• Published 30th Nov 2022
  • 982 Views, 223 Comments

A Dazzling Trio - Spyder27

Now that Adagio is engaged to the love of her life, she only has one more thing she wants to do before they make it official. She wants to find the other sirens she lost years ago and try to make things right. Will she be able to?

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Operation Snake Tooth

Author's Note:

Author’s Note: Hello, everyone! I was meaning to get this chapter out sooner than this since the semester is done with now~ So, in my definition, this chapter is late. The reason why is because of a couple different reasons. First off, I burned my hand pretty badly and it’s been hard to actually do anything recently. To add a little more salt to the wound, I ended up falling down the stairs right before I got sick with c*vid. So, it’s been quite a week for me, but hey! I was able to write in the last couple of days and I’m starting to feel better now~ In better news, A Dazzling World has received 96 kudos on AO3, which has made me pretty happy~ I hope everyone is staying warm and safe out there!

Chapter III: Operation Snake Tooth

“Why do we have to call this Operation Snake Tooth?” Honestly, I’m not even sure how I am in this situation. While it’s true that Apple Bloom and I are friends, I’m always dragged into weird adventures by her. Why does she always come up with the weirdest ideas and why am I always the person she goes to for help? Well, besides Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, I’m the one she always asks. Why do we even have to call our adventures operation codenames in general? Probably because Apple Bloom likes them, despite the fact that she’s sixteen. She really hasn’t changed a bit since the moment I met her a few years ago.

“Because Diamond Tiara always snaps at me when I try to help her out,” Apple Bloom tells me while rolling her eyes, dragging her wagon along behind her. Her wagon’s wheels squeak slightly and the painted Cutie Mark Crusaders symbol shines in the light. There are a couple other symbols on it as well that her big sister helped to paint on the red exterior. “I swear, she acts like a brat half the time. But I kind of expected that. It’s still fun to hang out with her though.” With a deep breath, Apple Bloom looks at me with a smile, seemingly hopeful about something. “Her room has been so dark and depressing ever since I started going over there. So, I was thinking that she could benefit from a little light, you know?”

Nodding my head slightly, I can’t help but wonder what kind of conversations the two girls have. It’s ironic that Apple Bloom calls Diamond Tiara a snake because she snaps at her. That’s exactly what happened between Sunset and I after I got out of the hospital. I wasn’t feeling well and I didn’t want her to take care of me, so Sunset started calling me Alligator. “So, what’s your plan exactly? Like how are you going to ‘light up’ her room?” I ask Apple Bloom with a curious tone. I still have no idea why I’m here in general.

“Well, I was thinking of getting her some flowers for her windowsill and maybe buying a book. I know there’s one book she’s been wanting to read for a couple months now, but she hasn’t had the chance to buy it or such.” Apple Bloom has a hopeful smile on her face as she says this, making me feel a little… proud of her. Is it weird of me to feel proud of my friend? That she’s doing such a kind deed for someone else? I mean, it is a little weird coming from me. A former siren…

“What’s this book she wants to read?” My question hangs in the air for a moment, both of us just listening to the wind and the sound of the occasional car passing by. Apple Bloom shrugs slightly to herself, spinning some of her hair around her finger.

“It’s a book about a detective back in the 1800s. I forget the name of it exactly, but I know I will recognize what it is when I see it. Apparently, it’s a pretty large series,” Apple Bloom states with a small wave of her hand and wide eyes, telling me she’s just as confused about it as I am. Before I have the chance to respond, Apple Bloom quickly motions for us to cross the street. It doesn’t take me long to realize just what caught her attention. A flower stand with dozens of bouquets stands right next to a sandwich deli. Apple Bloom and I quickly walk across the road, a look of anticipation on her face. “Mind if ya pay for this one? I’m kinda trying to save the money I brought for that book.”

Despite the fact that I don’t normally cover the bill for others, Apple Bloom has done a lot for me over the years. Even recently, she’s helped me study for this GED test. If anything I owe her a lot more than I like to admit. “Sure, I can buy the flowers,” I reassure Apple Bloom, walking up to the flower stand. After she points to one of the bouquets that she wants, I reach into my bag and put down the money for the flowers. The bouquet she chose included pink, purple and white flowers, matching the colors of Diamond Tiara. A part of me really wonders if Apple Bloom is right about this. Would I feel better if someone gave me flowers to light up my room? I guess it really depends on the person…

Handing the flowers to Apple Bloom, I can’t help but smile at Apple Bloom’s enthusiasm. I guess it would make me feel better to receive flowers, even if it is just a sign of good faith. That’s something Apple Bloom’s friend could use right about now.


