• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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If you were to compare it to all the other voyages they had been on so far, the return trip to Malkonrik would be in its own class for how pleasant and uneventful it had been. And for once, Rainbow Dash didn’t have any issue with that. The boredom and lack of activity was something she was willing to cherish this time. She even mostly hung out on the Heart of Azure, her hooves draped over the side of the boat as she looked at the ocean and any islands they passed by. There wasn’t a shred of anxiety in her. Nor in anyone else onboard. It was the most peaceful they had ever been.

They had it. They knew how to get to Merlantis. They knew how to get to Senax’s ancestral home. Their goal, the whole entire purpose of this grand adventure, was right there in front of them. They even had the vessel that would allow them to make it down there in the first place. It was just taking a trip or two.

Gilbert right now was down below in the hold writing in his journal. He said he had a lot to write now and Rainbow Dash believed him. Of course the rest of the time he was his usual positive self, always smiling and asking Senax how happy she was now that they knew the way to Merlantis.

Breakwater continued to be their stalwart sailor, always at the wheel of his beloved ship, steering them through the waters of the Grand Ocean. He as well though lately had a small smile on his face more often than not. Before he used to always look so serious, always frowning or at the very least not smiling, but the happiness was apparently infectious. He couldn’t hold back the joy he felt for his friend.

Daylight Gleam too was also surprisingly not grumpy and not killing the mood. Even though she had her mind on the problems they still faced, she also knew how good things were for once. She mostly stood by the bow of the boat like usual, looking ahead. It felt good to her to relax, she didn’t want to jinx it by saying anything but she really hoped the whole trip back to Malkonrik and then to Merlantis was as nice as this.

Senax was focused. Meditative. She often would sit down with her eyes closed, a steady golden glow coming from behind them, and let the images of Merlantis flow through her mind. Nobody could blame her—they couldn’t even begin to understand how special and meaningful that was to her. Like this she could see her home, the underwater metropolis, and renew her determination to get there all at once. Soon it wouldn’t just be an image for her to see either, but a place for her people to once more call home.

That was more or less how they spent the trip back to Malkonrik and Ballast’s shop. Much quieter than usual, with friendly lunches and dinners, and sunny days followed by cool nights.

No pirate bothered them.

No Bosche Junks attacked.

Every stop they made, every boat they crossed paths with, only had good news and were full of friendly faces.

“So you’re telling me that the maiden voyage of my state-of-the-art, world-changing, submersible is going to be to take us all to the legendary Merlantis that sits on the bottom of the Grand Ocean?” Ballast asked Breakwater.

“Uh, yeah, that’s about right,” Captain Breakwater nodded.

“Huh. Well, couldn’t ask for a better maiden voyage to be honest,” Ballast scratched his head. A smile stretched across his face. “Should make my vessel even more famous than it already will be.”

They were all sitting around his work/dinner table inside his shop with the Heart of Azure safely moored. It hadn’t been more than five minutes since they arrived back here that they were already talking about leaving again. Now that they truly were on that last leg the former anxiety that Senax had been avoiding was coming back to bother her. A large map, a very detailed once of the Grand Ocean, had also been rolled out onto the table at the behest of Breakwater.

“We oughta leave as soon as possible too,” Daylight said. “Your submersible is ready, isn’t it? It’s fully functional?”

“Of course, we can leave whenever you’re ready,” Ballast said. “Er, there is the issue though of the fact it’s not exactly made for traveling such long distances though. If Merlantis is in the middle of the Grand Ocean that’d take much too long to reach. The Breakwater isn’t a fast vessel. It’s made for going to extreme depths and not much else and to function at low power. It’s still a prototype after all, it can’t travel long distances in the ocean like a traditional ship. And of course I’m also the only one here who can drive the thing, so this time I’ll be coming with you.”

Breakwater shuddered. “I was hoping you had changed the name since we’ve been gone...”

“That is a bit of a problem though...” Daylight frowned and tapped her chin.

“Not really,” Breakwater shook his head. “Actually to begin with I was already planning on something else. We tow it.”

“Tow it?” Daylight asked him.

“Yeah, hitch it to the back of the Heart of Azure and take it with us to right around where Merlantis is. Then we hop in the… The Breakwater…,” he rolled his eyes. “And head on down to the bottom of the ocean. We can keep the whole thing submerged while we tow it so nobody can see what we’re doing.”

“But then what about the Heart of Azure?” Rainbow asked. “Are we just going to leave it bobbing up there in the ocean or are you not going to come down with us, Breakwater?”

“Nope, got a better idea,” Breakwater said and pointed at a small island close to the middle of the Grand Ocean—practically right next to where Merlantis should be relatively speaking. “See this? It’s a small island called Palm Floats. We’ll anchor the Heart of Azure there and then head down with The Breakwater. Palm Floats is a small, tropical, resort island. Nothing special about it other than it being the closest inhabited island to where we need to go. Got a bit of a reputation as a party island even. We can easily rent a dock for a few days and leave the Heart of Azure there, and also pick up any last minute supplies.”

