• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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The Circus is in Town

“I spy, with my little eye, something... white.”

“Is it sand?”

“No, it’s-”

“Is it a cloud?”

"Yeah, yeah it’s a cloud.”

“I’m getting kind of bored of this, Rainbow Dash.”

“Well there’s not really a lot to see... maybe I can come up with a better game to play.”

“I think maybe I’d prefer quiet for now.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “You still need to learn to have some fun.”

“I know how to have fun, but do you see anything to paint with around here?”

“Err... no.”


“Fine, alright. We can just walk quietly for now until something comes up.”

Another day had gone by with the two of them traveling through the desert. Boredom at the moment was their greatest enemy. Rainbow Dash had offered to fly the two of them at top speed out of here but Wish had stopped her from doing that for the moment, too tired to deal with flying on Rainbow’s back like that. Instead they continued to walk and hope for any source of amusement or change in the scenery. So far no luck. Wish of course was still getting a free ride anyways on Rainbow’s back, but it’s not like Rainbow Dash minded.

“Should we be worrying about water?” Wish asked her.


Wish stretched her head around to look at Rainbow Dash’s face and frowned, but she didn’t say anything. It was fairly obvious that she wasn’t entirely sure about that.

“So you like painting a lot, huh?” Rainbow Dash asked her to change the subject.

“Yes... it was my favorite thing to do back in the castle,” Wish answered.

“Huh, maybe you’ll get a painting Cutie Mark someday.”

Wish snorted. “If that was going to happen I think it already would have.”

“Never know,” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Sometimes it takes some specific moment, or push, or for you to realize something. I dunno, I’ve got some friends who are kind of experts on Cutie Marks but meh, can’t really tell you too much myself.”

“Well thanks, that’s a ton of help.”

Rainbow Dash flatly looked over her shoulder at Wish. “You’re a really sarcastic pony, you know that?”

“Now that I can really speak my mind on things and don’t have some white-suited psycho scaring me all the time...” Wish grumbled.

“Well... yeah... fair enough,” Rainbow allowed.

The filly huffed and pretty much laid down on Rainbow Dash’s back. After a minute she spoke up again. “Okay... now I spy something. Something red.”

“Something red?” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow as she kept walking.

“Yep. Guess what it is.”

Rainbow Dash looked around and saw nothing that was red, but it only took a second for her to think before a smile stretched across her face. “Hmm... I wonder. Could it be the stripe of red in my mane?”


Rainbow Dash frowned. “No? Really?”

“Really. Guess again.”

She frowned and furrowed her brow, thinking where else something red could be in this white desert. She was about to give up when realization dawned on her face and she rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Is it the red stripe in my tail?”

“Yep,” Wish’s smirk was audible. “Good job.”

“I think we’ve both been walking through this desert for too long. You should’ve seen what it was like in the last desert I had to get through,” Rainbow Dash said.

“You already told me about all the crazy places you’ve been and had to fight your way through. Was that giant pegasus who made a hurricane real?”

“Yes! He was! You’re the second pony who hasn’t believed that!” Rainbow frowned.

“I’ve never been outside Hoofica, it all sounds strange and unbelievable to me. I’m sheltered,” Wish shrugged. “If you’re telling the truth about that I’d never be able to tell when you’re actually lying about something.”

“I wouldn’t lie to you about my cool adventures. But uh... I might fudge the details on parts,” Rainbow Dash thought about the three separate times she was knocked out and beaten by Blizzard.

“Suuure,” Wish said.

“Trust me on it! If you want a cool story I’ve got a bunch to tell. Hay, I’ve got a bunch from my friends to tell. Unless you still want to just rest or whatever.”

“I’m still kind of tired... hm, now I spy something green with my eye.”

“Okay, okay, enough of that. If you’re tired then get some sleep on my back.”

“Can do,” Wish yawned and closed her eyes, curling up a little on Rainbow’s back and trying to get some rest.

