• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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Is That Good Enough?

“I swear if any giant gorillas show up to slow us down just because we’ve happened to cross into their territory...” Rainbow Dash grumbled as she and the rest of her group made their way back through the jungle again.

“If only these chains weren’t around my wings so I could fly on my own while you and Gilbert carried the others,” Godfrey mockingly said to her.

“Don’t push it,” Rainbow glared at him.

“Um… at least the weather’s nice? It’s quite warm in the jungle,” Gilbert said, trying to spin something positive out of the lumbering trek.

They were making a much faster pace through it than before, practically turning the adventure through the jungle into a light jog. They didn’t know when Bosche was arriving but they had to get back to the mountain lizards and Princess Fairscale soon. The sooner they had the Necklace and could then deal with Bosche the better. Senax though, chiefly among them, was not looking forward to the fact that she was going to have to tell the Princess and the Keeper about the impending danger of the Boschese fleet. She was going to have to hope that they trusted and believed in her enough after settling things with the other lizards that they would still give the Necklace to her.

The whole purpose of their mission had been to make sure the lizards wouldn’t be in danger or suffer any pain when the Keeper gave away the Necklace and her magic protecting the island vanished. When she learned about what was coming to her doorstep…

Senax refused to let Bosche enslave these lizards. She’d make the Keeper believe in her. Somehow, someway, even if she had no real answer right now as long as she showed her spirit and determination that should be enough. It just relied on getting the Keeper to believe in friendship and her allies as much as Senax did. Rainbow would say it was about embracing the ways of friendship and harmony—and no one was more reliable or trustworthy than that pegasus.

If nothing else, Senax was sure Rainbow Dash could get the Princess and Keeper to believe in her.

“Come on, we don’t need to be grumbling about all this, let’s just hurry up as best we can and get back to the mountain lizards,” Daylight said as she pushed some vines away with her magic.

“I concur,” Breakwater said. “Shouldn’t really be far till we get back to the wall.”

“The wall, huh? Guess I’ll see what kind of life these mountain lizards and their Princess lives,” Rainbow Dash said.

It was the first time she and Godfrey had seen any of this. At first, the lizards manning the wall were shocked—in pure disbelief to see Senax and the others returning so quickly—but they opened up the gate and warmly greeted her all the same. The difference in how they were treated from side to side was quite jarring to say the least. Rainbow and Godfrey also both noticed how much nicer and well kept these lizards and their clothes were. Godfrey in particular was trying to take in as much information as he could, something Rainbow didn’t like but couldn’t do anything about.

One lizard then came running up to Senax in greeting and Rainbow Dash got herself introduced to Smooth Tongue.

“You’re back! Were you successful? Are these your friends?” Smooth Tongue asked of Senax as he looked past her at Rainbow and Godfrey.

Senax blanched. “This is my friend-” she pointed to Rainbow Dash. “The other one… we can talk about with the Princess.” A lighter expression then came to her face and she smiled. “But yes, we were successful. The other lizards will not quarrel with you any longer. This island will be at peace.”

“That is wonderful news! The Princess and everyone will be so happy to hear it! Please—you must all come back with me now, I’ll take you to the castle so the Princess can be informed,” he said, reaching out a hand to grasp Senax’s hoof and start pulling her along.

It seems the quiet lizard afraid to speak in Senax’s presence without her permission had disappeared. Pure happiness and excitement can do strange things to a creature.

Rainbow Dash meanwhile leaned in to Daylight and whispered to her. “Uhh… you guys are going to translate for me later, right? Cause I’d like to know what the Princess and other important lizards are saying to us.”

“Oh yeah,” Daylight blinked thoughtfully. “I wonder if we can get those Elders to cast the same spell on you that they did on us.”

“Would be helpful,” Rainbow said and started following after Senax and Smooth Tongue. She looked over her shoulder at Godfrey. “Don’t do anything and don’t say anything to these lizards, got it?”

“More of the same? No problem here, I’m just tagging along waiting for the fun to begin anyways,” Godfrey shrugged.

Rainbow glared at him but said nothing else, and the five of them followed after Senax and Smooth Tongue. There was still a long ways to walk up through the mountain before they made it back to the mesa and castle. Along the way Rainbow Dash got to see how the other half lived, it was all so much nicer and friendlier than the city, with far fewer lizards around in general. There were less buildings or things to see but everything was better taken care of and looked nice. Looking up at the sky, the sun was shining down, it was a great day out that didn’t reflect the chaos of the island or the incoming danger.