In my spare time, I often read books to pass the time. I’m not the kind of person to watch television shows or even movies. The only reason I love to watch films is because it’s a nice tradition between Sunset and me. I love to watch them with her because we always get to eat some nice snacks, laugh at the same jokes and cuddle a bit on our couch. But if I’m alone, I usually read a book. Although, I haven’t really had the time to get invested in a book recently with all the planning for our wedding and moving into our new house…

It’d be nice to find some new book to read, wouldn’t it? Tracing my finger across the spines of each book, I look at the titles, trying to find something that sticks out to me. I’ve already looked through the whole horror section and the slice-of-life section. Now, I’m here, searching through romance novels. Apple Bloom is somewhere in the store, looking for that one book Diamond Tiara wants to read. At some point, she figured out the name of the book, but I forget if she actually told me about it. I’m not even sure why I’m here with her when I’m not doing that much to help her. Maybe she just wanted company while she did this.

The funniest part about coming along for this little adventure is that Apple Bloom wasn’t allowed to bring her wagon into the book store. What did she do to make sure it’s safe? She tied it to a cop car. An actual cop car… I have no idea why she would think that is a sane plan, but she told me that cops would keep her stuff safe. Why do I doubt that? She also put a very detailed and vague threat on a note attached to her wagon that would make anyone feel a little squeamish. Essentially, she said that bad things would happen to someone who steals her wagon. One part of her very graphic threat said that she would “make Saw look like a kiddie movie.” What the hell goes on in that head of hers? I know for a fact that she’s strong enough to manhandle anyone she wants, so it’s a very ominous threat.

“Ya done looking at the lovey dovey stuff?” a southern voice asks me, making me look over at Apple Bloom. I still get surprised to see that she’s almost at my height. When we first started hanging out, she was almost fourteen and she was quite a bit shorter than me. Now, she’s almost as tall as her older sister. Not to mention that she’s become slightly more mature in her approach to plans. Only slightly… She’s still pretty childish in general, but I guess that’s charming in a sense.

In her arms is a cardboard box absolutely filled to the brim with books, making me raise my eyebrow. “Um, Apple Bloom. What is all this?” I ask her in an amused tone, swirling my finger above the box.

“These are all the books in the series Diamond likes. I ain’t got a clue which ones she has, but I figured I’d get them just in case, ya know?” Apple Bloom shrugs her shoulders as much as she can with a box in her arms. For a moment, her expression shifts to a solemn smile, looking down towards the ground with a slow shake of her head. “Adagio? Do ya mind if I ask ya a question? You’re like one of my closest friends and you’re the only one who would give me an unbiased opinion from an adult’s point of view.” Apple Bloom’s question instantly intrigues me. Honestly, it feels nice that she still considers me one of her closest friends. I would assume that would change as she gets older. Of course I’d always be here to give her insight if she asks for it.

“Sure, Apple Bloom. What’s on your mind?” I ask her in a quiet tone, rubbing her shoulder slowly. Her eyes look up at me, showing a level of insecurity I haven’t seen in the teenager for a long time now.

“Do ya… Do ya think she will like this? Am I going overboard? It’s just that I wanna help her feel better and I haven’t had a lot of practice helping someone who’s sick.” Her expression instantly gets a little darker upon hearing her own words, shaking her head. “Well, except my Granny Smith. But… there ain’t much hope of her getting better. It’s a little different with Diamond, you know?” Nodding my head, I pat her shoulder, leading her away from the bookshelf.

“In all the hundreds of years I’ve been alive, I can say confidently that I haven’t had a lot of experience taking care of others. But I will say that I think your friend will enjoy this. Some people may say you’re going overboard…” Locking my eyes with hers, I try to give her the kindest smile I can, reassuring her of her choice. “Sometimes, it isn’t a bad idea to go overboard though. It just shows how much you care.” It’s inspiring that Apple Bloom has become friends with the person she used to hate the most in the world. At this point, Diamond Tiara could really use a sign of affection from someone else. It sounds like her mother isn’t in the picture that much and her father has a hard time being truthful with his emotions. Even with his own daughter.

