• Published 30th Nov 2022
  • 982 Views, 223 Comments

A Dazzling Trio - Spyder27

Now that Adagio is engaged to the love of her life, she only has one more thing she wants to do before they make it official. She wants to find the other sirens she lost years ago and try to make things right. Will she be able to?

  • ...

Hope in the Dark

Chapter XXII: Hope in the Dark

Rainbow Dash walks over to the bed, pulling a key from her pocket. Unlocking my handcuffs, Dash motions for me to get out of the bed. Everything she is doing confuses me to no end.

“Come on. You’re coming with me.” Dash nods her head towards my suitcase, telling me to get dressed without saying a single word. Proving something to her…?

“What do you mean, Dash?” Grabbing my tights, I slip them on with ease. Dash turns away from me to give me some privacy. Honestly, I’m surprised she’s willing to turn her back on me after all she said.

“Just get dressed already.” Dash’s voice is annoyed, but there’s a meaning behind it. Some sort of determination. In a way, it worries me, but I feel pretty curious what she means.

Slipping on my coat, I push my feet into my boots as quickly as I can. Dash turns her gaze to me momentarily before leading the way to the door. Something about her demeanor makes me wonder what is on her mind. It also makes me feel a little worried if I don’t listen to her… A flash of light hits my eyes once Rainbow Dash opens the door. Those first few moments it takes to adjust to the new light level are the hardest, but after blinking a few times, it is a lot more bearable.

The door shuts and locks itself behind me. The bright hallway has no sign of life in it except for the two of us. The sound of our footsteps is almost completely muffled from the carpet. Dash leads the way to the lobby without saying a single word. I have no idea what has come over her. Where are we going? And why this late at night?

Stepping out of the hotel, a cool breeze hits my cheek, brushing my hair to the side. Dash’s hair flows in the wind as majestically as a flower. It would be impressive if she didn’t have her hands in her pocket with a monotone expression on her face. Dash takes a deep breath before finally moving down the sidewalk. The loud sounds of the city have no effect on her. Honestly, I’m surprised there’s any place she wants to go. She’s only been in this city for a few days. Where would she want to go?

“You know, it really sucks,” Dash states without looking back at me. “I really came to accept you as one of the girls. Part of our group.” A car drives past us, but for a brief moment, Dash’s hair shines as if the sun is peeking out after the rain. Some people walk past us, but nothing breaks our stride. For a second, I almost feel nostalgic. I remember walking and talking with Dash like this before. The deepest part of my heart almost hopes that I can fix things with her, but I know that can’t happen…

“What is the point of this, Dash?” I ask her seriously, staring at the back of her head. “You take me out of the hotel without the knowledge of everyone else and here you are reminiscing about times before. Is there some sort of rhyme or reason to your logic here?”

“You’ll have to wait,” Dash tells me with a shrug of her shoulders, just as we turn a corner. The farther away we walk, the less light there is. The direction Dash decided to walk in is towards the outer city limits. Is she planning on just leaving the city altogether? “Dagi,” Dash speaks up with a curious tone, “do you remember going out to get drinks with Applejack and me?”

“How could I not?” Looking towards the ground, I can’t exactly bring myself to remember something like that without a pained expression. Fun memories like those are… hard. It’s easier to bury everything than remember it all. The lights become further apart… The sounds of people in the city get quieter with each passing step. This nostalgic walk is kind of nice, but in a way, it just leaves a bigger sense of dread on my mind.

“You told me that you still treasure those memories. And that you didn’t mean for all of this to happen.” Stopping next to a bus stop, Dash turns to look at me. “If I really believe that you didn’t orchestrate this from the start, then it makes what happened that much worse, huh? Just kinda giving into the temptation of the magic.” A car zips by us, stopping next to the bus stop. Except, it’s not the only thing that stopped… A couple of bugs next to the street light hang still in the air. Dust particles stay still as if they are part of a picture. Not a single muscle in my body can move, but it’s hard to pay attention to anything else except what is in front of me.

Multi colored sparks of electricity appear attached to Rainbow Dash. The light from the sparks makes a blue aura around Dash, giving her an almost angelic appearance. A singular tear falls from Dash’s eye as she walks towards me.

