• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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Sonic Rainboom Around the World

Rainbow Dash floated up to eye-level with Heartless, defying all sense of physics and logic. It was as if the magical power around her was holding her up and causing her to levitate without any need for her to move her wings.

Heartless of course was ecstatic. Her eyes sparkled in delight and her tail swished back and forth like a dog’s. “What’s this, what’s this?! What’s happening, Rainbow Dash? I took everything from you but you’re still—you’re back and even brighter than ever!”

“This is just me making sure you can’t hurt my friends, Heartless. I’ll do anything for my friends—and for any pony who needs help,” Rainbow Dash grinned.

“I’m so happy! It already felt so good before, this is going to be even better!” Heartless practically pranced on her hooves in the air.

“There’s something else, Heartless.”

Heartless blinked and tilted her head at Rainbow Dash. “Huh?”

“Any pony who needs help?” Rainbow Dash said and pointed at her. “That includes you too.”

“What do you mean? I don’t need help. I just need you.”

“Oh yeah—you need help. You don’t even realize it, and that makes it even more obvious. This whole time you’ve been chasing me, you’ve been looking for the wrong thing. Your entire life you’ve been looking for the wrong thing. You’re taking the wrong things from others, Heartless. You don’t know what others can really give you. But now I’ll make you understand. I’ll give you what you’ve never had, what you’ve been missing, your whole life.”

Heartless lifted up her hooves and held her head. She frowned as she listened to Rainbow Dash and kept rocking her head back and forth. “What are you talking about? You always confuse me so much… you’re just trying to confuse me again and trick me, aren’t you? I know what others can give me—the light and warmth inside them. And since you’re back, I’ll get to take all of yours all over again.”

Rainbow Dash smirked and hovered where she was, she held out her hooves and left herself open, inviting Heartless to come. “If that’s what you want then come on. I’m right here waiting for you.”

“Okay then—fine by me,” Heartless shrugged and smiled. “Ready or not, here I come!”

She shot towards Rainbow Dash with just as much ecstasy and eagerness as she ever had before. Her smile was wide, her eyes were sparkling, she was going so fast her pink form almost blurred. Heartless collided with her and immediately wrapped her hooves around Rainbow Dash’s body again, tightly hugging her and once more draining all the light, warmth, and life out of her.

There was a different feeling this time.

Heartless, she instinctively noticed it in just a second. Rainbow Dash’s lifeforce, everything that made it up, had always felt overflowing and so much brighter compared to any other pony she had ever met. But now, now it felt endless. It felt like she was peering into and taking the light from a bottomless well. It amazed her at first. It excited her. She loved the feeling and she wanted to take it all away—she would’ve been fine doing this for as long as it took. It would’ve made her happy to take all this new life from Rainbow Dash.

But then something else came with it.

Heartless’s eyes shot open wide as an image, a sensation, a memory, all of those things at once, came over her. She could see Rainbow Dash, just a filly, standing proud with a smile on her face, on top of a podium with other fillies around her. And her parents were there—Heartless didn’t know how she knew who Rainbow’s parents were—cheering there for her. Then hugging her while Rainbow Dash hugged them back. She saw the smiles, she felt the love and happiness as if it was happening to her herself. Her heart beat hard in her chest and a sudden spike of something shot through it. This was strange. It was different. Something she didn’t understand or recognize was happening. It hurt, not physically, and she didn’t know why, but her heart suddenly hurt.

Heartless let go of Rainbow Dash and flew back, clutching her chest. “What… what is this? What am I feeling? That… what I saw… I don’t understand.”

“I told you, Heartless,” Rainbow said to her, causing the pink pony’s face to snap to attention. “I’m not giving you what you want, I’m giving you the only thing you’ve ever needed. This is what you never understood, but by the end you will. I’ll keep showing you what others can give you until you get it.”

She flew slightly towards Heartless.

And Heartless flew slightly back.

Rainbow Dash grinned, though there was no mocking spirit behind it. Nothing smug or mean about it. “Come on, Heartless. I finally want to give you something and you’re moving away? I’m trying to help.”

“You’re… I don’t want that! I just want your life!” Heartless yelled and flew at her again.

As she reached Rainbow Dash, her hooves outstretched, Rainbow simply lifted one hoof up and let Heartless touch it. They became joined as if holding hooves in the air. Silhouetted by the sun above them, one smiling and one grimacing in unfamiliar anger. Not embraced in a hug like before but touching just slightly like how Heartless normally killed. But this time she got far more than what she expected.