“Thanks, Adagio. I… I really needed to hear that,” Apple Bloom tells me with a smile nodding to herself. Despite how much she’s grown, Apple Bloom still needs help understanding her emotions and the world around her. You may be resilient on the outside, Apple Bloom, but never let yourself think you’re a bad person.

Pulling out my wallet, I can’t help but chuckle to myself. There’s no way she brought enough money to buy all those books. Thankfully, each of them should only be around five dollars~


The birds sing as the automatic water sprinklers activate, making me roll my eyes slightly. I forgot how flashy Filthy Rich is… Is it wrong of me to think his theatrics are overdone? If you really want to show how you’re better than someone else, you need to be more direct. Not subtle. Show them that you are above them. Break them down and make them realize there’s little to no way to actually overcome the obstacles you have set in front of them… I… I shouldn’t think that… That’s the seduction of power… It makes you think of strategies to make others bow. To submit…

“So, you’ve been here more than I have. How long does it usually take you to get inside?” I ask Apple Bloom hesitantly, not exactly keen on waiting for a long time. Looking over at the cowgirl, her head is almost buried in the box of books, making sure each book was still accounted for. The box rests inside the wagon that was, thankfully, not stolen. When we got outside the bookstore, we actually found a cop who had untied the wagon, but he looked pale upon handing it over to us. The note was in his hand and I can’t help but find it funny that Apple Bloom’s threat was enough to make the cop sick. He was sick enough that he didn’t even scold her for tying her wagon to his car. That is pretty damn impressive.

“Usually a few seconds~ Let’s just say I’ve made friends with the lady who answers the gate.” Without elaborating much more, Apple Bloom takes a couple steps and closes the distance between her and the button outside the gate. Pressing it, a bright smile comes to her face as static plays for a few moments. This static is quickly replaced with a feminine voice clearing her throat.

“This is the Rich residence. How may I-”

“Hiya, Claire~ I’m back,” Apple Bloom states, interrupting the speaker and calling her by name. An audible sigh of exhaustion can be heard right after Apple Bloom’s statement. It seems Apple Bloom’s natural tendency to either befriend others or annoy them into submission has succeeded once again.

“Oh god… You’re back to see Diamond Tiara, I assume?” the woman asks slowly, sounding like she’s rolling her eyes on the other end.

“You bet!” Apple Bloom tells her with a happy nod. Without saying another word, the speaker goes silent and the gate slowly opens in front of us. Apple Bloom picks up the handle to her wagon and quickly walks forward before looking back at me, seemingly confused. “Ya coming or not?” Chuckling to myself, I follow her inside the property with a smile.

I am not needed here at all, but Apple Bloom asked me to accompany her in general. Apple Bloom never left me hanging when I asked for her support, so why should I leave now? Regardless, it can be a bit awkward going back here after about two years. The last time I came here, I was getting ready to head to Appleloosa to settle a score with Rich. Now, I have no more scores to settle.

Getting closer to the staircase in front of the door to the mansion, I see a few people walk outside, grabbing Apple Bloom’s wagon when she gets close enough. Surprisingly, she’s not resistant to this. Instead, she lets them carry the wagon up the steps with a nod. Looking up towards the front door, a familiar face smiles down at the both of us. He may be wearing a black suit this time, but he wears the exact same red tie he’s had for years now.

“Apple Bloom! I didn’t expect to see you again so soon,” Filthy Rich tells the teenager with a happy smile shaking her hand.

“Heya, Mr. Rich! I just wanted to stop by to see Diamond again~ I got some gifts that I think will really lighten up her room!” After Apple Bloom tells him this, Rich’s expression drops slightly, looking at the contents of the wagon. Nodding slowly, he pats her shoulder, seemingly unsure of what to say.

“I really appreciate it. Do try and keep your visit short this time. She’s not feeling the best today, so I wouldn’t want her to overdo it. You understand?” Filthy Rich asks Apple Bloom in a kinder tone than I have ever heard him use with others. I guess that’s because Apple Bloom is just a teenager, but something tells me the deeper reason is because of her connection to Diamond Tiara.

