• Published 30th Nov 2022
  • 996 Views, 223 Comments

A Dazzling Trio - Spyder27

Now that Adagio is engaged to the love of her life, she only has one more thing she wants to do before they make it official. She wants to find the other sirens she lost years ago and try to make things right. Will she be able to?

  • ...

As It Was

Chapter XXVIII: As It Was

“Excuse the mess,” Aria tells Sonata and me quietly, unlocking the door to her apartment. She isn’t exactly proud of bringing us here, but I can understand that feeling. I remember living in a place like this as well… As soon as we enter, I notice takeout trash as well as some magazines scattered around. This apartment is pretty simple. The main area is a living room with a connected kitchen and a small hallway leading to what I assume is the bathroom and the bedroom. Aria walks over to the couch, cleaning it off and gesturing for us to sit down. “Are you going to stand there the whole time or what?” Aria asks us, still as grumpy as ever.

Sonata and I take her offer, sitting on the couch. Honestly, this place can be seen as comfortable… In a way. Okay, not really. I’m trying my best to see the best in the situation. Aria looks at us as if she doesn’t know exactly what to do now.

“Oh, um. Do you want a drink? I have…” Her voice trails off as she walks into the kitchen. The sound of the fridge opening is followed by an audible sigh. “Water. I have water,” Aria mentions in an annoyed tone. I understand how she feels embarrassed by this, but this isn’t some diplomatic meeting. We’re just… old friends meeting again.

“That sounds nice~ We’ll take some,” Sonata responds with a positive tone, even though this situation is probably more nerve wracking for her than it is for me. Honestly, I am probably the most calm out of all of us. That is really surprising…

Aria walks back into the living room, handing us both a water bottle. Moving a pile of magazines to the opposite side of the table, she uses them as an impromptu seat. She can see both of us from here… It’s a little sad that she doesn’t have a chair to sit at our height level though. Sonata sinks off the couch, sitting on the floor with a smile. Ah, I see… She’s right, of course. It would be better to sit at the same height either way. Unlike the last time we saw each other, we’re all equal here. I’m not the leader.

Following Sonata’s lead, I sit down on the floor, noticing Aria look at us with a surprised expression.

“What are you doing? The couch is a lot more comfortable,” Aria tries to explain with her hands up, once again offering the seat.

“If you sit down here, so do we,” I respond quietly, raising my hand to try and reassure her. Aria looks at me as if I am crazy, raising her eyebrow.

“But Adagio. You’re usually the one wanting the best of the best. Why would you-”

“I am no leader here, Aria.” Taking a deep breath, I look up at her. “Listen. In a lot of ways, I am the same Adagio as four years ago. However, there are a lot of areas I have changed. We all deserve equal treatment here.”

“I think we have all changed,” Sonata whispers with a sheepish look. She chuckles as if it is a humorous statement, but the truth is that she’s right. We’ve all changed.

“Can I start?” I ask both of them. After a moment, they nod to me, both of their gazes directed towards me. “I’ve already talked with Sonata, but… still. A little more than four years ago was the last time I saw both of you at the same place. Back then, I… I didn’t appreciate you two as friends and I often manipulated you and abused you. You both didn’t deserve that.” I still remember that night pretty clearly. “For all I’ve done and said, I’m sorry. You two were my only friends.”

Aria lowers her gaze in response. I can tell she’s thinking of what to say, but nothing comes out of her mouth. Finally, she places her hands on the table, sighing to herself.

“It wasn’t all your fault, Adagio,” Aria whispers. “I didn’t treat either of you that great either. I… I admit it. I was wrong. I regret that night as well since… I thought you’d never want to see me again.” A tear slides down her cheek as she stares down at the table. “I’m a hateful, awful person. I’m sorry, Adagio. And I’m sorry for fighting with you, Sonata… Your restaurant turned out to be a great success, but I… God, I didn’t believe in you.” Aria presses her head down on the table, trying to hide her shameful tears. Sonata, on the other hand, seems surprised.

“You know about my business…?” Sonata asks her with confusion. “It was only an idea when we fought about it…”

“I kept tabs on that idea,” Aria briefly explains, shaking her head without bringing her gaze up from the table. “I’m really glad you did it. I… I knew you wouldn’t want to see me again. Either of you. I-I thought it was too late to say sorry.” Aria’s shoulders shake a little with her cries. Tears fall down Sonata’s face after hearing Aria’s words. Even I can feel a tinge of pain in my heart. It’s not too late. Maybe it is a few years later, but we can always try to make things right.