The good news about today and their walking right now was that there was at least a decent breeze in the air. And not a scorching and burning one, but a surprisingly cool one. And several clouds existed in the sky to keep the sun from permanently beating down on the both of them. It definitely wasn’t as awful as it could be but it still wasn’t a vacation either. Rainbow would be happy when they got out of here or at least got to the point where they could see the Green Divide. One thing she was proud to realize though was that she had also gotten used to higher temperature places like this. Her hooves didn’t even burn a little on the sand anymore. By the time this adventure of hers was over she’d be able to handle any climate and any environment.

Ahead there was a large hill—well—large sand dune that she was heading towards. It was taller than any other Rainbow had seen in the desert so far and she was hoping it would reveal something on the other side once she and Wish crested it. Only one of them had to actually make the obnoxious journey up it however.

Rainbow Dash started whistling a bored tune as she walked. Wish didn’t join in but she didn’t say anything about it either so Rainbow continued with the music while the filly rested.

That whistling ended when she was about ten feet from reaching the top of the sand dune.

Because she had seen something that caused her to stop in her tracks.

“Uh, now I spy something red with my eyes,” Rainbow Dash said.

Wish slowly blinked her eyes open. “I thought we were done with this?”


“Is it my red mane or tail you’re seeing this time?”

“Kid—look up.”

Wish frowned and looked up over Rainbow Dash’s head, which was also raised and looking into the air. She blinked again and her jaw hung half-open, not sure if she was seeing what she was actually seeing. Rainbow Dash had the same confusion going through her head.

A red balloon. Floating in the breeze. It had come up from beyond the sand dune and was now rising higher and higher into the sky. As they watched, another balloon came floating up, then another, and another. Red, blue, yellow, green, all the colors of the rainbow and more. Dozens, then hundreds, they filled the sky as the two ponies looked on. It was an unreal sight, they had come from nowhere and were now floating off in every direction.

Wish hopped off of Rainbow Dash’s back and looked up at her with a stupefied expression.

Rainbow Dash frowned and trotted up to the top of the sand dune, Wish following her.

What they saw when they looked down at the sandy valley in the desert below put a mere flock of balloons to shame.

A circus full of tents, rides, stalls, and crowds sat in the sand. Nothing else was around for miles, and yet here this circus was. Rows of fair games were lined up, a large ferris wheel sat on one side and a mini-roller coaster on the other, a bumper cart zone was set up in one part, snack shacks were all around, more balloons were coming from in it. And right smack dab in the middle sat a gigantic red and white big top.

“W-What is this?” Wish asked as she looked down at it all.

“It looks like some kind of circus or carnival...” Rainbow Dash said.

“Are we both hallucinating or something?”

“I... I really don’t know,” Rainbow Dash shook her head. She squinted and peered down at the circus, seeing a bunch of figures mingling around in it. “There are definitely ponies or other creatures there but... how come it’s so quiet?”

Wish frowned and listened in too. Rainbow Dash was right, there wasn’t a peep or noise of any sort coming up from it.

A shudder went through Wish’s body, there was a sick feeling she got from this strange circus. “I-I-I don’t like it Rainbow Dash... l-let’s go somewhere else. There’s something weird about that place...”

Rainbow Dash bit her lip and started walking down the sand dune, a serious expression on her face. “We’ve gotta check it out.”

“Since when?” Wish complained.

But Rainbow Dash ignored her and kept walking down to the circus.

“R-Rainbow Dash!” Wish yelled and came running after her.

There was definitely something up with this circus, Rainbow Dash could feel it too, the same as Wish. She couldn’t ignore it or just fly around, they had to see what was going on down there. Wish came up beside her and matched her pace while the two walked down the large sand dune. There was no fence or barrier around the circus, but there was a large ticket booth and turnstile directly in front of them. Rainbow Dash frowned at it and just walked around the whole thing. She didn’t even see a pony inside manning the booth anyways.

The two of them then walked onto the grounds of the circus where all the other visitors were standing around and-

“What the—what is this?” Wish said as she looked around.

“I... I don’t know,” Rainbow Dash frowned.

