• Published 30th Nov 2022
  • 984 Views, 223 Comments

A Dazzling Trio - Spyder27

Now that Adagio is engaged to the love of her life, she only has one more thing she wants to do before they make it official. She wants to find the other sirens she lost years ago and try to make things right. Will she be able to?

  • ...

Weary Souls

Chapter XXVI: Weary Souls

A blinding light is aimed right at my eye. As much as I want to close my eyes, I can’t. Twilight’s hand forces me to look directly into the light, much to my annoyance. I get that this is supposed to help her determine what happened to me, but I honestly feel fine.

“Pupils are fine,” Twilight states in a monotone, factual voice. Finally, her flashlight turns off, letting me see the rest of the room. Pinkie looks confused, as if she’s wondering what she can do in this scenario. Applejack stands in the back of the room with her arms crossed, looking like a rigid statue. Being the only other one taught in first aid, she was called by Twilight to come help. However, nothing has required Applejack’s skills as of yet. Finally, Sunset is sitting next to me on the bed. She holds my hand like a reassuring friend.

Not like a lover…

“What in the hay even started this?” Applejack asks with a slightly agitated tone. I know she’s not meaning to be angry. If anything, she’s probably just worried and protective. Not to mention that we woke her up with something concerning when she is already sleep deprived.

“Adagio was draining my magic. It tickled, but… then she started acting weird. That’s when she started-”

“Bleeding,” Twilight interrupts our pink friend, wiping my upper lip again. The blood hasn’t stopped, but it has slowed down. I don’t feel ill otherwise. It is the weirdest feeling to have a stuffy nose because of blood and not because of mucus or such.

“Then I want to know what you felt, Adagio. What happened from your point of view?” Applejack asks me in the same tone as before. Despite the really serious voice, her eyes show the same level of worry as everyone else in the room.

“When I was draining Pinkie’s magic, I felt really powerful surges. It was like my nerves got set on fire. I’m used to this, but it felt different. It hurt…” Shaking my head, I can’t help but wonder exactly what caused this. I’ve used magic all my life. What made it feel like it was searing my veins this time? “Next thing I know, I couldn’t tell which direction was which, my legs were weak, and my upper lip felt wet. Of course, I should have sat back down, but I… didn’t think of it.” That is really weird for me… I’m usually pretty quick with my wits. I should have been able to think of that solution in half a second. It was hard to think for whatever reason…

Twilight nods her head at my explanation, but Pinkie and Applejack seem more confused than they were at the beginning. Sunset, on the other hand, has a blank expression, staring down at the floor.

“Arcane Narcosis,” Sunset whispers in an understanding voice. “Of course. You have drained so much magic in the past few days that you’re overdosing your cells.” Ah… I remember that. Sirens had a different name for this condition, but still. I should have been more careful. I guess I was too focused on my friends and Sunset to be concerned about the magic I have been absorbing.

“Could I trouble you for an explanation?” Twilight asks Sunset with a curious stare.

“It’s a condition when a creature takes in too much magic of some kind. Usually, it makes the pony, or siren in this case, drowsy, tired, weak, and feel pain through most of their nerves. Thankfully, it’s simple to fix. Adagio just needs to take a break from magic for a couple of days.” Sunset pats my shoulder before standing up. From the look on her face, she seems content that I’m only dealing with this instead of some serious disease. I am pretty lucky, but it does put a damper on my plans. I was going to finish draining everyone of their magic by tomorrow, but I guess I will have to wait.

“So, Adagio is fine?” Twilight asks with a raised eyebrow, confused once more. “How did Gloriosa Daisy not get Arcane Narcosis when we defeated her? Or me? I feel so lost here.” Twilight brings her hand up to her brow, rubbing as if she is trying to get rid of a headache.

“Most kinds of magic produce this effect. I’m assuming the magic of friendship doesn’t afflict people like this,” Sunset tries to explain, chuckling nervously.

Huh. I never thought we would feel those effects. Magic has always bent to our will. I mean, sure. Other sirens experienced it, but we were better. The voice I’ve come to recognize as distinctly my own and not at the same time rings in my ear. I was beginning to wonder when she would show up. Something like this would not go unnoticed, so she’d have to talk my ear off a little.

