• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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Sarrarocco Stories III

“I don’t exactly think this is a very formal or important shrine to the Sarraroccon Order,” Gilbert said as they stood atop the stone stairs they had used to walk up here.

“It looks more like a theme park of a shrine than something they maintain seriously...” Daylight Gleam said.

The shrine, both the building and the grounds outside it at the top of the stairs, was covered in tourists “oohing” and “ahhing” at everything they saw. The group had to admit it was a pretty place, different looking and interesting compared to the rest of Blue Coral Island, but that’s not why they had come here. It did look like there were plenty of ponies from the Sarraroccon Order here managing things though. There were mares dressed up in red and white robes that covered their entire bodies aside from their heads and stallions dressed in similar blue robes with golden chains around their necks.

Not like those black-wearing servants, but they were still the ones in charge here. They were guiding ponies around the shrine, or speaking to the tourists to teach them about it, and the mares were giving out little scrolls of paper to the children here, telling them they were good luck charms. It was a good look for the Order—quite friendly and innocent.

Breakwater scratched his head. “Will any of them be offended if we start asking about the High Priestess and what they think of her?”

“We don’t need to prod—just asking what they know about her and those black-robed messengers is a good enough start,” Daylight said.

“You know I’m wondering if all of these ponies are actually in the Order and not just, well, actors or helping hooves,” Gilbert said. “This is a very casual shrine.”

“Let’s just go speak to someone already,” Senax said. “That’s what we’re here for.”

The merpony started walking towards the nearest mare working at the shrine, as she swept the stone walkway with a broom, and the others could only shrug and follow her. Senax didn’t take into consideration that it might be rude to interrupt a busy mare—her curiosity and impatience were both eating at her. Probably an aspect of her personality that may have been exacerbated by repeated exposure to Rainbow Dash. As soon as she got within hoof-reach of the mare she stopped and cleared her throat.

“Excuse me?” Senax asked the young mare.

The mare’s head poked up, showing off impressively deep emerald eyes on a faint orange face. As soon as she realized she was indeed being spoken to, a wide smile appeared on that same face. “Hello, how are you? My name’s Citrus Smile, do you need anything?”

Citrus Smile’s overly friendly attitude and demeanor threw Senax off and she stumbled over her next few words. “Er, well, um...”

“Do you have a question about the shrine?” Citrus kept the polite smile on her face as she tilted her head.

“More about the Order in general,” Daylight said as she walked up beside Senax, covering for the merpony.

“Well I’m always happy to answer any questions about the Order,” Citrus Smile… smiled. “What would you like to know? I’m assuming you must be visiting the Archipelago for the first time.”

“Mostly,” Daylight nodded. “Anyways… to be as straightforward as possible we’d like to ask you about the High Priestess of the Sarraroccon Order.”

Citrus’ Smile’s eyes widened slightly. “That’s a surprise. Most ponies visiting this shrine don’t ask anything about her.”

“And why is that, exactly?” Breakwater asked.

“Our High Priestess isn’t a secret or anything, but she stays on Pink Salt Island, an island that only the highest ranking ponies in the Order can go to and from. It’s not even on your typical map. Most ponies living here or visiting will never even hear her mentioned—her affairs have nothing to do with the usual day to day runnings of the Sarrarocco Archipelago. She and the others of high rank focus their utmost attention on the spiritual and divine. Guiding the Order in a different way from simple politics and money,” Citrus Smile explained.

“Those spiritual and divine matters she attends to to guide the Order? What exactly does that entail?” A curious Daylight asked.

Citrus Smile shook her head. “I couldn’t even begin to say. My station is far too low to know what concerns the High Priestess or what specifically goes on on Pink Salt Island.”

“Well that’s still helpful I suppose,” Daylight said.

“What is your position, anyways?” Senax asked.

“I am a shrine maiden in training!” Citrus Smile proudly stated. “Is there anything else you would like to know? Would you like some good luck charms?”

“Uh, no thanks,” Breakwater shook his head.

“So just to make clear-” Daylight said. “If I wanted to ask whoever was in charge of this shrine if we could visit or speak with the High Priestess…?”

For the first time, Citrus Smile lost her smile, but only for a moment as it was replaced by an awkward one. “I-I’m sorry but I really don’t think you would ever get permission to do something like that. There are so many ponies you’d have to go through just to get a message to Pink Salt Island in the first place. And she’s really not the type of pony who meets with outsiders, I’m sorry.”

“That’s fine, it’s okay. Didn’t exactly hope for much more,” Daylight sighed.

“May I ask why you’re so interested in the High Priestess? I’m sorry if it’s personal but I’m very curious,” Citrus Smile blushed. “She is my High Priestess who leads us all...”

The group shared a look before Senax shrugged.

“Truthfully, we’ve received a message from her. Sort of,” Senax said.

“Sort of?” Citrus Smile blinked. “Also I’m… very surprised to hear that she would contact you. Um, no offense! I didn’t mean it badly! It’s just unusual.”

“We’re still confused by it too. Technically we haven’t heard from the High Priestess, but her servants. Messengers who dress up in black robes?” Daylight explained.

“Oh, yes, did they also wear many shells woven into their manes? Those are her personal servants—her eyes, ears, and hooves to the outside world,” Citrus Smile said.

“Yep, sounds like them,” Daylight said.