Looking over to me, Rich nods and I return the gesture, still afraid he might ask me for another favor. “Hey, Rich. How are you doing?” I ask him out of courtesy, trying to keep the conversation short. Apple Bloom walks past Rich and walks inside the mansion with the people carrying her wagon walking behind her.

“I’m fine. A little scatter-brained involving some new legislation, but that’s to be expected when you’re the mayor,” he tells me with a prideful look, straightening his tie. He’s been mayor for two years now and honestly? I wish he wasn’t elected. It’s highly likely he will be elected for a second term after his current term ends. “I will admit, Dazzle. Your proposal has certainly gotten me busy. But I am a man of my word.”

Proposal…? Looking over to Rich, I can’t help but feel an anxious feeling overcome my mind. What the hell does he mean by that? He and I haven’t talked in close to two years… I never made a proposal! He can’t mean… Right? “Um… Remind me what you’re talking about?” I ask him hesitantly, clenching my fist silently. Please tell me I heard him wrong…

“The deal you made with me a month ago. I can’t go into details out here, of course, but don’t act oblivious, Dazzle. You were the one who came to me. I’m hardly the type of man to take jokes like these favorably.” Turning around, Rich walks back inside the building, leaving me standing at the bottom of the stairs. What deal…? What deal is he talking about?! She didn’t… She… Did she go to him? Why? What is she up to!

Running up the stairs, I zip inside the doors, looking around the main foyer. Apple Bloom can wait… I’ll talk to her afterward. Brushing past the servants of the mansion, I run down the main hallway, finding the main bathroom of the first floor and slamming it shut behind me. With a slight flicker, the light comes on, revealing a checker pattern floor and gold handles for the toilet paper and towels. Rushing over to the mirror, I look at my panicked reflection, gulping the air quickly.

“Alright, bitch! You always show up when you want to. Now throw me a bone and come here when I want you to!” I almost yell at my reflection, bearing my teeth and gripping the granite surrounding the sink. Come on… You always inconvenience me, showing up whenever you think it’s best. Now that I’m summoning you, are you too cowardly to show yourself? I’m not scared of you.

Slowly, the color in the reflection starts to fade and my hands get a little numb, causing me to grip the counter harder. I don’t think so… I’m not letting you have control. You will talk to me, but you won’t take control. Within a second, all of the reflection’s colors disappear, only showing a pure black pane of glass in front of me. For some reason, I can almost feel a sense of anger… If she’s mad at me, too bad.

Red eyes appear out of the black void, a gem of the same color slowly illuminating the reflection once more. Now, standing in front of the darkness is a blood-stained siren, staring back at me with an anger equivalent to a thousand stars. Her shadowy figure is illuminated just enough that I can tell what kind of expression she has. Her stare may be enough to send a shiver up my spine most days, but right now? I need to have some answers…

“What makes you think you can tell me what to do, Adagio?” she asks me with a harsh whisper, sounding like it’s right inside my ear. Her mouth opens again, but before she can say a thing, I chuckle in response to her question.

“You have dictated when we talk to each other every single time you’ve wanted to. Now, you’re going to listen to me,” I hiss right back at her, straightening my back. The siren rears back almost like I had insulted her, but I interrupt her again, taking a deep breath. “What the hell was Rich talking about? What did YOU do?” I ask her quickly, my eyebrows furrowing in response to my anger. How could I not be angry? She made a bargain with Rich after all I did to pay off my debts to him. The siren lets out a malicious laugh, shaking her head at me. Does she find this funny?

“Adagio, don’t tell me you already forgot what I told you days ago,” she tells me with a smirk, her eyes glowing a little brighter. Every snicker of hers only serves to provoke me even more. She loves pushing my buttons…

“How in the world can a Nexus be involved with Rich?! He’s a mortal man in this human world! He wouldn’t know about anything related to that!” I yell at the siren, slamming my fist against the countertop with a grimace. If she told Rich about magic… He’d surely try to use it for his own good. Probably to heal his daughter and then increase his empire.

