• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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Daylight Gleam coughed and sputtered in pain as the armored hoof pressed down on her throat, spittle mixed with blood coming out with each strangled breath.

“Stop! Stop, you’re killing her!” Senax yelled from her place sprawled out on the floor of the grand convocation chamber. A few feet away but helpless to do anything. Gilbert and Breakwater, unconscious but alive, lied on either side of her.

“Just another filthy merpony lover. Who cares if she dies?” Coral Sea said as she ground her hoof down harder.

Daylight tried to force some power into her horn to counterattack—but as soon as the powder blue glow appeared around her appendage Coral Sea removed her hoof from her throat and stomped on her horn instead. Daylight cried out in pain while her magic failed, and then felt another heavy kick to her stomach, rolling her across the floor to Senax and the others. She coughed, horn throbbing in pain, barely able to breathe properly, and struggled to stand. Senax tried to help her up but the merpony was also injured from a prior assault. The two didn’t know what to do as the armored High Priestess stared them down, her purple eyes only barely visible behind the visor of her helmet.

“It would’ve just been the merpony who died down here if the rest of you were smart,” Coral Sea said. “But now I’ll kill the three of you first. Make her watch. Make her suffer as much as I can before finally ending it.”

“Why… just why?” Senax cried, hugging Daylight.

“Ahahahahaha!” Coral Sea loudly laughed as the armor she wore shook. “Because you deserve it!”

“Nnnghh...” Daylight groaned in pain, coughing, as she sat up and glared at Coral Sea. “You’re a… you’re a monster...”

“No. I’m the one getting rid of the monsters. And every other pony and creature on the ocean can then wear the chains my ancestors wore—but now we will be the masters. All others will be under the control of the Sarraroccon Order!” Coral Sea exclaimed.

“You know, that doesn’t sound so great.”

Coral Sea, Senax, and Daylight looked up at the high balcony where Rainbow Dash was now slowly flying down from. Trident in hooves.

“You-?!” Coral Sea flipped up her visor and glared at Rainbow Dash. Surprise, confusion, anger, all flashed across her face. “How are you still alive?”

Rainbow Dash landed on the floor between her and her friends. She shrugged. “I think I told you you didn’t know who you were messing with.” She then turned to her friends and frowned. “Are Gilbert and Breakwater okay?”

“T-They were just knocked out, they’ll be fine,” Senax nodded.

“And are you fine?” Rainbow asked.

Senax hesitated but nodded again. “I will be.”

“It took you long enough to get here by the way,” Daylight coughed again.

“Sorry—unlike you I had to fight four ponies all by myself,” Rainbow grinned. “If you can make jokes you can’t be hurt too bad anyways.”

“None of you will be making any jokes soon. I’ll just have to take that Trident from you myself. It’s mine. It was my ancestors who made sure I would eventually claim it,” Coral Sea glowered at Rainbow Dash and flipped her visor back down.

“The Trident belongs to Senax. Not you,” Rainbow narrowed her eyes.

“Then I’ll make it mine through force. No matter.”

Rainbow Dash squared off against her and pointed the Trident of Ponyseidon at the armored priestess. “Senax, Daylight, try and wake up Gilbert and Breakwater and stay back. I’ll handle her.”

“We can help-”

“I don’t want her to use you against me,” Rainbow said. And that was that.

The two stood still, sizing the other up, in the grand convocation chamber. If they had been out on the surface, a breeze would’ve blown through their manes and a tumbleweed would have gone rolling by. Rainbow had no idea where Coral Sea’s fancy armor had come from or how good she was at using that horn. Coral Sea was more worried than she was willing to admit after Rainbow Dash had defeated her best warriors.

There was no signal, but both of them moved at once.

Coral Sea fired a beam of golden magic at Rainbow Dash while she ran at her. Rainbow Dash flew around it and swiftly stabbed the Trident out at the unicorn’s armored side while she flew by, aiming to shred the armor apart but not cut the pony inside it. However, when her Trident was close to cutting into the armor, a golden aura appeared around it and yanked it away, just barely enough so it didn’t even scrape the surface. Rainbow felt the Trident being pulled against her will and quickly glanced at Coral Sea’s horn, seeing it lit up and knowing she was using her telekinesis to try and either deflect the weapon or outright take it from Rainbow’s grip if she wasn’t careful.