Turning my gaze to the left, there she stands in the darkest corner of the room. Always so dramatic… Instead of a gown of blood, she wears… a purple scarf.


What the fuck is she doing wearing that?

Out of everything she could wear, she is wearing a purple scarf, a hoodie and jeans. The exact daily outfit I wore when I was falling in love with Sunset… Is this some kind of jab? Some kind of insult? I thought she was trying to help now… That…

“You bitch,” I whisper, feeling my teeth grind against each other. My jaw is clenched shut as hard as it can be. If she was a real physical person, I’d love to hit her in some way… This mocking insult of an attire.

Both Sunset and Umbra look at me. I know I shouldn’t have said that out loud. I know I shouldn’t let myself get angry so fast, but-

What did I do? she asks me quietly, looking at me as if I am crazy. Her voice is much more… moderate now. Instead of taking the opportunity to taunt me even more, she talks to me in a calm and collected tone.

“What?” Sunset asks with a tone of disbelief, seemingly insulted by my words. Before I have a chance to explain myself, her eyes shine white, looking over in the direction of Umbra. In an instant, her expression changes to one of surprise, not anger. Is… Is Sunset using her magic to see her? “Why are you wearing that?” Sunset asks in confusion, pointing at Umbra.

“Wait. You can see her? Right now?” Twilight tries to clarify, but Sunset doesn’t say a word. Instead, she seems fixated on my other half. I’m really interested too… I want to hear whatever excuse she has for wearing something so important to me…

What? I didn’t exactly choose this outfit. It just kind of… appeared on me. Umbra looks down, dragging her finger along the purple scarf. Even though this is probably here to provoke me, she doesn’t seem… vengeful. It felt right. Looking back up from her attire, she raises her eyebrow at Sunset, clearly impressed. Nice. You have got a hold on your magic. At least you can control it enough to see me.

She’s… right. Sunset’s biggest fear was her magic being uncontrollable. Yet here she is, using it to read my thoughts and see Umbra. I’m not just impressed. I’m proud of her. Wait. If she’s reading my thoughts…

Turning my gaze to Sunset, I see a slight blush on her cheeks. Damn it. You heard that, didn’t you? She avoids my gaze, her eyes going back to normal with a small shake of her head.

“It’s um… It’s just the two of them. Anyway, Adagio should be fine after a couple of days,” Sunset tells the others, filling in the space with information she already told us before. Probably because she doesn’t know what to say…

“Are we just going to brush past the fact that you just talked to Umbra like it was no big deal?” Applejack asks with a tone that suggests this is pure lunacy. “Also, why is she here in the first place?” Sunset looks back at me with… sympathy? I’m not sure what feeling she’s trying to get across to me.

“I’m not sure, but I really think Adagio could use a moment alone,” Sunset tells the others, trying to give me a few minutes to talk with Umbra. For a moment, Twilight objects, but after seeing how serious Sunset is, she quietly cleans my nose again.

“Alright, but we need to check on her condition every ten minutes at least,” Twilight responds. Even when Sunset tries to tell her that this kind of narcosis isn’t that dangerous, Twilight does not seem convinced.

“Hmm. Alright, stay safe! Don’t get the weird funny feelings again,” Pinkie tells me with a small wave as Sunset escorts them out. Before they leave completely, Sunset looks back at me, seeming like she wants to say something. However, she closes the door before letting herself speak her mind.

Huh. I can’t believe they actually decided to leave us alone. Taking a deep breath, I turn my head back towards the only other person in the room. Well, in my mind actually…

“Couldn’t you have shown up a little bit later?” I ask out of irritation. A part of me is still angry to see that same purple scarf wrapped around her neck. I can’t tell if she’s telling the truth that she didn’t choose to wear it. That part pisses me off the most…

My timing could have been worse, she tries to assure me. Especially if I appeared when you had her resting her head on your shoulder. Nice move by the way. Moving away from the corner of the room, Umbra stands in the center, looking down at me.