“Funny thing is that magic can be great if used properly.” Dash’s tone is quiet, almost like a whisper. Her eyes focus on my own, seemingly studying me. “Huh. I figured. You can see me.” Her speech would appear to be incoherent ramblings in any other context. “Now that you can’t respond, let me say something.” Dash takes a deep breath, backing up a few steps from me. “You were one of my best friends, Dagi. I would be lying if I said a part of me doesn’t still care about you. As I said before, you were part of our group.” Shaking her head, Dash points her finger back in the direction of the hotel. “Our friends? They loved you too. That’s why this whole situation hurts. I keep trying to rationalize it, but I have no idea what is going on in your head.” Walking towards me, Dash places her hand on my shoulder, staring into my eyes once more. “What if everything you said tonight was just another set of lies? I honestly can’t be sure anymore.”

Without saying a word, the electricity disappears from Dash’s body. In the same moment, the car speeds off with no effort as if it never stopped in the first place. The sounds of the rest of the world suddenly start again, making me wonder what just happened. How could I see her then? I don’t have my magic. Unless… Unless some of it is lingering inside of me after recent use.

“That’s why it’s too big of a risk.” Dash pulls out some cash from her pocket, placing it in my hand. “This is more than enough to get you a ticket back to Canterlot City.” Her hand pushes me towards the bus stop, making me stumble slightly. “Adagio, if you truly meant what you said tonight, please go. You’ve hurt Sunset and our friends enough. Just go and never contact us again.”

“What?” Turning my gaze back to Dash, my mind tries to tell me I heard her wrong. “Dash, what are you saying? The others wouldn’t be-”

“Please, Dagi,” Dash insists with a glare. “Just go. Leave our lives. I’m giving you an out because I once considered you my friend. Take it.” Looking down at the money in my hand, I can’t quite believe what Dash just told me. I thought she was taking me out to talk some more. Not… Not something like this. I did hurt everyone, yeah, but… doing this would break their trust even more. Maybe she’s right… But running away now would only confirm any suspicions they have that I meant to hurt them.

Though, disappearing could help… In a way, they wouldn’t have to deal with me again and they could just move on. I…

“Don’t hurt Sunset any more than you already have,” Dash tells me with a stern tone, making something inside me crack.

“It would hurt her more if I did nothing to try and make up for what happened.” Turning my head back to Dash, I can’t believe that she’s trying to do this right now. “The best thing for me to do is try to make it better.”

“What? So you can get back together with her?” Dash asks me with her arms outstretched in disbelief. “Don’t you see it? Everything is-”

“No.” Taking a deep breath, I shake my head at Dash’s words. “I damn well realize that my relationship with her is done… But you all taught me valuable things about what it means to be a good person. That means accepting your mistakes and owning up to them.” The money in my hand feels dirty. Like a bribe made with blood. Even though it would be easy to run away, I know I can’t do that. “I’m not going to run away like some coward. You should know me better, Dash.”

“Are you really willing to put in that kind of work, Dagi? Really?” Dash raises her voice at me, closing the distance between us. “Are you the kind of person who can really make it better for Sunset? Or are you going to make her suffer more?” Her hand pushes against my chest, but I refuse to let her stagger me.

“Yes, I can. I will do anything to make it better. For her sake,” I almost growl back, pushing against Dash’s hand. Staring into Dash’s eyes, I don’t care how long it takes. I will stand my ground until she gets out of the way. The way she pulled me along just to tell me to leave is torturous. I can expect such from me, but from her? I had different expectations for her.

Just move out of my way…


Dash’s frown turns upside down in an instant, catching me off guard. “Alright, you convinced me,” Dash tells me in an upbeat tone, taking the cash from my hand. Before I have a chance to respond, Dash’s arms wrap around me. What the fuck is going on?

