• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Spike poked his head out of the kitchen to see Twilight flipping through a book, reading it as fast as he could. He edged his head to the left and saw Church sitting at the table, arguing with the Necronomicon.

"I still can't believe you're seriously talking about getting into a relationship with a damn book..." Church muttered.

"But I'm a book too!"

"You're also an asshole."

"I learned it from watching you!" The Necronomicon yelled over dramatically.

"You're unfucking believable."

"Hey now, don't be jealous just because my love life is simple." The Necronomicon chuckled.

"I really wish your life had a face so I could punch it." Church hissed.

"Rude." The Necronomicon said in a sing song voice.

Church turned to see Spike staring silently at him.

"What's up?" Church asked.

"Nothing really." Spike shrugged. " I just felt like going for a walk and just wanted to let you guys know."

"Alright, have fun."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Twilight asked, half turning her attention away from the book.

"Nah, you keep reading."

Twilight looked up to him and flashed him a quick smile, before immediately focusing back on the book. Spike half waved to Church as he walked out the door. He began to walk through Ponyville, no destination set in his mind. After several minutes of walking he heard a branch snap behind him, surprising him seeing as there were no branches in sight. He snapped his head around, thinking someone was behind him. The only thing he saw was a mare and a stallion laughing. Spike shrugged and turned back around to resume his walk.

"Hello!" Caboose said loudly, suddenly appearing in front of Spike while standing on a snapped branch.

Spike fell to the ground, startled from Caboose's sudden appearance.

"That looked fun!"

"Hey Caboose." Spike laughed, wiping some dirt off of his arm. "What are you doing?"

"What is who doing?" Caboose asked, turning around to see if anyone was behind him.


"Who is You?" Caboose asked, before his voice suddenly changed to be more quiet. "Is he mean?"

"Spike! Did you hear the news?" Pinkie asked excitedly, suddenly erupting from a wagon full of hay.

Spike lunged onto the ground, once again startled from the sudden yelling.

"That looked like fun." Pinkie giggled.

"What news?"

"A mare came to town and beat the snot out of three pegasuseses!"

"That was Tex."

"Really?" Pinkie gasped. "But she seems so nice. Well, except for when we were walking in those caves. She was kind of mean there. Oh well, those guys must have said something to really upset her."

"Yeah." Spike nodded quickly, trying to get out of the conversation to resume his walk.

"So what are you doing out and about?" Pinkie asked, hopping around Spike.

"Just going for a walk."

"Nobody just goes for a walk, silly."

"Why not?"

"Because there's always some other reason that they're walking. Some ponies do it for exercise. Some other ponies do it for thinking.

"I love thinking!" Caboose said, joining Pinkie as she jumped around the small dragon.

"Me too!" Pinkie said enthusiastically. She stopped hopping and turned to Caboose with a wide grin. "Hey, that gives me an idea!"

Pinkie reached into the wagon of hay and pulled out a large, pink cannon.

"What are you doing?" Spike asked quietly.

"No time to explain! Caboose, get in the cannon!"

"Okay!" Caboose exclaimed.

Caboose quickly hopped into the cannon. Once he was in, Pinkie jumped in as well. Spike watched as Pinkie's foreleg stretched out of the cannon and pressed the button on the back. The cannon made an exploding sound, causing Spike to cover his ears. After a brief moment he looked up to see Pinkie soaring through the air, Caboose clasping onto her tail with his teeth.

"Adventure!" Pinkie shouted.

Spike shook his head and chuckled to himself before resuming his walk. After two minutes, Spike came by one of Ponyville's streams. He looked at the bridge, which had been repaired a week prior, and sat next to it. Spike sighed and put his claw in the water, watching as the flow passed him without any trouble. His attention changed from the flow to the reflection pony that was standing behind him.

"What are you doing out here?" Tex asked curiously.

"Getting some fresh air."

Tex looked into Spike's emerald colored eyes and saw something in them that she was surprised to see. Respect. Seeing this, she gave a single nod to tell Spike to sit.

"So where'd you go?" Spike asked.

"I went to check up on the guys."

"To catch up on missed time?"

"In a way." Tex nodded.

"How'd it go?"

"As about as well as you would expect from these guys. Horribly."

"Did they not want to talk to you or something?"

"Not just that, I just learned a lot more about this place than I expected." Tex grunted.

"Like what?"

"Like Tucker has an actual damn job. Like Grif is a little bit less lazy. Like Simmons isn't trying to completely kiss Sarge's ass, trying to get his job. Like Sarge seemingly wanting nothing to do with the blues, when he used to wonder what they were up to twenty-four seven.." Tex sighed disappointingly. "Hell, even Caboose has found something that isn't armed with a fucking cannon."

"Well actually..." Spike coughed.

Tex turned to him with a confused expression.

"Nevermind." Spike grunted. She'll figure that out soon enough.

"They've changed so much, but in such a little way that none of the others have noticed."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Spike asked quietly.

"No. It's far from nice. It's strange."

"But why? I thought you didn't like the others."

"I don't."

"Then why are you angry that they're changing?"

"Because they're not the assholes I knew anymore. Now they're a different set of assholes."

"So you don't hate them?" Spike asked.

"They wish." Tex snorted.

Spike narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Tex's cutie mark, sending a wave of unease through him. He continued staring at the skull, and each passing second felt like a minute.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Tex asked after a few seconds.

"N-no reason." Spike said quietly. He fidgeted slightly and looked away from Tex.

Tex shrugged and looked of into the distance, and the pair sat in silence, waiting for the other to speak.

"Do you have any friends?" Spike asked quietly after a minute of silence.

"No, I don't." Tex admitted, as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Why?" Spike pushed lightly. "I mean, do you try to make friends?"

"Where I'm from, the only things friendship got you was a larger chance of being stabbed in the back." Tex said in a soft tone, turning to stare at the sky.

"But I thought you were supposed to be a bad guy. Isn't that the sort of thing that happens with bad guys?"

"I'm not a bad guy." Tex said, beginning to laugh. She came to a stop when she looked at Spike's eyes. The thing she saw in his eyes that she thought was respect, was actually the opposite of that. It was fear, but not the kind that she was used to. It wasn't the fear of bodily harm like shes used to seeing in others, but genuine fear of her. She looked down into the small stream and looked at her reflection, which seemed to be smirking back up at her. I'm not a bad guy... am I?

"Are you okay?" Spike asked, snapping Tex out of her deep thought.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Tex muttered, getting off the ground. She looked back at Ponyville with a strange feeling in her gut "Looks like I have some more stuff to think about..."

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