Because Rainbow couldn’t talk with the lizards like the others she stayed back by Godfrey to keep an eye on him. Meanwhile Gilbert and Breakwater conversed with Smooth Tongue while Daylight also kept an eye on things around them. Senax… despite still being practically pulled along by Smooth Tongue she remained quiet and introspective. Rainbow knew she had a lot on her mind. She wasn’t looking forward to the awkward conversation they were going to have to have with the Princess once they made it to the castle.

Rainbow Dash bit her lip and glanced at Godfrey. “How much longer until Bosche gets here?”

“By now? I’d say they’re right outside the fog looking for a safe way in already,” he answered.

“Fantastic,” Rainbow Dash grumbled.

“Eh, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I’m pretty excited to crack some Bosche skulls,” Godfrey said.

“Yeah and then I’m sure you wont turn around and try to steal the Necklace from us and kill us too,” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“That’s a given, but we’ve both got other concerns first,” Godfrey chuckled.

Rainbow Dash huffed in annoyance. “Pff, at least you’re honest about that.” She narrowed her eyes and stared at the ground as she walked. “Doesn’t even need to be that way...”

Godfrey raised a questioning eyebrow at her.

“Nothing, let’s just walk,” Rainbow shook her head.

When they did finally make it to the mountain village beneath the castle, they found themselves getting swarmed once again. To Rainbow Dash and Godfrey it was nothing but an unceasing amount of loud hissing, to the others it was a mix of cheers and “Child of Ponyseidon!” being yelled over and over. It hadn’t even been a day since they left and these lizards were acting like they hadn’t seen Senax in years. The exact opposite of the initial reception in the ancient city, it would’ve been nice to see or spend some more time just talking and hanging out with these lizards if they weren’t in such a hurry.

As it was, they were, and Senax was already telling her admirers that they really had to get on through.

Smooth Tongue helped things go along and a few lizards were already running up to the castle to tell the Princess so they could speed things along. For only a few minutes, Senax and the others stood mobbed in the middle of the village. While the lizards were mostly focused on the Child of Ponyseidon of course, quite a few were interested in Rainbow, Daylight, Gilbert, Breakwater, and Godfrey just because they were different. A lot of children expectantly looked up at Rainbow Dash and came forward to poke and tug at her wings.

“Uhh… I don’t have a problem with kids but this is still a little much,” Rainbow said.

“I know, we’ll be out of here soon...” Daylight grimaced as one reached up to touch her horn.

“At least we’re here,” Gilbert shrugged.

“I’m not used to being around people who aren’t terrified of me, this is actually a little amusing,” Godrey grinned.

Rainbow Dash snorted. “And wouldn’t they just love to know about the slavers you brought to their island. Then I’m sure they’d have the usual reaction to you. Just keep your talons to yourself.”

Suddenly the doors to the castle opened up and all of them looked up towards the top of the stairs. Princess Fairscale was there with her flowing right dress and pink speckled face, alongside her were the elders and the procession quickly began to come down the stairs. With some amusement, Daylight noticed how much faster they were moving than the first time their group came here. The elders were of course a bit slower and more careful heading down the stairs than the Princess—so much that they struggled to keep up. The Princess herself went faster and faster until she was practically running down the stairs, holding up the bottom of her long dress so she didn’t accidentally trip on it.

“Child of Ponyseidon!” Princess Fairscale shouted as the crowd parted to let her through. She came to a stop before Senax and the others, her eyes roaming over them, stopping confusedly on Rainbow Dash and Godfrey for a moment before she regained her senses. “You have come back to us! Y-Your mission? D-Did you...”

Senax smiled for her while the other lizards stepped away to give both her and the Princess space. At the very least they were a respectful people. “Yes, it’s not perfect but I believe you will have peace with your lost family down in the city.”

“I-I’m so happy for you! I’m so proud—I almost can’t believe it,” Princess Fairscale sighed, catching her breath. “This really is a truly amazing day… this is such great news.”

Senax’s smile wavered. She bit her lip and looked down before glancing over her shoulder at Rainbow Dash and Godfrey. “Yes… great news.”