Pushing Dash off me, I can’t help but give her a dirty glare. “What the hell are you saying? Convinced you? You were just telling me to leave five seconds a-”

“Yeah, I know,” Dash mentions with her hands in the air. “I just needed to be sure.” Once again, lightning shimmers around Dash, making everything else in our immediate proximity around us stop moving. “Listen to me for a second. I’ve been restless for over four nights now. As much as I wanted to believe that it all meant nothing to you, I couldn’t stop thinking about how you had hundreds of opportunities to backstab us.” Taking the gun out of her pocket, Dash shakes it in front of me as an example. I guess that is the other reason she is using her magic. Taking that gun out without moving at super speed would possibly make someone panic if they saw us. “Like I said, I couldn’t stop thinking about why you wouldn’t have hurt us earlier or shown this side to you. The only answer I could come to is that… maybe you’re telling the truth. About the whole broken mind stuff.”

Putting the gun back in her pocket, Dash moves her fingers in the air to make a heart out of the electricity. In the next few seconds, she tries her best to draw an interpretation of Sunset in mid air, chuckling at her bad art skills.

“Still. I couldn’t be certain,” Dash explains with a slightly nervous tone. “So, I wanted to test it out. See if you truly did care about us. And if there is anyone you care about, it would be her.” Looking towards the bus stop, Dash sort of smiles to herself for a second. A look of slight hesitation appears on her face before she forces herself to look at me once more. “If you weren’t lying about your friendships with all of us meaning a damn, then I knew you would reject the offer to leave. But if you truly didn’t care about us, taking the chance to run would be the best option.” A loud crackle can be heard just as the electricity disappears, giving me a chance to move again. “Truth be told, I’m still hurt you gave into the temptation your subconscious gave you so easily, but I’m glad to see that you’re willing to do what it takes to make it right.”

Dash wraps her arm around my shoulder, walking me away from the bus stop. Everything about the past few minutes has confused me beyond belief. There could have been an easier way to test that, right? I guess under our circumstances, not really…

“So, prove it to me. Let’s talk about how we can make this right~”



Setting her glass down on the bar, a slight sigh comes from Dash’s lips. She sounds content with the liquor she’s been served. Thankfully, Dash paid for drinks for the both of us, buying my favorite. Four Roses Single Barrel. On days like these, the taste is the only thing that can make me forget about the drama for a little bit.

“So, let’s focus on the issue at hand,” Rainbow Dash mentions with a slight wave of her hand. The music at the bar is loud enough that it’s hard for someone to hear us without being pretty close to us. “You fucked up. Totally screwed yourself over. I mean you’re in massive shit here,” Dash emphasizes with her arms outstretched to try and explain the trouble I’m in.

“Gee, thanks for the subtle nature, Dash,” I respond with a roll of my eyes, savoring the taste of my whiskey.

“Even I am still wary around you, so that should say something.” Turning my eyes to her, I give the athlete a glare that is almost comparable to how annoyed I feel. “But I trust that you’re telling the truth! Besides, It affected both of us,” Dash tries to reassure me with her hands up in defense. “Still. This is a big problem for everyone. If you want to make things better, we need to fix what happened.”

“I highly doubt that the girls would want to be my friend again. It’s pretty much impossible for me to ‘fix’ my relationship with Sunset.” Taking another drink of my beverage, I try my best to entertain the idea she’s giving me, despite how impossible it seems.

“I know for a fact that the girls are equally torn about this. Some of them want things to go back to normal. Including you as our friend.” Dash sets her glass down on the counter, wiping her lips. “That and I know for a fact that it will be easier to win them over this time than when you were first trying to be their friend~ So, let’s count your cards.” A long pause follows her words, making me turn my gaze towards her. An expectant stare lets me know she wants me to start.

“You really expect me to know what is in ‘my cards’? For all I know, everyone hates me.” An irritated look comes from my drinking buddy, making her roll her eyes.

“Okay, let me do all the work, I guess. Yo, do you have a piece of paper and a pen I could borrow?” she asks the server at the bar. Surprisingly, he actually gives her a small sheet of paper with a pencil. Dash gives him a small thanks before writing something down. “So, we still have to get your magic back since that is what both Umbra and Twilight think will fix your mind. Except Umbra thinks it will make you a villain again, but that is besides the point. AND we have to find Aria again. Everyone is willing to help you finish these two goals, so that gives us a lot of time where you’re forced to be with us. Not to mention we’re meeting Sonata tomorrow- I mean, later today.” With a sheepish look, Dash motions to the clock on the wall, indicating that it is four in the morning. Sliding the page over to me, I notice a series of three bullet points, summarizing what she has just said. “This means that you will have opportunities to make it up to each of us.”