“So we can get there soon?” Gilbert asked.

“Yes,” Breakwater nodded.

“Good,” Senax said. She was staring intently at the map, her eyes would be boring a hole through it if that was possible.

Rainbow Dash grinned at her. “Really good. Who else is as excited as I am right now? We’ve got this, for real this time. There’s nothing in our way anymore!”

“I’m pretty excited… get to leave my shop for once,” Ballast said.

“You’re okay with closing up for that long?” Breakwater asked him.

He shrugged. “It’s more than worth it considering what we’re doing.”

“Obviously I’m excited but-” Senax said as she sat back and rubbed her forehead. “Maybe a little too excited.”

“Then honestly… maybe we should rest for an hour or two?” Gilbert suggested. “We did just get back, I know we’re in a hurry but shouldn’t we maybe eat first, grab anything we need last minute from the port, and then maybe relax a little? I think it might be helpful to calm our nerves.”

Rainbow Dash had to admit he had a point, there was no reason they couldn’t eat here at least before leaving. “Yeah, that’s not a bad idea. I think we kind of all need that anyways.”

“I’ll get lunch ready then,” Ballast said as he stood up and started walking away from the table. He paused and looked back over his shoulder at them. “That uh, that pirate isn’t going to be causing any trouble for us though, is he?”

“He shouldn’t be able to at this point,” Daylight said, but immediately glanced over at Rainbow Dash. “However, I get the feeling he somehow will.”

“Yeah. But I’ll take care of him if he does. You don’t need to worry about anything, Ballast,” Rainbow said.

The shipwright nodded. “I’ll take your word for it. Considering how you all seem to come out on top anyways there can’t be too much to worry about.

“Heh,” Rainbow Dash smirked. “You’ve got that right.”

“Well let’s not waste anymore time with talk and worrying about maybes—I really want to show off The Breakwater too. Let me get that lunch started,” Ballast said.

A creamy mushroom soup, dumplings, rolls, and artichoke. You almost couldn’t ask for a healthier or heartier meal. It was the perfect thing for them all to have before they left on what would probably be their final real adventure together. After all, Rainbow Dash did plan on leaving once Senax had gotten her home back and Godfrey was no longer a problem. It wasn’t something she had talked about with them in a long time—pretty much since starting this big trip—but they all knew they wouldn’t be together forever. She still had her trip around the world to finish, and Gilbert and Daylight likely had some things they wanted to do as well. Once their mission to aid their friend was finished… there just wasn’t a reason for them all to stay together in the Grand Ocean.

Rainbow Dash had been here for a really long time, she had spent more time and done more with Daylight, Gilbert, Breakwater, and Senax than any other group of friends she had made since starting her journey. It was going to hurt when she said goodbye. She was avoiding thinking about that but it was the truth. Now that they were getting ready to go to Merlantis the reality of that was impossible to ignore. That big goodbye was coming sooner rather than later.

“Something wrong, Rainbow Dash?” Senax asked her.

Maybe it had been showing on her face. Rainbow blinked and quickly shook her head at her friend, offering a smile. “Naw, nothing wrong. Was thinking about something but it’s not a big deal. Just looking forward to getting out there and finally finding your home.”

“I hope it’s… well, I know I shouldn’t get my hopes up too high. It’s been ages since anyone has been down there. Who knows what it’s actually like,” Senax said. “My visions from the Necklace’s power could be showing me what it used to look like.”

“Come on, don’t be like that, this place is some super special magical underwater city. It’s gotta be amazing,” Rainbow Dash playfully punched her shoulder.

A smirk tugged up Senax’s lips. “I suppose you’re right about that.”

“After finishing your lunch you should really just get back on the Heart of Azure and go to sleep. Take a nap and by the time you wake up we’ll already be out on the ocean,” Rainbow said.

“You deserve it,” Gilbert said.

“We still have some last minute things to do before we’re ready to go anyways, plenty of time to have a nap,” Breakwater said.

“Better give the Heart of Azure a once-over again since she’ll be towing a heavy load,” Ballast thought.

Daylight slurped down some mushroom soup and raised an eyebrow at the group. “I guess having a casual conversation is out the window since we’re already making plans for our departure? I thought I’d be the one to first bring that up and get us back on schedule.”

“Guess none of us can keep our minds off it for long,” Rainbow Dash shrugged.

Now that Rainbow thought about it, this was the last time she was going to be at Malkonrik or the rest of the Hundred Kingdoms too. She didn’t exactly have the fondest of memories of this place but it was still a pretty big deal. There was a lot she was leaving behind. And judging by what she knew of the rest of the world past the ocean and between Equestria she probably wasn’t ever going to be somewhere like this again. There wasn’t much civilization out there.

She glanced over at the Heart of Azure, and then up at The Breakwater. Things were coming to a head here, that much was for certain. But they weren’t finished yet. Whatever else they had to deal with and overcome on this adventure—she’d make sure she was protecting her friends the whole way.

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