“I’m sorry too,” Sonata whimpers, wiping away her tears. However, it doesn’t do her any good since her crying continues. “I never meant to insult you, Adagio. And I’m sorry for saying you never had a heart, Aria…” Sonata hesitantly reaches over and grabs one of Aria’s hands, trying her best to smile. While I don’t know what Sonata is referencing, I can assume this happened when the two of them separated. “I-I do want to see you again.” Reaching out, I grab Sonata and Aria’s spare hands, finally making the latter look up.

“I want both of you to be a part of my life again,” I whisper, trying to hold back my own emotions. Gripping their hands a little tighter, I feel a tear surface in my eye. “I don’t want to keep going without my best friends. The ones I grew up with. Can we all… forgive each other?” Sonata and Aria look at each other before all three of us nod in unison, a smile finally forming on Aria’s lips.

“You want me in your lives?” Aria asks in a soft tone, almost sounding like she’s ashamed to ask such a personal question.

“I do. We do,” Sonata enthusiastically nods. “I’m going back to Canterlot City with Adagio. You could come with us.”

“W-what does that mean? I don’t exactly have the finances to move and… I’m not great at texting back.” Aria shakes her head, a frown replacing the brief smile she had.

“You could move in with me,” I respond quietly, making her look up at me. Even though I’m going to have to move out of the house once we get back, I’m sure I could find a decent apartment with my new job. Sunset deserves the house… And pretty much everything else we own. “I even have a job at my place you could have. What do you say?”

“So, you’d be my boss again?” Aria asks me with a small chuckle, trying to wipe away her tears. After a few moments though, Aria slowly nods. “If you’re sure, then… Yeah. I-I wouldn’t mind coming with you two,” Aria agrees, making Sonata and I smile. “Although, I guess you will have to talk with your new friends, Adagio. Speaking of which, how exactly did you get wrapped up with the people we hated?” Her remark is in a teasing tone, but I can tell she is actually curious.

“That’s… a long story.”

“Well, it sure is a pleasure to meet ya. Um… Again, I mean,” Applejack greets Aria with a full handshake, almost shaking her full body. After blinking a couple times, Aria looks at Applejack with a reclusive stare.

“Um… Thanks.” I expected this. Aria is hesitant to meet them again, especially since she was more angry at the Rainbooms than Sonata was. Despite the shining sun and beautiful park around us, there’s still quite a bit of tension. This was expected though. “What’s your name again? I only remember you as the cowgirl,” Aria explains while rolling her eyes, presumably annoyed by the memories. In a way, it’s almost comical. I remember how much of a pain the Rainbooms were back then, but… Well, Aria hasn’t had the experiences I have.

“That’s not a problem. My name is Applejack, Sugarcube. I wouldn’t expect ya to remember my name since we barely talked, but I’m looking forward to getting to know you better this time around.” Applejack has a hearty smile, clearly trying to be as welcoming to Aria as she can be. However, Aria only seems more uncomfortable by her attempts.

“Right,” Aria responds with a small shrug.

“I’m sure you remember me, right? I’m Rainbow Dash. Only the most awesome of us.” Dash’s smirk only makes her look stupid, but that’s a little bit of her charm.

“It’s a bit hard to forget the most arrogant of you all,” Aria remarks with a raised eyebrow, walking away from Dash.

“Hey! What is that supposed to mean?” Dash retorts with an offended tone. I pat her shoulder with a chuckle, trying to tell her that it’s okay. This is just how Aria is. She’s kind of an asshole.

“Hello, Aria. I’m glad to meet you again,” Sunset greets her, offering a handshake. Even though Sunset was with us when we went into that club, the two of them haven’t had a chance to exchange words. Aria doesn’t take Sunset’s gesture, only furrowing her brow.

“Shimmer,” Aria responds quietly. The way she stares at Sunset is full of distrust, but Sunset doesn’t seem affected by it. “Adagio told me about the past few years, but that doesn’t mean I trust you yet.” Sunset’s smile doesn’t waver to Aria’s words, simply nodding to her while lowering her hand.

