• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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On the Way to the Smoking Island

Rainbow Dash touched down on the Heart of Azure’s deck while huge waves and winds tossed it over the ocean, the others all fighting for dear life to keep the vessel from being overturned.

“Well I’ve got some good news—Godfrey won’t be bothering us for the next day or two at least,” Rainbow said. She coughed. “And uh, got some bad news but I think we’ve got other stuff to worry about right now...”

“You are correct!” Breakwater said as water cascaded over the side of the boat and drenched him and Senax at the wheel.

Rainbow frowned. “How much further before we’re out of the Strip of Storms?”

“Should only be a few miles at most if we can make it!” Breakwater answered.

“Tch,” Rainbow Dash grit her teeth. The hurricane weather around them wasn’t letting up in the slightest. Gilbert was helping to manage the sail while Daylight, despite her lack of telekinetic prowess, was trying to keep the ship steady. “I’ll do what I can!”

She flew back up above the mast of the ship. She could use that recently oh so useful pegasus magic of hers to help weaken the storm around them and make sailing just a little bit easier. It might not do a whole lot with how powerful the Strip of Storms was, but it might be just enough for them to survive. Lightning struck off the port bow and a blast of howling wind came from a waterspout that was moving close to them. Rainbow Dash could deal with that waterspout, she had proof after what she did from before. If she could just send them away from their ship and help the winds and waves to die down a little…

Ahead to the east, a series of large waves was approaching them. Rainbow Dash frowned—they might have been the largest waves she had ever seen. The guardians of the exit to the Strip of Storms.

“Never thought this would be easy,” Rainbow said and took a deep breath, flying to the waterspouts for now.

Tomorrow was a lot of things. It was something that only yesterday seemed so impossible and far away. Yet now it was only something happy, wonderful, and relaxing. It was a difference so great from yesterday, stormy darkness that seemed like it would be the doom of them had transformed into a beautiful blue sky and calm waters. The sun was out overhead—shining down on them and filling their bodies with warmth.

They needed it. They needed it with how exhausted and worn out they were. The sail wasn’t even down right now, no one was at the helm, they were just drifting east while all of them lied down at various spots on deck. Resting, too tired to move just yet.

But alive. Despite everything the Strip of Storms and Godfrey had thrown at them they had managed to survive and were now one step closer to their destination of the Smoking Island. The only problem was it would take some time for them to recuperate and actually get on course to it. It might take them an extra day with how they were right now.

To the west now, the Strip of Storms was retreating in the distance. The dark clouds and violent waters created from the unusually fierce weather were nothing but a memory of yesterday now. Lightning and thunder still raged, huge waves crashed and rolled about, but it was contained to the Strip. They were safe from it.

Rainbow Dash rolled onto her back and looked up through half-lidded eyes at the blue sky. Her mane and tail were a mess, her feathers were ruffled, her coat was wet and ragged despite them being out of the storm for hours now. She was probably still not in any worse condition than the others. She wanted to nap so badly, to turn over and go to sleep with the comfort of the sun on her. But unfortunately she and the others knew they couldn’t waste all these hours of daylight and good weather. They’d all have to get up soon even though they didn’t want to.

“Okay… so who wants to get up first? Any takers?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Not me, I’m pretending to be asleep,” Daylight said.

“I’m afraid I truly don’t have the energy right now…” Gilbert said.

“I’m dead,” Senax said.

“And I threw out my back,” Breakwater said.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and sat up. “Oh fine… I’ll get things started. Kind of deserve it after uh… I’ll tell you guys later.”

She got up and first walked over to the bow of the ship to make sure they were both going straight and not listing, and also that they were heading straight east still. All good on that front. Next up she walked into the hold, each step sending a dull and tired pain into her, in the search of some water and food for everyone else. As soon as they were hydrated and had a little food in their stomachs, things could get back into working order around here. Rainbow Dash looked around the various barrels, boxes, and bags of food they still had down here, trying to figure what was the best thing to grab on short notice.

Instead her eyes ended up zeroing in on Gilbert’s journal that had fallen to the floor.

