• Published 30th Nov 2022
  • 995 Views, 223 Comments

A Dazzling Trio - Spyder27

Now that Adagio is engaged to the love of her life, she only has one more thing she wants to do before they make it official. She wants to find the other sirens she lost years ago and try to make things right. Will she be able to?

  • ...

The Way Forward

Author's Note:

Author's Notes: Hello, everyone! So, I know this chapter is kind of short, but I wanted to go ahead and update the story rather than make this chapter even bigger. I have a lot to do since Christmas is on the horizon and since I'm just now better from c*vid, I think I will take it easy~ Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter and please tell me what you think of the story so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts! Stay special out there!

Chapter IV: The Way Forward

I’ve never really liked the setting of a hospital. Everything feels so… restricted. All colors except for white are drained from the environment and everyone is waiting for an ill friend or family member, so no one is waiting for a party exactly. All the emotions here are either negative or absent… The last time I was here, I had fallen down some icy stairs. Needless to say, I don’t like remembering that instance or the dream I had here…

Pushing my body against all the buttons of the vending machine, a quiet beep repeats every couple of seconds. If I remember correctly, I just have to count to five slowly before I can go to the next step. Taking a deep breath, I kick the bottom of the machine before letting go of the buttons, taking a step away from it. Looking at the options, I can’t seem to decide what drink I would want. Maybe it’s not the decision that is evading me… If anything, maybe it’s the fact that I’m stuck here in a hospital. I don’t like waiting here, but I wouldn’t just abandon Apple Bloom here. She’s going through something not a lot of people have to do when it comes to their friends… She’s watching her friend go through an illness over the course of years, without being able to do a thing about it.

Sighing, I put in the code for a bottle of water. Within a moment, the machine spurs to life, selecting my drink and dropping it off at the bottom. Picking it up makes my hand feel pretty cold. Just like the rest of this waiting area. Despite my thoughts, I take a sip of the water and sit back down in the seat I’ve been waiting in for the last hour. I want to do something more, but I can’t really do anything but be here for her.

Every time someone gets close, my mind gets a little anxious, anticipating it to be Applejack. Countless times, I’ve looked up for that hope to not come true, but this time? The orange cowgirl walks down the hall towards me, making me stand up again right after I had sat down. “What’s the news?” I ask her hesitantly, hoping Apple Bloom is taking it alright.

“Well, from what I heard, Diamond Tiara is doing better now. It was a flair up, but with the right care, she’ll be back to normal soon,” Applejack tells me slowly, her expression briefly showing an awkward conflict. “Um… I mean as normal as she can get. Whatever her normal was before this. Anyway, Apple Bloom is gonna stay with her overnight. I was going to take her home but… I couldn’t really tell her no.” Applejack walks past me towards the exit, making me look back down the hall. A part of me still wants to stay here and wait for Apple Bloom, but I know she won’t back down. She’ll wait here all night, even if it means she has to fight the doctors themselves.

Catching up with Applejack, I take another sip of my water before we walk out of the hospital. “It’s a little weird. A part of me still sees her as the thirteen-year-old that befriended me a few years ago. I guess I feel a little sad to leave her alone because of that.” Applejack nods in agreement, patting my shoulder. Without effort, we both look both ways down the street before walking into the parking lot, away from the building.

“Yep. It’s hard to let her go since ya want to protect her. Imagine how hard it is for me. I still see her as a small child, learning how to ride a tractor in my lap.” Applejack smiles for a moment, taking a deep breath. “Don’t worry. She’ll be fine. If she needs help, she’ll call for it. I admit that she’s better at that than I am. I’m too stubborn to ask for help sometimes.” The statement sounds a little solemn coming out of her mouth. Honestly, I can’t help but agree with it. Despite the fact that I haven’t been her friend for as long as Rainbow Dash has, I can realize that Applejack can be pretty stubborn. “I actually have something to talk about with ya,” she tells me quietly, both of us passing through the parked cars.

“What is it? If it’s about Apple Bloom, I had no part in her plan,” I respond in a slightly defensive expression, causing Applejack to laugh slightly.

