• Published 30th Nov 2022
  • 984 Views, 223 Comments

A Dazzling Trio - Spyder27

Now that Adagio is engaged to the love of her life, she only has one more thing she wants to do before they make it official. She wants to find the other sirens she lost years ago and try to make things right. Will she be able to?

  • ...

Pen to Paper

Author's Note:

Hello, everyone~ I hope you enjoy this second chapter! As you can see, this is still setting up the main plot points of the story, but all will be revealed sooner or later~ One more thing I want to say is to be careful again. As I said in my most recent blog update, someone commented on one of my stories with a link that could steal personal information, so please be careful when clicking links from people you don't know! I already deleted the comment, but stay safe and special!

Chapter II: Pen to Paper

“So, when did the Civil War start?” Apple Bloom asks me with a stern look on her face, holding a flashcard without showing me the answer. The smell of pasta fills the air of the living room, making me look back towards the kitchen. It’s not time to drain the water just yet, but it will be soon… I decided to cook us some food since Apple Bloom has been helping me study ever since I got off work. Besides… It'd be nice to cook for Sunset as well. As for Apple Bloom’s question, I can’t help but grimace slightly. Why am I supposed to remember this?

“1850…?” I ask hesitantly, looking at Apple Bloom’s all too serious face. I know that my answer is close to the right answer… It’s in that time era, right? Apple Bloom quietly raises her eyebrow, still holding her flashcard in front of her quietly. Honestly, I can’t tell if she’s enjoying this sense of power over me…

“Ya wanna try that again?” she asks me as if she’s giving me a grace period, her eyes giving me the sense that she’s interrogating some prisoner. Knowing Apple Bloom, she’s probably enjoying every second of this, soaking in the power trip. It’s not every day she gets to toy with someone my age. Well, that’s actually a lie. She’s always toying with me, but maybe that speaks to how gullible I am for the high schooler.

“Ugh, I don’t know. 1860?” I spit out, trying another answer just out of desperation.

“Close. It was April 12th, 1861. We need to work on that.” As she says this, Apple Bloom places the card in the larger of two piles. The shorter pile of flashcards were the ones I knew for certain. The pile that was three times the stack of the first one symbolized the concepts I still need to work on…

“God damn it. Why do I have to memorize so much?” I whisper, letting out a big sigh as I stand up, walking around the couch to go towards the kitchen. Apple Bloom quickly follows me, moving past me and standing next to the oven with a small frown on her face.

“Don’t get discouraged! I know it’s daunting, but remember. You’re tryna take your GED. That means you have to at least know a passing amount on each subject you were supposed to be taught in high school. That means English, geography, math classes and others. You wanted to do this.” Of course, I don’t necessarily know all of this since I left high school right after I lost the Battle of the Bands. I didn’t see the point back then… I’m good at math and physics, but when it comes to world history? I would pass it if it was based on old Equestrian history. But since it is the history of this human world, that means I have pretty much no knowledge of it. “Speaking of which, ya never told me why ya want to get your high school credit. You planning on quitting your job?” Apple Bloom asks me with a curious tone to her voice, making me sigh a little more. It was only a matter of time until she asked me this question.

“I’m not quitting, but my boss is planning on selling the music studio. I have no idea what will happen once it’s sold,” I answer her quietly, gently stirring the noodles in the pot before slipping on my oven mitts.

“Huh. Well, that sucks… Do ya know who might buy the place?” Honestly, Apple Bloom’s question is something I’ve been thinking about for a few days now. The only people I can think of might be some personal connections Fancy Pants has. I know they wouldn’t keep the establishment as a music studio at all though… That’s something I don’t want to happen…

“That would be me if I can pass the GED.” Pouring the pot into a strainer to separate the noodles from the water, I look back at Apple Bloom to see her shocked expression, her mouth still agape. Did I say something wrong…? Why does she look so surprised…?

