• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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"Oh, oh, I remember him!" Caboose said.

"What the hell are you talking about." Church asked nervously as he slowly backed up.

"Yeah remember when Grif got bit by the doggy and then we had to go to that tree and we saw him."

Church looked at the hydra, whose heads seemed to be focusing solely on him.

"Run or fight?" Twilight asked shakily.

"Both." Church yelled as he turned tail and started to sprint away.

The hydra growled and quickly began to follow the group. Church's hoof got caught under a root and he slammed his chin on the ground, dazing him. Derpy quickly turned and saw one of the heads go for Church. She promptly dive-bombed the hydra, colliding with its snout, causing it to reel back in pain.

"Leave my friends alone!" Derpy yelled as she flew down to Church and brought him to his hooves.

"Run!" Twilight yelled again, which snapped Church out of his daze as he took off, quickly catching up with the others.

A loud splash came from behind them and they turned to see the hydra sinking into the bog.

"Finally something goes right for us." Church muttered. "Keep running, I don't want to be here when it gets out."

Caboose grabbed onto a large tree branch as he ran by it and pulled it forwards, and once he released it it flew backwards and hit Church in the face, knocking him to the ground.

"Dammit Caboose." Church grunted as he quickly got off the ground.

"Should we keep running?" Twilight asked as she caught her breath.

"Why would we do that when we're right where we need to be?" Pinkie laughed as she pointed towards a large tree filled with cocoa beans.

"Really?" Church yelled. "You're still thinking about the damn muffcake?"

"Well, yeah, what else would I be thinking about?"

"How about the over-sized reptile chasing us?"

"Don't worry about him, he got stuck, remember? We have all the time in Equestria to grab these then we can be on our merry way."

"Just hurry it up, okay?" Church sighed as he leaned against a tree.

"Church! Church! Did you see me?"

"The only thing I saw was you hitting me in the face with a tree..."

"It wasn't my fault." Caboose said quietly as he kicked a pebble guiltily. "Someone put that branch in my way."

"Of course they did." Church sighed. "Well let's see, so far I’ve been hit by a bear, avoided being wept away in an avalanche, almost fell to my death, tripped face-first into the mud and gotten smacked in the face by a tree branch and the hydra is probably not too far behind us. This day has been just fantastic so far."

"I know right? It's so exciting!" Derpy laughed as she did a small loop in the air just to crash into the cocoa bean tree.

"Are you okay?" Church asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Derpy said happily, snapping to an upright position. "I meant to do that."

"Where have I heard that before?" Church asked quietly, looking over at Caboose. "So how are we going to get the beans? Are you just going to fly up there and grab them?"

"Jeez, you really don't know anything about anything, do you?"

"Evidently not." Church groaned impatiently. "Please teach me the ways of the oh-so majestic cocoa bean tree."

"The beans on these trees are nearly impossible to pull off of the stem, so the tree has to be hit with a lot of force o the beans can fall." Twilight explained as she knocked lightly on the tree. "And since nopony here is particularly strong we have to find the sweet spot on the tree.

"Actually, Caboose is pretty strong, get him to hit it."

"Okay, Caboose can you hit this spot right here?" Twilight asked as she put her hoof on a part of the tree.

"Okay!" Caboose yelled, running full speed into it with his head, making a few dozen beans fall off.

"Alright, just a few more times and we shoul-"

The hydra roared as it burst through the trees, fury present in each one of its heads as it charged at them.

"Hang on, I think i have an idea." Church grunted.

"What are you going to do?" Derpy asked.

Church slammed his eyes shut and let his body hit fall to the ground as he sprinted towards the hydra in his ghost form. The hydra, confused at how it's prey duplicated, lunged at the ghost Church. The hydra's head phased through the apparition and slammed into the ground, knocking the head unconscious.

"One down, four to go." Church muttered as he came to a stop behind the hulking creature.

"It's working!" Caboose yelled.

Another one of the hydra's heads hissed as it lunged towards Caboose, who simply hopped playfully into the air and landed on the head.

"Are we playing tag? I love tag!" Caboose laughed as he trotted up the hydra's neck and tapped it on it's shoulder. "You're it!"

One of the heads shot towards Caboose with its jaw low, ready to eat him. Caboose rolled down the neck at the last second, causing it to bite onto the adjacent head's neck and get its teeth stuck. The bitten one snarled and bit the other in its throat in frustration. Soon the two heads were snapping at each other, tearing large chunks out of them.

"Just two more I guess." Church muttered.

One of the free heads hurtled towards Pinkie who simply ducked, making it slam its face into the tree, causing a cascade of cocoa beans.

"Thank you mister." Pinkie said as she gave the dazed hydra a kiss on the cheek before collecting the beans.

The last hydra head shot towards Twilight, whose attention was turned to Pinkie as she gathered the beans.

"Look out!" Church yelled as he sprinted towards the hydra.

"Wha-" Twilight started as she turned to see the hydra's head barely a foot away from her, staring at her with feasting eyes.

"No you don't." Church grunted as he jumped into the hydra's head.

The hydra started to shake violently as Church took over its mind, having complete control within a second.

"Church?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah?" The hydra asked as it opened its eyes and looked around. "Look how fucking tall I am! I can't believe it worked."

"Now that's the kind of thing I would expect a ghost to do!" Pinkie laughed.

The dazed hydra quickly shook its remaining head and looked around until its eyes rested on Church's corpse.

"Oh fuck. It didn't work." Church groaned.

Before any of them could do anything, it lunged down and wrapped its tongue around Church's body. It then whipped its head backwards and swallowed, Church's corpse visibly traveling down its throat.

"Well fuck."

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