“Nah, it ain’t nothing like that. I was wanting to talk to ya about your situation with Sunset.” My situation? Huh… A small part of me gets a little worried that Sunset told her about my idea to buy the music studio, but… I know Sunset wouldn’t do that to me. I wanted to tell everyone else myself, so that really leaves two different things we could talk about. The house or our engagement…

Taking a deep breath, my hand comes up to the scarf around my neck, feeling the soft fabric between my thumb and my index finger. Even though Applejack and I are friends now, she was the last one to actually trust me fully. Maybe this is about the engagement… Just because we’re friends now doesn’t mean she would fully be on board with us getting married. Maybe because she thinks it is too soon? Applejack is right to have her hesitations. She’s usually the one who speaks her mind when it comes to these things.

“Is this about Sunset and my engagement?” I ask her slowly, my steps losing their speed. Applejack is one of my closest friends, so if she does object to it, I would feel really conflicted… It wasn’t that long ago when she was against my friendship with Sunset in general.

“Well, sorta. I just wanted to say that I am… I’m real proud of ya both. Just know I’m really happy for you two and I will always be here for ya.” Patting my shoulder, Applejack gives me a smile just as we make it to the back of her truck. “I mean it. Whatever ya need, I will always be there in a heartbeat~” Her eyes look into mine and I can’t help but feel that she is telling me the truth. If anything, I thought she would be telling me how she has doubts considering our marriage, but she surprised me by congratulating me. “Come on. Get in. I’ll drive ya,” she tells me with a smile, going around to the driver’s side of her truck.

Getting in the passenger seat, I close the door, smelling some dirt and the scent of apples. Despite its age, her truck isn’t uncomfortable. It’s a cozy little vehicle. Actually, the word “little” doesn’t describe it at all. “Where are we going?” I ask her, locking my seatbelt just as she puts the vehicle into reverse.

“I called the girls and they all agreed to get some pizza with us. I figured we could use it after what’s happened to that poor girl,” Applejack refers to Diamond Tiara, looking over her back to make sure she doesn’t back into anyone. Getting some pizza with everyone sounds nice, but…

“Could you drop me off by my house first? I kind of want to change before we go there.” It may seem stupid to change before we hang out with our friends, but… there’s a pair of boots that I’ve been wanting to try on. Sunset gave them to me for our first anniversary and I still haven’t worn them yet. The reason why is because they remind me a lot of… my past. Who I was when I first met Sunset. But I guess that’s why she gave them to me. Because it was nostalgic for her. If I really can’t wear the clothes that are similar to my previous fashion sense, have I really changed? It’s time to prove I have changed… Fully.

“Sure, that isn’t a problem~” she tells me just as honestly as ever, driving away from the previous parking spot. For a few moments, nothing but the sound of the engine fills the air. I guess the reason why is because it’s difficult to think of something to talk about…

“So, you really have no problem with my engagement to Sunset?” I clarify with a hesitant tone, unsure if that was the end of our conversation.

“Not at all, sugarcube. In fact, I think it’s great that you two are tying the knot,” Applejack states with a nod, looking over at me briefly. Her statements about my relationship with Sunset really make me curious…

“How is your relationship with Rarity? It’s surprising that the two of you haven’t gotten married, considering that you have been in a relationship a lot longer than Sunset and I.” My question makes Applejack shrug slightly, a lack of a response making me feel like there’s something to be said.

“Yeah, I admit we have been together for a long time. I guess the two of us like where we’re at, that’s all,” Applejack admits with a slight tone of guilt. Or longing…?

“Are you happy where you’re at?” Is it wrong of me to feel a little… confused? Her tones and her body language contradict what she’s telling me, so it obviously makes this whole conversation feel a little fake. Applejack takes a deep breath and shrugs again, seemingly trying to think of a way to answer my question.

“To be honest, I guess not. Rares and I have been thinking about marriage for a while now, but a lot of questions get raised when that happens. She ain’t exactly looking for that since the fashion industry doesn’t look at a young designer favorably when she is already committed to someone.” A slow sigh exits her lips just as we stop at a red light. Applejack really puts a lot of thought into this situation and how it would affect Rarity, huh? I guess I’m lucky in that way. Sunset and I getting married isn’t a problem for either of us… “But I am tired of living in separate places. And I was raised with the ideas of a traditional marriage, so I guess it would be nice to actually tie the knot someday.” Stepping on the acceleration, the vehicle slowly starts to move forward back to its original speed. Applejack’s expression doesn’t change that much, so it’s hard for me to actually tell what she’s thinking. “The major thought in my head is that no one is getting any younger. I mean, let’s face it. My little sister is almost an adult now. My Granny Smith isn’t going to get any better and her memory is only going to get worse. So, I suppose it is conflicting. In no way would I ever break up with Rares. She and I love each other way too much for that. Though, we have tried before.”