If she lost the Trident Rainbow wasn’t sure she had the physical strength to punch through armor like that.

Still, for the moment she flapped her wings harder and finished her flyby of Coral Sea, pulling the Trident out of the golden aura with her superior strength and velocity. She swiftly flew around in a circle and came by the other side, swinging the Trident at Coral Sea’s head to knock her out. She doubted the armor could fully protect against that sort of blunt force trauma. Especially since she knew whatever the Trident was made out of had to be stronger than the priestess’s armor.

Coral Sea’s visored face turned as the Trident was coming at her and a golden glow enveloped it again. Rainbow grunted as her swing was slowed down to a stop and the two of them fought for control of the Trident. Just as suddenly—Coral Sea let go and Rainbow went flying backwards—followed by numerous beams of magical energy. Rainbow Dash had to dodge and weave through the barrage, the beams of magic exploding behind her against the walls and floor of the chamber.

She’s definitely more powerful than Daylight… Rainbow frowned as she flew around.

The magic still wasn’t as fast as she was though and Rainbow didn’t have any worries that Coral Sea would actually hit her with one of those beams. She looked down at the floor and saw that Senax and Daylight had managed to wake Gilbert and Breakwater, now the four of them were moving to the stairs that would leave down and out of the chamber. Good. One less thing to worry about for the moment.

“Give me the Trident already!” Coral Sea shouted and fired a wave of magic at her.

Rainbow Dash dipped below it and flew close to the floor, coming straight at the High Priestess again. Coral Sea this time fired a beam of concentrated magic at the floor in front of her, blowing apart the tile and kicking up a cloud of dust, smoke, and rock. Rainbow had to pause midflight, raising a hoof over her face to shield it from all the debris—and was thus surprised when Coral Sea came jumping out of the cloud of smoke at her.

The armored pony crashed into her and took the two of them to the floor. Despite not having the natural strength of an earth pony, the armor Coral Sea wore gave her more than enough weight to pin Rainbow to the ground. The metal itself was a sort of strength as every physical hit she made was going to hurt far worse. Right now the Trident was pinned between both their bodies, Rainbow unable to really pull it free, and Coral Sea was staring at her through her visor, her purple eyes shining and a happy smirk on her face.

“You could’ve lived if you weren’t such a fool,” Coral Sea said. With her left hoof she pressed down on Rainbow Dash’s throat and started to choke the life out of her, using her other hoof to keep one of Rainbow’s wings pinned down so she couldn’t try and break free so easily.

“Ghh!” Rainbow sputtered as the cold armor cut off her airway.

But just because she couldn’t pull the Trident free and one of her wings was pinned down didn’t mean she couldn’t do anything. Rainbow jostled the Trident as best she could and with one hoof on the top of it she pressed the pommel end down against the floor while on the other side she pressed upwards to create some leverage between her body and Coral Sea’s. Thanks to the power of fulcrums and physics she was able to lift the unicorn off her a little bit. While Coral Sea snarled and tried to choke her harder, Rainbow brought up her hindlegs with the small amount of room she now had and placed them under her stomach. With a grin, Rainbow pushed up with all the strength she had, pushing with the Trident, her legs, and her entire body.

Coral Sea was launched over her head and roughly onto the floor if the loud banging of the armor was any indication.

Rainbow Dash instantly jumped back up and turned around while swinging the Trident out to where Coral Sea should be. She hadn’t bothered to waste time and look first.

The spear end of the Trident caught the unicorn on the back of the head as she rose from the floor. Just the blunt side of it and not the sharp tips, but it was still enough to dislodge the helmet from Coral Sea’s head and send it bouncing across the floor. Coral Sea’s sandy mane, still covered in shells, flowed out freely now as she grunted in pain from the hit and turned to glare at Rainbow Dash.

“You’ll pay for that.”

“Or you could give up here,” Rainbow said as she twirled the Trident around a few times. “Don’t you get it? You’ve already lost.”