“I didn’t make that happen. Her head just sort of shifted…” As soon as the words come out of my mouth, she looks at me with a smirk, clearly not buying it. I have to admit that it isn’t exactly the easiest thing to believe. It was a really nice gesture from her… Even if she was sleeping.

Regardless, it seems she enjoyed spending time with you yesterday anyway. I’m glad. Her hand moves up to the scarf around her neck, rubbing it with a thoughtful look on her face. If this isn’t a ploy to tease me, clearly Umbra is changing much faster than I thought she would… Adagio, can I confide in you? she asks me with a deathly serious tone to her voice. Her body faces away from me, but I can tell she feels conflicted by just how still she is.

“Go ahead,” I whisper, feeling really… weird. My subconscious is asking if she can confide in me. She’s been the same person making my life a hell for years, but now, she is actively trying to help me and she wants to be vulnerable with me. Am I in the wrong for feeling… skeptical? For being cautious about this?

Things are changing pretty quickly… I guess you were right that I would see your point of view eventually. Don’t take that as a reason to be smug, bitch… She takes a deep breath before turning to me. The way she looks at me tells me a thousand words that mean nothing at the same time. It feels weird to have so much information but I don’t know what any of it means. That’s the sort of look coming from her eyes… I’m afraid, Adagio. Everything is turning upside down. It’s like the air from my very lungs is being taken from me, even if I’m not breathing. Her hand shakes for a moment, pacing back and forth in the middle of the room. I’ve only ever known one viewpoint for life and I’ve tried to fix your life. Now I can see some things differently and… It scares me, Adagio. Looking at me, a conflicted stare penetrates my soul, showing me she’s petrified but also anxious for the future at the same time. I can’t help but feel a little bad for her… I’ve been in her same shoes. When I was trying to be friends with Sunset. Except she’s experiencing all of this over the course of a couple weeks, not months like I did. You really love her… Don’t you? She really completes you.

The way those words come out of her mouth almost sounds happy for me. The frown gives her true feelings away though. She isn’t sure what to do next. The scarf isn’t some act. This is legitimately how she feels right now. Like a memory from years ago when I was just making friends, she is the spitting image of me. Fear and everything.

“Yes, I do,” I whisper in response, standing up from my seat. “And I have a feeling that you do too…”

Love her? You’re crazy… She may be the best option for you out there, but it doesn’t mean that I like her. Her eyes look away from me, once again grabbing the scarf around her neck. It sounds crazy, but… I can see why you hurt so bad when you two fought. I thought it was a pathetic weakness… Something to exploit in you to get you back on the right path. However, she makes you stronger… You have an urge to protect her and your friends and I am coming to understand it a lot faster than I am comfortable with. Her frown turns into a grimace of annoyance, probably thinking more about this odd situation she’s caught in. In a way, I feel sympathetic…

“It’s not as crazy as you think. We’ll get through this. I promise.”


“Are you sure you’re alright to walk around the city some more?” Sunset asks me pretty much as soon as we leave the hotel. Despite the fact that I feel fine, both her and Twilight are concerned.

“The effects of Arcane Narcosis won’t hit me again unless I absorb magic within the next two days. I’ll be fine.” I try my best to reassure her. It seems to work since all she does is smile at me before turning her gaze to the city around us. Unbeknownst to her, my other half walks on the other side of me, looking at Sunset with a certain air of interest. This time, we don’t exactly have a plan for where we are going, but I guess that’s a part of the excitement. We get to do whatever we want. Even if we only end up walking around for a few hours, I hope it will be enough to make some meaningful memories. Sunset deserves that.

Sunset walks a little further ahead of me, the sun shining down on her. A certain weightlessness is in her step, despite how concerned she was over me just a few minutes ago. Looking at her right now, it almost feels like nothing happened between us. That for a moment, I could pretend it is alright. Yeah… Sure. This siren isn’t so lucky though… It’s like whatever god there is likes to see me in pain.

I guess it doesn’t matter. As long as I can see her happy… As long as she can smile, nothing matters.

“Adagio, I feel… glad,” Sunset tells me with a content sigh. Unlike her, I don’t need to have a magic necklace to tell what she’s thinking. It’s almost second nature by now. You live with a pony long enough, you will get to learn exactly what she thinks.