Citrus Smile smiled again. “Well… I don’t think I should ask more. I am very curious but this all sounds like it’s too high up for my ears. In fact it’s probably for the best that I forget this conversation ever took place. I don’t want you to think I would be punished, but I just don’t see myself as worthy to know the business of the High Priestess.”

“You’ve been a very big help to us, and you’re a very kind pony, thank you.” Senax said to her, smiling back at the young shrine maiden.

“You’re welcome! If you have anything else you want to know about this shrine in particular, feel free to ask! And have a wonderful day!” Citrus Smile said.

Since it was clear they had gotten every bit of information they actually needed to or could here, the group decided instead to turn around and head back down the winding stairs to the ground below. They had learned some things, but the shrine hadn’t given them a real answer to what they should do here. It seemed they really couldn’t do anything but wait. Rainbow Dash really was right.

“She was very polite at least, wasn’t she?” Gilbert said. “I think it speaks well of the Order on the whole.”

“Mm, she was,” Daylight said plainly.

“Still thinking pessimistically?” Gilbert inquired.

No,” Daylight frowned. “Just thinking that she’s what you’d expect from a shrine like that.”

“I don’t know what to do now though...” Senax said, looking up at the sky and thinking.

“Maybe, well, maybe this is going to sound dumb but maybe we should split up for now?” Breakwater suggested. “Explore any part of Blue Coral Island we want. If we go together we’ll never cover the whole place, same with the rest of the Archipelago. Might as well all find something to do just like Rainbow Dash.”

“All of us having our own adventures, huh?” Daylight thought.

“I still don’t know if I want to leave this island,” Senax said.

“I’m sure there’s plenty to do here if you don’t want to. And if it’s just about the Horn of Listening then I’ll stay at the Saffron Inn whenever you want me to,” Breakwater said to her.

Senax smiled. “Alright, I suppose it’s all safe here.”

“Then if we’re actually doing this I think I will be the first to go off on their own,” Gilbert said as they reached the bottom of the stairs. “My own personal adventure? Haven’t had one in a while, sounds fun! I’ll ask around about the Order and learn whatever I can!”

“You remember not to fly over open water too, alright?” Daylight frowned.

“I shall!” Gilbert waved and sauntered off down one of the multiple streets leading away from the shrine.

Daylight sighed and shook her head as she left before looking towards the middle of the island. “I’m going to check out the marketplace more closely. I don’t plan on leaving the island yet so I’ll be back at the room tonight. See ya for now.” She nodded to Senax and Breakwater and started to walk away.

“Well...” Breakwater started and glanced over at Senax. “Do you want to at least stay together for today?”

She giggled and nodded. “Sure, that’s fine by me.”

Gilbert walked along the northeastern outskirts of the island, where most of the land was taken up by grass roads and a few lone houses, while further north he could see the beach. Every now and then he passed by either a local or a tourist walking the other way and gave them a friendly smile. He was going to be as optimistic as possible and make the best of the occasion. Explore the Archipelago to his leisure, he was taking that to heart.

Not that he was going to completely forget to ask around about the Order and try to learn what he could, but-

“Ooh, an outdoor theater!” Gilbert happily exclaimed as he looked into the park just a bit off the road. “That looks like fun.”

He quickly left the road and walked into the park, greeting the ponies already there.

Daylight Gleam walked down one of the many small and crowded streets of the central marketplace of Blue Corral Island. As she looked around at the buildings and other ponies she quickly came to realize that she was probably the only one with such an unhappy expression on her face. For a brief moment she stopped in front of the glass window of some random store and really looked at her reflection. The furrowed brow, the wrinkles on her face from frowning too much, the slightly narrowed eyes.

Is this what she usually looked like?

Her face morphed into a softer expression as that sobering thought came over her. The annoyed frown replaced by a sadder one.

“It’s not like I want to be like this all day… I just like to stay focused.”

Daylight sighed and turned away from the storefront, walking elsewhere. She was still on the lookout for things and places connected to the Sarraroccon Order. No time for introspection, despite what Rainbow Dash and the others might say about their time here.

She passed by a pink painted building with covered windows and instead of a door it had a curtain of beads on strings for an entrance. She raised an eyebrow at the unusual appearance and looked up at the sign above the door: Spice Bath & Massage~

Daylight snorted and continued walking on by. “Waste of time...”

A few seconds later she came walking back—the words of two of her fellow crewmates bouncing around inside her head.

“I do not hate fun,” Daylight scowled and walked into the establishment.

“How do you think Daylight and Gilbert are?” Senax asked Breakwater as the two sat at a table in the Saffron Inn’s restaurant. A good dinner was on the menu, the two of them waiting for their waiter to return.

“I’m sure they’re fine,” Breakwater shrugged. “Gilbert knows how to have fun in a place like this and Daylight isn’t the type to get in trouble. Rainbow Dash? Well, she’s capable.”

Senax smiled. “That’s certainly true.” She looked him imploringly in the eyes. “You’re not bored or disappointed that I just wanted to come back here for the night, are you?”

He shook his head. “Of course not. We’ve got time, the Archipelago isn’t going anywhere.”

“Thank you. I think tomorrow I’ll be feeling a little more… adventurous.”

Breakwater grinned. “Maybe adventurous enough to try sneaking to Pink Salt Island?”

“Not that much.”

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