Princess Fairscale blinked at her. “Is something wrong?”

“There’s just… I have some bad news to deliver as well,” Senax sadly looked at the Princess. “Can we go inside the castle to talk?”

“Of course,” Princess Fairscale said and glanced hesitantly between Senax and the others.

“You… there’s… what?” Princess Fairscale trembled before collapsing into her chair in the dining room.

“Princess!” The elders went to hold her steady and make sure she didn’t fall.

“I-I’m sorry,” Senax said. “I didn’t want something like this to happen but-”

“Senax-” Rainbow Dash said, walking up beside her and placing a hoof on her back. “Don’t apologize. This isn’t your fault at all. If anyone here should be blamed it’s Godfrey—and me for not having a better answer to this problem.” Rainbow then sighed and gave a sympathetic look to the Princess. “Look, Princess Fairscale, I’m really, really sorry you have to go through something like this. Especially after so much time on this island, and right after meeting a descendant of Ponyseidon and having all this other great stuff happen, but it’s just the reality we’re in right now. There’s a huge fleet of evil ponies coming to this island, they’re practically already here, and they’re going to try to capture and enslave you. They can’t be talked to and they have no reason to go away. You may be safe here in your mountain for a little time but now that they know where the island is… you can’t just expect to have peaceful days anymore. Unless we deal with Bosche here and now.”

The Princess’s eyes were glassy and unfocused, the whiplash she felt from being so full of joy to being full of terror and fear for her people was almost too much. “Why are you telling us this? You didn’t need to… you could’ve taken the Necklace and left.”

“We’re telling you because it’s the right thing to do. Because it’s our fault in the first place and we have to help you,” Rainbow said.

Fairscale looked at her before her eyes turned to Godfrey. “And you… this is your doing? Why would you do something so horrible?”

“Princess...” Rainbow grimaced.

“Just because, really,” Godfrey shrugged. “Seemed like the best way to get what I wanted.”

“Monster!” Fairscale shouted and slammed her fists on the table, standing up in anger. “You’re worse than those savages! I should have you executed right now—elders! Gather anyone back in town with a weapon! Bring them here and-”

“Princess!” Rainbow Dash shouted, throwing a hoof in front of Godfrey, who merely grinned. “We can’t do that right now. We need him.”

“Do we really?” Daylight asked.

Her sentiment seemed to be shared by Gilbert and Breakwater as the two of them nodded along.

Rainbow Dash bit her lip and turned around, looking Godfrey dead in the eye. “Godfrey? You mind telling everyone how much trouble you’d cause if the Princess tried to execute you right now?”

He lifted a talon to his chin and started to scratch under it. “Well you’d probably handle me alright with my wings still chained down like this—but I imagine at least a few limbs would be broken at the end of the day.”

“See?” Rainbow Dash sighed and turned around. “I hate to say this right now, but this guy isn’t just a prisoner of ours. He’s dangerous—and the only reason we aren’t tearing each other apart right now is because of a mutual agreement. It just… wouldn’t be worth fighting him with all that it’d cost and all the time it’d waste. We’ve got bigger things to worry about.

“And I can help against the Boschese too. I’m in something of a bad situation too and even after being threatened with execution just now I’d still say I’m more likely to survive on your side,” Godfrey said.

“Yeah, that’s where we’re at right now. Ugh,” Rainbow Dash shook her head.

Princess Fairscale once more sat down and placed her head in her hands. “What do I do?”

“Believe in us. Trust us. Give us help so we can fight off Bosche together,” Rainbow Dash said. She looked over to Senax. “Senax deserves to have her people’s treasure, you know this. Please, give it to her. I think she’s proved herself more than enough. And you know by now that she has the best interest of your people at heart—we’re not going to leave you out to dry.”

“Merlantis may be my goal, but I wouldn’t throw away my friends to get there. I refuse to ever do something like that,” Senax said.

The Princess looked up at her, eyes full of both worry and hope. “I… I need to speak to the Keeper. It will be her decision.” She stood up, on shaky legs, and began to leave the chamber. “Elders, keep them company while I go. Hopefully this will not be long.”

“We don’t have a lot of time,” Rainbow Dash said.

Fairscale paused briefly, and nodded. “I know.”

That left the six of them to wait, uncertainly, for her to return.

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