“That’s alright. We all go at our own pace. I’ll just have to earn your trust in that case.”

Aria nods to Sunset, moving away from her. Sonata eagerly smiles at Aria with Pinkie by her side. I can tell Aria feels confused, but I know what is coming up.

“Aria, this is Pinkie,” Sonata introduces her, but Pinkie doesn’t wait a moment to grab Aria’s hand.

“Hiya! Sonata has told me a lot about you!” The way Pinkie shakes her hand makes Aria’s body jump up and down in place. “Things like your fear of heights. Don’t worry though! I have no plans of bringing you skydiving any time soon!” When Pinkie finally lets go of Aria, she has to shake her head to get over the gesture that probably rattled her brain. Her purple cheeks look a little more pink, an embarrassed expression overcoming her.

“I am not scared of heights. I have no idea where Sonata would come up with that.” She’s clearly lying. Sonata and I can tell that easily, but I’m not sure if it is that obvious to everyone else. Aria looks at Pinkie with a shrug, sighing to herself. “I’m glad that you and Sonata are getting along so well,” she states hesitantly as if someone had to drag it out of her. Walking past Pinkie and Sonata, Aria meets the gaze of Fluttershy.

“H-hello there. I hope you’re feeling okay,” Fluttershy tries her best to greet Aria, sounding awkward in the process. Rainbow Dash sighs as if she wants to help her. I can’t help but chuckle a little at this sight.

“Hi… You’re flutter something, right?” Aria asks her with a raised eyebrow.

“I’m Fluttershy. A lot of people forget my name, so it’s perfectly fine with me.” I can tell Rarity looks a little offended by Fluttershy’s sentiment, nudging her elbow.

“Darling, you need to be more confident in yourself. Present yourself as someone to be remembered. If someone truly cares about you, they will remember your name.” Rarity’s hand gently rubs Fluttershy’s shoulder with a caring smile on her face. “You’ve got to-”

“Make a show of it?” Aria finishes Rarity’s statement, making the fashionista surprised. It’s not too difficult to make her break character. Rarity often gets surprised by others’ actions.

“Precisely, Aria dear. I must admit that I was not expecting you to know that.”

“My whole life has been a stage performance practically. It’s one of the skills you pick up.” Aria raises her hand in annoyance, fanning her face. “Just like with some rich snobs, you have to-”

“Fake your interest?” Rarity interrupts her, raising her eyebrow with an intrigued smile.

“It’s not even just feigning interest. You have to pretend to be extremely excited for those pricks or else you might be ridiculed for it.” Once again, Aria rolls her eyes at the idea, making Rarity laugh a little.

“You don’t have to explain half of it to me. I know the feeling quite well.” Offering her hand, Rarity tries to compose herself. “Although, one thing I have learned is that you never have to put on a faux expression with those who truly care.” For the first time this whole meeting, Aria seems to smile or rather smirk. Taking her hand, Aria nods to the fashionista. The two of them seem to share some thought, but neither of them say anything before they chuckle. Aria then turns her gaze to Twilight, the last person she has to meet.

“Hello, Aria. I’m Twilight Sparkle, but not the same um… version. I’m the Twilight from this world rather than, you know, Equestria.” Twilight nervously chuckles before putting her hand out. “Regardless, it is nice to meet you! For the uh… first time.”

“Are you always this awkward?” Aria asks her with a bored tone, taking her hand as if it is some chore.

“Well, um… Not always. Sorry. I just don’t know what to say here since everyone else has met you before.” Twilight’s nervousness seems to evaporate a little, instead being replaced by embarrassment for being called out.

“A simple ‘hello’ is good enough.” Aria pokes Twilight’s glasses. She’s clearly confused about this new detail. “You have glasses… That’s weird.”

“Oh, yeah! Well, the other Twilight you knew didn’t need glasses presumably because of her different biology. Despite how similar we look, people originally from Equestria have a slightly different DNA make up.” The scientific rant only seems to get lost on Aria. I honestly can’t help but smile. I remember the first time Twilight talked about this with me. She asked me for a blood sample. I was extremely hesitant until… Sunset calmed me…

“So, you’re the nerd of the group,” Aria states with a chuckle. “Should have guessed it. Nice to uh… meet you too.” Turning back to the rest of us, Aria shrugs, making her way back over to me. “I’m glad to meet you all again,” she gives them in a monotone voice. That’s sadly the most we can ask of her. It’s still enough to make Sonata run over to us, grabbing us in a hug.

