• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Perfect Day

"Ah still don't understand why don't we just have th' picnic at the Acres." Applejack said quietly as she and the group walked out of Ponyville, heading towards grassy hills.

"Because you're there almost everyday." Pinkie rolled her eyes.

"Because ah live and work there." Applejack sighed.

"Exactly! You have to change it up a little, start moving some more."

"Found a good spot over here!" Rainbow Dash called out, her figure barely visible from the distance she was.

"Good going, Dashie!" Pinkie yelled back, then began bouncing towards the blue pegasi with ease, even though she had several picnic baskets on her back.

"I don't understand why we can't just sit here and eat." Grif complained over his growling stomach as he eyed the bouncing baskets.

"Because it's the perfect picnic for the perfect group so we need the perfect spot, duh."

"We're hardly the perfect group, and every picnic is the perfect picnic in my opinion, so a spot shouldn't make any dif-"

"There's even a couple of clouds to sit on!" Tucker said loudly.

"Fuck yeah, food-nap time!" Grif whooped, shooting towards them with Pinkie Pie.

"That is the best time!" Caboose agreed, galloping full speed with Pinkie.

"He works pretty hard to be lazy, huh?" Scootaloo asked quietly.

"Yeah, his mind is an example of an enigma at it's finest." Simmons chuckled, then saw Scootaloo staring at him unknowingly. "Basically a paradox. You know, a self-contradicting statement?"

"Yeah, that's... great, Simmons." Scootaloo said, smiling innocently at him, quickly turning to Theta and the two other Crusaders. "You guys wanna play tag?"

"Sounds good t' me!" Applebloom nodded, hitting Sweetie Belle on her flank. "You're it!"

"Hey!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed, chasing after her tagger.

The remainder of the group smiled as they watched the Crusaders and their purple sidekick run in the field, trying to tackle each other to the ground. Eventually they arrived at a flat clearing at the bottom of a few small hills where Pinkie was setting up a large blanket for them to sit on, while Caboose was sitting next to the pile of woven containers.

"What do you guys think?" Rainbow Dash asked, head hanging over the cloud.

"Looks like... a spot." Church said slowly.

"I know!" Pinkie giggled, then nodded at Caboose to begin bringing out the food. "Well, what are you guys waiting for?"

The collective shrugged at each other and began filing onto the large cover to find a spot where they would be comfortable.

"Fluttershy, you coming up?" Grif asked as he peered over the large cloud with Rainbow Dash.

"I'm okay down here." Fluttershy said, crouching closer to the ground.

"You sure? I mean, it's pretty comfy..."

"It's okay." Fluttershy smiled reassuringly. After looking around for a few seconds, she settled on the blanket.

"Alright, suit yourself." Grif shrugged, setting his sights on the ridiculously dressed winged fragments. "How about you guys?"

Eta and Iota stared at their wings flapped them one after the other, then shook their heads at him.

"Sweet, more cloud for me!"

"Maybe we should have brought the pets." Fluttershy said. "I'm sure Angel and Haley would have loved to be here."

"There's already two dozen of us here, so it would be pretty hard to keep track of more than that." Pinkie snorted as she began throwing cakes onto the blanket.

"There's two dozen of us?" Spike asked, looking at all the stallions and mares that surrounded him.

"Yeah, first there's the watchers and the watchees, that's a dozen by itself, then we have the three fillies, then we have Spikey and Texy to bring the total up to seventeen, along with the tax collector, the mayor's assistant, the two old-turned-young colts, the green guy who's trying to figure me out and the twins that came in to play earlier, bringing the number up to twenty four!" Pinkie exclaimed, panting heavily at her long-winded sentence as most of the ponies around her stared at her silently. "Wow, there are a lot of us, huh?"

"I like her style." Sarge nodded approvingly as he sat on the grass next to the blanket, having been the only one besides the fragments to have followed any of what she just said. "Needs a few more subtractions and divisions thrown in there to be more convoluted, but you'll get there."

"Thanks, Sarge!" Pinkie smiled, holding a tray to him. "Cookie?"

"Don't mind if I do." Sarge said, blindly grabbing a cookie off the tray. Before he put it in his mouth, something about it's shape caught his eye and he smiled. "Where'd you learn what a shotgun shell looked like?"

"Caboose picked it up one time after you coincidentally shot near him and he told me about it so I made it for you!"

"Well. I'll be damned. Simmons, you've been replaced." Sarge chuckled instantly as he bit into the back of the shell.

"What, is Pinkie your favorite Red now?" Simmons asked dejectedly.

"Of course not. Applejack and I are tied for my favorite Red! Pinkie is now second and seeing as how Lopez isn't here, you're third!"

"Oh." Simmons grumbled. "At least I can still take solace in the fact that Grif is your least favorite..."

"That's the spirit!"

"Cookie?" Pinkie asked, now holding the tray up to Simmons. "One's in the shape of a calculator!"

"Thanks." Simmons said, slightly happier.

"Awfully nice day t' throw a picnic." Applejack smiled, trying to brighten up the mood. "If ya told me earlier-"

"You don't have to bring anything, silly." Pinkie giggled. "We already have an apple tree cookie for you!"

"Ya sure made a lotta unique cookies." Applejack smirked.

"Consider it a token of appreciation for everything you have been doing. You did what many would not bother doing." Sigma said, smiling tenuously at her.

"Aw, it wasn't a biggie." Applejack said sheepishly.

"No, it was. It may have been easy for you to part with what you have given us, but what you have given us has been greatly appreciated. Food, shelter..." Sigma said, watching as Theta darted after the trio. "Even companionship, to a certain extent. We have a lot to be grateful for. Upon my meeting of you I felt great tension in you. My feelings were confirmed when I found you glaring at us when you thought we were not watching. Don't deny it." Sigma chuckled when Applejack opened her mouth to argue. "Even with your mistrust you still treated us as fairly as you could, which says a lot about your character. So for all you have done, as well as Granny Smith for putting up with Gamma's jokes, Big Macintosh for providing someone who could prevent Omega from doing any damage, and even Apple Bloom for giving her time, as well as a her friends', to make Theta more comfortable. For that, we thank you." Sigma said, shooting O'Malley and Gary a harsh leer. "Right?"

"Of course. You're very generous." Gary said with a reluctant sigh. "For a shisno."

"Yes, If not for you I would have had to tie up a home's occupants and live there." O'Malley muttered forcibly, then thought of what he said. "Actually, that sounds delightfully riveting..."

"I'm afraid that is the best you can hope out of Gamma and Omega in terms of being appreciative." Delta said.

"Uh, ya'll are welcome." Applejack said dumbly, not expecting the sudden thank you. Shaking her head, she suddenly began feeling guilty. "Though ah guess ah wasn't really fair t' ya'll when ah first met ya."

"I would not say that. They are classified as highly dangerous, and while that by no means you should treat them poorly, it does not inspire you to completely far to them."

"Come on, you guys. We aren't here to talk, we're here to eat!" Pinkie said, throwing plates in front of each of her friends. "Now let's dig in!"

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