All the guests, all the figures they had seen from above here in the circus, weren’t really guests at all. Rainbow Dash and Wish’s eyes roamed over dozens and dozens of cardboard cutouts of ponies propped up in the sand. They were standing in front of tents, or waiting to get on rides, or just standing around anywhere really. All of them made to create a facsimile of a busy and crowded circus.

“They’re just fakes...” Wish said.

“Yeah they’re... they’re...” Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat as she looked at a particular group of stands. “No way... what?”

“Rainbow Dash? What’s wrong?” Wish asked her.

Rainbow ignored her again though and walked towards a big group of cardboard pegasi that were standing in the middle of the rows leading to the fair games. Seven of them in total, her hoof reached out to touch the nearest one, a nostalgic look on her face mingled with confusion and worry. Her mind was slow and her voice soft as she looked at the familiar ponies. “Summer Rains... Crescent Moon... Wild Wind... everyone.”

“You know these ponies?” Wish asked as she joined Rainbow Dash by the cutouts.

“I...I knew them, yeah. I met them early on on my journey,” Rainbow Dash nodded. “I-I don’t understand. What’s going on?”

Wish shook her head and gulped, looking at the cutouts and the other ones around. “I don’t know, Rainbow Dash.” The faces on the cutouts were smiling and they looked as happy as could be. “I think you mentioned these ponies to me before, once or twice maybe, when you were telling me your old stories?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow nodded.

“But... how is this...” Wish started before trailing off.

“I’m just as lost as you, kid,” Rainbow said while looking around some more. She saw what she thought she would—more ponies she recognized. They were all around her, either in front of rides or games, or “walking” around the circus. From her time in the Eternal Pegasus Empire, she saw a lot of them all around her former squadmates. Elder Tornado was standing by a caramel apple stand, Snowshine and Aurora were already holding cotton candy as they walked together towards a dart-throwing game. Inside the game booths and snack stands though, there was something different than simple cardboard cutouts. Instead ponies made of straw, like scarecrows, were set up. They all wore the same uniforms and had button eyes.

Wish fought a shiver whenever she saw one.

Rainbow Dash walked past them all, a somewhat somber look on her face. All ponies she had met. All ponies whose lives she had changed. She missed them, it felt both good and sad to see their faces again like this. In this strange way. Not only were they mere cardboard cutouts but their smiling faces were off on their own, they were too wide, too ecstatic, the smiles were just unnatural looking.

She walked past some more cutouts and saw another pony she recognized from elsewhere, this one holding a broom.

“Dust Bunny...” Rainbow Dash walked over and affectionately patted the cutout. She remembered how fun it was to dance with her that one night.

There were a few more she recognized from that underground city but Rainbow Dash continued to walk on and check more of the circus out. Wish followed close on her heels, far more confused and worried than even Rainbow Dash. The two of them passed by a tent and Rainbow Dash’s jaw dropped at what she saw a little further away.

Quickly she ran over to a new set of cutouts, ones standing in a line waiting to get on a rollercoaster. They were much larger than any of the other cutouts Rainbow and Wish had seen so far. Mammoth sized even.

“Larkon! Samarkon! Alykon! Shibu!” Rainbow Dash said as she came to a stop in front of the mammoth family.

Wish came up behind her, panting, and looked up at the gigantic cutouts. “These... is this what mammoths look like?” She asked, putting two and two together from what Rainbow had told her and the names she had just spouted.

“Yeah...” Rainbow Dash nodded. She looked at Larkon’s cutout, noticing the distinct lack of any wheelchair. Whoever had made these must’ve thought it wasn’t “happy” enough. Behind his family in line were even more mammoths. Abalun, Ollaron and the rest of the Sages, Bakol and more.

“They’re big,” Wish gulped.

“Heh,” Rainbow Dash smirked for the first time since they had seen the circus. “Just big balls of fur, the mammoths were all really nice. Well, almost all.”

“How come every cutout is smiling so much?” Wish asked.

Rainbow shook her head. “Still got no idea. I really don’t know what’s going on right now...” She took a deep breath. “But what’s for sure is that all of these cutouts are of ponies and other creatures I’ve met on my journey.”

