• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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A Second Rumor

“Wow, is that really how it went at the Wandering Island? That’s uh, that’s really a shame,” Ballast said after Breakwater and them regaled him about their recent trip.

“Unfortunately yes but we’re all ready to put it behind us,” Breakwater said.

“Very ready,” Senax agreed.

“I guess you’re going to be staying here at Malkonrik for a little while longer then?” Ballast asked.

“Until we get a new lead to go on. At least there are always ships going in and out of the port,” Breakwater said.

“Well like always you can stay here as long as you need too. Ship doesn’t have as many dings to fix up by the look of it either this time,” Ballast said.

Breakwater nodded. “Thanks, friend.”

After a hasty retreat from Evergarden (which they did not tell Ballast about) they had finally made it back to Malkonrik’s port. Back to the start. Technically not exactly where Rainbow Dash wanted to be but there was nothing they could do about that right now. She still really wanted to get back out onto the ocean and continue the search for Ponyseidon’s treasures and Merlantis. For now though it was looking like they’d be docked here for at least another full day. Just to wind down if anything else.

Restlessness was already eating away at Rainbow Dash though and she was thinking of heading out of Ballast’s shop already to look for… anything really.

She blew a breath of bored air out her nose and looked at the others. “You guys want to get a bite to eat here real quick and head up and down the port again?”

“Like the last time we were here? Just hoping to hear any rumors about what we’re looking for?” Daylight asked.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I mean yeah, what else is there to do? If you guys don’t want to then I’m definitely going out on my own anyways. I can’t stay bottled up in here all day. Even if we don’t go searching for rumors I want to get out and do something at least. We could visit a candy shop right now for all I care.”

“I think Rainbow Dash is right. We had enough time to rest while on the way back here, I think it would be better for us all if we just stretched our legs and got right back out there,” Gilbert said. “I’m also feeling a bit restless after all.”

Daylight Gleam thought for a moment. “Well it’s not like there’s any reason not to. And it’s still the middle of the day. I was thinking we would just be relaxing today but I guess I forgot how much energy the two of you have.” She looked over at Senax. “I’m assuming you’re more than fine with this too?”

“After the specific way our last lead went, yes. Yes I am,” Senax nodded.

“Okay,” Daylight shrugged. “Snack here and we can search the docks for the rest of the day. There’s probably been some news in since we’ve been gone.”

“Always is. With all the ships coming from everywhere else on the ocean there’s always something new floating around. We’ve just got to put in the work to find what we’re looking for,” Breakwater said.

“And with how many ships there are coming through the port again...” Daylight trailed off.

“It could be another case of finding a needle in a haystack,” Breakwater finished.

Rainbow Dash just shrugged and grinned, flapping her wings to rise above the others. “Meh, so what? That’s nothing to get down about. We’ve got to put more work into it, well the harder you have to work for it the more awesome it is when you succeed! It’ll just be one more thing to be proud about and add to the tale when it’s over and we’re down there in Merlantis.”

“Well your optimism is always refreshing,” Daylight smirked.

“Someone here needs to be optimistic. Besides just Gilbert.”

“Yes,” Gilbert nodded.

“I think before we go out there though-” Senax said. “That we should take heed whenever a rumor about the Trident comes up. I think anything pertaining to it isn’t going to be true, it should still be down in Merlantis and if it wasn’t the powers that it held would make sure everyone knew about it. Since there hasn’t been a huge fuss over a pony with a magical trident that can control the waters of the ocean—I think we can safely say it hasn’t been found.”

“So let’s only take rumors about the Necklace into consideration?” Rainbow asked.

“Yes, I think that’s what we should do,” Senax confirmed.

“Well before you leave let me cook something up for you,” Ballast said. “You wanted to go out there on full stomachs didn’t you? Not like I have as much work to do this time.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow grinned. “Let’s have some food first.”