“Why is that?” I ask her with a slow nod. Sunset turns to look at me with a small smile. For some reason, Umbra blushes right after seeing her smile. Sunset has that effect on me…

“You were right. I’m getting my magic under control. It isn’t as scary as I thought and…” Motioning towards her body, Sunset giggles a little. “I’m not a she-demon again. So, I guess I have to thank you.” Slowing down she walks beside me again. The busy streets of Houston are much louder than I thought they would be, but when I look at her, the sounds almost disappear.

“You don’t have to thank me, Sunset. I knew you had it in you. You were the one who beat me at the Battle of the Bands.” I chuckle a little to try and lift the mood of my statement. “And beating me isn’t some small feat, Shimmer. I conquered armies of ponies, remember?”

Until we were exiled. Thrown out of our native world. Umbra sighs in anger before looking over at Sunset. Yet she makes it feel… oddly alright. Doesn’t she?

“Yeah,” Sunset says quietly, her eyes looking down towards the sidewalk. I wonder what part of my statement made her feel this way. “Can I ask you a question? A serious one?” she asks me curiously, wanting to voice something on her mind.

“Of course. I would always answer honestly if you want me to.” The way she walks makes it apparent she isn’t sure what to say. Either that or she’s not sure if she should say what she wants to ask me.

“Once you get your magic back, what will you do?” Her question is almost monotone. A blank statement as if she is asking me if I would go back to my old ways. I… It’s saddening that she still thinks that of me, but… She was the one who said she can’t trust me.

“I don’t know. I know I wouldn’t go back to Equestria.”

Why would I? This world is far calmer and… it has people like you, Umbra speaks my mind, even though Sunset can’t hear her. She’s usually the one who likes chaos, but recently, she’s been surprising me a lot.

“Why? Equestria is the place you were born,” Sunset says with a sense of curiosity, looking up from the sidewalk.

“The same reason you stay here, Sunset. Less drama and this is my home now.” Turning my gaze to her, I try to smile, but a part of my statement hurts my heart. She is my home…

Home isn’t where you rule or the place you have the most power. It’s the creatures closest to you, she whispers in realization, a conflicted look in her eyes.

“I guess you’re right,” Sunset responds by tilting her head. “And Twilight was correct in her guess about your subconscious.” I can’t help but raise my eyebrow a little. What exactly does she mean by that? Sunset seems to pick up on my confusion as quickly as it appears on my face. “You know. You and her theorized that your subconscious might act more like you once you get your magic back. I didn’t believe it, but… I guess seeing that purple scarf proves something, doesn’t it?”

Umbra looks a little embarrassed from Sunset’s words, but even she knows it is true. Her hand touches the scarf around her neck and I can almost swear I feel it too. Probably because I have touched it so much over the years that the fabric is imprinted in my mind.

“Maybe. Who knows until I get my magic back in full, right?” A part of me tries to remain optimistic, but seeing her smile is almost like my own personal hell. I’m a selfish siren. I want to be the reason she smiles. However, all I can do is make her cry if I get too personal with her.

“You remember how you said you were proud of me earlier?” Sunset asks me slowly, her eyes aimed straight ahead of us. Her eyes aren’t glowing white, so I don’t think she’s reading my mind.

“You mean how I thought that?” I remind her, making Sunset blush a little.

“Yeah. Sorry… Still though. Did you mean that?” Her question is filled with curiosity. Honestly, I don’t know how she could think I lacked sincerity in that statement…

“Yes, I did. It’s impressive and I knew you could do it. Anyone would be proud of you for that.” Sunset’s face looks a little more surprised from my words. I thought this kind of stuff would be obvious coming from me. Maybe it is just the sincerity of the words getting to her.

“I’m proud of you too, Adagio. For actually finding Sonata and fixing your mind… And hopefully finding Aria.” Sunset clears her throat, seemingly trying to compose herself. My cheeks feel like they’re burning from what she said… I didn’t expect her to say she’s proud of me as well. “Anyway, I’m glad you decided to come with me. It would have been lonely exploring the city without some company.” Even though I could use some sleep, I do like these moments with her.

