done meeting with Sonata and Aria, the faster they can go home.

“I’m free at two. Will I see you then?” Two in the afternoon. That’s still a few hours. That should be fine. It gives everyone else a chance to eat before we go. I highly doubt I will be able to eat anything before I see Sonata… Looking up at the girls, Applejack gives a nod to tell me that the time works out.

“I will be there.” A small laugh can be heard from the other end of the line, making me feel curious. What does she find funny?

“I’ll talk to you then. See ya, Adagio!” Before I have a chance to bid her farewell, Sonata ends the call. In truth, it leaves me stunned for a moment.

Taking the phone from my hand, Applejack slides it back into her pocket. No one seems to know what to say, leaving an awkward silence over us.

“Alright, Twilight. Do your thing,” Applejack tells her quietly, pointing towards me. “One of you can volunteer your magic. I’m going to start driving.” It’s clear from her quick tone that Applejack doesn’t want to stick around for a second longer. I don’t think anyone wants to stay here with me, but our limited space makes it impossible to separate myself from the group. Applejack heads towards the driver’s seat, closing the door behind herself. Finally, Sunset’s fingers let go of my neck. She stands up from her seated position, walking to the opposite side of the cabin and sitting down next to Rainbow Dash. I can’t quite blame her for doing that…

Twilight reaches into her bag, pulling out the glass container with my gem fragments. Her hands start to glow as the pieces float into the air. “Well, do we have any volunteers?” Twilight asks the girls with an uplifting tone. Her attempt to cut through the tension is as successful as cutting a diamond with a feather.

“I don’t think this is the best idea, but a lady can’t back down halfway, now can she?” Rarity states with a strict composure, nodding to Twilight. “I can handle it, darling. Go ahead.” Rarity brushes any hair in front of her necklace away as if it will make it easier to take some of her magic.

“You may want to sit down. The last time she did this, Applejack collapsed.” Twilight nervously chuckles in an attempt to make light of the situation. However, as soon as Applejack’s experience is brought up, Rarity’s eyes dart over to me with a hateful glare. A fire resides in her eyes. Reminiscent of the anger I have felt throughout my life, Rarity stares down at me before sitting down, crossing her arms.

“Will this hurt her?” Fluttershy speaks up, clearly worried. Her hand is raised in the air, trying to stop Twilight before she puts the pieces of the gem together.

“Don’t worry. It should only make her feel exhausted. If any pain occurs, I can tear the pieces apart within a second. The only side effect that Rarity should feel is a lack of energy.” Twilight gives Fluttershy a thumbs up, trying to give a reassuring smile. With a small breath, Twilight brings the gem fragments together. Once again, a crackling energy flies through my body. It’s almost enough to make me forget about my current situation. However, nothing can do that… Reluctantly, I hum a small note, making an aura appear around Rarity. I’m the only one who can see it for now. Everyone else would notice it if I cast the spell at some higher level.

Looking at the people around me, a singular idea spreads across my mind. With one spell, I could alter everyone’s memories. In the span of a minute, I could make everyone forget what happened. I could replace those bad memories with good ones. That’s assuming I can even affect their minds, but if I could, all it would take is a few seconds.

My eyes connect with Sunset’s, her gaze showing me just how numb she feels. All because of me. I let myself get tempted by magic and in turn, I hurt her… I… As tempting as it is, I won’t let myself ruin her life for a third time…

The sweet smell of flowers is carried by the wind. It isn’t exactly surprising. This house has a rather large garden with a wide array of flowers. The house has pristine white walls with a garage on the left side of the house. Another detached garage is on the right side, seeming like it would be used for storage rather than a vehicle. The windows of the house shine and curve upward in an arc. The front door has its own concrete path to the sidewalk, decorated with small rocks on each side. As if two driveways are not enough…

Still. I have to admit that this does impress me. A large house in a gated community. It seems Sonata is doing pretty well for herself. That’s something I wish I could say about me. My life is broken all over again with no way to repair the damage. It’s impossible. I should be grateful that the girls are even helping me anymore. They could just go back home and leave me here. Honestly, that would probably be for the best, but they’re still here. Helping me until we can get home… For now, Sunset thought it would be the best idea if I talked to Sonata alone. Surprising Sonata with the presence of our former enemies isn’t the best idea after all.