“You’re going to buy the studio?” For a moment, silence passes between us, Apple Bloom’s question seemingly full of disbelief.

“Um. Yeah. If I can. Why is that-”

“Holy marshmallows on a stick! That’s awesome!” Apple Bloom exclaims excitedly, hugging me as quickly as she can and almost knocking the pot out of my hand. Regardless, the hug does knock the breath out of me… “Not many people get to own their own business these days! Well, my family does, but ya know what I mean. You’re great with music! I’m sure you would be able to bring more customers to it,” she tells me with the confidence of a kid much younger than she is. Honestly, it feels nice that Apple Bloom is so supportive of this especially since she is the first person I’ve told. I still have yet to talk to Sunset about it… Apple Bloom is one of my favorite students, so it’s nice to know I’m apparently doing a good job by her standards.

“Thanks~ But this really depends on if I can actually pass the GED. I guess we’ll have to wait and see, huh?” Finally letting go of me, Apple Bloom gives me another smile, seemingly proud of me. Pouring the strainer back into the pot, Apple Bloom hands me the jar of tomato sauce, not saying a word.

“I think you can do it. I believe in you~ Also, I’ll be right back. Ya don’t mind if I use your restroom, right?” She barely waits for me to nod before heading towards the restroom, leaving me alone in the kitchen. We have a bathroom on every floor of our house. The basement, the first floor and the second floor. It’s still surprising to me how many rooms we have and how much more spacious it feels here rather than our cramped apartment. Although, the second floor only really has four rooms, all connected by a hallway. Our bedroom, a bathroom and two spare rooms. One of which, Sunset plans to turn into an office so that she can work on her homework and internship supplies. The other room? Well, Sunset said I can do what I want with it, but truth be told? I don’t know what I want to do with it.

Maybe the answer will come to me soon, but for now? I just want to focus on settling in…


Passively eating her spaghetti, Sunset looks down at the piece of paper in her hand. The sun had long since gone down, bringing Apple Bloom away with it. Now, Sunset is just eating some of the leftovers we had from the pasta I cooked. All the while, we’re sitting here at the kitchen table, trying to decide on some important factors.

“Question. Do you like a lot of flowers?” Sunset asks me right after swallowing her bite, her eyes not bothering to look up at me. Honestly, I find it surprising that the two of us still have to ask these simple questions about each other since we seem to know so much already. She seems to know me like the back of her hand, counting down almost every one of my insecurities with ease, yet she doesn’t know if I like a lot of flowers. I guess that goes to show how much there is to know about a person and how she prioritizes the more important things about me.

“Not particularly. Depends on the type of flower, honestly.” Raising my eyebrow slightly, I can’t help but wonder what she is thinking. The two of us decided to portion out the responsibilities of our marriage so that we don’t get overwhelmed, but honestly? I already forgot everything that she is responsible for.

“Me either. I was just thinking that some of the guests might like some flowers to decorate the event. How much would you say is appropriate for our marriage?” Laying my own piece of paper down on the table, I reconnect our eyes, taking a deep breath as I try to think of an answer.

“That really depends. We still haven’t decided where it’s going to take place. I will say that I’m not comfortable getting married in a church. It feels… wrong to get married in a religious place that I’m not even a part of.” Looking back down at the table, I can’t help but feel a little guilty. What if that is where Sunset wants to get married…? Why does it take so much consideration to actually plan something of this scale…? It’s like the world is testing just how much you want to be with the person you love by making the two of you jump through hoops to actually get married. Then again, a lot of this is just society’s pressure…

Gently holding my hand, Sunset gives me a reassuring touch, making me look back up into her eyes. “I completely understand~ Trust me. I feel the same way myself. I was thinking we could just pick some place simple, sweetheart~” Instantly, my cheeks flush once more upon hearing her kind words, validating my standpoint. She only calls me sweetheart when it’s an important situation or when we’re in an intimate moment like this. Usually, she calls me Alligator or other things, but these sweeter names are reserved for when she’s trying to make me happy or defuse a situation. Hell, even simple assertions of love still make me blush if they’re said with enough purpose and truth.