Dash draws small versions of all of us with pony ears. Of course, she is the center of the drawing, flying above everyone else. However, she has a point. It’s very difficult for me to believe there’s a chance to fix things. Especially with Sunset.

“I appreciate your optimism, but I fear that the only thing this siren can do now is apologize. I know that some of you are set on keeping me at arm’s length.” Specifically, the one I adore the most… Even the whiskey can’t dull that pain.

“Yeah, I get it. But you know what the best tool for situations like this is?” Dash looks at me expectantly, only to frown when nothing comes from me. “Persistence. If you can make it better with everyone else and continue apologizing to her, I’m sure Sunset will come around~” Again, Dash makes a small doodle of Sunset with an angry expression, followed by an angel Sunset drawing. Why is she using so many physical depictions today to help demonstrate her point? “And if not? At least you did your best to make it better.”

Finishing my glass, I can’t help but wonder why Dash is trying so hard to help me here. That’s yet another debt I need to repay. All my friends try so hard to help me in any situation, even when my mind is telling me it is useless. I need to find a way to thank them for that later. For now, the priority is making things right.

“Alright. I guess it is time for me to stop moping around and put in some work.” Once my glass is refilled, I take a sip before exhaling. I’m Adagio Dazzle for God’s sake. I have work to do. “Thank you, Dash. I needed someone to give me that push in the right direction.” More like a shove, but still…


The RV comes to a slow stop. Despite it being the middle of the afternoon, I can’t help but feel exhausted. Given, I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night, so it’s hardly a surprise. Everytime we come to a stop, everyone has to stand up in order. There isn’t enough space in this vehicle for everyone to move around at one time. Rarity is the first one to stand up, leading the way outside. Fluttershy follows her with an expression that tells me she is trying to keep up appearances. However, Pinkie Pie is hardly doing the same. Her hair hangs down, startlingly straight for her usually unruly hair.

Dash stands up with a loud groan, stretching her arms and legs. She gives me a small smile as she walks by, reminding me of our plan. Honestly, I’m still surprised that Dash forgave me so easily. She said she was torn up, but still.

“I have to admit that I’m kind of excited. I’ve never met Sonata, but it’d be interesting to meet her after what I’ve heard,” Twilight mentions with a curious tone, walking in front of me.

“Don’t expect her to like you immediately,” I warn her, trying to tamper expectations. I know she’s still hesitant about everyone here, so I don’t want my friends to think Sonata will greet them with open arms. Stepping down out of the vehicle, I turn around to look inside. Sunset stands at the doorway of the RV, being the last one inside. Holding my hand out to her for stability, I give her a smile. It isn’t much, but I’d still like to help her if I can. Even if it is something as simple as helping her down.

Sunset’s eyes look down at my hand, then back up at me. Even though her expression doesn’t tell me what she’s feeling, I can tell that the gesture hurts her from her eyes. Sunset holds her hand away from me, stepping down on her own.

“I can hold my own hand, Adagio,” Sunset mentions in a brief whisper. For some reason, those words send a chill down my spine. I knew she probably wouldn’t forgive me, but I didn’t think she’d reject that gesture… With a few words, I can’t help but feel just how cold isolation feels. It’s like ice trying to freeze over my soul…

“I’m sorry,” I respond quietly, turning around. Everyone else has started walking towards the French restaurant already. Sunset doesn’t bother to wait. Instead, she simply moves away from me. I… really hate this view. The sight of her walking away, only seeing her back. She would always turn to look at me and give me that same warm smile, but now it’s nowhere to be seen. Times like these make me legitimately wonder if my heart is still beating or not…

Taking a deep breath, I quickly catch up with the girls, following them inside. The smell is the first thing I notice. It’s almost overwhelming in some sense. It smells nice, but I sort of wish there was less of the scent. The interior of the building is pretty fancy. Rarity looks like she appreciates the decor the most.

“My my~ If I knew we were coming to a place like this, I would have worn something a little more fashionable,” Rarity states as she looks at the walls. Applejack holds her hand and slightly nods.