Looking over at Applejack, I can’t help but feel surprised at her statement. For some reason, I’ve always looked at the two of them as the ideal model for a relationship. I’ve never been in one before and I had to learn the appropriate ways to care for another creature. I was a greedy siren, so learning friendship itself was hard for me. Not to mention romantic feelings of love… “You two tried breaking up before…?” I hesitantly ask the cowgirl, still in disbelief at the simple statement.

“Sure we have. Twice in fact. One time, we thought we were way too young and the other? Well, Rarity didn’t want to smother me and believed it would be best if we went our separate ways.” Applejack giggles to herself with a slight shake of her head. I have no idea why she would find the memory humorous, but it’s better than crying nonetheless. “It never worked though. We love each other way too much to leave the other alone. If I remember correctly, she brought me a tin of muffins to try and apologize a month later. They were horrible, but she tried to do one of those cheesy apologies from a love movie. She’s a hopeless romantic, but I can’t resist her~” Applejack dawns a big smile again, the simple memory of her loved one making her unbelievably happy. “Don’t worry about us though, sugarcube. We still talk about getting married every now and then. We just need to figure out a solution.”

Patting my shoulder again, Applejack chuckles to herself, pointing to a small picture hanging from the rearview mirror. In the picture, Applejack stands with all of her family, including Rarity and Sweetie Belle. Sometimes, I can’t help but wonder how it is for Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. They’re almost sisters-in-law at this point. If their sisters actually get married, it would be official. Sunset and I don’t have that kind of family. The only ones I would consider close enough would be Aria and Sonata… We aren’t actual sisters though… I don’t even think I will see them again in general.

“It’s nice that both of you have family that can support your decision.” Looking out the window, I can’t help but feel a little conflicted. Is family really that important? I guess I’d like to think not, but here I am, admiring the fact that Applejack has such a big family. All Sunset and I have are friends. Sunset knew her parents, but she has it worse than me. She barely got along with them and I didn’t even know my own parents.

“Ah, sugarcube. You are family~ You’re close enough to me and the girls that we’re all practically a family, ya know? I’m always here to support your marriage with Sunset~” The buildings outside the car zip by and the colors only serve to remind me just what I’m fighting for. I want to spend the rest of my life with Sunset and I will do just that. I won’t let that siren stop all that. “Speaking of which, do ya know what your wedding is going to be like?” Applejack asks me with a curious tone to her voice. Honestly, the question is one I can’t help but feel anxious about. I knew she would ask something like this eventually, but the thing I need to focus on is sorting out this situation with that siren before I get married.

“Sunset and I know where we want to get married, but we don’t know when we will arrange it. We also know that we want it to be kind of small. Just our immediate friends and a couple of plus-one’s.” My biggest fear is that our friends may want to bring their extended family with them. I don’t really want a whole bunch of people I don’t know at our wedding. Getting married is a big enough deal for a siren who has had little to no concept of commitment before, so I wouldn’t want the day to be filled with first impressions and all.

“Who qualifies as your immediate friends? Does that include someone who initially gave ya a hard time?” Applejack teases me with a chuckle, shaking her head slightly. While it’s true that she did give me a hard time before, Applejack is one of my best friends now.

“Of course you’re included, you stubborn moron,” I respond with a fake sigh, rolling my eyes to add to the effect. “Why wouldn’t you be? You’re one of my closest friends.” I spend time with all the girls in a roughly equal manner as of late. They all have their own unique flair and personality, so I often hang out with each of them for different reasons. Whenever I spend my time with Rarity, I’m usually looking for a more tame and relaxed session as compared to my time with Rainbow Dash. She usually wants to do something weird and it will probably involve more energy. As for Apple Bloom? She’s a mystery box. She’s even more random when it comes to the things she wants to do than Pinkie Pie. That’s one hell of an achievement.

“I was just asking, that’s all~ It’s been a while since I’ve been to a wedding, so I’ll have to see if one of my formal dresses still fits. God knows that if they don’t, Rarity will make adjustments or she will just make me a new one.” Rarity does tend to do that… When it came to my first anniversary with Sunset, Rarity went above and beyond, making me a new dress for the occasion, free of charge. I didn’t even ask for one, but she made sure I had a dress that fit me in all aspects. She didn’t want me looking like anything but my very best. “That is if y’all want me to wear a dress. I could wear something else if that’s not to your liking.”