“W-what would be simple to you?” I stammer out, trying to compose myself. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work… Placing her hand on my cheek, she gives me a warm smile, once again making me feel nervous.

“I don’t know~ I was thinking of somewhere like the Apple Family orchard or maybe the park. Something like that would be simple enough for me. I was wanting something outdoors, but if you want to do it indoors, I wouldn’t be opposed to it~” A few moments pass by without a word being said, but they feel like an eternity… That’s pretty easy when I’m in her embrace. Something so simple as her hand caressing my cheek makes this moment feel so intimate and small. While the rest of the world outside seems to be asleep, I can’t help but feel nervous in my girlfriend’s embrace. It’s been a couple years and I still don’t feel used to something like this. “I love you, Adagio~” Sunset whispers, picking up just how I feel at this moment. She can read me like a book, can’t she?

“I love you more,” I let out quietly, holding Sunset’s other hand with a smile. Something simple… It fits, doesn’t it? In no way has our relationship been one looking for the spotlight. Despite how much I wanted power before, Sunset really has tamed me. Or did I tame myself for her? “You’re right. Simple fits.”

“Does that mean you know when and where you want to get married~?” Sunset asks me cheerfully, causing my smile to fade slightly… The truth is that I’ve already prolonged when we’re going to get married for two different reasons. One of them is the siren inside my mind that refuses to let go… The siren that grips onto my life and makes me feel scared to feel happy… I feel scared that if something good happens to me, she will try to take it away from me. Thankfully, she hasn’t messed with my life too much, disregarding it as an inconvenience. Still… It’s scary to think that she might arrive on the day of our wedding, ruining everything. Is it wrong of me to delay our marriage when I want to protect us from that? To try and find some way to stop her?

The other reason is simple… In all my dreams of our future, I see Sunset and I living together happily after I’ve changed fully as a person. To be honest, I don’t think I have changed fully. I think there’s still that part of me that is a cynical siren. The only way I can prove I’ve actually changed is if I could somehow make up for the sins in my past. Is it wrong of me to want to make up for those things before I feel like I deserve her? She deserves the world and all I want is to rinse away those sins and stop the demon in my head before I commit to our marriage. I only want her to marry me once I deserve it…

“Not exactly… I… don’t know if I’m ready to get married just yet,” I tell her hesitantly, wanting to somehow make it up to her. As soon as I say those words, a slightly disappointed look comes across her face, but she nods with a smile and reassures me by kissing my hand.

“I understand~ If you don’t mind me asking, do you know why you’re not ready yet? Maybe I could help…?” A hopeful look in her eyes tells me just how much she wants to help me. Why does she have to be so… cute? She’s always filled with hope, kindness and determination. At some points, it feels like a toxic level of optimism like that of a puppy. Regardless, I suppose it’s one of the features of her that I love so much… She’s so kind and looks for any excuse to give me affection that it’s impossible to not love. It’s so hard to not tell her certain aspects of my life when she gives me this sort of look…

“Well… I… You know about some of my nightmares, Sunny. How I am afraid of being the same siren I was back during the Battle of the Bands.” Sunset nods slowly, her gaze never deviating from my own. Every mannerism she gives off reassures me that she is listening to me and what I’m saying is being taken into consideration. “Honestly, I… I don’t feel like I deserve you. Before you say anything, I’m just saying that I don’t feel like I’ve fully changed as a person. Not until I can make up for my sins accurately though…”

As I requested, Sunset takes a moment to respond, fully thinking through her words. “I see. Well, I already believe you’ve changed, but I think I can offer a solution~” Letting go of my hand, Sunset takes a deep breath and looks down at the table, taking a moment before she stands up. “When I…. went through the same cycle, the only way I really moved on was by apologizing to everyone else. Maybe that’s why I’m apologetic at times. Still. Saying I was sorry not only helped the people I wronged, but it also helped me. It helped me forgive myself if that makes sense.” Helped her forgive herself… Huh. That actually does make sense.