“This surprises me, but I agree,” the cowgirl responds with a hesitant tone to her voice. Looking into the restaurant, I try to look for a certain shade of blue among the crowd. It doesn’t take me long to notice the waving girl at the side of the restaurant, motioning us over to a table for ten. A look of hesitation spreads across a few of us, but Applejack leads the way to the table with a proud face.

“Hello there~ I hope you’re all feeling well?” Sonata greets the girls, trying to give a handshake to every one of them. I can tell in her behavior that she’s still nervous about this. I can’t exactly blame her. I am introducing her to the people who used to be our enemies and took our magic away. Hopefully, no one else can notice it.

“Ah, we’re fine. Just waiting to leave this city,” Applejack mentions in a small laugh after shaking her hand. Sonata’s smile disappears at her words, making Applejack’s eyes widen. “Not that I wasn’t looking forward to this! I um… I was just saying that-”

“You’ll have to excuse her, darling. My honey apple doesn’t prefer staying in hotels. She’s just homesick after all.” Rarity gently takes Sonata’s hand and smiles at the gesture. Sonata nods her head in understanding.

“Oh, yeah. I get what you mean. The big city can be chaotic sometimes, huh?” A cute smile dawns on her, making both the cowgirl and siren laugh. “Also, you must be Twilight, right? The human one,” Sonata mentions after turning her gaze to our friend. Twilight’s eyes widen before nodding to her statement.

“Yeah, that’s me. Adagio told me you met the other version of me. Though, I hope you can think of me as a different person~ My counterpart is quite different from me after all.” After grabbing Sonata’s hand, Twilight’s gaze goes down to Sonata’s fingers. “I have to admit that you’re not what I thought you would be like. You’re a lot more… blue.” Oh yeah. She never saw a picture of Sonata before. That newspaper we found was black and white. “Not to mention your personality is different than I thought, but that’s a good thing. I was worried you would hate me.”

“Hate you? I don’t even know you yet, silly,” Sonata tells her in an attempt to reassure my friend. Sonata motions for Twilight to sit down before greeting Fluttershy. “Hey, Fluttershy, right? It’s been a while,” Sonata says with an enthusiastic handshake that jolts Fluttershy’s body around.

“Y-yeah, it has been,” she responds with a surprised expression, composing herself from the motion. I have to admit that I’m pretty surprised by Sonata’s demeanor. Despite how cautious she was when I met with her yesterday, she is trying her best to treat my friends with the utmost kindness. Sunset takes Sonata’s hand and gives her that same warm smile that has been missing from her lips for nearly a week.

“It’s nice to meet you again, Sonata.” Sunset’s voice is sweet and kind, not lacking in sincerity. So far, everyone is avoiding small talk until we can all get settled.

Grabbing the back of a chair, I pull it away from the table. Making eye contact with Sunset, I try my best to smile and offer the seat to her. The same cold look meets my eyes. She sits down next to Rarity, a few seats away from the one in my hand.

Yeah… I kind of figured that would happen…

Sitting down next to Sonata, I briefly look at the menu as she greets Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. The chatter begins to die down as greetings are finally done. I can’t exactly blame them. What could you say in this situation?

“It’s been three and a half years since we’ve all been in a room together,” I mention quietly before looking up from my menu. “A lot has happened, right?” My question is more of an attempt to get someone to talk to Sonata about their life, opening the conversation a little more. Everyone looks a little hesitant to say anything except for Dash. Rainbow Dash makes eye contact with me and seems to understand what I’m trying to do here.

“Oh yeah! A lot has happened. Most of us are in college now. I got in later than everyone else since I was too focused on sports, but now I’m an assistant coach of my university’s softball team~” Dash flexes her bicep with a confident grin. I knew she would be up to the task. Dash takes nearly every opportunity to show off. I don’t mind in this instance. It helps to keep the conversation going.

“Oh, which university do you go to?” Sonata asks in an interested tone.

“Ah, just the local university in Canterlot City. It isn’t a huge college, but it’s an okay place to go if you want to learn. Though, a lot of the people there treat it like a place to party, especially the athletes. I’ve had to talk to them about it and trust me. Some of them aren’t the sharpest tools in my workbench.” Dash laughs at her own words. Her comment even makes Twilight and Pinkie Pie giggle, but Sonata looks a little confused.