“Well, then we’d love to have ya join us. It might be a little cramped in the RV, but we don’t mind bringing you back with us,” Applejack explains with an almost relieved expression.

“Yay! The Dazzling trio is back together,” Sonata exclaims happily, holding onto the two of us as if we were some life raft. However, the sentiment feels… hollow. Clearly Sonata and Aria are happy about this, but something in my soul still feels numb… Sunset smiles at me, but it is the kind of empty smile that shows something is on her mind. Despite the nice few days we’ve had together, I can still feel that same tension.

The trio is back together… But is there no room for a fourth?

“Okay. So, you have to relax. I’m not sure how this will work with you draining my magic. That and uh… Your gem will probably be whole again after this.” Twilight’s attempts to instill caution in me does nothing but make me more anxious. I wasn’t worried about this, but her concern makes me wonder if I should be. She and I are the only ones in the RV at this time. Everyone else is packing up, including Sonata helping Aria with her few belongings. Well, the few she actually cares about. However, Twilight’s worry is making me think about how we should have someone else here.

“I am relaxed,” I tell her quietly, lying down on the table. My legs hang off the table at my knees. This table was made for eating lunch, not an impromptu resting place. Nothing can happen to me unless I fall over, which would require me to move quite a bit. Either that or the light bulb above me could spontaneously fall onto my face, but that is unlikely.

Twilight takes the last red piece out of her pocket, breathing for a moment. She looks at me as if she is going to ask me if I am sure, but no words come out of her mouth. Probably because she knows my answer.

“Well, here’s to fixing your mind,” Twilight gestures with the red fragment. A purple aura surrounds it, levitating close to my neck. Without any build up or drum roll, the piece is connected to my gem. That same surge of power rushes through me, but it is just par for the course at this point. Twilight sits down next to me so that she can steady herself. “Whenever you’re ready,” Twilight whispers with a nod. Closing my eyes, I try to concentrate, humming quietly. I can tell that it is working from a spark that races up my spine. Honestly, it is a little nerve wracking to be this close to getting both my magic and my mind back. A part of me wants to race ahead, but another part makes me want to wait. I have no idea what happens after this point.

The magic comes in waves, washing over me. It feels nice. Just like any form of power, it needs to be controlled or else chaos will ensue. So, I have to keep my concentration…

“This isn’t so bad,” Twilight mentions with an intrigued tone. “I was kind of hoping I would see Umbra, but I guess she didn’t want to show up.” The statement she just made is a little ironic, considering how much of my life I didn’t want to see her.

“It will get pretty tiring, trust me. And she appears at random. Even if you did see her now, her demeanor and appearance are far different to what they were when Rainbow saw her.” A small sigh escapes my lips. As much as I try, it is hard to relax. It is a combination of the uncertainty of the future and my hopes that keeps me rigid. The magic is getting stronger with each passing second. It’s not an emotion I like to admit, but… I am afraid. I’m not supposed to feel fear here, but I do because the future is full of uncertainties. Things I can’t control. I’m not sure what will happen.

In all honesty, a very small part of me wishes I never went on this trip. While I would never want to give up Sonata and Aria, losing Sunset is… Well, it hurts. There’s not much else that can describe it other than a deep, resounding ache.

It’s beautiful.

Opening my eyes, I look up at a ceiling that is far too familiar. Nothing like the RV at all. Instead, I’m laying down on a couch that Sunset and I bought together… Raising my head, I look around the living room of our home. A bright sunny day is outside the window and everything seems… alright. In the right side of the room, Umbra looks at a framed picture of Sunset and me. Her attire is the exact same as mine for some reason. It’s a curious sight… Her hand gently rests on the wall as her eyes turn to look at me.

You know, I hated this place when you moved in. However, I see the appeal of it now. It’s… comfortable. Umbra looks around at the furniture with a small nod, only further confusing me. Unlike the dark red scenery with a cracked sky like before, this is a lot more calm. Peaceful. It has changed a lot…

“Thank you,” I whisper in response, standing up from the couch. Even now, I can feel the waves of magic come over me, but this vision still remains. “Tell me. Why are we here?”