It was just like before—warmth flowed into her, but along with it so did memories, images, and emotions. They poured in even harder and faster from Rainbow Dash than before.

There was a memory of Rainbow Dash as a filly flying through the sky, there was a memory of her hanging out with Fluttershy, and Gilda and other friends. She grew older and older until Heartless saw her meeting Twilight Sparkle, and refusing the Shadowbolts, and then finally as she joined with her friends to defeat Nightmare Moon and save Princess Luna. Everything Rainbow Dash felt, she felt. All the warmth—a different kind of warmth—that came from her friends with all their smiles and happiness. It all ran through Heartless as well.

Her heart was beating out of control and she flew away from Rainbow Dash, groaning inarticulately and holding her head.

Rainbow Dash saw how afraid she looked, how unhappy, almost on the verge of tears. Her lip trembled as her eyes darted back and forth in confusion.

“I don’t like this! I don’t like this, Rainbow Dash!” Heartless shouted, her hooves digging into her mane and scalp as she fervently shook her head. “Stop it, stop it, stop it!”

“You’re just seeing and feeling what you’ve been missing out on. It’s a lot better than what you’ve been taking from other ponies. Isn’t it?” Rainbow offered.

“No, no, no! I don’t like how this makes me feel—I don’t understand it! Why… why does my heart hurt so much?!”

This time Rainbow sadly looked back at her. “Because you’re starting to understand everything I’ve been saying.”

“I’ll just… I’ll make it stop! I’ll make you stop! I’ll take all your life this time!” Heartless once more flew at her in a rage.

Rainbow Dash just sighed and waited for her.

Heartless smashed into her, almost like she was trying to tackle her out of the air. A pink trail was left behind her as they spiraled through the sky and Rainbow Dash’s sparkling aura joined it, creating what would have been a beautiful display to any soul looking up and watching. The faces of the ones making the light show were not quite as happy or elegant. Heartless almost snarled with strange fear and anger while Rainbow sadly smiled back at her. They were holding onto each other, flying, spinning, in unison together. There was so much draining out of Rainbow Dash but it just kept coming back and refilling her again and again, there was no limit to it. And just as suddenly Heartless felt more memories coming on.

The running of the leaves with Applejack.

A Sonic Rainboom to save Rarity.

Everyone working together to stop Discord.

Finding her new pal in Tank.

Learning to love books thanks to Twilight and Daring Do.

Helping Fluttershy out to make the reservoir filling tornado.

All the fun jokes and pranks traded with Pinkie Pie.

All the fun spent with Scootaloo and the other Crusaders.

Heartless let go and flew away. “No, no, no, no!” She screamed and shook her head while tears—the first in her life—fell from her eyes. She clutched her chest as her heart thumped and thumped so hard it almost felt like it would break free. “This isn’t what I want! Stop making it hurt! It’s supposed to feel good, it’s always made me happy! I finally had you, I finally felt more fulfilled than ever before, I finally had a real purpose! Stop doing this!”

“I can’t,” Rainbow said and started to fly towards her. “I can’t until you get it all.”

“N-No more!” Heartless shook her head and flew high into the sky with a pink trail of magical energy around and behind her.

Rainbow had to admit she found some humor in Heartless running away from her. But the situation was too serious to laugh or get caught up in the moment. She flew up right after her, leaving her own sparkling rainbow trail. The two of them quickly made it high above any clouds in the sky, where only open blue and the sun hanging even higher awaited them. Heartless could feel her coming and looked behind her to see Rainbow Dash gaining on her. There was still a small, pitying, smile on Rainbow Dash’s face. So Heartless made a wide curve in the air and came around to fly at Rainbow Dash, intending to just fly right by her and only touch her for a moment, just take some of her life without anything else if she could.

Rainbow Dash met her head on and the two colorful ponies and the trails behind them clashed. Brilliant light shot everywhere, Heartless’s hoof just barely scraping Rainbow’s outstretched leg.

The memories of Shining Armor and Princess Cadance’s wedding flooded into her.

The two of them flew around in a wide circle, staring at one another, the circle got smaller and smaller as they flew in towards each other before they finally clashed again.

Saving the Crystal Empire and all the crystal ponies from Sombra.


Twilight Sparkle becoming an Alicorn.

