• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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The Ruined Mind

"Okay, I'm going to get this out of my system right now." Church muttered as the Necronomicon cracked Caboose's neck. "You're fucked up."

"You're far too kind." The Necronomicon bowed.

"Let's hurry out of here, I'm not too sure if the morgue will like us taking their property."

"Every dead pony belongs to me, so therefore I have eternal dibs." The Necronomicon laughed, walking towards the door.

"He does not belong to you."

"Lighten up, it could be worse."


"I could look like you."

"Fuck you asshole."

"Be quiet." Twilight hushed as she reached the end of the hallway. "We're done. Thank you for letting us do this, it really means a lot to us."

"Once again I'm very sorry for your loss." The pony said quietly. "I'll go lock the room now."

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that now." The Necronomicon chuckled as he walked through the door and stared directly at the pony.

The pony stared slackjawed at the reanimated body, debating between running or fainting.

"What's the matter, never seen the reanimated dead before?"

The pony's eyes rolled up as she fell to the floor and blacked out.

"How rude, she didn't even ask if I needed anything to drink." The Necronomicon said bitterly as Twilight started checking to make sure the pony would be alright. "Well? Let's get this show on the road."

"Is she going to be alright?" Church asked.

"Probably." Twilight sighed. "At least now we don't have to explain anything to her, and with any luck she won't remember this happened."

"It isn't everyday the dead walk." The Necronomicon chuckled a he walked through the front door. "Hello everypony, how are we all doing on this fine night?"

"Man you're fucked up." Tucker said as he saw Caboose's eyes.

"You guys are in serious need of a material change..."

"Screw you cockbite."

"At least that's a new one."

"Actually, we've been saying that for a while." Simmons noted.

"Y'know, seeing these guys has gotten me curious." The Necronomicon said, scratching Caboose's chin. "Why in Equestria are the Elements of Harmony hanging out with these losers?"

"I'll show you who is a loser!" Grif said, jumping at the Necronomicon.

The Necronomicon yawned and leaned ever so slightly to the left, making Grif miss and slam his chin into the ground.

"Ow my chin!" Grif complained, rubbing his jaw.

"They may seem a lil rough around th' edges, but they mean well." Applejack said.

"Right, you continue believing that and I'll continue believing that I am a waffle." The Necronomicon said, walking away. "Let's go, we're burning moonlight."

The others looked at each other before quickly following the walking corpse towards the Everfree Forest.

"So what was it like being caged up like a lion with roid rage for so long?" Tucker asked once they reached the edge of the forest.

"To be honest it wasn't too bad." The Necronomicon sighed. "Sure nights got lonely and such, and the company there was mostly others trying to plot to take down Celestia but it gives you a lot of time to think. Thinking about past mistakes, what you would have done differently and what not."

"Such as?" Church inquired.

"Well for starters if I knew I'd be around you guys I wouldn't have said anything when they found me. That was my first mistake. Actually now that I think back on it, that's really the only thing I regret."

"You could try being a little nicer to him under the circumstances." Rarity said.

"You think he is the only one to have lost someone? Many have lost, but few have been given the chance to go back to the way thing used to be. If anypony here should be treated with more respect it should be me. Heck, I'm doing this as a freebie." The Necronomicon said as he grabbed a branch from a tree. "By the way, once this is over do you think you can write me a letter of recommendation to the Princess?"

"Why?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Why not?" The Necronomicon retorted as he released the branch, allowing it to shoot back and hit Church in the face.

"Does this letter have something to do with your plans for after this, because I know you're not doing this for the fresh air." Church said, rubbing his nose.

"You mean, do I have, like, ulterior motives?" The Necronomicon asked with genuine shock. "I'm offended, Church."

"Wounded even?" Tucker asked.

"Hurt, Church."

"Tucker, don't encourage him." Church groaned.

"Ah, here we are!" The Necronomicon boomed, gazing contemplatively at the ruins of the castle that were across an old wooden bridge.

"So where are the catacombs?" Twilight asked as she started walking across the bridge. "I didn't notice any entrance last time we were here."

"Well the entrance used to be blocked by the Elements of Harmony, but now that they're gone..."

"We can gain access." Twilight nodded slowly.

"There was a reason they were kept here rather than in Canterlot you know." The Necronomicon explained as they reached the end of the bridge. "The catacombs are a place of chaotic magic. A place where many ponies feared to tread. My old home. Celestia, however, had the idea of moving me into the Archaic Wing so she could keep a close eye on me. She only told one other about me."

"That's why I was unaware of you being there." Twilight said thoughtfully.

"Ironically it did more damage than good. She hadn't realized that when she brought me there that the one she told would have tried to read me."

"One of her friends read you?"


"What was their name?"

"I have a feeling you already know the answer to that." The Necronomicon smirked, turning to enter the ruins.

"I don't think I-" Twilight began before her jaw dropped and she stared nervously into Caboose's snake like eyes. "No..."

"Indeed." The Necronomicon confirmed with a dark smile.

Twilight turned to Church, who was now crossing the bridge with Sarge.

"What are you two talking about?" Church asked.

"Oh, nothing really, just chit-chatting." The Necronomicon said quickly, walking into the ruins.

"Did he say something to bother you?" Church whispered to Twilight.

"We need to leave." Twilight said softly, beginning to walk towards the bridge.

"What did he say to you?" Church asked, firmly this time.

"I-I can't..." Twilight trailed off, trying to think of what to say next.

"You can go if you want, but I'm still doing this. We've made it too far to turn back now. And even if we did, he would still have Caboose's body and I don't like the idea of him staying in there for too long. His mind is scattered enough as is."

Twilight regretfully stopped moving and took a deep breath. She slowly turned back to Church and nodded before sullenly walking back towards the ruins.

"What's wrong with Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked as she crossed the bridge with Applejack and Tucker.

"I don't know." Church said as Twilight disappeared into the darkness of the ruins. "Well, here goes nothing."

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