• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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The Gate of Winter

The magical power Raalzeron had imbued Rainbow Dash’s body with was still working as he said it should. The freezing cold of the north felt like nothing to her now even as she flew through it. It wasn’t just some simple painkiller or something that dulled her senses either, her wings and the rest of her body were completely absent of frost or icicles. It felt really good.

“I missed out on so much flying,” Rainbow Dash said as she twirled through the air, doing flips, corkscrews, and loops just to make sure she was at her peak again. A deep breath and she pushed her wings even harder than normal—shooting like a lightning bolt to the south.

“Aw yeah!” She yelled as the snowy ground whizzed by below her.

Soon she’d be in those far off mists and beyond that, hopefully the wall. Rainbow Dash had had enough adventures in winter wonderlands to last her a lifetime, she wanted to see things like deserts, oceans, massive jungles, cloud cities, and have awesome adventures there too. Whatever the world beyond the gate held for her she knew at the least it would be brimming with variety and new things she had never seen or experienced before. Again, she was so darn happy to have started this journey in the first place. Her destination may have been Equestria, her true goal to become the first pony to fly all the way around the world, but it was the journey and everything she would see and do on the way that was the truly fun and exciting part. The part that made it all worth it to begin with.

Rainbow Dash flapped her wings as the valley of snow started to peter off and turn into the columns of mist that rose high enough to touch the clouds. Like a dart she shot into them, feeling nothing more than a slight chilliness in the air. Though she was flying blind now she had no worries about mountains or storms or anything else. A sense of euphoria and victory was already running through her entire body. With the help of a new friend she had already conquered this frozen part of the world, the only thing left was to leave it.

Snowflakes were falling all through the fog, some of them landing on and trying to cling to her body, only to slowly melt away. Rainbow Dash saw the shadows of mountains inside the wintry mists, lazily gliding to the side to avoid any she was flying smack dab into. There was no more pressure on her, no rush, no fear. Just a pony flying. It was almost relaxing now.

The only downside was that it had slowly but surely gotten darker the more she had flown through the mists. Raalzeron was right that he had dropped her off shortly before nightfall, it was probably evening now.

“No rush, huh?” Rainbow Dash frowned to herself, she would have to stop and sleep for the night before reaching the wall and the Gate of Winter tomorrow.

Her eyes scanned through the mists, using the last bits of light Rainbow Dash had to find a mountaintop to rest on. Raalzeron’s magic still kept her warm even as it grew darker so she figured she’d be fine if she fell asleep too. In the twilight hours her eagle eyes did see a relatively flat mountaintop ahead and a bit below her. Seemed the perfect place to her.

Rainbow Dash descended to the mountain in search of a bed.

And tomorrow she’d be out of here.

A massive and unnatural wall of rock that was far larger than any other sort of building or construction in the world stretched across the entire horizon. One could not see how far it went for the simple fact that it did not truly end at all. It reached up into the clouds, seeming to stretch into the atmosphere itself, with the top completely obscured. At one point in the wall, the exact middle of it, was a hole that looked lit had been gouged out by some sort of gargantuan excavator. It gradually got smaller and smaller the deeper into the wall it went before ending in a shadowed speck. Before the wall lied a great sea of perpetually frozen ice that went hundreds of feet deep before hitting solid bedrock. And before that was snowy hills that led into rocky ice-capped mountains at the edge of a long field of mist.

It was early morning now and a rainbow missile shot out of that mist towards the wall.

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash yelled as the wall finally came into sight. Like she expected it was very similar to the wall at the north pole and the one just north of Yakyakistan. With the key difference being that hole that Raalzeron described. Allegedly there was a door leading to the world beyond inside it.

Rainbow Dash grinned as she looked on at it. “Goodbye frozen True North, hello… whatever is in the north on the other side.”