I thought it would be fitting. The place we call home. Umbra picks up a flower from the vase between two of her fingers. A melancholy look is sprawled across her face, clearly thinking about something. I thought that you deserve some peace. You know, after all the times I tortured you. It is odd that she is bringing that up now, but I appreciate the sentiment.

“That’s kind of you.” Taking a few steps, I look at the pictures on the wall. A serene feeling encapsulates this place. Even if it isn’t real, the vision of this home is nice… “This means something, doesn’t it?”

What do you mean?

“You being here. This vision. This is supposed to mean something, right?” Turning my gaze to her, I notice her stare at the couch in nostalgia.

Come on, Adagio. You should be able to answer your question. She leans back against the wall with a deeply saddened smile. In every way but personality, she is pretty much a mirror to me now.

“My mind is almost fixed.” She brings her hand up and points a finger gun at me.

Bingo. She gestures for me to look away from her and take in the living room’s cozy appearance. I postulate that your mind will be whole again by the end of this little… vision. That explains why she looks exactly like me… Though, there are a couple things still on my mind.

“Are you still afraid?” I ask her quietly. The sound of a breeze and birds can be heard outside, even if they aren’t real. She’s right. Things have moved pretty quickly… I wouldn’t blame her if she is still scared.

No, I’m not. I’m just wondering what the future will be like. A few seconds pass by as she looks at the living room with a wandering eye. This is one hell of a life you’ve made for yourself. It’s an accomplishment, she tells me in admiration, finally meeting my gaze.

“Our accomplishment by now,” I respond with a slow nod. Even though she’s often worked against me, she has given me valuable advice and she is a part of me… It’s our achievement.

I don’t count and you know it. This is your life. I can’t help but smile a little at her. She’s just as stubborn as me. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe her personality is a mirror of mine as well. Still. It’s an achievement. Your friends… It’s not the life I would have chosen for you, but they have their own charm to them.

“A certain charm?” I ask her with a small chuckle, making her push my shoulder.

You know what I mean. They make life a bit more… bearable.

“Enjoyable.” I know what she means by that. My friends are a big part of my life by now, even if I don’t admit it at times. My pride forces me to make fun of them first before I admit I care about them. It’s true though. They hold a special place in my heart.

In a way, happiness is its own form of power. A smile spreads across her lips, happy but seemingly in disbelief. I guess you got what you wanted, huh? I nod to her question, even though I lost the person I valued most to get it. Umbra raises her hand, watching as it becomes transparent. Her chuckle sounds melancholy while she pushes herself off the wall, walking over to me. I guess I should admit it. You were right. Life is better this way. And… Yeah. It’s hard to not love Sunset at this point. Offering her hand to me, Umbra has a serious expression, seemingly begging me for something. I just want you to promise me one thing once your mind is fixed.

“I will do my best,” I whisper in response, taking her hand in mine. Her shoulders get more transparent as the seconds pass. The light in this room gets brighter, but I keep my eyes on hers. “What is it?” Sharing a smile with me, she simply chuckles as the light becomes blinding.

Promise me you’ll make it up to her…

I feel strange… As if I’ve been in a deep sleep for a thousand years, my body feels weird. It’s as if everything feels new and old at the same time. My eyes feel really heavy… However, I can still feel the hard table under me. Good. I’m glad I didn’t fall during that. That… That dream or vision. That was surprisingly peaceful, compared to every other time I’ve talked with her. Was that the last time…? Everything she said seemed to point in that direction. My mind isn’t broken anymore…

“Adagio? Are you awake?” Twilight’s voice asks me, making me open my eyes. The light above me is annoyingly bright. However, it’s still not enough to make me frown. If anything, I feel a new sense of energy in me. Oddly enough, optimism can fit the emotion.

“How long was I unconscious?” I ask her with a shrug, sitting up on the table. My muscles feel like they’re being used for the first time in years.

“Fifteen years,” Twilight responds with an eerie voice, raising her hands to her face as if she is screaming. “It was two hours. Longer than I thought, but I guess you needed it considering the magic you absorbed.” Twilight motions towards my neck. Looking down, I see an intact red gem, shining in the light. Bringing my hand up, I fiddle with it between my thumb and forefinger. I can feel the magic somewhere, entwined with my soul. For some reason, it feels more resilient than it did before the Battle of the Bands. More… permanent. Maybe that is just me trying to convince myself.