“I’m sure a dress would be fine~ Sunset would probably be fine with it and I don’t care what you wear, honestly. As long as it’s clean and all.” The last thing I would want is someone coming to our wedding caked in mud or dirt, making the only part of the memory be about how bad someone smelled.

My eyes widen slowly, noticing that we’re getting closer to my house. Applejack turns onto my street, making me look down the road towards my house. What can I say? I’m still not used to calling it my own place. It feels… nice. Owning a house and all. No more apartments. No more cramped spaces. Just my own place with the love of my life. “Excited?” Applejack asks me with a small laugh, my mind just now noticing how I’m leaning forward in my seat.

“It’s just not normal for me to call it my house. I kind of can’t believe I own it with Sunset, you know?” Applejack slows the truck to a stop right in front of my driveway, putting it in park.

“Go inside your house and change~ I’ll wait right here,” she teases me with a slight giggle, prompting me to step out. Closing her door, I quickly walk towards the porch and the front door. Reaching inside my bag, I pull out my keys, hesitating only for a moment before sliding one of them into the lock. Right now, Sunset shouldn’t be here. She should be getting out of her noon class and from what Applejack said, she’s probably at the pizza place now. Opening the door, I quickly close it behind me, walking up the stairs with a slow breath.

Even though I’m not changing much, I think Sunset will appreciate seeing me wear these boots. I haven’t worn them at all before and I think she probably feels bad about that. She hasn’t said anything about it, but I would surely feel bad in her position. I just… feel nervous. Wearing something so similar to my past outfits during our high school years. Regardless, seeing Sunset smile would be really nice today after everything that happened with Diamond Tiara earlier. Her smile is… always nice to see. I love her to death and back, so being able to share happy moments with her makes my life feel fulfilled. That’s why I’m so sure I want to marry her and spend the rest of my life with her.

Opening our room’s door, I quickly go to the closet, opening it with a small breath. It doesn’t take long for my eyes to connect with the shoebox at the bottom of the closet, resting underneath my clothes. Sunset’s side is a lot more crowded compared to my own, but I get new outfits and pieces of clothing as time goes on. Eventually, both sides of the closet will probably look the same. Especially if Rarity keeps up her trend of giving someone clothes she designed for each special event.

Taking out the box, I quickly take off my shoes, taking a deep breath before I open it. The bright purple boots instantly have a sheen in the light from the overhead fan, making me admire the appearance of them. Despite how beautiful they look, I still feel a little hesitant to actually put them on. Come on, Adagio… Use them. You know how tempting it is. They look beautiful and they capture exactly the type of fashion I would wear back then. All it would need are spikes.

Pulling on the boots, I take a deep breath and close my eyes, afraid to look down. This innocuous act has a large impact on me and only me. No one else in the whole world could understand why this is such a big thing and a part of me still feels like it’s a mistake. Looking down at the boots, my eyes instantly widen, noticing just how nice they look. They feel really comfortable and I can’t help but… love them. God, am I really that same siren I was? No… No, I’m not. But damn, does it feel nice to wear something this beautiful. Sunset was right to buy me this. And I feel like she will like it just as much as I do~


Stepping into the restaurant, the door gives a small ring, swinging shut behind Applejack and I. Locating our friends is not a difficult task in the slightest since Pinkie Pie is already yelling across the restaurant to grab our attention, much to the dismay of the other patrons. A knowing look of understanding comes from Applejack before we finally walk towards the back of the establishment, our friends sitting at a large circular table. Sunset’s gaze turns towards us, giving me the warmest smile of all. It doesn’t take her long before she notices my shoes, her eyes aiming downward within a moment. Instantly, I can see the joy in her eyes upon seeing me wearing the boots she bought me, her gaze reconnecting with mine with watery eyes. I just hope she doesn’t cry about this since all our friends would make a big deal out of this. Still, it’s really nice to see her happy~

“You’re wearing them~” Sunset happily whispers to me when I finally get close enough, taking my hand in hers and kissing my cheek when I sit down next to her. With a slow nod, I return her kiss with a slight blush, feeling a little flustered at the public display of affection.

“They’re great,” I whisper in response before turning my attention to the rest of our friends. Applejack unsurprisingly sits next to Rarity with Pinkie Pie to her left.

