• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,603 Views, 422 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

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Chapter I

I inhaled as I fought to keep my cool as I stormed down the hallway, my phone gripped tightly in my hand. My classmates gave me confused and angry looks as they all stepped back as I scanned the hall way with a cold expression for a certain five girls.

I spotted them crowded around Rainbows locker and I put a fake sweet smile on my face as I approached them.

“Hi girls,” I greeted with disingenuous sweetness.

“We’re not listening to you Sunset, go away,” Applejack bluntly warned.

“Oh, I’m not here to beg for your friendship,” I hissed as they all grew confused looks on their faces.

Perfect, that seemed to take the wind out of their sails.

“Okay?” Rainbow drew out, confused, “Then why are you here?”

“Oh, nothing much. Say, have you seen Anon-A-Miss’ new post?” I asked.

“No, why would we keep up with your awful tabloid?” Rarity asked, offended.

“Oh, no, trust me. It was very interesting,” I sneered and turned the screen of my phone to face them. “See for yourselves.”

Oh, the look of creeping realization on these two-faced liars’ faces was priceless, especially when they noticed the crowd forming around us.

“Er, how about we take this somewh-,” Rainbow didn’t get a chance to finish as I slammed her locker shut.

“FUCK NO! If you’re allowed to throw around accusations in a crowded hallway then so am I! But then, you know that my accusations aren’t so baseless are they?”

My smile disappeared slowly as my rage grew. Rainbow inhaled and shoved Applejack forward as my cold teal eyes bored a hole into her.

“We are sorry about that groupchat sugarcube. That was before the whole battle of the bands thing,” Applejack said hastily as I narrowed my eyes even further.

“Is that so?” I growled as I looked at my phone. “Most recent one was after. Let’s read, shall we? Rainbow Dash says, ”Sunset was really holding out on us. That idiot could have helped us stop arguing a long time ago.” Bitch, what? You never gave me a chance to help you! All you girls cared about was rudely bringing up my past as if I wasn’t there for it all.”

A few people in crowd gasped as I glared at them once again.

“Let’s go back before the battle of the bands to Fluttershy, shall we?” I asked with a cruel grin as Fluttershy hid. “Sunset can’t even take care of a single puppy at the animal shelter, she makes me seem like I have so much confidence. Such a good candidate for the element of kindness, don’t you all agree?”

I faced the crowd as they all stepped back nervously as my eyes focused on them coldly. Among the faces were Flash, Lyra, Cherry Crash and more, all wearing the same scared, guilty face.

“Y-yeah!” A voice called out hesitantly as the others quickly joined in and I nodded in satisfaction, spinning to face my now former friends.

“Pinkie Pie,” I read aloud as I glanced up briefly at Pinkies flat hair. “Sunset is like, super duper bad at baking! It’s like she can’t do anything right. Rarity says that I’m the walking model of what not to wear and that I look atrocious everytime I come into school. Applejack says I’m a few apples short of a bushel. Is all you know apple themed insults?”

A few snickers came from the crowd as all of their heads hung low.

“Your parents would be so disappointed in you,” I snarled as Applejacks head shot up and she gave me a angry look. I slowly stepped forward and started walking around them. “This reminds me of something. Oh right, when I faced the sirens alone in the hallway and they circled me like sharks. I didn’t see you girls coming to my aid and know I now why. I always did believe you girls were just having me around to look good for Princess Twilight.”

“Fine,” Rainbow said as she looked up. “We hated you and you do things to annoy us. Are we not allowed to rant about that?”

“Not behind my fucking back!” I screamed angrily as she recoiled. “If you want me to fix something, say it to my fucking face you gutless coward!”

“Watch it,” Rainbow warned quietly as I quit my circling and faced them.

“I think it’s time you all face what I’ve had to deal with these few weeks,” I said as I faced the crowd. “Do you all still think I’m anon a miss?” The crowd looked at each other before shaking their heads slowly. “Excellent. Now if that image of their groupchat got posted, wouldn’t that make them likely candidates for being truly behind the account?”

“Now hang on a minute!” Applejack shouted as looks of realization turned to anger on our fellow classmates faces as I gave a saddened look their way.

“She has a point!” Bon Bon shouted from the back. “I may have thought Sunset was guilty but it makes sense for the Rainbooms to be the culprits!”

“Hear hear!” Octavia chimed in with an angry expression.

“I was willing to prove my innocence and befriend you all after this,” I said slowly. “But after reading those messages, I don’t know. Hell, it most likely is you girls behind the account in an attempt to get rid of me.”

“That isn’t true,” Fluttershy said softly as she reached out and I slapped her hand away as she yelped.

“I have no reason to trust you nor believe you. And for what it’s worth, I hope you can outrun them like I’ve had to do for weeks,” I said and pointed behind me at the angry crowd starting to walk forward around me. “I wish you luck. Oh, and girls?”

“Y-yeah?” Rarity asked in fear as she and the others started backpedaling slowly.

“Merry Christmas.”

I turned around and walked away as the doors opened and I faintly made out running as I slipped into a dark classroom and cried.

“Hey,” a voice in the darkness said and I jumped slightly as the light came on. A lavender girl was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed with a bored expression. “Nice speech you did back there. You really think it’s them?”

“I don’t know,” I sniffed as the girl tossed me a box of tissues, her blonde ponytail and red skirt swaying. “I don’t want it to be but it is the most logical conclusion, especially after what I saw.”

“Fair answer,” the girl admitted. “Was siccing a mob on them part of the plan?”

“No,” I admitted as I wiped my tears away. “I wasn’t thinking as usual and let my anger get the best of me. I just wanted them to feel the same fear I’ve felt recently.”

“I see,” the girl noted dryly. “I know what it’s like to have your anger get the best of you. So what’s next on your agenda?”

“Probably drop out and go to online school,” I decided and threw my used tissues in the garbage can nearby. “I still want a diploma. You need one to do anything in this damn world. Maybe go back to Equestria and find a place to live. Pretty sure Princess Twilight would let ne stay with her for a bit till I got a job and an apartment.”

“Mhm. But wouldn’t you rather find out if it’s truly then before doing either of those?” The girl asked. “Would be a pretty good feeling I’d imagine.”

I paused and mulled over her words. She did have a point I suppose.

“Now come on, you should probably get out of here before the teachers start hunting you down for starting a riot in the hallway,” the girl smirked as she held out a hand. I eyed it suspiciously before accepting it and she yanked me to my feet.

“You never told me your name,” I pointed out as her smirk grew slightly wider.

“Names Cloudkicker.”

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