Like the day before Rainbow Dash had originally set out on the Heart of Azure, the six of them gathered around Ballast’s table and had a hearty meal before getting down to business. A big bowl of mushroom soup along with some rolls of bread were passed around, everybody taking as much as they wanted. Compared to the last few days, conversation was positive and happy as the mood had picked up considerably. There really was no sense in staying down and depressed—something Rainbow Dash firmly believed in that seemingly rubbed off on everyone else.

They didn’t let themselves get distracted with eating for too long. Just enough to talk a little more with Ballast and make sure they wouldn’t be hungry for the rest of the day. Then they were already heading out the door.

“Try not to get robbed before we come back!” Rainbow said to Ballast as she flew out of the building.

“I won’t. At least I really hope I won’t,” Ballast sighed and closed the door behind them.

“Sadly we are unlucky enough where I think that could happen,” Daylight muttered.

Rainbow Dash flapped her gums at her. “Come on, just a joke. Let’s get to the street and check things out already.”

With Rainbow Dash flapping along, the others followed her on their hooves (and talons) and started walking up to the main street of the port. West was definitely the busier direction and the direction that promised more information. They were still on the docks though, barely out of Ballast’s shop, when a voice spoke to them from behind.

“You are the merpony searching for Merlantis and the treasures of your great leader, Ponyseidon.”

The group paused and turned around, seeing a lone cloaked figure standing there.

“You are, are you not?” He questioned, clearly looking dead on at Senax even though his face wasn’t visible.

Senax seemed at a loss and the others shot each other a few suspicious glances while Rainbow Dash flew down and landed in front of her merpony friend. Protectively placing a hoof in front of Senax, Rainbow Dash stepped forward and narrowed her eyes at the newcomer.

“Who’s asking?”

The cloaked figure lifted up his hooves and pulled back the hood of his cloak, revealing a brown pony with a black mane done in dreadlocks and entwined with numerous little shells. “I am Fair Drift, humble servant of the High Priestess of the Sarraroccon Order.”

“The Sarraroccon Order… and the High Priestess?” Breakwater mumbled in surprise.

“Yes,” Fair Drift nodded. “I have been asked to speak with the merpony searching for the legacy of her people. We have heard rumors of her for some time now but the High Priestess did not want to make contact until she was certain of your benevolence. That has finally been assured after a long period of observation.”

“Obser—you’ve been spying on us?” Daylight frowned.

“Watching. Learning. Many servants of the Order have obeyed this request of the High Priestess.”

“Okay but why have you been observing her? Why’d you need to know if she’s a good pony or not?” Rainbow asked.

“The High Priestess wishes to meet with and speak to the merpony.”


“I do not know the greater reason behind the High Priestess’s orders. Nor would it be my place to tell you,” Fair Drift shook his head.

“So basically even if you did know you wouldn’t tell us?” Daylight scoffed.


Rainbow Dash frowned along with Daylight. “How can we trust you or this Priestess then?”

“The one you travel with should be able to vouch for our Order’s own benevolence,” Fair Drift said as he glanced over to Breakwater.

The Captain bit his lip but he did nod after a little hesitation. “Yeah, it’s true, I’ve never really heard anything bad about the Sarraroccons. They just like to keep to themselves on their archipelago.”

“Your High Priestess… she must think it’s special that I’m a merpony? And she also knows about Merlantis and Ponyseidon?” Senax asked, leaning in.

“The stories of Merlantis, Ponyseidon, and his treasures are passed done through the Order. We know well of the tales. However—I again cannot speak as to what the High Priestess thinks or her full reasons behind this. I only can tell you that she wishes to meet,” Fair Drift said.

“Then… do we perhaps take that invitation?” Gilbert asked the group.

“I dunno… this is really suspicious,” Rainbow said. “Like, why couldn’t they approach us in a more normal way? Or why couldn’t the Priestess pony or whatever come speak to Senax herself?”

“Not to mention they’ve been spying on us,” Daylight added.

