• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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"So what's the plan?" Simmons asked as he and Sweetie Belle walked through town.

"Well we need to organize, but we have no idea where to go from there..."

"Fortunately for you, I do." Simmons said courteously, before turning towards the market.

"Where are you going? The club house is this way."

"We'll need some supplies if you want to do this seriously, otherwise what's the point?" Simmons asked, turning to Sweetie belle who had a look of bafflement on her face, causing him to chuckle. "Hey, I have fun with this sort of stuff. Now come on, it's only one stop."

Sweetie Belle nodded and followed Simmons into the marketplace. He scoured each of the stalls they passed until he came to one with a bottle of ink and a quill labeled on the sign. He smiled and motioned Sweetie Belle to walk towards it.

"Hello Simmons." The light blue mare at the stand said as she saw the maroon unicorn approach her.

"Good afternoon Tran Quill." Simmons nodded, turning to Sweetie Belle.

"You know her?" Sweetie Belle asked curiously.

"I come by here almost every other day to pick up supplies." Simmons said, smiling at Tran Quill.

"Oh yes, Simmons here is one of my new best customers." Tran Quill smiled cheerfully. "So what do you need today?"

"I'll need about twenty-six pieces of paper, a few bottles of ink and a pair of quills."

"Anything else?" Tran Quill asked as she reached under the stand to pull the supplies out.

"No that's it for now." Simmons said, looking for his money. "Uh, do you think I can pay you back tomorrow? I forgot my-"

"I know you're good for it." Tran Quill nodded, placing the supplies in a large back, which Simmons placed on his back with his magic.

"Thanks." Simmons said with a sigh of relief, walking away. "I promise I'll be back tomorrow."

"If not tomorrow, then the day after, like usual."

"Yeah." Simmons nodded as he walked away from the stand with Sweetie Belle. "Okay, we're all set. Now lead the way."

"Okay, but let's hurry, we're almost late."

"We are?" Simmons asked quickly. "Where is your clubhouse?"

"It's near Sweet Apple Acres, but it's no big-" Sweetie Belle began, but was quickly enveloped in a maroon flash, and when she opened her eyes she found herself standing in front of the Cutie Mark Crusaders' Headquarters. "-deal. Was that necessary?"

"Being punctual is the first step towards organizing your time, and organization is what I'm here for." Simmons said sternly. "Now come on, we don't want to keep them waiting, do we?"

"I guess not." Sweetie Belle shrugged.

Simmons quickly walked up the ramp and tried to open the door, but found it to be locked. He looked confusedly at the handle and pulled it again to make sure. He then shrugged and knocked on the door four times.

"Who is it?" A deep, obviously forced, voice asked from inside.

"It's Simmons."

"Come on Scoots, let us in." Sweetie Belle said, taking her turn to knock on the door.

"What's the password?" Scootaloo asked from inside, no longer masking her voice.

"It's us." Simmons said, knocking on the door again.

"How do we know it's you if you don't say the password?"

"When did we get a password?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"When you were away. That is, assuming you really are who you say you are."

"How will we know the password if we were away when you made it up?"

"That's just the sort of thing I would expect a spy to say."

"A spy? What would give you that idea?"

"Well Sarge said-"

"Password." Simmons said loudly, interrupting Scootaloo.

The door's lock made a clicking noise, then swung open to reveal Scootaloo smiling up at him.

"Enough of the games, time to get working." Simmons said, trotting up to the table at the end of the clubhouse, laying each of the supplies net to each other in a neat and orderly fashion. "I'm glad you girls asked for my help, this place looks like it needs a lot of organizing."

"That's what Sarge said you would say. He said that organizing was what you were good at and that you're the best in the field!" Scootaloo said.

"Really? He said that?" Simmons asked ecstatically.

"Well, not with that many words." Scootaloo said sheepishly.

"What did he say?"

"Well he said that you were good with the boring stuff..."

"Oh. Great." Simmons muttered, letting out a sigh. "Alright, where should we start?"

"I guess we should start by organizing everything."

"Okay, hang on a second." Simmons grunted, horn beginning to glow faintly.

Using his magic, he grabbed over two dozen pages of lined paper and quickly began drawing lines on them with a pencil. As he finished with each piece of paper, he placed them on the table before continuing on to the next sheet. Scootaloo grabbed the first piece of paper he placed on the table and looked at it. There were four columns going straight down the piece of paper. The column on the left took up half the page, while the remaining three columns took up an even amount of the remaining space. At the top of the left column was the letter 'A', and the next three columns had their names in alphabetical order.

"What's this for?" Applebloom asked after Scootaloo showed it to them.

"You wanted this to be organized, so that's what I'm doing." Simmons said, finishing several more pieces of paper.

"What's the letter on the top for?" Sweetie Belle asked curiously.

"Each page has a different letter on it so you can keep it alphabetized. I'd recommend grabbing a cabinet so you can put folders in it, just in case you get more than one page of the same letter."

"Well then why are our names here? We only need to know what we've tried.

"I figured that sometimes you guys may try something when one of the others isn't there, so once you write the activity you've done, you can put a check mark under your name saying you've tried it, so whoever didn't do that thing can try it later."

"Wow, you really are good at organizing." Scootaloo smiled.

"Thanks." Simmons nodded, placing the last piece of paper on the table. "There, now let's get started. I need you to name off all the activities you've done. Or at least all the ones you can remember off the top of your head. Start with the ones you've done as a group."

"Let's see..." Sweetie Belle said, scratching her chin. "Oh, we've tried hairdressing!"

Simmons nodded and grabbed the paper labeled 'H' and wrote hairdressing, and he made a trio of check marks, one in each of the remaining columns.

"We've tried mountain climbing and underwater exploring too!" Scootaloo piped.

"Okay." Simmons said, quickly writing the activity on their respective pages, followed by checking under their names as they said each thing they've tried.

"We've also tried mind-reading." Sweetie Belle continued.

"And taffy makin' as well as pig farmin'!"

"You tried pig farming?" Simmons chuckled as he grabbed a sheet to write it down.

"Yeah, an' thinkin' back on it, ah'm sorta glad we didn't get our marks for doin' that."

"You should be." Simmons smirked, jotting it down.

"We've also tried being librarians." Sweetie Belle coughed nervously.

"Are you sick?"

"No, it's just I don't think Twilight liked that very much."

"We kinda ruined the place." Scootaloo said impishly.

"We've also done chicken herdin'. That's all ah can remember, how about you girls."

"Not really." Scootaloo said.

"Oh, we tried writing for the school newspaper." Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "But that's all I can think of..."

"Okay, then how about the things each of you have tried on your own?"

"I tried my hoof at sewing, but it didn't work out." Sweetie Belle said sadly.

"It wasn't all bad, at least we got some sweet capes out of it." Scootaloo said, cheering Sweetie Belle up.

"Ah tried bein' a choreographer." Applebloom said, trying to think of more things they've done.

"And I tried singing."

Simmons nodded and quickly checked each of the sheets for any errors. Once he triple checked each of the pages, he stacked them in alphabetical order and turned to the girls.

"Is that it?"

"No, now we need your help coming up with ideas for things for us to do." Scootaloo said hastily.

"You can't do that by yourselves?" Simmons asked curiously.

"Well, we can, but it would be easier if we had someone who was really smart to help us seeing as we've been batting zero ever since we started."

"So we just need to brainstorm ideas for things for you girls to do?"

"Yup." The girls said in unison.

"Sounds easy enough."

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