“That’s not so easy for me. Everyone I wronged has moved away or I simply don’t know their names. I mean, let’s face it. I didn’t really memorize others’ names at Canterlot High. Unless they were of use to me or I was fighting against them.” A few moments of silence pass by between the two of us with a guilty feeling overcoming my mind as the seconds tick by. I guess that means it’s impossible for me to forgive myself… All of it due to the fact that I didn’t even think of the possibility of me giving up my quest for power.

“Bon Bon. Lyra Heartstrings. Derpy Hooves,” Sunset says quietly, making me look back up at her. What is she…? What is this about? “Trixie Lulamoon. Wallflower Blush. Bulk Biceps. Octavia Melody. I remember them all. I even have the yearbook which has everyone you ever wronged at Canterlot High.” Sunset reaches over the table and holds my cheek, the same hopeful smile returning to her face. “Adagio. Don’t lose hope just because you can’t remember their names~ You have me. You have all of our friends. We would do anything to help you, even when it comes to helping you feel like you’ve changed as a person~” Can she… really remember all that? How…? I know she worked on the yearbook committee one time, but there’s no way she can remember all that. Still, she has the yearbook. Is it… really possible to apologize and move on like that…?

“That… would be really nice, Sunny… If I could apologize and all.” Taking a moment to compose myself, I look away from Sunset, sighing quietly to myself. Regardless of the possibility of apologizing to those people, we still need to decide some other things tonight. “Even if we think about that, we still need to come up with an answer as to where we’re going to have our marriage. The ‘when’ will depend on that as well.”

Letting go of my cheek, Sunset nods and pouts slightly, a thoughtful expression painting itself across her face. Before long, a sudden realization dawns on her, quickly getting up from the table and walking into the kitchen. When she comes back to the table, she sets a bowl down in between us with a big smile on her face. Clearly, I have no idea what she means by this gesture… Even though she’s the love of my life, I sometimes have to ask myself whether she’s mad at times.

“We can put all the ideas we have in here in folded pieces of paper and we can pull out one at random~ In that way, we can let fate decide.” The hopeful smile on Sunset’s lips makes me want to go along with the idea, despite my distrust in fate itself… True, the world let me have this wonderful relationship with Sunset, but fate has also caused a lot of misfortune when it comes down to it. Regardless, if Sunset is alright with it, I suppose it’s fine…

Ripping a piece of paper out of the notebook, I place it in front of me, grabbing the scissors from the middle of the table. This notebook is specifically for my half of the responsibilities of the wedding, but I suppose this is a part of our wedding decisions. “So, we’re just going to cut up a bunch of pieces of paper, each with a name of a different place we’d like to get married?” I ask her with a raised eyebrow, making Sunset nod with a smile. “Okay, then I’ll put down Garden Hooves Park,” I tell her quietly, writing down the name on one of the pieces of paper. Honestly, the reason I told her the name I was putting down was so that she didn’t put it down as well. I wouldn’t necessarily want a bunch of duplicates since both of us think similarly.

“What about the field where we had a picnic on our first anniversary?” Sunset asks me a happy hum to her voice, scribbling down a couple more names.

“If you want it, then go for it. I’m sure if one of us is really opposed to the idea we pull out of the bowl, we can compromise and all,” I tell her in a reassuring tone, writing down a couple more ideas. Some of the ideas I’ve come up with aren’t necessarily the best, but I think they would be something that would make Sunset happy. I think we’re both probably doing that… She’s probably writing down the places she thinks I would appreciate just as I do the same for her. “Sunset? Can I talk to you about something? While we do this, I mean?” I ask her quietly, trying to prepare my words carefully.