“Gosh, you two took a while~” Pinkie Pie tells us with a physical gesture, trying to show us just how long it took us to get here.

“I was beginning to worry,” Fluttershy quietly pitches in, a small smile appearing on her face. As much as I would expect her to have that horrid rabbit with her, she surprisingly sits alone this time. No dog or cat either. The only companionship she has is Rarity and Twilight sitting to both of her sides.

“We had a slight situation to take care of and all. It involved Apple Bloom, but we’re fine now,” Applejack reassures them with a quick and straight-to-the-point tone. “Sorry about that. What were y’all talking about?”

“Well, I was mentioning how we could all maybe go camping together~ I have a new tent warmer I’ve been meaning to test out,” Twilight explains with a bright look in her eye, seemingly excited to share this bit of knowledge. Although, as soon as she says this, Rainbow Dash and I instantly look at each other with a knowing look. I won’t say anything, so I’m just hoping she doesn’t make some lewd joke-

“I’m just hoping it isn’t TOO loud either~ We wouldn’t want ALL of us staying awake the entire night.” Rainbow Dash instantly starts laughing upon saying her stupid joke, making me roll my eyes. Both Pinkie Pie and Twilight seem confused at the joke for different reasons, the former trying to find out why it’s funny and the latter trying to understand why Dash would think her device would be loud.

“Well, it’s not too loud? It’s kinda just a soft hum? If you want, I could give you an example~” Rainbow Dash almost spits out her drink when Twilight responds to her, only adding to the humor of the situation. Honestly, Dash kind of deserved it… A bad joke calls for a little embarrassment.

“U-uh… No thanks. I’m good,” Rainbow Dash responds with a shake of her head. Both of us know that Twilight is being completely innocent with her request, but the innuendos only make the situation a little more nerve wracking. Funny nonetheless.

“Camping, huh? That would be a bit fun,” Applejack interjects, trying to cut through the tension with a chuckle. Rarity, on the other hand, looks less than enthused.

“Eh… Camping hasn’t really been… one of my favorites. Though, if you girls want to, I shall prevail,” she tells us with a slight flick of her hair, hugging Applejack’s arm. I have no doubt that Rarity would be fine if we went camping. She wouldn’t really have to worry about a thing. Applejack would always be there to help start a fire, pitch a tent or otherwise keep her warm and dry. In a sense, that sometimes makes me question what she offers the cowgirl in return, but I suppose both of them have their skillsets. Rarity’s better at social situations and making first impressions and she can make clothes just as naturally as breathing. They’re perfect for each other.

“W-well, I was kind of wanting to, but you don’t have to force yourself,” Fluttershy admits with a guilty expression, causing the fashionista to shake her head and pats her friend’s shoulder.

“No no~ If you want to, I think we will all have a lot of fun~ As long as it doesn’t rain. Or get muddy.” Rarity’s brow furrows for a moment, seemingly angry at natural phenomena in the world. This look of anger is instantly calmed by Applejack kissing the fashionista’s cheek.

“Don’t worry. I’ll keep ya dry,” Applejack tells her with a casual tone as if she’s used to reassuring Rarity in this way. “I’m sure we’ll all have fun, we would just need to plan for it.”

“Can I plan it?!” Pinkie Pie pitches in, an excited look on her face. For some reason, I feel a little scared as to what Pinkie Pie could plan for this, but she’s earned my trust as my friend. So, I just have to trust that she will make something fun rather than annoying. “I’ve been camping a lot of times~ I can make a whole list of things we should bring and all!” Pinkie Pie’s enthusiasm for this camping trip idea actually makes it sound like she knows what to do. I mean, let’s face it. One of Pinkie’s strengths is planning for activities. Not just for parties. It’s surprising that someone as random as Pinkie Pie is good at planning.

“I have no problem with it. As long as you don’t put confetti in my tent,” I tell the party machine, making her turn her attention to me.

“Well, duh! Of course I wouldn’t put it in your tent. That stuff gets everywhere. Besides, I almost suffocated when I inhaled one in my sleep before, so I’d never want that to happen!” The way that Pinkie casually states that she almost died due to her own actions makes me feel a little unsettled, but she does this kind of stuff all the time. She should really keep her own safety in mind…

Rainbow Dash opens her mouth to speak, but before she has the chance to do so, I place my hands on the table and clear my throat. “Actually, before we talk anymore about camping, could I say something. I have… another announcement to say.” Everyone turns their attention to me, Rainbow Dash clearly confused and Fluttershy dawning a curious look that fits a dog. I’ve already made quite a few announcements to everyone during the last few months as it is. We talked about my engagement to Sunset and the house we bought, so it seems a little… selfish. Making another announcement. “I’m not trying to monopolize our time together, but… I’ve decided to try and complete my GED.” Up to now, only Apple Bloom and Sunset knew, so… it feels nice to finally say it out loud.