Rainbow Dash sighed and went over to pick it up, then scouring the inside of the hold for the pencil they had been writing in it with. As soon as she found it she flipped the journal open to the latest page it had been written on and jotted down a quick entry:

I’m dumb.


“Okay, now I can get some food,” Rainbow Dash shook her head and opened up a bag containing mangoes. Seemed like a refreshing enough fruit for everyone. Some quick energy from a fruit instead of something like bread or hard biscuits would probably be the best thing for everyone right now. Tastier too.

It was a pain to balance it all on her head and back, but she emerged from the hold with some cups of water and mangoes for herself and everyone else. Breakwater was her first visit, followed by the others. They were all exceedingly grateful to have her bite the bullet and be the one doing the nursing job. It was still a slow awakening and mustering for everybody though. They went from lying down, to sitting up and blinking, slowly sipping on water and taking small bites of mango.

“Let’s not do that again,” Daylight said.

“Agreed… even though it was my idea. Agreed,” Breakwater nodded.

Rainbow Dash looked to the east again. “How much longer before we get to the Smoking Island?”

“Not long, it’s pretty close to the Strip of Storms,” Breakwater said.

“Okay, cause uh, we should probably get there as quickly as possible,” Rainbow Dash bit her lip and awkwardly rubbed the back of her head.

“Why?” Breakwater raised an eyebrow at her. “You told us Godfrey’s main sail snapped in two—and he and The Scourge might not have even survived the Strip.”

“Yeah but—in case he did. He’s going to be coming to the Smoking Island too. Cause… I kind of sort of let slip that that’s where we’re going.”

“You what?” Daylight flatly looked at her.

“He tricked me,” Rainbow Dash blushed and shrugged her shoulders.

“Oh dear...” Senax shook her head.

Gilbert however found it quite humorous. He smiled and pumped his fist. “Ha-ha! I’m not the only one onboard who does stupid things!”

“Ugh,” Rainbow Dash dragged a hoof down on her face. “I know I screwed up, but the past is the past. We need to wake up and get to that island and get off it before Godfrey can reach us. Call me paranoid, but I doubt he’s gone for good.”

“Admittedly I think you’re probably right...” Daylight said.

“Even if The Scourge was smashed by the waves, Godfrey would continue to fly after us on his own,” Gilbert nodded.

Breakwater grunted and stood up, walking to the helm. “Well alright then. As sore and tired as we all are, it sounds like we can’t just sit around. Let’s get to the Smoking Island as fast as possible. Rainbow Dash? If you could unfurl the sail.”

“On it,” Rainbow Dash saluted and flew up the mast to do so.

Despite how weak and exhausted everybody still was, they kicked into second gear so they could get on the way to finishing their business and potentially escaping from Godfrey before he could cause any further problems for them. They needed to get to the island fast so they could find the treasure fast and get out of there. Which made Rainbow Dash think that she still didn’t know much about the island they were heading to other than it had an active volcano on it. And there was a rumored treasure there as well.

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat after she was done with the mast and dropped down next to Breakwater and Senax at the helm. “So uh… this Smoking Island? Aside from the big volcano on it, what else does it have going on?”

“Actually nowadays there’s really not much to say about it,” Breakwater said.


“Apparently it used to be the home of some ancient civilization—that’s the source of the treasure rumor, it’s apparently in their old temple. But that was a long time ago. Today, despite the fact that the volcano is still active and smoking, there are a few inhabitants at a couple of ports. They cater to tourists and archaeologists, geologists too. But for most there’s no reason to really go to an island like this. Others have tried to find treasure from it, and they’ve either come up empty or didn’t come back at all.”

“So we’re also going to be doing something most would call stupid again?”


“Well… not like that’s new for me,” Rainbow shrugged.

“That doesn’t even include the fact that we’re already going to an island with an active volcano on it in the first place,” Daylight called out from the deck, shaking her head.

“The island itself is decently big too,” Breakwater continued. “It has much more land than the Three Spears, and it’s covered mostly in jungle with the volcano and some other mountains in the middle of it. The ancient temple that we’re going to be looking into has its entrance located up on the slopes of those mountains, I think. And of course they’re part of the volcano system even if they’re not the ones with the smoking top and lava pools down in them, so they’re going to be dangerous to travel into.”

