• Published 30th Nov 2022
  • 996 Views, 223 Comments

A Dazzling Trio - Spyder27

Now that Adagio is engaged to the love of her life, she only has one more thing she wants to do before they make it official. She wants to find the other sirens she lost years ago and try to make things right. Will she be able to?

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Light in the Downpour

Chapter XXIV: Light in the Downpour

The sound of the city surrounds us as we walk. Even though the signs of life are all around us, the air feels dead. Sunset walks a few feet ahead of me, but my legs can’t seem to keep up with her. Maybe it is because I am afraid of her gaze. Admittedly, it wasn’t a great idea to spy on her… I should have left her alone to catch up with her friend, but I let my emotions cloud my judgment. There’s not much I can do to fix it now… At least it wasn’t as bad as the last time I gave in to my urges…

The air carries a level of moisture. In normal cases, this would either mean it is about to rain or it has rained recently. Considering the lack of water on the ground, I am willing to bet it is the former… I’m glad that Sunset brought a coat. All I have are Rarity’s spares…

A sprinkle lands on my shoulder just as Sunset leads us over to a pavilion nearby. The sound of the rain gradually picks up after we get under some cover. Some of the yellow streetlights give a warm glow to the rain around us. As a car drives by, Sunset sits down, looking at the downpour.

“I’m glad I decided to stop here. It picked up a lot, didn’t it?” Sunset asks me with a slight chuckle. Sitting down beside her, I gently nod. Both of us simply watch as the rain wets the previously dry concrete. Neither of us say another word. Sunset sits in a very relaxed manner, but I can’t exactly let the tension in my muscles go. Now that I think about it, I haven’t felt relaxed in a while now…

The sound of the water would normally be relaxing, but it’s a different situation now. I can’t quite get her out of my mind. Even though she’s sitting right beside me, I have no idea what is between us…

“I almost feel bad. You didn’t eat anything back there,” Sunset mentions quietly, the sound of the rain being the only other thing I can focus on. The rest of the city might as well disappear.

“Were you watching me that whole time?” I ask her quietly, unable to hold back my curiosity. “I never saw you look over at me.”

“I have my ways,” Sunset tells me with a small smile, turning her gaze back towards the falling rain. “Besides, you were watching me as much as possible. That’s the only reason you were there, right?” I can’t really bring myself to respond to Sunset’s question. She nods to herself, presumably taking my silence as my answer. I know I shouldn’t have spied on her, but… I guess a part of me doesn’t want her to move even further away from me…

To move on…

“I’m sorry,” I whisper, watching the rain hit the ground relentlessly. It feels cold. The water draws a parallel to the wet stain on my cheek. The worst part is that I can’t stop them. The tears fall in tandem with the water, but not a sound comes from my lips.

“About spying on me?” Sunset asks me before turning to look at me. I can’t really bring myself to meet her gaze… I’ve already seen enough shame from her eyes to last me a lifetime…

“I’m sorry about everything.” My words are barely audible at this point. Even though I am trying to talk, the gravity of the situation is really dawning on me. What hurts the most is that I still love her… And even though I thought I had already dealt with the idea that our relationship is over, my heart still aches. I don’t want it to be over… “I’m sorry for lying. I’m sorry for keeping you in the dark. I’m sorry for… betraying your trust.” As much as I want to make excuses for myself, I can’t. I did everything she accused me of. I did lie to her. I have to own up to that.

“There’s no point being sorry now. What’s done is done. We just have to live with it.” Sunset gives a slight shrug with her answer, looking away from me. She plays it cool, but I can’t believe she’s so callous about it all.

“That’s the point, Sunset,” I whisper, finally finding the strength to look at her. “I am sorry about it because you deserve an apology. I… I don’t want us to be done…” I try so hard to keep my voice from cracking, but looking at her stoic demeanor does nothing but break me a little more.

“Adagio, I realize what drove you to this point. I’m not so careless as to blame everything on you.” Sunset takes a long shaky breath, refusing to look at me. “But we are done. I made myself clear on that.” A singular tear falls down her cheek as she finally locks her eyes with mine. “Can’t you try to see it from my point of view? You lied to me for close to three years. Our whole relationship. I gave my all to you and I found out that I don’t even know the woman I asked to marry me…” For a moment, Sunset’s eyes flash with anger as she recounts what’s happened, but she tries to keep her composure. Her tears fail her on that front. “Adagio, I loved you with my whole heart. I stood by you. It’s not so much about you stealing Sonata’s phone number or even what happened after that. I don’t think I can ever trust you again.”

For some reason, those few words strike my heart harder than I could have imagined… A siren isn’t supposed to feel, but… to hear her say that she would never trust me again feels worse than being shot.