The two ponies walked deeper into the circus towards the large big top at the center and Rainbow Dash continued to see other faces she remembered. Crush, Night Reader and Brilliant Star from the Metal Mountain, and the gang leaders Double Duty, Acid Rain, and Frayed Wire too. All of them were placed in the bumper cars, smiling and having a faux-battle. Beyond the bumper carts a group of griffons were standing inside what looked like an empty petting zoo with hay bales piled up everywhere. Galia, Glaive, all the others from House Stormwing she had met. And then outside of another tent stood Ark’Nogt, Sia’Lorna, and Wandering Claw.

When she and Wish walked by a game stand that had you trying to throw baseballs to knock down milk cartons, she noticed that the top prize seemed to be a giant balloon Raalzeron. Though not nearly as giant as he really was.

And as soon as Rainbow walked by that stand...

“No...” she whispered. “Don’t do this to me.”

“R-Rainbow Dash?” Wish looked up at her and then over at the two cutouts her guardian was looking at.

They were standing in front of a row of skeeball games. One earth pony stallion in a uniform with a red helmet on his head, and one unicorn mare in a doctor’s coat.

Rainbow Dash felt her eyes start to get wet as she slowly walked up to them. “Barnaby... Anathema...” She grit her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut, wishing the cardboard cutouts were something easier to hug. “Why? Who’s doing this...?”

After that she walked in a daze through the rest of the circus, with an uncertain Wish practically bumping against her with each step. Miss Valentine was riding a merry-go-round, He Whose Neck Is Long and a number of other giraffes stood by some stand that their tall bodies obscured, and after them Wish was now able to recognize the ponies they saw. Captain Red Wing, her old maid Sweet Candy, the Queen, and several others from Hoofica were arrayed all over. A smorgasbord of ponies the two of them knew. Rainbow Dash bit her lip as they were now close to the large big top.

On the wind, two small pieces of paper blew in and fluttered about in the air before landing at Rainbow and Wish’s hooves.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at Wish, who merely shrugged, and the pegasus decided to pick up the pieces of paper. Turning them over in her hooves, she frowned at what she saw:


That text in thick black ink surrounded by stars along the border. All her senses and instincts were telling her that it was probably a bad idea to go to the big top. But it was almost like something else was pulling her, calling to her, it wasn’t just simple curiosity. There was far more to it. Rainbow Dash exhaled through her nose and began walking towards the big top with purpose. Wish took a last look at the cutouts she recognized before following along.

They had to push through another few stalls and tents before they emerged onto the open sands that led right to the big entrance of the big top.

And Rainbow Dash once more paused, her eyes going wide and a great gasp of surprise coming out of her mouth. There were five cutouts in line at the kiosk and turnstile that led inside the big top. With the one in front happily smiling to the others and pointing inside the tent, telling them to hurry up and head inside before the show started.

“This is just crazy,” Rainbow Dash said as she looked upon Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack as they stood standing there.

“Who are they?” Wish asked her.

“My friends... my friends from Equestria.”

Wish looked at the cutouts in surprise. She had heard Rainbow Dash first mention their names when she was being tortured by Vox in the dungeon... and now she was getting to see them. But why? Why any of this? She didn’t know what was going on at all. And the big top... the huge red and white tent with its shadowy entrance was lording over the both of them. It was so imposing... so... wrong.

“Are we going in there?” She asked Rainbow Dash again.

“We’ve got tickets, don’t we?” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Besides... I need to figure this out.”

“Okaaayyy...” An uncertain Wish followed her towards the big top’s entrance.

There was a whole admissions booth set up just for it, with another straw pony inside and a turnstile set up beside it. Although she doubted she actually needed to, Rainbow Dash slid the two tickets under the glass to the “pony” in the booth. Then she and Wish walked through the turnstile to get into the large open flap of the big top. It was impossible to see deeper inside, there wasn’t a single light on or torch by the look of things. As soon as they pushed past the rotating turnstile, Rainbow gave one last glance to the cardboard cutouts of her best friends before venturing on with Wish close by her side.