Again and again and again. The memories and strong emotions from Rainbow Dash’s life found Heartless every single time the two of them touched. On every pass, every time their hooves reached out, Heartless found herself reliving and feeling the moments of pure love and joy from Rainbow Dash. It eclipsed the warmth she had taken from Rainbow Dash just earlier. Eclipsed it so completely.

“How?! How, how, how, how, how?!” Heartless screamed. “How do you still have so much?! How—why is this happening! Why can’t I just take it all from you—why are you giving me these things I don’t want?!”

“It’s because of everything I’ve been through!” Rainbow yelled back at her. “Everything—through my entire life—before I left on this journey and everything I’ve seen and experienced since! There were times it was tough, times I almost died, and almost gave up! But I overcame it! And now after all of that I’m here for you too, Heartless! Whatever happens from now on, it’s the culmination of everything! I don’t know what the ending will be, and it doesn’t matter if you want it or not, cause like I’ve said—I’m finally giving you what you need for the first time in your life!”

Heartless cried and dove at her and the two flew right by each other once more, rainbow and pink beams of light reaching far across the sky.

The memories Rainbow Dash had made since starting this journey around the world came into her now. She saw so many things, so many ponies and other creatures, so many places. Felt so many things. From her entrance into the True North, to moving to the other side of the world, to finally making it almost all the way back home. Heartless experienced everything Rainbow Dash did. Everything flashed by so fast but it didn’t lessen the feelings from it at all.

The pink pony could only clutch her chest in pain and fly up even higher into the sky while Rainbow Dash watched her.

“I can’t—my heart’s beating… it’s out of control!” Heartless yelled. Her pink trail ended just under the sun with the open sky all around her. “I can’t take anymore! I don’t want anymore! Stop this, Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow Dash shook her head and smiled. “It’s not over yet, Heartless. You wanted Rainbow Dash? You wanted everything I could give you? You’ve got it!”

She loosened up—and then shot back far, down and away from Heartless, creating a bunch of distance between the two of them.

Heartless blinked in confusion until Rainbow Dash stopped just above the jungle. She was so far away now but Heartless could still see that she was smiling. Her voice even carried on the wind just as easily.

“Okay, Heartless!” Rainbow Dash shouted so loudly her voice echoed through the jungle and mountains around her. She splayed her colorful wings open wide and held her hooves out in front of her. Electrical, magical, energy, coursed down her long mane and tail and Rainbow Dash felt like her whole body was charged up. The air itself seemed to be gathering around her, almost like a cyclone was building up beneath her. A big and confident grin lit up Rainbow’s face. “Here I come!”

“N-No! Stay back!” Heartless held her hooves in front of her, shaking, futilely trying to stop Rainbow Dash and keep her away.

Rainbow Dash blasted off into the sky with enough force to nearly flatten the trees around her. The gathered wind blew across the entire jungle while a cone of air wrapped around her entire body and a dazzling trail of rainbow color followed her. She flew fast enough that she almost started to blur together with her colors, becoming nothing more than a brilliant arrow. All towards Heartless. All aimed straight at that pony that had followed her around the world. Her mouth was open in shock. Her blue eyes open wide. And the smile from Rainbow Dash was reflected in them at that very last moment.

An incredibly loud kaboom exploded in the sky and a humongous circle of rainbow colors and energy burst from where the two met. It was the biggest, most glorious, most awesome Sonic Rainboom Rainbow Dash had ever made in her entire life. So high up in the sky it blew away the clouds beneath and around it as it expanded. Fast, faster, bigger, going and going the rainboom waves traveled north, south, east, and west to every horizon…

In Ponyville, it was like the sound of an erupting volcano and every pony looked up in the sky as the Sonic Rainboom traveled overhead. A familiar but never any less wondrous sight, the ponies felt waves of positive energy practically coming from it. They stared up in awe, mouths ajar, as the Rainboom kept going and going…

Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie were on the ground, lugging two big wagons full of luxury cake ingredients back to Twilight’s castle, when they saw and heard the Rainboom. Both of them looked up just the same—a befuddled expression on Twilight’s face and a huge ear-to-ear grin on Pinkie’s.

“Oooohhhh, pretty!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Twilight couldn’t help but smile as well now, knowing exactly what that Sonic Rainboom meant. “It sure is.”