“You’re the one who doesn’t get it,” Coral Sea smirked. “Your friend Ballast? That ship you came here on? I have them in my possession now. Wasabi and those three weren’t the only warriors I brought down here with me. You are not escaping from me. All of you are going to die down here now.”

Rainbow narrowed her eyes. “We’ll see.”

Coral Sea fired more beams of magic from her horn at Rainbow Dash—at close range like this it was dangerous to both of them. Rainbow’s reflexes were sharp enough though where she was able to immediately fly back up and avoid the shots, most harmlessly flying past or blowing up chunks of the floor. Coral Sea kept firing more and more as Rainbow flew above her, spiraling and corkscrewing around the huge room, every now and then she would dive at the unicorn and strafe by her with Coral Sea either jumping away or using her magic to turn away the Trident. The High Priestess was getting tired about this lack of progress.

Changing strategy, the next time Rainbow Dash started to fly in at her she grabbed some of the rubble off the ground and threw it at Rainbow Dash. Trying to catch her off-guard with throwing something new at her instead of the very obvious beams of magic. The largest piece of rubble was going right at Rainbow Dash’s face, but the pegasus only smirked and whacked it back straight at Coral Sea with the Trident.

Her eyebrows shot up as the rock came screaming back at her and smashed into her face. Coral Sea yelped in pain but kept her eyes from squeezing shut—still watching Rainbow Dash as she came in. Rainbow stuck her Trident out and Coral Sea realized she wouldn’t be able to stop it in time with her magic. She had to jump to the side right as its sharp prongs scraped across the armor of her front right leg. It shredded it to pieces but she avoided being cut.

Or perhaps her opponent didn’t want to cut her in the first place.

Rainbow Dash came to a stop at the floor and looked over her shoulder at Coral Sea, raising an eyebrow at the High Priestess.

“Tch,” Coral Sea clicked her tongue and tore off the broken armor on her leg with her magic. Leaving her looking rather mismatched.

“Still going through with this?” Rainbow asked as she fully turned around.

“Until I have my Trident,” Coral Sea nodded. Her horn lit up once more but instead of any beam coming out, an aura enveloped her entire body to give her a second armor. “Come, pegasus.”

Rainbow Dash didn’t disappoint her. She flew at Coral Sea and swung the Trident at her head but Coral blocked it with her armored hoof and threw a surprisingly fast punch at Rainbow’s face. Rainbow ducked under it and brought the other end of the Trident around in a swipe to Coral Sea’s side. However, Coral Sea simply let the pommel smash into her magic and armor where it couldn’t really hurt her or knock her back. She lifted up and swung her armored hoof down at Rainbow’s skull—who had to backstep right as the hoof came down and shattered the tile she had been standing on. Without pause the unicorn lowered her head and jabbed her horn forward at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow though was able to block it with the shaft of the Trident and push the unicorn away.

She was surprised though that the High Priestess actually knew how to fight. Maybe she had gone through some training of her own at Black Sand Island.

Coral Sea charged her, punching and swinging with her hooves while occasionally ducking down to make quick jabs with her horn at Rainbow Dash. Like she had with Master Wasabi, Rainbow Dash turned away or blocked every attack with the help of her Trident. Though Coral Sea was a decent fighter she lacked the patience that the warriors Rainbow just defeated had. Her face was an angry snarl and Rainbow could see her getting angrier and angrier as time went by.

She didn’t have the stamina of Rainbow Dash either. Not by a long shot. Her punches were ever so slightly becoming slower and her guard weaker. Occasionally after blocking a punch, Rainbow would swing the Trident around and smack either the pommel or the spear end into her side or legs. It was taking a toll on her magic.

“You won’t… you won’t!” Coral Sea growled and threw a punch at Rainbow’s face.

Rainbow ducked under it and flicked the pommel of the Trident up at her chest and ribs. It hit the aura of magic around her armor and broke through it before smashing into and denting her amber armor. Coral Sea grunted in pain, coughing as she lost her breath and stumbled back.