“But they aren’t tools though? They’re people. It would be concerning if they were sharp.” Sonata looks so puzzled that it’s hard not to pity her.

“It’s a phrase meaning that someone isn’t that smart,” I tell her with a slight pat on her shoulder. Sonata’s expression changes to one of understanding before nodding. If Aria was here, she’d probably tease Sonata for letting a phrase like that fly over her head.

“Well, I’d kinda argue against Rainbow. Not much has happened for my family. We still live on our farm and all,” Applejack shrugs her shoulders. In a way, her body language tells us she doesn’t have much to say.

“Bullshit, AJ,” Dash instantly objects. “Your little sister is about to graduate. Your girlfriend’s business is getting bigger and you’re about to own the farm. I’d say a lot has happened with you as well.”

A hurt expression comes across Applejack’s face, her eyes looking away from Dash. “I’m not exactly… excited for that. I’d rather avoid owning the farm as long as I can.” Rarity holds Applejack’s hand, making Applejack calm down without saying a word.

“Oh, I see,” Sonata says quietly, surprisingly understanding the context of this conversation. “Well, I do think you’re lucky in a way~” Applejack raises her eyebrow at Sonata’s statement, clearly a bit confused.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you have a family. It must be a lot of fun~” A smile that could light up any room dawns on Sonata. “I had a couple friends in my life.” Her gaze briefly turns to me, referencing her friendship with Aria and me. “I didn’t have a family though. I’m sure you have a lot of fun with your family, right?” Applejack looks really surprised to receive such kind words from Sonata. I have to admit that it was pretty smart of her to continue the conversation in a more positive way.

“Yeah. It is fun.” A new look of understanding comes across Applejack’s face. Even though she’s the one who was eager to meet Sonata, she still had some reservations. However, it seems with just a few words, Sonata was able to relate to her and cut away those hesitations.


Exiting the restaurant, the wind blows against my face. For a moment, I almost wish I didn’t leave the building. All throughout dinner, Sunset avoided my eyes. Instead, she mainly talked with Sonata just like everyone else. Sonata seemed to enjoy herself. That’s the most important part about this, isn’t it? Taking a deep breath, I look back at the girls. Everyone is giving their final regards to Sonata. Fluttershy is the first one to approach the RV. She is followed by the others, one after another until I’m left with her. Applejack waits outside the RV for me, but I don’t care how long she stares. I need to share some final words with my long lost friend.

“Thanks for all of this,” Sonata mentions, her eyes looking towards the sky. “I didn’t think you would actually apologize. I hoped, but I didn’t expect it to happen. It was really nice to put my differences aside with your friends. And you most of all.” Sonata’s eyes meet my own, a smile dawning on her lips.

The sound of the city fills the void between us. To be honest, I am not sure what to say. I didn’t think this would happen either, but that was because I wasn’t sure I could find her again. Sonata extends her hand towards me, but something like a handshake feels wrong for this instance. So trivial… I’m not usually the type to be physically affectionate, but… What the hell.

Taking her hand, I pull Sonata into a hug, holding her as close as I can. There is nothing I can do to erase what I did to her a long time ago, but… I hope this has made up for some of it. She’s made something of herself and I… I can’t be any prouder.

“Thank you for this,” I return the gratitude as Sonata returns the embrace. “I really am proud. I’m glad we got to meet again for two days.” Letting her go, I try my best to hold back from crying. The urge is strong… To make things right with a lost friend and to leave them again… It hurts. “Please promise me that you will keep going up.”

“Not unless you promise to get that confidence back,” Sonata jokes with a smile. Funny thing is that I was pretty confident in myself. Back before I ruined everything with my friends. “Seriously. While it’s great that you changed your life, I’m missing that old charisma.” Sonata nudges my shoulder, making us both share a chuckle.

“I promise I will try. Is that enough?”

“Try?” Sonata laughs a little more. “The Adagio I knew would make sure she gets what she wants. You don’t have to step on others anymore, but dedication still counts.” Funny. Dash told me something similar earlier.

“It has been really nice, Sonata. I will do my best. But-”

“Don’t,” Sonata interrupts me with an apprehensive breath. “Don’t say goodbye. I want to come with you.”


