• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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"This is the right place..." Tex muttered as she looked into the orchard surrounding Sweet Apple Acres. She went through the gate and began to look around, trying to find either Simmons or Sarge outside. "So where the hell are those jack asses?"

"Who're you?" A deep voice asked from behind her as she came within forty yards of the farm.

"There are way too many fucking horses here." Tex muttered, before whipping her head around to be face to face with a large red pony that had nothing but a bit of straw between his teeth. "I'm Tex."

"Name's Big Macintosh. Most folks call me Big Mac." Big Mac said, narrowing his eyes. "And your name don't ring any good bells, so ah'd 'ppreciate if you got off mah families farm."

"Yeah? And what are you going to do if I don't leave?"

"Ah'd forcibly remove you from the area."

"You haven't heard about me yet?" Tex asked. "The pony from the Everfree that kicked those three stooges' asses?"

"Ah heard of ya, but that don't mean ah'm afraid of ya." Big Mac said with a small chuckle. "Now are ya gunna leave or-"

"I'm looking for Sarge and Simmons."

Big Mac nodded and placed his hoof in his lips, allowing him to whitle sharply. After a few seconds Winona ran up to Big Mac, tail wagging rapidly. He bent down, whispered something to Winona and she took off towards the farmhouse.

"What was that about?"

"Told her t' get Sarge." Big Mac said, walking up to one of the apple trees. He bucked the tree lightly, and an apple fell onto the grass beside him.

"Why can't I just go in and talk to him?"

"Don't trust ya." Big Mac said simply as he took a bite out of the apple.

"Either you're extremely brave, or really fucking stupid." Tex furrowed her brow, tempted to hurt Big Mac.

"Well ah may not be th' sharpest of nails, but that don't mean ah'm stupid." Big Mac grunted, fully understanding who she was and what she could do. "So ah guess ah'm just brave."

A loud bark came from behind the pair, and they turned to see Sarge and Simmons opening the door to the farmhouse. Simmons paused when he saw Tex, but Sarge remained uninterested and simply continued out the door.

"What are you doing here?" Sarge asked curiously.

"I came to ask a few questions."

"And if I refuse?"

"I'll break your legs." Tex said threateningly, turning to see if Big Mac would react, but he continued to show disinterest.

"Tough choice." Sarge said thoughtfully. "What do these questions involve."

"You and the other idiots."

"Alright." Sarge said, motioning his head to invite her inside.

"Thanks for getting them... I guess..." Tex said, starting towards the Reds.

"Say, do ya know who this Gary fella is?" Big Mac asked quietly.

"I don't think I'm at liberty to say." Tex said, surprised that she hesitated. "Why?"

"Just wonderin'." Big Mac said, finishing off the apple. Tex shrugged and continued towards the farmhouse. Big Mac threw the core on the grass next to him and resumed chewing on his piece of straw. "Ah didn't hear a no."

Tex walked up to the front door, where Simmons was still frozen in place, eyeing Tex warily.

"Quit standing around an get in here, or get going." Sarge grunted from inside.

"Yes sir." Simmons said quickly, running in front of Tex to get away from her.

Tex smiled to herself, happy that she still instilled fear in at least some ponies. Tex walked in after a few seconds, until she came into a room where Sarge was sitting next to a table, talking to an elderly pony.

"Oh, is that your friend?" Granny Smith asked pleasantly. Her eyes widened slightly and her smile grew larger for a brief moment. "Are ya hungry?"

"Not really." Tex muttered. "I'm really just here to talk to-"

"Nonsense, you can't speak on an empty stomach." Granny Smith tutted, before trotting into the kitchen.

Tex rolled her eyes before sitting next to the table. She looked at the walls of the room, one of which was covered in family photos.

"I'm surprised you haven't threatened to kill the Apple family yet." Simmons noted as Tex's attention drew back to them.

"One of them is just a kid, and the granny and that Big Mac guy seem alright." Tex said idly.

"You think he's alright?" Simmons scoffed. "That's hard to believe."

"He has a lot of balls to stand up to me."

Simmons and Sarge looked at each other an sighed.

"It's lines like that that remind me that Donut is six feet under." Sarge said in an odd tone.

"Good." Tex said coldly, reminded of what he did to her. "Besides those three idiots with wings, the horses who live here seem pretty... I don't know, docile I guess. No reason to go on a killing spree. Yet."

"So how about you cut to the chase. Why are you here?" Sarge asked firmly.

"I ask myself that a lot." Tex sighed, but quickly became serious. "Have you guys noticed anything different about the others?"

"No. Anything else?"

"You mean you haven't seen Grif be active rather than being his regular jack ass self?"

"No, Grif's still a lazy bastard." Sarge muttered.

"Here ya go deary." Granny Smith said as she entered the room once more, this time holding a tray that had a bowl of soup on top of it.

"Thanks." Tex muttered, forcing a thin smile.

"Not a problem. It's so nice to meet so many of Applejack's friends." Granny Smith laughed.

Tex remained silent as Granny Smith left the room, then she stared at the bowl of soup.

"Don't get me started on the food here. I've had nothing to eat except apples for the past few months." Sarge shivered.

"So these ponies don't eat meat? Figures." Tex grunted, pushing the bowl of apple soup further up the table. She turned to Simmons and raised her brow. "So are you sure you haven't noticed any changes with any of the others?"

"Not that I've noticed." Simmons said quietly.

"Caboose? Tucker? Church? They seem the same to you?" Tex asked seriously, this time the question was directed at Sarge.

"I like to keep out of the Blues way nowadays." Sarge said honestly, before adorning a large smirk. "Now drink, or eat, the soup. Don't want Granny Smith to get upset that you refused her famous apple soup, do you?"

"I guess not." Tex said, pulling the bowl of soup towards her, mind turning on what Sarge had just said.

"So why the interest in us all of a sudden?" Simmons asked, both nervously and curiously.

"I guess I just need to know if you guys have been getting the shit beaten out of you, and how much work I have to catch up on." Tex said, downing the bowl of apple soup in a matter of seconds. She threw the bowl back on the table and looked around. "How can you stand this place?"

"What do you mean?" Sarge asked.

"The residents seem so damn friendly and everything is just so damn bright and happy." Tex said disgustedly.

"Yeah, it is kind of feminine." Simmons agreed.

"I've just tried ignoring it, but it's been pretty difficult." Sarge grunted.

"Well, as expected you haven't been helpful in the slightest, so I guess I'll leave now." Tex said, beginning to leave, but paused at the door. "So what does that Big Mac guy want to do with Gamma?"

"I don't know. I haven't told Big Mac about him."

"Right..." Tex said, leaving the farmhouse.

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