“What is it, Alligator?” Her response tells me she’s paying attention to me despite the fact that she’s focusing on another task. Taking a deep breath, I can’t help but wonder what Sunset will say to this.

“So, you know I’ve been studying to take the GED for a few days now. If you want to hear about it, I’d like to tell you why.” Looking over at Sunset for a moment, I see her nod before connecting our eyes, smiling at me.

“I was curious, but I figured you would tell me when you were ready. I’d love to hear why~” Her words of reassurance almost make me blush once more, taking a moment to think of the words I’m going to say.

“Well, a few days ago, I had to meet with my boss. I’m not fired or quitting, but… he did tell me he’s planning on selling the studio. So, I’ve been trying to study for the GED for two reasons.” Carefully placing the pieces of paper I completed into the bowl, I see Sunset look at me with a confused expression, seemingly anticipating my next few words. “It’d be helpful just in case I need to get a new job and… Fancy Pants said he wouldn’t sell to someone without a high school credit, regardless of how much he trusts them.” Within a moment, Sunset’s expression is replaced with realization, looking at me with a surprised expression.

“Wait. So, you want to buy the music studio from him?” she asks me cautiously, trying to make sure she is correct about her assumption. After giving her a small nod, a conflicted expression comes over her face, looking down at the table with a thoughtful look in her eyes. “I see… It’s pretty risky though, Adagio… I admire your urge to buy this business and raise it up, but… we just bought a house and we’re still trying to save up our money again. Do you have a plan on how we can afford it?” Her words are filled with hesitation, seemingly wanting to say no, but giving me a chance to explain my viewpoint as well without immediately shutting it down. Thankfully, she takes communication seriously.

“Actually, I do.” Dumping the last few pieces of my paper into the bowl, I take my notebook and scribble down some numbers, making sure to account for possible finances. “Here is the price of the store and here is our current savings.” Pointing at the two estimates, I can already tell how bad it looks, considering how the studio is out of our price range. “If I complete my GED within the next month and a half, that will mean we can save up to four hundred dollars, accounting for our normal wages. That should make us extremely close to the asking price of the studio and since I know Pants and he trusts me, I should be able to convince him to take a couple hundred dollars off the total.” Writing down a few more numbers, I circle Sunset’s average monthly income in red and scribble out my own. “Your income would stay the same after the acquisition, but since I would be the new head of the studio, I would be earning this.” Circling a new figure, I see Sunset’s eyes widen as her eyebrow raises.

“That’s over five times what you make now… Are you sure that math is-”

“Trust me. I went over this ten times already.” Slowly, I make a couple of arrows from my new income point towards a small representation of the studio. “Now, obviously, a lot of my starting income would go into the store and advertising, but that’s why I’m so confident in this plan. Fancy Pants hardly ever advertised the studio and didn’t implement a lot of the things that I suggested such as contracting musicians.” Drawing in two columns, I make one of them represent Fancy Pants’ vision of the studio. The other one shows what I can see for the studio. “Pants’ vision was quite narrow. He only opened a studio to teach others how to sing, play instruments and such. This is a good idea in concept, but many schools already have music classes. Combined with the fact that he hardly advertised, it resulted in the studio being smaller than it could be.” Writing in the aspects of Fancy’s studio, I move onto my column, making Sunset nod slightly.

“Then what’s your plan?” Sunset asks me in an understanding and encouraging tone, looking at the piece of paper I’m presenting.

“Well, it’s simple. We go bigger.” Quickly sketching in an outline of the studio, I show Sunset the different rooms and write down a very basic name for each one. “This is my office, but I would take over Pants’ office if I was in charge. That leaves us with three rooms and a lounge area. I was thinking we could have the lounge area have some very basic instruments where someone can teach a kid how to play, but not take up a whole session. When they would require a whole session, it would be scheduled for this room.” Circling my old office, I relabel it as the music education room. “That means we have two rooms left. These would be converted into rooms where musicians can record their music since we don’t have a whole lot of students as it is right now. I also know there are a lot of musicians in this city who want to find a good studio to record their music, so…” Gingerly dragging my pen across the paper, I inscribe a price range for the recording sessions that is lower than most of the other studios in the city.