It’s the closest thing to normal you have.

I look to my side, but Umbra is nowhere to be seen. She’s not behind me either… I thought she would want to stick around for a bit. Maybe she needs a rest more than I do. Looking ahead of us, I notice just the thing to lighten the mood.

“Sunset, do you want a snow cone?” I ask her with a smile, nodding towards the stand. “It’ll be my treat.” Sunset shakes my head at my offer, making my heart sink.

“No, we can split the bill. We could also split the snow cone if you want? I don’t think I can eat a full one,” Sunset mentions with a laugh, lifting my spirits a little. At least she likes the suggestion.

“Well, come on then.” Grabbing her hand, I walk towards the snow cone stand, feeling a little spark in my heart. I already know the flavor she’ll probably want as well. Either grape or cherry.

Walking up to the window of the stand, I look at the sign with the options they have. The prices aren’t the cheapest, but it’s still affordable. Of course, they have grape and cherry as options. Finally noticing us, a man quickly makes his way to the window, opening it.

“Hello, ladies. What can I do for you today?”

I turn my gaze to Sunset, waiting for her to order. I try to give her the go ahead to get what she wants, but Sunset still looks a little conflicted.

“We’d like a medium cherry snow cone please. Two straws,” Sunset responds as pleasantly as she can, making sure to pull out half the price of the treat from her bag.

“I’ll have it ready right away,” the man tells us with an extremely polite tone. I can’t help but notice that our hands are still entwined, despite making it to the stand over two minutes ago. It seems that she noticed that too, finally pulling her hand away from mine. After a few minutes, the man brings us the frosty treat. Sunset and I hand over the money before taking the snow cone, prompting the man to wish us a good day.

The straws are cut off at the end, intended to be used like an impromptu spoon of sorts. Sunset holds the cup for the two of us, stabbing her straw into the snow cone. She takes the bite of shaved ice into her mouth, smiling a little more. She’s so cute when she enjoys something like this. The way she seems so… happy.

Sunset nods to me to take a bite, still clearly enjoying the taste of the snow cone. Her nonverbal cue is enough for me, pushing my straw into the ice. Bringing it to my mouth, I can already feel how flimsy the plastic of the straw is with my tongue. However, that sensation is quickly overcome by the sweet and cool ice. It melts within a moment, but it still tastes good.

“Cherry is your favorite, right?” Sunset asks, taking another bite of the ice.

“Did you get this because of me? We could have gotten grape, Sunset.” I try to convince her, but Sunset shakes her head, chuckling.

“I like cherry too. It’s alright,” Sunset laughs with the cutest face possible. Shaking my head, I eat a big piece of the snow cone.

Ow. Wait. Why does my head hurt? God, that- Ugh! That hurts! What the hell?

“Are you alright?” Sunset asks me, but it’s a little hard to even concentrate on her.

“Brain… freeze…” I’m sure my words were barely understandable. I can hardly think with this headache. Gah, why did I eat so much in one bite?! Holding my head does nothing to mitigate the pain…

Something presses against my nose, making me open my eyes. In front of me, Sunset touches me with her finger, a humorous expression on her face. What is she amused by? And why is she touching my nose?

“Does this help?” she asks me, giggling a little at me. My confusion only grows by the second.

“How exactly would this help-”

“It is distracting you, isn’t it?”


My head still feels numb, but… Yeah, I don’t feel it anymore. All I can really focus on is her finger and… just how beautiful she looks. My cheeks are burning… Being so easily fooled by her is embarrassing, yet… fun.

A bright blush comes over Sunset’s face, looking away from me. She pulls her finger back from my nose, shrugging her shoulders.

“A-anyway, we should keep walking, Adagio. Don’t get another brain freeze this time.”


The sounds of a lively restaurant fill my ears. The smell is almost too overwhelming. It’s just some typical fast food place that sells burgers, but I can smell the food, sweat, dust and trash. However, it doesn’t seem to bother Pinkie Pie. Twilight did say something about heightened senses when it comes to my siren DNA. Out of all things, why did it have to make my sense of smell heightened?