Far to the west, a beaten and bruised Amethyst Star stood on a cliff as the Rainboom reached her, blasting through the sky overhead. She looked up in amazement and wonder at it as well, and the warmth and beauty of it washed over her—making her wounds not feel so bad anymore. A short while later she started walking her way back home.

And Miss Valentine, who happened to be in the same area, found herself taking off her sunglasses so she could watch the Rainboom directly with her own deep blue eyes. Never having seen one before she didn’t really know what to make of it. But she felt in her heart she was witnessing something truly amazing.

In the Crystal Empire, the royal family was eating together when they started to hear the commotion from outside. Wondering what was up, Princess Cadance grabbed Flurry Heart and the three of them went out to the nearest balcony that overlooked the city. Just in time were they able to see the Sonic Rainboom reach the spire, its waves shooting high over it, higher even than Mt. Everhoof in the distance. The beautiful sight brought a smile to all their faces, Flurry Heart reaching up towards the Rainboom as if she wanted to fly up there and touch it.

Shining Armor and Cadance giggled and caught each other’s eyes with a glance. The stallion smiled and leaned in to give his wife a quick kiss on the cheek.

North, on a frosty river, the Yak checkpoint stood as it always had.

Archibald saw an unusual splash of color outside one of the building’s windows and looked outside it, seeing the huge Sonic Rainboom traveling further north.

The big Yak snorted. “Yaks can make better rainbows than that...”

In what was formerly the Eternal Pegasus Empire, the floating mountain city was abuzz with activity. It always was to be honest, what with all the very active pegasi that lived there, but as they saw the Rainboom approach and soon reach over their mountain they all flew up and watched it in fascination. Some with a bit more fascination than others.

“It’s her. I-I don’t know how I know, but it’s her,” Summer Rains said as he watched it with his family. One hoof over the shoulder of his wife, Snowshine.

Aurora, buzzing on her small wings, nodded along in awe. “You’re right… it’s Rainbow Dash.”

Skychaser, Flashbolt, Clear Skies, and Fierce Current all watched it as well from elsewhere in the city—feeling the same thing that Summer Rains did.

With hammer in hoof and nails held in her mouth, Dust Bunny hammered together a few planks of wood to bring the frame of a house closer to creation. Ever since the huge storm died down they’d been slowly rebuilding their city. It was a nice place again with many buildings rising up inside the mountainous valleys but they still had a long way to go. Progress though was steady thanks to the directions of Pile and the plans of the big-brains from the now decommissioned weather lab. There was a lot of hard work left but Dust Bunny could still smile thinking about it—they were in a good place now.

Right as she thought that a booming rainbow wave of colors shot over the mountains. Dust Bunny’s jaw opened in shock and her nails went spilling everywhere. She didn’t even notice.

“Wow…” She blinked. “Guess we just get strange weather up here sometimes.”

In the Mammoth City, Larkon wheeled himself down the road—right up until one of the wheels on the supportive frame that held up his back legs got caught in a rack on the road.

“Confound it!” Larkon muttered in annoyance and tried to shake himself free.

“You can just ask for help,” Samarkon sighed from beside him and easily tilted the wheel out of the crack. “Was that so difficult, father?”

“Yes, yes, let us continue on to the Hall. Your teacher tells me your lessons are coming along well,” Larkon smiled to his son.

Samarkon blushed. “It’s nothing… Alykon has her sports… I wanted to follow in your footsteps.”

Larkon patted Samarkon on the back with his trunk. “You’ve already made me proud in more ways than one.”

A blast of air fell across the valley that the Mammoth City resided in and the two Mammoths looked up to see the Sonic Rainboom spreading from the south and flying fast over their heads. They heard the rumbling from other Mammoths in the streets around them as the rest of the population looked up in wonder and confusion. But the two of them didn’t have to think about where—and who—that strange flying rainbow had come from.

“I see you’re doing alright,” Larkon smiled at the sky.

“Better than alright… wow,” Samarkon said.

Father and son stood there, watching the Sonic Rainboom go until it fully disappeared.

Beneath the shrine at the Sacred Spring, in a room filled with darkness, a single Mammoth stirred. He could not see the Sonic Rainboom as it passed by, but somehow he could feel it in his heart. And when it passed, an unfamiliar, but joyful, feeling of warmth was born in his chest.