“But this ancient civilization or whatever still built their temple there?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow.

Breakwater only had a shrug to give her. “Maybe they worshiped the volcano, who knows?”

“Doesn’t make it easy for us,” Senax said.

“At least we don’t have to wander around the jungle looking around for some hidden temple. That wouldn’t be fun, and we don’t have the time for it,” Daylight said.

“True enough,” Rainbow said.

“I think it would be a delight to explore the Smoking Island’s jungle,” Gilbert said as he came up to join them. “Imagine what unknown mysteries it has for an island with such history! Who knows what we could find? If it really is the home of some ancient, long gone, civilization, there might be abandoned villages and other things to find.”

“Well, Gilbert, when we’re not in a huge hurry, we can come back here as part of an archaeological dig,” Daylight said.

“Splendid!” Gilbert smiled.

Daylight just rolled her eyes.

“In any case—we’ll at least be able to get some food and water from the few locals that live there, like the Sea Lion Reefs. So we should be okay. The Heart of Azure doesn’t need any big repairs either but… should probably go back to Malkonrik and bring her in to Ballast’s soon,” Breakwater said.

Senax nodded. “We don’t have any other leads to go on right now after the Smoking Island anyways. Going back to port, somewhere safe, to fix things up and decide our next course of action is probably for the best.”

“But what if you actually find the Necklace or Trident here?” Rainbow asked her.

“Well at most it should only be the necklace, remember?” Senax said. “The prevailing rumor is that the Trident is on the ocean floor, at Merlantis, and the Necklace when found will show the way to it. I still don’t know if that’s actually true but it’s some of the oldest rumors we’ve heard out here. So the treasure we’re looking for right at the moment is really just the Necklace.” She sighed. “Not that we’ve had any such luck finding it anyways. I just… I wish I knew more about my own home and the heirlooms of my people.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it,” Rainbow reached over and patted her on the back. “From what you told me it’s not like it’s your fault that you’re in this situation and don’t know much. It’s been a loooong time.”

“But still… I would hope I could drag us on a few less wild goose chases,” Senax said.

“Can’t speak for everybody else but I at least enjoy a good wild goose chase. Those can be plenty fun too,” Rainbow winked at her.

“Heh,” Senax smiled. “You’re good at lifting the mood of other ponies.”

“Just how I roll,” Rainbow Dash grinned and shrugged.

Anyways—how much longer until we get to the Smoking Island now that we’re going at full speed,” Daylight asked Breakwater.

“Less than a day. In fact I bet you’ll be able to see the smoke and the top of the volcano relatively soon,” Breakwater answered.

“If that’s the case then I’m going to go into the hold and write a new entry in my journal before we get there,” Gilbert said and began to stride away.

Rainbow Dash looked up at the crow’s nest. “I’ll be up there, like normal… I’ll uh, also be checking behind us in case I see any unwelcome followers.”

“Hopefully you don’t see any,” Breakwater said.

Rainbow Dash nodded and zoomed up to her usual perch. It felt good to plop down inside it, almost like it had become a second home to her after all the days on the ocean. She briefly looked to the west, once again seeing the slowly vanishing darkness of the Strip of Storms—but no ship on their tail. She took a big stretch and decided to keep her eyes on the east for now, she wanted to see that volcanic island soon.

Dear Journal.

My brother continues to be quite the menace, but we were fortuitous enough to escape him once more! I have to give most of the credit to Rainbow Dash, but everyone did a magnificent job to keep us safe in the Strip of Storms. Now we venture to the Smoking Island, our second and last destination that has the possibility of treasure on this current trip.

Since my last large entry quite a few things have happened and we’ve traveled far over the waters of the Grand Ocean. I am quite exhausted at the moment. Normally I would spend more time writing about the incident at the Sea Lion Reefs and what else we did there, as well as what happened with Godfrey, but I believe I will leave that for another day. Perhaps when we return to Malkonrik.

For now I only wish to write down how lucky I feel we all are. And how blessed I am to have such friends.

I wish good luck for Senax, that we finally find Ponyseidon’s Necklace now.

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