• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,599 Views, 422 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

  • ...

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Chapter VII


I hung up another dress on the rack as I sighed internally, listening to the door go chimed again.

“Welcome to my boutique, how may I-” I paused as I turned around to be face to face with a stern looking Octavia with her arms crossed. “Octavia, hello darling.”

“Spare me the pleasantries love,” Octavia said as she held up a hand. “I’m here on business. I wish to cancel all my future dress orders from your establishment.”

“B-but why?” I asked in surprise. Octavia had always been my biggest client, which always helped boost business. Her family’s name carried a very heavy weight in Canterlot after all.

“Actions from employees from this business puts me and my family at risk for tarnishing my family’s name that we have worked very hard to acquire. Therefore, it is with a heavy heart that I go about this course of action.”

“But surely there is something we can do!” I said desperately as Octavia’s face hardened slightly with barely contained anger. I’ve only ever seen the musician angry once and it was enough to convince me I didn’t want to ever see it again.

Octavia slowly inhaled as she relaxed slightly.

“No love, there is nothing we can. I’d like to cancel my orders please and my money back within ten business days,” Octavia repeated sternly as she placed her hands on her hips.

“Of course darling! Right this way!” I said hastily and gestured for her to follow me. I inhaled sharply and stepped to a laptop. “If I may ask darling, wherever else will you go to get dresses?”

“I’m unsure yet. I do believe I heard of a Suri Polomare in the eastern side of Canterlot,” Octavia said casually as I gripped the edge of the desk.

I don’t truly hate anyone but Suri is as close as anyone has ever gotten to being hated by me. The girl was a no good thief and a backstabbing.

“I see,” I said as calmly as I could and forced a neutral expression on my face. I sighed and started typing on the laptop. “Alright darling, your money shall be deposited back into your account within ten days. If it isn’t, call us and we will sort it out.”

“Thank you love,” Octavia said and gave me a smile that made me shudder slightly. “No hard feelings of course. I must do what I have to in order to protect my lineage.”

I bit back a remark about her throwing two of her friends out of her group. I’m not Rainbow Dash or Applejack, I can control my tongue. Especially at work. Starting a fight would be very poor and quite uncouth if I’m being honest.

“Have a nice day!” Octavia said as she spun around and walked away, pushing the doors open as the girl paused to adjust her purple bow tie.

I sighed and slammed my head down on the desk. I lifted my head up and trudged to the back area, sitting down on a chair and pulling out my phone.

”What’s up sugarcube?” Applejack asked as I faintly made out her setting something heavy sounding down.

“Oh Applejack it was awful!” I wailed and placed my head down on the table we had in the break room.

”Let me guess, ya lost some more fabric or Sweetie Belle tried to help ya organize your ribbons again?”

“This is serious, Applejack!” I shouted as I inhaled. “I’m losing more and more customers from our school. First the entire fashionista club, and now Octavia. Do you know how important the Melodys are as my clients?”

”Based on how ya are yelling, Ah reckon pretty important."

“They are as important to me as Bon Bons family is to you!” I shouted as the door opened and Sweetie Belle peaked in. “One second Applejack, Sweetie Belle is here. Hello Sweetie.”

“Hey sis. I heard crying so I brought you ice cream,” Sweetie Belle smiled and held up the container with a spoon in it. “I would have brought your fainting couch but I’m not strong enough to move it. If you give me time to get Scootaloo and Apple Bloom over here, we should be able to throw it down the stairs.”

“No!” I said hastily as Applejack laughed in the background. “The ice cream alone will be fine darling. Have you found any potential leads?”

Applejack quieted down as Sweetie Belle shook her head.

“I still say Sunset. I mean, she was there at the sleepover right?” Sweetie Belle asked as I nodded. “Gives her both means and opportunity. She was obviously waiting to just betray you all. People like that never change.”

”But why fake her anger about our groupchat then? And who’s phone did she get the screenshots from? We were all there too so if it wasn’t her then...”

“It was one of us,” I finished slowly. “But who would betray the group and frame Sunset, knowing we would take the bait and accuse her.”

“I don’t think so sis,” Sweetie shook her head. “None of your friends would do something like this except well Sunset. This is just like what she did back then, remember?”

I gave a sigh as I laid down on the table.

”Ah mean, Rainbow was the most worried about Sunset going back to her old ways. Remember, she made up a whole bunch of back up plans in case Sunset went evil or was taken over by some evil Equestrian thing," Applejack pointed out. ”Most of her plans were pretty out there. Ah’d love to talk more but Ah gotta deliver these apples to Bon Bons moms candy store. Ah’ll talk to yall later."

“Bye darling. It’s always nice to hear from you.”

“Bye!” Sweetie called out as Applejack hung up. “Do you want to come play outside, Rarity? Please.”

“I am awfully busy,” I began and rubbed my chin as Sweeties face fell. “But I could use a distraction. What would you like to do?”

“Picnic at the park?” Sweetie suggested hopefully as I smiled.

“Now that I can get behind darling,” I admitted as we hugged and I kissed her forehead. “I love you Sweetie, don’t forget that.”

“Love you too!” Sweetie chimed as she let me go.

I smiled faintly as I turned away to go make us something to eat.

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