• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,604 Views, 422 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

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Chapter XVII


I strode through the street as I barely avoided large crowds of people as I finally reached the doors of the animal shelter and pushed them open, stepping inside and sighing in relief.

“What are you doing here?” Sweet Leaves asked as she looked up from the dog she was brushing.

“It’s our day to work together, remember?” I asked shyly as I set my purse down in the employees locker area.

“I’m not entirely sure how to tell you this but I think you should maybe go explore other avenues Fluttershy,” Sweet Leaves couldn’t make eye contact as I stared at her.

“W-what? Is this about anon a miss and Sunset?”


“It’s not me!” I cried as I grabbed onto her and Sweet Leaves awkwardly stood there as I looked up at her green hair as she took her hat off nervously. “You have to believe me.”

“I don’t think it’s you,” Sweet Leaves said as she shrugged and I sighed in relief. “I think it’s all of you. Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie. There’s been posts when you couldn’t have posted so one of your friends did. Sunset is probably in on it too.”

I stared in shock at her as I felt the urge to cry.

“What?” I barely managed to get out. Sweet Leaves grimaced as she inhaled and the angry expression went away.

“One of you called me an future eco terrorist. I’ve been swatted all week by various police agencies. The state police, Canterlot police department and the Appaloosa Sheriff’s office. It’s a scary experience. I’m lucky mom and dad left me in charge of the shelter as they are in vacation otherwise they’d have been there.”

“I don’t have anything to do with that! None of us do!” I cried and squeezed her harder as she forced me off her and I tumbled backwards.

“I want to believe Fluttershy I really do but there’s just so much evidence against you that I can’t ignore it anymore. I tried but I can’t. I need you to leave my shelter,” Sweet Leaves pointed at the door as she avoided eye contact.

I wiped my tears away as I weakly nodded, grabbed my purse as I ran out the door sobbing. A few people gave me weird looks as I continued running and ran into someone, falling down.

“Oh hey Fluttershy. You good?” Rainbow asked as she helped me up. “Uh, I take that back. You’re obviously not good, what happened?”

“I was told to never come back to the shelter. Sweet Leaves doesn’t want me there anymore,” I sniffed as Rainbows eyes wide slightly.

“But you’re the best volunteer they have!” Rainbow exclaimed as I hugged her. “We are going back there and making them take you back. This is some bullshit Flutters and you know it.”

Rainbow started dragging me down the street despite my protests and she kicked the doors open, Sweet Leaves head shooting up as she glared at Rainbow.

“Those are glass, you imbecile! You’re lucky you didn’t break them!” Sweet Leaves shouted.

“Sorry,” Rainbow muttered before she glared back. “Are you seriously telling Fluttershy to never come back? She’s the best person here. People come back for her.”

“Yes, yes I am. I don’t want to work with the likes of you. And based on rumors, nor did your teammates Rainbow,” Sweet Leaves placed her hands on her hips. “Now get out.”

“Not until you apologize to Fluttershy.”

“Me? Apologize? I only apologize when I’ve done something wrong. If anything, you all should be apologizing to me. I’ve barely been able to sleep, I’m so damn terrified. Of going to sleep in my own freaking house, let alone go to the store or school.”

“I’m sympathetic really but it isn’t our fault. I understand what was damaging to your reputation but-”

“You don’t even understand! Damaging doesn’t even come close to being accurate!” Sweet Leaves shouted as she clenched her fists.

I gulped as Sweet Leaves continued glaring at us before she pointed at the door.

“I can talk bad about people too. You’re an awful older sister to your brother Fluttershy. We all think it but no one wants to say it to your face. So what if he doesn’t know what to do with his life? You should be supporting him, not constantly berating him with your friend here. You treat him poorly, it’s ridiculous. I may be an only child but I would never do that to anyone ever. Especially if I was their older sibling, you’re supposed to be there for him.”

I flinched as I hugged myself as Rainbow took a startled step back.

“Everyone talks about it,” Sweet Leaves continued. “Even Trixie noticed it and she is so absorbed in her own world that she doesn’t notice anything around her. You could at least try to be a better sister. And you wonder why Zephyr doesn’t come to you for anything anymore.”

I cowered more as I watched Sweet Leaves inhale and exhale for a few moments as Rainbow stared down at the ground.

“Just go,” Sweet Leaves pointed at the door. “Please?”

I felt Rainbow lift me up off the floor as I made eye contact with Sweet Leaves for a brief second before she hastily looked away sadly.

“I don’t want to have to call the police. Just go and don’t come back. If you are proven to not be involved, then you come back here and volunteer. But only then Fluttershy.”

I weakly nodded as Rainbow shook my arm.

“We should go like she said. We will get you back in a shelter. Any shelter,” Rainbow promised as I shakily stood next to her. She surprisingly seemed more shaken by Sweet Leaves than I honestly thought she would have.

I don’t really know if Rainbow ever talked to Sweet Leaves before because neither of them mentioned it. Sweet Leaves picked up a phone sadly and I nodded. Rainbow hastily moved to the doors as I ran around her.

I pushed the doors open and ran out sobbing again

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