• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Long Term Plans

Tex walked back into the library and sat by the table on which the Necronomicon lay.

"So who was it?" Church asked, taking a seat at the table with her.

"Just Grif." Tex murmured.

"Did you finally kill him yet?"

"Not yet. I think I'm going to wait that one out a bit, just in case this whole nice thing doesn't work out."

"It's always good to have a back up plan." The Necronomicon agreed.

"So what did he come here to say?"

"He apologized, surprisingly enough. Too bad he went and fucked it up, as usual." Tex sighed.

Church narrowed his eyes at her, detecting a tone of sadness in her voice.

"You heard it too?" The Necronomicon asked quietly.


"Heard what?" Tex said snappishly as Twilight entered the room with Spike from the kitchen.

"Just the way you said that last sentence, that's all." Church muttered.

"What are you guys talking about?" Spike asked as he tossed a large sapphire into his mouth.

"Grif said something to Tex and it's making her act funny."

"Really?" Spike asked curiously, gulping down the crunched up gem. "What did he say?"


"Uh-huh. It would take a hell of a lot of nothing for you to be affected by words." Church said seriously.

"I guess." Tex sighed again. "It's just something he brought up."

"Come on, you know he would say anything to piss you off."

"Maybe." Tex nodded with a small smirk, but it quickly disappeared when she resumed her train of thought. "But I was built on failure, and there's no way I can avoid that."

"And? You've known this for a long time."

"And now I feel that if I do make some friends, I'll just end up making them angry or something in the end, and it would all be for nothing. It just makes me feel... I don't know..."

"Helpless?" Twilight finished.

"Yeah, a little bit." Tex nodded.

"If you stop trying now, you'll just admit to yourself that you can't change. And I don't know you that well, but I know you aren't a fan of admitting defeat."

"Damn right." Tex grinned sadly. "I guess you're right. Might as well try, even if I am most likely going to fail. Hell, a few horses in town already seem to be sort of liking me, and that's already a step up from what I expected."

"Same here." Church commented. Tex quickly hit him on the back of the head, causing him to grunt in pain. "God dammit!"

"So what are you going to do now?" Twilight asked. "Keep trying to make the ponies you met your friends, or try and expand your circle of possible friends?"

"To be honest, I think I'm going to try and get a job." Tex shrugged, looking out the window.

"That's a good idea. Not only will it provide you with your own income, but maybe you could get some friends at that work, and maybe even meet some of the customers."

"Do you really think you can get a job here?" Church asked icily after he finished rubbing his head. "You're not really someone I'd see a cook hire. Well, maybe a butcher, but from what I've seen they don't eat a whole lot of meat here."

"If Grif and Tucker can get jobs, so can I." Tex growled.

"Grif has a job?" Church asked confusedly. "You're kidding, right?"

"No. Well he said it isn't a job, but that yellow chick gives him money for helping out. But if those two rejects can get one-"

"You kind of forgot to mention Simmons."

"That guy at least has a head on his shoulders, so I'm not all that shocked by that." Tex grunted, and thought for a few moments. "Though making dresses didn't really seem like the sort of thing he'd do. Seems more like the thing that pink fairy-"

"I make more than dresses." Simmons retorted as he opened the door to the library.

"Oh, hello Simmons, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked.

"Rarity wanted me to pick up a book for her on old fashions, do you have any books like that?"

"Yes, just give me a few moments to find it." Twilight said, rushing to the bookshelf.

"So you're trying to get a job?" Simmons asked, raising his brow at Tex. "I thought you'd be too busy killing Grif to do that sort of thing."

"Yeah, we decided to go our separate ways for now."

"Must have taken a lot of willpower to do that." Simmons noted dryly.

"You have no idea."

"Here it is, Equestrian Fashion Circa Pre Celestial Reign." Twilight said, giving Simmons the book with her magic. "Any idea what she's using it for?"

"Thanks." Simmons said as he grabbed the book with his own magic. "But yeah, she had a couple orders come in for some renaissance thing or something along those lines. She was given notice a few months in advance, so she's using this time to study up on it and make sure she has it under her belt."

"I still find it a bit weird seeing you pass things to each other like that." Tex muttered uneasily. "I can't really wrap my head around the whole supernatural thing."

"Yeah, so was I." Simmons nodded, tossing the book up into the air, releasing his magic grip on it, just to catch it as it began falling again. "Even now I still find it odd how I can do it, but hey, it's raised my productivity levels through the roof! Now I can sort several-"

"Boring stuff, got it." Tex smirked.

"Yeah, maybe to you." Simmons snorted, walking towards the door. "Thanks again, Twilight, this helps a lot."

"No problem. Tell her I'd love to see the dresses when they're done and if there are any other books she needs, they'll most likely be here."

"Will do." Simmons said, nodding to Spike, who nodded in return. "See you later Church. Tex."

Once Simmons had closed the door, Tex turned to Church and had a strange look about her.

"What is it this time?" Church asked, knowing something was on her mind.

"Nothing, just felt that his goodbye wasn't very sincere."

"Tell me about it, he didn't even say goodbye to me!" The Necronomicon pouted.

"Good news Tex, Simmons likes you more than the Book of Death." Church chuckled, patting her on her back. "You're working your way up already!"

"Shut up." Tex and the Necronomicon said in unison.

"Well Tex, if you really do want a job in Ponyville, perhaps I can help." Twilight coughed.


"I can help you look around Ponyville for a job. I'm sure there are lots of places willing to hire you."

"See that optimism?" Tex asked, waving her hoof at Twilight as she looked at Church. She slowly turned to Twilight and gave her a rough smile. "I'd like that."

"Great. Do you want to start now, or-"

"I think I can wait day. Besides, I need a little rest." Tex said as she trotted up the stairs. "Not mangling Grif is tiring work."

"Well stay on your side of the damn bed." Church called out as Tex reached the top of the stairs. "I'm tired of you taking up half the damn blankets."

"Cry me a river."

The door above the steps slammed shut, silencing the group.

"Her attitude certainly fluctuates." The Necronomicon muttered after a few minutes. "Hey, I think I may have a spell to make her more docile."

"Really?" Church asked with mild curiosity.

"Yup. Though I'm not sure how much she'd like being a mindless husk."

"Probably not a lot."

"We won't know if we don't try!"

"That's true." Church agreed with a smirk.

Twilight shot Church and the Necronomicon a glare, telling them off.

"As tempting as that is, I think we should let her try to not be a bitch on her own." Church sighed.

"Good." Twilight said with a smile. "Come on Spike, let's go see if we can't help Rarity with anything."

"Okay!" Spike smiled, jumping onto Twilight's back.

"We'll be back in an hour or so." Twilight said as she left the library.

The Necronomicon looked over to Church and coughed. Church looked over to him and nodded.

"So now that she's gone..."

"Give it a month." Church said after he thought for a moment. "Two max, then we'll go from there."


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