The sand beneath their hooves turned to dirt as they entered the big top, in the shadows beside them, Rainbow Dash could see large stands going up and up on the sides of the big top. Was anyone else here waiting to watch the big show? Or was it more likely just a bunch of cardboard cutouts and straw ponies sitting in here?

In a few more steps a spotlight set up on the ceiling of the big top switched on and granted Rainbow Dash and Wish some light in here. Rainbow put her hoof in front of Wish to block her in case anything bad was about to happen, but it seemed there was nothing else, just the light. Now though the two of them could see where they were. On the ground floor of the big top, there was a chest high barrier forming a ring around the center of the huge tent, inside that ring sat a variety of circus equipment. A trapeze close to the top of the tent, a cannon big enough for a pony to fit inside, empty cages that would’ve normally held wild animals, a springboard for jumping on and launching ponies into the air, big hoops ready to be lit with flames, and more. Exactly opposite from where Rainbow and wish were standing, the back of the ring opened up and led to a set of closed back curtains.

“Umm... are we supposed to do something?” Wish asked as she looked around. “There doesn’t really seem to be a show going on.”

“Not sure,” Rainbow said as she looked up at the stands that went around almost the entire interior of the tent. As expected, it was nothing but button-eyed strawponies taking up every available place to sit. Except... there was one small open spot midway up the stands to her left. Big enough for her and Wish to sit together at.

Rainbow Dash bit her lip. “I think we need to take our seats... and then the show will start. Whatever it is. Whatever’s going on here...”

She picked Wish up and carried her over to the empty spot between a few of the strawponies. Wish sat down to her right and looked at the rows and rows of strawponies sitting around them. It was a little unnerving. Rainbow Dash too frowned and looked at the back curtain that led deeper into the tent, wondering if anyone was going to come out and start the show.

Should we really be sitting here? Shouldn’t I be doing something? Rainbow Dash thought to herself. Instead she almost felt compelled to just stay and watch. As if that was the best way to figure out the mystery of the strange circus.

As soon as that thought of hers ended, more spotlights switched on all around the big top, fully lighting it up. Hidden cannons of confetti erupted in the stands and filled the air with colorful bits of paper, making Wish flinch at the noise and Rainbow Dash tense up and get ready to move at any threat of attack. Still though, nothing came, it was just an announcement that things were beginning.

Music started to play, coming from somewhere in the tent, fanciful circus and clown music. The back curtains were pulled to the side and-

-a large ball came rolling out with a pony riding on top of it, expertly moving his hooves to stay balanced. He rode it all the way to the middle of the ring while the music peaked, and out from behind his back withdrew four bowling pins and started juggling them all at once. It was easy as pie to him. He was a yellow earth pony with an electric blue mane and tail and a white star painted on his left cheek. The pony also wore a clown costume with garish colors, suspenders, big floppy shoes on his back hooves, and a bright red nose on his face with an overly tall top hat on his head. As he put on his show the music continued and he jumped off the ball, flipping around and juggling the bowling pins while on his back for a second, then jumping back up and expertly catching them all in a perfectly balanced stack before tossing them away.

One of the hoops in the ring suddenly caught fire and the clown jumped through it with a front flip before sliding across the ground and holding his hooves out towards the “crowd”.

“TA-DA~” He shouted.


Rainbow Dash and Wish both gawked in disbelief and confusion, and of course no cheers and clapping came from the strawponies.

“Thank you, thank you, you’re too kind!” The clown laughed and got up, bowing repeatedly. “I am so, so very happy you could all come here today! Especially our two special guests!” He looked up and winked at Rainbow and Wish and a spotlight suddenly turned on overhead, shining down on the two of them. “Welcome to the wonderful Laughing Brothers’ Circus! I am your host and ringmaster, Ha-Ha-Harlequin White!”

Rainbow Dash’s pupils shrank and her eyes narrowed. “What? What did he just say his name was?”

Wish looked up at her. “Huh?”

“I hope you will enjoy this show we have today for you,” Harlequin White grinned and pulled a baton from nowhere, spinning it around as he strode around the center ring of the big top. He came to a stop in the middle of the dirt and thrusted his baton towards Rainbow and Wish while they sat in the stands. “Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash, what a pleasure it is to have you here! Would you like to come on down and join the show?”