Pinkie was the one who picked this place out. This is probably one of the worst places to eat, but Pinkie Pie does have one of those child-like personalities. It just kind of fits her. Just like the mountain of fries in front of her that are conveniently put together in the shape of a castle, all while a piece of ketchup is still on her nose. I wish I could make this up, but no, Pinkie Pie sticks her tongue out of her mouth while she carefully places the last fry on the palace of insanity she has built.

The weirdest part of this whole encounter is that she didn’t pay for these fries at all. She made them with her magic. Probably by destroying a hair and making it into a fry. If she can literally make something as small as that into an edible item, then why does Pinkie ever pay for food? Well, I guess she can’t exactly make something taste a certain way? Maybe that’s why. Just because she can make a burger doesn’t mean she can make it taste exactly like the burger that comes from this place.

Or maybe I am just gaslighting myself into believing that Pinkie makes sense.

“Thanks for coming with me, Adagio! I was starving,” Pinkie mentions with a smile, her burger long since digested at this point. “Are you going to eat the rest of your fries?” she asks me with an excited smile, clearly scheming something. At this point, I bet it is something like making a horse stable for her castle.

“You can have them,” I reply with a humorous roll of my eyes, pushing my tray closer to her. Pinkie takes them and immediately starts building something new. It’s hard to not watch. It’s not like there is anything else interesting happening other than some kids ironically running into poles in the play area. I would be lying if I said it was sad to see those annoying little gremlins hurt themselves. Kids are usually annoying anyway… Other than Apple Bloom. She was tolerable when she was younger.

“Where was I? Oh yeah! So Cheese Sandwich promised to help me with the party and I was a bit hesitant about that. I mean, who am I to say that I’m THE number one party planner if I need help, right?” Pinkie explains as she places the fries down, roughly making the shape of a house. I can’t bring myself to admit that the name Cheese Sandwich slips my memory, but the topic is pretty interesting in an odd way.

“Aside from this one, how many parties did you get help with?” I ask her, genuinely wondering what stories the master party planner has in store.

“Five,” she immediately responds without taking her attention off her little structure. “Out of the 1,572 parties I have thrown, I only needed help with six. Cheese Sandwich helped with one, and then our friends helped with the other five.” Looking up from the fries, Pinkie seems a little confused for a moment, scratching her head. “Sunset didn’t help with one of those actually. Remember the birthday party you wanted to throw for her on the beach?”

“How could I not?” That was probably the third most dramatic point of my life. It was the first time I serenaded Sunset. I really wanted to surprise her since she was having a hard time back then with her friends. Our friends. “You really came through for that one. Thank you.”

“A party on the beach is nothing. You should try planning a party on an airplane,” Pinkie laughs, almost knocking over the castle she built. I’ll admit it. I have no idea what she means by that and I’m not sure if I want to know.

Still. This lunch reminds me that I need to spend more time with Pinkie. She has some incredible stories to tell. Despite how surprising she can be, she is a lot of fun. Unless I’m only running on an hour of sleep.

“Hey, Pinkie. I kind of wanted to-”

“Apologize? You didn’t do much to me. It’s alright,” Pinkie interrupts me with a shrug of her shoulders, continuing to focus on the little house. “I was just angry because you hurt Sunset and Dashie, but they seem to forgive you~” Pinkie’s tone is cheerful, but she has no idea how incorrect she is. Dash has forgiven me, but… Sunset made it clear that she hasn’t. I doubt she will. “Sonata also explained it a little more to me. That subconscious sounds pretty disturbing.” Pinkie’s eyes look up at me, giving me a smile. “As far as I’m concerned, most of it wasn’t your fault~ We’re still friends, Dagi.” As if it is some sort of knighting ceremony, Pinkie taps my shoulders with a French fry, laughing to herself.

“You’re so weird, you know that?” I ask her with a raised eyebrow, taking the fry from her hand and eating it. Yeah, that… That doesn’t taste like the other fries. It kind of tastes like… bland potatoes. I guess that confirms my theory that the food she makes doesn’t taste like the thing she’s trying to emulate.