“Hmm. That is an interesting idea and I think it would be beneficial for some people, but I am a little lost on how this is supposed to get us a profit.” Sunset points to the financial figures, focusing on how much money we would lose as compared to gain.

“I have connections to multiple of these musicians due to a previous place they played at. So, they would trust me if they saw I was offering these services.” The place I met all these musicians was at the nightclub I used to work at… I didn’t particularly like them back then, but I made connections and now? They can pay off. “So, if we account for a low assumption of what we would make on recording sessions and music education sessions and my new income, we can get this. Of course, we will have to factor out advertising and over half of my new income for the first few months getting this all started, but…” adding and subtracting all the numbers after multiplying them for twelve months, I write a final figure down at the bottom of the page, smiling at my wife to be. “At one of the lowest possible assumptions of profits, we can expect to get back our investment and a little more in a year and a half~”

Leaning forward in her seat, Sunset’s eyes look over the page meticulously, presumably checking over all the math to make sure it’s right. Every second she looks over it, I can’t help but worry I got something wrong, but I’m pretty sure I didn’t. I went over this ten times… Accounting for possible lows in profits, flat periods, how much it would take to advertise and how many people would realistically come to the studio. After a few minutes, Sunset leans back and gives me a warm smile, nodding slowly.

“I’m impressed~ Your plan sounds like a good idea and even on the low end of assumptions, you’d still be able to get back our savings in a short period of time. Honestly, I’m proud of you for trying to step up the ladder like this~” A small blush comes to my cheeks as I see Sunset’s proud expression. I still feel really happy when I do something worthy of praise from her.

“If all of this goes well, I was also planning on trying to incorporate sound equipment for sound effects. Not just music. Therefore, people could come to the studio and easily make sounds for their projects either digitally or with actual props.” A small laugh is shared between the two of us after I make a popping sound with my finger and my lips. “So, what do you think? Do you think I should go for it? I don’t want to do it if you’re not on board since these are our savings.”

Once again, Sunset looks slightly conflicted, but her hand reaches over and holds onto mine with a small smile. “Honestly? It’s scary. It’s a big risk, but… It does seem like it would work. And I trust in you. So, yes. I think you should go for it, sweetheart~” Standing up slowly, Sunset leans over the table and presses her lips against my forehead as tenderly as possible. This small act of love instantly makes me feel like crying in happiness that she is supportive of this idea. Her hands quietly cup my cheeks before connecting our lips, making my heart beat a little faster. I’m… so lucky to have her, aren’t I? “In that case, how about you pull out the location? Since you came up with this idea~” Sunset tells me right after our embrace is done, smiling at my blush as she pushes the bowl over to me. Looking down at the bowl with a deep breath, my lips already miss her embrace, but I pull a piece of paper regardless. Gently unfolding it, I look at the writing, my eyes instantly widening. “So, where are we getting married, Alligator~?”

I can’t help but feel my heart skip a beat as I read the paper over and over again. Honestly, it’s perfect… I can tell Sunset wrote this down and I can’t believe I didn’t think of this as well. It makes so much sense and I love the idea~ “We’re getting married at…”


Walking past the old trees, the smell of apples fills my lungs, making me feel slightly nauseous. I always feel that way when scents are overwhelming… Regardless, I’m not here at the Apple Family orchard for Apple Bloom this time. Though, it wouldn’t surprise me if Apple Bloom has some weird project she wants my help on once I’m done with this. Instead, I’m here to be a mediator for something Rainbow Dash and Applejack want to do. At this point I don’t really ask questions considering all of our friends can be a little crazy at times when it comes to their motives.