Rainbow Dash frowned down at the ringmaster. “No, I don’t think so.” She loudly said.

“That so? What a pity, what a pity indeed, we’ve got quite the spectacular show to put on and I was sure you’d enjoy being part of it more than just simply watching,” he shrugged and turned his attention to Wish. “What about you, little filly? Would you like to engage in death-defying feats and stunts?”

Wish adamantly shook her head, not moving from her spot.

“Look-” Rainbow Dash interjected. “I don’t know what this is or what you think you’re doing, but I’d like an answer.”

“I’m putting on a show. This is a circus after all,” Harlequin White shrugged.

“Don’t give me that!” Rainbow Dash roared and stood up, flapping her wings and hovering over her seat. “You think I’m stupid? You’re like him, aren’t you? So what do you want with me? Harlequin White, Harlequin Grey, I don’t care if you’re lying and maybe you’re the same pony—or maybe you’re brothers, or something, it doesn’t matter! But I know you’re up to something!”

“Actually you are somewhat mistaken. I’m not up to anything and I couldn’t care less about you for the most part. But good on you on realizing something is off here. Most ponies can’t even register that things aren’t how they should be when I’m around. You really are a special one,” he said.

“R-Rainbow Dash, what’s going on?” Wish asked her.

“Don’t worry, Wish. It’s nothing, just sit there and let me handle this,” Rainbow told her.

“Well... you’re mistaken a bit on that too,” Harlequin White said. “It’s not exactly nothing. Especially concerning the silly filly.”

Rainbow Dash paused and looked at Wish, who herself was trembling in uncertainty.

“What do you mean by that?” Rainbow Dash asked Harlequin White.

“Oh just that... well, just because I’m not up to anything doesn’t mean no one else is. And just because I don’t care about the two of you doesn’t mean no one else does. And this circus wasn’t just made for you, Rainbow Dash. Although I wouldn’t be surprised if you assumed it was. After all, you’ve always been the focus whenever you met a certain someone else like me.” His eyes glanced over to Wish and a smile danced on his lips. “That’s different today.”

Suddenly a trap door opened up beneath where Wish was sitting and the bench dropped, dumping Wish down and into the dark chute that had opened up.

“Ahhhhhh!” The filly screamed before the trap door closed back up and cut her off.

“Wish!” Rainbow Dash yelled and dropped to the stands again, punching the seat and floor of it to try and pry open the trap door. She knocked away a number of the strawponies and looked for anything she could do, but the door might as well have been a sealed vault. She quickly rounded on Harlequin White and glared at him furiously. “What did you do to her?!”

“Me?” He pointed to himself and faked obliviousness, blinking at her and sticking out his lip like he knew nothing. “Well I didn’t do anything at all. She’s merely become the guest of a very special show being put on by someone else.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes narrowed and she grit her teeth in anger. “Who?”

Harlequin White grinned. “Oh, I think you know who.”

“Waaaaaahhhh!” Wish screamed as she fell down and down the chute, like she was on an exceptionally steep and slick metal slide. After what felt like she had been falling down it for hundreds of feet it finally spat her out and she fell right onto a wooden stool.

“Oof!” She cried out, it was uncomfortable but it didn’t hurt as badly as it probably should have. “Ow... seriously?” She rubbed her flank and looked around.

It was dark. That was the first thing she noticed. She could barely see a few feet in front of her hooves and there was only a weak light directly above her head that she couldn’t see the source of. The chute she had come flying out of was gone too. She must’ve been somewhere under the big top... right? Wish fidgeted uncomfortably on the stool, she couldn’t actually see the floor or how high up she was.

“Um... hello?” She called out to the darkness.


A pony strode out from the shadows towards Wish, his face was stony and expressionless, his eyes empty but also strangely moving from one color to the next every time Wish blinked. His black mane was slicked back over his head and it matched well with the cool dark blue color of his coat.

“W-Who are you?” Wish asked.

“The name is Harlequin Grey,” he answered. “But that’s not important right now. There are some things I would like to talk about with you.”

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