A single tear fell from his eyes as he looked to find the door leading out of his prison…

Further north, the former Captains East and West Wind flew together across the many chasms of Ice Valley in their new jobs as mailponies. They along with the hundreds of thousands of ponies, wolverines, and reindeer living in Ice Valley got a nice treat that day when the Sonic Rainboom zoomed across the massive city. There was an inkling of familiarity in the two of them as they saw it and they found themselves giving each other a small hug before returning to their work.

The Metal Mountain had changed considerably since the day it almost all fell apart.

Sections that had been jettisoned were replaced by outdoor balconies, with freshly planted trees and flowers to color things up. The insides had been cleaned and better taken care of, and garbage and waste was no longer carelessly dropped off the side of the mountain. The former gangs, the former workers, the former security ponies, had all come together to return their home to its former glory.

There was one pony though who refused to participate—who had never so much as spoken a word since the day her flame was taken away.

The ponies she had oppressed though were kind to her, and Resin had been given solitude and peace along with a new room of her own to live in that had a window so she could at least see the sun outside when she wanted to. She was staring out that window now, looking at the sky with her one good eye. That was why she saw it before anyone else. She saw the miraculous ring of rainbow energy flying over the mountains, higher than any cloud, right over their home and then going further and further north.

Her eye and mouth were both open wide as she watched it. “Beautiful...”

On the snowy mountain peaks of the Griffon Houses, many griffons flew about in celebration as the heir to House Stormwing, Glaive, and his wife had announced they were with child. Galia and all of Glaive’s siblings joined him at the huge platform where balls were normally held. They proudly ate and danced together on this most joyous of occasions.

It was made even better when the Sonic Rainboom scattered the clouds and snow, wondrously lighting up their world as it passed their mountains. Naturally they’d take it as a sign that the day was truly blessed.

At the North Pole, in the Reindeer city of Nogt, the magical city living inside the swirling tornado and above the great whirlpool. A city that by all accounts shouldn’t exist. The citizens felt a strange shaking beneath their hooves, felt a strange wind blow in from the south, and for a moment the huge tornado that blocked them off from the outside world stopped and dissipated.

While they watched that, a rainbow wave of energy shot over the great walls that connected at the top of the world. Shot over the artificial sun that gave Nogt its light. All the Reindeer and every other creature here could see it. As soon as it had fully passed by, the tornado winds started up again and Nogt returned to its normal self.

Ark’Nogt though stared up at the sky for quite a while longer. “I feel like… but it couldn’t be? Could it?”

On the other side of the world, in the coldest reaches of the True North, there were two souls.

One—the last of the ice dragons. The other—a particularly gigantic pegasus who had finally found a nice and quiet place where he could live in peace.

Both of them rested atop some of the largest mountains in the icy north together. Both of them felt the incoming Sonic Rainboom and lifted up their heads, watching as the dark sky parted and the rainbow ring filled their world with light and warmth. It was an incredible sensation for the both of them and they smiled together in joy until the wave finally disappeared.

South of the Gate of Winter, in the Ore-Range mountains, Eleanor watched as her children played around outside with others from the neighborhood. Ever since the partial collapse of the Copper Section of Oreville, a large amount of families had moved to live above ground. Using repossessed wealth from Lord Copper and some of his affiliates, housing and other buildings and facilities had been constructed up here for everyone.

Things had been good recently, though difficult at first, the ponies of Oreville had come together to fix things after the disaster. Most of Copper Section was still closed off and likely would be lost forever, but they were an industrious folk that always moved ahead. More would be built—and while the tragedy would not be forgotten, it would heal over time. They had decided to foster closer ties to the small mountain villages around them as well as the pegasus home of the Weeping Mountain to make things easier. And just because it felt nice to have more friends in the world.

Eleanor sighed. She still missed her husband and always would, but she refused to wallow in sadness for the rest of her life. So many had died—she had to live on and provide a place to live in for the sake of them and her children.

There was a crack of almost lightning overhead and she and every other pony looked up to see the Sonic Rainboom flying in the sky.

Eleanor gasped and clasped her hooves over her chest. A second later tears were streaming down her cheeks.

“And there you go, all better now aren’t you?” Doctor Swab said to the young colt of Pinetree Warren as he finished giving him his flu shot.

The colt rubbed his leg and grimaced. “Guess so...”

“Oh come now, no need for that, you were very brave,” Doctor Swab patted his head and smiled.