The girls look pretty surprised. All except for Applejack who seems to not be affected by the news. Huh… Apple Bloom probably told her about it already, right? That’s the only thing I can imagine as to why she wouldn’t be surprised. “Wow~ That should give you some new opportunities~” Fluttershy tells me with a kind smile, Pinkie Pie standing up from the table. In one quick motion, the pink blur comes around to my side, hugging me almost as tight as Apple Bloom.

“This is amazing! We need to throw a party when you pass!” she tells me with the excitement of a child on their birthday.

“If I pass,” I correct her after our hug ends.

“If?! What do you mean if?! You’re one of the smartest people I know!” Rainbow Dash interjects, suddenly sitting straight up. “I mean, we’re all pretty smart, but you’re really cunning and wise when it comes to making plans. You soak up information and keep it without any struggle. Of course you’ll pass!” Rainbow’s attempt to reassure me is appreciated, but it’s hard for me to believe that myself.

“Still. It’s a pretty hard test. Regardless, if I pass, I’m planning on… buying the music studio.” Upon hearing my statement, everyone stays quiet for a moment, a surprised expression on all of their faces. Even Applejack looks like this is new information to her. I suppose Apple Bloom didn’t tell her that.

“The music studio I used to work at?” Rainbow Dash asks me with surprise, seemingly sitting on the edge of her seat.

“Oh my… That’s a really big undertaking,” Fluttershy mentions quietly, a thoughtful expression telling me she’s still thinking about it.

“So, you’d own the business? That’s… really impressive,” Twilight adds with a smile, nodding at my proposal. Rarity and Applejack have conflicted looks on their faces and Pinkie Pie brings her hand to her chin, seemingly thinking about the situation. It’s understandable that they would be skeptical about this venture…

“Hey, everyone? I don’t want you to think about the money or any of the figures. Adagio ran me through it and even at a lowball estimate, we should be making a profit from it within a year~” Sunset reassures everyone, holding my hand to tell me she supports me fully. Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie all own their own businesses, all covering different needs or wants. If I owned the music studio, that would mean I would own a business too. It’s understandable that they would be skeptical since they all probably know how hard it is to run your own business.

“Well, boy howdy~! I’m really proud of ya then~” Applejack states with a prideful look, giving me a thumbs up. Pinkie Pie nods ecstatically as a response, agreeing with our friend. Even though she works with the Cakes, Pinkie Pie still runs her own party planning gig on the side, so it’s still impressive.

“I know you can do a good job! The money may be a problem, but I’m sure you’ll do great!” Pinkie Pie tells me with a huge smile. Everyone seems genuinely happy for my bit of news, so I’m glad it came out like this. I was a little worried that maybe they wouldn’t support my idea.

“There is one more thing we need to talk about,” Sunset tells everyone with a soft sigh, her eyes connecting with my own for a moment. I can’t help but feel confused as to what Sunset is talking about… Is she talking about the other thing we talked about a few days ago…? The reason I postponed our marriage to begin with? “Adagio doesn’t exactly feel like she’s completely made up for her past actions. So, I sort of need your help.” Leaning forward in her seat, an incredibly serious demeanor takes hold of Sunset’s face, making her look at everyone else around us. “I had the luxury of apologizing to the people I hurt. The love of my life has tried countless times to be a better person, but she’s never gotten the chance to apologize to the people she hurt. I…” Grabbing my hand, a brave smile comes to her, nodding and taking a deep breath to make sure she’s ready. “I would really appreciate it if we could all help her with whatever she needs to move forward~” Sunset takes a deep breath, sounding like she anticipates some sort of bad news. This bad news doesn’t come though… Instead, all the girls look at us with understanding and nods of approval.

“Of course we will help, darling. Adagio is our friend just as much as you are,” Rarity tells Sunset with a nod.

“I guess that only really leaves one question,” Applejack adds right after Rarity’s statement, clearing her throat. “How do we go about this?”