“Really…?” I whisper, barely able to let out the word. I know that I hurt her, but I was hoping… I…

“Really, Adagio? I am seriously hurt… You think apologizing a couple of times will fix everything? I wasted three years on us.” Wasted…? That’s how she sees it? Tears fall from her eyes as she shakes her head. Sunset slowly stands up, looking down at me. “I wish I could just forgive and forget. I really do. Then I could have my life back with you.” Sunset walks out from under the pavilion, the rain instantly falling down on her. She looks back at me through tears, crying in the downpour.

This image looks familiar…

It’s… This is the exact sight I saw when I got my magic back for the first time. Her crying in the rain as the light of a yellow streetlight beating down on her. Oh my god…

“But really, did I ever know the real you?” Sunset asks me with a shaky breath, trying to talk through her cries. Her tears blend in with the rain. Turning away from me, Sunset walks further into the rain. The amount of water almost obscures her image, making her seem farther away. The sound of the falling water surrounds me. I am alone…


Opening the door of the hotel, I walk inside quietly. It’s warmer in here than the cold outdoors. A few raindrops fall off my dress onto the ground. Even though I waited for the rain to slow down, I still got wet walking back here. I didn’t think to bring an umbrella with me when I hatched the brilliant idea to go spy on Sunset. I guess I kind of deserve to walk home wet and cold…

“There she is,” Dash’s voice states, making me look up from the floor. Standing in the lobby of the hotel, Dash is accompanied by Rarity, Applejack, and Twilight. Twilight turns to look at me with a wet umbrella in her hand, seemingly concerned. I guess they got a little worried since I took longer than Twilight to get back here… Though, they really shouldn’t be worried over me at this point. I don’t deserve that pity.

“Adagio. Are you okay?” Twilight asks me, trying to touch my shoulder. Pulling away from her, I simply nod to her question. It’s really hard for me to make eye contact right now…

“I was wondering where you were,” Dash mentions with curiosity, seemingly back to her old self after I drained her magic earlier. Walking towards Applejack, I grab her shoulder. Surprisingly, the cowgirl lets me, but she still stays eerily quiet.

“Applejack, I’m going to cut out all the hospitality and conversation. I’m wet, tired, and I really need to get to bed to cry my heart out. So, I want to make this short.” Taking a deep breath, I look directly into her eyes. Applejack looks surprised by my sudden touch and my words. I don’t exactly blame her. “Applejack, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for lying to all of you and for the misdirection. Most of all, I’m sorry for hurting you. You might not believe me, but I truly did value our friendship.” I try my best to give her a smile, but it’s hard to do that after what has happened tonight. I would talk some more, but what is there to say? I try so hard to convince them that I’m sorry, but I’ve said everything there is to say. I’m just really tired of trying tonight.

Patting Applejack’s shoulder, I walk past her towards the hallway. I can still feel everyone’s eyes on me, but I don’t really care right now. All I want to do is get to bed…

“I’ll go lock her up,” Dash mentions. From here I can already hear the handcuffs. Even though Dash has forgiven me, she still has to put me in binds since the rest of the group wants to make sure I stay in my room.

“No need, Rainbow,” Applejack speaks up. “Just… leave her alone. I don’t see the necessity for that tonight.”

Turning my head back towards Applejack, I see her look at me with compassion. She gives me a small nod, telling me to go on to bed. I feel like she and I will have to talk again later, but for now, the notion is nice. Gratefully, I return the nod…


Can you smell it? The cool air brushes past my face as we stand beside the RV. At this point, Applejack is counting the bags we have to make sure we didn’t forget anything. Rainbow Dash is making some inside joke with Fluttershy as Rarity helps Applejack with inventory. Even though she’s not as chipper as usual, Pinkie briefly makes a comment about attaching a party cannon to the top of the RV. Sunset and Twilight actually talk about the ethics of going with Pinkie’s idea. I, on the other hand, am farther away from the group, waiting by the edge of the parking lot. Sonata said she’d be here soon.

“Smell what?” I finally respond when I’m sure no one else can hear me.

Freedom. We’re finally leaving this city. Even though there’s enough negativity here to fuel our magic for a lifetime, the atmosphere is almost suffocating. Umbra stretches quietly, as if she can’t wait for us to hit the road. This time, Umbra is wearing the outfit I wore back at Canterlot High, ditching her usual intimidating attire. In contrast, I’m wearing the same old black jacket with a purple scarf, both of which are gifts from Sunset… Not to mention the dark purple high-heeled boots that she also gave me during our first anniversary. These items are the sort of things I wear for any outfit. It doesn’t matter what shirt I have on or what kind of pants I choose to wear. I usually wear these items as well. Today, I just kept it simple by wearing a white shirt and jeans. Umbra and I can’t be farther removed from each other in terms of fashion.

“You know we’re leaving to go to Louisiana, right? I highly doubt Aria is in a place that is ‘better’ than this city.” Taking a deep breath, I look away from her, opting to watch the road again. Honestly, I have no idea where Aria is in that state. I will only be able to tell once we get closer. I guess I’m just hoping she’s doing well for herself. Sonata turned out well without me, so I’m sure she is alright as well.