Words fail to come out of my mouth. In a way, I can’t quite believe that I heard her correctly. However, her eyes cement the statement she just told me.

“Why?” That is the only word that falls out of my mouth. Every part of my mind questions what is going on here. I was sure this would be goodbye. Maybe she wants to get rid of her hallucinations. That actually makes sense…

“I don’t want to lose my friend again.” Sonata’s eyes are determined, letting me know she isn’t going to back down on this. “Even if you can’t fit another person, I could drive. I don’t want to live on the other side of the country while my friend is struggling to piece her life back together.” We’re friends…? After everything, she’s so quick to accept me as a friend again?

“I will have to talk to the girls about it.”


“She wants to join us?” Applejack’s words easily fill the space in the hotel lobby. Everyone but her are sitting, making it feel like she’s leading the conversation. I mean, she has been the one keeping us all together during this trip, so it isn’t that abnormal. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that she’s the mom of the group. Thankfully, she isn’t that overbearing.

“Essentially,” I respond, closing my eyes to avoid the expectant stares of everyone else. It’s still surprising me that Sonata said she wants to come with us. I expected her to stay here. I guess it could be due to the hallucinations and she wants to deal with them as well, but she clearly said she wants to be my friend again. Which, on all accounts, is surprising. Opening my eyes, I look at the girls, noticing how Rarity uses a diamond to hold her drink in the air. Ever since we started this trip, the girls said they would try to be more open to magic just in case we needed it. The one who is the most resistant is my ex… “She wants to be my friend again and told me that she’d like to move closer to me.”

“So, basically moving to Canterlot City,” Dash mentions while chewing on some bubble gum. “I wouldn’t suggest that. The roads back home are terrible.”

“Not to mention that Filthy Rich is mayor,” Applejack responds while rolling her eyes.

“That’s not the issue. We’re talking about Sonata, remember?” Sunset’s voice speaks up, her eyes still avoiding mine. “Are we going to bring her with us? That is the point here.” A hint of annoyance is in Sunset’s voice, one that I can’t exactly blame her for. Everyone here is a little tense due to my own actions. Well, everyone but Dash. For some reason, she seems stubbornly insistent on helping me right this wrong.

“I… wouldn’t mind,” Fluttershy states with half her face hiding behind her hair. “She seems a lot different now. She’s really nice.” I’m glad to see Sonata had such an impression on her.

“I second that,” Pinkie Pie tells us in a dull voice, her arms crossed. Her hair is completely straight, hanging past her shoulders. Instead of vocalizing her own opinion, Pinkie just sits there, occasionally saying she agrees with someone. It’s a dark contrast to the bubbly personality we usually see.

“I don’t see the harm in it. She is pretty sweet and if she wants to stay in touch with Adagio, isn’t that our mission at the end of the day? To reunite them?” Twilight’s question goes unanswered for a few moments. Until Rarity simply nods her head…

“You’re right, darling. I… I suppose that is our goal at the end of the day.” Rarity picks up her cup of coffee from her floating diamond, taking a small drink. “I favor the motion. She can come with us.”

“Rock on. A new person to talk to,” Dash quips with us, chuckling at herself. At this point, anyone who could say no would be outvoted, so it is clear where this is going.

“We would still need to decide if she’s going to come with us in the RV,” Sunset mentions quietly. Turning my gaze to her, Sunset looks at everyone but me for some kind of input. A decisive mood is in the atmosphere and she wants us to choose. The glimmer of happiness has long since left her eyes. Every time I look at her, it just makes me feel even worse, knowing that I caused this. It almost makes me feel… numb. My fingers. My legs…

“I will be back,” I tell everyone without even thinking about it. Quickly, I stand up from my seat, making my way towards my room. The hotel carpet practically becomes a blur. Colors seem more dull. If I was stronger, I would be able to resist this. All I can do is hurt them. God, they’re right… A siren. That’s all I am.

My fingernails dig into my arm. My vision begins to narrow as almost all color drains from my world. Slamming the door behind me, I stumble into the bathroom of my room. I look into the mirror, but the eyes that look back at me are not my own. Only the color red stares back at me…
Hello, Adagio.

Author's Note:

Do you think Adagio will be able to fix things with her friends?