“I’m aware,” Pinkie responds with a small nod, bringing her focus back down to the art she’s trying so hard to finish.

“Also, I wanted to thank you, Pinkie. You’ve given Sonata a pretty fair shot and it seems you two enjoy spending time with each other.” The thing I was afraid of the most was for Sonata to be treated like me. I remember how no one trusted me after I tried to be Sunset’s friend… I didn’t want Sonata to go through that.

“She’s tons of fun! She and I went to the mall earlier today and I got to teach her how to skate on the ice. She also introduced me to some new board games too.” Excitedly, Pinkie pulls out her phone, showing me a few pictures of them. Sonata looks pretty happy and… it’s nice to see Pinkie’s hair back to normal. “It was pretty nice, especially since Sonata is anxious about meeting Aria again,” Pinkie mentions nonchalantly, as if this is common knowledge. Sonata hasn’t told me this… I thought she would be happy to see Aria like she was with me.

“Hi, girls,” a soft spoken voice catches my attention. Turning my gaze, I notice a familiar veterinarian standing a foot away from our table. Behind her, I notice Rainbow Dash at the counter, presumably ordering food. “Sorry we’re late. Rainbow Dash had a call from her mom and we got held up taking pictures. I hope you haven’t been waiting for too long,” Fluttershy mentions quietly, postulating that we would find it a chore to wait.

“We’ve been waiting for-” before Pinkie can finish her statement, I gently kick her in the leg. I try to tell her to cut down the amount of time with my eye contact. I can’t imagine how Fluttershy might react if she hears we have been waiting for forty-five minutes. “We’ve been here for around fifteen minutes,” Pinkie asserts with a smile, clearly taking my advice.

“Oh good,” Fluttershy sighs with a peaceful tone, sitting down next to Pinkie Pie. Not much can be said before the sound of sneakers inches closer to us. Slamming a tray down on the table, Dash sits beside Fluttershy, despite the seat being made to sit two people so that she can put her feet up on my side of the booth. Although, Fluttershy is small enough that no one seems uncomfortable. Putting her arm around Fluttershy like an arm rest, Rainbow Dash seems like she is at the peak of comfort. And laziness.

“Yo, Dagi. How are you doing?” Bringing her fist up, Dash offers me a friendly gesture with a smile. Slowly, I accept Dash’s fist bump.

“Tired mostly. That’s a lot of food you ordered, Dashie,” I can’t resist teasing her, shaking my head.

“I’ve been running around all day! You think my speed doesn’t deplete my energy? I have to regain it somehow,” Dash explains with a laugh of her own, grabbing one of the three burgers she ordered. Fluttershy grabs a small order of fries, eating them with a content expression. “Also, Twilight told me about your little incident. I guess we’re gonna be here for a little longer than I thought, huh?” Dash asks me as soon as she’s done swallowing a bite. Not a second passes before she takes another bite. She isn’t lying about being hungry.

“A couple days at least if I can help it. I’d rather get moving as soon as possible than wait here.” A part of me doesn’t want to get home because… this is probably the last time Sunset and I will go on a trip together. Or do anything together.

“I’m really glad everyone is feeling better now,” Fluttershy mentions with a happy smile. I can’t help but raise my eyebrow at her statement, feeling a little confused. Thankfully, our friend seems to understand that, opening her mouth to clarify. “You know. Everyone seems happier than we’ve been in a week or so. I guess you’ve made it up with everyone?” she asks me innocently. I wish I could say yes, but that isn’t really the truth…

“Almost everyone.” My response seems to elicit an understanding nod from Fluttershy.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll be able to be friends with Aria again,” she tries to reassure me with a small wave. I’m glad she seems glad that we’re moving on, but she has no idea how wrong her statement is.

It isn’t Aria I am worried about…

Author's Note:

Hello, all! This chapter is sort of meant to take a break from the normal drama and roller coaster we are accustomed to at this point. Especially since my new semester at university just started. They can't stop me from writing this though. I also wanted to make this chapter shorter and more light since the next couple of chapters are going to be a bit more... emotional.