The windows of the clinic shook and the both of them looked around in confusion while outside they could hear many other ponies gasping and shouting about something. Both ponies went to the nearest window and looked up, seeing the tail end of the Rainboom as it passed by Pinetree Warren.

“My word…” Doctor Swab blinked.

Down in Two Hump Oasis in the middle of the Great Camel Desert, Shireva the fortune-teller shivered in her tent despite the heat. The smoke and incense thickened and the old, withered, camel rose from the dark depths of her tent for the first time in ages. She opened the front flap of the tent over so slightly and peeked an eye out—just in time for her to see the Sonic Rainboom spreading across the desert.

The dazzling colors reflected, dancing, in her old eye as she watched it. “That pegasus… even I didn’t foresee something so amazing...”

In the small village of Dacty, giraffes walked among giraffes.

Giraffes casually chatted with giraffes.

Giraffes ate and contemplated poetry with giraffes.

Giraffes saw the Rainboom in the sky and watched it with blank faces.

Giraffes spoke with one another after it had passed that it would make a great inspiration for new poetry.

Giraffes got back to casually chatting with other giraffes.

“And so with what the Vissidians are bringing up along with the caravans from the Camels up north, we’re finally in what I’d say is a good spot. There aren’t going to be food or supply shortages anymore and the new farms are coming along nicely. Restoration on the castle is nearly complete too,” Brass Hoof told Red Wing.

Red Wing—one time Captain of the Hoofica Royal Guard, now current Regent of the kingdom—nodded in appreciation. “Thank you. And on a more somber note, Star Petal told me earlier that all the orphans and missing ponies have finally been accounted for.”

“Mm… at least that line of work is finally over.”

The two of them walked along the southern balcony of the capitol’s courthouse, which had been made the center of government since the day of the revolution. The King had…. temporarily… seen fit to defer rulership of the kingdom to someone else even after being freed from his mind control. Red Wing did not find himself to fit the role, but there were few still trusted as much in Hoofica. And slowly but surely, with help from their friends and neighbors, the large kingdom had picked itself up.

The balcony faced the castle, and though no towers remained it at least no longer looked like a completely collapsed mess.

“Still a long way to go,” Red Wing said, mostly to himself.

But from the horizon came a booming wave of rainbow coloring the sky. The two were shocked to see it, and so were the ponies of the capitol if all the noise was any indication. They didn’t know what it was or where it came from—only that it was something good. Something that brightened up their day and let them know that things were going to be alright.

“Look, Gilbert, look!” Wish shouted and pointed at the sky as the Sonic Rainboom reached Arondel.

“I say—that’s quite the miraculous sight! I’ve never seen something like that before,” the griffon said as he stared up in disbelief at it.

Wish smiled, her rose red mane cut in a shorter, messier, style. Taking in the dizzying rainbow of colors, she felt tears start to well up in her brown eyes. “It’s her. It’s Rainbow Dash.”

Gilbert nodded. “It’s certainly quite the extravagant thing I could see her being responsible for.”

“She’s still out there…,” Wish sniffled and wiped away the tears. “I bet she’s doing great.”

“No question about that,” Gilbert grinned.

“What is that?” A voice came from behind them.

The two looked to see Dotted Easel walking over with Rosalie by her side. The both of them were far more awestruck and befuddled than Wish or Gilbert.

That is Rainbow Dash,” Wish proudly exclaimed.

Dotted Easel blinked at her and looked up again as the Rainboom kept going and going. “Well… I’ll take your word for it.”

“It’s so beautiful...” Rosalie said in wonder.

Gilbert patted Wish on the head. “I think that’s the proof we need that we really will see her again one day. Not that I ever doubted.”

“Me neither,” Wish said.

Together the four of them sat and waited for the Sonic Rainboom to completely disappear. They wanted to see all of it, watch it for as long as possible. The memories of Rainbow Dash felt fresh in their minds as they saw it. That mare who had changed all their lives—even saved most of them—they all had unquantifiable gratitude and love for her. Wish in particular couldn’t hold the tears back at all as she watched, much as she tried. She hoped she would get to see Rainbow Dash again soon…

In the swamp south of Vissidia, even the heavy foliage, canopy, and fog couldn’t block out the light and color from the Sonic Rainboom. The various denizens scattered throughout it, including Belle, the Elder, and Claude of Mile Moss Crannog, got treated to the wondrous and very uncommon sight. They didn’t know what to make of it either but it was beautiful enough that they’d remember it for the rest of their days. The entire swamp would likely have tales to tell of this day when the miraculous rainbow ring flew over their beloved swamp and blessed it with its light and warmth.