“So, why do ya wanna race me again, Rainbow? We ain’t kids no more. We already raced each other at the last Apple Family reunion, so I don’t see why you want to do this,” the cowgirl asks her friend, walking a few paces in front of me. Rainbow Dash stretches with a slight groan as we walk further into the orchard. Honestly, I have no idea why they need me to be here for this. Why not ask Apple Bloom? That question, unfortunately, will probably go unanswered. Rainbow Dash is a weird individual in general.

“Because, AJ. I wanna see if I’ve still got it! You know, without using… those substances. It’s been a couple years since I stopped using them, so all the benefits of them should be gone! Meaning that if I beat you in a race now, it’s fair and square!” Rainbow Dash slams her fist into the palm of her other hand, resulting in a slight clapping sound. A confident and determined expression is painted across Dash’s face, showing just how intent she is to test her abilities. Maybe this is her way to still feel young. I don’t know why she would feel old when she’s only twenty-two. Whereas me? I’m thousands of years old. I feel way older than this body should feel.

“Fine… But only because you’re my friend. And you owe me a drink after this,” Applejack tells our excited friend, all of us finally stopping at a nondescript part of the orchard. I have no idea why they want to stop here, but I’m only really here to mediate the race.

“I assume I’m coming along for that as well?” I ask the two of them with a short laugh, pulling out my phone to time the two of them. “In that case, you both know what kind of drink I’d want.” Rainbow Dash looks at me with a slight frown, shaking her head slightly.

“Hold on, you two! I didn’t agree to pay for drinks! I only wanted a race,” the athlete desperately tries to defend her position just as Applejack stretches her legs.

“Too late, sugarcube. You asked for a race and I gave ya the conditions. This is your last chance to back out.” Shortly after stretching, the cowgirl gets in position, looking at me for a moment to see if I was ready. Nodding to her, I pull up the timer on my phone, ready to hit the button at any moment.

“Ugh, fine. But only one drink,” Dash quickly retorts, getting into position as well. A small laugh escapes my lips, reacting to Dash’s clear reluctance for these conditions. Regardless, it’s fun to see it play out anyway. I’ll also get a drink out of this, so that’s a bonus. “Hey, Dagi? What’s your word for the die?” Dash asks me out of the blue, her eyes locked with Applejack’s.

“Um… Why do you want to know?” I ask her quietly, suddenly feeling unprepared for this race. If I said that question didn’t catch me off guard, I would be lying. Why does she want to know that…?

“Because AJ here will die from all the dust she’s about to inhale,” Dash taunts the cowgirl, only making the two of them seem more determined to win this race.

“The present and past tense of death are the same in my language. The word we used was zorehn,” I answer her with a smirk, almost amused that Dash wants to use another language to taunt her friend. Given, it’s my language, but I can’t help but find it amusing regardless.

“Then you will be zorehn when I’m done with you~” Dash taunts Applejack with a chuckle, making even the cowgirl laugh a little at the teasing. After the two of them settle down, I make eye contact with both of them and hold out three fingers.

“1… 2… 3!” Within a second of me counting down, the two women start sprinting away from me, my thumb hitting the timer button. It doesn’t take long for the two of them to get farther and farther away from me, nothing really being disturbed by their competition. If it was the fall, leaves would be flying all over the place, but the summer doesn’t provide that kind of “epic” accompanying visuals. At least, that’s what Rainbow Dash would call it.

“You sure do love ‘helping’ these friends of yours,” a dark voice surrounds my mind, echoing despite the open nature around us. My eyes instantly move away from the two women racing away from me and towards the siren in a dark red dress. Her red eyes still seem to glow in the bright day and her wings are honestly intimidating as ever. Despite the red pool at her feet, I just shake my head and roll my eyes at her entrance.

