• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Polite Inquiries

"So greenie, you're a ghost like that other idiot?" The Necronomicon asked.

"No, I am an-"

"AI yadda yadda, I don't believe in any of those crackpot theories."

"You do not believe that ghosts are a crackpot theory?" Delta asked.

"I'm living proof that they aren't buddy boy."

"Living may be a term not suited for you."

"What do you mean by that?" The Necronomicon asked harshly.

"Much like me you have a physical manifestation but we do not require things that living things do, such as eating or sleeping."

"I'm more than a physical manifestation! I'll show you!" The Necronomicon yelled, trying to move towards Delta.

"You are a book." Delta said, placing his hoof on the Necronomicon. "A talking book, but a book nonetheless."

"I'll show you whose a book!"

"What does that mean?" Delta asked, silencing the Necronomicon for a few seconds.

"You win this round..."

"I would like to believe that I will win every round due to me being far more insightful than you."

"Twilight, Delta is calling me names!" The Necronomicon pouted.

"And?" Twilight asked from the room over.

"Nobody sides with Ol'Necky." The Necronomicon grunted.

"Maybe it is due to the fact that you are misunderstood." Delta suggested.

"Tell me about it..."

Twilight came out of the kitchen with two cups of tea and placed them on the table.

"Aw, you shouldn't have." The Necronomicon said happily.

"Shouldn't have what?" Twilight asked.

"Gotten me a cup of tea."

"One is for me and one is for Delta." Twilight laughed. "What would a book do with a liquid?"

"Nobody sides with Ol'Necky." The Necronomicon repeated, more quietly this time.

Twilight rolled her eyes and put the Necronomicon in the bookshelf to silence him.

"You brought me tea?" Delta asked, walking up to the table.

"Yes, I thought you could use it."

"But I do not require it so I have no use for it as I am an AI."

"Church needs to eat and sleep just as much as me, so something tells me that you do too."

"But that is impossible." Delta said.

"Even so, it would be rude to reject my offer in my own home."

"Very well." Delta said, clearing his throat.

He slowly approached the table and used magic to bring the cup to his mouth. He examined the liquid as well as the steam that was coming out of the surface before taking a small sip. He placed the cup back on the table and began to stare at it.

"What is this feeling I have in my mouth?"

"You mean tasting?"

"I do not think this is tasting, I believe it has something to do with the temperature at which you gave the tea to me."

"It is hot, so maybe it is pain that you're feeling."

"Ah, pain." Delta nodded slowly. "I do not enjoy it."

"Most don't." Twilight said with a small laugh.

"I can see why. It provides quite the discomfort in the area it is affecting."

"Delta do you think you could help me?"

"I am not sure if it is possible."

"Not sure if what is possible?" Twilight asked confusedly.

"For someone to love more than one person. That is what you were going to ask after all." Delta said as he looked through the books. He grabbed one off the shelves and began reading it while Twilight stared at the ground. "I do not think that would be wise."


"For you to ask him that same question when he gets back. Epsilon's mind is unstable, much like mine as well as the other AIs, so I do not think that would be the best course of action."

"I never said I liked Church."

"I was incorrect?" Delta asked hesitantly. "I apologize, I had just assumed. In that case it is entirely possible for one to love more than one other, but Church has fabricated love and cannot deny it, no matter how hard he tries."

"Is there-"

"-anything you can do?" Delta finished, shaking his head. "Not that I can see."

"How do you know wh-"

"-at you are going to say? I merely think through all the things I would believe you to say, then I narrow them down to the most probable ones by the time you begin speaking. By that point I narrow the selection even further by the first few words of the question or statement and come to the conclusion of what you are going to say prior to you saying it." Delta explained matter-of-factly. "You of all sentient ponies should know that. It's quite simple really."

The door to the library swung open and Church slowly walked in and looked between Twilight and Delta.

"I am going to assume that everything went well?" Delta asked.

"Yeah, it did." Church yawned. "If you don't mind I think I am going to go to bed."

"Good, I will wake you in the morning for when we need to go."

"Lovely." Church muttered sarcastically before climbing the stairs. "Night Twilight."

"Good night Church." Twilight nodded.

Church closed the door to his room, leaving Twilight to her thoughts.

"For what it is worth he trusts and respects you more than I would've thought possible. In fact he doesn't even trust himself. But he values your friendship much more than you think, and that may be what he needs more than anything else."

"Thank you Delta." Twilight said with a smile and a nod.

"Now, like the others, I would recommend you get some rest for tomorrow." Delta said pensively. Twilight opened her mouth to speak but Delta spoke up again. "I am not quite sure what we are going to do with them once we catch them. Being the Alpha is not what needs to happen, nor is putting the AIs back inside his head the best of moves. There is a chance that we could convince them to live life as they see fit, but that could raise more problems. I will dwell on this when you are sleeping."

"What are you two talking about?" Pinkie asked, appearing from behind Delta.

"Where did-"

"-I come from?" Pinkie asked. "Around. Who are you?"

"Oh, this is Delta, he is a green pony!" Caboose said, appearing in front of Delta.

Delta turned to Twilight with a look of confusion.

"I don't know how either, but somehow they can do that." Twilight shrugged.

"How are you to able to do that?" Delta inquired.

"I used my mouth, see?" Caboose said as he opened and closed his mouth repeatedly.

"Yes Caboose, I am fully aware of the concept of speaking, I am merely noting the impossibility of appearing out of thin air without any prior presence in the-"

"Gee, he talks a lot doesn't he?" Pinkie giggled, poking him in the back. Delta closed his eyes and attempted to think of a reasonable explanation for her appearing. "Well it's nice to meet you Mr. Delta!"

"It is nice to see you too Pinkie." Delta said quietly. Delta opened his eyes and looked around the room, where Caboose and Pinkie were now missing. He turned to Twilight and coughed. "How..."

"You're preaching to the choir, Delta." Twilight laughed as she walked up the stairs.

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