“It’s hard to believe… After all this time, I have my magic back.” It’s hard to bring my eyes away from the gem. It has been so long. Snapping my fingers, a small flame dances on my fingertip. A small laugh comes from my lips. I’m not exactly ecstatic at this. It’s more of a deep gratitude. It’s like my life force itself has been restored after so long of feeling like my purpose was stolen from me. Would anyone blame me for wanting to shed a tear? It’s comparable to losing my sight and getting it back or suddenly being granted the ability to walk again. For a siren like me, this magic is… a part of me.

“I assume that means you aren’t evil again?” Twilight asks in a half-joking tone, her eyes staring at the flame. With a simple hum, I turn the flame into an ice cube, pressing it against Twilight’s cheek for even asking that question.

“Obviously not.” Hopping off the table, my feet almost feel like I am walking on a cloud. The magic I have feels refreshing… Energizing in a way. I remember when my body used to feel like this. It was nearly impossible to get exhausted back then. To think that I won’t have to worry about that anymore… “Where are the others?” I ask Twilight looking down at my hands. “I thought they would be back by now.” Is it vain of me to want to show off a little? Probably.

“They came back while you were out, but they decided to go out and have some fun at some music club,” Twilight tells me with a shrug of her shoulders. “I wanted to stay here until you woke up to make sure you’re fine.” They… went to have fun. A part of me feels conflicted at that idea. I bet Sunset is probably standing at the edge of some room, watching our friends having the time of her life. Ever the careful and observant one… She deserves some fun too.

“How long ago did they leave?” I ask her quietly, holding my hand. I should feel more nervous about inviting myself, but… I don’t. In fact, I feel more confident than I have in a long time.

“About twenty minutes ago. Why?” I ignore her question in order to concentrate. Dragging my fingers across my scarf, I sing one note. By the time I open my eyes, I’m wearing a purple dress, simple yet striking. Matter manipulation spells aren’t exactly easy… Returning an object back to its original state is the exact opposite though. “Woah,” Twilight states with wide eyes, surprised by my sudden spell. “I didn’t know you could do that.”

“I can do a lot more than I let on. Now are you coming with me?”

Walking into the club, an easy beat hits my ears. It is something that anyone can dance to, but there are still some couples using a more intimate dance. Honestly, I have to respect this kind of beat. It is difficult to make a piece of music that fits multiple moods and genres at the same time. From here, I can already notice Pinkie skating around the dance floor. Thankfully, she isn’t bothering anyone, but I can only wonder where she got those roller skates from. All things considered, this isn’t a bad environment.

Sonata and Aria are talking together while the former does a little shimmy to the music. Aria simply stands there as if she is bored. Rarity and Applejack are dancing together. The fashionista’s arms drape over Applejack as the cowgirl is as stoic as ever.

“I wonder whose idea this was,” Twilight mentions from beside me. She put on her best dress that she packed with her. The color is as dark as the night with some sparkles on it, making it shine in the light. It’s a bit hard for me to hear her with the other people talking and the music, but I nod my head.

Turning my gaze, I can’t help but notice a woman in a red dress. Standing at the edge of the room, eyes like the ocean look at the crowd. A smile that could warm the room stands out among everyone else. Her fiery hair reminds me of a spark in my heart. A spark for her. I wouldn’t be able to look away if I tried. She hasn’t noticed me yet, of course. Her eyes are aimed at the crowd, rather than the front door.

“Go to her. I’m sure you can talk with the others later,” Twilight encourages me with a nudge. I was already planning on it, but the pep talk is nice. Patting her shoulder, I walk away from her, making my way past some people. The lighting around Sunset is dim, but I can’t mistake her for anyone else. As compared to the light on the dance floor, it is kind of dark in the edges of the room. Sunset’s head turns in my direction, her eyes recognizing me in a second. She looks at my dress with an amused expression.

“Where did you get that?” Sunset asks me as soon as I make it to her side. Her hand reaches out to feel the fabric, a confused look on her face. I, on the other hand, can’t help but find it funny that I was right about my assumption that she would be on the outskirts of the room.