“Done yet? I’m telling you it doesn’t have to be this way,” Rainbow said to her.

“Aaaarggghhh!” Coral Sea bestially yelled and ran at her. She crashed into a surprised Rainbow Dash, grabbing the Trident and trying to pull it from Rainbow’s grip. The two of them spun around from her momentum—both fighting to control the ancient artifact and make it their own.

Rainbow grit her teeth and put all the muscle she could into holding onto the Trident and trying to pull it away from Coral Sea. She tried flapping her wings to fly up briefly but Coral braced herself against the floor, her heavy armor making it impossible for Rainbow to fly away right now. Rainbow was still stronger than her and would’ve won the tug-of-war normally but Coral Sea’s horn flared up once more and she started to grab the treasure with her magic as well. The two of them now evenly matched in the power they were using to take the Trident.

Both their hooves shook as they glared at each other around the green shaft of metal, sharp prongs of the Trident pointed up at the glass dome ceiling.

Neither was giving up.

“Nghh...” Coral Sea struggled for dominance, furious that Rainbow still wouldn’t let go. “The Trident is mine! It’s MINE!”

Rainbow’s glare morphed into a knowing smirk. “You don’t deserve it.”


“You don’t deserve the Trident. This thing belongs in the hooves of someone who would fear and revere its power, who would never use it for personal gain, or to make others suffer. Someone like Senax! Not you. If you only wanted the Trident to make sure no one would do what was done to your ancestors in the past with it then fine, I wouldn’t have a problem with that, Senax wouldn’t either. She might have even let you take it as a show of goodwill! But you’re not like that. You don’t just want to protect your people, or make sure this thing isn’t misused, you want to do exactly what Ponyseidon did except this time you’ll be on top. You want to enslave others, control them, rule over them, do things just as wrong as when they were done to you in the past! I never trusted you, but I wasn’t sure if maybe you were okay but just a little suspicious and untrusting of Senax. But now I know exactly what you are; just another bad pony.”

She headbutted Coral Sea right below the horn and made the unicorn yelp and lose her grip on the Trident. Then brought the weapon around and smashed it into her ribs, crumpling the armor there and forcing her to collapse to the floor. Coral Sea sputtered and coughed, blood dripping from the bruise on her forehead.

“Alright, that’s it,” Rainbow said, rubbing her own forehead.

Coral Sea slammed her hooves onto the floor and stood up. Shaking. Her eyes red and full of fury.

Rainbow Dash frowned. She didn’t think the priestess would actually be able to stand again. She lowered the Trident and pointed it at her. “Just stop.”

Without another word, Coral Sea ran directly at Rainbow Dash and the Trident.

Rainbow had to turn the Trident away slightly so it wouldn’t stab the priestess—but her eyes widened as a golden glow covered the Trident once more and moved it back against the will of her hooves. The sharp prongs aimed directly at Coral Sea’s chest. The momentum of the pony and the impossible sharpness of the middle spear was all that was needed. The tip of the Trident penetrated the amber armor like it was nothing and skewered Coral Sea’s body down to the bottom of the prong. Coral Sea immediately spat up a mouthful of blood as her eyes shot open, pupils shrinking down to pinpricks.

“No!” Rainbow yelled and on reflex pulled the Trident out. A stream of blood shot out with it and just kept flowing and flowing down Coral Sea’s body and onto the floor.

The unicorn’s legs failed her and she collapsed onto the floor, only barely moving and breathing.

Rainbow dropped the Trident and grabbed her, holding her head and trying to see if she could stop the bleeding or do anything to help. As she saw how much blood had already pooled out onto the floor though she knew there was nothing she could do. “Why… why did you do that?!” Rainbow yelled just as much in shock as in anger and regret.

Coral Sea’s eyes managed to turn to face her. A cough of blood came out from her mouth again and splattered on her chin. “Now… now my blood… joins… joins the blood… of my ancestors.”

Her eyes rolled back. Her head fell. Her body went limp.

Rainbow held her there for a few minutes longer. She didn’t know what to say. Then she stood up and wiped the tears from her eyes before grabbing the Trident again and going to find her friends.

At least they were safe now.

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