Gently pressing the doorbell, I try my best to compose myself. My mind briefly thinks about if I am dressed appropriately for this. I have my hair up with a spiked headband, a leather jacket with jeans on and a purple scarf that goes well with the purple high-heeled boots. It’s not a coincidence that half of this outfit was given to me by Sunset. Is Sonata expecting a different kind of outfit? Is she expecting me to be vastly different?

The door opens before me, giving me little time to actually think about those questions. A face I thought I’d never see again looks back at me. The light bounces off her blue skin. Her bangs come down to a point with a large ponytail in the back. Her magenta eyes look the same as before, reminding me just how much time has passed since I’ve seen her. A friend I spent multiple lifetimes with is standing right here. Three and a half years shouldn’t feel like much compared to that, but it does. It has been way too long…

“Hi, Adagio,” Sonata says in a quiet tone, giving me a wave. Her demeanor makes her seem a little hesitant to say anything, but she quickly smiles at me, stepping out of the doorway. “Come in~ I’ve been waiting for you.”

Walking inside, I can’t help but notice the brightly colored walls. Blue and pink immediately makes the atmosphere feel much different than it did outside. The exterior of this house doesn’t match the interior at all, but it aligns with Sonata’s character. A few photos are hung on the walls leading into the foyer. Sonata is in every picture with people that I can’t recognize. One is a picture of the beach. Another takes place in some sort of meeting room. The third picture shows Sonata smiling in front of a large building. She’s holding hands with…

“When was this picture taken?” I ask her quietly, pointing at the framed photograph. A part of me can’t believe what it depicts. I thought they hadn’t seen each other since they left me, but this clearly implies something different. Why would Aria be in this picture…?

“That was two years ago. Actually, that was the last time I saw Aria now that I think about it,” Sonata explains with a cheerful tone before leading me into the foyer. The staircase leading up to the second floor draws my eyes more than anything else. That is until I notice the large taco rug on the floor, making me raise my eyebrow.

“You two kept in touch? I thought we all went our separate ways after the Battle of the Bands,” I mention with a curious tone, taking my eyes away from the rug. Sonata leads me into a room to the right of the stairs. A coffee table is surrounded by a couple of couches with cutesy cat-themed cushions. A TV is mounted on the wall opposite of the main couch. A doorway is on either side of the wall the TV is hanging on, clearly leading into a kitchen area.

“We lived together for a little while after that. Around a year and a half, but Aria decided she wanted to do something different.” Huh. So, around the time I was considering a friendship with Sunset, Sonata and Aria were still living together. That’s surprising… Sonata encourages me to follow her into the kitchen. The walls are back to white. Her marble countertop is nothing to scoff at. Her fridge even has a screen on it, making me wonder just how much that cost her. Sunset and I don’t even have a water dispenser in our fridge. Sonata is doing far better than I expected. On the counter, a chess board is set up with each of the pieces in their corresponding spaces. “Do you want a drink? I have water, milk, and some juice,” Sonata tells me with a cheerful tone, walking over to the cabinets hanging over the sink with a slight bounce in her step.

“Water will be fine.” My eyes focus on the chess board in front of me. I’d be lying if I said I’m not confused by this. Why would she have this set up in the kitchen of all places? “Playing a game with someone?” I ask her quietly, noticing one of the white pawns is already moved two spaces forward.

“Well, I want to. I usually like to play games like Candyland or Monopoly, but I know you would probably like chess more.” Sonata walks towards the counter, giving me a cup of water. “Wanna play with me?”

Author's Note:

Well, here's the newest chapter. I did my best to make a draft that I think is worthy of publishing. I hope I stayed true to the characters. Honestly, it will probably be a few weeks before I'm able to write again. I have some personal stuff going on in my life, but I will be back to write the next chapter eventually. As a little teaser, I'll let you know that the next chapter is going to include a lot more Sonata and Rainbow Dash.