I know that, but I honestly prefer Canterlot City. Maybe it’s because of the magic reservoirs. Besides your friends’ necklaces, there are other locations around that city that have magical auras. It just feels more… alive there. Umbra raises her hand gently to make an understandable gesture. Her eyes look back at me with a sense of confusion, but I refuse to meet her gaze. For someone who is about to get her friend back in her life and find the other one, you do not look that excited. Is this about Sunset?

“Did you hear what she said at all last night?” Obviously it is about her. I could hardly sleep due to our conversation. All I want to do is make things right, but I guess that’s pretty much impossible. Sighing to myself, I slowly shake my head. “You were right. I’m a siren. I’m not equipped for love or those kinds of emotions. I was a fool for even thinking I would be capable.” Rolling my eyes, I finally look over at Umbra, expecting her to agree with me. Instead, she gives me a thoughtful look as if she is thinking of her words carefully. “What? You of all people would love that admission.”

I’m trying to decide whether you mean those words or not. In any case, it speaks volumes that you tie your self-worth to her. I can’t help but raise my eyebrow at her statement.

“I don’t. I used to look at myself like that, but I fully realize that my worth isn’t inherently due to Sunset. It’s based on what I do with my life.” I guess it’s due to my friends that I was able to build my confidence back up again. “Still. When you’re so used to being with someone, it’s a little hard to be ecstatic going forward without them. You take a slight hit to your confidence, but my self-worth isn’t being affected.” At least, not that much.

Regardless, you’re letting her affect your mood. Which is… understandable. What the hell does she mean? I thought she would be the person who would condemn me for still loving her, but she’s validating my feelings? So what? She turned you down, but that’s because she’s still hurt. Give it time. Sunset still cares about you clearly. She just isn’t sure she wants to open herself up again.

“Why are you trying to give me advice on how to get back together with her?” I ask her point blank. I want a serious answer. Last night, she pretty much waved off my questions, but I genuinely want to know why she’s trying to help with this. “Answer me honestly. Please.”

Don’t say please. It is unfitting for a siren of your stature, she tells me with a confident tone as if it is a matter of fact. Although, I will choose to ignore her advice on that one. I… While I don’t see a point in your journey for love, I know I cannot stop you. Besides, out of every mortal on this god forsaken planet, she makes an alright partner in crime… Umbra turns away from me with a slightly embarrassed expression. Just like me, she doesn’t want to be seen when she’s not confident. Not that anyone here deserves to be with you, but if it has to be anyone, might as well be the master of magic in this world. Looking at me, Umbra’s expression seems to change to anger upon seeing me smirking at her. I’m just saying that if she really affects your mood that much, you shouldn’t give up on it just yet. You’re getting your friends back after all. Even though they’re useless compared to Aria and Sonata. And possibly Sunset…

I can’t stop myself from chuckling at Umbra’s words. She rolls her eyes at me, but she doesn’t realize how ironic this whole situation is. Just a month ago, she would have given anything for Sunset to be out of the picture. Now she’s saying Sunset isn’t the worst choice. She still has a long way to go, but still.

“It’s her smile, isn’t it?” I laugh a little, seeing just how annoyed Umbra is.

Fuck off.

“Oh, such uncouth language for someone who values superiority. Did I strike a nerve?” My jab only makes her angrier, giving me a death glare.

Fuck. Off. Bitch. A yellow taxi drives up to the sidewalk I’m standing on. Before I have a chance to retort, the door to the car opens. That smile is all too familiar. Sonata quickly gets out with her bags, paying the cab driver before they drive off.

“Adagio!” Sonata says with a pleasant tone to her voice, putting her bags on the ground and opening her arms to hug me. As if I have a choice in the matter. Sonata hugs me almost as tightly as Apple Bloom. However, I am able to breathe in this embrace. That’s a plus side at least.

Looking to my side, there’s not a trace of Umbra anywhere. It’s as if she wasn’t here to begin with. Given, she is inside my mind, but I still hate it when she does that. It is kind of unnerving.

“That isn’t a lot of luggage for this trip. Are you sure it will be enough?” I ask Sonata, finally ending our hug.

“I’ll be fine. I’m having the rest of my stuff moved in a couple weeks anyway.” Huh. She’s serious about moving closer to me. I guess I thought she would want to keep in touch after this trip, but when she says she wants to come with me, she means it.

“What will happen with your business then? Are you going to give up your position?” I ask her with a hint of concern. A part of me doesn’t want Sonata to give up her success simply because of me.

“Adagio, I can still run my restaurants from a few states away,” Sonata mentions with a laugh, finding my concern funny. “We have the technology to allow that after all~ I was also thinking about making a branch in Canterlot City. Who knows? Maybe I’ll move the headquarters there after a while.” Picking up her bags, Sonata walks with me towards the RV.

“Well, that’s still a while away,” I tell her quietly, trying to temper her ideas. “First, we need to find Aria.”