In dry dock at the port of Malkonrik, Ballast and Dredge along with several workers (who may or may not have been former soldiers from a certain country) were busy constructing the first commercial submersible using upgraded plans based off both their earlier designs. Things were going swimmingly as they had managed to get several competing investors interested in their idea.

They had to open up a new place where they could build a larger vessel, but it was well worth it.

The Sonic Rainboom that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, crossing the sky, gave them all pause. Gave everyone on the coast and everyone in the Hundred Kingdoms pause as they saw it. Ballast looked over at Dredge—who merely shrugged in return. As soon as it was gone the shipwrights and their workers got back to work. As amazing as that was they still had a lot to do.

Breakwater, taking the Heart of Azure out for a casual trip along the coast of the Hundred Kingdoms, felt a strange sensation in his bones and looked up right as the Sonic Rainboom passed over his head.

“Well that’s new,” he said, rubbing his head. “Hmph, Rainbow Dash… probably you, isn’t it?”

He shook his head while a big smile came to his face. “Miss having you four around...”

At the great pyramid on the no longer lost Isle of the Lizard People, Princess Fairscale and Firescale presided over a grand ceremony officially reuniting their people’s as one. The formerly dilapidated and decaying city on the western side of the island had seen great improvements. There was no longer any fighting between them, and both leaders had confidence that things would get even better as time passed. Already they also planned on fully opening the island to the outside world and visiting and inviting others to meet them.

The Sarrarocco Archipelago and what was left of the Order were first on that list.

The sight they saw when the Sonic Rainboom passed by them caused most lizards to cry out and pray. It was only Princess Fairscale who felt she truly knew the meaning of that strange rainbow phenomenon. Both she and Firescale stared up at it wonder as the noise from the city died down and a serene calm overtook the island.

The town of East Glade was going through a bit of commotion—and had been ever since Senax returned and announced she had discovered the merponies’ ancestral home of Merlantis. From then on they had been preparing to leave, and the ponies and griffons that also lived in East Glade were helping them out. Naturally the others were sad to know they’d be leaving soon, but also happy knowing they had finally found their true home and would be returning there.

A lot of work had to be done before they could go though. Most merponies had never left East Glade either. Now they were picking up and taking their whole lives with them, and Senax had already told them of what awaited them. It wasn’t going to be easy.

That said, when the ring of the Sonic Rainboom came from the west and blew away the clouds and bad weather hanging over East Glade, it was like all their fears and worried had alleviated. Every merpony, pony, and griffon was dazzled by the sight. Suddenly—everything just seemed like it would be okay.

Senax smiled at the sight of it. “It’s her… thank you, Rainbow Dash.”

In the reaches of the Undiscovered West, Daylight Gleam stood on the balcony of a castle’s highest tower. She saw the Sonic Rainboom coming and merely raised an eyebrow as it passed through the sky.

“Pff,” Daylight snorted and rolled her eyes. “Oh you showoff...”

Fizzlepop Berrytwist and the Storm Creatures were out attempting to build a better dock for future boats to use on the island. Unfortunately it hadn’t stopped raining the whole time they’d been trying to construct the thing and Fizzlepop was ready to put a torch to it out of frustration.

The ring of the Sonic Rainboom coming in from the north was a true blessing. It blasted away the storm around the Stormlands completely—no trace was left behind.

An unusually bright and sunny day was now here and by the looks of it would be here to stay for awhile.

Fizzlepop smirked up at the sky and the receding Sonic Rainboom. “Seen one of those before.” She then grinned at the Storm Creatures. “Alright—let’s not waste this! We’ve got work to do!”

The Troll Kingdom was calm and quiet with most having no knowledge of what had recently gone on concerning one of their own. That one—as a show of faith from the King—was confined to a tower in the castle instead of a dungeon. If Berten had really changed, they wanted to be able to trust him.

While contemplating the recent absurd changes in his life and the absolute rollercoaster he had been on, the Sonic Rainboom washed over the small Troll island, visible from his window.

“You really are something else,” Berten said with an amused shake of his head. It was obvious to him who was responsible for that. He watched it go, feeling it warm up his soul as he did.

And back south of Equestria.

Back where it had began.

One pony holding another hovered in the sky.

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