“The Sarraroccon Order holds no ill-will towards you. This I am certain of,” Fair Drift said. “Our High Priestess only has the best interests of her ponies in mind.”

Senax shared a look with everyone. Seeing some uncertain faces but thinking about the recent failures as well. Gilbert looked optimistic, Daylight looked pessimistic, Rainbow Dash looked curious, and Breakwater was just evenly looking back at her. Finally Senax took a deep breath and exhaled. “We… we don’t have any other leads or anything to go on, do we? Regardless of why this High Priestess wants to talk with us, we wouldn’t be doing anything else anyways. And it sounds like she might know things about Merlantis and the treasures of Ponyseidon.”

“So we’re going to the Sarrarocco Archipelago then,” Breakwater said.

“I—yes. Yes, I think we should,” Senax nodded.

“I still don’t see why she couldn’t come to us if she was so interested,” Rainbow Dash said.

“The High Priestess does not leave the Archipelago,” Fair Drift answered. “She is too important, regal, and busy. The Grand Ocean has many dangers—of which you all are plainly aware.”

“Well, yeah...” Rainbow had to admit he had a point.

“I guess all that there is to do now is for you to take us to her. If we’ve made our decision,” Daylight said.

Fair Drift though shook his head. “I am not returning to the Archipelago with you. I merely have been given instructions to tell you for when you travel there. The High Priestess was certain that you would accept her offer.”

Rainbow Dash frowned. “Okay, so what are these instructions? How are we going to contact her when we get there?”

“I must say this is sounding a little roundabout...” Gilbert muttered.

“I have been told that you are supposed to land at Blue Coral Island in the Archipelago. From there you will be contacted by another servant of the High Priestess. That is all,” Fair Drift said.

“Blue Coral Island, I know that name,” Breakwater said. “It’s one of the main hubs for visitors to the Sarrarocco Archipelago. One of its most populous spots.”

“I’m assuming you already have a map that will show us how to get there?” Daylight asked.

“Oh yeah. And a couple maps of the whole Archipelago,” Breakwater answered.

“So is that it then?” Rainbow Dash looked at Fair Drift. “You don’t have anything else to tell us?”

“I do not,” he shook his head.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Then I guess we’re going to the Something Archipelago unless Senax has any last minute reservations.”

“No. I think this is what we might have been waiting for. I just have that feeling,” Senax said.

Rainbow grinned. “Then that’s good enough for me. Ballast is going to be surprised to see us come right back in but there’s no sense in putting it off is there? Let’s get on out there! Let’s do some sailing!”

Before anyone else replied she flew off back towards Ballast’s shop. Gilbert smirked and shrugged at the others and followed right after her, leaving Breakwater, Daylight and Senax with Fair Drift.

“Thank you for telling us about this,” Senax said to him.

“I only did what was asked of me as a servant to the High Priestess,” Fair Drift stonily replied.

“Well we’ll thank her in person then,” Daylight said and started walking away, ushering the others to come with her. Breakwater tipped his head to the Sarraroccon while Senax gave him a small smile as they walked past.

Fair Drift watched them go. “She will enjoy meeting you all.”

Fair Drift watched the door to Ballast’s shop close and he finally moved from his spot, walking away and down the wooden dock while pulling a conch from his robes. He put it up to his ear as he walked, hearing the familiar and calming sound of the ocean emerging from inside it.

“They are on their way, Priestess.”

The surf washing up on the beach.

“No, Priestess, the merpony gave no indication that she knew of the Order’s relationship to her people and Ponyseidon.”

A cry of a seagull.

“They are not being watched by any others anymore. The pirate is elsewhere. The one called Old Diver is unaware as well.”

Fair Drift stopped at the edge of the dock, standing right before the deep dark blue water of the harbor.

“Yes, Priestess, I understand.”

He put the conch back into his robe and, unseen by any others, dove into the water.

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