• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Tucker and Rainbow Dash spent the next few hours pushing and kicking the clouds around the library out of the sky. Once they were near completion Rainbow Dash sat on a cloud and put her forelegs behind her head. Tucker followed her lead and did the same thing on the cloud adjacent to her,

"I'm surprised you didn't screw up." Rainbow Dash said as she yawned.

"It's. Just. Clouds." Tucker retorted lightly. "Stop trying to tell me it's hard to do when it's really not."

"Just take the compliment." Rainbow Dash said as she kicked the cloud away and flew up to Tucker. "You did pretty well out there."

"I'm just good at everything I do, that's all."

Rainbow Dash punched Tucker in the back of the head, causing the cloud to disintegrate. Tucker stopped himself before he slammed into the ground and glared at Rainbow Dash.

"The fuck was that for?" Tucker muttered.

"You don't have to be so cocky." Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"But it's one of my most notable traits."

"Among other things." Rainbow Dash said, rolling her eyes playfully.

"Thanks." Tucker winked.

"That wasn't a compliment." Rainbow Dash muttered.

"So what do we do now?" Tucker asked as he flew back up to Rainbow Dash.

"How about we pick up our pay and grab a bite to eat?"

"Cool with me." Tucker shrugged.

Tucker and Rainbow Dash flew to the weather control building and went to the front desk where there was a pink pegasus writing on a schedule, paying no notice to them.

"Where's the boss?" Tucker coughed.

"He is in the back office." The pony at the desk said happily, even though she had not looked up to see them. "It's located on the other side of the gym, you can't miss it."

"Come on let's hurry this up I'm starting to get hungry." Rainbow Dash said as she pushed Tucker ahead of her.

Rainbow Dash and Tucker made their way to the back office. Before Tucker opened the door Rainbow Dash stopped him.

"What's wrong?" Tucker asked.

"Nothing, he just doesn't like paying wages in front of others." Rainbow Dash explained quickly.

"Okay." Tucker said simply. "I guess I'll just wait out here."

Rainbow Dash nodded and knocked on the door.

"Come in Rainbow Dash." Inclement Storm said.

"How did he know it was you?"

"Once you've been here for a few weeks he can distinguish who is knocking by how hard they knock." Rainbow Dash explained.

"Hurry it up, I don't pay idle hooves." Inclement Storm muttered.

Rainbow Dash trotted into the room and shut the door behind her. Score, Hoops and Dumb-Bell approached Tucker with wide smiles.

"Hey man I heard about what's been going on! Why didn't you tell us?" Hoops asked.

"Tell you what?" Tucker asked.

"You could totally get any girl you wanted, so why her?" Score asked.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Tucker muttered.

"Like you don't know." Dumb-Bell chuckled.

Rainbow Dash came out of the room and smiled at Tucker as she tucked a small bag under her wing.

"Well if it isn't Rainbow Crash." Dumb-Bell greeted happily.

"Well if it isn't jerk, idiot and stupid." Rainbow Dash snapped.

"Hey keep it cool you guys." Tucker said. "I'm not good with bits and pieces."

"Just grab your money and we can leave." Rainbow Dash said snidely.

Tucker nodded and went into the back office to find Inclement Storm sorting through an assortment of bits.

"Sup." Tucker greeted, causing Inclement Storm to slowly look up at Tucker.

"Well done out there." Inclement Storm said quietly, tossing a small bag of bits at Tucker.

"So does that mean I'm hired or whatever?" Tucker asked as he looked through his pay.

"Or whatever." Inclement Storm nodded. "Just come back next week and I'll give you a schedule."

"Alright, thanks."

"Say Tucker, the boys were telling me about what you did to Dumb-Bell."

"Shit, right. Sorry about that." Tucker said as he rubbed his neck nervously. "And sorry about the wall."

"Don't worry about the wall, it is easily replaceable." Inclement Storm laughed roughly. "As for Dumb-Bell... that kid can take a thrashing so no worries about him either. But they told me they saw lightning shoot out of your hoof when you hit him, is that on the nose?"

"Yeah I can sort of use lightning or whatever." Tucker said, making a small spit of electricity shoot out of his hoof.

"Interesting." Inclement Storm said. "Maybe you can handle some of the worse off areas of the sky with ease then."

"What do you mean?"

"There are some clouds out there that are filled with an unnatural electric current and none of the others can push it without suffering from severe burns. Maybe since you seem to be able to manipulate lightning you could do it. What do you think?"

"Does it pay more?"

"I like you." Inclement Storm extended his hoof and laughed, this time wholeheartedly. "Yes, it will pay more."

"Then I'm in." Tucker said, shaking Inclement Storm's hoof.

"Glad to hear it. Now get out of my office." Inclement Storm said, his voice immediately removing any trace of his laughter.

Tucker nodded hesitantly and walked out and found no sign of Rainbow Dash. Hoops and Score were off exercising while Dumb-Bell just sat near the door.

"Where's Dash?" Tucker asked.

"She left after you went in. Something about us being idiots." Dumb-Bell shrugged.

"Great." Tucker muttered. "I guess I'm going to go."

"See you next time Mr. Crash." Score called out.

"How about you guys just stop calling her that?" Tucker said forcibly.

"We're just kidding around." Hoops said.

"I've only heard you guys call her that a few times and it's already annoying me."

The three guys looked at each other and then back to Tucker.

"Tell you what, you're a good guy so we'll try." Score said.

"But we can't promise anything." Hoops finished.

"If I hear you call her it again I'll slam you into the ground again." Tucker warned.

"We'll be ready for it next time." Hoops said.

"Sure you will. See you guys later." Tucker said as he left the gym.

Tucker flew back to Rainbow Dash's place expecting her to be there. He opened the door and dropped the pouch of money on the table, when suddenly pain shot through the back of his head and he collapsed into an unconscious heap.

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