“I turned my scarf into this dress. Don’t worry. I can change it back.” I bring my finger up to my now restored gem.

“Ah. So, you got your magic back and your mind is fixed, huh?” Sunset asks me with a teasing smile. “How does it feel?” Sunset’s question is filled with honest curiosity, despite her humorous tone.

“Honestly? I feel great,” I tell her with a nod, letting my feelings of anxiety leave me. The music changes to one of a romantic tone, significantly changing the landscape of the dance floor. Now, only couples are dancing out there except for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. From here, it looks like the two of them are simply dancing for fun, Dash spinning Fluttershy with a laugh. “I could use one thing though.” Sunset’s eyes look at me with curiosity before I hold my hand out. “May I have this last dance, Shimmer?”

Despite how I try to pretend this is the final dance of the night, I can tell she knows what I really mean. If this is really the end of us, would it really hurt to end it with a dance? To have… one more good moment. Is that too much to ask?

“You certainly can, Dazzle,” Sunset whispers in response, taking my hand in hers. I lead the way to the dance floor, where the lights finally dance across her skin. Her eyes shine like never before. Her free hand moves up to my shoulder and with a nod, she lets me have the lead. I can’t help but smile as we start to move. The lights only make her seem more angelic in my arms. We turn together just as the beat takes a dip.

The music guides our dance. Our feet move across the floor without a second of hesitation. The two of us have done this nearly a hundred times by now, but we are both putting in one hundred percent this time. The way Sunset glides across the floor from my lead is far above anyone else’s skill. At least, she is the best to me. The way her eyes sparkle makes everything feel alright. The people around us might as well not exist. The only person I can focus on is her. The music fills my ears as she truly smiles at me. Just as the music comes down from a high point, I lower Sunset into a dip. Her hair hangs towards the ground. At this moment, she can’t look any more beautiful. If she did, it would be a crime against the universe itself. Letting go of my shoulder, Sunset holds the back of my head, her eyes staring into my soul.

“You’re killing me softly,” Sunset whispers with a soft gaze seconds before bringing the dip to an end. I’m caught off guard. Usually, it is the person leading who ends the dip. Without giving me a chance to think, Sunset brings her hand to my hip, taking the lead. Now it’s my turn to glide through Sunset’s movements. My feet slide across the floor, Sunset supporting me through each turn. It feels like moving through the clouds… The lights seem like stars from how we’re spinning across the dance floor. With each second, I can feel myself get lost in her eyes.

Letting go of my hip, Sunset twirls me, holding my hand above my head. There is not a moment that goes by where her hand doesn’t touch mine. With careful expertise, Sunset brings me back into her arms just as the song comes to an end. However, she doesn’t let go of me for a few moments. I can’t help but stare into her eyes. I can see her breathing has increased. I’m sure that I am probably flushed as well, but I can’t feel it. The only thing I can feel is her warmth. Our final dance is done, but… I never want to let go.

A conflicted expression dances across her face. Despite the music starting up again and the people dancing around us, she stands still with her fingers intertwined with mine. Each second that goes by feels like hours with her. Eventually, Sunset pulls away. As if reality comes crashing back in, I can finally hear the other people around us. Sunset nods to me with a smile full of sorrow.

“Thank you for this last dance, Adagio,” she whispers, turning away from me. Without a second of hesitation, Sunset walks through the crowd towards the exit, leaving me standing alone. Instead of embarrassment for being left to my own thoughts, all I can feel is a deep ache. My eyes watch her fiery hair disappear behind those doors, making me wonder if this dance was worth it.

Yes. It was…

“What the fuck are you doing, Adagio?” Aria’s voice insults me as something slaps my shoulder. Looking to my left, I see Aria stare at me in anger. I would say that I am wondering why she is mad at me, but that would be a lie. I just feel numb.

“What do you mean?” I respond, trying to pretend to be interested.

“Why are you still standing here? Sunset just left,” Aria states while pointing her whole arm towards the exit. “Go after her already.”

“I thought you of all people hated-”

“Shut up, Adagio.” Aria has a deadly serious glare that is shooting daggers into my skull. “You two were tearing up this dance floor. Everyone saw the passion between you two. I may not have trusted her, but it’s clear to everyone that you care about each other.” Aria grabs my arm and points me in the direction of the door. “If anyone is capable of giving you the care you deserve, it is her. I’ll be damned if I just let you stay here and fuck it up.”