“What are you doing here? Wouldn’t you just take control of my body if you wanted something done?” At this point, she’s already been controlling my body for almost two years now. So far, nothing has been done to ruin my life, but she has been planning something.

“And why would I do that? You’re clearly having so much fun with your friends,” she taunts me, an evil smirk coming across her face.

“Bullshit,” I instantly retort, done with this little game of hers. “You’ve interrupted times where I was hanging out with friends before. You expect me to believe your intentions are benevolent? I can call your bluff.” The siren laughs at my response, amused with my behavior as if it’s some fucking joke. “You’ve always taken control before. Why not now? Clearly, you have some sort of plan. Usually, you take control to either further that plan or to stop something from getting in your way.”

“You’re right,” she whispers in a chilling tone, her eyes never leaving my own. In a way, it almost feels like she’s a real entity in this world. As if she could lunge out and strike me at any moment in time. “I am trying to protect my plan.”

“What in the world could be threatening your plan?” I let out in an exhausted sigh. “I’ve already kept your secret. I’ve put in a lot of work to keep your existence as secretive as possible. I lied to Sunset that you weren’t here anymore. How in the world is your plan being threatened when I’ve followed everything you’ve wanted me to do?!” The siren just claps as a response to my outburst, her evil chuckle sounding like she is right next to my ear, despite the distance from the projection of her image.

“There’s the anger I love to see~” she tells me in an almost sing-song tone to her voice. “It’s not your friends that are getting in the way. Instead, it’s the upcoming nuptials between you and your ‘love.’” Her lips emphasize the last word with a disgust in her voice, her eyes still not moving from my own.

“How is that getting in the way?” Honestly, my tone is a lot angrier than I mean it to be. Can I really be blamed…? Considering the events of the last couple of years, I have a lot of resentment for this demon in my mind. Now, she’s even threatening my marriage. That… is something I don’t think I can handle…

“Let’s just say that it is a pain in my side. In order for me to complete my plan, I will need the least amount of resistance possible. So, I will need you to push back the date of your marriage whenever it comes up. As long as I can do what I need to before your nuptials, then it will be fine.” Her eyes narrow slightly upon saying those words, anger behind them. She seems to be just as angry as me… Why should I care about her plan? She’s the one imposing herself in my life… “And if you marry your sweetheart before I can do what I must to better your life, then let’s just say you won’t have a very sweet marriage.”

“And what even is your plan?” I ask in frustration, throwing my arms out to my sides. “You keep talking about trying to help me! To show me the ‘correct path’ I’m supposed to go down. Yet you don’t even give me the chance to hear it out. Don’t you think it’s about time you tell me something? I’ve stuck my neck out for you for years. It’s about time I hear why.” The siren raises her eyebrow and chuckles slightly, nodding to my statement.

“Smart… Using my own words against me. I am indeed trying to help you.” Walking closer to me, the siren drags her finger across my cheek with a smirk, looking into my soul. “Fine. I’ll give you a part of my plan,” she tells me quietly, walking to my right and bringing one of her hands into the air. “Do you remember Equestria? And how powerful magic was in that world? If you haven’t let your friends completely rot away those memories, then you’ll probably remember where it all came from.” Magic and where it came from…? Wait… She can’t be talking about that, right?

“You’re delusional,” I tell her with a shake of my head, feeling shocked that she would even think that’s an option in this world. “You’re looking for a Nexus?! You would have to be insane to believe they exist in this world. A Nexus of magic may have been common in Equestria, but this is the human world. How in the world would you think they exist here?”

“It’s true that this world doesn’t have a lot of magic,” she whispers in a harsh tone, flashing me a look of anger. “But that is not always the case. As you heard from Sunset, magical occurrences have happened in this world. Magic may not be common here, but it exists nonetheless.” Taking a deep breath, she turns to look at me with a small smirk. “That is all I will say for now. But do think about the possibilities, Adagio. You never know when some miracle may happen. For good or for worse~”