She rocketed towards the wall, aiming low towards the ground. As she came in she still felt just as warm as before, so Raalzeron’s assumption was proven correct again. Good on him. As Rainbow Dash reached the edge of the wall she dropped to the icy ground right in front of it and landed on her hooves. She whistled as she looked up at the big hole she was now in the middle of and then peered down into the depths of the wall.

Darkness. If there was a door at the end of it she couldn’t see it.

Rainbow Dash started walking anyways since there was nowhere else she could go. It wasn’t great how she was going to have to somehow open that door (that might be locked) in total darkness but oh well. Raalzeron said it was a pretty big door too, yeesh.

Her hooves walked across the ice until the ground suddenly became rock as she entered below the hood of the wall and truly moved into the tunnel leading to the Gate of Winter. Soon the meager light from the sky disappeared and Rainbow Dash was surrounded by shadows, walking and walking while the tunnel tightened around her. She was careful that she didn’t accidentally walk into anything, going slowly enough to feel her way around. Hitting that door face first would be pretty painful.

She walked like that for a couple more minutes before she looked behind her and saw the white world barely more than a blur in the distance. She couldn’t remember how wide the wall she had gone through to make it to the True North in the first place was, but Rainbow Dash doubted she had much further to go. The anticipation was killing her and she desperately wanted to fly forward at full speed but she just couldn’t yet.

This hole in the wall kept growing smaller around her but it kept going forwards too. More than traveling through the tornado that surrounded Nogt, this felt like Rainbow Dash was really going into a new world entirely.

Until a light appeared before her eyes.

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash squinted to make sure she wasn’t seeing things.

And it seemed her eyes really weren’t playing tricks on her. A light that hadn’t been there just seconds previously was now glowing at the end of the tunnel. Rainbow Dash flapped her wings and took to the air, quickly flying down towards the light. As she got closer it grew more defined, lines of blue-white light went up and down the wall at the end of the tunnel, criss-crossing in elaborate patterns and forming an arch at the top while a glowing snowflake was formed in the very center.

Fancy as it was, Rainbow Dash could still tell from the outline that it was a door.

“The Gate of Winter...” she breathed as she came to a stop before it.

It was easily several times her height and there was no knob or handle on it and any seams that might have existed were totally invisible. Rainbow Dash was undaunted though, she furrowed her brow and stepped forward, placing one hoof on the door to the right of the snowflake. As she did so her body suddenly became freezing cold as if Raalzeron’s magic left her completely and she had been doused in ice water. Rainbow Dash let out a frigid breath and shivered, withdrawing her hoof.

That did nothing though. Cold winds came from the True North behind her and blew through the tunnel and around the door. At once it felt as if a blizzard had erupted all around her.

Rainbow Dash grit her teeth and slammed her body into the door, pushing against it with all her might.

With an eons old creak the door began to open up down the middle so Rainbow Dash pushed and pushed harder to try and get it open far enough for her to get out. The cold barreled down on her as well and Rainbow Dash could feel the wind trying to escape the same way she was. Frost formed along her body, her wings started to freeze over once more, and cold was stabbing into her heart and soul.

“Noooo… way!” Rainbow Dash yelled and flung open the doors, stumbling out onto the ground beyond.

Behind her the ancient door closed shut and with it the freezing winter wind trying to escape disappeared. Rainbow Dash took but a second to realize that she was no longer cold and the ice covering her body had melted away. For practically the first time since she had started this journey, she was someplace outside where she wasn’t cold and it wasn’t because of any magical power or strange phenomena. It was just… how the weather was now.

She lifted her head up and looked forward. Her ruby eyes saw more rocky mountains in front of her but they were ones not capped by snow or covered in frost and no cold winds blew between their valleys. The sun was out above the mountains, creating an arid warmth in the range through a sky unmarred by any clouds. It was a whole new world in front of her full of the unknown and the exciting.

Rainbow Dash grinned in confident anticipation and took to the air, beginning her flight south.

Pink hooves walked through the snow on the trail of Rainbow Dash.

Author's Note:

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