“Are you seriously-”

“One more word to me and I’ll punch you, Dagi,” Aria threatens me with a fist. “Go talk to her. Now.” Aria pushes me forward. When I look back, her stare tells me she doesn’t want me to stay here. Maybe she’s right… Talking to her will at least try to smooth things out. Taking a deep breath, I walk past the groups of people. I still want Sunset in my life, even if it is just as a friend…

She’s my best friend…

Rushing forward, I push the doors open. The cool night air hits my skin as the moon shines down on the city. A couple people walk by me and the music of a couple different stores fills the air. However, all it does is distract me. Looking down the sidewalk, no one looks like her at all. How could she have gone so far in so little time? How long was I standing there? Looking around, I see a man reading on a bench. Out of everyone here, he looks like he has been here long enough.

“Excuse me. Have you seen a woman with red and yellow hair walk by here?” I instantly ask him, bringing my hand up to my head. “She is about my height with orange skin. She was wearing a beautiful red dress. I really need to talk to her.” The man looks up from his book at me before seemingly thinking about my request.

“Actually, I did. She was walking towards the city park. It’s only a few minutes away from here,” he explains with a helpful tone, pointing me in the direction he saw her walk in. Nodding in appreciation, I run down the sidewalk. The wind hits my face and blows against my hair. I can feel some people staring at me, but they don’t matter right now. She is all that matters to me right now…

After turning a corner, the entrance of the park greets my eyes. On any normal day, it might be worth it to stop and admire the trees, but I can’t this time. Sprinting forward, the light of the city falls behind me. Only the occasional lamp posts light the sidewalk aside from the full moon. By now, the sound of my shoes hitting the ground is far louder than any far off city sound. I can’t help but hope that I am going the right way. Hope that maybe… Maybe she is just a little further ahead.

Coming into a clearing, I take a deep breath, looking around the branching paths. The bright blue light of the night illuminates the park better than I could ask for. Turning my head to the left, I stop myself. There, just a bit further ahead, is a small stone bridge across a little opening of water. Leaning on the ledge, Sunset looks down at the water with a defeated stare. Her normal lively energy is nowhere to be seen. She is so still that this might as well be a painting in an art gallery. Walking forward, I feel a little more calm, knowing where she is. The sound of a slight breeze is only accompanied by slow water. Taking my first step onto the stone bridge, Sunset turns her head to me, seemingly surprised.

“You followed me,” she mentions before looking back down at the water. “You should be enjoying your time with the others.” Walking a bit closer, I can’t help but notice just how pretty she looks under the moon’s light. That same conflicted expression is on her face, but I can’t tell what it means.

“So should you,” I respond to her quietly. She simply shrugs at my statement, leaving the air quiet once more. “Can we talk?” A slow breath exits her lips before nodding to me, turning her body in my direction.

“We probably should. It will help both of us. If you’re going to try to convince me that we should give this another shot, I-”

“Don’t worry, Sunset.” I hold my hand up, trying to reassure her. “I’m not here to convince you at all. I just…” Taking a deep breath, I try to think of the right words to say. “Listen. Our connection matters a lot to me. I’m well aware that it is over for us as a couple, but… I would still like to be your friend. You saved my life all those years ago by offering me a new point of view. I still really like you and… I don’t want our friendship to end too.” Sunset’s eyes widen to my words, a surprised expression coming from her as if I said something wrong.

“That’s the thing, Adagio. I didn’t save you,” Sunset tells me with an almost proud tone. “You chose to follow my advice back then… You chose to be happy all by yourself. You should be proud of yourself.” After a few seconds, Sunset walks towards me, grabbing my hand in hers. “And, Adagio… I… I don’t like you,” she states with her eyes closed. She takes a deep breath before opening her eyes, looking at me with some newfound sense of determination. “I love you…”

Author's Note:

So... If I said I lied about a tiny little thing, would you be mad? When I said this wasn't going to be a special chapter for Valentine's Day, well...

I lied :)

This chapter is titled after a very special song to me that has inspired a lot of Sundagio~ As It Was by Harry Styles. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!