“He isn’t related to a Nexus at all.” The siren’s voice snaps at me as if she is insulted by the mere idea. “He has a lot of resources. Resources that will help us find one, whether you like it or not.” Her eyes narrow, staring at me with a condescending tone in her glare. What kind of resources is she talking about…? How could Rich help her find a Nexus? This has completely gone off the rails and I can’t seem to get it back on track. “Poor Adagio… So much anger and yet, you won’t follow my advice,” she snickers, making me take a step away from the mirror. “All will become clear in due time. But, if you want to learn what I have planned, you could always give up on your useless life with friends.” Her evil stare looks right into my soul, knowing I would never take her up on that offer. Why does her plan have to elude me every step of the way?

“No thanks… I’ll stop you somehow. You can bet on that,” I tell her as quickly as I can, walking towards the door and opening it. The color of the world around me has returned to normal at this point, but in no way do I feel better… What kind of deal did she make with Rich? And why do I feel like it’s going to cost me…?

Shaking my head, I quicken my pace, walking towards the main foyer again to get to the stairs. I’ll talk to Rich afterward. I’ll get the information about this new deal from him, but for now, I just need to check up on Apple Bloom and stay with her until she leaves. Why does that damned demon have to make everything so difficult? Walking up the stairs to the second floor, I disregard the environment, quickly making my way through the lobby area. Diamond Tiara’s room is down the hallway, so all I have to do is stick around until Apple Bloom is done with her visit and then I can make my own visit with Tiara’s father…

Making my way down the hall, I stop at the first door that’s open to my left, peering inside to see a dimly lit room. Inside, a red wagon sits at the foot of the bed, holding a box of books. Apple Bloom sits right beside the bed with an open book in her hands, reading to a pale and skinny Diamond Tiara. The girl looks like she hasn’t slept in a few days, but Apple Bloom said she always looks rough… Is this really how she lives on a daily basis? Tied up to a heart monitor and an oxygen tank? I never knew it was this bad…

“All is quiet in the streets of London. She didn’t quite know what it was, but something told the young detective that this would be a very very long night,” Apple Bloom reads aloud, closing the book and looking at the pale teenager. Diamond Tiara smiles and nods, briefly trying to reach for her water before Apple Bloom grabs it, wrapping her bow around it and handing it to her. Wait… Why did she do that? Apple Bloom loves that bow to death. Did she do that to… protect Diamond Tiara’s hands from the cold?

“Thank you, Apple Bloom. I… This really means a lot to me,” she says quietly, looking at the bouquet of flowers beside her bed with a smile. Taking a step back, I lean my body against the hallway wall, trying to not interrupt their moment. I’m glad that Diamond Tiara enjoys this attempt to lighten up her room. Apple Bloom put a lot of work into it…

“Don’t mention it~ You’re my friend and it would be a shame if I didn’t try to make your situation a little better~” Apple Bloom laughs a little, getting a couple of giggles out of Diamond Tiara. Resting the book on the nightstand next to Tiara’s bed, Apple Bloom gently moves the blanket higher up to make sure the ill teenager stays warm. “I really hate to cut this visit short, but I kinda have to get back home. I promise I’ll stay here for a lot longer next time though~” Apple Bloom reassures her with a smile. Diamond Tiara nods slowly, a small frown dawning on her pale lips.

“Bring chocolates next time~ I only expect the best from-” Before Diamond Tiara can finish her taunt, she coughs a couple times, knocking the breath out of her. Her situation is so… horrible. Diamond Tiara keeps trying to compose herself by taking a breath only to cough again shortly after.

“Are ya alright?” Apple Bloom asks gently, placing her hand on Tiara’s. Nodding to Apple Bloom’s question, Tiara tries to take a deep breath, coughing again. Her coughs get harder and wilder without a breath in between, taking much longer than a normal coughing fit. Tiara’s hard coughs barely give her time to breathe in as her heart monitor starts to beep faster. This isn’t a normal cough, right…? “Diamond?” Apple Bloom quickly asks, holding her hand as Tiara’s frail body shakes with each faster and harder cough. “Diamond?” she calls out urgently, her eyes frantically looking out the door, locking with mine. Different machines beep wildly just as multiple people come rushing down the hallway towards us. Taking a step away from the wall, I try to look inside, past the multiple servants attending to Tiara. Tears stream down Apple Bloom’s cheeks, trying to hold onto Diamond Tiara. “Please help her!”